#i love grey wing
loveisinthebat · 7 months
High Definition Baby
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 8 months
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Creator: Mm, art block. What to do...?
Creator: What do you think, wackus bonkus?
"Wackus Bonkus" (Hand): make angst
Creator: ohh, you naughty wackus bonkus
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witchy-lexx · 7 months
Didn’t wanna put full effort in but wanted to draw so here is a quick vaggie drawing!!! My last three drawings I used a paint brush but went back to my fave sketch pencil brush for this <3
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linkedin-offficial · 5 months
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au where falling feather lives and she + quiet water live out their beautiful yuri lives and adopt a baby
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3zethe3zr · 2 years
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Destiny's Trainwreck
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aeide-thea · 1 year
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fowlblue · 1 year
Artemis Fowl Winged AU:
For obvious reasons, the Fowls are Corvidae- intelligence, curiosity, strong family bonds… and a proclivity for extreme mischief.
Artemis Fowl II- Western Jackdaw:
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An underappreciated little corvid with glossy black feathers and bright blue eyes, perfect for Artemis! I've already mentioned corvid intelligence, but let me note in particular they are incredible problem solvers... and sometimes a little silly.
Artemis Fowl I (Fowl Senior)- Common Raven:
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Clever? Check! Iconic? Check! Believed to be unfortunate to come across? Unfortunately, check! And finally, appropriately scruffy? Check!
Angeline Fowl- Barn Owl:
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Well, some member of the family deserved to be an owl, and Barn Owls have the perfect mix of elegance, beauty and intellect to suit Angeline- they’re also quite cute, and can be very silly (spoken from experience!)
Myles and Beckett Fowl- Stellars’ Jay and Blue Jay:
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Look at these birds and tell me it’s not the twins. Jays are known for mischief-making, extreme intellect (despite often being underestimated) and colorful, loud personalities- perfect for them!
Domovoi Butler- Golden Eagle:
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A classic! While I was originally thinking ‘owl’, eagles have a certain reputation of nobility and power- they’ve also historically been used in falconry. They are fierce, protective, and incredibly strong birds.
Juliet Butler- Black and Chestnut Eagle:
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While I was this close to going with a Crested Caracara or some form of kite, Juliet deserves ‘eagle’ status alongside her brother. Further research led me to various ‘hawk-eagles’, smaller than their more famous cousins and built just a little bit different- this bird is colorful and quick and still quite powerful. Though, in all truth, I imagine Juliet would dye her feathers green no matter what wings she’d have.
Holly Short- Common Kestrel:
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A small bird for a small fairy! While a kestrel is one of the smallest raptors, they are nonetheless incredibly fierce and capable of some pretty fancy flying, including the unique ability to ‘hover’ in midair!
Mulch- Burrowing Owl
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I don’t think I really have to explain myself here, lol.
(now… onto the villains! Be warned for some blood ahead!)
Opal Koboi- Little Brown Bat
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Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Why not a vampire bat? She’s a villain!” And A. It feels too easy, and B. Vampire bats are highly social (which, granted, most bats are), and more importantly, known to take care of older or sick members of their swarm! That is too compassionate for Opal. So instead, I chose something known for being small, fairly ‘cute’, and, most importantly-
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Absolutely full of rage.
Jon Spiro- Peregrine Falcon
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A cosmopolitan bird, the peregrine falcon is a bird perfectly at home in the big city-in fact, peregrine falcons have been observed to fly faster and hunt more successfully when among the skyscrapered skyline! Primarily preying on other birds, the peregrine falcon is a serious threat, even if it's not particularly big or strong, and its urban lifestyle makes it well-suited to one Jon Spiro.
Britva- Giant Petrel
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A relatively underrated villain in the series, but in my opinion the most grounded in reality and particularly intimidating. Given the Bay of Kola is his territory, a seabird felt appropriate, and these birds are big, bad, and brutal. A true scourge on other creatures, that's for sure.
Damon Kronski- Blood Pheasant
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Finally, some Galliforme representation! These birds are relatively uncommon in the world of public knowledge, but very flashy- just look at it! The males are brightly-colored, but sharply-spurred, and can be quite fierce when disturbed.
Teddy Bleedham-Drye- Cape Vulture
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I don't really think I need to elaborate here, lol.
