#i know you're not levi but i just wanted to share my favourite things with 'levi' haha
abiatackerman · 2 months
Where he truly belongs
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Event: @levievent "Levi Month 24"
💕 Day 9: Soulmates 💕
Canon universe! Captain Levi Ackerman x Scout Reader! Soft love with slight comedy! Fluffy romance! Sweet confessions! 1.1K Words!
The moonlight pours through the clean office window of Levi as the candles sigh with tiredness. They've reached their limits too but it seems like the captain hasn't. He's been working continuously and hasn't stopped even it's 2am. He didn't sleep last night either proving that the paperwork is more important to him. His right hand keeps putting the elegant signature of his on the rough papers as his tired eyes roam over them. But all of it gets interrupted when your loud voice yells his name and you burst into his room furiously.
"Levi Ackerman!"
The sudden sound of your angry voice and the door banging open jolts Levi out of his work. He looks up from his desk, his eyes widening slightly as he sees your furious expression.
"What the hell? What's gotten into you?"
He asks with his usual calm-rough voice. He's not surprised to see you at this hour since he knows it's not rare for you to stay awake at night. He knows you love to "waste your time" by reading instead of sleeping.
"I'll pull you by your ear and drag your ass to bed. The fuck is wrong with you? You haven't slept for 32 Hours!"
You hiss and march towards him and pull his ear.
"Ow! Dammit, woman! Do you know whose ear you're pulling?"
He winces a little as you grab his ear suddenly. He is not used to being manhandled like this, especially by a woman, but he knows he deserves it. He knows that he has been neglecting his own health and he knows that you have rights to be angry with him.
"Yes, my boyfriend's!"
You reply in a pissed voice and pull both of his ears as if you're a kid and his ears are your favourite toy.
"Alright, alright! I'll go to bed, just let go of my ear!"
He says and grips your wrists. You sigh at his words and let go of his ears.
"You make me worried sick every night when you don't sleep!"
You hiss and pull him by his wrist and he allows you to lead him through the halls of the Survey Corps headquarters. Grumbling under his breath, he follows obediently behind you. Once you reach your room, he walks inside and slumps down onto the bed, letting out a tired sigh.
"I'm sorry for worrying you, doll. I just have a lot on my mind and work is the best distraction, that's all."
He looks at you apologetically and you smile cheekily, hopping into the bed with him.
"Better distraction than me?"
Levi gives you a "Don't fuck with me stare" you laugh. You lay down beside him and start to caress his dark silky locks.
Levi closes his eyes as your fingers run through his hair, massaging his scalp. Letting out a content sigh, he relaxes into your touch. He reaches out and takes your other hand, bringing it to his lips and kisses your knuckles.
"You're too good to me, doll. I don't deserve you."
Your face softens at his words and you shake your head.
"That's a mutual feeling. I mean, tell me. What did I do to deserve the strongest, kindest, hottest, sweetest man in the earth? I love you."
He opens his eyes at your words and looks up at you, a small rare smile creeps up on his face as you caress his hair. He reaches up and cups your face in his hand, gently stroking your cheek with his thumb.
"I'm far from being the sweetest man. I've done my fair share of terrible things, but... You somehow make me feel like I'm worthy of love, even after everything I've done."
You smile softly and lean into his touch.
"You didn't do any of them because you wanted to. You had to do all those horrible things because you had no other way, because you had to save yourself."
Your voice softens as you kiss his lips so softly as if his lips are the most fragile thing in this earth.
"I wish I could be there to help you. You had a terrible time."
You whisper against his lips and he closes his eyes. He really loves it when you kiss him so gently, like he is vulnerable. He's not used to being treated like this. He's used to people seeing him as the strong and aloof captain, the man who could never break. But it's refreshing to receive some soft love when he's tired. Sometimes this is all he wants. To people stop treating him like he's unbreakable, like he's the strongest the strongest of all, like "he can't be vulnerable".
"You help me more than you know. Just having you by my side helps me more than you can imagine. Knowing that you love me and care about me... It's more than I deserve."
He confesses softly and you smile proudly. You cheekily mess his hair.
"See? Bad time always ends. You have me and the whole survey corps as your family now. I don't know about others but I can guarantee, I'm not leaving you that easily, Ackerman! Behind every strong man, there's always a supportive woman! And I want to be the one for you. I want to be 'humanity's strongest soldier's supportive woman'! Your woman, who's gonna mentally support you no matter what."
You smile proudly and take a deep breath. You look into his eyes as you confess in an honest and straightforward tone.
"I love you so much, Levi. So much that I'll be destroyed if you leave me."
As Levi hears your words, he feels a lump form in his throat. He rarely shows his emotions, but at this moment, he feels tears prickling at the corners of his eyes.
"I love you too, Y/n. You are my anchor, my reason for fighting. My soulmate, my one and only love. I will never leave you, no matter what happens. I will always be by your side, protecting you and loving you. As long as I'm alive"
His words make you emotional immediately and you hug him tightly. This is not the right time for crying. He's tired and he needs sleep. So you press his head in your chest, blinking away the tears and whisper softly.
"I know, Levi. Enough confessing for today. You're tired. Just go to sleep."
Levi nods at your words and closes his eyes, feeling the comforting beat of your heart under his cheek. He lets out a deep sigh, feeling the exhaustion of the past few days start to catch up to him.
"Thanks for coming into my life"
Levi murmurs, his voice drowsy and soft.
"You're very welcome, darling."
You respond softly and start to caress his hair again, to lull him to sleep. Levi's mind and body finally surrenders to the exhaustion that has been building up and he lets out a soft sigh. Since he can't fight against the calm melody of your heartbeat and your soft caresses, he finally falls asleep, wrapped in the warmth of your embrace where he knows he's safe.
In your arms, in his soulmate's arms, where he truly belongs.......
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ieatkeyboard · 8 months
What Obey Me brothers do for Valentines day
Note: I have a love-hate relationship with Valentines day but it's a really cute holiday! Hope you guys have fun :] Warnings: Sappy love, fluff
Lucifer: - It's cannon he's been in many relationships so I don't think it's his first rodeo - He cleans up your room while you're at work. Washes your bedding+other laundry, makes your bed and folds your laundry, does some vacuuming. -He doesn't go through your drawers or anything just tries to make it a bit neater so you can come home and not worry about cleaning up - He gets you gifts based on things you like. If you like to make jewellery he'll get a couple kits from a hobby store to make together. If you like comfy clothes, he'll customise a set of pyjamas for you, etc. - He'll jot down notes of things you like all January. He makes sure to ask at the beginning of January what your dream Valentines day activity would be in hopes you forget about it over the month - I feel like he wouldn't ask for what he wants but he enjoys doing things together. He's a bit of a sap so he uses Valentines day to show it more. - I feel like he'd be a sucker for roses. Get him white and red roses with a little note and he'll never forget it. - He might get you some little things on Valentines day if it's on a week day and use the weekend to do more. - He'd love make dinner with you but he has your favourite restaurant on standby in case Beel walks in- - Watching movies together in his room cause his bed is bigger, taking your blankets and pillows into his room cause you're spending the night there. -He tears up a little at the end of the night, when you're sleeping in his arms. He hopes this is the most memorable Valentines day you'll ever have
Mammon: - He's a sap but in the "idk what I'm doing" way - Anything he knows about you leaves his brain - He gets you flowers and chocolate and sprays his cologne on a hoodie for you - He'll probably take you for a drive and show you all his favourite places (Spoiler. It's the places you first met, took your first date at, had all your firsts at) - He'll cry remembering how it started. how you ended up in his life and all the things you've been through - He takes you through a drive through and you eat in the parking lot. He has your shared playlist playing quietly in the background while you both talk about your days and your memories together - I feel like he wouldn't need anything. He just wants you - But if you got him a new sweater or watch he was looking at, he'd be extremely happy. - I also feel like he likes sunflowers
Leviathan: - He's never had a Valentine before, he also would be too scared to ask - He'd slip a note under your bedroom door that says "Wanna be my Valentine?" and when you agree he gets really happy but also nervous that you're kidding or are doing it out of pity - After much reassurance you set up plans together - You guys watch your favourite anime together, build the anime figurines Levi's been putting off together, play games, order food - You probably sneak out later to go walk to a convenience store to get snacks and drinks and go fuck around at a park - I think he'd buy your snacks for you and pick up a stuffy for you - He isn't overly sure what you like in the flowers and such department but he tries - I feel like he isn't a big flower person tbh
