#i like how donnie turned out. not the other two though they suck
cats-and-confusion · 1 year
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ver. without text
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dont mind mikey and leo they're shitty doodles. Reminder that I draw all this shit with my fingers on my phone that's like 5 inches tall
If you want me to make don even worse let me know, I'll do it, I'm crazy
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dandylovesturtles · 7 months
leo and mikey, treat
(fav duo tbh, pretty underrated)
More Sidelined AU! Are you sick of me yet? Hopefully not because this has consumed my brain.
Part 1
Part 2
We're jumping ahead a bit in time to hopefully give you guys a bit more idea of The Flavor of this AU. And also to give it a bit of a happier note. It's not all doom and gloom!
No content warnings to speak of on this one
Mikey lands on the roof and powers on his earpiece, whispering, "Mikey in position. Can you hear me, Base? Come in Base."
"Helloooo New York City," comes Leo's voice, loud and clear. "You're tuning into L.A.I.R 179.12, with your host, DJ Neon Leon! Bringing you the hottest rock from the other side of the millennia."
Mikey snickers, then tries to pull himself back together. "Leo, come on! I'm here."
He sighs, even though he isn't mad at all. "I'm here, DJ Neon Leon."
"Ohohoho, excellent." He hears the click of typing, and then Leo says, "Can you get me visuals, Shelldon?"
"Right away, Neon Leon," Shelldon's voice crackles through the comms. There's a moment of silence, and Mikey can just imagine Leo rolling his chair around his "command center."
(He and Donnie had spent ages building it to look like the bridge of the S.S. Starbolt, with added mobility access, of course. Leo loves it as much as Donnie loves his lab.)
"Got your visuals, dudes," says Shelldon. There's some more typing from Leo's end, then he says, "Alright, Miguel, you should see two guards coming around the building riiiiight... now!"
Sure enough, two guards in plainclothes circle either side of the old apartment building across the street. Mikey watches as the two of them meet in front of the entrance, exchange a few words, then turn and head back the way they came.
"Right on time, Leo."
"Perfect, we're synced." Some more typing, and then, "The rooftop will be clear - let me know when you're over there and I'll get you inside."
"Roger that," he says. "Mikey out." Then he clicks his earpiece to silenced.
A hop, skip, and a jump later he's on the opposite roof. There's a door here, and he edges toward it before contacting Leo again.
"I'm here!"
"Alright... Disabling alarms... now!" Mikey can just see how dramatically he must have pushed the button. "Check the door to see if it's locked."
Mikey reaches out and jiggles the handle, but it doesn't budge. "Locked."
"Alright, no problem - you got your lockpicks?"
"Remember what I taught you?"
"Yeah, I got it."
"Alright. Make me proud, little bro."
Mikey grins, pulling his lockpicking kit out of his gear. It takes him a few minutes, because he's nowhere near as fast at this as Leo is, but he gets it done without needing to ask for help. The training Leo made him go through is still fresh in his mind.
"Alright, I'm in," he says as he slips through the door. He's in a deserted stairwell, but just to be safe he crouches down into the shadows near the wall.
"So far, so good. You need to go down two flights of stairs. No guards are coming around right now, but keep it quiet just in case."
"Don't worry, I'll be silent as a mouse!"
"Knowing Dad that's not giving me as much confidence as you think."
Mikey giggles, then sucks in a breath and gets his game face on. Right. Silent. Ninja skills GO.
He does manage to make it to the right floor without major incident. There's no one in the hall when he enters, looking at the rows of numbered doors. He doesn't know why this is where the artifact is being kept hidden, but it doesn't matter.
"According to our intel, you should be looking for door four-oh-nine," says Leo. "The floor's clear, so get goin'."
"Got it," whispers Mikey, then hurries along in a silent crouch to the door Leo specified. He stops when he gets there, hissing in disappointment.
"What's up?"
"There's some kind of keypad lock."
"No problem. Just hook Donnie's doohickey in there."
Donnie would definitely hate it if he heard them calling it a "doohickey," and that makes Mikey grin. He pulls it out of his gear (it looks like a USB stick, but slightly thinner) and slips it into the maintenance slot on the keypad.
"Alriiight, hacking in progress," says Leo. "Big solo mish is going pretty smoothly so far, huh?"
"Yep," says Mikey proudly. "Told you guys I got this."
"That you did. Oh, and... alakazam!"
There's a click as he says it, then the red light on the keypad turns green. Mikey grins and opens the door, slipping inside the dusty apartment.
"You're getting pretty good at that hacking thing."
"Uh, you know I don't actually hack anything, right bud? I just get Shelly here to do it for me, or shoot it off to Dee if it's too complex."
"Don't sell yourself so short, dude!" says Shelldon. "You're picking it up real quick!"
"Ugh, don't say that. It makes me sound like nerd."
Mikey laughs again, searching the apartment for... well, he's not sure exactly. But he's pretty sure he'll know it when he sees it.
"What's the Foot Clan want this thing for, anyway?" he asks.
"Ours is not to question why, Miguel. I'm leaving that question for Donnie to answer."
"Mm... guess so..." He's about to say something else, but then he feels... something. Like a pulse, getting stronger as he moves toward a closet.
"...I think... I can feel it."
"Feel it?"
"Yeah... it's like..." He frowns, moving forward. "Like it's calling to me."
He opens the closet to find a safe. It also has an electronic lock, so once again he inserts the doohickey. The safe door opens with a click, and he peers inside.
There's only one item: a glittering green stone, with markings he doesn't understand carved in its surface. The pulse is super strong now, waves of energy washing over Mikey. Whatever this thing is, it's definitely powerful.
"I found it!" he says to Leo, a little louder than he should. He reaches in and wraps his fingers around it.
"Great! Hold on, just let me see if-"
Before he finishes his sentence, Mikey pulls the stone out - and immediately a loud alarm starts blaring, making him jump.
"What the heck is that!?" he yelps, jumping to his feet. He hears Leo curse on the other end of the line.
"Pressure alarm. Get out of there!"
The windows are barred - it's why he didn't come in that way in the first place. Mikey has no choice but to go back the way he came, dashing into the hallway. He turns on his heel and is making for the stairwell when his earpiece crackles again.
"No good, they're coming up the stairs."
"Then where am I supposed to go!?" he asks, frantic. All the windows are barred in the hallway, too, so that's no good.
"Okay, okay, hold on... oh, I got it! Opposite direction, about five doors down. Laundry chute."
Mikey sprints. Just as he hears the door of the stairwell open, he's tipping into the chute, pulling his limbs into his shell.
Getting chased by guards? No fun. Sliding down a laundry chute? Very fun.
"Whoooohoohooo!" he cheers when he reaches the bottom, landing in a pile of old rags and t-shirts. "That was awesome!"
"I remember having a distinctly less fun time the last time I had to do that," says Leo. "Anyway, stay there. I'm going to set off the roof access alarms and lure the guards up top, then you go up the stairs and slip out the front. Got it?"
"Got it!"
Leo's plan goes perfectly, and within a few minutes he's back outside. One later and he's back on the rooftops, running to safety.
"Yessss!" he yells once he's finally far enough away, jumping in the air and pumping his fist. "Mission successful baby!"
"I knew you could do it, little bro!" cheers Leo, his voice full of pride, and it makes Mikey beam.
"Couldn't have done it without you, Leo," he says back, truthfully.
It takes Leo a second to answer, which puts the smallest damper on Mikey's enthusiasm, but finally he comes back with, "Sure thing. You know I'm always here to help."
It's not perfect. But it's getting better. Leo is getting better, every day.
Mikey's celebratory mood cannot be quashed. He whoops again, eliciting laughs from Leo's end.
"Alright, now get your butt home before Raph freaks out. He's walked past my door twelve times."
"Thirteen," Shelldon corrects.
"Thirteen!" Leo echoes.
"You got it! Mikey out!"
He clicks the earpiece to silent, then runs and jumps to the next roof with an extra spring in his step. His solo mission was a complete success!
Of course, no missions were truly solo anymore. Not with his faithful older brother ever in his ear.
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Better Than the Dream | Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Request: yes by anonymous
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Summary: After meeting in France, (Y/N) (Y/L/N) and Tommy Shelby were certain that they'd never see each other again...until one fateful moment has Tommy dreaming of her, or maybe he's not dreaming at all.
Warnings: language, mentions of drinking, talk of war, injuries, blood, hospitals
Word Count: 3388
A/N: I….I’m not sure how I feel about this one…as I was finishing it, I realized that it was like my other story ‘Called to Serve’, even though there are some differences to the story. I decided to set it after Tommy’s injury in season 2. Enjoy! :)
A/N 2: also I’m sorry this is being posted late…I didn’t have much time to get it edited today.
Comment/Message me if you’d like to be tagged in future stories similar to this one!
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"Would you stop fucking wincing? You're gonna get that bloody thing stuck into me hand as well," Tommy grumbled as he continued to hold down pressure on his fellow soldier's hand so that he wouldn't bleed out anymore than he had already.
"I'm trying me best, Sergeant Major...it really fucking stings though," Donny, the unfortunate one who'd gotten barbed wire stuck in his hand while their company was on overhaul, responded, the second half of his words coming out like a hiss as he winced yet again.
The curtain that was separating the bed and chair these two men were occupying moved before Tommy could say anything else. From behind it came a woman, dressed in a nurse's outfit with a clipboard in her hands. "Donald White?" she asked as she looked up from the papers, a polite smile on her face.
"That'd be me," Donny responded, raising his good hand as he spoke, "me Sergeant Major's come with me...he needed to make sure the bleeding was controlled," he added then, explaining the other man's presence.
"Hi," she sent a nod and a smile in his direction, almost immediately noticing the pair of ocean blue eyes he had. She had to look back at the patient so that she didn't get sucked into them. "What's happened here?" she asked then, focusing on the injury.
"We were doing overhaul and I got this section of barbed wire stuck in me hand. Most of it was able to be removed, but there's still some left inside," Donny explained. Tommy let go of the cloth he'd been applying pressure to so that Donny could unwrap it and show the nurse the extent of the injury.
The woman nodded almost immediately after seeing the damage that had been done. It was pretty obvious that there was at least one barb and some wire still stuck in his palm. "I'm going to get the doctor to come over...he'll be able to extract it," she explained the next steps of treatment as she went about writing some things down on the clipboard.
"You've an English accent," Donny pointed out, a bit of a smile forming on his face. Neither he, nor Tommy, were expecting to hear one in a French run hospital.
"I do," the nurse answered, laughing slightly.
"Where're ya from?" Donny asked.
"Solihull," she answered with a polite smile.
"Ahh, ok," Donny nodded.
"I'm going to get the doctor now so that he can have a look at your hand. My name's (Y/N), if you need anything," she addressed both of the soldiers then, sending them one last smile before she turned and exited the closed off area.
Donny turned to Tommy with a grin seconds after (Y/N) had exited the room they were in. "She's fuckin' gorgeous, ain't she?" he asked, nudging Tommy's arm with his good hand. Tommy finally brought his eyes away from the section of curtain (Y/N) had exited through to look at his comrade. He didn't have to say anything, because the second Donny saw his face, he was speaking again, "yeah, she is...got you too stunned to speak," he ragged on his superior like they were part of the same rank again, and all Tommy could do was roll his eyes.
He wasn't going to deny something that was as obvious as the light of day. Their company had been given a week-long reprieve, and even though they were only one day into it, Tommy knew that he wasn't going to see a woman that was more beautiful than her. So he kept his mouth shut and listened to Donny's goading, allowing him some time to soak it up while he was injured.
Tommy returned to the same wing that he'd left his fellow soldier in two days ago, keeping his eyes peeled for the woman who he couldn't seem to get out of his mind since she left the room the other day. He, thankfully, found her, standing at one of the nurse's stations at the end of the hall.
"(Y/N), isn't it?" he asked as he approached her, successfully getting her attention.
"It is," she answered as she turned to smile at him, "what is it, Sergeant Major? Are you looking for Donny?" she asked, her voice sounding like sweet music to his ears.
"I'm not...was looking for you actually," he answered her, not caring how straightforward he sounded.
(Y/N)'s eyes widened slightly out of surprise when she heard his statement. "Me?" she checked to make sure, tilting her head slightly to show her interest in the answer.
"Yeah," Tommy nodded, "I was wondering if you'd want to go out and get a drink after your shift's finished?" he boldly asked her. A more pronounced look of surprise formed on (Y/N)'s face. That immediately made Tommy backtrack, "that might have been a bit too forward of me. I haven't even asked if you have someone, or if you're busy."
"No, it's fine," (Y/N) brushed him off, "I quite like the confidence actually," she added then, flashing a smile and letting out a slight laugh.
"So you'd be willing to join me?" he asked her, allowing a smile to form on his face. Her laugh, much like her voice, was music to his ears.
(Y/N) nodded before giving a verbal answer, "yes. My shift finishes at the top of the hour."
"I'll meet you outside," Tommy suggested, making her nod again. He nodded back, showing that he was happy that the plans had been finalized, before he decided he'd let her get back to work. "Which room was Donny in actually?" he asked her after she'd taken a few steps away from him.
She turned around to smile at him. "So you weren't only here for me?" she decided to tease him slightly.
"No. Just figured I'd see him while I'm here," he grinned, loving her attitude and the fact that she was able to banter with him despite everything going on around them.
"He's four doors down," she told him, pointing past him down the hallway.
"Thank you," he said to her, nodding one last time before he turned and went to his comrade's room.
"Are you only here because of Donny?" (Y/N) asked once their laughter caused by a story Tommy had told trailed off. She had her head rested on her arm that was propped up on the bar, and she was giving Tommy her full attention.
"No," he shook his head, looking briefly down at his glass as he let out a soft scoff, "we were granted a week's leave and sent into town instead of home...someone thought it'd be less money to keep us close. Cheap bastards," he explained then, muttering the final two words under his breath.
"Donny's having a terrible week off then," she commented, remembering the man that had come into her ward the other day.
"He managed to do it while we were doing overhaul," he shared another detail about the accident with her.
"Tough luck," (Y/N) stated, shaking her head as a look of sympathy formed on her face.
"That's Donny for you," Tommy responded, chuckling slightly at the thought of his friend.
"So where do they have you staying?" she asked him then, moving their conversation to another topic.
"A boarding house in town," he answered before adding, "it's an absolute shit hole."
(Y/N) sent him a sympathetic smile before looking at the bar. "I don't have anyone," she said out of nowhere, her statement shifting the topic of conversation yet again.
"What?" Tommy asked her, his brows furrowed as he looked at her once more. He was confused by her sudden statement, unsure of how to link it to what they'd been talking about.
"You said before that you hadn't asked if I had someone...I don't," she filled him in, calling back to the statement that he'd made at the hospital. Tommy nodded his head in response to her statement and looked at his glass again. Silence fell between them for a moment before she spoke again: "do you have anyone?" she asked him, her question making his eyes snap to hers in seconds.
He looked her over, his brows slightly furrowed in surprise. He didn't expect her to ask such a question. But he wasn't going to waste time answering it. "No," he told her, shaking his head for extra measure.
