#i know luke is 31 but he can pull of a man in his 20s
dollypopup · 5 months
FINE, if no one else is gonna say it. . .
it is WEIRD that we as a fandom are so okay with Debling being a 'serious' option for Penelope. She is a 19 year old woman. She is a third daughter from an unpopular family who has no father. This is a 30 year old man, 40, even, who is pursuing a teenager. All the 'oh, he notices her as a woman!'
and none of us are asking why it is that a seemingly 'perfect' guy is out here going for a woman on the outskirts of her society, who most people do not pay attention to? a powerful man with a lot of money and a title pursuing a woman who is largely unnoticed in her world, in a family without a father, who doesn't have, on the surface, any other options? our fandom doesn't talk about how big of a power imbalance they have between them, or even how Penelope is being styled to look extra young in contrast to him?
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she looks like his DAUGHTER. He's even styled to be a more mature man in their society. Compare him to the fashions of younger men. Clean shaven, sleeker lines in their fashion,
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He is, in fact, most comparable to Will, who is a married man with three children.
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Debling legit looks like he could be her father. That is NOT a 20 year old man. That man is in his 30s at best, and in his 40s at worst. Which gives him and Pen a decade or two of age difference. Add on the fact that he's titled and she's a literal teenager, and it just gives me the MAJOR ick.
People are praising the idea that Debling makes Penelope feel like a 'woman' but as someone who has been a 19 year old woman with much older men interested in me (especially a PLUS SIZE 19 year old woman with older men interested in me) claiming I am oh so mature, it's. . .uh, not usually a GOOD thing?
We'll demonize Colin for being a 22 year old man who doesn't see Penelope as a romantic option because for the grand majority of the time he's known her, she's been a minor, but see absolutely nothing wrong with the idea that the production has given her a suitor who is an outsider of their society, who could take her away wherever if she actually agrees to marry him, and now have this 19 year old woman no one is going to really check on to do with as he so pleases? And we're wanting him to. . .what? Make out with her? Take her virginity? Just the thought of that makes me deeply uncomfortable.
We'll talk about the power imbalance between Colin and Penelope, about how he has experience that she doesn't and how that can cause concern, but absolutely NOTHING about the ACTUALLY CONCERNING power imbalance between her and Debling? Colin is 22 and a third son, he and Penelope have known each other for years, he is safe. He would never take advantage of her or lead her astray, he cares about her as a person and then comes to love her and desire her in ways outside of friendship. Debling has known her for less than a month, is likely in his mid thirties, has a title and money and power, and felt okay with feeling up on her in public in an era when holding HANDS was considered scandalous.
Imma need us to give Monopoly Man more smoke because I am confused as to how he's oh so perfect and yet the option he chose for a wife is an unpopular and financially unstable 19 year old woman who is largely ignored in society. None of us find that weird?
Meanwhile, we have Colin who has, yes, held Penelope's hand and called her by her Christian name, but has also complimented her on things that aren't just her appearance, and who has asked how she's been, and tried to help her, and called her his friend, and wrote her letters, and cared about her, and I reiterate, is much much closer to her in age and can relate to her considerably more.
The whole 'oh, well Penelope should sleep with Debling to give her and Colin more even ground' is CREEPY. Colin slept around with sex workers on his travels because that's the regency appropriate safe and responsible way to explore such things for men of his age and status. He is following examples his brothers, whom he trusts and loves deeply, have set for him. He is not exploiting anyone. He is paying for a service and that service is being provided. And he's an attractive man who is young and respectful, these women are FINE, so don't go pearl clutching over how he's being oh so fetishistic just because he's exploring kink. Penelope doing these things with Debling would be HIM taking advantage of HER, and putting her in a very vulnerable and scary position. If that actually happens, what options does she have? He could say he ruined her and that would be game over for her, she has no other choices or options outside of that. And if it's actually true, she is TRAPPED.
I need this fandom to be so serious here right now. You don't ship Pebling. You ship Penelope being seen as desirable, and COLIN finds Penelope desirable. He will make that very VERY evident. We don't need an almost 40 year old man to pursue her and do nothing but compliment how hot she is and feel up on her in public to do that. He doesn't see her as a person, but Colin does. We should be rooting for one of these men, and it's not the one a lot of us are.
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nevertheless-moving · 4 years
Invisible Hand Chaos AU x 2
Star Wars Time Travel AU #31
Continuation from HERE
Anakin whirled to face his Master, “Did you know Yoda had a baby?” he asked incredulous and slightly betrayed.
“What? No. Also he could just be another of Yoda’s species. Obviously.” Internally Obi-Wan thought about the still unnamed larva in a hidden aquatic creche, but the Mandalorian’s associate even called him Baby Yoda...
“Unbelievable,” Dooku muttered. “That little green hypocrite.”
“Did you know about this?” Anakin asked the Sith Lord, temporarily forgetting about the fight in favor of the revelation that Yoda might also have a secret family.
“Of course not, the troll never tells anyone anything,” Dooku ranted, deliberately setting aside the fight in favor of unloading decades of suppressed irritation with his former Master.
“I feel we might be jumping to conclusions here-” Obi-Wan offered weakly. 
Anakin scoffed. “He literally just called him Baby Yoda,”
“Loathe as I am to admit it, your apprentice is correct. It would seem the Grandmaster of the order has been keeping some secrets.”
“This is absurd!” Obi-Wan protested as the small child on the balcony above tilted his head curiously, watching the conversation below with interest from the safety of his Buir’s arms. 
“I agree.” Anakin said self-righteously. “If Yoda can have a baby then- then everyone in the order should be allowed a family.”
“Anakin, as interesting is this all is, I’m still in somewhat of a bind over here,” the Chancellor called across the hall, irritated and somewhat alarmed by the sudden outbreak of peace in the room.
“We’ll be right with you Chancellor, don’t worry!” Obi-Wan called back. 
“We just need a minute to figure some Jedi business out!” Anakin added. 
“You there- Mandalorian” Dooku called up sharply. 
“...Yeah?” the Besker-clad warrior answered uncertainly.
“What is the parentage of the child in your arms? How did you come to possess him?” The count's question cut through everything else in the room, and the two Jedi held their breath as they waited for the answer.
The Mandalorian pulled Grogu in closer, “He is a foundling. I know his name as my child.”
“Mandalorians,” Obi-Wan and Dooku muttered, Obi-Wan fondly, Dooku with exasperation.
“What?” Anakin asked bewildered.
“The Mandalorian adopted him- hold on a second, I’m going to try something.” Obi-Wan said.
“Mando! Forgive me- Have you already attempted to return your foundling to his people and been denied? If not, we can show you where to find an elder of his kind.”
The Mandalorian stiffened. “I already found one of his people. It took a great deal of time; neither of us knew there were any others left in the galaxy. By the time I met Luke...the child was mine and we would not be parted long. The three of us began traveling together. He acted as mentor to Grogu, though he is too young to be considered the boy’s senior. In time...we decided it would be simpler to raise him as a warrior together. We are one.”
“Oh. How wonderful.” Obi-Wan said weakly. 
Anakin’s brow furrowed furiously and he lowered his voice “Master did I get that right? This guy is really good friend’s with one of Yoda’s people but the friend is not the Child’s biological father and they don’t know anyone else from the species?”
“He actually said he was married to one of one of Yoda’s people but other than that your conclusions are correct. Very good Padawan.” Obi-Wan nodded, attempting to wrap his head around the various implications.
Dooku made a triumphant hum, “Then, by simple inductive reasoning, and in the absence of an alternative candidate, we can assume that the Child is, in-fact, Yoda’s offspring.”
“Exactly!” Anakin agreed with Dooku excitedly. 
“Interesting that he would give the spawn to a Mandalorian, rather than the creche. Embarrassment, perhaps.” the Count mused. 
“Unbelievable.” Anakin agreed indignantly. 
“Ok, now hold on. Foundling is pretty literal most of the time-” Obi-Wan interrupted. “Mando- was the child entrusted to you or did was there a rescuing involved?”
“...I was assigned to find him as part of a bounty, but found the imps who I was supposed to give him to...unpleasant.”
“Imps?” Anakin asked. 
“There you go!” Obi-Wan said, with just a tinge of hysteria. “Yoda didn’t abandon the child- not that it necessarily is Yoda’s child- he was kidnapped.”
Anakin gasped, “Master! We have to save him!”
“Hold on now, Anakin- He seems perfectly safe at this point and we were here for the Chancellor remember?”
“You won’t be leaving here with the Chancellor or the child.” Dooku sneered. “I can sense the force potential- and I am in want of a new apprentice.”
“Over my dead body,” Anakin snarled.
“That can be arranged.”
“Hey Luke-” the Mandalorian said into the comm as the three swordsman began circling one another “-it looks like two of the Jedi are attacking the other- do you want me to get involved?”
“...Din, by any chance, are any of the laser swords red?”
“Yeah, the fanciest dressed one has a red lightsaber, the other guys are blue. Does it matter?”
“...Red lightsaber means not Jedi. I- hold on, I think I see you!”
The three combatants jumped apart again, looking up at the slight comm echo to the sound of footsteps and the absolutely blinding force presence of the approaching Jedi. 
Had he never learned shielding? Obi-Wan thought hysterically. “Or was he just so powerful that he never bothered restraining himself?”
He tried to exchange a glance with Anakin, but his padawan was too focused on straining to see the incoming Master force user of some kind- light, but not necessarily Jedi. He instead looked over at Dooku, shrugging in confusion. Dooku grimaced back at him in solidarity.
The being finally entered. He was- significantly taller and less green than Obi-Wan was expecting, but still probably shorter than anyone else in the room.
“Din- are you two alright?” The soft-faced man asked in a remarkably gently voice, appearance somewhat at odds with the overbearing power he exuded.
“We’re fine, Luke but look! More Jedi!” He gestured below. 
Luke peered over the balcony, eyes growing wide as they passed over the faces of everyone below. “hoLY KRIFF!” He shouted.
The ship shuddered and Obi-Wan glanced nervously out the view ports, suddenly remembered that the damaged ship only had so long before it fell out of orbit.
“Do you know them?” Din asked. 
“Do I- for fuck’s sake Din, I love you but I have literally shown you holopics of my father before.” Luke whispered furiously. The room unfortunately was utterly quiet and remarkably acoustic, meaning his words carried easily to the listeners below.
“FATHER!” Anakin yelled, causing Luke to wince, slapping a gloved hand to his face.
“FATHER!” He repeated loudly, head ping-ponging between Obi-Wan and Dooku as if trying to find a resemblance, before gasping to stare at the Chancellor, before gasping again to squint at Obi-Wan. 
“DOES EVERYONE HAVE A SECRET FAMILY!” He shouted, throwing his hands up in exasperation.
“Oh for force sake- I do not have a secret son. Honestly, Anakin, he’s clearly in his 20s, be reasonable. His birth would however fit into the timeline of Dooku’s withdraw from the order.” Obi-Wan said, raising a brow.
Dooku puffed out his chest, “I did not fail to meet the Code, like so many of the pathetic masses. Before I left the Order I followed the rules precisely. When my disagreements grew too great, and my attempt for structured reform were repeatedly rejected, I left for ethical reasons, not personal ones. I looked at the code and decided it was failing the Jedi.”
He smirked and lifted his chin at the chancellor, who was watching the proceedings with an inscrutable expression, “My, my Chancellor, this is an interesting surprise.”
Anakin rolled his eyes. “We’re not idiots, Dooku. Obviously the boy’s parents were force sensitive, look at him.” 
Dooku’s smirk grew wider.
“This is absurd! Again!” Obi-Wan threw up his arms and lifted his head to address the dark-robed young human, “Hello there, Luke, was it?” 
“Uh, yes. I’m Luke.” The powerhouse responded nervously. 
“My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi-”
“Yes, I know who you are.” Luke responded drily.
Anakin gasped. 
“He is not my son.” Obi-Wan muttered.
“I’m not Obi-Wan’s son.” Luke called down cheerfully.
“Oh.” Anakin slouched, oddly disappointed. He liked this guy for some reason, felt- connected to him. Maybe it was the dark robes, or the force signature that nearly rivaled his own (though it was somewhat lighter), or even the gloved hand that he suspected was mechanical. If he was Obi-Wan’s son than that would make him practically his brother! The Chancellor might be neat but Dooku...ugh.
“Would you be so kind as to tell us whose son you are? I realize its none of my business but you’ve peaked our curiosity. And then afterwards, regardless of your parentage, we would not mind help in rescuing the Chancellor of the Republic from this slowly crashing ship.”
“Right. Right.” Luke nodded. “Would you give me a second?”
He pressed his head to the side of Din’s helmet and started whispering rapidly, to quiet for anyone else to hear. 
The group below exchanged glances, beginning to tense up again. After a few seconds, the Mandalorian nodded and spoke, “Let’s do it. I trust your judgement.” Luke grinned and returned to the edge of the balcony. 
“Ok, I can help with the first, but not the second.”
“Perfectly understandable.” Obi-Wan replied.
Anakin bristled. “So Dooku is your father.”
Luke smiled at Anakin. “No. You are my father.”
Anakin blinked as Obi-Wan’s face twisted in confusion. “No...” he said slowly. “No, that’s not true. That’s impossible.”
Luke’s smile grew wider, “Search your feelings,” he said urgently, with the full weight of his force presence screaming honesty with every word, “You know it to be true.”
Anakin gasped as he reached out into the force to find...his son. Impossible, but true. The ground trembled, either with the immensity of the realization, or catastrophic engine failure.
“No.” Obi-Wan said clearly to Luke on the balcony.
“No.” He repeated firmly, snapping a finger in Anakin’s face to try and break him out of the trance he seemed to be in. “It’s not true.” He said to the room in general, incredulous it even needed to be said.
Dooku began slowly backing away. The confrontation was rapidly spinning out of his or his Master’s control; he had only stayed this long to indulge vain curiosity. Regardless if the boy was insane, lying, or a time-traveler, he was clearly powerful. The ship’s orbit was gradually decaying and with any luck he could use his dead man’s switch to speed up the crash as he departed, neatly killing everyone who could stand against him in one stroke.
“Anakin,” the lunatic on the balcony continued, “You can destroy the emperor. He has forseen this. It is your destiny! Join me, and together-”
Din cleared his throat.
Luke stopped and smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. “Sorry! Sorry. Got a little...carried away there.” He coughed awkwardly into his fist.
“Anyway- yeah. I’m Luke Skywalker. I’m from the future, I guess we... time-traveled accidentally somehow? I uh- was kind-of quoting something you said to me once and you kept going along with it and... yeah, definitely got carried away. Sorry, I really don’t know how we got here but, weird stuff happens around me- one time I was on Yavin IV and these ghosts started- anyway. Long story. Surprise!”
Obi-Wan took a deep breath in and let it out slowly, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Ok...I might believe you’re Anakin’s son.”
Dooku had nearly reached a side door when his treacherous Master called out- “Anakin! Master Kenobi! Dooku- he’s getting away.”
Skywalker’s- Anakin Skywalker’s- attention snapped over to the Count and with a outstretched arm, he crumpled the steel door, throwing a beam across it for good measure. The ship moaned alarmingly and several more red lights began blinking at the navigation panel, unnoticed by anyone.
“Luke- son- I don’t know what Emperor you’re talking about, but help us defeat Count Dooku and save Chancellor Palpatine! After that- after that I’m happy to, um, join you? And meet your... husband? And padawan? Sorry, we were kind-of in the middle of something...” 
“Wow. Ok. I’m not sure if-” Luke started to respond before being interrupted by the Mandalorian.
“Wait, Dooku! I know that name!” Din said suddenly. “The covert hated him! He was the evil Sif Emperor you defeated, right?”
“...Sith Emperor. Din, darling and light of my life, as always, your grasp of history and recent current events never fails to amaze me.” Luke sighed.
“You must stop him, before he becomes Emperor,” Palpatine shouted desperately. 
Luke sighed again, more heavily. “Fine. FINE! Kriff the timeline, I didn’t ask to be born anyway. Din- go help capture...Emperor Dooku. Grogu- Pod. I’ll go- free the Chancellor.” The floor beneath them gave a lurch. “Before this ship breaks apart. Go!” 
Luke and Din jumped off the balcony as a shiny metal pod with a transparisteel view screen closed around Grogu, hovering between them, well off easy reach of the ground.
Din landed between Obi-Wan and Anakin, helmet turning to face each of them in turn, “...I’ll follow your lead.” He finally said, arming his weapons.
Obi-Wan grinned fiercely, “Excellent, Anakin, stay with me.”
“I was just about to say the same thing.”
“Mando, you- Is that the DARKSABER- ARE Yoouu- ugh you know what, I will ask after the fight. I will ask after the fight. How did the Mand'alor- NEVERMIND. Let’s just- FORCE I have so many questions-” 
“No time, Master!”
And the battle began. 
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lizzyverydizzyyo · 3 years
D.E.A.N | Chapter 2 - Persistence
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Masterlist and overall summary of the whole novel is here. | Prompt on trope-appreciation-tuesdays that inspired this is here. | @whumptober-archive
Fandom : Original Work
Wordcount: ± 2842
TW: Mention of Murder, Graphic Depiction of Violence
Their captive informant is acting oblivious. Or is stubbornly protecting his criminal comrades. The team isn’t accepting of that.
Whumptober 2021 Tropes:
Day 1 — All Trussed Up and Still Nowhere to Go | Bound
Day 3 — Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones But… | Taunting + Insults
Day 12 — It’ll Be Fun, They Said | Torture
Day Alt. 13 — Threats
Day 14 — Under Pressure | Beaten
Day 20 — Lost & Found | Solitary Confinement
Day 22 — They Made Me Do It | Obsession
Day 31 — Hurt & Comfort | Prisoner
This story is set in the last half of 2016.
Luke, Angie, and Mark pull away the rope from the lock mechanism quickly, as the man, or more like the boy—a sniveling one who tries too hard to be grownup and just fucks shit up, keeps staring at them in fear.
“Get up.”
The boy ignores Anna’s harsh command as she steps in front of the opened compartment, in favor of just staring at all 10 of them surrounding him.
“You, I said ‘Get up’, are you fucking deaf?” Anna says impatiently.
“Anna, he can’t. Three of you are blocking his exit. He can’t stand in there,” Lena corrects her carefully.
Anna just rolls her eyes and takes a step back, followed by Luke and Mark himself.
The boy with the black long sleeve shirt still trembles and stays put.
“What’s your excuse now? Get up here,” Mark finally impatiently snaps as he bends down to the compartment’s height and reaches out an arm to grip the boy’s wrist roughly. After that, he just yanks the unknown young man to the point he almost faceplants onto the concrete floor of his hiding spot.
He hisses quietly and crawls out eventually.
“Where…where are the others?”
The boy says with extremely gravelly voice.
Luke chuckles bitterly.
“Your precious degenerate group? The bounced and left you here to deal with us on your own. What a great and loyal bunch, huh?”
Strangely enough, the boy actually surreptitiously sighs almost in relief and looks less scared at Luke’s words.
He probably thinks now that he has a chance to snitch as a protected informant, he’ll be safe and sound.
Well, good fucking luck with that. Mark and the others aren’t going to be as nice as he thinks they would be.
As the sense of familiarity of the boy gets stronger in his mind, Mark immediately turns him around before he can even think and uses the rope that Luke brought to tie his hands behind his back.
“Shut the fuck up. Only talk when we ask for information. You’re coming with us,” Mark interrupts harshly, taking inventory of his past collisions with some of Helga groups to figure out at which time he saw the boy.
“But I—”
“Look, kid. You can irritate us as little as possible or you can risk being our punching bag if we’re pissed. Hmm? Which one do you want?”
Looking at Don’s hardened look and tone, he immediately shuts up. Some of his fear even comes back to his face.
That’s right, asshole. He better realizes by now they didn’t immediately shoot him on sight once they found him in his hiding place not out of kindness or anything like that.
“Here, boy. We’re called D.E.A.N for a reason. It’s because our job is to neutralize the threat. If not, we would be D.E.A.R, instead. You know, Division of Extreme and Atypical Rescue. Or Rehabilitation. Whichever it is.”
Mark recalls their fallen commander, Jackson, telling him months ago before…
Well, that.
Remembering those words, he feels a lot angrier again, almost as fresh as the day the team lost Jackson.
The more he looks at the young man, the more he feels emboldened to embody the wisdom parted by their fallen leader.
They are going to neutralize him, indeed. Whatever it takes.
To the young man’s credit, he is, in fact, absolutely capable of being minimally irritating and remarkable. He keeps quiet and looks down, not complaining a bit about the uncomfortable feeling of his hands being tied behind his back and the sensation of hot and rocky ground they walk on while not wearing a single thread of foot covering.
Still, Mark keeps a tight grip on his wrist behind his back just in case the guy gets any idea. Once in a while, he looks at his face where the two weird-colored and terrified eyes rest, wondering where exactly he saw the guy before as his strange sense of familiarity grows.
Who did he see before that has that weird iris swirl color of dark blue and brown? Has he ever met someone with that kind of unique heterochromia before? But where, exactly?
He can tell the boy knows he is being stared at, but he doesn’t react along the time they walk back to their vehicle to go back to their current makeshift headquarter, only occasionally blinking as he steps on particularly sharp gravel.
“Get in.”
Mark shoves him to the vehicle after Don opens the back door.
He stumbles for a bit but immediately does what Mark told him to do. He gets in, as complicated as it is to get in without his hands helping him, and squeezes himself almost as small as possible.
Which in any other circumstance would make Mark laugh, considering he is around six feet, just a few inches shorter than himself. He is naturally tall even if extremely slender and almost bony.
After that, he and Luke cage him in on the middle of the left side seat. Anna sits beside Luke, and across them sit Anderson, George, Mary, and Lena. Angie and Don get into the front of their black and tinted-window van as Angie is usually their chosen driver. Horace sits on the middle front seat facing the back of the van and all eight of them.
There is brimming excitement and relief that blanket all of them, except maybe for the almost-black haired new addition to the passengers. All ten of them have never been this close to a breakthrough in figuring out Helga’s plan or defeating them.
This is gold, Mark thinks.
All of questions that they, including himself, want answers for are brewing in his head, and he can’t wait to squeeze those answers out of the young man.
Including why he so easily complies with their command, even going as far as crawling into himself mentally and being as unmoving as possible, almost as if he’s been…
He doesn’t know what the right word is. Trained?
Well, trained to keep quiet and comply with any command given to him.
He doesn’t even look at any of them, maybe just to familiarize himself with who have caught him and now has his fate in their hands.
He just… cowers and looks down, almost submissively.
Mark, or any other of his team, doesn’t even tell him to do that. He doesn’t even fight them at all, or beg for his release, saying he doesn’t know anything or that he’ll give up any information as long as he’s let go or spared.
Maybe it’s his tactic to get him some mercy or leniency.
He has to admit he doesn’t really have that much experience with dealing with ex-crony informant. After all he’s only had specialized federal training for 6 months after graduating college before Jackson pulled some strings to get him into D.E.A.N another 6 months ago.
He's not going lie, he doesn’t know if that kind of behavior is normal for captive informant or this one is just particularly extremely easy to deal with.
The guy almost looks forlorn and surrendered.
Still, his unique heterochromatic eyes just scream familiarity to Mark that he is still itching to figure out.
If he is this docile and non-combative, it’s highly unlikely that Mark or any of his offensive team agents has fought him face to face before. He might be the defensive tactical member of that Helga group that’s hidden away in safety to make sure he is still alive to help them behind the scenes.
Which means that Mark has probably never met him on any battle before.
But his team has never been close enough to the tactical or behind-the-scenes members of any Helga group before, so where the hell did Mark see the guy before?
He doesn’t even look combat-ready with his bony stature that has not the slightest musculature and his apparent nonexistent fighting instinct.
Oh, well.
They’re going to interrogate him, anyway.
Maybe then he’ll find the answer.
They don’t waste time treating him gently and just pull him haphazardly into their makeshift interrogation/holding room, something that they seemingly are eager to finally use.
Luke pulls out a handcuff as he undoes the rope on the young man’s pale and skinny arms and immediately locks his bony left wrist into one handcuff metal while locking the other end to the metal bar in the back wall of the room.
The whole time, he just… accepts it and immediately backs himself into the back wall. Again, he just looks down demurely without a single cell in his body having any impulse to fight any of them or look at his arm while being handcuffed to the metal bar.
Mark and Don are in the room on either side of Luke, while the rest of them just lounge around on the corners of the room, staring at him from a distance. Anna and Lena are comfortably leaning against the doorframe, except Lena almost has a soft look on their face while Anna looks smugly intimidating at him.
Even if the young man isn’t really looking back.
They all wait for a moment after he is securely locked onto the metal bar, almost expecting him to start begging to be released or offering to trade in his comrades in Helga for his own freedom or safety.
He doesn’t.
He just… stands there. Unassuming. Obedient, almost.
Horace finally gets sick of his silence and walks in front of him, and says simply, “Talk. Now.”
Finally, he takes charge for once since becoming the commanding officer, Mark thinks before focusing back on their captive would-be informant.
The young guy, again looking strikingly more like an older teenager, slowly looks up and faces Horace, even if surreptitiously without completely raising his head.
He gulps and blinks almost nervously while still staying non-combative.
His face looks slightly fearful and acquiescent still as his lips almost tremble while he’s about to talk.
“I—I don’t—I don’t know… what you want to know,” he says lowly and almost whispering.
Luke rolls his eyes.
“About Helga, of course, dumbass. Where they are, what they’re planning, who keeps feeding us information but always too late, specifically.”
“I don’t know,” he whispers again with still gravelly voice.
Anna loses her patience too and stalks up to him, wringing his chin up sharply when she reaches him. Even if she is half a foot shorter than the guy is, she manages to make him look small and weak with their juxtaposition way of carrying themselves. Anna looks fierce, while the guy looks cowered in.
“Cut that shit out with your submissive act. You can’t fool us into treating you like a fine china just because we want information from you. You are all a fucking menace to society, remember?”
The boy—Mark decides to call him—now looks more in fear and slightly desperate.
“I really don’t—”
The slap comes out of nowhere that even Mark himself doesn’t realize he’s done it. Their captive’s head is swinging to his right quickly and painfully, yet he doesn’t turn his head back to face any of them.
“Shut the fuck up. ‘I don’t know’, my ass. You were with them god knows for how long. You must know something.”
Far cry from his demure demeanor before, he starts to look genuinely confused and scared.
“I wasn’t let in on anything, I swear.”
“Then, what do you know? About them, that you learned along the way?” Lena quips in almost gently.
“I don’t know, I really don’t,” he starts to sound desperate and rushed.
“Well, why don’t you start with your name, hmm? Or are you too stupid to know that too?” Anna takes charge again, this time wringing his head sharply to face her again.
He looks down at her in genuine fear this time, almost surprised that his submissive act didn’t grant him gentle reaction.
He gulps and his heterochromatic eyes flit around the room to take in all of them for once.
“I guess you’re too stupid, huh?” Luke quips.
Mark, still drowned in anger due to their incessant failures in the past, can’t take the guy’s act anymore and just grip both of his shoulders to bend him down and knees him in his abdomen in quick succession.
He immediately drops down, wheezing quietly, while holding his abdomen with his free right hand.
“You’re still gonna be too stupid now?”
The guy coughs for a bit before Anna grips the collar of his shirt and pulls him back up again.
He quickly blurts out, “Nick, it’s Nick.”
“Good boy,” Anna says sarcastically with a saccharine smile.
“Now tell us the important stuff,” Marks tells him fiercely.
The adolescent guy, now referred to as Nick in his mind, is curled up in fetal position on the cold concrete floor while wheezing and coughing, smear of blood on the corner of his lips visible.
