#i like to draw and play lalala
i-mode · 2 months
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cowardlybean · 4 days
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I’d like to think that Ritsu and Reigen had similar middle school essays. “I want to become someone”
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superbellsubways · 1 month
need. to continue paper mario 64 .even just a bit
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snackugaki · 9 months
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... my ass actually got like 6+ images deep before realizing i hadn't posted shit-- oops
my tmnt  iteration (where everyone made it past their 20s, splinter’s alive just old, venus is here, and they deserve some goddamn respite and shenanigans)
tmnt  iteration part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10
tmnt  iteration omake 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
lny visit 1 | 2
IDW spoilers below, teeechnically Mirage & Next Mutation spoilers too ig?
blah blah blabbering because that's one of the many things you can do on tumblr.com
bloopity bloopin, turtles all being traded on the black market as pets, medicine, or decor to be... "prepared". 'cept Jennika, keeping her IDW origin because it's badass and I like it. eco vigilantes freed them one fateful night, same night someone(s) stole some mutagen for a rival company to TGRI, boom collided in their getaway routes, away floated Venus just like in NM and some others who lalala may or may not be some mutanimals
playing mostly with coloring, Rise introducing markings is such a nice and refreshing change from the all sam green turtle, different bandana color turtles I grew up with. fanon taking that concept and applying it in conjunction with actual turtle colorings also scratches my visdev brain node just so
hm... still fiddling with their plastrons... Venus' and Jennika's are fine though
funky li'l ringed map turtle
can't see it but, he got them little ridgey-spikies on his shell
christ, I'm finding a way to attach Iris symbolism to him, either through markings or something else
Iris in hanakotoba is... basically all Leo; nobility, bravery, honor, courage, heavy samurai association
McCord's or Amboina box turtle idk idk idk can't choose
stuck on coloring him with a scale mail feeling to match the box turtle photos I found
....I needa draw him beefier, he can stand to be beefier
literally just googled which turtles exhibit the highest INT, wood turle consistently listed plus some have funky geometrically patterned/shaped shells
tossing on how do the plastron coloring, really liking the dark spots on it
probably keep the lightened belly/inner limb coloring
...probably... lol idk
my perfect chonky boy, no notes except he (and his brothers) need plastron do-overs
and now i am stuck with the heart-on-his-sleeve marking
canon 2 my iteration it is done
he gets to be the slider this go round, if just 'cuz he's technically the first born (in terms of creating TMNT and its story and world)
let him have the fluttering, finger drumming on everything and everyone because he's bursting with "i love you" energy anyway
"my pretty daughter" iykyk
sea turtle as per last couple iteration posts
cultivator instead of "shinobi"
"i aM ShiNObi"... guh, just, I dunno, the term "cultivator" wasn't really known back in '98 like that, but she had the medicine box, she worked to learn how to throw a fireball at Vam Mi, she was pleased at her progression when she defeated the counterspell from the staff of Bu Ki. that's cultivator shit right there.
she's still a pugilist more than a iron fan user
looks up to April like a big sister, speaks canto and hakka with her
cuz she's still a linguist scholar like in Next Mutation so duh she speak all the languages (to an extant, she has a lot of studying left to go after all)
the greenified hawksbill coloring is growing on me...
still needa futz more with the plum flower motif on her
also figure out her huadian situation or just scrap it idkidkidk
her bandana + 50% green coloring is also growing on me....
technically also ringed map turtle since it was Leo who gave her the blood transfusion
I like the idea of bringing her Blaschko's lines to the forefront post-mutation but just... it's a lot of stripes. and goddamnit I ain't even gonna go deep into much of anything with the comics I just... can't not world build rip me
still so tickled at April being closer to the turtles' ages in these new reboots and fascinated how it's played out
...but mine is a clean 44 yo, so. (turtles in late 30s)
Laird originally conceived April as an asian woman in his notes, Eastman drew her as a biracial woman he was dating at the time (April Fisher) and... idk what to tell y'all, people are running around being mixed in this world all the time, Brooklyn got hella Jamaican/Chinese so there you go
can speak canto and hakka
April being a "weirdo" as I've seen mentioned in Rise can stay, I'm picking that, that's a great trait to her character, big fan of Poly Styrene, loved Rachel True in The Craft
where "weirdo" is just she's into alt subculture and being in New York... she got her hands everywhere in those scenes
She and Chu Hsi get to have the most shoujo fuckin' romance because it's cute
and she's still a living drawing which I'm changing around a bit being why she felt like a "weirdo" and leaned towards subcultures and the turtles, she did eventually begin to destabilize but Venus stabilized her by trapping her in a scroll so she could work on a solution. ...where she has a long, happy relationship with Chu Hsi in the painted world scroll because lol time dilation
saw somewhere on the hellsite that the tooth gap is passed around every iteration... so April gets to have it
i'm not ashamed to say I just reupholstered Nadia from Russian Doll
87 Irma went through a lot so she can have some dry wit and humor and be fly as fuck, big hair, big glasses, and a big attitude
still besties with April
likes moths, they're just neat little guys with rabbit ears iykyk
there is a very specifc size of her hair I am battling to keep consistent the problem it never feels big enough
says "fuhgeddaboutit" and has yelled that she is, in fact, "walkin' here,"
... she might also have a little bit of Myrtle from AHS: Coven sprinkled in now that I'm thinking about it to sum her up
she knows somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody for any random thing you could want to try to find
all the delis and bodegas know her
discusses plot lines from soap operas with Splinter on weekends, they get heated
... god all this and I was just gonna have them play spades and play a round of pickup street ball in silly little comics
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crowleysgirl56 · 18 days
Wildest dreams wishes for Good Omens Season 3 which will probably not come true but I can still hope hey!
