#i know someone who’s at that party LMAO
b1zmuth · 11 hours
If Hell Itself, Was Beautiful. | Diavolo X Reader
SC \\ implied smut, heavy fluff, diavolo being a goof, jealousy if you really squint hard, mutual pining
TL:DR: Diavolo falls head over heels for you, and battles his own thoughts about if he should go through with his confession. whilst you do the exact same thing lmao
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Diavolo didn't know when ‘’it’’ happened, or really… how it happened. 
As far as his mind will let him remember, he just thinks of the time when he first met you on that fateful day, your bewilderment as to where you were and how you ended up in such a strange, unfamiliar place- and that's when he locked eyes with yours, seeing that same look of astonishment and intrigue that he had in his own.
And your eyes didn't lie, during your first couple of days in the Devildom, you had already managed to make a pact with Mammon- managed to, somewhat, outwit Lucifer, and didn't get killed by Belphegor…just truly amazing feats! Something.. Worthy of a king’s attention for sure!
‘’My lord…you have a….’’
If only he could just.. Have you see him in the way he sees you.
Someone who could rival his own strength, pull their own weight, be so caring for him.. Especially with someone like him and his immense amount of emotional baggage..
He wonders if you would like to be with someone like him one day, someone who could give you the world if you ask- 
‘’My lord! My apologies for coming in unannounced, but your presence is requested elsewhere.’’ a slim and tall figure walks into the bedroom of Lord Diavolo, fixing an unruly strand of his black and green hair before he presents himself in front of the prince- ‘’If you are feeling unwell then I can make arrangements to clear your schedule for today?’’
‘’No, Barbatos. Im alright! Let us prepare to leave.’’ Diavolo said with a forced smile, not liking the interruption to his deep-thinking moment- and really, he was more upset that he would have to face reality for once- knowing that his beloved MC most likely didn't reciprocate his feelings back.
At least he wouldn’t have the gut-wrenching feeling of watching you smile at others- ‘’no, no.. that's just wrong to think!” 
Listening to Barbatos talk about the agenda for today, Diavolo just spaced out for most of the walk throughout the castle- only tuning in when it was something that caught his ear, until he heard Barbatos finally say something that ripped him out of his daydream-
‘’Oh! Apologies for missing one part- Lucifer has requested an audience with you about the ball. Although, he says it is an urgent matter’’ He flashes Diavolo a small shrug on his shoulders and continues walking before Diavolo finally speaks up- ‘’What ball?’’ his confused tone shocking the butler who just turned around and gave him a confused but professional look.
‘’Satan’s late birthday ball, m’lord?’’ Barbatos responded, keeping up his end of the facade- giving a small smile to his lord.
Meanwhile, in the House of Lamentation.. 
It is almost Diavolos birthday! This means Lucifer becomes more strict and everyone is running around preparing for the large event..which includes you..
It's been nonstop running around and visiting different vendors with Lucifer, supervising the rest of his brothers for hours on end with Lucifer, preparing invites with Lucifer, and doing paperwork… with Lucifer. God, someone. anyone! please take you out! Lucifer can be fun at times- but this was just too much.
But, if it was all for Diavolo, then maybe it wouldn't be so bad. 
The plan you and Lucifer devised was to throw Diavolo a surprise birthday party, masking it under the cover of Satan’s Late Birthday Bash, you both decided to enlist the help of the brothers, Solomon, Simeon, Luke, and of course, Barbatos. 
Alas! A foolproof plan was created to make the best birthday party for Diavolo there ever was! Hooray! There was nothing that could go wrong, unless, you know, every vendor in the area just so happened to go out of business at the exact same time! 
You finished up your tasks with Lucifer for the day, exchanging your goodbyes and heading off into your respective rooms- you in yours, quickly getting ready for bed and drifting off into a peaceful slumber, counting the sheep that jumped over the fence in your dream.. 
Ding! Ding! 
You grumbled, watching as the sheep in your dream now started yelling like bells instead of ‘’Bahh!’’ .. which was odd? But you just dismissed it as just your mind playing tricks on you.
