#i like the idea that law never told d why his sword could just Do That
hartxstarr-art · 4 months
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i realized spike is allowed to preform stupid feats of strength now. like chopping wood by kicking them.
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bluepecanpie · 11 months
Going back to my last post, let’s explore Garp as a character for a bit - since this chapter goes into his connections as it play with his career in the Marines.
Yes. Garp is a legend. He’s the “Hero of the Marines”. He saved the world from Rocks D. Xebec. But what’s interesting is that he got these accolades in the Marines, in spite of not following the rules and doing his own thing. A lot has been said about how much Garp is similar to Luffy. But what is ironic is that despite the perception of him as this grand, heroic figure, he is a complete failure when it comes to raising and mentoring the next generation. And it all comes down to how he approaches life: Garp views every problem can be resolved by just punching it.
Pirates running amok, breaking the law? Punch ‘em, and book ‘em.
Some rookie asking you to train him? Either punch him so he’ll go away, or let him join you in punching battleships.
Your son became a revolutionary? Either punch him when you see him, or take it out on the Marine battleships.
Your grandchildren wanna be pirates? Punch them out of those silly ideas, or take it out on the battleships.
Even Luffy of all people, pointed out that Garp didn’t so much as raise him, Ace, and Sabo, as so much as drop in, punch them, and leave to continue being a Marine. All they learned is to be scared of Garp, rather than understand why he wants them to be Marines - especially if their parents are like Roger or Dragon. He never addressed Ace’s insecurities about his heritage, or whether he really could be anything more than a fiend or a public menace. He just said that being a Marine will make it better, though given that guys like Sakazuki are around, clearly it won’t be better - it’ll just bring new problems.
Garp is also a massive hypocrite since he’s all about his personal freedom to do what we wants and pursue justice his own way. But Dragon, Kuzan, Ace, Luffy and Sabo did the exact same thing as he does, and it led to different outcomes - Garp is outraged at the results and wants them to just do as he told, but is any wonder that they turned out how they did? They just followed his example. The Marines are part of an utterly corrupt and authoritarian institution - which views bloodlines as a determinant as to whether one should be treated as a devil or a god. It wages massive campaigns of slaughter based on whatever is suspected to have the potential undermine their rule. Dragon, Kuzan, Ace, Sabo and Luffy all saw the same things. Garp was confronted with this very contradiction when he had to save the Celestial Dragons from Xebec - but he chooses not to address it. He didn’t give any of his family members or pupils the tools to deal with that at all - because if he did, they’d all be Marines right now! But how does Garp deal with it? Maybe there’s no justifiable answer and he knows it. He can’t bullshit them, or maybe he did, but they never bought it. I’m sure fans are very curious as to why Garp is still involved in the Marines, but more so - what he sees in it? How much has it really changed from when he enlisted? (Maybe not much) Has he treated Coby and Helmeppo any differently from his previous “failures”? Or is there ideological breaks there as well? I mean, Coby’s in SWORD - but we don’t know if Garp is. 
It’s all very interesting. I think that this is what Oda was trying to convey with Garp and Kuzan. More than just “Kuzan has lost his way, can he be redeemed” stuff. Just look back to his talk with Smoker, Kuzan hasn’t actually changed at all. The following chapters will make that clear. But I think we should pay attention to Garp. Beneath the knuckle sandwiches he delivers, and goofy old-guy demeanour, there’s complexity there. We’ll have to see.
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jojococomo · 1 year
Tell Me That You Love Me (I’ll Never Ask You Why)
One Piece, One-Shot, Teen, 3557 Words
Post-Wano, Trafalgar Law/ Monkey D. Luffy, first-kiss
Summary: After Wano in a nameless port town, two captains reunite. Not all alliances are the same.
There's no time to cry
You wanna see a world without pain
Take a swim in the river
We could fly higher than high
Light headed, I know you're a sightseer
Can I see your mind, no I can't
Wanna read your mind, but I can't
I don't feel alive, but I am
Make me feel alive, I know you can
Onyx- Odette, 2018
They utter it at the same time. Luffy, as he always was, perched on that lion figurehead looking down with a grin wider than the space of his cheeks had vacancy for. Law, as he always was, Kikoku notched at his shoulder, face turned towards the sun, towards Luffy.
“What are you doing here?” Luffy asks and Law frowns, beaten in asking the question himself. The docks of some no name port-town bustle about them. Them, their crews, their ships, separated by a paltry dock and lapping waves.
“I could ask you the same thing, Straw Hat-ya.” Law responds dryly, “I’m pretty sure I told you leaving Wano if we met again I would kill you.”
“Our alliance is over, Straw Hat-ya.” Luffy recites, his impression of Law is seamless on his own face, before it shatters with a grin. White wavebreak lines, laughter ringing out from his mouth, his throat, his stomach and soul, “You sure did! Bet you feel awkward now, huh?”
It had been a month since they left Wano. Four measly weeks didn’t quite wash all the time Law spent among the Straw Hat crew from his pores. He still wakes sometimes in the night thinking he hears Luffy’s snoring. He still bends over his plate, hand raised in defense of Luffy’s quick fingers when eating. Still closes his eyes and sees the impression of Luffy over him, blocking Doflamingo’s foot from bashing Law’s face in on the back of his eyelids. To see Luffy again, so suddenly, so surprisingly, isn’t awkward in the slightest.
“Hm.” Law hums. He doesn’t smile, not really. Whatever tugs at the corner of his mouth is out of his control, but it’s enough for Luffy. “Please tell me Kidd isn’t here, too. We drew straws for a reason.”
“Haven’t seen Jaggy since Wano.” Luffy confirms, rising to his feet. The wind off the bay catches the tails of his coat, deep red with gold thread. Law’s breath catches in his chest at the sight, lungs blooming. Pressing his ribcage until it aches with emotion as Luffy’s hand comes down on that crown made of straw, “So, are you going to kill me here on the dock?” A frown mars Luffy’s face in thought as he looks out at the port with it’s little shops and little people.The little lives going about their day, unknowing that two of the world’s most dangerous men stood deciding whether they were about to raze an entire town in combat, “I dunno, these people have been really nice to us. Hate to ruin their day.”
Law rolls his eyes, adjusting his sword. Pinky finger lifting off the hilt, back down, current rolling through the rest of his grip. He puts on a expression of mock-consideration, “Well, we did just dock. Probably should let my crew stretch their legs first before I make a mess.”
“Good idea,” Luffy nods, eyes sparkling with amusement that Law mirrors with a shake of his head. With a running leap, his shadow skates over water, over Law, before he lands with barely more than a soft tap of both his feet at Law’s side, “I was getting hungry.”
“Oh?” Law says. Kikoku moves from one shoulder to the other. Making room for Luffy to stand close. Not touching, they hadn’t touched really since Dressrosa, but the heat of Luffy’s sunwarm skin feels like a palm resting on his side, “That wasn’t an invitation to eat together.”
“Who says we’re eating together?” Luffy tosses back with ease as they walk. Law’s stride shortening and his quickening so they can walk side by side. Footfalls on wood to footfalls on cobblestone. “Do you have money to pay for food?” Law asks, already suspecting the answer. Luffy’s eyes slide to him, full of humor.
“Nope!” He says brightly, bumping his shoulder against Law’s arm, “Guess you’ll have to buy me lunch, Trao.”
Law tugs at the brim of his cap, pulls it low and levels his voice, “Whatever. Where is your crew, anyway?”
“Dunno, they each went off in a different direction.”
“Didn’t go with them?”
“Nah, wanted to take a nap.” A child sprints past with loose shoelaces. Splats belly-down on the ground, his toy flinging into Luffy’s path. Luffy plucks the toy, then the child off the ground without pause. Setting them to the side. The kid looks up at Luffy, at the captain’s coat and the pure, unadulterated power that radiates from Luffy’s core. Awe before worship. Law is a witness to the new convert at Luffy’s door, “Good thing I did. Would’ve missed you if I hadn’t stuck around.”
“Lucky me.” Law deadpans and it makes Luffy laugh. They walk until a raucous pub catches Luffy’s attention. Drinkers and smokers and sailors spilling out of the doors chased by the smell of cooking meat. There is laughter inside. Singing and fighting above din of conversation. A siren song for Luffy. Law looks at it with mild disdain, but Luffy tugs him in by the elbow. They find a spot at a corner table on the second floor landing. Balcony seats to the excitement below. The barmaid is a young girl of fifteen, she rattles off the food specials to them while serving the table next to them. Law orders a pint of whatever was on tap and whatever was caught fresh that morning. Luffy orders everything else. The girl looks frazzled at the request, but takes their orders and sails off towards the kitchen.
Law crosses his legs, stretching them long under the table, invading Luffy’s territory, “No sympathy for my wallet, Straw Hat-ya?”
“Oh, so you are buying me lunch?” Luffy grins back and Law blinks, before delivering a swift kick to Luffy’s shin. Luffy dodges it, hooks his foot over the top of Law’s legs and leaves it there. Neither of them mention it. “Besides,” Luffy adds, “Not like you are paying with your own money.”
Law tilts his head, not in confirmation. After so many years on the streets, Law knew better than to self-incriminate. The knowledge of being caught is there already, he'll wait until Luffy proves it. Luffy snorts, reaching into the basket of nuts and starting to crack the shell. He's being polite today, Law has seen him eat them before, casing and all. “The guy by the door, the big one with the scar. You filched his wallet on the way in when he bumped into you."
"Impressive." Law reaches into his jacket and draws out a leather wallet, worn with age. He flips it open and starts pulling out the cash inside. Counts it into piles, enough for the meal, even including the seconds and thirds Luffy was sure to order, and also a tip for the waitress. In the change purse there is a collection of coins. Half berris and half local currency. Law plucks his favorite. Silver with the insignia of a ram, aged 130 years. Luffy watches him, cheeks puffed in chewing. Law twists his hand and in a pop the wallet is gone. A rock lands in his hand and Law deposits it on the table next to the cash and coin. “No one has ever caught me before.”
Law folds the cash and pushes it into his pocket for later.
“Yer no’ a’ gud a’ ‘ami.”
Law grimaces, “Please chew before you speak.”
Luffy swallows in one big gulp, “You’re not as good as Nami. Sabo was— wait— is better than both of you combined. I could never catch him. He tried to teach me when we were younger, but I was no good at it.”
“Easier to punch a guy, I assume.”
Luffy shrugs, picking up the coin from the table and twisting it in his hands, “More straight-forward. Pick-pocketing didn’t do much if every mark around you was just as poor as you were. Better to hit and run.”
“Sure.” Law says, before drawing Luffy’s gaze with a turn of his head, “But not as satisfying.”
The man is pulling out his wallet, still in his back pocket where he had placed it hours before entering the pub. He opens it while laughing. Law and Luffy watch as the man’s laughter dies in his throat upon finding only spare change. Not nearly enough to pay for the several pints of beer that lay empty on the table. His drinking pals groan as he sputters, the barmaid looking on without sympathy as the rest of them dig through their pockets to pay for their friend. Luffy watches the events unfold, amused, “Funny. Though, I think you’ve never landed a really good punch, have you?”
Law holds up one hand, fingers spreading the letters inked into the skin wide. With a twist of his wrist, the coin abandons Luffy’s grasp and is between his pointer and middle finger, “Spent a lot of money on these tattoos, wouldn’t want to ruin them."
"Hadn't thought of that." Luffy admits, staring at the coin. Or at Law's hand. It was hard to tell in the low light of the pub. He holds his own hand up in examination, "Guess it would be dumb for me to get tattoos on my hands. I mess them up all the time."
Law had never taken the time to look at Luffy's hands. Those hands that held him, carrying him through the streets of Dressrosa. He looks now, the excuse given so freely. Takes it greedily, takes it as far as grabbing it so he can examine it in the light. Luffy's hands are the hands of a brawler. Swollen knuckles and a comet of scars mauling the bone and skin. A ganglion cyst sits puffed right above the joint of his thumb. His nails are groomed and clean. Little islands in a sea of healed over cartilage.
“No,” Law says low, letting go of Luffy’s hand so that he doesn’t do something stupid like slot his own fingers between them. His arms come to cross over his chest, “You probably couldn’t sit still long enough for the artist to get a needle on you.”
The waitress returns with their drinks in hand. Behind her was another barmaid, older with a twisted braid falling over her shoulder. Loaded down with plates and plates of food. Luffy cheers as food is set down on the table. Immediately digging into a turkey leg still sizzling with hot oil used to fry it. Yelping when he burns his tongue but eating through the pain. Law nods his thanks to the barmaid, who blushes a pretty pink and giggles. She leaves in a flurry and Law takes a bite of his grilled trout. Looking up he catches Luffy staring after the girl, a rope of turkey skin between his teeth.
“Trao, do you like girls?”
Law coughs around his fork, reaching for his beer to swallow it down. Luffy is watching him, still chewing but the question is there on his plate. Law wipes his mouth, playing for time. Luffy waits. “Um,” Law says ineloquently, “I— why do you want to know?”
Luffy frowns, “That’s not an answer.”
“Neither is that.”
“Neither is that times infinity.”
“You—” Law gapes, rubbing his temple, “How old are you?”
“Older than that girl.” Luffy mutters and Law blinks.
“I don’t….” Law begins, feeling the words gurgle in his mouth, seeping out, “I’m not. I don’t like people, generally. I don’t really think about gender.”
Luffy tilts his head to the side, “I didn’t ask who you didn’t like. I asked who you liked.”
“I answered that, I don’t. Generally. Doesn’t matter if it’s a girl or a guy. I’m not…into people.” It comes out stilted, as it always did when he told someone about this fact. He’s never had romantic feelings, sexual feelings even less frequent. He doesn’t know if it was the white lead killing everything he ever knew that did it, or just an innate part of his being.
“Hm,” Luffy works his jaw, chewing on both his food and Law’s words in tandem, “I get that. I’m the same. I like people though, that’s a really silly way of putting it.”
“Same?” Law asks, his own food forgotten.
“The not being into people thing.” Luffy says, shrugging, “I don’t think it’s weird.”
“Your swordsman isn’t?” Law doesn’t know why he’s pressing for details but Luffy opened this box and Law is too curious to not dig into it. Luffy throws back his head and cackles, and it rattles the table, “Zoro likes Sanji and he has no idea that he does. It’s really funny to watch him mope around the ship when Sanji flirts with girls.”
“I thought… you two seem—“ Shut up. Stop talking.
“We’re close and I love him.” Luffy admits, his gaze does that thing that Law could never quite figure out. Where Luffy suddenly looks years older, “I love all my friends. I think that’s the loneliest part. That I have all these people surrounding me and it’s enough. It’s all I ever wanted, but one day they’ll find people they love more than our adventures and I won’t.”
He pried too far. This conversation shouldn’t be happening between them. They are enemies (not really). Law should leave (he won’t). Luffy brightens, a flame slow to catch on damp kindling, “I want them to be happy, so I just have to enjoy the time I have with them now.”
“I never thought I’d be alive this long.” Law looks away from the table, away from Luffy who always watches him. He crawls off the petri-dish because it makes him uncomfortable to have someone want to look through the microscope at him, “For years I was dying, and then for years I was thinking about revenge. Romance or sex, I never had the time to consider it. Still, a part of me wishes that I had what my parents had.”
“What did they have?” Luffy asks and Law tells him. Memories that had been so painful to visit now knocking eagerly at the door. He tells Luffy about his mother who was a brilliant surgeon but a terrible cook that burned every recipe and called it flavor. He talked about his father, who was kind and a bit of a goofball, always laughing and trying to drag his mother down with him even when she was angry. He talked about how it felt walking into the kitchen for a glass of water late at night and catching his parents slow dancing to a scratched record crooning from a den den mushi. How the image of it is burned into his very soul, the softness of his father’s gaze, the pure happiness of his mother curled against his chest. The way they swayed with each other. Always with each other. When they danced, when they fought, when they loved him and Lamy. With each other. Together.
Luffy listens. Really listens, eyes wide as he watches Law talk. He asks questions, strange questions that answers more about himself in the asking of them. What did your bedroom look like? Did you have a bed or did you sleep on the floor? What was it like to have your mother tuck you in at night? You had a father? Did he ever hit you? Did you love your little sister?
I was blessed, Law thinks as he answers. His room had been blue and yellow, his favorite colors. Stars on the ceiling and anatomical posters on the wall. It was a bed, a big bed with the softest pillows in the house. His mother would read to him every night even when he pretended he was too old to need a bedtime story. No, his father never hit him. His father couldn’t harm a fly, but his mother did slap him once when she found him playing in the lab with chemicals without eye protection. It had hurt her more than him but he knew even as his cheek stung that she had been scared. He had adored Lamy, had adored her the moment his mother had laid the bundle of her in his arms and those big eyes looked up at him and smiled gummy. Luffy gazes at him with awe. The kind of awe that a child has hearing a fantastical story.
I was blessed. I am blessed because I at least have memories.
He talks until his voice felt gritty, and would down his beer and talk more. The empty pints collecting with the empty plates. A city built of dishes between them. The crowd ebbs and wanes, lunch crowd to the early drinkers to the dinner rush and then to the audience of the two barmaids, sweeping the floor and putting chairs up on the table. The young girl comes up to them, sheepish and shy, “Sorry sirs, but it’s closing time.”
They both look at her in confusion, kings pulled out of silverware kingdoms to a dark pub. The silver of moonlight sneaking in through the window. Law pays the bill with his stolen money and Luffy snickers as he has to dip into his own wallet for the difference. The bill is astronomical, one too many zeros tacked at the end of the total. Luffy looks on it victorious as Law counts it out.
They stumble out onto the street, Law swaying on his feet, booze hitting him hard. He ends up leaning on Luffy, half his body folded over Luffy’s shoulders. It’s embarrassing, but Luffy smells like sea and straw and Law breathes it in. They walk like that; the wall where they didn’t touch crumbling into rubble. They are hip to hip, rib to rib. Foreheads knocking as they move through the darkened streets. They walk uphill, away from the docks and their ships and their beds. All the way to the top of the hill, where the streets give way to a grassy knoll and the sky is open above them, the moon a perfect ring of light birthing a twin in the distant sea.
They fall into soft grass, giggling. Law hasn’t giggled in years but he’s curled into Luffy laughing into his neck and hearing it echo in Luffy’s voice. It feels like sailing on a dream, that drunken haze where everything is feather-light. Floating. Law is just following the wind when Luffy turns his head towards him to say something and Law cuts him off with a kiss.
It is sweet, something stolen from teenage years that Law never had. Law has kissed people, has fucked them on the rare occasion that the urge finds him. Yet, the way Luffy’s breath hitches against his mouth is the most glorious thing. His hand slides into Luffy’s hair, pushing that hat off of his head to make room for his grip and Luffy is kissing him back. Clumsy, inexperienced and wonderful. Too many teeth, a stone arch of lips but it soon gives way to something natural. A quick learner chasing instinct. Teeth yield for tongue, Luffy’s head tilts, nose bumping the aquiline curve of Law’s. His shoulders hit the ground and Luffy is pushing him down. Weight blanketing across Law’s chest. Their hips slot and the brush of their groins has Law moaning into Luffy’s mouth. Luffy pulls back at the sound, eyes dark and breathing hard, “Oh.” Luffy whispers, “That’s what they mean.”
Law doesn’t quite comprehend what Luffy is saying; he’s lightheaded and the phantom sensation of Luffy’s lips on his has him pushing back up, seeking it. Luffy kisses him, once, twice. Softening, closed-mouth and Law feels it like a wind-down. The fire brought low to the glow of embers crackling. The sound he makes is pathetic, a keen, a whimper. Something being taken away.
“You’re drunk, Trao.” Luffy says and it sounds like an explanation, and it sounds sensible. Responsible. Silly coming from Luffy who is none of those things. Silly that Law who was all of those things hated how it sounds.
“I am.” He breathes, swallowing hard and Luffy watches the bob of his throat like it’s the most fascinating thing he’s ever seen, “You’re not.”
Luffy wasn’t. Luffy doesn’t like alcohol, so he doesn’t drink.
“Nope,” Luffy shakes his head, “I’ll know that it won’t change in the morning.”
“You think it’ll change for me?” Law asks. Luffy smiles, “Maybe. You’re the one that doesn’t like people.”
Law snorts, head falling back into the grass and feeling the blades tickle the shell of his ears. The movement sends his brain skipping in his head in a rush. He is drunk. “You just want me to admit that I don’t hate you.” Law grouses.
“You don’t.” Luffy’s tone is certain as he moves to stand, “I know that already.”
Law looks up at him, bathed in moonlight, still just as bright as in the sun, “Then what don’t you know?”
A hand falls down in front of him, palm up. Law takes it and Luffy doesn’t have any tattoos, but the look of Law’s on top of his hand doesn’t look so bad. Luffy doesn’t let him go when he pulls Law onto his feet. Law doesn’t think he has since they met. Luffy starts pulling Law towards town.
Luffy answers, “I have no idea. You’ll just have to tell me in the morning.”
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etheriaaly · 3 years
Just The Two Of Us [C! Tommyinnit x GN! Reader]
FLUFF TO ANGST (PLATONIC)  WARNINGS: Mentions of suicide, suicidal thoughts, character death, cursing
Reader pronouns: They/them 
A/N: Hi, this is my first DSMP fanfic so uhh I hope u enjoy lmao. There might be grammatical errors so pls do not mind it :D
ɴᴀᴠɪɢᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ∣ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ
[Y/N] already lost count of all the pranks and chaos they made with Tommy. They didn't like causing havoc or pulling pranks on people but if Tommy asked them to tag along, they would. Tommy is their best friend after all. Plus, where's the fun in life without a little risk?
[Y/N] was just at their Cottage house, peacefully making the potions that Quackity ordered just hours ago. Since [Y/N] is a skilled witch, it was no shock when they owned a Potions business. Everyone in the SMP server knows about this and they usually come and buy their potions. 
They were about to finish the last set of potions that Quackity ordered until they ran out of ingredients. "Dammit." [Y/N] muttered under their breath. They turned around and immediately went to find if they have any stock ingredients in their barrels or chests.
When they saw no stock ingredients, [Y/N] sighed and decided to do some last minute ingredients grinding. It was until they opened the door and saw Tommy standing in front of their house door.
