#i like to imagine cheka can be a menace at times
twstem · 14 days
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ravynous · 2 years
Hey! May I ask for Savanaclaw trio with Childe like S/O? Thank you and take your time!
unleashing mayhem in the savannah。
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▌|﹫ᅠcharacter/s ⦂ leona kingscholar, ruggie bucchi, jack howl ▌| ⌕ᅠ description ⦂ childe-like yuu enters twisted wonderland. how did their relationship with the boys progress? ▌| #ᅠ warning/s ⦂ childe, mentions of blood and fighting ▌| ➛ᅠpinned comment ⦂ i haven’t read the usurper from the wilds, so this may be inaccurate. though i still liked the request ‘cause childe’s a menace and would def fight ppl in twst (no beta we die like my forgotten wips)
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What does Childe!Yuu like the most? A good fight! What does Leona hate the most? Moving his body! Your first official meeting with him was you instigating a battle after finding out he’s a powerful magician, and he hates that this new “magic-less” student can make do with any weapon against him. (Of course, he fought back, he hates losing even more.)
You’re good with words – provocation or not – and was able to annoy him (like you did in your spats with the Balladeer), enough to show his unique magic. He’d never been pinned down in record time with two blades of pure water magic aimed at his throat. (OH, you looked attractive with a proud smirk lacing your lips as you stared down at him… OH NO)
Leona’s not vocal about it, but his favorite time of the day is whenever you seek him out for a spar. It weirdly makes him feel wanted.
When Leona went into overblot, it was the first time you showed your Foul Legacy transformation. He couldn’t believe Ruggie when he said that you had summoned a whale to defeat him in one strike. (Both of you ended up in the infirmary, because you later felt faint.)
“I thought it would be possible to have you as my guinea pig to test the limits of people here. Imagine my disappointment that you fainted when I unleashed the Celestial Voyager. And for your information, that whale is called a narwhal.”
“Like hell I’m going to let you leave after that. Prepare yourself, I’m going to show you a real battle with the ‘King of Beasts’.”
He got his ass beat by the way. (You think magic’s going to stop a war machine with a vision and a delusion? No.)
You have house warden privileges too. Leona lets you fight whichever Savanaclaw students feel brave that day. He gets more sleep, and you (kind of) satiate your bloodlust.
Being away from your family was normal when you were in the Fatui, but the possibility of never seeing them again took a toll on you. The prince offered to listen about the stories of your travels in Teyvat in his own way.
“Keep talking, herbivore. Makes me fall asleep faster.”
The one and only thing that can distract you from Leona is Cheka. The kid is delighted at the fact that he has a new playmate! You, bringing in years of experience from spending time with younger children, amused him by narrating your adventures as a toy seller.
Other than the sparring, your relationship is very domestic. If your time together is not spent napping, then you’re taking care of Leona. You took over some of Ruggie’s duties to let the guy rest, you’re capable of accomplishing them anyway.
He eats everything that you serve (no, it’s not because of your threatening smile.) Ruggie and Jack thought that it was a miracle that Leona was eating vegetables.
“Food is like weaponry. A true warrior never deliberates unduly over their choice of weapon, nor do they do so over their food. NOW EAT, LEONA.”
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His initial reaction was ‘why is this kid so friendly?’, while watching you chatting away with different students. There’s gotta be a catch, right?
Ruggie’s instincts proved to be correct when he tried ‘coaxing’ food from you. The moment you noticed him mutter ‘Laugh with Me!’ and your hand’s moving beyond your control, a weapon was already pointed at him.
“Heya, prefect! Mind giving this guy that menchi-katsu meat cutlet sandwICH–?! HEY–”
“Morning, comrade! I don’t ever recall agreeing to give you food (^-^).”
Didn’t really approach you because he’s now aware you can scheme and deceive others too. In spite of that, he runs to you whenever someone’s chasing him. Ruggie uses you as a shield, considering he saw the way you moved like a trained warrior, and you’ve never been one to back down.
You bond over the harsh environments you both grew up in. The hyena can’t imagine living a cold country – where a break in the middle of your trek can freeze you to death.
He began letting you tail him; he enjoyed your company – your willingness to help was a definite plus!
Another one that likes to be pampered by you. You can clean, cook, fight, and you’re efficient? Ruggie thinks that he must’ve done something right in his life to have such an incredible significant other.
Sleep almost always comes to him whenever you gently rub and pet his ears. He knows that he can let his walls down around you, and that you won’t let anyone harm him.
