#i love his little just shocked expression when she hugs him
tiredfox64 · 22 hours
Any chance we could get some of bihan (possibly his brothers as well, if you feel like it) s/o who's very sensitive and not super socially aware embarrassing the shit out of him in public with mushy nicknames and mentioning embarrassing romantic moments and giving him a little kissy in public. And his partners very softhearted and he doesn't want to hurt her feelings by saying anything so he just has to endure it.
A Heart Made of Soft Ice
Pairing: Bi-Han x Afab reader
Warnings‼️: Too sick to proofread fully, also embarrassment I guess
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We all know the saying opposites attract. Have you ever tried to push two magnets together and they keep avoiding each other because they are on the same side and you get really frustrated—why are you crying?
Let’s cut to the chase since tears are falling now. It’s a wonder that you work so well with Bi-Han. Ya know, the grandmaster of the Lin Kuei who wishes to be feared and can’t accept his adoptive brother who has been living with him for many years. Oh yeah, a match made in purgatory.
It’s a relationship that shocks many. A cold-blooded killer with a woman who cries during animal documentaries when the prey gets captured is not the usual pairing. You’re delicate like porcelain while Bi-Han is an actual ice wall. He can’t be nice to Tomas whenever he speaks his mind but the moment you speak about something that bothered you he’ll shut his mouth and listen to what you have to say. He even puts in the effort to do other expressions instead of scowling the whole time because he doesn’t want you to believe he’s mad at you. The best he can give is raising his eyebrows and opening his eyes a little, take it or leave it. He has a resting bitch face.
Many have asked you how you could be with that man. Well, it’s very simple actually. When it comes to you he tries his best to cool off. He could be mad at everyone else for the smallest reasons but the moment he looks at you he uses all his might to calm down. If he doesn’t he knows he will scare you or make you think that he is mad at you for no reason. In all honesty, he can’t afford to lose you. You know how hard it was to make you trust him? It’s like befriending a raven you can’t look at them even when they are eating out the palm of your hand.
But he genuinely needs you. You make him feel balanced. When he’s all cold and stern you soften him up like a candle to a glacier. It’s not much but it’s honest work. It probably saves his ass from making rash decisions as well. Heaven knows he gets himself into too much trouble by himself.
And when he’s in those moments where he’s silent and listening to you speak as he cools off you can do whatever. Shoot, you can call him whatever you want. Possibly something like—
Yeah, that.
Your voice echoes through the halls and into the ears of Lin Kuei warriors. Everyone pauses, processing the word you just yelled out. What’d you say? Snookie? What the hell is a Snookie? Well, you’re Bi-Han’s woman so maybe he knows…probably knows…definitely knows.
It’s the look in his eyes that tells everyone he knows. Wide and blank but his eyebrows are not arched in a confused manner. His arms were folded and his nails dug into his tense muscles. The dots connect with everyone and they slowly start looking at their grandmaster. Another yell emitted and grew louder as you came closer
“SNOOKUMS—Oh there you are!” You replied in a cheery tone. It’s much better than that banshee yell that radiates panic and desperation for your Snookums aka Bi-Han.
You run over to your loving boyfriend with a blanket wrapped around you because it will forever be too cold in Arctika. You hugged him tightly, not paying any mind to his bugged-out eyes. It’s horrifying to see him that way considering he is a man who is 80% of the time narrowing his eyes and 20% staring at others with murderous intent. But this stare is all a big question of what he is supposed to do about you. You already yelled that silly nickname and now you’re hugging him like he isn’t a man that’s supposed to be feared.
Some of the clansmen had the nerve to start snickering a little, finding your display of affection to be ridiculous. It’s even more ridiculous that Bi-Han is allowing this. But their snickering was silenced when Bi-Han slammed his foot on the ground, causing a patch of jagged ice to form and make its way to the clansmen before stopping short. He quickly covered your ears to prevent you from hearing his yell.
“Get back to training! I will not hesitate to dispose of those who are unworthy of taking the Lin Kuei seriously!”
Silence ripped through the room before everyone went back to training. Bi-Han slowly dropped his hands from your ears and you pretended like you didn’t hear his outburst. Blissful ignorance is a wonderful thing. He grabbed your wrist, a little too hard for your liking, and dragged you away till you two were a good distance away from everyone else. He let go of your wrist and took a deep breath in an attempt to calm down.
“Why must you yell that-“ he paused to prevent hurting your feelings by saying the nickname Snookums is stupid, “name when you could have easily kept quiet and looked around the temple.”
His words were not taken in since you were focused on rubbing your wrist. He watched as you looked up at him with wet eyes. Sadness is an understatement, despair and betrayal are the correct terms for how you were feeling. Oh gods, he could kick a kitten in the middle of a blizzard and it wouldn’t even look at him like that.
You felt a ball form in your throat, making it difficult to swallow. Your nostrils flared up and a heavy huff was being produced by you. And then the whining.
Hold it together…
“Mmmmmmmmmmmmeh heh heh heh!”
Wha-What the fuck—Cartman?
Your whines rose in volume and Bi-Han immediately reacted. He covered your mouth to muffle your sadness and tried to de-escalate the situation before your eyes went puffy from tears. He’s nodding his head no while staring you down. From your position, you believed he was angry at you for crying. You know he could never be mad at you but he is feeling a little panicky as he tried to figure out a way to stop you from crying.
“Shh, shh, stop—I’m not mad at you,” he said in his deep voice which didn’t help convince you that he wasn’t mad. The only way he can truly make you stop is by pulling out the big guns aka giving you a hug. He just needs to look around first to see if the coast is clear.
Bi-Han let out a low groan before wrapping his arms around you and squeezing you. It’s like a weighted blanket was wrapped around you before an anaconda decided to come around and squeeze you till you stopped crying. He managed to calm you down and you returned the hug while still sniffling. The idea that Bi-Han was not mad at you had set in and you finally felt calm. Maybe not Bi-Han, his eyes were shifting all around trying to make sure no one walked in on him being all lovey dovey.
“Can I stay with you while you train everyone?” You asked.
Bi-Han really, really, REALLY wanted to tell you to go back into the bedroom and wait for him to return. But with that tone you asked him in and your already shaken-up emotions, it would be a disaster to tell you not to stay.
“Yes…you may stay, but you need to keep quiet for the sake of everyone. You must not distract anyone as they are training.” He’s just making an excuse but you will listen to him.
“Okay!” You replied in a cheery tone.
You two stopped hugging and returned back to where everyone else was. You clung to your blanket while walking side by side with Bi-Han. Now please oh please do not show your affection for him in front of others. He loves you but he also likes it when others fear him.
Well…you kept quiet…still doesn’t mean you weren’t lovey dovey in your own way.
It is pretty cute to see Bi-Han with a blanket wrapped around him while you stand in front of him, holding onto the ends of the blanket to make sure you both stay wrapped. It’s only ruined by the fact that he is staring icy dagger at anyone who even snorts. But you don’t know that. You’re in your own happy world where it’s just you and Bi-Han. And in this happy little world, you’re reminded of all the lovely times you and him were actually alone. Times where you would be cuddling in bed as you told him the most basic things ever such as how you saw a chipmunk that day. Meanwhile, Bi-Han is hugging you from behind as his mind rages on about something that Tomas did that isn’t really something to be mad about. Another happy memory came up but this time you vocalized about it.
“Oh Bibi, when we go back to the bedroom can I play with your hair?” His head snapped to look at you right after you said that.
Deep breath in…deep breath out…deep breath in…don’t yell at your girlfriend breath out…
Nearby you both could hear Tomas whisper to Kuai Liang, “I knew he would let her do that,” which almost sent Bi-Han into a fit. He luckily managed to keep it together while his nails dug into the palm of his hand from how hard he was clenching his fists. He nodded slightly, hoping that if he gave you a yes you wouldn’t say anything else. But guess what, YA DID!
“Yay! I can't wait to brush your hair and use my Cinnamoroll hair claw to put it up. You look so good with it up. Oh, what else should I put in your hair?” You let out a gasp like you just came up with the best idea ever, “What if I put a flower clip near your left ear? That means you can show off that you’re in a relationship with me. I’ll try to find a blue flower for you, Bibi.”
Alright, that’s genuinely a cute image to think of. That doesn’t stop Bi-Han from staring at you and questioning why he needs to use a flower to represent his relationship status. Everyone knows he is dating you, how much evidence does he need? Nobody even feels like what you said was silly. It’s adorable how much you love Bi-Han and want to show that you two are together. Even his brothers are gushing about it.
“Aww…you wish that was you with Harumi, huh?” Tomas whispered to Kuai Liang.
Kuai Liang looked at Tomas like he just lost his damn mind. Let’s just return to the sweet couple that is you and Bi-Han.
Your excitement was rudely interrupted by the sound of someone laughing. It was clearly to laugh at you, not with you. You looked over your shoulder to look at the Lin Kuei warrior who decided to laugh at you.
“What is with you and trying to make our grandmaster seem like a spineless weakling? What’s next? Are you going to put makeup on him to make him look prettier? Paint his nail?”
The more the clansman spoke, the more embarrassed you felt. You had no idea you were making your boyfriend look weak in front of his clan. That was never your intention. You always want to support Bi-Han while also getting the full experience of having a partner who allows you to do anything. You turned to look at Bi-Han again and mouthed an “I’m sorry” to him. That knot came back once again and you felt tears form in your pretty eyes. This hurt worse than when you thought Bi-Han was mad at you. Your lip quivered and you felt that whine rise in your throat before you felt Bi-Han’s lips on your forehead. He gave you a kiss on your forehead that was gentle but lasted for a few good seconds. He then removed the blanket from you two and rewrapped it around you. You had no idea what he was doing but oh it was a surprise for many.
Bi-Han moved in the blink of an eye. One second he was next to you and the next he was in front of the clansman who insulted you, his neck being strangled by your boyfriend’s hand. A path of ice was left behind which explained his quick movement. He then slammed the clansman hard against the ground. The sound of a bone cracking could be heard along with the thudding of the body hitting the ground. No one knew what bone just broke but the clansman sure would know. He was out in an instant. For a second, you believed Bi-Han killed a member of his clan. On closer inspection, you can see their chest rising and lowering slowly. They were luckily still alive though horribly injured.
There was silence before your boyfriend yelled, “Does anyone else wish to question their grandmaster’s authority or my partner’s choices?”
Everyone nodded no. A wise choice.
“Good. Now this will be the last time I tell all of you to get back to training!” Bi-Han yelled before returning to you.
No one bothered to help the other guy he had it coming. Plus, everyone is scared that if they helped him, their grandmaster would go after their throats next. Just work around him.
You wrapped your arms around Bi-Han’s neck and squeezed him close to you, “Bibi, you know you didn’t have to hurt that guy. I could have handled his insults.” No, you couldn’t.
“Aww, but you just love me so much that you want to protect me. You’re like a woolly mammoth. All fuzzy and possibly cuddly but a big, tough guy overall. You’re my woolly mammoth.”
Oh gosh, not the woolly mammoth comparison. Anything but that. He’d take a snow leopard but a woolly mammoth?
You started kissing him wherever you could, mostly on his jawline. He’s secretly ticklish there. He was emitting his low groan the whole time but secretly he liked it. How could he not? No matter what you do, what you call him, what you talk about, he will love you at the end of the day. A real man would endure the embarrassment. Bi-Han sure is a man.
A man who goes by the nicknames of Snookums, Bibi, and now Wooly Mammoth.
And at the end of the day, you finally get to be alone with your man in the bedroom where you would play with his hair. Oh, look, a blue flower hair clip. You know where to put it.
“Is it necessary to place a flower in my hair to represent—AH!” He let out a yelp as you yanked a handful of his hair close to you and put the clip in.
“Absolutely, don’t fight me on this.”
Yeah, Snookums, don’t fight it.
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Another Good transition shot. Not the best but still pretty good.
Love how he's like "pft I'm bored let's go home" as if it's not a big deal to be letting Robin Hood go.
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God.poor rumple here. His sadness leaking through is killing me.
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She's literally like "you're too nice for me."
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And not to judge rumple, but just this lil shot... lot of empty shelves.
Looks like I have more books than you here.
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Here comes Mr. Gold beating ass with his cane of doom.
And here comes Belle Lacey being glad he's beating ass.
Lacey has some real openness about her liking bad boys.
🎶Cuz i may be bad but im perfectly good at it sex in the air i dont care i love the smell of it sticks and stones may break my bones
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tender-rosiey · 1 year
Hi!! Loving dad! gojo :)
I love ballet and I love gojo, so could you do gojo bringing his cute little daughter to ballet class please?
twirl — gojo satoru x f!reader
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a/n: hehe I am so happy dad!gojo is getting some love; hope you enjoy
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“you got your water bottle?”
“your shoes?”
“did you give mommy a kiss?”
“good girl; now, do a twirl.”
she excitedly does as told and squeals in happiness when satoru picks her up and spins her around, “that’s my pretty little princess!”
he gently puts her down and she holds his index finger. he blows you a kiss then bends to tell her, “say bye to mommy.”
“bye, mommy! I love you!”
you chuckle, “I love you too, sweetie! have fun!”
and so satoru embarks on a journey to d/n’s ballet class.
the car ride is full of d/n’s favorite songs accompanied by her dad’s horrible singing that she somehow likes.
when he gets there, he notices that he is the only dad there, save for two other cool dads.
the mothers are also completely enamored by satoru, and while another time he would boast in the attention, his priority right now is his daughter, his daughter that looks very scared and nervous.
he sits on the ground so he is at eye level with her, “what’s up, pretty?”
she pads her way into his arms, and he instantly embraces her. he gently pats her back, and the last thing on his mind is how uncomfortable the position is for him. her little hands clutch his shirt, “what if I do bad?”
“I know you will do amazing,” he grins and squishes her cheeks, “and even if you do, mistakes are okay, and most importantly, daddy’s always here to save the day!”
d/n nods with a small smile. she gives him a tight hug, before she pulls back and starts fidgeting with her fingers. she looks up to him with matching azure eyes, “can you dance with me?”
he abruptly stands up then points at a small boy, “get me a tutu!”
and that’s how you found your husband killing it with d/n on her ballet class.
they did have to put him further away from the kids because of his gigantic legs, but he is still having the time of his life. d/n is also very entertained with her dad and is trying to copy his every move, completely forgetting about the ballet teacher.
the mothers are also very amused by the act, with some nudging their husbands to do the same. little do they know that satoru is unmatched in whatever he tries, especially when he is trying to impress his little princess.
she starts squealing and jumping in place, “daddy, you’re so cool!”
he spins around before stopping to peck her cheek, “thank you, cutie!”
“satoru, what are you—?”
“wifey!” he screams before launching at you and pulling you into one big bear hug. of course, satoru is a show-off, and he likes to make a statement. that’s why he dips you and kisses you in front of everyone in the room. he pulls you back up, chuckling at your shocked expression.
“mommy! mommy!” she dashes to you and hugs your leg. she then quickly looks at satoru, tugging on his pants, “daddy!” she points at her cheek, “kiss, please!”
he swiftly picks her up and starts peppering her face with kisses and you watch with a warm smile. after he is done with his ambush, he sets her down with another hug. she looks a lot more confident and is willing to go on and try again by herself.
satoru is about to declare his mission successful, but someone rudely interrupts his victory dance.
a boy shyly makes his way towards d/n, who is right beside satoru. the boy looks at the ground, a pink hue coating his cheeks. he starts to murmur softly, “um, h—hi; I am—“
satoru crouches on the ground and stares at the boy. the kid is clutching a freaking rose. your husband’s dad instincts go off and he turns the boy around and lightly pushes him away, “go play with your friends, buddy.”
the boy turns back to satoru, but, this time, he is frowning at the man, “I wanna give d/n a flower!”
“well, I am here to do that, so you can go away,” satoru stands up proudly, “and! I give her flowers, not just one!”
the boy’s frown deepens and he turns to his friends and whistles for them to come over. quickly, a gang of 6 year old boys are at satoru’s feet. the boy points at satoru, “this man won’t let me give d/n a flower…attack!”
and because your husband’s petty like that, he keeps his infinity on and doesn’t flinch in the slightest. the kids keep trying to punch and kick him, but he doesn’t falter. he grins smugly at you, and you merely roll your eyes with a smile.
meanwhile, d/n already went to continue her class like nothing is happening.
you have no idea how the parents or ballet teacher are letting these kids ‘gang up’ on your husband, but you guess that everyone wants some entertainment every once in a while. plus, most of the kids got tired and ditched the ambush anyway.
now, no one is left but the flower boy.
the poor kid is panting and struggling as he looks up at the smug man. satoru smiles at you, turning off his infinity, “see, babe? told ya nothing can—“
the little boy has kicked your husband’s shin, harshly too. he huffs, holding back tears, “you’re a meanie!” he runs away to his mom, leaving satoru to hold his leg in pain.
you frown sympathetically at the boy, “satoru, you made him cry.”
“well, you’re going to make me cry with how little you care about how I am in pain right now!”
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @pompompurin1028 @scul-pted @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @shinys-bsd-world-1 @sonder-paradise @ravenina14 @jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @starlostlaiba @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @dazaisbloodybandages @aeanya @sweetcloudsimp @moon-catto @the-midnightskies @pianopuppygirl @gojosblackqueen @kryscent @kunikida-simp @whoami-72 @mx-0-child @fiona782 @kisakitwister @imjustasimpxd @psychopotatomeme @dreamcastgirl99 @watyousayin @doobiebochana @laylasbunbunny @hojicha-expresso @4sat0ruu @nineooooo @chuuyasboots @alekssashka7 @rieejjyubi02 @wemma67 @nothisispatrick300 @fallencrescentmoon @etheviese @ho34gojo @the-mom-friend-dot-com @the-weeping-author @stray-npc @libbyistired @anon1412 @anakalana @maehemthemisfit @satorustar @b4nka1
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copyright © tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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jyoongim · 7 months
Hey I love your work so much! Could you please write about alastor with a wife who’s just like Jessica rabbit and ended up in heaven because she didn’t know about him killing but came down to visit him after meeting Charlie when she went up there. I just think I’d be wild for someone like Al to have a wife like that
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AAAAOOOOGGGGAAAAA!!!! I could have written this in soooo many ways but i think its a bit like one i already wrote but I hope you enjoy nevertheless!!! @alientee
I highly recommend you listen to The Night We Met, Copacabana, and Why don’t You Do Right!!!! That’s what I envisioned for this one request!!!!
The meeting between the Princess of Hell and the Angelic council was a mess.
The Princess had a look of defeat, so you took it upon yourself to let her show you her hotel.
You prompted that you will be the one to go down and see if it were possible that demons could be redeemed.
I mean everyone deserves a second chance right?
You were talk even the worst sinner still possessed some sort of decency.
So you followed the Princess to her hotel to show you around.
Charlie was elated that you didn’t think her dream was just some fluck.
She asked you all sorts of questions. How you ended up in heaven and how was your life before you died.
”Believe it or not I was a singer at a gentlemen’s lounge. Oh darlin you should have seen me in my prime! Jazz, booze, and oh I had the sweetest husband.”
Charlie was shocked. I mean, yes you were breathtaking, but you really didn’t seem like the type to be tied down to some guy.
You giggled at her expression.  It was often the look men gave you when you refused their advances, happily boasting you were a taken woman and not some hussy that could warm their beds.
”Oh you’ll really find that the hotel has character. Our hotel manager might be a little…hmmm creepy but don’t pay him any mind” she said opening the door to the hotel to lead you through the lobby.
And character it did.
The interior was old-fashion but it had charm. A bit masculine for a young woman to run it,  but if the manager was a man, you could see why it looked the way it did.
You took a seat on a couch and waited as Charlie went to gather the residents so you would meet them.
You were slightly nervous. You were in Hell and hadn’t the slightest clue what demons even looked like.
You fiddled with your ring, how you wished to see your husband.
”Everyone we have a special guest so pleeeeaasssee be on your best behavior” you heard Charlie say.
You caught sight of a gnarly bar and the bartender, you smiled
”shot of whiskey on the rock love” Husker turned around and his eyes widened, yours did too “Why i never thought…Husker?!” You squealed happily, lunging across the bar to hug the demon. He smiled and patted your back, pulling away “Husker what ya doing down here?” He gave you a deadpan look, making you laugh. You then thought about it..
If Husker was down here then that…
”Charlie you should have said such beauty in our circle i would have cleaned up a lot better” a voice purred, making your head turn.
A tall spider smiled at you, giving you a flirtatious wink, which you sent back with a wave.
A little cyclone, a snake, and a seemingly human woman entered the room.
Charlie smiled “This lovely angel has decided to have a look around to prove Heaven wrong”
You introduced yourself.
”Now i know you’re not here long so Ill give you a quick-”
Charlie was interrupted by a radio-like voice.
”Don’t tell me you’re going to give a tour without me Charlie? You know we work as a team-” his words trailed off as he caught sight of you.
You stood, a happy smile on your face “Alastor baby!” You practically ran into his arms.
”Ain’t no way…”
”oh welll that do make ssssennssseee”
”Pretty lady!”
everyone watched in shock as Alastor twirled you around, peppering your face in kisses.
”oooohhh my dear what a surprise this is!” He said hugging you. You heard a throat clear and broke your hold on him, turning to see everyone confused.
You gave a sheepish smile. Alastor beamed and hooked a arm around your waist
”Everyone this doll here is my wife! The prettiest thing that ever graced the earth!” You playfully slapped his chest.
Everyone's mouths dropped.
You sat in Alastor’s lap as you told how you knew the red demon. Rambling on about how you two met and how your lives were like.
They just couldn’t process it.
YOU were married to Alastor. 
Married to the most feared Overlord in Hell. 
Wife to the Radio Demon.
How the fuck?
You were an angel? Literally and figuratively!
”How the hell did Mr. Creepy face fancy talk here get a broad like you?” Angel asked.
Alastor’s chest puffed with pride. His smile almost broke his face “with charm and wit my deluded friend” He said as he leaned his chin on your shoulder.
You giggled, it was always entertaining to see people's reactions to who your husband was.
You turned to Alastor,  lips pouty with a feigned upset look
”Now i been dead forever and not once have I seen you. Why? Why weren’t you in Heaven?”
Alastor stiffened, how was he to tell you that during your time alive he had killed many people just for the fun of it?
“Weeelll my dear I might have killed a few people” 
You blinked and then thought about it.
It kind of made sense, he used to be out ‘hunting’ at weird times of day, be gone at night saying he was working.
 You had a hard time getting stains out of his clothing.
That do explains some things.
”So do you regret anything?” He let out a laugh
nope. Not a single thing.
You shook your head “well since I’m heeeerrrrreee…why don’t we swing by juke joint, if you’re here, I’m sure Mimzy is here. I could use a good time. Its stuffy up there in Heaven. No fun at all”
Charlie perked “Ahh yes you must see how the sinners here are really like and what better than enagaging with them?”
Angel smirked “I know a place waaaayy better than some old booze lounge”
A club. You were at a club.
Your eyes honed in on a mic on the stage and it just happened to be open night.
