#i know that it has just been nerfed but i only want to try haha
nanintell · 2 years
Me: I want dark contract with the gate
Duel links: Here is 3 ur
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boxwinebaddie · 29 days
Miss Ninaa!! When are you free for the summer???
hello, sweetling! and good morning, good afternoon or good night wherever it is that you are. <3 regardless of the time of day, please just know that the world around you is brighter bc you're in it. c':
so i just want to start out by saying that i know i say this a lot...but i cannot tell you what it means to me that you guys care enough about me to be curious about the trajectory of my offline life.
...like, i really just have the sweetest anons in the world, huh? ;-;
i feel unbelievably blessed and count my lucky stars everyday because of each and everyone of you. thank you for being your lovely, lovely selves and caring not only about me as a person but my silly and strange au styles from hell.
speaking of, i am aware that it does not seem like it because of how sporadically i post ncu related content ( if at all ) but i am trying to work on some stuff...as you know well by now, i like to really take my time putting out my work because the quality of the content that you read is paramount to me. you are all far too near and dear to my heart to receive lame, rushed, unclear boof ass content from me.
like...i simply will not do it. thank you for your paitence.
( i will say that i am specifically working on an ask about the greenhouse kiss which AAAAAA giggling, twirling my hair and kicking my feet, like it is SOOOOO satisfying, holy shit! it's also very, very important to the plot which is why i have been taking my time on it. i do hope to put it out today but i am trying not to make promises that i can't keep, get your hopes and dreams up just to dash them and most unfortunately, i do not have a great track record in that regard. i know it's kind of a bummer...but i like to be honest w/ y'all. )
without further ado, here's a little glimpse into my life. xx
again, thank you for asking...that is very cute of you. c': <333
( this is lengthy and lowkey irrelevant. you can absolutely skip this but i think that i am pretty informative in here, so it might be useful? idk. )
so actually, my summer is pretty busy and jam-packed for the most part! or, the first two months are, at least. because i decided to take on summer camp here at the school i work on! camp counsellor nina!
i decided to nab a summer camp supervising position for a couple of reasons. like, obviously, teaching does not pay that much, so really, i need to make all the money i can while i can. don't worry about me tho, guys. bc actually am doing extremely well for myself. <333
( i am a very lucky person, haha -- god nerfed me by being mentally ill, but did make me pretty and personable...which gets me far in life. on the topic of mental illness [ of which i am very ] today i should fare quite well bc other than having a mild headache and being lowkey naseous because my mood stabilizer has that side effect for me...it is worth it when i rem(ember) to take it because it makes me very calm and level, so i am better at responding to my asks/doing my tasks. )
another reason is it keeps me busy...when i am not constantly busy, i get very depressed and fall into gnarly sprials. my job has a lot of downtime and when i am not running around like crazy because a bunch of teachers are out, i'm bored as fuck and i get lazy or restless.
very lame...this summer, i will be looking for a different job ( fml, if you are my boss, don't read this ) and i am a bad procrastinator so i missed the deadline for a fuck ton of teaching positions, but hopefully i can find something in the realm of associate or assistant teaching because....lmao, point and laugh but i am still a little too nervous to teach a whole class by myself. if kids get disadvantaged academically because i am too incompetent at teaching, i will die.
but yeah...if i am still babysitting fourteen year olds after this ( they did grow on me, but it's really not my speed ) please also point and laugh because i would rather go back to retail...yes, i am desperate.
on the subject of teaching kids that are in my wheelhouse and doing stuff my speed, summer camp is actually all k-5 so i will FINALLY being doing a majority of my teaching in the age group that i have my literal credential in. YAY! it's going to be hot as shit where i am over the summer, probably also tiring as shit ( have you seen how little kids act in the summer? ) but i am so fkn exCITED to work with the littles HEEEEELLL YES, BROTHER! uncle nina will be Vibing! <333
so for the first four weeks i am doing general camp stuff, getting a feel for stuff and wokring with all the grade levels...but the LAST two weeks, i get to specifically associate teach in the kindergarten classroom and AAAAAAAA!!!!! I FKN LOVE THE KINDERS!!!!! i visit them every other day because, again, i am bored as shit and they need help over there so i usually hang out with them in PE and play hula hoop tag with them...rn they are learning how to jump rope. soooo stinking cute, oh my god.
-- BUT YES I AM SOOOOO FREAKING STOKED YOU GUYS LIKE I WAS MADE FOR THIS BROTHER. i am gonna wear so many crazy outfits and do such weird makeup pray it doesn't melt off my face.
also, during camp, they go on little field trips and things, hopefully swimming, ( uncle nina is mermaid nina ) and feed you the same stuff as the campers so i get to eat like a nasty frat boy and have pizza and pasta and stuff, which, let me tell you, i am genuinely stoked because they cater a free lunch for the faculty here everyday and it's supposed to be all fancy and shit...but there is a reason it's free because it is SOOOO mid. like it really is kind of ass. i don't know how they do that.
but, sigh, camp is only six weeks so i have to fill my time with other stuff ( also i guess that means in six weeks from when school is done on june...14th, i think? i am free? ) i hope to use that time to structure the fuck out of my life, planf or the future because i am hella bad at it and i hope to do a lot of writing! kind of a pipe dream at this point becaue all my stuff has been *british tolkien vc* actual shite and i can't finish anything...but maybe when i feel better, writing will come easier? when i am less busy and stressed? i hope so. and i hope you guys are still around if i am here but i Completely understand if you are not! it's been a long, bumpy ride. you did your dues and you are free to step off at any time. again, i do not blame you. i am annoying.
BUT YEAH! that's my summer for you! summer camp, hanging out with my cat ( her name is lily, she is very beautiful, very kind, very fluffy and dumb as rocks but she is my babygirl ), getting lots of sushi, going to the thrift store, doing self care stuff, doing less self harm in various odd forms specifically in the form of self sabotage, getting my life together and organized, finding a new job, bettering myself and the world, being kind, entertaining all of you and hopefully writing again! yay! i'll update you as much as i can.
and please, please, pleeeease update me on your lives! i know i don't always respond, but i read everything. my friend who won FIRST PLACE for her raven sculpture, I AM SO PROUD OF YOU BABY. my friends who unfortunately went through breakups, i am so sorry, please know it is their loss, you are stronger for it and i hope you heal, but if ravesey can...you can baby. also proud of my various friends going to college and my friends that are not! my friends toiling through their lame jobs and my friends who are dipping their toes in the world of creativity through writing, drawing expressing yourself! i love, love, LOVE you! thank you for sharing your lives with me.
( speaking of friends, i am specifically hoping to spend my summer bonding with my rant girlies and we made a little group chat and we are being so funny and chaotic and unhinged. i love them all so bad. )
BUT YEAH! thank you for asking my love! look out for some important in character asks, hopefully some finished or more distinguished writing and know that if i am not responding or posting, it is not because i lost interest...as you can see, i am very busy, especially as the school year approaches an end, my summer is a little busy, i fall into ugly manic/depressive cycles and am working on taking care of myself...offline. thank you for understanding.
and thank you for being here! you are troopers, forreal! you are angels and saints for putting up for me and enduring me never posting or posting really chaotic weird stuff. i love you. thanks for caring. <3
i love you and i hope you heal,
uncle nina, future ceo of glamour girl summer camp <3
P.S. i am specifically working on developing and post more about my other aus because i want to give you some variety and challenge myself to do stuff out of my comfort zone! so if you are excited at all about the tsot/tfbw nina stuff, please make some NOOOOISE! lol and if you are not i totally get it, but if you could give me gentility and grace, i would appreciate it because i'm insecure abt it. MWAH!
#hi baby!#thank you SO much for asking you are so stinking cute for this like omg i am blushing thank you so much#i am working on answering some asks but its slow goings but i am emotionally stable nina today so hell yeah brother#i love the greenhouse kiss ask but it requires a lot of context moving parts and me explaining stuff thoroughly#thank you for being paitent i hope its worth it#i also don't know how much people care about my dead ass fanfic or any of my stuff but thanks for fighting the good fight#anyways! camp counsellor nina!#i get to work with the k-5 kids i am so stoked its gonna be loud and very hot outside but fun and enriching#very stoked to do something entertaining#when i tell you i am BORED it fucking sucks like this job is so ass and rn my school is kinda going through messy drama#so it's not pleasant to be here i am not having fun#BUT I WILL! and i have a lot of fun answering my asks hell ya#wokring on getting another job holy shit please pray for me#but yah! trying to be a better me and come back into myself and write more comfortably you guys are helping me#thank you for respecting my time and need for space#i am pretty introverted inspite of my little god complex big scary writer routine and i get overwhelmed by attention#i never quite know what to say but i'm trying#write to me anytime i love you#also i had a friend send me an ask and ask me if their question is odd -- it's not sweetheart i just don't have an answer yet#i haven't shdslkhdld thought about it hard enough but i will get back to you haha y'all are unhinged and kind and so cute#ily ily ILY
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rikalovesrice · 3 years
My Thoughts on Trollhunters : Rise of the Titans
Mmmmm. Okay. So I just finished the movie. I’m fatigued as always so this’ll be a bit of a mess lol. Gotta spew the thoughts while they’re still fresh, y’all know how it is.
Right out the gate, I definitely want to talk about the things I loved.
The animation was, of course, phenomenal and gorgeous!
Voice acting was incredible as always
Douxie. I just loved seeing Douxie again and honestly kept my eyes trained on him for most the of movie lol
OK DOUXIE AND NARI SWITCHING?? BODIES??? Definitely didn’t see that coming and I legit started screaming lol
Nari in Douxie’s body is the most precious, chaotic, and wholesome thing like holy cow that was so adorable LOOKIT DOUXIE CROUCHING AND CRAWLING AROUND ON ALL FOURS WITH THOSE NOODLE LIMBS OF HIS I CAN’T --
We called Nari’s mind control and Douxie trying to reason with her!
In the very few scenes they were together, Douxie’s love and affection for Nari really came through. You could really feel how much he cared about her. ALSO THAT TENDER HUG AND NARI’S LITTLE HAPPY SQUEAK MY HEART NO--
Loved Barbara. Always love Barbara.
Walter and Barbara getting engaged
Nomura back in action
Claire being the powerful sorceress she’s become
Loved seeing Aja, Krel, and Varvatos all together again.
The way Douxie yelled Nari’s name and ran to her after she died and the remnants of her magic falling all around him, like she was saying goodbye, just *UGLY CRYING*
It was so cool to see Charlie out of his den and flying about like the mighty dragon he is
Loved the Guardians of Arcadia pulling Excaliber out together.
All the gang all going after Bellroc together
Aarrgh I love you so much
Stuart, what a bro!
We saw a hint of mercy in Bellroc towards the end.
Toby’s death... That was a huge curveball. Jim might as well have cut my heart out with Excaliber as he sobbed over his best friend.
Uh.....um....and.....Er...what else........ .___.
..........Alright so.......It’s about to get a bit brutal from here on out as I talk about the things I didn’t like at all. And the really sad thing is, at least to me, the cons far outweigh the pros in this movie. Because I’m actually having difficulty picking out things I enjoyed, they were so few and far between...which really sucks.
So here we go.
Gosh, where to begin... I guess I’ll go ahead and say this : I’m really disappointed. 
Like as I’m here typing this, I’m just thinking, “...That was it? That was the movie?? The big finale???”
So much of this movie just felt....unnecessary. I hate to say almost like filler. The entire intro re-caping the series really wasn’t needed. And then Toby went and restated it all again when he was being interrogated. The pacing, oh my gosh...Guys, the pacing in this movie was not good. The action started and it never seemed to stop. There wasn’t a single moment of rest, of levity, of our characters just being themselves, getting to know each other, being friends outside of the battle. No Reckless Club Segment. No fun, just... I mean Claire and Aja didn’t speak to each other at all. Douxie and Toby hardly interacted. Steve was turned into a gross male pregnancy joke. Jim and Krel barely spoke. Douxie and Aja had nothing to say to each other. Even Aja and Krel didn’t have any moments together. The list goes on. The whole movie was just go, go, go. And it’s so frustrating because there was time for it but it was poorly executed.
Like was the whole break-in to the Chinese Trollmarket really necessary?? Guys, I really found myself not caring. I didn’t care to see this random side quest involving an insignificant new troll character and a Trollmarket that had little to no bearing on the plot. Did I love seeing Charlie, Archie, Blinky, and Claire? Of course! But these scenes were so pointless. So needless. They could’ve written other ways for all our heroes to go after the chronosphere (Maybe we could’ve had Zoe for crying out loud). But instead this vital artifact was the hands of a character we don’t know and don’t care about in a place that turned out to have basically nothing to do with anything.
Deaths. The deaths in this movie. Because of the pacing in this movie, there wasn’t nearly enough time for the emotional impacts to sink in. Nomura? Gone and the only ones mourning her are Aaarrgh and Douxie, who barely knew her. Walter’s death was handled better since we got to see Jim and Barbara actually having a moment to mourn him. The weight of Nari’s death was singlehandedly carried by Douxie, but even that was over before it started. The immense gravity of Toby’s death, which really got to me, was also short-lived to make way for an ending that...I don’t know. 
“I hope he’s happy.”
Douxie’s reaction objectively doesn’t make a shred of sense. Geez, it’s almost like Douxie was expecting Archie to up and leave him someday to be with Charlegmane. Just...what???
What also frustrates me so much is how this movie undid so much characterization and development that happened in Wizards. Or more like all that development didn’t even matter.
What was the point of Steve’s arc in Wizards if he was just going to be reduced to...this?
I was so excited to see Douxie really being a Master Wizard. To see him lead the Guardians of Arcadia alongside Jim. To see him in action as Successor to Merlin and Protector of this Realm.
But no.
Douxie, who had such an incredible arc in Wizards and a character who’s come to mean so much to me in my life, was nerfed and sidelined.
And then time restarts and I can’t help but wonder why any of this mattered at all. What the heck was the freaking point of the suffering, the loss, the pain, the growth, enduring and overcoming so much, the friendships and family spanning across three shows... All gone. Starting all over. Undoing everything, except what Jim went through. As much as I love Jim, I didn’t think he’d be the only character I’d be getting closure for at the grand finale of this entire franchise. But that’s what happened and I really hate it.
Just...all in all, this movie wasn’t satisfying. Not to me. It had its good moments. But not nearly enough. The comedy was misplaced and fell flat. The climax was sorely anticlimactic and didn’t hold a candle to Eternal Knight. The writing, the direction, characterization...For some reason it was all lost and confused and none of it felt right and so much didn’t make sense.
I’m not at all upset with the writers, though, because they still pulled through and did what they could. When the movie did something right, it was beautiful. The things I loved about it I truly adored. No, I’m not upset in the least bit with any of the creative team.
I’m upset with Netflix. I’m upset that Wizards was robbed of the seasons it should’ve had. I’m upset with big cooperations stifling creators. I’m upset that this’ll be it. This is the ending we got and nothing can be done about it.
Aaron did say there’s every possibility for the franchise to continue in some capacity, and I’m hoping for that someday. Because so much, too much, has been left unanswered. So much left to be explored that couldn’t. But until then....I guess this is it. This is what we get.
