#i like that in both pics i'm wearing masks
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me and horse girl bestie, approximately 10 years ago, some ratchet ass post con party, probably
me and horse girl, phd. approximately two days ago. that's DOCTOR horse girl, thankyousomuch.
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ink-n-shadow · 2 months
Head cannon idea for the lulz. Which of the 141 has piercings? What kind of piercings? Who's got the most tattoos? I guess I'm kinda asking what your tattoo/piercing headcannons are.
omfg please i could talk about this for DAYS
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simon definitely has both piercings AND tattoos, and he’s definitely the most tattooed of the 141. i’m talking like full sleeves on both arms, maybe a few random tats scattered across his chest and definitely one on his asscheek (that he got when he was a recruit and very drunk). i’d imagine a more traditional style for his tattoos, lots of black and white and not too many color tattoos. for piercings, i’ve always headcanoned that simon has a tongue ring. and it stays so hidden because of the mask so nobody would ever assume simon of all people would have such a filthy piercing like that😈
price is second for most tatted. i mean did you guys SEE those pics of his character floating around tumblr? his are a lot less compacted together though, leaving lots of tanned skin between his ink and giving him a much more clean appearance compared to simon’s practically blacked out sleeves. price would also definitely have had an eyebrow bar when he was younger, but he took it out years ago because he was “too old for it.” you can definitely see the scar if you look hard enough for it.
soap would have the most piercings out of anyone just because he’s obsessed with the feeling after he gets pierced. that’s why he’s got two ear piercings on each lobe and an industrial bar across the shell of his left ear. he’s also (definitely) got his dick pierced. i’m not sure what kind he would get for sure, but he’d be the crazy one to willingly do it because “hey they said it’d make sex feel better for me AND them!” he’s got a few random tattoos, a lot of ones from drunken nights scattered amongst more sentimental ones. most definitely has a huge thigh piece on one of his thighs (that he likes to have people ride).
to me, gaz would either have no tattoos or would have like 2 or 3. he seems like he’d be the kind of person to only want sentimental tattoos, so he’d be extremely picky in what he got and where he’d get it. gaz would definitely have earrings though, like little silver hoops that he wears all the time because silver jewelry is just his favorite anyway. he’s been eyeing a nose piercing for ages, but he can’t work up the courage to pierce the cartilage yet. soap’s trying to convince him everyday though.
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zizzy-rie · 2 months
Another AU I've been thinking about for the past several days now
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Here are some close ups of the second pic
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More info under the cut
Lucifer Morningstar
His main job is creating toy designs and inventing them. Despite what people might think, he actually comes from a very wealthy and famous family, having owned several companies and lands in different parts of the country. Even though he has his wealth, Lucifer chose to live far from his family and start a life on his own, much to the disappointment of a lot of his relatives. From time to time, he does contact his father and siblings to catch up and know that they're okay.
Lilith Magne
She is a famous fashion model. Not much is known about where she came from as she rarely speaks about her past. Some say that she's bossy and unapproachable (men) but others see her as soft spoken and understanding (women and children). No one in society knows what she does behind her fame, except those powerful syndicates from the underworld. Lilith is a seductress killer who targets men as her victims. She lures them during huge gatherings and parties, wearing a purple gown paired with a black mask over her eyes. She leaves nothing but a black rose on the scene of the crime.
Alastor (??)
He is a radio host from an obscure radio show. Not many know who he is, much to his delight, as he prefers not being traced back to the monthly deaths happening in the city, most of which was his own doing. Alastor is quite organized with the way he chooses his prey, to the way they should be killed. In the underworld, he is well known, both by amateurs and by powerful and huge syndicates, yet no one dared to touch him or report him to authorities (they know what happens if they do, or even try to).
No one knows how Lucifer and Alastor met, not even their close friends and family. One day, Lucifer was just suddenly seen arguing with Alastor on the street while holding some plastic bags filled with different things. Complicated is what can be described about their relationship. One minute, they're arguing and trying to hit each other with anything they can hold on to, then the next, you'll hear them cackling at each other's corny jokes. Their relationship got more complicated when the two got drunk off their asses and swore off and made a bet to make the other get laid.
**It would probably go something like this: Alastor and Lucifer, both very drunk and incomprehensible to anyone eavesdropping on them, somehow talking about relationships and partners (how their topic of conversation led to that is up to everyone's own interpretation).
Lucifer: Pppfft- I'm definitely a whole package! I mean just look at me! Charming, rich, handsome, great with the ladies~ Who wouldn't want that? Ehh? Eh?~
Alastor: Well, I don't see anyone hovering around you like an annoying pest now, do I? I guess you're not as charming or great as you think you are, sire.
Lucifer: You're one to talk! You've never even been on a date once!
Alastor: That's because I chose not to, Lucifer. Relationships are messy, and only complicate things. I have no time dealing with such feeble emotions such as love everyone oh so desperately craves. That is clearly not my cup of tea.
Lucifer: Pft, bet I could find you a partner that matches you.
Alastor: oh? Is that a challenge I hear, sire?
Lucifer: oh! How about this? you find me a partner to date, and I find you one as well. If one of us gets to find a match for the other in a matter of 6 months, then the winner gets to receive a reward. Sounds good?
Alastor: hhmmm, tempting, but what would be the reward, sire? If I may ask.
Lucifer: the winner gets to choose his reward, how about that? Doesn't that sound nice? Hhmm?
Alastor: Alright then, challenge accepted Lucifer. Although you're only making this easier for me, as I have never ever fallen for someone and I can assure you that it will never happen. Good luck with finding me a partner.
Lucifer: oh I definitely can, just you wait.
The current situation on their challenge so far: difficult is one word to describe it. No one has found a suitable date or partner for the other yet. [Until Lilith comes into the picture]
Lilith is a witness to one of Alastor's murders. While disposing of the body, she had accidentally walked into the scene, much to Alastor's disappointment. This is their first meeting with each other, although they have heard rumors about the other from amateur criminals and rookies. Alastor, not wanting to kill Lilith because of his moral code of not killing women and children, bribed her into getting a date with one of the rich and chivalrous men in their city, Lucifer Morningstar, in exchange for her silence. Pleased with the idea (and perhaps another prey to feast on), Lilith agreed. The two exchanged contacts and have been in touch ever since. They are acquainted easily as the two share sentiments on not harming women and children in their murder spree. One detail Alastor forgot to take notice though is, Lilith's victims are men who she had a date with before their deaths.
The two bumped into each other in a cafe. Lucifer was getting a latte for himself, stressed out on the list he is making (names of random people he has heard of who he thinks are the type of people Alastor would go out with). Lilith was getting coffee, just finished from her modeling job in a nearby building. Their meet up was merely a coincidence, which was a delight for Lilith. This way, she could gain more information about who the person Alastor is setting her up with. Lucifer, mesmerized by her voice and stunned by her brilliance, tried to ask for her name. Unfortunately, he blurted out a different question as he was mulling over other problems in his head, such as the list for Alastor's possible dates. Asking someone to date their friend is not the kind of question anyone should be asking to a stranger, and yet it still happened to Lucifer, no less. Being possibly one of the most socially awkward people to exist, he could only sit on the ground and hide his face in shame and horror. Lilith, not expecting this kind of behavior from a rich and supposedly charming man, had found him quite cute and endearing. This is when she decided to leave her original plan of killing him, and instead vowed to marry him someday in the future.
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melbatron5000 · 3 months
Two Crowleys
A while ago, the wonderful mind of @noneorother posted this meta about the puppets in the magic shop.
The observation that there appear to be two Crowleys in the shot of the puppet arrangement had me absolutely scratching my head and thinking they must be mistaken somehow.
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(pic from @noneorother)
But then I got my hands on some of the Amazon X-ray extras, and discovered these little gems from the album covers in Maggie's record shop:
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Now, going back to our color-coding for a moment, we may not know what all the colors in Good Omens mean, and we may not have all the colors down. But we do know a few, and we know that color-coding in Good Omens does exist, and that it matters.
Auburn and vavoom yellow are Crowley's colors. They are the colors of his hair and eyes. Black and scarlet red are the colors he wears. So those four colors are Crowley-coded colors. Okay.
Thus, these two record albums from Maggie's shop are Crowley-colored. Now, notice something important? Well, two things. The first -- Raga Koboj has TWO little sharp-clawed critters peering out at us from behind blinds. I daresay they are meant to be little cartoon demons, yes? And CT Bazz: Dank Balaclava features a face in a red ski mask. People usually wear ski masks if A. it's cold as tits outside, or B. if they're trying to hide their identity. So both albums feature Crowley colors AND images of hiding -- plus one features an image of twinsies.
The other important thing takes us back to color-coding. What other color do we see here besides our well-known Crowley colors? On Raga Koboj, the auburn and vavoom yellow blend into each other -- creating orange between them. And Dank Balaclava features a cigarette being lit -- with a little flair of orange fire.
