#i love past life aus but i can never turn them into full fledged fics
dumplingsjinson · 2 years
List of “we’ve met before in another life, haven’t we?” prompts
“I swear I’ve seen you before…” “And I have no recollection of seeing you before.” 
“I… I don’t want to lose you again. Not in this life, too.” “You won’t, I promise.”
“Why do I feel like I know you?” 
“It’s me. Don’t you… Don’t you remember?” 
“It’s funny how history’s repeating itself and I’m falling for you all over again even though I promised myself I would never fucking do that again after all the shit you put me through back then.” 
“I’m going to make you remember who I am — who I was to you.” 
“Remember when we promised each other we’d meet at this exact same spot if we ever met each other again in another life?” “…Yeah, I don’t remember that. I’m sorry.” 
“Who the fuck are you? I have never met you before.” “Are you sure about that?” 
“They just… Seem so familiar but I can’t put my finger on why that is.”
“Does God hate me, because why the fuck am I always encountering you in every single one of my lives?” “Maybe because we’re soulmates?” “…I am absolutely not accepting that as my reality.”
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vvienne · 3 years
Absolute Zero by jitterati
Pathologically solitary academic Chu Wanning left behind a life of research to enlist with the Pan-Pacific Defense Corps Jaeger team when giant monsters began to emerge from the Pacific ocean, eager to leave his personal entanglements behind him and join humanity's collective battle against the threat of extinction.
His goal is to build an artificial intelligence that will allow a pilot to operate a Jaeger mech solo - eliminating the need for pilot compatibility and the mortifying ordeal of being totally known by another person, a "neurological handshake" known colloquially as the drift.
He didn't expect his former students to follow him all the way to front line of the war against the kaiju.
Featuring lots of side character interaction, pining, yearning, questions on the nature of personhood, friendship between jerks, people coping badly with loss, snarky AI, and giant robots. Illustrations by Saika & Daru
Husky and his White Kitten Disciple by JustAMoon123
Within a lonely heart, the seeds of hatred start to grow.
-A 2ha Age and Role-Reversal AU.-
NOTE: This Story is Now E Rated!
[Before meeting Chu Wanning, Mo Ran had drawn his power exclusively from the Wood side of his dual Spiritual Root, and his Qi had always glowed green.
Now, only when in battle did it do so, with Bugui’s blade encased in a tyrannical green light.
Outside of battle, like when he set barriers of warmth; or made Crystal Butterflies to tease golden flowers; or cast a small array to keep a box of food warm, his Qi manifested with a gentle red glow.
Mo Ran’s Wood was destructive, while his Fire was protective.
Ah, Mo Weiyu, Mo Weiyu. Even your power betrays you.]
Burn, Pine, and Perish by moonqueenmaia
It’s been two days since Taxian-Jun’s last visit, and Mo Ran hasn’t touched Chu Wanning at all, beyond gentle and fleeting caresses. Chu Wanning decides to take matters into his own hands by surprising Mo Ran when he comes back to their home after a trip down the mountain.
it's no coincidence (it's a kitty-incidence) by lanzhan (gothguk)
There’s a white cat lounging in the middle of Mo Ran's bed.
to touch you with bare hands (even if it burns) by moonqueenmaia
Chu Wanning is a renowned professor of mechanical engineering at Sisheng Peak University. Beautiful, lonely, and talented beyond belief, he has spent his 32 years mostly by himself, silently and secretly yearning for affection and companionship. Yet Chu Wanning has resolved to himself that he will spend the rest of his life alone, no matter his hidden fantasies.
Enter Taxian-jun, an unruly, arrogant, and struggling student, fiery and domineering, who comes in and shatters the calm of Chu Wanning's life. They enter into an agreement, both burying their feelings underneath a storm of lust and lies. Yet amidst it all, something deeper may be helplessly and slowly blooming.
It is up to them to cultivate it, or destroy it for good.
cursed by devilsoupe
Chu Wanning and his disciples are sent to investigate an abandoned village, and Chu Wanning is hit with a curse.
Mo Ran was determined to treat his shizun respectfully in this life, but what choice does he have?
liar liar cock on fire by lofikv
I (32M) walked in on my roommate (23M) masturbating in our living room. Ever since then I couldn't erase the image of his penis in my mind but I found a sex toy online that is almost as big as him, so I bought it and tried it on myself so that I can imagine how he would feel inside me. I have also been romantically attracted to him ever since we started living together. How can I cope with this?
UPDATE: He caught me in the middle of an emergency.
(Absolute) Unit 311 by devilsoupe
Chu Wanning doesn't have a soulmark.
Neither does Mo Ran.
ducks entering highway by Sectionladvivi
Mo Ran finds out his well-respected, MILF-coded, tears-of-angels-tight-ass robotics professor moonlights as an erotic novelist. He immediately leverages this knowledge for an opportunity to play tonsil hockey.
to yearn by devilsoupe
Chu Wanning starts to cough up flowers. Taxian-Jun is angry. Chu Wanning is not allowed to die pining for someone else.
When it starts happening again in his second life, Mo Ran knows enough to worry.
from blossom to blossom to impossible blossom by Wildehack (tyleet)
Taxian Jun is the victim of a flower curse.
sticky fingers by fakeplasticlily
The man tosses the towel unceremoniously back at Mo Ran’s chest, like he’s personally offended by it. And the fact that his hands had just been all over said chest barely minutes earlier, maybe. “Please pack a box of egg tarts with extra custard filling, a box of red bean paste buns with extra syrup, a rice pudding with extra candied fruit garnish, and a box of osmanthus cakes with extra sweet pear jam.” Mo Ran’s eyes grow progressively wider as he lists the items. It’s him. Not the suburban mother of four, not the elderly guy dealing with a midlife crisis, but quite possibly the hottest guy he’s ever seen. Who also happens to have the highest sugar tolerance Mo Ran has seen in a human being in his two years of running this bakery. 
Hard to Love The Lonely Night by bloodsongs
Chu Wanning glares up at him, adjusting his women’s robes. “Still, why couldn’t you have been the wife instead?”
Coughing politely, Mo Ran looks to the side, avoiding his gaze. “Shizun’s skills with the illusion barrier far surpass this humble disciple’s, and, well…”
He doesn’t need to complete his sentence—it’s infuriating, but Mo Ran is now taller than him, broader than him, larger than him. Very much so. The young sapling he raised in Sisheng Peak is now a full-fledged tree, a man built like the mountains Chu Wanning has seen in his travels.
Chu Wanning and Mo Ran pretend to be a married couple visiting a small mountain town to investigate some suspicious disappearances. Mini Canon AU casefic. Contains spoilers up to Chapter 130 or so of the novel.
Purple Ink by jeejaschocolate
Chu Wanning is a robotics engineer who lives a life of isolation and loneliness, only partially due to his chronic illness. Eventually he gets so sick that he requires the help of a full-time medical assistant.
Of course, these days, all those jobs are given to CyberLife androids.
Chu Wanning resents the android they give him. From his fiery eyes to his long black hair, to his incomparable tenderness and consideration for Wanning’s feelings.
He resents him. All the way until he falls in love with him.
Fallen Flowers in Swallows' Nests by bloodsongs
You deserve better—I refuse to disrespect you ever again. I want to be better. I must be better.
But I don’t know how. I don’t know what to do.
I don’t know where Taxian-Jun ends and Mo-Zongshi begins.
I only know now that I cannot lie to myself: I want you so fiercely that I burn with it, I am consumed with the desire to make you mine and mine alone. To become one with you, feeling your fire twine with mine.
Or, Chu Wanning finds letters from Mo-Zongshi that were never shared with him.
These hitherto undiscovered letters cover a range of emotions that weren't present in the book he gifted his Shizun: contrition, yearning, and desire.
Counterpoint by senchafloat
Five years ago, Mo Ran was just a boy who loved playing piano—there were many things he didn't know. He didn't know how capricious and unforgiving the world of classical music could be. He didn't know just how lucky he was to have Chu Wanning as his teacher.
Five years later, Chu Wanning is now a renowned concert pianist, and Mo Ran is an upstart conducting student. When Chu Wanning shows up unannounced at his alma mater, Mo Ran has plenty of questions, along with a desire to prove his worth to his old teacher. But as it turns out, Chu Wanning isn't as invincible as he once seemed. As old secrets come up to the surface, the two of them are forced to reinvent the ways they'll make music together.
impatient to adore you by riverdanceeee
At some heartbreaking point in his life, Mo Ran accepted that Chu Wanning would never reciprocate his feelings, so he dealt with it as any other person would. He'd rid himself of his affection, respect their friendship, and learn to move on. But Mo Ran's affection runs too deep, and when any opportunity to spend time with Chu Wanning knocks on his door, he goes running to answer and accept. Even if it means he has to break up a potentially dangerous dog fighting ring.
To Bow Before A Willow Vine by bloodsongs
“I…” Mo Ran hadn’t thought that far. He shakes his head, lowering his head in deference, resting his forehead against Chu Wanning’s knuckles. "I'll do anything you want of me."
The silence stretches on for a beat too long.
"Anything?" Chu Wanning says eventually, tilting his head.
Written for 2Ha Week, Day 4: Reverse AU for the 0.5 timeline. When Chu Wanning storms Sisheng Peak and crowns himself the cultivation world's new emperor, Mo Ran trades his life for Xue Meng's. Contains spoilers for up to the end of the novel.
Call me by my name by rinsled05
When the man called Taxian-Jun arrives, years later, it’s the coming of a storm.
He sweeps into a dinner appointment between Chu Wanning and a client, clad in black, a smirk tugging at his mouth. Over the spark of irritation, Chu Wanning can’t help but admire his lean frame, the way his hair, cut rebelliously short, falls over smoldering, dark eyes. The way he towers over him, even when Chu Wanning rises to full height.
Chu Wanning’s heart races as Taxian-Jun leans in close, ignoring the shouts and gasps around them.
“Sakaki of Ran,” he purrs in their native tongue. “You’re mine.”
Chu Wanning lifts his chin. “I don’t know you.”
“You will,” Taxian-Jun says, and leaves.
In which Chu Wanning is a courtesan serving Chinese merchants in Nagasaki, Japan, and Taxian-Jun decides to make him his.
荷官牌型 ♠️ The Croupier's Hand by bloodsongs
In deep financial straits after losing his job as a teacher, a desperate Chu Wanning becomes a croupier at Sisheng's new casino.
The once sleepy town of Sisheng Peak grows busier by the day as the casino draws more and more tourists to their mountains. Consumed by his lingering regrets over the worst mistake of his life that destroyed his teaching career, Chu Wanning is too distracted to worry about anything else but his next shift, his next paycheck.
Except that's when Mo Ran, the reason Chu Wanning lost everything, returns to Sisheng Peak.
As the heir to the casino.
White Rabbit Club by minkit
Desperate to rid himself of a few pesky things called virginity and desire, Chu Wanning waltzes into a world he knows little about and right into the embrace of a mysterious stranger who reminds him of the student he's been dreaming about all year. The lust fueled dreams his student stars in are the very reason Chu Wanning applied to the sex club in the first place, and now he's desperate to get rid of these filthy impulses once and for all.
Congratulations, Chu Wanning, on your acceptance into the White Rabbit Club. We hope you enjoy your stay.
Risk and Restraint by purloinedinpetrograd
There is nobody Mo Ran works with who does not love him. He’s worked hard to cultivate this image while he climbs the corporate ladder at Sisheng, and it’s paid off in dividends. He’s in every WeChat group. He can call in favors with any division of any department. He can make even the tightest of deadlines relax their stranglehold on his team.
That is, there is nobody except, of course, Chu Wanning.
A Lingering Sweetness by theherocomplex
Chu Wanning is now all too aware of what he looks like: a dry stick of a man, never handsome, angular and cold and pale. A drab, short-tempered creature, as appealing as a splinter in one's foot. But Mo Ran looks at him as if he will never get his fill, and part of Chu Wanning thinks, What if —?
At the end of the line by PearlAquaBlue 
“So … I reckon someone thought you needed to loosen up a little bit. Now that you’re here, want to try it?”
Chu Wanning hangs up. Throws her phone on her pillow with a disgusted glare after it. Stands up and paces to the kitchen in long, angry strides. Her cheeks are burning. With trembling fingers, she grabs a glass and pours herself some water, gulping it down in one go. It doesn’t help much. She grips the kitchen counter tightly, then marches back into the bedroom to glare at the phone again. Her fingertips itch, and it’s as if some kind of magnetic force draws her closer and closer to her bed until her fingertips are but an inch away from that tempting black mirror. Before she knows it, she’s unlocked it unsteadily and pressed “repeat” on the last call.
“Welcome to Sisheng Peak – ”
“And what would that entail?” she asks, a little too breathless.
Let's Fall in Love for the Night by purloinedinpetrograd
Chu Wanning could only stare in horror as a large cloud of sickeningly yellow pollen rose from the field, blanketing the place where Mo Ran stood in a heavy fog. “Um,” he said lamely.
“Fuck,” Mo Ran cursed, and Chu Wanning didn’t even have the heart to chastise him for his coarse language, because he was too preoccupied wrestling the surge of fear at seeing his disciple disappear behind the haze of that indeterminately threatening dust.
A million terrible possibilities raced through his mind, each one more dramatic and gruesome than the last. His heart hammered against his ribcage, threatening to crack the bones. “Mo Ran,” he said slowly, “I think you should tell me what that does, now.”
Xue Zhengyong sends Chu Wanning and Mo Ran on a mission to find a specific ingredient for some concoction of his wife’s. Chu Wanning is torn between rejoicing at the chance to spend time alone with Mo Ran... and grieving over the very same thing.
But, well, it’s just flowers. What could go wrong, right? (Spoiler alert: it’s sex pollen.)
the day dawns in your hues by localshabba
2ha Week 2020 Day 1 prompt - Haitang
Schoolteacher Mo Ran is having an ordinary day until he has an awkward encounter with the notoriously rigid school librarian, which leads to the start of something new.
Also features: flowers, dinosaurs and lots of tenderness and pining.
helping hands by verity
When Mo Ran was but a young, innocent, virtuous grad student—well, one of those things—she built that couch from a flatpack box with her own two hands. Over the years, the smell of polyester and cheap foam padding has given way to an equally aromatic blend of Chu Wanning's haitang blossom perfume, spilled coffee, and white lithium grease. Chu Wanning herself is always perfectly dressed without a stain in sight. Even right now, her head tucked onto one folded arm, the other loosely gripping her tablet, she looks so formal.
Mo Ran gently rests a hand on Chu Wanning's socked ankle where it peeks out of those tailored white trousers. She really should behave herself.
She really should... behave herself...
in plain sight by localshabba
Written for a prompt fill in the 2ha Kink Meme.
"I have a surprise," Mo Ran breathed, coming to stand so close behind him that his breath landed on Chu Wanning's nape. Not touching Chu Wanning any other way, because he likes to make Chu Wanning lean back just a little bit, to seek out that contact himself.
"I think Chu-laoshi will enjoy it."
Chu Wanning is sure he agreed to the whole idea; he's just unclear on when. Things got hazy around the point when Mo Ran turned him around by the shoulders, got down on his knees and...well. Apparently he'd skipped breakfast that morning.
When he returned to his senses, his clothes were all neatly tucked into place, not a stain on them, and a charmingly pink sexual aid was nestled comfortably up his--ahem, inside him.
Now available in Spanish!
casually acquainted by tagteamme
Chu Wanning knows what he is and what he isn’t. And where he lacks in pleasantries and outward appeal, he makes up for in untouchable grace and dignity.
It threatens to unravel once he meets a familiar face in an unfamiliar city.
“So quick to run away from me, Chu-laoshi,” Mo Ran says, voice gently teasing as Chu Wanning refuses to make eye contact with him. “After you came all the way from…”
He trails off, waiting for Chu Wanning to let him know, but he sees the map open on Chu Wanning’s phone and grins wider. “You want directions?”
Chu Wanning clears his throat, and shakes his head. He should say something— instead, he stays silent as he looks down at his phone and punches in the hotel name again.
Happily, his phone tells him to try again when he has signal.
The Right Hand of Light by gedsparrowhawk (FaceChanger)
Chu Wanning is asleep on the bed, clutching his hands tightly to his chest and curled in on himself. He’s still wearing the same robes he was in in the water prison. On the writing desk, a bowl of water and clean linen for bandages sit untouched, and a tub of bathwater has cooled without being used. Mo Ran sighs to himself. Wanning is truly hopeless.
He sits on the side of the bed and touches Chu Wanning’s shoulder. “Wanning,” he says. “Wanning, wake up.”
Rare 0.5 tenderness, after the water prison.
nothing can consume you by tagteamme
Mo Ran’s violent history has never had to catch up to him.
It’s already embedded itself into him as scars on his body, as a tattoo on his forearm, as the lingering taste of blood in his sleep and finally, as the searing brand pressed against his chest before he’s thrown into the sea as punishment. He knows that this is where all his chances come to an end.
But as the deep fathom of the water swallows him up, something else saves him and pulls him to a tiny cove tucked away off the coast of an overlooked port town. When he wakes up under the care of a mythical creature wearing a familiar face, an even older and more distant past finally finds him.
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lebrookestore · 3 years
tape 5: play
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Pairing: Zhong Chenle x reader
Themes: angst, ex! au, college-ish au, small town au. It goes back and forth a lot
Warnings: heavy angst, bittersweet ending, swearing, its very sad, chenle is a jerk
Wc: 6k
Playlist: 2 kids by Taemin, Gone by Rosé, Instagram by Dean, I still do by Why Don’t We, Believed by Lauv
Taglist: @danishmiilk @channoticedmeuwu @chicksung @1-800-seo @blueprint-han @jenosslut @cupidluvstarrz @kkakkdugi @sweetlyjaem @vera-liscious @leetaeyonglover @kunrengui @unknown5tar @kisshim @intokook @mrkcore @coco-riki
Summary: A year after your boyfriend moved away, you find yourself sitting in your room with five tapes, earphones, a cassette player and what you hoped, and feared, was closure.
Authors Note: hello! this fic was supposed to be a small blurb but then i got inspired and lo and behold its a full fledged fic! I can’t believe I wrote this in two days sdfjfjkfjk. Feedback would be very much appreciated for this, since I’ve never written anything like this before ;-;
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Midtown, almost got a place out of midtown, Instead I took a plane out of this town, And missed out on us 
It was a sunny Saturday morning, as you pulled into your driveway, coming back from the store. 
Parking the car and getting the bags, you walked up to the door, knocking it and waiting. You were met with your mother’s smiling face as she took one of the bags of groceries from you.
You lived in a small sleepy town, and attended the college there as well, which meant you still stayed with your parents. You were fine with that, you liked living there, and you could forgo the stress and anxiety of having to re adjust to a new place.
This was your home. It always had been.
Of course, you had been on holidays to other places, you had visited the other town, but when it came to it, you had always found yourself back where you started. There was no other place for you, there never would be.
It was the truth, but it held something bitter.
Then again, you had enough going on already, with being in your freshman year, straight out of high school, college life was very different. You had been to a total of two parties so far, courtesy of your best friend— Lia— dragging you with her. 
You had enjoyed them, but it wasn’t something you would voluntarily participate in again.
The workload was something that had definitely changed, bogged down with mandatory lectures and assignments, tests popping up like a bad smell, you had more than enough to occupy you.
“Something has arrived for you!” Your mother said, almost excitedly, “It’s on the table.”
You helped her put away the groceries, walking to your living room, eyes falling on the package sitting on the table. It was somewhat shabbily wrapped, with tape haphazardly stuck on it to keep it together, and a tag pasted on the top.
Picking it up, you pass it from your right hand to your left, feeling its weight, reading the little tag. It held your address, your name and another name you hadn’t seen in almost a year.
Your mind ran at a hundred miles per minute, wondering why it was here, why his name was on it. It made no sense to you.
“Darling? Are you okay?”
Your mothers voice snapped out of your reverie, nodding slowly, “I’ll be in my room, finishing off a project”, you said carefully, trying not to show any sort of emotion as you climbed up the stairs of your house, two at a time, making sure not to drop the package.
Closing the door, you place it on your bed, reading over the tag again, a bitter taste filling your mouth. A name you hadn’t thought of in a year coming back now. It was so random, so absolutely unnecessary.
You curled your fingers around the messy brown paper, tearing it open as your mind reeled. The crackling sound filled the silence as the contents of it make itself known to you.
A shoebox.
It’s dusty, a dark blue colour with a line of red running at its side. There were two holes on either end, lined with metal piping and you could just about make out the nike symbol on the top. You brushed your hand over it, the dust coming off easily and sticking to your fingers.
Why would he send you this?
His name sticks out on the tag like a sore thumb, reminding you of what you lost, mocking you. Always content with where you are, hmm? His voice comes back, as clear as day. It’s as if he’s standing there, giving you his chesire cat grin as he spoke the words.
Zhong Chenle.
Lifting the lid off the box, you’re thrown into confusion. A cassette player, a pair of earphones, and five tapes. Picking up the player, you smile briefly at the dramatic set up. He could’ve called you, or sent a message, so why did he take the pains of sending you something as old and unnecessary as this?
Then again, it had been a year since he stopped picking up your calls, since you stopped trying to call him.  A year since all contact had been cut off, as if he had never existed in the first place.
Sometimes you wondered if Chenle had been a hallucination. An imaginary friend.
The questions filter in. Why? It had been a year, so why had he sent you this now? You had finally told yourself you were over it, that you didn’t need an answer, but somehow as soon as you did that, you found yourself sitting in your room on your bed with what could be it.
The tapes were numbered in permanent marker in his messy handwriting, from one to five, indicating the order in which they were to be listened to in. You picked up the first, slotting it in the player and waiting.
You didn’t know what you were waiting for.
You pressed play. There was crackling, but only for a moment, until  it went silent. Maybe this was all a mistake, maybe this wasn’t even happening. Maybe-
i] tape 1: you deserve to hate me
His voice cut through your spiraling thoughts as you froze in place. He sounded the same as you last heard him, a little muffled due to the recording but the same. At the same time he sounded like a stranger. There was silence for a moment again, before he spoke up.
This is stupid isn’t it?
You felt the urge to answer, but your mouth went dry. It had been so, so long, and even though you had adequate time to get over him, it suddenly felt as if you were treading unfamiliar territory once again. 
I-I don’t know why I’m doing this. I think it’s because I feel so horrible, I need an outlet. I guess speaking it into existence and recording it makes is my outlet. Making it all real.
But that’s fucking terrifying.
You don’t think you’re following, confused once again. 
You hear him take a deep breath right after your name, and it sends a chill down your spine, hearing him say your name once again. You had almost forgotten how it sounded.
I don’t know if you’ll ever hear this, or listen to it. If you don’t I’ll actually be glad. You don’t deserve to, I’ve been a jerk to you. I’m sorry. I hope you hate me, I definitely deserve it.
I’m moving in two months.
The realization hits you, this had been recorded a year ago as well, two months before he left without a word or warning. It was old, he was here when he recorded it.
You didn’t quiet know how you felt, not yet anyways.
And you won’t know until I’m gone.
I’m moving to Korea, and I refuse to tell you, even if it makes me the bad guy, even if it feels worse, because that’s my dream. 
I got signed by a record label after sending them that demo I did —remember it? We both went to the studio together, you listening outside as I sang. You were right by my side, all the time.
Except now when I record this, except when I leave. 
I refuse to tell you, because the moment I do I know it’ll be real, realer than it is now as I say it. I don’t want to see the look on your face when I say I’m going, I know it’ll make me want to stay, but I don’t want to stay.
You knew exactly what he was talking about, you could recollect that day clearly. There was a small studio a little outside the town. That day, he had booked it for two hours to record a demo, his singing mentor with him and you tagging along.
It had always been like that, the two of you against the world, until, of course he left.
I physically can’t stay, I hate it here Y/n. It’s not for me, I want to get out, that had always been the plan. I want to get out and be free, I want to achieve my dreams. Maybe it’s selfish, maybe I don’t deserve a minute more of your time, but I want it all.
That’s why I’m not going to tell you —so I can have it all, at least until I don’t have you.
But you, you don’t deserve this, do you? Of course you don’t, but I suppose you’re the one with the shitty luck, you’re the one who ended up with me and now I’m going to hurt you. 
He laughs a dry, breathy laugh. It was half hearted, as if he was trying to get himself to believe the situation was funny. 
It’s not your fault I-fuck I’m sorry.
You heard a click and the tape died off, he had stopped recording there. The first tape was finished, and honestly, you didn’t know how to react. One part of you wanted to feel nothing, you wanted to put the player and the five tapes back into the box and send them away, or lock them in your closet to never find them again.
But the other part of you wanted to know more. You wanted to know how he felt, what went through his mind during that time. You wanted to know just how you lost Chenle, the first boy you ever loved.
Suddenly you felt overwhelmed, vulnerable almost. It was as if someone had opened up an old wound and left it open.
You got to your feet abruptly, pulling the earphones from your ears and dropping them on your bed, taking a step away and blinking rapidly. You couldn’t get caught up in the past, you couldn’t put yourself through that again.
But it was hard when the past was in your present.
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Wasted, and all of my regret, I can taste it, If I had a time-machine, I would take it, And make it back to us
That night you couldn’t sleep.
The box sat on your desk, right next to your laptop, staring at you. You turned around on your bed, looking the other way, only to be met with the white of the walls.
You never liked the colour white.
It was too plain, too open for interpretation. It never had a solid answer. You liked stability, you wanted something permanent. You were the type of person that needed that reassurance.
Perhaps that’s why you were happy where you were, you didn’t find the appeal in starting over, because that meant nothing was certain. You stayed where you were because everything was already laid out for you.
