#i know those two have the craziest drama
soadscrawl · 6 months
too much by girl in red is so klancecore
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One of my friends asked me to do this for her so buckle up. (I’m the editor btw, ur welcome. This story was horrendous in terms of spelling and grammar when it was sent to me 😭)
AITA for yelling at one of my classmate because she didn’t want to sing in her choir class?
I, (17f) and one of my peers, (15 f) were in choir class one day, and she decides to not take part when we were practicing our Christmas carols. She sits on the floor and just plays away on her phone, not paying attention. I decide to walk over to her and ask what’s up. She tells me that she feels pressured to sing, and that she shouldn’t have to, because of her anxiety. Yeah, we all have anxiety (well, most of us do) yet here we are in choir class. It doesn’t make sense to me, so yeah, I got a little mad. I told her “well, you shouldn’t have signed up for choir, if you’re not comfortable singing!” And she tells me, “I DO love singing, when I want to! But if people like you are forcing me to, I feel pressured!” I yelled back. “Well GET OVER IT, BECAUSE YOU SIGNED UP FOR THIS!” “I KNOW I DID, I JUST FEEL TOO PRESSURED!”
We yelled back and forth for a little bit, until the bell rang, and she ran out of the room crying.
I find out later that she’s twisting the story to put her in the right. She ALWAYS does this, she loves to make herself the main character. She sends a copied and pasted message to all of her friends, and one of them lets her know with screenshots, tagging her on Snapchat. (editor note here: I have those screenshots if anyone wants to see) In those screenshots, she talks about how she was working on her music and just resting, when I came up and started “saying sh-t from 3-4 feet away.”
I later learned that two of my friends were on call with her during 5th period, (editor: I was one of them, it was really interesting) and she’s twisted the story yet again, saying that it was the TEACHERS who yelled at her, not me. She also talked about going home because “all the yelling made her feel sick.” And this whole story is making ME feel sick.
(Hey, it’s me again, and I want to share I little of my story, don’t worry, it won’t be too long.)
So I heard about all of this during 4th period, science class, when two of my friends got into an argument over text about it, and how one was in the wrong and the other wasn’t. I didn’t think much about it until 5th period, when I met up with one of my friends and they told me the whole story. One of my other friends came over and sat by us as we called her, and she was laying in her bed, and she sounded absolutely fine. She talked about all this that was stated above. Me and the other guy were supposed to stay silent, because if she knew we were on the phone she would refuse to talk. She didn’t know she was on speaker either. It’s really wild and honestly some of the craziest drama I’ve been a part of. Good news is my old friend group is back together
so, internet, do your thing.
What are these acronyms?
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aledethanlast · 10 months
Seriously, how are those FBI agents doing in that Baltimore hotel for the David Wesninski AU? They signed up for none of this, yet here they are, dealing with the craziest family drama any of them have ever witnessed. Honestly, their faces when it gets confirmed that Wymack is the identical twin of this serial killer must be priceless
The first thing you need to understand about fbi ops is, you don't just write those up on a whim. Theres investigations and plans and preparations. They were prepared for the Hatfords to push the agreed boundaries and kill against orders. That's why they were contacted in the first place. They were prepared for the cleanup, and the inquiries, and to throw the Hatfords under the bus as an excuse to begin what was sure to be a years-long investigation into Nathan Wesninski's network.
The second thing you need to understand about law enforcement operations is that you're either going shit shit shit shit shit when things are going according to plan and fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck when they aren't.
So, on the whole? It was a shitty night. The whole thing got pushed back by like two hours because of an alleged break in, and then by three more hours after a fight with op command on how much can they look over the police's shoulder without tipping their hand. And then it all goes down, and there's corpses everywhere, and it's all gone to shit...
And then Junior is on the front lawn.
Which, first of all, how are you not dead? Rhetorical question, clearly Nathan tried. Second, no seriously, how are you not dead. The fuck you mean it's a secret bitch I will [redacted]-
But it's fine. It's fine. Actually, hold on, this is great. They get to skip years of investigation all it costs is some witness protection. The kid seems like a real shithead but once they get him talking...
And then Towns says "We gotta talk about his team."
Oh right, them. "Once they calm down we'll give them a basic rundown of what's happening and send them home. Considering what they said so far it doesn't sound like they know much."
But Towns shakes his head. "You don't know who they are, do you?" Browning raises a brow. "Palmetto State Foxes?" Nope. "Edgar Allen. The ravens." Nope. "Kevin Day?"
That does sound familiar, but Browning knows he doesn't get the points for that. "Sure, one of the other players, no?" He never cared for exy, personally, and while he gets that people get excited about college sports he's always believed in some healthy iconoclasm. He shakes his head.
Towns grumbles. Then out of nowhere, he says, "Call Suzie."
"Call her. Right now. Put her on speaker."
She should be at lunch, so Browning obliges, but he really doesn't see what his teenage daughter has to do with...
Click. Suzie's high, confident voice. "Daddy?"
"Hey Suzie, it's Freddie, your dad's pal from work," Towns says.
"Oh. Um. Hey?" Suzie sounds nervous suddenly. "Is my dad okay?"
They both suddenly realize what this call must look like, especially after Browning hadn't come home last night, and they both rush to reassure her that he's fine. "We've just had a long night," he reassures her. "No, I'm just calling because...hey Freddie, why am I calling?"
It's Towns' turn to raise an eyebrow, as if to say watch this. "Nah, I was just wanted a reminder, what's your husband's name again?"
Silence. A quick, sharp inhale, and in his mind's eye Browning can see his daughter's eyes focus like an eagles. "Well, first of all, it's future husband, because daddy says that the law says I have to be 18 to get married..."
"But his name is Kevin Day. He's the world's best exy player, even after he had an accident last year. A lot of people abandoned him but I'm never gonna because when a mom and a dad love each other very much..."
A thousand dinner conversations run through Browning's head line an electric current as he opens his phone browser and searches the name. The results look nothing like the bruised shell of a man his colleagues have stuck in a hotel room, but they look like every poster on Suzie's wall. A terrible, terrible thought strikes him. "What about his friend. The, um, the short one."