“You’re gonna drop the oblivious act and tell us what we need to know, or what?” Mark says while nudging Nick’s head gently with his heavy boot.
He doesn’t need their captive to have concussion to the point of amnesia, so he just settles on kicking and punching his abdomen, back, and legs. And maybe pepper in a little arm twist until he screams.
“Please, I don’t—” he coughs again, spluttering a little bloody spit on the floor, “—I really don’t know. They never—” he wheezes this time, “—never let me see any important document or—” he winces, “—any important information.”
He coughs again as his face scrunches up in pain.
Understandable. They’ve been at it for what? 20, 30 minutes?
He thinks that maybe at 15 or something minutes mark, they all have lost their patience and start incentivizing Nick to talk with violence in increasing intensity. Even Lena, their forever gentle soul in the team, is starting to look annoyed and stops telling any of them to hold back.
“You know kid, they’ve all betrayed you, left you for dead or getting caught. I don’t understand why you’re still covering for them,” Luke bends down while gripping Nick’s bruised jaw to yank his face towards him.
“I’m not! You have to believe me,” he says desperately this time with scratchy sound.
“Didn’t you say you’ve been with them for over three years?” Don says as he is squatting near their unwilling informant.
“I didn’t want to,” he says again with squeezed eyes.
Luke chuckles darkly, as his contrasting dark hand is still gripping the pale, bony, and bruised skin of Nick’s jaw.
“Right, you didn’t want to, but you stayed with them for three years.”
George, who has been an observer this whole time with his pensive non-emphatic look, walks up to him and squats down too.
“You’re too much of a coward to get out because you know everyone who ran from Helga is killed? Is that it?”
Nick is about to open his mouth again, presumably to lie that he doesn’t know anything, but Anna beats him to it.
“Don’t worry, my guy. We’ll kill you instead if you stay having no use to us. D.E.A.N has different parameter and limit than FBI, you know. So we can do that for you, how about that?”
For the first time, something akin to anger flashes across his blue-brown eyes, and he boldly spits, “Kill me then. See if I care.”
Out of instinct, Mark moves his leg quickly until his thick military-esque boot connects with Nick’s abdomen again, and he begins his wheezing anew with another splatter of blood on the concrete.
“Don’t fucking tempt us.”
What he gets as answer almost makes him laugh.
“Fuck you all. You’re all just like them.”
Well, at least D.E.A.N is fighting on the right side of the battle, not the coward, kidnapping, drug-trafficking, and corrupt-politicians side.
Lena sighs from their position near the door and peels themself off the wall to walk up to the crowd.
“Guys, maybe we need to continue this another day. If you all kill him for real, we’re not gonna get any lead for a while. Don’t feed into his taunting.”
For a while, all 11 even of them are at a tense standstill with Nick showing defiant look for the first time, but they finally sigh and face away to walk back to the door.
With no word, they all file through the door one by one until Horace walks out as the last one, firmly and harshly slamming the metal bar gate behind him. It immediately locks in, until someone decides to unlock it from the outside.
Before leaving, they all turn to have one last look at their bloody and battered captive repeatedly coughing blood onto the floor, right arm clutching his abdomen while his left arm is dangling lifelessly from the handcuff.
Still, Nick returns the look just as defiantly as before.
Guess he hasn’t got enough of them.
Don’t worry, we’ll deliver, Mark thinks darkly.
8 notes · View notes
thesomberfest · 3 years
Star Wars: Timestamps and Thoughts; The Empire Strikes Back
Salutations to all. Welcome back to my blog thing? Anyways today is the one and only The Empire Strikes Back which I think may be the most iconic Star Wars movie. But, don’t quote me on that. I’m only saying that as someone who has heard about Star Wars movies from the outside and honestly out of all the movies The Empire Strikes Back is the one movie I’ve always heard about; name-wise. I don’t think I know any spoilers about this movie, so we’ll see. I’m new to this and I don’t know what I’m doing so please have mercy and help a sister out, thanks. I have some idea based on what the movie is about based on the name but I’ll just take what Disney Plus tells me. I honestly have nothing to say. Should I start writing predictions before writing the timestamps and writing my reaction if I’m right or wrong based on the last movie I watched. Does that make sense? I can’t think of any other way to word it differently but if it makes sense then okay, let’s continue. This isn’t a prediction but um is this the movie where Luke finds about his parentage? Or is it a bit too early? Am I too early? Oh well. While adding timestamps I thought it would be a cool idea to add a “Favorite Scene” section under my “Final Thoughts” sections, I hope y’all like it.
03/9 Edit: Y’all sorry this is late but tomorrow is my birthday and I decided to not do my schoolwork and instead watch Star Wars and write. Before y’all get any ideas: yes. I am in fact still a minor. thanks. 04/3 edit: I AM SORRY THIS IS LATE I HAVE NO EXCUSE
Movie: Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
Release Date: 1980
Summary(?): So obviously the Empire is going to strike back right? And Luke has to find Yoda to learn the ways of the Force? No? Oh and a final show down with Vader? Am I wrong again?
Warning: spoilers (yea no duh bibi) and mild language on my part
00:00:06- 20th Century Fox is here, hello.
00:00:22- the words on the screen have made an appearance
00:01:41- the iconic words have left, bye-bye
00:04:28- Han Solo
00:04:43- It’s Chewie
00:05:04- Ya’ll it’s my queen Leia. She’s looking badder than ever
00:05:22- so the guy we first saw was in fact Luke, whoops.
00:05:40- Han is leaving? What about Leia? Am I missing something?
00:06:00- Okay so I’m convinced that something happened between Han and Leia, right? She looks pissed, he also looks pissed. Uhhh...
00:06:03- Oh shoot, she called out his name and went after him.
00:06:27- the way Leia feels about him? Sexual tension?
00:06:34- does Han want Leia to admit she has feelings for him? Does she have feelings for him?
00:06:42- “Afraid I was gonna leave without giving you a good-bye kiss?”- woah there Han
00:06:47- yeah, something did happen. I’m calling it
00:06:53- YES 3PO and R2
00:07:12- Oh shoot, Han doesn’t want to talk to Leia no more
00:07:19- ain’t nobody know where Luke is
00:08:06- aw Han said Luke is his friend. Character development
00:08:36- um is that Luke being hanged upside down?
00:08:47- uh oh, it’s the abominable snowman, let’s uh call him Yeti for short
00:09:00- Lukie-boy that might be a bad idea 
00:09:34- he’s using the Force to get the lightsaber, nice
00:09:40- oh no, the Yeti noticed
00:09:48- he got the Lightsaber yayy
00:09:50- did he just cut off Yeti’s arm???
00:10:00- run forest run
00:10:40- aw R2 :( I want to give them a hug
00:11:58- Leia looks really nervous. Uh-oh
00:12:53- I’m sorry but Chewie wailing/crying a few minutes earlier makes me sad.
00:13:42- omg Yoda? Han found Luke I repeat he found Luke
00:15:16- I wondered where they filmed or if this was effects or something.
00:16:01- are they going to be found? oh I hope so
00:16:13- yay! Found at last!
00:16:35- i’m sorry. is that a man baby???
00:16:48- oh wait was that man baby Luke? Oh god i kinda feel bad now
00:17:02- aww Luke and Han. Their friendship gives me life (junior)
00:17:05- my queen!!!!
00:17:15- ok but seriously what happened between Han and Leia? I know something happened.
00:17:25- I know Han did not just call my boy Chewie a FUZZBALL, please
00:17:31- alone? South passage? was that when Han claimed he was leaving? Her TRUE FEELINGS
00:17:50- why does Luke look sad? Is it... is it because HE HAS FEELINGS FOR HER???
00:17:58- (lets out a female lead in horror movie scream) OH MY GOD. I KNEW A KISS WAS TO HAPPEN BUT SO SOON? AND ON THE MOUTH WITH A PEANUT GALLERY LEIA HAS SOME BALLS. SO IT WAS NOT A PECK LIKE I’D ASSUMED HUH OMG tho I feel bad for Luke ‘cause (i think) she only did it to spite Han also if my math is correct IT WAS FOUR SECONDS LONG. But like is this the only kiss between the two or is there more cause ummm...... AREN’T THEY RELATED? SIBLINGS? TWINS I THINK? *Sweet Home Alabama now playing*
00:18:13- why why does he look so smug? also Han about to kill Luke a man
00:19:14- idk what’s happening
00:19:18- pew pew
00:19:44- THE IMPERIAL MARCH omgg yess... I live for the movies music
00:20:32- oh no, the music ended
00:20:38- wait nvm it’s continuing we stand
00:20:40- breathing problems much?
00:20:52- It’s Darth Vader
00:21:47- wait, didn’t he (Luke) almost die? shouldn’t he like oh I don’t know RESTING?!
00:22:47- have i mentioned that I live for the Imperial March? ‘cause I love it
00:23:39- OH
00:23:51- he really dying in the background huh
00:23:57- so he’s like dead, right?
00:24:02- what’s happening? Are they gonna go against Vader?
00:24:12- what the hell is a stardestroyer?
00:24:44- i’ve been told the dark side has cookies so uh peace out. If you would like to reach me please send me a letter via mail. thanks.
00:25:39- once again shouldn’t Luke be resting???
00:25:53- aww I want those binoculars. Is that what they’re called? Idk but I want one
00:26:05- what the hell are Imperial Walkers?
00:26:27- oh. are those Imperial Walkers? Those robot-looking dogs? omg I thought they were talking about Stormtroopers.
00:26:30- laser beam robot doggies did not hesitate
00:26:40- aw look at Luke being leadership material
00:27:09- wow these walkers are slow huh as to be expected
00:27:50- OH NO DAK bruhh nooo
00:28:09- are those robot dogs really gonna win?
00:28:21- LANDING? You mean Vader isn’t even fighting down there? Is he going to join? Or just find Luke and kidnap him and spill the beans? Or is that just my active imagination running too far?
00:28:39- the music...*beautiful*
00:28:58- tying the feet and tripping the doggies seems to be the moves huh
00:29:15- ooh and face first into the snow. how embarrassing...
00:29:20- I just know someone is losing their job or life like that one dude from before
00:30:18- i like the explosions
00:30:52- while one of the those little planes fall i’m sitting here thinking: most book/movie/tv shows that have the whole two sides thing (good vs bad) there always seems to be a traitor which makes me wonder if the good guys have a traitor? possible plot? idk, we’ll see won’t we?
00:31:18- the way these little doggies walk keep reminding me of some eerie Tim Burton movie and idk whyyy
00:33:04- two robot doggies down one more to go
00:33:25- man I just know someone from the Dark Force is gonna be dead fired
00:34:08- are those stormtroopers? They run funny
00:34:12- Darth Vader!
00:34:45- wait i’m dumb. did Vader invade the building/camp they were hiding at?
00:35:18- what does Vader want exactly? Princess Leia? Luke? the so-called “rebel plans”? What am I missing?
00:35:42- they really said: “peace out”
00:36:30- not regrouping? and what the hell is the Dagobah system?
00:37:30- did two ships just crash?
00:39:10- the music really makes this asteroid field detour awesome
00:40:25- did they--did they just go in a asteroid? Orr..?
00:41:18- and just what the hell is Luke thinking? he putting my baby R2 in distress?
00:42:04- where in the HELL are they?
00:42:21- did my baby R2 just fall in the water? Can he even swim? Is it safe? Is he going to die? Idc how cute Luke is, I will hurt him if 2D dies!
00:42:33- what. how is R2 okay? I thought--
00:42:53- Is that R2 whistling?
00:42:57- oh god, is that Nessie? oh no--
00:44:01- YEA LUKE it was a bad idea going there! You put my sweet summer child R2 in danger! He almost got eaten as dinner!
00:44:18- ughhh the music is just AMAZINGGGG
00:44:38- whose brain is that? Is that what’s left of Mr. Anakin Skywalker? ooh now that I think about: what does Darth Vader look behind the helmet? I feel dumb for never thinking about that
00:45:34- hey you leave my man 3PO alone Solo
00:45:46- oh did Leia just fall into Han’s arms? ooh
00:45:56- “Captain, being held by you isn’t quite enough to get me excited” Leia woke up and choose violence 
00:46:56- oh OH Luke is looking for Yoda?
00:47:22- omg it’s YODA
00:47:48- man idk but lighting does wonders for Lukie-babe
00:48:26- is Yoda mocking Luke? ‘Cause I’m here for it
00:48:57- why is Luke lowkey being a pushover?
00:49:09- I KNOW Yoda isn’t hitting my baby R2 with a STICK the disrespect I-
00:49:56- at this point Yoda is just pulling on their legs for kicks and giggles huh
00:51:02- oh? alone? Leia and Han? my oh my
00:51:30- oh so now they hand-holding?
00:51:50- OMG when did they get so close to one another? I’m nervous
00:52:04- ofc it’s 3PO to be the one to interrupt the kiss
00:52:14- oop-- Leia just left the crime scene. She’s going to pretend it never happened isn’t she?
00:53:04- wait. Vader isn’t emperor? Someone else is omg. I’m so dumb eye-
00:53:07- ew his side profile is not so good
00:53:10- the front is even uglier 
00:53:23- “young rebel”? my bby boy Luke?
00:53:25- “offspring of Anakin Skywalker”? wait a damn minute. Isn’t Vader oh idk ANAKIN SKYWALKER? Does that “emperor” guy not know? Or have I been lied to? WHAT AM I MISSING?
00:53:57- does this mean Anakin is considered to be a different person from Vader? I’m confused, someone explain please!
00:54:00- “could be turned”? say like Kylo? *dun dun dun* orr am I thinking too far?
00:54:16- “master”? you mean to tell me that Vader isn’t even the one pulling the strings? how embarrassing...
00:56:07- Luke my beauty dumbass just realized that Yoda was with the whole time
00:59:19- What is it?
00:59:29- Mynocks
00:59:35- oh hell no. I’m out
01:01:39- satan works hard but man does Luke work harder
01:01:57- “skinny boys are still the best oh i love when they slam and sweat.”-- Jack Off Jill, Lollirot (jolly good song) this one sentence describes it all :)
01:04:19- idk what’s happening but man does he look good. How long until y’all get tired of me simping over Luke?
01:05:01- but like, why it feel fake? Is this a dream? 
01:05:09- OH--[luke just decapitated Vader I-]
01:05:20- wait. it couldn’t have been that easy. This feels wrong-
01:05:29- omg. it’s luke! Wait what does this mean?
01:05:50- when i enter a room I would like the Imperial March to play, thanks.
01:06:26- uh, is that Boba Fett? If not I’m so sorry I’m new.
01:06:52- y’all I have a cofession to make: I have a fear of driving and my mother is forcing me to. How does this relate to the movie? Well, Han is steering the ship(?) so...
01:09:16- titanic part two?
01:10:31- my poor baby luke
01:11:37- luke please don’t give up :(
01:12:32- my man yoda showing up luke huh
01:13:35- uh oh. just like the first guy, he dead too. they’re just dropping like flies huh
01:16:05- and another kiss. a small peck, luke.
01:16:34- so is that Boba Fett or not? someone tell me please.
01:16:38- someone please run my baby R2 a bath
01:16:44-y’all the only time I can do a handstand is when I’m underwater (fun fact: i don’t like the pool)
01:16:51-[R2 is being levitated rn] if he falls and BREAKS into tiny pieces i’m quitting star wars
01:17:28- R2 good, he good “... I saw a city in the clouds.” you mean heaven?
01:17:37- “friends you have there” THEY’RE ALL GOING TO DIE WAIT--
01:19:50- they’ve [leia, han, chewie, 3PO] landed they’re safe, for now (i think)
01:20:25- [chewie replying “gahh!” to han] tell me why I laughed. I actually laughed like Chewie made a joke oh my...
01:20:34- uh oh [some dude just called han a slime(y)]
01:20:49- [they’re hugging now?] oh, wait. so they good now? or is this a joke?
01:22:01- i like the interior design of the building
01:22:49- [3PO gets blown up I think] what the hell just happened? 
01:25:13- he’s not coming back is he? [luke left to save han and leia]
01:26:13- finally. someone save 3PO or what’s left of him also I like leia’s new hairstyle it’s pretty
01:26:44- was 3PO decapitated? dismembered?!
01:26:55- good for chewie to fight for the parts of 3PO hopefully it’s all of his parts
01:27:35- my man 3PO in a box freaking dismembered and Lando out here flirting? 
01:28:30- what the hell? [its vader sitting at the head of the table] wait did Lando say a deal? as in turning in the princess? I--this is all happening so fast
01:28:41- [han and co. are now surrounded by boba fett and troopers] i bet they wished they’d stayed back in their rooms huh
01:30:31- oh so i’m assuming it was a stormtrooper who shot 3PO. what are they doing to han? omg is han being cooked alive?
01:31:33- wait I thought boba fett was a good guy? what the fvck.
01:32:05- what happened to han? mans looks traumatized 
01:32:34- oh leia...
01:34:14- i had also assumed all these years that vader was top boss and now i’m being told about some emperor guy? what 
01:35:18- i don’t understand why does boba fett want with han so bad? it can’t just be money, can it?
01:35:54- oh and another kiss and with an even bigger peanut gallery
01:38:22- what’s gonna happen to han now?
01:40:30- wait, is this where the showdown happens?
01:41:06- why is vader (his breathing) so loud?
01:41:10- OMG red vs. blue lightsaber
01:41:19- so this is it
01:42:01- oh, is lando helping them? does he feel guilty?
01:42:17- [chewie is currently choking the life out of lando] fuck yeah chewie
01:43:14- oh thank god R2 & 3PO have reunited once more
01:43:34- is it too late to save han now?
01:44:01- [back to the showdown, luke just lost his lightsaber] uh--this is why you never get too cocky too early, luke
01:44:27- [luke just flew?!] did he just fly like superman? what
01:44:31- who’s the emperor? I had assumed it was vader but i’m being told it isn’t?????
01:44:56- this showdown is a beautiful fight and those lightsabers are freaking cool 
01:46:15- it’s a beautiful dance and the Imperial March is giving me chills
01:46:32- [vader is throwing random objects at luke] aw that’s cheating. and nobody likes a cheater.
01:46:42- luke just flew out the window oh wait he good, now i think
01:47:12- hold up I just realized that they (han, chewie, leia) put 3PO in a fishnet bag (?) chewie really running around with 3PO like a backpack
01:47:49- [the citizens (?) are running] i’m getting titanic vibes and idk if i like it 
01:49:17- i hate to say it but these stormtroopers have really bad aim.
01:50:26- [vader just cut off luke’s hand] *shock* I-omg. He just did that. But, at the same time, I now understand the ERB Harry Potter v. Luke Skywalker so much more, make sense.
01:51:08- “father”? oh my...
01:51:17- “i am your father” oh my god. people this is not a drill, it happened, it happening uhh---
01:51:28- i feel so bad for luke. he looks like he’s about cry.
01:51:41- probs a bad time but luke’s kinda an ugly crier
01:52:14- [luke just fell & left vader standing] luke really said “i’d rather die”
01:54:04- wait, how does leia know where luke is? this some kind of force thing? maybe twin thing?
01:54:37- oh thank god they found luke
01:58:01- does vader care for luke? I mean probably not a lot since he DID chop off his sons own hand so idk
02:01:58- credits/the end
Final Thoughts? Wow. No yeah, I totally understand why Empire Strikes Back is a loved by all. It was amazing. I understand why it’s so talked about. This movie is beautiful; Leia/Han romance, 3PO and R2 banter, the good action. The soundtrack-THE SOUNDTRACK is SPECTACULAR and I would often fins myself rewinding scenes just to listen to the music. The visuals were so striking and appealing and it really showed during the showdown between luke and vader. 
Favorite Scene? Luke meeting Yoda and not knowing that Yoda was Yoda and every scene that included the Imperial March in the background.
If you have made it this far, thank you. I hope none of you people get tired of me fangirling over the Imperial March whilst simultaneously simping over Luke. Thank you for joining me on my adventure of watching Star Wars for the first time. If there’s any grammar mistakes I apologize. Also I got a cute R2 lego keychain from the lego store. Also if you want leave some comments I’m lowkey lonely. Thank you once again for joining me.
x bibi
13 notes · View notes
85 Thoughts while watching Return of the Jedi
2. I still love the idea that Stormtroopers fucking loved Vader, and all of the commanders were terrified of him. 
3. Vader helmet so shiny.
4. Back on Tatooine. It always comes back to Tatooine, doesn’t it? 
5. 3P0 was so hoping that the door wouldn’t open. He just wanted to go home. 
6. Everyone in Jabba’s palace looks really...gross. I guess that fits, right? Jabba’s palace is super gross, so.
7. I never understood as a child the slavery - and the sex slavery - aspect of Jabba’s palace. Only as an adult have I fully understood just how fucked up this is.
8. Remember kids, Luke has NO IDEA that Anakin was a Hutt slave as a child. Is there any canon stuff where he finds out about that? I’d be interested. 
9. Han’s carbonite face is so fucking dumb. 
10. Man droid torture is no joke. If that’s what they do to droids, think about what they do to people...
11. Oh god, the musical number. Like I thought it was funny when I saw it for the first time when they did the re-releases, but also, it’s this weird dissonance between that and Oola’s death. 
12. Jabba is so much creepier here than in New Hope. 
13. I love all the disguises and subterfuge in the opening storyline. And I love that they took the time to deal with Jabba and the bounty on Han’s head. It’s a nice break from the Galactic War. 
14. I remember watching this for the first time, and when Leia pulls the helmet off and is like “Someone who loves you” I was like OMG! And my shipper heart grew ten times as large.
15. Han is so...moist. Here. Blugh.
16. Ugh. God. Poor Leia. They do a good job of illustrating just how fucking terrible Jabba is, but...god dammit. 
17. Han and Chewie reunion! <3 <3 <3 
18. Luke Skywalker - Jedi Knight. Somewhere Mace Windu is looking at all of Luke’s attachments and impulsive behaviors and dry heaving. 
19. THE BIKINI IS GROSS! The only thing good about it is that Leia will eventually strangle Jabba to death while wearing it. Otherwise? Ugh.
20. Luke Skywalker. Jedi Knight. Fashion icon.
21. I always felt bad for the Rancor’s master. He loved his Rancor. And the Rancor was just as much a slave as any of the people in Jabba’s palace. It was probably only fed when there was a person Jabba wanted to kill so it would be as vicious as possible.
22. This trio is so bad-ass. 
23. Luke knows what the Sarlacc is. 
25. Ugh. The Dune Sea is really fake-looking here.
26. R2 as waiter makes me so happy. It’s so ridiculous. 
27. “Convenient.” 
28. Anakin Skywalker would be so fucking proud of his daughter strangling Jabba the Hutt to death. It’s everything he ever wanted to do to fucking slavemasters on Tatooine. 
29. “Boba Fett. Boba Fett. WHERE?!” 
30. Per Dettiot: Luke went to Obi-Wan’s old hut on Tatooine and found the handbook to make his lighsaber, as well as some kyber crystals. What else he was up to between Empire and Jedi, I’m not sure.
31. Knee. High. Chanel. Boots. 
32. The sheer utter chaos and destruction would make Anakin Skywalker kvell*. 
33. I don’t know if Yoda considers Luke his friend. More like just another snot-nosed apprentice who will eventually disappoint him. 
34. Leave us alone, Palpatine. What a fucking pruny piece of shit. 
35. Yoda’s death is so bitter-sweet for me. I love Yoda. But he made so many mistakes in his life that he never really owned up to. I suppose he felt that his exile was his penance. But I don’t know if I agree. He could have come out of hiding to aid the Rebellion. 
36. Also, he was planning to die without coming clean to Luke about Vader. And that is some horse shit.
37. “Suffer your father’s fate.” At least he’s admitting that Anakin wasn’t solely to blame. That there was manipulation there. 
38. “I can’t go on alone.” Go find Ahsoka and Ezra! You’re not alone!! 
39. The fact that Obi-Wan truly believed that that Anakin had died and Vader took his place. 
40. Yoda and Obi-Wan never moved on from their trauma. They keep reliving their trauma and so they cannot move forward, and so they keep making the same mistakes over and over. Asking Luke to kill Vader is proof of that. 
41. And it really shows that Obi-Wan, even after his attachments to Satine and Akakin and Ahsoka - does not understand family. Luke saying “I can’t kill my father,” and Obi-Wan being like “Whelp. There’s no other way so the Emperor wins.” 
42. There being no mention of Luke and Leia’s mother ANYWHERE except for the one moment later on, drives me CRAZY. Obi-Wan could have told Luke about Padme then.
43. I love that Han and Leia can sit next to each other in a meeting and not have to have arms wrapped around each other. Just being next to each other is enough.
44. GENERAL SOLO! Leia’s face. “Excuse you, how did you suddenly get hotter?” 
45. The painted backgrounds are so beautiful. 
46. Poncho game is strong in this movie. 
47. FLY CASUAL is such a stupid line. I love it.
48. Skywalker twin exasperation is the best. Padme would be proud. 
49. Leia just going for it is so so good. 
50. I know Ewoks catch a lot of shit for...well..being Ewoks. But I love them. They’re adorable! And they have no qualms about eating humans! 
51. “My Son.” I think this is the first time Vader has referred to Luke as his son to someone who isn’t Luke, instead of the “Son of Skywalker.” 
52.  Watch as we realize that Leia has been holding the one brain cell this entire time, and Han, Luke and Chewie get totally clueless. 
53. PROPER. 
54. I love Ewok tree houses. 
55. Remember kids. They were planning to eat Han, Luke and Chewie. 
56. Where the hell did that dress even come from that Leia is wearing??? They just had that lying around? 
57.  I guess they ate the last woman who wore it.
58. I love that 3P0 in New Hope, claims he’s not much of a storyteller, and then in the Jedi like is like a master storyteller lol. 
59. And here, we get the only mention of Padme. And it wasn’t even Padme. It was a handmaiden. I will forever be salty that Padme isn’t mentioned at all because George didn’t think of her until the prequels. Argh.
60. Luke’s unwavering belief in Anakin is so amazing. The sequels did that part of his character so dirty. This version of Luke would never have tried to kill his nephew. 
61. “It is too late for me.”  God dammit, Anakin. The thing is that if he goes with Luke, he is admitting that everything he has done for the last twenty years is all for nothing, and he just fucking can’t do it. So much denial .So much pain. Fuck you, Vaderkin.
64. Y’all remember that Ewok movie with the blonde child? “Star cruiser crash!!” 
65. Padme would be so proud of Luke’s fashion.
66. Wedge got promoted! Yay! 
67. I love the old Hollywood trick of shadowing the Emperor’s face except for his eyes. 
68. I just. I love that the Empire is defeated by fucking teddy bears. I know a lot of people hate it, but it’s just- it feels so karmic.  They’ve done such terrible things. And to be taken down by these fuzzy, little bastards. *chef’s kiss* 
69. Palpatine hitting in that nerve that Luke has about his attachments. About his hope. Oof.
70. The entire Vader fight is just him trying not to see how much like Padme Luke is. That’s gotta hurt. 
71. Bro. Vader. You do not want to try shit with Leia. Like. No. Fuck’s sake. Don’t try it. She’ll have all of you arrested and then executed. 
72.  Yes Luke. Thow away that lightsaber. Show that wrinky fuck who’s boss. 
73. I love that Anakin gets to make the right choice here. He does what he didn’t do with Mace. He finally realizes all the lies...all the manipulation...that he can make things different. And he does. And it rightfully costs him his life.
74. Vader couldn’t survive. Vader would have been tried for his crimes and either executed or jailed for the rest of his life. The same thing happened to Ben Solo in the sequels. He had to die. Otherwise he’d have to have a real-world ending: Prison or execution.