[Y/N] knew that his presence is no good because that motherfucker is grinning ear to ear. They playfully groaned and asked, "What is it this time child?"
"Hey, I told you not to call me a child anymore!" Tommy suddenly protested, feeling insulted but went back to his sly grin and said, "Let's prank Skeppy and Bad." 
"That's a horrible idea." 
"Come on, bitch. It'll be fun." 
And they did come with Tommy. A couple hours had passed and [Y/N] had already forgotten about the ingredients they were gonna get for Quackity's potions. Tommy said that Big Q's order can wait but the prank can't. 
It wasn't long after Bad and Skeppy saw the two teenagers doing their little harmless prank on them. 
[Y/N] caught sight of the two and immediately tugged on Tommy's shirt. "Fuck, Tommy we gotta go." 
Tommy, unfazed and still focused on the prank, said, "Just a little longer." 
[Y/N] nudged Tommy's side using her elbows as the two teenagers can now hear Skeppy and Bad's incoherent yelling drawing closer and closer to them. 
"RUN!" [Y/N] yelled as they both left the things they used to try to prank BBH and Skeppy. 
The two let out a laugh as they ran away. Tommy constantly turned his head back to see if Skeppy and Bad are still after them. 
[Y/N] and Tommy continued to run even though Bad and Skeppy stopped coming after them. It wasn't until the two teenagers finally stopped running so that they could catch their breath. 
"What now?" [Y/N] gasped, who is still out of breath from both running and laughing at the same time. They looked at Tommy. 
Tommy grinned again and then grabbed their arm, "I have something pog to show you." 
[Y/N] didn't question Tommy and just let him drag them to a mountain. 
Once they have reached the destination, [Y/N] let out a 'wow'. The view is breathtaking and it is very peaceful. The mountain isn't that very far from the SMP but it looks like very few have come across this part. 
"So, what do you think?" Tommy asked, looking at the view. The view consists of the calming ocean waves and a peaceful sunsetting with birds passing by. 
[Y/N] turned to Tommy and smiled, "This could be our secret spot." They slowly walked towards the edge of the mountain cliff but were immediately stopped by Tommy. 
"Oh, [Y/N] wait. Be careful, the edge of the cliff looks really faulty." Tommy warned. 
[Y/N] immediately stepped back a little and took note of what Tommy said. But, they were still curious and looked down at the edge of the cliff, only to see the water from below. 
If someone would fall from this cliff and took a heavy impact on the water, that person wouldn't survive due to how high the mountain cliff is. 
[Y/N] then proposed, "You know, when things are stressful and stuff. We can just go here, sit in silence and look at the view as the wind or the waves takes away our problems for a while." 
"Just the two of us." The blonde haired lad said and then they both stood in silence, admiring the view and beauty of the server. 
Oh, if only you could turn back in time and relive this memory. If only things are still the same the way it was before. 
It's been so long since [Y/N] had fun and peace. Probably so many months since Tommy first showed them their secret mountain hangout area. 
[Y/N] currently stood still, gazing at the view that was once calm and peaceful but was now replaced with sounds of flying TNTs, fireworks and screams from the background.
They were in no state of mind as of the moment. They don't even know what to do anymore. A lot has changed ever since the wars, the exilation of Tommy. 
[Y/N] sniffed, wiping their tears using their now mangy sleeves caused by the current chaotic event. They continued to stare at the ocean, a potion of poison glistening in their hands. 
[Y/N] looked at the Potion of Poison that they were holding and pondered whether to drink it or not. 
Maybe it's best to end it once and for all. They don't have anywhere to go anyways. They don't have any friends or family to turn back to since everyone is against them or thought badly of them now. 
[Y/N] can't even go back to L’manberg as well since they're now a wanted criminal for breaking the laws and escaping from their house since they're supposed to be on house arrest for the crimes they didn't even do. 
They opened the cork of the potion, but they didn't drink it yet. They let their mind wander for a while and process everything that has happened. 
Maybe Dream was right. Maybe the people they loved never even cared for them at all. Maybe it was all just a lie. Maybe—
"[Y/N]." A familiar voice that they haven't heard in a while. 
It was windy. The cool breeze of air touched their skins. But along with the wind, there are particles of TNT or fireworks dusts. 
The [H/C] haired person turned around and saw their best friend for the first time in months. 
"Tommy." [Y/N] replied. Their voice were hoarse and dry. "What are you- What are you doing here?" 
"I could ask you the same thing." Tommy glared at them.
[Y/N] quietly groaned, closed their eyes for a while and pinched their nose bridge, still holding the potion on their other hand. "So, you believe all that shit?"
"Enough for me to believe the fact you tried to murder Tubbo, burn my invites and team up with Dream." 
Tommy added, "Maybe they were right about you. You're Dream's sibling after all." 
[Y/N] scoffed and threw their available hand around the air, "He may be my sibling, but we are never alike." 
"Why, [Y/N]? Why did you do it?" Tommy asked, hands gripping tighter on his sword. "Did Dream finally get into your head for you to commit these crimes? Or did you just do it because it's in your blood?" 
"You don't know a thing that happened," [Y/N] harshly spit back, completely trying to avoid the topic of Dream. "Of course you don't. You were exiled."
Tommy never understood why. Why had they turned like this? He felt rage and betrayal. During his exiled time, Tommy thought that they were gonna be that one person who would try to find him. Comfort him or even send him secret coded messages. But no, he received nothing. 
It hurts. Hurts like hell to know your best friend turned their back on everyone. A best friend that he has known for years. A part of him wants to believe they didn't do it but the proofs are enough for him to believe it was really them. 
"Well, you really can't blame me can you? You can only blame yourself," [Y/N] said. "This all started because of you and your stupid discs. All you ever care about is the FUCKING DISCS. Wars started, lives were lost, relationships were destroyed, all just because of those discs." 
They had never done this before. This was their first time just being angry and shouting at each other. Although this might be new to each other, it was obvious that they have been bottling up their emotions way too long. 
"You know what?! Things would be so much better if only you didn't exist." Tommy instantly regretted what he said as soon as he saw a potion glisten from [Y/N]'s hands. 
He may not be an expert but he knew well enough of the potions due to him hanging out too much with them before. "What are you doing?" Tommy immediately asked. "Is that a potion of poison?" 
"Nothing for you to care about." [Y/N] turned back towards the cliff and stared at the view once again. 
"Just the two of us again here, huh?" They said as they pulled the potion towards their mouth, just inches away from the lips now until Tommy hurriedly ran towards [Y/N] and tackled them. 
"What are you, an idiot?!" Tommy scolded as they both fought each other while trying not to fall from the cliff. He tried to pull the potion of poison away but it was hard since they kept gripping on it. 
It wasn't until Tommy was finally able to remove the potion from [Y/N]'s grasps. He threw the potion far away as it got smashed on the ground. 
The two of them were too busy fighting over the potion to notice that one of them is now standing on the faulty edge of the cliff. 
[Y/N] was on the edge of the cliff and accidentally backed away from Tommy, thinking there was still space. A loud shriek came out of their mouth.
Tommy immediately ran towards the edge, scrambled on his feet and looked down. Luckily, [Y/N] was able to hold onto the edge but their hands are shaky and tired from all the things that just happened. 
"I got you, I got you." Tommy frantically muttered, his breath increasing as to not knowing what will happen next. 
[Y/N] grip is slowly failing. Once their hands slipped, Tommy instantly grabbed their hands and tried to pull them back up. But, he too was tired from everything that has been happening. 
He tried to pull them up again but it was no use. Stress was adding up even more the moment they both felt the edge of the cliff shaking once more. 
Tommy can't do it anymore. So, he let out all the tears he's been trying to fight back. 
"It's gonna be okay, Tommy. Let me go." 
The blonde haired teen's eyes widened at [Y/N]'s statement. He can't do it. He can't bear to lose another loved one in his life. 
"I can't lose you too, [N/N]." Tommy croaked. 
The two might've fought just minutes ago but this is now a life and death situation. Problems and angst aside, they still care for each other. 
"You already did." Tommy's eyes widened in confusion and sadness. [Y/N] forced their hand to slip from his as Tommy tried to tighten it even more. [Y/N] had a few energies remaining, so they used it to push themselves off the cliff with their foot, making Tommy let go. 
For Tommy, everything is going so fast that his mind almost stopped working. 
But everything was in slow motion for [Y/N]. The fresh wind was so refreshing, almost making them forget what is currently happening to them. 
They closed their eyes, not wanting to see anymore reactions from Tommy. This is their end. This was meant to be. 
The moment [Y/N] chose to fall out from Tommy's grip, the blonde panicked and set aside all items he had with him. Without thinking properly, he lunged himself off the cliff. The only goal he had in mind was to save [Y/N] before it's too late. 
But he was, indeed, late. 
Everyone's communicator beeped. They all took at least some time to look at what the message could be on the communicator. As soon as everyone read the 2 words, their jaws dropped. 
[Y/N] drowned. 
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amindofstone · 3 years
A pirates treasure
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a/n: I am in love with a broken character. I am in love with a man that has “death” tattooed on his fingers. I am in love with a freaking 2D character that has the name “Surgeon of death”. Call me crazy but hey, the owner of a heart was never able to choose in who it falls in love. Yeah, to put it short I am in love with a character that barely has any romantic, lovely or sweet traits but still gets me screaming at 2 am whenever he appears. I am in love with Trafalgar D. Water Law.
a/n edited: My attention was drawn to a huge mistake of mine. I really don't want to justify my mistake and just delete it as if nothing happened. So therefore I'll do a quick explanation.
As you can see I used the picture above as a "cover" for my imagine without making any researches about the artist of the amazing work. I got the picture send by a friend with the request if I could use it and so I did without thinking twice. I should have done my job properly by finding the artist and asking for permission but I didn't and simply neglected that. And I'm truly and really sorry for that and genuinely apologise from the bottom of my heart. I hope I'll be forgiven. The picture used was that of the artist @666deaddash999 that has a blog here on tumblr and definitely should be seen. And again my apologies. 
a/n edited pt. 3.: I am in f***ing tears. I don´t deserve this much kindness. This artist, the dear @666deaddash999​ , is truely an angel. I really am garteful for being allowed to use it. Like damn they even liked my fic!!! I am in tears and emotional AF!! Anyways have a nice day and thank you for reading my work!
Genre: anime imagine? One Piece imagine?
Character(s): Trafalgar D. Water Law x Rose (reader)
Warnings: Maybe grammar or spelling mistakes. (I genuinely apologize. English is not my mother tongue and I´m really trying to improve. So please be so kind and have mercy)
Words: 4257
Info: Keep in mind that the words in italic are Rose (reader) train of thoughts.
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me if this is shared or published in any other platform or any other way. This took me a lot of time. So please respect me as the writer and my work. Picture used is not mine. Credits to the rightful owner. !!!
"Are you insane?! Can you hear what you're saying right now?! No! Do you know what you're saying right now?!", asked the now furious woman. "She lost her mind Marcus. Your daughter lost her brain on the way back home!!", the woman with the probably most expensive tiara on her head was running around the salon while making sure her husband understood her point in their daughters failure. "For the sake of sanity Marcus say something!!! Won't you?!", the woman yelled at her husband who was sitting on his chair in front of the chimney. “I regret the day I gave birth to you? I regret those nine months I carried you. I did not give birth to you so you can end up like this! This is not what we taught you!”. The king was clearly overwhelmed by the whole situation that had to happen two weeks before the king and his spouse from the neighboring island would come. Right at the moment in which he and his wife decided to make their daughter marry their son. The king who usually was always in a good mood and had a smile on his lips was now the total opposite. He was sad and felt lost. He didn't know how to cope with the situation his wife; or rather life confronted him with.
With a hand covering half of his face and closed eyes he focused on his breathing and just let his spouse calm down first before he spoke what was on his mind. He kept telling himself to breathe in and breath out when the queen’s next words made him stand up and leave the room.
"You traitor! How dare you sit there like you're the victim, you disgrace! You disgusting piece of shit! Where did you leave you honor and pride?! In the bed of that scum?!", the words of the mad woman made the young royal look up for the first time she entered the salon. The princess, the third daughter of one of the most powerful kingdoms, was in tears. A hand covering her mouth with the hope to keep her screams of pain inside she just let the tears stream down her face. “Look what you did you cheap piece of shit. I am disappointed in you. No wonder I never was fond of you and your existence. You are absolutely not capable of anything in this world. And Marcus calls something like you his beloved daughter. Get out and get back to your chambers. I don´t want to see you out of your quarter before the royal family whose son you´ll be marrying will come. You heard me! And I dare you to start another tantrum about the marriage or else I make you regret existing.”, Rose nodded and left the salon without a word.
On her way back to her quarter her brother, the crown prince, saw her and wanted to stop her and ask what their mother said, but she didn´t let him touch her or talk to her. He wanted to hold her and comfort her since he knew how their mother can hurt one with her words but she didn´t let him come closer. She silently left him behind and ran to her save place so she could cry out loud with the hope of getting rid of the pain in her chest. She cried and cried until her maid came with her dinner. The maid tried her best to make the young princess stop crying and eat something but she couldn´t make it. When the food she brought her got cold she tried to at least make her calm down but to no avail. Before the sad maid left the princess alone she took the food she brought her and asked her with pleading eyes if she could do anything for her. The maid thought that she won´t answer her while still shedding tears when the princess who was sitting on her bed looked her in the eye for the first time since she entered her chambers. The maid gave her a genuine and friendly smile while telling her that she´ll do anything for her. But the words of the princess made her stop smiling while the little spark of hope died down. “Kill me and put this miserable life of mine to an end.”, the maid did not know what to say so she left her chambers with a soft apology and a deep bow.
Suffocating silence took over her chambers after a while when no sound of her could be heard anymore. Her throat was sore from the hurt screams that left her. Screams she tried to suppress with a pillow or her hand. Screams she held in for weeks. If her throat wouldn´t be hurting by now and if she had just a bit more energy she would be screaming more. She would be screaming from the top of her lungs while trying to get rid of the pain in her chest that seems to be clinching onto her for dear life. Her heart was aching. Her soul was helplessly trying to understand what was happening right now while her brain stopped functioning. She was lifeless. She looked like a corpse sitting on a bed. She didn´t move an inch or dared to breathe aloud. When someone would have entered her chambers they would have thought a doll was sitting on the massive bed and not the princess. The princess the whole kingdom loved for her genuine smile and friendliness. A princess that was loved by ever person that saw her because of the kindness she holds in her heart and eyes.
The princess. A young lady whose beauty was known all over the world. Whose kindness anyone knew and mentioned. A young royal with a genuine heart, a heart as pure as that of an angel. A young royal in the age of 19 that was able to make any person walk over broken glass if they could make her smile. But what happened to her? A young lady who used to walk around the kingdom with a smile upon her lips and a childlike playfulness. What happened to the girl that used to be the happiness of any person in the palest and the kingdom?
Rose, never thought that the day would come she needed to be told how beautiful life can be. She never thought that the day would come where her siblings and maids would have to come and tell her that life is full of love and happiness 
Isn´t it funny how fast a person can change? How fast the happiness of a person can be taken away from them. Isn´t it funny how something that is supposed to be good can break a person and ruin their whole life? How can something that she was always told about as the most beautiful and powerful thing on earth break her and be the cause of her pain. Why does it carry so much pain and tears when it´s supposed to be the reason a human lives? This doesn´t seem logical to her. It seems like all the things she was told were lies. Lies and lies told one after another. Why did they lie to me?
Rose was freezing. The dress she was wearing at the moment was obviously not able to keep her warm anymore. She needed to change. She needed to take a bath. But she had neither energy nor motivation to do anything so she kept sitting there while looking out of her huge window. Her window was wide open and let the fresh but cold wind of the spring night enter her save place. Her curtains were waving more and more due to the slowly stronger getting wind. Just when she thought that she calmed down a bit, she suddenly started to remember the words of her mother. Words that were sharper than any knife or sword. Words that cut her heart into pieces. Disgrace, she said. Disappointment, she said. She regrets giving me live, she said. And again tears fell down her cheeks. Tears filled by pure hate towards herself. She hated herself. She hated her body and wanted to die. The couple that used to shower her with love now hated her. Slowly more tears started to stream down her face while she tried to muffle down her soft sobs by putting a hand over her mouth. The cold wind that entered her chambers through her open window and door to her terrace stopped by now only to be replaced by rain. It seems like the sky was the only one that understood her pain and cried with her out of empathy. Day, weeks and now months passed and a forbidden longing accompanied her through her lonely days filled with regret. I wish I never went to the harbor with my maid. I wish I could erase that day from my life and memories.
When she thought that the pain she felt couldn´t get worse a person called her name with so much love it hurt her. She was confused and scared at the same time. With panic written all over her face she looked around her chambers only to be greeted by a tall man who entered her bedroom through her terrace. Slow steps were made as if he knew that she´d be overwhelmed by his sudden presence. She couldn´t see his face but knew that he was looking straight into her eyes. Just when he was about to enter her bedroom he stopped at the door of her terrace and allowed her to hear his voice. A voice that was able to get her weak and lose balance and fall on her knees. But luckily she was now sitting on her bed in the same position since a few hours now. “May I enter?”
A soft whine erupted her sore throat, while her heart started to race. As if she ran from one side of the island to the other. She couldn´t believe her eyes. She wanted to scream his name and jump in his arms. She wanted to kiss his face, hands and shower him with all the love she felt for him but she didn´t move but gave him a small nod that allowed him to enter. Am I imagining this?
His hat he seemed to love so much and that turned into his signature got recognized by the heartbroken princess next to his sword that accompanied him through every fight and battle. But his clothes changed into something she thought he would never wear. It changed into something elegant but at the same time simple. A black long cloak was loosely hanging over his shoulder that was decorated at its collar with a thick pitch black fur. Under the cloak she could make out a white wide loose shirt that gave away a beautiful sight of his toned and tattooed chest. He looked like a sculpture that was awakened to life. She couldn´t believe what she was seeing. She was staring at his face, his hands, his slightly wetted clothes with the hope that her eyes were playing a stupid game with her heart. She couldn´t look away while all this time he was slowly coming closer to her and the bed she was sitting on. Just when she realized who was standing in her chambers she quickly tried her best to pull herself together and speak in a half decent steady voice but sadly to no avail. “Don´t come closer and get back to the place you came from.”
She tried. She tried her best to talk in a convincing and steady voice but she failed, miserably. Her trembling voice and body betrayed her. Her hands that were holding tight onto her sheets betrayed her. Her knuckles that turned white from the pressure she put on them betrayed her. But most of all it were her eyes and tears that betrayed her. Her whole body screamed to be touched by him. Her hands longed for his warmth. Her heart screamed to be consoled and her eyes gave away all of the love she had for him. She shouldn´t be able to cry anymore thinking about the whole day she only cried but unlike a few minutes ago she was now shedding tears of pure joy. “Are you sure that you want me to leave?”, the man in front of her asked her to not only convince himself that this is what she wanted but also to give her the chance to rethink her choice, but the black haired woman nodded what she instantly regretted.
Regret. What a simple word to use when it hold so much emotions and thoughts.
The moment she saw him make a step back and put a distance between him and her, a quiet pleading to not leave her left her lips that made him instantly drop his sword. The sudden sound of his falling weapon surprised her and made her look down to the place it fell. She wanted to ask if he was doing fine when the next move of the man that ruined her life shook her to death. Everything happened in the blink of an eye. He took of his hat and threw it somewhere she couldn´t make out only to get on her bed and connect their lips. She didn´t wanted him to kiss her. She didn´t wanted him this close but still grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer. Rose´s hands were trembling while her tears still didn´t stop falling. It felt like a dream, a dream come true when she remembered her mother’s words and pushed him away from her.
Trafalgar D. Water Law.
What or who gave you the permission to enter my live and turn it upside down. The tears that were falling down her cheeks were that of pure happiness to have him in front of her but slowly with her mother´s words coming back to her mind they slowly turned into tears of pain and fear. Law wanted more. He wanted to kiss her more and hold her. He wanted her all to himself. He took her hands, that were still holding onto his shirt, in his and kissed each and every finger of her one by one. “She´ll kill you.”, she said with a quivering voice with the hope to make him understand in what kind of situation they were but he didn´t care at all. “She said she´ll execute you in front our nation.”, but still the pirate didn´t care. In fact he intertwined their hands and started to kiss her all over her face. “She called you so many names and said that she´ll kill any person you are close to right after she killed you. Law are you listening.”, she kept telling him what her mother the queen said but her lover didn´t seem to care. But to make clear that he indeed was listening to her he nodded and hummed in her ear before he made his way to her neck. But before he could place his lips on her skin again she said something what made him stop in his tracks. “I´m getting engaged in two weeks and married next month.”, just when she thought that he´ll get made and push her away she heard a soft chuckle before he laid her down and get back to kissing her while making sure to leave marks here and there. She felt pathetic. She felt horrible. She felt like agreeing to her mother’s words that she is not worth being a royal or a princess. “Law, don´t you understand in what situation I am right now? I feel like I´m a joke to y….”.
“Am I a joke to you? Are my feelings a joke to you?”, Law stopped her midsentence just to leave her with a question that made her rethink all the thoughts she had in the last weeks. But she had no time to think because the man on top of her stood up and left her bed. Panic overcame her and she started to breath quickly. “Please don´t leave me. I beg you Law. I don´t know what to do without you. Please!”
