#i love gender nonconforming pretty boys
visenyaism · 5 months
ASOIAF POV characters ranked by how good of a guest judge they would be on drag race (definitive ranking)
24. Arys oakheart. spectacularly bad in a way that would also be bad TV because he simply would not know what to do. and would be icky about it.
23. Ned stark. canonically gets suspicious of people just because they are gender nonconforming.
22. Aeron greyjoy. people are going to wonder why i put him as Victarion on this list. this is because I think victarion has a better personality for reality TV.
21. Victarion greyjoy. good TV, would win reverse GLAAD award for most homophobic event on television.
20. Areo hotah. too stoic.
19. Quentyn. little nerd in over his head. if Barristan Selmy is telling you that you are not serving hard enough it’s already over.
18. Barristan selmy. a #ally for revealing that egg legalized gay marriage for his kid daeron and being happy about it, but does not have a lot else going for him. would probably say everyone looks nice
17. Bran. seven.
16. Joncon. IS gay, but does not seem like he’s super into all that.
15. Jon. Would probably awaken something in him.
14. Jaime. does not serve cunt, is one.
13. Brienne. Listen she’s trying her best okay.
12. Samwell Tarly. Would DEFINITELY awaken something in him. too busy blushing and telling everyone they look great to be an actual judge.
11. Arya. One thing about her is she WILL be finding people and she WILL be talking to ALL of them which makes her a great TV personality, but i think she would get bored.
10. Davos. Can’t explain this one i just think he would be down.
9. Cat. Serves, afraid to FULLY serve. Ally.
8. Asha. gets off on being mean to pretty boys so you know she is having a great time.
7. Dany. what can i say she’s a star.
6. Tyrion. definitely has the personality for it.
5. Cersei. is a fascist but showing up in full rhaegar eleganza to her husband who she murdered’s funeral. cuntress. You KNOW she would kill it.
4. Arianne. Definitely the first person you would think to ask to guest judge and for good reason.
3. Sansa. 13 year old fashion icon who loves gay people so much. Is so into it the whole time. meticulous notes.
2. Theon. could be the greatest to do it if he could ever get over himself but as it stands simultaneously knocks it out of the park and is a total train wreck. extremely fun to watch.
1. Melisandre. Serves like her life depends on it which she thinks it literally does. Obsessed with appearances and performances. off putting antagonistic cryptic and weird. fantastic TV.
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outsidersheadcanons · 2 months
Gender nonconforming Darry head canons because I said so ‼️
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(and also. a cool pic of Patrick Swayze. To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar was such a good movie man 😭)
So before anyone starts with the "um actually it was the 1960's 🤓" or "NOO DARRY'S A MANLY MAN 😠" um. don't. 😡 if you don't agree w/ these good for u.
So to start. I don't think Darry would like any labels or being like. out and proud (even in modern times but to explain it better to u guys he would be considered genderfluid?? i don't think he's fully trans). he just likes being himself 😭 (but in a modern AU. he would prefer any pronouns. but the boys are the ONLY people on Earth who know).
Growing up he didn't really feel that similar to other guys. He loved hanging out with guys and dating girls and he LOVED football, but something just felt... different. He wasn't ever able to place it exactly until he was much older. He never really felt like being a man was a HUGE part of his identity though.
Darry never really experimented with his gender until Ponyboy was away at college (it was really the first time in like. years he could think abt himself and how he felt). But it started w/ him literally buying perfumed hand soap 😭
He bought a dress once and was so horrified he made up a girlfriend so the cashier wouldn't judge him. But he felt pretty nice when he wore it for the first time (but he felt so ashamed he took it off after like 15 minutes. slowly but surely he got more comfortable)
Soda came home early and just. walked in to Darry cleaning the stove in a dress 😭 he didn't care that much, but he did laugh out of surprise (he apologized profusely after). But Soda doesn't really care. Once for his birthday he got Darry a very sweet orange cologne (it was still for guys but it was a kinda sweet feminine scent) and Darry nearly cried.
Ponyboy didn't care either (at this point he's grown up a lot and is a lot less of a little hater than he was previously) but he definitely had to get used to the idea?? (they're all just simple southern men after all 🤠/j)
He doesn't dress feminine outside of his home (for reputation and social reasons) but it doesn't bother him that much. Sometimes when he goes to work he'll wear a little bit of the cologne Soda bought him and that's enough. (but bro DOES like lipstick sometimes at home. He'll wear it just to vacuum the living room)
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yi-kers · 10 months
I just binged all of M!ik, and i just have to say how much I love how diverse the gender expression is among its characters!!
Like the obvious one is Opera, who’s canonically Non-Binary and uses they/them pronouns (at least in the English translation, since Japanese doesn’t really use gendered pronouns the same way), and who presents with a mix of feminine and masculine attributes, without it ever being seen as something strange by the other characters. Like, everyone just accepts that Opera is neither a man or woman. They’re just Opera.
But even outside of everyone’s favorite cat-demon, theres so many other gender nonconforming characters, including the main character!! Like I know that him dressing up in frilly dresses is played for a joke at one point, but for the most part, it’s not something he’s ashamed of. He’s a bit embarrassed to go on national tv dressed as an idol, but he also has a lot of fun doing it, even leaning more into it during the concert portion of the Evidol Games.
I also have a special place in my heart for the gnc men in the series, because I feel like that’s not something you really see all that often, except for with the generic pretty boy trope. But in M!ik we have Balam, who is undeniably a very masculine figure, but he has a lot of equally undeniably feminine traits. He’s very gentle and physically affectionate, and has a great love for small creatures and likes to make cute picture books. And on the Physical side of things, he has long hair that he wears down a lot that he carefully takes care to maintain (at least after he grows it out again).
And there’s a lot more than that, even just in the background characters that appear, but these three are the ones that came to mind first.
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cowboyjen68 · 9 months
Hi Jen, sorry for dumping a big rant in your askbox but your blog has helped me figure out my identity and I don’t have anyone to talk to about this in real life lol. Feel free to delete if this is too weird.
So I’m a 17 y/o butch, and I have been masculine since I was a little kid. I always felt lucky to have a family that was generally okay with my gender nonconformity. They treated it like a cute quirk of mine, and I never felt like I was being judged or that I should change the way I am around them. My dad got a kick out of it. One summer he let me help him build the deck in our backyard. He always took me to baseball games, he dressed me up in his old clothes, basically treated me like I was his son and I loved it.
I feel like as I get older, my masculinity becomes less acceptable. I went to visit my paternal grandmother for the holidays, hadn’t seen her in a few years, and the first thing she said to me was “I thought you would’ve grown out of all that by now” (in reference to my haircut and outfit, I think.) I just don’t know how to react to the way my extended family treats me now. They used to be totally fine with it, but I spent my entire Christmas feeling like I was being judged for every little thing.
Like, what’s changed? Why is it cute and funny when a little girl wears boy’s clothes and wrestles with her cousins, but disgusting when I grow up and settle into my masculinity?
It’s like I’ve crossed the invisible line between being a tomboy and being a dyke, and now no one wants to entertain it anymore.