(Edit to add: The name of that first album is Raga Koboj, which is a style of Indian music. A very famous tale in India is of the Warrior Goddess Kahli fighting demons who kept replicating themselves. Every time a drop of blood would hit the ground, a new demon would spring up. She went on a rampage trying to destroy them all, and her husband had to throw himself in her path to stop her. Hmm . . .)
This leads me to believe two things: Yes, TWO Crowleys. One Crowley in hiding, the other a twin. And that orange is Crowley's secret color.
Where else do we see orange?
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Yep, the pillars in Aziraphale's shop. Which we also know is painted Crowley Auburn on the outside and Vavoom Yellow on the inside. With accents of this nice saffron orange on the pillars.
Want more proof? Okay.
Several people have noted that Aziraphale and Crowley keep to each other's right and left, respectively. Aziraphale on the right, Crowley on the left. In season 1, whenever they are on the opposite sides of each other, something's up. Not wrong, necessarily, but not in proper order. As in the image-swap/body-swap. Several people have also noted that Crowley is on Aziraphale's right far more frequently in season 2. And look here:
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Aziraphale looks instinctively to his left when Crowley approaches -- only this Crowley, the twin, is not approaching on Aziraphale's left. This happens in more than one scene.
And when Aziraphale introduces Crowley to Nina in the coffee shop in episode one, he says, "This is, um, Crowley." As if he's quickly deciding how to name this individual who looks like his demon but approached on his right. Aziraphale "ums" and hesitates a lot this season, but he's also lying a lot. Hesitation and "um" is one of his tells.
I believe Aziraphale knows this isn't Crowley 1.0. But he acts and talks to this Crowley as if it's Crowley 1.0, so I don't think it's an imposter or someone pretending to be Crowley who isn't. I think Crowley's split himself in two. Am I sure about that? No. But it's where I'm leaning at this moment.
But Crowley 1.0 isn't missing entirely. Look here:
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Aziraphale is looking over his left shoulder for his demon, and Crowley's right there, where he should be.
So yeah, TWO Crowleys.
Now where the heck is Crowley while his twin is out walking around on Aziraphale's right side? I really don't know what he might be up to, but I think he's in contact. Reachable, at least.
Let's look at this one again. Who's this?
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No, not the guy in the foreground. The guy in the back. No, not the dude wearing tartan, the other guy. The guy in front of the ORANGE pillar, the guy on Crowley-twin's LEFT shoulder.
Is that Crowley 1.0? Or at least, a way for Crowley to be in touch while he's off doing whatever the heck he's doing? I think it is.
Would you like some more proof?
Okay. How about another record album from Maggie's shop?
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Back to color-coding again. That baby-blue/red combo seems to indicate Crowley and Aziraphale's relationship together. The baby-blue is the color of Aziraphale's shirt, while the red is one that Crowley wears, mostly around his neck, although it also appears elsewhere in his costuming.
Au Revoir, Fingers! Crowley's just a head now. But a head has ears and eyes, so Aziraphale can communicate with it. As I suspect he tries to here, before Jim interrupts:
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But wait. Back to Au Revoir Fingers for a moment. Red Eye Smile?
And red eyes? Fuck me.
A very few people have pointed out that there are lots of dual red taillights in multiple shots, frequently framed rather carefully. I had dismissed it, as I usually do when something turns out to be freaking important.
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Someone's watching. I think it might be Crowley 1.0.
Then there's that bit where he's driving back to Whickber street, after coming back from Hell, and he first zooms around a bus with red taillights and says, "There's only room for one of us in this lane and it's not you," then he changes a pair of red stop lights to green and says "Don't you even think about it. There, that's better." Is he arguing with himself?? Telling the Other Crowley that it's his turn right now, not his? Of course I can't find a GIF or picture of that right now, but you know what I mean, right? Neil had to cut a bunch of material out of the finished show to fit Amazon's time limit requirements. That scene would seem to be an easy cut to make -- unless the scene matters to the overall plot too much to cut.
I also suspect that Crowley might be talking to himself in the book shop at the end of season 2. You know, when he turns Aziraphale's chair around to face the right way, but when Maggie and Nina come in it's facing the center of the room again? I suspect Crowley 1.0 and 2.0 had a chat. I do not know about what. Just sharing information?
I also wonder if Crowley 2.0 might have his own POV scenes -- thus confusing the already complicated POV situation even more. The white head statue sure gets several shots where it's in center frame, as if it is the POV character in that scene.
That's what I got, my fellow brain rotters. There's my evidence.
In conclusion: Two Crowleys. Yeah, I think so. Now, for the big question:
What is Crowley doing that there needs to be two of him? And is it just twinsies, or is that someone else pretending to be Crowley and I'm wrong? Aziraphale definitely seems to know that's NOT his original Crowley, but tells the demon important information without hesitation, so I'm still suspecting Crowley twinned himself. But what if I'm wrong? Who is it then? And why are they pretending to be Crowley? And why does Aziraphale seem to know it's not Crowley, but still talk to him like it is?
I have no answers.
Thanks for crackpotting and going nuts with me, yet again. I hope this keeps you up at night like it's done me.
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she-lovesmovies · 1 year
Sodo × fem!reader
She/her reader
Words count: 2 486
Summary: You have a fight with Sodo and he gives you the silent treatment after that.
Warnings: hurt/comfort, angst/fluff. She throws up at some point but it's short and not details. She also eat less for a short time so TW for ED.
Notes: English is not my first language so some lines may be grammatically incorrect, + typos, sorry.
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(Pic coming from Pinterest)
"Mountain I don't know what to do. I feel like he doesn't want to talk to me. At first I understood: he's angry, l'm not gonna talk to him, l'm gonna wait. But it's been hours and I really feel like we need to talk about it... "
"Honestly, I personally don't think what you did was that bad. He's just annoyed by anything and everything. You should try to talk to him."
"Ok..? You sighted.
Rain was looking at you, shaking his head no.
But what could you do, really?
You had walked on his guitar and broke two of the buttons. Not just broke in the he could put them back on way, but you had crushed them.
You couldn't even remember how it happened.
But you remembered how Sodo had looked at you.
How the atmosphere of the room had instantly changed. For the long time you had been with Sodo, or hang out with him, you had never felt that.
It was your fault, clearly. You knew your boyfriend was always leaving his things on the floor so you should have been careful.
After your initial shock, you had fall to your knees and tried to put the pieces back. But he had harshly told you to leave the room. You had quickly complied. And he hadn't talk to you since the incident.
You hadn't even had the chance to apologize...
You trusted Rain. But you had to talk to Sodo.
So here you were, in front of his door.
"Sodo ?"
You knocked on the door and opened it. Discreetly walking inside.
He was sitting on the floor, his back to you. His ears and head twitching at the sound of your movements.
His tail was moving violently.
He looked like an animal.
"Sodo ? It's me….. Ijust wanted to say l'm sorry."
"Get out." He growled.
So it was gonna be a hard one.
"Sodo, I'm really sorry, can we talk about this ?"
"What about ? You broke my guitar. I won't be able to play it. That's it. Get out.?
"I'm not getting out until you're looking at me. You're clearly not well and I'm not leaving you like this."
He angrily turned around and looked at you dead in the eyes.
He wasn't wearing his mask so you could see his eyes. And now you knew why they were ghouls. Why people thought of them as demons.
"And why would I want you being the one to help me?"
"Because I'm your girlfriend…..?" You answer quietly, forced to look at the floor under his cold scary gaze.
He laughed sadistically and you knew it had been the wrong thing to say and you were both gonna get hurt now.
" You're just a girl I fuck and hang out with. I could do it with any other siblings or sisters. Do you think you have anything special? Because right now apart from breaking my guitar, you didn't do much around here."
He doesn't mean it.
You knew he didn't mean it.
He is just angry.
He loves you.
You knew he did.
After everything you went through together.
But it still hurt.
"You don't mean it. You're just angry.."
"Just angry? Just angry? I could fucking kill you right now! don't know why i'm not doing it. Probably because my brothers would murder me after that. But trust me I would fucking rip you apart if I could. You're fucking useless in the clergy. Copia is being nice to you because that's who he is. He doesn't care about you. I don't care about it."
"No, you don't mean it..." your lips started shaking.
"I- mean- every-words- I- said." He articulated.
At this point your whole body was trembling.
"Stop fucking trembling. It's pissing me off!" He harshly said before turning back to his broken guitar.
"Sorry." you muttered.
He doesn’t mean it.
He doesn't mean it.
He doesn't mean it.
He doesn't mean it.
Both of you didn't say anything for the next two minutes.
It can't end on this.
This conversation can't end like that.
How can I arrange it ?
How can I fix his guitar?
"Sodo, tell me what should I do...?"
You could hear the tears in your own voice.
You knew his guitar was the thing he loved the most in this whole world.