If the princess could see the man’s face at this moment she would have seen his genuine smile of pure happiness and relief. “Who said I wanted to leave you?”, said the tall man and made his way towards her door just to lock it. No matter where he went Rose followed all of his steps around her chambers. He closed the window and the door to her terrace while also making sure to close the curtains. If her maid did not came to light the candelas on her nightstand it would have been pitch black and she wouldn´t be able to see what the pirate who sneaked into the palace would do right now. He took of his shoes and placed them neatly next to the armchair in front of her chimney. Slow and carefully he took of his slightly wet cloak and put it over the backrest to dry. While she wondered if he wasn´t cold with what he was wearing she realized a bit too late that he took his shirt off and went to light up some other candelas in her room while giving her a full display of his tattoos. How on earth could someone as beautiful as him fall for me? What happened that made him love me to an extend he came all the way to the palace to me? Do I deserve this much love? Rose was looking down to her hands that lay on her lap when she felt the bed shift. She didn´t dare to look him in the eyes. She felt cheap and used. How can I marry a man that I don´t love? How can I get married while fully knowing that I gave away the most precious thing I had to a pirate that told me he loved me? I am being the naive and stupid woman my mother called me. “Do you regret losing you virginity to me?”, the sudden question of the criminal she fell in love with surprised her and made her look up to him with widen eyes. “Do you regret letting me be your first kiss? Do you regret letting me lay in your arms?”, Law took her hands back in his to intertwine them again. An act he does without realizing it by now. He was used to place her hand in is. He wanted it and needed it. He wanted to feel her and her warmth. He needed a reassurance that she really was sitting in front of him. He needed something that made clear to him that he wasn´t dreaming and really was beside her and not in his or the strawhats ship sleeping.
“Do you want to marry him? Are you fine with your parents marring you off to someone you don´t love neither know?”, the princess was overwhelmed not only by his question but also by his eyes which were filled by sadness. His grey eyes that usually had something playful and fierce in it. His eyes that used to always soften whenever the landed on her who was his lover, his woman, his absolute everything. The princess placed her hands on his face and caressed his cheeks. If only she knew what that little gesture did to him. If only she knew how much control she had over him. If only. “Trafalgar Law. I gave you everything I had. I let you be my first love and my first lover. I let you be my first kiss and my first time not for you to ask me if I regretted it. Law I love you. Although my miserable live won´t allow me to be with you I can assure you that I would throw everything away only to be with you.”, Laws eyes were closed. He couldn’t think properly anymore. His heart was racing. His mind was an absolute mess. He wanted her close to him. He wanted to feel her. He needed her so he sat her down on his lap and leaned back. With his head resting on the headboard of her bed and the royal lady on top of him he tried to calm his heart down and make it stop racing. “If I wouldn´t be a doctor I would have thought I was about to die whenever I had you near me.”, the young princess looked at him with concern in her eyes. “At that time I couldn´t understand why my heart was racing or why I felt like I was getting crushed. There was always this feeling of something or someone putting a huge amount of pressure on my chest whenever I thought about you. And whenever I had you close to me I felt like I was drowning and losing all my powers. But now I know that it´s alright to feel like this because this is how it´s supposed to be. Because today I know that it´s because I love you.”, Law was not someone that spoke out loud about his feelings. He wasn´t the type of person who shared his thoughts but when he did he was able to blow any person away. The words of her lover made her heart race while guilt over came her. “Stop. Please stop.”, begged Rose while hiding her face in the crock of his neck. She knew that she was hurting him by telling him to stop. She knew that she wasn´t supposed to react like this but what could she do, she was promised to a prince of a neighbor island. She shouldn´t be kissing him or hugging him. She shouldn´t be laying in his arms while he told her how much she meant to him. She should be sending him away like a worthy daughter and princess should do.
“Do you want me to leave. If so than just tell me and I will leave you alone tonight. I really don´t have a problem with that. I can´t bear seeing you sad, my love. I will come tomorrow. Would you like that?”, hearing his words made her look up and see his face to make sure he wasn´t playing with her but no, he was serious. He was smiling down to her while caressing her cheek. The look he gave her broke her heart. She knew he loved her. No matter how many times she told herself that she meant nothing to him her heart told her different. “This is not how it works, Law! You are such a fool. You idiot! I just told you that I´m promised to a prince and here you are telling me that you will come tomorrow if I don´t feel well. What is wrong with you?”, tears were falling down her cheeks. Thinking about the amount of tears she just shed today makes one wonder how she is still possible to cry more. Rose hit him a few times on his chest before she left his lap and sat down next to him. She couldn´t bear being this close to him so she tried putting some distance between him and her when Law laid her down and hovered above her.
“Tell me what is wrong with you? Do you really think I let your parents take you away from me? Do you really think I let some random bastard marry my woman? I am a pirate Rose. If I want something I get it and when I have it I won´t give it back. Do you understand?”, Law spoke in a soft tone but one full of power and determination. Rose didn´t know what to say so she simply kept quiet and kept listening to him. “You are mine. My treasure. My property, You are mine all alone and I don´t share what is mine. And if anyone is so foolish to try to take what is mine I won´t hesitate to cut off their heart.”, the dreaded pirate spoke in his calm but deep voice and made the woman underneath him stare at him without daring to move an inch. “Now tell me do you really thing I let you get married to anyone that is not me?”, Rose was numb. She was awestruck and speechless so Law took the matter in his own hands and took her face in his hands and shook her head in a playful manner. He knew that his words took her by surprise what could he do? It was her guilt that he was head over heel in love with her. “No, my darling. I won´t let go of you. Just wait a few more days and wait for me. I have a little plan to get you out of her.”, the last words the pirate spoke made her widen her eyes. Law indeed loved the effect he had on her. The princess wanted to say something but the pirate didn´t allow her to speak up. He placed a short kiss on her lips before he slowly started to unbutten her dress. “Law?!”
“You can´t imagine how much I missed you. Please allow me to show you how much you mean to me, my dear. Hold me and show me that your presence is not a dream. Please allow me to love you.”
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firefly464 · 4 years
The Real World - Chapter 12
Alright chapter 12 lets goooo. Another slightly slower chapter, but I promise that its gonna be picking up real soon. Also Pami wrote the irl bit because shes the coolest and I love her :D
Made in collaboration with @i-have-this-now​ Thank you to @rivys​ for beta reading and editing!
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Dream stared at his friend, confusion and worry filling his mind. The teenager had been staring into space for the past minute or so, not responding to either him or Tubbo. Dream hadn’t been too concerned, until he noticed that Tommy was crying.Tears were streaking down Tommy’s face, forging a path on his cheeks. His expression was filled with a mixture of hope and fear, his eyes glazed over, like he was listening to something that no one else could hear. 
“Tommy? Hellooo? You ok?” Dream asked, waving a hand in front of his face. No response. He glanced over at Tubbo, trying to see if he had any ideas. Instead, when Dream made eye contact with him, Tubbo flinched and sank back into his seat, as if trying to disappear. Right. Of course Tubbo was scared of him. Everyone was scared of him. 
“You know I’m not going to hurt you, right?” He asked, trying to lighten the mood.
The younger brunette stared at him in fear, unsure of how he was supposed to respond. If Dream had said those same words to him a month ago, he would have ran, no questions asked. Now though, he wasn’t sure. He didn’t know this man, had no idea what he was like. All he had to go off of was what Tommy had said. 
His eyes darted over towards his spaced out friend. “What did you do to him?” He asked, struggling to keep the tremor out of his voice. He had only stood up to Dream once, and it had resulted in him nearly losing his arm. Slowly, as to not draw attention to himself, he moved his hand to the hilt of his sword. If this went south, then he sure as hell needed to be ready to defend himself. 
“Nothing! I didn’t do anything, I promise” Dream dropped the bow and put his hands up in an attempt to show he meant no harm. He understood why Tubbo was so scared of him, but that didn’t change the fact that it stung. How could it not? Someone who he had thought of as a friend was now trembling before him in fear. 
“Look, I don’t know what you’re playing at, but if you hurt Tommy in any way I will not hesitate to run you through.” Tubbo’s voice shook with fear, despite his best attempts at keeping it steady. 
Seeing the young teenager like this, Dream couldn’t help but be filled with pity and sadness. He was only 16, still just a kid. He should have been worried about homework, or some other small problem. He shouldn’t be stressing over whether or not he was going to live through the day, or who was going to try and hurt him next. It just wasn’t right.
Dream nodded, his hands still raised.“I promise, Tubbo, I didn’t do anything, and I don’t plan on hurting either of you.”
“Tubbo…” A soft voice startled them both. Tommy was now staring at the fallen bow, the tears freely flowing. 
Tubbo’s attention was instantly drawn to his best friend, his eyes filled with overwhelming concern. “Hey man, you ok?” 
Tommy looked up at his friend. A pang of homesickness shot through him. Everything about the boy next to him felt… wrong. He knew that it was still Tubbo, but that didn’t change the fact that it didn’t seem right. He was too tense, too nervous. It was as if at any moment, he could be attacked. It was so different from the laid back attitude of his Tubbo. The one that got excited over the smallest things. The one who casually went around killing people in game for no real reason. Tommy couldn’t help but miss the energetic and fun loving Tubbo from his own world. Still, he was still his friend. 
Without hesitation, Tommy reached over to give his friend a hug. The tears continued to flow as the words of the message replayed in his mind. ‘I swear, we’re gonna figure something out and get you guys out of there. I promise.’ It wasn’t much to go off of, but goddammit what did he have to lose? 
Tubbo couldn’t help but flinch at the sudden hug. “Hey, is everything alright?” 
“Sorry, sorry” Tommy quickly said, backing up and giving his friend space. He frantically wiped the tears off his face and tried to compose himself. “Yeah, I’m good.” “What the hell was that? You just zoned out, are you sure you’re ok?” Dream asked. 
“I uh, I think I just got a message from Tubbo. Our Tubbo,” he made sure to clarify. “Apparently he’s been working with Wilbur and the other Tommy to try and bring us home…” 
Dream felt his jaw drop. “Wait, really?! You’re kidding!” 
“I swear to you that I am not joking. Trust me, I want to go home as much as you do.”
“How?! What did he say? What do we do?” 
“There’s- There’s a console. Apparently it's like the server console back home, but it's an actual physical computer here. According to Tubbo it has the ability to do some really weird shit.” 
“Like run regular commands?” 
“Yeah, pretty much. Damn, imagine what kinda fucked up shit you could do with that kinda thing…” 
“Uh huh, imagine what kind of fucked up shit this other Dream already did with that thing.” 
“Fuck, you’re right.” 
“So how exactly does this help us get home?” 
“Right, right. I guess that the other Dream figured out how to swap people’s souls across dimensions or something with it.”
Dream’s face lit up as he made the connection. “We could do it too! We could use the command to swap us back and put everything back to normal!” A rush of excitement filled him. Finally, finally they had some direction. They actually had a goal, something to work towards. They had hope. “Where is it? Where can we find it?” 
“See, that's the problem. Actually, there's two problems. One, we don’t know the command. Tubbo was thinking if we could make it to the console, we might be able to communicate with them and figure something out.”
“Wait, what? How would that even work?” 
Tommy shrugged. “I’m not sure. I’m honestly just hoping that Tubbo knows what he’s doing.”
“Riiight. So what's the other problem?” 
Tommy took a deep breath and tried to find something, anything else to look at. He didn’t want to look Dream or Tubbo in the eyes when he told them the truth. Eventually, his eyes rested on the white, porcelain mask that hung on the wall. The simple smile seemed to bore into his very soul, taunting him in a way. He looked away. “The computer is super far away. Apparently it takes a couple days to reach on foot.” 
“Ok? And?” 
“According to the other Tommy, the other Dream is going to delete the server in a little less than 48 hours, which would most likely result in every single one of us dying a very painful death.” 
Dream let out a low whistle. “Right. So you’re telling me that we have to go and find this super powerful computer that's really far away, try to come up with a plan, and figure out what the right command is within the next 48 hours, or the world will be deleted and we all die.” 
“Yeah pretty much.” 
“Right. Ok, no pressure.” he ran a hand through his hair, already trying to figure out what the best course of action was. “Where exactly is the console?” 
“He said it’s in this room made out of bedrock in the middle of a dark forest, almost directly east of us.”
Dream nodded. “Got it. Tommy, go let George know what's going on. See if he wants to join us. It’d probably be smart to have someone who actually knows what they’re doing with us. I’m going to get together some supplies.” 
“Got it. Tubbo, do you wanna come with us?” Tommy asked, startling the brunette. 
He had been deep in thought, trying to keep up with the conversation. He was confused, but he also didn’t want to ask any questions and risk angering Dream. He shook his head. “I’m good. You guys uh, you’ll need someone to cover for you, right? I can tell Wilbur what's going on…” He was lying, of course. He just didn’t want to spend any more time around Dream. Sure, Tommy trusted him, but that didn’t change the fact that just looking at the man brought back painful memories. 
“Ok, that's probably smart. Make sure he knows that the other Tommy is safe, ok? He’s going to be coming home soon.” 
A slight smile crossed Tubbo’s face. “Alright. I can do that. I’ll uh, I’ll see you guys later then.” He rushed out of the base, running towards L’manberg. 
Dream and Tommy were silent, neither of them mentioning the obvious. If all went according to plan, then they would never see this version of Tubbo again. 
“Florida?!” Tubbo cried, flabbergasted. “We’re going to Florida? That’s like a 9 hour flight!” All this SMP stuff was making his head spin. First, it was just Tommy and Dream’s disappearance, then it escalated to something much, much worse. His friends’ lives were at stake if they didn’t do anything. He honestly didn’t want to believe Tommy, but something told him that what he’s saying is true.
“Look, I’m used to taking on my problems in person. I can’t just sit in front of this thing- whatever weird gadget this is- and do nothing! We have to go there!” Tommy explained.
“Tommy, what will you tell everyone else? What will you tell your parents? You can’t just prance up to them and go ‘hello dearest parents! As it turns out, I’m not your son, but I’m him from another dimension! Y’know how he plays that video game? It’s that dimension! Anyways, I’m off to Florida to go do a murder! I’ll be home before dinner!’ How do you think that’s gonna go down?” Wilbur said.
“Will, I know what I’m doing! This psychopath is gonna try to kill my friends. I need to save them.” Tommy told them desperately. “If we reach him, we can get to his computer and I can go home!”
“We don’t even know where he lives, Tommy!” Wilbur retaliated. 
“Well, I might.” Tubbo said, nonchalantly.
Wilbur blinked. “You what? You’re not going to hack him, Tubbo-” 
“He isn’t our Dream, Will. This is probably the only chance we have to do this! Lives are at stake!”
“But there’s laws--” Wilbur sighed, pulling on his face in resignation. He still had trouble believing in this. Dimension travel? Souls? A few days ago he’d say they never existed. But, now… “Okay, fine. I can get us three to Florida. Earliest flight I can get us will be at about five-in-the-morning. We find Dream and we…” Wilbur trailed off.
“Kill him.” Tommy gritted out.
“NO!” Wilbur and Tubbo shouted.
“Tommy, we are not going to kill him. We need our Dream and Tommy to come back and send both of you back. If you kill him-” Wilbur explained.
“Okay, fine,” Tommy sighed, cutting off whatever it was Wilbur was about to say. “We won’t kill him. We just need to hold him long enough for him to tell us the command.”
“And what if he refuses to tell us?” 
“Then we make him tell us.” 
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stitchlesswitch · 3 years
"Norse Mythology series" par Zorinblitzz.
I don’t follow Norse mythology but I came across this and I thought you guys might enjoy it. The quotes are from the post, and translated from French, so that’s why some of it might be off. The unquoted stuff is uneducated commentary by yours truly.
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“- D ökkalfar, black elves live in the dirt and have a dark complexion.”
...this complexion isn’t dark but at least they didn’t use black face I guess. Whole thing kinda sus ngl
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“- Freyja, Goddess of beauty and love, eroticism, daughter of Njord and a mother whose name is not known. She is the sister of Freyr with whom she forms a pair of parèdre. She is responsible for welcoming half of the fallen warriors into her personal hall, Folkvangr, the other half going to Odin's, Valhalla.”
Y’all never told me Freyja welcomes fallen warriors and has her own hall just like Odin?!? I’ve heard the word folkvangr maybe once. I knew there was more than one hall but not that Freyja had one, that’s bitchen. Surprised they didn’t do a picture for her sister
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“- Hel, daughter of Loki, goddess of the dead without heroism.”
Nice, pretty bitchen ngl. That’s funny in the marvel movies they say “Hella” is the daughter of Odin not Loki. Hollywood lied to me 😔
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“- Loki, God of fire, air of discord and sneaky, sons of giants Farbauti and Laufey. It's a trouble sower that could change shape. He plotted to kill Baldr and was mercilessly punished for this crime.”
I had no idea Loki was the god of fire. This depiction reminds me of Artemis
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“- Mani, God of the moon, brother of S ól. He is being chased by the Hati wolf.”
That’s so cool because most personifications of the moon are feminine. I do remember tumblr telling me about the sun and moon being chased by the wolf. The wolf belongs to Hel, right? And when it catches them that’s the start of ragnorök. I genuinely don’t know sorry
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“- Sif, Goddess of grain, wife of Thor, mother of goddess Thr ùd and sometimes of gods Modi and Magni. Mother of Ull from previous union. She has a golden hair (that Loki will cut her off) and represents fertility. She has the ability to take the form of a swan and would have the gift of prophecy.”
Thor had a wife?!
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“- Skadi, Wife of Ull and former Woman of Njord, the god of the sea. She never agreed to live with her spouse. She is a giant of J ötunheim, mother-in-law of Vanes Freyr and Freyja, but is still considered an Ase.”
I have no idea if Ase is a mistranslation or not but why does this person look like a pretty snow princess
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“- Sol, Sun Goddess, M áni's sister. She is being chased permanently by the wolf Sköll.”
Again, cool because most interpretations of the sun are masculine
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“- Sutr, Fire Giant, King of Muspellheim. A co-creator of the 9 worlds, he will destroy them using his sword of fire at the end of Ragnar ök.”
Neat, would have made hair bright red though ngl
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“- Vidar, son of Odin and giant Grid, called for revenge for his father's death during the Ragnar ök.”
Wait, that makes him a brother to Thor and Loki right?
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purplehairedwonder · 3 years
Hearts With(out) Chains Chapter 16
Fandom: One Piece Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Gen (eventual Lawlu) Words: 3,431 Characters: Ikkaku, Jean Bart, Clione, Monkey D. Luffy, Nico Robin, Straw Hats, Violet, Trafalgar Law, Bepo, Doflamingo Notes: I’m taking my turn at the Corazon!Law AU because my brain won’t leave me alone until this is written down. Tags will be updated as the chapters come out.
Summary: Law is reclaimed by the Family when he's 17 and, with Doflamingo holding the lives of his crew as collateral for his good behavior, eventually becomes the third Corazon. Years later, trapped by his impossible situation, Law finds a strange connection to Monkey D. Luffy, which offers a glimpse of something he's repeatedly had ripped away from him: hope.
Previous chapters: Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
Read also at AO3 / FF.N
For a moment, Ikkaku’s brain struggled to process exactly what she was seeing. Why was Straw Hat Luffy on the Polar Tang? No one had heard from him or his crew in two years—since her own captain had saved his life. Was she hallucinating? Had she hit her head? Had she fallen asleep? Her brain couldn’t find a logical reason for what she was seeing.
“Eh?” Luffy said, tilting his head at Ikkaku. “You’re not Sanji. Who are you?”
“Who am I?” Ikkaku echoed in disbelief. “Why are you on my ship?” she demanded, hands going to her hips.
Luffy frowned at her for a long moment before his expression lit up. “Your ship? You must be one of Torao’s nakama!”
“Torao?” Ikkaku repeated in confusion.
Luffy nodded. “Mhm. Your captain!”
Ikkaku’s eyes narrowed. “My captain is Corazon.”
“That’s what I said. Torao.”
Irritation washing over her, Ikkaku pinched the bridge of her nose. “No, it’s not. I work for Corazon, second in command of the Donquixote Family, not whatever you just said,” she said. (Though whether Law still held that title seemed to be a question up in the air, considering the crew had been attacked, but that wasn’t Straw Hat Luffy’s business.)
“Torao is Corazon,” Luffy said. “He’s Law.”
Ikkaku stiffened. “How do you know that name?”  
“Eh? He told me!” Luffy replied like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
That she did not believe. Law wouldn’t just tell anyone his name—especially a rival captain. But Luffy didn’t seem inclined to expand on his explanation.
“You still haven’t answered why you’re on our ship,” Ikkaku ground out, deciding to change approaches since she wasn’t getting anywhere.
“Oh, it was Torao’s idea,” Luffy said, scratching his nose absently. “He was supposed to call hours ago, though, so I’m getting worried about him.” His vision narrowed in on her, and Ikkaku had to fight the urge to step back with the sudden intensity of his gaze. “Do you know where Torao is?”
Ikkaku frowned at that. Not only did she have a hard time believing Law had invited a rival pirate crew onto the Tang—never mind the pirate in question was one he’d gone out of his way to save for a reason he hadn’t been able to explain—but she was also struck by the statement that Law seemed to be missing. That wasn’t good.
“I don’t know,” she said honestly.
The atmosphere around them lightened as Luffy crossed his arms and made a thoughtful noise. Ikkaku watched him, unsure of what to do, but she was pulled from her thoughts at the sound of doors busting open behind Luffy in the mess and yelling. Oh boy. She’d completely forgotten about Jean Bart and Clione. Luffy spun around, eyes going wide, and dashed back into the room he’d just come from.
With a sigh, Ikkaku followed a moment later and entered a chaotic scene. Pirate Hunter Zoro had his blades drawn as he stared down Jean Bart, who had… were those hands spouting out of his shoulders? He’d frozen as he eyed the limbs perilously close to his thick neck. Demon Child Nico Robin had her arms crossed in front of her as she stood to the side of Zoro. The long-nosed sniper had a slingshot drawn and pointed in his direction as well.
Meanwhile, Clione was facing off against Black Leg Sanji and a skeleton? Wielding a sword? And a cyborg? What the—?
Ikkaku rubbed her eyes. She’d seen a lot of strange things in the New World, but this was definitely near the top of the list. There was just something about seeing the crazy happening on her own ship, which was supposed to be a safe haven, that caused her brain to short circuit.
“Stop!” Luffy yelled as he barreled into the center of the mess hall.
“Luffy?” Zoro asked, glancing at his captain.
“These guys just burst in and attacked us!” the sniper added.
“Because you’re on our ship,” Jean Bart growled.
“Your ship?” Cat Burglar Nami asked, loosening her grip on the strange baton in her grasp. “Are you—”
“Torao’s nakama!” Luffy interrupted. He turned and pointed at Ikkaku. “Her too.”
