#i love every single drawing everyone makes of him 🥺
sans-guy · 1 year
Ddider and I out here simping for your boi and making everyone else's problem 👏😤
hdhsgsgs 😭 spreading the butch propaganda
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mandiemegatron · 8 months
One Piece has made "putting your prized, favourite, iconic hat on your s.o. as a form of claim, protection, comfort, promise, etc" now one of my favourite comfort/romance tropes.
Now apply this to the boys and their hats 🤭💕
I am SO sorry this took so long to finish but I got hit with a wave of sad and really needed my boys comfort 🥺💖 this was such a cute idea, I just couldn't not finish it !
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ミ★ 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘗𝘪𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘉𝘰𝘺𝘴 𝘗𝘶𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘏𝘢𝘵𝘴 𝘰𝘯 𝘠𝘰𝘶! 𝘍𝘦𝘢𝘵. 𝘓𝘢𝘸, 𝘚𝘩𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘗𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘪𝘯 ♡ ★彡
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Law ;
This man didn't let anyone touch his hat. Even when it came to wash day, he was overly protective the entire time you washed it, breathing over your shoulder with wide and concentrated eyes. It was like he was waiting for you to make one wrong move so he could sweep in and show you "how it's done," though every single time, you always cleaned it with love and warmth. The action caused Laws heart to feel like it was in a vicegrip, torn between ripping his beloved hat from your hands and watching you wash it with such soft motions. He always found himself holding his hat to his face when he got to his office, his spotted hat hiding his burning face from the outside world as he breathed in the clean smell, the fabric smelling like laundry detergent and the gentlest whiff of your perfume. He secretly loved it.
It was a rough battle. Most of the Heart Pirates walked away unscathed, but you, with your terrible luck, walked away with a gnarly gash on your arm. Law had sat you down in the infirmary, his hands almost rough as he looked you over, a deep set frown on his face as you tried to wave him off. "It's just a slice, Captain," you murmured, not wanting to show him any signs of pain. He grunted in response, making sure you didn't have any other cuts to your soft skin before setting to work on your injured skin. You went to bite out a retort but fell quiet as he uncharacteristically plopped his hat on your head, the action stunning you and lulling you into a soft silence. When he was done, he ripped his gloves off and tossed them aside, humming to himself as he stared at his handiwork before grinning down at you and taking his hat from your head. He smoothed out your flyaways with a comment of, "If I knew it was that easy to keep you quiet, I'd have done that ages ago." You didn't sleep well that night, tossing and turning while thinking of how soft and warm his hat felt. You idly wondered if his arms would make you feel the same.
You were winning, for the first time ever, probably thanks to the alcohol running through all five of you. Card games were a big thing on the Polar Tang, and it didn't matter how bad you sucked at them, your best friends and your Captain always made sure to drag you along to play. "If I have to play, then so do you," Law would retort every single time you tried to refuse. You sat at the small round table, you and Ikkaku the only ones still wearing most of your clothes. Shachi and Penguin were down to their boxers, with Law in his spotted jeans and topless, though his prized hat still sat atop his head. "I'm coming for that hat," you bit out, slapping a card down with a laugh. "Draw four, mofo!" Law only rolled his eyes as he picked up four cards with a "Tsk," before groaning out, "Pass." You let out a triumphant laugh as everyone else placed a card or drew, bringing it back to you. You grinned and slapped down your last card, pointing at Law with a wide grin as you laughed, "Hat, please!" He had the most cards, which made him the loser and with a loud sigh, he took his treasured hat from his head and gently placed it on your head. Your eyes met and he grinned as your cheeks bloomed into red, his tattooed fingers reaching out to pull at them jokingly. "You look so stupid right now," he chuckled out, ignoring the pointed looks the other three were giving you two. "Yeah, but I'm your stupid, and you love it," you bit back before you could stop yourself, causing all three boys to burst out into laughter. You shared a look with Ikkaku, who simply gave you one in return that said, "I told you so!"
Shachi ;
This man was the living embodiment of 'Sharing is Caring', and share he did! There was nothing Shachi loved more than watching your face burn brightly whenever he plopped his orca hat onto your head. Every time, he'd grin and press a bashful kiss to your cheek before walking off, either tying his hair up or tossing his old green one on, just to feel less naked. Every chance he got, he'd throw his hat onto your head and it would pull you out of whatever trance you were in, whether you were reading or cutting veg for dinner prep, the stunned look on your face always caused his heart to swell. He knew it was real love when he put his hat on your head and you frowned, pulling it away from your head with a comment of, "This fuckin' stinks, Shachi, I'm gunna wash it for you." No one ever offered to wash his things ever, and your little acts of love truly made him fall harder for you every damn time. When you came back a few hours later, coming up behind him and placing the orca hat back onto his head, he turned in his seat and grinned up at you, pulling you into his lap and covering your face in a million kisses. "It smells like you!" He laughed out, your own laughter mixing with his at his actions. When he pulled away to smile lovingly down at you, you knew then and there that you'd love him forever, pulling him into a real kiss that caused Penguin and Uni to burst into loud, "OOOOOHHH!!!"s, knowing in the back of your head that you just inadvertently caused Shachi to owe them both money.
It was terrifying, watching your beloved crew get beaten down by these Pirates. You fought as hard as you could, to the point you had angry tears streaming down your face as you somehow fought back two men who were too strong for you. In a cheap shot, you were hit from behind and fell to the ground. You vaugely heard your name be screamed out, your eyes squeezing shut as you waited for the final blow only for nothing to come. You stared up as nearly sobbed as you saw Shachi and Law standing in front of you, both their swords impaling the two men you were fighting, watching with wide eyes as the pirates fell to the ground, dead. Law ran off, shouting for his other crew members as Shachi turned and fell to his knees, bringing you to his body. You sobbed openly, clinging to him tightly as he pulled you from the ground and lifted you in his arms. Everything around you two fell away into silence as he stared down into your watery eyes, a deepset frown on his face as he bit back tears of his own. Gathering you into a safe space, he ripped his hat from his head and placed it on yours, pulling it down to cover your eyes as he rasped out, "You'll be safe here. I'll be right back." Luckily, Bepo was nearby and protected you from any leftover men who staggered too close to you. When the fight was finally over, with the enemy dead and bleeding into the ground, you were pulled into a tight embrace, knowing by touch it was Shachi and you clung to him in response. Penguin, Ikkaku and Clione kept asking if you were okay, only to fall silent as Shachi glared up at them, holding you tighter to him as a sign for them to fuck off. When they finally did, you looked up at your bloodied and injured boyfriend and bit back another sob as he slowly got out, "I'll never let anyone hurt you, ever." You gave a heavy nod and hid your face in his neck, not bothering to hide your tears as he continued, "I'll always protect you. Always."
Waking up next to Shachi every day was a blessing and a curse, considering the part-fishman was a living furnace. On cold nights and days, it was a blessing waking up toasty and warm in his arms, his hat squished between your heads. (He really needed to stop falling asleep with it on.) On the days it was too hot on the sub, it was a mission to pry yourself from your grasp, almost struggling to breathe as he would only pull you closer and hold tighter. Even during chore time, he'd be clinging to you and would pout everytime you ripped your hand from his, both your palms already sweaty. "Please babe, you are killing me," you nearly sobbed out, your boiler suit tied around your hips as you paused doing dishes to fan yourself with a handmade paper fan. Shachi was dressed similarly, though his arms were tucked around your waist tufhtly, his face pressing soft kisses to your shoulder and neck. "Mm, but you're so tempting," he purred out, nipping at the side of your neck that caused you to shiver. You simply pulled away and glared at him, ignoring the goofy grin on his face as he made grabby hands towards you. "You better stop," you hissed out, shaking your fist at him only to stop as he plopped his hat onto your head and walked away pouting. "FINE, but only because you asked sooooo nicely..." You only rolled your eyes and went back to washing dishes, knowing you'd have to make it up to him in the showers later.