You batted your eyes and just like that you were on stage.
The lights dimmed and you flipped through some songs to pick.
You might have been a bit old-fashioned but you were caught up on some of the modern singers that came through heaven.
The band nodded at your choice and you took hold of the mic.
With a twirl of your hand, you dawned on a 1920s theme look.
The gang mouths were jaw dropped as you started to sing, the audience was captivated. Catcalls and whistles filled the air.
Alastor felt static run through him as he sighed lovingly as you came down the stage and sat on his lap, mock fixing his bow tie as you sang. You teasingly nipped at his lips, causing his ears to twitch as you smiled going back to waltzing around the stage.
You smiled as bowed as the crowd exploded with cheers and applause as the lights came back on.
Ain’t no way Alastor had a bad broad like you, but the way you happily giggled as he whispered in your ear, pulling you into his chest…
There wasn’t denying it.
You held the Radio Demon’s dark heart.
His sweet, alluring wife
who would have thought?
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amirasainz · 1 month
Request: Hey!! I just saw the Video of Carlos and his father driving hot laps together. Could you maybe write one where Carlos is doing it with his girlfriend, but she is the one driving. But he is like super terrified, cause his gf is the definition of passenger princess. Thank you
Of course! Enjoy reading and send me some requests!!!
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Hot Laps
It was a radiant day on the Austin track. The sun was beaming, and not a cloud marred the sky. It was the perfect day for some exhilarating hot laps in a Ferrari, in your opinion. The air was filled with the scent of rubber and gasoline, a symphony of engines roaring in the background, setting the stage for an unforgettable experience.
When the Ferrari media team first approached you and Carlos with the idea of doing some hot laps together during the next race weekend, you were apprehensive. Not that you didn’t trust Carlos with your life. But driving leisurely through the picturesque countryside of Spain and racing at 200 km/h on a track were vastly different experiences. After much persuasion with promises of “Mi amore, I swear I won’t go too fast” and “I promise, I’ll buy you the new Valentino bag when we’re back in Monaco,” he finally convinced you.
However, the moment you both confirmed that you would be doing the hot laps together, Silvia altered the entire plan. “Sorry Carlos, we just think that the fans would enjoy seeing YN drive this time.” And boy, did you love that idea. Now, Carlos was the one hesitating.
You obviously had a driver’s license and your own car, but that didn’t mean you were an exceptional driver. Throughout your relationship, you had proven more than once that you were destined to be the Passenger Princess, rather than the driver. For instance, there was the time when you managed to knock down a road sign. While Carlos sat with a shocked expression next to you, clutching the door handle for dear life, you simply said: “Oopsie daisy,” smiled at him, and continued driving. Or the time when you attempted to parallel park, but after 30 minutes of trying, you had to call him for help.
So one could understand why Carlos was reluctant to let you drive. Now it was your turn to convince Carlos with “I promise I won’t go too fast” and “It will be so much fun, I promise.” What finally swayed him was the promise of “the best sex ever. Throughout the. Whole. Night.”
When the day finally arrived, you were more than ecstatic. The anticipation had been building up, and you could hardly contain your excitement. After the team let you on the track and you were securely strapped into the car (yes, Carlos checked the seatbelt several times), you were finally ready to go. The Ferrari’s interior was a blend of luxury and raw power, the leather seats hugging you tightly as you gripped the steering wheel. The dashboard was a marvel of modern technology, with a digital display that showed every detail of the car’s performance.
You started off slowly, which relaxed Carlos. However, on turn 7, you floored the throttle. “Ay! No, no, no, mi amore. Too quick, too quick!” Carlos screamed. While he tried to grab anything within reach, you were having the time of your life. You drifted and cruised on the track, the tires screeching as you took each turn with increasing confidence. Carlos’s screams of “The wall! The wall!” and “BRAKE!” didn’t deter you from your little joyride.
As you navigated the track, you couldn’t help but feel a rush of adrenaline. The wind whipped through your hair, and the roar of the engine was music to your ears. You glanced over at Carlos, who was gripping the sides of his seat, his knuckles white. His eyes were wide with a mix of fear and amazement, and you couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction. The track’s twists and turns became a thrilling dance, each corner a new challenge that you eagerly embraced.
When you went for the last lap, you went too wide in turn one. Before you could hit the wall, Carlos grabbed the steering wheel, putting the car back on track. While you giggled like a schoolgirl seeing her crush, Carlos muttered: “Querido Dios, por favor dame fuerza y déjanos vivir otro día.”
Finally, the lap was over, and you brought the car to a stop. Carlos immediately undid his seatbelt before jumping out of the car. He lay flat on the track, taking huge breaths of air. You rounded the car, seeing your boyfriend lying on the asphalt. The rest of the team, who had been watching the whole ordeal, were laughing in the background.
“Carlos, why are you lying on the floor?” you asked with a smile, kneeling down next to him. Carlos took your hand before answering seriously: “Mi vida, I love you with my whole heart. But please, never ever drive a car again. You’re the perfect passenger princess, okay.” His request made you laugh so hard that tears escaped your eyes. Perhaps he was right. You ARE the perfect passenger princess.
As you both walked back to the team, Carlos still a bit shaky, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment. You had faced your fears and had an unforgettable experience. The team congratulated you, and even Carlos managed a smile, albeit a nervous one. You knew this would be a story you’d both laugh about for years to come.
Later that evening, as you both relaxed in the hotel room, Carlos recounted the day’s events with dramatic flair, making you laugh all over again. The memory of the hot laps became a cherished moment, a testament to your adventurous spirit and the bond you shared. You realized that while you might be the perfect passenger princess, you also had the courage to step out of your comfort zone and create unforgettable memories.
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perlelune · 10 months
no body, no crime | Coriolanus Snow | ii.
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Your childhood friend returns from his exile in district 12, but he's not the sweet, quiet boy you once knew anymore.
Warnings: NON-CON, Plinth!Reader, Gaslighting, Drugging, Murder, Forced Marriage, Forced Pregnancy, Loss of Virginity, Somnophilia
This is a dark story. Heed warnings before reading under the cut.
𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
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Astonishment widens your gaze when you find your mother sitting on your bed when you go back upstairs. Her hands are twitching in her lap and she makes a beeline to you when she sees you.
“So, how did it go?” she asks, urgency laced in her tone. 
Your brows knit. “It went fine. Why do you even care, mother?”
“Coriolanus will be a good friend to have in the future,” she says, her hands seizing yours for emphasis. 
“A good friend?”
Your mother rolls her eyes. She then tugs you by the hand and takes you to your bed so you can both sit on it. The mattress dips with both your weights.
“Don’t you know, sweetie? How well his tribute did in the last Hunger Games? That Lucy Gray girl-”
“You know I don’t like to watch it,” you underscore, your frown accentuating. You don’t know why anyone would willingly tune in to this butchery and call it entertainment. 
Her hold on your hand grows tighter. “You need to grow up. You’re not a child anymore.”
You tamp down your hurt at her criticism.
She licks her lips and continues, “And it’s not just that. He’s on the fast track to becoming top student at the University, he’s Volumnia Gaul’s apprentice and he’s even got sway with-”
“What does any of it have to do with me, mother?” you interrupt, your well of patience running dry as she keeps singing the young man’s praises. It’s not like you’re not aware of Coriolanus’ accomplishments. He’s ambitious and clever. It was always obvious he’d get far in life. But clearly your mother’s trying to make a point and you’d like for her to stop beating around the bush and just spill it.
“He likes you.”
“I like him too,” you reply with a shrug.
She tilts her head, her interest seeming piqued. “Do you really?”
“Yes, I’m glad we can be friends again.”
“Friends is a good start. Your father and I started as friends…”
You draw your hands back, standing up in shock at her implication. Outrage blooms inside you. This is just like Demetria Plinth. While you’re aware your mother doesn’t approve of your current match, you never thought she’d be so devious.
“I’m engaged, mother.”
She sighs as she stands up too. Disappointment paints her features.
“I know, I know. And William’s a sweet boy but-”
“But what?”
She tilts your chin up. “What kind of future do you think you’ll have with him, hm?”
“One full of happiness and love,” you defend hotly.
She bursts out a chuckle. “Love and happiness do not provide food or shelter. But a match to a promising young man from a great house would-”
You cut her off again, peeved at her repeated ignorance of your wishes, “Like I said, we’re friends, mother, nothing else. I’m getting married in three weeks, whether you and Dad like it or not.”
Her lips clamp shut as she steps back from you. 
“And you have made that exceedingly clear, how little you cared for our opinion…”
“It’s not that, I just wished-”
She waves a dismissive hand in the air. “It’s no matter. Just promise me one thing?”²
“What thing?” you ask, suspicion clear in your voice.
“Keep him close,” she says, her eyes softening. “Can you at least do that for us, sweetheart?”
“I’ll try.”
“I’m being serious,” she emphasizes. “After your brother…” Her voice breaks at the mention of her son. Tears start to press behind your eyes at the sight of her grief-stricken expression. “We can’t afford any misstep. Do you understand?”
You don’t have it in you to fight her anymore, not when she’s like this. So you wrap your arms around her, giving her a tight hug. “I understand,” you reply, rubbing her back as she weeps in silence.
Naturally, your own tears follow suit. Whenever your mother cries, it's never too long before you start crying as well.
You may not go as far in your relationship with Coriolanus as your mother wants you to, but you can at least keep him in your life. And based on your encounter this afternoon, it will not be hard. You want him in your life. You missed him. 
You just hope your mother learns to accept that you and Coriolanus will never be more than friends.
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God, you despise these events. You peer at your lavish surroundings once again. They certainly didn’t spare any expense, and this includes your father. Every inch of the palatial room screams wealth, from the champagne tower, to the elaborate sculptures and gold accents from floor to ceiling. 
Internally, you wince. This is the kind of futile displays of privilege the Capitol likes to indulge in. A waste of resources when people in the Districts are starving.
You bet if Sejanus were here, he’d feel the same.
Sipping lightly from your glass of posca, you nod along at the man who speaks to you. It’s been almost an hour and he hasn’t realized you haven’t uttered a single word. You wonder if he even cares. Gauis Creed, Festus Creed’s father, is the kind of man who basks in the sound of his own voice more than anyone else’s.
Eventually, you excuse yourself, pretending you’re tired and need to sit.
William follows you as you go find your father’s table. 
You unleash a sigh as you plop down on one of the velvet chairs around the table. An Avox approaches you, plate of appetizers in hand, and offers you one. You refuse with a smile, your heart twisting as you meet their gaze.
William’s hand folds over yours.
“You’re okay, baby?” he asks, concern swimming in his green eyes.
“I’m fine. These things are just so exhausting.”
His thumb sweeps over your knuckles as he smiles at you. “We just need to stay long enough to be polite.”
“I know.”
William suddenly straightens his spine, his attention traveling above your head. You pivot in your seat to see what caught his eye.
Your breath hitches at the sight of Coriolanus. He smoothly walks into the room, locking arms with his cousin Tigris. His stylish crimson fit, a two piece suit with a white rose pinned to his breast pocket, highlights his good looks. His blonde locks are slicked back in that formal way you’ve seen him sport since he came back. He wears it well. It makes him look older, wiser.
He radiates confidence and you don’t miss the looks that trail him as he enters. The young heir of House Snow is making quite an impression.
“It’s him, isn’t it?” William inquires, smoothing the wrinkles in his suit and rearranging his lapels. 
“Yeah, that’s him,” you reply, placing a hand on his arm in reassurance. 
But your fiancé’s eyes don’t stray from Coryo. A frown mars his brow. 
“Who’s the woman with him?”
“That’s Tigris, his cousin.”
Striking blue eyes slam into yours, making your heart skip a beat. You watch as the blonde whispers something to Clemensia Dovecote before weaving his way through the crowd.
“He’s making his way to us,” William says.
Frozen in your seat, you nod dumbly.
He glides in your direction, each of his steps graceful and determined. Not once does Coriolanus’ cobalt gaze strays from yours.
“You came,” you say when he’s in front of you.
He plucks your hand from your lap and drops an ephemeral, soft kiss on it. When he lets go of your hand, the feel of his lips linger, making your flesh tingle. You confine a gasp, your face warming. The move surprises you coming from Coriolanus. He knows etiquette better than anyone else. Doing this in front of your fiancé could be perceived as provocation. 
You’re sure he didn’t mean it that way, being naturally suave and charming, but you wish he’d tone it down tonight to not give William the wrong impression.
“I made a promise to a pretty girl, so I had to,” he rasps, honey dripping in his deep timbre.
Part of you melts. Ten years ago, you’d have done anything for Coryo to notice you, let alone whisper words such as these to you.
You collect yourself, giving a nod as you rise from your seat. 
You beam at his cousin. As always, she looks stunning. Tonight she wears a tight, scarlet dress that compliments her slender frame.
“Tigris, it’s been a while,” you chime.
“Too long,” she replies before hugging you.
You return the gesture. Tigris was always sweet to you. While you never went to school together as she’s three years older than you and Janus, there were many times she’d admonish children who pestered you. You remember wanting to be like her when you were younger, a poised, beautiful Capitol lady that’d make your parents proud.
It was before you realized how vapid most citizens of the Capitol are, that none of them care about anything that matters. Still, Tigris remains one of the kindest people you’ve ever encountered.
“You’ve grown into a gorgeous young woman,” she praises.
Despite you, a sliver of pride flutters inside you at her compliment. 
The reunion is interrupted when your parents arrive.
As you expect, they barely acknowledge William, but they grin from ear to ear when addressing Coriolanus.
“You clean up nicely, young man,” Strabo lauds.
Your mother doles out similar praise, asking him where he got his shirt from.
“Shall we sit?” your dad adds.
“Oh, may we?”
“Don’t be silly. We made sure there’d be room for both of you.”
So that’s who the extra chairs were for. You wondered before. You suppose it makes sense now.
Everyone sits and food is brought to the table. 
The tantalizing spread of meat and vegetables doesn’t entice you despite its artistic arrangement. Still, you dutifully gulp bite after bite, aware people in the districts are starving while you get to enjoy a fancy meal. You shouldn’t waste any of it.
The whole time, you try your best to ignore the way Coriolanus’ arm keeps grazing yours as he talks.
You stay quiet as the Snow cousins and your parents drone on about clothes and other frivolous matters. 
When the conversation begins to veer to more serious topics however, your ears perk.
“...And we’ve been trying to raise the viewership for the next Hunger Games through-”
“Well, maybe if it wasn’t about sponsoring the murder of children, it’d be easier,” William notes, cutting your father off mid-sentence.
Quiet falls over the table. Strabo’s jaw ticks while he glares angrily at your fiancé. Your mother shakes her head and tosses you a look of disapproval.
She doesn’t have to utter a single word for you to hear her thoughts loud and clear. They’re plainly written all over her face.
As for you, pride and love glow inside you as you twine your fingers with William’s. 
Once again, he makes you feel like you’re not the mad one in this mad world.
“What do you think?”
 Coriolanus’s abrupt question has you choking on your spoonful.
You cough and dab your mouth with a napkin, embarrassment swirling in your gut.
Beneath his intense stare, you quickly try to gather your words.
“Me? I…There has to be another way to discourage rebellions, a more humane way. Wouldn’t you agree?”
A tender smile unfurls on his lips. “You’re sweet.”
The symphonic orchestra on stage starts playing music. Some of the guests start joining the dancefloor, waltzing along to the melancholy tune.
Coriolanus suddenly gets to his feet and steals your hand. 
“Do you mind?” he tells William while tugging you out of your chair. 
“I…” your fiancé begins. But Coriolanus drags you to the dancefloor, not waiting for his response.
Too dumbstruck to utter a word yourself, you let him. 
He slips his arm around your waist and sways to the music. You follow his lead, trying to discard how unnerving the proximity is. The faint scent of roses coats your senses, rendering you a bit dizzy. It reminds you of your garden. 
“He speaks like a rebel,” he says.
You stiffen. “He speaks the truth, and he isn’t afraid to do it. It’s what I love about him.”
Coriolanus scrutinizes you, his blank expression impossible to read. You gasp when he spins you. He then pulls your back flush against his broad chest. Your heart hammers wildly  and you find yourself praying he doesn’t hear it. 
His soft whisper fans over your ear. “He’ll get you in trouble.”
“Maybe I like trouble,” you reply.
His deep chuckle ripples along your neck. “Hm, do you, princess?”
Your throat goes dry. You pivot in your heels so you aren’t so close, remembering that William is a few feet away watching.
Your cheeks burn. 
“Coryo,” you mumble, lifting your head to meet his gaze.
“You’ve changed, you know.”
“Hm, maybe it’s my hair. I’m trying to grow it out again.”
You shake your head.
“It’s not that. You’re just…a bit different.”
You don’t remember him ever being so bold and…so many other things you can’t place. You simply know that the longer you are in his presence, the longer it feels as if you’ll tumble into an abyss, one you won’t so easily climb your way out of.
He slants his head.
“Good different or bad different?”
You shrug and smile.
“I guess we’ll have to see.”
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The gala leaves you rattled, hesitant to speak to Coriolanus for a few days. You know he’s not to blame for your parents’ behavior, but he didn’t exactly help matters with everything he did that night. Your mother for instance couldn’t stop raving about it on the way back home. You were grateful William wasn’t there to hear it. He’s worked hard to obtain your parents’ approval, even pretending to be someone he wasn’t at first just to impress them. But nothing he’s done ever worked. By mere virtue of his birth, the match is ill-fated in your parents’ eyes. 
Maybe distance with the blond is what is best. Once you and William are married, they’ll have no choice but to accept it after all. It’ll be done and there’ll be nothing else for them to say.
“Your mother said I could find you here.”
Startled, you nearly drop your embroidery hoop. 
Your head snaps up. 
You’re welcomed by the sight of Coriolanus’ towering frame darkening the entrance of the sunroom, sporting a white shirt and a long black coat. 
“Are you upset?” he asks, heading towards you. 
His bluntness, coupled with his unexpected presence, snatches the words from your tongue for a few minutes.
You blink and frown, focusing on driving the needle through the cotton fabric.
“Upset, why would I be upset?” you evasively reply.
“The gala…” His voice is closer now, the smell of roses floating around you.
You dip your head and examine your needlework. You frown. It’s a bit crooked. The stitches aren’t as tight as they should be, making the petals you were sewing appear misshapen.
“You’ve also been avoiding me,” he adds. Your breath catches as you realize he’s sitting next to you now. “You leave right after every class.”
It’s true that even at the University you’ve made yourself more scarce. You didn’t expect him to notice. But you surmise nothing ever escapes Coriolanus Snow’s sharp senses. As long as you’ve known him, he’s been this way. He’d let the tiniest, most insignificant problem corral his entire attention until he solved it. 
“I haven’t,” you mutter, shrugging. “I’m not upset, Coryo.”
“So why won’t you look at me?” You squeeze your mouth shut, sewing as if your life depended on it.
“Look at me, princess,” he repeats, his hand finding your chin to force your gazes to meet. Your nerves thrum as he gauges you.
“I’m looking at you,” you whisper.
The blond’s forehead creases. His deep timbre softens while he explains, “I just want to be here for you, take care of you. That’s all. It’s just that…” He releases your face, his shoulders sagging. “Nevermind.”
“Tell me,” you insist, now eager to know what words were about to cross his lips.
It’s his turn to dodge your eyes now. “I probably shouldn’t.”
Your frustration hits its crest.
“Now I want to know even more.”
Coriolanus studies you for a while before a long, weary sigh drops from his chest. 
“It’s what Sejanus wanted,” he confesses, his soft inflection wavering.
You exhale sharply. “What?”
His throat bobs, emotions storming his blue eyes as they turn glassy with unshed tears.
“It’s almost like he knew, like he could feel it coming, you know?” Coriolanus pauses as if to gather himself. “He said ‘take care of her for me, please.’ He even had tears in his eyes.”
The hoop slips from your grasp as you gape at him in shock. Your voice comes out a watery quaver, tears welling in your eyes too.
“Did he really say that?”
“He did,” he confirms with a nod. A lone tear travels down his cheek. “I keep wishing I could have saved him, you know?”
He sounds disgusted with himself and your heart wrenches. It’s not like Coriolanus had anything to do with your brother’s death and could have prevented it. It saddens you that he feels the need to carry a burden that isn’t his own. All he did was be a friend to Sejanus. The picture of the two of them Janus carried proves it.
Without thought, your hand reaches his.
“This isn’t your fault. None of it is.”
His fingers curl around yours.
“I just want to honor your brother’s last wishes. He was my best friend.” His thumb caresses the back of your hand. “And I know I can never replace him but…let me be here for you, okay?”
You chuckle through the blurry veil of your tears. You can’t believe Coryo carried this weight with him all along. You wish he’d told you earlier. 
He simply wanted to be here for you. You’re both grieving your brother’s death, after all. Guilt trickles within you for even doubting him.
“Of course,” you reply, giving a tearful smile.
His hands rise to cup your face. He gingerly wipes your tears as you sniffle.
His face comes alight with a broad, tight-lipped smile.
“I’m very glad to hear that, princess.”
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crudemachine · 1 month
their reactions to you confessing to them and saying "i love you" for the first time (ft. xiangli yao and changli)
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xiangli yao
• he would be taken aback, just a little bit. his eyes will widen and he will feel his heart threatening to burst out of his chest with how hard it beats against his rib cage. while he's easygoing and composed most of the time, there's no doubt that an intimate human connection like a romantic relationship will throw him off at first. he's not unfamiliar with love, he just doesn't have enough experience beyond fleeting crushes.
• he would also be kind of flustered and out of his element. to be fair, it's not like he was oblivious to your feelings. he's pretty observant so he had his suspicions already. however, he didn't want to get ahead of himself and make things awkward between you and him. he was finding the right time to confess to you. too bad you beat him to it.
• as a scientist, it's well within his nature to be meticulous with his options in any given circumstances, and sometimes that kind of attitude seeps in with the way he treats people, especially you. he cherishes you deeply so he wouldn't want to scare you off. he will never stop searching for the ultimate truth, but he doesn't want to abandon you altogether either.
• after his shock wears off, a dopey smile will appear on his face immediately; the man is lovestruck. if you allow him, he will give you the tightest and warmest hug you've ever gotten from him. you can also kiss him right there and then if you want to see him go completely red in real time. all in all, he takes the sudden confession in stride despite his initial clumsiness with the situation. tease him about it after a while and you might just get rewarded with the same reaction all over again.
• it's sweet how you didn't think she would never notice your incredibly obvious attraction towards her, though she won't say anything about it lest she ruins the moment, she thinks. she thought she had the upper hand, but her big smile and her arms snaking around your waist instantly as soon as the words left your mouth don't go unnoticed by you. she's just as smitten with you as you are with her.
• she whispers sweet nothings in your ear while you remain trapped in her arms. some of them were about her promises to keep you safe and happy at all times and then some of them were downright scandalous you almost regret confessing your love to her. almost. you're not complaining though.