The other Straw Hats turned to look at her, and her face warmed at the attention. She awkwardly raised a hand in greeting. After a moment, the Straw Hats stood down. Once the weapons had been lowered, Ikkaku wound her way through the mess to stand next to Jean Bart and Clione.
“Who’s Torao?” Clione asked, confused.
“Not this again,” Luffy grumbled.
“Our captain is referring to Corazon,” Nico Robin jumped in immediately, a spare hand appearing to pat Luffy on the shoulder comfortingly before disappearing in a flurry of petals.
“Straw Hat knew his real name,” Ikkaku murmured to her friends. They gaped back at her, just as surprised as she had been. The only ones to still refer to Law by his given name were the Hearts, and they were careful only to do it when they were safely outside the hearing of any outsiders.
“How do you know our captain?” Jean Bart demanded.
“We… ran into him on Punk Hazard,” Nami said, sliding her baton into a holster at her hip.
“Punk Hazard?” Clione asked, glancing at Jean Bart and Ikkaku. “Was that where he went on his mission?”
“Must be,” Ikkaku agreed. It made sense since Law’s mission had to have been nearby, and Punk Hazard housed a sensitive project, though they didn’t know the details of it.
“Some jerk named Verto showed up and attacked all of us,” Luffy said. Well, that seemed to confirm the story; the only thing the Hearts knew about the trouble Law was in was that it involved Vergo in some way. “He called Torao a traitor and threatened Torao’s nakama.”
Ikkaku traded glances with Jean Bart and Clione.
“What happened?” Clione finally asked.
“We said we’d help,” Luffy said. “Torao saved me two years ago. He’s a good guy. And if you’re his nakama, you must’ve helped me too, so you’re good, too!”
Ikkaku gaped at Luffy. Was he serious? This was not how a pirate was supposed to act.
“Vergo’s dead,” Robin added. “Corazon killed him.”
“Good,” Ikkaku said without thinking. The thought that Law had gotten revenge on that bastard was a good one. They’d all seen how Vergo and Law interacted when Vergo came to the palace, and the malice that existed on both sides had been blistering.
“Good riddance,” Clione added.
“Not a popular guy, I take it,” Nami said, eyebrow raised.
“He hurt our captain,” Clione said. “What’s there to like?”
Zoro hummed in approval as he dropped into a chair and threw his hands behind his head in a more relaxed posture.
“That still doesn’t answer why you’re on the Tang. Our ship,” Jean Bart clarified at some confused glances.
“Torao told us to wait here until he called,” Luffy said. “But it’s boring when you can’t explore a new place.”
“So, you’re here to help us?” Ikkaku asked skeptically. Even if Luffy thought of himself as repaying his debt to Law for Marineford, it was crazy to take on a Warlord in the country he ruled as king. There was no way he had any idea what he was getting himself and his crew into.
“That’s what I said,” Luffy huffed. “Why does no one ever listen to me? That Mingo is a bad guy, so we’re going to help Torao take him down and save his nakama.”
“You didn’t know about this?” the sniper asked, absently fiddling with the handle on the slingshot he’d rested on the table.
“We haven’t seen the captain since he returned,” Jean Bart said. “We were supposed to meet after dinner—”
“But we were attacked by two executives and had to flee the palace before we could see the captain,” Ikkaku said. “We came to the ship, hoping some of the others made it here as well.”
The Straw Hats exchanged concerned looks. “Corazon called us not long after he reached the palace this afternoon,” Robin said. “He’d met with Doflamingo and intended to check in again when he met with you all, but we never got that call.”
“Do you think he’s been captured?” the little tanuki in the corner, Chopper, piped up, concerned.
“Or killed,” Sanji said with a frown.
The Hearts exchanged a look. Years ago, Law had revealed to them the ultimate ability of his Devil Fruit—the true reason Doflamingo had kept him at his side all these years. The true reason he held the Hearts as collateral for Law’s continued cooperation. (“You deserve to know why you’re being held hostage,” he’d told them when they’d asked why he was telling them this.) Doflamingo would not kill Law before he had the chance to perform that operation, but Doflamingo could make even the strongest men beg for death. And he would have no qualms killing some of the collateral if he believed Law was a traitor.
“If Doflamingo found out about Vergo,” Ikkaku began slowly, “he’d be furious.” Furious might be an understatement.
“And if he knew the captain did it…” Clione added, trailing off.
“That would explain why we were attacked,” Jean Bart said, crossing his arms.
“We need to find out what happened to L-er, Corazon,” Ikkaku said, cutting herself off. Luffy might have used Law’s name, but she didn’t know what the others knew. And she would never go behind Law’s back to reveal something like that.
Robin smiled. “Trafalgar Law, right?”
Ikkaku tensed. It was strange hearing her captain’s name out of the mouths of those who were not her nakama. Something about it felt wrong, like they were taking liberties they had not earned. And yet—
It was also a reminder that her captain was his own man, one whose identity did not revolve solely around the man he was forced to serve. Sometimes even he seemed to forget that, and maybe it was time his crew—and, apparently, their allies—helped him remember.
“Torao,” Luffy added with a nod.
So Luffy’s nickname was a butchering of Law’s surname. That made more sense than Ikkaku thought it would when she’d first heard the name.
“So, how do we find out what happened to Law?” Clione asked, looking between his nakama and the Straw Hats.
Ikkaku glanced around the mess. “I have a really bad idea.”
This was definitely a bad idea, Ikkaku thought as the small group approached the palace. If anyone saw them… She shook her head; there was no real way to avoid this if they wanted information.
She and Clione had taken point, Robin and Luffy behind them. Ikkaku thought even four people was too large a group for this task, but she’d been outvoted. Ikkaku was small, stealthy, and knew the city and palace layouts so was a natural choice. Robin had operated as a spy for many years, plus had a handy—no pun intended—Devil Fruit ability. Luffy, while hardly a sneaky presence, had been adamant that he be part of the group that entered the city in search of news of the missing Heart captain. Neither Clione nor Jean Bart wanted Ikkaku to be outnumbered by the Straw Hats, even if they were apparently allied for the moment, and Clione, as the smaller of the two, had won out. Ikkaku led the small group through darkened back streets and alleyways to reach the palace.
Ikkaku turned back to the others. “We have to be very careful from here,” she whispered. “The executives have their rooms in the same wing; they’re not particularly close to each other, but if we make too much noise, any of the other three could still hear us.”
“We know,” Luffy grumbled, and Ikkaku found herself suppressing the urge to stick her tongue out at the other pirate—how childish. They’d gone over this when they’d made their hasty plan on the ship, but Ikkaku wasn’t taking any chances.
Robin nodded for Ikkaku to lead on, and she headed for the mostly darkened grounds. There should be guards patrolling, though by this late (or early) hour, they were likely to be tired and less attentive. However, with the Hearts loose, it was entirely possible that the guard numbers had been increased.
At one point, Ikkaku looked back to see Robin lagging slightly behind, her arms crossed in front of her and her eyes closed. A moment later, her eyes opened, and she dropped her arms. She met Ikkaku’s gaze.
“There was a guard approaching,” she explained as she caught up. “He’s no longer a problem.”
Ikkaku nodded and continued toward the wing that housed Law’s chambers. The group hid behind bushes or ducked behind retaining walls to avoid a few guard patrols, but eventually Ikkaku came to a halt. She pointed up to the second story to a dimly lit window overlooking a small balcony.
“That’s Law’s room.”
There was no telling what they’d find in there, if anything. But it was the best place to start.
“It’s empty,” Robin said, eyes shut. She opened them again and nodded to her captain.
Luffy nodded back and wrapped an arm around Ikkaku’s waist. Her demand of what the fuck he thought he was doing died in her throat as she was pulled upwards alongside the Straw Hat captain. She stumbled as her feet hit the tile of the balcony and threw a hand to her mouth as her stomach protested violently.
“Shishishi,” Luffy chuckled as he turned around and shot his arms over the railing and, moments later, pulled Clione over. He dropped to his knees, face green, as he sought to catch his breath.
“What the fuck,” he hissed. Ikkaku agreed whole-heartedly.
Robin appeared then, calmly pulling herself over the balcony. Ikkaku peered over the railing again, and her eyes widened at the sight of arms sprouting out of the side of the building to make stairs. Creepy as it was, Ikkaku would have preferred Robin’s method of reaching the balcony. She shook her head before turning back to the room.
Clione stepped forward, slid the balcony door open, and stepped inside the room. Ikkaku followed him, peering around for anything out of sight. She inhaled sharply as something immediately caught her attention. Clione followed her gaze and cursed quietly.
“What?” Luffy asked, coming up behind her.
“Kikoku,” Ikkaku said, pointing to the sword partially obscured by the coat on Law’s made bed. “If there was trouble, Law wouldn’t be without his sword.”
“Luffy,” Robin called quietly, standing next to the desk.
Luffy looked up, and Robin nodded to the straw hat sitting on the desk next to Law’s Den Den Mushi. Luffy frowned as he made his way over to the desk and picked the hat up. Ikkaku couldn’t read the expression on his face as he looked at the hat for a long moment before putting it back on his head.
“There are blueprints of the castle here,” Robin added, fingers running over a sheet of paper on the desk. “Was he looking for a way out?”
“Shit. There’s blood over here.”
Ikkaku, Luffy, and Robin turned at Clione’s words.  He stood by the far wall, and his gaze was on the carpet. The first thing Ikkaku noticed was Law’s hat, haphazardly discarded on the floor. Law might not be so attached to his hat as to earn an epithet named after it, but he would never just throw it on the floor. Near it, there was a small, dark stain. Ikkaku’s stomach sank.
“Look at the wall,” Robin said, tracing a cut in the brick. There was blood smeared across the gash.
Violence had been done here.
“Ew, what’s this?” Luffy said, nudging a snot-colored streak next to the blood.
“Trebol,” Ikkaku realized, recognizing the executive’s mucus. The scene she was starting to piece together that had happened in this room was not a pretty one. “He’s an executive.”
“And his Devil Fruit controls mucus,” Clione added.
Luffy pulled a face at the thought. “Gross.”
Ikkaku nodded in fully agreement. “It’s really sticky and strong.”
“Strong enough to hold an adult male to a wall?” Robin asked, still eyeing the bricks.
“Yes,” Ikkaku breathed, realizing what she was implying.
“What are you saying, Robin?” Luffy asked. “What happened to Torao?”
Robin pursed her lips for a moment before speaking. “It seems likely Torao-kun was planning to meet with his crew but first was looking for a way to get you all out,” she added, glancing at Ikkaku and Clione, “and was ambushed.”
“Trebol’s mucus must have trapped him against the wall,” Ikkaku said, eyeing the blood-streaked gash in the brick. “Trebol doesn’t use a blade, though. If Law was stabbed…”
“Diamante,” Clione supplied.
“Another executive,” Ikkaku told Luffy and Robin. “Uses a sword.” She shook her head. “Could have been Doflamingo’s strings, too.” The Warlord was infinitely, after all, creative and cruel with his Devil Fruit abilities.
“But then where is he now?” Luffy asked, looking between the other three.
“Dungeon, probably,” Ikkaku said after exchanging a grim look with Clione. The palace dungeon was rarely used for prisoners, as criminals were typically sentenced to either jail or the colosseum. Prisoners who had earned Doflamingo’s special attention were the ones to be placed in the dungeon.
Law would definitely fit that criteria.
“So, we go to the dungeon,” Luffy said, pounding a fist into his palm decisively. “Get him out.”
“No way,” Ikkaku said, shaking her head.
“Why not?”
“First, we don’t even know if he’s there,” she said, issue after issue running through her mind. “And even if he were, we’d have to sneak through the entire palace to get there without being seen.”
“There are no external doors to the dungeon,” Clione added. “Or windows.”
“To prevent escape attempts,” Robin mused.
“And even if we got to the dungeon and got Law out without being seen—which is unlikely—he’s wounded,” Ikkaku added, gesturing at the blood on the floor. “He won’t be moving well, and we’d need speed to get out.”
“Plus, the rest of our nakama are spread out over the city,” Clione said. “If we got the captain out and back to the Tang, we’d still need to find the others.”
“The sun will be coming up soon,” Robin added, nodding toward the window. Outside, the dark of night was beginning to turn gray in the pre-dawn hours. “We’ll no longer have the cover of darkness.”
Luffy stuck his bottom lip out in a pout but nodded his understanding. “Fine. But we have to do something.”
“What are you doing in here?” a new voice demanded from the doorway.
Ikkaku’s breath caught in her throat—they’d been here too long, they’d been too loud, fuck—as she slowly turned to the door. She hadn’t heard it open.
“Who’re you?” Luffy demanded.
Ikkaku’s eyes widened as she recognized the figure in the doorway. “Violet?”
The sound of multiple sets of footsteps approaching pulled Law into full wakefulness. He’d only managed a light doze since Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin had run out of questions for him, considering the uncomfortable position he found himself in. Not only was his strength being leeched from his body by the Seastone shackles, but his shoulders were also starting to ache from the strain of being chained above his head, his head throbbed, and his hand…
Law swallowed and shoved that thought aside. He couldn’t think about that right now.
He wasn’t sure how much time had passed since there were no windows to let light in. It felt like ages and no time at all at the same time.
“Captain?” Bepo murmured worriedly. With his mink ears, he’d probably heard their guests approaching long before Law had.
Law grunted in acknowledgement of his first mate but didn’t have time to reply. His eyes narrowed as his cell door opened. The guard stepped aside with a bowed head to reveal Doflamingo.
Fear from his vulnerable position warred with rage in Law’s chest as he looked at the taller man. The man who had killed Cora-san, had stolen his freedom, and held his nakama’s lives in the palm of his hand out of a selfish, egomaniacal desire for power. Law clenched his jaw but said nothing, not trusting his voice, as the Warlord regarded him from behind his sunglasses, expression unreadable in the dim light.
Finally, he spoke. “Get him cleaned up then bring him to my office.”
Next chapter
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pl-panda · 4 years
Of Heaven and Hell
Credits: Miraculous Ladybug team for the elements I take from MLB show. DC for their characters, @ozmav for the AU, @maribat-archive for giving me access to so many different stories to have take inspirations from, @ethelphantom for the cover I use at Wattpad and FF.Net and Me for the plot.
Of Heaven and Hell: Part 1
Of Heaven and Hell
From Encyclopedia Demonica
[...] and while many people consider angels epitomes of good, they are mistaken. Indeed, this regal beings are more closely connected to order than to goodness. They perceive divine law as imperative and hold little regard to human lives, as long as they serve their goals. And yet, most of the times they chose to not involve themselves in mortal affairs.
Typical angel have two forms. First look very similar to human, but they retain most of their powers. Such form is also much more durable and their physical capabilities exceed everything you could expect from a mortal. Second is close to the first one in appearance, but differs in terms of power and abilities. In this form Angel spreads his wings and feature specific to his sub-species appear. 
Angel’s powers differ on subspecies, but universally include flight, enhanced senses, enhanced agility, strength and durability, large magical potential, access to magic unique to their species and high resistant to other types of magic. Specific subspecies have different additional powers. Each Angel also possess an ability that is unique to him. Usually, it reflects his personality and present itself when it reaches maturity. [...]
Six years ago
Damian cursed under his breath. The temple was under attack. His mother told him to get inside. And he did. He ran to his room to grab his sword. A beautifully ornate weapon with guard in shape of two intertwined pairs of angel wings pointing toward the blade. Great for complicated maneuvers. The pommel held a teal pearl also protected by a pair of angel wings. It was a gift from his grandfather for his eighth birthday. The weapon was perfectly balanced and suited Damian’s style perfectly. 
With the sword in hand, Damian unfolded his wings. His tunic had a special holed cut in the back to accomodate for them and he didn’t destroy every shirt he wore. A pair of large white feathered wings appeared and he dashed forward to battle. He couldn’t let his mother die. A small orb of white energy appeared in his hand before he launched it at the wall in front of him. The explosion created enough of a hole for him to pass. 
In front of him opened a large yard. Usually, a new acolytes trained here under careful watch of angelic masters. Now it was simply a blood bath. Bodies were lying everywhere. But what shocked him the most was that angels were fighting one another. Some wore League’s armors, but overwhelming force was dressed in black-and-orange suits. He wanted to dash forward and into the battle, but someone grabbed him and pulled him into the shadows. A slender figure of his mother looked at him sternly.
“I told you to go inside.”
“Mother! I came to fight with you. I must fight with you. By your side. Together. It’s my destiny!”
“Your destiny is to live Damian.” She scolded him. “Now quickly. Let’s move. Some battles can’t be won.”
“But… what about the mission?” He asked confused.
“Mission will live in you and me. Now let’s go join your grandfather in the tunnels.” She started leading him away.
Damian woke up from the dream. He instantly grabbed his sword and swung it around. Only then he realized that is was just a memory. He looked around his room, assessing any dangers. Once he was sure that nothing lurked in the darkness he got up. It was still night and quick glance at the electronic clock told him that it was 3:30 AM. Long time before others wake up. But Damian did not want to go to sleep anymore. He never did after this kind of nightmares. 
He got down to the holo-training room and activated the highest setting. A series of ninja shimmered into existence. Without as much as a second of hesitation, Damian dashed forward. His silver sword cut through them as he zoomed through the arena. With each move, he took two of the enemies. A slight golden aura around him intensified as he burned through his anger. Finally, he collapsed, panting heavily from exhaustion. The “kill counter” showed that he was halfway to a thousand vanquished enemies. He was weak. He was useless. He ran away. He was no warrior but a mere coward.
But it was not true. He did the right thing. Because he ran away he met his father. He actually started to protect people instead to only try to control them. He was a nephilim, half angel, half human. He had all the powers of his angelic brethren and yet freedom to choose. He didn’t need to follow orders of higher beings. He could make his own decisions. And he chose to be a hero, not a warrior. Now, each day he reinforced this decision. First as Robin, fighting side by side with his father, now as… still Robin, but as a part of Teen Titans. 
“You okay Demon Spawn?” A voice of Dick Grayson, better known as Nightwing, came from behind. Damian instantly spun around and stopped his blade less than an inch from his neck. 
“Don’t do that if you want your head to remain where it is.” he scowled at the sight of his adopted brother’s patronizing gaze. “And don’t look like that.”
“Like what?” Dick asked confused. 
“Like I am a baby in need of your care. I am sixteen-years-old Nephilim. I am more than capable of taking care of myself.”
“So that’s why you are awake at five in the morning? Taking care of yourself?”
“Get lost.” Damian barked and started to practice katas with his sword. He had his back turned to dick when suddenly he spun around just in time to block a projectile that was tossed at him. 
“Come on bro. You and me. One on one. First to score three hits.” Dick taunted. 
“I am stronger, faster and more agile. You stand no chance.” Damian said in emotionless expression. He looked at Dick for a moment before taking off his tank-top. “And I can fly.” He grinned at the surprised Nightwing. A pair of white-feathered wings appeared on his back. 
“And yet I kick your rear every time we fight.” Dick smirked and drew his staff. Both ends started to crackle with electricity. 
Damian boosted himself forward with a single flap of his wings. His silver sword met with the staff, but before he could cut it, Nightwing sidestepped and allowed blade to slide down. He used the Angel’s momentum to his disadvantage. Damian’s blade stumbled upon crackling electricity, sending a powerful shock through his arm. Normal humans would be paralyzed by this, but Damian only growled. It hurt, but he could fight. Damian tried several more times, but Dick always reflected or sidestepped before the blade could do any real damage. Finally, the Angel changed tactic. Flapping his wings, Damian rose into air. His off-hand glowed with golden light which next formed a runic circle around his fist before several projectiles flew at various arcs toward Nightwing. The hero had to dodge it quickly, but got caught by the last one and got sent into the wall. Damian didn’t bother to check on him. Instead, he dashed forward. Before Dick managed to get rid of flying stars around his head a silver blade was less than an inch from his neck. 
“I win.” Damian proclaimed, looking smug.
“Nope.” Dick said, popping the ‘p’. He then used his staff to jab Damian’s stomach, then jump on his fit and separate his weapon into two escrima sticks. He then started to barrage the teenager with series of swift hits. While they would not usually hurt given angelic durability, the crackling electricity made it a bit painful. Damian shielded himself with his wings, but Dick found an opening and landed third and final hit that ended the fight.
“That is cheating! I had you!” The teen argued.
“So? You lost me. But good fight D. Maybe next time.”
“tt. That’s unfair! I want rematch!” 
“Boys!” Kori joined the discussion. “As much as watching you fight is… entertaining, I made breakfast.” She said cheerfully while walking to nightwing. “And something special for you later.” She said seductively.
“Bleh.” Damian faked vomiting. “I will never understand humans.”
“You are part-human.” Dick pointed out
“And so is neandertales. Yet he doesn’t understand humans.” The teen deadpanned. 
“I heard someone say breakfast!” Beast Boy barged into training room.
“I made pancakes.” Kori cheered.
“With maple syrup?” Gar asked 
“And ‘love’.” Damian gave a sarcastic remark.
“So the best ones.” Beast Boy said with dreamy face. “I reserve the first batch!” He said while already dashing to the kitchen. 
“Scarab said he detected pancakes!” Beetle said while zooming past the room in his full armor. Damian, Dick and Kori walked in normal pace, only to find Gar and Jaime staring wide-eyed at Rachel sitting there and calmly eating her breakfast. 
“Took you long enough.” She said with a small smile. The red gem on her forehead pulsed weakly, but it was ignored in favor of consuming inhuman amounts of pancakes. Damian himself didn’t even realize that he finished three plates before Dick pointed it out to him. He turned pink for a moment before jumping away and claiming the remote for the day. 
After the morning of cartoons Titans spent rest of the day on the beach near the island. Half-way through Dick and Kori disappeared and when the sun started to set Rachel and Garfield also went somewhere. Jami, Damian and their newest addition to the team: Cyborg, were completely obvious to this as their discussion came to sport. 
“I’m just saying. Futball is the best game. Soccer is cool, but it’s for kids.” Victor argued.
“You say that, but last I checked Soccer was much more popular around the world.” Jami pointed out proudly. “Besides it requires much more skill and finesse. Futball is about pure muscle mass.”
“As if! Have you got any idea how important tactics, positioning, territorial awareness and condition are in Futball?”