It was like a colouring book in your little town, the lines all set out, everything drawn for you. Change meant you had to sketch everything from scratch. What if you messed up?
Needless to say, it was a good thing you weren’t an art major.
“This is ridiculous”, you whispered to yourself, sighing at the fact that you were now talking to yourself. You rolled over so that you were lying on your back, staring at the ceiling. The glow in the dark stars shone with their dull green light. You remember the day you had put them up, with Chenle.
You shared a lot of memories with him.
“Fucking hell”, you hissed, sitting up, swinging your legs off the edge of your bed and walking to your desk, sitting on the chair. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you picked up the second tape, inserting it in the player and putting the earphones on, waiting for it to begin.
ii] tape 2: milk before cereal
I know I’m making some terrible decisions, I really do, but if there’s one thing I stand by, its the fact that milk definitely goes before the cereal.
Why am I talking about this?
Well, because today you came over, Y/n, you came over and the two of us were watching a movie, and in the middle of it, you decided you wanted to have cereal, specifically frosted flakes.
So what do we do? We have cereal because I can’t say no to you. You’re welcome by the way, honestly, I deserve the boyfriend of the year award.
A moment of silence.
No I don’t. I really don’t.
You bit your lower lip, shutting your eyes. It was the way he switched, the way his demeanor changes so suddenly that made you want to scream. Sometimes it felt like he was telling a story, one you knew and loved.
Only for the next moment to bring you down to reality, reminding you that all stories don't have happy endings.
Anyways, we got the cereal and you objected when I put the milk first, saying that it was wrong, but how? In what way? Here me out Y/n, I shall tell you why I’m right, even If I’m not actually talking to you.
You couldn’t help but scoff at this, shaking your head at Chenle. He had always had a flair for being dramatic in the littlest ways possible. It was endearing.
Putting the cereal first means it sits in the milk for longer! If you put the cereal last, you can have it crunchy! Isn’t that ten times better? Unless you’re one of the devils spawn and like soggy cereal. If so I’m hypothetically breaking up with you right here right now.
Ah...bad wording. I keep forgetting I have to break up with you. I don’t want to, is that selfish?
You deserve the truth, if only I was strong enough to give it to you. Staying silent is so much easier.
It’s not lying, not completely anyways. I’m not lying if I don’t tell you at all. I suppose it’s a half truth then, with the truth hidden in plain sight. 
Lying. That’s what he did, even though he spent the last few minutes of the tape trying to justify it, he lied. He trampled all over your heart without a single warning.
You had trusted Chenle, having known him since you were thirteen. He had completely destroyed that trust. Something like that couldn’t be fixed so easily, not even if he had sent you these tapes.
Then again, you didn’t know why he sent them.
You retreated to your bed, turning away from the tapes, the words and memories they held, facing white once again.
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You had met Chenle when the two of you were thirteen, in eight grade math. The boy was failing the class, and one day you found him sitting early morning in class, with his head in his hands as he groaned over some sort of equation.
You had offered to help, and the smile he gave was the brightest one you had ever seen, he was practically grinning from ear to ear. That was the beginning of your friendship, and the two of you were inseperable.
Ninth grade it was confirmed that the two of you were best friends, sitting together, complaining about teachers together, going places together so your parents didn’t need to tag along.
In your last year of high school the two of you started dating, and when you had told your parents, they were ecstatic, confessing they had always thought the two of you would end up together.
He was always there for you, every time you needed him. You could give him a call and he would be outside your door. If you were feeling insecure or scared, he was always there to hype you up.
You had been best friends before, you were lovers then, and it was amazing. You loved everything about being with Chenle. You loved everything about him, from his toothy grin to his obnoxiously loud laugh.
You loved the way his eyes sparkled when he had an idea (which, for the most part, were absolutely terrible. Needless to say the two of you got in trouble a lot), when he sang for you when you stayed over, the way he would always make sure you were never cold.
You loved him.
It was written in the stars, you were meant to be, it was the perfect combination. Chenle was the right person for you- the perfect person.
A year later you woke up with him gone, no texts, no warnings. He had just gone, leaving you alone.
Right person, wrong time.
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Monday came around sooner than you thought it would, the weekend passing in a blur as you walked out of your first class, spotting Lia leaning against the wall outside your class, scrolling through something on her phone.
She was an exchange student, not originally from your town, but had fit right in. Sometimes you wished you could be like that.
“Oh! You’re out! Listen, there’s a party on Friday and you’re coming with me”, she stated. It wasn’t a request, it was a fact, you were to go with her. In her own words, ‘if I didn’t exist you’d probably have no social life.’
To be fair, she wasn’t wrong.
You nodded defeatedly, walking with her down the hallway, “I assume you want to go because of the cute new guy?”
She glared, but didn’t refute your accusation, “His name is Mark”, she said, “And that is none of your business.”
You snickered, “Oh it so is, you like him don’t you? Is this going to be another one of your crushes?”
Lia was notorious for having a new crush almost every week, being a very flighty person, her mind changed before you could even say her name. This was a bit of a problem, considering you went to her for advice a lot.
Her indecisive nature was not the best for that.
She rolled her eyes at this, “He’s cute, why not? Wonder if I can get him to dance with me at the party. You’re going to be my hype woman-”
“And the sober buddy?”
Lia ignored that.
“Also there’s this new singer”, she said, handing you one of her earbuds, “apparently he came from here!”
Taking one of the earbuds, you were hit with a familiar voice. It sounded amazing honestly, catchy, everything a song needed, but it was the voice that hit you. You didn’t even need to ask Lia for the singer, swallowing the lump in your throat and glancing at her phone, which confirmed your suspicions.
Filling with some sort of dread, your hands immediately went to hold your hand, specifically the bottom where the cassette player and the tapes were. You had been carrying them around with you, as if scared they would disappear if you left them alone.
“Isn’t he good?”
You nodded, not daring to answer as you bit your lower lip, “Hey Lili, I need to use the washroom so see ya later”, you said, handing her the earbud and taking off in the other direction, pushing open the doors to the washroom and getting into one of the stalls.
You had stalled listening to the next tape all Sunday, you didn’t even know why, but hearing him sing, that fact that he had actually made it, it struck something in you. You wanted to feel proud of him, but all you felt was bitter.
Was it a coincidence that this new singer had come out- Chenle himself- right when you received the tapes?
Pushing the top of the toilet down, you took a seat, taking the player out and plugging in, you pressed play for the third tape, waiting for it to begin playing.
tape iii] ill miss our dates
Remember when we went for that field trip? Ninth grade? We sat in the back of the bus together avoiding the stares of our teachers when they told us to sit down?
Then they pulled us apart? Yeah, mean fuckers.
Anyways, that’s not what I wanted to talk about, I just felt like reminiscing for a sec there, but today we went of a date! Well, I mean we got ice cream and then went to the park, but hey, it was fun.
You smiled. He had always jumped from one topic to another without any meaning to either. Sometimes it was a frustrating habit, (you had been on the receiving end of these useless conversations several times, which ended with you glaring at him exasperatedly), but for the most part, extremely comical.
I’m going to miss that. I’m going to miss you. Your little smile — have I ever told you just how pretty your smile is? Your eyes light up and crinkle at the sides and its something I don’t think I’ll ever forget, even when I’m gone. 
You clutched the cassette player, marveling at the irony. He was talking about your smile, but why did you want to cry?
It’s a month left now, and I want to make the most of it. Tomorrow I’m taking you to the amusement part and then next week I’m surprising you with dinner. I guess doing things for you —for us — makes me feel better, like I’m compensating.
You deserve the world Y/n, and I want to see that world while you’re happy where you are.
You don’t deserve having to deal with me.
Your eyes burned, because you remembered each of those events. You had been so happy, so overjoyed at them. They burned with tears because there it was again, that reminder that you were destined to be stuck right where you were, because you were that idiot who was content.
But if someone, anyone, asked you at that very moment if you were happy, the answer would’ve been an outright no.
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“Hey Chenle?”
“Why do you want to leave?”
The boy thought about this for a second, before smiling wistfully, “Don’t you want to know how it is outside home?”
“But everything I need is here.”
Your eyes held a question, you were genuinely baffled by his reasoning, the way he was so stuck of getting out. You studied your bewildered expression, shaking his head. “You’re lucky”, he said finally, “You know exactly what you want.”
“Of course I don’t, but I know what I need Chenle, and that’s all around me.”
He shook away his other thoughts, “Hey maybe we’ll go exploring the world together some day. 
You blinked, “You want me there with you?”
He nodded, grinning widely, “I want to take you along, Imagine, it’ll be fucking awesome, and hey this time there will be no teachers to separate us. We can even stand in the bus-if we’re taking a bus, that it.”
You laughed, “Maybe”, you mused, looking back down at your phone, “While I don’t exactly see the appeal, it would be fun to be with you.”
Chenle’s smile faltered, but he didn’t let it fall completely, wrapping his arms around you and sighing, closing his eyes and whispering something just loud enough for you to hear.
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Why did it feel this way?
Chenle was right- you didn’t deserve this, you didn’t deserve to feel this way at all. It had been a year, so why did it affect you?
Why was it all happening at once?
You clicked your tongue, eyeing the player with contempt. You felt pathetic for being curious, for still feeling so attached to old news. It wasn’t as if it was going to change anything, so why?
Why did you still want to know?
Curiosity killed the cat. You wondered if knowing would somehow kill you.
No one was at home currently, so you sat in the living room on your couch. The items you were trying so hard to ignore were sitting on the small table in front of the couch, as if waiting for you to pick them up once again.
You wondered if you should tell Lia and ask her opinion about the situation. She may not be that helpful, but hell, she could help you burn the tapes if worse came to worse.
Sometimes you wished you had never met Chenle, that your history with him could be erased from your memories. You wished it never existed because fuck, it still hurt.
Taking a deep breath, you steeled yourself and pressed play.
tape iv] firsts with you
Do you remember our first kiss?
We were eighteen, in my room, playing Jenga. That was a year ago, oh god, I can’t even imagine, how has it been a year? You were wearing one of my shirts and jeans, your hair was in a ponytail. The two of us were sitting on the carpet on my floor.
You had successfully gotten one of the wooden pieces out of a risky area of the tower, but then it was my turn, it feel to the ground, destroyed.
I blamed you, and you laughed, and our banter continued. We argued and at one point I started tickling you to get you to shut up, because honestly-Jesus Christ Y/n you’re fucking stubborn.
Anyways I ended up on top of you and the two of us were laughing. You looked so pretty, hair messily scattered around your face as you attempted to get out of my hold. 
I leaned down and kissed you.
Your throat closed up as he spoke. Your eyes stung and you raked your hand through your hair, biting down on your lower lip. The way he was speaking about it, as if he would do anything to go back, it struck something in you.
Because if you had the chance, you would go back as well.
You tasted like that strawberry chapstick you liked to wear. I could tell you were surprised, because you didn’t kiss me back for a good two seconds  —which, by the way sent me into a panic for a moment there.
But then you kissed me, and fuck, it was like everything had stopped. I couldn’t think for a second, it was like the world had started spinning around me, and the only thing that was keeping me grounded, was you.
Was it supposed to hurt like this?
You sucked in a sharp breath, fingers fisted the material of your shirt as you tried keeping your composure. You didn’t want to cry, but he was making it so, so hard for you. 
You remembered how it felt when he kissed you, you were legitimately so confused, was he really kissing you? Your best friend, the boy you had loved quietly for so long, kissing you?
Chenle was your first kiss, and it was the most perfect first kiss you could have ever asked for, even if you were on the floor, with random Jenga blocks scattered around the two of you.
The smile you gave me after I pulled away, I wish I could remember it forever. It was goofy as you burst into giggles, and asked me, “What was that for?”
I blinked in surprise, wondering how you seemed so normal, when for me everything had changed. I had kissed my best friend, the one girl I care the most about.
I must have looked like a tomato oh god.
Instead of waiting for my to answer, you sat up, pulling me into another kiss. This time it was me who was unprepared. The kiss was messy, it had no structure or plan, but I realized in that moment, that I really liked kissing you, and I wanted to do it more often.
You became my girlfriend.
The wistful tone he was using was starting to affect you. You had loved Chenle, almost too much. You could almost feel that nostalgic happiness you felt that day when he kissed you for the first time, the disbelief and joy that wrapped around the two of you. 
A wave of sadness followed that nostalgia.
Our first date was so fucking awkward. We were at that little cafe you loved, you ordered a cheesecake and I got a smoothie, and then we sat in silence for a good five minutes.
It really shouldn’t have been that painful, considering we knew everything about each other already, then again that might be why it was awkward, I had nothing to ask you about.
So naturally I brought up school and that started it, the two of us complaining about the amount of assignments we had, and Mrs. Choi’s annoying squeaky voice- I swear to god that woman took a second for each word.
But I digress.
Slowly our conversation felt normal again, it was just us, eating cheesecake and drinking smoothies, together.
That wave of sadness crashed down upon you like a tsunami, trying to snuff you out. It felt like you couldn’t breathe, you were struggling to keep yourself together. You were struggling to stay afloat, you had lost any leverage you had that was holding you up.
You couldn’t fight the waves.
My flight is in two hours. It’s four in the morning and we’re about to walk through the door and get to the airport, but I wanted to talk to you once again, even if we’re not really talking.
I’m pathetic.
You’re sleeping, in your bed at your home, you don’t know I’m going because I’m the coward that refused to tell you the truth. I’ll be gone by the time you wake up and then you’ll know.
You’ll know how much of a waste of time I was.
And then you were angry.
You were angry because he had no right to just come back into your life like this, no fucking right to make you cry. He wasn’t even here, but somehow he had managed to make you fall apart just with his words, with his voice.
He had no right to tear your world apart, the little composure you had standing. You had finally accepted the fact that he was gone, you had moved on, and even tried to forget.
But here he was, making sure you could never forget.
You hated how selfish he was, how absolutely fucking oblivious. He had no clue, not even one as to how you felt when he just disappeared from your life, as if he never existed. He had broken you and here he was, breaking you again.
With trembling hands, you stopped the tape from playing any further, angry tears making their way down your face as you flung the player across the room. You had no intention of listening any further, you didn’t want to, you didn’t care.
Closure hurt more than him leaving.
You buried your head in your hands, letting yourself fall apart, but just this once.
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tape iv] continued [unheard]
I’m sorry Y/n. I’m so fucking sorry. 
You don’t have to believe me, because I’m leaving anyways, so I suppose that cancels out my apologies huh? I’m the worst person you ever met. I’m not stopping, I’m not going to leave you a text.
Because I don’t want to hurt you anymore.
I’ll be gone before we could ever be.
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Should’ve believed in us, while we existed, cuz now the whole things fucked, and just a figment of my imagination
Time heals all hurt, and reminders bring them back, cutting through your skin like a knife, making you bleed.
A week later, you found yourself sitting in your favorite cafe, the same cafe Chenle talked about in the last tape. You ordered a cheesecake and a smoothie, inserting the fifth and final tape into the player.
The last time you did this, you were left hurt and distraught, promising yourself you would never go back to listen to him again. You had put the shoebox in your closet, hiding it behind your clothes that hung from the rack.
Yet here you were.
You didn’t bother finishing the fourth tape, you didn’t see the need to. 
This tape, you observed, was newer looking, with less scratches on the plastic, even the marker on the side looked more recent, a little rushed if you went into detail. 
The cheesecake and drink arrived, and you took a bite, pressing play.
tape v] play
He sounded a little different too, older perhaps. His voice was smoother, but he sounded unsure of himself. It sounded as if he was trying to figure out how to approach the topic. He was being cautious.
It’s been a while. I...I don’t know why I’m doing this. There’s no point- you’re not even here. I found these stupid tapes yesterday in my dorm when I was cleaning out and gave them a listen.
I envy you, Y/n. I wish I was like you, happy wherever I was. But I’m not, and I probably caused you great unhappiness while trying to search for my own- but I was happy with you, so happy it was ridiculous.
I sabotaged that.
You sighed, realizing you felt nothing. You were tired of crying over Chenle, you were done doing that. Instead you felt empty, like you had been tired out, like it didn’t matter anymore. At this point you were to get it over with, to finish it off on  clean ending note.
My song comes out next week, and it’ll be done. I’ve made it Y/n, I’ve gotten to where I wanted to be, the place I had worked so hard to get to. I’ve sacrificed so much for this and it’s all been worth it- except one thing.
I don’t expect you to listen to my song, I just wanted to tell you. I..I hope you’re proud of me. Even if I was a jerk, I hope you can be proud, at least a little bit, because then I’ll have finally made it.
I miss you.
The same words are at the tip of your tongue, I miss you, I miss you so fucking much, but they never came out. They didn’t have to, it would be useless. He would never hear them.
Instead, you swallowed them back down.
And even though I made fun of you for staying home, I hope you’re happy like I am, I hope we’ll meet again one day. If we do I challenge you to a game of Jenga, loser buys the winner ice cream.
I-fuck this is the hardest part- but I hope you’ve moved on. One of us has to.
You don’t take the tape out of the player, you don’t touch it at all. You feel oddly calm as you take another bite of your cheesecake, savoring the strawberry reserve that it came with it. You could almost imagine yourself at eighteen again sitting opposite your new boyfriend.
You missed it, the memories that came along with it. That was it, you missed the feelings you had.
But you were okay. You would be okay right where you were, because that’s where you belonged. It hurt, yeah, but it had hurt back then as well. Now it was just a dull ache, all that was left was regret.
Regret that it didn’t work out, regret over unspoken words and unnecessary pain.
A familiar song filled the cafe as you smiled somewhat sadly, leaning back in your seat and closing your eyes.
“I’m proud of you Chenle”, you whispered, “Because you did what I couldn’t”
You left the cafe a little later, with the cassettes in your bag, an empty plate and the smoothie sitting on the table, untouched. After all, that smoothie wasn’t for you.
There was nothing to wait for anymore. You had loved and you had lost, Chenle was a stranger with your secrets and a familiar voice and that was it. 
You had forgiven him a long time ago, even without him being deserving of it. Now with all the loose ends being tied up, it felt like you could finally let go of him, you could finally move on.
And forget.
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atruththatyoudeny · 4 years
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Happy 28th! I’ve read so many awesome fics this month! Make sure to check them all out. As always, all my love to all the authors in this fandom ♥
➻ don't want to fight you | starryharry | enemies to lovers - enemies to friends to lovers - pining - mutual pining - angst - fluff slow burn - no smut - 124k Louis hates that it’s familiar. He hates that sparring Harry is familiar because they train together. He hates that he even has to spar Harry at all, because Harry is good. Louis wonders what his life would be like if him and Harry didn’t hate each other. He can’t picture it, really. The incessant bickering that often turns into real arguing, the nasty looks, the eye rolls, the middle fingers. It all feels very necessary at this point. Or, the one where two fighters can also be lovers because routines are never permanent.
➻ we are ghosts amongst these hills | louisgaynkles | Soulmates - reincarnation - historical - slow burn - angst - fluff - 84k Harry spontaneously buys a house in Yorkshire because the universe, or fate, keeps leading him to it. What he didn’t know, is that his new house comes with a past that seems to be mysteriously tied to his own life. Before he knows it he finds himself travelling back in time, stuck in the middle of a century old love story. Featuring Louis as a farmer with a passion for gardening, Zayn as the heir to the local manor, Niall as a pub owner with a secret, and a truly underappreciated Liam. Based on Mariana by Susanna Kearsley
➻ through the wheatfields and the coastlines | thepolourryexpress | farms - cowboys - angst - implied/referenced homophobia - implied/referenced gun use - humor - smut - 53k “You’re not from around here, are ya?” Hot Cowboy asks, tracking his little lamb with his eyes. Louis frowns slightly, having thought he was doing pretty well at not sticking out like a sore thumb. It’s not like he’s not from around here — it’s not his first summer he’s spent at his grandparents'. But he supposes that the Manhattan city lifestyle that he’s used to is always going to shine through. “I’m visiting family for the summer,” Louis explains, cheeks a little pink. “Trying to get some work done without distractions.” Or, alternatively, the one where Louis needs inspiration, and a certain cowboy and his lamb are the perfect distraction.
➻ An Irrationally Strong Bond Between Two People | jishler | dystopia - friends to lovers - angst - first time - 18k Before The Advancement, most human lives and careers were plagued by irrationality and a lack of productivity. This was largely the symptom of what scientists refer to as “interpersonal passion,” which included two separate (though often conjointly occurring) phenomena: “love,” and “sex.” “Love” was a pre-Advancement word which referred to an irrationally strong bond between two people, which caused its sufferers to prioritise their fellow “lover,” as well as the integrity of the malignant bond itself, over vital things such as workplace productivity. Taken every two weeks in pill form, The Drug immediately removes interpersonal passion from the human psyche. Children’s friendships do not have the capacity to develop into full-fledged “love” since they are not yet adults. Every person over eighteen takes The Drug gladly, grateful that it allows them to be productive, clear-headed, and rational members of society. A few weeks before Louis’ eighteenth birthday, Harry and Louis fall in love. (Based on the book Louis writes in indiaalphawhiskey's Our Lives, Non-Fiction.)
➻ And When It's Time | larryftnoctrl | Soulmates - soulmate-identifying timers - 6k Louis wants a soulmate, Harry loves his free will. They don't exactly go hand in hand. Prompt: AU where you have a countdown on your wrist for when you're going to meet your soulmate and if you miss it the time will reset. Louis/Harry keep having awful luck and always are missing their time until one day they don't. Maybe the other one is scared/has anxiety about meeting their soulmate? Maybe one time they're in a relationship so they intentionally miss their time? Who knows! But they finally meet :D
➻ made for lovin' you | cuddlerlouis | a/b/o - enemies to lovers - hate to love - soulmates - hurt/comfort - angst - fluff smut - 53k “I’m in,” is all Louis receives. He blinks a few times, making sure he’s reading this right. “For real?” he asks, just to be a hundred percent sure. “Yes,” pops up. “How do you wanna pursue?” The alpha adds, like he’s on a special mission or something. “I’m gonna call us a cab to go to mine. Once I know it’s here, I’ll leave and join you there,” Louis explains. “I’ll text you to go around five minutes before it arrives, so it doesn’t look suspicious, and our friends don’t notice us leaving together.” “Noted.” So Louis does, and ten minutes later, he’s sat in the backseat of a cab, next to Harry Styles, the person he hates the most but unfortunately still finds attractive. They’re on their way to fuck in Louis’ flat. Splendid. - Or the one where a quick, horny decision ruins Louis’ summer plans, but may also lead to unexpected discoveries. Featuring the road trip of dreams, misunderstandings, and a bit of fate.
➻ deFENCEless | solvetheminourdreams | neighbors - enemies to lovers enemies to friends to lovers - gardening - fluff - humor - banter - no smut - 27k "I moved here first," Louis says with finality, crossing his arms over his chest. Harry shoots him an unimpressed look before leaning forward, leaving only a tiny gap between them. "Then get the fence first," he whispers, lips a mere inch or two away from Louis'. When Louis butts heads with his new neighbor who loves to garden a little too much, all he can do to protect his yard (and heart), is keep on building up his fence(s).
➻ Canyon Moon | delsicle | a/b/o - werewolf - soulmates - childhood friends - friends to lovers - arranged marriage - mutual pining - hurt/comfort - angst - 41k For as long as Louis has remembered, he has been promised to be mated to Harry, his best friend and the future pack alpha. But Louis’s heart belonged to the forest and to the hunt more than he could ever imagine it belonging to Harry. Then Harry’s father dies in a violent accident, and Louis’s future alpha disappears on the wind. An A/B/O Lion King AU
➻ only guilty of loving you | sweetrevenge | a/b/o - strangers to lovers - blind date - soulmates - fluff - angst - mutual pining - smut - 22k After Harry gets set up with his co-worker's alpha friend Louis, he's expecting some pleasant conversation, free dinner, and maybe a new friend. What he doesn't expect, however, is that Louis' arrival in his life begins a life of crime Harry never knew he had in him. A You've Got Mail!AU with a twist.
➻ 'Til Everything Changes | lovelarry10 | a/b/o - older characters - brokend bond - loss - falling in love - fluff - implied mpreg - smut - 57k Harry’s nose twitched as he caught a scent on the breeze, one that sent a shudder through his whole body. His eyes closed subconsciously, and he lost himself in the heady scent, the vanilla top notes, and the more woody undertones, making every hair on Harry’s body stand on end. That was how Harry discovered this man was an Alpha. “Jaz, Harry, this is my Uncle Louis. Lou, this is my girlfriend Jasmine, and her dad Harry.” "Lovely to meet you,” Louis grinned, leaning in and kissing Jasmine’s cheek quickly, a respectful Alpha gesture. Harry held his breath as Louis stuck out a hand, taking it almost reluctantly, certain the Alpha would pick up on his own scent and the nerves flowing through it. “Hi, Harry.” “Hi,” Harry said, his voice low and raspy, still affected by Louis’ scent. “Nice to meet you.” ~~~~ Harry’s an Omega who has been alone for too long. Louis’ an Alpha who is scared to find love again. Thanks to the meddling of Harry’s teenage daughter and her boyfriend, the two seem destined to meet, and it might just change everything they thought they knew about their lives. Will they find what they didn’t realise they’ve always wanted in each other?