Somehow, he managed to convince you to use your Foul Legacy form to scare off students. Imagine the Devouring Deep and Ruggie’s sitting on top of your open armored palm – the sharp claws pointed away from him.
“Woah, they’re way smaller when I’m here. This is like a free ride – I can get used to this! Shishishi!”
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Jack’s speed and physical prowess is what drew you to him. You earned his respect when you faced off the Leech brothers on your own, dual-wielding electric swords in each hand. Wide-eyed and in awe, as an Electro Riptide brought forth an arc of purple electricity against your enemies.
He offered you the possibility of joining him in morning runs too. Someone that can keep up with the intensity of his training is hard to come by, so he really enjoys those moments.
Once he finds out that you’ve killed people in the past, your moral codes are going to clash. Your loyalty to your god is admirable yet allowing yourself to shed blood by the orders of the Tsaritsa is something he can’t agree with.
At the same time, he hasn’t seen you seriously harm anybody within the campus… so he gives you the benefit of the doubt, for now.
Jack likes the thrill you bring into sparring. You’re not all talk, you have the skills to back it up, and you end up triumphant in every match.
Even if his words come out the opposite of what he had in mind, you seem to have learned how to discern the actual truth.
When you noticed he had trouble with his makeup, he was thankful for your offer. The only problem was the close distance between your faces while you did his eyeliner didn’t help the swishing noise of his tail from underneath his ceremonial robes.
“I’ve never done this before. Blushing? N-no, I’m not.”
“Then! You wouldn’t mind if I use your legs as a chair, no? I can reach your eyes better this way.”
You talk fondly of your siblings, something that he can relate to. You mentioned that you picked up your makeup skills from Tonia, your younger sister, and your mother. He wondered if it was one day possible to meet your family (and ask them for permission to court you).
During winter break, he brought you home to formally introduce you to his parents. They were ecstatic, especially when they saw you playing with Jack’s siblings in the pure white snow.
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▌| ⚠︎ ᅠby RAVYNOUS — please do not copy, edit, screenshot, or repost any of my works. Likes and reblogs are appreciated.
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fairestwriting · 2 years
Could I request Jamil and Leona reacting to hearing that their SO kept Cheka/Kalim occupied for almost 3 hours with a laser pointer.
Leona Kingscholar
“Pfft. Whatever keeps the brat busy.”
(If it was anyone else, they would have definitely caught a quite menacing earful, but since it’s you, he knows full well there’s no issue. You wouldn’t harm Cheka, so it’s all good.)
Leona thinks it’s funny. He snickers and shrugs, coming off as just amused and careless. Of course he doesn’t have a soft spot for his new or anything, what makes you even suggest that?
Jamil Viper
“Why were you even... you know, that checks out.”
(...did you point the laser straight into his eyes, though? He’s not asking because he would have done it or anything! Just, you know, it’s his job to make sure Kalim is safe.)
He’s kind of exasperated just imagining it, honestly. The image is absurd and at the same time not, because, well, it’s Kalim. The instinct to care for him that’s been ingrained in his mind makes him compelled to scold you... but he doesn’t actually feel like doing it, really.
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zackcrazyvalentine · 3 years
me seeing the ask masterlist realizing most of them are mine : 🤡
i’m not saying that i have a crush on ace’s brother , cater’s sisters and sebek’s siblings because of that some fanart but that’s exactly what i’m saying
“hey did you know that ace used to looooove going around butt naked when he was younger ?” “DON’T YOU DARE-“ “here i have pictures , videos , posters and mugs printed of it-“
“oh they’re so cute ~ !” “(new nickname)-chan ! do you wanna see some baby pics of cater ? look at this one he couldn’t quite stand on his legs and he-“ “HAHAHAHAHAA yeah so funny ! but would you like at the time it’s to go-“
sebek’s siblings would probably resemble their parents ? i see his sister being just like his mother and his brother as calm as his father ? ACTUALLY THE WHOLE ZIGVOLT COUPLE GIVE ME BAKUGOU’S PARENTS VIBES-
his brother is in middle school if i’m not wrong so just like all these AnGsTy teenage boys (and his brother-) he would be like “i-it’s not like i needed your help or anything o(`ω´ )o” sure whatever rocks you boat-
HIS LITTLE SISTER WOULD BE LIKE CHEKA . THE MINUTE SHE SAW HER BROTHER SHE WOULD BE LIKE “hey big bro ! look i grew a lot since last time ! i’m a big girl now so i can go with you do luge next time ! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ” PLEASE SHE WOULD BE ADORABLE WITH THE EARS AND ALL DOWOWODKWOMEODMEKWOWKSOWKSDKSOWKEOEOOEE
TREY’S LITTLE SIBLINGS. you’re watching from afar as a flock of children come and proceed to pummel your friend to the ground-
they would be the kind of siblings that’s asks questions about everything and anything at any time i just know-
imagine this
in a dark room somewhere in nrc . multiples children are sat besides a round table with sunglasses on and glass of grape juice adult beverages in their hand .