“tt. The best sport is sword-fighting anyway.” Damian grinned at them. Inwardly, he loved this family. Sure, living with his father was great, but here he finally had one thing he missed so much: friends. They weren’t patronizing like Todd. They weren’t constantly trying to prove something to him like Drake and Grayson was even bearable here. That is if he didn’t act all sugar-eyes for Starfire. Is he even aware she is an alien princess and he is a peasant acrobat? 
As the sun was finally down, the titans made a giant bonfire on the beach and roasted marshmallows. As Damian was about to eat his, suddenly a large yellow balloon sailed toward him. He tried to catch it, but his enhanced strength made him accidentally squash it instead. A wave of water assaulted him and made him wet to the very bones. 
“Beast Boy!” He roared in anger. One thing he hated in the Titans were the constant prank wars that lasted for weeks. 
*gulp* “Will it help when I say that I aimed at Jaime?” Garfield asked weakly. 
“No hermano. It will only make it worse.” Blue Beetle looked practically offended, but he had a small smirk on his face. 
Damian took off his t-shirt and tossed it at Beast Boy. His hand then glowed and a runic circle materialized around it. Garfield tried to run, but a golden beam hit him in his rear and suddenly his fur turned completely gold. He looked like some some hardcore sports fan supporting his favorite team.
“That’s not fair! I only tossed a small water balloon. You could cool off a bit bro!” Garfield tried to argue weakly while massaging his rear.
“Suck it up like a man and stop whining like little girl…” Damian said, but then looked at Rachel who sent him a death glare. “Not that I have anything against little girls?” He added quickly.
After that the atmosphere were great. Garfield was still a bit sore on the subject of his new color and decided that he will appreciate his green from now on. Finally, Damian excused himself and went to the tower to go to sleep earlier. As he entered his room, he felt a breeze of air going on. He distinctly remembered that his window was closed and nobody would enter without his permission. A glyph on the doors made sure of that. His sword appeared in his and and a glowing runic circle formed above his head. A less known fact about Angels was that their Halo was in fact a spell that allowed them to sense other Angels in close proximity. It also gave enough light to serve as convenient source of light. Not that they needed it as they saw in anything but perfect darkness. Damian would never admit out loud that he used it when he wanted to draw something in the middle of the night. 
“Hello… Mother.” He said with disdain in his voice. 
“It’s good to see you too Damian.” She responded with sarcasm. 
“Why do you grace me with your presence?” If Talia’s voice was dipped in sarcasm, Damian drowned in it. 
“I need your help.” She said, ignoring the obvious disrespect. “There are several demons in Paris.”
“The city is warded against all things celestial. And magic hides it from your precious Justice League. Had any Angel tired to go there, he would not be able to enter the city. Should anyone else hear about the situation, they would forget it as soon as the discussion ended.”
“So? From what you are saying is true, Mother, then I am twice as locked out as anyone else. I will forget about it the moment you leave.”
“That’s why I need you.” She said with almost pleading voice. “You aren’t a full angel, but your mind is protected from the spell. You should be able to enter the city and remember everything.”
Damian pondered it for a moment. It did seem like something serious. If what she said was true, the whole city was at the mercy of those vile monsters and couldn’t even hope for any external help. “Fine. I will go there.”
“Good. I already enrolled you at Collège Françoise Dupont” She said with a wicked grin. With a flap of her two pairs of wings she was gone, leaving only a thin folder on his desk. Damian cursed under his breath. 
“Looks like I’m going to school. tt. I hate teenagers.”
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Welcome to the back (Part 9)
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I know, I said the next Chapter would go up on Monday but it’s getting really long and I had to split it up. Also, I really wanted you to know how Sentiquill’s costume looks like, I spent hours mulling over that! (When I say he’s wearing tails, I mean the evening dress. Does the English language seriously not have a better word for that?!) So here’s the first part, three days earlier than planned:
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Marinette had been witness to more Akuma’s than she could count. As Ladybug, she had a place in the first row guaranteed. She‘d never seen the transformation itself, but the outcome was always the same: disaster, and a villain she had to defeat. Akumas consisted of negative emotion blown to their extreme, concentrated until the person underneath all but vanished. They weren’t the people they had been anymore. These people were simply the host of what had possessed them. As far as she knew, there was no way to stop it once it had begun.
She clung to Felix anyway. Logic and reason didn’t matter anymore, only that this was her friend, her most trusted confidant, and she couldn’t lose him.
“Don’t listen to him!”, she begged and buried her face in the curve of his neck. He was trembling, his eyes unfocused. “Please, don’t listen to him!”
Her fault, this was her fault! He’d been fine just seconds ago, but she just couldn’t keep her mouth shut, could she?
“I’m fine, you see? We don’t need him, we can d-do this on our own!”
A sob escaped her and she tightened her grip, as if she could keep him here with sheer strength alone.
“Please, Felix, stay with me!”
His arms closed around her, and a quivering “Yes” tumbled from his lips. A cold feeling washed over her.
She pressed her eyes shut, imagining it had worked. She’d succeeded. The Akuma had given up, and when she opened her eyes, it would be Felix’ cool grey eyes she’d look into. It would be his voice that told her not to worry, it would be him.
She stiffened and took a shaky breath. He still smelled the same. Of ink and fresh paper and coffee. It was easy to pretend nothing had happened.
“Please, look at me.”
She shook her head and Felix sighed. His hands grasped her shoulders and he freed himself from her - supposedly - iron grip to stand up. Even though he made sure to be gentle, the superhuman strength in his arms was still palpable and only confirmed her fears. When she looked at him, she knew she had lost.
“Felix”, she breathed hopelessly.
But it wasn’t Felix, was it? His skin was even paler than before, almost paper white. An inky black mask covered the skin around his ruby red eyes, and his usually combed back hair framed his face freely. She’d never noticed how long it actually was.
A red beret sat on his head, it’s brim decorated with feathers. It was the same color as the uniform jacket that hugged his torso, reminiscent of the British Royal guards. On second look though, it looked like he was wearing tails.
The arms ended in white cuffs that looked more like the nibs of a fountain pen than uniform cuffs.
And in the hand that had held his pen - this goddamn pen - he held a huge... something. It’s hilt was formed like the nib of a quill, and it’s blade looked like a feather, complete with a hollow shaft, downy barbs... There was no use talking around it.
It was a sword. A giant sword. A very sharp looking sword as well.
Oh fuck.
“Sentiquill.”, he introduced himself. Or maybe he was correcting how she’d called him earlier. “Don’t be afraid.” Says the guy with the giant weapon! “It will be alright, now.”
The same words he had used to comfort her earlier now filled her with dread.
“I’m sorry!”, she blurted out. “I’m so sorry! Please, just turn... turn back. We can expose Lila on our own, I’ll think of something! A really good revenge plan, with all kinds of strategies a-and traps!”
Fe- Sentiquill smiled and shook his head.
“I’m not out for revenge. I couldn’t care less about Lila.”
Was that a good thing? Or something even worse?
“Marinette, you mean so much to me.”, he said softly and kneeled down in front of her, since she was still sitting on the ground. “More than you know. Why would I care about something as petty as revenge when I could use my power to protect you? To...”, he pulled a grimace at the pun, “...stand sentinel over you?”
That sounded too good to be true. Too pacifist. She knew Hawkmoth, and he would never create an Akuma with this mindset.
He twisted his victims motivations until they fit his own goals. They were means to an end, and that end surely wasn’t Marinette’s safety.
“And how do you want to do that?”, she whispered, almost afraid to ask. The grimness in his face said everything.
“You’ll go after them.”, she derived. “You’re going to hurt my friends.”
“They’re not your friends!”, he spat and jumped up. “They failed you, betrayed you! But this was the last time they made that mistake, I’ll make sure of that.”
His face turned pleading.
“They have to be punished. For you! So you won’t be hurt anymore.”
His eyes were eerily red, but the look in his eyes was sincere. Genuine conviction that he was doing the right thing.
“You don’t have to worry about a thing, Marinette. Just... just stay here and let me take care of everything. And after that, we can do whatever we want! Wait here. Okay?”
No. I am Ladybug, and I have to stop you.
But first, she needed to transform, and that required solitude. So she nodded. As soon as he was gone, she’d run away and hide to change into her spotted costume.
But Felix knew her too well. And that meant, Sentiquill did too. The look on his face made clear that he saw right through her.
“Of course you won’t.”, he sighed. “You’re you, after all.”
He raised his sword and Marinette backed away. They were in the corner of the yard, behind the stairs. Right above them was the walkway to the classrooms on the second floor, if she managed to dodge the first blow, she could run up and-
Before she could fully form a plan, Sentiquill’s sword was between them. But... he didn’t strike her. Instead, he pointed the tip of the hilt - the one that was formed like a nib - at himself until it rested directly on his chest. Black swirls of color appeared on his body, spreading over his jacket as if they were being sucked into the sword.
“I’m scared of becoming like my father.”, he admitted out of the blue and the ink like darkness intensified as it filled the hollow shaft of his quill. “I hate loud voices because he used to yell so much. Being around people drains me and I’m more ashamed for that than I’d like to admit. I’m afraid you won’t want to be around me anymore if I tell you how I really feel.”
The ink only filled up a quarter of the length of his sword, but it seemed to be enough. He lowered the sword again and the black swirls vanished from his body like smoke.
“What... What are you doing?”, she asked and took another step back. Why had he told her this? And what was it about the ink that had appeared out of nowhere?
“Don’t worry, Marinette.”, he said gently as he raised the blade again. “I’ll come back for you as soon as I’m done. I promise.”
With that, the quill sliced through the air and released the ink it had gathered in a powerful torrent. She screamed, but the black fluid didn’t seem to be bound by any law of physics. It spread through the air weightlessly and formed an opaque barrier between her and Sentiquill; a wall that surrounded her like a prison. She jumped up and tried to escape, but as soon as the ink had reached its intended shape, it dried and solidified.
“It won’t be for long!”, Sentiquill’s voice promised from the other side of the wall. She couldn’t see him, couldn’t see anything. The only source of light was the opening of her cylindrical prison, at least three meters above her head.
“No, wait!”, she shouted back. “Don’t go! We can... We can find another way. Come on, don’t leave me here!”
There was only silence from the other side. Then:
“I’m sorry.”
His footsteps receded quickly, likely towards their classroom. Lessons must have begun at least fifteen minutes ago, everybody would be in there. She had to do something!
“I messed up, Tikki!”, she whispered horrified when her Kwami zoomed out of her purse. “It all happened so fast, I-I couldn’t react.”
“This is not your fault!”, Tikki hurried to assure her. “You’ve had enough troubles to begin with. Right now, we need to take care of this particular trouble.”
The tiny creature smiled and patted Marinette’s shoulder.
“We’ll talk about Adrien later. Let’s just hope Chat Noir arrives soon and get to work!”
She nodded. She’d get her best friend back, and if she had to claw him out of Hawkmoth’s cold, dead hands - then so be it!
“Tikki, Spots on!”
Alya yawned. She loved Madame Bustier’s lessons, she really did. And she wanted to pay attention. But she was simply so tired! Staying up late again probably hadn’t been a good idea, but if Lila needed her help... the poor girl had so many problems to deal with already, it was only right to do some of her homework for her. And it was not like Lila was simply foisting her work off on her, like Chloé used to do with Sabrina. Nah, Alya had offered it herself when Lila had told her how busy she was organizing the Journalism Junior contest. In return, she’d promised to talk to the hosts about Alya’s report, and she’d even given her another interview.
It was the right thing to help Lila out. But god, it sure got draining after a while.
She looked up when Nino elbowed her lightly.
“You okay?”, he mouthed quietly and she gave him a wobbly smile.
“Yeah, just tired.”
They’d barely had the time to talk, the past weeks. Not that Alya didn’t want to! But every time she tried, something got in the way. Either an Akuma, her blog, Lila’s stories or the ongoing drama between Felix and Lila... there just wasn’t a calm second anymore. And now...
She looked to the back, where Marinette and Felix usually sat. Felix had stormed off after he had yelled at Lila some more - this guy had nerves! - and she didn’t care whether he returned or not.
But where was Marinette?
Her girl had acted so weirdly since she sat in the back. No, ever since Lila had arrived! Alya just didn’t get it. Marinette was awesome, and so was Lila. If that girl would just get over her jealousy, she’d see that too. And damn, someone with Marinette’s talents combined with Lila’s contacts and experience... They’d be a power duo! And they could all hang out at once, which would make Alya’s time management a lot easier. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been alone with Marinette.
A groan formed in her throat. She was still mad Marinette would choose Felix over her, Alya, first with the seating and then this morning. But... god, she missed her.
Sure, Marinette’s chaotic, clumsy and bubbly personality were a handful from time to time. Lila was right about that. But it was also what made her so charming! She was always genuine, naturally positive and her dramatic humor was just endearing. Being around her always made Alya lighten up, stop her brain for a moment to just... be. Have fun a little. Get down from all her passions and work.
Yep. She really missed that. The more she thought about it, the more absurd Lila’s theory sounded. Marinette wasn’t turning into a bully. It just... wasn’t in her nature. And once everything had settled down a bit, Lila would see that too. Not that she was accusing Marinette of anything. She was just concerned.
“Adrien”, she hissed under her breath, not capable of staying quiet for any longer. The blonde turned around, careful that Mme Bustier didn’t notice. “Where’s Marinette?”
His face darkened all of a sudden, which was so unusual for sunshine boy that Alya had to take off her glasses to clean them for a second. Adrien merely shrugged and turned around, which Lila didn’t miss. She scribbled something on a note and gave it to Alya.
Marinette confessed and got rejected by Adrien, that’s why she’s not here. Poor girl!, it said. Alya gasped. Oh no! Why would Marinette confess all of a sudden when she hadn’t even been on a proper date with him yet? And why hadn’t she told her best friend? Jeez, she was probably heartbroken right now...
She sighed.
Alya might be biased in Marinette’s favor, but she knew that Adrien wasn’t obligated to return her feelings. Still. This sucked.
As soon as she saw her, Alya would tell Marinette to forget Adrien. Wait, no, that was probably too direct. Maybe... gently nudge her away from Adrien? Towards Nathaniel maybe, he was cute! Or that Luka she had told her about? She’d have to be discreet about it, so she wouldn’t upset her any further. Maybe-
A loud crash ripped her out of her thoughts. The door to the classroom was ripped out of its hinges and thrown at the opposite side of the room; her classmates screamed. Alya jumped and hurried out of her seat, pulling Nino and Lila with her to the back. It had been so many attacks the past year, at this point she knew exactly what to do.
“Akuma!”, she warned the class with a shout, just when a tall figure entered the room. Despite the mask, the strange color scheme and the guard-like evening dress it was absolutely clear who he was. Felix’ stern look was unmistakable.
“I apologize for the late arrival.”, he deadpanned and raised what looked like an oversized quill. “But Agreste caused a lot of trouble that I will have to correct.”
Adrien? Trouble? Was he referring to Marinette’s rejected confession? Her eyes widened. Marinette! Had she been with Felix when he was akumatized? Had he hurt her?!
She forced herself to breathe. No, she had to be safe. Felix might be a prick, but everyone could see he had a soft spot for the cheerful designer. She couldn’t exactly fault him for that.
His eery red gaze roamed over the students that had fled to the back and fixed on Lila, who swallowed hard. Alya paled when his face contorted into a malicious grin.
“I think I’ll start with you!”
He pounced and time seemed to slow down. Logic told her to stand back, to escape. What if Ladybug needed Rena Rouge? She couldn’t afford to get taken out of commission! But the emotional side of her mind screamed Lila and Friend and Protect. So she stepped forwards and gave Lila a shove out of the way. Felix’ sword hit Alya instead, directly in the chest. An icy sensation washed over her as the rest of the class watched in horror. But to her surprise, it wasn’t the blade that had stabbed her, but the nib-like hilt. She didn’t feel any pain. Just numbing, terrifying coldness.
“How sweet, a volunteer!”, he mocked her and she trembled. A vague, undirected fear rose in her chest and formed a lump in her throat.
“Felix”, she whimpered, surprised by her own, scared voice. He shook his head.
“It’s Sentiquill. Now how about you show your friends what dark places you hide from them?”
His face darkened.
“Not that you know much about friendship. Why would you abandon Marinette for someone like Rossi?”
She didn’t plan to answer, wanted to scream at him to buzz off, but her mouth didn’t comply her.
“I feel so boring next to Lila’s adventures, so small.”
What?! No, no, no! She didn’t mean to say that!
But she couldn’t stop, not even as black swirls of ink appeared around her, aiming for the sword. She felt as if her greatest fears and demons were sucked out into the open.
“I’m scared to be forgotten, to never reach my dreams. But Lila helps me with that.”
Lila hid behind Madame Bustier, eyeing the door. Was she searching for an escape? Wasn’t she interested in what Alya was forced to admit?
No, of course not. Alya wasn’t important, after all. Just some girl that clung to Lila. She was no one.
“Is that why you leave Marinette to herself?”, Sentiquill snarled gleefully. “Because you’re a pathetic nobody?”
“Marinette thinks Lila is lying. She’s acting so aggressive all the time.”, Alya was forced to say. Sentiquill leaned in, as if he planned to whisper. But when he spoke, it was loud enough for everyone to hear.
“Let me tell you a secret, Césaire. Lila is lying, and you are wrong.”
The darkness around her amplified as she looked at him in horror. If she’d been in her right mind, she could have denied his words easily. But whatever spell he had her under made her vulnerable to his influence, as if he were forcing the words directly into her brain, making her doubt herself.
“But she’s done so much for me and my blog.”, Alya whispered shakily, trying to fight his magic. “If she lied, all of that would be for nothing. She can’t be lying. She can’t.”
He lowered his sword and Alya broke down, feeling empty. She was no one, she was useless. She had given up everything for a lie. She was a monster to the people she cared about. What had she done?
Her muscles didn’t work, her body didn’t obey her as she fell to her knees, hugging herself. She couldn’t move. Guilt and terror weighing her down like chains.
The only thing she could do was watch as Sentiquill raised his sword, it’s hollow shaft filled halfway up with the ink he’d created from her confessions. A single strike released enough of it to block the door, trapping everyone inside. Everyone? No, Adrien wasn’t here anymore. Must have slipped out when the rest of the class had been frozen in terror. Maybe he’d get help.
Not that she deserved it.
With dull eyes she watched the Akuma walk towards Lila, raising his blade again. This time it was Mme Bustier that sacrificed herself.
“I don’t know how to handle conflict. I don’t care enough to learn.”, he dragged one secret after the other out of her. “I try to make my students clear trouble out themselves because I’m scared they won’t like me anymore if I get too strict.”
Alya heard her, but didn’t really understand her words. The pain in her head was too great, the hopelessness in her stomach too heavy. Only when Lila hid behind Nino - brave, kind Nino - as Sentiquill went after her again she managed to look up.
He’d attack her boyfriend next.
He’d make him just as miserable as her.
She couldn’t let that happen.
Her body slumped, ignoring her wishes. She couldn’t do anything. She was nothing.
The last thing she saw before breaking down for good was a red yo-yo breaking through the window, just in time to knock the quill away. She sighed as the world faded to black.
Nino would be save.
That was all that mattered.
Adrien had hid beneath his desk when the door had been kicked in, and slipped out of the room the second Sentiquill had spotted Lila.
Typical for Felix.
Once he had made an enemy, he couldn’t think of anything beyond petty revenge. And now this idiot had gotten himself akumatized.
“I hope Marinette’s alright.”, he told his Kwami as he hid behind a locker. “If she was with Felix when the Akuma possessed him, she was probably his first victim.”
Plagg raced around him before giving him the dirtiest glare Adrien had ever seen.
“If anything, she was your victim first!”, the tiny cat snarled. “What were you thinking?! You were acting like an ass!”
Adrien scowled.
“It’s not my fault she’s so obsessed with Felix that she can’t see reason anymore. If she’d listened to me in the first place, we wouldn’t be in this mess!”
“Gah!”, Plagg groaned. “You’re so incredibly dense, kiddo! Transform already, before I forget myself and claw your blind little eyes out!”
Adrien pouted.
“Hmph! You’re being ridiculous. Plagg, claws out!”
As soon as the transformation was complete, he went back to the classroom. The door was sealed shut by a solid black substance, but luckily for him, the classroom had windows to the yard he could see through. Ducking so he wouldn’t be noticed, he glanced inside. Alya was on the floor, holding herself as if she might fall apart. Lila was hiding behind Nino, and Sentiquill stood in front of Bustier, who said something he couldn’t hear. Black ink floated around her before streaming up the quill’s nib. When Sentiquill stepped back, Bustier fell to the ground and wrapped her arms around herself, mumbling incoherent words. So that was how Sentiquill’s power worked. He made inkwells out of people, turned their secrets into ink to fill up his sword, then used it to create barriers and walls or whatever. Kind of stupid, just like his costume design.
This would be too easy.
He froze, an idea creeping up on him. Sentiquill’s power wasn’t very challenging for him and Ladybug, that was true. But... Ladybug wasn’t here yet. And if he took out the Akuma on his own, his Lady would only be here to purify the Akuma and disappear again. He hadn’t spoken with her since their last disastrous patrol.
Slowly, he started to retreat, then broke out running and jumped on the roof. There was no need to rush things. He would wait for Ladybug and use the chance to be around her for as long as possible. There were still a lot of other people ready to sacrifice themselves for Lila, so revealing her lies was no immediate threat. A smile appeared on his face when he spotted something red, just before Ladybug’s yo-yo broke through the window.
He’d been right! Now they could talk about why she’d freaked out at him the last time.
Or... he could wait some more. To make his entrance as dramatic as possible, and to remind her how great he was as her partner.
Chat Noir sighed.
He truly was brilliant, from time to time.
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berjhawn · 4 years
In My Head - CH. 6 - Law of Surprise
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Warnings: arguing; fighting; 
Pairings: Geralt X Reader x Bucky ; Bucky X Reader x Geralt ; Geralt x Reader ; Bucky X Reader
Summary: Girl dreams about boy, girl meets boy, chaos ensues.
A/N:This is the only chapter for today since it is so long. please let me know how you feel with a comment, like, or a reblog :D i love hearing what you guys think. 
