#i love kaz bro
mushed-kid · 1 year
rewatching lab rats elite force because im obsessed
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kamurawaffles5684 · 2 months
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hauntsthenarrative · 5 months
y'all im fucking tweaking bc why is the actor for Rigel in that new Wattpad Netflix movie look exactly like book Kaz Brekker im screaming MISSED OPPORTUNITY
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thiefofcrows · 25 days
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Plotted starter for @lostxtosunlight
       It had been two months since Yuki had officially taken the crow and cup tattoo and joined the Dregs. Raito hadn’t tried to bother them again — Kaz assumed he was too busy with doctor prescribed physical therapy. The thought shouldn't have given him so much satisfaction. Yuki, on the other hand, had spent his time training diligently and taking on jobs here and there as he grew more confident in his skills. They’d begun of course with hand-to-hand combat training and it was clear he already had some skill to begin with. As Yuki grew physically stronger, fighting him became more of a challenge.
       Once Kaz felt satisfied with that progress, he'd introduced knives into the equation — which, much to his delight, Yuki already had significant practice in that area as well. They'd been working on various strategies. Kaz gave Yuki insight into hiding at least two knives in his clothes at all times — which, given the keen way in which Yuki paid attention and, eventually, mastered it, it reminded him of when they were children. Kaz excidedly showing Yuki a new magic trick he'd been practicing, Yuki attempting it himself, Kaz simply delighted to have someone who did more than just feel an obligation to indulge him.
       The art of throwing knives effectively had been next and that took some time — it wasn't an easy skill to learn by any means, but just like with everything else so far, Yuki could eventually hit his target effectively with every throw. The more his skills developed, the more confident in himself he became ... and whatever tender things Kaz felt for Yuki before seemed to grow louder, more insistent. They became more of a heated smouldering thing that was difficult for Kaz to discern the meaning of — but with every stirring, he simply shut it down, burying it deeper.
       Unfortunately for Kaz, it didn't matter; those feelings somehow seemed to rise to the surface again and again. While he always ignored it when he saw it, Yuki's dark eyes often contained something a little heated and inquisitive — as if Kaz were a fascinating puzzle to solve. He wanted it to stop and he wanted Yuki to keep digging deeper simultaneously. It filled him with a sense of dread, terror and desire.
       Now, they were half way through training, having graduated to using Yuki's skill with knives along with hand-to-hand combat. He was slower today, seeming drained — and all Kaz had the mind to do was push him. At one point he swiped one of the training knives from Yuki's hand and dragged him close by the shirt with the other. He slid the training knife along his waist, giving an approximation of stabbing Yuki through the gut.
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       ❝In a fight, the enemy will use any excuse, any opening to gain the upper hand. You don't have the luxury of taking it easy because you're not feeling your best. You have to ignore it, grit your teeth and push through. It's either that or you die.❞ Kaz let go of Yuki's shirt, his fist briefly pressing into the others chest just enough to nudge him back as he did so. ❝ Again. Try not to get fatally stabbed this time.❞
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tklpilled · 1 month
fuck it joe tazuna hcs
-hes very fun switch and he can go from one to the other in seconds
-he loves playfully tickling people any time he gets the chance. he's the person who pokes your side when you reach for something or drags his finger up your sole when you're laying down
-sara and ryoko are the biggest victims (because he has no other friends lol)
-he doesn't give many compliments out loud. he thinks "omg youre so cute" and then gets too embarrassed to actually say it
-he's sosososo ticklish himself though. i think his ribs are his worst spot but everywhere gets at least a little reaction
-but even so he loves pretending he's not ticklish. he'll try so hard to keep from laughing and he never lasts long
-he's so dramatic ab it too. "i trusted you....you betrayed me......." ok romeo wrap it up
-cannot take a single thing he dishes out. or anything else. every tease will get him hiding his (very very red) face and every touch has him squirming away
-he knows he'll get tickled as revenge but it will not stop him!! he loves being playful w his gfs
-he loves tickling sara at random especially bc she doesn't smile enough and also she snorts and he thinks its really funny
-if you compliment him (in general, not even necessary tickling related) he'll turn red and tell you to cut it out because it's embarrassing and then change the subject
-it's obvious that he loves tickling, both as a lee and ler, but he will never admit it for either side
-in sorta the same vein, if someone confesses that they like it and then ask "so you don't think i'm weird??" his response is "well YEAH i think youre weird but not for that"
-never ever turn your back to him bc he will sneak up and poke you and make you scream
-(if anyone does it back to him he gets all pouty)
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kaijusmart · 9 months
Tired and on a train right now but im thinking about raiden sooo much. I love mgs2 its a horror trans allegory to me
Raiden is so transfem imo. Shes been forced into this masculine roll her whole life and it comes to a head in mgs2 when shes placed in the huge role of solid snake. Now snake himself doesn’t even embody this huge macho persona hes made out to be. “The perfect soldier” solidified by shadow moses and only “corrupted afterwards. Raiden is forced to take on this overwhelming masculine role, a test subject meant to be the next generation of unstoppable strong men.