➻ Mind Over Matter (You Under Me) | youreyesonlarry | ice hockey - hurt/comfort - angst - fluff - major character injury - pining - unrequited love hospitalization - smut - 74k It’s dark outside when Harry finishes practice for the day. -------- Prompt 21: Harry stopped playing hockey (after 10 years of a professional career) because of a severe injury. The dream he worked so hard for vanished in the blink of an eye. His family insisted that he had to go to physical therapy, even if it only helped his health. Cue to personal assistant Louis, the most efficient and kind PA one could hire
➻ Rooms on Fire | softfonds | a/b/o - actors - famous/famous - friends with benefits - secret relationship - 34k Ten years ago, Louis helping Harry through a heat was the start of a romance that ended in heartbreak. Now, Harry's marriage is over thanks to his husband's very public infidelity, and Louis is fresh off a Golden Globe win. The last thing they both expect is to be cast in the same movie.
➻ Stumbling Into Your Arms | sunshineandthemoonlight | a/b/o - strangers to lovers - college/university - fluff - 7k Suddenly, Harry’s nose was brushing against Louis' neck, where his scent was overwhelming. Harry jerked his head to the side and took a deep breath of air, trying to clear his nose of Louis’ scent. ‘Don’t get slick, don’t get hard, don’t get slick’, he repeated to himself in his head, like a mantra. Louis and Harry are university students heading home for the holidays. Harry quickly becomes enraptured by the attractive alpha standing across from him in the train carriage, who has a heavenly scent and a gentle smile.
➻ Little by Little | nonsensedarling | mpreg - non traditional a/b/o - exploring sexuality - exploring secondary gender norms - gender identity strangers to friends to lovers - mutual pining - fluff - slow burn - 65k Harry Styles is an omega who works at the London Planetarium, has lived in the same flat for ages, and is happy enough on his own. When he gets home from his first (horrible) attempt at dating in years, a new pregnant neighbor knocks on his door after smelling his cooking. He and Louis quickly become close, but their friendship gets complicated when Harry begins questioning who he is and what he likes. Or Harry discovers figuring out who you are is more complicated than a potato metaphor.
142 notes · View notes
usmsgutterson · 3 years
Page Eighty-Three- Kaz Brekker
Real (Page Eighty-Three series, part 3)
And thus, here we arrive at the end of the Page Eighty-Three series! I’ve been working on it almost a week now, and had the idea brewing in my brain for two weeks beforehand, so, considering the way that I’ve chosen to publish all the parts, it’s not gonna be a very emotional goodbye for you guys, but for me, oddly enough, it is?
Its the first fic I’ve done that’s been more than two parts, and I guess that adds to it? I don’t know! But, anyways, on with it!
Also, a gentle reminder, I only have Kaz being a little on the touchier side because this is a bit of an AU of sorts, and they’re around twenty four in this last part, which gave him time to work on his trauma more and get comfortable with touch!
Fic type- fluffy as fuck
Warnings- a very brief mention of the flashback in the first chapter (to be specific, nina says ‘stopped you from getting hatecrimed’) and a brief sexual innuendo
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T H R E E Y E A R S L A T E R 
You knocked out after you’d killed your father, and went home completely unconscious on Inej’s boat, tucked onto a cot with Kaz at your side. Genya had decided to spend a little time around Ketterdam, get to know the ins and outs and provide intel for Nikolai when he asked for it, and Nina had decided that her home could be Ketterdam for four months of every year. 
Inej did her thing, catching and killing slavers all around the globe, but her visits to Ketterdam became more frequent after you’d gotten back. 
Jesper took your amplifier and made it a project for himself, removing the claw from the obsidian and instead using his fabrikator abilities to turn it into a bracelet that you wore on your right hand, made of gold, with the claw dulled out so that it didn’t poke you when you moved your wrist.
A year after you’d returned home, when yourself and Kaz had gone into his office one morning, book clutched in one of your hands, the other interlaced with Kaz’s fingers, you found a box sitting on his desk.
A note from Zoya was taped to the top of it. 
A top tier bitch deserves a top tier amplifier, it read. Bracelet. Wear it on your right wrist. It’ll go with the bear claw wrapped in gold.
You kept the note, reading it to yourself whenever you needed a laugh, giggling about it with Nina when she needed a laugh, too. 
All of those small moments ended up leading to a much bigger one, though. The day that Kaz proposed. 
It was a pretty simple proposal, but you loved it. 
“I had to get advice from Jes about this,” was how he started it, even before he’d gotten down onto one knee. “He proposed to Wylan in the fall, and I know that the Winter makes Ketterdam look absolutely stunning, and I know that you like the scenery, so, well, here we are.” 
You’d been walking around Ketterdam, the clicking of Kaz’s cane against the pavement a soothing sound for the both of you. 
You’d managed to make it near the outskirts of Ketterdam just by walking, as Kaz’s leg was being decent to him and he wanted to walk until you’d arrived at one of the more scenic spots. You indulged him for the sake of it, making sure you took breaks and that he got water when he was tired. 
It’d been snowing, and the sky had yet to darken beyond a light grey. You and Kaz both had snow in your hair, but to one another, it just added to handsomeness, so neither of you moved to brush the snow out of your hair or off your faces. 
“When we were seventeen,” he began, feeling for the box in his pocket. The one with a ring inside, cushioned by red, velvety fabric. “You read me a quote from the book I’d gotten you that day. You’ve memorized just about every poem in it since, and I happen to have done the same thing.” 
“The quote that you read to me was from The Sun and Her Flowers. It was on page eighty three,” he grinned at you, a fully fledged smile. Something he saved for you and you exclusively.
“I’m going to change the wording a bit, because it’s in the past tense, and we’re not past tense. The quote was ‘you were mine, and my life was full,’,” he said. “I’m changing it to ‘you are mine, and my life is full.’ Because thats how I feel.”
“Kaz?” You asked. “Do you have something planned?” He raised an eyebrow at you as he clutched the box.
“I suck at words, so, from Rupi Kaurs book Milk and Honey, I offer you this,” he carefully got down onto a knee, using his cane to keep him steady for a few quiet moments as you realized what was happening. 
“‘You are every hope and dream I’ve ever had, in human form.” He pulled out the ring, opening the box and holding it out to you. “That’s page forty nine, love.” 
“If you can’t think of an answer, please, just-- anything works,” if Jesper had told sixteen year old Kaz Brekker that he’d end up on his knees, begging you for a response to his proposal at just twenty two, he’d have called Jesper crazy.
“Yes,” you mumbled. “Yes, Kaz Brekker. If you’re asking me to marry you, it’s an immediate yes.” He used his cane to get himself up to standing again, slipping the ring onto your ring finger and accepting the hug that you pulled him into.
You were going to marry Kaz Brekker, the love of your life, and you couldn’t wait for it. 
The day seemed to come at you quickly, even though you’d not set the date until Winter of year that you turned twenty four. 
First, it was calling Nikolai and asking if you could cash in the reward for killing your father and doing him and the world a justice that they deserved, then it was finding suitable tuxedos and sending out invitations and planning a million different things at once. 
But, eventually, you, Jesper, Wylan, Genya, and Nina, were all on Inejs boat, headed toward the Little Palace.
Then, all of the sudden, you were in the last stretch of time before the wedding. Alina, Mal, Genya, Zoya, and Nina were talking as Genya tailored you, getting rid of some of the blemishes and fixing up little things about your face that you’d asked her to tailor until the end of the ceremony. 
“It’s weird,” Alina said, pressing a kiss to Mals cheek as she glanced at her own wedding ring. “I remember you as this fourteen year old boy who used to gawk at the attractive guys in the Second Army, the boy who resented his powers and swore at his father at any chance that he got, and now you’re and you’re completely different.”
“Different how?”
“Kaz Brekker,” Genya said, running her finger under one of your eyes gently, as to get rid of your eyebags. “He’s good for you.”
“And you don’t resent your powers anymore,” Zoya adds. “You don’t use them often, but you don’t resent them.” 
“You use them, don’t you, mate?” Mal quipped. “Or were my eyes tricking me when I went to wake you and Brekker up this morning, only to find you keeping light out of your room with a flick of your bloody wrist?” 
“I was tired,” you pouted. “Kaz and I both were!”
“Ah, newlyweds,” Nina joked.
“It’s not like that!” You shouted. “Zoya, help me out!”
“He’s able to kiss you now,” she said. “Like, with tongue and stuff. Theres no reason he wouldn’t be able to enjoy a fun little tumble with you here and there!”
“’Tongue, and stuff,’” Mal repeated. “Yes, Zoya, because, as a twenty six year old woman, that’s totally adult phrasing.”
“I wouldn’t have been able to describe it any better,” Nina quipped. Genya and Alina hummed their agreement as Genya moved to your hair, fluffing it and styling it so it that it looked nice as you adjusted the cuffs on your dress shirt. 
“Wheres my blazer?” You asked, grabbing your tie from Genyas lap, tying it as she evened out some of the color near your roots. 
“Closet,” Alina answered. “I’ll get it for you!” Mal checked his watch.
“We’ve got three minutes to get down there,” he said. “Lets make the most of Y/Ns remaining 180 seconds unmarried.” You laughed, rolling your eyes as Genya stood, helping you up after.
Nina shot Genya a glance, and she took the hint, ushering Alina, Mal and Zoya out of the room and passing Nina your blazer as she left. 
Nina helped you into your blazer, running her thumb along your cheek with a smile. 
“I never thought I’d see Kaz Brekker married,” she said. “But hey, I guess stopping you from getting hatecrimed had it’s benefits, didn’t it?” 
You laughed, shrugging.
“I think that we’ll rebuild some of the Slat,” you said. “Make the rooms bigger. Get plaques declaring whos room is whos.”
“A golden plaque with Nina Zenik emblazoned on it?”
“Bolted to your bedroom door, Neens.” 
“I love you, Morozova.” She said, trapping you into a tight hug.
“I love you back, Zenik.” You said. “Now, c’mon. I don’t think anyone would take too kindly to me being late for my own bloody wedding, would they?” 
The wedding was small, taking place close to the entrance of the Little Palace. There were no chairs to sit on, but the few guests you’d invited didn’t mind it whatsoever. 
The guest list was fairly small, considering your tight knit little family. Wylan was Kaz’s best man, Your best woman was Nina. The people standing in the small crowd were all familiar faces.
Wylans mother, Marya Hendriks, and Jespers father, Colm Fahey were the oldest there. Among them were Nikolai, Alina, Mal, Genya, Rotty and Specht, and the two members of the Dregs who’d originated the King of the Barrel nicknames. Their names were Terrowin and Kira, and when you caught their eyes, they were beaming at you both.
Jesper was officiating, and as you met his gaze, you remembered how he was practically bouncing off the walls the day that you’d asked him to officiate. 
“Okay, now that they’re both here, we can begin!” Jesper couldn’t hide his excitement.
“Mr. Brekker,” Jesper laughed through the words. He’d not called Kaz ‘Mr. Brekker’ unless he was doing so in a jokey context. You knew that, had it been anyone elses wedding, they’d probably have gotten angry at Jesper for giggling through the words, but for you and Kaz, it just added to an already perfect day. “Do you take Y/N as your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do,” he said. 
“Mr. Morozova,” Jesper glanced at you, and you met his gaze, having to stifle laughter when you realized just how wide his grin was. How happy he seemed. He looked like he was about to start bouncing off the walls and screaming with joy. “Do you take Kaz as your lawfully wedded husband?”
“Hells yes,” you said, giggling slightly. For a moment, Kaz let his lips lift into a grin. You matched it with your own smile and took his hand into yours.
“You’ve prepared your own vows, so, Mr. Brekker, sir, you go first!” Kaz glanced at Jesper inquisitively, grin still on his face as he started talking and met your eye.
“I’ve loved you as long as I’ve known you,” he said. “And when my heart says something, I’ve learned to listen to it. I love you with my entire heart and so much more, and I hate that I’m not good with words, because that’s all I can say. Nothing else accurately cultivates the feelings I’ve felt for you since that night, when you were broken and bruised underneath that saintsforsaken lamplight. I promise to love you every minute of every day, Brekker.” You’d agreed to change your last name to his. You’d be Y/N Brekker by the end of the night.
“Mr. Brekker,” Jesper said. “Since you’ll be married in a few minutes and I have to get used to that last name on you, you may say your vows!” 
“When I was fifteen, I was caught and beat broken by a group of eight eighteen year olds,” you began. “But you saved my ass before I was killed, and it seems as though our relationship has been a series of saves ever since. Kaz Brekker, with the ring I’m about to put on your finger, I’m promising that I’ll do that forever. Please, though, try to avoid getting yourself kidnapped too often, okay?” His chest shook in silent laughter as he nodded.
“The rings, gentlepeople?” Jesper asked, Nina passed you the ring you’d slip into Kaz’s finger, and Wylan passed Kaz the one he’d put onto yours.
“Put them on,” Jesper said. You and Kaz both glanced at him once more, meeting each others eye thereafter, grinning and shaking your heads. It’d become very clear to you that the twenty four year old who you’d recruited to officiate your wedding was damn near close to letting out an excited squeal. 
Kaz put the ring onto your ring finger and you did the same for him, waiting for Jespers next words as you took a half a step closer to Kaz. 
“Kiss, you idiots!” Jesper said. Kaz laughed, pulling you close and pressing a kiss to your forehead.
He’d kiss you like nothing else later in the evening, when the only thing to bug you was a lamp that you’d left on, but you both agreed that a forehead kiss would be as far as you’d go in front of others. Kisses, to Kaz, were personal, and you respected and loved that about him. 
“Saints, bless this fuckin’ union!” Jesper shouted. You glanced at Alina, who shot you a thumbs up and a nod as the party part of the wedding kicked off. 
Terrowin and Kira were the first people that you and Kaz talked to.
“Did you secure it?” He asked.
“The property?” Terrowin was a Zemeni boy, with skin dark as night and eyes as warm as the sun. 
“Or the trip?” Asked Kira, a girl from Shu Han with hair black as the feathers on a crow and blue eyes as cold as the Fjerdan ice. 
“The property, first and foremost,” he said. “Did you get it? Did you give it the name I asked you to?”
“Yes, and yes,” said Terrowin. “Beside The Silver Six is a bookstore called Page Eighty-Three. It’s scheduled to open in the fall.” Your eyes widened as you made the connection.
“Page eighty-three?” You asked, smirk on your lips. Kaz shrugged.
“And the request?”
“The line from the poem will be put on the wall behind the clerks counter,” Kira said. “Just as you requested.”
“And the trip?”
“Your boat for Novyi Zem leaves in two days, Boss,” Kira said. “Two bells in the afternoon. It’s directly routed to Coftons docks.” Kaz nodded.
“Thank you,” he said. “We’ll see you when Page Eighty-Three opens.” 
“Damn right we will,” you said. Terrowin and Kira laughed as they walked away.
You glanced around the room, spotting Jesper and Wylan perched at a piano, playing the music that everyone was dancing to. Marya and Colm dancing close to them. Nina and Zoya dancing like idiots and laughing throughout. Mal and Inej making conversation and Genya and Alina heading your way.
“Congrats, you two,” Genya said. “Can I expect to see you both tanned and rested up when you get back from Novyi Zem?” 
“You’ll be in Ketterdam?” You asked. Genya nodded.
“For a couple of months, to make sure that your Jesper friend doesn’t colossally fuck things up while your friend Inej is doing her thing on the open ocean,” Alina said. “I’m there to visit for a bit, under the radar.” 
“Thank you, Alina,” he said. “Thank you both. For everything that you’ve done in these past years.” 
“No biggie, Brekker,” Alina said. “I don’t know you that well, but I see how happy you make Y/N, and he’s like a little brother. I care about his happiness.” 
“You two are absolutely bloody adorable,” Genya said. “Now, back to my question, will you be tan, or at the very least, well rested, upon your return?”
“Kaz is pale,” you said. “He’ll burn like a crisp. Me? I don’t really know. I guess it depends.” 
“We’ll be well rested,” Kaz said. “He’s a darkling. He can create shadow. I fully intend to use that to keep the sun out in the mornings.” 
“I won’t do whatever you ask of me!” You quipped.
“You had no issue with that last night,” he said, raising a teasing eyebrow. “Or this morning!”
“Mal was right!” Alina shouted, her and Genya bursting into giggles. “Damn it, I hate it when that happens!” You laughed.
You took another glance around you, spotting your friends.
No, wait. Scratch that.
Not your friends.
Your family. 
Your family was having a good time, eating, talking, dancing, laughing. They were enjoying themselves and congratulating you as you talked to Alina and Genya. 
Kaz had an arm around your waist, his cheek pressed against the side of your head as his other hand gently turned your wedding ring around on your finger. He was talking to people without arguing with them. He was holding you like you were the only thing that mattered to him.
Your life was perfect.
Kaz was yours, you were his, and your life was full. 
tags: @whateverfandom00 @a-c-lee @incorrectquotesconaisseur @the7seannas​ @teatimeforusreaders​ @hunnybunimdun​
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meganshinsou-tm · 4 years
Crimson|Ink. (m)
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↳ chapter twenty-three: ashes of eden
❧ genre:  tattoo-shop/hitmen au | tattoo artist/hitman kirishima
❧ fic warning: major character(s) death; happy ending
❧ chapter warnings: blood, fighting, assault, torture, burning, concussion, stabbing, major character death
❧ chapter song: Ashes of Eden by Breaking Benjamin
♬crimson|ink playlist | ♧ character profiles
[main fic masterlist] [previous chapter - next chapter]
-chapter notes: quick thank you to @gemstoneconstellations, @sleepychai​ and @tamakiamajikistentacles​ for all their help in helping me bring this chapter to life! without them this chapter probably wouldn’t even be outlined right now. their ideas are so amazing and their dialogue is to die for. i love you guys - thank you!
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Everything is dark and feels off balanced as you’re roughly pulled around. Your lungs hurt from the panicked breathing that has filtered in and out of them, your body wracked with trembles and the cloth obscuring your vision soaked through with tears. 
There’s a painful twist to your arms, familiar rough hands pulling them behind you and shoving you down. With your senses and total control taken away, you scream in fear of falling but the hard surface of a chair breaks that fall.
“K-Kitten? You okay? Talk to me sweetey.”
Hitoshi’s voice is the only safe thing you can latch onto and it briefly calms you as you nod.
“I’m fine, I’m okay T-Toshi.”
You both know that’s not true. You’re not fine. Not okay.
Hitoshi knows that. He can hear it in the way your voice shakes, how you sound so small.
There’s the sound of a chair dragging across the floor before he’s shoved down himself to sit. The person in charge of him makes quick work of tying him up before removing his blindfold. Hitoshi winces at the assault of light to his eyes but adjusts after a few blinks. When he hears your whimpering, he looks across from him to see Dabi.
You’re tied to a chair the same as him. Dabi has your chin in a grip so hard that Hitoshi can see how his blunt nails form crescents in your skin. His burned cheek is pressed against your own that’s soaked with tears and his tongue is licking a trail of them off. Hitoshi growls and goes to lunge but is held back by his restraints and a hand pulling his upper half back to the chair.
Hitoshi looks to the side to see Kage. He feels rage and uses a leg to land a solid kick to the guys shin. Of course it doesn’t go without consequence and Kage punches him hard in the stomach. Hitoshi wheezes and coughs from the force of it.
He musters a weak smile and shakes his head as if you can see it. “I’m fine kitten, nothing I can’t handle.”
What happens next makes Hitoshi yell out in blind rage.
Dabi raised a hand, the back of it making contact with your cheek and causing your head to whip to the side. You let out a shocked cry, teeth chewing at your bottom lip in an attempt to keep from outright sobbing at the burning sensation across your skin. Following the slap, the cloth is removed from your eyes and dropped onto the floor with a wet plop. You squeeze your eyes to get rid of a few more tears before blinking them open and refusing to look anywhere but at the floor. 
Panic and embarrassment eat away at you. You can’t face the monster from your past or the look full of pity that Hitoshi was probably wearing from witnessing its abuse.
“It pains me to do that angel but you need to learn. You shouldn’t waste your affection on those who betray you.”
You shake your head, still refusing to look at him. Refusing to speak to him.
It doesn’t sit well with Dabi though. After all this time, he finally has you but it doesn’t mean shit when your attention isn’t on him. So he growls and stalks closer. Hitoshi shouts at him, earning another punch from Kage. Dabi ignores it all and grabs you by the throat, forcing you to face him. You suck in a breath and squeeze your eyes shut. Dabi shakes his head and clicks his tongue.
Unbearable heat emits from his palm causing you to whine and squirm until it’s full fledged flames that are searing a brand in the shape of his hand around the skin of your throat and making you scream. 
“Look at me angel, come on.”
Hitoshi can be heard pleading in the background for the assault to stop and it kills you to hear the pain in his voice so you decide to open your eyes. A blue glow from the flames are all you see until they diminish and you’re facing blue eyes.
“Ah there they are, fuck I’ve missed those pretty eyes, especially when they’re full of tears.” Dabi sneers and brushes his thumb along your jaw before releasing your blistered throat. 
You feel your skin crawl under his touch and flinch at the feel of it, quickly averting your gaze anywhere but on Dabi and landing on Hitoshi. He nods at you and quirks up the corner of his lips.
“Breathe kitten, it’s gonna be okay. I’m with you, I’m not going anywhere,” Hitoshi quietly tries to comfort you.
It helps to calm your breathing until Dabi is forcing you to look at him again. There’s annoyance in his expression and disappointment. 
“What did I just say,” he hisses before slapping your cheek again.
It isn’t as hard as before but it still makes you yelp.
“He betrayed you, yet you still look at him like that? You should only look at me that way baby - no one else.”
It hurts to speak but you manage and narrow your eyes at Dabi.
“He would never, if anyone betrayed me, it's you!”
And that earns another slap, a deranged roar from Dabi and his hand fisting your hair and tugging your head back. You can feel a cut across your cheek and blood pricking at the surface of it.
“You piece of shit, I’ll fucking -”
Before Hitoshi can finish, Kage punches him square in the jaw and silences him.
Dabi looks into your eyes, searches for that submission and devotion he’s so used to seeing in them - but he doesn’t find it. You’ve never talked back to him, never tried to defy him. 
It's enraging. It’s wrong.
You’re not supposed to have a conscious, he is your conscious. You’re supposed to be his sweet little angel not some rebellious ungrateful shit. He hates to admit it but Dabi can see you’ve been too consumed by those men who kept you from him and that it's ruining his plan. You no longer believe a thing he says and he needs to fix that.
With a sigh, Dabi eases his grip in your hair and swipes at the blood on your cheek.
“Okay so maybe you’re right, he wouldn’t betray you consciously. Doesn’t mean I don’t have other ways of making him talk.” He stands straight and turns to look at Hitoshi. “Lucky us, his mind is pretty fucking weak.”
A smug grin falters on Hitoshi’s face and tilts his head, purple brow cocked up in confusion.
“W-What are you talking about?”
Dabi grins and plays with your hair gently as he explains exactly how he came to find you. The more he talks, the more numb Hitoshi feels. Of course none of it was willingly, he’d rather die than bring you back to Dabi’s hands but the fact that he was used, that it was him … it was still his fault. There’s no way to explain the amount of guilt that consumes Hitoshi as he finally looks up through teary eyes at you and it's a victory in Dabi’s book to see the light in his eyes turn dull.
“I … I’m so sorry,” Hitoshi breathes out, head hanging between his shoulders.
You shake your head, wanting to move in your chair, to run to him. Tears stream down your cheeks but there’s a reassuring smile on your face.
“There’s nothing to be sorry for Toshi, none of this is your fault and it doesn’t matter. It’s okay love, it’s okay.”
Dabi looks between the two of you in disbelief. Why is nothing working?
Before Dabi can break up the warm moment, the sound of guns, shouting - the sound of pure carnage fills the atmosphere that comes from outside. It makes everyone still and even Dabi clenches his jaw and fists.
Your head turns in the direction of the commotion and you smile then turn to face Hitoshi again.
“Stop looking so sad Toshi, our boys are here. You don’t want my big red guard dog seeing you all crestfallen ight? You have a reputation to uphold.”
Hitoshi sniffles and nods, he gives you a weak smile. He feels a small twinge of hope. 
But he’s suddenly yelling out when Dabi kicks one of the legs of your chair, causing it to break and you to fall to the floor. There’s a loud smack. Hitoshi shouts when he sees your skull hitting the hard floor and Dabi is quick to crawl on top of you, gripping you by the throat and screaming out in rage.
“What the fuck did you just say?”
You groan, feeling throbbing in your skull and the weight of Dabi making it even harder to breathe from the way the fall knocked the wind out of you. Lifting your head up just a bit, you meet enraged blue eyes and grin.
“O-Our boys … my boy - h-he’ll fucking kill you. T-They’ll all kill you!” You sneered and spit in his face.
It's a small victory that earns a powerful backhand from Dabi. Your skull knocks against the hard concrete once more and causes white noise to filter into your ears, drowning out Hitoshi screaming at Dabi to stop. But the pleas go unheard as Dabi starts to burn the already blistered skin around your neck, making you let out a shrill sound of agony.
“To think that I was so heartbroken when you left me angel. I couldn’t stand it, couldn’t take not having you anymore. Do you know how long and hard I’ve searched for you? Those boys are dangerous angel, I tried to save you!” He berates harshly, spit coating your face from the force of his words.
Dabi takes your wrists next, burns your bonds, but holds you in place still; now burning the skin of your wrists. You writhe and cry, tears and snot dirtying your already busted face. 
“What did they do to you to make you so fucking cruel to me! I - I mean you’re even cheating on me!”
You shake your head and for a second he gets to you. For a second Dabi makes you go back into that headspace where all you see is him. To where every labored breath revolves around him. 
You feel burning fingertips down your face, wiping a tear. Feel hot hands down your body and hear clothing rip. It sounds distant but Hitoshi is screaming out for Dabi to stop between punches from Kage. Dabi shakes his head and burns your shirt enough so that it’s not obstructing him. He sees the ink on your skin, sees a bulge under the material of your bra and tugs one of the cups down to see the barbell piercings.
