#i know paul works mostly from home these days
l0stfoster · 1 day
You already know who it is, back on my bullshit 👉👉 not here for paul this time (SHOCKING)
So , darry. Darrel Curtis. My boy my baby. I just have like ,, general things i want to know more about so bare with me bc hes my fav alongside paul ofc and i can ramble
1. When did his tail get permanently fucked up and how did he mess it up so badly?
2. Ik his powers get unstable when he gets like ,, real upset so besides the night he slapped Pony, are there any instances where he just got outta control ?
3. Is he afraid that his relationship with Paul isnt real bc of his mind manipulation bc baby knowing me if i had that power id be scared to mfing death
4. Goddammit im mentioning paul again sorry but ik darry calls paul pretty boy (heart hands i love that) but does paul call darry any pet name that just makes him SWOOOON
5. Has he ever gotten jumped post-book ?? I imagine that before him and paul fell out he had told him a bunch of things including weaknesses that socs used to their advantage ESP after paul “betrayed” them, and what better way to hurt paul holden then to hurt the person he loves more than life itself
Okay thats all for now b4 i go literally insane but i may be back bc i have questions abt other couples 😼😼😼
You’re so fucking real for the Darry enjoyment too I also adore him he’s such a guy. Both in canon and in the au, I need to kiss him on the forehead. DARRY YAP TIME (Crow will be so joyous)
Timewing got really excited about this one so a lot of the answers are his, I just added on afterward with my thoughts, so the first bullet point will be hers, and the second one is mine!!
When did his tail get permanently fucked up and how did he mess it up so badly?
- I assume he tried to crush it or break it violently enough that it needed to be amputated. One way of the latter reason probably would've been falling off the roof of the house back first. One way of the former reason is heading out to a field and trying to slam a hay bale on it. - I personally like to think he'd gone far enough to get his hands on a spare tire from their father's truck and,, crunch! It was the only way he could think of doing enough damage while getting away with it since the car had issues enough to need active little fixes and tweaks, including tire changes. He was around 17 or 18 during all of this, by the way. Unlike his ears, this isn't one his family knows was purposeful.
His powers get unstable when he gets like ,, real upset so besides the night he slapped Pony, are there any instances where he just got outta control?
- There are so many instances but it happens more so when he's stressed. There were a few situations where during tests during school he accidentally ended up making an entire class of 20+ students so anxious a few were sent home and a couple jocks had panic attacks. Another instance was (using the musical for this) when he and Soda were brought in to be asked abt Pony's whereabouts and he got so pissed off with the questioning that he also heightened the officer's anger and nearly got himself arrested. Also the rumble. I think that speaks for itself. - A couple other instances I can think of are after their parents died, when Dally got shot, and uh. The entirety of the duration that Pony was gone, though that was mostly him heightening his own distraught compared to anyone else. He probably does it every now and then at work too during rough work days, which makes for some interesting occurences.
Is he afraid that his relationship with Paul isn't real bc of his mind manipulation bc baby knowing me if I had that power I'd be scared to mfing death.
- Absolutely. He stresses abt it every second of every minute of every hour of every day. - A little fact that Darry doesn't know, though, is that after Paul's powers are presented he has a level of resistance to certain types of curse-related powers! He's not immune, per se, but Darry's manipulation, Soda's song, and Johnny's death sense are all a little lowered; this is because he's in the direct bloodline of the witch who cursed Tulsa. In the way that Johnny can't see Paul's death date (but can get flashes of it), Soda's siren song is easier for Paul to break himself out of and he can tolerate Darry's manipulation for a little longer before caving into it. Parry fans can rest easy knowing that Paul's love for Darry is 100% genuine. Unfortunately, Darry does not know that </3
Goddammit Im mentioning Paul again sorry but ik Darry calls Paul pretty boy (heart hands I love that) but does Paul call Darry any pet name that just makes him SWOOOON
- It's mostly the Latin nicknames that get him. He may not know what the hell Paul is saying but he's in love with it anyway. But he's also especially fond of being called the ever so typical "sugar" - Yeah it's just a bunch of Latin and then the usually sappy ones. Darling, Doll, etc. Paul hits him with “Optimum accidit mihi” ("The best thing to happen to me") once and Darry would actually fold if he knew it.
Has he ever gotten jumped post-book ?? I imagine that before he and Paul fell out he had told him a bunch of things including weaknesses that socs used to their advantage ESP after Paul “betrayed” them, and what better way to hurt Paul Holden than to hurt the person he loves more than life itself
- I imagine maybe once but there was also when he went hunting for Two's stolen feathers and was... scary. He's a scary dude, no one wants to mess with a fae that has that much muscle and is probably not afraid to bite you. - I also agree that,, yyyyeah, Darry is arguably one of the greasers to get jumped the least, including post-book. He works a lot too, so it's not like there are many open instances for him to walk around. Darry definitely told Paul any weaknesses that did exist, but I like to imagine Paul kept those real tight to his chest- He absolutely used them himself during their time hating each other, but could never get himself to tell the other socs; it was a level of trust he couldn't bring himself to break, especially since Darry had seen and heard his own share of things from Paul that he never spilled. The Socs also didn't know that Darry was what Paul valued the most; sure, Paul was very clearly into him, buuuut they make their own assumptions regarding his sexuality and how things go relating to it-
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-I could definitely imagine a scenario where they attempt to sabotage Darry and Paul's relationship out of spite if they knew how dedicated Paul is.
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silverfoxstole · 4 months
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Hattie, Paul and Nicola, from the Big Finish Instagram.
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aliesbienish · 12 days
A study of wolves
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Paul Lahote x Reader.
A relocation to La Push brings more than just a new career.
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A rare sunny day was surely a good omen. You read that North West Washington state had one of the wettest climates in the country, so pulling into La Push with clear skies and warm sun rays was surely a positive sign. It was nice to finally be here, out of the bustling city and into an area of lush green trees and isolated beaches.
Deciding to apply for the graduate internship across the country was spur of the moment. Sure getting paid to complete ecological surveys of the areas wolf populations was a dream job, but you had no expectations of getting it and therefore no reason to believe you would be packing up your life. Yet two weeks ago that unrealistic dream suddenly became reality. So here you were in a small reservation town with all your belongings stuffed into the boot of your car feeling for the first time like a proper adult.
You had managed to find your way to a small wooden cabin on the outskirts of town, your home for the duration of this project. You had detoured to Seattle a few days previously to meet your new supervisor and to get training on the process, but otherwise you were pretty much autonomous. You were the only one from national parks stationed in the area, but the local La Push council were kind enough to support you during this project. They had approved use of their cabin, and negotiated to have a council member with you during work in the field. This you were rather thankful for, knowing that managing to get lost and costing the parks department money to send out a rescue wouldn’t be a good look for your career.
Stepping out of the car, and taking a big stretch, you turned around to see two men waiting on the cabins porch.
“You must be [y/n], welcome to La Push,” A smiling man in a wheelchair declared as he offered his hand to shake. “I’m Billy Black, the chief here. This is Sam Uley, he and a few others will be the ones to help you navigate our forests ,”
“Thank you for having me, it’s lovely to meet you both.”
“We just wanted to welcome you, as well as invite you out for a bonfire this evening. We tell traditional stories, and have a barbecue. But more importantly it would be a good chance to meet some locals.”
“Absolutely, as long as I’m not intruding that would be brilliant,”
“Not at all,” Sam’s deep voice replies, speaking for the first time. “My partner and I live a few houses down, we’ll collect you on our walk down so you don’t get lost,”
You smiles and nodded gratefully. After collecting the cabins keys from Billy and declining Sam’s help to move your bags, since you had so little anyway, they were on their way and you started to get settled.
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The summer sun was still high in the sky when Sam came to collect you that evening. He introduced you to his fiancé Emily who you instantly took a liking too. She seemed bubbly and inviting, happily asking questions and getting to know you. You had quickly schooled yourself when you first saw her, ignoring the scar that cut across her otherwise flawless face. However you were curious as it seemed to match the claw size of the gray wolves that roamed the area.
The walk to the beach was short and flat, and you were soon making your way out onto the sand. You heard the distant sound of chatter as Sam lead you passed driftwood and out onto the open beach. Ignoring the growing nerves settling in your stomach you followed him and Emily towards the large unlit bonfire surrounded by people. Billy was the first one you spotted and he quickly invited you over and introduced you to the other senior council members. He then called over his teenage son Jacob, who reluctantly said hi with his friends Quil and Embry.
After speaking with council members, mostly about the work you would be doing, it was time for food. Plates were passed around and you were happily munching on roast potatoes when the bonfire was lit and Billy’s voice started to reverberate around the group. The stories of the Quileute people and their shifter legends were fascinating. In particular their link with wolves sparked your interest, and you couldn’t help wonder how big the local wolf population was back in the days of Taha Aki.
Eventually the legends came to a close and you came back to reality. The older members began to pack up and Emily beckoned you over from further down the beach.
“[Y/N], hope you’re having a good time. The elders and kids will be heading off but we are staying around for a few drinks. If you’re happy to stay I can introduce you to a few people your own age.”
“That would be amazing,”
Emily smiled and thrust a can of beer into your hand which you gratefully accepted. A bit of liquid courage wouldn’t go astray. She lead you towards the small group hanging around the water.
“Hi [y/n], “ Sam greeted as you invaded the circle. “Babe,” he placed a kiss on Emily’s forehead and wrapped her into his side.
“[Y/n] is the parks worker who Billy told us about. [Y/n] this is Kim,” she pointed to the smiling short brunette who gave a small wave. “Her boyfriend Jared,” the taller boy with arms wrapped over Kim’s shoulders gave a cheery hello. “And Paul. Who along with Sam and Jared will be helping you with the study,”
You turned to face the last member of the small group, who had grunted as a greeting. Paul was the closest to you and you had to crane your neck to see him. Once you caught a glimpse of his face, which was lit by the dying embers of the fire, time seemed to slow. Your eyes met and you could hear him audibly gasp.
That trigged noise in the rest of the group that you didn’t quite understand. Emily gave a little clap, Jared and Kim giggled with each other and you were sure Sam was almost sighing in relief.
You snapped out of the trance and almost reluctantly pulled your gaze away.
“It’s lovely to meet you all, and thank you for being so welcoming.” You smiled, not realising your whole life was about to change.
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Part two
Well looks who’s branching out from Bridgerton. Thought it was time to go back to my fanfic writing roots, I almost feel like I’m 13 again. Anyone keen in a part two?
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xo-hugs-n-kisses-ox · 23 days
(v.) To think about something deeply
After Edward left her, Bella Swan fell apart. Desperate to try and save his eldest daughter, Charlie brings his youngest daughter to Forks to see if she can bring her sister out of her depression.
Now, y/n must try to help her sister find her way back to the light while also trying to navigate her Junior year of high school in the odd town of Forks.
Chapter Seven: Confrontation
Now playing: Monsters by Hurricane Bells
Warnings: mentions of heart attacks resulting in death (Harry Clearwater), mentions of suicide (Bella jumping off the cliff at La Push), cursing, mentions of funerals, Edward is introduced (his dramatic ass is a warning in and of itself I’m afraid)
Everyone keeps trying to force Paul and I into the same space. It’s driving me mad.
I don’t want to talk to him until he apologizes, and he’s been stubbornly silent on that front. All I want is an apology for his actions, and all’s forgiven. Mostly.
It makes me snappish and irritable whenever anyone tries to force proximity between the two of us. It has a similar effect on Paul, who’s taken to staying out of the house.
Sam and Jacob keep giving Paul meaningful, pointed little looks that I don’t understand. Even Bella’s been roped into their bullshit, dragging me along with her to Emily’s when she knows Paul is there.
Victoria’s still being hunted by the pack, so it’s not like I could just stay home. As much as I’m starting to resent it, I’m safer at the Rez.
“Why haven’t you been hanging out with me recently?” Max demands, sitting down beside me in Physics. I sigh.
“Max, I’ve been busy—”
“With work? Chelsea said you quit.” I didn’t like how accusatory he sounded, and my already touchy nerves bristled.
“I have shit to do outside of school Max,” I tell him, my voice harsher than I intended, “Sorry if I have t been able to make room in my schedule for everything for the last week.”
“Don’t act like that,” he hissed, “You’ve been ditching me to go to the are with your other friends and—”
The bell rings, cutting him off. He gives me a long look before muttering, “We’ll talk about this later.”
I sigh forcefully, knowing that this day was just going to go to shit.
I was right.
The day did go to shit. I failed my math test, US History assigned a shit ton of homework due by the end of the week, and Max wouldn’t leave me alone about my six day absence in his life.
He managed to corner me before I could escape to my truck, pulling me aside by the side of the school.
I sighed, “Max, I really don’t have time for this today—”
“You don’t have time for me ever, anymore.” He challenged, interrupting me. I stared at him flatly and he scoffed, “Don’t give me that look, you know I’m right. You’ve been running off with those freaks from the reservation, the ones in the gang!”
I made a face before I could stop myself, “They aren’t in a gang, you moron,” I told him, “And they aren’t freaks, either.”
He scoffed, “Whatever, Y/n. You know, after you dropped that freak, Paul, or whoever, I thought we had something going, you know? But now you’re running back to him like a—”
He cut himself off, and I quickly demanded, “Like a what, Max?”
He just shook his head, “Run back to your freak show already, they’re waiting for you.”
He turned and left, and I stomped towards my truck. Bella and Jacob were already waiting for me, and Jared was sitting in the bed of the truck as he peered over at me.
“What was that about?” Bella asked, getting into the passenger’s seat as Jacob hopped into the back with Jared.
“Nothing.” I hissed, slamming the door shut and peeling out of the parking lot.
We all got to Emily’s and Bella was quick to shower and change.
I sat with Emily as she made stew, telling her about my day. Dinner was ready at seven thirty sharp, and everyone rallied around the table as Bella helped me plate all the food.
Quill, Embry, and Paul walked in just as I put rolls onto their plates. The three of them washed up quickly, and Paul sniffed.
“Trouble in paradise, Y/n?” He taunted, “Doesn’t smell like that horrendous cologne rubbed off on you today.”
Fed up with bullshit for the day, I slammed his plate in front of him and grabbed my own, marching back to the room Bella and I had taken over to eat by myself.
“You’re so full of shit, Paul,” Jacob hissed at him, but I slammed the door before I heard anything else.
Tears welled up in my eyes, but I refused to cry. In a house full of werewolves, they would all hear it, and I refused to give Paul the satisfaction.