(Y/N) felt her throat go dry at his answer. Am I really going to do this? she asked herself, taking a moment to think her choices over. "It might be a bit forward of me to ask this, but..." she trailed off, thinking over it again. Ah, why not? "Would you like to come home with me tonight?" she asked her question, rushing to get in: "it'd give you a chance to sleep in a proper bed," so that her intentions weren't that out there in the open.
Who could blame her though? Almost all of the men around her age living here had gone off to fight as well. There wasn't anyone left, and as much as she hated to admit it...she still had desires too. And the fact that Tommy was a good looking man greatly helped the cause.
Tommy looked her over again after hearing her proposition. A grin ghosted over his lips as he nodded his head slightly before answering, "I would like that."
His answer made the fire that (Y/N) had been feeling in her stomach since the moment he'd found her today begin to burn out of control. She couldn't help but exude a giggle, feeling giddy that her attempt had actually worked.
"Would you...want to get out of here now?" Tommy asked her then, trailing off in the middle of his sentence, but completing it before she could interject with anything.
"Yes," her answer was said in a breathless manner, but he heard her loud and clear, and the two left the bar after paying what they owed.
The door to the apartment was barely shut before Tommy had trapped (Y/N) in his arms. It was no secret what the two wanted from each other. The hand holding and shoulder brushing on the walk back made it rather clear. But still, his kiss took (Y/N)'s breath away, and the way that her hands were roaming his body made Tommy feel dizzy; something he hadn't felt with the women he'd been with before.
Every night for the rest of the week ended that way for Tommy and (Y/N). He would come to the hospital to check in on Donny and then would wait around for the rest of (Y/N)'s shift until she could leave. They'd go to the tavern for some drinks before winding up at her apartment again; where they'd end the night wrapped up in each others' arms.
It was a nice arrangement, one that lasted right up until Tommy came to the hospital at the end of the week. Donny was being released after his stay (his hand had thankfully healed without infection) and their unit was due to move onto another station. Which meant that it was time for Tommy and (Y/N) to say goodbye.
The two soldiers were walking down the hallway when (Y/N) exited one of the rooms she was cleaning. Her eyes immediately found Tommy, and they widened visibly. Without thinking, she backed up into the room in hopes that he wouldn't have seen her. But the knock on the door told her otherwise. Of course, she let him in.
"I wanted to say goodbye...before we shipped out to our next station," Tommy started, a solemn look on his face. Spending time with her this past week was the closest to normal he'd gotten in a long time.
"I appreciate that," (Y/N) answered, a sad smile forming on her face as her eyes met his for a moment. She didn't have it in her to hold his gaze for it might have made her start to cry.
"This past week was lovely, (Y/N)," he told her, taking her hands into his. "Thank you."
"I enjoyed it too," she answered, her heart squeezing as she admitted this. It was making the situation all the more real.
"C-can I kiss you one last time?" he asked her then, wanting to kick himself for how juvenile he sounded.
"Please," she breathed quicker than she would have liked, but the timing didn't phase Tommy. Upon hearing her answer, he dropped her hands and grabbed her cheeks, pulling her to him for one last head-spinning kiss. They broke away moments after, their foreheads finding each other. "Goodbye, Tommy," (Y/N) was the first to speak, and she hated that her voice cracked when she said these two words.
"Goodbye, (Y/N)," he repeated her farewell, lifting his head so that he could press his lips to her forehead before he dropped his hands from her completely.
They offered each other a sad smile before he exited the room, leaving her alone once again.
"So that's why you were coming to see me every bloody day, eh?" Donny questioned with a wide grin on his face once Tommy was back by his side.
"Fuck off, Donny," Tommy grumbled, not in the mood for the banter.
"Ahh, I get it. It's hard to leave," Donny commented, picking up the signals that Tommy was putting down.
The two walked out of the hospital then without saying another word to each other. Back inside, (Y/N) had to put a smile back onto her face before she re-entered the hallway, even though she was hurting because she knew she’d never see Tommy Shelby again.
Tommy was slipping in and out of consciousness as he was carried by stretcher into the hospital. He couldn't remember much from the beating he’d gotten; just that Sabini had been standing over him, grinning, as one of his men aimed a revolver at him. The Italians then scattered after another weapon was fired, and Campbell became visible before he blacked out completely.
He knew he was at a hospital now. The blinding, overhead lights of the operating room easily gave it away. There were doctors working on him. He could just barely feel their prodding as they tried to figure out the extent of his injuries. Every inch of his body hurt. It hurt just to think, and he couldn’t bear it much longer. So he closed his eyes and allowed complete blackness to overtake him.
The room was much darker when Tommy woke again. He looked around as best as he could, trying to get familiar with his surroundings. Things were starting to come together when he felt something touch his cheek. He jerked his face away before quickly turning his head to see (Y/N) (Y/L/N) with a rag in her hands. She looked worried, but not put off by his sudden movement.
"You...you found me again?" Tommy stammered, his voice coming out in a hoarse whisper. It was slowly becoming apparent to him that he was in her apartment in France.
"You were attacked. They brought you here," she explained to him while dipping the rag into a bowl, "I need to get you cleaned up." He nodded and allowed her to continue on with what she was doing.
"Can I hold you again?" he asked after silence had been hanging between them for a few moments.
She looked around the room for a moment, which Tommy found odd. "You can," she then answered, and he wasted no time in opening his arms for her. She smiled before moving into them.
Tommy inhaled her scent as she settled in his arms. He found it odd that he couldn't really feel her, but he didn't think too much into it. He had her again. "Can I stay here with you forever?" he asked after they'd been still for a few minutes.
(Y/N) giggled as she heard his question. "I'm not sure if you'd be allowed to..." she trailed off, her smile a sight for his sore eyes.
"What do you mean?" he furrowed his brows, confused by her response.
"Wake up, Tommy," she said to him, her statement confusing him even more. In what way is that a response to my question? he wondered, but yet he couldn't ask her because she was speaking again, "Tommy..." this time her statement was accompanied with a slight shake.
Things got much brighter in the room then, so bright that it made Tommy squeeze his eyes shut. He couldn't handle the pain that it was causing in his head. When he opened his eyes again, everything was different. He was no longer in (Y/N)'s apartment, instead he was in what looked to be a rather large hospital room. He was laying down instead of sitting, and he didn't have his arms around the woman he couldn't seem to erase from his mind. But she was still in front of him.
"(Y/N)..." he said her name, his voice still groggy. He felt a heaviness in his hand and it made him glance down to find that he was holding hers. "Wha...how are you here?" he asked, his confusion apparent in his words.
"I'm your nurse, Tommy," she answered him, throwing the formalities out the window. She felt that they were past all of that.
"Are we still in France?" he asked her next. This hospital seemed to be in much better condition than the one he remembered meeting her in, but it was the only way he could make this make sense.
"No," she shook her head softly, a gentle smile on her face. This information made Tommy's brow furrowed in confusion. "I think you were having a dream, Tommy," (Y/N) spoke up when she noticed his expression.
"But you're still here..." he trailed off, voicing the part that he was most confused about. He was unsure in saying it though because he didn't want her to disappear when he admitted this observation.
"I moved from Solihull after a position opened up. I work here now," she explained to him, her answer making his confusion dissipate. He simply nodded at this new information, taking a moment to think about what it meant.
Silence fell between them after she finished speaking, and she took that as her go ahead to complete some of the tests that she was required to run.
Tommy was the one to speak after a few minutes had passed, "so you're in Birmingham for good now?" he questioned her, watching intently as she continued checking him.
"I am," she answered, not losing focus on what she was doing. Another period of silence began. (Y/N) waited until she was finished with her tasks before she looked at him again. "So the dream you had..." she started off, unsure of how she'd word the question that had been burning in her mind since he came to, "is me being here better, or worse?"
Tommy chuckled slightly at her question, "oh this is better, love. You being here now is way better than the dream," he told her, a grin tugging the corner of his lips upwards. (Y/N) smiled at his admission. "And this may be a bit straightforward, but I wanted to know if I could take you out for dinner?" he asked her then, not wanting to waste any more time in getting them reacquainted with each other, "if you don't have anyone, that is," he added to the end.
(Y/N) giggled slightly as his final statement made her think back to the first night they shared with each other. "I don't have anyone," she started, a smile forming on her face, "and I'd love to have dinner with you, but..." she trailed off then, biting on her bottom lip. Tommy sat up straighter as he waited intently for what she would say next. (Y/N) noticed this and couldn't help but smile as she delivered the rest of her statement, "we need to make sure you get healthy first."
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Tagged: @mgcldydrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @december16-1991 @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @midnightmagpiemama @cillmequick @rangerelik @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica @raincoffeeandfandoms @itscheybaby @gypsy-girl-08 @lora21 @insanitybyanothername @depxiety @dragons-are-my-favorite @acewritesfics @forgottenpeakywriter @cilliansangel @cljordan-imperium @areyenotfondofmelobster @little-diable
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winterlogysblog · 2 months
4KOTA FANFIC | Based from @crystaldrops20 's idea💡
I finally finished it lol
Note: My grammar still sucks so bear with me
Nasiens is tasked with one thing. One important thing, and that is, to bring Percival back. It's not a simple task, it's a quite complicated one that might take years to accomplish but Nasiens won't give up, producing medicine is the one thing that he knows and he'll do the best that he can to make the medicine that will wake him up. They took him to the Fairy Realm, it was Lancelot's idea, and Meliodas approved of it.
With Lancelot's guidance, they traveled towards the Fairy King's Forest with Anne and Donny tagging along. Lancelot seems quite familiar with the place which isn't too surprising since he's half-fairy. Nasiens is optimistic but nervous, he's presenting himself to royalty after all. Lancelot must have noticed this and reassured him. "Don't worry too much, you'll be fine in there."
"What is he even like?" Donny asked. "You mentioned him before, you said he taught you a few spells, right?"
"Yeah, Tristan even said that he made you your clothes," Anne added. "Which isn't really something he would do to just anybody given his status."
Lancelot sighed. "Might as well... You see, the Fairy King... he's my uncle."
"What?!" The three erupted
"It's not that big of a deal okay." Lancelot shrugged.
"What do you mean not that big of a deal!!!" Donny shouted. "This is really important information!!"
"Listen... don't think about it too much all right. Uncle isn't the type of person who cares about these things, and since you guys are my buddies I guarantee you he'll just make you call him by his name."
And true to Lancelot's words that is exactly what happened. And that is how Nasiens got himself into the Fairy Realm and it was filled to the brim with various things he could use, and it made him hopeful that he could actually do this. The Fairy King placed Percival inside the Cave of Whispers, he didn't get the chance to ask him the reason for this since he was still quite unsure of how to approach the monarch.
Everything is as it should be, he is given the opportunity of a lifetime to explore a realm that is perfect for his abilities and with a goal in mind, there is nothing that should stop him. During his time there, he made good friends with Tioreh, the Fairy King's youngest daughter and her other siblings seem to like him as well, except for their eldest. From time to time Lancelot would visit and would bring Anne and Donny with him.
"How's everything?" Donny asked him as they gathered inside the Cave of Whispers.
"The usual, although my experiments keep on failing." Nasiens lowered his head.
"Come on man. It's only been what? a couple of months since you got here. I'm sure there are tons of things you haven't tried yet, you'll find a way." Donny patted him reassuringly on the shoulder.
"How is it living here then?" Anne asked.
"It's fine. I'm still easing up on the whole thing. Sometimes, I still get quite nervous around them even though they're so friendly." Nasiens answered. "I got used to being with Tioreh though, I'm not quite sure about the others."
"That's good at least." Lancelot nodded. "Out of everyone, Tioreh and Belte are the easiest to get along with, Sixtus is a bit tricky but I'm sure he'll like you."
Nasiens can't help but chuckle. Lancelot turns into a different person when he's around his family, he gets so giddy and fun like he finally gets to loosen up a bit.
"I mean when I first met Sixtus you're the person who came to mind. You two are quite a lot alike." Nasiens said.
"Fair." Lancelot nodded.
"Mertyl doesn't seem to like me all that much, to be honest," Nasiens added.
"I guess I can see why." Nasiens heard Lancelot said. "He's always been so insecure."
"What would Mertyl be insecure about?" Nasiens asked.
"What?" Lancelot raised a brow.
"You said something about how you can see why Mertyl doesn't like me because he's insecure about something. I wanna know what it is about."
"I didn't..." Lancelot mumbled under his breath.
"Lancelot didn't say anything like that."
"I'm pretty sure he did, I heard him."
"Nasiens... You just read my mind." Lancelot breathed out.
"What?! You're joking, right? You're the one who can read minds around here Lancelot."
"I'm not kidding, I can guarantee that you just read my mind just then."
"All right, even if I did, how is that even possible?"
"Nasiens... have you been taking any Mullein pills since you got here?" Lancelot asked.
"Mullein pills? No. I haven't, and what that has to do with anything?" Upon Nasiens' answer, Donny and Anne were taken aback, a small gasp escaping their mouths.
"I've been giving these two Mullein pills every time we visit because the atmosphere of the Fairy Realm is toxic to humans, it causes dizziness and asthma if they're exposed for too long."
"What?" Nasiens gasped. "But how come I experienced none of that, in fact, my health actually got better ever since I got here."
Lancelot sighed heavily. "Oh dear."
"Lancelot... you know something don't you." Donny turned to the blonde but he stayed silent, his head stayed low. "Hey! Say something!"
Lancelot simply chuckled. "So it is true."
"Nasiens... you're smart, you could put two and two together, right?"
Nasiens lowered his head. "I'm... I'm a fairy, aren't I?" Anne and Donny's eyes widened. "How long have you known?" Nasiens asked Lancelot.
"I have my suspicions, The ability to be immune to poisons is quite rare for humans but is natural to the Fairy Clan, that was my first hint. But, you never exhibited anything else other than that so I suppose that was just a unique thing that you could do because of your magic." Lancelot explained. "Then... this happened."
"I see." Nasiens nodded.
"Hey! Don't be upset!" Anne rushed over to him. "No matter what you are, you're still Nasiens, nothing will change."
"She's right!" Donny added. "I'm sure Percival will say the same thing, know what I bet he'll be super excited to know that you're a fairy this entire time."
Nasiens smiled as they comforted him, truthfully, he wasn't all that upset, he was actually glad that he got to know more about his origins and slowly he gets to hear what's inside their hearts, he gets to hear their love and care for him.
"Lancelot! Aren't you gonna say anything?! You're the one who dropped this on him! Be a little considerate come on!" Anne scolded Lancelot.
"Could you two wait outside for a bit? I need to speak to Nasiens alone." Lancelot said, his voice low, his bangs covering his eyes.
"Don't give us that! If you have anything to say to him, you can say it to us! We're all friends here!"
"Fine." Lancelot sighed, slowly walking over to Nasiens as he spoke.
"I had another cousin, his name is Galehaut. I've been told that he was taken away, a changeling a prank, a stupid and cruel prank where a fairy and human baby were switched. Uncle and Auntie were absolutely devasted at the time, I couldn't even comprehend it myself but I was told that the fairy who did it wasn't a part of the forest, it was someone from the outside, which made it even more impossible to find him. They tried their best but they couldn't and they had to accept the fact that they ultimately lost their firstborn."
"Lancelot... where are you going with this?"