Satan: - Romantic slut man - He makes you a goody bag. He writes a love letter with references to the books you've read together, makes a kiss print sweater like the ones on tiktok (Got the idea from Asmo sending him stuff of what to do for you), got you the snacks you like, a gift card to the places you like and a lamb stuffy that reminds him of you - He likes lavender for sure - I feel like getting him a nice lavender room spray to help him relax while he reads, a cat stuffy, the book he's been dying to read but is always in use at the library and a new blanket would be perfect for him (I am absolutely projecting, and what) - Making a blanket for with him and watching the movie adaptations to the books you like is everything. Go to a cat cafe to get lunch before going shopping and putting the gift card he got you to use
Asmo: - Oh lordy lord - Bath bomb, rose petals, wine, your favourite show, the kiss print sweater but I feel like he'd do matching pants (You'll NEVER guess where he put the kisses!!!*REAL* *NOT CLICKBAIT*), spa day, a cute lunch and dinner date, SO MANY PICTURES - He wants to spoil you. Give you everything romantic he could possibly think of - He likes lilies. lilys? Idfk you get the idea - He also would love to make stuff together! I also feel like Asmo draws up a little map of all the places you had your firsts and put little Polaroid pictures of those days next to the spots - Taking him shopping and getting to go home, do a little fashion show, try all the new makeup he got one each other, make the teddy bear you got him smell like you, get him new blankets/candles/decorations for his room. He'd be so happy - I feel like as much as Valentines day is the day of love and he'd flirt a lot, he'd keep sex out of the plans (Unless you want it but than after the fact he'll complain about needing to catch up on the other plans he made lol) - He loves you for so much more than your body and especially cause he's the Avatar of lust he want to prove it's not just his sin getting in the way
Beel: - He gets you comfy clothes, snacks, and other stuff you like! If you have your ears pierced or have other piercings he'll get you cute jewellery, get you a necklace to match. If you like cats, he'll get you a sweater with cat ears and a cat stuffy - He worries about getting you flowers because if they smell good he'll want to eat them- - On the note he for sure likes edible flowers like hibiscus, rose, lavender and chamomile. I'd recommend getting him flowers in the way of getting flower flavoured things - He would appreciate ordering food from all the places you've been on dates so you can have a trip down memory lane while eating (He absolutely asked Asmo for that idea) - I feel like he'd ask his brothers and your friends for ideas cause as much as he knows you, you probably admit to like different or more stuff with friends - He asks you to show him all your favourite movies, current and childhood. He wants to know how you became the amazing person he fell in love with - He wouldn't want much for Valentines day. Candy and like I said, flower flavoured things would be enough for him. If you get him anything else please do not make it food related he will chew on it. Getting him new clothes and stuff based off his movie would make him really happy
Belphie: - Blanket, both of the fluffy and weighted variety. Cow stuffy. New sweater. -I would try and steer clear of stuff to make him sleep harder but he's a comfy kinda guy so it's hard - Star themed pyjamas and hair clips. Or bleaching his favourite constellations on a black hoodie. He'll wear it everywhere - I feel like he'd like white roses and dahlias - His ideal date would be getting food, going to the planetarium and talking, listening to music, looking at the stars, etc. And than going home and napping with his new blanket and in his new pyjamas. - He'd get you snacks, a hoodie and shorts that are your favourite colour, get you a new pillow that he'd test out first to make sure it was comfy. - And ofc he'd get you stuff you like. Your favourite perfume, stuff based on movies/shows/anime you like. - He'd get a little sappy and tell you he's so glad your still with him. That you're his
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sweetbrier2908 · 8 months
you never say "i love you" but it almost slips out of your mouth sometimes
nightbringer timeline, angst, gn!mc, no proofread
you never say "i love you".
you can't.
to them.
it almost slips out of your mouth sometimes.
like when lucifer gives you a kiss on the forehead while saying goodbye to you at the front door.
like when mammon drags you to his bed after a long long day and gosh, his hug is a little too familiar for you to not push him away and cruelly tell him that you have to go home, this is not your home.
like when levi shows you his newest merch with a sparkling eyes and you just sit here watching him screaming non-stop about how hard to get this merch and how much he wants you to be the first one to see it.
like when you and satan wander around the town and he introduces you to every stray cat you two meet on the way with such an enthusiastic and loving voice and it never fail to surprise you how quick he gets along with all the cats.
like when asmo takes you out for shopping and keeps holding your hand like he was scared that you're going to get lost, i am much more familiar with devildom than you, you tease. but i can't risk losing my favorite jewel in the crowds, can i?, he replies when intertwining his fingers with yours.
like when beel tries to restrain his hunger just to save you the last bite of his favourite dessert and happily splits it into two only after you reassure him that you're not hungry, but still, he wants to share it with you.
like when belphie asks you to watch the astronomy show with him and falls asleep half way and uses your laps as his pillow while you're caressing his hair.
like all the damn time they whisper "i love you" to you.
do you love them? even it's a different timeline, even when you don't belong here, even maybe that they're not your demons? you love them.
but you can't say that. you can't say that when you are going to leave them sooner or later. you can't say that when you only accepted to be their attendant and spend time with them in order for you to return to your world. you can't say that when you know all too well that they're going to get mad, they're going to lock you and maybe kill you because the only thing that you did up until now is using them and hurting them. you can't.
because there are the demons who desperately waiting for you to come back to them as much as you desperately waiting for time to come back.
because you love the demons in your own world a little too much for you to say that you love any different version of them.
because maybe you love those demons whose voices and faces and personalities are so familiar that you don't want them to dive deeper in this.
because you're going to hurt them again and again until their hearts bleeding and their souls dead.
so you can't say "i love you".
but it almost slips out of your mouth sometimes.
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inhuman-obey-me · 1 year
First of all, love your analysis!! They are legit my favourites <3 second, do you think the brothers have had past relationships before MC? Were they intimate or just some fwb kind of thing? Do you think that some nobles try to get with one of the brothers? Sorry if I sound nosy!! Just wanna know your guys opinions cause you guys always have the best answers! >:D (ps. you guys are my favourite obey me blog hehe)
Ahhhh thank you, you're so sweet!! Σ(O///O) (,,>﹏<,,) Apologies for the delay in answering this!
As far as past relationships before MC go, yes we think there probably have been some. It is a dating sim, so of course they want to make it that MC is ✨special✨ for them, but let's think realistically about it. They've all lived an incredibly long time before MC!
We certainly do know that nobles and others are interested in them. Barbatos mentions that all of them have fan clubs, and there's even a memory UR card titled "Popular with the Ladies" after all! And Great Witch Maddi is infamously aggressive for trying to get with some of them, including frustrating the hell out of Satan and Lucifer -- as well as a rather dark implication about what she might have done to Mammon once.
As to the particular nature of their past relationships, though, it probably varies a lot from brother to brother!
Lucifer doesn't do anything half-assed, and he's way too prideful for anything that could damage his or his family's reputation. He might go on a few dates for political reasons, but he thinks of those as work, not romance. If he actually gets into a relationship, it's serious. That said, he's such a workaholic that past relationships are probably pretty few and far in between except with Diavolo.
Mammon is the type to hook up intending it to be a casual one-night stand, and end up in love before he knows what's happened. He falls in love fast, and though the relationships may have burned up just as quickly, he really loved them -- even if he might never admit it.
Leviathan prides himself on being a hardcore shut-in, so his relationship history is probably mainly littered with online relationships with fellow gamers. He may have been too shy to actually ever meet up with any of them, or maybe not.
Satan has a lot of acquaintances and is generally well-liked within the Devildom, so he's undoubtedly had his share of admirers. And he's always trying to expand his horizons by trying new things, to get away from being "only wrath." So yeah, he's probably tried dating casually, maybe had some that were considered more serious, but didn't really have that full-blown understanding of love until MC came along.
Asmodeus is, well....let's just be realistic here. He's the Avatar of Lust. We saw the brothers giving him shit for hitting on everyone even when he was an angel, so of course he's probably hooked up with tons of people before MC. But the whole reason MC has been so special to him is because they're the first one that he feels like really loves him for more than just his beauty, so they're the first serious relationship for him.
Beelzebub is one of the "popular with the ladies" guys, but it just isn't really a priority for him. Still, he's not one to say no if someone invites him out for a meal, so he's definitely gone out on dates from time to time, even if some of them may have been accidental. But it seems MC is really the first to be equally important to him as his family, so any past relationships probably weren't nearly as serious.
Belphegor isn't a total shut-in like Levi, but frankly he just doesn't care a whole lot about anybody outside of his family. So he might have had casual flings with those who showed interest, but he likely would have hit a point where he would have decided it's not worth the effort.