After a minute, Bella came into the room and sat beside me on the floor. She ate her food without speaking, sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with me as tears streamed silently down my face.
“Do you want to go back to Charlie’s?” She asked, and I took a deep breath.
“No,” I said, “It’s fine.”
She was quiet for a moment more, “You and I will skip school tomorrow, go on a hike. Get some fresh air.”
I nodded, finishing my food.
The next day, Bella and I went out for a hike early. We left at six in the morning, driving to the La Push trails.
We went together for a while, eating lunch at a scenic outlook. She went on towards the cliffs at the beach, but I stayed behind.
I sat hugging my knees as I thought.
Paul was an asshole. I wanted to hit him. Max was a dick. It was only partially justified.
Sam made me want to bash my head in. He needs to stop trying to shove Paul and I into making up. I’m about to tell Emily that if he keeps doing it, I’m staying at Charlie’s exclusively.
No, that would probably only make him force Paul to babysit my house.
I don’t know how long I sat there, but I eventually got back up and started to make my way back to Bella. A lot formed in my chest, and I hurried back over there. Before I knew it, I was running towards her, breaking the tree line and seeing her standing on the cliff before me, looking at the waves.
I was about to call out to her when she jumped, letting herself fall towards the waves.
A scream ripped from my throat as I shoved my backpack and jacket off, running out of my shoes as I dove after her.
I watched her hit the water as I began to plummet, and I prayed that I could catch her and that she wasn’t trying to kill herself by drowning or blunt-force trauma from the surface of the water.
When I hit the water, the temperature made me gasp. I choked out the water before diving to try and find my sister. I held my breath as long as I could before I had to resurface, diving back under as soon as air entered my lungs.
I kicked against the current and my hand snagged on something. I looked over and saw Bella, her eyes closed as she laid motionless in the water. I grabbed her under the arms and hauled her back to the surface, swimming as fast as I could towards the shore.
It was the adrenaline, I was sure, that let me get to the sand. If I wasn’t to worried about my sister dying, I probably would have drowned myself.
I dragged her onto the sandy beach, watching as Jacob came sprinting over. I was shaking, her hand clutched in mine, as I watched him get her to breathe again.
Fat tears rolled down my cheeks as I sobbed, cold and distressed. Jacob picked Bella up and hands pulled me towards a chest. With the adrenaline fading, and the cold getting to me, I was too tired to see who had picked me up and just let it happen.
I woke back up before Bella did. My eyes opened, and I saw her face in front of mine. Her eyes were closed, but she was breathing.
I exhaled, relief flooding my system.
“You’re awake,” Emily said, her beautiful face coming into my line of sight.
“Yeah,” I croaked, sitting up.
She looked like she had been crying.
“What happened?” I asked, knowing she wouldn’t have wasted tears on Bella and I when we had survived.
She looked at me for a moment before speaking quietly, “Harry Clearwater had a heart attack. They’re arranging his funeral now.”
I lurched forward to hug her tightly, “Emily, I’m so sorry, oh my god.”
She sniffed, “Everyone’s over there to comfort Sue and their kids. Your dad, too.”
The two of us sat there for a long while before we both laid down in the bed. Emily fell asleep quickly, exhausted from crying. I just stared at the ceiling.
Jacob took us back to Charlie’s house when he heard we were awake. We got there, however, and he froze.
“There’s a vampire in there—” he started, but Bella shoved past him. I followed, assuming that it was Edward.
I grabbed a cast iron pan from the stove and yelled, “Edward, you sickly dickhead! Come here so I can beat your ass!”
I stormed into the living room and swung in instinct when I saw the shape of someone who wasn’t my sister or Jacob. The small woman dodged it easily, looking at me grimly.
She opened her mouth, but spotted Bella and launched herself at her for a hug.
“Wait! Wait!” Bella yelled at Jacob and I, “It’s Alice! This is Alice!”
I watched her warily, the pan still clutched tight in my fists. My sister cried as she hugged the woman, Alice.
“Oh, Bella, how are you alive?” She asked, “I saw you jump, I saw your sister jump after you, but—”
She took a breath and continued, “I saw you go into the water and I waited and waited for you to come up, but you didn't. What happened? And how could you do that to Charlie? Did you stop to think what this would do to him? And my brother? Do you have any idea what Edward–” She cut herself off, looking to me.
“Why did she jump, Y/n?” She asked, and she said my name with such familiarity that it was unnerving.
“For fun, she said.” I informed her, “She wasn’t trying to kill herself.”
“Why did I not see you pull her out, then?” Alice pondered, “I saw you coming to Forks, I saw you hiking, I saw you jump after her, but I couldn’t see anything after you got within a yard of the beach.”
“Jacob and Paul pulled us out of the water from there. Jake got Bella breathing again, and they took us to the reservation.” I told her, watching as her face went slack with understanding.
She pinned Jacob with a stare, “I thought she drowned,” She said slowly, “Because I can’t see past you and your pack of mutts—”
“Watch it, Alice,” I warned, “Him and his pack of wolves are the reason Bella and I are still alive, and Jacob’s the reason Bella’s even a functioning person today.”
She sniffed, conceding, “I suppose.”
Bella and Alice caught up with each other in her room. Jacob and I sat with Charlie at the dining room table.
He told us stories of Harry Clearwater, seeming dazed that he was dead. He kept flipping between past and present tense when talking about him.
Charlie went off to bed a while after.
The phone rang, and Jacob picked it up. Carlisle was calling, asking for Charlie.
“Now’s not a good time,” Jacob said, “Charlie just got back from arranging a funeral—”
The line went dead.
Not a second later, Bella and Alice flew down the stairs and lunged for the phone, only to hear the dial tone.
“What did you do?” Bella demanded, and I whipped my head to look at her critically.
“Jacob didn’t do shit, Carlisle asked for Charlie and Jake told him that he had come back from arranging a funeral—”
“That wasn’t Carlisle,” Alice said quietly, staring into the distance, “Edward thinks Bella’s dead. He’s going to the Volturi to—”
“Hold on, the who?” I demanded, but was ignored by both my sister and her guest. I looked to Jacob, and he mouthed, “Vampire Police?”
“I have to go save him—!” Bella said, trying to walk past me.
“Wait a damn minute, Bella,” I said, stopping her, “Save who? That sickly piece of shit who left you when things got hard?”
“Edward’s going to get himself killed!” She shrieked, and I scoffed.
“He nearly killed you, and you’re rushing to his rescue because he’s jumping to conclusions instead of asking for confirmation?” I demanded, and Bella pursed her lips.
“You would do it for Paul,” she told me, “No matter how angry you were or what he did, you would still go save him if he was trying to kill himself. Just like you did for me today.”
I was silent for a long moment.
“I’ll tell Charlie where you went,” I said finally, “But I won’t stop you. You’re eighteen now, anyway.”
She smiled, hugging me tightly before rushing off towards Alice’s car. Jacob chased after her, and I went upstairs to shower.
Am I team Edward? Am I team Jacob? The answer is, for cannon, neither. I was originally soooo team Edward when I watched/read the first movie/book, but during New Moon I loved the werewolves (still do obvi) and I did love Jacob so much until Meyer completely nerfed his and Quil’s characters by making them imprint on CHILDREN
Fanfiction’s free game though, I’ll eat it up no matter who it’s about.
Anyway, hope yall enjoyed!! Lmk what you guys think and if yall want to see anything specific/have a request for anything, let me know!! I’m open to writing for whoever and about almost anything ☺️
Bye bye for now (I’ll post again tmr)
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modawg · 3 months
random headcannons abt if the seven could infact have phones
simply what i think their phones would look like/be used for if they could have them as demigods
percy: bro would have a flip phone this is just fact i think he’d also have an iphone but he uses that more like you would an ipad he normally leaves it home unless he knows he’s going somewhere where he’s gonna wanna take pics or notes or smth
id say he and sally had matching flip phones for a while since their cheap sally prob got herself one pre gabe then scavenged her money together to get percy one before he went to his first boarding school and that’s what he’s grown up using
for one of his teen birthdays 14-16 sally got him a newer phone but he’s gotten so used to his trusty flip that he only uses the newer one for games and shit
his wall paper is probably a picture of a dinner with sally paul estelle annabeth and grover it’s very cute
annabeth: she didn’t have a phone for a long while and only ended up getting one from her dad when she started hanging out with them again he got it for her as a way to probably buy her affection he probably got it in like red or something thinking it was her fav color (maybe it was when she was like 5 but be fr) it’s prob like an iphone 8 or smth it was new at the time but old asf now
her phones decked out in camp crafts home made stickers etc etc and she changes her wall paper pretty often depending on her fav pictures she has abt 100000 .5 pics of percy it’s like her fav thing
she mostly just uses it to take pictures set reminders/timer and to look things up + keep in contact with sally and paul
she’s broken it like 6 times at this point but the hephaestus cabin keeps fixing it for her
piper: new new new girlies got the newest phone only bc her dad bought it for her she probably had a phase where she continuously shattered/broke her phone to get her dads attention and was forced to have a flip phone for a while but now that everything’s cooled down her phones the most pristine out of all the seven
her phone is fully decked out with a polaroid of her trio in the case stickers bangles the works it’s probably the best looking phone you could have and she loves it but she only started doing that post chb when she first came to camp her phone was default everything bc she kept getting it replaced
leo: leo either built his own version of a phone or somehow got one like 6 years ago and keeps adding stuff to it/changing things on it to keep it alive bc that thing is holding on for dear LIFE
the most JACKED phone out of everyone like you wouldn’t know he’s a son of hephaestus bc that bitch is wrecked it’s got a cracked screen is disgusting but works probably the smoothest out of everyone’s
he mostly uses it as an extension of his work to take pics of what he’s working on write notes and maybe use the calculator if he was a mortal the police would’ve been at his door like every other day bc of the shit he looks up
jason: he had a cj mandated pager lets be fr he didn’t get a phone until piper took him and hazel to get them ones and when he did get one it was a flip phone it’s sturdy low-key and gets the job done he also just gives me the vibe that he’s feel guilty if you spent more then 50$ on him
his phone also has some stickers including a little bangle of superman that piper made him get it also has a peice of tape on there with his name on it like you would the inside of a kids shirt incase he looses it
frank: he’s got a pretty new phone it was a gift from his gma but it’s locked up in a big fat otter case and he kinda hates using it so it’s default everything until hazel gets her own phone and he starts using it more
i feel like phones aren’t things many ppl have in camp jupiter so he kept that shit under his pillow so he didn’t draw more attention to himself
once he lets himself use it more his wallpapers probably a picture of hazel and percy making goofy faces and he probably has at least one sticker or bangle that matches hazels
hazel: hazel def has an ipod touch she probably traded in a chunk of gold for some cash and bought the cheapest thing but piper got her to at least get something with a screen
her phone case is probably just a white phone case with a bunch of pictures of horses on there and her wallpaper for like a year was just the first selfie she took with jason and piper post buying the phone
once she learns how to change her wall paper she changes it every other week to different random pics she takes
she has a really bad habit of butt dialling people
nico: bro doesn’t have a phone he just seems like the type to not give af abt that and only gets one when will forces him to but it’s forever the most default shit ever he maybe changes the wallpaper to a pic of will but that’s abt it prior to getting his own he was the kid who’d show up and immediately ask if you had games on ur phone for him to play
SPOILER: he does get jason’s flip phone when he dies and uses that for a while but he refuses to change anything about the phone and only uses it for emergencies
when he’s really sad he listens to jason’s voicemail on repeat “hello! you’ve reached jason grace im not available rn but i’ll call you back when i can thanks!..uh piper is it still recording-“
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I went to Sydney for Alphonse Mucha
by: Icie
One thing to know about me, I was an interior design major back in my home country. I absolutely sucked at it, but I fell in love with Art History. In that minor, our professors taught us about different art styles through the ages and bit by bit I saw the progress of art through the ages. I loved the OG Gothic Style, Romanesque, was disillusioned with Baroque and Rococo from the west... It was too Western focused and it didn't interest me as much (because I was an Asian kid) until we got towards the end of the 19th century where the grandparents of weebs (of which I am a part of) hailed from and Japonisme was a thing. Japonisme inspired so much beautiful art and it triggered a domino effect that ultimately led to Art Nouveau where Alphonse Mucha was a main character.
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This was it. My favourite art style! I can never go back to loving other art styles after discovering Art Nouveau. It spoke to me about how feminine it was and it awakened something from my mostly masculine soul. I wanted to see more of these beautiful girls surrounded by flowers and stars, wearing kimono-inspired clothes in pretty pastels. The macaroni hair only added to the romanticism of it all. This is what love is like, but in art form!
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Fast forward to 2024, The Mucha Foundation collaborated with the Art Gallery of New South Wales to host over 200 of this master's works which was "the most comprehensive exhibition ever seen in Australia of this visionary artist's work". I had to see it. I needed to see it! I am a big fan of Mucha and Art Nouveau, and one of my dreams was to go to Paris, Brussels, and Prague for all of the beautiful swirly-whirlies. Being a Brisbanite, I was exited. Please come to my city! Please, please, please! But AGNSW said "sorry, it's exclusive to Sydney."
Dammit. It's off to Sydney I go. I donned my Sailor Moon dress, packed my bag for a 3 day trip with my partner just so I could see this legend's works and boy, I was not disappointed. I learned to love Mucha and his works even more. We landed in Sydney, didn't check in our hotel, and went straight to the main quest:
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Outside, they had this big banner of Mucha's name. Inside was this glorious area that showcased Summer (left) and Rose (right). Oh wait, the exhibit is next door. So we went to the more modern building, down two floors, bought tickets, and enjoyed the art.
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In the newer building next door, I was treated to pre-art nouveau Mucha. We learned about what his life was like before his popularity. He designed some clothes for a theatre, hung out with everyone's buddy Paul Gaugin, Ludek Marold and Annah the Javanese. The tour guide said, "if he wasn't a painter, he would've been a great photographer".
Then we were treated to the meat of the exhibit: the Sarah Bernhardt stuff, his lithographs, his sketches, but what struck me most were his concept art to reality. (Excuse my phone's shadow. For some reason, AGNSW decided to put these works on a 45° angle under bright lights. The girl beside me even said "fucking glare!" and I wholeheartedly agreed.)
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We were treated to so many wonderful works and I cried when I saw parts of Le Pater. I'm an atheist but this made me think that maybe there is a god. Maybe. But still, beautiful artwork that left me speechless.
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I got to stand next to my favourite work of his: White Star. Joy!