Again, sorry for the rant haha, I just feel like I’m going crazy because I tried to talk to my sister about it and she said she didn’t notice them acting any different, but I swear my aunt spent half of our Christmas dinner telling me how pretty I would be if I just wore a bit of makeup lmaoo. I’m just wondering if anyone else has experienced this, because I’m feeling pretty lost right now. Thanks, and happy holidays!
It is not weird at all. I hear that young lesbians, particularly butches, do not have older role models to bounce ideas off of or vent or get any perspective on certain experiences. Moms and Dads and straight sisters and cousins, no matter how well meaning, will just not always "get" what is happening. They say things like "we love you no matter what" and "we don't care if you are a lesbian" and they mean it, mostly. But they often don't see the subtle clues (or blatant ones)they toss around that indicates how uncomfortable they are with you being so visible, but just existing as you naturally are.
AND OH MY GOSH yes I have experienced exactly what you are talking about with the deepening judgement as you move from a cute little Tomboy to an adult butch women. It is almost like they hope to "catch it early" when we are in our teens and redirect us away from the "danger" of being a visible lesbian. And a woman who does not, in very overt ways, conform to their idea of how a woman should be and act.
My dad was relatively consistent in treating me pretty much like he would a son and, to his credit, he did so with my straight sister. We were allowed to do just about anything my older brothers did. In part because my sister was pretty strong willed but also a lot like him. I was less strong willed but she had mowed the path.
Mom was the one who was forever concerned about my looks and behavior, both out of worry I would not fit in, and because she had a certain expectation of how her daughter should grow up. Both normal Mom reactions. She understood bullies and knew that sticking out could be difficult. Her solution was not to strengthen my resilience but to attempt to "tone me down". Her efforts increased as I made the jump from kid to teen and into my late teens. She would discourage me from cutting my hair, becoming almost angry when I brought it up. She would tell me how lovely I was in dresses and skirts and say thing like " a little make up would be nice". It got really old. It lead to us not always getting along even though I loved and respected my mom. She was a great mom. But this one thing made us both crazy. She could not cool it and I could not change who I was.
Friends at school saw hints of my liking girls. I stopped wearing cowboy boots and my favorite horse buckle and it their place went with K Mart Tennis shoes and a generic belt that came with my pants, again, from Kmart. I put away the cowboy fringed shirts and flannel and went with simple jeans and sweatshirts, the acceptable attire for boys and girls in my rural high school. I kept my hair long to disguise my "looking like a boy" traits.
I (barf) agreed to date a boy and spent the better part of that time making excuses to not kiss him or spent time with him. I was starting to listen to mom and do my best to hide ME from the world. Anything (with in reason) to throw the world off the scent, the scent of me being a lesbian. Being butch made that one more step difficult.
It is hard to hide the space we take up naturally.
It might seem hard to see it now by your family is slightly well intentioned, knowing that being "seen" easily as a lesbian can be dangerous. But also, they are uncomfortable with your energy and physical presence because it does not coincide with their ideas of what a woman acts, feels and moves like. This is a THEM problem and I can give you words of comfort based on experience.
The more you begin to be you, and dress in what gives you comfort the more your confidence will grow and be evident. People who are emboldened to try and change you for their own comfort tend to back way off when there is no opening for their opinions. They just sort of realize they are wasting time. AND for those that don't, there are always a few, you don't have to give them any air or acknowledgement. You get to let them waste time and energy while you look great in whatever you wish to wear and however you wish to cut your hair. And in a wonderful turn around, you don't have to spend any effort just being you or trying to defend or correct them.
You are fast approaching adulthood and with that will come even more freedom and independence. Don't rush it but also, work towards that.
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artzychic27 · 4 months
🏳️‍⚧️Happy Pride From the Recess Class!🏳️‍🌈
Akuma Class
Science Kids
Austin A: Legally Blonde, but Gayer
Gender nonconforming, who has time to narrow down pronouns?
Does everyone’s makeup before Pride with Kendra and Victoria
Dyes his hair pink
Gives free haircuts, paints peoples’ nails, and dyes hair using spray-on dye
They just want everyone to look fabulous, is that so wrong?!
Dresses in only flag colors
Uses his mom’s credit card to buy binders for people
This is the only time of year he makes people simp. Not the other way around
And they are going to use it to their advantage
Dresses her chinchillas in drag
They. Look. Gorgeous.
He somehow escapes the Glitter Wars unscathed
Todrick Hall is her anthem
Austin B: Gaymer Gurl
AroAce and He/Him
Wears Croc Heelys to pride
He wanders off a lot, and it terrifies his boyfriends best friends
Brings Elizabeth III to every pride and dresses her in only the finest fashions
He buys her all sorts of pride-themed cat toys because she’s worth it
When people ask him on a date, Elizabeth III hisses at them
Casually getting adopted by drag queens after he casually tells them about his home situation
He’s granted entry to any drag house when he wants to get away from his “parents”. He’s got six moms now, and he will steal jewelry for them
He met a little girl with yellow eyes like him and she hugged him
All of Marceline’s songs are his anthems
Austin Q: Secret Mom Friend with Mommy Issues
Questioning & He/?
Tempted to put a leash on everyone
Especially Austin B because he won’t stop wandering off!
Austin Q: WHERE ARE MY BABIES?! Have you seen a little bitch in yellow glitter pants?! He’s a little ho, but I love him!
He supplies the snacks Austin T doesn’t make. He’s the main apple slice supplier
He also makes sure to bring apple juice. He just likes apples. “They’re good for you, Armsy!”
Cosplays as every redhead character- Penn Zero, Vicky, Melissa Chase, Mary Test, Black Widow, and more
He joins the muscle-flexing contests and wins a couple
Can carry Austin A, B, and T on his shoulders
Once again, everyone thinks the four of them are a poly couple
Austin Quinlan, Protector of Lesbians, Wielder of the Sapphic Sword, Kicker of Protesters’ Balls
Knows how to do a badass rainbow kick
Gay & He/Him
Bakes all sorts of pastries for everyone and it’s pretty much the one thing everyone looks forward to
Seriously, this boy brings like twenty containers full of cupcakes, cookies, and pancakes (For the pansexuals, of course)
Not even protesters are immune to his cupcakes. But because he’s petty, they only get plain vanilla with no toppings
That’s how disappointed he is in them. Now they feel as though they’ve disrespected every deity
The drag queens, dykes on bikes, and just lesbians in general will kill for this baby
Casually name drops his parents any time a protester screams in his face
He and Jean reenact scenes from Phantom of the Opera
DJ threw a glitter bomb at him, and no one was safe
Wears Huggycake like a boa because she loves all the people, and she scares off homophobes
He met other reptile queers and now they’re having brunch
Lotta Jameson: Kick Buttowski, Queer Daredevil
Aromantic and She/Her
Gerard tinkered with her Vespa, and now rainbow glitter shoots out the pipes
Do NOT give her sugar. Seriously
She somehow sneaks onto floats
Austin Q: Lotta! Get down from there!/ Lotta: Be gay, do crimes!
Brings a baseball bat in case of transphobes
She has a shirt that says so
She did a bike jump over the protesters and dropped bags of glitter on them
Now she’s getting called Amelia Earhart by literally everyone
She got the aviator goggles and they’re pretty sure Amelia is a queer icon… Also, she sometimes goes missing in the crowd. She’s so short!
