#I love them?
loveisinthebat · 4 months
High Definition Baby
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Via Andy Deluca on IG
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nepotisim · 3 months
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Yeah....this is gonna be a problem...
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its-your-mind · 1 year
hello I am now ~making my way~ through c2 and why?? did no one fucking prepare me?? for nott and caleb having fucking B O T H adopting each other as their children? what the fuck he is HER boy and HIS whole job is to keep her safe and SHE’LL do anything to help him what the fuck I’m fucking screaming
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marthaskane · 1 year
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DARK (2017-2020) ↳ 3.07 Zwischen der Zeit / In Between Time
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kiekiecarrera · 1 year
“Yeah, but I’m here now, it’s ok it’s alright” FUCK OFF
Then grabs kies waist again for another hug because he’s to damn emotional. I will never get over this and episode 2?! they were really out to kill us weren’t they?
The way I thought I was prepared bc I knew it was going to happen in episode 2 but when I had never been so unprepared for anything in my entire life? The music swelling? The way JJ risked falling into a trap for her? (Don't talk to me about him wanting to offer himself up as a hostage like 2 scenes before). Them hugging twice? JJ being the one to pull her back in? The way there was no implication that they were talking to each other in a group situation, but that it was just the two of them. Like, I'M glad that you're safe, not we. I thought I was never gonna see YOU again, not you guys. I'M HERE NOW. NOT WE. I'M. And then the way he said her name again right before they let go the second time (you have to strain to hear that one or mess with the balance and tone down the music). It's so much so soon I really don't know how we made it past that episode :')
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simssong · 1 year
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Tomoyo: Hi, otterface, long time no see. You look exactly the same: short and awkward.
Sammy: Hey cousin, take a sit. You must be exhausted coming all the way from Loch Ness.
Tomoyo: So childish.
Sammy: I am a child.
‹ 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵 ⠂𝘮𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘚𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴 ⠂𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘴𝘵 ›
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adamsvanrhijn · 2 years
if john adams wants dearly to be Just Some Guy 90% of the time but then 2-3 times a year for 2-11 days decides he's the Main Character Actually and then when he stops thinking this immediately feels weird and bad about it and wants to totally forget it and be just some guy again being the main character isn't worth it but he just spent a period of time forcing everyone around him to see him as the main character so he has to brood and mope about it. and oscar "always perceives himself as The Main Character Actually" van rhijn also wants to get over this era of john as quickly as possible and as such is always like. Well Anyway. Can We Just Pretend That Never Happened And Let Me Be In Charge Again Like I Am Supposed To Be. Thank You. whenever this happens and then john, now relieved that oscar is not holding this against him, just lies down about it and resolves himself to his role in this relationship being. providing abiding encouragement peppered with occasional passive aggressive commentary that nevertheless reaffirms oscar's belief that he is doing everything right and nothing can possibly go wrong and things he is worried about are simply never going to happen. until john's neural circuitry goes haywire again.
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echolett · 1 year
can someone write about the Battle of the band guys please
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dcptcnx · 2 years
just gonna say, im in a dbd mood lately. and a legion rot ESPECIALLY.
imagine the legion as a band you go to see, and just jammin out to ALL solos they do.  Their Chase Music with the add ons of mixtapes just SLAP
frank as the drummer just sparks a fire within me 
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Different - deena and Sam prompt
Did you say copious amounts of fluff? College Sam and Deena? A eh-I-guess use of the prompted word?
Then do I have the story for you!
“What’s going on?”
“What? Nothing? Nothing is going on.”
“You’re acting weird. Different.”
All of this is shouted over the sounds of Run DMC on the stereo in the dorm room of someone whose name Deena can’t remember, if she ever even knew it at all. Over the past two years, she’s learned that it’s not who is throwing the party that matters but that there is a party and while she doesn’t consider herself to be as adept at majoring in the fine art of alcohol consumption as some of her classmates, she has yet to turn down an invitation. Mostly because it means Saturday nights spent with Sam and with loud music and three AM visits to the diner within walking distance of the campus and these are all things Deena considers herself a fan of.
Unfortunately focusing on any number of these things is a lot more difficult than she’d expected. Especially with Sam looking at her in the exact way Deena had hoped that she wouldn’t, blue eyes scrutinizing her every move like any second she plans on unspooling all the thoughts Deena has running through her mind.
Thoughts Deena isn’t even sure she knows how to admit to herself right now.
“I’m not different,” Deena protests as “Can’t Touch This” becomes “Shoop” and this is really not the soundtrack Deena thought would ever accompany anything remotely bordering on a serious conversation with Sam.