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At the end of the exhibit, the tour guide talked about how Mucha who was somewhat influenced by Japan, now influenced Japan. Now we come full circle with anime and manga characters depicted in art nouveau styled paintings and posters. Oh boy, we had our Lord Yoshitaka Amano's works in the gallery as well. I was so lucky to see works of my two favourite artists in one day!
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It was almost 2PM by the time we finished the tour. We spent at least 4 hours in the gallery after landing just because I fangirled and was willing to spend money on Mucha. Yeah, I bought stuff. A reproduction of Alphonse Mucha's original "Documents Decoratifs" which focused more on his industrial design work (jewellery, cutlery, furniture etc) which I rarely see on the internet, a set of badges and make-up from Japanese brand MilleFée.
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I went to Sydney for Alphonse Mucha and it was worth it. I end this rabid fangirling with the parting words of the Art Gallery of New South Wales' tour guide: Mucha's style has never been as well loved and as well represented as it is in Japan.
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andreafmn · 7 months
Collision | Chapter 22
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Word Count: 3.4K
Story Description: (Y/N) Uley is back home after being away for four years. Her life is at its first standstill and she is taking this time to find out who she is without school. But she never thought that coming back to the reservation would turn her whole life around. In the midst of secrets and mystery, a man crashes into (Y/N)’s and her life will never be the same.
A/N:  can't believe how different my characters are in my twilight stories. this Paul is so much different than Speak Paul, and so is Jake, it kinda breaks my brain 😅
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A moment can feel like an eternity when the soul isn’t at ease. Time seems to reverse and turn over on itself, holding the body hostage to its grapples. It twists the mind, numbs all reason, and feeds doubt. Time can sometimes be scarier than death itself.
(Y/N) could have sworn the entire day had passed before the pack finally walked through the doors. But the light coming from the outside told her it was still early. They walked in as though nothing had happened, and they hadn’t just torn a vampire to shreds. The boys laughed and patted each other on the backs, celebrating as though their lives had not been in peril.
As soon as they came into view, the girl ran to her brother and wrapped her arms tightly around him. She wrapped them around his neck as his own caught her by the waist. Once she felt him with her own hands, she finally let out a strangled breath, allowing all the anxiousness to roll off her body.
“Oh, thank the spirits you’re okay,” she breathed shakingly. “I thought something happened to you.”
“You need to give me more credit here, bean,” he chuckled. “We take this job seriously.”
“I was scared.”
“Come on, he was outnumbered,” Sam shrugged. “There was no way we were going to let him go. He was easy meat.”
“So, none of you got hurt? You’re all okay?” 
“Of course we are,” Paul interjected. “That guy had nothing on us.” 
“I told you they would be okay,” Emily said, carrying a plate of fresh biscuits that the boys dug into as quickly as it reached them. “The boys always come home. Especially when they know that there’s food on the table.”
“I knew I could smell chicken,” Jared grinned. “I’m starving, man.”
“When are you not?” Embry teased as he walked past him.
“Oh, the young kid has some bark in him,” Jared chuckled. “You’re finally one of us.”
Laughing, Embry, Jacob, and Paul walked right past (Y/N) and to the dining table. Jacob was about to do the same but stopped next to her. “Bella’s okay,” she said. “She got home a while ago. She’s still a bit shaken up, mostly because of the giant wolves she saw.”
“Okay,” he said as he let out a breath of relief. “Thanks.”
“She’s tougher than she looks, Jake,” (Y/N) smiled. “She’s also smart, and she has a lot of questions.”
“I know,” Jake sighed. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do.”
“Forcing the imprint bond hasn’t worked out?” the girl teased. “I thought it would.”
“Not funny, (Y/N),” he pouted. “But no. I guess everyone was right. It’s just… she deserves so much better.”
“Don’t we all, Jake? Don’t we all,” she said as she patted him comfortingly on the shoulder. “Now, go eat. You gotta refuel.”
“Yeah. I’ll see you around, (Y/N).”
“Bye, Jake.”
As the boy left her by herself, her gaze found her brother. He was sitting on a bench in the backyard, his shoulders slumped and a hand over his eyes. Sam was tired, that much she could tell. But it wasn’t because of the vampire. No. It was a fatigue she knew very well.
“Hey,” she said softly as she sat next to him. “How’re you doing?”
“I told you we’re all good, Bean,” Sam smiled weakly.
“That’s not what I mean, Sam. How are you?”
“I’m fine,” he breathed. “Just… tired. I was worried before that. We caught the leech’s scent first, and we were ready for a fight—finally finish up who’s been killing all those hikers. But then your scent was mixed up in it and I got so stressed that I wouldn’t get to you in time. I’ve been worried that a bloodsucker would take you away from me, but I never thought it could’ve happened this way.”
“I’m not going anywhere, Sam,” (Y/N) said as she wrapped her arms around her brother. “Not for a while, at least.”
“It was scary to realize how easy it would have been for that guy to kill you.” His voice trembled as he spoke, the protector mask quickly falling away. “With how things were going with the doctor, I was sure I would have to get used to not having you near again. But today reminded me about how you could have been gone for good. And what would’ve happened if you had no idea who we were? You would have no idea that we were trying to protect you, and you would have been just as terrified as Bella was. You would have been scared of me.”
“Well, I guess that’s one thing you can be grateful about him,” (Y/N) smiled, squeezing her brother’s hand comfortingly. “This is one secret you don’t have to hide from me.”
“It’s a shitty secret.”
“It’s a necessary one, Sam. You taught me that.”
“Yeah, it’s the reason two of the people I love most in the world got hurt,” he grumbled. “It’s a shitty secret.”
“What? You’re saying if it had been a choice, you would have said no?”
Sam sighed and let his head fall back as his eyes closed. “I don’t know, honestly,” he admitted. “It’s an honor to have been chosen to protect our people. But sometimes, I just wish the responsibility fell onto someone else. If it hadn’t been for this, so many lives would have been different. I know I’m meant to be the strong one, but I just can’t help but wonder why me sometimes.”
“Do you remember what you told me before I left for school?” (Y/N) said. “I wasn’t sure why I had been the one chosen for the scholarship and I was so scared that the school had made a mistake that I wanted to stay home. You told me that the only one who didn’t believe in me was myself —that I would always be my harshest critic and that I would never believe how amazing I was no matter how much people told me. Well, now it’s your turn, Sam. You’re doing an amazing job as an alpha. You’re keeping out people safe, you have a beautiful fiancée that loves you, and you’re the best brother a girl could ask for. If the universe chose this job for you, it was for a reason.”
“Yeah, an alpha that didn’t have a hold on things and managed to not only scar the woman I love, but I couldn’t even stop you from getting hurt,” he exclaimed. “And now all these hikers are dead, and even though we killed this leech, another one with a vendetta is gonna come here for the Swab girl. I just can’t seem to do things right. I have no business caring for all these people.”
“Sam, I can’t think of anyone else that would be perfect for the job. You’ve been taking care of me and mom for a long time. Even when you didn’t have to, you always made sure we were okay. You made me dinner when mom was at work after school, you were there at every science fair, you even taught me how to ride a freaking bike,” she chuckled. “I don’t think you realize how good of a person and a leader you are. How you always step up to the plate when anyone needs you, no matter how trivial the matter is. You’re an amazing brother and an amazing alpha. We are all gonna lose someone sometime, no matter how hard we try to save them. Our job is to save those we can.”
Sam allowed the words of his sister to skin into his head, slowly allowing his body to relax. He settled into the bench comfortably and draped an arm around (Y/N) to bring her in for a side hug. “Since when do I have a little sister that is so smart?” he teased lovingly. “Don’t remember the moment you got old enough to give me advice.”
“Sam, you’re barely older than me.”
“Doesn’t change the fact that I’m older.”
“No. You’re just old.”
The pair of siblings joined the rest of the pack soon after, gathering around the table to enjoy the feast that Emily had prepared. They ate, they laughed, they talked, and finally, they crashed all around the fireplace in the living room. Jared and Embry had taken the sofas, and Emily and Sam had excused themselves to their room while Jacob had said his goodbyes and gone back home. The only people that were left awake were Paul and (Y/N), tension surrounding the air around them.
(Y/N) knew that avoiding Paul couldn’t last much longer, especially not when she could have lost him that afternoon. She had waited for him to come home, breathless and terrified that the last moments she had spent with him had been avoiding him. The survival of their friendship rested on the conversation she did not want to have with him, but she knew it was essential if she ever wanted him to stay her best friend.
“So,” she said, finally breaking the silence. “How’ve you been?”
“Oh, you finally have some time for me in your busy schedule?” Paul teased. “How lucky am I? Maybe I should face vampires more often.”
“Very funny, Paul.”
“Hey, I’m not the one that has been avoiding you for weeks now,” he shrugged as he threw his hands up in defeat. “What’s that about?”
The girl sighed as she restless her head against the wall, staring up at the wooden ceiling than into Paul’s eyes. She could feel his state burning a joke through her skull, seaman ding entrance into her innermost thoughts.  “Paul, you know what it’s about,” she responded. “You were getting too attached, and I didn’t know how to manage that.”
“Are you serious, (Y/N)? I was growing too attached?” Pail spoke in shouted whispers, wanting nothing more than to explode at that. But exhaustion clawed at his body, and the last thing he wanted was to let his wolf out. “And what have you that brilliant idea?”
“Paul, come on. The night Jacob finally turned, I could hear it in your voice,” she recalled. “You said there was something you just had to tell me, and I’m pretty certain I know what it is.”
“Oh yeah, Einstein? And what’s that?”
“That you want more,” she stated. “That you want us to be more.”
Surprise ran through Paula’s face before quickly transforming into an angry scowl. It had been what (Y/N) had wanted to avoid, but it was no use to continue pushing the inevitable. “Come on, (Y/N),” he exclaimed. “You can’t tell me it doesn’t make sense. We work well together, we have chemistry, and we have known each other for so long. Why won’t you just give it a chance?”
“Because I don’t see you that way, Paul, and I never will,” she responded. “You’re my best friend, yes, and we get along well because of it. It doesn’t mean that I want to be with you. I told you from the start that this was not gonna be anything other than just a physical thing—I was very clear on that.”
“So, what? You just use me for my fucking body but won’t even give yourself a chance to see if you might have feelings for me?” Paul spat. “Is it because of the bloodsucker? He broke you so much that you won’t give anyone else a chance?”
“This has nothing to do with him. I simply don’t have feelings for you, Paul.”
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!” His voice rose as he jumped to his feet. “He’s not coming back, (Y/N)! He left you. He took his family, and he left you. Why won’t you get over him already?”
“Whether he was here or not, my feelings for you wouldn’t change. I see you as a friend, and I’ll always see you as a friend, Paul,” (Y/N) stated, trying her best to stay calm. She knew that playing into his game would only work to make him angrier, and the result could be catastrophic. “If you can’t handle that, then I think it’s best we just cool things off.”
“Oh my god, you are still in love with him,” he scoffed. “After all that bullshit that you went through for months. He told you he didn’t care about you. He said you were only a moment in his eternal life. He doesn’t love you, and he never fucking did.”
By that point, the pair had gotten an audience, the two teens that were asleep on the couches had woken up and Sam had come out of his room. But none of that seemed to deter Paul from continuing with his rant. He was seeing red and didn’t care if what he said hurt her. “You don’t care that he stomped on your heart and didn’t give it another thought. I bet you’d take him right back if he asked,” he spat. “I guess you both have something in common, though. You take what you want from people and, once you’re done with them, you throw them away.”
“That’s quite enough, Paul.”
“No, Sam, it’s okay,” (Y/N) interjected. “From the beginning, you knew what you were getting into, Paul. I didn’t want a relationship, and I sure as hell have never given you any indication that I wanted one with you. I’m sorry if you are hurt, but I was very clear about what I did and didn’t want. It’s not my fault you believed this could ever go anywhere.”
“You knew exactly what you were doing when you asked me to be your fuck buddy,” the boy seethed. “You knew you’d be leading me on, and you held it over me like a fucking toy.”
“Don’t you dare put this on me, Paul,” she said, her tone rising as frustration overtook her. “I was very clear. I was very honest. Not once did I ever say or even insinuate that I wanted to be with you. I’m sorry that I did use you for your body and the convenience, but it is not my fault that you deluded yourself into believing that we could be together.”
“You are honestly unbelievable, (Y/N). You used me, and now you wanna make it my fault,” Paul pushed. He closed the distance between them, towering over her like a dark cloud. He could see or hear reason; he couldn’t even admit that everything he was saying was a lie. All he could see was red. “No wonder you fell for a bloodsucker. You’re just as heartless and cold as them. I bet you wouldn’t even give betraying us a second thought if it meant you could save one of them. Maybe he left you before you could leave him. After all, it is in your genes.”
The words struck a chord in (Y/N). She gathered all the strength she had, recoiled her hand, and slapped Paul firmly across the face. But where everyone was expecting her hand to shatter at the contact, the hit went through and made the boy’s face snap to the side. The mere surprise had him stumbling a couple of steps back, holding his face as it grew pink from the strike.
After the initial shock, anger bubbled inside him, and he charged toward (Y/N). But he couldn’t even make it a step toward her before Jared and Embry were shielding her. The boys grabbed Paul’s arms and held him back as he fought, yelling at them to let him go.
“That’s enough!” Sam’s voice bounced off the walls, sending shivers even down (Y/N)’s back. “Get out of here, Paul, and cool off. That’s an order. Go with him, Jared.”
The second-in-command pulled Paul out of the house and far from view, leaving Sam and Embry with a tearful (Y/N).
“Hey, Embry, can you give us a second?”
“Uh, yeah, sure,” he mumbled. “You okay, (Y/N)?”
“Yeah, I’m okay,” she sniffled. “Thanks.”
 “I’ll, uh, be in the guest room until my shift starts.”
Once the boy had left, Sam wrapped his arms tightly around his sister, allowing her to crumble in his embrace. “He’s an ass, (Y/N),” he whispered. “And he had no right to say any of those things.”
“But he’s a little bit right,” she cried. “A few months ago, I was ready to leave everyone behind for a man that didn’t even spare me a thought. And then I used Pau to fill a void someone else left, knowing he had feelings for me. I’m just like dad.”
“Hey, absolutely not. You are nothing like him,” Sam affirmed. He cradled her face in his hands, wiping away the tears on her cheeks. “You are by far one of the most amazing human beings I know. You’re intelligent, you’re caring, and so determined. I don’t think you know just how proud I am of you. Paul’s just butthurt that you don’t like him. He doesn’t deal well with rejection.”
