#i loooveee colors
gardenofskeletonss · 9 months
you're nothing without me
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sydney-the-faithful · 8 months
Wait if there are 2 Sydney’s… what would happen if the 2… came into contact would the universe break? One faithful the other is fallen
The yin and the yang
((ASHJHJGJGGJ... Yes. The yin and the yang <33 That's so funny!! I think the universe would break.
Also. Unasked for public announcement but I can't pass up the chance to praise @fallenangelsydney 's account. I love it soooo much ^_^ <3 I was so hyped when it dropped ahgkjhgkjhgg Hunting writes & draws Sydney soooo perfectly!!
As much as I adore faithful Syd, GOD... I'm a corrupted Sydney fucker & each post on there genuinely makes me giggle and kick my legs. It's so fun. (I am also now realizing as I type this that I've never gone the rite of promise. That. would probably be a good thing to do for character study. Whoops.))
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pecoraisa-archive · 1 year
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morning tea
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ants-personal · 3 months
i hate drawing but man do i love coloring
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sexsylexi · 2 months
HEEY LEX I JUST WANT TO SAY THAT I LOOOVEEE YOUR WRITING 💗and sooo I was wondering if you could do a jason fic about him and y/n walking in a crowd and jason sees someone with green hair like the joker and starting to having a panic attac … yeah very angsty…
Awe thankss! 💗 and yes of course I can!
Ghosts of Gotham
Jason todd x reader
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The summer night was alive with the sounds of Gotham City, a cacophony of car horns, distant sirens, and the low hum of chatter from the bustling crowd. The city was celebrating some kind of festival, one of those rare nights when people felt safe enough to flood the streets and enjoy the warm air without constantly looking over their shoulders. Vendors were set up along the sidewalks, selling everything from greasy street food to delicate trinkets, while street performers drew clusters of spectators with their impressive acts.
Jason Todd, known to the night as the Red Hood, walked through the throng of people, his hand securely wrapped around yours. His grip was firm but gentle, a silent reassurance amidst the chaos around you. You could feel the tension in his body, the way his eyes constantly scanned the crowd, a soldier always on alert even during a rare night off.
You squeezed his hand, trying to offer some comfort. "Hey, Jason, relax a bit. It's just a festival," you said, smiling up at him.
Jason's lips twitched into a small smile, but the tension didn't leave his eyes. "Yeah, I know. Old habits die hard, I guess."
You understood. Jason's past had carved deep scars into his psyche, scars that you could see just by looking into his eyes. Nights like this, where the city's usual threat level seemed dialed down, were supposed to be a reprieve, but they often brought their own kind of stress for him.
"Let's get something to eat," you suggested, nodding towards a food truck that was drawing a crowd with its promise of gourmet tacos.
Jason nodded, his grip on your hand tightening for a moment before he started leading you towards the truck. The smell of seasoned meat and freshly made tortillas made your stomach rumble, and you could see Jason's mouth watering too. For a moment, it seemed like the simple pleasure of good food might be enough to ease his worries.
As you waited in line, you tried to engage Jason in light conversation, talking about the performances you had seen, the colorful decorations, anything to keep his mind occupied. He responded, but his eyes were still scanning, always scanning.
Then, in a heartbeat, everything changed.
Jason stiffened beside you, his grip on your hand turning almost painfully tight. You followed his gaze, trying to see what had caught his attention. At first, you didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, just more people milling about, laughing and enjoying the night. But then you saw it: a flash of green hair in the crowd, just for a moment.
Jason's breath hitched, his eyes wide and unblinking. "No," he whispered, barely audible over the noise of the festival.
"Jason, what is it?" you asked, worry creeping into your voice.
But he didn't respond. His entire body had gone rigid, his face pale as a sheet. You looked back at the crowd, trying to see what he was seeing. The green hair appeared again, closer this time, and you caught a glimpse of a pale face and a red-lipped grin.