"Galehaut has brown hair and amber eyes, that's what I've been told." Lancelot continued. "Nasiens... when I first met you... you reminded me so much of my uncle." A small tear escaped Lancelot's eyes. "From the way you look to your determination to save the Gorge." Lowering his head he chuckled."It's crazy that I only realized this just now... I can't believe it has been you this entire time."
Nasiens is stunned. Lancelot, he's crying. He's overwhelmed with emotions, he can hear it, he can hear it perfectly. There are no lies to what he said, everything is true and genuine. A small tear fell from his eyes as well, soft sobs escaping him.
"I know you have questions, rightfully so, but I can't answer all of them," Lancelot said. "We'll talk this thing through with everybody, it won't be easy but... I'll be there. We're family now after all."
Donny and Anne were left dumbfounded by what just occurred, everything just seemed so crazy that it couldn't be true, but it was. For the first time, Lancelot is clean. Anne can see it, he's not hiding anything, and everything he has said is true.
Unbeknownst to them, some are looking in and listening in to the conversation. Two fairies, one boy and one girl.
"Hey! Did you hear that!" One whisper yelled.
"Yeah! So... Nassie is our brother." The other one responded.
"That's what Lancelot said, besides you heard all those rumors. They couldn't just come from anywhere."
"What about Mertyl then?"
"Come on! He's still our big brother, and I highly doubt this will change anything. Think of it like we'll have another sibling but instead of having a younger one we'll have someone older."
Amidst to their whispering, another voice joined in.
"What are you two doing here sneaking around for?"
The two fairies turned around and flew upwards in shock and held each other.
"Sixtus!" They cried in unison.
"Well... Tioreh is about to visit Nasiens and she mentioned that Lancelot would be here so I tagged along." Belte explained. "Then we just so happened to overhear their conversation and..."
"Sixtus... Nassie is our brother." Tioreh spoke softly.
"Dude, you must have heard the rumors right? You know about the name every elder refuses to talk about." Belte flew over to his brother.
"Galehaut," Sixtus spoke softly. "It's the name of Mom and Dad's firstborn."
"How did you know?"
"I asked Dad about it years ago, his answer did not match what his heart said. I don't know why they kept it from us but I suppose it's for Mertyl's sake. He has always been insecure about his standing."
"We heard it. Lancelot said it himself. Nasiens is Galehaut!" Belte shouted a little too loud.
"Hey!!" It's Lancelot. "Belte!! It's rude to spy on people."
"Now you've done it!" Tioreh glared at her brother.
"You too Tioreh!!"
Sixtus rolled his eyes and sighed. "Just go inside."
Upon entering, Tioreh and Belte hang their head low not wanting to see Lancelot glaring at them which he really isn't.
"Seriously." Lancelot raised a brow. "You too Sixtus."
"As if." Sixtus scoffed. "I'm the one who caught these hooligans."
"On a serious note, is it true?" Sixtus asked for confirmation and Lancelot affirmed it with a nod.
"I see."
"That's amazing!!" Tioreh cheered and flew over to Nasiens to give him a hug. Flabbergasted, Nasiens stayed still. "I have a new big brother!!"
"Come on man! Loosen up a bit!!" Belte laughed without a care in the world.
Lancelot just chuckled at his cousins' antics and Sixtus smiled.
"Don't worry, I'll talk to Mertyl." Sixtus said.
"Thanks." Lancelot smiled.
"Did you seriously just realize this now?" Sixtus chuckled, deciding to be a bit playful.
"Oh shut up! You guys didn't realize this too." Lancelot exclaimed.
"Well... I did." Sixtus smirked, flipping himself upside down.
"Me too!!" Tioreh added, clinging onto Nasiens.
"I mean, I kinda got it." Belte shrugged.
"Hah! Liar!!"
"What do you mean!! He looks a lot like them. Anyone would have guessed!!" Sixtus chuckled. "Especially me, I've been told that I'm the spitting image of my father."
"I still can't get that one." Belte shook his head.
"Uncle looks different when he's younger. Just imagine Sixtus with his hair and eye color and you got it." Lancelot replied.
"Quick! Change! I wanna see it." Tioreh squealed.
"What?! No!!"
"Do it!!" Belte insisted. "It's not that hard."
"Still a no." Sixtus shook his head.
"Sixty... Please..." Tioreh pleaded. "Do it for Nassie." She shoved Nasiens who is getting overwhelmed but growing comfortable with their interactions.
"Say something," Tioreh whispered into his ear.
"Uhhh... I'm curious what His Majesty looks like when he is younger as well." Nasiens said.
Sixtus stayed silent for a while until a small idea came to mind.
"Fine. I'll do it." Sixtus smirked. "But... Call him father first."
Lancelot choked out a laugh, falling on his knees, Tioreh let out a cheer of excitement and Belte gave Sixtus a high five.
Nasiens' cheeks turned red, the very thought of it made him so embarrassed he wanted to melt into a puddle.
"Do it Nassie!!" Tioreh shook him.
"Come on, it'll be fun." Belte clapped his hands.
"You guys are vile." Lancelot laughed. "You're gonna kill the guy."
As the commotion was going on, two figures stood at the entrance of the Cave.
"They all seem to be getting along just fine, there's no need to worry your Majesty."
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tmntxthings · 2 years
So basically my friend had a dream that we were in a science room and I was creating these “world destructive” weapons. She said it looked like a mix of a flamethrower and a water gun, specifically saying it looked “funky” and like a “monstrosity”. But anyway, she says that I dropped it cause I was jumping up and down, pretending to be a hero and saving people but I was actually cackling and didn’t look heroic at all🫤 and I dropped it and a red button was almost pressed and everyone knows red button=bad. Thankfully it didn’t get pressed.
But here’s the funny part.
The reason why I was making those weapons is because Donnie (yes. Dontello the fucking turtle) provoked me by saying that my weapons were ass. So i was like, “grrr👹” and he was like, “grrr👹” and we had a deadly nerd duel.
She said we might kill humanity if we were put in a room together and if we were to fight it’d be a tie since we’d be pointing deadly weapons at each other. She ended it by saying, “Moral of the story: You and Donnie would destroy everything.”
Anyways, I was wondering if you could write headcanons or a one shot with this sort of like theme ig with Donnie and just what you get from reading this weird ass dream she sent me🤭😭 (if it inspired you to write something)
Deadly Nerd Duel
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author’s note: or alternative title, This Town Ain’t Big Enough for the Both of Us . . . oh c’mon it makes sense.
warnings: crack, fluff, cursing, rlly long one shot, enemies to lovers, unedited
“This place is about to blow,” April whispered to Leo. “Yeah, and my bet is on Donnie,” Leo added smugly, holding up a fake five dollar bill. “You’re on, you have no idea how crazy Y/n really is,” April said holding up her own five, yes that one was real.
“Last chance Y/n,” Donnie took a deep breath, calming himself. Y/n rolled their eyes, shifting their weight to one side, then glanced up at the purple clad turtle, “Oh? I was quite certain you were going to back out by now,” a mischievous glint could be seen in your eyes.
Confused? Okay, let’s back it up.
“Donnie, I’d like you to meet, my newest friend,” April gave jazz hands as she presented you, “Y/n!” She beamed and the purple turtle gave you a once over before turning back to his phone. THAT. That right there was his first mistake! “Donnie! C’mon be nice!” April pleaded. Though her voice was sweet, her eyes were raging with a burning fire that was threatening to explode behind closed doors–meaning as soon as you were gone April would be chewing out Donnie’s shell. “Sigh, if I must, greetings April’s friend ‘Y/n’ I am the Othello Von Ryan,” He gave a half-hearted wave with one hand. His gaze lingered purposefully for a second longer, then he looked at April as if to say, see I can be ‘nice.’ Then, his attention promptly went back down to his phone. A smug smile forming on his face, thinking himself cool.
You blinked hard, taking in his enormous ego and trying not to gag. Strike two. “Yes, well April I thought you said you were showing me the cool one,” you said off-handedly, turning back to the lab door that you had just entered through. April sucked in a deep breath, knowing you were pissed off, so instead of trying to force the two of you to get along, she was ready and willing to follow you out of the lab. But it seemed your comment had struck a nerve on Ol’ Donatello. “Only an intellectual individual would understand how cool my lab is, therefore crowning me the coolest person you’ll ever meet. Top side or here in the sewers, darling” he hadn’t looked up from his phone, but he was definitely clenching it a tad harder than before.
You chuckled darkly, darling? He’d regret that. What was the count? Oh yeah, strike three. You were still walking for the door, turning only when you reached it. Glancing around the supposedly ‘cool’ place, and deciding right then and there the two of you were never going to be friends. No, there was a special kind of relationship between the two of you. You assumed it would level up to hate eventually but for now you’d stick him in the dislike pile. Maybe he would realize how stuck up he sounded, especially for a first meeting. Your eyes snagged on a container that had somewhat of a spotlight on it. As if to say, out of all the things in his lab, this was one of his favorites. So you were a little mean when you said, “I don’t know, it’d be a lot cooler if that was genuine uranium instead of a carbon copy fake,” nodding at the said container and then you shoved the door open without giving him a chance to reply. April scurried out, harshly whispering to Donnie that she would have a word with him later.
Donnie hadn’t gotten up from his swivel chair the entire time–you had just soaked up his favorite place in the world, all with the most judgmental eyes. You weren’t just judging his lab though, you were judging him. But he never thought that you would actually know what you were looking at. Much less be able to tell the difference from him forging and putting together a fake piece of uranium. Or just that you even knew it was uranium to begin with?! You surprised him. And you had also dissed him. A mistake that he would make sure you would regret. He quickly removed his feet from his work table, dusting it off. He never put his feet up there, he had done it because you were there. A stranger that April trusted, and he wanted to appear to be the badass he proclaimed himself to be. Donnie felt like doing something illegal, something to obtain real uranium and shove that into your face. Because there was no way he could legally afford such material. He wondered if you were some rich uptown-ie. And immediately he was pushing his swivel chair away from the work table towards his big screen. “Well darling, you’ve got my attention, now, how much science do you actually know?” He muttered to himself as he did a google search. What? He’d start off with the basics. Then he’d dive into the dark web for all your dirty little secrets, if you had any. You looked like the type to hide stuff. But what he came up with was mainly surface information. Perfect grades, perfect family (only child), perfect records, even for attendance. Which then came as no surprise when he saw you had no criminal record. It didn’t add up, no one could be that perfect, he went back, to middle school, to elementary, and still you had perfect grades/attendance/record.
“Hmm,” he spun in his chair. What’s a goody-little-two-shoes running around in the sewers of NYC with his best friend, the April O’Neil. How did the two of you become friends? These were questions that only said best friend could answer and he knew he had surely pissed her off with his antics. Donnie sighed, he’d do a deeper dive in the world wide web before he had to admit he was actually curious to April.
Three hours later and nothing relevant. You didn’t even have a social media he could uncover! Fuckity fuck.
“So what’d you think?” April asked sheepishly. Hoping that you’d just forget about the whole interaction with Donnie and focus on how positive the rest of the brothers had been. April thanked the heavens above that even Leo hadn’t acted so childishly. Sure he was still immature, but he wasn’t blatantly rude! April had come to find out that you had a short fuse and a low tolerance for any and all bullshit.
“Raph was cool, Mikey was sweet, Leo was.. alright?” You said, pondering for a moment. Then your eyes hardened and April grimaced, you hadn’t forgotten.
“But that other fellow, the purple one?” You just shook your head, knowing he was still April’s friend, whether you liked him or not. You wouldn’t go as far as to bad mouth him in front of her. That would put her in an awkward position, so you kept your mouth shut—but April readily spoke up. “I don’t know what his problem was!! Honestly Y/n, he’s a great guy, and I’ll prove it to you. He probably didn’t have any coffee this morning!” She supplied an excuse and you raised an eyebrow. “Next weekend, like Mikey said, come back with me! It’ll be way more fun, and I’ll make sure to have a word with Donnie,” April pleaded.
It was easy to agree, truly the other guys were cool, you just had a bad taste in your mouth from the purple one. “Alright, I’ll be there then,” you gave April a small smile and she instantly relaxed. “Yes!! Awesome, this will be just—“ she looked down at her phone, immediately hiding it from your view in an attempt at being discrete. You did, however, notice how her eyes had hardened just slightly behind her glasses. “I’ve gotta take this. I’ll text you the details, see ya tomorrow?” April asked. You nodded, “Of course, do I ever miss class?” You joked, and April couldn’t help but laugh, thinking of some fond memories of you rushing in, barely making it some days but still there. “True that! Alright, see ya laters!” April waved, taking off towards a different direction than where the both of you had been heading. You noticed it was back towards the alleyway, likely to the manhole—right back down to the sewers.
You shoved your hands into the pockets of your hoodie. You would give the purple turtle credit for one thing, and one thing only, he had given you slight inspiration. You headed to your apartment, to your own lab. The benefits of being a straight A student and having rich parents, was practically getting anything you wanted from them. And yes, especially if you told them it was for school, and to them sure, all the stuff you bought sounded scientific enough. They didn’t know better, truly they were just happy that you did so well in school. That’s really all that mattered to them. Get the grade, and you’ll be rewarded, so get the grade you did. You never disappointed, that wasn’t in your DNA, nope not in your gene code. So as you typed in the code to your front door, passing through the living room and heading straight for the only other door with a keypad lock, you typed in a different set of numbers. Swish, the door slid open before you, and you were hit with a chilly breeze. Ah, home sweet home.
“I’ll give you one chance to offer up a good reason as to why you were acting so—so—so childishly earlier!” April had stormed back to the lair and went straight for Donnie’s lab as soon as she saw him calling. She hadn’t answered his call, no sir, she would much rather face him. “You should’ve seen the face they made as soon as they locked eyes with me,” Donnie started and April scowled, “Are you serious?!” April practically yelled; Donnie continued, “Yes, I am, and not just me—they were eyeing my lab like it was a junkyard. I may get some parts from there, but this is definitely not a repo place.” Donnie threw his arm to the side as if to make his point. His lab was flawless, freshly cleaned (he had done so just for April and her friend, you.) “Donnie, you spoke first. You started that whole bicker back and forth,” April exasperated, “now I’m asking you to put the whole thing aside for me, and get along. Please?!” Donnie grumbled to himself, muttering how he didn’t know if that would be possible if you couldn’t fix your resting bit-
“DONNIE!” April really yelled this time. He closed his mouth, had he been saying that out loud? Sheesh, you had really done a number on him. Though maybe he was just frustrated he hadn’t been able to find anything more interesting about you. Just the fact that you were rich due to your father’s wealth as a political figure. Which only made Donnie even more angry, you definitely had the money to buy materials he couldn’t… that is, if what he was assuming was true and that you were just as big a nerd as him. “Fine, how about you tell me why, or I should say, how the two of you even became friends?” Surely April could shed some light on that unknown fact. “It’s a long story, but I promise, Y/n is legit, just give them another chance, they’ll be back next weekend,” April informed as she stood, obviously planning on heading out. But this wasn’t good, Donnie hadn’t gotten any information at all! He sighed loudly, and April shot him a glare. “Dee,” she sighed, “I thought the two of you would get along.. you have way more in common than you think.” April shook her head, and Donnie softened if only slightly. “Okay okay, for you, and you only” and April beamed brightly. “Awesome, just watch, the two of you will be buds in no time!”
