#i know youre also the one that sent me the ask when anna died
whyshedisappeared · 10 months
Taylor being besties with an evil antisemitic idiot who's spreading the worst possible lies and calling convicted terrorist prisoners "innocent" and posting blood libel to 79 million people... feeling really bad about it!!! 😡😬
honestly, dude. i have enough to be mad and worried about to care about what some asshole wanna be model says snd the lies she doesn't even try to make believable.
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doc-pickles · 8 months
sent to save me | sidney crosby (ch. 5)
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series masterlist
summary: sid and vivie get to know each other
warnings: none :)
author’s note: hi friends! so sorry this took FOREVER to write. i had a huge case of writers block but I'm back at it. hope y'all enjoy!
“Uncle Sid, Uncle Sid! Vivie is coming over today,” Sidney has barely stepped through the door of the Malkin household before Nikita is excitedly bouncing in front of him. “And her mommy is coming too!”
Geno appears behind Nikita, looking not the least bit ashamed that his son had accosted his best friend, “Niki, too loud. Eva is sleeping and mama won’t be happy if she wake up again.”
Nikita mumbles out an apology as he drags Sid into the kitchen. His coloring book and markers are set up on the island and Anna is puttering around getting things ready for lunch. She stops to press a kiss to Sid’s cheek and say hello before she goes back to cooking. 
“How you feeling,” Geno asks as Sid takes the seat next to Nikita. “About Annie?”
“Good, fine,” Sid swallows thickly and keeps his eyes locked on his hands. “We, uh, talked last week. And we’ve texted a bit. She sends me pictures of Vivie. So it’s going… It’s going good.”
We also had sex four times in one night and I think I died, Sid adds silently.
“Look Sid, I know it hard after what Annie did, but you have new chance with Vivie,” Geno squeezes Sid’s shoulder just as the doorbell rings. “Your girls are here.”
Your girls. 
Sidney scoffs at the idea that Annie could be his again but Vivie… Vivie was kind of his wasn’t she? 
Vivie and Nikita appear in the living room, a mess of giggles and stomping feet. Sid can feel his heart skip a beat as he takes in his godson and daughter, both enamored with each other. 
When he tears his eyes away from the duo Sidney locks eyes with Annie who’s chatting with Anna. She stutters her words for a moment before waving at him and turning back to her conversation. 
“Still got it even though you’re old man,” Geno chuckles and nudges Sid in the side. “Niki, Vivie! Come help Sid and me with grill. I give you candy before dinner.”
Vivie and Nikita’s excitement drowned out both Annie and Anna’s protests, leaving Geno to flash his wife a smirk as he leads the kids out to the backyard. 
Sid has just gone to grab the burgers on the counter when Annie approaches him. Anna is nowhere to be found as Annie stares up at Sid with those wide green eyes he fell in love with. 
“Hi,” Annie breathes out, Sid returning the greeting. “Listen… I want you to get to know Vivie but what happened between us last week was…”
“A mistake?” Sidney provides. 
“No,” Annie smiles up at Sid, pausing before she’s reaching up and cupping his cheek tenderly. “Nothing with you could ever be a mistake. Maybe just… A lapse in judgment? Anyways, I think for right now we both just need to keep our focus on Vivie and take things slowly with her.” 
Sid nods, but Annie’s hand pressed to his cheek is fogging his brain as he stares at her, “Yeah I… Yes you’re right. Vivie comes first.”
Annie nods and takes a step back and suddenly Sid’s cheek feels cold, like Annie’s hand had sparked something beneath his skin. He shakes the feeling off quickly and gestures towards the slider to the backyard. 
“Gotta go help G,” Sid nods towards his friend who’s trying to start up the grill. “I, uh, yeah… Yeah…”
Sidney quickly escapes out the door, avoiding what had turned into an awkward conversation with Annie. He almost runs straight into Geno, who’s grinning broadly at him. 
“You talking up Annie? Convince her you Prince Charming?” Geno teases, causing Sid to roll his eyes. “Gimme burgers, you useless. Go entertain kids.”
With a quick burger handoff Sidney is headed towards the play structure where Nikita and Vivie are chattering excitedly about everything and nothing. When they spot Sid both kids grin excitedly, as if they were waiting for him. 
“Uncle Sid can you tell us the story about when you broke a window,” Nikita smiles at Sidney with a look he’s clearly learned from his father. “It’s my favorite.”
Sid rolls his eyes as he approaches the play structure where the kids are perched at the top, legs swinging as they sit side by side. 
“I should’ve never told you that story, your dad is gonna have my head when you break one of his windows one day,” Sid ruffles Nikita’s hair before continuing. “I was probably about 10 and I was trying to teach my sister Taylor the best way to hit a puck.” 
Vivie gasps and turns to Sidney, “Taylor is my middle name! I have an Auntie Taylor but I never met her before.”
The air around Sidney feels thin as he stares at Vivienne, his daughter, who shares his big eyes and his chin and looks so much like Taylor he doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry at the moment. Instead he steels himself and takes a deep breath before nodding and continuing on with his story. 
“So I showed her how I hit the puck and mine landed right in the goal. And then she swung it so wildly that it flew over the goal and smashed a window,” Vivie and Nikita burst into fits of giggles as Sidney retells the story. “My mom was not happy with me.”
“But you weren’t the one that hit the puck,” Vivie’s brows furrow as she looks at Sid. “Why’d you get in trouble?”
“Because I knew I wasn’t supposed to practice slap shots facing the house,” Sid grins. “But I did it anyway.”
Vivie laughs and rolls her eyes, “You’re so silly Sid.”
His name rolling off Vivie’s lips has Sidney holding back the urge to rush forward and pull her into his chest. But Annie had asked that they take things slow and he wasn’t about to get on her bad side. 
“Annie what do you like to do for fun,” Sid asks as he watches the kids color the wooden play structure with colorful chalk. “Nikita told me you went to science camp with him.”
Vivie thinks for a moment, tongue sticking out slightly in a way that reminded him of Annie, “I like to color and read lots of books and play with my Barbies and sometimes my mommy takes me ice skating. I asked if I could do the dancing skating class like Mia in my class at school but mommy said it was too expensive. So we just go to the rink and watch the skaters in the pretty outfits instead.”
Sid nods but his mind is already working, his gut twisting with a mix of guilt and sadness. Was Annie struggling financially? Didn’t she know she could come to him? 
She would’ve had to tell you about Vivie first. 
The thought leaves his mind as quickly as it had appeared. While he doesn’t understand it fully Sid’s already decided that being angry with Annie about keeping Vivie from him would do more harm than good in the long run. 
“That sounds like a lot of fun, maybe I’ll take you and Nikita to the rink sometime,” Vivie’s eyes light up at Sidney’s words, a beaming smile on her face. “Sound good?”
“Yes yes yes! That would be so cool,” Vivie nearly shrieks and Sid has to hold back his laughter. “Nikita you have the coolest uncle ever!”
The praise warms Sidney’s heart and he thinks he’ll never forget this moment. 
Annie is washing off plates in the kitchen when Sid gets her alone. They’ve been surrounded by the kids and Geno and Anna all afternoon, but now he has the chance to speak with her openly. 
“Hi,” Annie gives him a small smile as she places the last plate in the dishwasher. “What’s wrong?”
“Why would something be wrong?”
Annie brings her fingers up to Sid’s forehead, softly brushing against his eyebrows, “You’ve had your eyebrows scrunched for the past 30 minutes, that’s your giveaway when something is worrying you.” 
Sid sighs at the way Annie still knows him so well even after all their time apart, “Vivie was saying she wanted to take figure skating lessons.”
Annie’s face immediately falls, her hand leaving Sid’s face as she turns back to the sink, “Sidney-“
“You could’ve come to me at any time,” his voice has taken on an exasperated tone. “Annie, I would’ve helped you if you told me.”
There’s a pause as Annie braces her hands on the counter and takes a slow breath, “I can take care of Vivie just fine.”
“I never said you couldn’t,” Sid insists. “You’ve done an amazing job on your own. But I’m here now and I want to help you anyway that I can.”
“You want to help Vivie.”
“And you too Annie,” Sid’s voice is soft as he cups Annie’s chin to get her to look at him. “I want to help both of you. I’m not leaving or backing out of this, I’m all in.”
Annie blinks a few times before she nods and lets out a shaky breath, “I trust you Sid.”
“Thank you,” without thinking Sidney leans down and presses a gentle kiss to Annie’s forehead. “I need to get Vivie on the ice so I can send pictures to my mom.”
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airshipvalentine · 2 months
I have seen you post about it forever and yet I still haven’t been able to parse what it is or what it’s about. What’s Fremont County?
HAHAHAHA i was wondering how long it would take for someone to ask this!!
fremont county monster hunters is a monster of the week rpg campaign i've been playing sporadically for the past 2.5 years. (and when i say sporadically i mean we've played 4 arcs in about 6 or 7 ~6 hour sessions over the past two and a half years). and because of how long we go without playing (and because we are moderately obsessive people), we get reeealll hiatus-brained in the interim. i am irrevocably obsessed with it.
the premise is that the party is a group of people who can see through the Glare (like the Mist from pjo), who all attend fremont county community college in *mumble mumble* pacific northwest america. i always imagine it as northern california but i honestly don't know if there's a more specific location?
there's a prophecy involving the world ending in fire, and the five people who are there for it. (presumably to stop it, but the prophecy is pretty vague and the only person who has access to it recently lost their clairvoyance) but before that happens, we fight vampires and stuff
that's the short version. i'm gonna talk more about it though bc i can talk about this campaign forever
i play shay song, photo/journalism major first, reluctant Chosen One second. he found a meteorite sword in the woods a few weeks after his dad died under mysterious circumstances, and he's been fighting monsters ever since! he's down to earth and moderately neurotic, and desperately wants to just be normal. (sucks for him though, because that is straight up not going to happen)
also in the party are:
shamsiel, the divine. she's a cherubim sent by The Bureaucracy, a consortium of angels that's essentially a corporate office. she's been tasked with protecting shay and ensuring the prophecy comes to pass. she's a fish out of water who doesn't exactly know how to interact with people, and she's devoted to her cause above all else. i talk about her and shay most on here bc her player is also on tumblr (hiiiii sofie)
levi, the monstrous. a obnoxious rich boy and literal demon. he's sent by his demonic father to do ?????? carry out his demonic bidding? it's unclear. he likes to hang around the party and make passive-aggressive comments and be helpful when it's convenient for him. he's also shay's roommate! they had a homoerotic streak going that was probably a thinly veiled excuse for my partner an i to flirt with each other in the most roundabout way possible before we started dating. he also kidnapped a beloved npc in the most recent session! we're gonna beat him up
anna baker, the spellslinger. absolute sweetheart and heart of the party. she started learning magic and took on a superhero moniker to fight monsters and crime! (<- this doesn't come up nearly as much as it should, btw. i want a tales of ba sing se episode about cold turkey asap) oh yeah, that moniker was "cold turkey". her catchphrase is "you're about to quit crime... Cold Turkey." she's the best.
claire fitz, the mundane. currently in the "denial" stage of realizing she's a lesbian. she's a culinary arts major who carries around a fireaxe. she's kind of weirded out that she's part of this prophecy, but she's very capable and helps about as best she can. she's also lying to all her high school friends! they all think she's going to yale right now! what's that about???
and mila, the seeker! former cheerleader, constant conspiracy theory enthusiast. she's 100% convinced that aliens are real and will do her best to make sure you believe too. psyched beyond belief that she was right and monsters are real. will hold your hands and say "i don't need you to believe. i just need you to trust me and open your mind to the possibilities." kind of miffed that she isn't part of the apocalyptic prophecy, but it's fine.
also, notable npcs!
don powers, shay's former soccer nemesis. business major. kind of a dick, but we're trying to reform him. buried the hatchet with shay recently due to, uh, a common enemy forming. canonically in love with alder as of arc 4.
alder caine, don's roommate. my favorite. got into some shady deals with demons, and now they're hunting her down! levi kidnapped her in the most recent session!
nin, former clairvoyant. elected to give up their powers recently, with aid from the bureaucracy. it was sus as fuck! also dating anna. they're cute
there have been four arcs so far
from rush till prom, the vampire frat arc
the vengeful spirit stick, the cheerleader ghost arc
the switching hour, the doppelganger bottle episode
the deck of many flings, the tarot/love spell episode
ok that's the broad overview. i could talk about this for hours but i will leave it at that :) there's an in-character twitter feed i made though
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You’re Somebody Else | Ghost x Fem!Reader | Prologue
Update: I split the prologue because I feel like the pacing fits better if it’s split into two parts.
Note: This is based on a request which I changed a bit since I did not play any other Call of Duty game besides Modern Warfare 2 (2022). I did a bit of research tho for the older games so I hope it’s not complete bullshit that I’m pulling out of my ass, also related to the military stuff xD 
Thank you for this first request of my current favorite character :)) 
Also a warning, this series will be angsty as hell but I’m not planning to make it very long, as I learned my lesson with a certain witcher fic xD 
This fic has religious undertones at least in this part, I hope I don’t make anyone uncomfortable with this. I grew up Christian (tho I’m an atheist now) and I thought a bit about how I would react if I was suddenly in a parallel universe where I and several other people are supposed to be dead.
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Warnings: Death, Mentions of Gore, Angst, COD Typical Violence, Mentions of Original Characters, Mention of Religion and Hell, Inaccurate Depiction of Medical Stuff, Injuries and prolly Military, Transmigration (lol)
Summary:  You watched him die and yet he’s somehow still alive. You’re certain that you’ve died too and yet you’re still kicking. Is this a message from the universe? A second chance to make things right? To confess? You want to believe it but you quickly realize that he’s not the same man you knew and loved. Yet your heart is fluttering when he touches you. Can you love this new version of him?
Word Count: 1.2k
Taglist: -
If you want to be tagged in my stories send me a pm with the fandom/character name! Or comment on the fic :)
Part I, Part II, Part III, ...
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“Fucking hell, there’s so many of ‘em!”
Lynx fires her rifle next to you and you do the same, feeling the recoil on your shoulder. You only waste a millisecond to check if your target is actually hit and then immediately focus on the next enemy. 
Below your position the LZ is hot and the hill on the other side is bombarded with mortars. 
You know it’s hell down there and yet you wish you were between those trees instead of the elevated bush area from where you currently provide cover fire. 
He is there and in this very moment you want to be by his side. No matter the heavy gunfire. 
“You still see them?!” your partner asks from your right, and you affirm her question as you kill another hostile. 
Roach and Ghost are steadily moving forward in between the onslaught of Russian soldiers and growing relief trickles through your veins with every step they take. 
But then they run out of the tree line and before either of you can react, a mortar shell explodes right in front of them, and Roach is sent flying. 
“No, fuck, NO!” Lynx yelps and the panic in her voice is earth-shattering. 
“He’s not dead, Anna!” you shout and grab her by the shoulder, stopping her from standing up. She bites her lips but thankfully remains on the ground, just inching a bit forward, desperate to spot her lover alive. 
You pray that your words are true and thank fuck they are; seconds later Ghost drags a shooting Roach away from the trees and the red flare that the masked man popped for Thunder-Two-One. 
“Jesus Christ”, you hear the woman beside you whisper, “I’ll beat his ass when we’re back home!” 
A nervous bubbly laugh escapes you and you hope that you all can return to base safe and in one piece. 
“Move, Ghost! We’ll cover you!” you speak into your mic. 
His voice rings through your earbud “copy that, Nomad!” and you breathe out shakily. Yeah, everything will be fine. 
With your eyes you watch how Thunder-Two-One sends a merciless spray of machine gun fire into the tree line, but you can’t see beyond the smoke and instead focus your scope on the few enemy soldiers that emerge from the grey fog. You take them out one by one. 
You’re about to send another bullet into an approaching hostile when your radio crackles. 
“Gold Eagle is on the ground. Watch for snipers on thermal, over.” 
Lynx makes a noise beside you. “Isn’t it just us and Adle-“ 
Blood suddenly sprays and you blink. Your lips taste iron, your right eye is watering and with one glance to your right the sounds of the battlefield all turn into white noise. 
Instinctively you press yourself against the grass, your left cheek touches the damp ground and with wide eyes you stare at Anna’s unmoving body. Your partner is dead. Shot in the head. 
Based on the whizz of the bullet and the spray of blood that hit you it must have been a sniper who killed her. For a second you think the Russians sneaked up on you, but then you remember the words through the radio; Watch for snipers… 
Realization trickles through your veins. Someone must have betrayed you. 
Your heart sinks and within a millisecond you make a decision. 
You roll to your left, gripping your rifle tightly and a bullet passes overhead, barely missing your shoulder. But it did miss and you’re rolling down the side of the hill. 
The tumble returns your ability to hear, and the sound of the helicopters combined with your racing heartbeat is deafening. 
The small incline of your hiding place saved your life for now and although you know deep down that your luck probably won’t last, you are thankful in this very moment. 
Tears well up in your eyes but you rub them away with your sleeve. A red smear appears on the fabric, and you clench your jaw. Focus, you don’t have time for this right now!! 
You know that whoever killed Anna is probably relocating right now to get a good shot at you, but you don’t care. 
You need to know what’s happening to him, if he dies- 
“Ghost?! Lynx is KIA, someone cut us! Do you copy?!” 
You anxiously wait for an answer, but your radio stays silent. 
Breathing out shakily, you lift yourself from the ground and rush behind a tree to shield your right flank. The dust that is kicked up by the many helicopters, which gathered on the plain, is making it difficult for you to spot the man you’re looking for, but the big Boeing helicopter used to transport the General is a good reference point. 
You position your rifle and adjust your scope to find the heli. 
The clouds of dust are thick, but like a miracle you spot the General- leaning over Roach, Simon laying motionlessly beside them, his grey sweater showing a bloom of red as if he was shot-
Your scream is stuck in your throat, and you watch frozen as Shepherd retrieves the DSM from Gary and simply leaves while four Shadow company soldiers step forward. 
Tears well up again and this time you let them fall as the world begins to spin. 
“No, no, no, please-!” you whimper, sucking in air through your clenched teeth and without a second thought you rush forward. 
