#king boo x male reader
broken-glass-puppet · 2 years
Hi, could you write hcs on how Bowser would to the Male!Reader who he kidnapped being from a kingdom really far, and not caring that he was kidnapped only for bowser to find out the reader isn't human or mushroom?
Omg here we go
He was surprised?
Like what in the Jesus Christ are you
You don't care? Wow really? He expected some screaming, some tears, you trying to scape too but you are so calm about it?
But of course he doesn't mind, if he's going to be with his sweetheart it's better for him to not punish you or scare you
So you are from a kingdom very very very very far away but he noticed something
You...you my dear friend...you aren't human, he's more amassed by your beauty, what are you?
It doesn't matter to him, if you are anything, you are his, his pretty little thing, his sweetheart, and he's gonna protect you
But he doesn't trust you could be acting up but he realizes quite fast that you aren't...you aren't afraid of him and he will ask "why?" You simply find him cute and caring
He let's you go around the castle and even the gardens
You don't seem to care very much about being kidnapped, you thanked him for taking you away from that he'll
He doesn't ask about why do you hate your birth home so much but he sure think they do it a very bad thing to you for you to hate living there
He's super caring for you, he cares so deeply about everything and hes so scared about you hurting yourself
You sleep with him, he asked you to sleep with him, mainly because he's scared of someone hurting you but also he loves cuddles
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crabcantwrite · 2 months
Parties, flirting, & monsters
Words: 2.8k
Fandom: MarioLore
Ships: Bowser/reader, King Boo/reader
Warnings: Possessiveness, Male reader, injury, VERY light implied sex mentions (like two sentences, nothing remotely explicit), fighting, yelling
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You stood off to the side and watched King Boo, your secret lover, and Bowser argue. You winced at the insults being thrown back and forth. You opened your mouth to calm your lover, but closed it a second later. Careful not to reveal your relationship.
You stayed off to the side until the fight ended, and Bowser came up to you.
He turned and walked up to you, scowling, but he looked you up and down, which made you blush.
“Ooh, hey there~” He giggled, his breath smelling like alcohol. “You’re kinda cute~”
“Oh, uhm, thank you.” You blushed. You knew Boo would be mad, but you still wanted to be polite to his brother.
"Hey... Do you wanna... I don't know. Go somewhere else? Do you wanna... Talk alone, without Boo and everyone else here?" He seemed to be trying to be subtle, but he's obvious.
“O-okay” You agreed, following him into the garden. You hoped that Boo wouldn’t be mad before trying to put the worry out of your mind.
Bowser took you to a corner of the courtyard and placed you on a wall, facing him. His face was close to yours, and you could smell wine on his breath. “Hey, what’s your name~?”
“Y-Y/N” You stuttered, blushing furiously.
"Ah, Y/N... It's a nice name, but I'll call you baby~" He said, he got closer to you, his hands wrapped around yours.
"You know, you're kinda cute. You got those big eyes...Your hands...so soft." He whispered, his hands rubbing against yours. He laced your fingers together.
“O-oh! Uhm..” You looked down at him from where you’re sitting. Suddenly, King Boo drunkenly stormed into the garden, stumbling and tripping over himself.
“Get off of him, Bowser! He’s mine!” He shouted.
You startled and looked over to him, a wave of relief and anxiety washing over you.
"Calm down, Boo, I'm just talking to this cute guy... No reason to get so angry..." Bowser said, he turned to you and winked.
“Hey! He’s MY cute guy! Get away from him or else!” King Boo glared at his brother, his expression livid.
"Your cute guy? He doesn’t belong to you." Bowser held you closer; he's quite a bit bigger than his brother. Boo looked furious, he took out a flask and took a big swig.
You gently pushed yourself away from Bowser “Uhm, actually…”
King Boo was visibly drunk, glaring at the two of you and grumbling.
You stepped away from Bowser “I’m sorry, I’m- I’m actually King Boo’s secret lover”
"Really? That explains a lot." He chuckled. Boo storms over to you, stumbling.
You chuckled “Yeah, sorry to lead you on”
“That explains why he has no wife” Bowser laughed a little, his eyes still on the approaching Boo.
King Boo was drunker than usual and extremely disheveled. He stepped closer to you, but before he said anything, he tripped.You rushed over to him, helping him up “Are you alright?”
"Oh, it's alright, he'll be fine." Bowser chuckled. Boo is stumbling, but he seemed to be drunk and still angry. He turned his head toward you, glaring. You helped hold Boo steady, making sure he’s not hurt.
Boo pushed you away, still glaring. He said something unintelligible to Bowser and then turned around, storming inside the manor and away from you two.
Bowser chuckled again. “And here I thought you might have liked me... But you’re in love with Boo.”
You gave him an apologetic look “I should go check on him”
"What's the point? He's just gonna get mad at you again. Let him sulk." He shrugged.
You shook your head “It was nice talking to you." You walked off in search of King Boo.
Bowser watched for a moment before sitting against the wall and finishing his wine.
It took a little bit of searching, but you find Boo in the kitchen, eating some food, and drunk out of his mind. The room is empty, save for the few toad servants.
You rushed over to him, he had a dark look on his face and was glaring at the counter “Are you alright?”
He looked up and grumbled, "Yes, yes, I'm fine."
"What do you want?" He had a half-finished muffin in his hand. He took a bite, crumbs falling to the floor. A maid rushed over as Boo growled.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t gonna let Bowser..." You looked up at him through large, guilty eyes.
He looked over at you, his eyes filled with disdain.
"What? You weren’t gonna let Bowser what? Sleep with you? Cause he sure seemed to want to."
“I wouldn’t do that!” You protested, ignoring the toad maids watching from behind you.
"Oh really!? Then why did he have his hands all over you? Why were you two talking alone in the garden?" He glared at you in his drunken fury and took another bite of his muffin.
“I didn’t want him to get suspicious of our relationship!" You crossed your arms, “but he knows now anyway”
Boo growled, still glaring, as he shoved the muffin into his mouth and chugged some of his wine.
“Cmon, Boo,” you gave him a pleading look.
"Oh, don't give me that look! I know you and Bowser had something going on behind my back!" He threw his plate on the ground, shattering it.
"No, we didn’t!” You argued, ignoring the broken plate, “We didn’t, I promise.”
King Boo turned, his eyes wide. He seemed to have completely lost it; his hands clenched so hard you’re worried he’ll hurt himself.
“You two had something, didn’t you? Didn’t you, Y/N?!” He roared.
“Why can’t you trust me!?” You yell back.
“I don’t!” You gave him a pleading look, “Please, you have to believe me!”
Boo’s anger is visible. His face is red, his claws sharp as he started to transform into his monster form.
“I hope you enjoy Bowser and his large...” he grumbled, his words slurred.
“Not this again." You sighed “Boo, I’m not cheating on you! I don’t want anyone else!”
"Hah, sure, you don't. Not like I'm good for anything. Maybe I should've never trusted you." Boo tensed, his eyes glazed over with tears. His claws curled up against his palms.
Boo didn’t seem to be listening; his sharp teeth are visible as he snarls.
“He didn’t know; I didn’t want to tell him we were together!” You reached out for him.
"Leave me alone; I don't need your sympathy. I don't even need your love; in fact, the less, the better, so I don't get my hopes up." He said as he walked away from you.
You could hear him yelling to himself as he stormed outside, but that's nothing compared to what you saw. He continued to transform into his monstrous form. He seemed even bigger now, his eyes glowing a bright purple.
You rushed over to him, putting a hand on his back. You looked up at him and his ghostly monster form.
King Boo looked down at you, his eyes filled with anger.
"Just leave me alone! Go back to Bowser, since you love him more.” There was no reasoning with him; he was pissed off.
One of his hands came down and pushed you, knocking you to the ground. A few of his claws scraped your cheek. You could hear the maids yelling in the background.
You put your hand on your cheek before getting up and putting your hands on the sides of his face “Darling, cmere.”
He resisted, looking away. He didn’t want to be treated like a child. He looked down at you, trying to get your hands off of his face.
You gently pulled his head down and pressed your forehead against his “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.”
King Boo looked a little surprised. He looked back at you, his emotions visible. You could almost feel his anger melt away as he relaxed into your touch. Boo’s face softened as he became calm and returned to his true form.
His eyes drooped, and he sighed, “Sorry about that... I lost control there.”
“It’s alright, baby,” you took his hand, “Let’s get to bed.”
At a sudden clap of thunder, King Boo looked up at the sky, tense and wide-eyed. He squeezed your hand.
"That... is never a good omen."
“It’s just thunder,” you tease, squeezing his hand as you walk upstairs.
“Not in the Mushroom Kingdom... especially not at Boo Mansion. Something bad is coming.” He said as he walked up to his room and let out a loud groan as he fell onto his bed.
You chuckled and closed the blinds “That’s just a superstition.”
“I don’t take superstitions lightly. Go ahead, sleep; I’ll stand guard tonight.” He got under the covers but didn't sleep. You could hear the rain pound against the window.
You chuckled and laid down, so you’re the little spoon “Get some rest, darling, it’s been a long day.”
"Fine." Boo snuggled into bed. He buried his head into your hair, "If we die, I love you."
You could feel him transform back into his monster form.
“We’re not going to die” You teased as he wrapped his arms tightly around you, “But I love you too.”
King Boo seemed to calm a little; he held you tight. “Goodnight, My Love."
You fell asleep quickly in his monster arms, King Boo watched you sleep until he couldn’t stay awake anymore.
King Boo began to growl as the thunder and rain continued outside. He thrashed around in his drunken sleep, growling and whimpering. You could feel his claws digging into your skin, leaving small dents across your arms.
He could hear the sound of whispering and scurrying outside the door, causing him to growl louder.
King Boo’s eyes snapped open. He looked down at you, checking that you’re alright. His eyes widened as he listened to the noise outside the door. Boo tensed, pulling you to his chest.
“My little Y/N.. Please get up.. Something’s wrong..” He shook you awake, his voice wavering.
You sleepily opened your eyes. “Go back to sleep, sweetheart.”