Austin Q: WHERE’S MY OTHER BABY?! SHE’S THE LITTLE GINGER BITCH IN GOGGLES!/ Lotta: Do you call all your babies bitches?
Kendra Anne Gunderson: Casually Spider-Man Kisses People… With Consent
Polyromantic and She/Her
Kendra is a bit of an icon
Known by all as “Hand-Stand Girl” because she walked only on her hands for the entire event
She has two drag queen uncles and her cousin is a beauty influencer in the queer community
Every time Kendra breathes, a lesbian meets her perfect match
Her eyeliner is on point
DJ lowers her down from buildings so that she can kiss pretty people… With consent, of course
Those two are always getting into some sort of trouble
They spray painted some transphobe’s car and put an egg in the slightly open trunk. It stunk up the car for days
When she’s not pranking protesters, she’s on the mom friend squad with Austin Q and keeping Austin B from wandering off
DJ Detweiler: The Drag Jester
Genderfluid, Bisexual, and He/She
Owns an assortment of pun shirts for every sexuality. No one knows how they come up with them
DJ: I came out to my dad./ Mason: DJ, NO!/ DJ: He told animal control he had a bison in his house!
Always accused of starting the Glitter Wars. She ain’t denying anything
As the name implies, he’s gonna prank the protesters and TERFs
So far, he got a TERF to sit on a whoopie cushion, tricked some dick trying to force himself on an Ace girl into kissing a frog, and made some homophobe think his foot went missing
Heads to drag clubs to do standup, and is probably gonna get a Netflix show when she gets older
DJ: Do you know the difference between a government bond and a homophobe? The bond matures.
Now he’s booked for seven shows throughout the month
He’s got a laugh like Sardonyx that makes people (Especially Mason) simp
Any time DJ laughs, a trans boy gets his soup
Austin Spinelli: Sneaking Out in Ballet Flats
Achillean and He/Him
Casually flirts with any guy he comes across
And he lays the Italian accent on THICK
Dresses in pinstripe suits and says he’s the boss of the Velvet Mafia
When he’s not in suits, he’s dressed in his ballet gear and doing ribbon dances
His splits are flawless
Any time Spinelli does a pirouette, a trans girl gets her wings
Any time Spinelli does a pirouette, a transphobe gets punched
When he’s got the time, and he always does, he does chalk art with the kids, and creates a literal mural
He’s always got time
The organizers loved his work so much, they commissioned a mural for a youth center
Knits beanies for everyone
Gia Griswald: You Ask, I’ll Tell
MtF Trans and She/Her
Her dad went with her to her first pride, and none of the protesters wanted to mess with the six foot tall military general war hero
Gets into flexing contests
Wears rainbow camouflage to every event
If she sees a scuff on your combat boots, she’s gonna clean them
Helped Gerard write his queer history book
In a club with other queer history buffs and they reenact iconic poses from history, but make them gay
She attended a military funeral with her dad during June, and the soldier being burried was a lesbian
Immediately, a bunch of freaks who probably stalked them went to protest. Gia flipped some bastard over her shoulder
Roger Raincomprix, the arriving officer, didn’t see a thing
She eats a crap ton of marshmallows
Victoria LaSalle: Queers on Wheels
Asexual, Bigender, and He/They/She
Decorates her wheelchair with all sorts of pride stickers
Rocks it every year in a crop top
Starts every glitter bomb fight. No one ever sees them coming
She’s just… She’s a goddex
Everyone wants to get a selfie with him. That’s how gorgeous he is
Out of everyone’s leagues
Teaches kids in wheelchairs how to pop a wheelie
Likes to answers kids’ questions
Kid: Are you a robot?/ Victoria: … Yes. Yes, I am.
Only Gerard has the privilege of sitting in his lap as he cruises through the crowd
Gerard Grundler: The Gay Genius
FtM Trans, Pan, Polyamorous, He/Him
He’s written a mini-pride history book with Gia. They got publishers lining up and everything!
Everyone is just so pretty
He bails during the Glitter Wars and takes cover in a coffee shop
Victoria’s gotta keep him from wandering off and possibly joining a cult because the members are pretty
Probably hacked into the medical system so people can have better access to hormones
Faints any time he sees Victoria in a crop top
Dresses in a lot of pride flag sweater vests no matter how hot it is
Victoria: Gerard, it’s ninety-/ Gerard: SWEATER VESTS RULE!
He builds robots to wave pride flags in sync
He and Rochelle protect the bugs
Mindy Blumberg: Opera is Gay as Fuck
Demigirl, Panromantic, They/She
Sings “Rainbow Connection” in an operatic fashion, and leaves everyone in tears
Carries Gia on her shoulders
She carries everyone on her shoulders, but mostly Gia
Will act as a human shield during the Glitter Wars because that’s how much she cares.
But the second Austin T gets his hands on a glitter bomb, she’s out
Hayley Kiyoko is her anthem
If you ask, they’ll hug you
Mindy gives amazing hugs
Everyone will die for this girl
Also, she’s weirdly poetic. It makes everyone wanna listen to her for hours
Is a pacifist, but she’ll give it to you straight if you mess with her friends
Rochelle Weems: That one person at pride who takes pictures of the protesters screaming at queer kids and posts them online for everyone to see
Demigirl, Polysexual, Ze/Zir
Brings zir Polaroid to make a scrapbook and blackmail protesters
Ze’s a rat, but a good kind of rat. The kind who makes sure homophobes and transphobes don’t get away with yelling at queer kids
Was self conscious about zir back brace until ze saw a drag king wearing a bedazzled one
Was roped into letting Austin A, Victoria and Kendra do zir makeup
Ze looked gorgeous!
Ze and Austin B share the good gossip with drag queens
In exchange, they get tickets to shows
Will kill for Austin T’s cookies
Just don’t let zir have too much sugar, otherwise ze will go crazy and start a cult based on cookies where everyone wears Cookie Monster bathrobes
It’s happened once before, and now ze’s under surveillance
Protects the bugs from getting stepped on and then places them in protesters’ hair
Ze saw this one guy about to take a swing at a lesbian, and promptly kicked him in the balls
Now ze’s got twelve new numbers in zir phone
Mason Ewing: The Most Organized Person At Pride
Bigender, Asexual, He/She
Brings a binder filled with horrific facts about conversion therapy to throw in the faces of protesters
Will talk the ear off of any protester about why they’re wrong about everything until they just walk away
Gets carried by DJ on her shoulders
Somehow knows where everyone is at all times
He teaches Rochelle how to walk in pumps and ze teaches him how to steal thirty candy bars
Brings sarcastic coffee thermoses
Paid Gerard to make her coffee maker battery operated, and now she brings it everywhere
She just pins an asexual flag pin on her tie and calls it a day. Though, if DJ asks, she will wear a pun shirt
DJ is the only one who knows how to make her laugh, and Spinelli’s taking bets on who will ask who out first
Beck King: Cosplays As Frida Kahlo
Nonbinary, Achillean, They/Them
The responsible chaperone when M. Grotke’s out of commission
Dyes their unibrow rainbow
Silently flirts with guys using eyebrow language
Cosplays as Clone High Frida Kahlo and the original Frida Kahlo. They just like Frida
Just casually flexing their muscles in front of hot guys, nothing going on there
Then the hot guys write their phone numbers on their hockey stick
Spinelli’s mentor in ‘The Way of the Achillean’
He makes crowns for kids
Any time a protester tries to attack them, they just suddenly disappear
People swear they’ve see men in black drag protesters away from Beck
Seriously, it’s like this guy’s got a whole security detail!