Okay i don’t know how to write so that it would makes sense BUT BASICALLY ITS JUST A “MY BROTHER/UNCLE BETTER YOU POO BECAUSE HE-“
yes the same would happen with the older siblings i am convinced-
also don’t worry it wasn’t too long i’m happy it gave you inspiration-
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HONESTLY, SAME ANON!! I HAVE A BIG FAT CRUSH in Cater’s Sisters and Ace’s Brother (and Sebek’s, Azul’s & Deuces mamas) 😭😭😭
Sorry, but I'll do a hard pass writing for Kalim's mansion-full of siblings 🙇‍♀️ (plus I don't think Crowley would let 30+ kids-teens-toddles-babies come into NRC lol, maybe just the following 3 after Kalim) BUT INSTEAD!!! I hope you like the bonus character~
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MC attentively watched as skilled hands mix card in different flashy ways, while Ace sat beside them with a bored and irritated look on his face.
“This is your card!” The older redhead took a random card and showed it to MC. Sparkles shone in their eyes as they smiled a big bright smile, amazed at the card trick.
Ace interrupted the moment. “Oh, yeah, duh! The easiest trick there is! You just had to cast a simple spell that allows only your eyes to see which card [Name] picked highlighted in red!”
Big Brother Trappola looked at his sibling with an unamused face, MC mirroring the look at having their momentary joy crumbled like that. “Sure, a simple trick, but it was I who taught it to you. Don’t forget little Ace! You’re always following my steps~”
The heart suit boy sighed exasperatedly, shaking his head and looking some other way.
“Ah, he definitely is following a~ll your advices, Big Bro! Ace is always mentioning how you taught him many useful tricks for life!” MC became a little tattletale to antagonize their friend.
The Hearstlabyul student tensed, blushing as he looked at the other two. His sibling smirked, “Really now~? Oh, I didn’t know you loved me so much, baby bro! Say, [Name], let me tall you all my favorite stories of Ace when he was little! I even brought our old photo album for you to view! You can keep it if you like~” The aforementioned photo record appeared, “Look at this one! Ace used to wear his tighty whities like a superhero mask!”
At that, the 1st year tugged his friend away from his mischievous older brother, dragging them far away from his influences.
~°~  ~°~
“Cay-nii! Look look! We found your cute little friend before we could find you, and they were so kind to bring us here!” The younger of the two Diamond sisters waved at her brother. However, her arm remained linked with MC’s.
Cater looked scared, despair quickly painting his face. All his attempts to hide, ruined But now that his sisters had MC in their arms... He couldn’t run the risk of them embarrassing him in front of his crush.
“A-Ahaha..! Yeah, look at that..!” The orange haired boy awkwardly laughed, approaching the menace that were his sisters (with a cute, clueless MC between them).
MC spoke up with that bright smile on their face, "Your sisters are so lovely, Cater! I wouldn't mind having siblings as nice as these."
"Oh if only you knew, little Prefect." Cater though to himself.
The sisters looked at each other, then at their younger brother. "Is that so, [Name]-chan~?" The older one inquired, words drawled out in a playful yet dark tone. Oh no, Cater tensed at what they were planning.
Acting quickly, the girls dragged MC over to one of Heartslabyul's many couches. "You're always welcomed into the family, [Nickname]-chan!" "To show you you're a Diamond now, let us watch some of Cater's old baby pics! He was the most adorable little brother back then!"
The Heartslabyul student hurried up to his siblings, trying his best to ruin their "bonding" activity.
~°~ ~°~
The evening was nice, warm with a comfortable breeze... The surprising thing was that MC shared many laughs with Sebek and his siblings through the day.
They were nice, very nice! The girl was intense like their friend, while the boy was tamer, on the shy side.
They shared many stories about their family life: the fishing trips to catch salmon, what their parents were up to in the clinic and the new patients they got to work with (quite a colorful array, one must say), life in Valley of Thorns, tales of their magical awakening and how Sebek threw up when his magic woke up, funny stories of childhood games, and thought MC many songs!
