#i love dinner parties and teas and picnics
faeriesuns · 1 year
mmm marinated chicken breasts, roasted garlic butter green beans and potatoes, dinner rolls...I'm so hungry. beef roast with glazed carrots, mixed potatoes, butter rolls...chicken salad..grilled chicken wraps..spaghetti with fresh pasta...homemade cheese raviolis...cheesy garlic bread...shakshuka (?spelling)...stir fry...fresh vegetables and fruit...cheddar broccoli soup...chicken and dumplings...chicken pot pie...fried rice and teriyaki chicken...miso soup... fresh strawberry vinaigrette salads...mm
homemade artisan bread, different types of homemade bread and rolls, lemon blueberry loaf, lemon blueberry muffins, banana nut muffins, strawberry loaf, fresh cookies, almond cookies, lemon shortbread, fresh fruit pies, ice cream sundaes, fresh fruit and melted chocolate, cakes and crepes and cupcakes and fruit bowls..
fresh lemonades, cucumber and lemon water, teas and coffees and juices and syrups, hot chocolates with whipped cream and topped with chocolate shavings, cordials and meads and beers, fruity cocktails and sweet wines...
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luveline · 5 months
Please a Hotch (new girl dad LMFAO) little fic where he discovers the joys and wonders of being a girl dad 😭🤍 like dressing up and playing tea party, or ‘honey, what do I put in her hair?? A bow? A ribbon?? A headband?? A clip??’ Or something about their baby girl always running to him when she bumps her head or falls!! I think it would be really cute
“Do you mind?” you ask through giggles. 
Aaron rubs his hand up the length of your stomach. It tickles in a strange way, but you’re laughing because he’s cornered you on the couch. He takes up the entirety of your view, the air hot between your close faces. 
“No,” he says simply. He has big hands, warm hands. They leave heat in their wake where they touch you. 
“No, come on. I can’t see Jane.” You’re mostly kidding. You really can’t see Jane, but she’s about three feet away, and your living room is baby proofed.
Aaron peeks behind his shoulder. His smile says more than words —he must have caught her smiling herself. “You okay, honey?”
“Yes. Okay. Okay?”
“Yeah, sweetheart, I’m okay, I’m just giving mommy some kisses.” Aaron strokes your stomach with a loving thumb. “You want to come over here for a cuddle?” 
Jane doesn’t answer. Aaron turns back to you with a glowing smile. “She’s very happy. Now let me kiss you–” You’re laughing again as he kisses you, your cheek, the high point and the end of your brow. 
“I can’t believe you’ve cornered me,” you say, nudging him away to hold his face in your hands. “It’s too warm in here for this, you need to give me some space.”
“I don’t want space from you,” he jokes, matching your playful tone.
“Daddy!” Jack calls from somewhere deeper in the house. “I need help!”
“With what?” he calls, sitting up and away from your touch. He squeezes your leg as he leaves, his voice echoing against the hallway walls, “Jack? What’s the problem, buddy?” 
He waits for an answer he doesn’t get before heading upstairs. You weren’t lying when you said it was too hot for kisses —the winter chill is pervasive and Jane is vulnerable to the cold, so the heat is high and the Hotchner boys are pink in the cheeks every time you see them. You fan your face, tracking Jane’s clumsy waddling as she ferries a pink teddy bear next to her baby doll beside the picnic blanket you’d laid out for her. 
“Having fun, Janey?” you ask. 
“Baba,” she mumbles. 
“Alright, that’s fun. How about I go make us some dinner?” 
“Bababa,” you say back. 
You set about cleaning the mess she’s making before it can explode and prop the door between the living room and the kitchen open to watch her while you peel some potatoes. She plays happily for a while, and upstairs you can hear the celebratory shouts of the boys having figured something out. “Come have some juice before you do the next part,” Aaron says. 
With a sudden bump and a telling silence, Jane falls over. You drop your potatoes and wipe your hands on your front, prepared to sweep her up in your arms and coo away any tears. Her crying rings like a storm siren, so loud you miss the rush of footsteps down the stairs. 
“Baby,” you say softly, holding out your arms as you approach. Aaron and Jack trickle into the room behind her. “Let mommy see? What did you do, huh?” 
She climbs onto her feet. You don't even realise she’s looking away from you until she’s running at her father’s legs, completely ignoring your offered embrace. “Oh, sweetheart,” Aaron says, bending down to meet her. “What did you do? You hurt yourself? Let me have a look. Let me see.” 
Your chest is a pit, that falling feeling as though you’ve missed a step, but the open joy on Aaron’s face soothes any jealousy quickly. “What did you do?” he asks again, lifting his head to accommodate her little body as she wraps her arms and legs around him. He picks her up. She looks small under his chin. “It’s okay. It’s okay.” 
Jack weaves around him to hug your thigh. “Did she fall?” he asks. 
He can come to you for anything, big or small, just like Jane can go to her father. You ruffle his soft hair with a smile. “She’s just shocked when things don’t feel nice because she’s so little. It probably didn’t hurt very much, okay? Don’t worry.” 
“Don’t listen to mommy,” Aaron murmurs, patting what looks like the entire span of Jane’s back with a barely opened palm, “I’m sure it hurt lots and lots.” 
“Dad,” she mumbles tearily.
Aaron gives you the look. One he does all too often when he’s feeling grateful for the things he has, his brow pinched into a gentler furrow than usual. “I know, honey. That floor is so mean, always hurting you. I think we should get some soft carpets instead, what do you think?” 
Jack tugs on your hand. “Can you make me some apple juice, please? I think he will be here for a while.” 
You’re thinking there’ll be carpets fitted in here within the month. “Sure, babe. You wanna help me make some French fries?” 
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lace-coffin · 7 months
Heyo friendo, can I perhaps request headcannons for Bubba, Tommy, Asa, and RZ Mikey when giving and receiving comfort from their s/o? Bonus points if male or ftm reader cause we don’t have enough ;-;
Thank you 🩵🩵
How would slashers comfort their S/O on a bad day?
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Absolutely, MWAH
Reader is ftm 💖
Trigger warning mainly for Asa- power dynamics/exchange (probably) toxic relationships, the usual for him lol
Also tw for raw meat/hacking at meat/blood
Requests are open!
Bubba Sawyer
Bubba notices you haven’t been yourself today. Usually he’s the first one up at the crack of dawn, busy tending to the small farm you’ve accrued over time on the sawyer family property. He returns back once the errands are done to find you still in bed, which is unusual for you by this time.
Bubba runs their hands over your cheek softly, murmuring to you quietly, prompting you to get out of bed, only to be met with a groan and the duvet being pulled back over your head. After several minutes of looking around nervously and playing with her fingers anxiously deciding what to do she hauls you over her shoulder.
They are absolutely about to traipse you into the dining room in your boxers and sleep vest in your full glory. He places you down gently on your chair and goes to fetch your food.
Drayton eyes you wearily, wondering why bubba just dumped their boyfriend at the dinner table clad in only boxers. Choptop and nubbins however find it hilarious and snicker until Drayton hollers for them to shut up.
If you’re not feeling up to eating then bubba will encourage you by feeding you smaller bites with the fork. Of course this isn’t without chop and nubbins making gagging noises at the display of public affection. Bubba groans in embarrassment but it’s enough to make you laugh and cheer up a little.
She’ll help you do your daily tasks if your finding it difficult, for example they’ll wash you gently and make sure to give you a nice scalp massage whilst washing your hair if your struggling with hygiene.
They’ll try involve you in activities to take your mind off how your feeling, making bone crafts with her and her siblings and even cuddling their favourite pet chicken.
If bubba is having a bad day you’ll definitely know about it. They tend to wear their heart on their sleeve and are open with their emotions.
He’ll come to you as his boyfriend first. If she’s really upset and actively crying please hold them and give them a while to calm down before trying to ask what’s up.
Stimming! Please stim with them, it helps them feel better to shake it out by flapping their hands and making fists. They feel more comfortable and accepted if you join in. Mirroring and doing the same activities is one of their love languages.
Staying with them whilst they do their daily tasks is helpful, feed the chickens with them and the pigs. Maybe have a little cuddle session with the piggies.
If she feels particularly insecure that day then you can help do her makeup and dress up with her. Once he’s donned his favourite yellow dress and you your fanciest suit/button up you can have a little tea party or picnic now you’re both feeling cute.
Choptop and nubbins will complain that it’s lame but still insist in coming (they think it’s fun but are to stubborn to admit it)
Thomas Hewitt
Tommy spends most of his time either in the basement or out chasing victims so he may not be the best at noticing your upset since he’s absent frequently until the end of the day.
Luda may is confused but slightly honoured when Tommy’s boyfriend came to her teary eyed looking for comfort and advice, not wanting to bother Tommy whilst he’s working.
Luda will slip off later and give Tommy a heads up that you need looking after today. As soon as he finds out he cuts his work short, slamming his cleaver into the table and washing the excess blood from his hands before making his way up to you.
Tommy will try help by giving you deep pressure. Laying his weight on your chest to ground you. He traces his fingers over your palm in little shapes and letters, spelling out words of affirmation and hearts to let you know he loves you in a way he can’t verbalise. However if you’re lucky he may whisper a few raspy words of adoration into your chest as you pet his hair.
If it helps you blow off steam he might let you hack at some of the meat in basement with his cleaver, however only under his watchful eye. Your already upset, he doesn’t need you loosing a finger to.
Tommy will make an extra effort to keep you distracted and away from Hoyt since he can be..snappy to say the least. This can mean your spending time with Tommy on the swing out front or reading to him.
Tommy is difficult when it comes to emotions. Years of hiding behind a steely facade as he’s taunted by mean kids or even Hoyt has left him closed off and unsure about being vulnerable.