Now, I want to remind everyone that this is my own personal experience with the movie. These are all my opinions. If you enjoyed every second the movie, that’s wonderful! And who knows how my thoughts will change upon another viewing. But in the meantime, Rise of the Titans really missed the mark for me. I wanted found family badassery and fluff. But nope. Just fighting and heaviness and no payoff. It’s such a letdown...a real shame. 
But yeah...Thanks to any and everyone who read to the end of this haha
I still love Tales of Arcadia. It’s a series that has blessed and inspired me so much as an artist, writer, and as a person in general. I do want to keep making ToA content for a while. Cause this movie isn’t the end. Not my ending, at least.
I’ll continue to hope for more Tales of Arcadia in the future (a Douxie spin-off series please Lord pleaaase). We shall see. Until then, fics and fanart fixing this mess galore haha
Until next time everyone! God bless!
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dreaminpeaches · 3 years
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“Ladies, Gentlemen, Enbies...HER--I mean Him? Or them?-- whatever, anyways here's the first part of my daydream paracosm, Humble Pie. I was really happy I was able to come up with the first part in a somewhat cohort manner. Part 2 is also going to follow this sometime soon, but after that its probably just gonna be short shorts, text exchanges, and or drabbles, but that first part’s finally a thing! And that’s cool”
“Also just reminder that this paracosm is set in a mix timeline, like people have flip phones, cassette tapes, but still also have stuff like gamer chairs, and slang like sus/lit exist, so I hope that doesn’t bother you..oof”
“Also I wrote this from my Remarkable, then convert it to text, and did some proof reading, but my handwriting is still can only be read by chickens and my dyslexia ninja has sneak 100 accuracy so..yeah
Word count: 6,115
TW: mention of Bullying, DeadBeat dad, Smoking, Drinking, Swearing (only for comedy’s sake tho’), Dissociation, Guilt (but don’t worry there’s still A LOT of fluff in this piece, tho)
Link to Alternate version on my off-site daydream blog: Humble pie part 1
"Okay, here we go" Beau said, taking one last drag of his cigarette, and taking in one last look at the panoramic view of the town below, Newbury, his hometown, he was away for a year because of college which he dropped out of. Well, "dropout" made it seemed like he had a choice, more like he flunked out, there were' 'reasons that 'made college impossible for Beau, reasons that he couldn't get into or more like reasons he didn't want to get into, these were the some reasons that turned what was suppose to be a 5 hour drive into an 8 hour one, making him stop ever so often to the nearest park, overlook, or clearing to get out, smoke and or take a short walk. These stops were so frequent by the time he reached his hometown’s overlook he was on his last stick, hard to believe he started the trip w/ a full box.
He dropped the last of the remains of the cig on the ground and stomped out the glow ember with his dark brown rounded toed boot, watching the embers glow go out made him feel similar in a way.
Beau took one more last look at the small town below blanketed by the dark, light sky. He looked around. the overlook, bring back memories of. late night make outs, sneak outs and general teenaged shenanigans.
Beau remembers once on a night he was really buzzed, a rare event for him, drinking with his buddies, rather it was the buzz from the beer, or he was just 'riding the 'high off scoring the winning goal for the team, or general teen hormones. He felt invincible, so invincible he stood up on the ledge and proclaimed himself as king of the world
A moment Beau looks back at and shakes his head as if to try to erase the memory from his mind like an etch n’ sketch, suddenly he got a bad taste in his mouth or maybe that's just the cigarettes "King of world….yeah, right" Beau said pulling up the collar of his jacket and shrugging his hands into his pockets, and headed back into the car.
It was getting late and there was no use in stalling any longer, might as well continue to the inevitable. Stalling may be that’s the feeling that's been following him the whole time, stalling the fact that he would have to return to his hometown a failure after being touted and praised for being a star athlete , and getting into a ivy league school, a feat his mom was really proud since she herself couldn't go to college because of having Beau at such a young age, and having to deal with a bunch of other “BS” as Beau would put it.
Beau really wanted to make her proud by becoming a famous football player and make tons of money so she wouldn't ever have to worry about bills n 'stuff and live in the malibu dream house she dreamed of living in since she was a kid, a dream she would talk about to her children like it was fairytale during when time got real tough.Even though she sounded upbeat over the phone about the news, Beau knew his mom was an expert when it came to masking her disappointment and skill that was pretty integral with dealing Beau's birth father. He just hopes she's not too disappointed
As the twilight sky grew more dark the street lights flickered on. Familiar and nostalgic landmarks and structures rolled by as Beau drove by with one hand gripping the wheel while the other hand hung casually out of the rolled down window. the nighttime breeze gentle, tossing his cart dirty blond hair mullet. The 'murmur of punk music lighty playing from the car's speaker, that was playing louder earlier but the volume's quickly depleted because blasting punk 'music at night in a small town is pretty serious offensive a risk, a younger Beau would play around with, but now being older he knows better.
Driving into his old neighborhood, seemingly not much has changed, but what do you expect from a small town? The old neighborhood consisted of typical signatures of most middle upper class .. neighborhoods, Christmas ' decorations long over due to be taken down, manicured lawns, next to slightly less manicured lawns. Some lawns adored w/ gnomes and flamingos, a step up from the lawns of homes in his childhood neighborhood whose homes had what one could consider a lawn but just barely, Beau and his brother were lucky enough to have a sizable back yard and a tree house.
His family's lawn had a bunch of outdoor toys laid about on their lawn: a nerf gun, a pink tricycle, a tiled dyed color bouncy ball and an empty container of mega bubble wand. Beau drove up in the driveway being careful to not accidentally run over any of the toys in the yard.
He eject the mixtape from the player and put it into his jacket chest pocket. Beau leaned over and rummaged through the glove compartment fishing out a small travel can of axe's body spray and another small spray can of mouthwash, he used both to cover the scent of cigarette smoke, a smell his mother was highly sensitive to. He popped in a stick of spearmint for extra measure before getting out of the car and going to the trunk to retrieve his suitcase. Beau only had one suitcase since all the stuff really needed and cared about conveniently fitted in one suitcase.
Beau propped up his suitcase as he closed the trunk, the car beeped and blinked as he pressed the lock button. He headed up the pathway to the front door, his heart beating louder and louder with each step leading up to the front door.
Beau took a deep breath, Pulling himself together. "Okay" He said under his breath as his hand slowly reach for the knob but before he could even get a good grip, the door swung open, Beau's eyes raced up to see the thinning hair of a middle aged man, Beau eyes lowered a bit more to see the mustached clad face of the man the hair belonged to. "Hey, Big Boss! '' the mustache man said with a grin. The man was Beau's stepfather, David.
"Hello, David, I-I mean Dad." Beau awkwardly greeted his stepdad, trying his best not to show discomfort at his step dad's “nickname" for him.
"Ha, ha that's okay, son!”David laughed, giving Beau a hefty pat on the back.
"Here, let me get your bags." David said, reaching for Beau's suitcase, looking behind Beau expecting more bags
“You only brought one bag?" he questioned, looking curiously.
'--I like to be efficient" Beau muttered with a shrug and a side glance. "HAHA you and me both, Big B" David chuckled playful elbowing Beau, who gave a half-smile and a small chuckle--well, more like a slight nose huff
"Hey, honey Big B is home!" David shouted as Beau closed the front door.
His mother came rushing from the bedroom in her rose pink robe w/a barbie in insignia on the front with matching fuzzy slippers, her sandy blond hair still damp from the shower.
"My little boy, oh!" she said, warping Beau in a tight motherly embrace. "Welcome home!" Beau's mother pulled back for a second, cupping her son's face in her hands “you’re still so handsome"
"Wait..." Beau gently removed his mom's hands from his face "Are you okay, mom?" He asked his considerate brown eyes searching his mother's teal eyes for any sign of distress.
"Of course, sweetie," his mom beamed. "I have all of my loved ones under one roof. What's more to ask?"
it's just that I didn't- Y-you know." Beau said with downcast eyes
"Oh, that" his mom said wide eyes and then shaking her head in dismissed
"Don't worry about not finishing college, I mean just look at me"
“But You just seemed so proud that I got in, I just didn't want to let you down"
“Sweetie, it's fine," his mom said, gently guiding his head up with her hand to look at him "I was not proud that-You were becoming the smart, sweet kind young man, I always knew you were, but now. I'm just happy that you’re here and I get to see you go. on the journey myself!" Beau chuckled tightly and blushed at his mom's admiration.
"Plus, Your mom's not the only one who is happy to have You home!” David said, gesturing towards the hallway. Beau looked to see a small figure peeking from the corner, the figure quickly disappeared followed by an overflow of giggles.
A smile slowly creeped across Beau's face, he slowly kneeled down. " "Gasp * Is that my little care bear?"
From the shadows totted out, a little girl dressed in a blue care bear patterned nightgown, her blonde hair tied up in pigtails, she grasped a love-a-lot bear in one arm while her other arm was open as she raced towards Beau, also with arms wide open for a hug "Bo-Bo"
"Hey, care bear!" Beau cooed as he picked up his little sister "Wow, You've gotten so big since the last time I saw you!
"Carrie's been asking when you were coming since you told us you were coming home "David stated
"Yep!'' Carrie nodded proudly "You still have the love-a lot bear I won at grad night". Beau vividly remembers winning Love A Lot and his friends making fun of him, but Carrie really appreciated it more than he thought.
"Yeah, she takes it with her everywhere!" mom emphasized “Thank god, the kindergarten has a security blanket policy!
"Aww..." Beau said fondly looking at Carrie, who had her head resting on his shoulder, still grasping love a lot.
Beau thought for a moment and looked around "wait, where Dev?"
"Oh" mom said putting her hand on her head with a semi sigh "He's been going through... things"
"Teenager things: David specified "He's the big one three now.. "
“Don't worry, I can talk to him!”Beau said, confidently, slowly nodding his head
. Carrie lets out a small yawn "Aw, you sleepy, care bear?" Beau asked as Carrie rubbed her eyes
"It's past her bedtime, but she really wanted to see you," Mom said, stroking Carrie's hair. "Is someone ready for the sleep shuttle'?" Beau asked Carrie, looking at her in her sleepy hazel eyes, she nodded in response
"Alright, Here we go!" Beau held Carrie in both hands placing his arms out in front of him, he kneeled down and started counting down. "3…..2...1. Blast off!"
Beau shot Carrie in the as he stood back up. As he moved towards Carrie's bedroom, he moved all around side to side, up and down while making spaceship sounds, Carrie was giggling all the way through.
"Incoming! "Beau shouted as he swooshed Carrie round a few more times before landing her swiftly on the bed.
"Huston, the eagle. has landed!." Beau said, holding his ear as if he had an earpiece "Not eagle! Bear!" Carrie stated holding up her care bear "correction, the "BEAR" has landed!" Beau correcting himself, bringing a huge smile to her face as she nuzzled her care bear
"Okay, night, right, care bear" Beau said patting carries head
"Wait!" Carrie said holding on to her brother's arm "Is Bo-Bo still gonna be here in the Morning?""Of course, I'm not going anywhere at least for a while.." "Beau said, kneeling down to Carrie's eye level.
"Okay, I like having Bo-Bo around:'' Carrie said "and I like being around" Beau said, "see you in the morning, care bear" Beau gives Carrie a good night kiss on the forehead.
She settles into bed as Beau closes the door. Beau grinned to himself, feeling lucky to have such a cute sister. He remembers when Devin was that little, speaking of Dev. Beau apphoraced Dev's bedroom door. The door was caution tape, Don't enter signs, with a please knock before entering sign.
At first Beau did think about knocking but then thought "I could be a respectful older brother respect the sign or I could have fun and be a little shit. He pondered about it for a minute then-"yeah, I'm gonna be a little shit.”
Beau took a card out his wallet and wedged it in between the door to jimmied the lock. He peeked through the door to see Dev playing a video game on the tv. "you little..." Beau said under his breath, before bombastically opening the door "Hey there, squirt!" Beau said, shoving the door open
"Didn't you read the sign?!" Dev said as he turned around in his gamer chair in both shock-and annoyance
"Wow, that's a pretty warm welcome to give your older brother you haven't seen in a year!" Beau snarked, pretending to look hurt'' "Nice to see you too!"
"Oh my god!" Dev said, rolling his eyes and turning his chair back to tv, bringing his attention back to the game.
"and here I thought you were working on a project or homework or some school shit!" Beau continued "but no, you're just sitting here playing one of your little nerd games"
"Oh my god, can't you just leave!" Dev groaned as he hunching closer to the tv.
"You couldn't at least say "Hi" " Beau said now standing right behind Dev gamer chair
Dev raised and waved his hand half-heartedly and flatly said "hi"
"Well, damn I feel loved," Beau said sarcastically. "aren't you at least gonna look at me?" shaking the gaming chair a bit to gain an ounce of his little brother’s attention.
“ I saw you "Kool aid man" into my room. Is that enough?" Dev said still focusing on the game Beau sighed, then got an idea "Dev! Dev! I think there's something wrong with my heart I think I gonna-ugh!" He said staggering forward a bit before falling in Dev's lap, knocking out the game controller out of Dev's hands.
"Come on! I was in the middle of battle!" Dev whined looking at his brother playing dead
"Get off of me!" Dev go armed as he tried to push beau off with no luck
"Come on, Beau!" He gored in frustration “I know you're not dead! I can still feel your heartbeat..."
Get up!" Beau remained still, Dev rolled his eyes; he knew the exact words to get his brother off his back or in this case lap.
"Big brother, can you please get off of me n Dev utter begrudgingly "Aw, you haven't call me ‘Big brother’ in years" Beau chimed with a smile, finally getting up "I'm still kind of hurt, that you cared about your gaming progress than the well being for your one and only big brother"
"You were still breathing, I could literally see you inhaling and exhaling." Dev clarified rubbing his forehead
"Touche, I guess" Beau said he then directed Dev's chair in front his bed," now that I have your attention"
"Okay, I guess I should say sorry since you couldn't and say "hi" to me because you were too busy saving some elf princess, or some anime chick with huge melons"
"I-H-Hey I don't even play those types of games!" Dev argued blushing
" .-sure you "don't'." Beau taunted with a wink, Dev goanned "Anyways, Anyways you don't have to say "hi",; but you could at least not talk to me"
Beau suggested, shrugging. "I guess" Dev mumbled kind of sinking into his chair "cool, so how's life?" Beau started, trying to start a diagoul "okay"
"How's school?"
"How’re your friends?"
"Got a girlfriend?"'
"Got a boyfriend?"
"Got any crushes"
"joined any clubs or any other after school junk?"
" ..... NO..."
"Are you just gonna answer all my questions in one word?"
Dev fell quiet, and shifted his gaze from his brother
“Okay, that's it!" Beau huffed, he picked up Dev and hoasted him over his shoulder "Hey! put me down!" Dev-shouted , beating his fists on Beau's back "Not until you talk to me like an actual person, and one worded answers aren't gonna cut it, squirt!"
"MOM! Dad!"
"Mom and Dav-Dad are fast asleep, and you know they both sleep like rocks!" Beau stated'' the only person you'll wake up is Carrie, and You don't want to wake little care bear, now do YOU?"
Dev fell Quiet again, "You know I can hold you like this for hours, you aren't really that heavy, or you can just end this and talk to me" Beau suggested ending the suggestion with a sigh and started to stomp his foot impatiently..