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tiredmaster · 6 months
I'm starting Hermitcraft 10 and slowly working my way back, but why do people always draw Grian with wings? His ass can't even fly 🤨🤨
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catzgam3rz · 9 months
I was scrolling google for pictures of moths for a reference picture and a post from 2021 where I sent you a bunch of pictures of my favorite moths popped up lmaoo
The post reminded me that you said ur fav moth is the cecropia moth and I had painted that moth on a patch I made for my backpack lolz
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harriertail · 2 years
I’ve been thinking about Thunder
(dotc rewrite) The fire-red tom is the last surviving kit. His mother is still alive, but frail- the moorland cats say she is dying of a broken heart, an old superstition regarding queens and their lost kits- Wind and Hawk Swoop both agree to help her settle into the moorland camp, but with no medicine cat, she quickly deteriorates. Her son is named Thundering Storm in honour of her and a reminder of the storm of rubble that nearly killed them both. Tragically, Storm passes, but Thundering Storm is loved and treasured by Hawk Swoop and his adoptive siblings. Grey Wing is a good father- maybe too critical when he sees Clear Sky’s temper flashing in his son’s outburts, but feels Clear Sky should at least come visit his only kit. After the fire, when heat lightning crashes across the sky, a paranoid Clear Sky is adamant; Thundering Storm belongs to him. He is given to the forest and renamed Thundering Sky, now he has proven himself worthy of Clear Sky’s attention. Thundering Sky is one of them, a forest cat, he belongs with his kin. But Thundering Sky has know nothing but love: pure from Storm, gentle from Hawk Swoop and Turtle Tail, tough from Grey Wing, the love/hate banter of young siblings rushing to grow up together, and cannot fit into Clear Sky’s world. He returns to the moor with Frost. His father goes insane. Clear Sky wants boundaries, Clear Sky wants laws and order in a chaotic world, One Eye will help him achieve that. The winters in the mountains have made him paranoid. Thundering Sky is trapped between Grey Wing seeking peace with the others and Jagged Peak seeking revenge, and Clear Sky seeking order, he is caught between the forest and the moor, and his non-mountain blood. 
Even after all of it, Clear Sky’s jabs and comments, the murdering of innocent cats, working with One Eye to strengthen the group, the young tom just wants his father’s approval, truly. He wants his father’s laws to work, for the borders to bring peace, but they cannot. Not with Clear Sky determined to continue leading his group alone, and One Eye looking to take it. 
The mountain cats have brought nothing but trouble and bloodshed, and they fight to the death in the hollow with five trees until a lightning strike destroys one ancient oak and brings the dead back to life- over what? Over the rights to hunt? Over the land? Over him? Thundering Sky returns to the forest, seeing his father quiver before the spirits of their dead. They both just need someone to prop them up. He can temper Clear Sky’s rage, Clear Sky can make him into a cat he will be proud of.
He will not learn, even after One Eye is gone, Clear Sky is certain his way is right- after all, he and One Eye united the forest, the moor, and the strays. Unite or die, says the spirits, they must all come into Clear Sky’s control. You are a forest cat- you belong with me. He speaks of wanting a group, a set of rules and regulations to strictly keep the peace and honour, but he has no honour. None of the mountain cats do. They can all take their groups to the other side of the world. When the time comes, you will make it right, and Thundering Sky knows what he must do. He storms from Clear Sky’s camp in the dead of winter, he is nothing like his father, or his kin, he will make his own group. A group where the ill are tended too, the young trained, the evil punished. He sheds his name and becomes Thunder, not a forest cat, not a mountain cat, his own cat. He is not one of them. A new age is beginning, he vows, and sets to make his camp.
Clear Sky is furious, humiliated. His mother disowns him when she travels from the mountains, she curses Clear Sky so that he will never succeed in his bloodthirsty plans. He unites with Slash, regathers what is left of One Eye’s rogues and rogues from beyond- he has so much power he can gather cats from places beyond the forest, beyond the mountains. He makes one last push to unite the five groups, he bleeds into the ground by the river. Thunder gets word- Grey Wing is dying too, pushed to the edge by his brother’s actions. His last kin is gone. The new age is truly beginning. ThunderClan, RiverClan, WindClan, ShadowClan, and SkyClan- led by Sparrow Fur, will rule the forest. Five Clans around Four Trees. Thunder’s code, the warrior code, will grow and spread, and the Clans will grow. Leaders will get their nine lives, their medicine cats will learn to harness the power of the living and dead. All is well with the world. In the future, they will wonder about the fifth tree, decayed by time, and if Quiet Rain’s curse has anything to do with the monsters rolling across the SkyClan border.