Ding ding ding ding ding!
Now half awake due to the annoying bell-sounding sheep constantly screaming- you rolled over to cover your ears with your pillow- only to KEEP on hearing those fucking bell-sounding sheep!
‘’Okay, what gives! Fuckass bell sheep!’’ you groaned loudly, searching for your phone, which the second you picked it up and held it- started flash-banging you with notifications and its turned-up-to-the-max brightness. ‘’ACK!’’
It took a little while before you finally started seeing everything correctly again- but you finally started checking your phone which had been outed as the culprit for the ‘’bell sheep incident’’- ‘’57 missed messages? At..’’ you glanced at the clock, the time reading 4:26- ‘’four in the morning?! Jesus fuck!’’ your eyes widened at the sight, practically doing cartwheels in your eyesockets from how hard you rolled your eyes.  
[3:57] [Prideful Bastard] : Rise and shine everyone. There are a lot of things we have to do today. Please get dressed at meet me in the common room at 4. 
[4:06] [please never go near a church] : you woke us all up with this fuckass message just to tell us to get ready at four in the damn morning? I outta turn you into dust! 
[4:07] [Levichan] : Satans right! There is no reason for us 2 be awake at this hour! 
[4:10] [Prideful Bastard] : When you say ‘’us’’ you mean everyone here excluding yourself, right? We all heard you yelling over losing a raid, AGAIN.
You didn't feel the need to read the rest of the messages complaining to Lucifer- just scrolling through and reading some messages that were asking the reasons as to why the prideful bastard wanted everyone awake so early. 
And then here you are, standing half-awake, barely even conscious enough to register anything Lucifer was ordering of you- the other brothers in the same state, groaning and mumbling about how unfair he was for having them move around boxes full of things at FOUR in the fuckin morning.
But it was all for his birthday, and you would do anything just to see his smile, right?
You haven't got a wink of sleep yet, even after your rude awakening via Lucifer earlier this morning, but you kept pushing on, determined to get the work assigned to you done faster in order to feel the sweet relief of your bed- the washing waves of a peaceful slumber washing over your body, the sweet comforting feeling of your covers…oh how wonderful it would be! 
That whole idea of your bed kept you awake and conscious long enough to get all of your tasks done and finally go to sleep.. To hopefully see his smile beaming at you, thanking you for all of your hard work and demonstrating how much work ethic you could really show off.. Making him praise you, dance with you, and to your hopeful imagination- he would…. Kiss you.
I mean, who wouldn’t want THE Diavolo, ruler of all demons, the finest demon in the lands, to lay his golden gaze on someone who’s been pining after him since the moment you lied eyes on him in the student council room, his rich, deep, chocolatey voice working wonders on your nerves….chocolate.. Mm. 
You slowly started drifting off into a deep sleep, the images of sheep-turned-chocolate-bars jumping over several fences plaguing your dream- although, you didn't really mind since you started to go on a rampage, shoving the chocolate bar sheep down your throat at record speeds.
And that was the last thing you thought about whilst still in a conscious state- before the milk sheep arrived- and we really shouldn’t talk about that incident.. But you eventually ended up sleeping in for the last two days leading up to Diavolo’s party, and now you sat in your bed, the morning of his party, daydreaming about how you would go about talking to  Diavolo before Lucifer starts hogging all of his attention, AKA, being your only chance to get him alone long enough to confess. 
Oh, how lucky you were that Lucifer came to your room with an offer, the offer to end all others- the offer you were fantasizing about in your dreams! 
Being able to offer Diavolo the first dance of the night.
‘’I and Barbatos were discussing how the cake that was ordered for Lord Diavolo's party would be arriving late, and that we would need the lights off and Lord Diavolo to be distracted long enough for either of us to get the cake in. The both of us only came up with one solution that would be a long enough distraction for this situation to run smoothly- that being a ballroom dance between someone and Diavolo, preferably someone that he shows interest in as well.’’
You looked at Lucifer with a mix of pure excitement and confusion, his comment about ‘’Preferably someone he shows interest in’’ settling a giddy- schoolgirl’s crush being in the near vicinity of them- feeling deep inside of you, your face trying to mask a gigantic and goofy smile behind a straight one, which totally failed.