Raiden’s story is one of a struggle with self identity and being able to live a life for himself, and this can be read trans or cis, but its so so interesting for me to read it as trans. Going along with the headcanon that solid snake is transmasc, taking control of his genes as “the failed twin” and forging his own life; his speech to raiden at the end of mgs2 feels like an older trans person giving advice to someone who hasn’t realized themself yet. Live your own life, find out who you are, we dont determine what the next generation is all we can do is bring them into a better more understanding world. Dont try to be me and dont let them force you to be me. Its ok to not be masculine. (Sidenote this speech and the one at the end of mgs1 is what makes mgs4 so out of place and terrible but thats another conversation)
Anyway long story short i really love raiden as transfem. I think it fits well with her storyline, making her own identity, and breaking away from this deadly masculine roll shes been forced into her whole life.
Wrapping back around to mgs2 being a horror game to me, it feels like the culmination of a psychological horror story. Cant site specifics rn cause i havent been through the whole game in a while, but raidens story feels like a constant disconnect of identity (for trans and trauma reasons). Mgs2 is a scheme created specifically to shatter Raiden into the mold they want for her. Psychological horror meant to make her question her personality, her reality, and her choices. That can be used as a very good allegory to going through the most internally violent depressive depersonalization period before coming to terms with your identity.
Setting aside the rest of her story for a minute, i think after mgs2 she takes a little while to figure herself out. She was already a little femmy before and doesnt change much. Imo shes transfem nonbinary specifically. I think she prefers to be a bit androgynous it makes her feel good. But she gets more comfortable with openly wearing more fem stuff, and allowing herself to be more vunerable with herself and others. She gets happier :) she figures it out
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autisticbiologistmess · 6 months
I love little miau miaus as much as the next person, but damnnnnn these emotionally constipated men need to put on some pants
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tabl3 · 2 years
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they’re in love and I think that’s pretty neat tbh
cheesy romance that makes me feel single??? cheesy romance that makes me feel single.
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greedbent · 1 year
❛  are ya sure yer okay, bro?  ❜ HAHAHAHA
@yukikorogashi || Five Word Sentence Starters
Did this...? Did this child just refer to him as "bro"?
Momentarily, Kaz is bemused into silence. A man with such strict control over his expressions—guaranteeing he give nothing away he does not intend on giving away—trips in more than just one instance here. He's messy, first in giving the girl any reason for concern at all when his lips involuntarily twist in discomfort, and second in the present, as he's left blinking in disbelief at what he swears he's heard correctly—
Which somehow doesn't make it any more believable she actually said it.
He shifts where his shoulder's pressed against the alcove, missing his cane now more than ever. As a hand discreetly massages the muscles in his thigh, Kaz sets his jaw and shakes his head. "I'll be more 'okay' once you've scurried off," he exhales through his teeth, simultaneously straightening up to test his weight on that leg again. "So be a good girl and run along, now."
And it's not a suggestion.
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I will never, Ever, stop talking about episode 4's feral kaz. And THAT SMIRKKKK 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌. UNHINGED, FERAL KAZ IS THE MOMENT.
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elliskat08 · 1 year
MiFo Lore-
Fox: Miller-?
Miller: …Yes?
Fox: Don’t be mad but…I went into your office and-
Miller: …For what?
Fox: I was…trying to draw something and…I kind of left my book there?
Miller: So you went into my office to get your book…?
Fox: Well…that’s the thing…it’s still there…?
Miller: Oh, you mean this one? *pulls out pink notebook with the words “Fox Things” on it*
Miller: …no but…I was thinking about it…
Miller: …I think I’ll keep it-
Fox: WHAT? NO!