• she can be quite aloof and intimidating with how she conducts herself around other people, but you've always been the special exception. after she's satisfied with teasing you, she will let go of you and look deep in your eyes as if a fire has suddenly ignited within her. and then, she proclaims her love to you. it's during this time that you will realize how expressive and sincere she is when it comes to you. your heart feels full at the thought.
• you're very much aware of her shorter lifespan compared to yours; even so, that fact alone will never hold you back from wanting to spend every moment with her until she draws her last breath. just like how she lives in the present, she also doesn't want to think about her eventual demise. you're here with her and that's all that matters. after your confession, you close the gap between the two of you and kiss her, a silent oath that you will always stand by her no matter what.
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fumikoshi · 17 days
Hello! How are you? I'll start by saying that I absolutely adore your writing. And I was reading the rules to make a somewhat facetious request of you. You see, in my request Y/n is Satoru Gojo's girlfriend and she makes a joke where, supposedly, she is unfaithful in her bed with Geto. But they're just joking, they wanted to get Satoru mad. But it all ends more or less in a way that he punishes his girlfriend with rough sex and criticizing her joke "Do you think you're funny?" I thank you in advance, and if my request makes you uncomfortable or you don't like it, you are free to ignore it. I love your writing. ❤️
𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐣𝐨𝐤𝐞, 𝐡𝐮𝐡?
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✧— SUMMARY; You just wanted to make a joke, but you had no idea he'd get so angry.
✧ — CONTENT; 18+ ONLY // MDNI, Spanking, Fingering, Dirty talk, Feral!Gojo, Humiliting, Verbal humiliting
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"Do you think you're funny, little girl?" he growled, his voice laced with anger and disappointment. "Making jokes about fucking another man?"
He glared at you, his blue eyes cold and unyielding. He pinned your delicate body over his knee, your soft ass was red and sore from the relentless spanking. He ran a hand over the heated flesh, eliciting a sharp cry from you.
He spanked you again, harder this time, making you jerk forward. "Say you're sorry," he demanded, his voice low and dangerous. "Apologize for your filthy mouth and your stupid joke."
He could feel you squirming, and hear your sobs, but he didn't care this time. This was a lesson you needed to learn. "Count, sweetheart" he ordered, his hand poised to strike again. "Or I'll start all over again."
''Too slow" Gojo snapped, bringing his hand down hard on your already sore ass. "Start over."
Your eyes widened in shock, not again... not again!
''N-no, T-toru-KYA!''
Your pleas were interrupted when he spanked you. Gojo's lips curled into a wicked smirk. "Ten, again." he said, his voice a low growl.
You wet your lips, pain radiating through your ass with every impact. you began to count, your voice shaking. "One… two… thr-"
The pain was unbearable, tears streaming down your face. "Three… four… fif-"
"S-six… sev-"
"Ei-eight… n-nine… ten!"
He grabbed you by the hair, pulling you up so you were kneeling in front of him. You squealed cutely "Now, say you're sorry, and maybe, just maybe, I'll consider forgiving you."
"Sorry!" you cried out, tears streaming down your soft cheeks. "I'm so sorry, Toru! Please, I can't take anymore!"
Gojo chuckled, "That's right, cry for me, little girl. Maybe next time you'll think twice before opening that smart little mouth of yours."
He looked at you, his expression unreadable. Then, he released your hair and pushed you down onto your back. He loomed over you, his blue eyes filled with a fierce intensity.
"You're lucky I love you," he said, his voice low and dangerous.
Gojo paused, his hand resting on your reddened flesh. he murmured, his voice softer. He rubbed your back gently, feeling you shudder beneath his touch. His silence scared you…
He looks at you for a moment and says, “You should be thankful I didn't throw you out on the street. You should be honored to have the strongest sorcerer in the world. But you say nonsense and make me angry. I just wanted to come home and hug my girlfriend, but she makes jokes about cheating on me.''
He withdrew his hand, leaving you feeling empty and cold. "Now, stand up and bend over the bed." he ordered, his voice stern once again.
Oh god, what have you done? In that moment, the full weight of your actions bore down on you. You just wanted to play a silly joke, an attempt to provoke jealousy, but it had backfired severely. The coldness in his eyes, the icy tone of his voice, all of it was a direct result of your reckless actions.
You loved him, more than you could ever express. The thought of losing him caused a sharp pain in your chest, a physical representation of the emotional turmoil you were enduring. You didn't understand how things had spiraled so quickly, but there was no going back now.
You hesitated, but you knew that defying him at this point would only make matters worse. You slowly stood, your small hands trembling, before you bent over the bed, presenting your sore bottom to him.
You held your breath, awaiting his judgment, your heart a heavy weight that threatened to suffocate you. You were painfully aware, now more than ever, that you had gone too far, and the only thing left to do was face the consequences of your actions.
He laughed when he saw your wet pussy, a cruel sound that sent shivers down your spine. "You're a natural-born whore, aren't you?" he taunted, his fingers circling your slick entrance, teasing you without entering. "Soaking wet from a few spanks. Pathetic."
He leaned down, his breath hot on your ear. "Tell me, did you like being spanked? Did it make you horny, you little slut?"
He punctuated his words with a sharp slap to your ass, making you gasp and squirm. "Answer me," he demanded, his voice harsh.
"Y-yes…" you whimpered, your face flushing with humiliation and arousal. "It-it made me wet…"
Gojo tsked, shaking his head. "Such a naughty girl," he muttered, pushing two fingers roughly inside you. "But don't worry, I'll give you what you really want."
He pumped his fingers in and out of you, his thumb rubbing circles around your clit. You moaned, pushing back against his hand, seeking more friction. He chuckled, slowing his pace.
"Not so fast, little slut~" he said, his voice mocking. "I'm in charge here. You'll come when I say you can come."
He increased his pace, adding a third finger, stretching you. You gasped, your small hands clutching the sheets, your knuckles turning white. He could feel you're getting close, your inner walls tightening around his fingers.
But just as you were about to come, he pulled his fingers out of you. You whimpered in frustration
''Not yet, little girl. You will cum on my dick''
He watched you, he chuckled darkly, enjoying the control he had over your delicate body. He pushed you up, spinning you around until your tits were pressed against his broad chest. His erection, achingly hard, pressed against your back, demanding release.
He grabbed a handful of your hair, tilting your head back. "Beg for it, Y/N." he growled, his lips brushing against your ear. "Beg me for my cock, and I might grant your wish."
His free hand reached around, rubbing your clit again, just enough to keep you on the precipice of orgasm. He wanted to see you beg, to hear you plead for what he knew he would give you eventually.
Your eyes fluttered shut, a soft moan escaping your lips. "P-please, Toru, I need it… I need your cock…"
He smirked, loving that he had brought you to this point. He spun you around, positioning his throbbing cock at your entrance. "Good girl," he praised, thrusting into you slowly, filling you completely.
You let out a sharp gasp, your eyes widening in surprise. He began to move, setting a steady pace that gradually grew more fervent. His strong hands gripped your hips, holding you steady as he fuck you
As he thrust in and out, he captured your lips in a passionate and rough kiss. His thick fingers tangled in your silky hair, tugging softly as he kissed you deeply.
"Cry for me, little girl." he growled against your soft lips, his voice hoarse with desire. "Scream for me as I make you mine."
He slammed into you harder, his pace growing more erratic, as he plunged into you, seeking his release. His breath hitched and his thrusts grew more frenzied, his skill precise in the way he hit that sweet spot inside of you.
He was closing, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. He could feel the heat building up inside of him, coiling like a serpent ready to strike. His thrusts grew more frantic, his movements uncontrolled as he chased that glorious peak.
"Let me feel how tight you are around my cock." he urged, his words thick and guttural.
The pressure within him was becoming unbearable, his cock swelling inside of you, so close to the edge. His free hand slid between your swollen folds, rubbing your clit in time with his thrusts.
He could feel your inner walls clenching him tighter, your orgasm surging through you. That push was all he needed, his body tensing as he came inside of you, his hot seed filling you to the brim.
After a short while, he pulled out and collapsed next to you, his muscular body slick with sweat. A satisfied grin tugged at the corners of his lips as he gazed at the afterglow of their coupling. "Good girl." he murmured, planting a tender kiss on your forehead, basking in the sweet aftermath.
His fingers trailed over your reddened ass, you hissed from pain when he touched it. a sympathetic frown tugging at the corners of his lips. He knew he'd pushed you to your limits, but you pissed him off.
"I'll apply the ointment in a moment, to soothe that soreness," he assured you, his voice softening. There was no malice in his tone, only concern. "But don't make me punish you like this again, Y/N"
He gathered you in his arms, cradling you against his chest, his hand stroking your hair gently. The warmth of his body enveloped you, making you feel safe, despite the tenderness in your ass.
"You're mine and only mine, Y/N" he whispered, nuzzling the top of your head.
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xo-cod · 1 year
fluff with simon battling fatherhood. and he gets a lil sad reality check <3 :")
this was rushed but i love the idea of simon realising his family he had will never be able to see the family he's created 🥲🤍
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"kids, hurry up" simon called out with a stern expression as he waited by the end of the stairs, strapping the baby carrier to his chest and placing his youngest inside gently. the small baby stirred softly, a sleepy mumble falling from her lips as she closed her eyes once more feeling the steady heartbeat of simon's chest
"comin' daddy!" he hears the thundering of small feet running down the stairs, bringing a soft smile of pride to his lips to see his girls
"c'mere munchkin" he bends carefully to his knees, mindful of the baby strapped to his chest, and helps hana with her ballet flats while amara places a headband in her hair lopsided as she looked back to simon again.
"where we goin'?" his 5 year old asks as she twirled a little to make her dress spin while she looked at simon with such innocence it makes him want to protect her forever from anything and everything
"amara you stepped on my feet!" hana, his three year old scowled as she pushed her older sister back with a huff. the other gasps a little in shock and then her small face crumples into annoyance as she huffed
"easy easy, none of that now, alright?" simon eyed his daughters with a firm look and they both sighed and nodded slowly
"where's mum?" amara looked around for you and simon clicked his tongue, fixing her lopsided headbanded to sit right on her tiny head once more
"mum's at a doctors appointment so you lot are comin with me to the supermarket" he responds, grabbing their coats from the side as he helps them in to it. he's already got snacks stashed away in the bag for when they start to get cranky halfway through and he hoped the shops wouldn't be an overly long trip
"who did mum go with?" kids and their never ending questions but it makes him chuckle a little at their curiosity, zipping up their small jackets to ensure their warmth
"she's gone with her mum, nana" he speaks again, standing back up carefully as he pressed a soft kiss to his baby on his chest. he just about grabbed his keys when one of his piped up again with yet another question
"oh... where's your mum daddy?" hana asks so innocently, it makes him pause. he could feel his heart beat heavily under his chest, picking up pace as he stares at his little girl again. her eyes hold so much wonder, so much interest it's so hard to answer
"she's... not here honey. she passed away years ago" he stroked her hair, reminiscing on the past for a few seconds as memories of his mother flew by in his head. from her helping him get ready for school to the doctors appointments to making him food, the memories hit him like a truck even years and years forward. memories of tommy and his wife flooding his head alongside his nephew. every milestone simon had ever reached was shared now to a grave instead of the warmth his family provided. every happy occasion, every huge goal was said in a soft prayer to the sky instead of being celebrated loudly.
having children was something simon thought wasn't possible not with the lifestyle he lived and the past he came from. but it happened, you entered his life and blessed him with three beautiful girls he cherished with every part of his heart. only him and tommy couldn't watch their children play together and grow together, there was no visiting simon's mom on the weekend as she cooked her famous roast for the family to share. those dreams died the day he buried his family 6 feet into the ground
"oh... m'sorry daddy" his girls have shifted their happy chatty demeanour to a more sad one as they notice their father lost in his thoughts. he's snapped out of his trance as he looks back down to the girls who barely come up to his knees with a soft chuckle as he sits down on one of the steps. cradling them in his arms in a gentle hug. he could see the sharpness of tommy's eyes in theirs, the placement of the soft dimple in their smiles just like his mothers. even if his family physically wasn't here, parts of them were always carried throughout
"nothin to be worry for, darling. i wish you could've met her, she would've loved you three" he chuckled fondly, his heart aching softly in his chest as he holds his daughters close. maybe one day when they get older, he'll explain the backstory of their late grandma and their late uncle but for now, he'll bear that burden alone
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cringefailkralie · 4 months
ridiculously long list of things i’ve noticed about thomas grant and adam wadsworth’s portrayals of albus and scorpius
sorry in advance if this is messy, i wrote this at like 4am
albus flinches away when james steps too close to him!!!
when scorpius asks albus whether he prefers albus or al, he doesn’t have to think about his answer. instead he just looks shocked that someone was actually asking that, like nobody’s ever considered his feelings before. makes me feel like he’d been waiting his entire life for someone to actually ask him that.
tom’s albus doesn’t cry during the fight with harry like i’ve seen a lot of the other actors do. he just stares blankly ahead of him and completely shuts down. i’m head over heels in love with this choice because it really hammers home how hard it is for albus to express his feelings or communicate with anyone.
albus’s reaction to the love potion really really makes me believe that ron intended it to be a mean gay joke. even if ron didn’t intend for it to come across that way, that’s definitely what albus takes it as.
scorpius is just staring vacantly at a wall before he spots albus on the train in their 4th year. not sure if this is a specific acting choice or if i’m just reading into it too much?
they hold hands for a second and stand with their faces an inch away from each other as soon as they duck into their train compartment. their body language in private is so different from their body language in public.
albus squeezes his eyes closed when they hug. he really needed that physical affection but he hates anyone but scorpius being near him.
scorpius puts his hand on albus’s chest when the train starts moving. nothing to say about that its just really gay.
my favorite delivery of “oooo a quiz… WIZZO!!!” i fucking love how he does jazz hands when he says it, especially because it’s the second time he does jazz hands in that scene. he’s so me.
albus does so many little hand gestures in this scene, he’s way more comfortable being expressive around scorpius. he almost mirrors scorpius’s stupid little mannerisms.
bonus- not scorbus related but craig is first seen wearing his beanie on the train during the this sequence (where albus and scorpius decide to run away)!! idk if they don’t do this in other productions or if i just hadn’t ever picked up on it before, but it’s a really cute detail. does anyone know if he canonically got it when he became head boy?
when amos first tells them to leave, scorpius grabs onto albus’s sleeve
not even technically them but the ron and harry actors grab onto each other sooooo much (as albus and scorpius)
in love with how long scorpius hold out his “WIIIIIIIZZZOOOO” and how albus tries to match his energy with the “DOUBLE WIZZO”
delphi steals scorp’s little phrases and his awkward way of speaking and his mannerisms to try and appeal to albus because she knows that he reeeeally likes him- and i hate hate HATEEEE how she makes him feel like a freak for being himself when all the while she’s stealing his personality. scorpius plays with the fabric of his sweater and then fidgets with his hands after she tries to make him feel left out in the forbidden forest and i can FEEL what he’s feeling through the screen.
scorpius is JEALOUS jealous of delphi and when he talks to her his voice is quiet and monotone, which is the most un-scorpius thing ever. i love it. you can feel how much he hates her. i hate her too, this delphi is despicable. (very talented actress!!)
when scorpius tears his eyes away from the beautiful sight in front of them to look at albus and say “you’re my best friend” (which is crazy enough on its own) he talks in a really sweet, low voice before returning really quickly to his normal scorp-voice, as if he was afraid to let albus think about what had just happened
albus jumps up and down with excitement when they announce the triwizard tournament. he starts and then has to stop himself from cheering for hogwarts. funny that a guy who was just saying how much he hates hogwarts would do a thing like that.
everyone around scorpius gets startled when he starts cheering for krum because his screaming is so weird lmao
at the end of the scene where albus tells scorpius they’ll be better off without each other, scorpius just slumps over on the steps and stays there for the ENTIRETY of the next scene until he eventually gets wheeled off with the stairs. it looks like he’s fiddling with something? maybe his wand? maybe just his hands?
obviously the staircase ballet is the staircase ballet, but the way they look at each other is just AAAAUUUUGHHHHHHH
at the end of the ballet scorpius steps towards albus first, but albus is the one who reaches his hand out and slinks down onto the steps
obsessed with that gay little purse scorpius carries the time turner in
delphi gets scorpius to let his guard down during their conversation and scorpius starts talking like himself in front of her again!!!
albus does the little puke-gag-joke-thing in the library to try and make scorpius feel better </3
they’re both fidgeting with their hands throughout their whole conversation :(
this isn’t specific to this production but scorpius’s shoes are one of my favorite details. in the normal world, he wears big clunky shoes to showcase his awkwardness, whereas in the dark dimension he wears running shoes!! evil scorp is athletic!!!
the second “im fighting for albus” that comes out of scorpius’s mouth is said almost entirely to himself
their little hug in the water :,)
i LOVE LOVE LOVE that scorpius tries to hug draco and he pushes him away and throws his jacket at him in such a cold manner. it makes their hug near the end feel so much more important to their relationship. as soon as we meet scorpius he immediately refers to himself as having daddy issues and we don’t see nearly enough of that in this play.
bonus p2- one of my favorite parts of this show is the in trouble again number!!! i love the background gang and all of their little scenes like this. craig being a little gossip monger is funny as shit!!!! it gives him so much personality and makes his death that much sadder :(
the delivery of “scorpius….. he matters to me…. you know that don’t you?” is INSANE. tom grant delivers all of the coming out adjacent lines so perfectly.
i love how scorpius moves his body. he waves his arms around in the air so often.
scorpius tickled albus lmao they’re so weird
when scorpius talks about hating the other world, albus throws in “apart from polly chapman fancying you” quite bitterly and scorpius almost completely cuts him off. he doesn’t acknowledge what he said in any way shape or form and albus seems to notice that he’s not interested in polly.
scorpius rubs his socks on the floor while he talks :3
the choice to have scorpius move from his bed to albus’s bed and pull albus’s blanket into his lap when he tells him that he changed himself back for him is so AAAUGHHH
AND SCORPIUS DOES THE SAME THING THAT HE DID EARLIER AGAIN!!! he gets all quiet and sweet when he’s sort of admitting his feelings to albus and then all of a sudden he stands up and goes back to his normal loud voice
delphi mocking scorpius and him immediately tensing up oh he hates her ass so much
scorpius reaches out to try and intercept albus handing delphi the time turner and albus giggles at scorpius because he’s happy she’s not extremely pissed at them
scorpius holds onto the railing right up until he gets his hands bound together because he’s afraid of heights. thought it was cute that adam chose to do this even though his fear of heights isn’t mentioned anywhere in this version.
i LOVE the torture scene in this version. albus is stone faced when delphi is threatening to torture him and then he IMMEDIATELY falls to his knees begging and pleading when she turns toward scorpius.
delphi is quite literally outing albus in this scene. the silence after she says that love is his weakness and points to scorpius is SO long and SO loud omg. it’s quite literally ten whole seconds (i counted) of albus and scorpius just looking at each other. it genuinely feels like she just spilled out what he’s been keeping inside of himself for so long, it’s gutwrenching. i guess they did just watch craig die so they do in fact have bigger problems, but you can see albus’s heart stop beating and its so terrible.
i love how albus turns to scorpius when the stationmaster starts unintelligibly talking to them like “hey, you’re doing the talking rn just so you know”
i’m obsessed with how excited scorpius is to tell albus all about the history of the place they’re in. in love with his little gasps at everything he sees and his jump when he says “SQUEAK!”
albus motioning for scorpius to stop when he’s demonstrating how to scream for help lmaoooo
albus pointing with both hands at scorpius while they try to come up with a plan is so cute. albus believes in him so much.
i love how scorpius keeps hugging draco even as he’s talking
their foreheads are literally brushing against each other my god these bitches gay
albus asks “and thats who you want in your palace?” in an almost panicked way like he’s afraid scorpius doesn’t feel the same way about him.
albus holds onto scorpius’s shoulders while rose tries to reassure them that they didn’t just get walked in on lmao
3rd and final instance of scorpius trying to change the subject- asking immediately about quidditch so albus doesn’t get the chance to say anything related to what just happened
scorpius says “come on” like he’s trying to get albus to come cut a rug with him at a middle school dance
obsessed with their little gagging and puking bit and how they made it a callback to what albus does in the library
maybe my favorite hug moment from any scorbus duo. i love how albus initially reacts with shock but then melts into it and closes his eyes, only pulling away to make sure he’s not reading the situation entirely wrong (he’s not)
my favorite ending scene by far. the coming out hits SO hard. the way albus fiddles with his zipper and scrunches up his sleeve in his hand, you can tell how absolutely terrified he is of saying this to his dad. the line delivery is genuinely fantastic. the more he pauses the longer you have to take it all in- and he pauses a LOT.
okie thanks for reading!!!!!
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https-florals · 5 months
daydreamin' and i'm thinking of you - j.m.
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summary: jj returns from a day of surfing and devotes his night to you and a lil bit of weed.
word count: 2.3k
warnings: smoking weed, a lil suggestive, but mostly super fluffy and full of sweetness
author's note: back from the dead pookies!!! i just wanna say how incredibly grateful that none of yall have come for my wishy-washy ass! this year has been vcery hectic and rough, and i am so thankful y'all have let me be MIA. here's this little blurb smooch ily (i was too scared to flesh out the smut at the end IM SORRY ITS BEEN A WHILE)
JJ smells like a perfect, heady blend of sunscreen and salt when he and the boys get back from surfing. You’re waiting on the porch like a little 1950’s wife, and he runs up and hugs you as soon as he gets out of the Twinkie, acting like its been months since he’s seen you instead of a few hours.
“J!” You’re giggling as he swings you around, smacking loud kisses all over your face and neck. 
“Missed ya, pretty girl,” he murmurs into your neck.
John B slaps JJ’s back, surprising him so he lets go of you. “You literally just saw each other.” 
JJ’s jaw drops, hand over his heart like he’s been deeply wounded. “You’re just mad your woman isn’t out here to greet you,” he counters, squeezing your side and giving John B a sympathetic look.
“Wrong!’ Sarah says as she pushes open the screen door, giving her boyfriend an enthusiastic kiss on the cheek. 
John B grins back at JJ, and follows Sarah back inside. 
“You still up for that boat date later?” you ask, fingers intertwining with his.
You swear his eyes sparkle. “Um, duh!” 
A few hours later, the sun is sinking into the horizon, sky turning the prettiest pink and orange. You are toting a basket full of picnic supplies: a tupperware full of elote salad, another with some grilled chicken, a speaker, and of course, a little cellophane baggie and some rolling papers. JJ’s job is to carry the fishing poles and bait (raw hot-dogs because why would he spend money on crickets when there’s hot dogs in the fridge?), and the six-pack of mini Dr. Peppers you’ll split (JJ will inevitably drink two of your three). 
“Where are you going?” You hear someone call from inside the house, but both of you act like you can’t hear it. 
HMS Pogue is sitting pretty at the end of the dock, and you practically skip onto it. The rev of the engine is like the call of an old friend, thrumming through you, bare feet on the deck.
You sit cross legged at the bow while JJ drives, your hair flowing behind you. The spray of freshwater is perfectly refreshing. 