He always had play with this guitar since he stopped being a bassist.
"Fucking leave me alone and don't talk to me again. I don't want to see your face."
You couldn't just stop talking to him.
Or hang out with him.
Did that mean you both were nothing now.
"Are you breaking up with me ?" You ask with a quiet voice.
He didn't answer.
You were in the wrong.
He had every right to not talk. He had asked you to leave him be and you were in the wrong.
So you turned around, defeated, and walked out of the door.
You were in the wrong.
He didn't answer...
4 days had passed since your fight with Sodo.
You both hadn't talk to each other.
You were trying to reach him but he just kept avoiding and ignoring you.
You had heard from Aether that he was in the studio, talking with Copia.
So you ran to them, knowing he couldn't avoid you if he was talking with Copia.
You entered the studio.
Copia glanced at you but Sodo kept talking not acknowledging you or the sound you made.
He probably heard or smell you coming.
The ghoul kept on going on.
Copia looked at you, then Sodo.
"Sodo. Please can we talk ?"
No answer.
“Sodo answer me !” You yelled.
Copia looked at you and opened his mouth to say something to Sodo but the ghoul was faster.
"We can keep this conversation elsewhere if you're distracted Papa."
Copia looked like he didn't know what to do.
The silence grounded itself in the room.
“Please talk to me." You whispered, your voice shaking.
Silence again.
Then Sodo started talking with Copia again, who clearly wasn't listening but just looking at you with pity, extending his hand toward you to reach you.
“My dear maybe if...”
Tears rolled down your face and you whimpered just before running out of the room.
You were embarrassed.
Being treated like that in front of Papa.
Being treated like you were nothing.
Like you were useless and didn't exist.
You arrived to your bedroom and locked yourself into your bedroom.
You ran to your bathroom and toilet.
You started throwing up.
Your mouth and throat were sour because of the vomit.
But the way Sodo treated you had triggered some background traumas you had.
You've been through similar things in middle school.
You had to endure those type of behaviors from people you loved.
And it had leave the child you were, traumatized by some specific things.
You couldn't help the way your body was reacting.
And for the next 3 weeks, you had been throwing up every night.
After your duties. After all the pressure was gone. Your body was letting it all go.
But it hurt you.
Your stomach, your throat, your head was hurting you.
Your whole body was exhausted by throwing up for hours. So after the first week you started eating less to vomit a little less food.
Your body kept trying to vomit something and it hurt, but it wasn't as painful as when you were eating.
You also had sleeping problems because of that. It was not often that you were throwing up in the middle of the night and apart from thinking too hard about everything that was going on, you frequently were woke up by nightmares.
You had learned from Rain that Sodo's guitar had been fixed a week ago. You were glad. But the silent treatment kept going on. And honestly it was almost like you had accept it, it pained you everytime you saw him, but you were getting use to it. It didn't mean you were more happy. Getting use to it didn't arrange anything. You still felt miserable. Wandering in the corridors, doing your tasks like a ghost, you still felt useless.
Right now, you were trying to eat your breakfast. The only meal you had everyday.
Thinking about what you could do today.
You knew how it was gonna go: you were gonna go to your bedroom, lay in your bed, start thinking about Sodo, about your relationship, about everything you did, about how you did the same as when you were young, about your last relationships, about how in the wrong you were. About how apart from the guitar you were just a pain in the ass and uninteresting.
About how you knew Sodo was stubborn but if he really loved you he couldn't avoid you for that long.
About how he had always been right: he was saying the truth and didn't want you.
And you would throw up, and cry. And wish someone was there, but at the same time wished no one would see you like that, and wished to only disappear and die.
"Y/n. I know you want and need some time alone, but we're really worried about you.."
You didn't dare to look at Mountain while eating your cereals.
"He's right, you don't look good." Agreed Swiss.
"So that's why you all decided to sit with me this morning? Then that's really kind of you, for once, to sit with me. But don't worry I'II be able to achieve my duties. So you can tell Copia to stop sending his ghouls because whatever my mood and state I'll do my job. I don't want to get thrown out of the clergy."
You stood up from your chair and took your bowl.
But before you had the chance to walk away, Mountain's tail grabbed your forearm.
"Y/n, you need to talk to him.” Mountain muttered.
You started laughing hysterically.
"He's been giving me the silent treatment for 5 weeks. At this point he just doesn't want me in his life. Plus, last time you told me talk to him and look how greatly it went. It's okay. I fucked up. It was stupid of me to think he cared and loved me. You all don't have to pretend. I’ll just stop annoying everyone."
Cumulus tried to speak:
"Y/n it's not what we-“
You didn't let her finished as you took your forearm back and quickly walked out of the cafeteria.
"We need to do something. Sodo is fucking up all the rehearsals and she clearly is not doing well?”
"I don't care about the fucking rehearsals Aether. She's gonna kill herself if she keeps going on like this." Said Mountain.
"We need to talk some fucking sense in Sodo's ego and brain." Agreed Cirrus.
You were in your room.
In your bed.
Under your white sheets.
Your head below your pillow.
Your head was hurting you so bad.
You didn't know if the pillow was suppose to take the pain away, to cut yourself from the outside world, or just suffocate yourself to die instantly.
The tinnitus in your ears was so loud you didn't hear your door opening.
You groaned. Still deaf from the person entering.
"Y/n, it's me, Sodo."
You were on the verge of passing out.
The bucket for throwing up next to your bed was almost full.
You didn't know why tonight was that bad.
"Talk to me, please?
Sodo thought it was only fair that you were giving him the silent treatment back, after what he did to you. But he couldn't stop himself from getting worried at the sounds leavingg your body.
He rushed to your bed when he clearly heard cries.
He pulled the sheets and you shriek.
You curled on yourself even more than before, as if trying to protect you.
Sodo took in the sigh of you.
You were pale.
Really pale.
It looked like you hadn't eat for days.
He kneeled next to the bed, where your face was now resting and caressed it.
"Y/n open your eyes."
You shook your head and he stood up, just to sit on your bed and tried to pull you up so you were sitting.
You were just limbs and as you sat up, your head fell past his shoulder. Your chin resting on it as your chest was laying on his.
"Sodo." you finally whimpered.
You had recognized him.
"Yeah, it's me darling."
"You're talking to me." She sobs.
And Sodo’s heart couldn’t hold it anymore.
It broke on itself and tears started to well up in his eyes.
And a sudden wave of immense sadness and pain washed over him.
He was overwhelmed by sorrow.
It took him a second to realize it was your pain he was feeling.
His arms encircled you and he hugged you like he had never hug anyone.
"I'm so sorry. l'm so sorry. I was being immature. It was never your fault. For anything. I let my guitar lay around. I was an asshole to get angry at something so stupid. It was just buttons. I didn't mean anything I say. Please believe me. I love you. I love you so much. Please."
You closed your eyes from relief.
Your head was still hurting you like hell therefore the need to vomit was starting to vanish.
But then your mind reminded you of those past 3 weeks.
"Why? Why did you do that to me? For 3 weeks. You're lying. You don't love me.."
You tried to get out of his embrace but you were just too weak.
"I'm sorry. I was angry at myself. And then I thought you would never forgive me. That you were just better without someone so immature. I'm so sorry. I don't want our relationship to get toxic. l'll never do that to you again. I'm so sorry. l've never been more miserable. Please come back."
You cried even harder as you heard Sodo's own cries.
"I don't know. I don't know. I'm so tired Sodo. I love you so much. But right now I'm too tired to think."
"Okay, okay don't worry darling. I brought you some biscuits so you can eat and then we'll just lay down and talk about all this tomorrow. Do you want me to go ?”
"Please. Stay. I need you to hold me."
Sodo nodded. He didn't loose his grip on you as you both laid down on the bed.
He hugged you from behind.
"I love you so much. I'm so sorry. So sorry." He sobs quietly.
"I know Sodo." whispered as your mind drifted into unconsciousness.
The ringing in your ears had stopped.
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mirukosbitchywife · 2 years
aizawa, fatgum, twice, mirio, kirishima, and shinsou x reader who dyes their hair
another request from the bestie!! this one was for aizawa, fatgum, twice, mirio, kirishima, and shinsou x reader who dyes their hair a lot, like every month kinda stuff!! hope u like it!! this is my first time writing for a few of them so i hope it's okay!
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shouta aizawa:
•literally doesn't care. might actually deadass not notice you dyed it again. he seems like the type to always look his s/o in the eye/face, you might have to point out things like your hair and clothes to get him to pay attention to them, but he always compliments your makeup if you wear any (bc that's where he's staring) so he makes up for it <3
•don't ask him to help you pick a color ever. it will not end the way you want it to he will literally just pick at random, you're better off asking someone else or picking yourself
•not so secretly skilled with doing hair, he's besties with nemuri and i'm so sure he's had to help out kiri w dying his hair too!! so aizawa is the person to go to if you need help with it!! will only grumble a little but that's normal
•will covertly bitch about protecting your hair. sees you with another box of bleach too soon and just. grabs it from you. doesn't say shit. takes it and goes. gives it back to you in like a month?