75. I feel so sad that Anakin became this fucking horror show of a person. It didn’t have to be this way. Fuck. 
76. “Tell your sister...you were right.” 
77. Oh Han no. No no no. 
78. No Han.
79. HAN. 
80. Han’s face when he finds out Luke is Leia’s brother is hilarious. 
81. I wish that Rex and Ahsoka had been there when Luke burned Anakin’s body. I feel like they needed to, for their own closure. And Luke would have felt like he had people who understood. Who loved and knew Anakin before all of this. 
83. Let’s eat Stormtrooper! 
84. I am SO MAD that all of this will be undone by the sequel trilogy. Ugh.
85. I want them to refilm Hayden now that he’s just about the age Anakin would have been when he died as a Force ghost. I feel like that would be really nice. 
*Kvell -  Yiddish - to be bursting with pride 
69 notes · View notes
callunavulgari · 3 years
Scrapbook 2021 | Part II
For anyone that’s new to this, this is how I keep track of all of the things I enjoy and/or create throughout the year. I have literally been doing this since I had a livejournal. I think the first one was 2011? Maybe? In which case, woohoo, ten years of scrapbooking!
It’s a nice little snippet of my life and helps to organize my brain.
A reminder:
Normal font - Indifferent/Neutral Italicized font - Enjoyed bold font - Loved with an asterisk* - All time favorite (bracketed titles) - Re-watches/Re-reads strikethough - Disliked
Goals are: read 80 books (as of today, i am at 31 books, which sounds not great but goodreads assures me that it’s only 1 book behind schedule), finish five video games (at two at the moment... mostly because I keep dragging my feet on actually finishing P5R), write more than 20 fics (at... 6) or something larger than 20k (negative), and write either an original short story or start a novel (i have started plotting for the novel? does that count?)
Past Years
Mortal Kombat
(SW: The Phantom Menace)
(SW: Attack of the Clones)
(SW: Revenge of the Sith)
(SW: Rogue One)
(SW: A New Hope)
SW: Clone Wars
Wonder Woman 1984
Dark Phoenix
(Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring)
(Princess Mononoke)
Sailor Moon: Eternal
In The Heights
Wish Dragon
(Thor: Ragnarok)
(Doctor Strange)
(Guardians of the Galaxy)
Black Widow
Space Jam 2 Electric Boogaloo
The Green Knight
Godzilla vs Kong
(Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
These Violent Delights | Chloe Gong [Fin]
The Midnight Library | Matt Haig [Fin]
The Galaxy, and the Ground Within | Becky Chambers [Fin]
Unconquerable Sun | Kate Elliott
People We Meet On Vacation | Emily Henry [Fin]
The Soulmate Equation | Christina Lauren [Fin]
Unconquerable Sun | Kate Elliott [Fin]
September Love | Lang Leav [Fin]
One Last Stop | Casey McQuiston [Fin]
The Chosen and the Beautiful | Nghi Vo [Fin]
Lumberjanes, volume 2 | Noelle Stevenson [Fin]
For the Wolf | Hannah Whitten [Fin]
The Sandman | Neil Gaiman [Fin]
Mister Impossible | Maggie Stiefvater
Mister Impossible | Maggie Stiefvater [Fin]
TAZ: The Crystal Kingdom | The Mcelroys [Fin]
She Who Became the Sun | Shelley Parker-Chan
A Psalm for the Wild-Built | Becky Chambers
The Universe of Us | Lang Leav
She Who Became the Sun | Shelley Parker-Chan [Fin]
A Psalm for the Wild-Built | Becky Chambers
The Universe of Us | Lang Leav [Fin]
Lumberjanes, volume 3 | Noelle Stevenson [Fin]
Lumberjanes, volume 4 | Noelle Stevenson [Fin]
The Penumbra Podcast, s3-END
The Magnus Archive - Fear Winners 1 & 2
Gods of Appalachia, Eps 1-6
(Wolf 359)
Janus Descending
(Wolf 359)
(Zero Hours, ep 7)
Watcher Entertainment, Are You Scared?
Castlevania, s3, s4 [Fin]
Word of Honor [Fin]
Buzzfeed: Kelsey in Control?
Demon Slayer, s1
Demon Slayer, s1 [Fin]
Kim’s Convenience, s4
Leverage, s5 [Fin]
Watcher: Too Many Spirits, s3
Loki, s1
Lucifer, s2, s3, s4
Trese, s1
(Buzzfeed Unsolved: True Crime, s3, s6?)
(Buzzfeed Unsolved: Supernatural, s1)
Sweet Tooth, s1
Love, Death & Robots
Loki, s1 [Fin]
Watcher: Too Many Spirits, s3 [Fin]
Watcher: Dish Granted, s3
Shark Week
Lucifer, s5
Masters of the Universe: Revelation
The Owl House, s2
Watcher: Dish Granted, s3
Watcher Weekly+
Buzzfeed: Ruining History
Star Trek Discovery, s1, s2, s3
What If..., s1
Monster Hunter Rise, 12 hours
Mass Effect 1: Legendary Edition, 25 hours
Pokemon Go
Mass Effect 1: Legendary Edition, ? hours
Pokemon Go
Animal Crossing: New Horizons, ??? Hours
Persona 5 Royal, ??? hours
Persona 5 Royal, 167 hours
Pokemon Go
Persona 5 Royal, 167 hours
Pokemon Go
Ori and the Blind Forest [Fin]
The word is help. by spqr | Star Wars | Din/Luke | 9k | In a flash, Fett has his blaster out and pointed at Luke’s head. “You’re right,” he says. “Turnabout’s fair play. So maybe I oughta shoot you.”
Don’t be afraid. by spqr | Star Wars | Obi-Wan/Anakin | 12k | “Padawan Kenobi,” Yoda says, after a moment. “Complete your training, Master Skywalker will.”
who carried the hill by spqr | Star Wars | Din/Luke | 22k | Din’s about to head up the ramp onto the newly-repaired Razor Crest when a string pulls taut around his heart and yanks him into the sky.
Tapestry by spqr | Star Wars | Obi-Wan/Anakin | 8k | In March, Obi-Wan drags Anakin to another faculty party, where Anakin gets all sorts of wrong ideas about Quinlan Vos and decides to fellate Obi-Wan in a coat closet about it.
wonderterror by peradi | Star Wars | Leia/Han/Luke | 6k | Anakin Skywalker is the son of the Force.He’s half human and half something monumental.What does that make his children?
Xen Gardens by denimwrapped | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan & Shane | 1k | Shane Madej saves the day.A strange man comes to congratulate him.
A Series of Better Decisions by SassySnowperson | Star Wars | Padme/Obi-Wan/Anakin | 9k | "Kill him. Kill him now!" Chancellor Palpatine hissed, as Anakin held the two blades against Dooku's neck. "No," Anakin said. "It's not the Jedi way."
Futurus (-a -um) by cadesama | Star Wars | Padme/Anakin/Obi-Wan | 60k | Cracked hyperdrive? No problem. Just hold it together with the Force. Time travel? Well. That could be a bigger problem.
Comfort in Wartime by Rosbridge | Star Wars | Padme/Obi-Wan/Anakin | 4k | Obi-Wan is exhausted, drunk, and just about out of fucks to give.
spark me up, i'm a firework (i'll burst into light) by coffeeinallcaps | FATWS | Bucky/Sam | 7k | "You know how the super-soldier serum makes everything, well, super? I guess you could say that's what happened to my sex drive."
Thaw by spqr | Star Wars | Din/Luke | 6k | That’s what hope does to you, Luke remembers now. It lingers at the back of your mind, whispering maybe, maybe, so that knowing a plan is stupid isn’t enough to keep you from trying it.
Christ in Repose by spqr | Din/Luke | 8k | More on this story as it develops. Subscribe to HNN’s JEDI WATCH newsletter for instant updates on Jedi sightings throughout the galaxy.
Insufferable by perkynurples | Word of Honor | Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu | 3k | Wen Kexing asks a question. Zhou Zishu only hesitates to answer for a little while.
parasitic, parasocial by brawlite | The Untamed | Song Lan/Xiao Xingchen/Xue Yang | 45k | Xue Yang stumbles upon the channel of Fuxue, a popular videogame streamer, and immediately becomes completely and utterly obsessed with him. Unfortunately, Fuxue has a boyfriend -- but that's fine: Xue Yang loves a challenge.
Aaron Burr has Hamilton's RSI and he isn't pleased about it. by DragonBandit | Hamilton | Hamilton/Aaron Burr | 3k | Aaron knows 2 things about his soulmate: The first is that they're angry about everything. The second is that they need to fucking sleep.
dinluke lawyer au by spqr | Star Wars | Din/Luke | 31k | At 1:18 a.m., just when Luke is starting to think he might’ve gotten away with something, Biggs Darklighter shows up on the other side of his desk and says, “I can’t believe you called in sick to get shotgun married to a Mando.”
like, comment, subscribe by DeHeerKonijn, Roselightfairy | Lord of the Rings | Gimli/Legolas | 90k+ | Legolas meets Gimli for lunch - unfortunately, he meets someone else, too.
a jackal; a thief by brawlite | Word of Honor | Wen Kexing/Ye Baiyi | 11k | This is not the first time Wen Kexing’s body has been poisoned like this.
you're the trouble that i always find by sundiscus | Word of Honor | Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu | 27k | “Do you know him?” Jin Wang asks.The ringing in Zhou Zishu's ears gets louder. “No, Wangye,” he says.At Zhou Zishu’s voice, the prisoner freezes.
vampire!wwx threadfic by sundiscus | The Untamed | Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji | ??? words | in which vampires exist in a modern cultivation au, lwj is investigating a string of strange deaths, and wwx is a vampire he can’t seem to kill.
Velle by DeHeerKonijn, Roselightfairy | LotR | Gimli/Legolas | 29k | Velle (Latin): to want.
May All My Wounds Be Mortal by hansbekhart | Word of Honor | Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu | 10k | Peeled out of his many robes, Wen Kexing’s body reveals itself to be mostly leg. He strips eagerly, grinning up at Zhou Zishu as if this is another joke between them. See? Wen Kexing’s body seems to say, I have no secrets from you.
drop by brawlite | The Untamed | Song Lan/Xue Yang | 4k |  Xue Yang has had this dream before.
Splenda by Tierfal | FMA | Ed/Roy | 19k | WIP | A sugar daddy AU that barely even qualifies as a sugar daddy AU, because these two can't do anything right.
From the Ashes by blacktofade | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Shane/Ryan | 3k | “This doesn’t need to leave this room,” Ryan had said that first time. “Casual is my middle name.”
Whale Songs by denimwrapped | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 2k | It could be humming, he thinks. Some distant angelic humming. What it’s humming about, he’d have to find out the hard way. All he can hear in his mind’s ear is come closer. There’s so much more in the depths than you’ve ever known.
A Good Bargain by Neery | Word of Honor | Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu | 11k | The Window of Heaven captures the Ghost Valley's master. Zhou Zishu is put in charge of interrogating him.
So Why Not Crack Your Skull When the Mind Swells by greenteafiend | The Untamed | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian | 13k | Or, Wei Wuxian is cursed to feel terrible pain when he and Lan Wangji aren’t touching.
the agony and the irony by arostine | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 44k | WIP |  Ryan has a lot on his plate right now. He’s one of three members of his species employed at BuzzFeed, and the only male omega, and his boss keeps asking him to do videos about being an iterant ‘to educate the humans,’ when what he really wants to do is videos about ghosts.
the rest of your life by bestliars | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane/Sara | 30k | MYSTERY DISAPPEARANCE IN THE MIDWEST! The year is 2034. Successful video producer Ryan Bergara uproots his whole life to take care of his friend’s children.
sit in my circle and hold my hand by soda_coded | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 14k | Ryan and Shane work for the metaphysical department of the LAPD, fool around and get cursed.
Idle Hands (Do the Devil's Work) by ma_malice | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 4k | In which the only upside to being a demon stuck in a seasonal Chicago snowstorm is the ability to abandon your body and possess your boyfriend in LA.
Shell Game by Giddygeek | The Magicians | Quentin/Eliot | 20k | Or, Quentin can’t believe he never thought to ask if there was a magical time in Fillory when people swapped bodies with the last person they slept with.
Contention by hollybennett123 | Word of Honor | Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu/Ye Baiyi | 3k |  The Zhou Zishu of ten minutes ago, who first agreed to the whole thing — the evening’s conversation and general bickering over drinks taking an unexpectedly filthy turn — had been thinking only about the imminent pounding on offer and not, well, everything else that might come with it.
Necrocafé by etothey | Locked Tomb Trilogy | Gideon/Harrow | 2k | Harrowhark Nonagesimus isn't sure which confounds her more: the new boxes of bones she is to animate, or the hot redheaded courier who brings the boxes.
simple man by spqr | Loki | Loki/Mobius, Loki/Loki | 6k | “Tell you what,” says Mobius, shortly after the Timekeepers have sentenced Loki to death, “why don’t I take care of this?”
(Un)disclosed desires by Springandastorm | Loki | Loki/Mobius | "That's not how I see you at all, Loki." Mobius said, unexpectedly earnest. "We all play roles sometimes." 
sources of light by brawlite | Word of Honor | Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu | 3k | Zhou Zishu makes a difficult choice in order to save Wen Kexing's life. The morning after is not an easy one.
warm company, cold nights by janonny | Word of Honor | Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu | 23k | He gave Zhou Zishu a lingering look from beneath his lashes. “Your virtuous wife will accompany you of course.”
the potential of broken things by icarusinflight | Harry Potter | Drarry | 11k | "Can you feel that? Some things want to be what they once were. The original spell is still there, and it wants to work again. All it takes is a little push and then"—Draco clicks his fingers of his free hand—"snap, everything will go back into place."
little beast by brawlite | The Untamed | Song Lan/Xue Yang | 7k | Payback's a bitch.
you, undeniable you by returnsandreturns | Brooklyn Nine-Nine | Jake/Amy | 1k | “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Jake asks, for the fourth time. “Because we can just ditch that thing, toss it out a window, do it missionary like the founding fathers intended.”
Car Talk by drunkbedelia | Loki | Mobius/Loki | 1k | ‘When I pruned myself, I thought I might be able to find Loki,' Sylvie said.
one too many by sarcasticfishes | Watcher | Ryan/Shane | 1k | “Stay here,” Ryan says, just casual enough, “I’ll drive you home tomorrow.”
Tencent and Chill by quoth_the_ravenclaw | The Untamed | Nie Huaisang/Nie Mingjue | 2k | “Da-ge,” Huaisang whines, all for show, as much a performance as the actors on screen. He wiggles his toes. “My feet are so sore, you worked me too hard.”
The House at the End of the World by Hopetohell | Loki | Loki/Mobius/Sylvie | 1k | What will they do, now that they can do anything?
moderate the middle by ElisAttack | Loki | Loki/Mobius/Sylvie | 9k | People only smiled with their eyes when it was real. Unless they were a Loki. No matter the differences between the variants, their tricky grins were a constant as much as they were indiscernible.
Lost and Sound by snack_size | Loki | Loki/Thor/Sylvie | 5k | “Sylvie, did you help my brother defeat the Time Police?”
push the button (and let me know) by dinosuns | Loki | Loki/Mobius | 5k | “How about this?” hands folded on the table, he watches Loki intently. “If you tell me why, I’ll answer.” 
We're (not) all villains here by sir_not_appearing_in_this_archive | Loki | Loki/Mobius/Sylvie | 19k | WIP | Alone and friendless (once again), Loki has to find a way to set things right, or at least right enough he can comfortably sneak off into the sunset, which starts with one thing: saving Mobius's lost memories.
what remains by dinosuns | Loki | Loki/Mobius | “You’re no analyst.” Mobius sounds stunned. They are not aligned, they are not in tandem. But there are wistful glimmers of what is now agonisingly out of reach.
worth a shot by thereyoflight | Loki | Loki/Sylvie | 2k | When Loki and Sylvie are moments away from being cornered on the train in Lamentis, they resort to desperate measures.
Bug Problems by xorabbit | Marvel | Grandmaster/Loki | 7k |  Loki ends up on Sakaar, of course, with just that many more schemes to scheme. However, the Grandmaster is not altogether too terrible--a bit of fine luck, for once--and perhaps it's all right to have a better-natured fling while one works out what's next.
our way, no takebacks by dinosuns | Loki | Loki/Mobius | 20k | "Nice speech," Sylvie drawls, but the sarcasm doesn't land.
Vennen min by spqr | Loki | Loki/Mobius | 12k | The day they let Mobius out of the infirmary, Loki gets assigned to a new handler. This, Mobius is pretty sure, is where the trouble starts.
new terms by dinosuns | Loki | President Loki/Mobius | 21k | For the first time in his life, Loki triumphs. How fitting then, for the end to swiftly barge in unannounced.
Icarus by Waako | Loki | Loki/Mobius | 5k | When Mobius got pruned, he expected two different outcomes. Either eternal peace or eternal emptiness. He certainly didn’t expect a grey sky, ruins of old buildings looming over him, and a Loki variant watching him like he was a piece of fresh meat.
Stress Relief by spqr | Loki | Loki/Mobius | 3.5k |  “Let me read you something,” Loki says. He rifles through the pages, clears his throat, and Mobius puts a hand over his eyes because he knows what’s coming before Loki even reads the first word—“Pēdīcābō ego vōs et irrumābō—“
just like the weather by sarcasticfishes | BFU | Shane/Ryan/Sara | 6k | “Y’know,” Ryan shrugs. “Friends have kids together sometimes. Like if a same-sex couple has a friend surrogate for them. Or sometimes people just co-parent.”
Woodash and iron and leather by iffervescent | The Witcher | 9k | Jaskier is the only person Geralt's ever been around who doesn't smell of fear
Food of Love by tanktrilby | The Witcher | Geralt/Jaskier | 22k | I brought a dead princess back to life through the power of song is the kind of thing that would have got an eyebrow raise even from the stone-faced Geralt of Rivia, so it's a good thing he and Geralt will probably never see each other again.
If The Morning Light Sets In by nagia | Castlevania | Sypha/Trevor/Alucard | 45k | Save the Belmonts, save the world.
halfway by ivelostmyspectacles | Castlevania | Sypha/Alucard/Trevor | 12k | Vampire attacks are happening again. Unprovoked, strange, humans and vampires dying alike. A disease. Alucard assures them that he isn't susceptible.
lonely lonely heart by spqr | Loki | Loki/Mobius | 7k |  Mobius looks down at the paperwork, gets a sort of flustered farmboy look on his face, looks back up at Loki and says, “You offered to give a cop fellatio in the middle of Central Park.”
Bedrest by Lise | The Untamed | Xiao Xingchen& Xue Yang | 3k | Xiao Xingchen's newest patient is causing him problems. He just won't stay put.
too little, too late. by raisesomehale | Miraculous Ladybug | Adrien/Marinette | 6k | WIP |  “Ladybug.” Chat’s voice cuts in like molten steel.
Jesper Fahey | 99 Problems
Jesper Fahey | OLD TOWN ROAD
Kaz & Inej | I Can't Pretend
human | kaz brekker
bucky barnes || humble
The Mandalorian || Warriors
The Mandalorian | I'll See You Again
Hope is the light.
►Zhou Zishu & Wen Kexing | Beautiful mess
Kaz & Inej | I Can't Pretend
versailles at night | alina & the darkling
look what you made me do | the darkling
Bucky Barnes | Rasputin
Obi-Wan || dirty work
Blood in the water [the Witcher]
MARVEL || Astronaut in the Ocean
Enola Holmes || Unstoppable
Shadow & Bone || Fire Meets Fate
Mo Dao Zu Shi Season 3 AMV/Trailer - Teeth
Kylo Ren | STAR WARS
MARVEL || Rasputin
MARVEL || Astronaut in the Ocean
i dont enjoy hurting people | Loki [1x01]
loki laufeyson • unsteady [⚠ 1x01]
MARVEL || Levitating
Shadow & Bone | Paint It Black
Glitter & Gold | Jesper Fahey
Shadow and Bone | Levitating
wen kexing ✘ zhou zishu | put your lips on mine
Erik Lensherr - Magneto
The Crows || Circus
The Crows | Thrift Shop (Shadow & Bone)
Zemo & Bucky — RASPUTIN [tfatws]
Cruella | Feeling good
Percy Jackson || Watch Me
THE KILLING KIND || The Magnus Archives Animatic
LOKI || Glorious Purpose
The Darkling | Black Heretic
Sam x Bucky || Handclap [HUMOR]
Loki || Lovely
Doctor Strange || Dystopia
Loki & Sylvie || I’m not your friend
Loki || Hate Me
MARVEL || River
Loki & Bucky || Paint It Black
Wanda Maximoff || The Scarlet Witch (WandaVision)
Play With Fire || MARVEL || Loki Doctor Strange Scarlet Witch
MARVEL || Warriors
Loki || God of Mischief || You Do You
(Marvel) Loki | You Will Never Be A God
Marvel's Horror Cinematic Universe
community gardens || the magnus archives PMV
Thor || Rise
Loki & Sylvie - Demons in my head [ep.3]
Loki | Lost
A Quiet Place
Loki & Sylvie || Strange Birds
Loki & Sylvie "I won't let you down" | (+1x05)
♚ Loki & Sylvie | If You Love Me (1x04)
Loki & Sylvie | If our love is wrong [Loki +1x04]
Loki and Mobius | Hold On [Loki +1x05]
loki laufeyson • in the end [+ 1x04]
Loki and Sylvie || Feeling Good
Marvel || Black Widow - Counting Stars || Natasha Romanoff 
Cruella || Little Wicked
MARVEL || This is My Time || Shang-Chi Trailer Music
Sylvie | Unstoppable (Loki +1x03)
Loki and Sylvie (Lady Loki) || Play With Fire
Wanda and Vision || Dancing With Your Ghost
Wanda Maximoff and Loki || You Should See Me In A Crown
Loki and his Variants ⚔ King of Space [ep.5]
Loki & Sylvie ❤ This world is slowing down [ep.5]
Sylvie || Confident (+1x04)
•Loki x Sylvie ⱠΞⴼ King and Queens•
Loki - In The End | Marvel
Loki & Sylvie ❤ Out of Control [ep.4]
Loki & Mobius | Dynasty [LOKI/+1x04]
Loki & Sylvie ❤ Love War [ep.6]
(Marvel) Loki | Glorious Purpose
(MARVEL) Loki | Chaos
Loki | In The End [+1X06]
Loki x Sylvie | Another Love
Loki & Sylvie | Arcade [ Loki +1x06]
MARVEL || The Assembled Universe (c/w ASTrix UI)
Natasha & Yelena || Do It Like A Dude
Black Widow || Smells Like Teen Spirit
MARVEL || Uptown Funk
MARVEL || 1 in a Million
MARVEL/DC || Dies Irae
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness TRAILER #1
MARVEL || Loki 
The Wild One - Suzi Quatro
What’s So Funny ‘Bout - Sharon Van Etten
Levitating - Dua Lipa
The Underground - Meg Myers
You Won’t Find Me - Narrow Skies
Elixir of Life - Leah
Salt and the Sea - The Lumineers
ERROR - Niki, Kradness
Runaway - AURORA
Butterfly Water - Pastelle
Close to the Sun - Porcelain Pill
Selkie-boy - The Lost Words
Good Riddance - Annapantsu
Die Anywhere Else - Julia Henderson
Heat Waves - Glass Animals
Down - St Vincent
Word of Honor OST
Welcome to the Pleasuredome - Frankie Goes to Hollywood
Shy Away - Twenty One Pilots
Follow You - Imagine Dragons
I’m Not That Girl - Kerry Ellis
Meant to be Yours - Ryan McCartan
Ex Wives - Six
Euphoria - BTS
Walls - Cher
96,000 - In the Heights
Sun Goes Down - Lil Nas X
Enough For You - Olivia Rodrigo
Brutal - Olivia Rodrigo
Ziti E Buoni - Maneskin
Shum - Go_A
Loco Loco - Hurricane
Space Ghost Coast to Coast - Glass Animals
The Horror and the Wild (whole album - The Amazing Devil
Chant - Hadestown
Titans - Major Lazer, Sia
Bones - Galantis
Golden Dandelions - Barns Courtney
Le Nozze di Figaro - Hybrid
Save Your Tears - The Weeknd
Psycho - Post Malone
Gold Lion - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Close to Me - Ellie Goulding
And So It Went - The Pretty Reckless
help herself - bbno$
Fire For You - Cannons
Twist the Knife - Chromatics
He Said She Said - Chvrches
Face Down - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Campus - Vampire Weekend
Your Power - Billie Eilish
Reach - Eternal Eclipse
1 Last Cigarette - The Band Camino
Insertion - Hans Zimmer
from the edge - fictionjunction
The Devil Is a Gentleman - Merci Raines
Meet Me In The Woods - Amarante
Fire - Saint Mesa
Smells Like Teen Spirit - Saint Mesa
Appetite - Casey Edwards
All Things Devour - aeseaes
Throne - Saint Mesa
Witchcraft - Vian Izak
The Shrine / An Argument - Fleet Foxes
It’s Tricky - Run
Darjeeling - Barrie
Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings - Father John Misty
Picture Me Better - Weyes Blood
Loch Lomond - Mackenzi Tolk
Punta - Matzzy
Touch It Clean - DJ Raulito
Oh No - Kreepa
Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land - Marina
Sofia - Askjell
The Boy - Shannon & the Clams
First Steps - Lena Raine
The Power of Balance Rearranged - Rush Garcia
And So My Heart Became a Void - Ursine Vulpine
Paper Mache - Iris Lune
Catch Me If You Can - Desert Belle
Darkroom Double - Moon & Pollution
Serotonin - girl in red
In the Air Tonight - Natalie Taylor
When Your Heart Is a Stranger - Friends In Paris
Moon Effect - Sailor Moon Eternal OST
In A Black Out - Hamilton Leithauser
Forever - CHVRCHES
Way Less Sad - AJR
Helter Skelter - Detention
The Devil You Know - X Ambassadors
TVA - Natalie Holt
Honeybee-The Head and the Heart
Home All Summer - Anthony Ramos
In the Shadows - Amy Stroup
My Way - Lucifer Cast
In the Air Tonight - Jon Howard
The Beast - Old Caltone
The Beast - Delta Rae
Freak Like Me - Adina Howard
Only the Good Die Young - Billy Joel
Winds of Change - Scorpions
good 4 u - Olivia Rodrigo
If I Could See The World - Patsy Cline
Ends of the Earth - Lord Huron 
The Killing Kind - Marianas Trench
Bones - Wens
Kiss Me More - Doja Cat
How Not to Drown - CHVRCHES
Dark Moon - Bonnie Guitar
Free Smiles - Tia Ray
Sundown Blues - Joanna Levine
Citta Vuoto - Mina
If You Love Me - Brenda Lee
Very Full - Tom Hiddleston
Loki Green Theme - Natalie Holt
Wrecked - Imagine Dragons
The Wolves - Cyrus Reynolds
Cure For Me - Aurora
Theory of Light - Eternal Eclipse
Fate of the Clockmaker - Eternal Eclipse
Potential Breakup Son - Aly and AJ
transparent soul - travis barker
My Love Will Never DSie - AG, Claire Wyndham
Happy Together - King Princess
Atomise - Temple
Darkside - Oshins
Someone to Watch Over Me - Lucifer Cast
This is Ours - Peter Sivo
Love and War - Fleurie
Take Me To Church - MILCK
Devil I Know - Allie X
East of Eden - Zella Day
Shadow Preachers - Zella Day
Losing My Religion - BELLSAINT
Hard to Kill - Beth Crowley
Dark Side - Blind Channel
Tanz Mit Mir - Faun
My Jolly Sailor Bold - Ashley Serena
Stuttering - Fefe Dobson
Monsters and Fairies - Savannah
Chosen - SVRCINA
Freya - Verdandi
Sick on Seventh Strett - Sarah and the Safe Word
Tarah - Sae Sae Norris
Suspicion - Sherwood Roberts
Fjorgyn - Osi and the Jupiter
Fight to Make It Up - Takenobu
The Edge of Dawn - Rozen
Innocence - Cannon Diviision
A Stray Child - .Hack//Sign
The Kiss - Luigi Rubino
Any Kind of Dead Person - Ghost Quartet
The Great Unknown - Dominique Gilbert
Smells Like Teen Spirit - Saint Mesa
over the rainbow - misterwives
Fireflies - Cullen Vance
My mother Told Me - Nati Dreddd
Athetosis - Crywolf
Major Tom - Shiny Toy Guns
Novacaine - 10 Years
Right Here Right Now - Jesus Jones
NDA - Billie Eilish
Trouble’s Coming - Royal Blood
Completing the Circle - Gareth Coker
There’ll Always Be Another Monster - Brian D’Oliveira
take my hand and i'll drown you with me | Star Wars | Rey & Ben Solo | 2,157 words |  “You brought this upon yourself,” the creature told her, its voice serene.
keeping me restless and whole | Loki | Loki/Mobius | 1,584 words | Mobius was very young when he encountered his first Loki.
feed me lies until i'm dead | Loki | Thor/Loki | 3,476 words | “Don’t you think we should talk about it?” Thor asks.
the ghost of us can linger here | Loki | Loki/Mobius/Sylvie | 4,432 words | “So, how do you crazy kids want to do this?” Mobius asks them in a stage whisper, mouth twitching. At her back, Loki laughs, burying the sound against the curve of her neck.
there's a whisper in my bones | Loki | Loki/Mobius/Sylvie | 2,794 words |  “All right,” she says. “Fine. Let’s make things more interesting. Take off your clothes.”
east of eden | Loki | Loki/Mobius/Sylvie | 2,202 words |  “How long have you been fucking him?”  Mobius asks, stroking his fingers against the place where leather meets skin.