Alonzo Grotke: I Went to the First Pride, and All I Got Was This Brick
FtM Trans, Gay, He/Him
A well seasoned gay
Has a shirt that says “Papa Gay”
He’s total DILF getting hit on by every silver fox. He ain’t complaining, and they sure ain’t complaining when they get a look at his abs with that crop top
Seriously, this guy is ripped
The parade paused when one of the floats got a flat, and he just… He just made a whole bunch of guys simp by changing a tire, that’s all they’ll say
He’s the one keeping people at gay bars from getting roofied by creeps
Teaches meditation at the youth center
He gets hit on by the single dads, A LOT
Back in the day, he stole a police motorcycle and painted it rainbow. He passes out autographed copies of his mugshot because it’s such a good photo
His kids went to spy on his date with M. Monlataing and he pretended he didn’t notice
He passes mini water bottles to protesters since it’s ninety degrees out and he doesn’t want them dying of thirst despite everything
But, he does it with this smirk like, “Looks like I’m the bigger person here, losers. Namaste.”
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"the protagonist of yowamushi pedal was originally supposed to be a girl until the author's editor said that a story with a boy protagonist would sell better, but he still kept a lot of his character concept for the original protagonist in creating onoda.
onoda is really obsessed with a magical girl anime, love hime, and throughout the series she often sings a song from that show singing about the transforming magic princess protagonist to encourage herself to pedal faster during cycling races. i feel like this can be seen as her finding power in femininity. even outside of singing the song there are multiple times while pushing herself during races that she shouts "i'm a princess!!!"
for an additional argument that requires a segue into making the case for another character's lgbt-ness for a bit: onoda's senior mentor is makishima yuusuke. makishima has a sense of style that other people often find weird and effeminate. makishima has a background story about how they were always bullied growing up for not fitting in regardless of what they did, and for quite literally not doing things "straight" (having weird posture/writing crooked/riding a bike with an unconventional style, etc.) makishima is also probably the character involved with the most gaybaiting in all of the animanga
despite all the people who find makishima to be weird, onoda greatly admires makishima, insisting that they're one of the coolest people she's ever met, and looking up to her as a role model. everything that other people find weird that makishima does, onoda admires and tries to imitate, from their cycling style to their fashion sense. in one cute scene, onoda sees makishima put their long hair in a hair turban after washing it, and as soon as she is alone she tries to imitate this despite not needing to wrap her short hair like that herself.
before getting roped into joining her school's cycling club (despite initially being intimidated by people who played sports), onoda was pretty shy and awkward and didn't have many friends. but after gaining a community in the cycling club, she begins to blossom into her warm and determined personality. some of the moments where that shines the most is when she is relating herself to the protagonist of love hime. i think there is a strong argument to be made for her being a closeted trans girl who is just starting to discover herself now that she is in a supportive environment with an older gender nonconforming role model giving her a small glimpse of what is possible for the first time, taking her first steps with experimenting and letting herself be excited about the idea of being a girl through the confidence-building outlet of her cycling.
i've not been able to see onoda as anything but a trans girl since i first watched yowamushi pedal 10 years ago and i hope after reading this you think so too!" - Anonymous
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Been in this hobby for 15 years, and if there's one thing I know, it's that way too many people have a stick up their ass about people who buy 70cm size boys and dress them up "like girls."
Back in the day, people who were doing this were often female j-rock/visual kei fans and closeted trans people, and they would whine about girls liking girly-looking men, for absolutely no reason that could be explained in a way that wasn't transphobic or homophobic.I remember going to a doll meet as a teen and having someone look at my doll, disappointed. "oh... you're one of those *girls* who dresses up her boy dolls like *women.*" We were stereotyped as bitchy, catty people who would scream at you if you misgendered our dolls, and I still see people reducing us to that all the time.
I noticed when I post my more gender-conforming dolls on r/bjd, they do much better than my more visibly trans/gender nonconforming dolls. I am a good enough photographer to do it for a job, and pretty good faceup artist, so I'm used to my dolls doing pretty well on that subreddit. Today, I posted my very obviously transfemme doll. I got the notification that she got 50 upvotes. When I went to the post, she only had 15. It's lovely to know that 50 people upvoted my doll, but not so lovely to know that my doll made *that* many people think, "oh, ew" enough to downvote her. This isn't the first time it's happened, either.
I probably wouldn't have made a confession or that big of a deal out of this if I thought it was just that they didn't think my dolls were that great, but knowing the rampant transphobia and the amount of bitchy people who cry about "keeping politics out of dolls..." I know the fuck why it got downvoted so much.
But try as you might, you'll never be free of us <3 trans people and even just those who dare to use dolls as a way to explore gender expression will always be the creative backbone of this community, making the coolest doll concepts out there.
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proseka-headcanons · 4 months
me with pretty much 0 gender headcanons watching the gender polls with soda and popcorn:
it's dangerous to go alone (without gender headcanons)... take this...!!!! (yes i am about to talk about my gender headcanons for every single character. and even rant about certain ones which are marked with asterisks, especially the tenma siblings. spoiler alert everyone is trans. they're all below the cut bc i get too silly :3)
miku is a trans girl, uses she/they
the kagamines are both trans. rin is a trans girl (she/her), len is a trans boy (he/him)*
luka is a trans woman (she/her)
meiko is a trans woman (she/her)
ichika is transfem demigirl stargender (she/star) (although i don't have any other xenogender hcs i'm sorryyyy.,..)
saki is a trans girl (she/they)**
honami is a trans girl (she/her)
shiho is bigender (i think maybe??? i haven't decided on one particular hc for shiho. :3 idk sbibo has all of the gender) (she/he)
all of mmj are trans girls who use she/her
kohane is a trans girl (she/they)
an is a trans girl (she/her)***
akito is a trans boy (he/him)****
toya is a trans boy (he/they/she)**
tsukasa is a trans boy (he/star)**
emu is a trans girl (she/sunny/🌈) (you can't tell me she doesn't use xenopronouns!!)
nene is a trans girl (she/they)
rui is a trans boy (he/they)*****
kanade is non binary (she/they)
mafuyu is bigender (any pronouns)
ena is a trans girl (she/they)****
mizuki is a trans girl (obviously) (they/them)*****
* the kagamines swapped names and clothes and just. everything. like they kinda just swapped places one day and nobody noticed lmao
** tsukasa and saki also gave each other their old clothes when they were kids!! they both discovered they were trans at a young age, and they helped toya with his own realization!! also toya is gender nonconforming as well (sometimes they crossdress and she's okay with she/her, as long as you don't exclusively use she/her for him then it's all good) so tsukasa gave some of his old clothes to them as well.,. also if someone is transphobic towards saki or toya, it will not end well for them. kasa will not show any mercy /silly but if the transphobia is directed towards star, he doesn't really care as much because at least it's not his siblings (both of whom will be pissed in their brother's place) star cares about his little siblings so much!!!! <3 hghhhg i love tsukasa sm star's so selfless......