‘’I take it that you're very enthusiastic about this position? Well, we should visit Majolish to look for a dress-’’ you cut Lucifer off with an ecstatic shake of your head and an excited squeal, running off to your closet to pull out your sparkly red outfit from the time you and the brothers spent three days at Diavolo’s castle- ‘’No need!’’ you practically shouted at Lucifer, smiling widely at him. 
Lucifer smiled back, excusing himself to let you get your things in order and get ready for this afternoon’s events. 
And then, it was the big event- something both you and Diavolo were anxiously waiting for, awaiting the looks on each other's faces, those mistaken glances that you both dismissed as your mind playing tricks on you, the rhythmic thumping of your hearts in-tune as you traveled to the ballroom- the thought of who would accept their confession, or who would reject it.
Diavolos mind raced at a mile a minute, his thoughts utterly plagued with thoughts of what outfit you would be gracing his eyes with, his hellish soul finally finding some solace in the eye candy that you called your soul, and even though it was Satan’s birthday party, he had no interest in that short-tempered mini version of Lucifer- he only had his eyes on the one person that always managed to brighten his day, make him smile, make his eternal hell more beautiful with every word that you spoke- hell, even down to the simple letters you said made his knees weak! 
All he wanted to see was you tonight, hopefully in that same gorgeous sparkly red outfit you wore to the ball at his castle last time…you looked so breathtaking that he had to manually breathe for a while, of course being a little upset that someone else took up the offer to dance with you..
But all he had to do was just make it through the formalities with numerous noble demons and the..others..and he would be happily frolicking across the room to be the first man to ask you to dance! And even if a certain SOMEONE managed to snatch up the opportunity before him, he would still have another (guaranteed) chance of getting to finally get a dance, and confess, to you! 
He was practically kicking his feet in anticipation of the event- praying to whatever god that would listen to him that you would accept his confession and become forever his..!
And you felt the exact same way, your heart thumping as a single spotlight shone down on your body, making the sparkles on your outfit shine with a fiery red passion, your figure being illuminated with a red aura- the sparkles truly doing their part to make sure you looked your absolute best for your not-so-secret crush- the lights being turned off and everything around you being pitch black helped the sparkles do their part even more.
You started to sweat bullets in anticipation, and the anxiety of Diavolo not accepting both of your proposals- your confession, and your dance- it would be the bane of your existence if he even rejected ONE of your offers, especially in front of the demon brothers who wouldnt let you live that embarrassment down, like forever. 
Until, the man of the hour arrived, in a matching sparkly red suit that sparkled from the reflected light that shone off of your outfit, adorned with a fur coat and golden accessories- his matching golden eyes darting around to presumably look for someone before they cast their golden gaze on you. 
Your hand extends outward towards Diavolo, beckoning him closer with an allusive gloved hand that he gladly abided by soft classical music played in the background as you both joined hands, and before you could even open your mouth, Diavolo stopped you by kissing your gloved hand and asking, ‘’Would you care for a dance, MC?’’ with that same deep chocolatey voice that made the hairs on your body stand up- your head nodding as a answer, and your dance with the devil beginning. 
His hand softly guiding your waist through the song, his golden gaze connecting to yours- never leaving the comfort of the personal sanctuary that you both had created just by simply looking at one another, smiles and blushes that were directed at the other, secret peeks at perfectly kissable lips started the more passionate dance that ended in small giggles and laughs, twirls, and finally a slow dance that ended with your head on Diavolo’s chest, his hands holding you close to him as if you were just going to disappear off of the face of the earth that very second. 
It felt as if the world had stopped, at it was just you and Diavolo together now. 
But still, the same question rang throughout your heads- ‘’Do they love me back?’’ like an unending reminder of the upcoming event that would either have you leaving the room in saddened disappointment or utter glee, you both fished for each other's hands before intertwining them and asking the same big question at the same time, that question that kept you both awake for hours on end, the question that you both fantasized about being an ecstatic ‘’yes!’’ and a not so child-friendly passionate kiss that ended in some bedroom affairs..