Triptych in C Minor | Loki | Loki/Mobius/Sylvie | 1,647 words | Pt 1 | There is a house at the end of time, past the last storm, pushed up against the very edge of the unknown. It is a castle, a manor, a fortress - all depending on who inhabits it. But one thing that it never is, is a home.
2k of Reylo mermay fic
1k+ of Xue Yang being a slut for Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen
300 words of vampire Song Lan
7k of Green Knight AU
10k of Green Knight AU
1.5k of hair dye shenanigans
yearning: a playlist for the heart
the chosen and the beautiful: a mix for jordan baker
kings & queens of the ruckus: a mix for loki and sylvie
4 notes · View notes
thejedicounselor · 5 years
Solo (Part 1)
Note: Hi y’all this is the beginning of a series, I’m not sure how long it will be but remember, I’m doing 31 days. So, this series should be done quickly, i’ll 100% make a masterlist after the 31 days so that all of those imagines, this series, x readers, lemons, and whatever else gets created is neatly organized. Back to the point, I hope you like this series, here’s part one, lets kick it!
Ahch-To: In The Beginning 
“Keep her safe. Don’t let her presence be known to anyone else in this galaxy. No one can learn of her existence. She may not have the force, or be a Jedi, and I say that with little confidence because I myself do not know. But I thank you heavily for keeping her here and protecting her. I’ll owe you big for this one Luke.” The familiar man in the oddly shade of blue cape spoke to Luke, and handed him a small bundle that contained y/n. 
“I’ll do my best to keep her safe and have her blend in with my students, she’ll be perfectly fine here with us.” Luke spoke back to the man, looking y/n in the eyes as you spoke in baby gibberish, reaching out toward the Jedi. 
Some final words, thanks, and an agreement later the man in the cape left on his ship and the raising and keeping of y/n began. 
Ahch-To: The Other Younglings Arrive
Luke decides to introduce you into the training scene after a few kids join, just so it doesn’t look even a little bit suspicious. The kids there when you’re introduced are Finnick Jecara, Astra Hero, and Ben Solo. You would be the second girl evening out the gender pool. 
“Y/N, come here, today is the day.” Luke suited you up in pale tan and white robes, you pulled your hair back into a very very messy bun. 
“I get to meet my friends today! Oh my gosh this is so exiciting I can’t believe today is the day.” You jumped around exicidedly, you’d always wanted to have new friends, or any friends at all. Currently an older Luke Skywalker was the only person you could consider a friend, a father, a cook, a nurse, and a Jedi. You’d never known anyone else besides him and the help who you honestly couldn’t understand. 
“Y/N I understand you’re excitement, but please keep it at bay just a little. You have to act like you’ve been around kids before, you need to be convincing that you came from somewhere other than right here with me.” He spoke in a serious tone, getting down to your level, and looking directly into your eyes. 
Though you didn’t totally understand this much, you nodded and calmed your jets. A fast meditation session later you were ready to be introduced to the other kids. Nerves shocked your body, you wanted to impress Luke, but you also were still subconsciously excited to see and meet these other kids. 
Walking out of a hut, there stood the three children with Luke, Luke smiled at your calm demeanor and kindness of your wave and smile. 
“Alright kids, today we have a new member to training, meet Y/N.” He gestured toward you as you stood to his left. All the kids waved at you and gave you a smile. 
Immediatley there was a connection,that wasn’t the force, between you and the dark haired boy standing in front of you to the far right as soon as you made clear eye contact. He felt it too and laughed quietly as you too let out a quiet giggle. 
Ahch-To: Years In
You and Ben Solo had been absolutely inseperable best friends since the age of him 13, you 10, but were always just a little more since you met at  You constanly dueled against each other, studied everything from balance to darkness together, read through Jedi texts, went on the most incredible night adventures/climbs, and never seized to make one another smile. You told each other absolutely everything and expressed yourselves completely to each other. 
In the teenage years your relationship flourished, your closeness grew into an absolute unconditional and undying love. There was nothing more pure or true for the two of you other than that. The two of you slept in the same hut sometimes, always ran around together, wished each other luck on trials Luke would have you each individually go through, and contiue to have fun just as you did in your middle school aged years.
At the early ages of adulthood for him and almost 20 for you, you saw a conflict in Bens heart and soul. Even though he barely talked about it, he knew you could see it and feel it anytime you made eye contact or you touched his skin. His moods began to flicker like a dying light more and more often. He began to want different things out of the relationship, just to feel something sometimes, and you knew that. One night you took that statement as far as you could, and ended up staying the night in his hut one last time. 
Ahch-To: Vanishing
Weeks after your night with Ben you feel horribly ill, and unlike yourself in every physical way. You told Luke and he sent you off with some of the help. They took you to a medical bay where it was determined you were in fact pregnant. And you knew exactly who the father was. 
Luke waited for you, and the second you were back you told him the news, and included the name of the father. Luke sat in shock, but after that passed he had a plan. He’d felt the darkness in Ben and didn’t want you to go with him, not just because of the pregnancy, but because of keeping you a secret to the galaxy. He planned to send you away to a median planet, who was underdeveloped, stayed out of all conflicts, and no one really knew of its existence. You didn’t understand why, considering the fact you had no idea that no one except the people and creatures on this planet knew of your existence. So, Luke used his second reasoning about Ben and his rising darkness. Luke had no real idea how to stop it or what to do. He had barely any plan, but sent you away a day before the incident would occur.. The day before Ben would burn down the temple, massacre your fellow comrads, and join the First Order..
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The Goldfinch movie.
7 min 26 secs in : Why the fuck did they start the movie like that. Why didn't the explosion take place? Theo's mom's apartment? His anxiety? Also.. why do they keep cutting the scenes abruptly? They ain't tweets... No limit.. then??
8 min 2 sec in : Okay they went to the apartment. Audrey's sweater deserved more screen time. The lipstain on the mug in focus *chef's kiss* poetic cinema!
9 min 19 sec in : Do you see what I see? Tom Cable's face has a stark resemblance to Boris's face. Did Theo have a crush on him?
9 min 54 sec in : Mr Barbour's hand is shaking. I like that they put it in there. He was sick. Nice. (I'd imagined Audrey's apartment building entrance like they showed the Barbour's apartment building entrance. Wild.)
11 min 8 sec in : Don't shove it into his face that y'all are fancy okay? He's not used to that life style. He didn't have maids making his bed. ARE YOU GIVING HIM DRUGS, MRS BARBOUR? But you just glared at your husband for offering him the same sort of thing?? Oh God. Poor child. "it's perfectly understandable" my ass. You gave him meds just because your sleep was getting affected.
14 min 39 sec : Woah woah woah Theo wtf you're so smol how'd you do that? Also... Again. The frame of Theo and Tom standing close and Theo and Boris standing close when they kissed, Theo is wearing the same damn sweater.
16 min 58 sec in : Ayyyy Jeffery Wright!
20 min 33 sec in : "He drank a lot", Theo about his dad. Honey just wait up, you will too. (The grilled sandwich and the cute lil smile 😍 also this is the first time since the movie started that Oakes' voice isn't deep.)
23 min 54 sec in : Wizard of Oz poster, I see you!
24 min 19 sec in : I love how Oakes is expressing being caught off guard. Theo knows he did something bad and every time he's dealing with something he didn't expect to deal with, he's like OMG THEY KNOW ABOUT THE PAINTING AND IM FUCKED even if no one knows.
25 min 1 sec in : The glasses made a difference. He went from mature to cute. Angry bird to angry birb.
25 min 44 sec in : Another sweater? Or was this THE sweater of Audrey? (Off topic but Oakes is hella cute. I could murder anyone who hurts him.)
29 min 9 sec in : Pippa doesn't remember or doesn't wanna remember? There was something in her eyes that was hard to read. Also, why doesn't anyone say 'I'm sorry about your mom' to Theo? Do Americans not care? It's weird to see no response when he tells people that Audrey is dead.
31 min 17 sec in : "The Goldfinch, destroyed"? Then why is Theo upset. Good riddance. Oh yeah. I know why. It's Donna Tartt we're talking about.
32 min 39 sec in : Hobie just casually predicting the future. "It's only fake if you pass it on as an original". Theo's like, "noted, gonna do exactly that".
34 min 16 sec in : Why does Theo write like a five year old child? That's toddler handwriting! And omg all the Andy-prom-dress memes are making sense now. (Also did I mention that Mrs Barbour seems more selfish in the film than she does in the book. Like hey I'm putting up with this kid because he helps my kid. He's serving a purpose for me. What the hell.) (How old is Andy anyway? He looks younger than Theo. I think he's different. Didn't grow up like other kids. That was mentioned in the book right?)
35 min 20 sec in : Ayyy Hobie's earring!
35 min 49 sec in : He shopped for himself? Nice! Didn't know kids could shop without adult supervision in the West. (Because they can't in the East.)
35 min 50 sec in : Ayyyy Sarah Paulson! Damn she's hot. How can you dislike her? *heart eyes*
37 min 30 sec in : I can't bring myself to hate Luke Wilson since Skeleton Twins but SHUT THE FUCK UP LARRY! AUDREY DESERVED BETTER. Look at how Larry and Xandra are looking at the place like they're vultures.
39 min 34 sec : They got the airport scene right. STOP GIVING HIM DRUGS WTH IS WRONG WITH THE ADULTS IN THIS MOVIE!
41 min 12 sec in : Ayyy Popper!!!!!
43 min 27 sec in : It just dawned on Theo that he's alone. Oh god. My poor baby.
45 min 12 sec in : Let me take this moment to say that Ashleigh Cummings is pretty. And I finally get why y'all were pissed at the non linear storyline and the weird voiceovers. Guess I'd been prepared for that so it didn't really suck that much.
49 min 30 sec in : I'd imagined Boreo reunion like the Platt Theo reunion. In the day. Dang it. Also... Adult Platt Barbour was not supposed to be good looking? In the book?
55 min 34 sec in : Without context, none of it could make sense. Apologies to whoever didn't read the book beforehand. Crowley fucked this up.
58 min in : Ayyyy Finn Wolfhard! BORIS IS HERE AND IM SO EXCITED IDK WHY
1 hour in : It's such a Boris thing to leave the bag unzipped.
1 hour 3 min 20 sec in : Slumdog Millionaire's Jai Ho (2008) is playing in the background. The only song that I've recognized so far. Wow. Lets me know about the time setting. Nice.
1 hr 3 min in : Someone gif " That cost twenty dollars!" *Stare* "That would have cost twenty dollars!"
1 hr 8 min in : So Boris's room is exactly like I had imagined but Theo's room isn't. Boris just mentioned Kotku though.
1 hr 9 min 14 sec in : Isn't it hella hot in Vegas? Why are they wearing sweaters? Or does drug intake make you more vulnerable to the environment?
1 hr 10 min 15 sec in : Xandra Theo argument : gold. "Cocktail sausages that you like." I wanna laugh in Crowley's face. What was he thinking?? Omg I'm dying.
1 hr 11 min 17 sec in : The slap sound didn't work??
1 hr 13 min 53 sec in : I like serious Boris better.
1 hr 14 min in : The slum house Audrey dream thing was not in the book. That's an entirely new addition.
1 hr 18 min 26 sec in : The Welty Theo scene is awesome. The sound effects work. I feel suffocated. The ambulance noise fiasco is also nicely pulled off. (also Theo's Yellow bag was dirty af then how did it get all clean when he didn't even do anything to it?)
1 hr 20 min 57 sec in : Shhhh Potter.
1 hr 22 min in : Holy shit he got slapped twice!! Ouch! And Larry's audacity to tell Theo to stop with the crying?? Good thing he died. Asshole.
1 hr 25 min in : "You don't tell me a lot of things but that's okay". I see what you did there, Boris. Which was of course, I love you.
1 hr 26 min in : "Act normal" - Theo knows his way around drugs pretty well, doesn't he?
1 hr 30 min in : "No family No friends" line punched me in the face. (Also awww popchik's excuse was the last resort for Boris to make Theo stay.)
1 hr 31 min 17 sec in : That pause after "What do you have to tell me?". You can clearly see Boris struggling to hold something back. Which was of course, I love you.
1 hr 31 min 34 sec in : What the fuck is that music? Oh heyyyyyy they kissed!-- he fucking runs away?? Also what kind of a kangaroo runs like that? (Yes, the taxi driver watched. I don't have to wonder anymore.) (They didn't address why he took the bus instead of flying?)
1 hr 33 min in : I didn't imagine Welty's room like that at all. Also why doesn't Hobie seem happy to see Theo again?
1 hr 35 min in : Longer stretches of one storyline are kinda bearable. From drugs in storage unit to waking up beside Kitsey. We got Vegas and Young Theo. Nice. (Also, who the heck puts jewelry in shoes? Is Theo that dumb? And now I can't think of anything else than Boris piercing his ear for the emerald earring. Tumblr has fucked it up bad.)
1 hr 43 min in : They nailed the Kitsey Theo confrontation.
1 hr 44 min in : Ayyy Ozma of Oz!
1 hr 48 min in : I noticed it before but I wasn't sure... Now I am. Pippa has Welty's ring. On her finger. At all times. (also, is NYC always that noisy? Must suck to walk on the roads.)
1 hr 52 min 23 sec in : They nailed the Theo Pippa date. What's that song playing in the background? I want the name. It's almost like two hours and I still haven't seen Aneurin Barnard once. Why! (Jerome's mentioned in the movie btw.)
1 hr 52 min 51 sec in : Complained too soon. Boris is sat in the dark doing god knows what. My man Aneurin is here!
1 hr 53 min 37 sec in : BOREO REUNIONNNNNN - no don't look at me like that I only watched it thrice.
1 hr 56 min in : Boris saying "it's someone else" with a knowing look and Theo looking at him. The frickin yearning.
1 hr 57 min in : Boris is like you're unhappy, I'm here, we're both rich, let's f*ck. "We could"... What are you suggesting dude he's repressed!
1 hr 58 min in : "you unwrapped it and showed it to me." So many meanings. The heart, the love the soul... Wow. Good for you, screen play writers! ( It's kinda hilarious how Boris got mad at Theo for never quote unquote fucking opening it.)
2 hr 1 min in : I'm calling it. They're going to fuck up the Theo Hobie confrontation. They put it on the wrong time. And they also fucked up the text from the book.
2 hr 5 min 48 sec in : Even Platt is saving his sister's face. Also where did Todd go? Did he never grow up? I wish Mrs Barbour didn't use Theo like she did.
2 hr 7 min in : The frame where Boris is between Kitsey and Theo. Chef's kiss.
2 hr 10 min 54 sec in : *intense music playing* Boris put his leg up on the table and I burst into laughter THOSE ARE THE FAMOUS FUCK ME PUMPS.
2 hr 11 min in : AAAAA THE FOREHEAD TOUCH AAAAAAA (Theo just knows without looking that Boris is close enough to touch? Theo are you sure you don't feel feelings for him?)
2 hr 12 min in : Theo is so worried that I'm not sure if it's for Boris or for losing the painting again. Omg he just murdered a man. Oh god.
2 hr 14 min in : Theo is spiralling. In the movie they imply that Hobie played a part in him attempting suicide. So wrong. Poor Hobie. In the book that wasn't the case.
2 hr 15 min in : The transition of the Goldfinch into Audrey, wow. Also, is it the first time we're seeing her? The movie started so long ago that I've forgotten if I saw Theo and Audrey in the museum. Boris following right after Audrey? That's a subliminal message. Boris is here to rescue y'all.
2 hr 16 min in : No shit Boris is freaking out right now.
2 hr 17 min in : The diner scene. They're both crying. "Happy Christmas, Potter" - which was of course, I love you.
2 hr 18 min in : No don't you dare compare Audrey and Mrs Barbour. Audrey would never drug her child or use him for her benefit.
2 hr 20 min in : Poor kid bumps into his mom lol. I found it funny.
On the whole
The movie was nice if you'd read the book beforehand. The first hour was steak, The second hour was Korean BBQ and the rest of the twenty minutes were minced beef. If you get what I mean. Weird analogy. It could have been much better. But it was really very nice in some places. Most places I'd say.
I didn't like how the pop songs ruined the mood of certain moments. I didn't like how you couldn't hear the conversation over the music playing. For example in the engagement party when Platt and Theo talked. Or in the diner scene.
Both Borises killed the accent thing. They tried their best. Cut them some slack.
Oakes deserves an Oscar for holding up this movie on his smol shoulders. I was shook at how a kid could act that well.
Popchik deserved more screen time. I'm still pissed they didn't add the Popchik Boris reunion. But then they couldn't make it chronological, what were we supposed to expect anyway.
Ansel Elgort y'all. Theo sure improved his handwriting lol. Ansel's writing is nice. He was actually good in this movie. Better than he was in The Fault In Our Stars. The internet is just mean. The critics too. I will never understand the hate.
All in all, it could have been a better adaptation but it didn't suck as bad as everyone made it out to be. John Clownery should be punished nonetheless. Special shout-out to Roger Deakins for making it work.
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Alright, I’ve gotten back into writing Spider-Man.
I’m scrapping the Wonder Woman x Spider-Man open relationship with Mary Jane X Felicia Open relationship that ultimately culminates into a 4 people polycule where Peter gets pegged, and go for something a bit more simple. So, I’m sorry for the, like, 20 kudos I received on Ao3 over that, and 31 favorites on HF, but that’s abandoned at the moment.
So, new idea...
Amazing Spinnerete, an AU where MJ gets bitten by the spider instead.
(Spider-Woman and Jackpot were already taken and Spider-Girl didn’t sound right to her, as if it was too early for that).
1) Peter, who doesn’t get any powers ever for the entirety of my story (unlike I was planning to do for Mary Jane in the previous one as I piled power after power on her among star sapphire rings, spirits of vengeance, symbiontes, Gamma Radiations and Thor’s hammer), turns into a Sidekick/IT Guy role to her.
2) He’s there to fulfill a purely supporting role to MJ Heroics, craft the webs, be a support to her, all that shebang you’d expect, while getting worried sick over her going out in New York and risking her life daily among villains and criminals and whatnot. He’s the “Nerd behind the computer,” a concept that got admittedly popularized by Oracle, as well as her “field medic” when she gets back home and needs stitching on both the costume and her scars. 
3) Also uncle Ben is alive and on a ongoing trip with Aunt Anna and Aunt May around the world. They solve crimes, off screen, like 3 Jessica Fletchers, so Peter isn’t as fucked up emotionally as in canon.
4) I’m gona take from the MC2 and say that, unlike Peter, MJ is actually trying to profit off her image from the start. This might cause some conflicts with Peter over him not wanting them to lucrate on some of their crime fighting (Such as not wanting to patent the web fluid in fear of criminals getting a hold of it), and mixes up with their already canon conflict over her being the main breadwinner in the couple AND the possibility of her doing progressively more risque work.
5) Specifically, I’m gona say it: Spinnerete and Mary Jane have two separate OnlyFans. It’s a modernized story and they are in their mid twenties and need a stable source of income and what better than a horde of people out there paying the same woman TWICE for pics of her buying wonderbread? “Pictures of Spinneret” therefore become a way different phrase, and there is a debate in universe over a superheroine essentially being a sex worker, and all that that entails. I don’t know how well I’m going to explore it tho so this might get dropped after a while and just make her a ASMRtist or a Twitch Streamer, basically the same thing at this point.
6) Since this is a AU I can do like Spider-Gwen did and not just fuck up one piece of the main universe but make every aspect of the universe different, so, bullet list of things I’ve been coming up with that are different from main continuity:
6A) The Hero to Heroine ratio (as well as Villain to Villainess) is 1 hero every 10 heroines. Major (Male, Homo Sapiens) heroes in the setting are: Johnny Storm (Johnny Storm), Thor (Thor Odinson), Power Man (Luke Cage), Iron Man (Rhodey Rhodes), Original Captain America (Steve Rogers).
6B) The mutant community is a massive polycule of free love and shit. The biggest mutant community in the world is stationed in the Free Republic of Genosha, currently part of a worldwide international federation of small nations around the globe born to contrast Soviet and American influences during the cold war called IFMP (International Federation of Micro-Powers). Latveria and Wakanda are part of it, and are the leaders of the two major factions among the delegates in the form of the isolationists (Wakanda) and the Expansionists (Latveria). The second biggest mutant community in the world is in San Diego. most male superheroes and some of their villains happen to be mutants.
6C) Susan Storm lead a year long deep space expedition team financed by the united states government, and managed to contact several alien races in her travels, returning to earth with diplomatic ties and Power Cosmic given to her by Infinity herself as a sign of good will after she and the united armies of space finally managed to slay and destroy “The eldritch abomination at the edge of reality that makes people racist by existing,” as it was called. This starts a age of cooperation between the various alien races and empires out there in the cosmos and Earth, their embassies being built in most of the major nations of the world, trade and science deals cropping up as a result.
6D) Susan Storm later formed the (apolitical, above nations and planets) superhero team the Fantastic Five, which changed members over the years based on relationship with other alien planets and tensions between the members of the team. Current line up consists in Susan Storm (Susan Storm, former Ms. Fantastic), super partes leader due to the Power Cosmic, alongside Lyja the Lazerfist (Second Ms. Fantastic and Former Skrull chaos agent on earth during the Skrull-Kree Cold War), Crystalia Amaquelin (Crystal, Inhuman Ambassador), She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters, earth representative and legal expert), Thundra (Thundra, Femizonian Ambassador). The Kree empire was disbanded after the end of the Kree-Skrull cold war.
6E) Johnny Storm never became the second human torch but ends up becoming Evil Jesus. During his trip to the stars with his sister he accidentally ends up in the Negative Zone, the void between dimensions, and befriends the locals, becoming a jesus like figure and ending up ruling the place. It’s not as banged up as it sounds but with prolonged commuting with the Negative Zone he has achieved a state of resonance with Oblivion, one of the other 4 great entities of the universe, and has become his champion. (in direct contrast with his sister’s coming from Infinity). He still uses his powers for good, if in a chaotic good way compared to his sister lawful good one.
6F) Peggy Carter was subjected to the Super Soldier program during WWII, thus becoming Agent England, de facto leader of the Invaders (Mostly same team, Sub-Mariner, First Human Torch, etc.), and guiding the assault against nazi germany and hydra. She and her sidekick end up frozen on the same plane
6G) Steve Rogers was still picked under her wing, if not able to receive super soldier treatment, and still became the (original) Captain America, a purely propagandist figure of a scrawny, physically weak son of immigrants Brooklyn dude, the complete opposite of the German Ubermech ideal for the white man, but with enough anger and outrage over an unjust world to pick fights with people 5 times his size, shown in many a propaganda video punching Hitler square in the jaw and knocking him out cold. They both ended up on that plane crashing in the arctic and were defrosted several years later.
6H) With the disappearance of Agent England, the Invaders disbanding, and the cold war underway, with no superhero team really cropping up, Doctor Deidre Wentworth managed to develop a modified version of the Super Soldier Serum, testing it on herself, and becoming the Superior Captain America. She forms the (US Exclusive, extremely political) “Americommandos” superteam, with selected superheroines and “reformed” supervillaines of the time. The team was responsible for many controversial superhero activities during the cold war, in and out of the united states, and is still going to this day, even if some members have retires or have outright died. Not Superior Cap tho, no, her aging has been slowed down due to the serum, so here she is still guiding black ops teams to capture and imprison some worker rights activists that happen to be mutants.
6I) The Sorcerer Supreme of this dimension happens to be Doctor Doom, Ruler of Latveria.
6L) Norman Osborn never became the Green Goblin. He was still a scummy CEO and millionaire, and still had a affair with one of his son’s best friends. Gwen was dating Peter at the time and ended up getting pregnant with Norman, he finds out, pressures her to get an abortion, almost terrorizes her, she doesn’t cave, Peter is understandably confused and shocked but still wants to support her (as does Mary Jane), but on the day of Gwen’s son’s and daughter’s birth Norman pulls the same shit he pulled in canon with Mary Jane and Mayday, hires an assassin to force a miscarriage, Gwen finds out a couple months later, stages her death, and becomes the Ghost-Goblin, ending up throwing Norman off the New York bridge and killing him in the process for good. His estate and company was inherited by his son, Henry, who devolved most of it to charity, destroying the Osborn business empire.
7) That’s the gist of it really, gona elaborate on more tomorrow.
EDIT: 8) Nightcrawler is the Pope.
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ysalamiri-queen · 5 years
2019 Fic in Review
Inspired by @myevilmouse I’m going to sum up all the writing I’ve been up to the past year. I’m really proud of what I’ve accomplished, and thanks to you all for the encouragement to put my ideas out into the world! This has been a year of trying new things, and really growing as an author I feel… And wow according to AO3 I’ve written about 400k words in the past 12 months, damn. So let’s get to the list, going from the beginning of the year to the end, and as always please heed the tags on these before reading.
Note: As I go back, I’m realizing a lot of the links were messed up or are just straight missing. I am on the Mobile App so things can get messy. Please visit my works page on AO3 HERE to see all of these on my page under JessKo and my other pseuds.
1 Late Night at the Slab
Idea: Filling a prompt for the Thryce server in which some, uh, unique Chiss anatomy was assigned.
Result: A 3-way with Thrawn, Arihnda, and Eli and my first foray into the more Xeno side of things in a Modern AU setting. Yeehaw!
2 The Trouble With Free-Roaming Ysalamiri
Idea: Based on some adorable ysalamiri cuddles art by @strength-through-order I wanted to write some Thranto fluff.