Number 30.
CRANK THAT RIDICULOUS DIAL TO ELEVEN! Yet another extreme silliness wish, this a part 2 to my wildest dream number 27. In with Crowley continues to be petulant, and Aziraphale gets to play the rescuer.
Sprawled on the footpath where the Bentley had so unceremoniously dumped him, Aziraphale looks up at Crowley, bemused as the demon continues to rant at the retreating sight of his car. He can’t help but smile fondly at the dramatic cascade of insults spewing forth, drawing the weary eyes of passers by.
“…and next time I see you I’m going to let down your tyres!!”
Aziraphale picks himself up and briskly brushes himself down. “You’d never do such a thing and you know it” he teases primly.
The sound of Aziraphale’s voice seems to startle Crowley slightly, who resolutely ignores the angel and hurriedly makes his way down the street. Aziraphale immediately gives chase.
“Crowley, please could we talk for a moment?” Crowley’s pace picks up speed as he manoeuvres around the larger than usual number of pedestrians ambling along Whickber Street.
“Only I feel like I need to explain-” Crowley snaps his fingers and suddenly Aziraphale is cut off mid sentence by some suddenly appearing council workers jackhammering in the middle of the road.
“If you could just listen for a mome-” another snap of fingers and suddenly a line of cars blaring their horns emerge from nowhere. Frustrated by the wall of sound, Aziraphale covers his ears and manages to lunge himself in front of Crowley blocking his path.
“Don’t you think you’re acting just a tad child-”.
Crowley smiles smugly as the cacophony of noise overwhelms Aziraphale, who purses his lips and attempts to yell over the car horns, jackhammers, tolling bells, and loud mobile conversations, “could we just go into the bookshop!-”
Crowley gestures to his ears and mouths something that looks along the lines of “I can’t hear you”. Aziraphale fed up with the game draws down a miracle, silencing the street. A number of pedestrians stop to wonder how everything suddenly became so quiet, the queue of cars and council workers miraculously gone.
“Please, just hear me out-”
Crowley growls and immediately jumps away, angrily shoving his fingers in his ears. “LALALA NOT LISSSSTENIIIINNGGGGG!” He steps out backwards into the street, just as a large lorry comes barrelling down the road towards him, blaring its horn.
“CROWLEY!” Aziraphale cries. Crowley turns but it’s evident he is too late to react in time. Panicked Aziraphale throws out a careless miracle, redirecting the driver, whilst lunging forward and grabs onto Crowley’s lapels pulling him back to safety.
Crowley slams into Aziraphale’s arms. They stand wrapped in each other’s embrace, breathing heavily as they recover from the sudden adrenaline. A creeping realisation dawns and they both slowly turn their heads to look out into the street at the gawping gathering crowd. Some have started taking videos with their phone. It’s evident that the lorry has somehow ended up on the roof of Mr Brown’s world of carpets emporium. They slowly turn back to look at each other once more.
Aziraphale speaks in a low and clipped tone, “Get. Inside. The bookshop. Now!” Crowley can only nod in response. They slowly peel themselves away from each and as casually as one can whilst a crowd is photographing you, make their way into the bookshop. For that long awaited chat.
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unoriginal-and-dumb · 5 months
Figure drawings in charcoal I suppose…. I’ve never done anything like dis I don’t draw PEOPLE I DRAW TOONS!
