#I love d&d
smoft-demons · 7 months
What if pacts gave you spells
I’ve had another idea!!
Demons in this setting are pretty fuckin magic. MC as well, has some funny magic going on in the late game iirc. What if the magic started showing up sooner, specifically because of the pacts?? What if the avatars have specific themed abilities and you get powered down versions of those powers through the pact? Ive been having Ideas about it!!
In pact order:
Mammon is the avatar of greed. Money and stuff is his thing. So I think his pact, at a low level, should give you a heat metal spell. I imagine HE has a summon-molten-metal ability that he can use in combat, because that’d be awesome. It’d be a real no holds barred type of move, because like,, being burned to death in molten metal is a REAL brutal way to go. He’s a demon tho. I think it would make some sense for him to be able to do it.
Gravity magic also makes sense for Mammon. Black holes be greedy. The vibe seems right. The dunamancy spell Ravenous Void is pretty much what I’m thinking.
Mammon’s really fast too. So maybe he can give you haste, longstrider, misty step… maybe blink.
Another thing in Mammon’s wheelhouse is gambling. Luck, stacking chances in your favour and all that. So let’s have him give you something like silvery barbs too. Something that lets you skew chance in your favour when you need to.
I’d say the list of spells you get from him goes like: heat metal and longstrider at first. Then you get stronger after season 1, and you get misty step, something along the lines of silvery barbs, and haste (to make others faster I think is a higher level thing than making yourself faster). When you’re MUCH stronger, you get ravenous void. Maybe you get a weaker version earlier.
No matter what tho, no one’s version of that black hole spell is stronger than Mammon’s.
Then you pact with Leviathan. He’s a sea serpent, and he’s the grand admiral of hell’s navy. I’d imagine he’s crazy good with navigation and has a sea monster form, on top of the other abilities he canonically has (summoning Lotan, making floods, etc)
I’d say Levi’s pact gives you: create water, find familiar (because Lotan), breathing underwater and some magical ability that helps you not get lost. At a higher level, you get to summon a powerful water elemental. Maybe even a wildshape-esque ability that is specifically for turning into a sea serpent.
I would also say it’s Levi’s pact that gives you darkvision. You really need it if you’re going in deep water. Also, if ANYONE of these seven can give you the classic warlock spell Eldritch blast, it’d be Levi. It’s not very high level, you can have it early on.
Beel’s gluttony, and honestly black holes fit him too. But I think that’s such an absurdly OP thing that it HAS to go to Mammon.
Beel is also a tank. He’s a protector. He’s real strong and resilient and he’s the type to purposely take damage in order to save someone he loves from having to. In the game he makes the pact with the implication that he wants you to have it so he can protect you next time. So I think he wouldn’t WANT to encourage his human to do the same tank thing as him, but still I think his pact would help you do that. It would just make you stronger and more durable I think.
That bit is less a spell and more an ability score increase. Raises your strength and constitution.
Of the actual spells tho, there’s gotta be something abjuration. Some magic shield spell kind of thing. Also, obviously some way to create food. Maybe when you’re stronger you get hero’s feast. Some way to summon a swarm of locusts is on theme for Beel. Also, his telepathic connection with Belphie makes me think of message.
I think Beel wants you to have feather fall. I think that might be one of his first priorities.
So his list would go: feather fall, some magic shield, message, and the constitution increase. Then at a higher level, the strength increase, summon locusts, and create/summon food. Even higher, hero’s feast or something like it…
The summoning food spells is not really a thing I think Beel can do/an ability he can share through the pact, but I think he deserves to be able to give you that. He would just like to be able to do that. Why not let him.
Next pact is Asmo. The most obvious thing for him is a charisma buff.
Then in terms of spells, suggestion makes a lot of sense. So does friends, disguise self, vicious mockery, and minor illusion. Later on, mass suggestion and crown of madness.
He’s not usually the very aggressive sort, though of course I don’t put violence past him at all. Bloodlust is still lust, after all. Passion is kinda his whole domain. No, Asmo is VERY capable of violence I’m sure, he just doesn’t indulge in it often because he likes his pristine image and others’ tendencies to underestimate him far more.