Result: Ysalamiri-filled Thranto fluff X’D
3 Inquisitor’s Debt
Idea: What if the Grand Inquisitor changed sides at the end of Rebels season 1?
Result: Some fun throwbacks with Obi-Wan and Caleb Dume leading up to Quizzy defecting with Ezra.
4 Ancient Stems
Idea: Eli Week drabbles based on the Vanto Week prompts.
Result: A silly buzz droid narrative with Thrawn and some cute slice of life Eli backstory/Ascendancy days bits.
5 Charnsuka
Idea: Kinky stuff with Lord Garmadon when he’s an Anacondrai.
Result: Kinky stuff with Lord Garmadon when he’s an Anacondrai. Sorry Zane!
6 Caged Like Prized Birds
Idea: Again inspired by the awesome Chiss anatomy and Thrux drawings by @strength-through-order , I wanted to craft a narrative around Armitage, as a young man, stumbling upon a clone of Thrawn.
Result: Man, this might just be one of my favorite things I’ve ever written, had so much fun plotting it out and the smut is mmm! Tentacles everywhere~ I’ve gone back to re-read this a lot, I’ll admit it. I hope you all enjoyed it too.
7 Quiet On Set
Idea: Must. Write. Talos.
Result: A cute little platonic x-reader with everyone’s favorite Skrull. This was my first MCU fic too.
8 Diagnostic
Idea: Wanted to apologize to Zane for the damages done in Charnsuka with some Glacier shipping fluff.
Result: A silly glacier thing leading to a bit of foolery. I’m happy with it!
9 Heron Soaring
Idea: A continuation of the plot line from Heron Rising with Kanan and Thrawn.
Result: Too many feels… but some great sex to soften the blow, Kanera too!
10 Patron
Idea: Responding to a tumblr prompt from @wukeskywalker regarding Thrawn commissioning LOADS of artworks of Eli.
Result: More Thranto fluff! I see a trend here…
11 Black Heron
Idea: Kanan x Pryce for @myevilmouse , I think this was our first ‘collaboration’ on something!
Result: Juahir hires a special someone to show Arihnda a good time!
12 Red Heron
Idea: @star-wars-rebels-4 is always an amazing wealth of ideas for Grand Inquisitor, and encouraged a work featuring him and Kanan.
Result: Delicious back alley smut when an undercover Jedi is caught!
13 Warm Homecoming
Idea: Give my and a friend's OCs some cute fluff.
Result: OC fluff and a vacation to Hoth!
14 sowing the seeds
Idea: Add something cute to the spank war project.
Result: Another contender for my ‘favorite thing I’ve ever written’ rank. Two chapters of pining, cooking lessons, and sweet slick smut.
15 Red Frost
Idea: After watching “The Evil of Frankenstein” with @sneakybunyip ‘s amazing movie night group, I wanted to do something fun with Victor and Hans.
Result: A fun little adventure fic with some huddling for warmth to boot. Victor and Hans are the hammer-horror-verse Thranto send tweet.
16 a setting sun to hide the ruins
Idea: What if I tortured Kanan to the point he turned evil and joined the Inquisitors (and went a little insane in the process)
Result: Instead of torture, let’s just use some serum that drives him mad. Perfect. Smut ahoy, pretty much a dead dove type fic.
17 Pinktown
Idea: When browsing abandoned towns in Florida, I came across Flamingo… what if Thrawn had been exiled here instead.
Result: An alternate history of Thrawn’s exile and eventual discovery by the Empire. Huge thanks for @badgerandk on this one for the perfect epilogue and beta.
18 the sun rises to only illuminate the stranger i have become
Idea: Setting sun… part 2! But it’s actually what happens before sun?
Result: How Kanan ended up where he is for ‘a setting sun’... lots of imp smut and again, it's sort of a dead dove style fic.
19 Frozen Over
Idea: Ar’alani x Eli Vanto
Result: Somehow me and my writing partner ended up at sensory deprivation focus on this one.
20 Shape of Honor
Idea: Well, this one started in 2018 but ‘finished’ in 2019. Still working on the epilogue. Lots of tweaks… If you are not familiar, this is my AU in which it explores how the Thrawn novel and Rebels show would be altered if Palpatine distrusted Thrawn from their first meeting and accused him of being a Chiss spy. Vaguely inspired by the film The Shape of Water.
Result: Well it's nearly a novel now, isn’t it. This was a great adventure in learning how to create compelling story arcs. I’m extremely satisfied with how it is shaping (lol) up.
21 Datura Stamonium
Idea: Thrawnbine ovi smut.
Result: Oops it has plot now, a whole backstory with Eli and such and so fourth. Will need further stories told…
22 Desert Entropy
Idea: Luke/Wedge modern AU shenanigans.
Result: Also pulled Nath/Wyl and the Rogue Squad/Alphabet Squad peeps into this. Set in Vegas, Luke and Wedge meet and have a cute little romance, but some legal troubles set them back (Palpatine, as always, is That Bitch™) Very happy ending!
23 The Great Eli and Thrawn Prank War
Idea: See Chapter 1: Mullet Thrawn
Result: This thing really grew up, and thanks to all the contributors for allowing me to join in! My contributions were: 7-Bombs Away! In which a bit of drama brews and Thrawn makes a paint bomb that forces him and Eli back into being roomates. 11-Tooka Troube 2: Electric Boogaloo in which Eli finds his quarters slowly filling up with Tooka plush toys, and then something huge goes off in supply. 17-The Bitch is Back In which who knew Thrawn could sing?!
24 Clipped Wings to Keep Us from Flying
Idea: Continuing the story line from Caged Like Prized Birds
Result: Dragging Eli and the OG Thrawn into this, seeing that their stories were left untold in the first work. Also Armitage and the clone are up to all sorts of cool things. Still a WIP, on the list to keep working on this year!
25 I’ll do what I can.
Idea: Some Ronan/Krennic feels post Treason
Result: A Ronan character study that I really needed to get out of my system and finally a stable alliance between Krennic and Thrawn!
26 Purple Heron
Idea: @punk--kenobi and I concocted some fun Kanan/Zeb/Hera smut featuring Lasat heat cycles.
Result: Ah this came out so cool, full of emotion and wonderful imagery. Massive kudos to @punk--kenobi for beta-ing my portion and contributing some of the best smut one can find!
27 Ninjago Angst Week 2019
Idea: Do some 1-shots for Ninjago Angst Week
Result: ow right in the feels. Each character got a highlight in their own ‘dark retelling of a canon or canon adjacent event’ chapter.
28 Vertigo
Idea: Thing’s don’t go right planetside for Eli, Pik, and Waffle in Treason.
Result: Big oof. I hope Eli can one day forgive me… I even put strain on the end game Thranto! Bittersweet ending and lots of angst.
29 More Than Just a Treat
Idea: What is Obi Wan up to in the desert…
Result: Aunt Beau and baby Luke baked him cookies obviously!
30 Datura Metel
Idea: Continuing the Datura cycle…
Result: Just how Eli ended up where he did in the first installation.
31 Here & Now
Idea: Some Thranto Fluff! For @jewelliffer
Result: A camping trip for shore leave! And a marriage proposal for extra sugar.
32 Monster Under the Bed
Idea: Benevolent Boogeyman Chiss
Result: Modern AU Thranto spooky sillies. Bit of an intense climax but they talk it out!
33 Haunted by Sentiment
Idea: Nath is in denial of being the Squad Dad for @glassprowlers
Result: Nath’s very bad no good oh so terrible day! It's very silly and I really like how it ended up, the title is way more serious than the story itself XD
34 Pulse
Idea: Werewolf AU Lavashipping
Result: Oops Kai is a werewolf! Good thing Cole is here to help him figure out how to press on.
35 Stories from Area 51
Idea: remember the raid Area 51 meme? I do! Gotta clap them alien cheeks!
Result: Oh no it got PLOTTY! Pretty much all of my favorite characters and ships cherry-picked and plopped down into a Men In Black style facility in the middle of the desert. I really have a thing for the desert huh…
36 Good Day
Idea: The “truth” behind the “Good day, Lieutenant Vanto” from Thrawn in Treason.
Result: Oh stars the FEELS! Thrawn is in deep water and he KNOWS IT! GAH!
37 Fur Ball
Idea: Chiss are mogwai/gremlins…
Result: Silly Thranto fluff. Thrass shows up too! Feeding them after midnight is actually a good idea here… Grow your own ideal man!
38 Came Back Haunted
Idea: A mission fic centered around the @peters-pumpkin-day prompts.
Result: Ice planet survival with Tarkin, Krennic, Galen, and Ronan.
39 Sewn Together
Idea: This drawing actually is what lead to the fic-
Tumblr media
Result: A fairly unique reuniting of Thrawn and Eli after both return to the Ascendancy.
40 Spiked Heron
Idea: Oh no… Kanan gets himself in deep poodoo this time.
Result: Devaronians really like humans huh? The next chapter is half way written I swear it is coming soon!
41 A Colder Embrace
Idea: Thrawn/Purrgil/Ezra and Luke/Wampa for SW Rare Pairs.
Result: It's very cold on Hoth… and even colder in space.
42 Surround
Idea: Luke/Wedge for SW Rare Pairs
Result: Luke has to confront Wedge post ESB regarding what is, essentially, his deserting the Rebels.
43 What Happens Planetside…
Idea: Eli/Pik/Waffle for SW Rare Pairs
Result: heheh a scrumptious Eli sandwich! And surprise tentacles because, well, why not?
44 Hesperidium
Idea: Fluffy Kylux for the Kylux Secret Santa event
Result: Ah its so sweet you might get a cavity
45 Reanimator
Idea: Lovecraftian eldritch horror Thranto
Result: This is the sort of project that it takes 2 months to fine tune each chapter, so bear with me, but I can promise a wonderful, creepy ride is ahead!
46 Floral
Idea: Luke/Faro for SW Rare Pairs. Enjoy the Jedi lovin’, @myevilmouse
Result: Sex pollen and accidentally defecting from the Empire. Whoops!
47 The Harch
Idea: Bouncing off of THIS art by @mamidlo , we worked together to create this plot. Very much inspired by the Hammer Horror films, such as Dracula and Frankenstein.
Result: A fun and spooky romp of Kallus and Zeb getting trapped in a creepy castle featuring mind controlled drones and a species-obsessed Harch. This was my first time posting the entire story at once, too!
Wow, I can not believe how much has been written this year. Thank you all again for reading and kudos-ing and your amazing comments. I’d not be here without the support and love <3 Cheers to 2020 and much more fic ahead!
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agreateryesterday · 4 years
Reylo - ABO fics
House of The Rising Sun by amybeegood
(Last updated April 17, 2020) 28 chapters
A canon-esque, Omegaverse, Reylo/Hades and Persephone version of the War of The Roses. But in space.
Reyne by itsjustsilver
(Last Updated March 29, 2020) 3 Chapters
The Princess Rey does not want to attract the Emperor’s interest.
Alternative Methods (of Pain Relief) by Camucia
(Last updated March 26, 2020) 10 chapters
Rey has never exactly had the most normal of reproductive health, and Jakku left her with the pain tolerance of a rancor. But even by her standards, the increasingly awful cramps that have plagued her these last few months are getting a bit... unmanageable. She’s perfectly content to do as she has always done for her entire life, gritting her teeth and soldiering through the pain - Too bad this is apparently Not An Option when these sensations are shared with a certain Supreme Leader.
Only his Queen by Lanie_cakes
(Last updated March 26, 2020) 16 chapters
Rey world is turned upside down when she turns 27 when her suppressed shapeshifter gene is unlocked when she goes into Heat. She is shipped off to a place called the First Order to relearn about her origins and has a hard time adjusting in this new world she dubbed as the Fuzzy Kingdom of Nudity. A year into waiting for her alpha Mate to come to her and unlock her inner animal from its cage. She is shocked to find that she not going to mated to just any regular Alpha...But the King of the Wild People Himself.
Naboo by Sweetaro
(Last updated Dec 29, 2019) 4 chapters
Naboo was supposed to be a paradise. A way for Rey to get away from society while she waits for Poe. Getting the invite to go to Naboo, a closed society where Alphas and Omegas get along. Where everything looks perfect. Too perfect. And is it just Rey or do all of the Omegas act weird? They all cling to Alpha males, and talk only about pups and homemaking, how great their alpha husbands are, and just how much Naboo is perfect. Nothing seems right, and Rey is starting to get uncomfortable with how the town keeps asking her when she and the reclusive Ben Solo are going to get married and be the same. And the fact that he sounds so assured when agreeing with them. Something is going on, but is Rey going to get out in time before she has some of the Kool-Aid?
The Late Bloomer by JJJJ12
(Last updated Feb 17, 2020) 10 chapters
Rey and Ben have been friends since they could walk and have avoided any tension in their relationship for a simple reason—Ben is an Alpha and Rey is a Beta. But, when Rey unexpectedly presents as an Omega almost a decade after she’s supposed to, the best friends must figure out how to ignore the attraction that’s always been there for the sake of preserving their friendship.
Ambrosial by devdevlin
(Last updated Feb 13, 2020) 6 chapters
Somewhere in the Calvary, there's an Alpha who smells like heaven.
Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor Rich Man Poor Man Beggar Man Thief by KiraStar
(Last updated Nov 18, 2019) 4 chapters
"My father bought you for 20 pounds and a plot of land not fit enough for a cow to graze upon." At 17, Rey is forced into an arranged marriage with Kylo Ren, the adopted son of a wealthy lord, in order to produce an heir. Lady Macbeth AU
Heat In Your Gaze by Chibirini1
(Last updated Nov 17, 2019) 19 chapters
When Rey, a feisty omega, wanders too far into the forest and starts her first heat, she is found by none other than Kylo Ren, an alpha with a secret. Will he be able to break against his clan's expectations to be with Rey? Or will she return to her lonely life once more?
Explosive Chemistry by MizuPhoenix
(Last updated Sep 28, 2019) 10 chapters
As far as Rey's concerned, her boss can blow an aneurysm. Kylo Ren, more like the big bad wolf, with all his huffing and puffing. Nevermind that he's drop-dead gorgeous, he was an Alpha. Rey had dealt with enough Alpha's to know that her adoptive brother was the only one she would tolerate. At least she was lucky enough to not be born an Omega. No, Rey would not be bending over for her boss or any other posturing Alpha male. Except... that little voice in the back of her head keeps growing louder, and her body has started to ache whenever the overwhelming (insufferable) man is not around. Then there are the urges, probably just sexual frustration, but they are all clamoring for her asshole boss' attention. Rey just wanted a nice normal life. With Kylo Ren in the mix that dream has shattered. Needless to say, their interactions have the chemical reagents necessary for explosive reactions.
Gravitation by CaraRose
(Last updated Jan 31, 2019) 7 chapters
Modern A/B/O. Rey Johnson is an eighteen year old Omega who's asshole "stepfather" Plutt is pocketing her grant money meant to help her pay for college. The archaic laws that say an Omega isn't of legal age until they're twenty one is leaving her stuck with little recourse as how to get away from Plutt so she can get her education. Kylo Ren is an alpha, and one of the top enforcers in the First Order, a crime syndicate run by the shadowy "Supreme Leader" Snoke. The two live lives that are worlds apart, but events are in motion that will send them on a collision course neither of them is ready for.
Dark Woods and Daffodils by Austere_Ahhhnie
(Last updated Nov 28, 2018) 3 chapters
Across the bloodied battlefield, a young Omega on the cusp of womanhood catches the eye of an enemy Alpha on the ascent of his power.
Winter's Cage by Nelsbels
(Last updated April 16, 2018) 5 chapters
The reason why the historians called it the era of the Dark Ages is because the scholars had limited knowledge about this period of time due to the scarce records left behind. It was an Age of the rising Leviathans, a race of ancient and primordial monsters that walked this earth unchallenged. During the Dark Ages the Lycans fought a vicious war for their freedom from their masters and enslaves, the Nosferatu. For many generations the bloody conflict ravaged the lands with no end in sight. An elusive Lycan by the alias of the White Ghost stands defiant against the Nosferatu. Kylo Ren will stop at nothing to end the uprising and put down the said Werewolf. However, things change once they finally come face to face and consequently the scales of the war start to tip.
Misbehaving For Days by t0bemadeofglass
*Finished* 18 chapters
Rey’s experience with Demi-Humans is about as limited as her experience with snow, that is to say: horrendously minimal, given that she’s just moved to Coruscant with no intention of returning to the hell hole of a desert she scraped herself from. Easing herself into the lifestream of a city that demands assimilation to the rigors and confines of a bustling metropolitan was never going to be easy, but throw in a one-night stand with a tall, brick house of a man that doesn’t seem keen on leaving it at one night, and any hopes Rey had for an easy transition got blown to high heaven.
Knot an Omega by SkywalkerSince1980
(Last updated May 22, 2020) 4 chapters
How would A/B/O society have developed over the past 15,000 years, and what would it be like in modern-times? How would Rey, Kylo, and the crew handle it? What is the A/B/O backstory, and how did it develop into modern times? Plenty of (semi-fictional) ancient history mixed in with the story, and plenty of smut down the line. Rose is a badass. Rey has a bad decade. HEA, but not the way you think.
Labyrinth - a Reylo Book Of Sins Re Write by RayofDawn
*Finished* 5 chapters
A retelling of a childhood favorite but with a sinful reylo twist
Knots in the Heart by Anonymous
(Last updated July 2, 2018) 2 chapters
Kylo’s determines to keep his prisoner.
Catacombs by monsterleadmehome
*Finished* One Shot
Kylo Ren is the oldest living alpha vampire. He has been chasing his omega, Rey, for centuries. Ever since the night he turned her, he’s wanted her for his own. Will she finally let herself be claimed or doom herself to a worse fate?
No One But You by faequeentitania
*Finished* 5 chapters
When he scented her on the wind, his entire world ground to a halt. It was primal, it pulled at something in his guts like a hook, and everything- the droid, the map, Skywalker- all became secondary to her. Her. The girl. His mate.
The Mating Service by AlbaStarGazer
*Finished* 36 chapters
'If Rey had known how quickly she would find her biological mate and alpha through the world wide mating service, 'Match,' she might have considered signing up years ago.' A sceptic of the leading mate finding service, Rey decides to sign up after too much wine and years of loneliness. She never expected to find her match within days of submitting her samples. Join the two as they are separated by an ocean, Rey in England, Ben in America as they explore their situation. Can Ben convince Rey that he wants his omega for her and not simply their biology and change her mind about the reliability of the mating service?
Vanilla Jasmine Dreams by Trulyurs
(Last updated May 30, 2018) 4 chapters
Rey is a young research assistent hoping to learn from the best, so when she is hired by Luke Skywalker she is hopeful. What she didn't exspect was Ben Solo. An alpha that seems to shutter at the sight of her. He is loud and harsh, one of the harder alphas she has incountered, and she is horribly attracted to him. What Rey doesn't know is that Dr.Solo is hidding a secret.
Until you by Ever-so-reylo (Ever_So_Reylo)
*Finished* One Shot
Kylo looks at her, and he smells her, and he thinks, Fuck. He thinks, Yes. He thinks, I didn’t know. I couldn’t have known. And he says: ”You should watch your right side.”
Finding Home by JaneEyre1847
*Finished* One Shot
Can therapist Ahsoka Tano and a lot of resentful pondering prepare Ben for the terrible secret Rey is ready to reveal?
Dark Nights by Polkadotdotdot
*Finished* 27 chapters
"Cause I need a man, a man who has blood on his hands and the truth on his face," Rey is broke.Trying out for a second job to solve her mounting debts, Rey has a chance encounter with an Alpha by the name of Kylo Ren who makes her an offer she just doesn't want to refuse. Little did she know how her choice would pull her into the underworld of New York crime.
Hotter than Hell by slxtforbangtanboys
(Last updated May 3, 2018) 1 chapter
They went by many names. The Light, and The Dark. Rey and Kylo - But on days that he's feeling generous, Rey and Ben. The Jedi and the Jedi Killer, fated to be.
Heartstring by Oh_Snapcrackle
(Last updated Sep 9, 2018) 13 chapters
“Did you just smell me?” The girl accuses, craning her neck to meet his stare. Her eyes are wide with shock and weariness. Hazel eyes. Warm eyes that look like they have lived a thousand lives. Breathed a thousand deaths. Soulful eyes. His cheeks color, and he realizes he is blushing. And he never blushes. Not since he was a little boy. But he is blushing now from embarrassment and the fact he did just get caught trying to catch her scent. “No, sorry. I was just sniffling. Got a cold.” Every demon is connected to an angel by a heartstring. Ben just found his. In this world where angels and demons live among humans, balance is kept through the mysterious mating bonds between creatures of light and dark. Where there is darkness, the light will rise to meet it. Or so it used to be. Angels are too rare these days. And even if a demon finds their mate, keeping them safe is impossible.
Court You, I Shall. by LadyErica
(Last updated Dec 10, 2018) 3 chapters
A fair maiden Omega from Jakku is doing her mistress's errands when she meets the Alpha Lord from Cornelia while he is on a hunting trip. Their eyes meet and though the maiden refuse because of her background and upbringing. The Lord refuses to give up. His mother always howls him for not finding a mate and settle down with pups already, but in this Omega he just met. He believes he has found his mate that will birth his heirs. He will do anything even court her if he must.
That's Enough! by SithLord98
(Last updated Aug 27, 2018) 4 chapters
After a deadly virus caused by the overuse of suppressants that nearly wiped out omegas in 2449, federal laws were put into place to preserve and protect them. These laws are highly oppressive in nature for them, requiring omegas to register if they have not been claimed by 18. Rey Marek and Tatum Rax are two betas and former foster sisters trying to heal after living a rather traumatic childhood. Rey accepts a mathematics teaching position at Resistance Academy, one of the last omega secondary schools in the U.S., located within the D.C. Metro area next to First Order Academy – an exclusive alpha secondary school founded and financed by the Skywalker and Palpatine families. Tatum is the school librarian, which makes the situation even more convenient for her. Kylo Ren and his friend Armitage Hux have been asked to oversee in the merging of the two schools. After a prescription recall on suppressants, Rey and Tatum both realize that they are omegas that haven't presented, but opt to take the risk and not report this in hopes that the suppressants will kick back in again soon. Everything is fine until they meet Kylo and Armitage during a transition visit at Resistance Academy that everything goes to shit for them…
So yours, So mine by Anonymous
*Finished* One Shot
“Where is she?” He asks impatiently. Hux nods and walks quickly, but he hesitates for a moment when they take a different corridor from the prison cells, his question is quickly answered by Hux. “We had to separate several of them due to their condition.”“Condition?” His impatient voice distorts behind his mask. "Yes ... several of the omegas got heat during the trip, so they were separated from the others ..."
Clan by moonstone88
*Finished* 14 chapters
Wars between clans were normal, but what happens when that war is between two who love each other. Rey knew she shouldn't have bent to Kylo as her Alpha, but she had no idea what their fleating connection would do and the pieces she would be left to pick up. Can Kylo overcome the years of hatred he holds in his heart for a clan that forced him away from the love of his life, and is trying to snatch her from his grasp once more.
Second Heat by UmpBumpFizz
*Finished* 4 chapters
"Stay right there." She stilled instantly. Her eyes settled on his outstretched hand, her breathing shallow and rapid. "You're alright... You're alright. I've got you." She blinked as she felt the warmth of his hand as he gently caressed her face. His voice... God, his voice was like silk. Safe? "I've got you. You're safe." She drew in and let out a long, shuddering breath as the scent from the gland on his wrist hit her nose, calming her instantly. Safe.
Feral by Hormonal_Trashbag
*Finished* One Shot
Snow began its idle descent from above the line of barren trees, filtering to the frozen forest floor in fat flakes. Despite the turn of weather, Rey remained focused on the pair of long ears ducking behind the nearby brush. Her fingers trembled as she nocked an arrow in the string of her bow but she ignored the cold as she prepared to take her shot. If she was like any other omega, she would be sequestered in the warmth of her den right now, heavy with pups and waiting for her alpha to return from the hunt. But Rey hadn’t gone into heat with the shift from autumn to winter like she was supposed to. The alphas of her pack had turned their noses from her in disgust when her scent didn’t sharpen with mating pheromones. What’s wrong with her? They would ask themselves and Rey had no answer.
FRACTURE by succubusybody
*Finished* One Shot
Rey's older brother Ben has been head of the household ever since their parents died when she was young. When her first heat comes, he'll take good care of her.
Swell by Hormonal_Trashbag
(Lqst updated June 17, 2019) 4 chapters
She knew that some omegas ignored the archaic pull to be mated. There was some debate over how voluntary an omega’s participation in mating could be, though she knew many of those that argued against it were betas that had never experienced a heat to begin with. What could they possibly know? There was always a choice. Rey couldn’t help being practical about it. If she ignored her biological call, she would spend a long week throbbing, writhing with a need to be filled. She’d have to skip work for a few days at the very least. It was just...easier to give in.
Gonna Get Myself Connected
The Birds and The Bees by TourmalineGreen
*Finished* 9 chapters, One Shot
Who understands Alphas, anyway; they’re mysteries, wrapped in enigmas, dusted with hormones and deep-fried in a vat of unquenchable rage. And Ben, he’s a classic, textbook example. Rey doesn’t need his intensity in her life. Rey was quite happy to steer clear of him, as long as he wants to be like… well, like that. And he’d been like that ever since she hired on. Always testy around her, always scowling, stomping, difficult. But he produced excellent code, so… maybe management was sympathetic. Then again, maybe he just had someone’s incriminating photographs, and was holding them over their heads, who knew. OR: Ben Solo: Wunderkind developer, office Alpha, noted cantankerous asshole, gets stuck in an elevator with Rey Johnson: New hire, ray of literal sunshine, progressive Omega who seriously does not have time for this.
Ben will never ever be able to forget the first, squalling sight of his son. Black-haired—so much hair—and red-faced, yelling in a way that had made the midwives remark about ‘healthy Alpha lungs!’ Ben hadn’t exactly hoped to have an Alpha son, but he hadn’t not hoped, either. It was familiar to him, and his own experience, although he knew that his son would have his own life. Hopefully a less-anxious, less-awkward time of it than Ben had… but, judging by the expression on his son’s face, Ben knows that something is very definitely up.
Run Cried the Crawling by succubusybody
*Finished* 4 chapters
Rey is mated by force during a day trip to Amish country. When her heat comes around, she is charged with abandoning her mate and forced to return to the home of the man who ruined her life.
abash the little bird by SecretReyloTrash (BadOldWest)
*Finished* 5 chapters
Ben Solo has a pretty easy time of fighting his Alpha instincts with the right cocktail of suppressants and bad attitude. However, some old wive's tales about the moon or the position of the stars may have knocked this mating cycle way out of wack for a lot of Alphas and Omegas; making them desperate to attract a mate. He may have had an easy time fighting his instincts before, but his body has other plans. Especially when it starts sprouting some truly impressive plumage to attract the right Omega. At least it catches Rey's eye. AKA Kylo gets a freakin' TAIL.
Hallowed Heat by gopherbroke
(Last updated Nov 4, 2018) 3 chapters
As the steady babysitter, Rey is accompanying Mr. Solo and his son, Grey, to the city's big Halloween Fest. It is a little too late when she realizes that she had broken Mr. Solo's rigid contract and had forgotten her supressants. She flees, hiding in the portapotty as she starts to go into heat. While Mr. Solo paces, impatient and bossy, on the other side of the thin plastic door, Rey looks back on her relationship with her boss and how he has changed from hostile employer to friend... to Alpha? But would he ever be her Alpha? And how long will that flimsy door hold back Alpha like Mr. Solo from an Omega that smells as sweet as Rey?... Grey had always said how much his father had a sweet tooth.