‘’I want to be your one and only MC!’’ Diavolo shouted with a massive red blush adorning his face, his eyes closing in some form of weariness before they shot open once they heard what your response was.
‘’I want you to ravish me in bed for hours on end!’’ you had ONE job. 
You only stared into the abyss in horror as you realized exactly what had come out of your mouth, right in front of the demon you were pining after- and with Mammon’s nervous cough, a sputter from Satan, and the sound of Belphies head rising from his pillow didn't help the situation at all. Fuck. 
‘’MC.. I'm flattered, you really are the one for me! I'm so glad that you feel the same way about me as I do you! I also want to ravage you in bed for hours on end! I can't wait for after my birthday party ends, you know?’’ Diavolo smiled, flashing a mischievous smile and picking you up so you would be sitting on his upper arm, watching how your face turned from embarrassment to actual shock to what he SAID to you- mirroring the same faces of quite literally everyone else who stood in total shock considering he just admitted to.. Nevermind. Everyone just took that as the cue to start popping the party streamers and poppers and begin the celebration! 
Pulling yourself out of your daze, you smiled brightly at Diavolo before pulling his face in for a deep kiss- which the latter returned with a smile against your lips before going back to kissing you.
‘’Diavolo?’’ He hums in response, his head now resting against yours- ‘’How did you know the birthday party was for you?’’ Diavolo laughs, pointing to himself and saying ‘’Walking lie detector, that's how my darling!’’ 
You give a dragged-out ‘’oooooooh!’’ before telling Diavolo to join in on the festivities you and the brothers spent a whole day being halfway conscious to prepare- the both of you running over to pester Lucifer about god-knows-what, and enjoying Diavolo’s birthday to the fullest! Given that YOU specifically had an ‘’after-party’’ with Diavolo after the event concluded…and came home to wide-eyed brothers and pestering questions about Diavolo’s private bed life before Lucifer finally chucked a plate at Mammon’s head which shut up the rest of them lickity-split!
A\N - Yello! biz speaking, this fic quite literally took all of my motivation out, I spent over 8 hours total making this fic and it turned out to be somewhat longer than my LXR fic (6 pages long on Google Docs!) and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, and I plan on making fics for all boys before updating on other categories, so drop a follow (if you like) for more obey me x reader content!
Bizmuth 24' | Bizmuth's Workshop
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fagtainsparklez · 8 months
btw did you see alpharads newest insta story. i think you should
I DID. the three of them look so fucking good <333
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bacchuschucklefuck · 25 days
love thinking kipperlilly spends her afterlife looking for lucy in a familiar forest
#not art#fhjy#fhjy spoilers#like. does she have a mean of knowing lucy and yolanda got sent to cassandra's domain to hang out for a bit#kipperlilly's isolation means so much to me. she is punished for everything she's done she just doesn't pick up on it#until the moment she dies! one more funky thing that mirrors riz in which he's actively tried to cultivate a community and denied it#until the bad kids. while kipperlilly does not want or care about a community she just wants someone who validates her#but she does Need a community so she latches onto the person she lets closer to her to fulfill her emotional needs#she took the ritual willingly so this might genuinely be her first death. probably terrifying#probably not even enough bandwidth to feel mortified. maybe immediately seeking something comforting out of instinct alone#lmao honestly thinking too much abt fantasy high afterlifes gives me a headache And a visceral fear#Im not religious but I grew up in a culture with a dominantly buddhist/taoist cosmology its Scary that u just go to A Place after u die!!#and then ur still urself!!! thats scary to me what do u mean u stay like that forever. thats fucked#but yeah I think this influences how I see kipperlilly turn out a little bit. in a sense I think of her as being a ghost now#yknow. trying to solve something from life so she can move on and. stop living this life etc#man the reveal that lucy took being killed pretty seriously and is like yeah the others are decent and even sweet#and probably was just trying to hold her party together and do what she thinks is moral by hearing kipperlilly out#lol lmao etc. gods I gotta wonder how kipperlilly's mindset handled jawbones' help#it really is damn tragic tho. I stand by what I said folks like this will complain and be nasty to be around#but they dont have enough desire to inconvenience themselves to off the bat do something abt what they find unfair or whatever#its when theyre handed the seemingly very easy means to be right that they'll start being dangerous#its horribly tragic that the supposed metaplayer and the self-perceived mastermind turned out to ultimately be just an useful idiot#yknow what. I think personally in my heart kipperlilly moves on from her afterlife the moment she says sorry#doesnt even have to be to lucy but that's probably gonna be who received it#ah.... teenage rebellion. teenage gamejacking
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only just processed that luca added the flames to the colander helmet...implicitly b/c of alberto’s “also i added flames” dream vespa design alteration...