“It doesn’t mean he’d no right.”
“What could he possibly be right about? He’s barely passing his classes.”
“I still love him,” she answered meekly, her voice so low and broken she wasn’t sure she had said anything at all. “I miss him every single day, no matter what I do to forget him. I keep waking up thinking he’ll be just a drive away, but then I get to the hospital, and his office is empty. It’s not a bad dream, Sam. It’s my reality.”
“Bean, I didn’t… why didn’t you tell me you were feeling like this?  I thought things were better.”
“Well, I thought the last thing you wanted to hear about was about my ex-boyfriend, who is literally centuries older than me and is your natural-born enemy,” (Y/N) chuckled through her tears. “And it’s not easy to say that I’m not over the guys that told me I was just a spec of sand in his lifetime.”
“Love is a strange thing, (Y/N). It’s hard to come by, and it takes forever to move on from. It hurts for a really long time, until one day you wake up and it doesn’t anymore,” he said, brushing back strands of her hair. “I don’t care who this guy is, Bean. If you need me, if you need to talk, you just have to tell me. I am here for anything you need. He may have been my enemy, but you are my sister, and that trumps everything.”
“Do you think they’ll ever come back?”
“Maybe not in our lifetime. The last time they left, they didn’t come back for almost seventy years. If they do come back, it’ll be long after we’re dead,” he shrugged. “Do you want them to?”
“Is it selfish if I say I do?”
“I mean, it does make me question how we’re related,” he teased. “But I don’t think you’re selfish for it. Just promise me one thing.”
“If by some weird trick of the universe they do decide to come back, that you won’t go back to him, (Y/N). Or at least give him hell for it first.”
“I can promise you I will make him grovel until his knees give out,” she grinned softly. “But I do hope that, if they don’t come back, living without him gets easier soon enough. I hate carrying this black hole inside me.”
“It’ll get better one day, Bean,” he said as he wrapped his arms around her. “But while it isn’t, let me carry this burden with you. And just take things one at a time. Focus on school and work and forget about this whole thing with Paul. He’ll see reason soon enough.”
“I love you, Sam. Thank you fed everything that you’ve done.”
“I love you too, kid.”
“I’m only a year younger than you,” she laughed.
“A year is still a year,” he smiled as he chuckled. “Now, let’s get you home so you can rest and forget this all happened.”
Yet, it was a moment none of them would be able to rid from their minds. (Y/N) should not have been able to slap Paul without hurting herself, and she most definitely should not have hurt him. But, at that moment, no one was thinking about that. All they wanted was comfort and rest, and that’s all they did. Because in their town, there was always something new lurking around the corner.
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johnwickb1tsch · 3 months
A Walk in the Clouds/Don John crossover outline Part 2 ~
Paul Sutton x fem!Reader x Don John triangle
You grow up at Las Nubes vineyard, and have to go home to your dying father. You take your fake new husband, Sgt Paul Sutton, with you... Warnings: some rough handling, ptsd nightmares, period correct misogyny, sorta nsfw <----Part 1 chapter map
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-Paul has trouble sleeping. Maybe you don’t know what PTSD is yet in 1945, but you understand nightmares all too well. You have them too, mostly about the night your mother died, screaming in pain. You invite him up to the bed one such night when he wakes with a yell, and he’s too fragile to resist. You hold him on your breast and he falls asleep there. You feel like you would fight the whole Axis singlehandedly to keep this man safe, and you know you are falling hopelessly in love.    
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-Meanwhile, don Juan has been trying to get you alone. He has the girls in the house spying for him, and they find the bedclothes on the floor sometimes. When at last he corners you in the cool dark of the cellar he asks with a smirk why your new husband is sleeping on the floor? “That’s none of your business.” You try to brush past, but his arm around your waist may as well be made of iron. 
“Everything that goes on in my house is my business.”
He tries to kiss you but you duck away. Once upon a time you might have folded for him, even if you would regret it later. He's so magnificent, especially when he's like this, eyes flashing and that full mouth pulled in a smirk. But...you have Paul here with you, and that gives you strength.
“You know what I think?”
“I’m not sure I care.” 
“I think you’re not really married. What a scheme, you wicked girl. That boy clearly loves you.” 
“Let go of me.”
He goes on, like you’ve said nothing, the way he always has. “But so do I. You broke my heart, when you ran away.”
“I didn’t know you had a heart to break, don Juan.”
Done playing, he hauls you on top of a table, wedging his lithe body between your legs and pinning you down. You hate how being handled this way fills you with equal parts titillation and dread. He's always treated you like a spirited horse in need of breaking.
“This is where you belong. With your people. You insult us, bringing that man to my door. I made you a woman in the soil of my land. Your virgin blood feeds the roots of my vines. You will live and die here, with me.” 
He kisses you, hard, and you only lose yourself for a moment before you bite him. He hauls back to strike you, but there’s a voice at the top of the stairs. “Y/n? Are you down here?”
It’s Paul, your hero in the nick of time, as ever.
“Coming!” you answer, before Juan can clamp his hand over your mouth. He glares at you, but lets you up. You do your best to right your dress, knowing your hair is a bird’s nest. 
“This isn’t over,” he tells you in a whisper. You want to tell him to fuck off–yes, you have learned some unladylike words out in the real world–but you know it would not end well for anyone. Instead, you just go, throwing yourself into Paul’s arms at the top of the stairs. He holds you, but can’t get you to tell him what’s wrong. 
-The frost scene?? It was cute but there’s no way you’d actually be out there in your silk nightgown with your nips out in the 1940s? 🤣
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-The day of the harvest, you all work yourselves to the bone. You’re a “married” woman now, so you take part in the smashing of the grapes. The more beautiful the woman, the better tasting the wine, as the saying goes, and Las Nubes has a reputation as the best around. Paul watches, clapping for you, enchanted and mystified like he is for everything that goes on around here. It’s like he’s fallen through the rabbit hole, into a whole different world. Don Juan is watching too. You feel the possessive weight of his gaze from across the crowd. You do your best to ignore him, your eyes all for Paul as you dance, grape juice all over your body, streaming down your thighs. (as a wine drinker and from a sanitation standpoint I thought this scene was kinda gross LOL). 
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-There is heady magic in the air the night of the Harvest, something ancient called up by your singing and dancing, your celebration of the bounty from the earth. The wine flows, and you know Paul feels it too, even if he doesn’t entirely understand. The two of you slip away to your room in the hacienda, giggling and running, half tripping in your lustful haste. The way he holds you in those strong arms–the way he kisses you–you think to yourself drunkenly, on wine, and him, that maybe it’s all you need. He lowers you onto the bed, your bodies undulating together in that ancient, timeless rhythm between man and woman, even through your juice-soaked clothes–you look at him stupidly when he pulls back from you. “Y/n…I want you more than anything–but we’re not really married. I don’t want to hurt you.”
You blink up at him, floored, as usual, by his pure goodness. How was he even real? It makes you want him even more, if that’s even possible. 
“It’s ok, Paul,” you tell him, smoothing back his [admittedly sticky] hair. “I want you too.”
“I’m not…the blushing virgin you think I am.”
For a moment he seems confused by this, but then he thinks. His brain is working better than yours, you have to hand it to him. “Don Juan?”
“Yes. A long time ago.”
“He still loves you.”
“He thinks he owns me, like I am a part of his estate. It’s different.” 
“You do belong to this land though. I see it in you. This is your home.”
“Maybe. It doesn’t mean I can stay.” 
He looks down at you so earnestly with those lovely dark eyes, and you can hear the words hovering on his lips. I could be your home? 
It scares you, what you might answer, if he manages to say it. You know that he was an orphan, and that a family is the thing he longs for most. The thing he deserves most, and you’re equally afraid you can’t give it to him, and that you want to.  
You hold his cheek, able to think a little better, even with his delicious weight pressing down on you. You both are a mess, and now you feel gross, laying in your bed like this. “Can I show you something?”
He nods, and you take his hand, leading him out.
Part 3 ---->
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theperrylleluniverse · 2 months
Doing the poly fluff alphabet by @scealaiscoite for the Perrycule!
Letters A - E:
a = affection; is anyone more overly affectionate than the others? when it comes to physical vs verbal, who prefers what?
We all know I consider Paul a big golden retriever haha I think he’s the most affectionate of the trio for sure - he loves with his whole heart, body, and mind! I think both Della and Perry appreciate receiving physical affection from him and they seek it out when they want to feel close to him. However, I think Della likes receiving and giving verbal affection a lot as well - see Paul calling her “beautiful” and “gorgeous” :). I think Perry is more reserved than his partners but he is open to receiving their affection and he will speak their love languages if they need it. They balance out nicely - Paul gives a lot of affection, Perry is happy to receive a lot of affection, and Della will do both!
b = bed; what’s the sleeping situation like? are there regular sleeping arrangements - does anyone like to sleep alone?
In my headcanon, they each have their own place and since they all have crazy schedules, they don’t really have a consistent sleeping arrangement. Most nights they sleep separately or in whatever pair ended up together that night (Paul and Perry when they get home late from an investigation, Della and Perry when she manages to convince him to leave work for the night, Paul and Della when they have a date night together, etc). It’s a treasured luxury for them when they manage to all be together for a night.
I think Paul is a cuddler and Perry likes being cuddled (not that he’ll ever admit it heehee). Della loves to rest her head on her boys’ big comfy chests but when she sleeps she tends to move away from them cause she gets too hot.
When it’s Paul and Perry together, Paul is the big spoon to Perry’s little spoon and they spend the whole night all tangled together. When it’s Paul and Della, they usually end up with Paul scrunched up in one sliver of the bed while Della starfishes out over the rest of it. When it’s Perry and Della, they start with Della laying on top of Perry but then mostly keep to their own sides except they like curl toward each other, or their hands or feet are touching, or some other cute shit like that.
When it’s all three of them I think it’s some combination of the above but they all like it best when Della is curled up between the Paul and Perry <3
c = comfort; when someone’s feeling down, how do the rest look after them?
Perry - i think Paul and Della know that the best way to comfort Perry is to push him and motivate him. He doesn’t like to be coddled and he’s skeptical of words of comfort so they kind of have to do it in a roundabout way. Paul is good for a comforting shoulder touch and often is a sounding board for Perry to talk things out. Della is acts of service all day baby; she’s taking all the little things off his plate so he doesn’t have to carry quite so much weight on his shoulders. She also knows how to make him smile or laugh when he’s upset or angry.
Della - she reaches for physical comfort first and foremost and her boys are there to give it to her. Paul will wrap her up in a big bear hug or let her hold on to him while Perry is there with the steadying hand on her elbow and the gentle touches to her back and waist. I think Paul also serves as her sounding board too - he’s a great listener! They also try to cheer her up by being silly (Paul) or deadpan sarcastic (Perry) to make her laugh/smile :)
Paul - surprisingly Paul is the hardest one to comfort of the three. He keeps his emotions close to his chest and has a hard time accepting comfort because he sees himself as the rock who has to always be solid and steady so he can support his partners. Of course Della and Perry have his number though. Perry will patiently but unflinchingly dismantle Paul’s walls one brick at a time until Paul actually talks about his feelings and lets Perry shoulder some of his burdens (see the excellent fic Gone Fishing for a perfect example of this!). Della doesn’t push but she listens and she’s been willing to be vulnerable with him in a way she’s not usually and that's encouraged reciprocity from him. I think Della and Paul are very open and emotionally honest with each other <3
d = dates; what do dates look like? who usually plans them, or are is it a group affair?
These three LOVE going on dates!!! Most of the time it’s eating meals together - they love a romantic dinner! They are also great at turning work events into dates because to them their work life is an inherent part of their romantic life. And of course we can’t forget Paul and Perry’s fishing trips (which is their version of a date I think). I also headcanon that Perry and Paul both like to take Della out for dinner & dancing at least once a month.
e = events; who drags everyone else to their family/friends’ events?
PERRY MASON. This man has to do so much shmoozing for his job and literally does not know how to not be working 24/7. I think he’s a social guy in general too so he actually enjoys cultivating relationships but he has much more fun when one of his partners is with him so he always drags them along if they’re available!
Della is usually the one who goes but just because Paul is always super busy with the agency and keeps weird hours. Otherwise, we know our charming extrovert would love to go chat up people with his bf!
Also this is literally canon lol, Perry is always taking them to work events and social events
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louisbutalsolestat · 3 months
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Okay first Jacob Anderson with my favorite parts of the whole season and episode. JAM said episode 5/8 are there favorite and late episode 6. But I agree 100% about episode 5 and 8 being my favorites.
My sister said she wanted the theater coven being burnt down and all Louis rage. All that should have been longer at least 30 minutes. And that wasn't enough. I agree that was great but it felt very rushed. 
So we're going to go by I guess least favorite characters from the book series. In their part in this episode.
Sam i'm glad that they added in the scene that everybody has been talking about where he is into places at once. Meaning that is a memory that Armand added into Louis subconscious later.
He's a member of the Talamasca 
I feel like I was so close when I said that he could be the new David. He was a former member of the Talamasca. Does that mean that he's going to be a part of the new series? Louis also mentioned that he owns a bar. Sebastian Melmoth was the name mentioned in one of the last scenes of the episode. The guy giving the tour mentioned this guy being in the place of Lestat. 
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But is this guy really Sam the vampire?
He's only my least favorite because he doesn't exist in the books. Really
Therefore, I don't know anything about him.
Daniel Malloy
In the books, he's not one of my favorite characters because ... just because I don't know anything about him. Or care to know 😿 but Eric has changed that for me. I love his sarcasm and wit. He really has brought a new life to this character who in the beginning was only known as the boy. That's right for the first book. He doesn't even have a name.
Daniel Malloy is my second favorite part of the episode Eric's long awaited chance to become a vampire has finally been achieved. And with great accolades, we should award him. Great performance he really deserves this. This whole season deserves an award season of its own. I am looking forward to seeing how Daniel and Louis friendship grows. He really is the second coming of Paul. As in at the dinner table, he sits on a pulpit that nobody acknowledges.
Assad Zaman, before he dawned our screens with his amazing performance. This last two seasons, I hated this character. While the character is in large parts, the same as he is in the books it is a joy to see him acted out on screen. and I thoroughly enjoyed Armand getting the dinner that he deserved in his just desserts. I don't care how much you love somebody. You don't torture them for days and then erase their memories. kill their family members and keep them away from love ones.