The Ballad of You, Me, and Everything in Between
The House on Prairie Corners by bluetoast
*Finished* 3 chapters, 5 chapters
Alpha Ben Solo just wanted to get to his new job in Yellowstone National Park by the weekend. He'd had it planned out - get through the major cities outside of rush hours, be there and settled by Saturday. Pretty easy, considering most traffic was headed east, to Woodstock. That was before an omega named Rey Johnson tapped on the window of his Volkswagen bus in some spit in the dirt town in Ohio asking for a ride.
It's been 5 months since Rey and Ben met and became mates, and they have only grown closer since that time. As a mid December blizzard sweeps into Yellowstone, the weather is the last thing on either of the minds. As Rey's next heat and Ben's rut are about to align, they only have one plan while they're snowed in. Start a family.
Shivers by AlbaStarGazer
*Finished* 3 chapters
Alphas have been illegal for decades due to their thirst for power and destructive tendencies. They are housed in institutions, prisons and state hospitals and away from the general population that consists of omegas and betas. Writer and omega Rey comes across an unconscious man outside of her secluded cabin. She realises too late he is an alpha.
End of the Republic & Freedom by SithLord98
*Finished* 8 chapters
Unknownbeknognst to them, Rey, Tarren, Rose, and Paige were marked as soul mates to four men who have lived dangerous, powerful and privileged lives, but have been sad because they believed their soul mates were dead. The girls have been raised under the noses of the Plutt brothers this whole time, to avenge for Maz's death. On Rey's 18th birthday, the guys discover the truth and kidnap the girls. How will they manage to survive unscathed, as they are now confined with them in one of their manors in the middle of nowhere, while the men go into strong ruts, causing them to go into heat...
Camping by Anonymous
*Finished* 6 chapters
Rey’s sweet alpha boyfriend takes her camping to celebrate their one year anniversary. But Rey gets lost in the woods before they can celebrate. Another alpha finds her first and he will take what he wants. *Rey is technically of legal age of consent, but she’s still just a teenager, so I’m tagging it underage. Rey is 16 and Kylo is 26*
The End Of The Beginning by Fearthefaithful
*Finished* One Shot
As her scent infiltrated my senses I could focus on nothing else. I watched her as she floated by across the hall. She seemed to be too preoccupied with her friends to notice me but I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. It had been months since I’d seen her and that was before she presented. Now she was fully an omega and I felt all the anger and frustration that had built over the past 10 years was coming to fruition. This time she was mine and I wasn’t letting anyone, not even my mother disuade me from that.
May The Guac Be With You by PiscesSiren
*Finished* 13 chapters
Rey has been doing fine on her own for years. Her job isn’t fulfilling but it keeps her fed. Her house isn't perfect but it keeps her safe. But after a few things start to change, she slowly starts to realize that she wants more out of her life and maybe even... herself. Also, what the hell is up with that hot customer who says she smells obscene? Rude.
Little Thieves by ohwise1ne
(Last updated March 15, 2019) 17 chapters
"If you come out now, Omega, I'll make this easy for you." His voice carries clearly through the house, and it's almost as sinful as the smell of him, suffocating her as she shrinks back against the wall of his closet. “Or maybe… you don’t want this to be easy.” A pause. “Yes. Oh, yes. I can smell it on you. You can’t hide from me.” Rey breaks into the wrong house. Kylo Ren catches her in the act.
not because you need me to by starkylosolo
*Finished* 2 chapters
Rey just got hired at her dream job, cardiology, when she meets Ben who needs a favor from her. It's just that she didn't expect Ben from nephrology to be so... big, and so alpha. She certainly didn't expect him to smell so nice. Maybe she can ignore the way he affects her, but then he opens his mouth.
Stay the Course by aduirne
(Last updated March 4, 2019) 10 chapters
Rey is in her second year at university on a full scholarship as a forensic science major. She plans on working for the FBI one day. She had no plans of letting anyting or anyone gettig her off track. She has no time for alpha/omega drama. Her job at the campus library suits her well since it gives her lots of time to be alone in the old, ornate building she had grown to love. Everything is going rather well for her until one night when she scents someone that makes her pause. She does the only logical thing. She runs like hell.
I Seek My Freedom in the Moonlight by asongforjonsa
(Last updated March 2, 2019) 26 chapters
Rey moves to Chandrila with her step-mom and step-sister. Neither of them know the real reason why she goes for runs on full moons: she's a werewolf. On the first full moon in Chandrila, she runs into a huge black wolf: Kylo Ren. And he has news that will rock her foundation...
A Poetic Match by commandercrouton
*Finished* 2 chapters
It didn’t matter who was here at the moment. The only thing Rey could focus on was that scent. Her wide hazel eyes circled the room as she tried to see the one who was emitting those delectable pheromones. How was no one else in this room reacting? The smell was making her crazy, and she dug her nails into her skin. She would know this scent anywhere. She found him frozen by the podium, staring at her with the same look she knew she was giving him. She felt her thighs clench in anticipation as memories of their last, and only, time together filled her brain. “Rey, is everything okay? Your scent...shifted,” Poe inquired tentatively. “What?” she asked, not willing to take her eyes off the man in front of the room. “Why is Professor Solo staring at you like you killed his pet cat?” At this statement, Rey looked at Poe, realization dawning on her. No, not this, anything but this. This wasn’t a professor. He was something entirely different to her. Alpha.
Your Pretty Little Heart
A Perfectly Good Heart
And corgi makes five by Ever-so-reylo (Ever_So_Reylo)
*Finished* 15 chapters, 3 chapters, One Shot
“Good. Good little Omega.” He says the words against her gland, almost sweetly, and Rey—Rey is going to die. A wonderful, delicious death. Depraved, all of this. Filthy. Beautiful.
It’s physically painful, to be near her. And not to be, too. (Your Pretty Little Heart in Ben's POV)
It’s not about the dog, not really. It’s the name on the plate. Rey gasps. Ben almost recoils. Because there is no way that someone thought it would be a good idea to name a dog—“… Leia Corgana?” Rey’s fingers press against her lips. She is smiling. Then grinning. Then trying not to laugh. Then inevitably failing.
Algorithms by greyorchids
(Last updated Jan 27, 2020) 12 chapters
I run out to the lobby, grabbing my tablet and try to remain cool in the face of Satan in a Suit. “Mr. Ren, how can I help you?” He’s taller and more broad than pictures can translate. His black on black suit seems menacing, not a coincidence, I am sure. He seems a bit taken aback, something I am used to in this male-dominated profession. When most of the employees here come for help with their computers or experience network issues, they don’t expect me to know how to solve their problems. Challenging stereotypes one satisfied customer at a time. He breathes in deep and pauses before he speaks. I think I see the flash of recognition in his eyes but I keep my body still and my face impassive. Yeah, I am an omega, Ren. Get over it. Rey works in the IT Department for a tech company that is recovering from a recent hostile takeover. Ever at odds with the universe, Rey continues to live against the grain by excelling in a male driven industry and by redefining what it means to be omega.
Call You Mine by lovingreylo (PeaceBlessingsPeyton)
(Last updated July 25, 2019) 2 chapters
"The first day he saw her was like an out of body experience. He always felt completely silly when he thought back on it, how he had literally felt time slow or how the world that day seemed to have an extra sparkle to it. Ben sighed again before getting out of the car and heading up the walkway to his parent's house thinking about the day Rey Johnson had come into his life three months ago. How the alpha in him was immediately alarmed at how pale and malnourished she looked, how he just wanted to take care of her, how her smile and the way she laughed at his stupid jokes made his heart want to break out of his chest and offer itself to her." Even though he’s never been in love before, Ben Solo could easily tell you that he’s falling in love with Rey, the girl his parents had taken in off the street. There’s one small problem though, his father tells him that he isn’t good enough for her and to stay away. It works… for a short while anyway.
beyond the fields of wrongdoing and rightdoing (i'll meet you there) by black_facade
(Last updated Sep 23, 2019) 5 chapters
Rey has been a scavenger throughout her life in Jakku. When a dark figure suddenly came into her life, insisting that she was his mate, what could've gone wrong? Especially when it turns out that he was an Emperor and a Prime Alpha. "Lovers are patient and know that the moon needs time to become full." ***An Arabian Steampunk AU. With a dash of Omegaverse.
slake. by MalevolentReverie
*Finished* 8 chapters
It's normal for an opposite-designation parent to help their teenager through heat or rut, so why is it so hard for Rey and her widowed father, Ben?
The Hunt by commandercrouton
*Finished* 2 chapters
“Mortals tell the legend of Romulus and Remus, known as demigods who helped create the country of Rome. They were not demigods, but warlocks born to a powerful witch. She was hunted down and destroyed, but not before she begged for protection for her children. Her familiar, Lupa, transformed into a wolf granting her wish. She fed her witch’s children from her breast, creating the first Alpha and Omega in our world. All of us are descendants from those warlocks. Although magic has dwindled in our bloodlines, there are some who still possess it. And those people are us. I invite my omega brothers and sisters, on this rare Blood Moon, to celebrate our designation, and the familiar Lupa, who created us,” she pauses, raising her goblet above her head, signaling for her coven to follow her lead. “Tonight we will mingle with our neighboring Alpha coven. You will meet one another and choose your hunted during The Matching. Remember to save your carnal desires for the forest. To Lupercalia, the festival of the wolves!”
Territory by EdenMiasma
(Last updated June 16, 2019) 1 chapter
Growing up under Ben Solos wing was safe, comfortable, like nothing could ever hurt them. But Rey has to learn her place amongst her peers, and when everyone begins to present things just seem to get harder.
Honeysuckle by LBellicose
*Finished* 18 chapters
For 33 years Dr. Ben Solo has lived as a beta, he was the unlikely child of two Alphas. His life got turned inside out and upside down the day he met Rey, young omega that had been struck by a car and was bleeding out in his emergency room.
You'll Hear Me Howling (Outside Your Door) by HarpiaHarpyja
*Finished* 11 chapters
Father Ben Solo has been a priest at St. Ailbe's parish for the last year. It's a position that provides the structure and control he lacked in his youth, and maybe best of all, a way to wrangle his more unsavory urges as an Alpha. Rey Stafford has just moved to Ontario, hoping to advance at work and adjust to a new life across the Atlantic as an Omega living alone. When an unusual encounter in the confessional leaves them spiraling into a constant routine of advance and retreat, they both begin to struggle against their own baser urges and the ticking time bomb of years of repression.
Some Kind of Trouble by HopelesslyReylo
(Last updated July 16, 2019) 3 chapters
Going into heat, in the middle of the grocery store wasn’t Reys idea of a good time. Things get even more complicated when Ben offers to see her through her heat.
Mating Systems, Reproductive Success, and Sexual Selection in Secretive Species: A Case Study of the Wild Ahch-To Omega by NewerConstellations
(Last updated Feb 22, 2020) 21 chapters
For generations, Omegas have adapted to civilized environments, permanently impacting the expression of their DNA and pheromones. When a group of lost fisherman discovered an isolated population of feral Omegas on the remote island of Ahch-To, it offered a unique and precious opportunity to document their behavior in the wild. Research biologist Dr. Benjamin Solo spent a year living amongst the herd of Ahch-To Omegas and recorded his experiences, particularly his interactions with the Omega subject known as “Rey.” These are his findings.
Let’s See How Far We’ve Come by Fearthefaithful
(Last updated July 5, 2019) 12 chapters
Ben Solo was always angry. Chalk it up to his over active alpha tendencies, or his shitty childhood, but he was always angry. And when Rey walked into his life, it was like gasoline to a fire. She was an annoying little omega who always put him in his place. But now it’s been years, and he’s a raging alpha, and she’s the best thing he’s ever smelt in his life. And all the years of trying to protect her like a sister seem a little different now.
Forbidden Love by LadyErica
(Last updated Sep 20, 2019) 12 chapters
A/O/B modern world Alternate Universe Ben and Rey are siblings. Ben is an Alpha and Rey Omega. Ben has a desire. A wrong desire. After his sister had her first heat at fourteen when she gets her first period. Ben couldn't stop thinking about her. Desire turns to lust. Lust to love. It's forbidden. He was caught with her in away siblings shouldn't be. He is sent to asylum for others like him for his own good.
Lasso by ReyloRobyn2011
*Finished* 11 chapters
Western ABO because who doesn't love some Outlaw Alpha Kylo Ren?
We only live once by P_Dunton
*Finished* 16 chapters
Betrayed by her best friend and boyfriend, Omega Rey finds herself friendless and homeless for the first time in years. Thank god for her amazing boss, Maz who lets her crash above the auto repair shop where she works. Sad and lonely, Rey lets herself be talked into paying the First Order to locate a compatible Alpha Mate for her. As if her year didn’t already suck, of course she would match with the famous Kylo Ren, second in command of the most powerful suppressant production company in the country.
More Than This by LadySansasDirewolf
(Last updated July 1, 2019) 7 chapters
"Ben Solo?""Yes?"The woman slapped the documents into my hand so hard it stung. "Consider yourself served!"...In which Ben and Rey are soulmates who cannot seem to get on the same page.
Oathbreaker by Angelic_Hellraiser
(Last updated Sep 14, 2019) 7 chapters
"Claim me." she whispers, her words hard and final. He shakes his head, angered. "And kill us both? No." Stepping closer, she repeats the words in the high speech of her elvish tongue, voice low and chest brushing against his heavy cuirass. "Garo im, hîr o hûn-nín."
Expect the Unexpected by Arynn
(Last updated Jan 19, 2020) 2 chapters
Rey Ando is working for a legal company that fights for fair treatment and equality within the Alpha/Omega and Beta circles. However, little does anyone else know that she wants to be treated as an Omega submissive like the old days. Things change when she finally meets the mysterious owner of the company she works for, Ben Solo.
Quatervois by Poaxath
(Last updated Sep 12, 2019) 2 chapters
The north and the south have been at war for decades, a never-ending struggle between two sides that will never see eye to eye. In an attempt to negotiate and bring peace to a land ravaged by war, Rey departs on a quest to see if she can somehow help in that endeavour. It may be more than she bargained for, in the form of a marriage to The Dragon King - Kylo Ren.
Seasons of Love by Daisyflo
*Finished* One Shot
After his grandmother's death, Ben discovers he inherited her house. First problem: he isn't the only one. Second problem: his new housemate is an Omega.
No place like home. by HisAngel910
*Finished* 14 chapters
Rey Sanders has worked her entire life to fight against the stereotypes of traditional Omega's. Her design and renovation company helps to build the dream homes of all of her clients. Can she help her newest client Kylo Ren build his dream home? And can she do it before his Alpha drives her wild?
the dreadful need in the devotee by redbelles
*Finished* One Shot
God’s bones, what is happening? He’s smelled heat-scent before, but it’s never affected him like this. Never made him want to rip his armor off so he can feel the omega’s skin against his, never filled him with the visceral need to bite— The thought is like ice water pouring down his spine; it cuts through the haze of heat-scent like a knife, leaving a brutal clarity in its wake. The only omega on this godforsaken journey is the princess. En route to her betrothed and surrounded by a cadre of the realm’s fiercest alphas, the emperor’s granddaughter is going into heat.
Refuse Me by Autonomee
(Last updated Sep 4, 2019) 4 chapters
It’s the most contact she’s received in years, since her Grandpa was still alive. This Alpha’s touch is electric, completely unfamiliar but just what she needs. Her eyes automatically find his, they are molten brown, and everything in her wants to examine those eyes forever and- What am I doing? some sensible part of her screams at herself. Whatever he bids, another part answers. Rey’s plan to live her life to the fullest as an Alpha falls apart when a classmate discovers her secret.
Unbonded, Unbroken by Spiegatrix_Lestrange
(Last updated Nov 26, 2019) 6 chapters
Alderaan city is facing a new, disturbing threat. A powerful crime cartel is kidnapping Omegas, keeping them as prisoners for unspeakable, revolting reasons the local police need to investigate further. Detective Ben Solo goes undercover as Kylo Ren, determined to dismantle the cartel from the inside, but there's a requirement he must fit if he wants to gain the cartel's trust: he must bring an Omega as an offer to the organization. Rey Niima is a young, promising agent who knows exactly how hard an Omega's life can be. When the opportunity occurs to give her contribution to saving her fellow Omegas from the cartel's grasp, she volunteers immediately, determined to help Detective Solo with any means necessary.
Mine by assortedfruitsnacks212
(Last updated Sep 3, 2019) 3 chapters
The duel between Kylo and Finn in the snow, reframed as a fight over Omega Rey. It’s sexy. The end. Then Kylo whisks Rey away from Starkiller Base. Cue SMUTTY SMUT SMUT with MINIMAL PLOT. Marked "dubcon" because TFA Kylo isn't a gentleman...yet.
A good brother by Anonymous
*Finished* One Shot
Ben is home alone with Rey, taking care of his little sister as the good brother he is. Everything goes as usual on a Saturday night, oh at least that is what Ben thinks, until Rey is going into preheat…
Blow your smoke to fog up the mirror (write our name in hearts) by reygrets
(Last updated Sep 3, 2019) 9 chapters
Of course, this lecture is on the opposite side of the spacious campus, and she’s practically running from the titillating two-hour long Thermodynamics class. It was an introductory session, mostly that ‘get to know you’ crap and going over the syllabus, but the content she saw listed was a high that would carry her through anything--- even classic lit with Professor Solo. Or so Rey had thought, trying to slip into the lecture-hall without drawing too much attention. Unfortunately for Rey, the doors are heavy, old, and they slam even when you try to shut them gently. The man standing at the head of the class stares her down, and oh no. Rey's hot teacher (who probably already hates her) is an Alpha.
A Tale of Tooth and Claw
A Tale of Monsters and Legends by Khawapashi
*Finished* (Last updated Nov 24, 2019) 32 chapters, 30 chapters
Rey experiences her first heat in the middle of a crowded convention and is rescued by a dashing, dark-haired stranger. Kylo takes things too fast, because he's an intense, emotional idiot. The Knights of Ren are fun, especially Kylo's most loyal 'Knight'. Hux is the devil as always. The Skywalker-Organa-Solo family drama is... complicated.
“What the fuck, Argent, Rey is in heat -" The phone slid suddenly from his boneless grip, and Rey gathered herself up on her knees, fingers quickly working open the leather fastenings keeping her gagged. Kylo fell to his knees and she was there, wrapping herself around him from behind, murmuring nonsense words to calm him. “He’s back," he whispered. “Luke Skywalker."
Post: Part 1
4 notes · View notes
nobodyzhuman · 5 years
Don’t Trust Dumbledore ch. 31
Chapter 31: 
Remus’s Pov
He was feeling a little better the next day. Maybe it was because he had gotten to relax next to Harry the night before and his wolf had delighted in that. Instead of its normal frustration and depression at being shoved away for another month, Moony had settled into the back of his mind in a content almost pleased way. It was the first time he could remember falling asleep so easily after a full moon. Or maybe it was because he had made a decision about Harry and his circumstance. It hurt to think about what he was letting pass but he truly believed that if James knew he would be happy with the choice he made. 
His friends had given him strange looked when he wasn’t his normal exhausted grumpy self the next morning, but he just smiled at them and told them he had sleep good. James had shrugged it off but he could feel Sirius watching him out through their morning classes. 
It was lunch time and he was on his way back to the common rooms to grab his stuff for Charms when his arm was grabbed and he was yanked into an empty classroom. It was on reflex that he pulled his wand and spun to face whoever had grabbed him. Malfoy didn’t look impressed or even afraid to have Remus’ wand pointing at his chest. Just raised an elegant eyebrow and waited for him to lower it. With a frustrated exhale he did. 
“What?” he asked the Slytherin. 
“I think we should tell them,” Malfoy said crossing his arms over his chest. Remus took a step back, taken back by the idea. Things could go badly if the two other teens found out they knew. He had a suspicion the younger Malfoy would try and do something about it. He had been determined not to let anyone know. He wasn’t sure about Harry, though.  
“Why?” he asked, actually curious to the boy’s reasoning. Did Malfoy want to know more about the future? Or was it concern for his son? 
“Maybe we can help them. I have access to my family’s library and you are one of the smartest students at Hogwarts. We may be able to locate information they cannot.” Remus had to agree. It was logical but Remus had to think about it, because would there be consequences if they tried to help? Was them getting the two back to the future the right thing? What would happen after they were gone? He sighed, his head starting to hurt as he worried over all the what ifs. 
“How do you suggest we tell them?” he asked resigned, and he didn't think just blurting it out would go over to well with either boy.
“I’ll handle Draco,” Malfoy said looking smug, like he had won. “You can handle Evan.” 
“Give me a day,” Remus said. “Harry was a mess last night. I don’t want to give him more stress just yet.” Malfoy didn’t look happy but the blonde nodded. 
They stared at each other for a second, neither sure what to do now. It seemed they had connected the night before but Remus wasn’t stupid, he knew Malfoy couldn’t risk being nice to him or even been seen around him. It would get around and if Malfoy’s father found out, Remus was sure there would be hell to pay. So he just gave the man a small nod of his head and left the room. 
Harry’s Pov
Despite having been woken up in the middle of the night by Remus and being told to go to bed, Harry had gotten the best night of sleep he had in months. Which meant his day was ten times better than any other so far. He actually stayed focused in all of his classes. Even managed not to screw up his potion in Potions, although Snape had to correct his stirring at one point. 
By the time dinner rolled around, Harry was feeling happy and content. That was of course until he saw Draco. His good mood vanished when he realized he hadn’t spoken to the blonde all day. While it would have been normal a couple of months ago, things were different now. They spoke every day, and Harry felt guilty that he hadn’t sought out his new friend at all today. He knew he owed Draco an explanation for the night before. 
Sitting at the gryffindor table he tired to catch the blonde’s eye. Hoping to signal that he wanted to talk but it became clear that Draco was avoiding him. Frustrated he debated getting up and just approaching the slytherin table, but an arm on his arm stopped him. 
“Later,” Sirius mumbled with a pointed look at the others at the Slytherin table. Harry knew his godfather didn’t like or trust the Slytherins, but that didn’t seem like a good reason to not talk to Draco. He opened his mouth, but his father cut him off. 
“He’s right. Luke might be your friend but the other don’t like us. You going over there will just get them riled up and we don’t want you getting hexed just because you wanted to talk.” So he stayed in his seat and finished his meal. By the time he was done, Draco had already left the Great Hall. Harry sighed and told himself he would talk to him in the morning.
Only it wasn’t the easy. 
Because once he as back in the common room, the restlessness set in and he couldn’t stay still. He tried finishing two different essays and even reading his Transfiguration textbook.  When he failed, he threw the book at the couch and stormed up the stairs to his room. He changed into his pajamas and crawled into bed. Hoping that he could just sleep it off. After about 20 minutes he rolled over and grabbed his father's inheritance book. While he tried to read it, he heard Remus and James come in and both crawled into bed. Both wishing him goodnight. 
It didn’t take him long to know the book wasn’t going to hold his attention either. Which made him feel angry because he was sure he wouldn’t feel like this if he had been able to talk to Draco at dinner. It had to be his guilt about not apologizing. Or at least that's what he hoped because he wasn’t sure how he felt if it was just because he hadn't talked to his friend that day. He didn’t like the idea that he could feel like this anytime he went too long without being around the blonde. 
He made it about another 15 minutes, all which were spent glaring at the book in his hand, before he threw off his blanket and grabbed Sirius cloak, as he wasn’t sure were his was. The comforting scent of his godfather helped a little. 
Sirius gave him a questioning look from the couch in the common room when he stumbled down the stairs and headed for the door. He just waved his godfather off and left. It wasn’t hard to make his way through the school and down into the dungeons. What was hard was figuring out how the hell he was suppose to get to Draco once he was outside the Slytherin’s door. 
He raised his hand to knock but thought better of it. Sirius’s warning from earlier ringing in his ears. 
“Fuck,” he muttered. 
“Need help?” a voice asked from behind him. He jumped and turned to see Lucius Malfoy standing behind him. 
“Umm.” Fuck, why did it have to be Malfoy, he thought. “Can you get Luke?” he asked. 
The elder Malfoy nodded and walked past him, whispered a password at the door and then disappeared inside. Harry felt nervous waiting, hoping the other Malfoy would actually get Draco and not just leave him out here waiting. 
He didn’t have to wait long before the door opened and both Malfoys walked out. He gave Draco a sheepish smile. He had been intending to apologize right then and there, but a sweet smell came off the younger blonde, it had Harry moving before he thought about it. He walked right into Draco’s space and hugged him, burying his nose in the other boy’s throat. 
Draco gave a surprise, “oh,” and wrapped his arms around him. Something washed over Harry and he felt himself relax, the irritated restlessness feeling evaporating. 
“You smell good,” he muttered into the blonde’s skin. 
Draco chuckled. “Like plums?” There was a teasing tone to his voice but Harry didn’t care. He just nodded. 
“You know,” Draco said, “you have yet to tell me what it is about you and plums.” 
“They’re my favorite,” he mumbled. 
He felt Draco shiver and pulled back. “What?” he asked, but Draco just shook his head. 
A throat cleared behind them and Harry saw Draco shot his father a glare. 
“Come on,” Draco said, grabbing his hand and pulling him away from his father and the common room. Harry didn’t even have to ask where they were going. Though he smiled as Draco held his hand all the way to the Room of Requirements. 
Lucius’s Pov
“Interesting,” Severus said from besides him. Luc looked at his mate with a raised eyebrow. 
“You came to fetch Luke at the bidding of a Gryffindor. Which Luke practically ran out of the room to see. Then you didn’t seem at all surprised by the overly affectionate greeting. Though you did seem surprised by their quick but informative conversation.” Luc shot his mate a glare. He loved the man but sometimes Sev was too intelligent for his own good. 
His mate just ignored his glare and looked down the now empty hallway. 
“Do you think they know they are mates?” Sev asked, and that had Luc sighing. 
“I believe Luke either suspects or just realized, but I think Evan is clueless.” He grabbed Severus’s arm and pulled him back into their common room. 
“Now are you done avoiding me?” he asked his mate and he pushed him up against the nearest wall. Not caring if anyone saw them. 
“I wasn’t aware that I was avoiding you,” Severus’s lied, a careful smile on his face. 
“Sure you weren’t,” Luc said as he leaned in and captured his lovers lips. The taller man allowed it for a moment before he pulled away and glared down at him. 
“Are you going to tell me what’s going on? You disappeared last night and came back in an odd mood, and you allowed Luke to take off with that Gryffindor just now, without a comment.” Sev was staring into his eyes, Luc growled low when he felt the other reach into his mind. His mate sighed and pulled out of his head. 
“You won't tell me will you?” Sev asked, and Luc dropped his gaze. “I can not,” Luc said, trying to ignore the desire to do just so. He wanted so badly to tell Sev about Draco, but what he told the wolf had been the truth, he couldn’t risk Draco. So he held his tongue. 
Sev searched his eyes again this time without the Legilimency. “Fine,” he said after a second and walked off. Luc sighed and followed after him. 
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anthony-kate · 6 years
MALEC ADVENT CALENDAR 2018 | December 25th by @sandalwoodmalecs | ao3
Time Is Forgiveness
20 years ago, Alec and Magnus got married, their friends and family surrounding them in joy and peace and love. It was the happiest they’d ever been, they both thought. 15 years ago, Alec and Magnus adopted a beautiful baby girl. They named her Diana, after Alec’s favorite Roman myth when he was a child. This, they thought, was a happiness that would never be absent from their lives again. 3 years ago, they lost that happiness when Diana packed her bags and left, never to look back. Every year on Christmas Eve- their beautiful baby girl’s birthday- they sit on their couch and they wait for her to come home.