Dev continued the silent treatment for a bit until letting out a meek "Okay...I'll try" .
Hey, three words, that's a start!" Beau cheekly commented,He sat Dev back down in his green gamer chair.
"Okay, do over!" Beau said casually sitting across from Dev and his bed. "so, how's school going?" "F-fine” Beau gave Dev a intense look, reminding Dev of his word count “N-no, I mean it's just weird" Dev stuttered choosing his words carefully, Dev fiddled with his hoodie sleeves.
"and it's weird because..." Beau initiated, gesturing his hand toward encouraging Dev to continue "It's weird because.... I don't know, Middle school is way different than 'elementary school, I mean I knew that from tv, but middle school isn't like tv."
"It's okay, nothing like tv, that thing lies” Beau softly chuckled to himself and continued “I remember thinking Pogo sticks were the SHIT-cuz 'of people and cartoons on tv made it look so easy"
"I finally got enough money for one-- you were like little you probably don’t remember this-- but I was SO HYPED, I wanted mom to watch me. I took one hop, fell on my ass, and never hopped on that bitch again. I was pissed, I think mom was trying to her best not to laugh but I was so pissed I think I didn’t notice until now. I chucked the pogo stick in the garage, and I never looked at that bitch again”
Dev let out a stiff laugh, the defensive wall Dev put was slowly breaking
"Oh WAIT WAIT!” Beau said taking a moment to correct himself “ That WASN’T the last time the last time I looked that bitch, I fished it out of garage years later, only cuz’ I need some money for Madden. So, I did look at that bitch one more time, but only to sell that bitch.”
Dev let out a more audible laugh, but quickly caught himself and recollected, returned to his disillusioned teenage state.
"Anyway, The teacher's are kind of weird, like a lot of them hate my guts already, except for the coaches who are super nice to me." Dev explained, kind of looking away from his brother
"Weird, why do you think that is?" Beau asked whole hearty
"Because I'm related to you, Numb skull!" Dev blunted , groaning putting his hand on his forehead
"Oh damn, I guess that's my fault." Beau realized, rubbing the back of his neck "My bad. that my awesomeness is just lengardy"
Dev shook his head and rolled his eyes "It's not awesome to live in YOUR shadow!" Dev sulked, sinking back into his chair, his hands covering his face.
"You don't have to follow in my awesomeness, I know I'm a hard act to follow." Beau boasted teastingly so"You just gotta make your own awesomeness."
"What does that even mean?" Dev questioned, moving his hands down, allowing his eyes to peek through his fingers, trying not to given the urge to roll his eyes
"It's like my awesomeness comes from my boyish charm and good looks..." Beau claimed, striking an award winning smile, The urge not to roll his eyes was becoming even hard for Dev, but he still had to try and respect Beau "But your awesomeness could come from being good at games, or computers shit or math or robots or something--I don't know something real nerdy"
"I guess, you're right" Dev mumbled and shrugged,lifting himself up back into a sitting position rather than almost spilling out of his chair.
"Its not a guess, its science!" Beau declared proudly, tapping his temple with his index finger
"No,that's not science!" Dev arguing his brother's stupidity, flatly shaking his head in disagreement
"See, there you go using your nerd awesomeness" Beau pointed out with a wink "Keep that up and you'll go from Beau's lil bro, to just ‘Dev’ in no time." Beau playful tousled Devs mop dirty blonde hair
"I mean.." Dev continued batting his brother's hand away, "I was also thinking of joining the video game club or the robotics club at school."
"There you go another nerdy thing that to add to your own awesomeness" Beau said
"Yeah...." Dev continued ignoring his brother's comment' “Some of my friends are thinking about joining, and it would be a nice place to go away from mom and dad."
"I had sick memories of hanging out with the team, we got into some wild shit." Beau said laughing to himself, fondly reminiscing "But I'm sure you and you geek squad could have "wild" times too, like making an anime robot 'weify." or whatever those called or finding a new math formula or something"
Dev fell quiet for another moment, Beau always seems like he’s in between being supportive and subtly roasting him, Dev then uttered "um... I think I kind of have a crush... on a girl..."
"AYE, let's go! "Beau exclaimed, clapping and shaking Dev's chair for a bit before bouncing back on the bed'' Come on, don't leave me hanging, what's her name? "Have you talked to her vet? Have you asked her out? Have-"
"Calm down!" Dev demanded "I said I had a crush, I didn't say we’re going out.'"
"Oh, so you haven’t talked to her, huh?”
"No, I-I don't even know her name" Dev huffed, he let his arms slip into his oversize sleeves and covered his sleeves with his face in frustration.
"You know you could just ask, not the chick, like just ask around"
"I can't do that because if I do, people will find out I like her and if she finds out, I would just have to stop going to school!”
"Okay, let’s just pretend you DO have the balls to talk to this girl, what's the worst that could happen?" Beau suggested
"She finds out that I like her, thinks I'm weird and never wants to talk to me again or even look at me!” Dev muffled through his sleeved covered face
"You really think she can sus that out all in one go!" Beau said "I mean she is a middle Schooler unless she's like a young nancy drew, she is not going to chew you up and spit out like that." Beau explained "speaking of which''
Beau paused for a moment to spit out his gum into the trash can "Score!"
"Anyways, have you done anything weird to her or around her?"
"No, I mean I look at her in the hallways before and in between class, but I don't like-- stalk her or anything too weird." Dev mumbled, moving his sleeves from his face, but his head was still targeted down at his fingers fiddling with a tag on his black shorts
"So, then what's the fear?" Beau inquired, resting his chin on the heel of his palm
Dev thought for a moment, his eyes shifting looking for an answer." I-I guess I just don't know how to talk to her."
"Well, fuck, that's easy" Beau chuckled “Just talk about school shit, or just say "hi"
"Is it really that easy?"
"Yeah, if you have the balls for it" Beau reiterated "Think about it like this, the dudes you play in your little nerd games have to fight a dragon, a demon or some anime witch with huge melons to talk to the girl they like and they er brave enough to do all of that wacky shit. But you’re lucky, you don't have a dragon for real in your way to keep you talking from your crush. The dragon's just in your head! If those hero dudes can fight dragons they actually can see, doesn't that mean you can fight a dragon you don't even see."
"That was a really lame and kind of confusing metaphor" Dev sassed " But I guess understand what your trying to say"
"Exactly" Beau said nodding confidentiality
"Can we talk about mom and dad?" Dev asked sheepishly, looking up at his brother, (well as much as he could with his shaggy bangs in the way), his fingers now toying with his hoodie strings
"Did something happen?"
"No, I mean yeah, I mean it's just weird" Dev said "Mom and dad are starting to get more annoying but I don't know if they were always like that or they like charged"
"No, parents don't really change-usually” Beau explained “It's just that being a teenager makes you hypersensitive to a bunch of shit and makes you wanna be alone more. Parents, the good ones like spending time with their kids and they actually want quality time n' shit and that's where they start to get annoying".
“"Oh okay,” Dev nodded.'' It's just weird because sometimes I feel like I hate them, but I don't want to. I think I just really want to be alone more like you said but I don't want to shut them out, I just want them to get that." Dev-fiddles with the strings of his green hoodie
"Yeah, I think they do in a weird old people kind of way. Believe it or not they were teenagers to even if that was back in the stone age n' shit" Beau joke"
Dev let out an actual laugh, a sign to Beau that he's little bro was being less of a moody teenager
"Anyway, even with that said mom and david-I mean dad aren't mind readers, it would be cool if you give them a heads up, you don't have to tell them all about what's going on in your little teen nerd brain but at least something simple like something weird or funny that happened at school, or asking for help on homework or a project for class or some shit like that, I'm pretty sure Dav-dad would love that.."
"I guess I could try". Dev said slightly nodding his head "But Carrie is kind of weird too!
"How can Carrie be weird, she's 5.” Beau scoffed "she doesn't do anything weird really"
Dev added" it's just sometimes she's regular cute and other times she's annoyingly cute if that makes sense"
"I mean like kind of get what you're saying but "Beau shrugged gesturing his hand toward prompting Dev to continue
"Like I still look out for her because she little, but because she's little that means I have to do dumb stuff like look for monsters under her bed or do that sleep shuttle thing you do, but I can't really do it because my arms give out halfway through and she's heavier than she looks."
"Well, little brothers and sisters are annoying, it's kind of their job, trust me I know from experience" Beau: put his hand on Dev's knee, Dev tried to Swat at it but Beau quickly put his hand back with a smirk.
"But like with mom and da-David just cuz she's annoying doesn't mean You can’t look out for her n stuff"
"I guess, its because lately, it seems like'' Dev paused 'for a beat, his hands hard gripping the strings of his hoodie, before continuing" I don't know mom and dad have been paying more attention to her than me"
A mischievous smile creeps across his face. "AW does someone miss being the baby?"'
"Oh, fuck! I knew you 'er gonna say that!" Dev blurted out, feeling really exposed, he pulled his hoodie strings allowing his head to be consumed by his hoodie, all but his nose.
"Hey! language,” Beau said, surprised at his little brother's reaction those harsh words coming out of the mouth of small boy sporting a Yoshi hoodie
"You cuss' all the time!" Dev huffed pulling his hoodie back down, then crossing his arm definitely
"Yeah, but I'm older than you, and if mom and David--DAD hear you curse they’er gonna know you got it from me and won't get off my ass about it!"
Dev stared at his brother, simmering in frustration in failing to coming up w/a good come back or a flaw in his brother's logic, He let out a heavy sigh and resumed "Anyways, it's NOT like I miss being the baby, I just miss being able to hold their attention without Carrie coming in and stealing them anyway, I don't know its weird"
"Wait, did you just say that you wanted to be alone and away from mom and David-fuck. I'm not even gonna try more-he's asleep anyways." giving up any attempt to make the word "Dad" same with the name "David"
"Yeah, I know that's what makes it weird!" Dev admitted, he sulked back deeper into his chair and let out a groan.
"You know Carrie's not awake all the time, maybe you can talk to mom and David, when she goes down for her nap, hell, I could just take her to the park for a day." Beau offered
"You'd really do that for me?" Dev peeped, quickly lifting himself up in a sitting position, surprised at his brother kind offer
"Yeah, anything to make you less of a weird angsty shut in, with a bunch of cringy keep out signs and keep out tape!" Beau gestured towards the door
"Actually, I got that caution tape from a real crime scene" Dev clarified, with a smug smile
"Really?" Beau taking a longer closer look at the door
"No, thick head, I found it in a dumpster next to party city!"
"You go dumpster diving?" Beau said, raising an eyebrow
"I have a life outside of YOU!" Dev stated proudly
"Okay, and on that... Weird garbage goblin flex, sibling bonding time is over." Beau said getting up from the bed and heading for the door
"Actually, one more thing..." Beau said quickly, turning around, rushing towards Dev, putting him into a headlock.
"Did ya miss me? Come on, tell me that you missed me!" Beau taunted as he gave his brother a long and through noogie "Ouch, Ow, Ow, Okay, okay, I missed You. Geez:" Dev pleaded trying to struggle out of his brother's grip
"That's what I wanted to hear!" Beau said with a smirk, letting 'Dev go.
"Ugh! my hair" Dev fumed , gawking at his even more messy mop of hair.
"Like you care about appearances" Beau chuckled" mop top nerd!"
"Mullet-hair metal meathead!"
"Ouch, that was pretty good" Beau teased pretending to look hurt "Garbage Goblin"
"You already-"Dev started but was cut off by Beau closing the door
"Too late, the door is closed, I can't hear you, which means I win!" Beau said through the door, laughing at his brother's muffled fury of frustration.
Beau grinned relishing in the absolute confusion of his younger brother, but that good vibe quickly faded once he arrived at the door to his old bedroom. He just stood there and stared at the door for a bit, he could feel the icky stew of the emotions from bubbling back up again.
He flexed his hand a few times as if this was the first time he's ever pored a door, Beau's hand reached for the door handle before retracted as if the knob was red hot.
Beau sheepishly looked around as if somebody was watching him, no one was but it sure did feel like it. He considered sleeping on the couch, but that would be weird, since it seemed like his step dad put his luggage in his room. so, eventually he would have to go into his room anyway.
Beau took a deep breath. "Come on, it's just a door, dude!" He told himself Beau's hand rested on the door knob, he took another deep, his hand gained a stronger grip, and he slowly pushed the door open, Beau carefully entered the room as he closed the door behind him. Looking around the room was plaster with posters of football players and a few pinups of doe-eye, sensual women in swimsuits and other scantily clad outfits.
Athletic medals, trophies and awards displayed proudly on his bookshelf that lacked any actual books, those trophies stood next to pictures of Beau with his teammates, all illuminated by the moon's dull pale blue light. These relics of what felt like a bygone era used to fill Beau with so much pride and joy but looking at them now just leaves a bad taste in his mouth.
He could barely even recognize himself in those photos. This whole room felt like a shrine or more like a tomb to someone who no longer exists.
Looking at all this stuff just made the icky feelings from before rise up to the back of his throat making the bad taste linger even longer.
Beau couldn't really pin what-these feelings were, so he shifted his focus on just getting some sleep
As he thought, Beau's step dad put his luggage on his bed. He opened his bag and quickly changed into a white tank top and some grey sweatpants. He fished out the mix tape from his jean jacket and put into the gray clucky music player on his nightstand. Beau turns the music up loud enough for him to hear but not loud enough for disturb anyone else. Heavy metal music (ironally) helped him sleep on hard nights.
Beau laid in bed focusing on the one spot in his room that wasn't decorated with high school memorabilia. Focusing on that spot was way better than focusing on the icky feelings from earlier. All he needed to was focus on sleep just sleep, Beau closed his eyes and tried to focus on just sleep.
The next time Beau opened his eyes, he was back in the hallway of his highschool. Beau looked around confused why he was back here but before he could really sus out the situation, his thoughts were interrupted by a loud thud. He followed the sound of the thud that led to a scene of a bespectacled student being shoved up against the lockers. The student's face contorted by fear.
"P-please, d-don't hurt me. "the student uttered, the words quivering as it left his lips.
"Aww, look at him, guys." a familiar voice said, Beau couldn't see whom the voice belonged to. There was a strange mist in the hallway that obscured the person's face.-
"He's scared." the voice said mockly, the person nodded towards a group of people whose faces were also obscured by the mist, they laughed in response
“Don't worry, little buddy, I'm not gonna hurt ya:" the person taunted as he tightened his grip on the student and shoved his body up against the failing student. "As long as you don't squeal" .
"You squeal, and I'll fry you like the pig you are, got it. Swine?"
"I-I p-promise I W-won't. J-just please let me go!" the student begged
Beau was disturbed by scene happening before him, but along with the feel of disgust came a feeling of familiarity, like he's been there before
Just then the fog lift to reveal the face of a younger version of Beau dawned in his red “New Burny High school” letterman jacket. He was smirking relish in the fear he was inflicting on the poor student.
Older Beau slowly back up, almost stumbling as he was coming to the realization of the origin of all those icky feelings from before
"I don't know, do we trust him, guys?" Younger beau asked cocking his head back to his teammates, who shook their head in disagreement "The Boys and I don't seem very sure of that, I think I'm gonna have to test your loyalty !" Younger Beau winded up his arm for a punch, But before his fist could make an impact.