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Not sure if anyone here related but boy howdy! Figure drawing is hard! And no not because it’s drawing stuff I was never used to but because there is actually a naked person in front of me and that made my head explode I guess. Like genuinely, I had a small panic attack because of it. I don’t talk about it, but I am aromantic and asexual, and have like THE BIGGEST repulsion EVER to sexual stuff. It doesn’t even have to be sexual apparently cuz clearly just something like that is enough to game end me god damn! Honestly it just sucks because it is literally just humans and humans doing stuff that MOST HUMANS ARE LIKE COOL WITH OR WHATEVER and then I see it and I have to factory reset or else I explode. NOT. COOL. DUDES. Oh well I drew these in specific after I was able to calm myself down and like breathe and be human and not dead on the ground again cool story 🤑
Uh yea me when I yap my bad, but also I change my mind I’m not gonna feel bad I love being awesome I love being asexual and aromantic I literally never have any problems in my life ever because I just go lalala and play and have fun
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just-a-tiny-bean · 7 months
The only thing I've been doing for the past three weeks it's watching Creek moments and drawing them, somebody help pleass :")) Also I have been playing animal crossing 🍃 so probably that's why they look like that.
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kirakuma · 1 year
Calitheum with his parents and uncles (plus some scps)
Dr Julian Iceberg
He and his dad get along great
Iceberg is protective of cal
When he heard about his son impressing the 05 he was hella proud
They both talk shit about his uncles (minus glass) and make bets with scps (cal mostly wins)
They bond over drama shows and also playing in the show
Dr Charles gears
He is a calm dad with cal
Hes the only person to call cal by his full name calithuem
They bond over scp testing, doing paperwork, or drawing
Him and cal are always talking about scps and other things on site but on the outside they playfully fighting
When he started dating iceberg cal was overjoyed
Dr alto clef
Is cals cool uncle
They bond over battling or making dirty jokes
Cal and clef are alwaying killing scps or d-class
Clef was the first to find out cals crush on able(scp 076)
When cal found out he was dating Benjamin kondraki cal will always say if he sees clef in hickeys or limping "so got fucked by a butterfly or lost to one?"
dr Benjamin kondraki
Hes a chill and kind uncle to cal
Hes the only person aloud to call cal "cali"
They bond over gardening, caring for scps or spending time with his butterflys
They send notes by butterflys and also paperwork
When he got with clef he heard cals question and ends up laughing
He also introduced draven and cal they all get along
Dr jack bright
Is literally the fun and cool uncle to cal
They bond over by quoting vines, movie lines, memes and pranking scps and researcher
Cal and bright have nicknames for eachother brights is "choas holder" and cals is "silent cold"
When bright got with glass cal offen sings "sha lalala my oh my looks like the boys not shy he kissed the guy"
Is the wingman to hook up able and cal
Dr simeon glass
Is cals godfather and most caring and nice uncle/brother figure ever
He and cal bond over reading or going out
Cal and him are always happy and always protect eachother
During a breach scp dont go for glass first and if they do cal will murder the shit out of them
When he got with bright he gets teased sometimes by cal
At first cal and able hated eachother and soon he started to like him
They used to bond by battle (cal always wins) and soon it changed to walks outside the foundation
He was the one who confessed amd it lead to him having a hot killer boyfriend
Cals taller then able being 6,4 and also wearing boots that add 2 inches but able being 6,3 is often overpowered
Able act different to cal AND ONLY HIM (soon cain and iris to)
Cal often always teases able or flirts with him leaving a very flustered able
Ok sorry not sorry but ables a bottom and no one knows but cal
Cain (073)
Cal and cain are good friends
They always watch k-dramas together or walk around the foundation
Cain found out able and cal are together by a able covering his neck and red as a rose and a cal smirking
He is the call cal by his full name as well as his nickname
Him and cal always and i mean always send notes by Morse code (they both talk shit about other scps minus able and iris)
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prideoftheknights · 1 year
Chikage Utsuki 【MANKAI Party】 SSR Backstage Story Translation 3/3
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translation under the cut!
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Chikage: Thanks for coming to be guests today.
Kumon: I was super excited to do this event with the four of us!
Juza: Yeah, same here.
Hisoka: I'm happy to be here too.
Chikage: Without this kind of event, I thought it'd be rare for us four to be on stage together again.
Izumi: Is everyone almost ready to go on stage yet?
Chikage: We're ready.
Izumi: Then, good luck on stage!
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Chikage: Hello, I'm Chikage Utsuki of Spring Troupe. Thanks for coming today.
Audience Member A: Happy birthday, Chikage-san!
Audience Member B: His outfit is wonderful too...!
Chikage: Thanks. Well then, let me invite my guests to the stage. Kumon, Juza and Hisoka.
Kumon: Chikage-san, happy birthday! Let's all celebrate lots today~!
