#i know i'm late getting to this so i apologize if i tagged anyone who's already been tagged!
deerlino · 1 day
lost and found.
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bang chan x fem!reader / you and chan are about to get married, but the day before the wedding, he just disappears. there’s a note on your bed, and from that point on, everything goes downhill.
additional tags / angst, hurt-comfort, emotional turmoil, wedding jitters, cold feet, open ending, love confessions, pre-wedding drama, visuals (text messages, letter), apologies — 963 words in total.
content warnings / abandonment, lack of communication, commitment issues, panic and anxiety (subtle), facing fears (fear of the future ?), some strong language (cussing), chan’s kind of an asshole (😅)
further notes / writing angst is so much fun, seriously my fave genre ever. 😝 been all about the fluffy stuff lately, but i had to dive back into my roots and whip up some tasty pre-wedding angst. what do you think? i'm totally loving it, heheh. hope you enjoy the ride! <3
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The day before your wedding, you can’t help but feel a buzz of excitement and nervousness. You've waited for this moment for so long, and now it's almost here. You and Chan have been inseparable since you met, and tomorrow was supposed to be the start of your forever. But when you wake up that morning, something feels off.
You stretch out your hand, expecting to find Chan beside you, but the bed is cold. Frowning, you sit up, scanning the room for any sign of him. That’s when you see it—a note on his pillow. Your heart sinks as you reach for it, hands trembling.
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You stare at the words, not comprehending. Had to leave? What does that even mean? Panic starts to rise in your chest as you read the note over and over again, hoping it will magically change or offer some explanation. But it doesn’t.
You grab your phone and dial his number, but it goes straight to voicemail. “Chan, what the hell is going on? Where are you? Call me back, please,” you plead, trying to keep your voice steady.
Hours pass, and still no word from Chan. You call his friends, his family, anyone who might know where he is, but no one has seen him. Every minute feels like an eternity, and the worry is gnawing at your insides.
By afternoon, your concern turns to anger. How could he do this to you? The day before your wedding, no less. You pace the living room, clutching your phone, willing it to ring. When it finally does, you almost drop it in your haste to answer.
“Y/N.” It’s Chan’s voice, but it sounds strained.
“Chan! Where are you? What’s going on?” The questions spill out before you can stop them.
“I... I’m sorry, Y/N. I just... I need some time to think.”
“Think? About what? We’re getting married tomorrow!”
There’s a long pause, and you can hear him take a deep breath. “I know. I just... I’m not sure if I’m ready.”
The words hit you like a punch to the gut. “Not ready? Are you fucking kidding me, Chan? We’ve been planning this for months! Why are you doing this now?”
“I didn’t want to hurt you,” he says quietly.
“Well, guess what? You did hurt me. A lot. And you could’ve talked to me instead of just disappearing.”
“I’m so sorry,” he repeats, but it feels hollow. “I just... I need to figure some things out.”
You hang up, tears streaming down your face. Why would he do this to you? You feel a mix of hurt and rage, your emotions swinging wildly. Part of you wants to find him and demand answers, while another part of you just wants to curl up and cry.
The rest of the day is a blur. You cancel the rehearsal dinner, making up excuses for why Chan isn’t there. Your friends and family try to comfort you, but nothing they say can ease the pain.
That night, you lie in bed, staring at the ceiling, replaying every moment you’ve shared with Chan. You wonder where it all went wrong. Was it something you did? Something you said? The uncertainty is maddening.
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The next morning, you wake up to a flurry of text messages. One stands out—it’s from Chan.
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You hesitate, fingers hovering over the screen. Part of you wants to ignore him, to make him feel the pain you’re feeling. But the other part of you needs answers.
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You arrive at the little park where you and Chan have shared so many memories. He’s sitting on the bench, looking more miserable than you’ve ever seen him. When he sees you, he stands up, but you hold up a hand to stop him.
“Just... explain,” you say, keeping your distance.
He takes a deep breath. “I’ve been freaking out, Y/N. The thought of forever, it just... it scared me. I started doubting everything, and I didn’t know how to tell you.”
“So you ran away instead? That’s real mature, Chan.”
“I know, I know. It was stupid. But I love you, and the idea of losing you terrified me even more.”
You can see the sincerity in his eyes, but the hurt is still too fresh. “You could’ve talked to me. We could’ve worked through it together.”
He nods, looking down. “I’m sorry. I should’ve. I was just so scared of disappointing you, of not being enough.”
You step closer, your anger softening a little. “Chan, we’re supposed to be a team. If you’re scared or unsure, you need to tell me. We face things together, remember?”
He looks up, tears in his eyes. “I remember. And I’m so sorry I forgot that. I promise, I’ll never run away again.”
You take a deep breath, the weight of the past day starting to lift. “This isn’t going to be easy, you know. We’ve got a lot to talk about, and it’s going to take time to rebuild that trust.”
“I know. And I’m willing to do whatever it takes,” he says, stepping closer.
You nod, feeling a small glimmer of hope. “Okay. Let’s start with talking.”
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You spend the next few hours sitting on that bench, talking about everything. The doubts, the fears, the future. It’s raw and emotional, but it’s also healing. By the end of it, you both feel a bit lighter.
When you finally stand up, Chan reaches for your hand. “So, about that wedding...”
You give him a small smile. “Let’s take it one day at a time. We’ll get there when we’re both ready.”
And for the first time since you found that note, you believe it.
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© deerlino (est. 110624) ༯ heyo, did you enjoy this piece? if you did, maybe you could reblog, drop a comment, or shoot me an ask to let me know your thoughts. also, feel free to check out my other stuff! thanks a bunch for the support! <3
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scatterghosts · 1 year
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Deuteronomy 2:10 by The Mountain Goats // Deep in Canyon by BJ Yang
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marshmallowgoop · 1 month
WIP Game
Rules: In a new post, post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how nondescriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet and tell us about it!
I was tagged by @hexfloog! Thank you!!
This is a game I actually played years ago, so I thought it'd be fun to look back at that and see what I've finished since then?
Things I Have Started and Am Determined to Finish
I am standing by your side ❌
I am afraid I was made to be able to fall apart ❌
out of time japanese ❌
Ship bingo by ahasbands ❌
heishin ranking ❌
three days with heiji hattori ❌
detco blu-rays ✅
noir zine ✅
crying in the club ❌
HD English dubs ❌
Things I Might Maybe Finish (That I Might Not Have Actually Started)
I prefer kick drums and red wine ❌
with you heishin ❌
shadows in the city ❌
I’m just a little messed up ✅
ryuketsu the movies ❌
you are someone else ❌
Forgiveness in Fiction (and the ‘Net) ❌
detco merch ❌
KLK fairytale AU ❌
OP 5 HD ❌
best buds forevah ❌
detective conan dub comparison ❌
Yeahhh.... 3/22 isn't so good, is it? But some current WIPs I'd like to get done in the next few months or so!
jimjam bday
subtitle process
coai mmv
secret summer
heishin scrap
Kazuha ribbon
Anime NYC
The Boy's Return of a Favor
(And this probably doesn't really count, but I've been thinking about making a post about how to buy Detective Conan films officially and attach your own English subtitles? Some of these skills I've briefly touched on already in my HD English dub process post, but I could go into more detail about how to buy from Japan when you don't live there, how proxy sites work/which ones I use, what you might be able to do if you don't want to rip a disc, how subtitles work on VLC Media Player, etc. I just feel a little sad seeing folks buy bootlegs when you absolutely and totally can buy Conan films officially and just attach your own subtitles—and it's really quite easy! (If expensive and time consuming.) I guess I'm mostly wondering if there's any interest at all in that. Because I realize I'm bonkers 😅)
I tag: @astravis, @cartoonsbyandie, @detectivefable, @meitantei-shitpost, @sapphicselkie, @srirachapop, and anyone else who'd like to do this! (But no pressure at all to play, of course!)
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zayneslady · 4 months
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summary: it's been a while since the last time you saw him, but you missed him so terribly.
warnings: angst/comfort. Happy endings for the win *sobs* Pt. 2 of these scenarios
characters: Zayne, Rafayel, Xavier x reader (separately)
a/n: I wanted to apologize. I got some comments saying that perhaps I wrote them a bit too ooc and that they wouldn't do something like this, so I was thinking maybe I should step out from writing these; I'm probably not understanding the characters very well. I'm really sorry! I had this one written already, so this is probably going to be the last post I make! Thank you for your support! In only a couple of days you guys were so amazing and loving, I'm super moved and I don't deserve you all at all ❤️
classification: scenarios
tag list: many of you asked me to tag you in the second part, I hope you guys like it! 💕
@biitchyberry @rosaryia @lcheerymotion @mo0nforme
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It's been four weeks since your argument with Zayne. The first days had been like hell. You had already tasted the honey of a relationship with the person you liked the most and loved the most. You wanted more of him, you needed more. You felt anxious without him, like you had become addicted to his kisses, his gentle touch, and the sweet words he whispered in your ears. You missed him more than you dared to admit.
The days passed slowly, each second seemed to last an eternity. When you got home you felt the emptiness of his presence and you felt like dying, but life continued on, and eventually you got used to being without him. The pain was still present, but more bearable as time kept its course. 
You had stopped frequenting the places you knew he liked for fear of running into him. The dessert shop, the cafe near the hospital, the night stands near the library. You even avoided getting sick so you wouldn't have to go to the hospital. Your life was limited to going to work and coming straight home, with occasional visits to buy groceries. 
You would never have thought that you would have to live a life again without Zayne and only because he didn't know how to separate his friendships from his romantic partner. So smart, but so stupid at the same time. 
You sighed, returning to the present and the food you were making; it was too late when you realized it, but unconsciously you were making one of his favorite dishes. You weren't going to waste the food, so you just carried on trying not to think much about it. 
“Now, where did I put–,” you stopped, surprised by the sudden knocking on your door. You frowned, you were not expecting anyone, but the knocking continued once more and you sighed, turned off the stove. “I'm coming.”
You regretted opening the door. Opening just a crack to see who it was, your heart fluttered in your chest as if there was a small caged bird inside it. Zayne was standing in front of you. He looked ridiculously tired, more than you'd ever seen him. The bags and dark circles under his eyes were deep, his skin did not look radiant and healthy as always and his eyes did not shine like emeralds. 
Your hands were sweating and your insides were churning. "Are you okay?" You asked with a broken voice. Zayne shook his head and he fainted, but with a gasp, you quickly wrapped an arm around his waist and tried to keep him upright. “Zayne! Hey, what's happening?” 
Zayne didn't answer you, and just leaned on you. Not knowing what to do, you dragged him inside and carefully guided him to your room. Once there, you laid him down on your bed, he looked weak. 
“Zayne? Can you hear me? Are you okay?” 
He mumbled your name and your heart raced. “I'm… I am sorry,” he said as he finally passed out. You gasped, but soon heard the soft snores you were so used to. 
Was he that exhausted? And what was he doing at your house? You frowned, fighting back the stinging sensation in your eyes as you tried to hold back some tears. He really always appeared to stir everything inside you. You had already accepted your life without him, but here he was. You sighed heavily, taking off Zayne's shoes and covering him with a blanket.
Your eyes couldn't help but admire him. Even though he was tired, he still looked as handsome as ever. It seemed like a dream, an illusion that would disappear at any moment. You wanted it to happen. You wanted him to disappear, but at the same time, you wanted to take him in your arms and kiss his face. But no, clearing your throat, you grabbed an extra blanket and left the room, closing the door behind you. It was better to let him rest so he could leave as soon as he got up. 
The next morning you woke up to soft steps. Sitting up and whining a little after sleeping on the couch, you saw Zayne coming out from your bedroom. His hair was messy and he was rubbing one of his eyes like a little child, something warm spread across your chest and a smile tried to spread your lips, but you stopped it. He seemed more rested, the bags under his eyes had diminished considerably and his skin looked a little more alive. 
He seemed a bit startled as he looked at you with slightly wide eyes. “Hello… I am sorry I fell asleep.” 
You hummed, folding the blanket. “Haven't you been sleeping well?" You didn't want to sound worried, but you were. 
“I haven't… I constantly have nightmares and I've been working over time… a lot more."
“Because I can't stop thinking about you,” he said and despair filled his eyes. “You have no idea how much I've missed you. I can't sleep, I can't eat, I have been working nonstop so I can have my mind occupied, but you're always there, in the back of my head.” 
Don't cry. Don't cry! 
“And what exactly do you want me to do about it, Zayne?” You said coldly, wanting to get over with this. 
Zayne approached you and you couldn't move as he took your hands. “Please, please. Give me another chance. I swear. I swear in my life that I do not have feelings for her. I just… I was just stupid and took you for granted. Please, my love, please.”
Tears began to well up in your eyes and you cried even harder as Zayne grabbed your face. "N-No, don't touch me.”
“Please. How can I show you I truly want you? Do you want me to stop talking to her? I'll do it. I'll do it, so please. Just… please. I can't live without you.” His words sounded sincere.
His eyes were glassy and the pain on his face was evident, but your heart still hurt. How did you know that he really wouldn't leave you as a second option anymore? You couldn't even tell him to stop talking to Miss Hunter, you knew this was just Zayne's fault. 
“Zayne… Zayne you're hurting me so much.”
“I know. I know I am and I am terribly sorry for this. I love you. I truly love you.” 
You also loved him, so much. 
“... If this ever happens again, Zayne… I won't forgive you another time. Remember that.”
His green eyes shone with happiness as he pulled you into a tight hug. You hugged him back, the tips of your fingers tingling as you felt his warmth, the tip of your nose digging into the crook of his neck, you breathed deeply, enjoying his scent. 
“You're on trial, Zayne.”
Zayne chuckled and he nodded. “Yes. You won't regret me, I promise you.”
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Life was boring without him. He was the spark and the spice in your days. With him, every day seemed like a small adventure, but now that you no longer saw him, the days seemed dark and lifeless. You didn't even remember how much time had passed since that day. One week? Three days? Two months? You weren't sure and, honestly, you tried not to think about it too much because, even though you missed him, the pang of pain in your heart almost made you gasp for air every single time you recalled every moment with him. It was almost as if his bodyguard had also been there, on every date with Rafayel, for all of your conversations were about her. 
He was full of praise for her. He named each of her virtues and laughed affectionately at her defects. He didn't accept anyone claiming that they were better than her or stronger, because his precious bodyguard was the strongest and the bestest. Just thinking about it made you feel tears filling your eyes. You didn't want to remember any of it, but as you held your phone with your thumb hovering over the dial button, you couldn't stop thinking about how miserable Rafayel made you feel, even when he also made you feel like the most loved person in the world. 
When he didn't have his mouth full of his wonderful bodyguard, Rafayel showered you with affection. His kisses, his hugs, and his caresses all felt full of love and tenderness. His beautiful eyes looked at you sweetly, as if you were the most precious thing that ever existed on earth. He liked to tease you and make you laugh and he always said that you were like a muse for all his paintings: The sparkle in your eyes, the color of your hair, the texture of your skin, the curves of your body, everything was inspiration.
How could he be so cruel and loving all at the same time? Poor bodyguard, you even didn't like her although she hadn't done anything wrong, as far as you knew. 
Sighing, you finally tapped on the green button and your heart raced faster and faster at every beep coming from the other side of the line. Would he answer you? Was he… with her? Was he busy with one of his paintings? What if- 
His voice calling your name surprised you, making you jump. “I’m here! Hi!” he sounded out of breath and your cheeks blushed. “Hmm, h-how are you d-doing?” 
“Rafayel…,” you took a deep breath. “I… have some clothes at your place. Could I stop by later to get them?” 
“YES! I… I mean… yes. I'll- I'll be here all day. You can stop by at any time you want.”
“... Right. Then, see you there, Rafayel.” 
You let out a long sigh after hanging up. You had forgotten how wonderful his voice was and the way he pronounced your name. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach. You were going to see him, you were really going to come again, but you shouldn't be excited. What if he and his bodyguard were dating? The thought made your stomach twist and you decided it was best to leave immediately. The quicker you finish this, the better. 
As always, the door was open, but you didn't immediately enter, your hands were shaking and your heart was racing against your ribcage. You didn't want to see him.
Taking a deep breath, you gently pushed the door open and you were greeted with that aroma that you had missed so much. The smell of acrylic paint, the sea and Rafayel's scent. You couldn't help but take a long breath- this exquisite smell felt like home. Your eyes watered a little, but you tried to stay calm as you walked deeper into the spacious house.
“R-Rafayel? Are you here? "You heard a gasp from the room and in a second, Rafayel appeared in front of you. Ah, he looked as wonderful and beautiful as always. His gorgeous eyes were wide, looking you up and down as his mouth stretched into a shy smile. You wanted to hug him. “The door… was open so I just- I'm sorry.”
“No! That's okay! I… I left it open for you!” 
You nodded. “I see… do you mind if I just…”
“No, go ahead, please.” You excuse yourself as you made your way to his room, as you passed by him you felt your legs tremble and you gasped in surprise when he suddenly took your hand.
“Rafayel, what-
“Please, forgive me,” he begged, his eyebrows furrowed in a painful expression. “I was absolutely wrong, you were so right. I was stupid and careless and hurt you so badly.”