#like evidence afterwards that someone was paying real attention even when at the time the other party felt ignored / tuned out....So sweet.#which also my audhd life experiences like. if i learn anyone ever absorbed anything i said it's like oh whoa living large lmao#anyways the point is it only occurred to me the other day lol. like i'd noticed the flames but just didn't piece anything else together#i Love how many like. threads & details you Can piece together like that but are just kind of quietly in the bg otherwise#and fun how everything luca needs for the race is definitely like Somewhere Underwater...colander fell in the sea...bike by the sunken boat#god knows what color situation i fumbled my way into here. so the classic spin of just like Also there's more stripped down versions#who knows if i'll like do more of a full color approach version. they can't stop you. nor stop you from just posting lineart#or stop me from going off the walls w/their tail lengths lol#luca#luberto#lucalberto#😚😚😚#fish freckles you are everything to me...#eta not me forgetting to save the [solid bg color]less pngs as transparent....i was up all night#didn't help w/the color selecting that i'm bad at anytime lol#ok hopefully now they're actually transparent#smhhh now i've realized i forgot a little line to indicate webbing betwixt alberto's fingers there#not as big a deal as how i ALMOST forgot to include any of their arm/leg fins. i'll fix it if i do the [full coloring] deal lol. imagine it#yet another eta: occurs to me i could've made alberto purpler & the bg blue. well;
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shivcodedkendall · 2 years
Louis de Pointe du Lac + His Family + His Identity
After his father died, Louis had to step up and be the breadwinner for the family to keep them all comfortable and maintain their status (even tho they all know how morally fucked their family money is, but that’s another conversation lol). Louis has to put aside his struggles with depression and repress his sexuality (which is like an open secret that they choose to ignore) in order to play the role of the strong, stoic black patriarch, to keep the love and connection with his family intact for most of his life, despite it being very dysfunctional from the beginning. Makes me wonder a lot about what his father was like and how he passed…. And even though Louis so badly wanted to escape the confinements of his family, taking care of his siblings was one of the only things giving him a reason to live imo. Bc even tho his family is not perfect, they’re all he has in this racist, homophobic society he exists in (not to mention his disconnect from other working class black people in the town, bc although miss Bricktop and Miss Lily are there, he is still their boss! How genuine can that connection be when he’s running a brothel that exploits them?)
like being this person to his family becomes his whole purpose, so much so that he gets lost in it. Like for Louis, losing Paul ofc is devastating bc he loved him so much and opened up to him, but Louis also makes it about himself in a way, seeing it as a personal failing on his part. And ofc this is also bc his very own mother places the blame on Louis’ last words to him, (I love you!!!) and this just taints his whole view of genuine expressions of love. then he continues to lose his mother who dies thinking he’s the devil.