The response is automatic. "Neil is cute too I guess. There aren't as many good posters of him, but Jessica from biology did her binder from shots she printed from youtube. Her dad yelled at her for wasting the ink."
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
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fraudulent-cheese · 29 days
For the ramble prompts, 1. And 7
You're very lucky as i actually have access to my computer currently!!!
I'll pick 7, as i've already seen some people point out the differences between the twins but NO Staci analysis posts!
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So. Staci. What the fuck is up with her. Why did she think lying about her family on a consistent basis and not helping in challenges would work? How exactly did that make her think it was the best she could do, to the point she thought she "was doing so well" (quoting her at her own elimination) after that first day?
I think Staci's goal while on the show was to win via social game - or at least, make friends on the show. Her lying could be due to either 1. wanting attention from them, so she started making shit up to make herself look more important or 2. she actually believes what she says and just wants to impress people with her family history. I don't think i can conclusively say which one canon's leaning into? Realistically, her exaggerating her family's achievements is the more likely option, but her actually believing them would be more tragic.
HOWEVER. Just looking at her one episode of content + her audition tape isn't enough. We need to look at her contestant biography.
YEAH IM GOING THERE! If you weren't aware, for the first 5 (6?) seasons of TD as well as TDRR, there were official biographies for every contestant depending on the season, all of which were available on the official (now defunct) Total Drama Website. I'd consider the information featured in all but two of these biographies canon, as they either came from the official website (ROTI + WT), the Teletoon site (TDAS + TDPI) or from Total Drama: Totally Interactive! Im unsure about the canonicity of the Action bios and the TDRR blurbs (because yeah. they're just blurbs. sad.) as they were released only on Cartoon Network's site and the Action bios have... inconsistencies with other sources, let's say.
Thankfully, Staci was lucky enough to be a gen 2 contestant, so she gets the most detailed contestant answers biography model, so i can get alooot more info out of them.
I'll get the smaller observations out first:
In her last answer, she mentions her great-great-aunt Mildred and how she "told the first lie." I could look into how this could be Staci's least favorite relative (as she does seem to value truth/honesty), but also what if that's Blaineley? Her legal name's Mildred after all! It would be really funny! We need more "Staci and her great aunt Mildred" content STAT
She seems to really like pop music
The only answer not related to lying or to her family is the First Job question, instead it's foreshadowing to her elimination
Now, for a larger one: She barely talks about herself in these answers. Sure, she answers the questions, but she spends the vast majority of her time talking about her family instead. She manages to link the fucking Favorite Color and Food question to them! Her love of her family is made very clear here. Knowing about them is literally what she picks out as her Best Quality!
...but only her distant relatives. No mention of closer grandparents, sisters, nephews/nieces, aunts/uncles, and only a single indirect mention of a mother. Only distant, mostly older family members and cousins. And she had to have met some of them! Her Craziest Dream answer describes a dream where her great-great-uncle Charlie was telling her lies, implying they've met and talked before! So where's the mention of her closer family members?
I'd say it's because if those family members are further away, or if they're dead, it's harder to fact-check what she's saying so her peers wouldn't find out it's at best an exaggeration and at worst an outright lie.
I think the answers that show this the most well are the Best Memory and Most Embarrassing School Moment, her presentation on an older family member and realizing the topic was a lie.
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This feels like something that would happen earlier in life to me? Maybe primary school level, or even earlier. If she made her entire class project on it, she had to believe in it, right? Despite how absurd that notion is! This indicates to me that Staci was/is very naive, and her love for her family started in childhood. She seems very interested in her own family's history, to the point of exaggerating their accomplishments; maybe her great-great-aunt Lois created a plate design patent or her Great-great-uncle Jason simply looked into the history of the letter E, so either Staci exaggerated them to seem more interesting, or her family members would exaggerate these achievements at family reunions as jokes or something and little Staci just believed them.
Im also unsure on her family being good or not... her Dream Date answer is apparently Richard Nixon because she'd want to learn more about his life, specifically citing that he "reminds [her] of [her] third cousin once removed, Andrew." If you know anything about recent US political history, that is not a good thing. This also shows she has some interest in politics/recent history/other people's lives! This girl does have interests!!!
And this is where i bring up the Favorite Movie answer. The movie it's based on, according to the wiki, is "The Invention of Lying", a 2009 movie. skimming the Wikipedia article, it's a romantic comedy film about a guy with the ability to lie in a world where people can only tell the truth. He first abuses this power for selfish gain but in the romantic resolution decides to not lie to benefit himself and lets his love interest actually choose to be with him.
I think the reason why Staci likes this movie so much is the romantic resolution; this is what she'd want to happen if/when she'd reveal how her family's achievements are either fake or exaggerated to her friends, and they would stay. That she'd get people interested in her with those lies, before actually being honest with them when they're closer... But it never happened with anyone on the show.
TLDR, i need this girl to realise she doesn't need to lie so much about her family for others to like her, as hiding behind masks won't get you any real friends. Something that applies to the majority of the roti girls, actually.
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sallysavestheday · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks very much to @nocompromise-noregrets for the tag! This is always an interesting exercise and I haven't done it in a while.
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 182, but a goodly subset of those are collections of very short works (drabbles, my beloveds!).
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 137,372. I average around 700 words per ficlet (counting those that are collections of drabbles). I have only two works over 2,000 words -- one at barely 2,100 and one at 5,600 by dint of TRSB last summer.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Tolkien only. Mostly Silmarillion but occasionally Lord of the Rings, as well.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? I'm splitting this by fandom because the older LoTR stuff has more kudos simply as a function of time.
For LoTR: Deep in the Ancient Forests of the World; Light a Little Fire in Me; I Do Not Grudge You the Game; Rash Words and Bitter Hopes; Sing, O Stone and Air. These are all Legolas/Gimli ficlets.
For Silm: When All Other Lights Go Out (the aforementioned TRSB Feanorian family drama); What We Make, Makes Us (Caranthir and Feanor); What Keeps Us Here (Celeborn and Thranduil); Still Plenty of Good in the World (Sam Gamgee fixes Feanor and Nerdanel); and It Is the Opinion of this Reviewer (Finrod critiques the research of his peers).