When Tommy is having a bad day it’s more likely to come out as anger, he finds this easier to channel and disperse since he spends a lot of his time running on agression towards victims and knows how to handle it better than sadness.
The first sign things aren’t right is when he’s not back from his basement work for hours after he usually finishes up. Please go drag him out of there or he’ll work until he exhausts himself.
Having a tender hand and giving him room to vulnerable is the best thing you can do for Tommy.
Let him sign to you what the problem is when he’s ready and try help best you can.
He loves it when you let him snuggle into your chest on your shared bed, your fingers threading through his hair, lovingly detangling any knots or snags in his hair. His mask discarded on the bedside table so he can be skin to skin with you.
Spending time with you and Luda may will be therapeutic for him, he may be grown now but he still loves spending quality time with his mama, and with his boyfriend there it’s even more enjoyable. Play a board game together or cards. (Luda will let Tommy win a few rounds because he’s still her baby, but don’t let him know that :’)
RZ! Michale Myers
Michael will probably know when your having a tough day before you even do considering he spends most of his time silently observing you, he knows your emotions and habits like the back of his (giant ass) hand.
Mikey makes a point of trying to show his concern via acts of service since verbal and physical emotional aren’t his strong suits. This might mean the covers are pulled back from your bed and your handed a slightly burnt grilled cheese for breakfast. It’s not amazing but he tried lol.
Michael knows you struggle with taking care of yourself on these days and encourages you the best way he knows how. Guiding you to the room you need to be in and standing and staring until you do the task, you can try move past him but he’s like a brick wall in coveralls.
He knows when it’s time for you to take off your binder and let yourself relax. Either he tries his tried and true method of stubbornly staring and insisting you do it or he’ll unceremoniously man handle it off you and throw it aside. He’s not complaining about the view either.
Michael tends to stay out for longer if he’s not feeling good. The need to shed blood hitting a peak, eating away at his insides and clouding his mind until he can satisfy it. He’ll return home more dirtied up than usual, caked in slowly drying blood and maybe even dirt if he gets into a scuffle with a hardheaded victim.
Mikey dumps his knife in the sink and shrugs off his dirty coveralls in the laundry room, throwing on some comfy gray sweats and a loose white T-shirt. Adorning his favourite paper pumpkin mask.
He’ll seek you out even if he’s still covered in splats of darkening blood and flop onto you with his full weight, demanding your attention. He’s clingier than usual, this gives you leeway to pamper him.
After a round of cuddles try get Michael into the bathroom to clean him up, despite his preference towards gore he doesn’t actually like feeling grimy, not being able to cope with the sensory issues it brings.
He would feel very cared for if you clean his wounds before getting him in the bath. Run your fingers over his scars and marks from past victims, tenderly kiss his top surgery scars.Mikey will melt under your hands if you detangled and wash his hair for him, especially if you tie it into a bun or ponytail for him to keep it off his neck and face, preventing the sensory issues mentioned earlier.
Asa Emory
Asa knows some days can be more taxing than others, especially in the situation you two share. Anyones mental health would be fragile considering your literally being kept as a pet to a serial killer. He can see during training that you blindly follow along with instructions with a glassy far away look in your eyes. This won’t do, he needs your full attention. He hates to admit it but your his little bug and he hates to see you hurting when he’s not the one responsible for it.
On days when you feel particularly hopeless about your situation or self he’ll be softer on you. Do not misunderstand, he will still demand your cooperation and obedience/submission but the consequences will be lessened or saved for later when you have the energy and attention to react accordingly.
Asa will bring you with him about his day. Sitting you under his desk with the chain from your collar wrapped around the desk leg. Running his hands through your hair and patting your head as he works. After a while you let your eyes flutter shut as you rest your head on his thigh, drifting off to the sound of his pen scratching along paper.
If you’re lacking in energy or unwilling to eat you will be promoted to his lap instead of your usual spot on the floor at your metal bowl. Asa will hand feed you, insuring you get enough nutrients and prying your mouth open with his nitrile gloves to ensure you’ve swallowed it all.
Asa will take you to his bed instead of your trunk or cage/room.
After a long week of experiments succumbing to their wounds and dying on him and finicky traps failing, Asa is more than in a shitty mood. After snapping off his gloves and cleaning himself of any lingering viscera he makes his way over to your room.
His eyes crinkle highlighting his crows feet as he unclasps the trunk your contorted into, happier than ever to see his cricket after the day he’s had.
You know he’s had a bad day as it’s much later than his usual visit and he’s lacking the domineering energy he always exudes, to tired and trodden down to be strict.
Asa finds it therapeutic to do your makeup and dress you up (much like the implications with Abby in the collection)
You’ve learned in your years here it’s wise to be on your best behaviour when he gets this way. Being submissive and compliant is a great relief to him when he feels bad as he doesn’t have the energy to argue with you and will just storm out.
Using more honourifics like “sir” or “master” will get you brownie points and help boost his ego. Use “daddy” if your willing to finish what you started 👀
Curling up on him is ensured to pull at his heart strings and help calm him down. Tell him what a wonderful owner he is and how well he takes care of you. Feed into his god complex and worship him. let him know you’re only committed to him and him alone, you don’t need the outside or anyone else, just his attention. Assert his full control over your being and heart.
Not double checked bc eyes feel like they’re bleeding lmao
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
Oh hello me again 👀
I had another idea lmao, this one's a little dumber but here me out 🙏
Joshdub x Reader teasing each other over accents/comparing accents (literally any accent I don't mind, I just need Josh content, literally my second favorite of The Boys and second favorite Australian lol)
STOP I LOVE THIS AWERHJRNWNRBSNSN ; thank you for requesting! hope you enjoy ; your reqs r literally the best lol ; also I'll have that foolish one you sent me up soon I just need to tweak some stuff
JOSHDUB ; accents
summary ; you and Josh like to bully each other over your accents
warnings ; language, excessive DubDaddy running gag/joke idfk
word count ; 646
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"Bro, shut the fuck up, no way you're trying to diss me with your biscuits and tea looking self"
"Says you, scorpion fucker!"
"What the hell is happening right now?" Mully questions with a slight laugh, looking over to Juicy, Eddie, Gabby, and Narrator.
Juicy answers his question, "They're fighting over their accents"
The four watch as you and Josh continue roasting and arguing with each other, throwing insults every which way.
You were all staying at Juicy's house for a large sleepover-party, currently located in the living room. Prior to the playful argument, you'd all been watching a dumb action movie, which got paused because you all agreed that it was too boring and wanted to talk instead. The girls, minus Gabby, had left to go pick up some pizza and wings, considering none of you had eaten dinner yet, and it was already seven in the evening.
Gabby laughs, hearing another cruel insult escape your mouth. "When are the girls getting back with the pizza?"
Narrator looks down at his watch, "Hopefully within the next 15 minutes before they strangle each other"
"You're a cock sucker. You literally speak in gibberish"
"Says you! A few sandwiches short of a picnic. What's that even mean?"
"Okay, and I'm supposed to know what chuck a sickie and fire up the barbie mean? Quiet yourself down, Josh"
Juicy snickers, a hand loosely covering his mouth as he looks away momentarily. Eddie laughs, cheering you on in his native language across the room, Gabby under his arm. Mully can't help but laugh with Narrator beside him, both of them unable to hold back their amusement. It wasn't necessarily what you were speaking was funny, it was the tone and why you were fighting that got them.
"This is the stupidest thing we've ever argued over" Josh chuckles, "That includes that time where you tried to gaslight me into thinking you didn't call me DubDaddy"
"Again, that wasn't gaslighting! I didn't call you DubDaddy!"
"Why do you say daddy like that?" He laughs, "You accentuate the a like an au sound"
"It's just how I speak! Say tuna"
"Tuna" He speaks, pronouncing it like ch-una.
"See?!" You exclaim, "You're the one talking weird"
"You say tuna like t-ew-nah!" He counterclaims
"Yeah, okay" You playfully roll your eyes and cross your arms, leaning back into the couch. You look over at Juicy, then Eddie and Gabby, then Mully and Narrator. "I don't say it like that, right?"
They're silent, failing to hide the smiles tugging at the corners of their lips.
"You're fucking kidding me!"
"To be fair!-" Juicy quickly speaks, "You both sound dumb. Mully does too."
"Ha!" You laugh, looking at Josh with a smug smile.
"What the hell?" Mully questions, looking to Juicy, "When was I involved in them?"
Juicy shrugs, "Since you decided to be Australian, brother"
"Dawg, you can't choose to be a certain nationality," Eddie laughs, using his free hand to rub the T-section between his eyes and over his nose.
"Are we not going to talk about the DubDaddy thing?" Mully asks, refocusing the conversation. "I don't remember this happening"
"Shut the fuck up" You quickly reply, moving your legs around to sit criss-cross on the couch.
"No, no, no. Tell us about that" Juicy giggles.
Josh quickly explains before you can tell your side of the story. "We were on VR Minecraft, after that 24 hour challenge-"
"I didn't call you DubDaddy!"
"-And we were trying to at least get to the Nether, right? They fell into a pit of lava, logged out while screaming DubDaddy into their mic, wanting me to help them or get water to save them from the lava pit they were in" Josh chuckles, seeing your annoyed expression.
"I did not call him that, I swear on my life"
"I don't think anyone's believing you, Y/n"
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coqxettee · 3 months
How to romanticise Spring:
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Some ideas and things you can do to romanticise the Spring season 🫧˚˖𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧˚.🧚🏻‍♀️.