“Rafayel… I just came for my clothing, let me g-
“Please!” He hugged you and you went stiff. “Please, please,” he sobbed in your ear. 
“Are you crying?” 
He nodded. “I can't live another second without you. I can't paint anymore. I feel like a piece of me has been taken away, I live half and barely. I really, really do not have feelings for my bodyguard. You're the only one I can think about.”
“Then why- 
“I just… I was just stupid, I didn't mean anything to hurt you, I swear! When I said I missed her, what I wanted to say is that I wanted to train with her, I would never make you train, that's too dangerous,” he started to explain in a rush. “When I told you about the candies, it's because she gave me some amazing chocolate I wanted to gift you and then-
“Please. Just this once, I swear,” he said, finally showing his reddened face, tears streaming down his face. You gulped, reaching up to clean his tears away and he whined. “I wasn't there to wipe your tears, I am so sorry.” 
That made you burst into tears. That's right, you really wanted him to wipe your tears. He gently cupped your cheeks and his thumbs brushed against your cheeks, catching all of those tears falling from your pretty eyes. 
“You can break up with me if I do something like that again! But please… just this once. I love you so much. I really do.” 
You looked at him, His eyes were still wet and some tears were still falling down his cheeks. Maybe…
“Just this once, Rafayel… I won't forgive anything like this ever again.” He beamed and leaned down to capture your lips in a kiss, but you covered his mouth, frowning slightly. “I'm still mad at you.”
He blinked and gently smiled behind your hand before taking it in his. “Of course, I'll prove myself to you, beautiful creation.” 
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You couldn't sleep. It's been two weeks since you last slept properly. Two weeks ago you were in Xavier's arms and he held you lovingly, whispering words of comfort in your ears. You weren't sure why, but being around Xavier always made you feel relaxed, a little sleepy, but never bored. You loved spending lazy times with him, taking naps and frolicking in bed, giggling like fools and giving each other soft, tender kisses. 
With his warmth and love it was not difficult to fall asleep at night, he always wanted to sleep so that tranquility that emanated from him was enough to relax you and make you sleep throughout the whole night. In the mornings you felt rejuvenated and full of life and seeing his sleepy smile was like living in a dream. 
You felt your bottom lip quiver into a pout. You missed him too much. You never thought he would behave that way. Had you never really been important to him? If he wanted to be with his partner so much, why had he even agreed to go out with you in the first place? 
“Agh! I hate you Xavier!” You cried, banging your fists against the table in your kitchen. “Why did you let me fall in love with you?” Maybe you really had gone crazy, talking to the table like that. 
There was no time for this. It was almost dark and you still needed to go buy some groceries for your dinner. You struggled out of your house, so tired and dragging your feet. You wanted to sleep... with Xavier. You wanted to feel his warmth. But... what if he now wrapped his partner in his arms? Your cheeks turned red and, trying to avoid thinking about it, you hurried to catch the bus. 
You found a seat near the door and next to a young man, there weren't as many people as you imagined and as the bus started to go you felt your eyes heavy. Maybe... you could sleep for a few minutes? The store wasn't far away, so just a few minutes... just a couple of minutes… 
You heard your name being called between clouds. From far away. Over and over and over. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. 
“Hmm?” You opened your eyes and gasped, How long had it been?! Where were you? And... why was your head...? Had you fallen asleep on someone's shoulder?! "Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" You said, raising your head only to find that the young man next to you... "Xavier?!" 
The hunter blinked, his eyes avoided yours for a second before looking directly at you and nodding a small greeting. Had he been there next to you the whole time? You could barely notice what was happening around you with how tired you were, but, strangely, you felt very good. It seemed like he really was the cure for all your ills. You chuckled softly, shaking your head. Xavier looked at you confused, tilting his head to the side like a little bird. 
“I'm sorry, Xavier. I didn't know you were there,” you jumped, “but wait, where are we?!” Checking outside the window, you could tell you were far away from the store now. 
“We're almost at my place,” he said gently and the alarms in your head set off. His partner... didn't she live in the apartment below?! Oh no. Before, you had no problem staying at Xavier's house, but... if they were really in a relationship…
“I gotta go,” you said, seeing the next bus station. It was already dark outside.
“Where are you going?” Xavier asked and you frowned.
“What do you mean? Back home. I only wanted to go to the store, but I fell asleep as you could see… Now it's even dark. Thankfully it's not raining,” you were babbling to yourself as you waited to arrive at the next stop, when you finally did, you got up. “Sorry about that, Xavier. Goodnight.” 
"Now... The next bus…," you mumbled checking the bus's schedule. "10 minutes? Lucky~"
“I'll go with you.” 
You couldn't help but squeal and jump when you heard his voice right behind you. Turning around, you saw him standing there, as tall as he was and as bright as the stars. 
“I'll take you home. It's dark. Something could happen.”
You rolled your eyes. "What could happen, I'm only going home.” 
“Some witnesses have seen wanderers in the area. I can't let you go alone." 
You sat on the bench, arms crossed, Xavier sitting next to you. "Ah, that's true. I'm not strong like your... Forget it." Your cheeks turned red. Very well! Keep opening your big mouth! Xavier didn't say anything, but you could feel his gaze on you and the blush on your cheeks traveled to the tips of your ears. 
Silence reigned between you. You could feel him, his warmth, he was so close to you, you could reach out and touch his knee. Your eyes felt heavy, you wanted to hug him. 
“I am sorry,” he suddenly said and you thought you imagined it but then he repeated it. “I am sorry for what I said the other day.” You turned to look at him and flinched when he saw his bright eyes looking sad and red. “I don't know what I was thinking. Talking like that in front of my girlfriend. Acting like I didn't want to have been there with you, but you're the only person I want close to me. I don't like nor have feelings for my coworker, I only want and need you.” 
He gently wiped a tear from your rosy cheek, his touch was electrifying. 
“You haven't been sleeping well.” You didn't answer, but he continued. “I haven't been able to sleep either. I keep recalling that day and seeing your crying face, I can't stand it… please forgive me.” 
He took your hands and you finally looked up at him, your eyes widening as you saw a small tear fall down his cheek. 
“I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I still beg you, I beg you to give me another chance. I promise I'll do better. Something like this will never happen again. I was an idiot." 
You frowned, “you were an idiot. Do you have any idea how you made me feel? It's hard to believe you love me.” 
He nodded, listening to you carefully. “I know it's hard to believe, but please let me prove it to you, let me show you how much I love you, please. I can't be without you anymore, my star. I need you, otherwise I'll go crazy. Please.” 
You sobbed and Xavier gently pulled you close to him. Wrapping you between his warm arms. You tried to pull away, but he didn't let you and soon you melted in his embrace, crying into his work clothes. 
“Please, give me another chance.” 
You nodded softly. Just one more chance. “There's not gonna be a second time,” you warned between sobs and he chuckled, kissing the top of your head. 
“I won't need them. I will treasure you as the most valuable thing that you are. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” 
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steddieas-shegoes · 2 months
shit talkin' up all night
for @steddiesongfics song 'for the first time' by the script
rated m | 1,469 words | cw: alcohol, arguing | tags: angst with a happy ending, established relationship, robin buckley deserves an award for saving their relationship everyone say thank you robin, they're in love, eddie is just dumb for a bit
The arguing started when Steve suggested they move back in with Wayne.
They were struggling; Eddie wasn't an idiot, he could see the told his unemployment was taking on their financial situation. They were able to cover rent from Steve's paycheck, but they had to cut back on literally everything else. No more date nights, no more trips to visit Dustin, no more buying the good bacon for breakfast.
It wasn't for lack of trying, it's just that Eddie only had a GED and no marketable skills outside of playing music. Any job he could get would make miserable.
"I just think if we take some time to save up, maybe you'll be able to find something you like and then it'll be better," Steve shrugged.
"I'm not moving back in with Wayne. He did enough for me already."
"Then I'll get another job."
"No, you're not working two jobs. I'll just...go work at the McDonald's."
"Eds, you would hate it there."
"Well, it's a paycheck."
Steve sighed and walked away.
And then it got worse.
Eddie did find a job. He worked part time at the music lesson school. It didn't pay nearly enough, but it was something.
Until one of the parents found out he was working there and threw a fit and he got fired. The owner apologized, but said if it came down to his business and Eddie, he had to let Eddie go.
Back to square one.
Steve was too understanding. It was frustrating.
Eddie started arguments just to make him mad.
Whatever would push him: leaving all the dirty dishes in the sink, staying out late without letting him know, buying the good bacon for breakfast when it wasn't in the budget.
It did start to work eventually.
"Why are you doing this?" Steve asked eventually, after two nights of Eddie coming home late for no other reason than to make Steve upset. He hadn't even done anything, just walked around downtown for a couple hours and thought about how much of a failure he'd been.
"I'm not doing anything," he'd say back.
Steve would push.
Eddie would push back.
Little things turned into big things.
And then Eddie came home drunk.
He hadn't even been to a bar, he hadn't been with anyone else. He'd gotten one six pack of beer and realized halfway through it that he hadn't eaten all day and kept drinking anyway.
The buzz was great until he was stumbling through the front door, waking Steve up from his half-slumber on the couch of the apartment.
Steve didn't even argue. He just shook his head and went to their bedroom, closing the door and making it clear he didn't want to be around Eddie.
The next morning, Steve was already gone when Eddie managed to roll off the couch.
"Steve's not gonna say it, so I will," Robin's voice made him trip over his boots on the floor. She was sitting in the armchair, glaring at him. "You're pushing him away because you don't think you deserve someone who is patient and loving. He used to try that shit with me, with the kids, with Hopper. Started shit just to see if we'd leave. Pretended he was the only one who could deal with his problems."
Eddie blinked back at her, vision blurry from sleep and unshed tears. He wasn't gonna cry in front of Robin.
"I could understand why he did it. He had shitty parents and shitty friends before all of us. Took him some time to get used to being cared for." Robin leaned forward. "But you've had Wayne for a long time. Us. Steve. So what is it that's causing this? Why are you hurting Steve? Why are you hurting yourself?"
Eddie had been to therapy for a month or so after everything. The government insisted on it. He'd even done what they asked of him. Talked about everything that happened, talked about his childhood, talked about being gay in a town that thought being gay was bad enough to send you to hell, but somehow still the least of Eddie's crimes.
The therapist told him it seemed like he was always preparing himself to get hurt, even with the people that he did trust. That was the last time he went to the therapist.
"Because this is all I'll ever be, Robin! Steve should get out while he can, find someone who isn't fuckin' useless. Someone who can get a real job or go to school or something."
"Is this because you can't be on your feet for more than a couple hours?"
Eddie was silent.
"Do you think that means you can't do things? Do you think Steve wants to watch you suffer more than you already have?"
Eddie shook his head once.
"Then here's what you're gonna do. You're gonna shower and clean up the house a little. You're gonna cook that chicken dish Steve loves so much because I went to the deli to get fresh ingredients for you. You're gonna open that bottle of wine I did not steal from Chrissy's restaurant. You're gonna talk to him."
"And then tomorrow, you're gonna come interview for a job at the museum. They're opening a new exhibit called Rock Through The Ages and they're looking for someone to do tours. It's four hours a day, five days a week. Pay is more than you made anywhere else plus tips. Interview is a formality, they already know you're qualified."
"Robin, I-"
"And you're gonna shut up. I love you, too, Eddie. And I love that dingus who loves you. So get your shit together so you can both be as happy as I know you can be."
Eddie hugged her for a long time, probably much longer than Robin would have ever allowed him to if it weren't for the circumstances.
He cleaned himself up, he cleaned up the apartment, he cooked dinner, and he opened the bottle of wine.
Neither of them were big fans of wine, but this was a $100 bottle. Eddie would drink every last drop.
When Steve came through the door at 4:39 on the dot, just like he did every week day, Eddie was holding a glass of wine out to him with a small smile.
"Eds? What's this?"
"Been a while since we've had a date night. Thought maybe we deserved it."
Steve stared back at him blankly, then let out a sob and walked over to him, burying his face in his neck.
"Sh, it's okay, sweetheart. I'm right here," Eddie wrapped him up in his arms, kissing his head. "I'm here."
"You promise?" Steve's broken voice nearly tore Eddie in two. How had he let it get this bad?
"I promise, Stevie. I'm sorry I've been somewhere else in my head."
Steve pulled away, sniffling and looking around the room as he realized that dinner was already set out on the bar and the dishes were done.
"You did all this for me?"
"For us."
"Is that chicken cacciatore?" Steve walked to the plate in his usual spot and smiled. "You made this?"
"I did. Hopefully it's edible. If not, I already have the menu for the Italian place down the road by the phone," Eddie pulled Steve's chair out for him and then sat down next to him.
They talked through dinner, mostly about Steve's day, and then about Eddie's. He brought up the interview and Steve beamed like the sun.
"That sounds perfect for you, Eds."
"I know. I think it'll be great."
The bottle of wine went down easy. Maybe a little too easy.
By the time they realized it was gone, they were giggling and leaning on each other, cheeks red and eyes glazed over with a buzz that was more than just the high alcohol content.
Steve leaned in to kiss him.
Eddie leaned in to kiss him back.
And for the first time in a long time, they stayed up all night, talking, kissing, touching in ways they'd nearly forgotten how to do.
When Eddie got the job, he sent Robin flowers. Nothing fancy, the pay wasn't that good. But he had to thank her for getting his head out of his ass and his ass in shape.
Steve didn't ask when he saw the bill for it, just smiled and kissed the top of Eddie's head while he got ready for his first day of work.
"I love you. Good luck today," Steve said as he fixed his glasses before grabbing his keys to head to his job at the youth center downtown.
"Love you too. Pizza tonight?"
"Sounds good, love. Wine?"
Eddie nodded towards the bottle of $3 wine from the liquor store.
Steve laughed. "I'll grab some Tylenol on my way home."
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utahlive · 3 months
Hello UtahLIVE viewers, I have come before you today to talk a bit about recent events and how they will impact the future of this blog. Apologies this note is a bit long, but I would really appreciate it if you took some time to read this.
As I'm sure many of you know, within the past month Wilbur Soot/William Gold has been outed as an abuser. I want to make it clear right now that I no longer support him, nor do I accept his apology (mainly because it's not mine to accept in the first place). I stand with and believe Shelby and Alice 100%. This goes for any other victims that have or will come forward that I am unaware of, since I've been trying my best to stay offline. This aint about me!! But it's still hard when someone you look up to and who inspired you to create art turns out to be a shitbag. If you were somehow unaware of this, please go watch Shelby/Shubble's stream (VOD + transcript) and read Alice's post (and mind the CW/TWs) for more information.
This blog has brought me a lot of grief because of all of this. I do not want to support or perpetuate this man's image, but at the same time, I don't want to discontinue a story that I've put so much time and effort into. After a lot of deliberation, I've decided that I am going to continue this story until the end. I will also be adding a disclaimer in the pinned post, and I will no longer be tagging any of my posts from here on out with #wilbur soot or any adjacent tags. I don't think it's fair to myself or to anyone else who has enjoyed this blog to waste all the hard work that I have put in, because ultimately this is my project and my story, not his. If you disagree with this, I totally get it, but I ask you to just unfollow and/or block rather than sending me any hate because I promise you that whatever you say about me "supporting" Wilbur Soot by continuing this blog is something I've already considered myself. He is not (active) on Tumblr, he did not receive any of the money I got from stickers, I doubt anyone is looking at this blog and thinking "wow this Wilbur guy seems cool, let me go listen to his music and watch his vods".
Despite this decision, I'll probably still be taking a bit of time to myself to think about things and focus on school. Updates will likely resume in late March or early April.
I hope you can all respect my stance on this, and I want to reiterate how much I appreciate you all for supporting my work. Love you guys <3
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imnameimswrld · 5 months
╰┈➤ ❝ [𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 || 𝗠𝗩𝟭, 𝗩𝗗𝟮𝟵, 𝗥𝗛 ꒱꒱
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━━ ❪ . . . maxverstappen x vincedunn x renhiramoto x vettel!model!reader ❫
━━ ❪ . . . description : world famous model y/n vettel celebrates her birthday and the internet blows up when 3 of the hottest sportsmen post about her, their princess ; ❫
━━ ❪ . . . smau, poly relationship ❫
━━ ❪ . . . warnings : language ❫
━━ ❪ . . . fc: gigi hadid ❫
maxverstappen1, vincedunn, and ren__k1 added to their stories !
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[ caption for all: our bday princess 💗 ]
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liked by vincedunn, tomholland2013, and 50 335 798 others
[ tagged: kendalljenner, zendaya, maxverstappen1, ren__k1, vincedunn ]
ynusername what a birthday weekend I had ! spent it with my special friends, my amazing boys, and some damn good dinner 💗. thank you for the stellar weather monaco, a huge congrats to my maxie on p1, and GO SEATTLE KRACKENS 3-0 !!!! 🏆
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user yn and seb were so cute at the race omg the way she was hugging him and squishing their cheeks together 😭
user I genuinely wonder what seb's reaction was to his little sis telling him she has not one, but THREE bfs.
⤿ sebastianvettel i fainted.