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melloneah · 2 months
this is all for the writer ask!!! :3 hope it's not too much >_<" answer the ones you're comfortable answering and don't force yourself to answer all of them if you don't want to! <3
🌵🥤🌻🍄📚 🍬🔪🥐🏜🦋🐝🧩
EHEHEHEHEHHE NEVER TOO MUCH THANK U SMMMMMM 🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
i dont really listen to premade playlists, so ill link mine >:333 this is a playlist i made for a roadtrip to berlin, including all the songs i was listening to at the time, and ive since been adding new ones actively, so it's literally just a huge list of everything i love :D 🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
first of all gonna plug my besties ofc @levi-dayne writes sick ass fics for death note @uriekukistan writes amazing itafushi angst (and not only :33) SENDING BOTH OF THEM SMOOCHES GO READ THEIR STUFF! and a fic that id read recently and LOVEDDD was all about love by fullvoid (@casgore on here :3) the yuuji characterisation broke my heart - it was a gutwrenchingly real way of depicting mental illness, and i loved seeing how different he acted around people vs alone. and it was super cool seeing a healed megumi helping yuuji rather than the other way around!!! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!!
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis FIRST OF ALL U!!!!!! i love the mutual interactions THANK U FOR BEING HERE!!!! @alonelystargazer is very sweet and i interact with her pretty regularly i feel :3 THANK U FOR INTERACTING WINNIE!!!!<3 cant think of anymore rn but if i do i WILL edit this post TRUST 🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
megumi likes penne but yuuji hates it so they always disagree over pasta shape if theyre making it for dinner. yuuji always wins bc his favourite is spaghetti and obviously everyone likes spaghetti so megumi doesnt bother fighting him on it 📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app? 
HEHEHEHEH nervous. lets see "what kinda gay shit goes on around here when im not around" LMAO the choso x todo wip in action. what a quote thank u past me. you'll find out the context once i post it sjdhfgsjhfks
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
hmmmmm from random shit i think like. 1980s window designs in england lmaooo
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
answered here :333
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
ARRGRHRG ANY COMMENT. i get so excited u cant even imagine. i sometimes type 'AO3' in my gmail just to delude myself that i got a comment and get that little pang of joy seeing the notif 😭 my favvvv must be ones that quote certain lines tho bc then im like HEY!!!! I WROTE THAT!!!! U LIKED THAT??? DUDE UR NOT GONNA BELIEVE THIS I WROTE IT
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately
i feel like an everpresent topic ive had on my mind especially often for the last year is kindness. there's a multitude of things i could say, whether that's bashing people for lacking it, or get all teary over how beautiful it is (which!! it is!!!) but i think what ive recently discovered is that it's my only constant :3 when everything else goes wrong, that's all i have, and im really happy it's second nature to me (altho im still actively working on making myself better!!!!)
yeah, maybe everything sucks right now, but i know i can make someone else's day better :3 and often it makes things a little more okay to me too
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
RAHHGHG BESTIES. question for the bestiessss
@levi-dayne is so dear to my heart!!! such a sweet and kind person, who truly and deeply cares about others!!!! makes music, writes well AND ALSO DRAWS??!!! amazing and super talented person with super high ambitions too!!! SO SLAYFUL. what did i do to deserve such a slayful friend<333
@uriekukistan is one of the most naturally talented ppl i know!!!!! they write amazing fics, can DANCE super well, and took up drawing like 3 seconds ago and are already churning out really cool stuff on a fucking TOUCHPAD. ON THEIR LAPTOP. gofundme for rin graphic art kit when?? also ofc. a really good friend and very kind person :3333 <333
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
from a writing style perspective: first person and tense switches
from a content perspective: anything fucked up like noncon or incest....how tf are they often not tagged like??? or putting that at the bottom of the warnings list 😭 oh yea im far more concerned about swearing and underage drinking......
something im picky abt that sometimes annoys me enough to click off but i feel like it's just a weird personal preference is the overuse of alternatives to a characters name. so using "the brunette" like 5 times. just say his name!!!!! it's ok!!!!!
RAHHHHHH i usually reread my answers before i post but not this time. adios fuckers i dont remember what bullshit i wrote here but ur left with the consequences. if u wanna deal with even more of my terrible takes ASK ME STUFF
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obeymesheep · 2 years
Lucifer, Mammon, Levithan
you/your reader
Part 2 !here!
Part 3 !here!
HII!! i'm back with so more headcannons, english has been draining my will to write anything full, but i hope to get my next full one out tomorrow or sunday! Sorry if Levi is ooc
Definitely not a unpopular opinion that Lucifer is more of a classic sort of guy, and Dear is his main nickname! He likes it because he feels very domestic when he uses it! He also feel very good when you bring him a little cup o' joe, and thanks you with a little "I love you, Dear"
Ok, a little silly sure but the story is cute. Lucifer is absolutely hammered on wine (or would it be demonias or smth) You sharing a couple of glasses, he starts getting really love sick silly, "You're such a little bean, you're so cute I love you" so of course you start calling him jelly, he only really uses it when he's drunk but you always call him jelly <3
A fan-favourite among the demons, he only uses this when he's either teasing you or youre in some hot shit. It's like when a mom uses a child's full name to let them know they messed up. "Human, you think you can just get away with that?" But it's more of a tone thing so you can always tell when's he's teasing and time to kiss his face or when it's time to run!
Little Crow
Mammon always uses this one when he's comforting you! It makes you feel small and safe, in your protectors arms! "Just relax little crow, I got you" one hundred percent starts calling you that because of how close you are with his familiars, they just naturally like you! They follow you around, and bring you little trinkets it just felt natural!
Starts calling you that, when you show him a human romcom, thinks it's a little weird that humans call each other that, but Mammons got the spirit! Definitely the one he calls you baby most, it doesn't embarrass him to call you that in front of others like his more embarrassing nicknames, "I love you baby, got that?"
Another big fannon one! He uses this one when he's feeling a little more possessive, or when he's jealous! This one came pretty naturally to him it was the first one he came up with for you, "you're all my treasure! nobody else's" Just a swift arm wrapped around the waist and casual nickname drop says all that needs to be said when someone's challenging Mammon!
Cannon Nickname!! Calls you this because you're his best friend!! and wether or not you're in a romantic relationship doesn't change that! "ROTFL henry did you see that?" Uses this nickname the most, it's one that's close to his heart and can use wether or not he's feeling flustered!
I can't believe I've never seen this before, but he definitely calls you that, I mean come on he known to call you Anime characters names this isn't totally out of the blue! He uses it when he's feeling particularly romantic, when you're curled into his side watching an anime! "I love you Ruri!"
This is a normie nickname you forced him to call you! Well not really but that's what Levi tells people. You were playing nentendogs with him and named a dog Cutie, soooo totally not normie, right? "Aaah cutie stop being so cute!" Cutie is a nicknamed saved for comfort! He wants to remind you about being happy and playing video games with him.
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sweetfire01 · 2 years
Hey Just wanted to say I love your writing! Daddy simmy makes brain go brrr 🥴 (affectionate)
Imagine all 7 brothers babying mc, like shared custody? Lmao imagine the chaos that'd cause. Requesting a fic with them acting like daddy simmy but sharing mc between them.
~ 🐻 anon
Thanks ~🐻 anon (it's Teddy anon?)
I write here my headcanons and in another post the fic. I take it as a consensual age regression. If you want a non-con let me know!
Little!Mc and Daddies!Brothers? A true chaos.
The first time you regressed, you crawled into the arms of only one of them. You needed comfort. Even if you regressed normally in the human world, you weren't sure the demons would accept that, so you kept it a secret. Until one day, maybe for all the stress, maybe a strong thunderstorm, maybe a scary horror film, you broke down and started crying.
Lucifer would have been the first to calm you down. If you were alone in the room, you would run to him in his office. All you needed was protection and who better than the strongest brother could provide it? If instead you burst into tears in front of everyone, he would have been the only one to do something immediately, picking you up and moving to a quieter place. You would then fearfully explain to him about your regression but, once you saw how understanding and supportive the demon seemed, you decided to reveal it to the others as well.
And then the chaos began.
Everyone wanted to take care of you, fighting over who should do what.
Beel obviously want to give you the bottle, but Satan want to read you so many beautiful fairy-tales in the meantime, so why can't he simply be the one holding you on his lap and feeding you? Why reading necessarily a book, Levi knows that also cartoons make you have fun, so you can stay with him. But you could have fallen asleep, so Belphie will be the best suited for this task, singing you a lullaby! The back massage that Asmo give are fantastic and can put you to sleep in no time, so why not choose him? Hey, hey, don't ignore Mammon! He is the best daddy around! Of course he will do it!
I can see how, in all of this, Lucifer sneaks up, takes you and keeps you with him, a bottle in his hands. Well, you are probably hungry, aren't you?
Eventually they try to create a schedule. Of course there will be a lot of fights and, when it's finally completed, no one follow it.
In the end they understand that the only thing to do is act before the others, as soon as you need something.
Obviously with their different personalities there are different activities they want to do with you.