Spring Wardrobe - Spring is the perfect time to start integrating new pieces into your wardrobe. Long flowing dresses, maxi skirts, pretty blouses, milkmaid dresses/shirts, rompers, dungarees, mini skirts, cami’s and so much more. Make sure to add a pair of new Spring pumps (Mary janes are perfect) and some pretty floral hair bandanna’s and flower crowns in there too. Pastel pinks, yellows, blues, greens and white fit perfect for this time of year, along with patterns and materials like floral print and lace 🩰
Change your eating habits. Put away the comfort food from winter and indulge in the delicious delicacy’s of Spring. Fresh fruit and vegetables can make endless recipes for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner, sweet things like Oatmeal, Honey, gelato and any particularly sweet fruits are perfect for this time of year 🍒🥗🍵
Consume Spring media 💐 The media you consume affects your mood, consuming uplifting Spring content will not only make you feel happier in yourself, but will also make you look forward to and romanticise the season more. I have a list of Movies, TV shows & books you can consume in Spring that I will be uploading shortly ☀️
Read Spring books. There are SO many out there, classics are perfect for this time of year but any whimsical, forest-core, fantasy story’s like “The Hobbit” or “The legend of King Arthur” are perfect too 📖
Listen to classical music, movie soundtracks and pretty instrumentals whenever you are doing any of the following activities (I find it helps romanticising a lot! 🎶🌷)
Have a picnic outside - Bring a wicker picnic basket, beautiful picnic blanket, fancy plates and cutlery and have a picnic fit for a countryside princess outside, either at the park or in a field. Wear a big sun hat to keep shaded from the sun and be sure to bring the essentials (Princess picnic food can include miniature sandwiches, scones, cookies, cakes & cupcakes, fruits like strawberries, cherries and apples, any snacks you can think of, lemonade and sweet iced tea) 🌷
Host a Tea Party (either indoors or outside) Set a table with all your finest dinnerware pieces, wear a floaty dress and white gloves, and use your most precious Teapot to pour fruity and sweet flavoured teas into any delicate teacups you can find. You can even make this Bridgerton inspired and have a high-tea esque party. With cookies and strawberry shortcake, cupcakes and miniature sandwiches. Make sure to set the table with a pretty tablecloth, fresh flowers and napkins/fine cutlery for yourself or your guests. Play some classical music and enjoy 🫖
Go berry/fruit picking. This time of year is perfect for Strawberry, Cherry’s & fruit picking in general. Wear a big straw hat, a long dress and don’t forget to bring your basket with you to collect the fruit in 🍓
Visit a flower field 🌸 💐 this time of year, flowers are in full bloom. Wear the most beautiful dress and a flower crown, so you are ready to twirl in the flower fields to your hearts content 🌷
Bake new Spring recipes. There are SO many Spring/Easter baking ideas on Pinterest. Have a look at any and compile a list of Bakes you want to try this Spring season 🍰
Cook new Spring recipes, you can even incorporate any new foods you have tried into the recipes and be sure to write them down in your recipe book 🥧
Make flower crowns! You can use fresh flowers or fake flowers, some wire or plain headbands. Get creative with them, use flowers, gems, lace, ribbon (this is a lovely activity to do with friends outside) 🌸
Press flowers (Such a Spring fairy activity!) any wild flowers you find (preferably dying or damaged) take them home and press them in a heavy book
Go on Forest Fairy walks. Explore your local forests, parks, meadows in the most vibrant green and pink dresses, wear flower crowns and just be one with nature, listen to fairytale music and take in the wildlife and nature around you 🧚‍♀️
Decorate your bedroom/space for Spring. This can be as simple as changing the bedding or by going all out and re-decorating your room completely. Fresh flowers, fake plants, cottage-core illustrations of animals look lovely too 🌷
Celebrate Easter like a Spring princess (really get into it this year) enjoy a beautiful Spring breakfast, paint eggs, eat chocolate, do some Easter bakes in the kitchen, make Easter Sunday a special day for you 🐣
Journal/Sketch/Paint - Painting outside is one of my favourite things to do, and you could even set up your easel/painting supplies in a garden or local field and paint the scenery 💐 Journalling all about your pretty Spring days can be uplifting and I find that sketching illustrations of Flowers, woodland animals and just Nature in general makes me feel so at ease any time I do so 🦢
Visit historical places like castles, botanical gardens and garden centres. These places are always abloom in Spring. Most of these places offer café’s and afternoon tea’s too! 🌸
Visit a cute Café for afternoon tea 🫖 (Make sure to wear a pretty outfit!)
Go frolicking in meadows. Roll down hills and twirl in flower fields 🌼
Feed birds and take time out to Spend time with nature and wildlife 🐰
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I hope this helped and gave you some ideas, made you feel happy or comforted whilst reading and most importantly, inspired you to live life to the fullest and most beautiful it can be this Springtime 💐📖🎀 All my love ~ Kellen
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nelapanela94 · 9 months
Raindrops patter against the windows like marbles on a tin roof. Lightning whips and cracks the sky and thunder roars behind. Izzy and little Kenny are huddled under the duvets inside the fort they built with everything they found in the living room. The youngest Ackerman clings to his sister’s trembling arm, tears and snot running down his face.
“Kenny, I will protect you.” Eels of fear swim in her stomach, her tiny hands clutched at the ends of the duvet. The window lights up and another thunder shatters the sky. The sniveling becomes a wail; the oven knob dings. Levi pours his third cup of tea in an hour.
“We have to do something.” You sigh, slipping the red mitts on and the house fills with the lovely smell of apples and cinnamon. The pie pan rests atop the stove to cool down. “If the pie doesn’t wheedle them out, I don’t know what else to do.”
“You’re too lenient. Always spoiling them.”
“Me?” You jab a finger to your chest feigning outrage, then a smile lights your face. You ruffle his hair, silk gliding through your fingers. “You’re the one dressing like a princess for Izzy’s tea parties and wrestling with Kenny in the living room.” You fetch a mug from the cupboard and sit at the stool next to him. “Whatever they want, you comply.”
Levi harrumphs, frowning, steam rising from your cup. “You’ve softened.” You quip, poking his cheek. “What would they think now?” Levi’s eyebrows sink, but he mellows to the quick kiss on the lips. “Let’s have picnic.”
“You’ll leave breadcrumbs on the carpet.” He folds his arms over his chest.
“And we’ll clean together.” Your fingers climb up his arm. “And when they’re asleep, we can—”
The lights go off.
You inhale, exhale, shoulders slumped. “I think we can save the picnic for another day.”
“I’ll get the candles.” Levi says.
“I guess we’re having pie for dinner today.” The drawer screeches and you rummage through for four spoons. Then bring the pie to the center of the living room. Shadows flicker on the walls.
“Get out of there, you brats.”
“Levi!” You shoot a glare at him, but it slips down to his feet.
He grabs a cushion and winces to the flaring pain on his leg as he sits down, his ass safeguarded by the goose feathers. “I’m counting to three.”
“Levi, they are scared.” You crawl to their hideout and gently pull the wet duvet out of the way. “It’s ok. It’s ok. You muse and cocoon them in your arms. Dad and Mom are here to protect you, ok?” You drop kisses on their heads. “There’s nothing to worry about, electricity will be back soon.” You kneel back and wink, shoving a thumb over your shoulder. “Now let’s get out of here before dad eats the pie on his own.” And those words coax them out. Kenny toddles in front of you, Izzy grasps your hand. The four sit in a circle around dinner, the mouthwatering smell and the golden crust effacing the children's trepidation. Levi smiles at you and nods thanks.
What would he do without you?
You are always saving the day.
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leejenowrld · 5 months
Can u pls write what y/n and jenos dates would be like? What kind of places do u think they would go to? Maybe how they dress for their dates and so on?
they have the best dates ever. sometimes it’s a really fancy restaurant where they dress up so sexy. i’ll put a collage at the bottom of the post of just an overall vibe of what they wear to their dates! jeno puts a lot of effort into planning their dates, he spends a lot. they’ve had private yacht dinners before, rooftop dinners, they love food! sometimes the dates are more chill and they cook together. they have a lot of bubble tea dates :D
they have more cute low key dates, a pretty picnic in a beautiful flower field where yn wears the most beautiful dresses and skirts, the dates almost always end up with yns boobs exposed lmfao and either she’ll ride or cockwarm him :D
double dates !!! it’s not canon yet and i wanna explore it more and i have things planned but jaemin and heejin are a thing!! they’ve all gone out together. arcade dates, funfairs, cinemas, dinners. once yn wore a pretty skirt that jeno loved so much. he made her cockwarm him the entire night. like jaemin and heejin were like ??? yn why aren’t you in your seat 😭😭 they figured out eventually lmfao
i don’t know if anyone remembers but in mfal yn said to jeno “why are you always so intense with your leisure time, do you always need to party? can’t you just go to the cinema or something” it was something along those lines and jeno has taken that onboard!! they have romantic chill dates. they go to the arcade, cinema, art galleries, coffee shop hopping. he also just randomly buys a nice cute cabin and will take her there so they can get some time away
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cursedonyx · 2 months
hi !! I recently discovered your page, and I really like your work :)) If you’re still taking requests, I was wondering if you could maybe do headcannons of what Sebastian and Ominis would do for their s/o’s birthday?
Thank you so much! That's so nice of you to say 💚💚💚thanks too for the ask, happy to oblige!
Sebastian Sallow
Sebastian would want to make his partner's birthday a memorable experience in which you both have fun. He'd likely wake you up earlier than normal and begin your day with an energetic session of clumsily enthusiastic lovemaking before rushing off to make you breakfast. He'd be eager for you to finish eating quickly because he's got a full day of fun things planned for you.
'Fun things' with Sebastian normally means some kind of mischief, and he'll take you exploring in a cave or forest somewhere and conveniently pick up the trail of some kind of nefarious bullshit. You can't help but catch the grin on his lips that he's trying to suppress as you begin to follow clues leading you towards what sounds like an Ashwinder encampment.
To your surprise when you get there, it's actually a cute little picnic set up with all your favourite foods, comfy pillows to recline against and floating candles giving the secluded little area a romantic aura.