You make it about 60 meters before a bullet through your right shoulder throws you off balance and sends you straight to the ground. Hot flaming pain shoots through your body and the brute force of your crash and your rifle painfully pressing against your ribs take the air out of your lungs. 
Dazed you lift your head, heavy from the weight of your helmet, and for a moment your vision is blurry; you blink to regain focus. 
In the distance you see the soldiers clad in black, carrying Gary’s and Simon’s limp bodies to a spot without grass. They drop them like two sacks of potatoes and the pain in your heart is worse than the one of your bullet wound. 
A wail escapes your throat, and you try to lift your body from the ground, to crawl forward, but your limbs feel like lead, and you don’t have the strength to move. 
Your radio crackles and your ear bud lets Captain Price’s voice come through: “Ghost, come on, this is Price! We’re under attack by Shepherd’s men…” 
You can hear gunfire from his side and in one last effort you pull your rifle from underneath you. 
The fact that Taskforce 141- you were betrayed by your superior, the man who you considered a father figure at one point in your life, that he killed the man you loved- love… That fact stokes something inside of you and that barely gives you the strength to position your rifle. 
Weakly you watch how the Shadow company bastards douse your friends, your brothers, the ones you love with gasoline and Shepherd’s plan dawns on you. Bile rises in your throat and you sob through clenched teeth.
You place your finger on the trigger but in the end, you don’t get the chance to pull it. 
The general casually drops his cigar and Gary’s and Simon’s corpses go up in flames right as a bullet enters the back of your head.
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otmaaromanovas · 2 years
hi! Approximately how long was OTMA’s hair when they died? I have heard something about them being able to part it but that’s it. Thank you!
Off memory, it was about shoulder length. One source describes their hair as being "tumbled and disorderly" the day before their murder, seen by the washerwomen who came to clean the house. However, take that with a pinch of salt because it comes from Helen Rappaport's book, and she did not bother citing her sources :(
They shaved their heads in Spring 1917, so it had just over a year of growth from being completely shaved.
Here's what I could find:
The search of Ipatiev House revealed a number of hair pins (now owned by the Russian History Museum, Jordanville), indicating that the girls' hair was at least long enough to be pinned back, or perhaps pinned up, as this photo of Anastasia at Tobolsk in OTMA's bedroom suggests.
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Most of the sources directly relating to their hair come from Tobolsk.
Here is a letter from Alix to Anna Vyrubova dated 15 December 1917:
'...Anastasia, to her despair, is now very fat, as Maria was, round and fat to the waist, with short legs. I do hope she will grow. Olga and Tatiana are both thin, but their hair grows beautifully so that they can go without scarfs...'
Funny story about her short hair from Anastasia sent during the journey to Tobolsk (I think that this was actually an English exercise set by her tutors, I've kept in her original spellings):
17 August 1917
My dear Friend. I will describe to you who [how] we travelled. We started in the morning and when we got in to the train I went to sleap , so did all of us. We were very tierd because we did not sleap the whole night. The first day was hot and very dusty. At the stations we had to shut out window curtanse than nobody should see us. Once in the evening I was looking out we stopped near a little house, but there was no staition so we could look out. A little boy came to my window and asked: "Uncle, please give me, if you have got, a newspaper." I said: "I am not an uncle but an anty and I have no newspaper." At the first moment I could not understand why did he call me "Uncle" but then I remembered that my hear is cut and I and the soldiers laught very much. On the way many funy things hapend, and if I shall have time I shall write to you our travell father on. Good by. Don’t forget me. Many kisses from us all to you my darling.
Your A.
And here are some photos for context...
Olga's hair in 1917, before being shaved off:
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Two photos of Tatiana in Tobolsk, one with very noticeably shaved and short hair and one more full (featuring Olga). I would guess that the first photo is from when they just arrived (the sunny weather also gives this away) and the second is towards their end at the Governor's House.
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We know that the photo of her with her head shaved is from Tobolsk, rather from 1913 when she had it shaved, as the same little child appears in this photo sat between Olga and Alexei:
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Maria's hair in Tobolsk (middle, without hat)
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Of course, they mostly wore hats in Tobolsk (it sounds absolutely freezing!!!) so it's hard to tell under their hats and shawls the exact length, especially considering they probably pinned their hair up as soon as it was long enough
But there is this photo, taken after Maria, Nicky, and Alix left for Ekaterinburg:
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I'm sorry I couldn't answer more specifically about their hair at Ekaterinburg! I am 99% sure I have read in a book that their hair was shoulder length, I believe it might have been from the account of the Father Ivan Storozhev who gave service to the family shortly before they were killed, however I cannot remember which book... You can read more about Father Storozhev's testimony here and here. A number of Father Storozhev's personal items were auctioned in 2017, including items tied to the Imperial Family. You can view them here.
If I come across the quote I'm thinking of, I will add it here.
Also, unrelated, but there is a very interesting scientific paper you can read here (I think you might need library of uni access unfortunately) that describes how strands of hair found in a portrait of Alexei helped with DNA identification. It's far too scientific for me lol, but interesting at a glance.
This next bit is VERRRRRRY very very unlikely, but the whole family and their entourage had identification photos taken when they arrived in Tobolsk. I would assume that this would include photos of their hair uncovered as it was for ID. However, this are seemingly lost to time. They might turn up one day, but I'm not too hopeful unfortunately. But if they do, it would give us a lot more info, and some good quality close ups of the family.
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catierambles · 2 years
Null Ch.11
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Pairing: Incubus!Charles Brandon x Anna Williams (OFC)
WC 1259
Warnings: Eh? Minors DNI 18+ ONLY
@brattymum96 , @ouroboros113 , @peaches1958 , @summersong69 , @henryownsme , @fvckinghenrycavill, @raccoon-eyed-rebel
Anna was still sitting on the couch, Charles’ arm across the back of her shoulders while the guys still talked among themselves. It was getting late, but she wasn’t tired and Charles was enjoying having his friends over so she didn’t want to kick them out. As she sat there, though, there was an odd feeling and she looked up from her phone at nothing in particular.
“I’ll be right back.” She said, getting up from the couch and heading to the downstairs bathroom. “Fuckin’ finally!” They all looked over at the exclamation and Anna came back out from the bathroom. “Sorry.”
“Everything okay, dearest?” Charles asked and she nodded.
“Oh yeah, my period just started, is all.” Anna said, “Now my hormones will find their goddamn chill. Well, somewhat. Can still get knocked up the first couple days.”
“What’s going on?” Sy asked and she waggled her hand at him.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” She said and he looked at Charles. “Should be over before the party, never lasts more than a couple days for me.”
“I know what’s going on.” Mike said with a knowing smirk. “I had to take a course in endocrinology when I was going for my gynecology doctorate. Get a little hot under the collar a couple days out from your cycle?”
“It’s fuckin’ annoying, is what it is.” Anna grumbled, sitting back down again.
“I thought you didn’t feel that.” August said with a slight scowl.
“No, I don’t feel sexual attraction towards any one particular individual. This is my hormones making me want to bang in general, not bang any one particular person. Like I explained it to Charles, it’s my uterus’s last ditch effort in getting me pregnant before the egg jumps ship.”
“It’s not uncommon and the length and severity varies from woman to woman.” Mike said simply. “It can also be mixed with odd food cravings, irritability, short temper, those kinds of things.”
“Mood wise I’m pretty steady,” Anna said, “I just get invasive pornos running through my head at random moments.”
“So you just randomly think about fuckin’?” Sy asked and she nodded. “I can see how that would be annoying for someone like yourself.”
“Have you thought about going on birth control to regulate it?” Mike asked, “Would lessen the symptoms for you by evening out your hormonal levels.”
“Thought about it." She admitted with a shrug, "Probably do a three month pill pack seeing as the patch made me itch and I hate needles."
"Could get an IUD." Mike suggested.
"Nah, they don't sedate or give any kind of anesthesia when inserting them and I don't feel like being in that kind of pain." Anna said and Mike blinked at her.
"They don't…are you telling me they force open a woman's cervix raw?" He asked and she nodded. "What the fuck. Maybe I should open my own practice. That's barbaric."
"Welcome to the wonderful world of medical misogyny." Anna said, "Where a woman's pain means absolutely nothing and it's not that bad, sweetheart, you're just sensitive."
"Personal experience?" Sy asked.
"Not with that in particular." Anna said, "But I once went into the ER with intense stomach pain, they gave me some Tums and sent my ass home. My appendix burst that night and I nearly died from sepsis."
"Fuck." Sy said and she shrugged. "And your religions call us evil."
“Wait until you hear about the overturning of Roe v. Wade.” She said with a smile that was completely devoid of any kind of mirth.
“Heard about that.” Mike said, “It was all over campus when it happened. What a woman does with her own body is her business, not some old guy in Washington.”
“When are we invading?” Napoleon asked, looking over at August and the demon shrugged, Anna giving a snort.
“You laugh, but he’s being serious.” August said and her brows jumped at him in surprise. “End time gameplan, Legion of us invade the moral plane and take over. From what I’m hearing and seeing about humanity right now, I think you’re due for a good ol’fashioned apocalypse. Lucifer knows we’d do a hell of a lot better job at governing the place. The things you do to each other even we wouldn’t have the stomach for, and not just recently. I lived through the Spanish Inquisition, you want to talk about fucked up? That was fucked up.”
“The Holocaust.” Charles said.
“Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge.” Mike said.
“Genocide of multiple indigenous peoples.” Sy said.
“If you guys invaded, a lot of innocent people would die, and not just soldiers who are only there because they were ordered to. Civilians. Men, women, children would get caught in the crossfire. You wouldn’t be seen as saviors, you would be seen as conquerors. You wouldn’t be thanked, you would be hated and reviled.” Anna said, “Those who you would spare whatever hardship would die, and that’s the honest truth.”
“War is not without casualty.” August said.
“A war that doesn’t need to happen.” Anna countered.
“It’ll happen eventually, darlin’.” Sy said, “Maybe not this decade or even this millennia, but it will happen.”
“Fuck this got heavy fast.” Anna said, pinching the bridge of her nose. “I’m going to bed.”
“Are you--” Charles started as she got up from the couch.
“I’m fine.” She said and left the living room, heading up the stairs.
Anna was laying in bed when she heard her door open, but she didn’t turn over.
“Darling?” Charles asked.
“I forget sometimes that you’re a demon.” She said, “Yeah, the fact that you’re an incubus doesn’t stray far, but the whole demon thing likes to check out from time to time.”
“The others have left.” He said simply.
“Okay.” She said, “It was nice to meet them, however the conversation ended.”
“They like you.”
“Bully for me.” She said and there was a pregnant pause.
“May I join you?” He asked, his tone somewhat hopeful.
“Sure.” Anna said and heard him come closer before his weight dipped down on the bed behind her. An odd feeling crawled over her skin and when she turned over, she saw that he had shed his human guise, his feline eyes glowing at her softly through the darkness. He reached out, being mindful of his claws, and held the side of her face gently, the pad of his thumb moving over the high of her cheek. Moving closer to her, he pressed his forehead to hers, his eyes closing. There was a moment’s hesitation on her part before she crossed the distance between them, pressing her lips to his gently. His eyes snapped open in surprise before they closed again as he surrendered to the kiss, the hand at her jaw tugging her closer.
“I’ve never…” He said as he pulled away from her, his eyes still closed. “I’ve never felt this way about a human before. I don’t just want to bed you, Anna, I want to know you. Your mind, your hopes, your dreams.”
“You’re wonderfully corny, you know that?” She said and there was a pause before he gave a small laugh. “You want a relationship, Charles, not just a fuck buddy.”
“Yes, I…I think I do, and I want one with you.” He said, “But your life is fleeting while mine is eternal.”
“Then we’d best make the most of what time we have, don’t we?” She said and he gave her a gentle smile, leaning in to press his lips to her forehead.
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miajolensdevotion · 2 years
November 11, 2020
Verse: JOHN 18:1-27 Write/ Copy Gods words :
Jesus Arrested(A) 18 When he had finished praying, Jesus left with his disciples and crossed the Kidron Valley.(B) On the other side there was a garden,(C) and he and his disciples went into it.(D) 2 Now Judas, who betrayed him, knew the place, because Jesus had often met there with his disciples.(E) 3 So Judas came to the garden, guiding(F) a detachment of soldiers and some officials from the chief priests and the Pharisees.(G) They were carrying torches, lanterns and weapons. 4 Jesus, knowing all that was going to happen to him,(H) went out and asked them, “Who is it you want?”(I) 5 “Jesus of Nazareth,”(J) they replied. “I am he,” Jesus said. (And Judas the traitor was standing there with them.) 6 When Jesus said, “I am he,” they drew back and fell to the ground. 7 Again he asked them, “Who is it you want?”(K) “Jesus of Nazareth,” they said. 8 Jesus answered, “I told you that I am he. If you are looking for me, then let these men go.” 9 This happened so that the words he had spoken would be fulfilled: “I have not lost one of those you gave me.”a 10 Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it and struck the high priest’s servant, cutting off his right ear. (The servant’s name was Malchus.) 11 Jesus commanded Peter, “Put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup(M) the Father has given me?” 12 Then the detachment of soldiers with its commander and the Jewish officials(N) arrested Jesus. They bound him 13 and brought him first to Annas, who was the father-in-law of Caiaphas,(O) the high priest that year. 14 Caiaphas was the one who had advised the Jewish leaders that it would be good if one man died for the people.(P)
Peter’s First Denial(Q) 15 Simon Peter and another disciple were following Jesus. Because this disciple was known to the high priest,(R) he went with Jesus into the high priest’s courtyard,(S) 16 but Peter had to wait outside at the door. The other disciple, who was known to the high priest, came back, spoke to the servant girl on duty there and brought Peter in. 17 “You aren’t one of this man’s disciples too, are you?” she asked Peter. He replied, “I am not.”(T) 18 It was cold, and the servants and officials stood around a fire(U) they had made to keep warm. Peter also was standing with them, warming himself.(V)
The High Priest Questions Jesus(W) 19 Meanwhile, the high priest questioned Jesus about his disciples and his teaching. 20 “I have spoken openly to the world,” Jesus replied. “I always taught in synagogues(X) or at the temple,(Y) where all the Jews come together. I said nothing in secret.(Z) 21 Why question me? Ask those who heard me. Surely they know what I said.” 22 When Jesus said this, one of the officials(AA) nearby slapped him in the face.(AB) “Is this the way you answer the high priest?” he demanded. 23 “If I said something wrong,” Jesus replied, “testify as to what is wrong. But if I spoke the truth, why did you strike me?”(AC) 24 Then Annas sent him bound to Caiaphas(AD) the high priest.
Peter’s Second and Third Denials(AE) 25 Meanwhile, Simon Peter was still standing there warming himself.(AF) So they asked him, “You aren’t one of his disciples too, are you?” He denied it, saying, “I am not.”(AG) 26 One of the high priest’s servants, a relative of the man whose ear Peter had cut off,(AH) challenged him, “Didn’t I see you with him in the garden?”(AI) 27 Again Peter denied it, and at that moment a rooster began to crow.(AJ)
What is your Favorite verse(s):
20 “I have spoken openly to the world,” Jesus replied. “I always taught in synagogues(X) or at the temple,(Y) where all the Jews come together. I said nothing in secret.(Z) 21 Why question me? Ask those who heard me. Surely they know what I said.”
Explain in your own words what you just read. When Jesus have finish praying, he left with his disciples & cross the Kidron Valley. On the other side there are an olive grove & he & his disciples go in to it. Now Judas, who betray him, know the place, because Jesus have sometimes met there with his disciples. So Judas come to the grove, guide a separation of soldier & some official chief priest & Pharisee. They was carry torch, langern & weapon. Jesus know all that are going to happen to him, go out & ask them “who is it you want?” They reply “Jesus of Nazareth” Jesus say “I am He” & Judas the traitor are stand there with them. When Jesus say “I am He” they draw back & fall to the ground. He ask again “who is it you want?” & they say “Jesus of Nazareth” Jesus answer “I tell you that I He, if you are looking for me, then let these men go” This happen so that the word he have speak will be fulfilled “I have not lost one of those you give me” Simon, Peter, who have a sword draw it & struck the high priest servant, cut off his right ear. The servant name was Machus. Jesus command Peter “put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?” The detach of soldier with their commander & the Jewish official arrest Jesus. They bind him & bring him first to Annas, who is the father in law of Caiaphas, the high priest of that year. Caiaphas is the ine who have advise the Jew that it will be good if one man die for the people.
Commitment / what will i do : I will continue to believe that Jesus Christ speak only the truth
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laedback-taurus · 3 years
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Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Fem!Reader Word Count: 2k A/n: Thank you so much for over 500 followers! I honestly can’t believe it, thank you again! This is roughly proofread as I’m incredibly tired and most likely missed some things,
When Tommy gets blamed for the death of a young man, it hits him hard and all he needs is the comfort of his wife and children.
Words never really effected Tommy Shelby, he’d had some interesting words spoken at and about him over the years, but he was never really phased by the names people would whisper behind his back. He never thought that they would have an effect on him at all, until they were spat in his face after a horrible week.
“What have you done?!” the shriek of a heartbroken mother rang through Tommy’s office.
“What have you done to my baby?” She whispered this time, her voice giving in to the despair in her heart.
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Tommy knew it was his fault, he sent the boy, her son to his death. He didn’t mean to, but he should have known, he should have seen the danger.--Tommy hired a young man, about Finn’s age after he begged Tommy for work, he stated that he’d tried everywhere but no one would take him. Tommy initially declined but the boy persisted, He started rambling about how his father had died in the war and how his sister is gravely ill, and his mother need to look after her, so she couldn’t work, which left him. Tommy couldn’t help but feel a bit sympathetic for the boy so he offered him a small job as a runner, someone who could inconspicuously deliver important messages that Tommy couldn’t trust the mail with or that he just needed passed on quickly. The young man worked for Tommy for a few months before Tommy sent him off on another job, it was meant to be a quick and easy one, but Tommy was so very wrong. The news came back to him quickly that the young messenger had been intercepted and killed for the information Tommy was passing on. They strung the poor boy up as a warning, a warning for what, well Tommy didn’t know yet. Tommy had told his brothers to pass on the dreaded news to his family and that is how Tommy found himself feeling helpless as a devastated mother screamed at him for answers, answers she deserved.