No method to the madness here, it seems. Some shippy, most not. Some angsty, some humorous, mostly canon compliant. Range of Silm characters. Interesting to see the variety, actually.
5. Do you respond to comments? Always. Usually within a few days. Comments are a great way to get to know other people in the fandom, and it's always a pleasure to see familiar names pop up. It's nice to know I have a bit of a following. But I also love seeing new people appear, and I welcome everything from a single emoji to a full blown rant. I reply to them all.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Only one? Impossible to choose. I love an angsty ending. Killing Fingon off is always a delight (like this, or this). Sending people off to their dooms (like this, or this) is another. Making them consider might-have-beens, too (like this, or this, or this).
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I do also like happy endings! I write many happy post-canon returns, to tie up all the loose ends. Also happy moments within canon, but you usually have to pretend you don't know what comes next (blame the Professor, not me). For LoTR, These Our Braided Lives has a very happy Gimleaf ending. For Silm, try In These Altered States, Rejoice.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Spitting over my shoulder on this one, but no. Even the people who don't agree with my takes on particular characters have always been polite. Thank you, kind readers!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I don't write anything explicit. I'll read a wide variety but am more restrained in my writing. I've snuck a little bit into the mature range for a few things recently, but I prefer allusion and metaphor, really. It's the spirit of the intimacy that interests me, not so much the mechanics.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Nope. Canon compliant or canon adjacent always.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes, I've had a few requests. My Thranduil seems to be quite popular in other languages.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I haven't but would be happy to explore the possibility.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Can't pick just one. Legolas/Gimli, Glorfindel/Ecthelion, Maedhros/Fingon, Finrod/Edrahil. The much rarer Egalmoth/Rog. And I'm pleased to have originated the tag for Amrod/Aredhel. Spitfire fans, get on that! (thanks to chestnut_pod for the horrible, wonderful ship name)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Not a WIP, even, just an idea that I've mentioned before: an AU in which Fingon, returning from Thangorodrim with Maedhros, can't hold onto him, and he falls from the eagle's back into Lake Mithrim. I won't write it, but I sure hope someone else will.
16. What are your writing strengths? Brevity, ha! Condensing a great deal of emotional development into very few words. Figurative language. Ripping your heart out and stomping on it, tidily.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Dialogue. I don't write much of it, and it takes a long time to get it right.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I'm not likely to do so. I don't like the way it interrupts the flow. I'd rather indicate the language that is being spoken than try to craft compelling dialogue in it. This is especially fraught in the Tolkien fandoms, where the linguists WILL come for you if you get it wrong, lol!
19. First fandom you wrote for? LoTR. I've only been doing this for a couple of years.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Impossible to choose! But my comfort series is The Flower and the Fountain: 16,000 words of Glorfindel and Ecthelion in 32 vignettes. I love those guys.
Thank you so much for the tag! @polutrope @eilinelsghost @melestasflight @tathrin @thelordofgifs @zealouswerewolfcollector, what about you? And anyone else who'd like to share, hop in!
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scarareg · 4 months
I agree with many grades you gave to the ships. I think Percabeth can have your sweet moments, but Annabeth just reminds me of Hermione sometimes. It's hard for me to ship arrogant - intelligent people with other characters, except maybe...for Draco 😅. But, I would like to ask about Perclarisse. I know Clarisse is a bully, but she got a good development if I'm not mistaken. I could really see the potential between Percy and a matured Clarisse. Both could balance each other maybe and Ares being Percy's father in law would be so much fun to watch and read. Percy and Clarisse had more chemistry in the live actions. The best scenes are with them. So, what do you think about this ship? 🤔
Hi Anon, I'm glad we mostly agree about the ships!
You are so right! They both have a difficult personality, it takes patience and bravery to have a long lasting relationship of any kind with them. I think they also can be seen as intimidating because of how smart they are.
I personally like Hermione with Ron too because I feel they balance each other out. Hermione also likes to debate, and I think most people can see that as she being angry or attacking them, but not Ron. Ronald also like it, so they can go all out with each other and both know that it is all for fun.
To be honest with you, I am not a Dramione shipper but in reality I don't ship him with anyone lmao. But I see the potential of them together, just like with Drarry too.
Both have similar tropes starting with Draco having to go through a character development to get over his blood supremacy bullshit. And as a Starchaser shipper, I get it! + enemies to lovers + Gryffindor x Slytherin + forbidden love because they are in the middle of a war. It is just so much fun! Dramione also has the whole drama of Draco having to confront his parents to be with her! Which is always romantic! and if he gets his pride aside, he could have debates with her just like Ronald does!
The real reason I don't ship them, and I am outing myself here lmao, is that usually your OTPs are character you relate to x character who is your ideal type. That's why even if Dramione, Drarry and Starchaser are super similar ships, I only ship the latter, yet I understand the appeal of the other two
But this is an ask about Percy Jackson lmao, so let's move on from the wizards to go with the demigods
Now, about Percy and Clarisse. I can't believe I didn't include her! (and Thalia!)
I personally like Clarisse, I'm a Clarisse apologizer lmao. I think she was just a teenager with an absent parent figure and severe daddy issues, but after The Sea Of Monsters I believe she actually likes or at least respects the trio, she is just too stubborn to admit it. A tsundere, if you will
Also I agree! Dior scenes in the live actions are of my favourite ones,she was one of the actors I like the most in the show!
Clarisse and Percy as a couple are interesting because both are stubborn AF, so that something that they would have to work on that if they want their relationship to last. Their pride can also get in the way, but with some work together, I can see Clarisse starting to open up to Percy and feeling safe and show him a vulnerable side of herself.
They can use that pride to practice together and challenge each other to get better in their physical skills. Eventually they will be the scariest demigod couple lmao
When they have dinners with Ares there is a lot of competitiveness. Maybe they can go out to play a sport together, so they use their anger at each other as motivations to be the best and see who wins! Imagine them going skiing or playing baseball with a pitching machine. Let's see who those the craziest scores more! That could be fun!