He gave you a dirty look, and the pressure from his claws intensified. “There’s someone at the door; there’s something going on!"
King Boo got up to investigate the noise, kissing your forehead before slipping out of the room. You laid alone for several more minutes until there’s a knock on the door. You opened the door and saw a couple toad servants.
"My lord, we have some... troubling news..." One of the toads said as she walked inside.
“What is it?”
“My lord, we- there were reports of King Boo transforming into his monster form a few minutes ago..” One of the other servants said.
You rushed out of the room, pulling on a coat “Where is he? Where’s King Boo?”
"He walked out of the mansion. To where? We do not know." She shivered, her eyes filled with fear. Everyone in the mansion is nervous; they are all talking and whispering.
“I’ll handle it” You buttoned the coat and rushed out of the castle into the storm.
The servant looked scared for you, but she nodded. “Be careful..” 
King Boo was nowhere to be seen in the rain. You heard thunder and saw lightning overhead as the rain soaked your jacket. You heard some strange noises.
You rushed towards the sound “King Boo!?”
You turned the corner of the mansion and found King Boo grumbling to himself and pacing.
“Get out of here, Y/N!” King Boo hissed.
“Come back inside, darling” you reached up and put your hand on his cheek.
“Do you not understand?! Get inside, Y/N!” He yelled, his voice was louder, deeper in his monster form. He grabbed you by your arm and tried to drag you back to the mansion.
“Not unless you come in with me!” You protested, clinging to his arm.
King Boo seemed to fight against your grasp, but he can't pull away. He turned you to face him, looking down at you with his angry, wide-eyed gaze.
“Please. For me? Go inside.” He had deep bags under his eyes, and he was practically begging you.
“Come with me,” you pleaded, “You shouldn’t be out here in the cold.”
His grip on you became tighter. He dragged you into the mansion, scolding you as he did so. You held onto his arm as he dragged you inside, “You’re staying with me!”
He looked around and saw everyone whispering and talking about what happened. He scowled before he turned to the servant who spoke to you earlier.
“What happened?! Why is everyone making such a fuss?!” He was louder than ever in his monster form.
“You did disappear, love” You wrapped your hands around his arm, trying to keep him calm.
“You all need to relax!” King Boo said, clearly annoyed. He’s not used to all this panicking.
“I do not appreciate being dragged back into my mansion like a prisoner, where I can’t even go out for a stroll”
King Boo crossed his arms and scowled at everyone. He looked down at you and grabbed your hand. “Let’s go to our room; we can talk there.”
In his bedroom, King Boo closed the door, and the servants scattered downstairs. He looked at you and took off his dripping crown. “Sit by the fire while I get out of this wet coat.”
He walked over to the corner of the room. He tried to take off his coat, but it was too tight, sticking to him. He pulled at it frantically, scratching his skin in the process.
You walked over and helped him out of the coat “What did you need to talk about, love?”
King Boo was soaked through his clothes after taking off his coat, his shirt is stuck on his skin. He seemed cold, you could see he’s shivering, but he’s trying not to show it.
“I just wanted to talk. But now I’m cold” King Boo scowled. He walked over to the fire and laid down in front of it. He scooted over so you could sit down too. You laid a towel over him and sat down next to him, leaning against his legs.
King Boo scooted closer to the fire and closed his eyes. He relaxed in front of the fire while he was wrapped in his towel.
He crossed his arms over his chest, staring into the fire.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?”
He laid his head on your shoulder and clung onto you. He’s shivering, soaking wet, and his shirt is still stuck to his skin.
“I don’t want to bother you, my love, but can you undress me?” He sighed. Your eyes widened in surprise. You’ve learned to respect his privacy and his boundaries around the idea of “private time.”
“Of course” You helped him out of his wet clothes despite your surprise “Better?”
He wrapped himself around you, his arms around your hips and stomach. You could feel his worry from how hard he’s holding onto you “What’s wrong, baby? Is this about Bowser?”
King Boo chuckled, you’ve figured it out.
"Yeah...that bastard.” He huffed; it’s clear he’s not used to having competition “I don’t appreciate him trying to get with you; you’re mine.”
You chuckled, “Yes, darling, I’m yours.”
“My little Y/N” King Boo smiled. He pulled you into his body as he wrapped his huge arms around you. He pressed his face against your hair, kissing the back of your head.
”All mine..” His voice was quiet and possessive. Several toad servants stood outside the door, quietly listening to your conversation.
“All yours,” you agreed, letting him pull you against his ghostly chest.
“I’m sick of everyone trying to take you away from me” Boo sighed, resting his head on yours “I wish we didn’t have to keep our relationship a secret.”
“No one's gonna take me away from you, baby,” you nuzzled your head underneath his chin.
King Boo sighed, his breath warm against your head.
“I wish I didn’t have to worry like this. You’re mine…You love me and not anybody else, right?”
His voice was quiet, you could hear the servants whispering from behind the door. “Promise me, Y/N. Promise me you’re mine and nobody else’s.”
“I promise, sweetheart” you laid down against him “No need to worry.”
King Boo smiled, satisfied. He closed his eyes and relaxed.
"It's been a long time since I've had someone to hold." King Boo smiled sadly. He yawned and cuddled up to you.
“I’m here now,” you closed your
King Boo yawned again, and you could feel his claws retract slightly. His grip on you relaxed, and you both laid together for a while.
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chris498cc12 · 8 months
Happy Friday the 13th!! ^^
First off, yes, I'm in the lmk Fandom and what I have for you today my lovely butterflies is a male demon y/n x mk headcannons! ^^
Male y/n is going to have ghost like abilities like going through walls and being invisible and stuff oh and possessing people, basically normal ghost shit though you're a demon, the "Phantom ghost" is what your title is. Anyway, let's get started!! ^^
When you first met mk you were scaring people and possessing people for the fucks of it cause you got bored of sitting in your dark spooky castle all the damn time so you decided to have fun and cause chaos, but of course as the hero mk is he stopped you though he didn't really have to fight you cause uhhh you found how cute the boy was. You never really spoken to people nor fell in love, so you never thought you would love dudes, but here you are simping over the Monkey kid himself. You simply stopped your chaos and just started to mess with him and maybe get his number~ ^^
You love scaring the shit out of mk. He has the most funnest reactions when you scar him he hates it when you do it, but you love it, and you laugh your ass off every time lol
You found out the hard way that you hate eye contact like A LOT, especially from mk. Well, it's not like you hate it like when you stare at everyone else, it's more of you just get flustered hella fast, and cover your face up. He doesn't understand which does not help, and you push his face away every time you can which confuses him even more. (You can see your basically like ghosts from Mario lol-)
You love to kiss his hand 💕
It gets him all flustered and shit and you love it~ ❤️ he especially gets flustered when you do a bow and kiss his hand it literally kills him everytime
You also love giving him gifts! ^^ he isn't the richest, but he'll give you gifts when he can and you love every single one of them despite you being able to go get it and or steal it- yourself
Surprisingly, he was the one to confess to you. You quote on quote jokingly told him you loved him at times, but he was never sure if you were serious, and he never thought he would like dudes either- (guess you find out new things everyday) he tried making it special in a way like confessing to you when the sun is rising since your ghost like colored eyes always slightly glow and he loves it ❤️ but when you do get together you start teasing him even more ^^
Heh top ghost energy- 👻
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
Can I request some sort of smut with Prince Regent!Aemond? I can't get him out of my head!!!! I see him being so mean and intimidating on the Iron Throne, like he wouldn't wear the eye patch bc he knows he looks "scary" to everyone in the court without it...except his little wife doesn't find him scary. His sweet wife is willing to fulfill his every need, no matter what that is, and is a good girl for him when he fucks her roughly, and it ends up melting his cold heart. Just a thought 😮‍💨
please the heinous bitch I'll become when Aemond takes this role on, lord forgive me. this is brilliant, thanks for sending in the ask boo xx
hope you love it!
Dearest, Ruthless Husband
PAIRING: Prince Regent!Aemond Targaryen x fem!Wife!Reader
WORDS: 2,432.
WARNINGS: swearing, mentions of cruel!Aemond, degradation kink, p in v sexual intercourse (consensual), oral male receiving, mentions of breeding kink.
A/N - writing this got me so hyped for Prince Regent Aemond!!! I hope you all enjoy, the smut is a little different to what I normally write or go about it, but sue me. Intrusive thoughts won!!!!
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The Dance of the Dragons as most maesters and commoners of King's Landing had dubbed the unfolding family feud within House Targaryen, was beginning to simmer and churn. Brutal words exchanged, promises unkept and broken, and battles ruthlessly fought, both sides began to earn their gains, and yet also face immense losses. The most recent, left the Usurper King Aegon, burnt and beyond repair. The King had succumbed to his bed chambers, in the endless care of maesters, tending to his wounds as he remained unconscious from milk of the poppy. Although the realm staggered on, it needed to be assigned someone to represent the sovereign himself, and no other candidate stood out, other than your royal husband, Prince Regent, Aemond Targaryen.
Before the war had torn through the Seven Kingdoms, you had been betrothed to the young Prince. Paramount in securing an alliance on behalf of the Crown, you had grown doubtful that the marriage would remain fruitful, weary that Aemond merely saw you more as an obligation than an actual human being. Much to your surprise and in favour of the Gods, the Targaryen prince, took a key interest in you, as you gradually began to spend more and more time immersed in each other's sole company. Till proof had been cemented when he meekly admitted his love for you.
"It will be undying, this union, bound to me forever, my love. You will never no of hate nor harm, that I can promise you, my wife to be."
And although, Aemond had always been more of a withdrawn, private man since your first acquaintance, the longer this war prolonged, the more it seemed to have hardened his exterior. The man you'd once soulfully cherished and dreamt of now absent, replaced by a strange clone, the warmth buried inside seemed to have gone out like a candle in the wind.