I cannot wait for the "vampire Armand season" it actually is one of my favorite books out of the series. And I hope that Assad is still here and playing the part when that time comes. That's if they don't cancel us first. Lol
RJ man, he types slow. We'll see what happens with this character
Real Rashid is he a vampire? Member of the Talamasca? Does he still work for Louis? Or Armand? I really like this character so I hope we get to see more.
Lestat My friend out for the first time. We finally get a good glimpse at what Sam plans to do with this character. And how he's going to betray the character. 
Lestat is the Bella Swan of this series. Truth is by the ninth book of having him as the lead, I have grown very tired of this character. Mostly because I am not as outgoing, have lack of common sense, ready to jump off a cliff as he is. He is going to take us through some very interesting and exciting adventures that we do not wish to go on. but he's going to do it anyway because he's Lestat de Lioncourt and addition to that the production and writers want more of Louis so that he can join in on all the fun. Or at least do all the yelling at him that I wanted to do while reading the books. Because let's be honest, you read the books and you wanted to yell at him. Louis is that wife that gets left at home in the books. But they have changed this character to being the husband/wife truly needs to keep him in check. With the powers to do it to boot
Louis de Pionte du Lac well he is my favorite character in both the series and in the books. There is nothing you can say or do that will change my mind. He is a perfect angel, perfectly insane, perfectly imperfect. And I love him just that way. There is nothing I want to be changed about this character. I just want to see more insanity, more craziness, Jacob please keep playing the role that you were born to do.
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mxbo · 1 month
Hi! If it’s no trouble for you, could I request a little story about Sniper and a daughter reader? Just some wholesome family fluff ^^
Thanks so much in advance! No worries though if you’re swamped!
HELLO!! “No worries though if you're swamped” JHSHG THIS IS MY FIRST REQUEST EVER, I'M SO EXCITED. And also nervous because I don't want to mess up (that's why I took 5 days to write this) (I wrote it, left it be for a couple of days, read it again, went like “wow this is garbage”, fixed it and THEN posted it).
The request was left a bit ambiguous, so I have a BUNCH of notes and then the little story (which is, btw, not the full length of what I wrote because I accidentally gave Sniper anxiety, so I cut that from the actual story because I feared it wasn't wholesome ahsjah) (if you see “…” in the middle of two paragraphs, yeah that was something that I cut out AHSHh). I REALLY DON'T WANT TO DISAPPOINT, I'M NOT CONFIDENT AT ALL WITH MY WRITING AND DIDN'T THINK I WOULD EVEN GET A WRITING REQUEST, I'M SORRY IF YOU DISLIKE EVEN ONE WORD *explodes*
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[First picture: Carl from San Andreas with his hands on his head, except it's me saying “I forgot, I forgot how to write oh no”] [Second picture: Sponge Bob crying, except it's me saying “I promise I'll do better”]
English is not my first language, sorry if some things don't make sense TT (let me know if you see any mistakes pls!!)
My requests were mainly open for stamps, userboxes, blinkies and stuff like that, but I did say I'd share my writing if someone asked in my pinned post, so I only have myself to blame heh. And this was actually fun and I enjoyed it, so now I want to do more writing requests. Aka, they're open fr this time HEHE
You're Sniper's daughter, but the story is almost mainly told from the perspective of Sniper (still written in third person for him and second person for the reader, tho, it's just that the story follows Sniper's actions more because idk how to write from the POV of a kid)
I have family issues so if family interactions are portrayed inaccurately that's why, haha /hj
I wanted to write about how Sniper's daughter got to the base and THEN her interactions with the rest of the team, but I've been working on it for 5 days already. This is only the first half, how the reader got to the base TT [I'll continue it if you wish] AND AAAAH THE SECOND HALF IS WHERE I HAD PLANNED MOST OF THE FLUFF AND MOMENTS CATCHING UP WITH SNIPER AAAA (I'm so angry at myself)
CW: Not much, mentions of death because it's TF2 (nobody dies), and the word “fuck” is said like once, but that's it, can't think of anything major
More notes in the end because it's mostly not mentioned/doesn't matter/was cut from the final version
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“Yeah, Mum, I get it. I'll visit when I can,” he muttered.
“Your daughter misses you, you know,” his mum said.
Sniper sighed. “I know, Mum. But I take my job really seriously, and the battle hasn’t ended yet—”
“That battle has been going on for more than three years now!! And we decided you can’t just come home on holidays and expect us to raise your child the rest of the year.”
“We sent her to you” his dad interrupted, “She should be arriving any minute now.”
Sniper's eyes widened, and he nearly dropped the phone. “YOU DID WHAT!? THIS IS A BATTLEFIELD!!” He tried to argue. 
They were his parents and he respected them a lot, always trying to get their approval, but were they actually crazy? What did they even consume to think that sending his own daughter, their own granddaughter, to New Mexico, alone, while there’s a fight currently happening there, is a good idea!?
“Oh, don’t worry about that, after speaking to your boss through a nice lady called… Miss Paula? Pauline? She assured us she’ll be safe.” No way Miss Pauling, one of the few people he —and everyone in the team, really— trusted. No fucking way.
Before he could process this bombshell, a commotion erupted outside his room. The “INTRUDER ALERT. BLU SPY IS IN THE BASE” alarm was set off, and it was followed by Soldier shouting “A BLU SPY IS IN THE BASE!?”.
He hung up, not even saying goodbye, because he had the feeling that wasn’t a BLU spy. Actually, he knew it wasn’t a BLU spy, chained to a respawn machine. He had to get to the entrance first and stop the other eight mercenaries from killing you.
“WAIT!” He shouted as he pushed Soldier to the side.
He wasn’t the only one in the room; Scout, Spy and Medic, who were faster than Sniper, were also there, also trying to explain to Soldier that this was a child, not a BLU spy.
“Sniper?” asked Spy, a bit curious about why he seemed so scared.
��That’s not a spy…” He said, trying to catch his breath.
“Yes, we figured,” Spy said before getting interrupted.
You slowly opened your eyes and removed your hands from your ears, seeing as the scary man with the big weapon directly pointing at you before didn’t fire and you didn’t explode.
“That’s my-”
You looked around and that’s when you see him! You didn’t get the directions the nice purple lady gave you wrong!!
“DAD!!” You scream as you run over to your dad and hug his legs.
As you squeeze his legs, finally seeing your dad after so long and feeling safe, he doesn’t know how to react.
“-daughter,” he finished his sentence. He’s so relieved you’re ok. He doesn’t know what he would have done if he had found you hurt or worse.
“No frickin’ way…” muttered the Scout.
Soldier, Spy, Medic and also Engie and Pyro, who entered the room after the Sniper, were just as confused as Scout. Well, maybe not Pyro, because it understood something completely different (one shudders to imagine what inhuman thoughts lie behind that mask). But the rest of them were, and, with their eyes, they asked for an explanation. Demanded, even, in Scout’s case, because he couldn’t fathom the idea of Sniper of all people to get a girl, potentially a wife, before him.
Scout sighed in relief hearing that Sniper did not, in fact, get a girl before him. That he had found you as a baby one day when returning home and adopted you.
Everyone else just nodded in understanding (Heavy, Pyro), asked him questions (Engie, Medic, Spy) or praised him for doing the correct thing and not leave you to starve (Spy, Soldier, Demo). All while you were drawing in a corner with a pen and paper your dad gave you.
You stopped drawing once your dad had finished talking and introducing you to his team. Maybe he would introduce them to you next! 
This was going to be your home for a while, after all.
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Three years into the gravel war (for the main group of mercenaries’ pov).
You were adopted roughly a year before Sniper was hired. Your adopted family doesn’t know your birthday, but they estimate you’re 4-5 y/o.
Fun fact: I was considering at first (aka the first five seconds of thinking about the request) making the daughter a teenager and then remembered Sniper is 27-ish here so uuuh, nope.
About Sniper in this AU:
He’s a good dad… the three or four times a year he can visit you.
He doesn’t want to be an absent dad, but he’s too dedicated to his job as an assassin for RED.
He tries to convince himself he’s not that absent because he cares about you, talks to you at lest once a week through the phone and makes sure your grandparents treat you correctly.
He wouldn’t have accepted RED’s offer if he had known this job would drag out for so long. He can’t quit now.
About his daughter (you!):
She/her as was requested :D
Not much else to say, you're 4-5 years old so you behave as one.
[Backstory, this is explained in detail during the actual story so spoilers hehe] You were found in a dumpster (sorry lmao) This was not, in fact, mentioned in the story above, so I'll just paste it here:
As he ran downstairs, his mind was flooded with images of how you came into his life, how he tried to raise you but had to go to this stupid war over a worthless piece of land. He thought it was ok, though, because once it was over he’d make up for the time he was away. 
But he wouldn’t be able to do that if you died to one of his own teammates right now.
Mick was driving home after a long day under the hot Australian sun, a bit tired from hunting animals down all day but with a smile.
He did a small deviation to pass by a nearby gas station because the fuel gauge hovered dangerously close to empty. 
Once the tank was full, he glanced at the convenience store and couldn’t resist grabbing something to eat for the rest of the long ride. He doesn’t remember what he bought, and it honestly doesn’t even matter. 
As he was leaving the store, he heard a sound, apart from the flickering neon lights, and he stood there for a second trying to identify. Someone crying, high-pitched voice, coming from the side of the building. “From the side of the building? Next to the dumpster?” He thought. 
And he was disgusted that he was right, that someone just got rid of a baby like that, but also glad he found you.
He didn’t know what to do, so he brought you home and asked his parents for help. They all came to the conclusion that they must have abandoned you after noticing that you didn’t grow a moustache like the rest. Mick saw himself on you because he also wasn’t born like most Australians. He remembered having a difficult time as a child trying to adapt without having any facial hair or Australia-shaped chest hair like the rest of the kids and, being an orphan? He knew your childhood would be even worse than his.
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storywriter12 · 6 months
(relationship preferences twd)
(how they felt about you)
Rick grimes:He thought you were a sweetheart. He watched you help out so many people and he fell for you. He never heard you say no to anyone if someone asked you'll be right there he loved spending time with you he would check on you chill at your house see you talk with Carl he will even ask Carl what he thought about. When he heard nothing but nice things he knew he couldn't let you go 
Daryl dixon:He liked you, you never got on his nerves like some people do.You would help him with little things, go on runs with him, hell he would even ask you to come along he would ask you to jump on his bike giving the excuse. Saying that it would be much easier to get around in.and faster to get back when really he likes feeling your hands wrapped around him tight 
Negan:after he killed your friends he couldn't get you out of his head the journey back to the sanctuary took longer than he thought it would his never felt bad for killing anybody before well anybody who deserved it Simon told him not to feel back but he couldn't help it something about seeing how upset you were  broke his heart days after he still felt shit so he had to go and see you 
Simon:He was annoyed, well mostly not at you but he felt like he had to babysit you most days because Negan put you with him but he did kinda like you the long trips you two would take on the road was comfortable he would ask you questions about everything and anything. He did make it clear that  he wouldn't  risk his life for you, but that day you hurt yourself something changed inside of him he never wanted to see you hurt again he let himself care for you but he didn't want you to know how much he did actually like you 
Glenn: you knew how he felt you two were close in the early days he would teach you how to fix the RV if ever he was about or Dale. you would know what to do as you worked away he would tell you that you are doing good and some of your friends joked that he had a crush on you he would just stutter on his words and go red you would smile at him he didn't look at you that day 
Abraham:as I said before he thought you were a badass but as the weeks turned into months he was more comfortable around you he would joke around with you talking in his very colourful language he thought a girl like you would hate how he spoke but you laughed until you cried which made him smile, he put it on his check list that once a day he would make you laugh and he did 
Paul monroe “jesus”:he was very fond of you to say the least when he was home from a run, he would only be with you, you two was two peas in a pod he thought you were clever you would teach him things like play the piano but he would make mistakes here and there because he would be watching you, sometimes you would catch him and he would just smile at you and turn away you felt your cheeks get hot but carried on teaching him to play 
Dwight:he saw you as a friend to start off with you two would just talk about how shit things were but that changed he could always count on you being there with him no matter what if he was going out for a pick up he would always stop by your room to ask if you needed anything if you did he would get it to  you. negan would always say that he was your puppy because he followed you around like one but he liked it how you always told negan to shut up you would even joke that dwight was  your puppy patting him on the head and you actually got a laugh out of him 
King ezekiel:his always liked you how you looked how you was so, kind to everyone you always tried your best to like everyone and he saw that you fitted in perfectly as time went by you two spent time together going for walks around the kingdom with Shiva you always found him interesting I mean you've never met anyone who had a pet tiger  before he would always compliment you saying that you looked beautiful that day you would thank him saying he looked nice that day to he would smile
This is also on wattpad but I thought I'll post it here to❤️😊
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 11 months
Weekend WIP Game
Thanks for the tag @welcometololaland 💕
Rules: List your WIPs below (if you only write one fic at a time, feel free to include future WIPs/ideas!) then answer the following questions. Then, tag as many people as you have WIPs (or more). (There are also questions for artists/GIF creators below).
For Writers
1. WIP List:
Ex Fic (tentatively titled “You and Your Sensational Soul”): TK, Carlos & Owen go to see TK’s ex’s band play when his tour rolls through Austin. Set during the fiancé era between seasons 3 & 4.
TK Strand’s Day Off: exactly what it sounds like, it’s going to be a 5+1 five things TK does on his day off, mostly building it around the paddle boarding with Buttercup scene and this line from Call Me If You Get Lost (as requested by @carlos-in-glasses in the comments of that fic): “So far TK plans to sleep in, arms and legs wrapped around Carlos like an octopus in a forced cuddle, hopefully have lots of lazy sex and maybe catch up on the new season of Emily in Paris.”
Tarlos’s Day At The Gym: exactly what it sounds like! Carlos does free weights with some buddies from work, TK takes a barre class and reminisces over the time Carlos took a class with him and just …could not hang. Carlos reminisces over a time he wouldn’t have felt comfortable coming to the gym with his boyfriend and kissing him when they go their separate ways in the locker room. TK sits in the sauna naked and Carlos loses his mind.
West Wing AU: Carlos works in the White House, TK is an embedded war reporter who’s called back to the states and has to fill in at the White House press corps while his colleague is on maternity leave. He thinks reporting on domestic politics is SO BORING, and he complains to Carlos about it loudly. But. They fall in love. There could be a scandal on both sides if it gets out. What will happen? Will TK go back to being embedded? Will he stay in DC for Carlos? Will Carlos follow him off on his next adventure? I DON’T KNOW LET’S FIND OUT!!