It’s dusk when the boat reaches a little secluded spot on the marsh, and JJ announces it. “Gorgeous,” he says, the sky purple above him. “And no one around for miles.” He plops next to you, sticking his nose in your neck and sighing. You’re sitting pretty in a bikini top and jean shorts, and he plays with the tie at your back.
You laugh and push him off, getting up to get your basket of food. He helps you unload it, mouthing a silent yes as he pulls out the sodas. Then comes the tupperware, and he sticks two spoons into the corn. “Cheers.” He holds his out.
You tap your spoon against his, and gasp in fake shock when he knocks the food of it.
“Gotta be ready, babe,” he deadpans, snatching up your bite after he eats his. “Danger is waiting at every turn.”
You shake your head and laugh, scooting the tupperware closer to yourself. “You’re so weird.”
“You love it,” He grins, and you can’t argue with that. 
After you eat, JJ pulls out the package of hotdogs and starts to prep the rods.
“There’s no way you can catch fish with those,” you question, wrinkling your nose at them. You frown, turning on the puppy-dog eyes. “Do we have to fish? I wanna smoke.”
He copies your expression and sticks his bottom lip out. “Poor bunny,” he mocks, but shoves your fishing pole in your hand all the same. “Catch a fish, I’ll roll you a joint, ‘kay?”
You sigh. “ ‘Kay,” 
He grins and plants a kiss on your forehead. “You got it, babe.” He gives you a chunk of hotdog and you slip it onto the hook. JJ comes up behind you to guide your cast and you let him, his breath warm on the back of your neck. There’s the whir of the line, and the satisfying plop of the bobber in the water. 
“Now, we wait.” He takes the rod from you and drops it into the holder, and works on casting his own line. 
You’re bored before he even puts his down. “I have to catch a fish before we smoke?”
“Yeah, crybaby.” The two of you sit on the bow, feet dangling over the water. His ankle knocks against yours.
You let out another dramatic sigh, but you let your head fall onto his shoulder. “This is the worst part. I hate waiting.”
JJ laughs. “Yeah, honey. I am well aware.” He pokes your side, and you yelp dramatically. Reaching over you, he pulls the speaker out of your basket, and turns it on. You watch as he connects to it and goes through his spotify, thumb skimming over the screen as he looks through his playlists. JJ clicks on one of your collaborative playlists, titled “songs for slow dancing.”
He stands up, reaching out to pull you up as the hauntingly pretty piano intro for Aretha Franklin’s Daydreaming begins to play. “Wanna kill some time?”
You smile, and let him pull you into him. You think you could slow dance with him until you dropped dead, until you collapsed into each other and turned into intertwined fossils. Maybe that kind of thing is a little too poetic for the two of you, but you don’t really care. He starts to sing along, and you press your ear to his chest to hear his voice thrum through his chest.
daydreaming and i’m thinking of you, daydreaming and i’m thinking of you…
One of his hands splays on the small of your back, fingertips sneaked under the waist of your shorts, callused and all too soft. The other one is holding yours as you sway back and forth to the beat.He twirls you out fast, and back into his grip, your back to his chest as he squeezes you.
No one would ever know it, but JJ absolutely loves to dance. A little after you started dating, you dragged him to some swing dancing classes at the community center, and expected plenty of pushback, but you were met with absolutely none. The two of you fell in love stepping on each others toes and falling all over each other. It’s always a fun party trick to pull out at the fancier parties. He’s always wanting to dance with you, whether it’s learning how to shag in the living room late at night, or spinning you around on the boat.
He stops you mid-step, asking, “Can we try the dirty-dancing jump?”
The dirty-dancing jump has only been successfully executed by the two of you once. All other times have ended in someone being injured (usually JJ). Your jaw drops open, and you lightly shove him. “Absolutely not! You wanna fall off the boat?”
He gives you the biggest eyeroll, but immediately switches to puppy dog eyes when you cross your arms. “Just like, a lift? Pleaseeeee,” he drags out, taking your hands and acting like he’s going limp. 
“Fine! But if you drop me in this water, I’m actually going to have serious beef with you, Maybank.”
He laughs, maybe an itty-bit manaically, and grabs your waist. “Okay, I’m gonna count you off, and you’ll jump, ‘kay? So, one, two, three-”
You hear your fishing rod rattle in its holder and jump away from him. “My line!” Scrambling after it, you grab the pole right as it looks like it’s going to leap out of its holster.
“Get it babe!” JJ practically shouts, darting behind you and placing his arms around yours to give you a little support. 
The whir of the line rushing out makes you jump, and you hurry to start reeling it back in, furiously turning the handle. JJ’s mouth is by your ear as you lean into him and he talks you up as you fight the fish. “Come on, baby, you got it. Keep going, keep going, you almost got it!”
He’s pulling half the weight, you know that, but you don’t mind the help when you can watch the cords in his forearms tense and pull.
Finally, the line leaps out of the water, and soon a big scaly body is flopping on the deck of the boat. “Atta girl!” JJ shouts as you snatch it up by the lure, holding it up proudly. It’s pretty heavy, probably a little over 14 pounds. 
“Look at that, baby! Got yourself a bluefish.” JJ is smiling so proudly as he fishes out his phone, and makes you pose for a picture like one of those Tinder frat guys. The flash is harsh and you know you look crazy, but he grins at the picture all the same.
“Can you throw him back in? He’s too pretty to eat,” you ask as he messes with something on his phone. You’re still holding the fish as you try to lean over and see what he’s doing.
“Here, yeah.” He drops his phone on the boat deck and takes the fish from you to fling back in. When you look at his phone, you see your face staring back up at you from his lockscreen. It was some picture of the two of you from a party, but now it’s you and your fish. He immediately changed his wallpaper after he took the picture. In your opinion, it’s definitely not a knockout photo, but you almost tear up at the sweetness of it.  
“You looked cute,” JJ shrugs, seeing you looking at it. 
You just smile, shaking your head, and lean against him. “Can we get high now?”
“Damn, you waste no time, huh?”
Soon, your fishing rods forgotten, you’re watching JJ roll you a joint to share. His fingers dance along the rolling paper, tucking and smoothing all gentle. He’s mesmerizing. When his tongue darts out to wet the paper, you swear you start salivating.
He catches you staring, hitting you with that heartbreaker grin again. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
“Shut up and light up,” you sigh, reaching for the blunt in his hands. 
“Can’t light up if you don’t hand me my lighter,” JJ frowns, expression sarcastic. He puts his hand out, waiting.
You reach into your basket and pull it out, smiling when you see it. A few months ago, you had decided to buy JJ a custom lighter. You got him one off Etsy, a cheap Bic lighter with your face printed on the plastic. Of course, the image didn’t translate correctly, so the picture is heavily distorted, your smile big and wide and eyes even bigger. 
It’s probably his favorite possession. 
He lights the joint, letting it smoke for a second before raising it to his lips.
“Hey,” you whine, reaching for his hand. 
“So needy,” he chides, taking a hit, gripping you by your neck, and blowing the smoke into your open mouth. Your breath hitches as you try your best to inhale, try to not think about his lips just ghosting over yours, his calloused fingers hard on the sides of your neck.
“Good girl,” he exhales as you successfully breathe in without hacking up your lungs.
The frogs are peeping and the wind is slow and soft, pushing the smoke around the two of you and enveloping you in it. You’re talking mindlessly as the joint passes between you, staring at the way moonlight shines through JJ’s hair, turning it platinum. His irises catch the light just right- bright, icy blue. 
You’re sitting cross-legged, knees knocking with his. All you can think about his how much you love your boyfriend, even with the edges of your mind soft and your senses fuzzy. JJ takes your hand, pressing the pads of your fingertips against his. 
“It’s like I can feel your fingerprints,” he comments, fingertips lightly rubbing yours. He pulls your hand as he leans back, so you’re both on your back, looking at the stars.
“It’s so pretty,” you whisper in awe. With absolutely zero light pollution, the sky is a myriad of deep black and blue hues and so, so many stars. You’d decompose while trying to count them all. You snuggle up against J as he takes a final hit. From your perspective, the rising smoke almost looks like it’s weaving through the stars, netting around them and sparkling right above your head. JJ tosses the remnant of the joint into your grocery bag of trash. 
“C’mere,” he sighs, propping himself up and running a hand down your torso. When he kisses you, he tastes like smoke and sweat, and a wave of heat rushes through you just from the taste. You’re pulling him on top of you by the loops of his cargo shorts, pressing yourself against the firm plane of his abdomen.
“God, you’re needy,” he laughs, pinning your hips down with a heavy hand. 
“You made me this way,” you squirm, and it’s true. He’s too generous with his touches and too sugary with his words, and you chase him like he’s a hit of the purest cocaine. 
He shifts on top of you, a knee between your thighs just like you like it. He presses his knee up just to see you gasp and grind down on him. JJ’s laugh is a little mean as snaps the waistband of your shorts. “Okay, honey, what do you want?”
There’s no shame in your voice as you blurt out, “Fuck me.” You’re whining out a plea before he can even answer, with no care that you’re out in the open… no care that the cops patrol at night.
JJ fakes shock, but the hardness of him against you gives him away. “You wanna get fucked, huh. Out in the open?”
“Don’t act like this wasn’t your whole plan, smartass,” you counter as he pins your hands down right above your head. 
He just laughs in response. “Dirty, dirty, dirty,” he tuts rebukingly, but he’s pulling apart the tie of your swimsuit top all the same.
as always, likes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
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m1sa-w1sa · 5 months
Can you do all the fatui their react to that y/n was hiding traumatised past and that blaming them self and hide it all , and of course they comfort y/n beaxuse they always help the fauti with their problems
(Okie dokie! Coming right up!)
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You are mine and I am yours
•He probably found out if you told him upfront or he found you crying someplace
•when he told you spit it out he was shocked it would’ve been torture to go through that
•even if he might not be the best he would try everything that he has to make you feel better
•If it you were dating he would hold you close by your waist whispering nothing but sweetness in your ears
•If platonic he would make you a cup of tea or your favorite dish letting you cry on his shoulder
“Everything is alright dear..”
•He would know somethings wrong when you started acting distant, maybe slightly sloppy on missions, more sleepy
•If he saw you crying he would quickly ask whats wrong his mask covering his slight worried expression
•If Romantic he would pull you close wrapping you in his coat with him sitting on his lap or just standing with him
•If Platonic he would take you for a walk maybe get you ice cream or something to eat after to make you feel better making sure to check in with you time to time
“You should’ve told me sooner.”
•So you guys had little meet ups when your not with the other harbingers but if you miss that meet up he would go find you himself
•If he saw you in your room he would tilt your chin up as you tell him everything
•If romantic he would stay with you laying your head in his lap while doing his paperwork
•If Platonic he would hug you just really that patting your back soothing you slowly
(Your gonna have to know him for a really ling time for him to act like this towards you)
“Your foolish for not saying anything”
•If you two were by each other sides alot she would quickly notice your different personality she would confront you
•When you tell her either platonic or romantic she would sing you a soft lullaby with your head on her lap as she would just caress your cheek softly
“Poor little you why didnt you say anything?”
•Arlecchini works with kids so its noticed rather quickly
•It doesnt just go away lightly Alrecchibo sits and talks to you
•Romantic she would hold you on her lap letting you talk
•Platonic she would make your favorite food or drink
“You know I care..”
I think I spelt his name wrong
• I dont really know how to write for him so ill try my best
•He is kinda like the cool grandpa that gives you good advice so im not going ti do a romantic for him
•He would make you tae and sit and chat with you letting you cry on his shoulder
•Hes more colder than the others but if your with him most of the time hes going to notice
•When he finds out he would make you speak trying to get every single thing off of your chest, If romantic he would sit and cuddle you, kicking out anyone else that comes in
•A little same with Platonic hut your just next to him holding his hand tightly
•Again with her going in depth is a little hard for me but anyways!!!
•She would confront you immediately asking you questions about it
•Both romantic or Platonic she would carry you with her on her robot holding your hard caressing the back of your hand with her thumb softly
“Quite stupid to not say something..”
La Signora
•She loves you lots Platonic or Romantic
•she knows what pain feels like same with Scaramouche
•Either Platonic or romantic she would play with your hair brushing it out, doing different styles, adding accessories anything just to clam you down
“Your hair is tangled”
•So when he found out he would be worried for you
•He would ask you to tell him every single thing you like to tell him
•Both Romanic and Platonic he would take you shopping, spoiling your rotten only difference if romantic he would also take you on dates aswell
“Pick anything you like darling..”
•He has siblings so he also notices quite quickly so he would find you as soon as possible to sit you down to have a chat
•He would cuddle you for maybe more than a hour as you talk patting your back, caressing your hair
•He would spoil you aswell and if romantic he would take you on dates aswell!!
(Finished!! This was fun but also pretty hard to write but i uope u enjoyed!)
398 notes · View notes
bangtanintotheroom · 7 months
Plug & Play (M)
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• Pairing: Guitarist!Hongjoong x (F)Reader
• Genre: Non-Idol!AU, Rock Band!AU, Smut, Strangers to Lovers
• Rating: 18+
• Words: 10.3k
• Summary: Tonight is the night that you quit being a bystander and make a move towards the guitarist on stage with the devilish smile.
• Warnings/themes: a rock show!, swearing, drinking, pining, Y/N is a horny bean, Hongjoong and his dangerous smiles 🫠, Yeosang the wingman, flirting, making out, semi-public sex, oral (f. receiving), mentions of oral (m. receiving), dirty talk, fingering, fingers in mouth, finger sucking, protected sex (be responsible!), clothed sex, multiple orgasms
• Notes: SHE’S HEEEEERE 🗣️ the manifestation of my new love for yet another leader hehehehe 😚 I don't have much to say other than thank you to @the-boy-meets-evil for doing a look-over, everyone enjoy and think of blond, rockstar HJ the whole time!
• Taglist: @loveateez @mellikestoread @itza-meee @roomsofangel @minisugakoobies @minttangerines @kiestrokes
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“I’m gonna fuck him.”
Yeosang stared at you from behind the counter, wondering if he heard you right amidst the clinking glasses and rock music.
“Excuse me?”
“I said, I’m gonna fuck him, Yeo.”
You rolled your eyes, rotating ninety degrees to point at the object of your desire on the stage.
There was little surprise on your end at the scoff you heard from behind.
“You’re still on that mission?”
Your head whipped around incredulously. “Yes! Why are you shocked by this?”
Yeosang’s expression reeked of indifference as he wiped some bottles down.
“Because I thought you would have given up by now.”
“I don’t give up easily, dude—” Your eyes watched as that certain someone tuned their guitar strings. “—especially when I really want something.”
And you really wanted the man you had in your sights.
Your roommate Yeosang worked as a bartender at a small yet intimate venue where many up-and-coming bands liked to perform, in hopes of recognition. He invited you to visit one night, knowing you loved to get a peek at new music. You couldn’t refuse the offer, especially when he snuck you a couple of free drink vouchers.
When you had come by the first night, you were surprised at the amount of people hanging both outside and inside the building. The couple of times you had stopped by previously to drop something off, only half of the room was filled. But this time had attendees hugging the wall and the bar counter, shoulder to shoulder.
Once you managed to reach Yeosang, you waited until he wasn’t scurrying with shot glasses to ask if there was a special occasion. He answered mid-pour and said one of the local bands was playing soon and their loyal fans flocked in when they got word. Leaving him to his work, you melded into the crowd, studying what the demographic was.
The ratio of women to men was in favor of the former, making you wonder just what kind of group was performing tonight.
You got your answer when the lights went down and screams erupted around you, nearly rupturing your poor eardrums. But when the lights came back on, you could see why.
Five insanely gorgeous men were spread across the stage, each with an instrument in their hands.
They all had their own aura, represented by their outfits and the expressions on their faces. Although, there was one in particular that caught your attention.
The one holding a shiny black guitar like it was his child.
His platinum blond hair caught your eye before you took in the rest of him. You liked how the sharp angles of his face had areas of softness that could disarm even the coldest of people. His outfit was flattering and a good balance of comfortable yet showy. But his smile was what nearly knocked you off your feet.
The way his white teeth would often flash while he strummed his instrument had a grin coming up on your own face. You could see that he was someone who cherished his craft by the way he’d keep up with the other members’ pace. And he would never stay in one place; you’d often catch him jumping around on the stage, from standing next to the drummer to nearly teetering on the edge in front of fans.
Plus, he was just adorable. But the cuteness would go into its hiding place at times, leaving a man that began altering your brain chemistry.
Too many times did you find your breath hitching whenever he’d throw his head back, mouth agape as he got into the music, fixated on the drops of sweat rolling down his neck. Or whenever he’d lower his head, looking up into the crowd with the wickedest of smirks that had you fantasizing about a certain position that would grant that view as well.
Before your mind could fully catch up on whatever was happening in front of your eyes, cheers erupted around you. You blinked into reality and watched as the band waved and thanked everyone for attending tonight before making their way off the stage. You were jostled into moving when an attendee bumped your shoulder, shooting an apology to your still form.
Desperately needing to decompress, you ran to the bar to catch Yeosang as he finished making a tray of shots. He could tell by the look on your face that he made a good choice in inviting you out before your mouth began running a mile a minute. You didn’t care if he wasn’t able to hear half of your ramblings, running to continue doing his job as a sudden wave of people came by.
Your excitement had to get out of your system somehow.
But it turns out even that wasn’t enough.
You would keep thinking about the handsome guitarist on a day to day basis, at the most inopportune moments. It didn’t help that you would look up the band’s music online and listen during your commutes and free time. They legitimately made good tunes, playing to their strengths and composing lyrics that wouldn’t escape your head.
Lyrics that were joined by the constant flashing of a devious smile.
And so you found yourself returning to the venue for their next show. To say Yeosang was stunned by your surprise appearance was an understatement. You managed to shrug it off and say that you were starting to become a budding fan of Halazia.
It was technically the truth. He didn’t need to know about your other reason…yet.
With this visit, you were hoping you’d catch the blond doing something that would kill your interest or that your eye would wander onto some of his bandmates instead.
You realized by the end of the performance that it was futile.
Not even the drummer going shirtless halfway through to show off his well-muscled physique could completely distract you from the fully clothed one wailing on his guitar. Trudging out of the building with two cocktails down had you realizing how doomed you were.
When your titillating thoughts started forming into full-blown fantasies, you had to come up with a solid way to get them to disappear. At first, you hoped your hand and a few explicit videos would be enough, but even that got old after a while.
Which led to your current objective as you watched the band continue to set up for the night.
It might be a pipe dream, but you wouldn’t know unless you tried, right?
Yeosang thought it was ridiculous, but never said it was impossible or a bad idea. He begrudgingly supported you from the sidelines, even if he called you crazy at times. A true friend, through and through.
“Oh, don’t I know it. You kept hounding me for weeks to help you put your bookshelf up.”
“And you did such a fantastic job! Shit would have fallen apart if I did it myself.”
Yeosang shook his head at your flattery, yet the tiniest of smiles tugged at his mouth. “Uh huh.”
Giggling, you picked up your glass and finished off the last sip. After you set it down, you sensed a person coming up to stand next to you.
The bartender grinned at them. “Yunho! Amazing job, as always.”
“Ah, stop, you say that every time. Do you mind if I put in an order?”
“Not at all. What would you like?”
Curiosity got the best of you and you looked up to see what this Yunho looked like. Imagine your surprise when you saw the bassist of Halazia standing next to you. Damn, he was tall.
“Two rounds of shots and eight beers, please.”
Yeosang lifted his brow in that fashion of his before replying, “Eight? Not ten?”
Yunho sighed and shrugged. “Seonghwa is feeling fussy tonight and San needs to be able to walk home.”
“Makes sense. Alright, give me a few minutes.”
“Thank you!”
Yunho seemed to notice you watching the conversation now, giving you a polite smile before heading back to his table. Your eyes followed him until he sat down, switching targets to take in the blond man with a megawatt smile next to him. Just watching as he threw his head back and laughed had your heart pumping faster.
You couldn’t hold off any longer. You had to do something tonight.
Your mind began coming up with a plan on how to approach while you turned back around, watching as Yeosang began putting together the drinks.
“Damn, big order.”
“Tell me about it. They must be parched after their performance.”
You studied the two trays as he started filling it with shot glasses and beer bottles, knowing that he’d have to make two trips to get everything there.
…or just one trip, if he had an extra set of hands.
You could see the lightbulb start to flicker on now. A simple yet effective plan to get within speaking distance of the man who had been plaguing your thoughts for the last couple of weeks came to fruition. You committed to your decision just as the bartender finished up the order.
Okay. Showtime.
“Hey Yeo—” Your roommate paused as he was reaching for one of the full drink trays. “—need some help there?”
Yeosang blinked owlishly at your offer.
“Oh, uh, I don’t know, Y/N. It wouldn’t be good if you dropped these.”
“Hey now, I used to be a waitress, remember? Come on, it’ll save you some time.”
You watched as he pondered for a moment, grinning in triumph when he nodded.
“Alright, grab one and let’s go.”
A salute was given as you hopped off your stool, carefully reaching for one of the trays and lifting it above your shoulder. Muscle memory took over as you balanced it, waiting until Yeosang came out from behind the counter and led the way. You made sure to not run into anyone and kept an eye out for any sudden surprises, thankful when you reached the table in one piece.
And even more thankful at one of the pairs of eyes that landed on you.
“Our savior!”
The one man you recognized as the lead singer rejoiced as you and Yeosang set the trays down on the table, bringing a giggle out of you.
“Jongho, I didn’t hear water in Yunho’s order…”
Yeosang’s playfully stern tone made Jongho wave a hand in the air. “Water, shmater, we’re big boys! We can hold our drinks!”
“We can, not this one, though.”
The next one that piped up was the unusually beautiful man you saw strumming away at his rhythm guitar, pointing to the pouting drummer who now wore a white tee.
“Hyung, don’t call me out like that!”
“San, we had to carry you out the last time, we’re not looking for a repeat.”
Your focus was now on the object of your desires as he gave San a strict yet concerned look, the expression only making him look even better.
“You won’t, that’s why I passed on the beer!”
The guitarist made an unconvinced sound. “We shall see.”
Yeosang chuckled and interjected, “I’ll bring some water over, just to be safe. Sound good, Hongjoong?”
Now you learned that the man you had been eyeing up was Hongjoong, trying not to stare too hard as he grinned at your friend.
He caught you off-guard by shooting you a smile now.
“Better to be safe than sorry.”
Your reaction was delayed, but you managed to give a nod, forcing yourself to follow Yeosang as he headed back to the bar. Only then did you realize you were holding a breath in, exhaling as you leaned on the counter.
“I thought you were going to hop on his lap for a moment.”
You shot a scowl at Yeosang as he worked on getting the water together.
“Yeo, I’m not that shameless. I was just…taken aback.”
He looked up to give you an unconvinced stare, paired with a lifted brow.
“Sure, let’s call it that.”
He looked back down in time to miss the middle finger you shot. While he continued, you started reining yourself in from the very brief encounter.