He did no harm towards you, although, you scarcely saw him. Occasionally, he'd accompany you to dinner, only to be torn away from you, more prominent, urgent matters to attend that broke in the dead hour of the night. The bed had grown lonesome, and you struggled to sleep without his comforting presence and familiar body warmth. Regardless, your safety was still a priority, he made certain that you were around, in his vicinity.
Nowadays, you often found your husband seated firmly atop the Iron Throne, speaking and acting on behalf of his elder brother, the King. Many a times, he'd often privately disclosed of how he'd envisioned himself instead, given the miraculous chance, he sternly believed he'd be the better choice, "I'm far more suited than the likes of him." And yet, now that his treasonous wish had been granted, the circumstances unfortunate, he did not feel as willing for it. Eager to uphold duty nonetheless, you knew, however, that Aemond loved his family immensely, this including Aegon. They grew together, trained together and fought together. Yet he only now, fully understood the burden in which the crown wielded.
Today was no less different.
Entering the throne room, crowded by those who'd sworn allegiance unto King Aegon the Second, and those in chains, forced upon their knees, for those who had instead sworn fealty to Rhaenyra only to be captured. Aemond coldly observed them from above, the ferocity of the throne, its sharp, steel blades exemplified by his exposed sapphire eye. Since your beloved husband was publicly anointed as Prince Regent, he had taken to the habit of unveiling his lost eye, no longer bearing the notorious eye patch that modestly covered his ailment. He never hid it out of shame, though rather sympathetically as means to not frighten the maidens of the court. Yet the spoils of war had unleashed a crueler side to Aemond, one that you did not sense of its existence, though neither grew fearful of.
"Sided with the false Queen, my elder sister, Rhaenyra Targaryen, you have committed the highest form of treason against the Crown... Cowards and traitors, you shall all face the wroth of the Dragons through me... I do not see it fit to send you all to the Wall, no that would be mercy...Death to the whole lot of you."
His words sent a cold chill through your body, shuddering against his low, unwavering tone. Aemond had always spoken with a steadiness, and that remained unchanged. You could not deny that seeing such a formidable side of Aemond, unlike before, was invigorating. In the haste moments that you were caught in your own bewildered thoughts, with a sway of his hand swatting for the guards to remove said traitors, the out-roar of prisoners begging and pleading before their Prince Regent and the rattling of their heavy chains as they'd been forcefully led away was a chilling memory. After the final few had left to the dungeons below, you'd caught sight of Aemond staring right at you. Mindlessly, a faint smile fell upon your gentle face, and in a few seconds to come, Aemond demanded that all vacate the room, except for you. As the others departed, you walked in the opposing way, strolling closer and closer to where your husband remained comfortably seated, coming to a halt before the stony steps.
Upon hearing the final closing of the main, oak doors, an eerie silence fell upon the void of the room. Aemond's eye turned from the shut doors back down unto your feeble state below, the height and distance made you look smaller, more miniscule.
"You dare to taunt me with that smile, woman? Your presence during court already weakens me so."
"I merely wish to see my husband in all his glory, for it feels like a lifetime that I have not been blessed in his company. If needs be that I must seek you out myself, then so be it."
Just as you'd taken the first step up, Aemond commanded for you to stop. Caught mid-way, you were startled by his objection as he often never resisted you.
"You think you can go unpunished just like that, do as you please and walk yourself right up here. Simply because you're my little whore?"
You were mildly perplexed by his minor outburst, although with the sly grin strewed across his face and the low deep chuckle he provoked from his own amusement, you knew he was simply taunting you. And yet, being Prince Regent, you had no choice but to obey.
"On all fours woman, I want to see you crawl to me, like the bitch that you are."
Hesitant at first, the burning glare from your husband's end though convinced you otherwise. Now on all fours, you slowly began to mechanic your way up to him, feeling Aemond's grin seething into the tender skin of your back, straight through your gown. Did this amuse him, seeing you grabble for him on the grimy, ancient floor, practically yielding to his every word.
Now at his feet, you remained on your knees, sore palms resting on your thighs, you looked up at him eagerly, a soft smile upon your face. If he thought he could taunt or debase you, he should reconsider.
"Satisfied yet, my dearest?" You meekly interject, your smile growing brighter.
"Not yet. Have you any bright ideas, wife, or must I command you like a hound?"
Although his voice stern, the sly grin remained faintly embedded across his face, and eyebrow perked, eager for your response. Yet your remained endearing, a lustful look across your face, as your hands began to gently make there way up his lean thighs.
"You have worked so tirelessly for the realm, and yet your wife remains lonesome, in her own company. From time to time, my husband is too busy fulfilling the duties of the realm, he seems to have forgotten his duty to his wife. Leaving me to touch myself so desperately... I suppose, I must remind him."
Now your hands reached the buttons of his trousers, Aemond bucks his hips forward, as you undo them, pulling them and his under garments just low enough, that his bare cock strings out. Already glistening at its tip, the sight always left you dumbfounded. His length was greater than average, and veiny, you could sense its palpating throbs against the soft palms of your hands, as you began to stroke its firm state.
"Already hard for me, my Prince. Have you missed me so?"
His pre-cum already spilling from the pinkish tip, you'd noticed the more fasten your pace grew, the firmer his grip tightened on the metal arm rests of the throne. His once-steady breathing now heavier.
"Fuck Y/N. Don't keep me waiting."
A sweet giggle escaped your lips, as his eye and the sapphire gem remained fixated on your kneeling frame below his knees. Soon enough, still massaging his hardening cock, you ease yourself between his thighs, spreading his legs out wider for you to adjust yourself. His wish, his command, you brought your mouth to his cock, in the same, sensual pace, sucking at his cock, feeling the throbs and familiar taste in your mouth.
"Seven fucking Hells," He breathlessly huffed, his chest now heaving against your slow, engulfing motions.
It was undeniable that the tip of his cock was stiffly hitting the back of your throat, regardless of how often this act was done in the privacy of your shared chambers, his length was one you could never quite adjust to, often gagging at it, although now you'd grown familiar to manoeuvre and angle it accordingly.
"That tight, pretty mouth of yours, oh, how I've missed it."
It had been a while since Aemond and yourself had shared these intimate moments only lawful between a man and his woman, since the uprising of the war. The Gods were now charitable, for both your favours were being met.
"Mmm. F-Fuck I'm close, Princess. Straightened up."
The thudding of his hard, long cock you could feel had grown tenser. Pulling out, caused a visceral reaction from him, as you once more, obeyed his command, straightening your posture enough, that the cleavage of your breasts was the main attraction between his thighs. Immediately, he hastily spilled his warm seed over your breasts, causing a mess all over you, some of his wetness had seeped in between the cleavage, whilst the rest glistened against your soft skin, before pooling down, drenching your garments.
"A masterpiece if I ever saw one," He chuckled, as his thumb tenderly wiped away at the remnants lingering over the corner of your moist lips.
"Aemond, I need you dearest," You sulkily yearned, a hand clutching to your clothed cunt, feeling yourself beginning to grow avid, as a long, familiar feeling brew between your thighs.
"Up- Come, my dearest-" His hand smacked against his thigh, as the other held your hand in is lifting you up, guiding you to ease yourself down over him: hastily pulling your layered gown up and tearing your undergarments into two, his firm cock easily finding its way inside of you.
Muffled moans helplessly tore through you, once again, the neediness for your husband's cock, and the long-awaited wait, stimulating you enough. His wetness that coated him, helped to ease himself plunging in, now adjusted, your hips beginning to sway forwards and back over his strong lap, his rough hands held you firmly by the waist, steadying you over him.
"I ought to fuck you senseless, leave you satisfied enough for until the next time I return from battle. Perhaps I ought to fuck a babe into you, my dearest."
Still childless, it was all bad-timing for only a few months after your wedding, the war broke out and Aemond was caught in the haste of it all. He scarcely had time to bed you, although now that his family numbers were dwindling, it seemed a babe was of great importance, an heir for the Prince Regent.
"Y-Yes, Aem- I want your child."
"Your wish is my command, wife. I shall see you swell greatly with child, as many sons and daughters as I see fit."
Earning more helpless cries and screams for your husband, the room echoed with your pleas and Aemond's heavy breathing. You were certain the guards posted outside, would know of the events unfolding from within, and yet no shame. For they'd have to answer to Aemond, and that itself, was a threat.
"Fill this pretty cunt of yours, this cunt that belongs to me. I shall keep you full, as need be."
"A-As you desire, m-my Prince-"
One of Aemond's hands remained supporting your lumbar, snaking its way behind, and the other found its way to your scalp, tugging and pulling at your hair, as your head rocked back in tune to his aggressive motions. Words no longer comprehensible to exchange, Aemond's lips found themselves occupied, lapping and suckling at the sensitive crook of your neck, leaving harsh, red marks across your skin.
"Finish me, Aem. I-I need you to fill me-"
The excitement that had brewed in anticipation for this monumental moment, had finally met its need. Your sweet, hot cum pooled over his sturdy, long cock inside, pooling beneath your gown, and in response, evoked the same pleasurable reaction from your husband. Feeling his hot seed once more, shooting itself inside, coating your walls. You felt certain a child was procreated in that precise moments, though regardless, would pray to the Gods to grant you the chance to bear a healthy babe.
Huffing and puffing, hot, perspiring skin against each other, resting your foreheads against one another, almost in sync, you both exchanged faint, genuine laughter.
"I-I have missed you my dearest. It pains me so, to be away from you so often and for so long. I cherish these moments with you, even catching you lingering in the shadows, watching me."
His sweet words warmed your meek heart, and you knew that your husband was apologetic in some sense, even if he struggled to admit it.
"I know my love, but soon enough, a war always comes to an end. Just be sure, I have you returned to me in one piece, and at my beckon call."
A deep, low chucked echoed from deep inside him, as he bashfully looked down, before returning his sole gaze unto you, your fingers toying with long strands of his platinum hair.