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loveisinthebat · 2 years
You have been Located
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pollyna · 2 years
Hey @pollyna it’s me again. I was just curious if you have any more hcs for that wing au for icemav. (I’ve been rereading a lot of the stuff you write and post on your blog, it’s amazing and plz never stop)
Hey! Hi, sorry if I'm a little late answering but it's been a crazy as weekend election day and 24h of work and this fucking country has to make all fucking impossibile and nobody never learns nothing becausd history doesn't teach shit and i have't sleep enough yet but I picked your question before the all mess and I had a little time to think about it! They're pretty random and very not linear bc my brain is still a little scrambled 🥲
During his 14th and 15th birthday Tom spent the whole year with his granma because his dad was away and it's one of his happiest memory of his teen hood. It meant going around the house with his wings free and sleeping on soft blankets that smelled like home and not the Navy generic detergent. He used to help his granma baking bread every Friday and even if he wasn't allow to participate to the dinner, it's not a dinner dad it-// I don't give a fuck Thomas, because Friday meant his dad was back to take him "home" for the weekend. It meant wings around his chest and yes sir and no sir once a day;
During the last stretch of winter spent with his granma she made him a pillow with all the feathers he lost during the grooming. Tom, then Ice, takes it with him everywhere and it's the only true possession he never, ever, leave behind not even during deployment;
When Carole starts to call Bradley Nick, during her last few months of life, Mav is out for a three days tour and some fucking secret mission and Tom doesn't know what to do. It's then, between an icecream that taste like nothing in particular and an homemade meal that he shows the kid his wings. It's of a little comfort but for a night, at least, they talk and think about something else and Bradley goes to sleep smiling;
Tom almost shows them to Bill, six months in their relationship, but the tought is born and dead in less than a day because that same night, in front of a beer and the entire squadron, Bill introduces them to his fiancé;
After Goose's death Ice takes Ron up in the sky for hours, until his shoulder aren't sore and they both stopped crying;
Mav likes to sleep cocooned between Ice's chest and his wings and he kisses the center of his back every day before work;
Mav names some of the feathers and every time they groom his wings it's a green tragedy of wHY GUENDALINE HAD TO DIE, NO MARINE NOT YOU TO! SAVE YOURSELF ALFRED YOU STILL HAVE TIME!!!!!! And fuck if it makes Ice cry for how much he laughs, every single time. Ever after thirty six years of repeating their little ritual;
Tom's feathers are white but Mav insistes the sun makes them golden and the moon silver. Honestly Mav could say his wings are green and he would still have a dumb smiles on his face or at least that what Slider says (and boy if he's right);
Mav calls him angel-boy sometimes, Tom finds it more ironic than sweet and one night he explains that Bill used to call him is little freaky angels because he never fucked him without his shirt on. Mav swears he's going to punch that sonofbitch the next time he sees him (and he does. In a bar, during short leave, Tom isn't even around but he does it the same);
Ice stop flying jets when he accept his third promotion at admiral but never stops flying with his wings, after he learned how. Age makes him graceful in a way he wouldn't have imagine;
They say, their superiors and their fellow aviators, that Maverick is the dangerous one and Iceman should loose him before he kills Tom's carrier. What they don't know is that with his feet on the ground and phone at reach Thomas Kazansky is the scariest motherfucker ever existed. And it goes even worst when his wings are out and that doesn't happen much;
Cancer doesn't touch him but for months he can't fly and they don't know why. It's scares them to death and doesn't come. Tom lives, Pete flies and screams in the night or behind is cockpit and Bradley runs;
But he comes back, two months later and so many apologies the doesn't stop talking for days. He's eighteen and the Navy accepted him at Annapolis and he's scared shit because he can't loose Ice just like he did with his mom. They take Bradley back to the therapist and they stay because they all need to talk about their individual stuff;
They get married in the spring of '91 and Mav takes them, for their honeymoon, on a small island in the middle of the Indian Ocean and Ice flys with his wings and Mav on a plane and it's the best honeymoon ever. Ice comes back with the tan of a lifetime and they are both grateful they have another week of vacation before going back to work because they can't take their hands of each other;