For example Beel and Satan do outside activity in the garden, the first one for more physical games such as tag or hide and seek if you feel older, otherwise a simple "try to throw the ball with your hands" if you are younger. He also put a swimming pool so you can swim together. You have floaties of course. Of course, all of that happen when he's not busy airplane spooning you.
Satan instead makes you to explore and do a walk, probably the only one that also take you out of the garden, to look at insects (small ones) in the park and of course to pet the kittens in a cat cafe. Or he will simply sit on a bench and read you a children's book, making voices and pointing at the pictures. It's one of his favourite activities.
I was thinking about how Asmo doesn't want you to get dirty, so when you go out it's just to sunbathe together. Then I remember we are in the Devildom lol. He took you shopping once but you started to get tired because you were going from one shop to another for 4 hours so he prefers to buy things alone and show them to you when he gets home. Get ready for a mountain of adorable clothes and onesies.
The other brothers instead prefer you to stay inside while you're regressed, it's for your protection (Mammon and Lucifer) and because people out there don't deserve to admire your cuteness (again, Mammon and Lucifer). For Levi and Belphie, we can understand why they don't want to.
Levi doesn't even take you to any anime events, you might get lost or be overwhelmed. But you can do a lot of cosplay together in his room, obviously with the clothes he sewed, not with the ones Asmo bought. And there are so many anime that you can see, or video games that you can play. Are you asking to go swimming outside with Beel? Why would you ever? Wouldn't it be more fun to swim with him and Henry in his big aquarium? Oh, do you feel more like a baby? Uuh, well, even if you can't do all the things above you still seem to enjoy crawling around in your Azuki-tan costume!
Belphie doesn't actively participate in playtime, he prefers when you're a baby, looking into your eyes as you happily babble gibberish. Occasionally he also does silly games like peek-a-boo, tickle monter or simply bouncing you on his knees. But of course he loves nap time, cradling you in his arms as he sings you a lullaby. And when you can't fall asleep, he takes you up to the planetarium, whispering the story of some constellation, both of you lying on a soft blanket while gazing at the stars above. Sometimes you try to not fall asleep just to go there.
What about the best-daddy-in-devildom Mammon? He spoils you. A lot. You're probably the only reason Lucifer would think about lending him a few grimms - not his credit card otherwise he'd be able to buy a whole toy store - but it's not only with toys and sweets. He installs a playpen in the living room. Ooh, do you want to play on his room? Wait, he pulls out the softest blankets he has so you won't hurt yourself on the hard floor. You don't like its colour? No problem, he change it. The horse racing can wait. And he's a totally overprotective, putting kid locks on all the places you're not supposed to be. He really want to be the "fun daddy" but he knows how fragile a human is. His brothers find him annoying: Satan can't take you outside for too long without receiving 20 worried messages; Beel has to be careful not to let you run too much or you will die; what if Belphie hugs you too tightly until you suffocating? Mammon just need to be around you! For your safe.
Only Lucifer is more overprotective than him. He wasn't very happy when you decided to open up to the rest of the brothers as well. Wasn't he enough for you? But no problem, as soon as he see you alone he will take you to his office, into another playpen where you can always be watched properly. Did the brother just go to the kitchen to get you a snack? Nevermind, it was very naive of them. Anything could have happened to you. It's their fault.
But in the end, it's nice to have such caring daddies, isn't it?
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asunsetgrace16 · 5 months
⌜ instagram edits prompts ⌝
⌜ post prompts ⌝
Soft Launch
Hard Launch
Valentines Day
Engagement Announcement
Pregnancy Announcement
Wedding Post
Life Lately
Friends Appreciation
Night Out
New Years Eve
Outed by the Media
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⌜ captions ⌝
Soft Launch
oh, i'm falling in love again
so i guess all the rumors are true 🥂❤️
call it what you want to 💌
all i know is that we said hello 💕🎀
at every table, i'll save you a seat 🍷🌹
we found wonderland 🤍
deep blue but you painted me golden 💛💫
is it chill that you're in my head 🌷💞
i met a boy, cute as can be
Valentines Day
you are the best thing that's ever been mine
your eyes look like coming home 💕☁️
this love is ours 💞🎀💌
swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover ❤️
love's a game, wanna play? 🌹💋
have i known you for 20 seconds, or 20 years? 💌 🌹
shining just for you ✨💕🪩
but it's golden ✨ 🤍
i've loved you three summers now, honey, but i want them all 💌❤️
one single thread of gold tied me to you 💫 🤍
i don't know how it gets better than this ❤️ 💫
at every table, i'll save you a seat 💕🥂
i'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home 🤍💕
can i go where you go? ❤️💌
can we always be this close? 🌹💋
all's well that ends well to end up with you r🩷🎀
king of my heart 🤍✨🏹
we never go out of style 💋☁️
'cuz i like you 💕🎀💌
you are the one i have been waiting for ✨💕
my one and only, my lifeline 🤍💫
uh, oh, i'm falling in love 💘 🌷
oh, i'm falling in love again ❤️ 💋
i'd like to hang out with you for my whole life ☁️💕
you beling with me
here's to my baby
i love you more
i wanna be your endgame
you are the one i've been waiting for
we found wonderland ✨🪽
grab your passport and my hand 🎫 💕
slowly lurching towards your favourite city 🌃
i know place we won't be found 🫧
lost in the memories 📸☁️
voted most likely to run away with you 🎫 🌃
capture it, remember it 🎞️🌇
worlds away
let's run away now
back beneath the sun
i don't know how it gets better than this
the right place at the right time
i remember how we felt sitting by the water
this big, wide city all to ourselves
all the beautiful times
drinking on a beach
welcome to new york
confetti falls to the ground
life in pictures
remember this moment
when it was hot & it was summer
I had the time of my life with you
so magnetic is was almost obnoxious
we never go out of style
shared dinners, long weekends
mismatched star signs
blue dress on a boat
taking your time in the tangerine neon light
midnights like this
my aura's moonstone
make the friendship barcelets
it's me, hi
meet me at midnight
how evergreen our group of friends
the best people in life are free
remember this moment
we're young and we're reckless
their parties were taseful, if a little loud
born to be national treasures
waves crash on the shore
red lip classic
standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset
summer lovin', had me a blast
summer lovin', happened so fast
Night Out/Birthday
confetti falls to the ground 💫 🪩
this night is sparkling ✨🪩
3am edition 🖤🌙
and btw, i'm going out tonight 🥂
we were too busy dancing to get knocked off our feet 💌🍷
meet me at midnight 🌃🌙
dancing with our hands tied
sequin smile, black lipstick 💄🖤
midnights become my afternoons 🌙
how'd we end up on the floor anyway? 🥂
late in the night, the city's asleep ✨🪩
i'm not even sorry, the nights are so starry ✨
dancin' in your levi's, drunk under a streetlight 🍷
glitter on the floor after the party
champange problems 🥂
i want your midnights
the one we danced to all night long
i have this thing where i get older ✨🕯️
it was the end of a decade, but the start of an age 💫🤍
with a big cake, happy birthday 🎂
older but just never wiser 🕯️🎀
take the moment and taste it 🍰💌
winter nights
back to december
it gets colder and colder when the sun goes down
under the mistletoe 🎄
'tis the damn season
in from the snow
voted most likely to run away with you 💍
i don't know how it gets better than this
let's run away now
would you run away with me?
all the beautiful times
remember this moment
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babeeduck · 12 days
I'm Beebs or BB. Whatever you wanna call me! 💛 Find my AO3 here!
I will write about almost anything! No matter what bizarre fetish you have, I won't shame you for it. Send me an ask if you want to hear a headcanon or if you have any weird freaky scenarios with your fave anime character you want to share.
My favourite things to write about are extreme medfet, noncon, incest, threesomes, bondage, kidnapping, BDSM... I'm mostly into torturing the reader and living vicariously through them basically. On that note, I only write fem!reader- just because that's what I know. You're welcome to personally change the pronouns to whatever you see fit if you'd like though. 💛
The only thing I'm uncomfortable writing is anything explicitly underage or dom!reader,,, simply because I'm the world's biggest sub. So if you're looking for either of those it's probably best to look elsewhere.
My main fandoms include Attack on Titan, Tokyo Revengers, Hunter x Hunter, One Piece, Golden Kamuy, My Hero Academia and Jujutsu Kaisen so feel free to talk to me about those!
Below the cut are the characters I'm most likely to go crazy and rave about. So if you send me a message about any of these characters I might go feral. Just a warning.