Penguin ;
This man was not a sharer. At all. You had to BEG the guy to try on his hat, to which he only let you wear it for a hot second before ripping it off your head and stuffing it back onto his own. You'd always pout, tugging on his boiler suit like a child begging their parents for something in the store, and he'd give a heavy sigh and reply, "No, now stop asking," though his tone was always playful and never hurtful. You'd often ask why he'd never share his hat with you, and he'd always respond, "It takes away from my dangerous and mysterious nature~" with a wiggle of his fingers in your face, causing you to burst out laughing. He loved hearing you laugh, and even though his answer never changed, it always pulled laughter from you. It wasn't hard for him to fall for you, your bright smile and loud laugh causing him to hide his burning face further under his namesake hat. How could he hide his love for you if you were wearing his hat?!
Penguins heart fell as he watched Bepo carry your unconscious body into the infirmary, rushing in after the mink only to be stopped by Shachi at the door. He tires to pull away, but Shachi holds tight, only shaking his head as the doors snap shut. "No, no no, let me go Shachi, they can't be alone, they need me-" Shachi only held tighter, murmuring lowly to his best friend, "They're in the best hands on the entire Grand Line. Just be patient." Penguin roughly pulled away, glaring at Shachi and trying to open the door again only to be stopped as Bepo walked out, a solemn look on his face. Penguins heart shattered, and he fell to his knees, pulling his hat low over his face as he silently sobbed into it. Bepo and Shachi shared a long look, frowns on both their faces as they bent down to comfort Penguin as best they could. When Law finally emerged from the infirmary, the three boys lifted their heads and sighed a breath of relief when he finally spoke. "They'll be fine. They got hit hard during the fight, but they'll pull through -" Penguin didn't even let him finish, pushing past him and immediately going to your side. His heart fell through the floor, seeing your bruised skin that wasn't hidden under bandages. Pulling a chair beside your bed, he ripped his hat from his head and gently tugged it onto yours before gathering your hand into both of his. He silently wept into the back of your hand, ending up falling asleep at some point. When he finally woke, your hand was slowly running through his messy hair, a tired but loving expression on your face as his eyes met yours. He shot up and held your face in his palms, uncertainty all over his face until you croaked out, "Just kiss me already, stupid." He didn't think twice, leaning down and capturing your lips in his own as gently as he could. He pulled back when you winced, pain in your eyes as he stared down at you. "You look like shit," you joked out, causing him to give a broken laugh of his own. "You look worse," he barely got out, holding your hand in his again. You simply grinned in response, commenting lightly, "At least I got your hat." He gave his own grin in response and leaned over to kiss you again, slowly removing his hat from your head to stuff onto his own. "Yeah, yeah. You're lucky I love you."
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Thank you SO much for this ask, I hope this was okay! I wanted to add more but after writing that almost angst with Peng, my heart just would NOT let me write anymore 😭😂 thank you for always being a solid mutual, I love seeing you in my inbox and my notes !! I hope you all enjoyed this little blurb 🤭💖
If yall want me to add to any of these, please let me know ! 💖💖💖💖
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shanieveh · 1 year
Helllo! Your genshin headcanon "I like you so much, you'll know it!" Is very adorable 🥺. I can't help but fall in love with it. And every single of them touch my heart like asdhdgfjfkskj💞🥺. Anyway if by chance your request is open,, can i request for this same headcanon but for albedo, xiao, and maybe baizhu & gorou? Or just albedo🙏 please and thankyou sm 💛
of course!!! request is always open :DDDD
i'm in love with you, and now you know!
—in which the genshin men show how much they mean to you pt. 2
ALBEDO who forgets every experiment when you're around, your hair, you face, your features was all he ever needed to be acquaintanced with. He who draws your every action, what you imagined to be your most basic or even worse filters turned ito a beautiful masterpiece, every flaw and insecurity he creates into a mesmerizing artwork, because that is what you are in his eyes.
XIAO who hugs you and comforts you even in days when he is loaded with pain and suffering, who fluffs your pillows and ready your meal—not knowing how to cook but still tried his best. He watches you sleep in the pale moonlight, your cute little snores being his melodies of the night. Those nights by your side, in your hugs is where the protector becomes protected as he sleeps in your embrace.
THOMA is selfless to everyone, but how an angel he is to you. He who carries you when your feet hurt, massaging the sore areas while he walks back home. He who learnt how to comb your hair gently, styling it in every way you like, learning to master how you do it everyday. But can't seem to do so as he is distracted watching your pretty face concentrate, instead of the quick movements of your arms to create your favorite hairstyle.
BAIZHU who doesn't care if any of his patients need to eat the most disgusting of concoction to feel better, but oh how we frowns on his medical lab trying to figure out a medicine for your light fever, making ways on how to give you the yummiest and eye-pleasing but still effective for to consume. He spends hours, no sleep, no rest, just to see you get better and happier by the day. Baizhu who has always feared death, was even more scared of your single frown.
CHILDE who loves fighting, but not with you. Drops on his knees on your front door, no matter the storm or violent rays of the sun he will be still for days, to knock, to plead and when you finally open the front door to hug, to cherish. He was never really good at apologizing, but strings of tears and sorries were what escaped his relieved face. And then came piles of gifts and flowery words—you were his everything and for him to lose that means he is left with nothing.
GOROU who gets shy when you are near, but how he does for you to do so. Bakes cute cookies, and your exact favorite. Reads your belived novels only for his soldiers to laugh as to why the general was reading romance novels. He who mimics the way you write, the way you talk so maybe you'll notice it. The way he is completely utterly and hopelessly devoted to you alone.
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jewbeloved · 1 year
Stan, kyle, kenny and craig w a gn reader whos an artist/painter who has tons of paintings/drawings of them and gets popular bc of their paintings/drawings
Stan, Kyle, Kenny, and Craig with an artist s/o🎨🖌️🖼️
Warnings: None
Gender: Neutral
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💙 Stan Marsh 🐕
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Oh he's definitely blushing, and I mean literally.
If you have a room or a secret gallery you keep all of your paintings in, half of the place would have been filled with paintings of Stan and when he sees those paintings, he absolutely gets butterflies in his stomach.
"Ah....(Name)......", He has no words 🥺
His friends would probably also tease him because half of your paintings you made are about him besides your other ones.
Stan really loves the paintings you made of him and he might keep one of them in his room (If you let him)
But he would probably blush every single time he looks at the painting though.
You would also probably sell your paintings to people, but you ain't selling the ones you made of Stan. Those are yours to keep and nobody else can have them except you or Stan :) 💙💙💙💙💙
💚 Kyle Broflovski 💐
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Not Kyle just admiring your paintings while you're not looking. He tryna be sneaky but you caught him :>
Kyle would find it a bit strange that most of your paintings are about him, but he isn't complaining. Who wouldn't want to see an art portrait of themselves that was made by their s/o?
You even have some paintings where Kyle doesn't have his hat on. Gotta be honest, if you were planning to sell your paintings Kyle probably wouldn't like you selling the ones that have him without his hat on, you know how insecure he gets about his hair.
But it is YOUR paintings after all and you get to decide what to do with them so Kyle can't stop you on that. But it would make him a bit happy if you didn't sell the ones where his hat isn't on his head.