That’s already his entire family gone, save for Grace. And it’s so fucked because he doesn’t even lose her to death, but she chooses to cut him off (which hurts but I also don’t 100% fault her for that, based on the little information she has about Louis now). To Louis, I feel that this is his biggest fear confirmed- that the caretaker role he played in the family was what they loved, not Louis himself (but also…who even is the “real” Louis? He doesn’t know!) His sweet Grace is the one who literally is like “you’re dead to me essentially. you’re not my Louis, not the one I grew up with.” gives me flashbacks to him asking Lestat “Aren’t I enough??” Ooof like identity crisis much??? goddd
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hammerbacks · 23 days
i'm currently this close 👌 to resigning my labour party membership, but i'm stuck in this really horrible situation where it feels like i'm going to be cutting away an important part of myself if i go through with it because i've been a member for about 8 years now
whilst i'm simultaneously feeling as though it's pointless continuing it because it's not the party i care so much about anymore, which bothers me to the point where i think they're going to have to pull a fucking serious miracle to get me to even consider voting for them in july??
hilariously though, i've ticked the catchpa box on the online membership resignation form and it's just going round and round in circles like this, which i think bears a brilliant resemblance to how i feel right now:
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hammondb3organcistern · 3 months
Don’t wanna be ‘friends’ (using this term extremely loosely) with this one girl i’m in the same cohort/course with…her belief system + the way she perceives other people and the world is so…i cannot think of a better word so: SHUDDERING. but she’s friends with my circle of cohort/friends so she’ll always be in my circle…?
#she cheated with her ex when her ex already had a new girlfriend and she didn’t feel any remorse at all#she justified her cheating by saying sex is just sex w/her ex & that she wanted her ex’s gf (which she hasn’t even met or known) to feel the#(same things she did hurt; betrayed; cheated on) and i’m like. you’re a fucking cheater? that’s so horrible for you to do?#you don’t even know this girl? she came to be with ur ex in an appropriate way? wdym she deserves to be cheated on because you did…#BY ANOTHER MAN? not even this specific ex?#literally so insane. and she’s like: im going to therapy blah blah blah but clearly you lack the respect and consciousness#me and my friend who listened to her said that she should confess that they cheated with each other to the poor girl but she’s like…#‘not my business’ uhm the fuck it is? you were a third party. and saying that the boy should be the one confessing…uhm WHY NOT U BOTH?#and their relationship (ex and girl) CONTINUED even after the fact and they broke up only recently (early march) and idk if the girl knew#like. truly. i’ve never met someone so incredibly…vile? i guess? what’s a better word for it 😭#and what’s also so inappropriate about her is that she has like a bf and she keeps droning on about her ex like rent free in her mind#keeps flirting w other men; looking at them and saying she has crushes and all that and want to make a move. like. YOU HAVE A BF?#i don’t wanna be near someone like that. and what’s unfortunate is my close friend is close with her so i’m a ‘friend’ BY association#and that friend of mine also can’t disentangle herself from her bec she’s her first ever friend in uni lmao. so there’s sentimentality there#& we talked abt this w each other; how disappointing it was for her to be like that. and how my friend feels she’s complacent in being okay#with cheating (but she’s not) and i’m like…ugh.#probably one of the worst people i’ve ever met i’m so sorry to say that genuinely. when i’m with her in a grp (i NEVER hang out w her alone)#i feel like my principles r being hijacked and violated and being engulfed by something i’ve kept myself away from lol
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famewolf · 11 months
if im being honest and allowing myself to vent a bit about it ... another red flag was when the DM went 'wow i love the detail of your backstory but idk what i can do with it tho ):'
#[static]#it immediately made me feel bad for trying to make a character work with the aesthetic she had given us tbh#i could already tell she didnt seem to be super character story driven so i just made a pretty simple drifter-type#for a post-apocalyptic setting n such and made a group that tied into the whole over-arching premise#i also literally just did bullet points cuz i could tell she wasn't gonna want to read one of the backstories i usually do#and as someone who has mostly dm'd in the past i did my v best to make a character that was super easy for the dm to incorporate in any way#like a solid reason for being there a reason for wanting to adventure with strangers a reason for seeing the mission through no matter what#made a whole small faction and connected them to the overarching theme and plot in multiple ways#wrote down lore and npcs she could use for the faction if she didnt want to make up her own#like all the works and all i got was two sentences back about it ... one of them being like 'cool but i dont like the extra details'#aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh#ok im done yelling now i just need to vent for a second#i feel bad for feeling kinda bummed about the experience because this is the first time i got to play at a physical table in years#and i know how hard it is to DM#but also when you come to the table with zero notes for the first session its ... probably gonna be disappointing jkfghdf#i DID have fun however because the party banter was hilarious and it was fun getting to hang out with ppl!#but communication between DM and players was not great#also let me be clear she did like that i made so many connections and hooks into the story and it helped her a lot#she was NOT interested in my character's past like ... jobs or npcs#but also u could just Not say anything about it and just be like 'sweet cool thanks for the info' LMAo
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Arin, our ranger, in the process of Messing Everything Up in the Ravnica campaign.