...Ah, I'm Kumon Hyodo from Summer Troupe!
Juza: I'm Juza Hyodo from Autumn Troupe. Chikage-san, happy birthday.
Hisoka: I'm Winter Troupe's Hisoka Mikage. Happy birthday, Chikage.
Audience Member C: We haven't seen these four together since that one mixed play, right?
Audience Member D: It's been so long, I'm happy to see them!
Chikage: The theme of my vlog is "The view that the fans want to see".
Hisoka helped with filming.
Hisoka: I'm sure everyone will find it to be warm and fluffy. Do pay attention so you don't miss anyting.
Chikage: Then, let's start the video.
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Chikage: "Hello, I am Chikage Utsuki of Spring Troupe. Helping me to film is Hisoka."
Hisoka: "I’m Hisoka Mikage. Nice to meet you."
Chikage: "For today, I thought I’d show you all what a typical day in my life looks like with my family."
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Kumon: By 'family' do you mean... Everyone in Spring Troupe's gonna show up!?
Audience Member A: We'll get to see candid shots of Spring Troupe, I'm so happy!
Audience Member B: I'm looking forward to it~!
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Masumi: "zzz…"
Chikage: "He’s using the whole bench to nap."
Chikage: "You can usually find Masumi in a quiet spot listening to music while taking a nap."
Masumi: "Mm… Chikage…?"
Chikage: "Ah, sorry. Did I wake you?"
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Kumon: Ahaha, Masumi-san looks really out of it while sleeping!
Juza: It looked like he was fast asleep.
Audience Member C: Masumi-kun's so cute〜!
Audience Member D: Chikage-san sounded so gentle!
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Sakuya: "…Ah, Chikage-san and Hisoka-san! We’ve been waiting for you two!"
Chikage: "Haha, thanks."
Itaru: "Who have you filmed already?"
Chikage: "Just Masumi so far. What’re you two up to?"
Sakuya: "I’m making an example of a craft I’ll be doing with the kids from the daycare I work at."
"I’m trying to draw some flowers and animals on this paper here but no matter what I do they look like blobs…"
Chikage: "No, I think you’ve drawn them well."
Sakuya: "Really? Hehe, thank you very much!"
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Juza: Sakuya seems really happy to be praised by Chikage-san.
Hisoka: It looks like he started working even harder after.
Audience Member A: Chikage-san's really good at giving compliments!
Audience Member B: Hearing the two of them talking to each other is so calming~
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Chikage: "…And what about you, Chigasaki?"
Itaru: "I’m reading a book."
Chikage: "The cover’s blocked. What are you reading?"
Itaru: "That… is a secret."
Chikage: "Well then, we’ll just move on."
Itaru: "No wait, Senpai. Couldn’t you at least be a little interested?"
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Hisoka: This kind of exchange is more common.
Chikage: Since it seemed like Chigasaki didn't want to tell me about it, I thought I might as well not ask.
Audience Member C: Chikage-san and Itaru-san's conversations are so interesting!
Audience Member D: Come on Chikage-san, you should show some interest!
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Citron: "Hm~ Lalala~♪"
"Oh, Chikage and Hisoka are finally here!"
Chikage: "Sorry to keep you guys waiting. Tsuzuru, are you making lunch?"
Tsuzuru: "Yeah I am, but Citron-san won’t stop singing beside my ear…"
Citron: "I am your personal cheerleader!"
Tsuzuru: "That’s having the opposite effect on me right now!"
Hisoka: "Tsuzuru, it’s burning."
Tsuzuru: "Ah, you’re right!"
"Ah… It’s a little burnt now…"
Chikage: "Tsuzuru, your cooking is delicious, so it’s alright even if it’s slightly burnt."
Tsuzuru: "…To hear you say that, Chikage-san. I’m really happy."
Citron: "How unfair! Chikage, praise me too!"
Chikage: "Citron, your singing is lovely."
Citron: "I’m so happy! My singing has a crab!"
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Kumon: Chikage-san, nice follow-up!
Audience Member A: Chikage-san is really kind, huh〜
Audience Member B: You can really feel the atmosphere of Spring Troupe!
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Hisoka: "...Hey, what about you Chikage?"
Chikage: "What about me?"
Hisoka: "Chikage's own daily life. I'm sure everyone would want to see that too."
Chikage: "I––"
Citron: "Chikage! If you're going to eat then set your plate at the table!"
Chikage: "Yeah yeah, I know."
Sakuya: "It smells delicious!"
Tsuzuru: "Oh, everyone came at the perfect time."
Masumi: "Yawn..."
Itaru: "...Don't tell me, did Senpai help to make the food?"
Chikage: "Nope, I was just filming them making it."