9-1-1 emergency fic: that’s all I’ll say
TK & Paul Buddy cop fic
2. Which of your WIPs is currently the longest?
Ex Fic, I think it’s about halfway done
3. Which WIP do you expect will end up the longest?
Probably the West Wing AU
4. Which WIP is your favourite to write/the most enjoyable to write? Why?
I’m only actively working on Ex Fic right now, and that one is really enjoyable because it’s part of my music series. Music is my biggest passion in life and the thing I get the most joy from, so writing about it and sharing aspects of what I love about it with you all is so fun!
5. Which WIP do you find the most intimidating to write? Why?
The West Wing AU!!! I have never written an AU before and I’m scared.
6. Which WIP do you experience the most self-doubt about. Why?
Probably the emergency wip because I have to kind of know what I’m talking about and make it exciting like the show.
7. Which of your WIPs will you seek out a beta/sensitivity reader for? Why?
I typically have all my stories beta read unless they’re 2k or less. I will likely have the West Wing AU sensitivity read depending on where I have TK embedded.
8. Have any of your WIPs been struck by the curse of writer's block?
Yes!! TK Strand’s Day Off! I wrote the paddle boarding scene months ago and I just. It’s not coming to me. But it will!
9. Which WIP has your favourite OC? Tell us about them?
Okay, I think it’s gotta be TK’s ex Felix from Ex Fic. He’s a musician, he’s a producer and a DJ. They didn’t break up for any nefarious reasons, he was an exchange student at NYU’s music program when TK was in the fire academy. They had fun together, but they always knew Felix was going home (to Germany) so. It was sweet but short, and he’s one of TK’s only exes that treated him well. So Carlos can’t even hate him 😂
10. Which WIP is the sexiest?
Well there is a (Lemon style) sexytimes scene in Ex Fic so probably that one atm. However, TK Strand’s Day Off is definitely gonna require some sleepy morning sex, yeah?
11. Which WIP is the angstiest?
Probably West Wing. Maybe the gym fic depending on how heavy I get with Carlos thinking about how he never felt comfortable holding a man’s hand at the gym before. We’ll see!!
12. Which WIP has the best characterisation (in your humble opinion)?
Ex Fic if only because it’s the only one that’s written 😂 I think my Owen characterization is really good tho
13. Which WIP has the best scene setting (in your humble opinion)?
Ex Fic bc it’s the most written
14. Which WIP have you worked the hardest on?
Ex Fic fic for sure
15. Which WIP do you have the highest expectations for? Why?
This is a tough question, I think I always set pretty high expectations for myself and my fics. But I feel really good about Ex Fic because my fics centered around music have been some of my most well received.
16. Do you dream about any of your WIPs?
Not that I can remember
17. Do any of your WIPs have particular complexities that your other fics don't?
I think the emergency fic will for sure. And the TK & Paul buddy cop because it’s gonna be a screwball comedy so I’ll really have to nail the jokes.
18. Which WIP is the funniest or has the most humour?
TK & Paul Buddy Cop for sure. Carlos is going to be so exasperated.
19. Do any of your WIPs contain outside POVs or a deep dive on a character other than the main ship? How are you finding that process?
I think Ex Fic is going to involve a lot of Owen, and it’s from Carlos’s POV so I guess we can consider it an outside POV of TK’s relationship with Owen. I always love exploring that relationship and especially from Carlos’s POV because we know how much he respects Owen and values his opinion. So seeing Owen being fond of one of TK’s exes is really gonna throw him for a minute.
20. Tell us one thing we don't know about one or more of your WIPs.
In the emergency fic TK and Carlos will have to team up to save Andrea
TK & Paul Buddy Cop is not an AU
Christmas Fic will be more TK & Marj friendship
Tagging (for artists/gifmakers here’s the original post with the questionnaire for artists!) @thisbuildinghasfeelings @heartstringsduet @alrightbuckaroo @bonheur-cafe @louis-ii-reyes-strand @carlos-in-glasses @carlos-tk @chicgeekgirl89 @tarlosmalec @herefortarlos @tellmegoodbye @ambiguouspenny @guardian-angle22 @fckingyrs @ladytessa74 @birdclowns @whatsintheboxmh @iboatedhere @your-catfish-friend @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @liminalmemories21 @lightningboltreader @rmd-writes @thebumblecee @chaotictarlos @theghostofashton @never-blooms @freneticfloetry and OPEN TAG 🏷️
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I noticed that Till travelled separately from the rest of the band in the last photo set, but we've seen footage of him travelling with them previously. Do you reckon its more just a matter of where they're all coming from (since all members tend to jump around between dates), or is he distancing again?
I lean towards the former, but I could just be optimistic. What do you think?
Imo no need to worry, Till has been largely travelling seperately from the band for a couple of years already (at least from 2019, when i started really following everything), but in 2019 and 2022 he even on occassion used a different hotel than the rest of the band, and from what i've glimpsed this year that is not the case now 🌺
I think they are all happy not having to travel all together on one tourbus anymore, i think if that would have continued Rammstein would have ended long ago (maybe even 20 years) because they are such different people and were getting on eachother's nerves. After all, they have known eachother for more than 30 years, some even going on 40, and you get to know each person's peculiarities and habits, and once something starts to annoy you it's hard to be unannoyed (i remember i watched a documentary once on a convent of nuns who weren't allowed to speak to eachother (one of those silent orders) and when peeling potatoes one nun always tapped the peeling-knife against the table; one of the other nuns remarked in a private interview how aggravating that was..🌺)
The Rammstein guys can afford to relax and do their own thing between venues, they don't have to do commercial exploits if they don't want to, and with their experience they don't have to practice every day. Each of them has different ways to relax, but i bet it often involves hanging out with personal family and friends (for Schneider we definitely know this, because he has friends among other celebs in Berlin who share snaps with us). Thing is, for the other guys the family and friends reside (mostly) in Berlin, at home, so if they want to meet up, they travel back there. This is what the Rammstein musicians usually do, except when one or other takes a short vacation and stays longer at a venue, or takes a short trip to a nice holiday location, but most of the guys' partners/family/friends have a job themselves, so that's imo quite a nice way to handle the stress of touring.
The big difference imo is that Till has a team (his 'entourage' i usually call it) travelling with him. He may seem to travel alone from that airport photo, but he always has people travelling with him. Anar Reiband (his manager), Joe Letz (his PA, also bandmate in his other band), and usually some more people who may vary a little bit per city. Till often chooses to travel from venue to venue, or with a stay at another place he likes in between, between Frankfurt and Klagenfurt he and his entourage went to Munich to hang out, relax and have a good time. And that obviously works for him, he had a very relaxed smile at the airport pic imo (he smiles a lot more often than we think, but for photos he usually has his serious face on, you can tell when someone is filming the actual phototaking itself, he often straightens his face before the photo is snapped).
In a way imo it makes more sense the way Till travels, because often he flies straight to the next venue, which saves him from having to fly back and forth; but ofcourse for the others i can imagine being able to spend time with the family outweighs the inconvenience of extra travel 🌺
What we have seen in 2023 and also in 2024 is that on each venue, 1 or 2 guys from the band actually skipped going home and travelled with Till. From what we've seen in the out and abouts, it appears they don't so much hang out with Till' entourage, but i bet it's nice for Till to have one of the band there too for moral support and if he wants to talk band-stuff or something. Off the top of my head this year i've seen Olli/Paul do a venue with him, Paul/Schneider, Richard, so I assume Flake likely did one as well 🌺 It's great to see the guys being there 🌺 I don't think this happened in 2022 and 2019, certainly not as often as it did from 2023.
I think this was the one time that after Frankfurt the band all went back to Berlin, and Till on to another town (Munich and from there to Klagenfurt), so it's probably a total coincidence that this one time a photo was taken at the airport 🌺
Most importantly, they all seem to have a great time on stage, and also behind the scenes, from the little snippits we see (and how cute is Till with Flake on stage 🥰) so i wouldn't worry, I think they are all in a good place, and looking forward to have a couple of great concerts to go ❤️
Sorry it got long again 🌺
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chicgeekgirl89 · 1 year
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Fandom: 911 Lone Star Characters: T.K. Strand, Carlos Reyes, Iris Blake, Nancy Gillian, Tommy Vega, Judd Ryder, Marjan Marwani, Paul Strickland, Mateo Chavez Summary: When the crew of the super yacht Firebug finds themselves in need of a new chef, stew Iris Blake is quick to provide them with a solution: her ex, Carlos Reyes. Second stew T.K. Strand is prepared to share his cabin with their new chef, but he is not prepared for how quickly Carlos Reyes heats things up in the galley. Will their boatmance set sail? Or will it sink to the bottom of the Caribbean Sea? A/N: I have loved Below Deck in all its iterations since the day it first aired, so as I was thinking about a fun summer fic, a yachting au came to mind. This is my first (technically, sort of, mostly *cough cough*) au, and it was a HUGE challenge. I'm not sure I've gotten every detail of yachting life correct, but hopefully it's close enough for a good time! Read on AO3
Chapter 1: On Top
“T.K., T.K. Nancy. What is your location?”
“Busted,” Mateo says from where he’s laid out, one arm thrown up over his eyes to block out the sun.
“What do you mean busted? My shit is cleaned and polished and ready for charter,” T.K. says, kicking him in the leg. “You’re the one who’s slacking off.”
He reaches for his radio without getting up from his reclined position in his lounger. “Nancy, Nancy, T.K. I’m on the sundeck.”
“Copy that. On my way.”
“You’d better leave before she gets here,” T.K. tells him. “She’ll rat you out to Judd.”
“Nah,” Mateo says, wiggling a little bit so he’s more comfortable. “I think she likes me.”
T.K. wrinkles his nose. “Doesn’t she have a girlfriend at home?”
“Maybe.” Mateo shrugs. “But the heart wants what it wants. And what happens on charter stays on charter.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works,” T.K. tells him. “Please don’t go having a boatmance with my chief stew. That’s going to make things all kinds of awkward when she dumps your ass.”
“Ain’t nobody gonna be dumping my ass,” Mateo says, clearly offended. “She’s gonna get one taste of the Chavez and—“
“I would’t finish that sentence if I were you,” Nancy says as she strides onto the sundeck, clipboard in hand.
“Hey Nance,” Mateo says, trying to cover up how flustered he is.
“I just passed by Judd. He mentioned you had a jet ski to clean,” she says pointedly.
“Oh um, yeah, yes. I’ll just go do that…right now,” Mateo says, scrambling to his feet and heading back to work as T.K. chuckles.
The new deckhand likes to talk big and it’s pretty hilarious. He’s as green as they come, but he’s a quick learner and T.K. knows Judd has been pleased with his progress. 
“I vacuumed the main salon, did the beds and the bath in the master, and cleaned and restocked the bar,” T.K. says. “Iris is finishing up in laundry and then she’ll be done.”
“What did I do to deserve having the most perfect co-second stews in the world?” Nancy says, feigning tears as she plops down into the chair Mateo’s just vacated. “I didn’t come to ask about that though. Are you cool if the new chef bunks with you?”
“Oh we got someone?” T.K. asks. That last he’d heard Captain Tommy had still been calling around.
“Yeah Iris’ friend that she mentioned during our tip meeting,” Nancy says. 
Right. The tip meeting.
He’d been sandwiched between Judd and Nancy on the sofa in the main salon, a glass of sparkling cider in his hand as they all toasted the massive tip their previous charter had left for them. It was their biggest so far of the season and for good reason. They’d worked their asses off.
“Okay so as you know, unfortunately Chef Pearce is no longer able to finish the charter season with us,” Tommy had said as she passed out fat envelopes of cash to each of them.
“And good riddance,” Nancy mumbled under her breath.
Pearce had made all their lives a living hell with his fastidiousness and inability to be flexible with their charter guests’ whims. When Nancy had brought back a steak that their primary guest had deemed too rare it had been the last straw for him and he’d immediately packed all his things and left the next morning without a goodbye to anyone.
“So,” Tommy said, giving Nancy a look that said she agreed with her but wasn’t going to badmouth any former staff, “we are currently looking. It’s a pretty big vacancy to fill and we need someone asap.”
“I have a friend who could probably do it,” Iris had immediately piped up. “Well, technically he’s my ex, but he’s also a friend. I’ve known him since elementary school. One time in third grade, I punched Jimmy Echolls in the face and he—“
“Iris,” Tommy said gently, guiding her back to the moment at hand.
“Right, sorry. His name is Carlos and he’s a chef. A really good one.”
“Give me his contact information and I’ll reach out,” Tommy said. 
That had been two days ago and the last T.K. had heard about it. Thank god they’d had an extra day in between groups so they hadn’t had to explain to any guests that their dinner choices were boxed mac and cheese or Chinese take-out. The crew had been taking it in turns to make dinner for themselves so they wouldn’t starve, but nobody had the skills necessary to serve five star meals to guests shelling out over a hundred thousand dollars for a vacation.
“Seriously, you’re going to make me bunk with another temperamental chef?” T.K. sighs. “Pearce made me clean the grout in our bathroom with a toothbrush.”
“Judd and Mateo are bunked together,” Nancy says. “I don’t want to move them because Judd’s a good influence on the greenie. Marjan and Paul refuse to be separated from what they have started referring to as their “bestie cave.” And I’m certainly not giving up Iris. She doesn’t snore or leave the toilet seat up. So that leaves you.”
“This is really unfair,” T.K. grumbles. “I feel like you’re taking advantage of my easy going nature.”
“Oh I for sure am.” She gives him a pat on the leg as she gets up. “Gotta go. Next guests want an 80’s themed dance party so I gotta call the provisioner. Get ready for some glow in the dark body paint. New chef’ll be here in like an hour so if you have any weird sex stuff lying around go take care of it now.”
“I want a new chief stew!” T.K. yells as she heads back inside.
She turns around and flips him the bird before the sliding doors close behind her.
He’d known he’d end up being the one sharing and he doesn’t really begrudge Nancy’s decision. It doesn’t make sense to move everyone around when they’re already comfortably settled in their rooms. Plus it’s not like he’s going to force Iris to shack up with her ex. It’s just been nice to have the room to himself after dealing with Pearce for a month.
He groans and hoists himself up from the chair, grabbing his towel to carefully wipe away the ring of condensation his sparkling water has left on the side table. Judd is a pretty kind and understanding bosun, but he’ll rip you a new one if he catches you dirtying up the boat after the deck crew has already cleaned things off for a new charter. 