Dabi growls. 
“Fucking filthy. Which one was it? Who else has touched my angel - the stupid one, that really fucking loud one, or - was it all of them huh? Tch, knowing you it probably was. You fucking little whore, how could you? I - I love you, how could you hurt me?”
Everything is overwhelming. Your head throbs and hurts, things go from sounding clear to sounding garbled. You don’t even know what’s happening anymore, but one thing you know is that these touches, this pain, this fear - that’s not love. Eijirou would never touch you like that, he would never say these cruel things and claim it as love. That’s not what he taught you, this is wrong. 
“D-Don’t … you don’t love me. Not ‘urs … no more. Over … it’s o-over.”
It’s the final straw for Dabi. 
He tried, he tried to be nice but sometimes being nice just isn’t enough. He’s seething but calm and drags his nose along your cheek, takes your palms in his own and shakes his head while whispering in your ear. 
“No angel,” his flames increase and his grip tightens on your hands. 
You sob loudly, begging him to stop. He’s squeezing too hard, it feels like your hands are about to snap. Yet Dabi grins and uses his power and strength over you to do just that. 
Like it’s nothing, he bends your palms in half, hard and rough enough to make the bones in them crack. You wail and scream loud enough that it causes more pain in your throat. 
There is so much pain, pain everywhere and it starts to feel like you’re too tired to keep going. 
You blink your burning eyes to see Dabi is nose to nose with you, blue eyes shining. 
“We’re over when I say we’re over you little bitch.”
All you feel and know right now is pain. It’s spreading from your head to your neck, your hands and wrists. Even though it hurts you feel numb. You feel exhausted. So you turn your head to look away, to rest your eyes. 
There’s a loud noise, like a wall crashing and a loud roar.
You blink again and see a beast with wild red hair before black starts to eb at the corners of your vision.
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“The building outside, they’ve gotta be in there.”
Kirishima nods at Bakugou before turning away from him and bee-lining for the set of doors that lead outside of the warehouse they’ve been clearing out. Everyone is covered in blood that is equally their own and the people who tried to stop them. So far everyone has been split up along the way, taking care of obstacles and making sure they stay cleared. All that’s left now besides him are Shouto and Bakugou. 
Kirishima doesn’t have time to waste to question whether Bakugou’s suggestion is right, he just goes for it. Bakugou growls behind him, propelling himself with his quirk and Shouto does the same with his ice to catch up. 
“Not without us you fucking idiot!” 
The three of them run as fast as their legs will carry them and harder than they ever had in all their lives. Adrenaline and fear have gotten them this far and it still steadily pumps in their veins to help keep them going. Soon a smaller building comes into sight. There sits the van from the surveillance photos and Kirishima feels a fresh surge of energy. 
He doesn’t bother stopping at the door, it requires a code to get it but his hardened fists and arms are enough with Bakugou’s explosions. They bust in and run down a short hallway, there are boxes of obvious drugs all over the place, weapons as well. 
Bakugou eyes the contraband and smirks, “Gotta remember to swipe some of this shit before leaving.”
Shouto looks over, not very amused. 
The blonde rolls his eyes, “I mean the weapons moron!”
Shouto goes to chuckle but the sound of an agonizing scream rips through the air and stops them in their tracks. They don’t know the cause of it but they can feel the pain in it. The sound carries and feels like it goes on forever, it rattles them to their core and suddenly Kirishima is falling to his knees. 
His fingers elongate and sharpen into daggers as they dig into and break the concrete underneath him. His heart feels like it's either going to fall out of his stomach or beat straight out of his chest with how hard it beats, how heavy it feels. Too many emotions consume him, fear, rage, helplessness, guilt. Kirishima breathes rapidly and his quirk starts going berserk across his skin; the sound of it hardening, crackling. 
Bakugou and Shouto finally look at him and are taken back. Something isn’t right. 
Kirishima has been able to harden his entire body before but never like this. Before their eyes they could see him growing in size, how his form morphed from human to almost inhuman. Even the whites of his eyes were hardening and cracking. The redhead looked absolutely feral and like a monster. Sparks falling from his teeth as they grind together and he growls. 
Before either of them can say anything, a door slides open and Kage stands before them. Shouto and Bakugou move into fighting stances, ready to lunge at him but Kirishima isn’t paying attention to him, his enraged eyes fall behind him. 
He can’t make much sense of anything right now, he see’s literal red hues and adrenaline makes his head throb but he can see and make sense of you. Kirishima growls louder upon seeing you there underneath Dabi. Time around him slows and he watches as your palms fall from Dabi’s grip, your exhausted red rimmed eyes blinking his way. A bloody and busted very tired smile forms on your lips and you turn to look up at Dabi again. Your lips mouth something and the next thing Kirishima sees is the back of Dabi’s palm connecting harshly across your cheek.
In that short amount of time Kage had started his way towards them, Shouto is the first to move and Kage smirks when their eyes meet. Suddenly Shouto turns around and is sending fire and ice towards Bakugou. 
“Fuck, Shouto what is wrong with you?” 
Shouto doesn’t respond and keeps going. Bakugou groans and fights back, dodging spears of ice and gusts of fire as he growls and berates his not so boyfriend. He lands some hard punches that make Shouto stumble and slip. Bakugou has always been better when it comes to close combat and fist fighting in general. Despite what Shouto is doing now, how he’s coming at him like he’s the enemy, Bakugou doesn’t have it in him to send an explosion his way. In fact he hates it.
“I give you the best dick of your life and this is how you repay me you peppermint patty?”
Meanwhile Kirishima see’s red the moment blue eyes look his way. 
Dabi stands, kicking you behind him without a care. Your body rolls away from him, heavy and so lifeless. And it’s the mere thought of that, that causes Kirishima to lunge. 
Red eyes focus solely on Dabi and nothing else, they’re so focused that Kage can’t even use his quirk as Kirishima comes his way, yet he stands his ground. 
Anything that isn’t Dabi, anything between them or that prevents Kirishima from getting to him is just a mere obstacle to be destroyed and Kage is no exception. It requires no thought for Kirishima to use giant sharp hands to slice his throat and gut at the same time. There’s the sound of skin being cut open and blood flowing followed by a heavy thud as Kage falls. Immediately Shouto is released from the quirk.
He stands still and rubs his head with a groan. There’s smoke leaving his lungs and ice coating his arm.
“What's going - “ Shouto’s question gets interrupted when Bakugou punches him square in the nose. 
Bakugou curses, quickly realizing his mistake when he sees Shouto falter back and groan in pain. His hand covers his nose that starts to bleed profusely and he becomes so disoriented from the force of the punch that he falls back. Before his skull can meet the hard ground and cause them any more trouble, Bakugou moves fast to catch Shouto and cradle him close.
“What the actual fuck Katsuki!”
Bakugou rolls his eyes, removing Shouto’s hand carefully despite his other hand slapping him like a child throwing a tantrum. After a second he gives in and lets Bakugou look him over.
“Fuck, its broken.”
Shouto scoffs then flinches in pain from it. “Thanks captain obvious!”
Bakugou growls at Shouto, telling him to zip it while he looks over the rest of the damage he caused him. He’s pretty beat up and in need of some urgent help with the nose issue. 
Looking up at Kirishima as he goes after Dabi, Bakugou is conflicted. He doesn’t want to leave his brother but - Shouto needs help.
“Kats, it’s okay, you know he’s got this. When something so fucking precious is at stake, I have no doubt in my mind that that burnt piece of shit in there won’t last another five minutes.”
Bakugou looks down at Shouto in his arms and smirks. 
“Yeah - yeah he’s got this.”
Without wasting another second, Bakugou stands and turns to carry Shouto back the way they came, mumbling how that guy probably had a quirk that made Shouto turn on him. Shouto complains at the rough ride and groans while tearing a piece of Bakugou’s shirt to use for soaking up the blood still coming out of his nose.
“But really bitch, did you really have to go that hard?”
Bakugou smirks and shrugs a little too much, jostling Shouto, “You usually like it rough.”
Shouto winces but still manages to slap Bakugou. 
“On my ass, not my face you fucking twat!”
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Hitoshi watches in disbelief as a literal monster runs in roaring and takes Dabi to the ground. Dabi tries to fight it off at first but anytime he touches it he’s cut. The slices to his skin do nothing to waver his insanity, only makes him cackle at the pain like some sick fuck. But Hitoshi see’s the moment Dabi gets annoyed and finally lights the place up with a wave of blue flames. It manages to throw the beast off and gives Dabi the advantage to kick him away with his booted foot and jump up to face the monster as it comes barreling after him again.
With Dabi being occupied, Hitoshi looks over to see you just laying there where Dabi discarded you. In the on and off again blue glows of light, he can see blood matting the back of your hair and it confirms his fear. Taking all the opportunity the distraction of the fight gives him, Hitoshi manages to stand and with a grunt he throws himself back hard enough to bust the chair he’s tied to. He winces and hisses as pain surges through his body, maneuvering in order gnaw at his bounds enough to loosen them and break free. 
Frantically, Hitoshi crawls over to you and moves you onto your back. He leans down to check your breathing and pulse. They’re there but labored and growing weaker. Carefully he hauls you into his arms and takes in the amount of fresh burns that dress your skin. Frowning and letting out a sad groan, Hitoshi adjusts your bra so you’re no longer exposed and gently cradles your head, cringing when he feels the blood on his palm. 
You stir a bit in his hold and blink tired eyes up at him. With a frown, you lift a trembling hand to his face and he nuzzles into the touch softly. 
“T-Tosh … you’re hurt.” 
Shaking his head, Hitoshi smiles at you and kisses your cheek.
“I’m fine kitten, don’t worry about me.” 
However, you ignore him and reach with both hands. A sharp pained gasp leaves your lips when you try to flex them around his face and it becomes clear to Hitoshi what you’re trying to do. Quickly, he takes your wrists and pulls your hands away to look at them. The damage is severe, they’re burned and bruised. Despite his protests, you still try to use them and your quirk to heal his minor cuts. The action causes you pain, making you whimper and whine quietly with heavy eyes. You seem to be too out of it to realize the extent of the damage. The worst part is that the glow that usually emits from them is like that of a dying flame.
“N-Not working … Toshi, ‘m sorry.”
Hitoshi shushes you and takes your hands from his face gently to hold them as they tremble. 
“It’s okay love, I’ll get help soon. How about I get you out of here okay?”
Your eyes flutter shut and a tired smile grows on your face. Slowly you become heavier in his hold and lull your head to the side. 
“Hmm … t-tired … can I nap?”
“Fuck,” Hitoshi breathes out quietly.
He holds you closer, panic flooding him fast once he realizes you may have a concussion. Hitoshi groans and looks at you over thoroughly again to see a small trail of blood that slipped from the corner of your mouth. He assumes it’s a combination of the multiple slaps and the kick from Dabi that was hard enough to break something internally. 
“Shit - this isn’t good.” He whispers to himself, moving to his knees and wincing as he holds you like dead weight.
He’s gotta get you out of there, you have to stay awake. But he looks down to see your eyes flutter, feels how weakly you breathe in and out. 
“No, no kitten,” Hitoshi pleads, lightly tapping your face as the pleas turn into a distressed shout, “Stay awake, fuck - stay awake!”
It catches Kirishima’s attention and he turns to look at Hitoshi.
White noise filters in between more shouts and his eyes finally fall upon you being held in Hitoshi’s arms. 
He sees red. No - he sees blood.
Blood on Hitoshi’s hands after they come away from your hair to cup your face. The man pleads and shakes your face lightly, a stream of tears finally escaping the corner of his eyes. The scene has Kirishima frozen and Dabi takes the distraction immediately. He uses every ounce of flames he can muster to knock Kirishima back. Dabi knows there’s no winning against this man, he’s impenetrable, he’s fucking unbreakable! But he can at least hold him back long enough to finish you off once and for all.
“Sorry Red but that little thing is all mine and if I can’t fucking have her no one can,” Dabi snarls as he stalks over to Hitoshi whose trying to stand to his feet with you in his arms. 
Dabi scoffs and rolls his eyes. He kneels to pick up a piece of the brick Kirishima demolished during his entrance. Coming up behind Hitoshi, he uses it to hit him in the back of the head hard enough to send him back down. Hitoshi falls, dropping you in the process. The impact of hitting the ground jolts you back into consciousness and you gasp before crying out. Dabi kicks Hitoshi out of the way, completely ignoring him in favor of getting to you.
Finally he releases his quirk and kneels, grabbing you the hair and grinly wildly as he pulls out a blade.
“I love you angel,” he hisses and holds you down, raising his arm and the blade high. “And it’s because I love you that I have to do this, I’ll be with you again soon - we’ll be with each other for -”
Looking up you see Dabi, his words start to become garbled as you slip in and out once again. For a moment you panic, you should be feeling something, anything - but everything is only numb and heavy. Sluggish and disoriented. 
Everything changes in the span of three blinks.
The first one is to see Dabi still above you smiling that dangerous yet beautiful smile. 
He holds a shiny blade aimed right for your chest. You want to fight, you really do but there's no way you can muster up the energy. You just want to sleep, so your head falls to the side. 
The second blink, you see Hitoshi scrambling to his feet.
He’s so fast and you smirk lazily and lull again to the opposite side. A long breath that takes more energy than it should leaves your lungs.
That third blink though gives you renewed energy because you that red monster again coming your way. Red can only mean one thing - Eijirou.
You hum, closing your eyes blissfully before hearing a grunt and a gruesome squelching sound. Suddenly there’s a weight on top of you. With a grunt you force your eyes open to see Hitoshi shielding you and you smile. He smiles back with blood starting to coat his teeth that trickles out of the corner of his mouth. 
“Toshi,” you breathe out and wince when you lift a hand to wipe the blood away.
There’s a thud next to the two of you and it's suddenly the room lights up in flames. It should feel sweltering hot except you feel cold. You don’t have long to ponder on it when something is breathing hard next to you.
With a slow flutter of your lashes, you turn from Hitoshi to look at the side and see that monster. It’s all sharp hard edges with small flecks of red in the eyes and a sharp mane of red hair.
There’s a smile still on your face that seems to grow as you raise the opposite weak arm and trembling hand to touch its face. It cuts your skin but you’re too numb to feel the pain of it.
Suddenly, all the ripples and cracks start to diminish before you and the monster takes on a softer form. The soft and sweet way that you call his name having that immediate affect to tame the beast inside of him like always. Soon familiar bright ruby eyes blink back at you, a warm calloused hand takes yours and holds it gently.
“Little one.”
It’s quiet and peaceful for a moment before Hitoshi starts coughing. Kirishima looks at him, gasping when what just occurred comes back to him. It’s blurry in his raged out mind but him and Hitoshi acted at the same time. 
A sharp hand and arm speared Dabi through the back … and a sharp blade speared Hitoshi through his.
You look back at Hitoshi, struggling to keep your eyes open but the sight of more blood from his mouth is enough to wake and worry you all over again. Both hands rest on his cheeks, you can’t feel the warmth of them or the rough stubble upon them but you can see them framing his face.
“Toshi … l-let me try ‘lease.”
Kirishima watches and realizes you haven’t seen the fatal wound. Haven’t taken in the burning building that you’re inside of. Instead you just see Hitoshi as if he’s the only thing that exists. 
He smiles at you sweetly and shakes his head. Kirishima see’s the wince of pain he hides so well as he removes your hands and very gently kisses your palms, holding them close. He holds back his tears and so does Hitoshi when he presses his forehead to your own. 
There’s not much time left, they both know that and soon you won’t have much time left either. 
To be someone who always has something to say, for once in his life Hitoshi can’t find any words to latch onto. Even if he did know what to say there’s not enough time to express it all. There’s not enough time to tell you everything he needs you to know, to make demands of Kirishima to follow once he takes his last breath … no time to seek out Denki. Then there’s the fact that you’re fading as he is and you probably wouldn’t even be able to remember any grand speech he could conjure up. 
So with a ragged breath, Hitoshi kisses your cheek and nuzzles it with a hum. You react to him instantly, melting into his affection and soaking it all in. 
“I’ll be okay kitten, I promise. Red is gonna take care of you okay and I’ll be right there, always, no matter what.”
Kirishima bites his lip at the subtle meaning in his words, eyes pricking with tears.
“You know I love you so much and I always will.”
You smile tiredly, nodding as Hitoshi brushes his fingers through your hair. 
“I love you more Toshi.”
Hitoshi chuckles and smiles as he admires you for a few more seconds before it becomes too much. The smile starts to crack and he buries his face into your neck carefully. You rest a hand in his hair and let out a tired breath. 
The weight of Hitoshi, the soft and loving touches he gives is the last of what it takes before finally passing out. When you do he lets out a quiet breath, a small faint sob and finally blinks away tears while moving to kiss your cheek again. 
“I love you more kitten. I always will.”
Tearful purple eyes meet equally tearful ruby ones and Hitoshi smirks at Kirishima.
“Take care of her okay? I mean - it’s the least you can do for me.”
Kirishima shakes his head when Hitoshi coughs out a chuckle, flashing blood stained teeth. 
“That’s not fucking funny. Come on, I can carry both of you.” 
Kirishima states matter of factly while Hitoshi moves off and let’s him move in to take you.
“No, you need both hands to get her out meathead, gotta protect her skull. And ...  we both know I’m not coming out of this alive,” Hitoshi coughs again. “Please Kirishima … I don’t want Denki to remember me like this.”
Kirishima frowns and holds you closer. He doesn’t want to give in so easily to Hitoshi but looking down at you, finally in his arms again - he understands. So he nods slowly and forces a smile.
“I-I’ll come back okay?”
Hitoshi nods and coughs weakly. “Okay man, can you do something else for me?”
As he stands and makes sure to cradle your head, Kirishima replies. “Of cour-”
Hitoshi lays on his back and swallows a mix of saliva and blood, waving Kirishima off lazily.
 “Get out of here and don’t come back.”
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“If he’s not walking out of there in point two seconds I swear to fucking -”
“Wait look over there - holy shit there he is,” Sero shouts out before Bakugou can finish and waves his arms.
The group had stood by for the past ten minutes that felt like centuries and watched as the building before them went ablaze. At first it was Bakugou who had to hold everyone back then as the time dragged on he was needing restraint. 
Once the figure of Kirishima could be made out through the smoke and heading their way, a collective sigh of relief let out among the men. Sero and Izuku are the ones who jog towards Kirishima. Their smiles turn into frowns and looks of disbelief when they see the condition you’re in. If they ask any questions, Kirishima doesn’t hear them, he’s walking fast to one of the vehicles, determined but also in a daze.
As he gets closer for Enji to see, the elder’s own eyes widen before he clears his throat and seeks out Hawks. The other looks at Enji and nods before intercepting anyone else who tries to get to Kirishima. It’s then that the red-head finally snaps out of the effects of Hitoshi’s quirk and to his disliking, Hawk’s trying to maneuver your body out of his own arms.
Like a protective wild animal, Kirishima snarls at the smaller man - sharp teeth on full display and his body rippling with hardening except for the areas in contact with your body.
Hawks holds up his hands and tilts his head, using a tone that’s understanding yet stern.
“Look big guy, she needs a hospital fast and I happen to be much faster than an SUV. It’s okay, I’ll take care of her. Enji will take you and be right behind me.”
Kirishima is reluctant for a few more seconds, releasing his quirk in favor of holding you closer to kiss your head. It’s been hours of pure hell since he last held you, touched you, last laid eyes on you. So fucking sue him for being a little dramatic and possessive. But finally he breathes you in and nods, handing you over to Hawks. The guy is off the ground and out of sight with you before Kirishima can ask any questions.
“Where is he?” 
Kirishima turns around to see Denki looking at him. His eyes are red and full of tears, covered in blood and searching Kirishima all over for answers. 
“H-Hitoshi, Red ... where’s Hitoshi?”
Kirishima gulps and he can’t stop how fast his eyes flash at the burning building. The blood in his veins runs cold with anger and sadness when he realizes what happened. Gritting his teeth, Kirishima tries to bolt back towards the building but he’s stuck in place. Denki looks him up and down before following his gaze. 
The blonde gasps and covers his mouth, shaking his head.
“No, no, no! I’m going in!”
Denki takes off towards the building, Kirishima reaches out to stop him because by now it’s slowly caving in and is more of a death trap than it was before. Sero and Izuku look to see Denki running towards the fire and quickly they lunge and tackle him to the ground. 
“Let me go you fuckers - get off!” Denki pleads through angry tears and manages to punch Izuku in the face.
Sero frowns and gives his friend an apologetic look. Izuku shakes it off and uses his body weight to keep Denki subdued. Bakugou looks on and goes to step in but the sound of the building finally giving out and collapsing makes them all go silent and watch as it falls to the ground.
“Denks,” Sero starts to say.
In the blink of an eye the small area becomes a light show as Denki wails out and loses control of his quirk. Everyone around them gets zapped and falls out onto the ground, the episode only lasting a few seconds before dying out. It causes Sero and Izuku to roll off of Denki, twitching from the aftershocks but Sero fights through it and pulls Denki close, holding on to him for dear life as he screams and sobs into the dirt.
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potatoesandsunshine · 3 years
Campaign 2 Wrap Up: Anna Potatoesandsunshine Edition
Seemed like it would be fun to go through all the fan content I made for this campaign and try to find at least one thing I like about each thing! Kind of like looking back through a photo album. Under the cut because as it turns out, I wrote kind of a lot! (As in, 21 fics and 3 playlists kind of a lot!)
the sea, once it casts its spell (fjord speculation, what’s up with all this ocean stuff?? the fic)
The first thing I wrote for c2, wayyy in the beginning of things. We had no idea about Uk’otoa or Avantika or anyone at this point, it was pure ocean vibes for my favorite warlock. I really like how hard I leaned in on the “the ocean follows Fjord to land” idea.
so many things will fill my life (but only one will do) (post-campaign cali/jester fluff, written the night of the cali episode and so sweet it could rot your teeth)
This one is just good. I just did good with this one. I’m one of those people who hates their own work the night of posting and then when looking back at it goes, “Wow, this is great.” My favorite thing is the little gifts sent along with the letters! Cali was so fun and cute :)
when the dust does roam (Beau study up to Episode 42, 2k words of Beau poking at the idea of grief)
Best thing I did in this fic was have Caleb-through-Frumpkin bugging Beau about getting some sleep. They really... they’re siblings, your honor. 
“  “Fuck off, I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” Beau picks the bird up and sets him in the hood of her own cloak, out of reach of any weasels or startled monks in the morning. It’d suck to have to tell Caleb that his Frumpkin got eaten by Sprinkle.” C’mon guys, let’s do the sibling dance.
keep your swords out by your sides (the idea for this was, What If Fjord Has Nightmares From Uk’otoa Every Night and just doesn’t remember them)
Assigning everybody a word Uk’otoa had said for each nightmare in this was a challenge; I went into it knowing I wanted Caleb for Learn and Caduceus for Consume and had to guess the rest - for an angry eye snake Uk’otoa didn’t give us a ton of quotes. 
“ He reaches over and runs a hand along the wall of the ship. From his touch, mushrooms begin sprouting.” Caduceus starting to decompose the Mistake in the middle of cooking was maybe the best moment in this story for me. Like, yeah. Yeah. Ok you funky little grave cleric.
strange but not a stranger (Caleb & Jester, in the immediate aftermath of Caleb’s charm in Episode 55)
the first of my “the Mighty Nein won’t have these conversations with each other in canon so they have to be had in fic” ideas that turned into a full-fledged story. I still had not discovered the em dash at this point, so the formatting of this makes me cringe a little bit, but this fic was really about The Emotions Of Being Out Of Control which turned out to be a very big Thing for the Mighty Nein.
now this story was when swords were humble (fake academia mixed with a Yasha study)
Honestly I’m still obsessed with the AU I made here where Yasha was just awakening every sword she used without knowing it?? Why did I use that here only?? That might come back. But the best part about this fic is the citations; me at my most in-joke and ridiculous.
through the teeth of this tempest (Written in the immediate aftermath of Episode 69, Yasha internally trying to break Obann’s control over the course of a month.)
The most “I wrote this to cope with canon” fic out of all of them. I was crying writing this, I was so upset that Yasha was gone ugh just remembering it. Still waiting for past me to discover the em dash, I genuinely don’t know why I didn’t know how to do it and I’ve thought about going back and editing all of these but I’m just Not Gonna Do All That. Anyway, I really like how Yasha catches lightning with her sword in this. We all really manifested that happening.
nothing more than what the losers settle for (Time travel, a series of oneshots where each member of the m9 sans Caduceus went back to a different point in the timeline and murdered Trent Ikithon)
This was my longest fic for c2, so I’m mostly just glad it got finished. This happened somewhere around the time Matt released that set of notes that mentioned Trent in more detail and I hated him so much I just had to write him dying six times. That speaks for itself.
Revolutionary!Fjord was also a good turn. He could pull it off, I think.
we’re gonna show ‘em a thing, or two, or three (Jester growing up fluff!)
I really like how I did Jester & Artagan in this, even though he barely appears. Someone better at songwriting than me please write the Dragon Song. Em dash makes an appearance here but the formatting is still wrong. I Am Once Again Asking For Proper Use Of The Em Dash.
the best things (happen while you’re dancing) (Mid-Episode 97 Divergence, Jester taking the reins at the party + hints of jester/beau/yasha bc i still love my girls so much)
Jester’s a little out of character in this, but not wildly so, and it was for the purposes of a Trapped By Societal Convention plot that I wanted her to mastermind so I think it was fine in the end. I’m still fascinated by the way she unbalanced Ludinus Da’leth in basically every interaction they had, and while their scene feels pretty cliche in this... the cliches are there for a reason. They’re so fun to write.