"Even if the Gods have other plans, I will defy them for you, always. I promise to return to you, and if the Mother is willing, a babe in your arms. I love you."
general taglist - @evenstaris @chompchompluke @fan-goddess @malfoytargaryen @ilikeitbetterangsty @bibli0thecary @m1ndbrand @randomdragonfires
Aemond taglist - @godrakin @megatardisbaby @harrypotteranna23-blog
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malereadermaniac · 10 months
Too Trusting ~ Ben Florian x Male Reader
You're a part of the VK's, Mother Gothel's son
Mal doesn't like Ben at all, but all the others do, you a little more than the others
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Goodness class was awfully boring
But having your friends with you made it tolerable
What made it better was running into the soon-to-be king, Ben
Ben and you had a rocky friendship, Mal made it tough for you and the other VK's to get along with him
But you still tried your best, joking with him and having witty conversations before they were interrupted by either Audrey getting jealous or Mal dragging you away
But luckily the two of you shared 'history of magic' and sat by each other after Ben generously volunteered to sit by you when you moved to Auradon
You two did pay attention to the class but you talked a lot
About the island, about your mother, about the VK's, and about relationships....
Ben felt comfortable around you
It was different to how he felt around other guys like Chad
And very different to how he felt with Audrey
He'd said he felt as if he "were walking on egg shells around her"
One day, after Ben noticed that it was always Mal that dragged you away, he decided to ask you about it
"Are you and Mal a thing?" Ben asked innocently
You blush
"What? Haha no way!" You chuckle at his question
"Was my question that ridiculous?" Ben asks, smiling but slightly embarrassed
"I mean, kind of? Because I'm gay, Ben" you say as you keep chuckling, writing down whatever the fairy-godmother was saying
"Ah- I never noticed!" Ben says with an apologetic look
"Don't worry haha.... The fashion on the island is very similar to gay Auradon fashion so it must be hard to tell the difference"
After class Ben and you kept chatting until Audrey shouted from across the hall
"Benny-boo! I'm waiting for you to walk me to lunch!" She shouts with that headache inducing high-pitched voice
"Guess I've got to go"
"I guess you do Benny-boo~" you tease and the two of you laugh as he leaves
"You two seem to have hit it off"
"AH! M-Mal... ew no I'm like... just pretending haha" you jump as you notice Mal behind you
"Sure... Listen I have a plan on how to get the wand" She says in a mocking tone
"I'm listening"
"A little birdie told me that the King's partner sits front row at the coronation, and they bring the wand out during coronation"
"I don't get it.... ARE YOU GONNA DATE KING BEAST?! Mal he has a wife..."
"Are you stupid.... No I mean the King to be, as in Ben" Mal says with a smile
"Oh... Are you planning to date Ben? He's dating Audrey" you say with a confused look
"No I'm not, I can't stand him... You are! You're going to spell him!"
"WHAT!? I can't do that, you may not like him, Mal but I do and I don't wanna spell him to fall for me" you say with grimace on your face
"Oh come on! (Y/n) I can clearly see you like him, just indulge in your own desires for once! You're mother would be disappointed in how selfless you are" Mal went in for the kill with that one
"Oh shut up... Fine I'll do it, but you're helping me"
"Obviously, I can't trust you to make spelled brownies, I can't trust you to even make regular brownies" She chuckles and the two of you giggle as you walk away
The tub of brownies was in your bag, it was time for history of magic again
"Today's topic is Villain magic" you could feel everyone look at you when the fairy-godmother said that
"Can you do any, (y/n)?" Ben asks you
You blush at the question
"Good question, Ben! (Y/n) would you mind coming up here and explaining it to us?"
The FGM must be some kind of sadist because you were in physical pain as you walked up to the front of the class
You explained the basics of villain magic, and how it derives from their origins and was adapted to their own persons
Then you mention yours being the same as your mother's, deriving from the song she sang to rapunzel
After class, Ben questioned you constantly
"So how does it work??"
"Is it only one song or multiple?"
"Can you sing me a spell??"
"Why don't you sing more often?"
After answering most of his questions you see Mal out of the corner of your eyes, miming towards your bag
"Oh by the way! I made you something for the big game" you say with a smile as you pull out the brownies
"Oh thank you but I don't eat before games"
"Oh I get it don't worry"
"It's nothing against you it's just my-"
"No no I get it don't trust a villains kid and all" you cut deep, you and to, Mal was counting on you and so was your mother
"What no it's not like that!" Ben says with a worried look on his face, the last thing he wants to do is offend you
"Ben I understand don't worry abou-" but the blonde interrupts you as he takes the brownie out of your hand and immediately eats it
" *Shee I Twust Yew* " he says with his mouth full
After he swallows the whole brownie, you look st him with a worried look but quickly hide it with a smile
"So how do you feel? Are they good?" You test the waters
"I feel great... You look great- I mean they taste great!" He mumbles, his eyes never leaving yours
God was he attractive, the way he immediately ate the brownie after he felt he'd offended you.... He's too Trusting but that makes him that much hotter you
After the madness of the game and his love proclamation ensues, Ben and you start dating
You feel incredibly guilty
For spelling him of course, but mostly for enjoying it
So after many dates and nights together, you had enough
You loved him so much, and he loved you but it didn't feel real - probably because it wasn't
So one day, when he begged you to show him a spell, you decided to try break the spell on him
"Fine, I'll try and spell you, happy?" You say faking annoyance
"Finally!" He says happily and gives you a kiss on the cheek
You blush and smile, but feel ill on the inside
This was it, you think to yourself what the correct spell for this situation was and then began
🎶Isn't it just so pretty to think, all along there was some invisible string, tying you to me ~~~~ but something must've changed, it isn't pretty to think all the love from that golden string has been drained🎶
(Ignore me shittily trying to include taylor swift)
Ben goes quiet for a second
'Did it work??' You think to yourself
"So? Am I a frog now??" Ben jokes
"Haha... clearly I'm out of practice, the spell failed" you chuckle with s glum smile
"That's fine, my boyfriend doesn't need to be amazing at everything, just most things" he jokes
He kisses you again, on the lips this time
You hate that you love it so much
After more dates and more troubles ensuing, the day of the coronation arrived
You hadn't told Mal about trying to break the spell
But she had suggested to break the spell after taking the wand anyway
After the troubles of the coronation happening, you meet once again with Ben
This time at the enchanted lake
"I baked you brownies again! For after our date" you say with a smile
You wanted one last perfect date with him
"Oh I'm starving, I'll have them now!"
"W-Wait! Swimming on a full stomach isn't the best idea you know I-" you were trying to grab the brownies back as Ben chuckles
However he scoffs them down as quick as he can as he laughs
"Crap... Do youuuu feel fine?" You ask with a worried look
"Umm yeah I guess? But let's give the reverse love spell some time to work, let's go back to our date!" Ben nonchalantly says
"Yeah that's a good idea.... wait what?" You look into his eyes with a worried, scarred look
"How long have you know?!" You shout
"Since you tried to spell we with a song, I didn't expect you to reverse Mal's love spell" Ben says with a chuckle
"I'm so sorry, you must think so lowly of me and you should do it was-" you apologise profusely but get interrupted by a kiss
"I'm not mad, (Y/n)..."
"You're not?"
"Nope, clearly you liked me but Audrey was keeping you from getting with me"
"Yeah..." you say with a sad smile
"Honestly I'm kind of thankful, I never realised I also liked guys and also how bad of a girlfriend Audrey was haha"
"I'm glad! I'm guessing this means you wanna call off our date?" You say with a bittersweet tone
"Of course not! Didn't you hear me earlier, I said we should get back to our date"
"Really??" You say in shock
"Definitely, come swim with me, my dear boyfriend (y/n)~"
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chaoticspeedrun · 1 year
Hi! I'm Chaos/Chaotic and I'm currently writing for Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles, to shut up my rants you can block the #Chaos shut up tag!
Ask box status: OPEN
Requests status: CLOSED
Rules for requests!
Discord server!
List of fics, art and games under the cut:
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Rise! Leo
Anastasia AU [Interactive Fic] - ONGOING (2/5)
An interactive fanfiction game available on itch.io to be played on browser, no need to download.
It has been years since you woke up in the Witch town orphanage, with memory loss and no place else to call home, now in a quaint place just off the road towards the now Hidden city or city of the Haunted as the locals call it.
But you know there must be someone waiting for you out there, you had a family, the old relic you've held onto promises so, you just have to find it.
Romanceable characters: Leonardo, Donatello.
Rise! Leo x GN reader, Reader wants to do this huge project themselves instead of relying on their friends, but Leo is dead set on helping them. Fluff and slight angst.
Hold my hand before I break his face
Rise! Leo x Fem reader, Leo and you are getting ready for your date when his ex makes an appearance. Can be read by itself but goes along with the headcanons of Leo with his first girlriend.
Leo was touchy with you, but he only seems to realize when he starts braiding your hair.
Leo with his first girlfriend
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Rise! Donnie
The little merturtle AU - COMPLETE
[5 chapters]
Prince Donatello was the third of four brothers, the prince of an underwater yokai city, but he has always been searching for something else far more interesting than the mystic arts he is used to, he wants to know everything about the human world, their traditions, their creations...But when he finds himself entranced by a human it might just be the last push he needs to make his dream of exploring the land a reality.
You are an extremely curious person, and Donnie loves indulging you, maybe he loves it so much because it's you he answers to.
Trust fall
Donnie fell in love with you slowly but steadily, he would have trusted you with his life, which is why finding out you were working with a villain was too hard of a hit to take.
[Lovers to enemies to lovers]
Donnie with his first girlfriend
Donnie, yokai! reader with a tail
King Boo! Donnie [For Sweaterrat]
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Rise! Raph
Break like glass
Raph's been keeping his distance, treating you too softly since the Kraang, you're determined to let him know he doesn't have to.
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All Turtles
A masterlist to post updates, progress, art, questions and playable versions of the game when available.
Chirps and churrs
Tooth-rotting fluff with the turtles churring in happiness around you and you surprising them with your own adorable reaction.
The way I love you
Tooth-rotting fluff on how they each realize they are falling for their male best friend.
Turtles with a shy S/O
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Two kings (prologue)
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Summary: You have fallen in love with the king of Brooklyn. When your wedding day arrives, there is much more to discover about the man you fell in love with than you thought...