With how much they butt heads with Sebek, MC wholeheartedly welcomed this wonderful day filled with happiness, shared with their friend and his siblings!
~°~ ~°~
A Magift practice match supervised by Leona
MC sat on the sidelines, a bouncing wolf pup sitting on their lap. The small child marveled at the highspeed tricks and plays of both teams. "Big Bro Jack!! Go go go, Big Bro Jack!!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, cheering her brother on.
At their side, an embarrassed sigh could be heard. Jack's little brother, who held striking resemblance with him (specially with that attitude), tried to hide away from onlookers' eyes after his sister's cheer.
But then...
Jack snatched the disk from the enemy team, sending it flying through the air with a mighty powerful flick from his magical pen and--!
"SCOOOOORE!!!!" Both young wolves screamed in happiness, tails wagging a couple times as their adrenaline kicked.
Leona laughed at the reaction. "Not so indifferent now, huh, squirt?" His hand ruffled the wolf boy's hair. The boy blushed at getting caught cheering like that.
A sudden snicker startled the siblings as they looked at the hyena beastman. "You resemble your brother a lot. I'm sure you could become as good of a player as Jack some day."
The little girl gasped in amazement, siblings looking at each other with excited sparkles in their eyes at the compliment the older of the two just received.
"Ah~, they're just as adorable as Jack!" MC gushed internally.
~°~ ~°~
"Trey-nii!" "Big Bro!" "Trey-Trey!" Many voices came their way, sounding excited about finally getting to see their beloved brother once more.
Trey chuckled nervously, "Here we go..." Suddenly, MC saw three little kids glomp their friend. Two hugged his legs while the other climbed up to cling to his torso.
"How have you been, big bro?" "Have you made friends?! Many friends?!" "Do you have sweets? I smell cake!" "Your house here looks funky!" "Can we go inside the big house, Trey-Trey?!" "Can I pick a pretty rose, Trey-nii? I really want a pretty rose!"
They fired multiple questions at their 3rd year friend. So young, so curious, a perfect embodiment of childhood...
MC giggled, "You never told me your siblings were so inquisitive. It's so cute!"
Their attention immediately turned to MC. In a hurry, they let go of Trey and approached the magicless human.
"You're a friend of Trey-nii, right?! Right?!" "You're pre~tty, no wonder Trey-Trey likes you!" "Hey, hey! Do you also have a big house like big bro?!" "Do you have any siblings? I wanna befriend my brother's friends' siblings!" "A pretty person like you deserves a pretty rose... Trey-nii! Can we pick roses to make a crown? Plea~se?!"
"Now now, let's not overwhelm [Name] in our first meeting, yes?" Trey's call silenced them in a second. "I do believe you must first introduce yourselves before asking so many questions to a stranger, don't you think?"
The trio looked to the ground and fidget with their clothes. "Yes, Big Brother Trey..."
The glasses wearing student shot an apologetic look to MC. "Why don't we go inside and get your introductions done, as well as your questions answered, over a slice of tart and a cup of tea? Sounds good? Maybe you can meet some other friends of mine, too."
The kids perked up, happy smiles brightening their faces as they nodded and took each of Trey's hands. The remaining child looked at MC, who smiled and stretched their hand for them to take before making their way into Heartslabyul dorm.
~°~ ~°~
"My Ruggie really did that?!" The old woman was surprised, wrinkled face showing her emotions.
MC affirmed with their head, "Yes, he's always helping me forage for herbs and tasty plants to use for meals! Really useful for cutting off expenses. He even taught me few recipes with said plants, recipes taught by you, Miss!"
Ruggie's grandmother smiled proudly. "He's such a nice soul, isn't he? Always bringing cans of food when he comes visit us to ensure the little ones back home have something to eat." She held MC's hand in both of hers, using the one on top to give the prefect's a couple taps.
"You treasure those recipes with your life, young one! And please," Her eyes were so gentle as she looked up at them, "Keep an eye out for my Ruggie, yes? He tends to overwork himself. Please, fulfill my role while I'm away from him, make sure he eats and sleeps well, that he stays hydrated and relaxes his mind. That is all I could ever ask from you."
MC's heart contracted with adoration at how kind this old lady was, a beautiful old soul still full of vigor.
They nodded, squeezing those calloused yet warm hands of hers.
Meanwhile, the eavesdropping hyena sniffled at the sweet moment between his grandmother and friend. He was deeply touched.
Two peopled he held dear to his heart were getting along swimmingly! More over, they just showed him they care equally as much about him as he does for them.
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