You learned two things; Hongjoong was his name and he was even more handsome up close. Stage lights weren’t over exaggerating his sharp features, his nose and jaw looking like they’d be able to cut glass. His grin was blinding and the teeth beneath them were damn near perfect.
Although, you wished you had mustered enough courage to say something to him.
It would be somewhat awkward to go back empty-handed and start a conversation with him, especially with his bandmates right there. Just because you wanted to get in his pants didn’t mean you wanted to come off as nothing but a groupie to them.
Your thinking was interrupted when two full pitchers of water were placed in front of you, prompting you to look at Yeosang with bewilderment.
“Maybe this time you can actually talk to the guy.”
His suggestion finally clicked, your eyes widening in gratitude.
“I fucking love you, Yeosang.”
He smiled and shook his head, giving one of your hands a pat. “You can tell me through your teriyaki chicken, Y/N. Go on.”
With a megawatt grin and a mental note to pick up some chicken to cook tomorrow, you lifted both pitchers before turning to make your way back to the table. You had to make sure your hands didn’t shake the closer you got, not wanting to spill water on any of the guys.
As soon as you were close enough, you cleared your throat to capture their attention.
“Your water, gentlemen.”
Setting the refreshments down brought a small wave of cheers.
“Thank you! Maybe we can get San out of here in one piece tonight.”
“Aish, stop!” San batted at Jongho’s head, the vocalist dodging as he snickered.
You grinned at the two’s antics, straightening up when you realized something.
“Oh, I should get you guys some glasses. I’ll be right back.”
You quickly turned around and power walked to the bar, asking Yeosang for a small stack of drinking glasses before returning.
“Here you go.”
“Thanks. Are you new here?”
Your head shook at Seonghwa’s question. “No, I don’t even work here. Just helping my friend out while he gets slammed with customers.”
The pretty guitarist smiled softly.
“That’s very nice of you.”
Your cheeks couldn’t help but warm a tiny bit, shooting him the same look. “Thank you. He has to listen to enough of my ranting at home, might as well ease his pain somehow.”
Yunho blinked curiously before asking, “You’re roommates?”
He made a sound of understanding, yet another voice cut in before he could say anything.
“Thought you looked familiar.”
You focused your sight on Hongjoong, recognition on his attractive face that had your heart beating a little faster.
“Yeah—” His mouth quirked. “—thought I saw you hanging around Yeosang the last few times we were here.”
Oof. You weren’t sure how to react to him basically saying that he recognized you from afar. It wasn’t a bad thing, at all, considering your end goal, but you were surprised he even remembered with the amount of people in this building.
All you could muster was a scratch of the back of your neck, trying not to fluster further under his gaze.
“Haha, that’s me, always bugging him.”
Hongjoong gave a soft laugh, eyes scrunching in humor. It only made you more bashful, trying your best not to rub the toe of your boot into the ground.
Noticing that Yunho was roped into a conversation with the others now, it left you alone with the lead guitarist.
A window of opportunity!
But for some reason, you couldn’t muster the words to continue speaking with him. Even though he continued to acknowledge you with his gaze, your eyes averted to watch the stage behind the dining tables.
Your ears perked up, looking down to see Hongjoong eyeing you with curiosity.
“What’s your name?”
A lifesaver.
You had to hold back the large grin you wanted to give, settling for a polite smile instead.
He returned your expression, nodding before replying, “Nice to meet you, I’m Hongjoong. Actually, you probably already knew that.”
With a little more confidence, you replied, “I actually didn’t. I’m pretty bad with names, plus I was too distracted by your performances to really focus on that.”
Hongjoong lifted a bleached brow, cocking his head.
“Oh yeah? You like us that much?”
You nodded with little shame. “Absolutely. I’m surprised you guys aren’t a household name by now.”
Hongjoong grinned, although it was paired with a slight flush of his cheeks.
“Stop, we’re not that good.”
“But you are! Look, I’ve been seeing local bands since I was a teen and I can say you guys are one of the best.”
Something a bit sobering slithered in his eyes as he stared you down, lips straight as a line.
“No bullshit?”
Now you managed to keep the gaze steady.
“None whatsoever.”
It was another few seconds before he finally took your compliment, appreciation written all over his face now.
“Thank you, Y/N. We really appreciate it.”
“Of course! I wish I knew about your music earlier—” You frowned. “—I’ve only seen you guys play a couple of times.”
Hongjoong shrugged, saying with more positivity, “A couple is better than none.”
You could see he had a point so you nodded in agreement. But all of a sudden, you wondered if you were bothering him. He had just finished a harrowing performance; maybe he wanted to kick back and relax with his friends, not indulge you with conversation.
This hurt to say, but—
“If you want me to give you some space, I can.”
The musician gave you a look that came off as bewildered. “I don’t mind. Unless you have somewhere to get to?”
A hand came up to wave in the air as you placated, “No, I don’t, but I’d hate to impose—”
“Looooving youuu~ Is easy ‘cause you’re beautiful~”
Out of nowhere, singing erupted, prompting both you and Hongjoong to look at the source of the sudden noise. What greeted you had you chuckling.
“Seems like the drinks are already starting to set in.”
The blond’s wisecrack had you raising a brow as you both took in Jongho holding San’s face as he crooned a love song to him and Yunho waving his hands to the beat while Seonghwa pulled his phone out to record the tender moment.
“I can see that.”
Hongjoong scoffed in amusement and shook his head.
“Every time.” He glanced aside for a moment before looking at you again. “Maybe we should move somewhere quieter.”
The suggestion made your heart skip, unaware of what the intentions were behind it.
“Yeah—” His sudden beam erased any doubt you had. “—I can’t get to know you with all this noise here.”
You uttered a silent thanks to both Yeosang and whatever being resided in the sky for giving you this opportunity. You held back a bit as you grinned and said, “Lead the way.”
Hongjoong was quick to stand up, grabbing his two beer bottles before jerking his head towards the stage. With a quick glance to make sure his friends were still occupied, you began following him. He walked to the foot of the stage and sat his drinks down, using his hands to lift himself and sit on the ledge. You followed suit, taking care to make sure your skirt didn’t ride up, sitting as close as possible without getting in his personal space.
As soon as you were situated, a bottle turned up under your nose.
You blinked at the offer. “You sure? It’s your beer.”
The blond shrugged, wiggling the brown glass a bit.
“My beer, but I’ll make it yours now.”
A chuckle came out as you accepted the drink, peeling off the half-open cap before taking a sip.
“No problem. So—” Hongjoong took a sip from his own bottle. “—are you a regular here?”
You shook your head.
“Surprisingly, no. I’ve been to almost every venue in town except for this one. Figured I’d give Yeo a rest from seeing me at home and work.”
Hongjoong snickered, lips curled in humor.
“Understandable. I’m guessing we were your first show here?”
“You were. Have you guys been playing here for a while?”
He hummed, looking up in thought before responding, “Kind of. This was our seventh performance here, but we’ve been playing at other places too. I’d have to say this is the best looking one, by far.”
“Let me guess—” Your mouth twisted up on one side. “—you’ve performed at Miroh?”
The way Hongjoong grimaced was enough of an answer for you.
“Sadly. Never again. Yunho almost got a bottle to the head because his amp was a little too loud.”
The two of you decided to move away from the topic of horrendous dive bars and to lighter ones, from behind the scenes knowledge about Halazia to what you did outside of going to concerts. You liked that Hongjoong had an equal part in the conversation continuing, not wanting to come off as desperate and scrambling for something else to talk about.
Not that you couldn’t find anything.
He was rather easy to talk to, paying close attention whenever you spoke and answering your questions with thoroughness. The way he would motion with his hands at certain points endeared him to you, smiling and giggling with admiration at his theatrics. It was also fun just to watch him, in general.
“So how do you like living with Yeosang?”
The subject change surprised you a bit, but you answered after finishing off your beer. “No complaints on my end. Well, except that he can be a space cadet at times.”
Hongjoong snickered over the lip of his bottle.
“Not surprised he’s still like that.”
Your ears perked at his statement, giving him a curious stare.
“Mhm. We used to live together, at one point.”
If you were in the middle of drinking, you would have had to hold back from choking or spitting in shock.
Hongjoong nodded, lips stretched at your stunned reaction.
“He mentioned having a roommate before me, but I never would have dreamed that it’d be you.”
The musician shrugged and replied, “To be fair, I wasn’t around much. Spent most of my time at the studio or at work. I only moved out when Seonghwa got a spot open at his place.”
Following along with his explanation, you decided to be mischievous and question, “Was it that or did you drive poor Yeo crazy?”
Hongjoong feigned offense, a twinkle in his widened eyes as he leaned back.
“Y/N, are you accusing me of being a bad roommate?”
You couldn’t hold the urge to lightly tap your foot against his, smirking with impishness.
“And what if I am?”
Lifting a bleached brow, the guitarist leaned towards you, making your heart beat quicker with how close he got. Close enough for him to whisper, “Then I’d have to defend myself against that.”
Your eyes remained locked with his, jerking your chin lightly before challenging, “Go on, then.”
Hongjoong seemed pleased with your encouragement, setting his now empty bottle to the side as the gleam in his eye shone brighter.
“I was well-behaved. Kept the place clean, rotated chores, minded my own business. Yeosang almost didn’t want me to leave.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah—” He chuckled. “—gave me the biggest pout when I gave him the heads up. Made me feel like an asshole.”
Your eyes rolled with no hint of annoyance. “Sounds like Yeo. But I guess you really helped take care of the guy, huh?”
“I sure did.”
Hongjoong lightly knocked his knee into yours, but it remained pressed as he purred, “I like to take care of people close to me.”
Whatever wholesomeness that statement would have had was erased by his actions. You welcomed the touch, though. It merely boosted your confidence and will to step closer to your long-awaited goal.
You did your best not to overthink as you gently rubbed the side of your foot on his calf, lips twitching at the subtle shift in his expression.
“What about the people close to Yeosang? Would you take care of them too?”
Hongjoong’s eyebrow ticked at your question.
“Of course.”
Play coy, Y/N.
“It would be nice if I was included too…”
After you trailed off, nothing was said. Only sounds from the rest of the bar came through, various conversations mixing with background music from the speakers. But you weren’t too focused on that right now.
No, you were hyper-focused on the way Hongjoong was watching you.
The way his eyes traveled down your face and over your form let you know that digging in your closet for this outfit was worth it. Everything only became sweeter with what he said next.
“Taking care of you would be a pleasure.”
The heat underneath his words took your interaction to the next level, bringing a light feeling to the base of your gut. Thinking about what ‘taking care of you’ would entail erased the last bit of caution you had.
“Then maybe you can help me with a problem I’ve been having.”
You laid one of your hands on his jean-covered thigh, faintly feeling the muscle underneath twitch.
“Ever since I started watching you guys perform, I’ve been wondering something.”
Hongjoong jerked his chin forward, prompting you to continue. Not wanting to take a chance at someone walking up and overhearing at the last minute, you leaned in closer, almost brushing your lips against his ear to breath out, “I keep thinking about what it would feel like to fuck you. Something about you caught my eye from the jump and I haven’t been able to shake the idea. But there’s only one way I can figure it out.”
Your head pulled back enough to get a clear view of Hongjoong’s now intrigued face, shooting the sugariest of smiles at him.
“Will you help me solve my problem?”
Even though it was becoming clear that the blond shared a mutual attraction, a part of you couldn’t help but prepare for rejection. But your fear was allayed when he presented you with a low chuckle, followed by a smirk that was rife with teeth.
“Of course, Y/N. Although—” Now he came close to whisper in your ear. “—I don’t think we’re gonna find out by sitting near all these people.”
The underlying sensuality in his voice brought a pleasant shiver down your spine. Were you actually about to sneak off with Halazia’s main guitarist to help satiate the improper fantasies you’ve been having about him?
Yes. Yes you fucking were.
“Then do you mind if we have some one on one time?”
The hand that reached for your own to take it into a firm grip let you know that you hit the jackpot.
“Not at all.”
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You were sure the rest of the guys eventually noticed and picked up on what you two snuck off for, but you couldn’t care less about what they thought. Your wish was finally coming true.
Hongjoong led the way, clearly more familiar with backstage than you were. The two of you passed a handful of workers, the man in front of you giving them polite greetings and acknowledgments. It was nice to see that he wasn’t one of those snobby types of rockstars.
He stopped in front of a door with a sign that said ‘Reserved for Halazia’, going for the handle before turning it and pushing. His hand let go of yours, only to motion you in first with a smile. You gave one of your own and stepped into the room, looking around with curiosity. It was a typical dressing room, nothing too chaotic.
But the best part was that it was empty, perfect for what was about to go down.
You turned around, hearing the door shut and lock before Hongjoong approached you, lips curled akin to someone ready to indulge in the sweetest dessert of their life.
“Is this a much better spot?”
Your mouth twisted in humor, nodding as you replied with delight, “Much better.”
The both of you looked into each other’s eyes, bodies thrumming with energy that was ready to be unleashed at any moment. Although, no one made a move for a moment.
That is, until Hongjoong chose to take a step forward, leaving the tiniest of spaces between you two.
Having him so close directly in front of you had even more of an effect than before, his fresh scent invading your nostrils while your heart pumped faster. It got worse when a hand came up to brush some hair behind your ear, his touch making you bite your lip.
Hongjoong noticed your shift and chuckled, “Nervous?”
You shook your head.
“No, just…excited.”
His grin only widened at your admission, sliding his hand down to gently cradle your jaw.
“Same. Didn’t think I’d ever get to be up close and personal with Yeosang’s pretty friend.”
Although you were melting inside at the compliment, your eyebrow raised in amazement.
“So why didn’t you make a move first?”
You hoped to trip him up, but the guitarist didn’t seem fazed, straight teeth almost blinding you.
“I wanted to see how badly you wanted me.”
His low response brought a mixture of exasperation and lust to you, your eyes rolling as you huffed, “You rockstars and your egos.”
Hongjoong laughed at your quip before leaning in to plant his lips on yours, ironically making the first move into what was expected to go down in here. Not a second passed before you kissed back, upping the pace a bit. The two of you got lost in each other until he started walking forward, forcing you to step back to avoid having your toes crushed.
He managed to distract you with his skills as you suddenly felt something hard press against your spine. One of your hands went back to feel a smooth surface behind you, realizing that he had walked you towards one of the vanity tables.
A nip to your bottom lip made you focus on the bigger picture once more, answering back with a bite of your own. The groan that rumbled against you was nothing short of satisfying.
Hongjoong pulled apart to pant softly, “Nice to see you’re not shy.”
You brought a hand to the nape of his neck, absentmindedly playing with the short, blond strands as you queried, “You think I’d be back here with you if I was shy?”
He conceded with an amused ‘no’, allowing you to pull him back in for another kiss. The longer this went on, the warmer you were beginning to get. You skipped on a jacket tonight, leaving you with a thinner, long-sleeved shirt on top, but the leather skirt below seemed to be the cause of your rising temperature.
Time for it to go.
You released Hongjoong’s neck and reached back to unzip your skirt, only to feel his hands take a hold of yours. Lips pulled away to give him a confused stare.
“Uh uh—“ He released you before grabbing onto the hem and pushing it up with a smirk. “—the skirt stays on.”
Well then. Whatever he wants, he gets.
You nodded, bringing your hands away from the garment as further approval. He pecked your lips in gratitude and went for the top of your stockings next, shimmying them down until your boots interrupted the journey. Humming at the inconvenience, he unzipped before sliding them off your feet and tossing them to the side. You didn’t even get a chance to wiggle your toes as he continued relieving you of your tights, letting them join your shoes.
The slightly cool air hit your now exposed legs, but the heat Hongjoong directed up at you next erased it.
“Sit on the table.”
A shiver ran down your spine at his command, bringing your hands behind to hoist yourself onto the vanity. The guitarist was quick to stand and slot himself between your spread legs, taking your mouth in another hungry kiss. Even though he was doing an excellent job occupying you with his tongue, you could feel his fingers run down your hips until he brushed the soft skin of your thighs. You enjoyed the sensations, lulling into a pleasant vibe until he traveled inwards and stroked a finger along the front of your panties.
You felt him hum before he released your lips, giving you one of his sharp smirks.
“I hope you haven’t been like this all night.”
A giggle left as you bucked your hips forward. “I plead the fifth.”
Hongjoong chuckled and pressed his forehead to yours.
“Poor baby. Lemme fix that for you.”
With lightning precision, his fingers dove up to grasp the elastic, tugging the damp fabric down until it was pulled off and tossed to join its friends. The air hitting that area only exacerbated just how wet you were, thanks to the man in front of you. Although, he was swift in covering you with his hand, digits beginning to tease with confidence.
The soft exclamation left when you felt him travel upwards and circle your swelling clit. He applied just the right amount of pressure to make a pleasant heat begin to form in your belly. Just when you were about to close your eyes in bliss, Hongjoong slid back down to play with your folds, the slickness allowing him to glide with ease.
“You’re so fucking wet, baby. All this for me?”
Your reply meant to come out as words, but the way he spread you open made it turn into a positive hum. He chuckled at you, bringing his free hand up to rest a thumb on your swollen lips.
“You like how I’m playing with this little pussy of yours?”
Hongjoong began stroking his thumb over your mouth, choosing to match the rhythm with the one between your legs, making your eyelids flutter.
“Is this what you thought about every time you watched me play?”
You breathed out, “I don’t know if I should say yes. Your rockstar ego might over-inflate.”
Hongjoong laughed, little offense in his tone. “I wouldn’t mind the push.”
You played as if you were mulling over a decision, trying not to crack the facade at the mild pout on his lips. Just when he was about to ask, you directed a smirk at him.
“This is tame compared to what’s been running through my head.”
Now you captured his entire attention, eyes burning with curiosity.
“Oh yeah? Indulge me.”
This time, you didn’t want to hold back, nonchalance coloring your face as you looked dead into his eyes.
“I’ve thought about how your fingers would feel inside me.”
The image of his digits flying across the fret of his guitar only emphasized your current pleasure, spurring you on.
“Wondered if they’d play me as well as you play your guitar.”
A low hum came from Hongjoong at your words, dark eyes twinkling with sensuality.
“I think I’m answering your question right now, no?”
A sudden strum to your quivering bud followed, making your hips jerk.
“You are—“ It took a second to find your breath. “—but I still have a couple more.”
It was a struggle to speak past the moans building in your throat as he continued, but you powered through.
“Thought your head would look nice between my legs.”
You wouldn’t call yourself timid at all, but even this was a new level for you. To be so blunt with someone who you had only known for a short time was crazy. But the spark lighting up on Hongjoong’s face took away whatever shock you had at yourself.
“Is that so?”
Your nod brought the most salacious smirk from him. He moved his hands away from your body, disappointment at not having his touch anymore hitting you. But he was quick to bring up your spirits, placing them on your knees before spreading them further. He then dropped down to the floor, gaze still steady as he raised a brow.
“Like this?”
Your pulse spiked at the sight. It was a nice start, but it wasn’t quite there yet.
“Come closer.”
Hongjoong obliged, cheeks nearly brushing your inner thighs now.
“How about now?”
Much better.
The guitarist chuckled, blinding you with his smile.
“Good. Now you can sleep at night.”
A mix of a scoff and a giggle escaped, leaning down to give his forehead a gentle poke.
“Thank you for your services.”
“Any time, baby. Although…”
His voice trailed off as his eyes lowered, looking directly at your exposed cunt. “While I’m already down here—”
You had little chance to prepare as he darted forward and ran his tongue over the entirety of you, ripping a hitched gasp from your throat.
Clearly the one lick wasn’t enough for Hongjoong, going back in with a few more that had your head tipping back against the mirror. Soft pants left you, morphing into stronger moans when he directed attention onto your clit. You could feel vibrations from him at times, feeling pleased to know that he was enjoying this as well.
“Fuck, Hongjoong—”
He pulled off, lips glistening as he husked, “You taste fucking amazing, baby. Gonna make sure I get my fill tonight.”
Your lower body bucked at his words, shifting forward until your ass nearly went over the edge of the table. The blond shot you a grateful look for giving him more access, hands sliding up your trembling thighs to take a firm hold of your hips before continuing his actions.
You were trying your best to keep your eyes on him the entire time, but he was too damn good.
Certain moves would make you throw your head back, whining as Hongjoong worked you up with his mouth. You got frustrated at one point when your skirt partially obscured his handsome face. A grunt left your lips before you reached down and tugged the offending fabric up even higher, giving you a clearer view of him eating your pussy.
Watching him had you transfixed, seeing his eyes closed for a good moment as he indulged in you. Though they would open up soon, focusing on you with a heat and precision that you’d only see a fraction of while he was on stage. You weren’t uncomfortable with the stare at all.
It turned you on beyond all belief.
Your fingers tangled into his short, blond strands, feeling the slight perspiration on his scalp. Whether it was leftover from the show or because of the current situation, you didn’t know. You gave the lightest of pulls, subtly asking for more.
Hongjoong raised a brow before moving his mouth away, just a few centimeters. He then went and stuck his tongue out, running the flat of it from the bottom of your slit up until he reached your clit, giving it a harsh flick.
“Oh fuck—“
A short chuckle washed over your area before he did the move again. And again. And again.
“You’re gonna kill me, swear to God.”
The musician giggled at your claim, eyes and nose scrunching with humor.
“You’ll live. But in case you don’t—“ You felt something prodding your entrance, looking down to see one of his fingers there. “—I need to see how good this pussy feels first.”
Hongjoong began sliding it in, your grip on your skirt tightening as he stretched you out a bit. He was quick to start thrusting, pausing at one point to curl and search for that sweet spot inside. When you felt him brush against it, you squeezed around his finger, bringing a triumphant smirk to his face.
“Right there, baby?”
“Right there—!”
He paired his cooing with a solid pump into the area, ruining whatever composure you had. There was no mercy as he kept on with the movements, making you squirm on his digit as a ball of pleasure started to form in your gut. Unable to take anymore of his teasing, you pulled his head closer again before pleading, “Keep eating my pussy, please.”
Hongjoong had no qualms about your begging, groaning lowly before diving back in.
The dual sensations of his mouth and finger working together pushed you higher and higher towards a precipice. Your own lips were babbling praises and noises to let him know how fucking good he was at this. He never pulled off to banter like before, laser-focused on your pleasure. All you received were his sharp brown eyes, watching you like a hawk.
Just when you felt yourself getting close, you tugged at Hongjoong’s hair. He pulled off, albeit reluctantly, shooting you a questioning stare. You gave a wobbly grin, bringing him back in until his wet lips were level with your pulsating nub.
“I come easier this way.”
Thankful for your advice, the guitarist winked before giving his undivided attention there. As you expected, your high raced towards you in no time, showing itself as you cried out and clamped down on his still thrusting finger. Your entire body trembled while he continued to roll his tongue over you, hand letting go of his hair at some point so as to not pull any strands out by accident.
Finally, the tremors stopped, making you slump against the mirror like a limp noodle. Your eyes couldn’t help but shut, feeling more tired than content thanks to the good orgasm.
A good orgasm at the hands (and mouth) of Hongjoong.
“You still alive up there?”