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arsonway · 8 months
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Trust Issues
just my favorite red mage cosplaying black mage :>
#you know what makes me a little sad?#every time someone tells me i'm not a black mage main because “i always play red mage”#just because i didn't do the savage tier on black mage doesn't mean it's not my main#let me do black mage things in “filthy casual” content i like - ya know?#if they only do savage with me and and that's literally all the gameplay they witness me playing... like there's other content?#i immediately stopped progging after i got my glam lmao#i was not the biggest fan of the ascension weapons#i didn't even bother finishing p12s#so i guess i was done with the savage tier super early#all msq +first-time alliance+normal raid runs are on black mage for the chaotic suboptimal experience#but i won't grief my party by suddenly playing black mage in savage without practice#i won't prog savage on black mage when a ping spike will drop my enochian or cancel my despair cast#yes red mage hits like a wet noodle#yes people are overly reliant on res#yes red mage is so-called “easy”#but i'd rather prog faster and clear early over getting blamed for “slowing down prog” on black mage#may hydaelyn ever bless that path of party finder because we sure need it... jfc#i especially won't play black mage with people who i know will maliciously rescue me out of ley lines and intentionally drop aoes on me#leaning so far into that black mage meme for idk? giggles i guess? and wipes? like do you not want to clear?#the same people who say i'm not a black mage main will grief me during black mage play too#so idk maybe they haven't realized that they're part of the issue
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snowflop · 6 months
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Merry Christmas eve, I've got my blazer on and I'm ready to party :>
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pinkfey · 2 years
the alienation of showing up to an event as the only person masked is like. the absolute worst.
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multishipper-baby · 1 year
Since drawing Derek as a bunny boy I've been thinking about that more so uh. Have another horny post rip.
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bylertruther · 2 years
do me a favor, pls. think abt the eddie we were introduced to before he let down his walls after realizing that the party weren't who he thought they were. did u do tht? okay, cool, thank u. now, please tell me if you think that will would like him bc i'm very curious to hear y'all's thoughts 🧐📝
#see in theory sometimes im like yeah OFC someone that's into dnd that much and that is so unapologetically himself and loves what he loves#with reckless abandon and wears his otherness like a shield rather than something to be ashamed of sounds like someone will would like#and then i think abt how dustin n mike were scared to tell eddie n lucas didn't even try to and how eddie threw food at them and manhandled#them roughly n shoved them away and how he spoke abt lucas n i'm like ........hm.#the eddie that wrestles with dustin n pretends to be warriors with him n tells him to never change n makes lotr references? hell yeah#the soft joke-cracking goofy silly sweet eddie that he shows to chrissy? hell yeah#the eddie that he shows to his lambs at the lunch table? mmmmmmmm i don't think so#bc eddie didn't change until he saw that the party was cooler and braver than him lmao. he was so cagey until he realized oh these guys#know what they're doing and are not the people i assumed they were (prob bc he expects ppl to judge him so much [n they do] tht he finds#himself judging them too and i guess trying to get the upper hand if tht makes sense? idk how 2 explain it idk the Words)#and i just ... don't know that will would like being manhandled roughly by another man after lonnie#or having things thrown at him#when the most anyone has ever done with him is ruffle his hair lol#but then i think well... maybe eddie would react accordingly? like he did with chrissy? but idk#i'm not an eddie scholar idk who that man is#ANYWAY tell me ur thoughts <3#side note. ->#i like ripple effect by one of the greatest writers in all of human history aka lilacline bc of how she wrote will not taking eddie's shit#bc THAT felt hashtag real to me
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713-4th-ward-g · 1 year