If your paintings got even more popular, how many cheesy poofs do you wanna bet that Cartman is gonna make fun of you? I'm betting 1000.
He'll probably tell you that you're obsessed with Kyle or he's like your pet or something.
Cartman got paint splattered in his face for that anyways. 💚💚💚💚💚💚
🧡 Kenny Mccormick 🐁
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Kenny is definitely going to tease you. Not in a bad way of course.
He thinks it's extremely cute that you like making paintings of him! If he could, he would probably keep like 3 or 4 of your paintings in his room.
But he probably might hide the paintings from his parents just in case they tried to sell your hard work and make money off of it. It's your paintings, not theirs so they don't have the right to sell it.
He will let Karen see the paintings though, and she absolutely loves the paintings of her big brother! She probably might even ask if you could do one of her as well!
If your paintings get popular but somebody teases you for it, they're getting the same fate as Cartman. Nobody makes fun of Kenny's s/o and gets away with it =) 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
💙 Craig Tucker 🐹
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He would probably blush a little when he sees all of the paintings you made of him. (He definitely didn't try to pull you into a big hug afterwards-)
His friends would probably be jealous of him if you show off your paintings of Craig to everyone in class.
Craig wouldn't brag about it, but he might slip in some giggles here and there.
Gotta say, if you make a painting of you and him cuddling together. That's definitely going to make his face as red like a tomato, unexpected paintings like that is one of the ways to get Craig in a flustered mess.
Not like he never blushed a lot around you :>
He keeps an expressionless face on the outside but he's secretly burning up on the inside. It also isn't hard to see behind that little blush of his as well if you know him too well.💙💙💙💙💙💛💛💛💛💛
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Tumblr: Blaze is now out!
Me: Immediately going to turn it off as soon as I update my app.
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alpinelogy · 4 months
Erika, I am here again, living up to the name Cherie gave (they called me greedy). Can I please have a little snippet of the previous ask I sent🥺👉🏽👈🏽(only if you have time of course)
fake fic ask game (still open o7)
Of course I have the time for this, don't worry I am very much having fun with this AU :3c
Ask and response in question
gewis, 0.9k, royalty au, mutual pining, outsider pov
Lewis does not host that many events at his own estate, certainly less than average, probably less than is expected of him. But he is a duke, there is no way anyone would even try and condemn him for that, try and judge him, make him the center of the gossip for the weeks. Certainly not with how private and grand anything he hosts ends up being.
Alex is pretty sure he has a standing invite only because he is George's friend, because him being invited almost guarantees that George will come too, and despite his best attempts, Alex is almost sure he can see through the seemingly indomitable Lewis Hamilton. He is just a man just like the rest of them no matter what George would like to claim.
So now here he is, standing to the side of the ballroom, where all the guests who are not dancing are scattered around. George is right next to him, practically staring over to where Lewis is standing, laughing over something someone in his circle had said.
“Just go ask him for a dance.” Alex hisses out so that the music overpowers his words for everyone but George who is standing right next to him, “Release both of us from this farce.” He practically begs, has a half mind of inconspicuously pushing George out onto the dance floor right into Lewis’ arms on his own.
Instead of doing anything though, George glares at him, “No way.” He says and somehow manages to sound petulant and still keep his manners, “I can't, it would be improper.” The tone is almost haughty, but Alex knows George too well, and can hear the slight undertone of fear, of hesitation. Even if it is misplaced.
“If you think every single guest was not handpicked by Lewis and would not look past such a small transgression then you are sorely mistaken.” Alex barely avoids scrunching his nose when he says that. He feels strangely out of place here even though he has been invited just like everyone else, “George I’m pretty sure Lewis has one specific goal in mind tonight.” He adds in more kinder words. He means it, truly. He means the best for George, even if he has to be slightly rude to push George to get it.
“Doesn't seem like it.” George mumbles, takes a sip of his drink. He looks all the way like a proper haughty noble, the youngest, most precious child of a duke. Alex wants to laugh at how far that is from the George deep inside, the one that thinks maybe a bit too much sometimes, “He looks quite content where he is on his own with his friends.”
Alex has to suppress an eye twitch. He would normally let it go if it was just him and George in George's drawing room, but now they are in polite society, he needs to mind his manners, “If you bring him up one more time.” He knows that George knows who he means by him, he leaves the threat empty, hanging. George can draw his own conclusions, “I promise you are the only one who thinks there is something going on between them.” He is insistent, he knows. He however is sure enough of his words to allow himself to be to.
“Just go and try, okay?” Alex says, more kindly this time. He does not mean to be harsh with George, he can hardly understand the complicated matters of love, “Mingle, near him and you'll see.” He pats George on the shoulder, tries to make it encouraging. He is pretty sure he fails but he does not care, not much, not when George finally gets the usual confidence he has and seemingly coincidentally but at a second glance very intentionally makes his way slowly over to where Lewis is standing.
Alex could swear that the smile on Lewis’ face increases tenfold when he sees George make his way over. He moves to the side, makes space for George to join the conversation. If George stands maybe too close to Lewis then no one seemingly says anything, Alex files it away in his mind. He is pretty sure he saw Lewis move over closer to George once George assumed his spot. He files that away for the future, somehow he thinks he will need it, that he will have to use it to convince George that this was not a one time fluke.
He is sure that by the time the next song starts, he will be able to see Lewis and George out there, on the dancefloor with the other couples.
One of these days, when George is no longer in denial about everything, when George finally admits that Alex was right the whole time, that there was no reason to be jealous of anyone within Lewis’ circle because Lewis had his eyes only for George, Alex will make sure George pays him back handsomely, owes him a favor probably for the rest of his life. He will not hold it over his head, but he will carefully keep it in mind, for when he feels like getting under George's skin at least a little bit.
For now, Alex slinks away to find Charles, he too should be somewhere in the crowds mingling about the dancefloor. He needs someone to commiserate with about this farce, about George’s inability to admit to his own feelings, to admit that he knows Lewis’ feelings, that he reciprocates them just as much.
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sniigura-archive · 4 months
Jumping for joy at your approval rn ANYWAYSSS HERE IT IS (WARNING, IT'S LONG AS FUCK)
- doesn't get enough sleep for the life of him
- wingspan is approx. 19 ft
- his wings are pretty big and heavy compared to other angels, which is why he doesn't hold them up behind himself and instead just tucks them to his sides (he is literally a bird.)
- calls himself the king of rock
- thinks it's hilarious to use "go to hell" as an insult
- always sneezes twice when there's bright light, can't control it
- impulsive and often makes stupid ass decisions that he later regrets
- despite this, he's smarter than people take him for
- insists on having spikes on every single one of his outfits, even when Sera thinks it's unprofessional
- if he had Twitter he'd get canceled so fast for saying dumb shit 💀💀
- insecure about his jawline, thinks his face doesn't look slim enough
- HEAVILY female leaning bisexual
- the horns on his mask are unscrewable
- always making jokes about his dick
- has offensive humor + annoyance humor (thinks it's funny to annoy people)
- he might act all cocky and above everyone but he's actually really, really lonely
- actually kinda good at drawing, he doodles on his paperwork frequently
- I'm not sure if drinking is really a thing in heaven or not but if it is he definitely drinks canned beer
- has a crippling case
of the "fuck authority"
mindset that gets him
into trouble with the higher-ups all the time
- his least favorite feeling ever is being embarrassed. Hates it.