Pairing: Prince!Steven Grant Rogers x Princess!Reader  
Warnings: angst, modern royal au, mentions of destruction/war/fighting/mystery, dystopian world (kinda), royals bashing (kinda), no dialogue in the beginning
A/N: Please consider this is a short prologue to get to know more about the world the reader is living in. It’s necessary to understand a few aspects of the story. We are living in modern times, but in a dystopian/post war world.
Two kings masterlist
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Five decades ago, ...
Blood was staining the ground fifty years ago; feeding the world with more pain and hatred of those who had fallen.
Millions of lives were lost. A war without sense. Doomsday. Final tick of the clock.
With governments and armies losing battle after battle, the ones with royal blood raised their swords again.
Modern times have taken away their rightful place in society. They just had to wait for their chance to get it back. Hidden in the shadows they planned on taking over the world once again.
Their knights stood tall by their kings' and queens’ sides, fighting down the enemy threatening to eat their world alive. An enemy this world hadn't faced for centuries.
Enemies from a different time. The forgotten ones. Their history has been banished from history books.
Revenge of the second sons. The spare. Greedy corpses wanting to get their hands on the crowns their heads never felt.
Dark Age reanimated. Brutal. Deadly. Bloody.
It took more than five years and more losses – but the war was won.
Only winning always comes with a price. One that everyone agreed to pay.
An awful price paid with blood and death.
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Today, age of seven, …
You always wondered how the world before the world war tearing it apart was alike.
Love. Freedom. Free will.
Did you have all of this? Was life better back then, when the powerful didn’t decide how you must live your life?
Of course, your father and your tutors tried to teach you about history. Reading about the world you lost before you were even born is just not the same.
You’re only a child, but you know there are rules that must be followed.
Rules you cannot break. Not even as a princess.
“Bunny Boo,“ your father tuts as you stick your nose into another book. “Y/N, you know today is important to our kingdom.”
You close the book, sighing deeply. “I know, daddy.”
“Today I’m not daddy, Bunny Boo,” he crouches down next to your chair to pat your knee. “Around our guests you must call me your majesty. You remember our lectures?”
You recite your tutor's words, "I should act like a princess today. I’ll make you proud your majesty. I remember every word. I promise to be respectful and well-behaved.”
“I know you will,” he runs his hand over your head. “You are my pride and the apple of my eye. One day, you will become queen and rule this kingdom.”
If not a brother will take my place," you remind your father. He smiles softly. You’re too young to understand that a male heir won’t take your place in his heart. Only the throne. “Who will come today, daddy? I forgot.”
“I’ll tell you on the way,” he softly says. “First we need to change into something new. You cannot run around in your shirt and jeans.”
As you drop your eyes to your chest, you reply, "But I like the bees on my shirt. They are cute and help the flowers.”
“For me, Bunny Boo," your father says as he gets back on his feet. “I’ll be waiting for you outside.”
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“Hey, you cannot pick the flowers," you say as you let go of your mother's hand to move toward the roses. A boy just picked three red roses and now you are furious. “These are my mom’s flowers.”
As he looks at you sheepishly, he replies, "They're nice.”
“You can’t just…” you stomp your foot. “Who are you? How dare you rip my mom’s flowers out?"
“Sorry,” he looks at the flowers in his hands. The boy is a little elder and taller than you but oddly he shies away as you get closer to him. “I wanted to pick some flowers for the princess. My father said she likes flowers.”
“You want them for the princess?”
He nods. "I forgot the gift my mother bought for the princess. Dad was mad and I wanted to get some flowers to make up for the forgotten gift.”
“You’re an odd boy,” you giggle. “You want to give me my mom’s flowers?”
“You are the princess?” his cheeks redden as you look him up and down.
He grins and hands you the flowers. “Princess Y/N, it’s an honor to meet you,” he bows. “I’m Prince Steven Grant Rogers. Will you give me the honor to show me around the gardens?"
“Only if you promise to stop stealing flowers…”
>> Part 1
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Tags in reblog.
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thereaderinsertlady · 9 months
'Quest Tober (31/31)
What is this?
'Quest tober is an event where people can request fics for a certain time period! I usually like to challenge myself, aaand I've certainly been slacking on regular requests, so I figured I'd give this a go for a second time. You may request anything, as long as it goes along with the rules in the pinned guidelines. Send a PM or ask if you're not sure about something, or if there's a character you think I might do and or have done before but isn't up there.
Are there any specific rules or notes for this event?
Only a handful:
If you want to submit a request for this event you MUST have something orange in it or an emoji that follows the Halloween theme 🎃👻👽. Ooor something else that lets me know that your request is for this event, such as... 'hey, this request is for the 'Quest-Tober event,' etc etc.
You can only submit ONE request to give other people a chance to request too.
There are only THIRTY ONE (31) request slots available for this event. Once the title above reaches (31/31) I won't be taking requests for this event anymore, so request while you still can!
Where will the event's fics be?
I will post all fics on tumblr and onto my ao3 as soon as I get done with it for that day. Down below will be the fics that have been requested and what specific day they'll be posted on in October.
Requested Fics (Whoops didnt have time to finish all of them, will post them when ready![by the end of the year])
1- aliencatwafers: Elder Princess Shroob x Reader
2- rosepetalmoon: Escargoon x Reader 💞💞
3- ladysegagenesis: Vivian x Reader 😎
4- darkmelodie: Snatcher x Reader
5- snarlesofthesewers: Snatcher x Reader 🙌
6- shegariowmyamo: The Conductor & heem spouse
7- pastell-nerd: Nastasia & Reader
8- Anon: Dimentio x Reader nsfw 🥳
9- pyropikmin: King K. Rool x Reader
10- Anon: Antasma x Reader (spicy)
11- Anon: Gaster x Male Reader (also spicy)
12- Anon: Meta Knight x Reader (also also spicy)
13- drc00l4tt4: Melvinborg x Reader 🥺
14- Anon: Geno (smrpg) x Reader
15- Anon: Jevil x Reader x Dimentio (I,, love da clowns,,,)
16- profoundlytenaciousgalaxy: King Boo x Reader
17- valerian-insomniac: Prince (not-ghost Snatcher) x Reader
18- caleb-schoolaltt: demon-Melvinborg x gn Reader (🥺)
19- thereaderinsertlady: Jax (from the amazing digital circus) x Reader 🥺 ss mai birfdaay present to myself
20- Anon: Lovesick~Melvinborg x Male Reader
21- Anon: Duke Erisia x Reader (spiccy. I have no clue who this character is BUT i wamnted to give him a try because he looked cool 🥺)
22- Anon: King K. Rool & Reader (familial)
23- euibwwfbe: Antasma x Reader
24- jester-addict: Dimentio & Reader
25- Anon: Bowser x Reader
26- fruitytiff: Antasma x Reader (beloved bat 🥺,,)
27- notacloudofsage: King Boo x gn Reader
28- Nicky-angelcipher-universe: Reader insert crossover between BATIM & Security breach
29- Commentersspice: Antasma x Dimentio (:0 havent seen this shipped before. Unique!)
30- Anon: Beat x Reader 🥺🥺😳
31- Anon: Antasma x Dreambert
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Uh so I told LoveBunny, a cosplayer from Tiktok who is working on a Mario themed series (iykyk), that I'd write MarioLore smut and can I just say:
I will be delivering on that promise.
Here are a few ideas and ships I have:
Peach x Toadette
Toadette x Chompette
King Boo x Male Party Goer (it might be a reader insert but there's specifically a side character whis name I don't know (I don't think he has a name, Ken plays him) and I ship him and king boo despite knowing that their relationship would merely be to fuck around)
Rosalina x toadette
And finally
Rosalina x King Boo
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broken-glass-puppet · 2 years
Hi, could I request bowser reacting to the Male!reader popping up at the castle instead of mario? But the twist is the reader isn't human and is like 9'5, multiple arms, random spikes, and has scales for hair(but like it'd sticking out of his head) and he isn't actually there for peach but instead he needed to talk to them both(since he's a prince). Sorry if it's alot 😅
Let's say you are their first bisexual panic for both of them
They are, surprised non the less
What the fuck are you
Oh no he's hot
Maybe peach is not interested in Mario anymore and maybe Bowser isn't interested in peach anymore
Oh so you are a prince, YES THEY HAVE A CHANCE WITH YOU OMG
You are super tall and like super handsome, they don't know what to do
You can take both, no, not in a fight
Bitch you have multiple arms for a thing
Obviously you were surprised because of their reaction about you and you height
For everyone's surprise you are such a sweetheart and a gentleman with everyone
But what are you? You aren't human so...what the fuck are you..
You kinda look intimidating
C'mon you are like fucking tall, don't tease them
Haha both of them are such a blushing messes
Bowser admires you a lot and peach thinks you are so cool
You talked to them about some things happening in your kingdom and you asked them for help but you asked Bowser if he could free peach since she needs to take care of her kingdom
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goobiegoobert · 2 years
Ok yes no im dead..everyone literally ignored asgore LIKE WHAAAAT not only tumblr but tiktok,youtube,ao3 and everywhere else TT like when i told my friends if they heard the name undertale they went "oh you mean sans?" ASGORE
but awweh imagine going on a date with him just you resting ur head on his chest after you two are done drinking tea and watching anime cuz I said so and him playing w ur hair
I have some words w this fandom
OH THANK GOD I WAS READY DO DO EVERYTHING AGAIN but I can't..my..doggy..can't leave ma boy alone smh
HAH I would help u with that..mcpeepaw..no-
Oh btw is ur Internet okay now? Just curious and obviously not hormny
Wonderful you came by..
A/n: Yknow I had to do it man,, it was too good of an opportunity not too, but my internet is still out so I won't be able to post anything huge but I can post smaller stuff!!