*** nagi was also a trans woman, and with an looking up to her like she does, yeah this egg was going to crack real quick wasn't she
**** more characters who gave each other their old clothes. you can pry these from my cold dead hands. sometimes ena jokes that it's like akito is always on his period and he's like "i swear to fucking god shut the fuck up" (it's all in good fun, usual shinonome stuff)
***** i think you know what i'm about to say. they gave each other their old clothes again, i will not change my mind. mizuki helped rui discover that he was trans as well!! their classmates are transphobic assholes but at least someone can understand them and has to deal with similar classmates... rui helped teach mizuki how to do makeup (it's like something to thank them for helping them and being there for him) and also, not relevant but i need to spread the agenda, t4t qpr mizurui
that's all i'm doing for now i'm tired
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theirishwolfhound · 1 month
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick Headcanons
My thoughts on pretty boy Kyle are actually relatively new. The longer I spend reading and writing about him for my own purposes, the more I absolutely fall in love with this man. As a collective whole here on Tumblr, as far as I’ve seen, we’ve collectively decided that Kyle is the heartthrob of the Task Force.  In this I'll cover the basics that will be prevalent in my own fics, if you wish to use any feel free, they're mostly rambles as is :)
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“Oh come off it, sweetheart.”
Age: I wholeheartedly believe he’s older than Soap, but younger than Ghost, so between 27- 33. Personally I think he would be 29-30. With a bit of research it is said he enlisted in 2008 when he was 16, so I’m more inclined to believe he’s 30. (not me having to fix my own fucking story because I fucked the math up and got their ages wrong like a stupid moron) Sexaulity: Omnisexual, like he’s definitely some sort of queer and it’s hard to place him. Would he love a pretty lady or man? Absolutely, just as much as he would love a more rugged woman or man. -As for his own gender, I don’t think he would really care what pronouns he’s given so he could just be a cisgendered man who’s comfortable with himself or he’s just gender nonconforming. Height & Weight: Definitely 6’/182 cm and weighs roughly 216 lbs, I see him as a toned athletic man for sure.  Personality: Just like in the game, Gaz has to be sassy. We love sassy men who can match vibes. He’s the guy you want to go clubbing with, not only because he’s fun as hell but because he makes you feel safe at the same time. You give him an attitude he returns it with little effort and it either matches the energy you gave or it surpasses it. -He’s very comfortable with himself. Secure with showing both masculine and feminine traits. Give the man a crop top and a skirt he’ll wear them for you. He’ll let you paint his nails, do his makeup, ect.  Birthday: September 26th, 1992 (I'm using 2022)
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Car Or Truck?: It honestly depends. I feel like he could potentially have both given his current vibes. But I would see him with a car, a nice sleek car with leather seats and a bumper sticker that says: “If at first you don’t succeed, call an airstrike.” given to him by Soap. -Specifically thinking of a core model BMW 740i xDrive Sedan, dark charcoal grey in color, glossy coat and dark windows. Cat or Dog?: He has the silliest dog that stays with his parents. I think it is a boxer, or a boxer mix of some sort, that has almost the same personality as Kyle. Boxers are a hyper and goofy breed of dog, and he is very certain that if he knew Soap before he got the dog he would've named it after him. Favorite Food: Vindaloo, specifically lamb Vindaloo. He just seems like the person who would prefer the more savory foods. As well as spicy foods. And if he had to go with something sweet, he’d go for a lemon drizzle cake.  Favorite Drinks: This man drinks fruity cocktails without fear of judgment just as easily as he drinks whiskey, and for non-alcoholic drinks he's a big tea, latte, and ginger ale fan for sure.  Favorite Music: 2000-2010’s music for sure. This man knows Britney Spears’ Toxic like us Americans know the pledge of allegiance.  Song I think Fits their Vibes: Feel The Way I Do- The Jungle Giants Hobbies: Gives off the vibes of a man who taught himself how to play guitar and jewelry making. Makes Soap bracelets and teaches him how to make them as well. More physical activities might be running and swimming. Fears: Oddly enough, not really, falling. It's not a terrible fear, it just gets his heart racing enough that he steers clear of the helicopter doors until they land. 
“Why don’t we go this way? Y’know, away from the edge, yeah?”
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Familial Relationships: Has a relatively good relationship with his mom and dad, they probably live somewhere closeish to his flat in London. They would have a key to take care of the plants on the inside for sure. Has an older sister and a younger brother. They’re all fairly close and he’ll visit them on his leaves if he has the chance, otherwise they all have a group chat to check in with one another.  Relationships with the team: I definitely think this varies based on what sort of relationship you’re seeking to read/write about. I try to always write polyamory, as a poly-person I like having the representations.  Price: Coming from someone who loves PriceGaz, they are either the best mentor and trainee coupling or the most judgemental couple. They can read each other relatively well and work together rather well. (Though they equally get on each other's nerves.) Soap: Definitely best friends if they’re not dating, they get up to the most interesting shenanigans. They’d go clubbing in matching outfits and are annoyingly catty together.  Ghost: As lovers and friends, they’re totally the ones that would seek quiet comfort from one another. They have secret tea time and share snacks. Totally make fun of Soap's hair if it's in need of a shave.  Love Language: Physical Touch and Gift Receiving/Giving. He'll do a skin care routine with you, massages, and he'll make sure to buy the stuff for it to give to you or you to him if you get him something. He knows what makeup you wear or what size to buy your clothes in to surprise you. 
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Civilian or Military Lover: Prefers civilian lovers over other soldiers, but like he’d date other soldiers given they’re the right person.  What would their civilian job be?: I see Kyle being a Paramedic, like he’d be the one I’d ask for if I fell in the shower because he’s not gonna make fun of me and he’s hot. How’s their charisma: Rizz Master, man. I'm convinced he's got a smolder that'll knock the clothes off of anyone lucky. Voice is smooth like honey and sweet to boot, he's an interrogation expert— he's gotta have a way with words. What would your first date be? Hard to say. I think he'd take you out to a coffee/tea house or you'd go get Ramen. But in reality I know it would be put up to a mutual agreement. He’d totally pay the bill and makes sure you never even get to see the slip. What would they call you? “Baby” is definitely one of the top ones, but I think the next contenders are as followed: “Sweetheart” and “Pretty/Handsome”
“Gonna make me feel pretty, baby?”
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Size: Gonna have to say he's not the biggest or longest but I agree with the post that said he's the prettiest of the four cocks. A neat 6.5 in, circumcised, hits the right spots and he knows how to use it well.  Kinks: Bondage, Exhibitionism, and Sensation Play Position?: Pretty boy Kyle is a complete switch, though has a more dominant leaning personality. He’ll let you top, but he's gonna boss you around while you do it.  Sharing?? Kyle loves to share. He is inclined to share with his team, after all those are his best friends and his brothers-in-arms, they saved his life many times— just a little peek won’t hurt. Song that fits his vibe in the bedroom:  Swim - CHASE ATLANTIC
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faelynfawn · 8 months
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I was inspired by @mcyt's post to finally get around to drawing Grian and sharing my transfemme headcanons for her.