- prefers rock and metal over heavy metal
- not really an Adam headcanon but angel blood tastes sweet like sugar
- loves alt girls (of any subculture)
- hates meatloaf
- skilled in a lot of different hobbies, I mean.. he's literally been chilling since beginning of mankind, he's had all the time in the world to do stuff
- when punk culture became a thing he fell in love with it
-biggest yapper ever. Once you get him talking he won't shut up
- has a genuine emotional attachment to his guitar and named it Susan
- he kisses Susan good night
- loves karaoke
- hates it when people say "b-b-but I can't dance 🥺🥺🥺". Thinks it's a total mood killer
- cringey pickup lines
- has a guitar collection and a bunch of abnormally shaped guitars
- big meat eater (steak, bacon etc)
- sometimes uses his wings/feathers to flip people off
- favorite soda is root beer
- good with kids
- good with animals too
- heavy sleeper
- has angel kisses all over his body (little brown dots)
- his favorite pony is princess celestia OR rainbow dash
- takes short showers
- wears guyliner
- favorite candy is red licorice
- if he was a man in modern day society he would be Russian or American
- tits over ass
- burps and blows it at people
- loves to smell good, probably has a collection of fragrances
- witty but also stupid
- really really enjoys spending time in nature but you'll never hear him admit it
--->> NSFW HCS
- loves to hold his partner's face and make them look him dead in the eye when he finishes
- definitely has a breeding kink
- not a whimper-y guy, more of a gasp, groan, and swearer
- very grabby, he'll hold onto any part of his partner he can
- He never fucked Lilith, Eve was his first
- has a kink for shit talking Lucifer during sex
- absolute pussy drunk bastard when he's being ridden. He genuinely can't think straight when he's getting sloppy toppy and he'll be all drooling and shit
everything’s canon if you put your mind to it
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ryuichirou · 4 months
Alright, a couple of regular replies, and then some about Jade!
eh-nonnie-mouse asked:
I'm so nervous to de anon but your newest comic of Floyd/Idia comic is too cute! I'm sure Floyd totally doesn't have any ulterior motives once he realizes what position they are in.
This is such a silly thing to be nervous about since I write problematic content (mostly incest) and enjoy your Shroudcest stuff a lot. You have such a beautiful art style and I am so happy my anon blurbs (the Seb/Ceil and Fin/Ciel and some other NSFW stuff) make you two somewhat happy 😊. I know I don't interact with a lot but I hope to drop more chats in non anon.
Thank you so much! We really appreciate it <3
Floyd is super invested in that game he’s playing, but once they’re in this very convenient position, he’ll show Idia how much of a multitasker he can be >:3c He’ll impress him for sure.
And even though it’s going off-anon is an anxious thing to do, it’s good to see a person behind all those asks :) Nice to meet you!
Anonymous asked:
(Referring to your fem twst art) I absolutely NEED to see fem!Silver in Aurora’s 1959 commoner outfit! She would look so pretty!!! 🥺😍🥺😍
Ahh SHE WOULD, ANON, SHE REALLY WOULD!! And honestly this is my favourite outfit of Aurora.
I don’t have anything to show right now, but I really hope to draw fem!Silver in this dress. Even though she probably spent the majority of her time wearing pants…
Btw thank you for loving my fem!Silver, it means a lot ;w;
Anonymous asked:
In this household we love Jade ❤️
In all seriousness the fandom doesn't give him enough love, Jade is always the other woman when it comes to ships and worst of all it's always Floyd his own twin brother that gets the girl anyways. Make a donation to save Jade from second male lead syndrome 😢/j.
Ahh, poor Jade. Always a bridesmaid, never the bride… I can picture him sobbing quietly and wiping his tears with a tiny little handkerchief… :”(
To be fair, I think Jade finds his position quite advantageous: if everyone always pays attention to Floyd, he gets to not only act as if he isn’t the same when it comes to being chaotic and dangerous, but also have this element of surprise!
He also doesn’t flirt as obviously and as often as Floyd does, so we can blame Jade’s sneaky ways to collect his bottoms lol
Anonymous asked:
by chance, do you think Jade would like using idia as a lab rat? aka feeding him all kinds of mushrooms to test their effects and inevitably doing the affection +100 nighttime-activities command with a very drugged up idia
Anonymous asked:
I wonder if Jade being the awful guy he is (lovingly) would test out every single kink from A-Z on Idia?
Those are two different asks, but I feel like they are kind of connected because in my head to Jade testing out kinks and using someone as a lab rat are pretty much the same thing lol And to answer both of them: YES, Jade would absolutely do that if he had an opportunity. I guess the second option is more possible because it seems less dangerous, and I wanted to say that it would come first, but…. Honestly? With Jade it could go either way.
He could either start experimenting on Idia and it’d turn out sexual, or he’d start having sex with Idia, but then they’d end up experimenting somehow.
I don’t know what needs to happen for Idia to get stuck with Jade-the-shroom-guru and his tests, but Jade would be very excited. I mentioned it our other Jade/Idia posts, but: he would love to see if some mushrooms would change the colour of his hair or the way it burns. In this way, Idia is the most perfect lab rat ever – it’s so much fun! Not to mention how helpless Idia becomes when he’s drugged up… even more-so than he is usually~
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guppygiggles · 5 months
((Oh shoot I was mid-ask and pushed the wrong thing and I’m not sure it sent so starting over 😅))
Anywho hello hi there I really hope you don’t mind the like spamming (and interactions in general from nsfw blogs); I just really couldn’t help myself bc I’m resonating so much with your content and tags and you seem like a genuinely lovely human with absolutely adorable artwork so I wanted to show you some appreciation 🥺💗 It immediately comes across how much you love and care for your OCs via the lore you’ve created and the utmost tender way you talk about them and the way they interact with each other ?? 😭 it’s impossible not to fall in love with them too. I also hope you’ve heard copious amount of feedback about how brilliant your writing is - so detailed, so warm, so intimate…it’s extremely flustering and endlessly endearing and I’m so grateful you share your gift with all of us on here! In particular, I’m positively fascinated with Avery’s backstory and anatomy and am loving discovering the depth of the layers of thought that you put into composing him. Excited to learn more 🥰
((((I’m also approaching my third decade of life next year and it’s always nice seeing rep for folks my age in the community who are still enjoying and exploring their relationship with this “kink”(using this term lightly bc I know everyone may not consider themselves to fall under that umbrella). I too met my partner on here, and it’s beautiful to hear that things can work out in the long run so thank you for that tidbit of reassurance 💗 sending wishes of happiness for you both!!))))
Sorry again for this long winded ramble I was just inspired and wanted to send the warm vibes I received while perusing your awesome blog back your way!!! Hope you have a lovely day 💕
Anon... my god! 😭💙 /very positive
Crying into my tea on a Sunday morning... god, I am so touched by this, I'm just falling apart...
Let me respond to this sequentially, so I don't just get flooded with emotion (and if you've been watching how I post, you already know this is going to be long as fuck... Sorry! 🥲)
1. I am absolutely okay with NSFW blogs interacting with me, and spam interactions don't bother me at all! The only interactions I don't want are from minors and dickheads, haha. No worries on this, peach.
2. Fewer people interact with my fic than with my art, but when I tell you I treasure every single thing people say about my fic... god, there's just nothing like it. My fic is so, so close to my heart. I've been a writer much longer than I've been an artist, so I feel like I can really express myself through writing in a way I can't with art... I'm trying, but I'm not quite there yet! God, thank you so much for your kind words... I am so grateful that the warmth and love I feel when I'm writing is felt by others, too. I really try to capture the very essence of how these characters and their emotions feel in my mind and heart.