Beau found himself back in his room in a cold sweat, hyperventilating as quickly rose from his bed. His room, still illuminated by the moonlight, with the metal mix tape softly playing in the background. He looked at his hand as if they were lethal weapons. How could I do such a thing?
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mysterioh · 4 years
hello neighbor [ 1 / 10 ]
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Pairing: Writer!Bucky Barnes x Single Mom!Reader
Summary: Brooklyn Heights’ residential playboy has got his eye set out on the new girl across the hall. She’s got it all. The looks. A killer smile. A pretty laugh. Two cute kids……………..wait a second.
Taglist Open! 
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Bucky wakes slowly, blinkingly. 
He slept a sleep that boasts of the bottled ruby red Burgundy sun, the whispered tune of slow jazz wafting in a dimly lit room, and her eager fingers running across his tailored suit. 
There’s a smear of red hot lipstick on his pillow with traces of it marking his cheek. Sunshine pours into the room through the window. The curtains add an orange glow to the morning sun. Warm in its color; cool in its embrace. The songbird beckons with a lively song but the air in the dull-colored room is thick with sleep, emptiness, and her. 
The slow rise and fall of her chest, naked against the white sheets. Bucky can hear her breaths, heavy and slow. He doesn’t need to turn over to picture her golden waves against sand-colored skin. The bed is enveloping, tempting, and teasing, but he slips out anyway. 
He rubs the side of his cheek, smearing the red onto his fingers as he exits his room and goes straight to the Keurig. After making a cup for himself, he slides open the door to the tiny balcony of his apartment and steps out. 
In an instant, the gentle summer sun warms his skin — like kisses from the divine. 
Kisses from the divine. 
That’s a good line, he thinks to himself and files it away for when he sits to write. 
A chorus of birds dancing in the breeze drone out the dull sound of ongoing traffic while the strong aroma of breakfast reaches his nostrils all the way from the cafe across the street. Leaving his mouth watering at the smell of warm bread, scrambled eggs, and sizzling bacon. 
Bucky leans against the railing, coffee mug in hand as he observes the start of the day for his neighbors. The owner of the corner store lifts the steel rolling door with ease while another shop owner pulls out a rack of clothes and tables of trinkets with eye-popping signs that denote some sort of sale when the prices weren’t really worth it. Children run by, hollering and teasing, heading towards the park and it’s like torture to his ears. Shrill and coarse. It ruins the delicate mood. He huffs while taking another sip of his coffee, hoping it’d help alleviate the pain. 
Sadly enough, it’s run cold and to make it even worse Charlotte from the night before finds him in the solace of his balcony. 
“Hey there,” she murmurs sleepily as she rests her chin on his shoulder. She’s wearing his shirt and he's trying to figure out who gave her the right to. “You left me all alone there,” she pouted. 
Oh God, she’s a clingy one. 
Bucky groans quietly, but she doesn’t notice. 
“I had fun last night,” she whispered into his ear, seductively like she’s begging him for more
Bucky chuckled at her. Maybe five years ago it would’ve been a huge boost in his ego but now it’s just another lackluster compliment. 
She slides her hand against his bare chest. “Come back to bed,” she cooed. 
Bucky turns towards her with a sardonic smile. 
“Listen, Amy,” he starts and her hopeful smile falls. 
“It’s Nora,” she replied as if he cared.
“Whatever,” he lifted his shoulder in a half shrug, shaking his coffee cup. She stands straight, sleepiness gone in an instant. “I had fun last night, but that’s it. We’re done here,” he said flatly.
She’s left in shock, mouth ajar and eyes wide. He was blunt and straight to the point, and it threw her off. 
“So, enjoy this cup of coffee,” he hands it to her, “while I go take a shower. And by the time I’m done, I better not see that pretty face of yours around here,” he ordered with a sweet smile. “You got that?” 
She nodded dumbfounded and slightly ashamed. 
“Good,” he walked inside, the sound of a moving truck rumbling down the street. “It was fun while it lasted. See ya.” 
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Bucky locks the door to his apartment before walking down the hall. He scrolls through his phone, searching for Sam’s number. 
The elevator bell rings signaling the doors to open. He hears footsteps exiting the elevator and quickens his speed to make it in before it closes. Eyes glued to his phone, Bucky doesn’t notice a small pair of brown eyes watching him from the corner of the hall. 
His little fingers were wrapped around the handles of the nerf gun. He aims his gun at Bucky walking down the hall, following his every step through the sight of the toy. Like a sniper ready to fire, he waits for the perfect moment to strike. Bucky pauses in the middle of the hallway to read something on his phone, giving the boy a perfect moment to take his shot. 
He pumps his rocket blaster back and aims straight for the head. He shoots at Bucky and it hits him smack dab in the middle of his face.
“Haha!” the boy jumps out from the bend at the end of the hallway with the gun in his hand. 
Bucky mutters a curse underneath his breath while rubbing his nose.
Oh, how he hated kids. 
“What’s the matter with you?” he questions the boy. “Watch where you’re shooting that thing!” 
The boy laughs with a smug grin. “Maybe you should watch where you’re going, grandpa!” 
Grandpa? Who the hell is he calling grandpa? 
“Don’t call me that,” Bucky snaps at the boy. 
“Oh yeah and what are you gonna do about it?” he boldly asked. 
“Ezra!” you shouted, stomping down the hall. 
The color fades from the child’s face and his confidence begins to diminish quickly. 
Bucky turns around to see who was calling and freezes the minute his eyes fell on you.
His world seems to slow down just a little as you walk towards them. Your sun-kissed skin shines under the dull lights of the hallway, rather distractingly. He’s caught in the wonder of your gentle features, the loose strands of hair that swept past your face, the crease in your lovely brows, and the down curve of your full lips.
Bucky remains still as you scold the boy. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” you ask him with your hands on your hips. 
“Nothing,” Ezra shrugs innocently. You press your lips together and just stare at him. He doesn’t falter but instead flashes the sweetest face he could muster up. 
You sigh, letting your hands drop, heart softening every time he blinks. You try your best to remain firm, but he knows he’s won. 
You point down the hallway. “Inside now,” you order. “I’ll talk to you later.” 
He nods and dashes down the hall. 
You turn to look at Bucky and there’s a shine in your eyes that has him falling closer. One full of mystery and the expanse of the galaxy hidden within.
“I’m really sorry,” you apologize, taking a step closer. “I’ll make sure he doesn’t do it again.” 
“Oh no, it’s okay,” Bucky smiles. “Kids will be kids, y’know? Just moved in?”
A smile stretches across your face. “Yeah,” you chuckled and it’s like a pretty melody to his ears. “Just down the hall. Apartment 216.” 
“No way,” he exclaims. “That’s right across from mine.” 
“Really?” you asked with twinkling eyes. Damn, she’s pretty. “Nice to meet you, neighbor,” you extended your hand. 
His hand slips into yours immediately and shakes it. “Nice to meet you, too,” he replied calmly, despite his insides twisting by the touch of your hand. “My name’s Bucky.” 
“Bucky?” you say with a bit of a chuckle. Your hand falls back to your side. 
His cheeks blush a soft pink as his hand goes to scratch the back of his neck. He lets out an embarrassed, breathy laugh. “It’s just a nickname from when I was a kid. My name is James, but everyone calls me Bucky,” he explains. 
“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to offend—” 
“No, it’s totally fine, um?” 
“Y/N,” you replied, “I have no nickname, so just Y/N.” 
Bucky nods with a laugh. 
“Sorry about Ezra again” you repeated, still feeling guilty, “he’s a bit of a troublemaker.”
Bucky shakes his head with a wave of the hand. “He’s a kid. What would you expect?” he says, although inwardly he wanted to repay the action. “I’m guessing he’s your brother?” 
Your cheeks burn a bright red and bite the side of your lip. “Ah no,” you reply, “he’s my son.” 
“What? He’s your son?” Bucky blurted. It only made the red hue of your cheeks darken. 
“Is it really that hard to believe?” you questioned, with a slightly defensive tone and a scowl forming on your face. 
“No, no!” he puts his hands up in front of his chest. “I was just—I mean you’re so young.” 
The scowl on your face fades and an embarrassed smile appears in its place. Your blush is still a bright red. You shake your head with a chuckle. 
“I’m not as young as I look,” you state. 
“But you look great,” he exclaims.
Bucky screams inwardly. “Why did I just say that? Now she thinks I’m a creep!” 
Bucky didn’t like to brag, but he was a bit of a Casanova of modern times. A “gentleman in the streets and a freak in the sheets” sort of man. Although the past ten minutes could have proven otherwise.
“Um, thank you,” you reply sheepishly.
“Hey Y/N!” a voice calls from behind Bucky. 
Bucky turns his head to see a woman with brilliant red hair sticking her head out the door of your apartment. She has a box of books in her hand. 
“Where do I put these?” she asks.
“Oh, just put them anywhere for now,” you chuckled with a shrug. 
“I should let you unpack,” Bucky says, wanting to escape. “I think I’ve taken up enough of your time.” 
“Oh no,” you assured. “It’s fine!” You take a step past him as if you were running from him. 
Not like he wasn’t expecting that. 
“It was nice meeting you again,” you wave, “hope you have a nice day!” 
Bucky nods with a sheepish smile. “Yeah, you too.” 
He turns on his heel and walks towards the elevator. He pressed the button and waited silently for the doors to open. The metal doors slid open and he entered the elevator.
“If she has a son, that means she’s probably married.” he thought. He presses the main floor button and sighs. 
“What a tragedy.” 
The doors close as he leans against the wall. He can’t seem to get that pretty smile out of his mind. 
“But I don’t see why that should stop me.” He ruminates on that thought for a while and wonders where that will take him. He shakes his head in refusal.
“What the hell, dude, you’re disgusting,” he mutters.
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rpgmgames · 4 years
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March’s Featured Game: acai cOrner
DEVELOPER(S): moca & Mitty ENGINE: RPG Maker 2003 GENRE: RPG, Adventure, Surreal SUMMARY: acai cOrner is about Mizuki, someone who has fallen into the sewers and who happens to find their favorite electric guitar! Upon obtaining the guitar, Mizuki turns into a magical girl who must defend herself against spooky sewer creatures using the guitar's magical powers.
Download the game here! Our Interview With The Dev Team Below The Cut!
Introduce yourself! *moca: Hi, I'm moca, a Starbucks barista aspiring to be a writer and game developer. I have been making RPG Maker games for about six years now, with my first two projects being a Pokémon fan-game and a Corpse Party fan-game. Those two happen to be my two favorite franchises as well! I have also created the RPG Maker game MOMOKA (IGMC 2018). I have founded a group called 'Team Shibu!' dedicated to making horror games! Our current project is a RPG Maker survival horror game named 'Katharsis'.
*Mitty: Hey there, I'm Mitty! I've been working with Moca on several games for a while now, helping with mostly graphics! Please support him, as he is very kind and hardworking!! I'm also the main developer of a game called "Marinette", so I hope you'll check that one out too, when the demo is released!
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What is your project about? What inspired you to create this game initially? *moca: acai cOrner is an experimental spooky RPG Maker game that only uses 4 colors! You are a magical girl with a just-as-magical electric guitar that you use to fend off spooky sewer slimes and other weird enemies you find in the surreal sewer system. It's half exploration and half RPG battles. What inspired me to create acai cOrner initially was to actually get myself back into the groove of making games again. I had just recently came back from a hiatus and found myself having trouble getting back into the development of 'Katharsis'. That's when I decided to make a short, experimental game to get the juices flowing.
How long did you work on your project? *moca: acai cOrner was finished in just about under a month!
Did any other games or media influence aspects of your project? *moca: I had always wanted to make a Yume Nikki-like game and thought this was the perfect opportunity to try. So for the more surreal parts of acai cOrner, I took inspiration from Yume Nikki and a Homestuck random planet generator. Gameplay wise though, I took inspiration from a RPG Maker game called Ghost Suburb 0! I really loved how unique it was, especially with the timer and no dialogue aspect. I knew I wanted to do something with a timer, so I tried a rogue-like approach with the gameplay.
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Have you come across any challenges during development? How have you overcome or worked around them? *moca: If you played any of my previous projects, you know that acai cOrner is vastly different than anything that I have ever done. I'm so used to using words to describe the violence in my games, so when it came to making the story, I had a lot of trouble. It wasn't until I looked deeper into why people like these types of games that I had realized that people like to interpret the story on their own, guided by exploration, to enjoy these games. After that, I let loose a bit and made something more open-ended. Another challenge was the difficulty. I was the only one playtesting the game, and since I knew the game front and back, and had no trouble getting the ending. That's why when I sent out demos to friends, I was really discouraged to hear that the experience was mostly frustrating and rage quitting-inducing haha. I worked closely with their feedback and made changes accordingly to make the experience less frustrating but still difficult. *Mitty: I think I was going through a weird artblock during the development of the game, so for some of the illustrations and backdrops for each area's fights, Moca sketched out the basic idea of what it could look like, and I just put my spin on it! It made the work much easier and faster!
Did any aspects of your project change over time? How does your current project differ from your initial concept? *moca: Well, the game was meant to be short so there wasn't room for any big changes. Sure there are a couple gameplay changes and enemy tweaks, but not anything mindblowing. I added in the idea of making four surreal worlds kinda last minute, if that counts, haha.
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What was your team like at the beginning? How did people join the team? If you don’t have a team, do you wish you had one or do you prefer working alone? *moca: In the beginning, it was just me! I didn't think I was gonna need any outside help since this was supposed to be a relatively easy project to release, but the further in development I got, the more I realized the game needed pizazz. The four color limitation wasn't enough for my lack of graphical talent. That's when I contacted Mitty about helping with the games battle backdrops and sprite animations! She is also a member of Team Shibu!, but we have collabed together even before that. Her art really made the project shine and I enjoy working with them on games! *Mitty: Moca contacted me, and I wanted to help! We are working together on another game called Katharsis, so we are quite familiar with each other. I like working with other people, especially if I'm not in the lead, it releases a bit of the pressure I feel sometimes ahaha
What is the best part of developing a game? *moca: To me, it's seeing everything come together and just... working exactly the way you envisioned it. As a game developer, you section the game off into parts to make development much more organized and faster but seeing it all come together in the end. Pure bliss *chefs kiss*. *Mitty: I like a bit of everything, but currently I've been enjoying animating and spritework, as well as map assets' designs a little more than usual!
Do you find yourself playing other RPG Maker games to see what you can do with the engine, or do you prefer to do your own thing? *moca: Mm... not really! I have an idea of what the engine can do, so when I do go out of my way to player other RPG Maker games, it's usually for writing inspiration rather than gameplay inspiration. Ghost Suburb 0 is something that I accidentally stumbled upon and immediately fell in love with it the minute I played it haha. (Fun fact: the developer of Ghost Suburb 0 is apart of Team Shibu! and is in charge of monster design!)
Which character in your game do you relate to the most and why? (Alternatively: Who is your favorite character and why?) *moca: There is a rat in the game that is internally called 'Ratthew' who leads you into a funky room. I relate them the most. *Mitty: I relate to the land sharks the most on a spiritual level. They are pretty much confused beans, and that's very relatable.