So I give them an 7/10, with the possibility of getting a higher grade if their relationship is healthy!
Thanks for the ask Anon, your questions are always super fun to answer!
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moonlit-altersummoner · 2 months
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alter pack/build a headmate blog.
Ran by two people and some alters at the moment!
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MODS and form under cut!
Mod 🐛(percy): he/they/pup. Will do almost anything!(will try to do humans but most yhe time cant)(main account @pupercy)
Mod 🍓(strawberry)— Hallo bupis I'm da 2nd mod in the blog and I'm more familiar with anime and BL manhwa's fictives, we are a diagnosed DID system and go by he/they/🍓 pronouns, I hope u feel comfortable with us :D. (wont do hazbin hotel/ helluva boss! Not against them just dont know enough)
Alter mods:
Mod 🌸(scarlet): zhe/they/flower. Will not do real people! But mainly feminine alters!
Mod 🌹(Steven): will do any shows by Rebecca sugar/ cartoon network/cartoons(mainly steven universe)
Mod 🎢(Jane): she/doll/mist. Will do songtives/musical inspired alters
Mod🎶(luke): will do other music genres/songtives/real music artists sometimes
MOD 🍞(Chiip): will do cringe/ sys littles alters!
MOD 🍃(Grimm): he/ze. Will do ur craziest/harmful alters
MOD🧠(Tweek): hiz/hiz. Will do southpark alters! And create system packs!
Mod 🩰 (Syrviv) he/she + xenos — I rather make BL mangas, manhwas and manhuas fictives!
Mod 🧁 (Cuppy) unknown pronouns — I can d♡ alm♡st anything t♡♡! But I have preference with n♡n humans and c♡ntradict♡ry labels jsjs! Als♡ have a TQ s♡ i will d♡ translati♡ns in every p♡st!! (I can do almost anything too! But I have preference with non humans and contradictory labels jsjs! Also have a TQ so i will do translations in every post!!)
Mod 👑 (Zam) - she/it/gold/crown/he . - i can do anything , but prefer mcyt/overwatch fandoms :3 (other fandoms will probably take a lot longer and may not be done correctly ! ) don't be afraid to send me really obscure mcyts, i love them <3 (main blog: @lifestealqueer)
Mod 🩵 (niki-soot) - collectively she/her - we primarily only know about dsmp-related mcyt, the owl house, and steven universe so we can'y guarantee accuracy outside of those! and just like zam send us smaller mcyts we would love to learn about more people okay bye our main blog is @nihachu-soot-forever (we are not wss)
Mod 🐕 (eddie) - collectively hx/it/fae - we can do pretty much any introject that we can look up lol. we have a knack for going for the traumatized characters in media if that's something you want, so don't be afraid to send an ask!
Mod 🍭 (gremlin, sprinkle) : we'll do basically anything unless we're unfamiliar with source, in which case we'll either try to consume the media or let another mod do it!
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allwaswell16 · 1 year
✨ Twenty Questions for Fic Writers ✨
I was tagged by @reminiscingintherain to do this (thanks Roni!) and I loved reading her answers to these!
How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
One Direction and Harry Potter (Drarry)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I Didn't Fall For You (You Fucking Tripped Me) 3,949 (ooh getting close to the next thousand. I have an anon who comes and asks me for more of this fic every time I get a milestone # on this one, so I'll maybe be talking to you again soon, anon lol)
That's How I Know 3,443
Consequences 2,631
If I Loved You Less 2,387
Waiting 1,803
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I do! Every single one! I get pretty anxious if I don't answer them fairly quickly to be honest. Sometimes I get behind, but not by more than usually a month or so. I really loved getting a response from writers to my comments especially when I first started reading in fandom. To be fair, I left a lot of unhinged comments lol. They probably stood out a little. But I loved having that connection to a writer, so I try to have it in return with anyone reading my fics.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
For You I'd Bleed Myself Dry
I don't write unhappy endings, so this isn't exactly an unhappy ending. But it's a turning vampire fic so. Becoming the undead is angsty-ish, right?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Until (series)
Probably this one because they end up having two weddings in the time stamp lol They're ridiculous and I love them.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not very often that I can think of. I can only think of it happening once off the top of my head and it was someone who hadn't even read the fic so.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I doooo! I wouldn't say I love writing it, but I write it when the story seems to go there. I am not really a pwp writer though, and I haven't written fics where the main point is the smut. And the only reason for that is because I just haven't had an idea that called for that!
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I've written a couple of Potter Direction ficlets. But probably the weirder ones are the Louis/Rob Pattinson ones lol. The weirdest of those is probably: Interview with the vampire
I'm also writing a Peaky Blinders crossover right now actually.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I have, unfortunately. I ended up making a Wattpad account for the sole purpose of reporting my stolen fics.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, I allow translations so there's a bunch out there now.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Wine Not?
I have! Once! It was a giant group of us lol I made some great friends from writing that fic! And actually @taggiecb and I just started talking about writing a mystery fic, but who knows if we'll ever write it
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
OOF. I am a great lover of ships hence my running a rare pair fic fest. There's really something about Draco/Harry or Louis/Nick Grimshaw...I guess the enemies to lovers vibes of it all. The bickering. The drama. sighhh so good.