Sebastian is ridiculously pleased with himself for setting this all up and absolutely melts when you praise him for it. You cuddle up together and enjoy the picnic, then he presents you with your gifts and cuddles you while you unwrap them, warmed by your delight. He knows you well enough by now to know exactly what you wanted.
He reads to you from your favourite books while you enjoy the cake he got you, then takes you to Hogsmeade where he's planned another surprise for you - a huge party in the Three Broomsticks with all your friends, where you drink and celebrate until Sirona kicks you all out at four in the morning. Seb doesn't actually drink much though, he's on hand to make sure you're safe and having a good time. He'll carry you home in his arms and hum softly until you fall asleep.
Ominis Gaunt
Ominis would be up with the dawn to prepare you your favourite breakfast and bring it to you in bed, gently teasing out the tangles of your hair as you enjoy it. He'd then present you with your first gift of the day, a small and thoughtful token that he's clearly spent a lot of time thinking about. He'd pamper you all morning long, rubbing your shoulders and massaging your hands, basically any excuse to touch you until you're so relaxed you feel like jelly.
Ominis would hand you another little present, another carefully considered and thoughtful gift that holds deep meaning for you both. You'd take an outing somewhere quiet and still, perhaps a walk through a forest or flower garden, or you'd take tea and cake down by the lake, and he'd give you another little present. He'll do this all through the day, handing you little, thoughtful things that are more meaningful than expensive or showy (though he does splash out - nothing's too expensive for you).
After a day of gentle, quiet activities just for the two of you, Ominis treats you to an expensive dinner at the fanciest restaurant he can manage, and he hires out the whole place just for the two of you. There's a string quartet playing your favourite music, the menu is all your favourite things, and your favourite person is sitting opposite you, loving how much you're enjoying all he's done for you.
Everything Ominis does for you is thoughtful, intimate, and private. When you get home, he treats you one last time, showing you just how much he adores you by worshiping every inch of you before you fall asleep in each other's arms.
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l0serloki · 2 years
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Birthday Celebration HC’s with Genshin Boys
(Tartaglia, Zhongli, Diluc, Kaeya, Albedo)
A/N : I was iffy about posting it but like whatever - enjoy!! If you all have any genshin requests feel free to send them my way. 
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Tartaglia :
- Expect everything you’ve talked about ever
- I mean it, he’s bought it (he hasn’t been saving them in the closet to give to you all at once)
- He baked a cake with your favorite animal or something dorky like that (it’s sweet cmon)
- He would rather celebrate it at home so he can spoil you and spend as much time with you as possible
- Movie night and cuddles and whatever food you wanted 
“Happy birthday Y/N! My sweet thing is now old! Can’t believe I’m in love with a prehistoric dinosaur.” You could only snort as Childe ushered you into the kitchen. You sat down at the table as he laid the cake in front of you. It was definitely homemade and - was that a narwhal on it? “Ajax dear, did you put your narwhal on my cake? Also amazing job baking this!” You felt a kiss at the top of your head as he lit the candles. “Of course! I put a heart too! We both love you after all!”
Zhongli :
- He understands the importance of birthdays but he’s had about a million so give gramps a break
- Wakes you up with some nice tea and breakfast
- ‘Happy birthday my dear, enjoy’
- He will take you sightseeing and a nice dinner too
- If you have other plans in mind though he doesn’t mind switching it up
- He got you a ring (no it’s not smaragdus jade don’t worry he checked)
You felt a hand brush against your cheek and Zhongli’s voice call from your dreams. “Wake up dear, I have breakfast and some tea for you.” Your eyes cracked open and adjusted to the light while your lover adjusted the plate in front of you. You murmured your thanks as you stretched and reached out for his hand. “Happy Birthday Y/N. Ive got a fun day planned for you.”
Diluc :
- Diluc tried his best okay
- He sucks at planning (Adelinde fixed everything up for him)
- He threw a party at the manor for you with all your friends
- He even made a new drink and named it after you!!
- Constantly has a hand on you and reminding you that you’re super special to him
- He got you a new coat since you like to steal his all the time (not that it’s gonna stop you from taking his)
“Surprise!!!” You gasped as your friends jumped out in the living room of you and Diluc’s shared manor. Diluc walked over to you and lead you towards everyone, not without stealing a quick kiss first. “Happy birthday my love. I made you a drink - tell me when you want to taste it. Enjoy your day, you mean so much to me.” 
Kaeya :
- He totally is the type of guy to wake you up at the crack of dawn to sing happy birthday
- Just let him and go back to sleep, let him get it out of his system
- Once you are ready he takes you out (on his nonexistent horse - that’s our cavalry captain!!)
- He planned a picnic next to a lake with a bunch of wine and snacks
- He will sing happy birthday AGAIN and feed you a slice of cake
- It’s going to end up in a make out and him telling you how beautiful you are to him <3
The weather was nice as you sat down on the picnic blanket. You were shocked to say the least, you don’t know how Kaeya had the time to set this all up. He opened the basket and grinned at you. “I brought some wine and snacks. Gotta make sure you have a good birthday, yeah?” He leans in and captures your lips in a heated kiss. He separates from the kiss and goes back to setting the food out. “You can’t distract me too much just yet! I need to sing to you again.”
Albedo : 
- He painted a portrait of you!!
- The type to just ask what you want to do for the day and follow you around
- He just wants you to be happy and do whatever you please with your special day
- You want lunch? He’s paying! No argument
- He even made you a card that he gives you later on 
- There’s some cheesy sappy poetry in there as well, he drew your favorite flowers next to the lines too
“Have you enjoyed your day so far Y/N?” Albedo had continued to eat as you said yes and talked about what you wanted to do later. “Yes, of course. We will do whatever you want. I just hope to make this day as memorable as possible for you. Before I forget - here’s your card.” Albedo kissed your hand before passing it to you. He was always so thoughtful. 
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rebornologist · 3 months
I'm back! Delivering what I promised, just a few thoughts. Enjoy xx
୨୧ ⁺˳₊ pomegranate tea; at what point did they know they loved their s/o? ✧ characters: Giotto, Daemon Spade warnings: mentions of Daemon's willingness to do anything for his s/o
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♡ Giotto knew that he loved his s/o when he wanted to marry them. He’s not a traditional man  by any sense, but he was quite formal in courting them, and is traditional in this one aspect of his life—wanting to live the rest of his life deeply intertwined with his s/o, and maybe even have a family down the line.. not just the mafia kind.
Giotto seemed a bit stressed lately. He's overworked, as usual, and not particularly sunny, which was a bummer, because the spring wildflowers were in full bloom.
୨୧ ˳⁺✧
The radio plays quietly as the two of you drive out to your favorite picnic spot. Despite everything, he makes time for you. You appreciate every minute with him because of it. The silent is cut by the sweet sound of his voice.
“Hypothetically, when do you think is a good time to get married?”
You blink, wide eyes pausing your leisure activity of taking in the beautiful gardens you were currently being driven through.
"Par..don..?" You turn your head around to see your partner's stoic face still facing the road.
He chuckles lightly, "oh.. is it.. too early to ask? Even hypothetically-"
"No, no, it's not too early for us to be talking about this kind of thing," you insist, shifting fully in your seat to face him. "You aren't asking because you're going to propose to me on our picnic, right?"
He blinks, once, twice. You stifle a giggle at his blank expression. He's as readable as ever, he didn't plan on it, he didn't even think of it. He might steal that idea for the future, though.
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♡ Daemon Spade knew that he loved his s/o when he felt completely under their spell—something not common for a man like him, it’s usually the other way around. He went to sleep every night with the realization gnawing at his insides, growing, practically festering, knowing that he would absolutely kill and die for them.
Your partner is not a peaceful sleeper, and often lies awake in the middle of the night next to you. He does not usually sleep well, but at least he doesn't get as many nightmares when he's with you. You've recently begin to wonder what your significant other is up to when you're asleep and he is awake. Even more when you are asleep and he is not even by your side.
୨୧ ˳⁺✧
"Yes, precious thing?" He answers without missing a beat. The two of you were getting ready for a dinner party. You enjoyed going out with him, meeting all types of people in every sphere of life and observing your enigmatic boyfriend in some pretty strange social situations.
You snort quietly, amused at his quick response.
"Have you ever killed for me?"
He pauses, expression unreadable. "Isn't the question usually, would you..." he turns to gaze curiously at his lover, who is currently shrugging a long coat on over their evening attire. You adjust their hair casually, looking into the large vanity mirror in front of you.
"I know the answer to that already. Whether you've done it yet, is the question," you make eye contact with him in the reflection. He feels an indescribable tightness in his chest.
"If you were aware of the former matter, I can guarantee.. you already know the latter," he sighs, wondering what magic string of fate brought him to such an otherworldly being.
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I don't love DS at all, and I find 1st gen really difficult to write for, but I'm fascinated by the concept of Daemon Spade, or any of the immoral, downright nasty characters, with a partner that are also mysterious and morally grey. Not a common ship dynamic to fight angst and evil w/ more angst and evil.
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hauntedwitch04 · 2 years
Date at the cemetery
🎃Halloween party🎃  
Regulus Black  x reader
Words: about 0.9k words
Warning: totally fluffy, just cemetery and super fluffy Regulus 
Author’s note: hi everybody! here we are with the 16th and i totally loved it, hope you like it too!
✒️:    “Strange as it may seem, I love walking through cemeteries at night. Everything is so scary, gloomy, and finally you feel really alive.” “Love, I think it’s time to stop reading Edgar Allan Poe.”
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You and Regulus have never had a normal date. 