It couldn't be. You knew it couldn't be. The Joker was gone. But logic didn't matter in that moment. Jason's mind had already spiralled into a dark place, a place filled with pain and terror.
"Jason, look at me," you said, turning to face him, placing a hand on his cheek. "It's not him. It can't be."
But Jason's eyes were unfocused, his breathing rapid and shallow. You recognized the signs of a panic attack, something you had seen before but never this intense. He was trapped in his own mind, reliving the worst moments of his life.
The crowd seemed to close in around you, the noise becoming a deafening roar. You needed to get him out of here, away from the triggers, away from the crowd.
"Come on, Jason, we need to move," you said, trying to lead him away, but he was frozen in place, his eyes locked onto the spot where he had seen the green hair.
You tried again, more forcefully this time. "Jason, we need to go now."
He didn't respond, his breaths coming in short, painful gasps. Panic rose in your chest. You couldn't lose him, not to this. You wrapped your arms around him, trying to ground him, to bring him back to you.
"Jason, it's me. It's Y/N. You're safe. You're not there, you're here with me," you said, your voice firm but gentle.
Slowly, painfully slowly, his eyes began to focus on you. The wild panic in them started to recede, replaced by a dawning awareness. He was still breathing hard, but he was seeing you now, not the ghosts of his past.
"Y/N," he whispered, his voice trembling.
"Yes, Jason, it's me. You're okay. You're safe," you repeated, holding his face in your hands, your thumbs brushing away the tears that had started to fall.
He swallowed hard, his breathing gradually slowing. "I saw him," he said, his voice barely more than a whisper.
"I know, but it wasn't him. It was just someone with green hair," you said, keeping your voice calm and soothing.
He nodded slowly, but the fear hadn't completely left his eyes. "I… I couldn't breathe. I thought… I thought he was back."
"I know," you said softly. "But he's not. He's gone, and you're here with me. You're safe."
Jason took a deep, shaky breath, his grip on your hand easing slightly. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice rough with emotion.
"Don't be. It's okay," you said, giving him a reassuring smile. "Let's get out of here, okay? Somewhere quiet."
He nodded, and you began to lead him away from the crowd, your arm wrapped around his waist, his arm draped over your shoulders. You found a quiet alleyway a few blocks away, far from the noise and the people. You sat down on a bench, pulling Jason down beside you.
For a long moment, neither of you spoke. You just sat there, holding him, letting him calm down at his own pace. His breathing gradually returned to normal, the tension in his body slowly easing.
"Thank you," he said finally, his voice barely more than a whisper.
"Always," you replied, resting your head on his shoulder. "I'm here, Jason. I'm always here."
He wrapped his arms around you, holding you close. "I don't know what I'd do without you," he admitted, his voice raw with emotion.
"You don't have to worry about that," you said softly. "I'm not going anywhere."
You stayed like that for a long time, the sounds of the city a distant murmur. The panic attack had left Jason drained, but he seemed calmer now, more present. You knew this wouldn't be the last time he'd have to face his demons, but you also knew he didn't have to face them alone.
"Do you want to talk about it?" you asked gently, knowing he might not be ready.
Jason was silent for a moment, then shook his head. "Not now. Maybe later."
"Okay," you said, giving him a reassuring squeeze. "Whenever you're ready."
He nodded, and for the first time that night, he seemed to relax a little. "Let's just sit here for a while," he said quietly.
"Sounds good to me," you replied, snuggling closer to him.
As the minutes passed, you felt Jason's breathing even out, the last of the tension leaving his body. You knew the road ahead wouldn't be easy, but as long as you had each other, you could face anything.
The city around you continued its celebration, unaware of the small, quiet victory taking place in a secluded alleyway. For Jason, every day was a battle, but tonight, with you by his side, he had won. And that was enough.
You stayed there for a long time, just holding each other, finding comfort in the silence and in each other. Eventually, Jason pulled back slightly, looking down at you with a small, grateful smile.
"Let's go home," he said softly.