Miller: I think- *runs away laughing*
*Fox chases him while screaming “give it back” and such until stopping*
Fox: *panting*
Miller: Alright, here. *holds out book*
Fox: OH MY GOD THANK- *Miller quickly moves the notebook*
Miller: I’ll be keeping this, you can use this now. *hands over empty notebook*
Fox: …thanks…*takes notebook with irritation*
Miller: Now…how about drawing something for me hm?
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ult-mechanic · 1 year
“Man, I really love Haj.”
The mechanic had blurted that in a moment of contentment, after his fit of laughter subdued, putting him at enough ease to let his tongue loose. That wasn’t what he’d intended to say, but it only served to make him laugh some more.
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“I know we were just making fun of his awkward ass, but…” Legs crossed, his chuckles died down into thoughtful silence as he glanced at the ground, a small smile tugging on his lips. “Listen, I love all my friends, but Haj… Haj is different. He’s not just my friend, he’s my soul bro. I call him that ‘cause, it feels like his soul and my soul are bros, y’know? Like, I can feel my soul go ‘Haj! Bestie!! Hajime!!!’ every time I see him, even if he‘d only been gone for a minute to use the restroom.” He slumped back on the floor, hands outstretched. “If I don’t get buried next to him when I die, I’m not dying.”
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itsamebutnotmario · 2 years
⚠️CONTENT WARNING ⚠️: brief mentions of sex trafficking, murder, mafia stuff, gambling addictions, alt rigt groups and arson.
A modern au for SoC would HAVE to include some fucked up shit like Kaz losing everything to a mob boss at a young age and proceeding to join the rival gang aspiring to beat said mob boss and take the city for himself. Inej being a victim of sex trafficking and then becoming like this badass hacker who goes after sex traffickers and leaks all their dirty stuff after being rescued by Kaz (not out of goodness of his heart. As an investment, obviously) and working with him. Jesper being a uni student with a gambling addiction who got in debt with the Wrong People and had to join Kaz not to get killed or whatever. Matthias being like this reformed alt right chan dude who used to work with a supremacist group attacking whatever the grisha equivalent would be in our world. Nina being an activist for grisha rights and somehow ending up stuck with matthias somewhere and the rest is history. Wylan as this runaway child of a corrupt politician who knows a little too much about bombs and was kidnapped by Kaz as a hostage, but then actually joined the gang to spite his dad and take him and people like him down bc the people gang ended up being more of a family than his biological dad ever was.
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rantaroamamifuturegf · 2 months
Crushing headcanons!!
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A/N: Been playing Dr2 again and Fuyuhiko<3, Fuyuhiko’s one is a bit longer than the others so bc I got too into it and yes spelling do exist in this
Plot: Fuyuhiko & Rantaro & Shuichi crushing on GN!Reader
Characters being used: Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Rantaro Amami, Shuichi Saihara
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He noticed immediately and started to purposely avoid you for his sake of not making a fool of himself in front of you and If he wasn’t able to avoid you he’ll just act like he doesn’t give a shit about you and would purposely be rude to you
Peko would notice this right away but at the first she just assumed that he didn’t like you in general but once she noticed that he would ignore you and avoid you, she knew something was up
She would question him about it and bro would completely shut her down about the thought and tell her you were just so annoying he wanted to not be near you and he thought she brought the excuse
She didn’t buy it for shit
He finally given up and told her about you and his feelings, she would just tell him to confess but he would tell her it more easier when you say it than do it
He obviously shuts her down about the idea of confessing to you and just says he’ll continue to treat you the same way he usually does until the feelings goes away
It never did, if anything the feelings grew more and more
Peko finally convinced him to at least try talking to you normally and he did but he couldn’t help be still be rude to even if he was just trying to start a simple conversation and you replied with a dry answer or was thinking of what to say did too long
It’s just that feels like he’s making a fool of himself seeing you act so calmly while he��s the one freaking out the inside
It did kind of annoy him how calm you were being like why did it had to be him flipping out on the inside and not you
He complained to Peko about it and she told him to practice talking to you like look in the mirror and pretend talking to you or see her as you and try talking to you
He did try it but got to embarrassed and just straight up stopped but right after that he somehow was able to have a normal conversation with you without getting mad or being rude to you
Peko told him to confess to you since he was now finally able to talk to you but he had to remind her he just befriended you and it would be too fast
plus he didn’t know how to but we ain’t gonna talk abt that
He didn’t really bring you gifts or anything that much of the matter but if you both had different classes, he would def sometimes wait for the bell to ring and pick you up from your class and walk you to your next one
If Kaz said anything about the way how he treated you he’ll quickly shut him up before he can even finish his sentence
Might tell you how he’s unsure if he really wanted to take the yakuza life or not since he trusts you and wants your opinion on his thoughts
Doesn’t try to be too vulnerable around you but also doesn’t try to be too vauge with you either
DEFINITELY FOR SURE keeps Teruteru away from you, last thing he want to hear is bro making the unexpected unnecessary perverted theory about you and doesn’t want to see him flirting with you anyways so if you ever question him about it he’ll just say Teruteru is being more perverted today than he usually is
Once he feels ready and once Peko gives him some confidence and says she believes you feel the same way. he’ll confess to you.