Levi, Erwin, Jean, Zeke, Reiner, Bertolt, Eren, Armin, Connie, Ymir, Porco, Nanabe, Miche, Kenny
Kazutora, Ran, Rindou, Mikey, Hanma, Draken, Chifuyu, Izana, Mitsuya, Inupi, Kokonoi, Taiju, Hakkai, Shion, Sanzu, Takeomi, Kakucho, Wakasa
Hisoka, Illumi, Chrollo, Feitan
Trafalgar Law, Ace, Katakuri, Nico Robin, Hancock, Smoker, Crocodile, Mihawk, Sanji, Zoro, Doflamingo, Corazon, Kid, Killer, Hawkins, Shanks, Izo, X.Drake, Caesar
Ogata, Usami, Ienaga
Overhaul, Dabi, Shigaraki, Mirko, Endeavour, Natsuo
Toji, Choso, Gojo, Geto, Mahito, Nanami, Toge, Meimei, Yuta
Tags include spoiler and trigger warnings. Will use #FAVE to compile some of my favourite fics on tumblr. 🩵
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levi-supreme · 2 years
My name is Levi and my favorite emoji rn is 🤺
Levi my love my beloved my baby my husband my most precious person my entire world 🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I will give you the moon and the stars and the universe if you want me to <333 also because you're Levi, I'm giving you the best of the best and everything I can 💖💖💖💖 and of course, you're getting more of everything because you're my love <333
Chinese name: 勇安 (Yong An): 勇 (Yong = brave, courageous, fierce); 安 (An = peaceful, quiet, tranquil, safe)
Japanese name: 翔 (Shou = soar, fly, glide)
Korean name: 준용 joon-yong (Hanja: 俊荣 Jun Rong): 준 [俊] (Jun = handsome, talented, capable); 용 [荣] (Yong/Rong = honour, glory, flourish, prosper)
Bubble tea order: Earl grey milk tea, 0% sugar, no ice
Dessert: Lavender cookies // Palmier // Hanami dango
Send me your name and I'll give you three things!!
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Can i ask for a request on how the obey me! Boys would react on mc making them watch eurovision song contest?
Sure thing lovely! Who were your favourites to win? I'm ngl, Romania, Norway and Serbia were... i've got Llamame stuck in my head so many times. Anyways! Speed ran this because this is kind of on a time crunch so might be a little short.
Summary: MC and the boys sit down for some Eurovision.
Warning: none today!
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Don't get me wrong, this man would do anything for you but what in the Devildom is Eurovision? Of all the brothers, he would be one of the more willing ones to sit down and watch it but trust me, he is going to have no clue what he's watching.
Well, he does. A singing competition, but why is there two yellow wolves on his screen, what?
All in all, he actually enjoyed himself quite a lot. You caught him bobbing his head to a few songs and he was even quite excited to see the end results.
Definitely the one that made it to the end without falling asleep.
As much as he protested, Mammon was actually very excited to watch it. He’d heard through the grape vine (Satan) that it was a bit of a tradition in the human world and he’s excited you want to share it with him.
However, as good as the music is, he cannot take his eyes off of the costumes. He’s such a magpie he couldn’t keep his eyes off of a lot of the shiny material. And when it wasn’t the costume, it was the staging.
By the end of it, he was more pumped up at seeing whether he could sneak to the human world and steal a costume.
That would see for a lot, right?
One of the only people who knew about it way before you even brought it up and he really wanted to watch it with you. So, when you invited him? He had a massive plan.
All out, got snacks, as much drink to last you a whole night and sat with you the entire time. Those all nighters literally saved his life there.
Dancing, clapping and giving commentary the entire time, he is definitely one of the best people to watch it with if you want to get really excited but he will know none of the words.
Will hum though.
Already knew about Eurovision. When you first came, he did so much research on traditions in the human world and it was one of the first things to come up. In advance, watched all the songs so he would have some idea of what was going on.
Sang obnoxiously out loud to annoy Lucifer, which worked, but he also absolutely loved a few songs. He was hopeful that his favourites won. Also in absolute awe of the staging, already planning to read several books about how to do stuff like that.
Eagerly awaited the points that he sat through it all just to find out if he won.
He will watch it next year and he will force it.
Asmo was told in way back when they were doing the qualifying rounds and he definitely sat you down to watch them all. He would critic the songs, learn all the words for his favourite, talk about the costumes and the staging.
By the time of the final, he was so ready.
A night full of singing, he even stood up and tried to get you to dance with him (which you eventually gave in to).
When the winner is announced, Asmo is genuinely so happy regardless. Started crying because he had to wait another year though. Poor baby ;-;
Had absolutely no idea what you’re talking about but anything for you MC :)
The one with the most amount of snacks for you both to share but probably the most quiet as he just munched on the food. Will nod along to the songs, but won't really say much else.
Does manage to make it a decent way through the show, though, before he wandered off for more food and he does come straight back.
Don't get me wrong, he absolutely loved spending time with you but it's not one of his main interests. He's really only there for you <3
Will watch it again if you asked though.
When you asked, he blinked at you and asked a bleary "What?"
You woke him up MC >:(
However, you're hard to say no to and he will immediately come and sit besides you to watch with you.
Nodded along for the first few songs and he tried to stay awake for all of it. Doesn't even make it to the end of the songs though before he was passed out.
Had to find out who won later because he would not wake up.
You're welcome to ask him to watch it again next year but warning: he will fall asleep.
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m-jelly · 2 years
Congratulations on another milestone! Love you Jelly!
May I request #3 from the SFW prompts? Maybe text message, unless you think VM or letter would be better.
Reader isn't physically sick, but mentally run down and a little despondent (could this be how I'm feeling? Maybe!)
Levi notices they're not snapping out of the funk themselves, and offers fluffy solutions of old movies or silly cat videos and making a nice dinner for them, dessert, you know, all the good stuff!
Whatever fluff you want ❤
Thank you!
Hi Eliza!! Thank you so much! <3
I'll do cute texts <3
Lots and lots of fluffy goodness coming your way <3
3) You feeling okay? Let me come over to care for you.
While at work, Levi can't stop thinking about you at home alone in bed. He'd noticed you'd not been feeling good mentally and things were getting hard for you. Levi wants to fix it and comfort you.
Levi: Sugarplum?
You: Hi grumpy.
Levi: What are you doing?
You: I just had a shower and I'm sat on the bed still wearing the towel.
Levi: You feeling okay? Let me come over to care for you.
You: Don't leave work for me. I'll be fine.
Levi: But you're not, my sugarplum. I'm worried about you.
You: I'm sorry I've been making you worry. You shouldn't
Levi: Of course I do. I love you. You're the love of my life. I'll do anything for you.
You: You're too good to me.
Levi: I have an idea.
You: What is it?
Levi: I'm going to bring paperwork home. While coming home, I'm going to get all your favourite desserts.
You: Really?
Levi: Yes. I'll get everything and your favourite drinks too.
You: Thank you.
Levi: You know what else we're going to do?
You: What?
Levi: We're going to watch all the movies we both love, like Rebecca, arsenic and old lace. What do you think?
You: I'd love that!
Levi: We'll cuddle on the sofa under the blankets, and eat our desserts as we drink tea.
You: That sounds perfect. You've got me smiling.
Levi: Good. You know what else? For dinner, we'll order some junk food because we deserve it.
You: Levi ❤️
Levi: I'll give you a massage too and we'll share a nice bath.
You: I love you ❤️
Levi: Love you too. I always will. Be home soon, okay?
You: Okay. See you soon. ❤️❤️
Select the link to take part in the 2K event
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candymeowz · 3 years
Leviathan Comforting You When You're Worried 'Bout The Future:
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Dedicated to my friend, @yukihaie
Tw: Depressing thoughts
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"What?!" the protagonist shouted, and Leviathan only seemed to get giddier and giddier as he leaned forward, captivated by the animations dancing on the screen and the sound effects as the fight reached it's climax.
He glanced towards you, unable to contain his excitement and wondering if you were enjoying it as much as he was, when he noticed your sombre mood. You were clutching onto one of his pillows tightly, eyes unfocused and seeming to be lost in thoughts.
As if one of your favourite anime episode wasn't being played in front of you.
Leviathan frowned.
He couldn't enjoy the anime if his Henry's in a bad mood!
"M-" He hesitated. Should he call you? "Mc?" he called out your name nervously, wondering if he stepped out of the line and second-guessing his course of action. Maybe he should've just left you alone? Maybe you'd prefer if he wasn't there? What if- what if he's the reason you look so sad? Did you not want to watch anime with him today??
Your eyes met his and his breath hitched.
They were red. Your eyes were red and was filling themselves with tears.
"I'm scared," you whispered, and Leviathan felt his heart get caught in his throat. He didn't like this. He didn't like seeing his Henry so... heartbroken. His best friend and long time crush was scared and he's just gaping there like a second Henry II.
"The future..." you whispered, one too low for a normal human to hear, but he's lucky to be a demon with stronger hearing.
"You're scared of the future?" he repeated, the flush of his cheeks lessening as he shared in your thoughts. It wasn't like he's never thought about it either, how people come and go, and everyone will be seperated whether they want to or not. "You... you don't need to be scared of it, Mc."