•might actually knock you out if you try to buy another after he took one from you
taishiro toyomitsu:
•notices immediately and compliments the color(s) on you!!! calls you a different pet name with each color too, like pink would be sweetie, blue would be darling, smth like that, he just likes giving you new ones.
•amazing decision maker. for everyone out there who struggles to make basics choices? this is ur man. will help you pick a color and will argue his point when ur still indecisive. king.
•don't ask him to help you dye it tho. i'm sorry he just seems. i don't want to be mean to him but i think if he tried to help you dye your hair it'd be all over the both of you. more on you two than your hair. sorry tai </3
•WILL let you dye his hair to match yours!!! he wears a hoodie during work anyway so it wouldn't mess with anything!! he actually loves the matching too
•helps you take care of it, looks up tips on his phone to show you later, recommends products for you to use (also buys all the shit for u thank god)
jin bubaigawara:
•stumbles trips over the air cries screams throws up every time you dye your hair. he is so ridiculous in his enthusiasm. every time you dye it it's like he's never seen anyone with brightly colored hair before even tho he lives with spinner
•probably also a pretty good person to go to when you can't decide on a color, he's had to wise up on what goes with what since becoming a big brother to toga who WILL stab him if he chooses wrong. so he might be able to give good advice
•i also don't think he should be allowed anywhere near your head. like think 10x as messy as with taishiro because jin is also super clumsy and will get it everywhere. on you two on the floor on the sink on the bathtubs somehow? on the ceiling? idk how he did it
•probably would also let you dye his hair to match yours since he does wear his mask. i think during the meta liberation army arc when he starts doubling himself again, him having his hair dyed and his clones having blonde hair would really help him with the trauma as well
•doesn't give you tips, doesn't help you, takes care of your hair For you. he can't dye hair but he can moisturize and comb it out for you 🥺 maybe even braid it if you want
togata mirio
•he doesn't notice when you do your hair, no. he was watching you with his face on the wall out of your line of sight watching you do it. (i think he's kinda just Always Watching, not in a creepy way but like he'll pop up to watch you do your makeup/your hair, pops up to walk you to and from places when he can, etc.)
•gives you tons and tons of compliments whenever you dye it a different color. he's probably mid at picking between colors tho, idk if i trust his style sometimes..
•could Probably be trusted to dye your hair, he would be REALLY focused on making sure it's perfect and that he doesn't fuck it up, watched TONS of videos beforehand
•he doesn't have a hood or mask but would still be willing to let you dye his hair to match, it's honestly really his style
•probably likes to leave hair products around for you. idk how he does it considering he can't go through things with items but whatever
eijirou kirishima
•would absolutely LOVE being w someone who also dyes their hair!! it's probably how y'all bonded in the first place!
•very good at choosing between colors. even super similar colors. he's Very particular about the shade of his hair so he knows what's up!!
•will absolutely want to do each other's hair together!! you dye his hair and he dyes yours !! very fun to do but you guys also get pretty messy. worth it tho
•he would be super super excited if you also want to dye your hair red, Might dye his hair a different color for a month or so if you have a specific signature color as well but that's as good as you're gonna get.
•you guys both totally share hair care tips together like true relationship goals
hitoshi shinsou
•waits in anticipation for whatever color you're doing next. literally no matter what color you dyed your hair, no matter how patchy or uneven it is, he will compliment it
•don't ask him to help pick between colors. he will say yes to every color and when you go "that's not how it works" he's just like "okay but they all look good on you i can't decide" WHICH IS THE ISSUE IN THE FIRST OLACE BECAUSE YOU ALSO CANT PICK THATS WHY YOU CAME TO HIM!!!! grr
•oh my god he's been watching youtube tutorials on dying hair since he found out you dye yours, he's SO ready to dye your hair when you finally ask him. does an amazing job chefs kiss
•will bite you if you try to over bleach your hair, i'm so serious. he's like nooooo idc how excited u are for a new color no more bleach 👿
•another one who personally wants to apply products to your hair and knows so many hairstyles u can't convince me otherwise. he learned more so he can play in ur hair <3
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journen · 9 months
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Riley family photo! 🥺 Mama Riley, Simon, Joseph, Tommy and Beth!
Wanted to design Simon's fam for so long, so here we are! And I wrote a bunch more headcanons I have for them, and for the context of this photo being taken, under the cut below!! 🥺 And also, just, huge thank you to all the fic authors out there who expand on Simon's family in their fics, I live so much for all your content 😭🧡
Okay so, as for a lot of the Riley family thoughts I had when I was drawing this artwork. These may kinda be in random order..
So I'm imagining this pic was taken at Simon's mom's house! She had a friend over (or something) when Tommy, Beth(Tommy's wife), baby Joseph, and Simon, who's been visiting for the past week or so, come over.
I'm imagining this is several months post-Roba, but the Roba stuff is still pretty recent. Simon is still wearing the mask because he doesn't want his family or others to see his facial scars too often, but I imagine on some occasions, if it's just him and his fam, he's okay taking it off, but bc they're visiting the mom and she has a friend over he keeps it on.
So I think this is his second time visiting his family post-Roba? He's done some healing, and recovery since then, so he's more stable visiting his family, though I imagine it's still a weird experience for him but he's trying to get better. And yeah he's visiting for a couple weeks here. I wanted him to seem kinda slimmer tho, like he's not hugely bulky bc I imagine he lost a lot of weight in captivity and is still putting weight back on.
Also this is a total side note, but I really love the idea so much that baby Joseph brought Simon out of his shell a lot more post-Roba? Like I imagine he had a really hard time initially learning to bond again and heal, but having little baby Joseph who's too young to judge him and is so innocent, is good for him? 🤣 So on Simon's time visiting his fam he spends a lot of time with baby Jo. I think he'd thank Joseph a lot for helping him come out of his shell post Roba.
Okay, but yeah for the photo!! So Simon , Tommy and them go to visit the mom, maybe to help her move some things, or bring her over some stuff. Simon, who's staying with Tommy (bc he doesn't like to stay at his mom's house as much bc it's the childhood home) comes over too. Maybe they end up all sitting and chatting together, and then maybe Simon's mom asks if the friend can take a family photo of all of them? Bc I bet they have like, so few family photos of them as adults, if any. And so Simon, who I hugely hc hates photos being taken of him 😂 agrees ofc for his mom bc he loves her and wants to make her happy ahaha. And so they all pose for the pic together.
I think Tommy and Simon also look pretty similar, just have different hairstyles/ colours and eye colours. They're unmistakable as brothers if you see them side by side tho lol. And Beth, I imagine she met Tommy when he was in recovery, maybe they were both in some therapy program together (I don't think I hc her as a recovering addict like Tommy, but she had other reasons for being in therapy at that time in her life) and they hit it off. She has red hair bc that's the colour hair she has in the comics, and I like to imagine she's just super radiant and pretty, and maybe a little punk too? XD Or she was in her past, hence the piercings and tattoos. She's also just the coolest lady and happiest mom ever.
Also Beth definitely is trying to convince Mama Riley to get a nose piercing.
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levismoker · 4 months
To my hot friend @cigarboii
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Luke and I have been online friends for a long time. I don't remember when we started chatting, but I suppose we met on Recon or fetishmen. We share plenty of kinks and we are both passionate smokers.
As I live in Mexico most of the year, only when I return to Europe we can meet, but for one reason or another, we had never met yet. So finally last month, once I was visiting my family in Barcelona he invited me to spend a weekend with him.
I was fucking excited because although we have jerked off online plenty of times, I was eager to finally meet him and play together in person. We perfectly know one each other and what we like.
Although I was going for just 3 days, I took all my gear for the occasion, leather, Adidas and denim, and I really hoped he let me use his skinhead gear that is still missing in my closet. Once I was at the airport I bought a couple of cartons for him as gratitude for inviting me. We are both heavy smokers, but that weekend I already knew that we would completely fuck our lungs. Luke was joking telling me that he had an oxygen mask so we could stand up on Monday.
Once I arrived to Brussels he was going to take me in the airport. Once I took my luggage, I want out to the parking zone. I looked for the smoking spot and I send him a pic with my first red in the country. Five minutes later he arrived to fetch me. We hug one each other as old friends.
He was wearing his TN, Adidas t-shirt and jacket and leather pants. And obviously he had a red waiting in his ear. As always, he made me get hard. My cock was already pressing my Levi's. I also was wearing my red Adidas t-shirt but with my leather jacket and Levi's.
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The plan was first go for dinner and then party in Brussels. Then we would go to his village and next day to Antwerp.
We sat in his car. It was a completely mess. There were butts and ash everywhere. And was plenty of empty packs.