We continued enjoying the festivities as the night progressed. Many men stepped up to offer themselves and their kingdom’s for Pavetta’s hand and I could see why. She was gorgeous, but she seemed sad. I watched her for a moment while a few princes offered themselves to her. I could tell she wanted nothing to do with any of this. I didn’t blame her.
I would occasionally meet Geralt’s gaze and I could tell he wanted to speak to me more. I wanted that too, but I knew getting to close to the queens table was a bad idea for my companions and I. Princes and lords from neighboring lands seemed too dumb to question our being at this party. I was especially annoyed of the one from Nilfgaard who talked about his potent seed. I thought Thor was gonna burst out laughing for a moment. I could tell through the Queens badmouthing of him and his kingdom that she was sowing a deep seed of hatred in the man.
Jaskier’s playing was, thankfully, a good way to enjoy the evening. If I was ever able to come back, I would have to record his voice for later.
Suddenly a commotion is heard and I turn to see someone fighting their way into the party. Thor goes to move toward the commotion and I grab his arm holding him back.
“Forgive my late intrusion, Your Majesty, and for the misunderstanding with your guards. Please! I come in peace.” The man calls as he makes his way to the spot where the other lords had previously stood vying for the princess’s hand. “I need but one moment of your time.” He kneels down before the queen and her table as he continues, “I am Lord Urcheon of Erienwald, and I have come to claim your daughter’s hand in marriage.”
The three of us look from the kneeling lord to the queen. The queen looed angry whereas her daughter looked happy to see the man.
“A knight… of no renown… from a backwater hamlet… Who dares to enter my court, without revealing his face?” Th queen replies narrowing her eyes at the man.
“I apologize, Your Majesty. A knight’s oath prevents me from revealing my face until the sounding of the twelfth bell.” The man replies and can hear the honesty in his voice.
“Bollocks to that.” A man says as he instantly moves forward and removes the knight’s helmet. The crowd, save for Thor, myself, and Wanda; gasps as the man’s appearance. He had the head of a hedgehog.
“Witcher…” I hear the queen start and I turn to see him looking at the knight. “Kill it.” Pavetta’s eyes shoot to her mother as they silently beg her to stop.
“No.” Geralt refuses.
“Whatever the price.” The queen offers.
“This is no monster.”
“I order you.” She seethes.
“This knight has been cursed.”
“You’re as useless as the rest of them.” She pauses before ordering, “Slay this beast!”
My eyes fall to the princess who has started to cry and my heart bleeds for her. A couple guards attack him, but he makes short work of them.
“Lioness of Cintra,” he calls pointing the tip of his sword towards her. “I have come to claim what is rightfully mine! Pavetta. By the Law of Surprise.”
The room erupts in whispers as Thor and Wanda look at me for answers and I shake my head. I had no idea what he was talking about. All the sudden I hear more swords be drawn and turn back to the knight to see that more guards have started to attack him. He lasts a few minutes until there are more guards than he can handle. He is suddenly knocked to the floor and I find myself unconsciously moving toward him.
“No!” I hear Pavetta cry out as a guard raises his long axe. I burst through the crowd just in time.
“Stop!” I yell out making the guard freeze in his tracks the axe frozen in air long enough for Geralt to slice it in half with his sword and then kill the guard. His eyes find mine and I could tell he was angry. The rest of the room looks at me and I slowly make my way closer to him.
When I reach him Geralt places me behind him and glances at the Knight on the ground. The knight quickly grabs the axe part of the severed long axe and stands up beside us. Geralt’s eyes find mine as he whispers, “Don’t use your gift.” I glare at him but nod.
“Kill them all!” I hear the queen yell and I instantly turn to see a guard coming at me whit a sword in hand.
I dodge right as he swings his sword down at me. I turn back to prepare for another attack to see Thor holding the man in a headlock knocking him out.
“What’s a party without a brawl?” Thor asks as he hands me an Asgardian sword. Taking it from him, I watch as he reveals another one from his side. As he unsheathes it, his eyes start to glow as lightning sparks from his hands becoming one with his sword.
“Don’t have too much fun!” I call out as I turn back to the fight only to see a lord smack another with a chair and say, “The Law of Surprise has been called. You kill them… kill me.”
I glance over at Thor to see that he had also watched the encounter and a smirk fills his lips. The room has now erupted into chaos.
“Stop!” I hear the queen call and I turn to see her with her sword outstretched towards Geralt and I freeze. “Stop!” she orders again making the room freeze and Geralt lower his sword. Him and the queen have a silent conversation with their eyes.
“Duny!” I hear Pavetta cry out as she rushes over to wrap her arms around the hedgehog Knight. His arms wrap around her as he lifts her into the air holding her tightly. “I told you to stay away.” Pavetta cries holding Duny’s face in her hands.
The queen moves closer to them her eyes focused on Duny’s visage. Duny releases Pavetta as he turns to face her. He kneels in front of her laying his weapon down at her feet.
“Your Majesty, the Witcher speaks the truth.” Duny says as he stands up, “I was cursed as a young boy. My whole life a living misery, until the day I saved your husband, King Roegner, from a certain death. By tradition, I chose the Law of Surprise as payment. Whatever windfall he came home to find… would be mine.”
“Oh, the stupid bastard. Better you had let him die.” The queen seethes anger lacing her words.
“You knew he’d come,” Geralt starts causing me to move closer to him. “And you pushed me to kill him.”
“And you,” The queen turns to her daughter turning her anger on her. “Carousing with the beast that swindled your stupid father!”
“’Tis no swindle.” The lord from before that fought for Geralt and Duny speaks as he nears the queen. “Asking for payment with the Law of Surprise is as old as mankind itself.”
“Don’t lecture me, Eist.”
“It’s an honest gamble.” Eist remarks. “As likely to be rewarded with a bumper crop as a newborn pup. Or… a child of surprise. He could not know.”
I Look over to see Pavetta take Duny’s hand.
“Destiny has determined the surprise to be Pavetta.” Eist continues.
“When I heard that King Roegner had returned to find a child on the way… I abandoned all thought of claiming the Law of Surprise. I knew… I knew no woman would ever accept me like this.” Pavetta places a hand on Duny’s chest as if to reassure him as he continues, “And so I waited… I waited until the twelfth bell when the curse breaks. I never intended to meet her. Duny assures the queen making my eyes find Geralt’s for a moment before I turn back to them. “Just to watch her from afar.” Duny adds his eyes meeting Pavetta’s as she gives him a sad smile.
“Until destiny intervened… and our hearts collided.” Pavetta says as she stares deeply into Duny’s eyes and I bite my lips as I realized she was admitting to them having premarital relations, which in this world was a big no-no.
“And at dawn, I awoke with her in my arms and me… like this.” Duny concludes making my heart hurt for the two of them.
“Who are we to challenge destiny?” Eist questions the queen as he nears her. “Life was saved, debt must be paid, or the whole order of the world falls apart.”
“Honor destiny’s wish,” A man I recognized from earlier as Mousesack speaks, “Or unleash its wrath upon us.”
“There is no us!” The queen speaks her voice low and angry. “I bow to no law made by men who never bore a child!” She yells and I nod slightly, the feminist in me agreeing with her. “Is there not a man amongst you who does not cower before destiny?” her eyes turn to fall upon Geralt. “You, Witcher. Who has known monsters of every fang and claw… are you afraid too?”
“No.” Geralt answers honestly making the queen smirk. “I’ve seen mothers lash themselves raw over the death of a child, believing they crossed destiny, ignoring the stench of the fifty other children in the plague cart outside. Destiny, helps people believe there’s an order to this horseshit.” Geralt finishes and I wince at the memory of seeing it once when I was visiting him in my dreams. “There isn’t. But a promise made must be honored. As true for a commoner… as it is for a queen.”
The queen’s sighs and I find my eyes looking down at the ground in front of me.
“I love Duny, mother.” Pavetta speaks. “I will marry him. I will finally be free.” I look back up at them as my hand finds Geralt’s free one. His fingers intertwine with mine as we continue to listen to them.
All eyes fall on the queen as she hands her sword over to Eist. Tears fill her eyes as she holds her hand out towards Duny and Pavetta. Duny takes it and as the queen pulls him in close, she whispers into his ear. “Here in your destiny.” Then she pulls away and all is still for a moment before the queen pulls a dagger from her side and goes to stab Duny only to have Pavetta scream.
“No!” She screams causing everyone in the room to be thrown backways away from her and Duny. Geralt pulls me into his side as he crashes into a pillar. The room was like a hurricane with Pavetta and Duny in the center where it was calm. The windows shatter inward, the shards of glass raining down on the fearful crowd. This was getting more dangerous by the second.
I look around the room to see everyone staring at them in fear and I glance over to see Wanda look from them to me.
“Wanda!” I call to her as I motion for her to use her powers. She nods in understanding and I watch as she creates a forcefield around the chaos of the winds encasing Pavetta and Duny along with it. “Geralt, you have to get me close to them.” I cry as the winds start to disappear from around us only being visible and chaotic inside the ball Wanda created.
“No, it’s too dangerous.” He argues making me narrow my eyes.
“I can’t hold it much longer (Name)!” Wanda cries and I can see that holding her forcefield around Pavetta was taking its toll on her.
“Please Geralt!” I beg and he nods. He grabs my shoulders and using his feet puts the against the pillar and pushes.
“Pavetta!” I cry as I near her only to have her ignore me. Wanda falters for a second the strain of holding Pavetta’s chaos at bay becoming too much for her, causing a stray piece of glass to hit my face slicing my cheek open. I wince as I feel the blood start to drip down my cheek.
“That’s enough (Name)!” Geralt warns from beside me and I feel as he tries to pull me back to safety and I shake my head anger filling my body.
“Pavetta!” I yell anger in my words. “Pavetta! Look. At. Me.” I scream out and she does. Our eyes meet and I let out a sigh of relief as I yell, “STOP!”
Pavetta and Duny fall to the floor as the chaos instantly disappears. I watch as Wanda falls into Thor’s arm completely spent. He gives me a nod letting me know that she is okay and I instantly feel my knees give out from under me. Geralt’s arms wrap around me as he catches me before I can fall. He holds me tight not letting me go.
I look up into his amber eyes to see the anger fill them. His fingers reach up to touch the cut on my face and he groans in anger. Geralt helps me to my feet and I look over to see that the queen has made it to her feet and was closing the distance between her and her daughter. Tears fill the queen’s eyes as she wraps her arms around Pavetta holding her tightly.
I look around the room to see everyone returning to their feet. Thor and Wanda walk over to Geralt and I, their eyes focused on the cut on my cheek.
“I’m fine.” I whisper to them only to have Wanda to rip a part of her dress and place it on my face.
“I thought your grandmother’s gift had skipped you… as it did me. It seems I was wrong. About so many things.” The queen says her eyes focused on her daughter. “Destiny has spoken! And I have listened. The Law of Surprise will be honored. Pavetta will marry… Lord Urcheon.” The queen announces causing the room to erupt in murmurs.
“React poorly, and you won’t just face the Lioness, you will be facing the sea hounds of Skellige. Because queen Calanthe… has agreed to my proposal of marriage.” Eist calls out causing the Queen to look at him with a smirk filling her lips.
“There will be two vows here tonight!” Queen Calanthe calls out. “I assume that agreeable.”
The lords and princes of the room nod in acceptance of her order.
“Delightful.” She adds and I smile softly. Pavetta got her love.
Wanda pulled her hand from my cheek to examine my cut and a sigh of relief leaves her lips.
“It’s not that deep, probably won’t leave a scar.” Wanda reassures making me nod.
I turn to Geralt knowing he wants to scold me but he doesn’t. Perhaps it’s because of the situation we were in, or perhaps it because of our surroundings. His hand takes mind as he holds it tightly. Candles are soon handed out to everyone. After they are lit everyone makes a circle around the queen and her daughter. Pavetta and Duny are on their knees before Queen Calanthe as they start to take their marriage vows.
“Pavetta.” She pauses as she wraps a cloth around her and Duny’s joined hands. “Duny. With my blessing. I thee bind.”
Calanthe releases their hands and they turn to kiss each other, they kiss sealing their bond, but soon after Duny barks and then starts to growl as he collapses to the floor writhing in pain. Geralt holds me back as I move to help him. We watch as he suddenly turns into a human. His quills replaced by dark curly locks. Duny smiles at Pavetta before he wraps her in his arms and kisses her passionately.
“The Twelfth bell has not yet rung.” Pavetta exclaims as she caresses Duny’s face.
“What has happened?” Calanthe asks as she stares at the two of them in confusion and shock.
“I think your blessing of this marriage… has fulfilled a destiny.” Mousesack announces a smile on his face.
“The curse has been lifted.” Calanthe breathes a smirk on her lips.
“This has the makings of my greatest ballad yet.” I hear Jaskier say from beside me and I shake my head.
“If you’re alive in the morning. Don’t…” Geralt pauses as he looks over me to see Jaskier in the eyes of a busty lady. “grope for trout in any peculiar rivers until dawn.”
I look from them to Thor who nods slightly and starts to move Wanda toward the exit. We didn’t belong here; it was time for us to leave. I go to pull away from Geralt to leave only to have him start to follow me out.
“No, wait! Wait!” I hear Duny call out and I stop in my tracks I turn back to them to see him looking at me. “You and Geralt have saved my life. I must repay you.”
I glance up at Geralt unsure of what to say when he speaks, “You’ve proven yourself to be the kind of man who would do the same for either of us. We want nothing.”
“No, please.” Duny’s eyes fill with sadness. “Please, Geralt of Rivia, and…” He pauses.
“(Name), of Asgard.” I answer gripping tightly to Geralt’s hand.
“(Name), do not feel like you’re doing me a service. I cannot start a new life in the shadow of a life debt.” Duny pleads.
“Fine. I…” Geralt starts but I stop him from continuing.
“We, claim the tradition as you have, the Law of Surprise.” I say and Queen Calanthe’s eyes widen.
“Give us that which you already have but do not know.” I add and Geralt turns starting to walk away pulling me along with him.
“No!” I hear Calanthe cry out and I turn back to face her. “What have you done? Who even are you?”
“I am (Name) of Asgard, I am gifted with the gift of persuasion. I hail from a kingdom of gold. I have no intention of ever returning to your castle to claim anything.”
“And Fear not Your Majesty, if I am seen in your kingdom again, it’ll be to kill a real monster, not lay claim to a crop or a new pup. Destiny can go fu-” Geralt’s words are cut short as Pavetta vomits on the floor in front of her.
“Pavetta?” The queen calls as she kneels down at her daughter’s side cupping her chin. “Are you…”
They all suddenly turn to look at Geralt and myself.
“Fuck…” Geralt and I exclaim in unison before we turn and walk out of the room, Geralt pausing momentarily to grab his sword from a nearby chair.
We make it to the hall where Thor and Wanda were waiting only for Mousesack to reach us and call out to Geralt.
“Clearly the girl has access to immense primal power.” Mousesack calls out causing us to stop moving.
“Yeah, and no idea how to control it.” Geralt adds from beside me.
“I’m gonna stay.” Mousesack says a smirk on his face. “Guide her.”
“You’re a good man, Mousesack.” Geralt replies a soft smile on his lips.
“You should stay too.” Mousesack adds his eyes moving between me and Geralt. “Both of you.”
“I can’t.” I say my brow furrowing.
“This has been enough partying for me. We’re getting out of here.” Geralt replies to Mousesack as his hand gripping tightly to mine.
“You both are bound to this now. Whether you like it or not.” Mousesack adds as he moves closer to us.
“I’m not for changing.” Geralt starts giving me a chance to look over at Thor and Wanda who were looking at us with looks of confusion in their eyes. “You know me better than that.”
“Yes, I do, but you can’t outrun destiny just because you’re terrified of it. It’s coming, Geralt. Not believing won’t change that.”
“Bullshit.” Geralt argues causing me to look between the two men. “This was just a girl using her magic to stop her mother from gutting her lover. Nothing more.”
“So, you say,” Mousesack starts. “But the bond that will come into being between the two of you, and this child… When it is born, will be extraordinary.”
“Child?!” Wanda exclaims from behind me causing my eyes to widen at her sudden outburst. “(Name), what did you do?”
“Can we talk about this later?” I plead causing Thor to move Wanda down the hall to give the rest of us moment.
“If you both dismiss it, leave without claiming this… Child Surprise, you will surely unleash true calamity upon us all.” Mousesack states and I feel my heart clench. I didn’t want to hurt anybody.
“I’ll take that chance.” Geralt concludes making Mousesack sigh. “Mind yourself. True words are rare birds in courts like this. Watch for daggers in your back. Or, more likely, poison.” Geralt releases my hand as he reaches up to gently grasp Mousesack’s shoulder. “Be careful, old friend.”
“Take care of the baby, please.” I add as Geralt steps away from him and starts to walk away towards Thor and Wanda. “I don’t want to cause any harm to anyone. If I had known I would never have asked for the Law of Surprise. Please, just take care of the baby. I’ll try to change his mind.”
“I doubt you will be able to change his decision. I will do what I can.” He replies and I nod.
“Thank you,” I give him a soft smile before I turn and follow after Geralt.
“(Name), explain yourself!” Wanda demands when I reach them.
“Wanda, I didn’t do it on purpose. How was I to know Pavetta was pregnant?”
“She’s pregnant? What does that have to do with you?” Wanda inquires her eyes narrowing at me.
“Her husband stopped us when we were about to leave, he wanted to repay Geralt and I for saving his life. He wouldn’t take no for an answer so… I asked to claim the Law of Surprise. Which means that he gives us that which he has but does not know.”
“And that’s a child… you laid claim to someone’s child?!” She yells out.
“I didn’t know that was what I was doing!” I reply matching her tone.
“In her defense,” Geralt intrudes pulling her attention to him. “She didn’t know, no one did.”
“Look you seem like a really good guy, but what she did was stupid. Especially knowing we are going home and not coming back.” Wanda concludes making Geralt’s brows furrow as he turns to look at me.
“Wanda, can we please talk about this later? I need to talk to Geralt. Please, just give me some time.” I beg.
“(Name),” Wanda starts only to have Thor grab her shoulders gently.
“Take your time, we’ll meet you back at the pub in the morning.” Thor offers pulling Wanda away and down the hall leaving Geralt and myself alone.
I turn back to him to see him looking down at the ground his jaw clenched tightly.
Will Continue -   
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bigsister11 · 4 years
Merry Christmas to @emotrafalgar I am your Secret Santa this year for the @opsecretsanta2019 event! :)
I hope you enjoy these little drabbles I wrote (I couldn't decide on whether I want to write Lawlu or Zolu for you, so I did both).
Snow can also be a good thing
It's snowing, Law realized as he opened up the door of the Polar Tang and almost turned back immediately. The sky was too grey and lifeless, the air was too cold, and the snowflakes were already landing on his face, his coat, his everything, uninvitedly.  
He had to get on the Sunny to have a talk with the Strawhats about the plan, the route, the navigation, the logistics, the food, and the— his to-do list was knocked out of his head the moment he stepped on the Sunny, as he got tackled by Luffy before his second feet could even touch the deck.
"Morning Toraooo!" Luffy laughed with an open mouth as he settled on Law's chest, and petted his face with a cheerful expression. "Long time no see, where were you last night? You missed the party!"
"Get off me Strawhat-ya," Law hissed, while he tried to push the younger captain off of him, and simultaneously tried to put his hat back on his head. He failed at both.
"Make a snow angel first, everyone already did one, even your bear!" Luffy chuckled, his eyes were shining, his cheeks were flushed in the cold. "My name is Bepo!" Law faintly heard his crewmate's protest from the far end of the ship. 
"Angels don't exist, now let me get up," he said impatiently. Luffy was too close, his smile was too wide, the tip of his nose was pinkish due to the cold, and he'd made Law's heart beat way too fast. A reaction to Luffy's proximity he'd been trying to ignore for weeks now. 
"Ha ha, no way," Luffy laughed, and leaned a bit closer to grab his arms, and move them up and down next to his body to make the wings. 
"We'll arrive at a new island in a minute, you have to do it no-," Law was suddenly saved by a huge snowball, which hit the middle of Luffy's back with such a momentum that it sent him flying. 
“That is for ruining my great ‘Snow-Warrior of the Sea Usopp-sama’ statue Luffy!” Usopp shouted, preparing his catapult for the next shot.
Law got up and out of the way, and looked around. The Sunny was full of snow forms that the Strawhats and, to his surprise, his crew made. 
There were snow reindeers, snow robots, some weird snow things Law couldn't recognize but supposed they were meant to look like fancy food, snow berries and treasure, snow swords held by a snowman, and some other unrecognizable figures as well. 
Bepo and Penguin were still working on a miniature Polar Tang with such a deep focus they made Law smile.
His attention went back to Luffy pretty quickly though as he couldn't look away for long. Luffy was jumping around to dodge the snowball attacks, his hands grabbing everything in his way for support, his smile was never fading and his laughs were making him get butterflies in his stomach.
Suddenly two long arms grew out of the deck in front of him, one holding his hat, the other brushing the snow off of it.
"Here you go Torao-kun." Robin appeared next to him. She looked at him knowingly, the corner of her mouth turned up a little. Law felt himself blushing and quickly put his hat back to cover his face.
Somehow her expression made him remember why he came on board in the first place. 
"Hey, Strawhat-ya" he tried again but as Luffy turned to him to answer, his eyes caught a glimpse of something behind him. 
"We arrived!" Luffy yelled enthusiastically. Law turned and saw the island responsible for the winter weather. It had a mountain shaped like a Christmas tree in the middle, and all types of colorful lights were illuminating from it. Wonderful. He was so not in the mood for any of this.
Suddenly, Luffy was next to him, put an arm around his shoulder and looked up to him with the biggest eyes Law had ever seen. "Let's go together, and explore!" he said, and Law completely forgot how to say no. 
As they docked, a flock of birds arrived to greet the ship and started to circle above them. They looked like big, green seagulls, with red beaks and golden eyes. 
"Ahh, they look delicious!" Luffy eyed them hungrily, still holding onto Law who felt his side warming up where their bodies touched. "Sanji, I have found our lunch, let's catch them all!"
"Forget it, Luffy!"