He takes the stairs carefully down to the galley and swings by laundry on his way to his cabin. Iris is in there with her headphones on, bopping away to something he can’t hear as she irons one of Tommy’s white shirts. He taps her on the shoulder and instinctively ducks out of the way as she whips around, arms flailing defensively. “You scared the shit out of me!” she says loudly as she rips out one ear bud.
“Sorry. I came to see if you need any help.”
“Nah, just finishing up Captain’s stuff and then I’m done,” she tells him. 
“I heard your ex is going to be my new roommate,” T.K. says. “Anything I should know?”
“About Carlos?” Iris shrugs. “He’s a guy. He’s nice. Good chef.”
T.K. waits but Iris doesn’t say more. “That’s it?” he says.
She looks at him with her big, wide eyes. “What more do you want? He’ll be good at the job. Oh and he likes his room really clean. So maybe like, pick up your towels and stuff.”
She gives him a smile and then sticks the earbud back in, a clear dismissal.
T.K. rolls his eyes and trudges to his cabin saying hello to their lead deck hand, Paul, as he passes by.
He spends some time making sure the place looks decent. He’d switched to the bottom bunk and started using the top as extra storage the minute Pearce walked out, so he takes all the clean clothes he left up there and shoves them into drawers or under his bed, and then checks to make sure he hasn’t left out anything sensitive in the bathroom.
His phone buzzes with a text from his dad, and he sits down for a few minutes to answer it. Yes, he’s doing fine. Yes, Tommy’s a great captain. No, he doesn’t need a meeting right now. Yes, he’ll be around if his dad flies in to see him for a weekend next month. It’s standard father/son stuff, but it’s a little suffocating, and not for the first time T.K. feels glad that he’s finally out from under his dad’s shadow a little bit. 
Owen Strand had been the captain of the FireBug until about six months ago, when he’d been offered the chance to captain a much bigger boat out in the Mediterranean. He’d wanted T.K. to come with him, had basically assumed it was happening until T.K. had informed him that he wasn’t ready to leave the Bahamas or the FireBug or the family he’d made onboard. Crews like this one don’t come along every day. Judd is a competent and kind bosun. Paul, Marjan, and Mateo are hard working deckies, and fun to be around. Nancy is the chillest chief stew he’s ever worked with. Iris is a sweetheart, if a little blunt, and Tommy has turned out to be a skilled captain, rounding out the team in a way that just seems to work. 
T.K. loves it here. He feels free. Safe. Loved. Which is a pretty big change from how his life used to be. 
Another glance at his phone shows him the time. He needs to get back to work, there’s only an hour or so until the guests arrive. He takes a few minutes to change out of his sweat stained red t-shirt, the Firebug’s name emblazoned in white on the chest and the sleeve along with a distinctive curl of flame, into his more fancy looking white shirt and black shorts, before heading to the main salon to check it over one more time. Heaven only knows somebody has probably tracked something across the carpet by now.
He’s walking past the galley when he hears a softly startled, “Oh fuck,” and then a loud crash. 
Figuring Paul has gotten into another fight with the juicer, he stops and enters the galley doorway, a sassy bit of teasing ready on his tongue. Only he doesn’t find Paul or anyone else from onboard the boat.
Instead he comes face to face with the most gorgeous ass he’s ever seen in his entire life. Literally, this ass is a thing of beauty. It looks like it’s been sculpted out of marble by a master craftsman. This ass is life changing.
And then the rest of the human it’s connected to stands up and T.K. feels like he’s been hit by a rogue wave. If he thought the ass was life-changing, he doesn’t even have words for the full man who stands before him.
Eyes, dark and soft, and hair so curly that T.K.’s fingers immediately itch to run through it. Even through the man’s dark blue button down and chinos T.K. can tell that he’s got a great body. The kind of body that has, in the past, caused T.K. to make some very stupid, but very fun, decisions. 
His gaydar is practically screaming at him and it takes him too long to realize that he’s staring and that this strange god of a man is talking to him. “Hey.”
“Hey,” T.K. says quickly.
“Sorry about that,” the man says. “I didn’t realize the shelf was loose.”
“Yeah. Yeah that one’s a little faulty. Judd keeps fixing it and it just keeps coming out again,” T.K. says automatically. “Are you…you must be the new chef?”
“Yes, hi, sorry, Carlos. Carlos Reyes,” the man says, holding out a hand.
T.K. shakes it and feels like his knees might give out. Holy hell he can’t remember the last time he felt this instantly attracted to someone. “I’m T.K. Strand,” he manages. “Second stew. Well, co-second stew. Iris is the other one. Which, you already know because you and Iris are…well you…”
He is blowing this so freaking bad right now. He spots a large rolling suitcase in front of the fridge and clears his throat to try again. “Did you come straight here before unpacking your stuff?”
“Yeah I went up and met the captain and I was on my way to the cabin, but I saw the galley and got distracted,” Carlos says sheepishly.
Kind of like how T.K. had been on his way to the main salon and now can’t find a single reason to care about whether or not the throw pillows have been karate chopped into perfection. “I get that. Professional hazard.”
“Yeah something like that,” Carlos says, flashing him a smile that threatens to bowl him over. 
He’s Iris’ ex, he’s Iris’ ex, he’s Iris’ ex. T.K repeats it to himself sternly. That makes him off limits. Completely. Nothing more than a fantasy for T.K. to have when he’s alone. 
And he will be having that fantasy. 
Probably a lot.
He realizes he’s gone awkwardly silent again and searches for something to say that won’t sound weird or horny. “We’re sharing a cabin. I can show you.”
“Oh yeah, thanks, that would be great,” Carlos says, grabbing his suitcase and following T.K. down the hall.
The cabin is tiny. Just two bunks, a teeny wardrobe and a couple drawers each, and their bathroom with an awkwardly small shower. T.K. takes a quick glance at Carlos and wonders how such a large man is going to fit, and then quickly shoves it away. He can’t be thinking about his new roommate naked, soapy, water sluicing down his body…
“I left you the top bunk. Is that okay?” T.K. asks, hoping to god his voice sounds normal.
If it was anybody else he wouldn’t even ask, he’d just pull the longevity card because like hell is he undoing his whole bed, but something about this man has grabbed hold of him and he finds he would literally go dive into the ocean if it would make Carlos happy.
“That’s fine,” Carlos says. “I like it on top.”
T.K.’s knees go weak and he immediately breaks out in a sweat even though the A/C is on full blast. Thank god Carlos has turned around is starting to pull things out of his suitcase, so he doesn’t see T.K.’s complete loss of motor function.
“When you’re ready I can introduce you to everyone else,” T.K. says when he finally recovers.
“Yeah give me like ten minutes, I just need to change,” Carlos says.
T.K. makes a hasty exit and goes down the hall to sit at the table in the crew mess while he waits. The last thing he needs is to see Carlos naked. His brain is already on overdrive, if he gets any more input he’s going to need an extremely cold shower, and there’s no time for that.
Carlos emerges almost exactly ten minutes later, now dressed in his chef’s coat. Somehow it makes him look even hotter, all professional and buttoned up and T.K. nearly swallows his own tongue trying not to say something stupid. They head up the stairs and through the main salon to the aft deck where Paul, Marjan, Mateo, and Judd are doing some last minute polishing of the railings so they gleam beneath the Caribbean sunlight. 
“Well, well, well, look who’s finally back. Grab a bucket and start scrubbing,” Paul teases as they walk out through the automatic doors.
“You think I want a cushy job like this? Please. Interior is where the fun is. Vomit. People’s dirty underwear. It’s like an unending hazardous situation,” T.K. teases right back.
He sees the look of curiosity on Carlos’ face and fills him in. “I used to be a deckie,” he says. “Made the change to interior about a year ago. It’s a better fit.”
“What he means is that it’s easier for him to charm all the guests,” Marjan says, wiping a hand across her forehead. Her makeup is impeccable and she looks like a movie star even in the deck crew’s bright red shirts.
“I didn’t see you complaining when our tips were almost double last charter,” T.K. tells her. 
“Pretty sure that was because of the good time I showed them on the water toys,” Mateo says.
“Mateo you couldn’t even get the jet ski started this morning,” Judd says with a roll of his eyes. “I don’t think you were the reason we got a good tip.”
“Anyway,” T.K. says, breaking up the teasing, “This is Carlos. The new chef.”
“Hey Carlos. I’m Judd. Bosun,” Judd says, sticking out a massive hand to shake Carlos’.
The rest of the team chimes in and shakes hands as well. “Nice to meet you all,” Carlos says. “I’m excited to be here.”
“We’re glad to have you,” Paul says. “These people have been making me pull double duty on the deck and in the kitchen so we don’t starve.”
“You made one meal,” Marjan says, smacking at him with her towel.
“I made chili!” Paul says. “That’s so much work it’s basically three meals!”
“Wow, thanks for rolling out the red carpet and making a good first impression guys,” T.K. says, glancing at Carlos to gauge his reaction to the team shenanigans.
Carlos chuckles. “Chili is a lot of work, and I’m sure it was delicious.” He looks down at his watch. “I’m really sorry to cut it short, but I think I’ve got my work cut out for me in the galley.”
“Yeah yeah, don’t let us keep you,” Judd says, waving them off. 
“They seem nice,” Carlos observes once they’re back in the cool air conditioning of the interior.
“This team is solid,” T.K. tells him, feeling himself puff up with pride. “Judd has been with the boat since day one. The rest of us have been here at least a couple years. It’s family.”
He’s about to open his mouth to ask Carlos a little more about himself when there’s a yelp and a body comes hurtling toward them at light speed. Iris throws herself at Carlos, wrapping him up in an aggressive hug that almost takes them both to the floor. “You’re here!” she yells, glee evident in every line of her body.
Despite his initial shock Carlos immediately softens, his face going tender and warm. His hand cradles the back of Iris’ head and he practically cuddles her right there in the salon, making T.K. feel like he’s awkwardly intruded on a private moment. “Hey chica,” Carlos says, his voice full of something so tender that it sends a jolt of jealousy through T.K. Whatever happened between him and Iris, it doesn’t seem like Carlos is over it.
He pulls back after a minute, cupping Iris’ face in his hands as he studies it closely. “How are you? You’re good?”
“Oh my god, you’re such a worrier. Yes. I’m good,” she says with a laugh. 
“And Michelle?”
T.K.’s memory vaguely supplies that Michelle is Iris’ older sister. “Yeah she’s good too. Chief stew on a boat in Italy right now,” Iris says. She sends a glance at T.K., her eyes sparkling. “I see you met T.K. already. He’s your roommate you know.”
Something odd flashes across Carlos’ face. “Yeah I know,” he says, looking almost embarrassed.
T.K. desperately wants to know what’s going on. He feels like he’s missed out on a private joke, but at that moment Nancy strides into the salon. “Okay enough chatting people we have guests coming onboard in—” she checks her watch, “—less than half an hour.” She stops when she sees Carlos. “Oh hi. You the new chef?”
He shakes her hand. “Yeah, Carlos.”
“Thank god. Nancy. Chief stew. We should talk.”
“Yes,” Carlos says. “I didn’t see the preference sheets for the guests in the galley. Do you have them?”
She holds up a stack of papers. “On my way to post them now. Want to come with and we’ll figure out what kind of fancy ass food these people want?”
“Definitely,” Carlos says.
“And you two can start making drinks and getting cold towels ready,” Nancy calls over her shoulder.
“Already done!” T.K. and Iris chime together.
Nancy turns and walks the last few steps to the doorway backward, pointing at them and then clasping her hands over her heart. “And that’s why you two are my favorites.”
“So?” Iris says as she and T.K. step behind the bar to finish setting up the cocktails. “He’s hot right? I told you.”
“Actually you didn’t,” T.K. says mildly. She could not have said less about it in fact. 
“I didn’t?” She scrunches up her nose and thinks for a second, then shrugs like it doesn’t matter. “Whatever. He is though, right? Very hot?”
“I’m going to be honest here and say I think it’s kind of weird that you talk about your ex like this,” T.K. says, pouring champagne carefully into glasses.
“What does him being my ex have to do with it?” she scoffs. “He’s objectively hot. You have to see it.”
T.K. is going to admit to no such thing. And he knows if stalls long enough Iris will move on. Her attention span tends to be on the short side.
“God, why do they make these fucking skorts so short?” she asks seconds later, yanking at the black fabric covering her thighs. “It’s sexist. And misogynistic.”
“Aren’t those kind of the same thing?”
She glares at him. “You can mansplain sexism to me when you have a skirt the size of a postage stamp riding up your ass. Okay? Okay.”
She grabs the tray of champagne glasses from him and whisks them away without another word. He huffs out a laugh and opens the fridge to take out the towels and stack them up on a second tray as Tommy’s voice comes over the radio announcing that the guests will be arriving in less than five minutes and to please get to the aft deck.
Everyone looks fresh and ready in their whites and Tommy gives him a nod as he joins the line-up, tucking in at the end next to Iris. Seconds later another body slides into the open space on his left and he looks up to find Carlos. The other man gives him a quick smile, a trace of nerves hiding behind it. T.K. feels the overwhelming urge to reach over and squeeze his hand in reassurance. Thank god he’s occupied with holding the towel tray because he’s not sure he could stop himself otherwise. 
And then he’d have to throw himself overboard, swim to a deserted island, and start a new life with nothing but a volleyball for company.
“There they are,” Judd says half a second later, nodding toward the dock where a group of impeccably dressed men and women are walking toward the Firebug.
“They look rich,” Mateo says.
“They always look rich,” Marjan tells him with a roll of her eyes. “Only rich people can afford chartered yacht vacations.”
“Yeah but there’s a difference between looking rich and being rich,” Mateo says.
T.K. has to agree with him. People who are rich tend to have high expectations, but are usually pretty nice and leave big tips. People who look rich…that’s a crapshoot. And they usually end up being assholes.
T.K. hopes it’s the former this time.
There are greetings and handshakes all around and then Nancy takes them off to tour the boat as T.K. and Iris wash the champagne glasses and throw the towels in the laundry before heading down to help put away the luggage the deck crew has hauled onboard.
Then it’s a whirlwind of drinks and snacks and cleaning (there’s always something to be cleaned) as they set sail away from the dock, the white prow of the Firebug gleaming as it cuts through the cerulean blue of the ocean. 
T.K. doesn’t get more than a glimpse of Carlos again until dinner. When Nancy calls him over the radio to come for service he walks into the galley and stops dead in his tracks. The guests asked for a sushi spread but what he sees is…unbelievable. It should have been physically impossible for Carlos to produce this much food at this level of quality in the few hours he’s been on board. 
“Holy shit. This is gorgeous.” The words are out of T.K.’s mouth before he means them to be.