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“I should have been more carefu- “He started but was cut off.
“I told him not to work for you, told him we’d figure something else out, but he refused, said you’d take good care of us, what a load of shit that was” She continued to cry as she spoke, glaring at Tommy, he couldn’t meet her eyes.
“I’m sorr- “he was cut off again.
“Do you have children Mr Shelby?” She asked suddenly.
“I do” he said, finally meeting her eyes, catching the anger and sorrow filling them. He immediately thought of his children, safely at home with you. Home, somewhere that boy would never go again.
“Would you put them in position you put my boy in? Would you send them off to do your dirty work? Would you do to your wife what you’ve done to me? Take her baby away?” She asked, firmly holding eye contact with him, she was a mother full of fury and right now, she wasn’t scared of him. He couldn’t bare to think of losing his children let alone your reaction. Your children meant the world to you, you loved them more than you ever thought you could love something, this also made you extremely protective of them, you wouldn’t hesitate to kill anyone that hurt them, including Tommy.
“No, I wouldn’t” He answered honestly.
“Then why did you do it to my boy? To my family? To me?” She asked, her shoulders slumping in defeat. Tommy couldn’t find an answer and she noticed this, only making her angrier.
“You can’t even pity me with an answer” She laughed, disgusted.
“You’re a monster” She spat before storming out of his office, slamming the door behind her.
Those were the words, the words that finally got to Tommy Shelby.
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You had enjoyed a lovely day with your children, 6-year-old Charlie and 3-year-old Anna. The three of you had spent some time in the garden, you sat under a tree reading while Charlie and Anna ran around playing. Then you spent some time in the stables, Charlie loved Tommy’s horses and just had to go out and see them daily. Anna also liked them but mainly because she liked to play with their manes.
It was now late afternoon and the three of you had set up in the sitting room, the children were playing nicely together while you looked over the guest list for an upcoming event Tommy was planning. The house was lovely and quiet until the front door burst open, welcoming your husband.
“We’re in the sitting room Tommy” You called out, knowing he’d been looking for the three of you. Not long after, he appeared in the doorway, your children instantly lit up at the sight of him.
“You’re home early!” Charlie exclaimed as he ran over to his father, crashing into him and nearly knocking Tommy over.
“That I am” Tommy replied with a smile that you noticed, didn’t quite reach his eyes. Upon noticing this, you placed the guest list aside and watched him as he interacted with your children.
“Daddy!” It was now Anna’s turn to call out to her father.
“There’s my precious girl” He smiled as he approached her and scooped her up, making her giggle with delight.
“I missed you” she said before pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek, then patting his other cheek with her small hand, something she had always liked to do.
“I missed you too my darling, I just couldn’t stay away any longer” He exaggerated before placing her back down, the two children quickly went back to playing with Tommy’s attention turned to you.
“Hello love” he greeted, leaning down to give you a quick kiss.
“What’s wrong?” you asked, with your brow slightly frowned in worry. Of course you would know something was wrong, Tommy was silly to think he could hide this from you.
“It’s uh- “He cut himself off and you noticed his eyes glaze over just slightly. Without hesitation you called for Frances to watch the children before getting up and leading Tommy upstairs to your bedroom. You shut the door and Tommy sat on the edge of the bed, removing his jacket and tossing it aside.
“Talk to me love” You whispered when you reached him, running your fingers through his hair. His hands found their place on your hips, he began to run his fingertips over the seams of your dress.
“I got a boy killed” He admitted, he kept his gaze down, not wanting to look at you.
“What happened?” You asked, you desperately wanted him to look at you, but you wouldn’t pressure him.
“I fucked up is what happened, I wasn’t careful enough and I sent a boy to his death” You felt his hands begin to shake to your sides.
“That’s not your fault Tommy” You assured him, he didn’t know the boy would be hurt and you didn’t know the anger your words filled Tommy with.
“It is my fault!” He looked up at you now and the look on his face made you want to cry. He looked completely defeated.
“I sent him, I thought that he would be fine- fuck!” He pulled his hands off your hips, too disgusted with himself to feel worthy enough to touch you. You went to speak but he kept going.
“He had a sick sister” Your heart dropped “He wanted a job so they he could help her, help his family and I gave him one that took him from them, I took that girls brother away and his mother…” He trailed off, bring his hands to his face and burring it in them for moment before then dragging his hands down his face. He couldn’t get the look in that mothers eyes out of his head.
“I’m a monster” He slumped, his shoulders falling and his hands falling into his lap.
“Oh Tommy” Your heart broke at the sight of your husband, you pulled him into you and as soon as you did, he buried his face in your chest and reach up, his hands gripping the fabric of your dress at your hips.
“You thought you were doing the right thing by helping him, how were you to know it would lead to this? You couldn’t, he knew it was a dangerous job, he went to you himself, but he was desperate to help his family and you gave him the chance when no one else would and I’m sure he was grateful” You tried to flush out the words you knew would be running through that mind of his, you knew that he had been called much worse but today, this just got to him.
“His mother came into my office” He pulled his head from your chest and looked up at you “She asked if I’d do what I did to her child to my own? She asked if I would you put you through what she is going through and the thought alone broke me so how can I even comprehend what she’s feeling” You knew that the thought of your children getting hurt because of him was something Tommy couldn’t bear, he adored his children.
“She is heartbroken and devastated love, she needed to take it out on you, she needed that. Our children are well loved and safe, you don’t need to worry” you were trying to find the right words to say.
“They’re in danger just because they’re mine, because of me they will always be a target” He whispered.
“A monster shouldn’t be a father” You couldn’t bare it anymore, that comment and the pain in his voice broke you, tears spilled down your cheeks as you cupped his.
“Don’t say that” You whispered “Don’t you ever say that Thomas, your children think the world of you, they ask me all day when you’ll be home, they wait by the door every evening to greet you when you come home, just to see you before they go to bed, Charlie always talks about how he wants to ride horses just like his father and I know that because of your love, Anna will never settle for anything less than what her father has shown her. I am forever grateful to you for making me a mother and a mother of such beautiful children, and they are beautiful because they are ours, they are as much of you as they are of me. So please don’t ever say you shouldn’t be a father because those children out there wouldn’t change you for the world” You both waited in silence for a moment, tears were silently falling down your cheeks and you saw similar tears forming in Tommy’s eyes.
“I’m sorry Y/n” He didn’t know what he was apologising for in particular, maybe everything.
“It’s alright love” You held him for a moment before speaking again “Maybe you could offer to help out his family? I know money doesn’t fix everything but if you could help save her daughter, maybe that would help” You suggested softly, and he nodded slowly.
“I’ll arrange it tomorrow, see if I can pay for funeral arrangements as well” You could tell by the tone of his voice that he was think straight again, he was looking forward.
“that’s a good idea” you leant down and caught his lips in a sweet kiss.
It was in this moment that Tommy realised that the only words that will ever matter were yours, you would always drown out the whispers of others, the names and the blame. The only words he cared about where that of his wife, the mother of his children.
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sweetdreamsjeff · 3 years
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Anna Calvi on why Jeff Buckley’s Grace feels like falling in love for the first time
Anna Calvi first heard Buckley’s one and only record on cassette aged 17. In our weekly celebration of albums, the Mercury Prize-nominated singer-songwriter explains how it has inspired her ever since
Thursday 16 April 2020
I still feel it’s important to hear an album in its entirety. Once you know it, of course it’s fine to skip to the songs you like. But at first, I want to hear that sequence of songs. That’s how I listened to Jeff Buckley’s only studio album, Grace.
A friend gave me Grace on cassette when I was 17, and they told me: “If you like Radiohead, you’ll like this.” I listened, and I was so amazed by this voice I’d never heard before that I stayed up all night listening again and again. It altered the course of my life. I became obsessed, trying to find out everything I could about him, writing his lyrics on my bag. I read all the biographies, watched all of his performances on YouTube.
I learnt that he died aged 30, after walking fully clothed into the Wolf River in Memphis, Tennessee, so I would never get the chance to see him perform live. His father, the singer-songwriter Tim Buckley, had also died young. Buckley never knew him – but the late producer Hal Willner invited him to perform at a tribute concert in New York in 1991. It was the first time he’d ever performed live. “It bothered me that I hadn’t been to his funeral, that I’d never been able to tell him anything,” Buckley told Rolling Stone in 1994, when Grace was released. “I used that show to pay my last respects.”
Buckley performed “I Never Asked to Be Your Mountain” from his father’s 1967 album Goodbye and Hello. The song is about Tim leaving his wife and infant son, and Buckley’s rendition sent chills through the audience: “Here was this skinny kid with this unearthly voice, just wailing,” former Captain Beefheart guitarist Gary Lucas told NME in 1998. “I was next to him playing guitar but I was really just watching the audience, who were really turned on by it... It was electric.”
From there, Buckley’s life changed – music industry folk and fellow artists rushed to hand him their business cards. “In a way, I sacrificed my anonymity for my father, whereas he sacrificed me for his fame,” he later told The Philadelphia Inquirer. “So I guess I made a mistake.” Weeks later, he moved to New York permanently, and spent brief stints in Lucas’s band Gods and Monsters, and playing a regular Monday night gig at Sin-é, a café in the East Village. The buzz around his performances drew music executives hoping to sign him. Columbia Records won, and Buckley signed to the Sony imprint in 1992.
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amazingmaeve · 4 years
Going Home - Michael Gray
Main Masterlist // Peaky Blinders Masterlist
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Summary: After his cousin and mother sent him to America Michael was angry with them but then he meet you. Then you guys go back to Birmingham with your kids and another on the way
AN: I haven’t seen season five but I know Michael isn’t the best character. And Gina doesn’t exist in this and John is alive. Also don’t judge me if i get anything wrong from the show.
Pairing: Michael Gray x Female!OC
Warnings: Pregnancy, Language, angst, alcohol
YOU and Michael met when he came to America. When he first arrived in America he was pretty pissed as his cousin and his mom sending him there. Plus he barely had no way to contact them and he knew they wouldn’t contact him either. He would probably stay there for the rest of his life he thought. He was bitter for the first weeks he was just angry and always mad at people. Until he met you.
You were working as a seamstress who makes suits and etc. in her own store. He ran into you on the streets and he was about to yell at you before he actually got a chance to look at you. He apologized for bumping into you and you waved it off and accepted his apology.
He suggested walking you back to the store you worked at. You blushed and nodded clearly smitten by him and everything he does and the way he spoke. He was smitten as well. On the way to the shop you almost tripped but he caught you. He thought how clumsy you were was very cute and the way you blushed when he caught you. As you were nearing your shop you said farewell to each other feeling sad he was leaving already.
But he came in the next day asking for a suit with a smirk on his face which made you get butterflies in your stomach like from the day before. You thought you’d never see this mad again in your life but apparently he wanted to see you again. You agreed on making him a suit and he asked you to dinner that night and you agreed feeling real giddy as you jumping around in your head.
You got your best dress and did your hair and make up real nice. You wanted to impress him but what you didn’t know you already made a great impression on him. He looked real nice as well as he put a different suit on but he looked real good. He took you to a nice restaurant and got you the best food there and it tasted good. You talked about your lives like how your father ran out on your mom and she became a single mother. And you always admired her. You weren’t that tough of a child to raise and you were a single child which made it easier.
He told you the story of him growing up in a village and that his name was Henry and then Tommy found him explaining his family wasn’t really his family. He moved to Birmingham and met his mom and cousins who got along until he came to America you didn’t ask why because it seemed like a sensitive topic.
After that night you guys were like glue, always at each other’s sides, going on dates every week. And two months later he asked you to move in with him and you were shocked but agreed with a smile and you already loved him so much.
Then not even a month later you were pregnant with your first child and you were scared to tell him. You hadn’t even told him you loved him. You didn’t even know if he wanted kids. but when you were about to tell him the big news he blurted out he loved you. You were shocked shocked but also very giddy and you wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him happily saying you loved him as well.
You told him you were pregnant and hoped he wouldn’t be mad. And he wasn’t. He was a little surprised but happy nonetheless He asked you to marry him which you scoffed and rolled your eyes saying he only wanted to marry because you were pregnant. And you guys only knew each other for three months. But he told you that ‘you loved me and I love so why the hell not’. You thought about it for a few days and agreed wanting to do it as soon as possible so that you would be able to fit your wedding dress only being a months pregnant.
You got married a week after with your mom being the only one there. You gelt like the happiest girl alive.
Then months later you gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. And Michael suggested the name Anna saying it was his sisters name. You agreed because a few months earlier he told you he never met his sister and she died. Plus you thought it was a good name.
You got pregnant about 6 months later. God it felt like your family was growing every day. When you told you felt happy but he was even happier
The midwife also told you it was twins which as an even bigger shock and you were a little scared since it was two instead of one. Not only pushing one kids out but two. You only went through it once and it hurt then. But now twice the pain. Michael reassured you that you were strong woman and you could do it.
Three months later you being eight months pregnant and looked like you were about to pop, Michael told you some news. You found out you were pregnant at four months. It surprised it took so long for you to find out.
“My mom wants me to go back to Birmingham,” He told you one night when you guys were cuddling. You only asked about his family a few times and he told you almost everything about them. That they were blinders and his mother and cousin sent him here. You were kind of angry but happy because you wouldn’t have met him if they didn’t send him here. He told you about the Italians and you didn’t blame him for any of it since he thought his mom was still mad at Tommy and that’s why he didn’t tell him. Plus it was in the past and he hadn’t done anything to you to prove he was a monster.
“Why does she want you to come now,” You asked as you looked up at him. You heard about his mom and she seemed like nice person and you didn’t want hold a grudge against for what happened. But you wanted to be on Michaels side as well. But it seemed he gotten over it as well. But he had a little anger in the pit of his stomach that he could ignore.
“She says that she wants to settle things between us,” Michael explains looking down at you with love in his eyes. You both layer in silence for a second.
“So what are you going to do,” You asked as you traced your fingers along his chest.
“I think I should go,” He replied. “Patch things up with the family.”
“Well if you’re going I’m going,” You beamed while looking up at him with a smile on your face.
“Nope,” He disapproved and you looked up at him with a shocked look on your face.
“What why not,” You pouted whole looking up at him.
“Sweetheart you look like you are about to pop and I don’t want you to get hurt,” He cooed you in a stern voice. You knew that he was worried about you.
“I know but I want to meet your family and I want to make sure your okay while you’re there as well,” You told him. He didn’t seem faltered by your words. “Okay how about this if I feel like somethings wrong tomorrow I’ll stay with Anna if not we both go with you. And I won’t put my self in stressful situations,” You offered. He let out a deep sigh before being his hand up to rub his eyes.
“Fine,” he grumbled but before you could cheer he put his hand up. “But we make sure not to put you in ANY stressful situations,” He approves with a stern tone in his voice.
“Ok yep agreed,” You agreed happily with a smile on your face. A wave of tiredness crossed over you. “Let’s get to bed,” You yawned before curling into Michael.
Before you fell you asleep you heard a soft voice “I love you,”
As You Michael and Anna got arrived in Birmingham you started to feel nervous wondering what his family was like in person.
Michael told you that they were dangerous but to not be afraid because they wouldn’t hurt you.
You guys were on the train on your way to Small Heath. As you promised you didn’t put yourself in stressful situations. You were starting to feel a bit uncomfortable on the train and hoped you would get there soon.
Once the train stopped Michael tapped you on the shoulder when he noticed you didn’t get up.
“Come one love we’re here,” Michael coos as he stands pulling his daughter up with him.
You let out a yawn and stood up and stretched. God you could barely move without taking everything out.
“Ok I’m ready,” You sighed and looked at your daughter sleeping in Michaels arms.
Even though she was a little past 1 years old and knew how to walk she loved being in her dads arms. You smile at the two them.
Anna stirred in her sleep and rubbed her eyes with her tiny hands.
“Hey Anna were here,” Michael whispered to his daughter with a smile painted his lips. Anna smile and let out a little giggle.
“Daddy,” Anna let out. She has been saying some words ever since she turned a year and would try to form sentences.
You and Michael shared smiles before walking out onto the platform. He put Anna down. You guys where nervous about letting her walk but Michael held to her hand. You stood to his side while Anna was on his other.
You could tell he was nervous about seeing his mother.
“It’ll be ok Michael,” You whispered in his ear wrapping your hand around his.
Michael nodded doubt running through his veins. He felt extremely nervous about seeings his family again. And about them seeing you and Anna as well.
Then you saw Michael stare at a women with dark hair and high cheek bones. You guessed that was his mother.
“Stay here,” Michael whispered to you and put Anna’s hand in your own. You nodded and watched him walk towards the woman.
You saw that they talked for a minute then a smile was spread across the woman’s face as she hugged him. You saw Michael relax and hug her back.
You let out a smile at the reunion.
“Up,” Anna raised her arms indicating she wanted to be held. You laughed a little and bent down being careful of your belly and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around you watching out for your belly. She let out a little smile and played with your hair.
You looked up and saw that Michael and Polly were walking over to you. You would say you were nervous but that would be an understatement. She looked like a very intimidating woman and you’ve heard a lot about her from Michael.
“Mom this Y/N my wife,” Michael introduced two of you and pointed to your daughter. “And this is our daughter Anna.”
Michaels mom, Polly, looked at your daughter who was resting her head on your shoulder feeling a tad tired. You noticed that Polly was getting a bit teary eyed.
“Nice to meet y-you I’ve heard good things about you,” You stuttered a bit feeling nervous about meeting your husbands mother. She looked like she could be very intimidating at some points but now she hasn’t done anything to make you feel like that.
You put your hand out to shake but she pulls you in for a hug which was kind of uncomfortable with your belly and your daughter in your arms but you tried to hug back anyways. You didn’t want to seem rude.
“Anna after,” Polly trailed off looking at Michael who nodded knowing who she was talking about after she retreated from your hug. She pulled Michael into her arms and whispered something in his ear. “Let’s get you two home you two must be tired from the the ride.
You, Michael, and Anna walked into Pollys house which wasn’t huge but wasn’t small either. You thought it looked really comfortable which you loved. Anna seemed to be getting a bit fussy so Michael took her from your arms into his. Anna put her head into his neck drowsing off.