And now you have a bit of context! Still confused?
Well, next week arrived and it had been going all according to April’s plan. Everyone getting along for the most part, though subtle glares were definitely exchanged. You and Donnie were… cordial? Yes, we’ll go with that word. Mikey and April had thrown a pizza party, plenty of boxes to share. Then after a movie night was in order, and after that the board games had begun. This was where things started to go a little haywire. April didn’t know why she had thought it was a good idea to let Leo choose, but she did, and monopoly it was. A long ass game that definitely could break up the fragile peace that April had been trying to cultivate between you and Donnie. As soon as Donnie had landed on one of Y/n’s property, they held out their hand for him to cough up the fake cash. His eyes had turned ablaze. Not because of your hand, but because of your smug little face, more than happy to have had him pay up first. Instead of passing the money, he slid it your way, making you pick it up yourself. Classy Donatello, very classy.
It was war after that. The light blue properties and railroads secured by Y/n, you were on a roll and trying to get the oranges next. Though Mikey had practically called it in the beginning, he hadn’t gotten that lucky with his rolls, instead landing on the pinks and utilities. You had actually traded Mikey the last utility property for the last railroad. (Donnie had seethed, not thinking that was a smart trade on Mikey’s part, but really he just didn’t want you getting another set.) Donnie had the red’s and the dark blues, plotting on everyone’s demise. All it would take would be just one person to land on those expensive ass properties that had him almost broke now, but he was in this for the long run. Long run indeed, one by one the other brothers ended up bankrupt to either you or Donnie’s schemes until it was just April left. It was getting pretty late too, April would say so every time it was her turn, but she would immediately be thwarted by both you and Donnie saying, “It’s almost over!” “Just one more round.”
The competitive nature between the both of you was alive and crackling. It was your turn, and you landed on the chance tile. As you picked up a card, the color from your face drained. “This is bullshit.” You muttered, throwing the card down on the center of the board for everyone to see. “Oh noooooo!” Mikey wailed, he had been rooting for you, much to Donnie’s dismay. Out of all the cards, you picked the one that forced you to move to Boardwalk, aka the dark blue that Donnie had the most hotels built on. It was a sure shot defeat, you knew you would go bankrupt. “It was all part of the plan,” he said as he tapped the side of his head smugly. “Yeah well, make sure to thank the chance card for your victory,” you made sure to say.
April piped up, “I’m still in the game too you know!” You gave her a sheepish smile. While that was true, April didn’t have as much as Donnie now had—with his properties and yours included, it was a sure win. “But let’s call it a night huh?” April asked for a final time and you agreed, getting up and stretching. April didn’t think you were a sore loser but on the off hand that Donnie started to brag, April wanted to get you out of there while the mood was still amiable. The brothers all said their goodbyes, Mikey already asking for future plans. Donnie had walked silently back to his lab after his mumbled sayonara. To which you only hesitated a second before following after him.
Leo nudged April, nonexistent eyebrows waggling and silently telling her to not follow just yet. April’s eyes widened, wondering if the two of you were finally going to become closer! The best buds plan that she had hoped for were now in the foreseeable future?! She smiled brightly now watching as you disappeared around the corner that led to Donnie’s lab.
“Hey wait,” you called out when you saw he was about to shut the lab door. Donnie took a step backwards, head peeking out of the entryway to see you had stopped a couple feet away from his lab. “I just wanted to say, good game.. it was smart to consider the chance cards and their uses,” your hands were in your hoodie pockets. You made sure to keep eye contact, trying to convey your sincerity. Donnie’s full form came into view as he leaned against the lab door. Listening intently, eyes not leaving yours. When you finished he wondered if April had put you up to saying something like this. But the way your eyes immediately went to the floor after you finished, the way your feet were shuffling, he deduced that possibility was less than likely.
“Yeah, it was a good game, mostly because I won,” he grinned, unable to stop from bragging— at least a little! You rolled your eyes. “Right,” you replied, giving up on the sincere tone. “But for a second there, I thought I was in deep trouble, it was uh- fun to play with you,” Donnie remedied, the smugness fading into something more genuine. You raised an eyebrow, smiling slightly as you watched him backtrack a little. Being a little nice in fact. “I was thinking, you’re pretty smart-“
“Not just smart, I’d say I’m on par with Einstein’s level of genius” Donnie interrupted you quickly. You cleared your throat, shooting him a glare as you started to rock back and forth on your heels, “as I was saying, I have some things I’ve been working on for a while, I think they may be more useful to you and your brothers.” You concluded, but it was Donnie’s turn to raise an eyebrow. “What things exactly?”
One day later, and you were back in the sewers, specifically in the common area of the lair. The suitcase you had brought down was popped open, and Raph and Mikey were peering inside as you grabbed the first weapon. “So this isn’t the most dangerous thing I’ve built but I’d say freezing people solid is pretty handy when it comes to vigilante work!” You said, pointing the gun up in the air for safe measure. Donnie was on the far side of the room, and the look on his face was close to outrage. You wanted to give his brothers cool weapons??? That was his job! Plus they didn’t need weapons, they already had weapons. Sure they didn’t freeze people, BUT they did not need your things. If anything his brothers should only want—
“Cool! Can I try??” Mikey was making grabby hands for the freeze ray and you readily handed it over. “Just be careful, the safety’s off.” You said and no sooner had you spoken a blast was shot, near poor Leo, who was quick enough to move completely out of the way. “Hey!” Leo screeched, turning his face to see the pizza boxes that had been piling up had turned into ice. “Woah,” Leo breathed out, impressed. Raph took the weapon from Mikey, not trusting him to have another shot accidentally go off. “Heh, whoops!” Mikey said sheepishly as he ran over to the block of iced pizza boxes.
“You guys think that’s cool??” Donnie piped up from across the room. He made a mad dash to his lab, going over to the glass box that read ‘BETA’ and grabbed the first thing he could get his hands on. He was back in the common area in no time, “Feast your eyes on this,” From what you could tell he was holding a weapon much like yours, shaped like a gun. He flicked a switch, aiming in your direction, “Donnie!” Raph warned, but he pulled the trigger anyway. A blast shot past your face, inches away until it landed on the recliner by the projector. On impact it shrunk two times its normal size! “A shrink ray?!” Mikey exclaimed, running to go pick up the mini sized chair. Donnie’s weapon was now directed up in the air, resting on his shoulder, he had a smug smile on his face, daring you to top that.
Game on! It was a battle of who could outshine the other. All inventions were being put on showcase for the brothers and eventually April (who had just gotten out of her last class) to ‘ohh’ and ‘ahh’ at. Weapon after weapon, prototype after prototype. Until the really dangerous shit was coming out to play. “ALRIGHT,” Donnie said, skidding to a stop for the seventh time. The trip to his lab to the living room was getting to be a bit tiring. He pointed the most dangerous thing he had, directly at you. You did the same, out of your suitcase came a wicked looking weapon, and you clicked the safety off, aiming at Donnie’s face. The two of you were huffing angrily at one another.
“This place is about to blow,” April whispered to Leo. Popcorn had been popped, everyone enjoying the show the two of you were putting on. “Yeah, and my bet is on Donnie,” Leo added smugly, holding up a fake five dollar bill. He had a knack for sneaking monopoly money when no one was paying attention. And for some reason he still had it. April snorted, “You’re on, you have no idea how crazy Y/n really is,” April held up her own five, that one being real.
“Last chance Y/n,” Donnie took a deep breath, calming himself. He was watching you carefully, one finger ready to pull back the trigger. Y/n rolled their eyes, shifting their weight to one side, then glanced up at the purple clad turtle, “Oh? I was quite certain you were going to back out by now,” a mischievous glint could be seen in your eyes. Donnie gritted his teeth, he was not about to get punked by you. “Guyssss how about we call this a tie!” Mikey breathed out nervously. Twiddling his thumbs together as he came to stand between the two of you. “Only if Y/n admits my weapon is better!” Donnie hollered over Mikey and your eyes narrowed, “Not happening,” you said immediately. Raph spoke up then, “what exactly do those guns do?” You and Donnie were talking over one another not making much sense but the gist was, BOOM. The place would go boom.
“Okay,” Raph nodded, “PUT THE WEAPONS DOWN!” He yelled at the both of you. Simultaneously it was like all the air had been sucked out of the room as slowly, the two of you listened, weapons going down to your respective sides. “Mine’s better,” Donnie muttered, and you scoffed. “It was never a competition! I just wanted to—“ and you stopped yourself. You took in a deep breath, stalked forward, you weren’t about to admit this to the entire room. You brushed past the purple turtle. He had expected you to flash out once you reached him but you just kept walking, to his lab he assumed and immediately he was following after you.
“Should we make sure they don’t kill each other in a different room?” April thought aloud. Leo’s hand made a swipe in the air, “Nahhh I’ll bet another $5” he quickly held up another fake, “that everything figures itself out!” Mikey was scurrying over making his own bets and Raph was wondering if this was the smartest thing to do right about now. When just a couple of minutes ago the place could’ve gone boom! But he was quickly being dragged into Leo and April’s betting game.
As soon as Donnie passed the threshold of his lab, you were there, backing him into the door as it shut behind him. “What’re you—?!” Donnie exclaimed not liking the close proximity at all. “That’s what I should be asking you! I thought we were finally getting along?” You accused, waving the weapon around that was still in your hand. “Yeah that was until you decided to showboat and try to take my job!” Donnie surmised angrily. “You got issues because all I was trying to do was help!” You confessed as you threw the weapon to the ground in frustration. “We don’t need your help.” Donnie sneered, wanting to get his point across, he was the tech guy, he was the genius, they didn’t need a second.
You jabbed a finger straight into his plastron. “I knew it. I knew you were just some self-obsessed, ego-maniac, who only cares about himself.” You were met with a hard stare. You waited for him to challenge that, to dare and say you were wrong. “Oh yeah? Well you—“ his own fists clenching, “are the most privileged, prissy, judgmental person I’ve ever met!” You smirked, batting away his insults with a, “and how many people have you met exactly?” Insinuating mutant turtles don’t exactly have much of a social life. “Fuck you,” Donnie glowered. “Fuck you too.” And somewhere along the insults and the arguing the two of you had gotten pressed together. It was silent for a moment as the two of you realized this, your eyes widening if only slightly as Donnie’s breath fanned your face.
He was looking at you carefully, noting your surprise and the way your breath quickened. You saw the way his eyes darted to your lips, and the way he swallowed. Fuck it! You both thought as your heads came crashing to one another. Lips meeting and teeth clacking, it was a brutal kiss. Heated passion that was stoked by the fire of anger and attraction. His hands were pulling you impossibly closer, going around your waist. Your own hands were pressed against his upper plastron. Moments passed until air was needed and your head moved back slightly to gulp down oxygen. “You drive me crazy,” Donnie said, meeting your lips once more, not letting you rest. You kissed him back feverishly, agreeing wholeheartedly, he drove you crazy too. “So is this a truce?” You panted as he drew back to breath. “For now..” he smirked, already enjoying the effect he had on you. You shook your head, was it possible for his ego to get any larger? One of his hands came up and his fingers caught your chin, lifting it and his lips met yours one more time. This kiss was softer, but it took your breath away all the same. “I guess your inventions aren’t half-bad” he murmured against your lips. You smiled smugly, “Damn right!”
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j-nope-not-today · 7 months
Can You Do A Vampire Leo x F!Reader But In Bayverse And With Prompts And Do A Lemon For It Too
89. Mating season 142. “Bite me.” 123. “Don’t hold back.” 58. Turtle bedroom 5. “MINE.” and Turning into a vampire
Let me help
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Tmnt Leonardo x reader
A/n: Thanks a lot for requesting! Sorry I took so long to get done, but please enjoy! I hope you like it :)
Not for minors though so minors steer clear >:)
The dojo was hot. The sweat gathered at my brow. My breathing heavy. I had insisted leo teach me some moves. All in an attempt to catch his attention. Why? Because Leo had been ignoring me for days. I couldn't place why. I had tried to ask, but my every attempt was thwarted and now here we stood. Labored breathing and intense eye contact.
What did he do next? Nothing. He turned and walked off after he taught me some moves. Not a word exchanged the whole session.
"Leo! Wait up!" I speed walk behind him, reaching out. Catching his arm.
"What?" Leo growled, spinning in place, facing me.
God was he tall..so very tall. I gulp.
"Spit it out." I huff at his words. His harsh tone.
"What the hell is the problem huh? What did I do? Your never like this.."
"Well maybe you don't know me then." He snarked.
I stare at Leo long and hard before I come to the realization of what the issue was. Sort of like a heat is how Donnie described it. Two things made it very clear. Leo's behavior and the very prominent boner he had. I bite my lip to stop from laughing. My eyes trail back up to Leo's and I sigh.
"Alright...maybe your right. Maybe your wrong, but what I do know is I can help. So let me help."
"I'm sorry-what?" Leo looked very shocked.
"Let..me..help." I sounded it out slowly.
Leo sighed deeply and nodded slowly. I smiled in victory and dragged Leo to his room. It wasn't a secret I had always liked him. So this was a win for me. Though I didn't know how Leo felt. Though by the way he carefully guided me to lay on his bed and his now nervous demeanor I picked up on the fact he very well might be harboring the same feelings I do.
"So..do I just-or-uh" I laugh quietly at his stuttering
"Leo..are you a virgin?" He avoided my eyes and nodded and I sit up.
"Do you want this?" Another nod.
"..yes..yes to both." He mumbled.
"You don't have to be shy..we can go your pace.."
"Okay.." I smile and have Leo sit on his bed. Now I was the nervous one.
"Kissing first..okay?" Leo nodded at my words and I set my hands on his face. Gently pushing mine against his. His lips were soft..gentle like a summer's breeze. It felt right. Leo pushed his lips harder against mine. He was frenzied, rushed as if I would run away.
I place a hand on his cheek and pull back, mumbling
"Take your time.." Leo simply nodded and leaned forward again. I kiss him softly again. Gently. We find a pattern. A perfect middle.
Before I knew it I was on my back and Leo was above me.
"I'm new at this..but I want to try something.."
"Okay." I smile. Reassuring him enough for Leo to continue. He leans down and his lips connect with my neck. Sucking softly. I feel his tongue soothe over my skin. Before he pulls back with a pop.
"Could..you maybe bite me?" I stare wide eyed at Leo and nod at his request. Leaning up I bite his neck. Delighting in the whimper that leaves his lips. So decadent was he.
"Leo" I breathe out. I was soaked. All of this pent up sexual tension mixed with the anticipation and the fact he kept grinding against my thigh was really getting to me.
I pull Leo into a fierce kiss and I start tugging off my shirt. Throwing it aside. Leo instantly got the hint and aided me in discarding my clothes. I helped him with his until we were both in the same state of nudity. My eyes widened at the size of him. Huge. What other word could be used.
I wasted no time in pushed Leo back onto the bed so that I could straddle him. Leo's hands found my hips and he started to push and pull me. Rocking me on his lap. Rubbing his cock between my folds. All whilst mumbling
"Ugnhh..so wet.."