The teasing made your eyes open, shooting a deadpan expression down at his beaming face.
“Nope. Died and went to heaven. Murderer.”
Hongjoong cackled at your quip, standing up to wipe his mouth with the back of his hand. “I’ll send my condolences to Yeosang.”
Now you laughed, reaching for the lapels of his star-printed jacket to tug him in for a deep kiss. Your tongue was quick in meeting up with his, tasting the lingering of your arousal. The longer your lips were locked, the faster your desire returned, wanting to take this even further. You needed to see how his cock would feel inside you, fucking you until your eyes rolled into the back of your head.
Hongjoong removed his lips to catch his breath, hot puffs of air washing over your swollen ones before he husked, “Satisfied?”
You knew your answer right away.
“Would you be mad if I said no?”
The guitarist’s head shook. “I was hoping you would say that—” He took the chance to come closer, pressing his concealed cock into your bare thigh. “—didn’t want to let you out of here just yet.”
Your mouth twisted into a delighted smirk, pleased at the mutual feeling.
“Good, because I also thought about how it would feel if you fucked me.”
Now that you threw your final thought out into the open, the goalpost looked clearer than ever. Especially when Hongjoong presented you with the slyest grin you had ever seen on him. The ones he would give on stage paled in comparison to this.
“Is that right?”
When you nodded, his hand came up to hold your chin. A thumb tapped against it as he purred, “The feeling’s mutual.”
A peck landed on your lips before Hongjoong stepped away to head to the opposite side of the room where a few duffel bags laid. He began rummaging in one of them, standing once he found whatever he was looking for. That something was revealed to be a condom when he turned around. You were glad he wasn’t averse to protection; as horny as you were for him, your safety came first.
But just as he was about to make his way back, a few knocks came from the door.
Your expressions matched with irritation as you both frowned at the interruption. Hongjoong gave you an apologetic look before calling out, “Yes?”
“Hyung, it’s me!”
Because you were further from the muffled voice, you couldn’t decipher who was there until the guitarist swore quietly.
“Jongho, I’m in the middle of something right now.”
“I know, but I really need something from inside! Can you just grab it for me, please?”
Hongjoong pinched the bridge of his nose, eyes closed as he seemed to debate on telling his bandmate to either leave or give him a moment. He went with the latter as he stomped over to the door, unlocking and opening it enough to poke his head out and avoid Jongho witnessing you in your partially-undressed state.
“What do you need?”
“Hyung, I need some condoms.”
“Why didn’t you pick them up when we were in here earlier?”
You could picture the vocalist shrugging, wide eyes adding to his defensive expression.
“I didn’t think I needed them! But Lia sent me a message a few minutes ago and she lives right down the road, so…”
You heard Hongjoong sigh before telling him to wait one second. He shut the door, turning and mouthing an ‘I’m sorry’, to which you waved him off with little bother. A momentary interruption was better than losing your entire chance.
He ran back to his bag to grab a handful of the foil packets before jogging back to the door, opening it and stretching his arm out.
“Here. Now can you promise you or the others won’t bother me until I come back?”
“Of course, captain! Have fun!”
Hongjoong shook his head at his bandmate’s well wishes, but saw him off with a chuckle and a humored goodbye before shutting and locking the door once more. With a swiftness, he turned and ran back over to you, a sheepish grin on his face.
“Sorry about that.”
“No worries.”
Hongjoong looked grateful for your nonchalance, setting the condom down next to you before shucking his jacket off and tossing it to the side. Your eyes couldn’t hold back from raking over the skin now exposed, toned arms and shoulders causing your mouth to water. Just as you peeped the ink scrawled on one of his inner biceps, he started undoing his pants, bringing your attention to something even more interesting as he lowered them.
He caught your stare, smirking at how little modesty you had before reaching for the foiled wrapper. His hands were steady yet swift as he opened and slid the protection onto his stiff dick. As soon as he finished, Hongjoong grabbed your hips, tugging you down just enough to rest his tip against the apex of your thigh.
“Ready for me, beautiful?”
With little apprehension, you reached between your bodies to take a hold of him, lining up with your weeping entrance before giving him a confident nod. As soon as he earned your approval, the musician shifted forward, parting your folds until he started spreading you open. Both of your breaths hitched at the sensation, feeling his ringed fingers dig further into your hips.
“You’re just swallowing me up—“
Hongjoong’s gritted growl made your walls pulsate around his cock for a moment, proving his observation correct. Once he got in as far as you were pleased with, you took a hold of his waist before husking, “Fuck me already.”
A sharp inhale was all you got as you felt him slightly pull out before entering at a quicker pace. The rhythm built up soon enough, giving you the friction you oh so desired.
You were finally getting your wish.
Hongjoong was no slouch in this department, delivering strokes that were the right balance between gratifying and not quite enough. Perfect to have you whining for more a few minutes in.
“Hongjoong, give it to me—”
“Mm? Want me to fuck you harder, baby?”
The hold you had on his shirt tightened.
The chuckle you received had a thrill running down your spine, only to be replaced with a sharper sting as soon as he started plunging into you harder.
“So generous, letting me fuck this pussy how I really want to—”
Between the elevated pleasure and the way he hissed out his words, you were living the dream. You tried to fire back with your own quips, but couldn’t keep up with the way the blond was doing you and staring you down with those dark eyes of his. All you could do to let him know how good you were feeling was to tug him into messy kisses and rubs of your hands along his clothed torso. It seemed to be enough for him, judging by the groans you’d hear or feel.
At one point, Hongjoong pulled away from your lips, his own bearing hints of your smudged lipstick. Your fixation on his appearance was interrupted when he boldly stated, “Wish I could’ve been more thorough about this.”
Your head tilted as you asked, “What do you mean?”
His mouth twisted as if you made a joke, pausing his hips to make sure you focused on what he was about to say.
“I mean, I would’ve liked to do this somewhere a little more private. Because it’s a shame I can’t see all of you right now.”
His admission made your pussy flutter around him, watching as he looked over your still-covered body with heavy and curious eyes.
“Wouldn’t mind having more time to see what else is running through this pretty head of yours.”
He wanted to know what else you would have done with him, huh? There was one little act that you both skipped over, for time’s sake.
“Actually…there’s one thing I forgot to mention.”
Hongjoong’s brow lifted as you took a hold of one of the hands on your body and brought it close to your swollen lips. Making sure to keep eye contact, you rested his index and middle finger on your bottom lip before purring, “I’ve thought about how nice it’d be to suck your dick.”
Before you could get a reaction, you slipped his digits into your mouth, starting to gently suck them as if you were actually carrying out your wish.
The variety of emotions that came over Hongjoong’s face only upped your confidence, bobbing your head carefully to really sell the act. Only then did he finally say something, husking, “Fuck, baby— I’m really missing out right now, huh?”
A wink was what you gave, followed by your tongue beginning to swirl around the appendages, eyes fluttering shut as you pictured a different scenario.
Hongjoong leaning against this very vanity table, pants and briefs pulled halfway down. Watching close as you sat on your knees and worked his cock over with your mouth. You could feel his hips tremble occasionally, surely holding back from the primal urge to fuck into your hot and wet cavern.
But just as you were getting deep into your fantasy, the fingers slipped out of your mouth. Your eyes flew open as you made a mild noise of surprise, only for them to widen at the hungry look on his sweat-beaded face. The same hand was quick to grab your jaw, Hongjoong leaning in so close that you could feel his harsh breath mingling with yours as he hissed, “Next time.”
He didn’t give you a second to process his foreboding words as he took your lips into a starving kiss.
When he finally pulled away, his forehead laid on yours as his hips went up to a reckless pace, burying his cock so deep that your back arched at the sharp jolt of pleasure racing throughout your body. This gave him the opportunity to attack your exposed neck with bites and kisses, pausing at times to growl sheer filth into your ear.
Everything combined had your body giving in to Hongjoong completely, leaning back against the mirror as all sorts of sounds surrounded you.
The slight creaking of the vanity and the jostling of the bottles sitting on it.
The smacking of his damp skin against yours.
How the groans leaving him gradually became tinged with a hint of whining as time passed.
Deducing that he was getting close to his end, you took his hand and slid it between your hips to give him a hint that you needed some help. He was quick on the draw, pushing your hand up as he began circling and rubbing your swollen clit with a saliva-covered fingertip. This only made a long moan escape you, head throwing back as it didn’t take long to catch up with your partner.
“That’s it, baby— Gonna make this little pussy come all over my cock.”
Hongjoong’s thick declaration made your legs wrap tight around his waist and your hands grasp onto the damp skin of his bare shoulders, holding on as he continued transporting you towards your end. You could feel his thrusts become a bit off-centered, but they were still enough for you to enjoy, and more than enough to bring another orgasm.
You announced it through a strained cry of the guitarist’s name, digging your nails into him as you trembled between his tense body and the mirror. It only took a few strokes for Hongjoong to join, swearing through gritted teeth as he plunged into you as far as humanly possible, throbbing as he filled up the condom.
Once the euphoria stopped running through your veins, the urge to slump backwards came strong. You followed your body’s wish, letting out a sigh of fatigue and satisfaction. A soft chuckle sounded near your ear.
“Tell me about it.”
The tiniest of laughs escaped you before taking a moment to simply enjoy the peace in the room. After the two of you got your bearings, it was inevitable that you’d part ways and head home with your respective parties.
But for now, you’d enjoy the way Hongjoong silently hummed into the crook of your neck as you ran your fingers up and down his back.
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Yeosang was polishing the last of the clean glasses and talking to San when you strolled up to the bar, a pep in your step.
“Hey guys!”
Your roommate looked up, scrutinizing your appearance with a knowing smirk.
“Well, look who finally returned.”
You waved him off, only to now hear San teasing, “I hope you didn’t wear him out too much.”
A light laugh came out as you grinned at the drummer.
“He’s still standing on two legs, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Good, the guys and I decided that none of us should be carried out tonight.”
The two of you giggled before he stood up from his stool, stretching muscled arms into the air.
“I think we should start heading out as soon as hyung is put together, I’m sure the two of you are tired.”
Yeosang shrugged, although you could see the slight lidding of his eyes.
“Take your time, I still have to do an inventory count.”
San shook his head. “No no, you definitely need your rest, it’s been nonstop for you. I’ll go gather everyone.”
You were grateful for his insistence, knowing how stubborn Yeosang could get when it came to his job.
“Thank you, San.”
A soft smile was directed at you before the drummer went off to get all of his bandmates together. Now that the two of you were alone, you spun around and gave your friend a winning grin.
“Mission accomplished, Yeo. And it was so worth it.”
Yeosang flicked a brow up at your declaration while grabbing his tablet to take inventory.
“Please don’t give me details. I still have to work with the guy on a weekly basis.”
“I’m not, I’m not! Just letting you know that I got my wish and now you won’t have to hear your horny freak of a roommate lament on how badly she wants Hongjoong’s dick.”
He shot you an exasperated look, clearly not as enthused about the news as you figured he’d be.
Snickering, you gave it a rest, leaving him to his work so the two of you could go home ASAP. You turned to take in the venue, noting the janitor sweeping up the last bit of trash and the busboys wiping down the tables that were sticky with alcohol. A few minutes passed before you spotted Halazia, minus Jongho, emerging from backstage. The men wore varying expressions, but all seemed to have a hint of exhaustion as well.
Although, most of your attention was on one specific member.
Hongjoong looked to be the most energetic of the group, eyes alert and responses swift. You weren’t surprised, considering what the two of you went through recently. It might be a different story when he reached home, though.
After nodding at whatever Seonghwa said, his head turned, blinking as he caught you watching him. A blinding grin was quick to come on before he made a beeline your way, making your pulse quicken. But he stopped next to your sitting figure rather than stand in front of you, his gaze on Yeosang as he typed.
“Yeosang, we’re gonna head out now.”
The bartender looked up, only to refocus on his tablet after giving the other a nod. “Stay safe. Great job, as always.”
Hongjoong chuckled, scratching the back of his neck in slight bashfulness.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to you saying that, man.”
“Well, you better. Before you guys get snatched up by some big record label and I’ll need to go through security to speak to you.”
You giggled at his quip, receiving Hongjoong’s eyes now. “He has a point. We might be demoted to fans at this rate.”
The blond’s mouth twisted into a smirk as he continued to look at you, saying, “Oh, I could never forget you guys.”
Thank goodness Yeosang wasn’t paying attention to the way you were being stared down by the man who had his hands all over you not long ago; he definitely would not have let you live it down.
“Yeah, we’ll see about that. Have a good night, Hongjoong, tell the others for me.”
“Will do, Yeosang.”
Hongjoong slipped his hand out of his jacket pocket before holding it towards you.
You blinked at the formal gesture from someone who was up in your guts, but brought your own hand up to allow his to take a firm grasp.
“A real pleasure meeting you. Well, officially, I mean.”
A short laugh left as you teased, “Likewise, Hongjoong. I guess we’ll see each other at your next show?”
He kept a hold of your palm as he flashed his perfect teeth and winked.
You almost didn’t want to let go, but you allowed the musician to pull away. But then you felt something odd. Looking at your palm, you spotted a piece of paper, folded over and over until it was a tiny square. Thinking that Hongjoong left something by accident, you prepared to call out until he brought a finger up to his lips.
The motion quieted you when he glanced sideways at Yeosang before looking at the paper and then at your face. With that, he turned and headed towards his bandmates to exit the establishment, leaving you to stare down at your hand.
Whatever he left was meant for your eyes and your eyes only.
Curiosity took over as you carefully unfolded the note. You had to bite back a gasp at what was scrawled inside.
‘So we don’t have to wait for the next show to meet up’
You almost slipped and swore out loud, but managed to hold it in. Peeking at your friend to make sure he was still occupied, you stared at Hongjoong’s neat writing, processing this new info.
He actually gave you his number! Was this how groupies felt? Or were you a step above them?
Either way, this was an unexpected development. It was luck that you were able to get close enough to Hongjoong to sleep with him, but to get this as well felt like a miracle.
You swiftly brought the paper down to your lap as you peered up to see Yeosang, hands now free from the tablet.
“Are you ready to go?”
With a smile that might have been a little too enthusiastic, you nodded, slipping the note into your pocket.
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©bangtanintotheroom, 2024. Crossposted to AO3. Do not repost to other sites or copy without permission.
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inksoakedparchment · 2 months
Theodore Nott misunderstood Y/N’s words
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pairing: theo x fem!reader (slytherin house)
genre: fluff
tw: my english
word cunt (ik it’s count): 1073
summary: theo found your notebook in the library after the study session and he read through it
a/n: this is my first one shot (and work) in english, so i’m sorry for the bad grammar<3 (maybe it’s gonna be good bc @sunkissedscribbles read it and corrected it)
After the study session with your friend group, - Theo, Mattheo, Enzo and Cassiopeia - you accidentally forget your notebook on the table as you hurriedly leave before the others. After that, Theo notices the little black book and decides to take it.
He quickly goes to his dorm, hops on his bed and starts to read your 'diary'. Because of some of your poems, one-line-long deep thoughts, tears start running down his cheeks. He doesn’t realize how those salty water drops are just coming and coming from his eyes. It only hits him after one falls on one of the pages.
He’s raising his eyebrows after he sees the lots of cat drawings in the notebook, and the short monologues based on how much you like cats and how bad you'd like to have one. Especially black cats. He immediately shuts the book and leaves it on his bed, running out of the castle.
He knows where the stray cats are 'living' so he sits down in the grass, with treats in his hand, waiting for the adorable creations to approach him. He’s drowning in his thoughts while feeding the baby and adult cats when a night-black cat snuggles against his leg. Theo’s eyes lighten up when he notices it and gently picks it up and when the cat looks in his eyes, he gasps. Gorgeous green eyes just like Y/N’s. He checks, and he thinks the cat is a girl. Keeping the cat in his hands, he stands up and walks back into the castle, straight to your dorm.
“Yeah? Come in!” you shout from your bed when you hear the knock on your door, then sit up with a book in your hands.
“Hey, it’s me” Theo smiles at you gently, after he closes the door behind him.
“What’s up, Theo?” you tilt your head with a confused expression, seeing his nervous look.
Theo starts biting his lip, then he takes out the cat under his robe, watching your reaction. Your eyes widen in shock while you jump up from the bed, and approach Theo and that little baby.
“It's a girl,” Theo says softly.
“Wh-What? How? From where?” you start to caress her. She purrs under your touch, wanting to climb over to your hands, and he lets the kittie to you.
“I know a place that’s full of stray cats,” he smiles with an amazed look.
You put - now - your baby on your bed and hug Theo tightly, holding into his robe, because he’s the one who can make you smile anytime, even when you’re at your worst. You start to sob and then burst out in a heavy cry.
“Y/N? Did I do something wrong?” he gently pushes you away and puts one hand on your cheek, wiping away your tears.
“No, of course not. It’s just.. no one did something this big to me, but.. how did you know? It’s my biggest dream,” you mutter the last line.
“I found your notebook and I swear I wanted to give it back, but something made me keep it and read it and-”
“What?!” you cut him off “You read my notebook which is actually my diary?” you step back from him.
“I swear i didn’t wanted to, Y/N, please..” his voice cracks.
“No, Theo! Those are my personal thoughts and feelings, you just read everything! You read me!” you say hysterically.
How could he do this to you? You thought he was your best boy friend, he was always by your side. He got your back when the others couldn’t do it. He saved you from many detentions and...
“Why did you bring her to me?” you ask quietly.
“Because-” the words stuck in Theo’s throat, as he is staring into your soul. His greyish-blue eyes are full of fear and guilt. “Because I love you Y/N” he looks away, fidgeting with his fingers.
“Wha-” you gasp and look at the kittie who’s watching you two maybe with curiosity in her eyes.
“I love you Y/N! I‘ve loved you since fourth year!” he bursts out when you’re still silent.
“Why? Why didn’t you say something?” you shake your head in disbelief.
“Would it have meant anything?” he swallows, looking into your eyes.
“You said you read my notebook, Theo! What the fuck are you thinking about my poems where I wrote about love? Didn’t you notice all of them about you?” your face becomes pale when you realize you have just admitted your feelings for him.
“They looked like they were all about Mattheo” he bites his lip nervously. “He loves to smoke, mostly when I light his cig./Why didn’t he notice that’s the only spark I can give him?” these two lines are burnt into his mind. You’re smiling now. He's noted two lines from your favourite poem. Fun fact; these lines are your favourites too.
“I always light your cig last. Because you always light mine with yours,” you sigh. “And I'm always next to you, Theo because I feel safe when you’re around, and when I’m with you it feels like home,” you step closer to him and take his hand, stroking it with your thumb.
“I never noticed it,” he says quietly, squeezing your hand a little.
“I love you too, Theo. And Apollonia means a lot to me,” you smile and kiss his cheek, right after that he blushes
“I love you, Y/N. I mean it. But who’s Apollonia?” he looks at you with a confused expression.
“The kittie” you roll your eyes with a smile.
Theo takes his chance and slides his hand on your cheek. He leans closer and when he gently presses his lips to yours, you immediately kiss him back. He brushes your lip with his tongue, begging for permission to meet your tongue for a sweet, slow dance, which you quickly give to him. In this kiss, you two are going through every sweet moment, every shared cig, the pain that you caused each other while staying silent about your feelings and the love that you two feel.
He leans his forehead to yours with a sweet smile.
“I’m only yours Cara Mia, and I’ll do everything I can to make you happy” he kisses your forehead.
You smile at him and gently pull him to your bed, where Apollonia is curled up, asleep. You two are just cuddling and talking about the signs that the other didn’t notice.
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notjustjavierpena · 9 months
Where I'm Supposed To Be, a husband!Javier Christmas fic
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Series Masterpost | Main Masterpost | Support a disabled creator
A/N: Here’s my Christmas present for you all. I wrote this with blood, sweat and tears. I love you. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful opportunity to make myself, and everyone who reads my work, happy due to a silly, little, fictional family. Thanks to @javiscigarette and @joels-shitty-puns for being amazing and caring ❤️ and obviously thank you @angelofsmalldeath-codeine for being my sweet Spanish tutor 😭🙏
Summary: Just Christmas morning with the Peñas. Lots of chaotic and sweet children but also some alone time between you and your husband who very much has a present for you this morning.
Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader (no y/n)
Tags: +18 smut, domestic life, three children being cute, unwrapping of gifts on Christmas morning, dancing to the radio, butterflies, being courted by javi, some rough pussy eating (javi is a cunning linguist and a fucking menace), nose riding, multiple orgasms, dirty talk, praises and pet names, rough sex, kitchen sex, lactation kink, tit play, bit of breeding kink. creampie, they are gross and in love, absolutely married to each other
Word count: 7.1k!!!!!
Link to this work on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52364101
Where I’m Supposed To Be
Your eyes open wide as soon as you feel the weight of two children in your bed, and the realization of what day it is comes to mind. Since you are lying on your side, facing your husband, you watch the same shock settle in him as his own slumber is interrupted. Javier is lying on his stomach, hugging his pillow tightly, and when Inés starts jumping up and down at the foot of the bed, he shoots up to look around with a confused expression. You smile as he catches your eye. He yawns back at you. 
“Wake up! Wake up!” Inés’ squeaky voice announces. She sounds out of breath from jumping continuously, “It’s Christmas!”
The whole bed shakes. Lucas has joined in on the jumping, a contrast to his usually so well-behaved and calm manner, but you remember the magic excitement that Christmas brought along when you were a kid yourself. 
You yawn loudly to tease, turning onto your back. Inés barely survives the way you drag out waking up properly.
“Alright!” You sit up in bed with a little smile, letting your hands come down on top of the covers, “We’re up.”
“I’m not,” Javier grumbles into his pillow. Inés takes it as an opportunity to jump on her father’s back, sitting down on him with a knee on either side of his torso. You can hear the air being knocked from Javier’s lungs and can’t help but smile fully now, fighting a belly laugh as your insistent daughter starts tugging at his hair and shoulders.
“Come on, Mom!” Lucas begs too but without bordering on violence. He grabs at your hand to pull it, and you throw the covers to the side to let him lead you out of bed. 
“I’m coming, mijo (my son),” you say and slip on a t-shirt that you have laid out the day before; there’s been a fair amount of Christmas mornings at this point but with Inés getting older, and thus more steadfast in her personality, you have resorted to creating a system that you hope neither of your kids has realized exists. 
When Inés sees you out of bed, she quickly abandons her father at the realization of your willingness. Javier takes in a deep breath as he loses her weight on top of himself, imitating the sound of someone falling asleep again. You’ll let him for now; after all, he’s been the one up all night to arrange the presents so it looks like Santa came to visit. 
“I have to check on Seb first,” you inform their hopeful faces. Inés groans and even Lucas looks like he might join in but you don’t give in to being rushed, simply shrugging, “If you are quiet, he won’t wake up and it’ll be quicker.”
You grab the baby monitor from your nightstand and then your kids follow you down the hallway of family photos to Sebastian’s nursery. Your baby is sleeping soundly when all three of you enter ever so quietly, a sign of contentment and feeling safe, and you don’t dare reach out to touch him in case he is disturbed from his sleep, even despite him being the easiest one of all three, so often off to dreamland that you have had Javier needing to reassure you.