I have been rotating these around in my head for months. It is a lot, so I am placing it under the cut. In summary: women are my favourite guy. That is her gender, to me.
So, I believe she is a genderfluid, bigender transfemme. What pronouns she uses changes, but it is always he/him, she/her or a combination of the two. She uses both the names Grian and Ariana, but primarily Grian.
She first began to explore her gender with drag. Ariana Griande was meant to be a one off bit, but she found herself really enjoying it. For a while she did not understand that the desire to do drag was actually dysphoria and euphoria. She just had moments where she wanted to look like a woman or be called she/her or hated being a man suddenly. You know, as all drag queens do.
Due to her feeling comfortable as a guy a lot of the time (and uncomfortable as a woman some of the time too) she just never really put two and two together. She was very close with a trans woman (Pearl) and her experiences were just so very different.
It was Pearl who truly cracked her egg.
Grian only began to do drag after joining Hermitcraft, so Pearl did not witness Ariana Griande until season 8 despite their history together. She was really happy that Grian was exploring her gender presentation.
Then, one day, Grian began to complain about how she wished she could do drag without having to bother dressing up. Pearl and her ended up having a long, deep conversation about gender that lead to Grian realising she's trans.
It took a bit of trial and error, but Grian realised that she really did like the gender presentation she had. She just sort of wanted boobs more often than not. And when she didn't want to look like she had boobs, binding was the most euphoric thing. Because it meant she had boobs to bind. It also just felt so butch and gender nonconforming, she adored it.
Then she realised that she was also just sort of a Guy sometimes as well. Mostly a girl who's a guy or a guy who's a girl but a guy nonetheless. She doesn't really like the term man or boy (with the exception of boyfriend) ever, but she's a guy sometimes.
She really loves gender nonconformity. To her, dressing masculine when her gender feels feminine and vice versa is the best feeling.
EDIT: I almost forgot the headcanons surrounding her wings.
I have so many thoughts surrounding hybrids and the cultural implications it causes for their genders.
In many bird species, the male birds have bright colourful wings whereas female birds have duller more muted ones.
She loves her wings because, to her, it feels like the intersection of masculinity and femininity. As an avian, it being so bright and colourful is masculine. But generally in society, bright pretty colours are considered more feminine.
Do you see my vision.
Also small Pearl headcanon: she is also an avian and dyes her wings brown. Grian and her have regular preening sessions, and Grian dyes all new feathers brown whenever they appear.
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symphonic-scream · 8 months
Okay here are the
Phantom Thieves of Gender
This started from some headcanons for a transboy Haru thing and now I have a mini arcana swap with the most gender team of teens ever so. Here
Fool/World - non binary Futaba, they/them, don't have much for them yet
Lovers - tranfemme Akira, she/they, wears glasses, first year on hormones, she doesn't talk much outside of the metaverse, but is a mad flirt
Chariot - trans Ann, she/her! She and Shiho are volleyball players, she isn't allowed to play for the school cause of her birth sex, but she and Shiho play for a little local rec team after the first arc, been on hormones since 14, her parents are rich and supportive
Emperor - nonconforming/genderqueer Makoto, any pronouns, preference for they or he. Was a goody goody stuck under Kobayakawa's thumb, but the Thieves help them out and the week after the confession, they show up to school in an oversized plaid jacket and pants, a new gender identity, and hair more choppy, parted more like Sae's, more grunge. Eventually they'll try binding and do it once and a while
Priestess - trans man Ryuji, he/him. He's at Kosei, athletic scholarship, his fellow athletes fall for scams and he has to solve it. He's been out since he was 15 (he's 16/17) but can't afford hormones so he's doing masc workouts and everything he can naturally do
Hermit - genderfluid Yusuke (she/they/he, alternative day from day). Again, not much for this one, sorry
Empress - demigirl Hifumi, she/they. Also at Kosei, she takes Haru's original role, and her mom is a lot worse in this. That's, pretty much what I have for her rn
And, the other two arcana that I've worked out
Star - transboy Haru, he/him. Transition started at 12, he got top in his second year, and of course, dating Makoto. They introduce him to Futaba, and the star social link is about Haru wanting to garden. He's a soft kinda guy, but he's scary with a bat
Death - Sae, cis. Happy Niijima siblings. Thats the reason.
Anyways that's the post. Gender Thieves.
feel free to send me asks about this I love these little gender kids
Stuff for this can be found under the tags 'Gender Thieves' and 'trans boy Haru' for older asks
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odysseys-blood · 3 months
theres a lot of back and forth about paimon especially so i just wanna put in my two cents about it bc speculation on paimon and gender can be tricky and theres a lot to take into consideration. this isnt an end all be all post and not the best written but im just speaking from my place as someone who is trans (though i myself am tme) and works with gender themes in my own characters so this is gonna be kinda long
So! Paimon
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a lot of the issue from the back and forth stems from how paimon is written by default. When you meet paimon, he's designated as just a pretty boy that likes to crossdress and they emphasize heavily that paimon is a man every time they talk about his femininity and how he presents himself.
Now crossdressing itself is not at all transphobic, hell drag is a big thing and its not uncommon for queens do figure out that they're transfem when they get into it. In fact a lot of queer people do push to erase gender boundaries within clothes because in the end....clothing is just cloth wear what you want be who you want to be, whether it be a woman wearing masc clothing, a man wearing femme clothes, or anyone just wearing something neutral feeling.
Where it becomes a problem is the push to enforce paimon's masculinity at every turn. While its good that paimon isn't a character that's put in to be played for laughs (as feminine men and trans women often are in media), it comes off odd in a way for paimon to have a feminine voice, dress femininely, love feminine things...and then at every point have it enforced heavily that paimon is a man. THAT is where a lot of the issue stems from at when you see it happening as someone who has seen transmisogyny (if this is your first time seeing the word, its transphobia that arises specifically for a trans woman being a woman. ergo the word being a mix of transphobia and misogyny) in practice it looks worrying. When you're someone who knows how to spot this kind of thing it can feel like paimon's gender nonconformity is being demonized (while they also highlight it. its an odd mix).
This isn't to say that it is a concious thing that's being pushed either i'm not saying the writers are personally transmisogynists at all, HOWEVER since transphobia and transmisogyny is rampant in society to the point where it subconsciously controls biases, thats how it can come off transmisogynistic. Think of it as similar to racism: even if you think you yourself are not racist theres still likely biases you have picked up or have been taught just because theyre so pervasive in society. This doesnt mean its your fault it just means its something that you have to unlearn conciously and put in the work to do so.
This is also not just a problem with whb because again like i said, its systemic. Think about other characters in media who are written this way, such as Bridget from Guilty Gear, or Vivian from Paper Mario. While these two are different in that their status as trans women have been solidified, the treatment they've gotten is largely the same. Especially bridget considering how she for the longest was the poster child for the "femboy" archetype and how femininity is enforced yet also discouraged in these characters until she was finally labeled transgender in gg strive.