Warnings: None!!! Simply pure fluff drabble guys ily all
[ masc!reader | masc pronouns used ]
With the sun dropping down behind the mountains and moon in the horizon it didn't take much convincing for a resigned king to drop the shears in a now empty watering can to simply stare at the lovely marigolds, stroked by the gentle light as if the world seemed to praise the flowers lovely existence, it caused the monster to let out a deep rumble in response catering back. Albeit odd to some within the gardens he'd spent day and night slaving over for the school their ex-wife taught at. The mere thought sent a twinge of melancholic memories to their poor mind, but it did remind the goat about something further important then twiddling his thumbs about the past.
You.. Oh, his darling, such a sweet boy you were truly. Wondering back into his mind like a tidal wave melted all feeling from his body only to shiver in the chilled air, but he seemed to be growing quite warm in the face with slight color peeking from beneath his sheen white fur. Brushing it off only to become more giddy with their movements as Asgore rushed to put away their tools for tomorrow and begin walking down the street back home, eager to see their little guy stare up at him with those lovely doe eyes, that somehow always seemed to be filled with pure adoration towards the king, oh truly did they feel smitten toward his human.
No matter how you two started, with the distaste and solemn sadness plastered in his being when you'd walked into the flower shop. Only for it to morph in confusion after pushing the bouquet you'd asked for far too many opinion on back into Asgore's hands after paying. Back then the certain fondness the boy had sent him before walking out without much more had left them wondering if you'd come back, and then you had. Every other Wensday you'd walk into the shop to buy flowers from him just to never accept it after paying no matter how much Asgore had seemed to insist upon you taking them. It became routine until the point he'd stop even asking you and plopping them into a vase next to the register with fondness, at least until not showing up for ovee half a year. It was so lonely as each Wensday at 5pm they'd sit in the shop simply awaiting you to walk through those doors just to rest you elbows on the counter with buttercups in hand as you'd compliment the shirt he'd put on that day.
It wasn't until Spring the next year Asgore would be graced to see the boy, who had them hooked from the first honey sweet compliment spilled from your lips slow like molasses driving them mad with curiosity and a certain sadness when it all seemed to go away, but what a joy it was after slipping into the store silently to walk up and hold out flowers you'd been growing in your own backyard in attempts to impress the retired king did realization hit them. Though once he did his precious baby boy pressed many kisses along their face passing soft praise and sweet nothings!
The ingrained memory always seemed to paint a lopsided smile on Asgore's face, once gaining sight of your shared home it took much restraint to simply sprint to the door no matter how much pain it'd cause later. Though with your previous scolding in mind the king had taken their time before breezing inside the home silently as to surprise you, but what he didn't expect was snacks to be on the coffee table and a warm blanket to be on the large couch as a TV was playing those add cartoons with a low volume almost sounding like static to their ears. Asgore couldnt help but feel his heart thump within their ribcage at the sight of you buried between the blankets sleeping peacefully.
Slipping off their shoes next to the couch and trying to lower themselves down beneath the covers with you only to have you stir away with bleary eyes from sleep to have a soft fondness at him being there. Oh such a sweet boy you were, after a few moments of you pressing small kisses to the back of the kings hands and a soft yawn you'd moved to sit in their lap with your legs splayed to once side resting your head on Asgore's chest to listen to their soft heartbeat gently drafting back into a blank nothingness of comfort. It wasn't perfect, nor did you two speak many words. But Asgore wouldn't trade times like this with you for the world.
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eyeless-cunt · 3 years
King Boo x male reader, if it is okay? Do with this what you will. - PSP
TW/CW: So far, none. Just some sexual(?) jokes on my part, nothing too serious.
So what if your tastes are a little vile? A tad bit evil, if you will? So what if the…thing(?) you’re into is a nefarious little bastard. Perhaps it’s okay. Maybe not normal, but okay. He’s a spooky man(?) that owns his own castle and kingdom and as fas as I’M concerned, that’s more than half of what I even wanted to pull in the first place.
Maybe you’re not into the whole dead look. Maybe it’s the huge tongue. Or the evil glint in his eyes that tells you he’s a rat bastard. Personally, those are all my favorite parts. I’m sure you can guess why.
And Boo isn’t too romantic with his partners, but I swear he makes up for it. With what I’m not sure, but it’s probably something. I would say it’s his actions but unfortunately he’s the type of man(?) to kick a pregnant woman. Maybe that’s part of his charm. Maybe it’s the tongue. It’s the tongue for me.
Talking to anyone is not his strong suite. Communication is a chore and eye contact is…well…hard. Maybe he’d try to do better for you and your relationship but at the same time I’m not too sure he’d see enough of a problem with his actions to actually go through with trying to better this part of himself. He’s just difficult. Not easy to be with. Hopefully the tongue makes up for his shortcomings.
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forthehpfanboys · 4 years
Soft Side
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Pair: James Potter x Reader; he/him.
Summary: James doesn’t let his soft side show in fear of being teased and certainly doesn’t let it known that he’s been crushing on his best mates brother. But one day, it slips free, Sirius finds out and he gets to go stargazing- Not too bad.
Warnings: Cute? Lowkey trash?? I’m sorry- I tried-
Notes: So.. I had no idea what to put for the gif- so here’s this. I’ll edit this tomorrow. Pick your house!
If there was one thing James Potter wanted to keep secret, it was his love for all things soft. Soft stuffies, soft people, soft blankets, soft sweaters- everything soft. He knew he’d be absolutely dominated by teases and jokes if his bestest of friends were to ever find out so he never let it show. That is until he met you. You managed to take his soft side and rip it from the deep confides of his soul and layer it above his loud, prankster personality. He loved and hated it. When he was with you, he just wanted to make you flower crowns or read to you during a thunderstorm by candle light.
The hardest part of all of this was you weren’t his. Not yet, anyway. You weren’t really dating anyone and chose to focus on your very important studies. While you weren’t necessarily the best friends with the group self proclaimed as the Marauders, you were blood related to Sirius, more specifically his younger brother. So that was just another kink in the chain of James’ feelings. 
I mean- who could actually fall for his best friend’s brother? Bloody James Potter. He thought sourly as he gazed at you across the dining table. Sirius had his arm wrapped around your shoulder, whispering gossip to you, probably about Snivellus or maybe Remus, but that didn’t matter. What mattered was how you covered your mouth and laughed into your hand. The raven haired student could genuinely hear you laugh, have that laugh be the only noise he hears until he dies, and he’d be content, hell, even happy about it.
“So, Potter? What’s the plan for today?” Sirius spoke up, returning said males thoughts to the blank paper laid across the table. At some point, your eyes had flickered to his, and he would swear to the heavens he could see the stars sparkling in your irises- even if that’s cheesy. 
“Well, I-” He closed his textbook quickly and slid it away from him. He didn’t really think this far ahead so he didn’t know. He ran his finger tips along the tan parchment that the Marauders desperately wished would show Hogwarts in its entirety to them. “I didn’t plan anything yet.” 
“Boo!” Sirius called out, smirking and winking at some Ravenclaw bird that passed by the table. “Ah, come on. I thought we’d go pick on Sniv-” He let out a groan, pulling his arm away from you to wrap them around his stomach, where you’d elbowed him.
“Stop calling him that, Sirius. He’s not a bad guy, in fact, he’s just like you, greasy hair and all.”  You snickered, watching your brother curl in on himself. That was another thing he really liked about you. You managed to reel Sirius back when he was going too far and control him, somehow. You were the only man Sirius ever listened too and it amazed James to such a degree. What magic did you hold that allowed you to stop this curly haired idiot and how does he get some? 
“Why not, Chortle?” James smirked, trying to shove the love-sick grin that was desperate to spread across his lips down into non existence. He let out his own laugh when you kicked his shin lightly. 
“Well, James, if you must know, bullying the kid for no reason is a major jerk move! Slytherin’s aren’t that bad!” You ignored James’ and Siruis’ gasp of shock. “Besides, you guys have got to stop giving everyone terrible nicknames!” You grinned at him, causing his cheeks to tint a soft pink. “All of your nicknames suck royal hippogriff!” 
“That is not true and you know it!” James flicked his dry quill at you, his eyes wide in fake shock. “I am the Nickname King at this table, (Y/n)! If you don’t like it, you won’t be a part of the Marauders anymore.” He genuinely thought it was a cute nickname- your animagus was a hyena, after all. He thought it fit.
“First of all, I came up with the group name, you git! Second of all- no! Do not interrupt me! Second of all, I also came up with Moony AND Padfoot! You came up with Prongs! What the hell is a prong?” You joking yelled out, standing up and leaning on the table to poke his nose. James felt his blush double and was really praying no one noticed, but judging by the way Sirius was smirking at him, he knew. James’ eyes jumped between your brothers smirk and your dizzying smile.
“Well, I came up with Chortle.” James chewed on the inside of his lip, trying to ignore how his heart was speeding up in his chest. Please stop being cute- James let out a silent sigh of relief when you finally sat down and hoped your brother was smart enough to keep his mouth shut. The odds were not in James’ favor. 
“Yeah, and it’s Gods awful, Prongs.” Sirius spoke up, leaning over the table some. “Maybe something like ‘love’ is more fitting for him, hmm?”
“Watch it, Padfoot.” James spat out, his hands curling into fists under the table. This was what he didn’t want. He didn’t want Sirius knowing or Remus knowing and definitely didn’t want you know he was absolutely smitten over you. You’d probably laugh at him, or hate him, or never speak to him again and he couldn’t handle that.
“What? I’m just trying to help my best mate notice the obvious cru-” Sirius shut up the exact moment James slammed his hands down on the wooden table.
“Shut it, Sirius.” He spat out again before throwing one leg over the bench, followed by the other and storming out of the dining hall, shoving his way right past Remus, who had just walked close to the table. He ignored the soft brunette's call after him and the echoing ‘what did you do?” made by the same voice. He ran his hands through his hair as he walked out of the school. “Bullocks- that- Ugh- mangy dog-” He grumbled to himself as he strutted across the courtyard, ignoring the swooning birds on the sidelines and heading straight down the stone steps to the Black Lake. 