Em dash my beloved, there you are.
plus thirty-one varieties of sacramental wine (The Galavant crossover that truly nobody asked for, Beau + the monks)
Yeah, this one’s just fun. Not much more to say about it. Critical Role and Galavant are both fantasy, but they’re honestly pretty different in tone, and it was fun to write Beau dropped into a comedy musical.
oh we were sea-bound and aimless at best (Purely angst, a What If The Fjord & Orly Resurrections Didn’t Work fic)
Made myself care about Marius with this one, y’all. What more can I say? Beau having to go from first mate to captain was just... deliciously painful, because she would.
lost my shape trying to act casual (Beau & Yasha during travelercon, another mid-episode fic, this time of 104)
Yasha comforting Beau, who feels guilty for not feeling guilty... That Mighty Nein wasn’t lying, Mind Control and Autonomy can be themes. Another in the  “the Mighty Nein won’t have these conversations with each other in canon so they have to be had in fic” tank. They really just... didn’t open up to each other for a long time, which made sense, but I wanted them to.
so long as you don’t mind a little dying (Beau & Caduceus, sometime in the peace talks arc)
Keeping with the Mighty Nein Please Talk To Each Other theme, I feel like I did a pretty good job with the late-night conversation energy of this fic. This was at a time when I was looking at Caduceus, can opener in hand, ready to make this firbolg open up about his feelings. Beau in this is prickly and confrontational but only in service of her friend’s well-being.
amber light, bending (Eiselcross speculation, Widofjord and all the messiness therein)
THE widofjord fic of my two widofjord fics. The blueprint. The better one. Finally I got the dynamic figured out. I maintain that the tower is an absolute expression of Caleb’s love for his friends. The way that neither of them have the braincell in this fic... yeah this one is just good.
and a blade between them (Widofjord happening... sometime.)
Okay so this is not as good as amber light and I will never be able to look at it and like it as much, but it was still fun to write. Anyway, the intimacy of shaving someone else. That is good. The tag “if they didn’t want me to think about the blood pact they shouldn’t have made the blood pact” is the most useful takeaway from this fic and is the driving force behind the Fjord/Jester/Caleb fic I’m working on now, so it wasn’t a waste of time or anything.
feel the ground beneath my feet turn into the sky (Post-Campaign Astrid-retires-to-Nicodranas, Astrid/Jester)
This is another one where I’m like “Yeah, this is just good.” Packed full of Wizard Fashion, Artagan making an appearance to rope Astrid into having a happier future, and the power of Going To The Seaside. Good for you, fic-Astrid.
spend your days biting your own neck (Role-reversal where Beau is the one mind-controlled this time and Yasha is the one chasing after her, set very early in the Tomb Takers arc)
So much of this fic is about not saying things aloud - Beau’s POV spends a good chunk on body language and Yasha writes multiple letters on paper and in her own head - but devotion bleeding through anyway because there’s nowhere else for it to go. The two of them go tumbling over a cliff together at the end but Yasha has wings, ugh. Yeah this was a good one.
and blow the dry leaves from the tree (Somewhere before the beauyasha date but otherwise timeline-nonspecific Nicodranas, Yasha & Yeza become friends)
Yasha & Yeza making pancakes together when neither of them know how to do so... is good. This fic is very much about grief sneaking in, but it’s even more about finding someone to share the moment with you. I think these two have more in common than we think.
oh, lend a mending hand (Caleb & Caduceus during Beau’s tombstone meditation in Episode 130)
I wrote this entire fic as an excuse for Caleb and Caduceus to hug and it does what it says on the tin. Got em.
it’s about the passing of measures (Beauyasha at the end of Episode 134, Aeor speculation)
This fic got extremely sidetracked because I rediscovered the marble machine during it and I do not apologize for that. I still really like the idea that Aeor as a whole, not just the Cognouza, is somewhat-alive. Too much magic and too much death for it to be anything else, in my mind. And I’m a sap for hurt/comfort.
the blumentrio playlist nobody asked for
If I think too much about how deep in each other these three people are I will cry. Made myself a soundtrack for those tears. 
the caleb playlist nobody asked for
what if this angsty wizard had a playlist of songs that mostly just... make me want to dance? that question was answered here.
the caduceus playlist nobody asked for
songs about home, leaving home, dying, changing, becoming someone new, coming home and finding it’s changed... this to me is caduceus.
yeah... this campaign has been fun!! I probably won’t stop making things about it; I still write about Vox Machina, for crying out loud, but... it feels good to lay it all out like this. It’s been a long few years, and it’s wild to be seeing the end of it now.
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baby-prince-oppa · 5 years
AU Where Daniel Dies and Sean Survives 
Because apparently I love to kick myself in the feels. Based on this post by @grantyort . This was also initially created by someone else from a LIS2 Discord server back in December, but they haven’t posted it on Tumblr or anywhere else outside of that. Thought I could share it here and maybe put my own little spin on it. Not meant to be a full-fledged fic just a headcanon drabble.
So there it is. End of the road. They managed to achieve the impossible and forced past the border patrol and into Mexico. But there was no celebration. Instead, it was the complete opposite of victory. Sean had feared this might happen but he didn’t think it would really happen. It still came as an immense shock to him. Here he was, his little brother in his arms, bleeding out to death due to a stray bullet in his chest. Sean cried out to him, begging him to hold on, but he could feel that Daniel was fading away from him. His hands and arms were smeared with his brother’s blood, but he was too devastated to care. And finally at his final second....he stopped breathing. Sean let out a scream of agony before breaking down into uncontrollable sobs.  
At this point, he didn’t know whether or not he should move on. Keep moving forward to Puerto Lobos? For what? The point of this whole journey was so that they could escape together. And now that Daniel is no longer here, what was the point anymore?
Maybe this is what I get for being so fucking stupid, Sean thought in the midst of his grief. This is all my fucking fault. 
I'm so sorry Daniel.....
He sat in the truck, continuing to hold his brother as he bawled his heart out over him. After what felt like hours, he reluctantly let go of Daniel and slowly climbed out of the vehicle. He then turned to look at the broken border gates at about 90 feet away and saw that some of the police cars that were still standing from Daniel’s force were waiting close by, even spotted several cops peering over from the distance. 
A sorrowful wrenching feeling twisted in his gut. He knew what he had to do.
Sean walked over to the other side of the truck and carried Daniel’s limp body out of his seat. Then with a heavy heart as more tears continuously streamed down his face, he walked back towards the gates....    
......and willingly turned himself in. 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Months had passed since the incident. Sean was in a state of catatonic shock. The authorities eventually deemed him mentally unfit for trial or prison and so he was placed under indefinite house arrest at the Reynolds’ and was only allowed to leave if it was an extreme emergency. (Playing it very loosely with US laws here just go with it.)  A funeral was held for Daniel, but Sean couldn’t be there. He just didn’t have the strength to bear it. The immense guilt was already crushing him and it was pushing him over the edge and off into the abyss that no light can reach.
The people who did manage to attend were Claire and Stephen, Karen, Charles and Chris, and Lyla.
Claire wiping her tears with her handkerchief every 5 seconds while her husband comforted her, firmly squeezing her shoulders from behind, silently praying that their grandson’s soul will finally find peace. 
Karen gazed at Daniel's pale face in deep remorse, internally wishing with all her heart that things shouldn’t have to end this way. She shouldn’t have to live with the fact that she had lost her youngest son, whom she had only gotten to know for 2 months, along with her former husband. But the truth will always be there. 
Chris looked on at the boy laying in the casket, still couldn’t believe that his newfound friend was just....gone. For good this time. The team duo is no more, for Captain Spirit had lost his most trustful companion. A lump had risen in his throat as he was unable to hold back a sob. Charles glanced down at him and softly squeezed his son's small hand in reassuring comfort.   
Lyla was left with barely any words or thoughts other than facing the reality that the brother of his best friend has passed away. It was a reality she could not accept. She had known him just as long as she had known Sean, so the loss was still just as overwhelming. A thought did crawled its way across her mind however, of how deeply all of this was affecting Sean, the one who was taking the most brunt of it all, unable to say one final goodbye to his little brother and instead cooped up at his grandparents' house, his mind wandering to a very dark place. Her heart broke for both of the brothers as her internal anger grew against the injustice that let this happen, and her cheeks heated pink from crying. 
Daniel was eventually buried next to his father in the graveyard. It was the kind of reunion that was more sorrowful to the living than anything.
Little by little, Sean did eventually start functioning normally again and fell into a routine. Eating, washing his own dishes, doing a couple of other chores when asked to, cleansing his left eye, sleeping at a certain time etc. Eventually, he was required to continue his education from home and homework was becoming part of his routine as well. He tried reading a few fiction books from time to time but felt nothing for the story or its characters.
And all the while, the numb empty feeling remained inside of him. He was only running on autopilot and his body just mindlessly going through the motions. Just living long enough to start another day again. Nothing more.
He slowly got back into drawing but only draws small simple things like plants and other objects around the house. A few times however, he caught himself subconsciously sketching out faint outlines of Daniel's facial features. His young face was looking up at him with eyes that had that child-like innocence before it was taken away, with perhaps, a hint of forgiveness.... 
Sean shook that thought from his mind and erased the lines. 
Appointments with a therapist has been set up for Sean, because of course he had to see one since he was dealt with such trauma.
At most of those appointments, he would just sit there in silence until the time was up. But later down the road, it was discovered that he still talked about his brother in present tense. 
Therapist: “So I was told that you were drawing Power Bear on the living room wall before you cleaned it off. Do you want to explain that?” 
Sean: “Well....Daniel likes Power Bear. He'd play with that toy whenever he could and makes up wild stories about his adventures.”
Therapist: “It’s liked, Sean. He liked Power Bear.”
Sean: “No...he still does. Although I do think he’s getting a bit too old for that, huh?”
Sean wasn’t allowed visitors until he was mentally ready and could start speaking properly again. Lyla came by as soon as she was notified that the visitors ban has finally lifted. 
Claire: (knocking on his bedroom door) “Sean? Someone is here to see you.”
A sense of dread immediately overcame him as he thought it was probably Flores coming in to check in on him again, but his mind stopped in its tracks for a short moment when he saw another kind of familiar face; one that he hasn’t seen in what seemed like ages. 
Lyla: (greeted in a soft voice) “Hey, Sean.” 
Sean: (eye widen in disbelief as he whispers) “Lyla?”   
They came together and held each other in a long embrace. Nothing else was said between them. There was everything they wanted to say to each other all at once but not wanting to break this single moment of reunion. Lyla had been wanting to ask about his missing eye but had to remind herself that this wasn’t a good time for it. Even after they eventually came apart, they held each other’s hands as they both sat on Sean’s bed in continued silence. As Sean was given time to recollect himself, Lyla glanced a bit around the room. Everything was so neat and tidy...perhaps a bit too pristine. It was devoid of any personality. Nothing in that room uniquely screams “Sean” at all.
Finally, a small voice came out of her friend once more. “Lyla...?”
She redirected her full attention to him and gently rubbed her thumb across his palm. “Yeah, Sean?”
He lifted his eye to meet her gaze. “I.....” 
“I lost Daniel.”  
That sentence hung in the air like a rain cloud before it slowly sank down between them. Sean's breathing began to shake as it dawned on him again in full force and broke him down...just like that day when it happened. Lyla was the first person to hear him admitting that. 
“Oh God, Sean,” she whispered with empathy as she laid her friend's head on her shoulder and let his tears soak through her shirt. “I’m so, so sorry.”   
She was aware that he had probably heard those words so many times before but it was all she could offer in that very second. Seeing him cry made Lyla cried with him as well.
Daniel's death has left him broken but not beyond repair. The road to healing and finding his inner peace will be a long and arduous one but he will not go through the grief alone.
Somewhere along the way, he could feel a slight touch of an invisible force holding around his middle as he was standing over the kitchen sink. Sean turned around, only to find that no one was there and wondered if he was really losing it. Little did he know, however, was that beyond the boundary of life and death, his sweet little wolf was patiently waiting for him, waiting for the day he could tell him that he has never stopped loving him to the moon and back. 
Because nothing can ever truly separate the Wolf Brothers.
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sushigirlali · 5 years
Admiration - Part I (Reylo Fanfic)
Part I | Part II | Part III
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Summary: Padawan Ben Solo struggles to repel Snoke’s odious influence while coming to terms with his feelings for fellow student Rey of Jakku.
Parings: Rey + Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Continuity: Jedi Academy AU; Rey is 19, Ben is 23. 
Rating: E
A/N: This fic is dedicated to my wifey @grlie-girl under the prompt: “Poke me once more and see what happens.” (Which...we’ll get to lol) This is a “what if” scenario where Rey has grown up with Ben at Luke’s Jedi academy. I made Ben 23 because that’s about the age he fell to the dark side in the ST. Maybe things could have gone differently if he’d had Rey at his side back then. Enjoy! Set to Admiration by Incubus.
Master list –> AO3 | ff.net | Tumblr 
Admiration - Part I
By: sushigirlali
Could you move in slow motion? Everything goes by so fast Just slow down a little Save the best part for last
Ben marched out of the Jedi training center with his hood up and his head down. It was a struggle to keep his composure given the electrifying events of the last hour, but he did his best to look inconspicuous since several students were congregated in the courtyard outside. Luckily for him, they appeared too distracted by Luke’s latest lesson to pay him any mind.
“But what if you got stuck on some backwater planet during a mission and had to construct a lightsaber from scratch?!” an excited youth queried his friends. “Are synthetic crystals really suitable for Jedi?”
“Master Luke certainly thinks so!” a boy with a brown flat cap exclaimed. “He built a lightsaber with a synthetic kyber crystal on Tatooine and used it to single-handedly take out the entire Hutt Clan!”
“Single-handedly, huh?” Choking back a laugh, Ben imagined how his mother would react to the youngling’s erroneous statement. “She’d probably shrug and say something about boys needing to get their heads out of their cockpits,” he thought fondly, moving from cover to cover until he could slip behind the tall hedges that wrapped around the courtyard, “but deep down her blood would be boiling.”
“The way I heard it, Princess Leia was the one who saved the day!” a girl with fiery red hair piped up as he passed. “All because she and Han Solo were…”
The trio’s voices faded as Ben moved out of range of their conversation, not that he minded in the least. “Rey loves that story, but I’d rather not hear about the princess and the rogue for the thousandth time. They’re my parents, but I’ve never understood how two people could...” Rey’s knowing smile just before he rushed out of the training center flashed through his mind and his groin tightened in remembrance. “Never mind.”
Adjusting his stride, Ben debated the best way to get back to his room undetected. Given the state of his traitorous body, it would be beyond embarrassing to get caught before he could calm down. Stopping only when he reached the end of the hedgerow, Ben opened his senses and peered around.
The temple grounds consisted of the training hall at his back, the dining hall to his left, and the archive building across the courtyard on his right. The living quarters were stationed directly behind the dining hall, but it was likely he’d bump into someone if he went through the communal facility since it was so close to dinner time.
Deciding it would be more prudent to go around the building instead, Ben skirted past the entrance and darted down a small footpath adjacent to the building.
About halfway down the lonely path, Ben realized he was sweating profusely under his thick robes and slowed down to compensate. “Force, it’s hot,” he huffed. “When did it get so hot? It was almost chilly this morning. But now...”
Ben trailed off as he neared the end of the walkway, but his mind was racing. “I wonder if Rey and I have anything to do with the change in temperature?” It was an odd thought, but they were intrinsically intertwined through the Force. And with the Force, anything was possible.
Pushing the notion aside, Ben emerged onto the dirt road that separated the temple from the living quarters and approached his hut. The structure was slightly secluded from the rest, shaded by a few ancient trees and surrounded by a well maintained rock garden. It wasn’t much, but it was his.
Shouldering his way into the dark apartment, Ben closed and locked the door behind him before stripping out of his damp training uniform and tossing the heavy gray fabric onto the floor. Not satisfied, he shed his undergarments as well. “I’ll have to hit the ‘fresher later,” he thought, wiping ribbons of sweat from his brow.
”For now, though…” Ben moved to the silver basin on top of his bookshelf and grabbed a rag to wash his face. The damp cloth was cool against his skin, like an ocean mist on a warm summer day.
Not for the first time, he longed for the peaceful seas and mild weather of his beloved homeworld. “What I wouldn’t give to see Chandrila again,” he mused, retrieving his favorite silk trousers from the top drawer of his dresser. “To see mother and father again, even if they don’t want…” Ben paused, trying to suppress his long standing abandonment issues.
“Don’t focus on the things you cannot change,” he muttered, pulling on his pants with a little more force than necessary. The cool black fabric felt good against his skin, but he was still uncomfortably warm. “Focus on what’s in front of you, like Master Luke says. Focus on the things you can change.”
Sitting cross-legged on the end of his rumpled bed, Ben unlatched his shutters with a wave. A cool wind stirred through the window, giving him a modicum of relief from the punishing heat.
“If only the Force could solve all my problems,” he sighed, thinking of a certain hazel-eyed scavenger.
You speak in riddles Your intentions turn me on I'm your's forever Will you love me when I'm gone?
Laying his palms flat on his knees, Ben acknowledged that the weather wasn’t the only thing making him hot today. Rey had cornered him this afternoon on the pretense of training together, but he should have realized she was up to something the moment she suggested they meet in an isolated meditation chamber far from their Master’s watchful gaze.
“You’re too damn gullible for a Jedi,” he chastised, feeling all kinds a fool for allowing her to catch him off guard again. She was a talented Padawan, his equal in every way, but Rey seemed to want him to see her as a woman first and an apprentice second.
Unfortunately for his young admirer, physical interactions were forbidden to the Jedi, strong emotions taboo. And yet… “You just sat there like a dolt when she started kissing you.” Ben shook his head, trying to forget the sound of Rey’s soft sighs as her lips molded to his, the feeling of her small hands gripping his—
“Dammit!” he groaned aloud, scrubbing his flushed face. “You’re supposed to become a full-fledged Jedi Knight in little under a month! Besides that, there’s a very real chance that Rey will be named your Padawan for the last few years of her training! You cannot get wrapped up with her!” It was a difficult task, though, considering how good she felt in his arms.
“If Master Luke ever found out…” He shuddered to think what would become of them. At the very least, they’d be excommunicated from the New Jedi Order.
Still, it was becoming increasingly impossible to deny his admiration for the young orphan from Jakku, especially since she appeared determined to tempt him into behavior that was most decidedly against the Jedi code.
And therein lie his predicament.
Short of abandoning their Master’s teachings and leaving the Academy, there was no real way they could be together. They weren’t normal people with normal lives who could fall in love without thought to repercussions and...and...
“Wait. Love?” Ben froze at the revelation. “No,” he denied. “It’s not possible.” Taking a deep breath, he tried to clear his mind, desperately seeking guidance. "Your focus determines your reality," he chanted, repeating one of Luke’s most important lessons. “Focus on anything but her.” 
When I'm gone, You're an unfenced fire! When I'm gone, Over walls we've trampled! When I'm gone, It's you I admire! When I'm gone, My living example...
Concentrating on the quiet whisper of wind filtering in through his open window, Ben leveled out his riotous emotions and slipped into a meditative state.
Life. Death. Warmth. Cold. Peace. Violence. And between it all, balance and energy. A force.
And inside him, that same force.
Reaching out with his feelings, he explored the remote rock his uncle had claimed for the Jedi. The local flora and fauna, all so familiar to him now, were soaking in the last few rays of light as the planet turned and the sun sank beneath the horizon.
Broadening his search, Ben studied the subtle movement of the massive sphere itself, noting how smooth the planet’s rotation was. The orbital speed was constant, beating a soothing tattoo inside his head.
“Almost like a heartbeat,” he thought, humbled by the complexity of the universe. There was so much he longed to explore once he became a Jedi. Planets, people, the mysterious of—
“Ouch!” Ben winced as a familiar splinter formed in his mind. “No, not now! Not again!”
Something sinister had stirred in response to his probing, calling out to him, urging him toward the black abyss of space. “Come to me, my child,” it bade. “You must fulfill your destiny!”
“No!” Recognizing the intrusion for what it was, Ben tried to lock down his consciousness using a technique he’d learned from Luke. “For better or worse, our family is well acquainted with the struggle between light and dark.”
The rumors and speculation surrounding Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala had plagued his family for years, so Ben was grateful that Luke had prevented him from being blindsided when the whole affair came to light last year.
“I'm not sure how I would have reacted had Luke withheld the truth about my grandparents from me, but with everything out in the open, Luke and I are closer than we’ve ever been.”
“He’s helped me see that I’m not the only one who struggles, that I can have faith in myself despite my failings.” And in all honesty, it was a relief to know that even after donning the evil visage of Darth Vader for so long, Anakin Skywalker’s soul had still been worthy of redemption.
“The love of his son saved him in the end. Despite everything, his Jedi spirit prevailed. The light prevailed.” The notion gave Ben hope.
A malicious cackle broke into his thoughts. “Hope? How trite. There is no hope for you, young Solo.”
“Get out of my head, you murderous snake,” he gritted back. “You’re not welcome here, Snoke. Not anymore.”
Ever since he could remember, there had been a small but persistent voice whispering in his ear, presenting him with all manner of temptations. When he was a child, it was the acceptance he longed for from his parents. As a teenager, power and glory. But just recently, the voice had become desperate, for Ben no longer wanted any of those things. He was a Jedi, like his grandfather before him, and his only goal was to serve the Force.
“Don’t lie,” Snoke said cruelly. “There is still something you covet. Or should I say...someone?”
“Leave her out of this!” Ben raged. All at once he wanted to hit something, to kill. The thought of this creature, this incubus, touching one hair on Rey’s—
Your eyes are an undiscovered ocean far away Any minute now keeping Both poets and priests at bay Don't get ahead of me Could we just this once see eye to eye? Could you want perhaps me? Ask me how it feels to vie
Eyes flying wide, Ben turned to see Rey crawling through his open window. “Rey! What are you—?”
“Are you alright?” she asked without preamble, slipping onto the bed beside him. “I know you wanted to be alone, but I felt your fear and I—”
“Yes,” he lied. Except it wasn’t really a lie because the sinister voice had gone. Even with Luke’s exercises, the evil wretch still got in sometimes. But when he was with Rey...well, she seemed to drive off his demons.
She gently touched his damp forehead. “Were you meditating?”
“What? Oh, yes,” he said, coming back to reality. “Or, trying to,” he corrected, catching himself before he melted into her touch.
“Can I join you?”
“I don’t—” But she was already moving behind him. “Okay, then,” he sighed, half turning to look at her. “Do you actually want to mediate this time, or...?” She was facing the opposite direction, but Ben was wary of her intentions.
“I have no idea what you mean,” she said, copying his lotus pose.
“Really?” he replied sardonically. “I seem to recall you asking me to meditate this afternoon when in actuality you wanted—”
“Your virginity?” she filled in.
“Rey!” Ben exclaimed, astonished by her lack of tact. “You can’t say things like that!”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s—it’s—you just can’t!” he stuttered.
Rey met his troubled gaze. “Would you rather I lie?”
“Of course not!” he denied. “Though it might be easier to ignore my feelings if you did.”
“Ben, what’s wrong?” she said plainly.
“Besides the fact that you keep trying to seduce me?”
“Besides that,” Rey agreed. Her tone was even, but he could sense her smirking behind his back.
“Nothing, I just…” How did one confess that a mad man was trying to break into one’s mind at every given opportunity?
“It’s him, isn’t it?” she said quietly. “Snoke.”
“Yes.” It was uncanny, the way Rey always seemed to know what was troubling him before he could find the words.
“Not uncanny,” she returned, easily reading his unguarded thoughts. “It’s fate.”
Ben’s shoulders tensed. “You don’t know that.”
“I do,” she said confidently. “Now tell me about Snoke.”
Knowing how protective she was, he tried to play it off. “It was nothing. The usual.”
“There’s nothing usual about an evil wizard trying to sway you to the dark side, Ben,” she countered. “Try again.”
“Really, Rey? What are you? My mother?” he grumbled. “Why did I even tell you about him to begin with?”
“Because you trust me.” She leaned back against him to prove her point and, damn her, the contact calmed his frayed nerves like a spiritual balm. “Now stop kriffing around and tell me the truth.”
Put that way… “He’s become weak in the last few years, desperate. But that only makes him more dangerous, not less, and I’m afraid…”
She rested her head on his shoulder, further improving his sense of being. “Yes?”
“I’m afraid he’ll hurt you to get to me,” he admitted. It was a revealing statement, but he owed her the truth. Rey’s life was on the line as much as his own now.
“So, he knows how we feel about each other,” she said matter-of-factly. Rey sounded less concerned than he’d expected, but she was like that.
“I’m like what?” she asked playfully.
“Brave—and annoying,” he informed her. Ben reached up and tugged on one of her looping buns. “Also, stop reading my thoughts. It’s rude.”
“Stop shouting them at me then,” she snorted. “Our bond goes both ways, Ben. If you really want to shut me out—”
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry,” he said haltingly. “I just have a hard time keeping my head on straight when you ambush me like you did in the training hall.”
“Not that I’m blaming you for Snoke!” he went on hurriedly. “You’ve always been there for me, Rey. You mean everything to me.”
“Really?” She searched for his hand.
“Yeah.” He let her take it.
“Ben?” she started seriously, lacing her fingers through his.
“What happened this afternoon. What’s been happening between us for a while…” She drew in a deep breath. “I know you don’t want to hear it, but you must allow me to tell you how—
“But, I—”
“You can’t,” he interrupted again. “We’re Jedi. So, whatever you’re feeling is—”
“I love you,” she continued fiercely. “And I think you love me too.”