“Thanks,” Carlos says, slightly flushed from the heat of his work. He’s pouring heavy cream into a bowl, probably working on dessert already. 
“No seriously this is…how did you do all of this so fast?” T.K. asks.
He’s worked on boats for years. He’s seen impressive food before. Michelin star worthy meals. But this tops all of it. 
Carlos shrugs and starts whisking, the muscles of his upper arm flexing back forth in an impressive display. “It’s my job,” he says simply. “I put the crew dinner out too. Make sure you get some.”
Nancy and Iris still haven’t arrived, so T.K. sneaks over to the crew mess and finds Paul devouring an equally impressive spread of sushi. “Save some for the rest of us,” T.K. says, snagging a California roll and shoving it whole into his mouth. 
“It’s so good though,” Paul groans. “I thought Pearce was good, even if he was a son of a bitch, but damn. This new guy….”
T.K. agrees. The California roll is the best he’s ever had in his life and he stands there at the table devouring a few more mouthfuls before Nancy and Iris sweep in and force him back to work. 
Dinner service goes shockingly smoothly. No one yells. No one sulks in passive aggressive silence. Carlos and Nancy communicate perfectly, food goes out on time, the wine flows, the guests are thrilled, it’s literally the best night they’ve had on the boat in weeks. 
Tommy comes down halfway through, a soft smile on her face when she sees how easily Carlos has slipped into the role of chef. He smiles and laughs as he cooks, chatting away easily with the captain as if they’re old friends. There’s a sense of relief flooding through the boat. Carlos is a good fit. Thank god.
T.K. and Iris run down in between courses to turndown the cabins (thank god these guests seem pretty neat and tidy) and then Iris heads to bed as soon as dinner service is done so she can get up early to run breakfast. The meal has created about a thousand dishes and Nancy starts to help, but T.K. shoos her away. He’s on lates tonight, staying up to make sure the guests have any late night drinks or snacks they need, but she should get some sleep.
Carlos is wiping down counters. His chef’s coat is partially unbuttoned, the sleeves rolled up to expose his incredibly muscular forearms. The second T.K. sees them he repeats his mantra from earlier: He’s Iris’ ex, He’s Iris ex, He’s Iris’ ex…
Maybe if T.K. keeps reminding himself of that, his stupid heart will stop trying to leap out of his chest at the sight of this beautiful man.
“Oh thanks,” Carlos says, relief on his face when he sees T.K. roll up his own sleeves and start scrubbing away at the rest of the dishes. “I thought I was going to be here all night.”
“Happy to help,” T.K. says lightly.
“So how long have you been on the Firebug?” Carlos asks.
“Like, three years now?” T.K. says as he carefully sets some glassware to the side. “My dad used to be captain.”
“Oh cool,” Carlos replies. “Where is he now?”
“Boat in the Mediterranean. It’s a bigger vessel. They have good wine over there.”
“Sounds nice.”
“Yeah.” T.K. hesitates and then asks because he has to know. “So you’re from Austin? You and Iris grew up together?”
“Yeah the Blakes lived down the street,” Carlos says. “My sisters and I were always over at their house. They had a dog and a trampoline. We did not.”
“I see the appeal.”
“So three years here, where before that?”
T.K.’s stomach lurches. Before is hard to talk about. Before was full of pills and booze and shame and it’s something the crew all knows about, but it’s not a story that everyone can accept. The thought of this perfect looking man getting weird over it forces T.K. to hold back. “New York,” he says softly. “Manhattan. I lived there with my mom when I was a kid.”
“I’ve always wanted to go to New York.” Carlos sets a pan back into its place. “I have to know. Are the bagels actually that good? I mean…they’re really just regular bagels, right? Bagels aren’t even that great to begin with.”
“I’ll have you know that New York bagels are legendary,” T.K. tells him immediately. “There will be no bagel slander on this boat.”
“Okay, okay, sorry,” Carlos says with a laugh, holding up his hands. “I take it back.”
“You’d better,” T.K. says, also laughing. This guy is fun. Why the hell did Iris break up with him?
Carlos finishes what he’s doing and comes to dry the dishes T.K. has washed, but T.K. waves him off. “Head to bed,” he advises. “I know how much travel days suck and you’ve got to be up early for breakfast.”
“Thanks,” Carlos says, fatigue creeping in at the edges of him. “See you in the morning.”
T.K. puts away the last of the dishes and then heads up to check on the guests. He’s shocked to find Mateo hosing down the teak and not another person in sight. “They went to bed like ten minutes ago,” he says with a shrug. “Easiest night ever right?”
“Yeah seriously,” T.K. says. “You on anchor watch?”
“Yep,” Mateo pops the “p.” “All night long baby.”
“Don’t let us blow into a rock.”
“Ha ha.”
T.K. bids him goodnight and then heads toward his cabin. Maybe it’s exhaustion. Maybe it’s that Carlos brought up New York and now T.K.’s memories of that time are swirling around in his head. Maybe he’s distracted by the fact that these are the easiest guests he’s ever had in his entire life. Whatever the reason is, he forgets that Chef Carlos Reyes is his new roommate until he opens the door and sees him standing there.
In nothing but a pair of black boxer briefs.
It’s just a reality of boat life that you see people naked or nearly naked on a regular basis. Quarters are tight and honestly, after so much time together, it literally doesn’t even matter. T.K.’s seen pretty much everyone’s butts and boobs and dicks onboard at this point and it doesn’t even phase him anymore.
But the sight of Carlos, hair still wet, the entire room damp from the steam of his shower and smelling like sandalwood and pine, feels so intimate that it nearly sends T.K. to his knees. 
And he’s pretty sure he would do just about anything Carlos wanted once he was down there.
T.K. was right. The man has muscles. So. Many. Muscles. He’s an Adonis. A god. He can’t possibly be real.
He’s like T.K.’s dream guy wrapped up in neon yellow caution tape that screams OFF LIMITS.
Oh god. 
He’s not going to make it through this charter season.
He’s not going to make it through tonight.
“Sorry, am I in your way?” Carlos asks as he continues threading his chef’s coat onto a hanger.
Something flashes across his face. If T.K. didn’t know better he’d almost think it was something smug. Like he’s seen T.K. ogling him and possibly, maybe, is standing in their room mostly naked on purpose.
“No,” T.K. says quickly, squeezing in and shutting the door behind him.
Bad idea. Oh god. This space is so small. He’s practically chest to naked chest with Carlos and he can’t breathe or think and if he doesn’t do something right now he’s not going to be able to stop himself from reaching out and touching those washboard abs…
“Are you done in the bathroom?” he manages to squeak out.
“Yes,” Carlos says, that smug-ish look still on his face. “All yours.”
T.K. practically runs inside and locks the door behind him, collapsing onto the toilet lid. 
Shit. Shit. Shit.
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sugdenlovesdingle · 2 years
Loved (AO3)
Everybody Loves Carlos Reyes
Written for @tarlosweeklyprompts word of the day: Fond
“Hey Carlos, TK is in the shower, he got puked on.” Nancy greeted Carlos when he walked into the firehouse. “How are you?”
“Bored at home mostly. My medical leave is almost over though thankfully. Back to work on Monday.”
“Ah so that’s why TK is all...” she made flapping motions with her hands and Carlos laughed.
“Yeah, pretty much. So I’m coming to check in and show him I’m ok. And just hang out until the end of shift so we can leave together to have dinner with my parents.”
He leaned against the open ambulance doors.
“You’ve been summoned by the momster huh?”
“Oh yes. It’s either us going over there or her being at our place every waking moment. This is the lesser of two evils I suppose.”
“I don’t know dude, a homecooked meal and no dishes? Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.”
“Yeah but between my mother and TK, I’ll barely be allowed to lift a fork.”
“Again, I don’t see the downside.”
At that moment the alarm sounded and Nancy groaned when it was a medical call.
“We’ve been getting non-stop calls today. It’s like everyone in Austin needs medical assistance at the same time.” She jumped out of the back of the ambulance to make room for Tommy who was already coming down the stairs, closely followed by TK, fresh out of the shower.
His uniform shirt was hanging open, his hair was still wet, and he had his shoes in his hand.
“Hi baby, bye baby.” He quickly kissed Carlos in passing before jumping in the passenger’s seat. “We’ll be back soon! Paul is upstairs!”
“What does he need Paul for?” Carlos heard Nancy ask right before she turned the lights and sirens on and pulled out of the firehouse.
He knew what TK’s reply would be, and he had a feeling he knew what Tommy would be dealing with the rest of the shift. He made his way upstairs where he found the fire crew in the lounge area.
“Hey, look who it is! Good to see you upright, buddy.” Marjan noticed him first and got up from her seat to give him a hug. “You scared us when you disappeared like that!”
“I know, I’m sorry. I’ve had to promise both my parents and TK not to go on investigations on my own again. And Iris called me an idiot.”
“Can’t say I disagree with the lady.” Paul commented, putting his book down. “But I’m with Marj, it’s good to see you man.”
Carlos nodded and sat down next to Paul.
“I know I scared everyone, especially TK. He keeps checking my pulse and we both pretend I don’t know what he’s doing.”
“That’s because you died dude.” Mateo said then paused to think. “Did you see the light at the end of the tunnel?”
“That is not a thing, Mateo.” Paul cut in. “That only happens on tv.”
“And how do you know? You had a heart attack, you didn’t die like Carlos.”
“I didn’t see anything actually.” Carlos said, deciding to humour Mateo. “All I remember is the needle prick in my shoulder… and then everything went dark. And when I woke up there were TK and my dad… and I was confused and disorientated mostly. So no lights.”
“See? Only on tv.”
“Did you see a light at the end of the tunnel when your car went off the bridge, Judd?” Mateo asked Judd who had just walked in.
He stopped in the doorway and looked at the four of them, before raising his hand and giving Carlos a half wave and turning around to go back to where he came from.
“Ok can we just change the subject? Surely we can find something less deadly to talk about?” Marjan interrupted. “Like the wedding! How is the wedding planning going Carlos? Let’s talk flower arrangements.”
“It’s going alright.” Carlos said, happy to go along with the subject change. “We’ve been looking at suits the past few days, we’re thinking of getting the same so we match. Because we’re spending the rest of our lives together. You know, us coming together as one.” He scrunched up his face. “It sounds so cheesy when said aloud like this.”
“No, I think it’s sweet. And you guys should totally do whatever feels right to you. It’s your wedding after all.”
“Yeah, she’s right.” Paul agreed. “Matching suits, traditional vows, you promising to love, honour, and obey TK, first dance to a Coldplay song.” He continued, doing his best to keep a straight face.
“Ok now I know you’re mocking me.” Carlos laughed. “It’s all still a work in progress, ok? We’ve got 8 weeks to figure it out.”
“Yeah but you have to plan everything before that. When my cousin got married they spent two years planning it.” Mateo told them. “My mom and my tía went crazy. They made the dresses themselves but then my cousin got pregnant and they had to change it so she would still fit in it.”
“I don’t think that’s something TK and Carlos will have to worry about.” Marjan said and they all laughed.
“No, but you’re right. It’s a lot of stuff to take care of in under 8 weeks.”
“Well if you need any help, just say the word.” Paul offered.
“Thanks. That’s actually why I’m here.” Carlos started and all three of his friends gave him a questioning look. “I wanted to ask you something.” He turned to Paul. “You specifically.”
“Yeah, you.”
“Ok. Shoot.”
“Well… like I said, we’re busy working out the details for the wedding… And I was hoping you would be my best man.”
“What? Me?”
“Yeah, you.”
“Are you sure? Don’t you want your dad or a relative or something?”
“No, I want you to be my best man. You’re one of my best friends, man.”
“I… I’m honoured.”
“So you’ll do it?”
“Yeah, of course! I mean I wasn’t expecting it at all, but if you’re sure then I’d be honoured to be your best man.” Paul said and Carlos pulled him in for a hug. “But this doesn’t mean I have to go suit shopping with you, right?”
“No, just show up on the day wearing something nice and you’re good.” Carlos laughed.
“Who is TK asking?” Marjan wondered. “His dad?”
“He was one of the options that came up.” Carlos told her. “But he decided on someone else.”
The conversation was interrupted by the sound of two pairs of boots coming up the stairs.
“Why are you being so secretive?” they heard Nancy say.
“I’m not, I’m just waiting for the right time.”
“The right time for what?”
“Hey baby.” TK ignored her and went straight to Carlos to kiss him hello.
Nobody mentioned the fact that his fingers lingered on Carlos’ pulse point a little too long.
“Hey. You’re back soon. Quick call?”
“Yeah, just a fender bender. Some scrapes and cuts, nothing major. We treated everyone on scene and let PD deal with the rest.” He sat down next to Carlos. “So… what did we miss here?”
“I got my best man.”
“Oh you said yes?” TK leaned forward to look past Carlos to Paul.
“Of course. I can’t let the world miss out on seeing me in a suit.” He joked.
“You know you’re not supposed to look prettier than the groom, right?” Carlos cut in.
“Pretty sure that’s only for brides. And since there’s none of those involved, I’m good.”
They all laughed and Carlos put his hand on TK’s knee and gave it a squeeze.
“Your turn now, babe.” He said softly and TK nodded.
“Hey Nance, do you own a nice suit?”
“A suit? What do I need a suit – oh my god!”
TK grinned and got up from his seat and got down on one knee in front of her.
“Nancy Gillian, you are the sister I never thought I wanted, and sometimes still don’t.” He joked. “But I would be honoured if you would be my best man. Woman. Person.”
“Of course!” Nancy replied and dragged TK up from the floor and hugged him. “But I’m not wearing a suit. You wouldn’t be able to handle the hotness that is me in a suit.”
“You can wear whatever you like.” TK assured her. “You too Paul.”
“No, no, Paul, we have to match.” Nancy insisted. “What are you wearing?”
TK sat back down next to Carlos and looped an arm through his, resting his fingers on the inside of his wrist.
“I think I’ve created a monster.” He whispered and Carlos laughed.
He looked around the room and just felt a sense of happiness and belonging. Before he’d met TK, he had friends, colleagues, acquaintances. People he’d talk to at work, people he’d even take up on their offer of after work drinks, he’d even been invited to a birthday party or two, but no-one apart from Iris who really knew him. Who just got him.
Now he had a fiancé he loved more than he’d ever thought possible, and a group of friends who were like family.
“What are you thinking about?” TK asked, noticing the smile on his fiancé’s face.
“Nothing.” Carlos replied and pressed a kiss to his lips. “Just happy.”  
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