“I’m going to go lay her down it’s been a long day for her,” Michael told you before going upstairs to one of the rooms.
After Michael left you stood there awkwardly waiting for him to return or Polly to come back from the kitchen.
“Come on in I don’t bite,” Polly called out to you when she noticed you didn’t follow her to the kitchen. You blushed a little before entering the kitchen and sat on one of the chairs. “So has my son been treating well,” She asked you as she got some tea ready.
“Yes he has been a complete gentleman,” You reassured while giving her a smile you put your hands on your belly and felt one of the babies kicking.
“I’m guessing 8 months along and with twins,” Polly asked before sitting down as she noticed you rubbing your belly.
“Yes did Michael tell you,” You ask curiosity painting your face.
“Nope intuition,” Polly gave you smile which you returned.
“I don’t want to sound rude but I’m hoping I give birth soon its been a lot of uncomfortable months for me,” You explain as you try to get situated in the chair.
“I’d assume it would be uncomfortable for twins,” Polly teases while giving you a smirk.
“I’m kind of scared though,” You admitted.
“What are you scared of darling,” Polly asked as she looked at you with a worried look on her face. Even though she didn’t know you for long she felt that you changed her sons life and would be a good addition to the family.
“Well it hurt with Anna so I assume it will hurt twice as much with the twins,” You explain to her. “Michael always reassures me though but it doesn’t help that fear in that back of my head.”
“You’ll be fine I can tell you’re a strong woman,” Polly acknowledged while taking a sip from her tea. “And plus we can get the best doctors to help you through it,” She reassures you.
“I hope so,” You mutter looking down at your huge belly.
“Have you and Michael thought of any baby names,” She tries to distract you.
“We’ve has a few but nothing that’s stuck,” You explained. You thought if it was two boys Henry and William and if it was two girls Rose or Luna. Michael just told you whatever you wanted. Before Polly could say something Michael came down into the kitchen.
“Didn’t have to much fun without me,” Michael joked and kissed your forehead then sat down next to you.
“We were just discussing baby names,” You explain while makes an oh face. Before he can respond Polly interrupts.
“We’re having the family over so that we can celebrate the new family members to the family and your arrival,” Polly surprises you and Michael.
Great a family reunion with the whole family.
As the family rolled into the house you were introduced to everyone. Michael seemed to be taking to his cousins while you were talking to Esme, Ada and Polly. Linda was sitting down reading a book. Anna was asleep upstairs. You woke her her up to feed her and then a few hours later everyone rolled in. So you put her to bed not wanting her to be stressed.
“So you and Michael happy for the baby,” Ada asked as you guys sat food down on the table.
“Yes but it’s going to be more stressful with Anna and it being twins will make it harder of course,” You explain while setting some silverware down after setting down the potatoes.
“Yeah it was hard when I married John he already had a lot kids when that happened,” Esme joked with you while nudging your arm.
“Plus with you getting pregnant every couple years,” Ada jokes while Esme rolls her eyes. It didn’t look like she took it to heart though.
“I don’t think it should be to long now,” Polly told you pointing to your belly.
“Well I hope so,” You laughed while leaning against the table. Before you could speak you felt some pain in your stomach which made you groan a bit.
“You okay Y/N,” Ada asked concern lacing her voice.
“Think it might be soon than later.”
Turns out you were in labor because not 5 minutes later you felt your water break which made you groan as another contraction hit you. Ada and Esme helped you upstairs to one of the rooms and laid you down.
You could hear Michael and Polly arguing. You knew Michael wanted to be with you when you gave birth since he was their for Anna’s birth. As another contraction hit you someone ran into the room and began to soothingly rub your back.
You looked and saw that it was Michael which made you sigh in relief.
“Michael you aren’t going to leave me are you,” You whimpered while some tears travelled down your face. Michael soothed you while wiping away you’re tears.
“Don’t worry love I’m not going anywhere,” Michael whispered in your ear.
You smile but let out a moan when you felt another contraction hit. You could feel them getting closer and closer.
Polly and Ada came up with some supplies and got you ready and when she said push you pushed with all your might.
It took about 5 minutes before one of your babies were out. You let out a breath before letting out a sigh but knowing it wasn’t over.
“It’s a girl,” Ada smile at you while Polly cut the cord. She wrapped the baby in a blanket while handing her to Michael. Michael started down at you’re daughter in awe.
It was broke as you felt another contraction hit you. Polly told you to push and Michael was by your side with your second daughter. Trying to comfort you while holding the baby. Ada took the baby from Michael knowing that you need some comfort.
“I can’t do it,” You sobbed as you leaned back on the bed and wiped the tears from your eyes.
“Don’t worry darling just a few more pushes and you’ll be done,” Michael cooed you.
You nodded before pushing again and only a few minutes later another baby was out you let out a happy sigh while leaning back on the pillow sweat coating your body.
“Another girl,” Polly whispered handing her to you after she cut the cord. Ada handed Michael the first baby and you looked at your babies in awe.
Ada and Polly left you alone for some privacy.
“They’re so beautiful,” You whispered while kissing your daughters nose.
Michael was about to respond before you guys heard someone say, “Mommy,” You looked up and and saw Anna standing there with a smile on her face.
“Come here sweet heart say hi to your sisters,” Michael smile as your first daughter came over to you and tried getting on the bed but failed a few times before succeeding. She went up to lay next to you staring at the new baby.
“What should we name them,” You ask while looking at Michael trying to wrap your arm around Anna with a baby in your arm.
“How ‘bout we both name one,” Michael suggested. You nodded and Michael whispered “Emily.”
“That’s a beautiful name Michael,” You whispered as Michael came and sat down next to you guys. “I’m thinking for this one Rose,” You suggested with a smile.
“I love it,” Michael pressed a small kiss to your lips.
You guys chuckled quietly when you heard Anna start to snore and you weren’t to far behind her.
Michael smiles warmly at all of you. His family.
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mearcatsreturns · 3 years
15 for Abby/Luka
For reasons ;)
Under a cut because it's long.
July 2003
To: Luka Kovac <“[email protected]”>
From: Abby Lockhart <“[email protected]”>
Subject: I’m drowning and praying ghosts are real
Dear Luka,
Something about knowing that I’ll never talk to you again is just unbearable. I’ll never laugh at your malapropisms, look into your beautiful eyes, feel your strong hands holding mine, or make love to you again. There won’t be any more jokes about jam and cheese on toast, or you teasing me for my weak but constant supply of coffee. I’ll never hear your amazing, deranged laughter after you prank someone again. No more of your hugs—which are somehow the best hugs in the world. Because you’re gone.
It’s been three days since we got the call telling us you died thousands of miles from home, whether that’s here in Chicago or in Croatia. I didn’t know your dad’s name, Luka. We needed to call him, and I didn’t know. How did I not know? And now I can’t. I mean, L’Alliance told us his name, but the fact that I’ll never learn pieces of your history, of the wonderful man you are, FROM you...how am I supposed to go on and live my life?
For years, I’ve thought medicine was my great thwarted love. I’ve wanted to be a doctor for so long, and I thought I was bitter about having to let go of that dream. Now I wonder. I let obstacles get in the way of pursuing medicine, and it’s made me...well, it’s part of why I was so unhappy. But that makes me think about how I also let obstacles get in the way of us. I was happy with you, you know, until I let fear and my mother and Carter get in the way. God, I wish I could do that over again. We could have had everything, and if I hadn’t gotten in my own way, I’d be happy. I think maybe I could have made you happy, too.
It’s funny. I knew things with Carter weren’t working, and he implied you were part of it. I said it wasn’t, but then five minutes later, I found out you were—are—dead. And I realized you were the reason, or one of the big ones. As soon as Chuny told me, I knew I loved you and had loved you for years. Yeah. Great timing, isn’t it? I keep thinking that maybe I could have kept you from going if I had known or if I had told you. I didn’t want you to go when I thought you were my very attractive friend and ex that I still was fond of. Knowing that I love you—how do I move past that? Knowing that I lost you, first to my stupidity and then to death?
I just...I miss you, and I don’t when I’ll stop, or how to. Susan caught me crying on my last shift, and I didn’t even know what to say. I feel like I’ve been crying or standing still, brittle and stuck in time, since I heard the news. I can’t, Luka. I know I have to keep on moving, and I thought maybe writing you would help. I know you’ll never see this, never have a chance to respond. But the idea that some fragments of your soul linger and can maybe sense...I don’t know. That I’m writing? What I’m feeling? Jesus, this is crazy.
All my love,
Abby angrily swipes the tears from her eyes. God, what’s the point of writing this? He’ll never see hsi email or her again. Just...without Luka, how can the world be anything but grim and sad and pointless?
She laughs mirthlessly. Maybe it doesn’t matter. No, she knows it doesn’t. Because Abby knows the futility of it, aches with the meaninglessness, she presses send without another thought.
Three days after that, a miracle occurs. Luka, the Lazarus of this new millennium, comes back from the dead. He’s never been dead, and maybe, Abby thinks, there’s a God above after all. So many people wish for this exact boon, and she—they, the world—gets it. Some higher power believes this planet is a better place with Luka Kovac in it, and Abby is ecstatic.
Until she remembers the email and that they can’t be unsent.
It’s fine. She’ll be fine. Luka is coming back, apparently with a French nurse. Maybe he’ll just delete it without reading it. Maybe it didn’t go through—how does email work for the dead, and how quickly is all that processed?
Abby shakes her head. It doesn’t matter; Luka is alive and returning to them. She can handle a little awkwardness in the face of the sheer joy of knowing the world is a brighter, kinder place. He’s coming back, and that’s what’s important.
August 2003
It takes Luka almost a week after returning to Chicago to convince Kerry and the other staff to let him go back to his apartment. Even so, they only agree when Gillian assures them she’ll see to his every need.
Abby winces when she hears that, and it makes something flutter in Luka’s chest. Which probably isn’t good for his malaria, but the hope...that is.
It’s another two days of lying in bed before he has the energy to ask Gillian to bring him his laptop. At this point, it’s been months since he’s checked his email, and Luka grimaces at the undoubtedly horrible state of his inbox. He briefly considers never checking again and just getting a new one, but he knows his father struggled to add him to his contacts once already. To expect it of him again would be absurd.
With a sigh, Luka opens his email. It’s just as bad as he feared. He snorts at the myriad messages about Viagra, Nigerian princes, and Russian brides, deleting them without thought. He saves a couple from his dad. He slowly whittles down his inbox, but he freezes when he gets to one email in particular, sent about a month ago.
It’s from Abby, during the time everyone thought he was dead.
Luka considers calling and asking her if someone hacked her email or is sending spam from her account, but the subject line...it looks real. And Abby’s been odd around him lately, seeming both deliriously happy to see him and awkwardly nervous.
His heart pounds, and he clicks to open it. If this is a spammer, they’re probably about to get whatever they want.
Abby pours herself another coffee, internally swearing as she prepares for the last two hours of her shift. Deciding to go back to school is great; having to coordinate all the details is less thrilling and leaves her tired and cranky.
Frank ducks his head into the lounge, beady eyes narrowing on her. “Hey, Abby. The Croat is on the phone for you. Line 2. Try to get back out there as fast as you can, Weaver’s yelling at the med students about IVs.”
“Okay, Frank,” Abby says, though she flushes and her palms start to sweat. It’s fine. She can always hide the panic and butterflies in her stomach with sarcasm. It has yet to fail her.
Frank gives her one last suspicious look, then nods and heads back to Admit.
Abby takes a deep breath, then picks up the phone. “Hey, Luka?”
“It’s me. Glad I could reach you. How are you?” He sounds...ugh. So good. And eager and happy, and her heart could leap right out of her chest.
“Doing all right. I just have a couple hours left on this shift, and it hasn’t been too awful today. Only one MVA. How about you? You feeling okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Recovering. Listen, did you want to come over for dinner?”
“Please tell me you’re not trying to cook.”
“What? I’m a good cook, even if you don’t appreciate wonderful, traditional Croatian dishes,” he says with a chuckle.
“Luka, you just got out of the hospital five days ago. You still need to be resting.”
“Abby, don’t worry so much. I was just kidding. I have some sandwiches from Manny’s, and Anna sent me home with lots of matzo ball soup too.”
Abby bites her lip. Of course she wants to go. But the prospect of spending the evening with Gillian cooing over Luka, knowing that she shares a bed with him, is decidedly less appealing. And there’s the email she sent, which Luka hasn’t acknowledged. He might well have deleted it, or he’s giving her a gracious out.
Her conscience twinges as soon as she thinks about bailing, though. Didn’t she promise herself she wouldn’t take life for granted anymore? She’ll go back to med school, she’ll have dinner with Luka when he asks.
She starts, realizing she needs to respond. “Yeah, sorry. Yeah, I can do that. I can be there an hour after my shift, if that’s okay.”
“Sounds great. Looking forward to seeing you.”
“Me too.” He has no idea how much, even if she wishes she knew for sure that he’d deleted the email.
Abby rings Luka’s doorbell three and a half hours later. She’d meant to come straight from work, but after a patient vomited on her, she decided to head home, shower, and splurge on a taxi to Luka’s. The poor man is recovering from being deathly ill and doesn’t need County’s fumes making things worse.
There’s the sound of the deadbolt sliding, and Luka answers the door, grinning happily at her. “Good, you made it! Come on in!”
“I did. Sorry it took me longer than expected.” Abby steps into his apartment, looking around. It’s been such a long time since she’s been here, and she notes the subtle changes in the art and decor.
“No worries. I know how it goes.” He places a hand at the small of her back, guiding her inside.
Abby stiffens for a second at how his touch burns even through the layers of her shirt and light jacket, but she relaxes, enjoying the feel while she waits for Gillian to appear and end the fleeting joy.
Luka is unfazed. “Now, of course we can just eat the sandwiches, but if you want to heat up the matzo ball soup, you can. Since you don’t want me standing,” he says with a wink.
Abby smiles back, shaking her head. “Oh, I see how it is. Make the woman who worked all day do more household work when she gets ho—wait, where’s Gillian? Isn’t she supposed to be taking care of you?”
“She’s not here,” he says simply.
Going to the fridge and taking out the containers of soup, Abby places them in the microwave. Is Gillian out for the evening, or is she gone gone? “Shouldn’t you be with her? Or her here with you, whatever.”
Luka is quiet for a long minute, and Abby wonders if he intends to answer. Finally, he breaks the silence. “I asked her to leave.”
Abby’s pulse speeds up. “What? Why?”
Luka takes a deep breath, clearly ready to respond, and—
The microwave dings, and they both jump. Exchanging a sheepish look, they laugh.
“Look, let’s get some food, and I’ll tell you all about it.”
Abby dishes up their soup and sandwiches, preparing trays so they can sit on the couch. Luka turns on the television, and Abby’s heart rate comes back under control. They sit together in companionable silence while they eat and watch Thom and Jai and the rest of the Fab 5 whip some hapless lawyer’s life into order. When they finish their meal, Abby cleans up, taking the trays back to the kitchen.
She heads back to the couch at the opposite end from Luka, not daring to get closer when she really has no idea what’s going on.
Luka clears his throat and mutes the TV. “So, yeah. I asked Gillian to leave.”
“Oh. So, um, did you break up?”
“She was never my girlfriend, really. She has a boyfriend back in Montreal, they just…” Luka shrugs and runs a hand through his hair.
Abby is more lost than ever. “Ah.”
Taking a deep breath, Luka continues, finally looking over at her. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful she helped me get here and took care of me, but we were never serious.”
Something starts to tug at Abby’s heart, squeezing and twisting and kicking to get free. Is it...hope? “Well, I’m glad she got you here safe, but you should have someone staying with you while you recover, Luka. Malaria is dangerous.”
He gives her a look. “I know how dangerous malaria is. I’m getting better. And besides, it wouldn’t have been fair for me to ask her to stay when things are over because I’m in love with someone else.”
Her heart leaps into her throat. “Someone else?” she squeaks.
Luka nods, swallowing. “Yeah. And I have a reason to think she might be in love with me too.” He slides over to her side of the couch, reaching for her hand.
Abby meets his eyes—those beautiful green eyes that are the best color in the world—and squeezes his hand, incapable of words. Does he mean…?
With his other hand, Luka reaches up and cups her cheek, running his thumb along the subtle arch of her cheekbone. “Abby, if you’ve changed your mind since you sent that email, please tell me to shut up.”
That stupid, ridiculous email might be the best thing she’s ever done in her life. She leans into his hand, licking her lips as she shakes her head slightly. “I haven’t changed my mind. I didn’t mean for you to see it and hoped I could learn how to hack computers and delete it but—”
Luka cuts her off. “I would never forgive you if you managed to delete it. You wouldn’t believe how much faster I healed after that.”
Abby leans forward, sliding into Luka’s waiting arms. “Then maybe I’ll write you some more emails.”
“Emails aren’t what I want right now,” Luka says.
Funny, Abby doesn’t either. Then his lips brush hers, and all her worries and fears fade away. She knows she has to tell him about med school and he needs to finish recuperating, but when Luka deepens their kiss and pulls her closer, Abby ceases to think at all.
She has Luka back, and now they have each other again.
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mrsalwayswrite · 4 years
Say You’ll Stay - Chapter 7
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Fury/Band of Brothers Crossover Fic
We finally meet up with Easy Company!
Tag List: @happyveday​ @alwaysindecemberfeels​ @god-of-dramatic-death-scenes​ @saritanotserena​
Series Masterlist // Next Chapter
The morning arrived with a slight fog, bringing a sense of otherworldliness with it. As if ghosts stood along the tree line just watching and waiting in complete silence. Everyone moved with shifty feet and wary eyes, voices staying low. The starting of engines only exasperated the stillness around them. It had been decided, with so many men killed and wounded in the company, the whole group would travel to Haguenau. From there the wounded could be evacuated to a hospital and hopefully replacements sent for those lost. 
 Anna wandered around the tanks, checking in with the other medics and just trying to stay warm. Wrapping her arms around herself, she tried to keep the wintery cold at bay. A coat taken off a soldier, who no longer needed it, now covered her filthy nurse’s uniform. She tried not to think about wearing a dead man's coat, rather imaging it was a spare. Her legs were still exposed to the elements from the knees down to her short uniform boots, making it impossible to fully warm up as she walked around. 