Hisoka: "...Fufu, looks like this is Chikage's daily life."
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Audience Member C: Spring Troupe and Chikage-san's conversations really do make you feel warm inside...
Audience Member D: As expected, Spring Troupe really feels like a real family...
Chikage: Thank you for watching till the end.
When I first thought about what people may want to see, my first thought was that they'd want to see the Spring Troupe.
...I don't think I would be where I am today if you all weren't here.
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Chikage: Seems like we'll be ending soon.
Kumon: Uwah~ That was fast!
Juza: Come to think of it, don't we have to take a picture of you now?
Hisoka: ...Then, I'll take it. What pose would you all like to see Chikage do?
Audience Member A: A finger heart pose please!
Audience Member B: Maybe blowing a kiss...
Audience Member C: I really wanna see him blowing a kiss with a cool expression~!
Chikage: Thanks for all the various requests. Then, let's go with the one that was said the most.
Hisoka: Alright I'm gonna take the picture now so stand over there.
Chikage: Sure, sure.
Hisoka: ...Say cheese.
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darling-valentine · 2 months
hi Valentine idk wat imdoin i just like swingin in ppls ask boxes so heyyyy tell me something … tell me about your day orrr something you want to do orrrr something you want or anything at all sometbinf you’re excited about right now or happy for yay yay yay I wanna hear it lalala ! thought abt how a while ago i sent u an ask asking abt ur favorite type of cake or something like that and i am pretty sure u said strawbby and so when i made a strawberry shortcake the other day I thought of u But also cause strawberries are red and have blood and are cute like yuor blog
Well these last days have been pretty nice, I've been sick with the flu or something but I'll survive lol, I'm working on a pretty big collage/painting for class and this is the third attempt I make at transferring the image with a weird paint and it finally worked yeayyyyy
ALSO I'M WORKING ON A VN FOR CLASS TOO AND I'd say it's almost finished ^^ I gotta finish drawing stuff for like 3 endings and add music and sfx and it's done ^^ it's pretty silly lol but I'll post a link here when it's done I drew it all in Ms paint lol
Apart from that nothing much has happened?? I mean I go out with friends sometimes and I usually hang out with my bf so that's cool sjhdksjs I love him soooo much well I gotta get up cause I'm still in bed so I'll go get breakfast and take my pills and then play games a bit and them continue doing stuff grrr I should practice the guitar but I'm too busy qwq
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datamodel-of-disaster · 7 months
Ask game time! Thanks for the tag, @filmamir!
1. Are you named after anyone?
I keep saying if I do anything noteworthy enough in my life to deserve a wikipedia page, someone has to add me to List of things named after Bernhard Riemann - Wikipedia, so... yes.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday night, and also, longer ago than I remember. Are the tears mine if the sadness isn't? It be like that sometimes.
3. Do you have kids?
No, and thank the powers that be (mostly contraception) for that!
4. What sports do you play/have played?
No real sports, unless highschool PE counts. I was a fervent and pretty skilled skier for a while but my partner is afraid of skiing and its too expensive to go on my own, so it's been years since I did it.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Not as much as you'd think. I'm a painfully sincere person much of the time.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
I hate to be *that* person, but... their vibe. Fake car salesperson smiles, awkward "haha we will ignore that!" silences, confrontational high-schooler convo style... Some people just have fucky energy, idk what else to say. That said, my actual opinion of people takes a while to form -it's like a committee vote more or less.
7. What's your eye colour?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings all the way. I can watch unhappy endings if the movie is aesthetic(TM) or it's more about the art or history of the film than the narrative, but if I'm immersing myself in a story-story, the person(s) the narrative makes me root for better fucking make it to a happy end.
I'm very selective about scary movies: they need to be aesthetic, and satisfying.
9. Any talents?
... not... really? I kinda struggle with linking my qualities to "talents". I don't have many (if any) things I'm just "naturally good" at; even skill sets I'm now proud of were not something I ever had a natural aptitude for, and if I developed a skill it was 99% of the time out of necessity rather than enjoyment.
I guess I have... shockingly broad bandwidth for other people's issues. Like... interpersonal exhaustion? I don't know her, man. Mostly due to a combination of voyeuristic enjoyment of knowing and understanding things about others, my sense of empathy being almost entirely generated through fine-grained psych analysis rather than instinct, and the *very* odd given that my own personality temporarily stabilizes when exposed to interpersonal input. I'm not sure that's a talent so much as a condition, though xD
10. Where were you born?
11. What are your hobbies?
At the moment, mostly writing Tron fanfiction. I also draw (sometimes), paint and kitbash Warhammer 40k minis (been a while), do metalwork (I need a new welding helm T_T), do gothic and fetish modelling, thrift and collect things for my house, etcetera. I cycle through hobbies mostly. Writing is my most stable one -I dare say I keeps me sane.