All this to say...its messy and theres a lot of points to consider so there really isnt a reason to go at each others throats. Using paimon's canon pronouns and gender isn't exactly a problem and neither is choosing to instead see paimon as a transgender woman and using she/her pronouns. But at the very least it doesn't hurt to educate yourself also and understand why paimon's writing can come off transmisogynistic and transphobic. WHB is not a game thats heralding itself on being progressive (even if there are aspects to it that might seem so) so there's not much to expect from it in that regard but still we can be mindful and discussion isnt bad.
(also a footnote i dont think ive seen any transfem or tma players of whb in the tag....ever but if anyone is and wants to add on or thinks ive overstepped let me know)
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indiaalphawhiskey · 2 years
Hi there. I was not a fan during LHH so I found your tags (agreeing with Gina's reply to an anon) interesting. I didn't realize that phase represented a rebellion for him. What else did he do to show his femme side during that period? Thanks!
Hey, love. I don’t have too much energy tonight, so I’m going to try and answer this as concisely as possible, but still give context.
Just to give a bit of personal background, I came into the 1D (not yet Larry, until about 4-5 months afterwards) fandom in 2015, right before Zayn left, so most of my observations are retrospective, vis-a-vis how I’m seeing the GP/hets react to LHH now.
So, at that point, Harry was already in his LHH era, but it had only gotten long enough that the GP were starting to notice it was purposeful and that he clearly was not planning to trim it/cut it back to Prince Hair. Since I was about 80-20 still in the GP, but was starting my 1D obsession, I had no one talk to about the boys except my IRL friends. And I remember distinctly that they were all convinced Harry was gay because of:
- the patterned, unbuttoned polos
- his pretty “loud” affinity for YSL
- painting one nail or leaving one nail half painted
And to the lucky few in the know, also because of:
- the rumors that he was begged to wipe off his lipstick before a live taping of GMA, or so a CDAN blind said
As I delved further into fandom, I saw a broad and shallow part of discourse around all these things, but the loudest voices at the time (because I was on Twitter) were hets who were either: i) vehemently insisting he was ABSOLUTELY NOT gay or feminine or ii) being very vocal about how they were no longer attracted to him because of one or all of the reasons above.
Now, I know looking at both Harry and the world at present, none of the things I’ve listed seems remotely “femme” or earth-shattering, but again, this is where context matters.
It was 2015, so discussions regarding gender nonconformity were, in my humble experience, largely still limited to the LGBTQI+ community and had not made it into everyday, mainstream conversation yet. On top of that, Harry’s image was only just inching its way past the hyper teenage heartthrob frat boy phase but was only allowed to veer far enough that his style still “fit” with the rest of the boys and was designed to look more like the groups’ style maturing all together.
No one saw him as a fashion icon yet, because his image had been so carefully curated. So, when he came out wearing that black and white floral suit, standing next to the other boys, the statement read like rebellion, as opposed to him pushing the fashion envelope the way it does now.
Coupled with the fact that he was still, very much, seen as a member of a boyband, the GP didn’t see him growing his hair as any kind of homage or nod to Jagger or Lennon or Slash, because Harry’s image wasn’t at all in the realm of rock; he wasn’t even seen as a proper musician.
So if you put all those things together, you begin to see that growing his hair and painting his nails and dressing the way he did (as conservative as it may seem, compared to him now) was a big, big risk, considering how he was marketed, whom to, and the conversations that image of him was inspiring in those circles.
And that’s why, to me, LHH is one of the loudest, banging-on-the-glass-closetest eras of Harry there is, so it makes it very, very odd to see LHH characterized in Tiktoks as “Dark Harry”/the new “Fratboyrry”/het Harrie fantasy era.
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gatheringbones · 2 years
[“Alex tells me he had long been aware of the existence of transsexuals, and he had even contemplated transitioning earlier in his life. He had known a couple of people over the years who had transitioned, but he had no idea of how to go about doing so, and he lacked the money and the wherewithal.
In the early 1990s, “the conversation changed,” he says, making it possible for him to contemplate transitioning. He heard about support groups for transgender men. FTM groups were forming in San Francisco and Seattle. A burgeoning “queer” movement was challenging the dominance of radical feminist ideas and was offering female-assigned individuals who wished to embrace their inner maleness a way to do so affirmatively, with a sense of pride. Writers and activists like Sandy Stone and Kate Bornstein were talking about a different, more expansive understanding of the radical potential of gender switching, rejecting medicalized notions of trans people as having the “wrong body,” or as being mentally deficient. The term “transgender” was established as a way to move beyond the medical model of “transsexualism” and to include a broad array of gender-variant persons who wished to challenge the binary. It enabled Alex to call himself transgender.
“I did not want to have to say I was ‘crazy.’ I don’t even like saying I’m dysphoric, though I fit the narrative,” says Alex. “I didn’t start T until I found a very good doctor who didn’t demand a letter from a therapist. I wouldn’t confess dysphoria in order to get access to top surgery. I won’t do it. Why would I want to make myself even more marginal?” However, once there was a “weakening of pathology, of judgment,” he decided to move forward.
Meanwhile, Kristin, Alex’s closest friend, settled in Seattle after graduation, where she found an accepting culture and a lively butch presence in the lesbian community. She worked for a state representative, and when she visited the state capitol to lobby on his behalf, people sometimes perceived her “as a boy.” But mainly she felt okay about looking different, and she fell in love with a woman, Jennie, who affirmed her right to be who she was. Kristin is pretty flat chested and small hipped, and “looks like she wants to,” more or less. She presented as a masculine female. It helped that her family tended to be supportive. “Even though I don’t really operate as a woman, I operate in the sphere of women, and there were a lot of really strong women in my big Polish family!” Also her dad, now deceased, was queer, and her brother (who appears in this book) is a transgender man.
Because Kristin, unlike Alex, received a lot of support for her gender nonconformity, she said it never became a major source of distress for her—which isn’t to say that it hasn’t been a challenge at times. She contemplated transitioning for a while but eventually made peace with her body. Being in therapy helped. “I thought that my anxiety was special and everyone else was normal,” she tells me. But as she found ways to ease her generalized sense of anxiety, she became more comfortable with her body and her gender nonconformity. “I thought, ‘Why do I care so much about what other people think about my gender?’ I have a right. I have a fucking right to be who I am,” she tells me, her voice cracking.
And as she became more comfortable with herself, she found ways to deal with bathroom confrontations. “Now when people come up to me and tell me I’m in the wrong bathroom, sometimes I look my body up and down and look at them quizzically and say, ‘Oh, really?’ Thanks!” She makes light of it. “The more comfortable I am, the more likely they are to think I’m in the right place and leave me alone. Now it’s even funny at times.” But airports, she says, are still particularly challenging. Heightened security seems to extend to the policing of gendered bodies in bathrooms. The other day, a blond woman in her fifties came over to her as she entered a bathroom stall and started yelling, “You’re in the wrong place—the men’s room is over there.” Kristin just smiled and said, “Thank you,” and the woman left in a hurry.
“I get why some people transition,” says Kristin, “to be normal, and not have people gawking at you all day. It takes a whole lot of energy.” Still, she came to the conclusion that transitioning would not solve her problems, and that it might open up new, unknown challenges.