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Looking back now, is there anything that regret/wish you had done differently? *moca: I wish I added more random spooky events and trap rooms. But the game was also supposed to be short and I knew that if I kept adding more and more things, development was never gonna end haha.
Do you plan to explore the game’s universe and characters further in subsequent projects, or leave it as-is? *moca: Well, by the time this interview comes out, there should be a new update for the game. The update should include 100% custom music by a talented composer, and a nerf in difficulty. As for sequels, who knows! The next time you see acai cOrner may be in 3D.
What do you most look forward to upon finishing the game? *moca: Definitely the fan reaction! The satisfaction of seeing your work being noticed by people and actually enjoying makes me happy. It's also the relief of just... finishing something! *Mitty: For this particular project I was obviously looking forward to seeing what people said about the little animations and such ahaha! I also was curious about the reaction to the timed difficulty mechanic, I had never seen anything like that before Moca presented it to me, so I had no idea on what people's feedback would be.
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Is there something you’re afraid of concerning the development or the release of your game? *moca: How people will handle the difficulty. The game isn't supposed to be completed on your first playthrough, but in 2-3 playthroughs. There are rooms and places that are meant to waste your time that you should ideally skip the more you play. By later playthroughs, you should be shaving time and be better. I understand that it's not handled as best I could, but I think the experience should still be challenging and hopefully fun! *Mitty: I was a little conflicted on the timed mechanic, I loved it because it's pretty original and helps set an interesting athmosphere of worry and unease, and also seems to tell a bit of the vague story; and at the same time I don't like it much because I prefer more story-driven games and the vagueness mixed with the mechanic feels different from what I'm used to playing! I think it's more of a personal taste kind of thing, it was an experimental jam game, after all!
Do you have any advice for upcoming devs? *moca: Take it easy! Take short breaks throughout development. And most importantly, have fun. If it's a hobby and it's making you overly stressed, just take a step back!
Question from last month's featured dev @ressurflection: What would you say is the weakest part of your game development? *moca: Procrastination. I'm so bad at sticking to my own schedule, it's something that I try to keep in check when working with a team especially.
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We mods would like to thank moca & Mitty for agreeing to our interview! We believe that featuring the developer and their creative process is just as important as featuring the final product. Hopefully this Q&A segment has been an entertaining and insightful experience for everyone involved!
Remember to check out acai cOrner if you haven’t already! See you next month! 
- Mods Gold & Platinum
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beenjen · 4 years
Scattered mind at work - abort! Abort! Abort! Haha just kind of kidding. So much happening. So much disrest. I’ve been feeling overwhelmed and thought I’d free text some to just get it out of my head.
1) great report from moms CT Scan. Her counts, or cancer markers, have returned to ‘normal’ levels with this latest round of chemo, and the radiologist had nothing but good to say.
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She still has 2 more chemo sessions to complete and her oncologist feels with this relapse, staying on long term low dose oral chemo will be required, though this isn’t horrible? It’s not ideal, but it’s a chance. It’s a life. It’s ok.
2) Covid sucks. The extra requirements for checking the kids in, picking them up, the lists of everything required daily.... bedding for Lilith has to be changed daily - Yeay more laundry!!! Mask for Jamis, temp checks at drop off, we can’t go into either facility.... it’s more time intensive, though I’m not upset about the precautions, don’t get me wrong, it’s just MORE. Any parent with kiddos in school already know there’s so much stuff to contend with; homework, reading notes from teachers, email correspondence from the school, getting them up and out the door with everything they need, it’s just on and on and on. I feel inundated. It’ll meld, it’ll become a routine, but it feels heavy just now, coupled with the circumstances and my insecurity with having them out in this shit show...
3) work called today. My clinic coordinator wanted to give me the news as soon as she had it, that I will be going into the clinic 50% of the week starting next Tuesday. So every Tuesday and Thursday I’ll be in person. They are going to try to have all returns or those not having a new issue or needing a procedure to keep with telephone or video appointments, as we are only at 30% capacity in person at this point, but, BUT, it’s starting again. I’m holding my breath that the daycare or school doesn’t have a positive case, and it feels like it’s only a matter of time, then quarantine at least for 2 weeks if your kid is there, or a job exposure, etc. Being medical I’m exponentially higher risk, which I signed up for, just, SHIT. Then hubs works with the testing sites keeping them running and he’s high risk as well, circle back to number 1 and that’s my real anxiety - MUST PROTECT MOM. Also, I really don’t want my kids to get sick because some asshole isn’t practicing precautions, but even if they are, someone else might not be and it goes round and around and around. Then with the commute added back on, how will we get it all done? Will I be able to stay proactive on my weight train?
4) I joined a book club through my yoga studio. We all know Jen reads straight up smut, so this is a REAL BOOK Y’ALL!!! It’s about spiritual enlightenment and it has great reviews... so I started on it and it’s not sexy time for sure. I don’t know how I feel about it. I’m one chapter in and some key factors that I’m getting so far, are that our ‘inner voice’ is a mix of past experiences and cultural/upbringing, and often has little to do with the ‘now’ - fitting as the book is entitled ‘The Power of Now’ by Eckhart Tolle. I guess I’m not as evolved as I like because part of me is thinking, ok, this is a bunch of mumbo, then another part identifies with the fact that the past can weigh heavy on us and color our choices and inclinations, that’s legit. So I guess I’ll roll on?
5) we are having Jamis’ birthday celebration this weekend. He’ll be 6 next Wednesday. It’s a downplayed affair as we will only be having grandparents, and I’m actually relieved it’ll be small for my prep work, but I know he’ll miss having all his cousins over, the playtime, and I can’t even send something special to school because of fucking number 2 - mind out of the gutter folks, not THAT number 2....lol.... we do a themed party every year and decorate a cake together along that vein. Ones past have been batman, ninja turtles, construction equipment/trucks, pirates.... this year is Nerf!! I have all the stuff for the cake and he helps frost and put on the finishing touches, we make it a family affair and this year Lilith will get to assist. It’s a special time and it will still be awesome despite the stumbling blocks, so we went overboard buying him all kinds of tactical gear (in quotations haha) and nerf guns, bullets, targets.... he has requested hamburgers, so that’s simple enough. It’s just going to be different this year. I guess I’m sad for him? But then I think, we didn’t go insane for childhood birthdays when I was a kid, there were a couple big ones, but the rest were at my grandmothers, so is it really that big of a deal? Or am I a cynic?
Lots in my brain these days. I obviously need to read more of that book eh?
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aliypop · 3 years
Ways To Say Goodbye
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Word count :  1,439
Character Count : 7,776
Warning : Fluffy Angst
A/N: I wanted to write something dealing with anxiety  and grief 
"You know my favorite memory of Alderaan has you in it." 
"Does it?"  Leia asked, watching the smuggler beside her.
"It does.." 
"From Naboo! Senator Celfra Mabecorge and her husband Dean Clargo, along with their daughter her grace Alana Mabecorge.." The announcer then whispered the last name. Confused as to where the young princess in training was. Celfra, her mother, brought her daughter to the house of Organa to learn the most important thing, which was how to make a strong alliance with others. But the young girl had other ideas in mind.  Sitting at one of the windows was Alana, looking at the mountains and snow wishing she could disappear just like the flakes. She had remembered all the times her mother had compared her to Padme, but she never knew why. 
"You know being happy isn't getting what you want." 
"Then what is it.." Alana asked, looking at the Alderaainian girl who's beautiful dark hair flowed in the style of braids, "It's what you have," She smiled, sitting next to the Naboo native who's dark black hair was no longer in its headdress. "Princess Leia Organa .." she blushed, introducing herself. 
"Princess Alana Mabecorge.." she sighed.
"Why the sigh?" Leia asked, her hand resting in the other soon to be royals hand. Alana only closed her hand around the other as she took a deep breath, giving it a squeeze hoping that the other girl was there and wouldn't let go.  "It's just I don't know what I want.." she laid her head on Leia's shoulder. " Hey, it's okay, I'm here." Leia smiled nervously, not knowing exactly where to put her hand. "You can tell me how you feel." she then began to look at the beautiful features of the Naboo girl. Her eyes were just as beautiful and vibrant as a sunset.  
"I just want to be me."
"You left me for a long time, you know.."  Leia laughed, watching as Alana laughed with her. The two were sitting in the falcon. Both Chewie and C3PO were in an intense game while Alana and Leia talked.
 "You know it's okay to grieve.." 
"I  don't know what you mean.." Leia glared as she then tried to laugh it off. 
 "Alderaan. You've been so busy trying to pretend everything's okay; it just made me wonder .."  She then looked down, " Youn ever got to say goodbye to your parents... "Alana then looked away, as Leia had tried not to shed a tear, let alone think about how she no longer had a home to return to
When she had gotten the news, there was a numbness that had hit her. Leia wouldn't speak about it but would only keep herself busy, such as focusing on others to make sure they were okay, before even herself. But the one thing she was doing was denying that she had ever even seen the planet blow into pieces. Sometimes she would even wake Han and Chewie up from her screams at night from nightmares of recounting the day it all happened.  
 "You wouldn't understand!"  Leia shouted in an outburst. "I'm a princess; I couldn't do my duty to save them!"
"I do understand.. " she mumbled. 
"I watched Anakin nearly try to massacre my mother, on top of that dealt with your mother, our senator dying!" Alana said, hot tears coming down her face. "I was so small and so young...  I remembered the wailing in the streets as they drove Padme's body through the city.." she then began to tremble.  A lump in her throat forming. " I never got to say goodbye or.. grieve because my mother begged us to flea."  Leia held onto Alana as she began to listen, 
"When Alderaan blew up... I didn't know what to do.." Leia said, shaking her head as the memories only crept back, " If I could have been there if I were more prepared!" she hit her fist on the table next to her as her head hung low and tears began to fall from her face to the floor.  She could feel herself falling apart as she then looked up at Alana.  
"How did you ever grieve the loss of a leader.." 
"The same way you did, I never had a chance to... " Alana chuckled in between tears. "When Padme died, my mother sent me to learn how to be just like her.."  she then sighed, " A diplomat."
"Any tips.." 
" Remember the bad memories, and cherish the good."  
"Like what." 
"Like the day you met Han." She held Leia close to her, "Or the birth of Ben!" Alana added as she rubbed her stomach. "Or our first kiss." Leia cuddled Alana, her arms now wrapped around her waist. The smuggler only nodded, wiping the tear-stained cheeks of the princess off her face as she then leaned over to kiss her soft lips, Although grieving was something that everybody needed to stop and do she that it was something that didn't exactly go away. Sometimes when Leia didn't think anyone had noticed, both Alana and Han knew that she was somewhere crying over what had happened. A few years had past and standing in front of both Leia and Alana was a semi-wounded Yela. And just like that, the feelings rose again. The last time she had felt like this was when she had divorced Han and separated from Alana. But now, to see the little girl the three once raised in pain from the very breath; she created hurt her worse than Alderaan. 
"I can do this... Uncle Luke taught me everything." Yela said, holding onto her side. 
"You are not to step foot on that base ever again!" Leia looked at the young girl as she then turned her back on her.  Yela backed away, wanting to run. She had no one else to turn to, 
"General Organa, that was uncalled for."
"I would hold my tongue if I were you, Commander Solo.." Leia looked at her ex-wife like an angered Wookie who had lost.  "Yela is grieving the loss of her brother, " Alana grumbled, slamming her helmet on the table. 
"Yela would at least like the support of her second mother, damn it!" Alana then looked away, "Han and I respected your decision when you became apart of Senate. Just like you understood when I was the queen of Naboo,"  pacing back and forth was Leia, who had only wanted what was best for Yela.   
"She doesn't understand what she's up against!"  
"Luke taught her well, just as he did Grogu and Ben, and even me!" she argued back. 
"Kylo is dangerous! "
"So was Vader, and I watched him nearly slice the throat of my mother with her mother's saber! my saber now, to be exact." 
"You don't get it !" 
"I do ..  you're scared, and Han and I are too." she sighed, "When we held Ben, none of us knew this would happen..." Alana whispered, "He and Yela used to fight over ships," 
"Han promised Ben would get the Falcon."
"And Yela would get the Corellian Fury." the two said in unison. Poe and Finn were on the comms signaling that captain  Solo had made her departure to the base.
Hours had passed, and Yela had returned expect instead of her ship. It was the Millennium Falcon with a worried Chewie and an even more worried Yela.
 "Mom... Mother  Daddy's hurt.." Yela said, her helmet in hand,  while her other ushered them into the ship. Both Leia and Alana ran in the two by both his sides. "It's nice to see you two getting along." he chuckled as he then coughed. "Han ... stay with us we can fix this.." Leia said as Yela helped her mom to heal him.
  "I've got my favorite girls around me. Why would I want to leave." he winked. 
Alana only laughed, " Do you ever shut up, Solo." 
"Depends on the situation of the mission Mrs. Solo," Han said as he closed his eyes slowly. " Besides, I promised to stay alive for Yela and Ben," he whispered as his eyes closed. There was a moment of silence and nothing else, as Leia and Alana had both sat there to mourn. They remembered both the good and, then. They felt him fidget. 
"Han, don't you ever do that!" Alana jolted at him with all her energy, pulling Leia ontop as the three then laughed. 
Yela had then smiled as she and Ben stood by the door. 
"Hey, guess what, Banta fart is back!" 
"Haha, laugh it nerf herder," Ben growled.
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invizdable · 4 years
☕ the time has come, you are now obligated by the government to ramble about slayers, you have no choice
Oh goddamn it Kateh, Okay you asked for this! you literally won’t get like HALF the shit I'm saying but here I go, you fucking ASKED for this.
Okay, I’m a baby to this fandom, I just got into this series as a way to cope during quarantine but fuck me, is it just... everything I WANT in a fantasy anime? Just fun adventure, no harem/isekai bullshit.Just good ole fantasy adventures with a bit of humor to spice it up.
So far I have only watched like 4 of the 5 main series, two of the novels and one OVA set and the movie but here are my takes.
It’s been a long ass time since I saw the first season and I DO remember it having a lot of fun shit but also I feel it really... took a while for the show to come together? Like I get it its about Lina just MEETING all these fuckers, but damn was some of the filler just... like ‘okay cool when are these characters going to actually start working as a team?” Which is just me being impatient my favorite fucking character wasn’t a mainstay yet. But yeah I can have shallow opinions fuck it.
Season 2 (Next) was the BEST one and I know that's not controversial but its when all the stuff REALLY did come together. Like all the characters really came into their own and the story was really starting to feel fun and like I was watching one of those funny dnd comedy podcasts but with anime and it felts sooo good.
Try (Season 3) I see people either ADORE or strongly dislike... but me I'm on the ADORE side. Like Its just a really fun and just as intense season! Like I really love Filia so much her development is SO fucking good, just mmm god she just went from pretty self-righteous and just blindly following her temples ways but immediately recounts that shit when she learns how those fuckers committed goddamn genocide. Seriously fuck Golden Dragons they suck.
As for characters? I fucking love all of them tho I do have some hot takes.