⤿ maxverstappen1 ah, good times
[ likes by ren__k1 ]
user miss girl has a f1 champion, a nhl player, a mma fighter, AND is the younger sister of a former f1 word champion – god has favourites.
user yeah, god, it's ME AGAIN.
user couple of the century idc what anyone says.
zendaya what a weekend indeed omg 😻
⤿ ynusername miss our midnight adventures already 🤭😫
[ liked by zendaya, kendalljenner ]
⤿ kendalljenner we gotta plan another girls weekend – but boy-free this time !!
[ liked by ynusername, zendaya ]
⤿ vincedunn hey, I can be one of the girls.
⤿ tomholland2013 same here !
user did ya'll see the videos of them in the restaurant ?? 😫😫
⤿ user yes omfg the way vince pulled her on his lap so they could all three hold her while they sang happy birthday PLEASE 😭😭
⤿ user yn gets to kiss these three everyday... are you guys looking for a 5th party to your relationship ? I volunteer 🙂 !
user bye they're so cute omfg.
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liked by brandontanev, charles_leclerc, and 67 332 others
vincedunn life's been pretty perfect lately 💌
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user crying on the highway.
ynusername you three are the perfect ones 🥰
⤿ vincedunn don't start with me baby
⤿ ren__k1 I will headlock you again, and you know know it.
⤿ ynusername I do know it, and I'm waiting.
[ liked by ren__k1 ]
user OH- mother is bold damn
user yn wearing his jersey 🥺
user them>>> the world.
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liked by danielricciardo, christianhorner, and 1 223 453 likes
maxverstappen1 loving this little life of mine :)
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sebastianvettel not ren and vince suffocating my sister
⤿ ynusername I'm alive seb
⤿ sebastianvettel are you though ? are you really ? cause girl, you manage three hotheads, and I don't know how you do it.
⤿ ren__k1 honestly don't know how she does it either seb, but I'm not complaining.
user seb being concerned for yn having the bfs she does is weirdly hilarious to me
user I pray for anyone idiot who ever tries to cross yn honestly
user one look in yn's direction and i bet they pounce.
⤿ ynusername I can confirm this statement.
⤿ zendaya scariest shit I've ever seen in ma life.
⤿ landonorris I'm a victim.
⤿vincedunn I APOLOGIZED for that lando, I didn't know you at the time !
⤿ landonorris and yet, I can still feel the remnants of the fire of your gaze burning into my head.
⤿ maxverstappen1 my god you're dramatic.
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liked by yukitsunoda0511, sebastianvettel, and 566 335 others
ren__k1 この人生にとても満足しています
[ trans: so happy with this life ]
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ynusername aishitemasu 💗
⤿ ren__k1 watashi wa anata o motto aishiteimasu purinsesu 💗
user ya'll I saw them at the pride parade yesterday and I CRIED they're so sweet and I was able to get a picture with them 🤧
⤿ user the way they tools turns carrying her on their backs was so cute pls
⤿ user the princess treatment is unmatched.
⤿ ynusername 🏳️‍🌈🤘
⤿ user QUEEN !
vincedunn ren, will u come stream with me please ?
⤿ ren__k1 isn't it max's turn ?
⤿ maxverstappen1 nu-uh, I streamed with him last week.
⤿ vincedunn and max, I love you, but you talk too much and you keep telling me what to do in MY game.
⤿ maxverstappen1 you literally told me you loved having me ??? two-faced. you even said ren is too quiet and broody.
⤿ ren__k1 because I hate streaming and vince KNOWS that.
⤿ ynusername boys.
⤿ vincedunn sorry.
⤿ maxverstappen1 sorry.
⤿ ren__k1 gomen.
⤿ ynusername so who's turn is it to stream with v ?
⤿ ren__k1 ...mine
⤿ ynusername and, are you going to ?
⤿ ren__k1 yes ma'am.
user damn.
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cheapshrimpysheep · 4 months
For the request thing, might be dark but holing it's more angst/scary -> Fluff. NRC First years (or any boy you wanna write about) get a phone call from Fem!reader in the night, they think they hear someone breaking into Ramshackle and are scared, the boys' rush in to rescue/protect reader. (Up to you if there is actually someone breaking in or its just old house noises/Grim or ghosts rummaging around etc) thank you for your lovely work thus far!
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COMMENTS: Hi! Thank you. 😊 First I just wanted to say that the way I wrote it doesn't make any difference if it's a Fem Reader, so I did it for a GN Reader like I always do. I also apologize that Ace and Deuce's parts are the shortest, it just happened. 😔
More recently I also have less time to write, which is why this one took so long to finish. But I hope you and all like it.❤️
BTW: I used Bard to help me with Epel's dialect. 😜
CHARACTERS: Freshmen (Ace Trappola; Deuce Spade; Jack Howl; Epel Felmier; Sebek Zigvolt)
TAGS: Fluff; GN Reader
WORD COUNT: An average of 490 words per character.
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CONTEXT: You had stayed in the bedroom while Grim went downstairs to do something. Probably for a snack. But then you hear him shouting your name as if asking for help.
Knowing that without magic you could be in even more danger than Grim, you pick up your cell phone and call the first contact that appears.
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“What's your deal calling so late, hum?” Ace says when he answers you. “It can be off with my head for this, you know?” You explain to him what happened. “Ah, so you called me to come and protect you, is that it?” he says smugly. “You're probably just exaggerating. Maybe Grim is asking for help because he realized he already ate all the-” he noticed that the call was suddenly cut. “Oi, Prefect?... (Y/N)?... (Y/N)?!”
Ace ran out of Heartslabyul without passing anyone who could stop him. Even though he knew he would have problems when he returned.
When he arrived at Ramshackle Dorm, he cautiously approached the door, trying to listen for something to know what state things were in and what situation you were in. But he can't hear anything.
Until you scream! He tries to open the door but it is locked. So he decides to break it in with magic, and runs to the lounge where you were.
“(Y/N)!” He runs to the lounge instinctively, automatically pointing his magic pen at whoever is there with you. Grim and the ghosts scream at being surprised by Ace and he realizes it's just you and them in the dorm.
“Wha- What is going on?!” He asks “You called me because you thought someone was breaking into the dorm. And I come running here to find out that nothing happened?”
You tell Ace that technically you never talked about someone breaking into the dorm, and that after all he was right and Grim was melodramatically asking for help because he had nothing to snack on.
“So what was that about the call hanging up while we were talking?” Your cell phone has run out of battery. “And the scream just now?” The ghosts had decided to take advantage of the situation to prank on you.
Ace was upset, probably as much as you were.
“Serious? All this rush for nothing. How am I going to explain this to the housewarden? I'm going to lose my head at this hour.” He looks at you with that sly smile. “You know, this is your fault. I came running here because you hinted that you were in danger. I think I deserve compensation. What if you let me sleep here tonight?
“If you get in charge of fixing the door that you just broke into.” Grim says.
“I did it because I thought it was an emergency!”
“Oh yeah? We can always settle this in Heartslabyul's court.”
“Fine, fine, I'll fix the door.” He looks at you “Can I sleep here tonight then?”
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“Hi (Y/N). It's really late for you to be calling, is something wrong?” You explain to Deuce what happened. “Don't leave your room! Stay safe there, I'm on my way!” He hangs up the call and runs out of Heartslabyul without passing anyone who could stop him. He doesn't think twice because you wouldn't be the type to play a prank like that on him. Right?
When Deuce arrives at Ramshackle, he calls your cell phone. But you don't answer. Which worries him even more. He runs to the front door and tries to open it. Obviously it was locked. So he breaks it open with a mix of brute force and magic... or maybe a cauldron.
“(Y/N)! GRIM!” He calls.
“DEUCE?!” He hears the incredulous voice of you and Grim in unison. They were coming from the lounge, so he runs there. To find you, Grim and the ghosts safe and sound.
“Are you guys okay? What happened?”
You explain to him that after all, Grim was just melodramatically asking for help because he had nothing to snack on.
“Oh... That's a relief, I think. But why didn't you answer me then? I called you before I came in.” Your cell phone had run out of battery. He sighs and smiles at you. “Well, I'm glad it was just a misunderstanding and that you're okay.” All of his priorities at that moment were knowing that you were safe, so much so that it didn't even occur to him to ask any more questions.
You hear the door that Deuce had just broken down creaking in the wind. “I am so sorry!” he says “I can fix the door, don't worry.”
But the wind starts to get stronger, and thinking about the problems he will have when he returns, you invite him to sleep in Ramshackle Dorm that night.
“Are you sure?” He asks, as if he also said he didn't want to bother. It's the least you can do for him. And you will talk to Riddle to explain what happened and stop him from cutting off Deuce's head.
“Thank you so much (Y/N).” He smiles at you. “I promise I'll fix the door tomorrow.”
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“Hello (Y/N). Is something wrong?” Jack knew that for you to be calling at that time there was little chance of it being for a simple conversation. You explain to him what happened. “Did you hear any other strange noises?” You say there was absolutely nothing else, which also worries you. And at that moment you start to hear the wood on the floor creak as if someone was climbing the stairs. “Stay safe in your room! I’m on my way!”
The thing is that when you called him, he was already getting ready for bed. So he quickly changed his clothes with the help of magic and ran out of Savanaclaw right to Ramshackle Dorm. Making sure not to wake up any of the Savanaclaw students who might already be asleep, especially Leona.
When he arrives, he uses his signature spell to transform into a wolf and sniff the outside of the dorm to try to notice if there was any different smell, from someone other than you and Grim perhaps. But he doesn't notice anything strange in the air. Which meant that either there was nothing strange going on or whoever showed up was really good at hiding their tracks.
He approaches the front door and tries to listen inside. And that's when he hears you scream. He wastes no more time, breaks down the door in his wolf form and follows the trail of your scent to you. Upstairs. In your bedroom.
As soon as a huge white wolf appears at the door of your bedroom, Grim and the ghosts are the ones who scream this time. No one else was there with you. Jack returns to his beastman form.
“What happened? Did someone break into the dorm? Have they already run away?” He still had his defensive and ready to attack posture.
You apologize to him and explain that Grim's cry for help was nothing more than him being melodramatic when he discovered he was out of snacks.
“So who was coming up the stairs when you called me?”
After Grimm screams, the ghosts appear and they thought it was an excellent opportunity to scare you. They had just jump-scared you before Jack showed up. Up until then they had been making strange noises to build the suspense.
“And did you find that funny?!” Jack shouts at them. “This could have been an emergency! You shouldn't joke about something like that!” He starts to calm down as the ghosts apologize and Grim says it wasn't out of spite. And he remembers one thing. He puts his hand on the back of his neck and rubs it. “Oh, um... I... I ended up breaking down your door to get in. I'm sorry. I'll fix it.”
After all that and at a time like that, you invite Jack to sleep in Ramshackle Dorm. It's the least you can do for getting him into all that mess.
“Well, that would be very helpful. Especially because I don't want to risk waking up anyone in my dorm when I get back. But... are you sure?” You could see his tail starting to wag a little.
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“Good evening (Y/N).” Epel greets you “Is everything alright?” You explain to him what happened. “Hmm?! M-Maybe it's nothing serious. D-Do you have any way of knowing what happened safely? You know, without you being noticed if someone is there I mean?”
You say you'll try and Epel hears you walking and leaving the door of your bedroom but then he stops hearing anything.
“(Y/N)? Can you hear me?... (Y/N)?!” He looks at his cell phone and sees that the call has disconnected. “Land sakes alive, what have I done now? I gotta get on over there right this minute!” AKA: "AH! What have I done? I have to go there! NOW!"
He changes his clothes as quickly as possible with the help of magic and runs out of Pomefiore. Praying that no one spots him and stops him. The part about someone stopping him didn't happen, now the part about being seen or noticed could be another story.
When he arrives at Ramshackle Dorm he tries to call you again, but it seems like your cell phone is turned off. He prepares his magic pen and thinks about breaking the door with magic. But then he realizes that he can make your situation worse, since he doesn't know what's happening inside.
Until he hears you scream and then he forgets all his pacifist options and breaks down the door as his instinct was telling him to do.
“(Y/N)?!” he calls for you.
“EPEL?!” He hears your incredulous voice. It was coming from the lounge, so he runs there. To find you, Grim and the ghosts safe and sound.
"What in tarnation happened? Y'all alright?"
You explain to him that after all, Grim was just melodramatically asking for help because he had nothing to snack on.
“You're pulling my leg, ain't you? All this hullabaloo over a little snack?” You, Grim and the ghosts look at him confused. He clears his throat. “I mean, all this fuss for a late night snack?” He looks at Grim in annoyance. “Wait!” He looks at you. “What about your cell phone? The call dropped and I couldn't call you anymore.”
You explain that you ran out of battery on it.
“And your scream just now?”
The ghosts had decided to take advantage of the situation to prank on you. He looks at the ghosts with the same look of annoyance that he looked at Grim. Epel takes a deep breath and sighs. You all heard the wind making the now broken door creak.
“Ah! The door!” He realizes. “I’m so sorry. I break it to get in. I can fix it, I promise. I can make it as good as new. I can make it look like new. Since you'll probably need a new one anyway. I´m sorry... again.”
After all that, at a time like that, and thinking about the problems he will have when he returns, you invite Epel to sleep in Ramshackle Dorm. And you say that you will explain everything to Vil, especially the fact that Epel did that because he thought you were in danger.
“R-Really?! Um, but are you sure it's okay for me to sleep here tonight?”
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“HUMAN!” Sebek shout at your ear. “What is your business calling me at an unacceptable hour like this?” You explain to him what happened. “Don't be ridiculous! I'm sure nothing serious could be happening.” You hear footsteps coming up the stairs and approaching your bedroom. You tell him this. “Are you saying those footsteps sound like a human and not Grim?” The call hangs up. “Human?... (Y/N)! I DEMAND THAT YOU ANSWER ME RIGHT NOW IF YOU ARE LISTENING TO ME!” But he doesn't hear anything else.
Under normal circumstances he would notify Lilia and ask for permission to leave Diasomnia at an hour like that. But he was also trained to act in emergencies and this was one of those times. He cannot waste any time and must leave immediately for Ramshackle Dorm.
Despite his temperament, he was trained to know how to act in these types of situations. He must first analyze what is happening and only then create a plan. Otherwise he takes the risk of making things even worse and in the worst case scenario, your life will end because of his irresponsibility. He approaches the door and listens. Things were calm, too calm. Until he hears you scream!
He immediately breaks down the door with just his strength and takes out his magic pen. He hears movement upstairs. In your room. He runs there and when he arrives, his warning shout gives a heart-stopping scare to everyone there with you. Which is just Grim and the ghosts.
You explain to him that after all, Grim was just melodramatically asking for help because he had nothing to snack on. And then he and the ghosts decided to take advantage of the situation to play a trick on you.
“Was that why you screamed before I came in?” He asks. You confirm. “What about your cell phone? The call ended after you told me you heard someone coming up the stairs.” Your cell phone ran out of battery.
“HOW CAN YOU BE SO CARELESS? You should always have your greatest means of communication ready for an emergency!” He then looks at Grim. “AND YOU! You should redefine your priorities! Asking for help over a snack is unacceptable!” Before Grim can complain, he finally looks at the ghosts, but still referring to Grim as well. “And what you did, from what I know, humans call it a prank. I always found them unnecessary and ridiculous. And look how right I am! UNACCEPTABLE TO BE USED IN A SITUATION LIKE THIS!”
Grim starts arguing with Sebek until the ghosts say he's right. That was a mean joke at a bad time and they apologize to both you and Sebek. Which brings a smug to his face.
You hear a creak, the wind passing through the broken door.
“Do you see where your joke took you? You made me break down the door thinking it was a rescue.”
“You broke her because you wanted to!” Grim responds. “We didn't force you into anything!”
Sebek sighs, annoyed. “Very well, I'll find a way to fix the door. BUT MAY THIS BE THE LAST TIME YOU TRICK (Y/N) TO THE POINT OF CALLING ME TO COME HERE!”
After all that and at a time like that, you invite Sebek to sleep in Ramshackle Dorm.
“Don't worry.” He says “There will be no such need. Just as I came here, I can easily return without any problems.” But if you say that you feel bad about making him go to Ramshackle Dorm for nothing and that it is the least you can do for the inconvenience, he might reconsider. “Oh, I see. You're still scared, are you not? Very well, I can keep you company tonight.”
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If you dropped in here out of the blue and want to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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unreliablesnake · 8 months
Punishment (Price x reader x 141)
Summary: Price wants to see you for a chat, but you act like a brat.
Warning: short smut. fingering.
Note: Barracks bunny reader! Check the barracks bunny fics tag for more. / If you want to know when I post new stuff, follow @unreliablesnakefics and hit the get notifications button.
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"You wanted to see me?" you asked once you slipped into the captain's office.
Price looked up, the corners of his lips curling into a wolfish grin as he pushed himself away from the desk and signaled you to come closer. You did as he wanted once you locked the door, and took your place between his legs without questioning his request.
"I trained you well," he noted with an amused hum as he put his hands on your hips. "So what is it that I heard about your reading preferences? Am I not enough?"
"I'm just bored."