I placed my hands onto his chest and maneuvered so that I could feel the tip of his cock prodding at my entrance. I slowly pushed against him until Leo got the hint and began pushing into me. Slowly. The stretch burned, but it was good so good. I felt so full. Full of him.
I let out a shaky breath. Moan maybe? I was so lost. Leo gripped my hips tight and I felt him pull out and he sunk right back in. I gasped. The top half of me folding to lay onto Leo. My eyes closed and I moaned. It was all I could do. I had this plan that I would be in control, but no...no Leo had other plans.
He just kept rocking me back and forth. Pushing in and out. The sounds of slapping skin and squelched was heard throughout the small space of his room. Until the grand finale. My orgasm shook me. My eyes rolling back into my head. Leo's whimpers filled my ears.
Next thing I was aware of was laying on my back as Leo gently wiped a cloth over my thighs.
"Huh?" Leo glances up at me.
"I think you passed out. It's okay..go to sleep. I'll help you." I nod slowly and close my eyes. Opening my mouth to speak. Leo cut me off.
"Don't worry..you'll get a chance to redeem yourself." I smiled. At least next time I'd get to be the boss.
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spoopyblues214 · 8 months
A ficlet about a dream I had where I went to ikea with the disaster twins. Second person, you decide if it's platonic or romantic I don't know lmao
Also to the ask I got, requests are open! Yours will be next and to anyone else who's interested just send an ask
Word count: 610
You walked through the entrance with the two turtles, only for Leo to take your hand and pull you along. Apparently, you hadn't been walking fast enough for the slider. In turn you grabbed onto Donnie's arm, making him fumble his phone before holding it with just his free hand and giving you the other one to hold. When Leo slowed, he swung your hands back and forth, which you gladly attributed to. Donnie rubbed circles and lines onto the back of your hand as the two of you walked, but he didn't look up from his phone.
Every now and then Leo would break away and come back to show a silly trinket or make a pun on the swedish name for an item, which had you smiling and rolling your eyes. Donnie didn't gain any interest until the displays turned into example rooms, which is where he began to split off and mumble to himself about the decor. You'd follow, stand next to him and rock on your heels unless you felt like picking up a smaller thing to inspect in the fake bedrooms. Once you got to the display kitchens, Donnie got this strange look in his eye, and you couldn't decipher it until he spoke.
"Shelldon's been struggling processing things lately, though I'm sure you wouldn't know anything about that."
I had to try very hard to keep from smiling, before replying, "I'm not the one keeping him from recharging his energy at night, working on hundreds of unfinished projects."
He failed at hiding his smirk about the fact that you were in on the joke, but still continued, "oh, I'M the one keeping him from recharging? Maybe if you didn't get him sucked in to all those video games-"
"You're upset with me for rewarding good behavior? Don, when I'm not around he's miserable," the argument had been started, and the fake anger providing entertainment from passersby was rewarding.
It was especially fun for the two of you to walk the tightrope that the little drone could be an actual kid. Leonardo had come by with wooden birds on metal wire legs only to almost drop them at the shouting match the two of you had gotten into. Though, after his jaw un-dropped, he was losing his shit, trying not to laugh and fighting an uphill battle whenever someone passed by and made faces at the two of you arguing. He made damn sure to take pictures to laugh at later. The two of you came to the conclusion that Donnie would stop keeping Shelldon operating even if he was still working on something after twelve am. You would have to stop pampering him for every little thing, even if you were the only one who did so for the little drone.
You took both your turtles hands and led them to the cafeteria, where Donnie had just the meatballs, you had yours with gravy, and Leo had his with the lingonberry sauce. When Leo was done he kept stealing your mashed potatoes, so Donnie gave you his after you ran out. After lunch you all made for the exit, Leo still appearing with random items that caught his interest, though he stopped with the puns. You were easily distracted as Donnie went and paid for something.
Once out the door, the slider teleported all of you back to the layer, where you were scooped up by Raph for a movie night. Later that night you found a stuffed turtle on you bed that looked a little derpy, the tag labeled "BLÅVINGAD." How the twins had managed to sneak it past you was a mystery.
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cherryo · 2 years
Heyo!! I read ur Raph x reader smut and it was adorable!! May I request A Donnie x chubby Fem reader? Fluff and smut!! I don't really like anything angsty (⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~
hi darling!! I'm so glad you enjoyed the Raph fic!! I don't write for him often so I'm glad it was good <33 Donnie is my favorite, in all of the versions and series hands down so this was super easy. i am sorry that it took so long though!!
I'm not technically chubby (just what some people would say like pudgy? in my mind those are different but if not I'm sorry :(( ) but I see a lot of Chubby!readers are insecure? which sucks!!! you should not be insecure about it!! (I understand though) anywho I didn't really know how to bring up the fact reader was chubby but I did my best!!
genre: fluff to smut pairing: Rise!Donnie x reader <3 word count:2270 pronouns: she/her and fem bodied!!
warnings: talk of marriage!! no baby talk though, explicit themes, cursing, post-movie but no spoilers for the movie (in the movie Donnie is in fact 16 so it's four years post :))a tiny bit body worship,donnie being mean and teasing slightly(also edging and overstim, plus crying) slight cervix fucking and creampie, i really tried to keep down anything rough or hard but it’s diffifuclt for me lol ,  somewhat proof read but not really!! i hope you enjoy <33
It started out like any other day, you had slept over the night before at the lair. You guys had been watching Lou jitsu movies, taking a break so you guys could skate (more like watching the boys skate, their ramp is far too scary for you). 
Donnie had gotten bored of skating, opting to go back to his lab to work on more projects. Dragging you along with him, of course, he couldn't be a second without you for the most part.  You found a comfy chair, bringing it over to his desk to be close and watch him work. 
The extra chair had just shown up out of the blue one day, Donnie claims it had been there the whole time but his blush says otherwise. You dropped it, you thought the silent declaration of "I want you to be here and close to me" was sweet and you'd rather not ruin it. 
Scooting closer to him in your chair, he looked up at you to acknowledge you, his goggles already pulled down onto his face. Turning back with a tiny soft smile on his face, he wondered how he got so lucky as to have found you. 
Before meeting you he never had thought about a relationship, and definitely never thought about the future of that relationship, but here he was thinking about what it held for the two of you. 
You guys hadn't ever talked about marriage or beyond the next month regarding your relationship. You thought about it often though, what it would be like to marry him, live with him, grow old with him. 
"Come look at this" Donnie said, him speaking snapped you out of your daze. He looked at you concerned about what just happened, he dropped it when you gave me a slight shake of your head. 
Standing up to look at his project, it was just the blueprints for upgrades for Sheldon. It all looked so cool, but you didn't understand most of it, Donnie was a genius and it showed. 
"Wow! All of it is so interesting, can you explain it to me? " you loved indulging in his interests, even if you didn't understand it the way he talked about his tech was amazing. He looked happy whenever you asked him to talk about it, you wanted him to be happy, you knew his brothers didn't always listen and that was hard for him. 
You understood just how difficult it was to talk when you knew people didn't listen. Thats one thing he loved about you, you made him feel heard and he could go on for hours, you would still be sitting there with the same amazed face you had an hour ago. You were the one person to completely understand him. Donnie wrapped his arms around your torso, cold hands reaching under your shirt wandering for some warmth. Gasping at his cold hands, he looked at you to make sure it was okay. You loved that about him, no matter what he did, he asked if it was okay with you and he never had hard feelings if it wasnt. You nodded to show it was okay, he went back to explaining the gist of what he was planning on building or adding onto his blueprints.
Your deep breaths alerted him to just how close his hands were on your stomach, he was close to the edge of your pants. His hands started getting clammy, realizing he could simply push past the band of your pants down to your panties. Instead of indulgin in his perverted thoughts, he just started squeezing your stomach and moving his hands onto your hips.
He did this a lot when you guys would cuddle, you thought none the wiser of him. Coughing to bring his head back into his projects, he was back to explaining it. The thoughts were still running through his mind by the time he was done talking about his projects, swiftly standing up and pushing both chairs out of the way. 
“You drive me crazy,” his hands were still on your hips, under your shirt. “Wh-what?” he startled you, he didnt usually express what you do to him. He started massaging your hips, trying to get his thoughts in place. Sighing, he rested his forehead on yours “your voice, your body, the way you listen and love me. It drives me crazy, i never thought someone like me could pull someone like you,” he started slowly moving his hands upwards towards your chest, lifting your shirt as he went.
“Donnie, you know i love you for you, theres no changing that. I think we were made for each other and thats why you and me are together,” you kissed his nose, thats what you always did when he was talking like this. Surprising you he lifted your shirt off and kissed you, hard. 
Moaning at how hot the kiss was, donnie pulling you in closer by your belt loops. His hips being pressed against yours meant one thing, you could feel his cock. It was slowly getting hard, you realized where this was going and you were very excited for it.
You felt his hands reach under your bra to cup your chest, squeezing every now and again.
One hand stayed on your chest while the other slowly made its way to your hip, holding you close to him, slightly grinding on you. He broke the kiss, heavily breathing into your mouth.
“Can we go farther, please,” he begged you, moaning the last word of his sentence. Both hands now on your hips, basically clawing at them, showing just how needy he was.
“Mhm, i want you Donnie, i need you,” sighing at the fact he was pushing you down onto his desk, his blue prints and stuff had been cleared off. Slowly laying down on the desk, he kept kissing your neck, leaning over you. He was leaving hickies and bite marks on his way down to your pants. Looking back up to make sure it was okay, only continuing when you nodded at his question.
He swiftly pulled your pants all the way off, leaving your panties still on. Getting a little red at the pair you had chosen, white with a tiny bow. Donnie softly laughed at the sight, finding it adorable that you had such cute panties. Lifting one leg onto his shoulder, he started sucking and biting your inner thigh leaving love bites and bruises on your thighs. 
Deciding that he’d had enough of your panties blocking his view, he winked at you and ripped them off your body. Gasping at how cold the desk was against your ass, you looked back down at Donnie. He was softly caressing your thighs, the love in his eyes prevalent, the way he softly touched you and looked at your body. “You’re beautiful, you know that?” his beautiful brown eyes looking at you, daring you to say otherwise.
“Hm, i dont know donnie, maybe right now isnt the time for questions?” giggling at his habit of asking questions in the worst of times, only to moan at the fact he had pushed a finger into your wet center. “I dont know sweetheart, i think right now is the perfect time for questions,” he mumbled as he thrusted his fingers in and out, rubbing spots to see what noise youd make.
“So again, you know you’re beautiful right? Body and mind,” he kept thrusting, not going to give you a chance to really think about what to say. “Hmmm-m, donnie” moaning his name, his brutal pace not giving you a break. “Im sorry darling? That didnt seem to be answer,” he stopped his ministrations, looking at you, waiting for your answer. “nhnnmh”  trying to force out an “mhm” for his question, he went back to his brutal, unforgiving pace. “That wasnt an answer,” stuffing another finger into your soppy cunt, “you’re going to have to do better than that, sweetheart.” “I know,,hmmn- i’m beautiful” you gasped out, reeling from all the pleasure you were getting.
“Good girl, thank you for answering,” pulling out his fingers, shushing you as you whined at the loss of contact. Standing up, he pulled you closer to him so that your ass was barely on the table, he put your legs around his hips. He rubbed his cock on your folds, swiping past where you needed him most. 
Finally pushing his cock into your cunt, both of you moaning at the feeling. Your center was practically sucking his cock in, squeezing at the burn of him stretching you open. Pushing your hips back onto him, trying to get as much of him in you as possible, he held your hips to keep you still. He wasnt prepared for the way you felt, the wet and warm feeling. His brain was short circuiting at how good you felt, slowly moving to test the waters. 
You moaned at the feeling of him moving, feel his cock twitch inside of you at the noise you made. He decided to just go for it, not even slowly building up the gently pace, he thrusted hard and rough. He lost a bit of his composure, just lost in the pleasure and the noises you hadnt stopped making. Leaning over you, he bit you hard on your shoulder, suppressing the moans and grunts he was making. Making his way up your neck, giving you hard kisses anywhere he could, he finally made it to your lips.
Kissing you harder than he has, mainly to muffle out the loud moans and attempts at his name. Going harder, trying to get you to cum before he can, trying to put you first. Your moans themself could make him cum, he held out. He reached between the two of you to reach your clit, making infinity signs, making your legs shake and you to lose the rhythm you guys had between kisses. Pressing down harder and making tighter finger patterns, hearing your breath hitch and you saying you were close, he stopped. You whined at the fact he left you without cumming, to be honest you didnt know what would be worse, him edging you or over-stimulating you. You didnt have to guess which would be worse, you were about to find out as he went back to his abusive attack on your clit. He kept pressing harder, that familiar knot appearing in your stomach, you knew you were close to cumming. Hitting that one spot in your gummy cunt, making you cum hard, Donnie kept thrusting not caring about the fact you were being overstimulated. In fact, he went harder and faster to keep you shaking and overstimulated, he found it so hot at the way you were when overstimulated.
His insistance to keep thrusting and fucking you while you were overstimmed made you cry, it was too much. He found that certain spot in you and kept aiming and angeling his hips to hit that spot, making you cum twice more before he was even close. You could tell he was getting closer by him losing the rhythm, his hips stuttering everyonce in a while. You get grasping at his biceps, having nowhere else to brace yourself for his rough thrusts.
He angeled your legs to be higher up on his hips, just so he get hit your cervix over and over again. He was close, so fucking close but he didnt want to just cum and be over with it, he was getting so much pleasure and seeing you in so much pleasure only made him harder. He was finally about to cum, your legs were still locked around his hips, demanding for him to cum inside of you. 
Reacing his high and cumming in you, his hips stuttering and pushing against your hips to reach your cervix. You moaned at the fact he came inside of you, only for him to overstimm himself and try to fuck your cervix even more. Slowing down to just keep his cock in you to keep his cum from leaking out. Leaning up to rest his forehead against yours, he whispered out and ‘i love you’ giving your nose a soft kiss. 
Pulling out and silently reaching for a towel to wipe the sweat off of you and wipe your thighs down from where it was sticky his and your cum. Smiling gently and rubbing softly, he tossed the towel and grabbed your clothes. He made sure you knew you didnt have to do anything but just lay there and look pretty. Sliding on your panties and then your pants, he picked you up and while making sure the coast was clear, spedwalked to his room.
“Did you want to slip into something more comfortable?” laying you gently on his bed, looking at his dresser draws and then back at you. “Mhm, that would be nice Donnie,” you just looked at him lovingly, this showed just how much he cared about you. He went over and grabbed a purple hoodie and some black checkered pants, making sure you would be able to change by yourself while he went and cleaned himself off.
Coming back to you under the blankets and slowly dozing off, he slid under the covers and scooped you up into his arms. Petting your hair and giving you kisses against your head, you guys didnt need words half the time. You could communicate through touches and silent actions, this whole aftercare screamed “i love you” and you both felt it as you drifted off to sleep.
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
oo I was wondering if maybe the brothers in your AU would have different levels of food anxiety? Honestly I was thinking mostly Raph, considering he's the oldest, largest (at least body weight wise it seems?) and probably expends the most energy taking care of his brothers and doing most of the chores when he was younger.