But I don't know that I can really say that I love any more than my OG Louis/Harry.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I am NOT linking it. But I have an unfinished wip out there on ao3 that haunts me. If I ever can figure out what to do with it, I'll finish it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Maybe humor as evidenced by my more popular fics, I guess. Dialogue maybe just because I find that easy to write. taggiecb is always having to tell me to add more of what the characters are thinking because all I want to write is them talking lol
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Some of the things I've worked on specifically over the years are: writing meaningful smut, writing more vivid sensory details, and having strong characters.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I probably wouldn't. I have a vague memory of using another language once. Italian? I'm pretty sure I set a fic in Rome and had a bit of Italian in it. But I had an Italian friend translate that bit for me. So I'd say have a native speaker help with that.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
As Roni said in her answer...technically I wrote Bill/Ted fic with a childhood friend when we were little kids but we had no idea we were writing fanfiction. Purposely written fic would be One Direction.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
Hmmm this is hard. It changes on a whim but maybe Consequences because it probably has the best plot I've ever written. But I don't reread this one because it brings back weird memories for me. Like I dreamed up the plot twistyness on the way to my pulmonologist and immunologist appointments FUN TIMES. So in a way it reminds me of when I was very sick. Whomp. Okay now I've brought down the mood. Let me try and steer this in another direction...I love both If I Loved You Less and Ace of Spades because they are set during the Regency era and I have just now realized they both involve a kidnapping. Read the first one if you want Louis to be kidnapped and Ace if you want Harry to be kidnapped. THAT DID NOT HELP THE MOOD IM SORRY
I'll tag: @kingsofeverything @disgruntledkittenface @voulezloux @tommokat @loveislarryislove @alwaysxlarrie @larry-hiatus and anyone else who wants to do this just say I tagged you!
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gerardwayissexah · 11 months
20 fic author questions nobody asked me
Sorry if this comes off as overly self-indulgent, when I’m not nearly popular enough as a writer for people to ask me stuff like this. But it’s my platform…so yeah. :) The list of questions is not mine. It’s one of several lists of fic author questions that’s made the rounds on Tumblr and I have no idea who created this one. If you made the list and would like credit, just let me know!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I’m at 39, last I checked.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
This one’s a point of pride and embarrassment, in equal amounts. I’ve posted 360,000+ words since late 2022. I have over 100,000 words of fic that’s written, but hasn’t made it to publication yet.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now, Naruto and others, when I participate in multi fandom fic exchanges.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
“Bird in a Gilded Cage” — Neji x Original Hyuga character romance and family drama. I should say this one skews the statistics because it has so many more chapters than anything else I’ve posted.
2. “Walk You Home” — short, fluffy SasuSaku oneshot set during part 1 of Naruto.
3. “These Hollow Vows” — short multi-chapter Neji x Tenten, smut with plot. Again, I think the chapter count skews the raw statistics.
4. “The Ultimate Defense” — short multi-chapter NejiTen set before, during and after the chunin exams.
5. “Between the Lines” — NejiTen smut oneshot with a heavy helping of angst.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why? Why not?
Always, unless it’s a flamer. I have few enough comments (0-5 per week) that I can afford to answer every one with at least a “thank you!” I know getting responses from authors encourages me to comment, and I want to thank my readers for choosing my stories when there’s so many out there. Especially those who keep coming back.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?.
I don’t do outright unhappy endings. I’d say the ending to the Neji joins the Akatsuki AU I started will be rather angsty. As for stories I’ve already published, the ending to “Wildflowers for Hinata” has a good bit of unresolved familial angst, but things are trending in a good direction for the characters.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
“These Hollow Vows” has a pretty standard storybook ending with Neji and Tenten married in all but name, with a child. There’s no bittersweetness or lingering angst in that ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Outright hate? Nothing recently. I had one anonymous flamer who made me cry when I was 13. Sorry my fic gave you AIDS but stopping was always an option, friend.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, but it’s only around 1/3 of what I write and post. I exclusively write M/F, without any hard kinks. Most of what I’ve written is Neji x Tenten (Naruto). I like writing scenes in the context of romantic relationships, or showing the love and trust between characters. I’m not interested in writing smut without feelings.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No, and I’ve never written one. I do think Sasuke Uchiha and Arya Stark would make a good crossover crack ship.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Thankfully never!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Never, but anyone can feel free. It would be a huge honor if it ever happens!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, and I’m not sure I’d be a great co-writer. I’m too protective of my own style and I have very set ideas of how some characters would behave.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
The first ship I ever passionately loved was Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter. I was a weird kid who had few friends (shocker, I know), so I liked the idea of two losers finding love and acceptance with each other. Unfortunately for me, the ship has never been all that popular — too vanilla, perhaps? I’m not into Harry Potter much anymore, but maybe I’ll write it one day.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I’m not going to count myself out yet. I’m working on them all, slowly in some cases, but I don’t let myself start new fics if I have too many outstanding WIPs. Edit: I totally forgot about the Rock Lee harem fic I wrote 2,000 words of, before the cringe got too bad and I never finished! It was pure crack about Lee receiving a pair of leg weights that imbues him with infinite sexiness to all women.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Obviously “good writing” is highly subjective when it comes to fiction, but I’d probably say romance and family dynamics. I’d hope those are my strengths because I practice writing that kind of story the most, and I get to draw from personal experience when writing.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I’m not good with fight scenes and political intrigue in stories. High-concept worldbuilding also isn’t my forte. Too little smooching involved.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It’s jarring when I read it, and not something I incorporate.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The Hunger Games. It was a 300-ish word oneshot from the perspective of Foxface as she dies. I thought 300 words was such an epic amount — and now I’ve worked up to where I can write that amount in 15 minutes. Did she eat those berries by accident? Or maybe not? :0
20. Favourite fics you’ve written?
“Bird in a Gilded Cage” has a special place in my heart because it’s been my longest and most ambitious fic project to date. It’s also the first longfic I’ve finished.
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iminlovewithroymustang · 11 months
Hello hello @iminlovewithroymustang! 💖
Would you like to do a "get to know me" kind of post? As much or as little as you'd like to share about your interests, hobbies, etc.! About what makes you excited, what keeps you going! 😍
I'm also curious about your art! What inspires your style? How long have you been drawing?
Ahah, maybe that's too many questions! I'll probably come back for future "asks" LOL.
Have a wonderful day~
Hi @aicasey! Thanks so much for asking! Brace yourself for a stupid long response. *cracks knuckles* Teehee.
I am a Drama and Education student currently. Sooo… I guess I like theater. Hahaha. I’ve been doing a lot of stage management, directing, and acting lately.