“No.” Ben shook his head even as his heart leapt. “You and I...we’re...”
“Yes,” she insisted, turning around to embrace him. “You and I. We’re meant to be together, Ben.”
“No, I--I didn’t mean…” he tried, sounding unconvincing even to his own ears.
“You feel so good,” she sighed, running her hands up and down his toned biceps. “Every time you’re near all I want to do is crawl into your arms and stay there forever.” Rey fit herself even closer, nuzzling her cheek against his bare shoulder. “I want you so much, Ben.”
“Stop it,” he said in an agonized whisper, aroused by her words as much as her touch.
“What if I don’t?” she replied, equally as hushed. “What if I strip off the rest of your clothes, mine, and make love to you until the sun comes up?” Rey slipped her arms under his, skimming her slim fingers up and down his naked chest in a hypnotic rhythm. “What if I take you in my hands, my mouth, inside me, everywhere...what then?”
Ben shivered at her seductive challenge, so turned on he could barely speak. “Then I would be ruined.”
“Is that why you’re scared of me?” she murmured sadly. “Because you think I’d sully you?”
“No, never,” he refuted, wanting to comfort her even as she drove him crazy. “You’re beautiful, a warrior; I could never be ashamed of you.”
“Then why? Why are you so scared of me?”
“I’m not!”
“Ben, you’re shaking,” she charged softly, able to feel every subtle movement of his body as she cradled him from behind. “And this afternoon, you ran away from me.”
“I ran because I wasn’t sure what would happen if I gave into my feelings for you,” he said huskily. There was no hiding his physical response to her closeness now, so he didn’t even try. Instead, Ben decided to go for broke; to chase her away before it was too late for either of them. “Rey, I can't do this.”
“No, you’re not listening to me!” he thundered. “I’m not saying I don’t want to; I’m saying I can’t!”
“Why?” she said, her question a plea.
“Because there’s something wrong with me, Rey,” he said gruffly. “Something that’s always been there, poisoning me from the inside out. And I’m afraid that if we get any more involved, it’ll infect you too.”
A/N: The Snoke Age of Resistance comic came out today, so all aboard the Ben Solo pain train!! Hopefully this alternate version of events will help ease it a little. I’ve got Part II about half way written, and it will include some sexy times. Would love to hear what y’all think so far! Check out my other fics, I have a ton!
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 5 years
gruvia fic: a song of ice and water
chapter 1
author's note: NO ONE asked for this. deadass no one. basically this is a gruvia game of thr*nes AU. and this is just like a pilot episode so ill see how everyone responds to this, and see if i even still like the idea, and will possibly continue it. now, even if u have not watched game of thrones, u can still follow along to this. im just using the same world as game of thrones, and will explain the background. its basically a medieval AU but i dont know much ab medieval times, but what i do know ab, is game of thrones lol. so yea no promises with this fic as in if i will continue or not. but here we go! enjoy!!<333
Many years ago, the country of Westeros was divided into seven kingdoms. However, after the conquest of Aegon Dragneel, his dragons, and his dragon slayer magic, he conquered and unified the seven kingdoms, to which he presided rule over. Hundreds of years later, his family still remains the house that sits on the throne: The Dragneels. With current king, Zeref (or as many refer to him as "The Mad King"), the world has been thrown into chaos.
The current regions of Westeros are split into nine provinces. The North is ruled by house Fullbuster, Lord of Winterfell. The Iron Islands are ruled by house Redfox, Lord of Pyke. The Riverlands are ruled by house Lockser, Lord of Riverrun. The Westerlands are ruled by house Heartfelia, Lord of Casterly Rock. The Vale is ruled by house Marvel, Lord of the Eyrie. Dorne is ruled by house Dreyar, Lord of Sunspear. The Stormlands are ruled by house Scarlet, Lord of Storm's End. The Reach is ruled by house Strauss, Lord of Highgarden. And finally, The Crownlands are ruled by the king, which is Zeref of house Dragneel, who sits on the Iron Throne in the country's capital, King's Landing. The rest of house Drganeel resides on an island just off the shore of King's Landing called Dragonstone.
The nine provinces and many allies must now unite and overthrow their unjust, evil king.
"Excuse me?" Gray said through gritted teeth and felt his blood beginning to boil. He didn't want his mother to witness the outburst of anger that was to come, but it seemed that was what would happen.
"I'm sorry, son." Mika lowered her grey eyes and held a hand out to the table, putting it on top of Gray's.
"An arranged marriage?!" Gray shot up from his seat, banging his fists to the cold wood.
"Dear, calm down." Her voice remained smooth.
"How am I supposed to stay calm?! Father fights alongside all the other lords in rebellion, fighting a war against the bloody king, and you expect me to sit back and take a wife?!" Gray never yelled at his mother like this, but what she was asking of him was unthinkable.
"Gray, I know you're upset-" Mika stood and placed a hand on Gray's shoulder.
"Upset?! Mother how could you ask me to do this? I've been training my whole life for something like this. My magic is just as strong as Father's. I should be out on the field with him!" Gray felt tears began to sting his eyes.
He'd fought battles before, but something like this felt like his destiny. It was a full fledged war amongst all of Westeros. To just sit on the side and watch it all unfold would make a mockery of all he'd trained for. He and his father's ice magic combined would be unstoppable. All Gray ever wanted to do was fight to protect his people, his home, and his family. It was what made him feel alive, and it was being taken from him.
"Your father needs more men to fight. Lord Lockser of Riverrun is finally willing to give aid to our cause, but only under the condition that you marry his daughter." She tried her best to explain.
"I am the future Lord of Winterfell. I am to be Warden of The North. How can I claim these titles if I have nothing to show for it?! 'Lord Gray shuddered in fear in his castle with his wife as everyone bravely fought.' How am I supposed to live with that?" His anger was simmering to frustration.
"That is exactly what you are. The future Lord of Winterfell. And doing this is a service not only to our country, but our family as well. You're eighteen now, Gray. It's time you took a wife and continued the Fullbuster name." Mika put her hands against her son's cheeks.
"I have plenty of time for that, Mother."
"Not if you go and get yourself killed in this war!" She shook him a bit.
"But I-"
"No 'but's, Gray. Now, I'm sorry that you cannot marry for love, and that you cannot be by your father's side. I truly am. But this is your duty right now. This is the best thing you can do. You know there must always be a Fullbuster in Winterfell, dear. You must be Lord until your father returns. Being a lord includes marrying and having children." She took her hands off her son's face, and Gray sucked up his tears.
He sunk back into his seat at the table with a numb look on his face. He slowly reached for his cup of wine and chugged the rest that was in there.
"So I'm to marry Juvia Lockser?" Gray let out sugh after finishing his drink and finally looked back up to his mother.
"Yes." Mika nodded.
"Hmph." Gray poured himself another glass of wine. "I wish I could at least marry someone I'm already acquainted with. Lucy Heartfelia or Erza Scarlet. Even Mirajane Strauss. They're all beautiful and skilled in battle.
"As is Juvia. I know you've never met her, but I'm sure you've heard stories." Mika sat back down at the table.
"Stories?" Gray raised a brow.
"Juvia Lockser: The Rain Woman."
Gray choked on his drink. "Oh lord, that is her isn't it?" He remembered. Just as he said that, he heard ran begin to pitter outside the window of the castle.
"Indeed it is."
"That'll be just great." Gray rolled his eyes. "A wife who brings rain with her everywhere she goes. We'll never see a sunny day in Winterfell as long as she's here."
"Like we see any sun anyway." Mika gave a teasing look to her son.
"Suppose you're right." Gray sighed.
"Don't be so glum. I've heard stories that her blue hair actually controls the waves of the oceans and that she can flood out her enemies with just a flick of her wrist." Mika smiled warmly, trying her best to comfort Gray.
"Yes, and I've heard everyone in The Riverlands fears her." Gray muttered.
"That must make her a great warrior." Mika reached out again to Gray's hand, to which he didn't retract his.
"When do I might my scary, gloomy, warrior bride?" Gray said, slightly annoyed.
There was a knock on the door. It was Gray's adopted brother, Lyon. His family was a great house in the north that attempted to rebel against the Fullbusters and take their spot at Winterfell. However, they were unsuccessful. The entire family was killed except for their only som and heir, Lyon Vastia. He was just a boy when it all happened, just as Gray was. Silver Fullbuster decided to spare the boy and raise him as his own. In turn, Gray considered him as a brother.
"My Lord, My Lady," He entered the room. "Juvia Lockser has arrived."
"Thank you, Lyon." Mika nodded, and Lyon nodded back before exiting the room.
"She's here?!" Gray exclaimed.
"Yes, I was, well, putting off telling you, to say the least." Mika chuckled.
"Yeah, maybe! When was this deal made?!"
"About two months ago..." Mika said, sheepishly.
"Two months?! Mother-"
"Come, come, dear, we have to welcome your bride-to-be." She wrapped her arm in Gray's and began to walk them out the door.
The two made their way through the castle grounds, past all the servants and throught the stone towers. Lyon was with them, holding an umbrella over them to keep them dry.
There was a carriage at the gate of the castle. It was blue and red, the colors of Riverrun. One of the knights opened the carriage, and another held out an umbrella. A pale hand took it and stepped out of the carriage.
Her hair was a vibrant blue, just as all the stories said. The ends were curled tightly, hanging just above her shoulders. She wore a blue gown that puffed out a bit, and on top of it was a poncho. Once her deep eyes met Gray's, he felt a pang of emotion strike him. Her rich blue eyes- while firece- seemed so sad, and they were practically hidden by her long, heavy lashes. She wasn't at all what he pictured her to be.
Juvia steadily approached Gray. "Hello, My Lord." Her voice was quiet as she curtsied.
"My Lady." Gray nodded and took her hand, planting a light kiss on it, as was what was expected of him. A light blush grazed her cheeks, and she looked down.
"Hello, My Lady." Juvia turned to Mika and curtsied again.
"It's nice to meet you, Juvia." Mike gave her a soft smile, hoping to make her feel more welcome.
"Come, dear, let's get you settled in and ready for your welcome feast." Mika reached out to Juvia, wrapping an arm around her, and she sheepishly followed.
"I will see you tonight, My Lady." Gray gave Juvia another nod who blushed once again, averting her gaze.
Lyon and Gray watched her walk away with Mika.
"She doesn't seem as scary as everyone says." Gray shrugged.
"She's a young girl who was shipped off to a completely foreign land all on her own to marry a stranger. I'm sure she's the one who's scared." Lyon said.
"Yeah. I guess I do feel bad." Gray admitted.
"Well I certainly don't feel bad for you. She's absolutely gorgeous." Lyon gawked.
"Damn, Lyon, calm down. She is my wife after all." Gray teased. "And I'd much rather be on the battlefield than getting married. You know that."
"She's not your wife yet." Lyon focused his gaze on Juvia as she walked away, seeming to disregard Gray's joke and put all his focus on her.
"Well," Gray broke his stare. "Let's go get ready for this welcome feast, I suppose."
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larryfanfiction · 6 years
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New Year’s Eve AU
🎆 One Minute to Midnight by QuickedWeen (29k)
Louis Tomlinson is at the height of his game in Boston’s financial scene. He’s got the instinct, and he’s got the guts to take calculated risks that make everyone around him a lot of money. Everything is going well until the day after he gets promoted when he wakes up forty years older than his actual age.
Two years later he’s adapted to his new life as a retiree, but he’s lonely and desperate for company closer to his real age during the rigorous holiday party season. He gets some questionable advice from Niall and turns to the Seeking Arrangement app where he finds Harry Styles, a local actor he’s been a fan of since they had an undergraduate class together. But what happens when a few dates here and there isn’t enough?
🎆 And Touch Me Like You Never by runaway_train (35k)
“Lets move back a bit yeah?” Harry clutches at his waist with a free hand and tugs him to move through the crowd until they are almost at the back of the group and settles them both beside the far wall. “There. That better?”
Louis looks up at him, as if he’s a tad dazed. “Uh, yeah, thanks. Can’t really see much from back here either though.”
Harry lifts a shoulder and grins at him, placing a hand on the wall behind Louis to pen him in. “We’ll just have to create our own fireworks then, won’t we?” He says it jokingly with a wink, and Louis laughs but he seems nervous. He must know that Harry is harmlessly flirting. Harry flirts with everyone after all, including Louis.
“Do you think this is a good idea Haz?” Louis asks quietly, almost too quietly in the clamour of the room, his head bowed as he scuffs his shoe on the carpet.
“Stop over thinking it Lou, it’s one kiss. What’s the worst that could happen?”
The one where Harry and Louis agree to be each other’s New Year’s kiss and it ends up being a lot more than they bargained for.
🎆 The Stories That I Can’t Explain by kikikryslee (6k)
“Are you closing?” the woman asked, rushing into Louis’ store. “I just have to pick something up!” “I’m really sorry, but if you come back on Tuesday, we’ll be opening again at normal time,” Louis told her, trying to get her out of the shop. “No, please! I-” The woman dropped her head, and Louis watched in horror as she started crying. He didn’t do well with tears. “Please, I just have to pick up a ring, it’s- It’s for my brother, and he’s well… He’s dying. And it’s really important that I get it.” Louis could feel his mouth drop open even farther than it already had been. “Um…” Just then, a man walked into the store. He took one look at the woman and rolled his eyes. “Gemma, you haven’t told another stranger that I’m dying, have you?” he asked. The woman, Gemma apparently, turned to face him. “Of course I didn’t, Harry,” she said. — Or, the one where no one is actually dying, but Gemma likes to lie about Harry’s livelihood to get what she wants. Harry isn’t amused. Louis kind of is, though.
🎆 A Dream is a Soft Place to Land by lululawrence (4k)
“It’ll be like a perpetual sleepover, Lou,” Harry had said. “It’ll be great.”
And it was…except it also meant that Louis’ long time, barely there crush on Harry had only grown into a full fledged, real life version of playing house where Louis all too often found himself pretending he and Harry really were together when they definitely were not.
Or the one where Harry might have told his friends that he was dating someone and has to show proof for their party on New Year’s Eve. His best friend and roommate Louis is the obvious choice…but things don’t exactly go as planned.
🎆 2018 and The Rest of Forever by StayTillTheAM (4k)
One of these days Louis will take Liam’s annoying analog clock from the wall and smash it to the ground. He might even make it his new year’s resolution.
Louis’ been sat on the couch for the past hour, trying to focus on the cooking show playing but instead he got distracted by the damn ticking object on the wall in front of him. It just hangs there, mocking Louis and seemingly ticking as loudly as possible just to remind Louis that she and Time are in control. To remind him that they won’t wait for him. To remind him that the closer they get to midnight, the closer Louis gets to having another year wasted.
Because 2017 is almost over and Louis still hasn’t found his soulmate.
- - - - - - - -
Or the New Year’s Eve fic where 2017 refused to give Louis his soulmate, and 2018 might change that for him.
🎆 LoveJoy by Snowy38 (13k)
“Dance-mat!” Liam voted.
“Guitar hero,” Zayn chirped up.
“What about a game of Trivial Pursuit?”
The voice was deeply serious and even Louis grinned as Harry leaned forward in his seat.
Three faces scoffed.
“Jesus, Hazza, live a little,” Niall teased.
“Is that what a wild night is like for geeks?” Zayn wondered.
“No, that would be more along the lines of driving out to the middle of nowhere and camping in a field to study the interstellar medium of the Orion Nebula,” Harry quipped with a little, happy smile.
🎆 Never Walk Away (A Man Can Be Kind) by LiveLaughLoveLarry (8k)
Louis and Harry have recently ended their three year relationship. But maybe a little holiday magic can bring them back together.
“I don’t know why you’re so nice to that louse,” Oli says as the taxi pulls away from the curb.
Louis glances back through the window. Harry is still standing on the sidewalk, hands in his pockets, watching them go. “He’s not a louse,” he says absently.
“He hurt you.”
“I hurt him,” Louis replies. “And he didn’t mean to. It was inevitable. It’s not his fault. It is what it is.”
Oli is silent for a long moment. At last, he sighs. “Someday you’re going to have to stop being afraid.”
🎆 haven’t you heard by allwaswell16 (8k)
Harry Styles has been in love with Louis Tomlinson since they were eighteen. After six years together, Harry is ready to propose to the love of his life. The holidays strike him as the perfect time for a romantic proposal, but his well-meaning friends and family (including his self-appointed best friend, Niall) seem to thwart him at every turn.
Or the four times Harry tries to propose, and the one time he gets it right.
🎆 Yours In Fractions by FullOnLarrie (23k)
Louis and Harry are strangers who, because of a mix up, share their mutual friend’s apartment and bed over the holidays.
🎆 till our wide eyes burn blind by wonderously (7k)
au. harry and louis get snowed in together on new year’s eve.
🎆 I Think I’m Addicted to Your Light by supernope (9k)
Louis is just zipping back up when the door swings open with a swell of noise and someone shuffles up next to him, shoes tapping loudly against the tile floor. Louis turns to see who’s walked in and just violated the code of the men’s toilet by taking the urinal next to him and is met with wide, green eyes and red lips stretched into a brilliant smile.
“Happy new year,” the guy grins, shaking long, curly hair away from his face. “You look sharp. Sorry, do you mind holding this for a minute? I don’t really have any place to keep it and it’s kind of a hassle, getting out of these things. Don’t want it to fall in.”
He indicates his legs with the hand clutching a pale pink phone, and Louis’ gaze drops. Speechless, Louis takes the phone, eyes locked on the guy’s legs. His gorgeous legs, clad only in a pair of black thigh-highs held up by a silky black garter belt.
🎆 Running Down To The Riptide by sweaterpawstyles (4k)
“I can’t give you your present yet, Lou.”
Louis furrowed his brows. “And why is that, my love?”
Harry smiled at his lap. “Because your present is under my sweater,” he pulled his free hand that wasn’t laced with Louis’ and gently laid it on his stomach. “I’m pregnant.”
It’s New Year’s Eve and Harry has a surprise under his sweater
🎆 So Baby Tonight Just Be the Death of Me by crimsontheory (12k)
He hasn’t had much to drink, just enough to make everything feel warm and soft, kind of like the boy currently pressed up against his side.
Louis glances around the room and thinks that even though there is a couple leaning against the wall, a little too close to him, very heatedly making out, and he can hear the faint sounds of someone throwing up in the kitchen sink, and that the whole house smells of sweat and stale alcohol, there is no other place he’d rather be than on this couch with Harry curled into his side.
An AU where Louis is new in town and Harry invites him to a New Year’s party.
🎆 the clock is ticking, ticking by smokinglarry (2k)
Louis’ timer is about to hit zero in a few seconds and he’s stood at Westminster Bridge because it’s New Year’s Eve and here are so many people, how is Louis supposed to find his soulmate ? He’s lost.
(people have timers engraved into their skin that show them when they’re going to meet their soulmate.)
🎆 six feet beneath the moon by starseas (25k)
AU. takes place over one night. harry and louis meet at a going away party.
🎆 How Would You Feel (If I Told You I Loved You) by Only_angel_28 (81k)
An AU inspired by the music video for Ed Sheeran’s song Perfect featuring two idiots who are too thick to see that their friendship is anything but platonic, lots of pining, too many terms of endearment to count, a wedding, slow dancing, a couple of steamy hot tub moments, karaoke, snow, a healthy dose of cuddling, love confessions, and Harry and Louis being quite generous to each other.
*Or the one where Harry has been in love with his best friend for four years, and New Year’s Eve at his family’s holiday home in Switzerland is perfect for finally telling Louis how he feels.
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stylinsonlibrary · 6 years
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A list of 40 fics centered around Christmas, New Years, or just the Holiday Season. Happy reading and Happy Holidays!
A Dream is a Soft Place to Land by lululawrence (4k)
“It’ll be like a perpetual sleepover, Lou,” Harry had said. “It’ll be great.”
And it was...except it also meant that Louis’ long time, barely there crush on Harry had only grown into a full fledged, real life version of playing house where Louis all too often found himself pretending he and Harry really were together when they definitely were not.
Or the one where Harry might have told his friends that he was dating someone and has to show proof for their party on New Year's Eve. His best friend and roommate Louis is the obvious choice...but things don't exactly go as planned.
Running Down To The Riptide by sweaterpawstyles (4k) 
"I can't give you your present yet, Lou."
Louis furrowed his brows. "And why is that, my love?"
Harry smiled at his lap. "Because your present is under my sweater," he pulled his free hand that wasn't laced with Louis' and gently laid it on his stomach. "I'm pregnant."
Or It's New Year's Eve and Harry has a surprise under his sweater
The Stories That I Can't Explain by kikikryslee (6k)
“Are you closing?” the woman asked, rushing into Louis' store. “I just have to pick something up!”
“I’m really sorry, but if you come back on Tuesday, we’ll be opening again at normal time,” Louis told her, trying to get her out of the shop.
“No, please! I-” The woman dropped her head, and Louis watched in horror as she started crying. He didn’t do well with tears. “Please, I just have to pick up a ring, it’s- It’s for my brother, and he’s well… He’s dying. And it’s really important that I get it.”
Louis could feel his mouth drop open even farther than it already had been. “Um…”
Just then, a man walked into the store. He took one look at the woman and rolled his eyes.
“Gemma, you haven’t told another stranger that I’m dying, have you?” he asked.
The woman, Gemma apparently, turned to face him.
“Of course I didn’t, Harry,” she said. Or, the one where no one is actually dying, but Gemma likes to lie about Harry's livelihood to get what she wants. Harry isn't amused. Louis kind of is, though.
Rated R by cherrystreet (7k)
Louis gifts Harry with a surprise sex tape, and it accidentally makes its way into Harry’s family Christmas party. Ridiculousness ensues.
past our satellites by allwaswell16 (7k) 
Harry Styles has never been happier in his life. He has his dream job as a photo editor for The Chicago Tribune newspaper, and he’s excited to spend the holidays with his boyfriend, Louis. He may be a little panicked about the prospect of hosting a Christmas Eve dinner for both their families, but nothing will stop him from creating a perfect holiday season for Louis. Not even a difference of opinion about the Chicago Cubs, an allergic reaction to a Christmas tree, a frozen solid turkey, poor knife skills, a vegan guest, smoke alarms, reminders of certain male models, or the missing three little words someone longs to hear.
Or a little holiday story from the 'You’re the Light' universe.
A Story For the Ages by FallingLikeThis (7k)
Louis is sweating, his mother’s words still ringing in his ears.
We expect you to bring this boy home for Christmas, Louis. We want to meet him.
He should have known it was coming. After seven months of pretending to have a boyfriend in order to keep his mum from meddling in his love life again, he should have realized he’d have to actually introduce her to someone eventually.
haven't you heard by allwaswell16 (8k)
Harry Styles has been in love with Louis Tomlinson since they were eighteen. After six years together, Harry is ready to propose to the love of his life. The holidays strike him as the perfect time for a romantic proposal, but his well-meaning friends and family (including his self-appointed best friend, Niall) seem to thwart him at every turn.
Or the four times Harry tries to propose, and the one time he gets it right.
I Think I’m Addicted to Your Light by supernope (9k)
Louis is just zipping back up when the door swings open with a swell of noise and someone shuffles up next to him, shoes tapping loudly against the tile floor. Louis turns to see who’s walked in and just violated the code of the men’s toilet by taking the urinal next to him and is met with wide, green eyes and red lips stretched into a brilliant smile.
“Happy new year,” the guy grins, shaking long, curly hair away from his face. “You look sharp. Sorry, do you mind holding this for a minute? I don’t really have any place to keep it and it’s kind of a hassle, getting out of these things. Don’t want it to fall in.”
He indicates his legs with the hand clutching a pale pink phone, and Louis’ gaze drops. Speechless, Louis takes the phone, eyes locked on the guy’s legs. His gorgeous legs, clad only in a pair of black thigh-highs held up by a silky black garter belt.
Pining for You by peanutbutterapple (9k)
Harry sells Christmas trees. Louis doesn’t mean to buy so many of them.
make my wish come true by flicker_album (10k)
“We need to start decorating. For Christmas.” Louis says it in a tone that makes it seem like it should be so obvious to Harry.
Harry starts laughing. “Okay, Lou. We will start decorating for Christmas over a month early. Sure.”
Or the one where Louis starts decorating for Christmas in November and Harry indulges him.
every time i run, i keep on falling on you by hazmesentir (12k)
AU. After being best friends for 8 years, Harry moves to LA. It takes the keen observations of all of Louis’ friends to realise the one thing he really wants for Christmas is Harry.
So Baby Tonight Just Be the Death of Me by crimsontheory (12k)
He hasn't had much to drink, just enough to make everything feel warm and soft, kind of like the boy currently pressed up against his side.
Louis glances around the room and thinks that even though there is a couple leaning against the wall, a little too close to him, very heatedly making out, and he can hear the faint sounds of someone throwing up in the kitchen sink, and that the whole house smells of sweat and stale alcohol, there is no other place he'd rather be than on this couch with Harry curled into his side.
An AU where Louis is new in town and Harry invites him to a New Year's party.
Forget the Silent Nights by LadyLondonderry (12k)
For years afterward, everyone who lived at 404 E. Redwood referred to that Christmas as The Christmas we stole a baby.
Technically, that wasn’t the strict truth, as Evie had already been five years old by the time she came to stay in their crowded (but loving) home. And technically they didn’t steal her.
Either way, the last Christmas with the seven of them in that broken old house on Redwood all together was probably one of the most memorable holidays each of them had, what with the wedding and the the snowstorm and the raccoons in their attic…
And the baby they stole, of course.