He stood up and put a hand on your cheek, running his fingers down to your neck painfully slowly. "I should pay more attention to you. Or you could spend more time with the boys. I know you've been playing a dirty little game lately behind my back," he told you.
A gulp gave away that you knew perfectly well what he meant by that, but your mouth formed a different message. "I don't know what you're talking about," you said quietly.
The captain couldn't help but laugh and shake his head. "I don't mind sharing you with them."
"You don't?"
"As long as you obey me when you're here," he said with a nod.
"I wouldn't dare to–"
He interrupted you with a kiss, his tongue slipping into your mouth the moment you gave him access. Without breaking it even for one second, Price grabbed your ass and picked you up to place you on his desk. A smile crept on his lips when you wrapped your legs around him to pull him closer, showing him how badly you wanted his attention.
To him, you were like a well-trained, loyal little puppy, a woman who did everything like he said, and who always came back to him for more. His feelings were probably deeper than they should have been, and maybe his men had noticed it too. But he didn't mind the rumors. Let them talk.
"I wish we had time to have some fun," he admitted sadly when he pulled away. "But I called you here for work. Alex is here and needs some help. I'll take the boys with me to the field tomorrow, you should stay behind and help with whatever he has on his plate."
"That's not fair."
Price drew in a deep breath as he put a finger under your chin. "What did I say about you acting like a little brat, hmm?" he asked as he leaned closer.
"I'm sorry, Sir," you apologized with a barely audible voice, but the captain didn't seem to find it enough.
With a hungry look in his eyes he unbuttoned your cargo pants and sneaked his hand under your panties, his thick finger slipping between your folds without an issue. "Look at how wet you are for me, love. Just how I like it," he whispered into your ear before pushing another finger inside.
You bit back a moan as he began pumping, wishing you could bury your face into his shoulder, but he was still holding your chin with his other hand and made sure you kept eye contact the whole time. You knew it was sweet torture, you knew he wouldn't let you come after behaving like that with him around.
After all this time, Price knew your body better than anyone. He noticed when you were about to reach your high, so his movements came to an abrupt halt just in time. You hated this, you hated him, but at the same time you were sure you would be crawling back to him for more like you always did.
"This is what happens when you're not acting like the good girl I know you are," he said before giving you a soft kiss. "I have a task for you. Now that I know how much you love to play with the boys, I think you should try to get Alex's mind off Farah. He's so smitten with her, but I know for a fact she's not interested in him that way."
"Ouch," you noted as you leaned closer to kiss his neck, snuggling up to him with your arms around his body like a small kitten.
Price buried his nose into your hair to inhale your sweet scent. "Will you do it for me?" he asked you quietly. When he felt you nod, he let out a short laugh. "That's my girl. Don't disappoint me, sweetheart." Suddenly he let go and took a few steps away from you. "You should go, I've got an awful lot of work waiting for me."
Nodding, you fixed your pants and walked up to him with your hands folded behind your back. "Can I get a goodbye kiss, Sir?"
Oh, how much he loved to hear you call him that. He wanted to give you what you asked for, but he had been clear about the consequences if you behaved like some stupid brat. "You need to learn your lesson. If you'll be an obedient little girl, you'll get one the next time."
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Out Of Luck
"Perhaps I'm not the only one who's going to be wed in King's Landing," Sansa jeers with a grin. I glare at her, "if you weren't my sister, I'd have stabbed you." The girl giggles and takes my arm.
Petyr Baelish & Jaime Lannister x Stark!Reader | 3k+ | cw: fem!reader, descriptions of reader (black hair), widow!reader, enemies to lovers?, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: felt right so I'm writing it. Yes, I added Harwin Strong, yes I know it's not canon. It is now in my world 😌 anyway, he's still dead so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ Cross posted on AO3!
Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @sloanexx @otteropera
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"Father" I call with a smile. He spots me and I lift my skirt as I jog up to him.
The man hides what he was holding behind him. He smiles and meets me halfway in the hall. He greets me good morrow when I link my arm with his and kiss his cheek.
"And is that... a very important tool of the Lord Hand?" I tilt my head as I ask, "might I not even see it?"
He sighs and slowly brings the object in front of him. We both look at the brightly dressed doll. My father has an apprehensive look on his face. I hold back a laugh, "ah, a pretty dolly. Are you quite bored of your job already? Do they give dolls to the Hand or were you duped into buying this?"
"I knew you'd say something like this," he mutters.
"If you knew I'd say it, why'd you still get it, papa?" I chuckle.
"I bought it for your sister."
I make a face, "my sister?" I raise a brow, "which between Arya and Sansa do you think would prefer playing with such an ugly dolly?"
He calls my name out.
He lowers the doll, "it's not that ugly."
"So even you agree," I snigger, "and yet you still bought it!"
We both begin to walk down the hall.
He warns me, "I'll tell on your mother."
"For what?" I hold back a laugh.
"For calling me papa," he lifts his nose.
I chuckle at the thought. Mother never liked it when I used mama and papa; improper for a lady, she says. I think it's also because when I use it, I pull on their heart strings and manage to make them do my bidding. Twas the gift of the first born.
"I can hear it now," I grin at the man as I squeeze his arm, "Eddard Stark," I motion vaguely, "stripped of his title as Lord Hand for his poor taste in dolls."
My grin widens at the sound if his low laugh. I give a louder laugh, happy to have gotten the reaction I did out of him. It's been a while since I've heard my father chuckle, or anyone from my family, for that matter.
"I wouldn't worry about it, love," father pulls me into his chest, "the king's taste in dolls are surely worse than mine."
I let out a giggle. My father joins in.
I look out the window as we saunter down the hall and turn back to my father when he mutters, "she's changed quite a lot since we've moved here."
He looks at the doll in his hand.
It takes a moment before I smile and give a playful look, "have you seen any of your daughters play with dollies lately, father?"
My words do not work this time. My smile fades at the sight of the line between my father's brows. I mutter softly, "haven't we all changed?"
He turns to me then stops.
I raise my brows. Ned Stark offers me a smile. He takes my hands and shakes his head, "not you, my daughter," he rubs my knuckles with his thumb, "never you."
My heart clenches at his words. I cannot bring myself to smile back because I knew it wasn't true.
"Forgive me for intruding on a private moment."
We both pull away and turn to our side. There we see a blonde doll wrapped in steel. Ser Jaime bows, "Lord Hand, Lady Stark--" he stops himself and lifts his head, "oh, apologies. It's in bad taste for me to call you that."
My father shifts in his spot.
I play it off, "nonsense. I am born of house Stark," I pull my lips into a tight smile, "and my husband is dead."
"Ah, yes," the knight sighs, "poor man. Just had a taste of being one then--" he shakes his head to make his point. He raises a finger, "he was your age, wasn't he?"
I clench my jaw and nod.
Ser Jaime rests a hand on his hilt, "what was his house again?"
Before I can respond, my father blurts, "have you come to rub salt in my daughter's wounds, Kingslayer?"
I turn to my feet with wide eyes. I slowly turn to the see the fuming look on my father's face and whisper, "papa."
Ser Jaime lifts his nose. An smirk masks his face, "not at all, my Lord."
I look back at the kingsguard, not enjoying how quickly tension solidified between us.
"The king demands your presence," growls the Lannister, jaw hardened, golden mane wafting with the breeze.
Father's face is stern but he nods and raises the doll, "I will go to him after I-"
"Get that bloody Ned here now," Jaime speaks. He watches Ned lower the doll. He purses his lips while father's expression sours even more. He shrugs, "King's words, not mine."
In an instant, all the tension in father's body is gone. He looks like he's about to smile and it makes my stomach churn because I knew what that meant. I take the doll from him before anything else. He looks at me and I nod, "I'll give it to Sansa."
He stares me blankly.
"I'll try to force her affection onto the thing," I look at the doll, "maybe she'll let it chaperone us to the tourney later."
I smile at the sound of papa's low laugh.
He nods.
Ned's smile fades when he turns back to Jaime. Jaime gives a wry smile, "I'll escort the lady back to her chambers in her father's stead."
Neither of us decide to argue over it.
Father walks off, eyeing Jaime as he did, and I purse my lips when I turn to him, "I'm actually headed to the library."
"Mmm," he furrows his brows, "then I'm actually headed there too."
We begin to walk down the hall. I laugh as I look at the doll in my hands.
Jaime turns to me upon hearing this. He decides not to note on the ugly doll, "like reading, do you?"
I look at him and smile, "I do."
"You sure you don't go to that musty room to hide from everyone?"
I raise a brow, "you seem to have experience."
"Tyrion was like that," he looks forward, "except father never bought him a doll as a companion."
I look away just as Jaime looks back at me, "does the library match the fantasies of a book lover?"
I chuckle. I turn to his side again. I am unable to stop myself from thinking how dashing his grin at the moment was, "It definitely is as grand as I expected it to be. Winterfell is not blessed with nearly as many tomes."
"The younger Stark girls must not like reading as much as their big sister, considering the ugly thing in your paw," he nods at my direction.
"I'm sure one of them will find use of it," I lift the thing up and look at it. I glance upon Jaime, "oh, goodness. It actually looks quite like you."
Jaime pulls his chin back, "you clearly have issues with your eyes."
"No, it's uncanny. Yellow hair, evil intent."
"Evil intent?" Jaime stops in his tracks, "you mock and slander me," he raises brow and grips his hilt, "I should have your tongue for it."
"Mmm," I turn to him and slowly walk backward, "kingsguard takes the tongue of the Lord Hand's daughter? Sounds like a page out of my books."
He tilts his head, looking me up and down before chuckling as he turns to his feet. He lick his teeth then furrows his brows, "lend me that book once you're done."
We reach the stairwell the connected to the gardens.
I tilt my head and stop in my tracks when I see Sansa and her handmaiden.
"Sansa!" I call, waving at her. She looks at me and waves back.
I turn to Jaime and curtsy, "I have changed my mind, ser," I rise and smile, "I'll be joining my sister in the gardens instead."
Jaime nods and gives a lopsided smile, "very well, my lady. Bid my greetings to the pup. I pray she doesn't get a heart attack from your father's gift."
I chuckle, "she used to have a wolf, you know."
With that, Jaime and I part ways.
Sansa immediately grabs my arm once I am close enough, "what were you doing with Jaime?"
"Ser Jaime Lannister," I correct her, raising a brow, "I didn't know you two were familiar."
"Was he courting you?" Sansa asks as she releases my arm.
I immediately shush her, "do not speak of such things, girl. You know how quickly gossip spreads here." I hand her the doll, "he was escorting me to the library in father's stead."
"This isn't the library-"
"Clearly not."
She takes the doll, "what is this?"
"A gift from father," I grin, "a chaperone to the tourney later."
Sansa glares at me, nearly turning red as her hair. She chucks the doll to the ground and storms away.
I huff and pick up the doll, "Sansa." I follow after her, "it was a joke."
"I haven't played with dollies for years!"
"I know," I rush up to her and grab her arm, "papa bought it for you to try and ease your worries."
She grits her teeth and corrects, "father should just do his job and stop treating me like a little girl." She breaks away from me and moves past me.
"You are a little girl."
"I'm going to be queen one day," she turns to me, "and you won't be able to make fun of me then."
"Sansa, I'm not making fun of you!"
Sansa does not listen and simply walks away.
Her old handmaiden turns to me and smiles. She takes the doll from me, "I'll put this in her room."
I nod and smile.
By the time we were seated for the tourney, Sansa and I made peace by giving the doll to Arya for her to mutilate. All three of us enjoyed the bonding experience very much.
Right now, we were huddled together, pointing at the players. Sansa whispered to me who she thought handsomest and Arya exclaimed over who she thought was strongest. I alternate my attention between them, swooning with one, cheering with the other, but it doesn't take long for them to get into a clash, as always.
They begin to bicker over me and I would have just snapped at them had we not been in public. I instead silence both of them by swooning and cheering for the Hound once we spot him from afar.
Both young Starks gawk at me in disbelief and disgust.
"You can't be serious," Sansa mutters with a pale face.
Arya tilts her head, "I mean, he is pretty big."
I laugh at both of them, "can't I cheer for all the players?"
"No," they say at once.
I tear my gaze from the tourney grounds to look over my shoulder. I gaze upon the crowds, looking to see if father was already here. I mutter to no one in particular, "I wonder what's taking him so long."
"Look," Sansa, on my left, tugs at my arm, "ser Jaime is going to be riding!"
I ignore her and push Arya, who was seated to my right, behind as I crane my neck to look for farther.
Sansa leans on my back and mutters to Arya, "ser Jaime likes her."
Arya grins and looks down at me, "oooh. The lion and the wolf."
I quickly sit up and eye both of them, "shut it, you."
They giggle with each other.
"Father will not be pleased if he hears you are wanting to feed nasty rumors."
"Oh, but nasty rumors are the most intruding, wouldn't you agree, Lady Strong?"
The three of us turn to the man walking over. He stops just below where Arya was sat.
"Or should I say, Lady Stark?" he smiles and nods at me. He looks to my left, "Lady Stark," then to my right, "Lady Stark."
I offer a smile and my first name, "you can simply call me that to avoid confusion, my lord."
"Petyr Baelish," he grins, blue eyes glistening with apparent mischief.
"Lord Baelish," I nod. I squeeze both my sister's hands, prompting both to greet all the same.
Lord Baelish smiles, "I'm glad to finally meet the eldest Stark," he reaches a hand out to me, "the words spoken about your beauty do you no justice."
Both my sisters make a face when I take the man's hand and he leans in to kiss it.
He straightens up and brings his hands behind his back, "my deepest sympathies to you. Lord Harwin Strong left us too soon. I've heard a great many things about Breakbones, how he puts the strong in House Strong."
Arya side eyes Baelish before turning away to look at tourney grounds.
Sansa stares hotly at him as she clutches my arm.
"Thank you, Lord Baelish," I nod and pull a smile, "if it's all the same to you, I'd prefer not to talk about him more than this."
"Of course," he bows. He tilts his head back as he smiles. He walks off and climbs the stairs to get to his seat just behind us.
"Do you know who's going to fight first?" Arya asks as she leans on my lap. I wrap my arm over her shoulders and turn to where she was looking. I spot Jaime speaking to whom was probably his squire from afar.
"Don't worry, little one, they'll announce it," Baelish speaks from behind, making all of us turn to him then back front. When I look back, I see Jaime looking our way.
"I hope ser Jaime starts on our side," Sansa mutters as she leans into me, though her eyes are still fixed on the Lannister.
Arya turns to me and toys with my black hair, "I hope he defeats the Hound to win your affection."
Baelish makes a face upon hearing that.
I snort at the thought then shoot her a half serious face, "shut it."
"I see you girls are fond of the Kingslayer," Baelish says, making us turn back to him again.
Arya side eyes him once more. Sansa looks away, uninterested.
I respond before turning frotn, "he is a rather good swordsman. Or so I hear."
"He usually doesn't play in tourneys. He says he's too good for them," Baelish mutters, "something must have made him change his mind."
"Maybe he's trying to impress someone," Sansa replies, not bothering to look back anymore, "maybe a lady?"
I squeeze her arm when she says this. She does not even spare me a glance.
"Yes," Baelish darting his eyes below him, "perhaps."
We look to the sky when a rumble suddenly cracks.
"What's taking them so long?! It's going to rain, and then the games will be cancelled!" Arya complains.
"They're waiting for the king," Baelish replies.
Arya makes a face. I'm the only one that turns back to the man. I smile at his already smiling face then turn to Arya, "papa's not here either. The king is probably making him do something."
Baelish chuckles under his breath, muttering lowly to himself, "papa? How sweet."
Then suddenly, truly out of nowhere, it began to rain.
My sisters and I quickly stand. I immediately grab them and we run off to the nearest place that could offer cover. We head to a tent, but the trouble was, everyone was heading there too.
The rain quickly begins to pour harder.
I do my best to cover Sansa and Arya's head, but my hands could only do so much. The three of us look up when something comes above us.
I feel someone behind me. I turn and see it's Lord Baelish. He's taken his tunic off and used it to cover us.
"Come, my Lady Starks," he speaks over the loud patter of the rain, "I will escort you back inside!"
We turn to him, his dress shirt now dripping and stuck to his form. I nod at him, "thank you, my lord."
"Don't thank me yet," he smirks, face wet with rain, "one of you may yet slip on mud."
Lord Baelish leads the way, uncaring of how wet he's gotten, and offers his arm out to us intermittently. Meanwhile, we hold up his tunic overhead and huddle under it, treading as quickly yet carefully as we can on the mucky ground.
"I do hope the rain does not ruin your fine garb, Lord Baelish," I call as Sansa and I lift our skirts up and do our best not to trip on it.
Arya was very much glad to be wearing pants, and cheerfully steps into puddles without a care in the world.
But then she slips.
Baelish manages to grab her arm before she falls. He pulls her upright and chuckles, "careful now. You wouldn't want to take your sisters down with you."
Arya let's out a hmp when she is released.
"And don't worry about my tunic," he smiles at me, "I'd rather it be ruined than have 3 ladies get sick under my watch."
Sansa gasps and grabs my arm when her heels sink in the wet dirt. I help her keep her footing and smile back at the man, "thank you, Lord Baelish."