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Bro didn’t even noticed that he had feeling for you, like he just thought the feeling were just a feeling of being near someone you really care about as a friend but no it more
He wasn’t really used to feeling that way about someone since he usually treated everyone like their his little siblings or just friends or close friends but when he first started feeling this way about you it just didn’t feel like a friendship or family kind of love
Was really confused about it and didn’t want to immediately just to conclusions and believe he has feelings for you so he just kept believing he saw you as just a closer friend than he does to others
That act went on for a bit til you started being physically affectionate in a platonic way, such as placing a hand on his shoulder and sitting a bit more closer to him than usual he kept his cool on the outside but the inside of him was a mess
After mentally shutting out the thought with all his might, he finally came to the conclusion that he had feelings for you and didn’t know exactly what to do with it
He didn’t want to confess right away and just gave the thought some time so instead he’ll start being you small gifts from his travels
Would definitely ask you if you would like to come along and travel with him, and say he’ll bring you to amazing places across the world or just bring to where you pacifically want to go
He would get awkwardly embarrassed if someone called him or said he looked like a womanizer in front of you since he didn’t want to look bad in front of you
Definitely tells you about his sisters and asks if you would like to help him look for them, he would be really happy if you did say yes to it
He would do lightly teasing and say how his sisters would love you and how his family would love you but in the end would call it light jokes or just teasing
He doesn’t know when or how to confess to you so for right now he’ll just hope you’ll eventually feel the same way and once he’s 100% sure you feel the same he’ll confess to you.
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He didn’t notice it right away
Like he just assumed you being so nice and caring towards him just made him feel embarrassed and what not so he just ignored the feelings
But they kept coming back and every time when he’s near you and when you complimented him, he can’t but feel a heart warning feeling in his chest and feel flustered around you
Not for long he came to the conclusion that he liked you in a romantic way but he felt really bad for it, he was insecure about himself and how others viewed him while you were someone that everyone enjoys being around and he felt like him having feelings for you would ruin your friendship
So he kept it to himself as pry that nobody will ever catch on
Kaede and Kaito catch on real fast
Kaede was so excited when she founded out he had feelings for you and would telling him to confess right away and would say that both of you look cute together
He was flustered by the idea of him and you being together but the idea of you two being a cute couple just made him feel even more happy of them though
Unlike Kaede, Kaito didn’t tell him to confess right away but instead would try to give Shuichi some confidence about asking you out and would tell him he shouldn’t feel bad for a having crush on you and would tell him to ask you
Obviously he appreciated both of them trying to help him but he told them he wasn’t mentally ready to ask you out yet
If you and him aren’t that close of friends he’ll definitely admire you from afar, will absolutely hate it if Miu or Kokichi caught him and called him out on it
He would sometimes write little love poems about you but would never give them to you and kept it in a small notebook, Kaede would definitely tell him to give it to you or let her give to you. He obviously shut down the idea
If he gets too into a poem and seems really long, he’ll end up reading it later and cringe at his own love notes for you
Kaito would help him out by trying to get you two to become closer friends and would invite you to workouts with him and Maki and Shuichi
Would convince Maki and then purposely leave you and him alone together, bro was not ready to be alone with you and he felt nervous and excited about it at the same time
After Kaito done that over a couple of times more, both you and him got closer and he was actually starting to feel a bit more comfortable and confident when talking and asking you to hang out
He would die happily if you just started physically touching him in a platonic way, just simple gestures like putting a hand over his or sitting closer would lowkey just make his day lol
He wouldn’t confess to you even if he feels mentally right and has the right confidence and feels that you feel the same way because he’ll still have his doubts and think you deserve better so in the end it’s either you confess or he’ll have it wait til some of his friends actually make him do it
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 8 months
Six of Crows characters x Parks and Rec quotes part two (I have so many of these you guys I love them so much)
Nina: You know my code. Hoes before bros. Uteruses before duderuses. Ovaries before brovaries
Matthias: Jogging is the worst. I know it keeps you healthy, but God, at what cost?