Love Lina... I get she’s the main character but at times I feel she’s a BIT bit bit overrated? I’m probably gonna be killed by this statement like I get its HER show, but shit man, sometimes you watch Naruto and your fave just happens to be Rock Lee. That being said she’s the perfect protagonist for this show! She’s selfish and awful and yet still somehow has a heart of gold under it all! Like ah man She’s one of the most fun protagonists for a show that seems like its geared for male audiences I’ve seen since like.. Soul Eater.
Gourry is just a good ole himbo, and I feel he has a lot more depth to him than the series gives him credit. They flanderize him by S4 and its really sad, like yeah the dude isn’t SMART but his backstory with his family basically ruining itself all to inherit a magic sword is really fucking sad. Also, he is the quintessential emotional support himbo for Lina. 
Zelgadis is the best character, don’t @ me. Just I love angsty bitches who are taken seriously but not TOO seriously, Like his backstory is fucked up and sad, but the show doesn’t shy away from showing he can be a fucking jackass, and poking fun at him. Also, he has a hella character design, I love ‘monstery’ looking people in general though and I tend to vibe with designs like that so :) yeah.
Amelia, after watching the show I fucking LOVE her, she’s extra and just doing her best and gets some great development but fuck if she wasn’t kinda fucking annoying in S1, like I get it was the point, she was a naive, sheltered princess who wanted to just fight for LOVE AND JUSTICE but had really black and white views on what that was but. God... I remember just getting so annoyed with her S1, By S2 though she is legit on of my favorite characters, she’s just the kinda character I vibe with, the seemingly airheaded ‘good girl’ in a cast of characters who are mostly selfish jaded bitches :).
Xellos is a fuckin bastard and I adore him, my hot take is he reminds me of Colin Robinson from What We Do in the Shadows and I legit would wanna hear him just try to get the cast to say ‘What's up Dog’ by constantly saying how he feels the situation needs more ‘updog’ Oh god also, just he legit evil and I KNOW he is a threat, but memeing on him is just too much fun. Like yes, he is a threat blah blah blah, haha he reminds me of the funny bald vampire man :). Season 4 nerfed his eyebrows... that was fucking evil.
Filia Oh gossssh I love her, she’s like a fucking dragon mom and Legit if I saw Slayers before I made some of my OCS she’d really be a big inspiration for Flann, Hell she still can be! Just I love female characters who are just a BIT awful but also still good people? Like I love her she is a dragon mom.
The rest of the cast is great I tend to like all the villains and I will spare you thoughts on S4 and 5 (haven’t finished them but so far :T I'm not loving them as much.) and shit about the OVAs.
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weepingintellectual · 3 years
im in love with you
January 7th, 2020
It’s currently 11:12 PM while writing this. I’m listening to the playlist I made that I filled with songs that remind me of how much I love you, songs that make me smile when I think about you, songs that remind me of the hard times I felt being with you. I filled that playlist with songs that express how I feel emotionally about you, about us. I use it as my main playlist because it makes me feel more content.
You know when we first started talking, I didn’t think much about it. I remember feeling nervous but alive at the same time. I was nervous because the last time I had sex it was with someone I hate thinking about. Another reason was because I was at an uncomfortable stage with my body. I didn’t love myself and I had little confidence in myself in general at the time. I remember seeing your photo for the first time, it made me feel alive, it made me giggle and blush. I felt sort of conflicted because of your looks. I felt like you were someone in high school that I would avoid or you were just someone who wouldn’t even acknowledge that I existed. But I said fuck feeling nervous, I’m gonna let this dude fuck me.
Our first night meeting in person, on my birthday, something clicked in me. I’m not used to finding comfort in someone so easily but I seemingly found that comfort with you. But I’d say that night was quite beautiful. It’s something I’ve never done before hence another reason why I felt so fucking alive. I remember after you dropped me off at home, I went inside my room and I felt like a teenager again. I was smiling and basically telling myself “I can’t believe I did that!” I never expected you to come into my life. I couldn’t see any of this coming. But I always had this feeling I was going to like you, that you were going to mean something to me, that I would eventually fall for you in the future. You just had that charm, the humor I always searched for in someone. Sometimes it felt like I was sort of talking to another version of myself that I only really knew deep down.
Honestly, I can’t really pinpoint where that feeling of interest started. I always denied that I liked you until my cousin confronted me about it. I took what we were doing as something fun. Like I said, I’ve never really quite done this before and you were someone new to me too. The day my cousin confronted me, it fucking hit me like a bitch. I denied it because I was afraid. I’m afraid of being hurt, I’m afraid of what the future might’ve held for us. I was afraid that you probably wouldn’t feel the same way as I do. I tried so hard to convince myself that I didn’t like you, though deep down inside I knew how I felt about you but I kept it to myself. I wanted to make you believe I didn’t like you like that but I mean you saw right through me haha. But I find it crazy sometimes about how far we’ve gotten. On February 28th, it’s gonna be a year ever since we started talking.
My first relationship was pretty awful and it ruined me a lot mentally. I felt like I was trapped in something I didn’t think I could ever get out of. He constantly put me down, he manipulated me and he made me feel so insecure about myself. I felt used, I felt hurt. We constantly fought and I always felt like I had to apologize for everything. I’ve lost so much because of that relationship. No one realized I was miserable.
Being with you feels entirely different though. I felt happy. You supported and believed in me and that’s something I never exactly had in my life. I had someone who constantly made me have positive thoughts. Whenever we’re texting, I’m always constantly smiling, laughing so loud to the point where people tell me to shut up. I talk about you a lot to others and I think so highly of you because I think you’re an amazing person. When things at home are shit and I get a text from you, it comforts me. When we’re together it makes me feel more at home rather than my actual home. So much bad shit has happened in my life and being comfortable with someone is so fucking hard for me and especially finding comfort in a love interest. I’ve dealt with a lot whenever it came to love interests. My ex manipulated me a lot and the last guy before you took advantage of me and told me that it was my fault. Ever since that happened, it started tearing me down and I went into a bad place. I had no support from any one of my friends and I felt so alone. I didn’t want to have sex with anyone else after that. But you were the first person I slept with after what happened and it was hard for me to just simply go out and have sex with someone. Even from the start, our sex has always felt good for me and it’s gotten even better when I started loving you. But regardless even when we’re not having sex, when I’m laying on your chest, I feel safe and secure. I love being with you. You’re my safety net.
I remember the moment I started having this feeling of complete fucking happiness, this euphoric feeling, the moment I thought your smile was the most precious thing ever. You were wearing your jean jacket, black jeans, a gray tank top underneath your light beige hoodie and you were wearing your CDG’s or what you like to call it, retarded heart shoes. That moment was one of my favorite moments with you. You were pretending you were those shoe review youtubers and it was also the same day you looked in my closet and started shooting me with my nerf gun haha. And since then, my feelings for you started developing into something more.
As much as you have brought happiness and have been one of my biggest factors of me shifting and growing into an entirely different version of myself, there have been those moments where the things you have said hurt me. There would be those moments where you were the reason for my sadness. As sad as it probably seems, I feel like I always know my place in people’s lives and I think I know my place in yours and whenever I start to think about that, I start hurting. I ask myself if I’m even good enough, I ask myself if I even actually matter to you. The thing is with you, I find myself overthinking a lot because I don’t know the answers to my thoughts because you don’t tell me whenever I do ask you about it. So, I’m just left with my thoughts. I always find myself trying to ignore it and I convince myself that I probably do have some sort of meaning to you.
I’ve never truly loved someone but I don’t even need to convince myself that I love you because I know I do. I have never doubted my feelings for you. I have this one hundred percent feeling that I love you. I constantly show my care for you because I feel like you deserve it, I want you to always know that I care about you. I know what it feels like to be unloved and used, I feel like that’s just the way my life is meant to be sometimes. All I ever want is to love someone and to be loved by someone. I’m certain you’re that someone I love but I won’t force you to love me. Some of my friends asked me, you’re not hurt by the fact that he doesn’t love you or hasn’t said it? But I find no problem in that. Love is tricky and it isn’t fun when the hard times come around. Love can be complicated but I find it worth it with you.
I think memories are very valuable because they can form as anything. They can be happy, sad, filled with anger, humor, anything. I’ll always cherish them regardless of how it makes me feel because these feelings can’t be avoided. As much as I always like to think about our happy moments, one of the bad moments I’ve had with you was the day after Halloween. I told you I love you, you replied back telling me you love me too and at that very moment my heart sank into my stomach. It felt like fireworks but I knew you didn’t mean it so I had to shut down that feeling of excitement. The next day, I confronted you about it and the way you responded just ruined me in that moment. I remember what I was doing that entire time when that happened. I remember I was eating out with my family, I remember trying to hold in my tears the entire time. The car ride home, I sat in the passenger seat looking out the window just begging to get home faster so I could go into my room, lay on my bed and cry. I remember laying there and while we were texting I pretended to be alright. I always find myself pushing away those times where you make me sad and it fucks me up.
One of the songs in the playlist I made that stands out the most to me is Ivy by Frank Ocean. These lyrics stood out the most for me and I hope you see why;
I thought that I was dreamin'
When you said you love me
The start of nothin'
I had no chance to prepare
I couldn't see you comin'
There were things you didn't need to say
Did you mean to? Mean to
I've been dreamin' of you, dreamin' of you
I've been dreamin' of you, dreamin' of you
I've been dreamin', dreaming
Do you think you could ever feel the same way about me? I know you’ve told me before that we’re already basically boyfriend and girlfriend just without the official seal of approval. I just want to know how you feel about me because I don’t know the answers to that. I know how I can be sometimes and I know that sometimes I could be a little selfish but you’re the only person I feel this way with and I can’t imagine feeling this way with anyone else or do you think I’m just stupid and that I’m not worth being with?
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spiritvinex · 4 years
marichat may day 4
back again, peoples! i’m a little behind, but, uh, things have been busy, you know? anyways here’s my chapter for day 4: thief
read it on ao3!
A cookie Marinette left out on her balcony. It was a nice night, really warm so Marinette had decided to watch the sunset. She had brought snacks and a cozy blanket, but she had forgotten her phone back in the bakery, so she ran down to get it.
What she didn’t know was that there was a sneaky cat roaming around. And the aroma emitting from the sweet treats attracted him straight to her balcony.  
By the time she returned there was no sign of anyone lurking around her balcony. But what used to be five cookies, turned four, and it left a very confused Marinette. The only people that could reach her balcony were her, her parents, and Chat Noir. Though, her parents were working down in the bakery and she didn’t see Chat Noir anywhere. She would have to have a talk with Tikki later. Now it was just time to enjoy the sunset. 
A few weeks later, another mysterious thing happened again. Marinette was knitting a new scarf for the upcoming winter season. Her mother called her down for dinner, so she took a well deserved break. She left her yarn basket out, not aware that a certain cat would sneak in to visit his princess. And of course he couldn’t help himself, and by the time Marinette returned, there was yarn everywhere. 
And there was one, single ball of yarn that went missing. Specifically, a green one. Marinette became suspicious. Chat Noir did visit her, but usually he would only drop by for a hello or because she invited him. 
It was a very suspicious situation. 
Marinette began to pay more attention to her belongings. Just as the cookie and the yarn disappeared, other things did too. 
Now, Marinette had a lot of blankets, most of them were ones that she made. They were stacked in a pile in her closet. One of her favorites was an old quilt, one of her first creations. One night she was feeling quite nostalgic, but when she went to grab her blanket, she realized that there wasn’t a blanket at all! Tikki was definitely not big enough to pull out a blanket. Her parents always asked if they needed something. Her mind strayed again to Chat Noir. She would have to interrogate him the next time he dropped in. 
She didn’t have to wait long because within two days, there he was, tapping on her window. He smiled when she looked over at him. When she opened her window, he flew in, and landed on her chaise. “Hey, Princess,” he teased, “whatcha up to?”
“Oh, nothing, Chat Noir,” she began to hide the new shirt she was sowing, “I’m just making a new quilt, because my old one seemed to have gone missing.”
Marinette saw him stiffen out of the corner of her eye. That was her first piece of evidence: an uncomfortable Chat Noir. He had no reason to be uncomfortable about the subject of the quilt if he had no part in the crime. 
She sighed. “I was also looking for some of my green yarn, but that has disappeared too! I was so sad.”
It was even more suspicious when Chat Noir started fidgeting with his fingers. “That’s real tragic, Princess.”
“You haven’t seen anyone, right, Chat Noir?” she looked over to him, trying to imitate Manon’s puppy eyes as best she could. “I was devastated that I started losing my things! And it all started with a cookie,” she pouted. 
“Haha, sorry, I have seen thieves lurking around here. If I did, I would’ve gladly gotten rid of them for you,” he didn’t look her in the eye. 
She sighed, maybe a little too dramatically. “Of course. You want to watch some movies?”
He perked up again. He nodded vigorously.
They made their way to her loft bed and snuggled into the warm blankets. Marinette pulled out her computer and began to pull up Disney+. Though, the thing about this was that Marinette was very forgetful when it came to passwords. She was also very clumsy when it came to typing, so she liked to be able to see what she typed, so she had the ‘hide’ feature off. She had no idea that the boy sitting next to her would take advantage of that. 
So, they watched their movies, having a great time together until Chat Noir had to leave, due to the time. They both had school the next day, so with a salute, he bounded back home.
The next day was long and busy. The mountain of homework assigned by her teachers along with the help her parents need in the bakery exhausted Marinette. 
By the end of the day, she was finally free from her work. It was still a reasonable hour, so she didn’t have to go to sleep quite yet. She opened up her computer, eager to rest while she watched a movie, but instead of the first thing on her recently watched being Tangled, it was Aristocats. She couldn’t recall ever watching that. 
Her mind went right to Chat Noir. That mangy cat! Just after her interrogation him about stealing her stuff, he goes and he hijacks her account! She pursed her lips. It was time for some payback. 
Though she had been working all day, she was already at her desk formulating her plan. She smirked, Chat Noir would pay for taking her things. 
Tomorrow was a Friday, and Chat usually made an appearance when the day before the weekend. She would place a stool in the center of the room and place a plate of cookies on top. If she knew anything about Chat Noir, he wouldn’t be able to resist. 
Friday came very fast and the moment Marinette returned from school, she took her plan straight into action. Eager to see it through, by six o’clock she was finished. She managed to make a hiding spot that not even Chat Noir would notice. She had bought new green yarn and formed an inconspicuous trap wire, right in front of the stool. If Chat even tried to approach the cookies, he would immediately fall. 
She smirked. She should get this on video. 
Right before the clock struck eight, Marinette was hiding and her phone was well hidden and recording. Chat Noir swung in, as she left her window open and immediately looked at the cookies in the center of the room. He looked around, most likely checking to see if Marinette was in the room, and then shrugged. 
Marinette watched as he got closer to the wire and just as she planned, he tripped and fell forward, knocking down the stool and the cookies. 
Marinette emerged from her hiding place with, of, course, a Nerf gun. She started to spray his fallen body with water, and laughed triumphantly at his yelp. He scurried to the other side of the room, in an attempt to protect himself, while Marinette doubled over on the floor in laughter. 
“I got you so good, Chat!” she couldn’t help but release her laugh at his horrified expression.
“W-What? Princess?? Why?!” he actually looked betrayed.
That just made Marinette laugh more. “You really think I didn’t know it was you who was taking my stuff? You’re the only one who can access my balcony and get inside my room from the outside! You just didn’t cover your tracks well enough.” She crossed her arms, another win for Marinette.