Slider and Iceman's jet gets shoot down over the north of Russia during '95 and it's a miracle his captures don't discover his wings. Most of it is because Ron puts himself between them and him. Nothing happens to them but after three months of having his wings strap around his chest and the paramedics want to touch them and he screams until Maverick isn't in front of him with the only doctor he trust and knows, it's a slow recovery;
'02 is the year they think they're done and it's the point of not return for them. Mav is at the hospital again because he doesn't care for his safety enough to get home alive and Ice is working a triple shift because they're short on instructors at top gun and Bradley is picking fights with every single classmate who can fight him back. Mav comes back to an empty home and a letter from Ice that says he's at Slider and he's going to be back in a couple of days. Then it's a week than two and they're in a screaming match everytime they see eachother until they don't talk at all because Mav is back in deployment and Ice doesn't know what to do. (They solve it all because when Mav comes back Tom is grooming his wings sitting on the floor of their bedroom. Mav sits down in front of him when Hi Tom, before caressing his wings. Hey Pete he smiles, small and sad breaking his and Mav's heart. It's an uncomfortable night for most part because talking is difficult but when mornings comes Tom is kissing Pete good morning and Pete's arms are around his waist);
They marry again in 2011, the moment the DADT is repealed. It's less fancy than the first one and it's only the two of them and a random clerk as their testimony. They spend a week in Arizona and Ice takes him up in the sky and they see the Gran Canyon like that. Mav takes the most spectacular photos of the world.
Hope you like them ☺️
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mushroom-for-art · 1 year
Hi @mewtwoevolution, hope you don't mind but I love your cats
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bubblingstream · 1 year
To this day I wish Quiet Rain had never forgiven Clear Sky. I wish she'd gone down there, found out what her son did and fucking HATED him for it and to her dying breath had never spoken kindly to him ever again. He spends the rest of the series wishing she'd just talk to him again but all he ever gets is a glare or cold indifference. She speaks to the other cats but avoids him. When he's there at her death bed it's because despite her anger, deep down she can't help but love her child still. But not once does she forgive him for what he's done.
It frustrates me so much that Clear Sky seemingly never had any meaningful, permanent consequences for what a piece of shit he was. He didn't deserve his mother's forgiveness, and his mother deserved a better son.
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bugsizedbird · 3 months
haiii :3
5. which fictional characters do you most relate to (or kin) when you’re little? do you still relate to them when you’re not regressed?
6. do you usually regress voluntarily or involuntarily (or a mix of both)?
16. what’s a niche or unpopular interest you associate with your regression?
17. what’s ur favorite color + something you love that’s that color?
18. which (if any) fictional characters do you think would be littles?
19. which (if any) fictional characters do you think would be caregivers?
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5: i kin xiao!!! hes the core of my identity but im alot more bird when am small if that make sense thats why if i picked a animal to represent my regression it would be a rosefinch or a housefinch the characters i relate to are collei freminent N kaveh gaming and sometimes aether thoma and dazai
scaramouche is weird because hes inbetween a charater that i relate to and a kin
6: involuntary i dont think that ive ever regressed on purpose before enless you count being around my wife when shes small seince being around people that are regressed always makes me regress
16: i think that the content smp counts as niche?? its a minecraft world with people that make mods on it theres a story butyou dont have to know it for any of the videos to make sense and anything thats important gets explained (the lore all unfolds from rat destroying 2 end portals) and every pov is fun and interesting even when its of the same thing useally whoever made the mod will also explain how it works and show parts if makeing it to!! talon playtesting poolfish my beloved and rip winsweep you are NOT living down the masquerade
17: turquoise!! not alot of things are this color but i really like my sona
18: ehe
venti xiao aether lumine scaramouche thoma uzi adelinde diluc kaeya itto gorou N J cyn dazai lizzy atsushi wriotheslay furina tighnari freminet ganyu mamere c!talon pomni jean collei (lynette is a age dreamer not a regressor and fischl is both) i love projecting
19: ZHONGLI but other then him it depends on who im thinking about its 1 of the headcanons for me thats funnest as a separate thing with crossovers instead of all of them existing at the same time
purrs at you!!!!!!!!
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abby420 · 3 months
i still cannot believe that “Kill me. Kill me and live with the memory. Then tell the stars that you won.” is from fucking WARRIOR CATS
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