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-i always keep them because sometimes there still reds inside. By the way bro, I have forgotten my carton at home and I have just two reds left in my pack, I have to go to to a tobacco shop first.
I took my bag and I opened it.
-this is for you, dude, it's my way to thank you- I said giving him the two cartons of Marlboro- I know that here is much more expensive so I have come well provided.
-wow man! Thank you! You know how to make me happy!
He then light his red and started riding to the city center.
-i should put my gear, bro! - I told him.
-you don't need more, Pep. It's perfect what you are wearing. I love your trashed Levi's and your red Adidas t-shirt.
-i mean, as I had to go through the metal controls I saved my harness and jocks in my luggage. But I would love to wear it for Brussels party night.
-oh, sure bro! I'm wearing them too. I think it's better if instead of carrying your bag looking for a toilet once we park and you put your gear on.
We ride for 15 minutes more. We were chaining all time. Everytime we finished our reds, I took 2 from the pack, spark up them and give it one to Luke.
I coughed a little after doing a couple of deep drags.
-you should quit bro! - said Luke ironically, laughing with his red dangling.
-once I die, I will stop smoking!- I said exhaling the smoke on him.
The smoke inside the car was so thick that Luke told me that he had poor driving visibility.
We finally arrived to the parking spot next to the city. There was no people in the streets and just a lonely park with some benches with few young men making fuss. I then took my gloves, my harness and jocks from my luggage and put it on.
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Luke took his Adidas jacket and I put my leather jacket.
-are we going to come back to the car before the club?
-We can go directly, I would take now all you need.
-ok I will take another pack then- I opened my carton to take one more pack for the night. I was already wearing one still full and the other one almost finished, so it was better to go well stocked.
He did the same, and took two packs from the carton I had given him.
Watching him made me fucking crazy. I grab my red from my lips and I balanced on him, kissing it and swapping my smoke.
We kept kissing five minutes. Everytime I wanted to breathe I sucked the smoke from his mouth, and he did the same. Our cocks were completely hard. It was the best way to start the night.
Finally we decided to move and go for a bench in a less exposed zone. He gave me a plastic bag with 6 beers and he closed the car.
The plan was start drinking in the park. We are not rich men, so he told me that we could drink there and arrive to the club already happy. Besides we could be free to smoke there too.
We finally looked for a bench, we sat there and we opened our first bottles of beer.
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We started talking about our lives as two good friends. There were few people in the park, but twice young men came to ask us for a cig. It's polite in the smoker's community to calm the cravings of a brother needing a cig. We all have needed it, and its really strange that another smoker don't offer you a cig. We were there for one hour until we finished the beers.
Then we decided to go for something to eat before going to the fetish bar. Once we sat on the terrace, the waiter came and we both ordered burgers and beer. The waiter brought us a clean ashtray after we put our opened packs on the table.
Once we finished our burgers, Luke told me:
-bro, I also have a present for you
And then he opened his fanny pack and took two wide gars.
-yeah! Thanks bro!- I said doing the last drag of my red.
Although I rarely smoke gars, he is a great "aficionado". I had always ask him to teach me to learn to enjoy a good gar.
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Once we had our gars lit we decided to post a pic on Instagram to see if any friend was going to join us later.
Although I definitely prefer my reds (perhaps just because I'm used to it) I loved the natural scents and taste of the gar. I have always felt strange by not inhaling the smoke and just taste it in the mouth, but anyway it was a big present. Around 30 minutes later we finished our gars, and after doing two rounds of shots, we paid the bill and finally we went to the fetish club already a little bit drunk and with our lungs fully charged. Actually we were like 15 minutes without sparking up, the largest span of time of the night.
We didn't walk much until we finally made for the pub. As Luke expected there were quite fetish men gathered there because there was the skinhead night. Inside the pub smoking wasn't allowed, so we joined the other smokers that were standing up next to the door surrounding a big ashtray that was already completely full of ash and butts.
There were three skinheads with cigs on one hand and a beer on the other. Although we love our Adidas gear, we damned not going with our skinhead gear too. At least, although I wasn't wearing bleachers, I was wearing Levi's as almost all men in the party.
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masked selfie time!! first pic looks a little weird because i'm trying to figure out how much anonymity i want on here hehe
yes, i made the top i'm wearing in the second pic! and both masks are from WellBefore; i really like the coverage of their KF94-style KN95s!
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Image Descriptions:
Image 1: Mitchie walking outside wearing a white KN95 mask, white headphones, and black floral romper. There is a black bar drawn over their eyes, and the background is blurred.
Image 2: Mitchie lying on a blanket wearing floral sunglasses and a white KF94-style KN95 mask. They are also wearing a necklace made of tiny shells and a cream-colored crochet top.
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liyawritesss · 1 year
ᴄᴏʟʟᴇɢᴇ!ᴍɪʟᴇꜱ ᴍᴏʀᴀʟᴇꜱ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ
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Characters: College!Spider-Verse!Miles Morales 
Type: headcanons
Synopsis: What would our lovely boy Miles be like as a grown up college student? Does he change or does he still keep his dorky, boyish demeanor?
A/N: HAPPY JUNETEENTH TO MY FELLOW NEGROS!!! In honor of Juneteenth and the release of ATSV, I'm dumping some headanons on yall, and I'm so proud of how these turned out. I was talking with my friend how we heavily believed that we would see a grown up Miles but when we found out only a year passed in Miles’ timeline for him, the topic of college!Miles came up. So these headcanons are pretty much a product of how we thought miles would be as a college student around our age.
Note: the first pic is of Shameik Moore, I just used a cartoon filter over it to try and make it look like the art style in the spiderverse franchise. The third one is not Shameik Moore but I use the same cartoon filter over it for the same effect
Warnings: Some cursing but that’s about it. KEEP IT CUTE PG-16 CUZ THIS IS NEPHEW WE TALKIN' BOUT HERE!!!
Tags: @6-noir @babyboiboyega @badass-dora-milaje @jacuzziwaters @venusdraco @mbakuetshurisprincess @shuriszn @verachii @writingintheshadowsforever @cafehyunji @lulu-network @niyahwrites @pantherheart @marsfunzon22
Sign Up For My Taglist Here!
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College!Miles isn’t a complete one-eighty of his mid-teen self, but rather, he builds on the defining attributes of his youth and matures them. He’s still pretty self-effacing, modest and humble, but he’s more confident in himself and the man he wants to become. He’s selfless and courageous and loving to a fault, and anyone who’s anyone who has been in his presence can say that Miles is a great person all around.
College!Miles ends up going to study in New Jersey, majoring in Physics Engineering, but also minoring in African Psychology on the track for social work. He knows that he can only do so much good behind his Spiderman mask, and believes that he should also be putting in the work when he isn’t wearing it. It’s an obligation for him to put his best food forward for his community and his people.
College!Miles who mixes his style with 90’s black streetwear and modern day. He’s a sneakerhead, so his dorm room gradually accumulates with boxes upon boxes of shoes damn near reaching the ceiling. His room back home is much worse though (Rio can’t even clean his room anymore because everywhere she looks, it’s a box of shoes chucked somewhere. Mama has given up lmao). And similar to the first outfit we see him in in ATSV, he loves the sports-jersey-over-solid-color-shirt combo, but has a decent amount of hoodies and tee’s both graphic and plain, that he likes to throw on with a pair of jeans and shoes. He knows how to dress, and he knows that he looks good in what he wears too.
College!Miles who never steps out the house without a chain on. He’s got two specific ones that he wears primarily - a silver cuban link his parents got him for his eighteenth birthday that he wears daily, and a gold snake chain that he bought for himself with his first check from his first big boy job. There are other necklaces that he has that he’ll throw on it he wants to switch things up. He’s not a big fan of things on his wrist (he’s gotten too used to the web shooters that everything else just feels funny or wrong), but he has a watch that he only wears to be fancy and a couple of rings that go on his middle or forefingers. He also has a few pairs of studded earrings he switches between every now and then to keep up a fresh look.
College!Miles who starts to take special care in his appearance as he reaches his late teen years. He can only go to his mom when he’s on breaks or vacation when he travels back to Brooklyn, but he’s learned enough from Rio to do his own line-ups and touch ups to make him look decent. It took him a minute to get used to doing it on his own, but he was adamant on learning because he was firm on not letting anyone else into his head besides his mother. He’d recently gotten into cutting slits into his eyebrows too, as they make him feel super cool
College!Miles who knows he’s got girls & guys coming left and right waiting for the opportunity to get with him, but as much as he’s a loverboy, he’s also very intentional with how he moves and is very perceptive of people (his Spidey senses enhance it a lot more than what he wishes sometimes) that he peeps that a lot of them are only attracted to his looks. He doesn’t date for the first few semesters of college, and when his parents ask if he’s gonna bring someone home soon, he tells them that he’s too busy making gateways to dimensions to open the gateways to dating
College!Miles whose love for hip hop never dies over the years. Instead it seems to grow. He adds a few new artists to her playlist - JID, Young M.A., Tobe Nwigwe, & Kendrick Lamar from the hip hop and rap scenes (Miles uses many of Tobe’s songs as hype music to gas himself up). Though he’s also found an appreciation for other genres, like R&B and Neo-Soul. Some of these artists include but are not limited to: H.E.R., UMI, Ari Lennox, and Bryson Tiller.