And you like the lore, too? 🥺 My long-winded rambling? My wordy expositions? God, my heart! 😭💙
3. I am so happy to know you met your partner in this community, too! I am really wishing the best for you, and yes, it absolutely can work out! My spouse and I are very different from each other, but we are still best friends after six years, and I don't see that changing any time soon.
4. I feel like this community tends to be younger, especially here on Tumblr, so it's kind of refreshing to hear from someone in the same phase of life as me. If there's anything I didn't expect, it's that I would still be exploring my feelings about tickling (and, well, intimacy as a whole) well into adulthood. It's funny how things come back around, though... I was making tickling doodles in my diary when I was just a kid, but I stopped (and, stopped drawing altogether, really) after high school. Had to work through a ton of shame, religious trauma, and just a metric fuckton of other shit, all to come right back around to doing tickling doodles again, haha! I was delighted to find that, at 30 (and with a whole lot of new experiences and context), it still makes me just as giddy now as it did then.
All of this is to say... There may be common threads throughout one's life, but we aren't really set in stone the way people think. You can absolutely discover, and rediscover, yourself and what brings you joy over and over again as you grow and have new experiences. If I can give any advice on this, it's this: Don't close yourself off. You only have this one life, so use it to experience all you can. Even if you're shy, like me... do your best to lend a kind word, an ear, or a hand as often as possible. You never know who, or what, is gonna set your soul on fire.
Anon, thank you so much for this ask... And if you ever want to chat, I'd be more than delighted. 💙
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whoblewboobear · 1 year
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1.) Glee- Ryan Murphy is my enemy and glee is unhinged but it is hands down my FAVORITE show of all time. I started watching it when I was in 8th grade and the chokehold it has on me to this day is unreal. Season one was lighting in a bottle and to follow it up with an even better season after that? Lea Michelle is also my enemy BUT s1 Rachel berry is so fucking funny. Glee is the reason I joined chorus in high school- like the impact glee has on me? Incredible. Just 10/10. I could say more but we will be here all fucking day. And ofc Santana is my favorite character and I hope Naya is resting easy right now 💖
2.) Sucession- This show ate my ass for weeks and the brain rot after I finished it is still going strong. I avoided this show for a minute bc hearing about it through osmosis was enough and the fans put me off. I started about a month or two after the finale dropped. Like fuck rich people and fuck most of these characters but goddamn do I love it. I blew through this show so quick bc the acting??? The dialogue! THE EVERYTHING 🥵👏 you just know that if there’s a party or a dinner or some kind of rich people bullshit event that it will be the most compelling shit you’ve ever seen. Boar on the Floor was so sadistic and evil and FASCINATING. Like- I wanna open these people up and examine them. I was a Kendall girlie during my watch and a Shiv girlie post-show. I will say if you wanna enjoy this show just avoid.. most men’s opinions on it. I’ve heard the most shit takes on this show it’s ridiculous. It definitely lives up to the hype.
3.) Lovesick- Guys 🥺 if you’re gonna watch anything from this list watch this. I watched it when I was on a huge Netflix deep cut kick and WOW. Very lighthearted and funny romcom about a dude that finds out he has chlamydia and goes down the list of his old partners to tell them they need to get checked. All of these characters are so lovely and you just wanna root for them. It only loses points because it’s unfinished. I would’ve loved to see where things go for Dylan and Evie 🤧
4.) The Haunting of Bly Manor- INCREDIBLE. Mike Flannigan puts his whole pussy into into everything he makes. The write is incredible, the mystery is so well thought out. Every loose end is tied up just enough to let the viewer still have room to speculate. Definitely not scary in the way that Hill House is but everything else makes up for that. The cast??? I fucking love Rahul Kohli and I’ve loved that man since iZombie. Victoria Pedretti is the love of my life and the way she plays Dani? The range she has to go from Nell in Hill House to Dani is so sick. I just adore her. And of course T’Nia Miller as Hannah? She’s the clear standout. I need to see her in everything I’m BEGGING. The Hannah episode is truly the best episode of the entire season. This is a tragedy through and through and your heart will break for every single one of these characters. Just a gorgeous piece of television 💖
5.) Euphoria (Season One + Specials)- Again, Sam Levinson is my enemy but goddamn is season one SO GOOD. The aesthetics, the acting, the characters, the cinematography!? When Sam has a passion project and a story in mind he can truly make magic. Also putting Zendaya on your vision board and then actually landing her to be in it is so dope. The Trials and Tribulations of Trying to Pee While Depressed aka S1Ep7 is my favorite episode by FAR. So real, so funny, so compelling. Everyone showed up to set that week to make MAGIC. I don’t make a ton of fanart but euphoria had my ass so hooked that all I wanted to do was draw Rue and I sure as hell did. I was looping All for us for MONTHS. It’s still the #1 song on my Spotify TO THIS DAY. The special episodes during Covid were also so well done. Season 2 is dog shit so it isn’t included in this but rip to Angus Cloud because he was so special and the clear highlight of season 2 as Fez. (I could watch him beat up Nate Jacobs all day 🥳)
A huge honorable mention for the shows A Young Doctor’s Notebook, Chewing Gum, & The Bear (s1) because holy shit 💖. The first 2 are both absurd comedies from my Netflix deep cut era.
AYDNC stars Daniel Radcliffe as this doctor that gets addicted to morphine in the backwoods of 20th century Russia. It’s a dark comedy and a wild ride. I only watched it once and I have no idea if it’s still on Netflix or not but if you have nothing to watch and you want something that’s pretty out there or you’re a fan of Daniel’s comedic acting you’re in for a TREAT.
Chewing Gum stars Michaela Coel as Tracey. So 👏 Fucking 👏 Funny. The writing is incredible and I can’t speak highly enough about the way Michaela drops you into the world for a wild ride. Tracey’s pretty much in the end of that awkward transition period between your teens and adulthood. Just a really hilarious coming of age story that DEFINITELY would’ve benefited from a true final season. If you like Michaela Coel you will like this. She also has a show called I May Destroy You and I can’t wait to sit down and watch it. I’ve heard all good things 💖
The Bear is way newer and s2 didn’t drop that long ago so I won’t go too in-depth about it like everything else but INCREDIBLE SHOW. If you like food and sad white men and just- EVERYTHING about Ayo Edebiri then you’ll love this. Season 2 isn’t my favorite but Season One?? This show makes me miss living in a city. I just 💖💖 I can’t recommend it enough. Jeremy Allen White’s arms are reason alone to watch. I’d let that man [redacted] my [redacted] for hours like he makes me UNWELL he’s so gorgeous.
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khaleesiofalicante · 6 months
Rafale and Cami's discussions and angst are another level of complicated and so fucking good!! Like, I understand Cami's position, but at the same time I know the pain and pressure Rafael is dealing with rn, and while yes, he's not leading as much as barely keeping under control, he's still doing everything in his power... but will that be enoight?? FUCKING WOW.
“People don’t read porn anymore,” Magnus rolled his eyes. “Not for the last fifty years at least.” “Don’t ask me how I know this but I know David does,” Alec rolled his eyes too.  PLEASE HE'S SO DONE WITH EVERYONE JAGDCJHZDGC
Alec and David talking and bonding and Alec giving advice😍😍. I need more of that so bad!!! He’s always felt like hope was a dangerous thing. The only thing more dangerous than broken hearts was broken hope. HE KNOWS THINGS!!