It took ages for either of you to make a move to declare your love for the other, so much so that eventually your brother and his friends had gotten involved. After they managed to convince you to see them at the pub in Hogsmeade. When you arrived and saw the other one and no shadow of the Maraurders, you realized what they had been up to, but from that time on you kind of became one. That first date was succeeded by many others: one near the Black Lake, which had ended with his brother throwing Regulus into the water because he had finally succeeded on his own in asking you out; the next time you had been interrupted on one of your picnics by an emotionally broken James over yet another no from Lily, and all you could do was comfort your poor friend; the next time you had to arrange a double date with Sirius and Remus, so that they, too, could finally declare themselves, which ended with the two of them making out in front of the two of you, and so an endless series of dates destroyed either by you, or by your friends, or by time and external events. It almost seems like fate doesn't want you two to be able to have a normal date. 
Even now, you don't know how well you ended up in this place, after your fantastic dinner at one of the best restaurants in London, so full of fog and shadows, which make your shivers amplify down your spine every second, but then you turn around and see him smiling, as in arm's length with you he observes what is around you as if he is not seeing the same things you are. 
You have never understood why he is so attracted to cemeteries, to hear him tell it is a magical place of contact between our reality and that of those who are no longer here with us. As romantic as this vision is you can't help but think that in reality it is nothing more than a dank and scary place, but unfortunately you love that boy in an almost embarrassing way and would be willing to do anything for him. 
You turn to look at him and are fascinated to see the sight in front of you: Regulus's face is moonlit on this October night, as a gentle breeze caresses his face and moves his pitch-black hair as it falls over his messy forehead; his green eyes scan the world around him, and his lips are half-open, as if he is admiring the greatest experience humanity can have. You cannot control yourself, and the words come out of your mouth before you can think about them. 
"Why do you like this place so much?" You ask more moved by curiosity than by other feelings, as you cling to him being cold. He looks at you, and as he wraps his other arm around you to protect you from the bitter cold of the October nights, he replies with a smile on his lips as he looks at you. 
"Strange as it may seem, I love walking through cemeteries at night. Everything is so scary, gloomy, and finally you feel really alive." He answers seriously, and you can't help but be struck by his words. "I feel as alive as ever. I feel as alive as when I'm with you, when I kiss you, when I realize every morning as you drink your tea on the terrace watching the sun rise in summer that I love you more than my own life, I feel alive every moment I share with you, and every second I understand step here makes me remember that life is not eternal and that I must enjoy every single second with you fully, because you are my life. As someone more important than me said, "Thou wast all that to me, love, / For which my soul did pine: / A green isle in the sea, love, / A fountain and a shrine / All wreathed with fairy fruits and flowers, / And all the flowers were mine."" He continues, taking a box from his jacket pocket, without being seen by you. 
"Love, I think it's time to stop reading Edgar Allan Poe." You reply laughing, as you lean your forehead against his chest. 
He smiles at to spontaneous gesture and rests his chin on your head, before whispering the fateful words in your ear. 
"Y/N/N, my dear sweet Y/N/N, would you do something for me?" 
"Of course, you know I would do anything for you." You say, still leaning against his chest. 
"Would you like to be my wife?" He asks in a whisper that almost sounds like a ghost uttered those words. 
You look up and see him smiling, as your mouth opens wide still in disbelief and no words come out of your mouth, while instead the tears just flow. You feel his hand place a velvet box in yours, but you don't care about the ring, immediately wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him passionately in that desolate place. 
Maybe it's true, you two have never had a normal date, but you wouldn't change them for anything in the world.
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docholligay · 3 months
Your posts about being the one to host the things you want to go to always get me so fired up, but I live in a flat the size of a shoebox. Do you have any tips for hosting when you just don't have any space? I've tried picnics but I live somewhere with volatile weather and we were rained out 3 of 4 times. I don't want to wait some hypothetical amount of time until I can afford a place that can fit a dining table!
This is hard without seeing your place, because while its usually easy to figure something out when I can see the setup of a place, it’s really hard to do in theory. All spacious apartments are alike; each tiny shoebox is insane in its own way, and all that. 
But I think its important to remember that an event doesn’t necessarily need to be huge or grandiose to be fun! You can have 2 or 3 friends over to have a wine tasting and cheese night, which lends itself very well to small places. I actually recommends an afternoon tea as something that I’ve assembled using some cheap trays from Goodwill and making my bed up sort of like a day bed/couch situation for people to sit on! Cups of tea and little sandwiches are incredibly economical, and by going to thrift stores and picking together a few things over time, you can lend it a sort of occasion and drama that you wouldn’t assume you could get out of a tiny basement studio (“Studio”) 
Space is nice, do not misunderstand me! Very helpful in hosting, changes the kind of events you can have, but even small spaces can have small crowds. You don’t need to be a duke to have a festive occasion. 
You’re in the UK, by the sounds of the word “flat,” so I have literally no idea how it works there, but for those of y’all reading in the US, the parks systems have places you can rent, often for nominal or low cost! The park by my house has a little shelter you can reserve for free where people OFTEN hold birthday parties* and would be a great place to have a picnic-style event or…I don’t know, lawn bowling, or have a stupid roaring 20s croquet party where you’re pretending to be the nouveau riche. Possibilities are endless. 
Also! When I lived in a real shithole, I had a friend with a much nicer apartment, and she hated the work of hosting but loved the idea of having a party, so we split our invites and basically divided and conquered! She had the place, I came up with the menu and did all the cooking, we both helped with the dishes. It was an out of the box solution for both of us, that let us have a really great dinner party by playing to what the both of us had. 
*One time, I was running outside and I had a mile lap sent up in the neighborhood, so I kept running by the shelter, and every time I ran by this family having a big birthday party would whoop and cheer me on. When I finished, (after 8 laps) they insisted I come have a beer and some food. I love living in the Mexican neighborhood**, I don’t care what anyone says about it. 
**I live in “the Mexican neighborhood” which is not impressive in hispanic residents for, say, California, but for Montana is in fact the densest Mexican-heritage population in any city.
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maconthepen · 8 months
I’ve been thinking about ambition lately.
In my twenties, I seemed to have it in spades. Somehow — and in hindsight, I have no idea how — I managed to make it through two university degrees and forge myself a six-figure career. I never stopped, not for a minute. When I was studying, I had a job. When I wasn’t, I had two jobs, sometimes three. None of that is to say I didn’t have fun. I approached my social life with the same dogged dedication as my work. If someone were throwing a party, I would be there. If my friends wanted a Sunday picnic, I’d make a pie and buy the snacks. If there were beers to be had at the pub, I would rush to drink them.
Earlier this year, when I was thirty-one, lying in bed, and one bad thought away from killing myself, I considered ambition a pointless and tiring thing. I was a fast flame, and I’d burned out. What good could the old chase — for money, for success, for the kind of life my mother wanted for me — do? All it had given me so far was an endless urge to sleep and some premature streaks of grey hair.
But September passed into October and it became clear I’d been thinking about it all wrong.
When people think of me after I die, I don’t want them to think of tireless work. The word ambition shouldn’t even cross their minds.
I want to be remembered in the small ways.
I want someone to think of a story I wrote that left a gaping chasm in their chest.
I want Andrew to remember sitting in Waxy O’Connor’s with me, drinking IPAs and planning how to get him out of his overdraft on bar napkins. I want him to remember the black ink bleeding as I wrote down tiny numbers and dates around a bit of mass-printed Celtic art.
I want Rob to remember the jokes I cracked watching Star Trek for the first time; how he once laughed so hard he choked on his tea and had to pause The Corbomite Maneuvre on that ugly baby alien face until he stopped crying with mirth.
I want Amanda to remember standing in our London kitchen, eating a dinner of discounted prosciutto straight out of a pack while we yelled for the cat to come back inside for the night.
I want Rachel…well. I want Rachel to remember everything, but especially that terrible afternoon when I was lying in bed despite the beautiful weather, and she crawled beside me, put her hand in my hair and said, “There will be other sunny days. Don’t make yourself feel worse, my love.”
I want my name to decorate the spine of an obscure history book. I want that book to sit on a bookshelf in the room I studied fourth-year history in — the one on The Scores with the big bay window and a sunken pink couch — and I don’t want people to recognise my name unless they are deep into an obsession with the intellectual history of nineteenth-century Russia or something equally as tragic and niche.
I don’t want strangers to know my face.
Maybe I’ll put this in a letter one day. Slide it into my will, just for a lark.
Remember the bar napkins, I’ll say. Remember how I crooned at the cat stepping through the window. Remember me on The Scores as winter’s sun set, talking about Nina Simone and liberation. But if you don’t remember any of that, it’s all right. At least it gave me something to live for.
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justminawrites · 1 year
The Portrait
Summary: Syrah holds an impromptu group therapy session to take everyone's minds off the curse-curing crystal. Somehow the topic drifts to First Loves i.e. first portraits, and Whitney is peer pressured into revealing the truth of the first colourful picture he'd ever laid eyes on.
“All right, that’s enough– get in the therapy bubble, all of you!”
Whitney languidly opened one eye to witness the debacle unfolding before him. 
It was a perfectly normal day for the Cursed Princess Club, the birds were twittering and the weather in the Haunted Forest behind the Pastel Kingdom was uncharacteristically pleasant, enough so that Syrah had scheduled an impromptu tea party (much to poor Curtis’ chagrin) complete with picnic blankets, freshly baked goods, and the most motherly attitude she could muster up in the wake of Prez’s absence. 
Whitney wasn’t sure where exactly Calpernia had gone but had taken one look at the withering glare Curtis’ shot Syrah behind a tray of slightly steaming muffins and realised he’d probably be safer not knowing. 
It must be something to do with the gala anyway, everything did these days. 
Syrah had intended on lightening the mood after the disaster that was Gwen’s Dinner Party, but the impending introduction of a curse-breaking crystal had soured everyone’s appetites for the usual fluffy gossip that doubled as a means of relieving tension in the club. Dragging a begrudging Saffron along, the Pinocchio-fied princess held a mandatory sit down to discuss the pros and cons of portraits being used to arrange marriages (a topic she’d found in one of Prez’s abandoned lecture portfolios). 
