#i know what i’m doing
andbumbl3bee · 1 month
I already know how to leave. I already know how to make my disappearance. I already know how I’ll slowly leave hints I’m alive after I go missing. I already know how to slowly lead them onto where I am. I know how to hint that im living after years of being missing or so reported dead. I know how I’ll leave without a trace.
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braverytattoos · 2 years
i can’t even comprehend the growth Louis has shown. I can’t even imagine him being in 1D with his mic being turned down or turned off and pushed to the side. Right now he’s on a damn roll and he sounds so good and he writes so well and I’m just overwhelmed with everything wow
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thesconesyard · 2 months
Where the West Begins
26. Vaquero
“Honey behaving over there?” McCoy asked. He and Robbie were riding into town. Scotty and the others were getting ready to brand the young cattle and that was one task McCoy avoided as best he could.
“Aye, she’s a sweet horse.”
“That she is,” McCoy agreed. He himself was riding Pepper, knowing that a spirited horse like her was a bit much for a newcomer like Robbie.
Robbie had been on the ranch for nearly a month. He got on well with everyone, as alike to his brother in that as anything. He was helpful and happy. Scotty too was extra jolly since Robbie had arrived. McCoy would be happy he had written that letter for the rest of his life.
“You sure you don’t want to help with the branding?” McCoy asked with a sly grin on his face.
Robbie tried to hide a grimace. McCoy had noted a few times when Robbie had not appeared to enjoy the work on the ranch. But McCoy couldn’t blame him. Coming so far from another country, to a land very unlike where he was from, to work he’d never thought of doing before; to McCoy it made sense if the man was uncomfortable at times.
“Do ye?” Robbie asked in turn.
“No thank you,” McCoy laughed. “I know Monty says that Spock is a wonder with the animals, but I just can’t bear to hear them cry out.”
“But patients cry out,” Robbie said.
“Not to me,” McCoy said quietly. “Not anymore.”
“Ye fixed up Pavel last week; why not still practice?” Robbie asked.
McCoy sighed softly. “Helping on the ranch is enough,” he replied quietly.
“Oh.” Realization crossed Robbie’s face. “That’s something I shouldn’t ask isn’t it?”
McCoy gave a slight nod. He liked his partner’s brother very much, but he wasn’t comfortable enough to spill his own story.
The first stop in town was the post office.
“Hello Dr. McCoy,” the clerk greeted him. “Everyone’s letters?”
“Yes sir,” McCoy smiled back.
“Give me just a moment,” the clerk said, and he disappeared into a back room.
McCoy stepped over to read notices on the wall and Robbie followed.
“Never know who might try to show up on the ranch,” McCoy chuckled humorlessly.
“Here you are doctor.” The clerk returned with a small pile tied with brown string. “You know for a moment I thought you were Mr. Scott sir,” the clerk said to Robbie. “He’s not been in for a while.”
“I am Mr. Scott,” Robbie grinned. “Just not the one ye know. I’m his brother.”
“Oh! Well! How about that!” said the clerk. He was an older man and adjusted his glasses to peer at Robbie more closely. “Well you look just like him. Have a good day gentlemen!”
“Thanks. You too,” McCoy said. He and Robbie left the office.
“This is a nice wee town,” said Robbie as they stopped on the walk outside the post office. McCoy tucked the letters into a pocket, then looked up and down the street.
“It really is,” McCoy agreed. “I’ve got to get some things from Dr. M’Benga and then what say we stop for a drink at Gaila’s? Kill some more time so they can really be done with the branding?”
“Lead the way!” Robbie smiled.
“This is more like it!” Robbie said as they settled at a table in Gaila’s saloon. McCoy smiled and took a sip from his drink.
Robbie looked at him nervously. “I- I don’t think I’m cut out for life on a ranch like all of ye.”
“Some people aren’t,” McCoy said evenly, waiting to see what Robbie was going to say.
“And I don’t want to hurt Monty— I don’t want him to think I’m leaving him.”
“What are you thinking?” McCoy asked. He set his glass down and looked at the Scotsman.
Robbie sighed. “I worked in stores back home. I didn’t work in fields or barns or with cattle like ye. There was a sign in yer post office there looking for help.”
“So you’d stay here?”
“Aye, but would Monty be hurt? I think he wants me to stay there.”
McCoy sat back and thought. “I think he would understand,” he said slowly. “Would you prefer to live here in town?”
“Maybe,” Robbie shrugged. “It’s still so small compared to Aberdeen, but I feel so little on the ranch.”
McCoy nodded. “Then you’ll have to be honest with him.”
“Aye,” Robbie agreed quietly.
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elaichitea24 · 9 months
i need ed Google to be a thing
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A cross stitch I did for my friends birthday a few weeks ago, it’s the the big bad man himself
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blandandtasteless · 8 months
I think I need a cloak. A cloak or a cape would fix me I think.
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the-alphonze · 3 months
…if you weld your internal organs together by accident im telling jay
Be safe, ‘kay? I won’t snitch unless someone gets hurt
No one is getting hurt
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acapellax · 8 months
Girlboss & Malewife Ship
(Jellystone ‘Bobong’ Shipping meme version)
El Kabong: Wife?… Why am I the “wife”?
Bobbie Louie: Because you’re attentive, sweet, and you look good in white.~
El kabong: L-Louise-, you can’t just say stuff like that..
(Ps: I honestly can’t find the Original meme of the audio. However, I just only found it on Twitter.)
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blood-eating-robot · 11 months
trick or treat!! 🫀
ah hi uh idk what i’m doing so!!!
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full sized snickers and an anatomical heart model i found desperately searhing enjoy!!!
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theclocky1 · 11 months
pick. no preference, just pick.
will be doing something tomorrow and i’ll post it later. you’ll see what it’ll be soon
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You will?
it’ll preoccupy you so you won’t eat my inbox
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pumpkingeorge · 10 months
“I love animals and they love me!”
9 different creatures that are biting me gums deep on several parts of my body
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findinghomes · 1 year
I was looking at the gifs of Dream and George walking together again and I was like this reminds me of something… and then it hit me
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its4amandimissyou · 2 years
I barely know what I’m doing most of the time, but when I DO know what I’m doing I really fucking know what I’m doing. You know?
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bottom-lexa · 2 years
Just gonna go off on a rant about tarnished yet again just ignore this post if you don’t wanna know.
But basically everyone saying Clarke should really call the cops and get Lexa help are missing a very crucial point. And that’s the fact that Lexa doesn’t want to. Say Clarke calls the cops, they show up at the house, and Lexa is too scared to say anything and just goes “no I’m absolutely fine,” and doesn’t tell on Michael out of fear and well that’s just what’s ingrained into her.
Then what happens? Two things. 1. Michael gets even more angry at her because she must have said something to someone and made him look bad so he punishes her, and 2. Lexa stops trusting Clarke. She will know Clarke did it out of good intentions but she did something Lexa asked her numerous times not to, and in turn led to Lexa getting hurt even more. Clarke wouldn’t be able to forgive herself for doing that to Lexa and Lexa would never be able to trust Clarke again about anything let alone ever open up to her again.
And Clarke is a smart person. She knows this. She knows that if lexa isn’t ready to talk about it to the authorities, cops showing up at her place will only make things worse for her. And she also knows that’s exactly how she’s going to lose Lexa because Lexa will only ever see her again as yet another person she can’t trust, and yet another person who thinks they know what’s best for her more than herself.
And where will Clexa be then?????
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mybluewrld · 2 years
so far i have a lot of very nice drafts however i still have not found out how to access my drafts 😀👍🏼
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