If the Fates Allow by afirethatcannotdie (13k)
Louis yells at a stranger in a shop and a few days later, needs his help. Desperately. Then he discovers he’s kind of in love with him.
If Only in My Dreams by jupiter_lou (13k)
The one where Harry’s new flatmate, Louis, needs a place to spend Christmas, so he invites him to spend it with his family. When they arrive, everyone thinks they’re dating.
Let Me Give You My Life by midnightskies (14k)
Gemma has one rule for Louis while he stays with her family at Christmas; not to hook up with her little brother, so of course that’s the one thing Louis does.
Even Supposing by casuallyhl (14k)
Money is tight this year, Harry knows. As he strolls through the tailor’s shop, he knows this. But, Louis was right. This is their first Christmas as a married couple, and it’s the two year anniversary of when they met. He wants to surprise his husband with two wonderful gifts for his birthday and Christmas. He wants it to be unforgettable.
Or, a Dickensian London AU where Harry and Louis overcome illness, small budgets, and their own stubbornness to give each other an unforgettable first Christmas together.
i know you have a heavy heart (i can feel it when we kiss) by itjustkindahappened (14k)
In which Louis is spending New Year’s alone in France but he’s definitely not running away, and Harry is a french florist with an ever present smile who cares a lot. They meet a cold night in the outskirts of Paris.
Wrapped in Red by QuickedWeen (15k)
Louis backs himself into a corner and has two days to find a date to bring to the Horan Family’s big annual Christmas party to both appease his mother, and show up an ex-boyfriend. In the midst of Christmas shopping and trying to work out his dilemma, he meets Harry Styles, the cute volunteer behind the charity gift wrapping booth.
Didn’t think it would work out by swirlingchaos (16k)
Louis is a primary school teacher, Harry has a 7-year-old son in his class, Louis has a 1-year-old crush on Harry, and they have to put on the school’s Christmas play. Brilliant.
beautiful star by  tommoandbambi (17k)
The famous/nonfamous kid!fic AU wherein harry and louis have to host a school Christmas party and harry isn’t actually a druglord.
all i want for christmas is by crybaby (17k)
harry is louis’ daughters’ au pair. they spend christmas in austria
There Is a Light by perfectdagger (17k)
Christmas/New Years AU in which Harry and Louis are single parents and they meet at an odd encounter at the toy shop and somehow, they end up together, bonded by their little ones.
My Only Wish by rainbowsandlove (17k)
Secret Santa AU where Louis doesn’t know how it works and keeps giving Harry gifts and being not so obvious about his flirting.
Six Weeks by LadyLondonderry (20k)
When Harry takes the afternoon shift at the cafe, he meets a boy who drinks a lot of tea and never remembers his umbrella.
So Put Your Hands In (The Holes of My Sweater) by Kat_rawr (21k)
Harry and Louis go on a lot of not-dates.
love is a word (you gave it a name) by hattalove (21k)
it’s christmas. in between snowman building, tree shopping, and ill-advised skating on a frozen lake, louis and harry get ready to take the most important step of their lives.
Home for Christmas by haloeverlasting (22k)
The one where Harry didn’t think he wanted a family, but with a little Christmas magic (and maybe one Louis Tomlinson) he realizes that he is very, very wrong.
Yours In Fractions by FullOnLarrie (23k)
Louis and Harry are strangers who, because of a mix up, share their mutual friend’s apartment and bed over the holidays.
miles to go before I sleep by elizamackenzie (23k)
Harry lets out a sigh, and says it in the simplest way he can, “I go to bed on March 20th and I wake up on December 21st. And for me…” he lets out another breath, shaking his head a bit, “It doesn’t feel like a single day has passed.” Louis blinks, the words slowly settling around them. “So, for the rest of the months you just…”
“I don’t exist.”
And Harry can see the way the information hits Louis, his expression dropping suddenly, his shoulders slumping. Because there is a world of difference between being somewhere else for nine months and not being anywhere at all. Between voluntarily choosing to go—and potentially to stay—and having no choice in the matter. Between nine months of phone calls and visits and texts. And nothing.
Maybe We’re Perfect Strangers (Maybe We’ll Stick Together) by FallingLikeThis (24k)
Louis works for a gossip site and, when it comes to light that ex-musical partners (and lovers) Harry Styles and Ed Sheeran are spending the holidays together, he’s sent to see if the reunion the world’s been waiting for is in the works. But at the cost of his own holiday with his family. Louis really hates this job.
all the lights are full of colour by infinitelymint (26k)
Harry and Louis are separated, but for the sake of their two sons, they choose to spend Christmas together. It may just lead to a Christmas miracle.
Make My Wish Come True (Baby All I Want For Christmas Is You) by larrymylove (29k)
Louis has just agreed to spend the holidays with his family, and to bring Harry along with him. There’s just one problem…he and Harry have broken up, and are wanting to avoid telling everyone until after the holidays. The fake/pretend relationship AU with a twist.
Candles On Air by isthatyoularry (29k)
A Christmas AU ft. Pining, Heartbreak, and maybe A Happy Ending.
Like Candy In My Veins by littlelouishiccups (31k)
The A/B/O, enemies to lovers, fake relationship, Christmas AU that nobody asked for.
Frankincense-ational by LadyLondonderry (31k)
Harry Styles works at the Hillsyde Library with his friend Zayn and best mate Niall. It’s December, which means Christmas, which should be the happiest month of the year…
Except Niall just broke up with his boyfriend, Zayn needs to let up on the rules a little, and the library is getting their fire alarm system replaced, which means that for the next few weeks there are going to be firemen patrolling the library ‘looking for fires’ while the system is down.
Harry almost hits one of them with his car right off the bat - and of course he’s the hot one.
Happy Christmas, here’s to many more.
Find You Home by FullOnLarrie (35k)
When Louis lies to his family and says he’ll bring his new boyfriend home for Christmas, his best friend and roommate Harry agrees to play the part. It’s that, or be left alone over the holidays. What will happen? No one knows! Perhaps Santa will swoop in with a Christmas miracle. Featuring lovesick idiots, kissing and cuddling, pies and Christmas clichés.
Harry, Did You Know (that your baby boy, is married to his best friend?) by tempolarriefics (35k)
10 years ago, Louis and Zayn made a pact that if they weren’t married by 30, they’d marry each other. So they do, as best mates do. Enter Harry Styles, who’s new to town. He and Louis are immediately drawn to one another. Louis doesn’t tell Harry about Zayn, because they’re just friends (who are married.) Harry finds out on Christmas Day, Louis/Zayn’s “anniversary”. aka a marriage pact AU with a twist.
Chestnuts Roasting… And All That by elsi_bee (46k)
Louis is apparently the only person at his new job who is single as can be. It’s not a big deal to just tell his new colleagues that he has a boyfriend, right? Until he has to make this imaginary boyfriend magically appear at the office holiday party. Cue fake relationship antics with a certain someone who is more than willing to play along.
the impossible now by stylinsoncity (54k)
A wish on Christmas Eve sends Louis to an alternate dimension where Harry is a member of One Direction.
Also be sure to check out the Larry Holiday Fest!
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tornbetween2loves · 6 years
Forbidden Love
This story is based on prompt #14 from the February prompts list. It was given to me by @begging-for-kamilah for a Liam x Riley x Drake pairing. It also fulfills prompt #22 “You said you loved me.” “I didn’t mean for you to find out like this.” This was also given to me by @begging-for-kamilah for a Drake x Riley pairing.
This is a stand-alone one-shot and is an alternative beginning for a poly relationship between Liam x Riley x Drake. It does not take place in my normal poly AU, My Heart Torn Apart. In this AU, Riley turned down Liam’s proposal and married Drake.
My Masterlist
Warnings: This fic contains adult themes and starts off with some sexy Driam smut. Please do not read this fic if you are under age or if you aren’t a fan of Driam. It also gets a bit angsty in the middle, but is resolved by the end.
All characters belong to Pixelberry. I am simply borrowing them.
Word Count: 2,111
Tagging: @kennaxval @indiacater @carabeth @bella-ca @boneandfur @bobasheebaby @stopforamoment @alesana45 @debramcg1106 @speedyoperarascalparty @drakewalkerwhipped @femmeshep @hhiggs @lizeboredom @pb-boeboe @klaudiana-beaumontkkreal @tmarie82 @writtenbycandy @katurrade @lodberg @hopefulmoonobject @missevabean @walkerismychoice @eileendannie @museofbooks @jared2612 @h3llostrang3r @ooo-barff-ooo @cora-nova @jovialyouthmusic @gardeningourmet @innerpostmentality @furryperfectionlover @choiceslife @sirbeepsalot
Drake swirled the amber liquid around in the glass before swallowing it down in one gulp. He winced at the slight burning sensation as the whiskey went down his throat. His eyes shot over to his best friend as he finished his drink as well. His mind was filled with thoughts of that one time, many years ago, when something else went down his throat. They never discussed it, but it was something Drake could not forget. They had been drinking, and what started as a friendly hug turned into a tender embrace, then a passionate kiss, then before they knew it Drake was on his knees with his mouth wrapped around Liam’s cock. It really was quite a wonderful experience. Drake was surprised by how good it felt to have Liam’s member hit the back of his throat as he gazed into his darkening blue eyes.
“Drake? Hello? Did you hear me?” He snapped his head up to look at Liam. “Huh? Sorry I must’ve spaced out for a minute. What did you say?” Liam slid closer to Drake on the couch as he looked into his soft brown eyes. “I said, penny for your thoughts.” “Oh, uh, well really I wasn’t thinking about much at all.” Liam smiled at his friend as he placed a hand on his thigh. “You’re a terrible liar Drake. You were thinking about that one time, weren’t you?” Drake took a deep breath as he snapped his head to meet Liam’s eyes. They looked exactly like they had that day, pupils lust-blown. He exhaled as desire grew in the pit of his belly. He fought to maintain his composure, a slight nod was the only response he could muster to Liam’s question.
Their mouths crashed together with intense need as Liam groped between Drake’s legs. They parted long enough to undo their pants, letting them pool at their ankles as their desire took over. Drake leaned over and put his head in his friend’s lap. “I’ve waited so long to do this again,” he murmured, then he took Liam’s length into his mouth. Liam groaned and leaned his head back, relishing the feel of his friend’s mouth as he bobbed his head up and down. He laced his fingers through Drake’s hair as he bucked his hips. He was already close, all the years of thinking about this built up inside him. Liam groaned quietly, then had to fight to keep from screaming Drake’s name as he came, shooting hot cum into the back of his throat. Drake slowly ran his tongue along the sides of his softening member as Liam shuddered. Then he sat up to face his friend, a satisfied smile on his lips.
“You have no idea how much I’ve been thinking about doing that.” Liam smiled and kissed him softly. “I think I have some idea. Please allow me to reciprocate.” Drake’s eyes widened as Liam lowered his head into his lap. This didn’t happen last time. He remembered going to bed soon after and needing a shower as he jerked off, imagining his hand was Liam’s. Drake closed his eyes and savored the feeling of his friend’s mouth wrapped around him. He marveled at how different it felt. Sure, he loved when Riley went down on him, but this was on a whole other level. He had a hard time controlling himself, he was trying to keep quiet, but he was so overwhelmed. He couldn’t stop the loud moans and grunts, his fingers tangled in Liam’s hair, and he screamed his name as he came undone. He couldn’t help it, he was lost in the sensation.
It didn’t last long. Both of their eyes widened as they heard a voice from behind them. “Drake? What the fuck?” Drake closed his eyes as his heart sank into the pit of his belly. Liam tried to cover for him. “Ummm, lady Riley, so sorry to have disturbed you,” he stammered as he stood up and pulled up his pants. His eyes locked on hers, tears welled up and slowly rolled down her cheeks. Liam’s heart broke and his face turned red. He started to walk around the couch to approach her, but she held up her hand, shaking her head violently.
Drake snapped out of it and jumped up, pulling up his pants and rushing behind the couch to wrap his arms around his wife. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for you to find out like this.” She sobbed into his chest, then pulled back, pushing him away violently. “You said you loved me,” she cried out. “We took vows. You’re my husband.” She looked back and forth between the two men. “How long has this been going on?” Both men exchanged a look.
“It really hasn’t, I swear,” Drake pleaded. “It happened once many years ago and we never mentioned it. This is the second time.” Liam nodded in agreement. He cleared his throat as he approached Riley. He pulled her to his chest. “I would never dream of coming between you and Drake.” He looked over her shoulder at Drake, they both were fighting back tears. He took a deep breath and sighed, then held Riley out at arm’s length. She was a mess. She was ugly crying, his shirt was wet with her tears and snot. She met his eyes as he directed her to take deep breaths, trying to calm her down. “Come, let’s sit and talk this out,” he said as he grasped her hand and Drake’s hand and led them over to the couch.
Riley was visibly calmer as she sat on the couch between the two men. Honestly, she should have expected this. She knew there was unspoken feelings between the two men. Everybody knew. It was just a shock to see it right in front of her. She wondered how deep their feelings ran. How could she compete with Liam for Drake’s heart? They had known each other practically their whole lives. She locked eyes with her husband, searching for that familiar look that he had when he gazed at her. It was there, but there was also a hint of sadness behind it. Then she turned and looked at Liam. His bright blue eyes were wet with tears and she could see genuine concern and feeling there. She often wondered what he was really feeling. She knew she broke his heart when she turned down his proposal. The fact that he never chose a wife, despite all the pressure to get married, never sat well with her. Riley couldn’t help but feel guilty that he didn’t seem to move on. But now she saw things in a whole different light. Everything suddenly clicked. She knew why he had so willingly let her go. Why he supported her marriage to Drake. Why he agreed to be his best man. It all made sense.
“Do you love my husband?” She asked, her voice hoarse and barely audible. Liam’s mouth dropped open. “Of course I love Drake.” He locked eyes with Drake as he answered. “He is my best friend and the closest person to me.” Riley closed her eyes and sighed, then looked at him pointedly. “You know that’s not what I mean,” she said, her voice low and raspy. He sighed and looked down at his hands in his lap. He began fiddling with the buttons on his shirt. “Yes. I’ve been in love with him for many years,” he said in a voice cracked with emotion. Drake’s mouth dropped open and his heart swelled as he heard him utter the words that always hung unspoken between them. Riley turned to face Drake and asked him the same question. A lump formed in his throat and he couldn’t speak. Tears streamed down his face as he nodded.
Riley hopped up from the couch and walked to the other side of the room. She was fighting back fresh tears. She was losing the man she loved. And it seemed hopeless to fight for him. How could she win? Liam and Drake locked eyes and Liam gave him a slight nod. Drake jumped up and went to Riley’s side. “Hey, look at me,” he said as he put a hand on each of her shoulders and turned her to face him. “My feelings for Liam have no bearing on us. I love you with all my heart and soul. You are the one I want to spend my life with, start a family with.” He turned to look at Liam sadly. “He and I could never be together. He is the king. He must produce heirs to the throne. Our feelings could never be more than forbidden love.”
Her tears overflowed at Drake’s words. “I understand that. But how am I ever supposed to feel normal again? I’m not sure I can get past the feeling of being your second choice.” Drake sighed and ran his hands through his hair. He looked at Liam, sitting on the couch, his face pale and eyes red. Then he looked back at Riley, who was full-fledged sobbing again. “You’ve never been my second choice, Walker,” he said as he cupped her cheeks with both hands. “You are my only choice. Can’t you see how special you are? Not just to me, to Liam as well.” They both looked at Liam, who smiled sadly. “Yes, Lady Riley, what Drake says is true. I stepped aside when you turned down my proposal because I could see how much love you two had for each other. I couldn’t get in the way of that.” He stood up and approached Riley, softly brushing his hand down her cheek. “But no one holds a candle to you in my heart. Not even Drake,” he said tenderly.
Riley’s mouth dropped open as she tried to find words. She looked back and forth between the two men as she realized what was happening. They were just three people who loved each other. She looked deep into Liam’s eyes and wiped away a single tear that ran down his cheek. “Please don’t cry anymore, my king. I’m so sorry that I hurt you.” She looked over his shoulder at Drake. “I love you both too. I always have,” she whispered softly. Liam wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head as his tears overflowed. Hearing her say that was like lifting a heavy weight off his heart. Drake wrapped his arms around both of them. “Can’t we figure out a way for us all to be together?” He murmured softly.
They separated and sat back on the couch, the air much lighter in the room between them. “I don’t think we’ll ever be able to be truly together. Drake is right. This is forbidden love.” Liam locked eyes with both of them. “But nobody has to know what happens behind closed doors. We can love each other in private and remain best friends in public.” Drake’s face lit up at the suggestion, but Riley frowned. “But how is that fair to you, my king? Eventually you will have to marry. Produce heirs. Have a family of your own.” Liam smiled. She was always thinking of everyone’s feelings. He shrugged. “You’re right. Eventually I’ll have to have a queen by my side. But I won’t be the first king to have a marriage of convenience. Hopefully I can find someone I can at least tolerate and be friendly toward.” Riley frowned again. She didn’t like that answer.
Liam sighed and took her hand in his. “I am endlessly happy for whatever time I get to spend with the two of you. I’m lucky. A lot of times, royalty are forced into loveless marriages and they have nobody who loves them. It is just one of the many burdens of the throne.” He smiled affectionately at both of them. “I have two amazing people who care about me. That’s all that matters.”
He kissed them both softly then Riley stood up. She took each of them by the hand. “Come on, let’s go to bed,” she said with a seductive smile. Drake and Liam exchanged a glance as they stood up. “Yeah, I am feeling pretty tired,” Drake said through a yawn. Riley shot him a look that went right to his core. “Oh, I don’t think we’ll be getting much sleep tonight, my husband. We’re going to be very busy.” Both Liam and Drake’s mouths dropped open as Riley stood in the doorway, motioning for them to follow. They exchanged a glance and a quick kiss, then followed her to the bedroom
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The First Time [Part 1] (Drake x MC x Liam)
Word Count: 1,559
Paring: Drake x Jaela x Liam
Rating: M/NSFW-ish
Warnings: Language, Sexuality/Mild NSFW content (Part 2 is fully NSFW)
Suggested Song Accompaniment: 679 & No Diggity-- Jackson Breit 
Note: Welcome to the first fully fledged Drake x Jaela x Liam fic. You can find more of them, and a little backstory of this AU, on my MASTERLIST. This is Part 1 of 2, part 2 dropping TOMORROW EVENING CST. Split because it would have been MASSIVE... and why not tease a bit before Thirsty Thursday?
Tag List: @ashtonmore, @bobasheebaby
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The wood splits, right along the middle, and Drake wipes sweat off his brow, setting the axe to the side. Finally, the last one. He tosses the two into the pile and wipes his hands. Looking up at the sky, he shivers—not because of the chill air tingling his pores—but because of the colors of dusk, rapidly approaching. That meant the night was near. Not just any night around the bonfire with Liam and Jaela—the night.
 Their plan—brought to fruition by his confessed his desires, hopefully, coming to life tonight. Drake runs a hand through his messy hair, turning to the blackened bonfire pit, adjusting a stone in the circle. Then he begins to build the base for it, thick fingers breaking the small branches for kindling, licking his lips. Of course, of course, they could have just asked Liam—but Drake couldn’t help think of the pure fucking sexiness of the moment just… happening. Naturally. Free. Passionate. Nothing holding them back.
 The clinking of ice alerts him to Jaela, walking up with a whiskey in hand, running her hand along his shoulders when she meets him down at the pit, a soft smile on her face. “Hey Abdi,” he says, standing up after placing a log, kissing her, arm around her waist. His son, James, is secure around her midsection in a wrap. Drake leans down and kisses the top of his tiny head, the baby looking at him with those brown eyes that melt him every time for the past four months.
 “Mm, hey,” she says, her dark eyes twinkling despite the low light. The forest is alive with creatures settling in for the evening. James makes a little sound, hand curling into a fist, shutting his eyes. “Tomás and Allie are down. James is about to sleep, but I wanted to walk him around a bit more.”
 Drake smiles, kissing her forehead. God, she’s perfect. Why didn’t he they run away together earlier? Why didn’t he follow them? Join them? “Think they’ll… stay asleep tonight?” he asks, sipping his whiskey.
 Jaela nods. “They’re all good sleepers. Even this little guy.” Her voices softens and Drake swears he could fall in love with her a million more times by the way she looks at James, finger stroking his soft cheek. “So I doubt they’d wake up tonight of all nights.”
 He nods, gulping. “You know… this is different, though. What if we are too loud or…?” He shakes his head. “If it happens, you know things are going to change, right? Forever?”
 She bites her lower lip, eyes glinting. “I know. I want them to. Don’t you?”
 He nods, Liam’s eyes appearing in his mind for a second. Eyes, so blue and honest and…. Yes, yes he does. “I do.”
 She smirks, going on her toes to kiss him. “Get the fire going. Liam should be out of the shower now. I’m making the first round of drinks. Well, second, in your case.”
 Three rounds later, baby monitor blissfully silent, Jaela throws her head back in laughter, eyes bright. She crosses her legs, fingers brushing Drake’s hand. The fire, orange, dims in the slightest, the heat it once radiated fading from their skin—but inside, oh, she’s just warming up.
 “I’ll get some more logs,” Liam says, setting down his half empty glass. Good. Drink four… or… how much longer would it take for their plan to happen? She could feel the electricity between her and Drake every time they touch or glance at each other around the bonfire. Liam sits across from them—as it was technically Drake’s night—but how badly she wanted Liam next to her, too. To feel the same electricity that always ran between the men when they touched her separately, but together-- multiplied.
 “Let me help!” She jumps up, Liam arching an eyebrow at her newfound eagerness. Drake chuckles and sips on the whiskey.
 “You never like to…” Liam pauses and his blue eyes linger on her chest, another blouse button undone, revealing the curve of her breasts and the lacy black strap that she knew he liked so goddamn much. Jaela approaches the log pile, ghosting her fingers along his waist as he bends over. Liam gulps, standing up, face flushing beyond the whiskey blush.
 Glancing over at Drake—watching the exchange, a smirk on his lips—Jaela licks her lips and then stands before Liam, bending over to pick up a—hopefully not worm infested—log, pushing her ass against his pelvis. Instantly, it always is with him, he hardens, stifling a groan. She grinds it lightly, and he swears, one hand pressing against her hip, nails digging into the fabric of her jeans. She still had it four months after James and two kids before that then, huh?
 Satisfied, Jaela turns and her lips brush against his ear, teeth grazing the lobe, waiting for his response. Drake is practically burning a hole in her back, but this time, there isn’t the jealousy so often felt back in Cordonia. No… no this is different. A good different. A fucking hot different.
 Liam swallows, taking a finger and tugging on the V of her button blouse, pulling her closer, logs clashing together. “Mm… I thought this was supposed to be his night tonight, Jaela?” His leg is between hers, already she knows how wet she is. Fuck.
 Jaela pulls back, smirking. “I guess you’re right,” she whispers, then pointedly looks back to Drake. Liam follows, locking eyes with him. Only the sounds of the bonfire and animals fill the night, cool air thick and heavy with their tension boiling beneath the surface. “But I guess he didn’t mind watching that.”
 Before he can respond, Jaela returns to the fire and gives Drake a wink. He shifts, his boner evident. Oh, it won’t be long now. She knows how much Liam enjoys teasing—and how little he can hold out with just a touch more whiskey.
 A hiss escapes him as the glass clicks his teeth, unintentionally, because he’s not focused. No, like hell he isn’t, enraptured by the sight before him. Jaela, on Drake’s lap, both kissing each other-- hard. Not like the pecks and tender kisses shared in the privacy of their home.
 His eyes drift them as Drake squeezes her ass in her tight jeans, or how her breasts—another button undone—peek as they kiss, lacy bra visible. Oh, the number of times he told her to wear that exact set to please him—and her, of course. It’s always been about her.
 Liam shifts, sipping the whiskey, blue eyes never leaving them. They didn’t seem to notice, Jaela making those soft sounds he loves so much when they kiss, too. There it is again, the bra. Fuck, he thinks, rubbing his face. With how Jaela was acting, he knows that she wore the full set, thong included. Though… he swore Drake preferred the red one. He’d seen that abandoned outside of their bedroom more than once. Huh.
 Liam crosses his legs, blinking rapidly. Too many questions, Liam. You’re feeling good and don’t act like you haven’t…Is it odd to watch? He doesn’t know the answer—it’s not like they don’t catch each other here and there in the home, bedroom door left open, the other always closing it, quietly. Or sometimes, kisses that go farther than expected after a night together the morning after when the kids weren’t around. It never bothers Liam, or Drake for that matter, because they have her, completely. No competition. Just her. Just them. Happy.
 No, it’s not like he wasn’t accustomed to such displays in Cordonia before Jaela. But you’re not in Cordonia anymore, her voice appears, always reminding him of the reality. Not new… but still. His drink empties and Liam leans forward, going to grab the bottle next to him when he freezes, catching Jaela’s eyes—dark with lust—locking with his, Drake’s teeth tugging on her lower lip.
 That bra again, Drake sliding the shoulder off—his eyes joining Liam’s, identical smirks on their faces before they resume kissing, Jaela louder, hand sliding down Drake’s chest. The stiffening of his dick was unmistakable, the lust and longing and thoughts mused about when Jaela was with Drake, bubbling to the surface of the former King. “Fuck it,” he whispers, standing up, walking to them, her shirt nearly unbuttoned to her bellybutton, tits looking so fucking good in that damn bra….