Whitney happened to be meditating nearby when the first sign of disagreement began. 
Thermidora knocked over a cup of tea onto Abbi’s new dress, but instead of getting angry, the 80-year-old teenager tutted, shook her head and said something along the lines of ‘-see, this is why you need the crystal more than I do.’ 
This simple, offhand comment set off a chain reaction across the entire tea party and within a matter of minutes everyone was at each other’s throats about why a curse-breaking crystal would be the worst thing that’s ever happened to them. 
Pillows were thrown, names were called and it looked like it was going to turn into a real brawl until Syrah picked up a metal tray and banged on it loudly with a pair of dessert tongs.
“That’s enough!” She repeated, setting down the tray, “Bubble. Now. You too, Whitney!”
Whitney started as she stabbed the dessert tongs in his direction accusatorially, but obliged. Everyone at the CPC was a force to be reckoned with, in their own way, and he had no intention of having more than one member be angry at him. 
Once they were all sitting in a circle, Whitney sandwiched between Saffron and Monika, Syrah (on the other side of Saffron) released a breath. 
“Now we all agreed that we’d wait till Prez got back to talk about the crystal didn’t we?”
“Yes Syrah,” a chorus of girls, and Saffron, echoed obediently. Whitney pretended to be deeply interested in the red-and-white fibres of the picnic blanket to avoid meeting her eyes. 
Nobody had asked him what he thought about the whole curse-breaking crystal situation, but of course, why would they? Whatever claim he had on the item was likely lower than even Frederick; not that he coveted it of course. As far as he was concerned his curse wasn’t a curse at all but the consequences of his behaviour. A punishment that had slowly begun to flare up more and more since he’d gotten here. 
“Great! Then let’s forget about all this woe-is-she business and get back to talking about what really matters!”
“But the history of portraiture is so bo-Oring,” Abbi whined, draping herself across a tired looking Renée, who sighed in agreement. A murmur of assent seemed to ripple through the Bubble as the princesses looked at one another and winced.
“You know Prez’s lectures never fail to put me to sleep, Syrah.”
“Yes, that’s why we won’t be doing history but your-story instead!” Syrah replied, eyes sparkling with mischief.
“Forget about the ‘Olden Days’– this group discussion is going to be all about your very first portrait-crush!”
A chorus of oohs and aahs filled the glade, as the prospect of a fun, shared experience, temporarily overshadowed the gloom of a cure. Whitney must have looked confused, because both Saffron and Monika simultaneously leaned over to whisper in his ear.
“Its like your first crush-“ Monika began.
“-but only from seeing their portrait.” Saffron finished.
“I had mine when I was only twelve,” Syrah grinned, eyes sparkling, “What can I say, I was a pretty popular child.”
“Yeah,” Saffron scoffed, “Or your parents just wanted to get rid of you as soon as possible.”
She smacked his uncursed arm and he yelped. 
“Wait, aren’t portrait crushes usually the result of a marriage proposal.. or an impending one?” Monika asked, anxiously twirling a lock of hair around her finger.
“Don’t tell me you got proposed to when you were–”
“Mm, yeah,” Syrah’s momentary preening turned tart, her lips curling into something like disgust, “–and he was well into his twenties too. Luckily my father saw right through his charade.”
“He hired a man to paint him ten years younger, but the artist did his job too well and my parents insisted on meeting him in person. Long story short, there’s a reason I don’t wear chevron.”
Saffron fell strangely silent and Monika turned a greenish purple colour, looking like she was either about to choke or vomit or both. Even Whitney felt a twinge of pity stirring in his chest for the once tween-aged girl; therapy bubble indeed.
“Anyway,” Syrah continued, completely oblivious to her friends discomfort, “Who’s next?”
“I haven’t had mine yet,” Abbi sighed, catching only the tail-end of the mildly horrifying conversation, “Though I don’t think it’ll ever happen.”
“Oh don’t say that, Abbi,” Syrah frowned, pulling the girl in for a hug, “It just means that when it finally happens, it’ll be all the more special won’t it?”
“I guess so,” Abbi huffed, turning to the lobster princess on her right, “What about you, Thermidora?”
“Lobsters are excellent portrait-connoisseurs,” Thermidora replied easily, waving her large, clawed  arms inches away from Monika’s face, “I had many a suitor in my day, but none ever caught my eye quite like Benedict did.”
“Was there something different about his portrait?” Syrah prompted as Monika burst into a puff of feathers and landed in Whitney’s claws. He steadied the quaking magpie on his other shoulder to keep her out of harms way.
“Oh yes,” Thermidora resumed, unbothered, “He had the most well-kept moustache I’d ever seen, on a man or a lobster. It was quite the fad at the time!”
“Hear that Saffron,” Syrah snickered, elbowing her friend, “Lobster or man..”
“Oh, lay off would ya.”
“I- I haven't had mine yet either-” Monika twittered once she’d recovered her breath. 
“But I can’t really sit still long enough to get one. Sitting still means I have to keep quiet, keeping quiet means all I can listen to are the thoughts in my head, and one thing leads to another and I get so anxious about it all that I just–“
The magpie squeaked as if to make her point and slumped unto herself.
“You could try listening to some relaxing music while they paint,” Jolie chimed in from across the circle.
“Or Read A Book.” Renée scribbled on her pad of paper.
“It shows that you have hobbies and interests!”
“Sorry.. um.. am I interrupting?” 
The CPC looked up to see a familiar golden head hover at the edge of the glade, his bright green getup easily marking him out from the trees and foliage. 
“Frederick!” Syrah exclaimed, waving over the young prince, “Not at all! Are you looking for Gwen?”
Whitney held up a hand in greeting which he mimicked, albeit hesitantly, once he caught his eye. Though the dinner was almost a catastrophe, Whitney remembered feeling relief burst in his chest when Frederick had called him his friend and saved their cover. 
“Uhm.. yes. Is she- is Gwen- uh- around?” 
“No, she’s probably busy getting ready for the gala,” Syrah huffed, “-but you’re welcome to join us.”
“Yes! Come, come!” Thermidora echoed.
Frederick looked like he’d rather pull a llama uphill in a makeshift cart again but swallowed his disappointment like a champ and reluctantly walked over to take Monika’s place.
“We’re talking about first portrait-crushes,” Syrah explained quickly and watched as the young boy brightened but then immediately turned pale.
“O- oh, I see.”
“So,” Abbi nudged after an uncomfortable pause, “Was Gwen your first?”
“My family doesn’t have the best reputation with portraits,” Frederick admitted, beads of sweat forming on both sides of his temple as the rest of the club members fell silent to hear his story.
“Our castle was haunted for years, and Father didn’t see the value in paying for an exorcism so all the pictures we commissioned were.. interesting, to say the least.”
“Oh! A friend of mine had the same problem!” Jolie interrupted, popping open her eye sockets to dig around for a picture. Whitney watched Frederick’s face turn two shades lighter; some curses would definitely take a while to get used to. 
Everyone leaned in to see the palm-sized sketch the princess had dug out from her eyeless void; though barely qualifying as a portrait, the distinct silhouettes of a king, a queen and a young princess with green hair was overshadowed by a looming maw of darkness punctuated by two sharp jewels of red light, burning like coals.
“No matter where they went, the shadow seemed to follow them!” Jolie explained cheerily. Now it was Saffron’s turn to look perturbed.
“In the end, they gave in and had the exorcism. Good thing they did too, apparently the medium had foreseen that my friend only had three days left to live..”
“Did they... ahem.. ever find out what it was that was haunting them?” Saffron asked gruffly, trying to hide the shakiness in his voice by coughing. 
Jolie turned her sightless eyes on him then, a wicked grin spreading over her features as she leaned in to finish her tale.
“No,” She didn't budge an inch, “But the king and queen had it released into a haunted forest right behind their castle.. a forest just... like... this.. one..”
Saffron screeched as two glowing red orbs lit up inside her eye sockets, and toppled backwards into Syrah taking the both of them down in panic. Frederick clung to Whitney in fear, temporarily displacing Monika from his shoulder, the latter squawking and spluttering as she launched herself onto Renée’s head and hid in her soft blonde hair.  
Jolie giggled amidst all the hysteria and knocked on her temples with the flat of her palm a few times until the small, unmistakable form of a mouse popped out into her palm, blinked in surprise, then took one look at Whitney and scurried away for its life.
“Everyone’s a critic.” She shrugged noncommittally. He almost snorted.
“Get. Off.” Syrah huffed, extricating herself from Saffron as she tried to maintain a semblance of dignity but it proved to be a struggle since he’d already passed out cold from all the excitement. Frederick sheepishly dusted off his friend’s shoulder and scooted away, embarrassed.
The sun had begun to inch towards the horizon, smearing the sky in yolky oranges and browns, studded with milky white stars.
“Alright,” Syrah began once everyone’s heart rates had returned to normal, “Where were we?”
“Maybe we should call it a day, Syrah,” Monika quipped, peeking out from under Renée’s hair. 
“Nonsense,” She frowned, gesturing for Curtis to pass her a butter-knife, “We haven’t heard Whitney’s story yet!”
Whitney blanched as all eyes now turned to him curiously. Even Curtis, who’d been appearing and disappearing from this conversation at whim paused to flick the cutlery right at Whitney’s face. 
“I’m sure you must’ve received tons!” Syrah said, snatching it out out of the air, a hair’s width away from his eyeball.
“I don’t-“ Whitney gulped, pretending to remain unaffected by the attempted assassination that no one else had noticed.
“Don’t be shy,” Renée held up her sketchpad comfortingly. 
“Yeahmmff, we’re all ears, cat-man,” Abbi mumbled sarcastically, mouth filled with macarons. It seemed that she wasn’t exactly enthusiastic about Whitney’s status as a club member, though she commended his effort to help out. 