12. Do you have any pets?
I have a cat! Her name is Meoi (Quenya for "Cat", in honour of Huan and terrible Feanorian naming traditions -retired Silmarillion fan here)
13. How tall are you?
1m70 but most people assume I'm a good bit taller because I'm broad-shouldered and always in 17cm platform stilettos.
14. Favourite subject in school?
Oof. Tough one. I've been out of school for a good long while. The person I was in high-school would have picked physics, followed closely by math. Leaving the following period in the middle (lalala), at uni *in the major I actually graduated from*, my favourites were Architectural Theory, Medieval Image Culture, and Visual Analysis.
15. Dream job?
Oof again. Opinions divided on this one.
I like to say my dream job needs to meet the following criteria:
- I am competent at the job and reasonably regularly get this confirmed by others
- Every day at work I know largely what is expected of me, and what is expected fully falls within my capacity to deliver.
- I have tangible, well-described tasks and goals and never have to "be proactive about finding more work" or "try to look more productive".
- I have good coworkers I get along with, at least professionally.
- No extraneous admin tasks or timesheet micromanagement.
If I'm really ambitious, I would add to that:
- I'm an expert (or just really, really good) at it.
But let's be honest, actual dream jobs Riemann over here has dreamed of having or pursuing? Interior designer/stylist, professional fetish performer/pro-domme, and Enterprise IT Architect.
You see why I stick to bullet point lists.
Tagging... @bowiesinspace @inquisitor-gayfax @clevermird @et-novum and everyone else who feels like it!
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thereaderinsertlady · 2 years
RRBAY/HNK head canons (Kirby 64 & Epic Yarn Addition)
Ribbon & Fluff speak in first person & have broken English because they are supposed be around the same age as Kirby. I guess because I ship both Kirby x Ribbon & Kirby x Fluff with their game counterparts
2. Also, I think Prince Fluff in the dub (along with Clawroline) would be voiced by Lani Minella (maybe because Kirby has the same voice actress as Ness so Fluff having the same voice actress as Lucas means something?) Because I ship both Kirfluff & Ness x Lucas
3. Fluff's mother was a famous Star Warrior who long ago went missing (and got amnesia) but then met the king of Pacthland, and fell in love with him.
4. (In this anime) Dedede is introduced to Ripple by a photo Ribbon had of her (the photo was her eating a huge sandwich and eating it very sloppy) I guess the joke is that any normal person would think that picture is unqueen like, but Dedede gains a crush on her instead. (Probably because she wasn't being very royal like and can eat a lot… Just like him) Meanwhile Escargoon is said normal person AND IS DEFINITELY JELLY OF HER BUT DON'T TELL ANYONE ABOUT THAT
5. In the English Dub Queen Ripple has the same voice actress as Jessie from Pokémon (Michele Knotz I think?) Why because Dedede has the same voice as James, so I guess Rocketshipping is also Dederipple now LOL
6. Yin-Yan's backstory is that he (along with his brothers (the Needles)) was created by NeMeEe & was one of the weaker monsters there. Because of this he was bullied by the other monsters, but although his brothers stuck-up for him. One night, Yin-Yarn and his brothers overheard a conversation between NeMeEe employs. The news was that Nightmare was going to kill Yin-Yarn because of him being weak & a puss over. After hearing about that news, the 3 ended up running away from Nightmare Enter Prises, and Yin-Yarn vowed to show that he wasn't weak as they all thought.
7. Adeleine is introduced early in the anime. The episode/2 part is that more monsters were showing up in Cappy Town more than ever before. Which make Kirby, Tiff, Tuff, & Meta Knight more suspicious. I mean didn't they destroy NeMeEe once in for all. On further investigation Tiff finds out that what the monsters are make out of paint. Then by random luck Kirby, Lololo, & Lalala find out that Dedede & Escargoon were keeping a little girl in the castle. Her name was of course Adeleine. Adeleine's backstory is that she & her family are serving ancients of ShiverStar. She had a sister named Chao (The girl from Yuyuki (Yes, she did not originate from Kirby but so did Lololo & Lalala, plus she made a cameo in both the Japanese verison of KDL:2 & KDL:3)) Chao & Adeleine used to be best friends until Chao became a preteen, where she became more into stereotypical teenage girl things like shopping, makeup, boys, & fanfiction etc. Because of this Chao had less and less time to play with Adeleine. Because of this Adeleine ran away, where she ended up on PopStar, where she met the 2. When meeting the 2 she was painting a picture that came to life because she accidently took a magic paintbrush artifact instead of her paint seat. (She got the magic paint brush because her parents were savages.) After hearing Adeleine's backstory, Dedede & Escargoon decided to keep and "help" Adeleine by letting her stay with them in the castle, if she could draw them monster whenever they feel like it. And she agreed to this. Meanwhile in cappy town the Cappies are being captured & interrogated by aliens/ancients (Adeleine's family)
Kirby Abridged Head Canon- Yin-Yarn is called for the most part by his Japanese name (Amiibo Amore). But because this abridged series has a knack for making fun of Amiibo, pretty much everyone thinks that he is one. He gets annoyed by this so much that when first meeting Kirby, Tiff, Tuff, & Fluff he says that his name is Yin-Yarn instead.