Probably especially bad that Leo could bully food from any one else and get away with it, and sounds like he might've picked on Raph most in that regard, or if Leo took Donnie or Mikey's food Raph was more willing to split or even give his portions away.
That's assuming Splinter even fed them, which considering the "timeout corner" they might have had to forage for food more than once.
Because like I was thinking about the dynamic between Raph and Casey and how Raph's food anxiety could be what helped drive him to make sure Casey had at least some food (he knows how much it sucks and doesn't want someone else to be stuck like that) and how Casey could have a big impact on Raph if he helped Raph to have a more stable source of food/ate enough.
<- also kinda related thoughts. Raph might be smaller in your version because he didn't get all the nutrition he needed growing up so his height/size is stunted? Also maybe why Leo is the tallest (favourite child privileges?). Hunger might have also helped drive Raph to try running away?
<- I could definitely see Mikey and/or Donnie having food anxiety too, with either food hoarding or getting aggressive when they think someone will steal their food? Or fast eating.
<- Basically I am ROTATING THEM IN MY HEAD!!
OHHHH this is an ask i have so much personal investment in because here’s a Not Super Secret fact about me, I’ve got Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder! And (partially because of that) I starved a lot as a kid! BASICALLY me and all my siblings have weird relationships to food so I am FULLY committed to making these guys relationships with food weird as well.
Splinter DOES feed them, in that there is FOOD in the HOUSE which is EDIBLE. He doesn’t really cook for them, though. Raph’s been cooking for them since he was old enough to take on that job, though he mostly made easy stuff at first like sandwiches/soup/noodles/uncooked vegetables.
So lets go through each turtle and look at how things turned out, why dont we?
Leo: Leo has the least food issues of them all. To him, it’s more like a status thing. If he wants something, he’ll take it. It doesn’t matter if there’s only enough soup for them to each have one bowl, he’ll have two if he feels like it. He does it because he knows he can get away with it, and because it’s been normalized. It doesn’t feel like a huge issue/violation to him.
Mikey: Mikey binges/eats food as fast as possible. He doesn’t wanna give anyone the chance to take it from him. He’s the least discerning and will eat stuff even if it’s kind of rotten/stale. He doesn’t have the self restraint to hoard food, he’d just eat it all immediately. Mikey gets reasonably aggressive about his food, but wouldn’t actually hurt his brothers (except maybe Leo) to get it back. then again his brothers (except leo) typically wouldn't take it from him anyway.
Donnie: Donnie has a ton of texture issues and because of that he’s a picky eater, he’s starved the most second only to Raph, because even when there IS food he can’t always get himself to eat it. he’s more used to the pain of starvation than the disgust of eating something with a Bad Texture
(shoutout to MYSELF. I was really out here dying as a 12 year old, huh? Fully eating 1 sandwich a day and crying about it cause the bread felt gross and dry in my mouth.)
Donnie is prone to hoarding food, but keeps it hidden in various places because if Leo thought Donnie had more food than him, he’d try to steal it. So Donnie keeps his stashes secret, but will share food if he thinks the others REALLY need it. Because Donnie can only eat specific kinds of food, he’s very aggressive about protecting his food from others. But he can’t beat Leo in a fight, so he usually resorts to hiding the food.
Donnie has slight cannibalistic urges because of all that (and cause he’s a softshell lol), but it’s not a huge issue and he’d never act on them cause the idea/texture of eating another PERSON is repulsive. He’ll often just chew on something (even himself) to tide himself over. 
Raph: poor, beautiful Raph. Raphael, my darling boy. SO FIRST OF ALL Raph starved the most. If Leo took more than his fair share, Raph would split his portion for his little brothers, because to him taking care of them is his whole reason for being alive.
he has cannibalistic urges too, cause he starves the most (and cause he's a snapping turtle). and that makes him feel like a terrible person. Donnie and Mikey get these urges too, but they never starved quite as bad as Raph did because he’d always split his food with them.
I like the idea that Raph is stunted because of nutritional issues, so yknow what? I'm adopting that. it's canon now.
as for Raph and Casey,,, I think they would definitely share food. In fact, I think Raph would leave Casey food/snacks as gifts when he was trying to befriend him. Casey eventually bringing along food from above ground would be a GAME CHANGER for the turtles, too.
one correction: Donnie is actually the tallest! He just slouches a lot (and I've mostly drawn them as kids, before his growth spurt)
Man, sidenote, but writing this really got me thinking about my childhood more. If we didn't get enough to eat, mom would get mad at us like “why didn’t you eat??” IDK I’m 11 and you’ve been gone all day!! She’d check in with the older kids and ask them (and eventually me, cause at a certain point I was the oldest one home) if the other kids had eaten. And sometimes i’d say i did just to get her off my back. God what a shithole. Anyway, this was a fun ask hah.
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mythica0 · 1 year
Sounds good!! I’d love something with lee Mikey and either ler Donnie or lers Donnie, Leo and Raph. Maybe Mikey is touch starved and really wants hugs, but then it turns into tickles because Mikey is just too ticklish 💖 Take all the time you need!
Touch starved
🧁: Mikey
🍫: Donnie, Leo, Raph
Summary: Mikey is feeling a little touch-starved . His brothers help him out in the giggliest way possible.
A/N: thanks for the request! My first time experimenting with many lers (and actually describing it, unlike with “old returned feelings” where I didn’t describe much) as well as touch starvation, so, I hope I did well!
TW: Descriptions of touch starvation and negative thoughts . Gets all fluffy at the end though!
Touch starved
There he goes again. Mikey, closing himself off from his family despite desperately wanting to spend time with them. To be close to them. To give them hugs and love.
‘No’ something whispered in his head. ‘You don’t want to give them love. You want to receive it. You’re selfish.’
He sighed, curling into a ball under his covers, hoping to replace the cold that was clawing at his bones.
It was never enough, he was always so cold.
This was why he was hiding. He couldn’t bring himself to be around his family because of his selfish wants.
Donnie is averse to touch. Raph is so busy and stressed all the time. Leo is bad with the emotional vulnerability.
He couldn’t ask them for what he wanted. It was selfish.
Selfish. Selfish. Selfish.
With these thoughts swirling around in his head, Mikey broke into tears.
“Guys, something’s going on with Mikey.” Raph Spoke, his tone serious, after pulling his other two brothers to the side when Mikey left.
“Scoff. You are just noticing this now?” Donnie snarked, an eyebrow raised.
“No. It’s just, I was hoping it would work itself out. You know how Mikey gets when I suggest he’s to young for something.”
“That is a fair point, dear twin-o-mine.” Leo called with a playful smirk.
“Oh, you wanna play that game huh?” Donnie hit ready to leap at his Twin.
“GUYS! Focus. This is about Mikey.”
“Ah. Yes. Continue, dear brother.”
“So, here’s what we’re gonna do….”
Raph proceeded to explain that the brothers were going to go check on him, ask him what was wrong. Reassure him that they wont judge, that they’re there for him, bring him comfort, (and also refuse to leave until he fesses up.)
So, the trio together went to visit their youngest brother.
Through his tears, Mikey didn’t hear the footsteps walking through his door.
“Oh, Mikey.” Raph breathed. ‘Time to do this.’
At the voice, the box turtle lifted his head , then promptly buried again, whispering quietly with a tone of desperation,
“Please leave.”
“Never. We will never leave you abandoned like this.”
“Yeah, Angelo, tell us what’s up.”
A clear invitation. Mikey hesitated.., but took it.
He breathed in a hefty breath before starting.
He explained how he’d been feeling touch starved, but didn’t want to burden his brothers with his utterly selfish desire. He explained why he had closed himself off, not wanting to risk his condition to leak through.
All three brothers hugged Mikey tight.
“Oh, Mikey. For someone with such high emotional intelligence, that was awfully stupid.” Leo said, lighthearted but still with so much meaning.
They stayed like that for a while, unmoving. All the older brothers giving Mikey quiet reassurances.
That was, until one of them squeezed just a little to hard on Mikey’s side.
Mikey squeaked, then promptly flushed and tried to hide, embarrassed by the sound.
Leo, the culprit, smirked, noting his brothers reaction, and repeated the action.
When Mikey squeaked again, the other brothers caught on, their previously confused looks turning into smug smiles.
“Hey Angelo. You know what they say about touch starvation?”
“………That it utterly sucks?” He whispered, nervously.
“Nope, although I have no doubt it does, No, the thing they say about touch starvation is that��”
“the best way to cure it is through tickles!” The older turtles all shouted simultaneously, before starting to squeeze Mikey’s various tickle spots.
“ThaHAHATS nohOt EvEeHen COREHEct!!” Mikey’s giggles bounced and fluctuated as his brothers ‘attacked’ him.
Leo was throughly scratching at his knees, switching up to thigh squeezes Avery few seconds.
Donnie was lightly and methodically tracing across his plastron.
Raph was delivering absolutely evil nibbles with his snaggle tooth on his neck.
“Scoff. It is definitely correct. And you have no room for being a smart-Alec in your situation, Angelo.” Donnie intensifies to scratching for a moment, before returning to the light reading from before.
“GUHUHUYS! QUHUHiT IHIHIT!” Mikey was clutching his sides and laughing his head off. He wouldn’t admit it, but this was helping.
Despite his (fake) pleas, his brothers continued for a moment, before retracting and re-embracing Mikey in a large hug.
“Yohou guhuhuys. Ahare . Mehean.” Mikey panted, voice full of leftover giggles.
“Maybe, but you love us.”
“Ihi guess I do, huh.”
And the orange turtle just hugs his brothers closer.
————————THE END———————————
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blackfire-fanfiction · 4 months
Leo and Leon from my Soul Switching AU drop into the @tmntbestsibscompetiton!
[Soul Switching: Rise Leo and 2012 Leo switch with each other when they sleep. Two people sharing their life with the other causes drama. Leo is 2012, Leon is Rise]
Two blue portals – one a bright, electric shade and the other a more dull and calm color – opened above a large area with many different kinds of people wandering about.
The only problem? The portals were angled so when two turtle mutants fell out of them they collapsed on top of each other.
The two groaned, shifting and collapsing into an even bigger mess on the floor.
“Ugh, what hit me?” The red-eared slider mutant, shifted to prop himself arms with his arms.
The other quickly got his bearings, immediately sitting up when he heard the familiar voice. “Leon?”
The red-eared slider turned. “Leo? What are you doing here? I was not expecting another one of these situations to be happening.”
“I don’t think this is another situation like that…” Leo looked around, trying to figure out what happened. “Huh. This isn’t my world, but it isn’t yours either. It seems to be some sort of place where multiple worlds can hang out? I mean there’s a lot of versions of us here, so maybe there’s a big threat that needs to be handled that needs a bunch of us helping out.”
Leon rolled his eyes fondly. “Dude. Chill. There’s literally a big banner that says ‘TMNT Best Sibs Comp’, so I don’t think there’s a big threat to the universe or anything like that.”
“Comp? Like competition?” Leo asked, interested. He got a competitive gleam in his eyes. “How do we win?”
“I have no clue. But hey! At least we’re in our own bodies. It’d suck if we just got thrown here while we were switched.” Leon said, standing up. “But we can agree that this is so cool, right? Just like Jupiter Jim and the Jim Jupiters!”
“I think you mean Space Heroes Episode 329: The Trans-Dimensional Crew!” Leo responded. “But heck yeah this is cool! I know we’ve kinda already had the whole other worlds thing figured out, but this is wayyy different. There’s so many different versions of you around here!”
Leon grinned. “I know right!? I wonder if everyone here has the switching thing. I know there’s probably differences between each group, but not everyone, right? Also JJ and the JJs is way better than that Space Heroes episode. 20 minutes of a tv series is nothing compared to a full JJ movie!”
“Yeah it’d be so weird if we’re the only versions of us that switch. Wait, what if the switching isn’t with us, but with our brothers!” Leo gasped. “And how dare you disrespect Space Heroes. Just because it’s a show doesn’t make it any worse that Jupiter Jim. I’ll even say it makes it better than Jupiter Jim!”
“Oh my god, imagine a world where Donnie switches! Jupiter Jim’s better.”
“I’m pretty sure your brother would have somehow just consumed my Donnie’s soul. There’s no way those two would be able to coexist like we do. There’s no beating Space Heroes.”
“Don’t doubt your Donnie, just because mine is more showy with his craziness doesn’t mean yours isn’t equally unhinged. Jupiter Jim.”
“You know who’s really unhinged? My Raph. Especially compared to yours. Space Heroes.”
“Ha! They would never be able to hide it! There’s no way they could ever pretend to be the same person — they’re just too different! Jupiter Jim.”
“Just imagine Raph in Raph’s huge body. Space Heroes.”
“Honestly a bit terrifying. Jupite– oh look, a bracket! Looks like a tournament style thing. Though only the first matchups are shown…” Leon got distracted from the back and forth by a big screen showing the standings.
“Hm? Where are we on it?” Leo turned his head to see where Leon was looking, scanning the list.
“I don’t know, there’s a bunch of weird names for each group. Which makes sense, it’s not like they can just write our names, with everyone being the same person and all.” Leo drummed his shell as he looked.
“Soul Switching? You think that’s us?” Leo asked.
“Where’s that? Oh, yeah, could be. Bit on the nose, isn’t it?” Leon stared at the bracket. “Wait, does that mean that we’re the only people that switch?”
Leo shrugged. “I guess it was always a possibility. It is a little weird though. There’s so many people here, and none of them switch like us?”
“That’s what I’m saying! Who are we up against, anyway?” Leon squinted at the screen.
“Some group titled Separated Leo? I have no idea what that could mean for our chances. And none of the Leos around here seem to be alone. Maybe we should ask around? Figure out what group we’re up against?” Leo scanned the crowd. “I’m sure we’ll be able to beat them with no struggle― wait why did I just get a foreboding feeling. We’re not going to lose that bad, right?”
--- This is the first time I've really written anything solid for these two, so the characterization is a bit wonky.
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aww-canon-no · 1 year
Let The Children Boogie
Hello.  I’m posting my WIP chapters on here from my Ao3.  Sorry to dash flood.
Let The Children Boogie
Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Side ship- Robin/Nancy
Future fic, post canon, fix it everyone (almost) lives, trauma recovery, HoH Eddie, Steve Harrington’s bisexual awakening
on Ao3
A first apartment: Six people, four bedrooms, 533 miles from where the world tried to end.
And they're ready for the rest of what life is supposed to be.
It starts with a wad of cash, a key…
And a question. There’s a guy mowing a lawn about ten feet away so Eddie has to squint and read Steve’s lips when he asks:
“How would you feel about getting the fuck out of Hawkins?”
Eddie stares at Steve—at his perfect hair and his smile that’s a little more crooked than it used to be, and the dumbass polo shirt that looks so right and so wrong all at the same time. He looks like listens to Donnie and Marie—and honestly Eddie wouldn’t be surprised if he dug around Steve’s room and found a few old albums.
He thinks about the question and then he laughs.
“It’s all I’ve ever wanted. Why are you here tormenting me?”
Eddie’s dreamt of getting the hell out long before he was the serial killing freak who was exonerated, but everyone still kind of hates even though they know all about the curse, and the monsters, and…everything.