College!Miles who still holds on to his art as a hobby and destresser from his many classes and double-identity. His street art follows him wherever he goes, tagging new places that have people wondering who the hell made it all the way up there to tag that. There’s a secret pride that swells in him when he sees passersby admiring the artwork.
College!Miles who, when the world gets too much and he feels like everythings going wrong, he climbs the tallest building he can find and just watches the sunrise or sunset. He lets the breathtaking view ease his mind and the warm sun soothe his worries away. Being so high up and away from people allows him to actually think about the troubles that plague him, so when he comes back down, he can address them accordingly
College!Miles who’s still very much a momma’s boy. He calls Rio almost every day, either to just talk or to rant about something silly. She’ll put him on speaker for Jefferson to hear and just looks at her husband like “Listen to your son” when he’s being silly. But it’s so sweet that Miles always has his parents on his mind when he’s away at school. He also calls his dad to have ‘guy talk’, which ain’t nothing but Miles and Jefferson either talking about sports, his academics (which Jeff is really supportive of, even if he doesn’t understand the physics part, he loves to hear his sons ideas on the psychology minor he’s taken on) or random funny shit the guys that they hang around do every day.
College!Miles who grows more confident in his Spanish and uses it more and more in his day-to-day life. He’ll speak it when he’s talking to himself, when he’s angry or if he’s hurt himself (which happens the same amount of times as it did when he was a teen), or he’ll try and surprise his mom with a conversation in complete Spanish (which he does succeed in sometimes).
College!Miles who’s barely changed from the loveable boy who we all know and love as a teen. He just grew some more and became cooler, but he still radiates the same dorky, intelligent, and loving energy he’s always had.
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jewishevelinebaker · 6 months
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Have you ever wanted to make the TF2 guys drown in a pool? Or perhaps... kiss? Well, now you can! Here's a list of my TF2 Sims 4 custom content. Playtested, all LODs, all base game compatible. If you come across any problems let me know, but I don't think you should.
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I made 3 items for Scout: his cap with headset, shirt with rolled up sleeves (comes in RED and BLU), and a necklace with 2 dogtags.
For Sniper I converted his hat, made a pair of sunglasses with a yellow tint, and added his facial scars. The scars can be found in skin detail, freckles. Also for Sniper I took a vanilla hairstyle and drew on his funky hairline.
Shown with Makesims' Hand Wraps
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Here are 3 vests I made by combining and changing some vanilla vests. The one on the left is intended for Heavy, as it has t-shirt sleeves. The two on the right can work for either Demo or Sniper, as both have sleeves rolled up to their elbows. Both contain swatches with and without Demo's long undershirt sleeves. All vests come in BLU and RED.
Also shown here, on Demo and Heavy, are a pair of pants I converted from Strangerville's army career. See, normally when Sims 4 pants tuck into boots, the lower sections of the pants just disappear. But with these, because they include the shoes, the pants puff up over the top of the boots. There are 5 swatches: brown/grey, RED, BLU, and RED/BLU with gradient.
On Heavy and Sniper are black fingerless gloves. There is a swatch with gloves on both hands and a swatch with one glove (for Sniper).
Shown with Pralinesims' eye patch. Also, for Demo I used a white left eye from my Bad Batch CC for when he takes it off.
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For Soldier and Engie I made these hats from scratch. Soldier's has two swatches to match his RED and BLU outfits. Engie also gets a pair of goggles.
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I made Spy's mask by editing the ninja mask from the Spooky stuff pack and Pyro's by recoloring the inaccurate scuba mask from Island Living. It's not exactly a gas mask, but I really did not feel like making one from scratch and I'm not satisfied with any gas mask CC that already exists.
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Pyro's mask also has a version with cat ears. For pary time, of course. Their shirt, while not exactly like Pyro's in-game shirt, has a similar silhouette which is why I chose it. There are white, RED, and BLU versions with and without the balloonicorn graphic.
I also made Pyro's gloves. The second swatch adds a black covering on the neck so that Pyro can wear many shirts without showing skin.
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Here are the outfits for the rest of the characters.
Medic has a recolor of the Get to Work lab coat, RED and BLU, with and without gloves.
Spy has a recolor of the base game pinstripe suit in RED and BLU.
For Pyro, in addition to the shirt, I made another pair of pants with gradient, but this time they can go with taller boots. The boots do not come with my CC.
Engie has a recolor of the handyman overalls, in RED and BLU. I also made the gunslinger as a glove. There are two versions, with and without the bulky wrist part, so that it can still work with long sleeves and not clip.
Miss Pauling's dress has 3 swatches with different shades of purple. Please ignore the shading issues in this post's cover image; it has since been fixed but that pic was so hard to get I'm not retaking it.
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I have added a few build/buy options. The 2Fort roofs (shown in the 2Fort images earlier) are a recolor of roofs from Werewolves. I also added the gym and meeting room walls from Expiration Date.
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Mercenary Career!! Branches for all classes, plus branches for the Administrator and Miss Pauling. Script mods must be turned on and the files for this cannot be more than 1 folder deep in your mods folder.
All items can be found here on Sims File Share.
Recommended: Serenity's 1960s CC and Simduction's Dixie Hair for Ma 💖
My build of 2Fort and my sims can be found on my gallery, username Dadverinee.
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scekrex · 6 months
Crack fic, I choose you!
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Adam and reader sitting in a park, enjoying the nice day, some other angels on the benches next to them starting up a conversation about kids, not really recognizing Adam without his mask and just some normal clothes instead of his robe, how they adore their kiddos, watching them run around and play and Adma just going "Well, if you're a parent with children, don't leave them around me... PAUSE!! *nervous loud laugh* STOP!! I meant like, I'm going to teach them bad words!". The two angels looking horrified at Adam before chuckling nervously, standing up, getting their kids and flying away, reader absolutely face-palming and wondering why the hell did he marry this dumbass before turning to Adam, smacking the back of his head and going "Absolute idiot. Wait. DID YOU TEACH OUR KID BAD WORDS??? SHE'S FOUR" and Adam just replying with "I DON'T KNOW WHAT, WAS WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH HER???"
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Luv, luv, luv, luv, luv ya 🤌💞
Luv ya even more babes also where did the Adam pics go u used to send w ur asks???? anyway, here ya go, xoxo
Chaotically chaotic
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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Your little daughter was running around the park, she was a cheerful little girl, full of energy and an extrovert through and through. She made it seem so easy whenever she came up to you with another kid by her side, telling you and Adam about her newest friend.
Adam had decided to leave the house without his mask, a thing he had started doing more often since the two of you had adopted your adorable little daughter. When he had first put it on in front of her, she had started to cry and scream her lungs out and only stopped when Adam took it off again and assured her it was still him. She really didn't like that thing, she'd always trace her hands over Adam's stubbled chin and tell him that he's pretty and he doesn't need to cover his face.
And because that and the fact that the mask scared her, he decided to leave it at home today. That, and because there were other kids around too, other grown ups as well, he just thought it would be a more relaxed environment to let his daughter play in. So he not only ditched the mask but also his robe, instead he was wearing a black T-shirt with an red ‘A’ painted on the front of it, he had done it himself and it certainly did look that way but Adam had simply said it gave the rock vibe he wanted it to have so it didn't really matter.
A couple sat down next to you as they watched their children play with your daughter and had a light hearted conversation. “They grow up so fast, I remember that it was just yesterday when we taught them how to walk properly,” the woman said as she seemed to be reminiscing. “It’s truly amazing how quick they caught onto things,” her husband agreed with a proud nod.
Adam was eager to jump into that conversation, due to the fact that he wasn't dressed like usual and people barely saw him without his mask the couple didn't recognize him. Well, he sure as fuck didn't mind that. “Well, if you're a parent with kids, don't fucking leave them around me,” his words were met with silence and it was just then that he realized what he had said. “Pause, no wait, stop,” he was quick to add, panic was audible in his voice as a nervous laughter escaped him and he avoided looking at the couple, “By that I mean I'm gonna teach ‘em bad words n shit.”
The couple looked at each other, then they looked over to Adam and you, they both seemed absolutely and utterly horrified by what Adam had just said and while the brunette kept assuring them that he had really just been talking about slurs and cuss words, the couple got up with a nervous chuckle and called out for their kids. They were leaving.