You nodded, standing up and taking his hand once more. As you walked back through the city, the noise and the crowd seemed a little less overwhelming, the night a little less dark. And for the first time in a long time, Jason felt like he could breathe again.
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nightcolorz · 3 months
ok armand's backstory is super tragic in the books but the show makes it even more devastating with The Implications. imagine marius leaving armand (his slave who he abused ever since he was a child) for the Evil Satan Cult and instead turning bianca (white rich woman)and choosing her as his new companion. makes me sick insane etc
OH MY GOD YES IM ALWAYS THINKING ABOUT THIS!!! In the books Armand is also technically Marius’s slave, but the way it’s portrayed from Armand’s perspective encourages u to forget about that. But the way the show highlights how Armand was a slave and shows how it influences the way Marius treated him annnndddd made Armand a person of color adds such a disturbing layer to an already disturbing dynamic. (Which i love lol)
I loooveee that u brought up Bianca bcus the whole dynamic with Bianca is sooo fucked up and no one ever talks about it. In blood and gold Marius explains that he was lonely and wanted a vampire companion, who he originally wanted to be Bianca, but he felt super mf guilty about this bcus Bianca is a young well off bright white girl and by turning her into a vampire and taking her for himself he’d be depriving her of her chance at a prosperous life and humanity. And the way Marius gets over angsting about how badly he wants Bianca but how he can’t take her cuz it’d be fucked is by BUYING ARMAND!! Marius buys Armand bcus he considers him *less of a person* than Bianca and therefor someone he can use and abuse without any guilt. So now that Armand is a person of color, that dynamic It’s basically like, “I can’t harm this sweet white girl even tho i want to so bad, that would be horrible!!! Wait, Oh my god yay!!! A brown boy <3 I can do as many terrible things that I want to him because he isn’t human to me <3” like holy shit that is sickening. And it’s such a nail on the coffin how once Marius decides to discard Armand bcus he’s not worth saving to him he immediately turns Bianca and decides that she’s his companion now, like oh my god.
making Armand a person of color was honestly one of my favorite (if not my fav) change that amc made with the characters. In the books Armand is always portrayed as having this ambiguous social oppressor that causes him to be seen as less then human or less worthy of inherent respect + dignity as other ppl, especially in his human lifetime, and it is so prevailing throughout his life that Armand is used to being treated like he’s nothing, so Armand being a person of color just makes sense to me. Not only that, but his entire backstory where there is so much emotional weight put on how Armand was stripped of his cultural identity and his birth name and his connection to religion by being sold into slavery so he’s lost the ability to understand who he is ?!?!? Like it’s kind of insane to me sometimes that all of the aspects of Armand’s backstory in the show that are very much racial trauma happened the exact same way in the books 😭. It makes a little too much sense lol
thank u sm for the ask I love angsting about Armand’s backstory more then anything!!!! ❤️❤️
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ginkgo-phyta · 7 months
i loooveee spencers apartment so much like literally my dream apartment; the color scheme, the books, the furniture, the light fixtures, the windows...but i need to see this mans kitchen I NEED IT. you can learn so much about a person from their kitchen LET ME IN LET ME AT IT
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STILL on my silly little traditional art arc, just messin around with cleanin up my pen sketches. made this with NOTHING but pens n colored pencils, n error corrected with paper n glue. i LOOOVEEE my captains i love my captains so dearlyyyy it so fun to draw them n play wiht colors......
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fruitys · 3 months
i loooveee when i see a consistent aesthetic on someones blog when it's all the same colors and themes, even when its not something im currently into
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katharynthethird · 11 months
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It’s almost Halloween so here’s a quick little photo of my very fun impulse hybrid femme goth.
They’re an earlier version @logan.dolls valentine sculpt l, color matched to go with my fantasy color resin soul that I loooveee.
The eyes are AB black flat back cabochons. The manicure features some of the new stuff I got to make more goth styled manicures! (That I obviously did not get done in time, but who cares; goth and Halloween is forever.)
I do not know what the bunny is from, if you do; let me know! It reminds me of the plush accessories in The World Ends With You.