Eddie’s wanted to escape since he was twelve and his dad beat the absolute fuck—and hearing—out of him after finding a magazine under his bed that didn’t have naked girls inside. No. It had…others.
And Eddie had no excuses.
He was knocked unconscious and woke up in the hospital with bleeding ears and a doctor writing him a note saying that he was going to live with his uncle and his hearing would return in a few weeks, after the swelling went down. He’d stop being so dizzy all the time, the doctor assured him.
It didn’t happen that way at all, and that was the first time Eddie realized curses were real.
He got by. He made do. He sucked at lipreading so he just let everyone believe he was a useless loser kid who didn’t want to pay attention. He scraped by on pity Cs until high school when his teachers suddenly all decided they wanted to make an example out of him.
Two years and a bunch of murders and he was finally—finally—done.
He was pretty sure that last D was also pity, but at least for that one, he was able to say he helped saved the world.
“Where are we going?” Eddie asks when Steve doesn’t answer his first question, because yeah, it’s a dumbass one. Steve isn’t there to torture him. Steve is the one who holds him together on nights Eddie’s a billion percent sure he’s about to fall apart.
“I got us an apartment in Atlanta,” Steve says, leaning in close. He’s never asked Eddie if he’s deaf but he’s pretty sure Steve figured it out a long time ago.
For a moment, Eddie thinks maybe some cosmic asshole’s playing a trick on him. Steve wants to live with him?
The freak? The weirdo? The mess?
Steve looks like he hasn’t been sleeping well, though. None of them really look okay. It’s been four years and Eddie’s working part time down at Matt’s garage and it’s… not really working out. He has a permanent tremble in his left hand that makes it hard to tighten bolts and shit, and he jumps at every sudden movement.
The kids have all graduated now. Erica’s running Hellfire, and Corroded Coffin broke up when everyone else’s parents moved them across the country and away from Hawkins. Not that Eddie blames them.
He just…misses them.
He swallows heavily. “Steve.” It’s more like a plea than a question.
Steve takes one step higher onto the trailer porch and meet his gaze. “Please don’t make me do this alone.”
As though Eddie has ever—will ever—tell him no.
The first time Eddie puts his key into the lock and turns it, he can’t hear it. It’s too faint. But he feels it through his fingertips, a sort of rushing vibration that pools around his elbow and makes his fingers all jumpy. He opens the door and he’s met with the sight of Dustin passed out on a shitty, black vinyl bean bag and Steve unpacking kitchen boxes because of course he’s in the kitchen.
Nancy’s hanging ferns by the window and Eddie’s pretty sure they’re not fake. Robin’s trying to tackle a bookshelf that’s disassembled and looks like it’s partly made out of LEGO.
Max is in the far corner with her back propped up against the wall, headphones on, a fat binder-looking thing on her lap. Eddie knows it. It’s braille. She took her lot in life like a goddamn champ. Better than Eddie ever did.
Steve looks up at him and smiles and jerks his head to the side like he’s beckoning him over. Eddie’s forgotten that he’s holding bags full of sandwiches from a deli down the street, and he tosses them on the counter before walking to the boom box with two tape decks and a CD player that Steve’s parents were going to throw away when they were packing up their house.
They don’t actually have any CDs, but Eddie’s got enough tapes to last them a lifetime.
There’s tiny specks of puffy paint on some of the controls which Eddie knows is Robin’s doing. It lets Max use the thing without having to ask for help.
He feels a weird pulse in the center of his chest as he glances around at the piles and piles of unpacked boxes, then down the hall to the four bedrooms that are waiting to be claimed.
He rummages around and finds Fleetwood Mac, jams the tape in, then turns the volume all the way down before he hits play. He catches Steve’s eye as he surreptitiously puts his fingers over the speaker, then begins to turn the knob up until Steve nods.
Pressing his hand to the counter, he feels the beat in his fingers. It’s not as powerful as he wants it to be, but it’s enough for that moment.
“What’s next?” he asks.
Steve shrugs, then walks around the counter and snags him by the belt loop and tugs until they’re tumbling down the hall and into the furthest bedroom. The largest one. There’s a full sized bed in one corner and a futon in the other, and the dresser Steve took from his parents’ place.
“Robin and Nancy said we can have it,” Steve tells him near his right ear which is the one that has the most hearing. It’s not a lot. It kind of reminds him of listening underwater in the community pool when he was a kid. But it’s something, especially when Steve is standing close and the place is just…
Eddie looks around. Like, properly looks around. Above the bed is Steve’s bat hanging on a bunch of nails.
Below that is an oar.
He’s laughing before he can stop himself, and Steve tackles him to the bed. “Shut the fuck up!”
But he can’t. He physically can’t. He realizes he’s far away from everything that ever made him miserable with the only people that ever really made him happy apart from Gareth, Jeff, and Trey who are…you know. Long gone.
His grin hurts his face as he rolls onto his side, kicking Steve off him but not letting him get far. “Does that shit mean you got dibs on the bed?”
Steve shrugs and props up on his elbow, staring at Eddie for so long, it starts to make him feel all squirmy inside. Steve opens his mouth, then closes it again.
Eddie doesn’t know if he’s saying something and he absently tugs on his ear. Steve reaches for him and pulls his hand away. “There’s room for your guitar.”
It’s a new one. The one he saved the world with—his baby—is long-gone. It got swallowed up when shit hit the town, and a lot of things came back when they sealed the upside down for good…but not that.
Everyone—his own little personal band of freaks—saved up and got him a replica three Christmases ago. Every time he looks at it, his heart beats a little faster. It’s currently sitting in his car, cradled between several blankets in the back seat.
“I’m gonna need a job,” he says, well aware he and Steve are both avoiding each other’s questions and statements.
Steve sighs. “Yeah. We’re all gonna need jobs.”
Eddie flops onto his back and covers his face with one hand. The other one lies between them and it’s not long before Steve takes it. Eddie has never known how to tell Steve how much he appreciates being touched because he spent so damn many years with people avoiding contact with him.
And it wasn’t like he was shy about what he needed. He was always throwing his arms around people and bashing his body into them and they just laughed and pushed him off and gave him space. Like he’d asked for it or something.
But Steve has never…not really. Not since the very beginning.
His palm is warm against Eddie’s, and Steve grips him not too tight, not too loose, and he doesn't flinch when Eddie’s fingers begin to tremble.
“I don’t want to work on cars anymore.” He hasn’t heard his voice properly since he was a kid, but it feels kind of thick in the back of his throat with emotion he doesn’t really want to think about.
“This is our beginning, Munson,” Steve tells him. He moves his thumb so it’s pressing to the inside of Eddie’s wrist, and he pushes. Hard. It makes his fingers twitch for a whole different reason than injury and trauma. “We can do whatever we want.”
Eddie breathes out and lets Steve go so he can stretch his arms all the way above his head. He lays the tips of all five fingers against the wall and pretends like he can push his way through it. “I can’t hear shit.”
“I know.”
Eddie turns his head to look at him. “I want to be a musician.”
Steve smiles. “I know.”
He can’t make money doing that, but maybe he can…do something with it? He hasn’t explored the city yet, but it’s bigger than Hawkins with just…so much. There’s so much more outside the walls of their little apartment. Maybe there's room for him and his shitty, strange little dreams somewhere.
“This is our beginning,” Steve repeats.
Eddie hums and drops his arms and lets himself just feel the sensation of Steve lying close.
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imashoe69420 · 1 year
Hi :) can You do rise boys or just Leo reacting to a fem reader wearing a toxedo (suit) because she don't like dresses?
Personally, I prefer a tux over a dress. So this’ll be easy for me to write lmao. I’ve been doing a few rise!bros x readers so I’ll do Leo x reader this time!
Also I made the reader gender-fluid but biologically female. I hope that’s ok :)
Suits > Dresses
Tumblr media
Prompt: You and Leo make your own prom after not being asked to the dance at your school. Well… that was half the reason.
Pairing: Rise!Leo X GF!Reader
Pronouns: Feminine but gender-fluid (they/them/she/her)
Relationship: friends (somewhat dating at the end)
Timeline: Post!Movie
Warnings ⚠️: angst, gender dysphoria, mild language
When you texted Leo saying that you wanted to make your own prom so him and his brothers could join, he took it as a challenge.
The only prom he’d seen was from the “coming-of-age” high school TV shows you’d force him to watch with you, so he knew to go loosely off of that. He needed the music, the kissing booth Photo Booth, the sparkly lights, and the dress.
You’d never talked about your sexuality or sexual orientation to Leo, fearing the conversation would be awkward or he wouldn’t understand or care. Some days, you felt like a boy. Other days, you felt like a girl. Sometimes, you were androgynous. It wasn’t something that you could control or ignore. It was a part of you, and sometimes that sucked.
Leo came over to help you pick out a tux for him and a dress for you online. He was extremely eager, pointing at every other dress commenting about how pretty and shimmery they were.
Sure, they were pretty and shimmery and would look good on anybody, but none of them stuck out to you. None of them made you feel… well, you.
“(Y/N), you would look so good in this one!” Leo tapped on a slim red dress. “C’mon, let’s get this one.”
You shrugged, laughing awkwardly. “That one? Isn’t it kinda…” your words trailed off.
“Kinda amazing! C’mon, c’mon, get that one.”
The turtle’s pleas eventually got you to buy the dress and his suit, but an uneasy feeling settled in your stomach.
Despite your appeasement, Leo could sense that something was wrong. Even though this had been your idea, you didn’t seem as excited about it as he was.
(Y/N) was a big question mark to him. But he didn’t mind that much. In fact, it’s one of the things that made him start to develop feelings for you. He enjoyed the mild switch-ups in your style and demeanor. He’d mentally guess what you’d look like when he arrived at your house, and he was usually wrong.
Nonetheless, he liked how your personality always stayed the same. You were always boisterous, your mind bouncing with crazy ridiculous plans and ideas.
Last week, the two of you built a makeshift amusement park in the sewers. A day or two after that, the two built a miniature chocolate factory from the iconic movie with real toothpaste lids you claimed you’d been collecting for six months.
Where did you get all of them? Leo didn’t ask. He was just happy that you were really passionate about something fun yet so intricate.
As soon as the sun set, the turtles began decorating your school rooftop. Raph set up the Photo Booth and concessions while Donnie set up the DJ booth. Mikey scattered rose petals and confetti on the floor and plastered his drawings along the photo booth wall and rooftop door entrance. All of them adorned a suit and tie associated to their designated colors. April—dressed in a bright green dress—supplied them with the camera.
Leo soon portaled onto the rooftop in a white dress shirt with blue dress pants, blazer, and bow tie. “Hey, hey, how’s it goin’, mis hermanos?”
The oldest of the turtles turned his head to smile at him. “Real good! Just some finishing touches and we should be good.”
After a minute of admiring his brothers’ hard work, a question popped into his mind.
“Mike,” he glanced at his younger brother, “where’s (Y/N)?”
The orange clad turtle shrugged as he threw a handful of glitter into the air, the substance landing on his attire. “She hasn’t texted any of us.”
That was strange.
Again, this was your idea, so why weren’t you here for it? Leo was somewhat frustrated, but gave you the benefit of the doubt. Maybe you were running late.
But you weren’t.
In reality, you’d been sitting on the foot of your bed staring down at the red dress in your lap for several minutes. Maybe half an hour. You weren’t sure, but you were sure that you didn’t want to wear that dress.
But you felt awful about it. One, because the dress was absolutely gorgeous, but not something you’d ever wear. Although your attire heavily depended on what area of gender dysphoria you’d be in, you were never attracted to dresses. In formal settings, you’d always preferred a suit and tie or at least a dress shirt and tie.
You finally stood up and set the dress on your bed. Ambling over to your closet, you pulled out the suit and tie set you’d been dying to wear. All it was was a regular black and white color scheme, but you felt your heart flutter at the sight of it.
This made you feel pretty. This made you feel seen.
“Hey,” Leo knocked on the glass of your bedroom window, “everything’s ready. Let’s get going before my bros eat all the concessions… which is just pizza. Maybe pizza was a bad idea.”
You stuffed the clothing back into your closet before letting him in. “Uh, yeah, I’m almost ready.”
Leo furrowed his would-be eyebrows at your clean face and large gray t-shirt draping over your body. “Doesn’t look it.” He lifted the dress off your bed and held it in front of himself. “Is it too small or something? Shit, we didn’t check the size before ordering it, did we?”
You faked a chuckle at his worries as you laid a hand against his shoulder. “No, Leo, it’s fine.”
“You sure?” The blue clad turtle sets the dress back on the bed. “You’ve been kinda weird the whole time we’d been planning this. Were you not serious about this or…?”
Ah, shit, now he’s upset, you thought. Now you had to explain your hesitation—“no, of course not. Get out so I can get dressed!”—or suck it up as per usual.
Leo’s confused expression turned into one of joy before he hopped out the window to give you privacy.
You didn’t want Leo to think you were weird. Especially Leo. You two did everything together.
He went with every idea you had no matter how crazy or nearly impossible it seemed. While in the middle of your theoretical rant, you’d notice him staring at you in a way you could only describe as entranced. You were never sure if he was entranced by you or the topics you could talk about for days, but you sure hoped it was you.
The only reason you bought that dress was because of him. He wanted to see you in it and that alone rose the temperature in your cheeks.
This was for him and him only.
You texted Leo asking his to form a portal from your bedroom to the rooftop. He obliged, the glowing blue circle appearing in front of you.
When you step through it, Leo, his brothers, and April are on the other side. The decor definitely wasn’t exactly what you envisioned, you loved that the group did all this over a meaningless text.
“This is so awesome, you guys.” You thanked them. “You’re some of the best friends I’ve ever had.”
The turtles and April cooed before pulling you into a group hug. House music soon begins to blare as Donnie mans the DJ booth. Bright lights strobed as you and the others jumped up and down in the beat of the music, screaming and chanting in joy.
As the night progressed, the songs slowly became quiet enough to hold a conversation. Leo caught you drinking from the punch bowl and decided to try his luck.
“I wouldn’t drink out of that if I were you.” He advised, a wide smirk on his face. “Who knows what’s in here?”
“He said inconspicuously.” You giggled. “Although, we all knew he had spiked the punch bowl.”
Leo sneered playfully. “You’ve been hanging out with Donnie too much.”
You shrugged as you poured a second helping of the translucent drink. “He says, jealousy distorting his features.”
The turtle sputtered, shocked by your allegations. “Jealous? Oh, hardly. I know I’m your favorite twin.”
With another shrug, the music changed into a slow song. Leo looked you up and down before smirking.
“You look incredible in that dress.”
To be honest, you’d forgotten you were wearing it until he pointed it out just now. Suddenly you felt dirty and uncomfortable with the way the tight-fitted material clung to your thighs. Why did he have to say that?
You tried your best to offer him a smile. “Well, you’re the one who picked it out. You have good taste.”
A look of worry washed over his face before returning to his signature cocky expression. “We should dance.”
He held out his hand towards you and you graciously took it. You wanted to do everything to again forget that the retched dress wasn’t sticking on you like a rubber glove.
The dance was conflicting. You hated the dress and the way it accentuated your curves, and it overall made you feel like somebody else. But the way Leo admired you as the two of you danced alongside your friends caused you to think that all the discomfort and dysphoria was worth it.