You hid your face in your hands in embarrassment and sighed. Once the couple was gone you turned to Adam, “Absolute idiot,” you mumbled as you smacked the back of head lightly, that didn't shake the stupid grin from his lips that had appeared once the angelic couple had left the park. “Remind me why I married your stupid ass again?” you mumbled as you watched your daughter find someone else to play with. “Because my ass is fucking good when it comes to fucking you and,” he gripped your chin and tilted your head his way, “Because I'm irresistible and you love me with every single bit of your shitty little heart.” As if to prove a point he poked your chest playfully.
It was then that realization hit you, “Wait, you taught our daughter bad words?” you asked out of the blue and Adam's confident grin was replaced by a shy smile that gave you enough of an answer. “She’s four!” you exclaimed only to get a “I don't know what I'm supposed to do with her!” back.
You shook your head with a small grin on your lips, typical Adam. “Don’t fucking know, teach her how to play guitar or something.” Adam seemed to actually consider your advice, then gave you a nod in agreement. That wouldn't change anything about how he was going to continue to teach her bad words though, you didn't have to know, at least not now.
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since i decided i wanted to make Reed a butch lesbian, because not enough butches, i started thinking about Doom, even though this is a Spider-Man AU and Doom probably won't even show up, but, you know, I got carried away by a wave of lesbianism and wanting to draw fancy dresses
(crops below the readmore cause this pic ended up a big sketch dump)
I wanted Doom to be... like....... kind of glamorous but also versatile... it seemed like the right choice since regular doom is himself very vain etc. so i thought she ought to also be vain and gorgeous, and vary the way she dresses between things like tailored three piece suits with long coats, and evening gowns, and of course the armor.
adding the pic again just to refresh—
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it was interesting to think about how a female doom might present herself differently, and take influence from various comics and other sources (thinking about the gold mask dr. doom wore in a specific comic for example). The one eye thing just kind of occurred to me while I was drawing and I decided to run with it—one thing was for sure though, i wanted her to be stacked. big tits and big biceps. i figured with her face all fucked up she might still want to draw attention to her impeccable cleavage also so i put some gold glitter on her tits in that velvet gown.
obviously the armor is exactly the same as male doom cause, well, idk if you know this, but large round breastplates fit boobs also.
i think that doom being a lesbian would really make the stuff with valeria's namesake/doom's first love extra crazy though like... god... i'm thinking about it...
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anyway a little bit of doomreed, who am i to say no to bitter gay exes—and a college photo of the trio. reed is very tall, and ben and victoria are... well i guess victoria counts as slightly tall and ben counts as average. but next to tall lanky butch reed they both look short. i was trying to channel a very specific kind of "photos of butch lesbians from the 80s and 90s" vibe for Reed with the short broad tie and the high waisted slacks and men's haircut, and i think i got that. ben looks kind of generic but it's like. one of those things. it's jeans and a t-shirt, that shit has looked the same for like 50 years. maybe i should've tucked his shirt into his jeans or something, higher waist... lol
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obv posted this pic higher up but i was thinking about clothes and how to differentiate reed from the other menswear-heavy characters (like peter, and octavius) and thinking about some outfits i've seen reed actually wear in comics, and aside from the F4 costume, which i'd imagine reed wears the most often—for regular clothes the kind of slouchy casual, slightly outdated look seemed like it was just the right style... like she probably wears ties sometimes still but mostly only if she's gotta go to something formal, you know?
and as you can see, sue is 5'6"
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anyway i knew for sure i wanted Reed to be very masculine, a very specific kind of butch. basically taking reed's handsome DILF/absent-minded professor aura and transposing that onto a lesbian who still calls herself "Mr."
basically she looks exactly the same but with a slight modification to her figure. lmao. she's the kind of butch who gets asked if she's a man or a woman in public a lot. well. not anymore i guess, if the fantastic four are celebrities (though maybe in a weirder more invasive way...)
lost in the sauce (butches)
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atlasprefects · 1 year
Main OC:
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Name: Rose Black
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Pronounce: she/they
Likes: black rose,empty room,sharp weapons,mask.
Dislikes: dark room,underwater,fairytale.
Personality: scared,easy cry,clingy(sometimes),shaking alot.
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Rose mask can change only two expressions. 1 pic: annoyed,sad(in a joking way ig?),disappoint.
2 pic: embarrassing(with blush),awkward,confused,weird,questioning.
Rose with her friends(I will make her friends sheets when I'm free):
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With Sky: Rose will always go to her when she's feeling sad or feeling disappointed by her other friends and hug her. Sky will try to comfort Rose when she's sad or feeling disappointed. Sky is like an older sister to Rose and she do always accidentally call Sky as her older sister.
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With Vanessa: Vanessa just hate Rose by her height,cause she's the shortest and Rose the tallest in the group. Vanessa will always stares at Rose when they both face to each other and that make Rose feeling uncomfortable sometimes.
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With Megan: she loves staring at people,especially Rose cause she's curious of how Rose will look without the mask. Megan didn't stare in a creep way,but Rose hate it when someone stares at her. Megan sometimes will annoyed her when she feels like.
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With Nikki: Nikki loves hug Rose and cheer her up. She will always hug her whenever they meet. Nikki will say alot of comfort words to just want to make Rose not feeling uncomfortable around her. She's curious of why Rose wearing a mask,but she try to ignore the thoughts and doesn't want to make Rose uncomfortable for her to ask about why she's wearing a mask.
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With Lunar: her and Rose doesn't talk alot,but Lunar really want to know alot about Rose,yet Rose feeling afraid to talk with Lunar. Lunar were confused of why Rose wearing the mask all the time but she doesn't really care about it. All she care is her friendship with her and Rose.
Main blog: @dummyelf
Art blog: @sillyartz
(I will edit this alot-)
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secretaccountlol · 2 years
“Photos are the window to the soul”
Dude, I haven’t posted in so long I forgot how to even Format my writing.
I apologize for my hiatus I hit a bad artblock, but I dug up a old wip I felt like y’all would like, since I’ve influx of this trope coming in the Peter fics lately it’s a lil short though (I wanted to make it longer but couldn’t get anything to stick) but I hope it still satisfies you.
18+ no minors please!!
Insecure? Reader x Peter!
Cw: photo taking during sexy time (consent given), brief talk of voyeurism (Peter lil stalker habits) , spanking, sir kink, talks of body image hating, insecurities etc. as always typos probably
Uhm enjoy! (If you did please repost or comment)
“Peter, please” Your hands shield your face from his camera as he tries to dodge around to get a peak of your face through the slivers of space between your fingers. This was a daily occurrence, Peter taking pictures of you, well trying to at least, it wasn’t like you hated it, more like you hated yourself. Okay, Hated was extreme but you weren’t fond of looking at pictures of yourself. Something about it made you feel so strange about yourself; it was like you could see every insecurity multiplied by 10, which is a bad combo when one, your boyfriend literally works at the daily bugle, and two, loves taking photos of you.
“Baby, please. I need a new pic of you!” Your doe-eyed boyfriend pouted as his camera dropped to his side, as you giggled. “Oh for your stash?” you rubbed your nose as a panicked look swarmed Peter’s face. “I- what? No. I don’t have a stash-? I mean unless having pictures of your girlfriends is weird, I mean I don’t think it’s weird! Hahah-“ Peter rambled as you stared at him Incredulous. “Peter, it's okay I know you have a drawer full of pictures of me already. Including those stalker pictures, you took of me while you were being the masked vigilante, Spi-” you stop leaning in to whisper in his ear. “Spiderman.” you grin as you study his flustered face, you weren't often confident but when you were it drove him crazy, you could see the gears in peter’s head twist and bend trying to decide what he could quip next. “I- well. Uhm..w-” Peter’s words stumbled out as his breath hitched.
“It's okay, I thought it was hot.” you shrugged. “Plus not like we weren't dating already, you were just following to protect me, right?” you kiss his cheek as he nodded, you chortle. “You okay there, Parker? Cat got your tongue?” you tap his chin, waking him up from his shocked state.
“God, You- man I love you.” Peter’s hands wrap around your waist. “You just made me… So horny.” you could see his eyes dilate as they scanned your countenance. “Can..I-?” His hands shift, sliding you closer to him.
You grinned again, “Peter, Of course.” Peter’s lips push onto yours in a sweet kiss.
“Hey! Consent is desirable baby, haven't you heard?” Peter's eyes crinkled in delight as you smile. He tilted his head,
You both skip to the bedroom hand in hand.
“Peter” you huff as his hands play with the hem of your shirt. “Mm, tell me baby, do you like this shirt?” Peter's voice was steady as his eyes looked at yours with desire. Your pants have already been discarded somewhere, “I can do without it” you smirk, his hands instantly rip through your shirt earning a gasp. “Mm, black lace? My favorite. You planned this didn’t you minx” you laugh at his comment. “Mm, I did, didn’t I?” You kick your feet, blushing, your confidence was wearing off as you covered your chest, looking away.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Peter's hands held your arms gently as he tried to look you in the eyes.