"Mount up! Let's go!" The call echoed around from several different mouths, stilling the nervous restlessness hanging over the company. 
 The wounded were placed on the tanks to ride since they did not have a truck to transport them anymore. Besides the officers and those in the armored division, all the foot soldiers were forced to continue walking. Not a perfect solution but it was all they afford to do right now. Hopefully they could escape another surprise attack. 
 Ignoring those around her, she made her way towards Fury. Both to keep an eye on the wounded laying or sitting on the tank but to also stick close to the tank's crew. She had woken up that morning, still huddled against Boyd's side, wrapped in Don's leather jacket and the spare blanket from Gordo. They shared what breakfast they could with her before she had to head off and start rounds. Medic Arthur Christianson had taken over lead medic from Joe Hunter. A blow they all felt but this was war and you just learned to keep moving. The two other medics had been courteous enough to her from the beginning so it was not too much of a hardship to work with them. 
 Each medic had chosen a tank to walk next to and keep an eye on its wounded. She had immediately claimed Fury. 
 Looking up, she noticed Boyd staring down at her from his spot on the tank. 
 "What you doin' down there?"
 She glanced around then stared back at him. "Walking." She stated with a casual shrug, not understanding what he was getting at. 
 Grady chuckled from his spot next to Boyd. Smoke curled around his mouth as he exhaled, the cigarette still between his teeth. 
 Boyd rolled his eyes with a deadpan expression. "I see that. Thank you. Why ain't you riding?"
 "Only wounded are riding. I'm fine, Boyd. I don't mind walking." She tried to assure him, a small smile on her face. Hopefully that masked how cold she actually was and the agitated nerves humming throughout her body. She walked a little further towards the front of the tank. Fury only carried five wounded, spread out along its sides. Stopping at a young soldier with a bandage around his head, she touched his leg to gain his attention. "How are you feeling?"
 The brunet opened his eyes, looking down at her from where he reclined on the tank. A shy smile crossed his lips. "My head ain't spinnin' like it was."
 "That's good. Let me know if that changes." Patting his leg, she smiled back at him. The young soldier was one she was particularly concerned about. During the initial explosion, he had been thrown back and landed hard on his head, getting knocked unconscious during the process. Eventually he woke back up but with a bloody head wound. 
 Tucking a few strands of wayward hair behind her ear, she adjusted Joe’s- no, her medic’s satchel across her body. Her heart clenched slightly at the reminder. Her own personal bag had been in the supply truck, now a pile of ash. Her few extra clothing items, her beloved book from home, the few letters she had from her family and friends along with what little money she had been holding onto, all gone. All destroyed in the fire that raged throughout the night as it consumed the supply truck. It hurt more than she thought it would. It was just stuff, but it had helped ground her, remind her of home. Without it, her soul felt slightly adrift. Even as she tried to convince herself it was just stuff, that it was replaceable, that twenty-two men died while she still drew breathe…. she still missed her belongings. 
 "Hey, dollface. Nice legs you got there."
 She pretended to not hear the comment from the lanky soldier sitting on the tank, bandage around his calf. She remembered him. A bullet ricochet hit his calf but he screamed like his guts were being ripped out, then he threatened one of the other medics until he received morphine. 
 "Ah, c'mon, smile. I just gave you a compliment." He called after her, a sleazy smirk on his face. 
 "Hey, shut up." Boyd demanded, having turned to glare at the offending soldier. 
 The arrogant soldier looked over his shoulder at Boyd as if surprised to be called out. "What? Like you can't see them." He snickered, continuing to leer at the nurse. 
 Anna closed her eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath. Unfortunately, she was used to men like that by now. Even if she hated dealing with them. She had a job to do though. War did not care if the men it wounded were good or bad, kind-hearted or arrogant, gentle or dangerous- it took them all. Her job was to save as many as she could from War's grasp. To allow as many men as she could to return to their families one day. 
 She turned slightly to meet the eyes of the lanky soldier. "Is there something you need, soldier?"
 "Aren't you going to check on me, darling?" He winked at her. 
 In a sudden flurry of movement, Grady roughly shoved the soldier off the tank without preamble. The soldier screamed as he hit the ground, landing on his hurt leg. The sound echoed in the air, bouncing off anything nearby as if to gain momentum in volume. Everyone nearby jumped at the sound, eyes locked on the soldier swearing and rolling on the ground. Anna stared in horror and confusion, a hand over her rapidly beating heart, unsure if she should intervene or stay to the side. Her answer came in the next moment as Grady hopped off the tank to stand between the soldier and Anna. 
 The soldier screamed, grabbing at his leg as he rocked on the ground. "What the fuck was that for?! Christ, I'm wounded, you asshole!" 
 "Yeah, shut the hell up." Grady said, just staring down at the soldier. He turned to look at Anna but never turned his back completely on the soldier. "You good?"
 She nodded mutely, beyond surprised and made quite speechless by Grady's actions. 
 "Coon-Ass! What's going on here?" Don stormed towards them, cigarette hanging from his lips and fire in his eyes. 
 "Nothin', Don. He started talking shit 'bout Anna. I shut him up." Grady shrugged, staring at his commander. A silent understanding seemed to pass between the two. Don gave a curt nod and only after that did he even acknowledge the man on the ground. 
 "You his Sergeant?!" The soldier was yelling, teeth bared like a rabid dog. "He pushed me off the goddamn tank! He can't do that!" 
 "Yeah? Well, sounds like you fucking deserved it." Don pulled the cigarette from his lips, blowing the smoke out. His eyes quickly shifted to Anna to scan her quickly before dropping back down to the soldier. 
 "Cause I complimented the fucking nurse? You know what, fuck you! And fuck the bitch!" 
 Don whipped out his pistol and pointed it at the downed soldier. Every sound ceased. The air froze. No one moved. Tension radiated from the scene. It felt with one wrong move, one wrong sound, Don would shoot. Even the wounded man stared in horror and rage at the pistol aimed at him. Everyone waited to see what Don would do. Anna covered her mouth with her hand, terrified that if she even peeped, Don would shoot the man on accident. When Don spoke next, Anna had never heard him sound so cold, it physically sent shivers down her spine.
 "I highly suggest you shut that big mouth of yours before I put fucking hole in your other leg." 
 If looks could kill, the soldier would have killed the tank commander twice over with the lethal glare he leveled at Don; but he wisely kept his mouth shut. The two stared at each other, almost willing the other to say something and set them both off like ticking time bombs. 
 After several tense moments, Don was the first to rip his gaze away and look over at Anna. Without a word, he beckoned her over with his hand. Worried and a little intimidated, she hurried over to stand between him and Grady. 
 "Anna, up you go now." The tank commander stated, nodding towards Fury, the threatening tone not quite fully leached from his voice yet. 
 "Wha… oh, no, I'm ok, Don. I promise."
 Those intense eyes bored into hers, immediately stopping any further excuses from passing her lips. "I can see you shaking like a leaf from the cold. I won't ask you again."
 "She can take my spot with Bible." Grady said to Don, looking over her head. "Keep her warmer."
 "Good. C'mon then."
 Next thing she knew, she was being manhandled by Don. He lifted her up as if she weighed nothing and set her onto the tank, where Boyd took her hand and slipped her into the gunner's spot with him. Her legs immediately felt marginally warmer as they were no longer bared to the cold elements. 
 Don climbed up to his spot, just on her left. None of the other soldiers, wounded or walking, would meet his gaze as he scanned over those nearby. As if just a shared glance would unleash his terrible ire onto them.  
 "I could have gotten up by myself." She grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest as she glanced over at him. 
 His hands stilled from placing the helmet on his head, his eyes meeting hers for a brief moment. "Whatever you say, doll." He winked quickly at her then looked forward, tapping a hand on his comms to speak. "Alright, let's move out."
 After that the tank jerked forward, Boyd had reached over to help keep her upright. Once settled, she tucked her face into her coat; not because of the cold, but in hopes no one would notice the blush on her cheeks. Butterflies danced in her stomach and it took her mentally berating herself to keep the stupid, giddy smile off her face. A simple wink should not have this much of an effect on her. Her mind decided to remind her of how it felt to have his hands on her and how easily he lifted her. That thought made her face heat up even more. 
 To distract herself, she peeked over her shoulder to see Grady sitting just behind her on the tank, watching the tree line with his mouth slightly open. 
 Although she still felt somewhat tense around Grady, he no longer looked at her as if she was a piece of meat to be ogled. She had noticed it the prior night as she joined the Fury crew and fell asleep leaning against Boyd. Followed by his strange actions today, she could not help but wonder what changed… if whatever occurred between him and Don in the French town had more of an effect than she realized. Maybe he was not such a bad man after all? Giving people second chances was something her mother preached and Anna found herself trying to do. Maybe now was a perfect example?
 Those on Fury rode silently for several miles, just watching the surroundings. Her thoughts turned dark, wondering if she should write Joe Hunter's wife. Obviously his wife would receive a condolence letter from the army but maybe it would help if she received a personal letter too from someone who worked with him? Who knew him and how devoted he was to her? Then again, she did not want his wife to misread her letter somehow and think Anna and Joe had an affair and now Anna was writing a letter out of guilt? Would someone do that? Or would they keep quiet about it? Her thoughts bounced around in her mind like ping pong balls, constantly moving but never actually in a helpful way. 
 "Where you from, Anna?"
 "Mmm?" Boyd's sudden question drew her from her inner musings. She lifted her head to look at him from staring at her nails as she picked at them. It took her an embarrassingly long moment of him staring at her with his eyebrows raised for his question to sink it. Heat filled her cheeks but she hoped it was not too noticeable. "Oh, sorry. I grew up in South Carolina but my family moved to Virginia, so that's where we lived the last few years. What about you?"
 He hummed, shifting slightly. "Missouri."
 "I've never been there. Do you miss it?"
 "I reckon. I miss the people there more, ya know?"
 Don cut in, still staring a head. "What he means is, he misses his girl."
 Her eyes widened and her head moved so fast from looking at Don on her left side to staring at Boyd on her right, she almost gave herself whiplash. "You have a sweetheart?"
 "Yeah." He shrugged casually as if it was not a big deal but the small smile on his lips and the light in his eyes betrayed him. 
 "And you haven't told me this?! You were getting on my case about seeing if I had one and this whole time you did!" She smack his chest lightly, making him flinch while Don and Grady laughed. "What's her name?"
 "Sarah Grace." His eyes softened even just saying her name. "Prettiest woman on God's good earth, I swear."
 She smiled at the fondness in his tone. 
 "We was gonna marry but then the war broke out and I felt called to join up. So she's waitin’ for me. When we get back, I'll start seminary and we'll get married."
 "If she's still waiting and not married someone else."
 Boyd narrowed his eyes at the mechanic behind Anna. "Grady, you just tryin' to get me riled up. It won't work. I know she'll wait."
 "Maybe she done run off with someone already." Grady countered, a smirk on his face. 
 "I just received a letter from her last month. You know that."
 "That was last month…"
 "I swear, Grady, if you don't-"
 "Alright, alright. Knock it off." Don said, grinning. It was obvious this was a continuous argument but was born out of teasing than any true malice. Boyd mumbled something under his breath, shoving his hands in his pockets.
 "Well I think it's sweet, Boyd. I'm happy for you." She bumped his shoulder, erasing the scowl on his face. In a split second decision, she looked behind her at Grady. Second chances, she told herself. "Where are you from?"  
 Initially, he seemed startled that she would ask him but quickly hid the surprise with his usual indifference. "California."
 She turned to Don next. "And you?"
 It felt like she had to physically tear her eyes away from his or else she would be trapped in them. There was an intensity in them that balanced on the edge of exhilarating and terrifying. All it took was a small breeze to push him one way or another. So far she had only seen the kind and protective side of him. Now though, after he pulled the gun on the wounded man, she had seen a brutal side. It reminded her of when Norman mentioned about when he first met Don. Now she could see it, what Don had forced Norman to do. It sent a chill down her spine. People were forced to commit terrible crimes all the time during war. Was this side of Don because of war or just something that lurked under the surface continuously? She found herself worried about the answer. 
 Boyd interrupted her thoughts, continuing the conversation. "Gordo there is from Texas. Norman is from Pennsylvania."
 "Y'all are from all over the place." 
 "Yep, all it took was Hitler startin’ a war for us to meet."
 They all chuckled but grew quiet again at the sobering thought. 
 Anna could not help but think about where she would be right now if she had not joined the Nurse Corps. She had hoped to go to college and become a teacher. It was not glamorous but the very thought of it brought a smile to her face. Much to society's chagrin, she wanted more from life than to just marry the first man that came around and start having his babies. But it did not matter now. She was not even on the same continent of her birth. 
 She pushed back the thoughts of before and focused on those around her. The smell of cigarettes from the soldiers surrounding her. The chill in the air that clung to her without reprieve. The sight of what should have been a beautiful forest but set her on edge, expecting another surprise attack. She could not focus on what she was missing out on. War happened. And she answered the call. Even if it had been to get away from her own sins and ruined reputation.  
 The next afternoon, the company and tanks rolled into Haguenau. Snow dusted everything that had not been trampled yet. The air hung heavy with fatigue and despair. Supposedly the Allies were winning the war, but with the looks on the faces around… you would not suspect that. The sound of a mortar slamming into the ground up ahead made Anna flinch. She could not help but wonder what kind of new hell she had been taken too. 
 "Let's park in the rear. Don't need those Krauts aiming for our tanks." Don said over the comms. 
 When the tanks stopped, everything ground to a halt around them, followed by Captain Evans pulling up in his jeep. "Sergeant Collier! You'll come with me. Let's find out who's running this shit show."
 "Yes, sir!"
 Anna slid off the side of the tank, careful of her cold, bare legs. Instead of riding that day with Boyd, she had instead elected to ride next to a young soldier who had been shot in the shoulder. Tears slipping down his cheeks but the soldier never made a sound. The whole ride she held his hand on his uninjured side. Occasionally, she had to check on the other wounded but she always returned back to the young soldier. He never cried out, just whispered a near silent 'thank you' and held her hand tightly. 
 She could hear the men being told to stay put until further orders were given. Most were used to the routine by now. Stand around until directed where to go next. It was something she was adjusting too. Ignoring those yelling commands around her, she fixed her mangled uniform and coat as much as possible and looked up at her patient/companion. 
 "I'll be right back." She tapped the young soldier's leg before walking away in search of Medic Christianson. 
 She found him talking to one of the other medics, standing near a different tank. "Arthur, what do we do now?" She asked, rubbing her hands together to try and warm them up. Spring and its accompanying warmth could not come soon enough. 
 "We need to find the aid station they have here. Hopefully get the men moved there and transported to a hospital." He said, lighting a cigarette. After a drag, he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Right, I'll go. Keep an eye on those around here."
 "I'll come with you." She said probably far too brightly if the looks given to her said anything.  
 His green eyes narrowed at her a moment before he shrugged. "Fine. Let's go."
 She started to follow him, arms wrapped around herself in the large army-issued coat. For a second she wondered if she should tell Boyd where she was going then she dismissed it. He was not her keeper. She was here to do her job. 
 They wandered into the corpse-like city of Haguenau. It looked desolate. A mere illusion of what it had once been before war corrupted its beauty. Bombed buildings, craters in the streets, the staining of blood scattered along the ground and snow. Anna had never seen a place like this before. 
 After receiving directions from a passing Sergeant, they found the building housing the aid station. It was a two-story house that looked semi-stable, but far better than others surrounding it. Which was not a high standard. Anna and Arthur quickly ascended the steps and walked inside, not just to get out of the cold but to avoid the sporadic mortars. 
 "Something you need?" A voice asked them as soon as Arthur closed the door behind them. 
 The two looked over to see a man watching them from a side room. He had short black hair, thin beard, open face and medic badge on his arm. His head was tilted to the side, the cap on his head sliding slightly with the movement.
 "We just arrived with our company and we've got wounded." Arthur said, taking charge and moving another step into the building.  
 "Uh huh." The man eyed them then turned back and called out toward another room. "Hey, Roe!" He looked back at the two by the door, it was obvious the calculations crossing his mind as he prepared his question. "How many wounded?"
 "Shit. What happened?"
 Anna kept back, allowing Arthur to take the lead. The dark-haired medic's eyes flickered towards her occasionally as if wondering what she was doing there but chose not to ask. Rubbing her hands together, a brief smile lifted the corners of her lips. Just being indoors, the permanent chill in her bones receded just enough she did not worry her legs would turn to icicles. It had only been a few days since the company left the small French town but being continuously outdoors, day and night, was something Anna found she disliked fervently. She looked over as she heard footsteps coming around the corner. 
 Arthur was still talking to the dark-haired medic, explaining what happened. "They laid landmines in the road, then when we stopped they fired on us from the surrounding woods. Perfect fucking ambush."
 "Damn Nazis." The medic shook his head. "You hear that, Gene?"
 The one called for came around the corner. He also had dark hair, pale skin and a sharp jawline. His eyes though were dull and a hint of red lingered around his nose like he was getting over a cold. His uniform was clean but even that could not distract from how bone-deep weary he appeared. "I 'eard. We got room upstairs. Won't be an issue."
 She froze, her mind whirling. That voice. She recognized it. Not many medics she had encountered had such a distinct Cajun drawl. Her brain frantically raced trying to remember where she knew it from. 
 "Eugene?" She found herself asking, hesitation in her voice. The man's head whipped over to stare at her. "Eugene Roe?"
 "Yes, ma'am. Have we met?"
 "Yes… I mean." She tucked some loose stands of her hair behind her ear, nervous that he would not remember her. "It…. It was back in Albourne. We did some training together. I'm Anna… Anna Cooper."
 One could watch the light bulb go off in his mind and his eyes light up. "Chérie?" His voice almost held an element of awe to it, that she was here and real. 
 She nodded, feeling tears fill her eyes. There was something in the simple nickname that tugged at her heart's strings. It reminded her of a time before war. Before blood and screams. Before the memories of death were stronger than memories of home. When it would just be the two of them at the aid station in Albourne practicing bandaging one another or swapping stories of their homes when homesickness struck them. 