I don’t know if this is their final styling but I definitely want to yo be very goth, possibly a bit visual Kei leaning.
Hope you’ve been having a spooky month! 🎃
#Halloween #bjd #LoganDoll #LoganDollValentine #ArtistDoll #October #Goth #BallJointedDoll #LegitBJD #HybridBJD #ArtDoll #DollPhotography #ResinSoul #FantasyBjd
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bitch-pants-mccrabbyy · 11 months
hi! can i have a moodboard request? wolf themed, dark earthy colors ^-^
additional stuff i like (no pressure to include all, im just saying words): electric guitar, dark academia aesthetic, moss, mushrooms, vintage aesthetic
if you could make this rectangle shaped (2360-by-1640 pixels, if that helps) that would be so cool, i will prob make this my ipad background for the next 6-12 months tysmmm<33
note: no gore or religious symbols
OFC!! This was a really fun one to do! I LOOOVEEE dark academia :DD
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broken-glass-puppet · 2 years
King boo x male reader headcannonz?
Two things: fuck yeah
So I think how you two meet, you were in his castle and obviously we know how is his castle, big, black Stone, spooky, dark, cold and you were lost so he thought "why I don't keep this human?" And he did
Of course not in a yandere way but this man is a yandere and no one can prove me wrong
He showers you in affection and presents but these match perfectly with his aesthetic
Flowers, this man loves gardening and giving you flowers, you need a different room to keep each flower
And talking about flowers, there's a lenguaje of flowers, each one means something and he knows perfectly that
He likes sweets, LOOOVEEES sweets, he's not the type to make sweets but he surely bakes cheese cakes and pies
He also loves tea, don't ask me why
Why do I see him having a British accent? Anyways
He also gives you a lot of shiney things, not necessarily to wear, he likes to take crystals and give them to you
OMG THE DRESSES AND SUITS HE GIVED YOU, they are so pretty, each one with a different color and meaning, one can be black and white with little ghosts like a patron, and the suit's are also very nice, think about a 1880's style
He's super loyal with you
Omg it's like a old romantic movie
He also sings and knows how to play a piano, that's is because he wants you to see him in a good way, proving he can be soft
He thought you were scared of him, my poor baby needs praise and affection
HE ADORES HALLOWEEN, he will prepare a party for everyone in the kingdoms and when they saw you, omg you are so handsome and beautiful
Pet names and I don't need to explain
"my love" "dear" "sweetheart" "baby boy" "honey" he's super caring for you
Soft Dom bf energy
Okay this man also loves to read but you know what he loves to read? ROMANCE BOOKS
Oh you were surprised and confused
And he was embarrassed
So you both don't talk about it so much
Also, dinners, let's say he gets flirty, I mean, very flirty
"although I'm having a feast in front of me, i wouldn't mind having a taste of you, my dear~"
And you are like "really, in front of my salad?"
But he also gets super flustered if you flirt back
Cuddles cuddles cuddles especially when he's reading
Hes scared of thunder storms so prepare to comfort him
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mistype360 · 2 months
Hi there, I really enjoy going through your blog! Would love to hear your assumptions about me. I'm an INFP 4w5, so/sx, 469, melancholic. Thank you :)
my assumptions
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you LOVE LOVE LOVE when clouds are pink instead of their normal white/grey
ok so i had to do some research but if you were a flower you'd be a bluebell or a baby blue eye
maybe it's just all my infp friends but you seem like a studio ghibli, snoopy, winnie the pooh, cute animated movies type of person
idk why but if you were an animal you would be a fluffy duck 🥺 (if i didn't check this post over i would've almost posted with the wrong spelling LMAOO).