As far as *visual* art goes it’s something I’ve dabbled in here and there but I wouldn’t say I actually started trying until like 2 weeks ago! 🤯 It all started when…
I began re-obsessing over Royai(fma) this summer and started chatting with some people about one of my FAVORITE fics, “A Fuhrer’s Play” (please read. It’s so so good). We’ve been coming up with the funniest, craziest fan theories for the fic and I thought, “Hey I want to turn these crazy ideas into fan art/comics!” Here is my first (and only) comic attempt 2 weeks ago:
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ANNNNND that’s when I realized I there was no way in hell I was gonna just snap my fingers and be able to poop out a comic. I needed to start off a little slower… draw everybody once, then start putting them together, and (hopefully) soon put them into funny little comics. Or dark comics. We shall see.
Currently, I have two MOs: laughing like a lunatic, or sipping on angst tea and loving every second of it. So I guess my art “style” so far has been inspired by one of those two moods. 🤷‍♀️
Thanks for the ask! I hope that answers your questions reasonably well and that you also have a wonderful day!!! 💖😜
Update: Oops. I lied. This was part two of my original comic attempt a few days later. (And this is when I realized Goodnotes is SHIT for trying to colorize things so I downloaded procreate)🤣
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zeldaelmo · 11 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Tagged by my wonderful friend @bahbahhh.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
My goal for 2023 was to hit the 500,000 and I'm positive I'll reach it.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Legend of Zelda, all games apart from Zelda I, II, and Minish Cap (because I haven't played them so far)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
How to name a royal child
Stolen Kisses
Strangers in the Night
It's in his Kiss
Flour, water, salt, yeast, love
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Uh... in theory, I do. I love getting comments but I often feel stupid saying ten times 'thank you' in a row, so I end up answering mostly when I have something to say.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
That would be Lonely at the Top. I don't really write angsty endings, but this one is hurt/no comfort as it tackles Link visiting the Light Dragon who doesn't even react to him.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hm...I'm not too fond of the fanfic version of the perfect happy ending, namely, proposal, sappy wedding, and omg, twins!, mainly because I love the nuance life teaches us. What a happy ending for a fic and a character is, is so often much more different than the fairy tale version.
That being said, I'd still go with Strangers in the Night, just because the two worked so damn hard for their happy ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Hate is a big word, but I get negative comments and sometimes they are even personal, yes. Most people are lacking reading competence and/or don't understand how stories work. I mostly ignore those. Sometimes I complain on discord if it's very annoying. If someone insults me, I block.
I don't think that has to do so much with me, though. I have 1,346 comment threads on my stories. Of course, there are some idiots among them, that's life.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, occasionally. I think ten of 77 fics are explicit. Look, the thing is, I'm a story teller. So if the smut doesn't add to the story, I don't tell it. Rule of thumb is, that I keep it to a T-rating if possible to make the story accessible to most people. I only go for explicit stuff if I want to deliver some part of the character development/plot with the intimacy (or the lack of lol) that the smut offers.
Does that get me the most Kudos? No. But I'm not here for that or I wouldn't bother writing for 30 years old games. I'm here to tell a good story and have fun. :)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
No. If you've read so far, I can tell you a secret as a reward: I find crossovers pointless. Ooops.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I am aware of! But I'd love to! Big fan of accessibility!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I've seen a few writing collabs end in fandom drama or otherwise go awry, so I decided that I only collab with artists. I might try with something short one day, but nothing novel-length.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Take a guess.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Ah, so I have a half-written novel in my drafts. A story about writer!Zelda and fanartist!Link who are also princess and beloathed bodyguard. I'm very determined to go back to that one after I finished The Promise, but I'm a little scared. The story is complicated and my thoughts are chaotic. I already asked @mistresslrigtar to help me work it out next year, so I hope we'll manage.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and showing what's going on in the character's head who's not the POV character.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I struggle with simplicity sometimes, mainly because of the language barrier. I write something that's horribly complicated and I just know there must be a better way to put it, but I can't figure it out. Grammar is hard, lads.
I also have a weird relationship with descriptions. I love having characters interact with their environment but I loath big chunks of description. I plan to work on this during my traditional holiday self-study break.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
This is a weirdly specific question, but ok.
If you don't happen to write a book that's supposed to teach beginners the other language, then don't. You might end up othering the person who's speaking and that's something you don't want to dabble with lightly.
I already talked about accessibility: You will exclude people from your writing and you don't want that just to sound cool. If you must for plot reasons, make otherwise sure everyone is on board. Slightly different case if you actively hide something from your readers (and other characters), but that's probably not the most common case.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
I refuse to answer this. 77 fics are too much to choose from. I love most of them.
tagging: @mistresslrigtar, @airplanned, @jenseits-der-sterne, @silentprincess17, @deiliamedlini, @skyyknights
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firebatvillain · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers!
As seen on @givereadersahug (x)!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I currently have 59 works on AO3, though some of those are unrevealed or anonymous, so the visible work count is a bit lower.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
105k! Wow. Over half of that has been in the last two years, when I've been doing a lot more writing and taking part in exchanges.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Naruto (7) Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling (7) Original Work (7) Warhammer 40.000 (3) Fate/stay night & Related Fandoms (2) Stellaris (Video Game) (2) From there we get into a lot of one-offs that I wrote for exchanges. House MD, Gundam Wing, Good Omens, The Order of the Stick, and many others. Most of the Original Work fics are for particular exchange prompts, some of which are quite fun.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Greatest Weasley [Harry Potter, Ron-Centric, incomplete] - this WIP is my white whale! Ron gets sorted into Slytherin. Only a couple chapters, I should return to it sometime...
Harry Potter and the Independent Path [Harry Potter, parody, one-shot] - This very short parody fic is fun and I'm glad people like it. I actually look back fondly on this genre even if I poke fun at it.
Five Times Sakura Heard the Voice, and One Time It Faded [Naruto, Sakura-centric, one-shot, 2.9k] - This was an fest fic for Fest No Jutsu 2022! I really enjoyed writing this one.
If You Won’t Wait for Me, I’ll Find My Own Path [Naruto, Sakura-centric, drabble] - Wrote this one based on the fandom opinions of my friend @xenosimp. Surprised at its popularity.