You clutched the pillow tighter, your head lowered, eyes clenched. "But- but one day I won't be able to see you guys anymore! I'll have to leave Devildom and... We won't be able to eat breakfast together, and I can't hear Lucifer's lectures nor Asmo's stories of the latest parties he attended..." You raised your head to stare straight into his eyes. "I won't be able to watch anime and play games with you anymore."
Time froze for a moment, as Leviathan's brain slowly comprehends what you said, and the second he did, he hugged you.
Leviathan hugged you.
No words were spoken, he didn't know any that might help the situation, so he stayed silent and hugged you tightly, letting you know everything will be alright. His face was slowly heating up, but when you grabbed onto his shirt and buried your face in his chest, sobbing your heart and worries out, he didn't care about how fast his heart is beating.
All he cares about is comforting you.
Which is how you found yourself he next day, safe in Leviathan's arms, who seemed to not be able to get a second of sleep the whole night.
"Thanks, Levi."
You pecked his nose.
Leviathan blushed a bright red, hiding his face in your shoulders as you patted his head, softly combing through his bed hair.
Yeah, everything will be alright.
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A/N: Life happens, people change as they come and go, but -well, idk 'bout otherd, but better believe it Han, I don't ever want to lose communication with you. Even if you or I abandon the fandom one day in the future, I'm sure we'll have other things to talk about! So yeah, it's gonna happen, we're gonna go on with our seperate lives, but for now, let's enjoy it while we're still here in this fandom, yeah? And the ones who've already left, let's pray the best for them. Who knows, maybe an opportunity will come where we'll meet each other in real life? Or maybe on another platform, in another fandom XD
#MeowzIsBeingCheezy #IDon'tKnowHowToComfortPeople #AlsoSorryIfLevi'sOOC #IShallNowContinueWatchingJujutsuKaisenGoodbye #TotallyNotRunningAwayFromFacingReaders'Reactions #Nope
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books-and-catears · 4 years
Okay so I've been thinking of writing this for a while now. (Spoiler alert for chapter 16-20)
After MC is brought back to life, everyone approaches them as Lilith. And everyone seems to be all over them as if they weren't just almost killed by Belphie.
So MC feels uncomfortable over this whole thing. Not only do they feel like a replacement for Lilith but they can't even tell anyone about the trauma of almost dying cause they are demons, they can't possibly sympathize with human fragility. Well maybe one of them can.
The only brother who didn't know Lilith firsthand. The only brother who has spent centuries studying humans and reading all about their emotions.
Tags: Angst, Hurt, Comfort
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Only You
GN! Reader X Satan
"Ah MC...It seems you have only a week more left in Devildom." Lucifer announced in the middle of breakfast.
Everyone paused and stared blankly. Even Beel stopped chewing and put down his sandwich. You smiled, "Ah I was guessing it might be. Thank you for confirming, Lucifer."
One more week and then you could stop pretending to be okay. One more week of being Lilith. One more week of holding in your trauma. You smiled at the thought of being free of it all.
Everyone around looked dejected. Mammon was the first to break the silence, "Oi! You both are kidding right?!" Lucifer shook his head sternly.
"Ah how unfair! It seems only yesterday we met MC!" Asmo piped in.
"B-but we have so many animes left to finish in our watchlist, MC! And so many games we're still waiting for release!" Levi whined.
"So we can not have MC's cooking anymore?" Beel asked sadly.
"I barely got enough time with them! And you all are complaining?!" Belphie said, annoyed.
Satan was still silent. You looked at him only to find him staring right at you. You blush and look down, picking at your food. No matter how many times he did that, you still couldn't get used to it.
"You must have missed home a lot MC. Happy to go back?" Satan asked softly into your ear. You nodded slightly.
Then you felt your chest tighten. You did want to leave but that would mean no more Satan. You wanted to open up to him. If there was anyone among the brother's who could understand you - it was him.
After breakfast was over you stopped everyone before they left for class.
"Um..since it's my last week here, I have a request on how I want to spend it." You announced. All the brothers nodded and stared attentively.
"I will spend one whole day with each of you individually. And the order will be Beel, Belphie, Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Asmo and Satan. Is everyone okay with this?"
Everyone shared confused glances at the sudden statement but obliged never the less.
The rest of the week flashed by and soon it was your last day. Satan's day.
You woke up early that day, already prepping his parting gift. A bookmark made of dried flowers, with two petals on top shaped like cat ears, inside your favourite book from the human world.
"MC? Are you awake?" Satan called out, after knocking on the door.
You were still dressed in your flimsy pajamas but who cares? You ever going to leave tomorrow anyway. You put on some cat ears and called out, "Come in Satan!"
"Good morning MC, I think you'll like what I've planned for-" Satan stopped in mid speech. His eyes widening at the attire that did a fine job of wrapping around your body seductively.
"Good morning...sorry I was too busy to freshen up haha.." You apologize. "Wait for me here, it'll only take me a few minutes."
Satan nodded, hiding his blush behind his golden locks falling all over his cheeks as he lowered his head. You sighed. How was he so beautiful early morning?
Satan held out his arm like the gentleman he was as you prepared to leave for your date. "Take my arm, MC. We have lots of places to be."
You chuckled and did as told. "I can hardly wait."
You spent the day as if you were in a Romance novel. Cat Cafe, the bookstore, walking in the park watching the setting sun, holding hands. Satan really knew the ways to your heart.
After the sun set, you returned to the house of Lamentation.
"Would you like to come to my room later? We could read your favourite book together one last time before you leave?" Satan requested, his fingers still interlocked with yours.
"Yes..." You nodded, "I was going to ask you the same..."
"I'll be waiting." Satan said, walking you to your room and reluctantly letting go.
After dinner when everyone was asleep, you sneaked into his room. He was wide awake, waiting. He was sitting in his bed in only his black t-shirt and jeans, reading a book. The room was dark with only candles providing enough light to read. He looked up when you called for him softly.
"Satan I'm here...sorry for making you wait.." You said sheepishly.
His eyes lit up and he held out his hand for you to take. "Come sit with me."
You joined him on the bed. He swiftly put an arm around you, holding you snug against him. You could smell his scent and feel his breath on your cheek.
"I got something for you. It's not much but.." You handed Satan your gift.
"A gift? For me?" Satan saw the cover of the book and flipped to where the bookmark was. "That's... beautiful. Thank you MC I can't believe you'd- wait what's this?"
He fished out a long strip of stray paper in the middle of the pages beside the bookmark.
You remembered what it was and tried to snatch it away. How did this even get in there?! What the hell?! "IT'S NOTHING!", You scream
Satan smirked as he held it beyond your reach and started reading it. "A poem for Satan? That doesn't seem like nothing MC."
You tried getting up to gain better access to snatch the paper from him. "DON'T READ IT I SWEAR IT'S NOT SOMETHING SERIOUS. I WAS JUST BEING SILLY!"
Satan tightened his grip on your waist and started reading it out loud to your utter humiliation. You struggled in his grip, gave up and hid your face instead. He stopped midway.
"You read it to me." He demanded.
"Like hell I will!" You rebutted.
"Please." He splayed out his fingers on your back holding you close. His locks tickling your nose.
"N-no. It's embarrassing. I can't-" You started but he looked so dejected you gave in. "Fine but you have to look away from me."
Satan swiftly turned his face away and nodded. You cleared your throat nervously and started.
"Dear blonde boy with the sea in his eyes,
I'll be gone soon, so I'm done with the lies,
I've liked you for a long long time,
But it's too late to impose now, so I guess it's fine?"
"You see me for me, like I see you for you,
Everyone else, they just put me in her shoes,
But these shoes don't fit, they're not mine
And I'm sick of having to toe this line."
"But with you, I'm better, I'm more like myself,
And I can't thank you enough for all your help,
For your kindness, smiles and touch,
You always save me when it gets too much."
You stop. The next part of the poem feels like oversharing. Maybe you should have talked to him about this first. He squeezes your arm, asking you to continue.
"Satan I should explain this-"
"I know. I've known this for a while. But I want to hear this first please continue."
Shakily, you continued.
"I feel his fingers on my throat, unforgiving and unkind,
Help it's getting dark...am I going blind?
I let out a tiny scream with whatever voice I have left,
You're the only one here who didn't turn deaf."
"So replace his touch with yours, with your fingers so gentle and nice,
Hold me, warm me, I feel as cold as ice,
I wish I was a kitten, in your care,
You may be full of wrath, but I was never scared."
"But I'll be gone soon, I don't want to return,
But for you my bookworm, my heart will yearn,
Blonde boy with eyes of sea,
One last time, will you kiss me?"