The young male in specks made a beeline straight toward the weeping willow, successfully ducking to avoid a branch before poking the knot on the bark to help it relax. He leaned against the harsh bark, his gaze casted over the reflective water. He let out a sigh, finding the harsh rays of sun far to warm for his liking. He took off his Gryffindor robe, throwing it onto one of the lower hanging branches before pulling his sweater over his head, forcing his glasses to become askew. 
Once they were fixed, he set the setter next to the robe and allowed gravy to pull him to the ground. He crossed his legs into a knot as he rolled up his sleeves, still trying to actively avoid the unforgiving warmth. The male was just happy the tree was providing a nice spot of shade for him to relax under. He pushed his glasses up again, a sigh leaving his lips while he pressed his back against the bark.
James whipped his head around, seeing you kind of popping out from beside the tree with a smile that had his heart stopping. 
“Hey! Wha- um- What are you doing down here? Shouldn’t you be reading or studying or doing some academic even though you get the best marks of our year?” As he spoke, his head slowly lifted and his back straightened up away from the wood; he didn’t want you thinking he was a slob. His brown eyes jumped around behind the lenses, before they settled on your absolutely captivating (e/c) ones. His eyes followed yours as you sat down next to him, shedding your house robe to relieve the warmth you were also feeling. He found himself staring at your cute lips and even cuter pink cheeks. Oh, Merlin, he had it bad. Under the shady tree, it felt hotter the closer you got to his side.
“Oh, well, I felt bad for Siri being an absolute twat and decided to apologize for him. So, I’m sorry on his behalf.” You spoke up, plucking a rock free from the dirt and casually throwing it to the water, enjoying the ripple it created. While your gaze was on the lake, his was glued to his cheeks. He took in a stuttering breath before boldly wrapping an arm around your shoulders and tugging you to his side.
“You didn’t have too, Chortle! I’m all set!” He casted a smirk in your direction, praying to Merlin his heart wasn’t audible from his ribcage. His eyes widened when the blush across your face increased ten fold. “You ok?”
“Huh?” You turned toward him, your eyes mimicking a doe’s in pure innocence. “Oh! Yeah, I’m good, just um- Warm!” You couldn’t stop looking at his eyes. God, they reminded you of the forest, not that you’d admit it to his face. He was struggling to turn away from your gaze as well. He felt his lungs physically stop moving when your eyes glanced down at his semi parted lips before popping back up to his, all of it happened so fast. 
“Caaann I help?” James found himself leaning in more, a genuine smile coming up to his lips. He subconsciously tightened his arm around your shoulder, his own eyes flicking down to your lips like it was some kind of signal that he prayed would mean something.
“I think you might be able too, yeah.” You whispered, leaning up ever so slightly. At this point, James’ noose was almost touching yours and he was wondering if you could see your reflection in his glasses, because he could see his own in your eyes. He wanted to say he moved in closer and connected your lips, but he couldn’t say for sure. Judging by how poorly you both actually aimed, you both surged forward. Despite James being desperate for the feeling of your lips against his, the kiss remained softer than silk. His hand cupped your cheek, gently sliding your lips to press against his more effectively 
James pulled away, his grin from before growing wider. His thumb ran across your red cheek. He reached for your hand with his spare one and grasped it as if it was an injured butterfly.
“How long?” His voice was quiet, but sounded almost too loud compared to the gentle silence surrounding the two of you. “When?” He had so many questions, but wanted to focus on the most important ones. 
“2 years now; since you and Sirius turned that one Slytherin statue red and gold.” You let out a soft giggle and leaned into the touch. James realized at this moment you were the softest member of your house and it only had him swooning harder for you. 
“Godric, I love you, (Y/n).” He let out a snort when your eyes widened. “What?” He let go of your cheek and opted for pulling you into his side, effectively starting a snuggle session. 
“Nothing! Just thought you forgot my name. I’m glad you didn’t!” You played with the males fingers. The seeker could never have forgotten your name. It echoed in his dreams, he saw it written in stars, and he heard it everywhere he turned. He literally couldn’t escape it. 
“I’d never forget the name of my love.” Forever the smooth talker. He smiled wider when you let out another bunch of giggles. He would never get tired of that sound. The two of you jumped when someone coughed. You both turned to see Remus and Sirius standing just off to the side, right outside of your peripheral vision.
“Hey! What happened to Marauders before my baby brother?” Sirius put his hands on his waist, a knowing smile spread across his lips. James groaned. He’d rather deal with a Devil's Snare. 
“I’m not your baby brother!” You cried out, your face turning redder than ever. You threw a small rock at your brother, watching it bounce pathetically off his chest. “Merlin.” You grumbled, curling into James’ side.
“Siri, be happy for them!” Remus hit the males chest with a book. “At least it’s out and they can stop swooning in secret.” The werewolf turned back to the new couple. “Besides, they’re cute together.” He stated before walking off, dragging Sirius away by his sleeve. 
“Wait, no, I’m not done teasing my little brother!” 
“Yes, you are. Did you know James had a soft side though?” 
The pair of voices faded as they walked back up the stone steps, allowing the couple to watch the lake reflect the beautiful scenery around it and just chat. The couple didn’t move until the stars replaced the sun and every constellation had been pointed out in the night sky. Sure, it was past curfew, but neither cared. They had each other.
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citronsblog · 3 years
Kaz x male exchange student reader whos the ultimate artist maybe?/
Notes: I cannot tell you guys how much I love this man
Warnings: kazuichi being himself <3 /pos
Characters:Kazuichi Soda
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Kazuichi thinks you are so cool! Not only are you not from here but you can draw?!
He can totally impress you with the knowledge of his home country and show off your drawings to everyone to make your feel special!!! Very cool 😎
Honestly kazuichi saw you drawing something and he was just like;
‘Woah, he’s kinda hot. Woah…. Cool drawing… mmmmm man.’
He thinks your eye candy though so I mean 😏😏
Genuinely loves you a whole bunch, loves to show off in front of you and anytime he ask you to draw out a sketch for a car that he’s working on he gets so swoon! Not only is it super helpful but you helping him!! Makes this man so happy
Will 100% have no shame what so ever of telling everyone who he’s dating!
Mainly cause he doesn’t want someone to try and hit on you ): it would break his ego for about a day
Give him a bunch of kisses though and he will be fine :)
“Hey! S/o! Watch me! Loooookkk!!!”
“Kaz no, you’re going to get hurt if you do tha-“
“S/o will you kiss my boo-boo.”
“….. get over here you lovable idiot.”
He will pamper you 24/7 because you are a king and deserve to be treated like one <3
If it is too much though he will stop!
Kazuichi loves hearing about anything you want to rant about, he also loves it when you let him rant while you draw!
Please draw him something once in awhile, he will literally work extra just to get a fancy frame and frame it
“Gimme kith.”
“Kazuichi Im drawing..”
“>:( kith.”
You do end up giving him a kiss though /pos
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noctuaas · 4 years
synopsis; in this tale of romance, revenge, and treason, you, a beautiful commoner, are set to become the princess of aobajousai. will your one true love be able to save you in time?
pairing; kuroo tetsurou x reader
content; princess bride au (heavily based on both the movie and novel), medieval au, torture, mild violence, drama, fantasy/adventure, murder, minor character death, fem!reader
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PRINCE OIKAWA WAS A MAN of great renown. There wasn’t a person in Aobajohsai that couldn’t recognize him in one swift glance; he walked through the kingdom with a swing in his dainty hips, which contrasted his mighty barrel thighs and broad, sinewy shoulders. His steps were surprisingly soft, and if he wanted to become a ballet dancer, he would probably find surprising success. But Oikawa didn’t want to be a ballet dancer. He wasn’t even in much of a rush to be king (considering he practically ran the kingdom anyway, what with his mother and father being too old and senile to do it themselves). Everything took second place in his affections, save for one thing.
Tracking was his love.
He made it a habit to never let more than a few days go by without tracking something down or training his hounds. It started when he was a young boy, with his parents’ two Irish Wolfhounds—off he would go with them, chasing rabbits through fields to add the stew that the palace cook was making for supper. Before long, he started studying other tracking sports, from fox hunting to coonhunting to even scenting out other humans, and became a talented tracker in each field. Once he was determined, once he focused on a target, the Prince was relentless.
For a while, Prince Oikawa traveled the world, acquiring hounds from the most prestigious lineages and persuading masterful hunters to mentor him. As his skill increased, he took to training and breeding his own dogs, creating Aoban pedigrees that had a name in and of themselves. Unfortunately, travelling consumed time, and the time away from Aobajohsai became increasingly worrying. Oikawa’s father was growing old, and as the only male heir to the throne, it eventually became time for the Prince to return home.
Instead, he took to roaming the Aoban countryside on weekends, accompanied by Count Iwaizumi on the horses he trained. (The Count always was a better horseman than the Prince.) Sometimes they paid visits to the far corners of the kingdom, but more often they stuck to day trips near the castle.
Prince Oikawa was walking out of the barn, two horses in hand, in preparation for one of these trips when news of his father’s health taking a turn made its ultimate intrusion. The sun hadn’t been up long, dew still heavy on the grass, when Count Iwaizumi made his appearance.
“There you are!” the Prince chided him, “You’re running behind, you know?”
(Other nobles of Aobajohsai might have gotten in trouble for such tardiness, but the Count was an exception. After he and the Prince grew up side by side, Iwaizumi was the only person that could raise his voice or lay a hand on Oikawa without consequence.)
“There is news,” Iwaizumi did not bother apologizing.
“Of?” Oikawa handed off the Count’s horse.
“I have the report of your father’s annual physical.”
A pregnant pause.
“He’s dying.”
Prince Oikawa sighed, a frown creasing his otherwise flawless cheeks. He wasn’t surprised by this news—the king’s health had been questionable for years now—but it certainly wasn’t how he would like to have started his morning.
“Well, I guess it’s about time I get married then, huh?”
“Looks to be that way, sire.”
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Four of them met in the great council room of the castle: Prince Oikawa, his greatest confidante, Count Iwaizumi, his father, the aging King, and his evil stepmother, the Queen.