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ay-chuu · 9 months
Congratulations on 300 followers!! It's really quite a feat, and honestly, you deserve it))
It's my first time participating in a matching event, so I'm kind of nervous and intrigued, but here we go:
I'm an INFP - libra - I like to draw/write/casually watching shows and playing games - I'm really scared of snails and slugs and medical needles- I love the celestial/whimsical night sky aesthetic, fluffy things, glittery and transparent things(like figurines,etc), foods with cheese and quiet places - I hate soggy vegetables and celery, fluffy foods, cinnamon and mean people - visually, I would like someone bigger and stronger than me(which isn't hard since I'm 5'3), also those who can take care of themselves. Characterwise I like people who can take care of others from time to time, stay honest, somewhat affectionate and loyal. Also like someone who could be serious but also silly in the right time. - my pronouns are they/he)
And for the drabble could you please do first kiss?
Thank you so much for the event and once again CONGRATULATIONS ON 300 FOLLOWERS!!
I certainly look forward to your new works!
Hello love, thanks a lot for your nice words <3
I match you with... (っ^▿^)💨
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The biggest reason I matched you and Jack together is that Jack wants to be with someone who doesn't hide himself when he's together, and you want to be with someone who makes every move you make with freedom when you're together. Do you know the phrase ”I can fight, wear whatever you want"? This is the summary of your relationship with him. There's nothing you're ever afraid to do when you're together.
The first moments you got to know Jack, you were afraid of him because... I mean, who wouldn't be afraid of a teenager who was a 1.95 height werewolf? Yet especially 3.after the events of the season, you started getting quite close and you discovered that there was a big softie hiding himself behind a secret shell. You don't know when you both started liking each other, because it's as if the relationship between you has always existed and was just waiting for the right time &lt;3
The fact that both of you are under the Libra makes you partners in many things. Sudden pucks, different fads and an exotic personality... that's why you don't make each other strange to a fool, and on the contrary, you become more attached to each other. What I can say about INFP and ISFP is that ISFP is more realistic and less imaginative compared to INFP. So you have a complete “lalala” and “okokok” relationship! When you are too harmful to yourself, you take care of each other &lt;3
Some of the moments I've dreamed of for you two: Jack who is buying you tiny glass spheres while you were visiting gift shops together and being shy of it, acting like just a tsundere; daily weather checks to watch the stars together, and romantic kisses shared under the stars &lt;3
The first kiss
There was only 15 minutes to new year when he pushed you from behind and took you to a “surprise” place.
You chose not to question as you walk while freezing through the freezing weather towards the end of the forest with your lover Jack. Jack, he didn't always pull you into a place like that, you knew that, but my god, did he have to do it in this weather?
Still, deep down, you were very excited, because Jack has always been someone who prefers behavior to words. That's why you were sure that the surprise he would make you, the cold he made you feel and experience would change with the warmth that comes with happiness.
Because Jack has always been like this, a veteran and a gentleman. Before you fell in love with him, you always thought he was a rude and burly bully. Because God forbid, the cold you felt when you walked past Jack couldn't match what you're feeling right now.
“We have arrived.” You tried to adapt to where you came from while taking your head away from thoughts with your voice. “I'm taking the bandage off your eye, okay?”
After shaking your head, you felt your lover's hands slowly open the bandage. Blinking your eyes while looking at the air. First of all, even if you thought that the stars were spinning in your head because of the long time you closed your eyes, everything you felt and saw was real.
You have always loved the celestial weather very much, which is covered with the light of hope given by the stars that surround the pitch darkness. Because he used to tell you that no matter how rude and cruel this world is, there is always hope everywhere. Maybe a dream, maybe another universe, maybe a person…
You filled your lungs with a breath of excitement as your eyes examined the stars in the air, one by one, down to every detail. "Jack...”
“Did you like it?”