You had barely finished when Satan spun around and cupped your face. He peppered some kisses on your lips, going upto your ear. He nipped at your earlobe and you let out a soft gasp. His face felt warm and flushed.
He placed his head against yours and sighed. "I can't get enough of you. How do I hold myself back when you're showering me with this much love and that too so beautifully?"
He wrapped his arms around you protectively. You instinctively buried your face in his chest and put your arms around his torso.
"You don't need to hold back..." You whisper.
Satan stiffens. "MC, you don't know what you're asking for."
You hold him tighter, lifting your head you place kisses on his jaw and nibble on his shoulder. "I know."
"Then I won't hold back any longer" He says, slowly pushing you down against his pillows.
He reached down and removed your slippers off your feet. "A part of me suspected you might feel this way. But you're not Lilith. You never will be and you don't have to pretend to be. You're MC. And that's all you need to be."
You looked away, outside at the moon. "Tell me honestly...if I didn't have Lilith's bloodline, would you all care the same way?"
Satan held your chin and turned your face towards him. He may never have been an angel but awash in this silvery moonlight, he certainly looked like one.
"Remember when I told you how much I hated being a part of Lucifer? And you told me that I'm my own person. You told me there was more to me than my wrath."
"Of course." You reached out to hold his face. "You're the smartest demon I know. And your love for cats and literature is unparalleled."
"Well then you're the only human who has swayed my heart. The human so strong and capable enough to bring a semblance for harmony to a dysfunctional family of demons." He smiled gently, running his fingers in your hair.
You felt warm inside. Atleast there was someone who liked you for you. You were so happy you could cry.
"As for what Belphie did, I made sure you never really alone with him." Satan said, now intertwining his fingers with yours. You give him a questioning glance.
"Remember the book of defense spells I gave you? I cast one on you whenever he's in the vicinity. It will render him useless if he dare attack you." He said, matter of factly.
"You knew...? But I never told anyone." You said, confused.
"I know. You held it in for our sake didn't you? You repressed it so much. I can't imagine what kind of hurt you went through." Satan's fingers tightened around yours.
"But one night, you fell asleep in the library. I went to put a blanket on you when I heard you mumbling for help. You kept saying it hurts and you can't breathe. And then you said Belphie's name and asked him to stop hurting you."
"I was so furious I rushed straight to the twins room. I was going to yank Belphie out of bed and renact what he did to you. But Beel woke up and stopped me. I told everyone in the morning before Belphie woke up. You've never been alone with Belphie ever since. One of us always stayed nearby."
You listened in utter shock. "You...you were protecting me all this time?"
Satan nodded, "Well I can't take all the credit. My brother's helped too. But just know that you're not a replacement for Lilith. And Belphie's an ass who doesn't know how to apologize. I'm sorry you had to go through that alone. I know it's your last night here, MC... so I'll make this one worth remembering."
You smiled and pulled Satan towards you for a kiss. "I'm glad I saved the best for last."
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gingerbreadmonsters · 2 years
4 and 10 for the meta ask?! 🤗
for this ask game!
kyo!! newcomers may not know this but the blog you see before you is one of the ANCIENT mutuals from the time of zelda - i see your notifs in my activity feed and i go 🥰🥰🥰
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
ok, so question 10 went in a different post - to make up for it, you're getting a mega-answer for this one!
(no, like, seriously it's long, and i think i went a bit overboard, but it's written now so you might as well have it all lmao)
wonderland - "and maybe you do, maybe you do stay here forever, suspended in your honeyed slice of paradise, still and content to spend an eternity by his side - how else will you explain the way you’ll dream of this day, of this moment, for so many nights after it’s gone?"
i'm still so happy with this, even after so long 🤩🤩 it took forever to get the wording right for "suspended in your honeyed slice of paradise", and i think this sentence really sums up the whole vibe of wonderland, just at the right time.
soft focus - "just one more picture, a photo this time, of just the two of you. he’ll be kissing you, shiny rings on both your fingers, your arms around his neck. the rest of the universe will stand still for just a single, frozen moment. as if it finally realises, as if it knows (as lucifer does already) that it revolves around you, just you, just you."
my endings are... hit or miss lmao. and yes, i definitely miss sometimes! finishing off soft focus was tricky, but the final blow of lucifer dreaming about a wedding photo was too good to pass up - this fic was the first one that i really, properly cried over when i wrote it, and i'm very proud of that last sentence there.
silver buckles on his knee - "yes, it’s simple, but that’s the only way he can describe the way you make him feel - so overwhelmingly, incredibly, heart-stoppingly, happy to have you. to look up and see the constellation of your smile in his sky, to be nestled so snugly in your orbit, to be able to spend every day in the sunshine of you. todoroki shouto is an astronaut, sailing through the stars, floating in the quiet emptiness of space, and always coming home to you."
look... silver buckles is not that great. i'll admit it. but this final paragraph is very special to me, just because i think it sums up my version of todoroki very neatly, and the final sentence has a very fairytale feeling about it to me, which i've always wanted to capture.
rebel flesh - "liquid drips from your mouth, faster and faster until it’s almost pouring out of you, spluttering and rattling as solomon’s voice gets louder and louder. it’s thin and watery at first, all blood and acid and saliva, but soon you’re coughing, choking, diaphragm shuddering as you force it from you. levi’s tail snaps against the doorframe. thick and viscous, almost doughy, bubbling and breathing. the horrible wet slap as you spit it out of you. bouncy and soft and utterly monstrous."
i LOVE uneasy dreams, but rebel flesh has to be the favourite child of the three. to be honest, i'm VERY proud of the whole exorcism sequence, especially the payoff with the "sweet fruit" callbacks, but this paragraph? come on. COME ON!!! "bouncy and soft and utterly monstrous" is one of the best things i'll ever write and it was a BLAST to describe all the horrible things happening to our poor MC - if i ever had to make a writing portfolio this would be the first paragraph.
SWEET TALK - "mate. what will it taste like to you? will you want more, swallow it down eagerly and ask him to say it again? will you stare at him, sour confusion blooming on your tongue, chalky and strange? will you hate it, spit it out into your hands, dump it in the trash with the rest of his candied heart?  when you taste it, when he peels off the wrapper and licks it into your mouth and begs you wordlessly to BE MINE, FOR EVER, KISS ME, ALWAYS, ME & YOU, ONLY YOU, will it be as sweet for you as it is for him?"
THE SETUP!! THE PAYOFF!! YES YES YES!! SWEET TALK was always going to be have the conversation-hearts schtick, but it took quite a lot of work to set up the CANDY PHRASES in such a way that they could make something coherent in this paragraph. fun fact: "chalky and strange" is there because british 'love hearts' sweets are made of sherbert and dissolve into powder, as opposed to the smarties-like ones that milo would be used to. also, the "candied heart" sentence is SO satisfying to me - i always imagine an actual, anatomically correct human heart, kind of like it's made out of boiled sweets, except it's soft like licorice, all red and see-through like jelly, thick and heavy and dripping with stickiness...
take a sip - "you’re trying to kill him. it’s the only thing he can think of. you must be trying to fucking kill him, with those warm eyes looking up at him, those skilled fingers folded around dripping plastic, those soft, pretty lips just inches from his- uh, the straw. of the cup. that you are holding."
i have nothing to say about this, except that it makes me laugh every time i think about poor, flustered gavin collapsing in the doorway, and that this is much better if you read it aloud. no points for guessing what the phrase "dripping plastic" might be referring to.
can't help but see - "he’s your secret, all yours, tucked away inside your skin, perched in your chest and lovingly cradling your heart. craning his neck to look out through your mouth, reaching up to pull your arms over his from the inside, like comfy sleeves. sitting cross-legged in the bowl of your pelvis, holding your stomach softly in his lap and stroking it like a pretty cat."
even though music plays a massive role in writing for me, i don't usually go for something quite so overt - even so, i'm really happy with how this turned out, and i think the song was a perfect fit for regulus. the bit about "sitting cross-legged in the bowl of your pelvis, holding your stomach softly in his lap" was actually the springboard sentence for the whole fic, and the image of it is so strong and so delightfully uncomfortable that i just love it to pieces! the idea of him literally living inside you like some kind of blood-soaked puppeteer, of opening yourself up like a cupboard and finding him sitting inside, like some kind of nightmarish fortune-teller's booth... plus, there's the payoff later (the bit about "your beating, bloody altar") which i really really like :)
10. How would you describe your writing process?
that one can be found here!
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annlillyjose · 3 years
Let’s Be Suns Tonight - WIP Intro
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[Image Description: A silhouette of two boys walking on the road projected against a car's beam at night. The path is aligned by lights on both sides. In the center, in a creme and white serif font reads let's be suns tonight and ann lilly jose./ End ID]
Hey y'all! I have a new book. I know I have way too many WIPs but, I can't help it. So basically, here's what happened:
I was doing camp nanowrimo for dairy whiskey, my liftic novella
I wrote 1.2k of it in a day and realized that literally everything was going wrong (pov, tense, story opening, etc.)