Pekka Rollins: it’s a white flag, and you better start waving it
Rollins: … Good Lord
Jesper: One person's annoying is another person's inspiring and heroic
Wylan: I don't want to be overdramatic, but today felt like a hundred years in hell and the absolute worst day of my life
Kaz: I have never taken the high road. But I tell other people to 'cause then there's more room for me on the low road
Inej when she breaks Van Eck’s nose: I believe assault should be legal if the person is a jerk
Kaz: Ugh, I hate talking to people about things
Inej to Pekka at the end of Crooked Kingdom: Yes, I am a hunter and it's you season
Wylan: I totally hear you, but, erm, I also don't like what you're saying. So if you say no, I will start a fire in the bathroom
Kaz to Inej: I guess I kind of hate most things. But I never really seem to hate you
Kaz: I only really listen to, like, German Death Reggae and Halloween sound effects records from the 1950s. And Bette Midler. Obviously
Matthias arriving in the Barrel for the first time: This seems like the kind of place where a Ska band would go to shoot heroin
Nina: I'm gonna get drunk and then I'm gonna order a three-course meal where each course is made of dessert
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lady-ashfade · 1 year
i saw your taking requests! how about yandere kaz brekker whos in loove with reader but she kinda thinks he's a monster (cause u know he's dirtyhands etc.), how would he try to change her mind? would he try at all? how would he treat her? any plot you want really, all love to you!
Yandere Kaz Brekker HC’S
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Dark!Yandere!kaz brekker x reader.
Sorry for the late reply…today has not been the best. BUT THIS IS HELPING ME! SO BE PREPARED FOR KAZZEL DAZZEL!
If any of you want a small fic, drabble of this kaz then please! Give me some.
Dead dove do not eat.
Warnings: Yandere actions, blood, gore, obsession, protectiveness, stalking, and much more. Him being dirtyhands. Dark!yandere.
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You, beautiful darling will be so right. Kaz brekker is a monster, one that is yours.
Dirtyhands? Bastard of the barrel? Is feral for you.
But he wants nothing more then for you to be happy, safe and sound. That’s good right? It is when he doesn’t go to the lengths he does.
But let’s talk about yandere kaz for a minute, the good things…
Will get you anything your hearts desires.
He gets you so many gifts, like you can’t keep track. When he learns that you like something it’s gotten…Stolen.
You want a new dress? Boom, it’s your favorite color and size just for you. That pretty necklace you looked at in the market? Oh, it’s on your window.
You want the actual hearts of someone who wronged you? You will have it, he will rip it out himself.
You will be followed and protect at every second. Inej and guards he hired to follow you everywhere, even if you don’t know that they are there.
Kaz would treat you …Like money. Craving more. Doing anything to get it. You are his darling.
Would he try and change her mind? Would he even try at all?
Kaz wants you to know his deep love for you. That he would go to any lengths for you. If you think he’s a monster then that’s okay. Because he will never change, ever.
Maybe there’s pride in him that you’re just a little scared of him. Because then you wouldn’t cross him.
But at the same time he will try and show you that he means you no harm. That you, are the light of his life and only others will feel the wraith of Dirtyhands.
So he treats you well, at times.
I think kaz will trap you somewhere, maybe a house just for you to have a live happily but you can not leave. You can have a garden for you to go outside. But you try and escaped? You’re going to be chain up in a room, only a mattress under you until you beg him.
Until you understand that this is for the best and that you are his.
Yandere kaz is over the top and maybe one of the most scary if I’m being honest. You’ve seen how he takes revenge and protects the ones he loves already. But add yandere to the mix? Mans the walking ripper.
He keeps you away from everyone and comes to visit you every day. Guards around ever nook and cranny. Put you have everything you ever want or need there.
And, he knows you might get lonely sometimes so maybe a cat? Or a dog to help with that. Also the only people he lets see you are the crows, but they have their limits.
If you were ever kidnapped somehow..
Bro goes crazy as shit. Will blow the city up just looking for you. He will not sleep or eat until he finds you.
When he finds out where you have been taken then it’s war. He will torture the living bastards for it, and if you are hurt? Them that’s each wound their families will take.
Sorry I’m getting to much into this. But yandere kaz is just so dark to me.
Though after all this, you are his and he knows. You can take as long as you need because you both have forever. And he will be waiting until you except it.
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