You felt the warm arms tied around your waist and your eyes filling as you rested your head on the warm chest resting on your back. “Liked it? I fell in love with it...”
While Jack gave a little smile at your reaction, he said, “I hope you haven't been as much in love with it than me”
You wink at him while looking at him sarcastically “Oh, what if I do?”
Jack frowned, pulling his hands away from you while he was embarrassed and blushing. God, he was so cute when he was angry. You turned to him with a smile and hugged him. “Thank you, my love. You're so romantic.”
At that moment, while you are just appreciating the weather and admiring the view, you get out of the magic of the moment with the notification from your phone. 2 minutes. The last 2 minutes of New Year's Eve.
“Sometimes I think I don't deserve you.” Said Jack quietly in a whisper. While looking at him incredulously, for no reason you found yourself whispering too. "Baby, what are you saying...”
Jack was a man who liked to express what he felt through his actions. You were aware that sometimes you did this with strange results, strange rude behavior, quick rejection after praise sentences, and many other examples.
He continued to look at you and your lips with a shrug. "Coldness, rudeness, behavior that a person like you does not deserve...”
But Jack was someone who always communicated what he really wanted to convey, he was always very loyal and honest about his actions in this regard. that's why you loved him.
”But,“ unable to endure even one second of his words as you talk, "These are the characteristics that make you who you are, my dear.” You said, completing your sentence. You licked your lips and looked at Jack's. “And I love you just the way you are, Jack. If the meaning of your actions makes them metaphorical, you don't have to feel sorry for them at all. You are awesome.” You finished talking while also completing your feelings.
After receiving approval with your eyes after your sentences, Jack pressed his lips to you without hesitation.
Because Jack has already relayed the most important thing that could happen to him in the world to you as the first feeling and message to be transmitted in the new year.
His love for you <3
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cloudycleric · 1 year
List five things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box of the last ten people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity💫🌈
in no particular order
my boyfriend @cringefail-loser
my best friend :> @claireprettysparkles
my boyfriend
shitting around with claire like hanging out after school
luigi love him
when i see my favorite youtubers have posted :>
when i have no missing/due assignments
talking to my boyfriend
listening to good music
reading books!!!!!!!!!!!!
reading GAY books!!!!!!!!
getting tutored
when me & claire write silly shit at the bottom of our notes documents (communist propaganda jeremy renner? love it. ❤️🤍)
the haunted mansion
writing fanfictions (occasionally)
role playing with my friends
shit posting
jeremy lee renner
finn wolfhard 🤪 & noah schnapp 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
drawing but only when i’m good at it
when my classes are actually interesting
my boyfriend
my froggy
freddie mercury & his many cats
playing guitar & drums & bass & piano lalala
ross federman being silly
my boyfriend
the haunted mansion
tower of terror
bill & teds for REAL
when i have clear skin
thank you!!!
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milkxxx23 · 8 months
how is it like to have adhd and autism at the same time
okay so its 6am and im sleep deprived getting ready for school but i suddenly remember an useless fun fact and decide to look it up while walking downstairs to catch the bus,then im in the bus listening to music full volume in my headphones bc socializing is hard af. then i zone out in mostly all of the classes and not participating and also drawing and scribling and taking messy notes, then im in that one class im surprisingly good at and get bonus points, then go to the break, talk to a few friends get back to class and im done. school is over lets get back home so i get in the bus headphones blasting music full volume and i zone out until i get home. im home now so i eat lunch and go to my bedroom and chill for a bit. then im doing my homework at 3pm like normally and all of a sudden my brain decides to randomly play petit poney and mio mao lalala mashup with a death metal sog on the background while im just trying to shut the nonsense up, fail, give up, eat icecream, stare into the ceiling and oh surprise its 7pm and i forgot to do the homework due tomorrow. so i start hyperfixating on doing the homework right after i remembered while checking for grammar mistakes while checking for misinformation all at the same time by ignoring that i havent had dinner yet and i gotta go to the bathroom. i finally finish the homework and go to the bathroom and eat dinner at 9pm, fall asleep at 3am due to fake scenarios and it starts over again
thanks for reading this stupid redaction have a nice day
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pinkalliums · 11 months
i just wanted to mention i had a dream last night about tally hall coming back and doing a tour or something, but they had guest stars such as toby fox (who just played his instrumental songs and hummed along with them and just went like "lalala" n shit) and jerma who sang with toby fox who was just standing statically on stage along to his homestuck and undertale songs and dancing like he was in a musical or something. only a few people were allowed to come to all of the performances but you had to pick out your name from a raffle bucket that was passed around a football stadium and there was like thousands of people there and they were all fighting over it
i did not draw my name :( so sad
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