"As I said, don't thank me yet. It's still quite a walk to the Keep," he comes to Sansa's side and helps her straighten up, "and call me Petyr."
I part my lips at the thought.
He shakes his head and chuckles, "I insist."
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nerd-on-duty · 4 months
Tatort Saarbrücken (Spatort) English subtitles - 2024 edition (episodes 1-5)
For all international fans who want to watch Tatort Saabrücken (of annual tumblr trending fame) but don't speak German, fear not:
Send me a DM and I can send you a link for English subs :)
(Please do not send asks as I can't post them publicly and I've had the unfortunate experience of privately posted ones eating links or disappearing into the tumblr void, never to be seen again...)
For return customers: as of today (04 Feb 2024) the newest episode (#5 - Der Fluch des Geldes (FdG)) is now live! The Drive link is still the same and the ReadMe has been updated as well, so check that out for links and guides as always.
More info under the cut
You can pass them along to other people privately (though please also ask them not to post them and to let anyone else they'd like to share them with know as well!), but I really don't want any beef with the channel (which is publicly funded and can afford far fancier lawyers than me, who is none-funded and can afford no lawyers) because these are not official in any capacity nor do I want to leave anyone with the impression that these could be official. They're a simple homemade attempt at letting non-German-speaking fans participate in the epic highs and lows of Spatort because there currently are no official English subtitles. Any mistakes are entirely my own, I don't own any of the copyrights to Tatort or any of their characters or plots, yadda yadda.
That being said, if you notice any typos, translation errors, missing or out of date links or anything else, please do let me know so I can update the files accordingly!
As I've gotten a few messages this year apologizing for being late: if anyone sees this in the future - yes, this is still up to date. You can shoot me a message at any time of the year and I will get back to you as soon as I can (usually within 24-48 h). If you still haven't heard from me after a week (especially if there's still new posts coming in on the blog) feel free to poke me again - I promise I'm not ignoring you, I most likely just haven't seen the notification.
If you want to filter spoilers for the new episode in the meantime, block #spatort spoilers to avoid seeing them on this blog (I generally use this tag for posts related to new episodes in between the official release and uploading the subtitles)
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eydi-andrius · 7 days
Yayyyy... I love you 😭💗... you accepted my request 😭💗 I love your stories sooooooo muchhhhhhh 😭💗 (I'm a writer too btw)
HEART GOT TEETH (Gojo Satoru x Reader)
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Synopsis: How does it feel to be hunted?
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a/n: I'm so sorry it took a long while for this. I was just not confident enough but i hope you will enjoy this one. I am still experimenting with the professor Gojo one still, on which you first requested, but this story was born from writing that. I kind of think you'd love to read this. Enjoy!
WARNINGS: 18+, MINORS DNI, NON-CON, DARK GOJO, DARK! READER, bullying, stalking, obsession, violence, kidnapping, sexual assault, illegal filming or recording of sexual intercourse, DARK SMUT, blackmailing and let me know if I forgot any tags
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Gojo is used to being the smartest on campus. Not until late in semester, a transferee was given the opportunity to move due to her academic achievements.
He hated her.
He picked up on everything she does. Detest the way she strides with confidence, unbothered, and powerful.
Of course…..She's not as smart as him. But somehow, people liked her better.
Not that he cared.
Professors who are usually tight lipped whenever he debates them, are very kind and nice to her. They seemed approachable and open whenever she conversed with them.
Classmates who scurry away whenever he is around, greets her with a smile whenever she passes by them. She even earned the nickname “sunshine” because a gloomy room will light up when she’s around.
It was an anomaly. She doesn't belong here. Your existence is unwanted. He dislikes how an outsider such as you was able to get the attention away from him so easily.
His hatred started off with a normal rolling of eyes when he caught sight of you. Bad mouthing you the moment anyone uttered your name. Embarrassing you in front of the class if you show a teeny tiny mistake. However, none of those work and weirdly enough, you still smile at him purely.
That attitude angered him more.
It didn’t even occur to him, that his hatred heightened and it turned into a full-blown obsession, that stalking you became a habit.
He is checking your socials for any updates, your shares and stories religiously. His ears will perk up if other people mention your name, and he will immediately tune in to whatever they were talking about— especially, if related to you. He will even check in the campus portal or the google drives related to your files just to judge whatever you passed to the professor.
Geto Suguru, his best friend, obviously noticed the change in his behavior but he was glad that he didn't comment further about it.
Sometimes, he knows Geto will deliberately mention your name and where you are currently. He would respond with a grumble and scrunched up nose, berating his friend for uttering a witch’s name. Yet, he will catch himself standing in the area that was mentioned. And he feels alive, when he purposely bumps to your shoulder, almost toppling you backward, and you would profusely apologize for being clumsy, bowing repeatedly in shame.
It didn't even occur to him that what he was doing was wrong. Harassing a girl for absolutely just existing seems like a problem to himself and not something she should apologize for.
One day, luck must've on his side. He was getting paranoid because he has a feeling that you’ll get higher grades than him this semester. The knock on his door startled him, especially when he opened the door and it was your face that popped up on the other side.
It seems like your laptop is having an issue. You tried everything you can find online but nothing fixes it. You came to his dorm because Geto recommended and assured you that Gojo can fix it for you.
Cursing his bff, he almost turned down your request…… when an idea flashed on his head. His ire vanished, and an evil, unfair plan formed in his mind.
He could use this opportunity to spy on you. He can check your grade and track your whereabouts and see what you're up to — to make sure you are not sabotaging him, of course.
And that he did.
You were all smiles, grateful and happy, when your laptop came back, fixed and working better than before. He watched as your eyes glinted, almost tearing up, when he reassured you that he doesn't need no fee.
He let you go on your merry way without knowing that he got you. He now has access to your laptop and everything inside of it.
Gojo could have sworn that he heard his skull crack from that strong hit he received on his head, while he was standing outside waiting for Geto.
He received a text from him to sneak out and do something more worthwhile, than faking smiles, and joining the retreat for the seniors.
Although he doesn't want to go out, he’d rather do something else than be surrounded by morons, to whom the only advantage they have is being born earlier.
He was minding his own business. Patiently waiting, when a hardwood suddenly came out of nowhere, and made contact on his head. His ears rang, vision blurry, he was feeling dizzy, and saw footsteps coming his way, before he completely lost consciousness.
With a throbbing head, and a body sore, he felt like the pain was killing him. Slowly, he opened his eyes, and saw himself in some sort of a shed made out of bamboo.
He tried to open his mouth, to scream or ask for help but he was far too dizzy and weak to voice out his concern. He winces when he tries moving his head, looking for a comfortable position, the throbbing got worse, and he tried to lift his hand to assist on his head, when he realized that he can't move his hands, and it was tied behind the chair he was sitting at.
After a moment, he tried his voice again, he could only croak syllables, and grit his teeth when he felt how dry and parched his throat was.
Closing his eyes, and with the pain all over his body he did not notice when the door opened, and he jolted when someone sat on his lap, pinching his chin to look up. Forcefully opening his mouth, by grabbing his cheeks.
A bottle of iced cold water was given to his mouth. He felt the invasive cool liquid run down his dry throat, and coughs when the person who forced him to drink does not care if he could drown by titling the bottle without stopping or resting, for him to be able to drink it all at his own pace.
He forcefully moved his face away on the stranger's hold, and was looking down and coughing, when he felt the person on his lap uttered “good boy” deregatoridly while slapping his cheek loudly.
He looked up, and all colors went out of his face for a second when realized who the person in front of him was.
Your furious eyes were tuned on him, even with a playful smirk gracing your lips, it couldn't erase your pulsating anger.
His initial shock soon turned into boiling anger, when he understood that the most likely suspect of his kidnapping was no other than you.
He started screaming profanities, calling you a bitch, and derogatory names, as he tried to forcefully remove his bindings.
Instead of being offended by his words you only chuckled at him. This only made him angrier.
“You bitch! Even if you kill me right now, you will never become the Summa cum laude! You’re too stupid for that!” His insulting words slowly turned sharply and deadlier, and he thought his words finally got under your skin after he watched as your eyes widened in surprise, mouth agape, slowly blinking at him. It looks like you were shell shocked from what he had said.
He smirked at that, feeling like he was winning, at least before you smiled and started laughing hysterically, which stilled and confused him.
“HAHAHA! So sorry for laughing at that.” She apologized, using her finger to stop her tears of delight.
“Damn, Satoru. You are all tied up. Helpless and all on my mercy, and the only thing you could come up with, the reason why I am doing this, was me envying you for getting something you deserve because you are smarter than me? I am not that petty.” You clarified after a big sigh.
She looks amused as she watches his brows furrowed, eyes filled with confusion, as he tries to understand what exactly he did to be treated like this.
“Fine. Fine! I’ll spill.” You said, raising your hands up in surrender. You purposely grind on his crotch, hard. Making him wince in pain from the friction. You felt his dick hardened a little, poking you, and you jeered in disgust at that. All men truly are the same.
“Tell me, Satoru. What did you put in my laptop?” You said in a sing-song tune. As if caught red handed, his eyes widened, and his mouth closed and opened up, trying to come up with something.
“Nah! You don't have to answer that. I already know that it was you who put spyware on it. You disgusting, motherfucker. If you wanted to get someone's pussy, you could always just yell on campus, and the girls would flock in front of you, like starving hyenas. They will serve themselves for you to eat them whole. You don't even need to pay them.” Scratching your scalp, in annoyance, you continued.
“Did you know that almost put my sister in danger? I thought my abusive fucking father finally caught up with my younger sister and he planted those spywares, to spy on us. Thank God! I was smart enough to realize that the possibility of that was low, especially, since he is too stupid to think that way. And there is no other person in my life that could have done that, except you, who fixed my laptop for free. Like why are you so obsessed with me?” Disgust was written all over your face as you looked down on him. You were visibly shaking, face red from anger.
“Dream on!” Gojo spat back at your allegations and you can't help but chuckle at that. In anger, you grab his face, and squeeze it tight.
“Listen, you jerk! Do you think I do not know that you have been targeting me for absolutely no reason at all? Those accidental bumps when you're walking, your not so subtle insults when I made a small mistake and many more. I know. I know that you meant to crush my spirits with that. But you know, I was used to getting bullied and really doesn't mind what you’re up to, even though it was unfair. I told myself that I just need to graduate in two years so it wouldn't matter. I don't have to meet you again after that, anyway.” You stopped for a moment licking your lips. Eyes filled with unshed tears.
“Yet, you made the absolute, most horrifying mistake, of dragging my sister in this.” You continued, breathing labored from pent up anger.
“You see this?” You moved a bit and pulled out something from your pocket. It was your phone, and you showed that it was recording.
“I’ll fuck you and we will record it. I don't usually do blackmailing on a reg, but it was you who started this so, goodluck with that.” With gritted teeth, you declared war, and you grinned when you saw how fear flickered on his eyes, and his face turned ashen, and he started thrashing, not caring if his binds bites on his skin.
“But before that!” You clapped and pulled out a cloth and forcefully covered his mouth. “I don't like you calling me names. You sick, fuck.” Gojo tried to put his head on the side, to run away from his mouth being covered, but due to his limited movements, she was able to shut him up. Cloth digging on his cheeks on how tight it was.
Chuckling, you stood up and placed your phone on the prompt up stand on the side, directly in front of Gojo. He was breathing heavily as you watched him on the screen, still trying to untie himself. You saw blood now trickling down on his tied wrists.
“Tsk tsk. Don't do that if you're hurting yourself. I promise you’ll enjoy this.” Cooing, you slowly undress in front of him, making sure that the discarding of your clothes was caught on camera.
When you're finally bare in front of him. He stopped thrashing around and his eyes were only tuned in on yours refusing to look down.
What a gentleman.
Positioning yourself on all fours, you started crawling seductively at him, and you did not miss how his skin prickled, not sure if he was scared or enjoying the show you have for him.
When you're right below him, you squeeze his knee, and he starts thrashing again, stronger this time, as you painstakingly slowly reach for his zipper. Undoing it and freeing his semi hard dick.
Grinning to piss him off, you grab his member carefully and licked the tip, like how you're licking an ice cream on a sunny day.
You felt how his body shivered from the contact and his breathing labored as he stared down at you. Long lashes fluttering, eyes hardened.
You moved your hand up and down, and licked his shaft, teasing him, as you moved your hips performing in front of the camera.
You moved a bit forward and you heard him groan when you finally put him inside your mouth, with a slurp, you started bobbing your head, hollowing your cheeks as you moved your mouth up and down his cock, enough to make him feel but not enough to cum.
You watched as he bit the cloth covering his mouth to stop himself from making any noise. And do everything in his power to stop his instinct from enjoying what you're doing for him. One wrong move, however, he pistoned himself upwards, which caused his dick to go deeper in your throat, and you involuntarily gagged at the sudden intrusion. You felt how his member twitched, enjoying the feel of your mouth on his veiny dick. Staring at his eyes, you know he loved the power he had in that small moment.
You chuckle a bit at that, the vibration causing him to twitch some more, and with a pop you let him go. His cock fully hardened, ready, red and wet from both his precum and your saliva.
Standing up, you turned your back on his face and sat on his lap. Using your finger, you open your fold, and grind your pearl on his dick, to tease him. Your other hand on your breast, playing with nipples and massaging your mound.
Satisfied on the way he groaned, and stopped cursing at you, you gave him a reward by plunging down slowly on his dick, he whimpered, mouth shut, lying to himself about not liking the way your gummy slowly molding his cock inside of you. You only squeezed him tighter, when you were a bit surprised at how deep he had gone.
You never had a dick this big before. You felt so full, and touching your belly, you can feel the shape of him.
“Satoru, I can feel you here. See?” You asked naively, looking back at him, as you squeezed him tighter and the guttural groan he let out was music to your ears.
You smiled evilly at that and started moving your hips up and down, both your hands, playing with your breast.
“Ummm…I’m doing well, right, Satoru? Is this what you want? Oh god, you're so big.” You continue to lie as you move, performing, and admittedly loving your power. Makijgvsure the video will show that Gojo consented to this.
“Please please please….touch me, Satoru. I understand that you wanted to be binded and silent but I need your touch, hmmmm?” You pretended to ask, as you looked back on his helpless face, looking pathetic, red and sweat dripping from his forehead. He looks dazed and unfocus.
“Alright, if you insist, I guess, I’ll cum by riding you on my own.” Pouting before looking back on the camera, you started increasing your pace, you know he is now close, as his voice deepened and his whimpers louder. You acted and started telling him that you’re close, he is good, and he is hitting your sensitive spot, to throw him off.
It was soon after when you felt his dick violently twitch and you felt how he came inside of you. Warmth seeping in your core and painting your walls white. You whined at that and you squeezed his knee as you looked back at the camera.
“You told me, you will not come inside.” You said, almost crying.
“What? You want some more? But I’m already tired.” At this time, you had faced him, you thinned your voice, acting cutely, but your face says otherwise. You smirked down at him. On Satoru who looks dazed and red, dick is still twitching and hard, even after just cumming.
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everlastlady · 7 months
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Dating Mammon HCS
✰- Author's Note:Hi! I'm laying in my bed and still have Mammon brainrot so here is some dating Mammon head canons. I have said this before but I love and hate Mammon. He's such a greedy bitch but also an interesting character now I have two Australian characters I love Mammon from Helluva Boss and Junkrat from Overwatch. Now this was going to be Mammon and Asmodeus dating hcs but I decided to give Mammon the spotlight but if you guys want Asmodeus to be added in the next hcs just let me know I hope that you guys enjoy these hcs! Remember to eat a meal or a snack, drink some water, get some fresh air, take your medicine, and remember that you are loved. If you loved this story remember to comment, click or tap that heart button, reblog with tags, and blaze if you can. Always remember to support your local writers. ♡♡♡
✰- Story Contains: Boyfriend Mammon, Spoiled Reader, Gn Reader, Fluff, & Overall Sweet Things.
✰- Posted: 11/2/2023
✧- Dating the king of greed comes with it's perks and a lot of gifts. Everyday Mammon gets you a gift, either one gift or sometimes you a ton of gifts. Mammon never gets you anything cheaped. Only the highest quality for his sweetheart for his gem. Mammon never ever wants you to feel like he doesn't pay attention so he always showers you in a ton of attention. He also doesn't shut up about you, always bragging about you while in meetings or with his personal fizz robots. " (Y/N) is so fucking cute. If I could I would make a doll of them and sell them! But I don't want people to have a doll version of my partner, I could make one and keep it to myself. " Mammon eventually does make a little doll version of you and shows it to you. He also made a doll version of him for you to sleep with if you ever get lonely. Now the cutest thing about these dolls are that the little patches on the hands stick together so you can make them hug or hold hands. " (Y/N) let's make them hold hands while we hold hands! " Mammon. Loves to hold your hand while you two are out and about. You never have to worry about him having to let go of your hand because he has to do something.