I put off writing for two whole weeks and kept telling myself I'll write dairy whiskey when I feel like it (was still pretty sure I'd somehow win camp with my 10k goal, like no honey you need to stop being stupid)
Random thought at 2 am: Noah Anderson deserves a better story
Levi Shires. Girl. He needs a story of his own.
You're gay. Write gay.
Tries to put the project off for later and not write gay
Writes gay anyway
Let's talk about the specifics before rambling about the process. I promise, there's a lot (a LOT by my standards) of it.
Disclaimer: This is my original work. Please do not plagiarize in any way.
Genre: YA Contemporary
Setting: Not really sure, but it's an average small town
POV and Tense: First person present tense, dual POV. Possible ghost narratives.
Structure: Vignettes
Stage: Drafting
Playlist: Let's Be Suns Tonight (Updating)
Logline: Two boys who want to live life differently meet at a cafe and end up discovering secrets about each other, and about themselves too. (I'm pantsing this so things can change. I have no idea what's in store for the boys)
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Levi Shires
Is questioning his sexuality
His full name is Levi John Antonio Shires
Is a pop singer
Just came home from his first ever world tour
Struggling with everything
Feels like something is wrong with him but doesn't know what
Face Claim: Troye Sivan
Aesthetics: music, guitars, posters, live shows, interviews, journalling at 3 am, obsessing over poetry even when you don't understand a thing except that it's beautiful, crying about being a crybaby, late night walks, questioning sexuality
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Noah Anderson
Bisexual in denial
Father's boy
Is traumatized
Had tons of friends but is scared of it now
Wants to buy shirts with flower patterns but doesn't
Obsessed with Levi's music
Aesthetics: house parties, plaid shirts, trying to cry but cannot, laying on the floor, listening to the same song on repeat for hours, late night drives, night clubs
If you didn't already know who Noah and Levi are, here's the story. Noah is a character I created when I was in ninth grade (so that's like over three years back what) during a very angsty conversation with @jenetmoses. I drafted around 16k of his story in tenth grade and it was so much fun, but I never completed it. I then tried to fit him into so many stories but none seemed to work. Finally I decided to put him in Intersecting Parallels (another one of my WIPs I'm not sure if I'll ever even start writing) as a side character. Levi Shires is a character I created for the same project. But I fell in love with him instantly and now he's one of my favourite characters. It's almost like his existence gave Noah a story that he deserved.
A few days back I felt like I should write a story for my darlings and now here we are. This is officially Ann stepping into gay waters (I'm biro ace btw) with her stories and honestly, this is so much fun. It took me a few days to actually make an intro post because I was scared that maybe this, like many of my other projects, will have a WIP intro and no updates because I. Just. Don't. Write. Anything. So I waited until I had sufficient content to share and had a feeling that this thing can work. Well, guess what. It definitely can and it definitely will.
I'm currently at about 1.2k words and writing this has been such a delight? I hope it stays the same for a long time because I haven't felt like this in over two years and now it feels heavenly. I had to go to a relative's house last week and I wrote a vignette before going. All the time I was there, I just wanted to get home and edit it (I edit as I write because it works best for me). When I came home, I spent an hour and a half editing it and it was for the first time in so long that I was longing to work on a project? Allow me to be emotional over this please thank you.
I have completed three vignettes now. None of them have titles yet, and I'm not sure if I'll title them. I know there'll be so many and I'm not sure if it's possible to come up with titles for so many vignettes, so for now it's just vignette 1, vignette 2, and vignette 3 (not fun at all i know). I'm also so happy that I can share a lot of stuff here because this, my loves, is a practice project. So here we go!
Vignette 01, Noah
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I sit at a table for two, alone, raindrops bokehing the window I lean my head on. Outside the filmed glass, a litter of dogs fight for leftover meat from a barbecue joint across the street, a street light flickering above them until it dies out. The interior is all about pretence - Pinterest art printed on a large canvas hung up on the creme walls, plastic flowers hanging from fancy plastic pots, baristas speaking in an accent too thick for their age. LED bulbs coated in lime-tinted glass paper light up the cafe. They almost look like incandescent bulbs. Almost.
So, that's the opening. Not much to say about it, but I really wanted to set this story's beginning in a cafe so there it is.
Here's another excerpt from the same vignette. Noah being 1) attached to his father and 2) extremely angsty and pretentious.
The barista slides a ceramic cup towards me, smiling faintly with the corners of his eyes. The kohl on his lower waterline has smudged and darkened his under eyes. My latte stirs itself, the marbling on the froth a bit distorted now, the cream heart melting away, burnt and sacred. Papa told me that the heart is where life is. One evening after our family prayers, he pointed at a portrait of Jesus and said, "It is where love begins, and that's why love is what makes life worthwhile. Do all things with love, Noah."
Tonight, I want to feel capable of having a heart.
Tonight, I shall drink from the grail of life.
I'm sitting here like, boy, it's not that deep. It's just a latte. But then again, is coffee ever just coffee?
Well, let's not get into that because it deserves a whole post for itself. Moving to the next vignette now!
Vignette 02, Levi
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Tonight’s weather slips chills into my faux leather jacket, yet my insides burn, like a star at the verge of dying out. That’s what they call me - a star, pop sensation, a child prodigy. Another lucky teenager whose YouTube covers blew up, landing them a record deal with a big label. Another wannabe Gen-Z musician, a clueless kid whose success in the industry is solely because of his social media following. Another wave that will die down faster than it rose, a whirlpool sucking in teenagers from across the world, just another boy who has girls swooning over him for his jawline, his height, his lips. But for my fans - Leviathans - my music is everything. That's what they say when I meet them before shows. That's what they post on their social media. That's what the tell newspapers and magazines and TV shows when they're asked about me.
What is everything? I don't know.
He's just so confused? So affected by what others say about him? Conflicted by varying opinions of media? Also let's ignore the fact that I named his fandom Leviathans. I have no braincells for more. Please leave me alone. Okay? Deal? Great!
And then this is how the vignette ends.
This is my hometown, so nobody squeals. Nobody points their fingers at me. Nobody hides behind trash cans to click my pictures. Because before I went on a hundred day tour, before open stages and live shows and official merch, before albums and debut single and record deal with Quercitron Labels, before YouTube fame and my cover of The Night We Met by Lord Huron, I was just another boy.
Some days, I want to be him.
Yep, so that's what's up with Levi. He craves for some normalcy in his life. I feel so bad for him.
Vignette 03, Noah
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This is quite short, so I think I'll add the whole thing here.
A group of teenagers - two boys and three girls, all about sixteen years old - walk into the cafe. The taller boy has a dense voice. He's still going through puberty. He shaves his face every morning hoping he'll grow a beard by the end of term. He wears tight-fitted shirts to school, leaving the top two buttons undone, a silver chain dainty between his collarbones. He wears a cross on it, or an angel. Or maybe just the wings. The short boy is dating the black-haired girl. They're new at it, and it'll last a few months. But before it ends, they'll go on drives around the city wearing matching outfits they'd picked at the mall. She will sneak out with him in the middle of the night to drink wine in the front seat of his car. She'll take her first puff from his lit cigarette and will hate how it chokes her. She'll have a lot more firsts with him. They'll bunk classes and go for movies and neither will remember what happened on screen. They'll wish to dance in the rain and kiss in the pub, but they won't. Instead, they'll fight on sidewalks about college and long-distance and other friends. Eventually, they'll both acknowledge that they aren't working. The girl wearing dramatic makeup has a crush on him. She'll never confess, but the first girl will notice. Eventually. That'll spoil their friendship. The last girl is the third in the trio - the one that tags along, goes unnoticed because she takes up so little space and never talks. She wishes she were home. She's the kind that drinks black coffee and embroiders pillow cases at two a.m. so that she doesn't eat herself up.
They're a group of friends, the kind that thinks they'll last forever, but won't.
Four years back, I was the second boy. I hope four years later, he doesn't become me.
So, that's it for this intro. It's the longest post I've ever made (so far). Wow! I'm clearly so so so excited about this and I'll hopefully be able to share more stuff soon. Huge thanks to @showgirlcurio for pumping me up with this one! Tons of love <3
Thanks for reading so far. Please take care of yourself!
Love, Ann.
General Taglist (ask to be +/-)
@maxgraybooks @shaonharryandpannisim @heartfullkings @bookdragonfanish @vnsmiles @dallonswords @wannabeauthorzofija @sienna-writes @violetpeso @flip-phones @avakrahn @ambidextrousarcher @showgirlcurio @jenetmoses @17nim
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