December 24, 2003, 8:52 PM, New York, NY
“This is the best Christmas present I could ever ask for,” Magnus sighed softly, clutching the tiny baby close to his heart, “Alexander, just look at her. She’s precious.”
“I know,” Alec smiled, and he didn’t even bother trying to hide his tears, for they came from a place of pure joy at seeing his daughter for the first time, “I still can’t believe she’s really ours, Magnus.”
“I know,” Magnus whispered and gazed up at his husband of five years, “After all this time, after everything we went through just to meet her birth mother, I-”
“I know,” Alec said, “I know.”
“Have you two decided on a name yet?” the nurse asked kindly.
Alec gave Magnus a peck on the cheek and stood, “Yes, we have,” he said, “We want to name her Diana.”
“That’s a beautiful name,” the nurse said, the corners of her mouth tilting upward, “I’ll get the paperwork, then.”
She rushed off, and Alec let out a deep sigh, settling into the hard plastic chair next to Magnus. He leaned over and rested his head on his shoulder, fighting to keep his eyes open so that he could continue to look at his daughter.
“Diana?” Magnus asked, intrigued. They’d had a few rows concerning the name of their daughter, and one night after a particularly nasty one, he collapsed into Alec’s arms and practically begged him to just pick a name.
“Diana,” Alec agreed, though he didn’t elaborate further.
Magnus hummed, and Alec laughed, “I’ll tell you all about it, I promise, babe,” he said, “Right now I just want to spend time with you and our daughter.”
“Right,” Magnus sighed, “We’re in for a lifetime of sleepless nights.”
“Yup,” Alec grinned, “I can’t wait.”
“Me neither.”
December 24, 2018, 9:34 PM, Boston, MA
The old opera house was the perfect place for a homeless kid to take refuge in at night: run down, isolated, not too drafty, and plenty of seats to sleep in so that you didn’t have to sleep on the floor among the used, dirty needles and the rats.
Diana sighed and threw her backpack into a seat in the first row, where the pit would usually be. She sunk into the seat next to it and prepared herself for another cold, sleepless night. She pulled the hoodie over her head and tugged on the string, then promptly curled up into a ball and closed her eyes.
“I can’t imagine this is a very suitable place for a little girl to spend the night,” a deep, booming voice called out, and Diana shot up, whipping her head back and forth, searching frantically for the voice.
She hoped beyond everything that it wasn’t a cop.
The man walked towards her, and she observed his posture for a few moments before she relaxed slightly. It wasn’t a cop, so she didn’t have to worry about that, but there were other dangers out there she had to look out for.
She would allow herself to breathe, but she couldn’t let her guard down. That would mean certain death, she knew.
“Who are you?” she asked, her voice steady and calm despite the fear brewing within her.
“A friend,” the man said, and his smile was so gentle, she almost believed him.
“That’s not an answer and you know it,” she said, “I’m 15, not an idiot. So who are you?”
The man stopped at the end of the row of seats she seated herself in and seemed to consider the question.
“Who are you?” he asked.
“Nice try,” she scoffed, rolling her eyes, “If you’re really my friend, you would know who I am. You wouldn’t have to ask.”
The man laughed and walked closer to her, sitting in the seat on the other side of her backpack. He stretched his legs a little, then settled back in the seat.
“My name is James,” he finally answered, “And yours?”
By all means, she shouldn’t have been talking to this guy, much less telling him about herself. But he looked so much like her grandfather, Luke, and his demeanor reminded her of him, as well. His smile was bright and his eyes were kind, and Diana had missed the simplicity of kindness.
She missed her family, too, but she was never getting that back, so she decided to settle for second best for tonight.
“And what are you doing here tonight, hm?”
She ducked her head and wrung her hands together, drowning in her regrets.
“I can’t go home,” she mumbled.
“Your family does not love you?” James inquired, tilting his head.
“No, they do!” she whipped her head up, then sank back in her seat. “They love me more than I love myself.”
“If that’s the case,” the man said, “then why can you not return home?”
“It’s a long story,” she said.
“I’m not leaving any time soon.”
She looked over at the man and held eye contact for a few seconds before nodding.
“Okay,” she said, “but the first thing you need to know is that it was all my fault. My dads didn’t do anything wrong.”
James didn’t say anything and she let out a deep sigh. She felt tears slip down her cheeks, but she wiped them away immediately. Weakness was death on the streets.
“It happened three years ago.”
November 18, 2015, 4:37 PM, New York, NY
Diana huffed as she busted into the loft, throwing her school bags on the floor and slinging her coat off. She started stomping upstairs to her bedroom when she heard the door slam behind her and the voice of her angry father trailing behind.
“Diana Sophia, if you take one more step, I swear to god-”
“You swear to god what, dad?” she demanded, whirling to face her father, “You and I both know damn well that you and papa don’t believe in physical punishment, so what are you going to do? Ground me? I’m 12 years old, that doesn’t work on me anymore.”
Anger flashed dangerously in her father’s eyes, and Diana almost backed down.
“You guys are so overbearing, god!”
Keyword: almost.
“Overbearing?” Alec said, and the tremble in his voice shocked Diana.
When Magnus was mad, he was calm, but in an intense way that affected the entire room. When Alec was mad- really mad, not just the kind of mad you got over after an hour or two- his entire body would shake.
She gulped, but again, she didn’t back down. She had a stubborn streak that even Magnus and Alec had a hard time crossing, especially now that she had hit puberty.
“If you think me being concerned for your safety is overbearing, then you have another thing coming for you,” Alec said, “Go to your room. I’ll deal with you when your father comes home.”
Diana turned and walked away, muttering under her breath about you are my father, just deal with me now, and I was going to go to my room before you stopped me anyways.
Alec inhaled deeply, slowly, pinching the bridge of his nose as he attempted to calm himself down. He always knew that Diana would be the death of him, but this was just too much. He looked at the clock and noted that it would be at least another half an hour before Magnus got back, so he took out his phone and sent his husband a text.
Alec, 4:42 PM
Your daughter is going to be the death of me.
Magnus, 4:43 PM
That’s not a good sign.
Magnus, 4:43 PM
What happened?
Alec, 4:45 PM
She became a teenager.
Magnus, 4:46 PM
Ha ha, very funny. Seriously, what did she do?
Alec, 4:49 PM
The usual, kind of. She was hanging out with those older kids when I picked her up from school today so I tried to talk to her about it, nudge her in the right direction. She just rolled her eyes and refused to talk to me so I yelled.
Magnus, 4:51 PM
We all know how much she loves being yelled at. She go to her room?
Alec, 4:51 PM
I had to let her go. I was so angry I couldn’t stop shaking.
Magnus, 4:53 PM
I know.
Magnus, 4:53 PM
We’ll talk more about this when I get home. I need to get back to work so I can leave.
Alec, 4:55 PM
I love you.
Magnus, 4:57 PM
I love you too.
Magnus, 5:28 PM
On my way. Dinner?
Alec, 5:28 PM
Just pick some pizza up or something. Be careful.
Magnus, 5:30 PM
Will do. See you at home.
Alec, 5:31 PM
See you at home. Love you.
Magnus, 5:48 PM
Love you too.
December 25, 2018, 9:34 PM, New York, NY
Alec sits on the couch, staring at his phone, rereading the old text messages between himself and his husband for the millionth time that night. Magnus sits on the other end of the couch staring into the distance, mind lost in the void. He was holding the glass of wine he’d poured 3 hours ago, still completely untouched.
Suddenly, in a fit of frustration and helplessness, Alec threw his phone across the living room. It hit the wall by the TV they hadn’t used in 3 years and it shattered. The noise startled Magnus out of his stupor, though his reaction was delayed, almost sluggish.
“Alexander?” he asked. His voice was rough; neither of them had said a word since they climbed out of bed that morning.
“Every year,” Alec said, “we sit on this couch and do the same exact thing. We sit here and we do nothing. You stare at the wall. I stare at my phone. Nothing ever changes.”
Magnus didn’t have anything to say to that. It was the truth, after all.
“Something needs to change, Magnus,” Alec pleaded, and he hadn’t cried in so long but tonight it felt like he might.
“I know,” Magnus said and ducked his head to the floor, “I know.”
It was silent for what felt like hours, but in reality was only a minute or so. Alec leaned back, scrubbing his hands over his face, desperately trying to erase the nothingness he felt deep within.
“Did I ever get around to telling you why I chose Diana?” he asked, “I mean, we all know why I chose Sophia for her middle name. There’s no real story behind that- but Diana has a story.”
“I don’t think you did, no,” Magnus said, and he almost swore that he felt his lips twitch upwards.
“When Izzy and I were kids, we got super into Roman mythology,” Alec started, “It was insane. It drove our parents up the wall.”
Magnus didn’t say anything, but he wondered how he never knew that about Alec. He’d always believed they told each other everything.
“In all honesty, it wasn’t a very long phase, and I mostly forgot about it,” he continued, “But the story of Diana and Apollo always stuck with me.”
Magnus hummed. It was appropriate, really. Alec, the strong, serious older brother with a younger sister that shone so bright you could barely look and an outgoing personality to boot.
“Back then, Iz and I would pretend that she was Apollo and I was Diana. As I got older, and after we met, I started thinking what it might be like to have kids. And I thought, what if I had a daughter? What would I name her?”
Alec shook his head at the memories, a ghost of a smile gracing his lips.
“I always circled back to Diana. Every time. And, you know, it was just perfect giving her Izzy’s middle name on top of it. It was like my little girl could have both of us with her, all the time,” Alec sighed, and Magnus felt a tightness in his chest when he saw the tear escape, “And now she’s gone, and she’s scared and alone and I- I wish I had told her that. There are so many things I wish I could tell her now, so many things I wish I had told her before.”
Maybe then she wouldn’t be gone.
December 24, 2018, 10:03 PM, Boston, MA
“You know,” James said after a moment of contemplation, “There’s still a lot that I don’t understand.”
“What do you mean?” Diana asked, confused, “I told you. I had a fight with my dads over something stupid. I pissed them off. I packed a bag and left. What more do you need to know to be able to understand?”
“Well, for one,” James said, “Why would you run? Your story made it very clear that you love your dads, and they love you. Why make the decision to leave?”
“I don’t know,” Diana confessed, “It seemed like the right idea at the time. I wanted to be able to choose my own friends without them trying to convince me they were bad people, and every time they yelled it felt more and more like they were protecting me from nothing. I wanted to make my own decisions.”
“Every child does go through that, at one point or another,” James agreed, “But there is another thing I can’t quite grasp.”
“Why can’t you go back?”
November 18, 2015, 7:34 PM, New York, NY
The dinner table was silent. Magnus had insisted they eat before they have any sort of conversation, but it was tense and uncomfortable and honestly, he almost regretted it.
Diana moved to get up from the dinner table, and Magnus cleared his throat pointedly. She rolled her eyes and plopped back down in her chair, crossing her arms over her chest.
“So I guess you’re on his side in all this?” she asked him, and her tone was so scathing it took Magnus aback.
“First of all, young lady,” Magnus began, “Just because you are angry with us does not give you the right to use that manner of tone with us. And don’t roll your eyes at me, either. Your father and I treat you with every ounce of respect that you deserve, we expect the same from you.”
“Right, because people who respect me tell me that I’m not old enough to pick my own friends or choose who I spend my time with, right?”
“I never told you that you can’t choose who you hang out with, Diana,” Alec stepped in, “What I said was that you ought to be careful with who you do choose. The world is not kind, I know you know that. I only want what’s best for you.”
“I’m old enough to know who’s bad and who isn’t!” she screeched, angry tears flowing down her face.
“We know that, but-” Magnus tried.
“But nothing! All you ever do is control what I say and what I do and I’m fucking sick of it!”
“Language!” Alec snapped.
“That is exactly what I mean,” Diana cried, “It’s just a word! Why can’t I say it? Fuck!”
“That is enough from you,” Magnus said, standing from his chair, “Your father and I have tried being gentle, we have tried being kind, but clearly it has not been effective. You’re grounded. No technology, no hanging out outside of school events. I will be taking you to school in the morning, and I will be having a conversation with your teachers and the principal about your behavior.”
“What?” Diana yelled, “That’s not fair-!”
“Fair or not, I have already decided.” Magnus said, “Go to your room. I will be up shortly to collect your phone and your laptop.”
Diana stormed off, screaming all the way up. She slammed the door, and the sound echoed throughout the loft.
Sharing a knowing look with his husband, Magnus gathered the dishes and brought them to the kitchen. Alec followed him, wrapping his arms around his waist gently. Magnus intertwined their fingers and leaned back into his embrace, sighing.
“I know,” Alec muttered, pressing a kiss into his neck, “I’ll go up there.”
“Alec-” Magnus tried, but Alec shushed him.
“You were the judge and the jury tonight,” Alec insisted, “I’ll be the executioner.”
Magnus smirked and sat up, turning to face his husband. He patted him on the chest reassuringly.
“Hurry back, then.”
Alec grinned, placing one last kiss on Magnus’ lips before he made his way upstairs. As he reached his daughter’s bedroom, he knocked three times. No response. He rolled his eyes.
“I’m coming in, Diana,” he announced, pushing the door open.
Dead silence. Peering in, he looked around the room. The door to the ensuite bathroom was closed and Diana was not in the bedroom, so he shrugged and assumed she was wiping her face after crying. He noted the laptop and phone laying on the bedspread and walked over to them, picking them up and settling them in the crook of his left arm. He walked over to the bathroom door and knocked three times.
“Go away,” came the muffled, sniffling voice of his daughter.
“It’s dad,” he called, “I have your phone and your laptop.”
“Whatever, I don’t care,” she said, and he nodded.
“Goodnight, Diana.”
He walked out of the room, closing the door behind him, and made a quick pitstop to his and Magnus’ room to keep the phone and laptop until further notice. He returned back downstairs and raised his arms in a sort of victory pose.
“Completely painless,” he remarked, “She was in the bathroom, but she had the stuff on her bed.”
Magnus sighed, taking a deep sip of wine and collapsing on the couch. Alec sat next to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and pulling him in close. He pressed a kiss into his hair for a moment, eyes screwed shut.
“Whoever said raising teenagers is hard is an idiot,” Magnus muttered, “There are no words to describe how difficult this is.”
Alec hummed, running his fingers through his husband’s hair.
“Maybe the next one won’t be so difficult,” he suggested playfully.
“Oh, no you don’t,” Magnus laughed, “We are nowhere near ready for a second, especially not a baby. If we think Diana is bad now, imagine trying to introduce another child in her life.”
“You’re right,” Alec conceded, “But who said anything about a baby?”
“I suppose,” Magnus hummed, “Maybe we can talk about it once we adjust to the new Diana.”
Alec laughed, not disagreeing.
Later that night, as they were getting ready to go to bed, Alec suggested they go say goodnight to Diana. They hadn’t heard any noise from her bedroom the past four hours, but they figured she was still upset and shrugged it off. Still, seeing their daughter at the end of the night always brought them comfort.
Knocking on the door, they didn’t really expect any sort of response, but they waited a moment after anyways. When no response came, Magnus announced their entrance and opened the door. The lights were off, and it was cold. Magnus shivered and turned on the light, concern for his daughter’s health trumping his desire to let her rest should she be asleep.
The lights flickered on and he gasped in horror. The window by her bed was wide open, and her sheets were rumpled as if she had been standing on the bed. Her clothes were scattered across her room and her school bag was missing.
“Alexander,” Magnus gasped.
“I’ll call the police,” Alec said, immediately running off to find the phone.
Magnus stood there, shocked to his core. His hand was still raised, resting on the light switch, trembling violently. Sucking in another breath, he began to sob.
December 24, 2015, New York, NY
They’d been searching for over a month now, and still, there was no news. They had searched every back alley 10 times, they’d checked the train stations, CCTV footage, everything they could possibly think of.
Their little girl was gone.
That first night, the police had assured them that there was no reason to believe Diana wouldn’t return of her own free will. They would search, in the meantime, but until then it was just a matter of waiting.
3 days later, when they still had nothing, Alec’s stepfather- Luke, a former cop- suggested they buy advertisements to help look for her. They chose the most recent photo they had of her and released a standard description: southeast asian, female, brown hair, brown eyes, five-feet-3-inches tall, one hundred and twenty pounds, born December 24 of 2003, missing since November 15 of 2015.
Nothing came up.
They sat on the couch, Alec staring at his phone and Magnus staring at the wall. They’d stopped turning on the television a week after she had gone missing, weary of the news reports and not willing to entertain themselves.
So they sat. And they waited.
But she didn’t come home.
December 23, 2016, 1:34 AM, Milford, CT
Diana knew three things. One: ever since she left home, she hadn’t stopped walking. Two: she misses her dads, but she can’t go home. Three: she hasn’t eaten in almost 2 days.
The hunger pains were the worst. The fatigue and the blurry vision she could handle, but every time she found herself stuck in a position like this, the worst thing was the pain.
She had always despised pain.
She does her best to distract herself, but without energy, there isn’t much to do. She can’t think of home; there’s no going back there, she knows, so what’s the point? She doesn’t have any friends to talk to; on the streets, there was no such thing as friendship. At least not for her, at least.
So she wanders from street to street, an hour at a time, searching for a bite to carry her through.
Every so often, someone will walk by, and she’ll hold out the styrofoam cup she keeps with her, begging for change.
Most people scoff or ignore her. Some are kind enough to give a few coins, but none stop for long or give too much.
She spots a man walking towards her and she holds out her cup, praying to gods she doesn’t believe in for something.
The man reaches into his pockets when he spots her, and when he finds what he’s looking for, he walks up and leans over to place it in her cup. He straightens and leaves, and she breathes a heavy sigh of relief.
Looking down to see what fortunes he had bestowed, she freezes at the sight of green. She snaps her head back up, but the man is long gone. With trembling fingers, she reaches into the cup to see how much, and she gasps once more.
Sitting in her hands is 3 $100 bills and a small note. She unfurls the note and reads it, tears stinging her eyes.
Merry Christmas and may God bless your soul. I can only hope this kindness brings a smile upon your face and light into your life.
December 24, 2018, 10:08 PM, Boston, MA
“You left out of anger,” James said, “and you never looked back. Until you did.”
“Until I did,” she agreed.
“And by that point, you were so far from home, there was no point in turning back?”
“That’s right,” Diana agreed, “I know my dads love me, and I love them, too, but…”
“They’ve moved on by now. I know it.”
“Do you, though?” James pushed, tilting his head, “You say you know the entire story, but I don’t think you do.”
“And what makes you think that, oh wise one?” Diana bit back sarcastically, scowling at the man.
“Only years of experience,” James chuckled, “Listen, Diana. There is always more than one side to a story. You’re always privy to at least one, but never all.”
“Maybe so,” Diana muttered, “But there’s no way they’d take me back after everything I’ve put them through.”
“Diana, do you miss your parents?”
“Of course I do,” Diana insisted.
“Then what makes you believe they do not miss you as well?” James asked.
“I know they do,” Diana said, “But we have to let go of those we love. That’s life.”
“This is true, but perhaps they’re not ready for that just yet,” James said, “Especially with the hope that you may still be out there.”
Diana didn’t respond to that. She picked at the thread of her hoodie, and James heaved a deep sigh as he stood. He brushed his khaki trousers and turned to face her.
“I suppose you’ll be wanting rest sometime tonight,” James said, “I’ll leave you, but when you wake, I want you to consider long and hard about what you want, even if you think you can not have it. Maybe then life will fall back into place as it should.”
Diana furrowed her eyebrows in confusion but nodded at the man, “Thank you,” she called out as he walked away, “for listening to me.”
James turned back and shrugged, “It’s what I do.”
And then he was gone.
December 25, 2018, 3:07 AM, New York, NY
Alec laughed lightly as Magnus finished his story. All night, they had been sharing memories of Diana, fighting to keep her spirit close.
“She’s so stubborn,” Alec sighed, downing the rest of the wine.
“I miss her,” Magnus said, somber.
Alec just nodded in agreement.
There were no words to make up for the loss of a child.
December 25, 2018, 3:07 AM, Boston, MA
Diana woke up with a jolt, and the notebook that had been resting in her lap fell to the floor noisily. A rat scattered away, startled by the sudden noise, and Diana rubbed her eyes.
Leaning down to pick up the journal, she frowned. She didn’t remember falling asleep but she was fairly certain she hadn’t been holding a journal when she’d slipped into unconsciousness.
Suddenly, she remembered James’ words to her.
There is always more than one side to a story. You’re always privy to at least one, but never all. I want you to think long and hard about what you want, even if you believe you can not have it. Maybe then life will fall back into place as it should.
She smiled; this must have been James’ form of a joke, she supposed. Flipping open the journal, she caressed the soft pages, admiring the craftsmanship. Her Aunt Clary had instilled an appreciation for the arts in her when she was young, and it had never quite left her.
Flipping through, she furrowed her brows when she found an envelope resting in the middle. She picked it up, marveling its presence for a moment before tearing it open. Inside was a plane ticket to New York City, set to leave at 6 AM. Behind the ticket was $1000 in cash: enough for a cab ride and anything else she may need in between. Behind these two items, though, was what made her sob and press her hand to her face.
A photograph, dated December 25, 2003. In the photo was her, just a tiny newborn at the time, in the arms of her papa. Her dad stood next to him. Neither of them was looking at the camera; their focus was reserved entirely for her.
Stuffing the items into her bag, she ran and ran and ran. She hailed a cab and hopped in, frantically requesting a ride to the airport.
She could finally come home.
December 25, 2018, 8:34 AM, New York, NY
She could still remember the address of her old home, so the moment she touched down to New York, she acquired a cab and demanded a ride there.
It was about halfway there she realized that they may have moved in the time she had been gone, and the nerves hit. She fidgeted nervously, tapping her foot and chewing on her thumbnail. The cab pulled in front of the building and she handed him one of the 100 dollar bills, rushing from the cab without bothering to get the change back.
Money didn’t really matter anymore.
Despite her anxiety, she climbed the steps to her dads' apartment and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the Lightwood-Bane plaque hanging by the door. Reaching underneath her hoodie, she pulled out a small chain with a silver key attached to it, biting her lip, hoping beyond everything that the key would work.
She inserted the key and was about to turn when she heard a peal of laughter coming from inside. She recognized it as her papa’s. She paused as all her regrets about coming home came rushing back all at once.
What if they didn’t want her? Resting her head against the cold wood of the door, she felt the tears escape. Moving to turn back, she gasped when she realized she could hear what they were saying from inside. She pressed her ear harder against the door and waited.
“She was a mess alright,” her dad laughed brightly, “But she was our mess.”
“Oh, for sure,” her papa cried, laughing along with his husband, “It’s what made her special, really.”
There was a pause, and she wasn’t sure if they had stopped talking or if she just couldn’t hear what they were saying. She pressed harder, her body flush with the door, the key digging harshly into her hip.
“I just wish she would come home. It’s all I ever wanted, ever since she left that night,” her dad said.
Rushing back, Diana lifted a hand to her mouth. They wanted her back. They always had, they still do. Rushing forward again, she gripped the key in her hands and pushed, swinging the door open.
“Daddy! Papa!” she cried loudly, launching herself into the arms of her shell-shocked parents.
“Diana…?” Alec said, his voice broken, “Oh my god, it’s really you!”
Lifting her up with ease, Alec tightened his grip around her and sobbed. He let her down, but Magnus was quick to pick her up next, crying softly into her neck. He set her down, too, taking her in.
“My god, you’re so different, now,” Magnus muttered with awe.
“She’s perfect,” Alec said, eyes shining brightly.
“I missed you guys so much,” Diana sniffed, “I’m so sorry, I-”
“Hush, baby,” Magnus said, “It’s alright. All that matters is that you’re back.”
“Yeah, I am,” she agreed, smiling through the tears and the snot.
She launched herself at them once more, gripping tightly as she promised herself that she would never let go.
December 25, 2018, 10:07 AM, New York, NY
Magnus walked in from the bedroom, smiling at his sleeping daughter on the couch. Her head was in Alec’s lap, his fingers cascading through her hair.
“I just got off the phone with Maryse and Luke,” he informed his husband, sitting on the other end of the couch by Diana’s feet, “they were delighted to hear that Diana is home, but they said they would give us until tomorrow before visiting. The others all said the same thing when I spoke to them.”
“Who all did you talk to?” Alec asked, not removing his gaze from Diana’s sleeping form.
“I talked to Isabelle, Simon, Maia, Clary, Jace, and Lydia first. They were all together for breakfast,” Magnus said, “I talked to Cat, Ragnor, Raphael, and Madzie next. They were also gathered together for breakfast. Jem, Tessa, Will, and the kids were all together as well when I spoke to them.”
“I guess with it being Christmas it would be easier to tell the news to everyone,” Alec joked.
Magnus laughed but didn’t say anything. He rested his hand on Diana’s feet, caressing the skin softly.
“I still keep thinking I’ll wake up and realize this was all just a cruel dream,” Magnus whispered.
“Me too.”
They sat in silence for a few more moments, basking in the elation of finally having their baby home again. There was a part of Magnus that had started to believe his daughter had died, and that she was never coming home. He’d never been happier to be so wrong.
The 3 years since Diana had left had been rough for them. The only reason they were even still together, though Magnus was loathed to admit it, was because of the hope that Diana would return. They’d kept the apartment, the locks, the phone numbers all the same so that Diana could someday find her way home.
“We should go to bed,” Magnus whispered, “I’m sure she misses sleeping in a real bed.”
“I don’t want to leave her yet, Magnus,” Alec choked.
“We’re not going to,” Magnus promised, “We can all fit in our bed. It will be fine.”
Alec nodded, and Magnus stood to pick her up. She was light as a feather, and it broke Magnus’ heart to know that she weighed less now than she did the day she had left. Alec followed him to the bedroom, adjusting the covers so that Magnus could lay her down in the middle. Once she was situated, Alec pulled the covers over her sleeping form and kissed her forehead. They both climbed in on either side of her, snuggling close.
“She’s home,” Alec whispered as if it had finally sunk in.
“She’s home,” Magnus agreed.
Now that their hearts had been lightened of the distinct and unending emptiness that was unique to the loss of a child, Magnus and Alec could finally sleep peacefully. With unspoken promises of never letting go hanging in the air, the Lightwood-Banes allowed themselves to rest for the first time in three years.
Diana Sophia Lightwood-Bane had finally found her way home.
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rambleonwithrosie · 6 years
150 Followers. Feel free to take this and use it yourself.
Okay so if you've been following me you know that at every milestone of 50 I go and answer 50 questions. So this time they're all gonna be Queen/Classic Rock specific and y'all are all welcome to take these and make asks out of them or reblog/copy with your own answers.
Favorite Queen member's solo album? Strange Frontier by Roger Taylor
Who of the band would you call to help you fix a flat tire? John, he's a dad and a diy guy, as much as I wanna say Rog I just don't want to deal with a drama queen when I'm having my own drama but I've seen him under the hood of a car so I've no doubt he probably knows how
What do you think Brian May smells like on am average day? Very woodsy, like pine needles and some light but expensive cologne
How would you kiss Freddie? On the cheek like a good friend I just can't get into his looks enough to think about kissing him any other way
How would you kiss John? Well if we're talking long haired fluffy John I'd probably psst at him to come around the corner and then give him a kiss and see what he does
How would you kiss Brian? Very carefully otherwise @squeezemylemon is gonna kill me so probably the sweet quick chaste type kiss
How would you kiss Roger? (My moment has come) I would walk up to him and grab ahold of one of the necklaces he wears and just pull his lips down to mine and crash mine onto his wrapping my arms around his neck kissing him for all I'm worth or less dramatically if we were just sitting on a couch or something I'd just lean my head up off his shoulder and press a gentler sort of kiss to his lips and see where he takes it after that
If you were going to date one of their kids who would it be? Felix, I'm partial to brunettes usually (Roger and Luke Skywalker are my exceptions) and he seems pretty cool and has done a lot of different things which would be interesting to talk about
Favorite gif of your least favorite band member?