Alex, on the other hand, made the decision to modify his body and present as a male, and it has made his life much easier. He no longer gets harassed walking down the street, and he’s no longer as angry. “I still look young,” he tells me, “but at least the beard and receding hairline prove I’m through puberty!” He is much happier now, he says. “I honestly don’t feel I’ve changed that much. That is, ‘transitioning’ didn’t change me so much as it forced others to see me as I saw myself. Yes, the bodily transformations were welcome and comforting. I felt that I was finally ‘home.’ But how do you separate that feeling from the sense that you’re finally recognized by others for how you see yourself?”]
arlene stein, from unbound: transgender men and the remaking of identity, 2018
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rabbitsrams · 1 year
I see a lot of girl!dad and boy!dad schlatt HCs out and I absolutely love them to bits and pieces!
But what about queer-kid!dad schlatt HCs? Like I see some brief of mentions of the kids being gay and schlatt being supportive of that but not really much else.
Like what if his son is into girly things like barbie, makeup, dresses, and is a little bit more sensitive than your average manly man. He’d ofc be sad that his son isn’t interested in baseball or most/any of his machine stuff, but ultimately he just wants his son to be happy and if that means being somewhat of a girl!dad to his son then so be it!
And he’d do the same thing with his tomboy daughter, but he’d be pretty excited if his daughter’s into baseball and/or his machine stuff.
And if his comes out as queer, I feel he will be incredibly supportive… like to that point of it being embarrassing.
His kid brings home his same-sex or gender nonconforming partner? Be sure that he WILL bring out the gun and do vague threats towards the ‘lucky’ kid. Especially if they’re a guy or a masc leaning kid.
Heartbreak? He will be there for every one, wiping away every tear that pours down his baby’s face. Even if his son’s traditionally masc, he’d still do it because he’s doesn’t want his son to bottle up his feelings like he did when he was younger.
If his kids is somewhere in the aroace kingdom? He’d be supportive of that too, I’d feel that if his kid’s on the more extreme end of the aroace spectrum… he’d be more relieved then anything because that’s one less thing that he’d have to worry about.
Kid’s now somewhere under the trans umbrella? You bet you’re bottom butts that he’s gonna get ANYTHING that his precious angel needs! Wardrobe changes? They’re stocking up on all of the kid’s preferred clothing like it’s the fucking apocalypse! Pronouns changes? Will contently correct oneself until he gets it right! Puberty blockers? Gotcha covered! Hrts? Already on it’s way! Top surgeries? Bottom surgeries? Any other gender-affirming surgeries? It’s scheduled as soon as they turned the legal to do so and as soon as the kid shows interest in surgeries! Not interested in any surgeries or hormones? Still will love his baby no matter what they do.
And if there’s bigotry or bigots out there? He will fight everyone of bigots tooth and nail if it means his kid will be happy (even if it means getting the gun out).
And god forbid his kid, HIS FLESH AND BLOOD!!! Is ever HATE-CRIMED!!! He will rain the fury of a thousand suns upon those idiots who decide to hate-crime HIS BABY!!! If he knew the identities of those unfortunate people… let’s just say he wouldn’t be so civil with those ‘people’…. and they’d probably end up dead in a ditch somewhere.
Anyways! I said my piece here, so feel free to add anything but I think I’ve went over the most important things. -🍓🫐anon
hey there! wow, this is amazing. so nuanced and i so agree! he'd love his kid no matter what. i loved reading this it was super sweet and captures schlatt's essence so very well. well done nonie <3
i'm not queer (i'm a cishet ally) so i'm not really sure if it's my place to continue on this or speak on queer kids' experiences, but i def want to boost queer voices regarding this topic (or anything related to it too ofc). if any LGBTQ+ writers want to continue this, hit my line! tag me in anything or send me an ask and i can read & boost it <3
but i do wanna add a bit to the girly things son and tomboyish daughter part bc that was my brother and i's experience: we kinda had a mix of everything lmao, i was a bit of a tomboy and he was more sensitive and not rly a "manly man" (gender roles who)
his daughter being super into old video games from his childhood and loving the consoles. schlatt being OVERJOYED and playing with her. she gets better at the game than he does lmfao (i'm just imagining mario kart wii idk why)
if she's more crafty with fixing up cars/machines/etc he'd love to help her out. buys her parts she needs and when she's done he's showing it off to everyone
and like i said before, schlatt 100% would go to all of his daughter's games if she was on a sports team ofc
and if his son wanted to get dolls or other girly toys he'd get it for him in an instant and even play with him!!! (my brother would always play dolls w/ me hehe)
also you teaching him how to do makeup (if u know how ofc) if he wants to learn <33
you and your son doing makeup on schlatt and him looking AMAZING. he's SO proud that his son made him look so good :D
lowkey though gender roles don't exist in this household, as long as the kid is happy then schlatt's happy <3
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solitary-bones · 3 months
in honor of pride month: some queer head canons for septimus heap characters!!
Septimus (first of course): aroace king! he is so the type to just have a bestie moment with jenna and beetle and just hang around them all the time but never need something for himself. He just reallyyyyyy likes learning about magyk and going on adventures with his friends!! (also the apprentice and extraordinary wizard colors are green and purple so like..)
Jenna: huuuuuuge bi energy (shout out to that scene from darke 👀). she just gives huge idgaf energy.
Beetle: with a name like this he is not cisgender. bro has the most he/they energy. Both my brother and I lovee this lil guy.
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there's nothing heterosexual or cisgender about this image. Also he gives huge bi energy. I think he's in a qpr with septimus while having his bi4bi with Jenna.
Marcia: the lesbian parental figure to ever. I don't have thoughts besides that this woman is not straight in any way.
Milo: polyamorous and asexual. This guy probably loves a lot of his higher ups in his crew. Why else would he be so chill being at sea all the time?
Lucy: demisexual & demiromantic (doesn't really know her attraction past that because she's only ever been into Simon). big she/they energy
Alice Nettles: any pronouns nonbinary and pan
Alther: just queer, bro does not like labels
Zelda: aromantic and lesbian. She'd probably drop something to septimus or wolf boy being like yeah when I was younger I was very popular with the ladies at the port. and they'd just be like :0
Marcellus: bro is so homosexual. The gay man to ever. good for him honestly. But he is such a hermit and introvert he really doesn't make many connections or have any meaningful relationships ://
Merrin: totally trans fem. she is so uncomfortable and emo about having to present as a guy and have a name she doesn't like that she gets into darke stuff to cope. credit to @septimus-heap for this post and pointing this out to me, you make a good point.
Wolf Boy: very aroace furry energy. also I feel nonbinary with some neopronouns to do with being raised by wolves and feeling like one of them. I also feel like being keeper of keeper cottage kinda requires a person to be aromantic because you're literally not allowed to get married so it's way better this way. Also probably in a qpr with septimus but yk it's pretty long distance so doesn't always work. but when they do get together bro is it lit.
Sam Heap: Ace and gay. Bro was sooooo confused about why the other forest heaps were so enamored with the wendron witches. He just really likes fishing.
and to finish it off strong
Jim Knee: canonically nonbinary gender fluid. Also the most gender nonconforming and outwardly queer person represented honestly. He's very flamboyant in his current appearance and iteration which is iconic. And I think it's really funny he just decided to be a guy because Merrin called him Jim Knee so he just went with it.
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