 He hesitated for a moment before walking towards her. Seeing him move, she practically sprinted to him. They collided in that drafty building in Haguenau and for a moment, both felt like they could feel the sunshine on their faces and a spring rain to cleanse the taint of death from their skin. She wrapped her arms around him, burying her face in his chest. His own arms enclosed around her much smaller frame, surrounding her in warmth. Tears slipped down her cheeks, wetting his ODs. For once, she was not even ashamed. 
 "It's alright, chérie, it's alright."
 She laughed wetly, tipping her head up to look at him. "I can't even tell you how happy I am to see you."
 "I got that impression." 
 "Don't ruin the moment, Gene."
 He chuckled, pressing a chaste kiss to her forehead. "It's good to see ya too." He released her to step back and fully look at her. It was then he seemed to finally noticed her attire, or lack thereof. His eyes narrowed staring at her bare legs and short uniform boots before jumping back up to her face. "How did ya end up here? And what 'appened to ya uniform? Ya must be freezin'."
 "It's a long story...and we ran out of bandages, so…" she shrugged, gesturing to her clothes, self-conscious of her exposed skin. 
 Gene and the other medic shared a look before Gene looked back. "I expect to ‘ear it later, and we'll find ya some spare ODs. Spina, we got any in the new winter lot?"
 "Uh...I think so." The dark-haired medic responded, eyebrows almost touching his forehead. 
 "How many wounded y’all got?" Gene asked Anna.
 "Bring 'em here. We'll make room. Medics?"
 Arthur answered this time, arms crossed over his chest. "Three medics and Nurse Cooper."
 "Good. Know how long y’all stayin'?"
 "No." She peeked over at Arthur, who confirmed her answer with a short nod. "We only just arrived."
 Gene looked over at Arthur. "Careful bringin' 'em here. We'll get space set and some coffee for ya." He peered down at Anna, eyes softening. "Let's get ya some warmer clothes, chérie."
 "I swear you're an angel… a Cajun angel."
 He chuckled, shaking his head. "Whatever ya say." Putting an arm around her shoulders, he guided her towards a different room. 
 And for a moment, she was reminded that one could find joy even in the midst of war. 
 The tank commander stood in the back of the crumbling, dank room observing the scene before him. He had followed Captain Evans and his two lieutenants to the HQ for the battalion holding Haguenau. Personally, he would rather be back with his men instead of here listening to formal introductions. This battalion did specifically ask for him and his platoon, so he steeled himself to get through this.  
 "I'm Captain Evans of the 103rd Infantry Division. This is Lieutenant Diggs and Lieutenant Cox. Behind them is Staff Sergeant Collier of the Armored Division." The Captain, who was clearly the oldest in the room by at least a decade or two, stood in the middle of what most likely used to be a nice living room, if the damaged chandelier hanging above him said anything. Now the place looked somewhere between trashed and abandoned. His two lieutenants stood just behind him as the introductions took place. "I'll get to the damn point, eh? We were blitz attacked on our way here, lost twenty-two men and another eighteen wounded. Fucking Krauts. I'm requesting permission to regroup and have our wounded taken care of before we move out."
 The red-head with the Captain's bars on his jacket nodded quickly, granting permission before Captain Evans even finished asking. "Of course. We don't have a lot to spare but we will what we can." He reached his hand out to shake hands with the grizzled captain. "I'm Captain Winters of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airbourne."
 "Paratroopers, eh?" The older man eyed the other captain after shaking hands.  "Heard you are some mean bastards. Nice to see the reputation isn't wrong for once."
 "Just doing our jobs."
 "Right. We'll get outta here, eh? Thank you again, Captain."
 "Sure." Captain Winters stated kindly but still with a hint of a guarded tone. "You need anything, ask for myself or Lieutenant Speirs of Easy Company."
 With a final nod, Captain Evans and his two lieutenants walked out. A strange silence fell over those in the room after the door slammed shut behind the Infantrymen. Don suddenly felt like he was back in the elementary school yard and was waiting to get picked for a team. Thankfully the silence did not last long. 
 "Armored Division? Are you our supposed tanks?" A dark-haired man asked, sitting propped up in a corner, flask openly in hand. This was his first time speaking, instead having just watched the prior introductions with a cocky grin.
 Don eyed him, noting the Captain bars on his uniform. "Yes, sir. 2nd Armored Division or what's left of it."
 Captain Winters stepped forward to shake Don's hand. "Thank you for coming so quickly."
 "Yeah, could have used you two months ago. Hell, even a month ago could have saved lives." The other Captain muttered then took a sip from his flask. Don tensed but then noticed the unnamed Captain's aggression seemed more directed at whatever happened two months ago versus Don himself. 
 The red-head looked over his shoulder. "Nix…"
 "Yeah, yeah, I know."
 Winters looked back at Don. "How many tanks do you have?"
 "Four, sir."
 "Good...good. There is talk of some smaller towns nearby we will need you for, to provide assistance with liberating and securing. Until we know for sure, your men find somewhere to stay. As of now, you are under my direct command, understand?"
 "Yes, sir."
 "That'll be all, Sergeant Collier."
 Don gave a quick salute and headed back out into the bombed out town. As he walked back towards the tanks, he thought about the man whose command he was now under. Captain Winters. There was a calculating intelligence in his eyes, not in a malicious way, but more as a chess master. When he asked Don about the number of tanks, it was apparent his mind immediately took the information and began processing how best to utilize them. Don also noticed how when a mortar landed particularly close to the building, making the few pictures left on the walls shake, neither the red-headed Captain nor the dark-haired one flinched. At all. The tank commander was unsure fully what to make of the other Captain- this Nix- but he approved so far of what he has seen in Captain Winters. He was a man obviously in control with his authority but was not so far up in the clouds he forgot about his foot soldiers. A rare trait amongst Regiment in Don's opinion. 
 By the time Don arrived back, it seemed most of the infantrymen had dispersed into the city leaving the tanks and their crews waiting for him. He hoped they could find a decent building to claim without resorting to violence. At this point, he was not above punching a few Privates to make sure his crew got a good roof over their heads. 
 "What's the orders?" Binkowski asked, eyeing the city warily. 
 Don sighed, rubbing a hand over his face before answering. "Under a Captain Winters now. Said to stay put until orders are confirmed but sounds like we'll help secure some towns nearby."
 "Heard they're paratroopers." Davis said. He leaned against his tank, lighting up a cigarette. 
 "Yep." The sound of a mortar went off nearby. Don watched Norman startle out of the corner of his eye then rub his nose on his sleeve. He made a mental note to check on the kid once they got settled.
 "Paratroopers?" One of Davis' crew muttered, standing just off to the side. 
 "The idiots that volunteered to jump out of planes." Binkowski answered with a snort and shake of his blond head. 
 "On purpose?" The crew member's eyes widened. Don tried to remember the man's name. Kohl… Colbert… Coulson… something like that. 
 Gordo said, sitting on top of Fury. "Heard they are some real sonsofbitches."
 Don smirked. "Guess we'll find out. Let's find somewhere to claim before all the houses are filled up."
 The men began to move, ready to find somewhere to bunk down. Don surveyed around once more, wondering what awaited them in this hell hole.
Alright, what did y’all think of Easy’s introductions? Lemme know what you think!
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inquisitive-mess · 3 years
A Slice of Happiness Final Part
Including Sibylle of Cleves and Maria of Jülich-Berg by @blackdiamondwrites127, and Katherine Tudor by @ellielovesdrawing
Mention of Jane Paker by @altairtalisman and Anya Askew by @thenicestnonbinary
T/W: Blood, Past Characters Death, And Hint of Past Trauma and Abuse
When Sibylle and Kath heard Ann, Sibylle was kind of surprised on how easy that was. She expects Ann to put up more of a fight, but see how vulnerable she currently is and how things has been, it does made sense that she doesn't have the strength to do that. Kath decided to grab Ann's coffee and tiramisu with some plates and utensils from the kitchen and place it on the table. She figure this may be a long story, so she want Ann to be comfortable when telling it. Ann saw Kath bring the tiramisu and some plates to them and was confused by it. She didn't know why Kath brought them and it made her feel a little worse. It was a constant reminder on how she didn't deserve this. Kath soon sat next to Sibylle and took a sip of her coffee while Sibylle got herself comfortable in the chair. Ann try to take her mind off the dessert and begin speaking " It begin when I was thirteen and started to work at the palace...." Kath choke on her coffee, put her mug down after spitting her coffee back into it, and begin coughing when she heard Ann. Sibylle went to Kath side as she try to help her breath correctly. Ann look at Kath when this happen and asked her " Are you okay?" Ann felt little bad that she cause Kath to choke on her drink. Kath soon recovered and nodded. She was kind of caught off guard on what Ann had said and made her confused by it. Sibylle looked at Ann and she nodded. Sibylle then told Kath " Babe, Ann just like us. She a reincarnate and been around for ten years, like I have. She's the younger sister to Catherine Parr. She knows that Jane, Anya, and Mali are too." Kath took in this information and realized why Ann look so familiar to her. Ann does share some facial feature to Cathy. Kath then said " So is that why you wanted a tiramisu because it has coffee in it?" Ann replied " I would say yes, but it not because I'm addicted to coffee, like my sister. You see, I wanted something i'm familiar with in taste since this would be the first time trying it. Jane was the one who told me about it after we went to restaurant yesterday and a dessert that is hand-made in a bakery are usually better than ones you buy in a supermarket. To tell you the truth, I only have coffee when i'm in the mood for it." This made Kath really happy because Ann trust her this much to make this order for her and Siby knew how much this made Kath day.
Once eveything had settle down and Kath was alright, Sibylle and her got themselves comfortable again, so they can listen to Ann talk and Ann begin again " As I was saying, it began when I was thirteen and start to work at the palace. My mom mange to get me a post in court and I became a maid-of-honour to Catalina. She was good friend with her and part of her lady-in-waiting staff. I wanted to be good as my mom was and did my very best, which I really enjoy." Ann grip her mug a little tight and continue " Unfortunately I did see the bad things while being there. Like how the king treated Catalina and witness how terrible the king was. Once Catalina got divorced and sent away, Anne became queen and I begin looking up to her as role model. I knew it wasn't Anne fault for what happen to Catalina, since I already know what really happened. I continue to follow her example, until she got executed. I knew Anne didn't commit any of those crimes, but I couldn't do anything about it, since that would mean I would have to go against the court and the king. I watched her death and blame myself for being a bad assistant, student, and friend. Jane became queen soon after and I was shocked that she still wanted me there. She must of knew how I felt and blame herself for what happen to Anne. I was part of the funeral cortege when she died and one of the fortunate to be present in Prince Edward baptism." As Sibylle and Kath listened, they wanted to tell Ann that this wasn't her fault and she did nothing wrong. Sibylle could see why Ann ask her that question when they were in the room before dinner and her hesitation on being friends. Ann looked down at her mug and said " Soon after, I met my future husband, William, in court and got married. I do miss the time we spent together and family we made. He may not be smartest person, but he was strong, loyal, and good father to the children." Ann smile a little and wished she lived long enough to see all of her children grow up and get married. Sibylle knew how Ann felt, since she does think about John and her kids from time to time.
Ann took a sip of her coffee and went on " I went back to court when the king marry Anna and served her." This perk Sibylle's interest a bit and wonder what Ann did in her sister time in court. She knew what happen during Anna time and didn't like it. In fact, she would of called out everyone, even the king about everything. " When I learn she didn't know much English and heard what court have been saying to her, I took upon myself to learn German, so she had someone to talk to and may be help her. As you can see, that didn't end well when her marriage got annulled and sent away. She did visit time to time, so that was good thing at least. Though I could tell her self-esteem did get hurt a bit even when she try to hide it." Sibylle did get her answer when she learned that Ann does know German and wasn't hearing things when she was at her shop during the incident. Kath was glad that Sibylle had another person she can talk to in her native language. Ann then begin to tense up as she begin talking again " Then Katherine became queen..." Ann got a little sad and continue " When I saw how young and inexperience she was, I wanted to help her all I can and she took a liking to me. I eventually was appointed the keeper of the royal jewel, but I had to leave for short time to give birth to my first child. I did return back to court, but it was around the time Katherine was charged and arrested for adultery. I didn't know how this happened and soon realized that the incident was happening again. What makes it worse is that when Katherine had the choice to choose to accompany her through all this, she picked me. I accepted her request and followed her until her death. I was one of last people she trusted and felt honored she saw this highly of me, but I also felt that I failed as friend and assistant."
Ann took a deep breath to ease her tension and begin speaking again " Then came my sister time as queen. I was completely caught off guard when the announcement was made and didn't know what to feel. I was really worry about my sister safely and didn't want anything bad happened to her, but Cathy reassure me and told me that everything would alright. My husband and I were there for her private marriage ceremony to the king and I was appointed chief lady-in-waiting. We had each other's back and made sure we didn't do anything to attract any attention. Of course, it didn't go that smoothly. A few courtiers didn't like Cathy and try to get Anya to confess that Cathy, me, and few close friends were Protestants, which you know what happen there. When I learn what happen to Anya, it hurt me knowing how she was beaten and burned to death. I blame myself what happen to her and wish I was able to do something. Cathy felt the same way and eventually help each other with it. Then the possible arrest warrant happen. I didn't know much about it until later on when Cathy told me in private. I was shock by it and didn't know what I would of done if it did happen. I was worry about my children and others rather than my own safety. I was so thankful that Cathy was able to persuade the king before it happened. When the king died, my second son and I moved and was part of Cathy household in Chelsea while William was appointed one of the guardians to King Edward. We stayed there until Cathy married him and we all know how that went. I still feel responsible for what happen to her by trusting him so easily, which cost Cathy her life. I still have memories of her funeral service and how everyone was. I lived my rest of my life in peace. Raising my three children, my title increases as William continue serving Edward, and was one of the ladies to Mary, until my untimely death. I really don't know how I died, but I remember being painless. And that's the end."
When Ann was finish her story, she closed her eyes, put her hands together, and took in the silence in the room. She felt kind of relief that she was able tell someone that wasn't family or Jane about this, but the same time, she knew she just exposed her emotions to Sibylle and Kath. She didn't know if they would feel sorry for her or think she was damaged and have to be with friends because of it, which is something she didn't want happen. She really do want to have friends, but the worry still lingers in her head that she would hurt them. As she was thinking, Sibylle and Kath took everything in and couldn't believe what Ann had been through. True, it wasn't that surprising back then, but the fact that she witness almost everyone she knew deaths and still be in one piece was incredible. Ann was whole lot stronger than she give herself credit. Sibylle couldn't imagine how that feels, even with everything she dealt with. They now understand why Ann has this fear and knew what to do. Sibylle place her one of her hand on Ann hands, which cause her to open her eyes to look at Sibylle with a small smile on her face and spoke " Thank you for telling us, Ann. I know that must be hard for you to do and we appreciate it." Kath appears behind Ann and gave her a hug, which surprised Ann. Sibylle continued " I understand why you think the past would repeat itself, but we are here to tell you it not. You're able to protect your friends now and prove that already by stopping me from hitting that guy and protecting Jane and Mali from me. You're a lot stronger then you know it. And if you still feel that way, I have no problem teaching some things, so you can gain some confidence to be able to protect them." Ann start tearing up when she heard Sibylle and didn't know what to say. Kath then told her as she let go and begin serving the dessert." We love to spend more time with you. You accept our past, so we can accept your past too. Plus you seem to be fun to be with." Ann look down and started to cry. Sibylle saw Ann crying and told her " Do you know what Jane said to me when I ask about you? She told me that you had a hard life, but you're definitely one of the kindest people she ever known and you would be the go to person if she ever need to bury a body. Anya also thank me when she got back from fix Cathy laptop at your shop. I didn't understand all this, but after spending time with you and see what kind of person you are, I can say all of this was true. You truly are the most kindness person I every met and we loved to be your friend." When Ann heard all this, she felt happy as she cried because she finally made friends without worrying that something bad would happen to them. Kath place the tiramisu in front of Ann, which Ann saw and feel confident on eating it, so she grab the fork, took a piece of it, and ate it. She really enjoyed it and was glad she was able to experience this while Sibylle and Kath got their slice and join Ann on eating it.
After they finish the tiramisu and everything was back to normal, Ann was getting tired and excuse herself, so she can get some sleep. Both Sibylle and Kath told her have a good nap and Ann nod at them to tell them okay. She went to room, closed the door behind her, place her stuff back on the table, and lay on the bed, which she completely knockout once her head touch the pillow. Once Ann left, Kath and Sibylle start picking up the mess they made and Sibylle ask Kath, if she going back to bed after this. Kath shook her head and told her that she it was almost time for her to go to work. Sibylle nod and went back clean. When they got done, Kath gather her things for work and was ready to leave. Kath gave Sibylle a kiss on cheek before leaving. Sibylle decide to stay up and decided to do some work on her laptop, before going to her friends house for her bike. A few hours pass by and Sibylle got some work done, which is good because she can focus on other things when she gets to the theatre. She went outside for a bit and head to her friend house to pick up her bike, thanks to her friend, and went back to the house rolling her bike on the side. She parked her bike on the driveway, walk back inside, and started doing her morning routine. She went to the kitchen, pull out food for their pets in the storage closet, pour some in their dishes, put it away, and got herself ready for work. After hour went by, she walk back in the kitchen and saw Killjoy and Malky was eating, but didn't see Oz. She went looking for him all over the house and couldn't find him, until she saw the door to the room Ann was sleeping in was open. She walk to it, stick her head inside, and saw him on the bed sleeping next to Ann. She quietly walk inside and head the bed, where she smile a little when she saw this and thought it was cute. She took her phone and took a picture of it, which Oz begin waking up. Sibylle pet his head to prevent waking Ann up. She then move him carefully and place him on the ground, where he started heading to kitchen to eat. Sibylle was about to leave, when she heard Ann moving in her sleep, remove blanket covering her, and pushing together to form some kind comfort pillow. Sibylle figured that she was trying to make up the difference in mass once Oz was gone. She then notice the bottom of Ann's shirt was raised up a bit exposing the lower part of her body and saw something there. She quietly got close to her to see what it was and got shocked once she saw it. It was dark patch of discoloration that spread from the front of the body that looks it goes up to her chest to a small part of her back. Sibylle mood change immediately and slowly left the room heading to the kitchen.