Because that’s what this is about to be, right? The type of conversation that Deena has thought about over and over for the past few weeks, the one that crowds itself to the forefront of her mind every time she even so much as looks at Sam -which is often, because she’s a big fan of looking at Sam. The type of conversation that she has a feeling Sam isn’t going to let her weasel her way out of.
Sam narrows her eyes slightly and she’s got that look on her face that Deena knows all too well, the one that lets Deena know that she is seeing right through her. It’s the same way Sam had looked at her when Deena had been thinking about kissing her for the first time, when they’d been sitting on the hood of Deena’s car with their lips and tongues stained red from the gas station slushees that had been the latest excuse for not calling an end to the evening that Deena had never wanted to end. Or when Deena hadn’t been able to figure out the words to say out loud that she was thinking about applying to colleges after all and maybe they could go together, if Sam wanted to waste some more of her time with a girl from Shadyside. And maybe a look like that is good, because Deena isn’t sure that she would’ve found the words or the courage to admit to any of those things otherwise, without those skeptical blue eyes and pursed pink lips.
“Deena,” Sam says and she’s got one hand on Deena’s shoulder, the other against the small of her back in a lazy imitation of the posture they’d held only moments before, when “dancing” had been more jumping around and grinning like idiots and less like anything with rhythm, when Sam had leaned closer to her and asked her what was on her mind.
Neither of them is in a rush to pull apart, to put the sort of space between them that Deena knows would’ve been second nature back in Shadyside. Here, it’s different. Better. Deena isn’t sure if that’s just because over the past two years most of the people they know have either figured out that she and Sam are not just really, really close friends from the same small town or because they’ve stopped caring but either way it’s better. Different in the way she’d never really let herself hope for back in Shadyside because she knew better than to set herself up for disappointment. But now here they are, standing together in a crowded room and Deena has her hands settled on Sam’s hips and Sam’s fingers are brushing against the sliver of skin where her shirt has ridden up and no one cares. If anyone is bothering to look in their direction, Deena can’t be bothered to notice.
And maybe that’s why it becomes a little easier to think about saying the words to Sam, to pushing herself off the edge of the cliff that has existed in her mind for weeks. Because she could kiss Sam right now and no one would care. Because Sam looks at her like she knows every little thing about Deena and Deena thinks she probably does. Because there isn’t a moment that she doesn’t want Sam to look at her like that.
“I think we should move in together,” Deena blurts out before she can talk herself out of it and the words sound way too loud over the music, like she’s screaming them and suddenly she wants to because holy shit.
Holy shit she just asked Sam Fraser to move in with her.   
Three years ago she wouldn’t have even let herself think those words together in the same sentence.
“At the end of the semester,” Deena adds, and her fingers tighten around Sam’s hips, keeping her selfishly close because now that she’s let herself say the words out loud she wants them. Wants this. Bad.
Sam looks at her and Deena can read the surprise in those blue eyes, can feel the touch of her fingers like a brand. “You want to move in together?”
It’s not an answer and Deena tries not to let that get to her. Instead, she nods and wonders what Sam can read in her face now. “Yeah. I think…yeah.”
Maybe later she’ll tell Sam that the idea came to her suddenly, crashing over her in the same way that so many things involving Sam had, seizing her like a riptide and pulling her under. She’d been digging through the box of things she’d brought with her from Shadyside that weren’t clothes or CDs or books, the things that wouldn’t mean anything to anyone else, and she’d found the strip of black and white photos she and Sam had taken years before, when it had seemed safe to slip her arms around Sam’s waist in the photo booth and press a kiss to her cheek and let the sound of Sam’s laugh fill her body with heat. And she’d imagined the pictures stuck to the fridge in their own place, a blink and you’d miss it flash in her mind that had suddenly seemed so real and tangible that Deena hasn’t been able to forget it since. And she’d let it grow, too, this idea in her mind of their place, somewhere together just for them.
It’s only more real now that the words are hanging between her and Sam and Deena wonders if Sam can see it too.
And maybe she can, because Sam’s hand leaves Deena’s shoulder to curl around the nape of her neck instead. “That’s what you’re thinking about right now?”
Deena nods, shrugs. “Yeah. I can’t stop thinking about it, actually.”
Sam just smiles, pulling Deena in for the type of kiss she knows they both would’ve been terrified to contemplate back in Shadyside.
“So,” Deena says, her lips still more or less pressed to Sam’s. “Is that a yes?”
Sam kisses her again like she’s an idiot for even asking.  
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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The math just adds up!
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inkedberries · 6 months
after patrolling, unwinding in a diner somewhere ...
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throw the man a bone batman geez
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so-many-ocs · 6 months
[on the verge of having a complete breakdown] i need to make some kind of list or perhaps sort things into categories
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k-mraz · 3 months
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shhh dont disturb them they're sharing mana after a tough day
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churroach · 29 days
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The autism siblings
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