All the people who cared for him ended up dead. Looking back, the foreshadowing makes me feel both stupid and depressed LMAO
The way I love Arthur's POV in this chapter is not normal. istg I've read it like three times and I cry every time 😭😭. It was shocking, and terribly sad and so beautifully written. I don't really take many pictures of myself and never, EVER, take pictures of myself crying, but I remember I was reading this chapter at like 2 am and bawling my eyes out, trying not to make a noise so I wouldn't wake someone up and trying to swallow the pain in my chest and then thought "lmao this looks so weird I am crying about fictional people and this is my definition of having a good time, I need a pic lol"
Arthur never saying visions and just calling them dreams and nightamares, that is so in character and sad at the same time. And how hard, living like that, constantly getting stuck on this visions all the time, never telling anyone and just learning about them little by little 🥺😭. God, it was just so good and I felt my heart beating faster and faster like I was the one trapped in a vision!!!
Also, don't think we've forgotten about that little boy Arthur saw!! I am not letting a single detail slide😤😤
And yet, he had fallen in love with Kincaid anyway. He had fallen in love with the boy who he witnessed kill his brother a thousand times. I coudl write a whole essay just about this, please don't let me 😭
So, he watched the man cry quietly, clutching a stele in his hand. WAIT THIS WAS AFTER DAVID DRAW THE AGONY RUNE, RIGHT??
I have to make a list of my top favorite moments in lbaf, but this scene definetly has a place there!! I LIKE PAIN DON'T JUDGE ME!
Thank you so much. I struggled SO MUCH with that particular Arthur POV. I'm glad it turned out well :)
So, he watched the man cry quietly, clutching a stele in his hand - this is a vision of Other David before his suicide.
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sylvie-fics · 1 year
hiiiii congratulations on getting out of tumblr jail, i liked your valentine fic. maybe something with MH as a father? something about that fic just made me think 🥺👉👈 thnaks Sylvieeee
ooo looks someone noticed something in that fic 👀👀👀
this is for you hun, hope its alright!
Word count: 450
Warnings: mentions of violence. reader uses she/her and is referred to as 'mom'
summary: Viktor's daughter is scary
He knew early on. There’s a special kind of crazy the two of you shared– and despite his best efforts to stop this from transferring, he’s failed. Miserably. As the world would have it, the combination of two mad scientists with a complete disregard for safety does not create a sane, safe, generally normal kid. 
“Hurry up. The doll execution was supposed to happen this morning. The others will riot soon.” 
There was a time in his life where he wasn't making child-safe guillotines. Or adding magnets to doll heads so they can be beheaded over and over again– hours worth of fun. Sure, he could just tell his angry five year old, ‘No, I’m not going to make you a guillotine.’ He could. But why would he? How could he bring himself to say no to that? 
“Mom still has to paint blood on it.”
He doesn’t know how she ended up like this. Well, he does. Still, it’s not like he didn’t *try*. He’d read countless books on early childhood development, went through all the parenting pamphlets– he followed it all to a tee. She wasn’t even a particularly difficult kid. Sure, she cried– but it wasn’t excessive. She hit all the developmental marks on time, if not early. 
It's just… once she started being able to verbally express her thoughts. Suddenly it was ‘dad this bedtime story is boring I want something with more violence.’ And then it was ‘your real name isn’t dad, is it? Do you know what happens to liars?’ and then after that ‘dad can I have your bones when you die?’
The thing that baffles him the most– she’s not like this anywhere else. Her Kindergarten teacher says she's a joy, that she's so kind to all her classmates. The little old ladies down the street say she's the most well behaved kid they've ever met. Hell, she gets candy from the local shopkeeper at the parts store at least once a week. 
She’s just like this at home.
He loves this kid so much. Yes, she terrifies him– but if anything ever happened to her, he would kill everyone in the world and then himself. He’s hung up every single drawing. He’s got journals filled with details of their time spent together. Family portraits that he forces the two of you to take multiple times a year– and both of you are huffy about it, but get over it eventually. He can’t help it, he didn’t know ‘fatherhood’ was an emotion. You can’t remove emotions you didn’t know existed.
“Dad stop crying the guillo– the ge– the head choppy thing isn't for you.”
He hates humanity just a bit less now.
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misslavenderlady · 2 years
Hello!! First off I just wanna say that I adore your blog! Especially your Daddy Dwayne stuff 🥰 (we all are weak for Daddy Dwayne). So I was wondering, what do you think Marko would be like as a dad? I've seen stuff about Dwayne and Paul but never Marko and now I'm truly curious lol.
Thank you love!
This is my first ask I've gotten, and getting it from someone whose writing I admire so much is a real honor. So thank you! 🥺💕
I'd love to share my thoughts! I hope this is well received and I'd love to give more of my HCs for the boys in the future!
Marko as a dad 💚
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Everyone kind of underestimates Marko's potential as a parent. He's often seen as the wild, unpredictable one, so when the idea of him having kids comes up, there's a sense of doubt.
But to everyone's surprise, the best qualities in Marko shine through when he learns he's going to be a father. He's always been so loyal, doting and ready to be there for his friends, and he'd do the same for his child in a heartbeat. And that also applies to the situation BEFORE they're born.
Anything his partner needs or wants, they'll get with no questions asks. Have a very specific food craving? He'll have it ready in mere minutes. Can't get comfortable? He'll make the coziest nest you've ever seen. Need some supplies for the baby? He's got bags and bags of food, clothes, diapers, and anything else you need. Just don't expect him to actually buy the stuff. He's still a little thief at heart.
When his child is born, he's immediately in love. Like he would 1000% walk into the sunlight for his kid, even if they're only a few minutes old. He soothes them so sweetly and promises to keep them safe.
While it's very sweet, he's also a bit territorial with his child. Even with his own friends he's hesitant to let them hold the baby. After his fears are settled, Marko will let the others have turns spending time with the little one.
Only family and friends are allowed near his kid. If Marko doesn't like you, you're NOT getting near them.
The others tease that he's more of a guard dog than a dad. But with time and trust, Marko learns not to hover so much.
Despite being protective, he's definitely a fun dad!! He's the kind of parent that thinks kids should enjoy playing in the dirt, going on adventures and taking some risks.
He's also quite creative, so if his kid likes coloring books or arts and crafts, he's right by their side, making something special together.
Is definitely the parent that saves every single piece of art their kids make in school. Does he need to hold onto every stick figure drawing his child makes? No. Is he gonna do it anyway? YES.
If his kid is into sports, he's their biggest fan. Since they're vampires, his kid only plays during nighttime. No matter what it is, he's on the sidelines, cheering the loudest!
Is big on teaching his child to care for animals. He shows off his pet pigeons to them and let's them know how to handle the birds with care.
Definitely on board with getting his kid a pet. Dog, cat, bird, fish, it doesn't matter. Whatever makes them happy.
Another thing he's surprisingly great at is teaching his child valuable lessons. Like "treat others the way you want to be treated" or "it's okay to cry if you're feeling sad". Even his friends are surprised to see him act so wise.
He'd teach his child about the different flags and what they all mean, encourage them to learn more about the community, and to be respectful of everyone's identity and pronouns.
Fashion icon
What I mean is that he's definitely getting his kid a jacket of their own, and sewing on any patch they want. Maybe he'd even teach them how to sew as well.
He'd also encourage his kid to express themselves however they want with fashion. He's been around so long that he doesn't worry or care about stuff like who wears pink and who wears blue. So he's supportive no matter what.
Same goes for haircuts and makeup!
Now don't get me wrong, he's definitely a sweet kind of dad. But he's still a wild child at heart, and he's letting that rub off on his own baby.
He teaches his child how nazis deserve to be punched in the face, that cops aren't your friends and that privileged people in power try to keep down those who are poor, POC, or a part of the LGBTQ+ community.