As she was walking, Sibylle was really angry what she saw because this wasn't the first encounter with that. It was when she went to juvie and saw other adolescents covered with them. They were the ones who looked so defeated and was very sick due to how malnutrition they were. In fact, some were so mentally destroyed that they try to kill themselves in there. Sibylle clutch her fist at the thought of it when she realized that everything made sense now. How Ann doesn't like talking about her past, her breakdown at the zoo, her refusal on asking or accepting help, why she wasn't adopted, and some of her behavior. Ann was mentally abuse and most likely neglected in the orphanage. This hurt Sibylle knowing that Ann went through this growing up and didn't have anyone to turn to, like before. She wanted to tell Ann that she was okay now and wasn't alone anymore, but knew that if Ann found out that Sibylle knows, she may overreact and possibly do permanently damage to her on a mental level. Sibylle decide to keep this to herself until Ann is ready to tell her and the others about it. She did however want to know the person who did this to her and make them pay. When she was in the kitchen, she pull out her phone and texted Papa Julian to see if he can help her with this. She want to be discreet about this, since she didn't want the others to learn what she was doing, especially Kath and alart Ann about it. Once she done, she put her phone away and decide to make her and Ann breakfast before going to work. Ann soon got up and head to the kitchen where Sibylle was done cooking and was setting up the table to eat. Ann ask Sibylle if she need help, but Sibylle told Ann to sit and would serve her. Ann was ready to object, but Sibylle gave her a look and Ann listened. She sat down and waited until Sibylle served her food. Sibylle soon sat down and they begin eating with no trouble. Once they were done, they clean up the kitchen, grab their things, said their goodbyes to Oz, Killjoy, and Malky, and went out the door as Sibylle lock the door behind her. Sibylle soon head to work on her bike while dropping Ann at shop and provide her a helmet. Once they got Ann's shop, they said their goodbyes and Ann thank her and Kath for everything. Sibylle nod and told her that it no trouble and will relay the message to Kath when she sees her. Sibylle then start her bike and drove off going on their separate ways. Sibylle made promises to herself that she will help Ann in any way and made sure that Ann doesn't feel alone or go through anything like that ever again.
A week later, Kath was in her bakery doing some orders when a man in a worker uniform walk inside her shop, head to the counter, and stop there. Kath walk up to the man and did her usually greeting " Welcome to Tudor Rose, how can I help you?" The man answer " Are you Katherine Tudor?" Kath looked confused and reply " Yes..." The man lift up a clipboard front of him and read off a paper on it " We are here to deliver a new industrial baking oven, remove the old one, and install the new one for you. Do you have a back area where we can go through to do this?" Kath was even more confused by this because she didn't order anything and would remember certainly something that huge. Kath ask " I think you got the wrong place. I don't remember ordering or paying for anything." She had no idea what's going on and didn't know what to do. The man show Kath the paper on clipboard and told her " Well, as you can see we have a order for here for this place to do all this and been paid for by someone. The person didn't give us a name, but say it was to be delivery to Katherine. There also no way for us to take it back once the order is done." Kath look at the paper and true to the man's word. It did said her name and her business, but no name for who order it. She had no choice, but let them do their job. She show the the man where he and his team can go through to deliver and install it. Once she did, she let the workers do their job while she look at the paperwork. She then saw what kind of oven it was and shock by it. It was the one she wanted for the long time, but didn't have the funds to get it. She called Sibylle and wait for her to answer. Sibylle answer in few rings and Kath said " Ibby, I though we agree we going wait until we have enough to get me that." Sibylle was confused by what Kath had said and ask " What are you talking about, babe?" Kath question Sibylle by asking " I have workers here who delivery and installation that oven I wanted and removed the one one. Did you ordered and paid for that oven for me?" Sibylle then answer " No, I didn't. As you said, we talk about it, so I wouldn't done something like that, especially since we didn't have that kind of money. Are these people legit?" She knew why Sibylle said that since they walk in the same road before. Kath replied back " Yes, I checked everything out and they weren't lying. Also there no way to stop it." Sibylle sighed on the phone and told Kath " I'll check on you on my lunch break. Keep up posted if any change." Kath nodded and said " I will" She soon got off the phone and went to the front of the store to tidy things up with Mari since she can't do anything, until the workers job was done. The workers got done with the job in a few hours and went on their way. Kath with Mari finally went to the kitchen and saw the oven. It was beautiful to see and Kath was smiling, but was more curious on who got this for her. Far as she knows, only Sibylle and Mari were the only people who knew this was the oven she wanted and talk to about it. As she was looking, Sibylle walk in, stand next to Kath, and asked her " It looks as beautiful as it is in that catalog. Do you know who got this for you?" Kath shook her head and answer " No. The paperwork didn't show the name of the person who order." While they were talking, Mari called out as she stand next to the oven " Kath, zere's something here" They both walk the oven and saw what Mari was talking about. There an engrave Tudor Rose on the side and a folded piece of paper tape below it. Sibylle took the paper off of it, open it up, and read it. She soon hand it to Kath and read what it said " The answer of course, is that the clock isn't meant to measure earthly time, but the time of the soul. Redemption and condemnation time. For the soul, each instant is always a minute short of judgment." ~ Gregory Maguire After reading this, both Sibylle and Kath chuckle a little and knew a certain person is going to have an earful when they see them again, but for now, let them enjoy their day. They deserve some happiness in their life.
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kiarcheo · 4 years
Pirate AU
Almost 3000 words of a half-developed AU idea vaguely inspired by Pirates of Caribbean.
You know when you have some scenes clear in your mind and then the inspiration/motivation to write the overall connecting story fizzles out? Yeah. That is what happened with this one. But I didn't want to leave it languishing forever in my drafts folder so you can also read it in the miscellaneous collection of random stuff that I have on Ao3  (if lately you had the same problem with links on Tumblr as me, try removing the https://href.li/? part from the URL)
Catalina is the de facto governor of a small island. In theory her husband, Henry, is the governor, but he’s never there, preferring the mainland and doing his own things. Leaving Catalina in charge gets her out of his way while keeping up the façade of him being a respectable married man (if you ignore all the mistresses he has, but that’s another matter).
Catalina doesn’t particularly mind. She has no lost feelings for him and plenty of stuff to keep her busy. Governor’s businesses. Raising her goddaughter. Pirates infesting the surrounding waters.
Catherine ‘Cathy’ Parr is Catalina’s goddaughter. After her mother died, Catalina took her in and she has been with her since she was a child. When Catalina is sent to her ‘glorified’ exile on the island, she goes with her.
During the trip, Cathy sees something, or better someone, in the sea and convinces the crew to rescue them. It’s a young girl, some years younger than Cathy, Catalina reckons. She is a weak, thin, frail slip of a girl. Whether from the physical trauma (she has a deep gash on her head, blood caking her hairline) or from the psychological one of barely surviving a shipwreck, the girl can’t remember how long she has been lost at sea or pretty much anything else, except that her name is Katherine.
Catalina takes her under her wing too, albeit not officially. Not like she can adopt her without her husband’s agreement. And he was already not happy about her taking in Cathy. But what she can do is keep an eye on her and make sure she does not lack for anything.
Whether because of the long trip to their new home, being the only children on board, or just them clicking with each other, Cathy and Katherine, who most call Kat, quickly become inseparable. And as they grow up, things don’t change, making Catalina’s promise to herself to keep an eye on Kat quite easy.
Kat apprentices as a carpenter. Any problem at the residence, Kat is called, and she always brings with her small trinkets she made herself to gift them to Cathy. Kat’s services are not necessarily cost-time effective. Mostly not time-effective, since she always ends up spending way more time than needed there. And Catalina insists on paying for the time rather than for the work, another manner of taking care of Kat in her own way. Also, along with books, Kat’s presence seems to be the only thing that makes Cathy happy and Catalina won’t deny her that. Life on the island is not exactly the pinnacle of excitement or social engagement or entertainment. Not that Cathy complains. If asked, she would say that she has all she needs.
Of course, Henry has to ruin everything. A letter arrives announcing that he has arranged Cathy’s marriage with one Thomas Seymour. The captain bringing the letter is in charge of taking Cathy back to the mainland.
There is nothing anyone can do. Not Catalina – if she wants to avoid diplomatic incident...and raising her husband’s ire – not Cathy, and certainly not Kat. They have to say their goodbyes. Cathy makes Catalina and Katherine promise that they will take care of each other. Then Catalina leaves them so they can have some few last precious moments alone.
Fast forwards to days later, the ship that is taking Cathy to her doom, I mean, wedding, is attacked by pirates. Everyone is killed except Cathy, who is taken hostage.
Realising the ship that attacked them is the Greensleeves, Cathy thinks it’s on purpose. The captain has a beef with her godmother. But then she realises it’s just that a young woman, the only woman on board of a government’s ship, would make a good hostage regardless because it’s clearly someone important and probably worth quite a bit if a ransom is demanded.
‘And who do we have here?’ A woman circles around her.
‘You might want to read this, captain.’ Another, taller, woman hands her a letter.
While she reads it, Cathy has time to look at her. Had to admit, not how she imagined the famed pirate Anne Boleyn, scourge of the seven seas, and pain in Catalina’s backside as well as pretty much any navy.
‘Catherine Parr, uh?’ The pirate looks her up and down. ‘Let’s see how much old Lina is willing to pay for you.’
Cathy scowls at her.
‘Or would you prefer your future husband?’
‘No!’ She can’t stop herself.
‘Thought so.’ Anne nods to herself. ‘Not that I blame you. Seymour is a scumbag.’
‘Not you, Jane. Not most of the time, at least.’ She sends a grin towards a woman standing one step behind her.
When everything is said and done, Cathy considers herself lucky. She might go back home. Delaying her marriage, at least. See Kat and Catalina again. Despite them being pirates, she feels more comfortable on their ship than the one sent by Henry, surrounded by guards.
All is nice and well, until a wave has the ship rolling quite violently. Cathy loses her balance and stumbles forward, a golden A on a necklace slipping out from under her dress and now dangling. Before she knows it, Boleyn has the pendant tight in her grip, pulling Cathy along towards her, almost choking her.
‘Where did you get this?’ she demands with a growl.
Cathy stands corrected. She can now see why Anne inspires such a terror.
‘Take it off.’
‘No!’ Not the smartest thing, but Cathy is not going to give it up without a fight.
‘You either take it off yourself or I do it for you, and I’ll take your head off with it too.’
‘Anne.’ The woman who had been called Jane tries to put a hand on her shoulder, but it’s shrugged off.
Cathy feels someone grabbing her from behind. She tries to wriggle away, but she can’t, the hold too strong. Then she feels a hand on the back of her neck, and suddenly the comforting, familiar, weight of the pendant is gone.
Anne lunges to catch the necklace before it hits the deck. Cathy instinctively takes a step back. Well, she tries, only manages to stumble back into the pirate behind her, still holding her.
‘I’m going to ask you again.’ Anne seems to struggle to pull her eyes off the necklace clutched in her hand. ‘Where did you get it?’
‘You better answer her.’ The voice behind her sounds honest, no malice or threat. Almost sound worried about what Anne would do if denied.
‘She gave it to me!’ Cathy blurts out before biting her lip. She might be terrified, but she doesn’t want to say more. Like how Kat had given it to her, asking her to put it on and never take it off to remind her by. How Cathy had argued that she wouldn’t need a physical object, she would be thinking about her every day of her life until she dies regardless. How Cathy had tried to give it back, saying that she didn’t want to take away the most precious thing she had. And how Kat had replied that it was the second most precious…and both of them would leave that day. She would be missing the necklace just like she would miss her heart, that Cathy was taking with her on the ship.
‘Take me to her.’
‘No.’ Cathy doesn’t know where she is getting the courage to stand up to the pirate captain.
‘Take me to her and I promise I’ll let you go. I won’t even ask a ransom. I swear.’
‘As if I’d trust a pirate’s word.’ Cathy spits out.
‘Fine.’ Anne growls with a scowl. ‘Then I will just go back there myself.’
‘But don’t you want to see her again?’ The person behind Cathy speaks up again, acting as the voice of reason of the situation. ‘She’ll find her anyway. She won’t rest until she does. Or she’ll die trying.’
Cathy tenses up. Just the thought of the pirates around Kat makes her terrified and furious at the same time.
‘Anna, get her out of my sight.’
‘She won’t hurt her. If that’s what you’re worried about.’ Said pirate makes one last attempt.
Cathy relents. Not that she has much choice. Or well, she does. But when the options are 1) going back with them 2) she is killed and they go back without her 3) she is delivered to Seymour and they go back without her...is that really a choice?
So they sail back to the island, but then it’s just a small boat rowed to the shore by Jane and Anna, with only Cathy and Anne, as passengers on board.
‘If this is a trap…’ Anne trails off, the threat clear even if not spelled out, as she looks around the workshop.
‘How would she even-’Anna tries to reason with her captain, as usual.
‘Let her go and I’ll consider not blowing your head up.’
Not the first words Cathy expected to hear from Kat if she ever saw her again, to be honest. The pirates seem taken by surprise too. Jane is only loosely holding her arm, and nobody has their weapons out.
‘Do it.’ Anne orders.
As soon as she is released, Cathy hurries to Kat’s side and Kat immediately wraps an arm around her, holding her close. She leans her head against hers, trying to get as much physical contact as possible, but she keeps her eyes and her pistol trained on the pirates.
‘Did they hurt you?’
Cathy shakes her head. She just had some bruises around her neck from Anne’s grabbing the necklace and pulling her along with it, but they faded away and there is no trace of them now. And they actually treated her quite well. She might have even enjoyed the trip if she had not been terrified and worried.
‘What do you want from her?’ Kat speaks again.
‘She had something that didn’t belong to her.’ Anne opens her hand, the necklace falling and dangling down.
‘Give it back!’ Kat growls, lunging.
Anne takes a step back, before calmly wrapping the chain of the necklace around her wrist and tucking the pendant into her sleeve. ‘And why should I?’ She asks, impish smirk making it clear she doesn’t feel threatened.
‘Because it’s mine, and I gave it to her!’
‘Yours?’ Anne’s attitude immediately changes. But before she can say anything- ‘What’s going on?’
This time the pirates aren’t taken by surprise. They all aim their weapons toward the new arrival.
‘Are you just listing all the presents? Because this is Jane and this is Anna.’ Anne chimes in, drawing back to herself Catalina’s attention…and pistol.
‘Give me one good reason why I should not shoot you on the spot.’
‘Because you’re outnumbered?’
‘She is not.’ Cathy now has a small pistol too, given by Kat, the pirates can only assume, since they are sure she had none before.
‘Parley?’ Anne breaks the silent standoff.
The other two pirates start quickly and softly talking to Anne.
‘What’s that?’ Cathy asks.
‘Pirate code.’
‘Temporary truce.’ Kat answers without hesitation at the same time as Catalina.
Cathy turns to her, surprised. ‘You know pirate code?’
‘I...don’t?’ Kat is clearly second-guessing herself. ‘I don’t think so? I just…knew it? Don't ask me why.’
‘Parley granted?’ Anne’s question reminds them of the situation.
Catalina looks at the pirates. Then at her girls. Then at Anne again. ‘Pull one of your usual dirty tricks and-’
‘Where is the trust?’ Anne brings the hand not holding the weapon to her chest. ‘I’m a pirate of my word.’
‘As if I’d ever trust a pirate’s word.’
The pirate captain looks between Catalina and Cathy. ‘That’s where you learned it?’
‘Guns away at 3?’ Anna tries to get them back on track.
They all nod warily before slowly and reluctantly lowering their weapons.
‘To what we owe the displeasure of your visit?’
‘Hurting my feelings, Lina.’ Anne quips.
‘Don’t call me that.’ Catalina snarls. ‘And answer the question.”
Anne gets serious. ‘This is what brings me here.’ She once again shows the necklace.
‘Why do you have it?’ Catalina looks between it, Anne and Katherine.
‘She took it from me.’ Cathy spits out, still upset about it.
‘You gave it to her?’ Catalina turns surprised towards Katherine. She knows how important it is to her. ‘But that’s the only thing-’ she stops. It suddenly makes sense. Kat giving Cathy the most precious and important thing she owned…the girl would give her goddaughter the world if she could.
‘Where did you get it?’ Anne turns to Kat.
‘I always had it.’ The younger girl answers reluctantly. There is no hurting doing that, right? ‘And I would appreciate having it back.’ She holds her hand out.
‘Spunky.’ Anne nods, appreciative. ‘But not yet.’
Kat huffs. ‘What?’ She grinds out.
‘Do you know what this is?’ Anne fishes out from her shirt another similar necklace, but with a K instead of an A.
The girl shakes her head.
‘I had it made because you loved mine. So I commissioned one for you. But you still insisted on wearing mine so I kept yours.’
‘I don’t understand what you’re saying.’
‘The K is for Kitty.’ Anne carries on.
‘Nobody called me Kitty since-’ Kat stops in her tracks as her brain catches up with what her mouth is saying. She had honestly forgot about anyone ever using that nickname.
‘Since you used to throw tantrums about losing at cards.’
‘Jane always cheats!’ Again, Kat surprises herself as she replies without thinking.
‘I do not!’
Anne, Anna and even Cathy, look at Jane in disbelief. She had seen her playing at the tavern at the only stop they had on shore while on their way back to the island, cleaning out the locals because they needed funds...
‘Okay, maybe I do now, but not at the time!’ Jane amends.
‘I don’t understand.’ Kat repeats, her voice wobbling.
Anne explains how they grew up together, inseparable cousins until the moment their family’s ship they had been on had been attacked. In the chaos they had lost sight of the younger cousin and when they got rescued, all except Kat, they all thought that she had died in the shipwreck.
Anne, consumed by desire of vengeance, had joined a crew hoping to find out which pirate was responsible for the attack. Only to find out that it had not been pirates but government masquerading as pirates, hoping to get their families’ riches in a quicker and easier way. So Anne had decided to harass, rob and destroy government ships as revenge. Jane had joined her soon after, a life on the sea better than the prospect of a lifetime serving men at home. Anne had met Anna in her first crew and when Anne left to form her own, some of them, including Anna, Maggie and Joan, had joined her. They are the only ones, besides Jane, to know why Anne had chosen the pirate life.  