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10. Most recent Queen photo on your phone
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11. Favorite piece of fanart?
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I can't pick just one. I also don't remember where I found these and if you know the artist I'll happily tag them in the most. The artbis most definitely NOT mine
This is mine
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12. Queen song that makes you want to cry? Love of My Life
13. Which band member would you pick to keep an eye on you at a party so you don't get too crazy and make it home safe? Brian probably, I would say John but I feel if he's drinking he'd be less than no help
14. Who's flat would you ask to crash at? I have reasons to want to say Roger's but banging aside I'd probably pick Freddie he was generous and funny and would probably do his beat to cheer me up from whatever circumstance had made me not have a place of my own to stay
15. Who would you want to teach you to play an instrument they play? Well I genuinely feel I'm best suited for drums so I'm not just saying Roger because he's my dude. Plus he could teach me the most instruments anyways considering as he knows drums, bass, electric, and keyboard.
16. If you could spend a day with Freddie what would you do? I'd just want to sit and have tea and talk and maybe go shopping later hear his advice and crack some jokes
17. Favorite solo song by a Queen band member? As far as written by goes, it's probably Let's Get Crazy or Happiness by Rog bit overall it's gotta be Rog's version of Racing in the Street *chills*
18. Favorite live performance?
19. Whose singing voice do you like best? Roger Taylor (nothing against Fresh he's amazing)
20. Whose speaking voice do you like best? Again Roger Meddows Taylor for the win
21. Write a snippet where you're holding hands with your least favorite band member.
Freddie had never been to an amusement park before, hadn't wanted to go really, but John had begged him to come along and then left him with Aston to babysit while he dealt with his actual children. It wasn't that she had anything against Fred it's just him tagging along on her elbow was keeping her away from the drummer whose attention she wanted. They got onto one of the rides and she saw how pale Freddie was looking and felt sorry for him. It wasn't his fault that he was being a third wheel or that the drummer was off on one of the more dangerous rides that Freddie was not about to get on.
"You can hold my hand if you want" Aston joked looking over at Fred.
"Really?" He asked a little relieved. The two of them chuckled and to Aston's surprise Freddie's black nail polished fingertips interlaced through hers and he looked a little more at ease for the comfort of human contact.
"It'll be fine" she grinned and then the ride took off and the black fingernails damn near dug into her hand in panic.
22. Write a snippet where you're fighting with your favorite band member.
They had been living together for just over two months and despite not knowing how to boil an egg Roger somehow found a way to get into the kitchen and put things in the wrong spot. He came home from the stall.
"Where is the paprika?" She leveled at him before he had scarcely shut the door.
"The what?"
"Paprika, Rog, the spice that I was going to use for the supper I was cooking us, but I can't ever find anything in this kitchen" Aston said muttering as an afterthought "thanks to you."
"What was that?" Rog said coming over to her and looking darkly with his blue eyes.
"Just tell me where you put the paprika and we'll be fine" she sighed.
"I didn't fucking touch anything in your stupid kitchen" he glowered going to the liquor cabinet.
"Well I still can't find it" she huffed.
"Not my problem" he said swigging straight from the bottle.
"Well if you want dinner it kind of is" she retorted.
"I'll get something out" Rog said dispassionately.
"Fuck you" she muttered and went back to banging through the cabinets in search of the missing spice. She was on her knees with half her body in a lower shelf looking in the back and growing hotter for Roger showing no signs of caring or helping. She smelt the dish starting to burn on the stove and tried to crawl out, raising her head up and whacking it on the shelf above. She let out a round of oaths.
She went over to the stove and moved it off the heat halfway between tears and screaming.
"I'll order something" Roger said standing up.
"I can fucking cook!" She shouted "if only I could find the things I need when I need them."
"Well don't yell at me about it" Roger said and brushed past and out the door.
Aston collapsed onto the floor sitting with her back to the cabinets and started crying. She sobbed into the kitchen towel. So much for her cosy dinner at home with Rog. She was so distraught that she didn't hear the door open and close. She felt her fingers clutching the towel pried open and looked to see a bottle of paprika put into them. She turned her teary red eyes up to Roger's face. He pulled her to her feet and held her in his arms. Softly stroking her hair and planting a gentle kiss to her cheeks.
"Come on, I got us reservations, you can cook your thing tomorrow if you still want to" he looked down at her smiling and put a kiss to her nose and grinned at her in his arms.
23. Favorite picture of Brian
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24. Favorite picture Roger
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(Well it's one of many favs)
25. Favorite picture of Freddie
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26. Favorite picture of John
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27. Best song to slow dance to? One Year of Love
28. Best song to make out to? I'm In Love with My Car
29. Best song to drive to? Breakthru or Don't Stop Me Now
30. Best song to strip to? Tear It Up
31. What era of the band would you like to hang out with most? I wanna say mid to late 70s. I'd rather not have to hang out with them during Hot Space 😂
32. Favorite song on your favorite album? Rock It (Prime Jive)
33. Least liked song on your favorite album? Probably Play the Game
34. Who would you want to take care of you if you were sick? I feel Brian would be the most knowledgeable but I'd probably prefer Fred just cutting up and maybe grabbing the aspirins and whatever else was needed. I just don't feel Brian would be funny enough to cheer me up. And Rog I just don't know how good he'd be at taking care of someone
35. Who would you want to go driving with? Roger. Duh! So many reasons!
36. Who would you pick to spend a lazy (non-sexual) afternoon with? Well not that I'm just into Rog for the sex, he'd still be my first pick because laughs. But second would be Brian.
37. Rate how thirsty you are for each band member? Freddie 0/10. John variable between 0/10-6/10. Brian 2/10-4/10(red special is factored into Brian). Roger 1000/10 (cars aren't factored into Rog otherwise I'd break my phone adding zeros to that 1000)
38. Least favorite Roger song? Sheer Heart Attack
39. Favorite Brian song? Sail Away Sweet Sister or Dragon Attack
40. Least favorite Freddie song? Body Language and Get Down Make Love
41. Favorite John song? One Year of Love or If You Can't Beat Them
42. Are you excited for the Bohemian Rhapsody movie? Yes. Not insanely. But moderately excited yes
43. Is Queen your favorite band of all time? No. They're in my top 3 but The Moody Blues were my childhood and are so unique and very special to me
44. If you married your crush from the band where would you go on your honeymoon? The beach. Hopefully the Pacific Ocean. Probably some nice private beach just to have space with each other and I love water and he loves boating and stuff.
45. Who has the nicest butt? While I prefer Rog's ass I must admit John possesses the superior booty
46. Who has the best smile? Roger. Hands down and not just because he's my main man all around it's literally made of sunshine
47. Who would you go to if you were scared? Roger. I don't get scared so if I did I'd want someone around to make me laugh my fears away
48. If you were going to be in a crime fighting/super hero duo with one of the band, who would it be? John. He's sound and sensible and so long as he can handle my forceful personality and not write any DISpatches raking my bad behavior and rash decisions we'll get along
49. Do you listen to Queen daily, or at least multiple times a week? Yes especially if you include their solo works
50. Have you written any Queen fanfiction or made any fanart? Yes. Fanfiction galore. Some has yet to be posted but when I do it will be on @drummerinthecupboard
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t-i-n-y-d-i-n-o · 6 years
Only You
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some Cal smut while I postpone the longer piece I have for him because I am literal trash 🙃
warnings: smut, swearing, jealous cal, the usual.
Please enjoy and leave some feedback (please, I feed off of it)
“Cal’s here!” Your dad calls as soon as he’s opened the door, letting the tanned boy into the house. Calum can hear your mum’s voice, along with Luke’s, Liz’s voice in the mix as well, and finally yours.
He sets his overnight bag on the top of the stairs leading to the basement. Before stepping into your kitchen, smiling as he sees you sitting in a chair. His Nirvana sweater on your body, the cuffs rolled at your wrists showing off your dainty hands.
“Hi Mrs. L/N.” Calum says as your mum pulls him into a tight squeeze.
“How many times have I told you? It’s Nora, you’re family Cal.” She tells him, he smiles sheepishly.
“Sorry...I always forget.” She rolls her eyes and heads for the stove, stirring the pot of Mac can cheese bubbling away. Your dad outside with Andrew, both of them drinking beers and chatting away.
“Hi Liz.”
“Hi Calum, how are you?”
“I’m good, and yourself?”
“I’m doing pretty great. I’m gonna go help Nora in the kitchen.” She responds getting up and taking her glass of wine with her.
“Hey man.” He says clapping Luke’s shoulder gently, the blond looking up and smiling.
“Hey bro.” Calum turns his attention to you, seeing your gold rimmed glasses on the bridge of your nose. Your hair in a messy bun on the top of your head, letting a few strands fall out here and there.
“Hi baby.”
“Hi Cal.” You respond leaning up for a kiss, he kisses you back. Tasting the tropical wine cooler on your lips. You stand up slightly for him to sit down, before you sit on his lap.
“What are you all doing?”
“Mum got nostalgic again and invited these guys over to look at old pictures.” You inform him, looking at all of the photo albums and scattered pictures on your dining room table.
He hums softly and smiles as he sees a picture of you, Luke, and your old dog Nina on your back porch. Ice cream spread across both of your faces while you feed the golden retriever your ice cream cone.
“Should have heard them earlier, crying over our first school pictures.” Luke responds rolling his eyes slightly and smiling as he looks at a picture of you and him marked 10/31/04 on the bottom corner.
“Remember when we went as a princess and knight?” The blond asks looking up at you, you hum softly around your drink.
“Oh we thought you two were going to get married someday.” Nora says as she sits back down with Liz on her other side.
Calum feels his stomach tense, once again being reminded of how close you and Luke have always been. Reminded of your almost 20 year friendship that all started because he moved in across the street from you.
“Hell I think everyone thought they were going to end up together.” Andrew says as he comes into the house, two empty beer bottles in hand.
Calum’s heart clenches slightly, insecurity building in his brain. He feels you bring his arm around your waist tighter, your fingers slotting over his.
“But I’ve got Calum and Luke has Petunia.” You state, leaning back into your boyfriend’s chest. Trying to console him slightly, the parents all humming in agreement.
“Luke does have an unhealthy obsession with Piggy.” Liz comments getting her son to squawk a disagreement. The rest of the conversation being moved to pets that have come and gone. You rub your thumb across Calum’s knuckles.
“Dinner’s done out here if you guys are hungry.” Hank says popping his head in and smiling at all of you. You rise from Calum’s lap, gently tugging him with you to grab a plate. Standing on your tippy toes you press your lips to his cheek.
“I love you.” You whisper in his ear, squeezing his forearm gently.
“Your parents don’t seem to think so.” He mutters grabbing his plate, a soft scowl on his lips. You frown slightly and reach for his arm just as he slips away from you.
You sigh softly and follow him out of the sliding door, letting your dad pile a few kebabs on your plate. Looking up as Calum takes a few pieces of fruit and some macaroni and cheese. Luke following behind you, you take a seat next to your boyfriend at the outdoor table.
“Talk to me please?” You ask softly, resting your hand on his thigh. He tenses slightly and looks at you, his brown eyes almost unreadable as he moves your hand back. Luke sitting down on your other side, your mum talking with him.
“Calum are you gonna watch the World Cup?” Your dad asks looking at the tanned boy sitting on your left.
“Uh, yea I might. Might be too busy for it but I’m hoping to catch it.” He replies, nodding his head a bit and sitting up straighter.
“Cal is a very good footie player papa. You should watch him sometime.” You tell him, crossing your legs and feeling pride swell in your chest.
“I would hope he’s good, he’s the star player on the college team.” Your mum says, looking at your boyfriend. His fingers curling around his fork a little tighter.
Mind not sure if he should take the compliment or deflect it. The rest of the night passes with conversation about your studies and Luke’s new job at the record label.
“Hey...hey come here.” You say once the Hemmings have left your house. Both of your parents cuddling on the couch, booze and food making them sleepy. You tug him behind you to your room, letting the door close behind you both.
“I’m tired, can’t we just go to sleep?” Calum mumbles as he lets you push him down on your bed.
“No I wanna talk to you first, why are you so uptight tonight?” You ask softly, standing between his spread thighs.
“Your family thinks you’d be better off with Luke, they don’t like me as much as you say they do. They barley talked to me all night and then your mum was cooing over how cute you two looked at year nine formal together.”
“Calum, Calum Thomas look at me please. Who am I with?”
“Me, that’s not the point Y/N.”
“Calum who do I tell ‘I love you’ to every night?” You ask raising your eyebrow slightly as you slowly sit on his lap.
“Me, are you even listening to me?”
“I am listening to you, but Calum I’m with you. I love you, I don’t want Luke, he’s like my brother. And that would be disgusting, I want you Cal, want you to kiss me. And hold me and love on me.” You say pressing kisses to his jaw, nuzzling close to his ear.
“Y/N your parents are right up...oh fuck.” He gasps the end as you bite down on his earlobe. Sucking on it gently and pulling his hands to your thighs. Sliding them up to grip onto your ass, letting him pull your hips to grind against himself. You move down his throat, nipping at his skin gently and smiling.
“I love you Cal, only you, you’re mine and I’m yours. Nobody is gonna change that, please don’t let them bother you. Just because they thought I was gonna end up with that bozo I call my best friend doesn’t mean it will happen. They also thought I was gonna be super tall yet here I am coasting at five foot nothing.” You say cupping his cheeks, rubbing your thumbs under his eyes. He leans into your hand, kissing your palm softly before looking at you.
“I love you too.” Calum whispers, leaning up to kiss you again. Before you sink to your knees between his legs, hands going for his jeans.
“Oh fuck me...baby seriously your parents are upstairs.” He whispers, looking down at you puffy lips parted. Watching as you undo his button and zipper, he lifts his hips. Helping you tug his pants and boxers down in one go, his length half hard against his hip.
“You’re fucking crazy.”
“Oh you love this, shut up you exhibitionist.” You tease, taking his length in your hand and licking a strip up the underside. He moans softly and rests back on his hands, catching his lip between his teeth.
You scoot closer, wrapping your lips around his length. Humming softly as you suck at him slowly, watching his muscles clench. You dip your tongue into the divot in his tip. Listening to the resounding groan come from his chest.
“Fuck I love when you do that.” He tells you, keeping his hips from jerking up. You slowly work your way down his length, using your hand to stroke what you can’t fit.
Humming softly around him you feel his length jerk. Calum’s hand slowly cupping the back of your neck, wanting to feel your skin on his. You come back up, sucking at his tip as you squeeze your hand around him.
“F fuck, fuck do that again.” He pants stomach already tensing, his breath hitching. You repeat your actions before going all the way down on him. Nose touching his pelvic bone, a loud gasp coming from his throat.
“I’m gonna cum...fuck fuck I’m gonna cum.” He whimpers out, head tipping back as he grinds his hips forward. You choke slightly and pull back, getting his head to snap forward.
“I’m sorry, fuck I’m sorry baby.” You shake your head softly, sucking his tip back into your mouth. Jerking your hand on him quicker, listening to the soft moans coming from him.
“F fuck yes, fuck just like that baby.” He whines softly, hips jerking up again as you take his balls in your hand. Rolling them gently, moving a finger back to touch his perineum. Knowing how it drives him crazy, and being rewarded with a long drawn out ‘fuck’.
Before his body stills, and you’re pulling off. Watching him release on himself, a few strands dripping down to your fingers. He collapses back on your bed, panting softly. You stand up and reach for the box of soft tissues on your nightstand.
“I love you so much.” Calum murmurs once you’ve both cleaned up. His boxers being the only thing left on him, before he tugs you into his lap.
“I love you too Cal.” You respond against his lips, moaning softly as he drags his hands under your shirt.
“Let me show you?” He asks, you nod your head a bit and let him flip you both over so you’re underneath him. Your clothes soon on the floor to join his, while his teeth leave marks that will last for days.
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thesportssoundoff · 6 years
“Sean Shelby and Mick Maynard deserve raises and hazard pay” The UFC 230 Preview
October 30th, 2018
So dig this action, Jackson. You're the UFC. You've drawn up this card for Madison Square Garden on paper----but all of your main event concepts fall apart. Woodley/Till winner vs Covington? Surgery for the winner of that fight. Holloway? Needs more time to heal up. Cejudo vs Dillashaw? 2019. GSP? On bad terms, sorry. Whittaker is hurt so you've got no 185 lb fight which in turn means you can't roll out him vs Gastelum either. You've loaded up this card with no main event and desperation starts to sneak in. Jones vs Romero for an interim title fight? Romero is hurt and Jones can't make the weight on short notice. You come up with an acceptable-ish main event with Shevchenko vs Eubanks but nobody wants that so you gotta back off of that because fans hate WMMA main events. Eventually somehow you find a way to luck into a really good intriguing HW fight sort of kind of. DC vs Derrick Lewis is probably the best you could do on short notice and at the very least, you get to have your HW champ style on a personable dude who is coming off a massive finish. Then bad gets worse:
-If you had been a betting man, you would've bet Nate Diaz doesn't make it to the dance. Instead it's Dustin Poirier who is hurt but not hurt enough to be back in early 2019. Go figure.
-That's fine, you still got a damn good co-main event! Well...then Luke Rockhold does as he do and now you gotta find a replacement, thankfully you loaded up on those, riiiight? Well see the problem is that by remaking one fight, you have to call on a replacement for the other SO:
Derrick Lewis vs Daniel Cormier Nate Diaz vs Dustin Poirier Chris Weidman vs Luke Rockhold Ronaldo Souza vs David Branch Yoel Romero vs Paulo Costa
Derrick Lewis vs Daniel Cormier Chris Weidman vs Ronaldo Souza Jared Cannonier vs David Branch Jack Marshman vs Karl Roberson Israel Adesanya vs Derek Brunson
It's at this point that I go back to the header; Sean Shelby and Mick Maynard are underpaid. No other profession asks you to deal with this level of chaos in short order. In any other sport, injuries create excuses but these dudes are expected to reshake up cards on a moment's notice and do it with pride and joy. That's really hard. UFC 230 is the weaker of the three cards upcoming but it's not for a lack of effort. Maynard and Shelby handled some bad situations and turned out an acceptable card. Not a GREAT card but an acceptable one.
Fights: 13
Fight Changes/Injury Cancellations:8  (Valentina Shevchenko OUT, Roxanne Modaferri IN vs Sijara Eubanks/Nate Diaz vs Dustin Poirier CANCELLED/Yoel Romero vs Paulo Costa CANCELLED/Luke Rockhold OUT, Ronaldo Souza IN vs Chris Weidman/Ronaldo Souza OUT, Jared Cannonier IN vs David Branch/Ruslan Magomedov OUT, Adam Wierozcek IN vs Marcos Rogerio De Lima/Sultan Aliev OUT, Ben Saunders IN vs Lyman Good/Domingo Pilarte OUT, Motel Jackson IN vs Brian Kelleher)
Headliners (fighters who have either main evented or co-main evented shows in the UFC): 9 (Derrick Lewis, Daniel Cormier, Ronaldo Souza, Chris Weidman, Israel Adesanya, Derek Brunson, David Branch, Roxanne Modafferi, Lando Vannata)
Fighters On Losing Streaks in the UFC: 1 (Jason Knight)
Fighters On Winning Streaks in the UFC: 3 (Daniel Cormier, Derrick Lewis, Israel Adesanya)
Main Card Record Since Jan 1st 2016 (in the UFC): 31-15
Daniel Cormier- 4-0 (1 NC) Derrick Lewis- 8-1 Chris Weidman- 1-2 Ronaldo Souza- 3-2 David Branch- 2-1 Jared Cannonier- 3-3 Karl Roberson- 1-1 Jack Marshman- 2-2 Israel Adesanya- 3-0 Derek Brunson- 4-3
Divisional Breakdown:
Middleweight- 4 Featherweight- 3 Heavyweight- 2 Welterweight- 1 Bantamweight- 1 Women's flyweight- 1 Lightweight- 1
Too Low- Julio Arce vs Sheymon Moraes
There are two fantastic featherweight fights on this card. The one I didn't choose was Shane Burgos vS Kurt Holobaugh; two strikers of various styles which normally make for a big money action fight. That and I'd like to see how Burgos responds to the challenge of his first loss in a high profile spot. Gimme Moraes vs Arce though; two tremendous strikers with Arce having a bit more versatility to his game. Moraes is an ascending talent at 145 lbs while Arce is on a crazy hot streak right now. That's the fight to make on the main card in my eyes especially if you have plans to do more South American cards.
Too High Up- Karl Roberson  vs Jack Marshman
So I like Karl Roberson and I kinda get what the UFC sees in him. They see an ascending talent at a division that's beginning to grow some legs and teeth currently. I get it even if I don't really agree with it given the weaknesses Roberson showed in his pro loss. He vs Marshman on paper is an intriguing battle of strikers since Marshman will throw hands with Roberson who should sign in that sort of a capacity. The UFC might've rushed Roberson vs Cezar Mutante BUT I get what the hope was. They were aiming for something and missed which happens sometimes. Having said that, this being on a main card feels like a waste. Make it your prelim headliner or do whatever you want with it but this fight as a main card fight? Definitely not easing Roberson in after a rough loss.
Stat Monitor for 2018:
Debuting Fighters (Current number: 27-35-1):  
Short Notice Fighters (Current number: 27-20):  Adam Weiczorek, Roxane Modafferi, Montel Jackson, Jared Cannonier, Ben Saunders
Second Fight (Current number: 35-27): Matt Frevola, Montel Jackson, Sijara Eubanks, Kurt Holobaugh
Cage Corrosion (Current number: 19-34):  Chris Weidman, Jack Marshman, Lyman Good, Marcos Rogerio De Lima
Undefeated Fighters (Current number: 29-21-1): Israel Adesanya
Keeping An Eye On But Not Really:
The UFC Win Check Test The records of fighters who have 4 or more UFC fights (or three full calendar years in the organization) but 0 wins against people still in the UFC:  Marcos Rogerio De Lima
Ponderings are inside, y’all.
Twelve Precarious Ponderings
1- Don't overthink this main event. It's going to be fun.
2- Can Cormier avoid chaos? MMA is all about chaos. The short notice dude pulling off the upset, the weight cut snafu, the PED testing alarm. Can Cormier avoid the fact that Derrick Lewis well and truly has a few weapons to beat you with but he seems to use said weapon insanely well? Lewis has won 9 of his last 10 fights and a portion of those were late round stoppages where he SHOULD be falling apart but just kind of finds a way to survive until you  dip yourself into a fuck up and get finished. Is Cormier SO good that even he can avoid the chaos?
3- If Daniel Cormier lifts and slams Derrick Lewis, I think we're all going to lose our shit.
4- Chris Weidman and Jacare Souza may be old and broken down but let's be entirely fair at the same time here. Weidman is still a tremendous fighter even as a more beat up version of what he used to be. It was barely over a year ago that he beat Kelvin Gastelum to pretty much save his career and we all know how good KG is. Similarly Jacare gave Gastelum fits at times in their fight and it could be argued that Jacare's more complete now as a fighter than he ever was---unfortunately becoming more complete at a time where he's just naturally eroding due to age. Jacare's only REALLY been soundly ran over once and that was by Robert Whittaker. Chris Weidman, even in his current form, is still really good. This is one of those rare fights where old and broken down is right----but "still really good is also right." What's more, I'm most excited to see the grappling exchanges between these two which could be a gas however long it lasts.
5- Chris Weidman is talking like he's going to get a title shot if he wins. Y'all up for that?
6- Jared Cannonier going down to 185 lbs just SEEMS like a risky proposition. Cannonier could probably continue to exist at 205 lbs as a weirdly solid kinda decent kinda bad LHW who just never gets cut because he can always beat SOMEBODY but the drop to 185 lbs just feels like going from the old and bad division to the old and still pretty good division. Risky.
7- Did ANY fighter see his career turn around at such a dramatic rate the way poor Jason Knight's did? Knight went from being a really exciting up and coming prospect to start 2017 to coming off three losses. Losing to Ricardo Lamas is no shame (but also losing to Lamas if you're a prospect feels like you can't jump over an important hurdle at 145 lbs) but he didn't even show up vs Moggly Benitez. Now part of that is due to how damn solid Moggly Benitez is but everything about Knight seemed off that night. Against Makwan Amirkhani, I thought he performed a lot better but still fought like a dude who is either at war with what he thinks he is as a fighter or out of touch with the skills and abilities he actually has.  The fact that Knight fights anybody and is the rare "scrapper with genuine skills" makes him a guy who will stick around as long as he wishes but you get the feeling he vs Jordan Rinaldi is a way to reset Jason Knight's stock a bit.
8- The last time a UFC card had this many lightweights on it? UFC 155 in 2012. Want a gander at how quickly the quality of 185 seemed to jump up? The middleweight fights on THAT card were Tim Boetsch vs Costa Philippou, Alan Belcher vs Yushin Okami and Chris Leben vs Derek Brunson on short notice. Comp that to the what we're getting here and the only fight below the quality of those three combined is the Marshman-Roberson fight. This division HAS improved even if we still poke fun at it.
9- Israel Adesanya vs Robert Whittaker feels like the sort of fight the UFC thinks will sell big in Australia----only to come back and be like "I guess not" in reality.
10- There are three featherweights on this show and we sort of hit up Knight/Rinaldi but the other two ones are the REAL dandies. Shane Burgos was racking up wins all over the place and then he ran into Calvin Kattar. What's interesting is Burgos made a lot of very intriguing key adjustments in that fight to at least give himself a sporting chance vs Kattar. I had it tied up going into the third before a perfect Kattar read and one of the best uppercuts you'll ever see ended the fight for him. Burgos has been gone a LONG time but I'm still hopeful and optimistic on his upside. He gets probably the perfect opponent in Kurt Holobaugh who is a solid all around 145er who Burgos should be able to beat while also getting tested. If he struggles, we'll open our eyes and have to reassess him. On the other hand also on the card is a genuinely stupendous battle between Sheymon Moraes and Julio Arce. It's pretty crazy to think the UFC didn't think Arce was worth a deal right out of the Contender Series but an injury opened the door for Arce to get in and thus far he's been great; bullying Dan Ige and finishing Daniel Teymur in 2018. Moraes was one of WSOF's more enjoyable fighters to watch and after getting steamrolled by Zhabit, he bounced back to take a decision win over Matt Sayles. On the feet, this should be great and this is one of those fights at 145 lbs where it's such a shark tank that even when you want to avoid running two prospects against one another, it just inevitably has to happen. This is IMO talent wise one of the best fights of the night.
11- Cage Corrosion has been a fun study thus far and so I'd like to point out that cage corrosion eligible fighters are 3-7 in their last 10 bouts. After a September where they went 3-1, October brought a six fight losing streak. November starts off with a really good fighter in Chris Weidman but also has some questionable dudes like Jack Marshman and Pezao. Gonna be interesting to see how the picture shakes out there.
12- What is the appropriate buyrate for this one? DC's lowest is vs Gus at around 250K and his highest are obviously the Jones fights (725K and 850K). As a solo act outside of those guys, he's a comfortable-ish mid to high 300K range dude. Does Lewis help him hit that mark again? What's more, is the fact that there's even a SHOW at this point considered a win?
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