Even though you looked gorgeous, Leo couldn’t help but feel awful. He had seen you holding the suit when he approached your window. You gazed at it the way he’d ogled at the red dress. The turtle had somewhat known of your androgyny, but never pressed you about it in fear he was wrong and you just enjoyed both men and women’s clothing. But seeing you right now uncomfortable with the clothing he’d picked out for you broke his heart.
“Hey,” Leo murmured as you and his switched positions, your arms around his neck and his hands against your hips, “you—uhm, you can totally wear whatever you want.”
You shot a hopeful look up at him, surprised on how he found out. “Huh?”
“You can wear the tux if you want. It’s not gonna upset me if you do. I just want you to be comfortable.”
No one had ever told you that. No one had told you to change out of a dress and into a tux. Your parents constantly pushed you to solely embrace your femininity. It wasn’t that they were homophobic or transphobic or anything. They just didn’t understand because you’d never told them.
“No, Leo, it’s okay—” you attempted to deny his allegations, but he shook his head.
“Go put the tux on, (Y/N).” He let go of you before creating a portal back to your bedroom.
After portaling back to the party, everyone’s attention was drawn to you. There you were in the black and white tuxedo that didn’t cling to your skin or accentuate any part of your body you didn’t want to be prominent.
You felt like yourself.
The group cooed at you, complimenting your formal wear. You couldn’t feel more proud of your attire.
Leo smiled at you once the group dispersed and invited you back to the slow days. You agreed.
He simply couldn’t take his eyes off you. He thought you wouldn’t look as good as you did in the dress. Once again, he was dead wrong.
The turtle sighed benevolently. “You look even better.”
Heat soon raised to your cheeks at his comment. “Thanks… and thanks for letting me change. I know that dress meant a lot to you but—”
“It doesn’t mean as much to me as you do.” Leo admitted, gently squeezing your hips. “I’m sorry I wasn’t thinking about what you wanted. This was your idea and I didn’t let you have a say. I’m sorry for being a dickwad.”
You chuckled as you rested your head against his clothed plastron. “You’re not a dickwad. I think you look adorable in that suit. It’s strange seeing you in human clothes.”
He raised his would-be eyebrow. “Human clothes? As opposed to…?”
You loved the banter you’d get into with him, but this moment was too precious. Instead, you stood on your tippy-toes and pecked his cheek.
“Thanks for giving me the best prom ever.” You whispered.
Leo’s brain more or less short-circuited. He had daydreamed about this moment for weeks, but now that it was happening, he didn’t know what to do or say. The only thing he thought to do was pull you flush against his chest and murmur back.
“Anything for you.”
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alfi-always-writes · 1 year
6 or 29 with leeo and april, maybe?
Family Game Night
Summary: Leave it to Leo and April to ruin game night by being too competitive.
Author's note: Thank you, anon, for this prompt from this list! I had started and restarted this fic a million times, so I hope y'all like how it turned out!
Warnings: This story contains tickling, so keep scrolling if that isn't your jam.
Word count: 1,045
29. "Someone told me your little secret…"
"Come on, April! You can do this!" Mikey cheered from the sidelines.
Through shaky breaths, Leo said, "Mikey, as your favorite brother, I'm offended!"
"Oh this is intense," Raph said, seemingly to everybody and to nobody.
"Hey—don't lean on me, Leo!" April said urgently, overlapping with Mikey's cheery chanting.
"Ap-ril! Ap-ril!"
"Silence!" Donnie said, flicking the spinner on the board with a click. The room fell silent, aside from the sounds of Leo and April struggling to hold themselves on tired, shaky limbs.
"Left hand—green!" Donnie declared, watching Leo and April shakily move to follow the instruction. Both players fixed each other with determined stares, beads of sweat gathering on their faces. April faltered suddenly, breathing through her nose to focus on correcting herself.
"Oh ho ho, feeling tired yet, O'Neil?" he said as coolly as he could manage, earning a scowl from his opponent.
"Shut up, Leo!"
And the game continued on, just as it had been for over an hour now.
"I've never seen anything like it," Raph said, amazed at the unbridled stubbornness from the two competitors. "One game, all we wanted was one quick game before dinner."
"Oh Raph-a-la, that was your first mistake," said Donnie, "Everyone knows a game between Leo and April can go on for hours."
Mikey's chanting had died down to a halfhearted fist pump. It seemed the reality of their situation had just struck him, because he placed a hand over his stomach with a frown. "But I wanted to eat. Can you guys please hurry?"
"Spin the thing, Don," Leo said, ignoring the fire in his muscles. This game of Twister was long past the point of being fun now. This was about the fight between mind and body, about pushing the limit of what should be humanly—or mutantly—possible. But above all, this was about honor.
"Right leg—red."
More shuffling and grunts, the tumbleweed of limbs threatened to topple over, and then it stabilized. Mikey's stomach growled audibly.
"Guys, can you hurry up?" he wailed.
April huffed. "I'm not just giving up—"
"But I'm hungry—"
"We eat when April loses!" Leo said through gritted teeth. "What d'ya say, Apes? Loser buys the winner's pizza?"
"Donnie, spin the thing!" April said defiantly, sticking her tongue out at her opponent.
"Left leg—yellow."
When they stabilized once more, Mikey groaned and collapsed into Raph's lap. Raph sucked in a slow breath. And, though Raph looked on the verge of insanity and Mikey was wasting away, it was Donnie who ultimately snapped.
"For the love of the pizza supreme in the sky, could one of you just lose already?!"
"Spin the thing!" April and Leo yelled, and Donnie threw the spinner board to the ground in retaliation. Raph feared that, if he didn't intervene now, this night would be unsalvageable.
"That's it! No more rules, whatever goes, goes! Right hand on blue, and it better be the last turn or so help me!" he bellowed, and they all fell silent at the outburst. Nobody dared to breathe. A soap commercial could be heard echoing from the other room, along with the rumbling of cars from high up above.
Through tangled limbs, Leo saw Donnie whispering in April's ear. He couldn't quite make out what his twin had said, but the smirk that bloomed on April's face afterwards could chill the sun. Hesitantly, Leo moved his hand to the closest blue circle, as Raph instructed.
"Oh Leo," April said suddenly, "Someone told me your little secret…"
Leo's heart stopped as he fought every instinct to flee. He was still determined to win this game, but he was now also hyper-aware of the fact that April hadn't made her move yet. Judging by the smug look on Donnie's face...
"April, we play games fairly here, don't listen to him," Leo said.
"Raph said that anything goes so technically," April said smugly, clamping her hand down on Leo's knee and squeezing in rapid succession.
He would have tried to hold it together, but the surge of tickly sensations combined with his muscles screaming for rest was enough to send Leo over the edge immediately. While he didn't fall onto the mat just yet, he dissolved into helpless cackles right away. He tried to kick his leg to dislodge April's hand, but she held tightly.
"A-Ahahapril, yohou cahahan't!"
"What's so funny, Leo? I'm just following instructions." April squeezed up and down his thigh, earning crazed laughter from her friend. She couldn't help laughing alongside him as she called over to Donnie, "Spin the thing, Dee!"
Overtaken by laughter and thoroughly enjoying his twin's predicament, Donnie still managed his typical sarcasm as he spoke. "Click. Oh look at that, left hand also on blue."
Leo shook his head as April grabbed onto his other thigh, squeezing mercilessly and sending Leo toppling over onto the floor.
The applause was thunderous, but April still didn't let up on her attack. Despite how tired her limbs were, Leo's unrestrained, genuine laughter was revitalizing.
"Looks like there's a new winner in town!" she said over Leo's laughter.
"Nahahat fahahair!"
"Say that I'm the winner!"
"S-Stohahap, Ahahahapril!"
"Say it! Say I'm the winner!" April reached one hand around to scribble behind his knee, while the other hand continued to squeeze his thigh.
Leo shook his head defiantly, pushing weakly at her hands. Eventually his lungs begged for a break and his muscles screamed for the energy that was being spent elsewhere. Leo fought back his pride long enough to cry out: "Pff-fihihine! YOHOHOU WIHIHIN, AHAHAPRIL!"
April released him and punched the air with a victory cry, letting the other three brothers pull her to her feet. "That's what you get for challenging April O'Neil!"
"And for making us wait so long for dinner!"
"And for ruining April's sacred game!"
The reasons piled up, each brother laughing and adding more reasons to the running tab Leo had. Leo covered his face, breathlessly chuckling at his family's antics. If he could have, he would have paused the world like this for a while—all smiles and playful punches and love pouring in from all directions.
Sure, April would definitely have to pay for her treasonous behavior, but he figured he could let the sweet moment last for a little bit longer.
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avisisisis · 2 years
ROTTMNT Headcanons!
All the turtles are neurodivergent. All of them.
Casey didn't let Casey Jr steal her name, so now everyone calls him Junior or CJ. He doesn't mind, he's just glad to have his mom back.
April and Sunita actually knew eachother from when they were younger. There was a time where Sunita stole a cloacking broach? (I forgot its name), ran away for a while and went to kindergarten for a day. Her and April got along immediately. They can't remember meeting before now, but it did happen.
When he was younger, Raph was more... angry. A bit more like the 2012 version. He felt horrible when he accidentally hurt one of his brothers, so Splinter taught him how to channel his anger in a healthy way. He still snaps sometimes.
When he was younger, Leo decided that he didn't like himself. Like, at all. So he changed everything he was until he became what he is now, the face man (and later on the leader).
He still hates how he turned out to be sometimes though.
Mikey not only paints, but also makes sculptures! He uses Leo as a model because he loves making cool poses. A while after they met April, he started using her as a model too because he never saw a human up close and he wants to learn how their anatomy is so he can draw her in the family portraits he makes.
All the siblings have their own way of making art. Donnie's good a blueprints, Raph makes plushies, Leo designs clothes, Mikey draws and April reaaally good at music. Mostly singing.
Donnie made Raph a special knitting thingy because he can't hold the normal ones. His hands are too big.
Leo was bored, scrolling through the internet and saw a video about clothes and thought “huh. I could do something better than that” and it turned out that he could, in fact, design something better than what he saw.
April sings a lot. While baking (she sucks at cooking), when she's playing videogames, in home when there's no one around, etc.
April's mom isn't around much because she has a fulltime job, so April invites the turtles to hang out almost every week.
Casey is really good at strategizing. She's more of a blunt force person but she makes a plan, and a backup plan, as she rushes into battle. She's similar to Leo in that way, so they always play strategy games thing to beat eachother. Their matches last hours.
Leo once was really upset. He didn't know what was the exact reason, but he felt like he was just a liability. So, since most people complained about him always talking all the time, he decided to shut up. It didn't last even an hour, because when he went to get breakfast he realized that when his brothers say that he's annoying they don't mean it seriously. Really, they were so worried about him.
Leo, April and Sunita go to April's house to gossip. They also invite Mikey sometimes.
Leo's actually really good at cooking. He just adds whatever he wants whenever he wants, so sometimes what he makes tastes like a god made it, and sometimes they're so horrible Donnie faints at the sight of it (once. That happened once, and Donnie will never let it go).
Mikey cooks when he's upset. After the Shredder, and also after the movie, he started cooking a lot more. He disguised it as him wanting to let Casey Jr try as many stuff as he can (which is true), but no one really believes that that's the only reason. They don't talk about it though, and Mikey's grateful about it.
The boys have no healthy coping mechanisms. Only like two each one.
It took them a while (years. It took them years) to warm up to Draxum, but once they did, they started to think of him as Dad too. Mikey called him that from the start, but the others didn't. Leo almost cried when he found out.
Leo jokes about disowning Draxum because of the roof incident. Donnie jokes (kind of) about disowning Leo because of everything in his life.
We all know that Raph has separation anxiety, but it got a lot worse after the movie, to the point where he had to know where the others were going or else he'd worry himself sick. It took months for him to relax a bit, but it was still a huge issue.
Mind Raph is actually a manifestation of the boys mystic powers and they never realized it. It's a branch of the mind meld thing (we need more of that. Like the creators told us the boys can link their thoughts and they never talked about it ever again?? The potential it had was huge).
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imalloutofgin · 11 months
Uni went back and my life fell apart again... (more mini reviews because I suck at this).
Lord of War (2005): I liked this a lot. It really had me hooked. The characters were interesting and I liked the surreal elements. Also, guns, haha. 4/5 stars.
One Night In Soho (2021): Fun film, but I felt like it kind of lost it's way at the end. Maybe it tried to go a bit too big with it? Things really escalated. But I loved the story and the way the two worlds wound together. The music and the fashion had me gripped. 3.5/5 stars.
BlacKkKlansman (2018): This movie was very clever, funny, and a really good time to watch. It was also hard hitting when it needed to be and had something to say. It loses one point for potentially being copaganda. 4/5 stars.
Sorry to Bother You (2018): The lighting though! And beyond that, an interesting story told well that really gripped me. Completely off the wall in parts. An enjoyable film to watch. 4.5/5 stars.
Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse (1991): How Not to Make a Film - The Movie. I really enjoyed this as someone who is trying to work in the industry. 4/5 stars.
Madoka Magica Movie 1 (2012): I am pretty sure this is the one I watched. I watched the series and then the film back to back and was a big fan. This anime has an art style like no other, and is an interesting critique of the magical girl genre - whether or not it was intended in that way I'll leave up to you to decide. 3.5/5 stars.
Perfect Blue (1997): People absolutely rave about this film and I did like it, but I think maybe it was over hyped. I love the surrealism and the animation style, and I love the visual elements and the darkness to it. A scathing view of idoldom that I feel is still relevant today. However, it ends in a way that kind of undoes some of that work and that was a bit of a let down. 3/5 stars.
Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014): Yeah, no, perhaps I've been spoiled for fight choreography recently but this didn't really do it for me. It was also very... conservative? The main guy is deffs a Torrie. Absolutely not for me. I did like the fight scene in a church though. 1.5/5 stars.
Tár (2022): I need to watch this film again to properly develop my thoughts so perhaps I'll write a long review about this later... I liked some of it, and felt like it was at least attempting to be a critique of people in positions of power... bur then it also kind of seemed to not do that. The music was really interesting and the main character unraveling was quite compelling. I'll watch it again and see what I think as we watched this at an outdoor cinema and I feel like we missed most of the movie. 3/5 stars.
You Were Never Really Here (2017): That was a lot. I loved how colourful this film was, I don't feel like you see enough of that in these kidnap/abduction movies. Brutal, visceral, intense. I cried a little bit. It's been a while since I saw it so I can't remember why I only gave it 4.5 out of 5 stars... but I do think it's not quite a 5 star film from memory, but very close. 4.5/5 stars.
John Wick: Chapter 4 (2023): This is my least favourite John Wick film. I feel like after the last one they were trying to go even bigger, but they couldn't really find a way to do that. Some things just felt a bit silly... there was too many bad guys waiting to take their turn fighting Mr. Wick instead of running in to kill him. The fight choreography of 3 outshone this one, in my opinion, and they re-used some old character types and just changed them slightly. Donnie Yen did a kick ass job though, and I loved some of the gags they used with this character - like the doorbells. Still, a fun film I enjoyed watching. 3/5 stars.
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