"I would advise against that Captain." Sanji and Robin spoke up at the same time, but Sanji fell silent immediately and let her continue. 
"First of all, the Mistletern bird is an inedible species and while I am certain this would not stop you, but they are also the sacred birds of the island of Snowflakia," she told them.
"The mistle- what?" Luffy asked back, but couldn't finish, because suddenly some of the birds struck down as if they were attacking them and after they dodged Zoro's and Brook's blades, Nami's Clima-Tact, and Bepo's claws, they landed on Luffy's hat, and Law's shoulder at the same time.
"What is your problem stupid bird!" Luffy tried to brush off his bird who looked incredibly smug with himself and stubbornly dodged his attempts. 
Law wasn't successful in getting rid of his attacker either. He even used his power to shamble the bird away from him, but it flew back looking at him like he was an idiot, and settled back on his shoulder. 
When he gave up, he saw Robin looking at them as she chuckled quietly. Next to him, Sanji looked as red as a lobster. 
"What?" he asked nervously.
"They are also said to be a companion to people who want to kiss their love," she added with a mischievous glint in her eyes. “They are named after the mistletoe and the tern after all. I’m positive they won’t leave till it happens.”
Law felt like his whole body was setting itself on fire. He couldn’t even dare to look at Luffy when he said: “It must be just a superstition.”
“No, it is true,” Luffy said as he stepped closer to him, took Law’s hand and put his palm to the middle of his chest. “Because I do wanna kiss you Torao. D-do you want to kiss me?” he stuttered.
Law couldn’t do anything but look back at him. Luffy was smiling and looking at him bravely, but his cheeks were dark red, his whole body was shaking. He must be extremely nervous as well, he thought and felt a little bit better. 
“Yes, I do,” he managed to answer and before he could change his mind he kissed Luffy right in front of everyone. His lips were soft and sweet, and Law felt him smiling into the kiss. He put his arms around Luffy and pulled him even closer. 
Whatever cold he felt before, it completely disappeared. When they parted, Luffy looked into his eyes and sighed. “I’m so glad, because I love you, but I was sure you didn’t love me back,” he whispered so that Law would be the only one who heard him. 
“I’m glad too,” Law replied quietly, still holding him in his arms. Luffy closed his eyes and put his head on Law’s chest. 
“Snowflakia is my favorite island,” he sheepishly added. The birds suddenly flew away still wearing the same smug expression as if they were saying we told you so.
“Let’s look around then,” Law answered, now completely in the mood for the snow and ready for a new adventure. Anything was great, now that he had Luffy on his side.
(As they went, they faintly heard Usopp’s panicked voice from the ship: “My lady is very far from here, how am I supposed to kiss her like this? Be reasonable birdy!”). 
Luffy’s present 
When they meet up again after exploring the island separately, Zoro has a deep cut across his chest and the widest smile on his face.
“What happened to you Zoro?” Luffy asks angrily. “Who hurt you like this?” He is already ready to go back to hunt down whoever harmed his lover. 
“Calm down Luffy,” he replies and even though he is still bleeding he grabs Luffy and spins him around enthusiastically. “I got you something I know you will love!” He puts him down and gently kisses him on the lips, that is so happy and heartwarming Luffy almost forgets he’s gotten hurt.
However, before he can give it to Luffy, Chopper attacks him and drags him to the infirmary. He goes back outside to meet him right after Chopper lets him go. He can’t wait to show him what he’s got.
Luffy is sitting on the Sunny’s head, looking at the sea and he smiles up to him when he sits down next to him. The sun is already going down, painting them in the warmest colors. Zoro looks into Luffy’s eyes and sees the light reflecting in them. 
Zoro takes his hand, gently kissing the inside of his palm, making him blush. After all this time, he is still so in love with him. Then, he places a small, soft thing in Luffy’s hand: it looks like a blue sea urchin. Luffy looks back at him questioningly. 
“Eat it,” Zoro says, smiling, so he does. It tastes terrible. Zoro laughs at Luffy’s sour expression. 
“Come on,” he stands up, embraces Luffy, and jumps into the sea with him. 
Luffy has no time to panic, as Zoro pulls him up and their heads are out of the water in a second. Luffy takes an enormous breath he doesn’t really need and Zoro laughs at him, holding him so close Luffy can see his wet eyelashes.
“Oi Zoro, what was that for?” Luffy complains, his heart is beating very fast, his body reminding that he could sink any second. “I’m a hammer in the wa- “ he doesn’t finish as he realizes his legs are moving, pushing the water below him, his arms are also working, holding onto Zoro. 
“This is called the Kyanseru no Mi,” Zoro says. “I got it from the local marine base, I heard the rumors from my bounty hunter days that they were keeping it here. It can neutralize the ‘devil fruit curse’ for a whole day. You can swim and play in the water as much as you want for 24 hours. 
Luffy has no idea what to say. He is so happy, he wants to jump out of this skin. He puts his hand on Zoro’s face and kisses him. Zoro’s lips are salty and wet and he kisses him back fiercely as if he never wanted to let him go. 
“I love you,” Luffy says, and hugs him. 
“I love you too,” Zoro whispers in his ears.
“Oi, are you guys okay?” they hear Sanji shouting, next to him Chopper is staring at them, alarmed. “What the hell happened?”
Luffy lets go off Zoro and waves at them, making Chopper nearly faint. “I’m okay!” he shouts back. “Zoro got me a fruit that allows me to swim for a whole day!” 
The rest of the crew comes out for the noise and Usopp instantly jumps into the sea, dragging the swearing Sanji with him.  
Robin smiles down them and senses that this is a beginning of a party Chopper would be very sad to be left out off, so she brings a lifebelt out for him, and gently puts him into the water as well. 
Nami also joins them for a little, partly to look out for Chopper, and partly because the water is warm and nice. She leaves right before they start a huge water battle, which is followed by a jumping and diving competition as well. 
Luffy wins the jumping one and Zoro wins the diving but it might be because it scares Luffy a little to dive down that much. He hunts down a huge fish though and Sanji gets out to cook it for them. 
By the time the moon comes up and paints the water in beautiful silver light, only Zoro and Luffy stays behind. 
“Lean back,” he tells Luffy and holds his head in his palms while he is floating. 
Luffy closes his eyes, and he hears his own heart beating. He has never been this happy. He feels Zoro’s hand, holding him up, and he is doing the only thing in the world that should be impossible: he is in the water and he can enjoy it fully without being afraid, or immobilized. 
He reaches up and pulls Zoro down for a kiss. 
“Today, I have already done the impossible with your help,” he whispers after they part. “Tomorrow, I will become the King of Pirates.
“Of course you will,” Zoro whispers back, his voice trembling a little. “My King.”
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mrlnsfrt · 4 years
Behaving Wisely
David has slain the giant that seemed unbeatable. The Israelite has won a great victory. (for more read The Battle Belongs to the LORD)
Was David lucky?
Is it possible for him to maintain his winning streak?
"So keep the words of this covenant to do them, that you may prosper in all that you do."  -- Deuteronomy 29:9 New American Standard Bible
Let’s continue to read the story of David and see what happens next.
Now when he had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. Saul took him that day, and would not let him go home to his father’s house anymore. Then Jonathan and David made a covenant, because he loved him as his own soul. And Jonathan took off the robe that was on him and gave it to David, with his armor, even to his sword and his bow and his belt. - 1 Samuel 18:1-4 NKJV
David and Jonathan have a lot in common. They were both courageous and capable young warriors who had great faith in the Lord. Both had also initiated attacks against the Philistines against terrible odds that lead to great victories for Israel. (Bergen, Robert D. The New American Commentary. Broadman & Holman, 1996. p199) (for more on Jonathan’s victory read A Mighty Minority)
The fact that Jonathan gives David the clothes and weapons originally reserved for the heir to Saul’s throne is worth noting. Especially when you combine it with the fact that David was offered the king’s clothing during the battle (1 Samuel 17:38, see also The Battle Belongs to the LORD) These details are rich in symbolic and thematic significance, we see that David is well on his way to becoming the next king of Israel. Though Saul is king and Jonathan is the crown prince, David’s experiences point to the exceptional future God has in store for him.
At this point, Saul decided to keep David with him and not allow him to go home to his father’s house anymore, and Jonathan also loves David. Things are going well for David he is being honored and elevated by the royal family. David goes wherever Saul sends him and he is successful.
Whatever Saul asked David to do, David did it successfully. So Saul made him a commander over the men of war, an appointment that was welcomed by the people and Saul’s officers alike. - 1 Samuel 18:5 NLT
If you click on 1 Samuel 18:5 it will take you to a page with several different translations and you will notice that some describe David as acting wisely, and some describe him as being successful. So which one is the best translation? Yes. What if the writer meant exactly what he wrote, that David behaved wisely and was successful. Sure in English we have two different words for this idea, but in the Hebrew mind, the two ideas seem to be mingled into one. Behaving wisely is success, prosperity and wisdom are intermingled. Even more interesting is how the same root שָׂכַל (sakal) is found in Deuteronomy 29:9.
Therefore keep the words of this covenant, and do them, that you may prosper in all that you do. - Deuteronomy 29:9 NKJV
Essentially God provided us with the key to success, a strong loving relationship with Him. The covenant was in essence for us to not turn after any other Gods. The 10 commandments give us the core of God’s covenant, those are His plans for our lives, those are His guidelines for us to prosper in all that we do. He gives us success. The 10 commandments in essence protect us from leaving our relationship with God. They keep us from shooting ourselves in the foot. In the story of Saul and David we see one man, Saul, turn from God and lose everything while another man, David, remains faithful to God and gains everything.
This does not mean that obedience buys you immunity or salvation. Those are gifts from God. Life is still tough for David, as we will see, but he keeps succeeding because he always humbles himself before God. This will become clearer as we study the biblical account of the life of David in its entirety. But even here, at the beginning of David’s rise, we see evidence of God’s blessings and of David’s love for God.
What I take away from this is that the way to success will never go against the will of God for my life as expressed in the 10 commandments. If I am being pressured to go against God’s expressed will it will not lead to success, but rather to failure. Also, it is important to define success here as the ultimate success in life, not just the acquisition of money or power or both. Money and power can be a curse in the life of those who have sacrificed their relationship with God for the things this world has to offer.
Challenges that follow success
Sometimes a quiet meaningful life is more enjoyable than a life of fame and power. When the armies returned victorious from the battle the women were singing about the heroes and their victories. They sang about how “Saul had slain his thousands,” this was nice, Saul liked listening to this. We don’t have a record of the whole song, we also have no idea what the melody was like. However, we do have the record of one more line from this song and it went like this: “And David [has slain] his ten thousands.” (1 Samuel 18:7)
It’s fine to be wise, to be successful, but being more successful than the king is bad for your health.
Saul notices that David is well on his way to becoming king. He is popular with the people and the court. Surely Saul was reminded of the words of Samuel found in 1 Samuel 15:28.
So Samuel said to him, “The Lord has torn the kingdom of Israel from you today, and has given it to a neighbor of yours, who is better than you. - 1 Samuel 15:28 NKJV
I believe this is why the story continues in this way
Then Saul was very angry, and the saying displeased him; and he said, “They have ascribed to David ten thousands, and to me they have ascribed only thousands. Now what more can he have but the kingdom?” So Saul eyed David from that day forward. - 1 Samuel 18:8-9 NKJV
Saul eyed David
From this point on Saul sees David as a threat. 1 Samuel 18:9 (link to different translations) is a bit awkward to translate to English but when you read the different ways its translated you get the idea of what it means to “eye” someone or to be “eyed” by someone. Saul was watching David closely, looking for an opportunity to rid himself of this threat.
David meanwhile, continues to serve king Saul faithfully. When Saul was being tormented by a distressing spirit and David came to play for him Saul threw a spear at David, twice (1 Samuel 18:11)! This means that David came back to play the hard a second time after Saul had tried to kill him! This shows that David was faithful and willing to help Saul even if it meant putting his life on the line. This also shows that music is not a sure-fire way to deal with people struggling with evil spirits. (for more on that checkout Mental Health, Music and the Bible) It is also worth noting that Saul being armed with a spear against David associates him with Goliath (1 Samuel 17:7) not to mention that Saul was also very tall (1 Samuel 9:1-2).
Although Saul a powerful king and is armed with a spear, he is afraid of David who is an unarmed nobody.
Now Saul was afraid of David, because the Lord was with him, but had departed from Saul. Therefore Saul removed him from his presence, and made him his captain over a thousand; and he went out and came in before the people. And David behaved wisely in all his ways, and the Lord was with him. Therefore, when Saul saw that he behaved very wisely, he was afraid of him. But all Israel and Judah loved David, because he went out and came in before them. - 1 Samuel 18:12-16 NKJV (bold mine)
David continues to have success. David behaves wisely and prospers in everything he does (Deuteronomy 29:9). Saul is afraid because he realizes that the LORD was with David. Just as Goliath was unable to destroy David, Saul too realizes he is no match for him. Saul decides to change tactics.
Royal Wedding!
Saul realized he would not be able to kill David with his own hands, or at least he realized he shouldn’t since David was becoming so popular. Saul decided to let his enemies take care of David.
Then Saul said to David, “Here is my older daughter Merab; I will give her to you as a wife. Only be valiant for me, and fight the Lord’s battles.” For Saul thought, “Let my hand not be against him, but let the hand of the Philistines be against him.” - 1 Samuel 18:17 NKJV
Saul figured the more often David was involved in battles against the philistines the greater the chances of him dying in battle. That way David can die a hero at the hand of the Philistines and Saul can be rid of a “problem.” David agreed to fight the LORD’s battles. David would likely have agreed to fight even if there wasn’t the promise of marriage to the princess. This could also have been interpreted as taking the place of the dowry, like when Jacob offered to work as a way of paying the price for his wife (Genesis 29:15-19 for more read Rules of Engagement).
However, when it came time to it, Saul gave his oldest daughter to someone else. Maybe he feared giving David even more power and influence seeing he refused to die. Saul should have given David his daughter because David killed Goliath ( 1 Samuel 17:25), but Saul keeps adding details and clauses to the fine print of his promises.
Now Michal, Saul’s daughter, loved David. And they told Saul, and the thing pleased him. So Saul said, “I will give her to him, that she may be a snare to him, and that the hand of the Philistines may be against him.” Therefore Saul said to David a second time, “You shall be my son-in-law today.” - 1 Samuel 18:20-21 NKJV
David is incredibly humble. This could be due to Saul being king and having come from a wealthy family. David however was the youngest son in his family, he was a bumble shepherd and his genealogy was not pure, since one of his ancestors had been a Moabite (Ruth 4:13-17).
It is interesting to notice the word choice of Saul here. Michal was to be a “snare” to David. This same word is used in the Torah to describe the dangers of idols and idol worshipers (Exodus 23:33;34:12; Deuteronomy 7:16) Perhaps Saul was aware of his daughter’s idolatrous inclinations ( 1 Samuel 19:13) and how if she could lead David astray then he would surely fall at the hand of the Philistines.
Similarly to how David had heard by word of mouth about the rewards offered to whoever killed Goliath, David now heard that Saul was willing to make him his son-in-law. Saul asks for 100 Philistine foreskins as a way of taking vengeance on the enemies of Saul. David is so willing that he gets Saul 200 foreskins. Saul then has no option but to give David his daughter.
Now David was part of the royal family, even closer to the throne. Saul became even more afraid of David and decided to be his enemy continually. But David continues to prosper.
Then the princes of the Philistines went out to war. And so it was, whenever they went out, that David behaved more wisely than all the servants of Saul, so that his name became highly esteemed. - 1 Samuel 18:29 NKJV (bold mine)
David is faithful to God, God is with him, granting him wisdom and success. For me, the lesson is clear, be faithful to God, receive His wisdom, and prosper, regardless of who is against you.
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. - Proverbs 9:10 NKJV
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. - James 1:5 NKJV
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wearesorcerer · 4 years
For the d&d meme: 2 and 3
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YAY! AN ASK! (Ahem.)
|| 2.) Your favorite character that someone else has played. ||
This one is kinda hard. Not counting Collectivists (it’s Moxie) or one’s I’ve not witnessed in play, I’ma have to say Mikey.
Mikey was a friend’s bareknuckle boxer Fighter (because this was 3.5 and he was taking after his Bard father, who wasn’t Lawful). The character was woefully suboptimal, but did an excellent job of becoming one of the two hearts of our fairly large party (the other was the idiot halfling rogue/sorcerer; long story) and got lucky in fights for quite a while, so we all naturally gravitated towards the character’s generic charisma (no, I have no idea what his actual stat was).
Unfortunately for us, he got coup de graced on a side quest we were doing because half of the players couldn’t attend a session and the DM decided to have us investigate goblins or orcs or something. The chieftain knocked him unconscious, then took the opportunity to cleave him in twain. T_T
|| 3.) Your favorite side quest. ||
I don’t actually have a favorite, so instead I’m going to tell you about the most memorable. Same campaign. This one overtook the main plot. Be warned: it’s long. It’s also why I don’t care for side quests.
This was our DM’s first time running a homemade campaign and his second time DMing ever (the first was the semester before, when he ran the module The Standing Stone; it ended in a hilarious near-TPK). We started in a tavern (like you do) not knowing each other (like you do). Thanks to the halfling’s backstory, we all got drawn into a barroom brawl against a local criminal. That pretty much formed our party and got us hired to investigate a cult of Nerull that had taken up in a nearby abandoned temple (of Pelor, IIRC).
During the boss fight against a couple of higher-up cultists (I forget how many, but one had swords or something), one of the enemy casters decided that it would be a good idea to place a necrotic cyst on the halfling.
There are EVER so many reasons why this was a terrible idea.
Necrotic cyst is a 2nd-level spell from Libris Mortis (pg. 68) on the Cleric and Sorcerer/Wizard lists (meaning we’re fighting 3rd- to 4th-level casters). On a successful melee touch (spell) attack, the target has to make a Fort (Con) save; failure means they get implanted with the eponymous cyst. Depending on where they were touched, they might not even know they bear it. The cyst does two things:
Makes the target more susceptible to necromantic stuff. -2 on saves against Necromancy spells and effects, but also +1d6 damage from the natural weapons of undead.
Enables the use of other spells. There are nine other necrotic spells in Libris Mortis which rely on existing cysts. This was the main problem.
Before I get into why those other spells were the main problem, I need to explain a few things about the metagame.
The DM was a touch...conservative, shall we say, with what he would and would not allow source-wise. Despite this, he had a penchant for picking up the latest splatbooks (non-setting specific and Eberron) and taking material from them. As a player, he mostly played Fighters and was not (at that time) big on mages; thus, he didn’t have a good grasp of what spells were and were not especially powerful based on (sometimes foreseeable) consequences.
The halfling was intended to be a dual-wand wielding sneak-a-sniper, so went Rogue/Sorcerer. Because of what this build required, he put many of his early levels into Sorcerer instead of Rogue when we needed a party Rogue, yet somehow managed not to cast much of anything. In the end, he was terrible at literally everything except lying.
Naturally, the enemy caster succeeded at planting the cyst on the halfling. I’m not sure why the caster felt the halfling (not just a halfling, but a halfling child) was the best choice for harboring a cyst that’s designed to screw with the enemy long-term and we had plenty of other party members who could have served for such a host, but whatever. The halfling failed his save and BAM! We’re in trouble.
Like I said, necrotic cyst enables nine other spells -- almost like a Cleric domain, as the others span 1st through 9th levels (no cantrips). However, they all require the caster to possess a “mother cyst” (a flavorful feat tax; eh).
The 1st-level spell is yet another detect something spell, but it only detects necrotic cysts. Meh, but it means that we can’t go anywhere near these cultists without them knowing we’re there.
It was probably the 3rd-level spell, necrotic bloat, that was the reason we felt the need to get rid of the cyst in the first place: the caster deals Level x d6 damage (so 5d6 to 6d6) to the target and half of that damage is “Vile” (horribly evil, can only be healed within the area of a consecrate or hallow spell).
I say this because we were never told (or I forgot if we were told; this was 14ish years ago) why the halfling was reduced to something like 1 HP, but the halfling was basically out of commission entirely as we struggled to figure out what we could do.
That was months of out-of-game time.
First, we turned to my character’s mother, a Dwarven Cleric; she was unable to do much, sadly.
Then we heard about an enclave of elven druids who might be able to remove the cyst. They were on the other side of the mountains, so it would be a long journey to get to them and it wasn’t assured that they could (or would) help us.
So we journeyed.
And were constantly waylaid by undead. Lots of undead. Lots of weird undead. (The DM had fun dragging up monsters from Monster Manual III, which I’d written off at that point. He did this largely because I had, but slightly because he had a hard-on for Eberron shit.)
We did manage to get to the enclave of elves and had them remove the cyst. The halfling’s player felt like they got to do basically nothing the entire time, another player switched out characters twice (one was boring due to how he made it, the other died; the third one developed mysanthropy [became a wererat] resulting in awesomeness), a third player spot rotated at least three times, and we had traded the quite fun Mikey for the Paladin no one liked, so we were not having fun.
It was after the enclave that we (well, I) realized something: we were being scryed upon. Our DM finally told us about necrotic scrying.
As it turns out, the 2nd-level cyst spell functions almost identically to scrying, but only on subjects with necrotic cysts (it also has a few other, largely meaningless drawbacks). Scrying is a monster of a spell, which is why it’s a 4th level spell by default on the Druid and Sorcerer/Wizard spell lists (that’s 7th class level for the prepared casters and 8th for Sorcerers); Clerics treat it as a 5th-level spell (10th class level), Bards as 3rd (because they maxed at 6th-level spells in 3.x, so they got it at the same time as Wizards). A caster with scrying can manipulate events from far, far away with little effort; it’s the spell for a BBEG for many campaigns. Making it a 2nd-level spell just makes it scarier.
It was at this point that I yelled at the DM:
If you give a continent-spanning cult of evil an easy means of scrying, you’ve given its upper echelons full access to the ACTUAL spell.
The ordinary spell scrying relies on familiarity; it’s one of the few instances of sympathetic magic in the game. By enabling someone an easier way to scry on one character and putting that someone into a large organization in a low-rung position, you’ve given the higher-ups a means of seeing the rest of the party and thus the ability to scry on them through normal means.