He pouted. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have lurked.”
She made her way over to him, “Chat, you know that all you would have to do is ask, and I could probably have given you any of those things.”
Chat rubbed the back of his neck, “Y-Yeah, I dunno, it just made sense at the time to just go for it. And I shouldn’t have logged into your Disney+ account without asking you. If you need it, I can even buy you the yarn I took since… I kinda ruined it.”
She chuckled, “It’s okay, Chat, we’re okay,” she then smacked his arm, “just don’t do it again.”
He smiled and reached for her hand, laying a kiss on it, “Whatever the princess wants,” he looked up sheepishly, “So, uh, can I have a cookie now?”
Her parents really did wonder what all that laughter from Marinette’s room was caused by.
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Would you rather see GB buff Zane's other trees, buff everybody else to be on par with Seein dead Zane, or nerf Seein dead?
Why only stick with one? Let's go for D, A mix of everything, plus other class mod buffs (for all!). I can't imagine Seein Dead Zane is the strongest VH atm (as far as I know, I haven't been keeping up with meta because this game beyond my own little bubble is kinda making me sad-o lately. I thought that award went to IB Moze nowadays), but regardless of my knowledge yes I'd genuinely love to see everyone at the same power level. Buffs ahoy! Or nerfs. Whichever works, so long as the game is actually fun and satisfying to play.
I'd personally like them to swap the Seein Red capstone with Seein Dead, but without the +25% kill skill buff. (aka: Seein Dead (mod): activate kill skills on action skill start. Get +25% kill skill efficiency. Seein Red (capstone): Zane has a chance to activate Kill Skills when shooting/damaging an enemy). Seein Dead would still be his top mod probably, but at least it would open him up for other playstyles (somewhat- we still actually need damage in his other trees). He's almost unplayable end game without that mod, because of his reliance on the skills it buffs, and I'd love to try a late-game build on him that isn't centered around kill skills for once. I tried to make a Conductor build and gave up after it took 4x as long to do anything. His new mod (won't go into more specifics bc spoilers) is looking a tiny bit promising for an Under Cover build, but we'll have to see how well that actually plays out when I get down into it. I get the feeling the damage output is going to be 'not good'. But I will be very happy if I'm wrong!!
That said, I really want to be able to use any other class mod at M10. Op8/10, my main VH Zer0 had the sniper OR melee build and even for the melee build (I am a dirty melee zer0 main) I could swap between two legendary mods. In Bl3 that difference is felt even harder because class mods are supposed to give us unique skills. But it's a pretty goddamn easy choice between "get a random dot when freezing an enemy" or "activate all your kill skills and also they get a 25% damage buff". They could've buffed Death Follows Close and Seein' Red, you know to match pre-release values (and maybe also swapped their positions back to how they were iunno just a thought), but instead dropped that class mod on us (BEHIND A PAY WALL NO LESS) and said 'whelp. We did it, boys. Zane complainers are no more'. If anybody wants to play Zane late game, they've gotta drop money on the Handsome Jackpot dlc to get their hands on the mod. That's so... Messed up? Like it feels like they locked his fix behind a pay wall and a gear slot. Like, Zane mains don't get to experiment with the new class mods that drop because we know it's never gonna top Seein Dead. Even if it's kind of 'okay' in comparison. So maybe buff his other mods? Fix Zane's skill trees? Both?? Like why. Okay. Hear me out. Seein Red: activate kill skills on AS start. Wonderful! CCnC: (potentially) infinite AS uptime. Cool! But trying to mix those two together? There's no synergy. Why does Good Misfortune buff Zane's AS uptime when the literal next skill in the tree rewards short uptime and fast cooldown? Same with Borrowed Time. There's so much... Non-synergy in his trees it's almost comical. Fixing Seein' Red would open up a ton of possibilities. Running a CCnC/Seein' Red build could actually be possible if they made it so Seein Red activated Kill Skills on damage. Or! Fix CCnC so each proc of it counts as both action skill end AND action skill start. Do *something* to make his skills synergize instead of being polar opposites.
And it's not just Zane, but he's the biggest example in my books since I know him the best. I hear Amara only has 1 (2?) good mods, too. She definitely only seems to have 1 good action skill and it's unfortunately the Phaselock redux. They could buff her other two skills, make phaseslam or phasecast actually hit hard at later levels, but they don't. It's the whole Deathtrap thing again, except now they proved its possible for AS to deal damage in m10 with iron bear and Blane (Zane's clone) so what's the deal? Also, I'd love to see Amara actually deal decent damage with DoTs at higher levels given how many of her skills are dedicated to them. It would make that one class mod that applies your AS element dot to all enemies hit by your AS really cool for mobbing.
So, okay, clearly I'd love to see everyone balanced at one level, but honestly I think they need to get to max level before they do that. I don't think we're going to have a 'Salvador' situation in 3 unless they fork up the new skill trees Big Time, so I'd love to see all the VHs at one power level (whatever they decide is best). The constant tweaking to max levels and adding new skills/gear/Mayhem levels is doing not great things to the balance (or fun-ness, imo). I get the game is still in development, and I get that they wanna buff longetivity with grinding with each level cap, but my biggest wish is that before they add new content, that they'll fix the stuff we have now so there's a base to go off of. VH skills, class mods, guns, grenades, Mayhem levels, all of it. I especially want them to test stuff at M10, given what happened with the Guardian Takedown on launch.
I know the borderlands games aren't... The best... At scaling/balancing issues late-game. But I really hope they will try to fix that this time. It is extremely disheartening to see every patch/hotfix that Zane is still... Basically borked at the base level. He's had a handful of really good fixes (stacking kill skills, the buff to quick breather) but a lot of his trees/skills are still pretty messed up, especially when you think about synergy. Also, you know, just saying, the Under Cover tree is just... So bad after tier 3. I used to vouch for CCnC, but why use CCnC when we have good misfortune which is 3x better with none of the restrictions? And why use his ice-based life steal skill, when you can get life steal at tier 2 on *any* enemy, frozen or not? Someone just needs to scrap the whole tree and remake it from the ground up. That capstone is... Blegh. So bad. I have not seen a single viable, m10 build with that capstone. You can make Seein Red work. You can make Double Barrel work. Fuckin distributed denial? N O P E. I tried. So got-damg hard. But it's a headache when it doesn't work with at LEAST half the shield effects in the game and you don't know which ones it won't work with without testing and also it's mainly for multi-player and none of my friends wanna play because the balance is so forked and...
Aw geez. This just turned into a rant about things I want fixed haha. Sorry about that, it's late and I get cranky and rambly at night.
So uh. To answer the question: yes. Just. YES.
Tl;dr: Someone please fix Zane I want him to be playable late-game without players needing to drop money on DLCs. plz thx.
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Thank you to the lovely gems @satans-helper @mountainofthesunn @beautifulcinephile @safarimama @gretavanfic for tagging me! <3
1. What is your middle name?
2. How old are you?
27, yes I’m ancient in Tumblr years haha
3. When is your birthday?
Feb. 23
4. What is your zodiac sign?
Pisces sun, Aries rising, Scorpio moon.
5. What is your favourite colour?
dark greenish blue, like dark teal I guess.
6. What’s your lucky number?
7. Do you have any pets?
My kitty cat Padmé....and there’s Obi, too, a younger, misbehaving kitty cat.
8. Where are you from?
Southern Arizona (it’s a dry heat!)
9. How tall are you?
5′1 1⁄4 “(you will pry that fourth of an inch from my cold, dead, hobbit sized hands!) also all y’all are tall af! What gives?
10. What shoe size are you?
7 or 7.5 depends on the style of shoe
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
A reasonable amount, I do believe in having shoes for every occasion.
12. What was your last dream about?
I was trying to pair a body suit with a skirt or something to attend a concert, but then a “race of superior humans” took over everything and well, the concert was no longer a priority.
13. What talents do you have?
I like to think I’m a pretty good dancer...
14. Are you psychic in any way?
I have a strong intuition, I think. 
15. Favourite song?
Today I am going to say Free Fallin’ by Tom Petty.
16. Favourite movie?
Probably Forrest Gump
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
Someone kind and funny. A good human being who’s just trying their best.
18. Do you want children?
I think so, but not for a long, long time.
19. Do you want a church wedding?
I got opinions about marriage as an institution...but if I gotta get married I think I’d want it to be somewhere outside.
20. Are you religious?
Not anymore
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
Not admitted, just emergency room stuff
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
lol no
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
I met an actor from a kid’s soap opera in Mexico once idk his name tho. (and i swear to god I saw Travis Barker from Blink 182 at the San Diego Zoo once, could not confirm tho)
24. Baths or showers?
Showers (but Lush bath bombs are fun and fizzly and smell good)
25. What color socks are you wearing?
barefoot rn
26. Have you ever been famous?
no, but as a toddler my picture was used in a newspaper article lol
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
Not really, I just want to be able to wear gorgeous gowns and walk down a red carpet and pose haha. And also be interviewed, I pretend I’m interviewed a lot in my head.
28. What type of music do you like?
I listen to a little bit of everything in spanish and english, but mostly pop, rock, soft rock, oldies, r&b, hip hop. Like shoes, there is also a playlist for every occasion. 
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
on my tummy, arms under my head, making a four with my legs (if you know, you know)
32. How big is your house?
big enough
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
an egg dish of some kind.
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
nerf gun lol
35. Have you ever tried archery?
No, but my middle school BF, Legolas Greenleaf, Prince of Mirkwood was really good at that.
36. Favorite clean word?
37. Favorite swear word?
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
24 hours i think
39. Do you have any scars?
Oh, ya...thanks Padmé
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
Not that I know of...
41. Are you a good liar?
Ha! No! My best friend says my voice gets two octaves higher when I’m lying haha
42. Are you a good judge of character?
I believe so, yes.
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
I mean, I’ve tried to do British, that’s what happens when you grow up watching LOTR, Harry Potter, and Pirates of the Caribbean over and over lol
44. Do you have a strong accent?
My Spanish and English are unaccented, but i’m sure when i travel to other parts of the country they know I’m “not from ‘round these parts.”
45. What is your favourite accent?
One time I heard a man from Holland speak and I’ve never heard an accent as beautiful since. But usually I like New Zealand accents.
46. What is your personality type?
Chill and funny.
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
Probably my faux leather jacket
48. Can you curl your tongue?
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
50. Left or right-handed?
51. Are you scared of spiders?
Fuck yeah, especially tarantulas. 
52. Favourite food?
Egg rolls
53. Favourite foreign food?
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
My personal spaces are messy...there is order in the chaos, though.
55. Most used phrase?
“You guys are bad, bad kitties.” 
56. Most used word?
“Ubie” one of the many nicknames for my younger brother.
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
about 30 minutes
58. Do you have much of an ego?
it exists and is a fickle thing
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
suck and then bite when it’s been weakened lol
60. Do you talk to yourself?
oh yeah
61. Do you sing to yourself?
62. Are you a good singer?
no, not really, but that ain’t gonna stop me
63. Biggest Fear?
living an inauthentic, unfulfilling life.
64. Are you a gossip?
I like to listen to tea being spilled, I just really like a good story. 
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
The Prestige
66. Do you like long or short hair?
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
I think so
68. Favourite school subject?
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
71. What makes you nervous?
being thrown into unfamiliar situations
72. Are you scared of the dark?
No (my best friend slept with a night light when we were growing up and it was the worst part of sleeping over, but I weaned her off of it eventually!)
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
Sure, kindly, the same way I’d like to be corrected.
74. Are you ticklish?
75. Have you ever started a rumour?
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
yeah, at work. it’s weird, I do not feel like the kind of person who should be in a leadership position. I’ve always thought that was a thing for loud, confident people haha
77. Have you ever drank underage?
78. Have you ever done drugs?
like weed/edibles lol
79. Who was your first real crush?
Cody in fourth and fifth grade.
80. How many piercings do you have?
81. Can you roll your R’s?
82. How fast can you type?
pretty fast
83. How fast can you run?
Like if I have a good reason to, my ass will sprint fast.
84. What colour is your hair?
It’s naturally a dark brown, but right now the roots are dark and the rest is lighter because i’m a dumbass who wanted rose gold hair 
85. What color is your eyes?
dark brown
86. What are you allergic to?
I think the combination of avocado and tomato causes some kind of reaction because every time I eat it, my lips feel all tingly and swollen.
87. Do you keep a journal?
I have a lot of journals that I occasionally will write in.
88. What do your parents do?
Their best. lol. My dad is a facilities director and my mom can’t work because of her chronic illnesses. But she was a teacher in Mexico, and worked at all kinds of things here before her health got too bad.
89. Do you like your age?
90. What makes you angry?
assholes lol people who don’t realize or care about the fact that we’re all on the same damn rock with the same needs. 
91. Do you like your own name?
I do, yes.
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
haha I really like the name Agustín
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
doesn’t matter
94. What are you strengths?
i’m compassionate and love deeply
95. What are your weaknesses?
i’m compassionate and love deeply lmao jk. It can be difficult to set boundaries
96. How did you get your name?
Named after both my grandmothers, they were quite different women and I think I got some of the best stuff from both.
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
Not likely, probably more like merchants. I’m convinced my mom’s side of the family left Spain because of some shaddy stuff haha or to incest in peace lmao
98. Do you have any scars?
Yeah, thanks Padmé
99. Colour of your bedspread?
It’s summer so i’m only using a flat sheet right now, it’s purple.
100. Colour of your room?
blue, specifically the shade azure
Tagging: @lazingonsunday @lantern-inthenight @gretavanfleetlife @littlegeekwonder @dreams-madeof-strawberrylemonade @eatmyshiftsticky @jeordinevankiszka @myownparadise96 @michaalien @mr-stank-i-dont-feel-so-dank @okietrish @thebatphone
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 5 years
Valentines Day HC : X-men AU
 Jack: The second his crush agrees to go on a date with him for Valentine’s day he is extremely worried that he somehow forced them to. As a child he accidentally forced people to his friends, he doesn’t want to force them to like him. He’s worried about it the whole time, what if they don’t really like him? What if his powers somehow leaked and he accidentally forced their emotions?! It will take a lot of convincing but once he knows for fact, that they really like him he is ecstatic and takes them on your average date. They go to see a movie and get dinner, probably ending the night playing video games.
Anti: He practiced and practiced till he had it down, till he could warp himself and one other person to a place that he found calming. It’s just a small pound, but when things get to be too much for him, he finds that it’s a good place to calm himself. So he takes his crush there with some snacks, he’s a bit shy about it, but really wanted to share the spot that calms him down with the person he really likes, after all he always feel calmer with them around.
Marvin: Ever the showman, Marv tries to combine his powers, creating fireworks and using his telekinesis to try and bend the sparks to spell out “Be my Valentine?” And other sappy stuff, he puts on a show for his crush and gives them special treatment all day. Flowers? Biggest dang bouquet he could afford, plus some he picked because reasons, takes them some place nice and showers them with all the affection he can.