With that in mind, maybe some kind of slow acting necromantic curse makes sense for the offensive move he’d give you. Some way to magically give someone a dose of venom in their veins just by touching them.
Canonically in the game Asmo basically uses dominate beast (on Henry 1.0 in the catacombs under the demon king’s castle) but I can’t help but associate that more with Lucifer (because Cerberus) so I kind of want to give it to him instead… but Asmo literally DID it so…
I think Asmo’s list goes: suggestion, vicious mockery, friends, disguise self. Then the charisma increase, casting illusions (minor or otherwise), and crown of madness. Then mass suggestion, dominate beast, and the venom spell. That seems right.
Then it’s Satan’s turn.
Ok so the most obvious thing for him as the avatar of wrath is giving you a whole ass level in barbarian. The rage ability. And like,, that works, but like… doesn’t super match his personality. Controlling his wrath is more what he seems to care about.
If the spells he can give you are chosen by him, then I think you’d get comprehend languages, speak with animals, legend lore, that kind of thing.
But if it’s not his choice, then the ability to rage. In terms of spells, stuff like blight, finger of death, fireball, meteor swarm, disintegrate. Dramatically destructive kind of thing.
I’m gonna say it’s probably somewhere in between. You don’t get rage or disintegrate from him, nor all the best of the curious nerd spells. But you DO get: prestidigitation (can start fires OR quickly clean messes, up to you, be smart and crafty to get the most out of it), comprehend languages, firebolt. Later, you get fireball (upgrade for firebolt!) blight, and lets say something electric. Like, being able to electrocute someone by grabbing them.
Now for Belphie!
I can’t help but think of him less in D&D terms and more like,, psychic type Pokémon. That just seems like the right vibe for him.
I wanna say you’d get two necromancy spells after the whole lesson 16 thing—specifically, toll the dead and chill touch. The vibes of toll the dead just seem fitting for some reason, and come ON, chill touch couldn’t possibly be more perfect! It makes a spectral, skeletal hand that clings to your target (around their neck maybe?) to (and I quote!) “assail it with the chill of the grave” which deals necrotic damage and delays healing. It’s PERFECT, okay, except for… it doesn’t make any sense to get those from the pact with Belphie. They have nothing to do with HIM, and everything to do with what he did to you.
Maybe you can get it from the weird resurrection thing that happens instead. All kinds of weird shit can happen when timelines and your life get all fucky like that, I guess. You met a ghost and got shoved back to life and then time got weird, I’m sure at that point anything can happen.
Actually FROM Belphie, the obvious spell you’d get is sleep. Put some bastard to sleep, make them unconscious, that’s his main thing.
I think the list goes: sleep. Then later, with more power, you get confusion (like the Pokémon move)and phantasmal force (the one that projects an illusion only visible to the target, that is able to deal damage to them. Many very creative applications of this spell are possible). At the highest possible level, power word kill. The quickest and laziest possible way to do a murder, as long as you use it right.
Finally, Lucifer.
Big strong powerful Morningstar! Proud bastard that everyone can’t help but listen to.
So OBVIOUSLY you get dominate person from him! (yes, all seven of them have the ability to force a non-MC human to obey them magically but shhh. Lets say only Lucifer can GIVE that ability to a human.)
I think he’d be the one who can give you classic demonic abilities like fire resistance and hellish rebuke. I can’t imagine Lucifer not having some disintegrate-like ability, as the third most powerful demon in the realm.
He can’t give you a whole ass pair of wings, he can’t change the structure of your body, but I think maybe he can give you the fly spell. Or even just something like a double jump and a fully controlled fall. I think that suits him.
Yknow what else suits him? Meteor swarm. Super powerful, dramatically destructive, only the strongest can cast it… flaming destruction falling from the sky… Fall imagery weaponized into an absurdly high damage spell. Seems like Lucifer!
So let’s say his spell list for you is: hellish rebuke and fire resistance (not a spell, but still). Then, dominate person, the flight-adjacent spell, and disintegrate. Then finally, meteor swarm. That seems right.
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emthimofnight · 4 months
My favorite DnD show had the line
Will you be my big sister? I would really really love to have you as a big sister.