Liana and the Labyrinth’s Core [Original Work, Explicit, Het, 2.3k] - I wrote this very explicit fic for an exchange, and had a lot of fun with it! Minotaur/Sacrifice, make sure to read the tags/warnings.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
For exchange fics, almost always. Otherwise, I do sometimes. It's fun to chat with other fandom people and let them know I appreciate their comments, or answer their questions.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't usually write angsty endings, but The Rules of Reintegration [OW drabble, prompt: military android masquerading as a human] is angsty.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'd say Four Times Toph Beifong Triumphed [ATLA, Toph-centric, 2.5k words] would be it. It's generally fun! 
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not often, though I got one very baffling comment on a fic where someone questioned the realism of it. I'm not in the big fandoms where there's lots of drama though.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, often for exchanges. It typically tends to be straightforward steamy sex. I've got some more kinky stuff posted to anon that I won't share here, heh.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I've written one, but it's not usually my style for writing, since it's a challenge for me. I love reading them though!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, and I hope it never happens. I don't think anything I've written is popular enough for that 😅
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
My fandom friend and I co-wrote Mist and Shadow, a WH40k AU fic about Eldar escaping the fall of the Eldar empire. After about 12k words, we set it down, but we may return someday.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
This is a tough one! All-time, I'm not sure. But at the moment, I'm basically chewing on Durge/Enver Gortash (BG3) and having a great time with it.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oof, this is a tough one! There's a very old Naruto fic that I don't think I'll ever get back to... Lost Root. I can't really recommend it in its current state, but it was one of my first plot bunnies.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty decent at paragraph-to-paragraph rhythm, and I am unafraid to try new things.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Sometimes I repeat certain phrases without realizing it, and pacing scenes can be difficult for me. I also have a tendency to write excessively long sentences. Trying to improve on that last one!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Seems like a hard sell for both writer and reader.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
StarCraft pro gamer RPF. No, you won't find the fic on my AO3 profile.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I'm still in love with Roonil Wazlib and the Goblet of Fire, a 2.8k word Harry Potter crackfic I wrote for Bad Bang V. Is it bad? Yes, oh yes. And it's fun, and so are the comments.
Tagging (no pressure): @xenosimp @vanyalanthirielofmana @chacusha @vampiremonday @uozlulu @miss-ingno @verecunda
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aethelredism · 11 months
Thank you @lord-aldhelm for the tag! 💜
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
Apparently it's 1,585,653.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently just TLK, but every now and then HotD or whatever period drama I'm currently watching will catch my fancy.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
gonna be honest, every time this question comes up on an ask meme it makes me cringe a bit, because 3 of them i don't feel are remotely worthy of the honor and I think I just posted at the right time. anyway they're all GoT/asoiaf fics.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I always try to, unless the comment is like, idk, annoying or completely incomprehensible.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh man. I've written a lot of angsty endings...I think I'm just going to go with the most recent, which is The House That Godwin Built.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
also going with the most recent here since there are too many to choose from, too tempting not to touch
8. Do you get hate on fics?
yeah 🥲
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
All kinds babeyyyyyy
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I have written exactly one crossover as a dumb joke and it was where Steve Harrington was Jean-Ralphio and Mona-Lisa Saperstein's biological father
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
It used to happen a lot but not so much anymore
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
A few times! It's a really nice feeling :)
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
@itslaurenmae and I co-wrote Stolen Sweets together!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
eadith x eardwulf aka flowers in mercia i am so deeply unwell about this ship i made up in my head but also it's real I'm so Pepe Silvia about it
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I started this Barkskins fic literal years ago that went into the loup-garou thing that is CONSTANTLY coming up in the narrative but tbh i had no idea where to take it after "yeah they're werewolves" so I feel like. I shall never finish it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, I say, perhaps overconfidently. I attribute it to my theatre background but I'm always reading and, for that matter, writing dialogue with a voice in mind. I also speak a lot of the dialogue out loud to myself to make sure it sounds right, which is why I now live alone. I also know my basic editing (spelling, grammar, punctuation, tenses, etc) is almost always in good shape.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I am SO BAD at writing descriptions, it's something I'm actively working on. Action scenes are also something I struggle with, my eyes glaze over those scenes in books and television, and if you've ever read my fics, you'll notice I like to pull a GRRM and knock out my characters whenever possible.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
If it's not necessary to the plot, why confuse the reader when you can just as easily say, "He said to the woman in sunglasses, this time in Russian..." or, "He didn't understand the two men, who sounded as though they were speaking in French..." Unless that dialogue is relevant to the plot, I guess I just don't see the need.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I'm pretty sure it was Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
The House That Godwin Built will always have a special place in my heart 💜
tagging @ivarthebadbitch, @stannisfactions, @wildwren, @wexpyke, @abnerkrill, @skatingthinandice, and anyone else who wants to play!
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the-resurrection-3d · 4 months
I am not kidding on either of those plot points. Emerson's character is a psychopath who may or may not be a literal demon and he uses his unstoppable charisma to seduce people into all sorts of mischief. There is also a demon named George who may or may not be real, haunted AR goggles, and an evil YouTube influencer, all written so as to be understandable to CBS' target audience of old people who don't know how the internet works.
"all written so as to be understandable to CBS' target audience of old people who don't know how the internet works" so it's peak is what I'm hearing.
also, re: "evil YouTube influencer," considering the recent shitstorm of drama a streamer I followed got into, I want a CBS series about an evil polycule. Not in a "polyamory is inherently bad" but in a "let's be so fucking fr online polyamory was made in a lab to attract the craziest hoes imaginable" way. We already have rape accusations, doxing, drugged dolphin pussy, window escapes, and two-month deep-cover psy-ops in the script!