Jackie: Let’s face it, this guy no matter what is going to be a sucker when it comes to super hero clichés. He’ll pick up his crush and fly them to the tallest building there is, if they’re afraid of heights he will especially enjoy them clinging to him while he flies but won’t admit it, where he will have set up a place for them to have dinner (thanks to Marvin for helping him set that up). If his crush is human, he’ll promise to always keep them safe, if they’re another mutant he’ll promise to always have their back as the sun sets in the background.
JJ: Poor JJ just really wishes he could say out loud how he feels to his crush, but the destruction it would cause would be massive. So instead, he asks them if they would like to have an old timey movie marathon with him, he sets everything up with an old projector (Don’t ask him how he got it, totally didn’t find it in the basement). He makes sure they’re all romance movies and as they play, he tries to scoot closer to his crush, eventually trying to hold their hand. If his crush returns the gesture (Which we wont even consider them not do that because if so HOW DARE THEY), he’ll be over joyed and the pair will just happily finish the marathon, possibly falling asleep on each other.
Angus: This guy will take his crush on a hike and if their feet get tired you bet he’ll give them a piggy back ride! They better be prepared for him to stop and take a picture of animal he sees though and be careful this guy is sneaky and will sneak as many pictures of them as possible! After all, they’re the most amazing thing there to him anyway ;3 and they can’t convince him otherwise. The date ends with a nice picnic that he made for them and a long talk about anything and everything as they stay out late and star gaze.
Chase: He had everything planned, the perfect trick shot! The foam darts were supposed to form a heart, but uh… He’s still working on his powers and one of them went through the wall, luckily no one was in the next room but that wasn’t exactly fun to explain. His crush assures him that everything looked really cool though and they appreciated the thought, he’d probably come up with some sort of pun at that point, because he’s a dad and that’s what they do. He takes them on a normal dinner date, they go to a nice restaurant and gets them flowers, he’s just really trying to be normal especially after the accident with his nerf gun. His crush would have to assure him they don’t care that he’s a mutant (especially if they’re human), it might take some convincing but I think at some point he would try and teach his crush how to do a few trick shots, fixing their stance and such (It was off, he wasn’t trying to get close to them shut up).
Shawn: He had absolutely no idea what to do and no confidence when it came to approaching his crush, it took some forcing from his friends, Jack even threatened to force him to feel something close to confidence so he finally got himself to do it. He gives them a small doll that he created for them, it’s a hobby that he took up after he was told that having one could help him manage his anger. When it comes to the date he is 100% winging it, honestly he didn’t really think he’d get this far. Everything but the doll is last second, they don’t really get to go to the snazziest place, but it’s nice enough. He feels bad about it but his crush assures him that they just enjoyed spending time with him and when they tell him he can have time to plan for their next date he has to stop and make sure he heard them right.
Henrik: He wasn’t sure about approaching his crush, after all he’s already been hurt once… Who’s to say it won’t happen again? It took a lot of pep talking, but he finally asked them to go on a date with him for Valentine’s day. He cooks for them though, sets up everything, he’s healed pretty much everyone in the mansion at least once and he will hold that over their heads for them to leave him and his date alone for ONE night. After dinner he’ll take them to an empty room where he’ll have it set up so that they can dance together, even if they don’t know how, he’ll teach them to waltz and they’ll dance the night away.
Robbie: If you thought Shawn was shy about asking his crush out for Valentines let me tell ya, he’s got nothing on poor Robbie. The guy looks like a zombie and not only is he sure that’s a reason why his crush wouldn’t want to go out with him, he also knows that because of his looks that he wouldn’t be able to take them anywhere remotely normal. He finally gets the courage to ask them to do something with him on Valentines day, he apologizes a lot because the only plan is to marathon whatever movies his crush feels like watching. He let’s them pick every movie and they just get take out, spending the night cuddled up in blankets.
Happy Valentines Day everyone! :D I hope you all have a great day and that you enjoyed these little blurbs... I need to do more with this AU haha! Anyway, I love all y'all! *Heart hands*
Awwwww these are so dang sweet! ❤❤❤💕💕💕💕
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canon-anon-roomba · 5 years
•Getting to know the mun•
NAME: Anon (not really of course but I ain't sayin' nothin)
NICKNAME: :3 Whatever ya wanna call me XD
FACECLAIM: I don't really have one?? I mean, Anon is a seperate character but I use his drawings to express myself sometimes xD
PRONOUNS: She/her they/them
HEIGHT: 5"5 (167~cm)
BIRTHDAY: Spring time yee
AESTHETIC: Thunderstorms, pastel colors, skeletons(like Jack Skellington mind you) Waterfalls, sunrises, summer showers, dark clouds over a yellow/red/purple sky. (I'll be honest idk how this works xD)
LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO: Piano man by Billy Joel, that song gives me absoloute chills everytime, the piano is amazing and the vocals shdjsjsj
Well, I've only written Anon so far on here, and he's def my fave :)
A series of unfortunate events! It was all very made on impulse and inspiration. It all started when a drunk starscream wanted broccoli, so I decided to just throw a plate at them on anon. I think the mun found it funny, so I went again on anon sayin' chef bot anon is always available.
Then I made an actual character out of that with the mindset: Chef anon has upgraded to Chef BOT anon!
So that's where the name Anon came from. And believe me, Anon was wildly different than to what he was now. At the start he looked like this:
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He's come a far way haha! At the start he really was just a robot, responding to things through his coding.
Then I gave him feelings XD.
And honestly I frickin love Anon! His world and family that has been built up around him is so cool I love it!
He's an absoloute sweetheart, his love for his brother is so big. He's kind, but is not afraid to call out others on their bs. He's just a cinnamon roll with a very dark interior lmao, he's had it bad since day one, but is still so upbeat!(on the outside at least xD)
Angsty ideas that I come up with randomly, SONGS, headcanons from and with others.
Mostly angsty headcanons set me on a roll though.
Angsty ones, someone dying? PERFECT let's see 'em break. >;D
Crying, misuse of trust, betrayal, or long time no see, wounded in battle, untold things, all that shebang :3
Not making him depressed XD. I just keep wanting to break Anon... Pretty sure he'd nerf me on sight if he ever met me irl. I am literally known as the angst lord cause I angst everything up.
I try not to, but it's hard, heh.
tagged by: @the-perfect-scientist (thank you! :))
tagging: @ask-drunk-supernova @snows-in-the-breeze @bastardtrashdoctor @anyoneelsewhowants
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 007: Costumes and Comforting White Rice
Previously on BnHA: Aizawa had everyone do fitness tests. Turns out superpowered children are very talented. Deku broke his finger.
Notes: As always, all comments not prefaced by an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 11 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.
so the title is “costume change”, ooh I’m intrigued
All Might is helpfully rehashing the shit that just went down in the last chapter in case we missed it or weren’t paying attention
basically “Deku fucked up his finger but it was actually somehow the coolest thing ever”
right away Izuku is still crying his gritted-teeth pain!tears, so the unbroken streak continues!
aw Ocha is really happy that he did well and now won’t get expelled
I think Bakugou is broken
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[waves a hand in front of his face] you okay there pal. deep breaths. it’s going to be all right
and now he’s fucking launching himself at Deku, presumably with the intent to beat the living shit out of him, oh dear
but teacher’s not having that shit
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also these panels are hilarious
god bless, the logical explanations for everything just keep on coming. now EH is explaining that the reason he always looks so fucking shake-and-baked is because he has to maintain eye contact in order for his powers to work. I love this, it explains so much. the goggles, the eye drops, the creepy intense staring. and it’s such a good handicap for what would otherwise be an insanely OP quirk
just. thank you jesus. thank you oprah winfrey. thank you tom cruise
do you know, so far I haven’t had a single plot thing to complain about in this entire manga series. (except maybe the whole “surrounding community somehow doesn’t notice the beach cleanup happening right under their noses for ten entire months” thing.) can they possibly keep this up?
“is your finger okay?” “yeah.” NO
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they’re so cute they’re so fucking cute. Izuku following him around fanboying about quirks. Baku saying Deku’s probably won’t be as cool as his. trampsing along through the woods catching bugs. using the nicknames
and now Baku is FREAKING THE FUCK OUT because he’s been the special one all this time and now Izu finally has a quirk too. like, he seems pissed off, but also strangely threatened. like he’s really nervous that Deku might all of a sudden outshine him. once again, I am speculating if there are possibly secret self-esteem issues. I know it’s too early to be theorizing and I’m just going to look like an idiot but I CAN’T HELP IT. Deku is so good and pure and kind and smart, like he has everything going for him, but because he didn’t have a quirk, Bakugou could always rest assured that he was still better! but now DEKU HAS A FUCKING QUIRK. that’s like the ONE thing he solidly had on him and now the gap is narrowing by the minute. hmm. hmmmmmmmmm
disclaimer, he’s probably just an asshole and I’m projecting character development onto him that doesn’t exist sob I know
anyway we’ve apparently seen all we needed to see of these tests, because Deku sums up the rest of it in a couple of summary bubbles. “after this we finished up and I hung in there but it sucked”
yay now the results. which sad son of a bitch gets kicked out I wonder. it’s occurred to me that it might not be anyone and EH might just have been fucking with them, but you never know
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NOT TO TOOT MY OWN HORN BUT I CALLED IT AND I’M A FUCKING GENIUS. [drinks a glass of water too fast and chokes]
this motherfucker is such a troll
Izuku appears to be phasing into another dimension from the shock of this news. meanwhile this smug-looking girl with a ponytail standing next to him is all like “I already fucking knew”
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you know what, smug ponytail girl, ANYONE can say that AFTER the big reveal. the real MVPs are the ones who saw it coming a whole entire page before it actually happened, so you can shove it okay
and now Eraser Head is saying “we’re done here”? but I want to see the rankings, damn it
(ETA: funny how in the anime he shows the rankings first thing and THEN all the rest of this goes down. somehow he’s an even bigger troll there.)
and he finally takes pity on Izuku and sends him to the nurse’s office. you really shouldn’t need a teacher’s permission to go see the nurse, but I guess it’s the thought that counts
and there we go! rankings. so Izu’s all the way down at the bottom. and surprisingly Bakugou is not quite at the top? AND WHAT’S THIS?
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please be introduced soon, I’m excited to meet you
no idea who that person is at the very top. but hey good for them
hey guys. guess who ships All Might/Aizawa ever since their rivalish history was established in the previous chapter. [points to self]
so this is good stuff
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look at this shade being thrown back and forth. or rather, EH throwing shade and AM struggling to throw it back but he’s too much of a straight arrow for it to really work lmao. “april fool’s day was over a week ago”
also oh shit last year he threw out the whole damn bunch. those guys must have SUCKED
oh my god now All Might is smugly confirming that EH likes Izuku too
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hey guys here’s a closeup of All Might’s reaction to this:
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you like krabby patties don’t you squidward
my boy Izuku out here accumulating mentors like... something... that accumulates a lot
that’s right, he has TWO whole mentors. what a legend
I got really confused for a second when the following panel said Izu was going home after the first day. even though I know it’s not a boarding school, I somehow tricked myself into thinking it was for a sec
oh hey it’s Iida. he wants to know how Deku’s finger is
lol he didn’t remember being healed last time. thank you for that, information bubble
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I’m serious, it’s not essential information but it helps the series to remain consistent with itself, and it shows that the mangaka so far is remembering even minor details like this, and I’m honestly really impressed
Horikoshi Kouhei is the author. just looked it up. I gotta remember that. Good job so far Horikoshi-sensei. also he’s apparently younger than me?? nice to know that some of us millennials are out there crushing it at least
oh snap Recovery Girl cautions him that if he keeps getting hurt he’ll eventually run out of stamina and die. wtf. is “stamina” really a finite resource like that? can’t he just get a good night’s sleep and replenish that shit
I’m genuinely wondering how long him not being able to control his powers is going to be an issue then. I’m starting to think not that long. at first I thought it would be a very slow process, because if he got too strong too quickly it would be bad for the story. but on further reflection, it’s really the other way around. there’s only so many times he can be the only guy without any powers and trying to figure out what to do before that shit gets really old. basically right now he’s TOO nerfed
“I thought Iida was scary but he’s actually just super-serious.” he’s very nice for a 40-year-old trying to hang out with a bunch of teenagers. I’m sure you two will be good friends
Iida’s calling her “Infinity Girl” since she threw the ball so high it registered as “infinity meters” on Aizawa’s scale. I wonder if this name will stick, cuz I like it
haha Ochako doesn’t know Izuku’s actual first name and calls him Deku. he was listed as “Izuku” on the results board, though. you could hardly fail to notice that, since he was in last place. she just wants to call him by the cute nickname. fucking sly move there
hmm apparently he doesn’t like the name Deku? or he’s just trying to play it cool with the Girl He Likes
(ETA: now I know the whole sad story of “Deku” and its various meanings. I wonder just how much work Horikoshi put into selecting this name and its kanji)
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like he said, he fucking loves that name
“it’s like the Copernican Revolution” hahaha what. a quick Google search confirms that this was the whole shift from people thinking the sun revolved around the earth to realizing it was the other way around. I completely fail to understand what this has to do with the situation of Deku letting Ocha call him “Deku” because she thinks it’s cute. this metaphor is beyond my fucking grasp
(ETA: I must have been tired or something because it’s obviously just that he’s done a 180 from hating the name to embracing it. still a weird analogy but whatever.)
ohhhhhh here come the feels ready or not
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oh what the fresh hell, All Might
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first the training!! ten months! grueling!! then the entrance exam!! fighting a bunch of giant robots! not having the slightest clue about how to actually use his brand new powers! then the first day of school!! you think you’re finally safe, but NO we’re going to have a trial that may possibly expel you! but he somehow makes it past that too! surely he’s in the clear NOW, right? he has to be?? but nooo, the SECOND day of school, THAT’S when tHE REAL FUCKING TEST BEGINS, FUCK
lmao Mic teaching them English
lmaaaaao everyone is bored out of their fucking minds except fucking Izuku, that FUCKING NERD
the school chef is a sentient humanoid vacuum cleaner named Lunch Rush
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nice try with that gimmick there Lunch Rush, but you’re no Best Fucking Jeanist
“the white rice is comforting, so I go with that!” fucking damn, Deku. maybe try branching out just a little
by the way, Izu is narrating all of this like it’s already an established routine, but isn’t it still just the second day? or was All Might just talking out of his ass before about that “real test”
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it’s All Might’s class. don’t tell me this was what he was talking about when he was going on about the “real test” fjksj
yet again they talk about how differently he’s drawn sob I can’t
everyone: [turns and winks at the camera] WE KNOW WE’RE CARTOOOONS
what is this pose
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gri gri gri
“today’s activity is [holds up a card that says BATTLE] BATTLE”
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Bakugou looks... I’ll let you know when I stop laughing
Ochako looks like your standard Marvel heroine really but the two little buttons on her chest give it an extra dash of cuteness
Iida looks like a fucking super sentai with that helmet
Yuri on Ice, Mickey Mouse, Kermit the Frog, and Tall Guy with Pterodactyl Arms look fine, I guess
do not fucking tell me the chapter’s going to end before we actually see Izuku
the chapter ended before we actually saw Izuku
I’m going to kick you you stupid chapter
there isn’t even a bonus character bio at the end, it’s just a thing about all of Horikoshi’s assistants. good for them, I guess, I know they work fucking hard and they’re doing a good job so far
guess what I’m going to do. “read the next chapter.” yep
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