Thinking of Stellar and Andromeda reminded me of that line
Dude.... I LOVE Fantasy High. 😭 I should have added Aelwyn to my list of fave characters off the top of my head. I have been LOVING her in the latest season.
My nerdy love of D20 aside... You'd be 100% right. 🥺❤️ Adaine and Aelwyn's relationship would be a lot like Stellar and Andromeda's. Stellar would be so happy to know she had siblings, only for that joy to be crushed when that feeling is NOT reciprocated. Andromeda would be very envious and resentful towards Stellar, but it wouldn't stop Stellar from trying to reach out to her every time they interacted, even if Andromeda was hurling punches at her head.
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c-duceusclay · 1 year
"Super easy dc. It's gonna be a 10."
"I got a 1."
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sakura-fraust · 1 year
Sometimes playing D&D means letting the dragon goddess Tiamat raw you stupid from her prison in the Hells while your other party members seduce two of her red dragon great-grandchildren to help you all kill one of Tiamat's first brood red dragon children who's an abusive PoS uwu
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doctor-disc0 · 3 months
Tonight in our D&D session, we arrived in the village of Barovia for the first time (we're doing Curse of Strahd). This guy we just met scoffs as he's leaving. Our tortle barbarian unfortunately notices and goes to punch him. Does 4 damage. Knocks the guy out because he only has 4 hit points. Turns out that guy is the only merchant in town. Our human cleric heals him up, but I guarantee he will not like us if he sees us with our barbarian and will not sell to us.
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superwholocklotr95 · 11 months
Introducing - the Shrinken
You know those D&D sessions where utter mayhem happens and you have no idea how you got from point A to point utter idiocy? Yeah, that.
In the middle of tonight's session (and please don't ask me what led up to it because I have NO IDEA, I JUST LITERALLY LOOKED AWAY FOR A SECOND AND THERE IT WAS), right as we were preparing a FUNERAL for one of our DEAREST NPCs, one of our party members shared the following pic in our Discord chat (picture found at: https://www.trendhunter.com/trends/weird-animal-hybrids):
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We saw it and immediately went - boss. So, introducing the Shrinken (my "Chimp" suggestion was sadly overruled due to an alleged member of the animal kingdom which already holds this name).
Stats are currently being worked on by our DM. One of our buddies will also make a fully serious illustration of the beast. The NPC funeral has been put on hold (i.e. none of us give a damn currently because SHRINKEN).
Help, lol.
Edit: Currently we are discussing a sub-species called the Freud Shrinken. It makes you self-conscious about your relationship with your parents.
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stoppit-keepout · 5 months
"ttrpgs are about escapism" sure
"ttrpgs are about processing life events and trauma" uh-huh
"ttrpgs are about thinking what it takes to make a person change" yeah one hundo, but really when you get right down to it:
"ttrpgs are about someone getting to very seriously and dramatically, as a real emotional beat, ask, '[NPC].... where's Waldo?'"
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Arin, our ranger, in the process of Messing Everything Up in the Ravnica campaign.
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sanguivor · 2 years
door in the dwarven dungeon was warded with the maze spell and my sorcerer (also the party healer) volunteered to trigger it because we don't have dispel magic and the moment she's in another plane everyone else gets ambushed 💀
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millidew · 5 months
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his change in career has captivated me
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andy-dandy · 9 months
love seeing the beginnings of perseus "pay your fucking child support" jackson's crusade against the gods' parental negligence problem in ep 1 & 2 of the pjo show. the absolute KING of "my daddy gave me issues so HE'S about to HAVE issues"
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stargirl230 · 8 months
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thanks for the light
I was just trying to figure out how procreate works but then the op brainworms got to me and 35 hours later here we are! can you tell I miss home-cooked meals :')
(no reposts; reblogs appreciated)
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lavendervirgos · 5 months
I give you permission to wake me up if you're horny. Or just use my body for your pleasure, because I look way too cute asleep.
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Macaque spent the whole season Big-Damn-Hero-ing and was NOT happy about it xD
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harritudur · 4 months
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scars 👒🍊⚔️
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franeridart · 10 months
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I love dragon btw
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