✧- Matching outfits is something that Mammon loves to do with you. The green or white outfits is something you both go with. Don't every worry about getting made fun of wearing matching outfits with Mammon because he'll crush anyone who dares mock you or him. If it's a demon lord like him. He'll tell you to ignore them that they are just jealous. " We look amazing, ignore them. " Mammon is a busy man, always making money and exploiting people. But he will always make it up with gifts, dinners, or a special night with him in bed~ You know what Mammon does and you don't get involved in his work. You also don't have to work because the king of greed is your boyfriend. But you still like going out and helping out which Mammon always wonders why do you volunteer if you aren't getting anything out of it. But he now sees that you just have a kind heart; how are you in Hell!?
✧ - Even with happy and healthy relationships sometimes you will have disagreements with your partners and get into arguments it just happens in relationships. But the arguments you and Mammon usually get in aren't that bad. Sometimes the arguments could be about Mammon always running late for dates or when you mishear him. Mammon will feel bad about arguing with you and will apologize if he's in the wrong, he'll buy you a gift and talk with you. Now if you are in the wrong and apologize; of course Mammon will forgive you. You both will hug it out and continue your relationship. " I'm sorry that I snapped at you babe, I love you, let's go out to eat and have some good old fun. " Mammon also loves playing his guitar for you, he also doesn't mind if you play his guitar. If you don't know how to play that's fine he'll teach you. He honestly just loves playing music with you.
✧ - No matter if you are skinny or plus size. Mammon loves you no matter what shape your body is. He doesn't like seeing you shame yourself or talk negative about any part of your body. " Babe, come on, you are beautiful just the way you are. " He kisses your stomach, head, nose, and shoulder. If anyone says anything negative about you then... their dead just turned into ashes. Mammon doesn't want you to change anything about yourself of course if it's for health related reasons then he understands. But he never wants you to feel like that you need to eat less or more to look perfect for him because he loves you for you. Mammon will always playful pinch at different parts of your body or tickle you. " One time (Y/N) accidentally knocked me out because I tickled them and all I remember is seeing their foot and then darkness. " Mammon said to Bee who laughed up a storm.
✧ - Despite his bad blood between Fizzarolli and Asmodeus. The lord of lust and the clown jester don't hate you. But they wonder how Mammon got someone like you. They don't know if you are insane or Mammon has you under some love spell. But Asmodeus can clearly see that you love Mammon and that Mammon loves you. Good, someone needs to keep that green motherfucker in check, which you do. You always remind Mammon not to be so harsh on his clients or calm him down before he can turn into a large spider. Speaking of his large form. Mammon has picked you up in his large form a lot, you are so tiny in his hands. You always place a kiss on his check which calms him down. " Sorry that I exploded, they made me so mad. " Mammon would either change back or carry you back him.
✧ - Mammon loves when you sleep on top of him. He thinks you look adorable, so usually in bed you sleep on top of him. His four arms wrapped around you. It's usually his bed or his web. The web is usually used for naps though so a lot of his workers or clients have walked in on you two napping or cuddling which upsets him because he was having a comfortable moment with you. " Get the fuck out! " Mammon would look down to see you still asleep after yelling at a worker or client. You are the only person to have seen Mon without his jester looking outfit. " I'm not sure why everyone always assumes or assumed I'll be in a business suit. Maybe I should put one on to surprise people, anyway (Y/N) give me back my outfit, you look adorable but I have to go soon. " Mammon did eventually get a version of his outfit for you. " You look a little like me but you aren't becoming a greed lord. "
✧ - A lot of vacations for you both. Very expensive vacations that people wish that they were Mammon's partner. He gets you guys the best hotel rooms, the spas are always amazing, and makes sure that you two have lovely dinners. " (Y/N)! Come help me build a sand castle! " Mammon would drag you to go build a sandcastle with you. Mammon has so many vacation pictures and videos with. Mammon plans these vacations by having you throw knives at a spinning wheel. It's like a fun circus game! A lot of times you do try to land on some where you think looks great.
✧ - Now as far as the human world goes. You have visited the human world with Mammon. Human disguises are something Mammon could easily do for you both. Now the two of you only visit the human world because Mammon wants to mess with the humans. You two even have a home in the human world. Mammon usually causes a lot of businesses to crash, friendships to end, or a lot of war to happen because of those falling for his greed. Whenever you visit the human world. You always bring something back. " (Y/N) what's that? Oh a switch.... I want one :( " And now Mammon has a switch, Mammon finds your human form also beautiful. " Shit babe even as a human, you look fucking delicious. " Of course you also think Mammon looks handsome in his humans form.
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willalove75 · 10 months
Alcina's New Maid Pt. 14 Lady Dimitrescu x Reader
Summary: Alcina and Donna have a chat. You wake up and you and Alcina have a heart-to-heart. She tells you about the mold and her experiences with the cadou.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI
Tags: Fluff, softness, canon violence, a dash of angst
Notes: Part 14! I'm SO sorry that this chapter is so late! I decided to make it a little extra long to make up for it💕
Click here for the rest of the series
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A maid walks in with a tray in her hands after Alcina sits across from Donna. Setting it down on the coffee table, she looks up at Alcina.
"Tea or wine my Lady?"
"Wine, please." Alcina says as she pulls her cigarette case along with her lighter out of her bra. A slight blush crosses the maids cheeks while she opens the wine bottle and pours it into Alcina's glass. Donna gives Alcina a look, surprised she acted so casually in front of one of her maids. Meanwhile, Alcina lights a cigarette and deeply inhales. She blows the smoke away from the maid and Donna.
"I apologize for my lack of etiquette but I am unable to muster the energy at the moment to present myself as I normally would." Alcina says to the maid, resting her forehead on the heel of her hand as she holds the cigarette between two fingers.
"There is no reason to apologize, my Lady. We know the day has been," she pauses, nervously searching for the right word. "rather stressful." She hands Alcina her goblet, who immediately drinks from the glass.
"Tea, Lady Beneviento?"
"Yes please."
The maid pours the tea for Donna and hands her the cup.
"Thank you, that will be all. Please see to it that we are not interrupted unless, gods forbid, yet another emergency occurs."
"Of course, my Lady." The maid says with a bow before leaving the room and closing the door behind her.
Alcina downs the rest of her wine in one gulp and refills her glass.
"Oh how I wish I were still able to get drunk." She mutters to herself, looking down into the glass of swirling red liquid.
"Even regeneration properties can be a double edged sword." Donna says as she lifts her veil to take a sip of tea.
"What was it you wanted to speak about again?" Alcina asks.
"A few things, truthfully, including next weeks meeting."
"Ah, yes. Mother Miranda." Alcina says, taking another drag from her cigarette.
"But before that," Looking up at Donna, Alcina is unsure of what she's about to say. "I never doubted you when you told me how much you cared for the girl, however, I may have underestimated just how much you truly care for her. I don't think I've ever seen you look at anyone the way you looked at her, sister. You must truly love her."
Alcina feels a light blush creep across her cheeks and she tries to hide it by taking another sip of wine as she nods.
"I do, Donna. I do."
"She makes you happy?"
"The happiest I've ever been. I've never been happier, save for when I was given the girls. Although the love I have for her and the love I have for the girls are vastly different, all four of them have captured my heart."
"Well sister, the love between mother and child and the love shared between lovers are two entirely different kinds of love. I am very happy to see you so happy. It's been a long time."
"It certainly has."
"Now, regarding the meeting." Alcina takes another drag of her cigarette before putting it out in the ashtray. "Alcina you know my loyalty lies with you, however, I also will not stand against Mother for a foolish reason."
Alcina feels her body tense up as she stares into where Donna's eyes are behind the veil.
"Please, let me finish." Alcina drinks from her glass and clenches her jaw, her grip tightening around the goblet. "But, I trust you and your judgment and I can see solely from the way you look at that girl that your reasoning for standing up against Mother if you must is anything but a foolish reason. Again, my loyalty lies with you Alcina. Wherever you go, Angie and myself will gladly follow."
A breath Alcina didn't realize she was holding releases as she feels her anger fade away.
"Thank you, Donna."
"What are you planning on doing for this meeting next week? You know you can't walk in, claws out and ready to attack."
"No, absolutely not. Mother's powers are far stronger than mine, even with immortality on my side I fear that if I go up against her, I won't survive."
"You won't." Donna says matter-of-factly.
"I plan on masking my feelings for her, for y/n. I don't know what Mother wants with her, or if she wants to test me. I'm uncertain of her motives. So my plan is to attend the meeting as usual, keep y/n close by my side at all times and if I have to protect her, I will without hesitation."
"I think that is a wise plan Alcina. How do you think she is going to handle the meeting? Has she met any of the other Lords?"
"No, she hasn't. She only met Mother."
"Do you have any concerns of her meeting the other Lords?"
"Not particularly. If I could keep her from ever having to interact with that child Heisenberg I would, but only because he is insufferable. I have no qualms with Salvatore, although I do not trust him. I would not put it past the poor creature to use whatever he has as his disposal to try to make himself appear more valuable to Mother. He's so desperate for her affection, it's pitiful."
"He is not the only one who pines for her acceptance, Alcina."
Alcina shoots Donna a glare and continues.
"Regardless, I have no fears of her meeting the other Lords."
"And for the rest of the meeting?"
"I have no doubts that she will be on her best behavior, more than likely nervous, but that's to be expected. But she's diligent and obedient and she's well aware of the dangers of stepping out of line in front of Miranda so I have no concerns regarding her or her behavior."
"Very well then, I'm glad to hear of your confidence in her."
"How do you think the mold will affect her?"
"Truthfully, I am not sure. It may not have any effect on her given she was only exposed to traces of the mold. The salve contains mold, but is not entirely composed of it. If she were to be truly infected, I believe any mutations that were to occur, would have by now. Given she only drank half of a bottle and subsequently threw most of it up, I don't think there was enough in her system to have any true, noticeable effects. I would keep a close eye on her just in case."
Alcina goes to speak but is interrupted by the door slamming open. Angie flies into the room and flies around Alcina.
"Sheeeeee's awakeeeee!! Your little friend is so cute even after she rolled down the stairs!"
Alcina swats at Angie to try and get her away. Angie stops just above Alcina and Alcina looks up into the dolls eyes and glares.
"Get out of my way." Alcina growls.
"Ohhhh someone's touchy! What? Can't handle being away from your lover for five minutes?! Tsk tsk, how would Mother Miranda feel knowing you've become so attached to a human!" Angie's screeching cackle echoes through the room.
Alcina begins to shake with anger, her claws slowly extend, digging into the arms of the chair.
"Angie! That is enough." Donna scolds the doll.
"Oh come on Dondon! I'm just playing!" She says as she floats into Donna's lap.
Alcina makes a disgusted face at the horrid nickname and her claws retract.
"Donna, thank you, for everything." Alcina says as she stands.
"Of course, I'm glad I was able to help and I am glad she is okay."
"What about me?!" Angie whines.
"You are nothing but a nuisance." She spits.
"Oh come on Alci! You're no fun!"
"Do not call me that."
"Ugh! No fun!"
Alcina decides to leave the room before she loses her quickly thinning patience and rips the doll to shreds. Making her way towards her bedroom, she hears a group of heartbeats coming from the room. Worried that some mutation happened, Alcina throws the door open to find her three girls sitting around you.
She's relieved and happily surprised when she sees Daniela laying next to you and Bela and Cassandra both sitting on the edge of the bed.
The four of you turn around when the door is thrown open and you see Alcina step into the room. A look of worry on her face melts into happiness as her eyes scan each of you.
"Hi mother! We hope you didn't mind us sending Angie to let you know y/n was awake, we didn't want to leave her." Daniela says, curled into you.
"As much as I detest that doll, I don't. Thank you for letting me know." She says as she walks further into the room and stands at the side of the bed in between Bela and Cassandra. She reaches out her hand and gently brushes the hair out of your face. "How are you feeling, draga?"
Truthfully, you still felt like shit, but you weren't in any pain anymore. Your body was sore and you felt exhausted.
"I'm okay, sore, tired."
"Daughters, why don't you go downstairs?"
Alcina's suggestion was met with a chorus of whines and displeasure.
"But mom!"
"Do we have to?"
"Because she needs to get cleaned up and rest."
"My word is final."
Reluctantly, the girls get up and make their way out of the room. But not before each giving you a hug, with Daniela kissing your head before floating away.
Alcina sits on the edge of the bed and gently cups your cheek, caressing you with her thumb. The two of you sit in a comfortable silence for a few moments.
As you look into her eyes you see the softness that made you fall in love with her. You can see how she's looking at you, with adoration, with love, with concern. For someone who wears such a strong mask all of the time, everything she's feeling and thinking is etched into her face right now. How can someone think of her as vicious? As evil? Your mind starts to spiral at the thought. How could she kill Stefana like that? How can she be so kind and loving, yet so ruthless? The push and pull of your thoughts start to overwhelm you and Alcina immediately picks up on it.
"What's the matter?"
"I-I'm just having a hard time processing everything, is all."
"I'm sure, between getting shoved down the stairs and then healed the way you were, it must be difficult."
"It's not only that." You say as you look down. "Its," you voice trails off and Alcina lets out a small sigh.
"How I killed her?"
Your eyes slowly look up, meeting hers. Expecting to see frustration in her eyes, you're surprised when the softness is still there.
"That, and that you killed her, period."
"Darling, you do know she's not the only person I've done that to, yes? She is far from the first person I've had to kill."
"How many people?"
Alcina pauses for a moment to think.
"I stopped counting decades ago, I believe I lost count around 75 or 80. I'm sure it's well into the hundreds by now, a thousand even."
She says it in such a casual manner you wouldn't believe she was talking about murder if someone joined in the conversation right then. This woman, the woman you love, has taken the lives of so many. It's not really something you thought about or took into consideration before this since you were never exposed to it.
Your mind begins to wander, spiraling a bit at the thought. Alcina notices you get lost and she pulls you out before you go into a complete spiral.
"Draga, I know this must be difficult for you, but you did know of the rumors surrounding this castle, didn't you? I heard you tell your aunt the day you were sold to me that they were sending you to your death. Surely you were aware of what goes on here."
"I was, but, I don't know. It's so hard making it make sense. It made sense when I thought everything in this castle was evil, that you were bloodthirsty and killed for fun. But now, I know you. I know your heart, I know that this castle isn't filled with evil, that you all just do what you have to to survive. You, the girls, you're all so amazing, and I love you all so much and it's so hard for me to think that you also do this horrible things too because that's not who you are."
"Oh, draga." She says as she lays down next to you and pulls you into her. "You are truly one of the sweetest souls I've ever come to know." Placing a kiss on your head, Alcina hugs you tighter. "I know it's difficult to rationalize, and I hope this doesn't change the way you feel towards me, towards the girls, but that is who we are. I believe Zina has said this before, nothing is 100% good or 100% evil. Yes, the girls and I have all of those wonderful qualities that you love, but we also have dark ones. Ones that make us monsters to the outside world. Humans are complex creatures, once there's a mutation involved, the complexity increases tenfold. I have to admit, I tried to shield you from the horrors that go on here as best as I could, it's one of the reasons I explicitly told you to stay away from the dungeons. But I knew in time that the façade would crumble and you would see what truly happens here. I just hoped it wouldn't be at your expense, and for that I am so deeply sorry."
Alcina hugs you a little tighter and buries her nose in your hair. Both Alcina's and Zina's words repeat in your head. "Nothing is 100% good or 100% evil." "They have good in them, sometimes you just have to look a little harder to see it." Trying to reconcile both parts of Alcina and the girls into one isn't something you're going to be able to do instantaneously, there's a part of you that's afraid you're going to lose your humanity if you do. But as you're laying here in Alcina's arms, the only thing that matters is how much you love her, how much you care for her and how much she loves you.
"I love you, Alcina." You whisper as you curl into her more.
"I love you more than you'll ever know, draga mea."
Alcina places a kiss on your temple and her hand goes to rest against the back of your head. As she does, you're both reminded of the dried blood matted in your hair. Honestly, you're still covered in blood, dried blood now, and even though Alcina changed, she still has a decent amount on her as well.
"You should get washed up, you still have blood caked in your hair." Alcina says softly. "Can you get up?"
She moves to let go of you and you try to sit up. There's no sharp pain, but your whole body hurts, your whole body feels like one gigantic bruise. Alcina notices you struggle and helps sit you up.
"Here, let me, I don't want you hurting yourself further." She stands up and scoops you into her arms bridal style and walks you into the bathroom.
"Let me help you bathe, I want to make sure all of the blood gets out of your hair."
"You have to shower too, right?" You ask.
"Yes, but I can do that after you're done." She says, smiling down at you.
"Would you, you don't have to, but, would you want to join me?"
"Draga, please don't feel like you have to-"
"I don't, I promise. I just want you close is all."
Alcina's heart is so full she feel like it's going to explode inside of her chest. As you look up at her with the biggest eyes, she falls in love all over again.
"Of course, draga mea."
She sits you on the bench and you start to take off your clothes as Alcina fills the tub and removes her dress and underwear. Normally when you see her naked, you immediately want to pounce on her. This time, all you see is her beauty. There's a nervousness to her you never would have expected, but oddly, it comforts you to know that even with the mutation she's still able to hold onto her humanity.
Alcina picks you up and brings you to the tub. After she steps in she lowers the both of you into the water.
You let out a soft hiss as the water hits your skin but you quickly adjust to the temperature.
"Is it too hot?" Alcina asks with concern in her voice.