You stare down at Sebastian for a few moments. He has his arms above his head, hands squeezed into fists and his little mouth slightly agape. You can feel yourself being overcome with emotion as both Lucas and Inés observe their little brother’s slumber with you, and with such understanding in their eyes that you wish you could take a picture of them. They have all of their hands clutched around the railing of the crib to peek down at the baby. 
“Mom,” Lucas whispers without taking his eyes off Sebastian, “Can we please go see our presents?”
“Pleeeeease,” Inés follows.
“Okaaaay, let’s go,” you whisper back.
You leave the bedroom with the baby monitor in your hand and Inés hand clutched in your other, only to hold her in place in case she wants to run down the stairs. 
Both your kids’ eyes go wide as they enter the living room. There are several differently sized and shaped presents underneath the lit-up Christmas tree, sporting extravagant bows and wrapping paper designs. You know that none of them are for you but you’ll relish in your children’s faces as they run towards the pile. 
“Steady now,” you say as you place the baby monitor on the coffee table, “Everything has led up to this, I know, but we don’t want it to be over in a few minutes, do we? Let’s do one at a t—“
“But Santa’s been!” Inés shrieks in delight. Lucas looks at you, only seven years old and not convinced, and you wink at him only to receive a little smile. He looks pleased with himself, sharing a secret with his mother.
“Really? How do you know he has?” You say animatedly. It’s obvious, she tells you, look at the presents, but you distract her from ripping each of them open by walking up to gape at the empty plate and glass that are on the coffee table, gasping for show as if to imitate your daughter, “Inés! You’re right! Look!”
Inés whips around, darting towards you. She stares in shock. Lucas seems a little impatient, hovering around a big present that is for him, so you hold out your hand and call him over to look at the Santa-evidence too. 
He walks around the coffee table to lean against you instead, and you rest a hand on the back of his neck. You gently run your fingers through his hair, whispering to him as Inés lifts the plate to look underneath it.
“You’re the best big brother, sweetie,” you mutter and repeat the move, smoothing his bed hair. He leans into you further. 
“Look! All gone!” Inés parrots as she stares at the cookies that are nowhere to be found. Neither on or under the plate. 
Lucas still doesn’t look very convinced. In the future, you’ll tell him about the sugary kiss his father planted on your cheek when crawling into bed after eating cookies and drinking milk at three in the morning - and his preteen self will crinkle his nose in disgust.
Speaking of your husband, Javier enters the living room silently so as to not disturb Inés’ hunt for clues. He has put on a t-shirt that hangs over his boxers, looking beautifully disheveled, and you smile like a schoolgirl when he looks at you happily. 
“Is there anything else? Did he just leave behind all those great big presents?” You still talk excitedly, grinning as your daughter’s eyes scan the floor and ceiling. 
She continues to the fireplace, pointing out the small amount of soot mixed with glitter that you’ve spread out on the wooden floor, “He’s been! Look, Mommy!”
“Wow!” Javier now chimes in. Inés recognises his voice instantly and she runs to her father the second that she hears him. Javier picks her up from the ground with the groan of a father to settle her on his hip. He kisses her cheek repeatedly until he blows a raspberry, “He did all that for you?” 
Inés giggles like only a child can. You want to melt. She claps excitedly, “All for me.”
“You must’ve been very good this year, mija (my daughter),” he says, ruffling her already messy hair. She shies away from it but throws her arms around his neck as soon as he has stopped, burying her head in his shoulder. 
Lucas shifts impatiently but he doesn’t say anything. 
“You want to open a present?” You whisper to him. 
“Can I?” He whispers back with wide eyes.
“They still have a few clues to go through, outside even,” you crouch down to kiss his cheek from behind, hugging him close to you, “If you want to, I’ll let you. I’ll choose though.”
In the background, Javier catches on. He places Inés back down on the floor, holding out his hand for her and winking at his son whilst talking to his daughter, “Do you want to see if Rudolph ate the carrots you laid out for him on the doorstep?”
Inés, completely ignoring the offered hand, starts running towards the front door whilst naming other reindeer too. It’s Texan Christmas, so there’s no point in putting on a jacket for going outside, and the sudden silence of the front door closing behind her and Javier makes you strike.
You let go of Lucas to get his present from under the tree, searching only briefly as if you’re choosing something random. There’s a point to this but you don’t want to take out the magic of the moment.
Lucas sits down on the floor as he is handed the gift. He doesn’t hesitate to tear its wrappings off, and when he throws it to the side, he gasps at the sight of his very own brand new Game Boy that you have wrapped along with a few games. It’s a strategic move to let him open it now; Inés won’t try to steal it in the middle of Christmas family time if she isn’t aware of him getting it. 
“No way!” Lucas’ eyes are wide. He holds the Game Boy in its packaging in front of himself, not taking his eyes off of it in case it might disappear if he looks away, “Mom!”
“It’s the one you wanted, right?” You ask, rubbing his back and looking down at the cover over his shoulder, “Lord knows if I have a clue about what it does.”
“This is so cool,” he says, mostly to himself, and then looks up at you with a wide grin that reminds you that he is his father’s son, “Thanks, Mom!” 
“But I need you to wait to use it till after Inés is done with her presents, okay? I know you’re excited but you’ll have the whole day, no?”
“Entiendo, (I understand),” he nods, getting up from the floor very carefully as he still has the Game Boy in his hands, “¿ Lo tengo que compartir? (do I have to share it?)
“You might have to share it sometimes but it’s yours first and foremost,” you say with a little smile, “I think Inés might just want to see you play and then you can let her try it a few times. If it’s too much, we’ll figure something out.”
Lucas hugs you then, tightly and lovingly. He buries his head in your stomach and he doesn’t have to say anything because you know exactly what he wants to say with his embrace. It’s enough to make you choke up a second time today. 
When Javier and Inés return back inside the living room, Inés talking loudly, Javier gets a pair of scissors and a bag for the wrappings from the kitchen. You quickly add Lucas’ gift wrap to it to conceal any evidence of having started without Inés.
“Mom! Rudolph ate the carrots we laid out!” She beams. 
“He didn’t!” You walk up to her to make it seem like you are listening even more actively. You lean down over her with your hands on your thighs, feeling Javier’s eyes on you as you bend over, “Oh boy, I’m glad you remembered to feed them so Santa could reach all the kids without them getting tired and hungry.”
“Can we open presents now?” She inquires, falling to her knees in front of the Christmas tree. She looks back at you, suddenly very serious, “Are there any presents for Sebastian?” 
“Yes, Sebastian has a few presents too,” you reply.
It takes her a moment to think this fact over. She furrows her brow in concentration, going over the logistics of an infant opening Christmas gifts. Eventually, she stares at you and places a hand on her chest, “I— I will open Sebastian’s presents.”
You want to laugh and in the background, Javier actually does, “You can help Lucas open the presents for him.”
Lucas sits on the floor beside Inés but closer to the tree. He seems less anxious to begin now that he’s had a head start on his little sister so he reaches under the tree to find a present with her name on it, checking in with his father who nods and lets him proceed.
Inés eyes go wide as the gift is put down on the floor in front of her, and Javier moves to help her with cutting the ribbon. You take a seat on the couch to watch the scene unfold, her eyes practically sparkling with excitement as receives her first Christmas gift; a stuffed toy resembling a dinosaur that she keeps tucked under her arm during the whole thing. 
The rest of the unwrapping session goes with you letting out a series of oohs and aahs as each toy, which you have picked out yourself at the toy store, is revealed. It’s all a blur of plastic and noises, cries for batteries and Javier shushing his daughter when her pitch climbs a little too high. 
Lucas is in charge of handing out gifts, and you praise him for each card that he reads out loud successfully. Whenever he tries reaching for a certain gift for Inés, Javier shakes his head, and he moves on to the next despite the curiosity nearly killing him. 
Steadily, both Inés and Lucas each have a growing pile of toys, clothes, and snacks beside them. 
Lucas receives, amongst other things, a pair of light-up shoes that he has begged for months to get. He also gets a wooden tow truck with four magnetic cars and an unbelievable stack of Pokemon cards. 
Inés gets a few puzzles, markers, a microphone that makes an echo when you speak into it (a toy that might just disappear out of the blue with no explanation), and a collection of animal stickers. 
Lucas looks overwhelmed by the end. Inés looks far from done, so she is the one who gets to unwrap Sebastian’s new mobile with small UFOs and cows on it, a pair of cute shoes, and a hat to match.
Finally, Lucas gets the green light from his father to grab the mysterious present. He looks like someone who wants to tear off the paper so he can satisfy his curiosity but Inés is already beating him to it. There’s an anticipation of it being the final stages of the unwrapping process that hangs in the air, and everything is going well until your daughter crinkles her nose at the sight of what she has received from Santa.
“Mom,” she starts to say, cogs turning in her head. She turns to you, looking skeptical. Inside the package is a helmet, more specifically a bike helmet, in a soft green color with daisies painted onto it in a pattern not too harsh on the eyes. 
Lucas catches on a little quicker, “She’s getting a bike?!”
“A bike!” Inés yells out, standing up quickly, “Where? Wherewherewhere?”
“Inés, por favor (please),” you can’t help but laugh at her excited shock, “Let Papá get it for you.”
And moments later, Javier wheels a bike, so tiny that it is cute, into the living room. Its color matches the green on her new helmet, and on the handles hang white tassels with yellow flecks of glitter in them. The also has training wheels on it but with the amount of unrelenting bravery and determination that Inés has for new things, you doubt that she will be needing them for long.
Inés has gone quiet as she stares at her new bicycle which is very much not like the one without pedals she has. She gapes at it and it makes you and Javier exchange looks. Javier shrugs.
“Inés,” you start but you are interrupted by your daughter’s infectious laughter. She jumps on the spot, yanking at the handle and pulling it towards herself. You let out a sigh of relief, warmth flooding your heart at hearing her.
“I want to try it now!” She demands, giggling happily as she runs her hands through the tassels. 
“We can do it after breakfast, Daddy will take you out for a test drive,” you say, getting up from the couch to crouch down beside her. You admire the bike with her, continuing your reasoning when she starts to protest, “One should never try to learn how to ride a bike without having breakfast. Not even the coolest girls can do that.”
“I can!” She argues. In the background, Lucas turns his back to the three of you to sneak a peek at his Game Boy. 
“Actually, mija (my daughter),” Javier interjects. He opens the box containing the biking helmet, pulls it out, and walks over to his daughter, “Bike racers need to try out their helmets for at least an hour or two to break them in and to make sure they fit. Imagine if you got onto the bike and your helmet wouldn’t let you ride it.”
Inés furrows her brow but doesn’t look like she’s about to argue with her father’s logic. She glances at the bike and then at the helmet in Javier’s hands, quickly coming to a decision.
“I want to wear the helmet!” She says. 
“Excellent choice,” he replies and you snort.
Inés proudly wears the helmet a few seconds later. You wonder how you are going to get her dressed for going outside with it on her head but you suppose you’ll pass the task to Javier.
“Wait,” Lucas says suddenly, crawling underneath the tree to reach far underneath it. A small present rests along the foot of the tree, and he pulls it out only to find that there’s no card on it. He furrows his brow, “There’s one left.”
Inés looks nearly hungry for more.
Javier turns, obviously not expecting this.
“Actually,” you say and make Lucas hand it over. Holding the gift close to your chest, you walk up to Javier, “This one is for Daddy.” 
“Me?” Javier looks puzzled but then he smirks, as if he has decided something that you aren’t a part of yet. You feel your heart skip a beat as all three of you catch onto the mischief in his eyes. If only you knew that mischief is just for you. He snatches the present from you and shakes it. 
“It’s just something silly,” you say, “But it’s for work!”
Inés and Lucas are watching curiously, standing on their toes so they don’t miss anything. 
“Rip it, Dad,” Lucas encourages.
“Yeah!” Inés chimes in, holding onto her helmet as she tips her head. You’ll have to adjust it.
“Alright, I’m gonna, I’m gonna,” he does as he is told, letting the wrapping paper fall into a pile on the floor, beside the garbage bag that he has brought himself, and reveals a hideous, rolled-up tie with a Christmas theme. It is dark red with tiny cartoon Christmas lights and trees, crisscrossing across the silky fabric. It’s ugly, for sure, but it makes Javier’s face light up like he can’t quite believe that he has reached this destination; a life of kids and silly Christmas presents, and exactly where he is supposed to be.
“That’s boring!” Inés complains. 
“Mija (My daughter), that’s not very nice,” Javi tuts, smoothing a thumb over his present. He grins boyishly at you, and when he approaches you, he wraps an arm around your waist to give you a squeeze, “I love it.”
“You don’t have to wear it,” you reassure.
“I might just. The guys know I’m happily married to a catch like you so why shouldn’t I show it off?” He holds it up in front of himself, “How do I look?”
“Silly,” Inés argues. Lucas grimaces behind her.
You raise a brow, biting your lower lip as you grin, “You wouldn’t.”
“Sí. Gracias, mi amor (yes. Thank you, my love),” he kisses you in front of your kids, and both of them make disgusted faces. Inés even adds a gagging noise, saying something about cooties. 
Javier doesn’t let go of you when he turns his head towards them. He clicks his tongue disapprovingly, “Hey, you behave or I might do it again.”
“No!” They shout in unison.
“I should’ve gotten you something,” Javier says as he turns towards you again. You shake your head but then you feel his hand on your back travel down, “Maybe later.”
Quickly, you pull back. 
“Right,” you say, clasping your hands together and trying not to sound flustered, “Let’s say two hours tops. Then we’ll have breakfast together. Hot chocolate and all.”
When the gift rush comes to an end, Javier starts carrying all of the shiny new toys upstairs with a groan. He scolds gently as he has two tiny and enthusiastic humans bounding up the stairs, telling them to be careful. 
Meanwhile, you head to the kitchen and turn on the radio. You place the baby monitor on the counter, humming along as you prepare a sugary breakfast that you always regret afterward when you have to endure two sugar-high children. 
As you are toasting bread and filling bowls with candy canes and marshmallows, Javier enters the kitchen. You smile to yourself as he wraps his arms around you from behind, placing a kiss on your neck, “Morning. I put a movie on, so they’ll be occupied by that and their presents for a while now. Checked on Seb too, he’s fine.”
“That went well,” you say genuinely, “Don’t you think?”
“Mhm, the unwrapping? Definitely,” he murmurs against your ear, resting his forehead on your shoulder, “They didn’t even notice how I was staring at you.”
“How were you staring at me?” You ask, your heart fluttering in your chest.
“No particular way,” he teases and you try to concentrate on cutting fruit into smaller pieces. 
In the background, a slow melody hums through the kitchen. Javier’s hands wander down to settle on your hips, and you finally allow yourself to let go of the knife, give in, and turn around in his arms. 
“Merry Christmas,” you smile.
“Dance with me,” he replies. 
You walk further into his embrace, linking your arm around his waist and resting your chin on his shoulder. He entwines your fingers and rubs the back of your hand with his thumb as he sways with you in time with the song on the radio. 
As he moves you, your heads lean together, cheeks touching gently, and he radiates warmth and security. It makes you close your eyes and sigh softly, allowing yourself to be transported into a fantasy where you aren’t just wearing your underwear and a washed-out t-shirt. 
The hand that isn’t holding yours rests on your lower back, pulling you in after he twirls you once. You giggle when he beams at you but then you resume the first position, shifting your weight from one foot to the other, slowly turning, whilst Javier’s mouth rests just below your temple. 
And then you feel his nose brush against the side of your face as if he is starting to pull away, and a desperate voice inside of you wants to protest but the logical one tells you to go with the flow. The tip of his nose is warm even against your flushing skin, and by instinct, you pull away slightly to admire the gorgeous curve of it up close. Javier interrupts by kissing you instead. He captures your lips in the most drawn-out hot kiss, pouring with desire and devotion. 
“Tell me you love me like I love you,” you plea breathlessly. 
“I love you like you love me,” he tells you without hesitation, squeezing your hand, “Y  les quiero a Lucas y Inés y Sebastian (and I love Lucas and Inés and Sebastian).”
You respond by kissing him again, just about to slide your tongue across his lips and into his mouth when the song ends. 
He reluctantly lets go of you. However, instead of helping you cook breakfast, he starts moving things from one side of the kitchen table to the other; out of your reach. 
“Javi, what are you doing?” You start to protest.
“Let’s make another,” he suddenly says.
“Another?” You furrow your brow in confusion.
“A fourth one,” he explains as he stands in front of you, making you bump into the counter, “Un bebito (a little baby). Right now.” 
“Jesus, Javi,” you can feel his fingers dig into the waistband of your underwear. Blood goes to your core incredibly fast, “Sebastian is four months old.”
“If we start trying now…” His fingers start dragging the fabric down over your ass and thighs, “We’ll have one by next Christmas.”
“We can’t go at it right here,” you scold but don’t try to stop him. Instead, you step out of your underwear as they pool around your feet. 
“I told you,” he reminds you, already sinking to his knees with a self-satisfied look on his face, “That I put on a movie. They won’t even hear you.”
You lean your ass against the counter and then dare to hook a leg over his shoulder whilst balancing on the other. One hand grips the edge of the counter and the other rests on top of his hair, fingers threading through it as you wait patiently for him to put his mouth on you. 
“This your present then?” You tease him, yanking to make him look up at you.
“I think we’re both getting too much out of it to call it your present,” he points out. His eyes go down to stare right between your thighs and you find yourself clenching around nothing as arousal threatens to drip down your thighs, “Joder (fuck), look at you. Can I have it now?”
“Y-yeah,” you stutter. Your teasing has ceased after hearing him swear from just watching your quivering pussy. You swallow thickly, a breath hitching in your throat as Javier’s hand slides up the back of the leg you are standing on until it rests on the back of your thigh. He squeezes and you hold your breath, “Please.” 
He looks up at you through his lashes, no mischief to be found but rather absolute worship, as he closes his mouth around you, velvety tongue sliding between your folds to lap at your clit. You tighten the grip on his hair as heat flows through your lower body, your mouth falling open in a soft gasp. 
“I can’t stand still,” you half-laugh whilst he eats you. Each pulse of your heart can be felt in your clit, which he sucks and laps at until you can’t breathe. He knows how to make you come so fast that blood drains from your head to your cunt and thighs and makes you keen.
“Then don’t, mi amor (my love),” he says matter-of-factly as he pulls back to breathe, hair a mess and chin shiny with your slick, “Fuck yourself onto me, Momma, I know you love that.”
You instantly curl your toes at the suggestion. Javier dives back in, lowers his head slightly to tease your slit with the tip of his filthy tongue. God, the way he can roll those Rs, calling you his love in his mother tongue, translates so well into this. Coming on his face from your own doing? Yes, that’s exactly what you want. 
Without thinking it over much more, you tighten the leg that you slung over Javier’s shoulder earlier around him. With a hand in his hair and the other one tightly around the edge of the kitchen table, you move until Javier’s tongue is sliding inside of you and his nose catches your clit. It sends pleasure rocking down your spine, your pulse spiking instantly as you start working yourself toward orgasm.
“Fuck,” you groan while moving on him, rolling your hips. Your balance is off like this but Javier slides the hand on your thigh up to splay his palm across your side. You lean your body’s weight into his hand and use the support to press harder into his nose, feeling the flutters of an orgasm approaching as the curve of it slides up and down your clit just as you would do it if you were touching yourself, “I’m gonna- ah, gonna come. Fuck, you make me come so hard! Ah–”
Javier makes a satisfied noise against you, stiffening his tongue to let you use it even more. You don’t even need to have him speaking, know that he would tell you to give it to me, and when you finally tip over the edge, you feel him pulling your hand from the kitchen table to entwine your fingers. 
“Fuck, Javi, fuckfuckfuck, baby, don’t stop,” you pant, squeezing his hand so hard that a fleeting thought makes you worry if you might break bone. You ride his tongue, his nose, and come so hard that you make him whimper as you pull at his hair. 
He doesn’t let you go when it dies down. Instead, he slowly rises from the floor and lifts you along with him due to your leg still being slung over his shoulder and back. His mouth doesn’t leave you, even when he falters briefly, as he settles you down on the counter. 
You want to scream but even a movie cannot drown out the noise building in your throat, so you cover your mouth with your free hand. Something besides you falls over, you knock your head into the kitchen cabinets and whereas Javier would’ve checked in on you, he eats your cunt so enthusiastically that you can feel your body wanting to come again.
The whine you let out is sinful with how much you struggle to muffle it. You reach for Javier’s hair but he catches your wrist and pins it down against the tabletop. When you try to reach for it again, this time with your other hand, he does the same until you can’t take the slightest bit of control. 
He makes you come again in less than a minute. It is earth-shattering, causing you to throw your head back and bump it into the cabinet once more. You thrash and cry, burning with pleasure as he hollows his cheeks from sucking your clit.
You start giggling from the dopamine, knowing it’s a better way to get out noise than crying for him. Your legs twitch as he devours the wetness you spill into his mouth.
Finally, he removes his mouth from your sticky mess of a cunt and kisses up under your loose t-shirt until you can’t see his face anymore. He smears your slick across your belly, resting his head just above your belly button, and chuckles. 
“You’re so,” you begin but you don’t know how to finish the sentence. He lets you move your hands again and you proceed to pet the top of his head through the fabric of your shirt.
“Sexy? Devoted? ¿Loco por ti (crazy about you)?” His breathing is uneven.
“I was going to call you a goof,” you correct him, lifting the shirt up to reveal him again. When he lifts his head to roll his eyes at you, you use the hem of your shirt to wipe his mouth and thus make him grimace. 
“What a mom-move,” he teases.
“Shut up,” you laugh.
“I did mean it,” he adds, stretching and placing a palm on the counter on either side of your body, “I’ll cut down on work. I’ll be home more with you and the kids. Just until everything falls into place. We could get a babysitter.”
“I think it could work,” he interrupts, “And if we want any more - kids, I mean - I feel like we should do it now and not wait.”
“Javi,” you reach up to cup his face gently. There’s no need for this conversation now, and there’s no doubt that you want to give him many more children if he wants. Technicalities can be discussed further down the road, and Inés is somewhat already counting for two kids so how should you not be able to handle a fourth? You kiss his lips, keeping your noses touching when you pull back again, “Just fuck me, baby. We can talk about it later.”
“Right,” he blinks his puppy eyes away.
You hungrily watch him pull his cock free from his boxers before stepping between your legs which you wrap around his waist, pulling him closer and moving yourself forward to the edge of the kitchen table. You are itching to feel him inside of you, your body feeling like it is missing something after going this long since you started to feel turned on. 
“Please,” you whine. 
“Relax,” he orders simply as he aligns his hips with yours. The sweet voice from before is gone and there’s no doubt that he’ll start speaking filth soon. You obey and go back to leaning against the cabinets, eyes half-lidded with lust as he runs the head of his cock through your folds in a way that has you whimpering with how sensitive you are.