In a way, Marko encourages his child to be a vigilante of some sort. Taking down those who think they can mistreat those who don't deserve it.
If his kid gets into a fight, he's either tagging in to help or defending them so they don't get in trouble.
When teaching his kid how to use their powers, he's encouraging them to be ruthless with their kills. Leave no survivors and enjoy your meal.
He also does a bit of combat training. Deep down, he's terrified that someone is going to hurt his baby, even if they've got powers to defend themselves. He just wants to do whatever he can to keep them safe.
Marko isn't the best with discipline. He loves trouble-making and being a bit chaotic, so unfortunately, his partner will have to be the "strict" one.
However, if his kid does something where they're potentially in danger, THEN he'll give them a serious talking to.
"I told you not to go with strangers! You could have gotten hurt! I was worried sick!"
He's worried about his baby.
Oh yeah, God help anyone who hurts his baby. They WILL die, and it will be painfully slow.
Now I personally HC him as being Italian and also Jewish (in honor of Alex Winter's faith). DISCLAIMER: I'm not Jewish myself. However, I believe whatever important teachings or stories he wants to share with his child would be done in great detail. He'd share details about his heritage and culture, teaching his child Italian and Hebrew as best as he can.
((Side note: If anyone out there does in fact practice Judaism, I would love to get your thoughts on how Marko would relate to it. I want to be as respectful as possible and learn whatever I can!))
Overall, Marko is an amazing father. He's devoted to his baby every step of the way. He's not perfect, but what parent is?
Would be referred to as "Avi" by his kid. (meaning 'My father' in Hebrew)
Favorite nickname for his kid would be "Bambino/a" (meaning 'little child' or 'baby' in Italian)
I hope I did Marko justice!! Thank you again!
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uroborosymphony · 5 months
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              @stillresolved sent :
She lingers at the door to the guest bedroom. The last time she and Ara had spoken, it was…well, it didn’t end great. Although that probably is the last thing on Ara’s mind. Not the unthinkable (for her) has happened. Annie didn’t need any explanation to know what had gone down between Ara and Ara’s, well, now ex-boyfriend. It’s been a few weeks since Ara has barricaded herself in the guest room and for once, it’s Annie who has been the active one, the one moving between the interior and exterior of the house. It’s odd, actually, being the one relied on for once between them. Ara was always the strong one even back then. But Annie knocks on the door and opens it a moment later. “Are…Are you hungry?” She asks, holding up a plate of apple slices. “I…I cut up an apple for you. I peeled the skin too.” ( and i'm here too!!!....for some wholesome and sads arannie content 🥺🥺🥺 )
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The room is silent. Sitting down the bed of the guest room, Ara's knees are brought against her chest, tight. In this position she has been staying for hours today. She does that, sometimes as she lets time flies, as she converses with what she sees and hears in her head. Time has felt like a dragger slowly slinding inside her core, a core she has been stripped of it seems, losing the track of the days and nights passing. The tears sometimes couldn't stop, she would cry, and cry, and cry without never being able to sleep. The hunger became rare, the anger was raw and her mind has never been so loud. There is this cloud, of loss and solitude that surrounds her, wraps her, digests her a little more everyday. Sometimes, the voices and the faces she sees, they talk to her, they stay with her, they hold her hand. Other times, they make her hurt even more, they make her break every single mirror in the house, they make her want to die. It has been months now, that despite the painkillers her mind has never stopped but to get loud, louder, to the point everyone around could hear it. The abyss of a depression she finds herself in doesn't only come from the love of her life breaking her heart, it comes from the love of her life abandoning her, it comes from not being able anymore to fight her own drowning mind. I'm not Sick, I'm not sick, I'm Not sick, I'M NOT SICK.
She would say, to them, to him, to herself, she would yell, sometimes without even nobody around her saying the words to begin with, out of nowhere, dissociating, depersonalizing, moments and places and times where she couldn't tell the difference between what was real, what was not. There were eyes landing on her, whispers behind her back, nights at the Black Cat or at the garage where Grey and Taiyang found themselves having to take her away, tame her down. She remembers of these times they would whisper to each other, behind a door, away from her. The voice of Annie by the door takes her out of her reveries and contemplations. Annie and Ara, in the end they understand each other. They're both mad girls now. On the wall of the guest room Ara wrote, Ara draw, everything she was hearing, everything she was seeing, everything that has been building inside : the tales of a martyr, choosen as the savior and the bringer of a new world, the fires to purify it all, the persecutors perishing from the savior's hand. Her drawing is beautiful, macabre, tragic, the lines are either strong and mad or shaky and broken. There are words too, words written over and over and over again like mantras. To anybody, it would be hard to look at, it's unstable it's uneasy - to Ara, it brings her peace, as if she finally takes it all out to contemplate, she watches it for hours.. Hours, to the point it shall become the new reality. Yes, perhaps even more real than everything she has lived until now. Why cry... when none of everything she experienced with Taiyang, with the gang, here in seoul, is real? "Come in.." Speaks Ara from the bed without moving an inch. Her torments have transformed her eyes, the lines of her features, they are grave, saddened, she lost weight. Her eyes they twitch sometimes, they wander around, they widen and retract. Her lines, they soften for Annie, Annie always manages to pierce through the isolated monster that Ara was turning into. In fact, not once she has been wondering if she was a burden to Annie, if she was the dead weight in the closet Annie became scared of kicking out. They take care of each other, the same way Ara stayed with Annie when it was Annie's mind spiraling on her. "I'm hungry yes..." Ara did a lose weight, the type of consequences she herself couldn't see, couldn't care about much. Annie managed to make her eat, little by little, apples are fine now, the peeled skin is an adorable touch. "Can you sleep near me tonight, please? I can't fall asleep I think your presence helps..."
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fyodior · 2 years
Hewwo! Imma snag a match up if you don't mind. I am ok with my name (Quinn) being used. I'm 21 and I'm not in school however I do have a full time job. I work at an improvement store/ warehouse like job with forklifts and heavy objects. I work with power tools and outdoor stuff so I'm pretty knowledgeable in basic hardware and outdoorsy stuff. Im a rather tall gal with a bit of muscle especially in my thighs, arms and abs (I lift a lot of heavy stuff at my job.) I've got brown eyes and about shoulder length hair that's naturally brown but I have my ends bleached. I wear glasses and I have tattoos which I love showing off. My style is a mix of both boyish and girly; I can wear sweat pants, t shirts and my big ugly work boots one day and a skirt and cute heels and makeup the next. I'm very goofy and joke around all the time. Sarcasm is my language and I don't take anything seriously. I'm very sociable so i love talking to people and being around friends and such. I'm kinda a people pleaser which is both a good characteristic and a flaw. Even though I joke around and may not act serious sometimes, I treat everyone I can with respect and genuinely try to show I care for them. I'm also pretty adventurous. Its also kinda safe to say im pretty nerdy as well lol. I love to draw, write, read, and play video games. I love plants, anime, reptiles, and cats 🐈. I LOVE slasher/ scary movies, any of them are great to me. Not a whole lot I dislike tbh. Personally. I don't care if this is nsfw or sfw. I guess whatever you feel! I'm pretty ok with either. I'm not picky with any character whatsoever I love all bsd characters. Thank you if you do mine I will greatly appreciate it and cherish it forever 💗🥺
Quinn x Odasaku
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✧ your perfect man is the one and only odasaku, congrats im not jealous at all
✧ you give off very laid back, go with the flow type vibes and i think you and oda would coexist so well
✧ he would SO be into your handiwork abilities and outdoorsiness, it definitely would be something the two of you could bond over
✧ a woman that can change a flat tire and fix a clogged sink? sexy as fuck.