#what sucks is the moment someone is super nice to me 😭 i start to liking them a lot#why am i like this 😭#i get shown any kind of decency or any genuine kindness I start to really like like them#then end up ruining the whole mood by telling them I like them 😂#i suppose finding some more attractive cause they're super nice to me stems from my childhood trauma LMAO#gotta love being a neglected kid 😭😂 it doesnt help when they're extremely pretty too 😭😭#lmao#what's wrong with me have some sense 😂 I know that just cause a person is nice to me doesnt mean they like like me or they even like me 😭#but i still can't help but start liking them 😂 its also probably cause i finally feel like someone cares about me 😭 then it goes back to#childhood trauma 😂 dude i cant lie being neglected while still having both parents is some thing else#cause its like I had both but they were always at work and when they got home would be so mean to each other mainly my dad to my mother;#the only did they'd ask if i was hungry but by the time grandma came to live with us that stopped and so they would not really talk to me#like i was talking to my cousin Richard on the night of the party; he asked why i dont talk to my dads side of the family#and he's super drunk and starts belittle and make light of the situation before i even start the main reason. so i told him to stop talking#over me and let me finish and stop belittling and making light of the reasons why i stopped talking to them entirely#then he got butt hurt and ended up waking his wife who was sleeping in the living room to go home.#i swear i have issues that i have yet to address lol and going to therapy doesnt work cause it makes me super uncomfortable so i stop going#after the first visits#😮‍💨 i can be so overwhelming why am i like this just cause they're nice to me doesnt mean they actually like me or even like like me 😭#i need to be better at accepting people's kindness without falling attached or like liking them a lot LMAO.#personal
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lord-squiggletits · 2 years
When I think about it it’s actually kind of weird that JRO retroactively wrote in that around the time Megatron killed Sentinel, he was still trying to convince the populace to be on his side (”trying to convince the populace” as in caring about the people rather than fighting for its own sake as established in Dark Cybertron).
I mean when I think about the fact that Megatron had the entire Senate massacred (bar a few random Senators), that’s not exactly a move that inspires confidence broadly in a population? Maybe I’m coming at it from a privileged perspective but I feel like in any given society, massacring the entire standing government is a move that WOULD appeal to radical elements (aka the people that probably already stood with Megatron), but it would definitely not inspire confidence in the Decepticons to literally anyone else. The Senate being evil or no, a rebel group that kills (or arranges to be killed) the entire standing government body isn’t exactly a group that most people would look at and go “hmm they will definitely stop killing right at this point and they will definitely not continue to use violence as a form of political action and control.”
#squiggposting#jro being on his megatron apologism as usual i suppose#inb4 someone calls me a centrist for this take lmao#can you think of a single event in history where an entire government was murdered#and the government who arose in its place didn't continue killing people just like they killed the previous government?#if you can then please tell me because i'd love to know#i think the only saving grace of this is that there was no actual footage/proof captured of who killed the senate#but also megatron was dueling sentinel in the open and then killed HIM so i feel like it's fairly obvious to the populace#that the decepticons were behind the senate murder even if there's no 'proof'#there's no other political party on cybertron with enough political or military clout to pull off something so ambitious#like idk sure the government is evil and most if not all of them deserved to die#but also straight up murdering a whole government doesn't really prove that you will be a good government in turn you know what i mean#i'm not sure how megatron expected to win the populace of cybertron to his side by demonstrating that he and his followers#primary tactic is violence#it's like okay you destroyed the evil government so what are your plans for like restabilization and creating some sort of mechanism#for representation? the work doesn't just stop with killing people#but if you just straight up kill all of your political opponents... that doesn't really inspire confidence in the ability to rule#given that war is politics and politics requires things like concessions and trials and some sort of you know#not just killing all of your enemies#anyways i do appreciate the added depth to megatron but like#i'm pretty sure that addition to the plot was 100% JRO retconning things to make megatron more sympathetic#i suppose i can buy that at that point in his life megatron viewed such violence AS a way to express his care for the people#but just because that's what he THINKS doesn't mean the rest of the world would see it as such
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