"No, it's perfect, I just needed a second to adjust." You say as you look up at her.
She places a kiss on your forehead and lays your back against her chest. The dried blood from your skin runs into the water in light pink trails. Alcina cups the water in her hand and pours it over your back and shoulders, the warmth soothing you aching muscles. She pours some of the water over herself and you can feel the streams slide between your bodies. Scooting you forward, Alcina tilts your head back and begins to pour the water over your hair. Once she's satisfied, you're able to lift your head while she lathers the shampoo into her hands.
Looking down you realize that the water is stained pink, a sadness washes over you although you're unsure why. It's a big tub you're both in, for the water to be stained pink, there had to be a lot of blood on the two of you. You lift your hand from the water and watch as the pink liquid runs between your fingers back into the tub.
"Pay that no mind, draga mea." Alcina says as she begins to massage the shampoo into your scalp. She smirks when she hears you let out a sigh as she washes your hair. "Good," she hums. "just relax my pet, let me take care of you."
After she rinses out the shampoo, Alcina coats the ends of your hair with conditioner and begins to brush out the knots and matts. She washes out the conditioner and proceeds to shampoo and condition her own hair. Once she's finished with that, she pours a generous amount of soap onto a washcloth and begins to wash your body.
Alcina drags the washcloth across your skin with care, making sure she removes every ounce of stubborn dried blood that hasn't yet been washed away. As she washes you, she examines your body, her heart aching at every bruise she comes across.
The healing salve healed every cut and all of the major injuries you sustained, but tender bruises still remain. Where your ribs and wrist were once broken, deep purple bruises developed. As much as Alcina hates that they litter your body, it provides her some relief knowing you weren't exposed to too much of the mold. Enough to heal your major wounds, but not enough to cause any mutations or more harm.
She turns you around and holds your chin as she wipes the dried blood from your face. You watch her eyes as the scan every inch of your skin. Making sure not a single speck of blood is left. After one more once-over she nods to herself, satisfied. Her eyes flick down and meet yours and the corner of her lips curl into a faint smile. With your chin still between her thumb and forefinger, she tilts your face up and captures your lips in a gentle yet passionate kiss.
When her lips leave yours, she looks into your eyes for a few moments before placing a kiss on your forehead. The sensation of her lips lingers on your skin after she pulls away. Alcina turns you back around and washes herself. More trails of blood seep into the water as she washes off the remainder of the soap on her skin.
Alcina wraps her arm around your middle and pulls you into her. She reaches across the tub and pulls out the drain stopper. You watch as the blood stained water whirlpools around the drain and disappears. All of the blood, a mixture of yours and Stefana's, vanishing as if it was never there to begin with. Thinking the bath is done, you move to get up. Alcina pulls you tighter into her, keeping you in place.
"We are not quite finished yet draga. I want you to soak for a little longer. However, sitting in bloody water is not ideal so I am drawing a fresh bath."
When the water finally drains Alcina replaces the stopper and turns on the taps to fill the tub up once more. The sensation of the cool air against your wet skin sends a shiver down your spine and you shudder. Alcina feels you shake in her arms and pulls you closer. Her usually cool skin is now warm from the bath. The chill in your body melts as she wraps both of her arms around you while the tub continues to fill.
She shifts around behind you and you hear the clinking of glass bottles. You watch as she pours some of her oils and salts into the tub as it fills. The aromas rise through the steam, mixing and mingling together to form a relaxing and calming scent.
The two of you lay in the tub in a comfortable silence as the water continues to rise. Alcina rests her cheek on the top of your head and you feel her let out a heavy exhale. Tightening your grip a little on her arms that are wrapped around you, she hums in response and gently brushes her nose against the shell of your ear.
Alcina leans forward when the tub fills, her arm tightening around you, keeping you close to her, and turns off the taps. She rests against the back of the tub and you lean back against her chest. Another comfortable silence washes over the two of you as you relax in each others arms. Alcina's nails aimlessly dance along your sides and you trace random shapes across her thighs.
This truly feels like the longest day to ever exist. It feels like you were asked to help Alcina with filing days ago, not this morning. Like your confrontation with Stefana was so long ago. That all of the pain you endured from tumbling down the stairs didn't occur just a few hours ago. Especially since you sustained injuries that should have taken weeks to heal, not instantly. But now, here you were. Relaxing in the bath with Alcina holding you tightly against her. Without realizing it, you let out a sigh and allow yourself to fully relax into her.
"Are you alright, draga?" Alcina asks.
"Mhm." You hum. "It's just been a long day."
"It certainly has been." She says with a sigh. "I believe I still owe you an explanation." Craning your neck, you look up at her with confusion written across your face. "About the mold."
You feel the lightbulb go off in your head.
"Oh, right. What is it?"
"I might as well start from the beginning if I want to give you an accurate picture." She says.
Alcina begins to tell you about how Miranda lost her daughter, Eva, and came across the Megamycete, also known as The Black God and it bestowed her incredible powers. From there, she began experimenting on residents of the village to try and find a "vessel" that could host her daughters consciousness that lived on in the Megamycete. Eventually, she created the Cadou, a parasite that causes the host to mutate in hopes of creating a perfect vessel for Eva. Miranda used the parasite on the descendants of the four founders of the village. Donna, Karl, Salvatore and herself.
"I was the first successful experiment." Alcina says. "And by 'successful,' I mean I didn't die or turn into a moroaică or a lycan. But in Miranda's eyes I was still considered a failure because I was not an acceptable vessel for Eva."
"Why not?"
"Because the cadou didn't necessarily cure my blood disease. Instead, I now rely on the blood of humans to survive."
The puzzle pieces in your mind begin to fall into place.
"What was it like? When you got the cadou?"
"It was horrific. I had never experienced pain like that in my entire life. Every second was more painful and excruciating than the last. It took weeks for my mutation to complete and I was given nothing to help with the pain."
"Wait, so she just let you suffer?"
"Yes. She wanted to document how it affected my body and needed me to be conscious to properly document the outcome."
"So you just woke up in pain and continued to be in pain for weeks?"
"There was no 'waking up in pain.'"
"I don't understand."
Alcina sighs and you look up. Her eyes have a faraway look in them as she recalls the procedure.
"I was dying, as I told you before. Mother Miranda promised me immortality, great power, endless beauty, and a cure. With nothing left to lose I immediately accepted her offer and met her here in the village. She brought me into her lab and briefly explained the procedure. Not once did she mention the torture I was about to endure. I stripped and laid down on the operating table. Mother Miranda strapped me down and it wasn't until then did I think I may have made a mistake. That she was not honest with her intentions. But it was too late. She carved into my body and implanted the cadou."
"And you were awake the whole time?"
"Yes. I felt every single thing she did to me." You look up at her with concern in your eyes. Alcina looks down at you and sees the look on your face. "Please don't fret about it draga mea, it was a very, very long time ago."
"But still-"
"But still nothing, what has happened has happened. There is nothing either one of us can do that will change the past. The only thing I can do now is protect you from experiencing the torture I endured."
Nodding your head, you lean back against Alcina who wraps her arms around you again.
"So what happened after that?"
She continues to explain how Miranda trusted her, made her a Lord, and even allowed her to conduct her own experiments on maids of the castle under Miranda's supervision.
"So you implanted the cadou into your maids? Is that what Miranda came for the first time I met her?"
"Yes. The experiments still take place in the laboratory in the dungeons." A shiver crawls up your spine and doesn't go unnoticed by Alcina. There it is again, that push and pull between viewing Alcina as the woman you love and the ruthless murderer she is.
"You put them through the same torture that you went through?"
"Essentially. Most of the moroaică, were dead maids before implanting the cadou into them. But yes, some maids were alive when they were experimented on."
"Why would you do that? If you knew how horrible it was, why would you knowingly put someone else through the same thing?!"
"It's complicated, draga. Mother Miranda did not give me a choice in the beginning. And in order to survive, I needed flesh and blood. I was revolted at first, truly. The thought of killing people, eating them, drinking their blood was awful. But as time went on, I became accustomed to what I had to do to survive."
"Do you enjoy it?"
"Enjoy what?"
"Killing people, eating them, drinking their blood? All of it."
"Do you really want to know the answer to that?"
You pause for a moment to consider her question. Is that really an answer you need? Will you be able to live with yourself if you say no, will you be able to sleep at night not knowing how she feels? Although you have a feeling you already know what her answer will be. What if she says yes? Will you be able to live with yourself for loving someone who enjoys such horrific things? No matter how you answer her question, no answer is going to sit right with you.
The newfound relationship between you and Alcina is being rebuilt on trust and honesty. How can you possibly keep that going if you don't give her the opportunity to be honest with you? Even if it's at your expense. No, you don't want to know the answer, but she deserves the opportunity to be honest with you.
"No, not really. But it would be wrong for me to deny you the chance to be honest with me about these things. So, no, I don't want to know, but you deserve the chance to tell me the truth, regardless of how I'm going to feel about it."
"Draga, are you sure?"
"Ask me again."
"Do you enjoy killing people?"
Even though you knew what her answer was going to be deep down, her confession washed over you like a bucket of cold water. Here you were, laying in the arms of a true predator. Someone who enjoyed killing, who took pleasure in torturing people. She could rip you to shreds in an instant and would probably be able to find the joy in it even though she loves you.
Yet somehow, you still loved her. It made your stomach twist in all of the wrong ways knowing you were in love with someone like that. It made you begin to question your own sanity. Your mind raced a million miles an hour as you tried to sort through the thousands of thoughts and emotions that began to surface. Alcina was well aware of the fact that you were struggling to process what she said, that you were trying to make sense of it. She sat there in silence with her arms wrapped around you for a few minutes, allowing you time to process everything. She finally broke the silence when she felt you were starting to spiral.
"I know it's not easy to understand, or to accept." Alcina says, brushing your hair away from your face and pulling you back to reality. "I know how you see me, how you see the girls. You see the parts of us that the rest of the world refuses to believe exists. You see the humanity in us and I cannot begin to describe how wonderful it has been to be viewed as human instead of a monster. But we are both. We are humans. Mutants would perhaps be a more accurate term. Regardless, we are humans and monsters, draga mea." You recoil a little when you hear Alcina call herself and the girls monsters. It makes your blood want to boil. "I despise when people call us monsters, I truly do. But part of the reason that I hate it so much is because there is truth to it. It's an ugly, horrible truth, but it's the truth. We are monsters, draga. Even though we are more than that, it's still apart of who we are."
"Then what does that make me? Does it mean that I've lost my humanity? Don't get me wrong, I hate that you enjoy hurting people, it makes me feel sick. But it doesn't make me love you or the girls any less. That scares me Alcina."
Alcina's knuckle rests under your chin and she guides your gaze up towards her. Her golden eyes are glowing and you lose yourself in them for a moment.
"It makes you the most kind, most understanding person I've ever met. I never thought that anyone would ever be able to see past the horrors. That we would only ever be seen as monsters. Then you came along. For the first time since I became what I am today, a human saw me as more than just a monster. You saw the humanity in me I thought I lost long ago. You have every right to be scared, but I promise, no matter what, I will keep you safe. I will never harm you and I will do everything to ensure that no harm ever comes to you again."
And you believed her. There are probably hundreds, thousands of people who would call you stupid for believing her, but none of them know Alcina like you do. If she says you're safe, that she would never hurt you, that she would go to the ends of the earth to protect you, it's the truth.
She goes on to explain one particular experiment where the cadou was used on three maids. Over the course of a week, blowflies consumed their bodies and eventually assimilated their DNA and were able to reform as the maids. They became the Countess's three daughters. Bela woke up first, then Cassandra and then finally Daniela.
"They were all deemed failures, unacceptable vessels for Eva because of their vulnerability to the cold. None of them remember their lives before the cadou implantation and when they awoke I immediately formed a bond with them. Miranda decided to gift the girls to me, for me to raise as my own. After decades of being in this castle alone and isolated, aside from the maids, I finally had a family of my own, three beautiful daughters. It was the happiest day of my life."
You look up at Alcina and immediately notice the beautiful glow in her eyes as she thought back on the memory. A smile ghosting her lips as she talked about the girls. Her eyes slowly shift down to you and lock with yours. She leans down and places a kiss on your forehead and holds you tighter.
"So the mold I drank came from the Black God?"
"Yes, although there were only traces of the mold in the salve. It was not composed entirely of mold which is why you remained unaffected by it. I suspect that only drinking half of the bottle and throwing up most of what you did drink was also a factor."
"Will I have a higher tolerance to it now since I've drank it?"
"I do not know draga. Truthfully, I would never like to find out. The risks associated with infecting you with the mold or the cadou are dangerous. I will fight to the death to keep you from experiencing it, to keep you safe. To keep me from losing you. I can't lose you draga mea. I can't. I won't." Her tone becomes harsh and protective as her grip around you tightens. "Especially after today. I thought you were- I stopped hearing your heartbeat- you were on the floor, in a pool of blood-" Alcina shakes her head and squeezes her eyes shut, holding back tears. "I can't lose you. I'm certain it would kill me."
Even in her tight grip, you manage to turn around and wrap your arms around her neck. Alcina cradles the back of your head with one hand and the other sprawls out across your back.
"I love you, Alcina."
"Si eu te iubesc draga mea." (I love you too my darling.)
The two of you hold each other for a few minutes. Never have you felt more vulnerable, more in love, or felt this close to Alcina as you lay there skin-to-skin.
Neither of you realized the bath water had gone cold until goosebumps covered across your skin.
Alcina holds you close to her, her hand still against your back, and leans forward to pull the drain plug. She stands with you in her arms and grabs an extra large towel to wrap around the both of you. Exhaustion begins to make itself known in your body as she carries you into the bedroom. Alcina dries the both of you off and sits you down on the bed. She walks over to the wardrobe and pulls out two nightgowns in two very different sizes. The smaller one for you, the much larger one for herself.
Once you're both dressed, Alcina pulls down the duvet and you wiggle underneath it. She gracefully slides under the sheets next to you and covers you both with the duvet once more. You cuddle into Alcina as close as you possibly can and she chuckles. Sliding her arm underneath you, Alcina rolls onto her back and pulls you on top of her.
"Goodnight my love." She says as she places a kiss on your forehead.
"Goodnight Alcina." Your voice barely a whisper as you drift off to sleep.
When you wake up your whole body feels cold and sore. As your eyes flicker open, it takes them a moment to adjust to the dim light. You have no idea where you are. Sitting up in a daze, you realize you're laying on a cold, stone floor. A piercing scream jolts you out of your daze and you stand up.
"Alcina?" You call out with a shaking voice.
A second scream rings out and your eyes dart around as you try to figure out your surroundings.
"Where am- is this the dungeon?" You think to yourself. Another scream echoes through the air.
Turning to your left you see the rusted cell door is open and you step out into the dungeon. More noises echo down the hall and you follow them as your heart beats wildly in your chest.
Terrifying cackles and giggles grow louder and louder. The hall opens up to a larger room and you see three cloaked figures bending over something. The closer you get you realize they're on top of someone, a maid, who's flailing underneath them.
"Daniela? Bela? Cass?"
The girls turn around and you immediately notice there's blood covering their faces and running down the front of their dresses. Their eyes are wide and wild. Looking down, you freeze when you see Stefana on the floor, reaching out towards you. She has massive chunks bitten from her flesh.
"Help me! Please!" She screams. "They're monsters!"
You take a few shaking steps backwards and fall as the girls walk towards you.
"Alcina!" You cry out.
The sound of a dark chuckle fills your ears and a figure emerges from the shadows. Looking up, you freeze in fear when you see Alcina. Her eyes are swirling gold and she has the most sinister look on her face. She walks up to Stefana and looks down, her smile growing wider. Alcina reaches down and lifts Stefana by her shirt.
"Please-" Stefana begins to scream but Alcina bites down hard on her throat and rips it out. Blood splatters everywhere and you let out a blood-curdling scream.
Alcina tosses Stefana's body away and continues her walk towards you. The girls step aside so their mother could pass and Alcina stops in front of you.
She bends down to get closer to you. You can see the blood dripping from her chin, the crimson color blending in perfectly with her lipstick. You can smell the fresh blood, see how it coats her teeth. You look into her eyes and you don't see the soft, loving look you're so used to. In it's place is a feral, wild, terrifying look.
"Alcina," you sob.
"What's the matter, draga? Are you afraid?" Her tone is condescending, like she's mocking you. All you can do is nod your head as tears fall down your cheeks.
Alcina snatches you by the neck and stands up to her full height, keeping you eye-level with her. You dig your nails into her wrist, desperately trying to get her to let you go.
"Alcina, please! You said you would never hurt me!"
Her laugh is low and dark, it shoots fear straight through you.
"And you actually believed me? Silly girl." She says before she unsheathes her claws.
"Please! Alcina! I love you! Please don't, please!"
"This is what you get when you love a monster."
She reels her arm back and slashes at you. The last thing you see are her swirling gold eyes before everything goes dark.
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fiona-fififi · 2 months
Tease Tidbit Tuesday
Anyone want some Tommy Outsider POV? This is a little first 118 get together at Eddie's place after Buck and Tommy start seeing one another fic. Don't know how I feel about it. But I'm writing it, so. have some.