you loooveee replaying songs over and over again until you get sick and tired (which you don't), and then you suddenly stop liking it
your favorite holiday is halloween
i know i've said this for almost every infp that's submitted but you are definitely a hopeless romantic and probably have a temporary obsession and emotional attachment to every book and movie you engage in
your fashion style or aesthetic is very downtown girl vinyl record headphones on 24/7
as a color you'd def be a light green (infp stereotype ik)
i feel like you are very much into tarot cards and things related to that
your room has those plant decorations and fake vines or plans all around it rather than led lights
if you were a season you would either be winter or spring
also if you were a food you'd def be a brownie or maybe a really creamy latte with a design on it
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teddypickerry · 4 months
EEEEE #9 and #10 cause duh
yayyy!!!! (pretend i didn’t take a fucking year to reply to these) SO WHAT ARE MY FAVORITE GILMORE GIRLS OUTFITS?
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immediately when i saw this ask, i thought of that white dress. i have one similar and rory walking around in the inn with that dress was the only good part of season 7 (i also have the same haircut… if you can’t tell i’m very patriotic for bangs rory).
that purple top from s3 omfg. i think this shirt had like one second of screen time (i vividly remember her calling jess) and i loved it sm. i know everyone always talks about blue but purple is also her color.
once again being loyal to bangs rory, i loooove this little skirt with the hair up half down look. this is so spencer hastings and so cute.
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lorelai’s look a little digging. cause although i prefer her wardrobe over rory’s as a whole, it’s more for basics (jeans, shoes, etc.) not specific outfits that stand out.
that black dress in the bracebridge dinner episode is one of my favorites in the entire series. timeless, classic, so flattering. i think the wardrobe team did lor wrong with some of the dresses she wore (they weren’t for her body type). but this one was so cute.
also from season two, i loooove this ruffled kind of top with jeans and boots. classic lorelai outfit that i also have in my wardrobe. this one just stands out a bit with the detailing and her lipstick shade.
if you’re on pinterest, you’ve definitely seen this last outfit. kind of like rory’s third outfit, i loooveee a good deconstructed suit moment if you can’t tell. season 5 lorelai as a whole was… 🫦. but she just looked so good in this.
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scare-ard--sleigh · 7 months
char encouraged me and that's literally all I need to be sliiiightlyyy cringe on main so alright here we go;;
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this was the first set that i came up with because of That shade of green afjbmjgfk but the more i look at it the more i like it as a complement -- i like the all-over green as kind of a contrast, i like the ridiculously voluminous sleeves against the (short!) sheath of the actual dress paired with the bulk of his outfit (the fur-trim coat particularly, which would also look great over this dress should someone get cold <3) oh oh also the Delicate beadwork against the hardware of his fit is another contrast that's so [chef's kiss] to me. they're going to a restaurant featuring a prix fixe menu or some sorta cocktail party <3
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okay so i fell In Love with this gown as a complement to marineford buggy -- it's soooo flashy, the colors are spot on perfect, and i really like that the cut is a more simple design to play off his more complex look. also this dress's details are made from cut glass which i kinda love for this vibe, something about like messages in bottles and spyglasses and kaleidoscopes :' ) i see them at some sorta event for the performers <3 also this is my personal favorite of the dresses lmao not a pageant guy but i'd loooveee to wear this <3
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i literally cannot Believe the color match going on here jbgfjbk when i was first thinking about Complementary Mihawk Gowns, i thought for sure it'd be black but i loooooovelovelove love this with his look <3 mermaid silhouette is my Fave of all time and i think it's really cool that both their looks flare outward, but the detail attention is in opposite places (the necklace, lapels, and sleeves vs the flare at the bottom of the gown 😍) i want them going to A Show with an afterparty but honestly they could roll up to denny's and slay the game <3
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punkbxt · 1 year
Ask and you shall receive! I really like your Seven redesign and B/7 insights. Thank you for sharing them
thankyou! i really like talking about them and while i loooveee original seven so much (its her! shes the foundation!) i also believe she would have been a really compelling character had she been indigenous as i feel her story is one that many can relate to! also just wanna make spaces for us people of color to also feel seen and represented within a space that is soooo majorly white
i will never not talk about b7 im so glad u love my silly rambles 🥺💖💖💖💖
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