✧ even visually the two of you would fit so well
✧ he loves your sociable and goofy personality, and you often help him to come out of his shell since he tends to be a bit drawn back. he sometimes finds it a little intimidating to meet and talk to new people, but if you're there, he's laughing and joking with them like they've been friends for years
✧ he can also be pretty sarcastic and dry though, so your humors would mesh well
✧ oda would find you just as sexy in sweatpants and work boots as he would in a mini skirt or even lingerie
✧ this is potentially just me making this up but i see oda as a huge animal lover, and the two of you accidentally accumulating a small zoo over time. like it started out as just one cat and then another, and then you brought home a leopard gecko and when you asked for that bearded dragon he just couldn't say no. maybe throw some ball pythons in there too. except you'd have to be the one to feed the mice to the snakes, it would make him too sad
✧ oda is such a sweetheart and literally no matter what your hobbies or interests are, he so would entertain your every thought and listen to everything you had to say. whatever new anime or video game you wanted to rant about, he was right next to you with just the kindest, softest smile and genuine interest in his eyes.
✧ and he'd LOVE your art. like the meme drawings you post like the one of you trying to find the pool at the hotel he'd find that so fucking funny
✧ nsfw: oda just so seems the type to love body worship. sex that takes hours just because he loves every single part of you and your body and wants to take all the time in the world to kiss every inch of your skin and tell you you’re so fucking beautiful so many times the words start to lose meaning. he loves missionary with you just because he needs to see all of you laid out underneath him for him to stare at, needs to see your beautiful face contort and the way your body reacts to every thrust. and mf is really fucking good at giving head bc he wants to pull as many whines and whimpers of his name. he truly just WORSHIPS u goddamn!
✧ power couple. bc i said so
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moonlightcrusader · 2 years
*throws you some grandpa Ock fluff*
I just - Annie making him breakfast in bed with her dad's help on grandparents' day. bringing him to school for the holiday (and the actuators are just hissing at everyone who looks at them weird XD). always giving him those terrible drawings and paintings that little kids do with those big 'I LOVE YOU :)' messages, and he hangs every single one on his fridge. him babysitting her when she's sick or her parents have a date night.
it's just so sweet *cries* praying for you to have a great week and hope this cheered you up! :)
OMG I FORGOT I WROTE ABOUT ANNIE AND THE BABY REDHEAD STORY🥺 when she’s finger painting a picture for Otto when he’s babysitting her, imagine she asks for the actuators help and they paint pictures for him too. He just has a fridge filled with his children’s art🥹💞 Aww I remember when I was younger we had a grandparents day and I used to bring my grandma to school and eat muffins with her. Imagine with Otto and Annie, and it’s just the cutest as she’s so proud of being his granddaughter <3 she will defend her grandpa with her life!! And tiny fists!!
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geeksauruse · 2 years
Hello. Can I request a BNHA match up for me please ?
My name is Gabriela, I'm 16 years old girl from Slovakia 🇸🇰, Libra, I'm 6'8 ( 185 cm) and my birthday is on October 4. My HP faculty is Ravenclaw. I'm an only child.
I am half Russian and half Slovak. These languages are my native languages and I have a Russian accent since childhood. To others, my accent is adorable, huuge turn on or very attractive.
I have brown-green eyes, dirty blonde hair to my shoulders, I'm tall and slim and I have cute little freckles all across my cheeks and nose. I wear black glasses cause I'm short-sighted. Yep, I'm a nerd 🤓
My personality type is ENFP. I'm introvert, shy, quiet, very artsy and reserved, I blusb so easily and I am very passionate about things I love. I'm honest, badass, hotheaded and very sassy. I curse a lot. Oh Well.
My hobbies are : drawing, reading, pet my cats, studying, working out, playing basketball, singing, dancing, playing on my guitar and piano and knitting.
I love libraries and cafe places.
I draw every day. It's my biggest passion. I love when my guy best friend will come over and we just dance and have fun. He is one of the people that can bring me from my shell.
When you see me for the first time, only one single thought will come through your head : art hoe. Yep, that's me. You always see me with a oencil in my head and with ideas and my sketch book or just reading my fav books.
I'm a couch potato. I have a little couch in my bedroom.
My style: I love to wear Dark clothes, chokers. I wear a lot of rings but my fav and precious one is from my mom : a single heart. So cute 🥺🥺❤️. I wear it always. 24/7. I love to wear my hair up in a bun on top of my head with my headband.
I love to sing in night clubs. I play basketball and ping Pong
I'm allergic to strawberries and sunlight. I can go out during the day but I need to be in shadow. It's not a fun, especially when my head will start to spin. But I can manage just for school. I love rainy days. I have white skin and fangs. People are calling me freak. Damn.
I love to listen to music while I'm in a bus, on my way to school. I have my headphones always with me. Sometimes I sketch while I am in bus, but I prefer to watch through window and chill. It helps me to clear my thoughts.
I am a huuge coffee addict. My fav is cappuccino; a classic one, hazelnut, chocolate and vanilla. Love it!!
My fav song is Confident by Demi Lovato. I listen to pop, rock, rap, rock and roll and Russian music.
I'm at Hotel Academy High school. My grades are high, I may not be a popular one bit be a friend with me and you will surely graduate. Maybe I'm not the life of the party, can't rock on the dance floor till I'm out but I will make everything to make you feel welcome and accepted. I suck at math tho. My fav subjects are food Science, English and cooking class.
I love to cook and bake. It's fun!
I have lots of breakdows tho. It's okay.
That's All. Thank you so much for doing this for me. I'm really grateful for that. See ya ❤️. Have a good day or night!!
i am in between Mina and bakugou
but i chose bakugou for you!
Like most people he did not like you, at all at first
Since to him everyone is an extra bellow him
And then one day after a training session he saw you in a park sketching a lovely photo of scenery, almost exactly like the one in front of you.
 He couldn't help himself but to sit down right next to you and no matter your protest and blushing face sat next to you, avoiding your comebacks with a simple “keep drawing.”
As cool as your art skills were, he was far more impressed after seeing you were a vampire  and seeing the power it left you in during training. 
For someone so introverted and shy you did fight well against mina.
One day he heard your training playlist and he found himself humming along to it.
Because he liked the same one too, and it was he favorit.
When moving into the dorms and touring them, he got a whiff of that chocolate peanut butter cake you were baking and man was using all his self restraint not to beg for some.
Cause it smelled really good
Like REALLY good 
Dude was salivating, he felt like he had never ate cake before
He lost all control and stormed up to you with a glare, not looking you in the eye,and asked for a piece.
He liked you more after you let him eat the rest of it(dude fucking demolished that thing im not kidding)
Sooner or later, you started to hang out with the brute
And turns out, he's less of a brute and kinda a softy
But little did you know it was only for you did he act this way
 Only you gotta eat half his lunch, or talk about feelings, or how he wanted to be the best of the best
And he loved to talk to you about all your likes! 
art , movies, anything 
He liked it when you stand up for yourself, your one hundred present the biggest badass there(aside from him because that's how he works)
A relationship with this man would include an ungodly amount of making out and even worse he loves to give you cuddles often:)
This man will treat your RIGHT
Flowers on dates, pull out the chair, and open the car door( this don't mean he would go easy on you in training :,))
He legit brings you to meet his family, and his mom loves you more than he does at this point.
She keeps asking”when will she be my daughter in law?” or “ when's the wedding, i won't be around for another hundred years young man.”
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