Tagged by @transboybuckley and also @messyhairdiaz at some point and possibly others. I don't know. Tumblr had me shadowbanned for like a full month, so I apologize for any tags I missed. But I have my blog back and I have words (probably more than I should share because it might be half the fic, but fuck it, why not??)
They make it to Eddie's twenty minutes later than they were supposed to. Tommy’s still fretting a little over the time because it's on him and a late shift, but Buck laughs him off, rolls his eyes when he spots the text Tommy sends Eddie's way, both before and upon their arrival. Buck swings the Jeep into the driveway behind Eddie's truck, and Tommy can't help the way his brows furrow at that, because there are vehicles lining the curb, including some he recognizes, and he would have expected Buck to follow suit. Instead, though, he takes the space like it's his, and hops out of the Jeep with a bounce in his step. “Can you grab the beers?” Buck requests as he pops open the back door to gather the cupcakes Christopher had requested. Tommy doesn't respond, just opens up the door on his own side and starts gathering the cases in the back. When he reaches for the extra six-pack on the floor, Buck stops him with a click of his tongue. “Ah, I'll grab that one.” He scoops it into his free hand, balancing the tray of cupcakes on his other arm. “Eddie's favorite,” he supplies then, when he notices Tommy watching him curiously, like that's somehow supposed to mean more than it does to Tommy. Still, he shrugs it off, and gathers the remaining two cases, following Buck to the house as an odd tightness settles over his shoulders, a telltale sign of anxiety he's not sure why he's feeling. He's been here before; it shouldn't be weird. And yet, there's something about the way Buck just walks in. Doesn't call or knock or even pause. Just pops the door open and heads to the kitchen. And maybe that's not strange. Everyone's in the backyard. No one would have heard a knock at all. But there's something in the comfort Buck feels. Something in the way he takes up space, in the way he just walks in. In the way he rearranges the contents of the refrigerator like it's his own, hiding the six-pack near the back, so no one gets into it before Eddie. And they're Eddie's favorite, but Tommy knows he'll see Buck with one in his hand before the night's over, because he's seen it before. Watched Eddie dole out from the standard stock for everyone else, only to place a matching bottle in Buck's hands after he wanders off to grab his own. It's not something that bothers him. But it's something he's noticed.
Gonna be honest, I'm not sure how much of my taglist I remember because it's been so long, so I apologize to anyone I forget, but I'm tagging @messyhairdiaz @spotsandsocks @shortsighted-owl @reachingforaspark @eddiebabygirldiaz @daffi-990 @elvensorceress and anyone who wants to share.
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romanarose · 3 months
If You Wanna be Wild: Chapter 7
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Co-written with @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction my beloved Fen, who I could not do this without. Thank you for being my emotional sounding board, my dear friend, my wonderful cowriter and helpful beta reader. I adore you.
Javier Peña x Latina!sex worker!informant!Reader x Santiago Garcia
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Series Masterlist : Read on AO3
Summary: Everything falls apart and evryone is alone.
Content and warnings for whole fic, not chapter by chapter unless something is added: Sex work, drug trade, some drug use/pressured used, sex workers and the mistreatment/stigma surrounding them specifically in the 70’s (my blog is sex worker positive) but ima put potential dub con depending how you look at it as a sex worker who works with dangerous men, some action surrounding reader and the guys and the drug trade, SMUT HEAVY, corruption kink (were corrupting santi here, he’s young, 25), no loss of virginity tho, threesomes, some slight m/m smut but that’s not the focus here, but as you know this blog is an lgbt blog so I’m always open to gay shit. Talk of war and some PTSD but I won't be going a whole lot into it. Covert/emotional incest in the past, Santi's mommy issues, m/m dynamics, internalized bi/homophobia
Reader speaks Spanish and has hair. I've decided Candy is just latina bc she's a sex worker in Colombia so this is what I'm doing. Reader also has curly hair and dark skin.
ADDITIONAL WARNINGS!:mentions of rape an violence, what happened to Helena, smut, repressed feelings, angst.
Almost everything was written by Fen <3
2.7k words
Support writers! Reblog and comment!
There was no making up. There was no Javi bringing Santi food as an apology, there was no talking. 
When Santi walked into the office on Monday, he saw the fucking desks rearranged, Javier’s and Santi’s on other sides of the room instead of pushed face to face. Santi quickly rushed to the bathroom where he panic vomited and had an anxiety attack, resulting in him being 45 minutes late. Javi didn’t say anything about it.
Where Santi couldn’t eat, Javi couldn’t stop eating, munching down food and taking frequent trips to the vending machine. His doctor was going to kill him. Santi could barely function, even coming in late or leaving early which was a cardinal sin in his book. Still, none of it stopped him from seeing Candy. Occasionally Candy asked about him because all month Javi hadn’t been to see her either. Santi couldn’t get much answer either.
They worked, but mostly separately. Javi had even been trying to find somewhere else to work, but there weren’t exactly free rooms in the precinct. They talked occasionally but only about Lorea… making Santi desperately lonely. He had his family and he loved his tias, but they weren’t Javi. It was the day of the rally for the beatification of Laura Montoya, which forced them to be in close proximity as they dressed in plain clothes and scouted the area for any sign of the Lorea family. Not wanting to look too much like officers on alert, Santi tried making conversation, none of which was working with Javi, only getting few word answers. 
The boy was going to drive him absolutely batshit insane if he didn’t stop talking. It was bad enough he kept asking. ‘Should we get food’ or ‘it’s nice out today’, but his voice mixed with the crowds and noise and music and chatter or the rally, people shouting about whoever it was they were here for, politicians trying to stop them and constantly flashbacks of that night of the ball… Then Santi had to go and say 
“She misses you.”
“You mentioned her name one more fucking time and I’ll-”
“You’ll fucking what?” Santi snapped, his nerves had twisted, hardened suddenly by rage. 
His anger took Javi by surprise, he’d never heard him speak like that to anyone let alone him. 
Santi took his pause as indignation. “I mentioned Candy once. Once. And that’s only because you haven’t seen her, or called her or anything!” He hissed. “She’s worried about you actually, she-”
It was Javi’s turn to snap. 
He grabbed the younger man by the back of his collar and pulled him into a side alley, using his own momentum against him and slamming him up against the brick wall. 
Sant let out a little huff of air as his back collided, gritting his jaw as pain raced along his back. 
The action had been forceful, but not enough to cause discomfort for most people. However, a rough, uneven lump of mortar had poked oddly against the scar at the nape of his neck, sending a tingle down his back.
Javi rammed the heel of his hand into the wall next to Santi’s head, using his height to his full advantage as he leaned over him like he was interrogating a suspect instead of a colleague. A friend. 
Santi breathed hard, his frown pinching his eyebrows together, and Javi would say he even looked cute if he wasn’t so bloody annoying, so obsessed with getting under his skin. Unable to let anything go, constantly digging at him in his self-righteous attitude, just needing to push, and push, and push, and…
Cute. The thought caught him off guard. When had he started to think of Santiago as cute?
“What the fuck are you doing Peña?” He growled, puffing his chest out, but not pushing back. 
Javi shook his head slightly, trying to break his racing mind, trying to get back to reality. “Candy, look, you can’t just-”
“She’s an adult Javi, I can-”
“You’re going to get her killed!” His voice raised at the end, louder and more desperate than he had intended, with just the slightest waver. He hoped Santi didn’t hear it, but he probably did. Nothing got past him. “Do you understand?” Santi glared at him, the muscles in his jaw flexing. Those stupid large doe eyes looking painfully dark and enticing. “You’re flaunting her. Taking her to the ball and, and-”
Santi scoffed. “That’s none of your business, I asked her, I-”
“You’re gonna get her gutted and dumped on the side of the road!” Javier screamed, haunting flashbacks to Helena’s beaten and raped body, wrapping his coat around her and having to carry her out, not sure if she was dying or not. “You know how easy it would be for Lorea to do something? This isn’t even a put two and two together situation, Pope, it’s you waving a four right in his fucking face! And what do you think is gonna happen when he takes her, huh? When he beats her and rapes her an tortures her to get information on YOU!” 
Santi swallows, his face still hard, but that little bob of his Adam’s apple draws Javier’s eye, but he doesn't respond. Javier lowers his voice, fist still gripping Santi’s jacket.
“She’s not gonna give you up, she’s not gonna help them hurt you. She’s gonna end up dead. You’re gonna…” He closed his eyes for a moment, took a small breath. It was easier not to look at him, not to have to stare at his soft eyes and plump lips. “You’re gonna end up dead too, Pope. I can’t… I’ve seen it, okay?”  
Javier screwed up his face, opening his eyes so that he could look at Santi man to man. Implore him to see reason. 
“I’m not telling you to stop seeing her, I’m just saying.... I’ve seen shit happen to girls in her line of work. To officers like you that are still wet behind the ears to this kind of thing-” The second it was out of his mouth, he knew he’d made a mistake. 
“I’m not a fucking child, Peña.” Santi hissed, pressing forward and getting up in Javier’s face. “I know that’s what everyone at the station seems to think and all their little Virgin Maria mierda. I don’t care. I don’t give a fuck if all they see is that.” He pushes firmly on Javier’s chest, almost smacking as he punctuates his sentence. “But I thought you’d know better! I was black ops special agent, I spend years of my life in almost every goddamn continent doing retcon, assassinations, covert operations and rescuing women and children and getting SHOT! I’m not-”
“I’m not saying you’re a child-”
“You are! You are!” Santiago growls, smacking Javi’s chest repeatedly. He doesn’t care that he does sound like a child in that moment, arguing relentlessly on semantics. His emotions are bubbling over and muddying his head. “You’re saying that you know best. That your word is law. Despite all you do to endanger Candy!”
“I do n-”
“You do! You think you’re above it all, you’re just as bad, you pretend to care but you-”
“Shut your fucking mouth, Garcia!”
“Make me!”
He doesn’t think. 
There’s always times he doesn’t think. When he gets too lost in whatever emotion he’s letting overwhelm him. Sometimes rage. Sometimes guilt. Usually negative either way. That’s where Santi is a good partner, keeping a cool and level head while Javi plays bad cop.
Usually ends up with him throwing a punch, not a kiss. 
Santi knew ‘make me’ was childish. Knew it was playground nonsense reserved for kids still in single digits. But if everyone was going to keep calling him that, keep pretending that he wasn’t the only actual goddamned adult in the room then-
Javier’s lips on his steal his breath away, rob him of every thought that has ever run through his mind. And, for once, it’s blissfully quiet. The anxieties pushed away for the peace of a lover's kiss.
Javi presses closer, pushing Santiago further into the wall and cupping his face with his warm hand as he kisses him, body to body, warmth to warmth. Darting out his tongue to just trace Santi’s bottom lip and groans when he parts them immediately, no hesitation, and lets him lick into his mouth. 
The angle’s a little awkward, Javier’s body trapping Santi’s hand between their chests. But Santiago’s fingers curl into his shirt, pulling him closer as his kisses leave him breathless and desperate for more.
Javier’s leg bumps into his and Santi moves a step, moaning softly and then whining as his thigh presses against his half hard cock, a sharp spike of pleasure running up his spine and- 
His thoughts all come crashing down. What the fuck, what the fuck  was he doing? His mother’s voice rang in his head, screaming his name. 
He could get arrested for this, thrown in jail, worse. He was going to burn in hell.
Santi pulled back quickly, disentangling himself from Javier so quickly that both men nearly fell. He turned, not giving the older man a second look, and ran out of the alley into the crowded street. 
He didn’t even hear Javier call his name. 
“Are you okay, baby?” You asked, your naked body covering Santiago while giving him tender kisses, scooting yourself up and down his cock. You loved to tease him, get him whimpering and watch as all those troublesome thoughts left his pretty little head. He was too pretty to be so worried all the time.
He’d been stressed on and off about Javi, occasionally bringing it up, but you think he stopped when he realized it upset you. You were really good at pretending to care when old professors droned on and on about academic works or when men talked about themselves or complained about their wives and mothers again and again and again. You could’ve faked not being upset when Santi, but you didn’t fake anything with him. Javi’s absence hurt your feelings. You were worried about him, and you were angry at him for abandoning you and hurting Santi. For continuing to hurt his feelings. Bitch.
But honestly… you just miss him. A lot. It would take more than a poster to patch this, he’d have to make things right with Santi too, but you’d forgive him. You just wanted him back, and you wanted Santi happy again. He was already thin enough, and as your body slid up and down the sweaty length of him, you could feel he’d lost weight. 
Santi moaned loudly, gripping onto your hips as you bounced on his length, his eyes rolling back in his head as your heat engulfs him over and over. Pulling him deeper and deeper. 
The fat tip of his cock presses deliriously, perfectly rubbing over your walls with every slick slide. Stretching you so wonderfully like he was made for you. He was, he really, really was. Something was bothering him today, and he was finding solace in you. You were happy to give it to him. Pushing all other thoughts out of your head. 
He whines, babbling nonsensically with his eyes closed, “please, please, please,” He rocks up against you, letting his body override his brain as you fuck him into the mattress. “Please, gonna come, please, need you so much,” he gasps, almost sobbing from pleasure. 
You stroke his cheek and pick up your pace, even if he hasn’t said you could tell how close he was. The way his stomach muscles tense, how his eyes are screwed shut and head thrown back into the pillow, “it’s okay, it’s okay, you can come, give it all to me.”
He shakes his head rapidly, “no, please,” he moans, “need you, need mommy to come, please.” 
His whines change in pitch, the little sounds getting higher and higher as he reaches the point of no return. His mouth hangs open, his skin flushed and sweaty, and heat floods to your core. 
You brace yourself with your left hand on his leg behind you as you ride him, leaning back ever so slightly to change the angle just enough that he continuously hits perfectly inside, stretching you to your limit. 
Santi sobs, the position change sending a buzz up his spine, pressing on the thick length of his cock to a surprisingly maddening degree. His whole body pulsed, stealing the air from his lungs.
He bucks up once, his eyes fluttering open in surprise as he comes, his length pulsating. He empties himself deep inside you, his orgasm stretching onwards and overtaking every possible thought. 
You smile as you watch him, happy to see him so blissed out. You ride him throughout his high, trying to prolong his sensations as long as possible. He deserved it.
He sighs, shivering with aftershocks as he comes back to himself and looks up at you. You open your mouth to speak, the words on the tip of your tongue.
Santi grabs you by the hips, urging you up and off him and pulling your aching pussy onto his face. He lets out a small groan at the mess he made, his cum leaking out of your folds before he runs the tip of his tongue through them. 
You bite back a moan, grabbing onto his hair for stability as his mustache brushes against your clit.
His mouth feels like heaven as he lick and swirls around your clit, his movements soft but certain, quickly pushing you towards your peak.
Instinctively you buck your hips, grinding down on his mouth to chase your high. He rocks you against him, urging you tp move and fuck his eager tongue. 
“Santi…” you whine as you come hard against him, pulling fiercely on his hair. 
He continues licking, moaning against you as he drinks down every drop of your release. 
You breathe heavily, boneless for a moment before slowly moving away to lay down next to him. 
He pouts a little as you settle. “I wasn’t finished.” He smiles cheekily, your cum shining all over the bottom half of his face,
You giggle, and gently swat his arm and cuddle up next to him. Santi didn’t need instruction, scooting his back to your chest. In your arms, where he belonged. You loved being like this with him, but somehow it always felt like something was missing. You loved when Javi used to hold you, protecting you with a strong arm around your body, but again, you felt like something was missing, in your arms this time instead of around you.
You kiss the scar on his spine. “Good boy, Santito.”
It happened so fast. Santi teanses and you barely have a second to register how he turns to you, his eyes widen in panic, his skin turning ashen before he’s up, out of bed and pulling on his clothes so fast that it shouldn’t have been possible. What the fuck? Did you do something wrong?
“Santi?” you start, trying to keep your voice soft but unable to hide the fear that has overcome your words.Why is he leaving? What did you do wrong? Did you mess up things with Santi too, the one good thing left? You barely sit up before he’s shoving a handful of dollars at you, practically just throwing them in your direction and the bed. 
“Here.” His voice is quiet, distant. Like he’s not really there. A stark comparison to his panicked, edgy movements. He doesn’t even bother tying his shoes, simply shoving his feet inside them and stumbling towards the door.
“Wait, Sant-”
He slams the door on his way out. 
Leaving your bed cold, and you alone.
It was supposed to be sex, talking. Build a nice repour. That was it. You were good at it too, making old ugly men think you were infatuated, but yourself detached from even the most charming and attractive. Something happened with Javi and Santi, a line that became blurred, friendship and genuine attraction and care. Now they were gone. 
You hate yourself for how hard you cry.
thank you so much to everyone whose stuck around while i sort my SHIT OUT (its never ending)
If you like me writing javi, i wrote a drable today too, and if you wanna see a totally insane version of santi, come to rooms on fire!
be sure to give @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction a follow, he's amazing and my everything. they are pumping out AMAZING works rn for the moon knight bingo.
I appriciate you all very very much, please let know your thoughts in the comment!!!
I know you've stuck around for this song, please drop a comment and say hiiiiii!!!!
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