Meaning that the cyst became obsolete not long after the first casting of necrotic scrying.
Meaning the undead continued to bother us every night (and somehow never get seen on watches) even after we got the cyst removed.
The next step was to look up a means of blocking scrying. Our other caster having left the party long, long ago (player went to grad school) and our halfling being utterly useless, we had to track down a magic item to shield us from scrying.
So the DM made us negotiate with a dragon to get one out of its hoard.
The dragon could have easily killed us, for the record. It was astonishing that we were able to get the thing at all. Somehow, we got some like two other items, one of which was a cape of the mountebank...
...that the halfling promptly stole that night while everyone slept and used to abandon the party.
It was only after this point that we managed to get back to the main plot. We had been playing for a little over a year, may have been at fifth level at that point (it might have taken longer), and had next to no magic items (other than the anti-scrying device and maybe something else we got from the hoard). We got maybe two sessions after that before getting TPKed.
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amindofstone · 3 years
Match up, No. 10
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Anon said:
Hello! I would like the match up please I would like to have a Male character and here are stuff about me!
The thing I do mostly is like to care for others and help others, I mostly get tricked on very easily do to my kindness which will cause me to sometimes get very fiesty which not very but maybe like “ please just stop talking your being to loud.” In a annoyed tone, which is very rarely, I tend to like very many hobbies and I don’t judge people base on first glance I see what on the inside and not what on the outside, a weakness I have is my disability but I never allow it to stop me from my true goal in life! And I practically tend to like doing some boyish stuff like archery! I get a lot of compliments on my archery skill because a lot of people say I have the patients and the accuracy very good! My dislikes are I hate real cocky people who think there all good and don’t take stuff for granted I also hate people who look down on weak person as not a human but a animal. I hate peoples who take kindness for granted and use it for a selfish gain.
I stand at about 5’0 exact! I have long brown hair that gets a lot of attention because some people always say to me “ I die to have your hair:” I’m just a tiny bit chubby and have big blue ocean eye that gets a lot of compliments and a lot of people wanting it to. I very much get the attention for how smart I am and how kind I am! I also get some hate from boys when I prove them wrong that girls aren’t weak and I won’t back down from a fight if it means protecting myself, people or just anyone. I like to have some affection it doesn’t have to be a lot maybe just even a hand on the shoulder is fine! I also very do like to wear some baggy clothes and I do like wearing like summer dresses that are knee high. I also tend to get very excited from the smallest things. A lot of people think I’m a loner but when it comes to babies I’m all for them! My cousin even said “ she likes to be alone into babies comes in the picture and she all for them!” 💕I love children and my parents even told me “ your definitely going to be the house wife.” I don’t know if that a compliment or not but I’m taking it😂✌🏻 sorry if I shared so many!
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Hello there! How are you? I really enjoyed reading all those things about you. Believe it or not but the part in which you said that although you have a disability it is not holding you back to follow your dreams, was impressive. It truly made happy. I have two cousins that have a disability and get me sad every time I see them. But seeing them happy and keep doing whatever they want makes me always so damn happy. You seem to be such a sweet human. Someone bright and jolly. Please never ever change. You are such a strong and great human. Keep that attitude and make sure that even when you end up as a housewife don´t let anyone push you around or take you presence and work for granted. This world really needs more good humans like you. I am so happy you requested. When you mentioned housewife I instantly thought of Hinata (Narutos wife) and then thought about myself who is more of a mixture of Ino and Temari. That thought really made me laugh. LMAO!! Anyways I really hope you will like with what I came up with. If there is anything that bothers you or you don´t like, please tell me so I can change it. Other than that enjoy the little story I came up with. Happy reading!
Match up rules can be found HERE.
Warning(s): Maybe grammatical or spelling mistakes since English is my third language and I´m still improving in every aspect (Please have mercy on that.)
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me if this is shared or published in any other platform or any other way. Please respect me as the writer and my work. Picture is not mine. Credits to: @/SK,Martins (Can be seen in the pic) (found on the internet) !!!
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· Well my dear anon. Like I mentioned before I think that you are a sweet and lovely human being. On top of that also simply adorable, fun and pure! Therefore I´d like to match you up with the future pirate king Monkey D. Luffy
· I think that you two would get along so well. So, SO WELL! Now hear me out!
· The way you two got to know each other might sound a bit of cliché but that’s simply how you meet. There was no princess in danger or a knight in a shinny armor but a clueless guy who wondered why a woman in a dress would walk around with arrows and a bow when they weren´t cupid. A simple human?! HA! Definitely not!
· Anyways that’s how everything started….
· The strawhats were docked on the island you were living in. At first they were anxious and didn´t want to leave their ship alone but when a worker at the harbor told them that the civilians on the island had cero problems with pirates as long as they didn´t do anything stupid or harm them. The whole crew got happy and started roaming around the island.
· Luffy being Luffy, screamed for food the moment his feet were on the island. And Zoro…. That guy yelled after him saying that if he gets to have food he wanted Sake. So, Luffy, Zoro and Ussop searched for a restaurant. Why Ussop you wonder? Well Nami send him with the boys because they otherwise would end up on the other side of the island. And Ussop compared to the captain and the first mate knew he had an actual brain and also knew how to use it.
· While the pirates were walking around the island you were helping out as a waitress in your uncles restaurant
· Everything went smooth. You served the people and had little chats with some of them. Some gave you too much tip and some other had you sitting with them and eat with them
· The people of the island knew you well. They knew you and loved you. Your uncle once even said that the only reason why his business was doing so well was because of you. The people never came for the food but rather for you. But you always denied it and told him that it was him and his food that was liked so much.
· Bu today there was something a bit different. A group of men you hated from the bottom of your heart came again. They were simply rude and egoistic. They were people from the wealthier part of the city, that was called royal neighbor. The reason why that neighborhood was called royal had nothing to do with the people that lived there. The only reason it was called royal was because it had a lot of wellness centers, hotels, casinos and parks. While this neighborhood, you were living in was given the name of idyll because of the beautiful nature. Landscapes that could have been painted and not to forget the dreamy beaches. But these group of young men simply didn´t understand that and thought of it differently. In a way that even the mayor couldn´t do anything else than just shook his head in embarrassment. But what could that poor man do. They weren´t doing anything against the law. They simply were annoying, stupid and egoistic.
· The group of young man, not older than 25, would always come once a week and have lunch in your uncles restaurant
· They entered the restaurant followed by three men you never saw on the island. At first you thought of them as sailors until you saw the green haired man carry three swords.
· You were in a dilemma. You didn´t knew if you should take care of the men that could have been pirates or the annoying group of disgusting men that always came. You gave your coworker a look and made sure he understood what you wanted. You were about to walk up to him and tell him to take care of the annoying group of men when you heard a plate breaking. You stopped in your tracks and instantly turned around.
· “This is our table. We always sit here. Now move you pathetic poor human.”, said Dean, the head of the group. You were mad. You were extremely mad and it took you so much energy and patience to not walk up to him and cut of his throat. But you calmed down and thought rationally. You took a deep breath and took your little notebook you used for writing down the guests orders when you heard a glass shatter right after Dean grabbed the customer at his collar and made him stand up. And this was exactly the moment you slammed you notebook and pen on the floor and yelled from the top of your lungs.
· “Watch out what you’re doing, you spoiled brat!”
· You stomped towards him and took a knife from a table on your way to him. “If you do not put him down in a bit and apologize, I swear to god I will make you regret waking up today and leaving your fucking bed!”, Dean knew you were no one to joke around with but his pride as a man kept pushing him. He chuckled and looked at you up and down while his friends that followed him like dogs laughed at your words.
· “Don´t make me start counting you pathetic version of a human.”, with furious eyes you looked up at Dean who still held the customer at his collar. “Look at that tiny girl trying to threaten…”, one of his friends was giving a comment but couldn´t finish his sentence because of you throwing the knife in your hand at him and cutting a bit of his ear and hair. You threw the knife with such a precise and strong grip that it ended up hitting the wall that was three meters behind him. “Watch out what you say because I don´t hesitate to drop the sweet girl attitude.”
· Dean looked at you with pure anger and let go of the man he was holding. He looked at his shocked friend and then back at you. “Today’s point goes to you. But the next time we come and this table is not free you will regret hurting him.”, said the angry man. “Listen here you little dumb spoiled creature. This table won´t be free for you. This is our table. Our property. You have no right to come and throw such a tantrum. And guess what, come again and I will be paying your parents a little visit and make them pay for everything you did. And I am sure that they won´t be pleased by your behavior since they are good friends with my parents and the mayor. Right? Now if I ever see you come here again I will make you pay. After today we will not accept your unacceptable behavior anymore. Now get the FCK OUT!!”
· After they left everything was silent for a few seconds but that change after your uncle started to clap and every person in the restaurant joined him. Your eye widened and your started to blush with a huge grin on your face. But that little moment of clapping didn´t last long. One of the pirates that entered the restaurant spoke up. “You did a good job but I AM HUNGRY!!!! Please FEED ME!”, you were confused. You didn´t know how to react and stood there like a statue.
· “Alright Sir. No worries. We will take your order in a few.”, said your uncle and approached you with a huge smile your notebook and pen. He pats your head with a proud smile. “You are such a brave and strong woman. I am so glad to have you in my family and I think it´s enough for today. Please take care of these men and then go rest: You deserve it.”, you nodded and smiled back to him. You pulled yourself together and made your way to the table of the pirates while your uncle left to take care of the broken glasses and the customer who had to deal with those stupid men.
· “Hello gentlemen. I apologize for making you wait I ….”, “No worries I actually enjoyed the show. You’ve got a good and precise eye. BUT NOW MY ORDER! Get me everything on the second site please.”, you absolutely didn´t knew how to react. You were looking at the talking man with a straw hat and then to his friends with big shook eyes. “I know what you thinking but he always eats that much and manages to stay alive. No worries. And getting to my order I´d like to have number 17 and 22 on the menu.”, said the one with a unusual long nose. “I take the same as him but with three bottles of your best sake.”
· You nodded with a disbelieving look on the face wondering if the first one is really going to eat all of the stuff. But you gave yourself a light slap and made your way to the kitchen only to be confronted with overwhelmed and surprised faces of the cooks. You shrugged with your shoulder and went to get the pirates drinks.
· While you went to get their drinks you saw that more people sat down next to the three pirates what made sense since the table they were sitting on was a huge one that usually only families took. Taking the drinks you served the three and greeted the new costumers. At the table sat a beautiful woman with black hair that complimented you for your adorable and genuine smile. With a blush you gave the others a menu too and took their orders
· Slowly with time passing all of their meals were served and you said your farewells and left the restaurant earlier then thought because your uncle said that he will take care of the rest. Thanking him you left and made your way to your archery lesson although it would have been way too early.
· Every time you came your sensei’s face would glow with pride. But the malicious person he is he would then drag you inside and introduce you to another challenge he came up with.
Time skip because ya author is lazy for the first time in a while now. *apologizes in trilingual
· It was late in the evening. You were on your way back home and thought why not take the route that would lead you to walk across the beach. You were having a good time alone. The sound of the waves that crashed on the cliffs and rocks were beautifully calming. The feeling of the sand under you feet were relaxing. With a smile upon your lips you were lost in your thoughts when the same guy with the straw hat you saw in the restaurant looked at you while blinking a few times before he asked you if you were Cupid the god of love like Sanji told him.
· With confusion taking over your mind you stopped in your tracks. Who on earth was he and that Sanji guy and why did he call me cupid? You wondered.
· And there you were looking at him with pure confusion while he looked at you with huge impressed and curious eyes for good 2 minutes until you shook your head and asked him who he and that Sanji were. He smiled at you and let himself fall down to sit cross- legged in front of you on the soft, warm sand. Now how do you think he introduced himself? Exactly my dear.
· “I am Monkey D. Luffy the future pirate King.”, “Huh?”, “And Sanji is one of my crew mates and the cook on my ship. Now tell me are you Cupid or not.”
· “Why would I be cupid?”, “Well you are wearing a pink white dress and you have a bow and arrows. So I thought that you might be on your way to shoot some people with them to make them fall in love. So, are you Cupid?”,
· “Alright first of all Cupid is a mythological creature made up by humans. He or she doesn´t exists. Secondly you really don´t look like a pirate nor do the others in your crew beside that one green haired man with the swords if he is also part of your crew. Thirdly you want to become the pirate king? Why?”
· And this my dear was how you two started a conversation that was to 50 % about him telling you stories of his adventures, 25 % basically about nonsense. And the other 25 % were… well that was about you telling him that you weren´t cupid but a actual human with the name f/n l/n. But he actually never got it. Until now.
· Eight years after your first encounter with the weird men called Monkey D. Luffy you still were busy telling him that you weren´t Cupid. But by now you not only had to tell him that but also your son who rather called you Cupid instead of mama.
· Congratulations you have two idiots in your life you love to the moon and back and would actually fight Garp for.
· “Does he really think that your Cupid or is that supposed to be something like a cute name?”, asked Dragon, the leader of the revolutionary army
· “I stopped thinking about that long ago, Sir. I really don´t know how to answer that. But just to make it clear if that confused you too. My name is y/n not Cupid.”, you told you father in Law with a sweet smile.
· “Wait. Cupid is not your name?! That brat introduced you to me as Monkey D. Cupid!”, Garp looked at you and Dragon with disbelieve.
· “If you ever wonder why you husband is so stupid just please now that, that stupidity comes from Garp. Not me. I swear.”
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purplefairywriter · 4 years
Hyung Line BTS as RPG Classes
This idea has been wandering around in my head for a while so I finally decided to release it into the wild world. This is based on D&D for the most part but I opted not to go into details about their races, so this is just going to be a run down of their classes and alignments. If you don’t know what classes are alignments are, I’ll explain it as I go through the members of BTS. Alignments are only meant to be kind of a guide to your characters and not a blanket statement for how characters will act. SPOILER ALERT: most of them are on the good spectrum alignment wise. Here’s the maknae line one for you guys!
Blurb Jin walked into the dimly lit tavern. There were a variety of fair and buxom maidens there, all of whom turned to stare at him as he strutted in. Carrying his lucky red rose and his special lute, he went to the first maid who caught his eye. He gave her the rose before taking his lute and playing a single, beautiful chord. Then he leaned in and said "Hello, beautiful. I'm Mr. Worldwide Handsome. Are you gonna tell me your name or are you gonna let me just call you beautiful?" Class “The bard is a master of song, speech, and the magic they contain... Only rarely do bards settle in one place for long... Bards thrive on stories, whether those stories are true or not.” BARD. He’s a bard, 110% a bard. I mean... His personality screams it. There’s a reason I call this man the “good guy version of Gaston”. He has a charm to go along with his “Worldwide Handsome” title. That and the fact he was literally studying to be an actor before he go recruited by BigHit makes me believe he’d be a great addition to any party who is trying to do undercover/spy missions. Need a cocky nobleman? Jin’s got you covered. Need a down on his luck pig farmer? Jin’s got you covered. In my opinion, he’d have one of the higher charismas of a BTS party, which would help with the bard life. Alignment Probably chaotic good, so a rebel. He values personal freedom while at the same time upholding what is good. He probably comes off as an asshole/playboy when in reality he cares a lot about his friends/loved ones.
Blurb J-Hope sat in the open field, admiring the sun. It was the sun that brought life to everything and everyone he knew. His best friend sat next to him, reading their favorite book. When a gruff voice shouted a slur towards his friend, J-Hope jumped up. "Hey! Try that on someone your own size, buddy!" He proclaimed without even sizing his enemy up. It turned out to be one of the local members of the warrior's guild, one of the toughest fighters out of the bunch. J-Hope held his ground, though. Their words escalated until a duel was unavoidable. J-Hope's friend tried to dissuade him from fighting. "I'll never let some idiot hurt my friends, physically or no! I'll teach this bully a lesson!" After the duel was over and the bully was simpering in defeat, J-Hope reminded his friend that he, like the sun, would never fail his friend. Class I’m feeling warrior type. You could go with either fighter or paladin with him. Either way, he wouldn’t be able to stay in the back and watch his friends get hurt without raising a ruckus. He wouldn’t be quiet or sneaky enough for a rogue and being a spell caster might not be up his alley. He’d want to have a hands-on approach in helping his friends, he would want to be in the front lines kicking butt. Why don’t you just pick one class? aka Why are you lumping paladin in there? Well, because J-Hope, as well all know, has a high charisma. Paladins need a high charisma as well as strength versus just strength alone. Paladins are basically more determined warriors and/or defenders/protectors of others, as they have a religious cause to be fighting for rather than just fighting because why not. Plus I have to admit, I think it would be funny to have J-Hope as a paladin because he’d be a bad paladin. As in he wouldn’t be screaming from the mountaintops about his god, he’d save someone and then go “oh yeah by the way I gotta tell you about my god real quick”. I’d imagine if he was in a paladin group everyone would make fun of him for helping people without preaching to them. He would stick to his guns (or should I say swords, this is a D&D post after all) about things, though. It’d be hard to sway him against doing a thing, which probably makes for a great paladin in some ways. If he was a paladin, he’d choose a sun or a mischievous god that fell under good. (In my world if he was a paladin, he’d be one for a crow/raven god that is mostly good but mischievous at times.) Alignment Chaotic Good, so the same as Jin. Although if you go the paladin route, he may end up being Lawful Good, which means he would have a strict sense of honor while at the same time putting down the freedom of others (even though I personally don’t see J-Hope being that way, but I can see him acting that way if he felt like he had no other option, really.)
TW: slight verbal abuse (Not Suga giving it), violence Blurb Suga sat in the alleyway. He watched some pickpockets go by, just enjoying the sparse quietness that the night brought him. The sound of a knife unsheathing some distance away made him leap unto his feet. He looked over to see a grown man aiming the knife at a cowering child. "I'll pay you back, I promise!" The child cried. "You lousy brat, you haven't been able to steal anything for two weeks now! What did I ever hire you for?" The man asked, his words slurring. Suga walked over to the pair and tapped the man on the shoulder. The man turned around with a growl. "What are you doing talking to my son like that?" Suga asked, his hand on his knife's handle. The man looked at the kid then back at Suga. “Then why are you lettin’ him roam the streets and work for me? Some moron idiot father you are.” The man asked. The boy looked up at Suga, visibly frightened. Suga had never seen the boy before in his life. But Suga knew what it was like to deal with angry, cutthroat criminal scum like the man standing in front of him as a child. “Leave the boy alone. How much does he owe you?” Suga asked. He kept his hand on his knife, ready to draw in case the criminal lashed out. “50 gold.” The man grumbled. Suga pulled out his coin purse and nearly handed it to the man. “It’s between me and the brat. I don’t want your blood money.” The man said. The man turned back to the boy, his anger growing. “I could’ve made twice as much profit this week if I didn’t have to feed you. I should’ve let you rot!” The man raised one hand, tightly gripping a knife over his head as the child screamed. Suga stabbed the man in the shoulder, which reduced the man to a crumpled heap of pain on the alleyway path. Suga grabbed the child’s arm and dragged him out of the alleyway and towards safety. [The boy isn’t Suga’s child, obviously. Suga is probably going to feed the kid and find him a safe place to stay at least.] Class
“Rogues devote as much effort to mastering the use of a variety of skills as they do to perfecting their combat abilities, giving them a broad expertise that few other characters can match. When it comes to combat, rogues prioritize cunning over brute strength. A rogue would rather make one precise strike... As adventurers, rogues fall on both sides of the law.” I know some of you guys may be like “no wait Suga can’t be a rogue, he isn’t evil!”. I feel like Suga would make a good rogue, I do, I just have that feeling. He seems like the type of guy who devotes time to developing his skills, as well as a guy who speaks only  when something needs to be said. He comes off as a big tough guy when in reality he cares. “Why isn’t he a bard?” I feel like for Suga, music in an RPG setting would be secondary. Given that in real life he grew up with a family who was didn’t support his ideas of his music career, I could see him having to resort to rogue-ry things in order to support himself and survive (he would never break laws for fun, he’d do it in order to survive) with the idea of becoming a musician someday. If he dual-classed, bard would be his second class. Alignment Chaotic Good. But like I said earlier, he may come off as more neutral at first. He may put his own needs first before readily accepting that he does care for other people in a way.
Blurb RM stood in a secluded glade. Crickets chirped nearby, the only sound keeping the world around him from silence. His companion was frightened, desperately trying to start a fire in the dark of the forest. "Are you sure this'll work? It seems strange, being out here so late at night..." The companion’s voice was deeply concerned. RM sighed as he stared up at the stars for a moment. "It's alright. If there's one thing I know about magic, it's that you have to trust yourself in order for it to work. Don't be afraid, I've got your back. Okay?" The companion nodded, his words bringing some comfort to them. They finally got the fire lit. The companion sighed in relief at the light the fire offered. RM spent the next few minutes casting protection spells before he sat down. "I know that darkness is scary, and the thing that dwell in it are even more frightening. One day you'll be able to face the darkness without any fear." RM said as he got comfortable. "How do you do it? How do you not be afraid?" His companion's question made him chuckle. "It took me many years to get to this point. Like there was this one time..." RM told his companion stories until they fell asleep. He'd do this until the companion felt safe, until his companion was as strong as he was when it came to facing the dark. Class I’m thinking either druid or wizard for RM. Wizards require high intelligence (which RM has!) while druids require high wisdom (which RM also has!). I can imagine him as either the wizard who’s spent much of his life reading every magic book and trying every magic spell he can or as the druid who enjoys spending time being at one with nature. For a staff, I’d be inclined to give him one that looks like a thyrsus totally not because I’ve watched Dionysus too many times or anything crazy like that because it’d be a cool reference to BTS. Alignment I could see RM being Chaotic Good or Lawful Good. It just depends on the situation, really. He’d probably want to be a good example for other people and look after them in a way. That’s it for now! I may do some actual character sheets (as in a full-on character build with races, stats, the whole 9 yards maybe) or even write the whole situation regarding the blurbs (kinda gave Suga’s away though, I knew I couldn’t leave you guys hanging like that) eventually so... Thanks for reading! Here’s the maknae line with Jimin, V, and Jungkook!
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