He looked around helplessly but even Frederick had perked up now, intrigued by the idea of discovering more about his strange friend and his foreign mannerisms. 
“Portraiture was difficult for my family as well,” Whitney caved in and began when he realised there was no getting out of this one, “-but our reasons were not supernatural, at least, not as far as was told.”
“The Monochrome Kingdom has a very particular relationship with colour; it was both a treasure and a taboo. Nothing in the kingdom naturally produces colour on its own, from the grass to the cloud cover, everything came in shades of either grey, white or black - so any products that did require other hues had to be imported. Raw dyes and paints were especially reserved for the nobility and only brought out during the most important occasions, and even then what was left was quite muted and dull.”
A blanket of silence descended over the CPC as they watched the former prince recall his home with a mixture of guilt and pity. 
“I myself hadn’t seen a single bright colour till I turned 17,” Whitney continued in his usual flat manner, but Frederick thought he could hear something like wistfulness in his friend’s tone. 
“And much like everything else - it came from outside the kingdom.”
“But the Monochrome Kingdom is very well-renowned,” Thermidora mused, claw on chin, “Even under the sea, it was quite the popular subject of debate– surely you must have gotten far more alliance-based proposals.”
“One would assume as much,” Whitney agreed, “-but if there’s anything the King and Queen loved more than their wealth, it was their privacy. Before Blacquelyn was born, they didn’t even bother attending galas or parties.”
“I’m embarrassed to admit, I was ignorant to the outside world for much of my youth. Perhaps that was why I was so hasty to get married.”
“Oh right! I was wondering that too!” Monika chirped, fluttering back to his shoulder, “You got engaged to Prez awfully quick!”
Frederick raised an eyebrow as Whitney’s demeanour shifted minutely; if he didn’t know better, his friend almost seemed.. flustered?
“As I was saying,” Whitney cleared his throat, “My parents valued their privacy and our obedience, so any portraits that were sent in were burned before either Greyden or I laid eyes on them.”
“It was the eve of my seventeenth birthday when everything changed.”
“Well don’t keep us on edge! Get on with it!” Abbi huffed; despite herself, she was starting to enjoy the story.
“Very well,” He acquiesced, “We had just finished one of our violent gladiator-style fights to win Father’s approval that week when a courtier came in to announce an invitation to a ball–“
“Woah woah woah– a WHAT?!” Syrah gasped.
He trailed away in bemusement as the CPC exchanged horrified looks between themselves.
“Wait, like actual fights, with real weapons?” Monika ruffled her feathers in alarm.
“Yes? But it was strictly torso and below the belt,” He added quickly, as though that made it any less appalling, “I nicked Greyden’s face once and my Father had me thrown in the Tiger Pit for three days.”
“Three.. days..”  Saffron, rising from his fainting spell, looked at Whitney as though he’d just confessed to murder.
“You must have a lot of scars!” Jolie gasped; he nodded.
“Are you.. okay?” Renée volunteered, making way for Saffron to return to the circle, and Whitney shrugged.
“It was a long time ago,” He said, “And I learned to make peace with my experiences, different though they may be.”
“We’re always here if you wanna talk, ‘bout it, bud’,” Saffron sighed, passing him a pillow, which Whitney took bewildered.
“I- uh- Thank you, Saffron.”
“The courtier came in..” Frederick prompted finally, as a mixed silence descended on the group.
“Right- my parents had been invited to a ball being held the next day,” Whitney began again, stumbling over the newfound support he was unused to receiving, “It was a debutante ball.”
“A princess from a neighbouring kingdom had reached a marriageable age and they were holding a party to introduce her into society. Since it was such short notice, my father declined, but it was too late. I had already caught sight of him by then, and hunted the courtier down after supper.”
“I’m ashamed to say my methods weren’t the friendliest,” He admitted, knuckles tightening as he recalled an undoubtably violent memory, “-but after a lot of.. persuading.. I managed to convince him to tell me the whereabouts of the portrait that came with the invitation.”
“The stars must have aligned for me that day, because they hadn’t defaced it yet. The courtier led me straight it, and that’s when I saw her.”
The CPC was once again at the edge of their seat, now because Whitney’s tone had taken on a kind of softness, his claw-like nails relaxing for the first time since he sat in the circle. 
“She had hair the colour of a sky I wasn’t born under, and eyes like a sun I’d never seen. It was the first time I’d ever seen someone so.. full of life. At that moment, I knew I had to have her.”
Whitney winced as he realised what he’d said.
“In hindsight, I realise that those were the whims of a spoiled, selfish prince who had never understood how to correctly treat another human being, but at the time, all I could think of was that if I met her, somehow my life would get better, even marginally.”
Frederick listened to all this, wide-eyed; why did Whitney’s story sound so familiar? Could it be that both of them shared a need for escape from their respective toxic family dramas– perhaps the former prince was a lot more like him than he’d assumed.
“So, what happened?” Syrah demanded, restless for the reveal, “Who was the princess?”
“I took the portrait to my father and insisted on getting married,” Whitney replied.
“AND?” Renée held up the pad of paper.
“He said no and had it burned.” He finished, “So I never found out who the princess was.”
The CPC groaned collectively, completely unsatisfied with the ending of the story but Frederick knew better than to give up hope. He’d noticed that his friend’s shoulders were tense– a tell. 
Whitney was lying.. but why?
“Well,” Frederick rose, dusting off his trousers, “This has been really fun but I’ve got to get back before my Father notices I’m missing. Coming Whit?”
Whitney looked up puzzled, but then noticed Frederick subtle attempt at winking and hurried to his feet as well.
“Oh- yes- I’ll make sure you get home safely.”
Syrah narrowed her eyes at the two newest members of the club and crossed her arms, but before she could point out how suspicious they were being, Curtis appeared once more, now looking a little more mellow than before.
“If you’ll excuse me princess, it’s well after twilight and I need these dishes to entertain the rest of the club members tomorrow. I trust you’re finished with your therapy group?”
“Oh, Curtis–”
Whitney didn’t end up hearing the rest of her sentence, since Frederick hastily bowed a goodbye and yanked him out of the glade, much to the disappointment of the other princesses, who were only starting to get used to the strange striped, tiger-man. 
Once they were far enough that he was sure they couldn’t be overheard, Frederick turned to his friend and gave him an awkward, one-armed hug.
“What–“ Whitney seemed to freeze at the touch until Frederick pulled back (it was like hugging a rock anyway), and shook his head knowingly.
“I don’t know why you lied about the portrait,” Frederick began, watching as Whitney’s claws involuntarily curled into fists, “-but you don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to.”
“I just want you to know, I consider you one of my closest friends.”
“Thank you,” Whitney’s shoulders slumped, and Frederick nodded, turning back to the path at hand. 
After a few moments of reflective silence, only punctuated by the occasional cicada chirping, the former prince released a long, drawn out breath. 
“I lied so they wouldn’t discover the truth,” Whitney said finally, “I didn’t want Calpernia to pity me– she was the princess in the story.”
Frederick had guessed as much. He offered him an encouraging look, prompting him to continue. 
“My father burned the portrait, yes, but only after I had found out who the princess was. The courtier informed me that it was a neighbouring princess, from the polygon kingdom. So I hid it in my room and approached my father with a marriage proposal the very next day.”
“He laughed in my face first,” Whitney said ruefully, “But I kept asking, the next day and the next and the next, until he couldn’t take it anymore. He had the guards search my room and found Calpernia’s portrait and burned it right in front of me.”
“That’s awful,” Frederick couldn’t help himself. He was usually good at keeping his emotions well hidden but the monochrome prince’s tales always had a way of eliciting a reaction from him.
“I still refused to give up,” Whitney nodded, “My obsession with marriage, and Calpernia, heightened tenfold. I became convinced that she was the only way out of the hell that had become my home.”
“I studied and fought relentlessly, and met every morsel of praise my father offered me with ‘let me marry her.’ This displeased him to no end. He had me take ten lashes for each time I mentioned her name. Still, I kept at it. Eventually my mother caved and began accepting portraits from influential families both within and outside the kingdom in an attempt to placate the monster I was becoming.”
“But even then I didn’t budge,” He shook his head, “My fixation with Calpernia’s burnt picture had grown so intense that the rest of the women looked paltry and lacklustre in comparison. It would be three years of constant quarrelling with my parents before an artist was brought in to paint my portrait, for the sake of a proposal.”
“They gave in?” Frederick asked, surprised.
“Not exactly,” Whitney frowned, “My parents didn’t care what I wanted, they’d sooner have me wed to a daughter of monochrome nobility, so they could still have control over their oldest son.”
“But every time they invited one over, I’d find a way to miss the event. Pleasing them no longer mattered, nothing mattered, except getting what I’d been denied for so long. I’d lock myself in and when my father had the doors removed, sneak myself out. I’d send Greyden in my place, cause a scene, sabotage the food, even hide out in the Tiger Pit to avoid these events.”
“I got punished, of course, but it all seemed worth it when my parents finally, finally yielded, realising they couldn’t stamp the insubordination out of me no matter how hard they tried. So they sent my portrait to the Polygon Kingdom, along with a proposal to marry their oldest daughter.”
“Nearly four years later, on my twenty-first birthday,” He stopped suddenly, forcing Frederick to turn around, “-I saw her again.”
“No longer a portrait in my mind, but a person of flesh and blood; Calpernia was beau- um.. she exceeded my expectations.”
Whitney was now completely flustered, and Frederick realised he’d never seen his friend blush before, even the edges of his tiger stripes seemed to glow with a reddish hue.
“I was drunk with power, dizzy with winning for the first time in my life,” Whitney said sheepishly, almost like he’d forgotten anyone else was there, “-that when Calpernia confessed to me that she might be in love with a male nurse.. I reacted rather poorly.”