‘And then we met your girl and I saw the necklace and here we are.’ Anne concludes her tale.
‘Met.’ Cathy snorts.
‘Not mine.’ Kat comments dolefully at the same time.
‘Engaged to Seymour, right?’ Anne turns to Catalina. ‘I expected better.’
‘Not my choice. Henry arranged it. Can’t refuse without a diplomatic incident. And enraging him. The Seymour family is a powerful one and I know that he will say he found the best for Cathy, and who knows what he’d do, whom he’d choose, just to spite me, if I were to refuse.’
���What if you could do better?’
‘What do you mean?’ Catalina looks at the pirate captain, who appears deep in thought.
‘It would be reasonable to break off the engagement if a better opportunity arises, right? Even for… Henry?’ she spats out the name.
‘In theory. But in practice? Hard to find better.’ Catalina sighs. She had thought about it, of course. ‘I mean, better name. I’m sure there are lots of better people than Thomas Seymour.’
‘Definitely.’ Jane confirms.
‘What about marrying into the Howard family?’
‘Howard? Like those Howards?’ Catalina asks in confirmation. They are even more powerful and rich than the Seymour.
‘As a captain I can marry you off tomorrow.’
‘What?’ The girls had been silently resigned. Cathy knew she had no voice or choice in her marriage, and Kat knew she could not stop it. All they could do was enjoying their time together before the inevitable separation.
‘You’re a Howard, Katherine.’ Anne tells her. ‘We,’ she gestures to herself and Jane, ‘might have been disowned by the Boleyn and Seymour families, but not you.’ She adds after a bit. ‘Mostly because we thought you were dead, but you know, not important right now.’
Jane waves at Cathy. ‘Trust me, dodging a bullet with my brother.’
Kat and Cathy get married, and once Catalina’s retire as governor, they take over albeit always unofficially. Central government can’t be bothered with that little island almost lost in the sea as long as it doesn’t cause problems.
Anne and Jane are torn because on one side they want to be with Kat after finding her again, but they also took a liking to life on the sea, so Catalina pardons Anne and her crew in exchange for them working for her, patrolling the waters around the island and keeping the ships carrying and trading goods safe from pirates...and anyone else.
Yes, I was going full fantasy with gay marriage being accepted and recognized, pirates getting pardoned, women governing islands and ship captains marrying people (looked it up, they mostly can’t unless already invested/ordained with power to do so).
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nancylou444 · 4 years
I forgot if i sent it to u or someone else so i'm sending it again anyway
Please Read this to the end and then judge me.
I do not understand at all why you and all other anti destiels dont ship destiel and think that dean is straight and i hate you for that from the bottom of my heart. i mean cant you see how dean truely loves cas and gives no shit about Sam, his brother?and also jensen and writers ship it.
You are so stupid and do not deserve to live in this world period
Read this list below.it may help you take off your anti destiel colored glasses and Accept the truth:which in fact is that Destiel Will become canon.
Reasons Why Destiel Will Definitely Become Canon Before The Show Ends 101:
1.Jensen Ackles: Destiel Doesn't Exist.
2.Jensen Ackles: Because Dean is a lover of the LADIES.
3.Dean will always choose SAM over anyone else.
4.SAM and Dean are soulmates.
5.Castiel: you chose EACHOTHER.
6.Jensen Ackles' Unscripted Frustrated look into the camera in "Fan Fiction" episode.wink wink
7.Jensen Ackles: there wasn't a whole lot of dean and cas storylines in season 9.personally,i kind of enjoyed that.
8.Jensen Ackles: i think the whole dean and cas thing has gotten a little out of proportion.
9.Jensen Ackles: "destiel is real" is it?? Where?? Where is it real??
10.Jensen Ackles: What? What castiel? Nah just me and my pies!
11.Jensen Ackles: We sit down with the writers in a couple weeks. It boils down to these two brothers, that’s the core and the heart of the show, their journey, their fight for each other.
12. “You are homophobic if you don’t ship destiel!"
13.Dean Winchester is fuckin Straight.
14.Eric Kripke : I'm just really interested in guys, STRAIGHT guys who have a tight friendship,they are really fun to write...
15.Dean Winchester: I'm Dean winchester.i enjoy sunsets,long walks on the bitch and frisky WOMEN.
16.Dean Winchester : I dont swing that way.sorry.
17.Dean winchester : yeah sorry again pal i dont play for your team.
18.Dean sold his soul for SAM.
19.Dean died so that he could meet with Death and get SAM’s soul back which of course Castiel left in hell.
20.Dean gave away the Impala and was willing to die with a Croatoan infected SAM.
21.Dean breathed in the poisonous smoke, so that he would die with SAM.
22.Dean wanted out of an AU with Mary and Jessica alive, because AU!SAM didn’t like Dean that much.
23.SAM and Dean made promise to each other, made vows to each other really, in a church.
24.SAM and Dean choose each other over the world, anything, and everything, EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
25. Dean refers to SAM as though HE is his spouse (”does he want a divorce?”, “Lucy”...)
26.Dean would rather live in a world WITH demons than live in a world WITHOUT SAM.
27.When Dean forgot everything else, including his own name, he still remembered SAM.
28.Dean : I can’t do it without my brother, I don’t want to 
29.Dean to Sam :You’re the ONLY one who could’ve talked me out of it 
30.Dean to Sam :There ain’t no me if there ain’t no YOU.
31.Dean to Sam :“Because whatever we have between us, love, family, whatever this is, they’re always going to us it against us.”
32.Dean to Sam: “You’re my weak spot SAMMY, and I’m yours”
33.Dean or Sam i dont remember: “All that matters now, all that’s ever mattered, is that we’re together.“
34. Dean to Sam :“Don’t you dare think that there is anything, past or present, that I would put in front of you!“
35.Dean to Sam : “I made you a promise in that church, you and me, come whatever!”
36.The canon friendship between Dean and Castiel is toxic and borderline-abusive, full of lies, threats, insults, abandonment, beatings, and betrayals.
37. Sam, possessed by the devil himself, took control of his own body and beat Lucifer because Dean was there, because Dean didn’t give up even though he was hurt and covered in blood, because seeing Dean bombarded Sam with the memories of their life together.
38. Dean didn’t leave SAM’s bedside , didn’t bury him, didn’t burn his body, didn’t want to say goodbye, and how later he didn’t hesitate to sell his soul.
39.Dean decided not to go into a box, because SAM asked him not to.
40.SAM and Dean were the ones whom were mistaken with gay couple by several people if that matters.
41.SAM to Dean :“you always put me first. Your whole life”,
42.Dean to SAM: “I know where I am at my best, and that is right here, driving down crazy street next to you”,
43.Sam or Dean i dont remember:“you know what brought me back? You did”.
44.Dean’s siren-as admitted by the siren herself-was a copy of SAM.
45.Dean told a male cop "you're awsome".OMG!! He is bi!!!
46.Dean fanboyed over a male tv character.Holy Chuck!! He is bi!!
47.Jensen or Jared:“At its core, it’s the story of two brothers.”
48.Jensen or Jared:“At the end of the day, this starts and stops with the brothers.”
49.Jensen or Jared:“When it comes down to it, it’s about these two brothers.”
50.Dean told Castiel to get the hell outta bunker for SAM while he knew he didnt have his angel powers.Damn! Dean truely loves Cas!
51.Dean figured Castiel was too far gone to be convinced back into their group and bound Death to do their bidding. Dean’s order to Death was to kill Castiel where he stood.#couplegoals
52.Castiel blackmailed Dean by torturing SAM.oh dear god!!! What a True Lover!!
53.Castiel Betrayed sam amd DEAN with crowley.but that's what all lovers do Right???
54.This isnt some romantic show.
55. Castiel is a genderless celestial wavelength of light wearing a male vessel.
56.Dean's chemistry with Baby the Impala is far more noticable than the one with Castiel.
57.Sam even once asked Dean and Baby the impala to get a room.
58.The possibility of Dean and Baby the impala to get sexually involved and the two of them having sex in the finale full frontal is far more than the possibility of non existant Destiel to become canon.
59.Destiel shippers are only a tiny minority of the SPN fandom.
60.Jensen Ackles is fucking done with this shit.
61.Dean left Ben and Lisa for SAM.
62.Misha Collins is the only one who queerbaits.
63.Dean in "red meat" described SAM as the man he loved.
64.Dean sang in a colorful background.OMFG!! he is bi!!
65.Jesen ackles : because being with his BROTHER and doing that is the happiest he is.
66.Dean to SAM: "because i couldnt live with you dead"
67.What show you've been watching???
68.Jared : because that would have RUINED the show to make it about something it wasnt about.
69.Dean has kissed and had sex with an angel.her name was Anna
70.Sera Gamble said “supernatural is the epic love story of SAM and dean”
71.Cw_supernatural IG: it has always been two brothers and the open road.
*Manic laughter*
*Aggressively drop the mic*
*The door is over there*
*Boom! Suck it*
*It sucks to be destieheller*
You are very welcome
Btw I'm a Proud anti destiew and a logical SPN fan.
If You think I'm right,then Chuck bless your logical souls and if not,let me find some fucks to give....sorry,none was found.
The begining part was an example of a savage destieheller.it wasn't me😊ignore it.
Yours truly,anon.
Holy crap, that is one longass ask. An ask I was thisclose to deleting until I skipped to the bottom. 
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oratonom · 4 years
Beheaded Nightmares - Swapped AU
@ender1821 @arithebroadwayaddict @percy-the-penguin @mega-heir-of-heart (sorry I keep @ you guys specifically but you’re the other minds behind the au—)
So, I made a thing. It was really to experiment a bit with personalities (and I also just really wanted to write a bit for that idea I made for the Beheaded queens). I hope it worked out well, if not then I’ll just work on getting personalities and the like right in the future.
(All Swapped!Queens go by their last name. Original queens go by their first.)
TWs: nightmares, mentions of arson/setting fires, past beheading, language
Seymour grumbled under her breath as she was pulled along.
This night had not been going as planned. Her life wasn’t going as planned, being perfectly honest.
Her first life she got beheaded. Then she woke up in a strange house with Henry’s other five bitches. Seymour liked being brought back, but five (four) pains in the ass and constant nightmares were really shitty.
Seymour appreciates chaos, she would even say she thrived in it, but the arguments were starting to get old.
And just when things couldn’t get any fucking weirder, they were sent to another universe.
Another universe with a different version of her.
Another version that reminded her too damn much of her old self. Quiet, demure, anxious, motherly. Seymour hated it.
(She didn’t know if she hated Jane as a person. But she surely despised the memories. And this woman being another version of her who had died before breaking her chains certainly didn’t stop Seymour from pranking her and setting fire to one of Jane’s shirts.)
Apparently, Seymour’s group was supposed to learn to get along or some shit.
Seymour still doubted extremely that it would happen. They were all bitches and Seymour couldn’t see herself getting along with them. They were either scolding her for the arson and general chaos she brought with her or intimidating. She supposed Cleves was alright, she’s started to help her with some pranks (it turned out much later that Seymour adored Anna, she was much more than ‘alright’)
Parr was the only one of her group that she could stand.
The woman was quiet, almost mute. She had constant nightmares and always looked so anxious. But she was also so nice, a sweetheart. And when Seymour wasn’t causing her usual amount of chaos, she could usually be found by Parr’s side.
And it looked like Parr latched onto her in turn.
Seymour would never admit it out loud, but she could even go so far as to say she was very protective of the younger woman. She cared.
Maybe that was why she was letting herself be dragged through the hallway by the mentioned former queen.
That and the nightmare she had.
Seymour had actually been in the kitchen when Parr found her. It was a rare night when she actually decided to sleep in trade of the chaos. The following nightmare had left her scratching at her throat and creeping from the room she shared with Jane.
Seymour didn’t need her counterpart’s pity.
At some point, she decided to distract herself. By seeing how many glasses of water she could chug. Seymour was on her second cup when Parr found her, the former still scratching at her scar with one hand. In fact, Parr herself was also scratching at her scar, tears on her cheeks.
She was next to Seymour before the third queen really had a chance to process seeing her, curling into the taller woman’s side.
Seymour didn’t hesitate before wrapping an arm around Parr’s shoulders. The usually chaotic queen was silent.
Soon Parr pulled back slightly to look up at Seymour. It was the older of the two that asked, “nightmare?”
Parr slowly nodded, her hand still over her exposed scar.
“Same here. It’s really shitty, huh?” Seymour laughed. “Fuck that fat bastard!”
Parr smiled slightly. “Yeah.”
“Want to help me ruin more of Aragon’s sweaters? I need to vent on something.” Seymour asked, pulling the lighter from her pants pocket and lazily flicking it.
Parr stared at the flashing flame for a moment before taking Seymour’s hand. “Come with me?”
And after a teasing remark of acceptance, Seymour found herself being carefully pulled through the house. The former queen wasn’t entirely sure where they were heading, but she could definitely say she was surprised when they stopped in front of the Annes’ door.
(Seymour didn’t know about Parr and Anne meeting in the kitchen one night. Both of them had nightmares and had to calm each other down. A friendship blossomed from there and Parr usually went to Anne for nightmares now.)
Then, Parr gave her familiar, quiet knock, one as if the door would fall if she knocked any harder (hmm, that got Seymour’s mind buzzing. How many knocks or how much force would it take to knock the door down? Something chaotic to test, it seemed).
There was muffled conversation and then shifting from within the room. Then, the door opened to show Anne.
(Anne was someone Seymour actually could call herself friends with. The two had quickly begun making chaos together, much to the chagrin of their counterparts, more so Boleyn than Jane.)
Seymour hummed with a tilt of her head upon noticing the scar around Anne’s neck being scratched just like theirs were.
“Are we bothering you?” Parr asked softly, keeping her hold on Seymour’s hand.
“Yep.” Anne gave them a grin.
Parr laughed, as if that response was normal. Seymour only stood there, gaze flitting between the two as Anne let them into the room.
Kat sat on Anne’s bed, her own choker off and neck in the same state as theirs. Boleyn was nowhere to be seen.
It was still strange to see their faces but yet so different. Different styles and personalities. To not be called a ‘cretin’ or ‘that one bitch.’
“I guess we’re all having bad nights, yeah?” Kat asked with a rather bitter chuckle.
“None of you losers look nice tonight.” Seymour said with a snicker.
Anne grinned at her. “Right back at you.”
“Nice pair of scissors on your desk there.”
“Oh yeah?”
Parr grabbed onto their arms, giving the both of them pleading looks. “Please don’t.”
The two relented, but gave each other smirks over Parr’s head.
“You two get the shitty dreams too?” Seymour pasted a smirk on her face. She needed to hide that twinge of fear still in her chest.
“Yeah, didn’t know the great, chaotic Seymour got them.” Anne looked knowing. “But then again, losing your head really does hurt more than a broken heart.”
“Poetic.” Seymour snickered.
“Isn’t it?” Anne easily matched her grin. “Parr and Chaton have come to me before, haven’t seen you until now.”
“Who needs nightmares when you can have chaos?” Seymour sneered. Usually after a nightmare, she would destroy something as an outlet. Be it setting it on fire or ripping it to shreds.
“You, my friend, are speaking my language.” Anne agreed with a laugh.
“Oh god, this house better be scared of you two teaming up.” Kat looked more amused than worried, Parr now at her side fidgeting anxiously with her hands but smiling at the conversation. “The arsonist and the prankster.”
“Bold of you to assume I’m not an arsonist!”
“I can prank your ass off, just watch! I’ve done many pranks!”
The four fell into a bit of laughter before falling silent.
They all joined Kat on the bed, sitting in a circle. They were all quiet, Anne fidgeting with the blanket and Seymour still flicking the lighter.
“Do you guys… want to talk about your…?” Kat trailed off, gesturing silently to her own scar.
Parr and Seymour both tensed. Parr began to rub worriedly at her scar and Seymour snarled.
“And if we don’t want to?” Seymour snapped immediately.
“Then we won’t make you.” It was Kat who shrugged.
“The fuck?” Seymour muttered, fixing them with a suspicious stare. “You won’t make me talk?”
“We know how hard it is to talk about things sometimes.” Kat gave her a smile.
“I was surprised too.” Parr whispered to Seymour. “But they’re telling the truth. I promise. Or at least Anne is…”
“Then what the hell do we do instead…?” Seymour questioned with a frown.
“Why don’t we just get to know each other?” Anne offered. “What do the two of you like to do?”
“Reading is nice, and Cathy’s been helping me write again…”
Seymour gave them another suspicious glance before perking up slightly. “I like chaos. Setting fire and destroying shit!”
“I’m not saying that’s a bad thing to like, but maybe calm down on the arson a bit? I’m pretty sure you can get arrested.”
The four talked into the night, laughter and banter taking away their fear and worries from earlier in the night.
“Okay, watch the lighter! I like my bed!” Anne jokes as Seymour almost dropped the lighter mid-flick.
Just as Seymour was about to retort, both Parr and Kat let out yawns. The two glanced at each other and began to laugh.
“Looks like it’s time to try and sleep some more, yeah?” Anne said, a soft smile on her lips in trade for her usual chaotic smile.
“Guess so.” Kat hummed, already moving under the blankets. Parr was soon to join her after reassurances from both Anne and Kat. Seymour blinked, standing now, as Parr willingly burrowed into Kat’s side.
Anne joined them and all three looked back at Seymour, as if waiting.
“Aren’t you going to join us?” Kat asked after a moment.
Seymour snorted. “What, sleeping together? Why the hell would I do that?”
Parr frowned at her, reaching out slightly from her place between Anne and Kat. “Please?”
“Us beheaded queens have to stick together, you know.” Anne said.
Seymour watched the three for a moment. Then, a smirk crossed her lips. “Alright, fine! But don’t think this will be a more than one night thing! I’ve got chaos to cause!”
“Hell yeah you do. Now get over here.” Anne grinned right back.
Kat rolled her eyes and murmured something to Parr that had the blue queen giggling.
Seymour wasn’t entirely sure about sharing a bed with these three, no matter how friendly they were. But their warmth and the arm Anne had curled around her quickly worked to guide her to sleep.
For once, Seymour rested well, no nightmares or chaos in sight.
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