“I-uhm nothing. It’s nothing, just a little insecure.” Your voice was light as Peter frown took shape. “I- still wanna have sex, Pete.” You glance at him as he gently kisses your forehead.
“Okay, lay down for me, love.” you obey his command , moving around trying to get comfy as Peter removes his clothing. “You're gorgeous, y’know?” you stare at his back, tracing the scars with your eyes. “I'm serious, babe. I love you, your smile, your laugh, your eyes, your personality, and your body. Everything.” his eyes met yours with passion, you could feel yourself tearing up.
You mumbled his name as he gently tenderly kissed you, throwing his leg over your sides, your eyes close
taut as you take in his breath. “I’m gonna make sure you know by the end of this, sweetheart.” His voice against your lips made you shiver as you heard a camera click and your eyes flew open. “Peter?” your boyfriend stood tall over you as he checked his camera beaming at the picture. “You look radiant, baby.” he turns the camera so you can look at yourself but you instantly shut your eyes again, you hear Peter groan. “I-i don't wanna see, Pete!”
“Why not?”
“Because what!”
“Because I feel ugly!”
There's a pause before you open your eyes to peek at him, his ocher eyes were full of heartache. “Baby.”
“It- I.. Just when I look at myself in pictures I just feel like you can see every little imperfection I have..” you pause again
“I’m sorry, I- ruined the mood. “ you lift yourself up before Peter presses you back down.
“No, you didn't. In fact, I have an idea, Do you trust me?”
“Of course, I trust you, Parker.”
“Good, cus we’re gonna do some exposure therapy”
Before you could doubt him, another snap of his camera. “Haha, you look too cute in this one.”
His smile made you grin wide, as you uttered his name. His free hand traveled down to your chest, groping your breast softly, your eyes fluttered, another click. “I'm glad I finally get to immortalize this beautiful body.” you groan. “Peter, please I'm no-” a smack cuts the air as you gasp as your ass stings.
“Talk shit bout yourself again and you'll get another spanking. Understand?” The sternness in his voice caught you off guard as you nod. You and Peter weren't new to trying new stuff in the bedroom, but this is the first time you’ve actually roleplayed, you bit your lip in eagerness.
“Y-yes sir, sorry sir.” you tilt your head down in fake shame. “T-teach me how to..love myself sir...” Your hands glide against his chest, as you try to sit up again, Peter’s hands shove you down again. “Mm, you're stubborn, baby. Course I'll help ya, but you have to be a good girl and stay put, okay?” Peter’s voice infected your brain with a ripple of pleasure as you nod eagerly.
“Yes sir.” His eyes connected to yours, with fire his lip bitten in anticipation. His eyes finally tear away from you as he grabs his phone from the bedside table.
“Do you know what this is, sweetheart?” his head tilted in question. You nod, “Yes, it’s a phone, sir.” You look at the phone curiously before staring at Peter.
“Good girl, so smart. Now, you know what phones do right? They take pictures and videos.” Peter’s eyes hang low as your eyebrows knit in concentration.
“You see, I don't always have my camera with me. This means I can't always see the pictures I've taken of you. Get it?” he lets the cold corner of the phone glide on your skin, tracing the curves of your breast. “So, I'm thinking I should take more..pictures, for the road. Would you like that, darling?” You smile as you see his tongue peek out behind his teeth.
“Yes, yes I would sir.” You chuckled, “Please, sir is my father’s name, Call me spiderman.” You and Peter shared a mischievous smirk. “Mm, okay Spidey. My boyfriend probably won't like knowing you have pictures of me on your phone.” Your head tilted, taunting him.
“Oh? But he doesn't have to know, does he?” Peter’s hands grip your chin gently. “Plus I'm sure he doesn't mind sharing.” you nod at his statement before Peter bends down to capture your lips. His hand travels down to your panties, snapping the waistband making you giggle. His fingers pick at your lacey panties before
Plunging his hands into your panties, circling your clit as you whine into his mouth.
“I love hearin’ you..' ' his freehand effortlessly pulls down your panties as the other makes long strides up and down your slit, the noises you make were pornographic, you use to be embarrassed, and sometimes still are to moan but Peter snubbed that out a long time ago.
“Oh, I’ve gotta get this on video.” Your eyes watch as Peter fiddled with his phone before his bright flash blinded you for a second before you could make out his shit-eating grin as your face felt hot. “Sorry about the flashbang, darling. But I gotta make sure I can see that pretty Lil face on camera, right?” his other hand tilts your chin towards the camera before panning down your body, making you shiver. “God, just.. So wonderful. Your boyfriend is a lucky man, y’know?” Peter’s thumb stroked your clit as he spoke, “N-no I'm a lucky..wom-!” you buck up, groaning as his fingers slide into your hole without warning.
“Pete-ah!.” Peter tsked, slapping your clit making you jolt, “It’s Spider-Man, remember?” He tapped your lips softly before he slid down to your pussy.
“Now look.at.this..You’re so wet. All for me?” His fingers found your hole once again.
“Yes! Yes! Mm all for you, Spider-Man!” You cover your eyes as you see the light flash on your bare pussy. “Your cunt makes so many pretty noises, I hope they show up on video.” Peter's voice breaks the silence, “I wanna hear more pretty sounds from someone else, though.” Your eyes close tight as you feel his breath on your neck.
“Come on, pretty baby, let it out.” His fingers pick up speed as you feel the warmth of the flash on your face as it contorts in pleasure. “Spider- I’m- I can’t..” your breath quickens as your back arches, “Oh-! I-im..!” Your hand grabs his wrist, his fingers curl into you, you whimper, your eyes close as you throw your head as you cum.
Your breaths are shallow as you come down from your high. Peter’s kisses bruise your skin as you groan, “Mmm-, that was … good.”
“Just good? Spider-Man doesn’t do just good, babe.” you giggle as you watch Pete’s eyes furrow in fake anger, “Perhaps you can show me how great, amazing, or even Spectacular you are then, hm?”
You laugh as Peter pulls you into another kiss.
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nerdwithabeard8 · 18 days
Gonna make a blog thread on my guide to a Screen Accurate Halloween 1978 (H1) Michael Myers cosplay. Buckle up y'all, you're in for a ride. :)
Part 1: The Research
So here's the rundown of what is officially known of the H1 attire:
-Spookified Captain Kirk Mask
-Sears Tradewear Tex-Green coveralls
-Black/gray shirt
-Vietnam Olive drab jungle boots with Vibram soles
-Lamson 17" kitchen knife
I'd recommend getting either the ToTS Boogeyman or Don Post Studios "The Mask" as both are really accurate to H1 if that's what y'all are aiming for, in terms of mask shape.
DPS "The Mask" will have crappy felt hair you'll have to replace tho, The Boogeyman (from what I hear) has decent hair you can get away with re-"shape"-ing.
The coveralls I went with
Only downside is they don't have the right-breast pocket flap.
You can find some forums on how to weather it, and I'll share what I found.
What I did though for mine is basically just put them on, thrash around in the dirt/mud for a good while, let it dry, deep clean it by hand with dish soap/heavy duty wash in washer, & let it sun dry to dilute the color, cause it will be very rich upon arrival. I also took sandpaper to it to scuff it up in areas that were needed and used plenty of reference pics, but be careful around seams. I still gotta resew along a little part of one of the pocket edges.
The biggest thing to remember is Michael stole these clothes from a trucker/mechanic, and IRL John Carpenter most likely used already worn coveralls when making the costume, so you don't want to be concerned about them being pristine too much (I store my coveralls bunched up in a drawer XD).
I even used this method with wearing down the boots. Scuffed some areas with sandpaper and wore them a bunch when doing outdoor tasks.
Also you can find some decent boots on Amazon that are similar in appearance. Mine were Fox brand ones. I'll send attire reference pics later in the post.
I'm using a black H1 shirt since my Mom got me it & enough of the print is hidden, plus it's just too damn poetic/funny not to use a H1 shirt for a H1 cosplay, but any ole dark gray/black T-shirt should do you good.
As far as the knife goes, my first one was a shabby paper mache knife I made for the sake of having a cosplay prop I'll eventually replace. The one I made recently will probably be used most, but I definitely wanna look into improving my craft skills to make it more accurate. You can get a ToTS Lamson if you want, but they go around $20-$50 depending on where you buy it from. That's why I stuck with building one.
Oh, not to mention paint jobs for the mask. If you get a mask from a store chain (Trick Or Treat Studios, Spirit Halloween, Don Post Studios, etc.) you will have inaccuracies. This will require a repaint at some point, & from what I've found as far as mask paint;
-Latex exterior house paint seems to work well, cracks if mixed with acrylic.
-Haven't tried leather paint yet but it logically seems like a plausible route to pursue.
-Everyone recommends latex mask paint specifically. I recommend it too, but it does get pricey.
Next part will be ref pics & additional notes.
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