“The rest is history.”
“Why didn’t you tell her any of this when you apologised?” Frederick asked, leaning against a nearby tree.
“Because it wouldn’t have made a difference,” He replied matter-of-factly, “None of it could erase all the hurt and suffering I’d caused Calpernia.”
“But don’t you think it’s unfair–“
“It was unfair to make her the object of my salvation, when she isn’t an object at all,” Whitney interrupted without malice, “She wasn't and will never be responsible for my unwarranted affection. It isn’t her obligation to care about me.”
“I- I see,” Frederick’s mind was so abuzz he wondered if he imagined his hair twitching with all the thoughts inside it.
“If I was worth forgiving-“ Whitney continued, “-it should be based purely on my actions alone. Not on any excuses regarding my upbringing.”
“Do you still love her?” Frederick blurted out, expecting his friend to revert to mortification but the former prince’s face remained indifferent, perhaps even a little sad.
“I don’t think what I felt was love as much as it was desperation,” Whitney admitted.
“I don’t think I could ever love Calpernia as much as she– oh. Spider.”
Frederick jolted back as Whitney reached over and easily plucked a small, black arachnid from what was indisputably his blonde hair, and tried to stay calm as his friend released it back onto the tree. 
He immediately put several steps between him and the bark of the old oak, watching it crawl onto the lowest branch before disappearing into its leafy folds– Frederick could’ve sworn the little insect winked at him as it vanished.
“D-Do you think it was there the whole time,” Frederick stuttered, forgetting their conversation as he now imagined the spider crawling around in his hair for hours without him knowing.
Whitney did snort then, and clapped the young prince’s shoulder reassuringly.
“Let’s get you back home.” He said, with a small smile.
As the two of them made their way back to the plaid kingdom, deep in the Haunted Forest, miles away, a tiny spider crawled onto the palm of a certain blue-haired, gold-eyed club president returning from her journey, to tell her something she would certainly be very interested in knowing. 
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chronicparagon · 6 months
Romantic Gestures
bold what applies to your muse, italicize if there's potential / it depends. repost, don't reblog !
holding hands · holding onto arm / holding out arm · buying flowers · cooking · cuddles · writing a poem / song · holding door open · sharing a milkshake with two straws · offering their jacket when it's cold · kissing in the rain · publicly confessing love · long walks at the beach · doing the titanic pose on a boat · taking cute pictures in a photobooth · sharing a taxi / uber · kissing the back of their hand · slow dancing · getting tickets of their favourite artist / sports team / other · introducing them to their parents · lighting candles · flower petals on bed · love letters · star gazing · brushing / doing their hair · picnics · teaching them to play an instrument / a sport while gently guiding their hands · compliments · late night drives · taking selfies together · drawing them · self-made gifts · massages · proposing with a family heirloom ring · lending them their favourite book to read · paying for dinner / coffee · mixtapes / playlists · surprise birthday parties. feeding them. handing them keys to their apartment · making space in drawer for their clothes when they stay over · sharing a blanket · couple costumes · tucking a hair strand behind their ear · running after them at the airport / keeping them from leaving · moving cities to be together · blowing a kiss · breakfast in bed · defending them in a fight (verbally / physically) · joint bubble baths · dropping the L-bomb ("I love you") · dedicating a song at the karaoke bar to them · wearing their clothes · yawning before putting an arm around them while watching a movie · grant them the last bite (from meal)
(Note: Harmony is not against proposing. She will do it if she knows it’s wanted but doesn’t have an heirloom ring. She would have to buy a ring or make one.)
Stole it from: @pluviacuratio
Tagging: You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to but I thought this could be fun for a headcanon.
. @s-talking @spectralhunter @raktanag @whispers-in-daydreams (for Scarlett, please) @neglectedbond (for either muse, please) @b-erserk @rubbarband @pocket-sized-lawyer (for Junsui, please) @strawberrycolaaa (for either muse, please) @skullboysfinale (for Halsten, please) @thehouseofivo (for Julian, please) @the-expatriate @beloved-death (for Mason and/or Nox, please) @hriobzagelthewanderer @a-dragon-and-an-eagle (for Shyvana, please) @diotheworldus @pinklocksoflove (for Karine, please) @ultimatexdetectivexsaihara @fantasyconcrete (for Canticum, please) @monochromatic-minds (for Illyria, please) @risingshine (for Chiasa, please) @paleobird @mused-like-roses (for Dante, please) @musekaiplex (for any muse, please) @strykingback (for Zek, please) @hifimuses (for Tea, please) @burdened-android @velcoriaexploration (for Theran, please) @scarlxtleaves (for Akira or any muse, please) and everyone else who wants to try this ~
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candied-boys · 1 year
Second Chances
Leon Dompteur x gn! Reader
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No tags. A little drabble for @leonscape ♥️
“WHAT?!” Yves screeches and spills piping hot tea all over his pants.
Even Licht’s usually calm demeanor cracks, his cookie missing his mouth entirely as it slips through his fingers and tumbles to the floor.
“Yeah, they said no.”
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“What the hell did you do?” Jin asks, shuffling his knees out of Yves way so the poor creature can escape the sofa to find a towel.
“I have no idea! That's the thing!”
“I thought you two were… you know, a done deal…” Licht mumbles, rubies flitting across the floor for the cookie.
“Uh… yeah. That's what I thought too. I mean, we've been dating forever. I never got the impression they didn't want to get married.”
“I got the impression they were pretty excited about your upcoming anniversary last we spoke,” Yves replies, yanking a cloth from between a pile of books and papers that scatter across the floor.
“Exactly! I wouldn't have asked if I thought there would be any hesitation. I don't want to put any pressure on them. I really thought… I dunno… the answer would be yes… Was I expecting too much?”
The soft sound of cotton rubbing across silk and the crumble of a cookie under a boot fills the long silence.
It ends with a loud crunch as Jin cracks his lolly and counters, “You must've done something wrong. There's no way us three could get an enthusiastic yes from each of our lovers but the king couldn't.”
“Remind me, how did you propose again?”
“In bed during post sex cuddles. How else? Good feels, skin contact, afterglow, emotional intimacy — it's a guaranteed yes… What are you all looking at me like that for?!!”
“Right. Yves, what did you do?”
“Baked all their favourite desserts, revelled in our shared collection of precious memories, told them all the ways they make me a better person and how I could never live without them, showered them in affection and praise. I tried to just be true to ourselves. What did you do?”
“We had a lovely, romantic tea party. There was a bit of a kerfuffle I sorted out, but after everything calmed down I took them out to the balcony to look over the cityscape and I proposed there.”
Jin narrows his eyes and cocks his head. “You had… a tea party?”
“Yeah, we love having tea together. It's one of my favourite ways to relax together.”
“Was it a fancy tea party? Did you bake all the treats yourself and hand craft them with love and affection?”
“Yves, that's you not me.”
“That's almost as bad as the guy who got his girlfriend a manicure, lied that it was a gift so the woman wouldn't be upset about the cost, used a friend to pass on the gift certificate instead of doing it personally — all hoping she'd come home and be in a good mood — then lit some candles and just popped the question.”
“What's wrong with that?”
“She was super busy and stressed that day with deadlines. He wasn't honest about the price so she just got the most basic manicure ever. Then, he didn't even cook dinner or do anything that says he's thoughtful or reliable. He just dropped the question at home with some candles like the answer was guaranteed!”
“I don't get it, Yves. That sounds decent to me…”
“If he was going to spend that much, he could at least have bought her something she would actually enjoy like yarn for knitting or a couples massage or go on a getaway! It's like he doesn't know her at all!!”
“That was almost me…” Licht mumbles from the corner.
“I didn't mean for you to take my advice literally and follow every step! I meant it as inspiration!! If you're lover doesn't like manicures, you should know that! Not me!!” Yves squeaks in protest.
“What did you do instead?”
“He took them horseback riding out to the meadow. I made the picnic basket because, obviously, Licht in the kitchen is almost as bad as Clavis. He set the ring in a pretty little holder and tucked that into the dessert. You didn't actually ask, did you?”
“No,” Licht answers quietly, cheeks stained red and shoulders rounded shyly. “Didn't have to… They understood… That's why we got married after all…”
“I still don't see how my proposal is that bad… You know all how much that view of the city means to me. They do too.”
Unwrapping another lollipop Jin queries, “Yeah, but did you talk about that with them or just use it as a backdrop?”
“Oh… hmmm…”
“Did you set the mood by saying how much you cherish the little moments together, like having tea and such?” Yves asks and retakes his seat in the centre of the sofa.
“You're much more verbal than I am. You at least asked them directly, right?”
“Okay, okay. I fucked everything up! I didn't think about what would make them feel loved as much as what would put me at ease to ask such a nerve-wracking question! I've been so stressed since becoming king that we spend less time together, and I just wanted to relax together like before…”
“I think if you told them that, walked them through how much you need them as your pillar of strength, told them all the ways you need them by your side as you bear this new role, hold them close and explain what they really mean to you, they'd say yes. Seriously! Why are y'all looking at me like that!!”
“Jin has a point. Even if you want to keep the event itself low-key, you have to make sure you're not so exhausted that you can't express the emotions the proposal depends on. I'm sure this isn't about them not loving you. Quite the opposite. They just want to share that vulnerability and take a moment to appreciate the constant that is your love for one another.”
Through a mouthful of cookie Licht concurs with his two older brothers, “Mhm.”
“Do you think if I tried again they would say yes?”
“If you make sure you have the emotional capacity to express yourself fully this time, then yes,” Yves answers and pours himself more tea.
“I suggest being a bit more romantic this time though. At least have a candlelit dinner on the balcony if you're adamant about proposing there. I still think bedtime snuggles— What did I say now?!”
“Thanks guys. I'll think about it. I'm sure there's something I can do that will really feel like us.”
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