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scph1001 · 9 months
i finished innocent sin o7
i get why its very special for some people but i didnt find it incredibly impressive. i do judge it from the perspective that it is a game from 1998. but some of my favorite games are from the late 90s and have very well crafted stories and fun gameplay.
everything just felt a little lacking. in another world i think this could be one of my favorite parties in an RPG- but once again it just felt like there needed to be a bit more of everything. a bit more about everyone reconnecting with jun. more with juns guilt. good ideas are presented- everything just feels underdeveloped. i feel like this is especially apparent with eikichi. eikichis minor plot with his father was always vaguely there. and fighting his dad in the final dungeon is good- but it has no weight and it feels almost like its played for a joke.
also i think tatsuya being a silent protagonist works against the game alot sorry. i understand there are things you can infer but hes a silent protagonist he doesnt have a personality. it makes the shadow tatsyua part a little. aggravating. since the game is trying to make implications about you and they do it in the way psychics do where its vague shit that everybody kinda deals with. also tatsuya being nothing hinders jun since the two are so essential to one another. i dont believe maya when she compares the two so often since tatsuya is literally no one. from what i know i think hes a bit more in eternal punishment but thats not now.
i like that the plot had many moving pieces and its one of those games where i could describe it to you and it would seem like the craziest thing ever. but it all feels like smoke and mirrors.
honestly i can imagine loving the story if they got more philosophical. since the game is based in rumors becoming fact you can get into some really interesting ideas about whats real and it calls into question every single thing about the world of innocent sin. i know i cant really complain about the game not doing something it didnt set out to do- but i feel like this is an approach p2 would take if it was made in the modern era. and also the game is kinda almost doing stuff like that since the entirety of the nazi stuff in the current day p2 world was just created from rumors. i do think they could have done some interesting stuff with post war japan and the damage of conspiracy theories- but once again everything is a bit surface level.
on the other end though. i feel like some of the things in the game ending up just being rumors kinda takes away from them. like juns dad being dead and replaced by some omnipresent being im a bit less into since i think there could be more with the family drama. i know i was just saying i wanted more fake things and for there to be this vague line between whats real or not- but the game itself is in the middle ground so i feel like it suffers from both not letting things be vague and fake- but also taking away from some moments by things being vague and fake. if any of that makes sense.
i love tragedies but i really didnt care for the ending. someone just showed up and killed maya it doesnt feel very tragic. having a character die and then give an ultimatum for bringing her back at the cost for friendship and memories feels very weak since the characters arent majorly flawed. they arent given repentance they are just having something bad happen to them. and that does happen in media and its not a bad story device- but in an ending its very weak and in a tragedy its especially weak.
the gameplay and dungeons were very boring easy and overcomplicated and the constant persona issues of misogyny and weird humor are apparent. i get why its special and im happy to have played it.
i hate saying shit like this alot im sorry i dont trust atlus either. but they should have remade this rather than p3.
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thepagemistress · 10 months
Saw this floating around and thought I'd do it because why not? (Also I have two AO3 accounts so the answers will incorporate both.)
Fanfiction Q&A
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now, mostly just Supernatural. I'm not good at multitasking. But I've still got some IT and DBH fics lurking in my WIP folders and there was an OFMD one I wanted to write ages ago that isn't even canon now but fuck it, right?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
#1 Braver Than You Think - It (1,280)
#2 Or Are Ya Chicken? - Castle (525)
#3 One I posted anonymously for Reasons™️ 😅 (505)
#4 Note to Self - Detroit: Become Human (333)
#5 The Domestication of the Swanman - Supernatural (316)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
*sigh* Not as often as I should. If someone leaves a long comment or an enthusiastic one or asks a question then I'll usually respond. But I don't like that AO3 includes replies in the comment count. I don't like inflating the number by responding to everything.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm. I guess Eighty-Sixed? My dark version of SPN but I did kind of subvert it right at the end because I'm me.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Braver Than You Think. My middle finger fuck you to canon deaths!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Hate is a strong word. The one I posted anonymously ended up with ✨️drama✨️ on it because someone accused me of stealing their friend's idea and then some other people swooped in to attack that person and defend me and then some other person said I needed Jesus lol. But other than that one fic, no 😂
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have done but I don't write it nearly as much as I used to and the more I don't write it, the more I don't think I probably can anymore. But I do have some in the back pocket should the mood strike. And it's usually pretty intimate stuff these days. Actually depends on the pairing, I guess. Not really opposed to trying my hand at anything.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
If we're talking actual crossovers and not just AUs, I have written one and that was my Supernatural/Santa Clarita Diet one which was a LOT of fun to write. I do have two other SPN crossover fics on my to-do list that I'm excited to get to eventually 👀
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes! It was forever ago, over on ff.net. I don't even remember how I found out. I think the "author" actually messaged me asking permission to plagiarise my fic even though they'd already done it. But they took my Castle fic, did find & replace on the character names and turned it into a Big Time Rush fic. Absolute shenanigans.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I had someone ask if they could but I don't know if it ever actually happened.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I have not. I don't know that I'd be able to, tbh. I'm a bit of a control freak when it comes to writing.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
At this point, it probably has to be Destiel, right? It's endured this long. I still look back fondly on all my ships but none make me quite so feral as those two do.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Ugh. I made the mistake of rereading my Reed900 fic the other day and I actually really love it still. But I have no memory of where it was going and no clue where any of my notes are so it's probably dead. There's also my "Richie goes back to Derry to dig Eddie out of Neibolt" fic but I DO still have all my notes for that one so foolishly I keep telling myself maybe one day...
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm good at coming up with novel ideas. Or at least unique approaches to things. And I'm quite good at capturing a character's voice.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
You mean aside from actually...writing? I suck at writing action or setting a scene. I focus so much on dialogue and internal emotions that I don't realise I've never said where anyone is or anything to paint a clear picture.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic.
I've done it a few times but unless I know someone who speaks the language, I don't really like relying on Google Translate to get things right.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Knowingly, it must have been The Monkees. But I was writing self-insert stories when I was a little kid involving Sonic and Bill & Ted and The A-Team...
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
This is an impossible question. I guess Braver Than You Think. Especially because a fic author I'd been following for over a decade commented on it and that was the coolest shit ever.
Please, any writers that see this, go ahead and fill it in and tag me in it! I wanna learn more about your stuff 😊 and I'll specifically tag @ncrrington @maccca-chino @wigglebox @castiel @casdeans-pie but no obligations!
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