(She wasn’t really evil. In fact, she was actually one of the most beloved people in the kingdom, and had been married to the King since long before he began mumbling. Prince Oikawa had been but a child then, and since the only stepmothers he knew of were the mean ones from fairy tales and bedtime stories, he had decided she must be evil.)
“Alright,” the Prince began once they had all been assembled. “I must marry soon, so we have to pick a bride for me.”
“Yes,” the King said, “I’ve been thinking it was about time we found you a bride.”
(In actuality, he mostly just mumbled it, like, “Yesss, I’ve beennn thumbleee about temmmm wefumbbble bridddde.”)
“You couldn’t be more right, dear,” the Queen patted the King’s shoulder. She was the only person that could decipher his words during these little episodes.
“What did he say?”
“He said whoever we decide on will be getting a wonderfully handsome prince for a lifetime companion,” the Queen replied.
“Ah, well thank you, Father. You’re looking quite well yourself,” Oikawa chuckled back.
“It’s the new miracle maker, I’m sure of it,” the King piped in, wiggling a finger. (It came out mumbled again: “I’ssss the nmumble mumble.”)
“What did he say?”
“He said a man of your importance shouldn’t marry just anyone.”
“I suppose,” Prince Oikawa rested his chin in his hands before sighing.
“What about that Ushijima?” The Queen suggested.
“It would be a good match politically,” Count Iwaizumi admitted, though he knew how much the idea revolted Oikawa.
Prince Ushijima was from Shiratorizawa, the country that lay across the Aoba Channel. (They put it differently in Shiratorizawa; Aobajohsai was the country across the Channel of Shiratorizawa, according to them. The two countries had a history together, spending centuries warring each other. There had been the Rice War, and then the Tuna Fish Discrepancy, which nearly sent both nations into bankruptcy, the Fern Fiasco, which did end up running them fiscally dry, but it was followed by the Great Emerald Boom, during which they both got rich again.)
“He’s a handsome young man, I think we should bring him over for a discussion,” the Queen said. She was always the peacemaker in the royal family, a diplomat through and through.
“No, absolutely not!” cried Prince Oikawa. If it had been any other person, had Ushijima had a sibling or something, perhaps he would have mulled it over, but that wasn’t the case. Oikawa simply could not marry Ushijima.
“There’s no other heirs in any neighboring countries that would benefit us,” Count Iwaizumi reminded him, though he knew it wouldn’t change the Prince’s mind.
“I’ll marry a commoner before I marry that Shiratorizawa filth!”
“Boo, no Shiratorizawa filth!” the King chimed in. (“Booo, numble shumble zumfle!”)
The room quieted for a moment; they seemed to be stuck. Finally, the Count perked up.
“Maybe you can marry a commoner.”
Dead silence again.
“Look, your people have been a bit tense with us nobles the past few years,” the Count continued. “You could bridge the gap by marrying a commoner.”
“A commoner as the princess, what a fun idea!” the King said. (“Commumble as theprimmmble, whumble fum idea!” His words were becoming a tiny bit clearer; he seemed to be coming out of the episode).
“What did he say?” Oikawa still asked.
“Whoever it is must look the part of a noble. They should at least look nice,” said the Queen.
“Of course! I’ll find a commoner so beautiful that when you see them, you stop and stare, and say, ‘Wow, that Prince Oikawa must be some kind of fella to marry someone like that.’ That’s what I’ll do! Search the country, no, search the world!”
Count Iwaizumi furrowed his brow in thought.
“No, I think she is already found,” he said. An uncharacteristic smile crossed his face.
The next day at dawn, the two young noblemen reined in their horses at the hilltop by your farm. Iwaizumi rode a massive black gelding, stout and bulging with muscles. Prince Oikawa rode one of his whites, leaner and elegant. His mare made Iwaizumi’s mount seem like a lowly plow puller.
“She delivers milk from her family’s farm to the market square in the mornings,” Count Iwaizumi told him.
“And she’s truly-not-a-shadow-of-a-doubt-without-question beautiful?” Oikawa asked.
“You calling me a liar?”
“I wouldn’t dare,” Oikawa chuckled.
“She was something of a mess when I saw her,” admitted the Count, still grinning in amusement. “But she was still one of the most beautiful people I have laid eyes on.”
From the bottom of the hill, you appeared, turning your horse (whose name now seems quite ironic) onto the path to the farm. Even from this distance, Oikawa knew Iwaizumi was right.
“I must court my princess, now.”
“Good luck,” the Count teased, unknowing that the Prince might actually need it.
And so the Prince rode on, maneuvering his horse quite expertly down the hill until he was at your side.
You blinked curiously when he approached. You had never seen such a man, riding such a brilliantly shiny horse and wearing such extravagantly crafted clothes.
“Are you Miss (y/n)?”
“I am. Who’s asking?”
“Your prince,” Oikawa grinned a dazzling grin. “I’ve come to ask for your hand in marriage.”
Marriage? You continued riding, with one eyebrow quirked incredulously.
“I’m sorry, sire, but I refuse.”
“You can’t refuse.”
“I just did.”
“But refusal could mean treason, and treason means death,” explained a very confused Prince.
“Kill me then,” you told him.
“But…” the Prince trailed off. For the first time in his life, he was left dumbfounded. Speechless. Shellshocked. He had not been prepared to be turned down, not even slightly.
“But I’m your Prince! And—” Oikawa was beginning to stumble over his words. “And I’m not that bad. How could you rather be dead than married to me?”
“It’s nothing personal, sire,” you soothed his ego. “But marriage involves love, and love has never been particularly kind to me, so I’m sworn to never love again.”
Prince Oikawa’s brows furrowed, creasing his otherwise flawless forehead.
“Love? Who said anything about love?” he said. “Look, here’s the deal. There must always be a male heir to the throne of Aobajohsai. Once my father dies, there will only be a king: me. All I ask is that you marry me so that I can provide a new heir to the throne.”
You stared at him silently.
“You’ll get to be the richest and most powerful woman in the country, and give away turkeys at Christmas and meet people from foreign countries. You could even provide us nobles insight to better help commoners like yourself. So won’t you be my wife?”
You paused again, looking back over at your family’s humble little house. Your father was growing older, and milking the cows everyday was becoming difficult with his aching joints.
“I won’t ever love you.”
“If that is what you wish,” Prince Oikawa said.
“Then by all means, let us marry.”
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thereaderinsertlady · 2 years
Masterlist of Writing K-P
Kaptain Skurvy:
Kaptain Skurvy x Reader - Headcanons
King Boo:
King Boo x Female!Reader - Not Even a 'Hello?' (Smut!)
King Boo x Male!Reader - Not a Wise Idea (Semi-Smut)
King Boo x Reader - The Late-Night Train Home
King Boo x Reader - Finally Home
King Boo x Reader - Scary? No Way!
King Boo x Reader - Headcanons
King Dedede:
King Dedede x Gardner!Reader (Smut!)
King Dedede x Female Eldrich!Reader - Suspicious, Suspicious!
King Dedede x Shy Admirer!Reader - Just Pretend?  
King Dedede x Reader - Pegging?
Yandere!King Dedede x Reader - Meeting You
King Dedede x Reader - Valentine's Day Headcanons
King Dedede x Human!Reader - Headcanons
King Dedede x Reader - Wedding Headcanons
King Dice:
King Dice x Reader - A Small 'Treat' (Smut!)
King K. Rool:
King K. Rool x Reader - Dirty Mouth (Smut)
King K. Rool x Human!Reader - Progress
King K. Rool x Mermaid!Reader - And Sometimes, The First Meeting Is The Worst Meeting
Yandere!King K. Rool x Naga!Reader - 'Napping
King K. Rool x Reader - Valentine's Day Headcanons
King K. Rool x Human!Reader - Romantic and NSFW Headcanons
King K. Rool x Reader - Overprotective Headcanons
King K. Rool x Reader - Worry Headcanons
King K. Rool x Reader - Wedding Headcanons
Knife Guy:
Knife Guy x Reader - Headcanons
Krobus x Reader - Rain Away (Smut)
Krobus x Fairy Farmer!Reader - Headcanons
Krobus x Reader - Dancing Headcanons
Krobus x Reader - Headcanons
Krobus & Reader - Platonic Headcanons
Krusha x Reader - Romanic Headcanons
Luigi & Daughter!Reader- A Bonding Moment  
Mario x Reader - Memories
Mario x Reader - To Marry a Hero
Mario x Reader - The Not-So Good Idea
Marx x Reader - Sure
Marx x Reader - Headcanons:
Melvin Sneedly:
Melvin Sneedly &/x Reader - Headcanons
Melvinborg x Afab but ftm!Reader - Alternative Gift
Melvinborg x Scientist!Reader - Encoder
Melvinborg x Scientist!Reader - Actuator
Melvinborg x Scientist!Reader - Cartesian Coordinate (smut)
Melvinborg x Scientist!Reader - Bug
Melvinborg x Afab but ftm!Reader - Boredom Mitigator (Smut!)
Melvinborg x Reader - Familiar? (Smut!)
Melvinborg x Masculine!Reader - Day Off
Melvinborg x Reader - Cooties
Meta Knight:
Meta Knight x Reader - Silly? Nonsense!
Meta Knight x Reader - Soothing
Mettaton x Reader - Headcanons
UF!Mettaton and Regular Mettaton x Reader - Headcanons
Mugman x Reader - Headcanons
Mustache Girl (A Hat in Time):
Mustache Girl & Reader - A Night out With MU
NME Salesman (Kirby):
NME Salesman x Reader - The... Start of a Plan
NME Salesman x Reader - Headcanons
Praví (Endoparasitic):
Praví x Reader - Precious Cargo
Professor Ratigan:
Professor Ratigan x Reader - Don't Know Where, Don't Know When (Smut)
Professor Ratigan x Reader - Romantic and NSFW Headcanons
Professor Ratigan x Crime Boss!Reader - Romantic and NSFW Headcanons
(Masterlist A-J)
(Masterlist Q-Z)
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