When you get impatient, you reach down to guide the tip where you want it and shudder as he dips inside of you. He holds your gaze but as you want to look down at where the two of you are connected, he reaches for your chin with a shaky hand. You pant, eyes looking up as he forces your head up again. 
“That’s it,” he praises, holding your chin between his thumb and forefinger while moving forward and pushing into you. Your brows furrow at the stretch of your sensitive cunt but you still manage to hold his gaze despite wanting to close your eyes, and it earns you another praise, “Good girl, thaaat’s it, you focus on me, focus right here.”
When you smile sweetly at his words, he starts moving inside of you. The first roll of his hips makes your mind go blank and your noises climb in pitch. He fucks you against the counter, broad hands sliding up the back of your thighs to rest against the small of your back. It’s relentless, it’s desperate and it’s incredibly hot.
You settle your hands on his biceps, holding on for dear life as he thrusts hard enough to make your touching skin smack with each movement. You look up at the ceiling briefly, wondering if the moans you are letting out can be heard by your kids because Javier’s cock is hitting something inside of you that makes you want to sob. 
“El ruido (the noise)— shit, d-don’t worry about it,” Javier notices your mind drifting to concern, and so he slows down slightly to catch your attention. He kisses your lips between each word and drinks each noise you make from your mouth, “You sound so beautiful for me, amor. Forget about them, they’re fine.”
You nod repeatedly, whining feeble okays when he goes back to the harder thrusts from before, making you grab at his muscles until it’s not enough anymore and you have to dig your nails into them. His harshness makes your full tits bounce underneath the t-shirt too, and you let them until you know what’s coming; the happy chemicals in your body provoke it so often this time around. 
You cover your breasts with your palms and squeeze until you feel your pussy flutter, somehow creating a direct line to your pulsing, untouched clit. You follow it up by tugging slightly on your nipples too, all the while you repeat Javier’s name as if to get his attention, as if to say it in prayer. His gaze drops and his eyes nearly roll back into his skull as you start soaking through your shirt with milk. 
“You filthy girl,” he growls, “Pull it up for me. Lemme see.”
“Fuck, I— I think I’m close,” you half-moan and half-giggle, yanking your t-shirt up and watching the steady trickle of your milk. The way that Javier watches makes your cunt want to pull him in further but you don’t think he can go any deeper, so instead you hold him tightly with your legs so he can only grind roughly into you. 
Your stomach flips as Javier’s expert tongue laps at a trail of milk. He sucks along the streak it has already made until he can close his lips, swollen from kisses, around your nipple. When he sucks, you almost cry for your maker and you swear that you can hear how much wetter you get. 
“Where was this for my cookies last night, huh, Momma?” He asks with milk-stained lips and a smirk, cock touching inside of you just how you want it. 
“You’re so - fuck, baby, I’m gonna come soon - you’re so gross,” your eyes close, your belly tightens and so you concentrate to get there, “What wouldn’t Santa think? Cookies and breast milk?”
Javier laughs genuinely at that and you moan at the feeling of him being inside of you whilst doing it. He shifts so that his hands end up flat against the counter, underneath your knees, and he can lean into you further, “Watch it. Maybe Santa’s a kinky fucker like your husband.”
“My husband,” you repeat as if it’s turning you on just to refer to him like that. Even after years.
“Fuck yes, I’m your husband. Wife,” Javier aims to kiss you hard but the strain on his body to make you come makes him press his lips to your jaw. He continues upwards, mouthing along your chin and cheek. He speaks with ragged breath into the corner of your open mouth.
“Listen to you,” he pants as you reel with pleasure, sweat collecting at his brow. He is concentrating too but he still manages to tease, “Who are you making those pretty noises for?”
“Para tí (for you),” you moan with furrowed eyebrows, “Sólo  para tí, Javi (only for you, Javi).”
“I know— fuck, I know, baby, oh fuck, I can feel you,” he gasps as you clench around him without warning. Everything snaps and then launches into overwhelming spasms that overtake your whole lower body, clenching and unclenching in waves of pleasure. You sob as you come a third time this morning, arms falling to the counter and thighs trembling as you ride it out.
Javier looks like he is in awe as he always does. His pace picks up to near his own peak, and he kisses your mouth before going down your chin, neck, and shoulder, “You’re going to be the death of me, mi amor. You and this pretty pussy… So good at taking my come and making me a Papá.���
You can only cry feebly as he drives his cock in and out of you. The sound sends him into a frenzy, and he makes you whimper at the feeling of him coming inside of your cunt. He twitches with oversensitivity and pulses with each spurt of his warm seed, his breath is shaky and his forehead is against yours. His skin is burning hot, flushing with the way that his heart is hammering in his chest as he contorts his face with a groan of pleasure. It goes on for a moment until he slumps, head falling to your shoulder instead. 
Javier chuckles against the damp and hot skin of your neck from dopamine, pressing a long open-mouthed kiss to it and glancing down at your chest that still heaves for breath. Your gray shirt still sits above your tits and it clings to your body from how it’s been soaked through by your milk. Javier reaches out to circle a flushed nipple with the pad of his thumb, causing your body to shiver. 
“Stop,” you moan through post-coital bliss, not able to do much but rest against the kitchen cabinets. It almost feels like you want to cry in his arms, “Too sensitive.”
Javier removes his hand, “Sorry, mi vida (my life). You okay?”
“Mejoramos cada vez, ¿no? (We get better each time, no?)” You smile lazily. 
He hums in response, agreeing. With his palms flat on the counter, he catches your mouth in a long kiss and you reach up to cup the back of his head. The hair there is sweaty, creating a patch on his shirt right around his neck. 
You want to drown in him, not letting him pull all the way back when he breaks the kiss for air. He rests his nose against your cheek and exhales deeply, “We can’t stay here forever. I gotta fucking sit down too.”
“I need to finish breakfast,” you mumble with your eyes closed as if you’re in the state of being able to do that.
“What you need is a shower,” Javier laughs, kissing the corner of your mouth. He sighs deeply as he stretches to his full height, stepping away from you to let you jump down, “I’ll finish up here. Disinfect the counter, maybe. Then I’ll shower after you.” 
You look at the clock on the kitchen wall before hopping down, “We have a little more than an hour.”
“Think we can manage,” he shrugs. 
You put on the underwear that Javier discarded you of earlier, snapping the elastic as you pull them up over your hips. Javier grins at you, not hiding the way that he is eyeing you up as he puts on his own underwear.
“Wash your hands too, yes?” You tease, leaving him in the kitchen to watch your ass when your back is turned.
“Yes, Mom,” he calls after you.
You try to ignore the feeling of come dripping into your panties as you walk up the stairs, grimacing to yourself and quickly throwing them in the wash along with your shirt when you get into the bathroom. 
The shower spray feels amazing against your skin but nothing feels as good as when you hear Javier talking to Sebastian further down the hall as he gets him out of bed. Even better when you hear him burst the door open to the kids’ playroom, Inés giggling and Lucas following behind as he makes a remark about them being up to something. 
“Who wants to help me and Sebastian make pancakes?” Javier asks. When you close your eyes, you can see Inés and Lucas’ hands shoot up and then you hurry to finish so you can join them as soon as possible. You’ve never given it any real thought but you find that you, too, are exactly where you’re supposed to be.
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andvys · 1 year
Enchanted by you | E.M.
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Warnings: hurt/comfort, slight angst, mostly fluff, mentions of reader being cheated on by her ex boyfriend, Eddie taking care of reader, happy ending
Pairing: Eddie Munson x female reader
Summary: Eddie finds you sitting on bench with tears rolling down your cheeks after your breakup with your boyfriend. He takes matters into his hands and takes care of you, making it one of the best nights of your life.
Word count: 3.4k+
It was a chilly summer night when you had talked to Eddie Munson for the first time. You had known him since middle school but between shy glances and small smiles, you have never really interacted with each other– not because you didn’t want to but because you were, well, too shy. You always wished that he would approach you but he never did, not until now. 
You were sitting on some random park bench with tears rolling down your cheeks, hugging your waist tightly as you looked off into the distance. Your boyfriend had been avoiding you for weeks. You haven’t put much thought into why he was doing it, you thought that he was just busy with work but you didn’t expect him to be cheating on you– that he had been cheating on you for a long time now. You caught him when you came home earlier than you were supposed to, he was sleeping in bed with another girl in his arms, in the apartment you were supposed to move in with him now that you were finally back in Hawkins again. You broke up with him the same day. 
You were heartbroken, shocked and confused. You loved him, he was your first love, your first boyfriend, your first everything– the one you planned a future with. You thought that you were happy together, that he was happy with you but obviously he wasn’t, he had already found someone better, someone he didn’t even bother hiding after you had broken up with him. 
Tonight, you were supposed to have a girls night with Nancy but instead she and Robin had the brilliant idea to drag you to Tina’s party who was back in town as well after her trip to europe. After getting drunk on beer, you walked up the stairs, searching for a bathroom, instead you walked in on your now ex-boyfriend, undressing his new girl. You were caught off guard at first, you even apologized for disturbing the pair before you realized who you walked in on.
Eddie had seen you storming out of the house with an angry look on your face and tears rolling down your cheeks. He followed you out. When you took a seat on the bench, he gave you a moment to yourself before he decided to walk over to you. You didn’t see him coming, you were too busy crying and trying to calm your shakiness. 
He looked around, taking a nervous breath before he stepped closer to you. 
“Hey, uh– are you okay?” 
Startled, you flinched at the sound of his voice, you looked up at him with wide eyes. A flustered expression took over your face and you quickly turned away to wipe your tears, “h-hi, yeah, I’m okay.”
You lied. He knew you did. He sighed as he sat down beside you, he took off his jacket when he noticed how much you were shivering. 
“Here, you are shaking like a leaf.” 
After doing your best to wipe away the streaks of mascara on your cheeks, you sniffled and looked back up at him. 
Your eyes were glassy and a little puffy, your lips were set in a frown, you looked miserable and yet, you were still the most beautiful girl to him, just like you always were. 
“No, you’re gonna be cold, Eddie.” 
His heart fluttered and his eyes widened in surprise, he gaped at you. He wasn’t even sure if you would remember him in the first place, you both graduated four years ago and even then, you never really talked to each other, he wouldn’t have been surprised if you wouldn’t even remember or know his name, at all. 
He shook his head, “I got a long sleeve on, it’s fine, please put it on,” he whispered and held his jacket out for you. 
Eddie was practically a stranger, yet he was kinder than your boyfriend ever was. You don’t remember if he actually ever gave you his jacket. You pushed your arms through the sleeves and wrapped the jacket around you, embracing the warmth, “thank you,” you whispered. 
He smiled at you and at the way you looked in his leather jacket. For a moment, neither of you spoke, you looked down, avoiding his eyes. If it were anyone else beside you, you would have probably jumped up and left but for some reason, he gave you an odd sense of comfort, one that felt familiar. 
“So, you remember me?” He asked in curiosity after a few minutes of comfortable silence, pushing the sleeves of his shirt up. 
Your eyes locked with his and your brows furrowed a little as your lips curled into a slight smile, “of course I remember you, you always held doors open for me and you always waved at me in the parking lot.” 
He squinted his eyes and tilted his eyes as he began to smile, “you remember that?” 
“Yeah,” you breathed. It was the highlight of your day, getting a smile and a cute little wave from Eddie Munson. 
“Huh,” he mumbled and leaned back, staring at you, he noticed how much you have changed. Your hair has grown longer, your style has changed, you were still wearing your beloved dresses and skirts but it seemed as though you had found a new color palette, your clothes were darker now but it suited you. You have grown since your teenage years, you were always a sight for sore eyes but now you were just something else. 
You have been away for a while, gone for college. He always looked out for you when he knew that Nancy was in town during breaks knowing that you were most likely here as well but he only ever saw you briefly, much to his dismay. Eddie had the biggest crush on you since middle school, one that somehow never left no matter how much time has passed. When he heard that you graduated college and were coming back to Hawkins, he couldn’t help but feel excited, only to feel disappointment rushing through him when he found out that you were still dating the same jock you have been with since high school. 
He always hated him. 
He hated the way he showed you off, the way he treated you like you were nothing but arm candy, the way he got to hold your hand, the way he got to have a piece of your heart. He hated that he had you. 
“You’ve changed.” 
Your voice pulled him out of his thoughts, raising his brows, he looked back into your eyes to find you staring at him. 
“Me?” Eddie asked as he felt himself blushing. 
You nodded, your eyes skipped over his face before they moved down to his neck, his shoulders that got much broader, his left arm adorned with more tattoos. 
“You have more tattoos!” You exclaimed, trying to hide the fact that you were checking him out. 
He chuckled a little, “yeah, got them done last year.” 
“I love that one,” you said, pointing to the dragon. 
“You do?” He asked, smiling as he watched you staring at his tattoos. You scooted closer to him to see them better. His heart fluttered in his chest when he smelled your sweet perfume. 
“Yeah,” you whispered, “I always wanted one too– a tattoo I mean but I never knew what I wanted a-and Josh never liked tattoos on women,” you frowned after mentioning your boyfriend again. 
Eddie rolled his eyes internally, he just added another reason to the list of why he should hate that man. 
“Well, Josh shouldn’t have to say in what you do to your body, sweetheart.” 
You placed your hands on your lap and looked back up at him, “no?” 
“But he was my boyfriend.” 
He blinked, straightening up, he could already feel the joy rushing through him, “it’s still your body, you do whatever you want with it because it’s yours! You can go get tattoos– as many as you want! You can change your hair however you want, you can change your clothes, your whole life, you gotta do whatever you wanna do!” 
A giggle fell from your lips, your eyes lit up as did his when he heard your cute laughter. 
“You’ll still be the most metal girl out there!” 
“Most metal?” You giggled again, blushing at his words. 
“Hell yeah!” He grinned, “I always thought you were the coolest girl– still are, by the way.” 
“Thanks,” you whispered, you played with your fingers nervously, “I always thought the same thing about you.”
His eyes widened again, his heart jumped in his chest and he stared at you for a moment. The girl he crushed on for years, even after not seeing her for years, felt the same way about him?
“Even when people called me a freak and whatnot?” 
You frowned at his words and rolled your eyes, “they were assholes, you were never a freak– but hey, my friend, Jonathan. He always said ‘being a freak is the best’. All the other people are normal and boring, you aren’t, you’re cool, the best.” 
Eddie was a little taken aback by your words, why did he take so long to talk to you? His gaze softened the longer he looked at you, your eyes were still glassy– what did he do to you?
“You’re a freak too then ‘cause you’re kinda the best too you know?” He smiled, “I remember when you dumped spaghetti over Jason’s head after he had said something mean to Henderson.” 
You cupped your mouth as you laughed, “that was an impulsive decision,” you said. 
He threw his head back in laughter, “that was the best decision!”
“I did it for you as well!” You blurted. 
Your cheeks heated up, “I-I did it for you. He said something mean about you.” 
Eddie wasn’t sure what he was feeling, it was a mix of joy and comfort– you defended him? 
“Really?” He asked as he calmed from his laughter, putting his arm on the back of the bench, he subtly scooted closer, “you did it for me?” 
You nodded. 
A soft smile appeared on his face, his heart fluttered for the millionth time tonight. 
“See, you’re the best,” he whispered as he raised his hand towards your face, brushing away a single strand of hair behind your ear. He smiled to himself when you blushed. Cute. 
“Who made you cry, pretty girl?”
The nickname made your stomach flutter. It was so new, yet it felt so familiar. 
“I broke up with Josh,” you mumbled as your eyes welled up with tears again, “h-he cheated on me a-and now he’s with her, like we weren’t together for years.” 
Eddie frowned at your words, sadness rushed through him for you and anger for him. How could he have you and choose someone else? How could he have the best thing and throw it away just like that? 
“I saw him with her and it’s like, I never even mattered to him.” 
Tears rolled down your cheeks and it made his heart hurt to see you like this. He wanted to go back inside the house, find him and punch him for breaking your heart but instead, he opened his arms for you to which you instantly let yourself fall into his embrace. Eddie hugged you tightly and rubbed your back softly. 
You sniffled quietly and wrapped your arms around his waist. 
“He’s the biggest idiot, sweetheart,” he whispered as he laid his cheek on the top of your head, “I can imagine how much it hurts you but you were way too good for him, he never even deserved you in the first place. He’s one of those boring assholes who take everything and everyone for granted. I always wondered what you were doing with someone like him.” 
He heard your sniffles and it just made him want to punch him even more. 
“He is gonna come crawling back and I’ll gladly kick his ass for you, sweetheart.” 
“I’m gonna kick his ass too.” 
“Yeah?” He smiled, “we can kick his ass together, how dare he hurt the most amazing girl?” 
You pulled back a little, only far enough so you can see his face again. A gasp made it’s way up your throat when you realized just how close you were. His eyes were shining, flickering with something as he stared down at you. 
“I’m not the most amazing girl.” 
He frowned, “yes you are,” he whispered, “I think we should discuss that over a few milkshakes.” 
Your eyes lit up and despite the tears in your eyes, you smiled, “really?”
“Yeah,” he chuckled, letting go of you, he already missed your body against his but he offered you his hand as he got up, “come on.” 
You wiped your tears and stared into his eyes before you finally placed your hand in his. 
“Let’s go, princess.” 
“Let’s go,” you repeated after him, giggling. 
Instead of spending the night at the diner, you and Eddie ended up driving up to the lookout, sitting in the back of his van, you were still wearing his jacket as you drank your strawberry milkshake and talked to him like it wasn’t the first time. Hours have passed and the night seemed nowhere near the end, you could sit here with him forever. 
“I didn’t think you’d still be here.” 
“Where’d you think I’d be?”
You shrugged, “thought you’d live your dream in Los Angeles, I always thought you would actually become a rockstar.” 
Eddie’s eyes lit up and a grin formed on his face, “I’m flattered you think I’m good enough to be a rockstar.” 
“You have an amazing voice and you're basically a guitar god with the way you move your fingers!”
Eddie couldn’t even help but smirk at your words, especially after seeing the flustered look on your face and the panicked look in your eyes. 
“I-I mean, you move them so quickly– stop looking at me like that!” 
He chuckled and ducked out of the way when you threw a fry at him, “where’s your mind at, sweetheart?” 
You blushed even deeper, “where’s your mind at?” 
“Not where yours is!” He chuckled, “but hey, thank you, I’m flattered, really.” 
“You’re welcome, Eddie,” you smiled. “What happened to the band?” 
“Oh, we’re still playing every Tuesday!” 
“Yeah! You should come watch us play.” 
“I will,” you smiled as you watched the way his eyes lit up. 
“Cool,” he whispered, nodding to himself as his eyes flickered with joy, “I-I’m not a rockstar but I still work with music so that’s nice.” 
“At the record store, right?” 
He leaned forward, he looked at you curiously, “yeah, how’d you know?” 
“Robin told me.” 
“Oh, you talk about me, huh?” He asked, wiggling his brows. 
“Maybe,” you shrugged, fighting off the smile as you looked down, “I should come by sometime, I heard that the manager is really hot.” 
He frowned at first, tilting his head as he stared at you in question, his curls fell to the side. He looked so cute. 
“But I’m the manager–” he cut himself off, his eyes widened and before he could play it cool or smirk at you, his cheeks turned bright red. Too cute. “Oh!”
You were flirting with him. His heart skipped a beat and his stomach fluttered with butterflies. 
“Y-You think I’m hot?” He smirked.
Ridiculously hot. Here he was with his beautiful brown eyes and his pretty curls, rings on his fingers, tattoos littering his pale skin, the prettiest voice you had ever heard and a cologne that made you dizzy– he looked like a bad boy but he was the sweetest guy you had ever been in the presence of. 
“I always thought you were hot,” you admitted shyly.
He placed the takeaway cup down and scooted closer to you, “why do I just find out now?” 
You bit your lip and shrugged, “I-I didn’t think that you– I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable,” you stuttered. 
Eddie’s eyes softened, even in the darkness, he could see the uncertainty in your eyes, the shy look on your face. He reached for your hand and you gladly placed it in his. He smiled and laced your fingers together, squeezing your hand. 
“Sweetheart, you could never make me uncomfortable,” he whispered, “I know this might not be the right time to say this but, I was always fucking crazy about you, you could have dumped those spaghetti on me instead of Carver and I’d still have a big crush on you.” 
Your eyes widened in surprise and a giggle tore from your lips, “I would never do this to you!” 
He laughed, tugging you closer to him, “I know you wouldn’t, sweet girl. I’m just saying, I-I wish I had the courage to do something about my feelings back then but I was scared, w-we didn’t really talk and you knew about my reputation, I was too scared that you’d reject me but shit, I wish I would have just asked you out before that asshole came along. I would’ve treated you like a queen.” 
Your features softened and you placed your other hand over his, squeezing it gently. 
His eyes flickered down to your lips, he stared at them longingly, like he had always dreamed of kissing you– he did. 
His heart was racing in his chest, “I still would if you let me,” he whispered and looked back into your eyes, “I-I know you just got out of a long relationship but I– we don’t have to do anything, we can just–”
“I’ll let you.”
His pupils flared and a huge smile appeared on his face after the moment of shock simmered away. 
“You will?” He asked excitedly. 
You nodded, smiling at the beautiful man in front of you. You let him pull you closer by your waist until you’re in between his legs, his face just mere inches away from yours. He moved his hands up your arms, staring at the way his jacket hugs your frame, he brushed your hair back and cupped your cheek. 
“Hi,” he whispered, his nose bumping into yours causing you both to giggle. 
“Hi Eddie,” you whispered. 
He felt like he was enchanted by your beauty, by your voice, by you. He always was, from the first moment he had laid his eyes on you. He was enchanted by you and he loved it. 
He stared at you for what felt like forever– he could admire you forever and he would be content with just doing that. He traced your cheek with his thumb and looked into the eyes that were filled with tears earlier– now they showed nothing but peace and happiness, it made him happy. 
This morning, he woke up, made himself a cup of coffee before work and got ready. It was a normal day as always– if he would’ve just known that the girl of his dreams would be in his arms later that night, he would’ve left the house with the biggest smile on his face. 
“I always thought you were the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen,” he whispered as he admired you.
Your pupils widened and a small gasp left your lips, your heart fluttered the way it never had before. 
He leaned closer and kissed your cheek, “you’re an angel.”
“I always thought you were the most beautiful boy,” you whispered back, making him smile. 
“Yeah,” you smiled as you mimicked his actions and leaned in to kiss his cheek, letting your lips linger for a second. 
If you could, you would hear his heart racing like crazy. 
“The most beautiful girl should be with the most beautiful boy, don’t you think?” He asked as he leaned in to kiss your other cheek. You smelled like the strawberry milkshake you just had, it made him want to kiss you even more. 
You smiled at each other, happily. 
Right now, you weren’t in pain, you weren’t thinking about anyone but him, you were happy, content and excited for the future, just like he was. 
He leaned his forehead against yours and continued to hold your cheeks. 
“The hot record store manager and the sexy journalist, sounds perfect to me.” 
You giggled.
“I can write stories about you,” you smiled.
“No sweetheart, you can write stories about us.” 
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