 Wait, maybe he was drunk. They were drunk then, too. Then they were just acting on impulse and not-- Then, as if giving permission, Drake locks eyes with him standing over them, one hand curled into a fist. “Fuck,” Liam breathes. “Fuck it.” He reaches, touching her breast, nipple stiff under the lace. He tweaks it before she looks up at him—and a look passes between all of them, pupils wide and dark, breaths sallow, desire growing the longer they stare.
 Oh, nothing was going to be the same, was it?
 “Is this…”
 But she pulls him into a kiss as an answer, nearly knocking him into Drake—but he doesn’t mind, hand catching on Drake’s knee, Drake licking his lips as he watches the kiss, hand rubbing her inner thigh. No, Liam doesn’t mind at all.
 Neither of them do.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios.
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aelin-and-feyre · 7 years
Here’s a special edition Fourth of July ToG modern au fic! For @rhysand-and-rowan
Rowaelin, Lysaedion, Elorcan, Manorian
QueenAelin: Hey guys, 4th of July party at Ashryver lake cabin next week. Rooms for everyone, invite a friend or two! See you there! ;)
Rowan glanced down at his phone, raising an eyebrow at the invitation. The group chat consists of the usual suspects: Dorian, Lysandra, Elide and him. Of course, her cousin would probably be present there too, as it was his family’s cabin and Lysandra would be there, and Rowan can already predict who the other two would invite. Safe to say, Lorcan and Manon would make at least an appearance, if not stay the night. He is not sure everyone will end up in separate bedrooms however. In fact, Rowan would bet good money that only half the intended beds would be used.
He rolls his eyes because he is positive that Aelin knows all of this as well. In fact, his girlfriend is probably expecting to play matchmaker for the night, perhaps give Aedion the extra push he needs to make the final move on Lysandra, and maybe lock Dorian and Manon in a room together after the fireworks. He loves Aelin, and he knows that she really wants this party to go well, and so he will do whatever it takes to help her in making it so.
Fireheart: You’re my +1 so don’t even think about inviting anyone else, because you’re gonna be mine for the night ;)
Rowan can’t help the smile that forces it’s way onto his face. Perhaps a full day (and night) of fun with Aelin is a good enough incentive to be on his best behavior anyway.
Buzzard: Wouldn’t dream of it, fireheart, looking forward to it ...
It took a little convincing... okay a lot of convincing, but Manon finally agreed to come with Dorian up to Aelin’s Independence Day party. She begrudgingly packed an overnight bag, purposely allowing him to glimpse certain aspects of her sleeping attire, and loaded into his car the morning of the event.
Dorian is excited, well, nervous and excited. His relationship with Manon has barely gone past what their physical desires prompt them to do, and the fact that she is actually sitting in the passenger seat next to him right now to go to something that is important for him blooms hope in his chest that she may want something more as well.
Without moving his eyes from the road, one of Dorian’s hands drift to rest on Manon’s thigh. He notices out of the corner of his eye a small, sly smile perk up one side of her mouth and can’t help the grin that stretches his own face. “This’ll be fun.” He assures her again, and suddenly realizes that he may be assuring himself just as much.
“And if it’s not, you’ll make it up to me,” Manon now has a full fledged smirk resting confidently on her lips. “By convincing Aelin to let me set off the fireworks.”
Dorian laughs, squeezing her leg lightly and feeling his chest lighten, some of his nerves ebbing away. “Deal, witchling.”
“Aedion and Aelin’s family owns this place?” Lorcan inquires as they pull up outside a large wood cabin, a couple stories high with a wrap-around porch. He can already see the lake from the driveway, stretching away from the house and buzzing with life.
Glancing over at Elide, she is smiling happily, and Lorcan assumes that she has many happy memories here. “Yep, they’ve added on to it in the past couple years to accommodate the large gatherings they like to host. My favorite part is making s’mores over the fire when it starts getting dark.”
Lorcan parks the car and exits, swiftly walking around the hood and opening the door for Elide. He helps her down the large step from the cabin of the truck to the ground and slides an arm around her waist as she gets used to the uneven grassy driveway. She swats his support away and instead places her small hand in his large one. “Please don’t fight with Aelin today, I want to have fun with you.” Elide murmurs as they walk up the steps of the porch leading to the main house, both of their bags slung over Lorcan’s shoulder.
“No promises...” She looks up at him and gives her most ferocious glare, which Lorcan is not too proud to admit scares him just a bit. He squeezes her hand slightly. “But I’ll try.”
“Lysandra, looking radiant as ever.” Aedion greets as she saunters through the door. Aelin nudges him a little with a whispered reminder to tone the flattery down a bit. However, as soon as a certain fluffy friend gallops in behind Lysandra, Aedion’s meddling cousin is too distracted to be of much help.
Clad in an outfit made purely of red, white, and blue, Lysandra sashays towards him, an excited smile on her face. “Why, thank you, Aedion,” She replies, flipping her hair over a shoulder and revealing her swimsuit strap and the fact that she is fully equipped to jump right in the lake at a moment’s notice. “Where is our room so I can drop my stuff off?”
Needless to say, Aedion is a bit taken aback. “O-our room?” Lysandra raises an eyebrow as if to ask why he’s questioning her obvious attempts at getting into his bed. Aedion jolts with the realization of what’s happening and immediately jumps into action, placing a hand on the small of her back and guiding her down the hall to what he is now proud to call their room.
On the way out the door leading to the lake, Manon grabs an apple from the fruit basket. She tosses it up and down absently as Dorian guides her to the pier where everyone else is gathering in a large speed boat. Manon grins.
“Ten bucks says I can hit Lorcan with this apple.” She mutters to Dorian, already measuring the distance and arc of which she will have to throw said fruit.
Despite himself, Dorian grins. “Fifteen if you hit him in the head.” Manon sends an upraising side glance towards her companion before grinning back, taking a large bite out of the apple, and then chucking it straight towards the male currently stepping off the pier and into the watercraft.
She should have known better. With lightening fast reflexes, Lorcan catches the apple inches away from the side of his face. He crushes it slightly in his strong grip, and then tosses it so it rolls to Manon’s feet. “You lost this.” He grunts, then settles into a seat, his arm draping around Elide’s shoulders as she giggles.
Manon scowls back at the brute, kicking the apple away from her. She shimmies out of her clothes to reveal a solid red swimsuit and discards her former attire to the grass behind her. Dorian chuckles. “I think you owe me fifteen dollars.”
“I’ll find a different way to pay you back.... later.” She assures him with a sly wink and then pulls him with her to the boat.
Aelin absolutely adores watching Rowan drive the boat. With his shirt off and his tattoo on full display, he steers with one hand, his long silver hair flowing behind him in the wind. She sits in the seat next to him, supposed to be watching the tubers to make sure they don’t fall off, but it’s sometimes too difficult to tear her gaze away from her boyfriend.
Rowan catches her staring and smirks, flexing slightly and making Aelin practically swoon. Miraculously, he never sunburns, Aelin relishes in the knowledge that after today as he sits in the sun, his skin is going to be gorgeously tan.
“Eyes on the tubers, fireheart,” Rowan reminds, swerving slightly to force Aedion and Lysandra out of the wake. “I don’t know why I allow you to be spotter, you’re truly awful at it.”
Aelin gasps indignantly. “Excuse me, I am fantastic at being a spotter.” She says, feigning incredible self-importance.
“Well if that were true then you would have realized that Aedion just fell off the tube.” Manon interjects. Both Rowan and Aelin swivel to look and sure enough, Lysandra is the only one still clinging to the floating device, Aedion bobbing a little while back.
Aelin blushes and Rowan’s smirk deepens while he turns back to retrieve her cousin. “Lorcan is spotter now.”
Lysandra truly hadn’t meant for Aedion to fall off the tube. She hadn’t thought that he would get so flustered by her words. Aedion and her had been dancing around each other for months now; flirting, baiting, joking. Lys had wanted this gathering to finally seal the deal between the two of them, and so she had stepped up her game. Perhaps she had taken too many steps though.
The small, flat tube had four handles and allowed for one or two people to ride it in a variety of ways. The way Lysandra and Aedion had opted for was her laying on her stomach in the middle, gripping the two center handles, and Aedion straddling her as he held on to the outer straps. Rowan and Aelin had made it look so easy, graceful even. They moved as a team as the tube raced across the wake, adjusting their weight and supporting each other so that they wouldn’t fall off.
Aedion had done his best considering the circumstances. Lysandra making suggestive comments every other wave may have hindered his abilities somewhat. His final straw happened to be when Lysandra asked, “Are you planning on straddling me like this in bed tonight, wolfie?” Aedion lost his grip and was far behind her in a matter of seconds.
As the boat turned around to go back and fetch him, Lys reconsidered her strategy. Perhaps she should dial it back a bit... However, as Aedion swam to resume his position above her, a grin which had earned him the nickname is plastered on his face. He climbs back onto the tube and shoots a thumbs up to the boat. As soon as they are in motion again, Lysandra feels his mouth very close to her ear. “If you’d allow it, straddling you tonight is something I have at the top of my to-do list.”
Now it’s her turn to lose her balance as her arms turn to jelly and she blushes deeply. Aedion chuckles, sparing an arm for a moment to slip around her waist and hold her securely so that she might not fall. He somehow maintains the both of them until Lysandra is able to regain her strength and hold the handles once again. Needless to say, any plan Lys had to reign in her flirting now disappears.
Turns out Lorcan is an amazing skier. Elide watches him in awe as he deftly maneuvers over the wake, sometimes gripping the line with one hand and crouching to let his fingers brush through the water. When he finishes a couple circles around the lake, he relinquishes the skis to Dorian, who looks at them with wary eyes.
Lorcan lopes over to Elide, undoing his lifejacket and letting it drop away from his glistening chest, water droplets streaking down his sculpted body. He grins at her, making her heart pound faster, but the moment ends when he shakes his head like a dog, splattering her with water. Elide shrieks, futilely attempting to shield herself from the onslaught.
The sound of Lorcan’s deep chuckle never fails to make Elide blush. “You’re sweet, Elide, but you’re not going to melt.” He falls into the seat next to her and jerks his chin towards Manon. “If anything, the witch over there should be withering away.”
Manon scoffs but provides no further comeback, instead opting to watch Dorian as he attempts to stand up on the skis. Elide lightly smacks his chest, partially just to make sure it’s as firm as it appears. “Be nice,” She reminds.
Lorcan grumbles, but places a small kiss to her temple anyway. “Fine, for you.”
“Aedion, you’re gonna get a sunburn if you don’t put sunscreen on your face.” Lysandra warns, holding up a bottle of lotion. Aedion grumbles but turns towards her anyway, allowing her soft hands to massage it into the contours of his face. He watches her as she works, reveling in the feeling of her delicate skin against his own.
She makes sure to cover every part of his face, her hands slowing as she finishes but her touch is not removed. Her gaze lingers on the strong column of his throat as her hands glide down it, ensuring that his skin will not burn. When her eyes once again meet his, they hold in a staring contest that feels like it lasts a century. Aedion doesn’t know what to say, or do, so he decides to just stay where he is, gazing into her deep, beautiful irises and hoping that the moment never ends.
Of course, it does when Manon makes a smart remark about them ‘eye fucking each other’. Aedion breaks the staring contest to glare at the woman, trying to come up with something to retort. Unfortunately, as Dorian’s hands massage sunscreen into the back of her legs, Aedion is made too uncomfortable to say much of anything.
Lysandra’s hands finally retreat from his skin and he takes one of them in his own, smiling at her adoringly. “Thank you for helping me.”
“Dinner!” Aelin calls a couple hours later, taking the platter of hamburgers from Rowan and walking them over to the outside patio set. Her friends gather around quickly, drawn to the smell of the grilled meat.
As they all sit down, Rowan’s hand clasped in Aelin’s under the table, she looks around at her gathering of friends and smiles to herself for a job well done. Fourth of July gathering with some of the most temperamental people and no one has killed any one else.... yet.
“Elide, is there anything else you wanted to do while we’re here?” Aelin asks from down the table.
Her friend swallows before answering. “I was hoping we could get a chance to make some s’mores tonight.”
“I know a girl who can build an amazing fire,” Rowan suggests around a mouthful of food.
Aelin laughs. “I think that could be arranged.” She glances around the table again, noticing that Manon and Lorcan are currently having a eating contest - seemingly designed that the winner is whoever can eat their burger the loudest while not breaking eye contact - while Dorian watches, thoroughly amused. Across from her, Aelin doesn’t miss the looks Lysandra and Aedion share, and guess that they aren’t going to make it past the fireworks.
Rowan squeezes her hand under the table, urging her to meet his eye and see the proud expression held there. She takes a deep breath and nods to herself. The night is going well.
Somehow, Elide was able to convince Lorcan to roast a marshmallow. It caught on fire in the first three seconds of course, but she appreciates that he tried.
As to be expected, Aelin’s marshmallow turns out perfect, and Elide looks so bummed that hers also burned that it spurs Lorcan to try again. He fails three times before finally figuring out what he’s doing wrong. Instead of sticking the gooey confection directly into the flames, Lorcan patiently holds the stick right above the coals and watches with triumph as it slowly turns golden brown.
Sandwiching the roasted fluff and a slice of chocolate between two graham crackers, Lorcan proudly hands it to Elide, who kisses his cheek in thanks. He watches, love in his gaze as Elide takes her first bite of her s’more, a joyous moan erupting from her lips as she does so. He brushes some graham cracker crumbs from her hair and smiles lightly. “Note to self: to make Elide moan, feed her s’mores.”
Unfortunately, Lorcan is so caught up in her responding blush that he misses the marshmallow thrown at his face. The feeling of Elide’s small hands carefully wiping away the sticky goo make it worth it, though.
The fireworks are breathtaking. And prompting.
Aedion and Lysandra end up sharing a blanket, somehow wrapped up in each other as they watch the explosions high in the air. Aedion sneaks a kiss on the top of Lysandra’s head, causing her to look up at him and smile. It’s not long after that that Aedion scoops her up in his arms and carries her inside, finally doing something about the feelings and tension that they have been swimming in for months.
Dorian ends up convincing Aelin to let Manon light the fireworks, and the two of them work together to set them off. Dorian loves watching Manon work, as she carefully lights the string and hurries back to where he waits a safe distance away. She follows each firework into the sky with her eyes and then immediately moves on to the next one. As soon as the very last one is lit, however, she grabs Dorian’s hand and leads him away from their friends. “I believe I owe you fifteen dollars...” Is the last thing heard from them for the night.
Elide cuddles up to Lorcan as the display goes on. She watches the fireworks but he watches her, noticing how her mouth parts a little when the explosion is rather wide, and her eyes shut for a split second when one is rather loud. They lay beneath the stars long after the fireworks are over, talking and reminiscing until they finally retreat to their shared bedroom for the night. Elide quickly rewards him for trying to be on his best behavior. Their room is locked for many hours.
Aelin and Rowan lay on the floor of the boat, cuddling adorably as they admire the show. Aelin has to admit that Manon does a good job. With his arm wrapped securely around her, and his fingers running soothing patterns up and down her side, Aelin can’t help but fall asleep. Hosting takes a lot out of her, and Rowan is simply happy to be there, holding her tightly and gazing up at the stars. A while after the last firework went off, Rowan carries Aelin to bed, slipping under the covers and kissing her forehead. “Happy 4th, fireheart, I love you.”
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audriel · 7 years
The fourth part of my KHR AU fic (1, 2, 3). Also posted in AO3. Initially I want to post this chapter for Kuroo’s birthday, but I struggle with it because I end up getting into Nekoma politics, and seriously, why can’t my muse make it easy for me?? It’s for the same reason that I cannot say that there’ll be less angst so... Warning: ANGST, lots of angst, brief description of anxiety attack, family politics, and Kenma kicking ass.
Last but not least, Happy late birthday, Kuroo!!
Blood loss and flame exhaustion.
That’s why Kuroo is not waking up even after receiving the best care under the ever watchful eyes of Yaku and Shibayama and in the safety of Nekoma compound.
Medically speaking, he’s on his way for full recovery. His vital signs are strong and his brain activity is normal. His blood work returns clean. 
Yaku tried his best to explain Kuroo’s condition when he called for urgent family meeting. They might not have extensive medical knowledge like their resident physician and future certified medical doctor, but they knew enough from experience that three days were far too long to regain consciousness. Even after the most difficult surgeries and heavy sedation, there was always a brief moment of awakening before falling unconscious again. Kuroo didn’t.
He’s just... sleeping, or as close to it. 
Yaku and Shibayama didn’t waste any time in performing all the tests they could think of, then turned the results over and sideways and asked for second opinion to no avail, until they went over the Nekoma medical records and stumbled upon the possibility of flame exhaustion. It is a rare condition for the Nekomas whose training heavily emphasizes control, so they very rarely exhaust their flames, regardless of the size of their reserves. They are also trained to recognize their limits, so they can train to push them without exhausting themselves. The records showed that the condition was and should be easily rectified by proper rest.
Tetsu... He drains himself dry, literally and metaphorically.
Kuroo shouldn’t be alive, he should have been dead the moment the bullet entered his body, with the speed it shattered and multiplied, especially when it hit so close to vital organs. There could only be one reason for his survival: he managed to use his Rain flame on the bullet... all the while fighting for his life without using his original flame. Yaku also suspected that Kuroo turned on his foresight throughout the fight. While it was not draining his flames--considering it was a natural ability of Sky flames, it gave him double vision which would also take concentration for him to separate the future possibilities and reality.
There’s nothing much we can do but wait.
The ensuing silence was unbearable. Kuroo could be terrifyingly cold and detached in his decision making that he never placed his life of higher importance than others’. It was a trait that his family both loved and hated in equal measure. Kuroo was not careless with his life, his family extracted that promise from him, but he would and could not promise to choose himself over the lives he could save. It felt like a paltry promise back then, but seeing how hard Kuroo fought to keep that promise, to survive...
Kenma cannot stay any longer in the room, leaving an illusion of himself in his place to keep the others from noticing. He stumbles out to the hallways, his breathing short and quick. He tries to slow his breathing, he tries to count up and down, he tries everything but nothing works. It has been so long since it was this bad. He has learned to recognize the signs and remove himself before it turns into a full-fledged attack, or Kuroo does it for him. But Kuroo is...
Kuroo... who is lying pale and lifeless on the infirmary bed surrounded by machines... whose flames are so faint and flickering... That Kuroo is not Kuroo. That Kuroo is not his Kuroo, his first and best friend, his brother, his leader. That is-that is not- 
The distressing thought does no favor to his condition as his breathing gets worse. Kenma clutches his chest, trying vainly to slow his breathing as he flounders aimlessly. His head feels light, his vision narrow.
Hey, hey. Breathe with me. You’re okay. You’re okay. Suddenly Kenma is seeing young Kuroo crouched in front of him, eyes wide and concerned for a child he had just met. His young self had inched away in surprise at the strange child’s appearance who had managed to see past his Mist illusion.
He never dealt well with children around his age, more so with strangers, and yet despite his initial surprise and suspicion, he found himself drawn to the boy and the outstretched hand.
Kenma had always been able to sense flames, he could feel the slightest change in them and shape them into his liking. It came to him as easy as breathing. He cared not for the clamor and praise that came with it. He cared only for the respite and knowledge he was granted. He cared only for the ability to hide and to tell whom to trust. Kuroo burned with flames that he had never seen before, bright against the darker flames of Mist and warm against the cool indifference of Nekoma. 
He finds himself reaching out... and trips face-first on something soft. In his surprise he breathes in, familiar scent and warmth assaulting his senses. He knows this scent, he knows this warmth. He grapples blindly, opening his palm and stretching his fingers to feel. He knows these sheets, these pillows and these blankets thrown haphazardly over large mattress. He doesn’t need to look around to know where he finds himself in.
Kuroo’s bedroom. Kuroo’s bed. Kenma’s and Nekoma’s safe haven.
Since their early acquaintance, Kuroo had made himself available for Kenma. He learned not to lock his doors and grew used to Kenma sneaking into his room and making himself comfortable. However as they ventured deeper and further to the family business, Kenma was becoming not the only one needing comfort and finding their way into Kuroo’s room. After witnessing and experiencing the worst the world could offer, it was not unusual for the family to spend the night together. When Kuroo finally claimed the boss’ quarters, he didn’t bother with proper bed and brought in the widest, thinnest, and most comfortable mattress, covered it with the softest sheets and thrown as many pillows and blankets over it.
Kenma can sense traces of himself and his family between the sheets. He can feel the lingering emotion and memories left among the pillows and blankets, the good and the bad. But most of all, he can feel him, suffusing the bed and the room with his warmth and kindness, with his patience and understanding, with his love and loyalty for his family. Something inside him flickers insistently, as though telling him to pay attention and so Kenma follows, tumbling down and falling deep into himself.
He finds his flame easily, burning indigo-bright. However, there’s another flame, smaller and weaker, but no less bright or warm. Kenma finds himself cradling the orange flame protectively to his chest. He cannot forget how it feels when the light and warmth that he doesn’t know have always been there suddenly are gone, leaving him cold and empty and blind in the dark. He cannot forget the agonizing moments when all of them could only stand still, refusing to believe what they all felt, refusing to mourn and grieve, with nothing they could do but hope and pray and beg that when the light and warmth finally returned they could barely believe it. He cannot forget how they cried, they yelled, and they cried some more. Kuroo was gone, but he was back. He was back.
The flame seems to burn brighter at this realization, sending pulsating warmth throughout his body. It feels familiar, it feels like...
Breathe, Kenma. Breathe. I am here. I am going nowhere.
Kenma finds himself matching his breathing with every pulse, and slowly, surely it evens out. For a while, Kenma lays there, just breathing, letting Kuroo’s presence surround him. However, his analytical mind cannot truly rest, slowly gathering together all the pieces from all his knowledge and observation, but two facts stand out the most in his mind: Kuroo is weak and vulnerable, and he is easy prey to those who want him dead.
Kuro is in danger.
Cat-like eyes snaps open in the dark, bright and sharp. Kenma might not be as dedicated and passionate as others, he has a tendency to shy away from duty and responsibility, but he has given his pledge and loyalty to Kuroo. He has chosen Kuroo. Kuroo and the family he made for himself are and will always be his top priority. If there’s anything that can make him take action, it’s Kuroo and their self-made family. Mind whirling with projections and calculations with such speed and accuracy, emotions set aside and discarded with such ease that makes him valued and considered as the next Nekoma boss, Kenma knows that he cannot act without knowing more information. 
He traverses the dark room with ease and familiarity towards the wall on the side of the room. All the rooms in the family quarters are highly secured, because it uses a combination of biological and flame signature. However, one room takes it further by using flame pattern as its lock, which can only be opened by someone who knows the pattern and has the control needed to make the pattern with their flame. It’s a room that can only be opened by Kuroo, and Kenma as his right-hand man.
The lights turns on the moment he steps into the private study of the Nekoma boss. All sides of the room are crammed with information in various forms, from the traditional paper archives to modern digital archives, all but one side that is at the opposite of the grand wooden table with documents and stationary strewn over that has multiple screens mounted on it. In the middle there is interactive table that is not dissimilar with the one they have in the conference room, and its hologram is surprisingly active.
Kenma doesn’t think twice to approach the table and looks over the hovering images of boxes that are intertwined with each other with multiple lines so massive that it almost takes the whole room. Kenma picks one box at random and is wholly unprepared when a familiar voice rings out. 
“Vision number 1283-”
The boxes are the detailed accounts of the future Kuroo has seen. Some futures appear only once, some appear frequently. Some change with time, some don’t. Some are clear, some are not. Kuroo managed to organize them into somewhat coherent manner, grouping together similar visions and then arranging them in a timeline. In every account there is a thorough analysis of what he has seen, deciphering what it means, whether it’s a constant or a changeable future, whether it’s part of action and consequence, or completely unrelated, whether the people and the event have any significance. 
It is a time-consuming and meticulous work, not mentioning how large and complex it is. Kuroo is thinking more just than the future, he is thinking of the ripples on the pond, of the making of waves. Kenma is capable of seeing the future based on the present and making plans for it accordingly, but this... this is something else. Every person, every action is accounted for, so are their roles and their impact to the future. Kenma is sure that lines should be more convoluted than this but Kuroo has worked through them, removing the uncertain futures and directing them to a more favorable and controllable outcome so that what is left is a tangled mess that Kenma can still follow. It helps that Kuroo also recorded his musings so he can see where he’s coming from.
Kuroo plays out various scenarios, adjusting it accordingly with every change in reality and in foresight until he has narrowed it down into the most plausible scenarios and make plans of action based on them. He scraps the worst of the plans marking it down as unacceptable outcome and keeps the best of them by marking it down as acceptable outcome.
Acceptable outcome.
Kenma’s breathing hitches when he reads the plan. The plan that would have the least consequences, the least casualty: himself.
Acceptable outcome.
The world goes red and when he comes to, Kenma finds himself curled in the corner, the room completely dark but for the screens, flickering in and out, some are cracked. Things are scattered all over the room as though a whirlwind has come and upended everything inside. However, the interactive table somehow remains untouched with its tangled boxes hovering in the air, blocked by a figure reading through the page that he has left open. Kenma watches silently and knows the exact moment when Yaku finishes because he recognizes the unadulterated rage crossing his features. 
“It’s my fault.” Kenma finds himself speaking out, catching the Sun guardian’s attention whose expression morphs into concern when he sees him. Yaku kneels down in front of him, careful to keep his distance.
“Why?“ It speaks how well Yaku understands Kenma that instead going for reassurance, he goes for clarification.
“I should have been the boss. I shouldn’t have run away. I shouldn’t have Kuroo shouldered the burden that is not his to bear.“ Once he starts, Kenma can’t seem to stop. “The council didn’t want him, Mori. They wanted Mist boss, even after they found out that he had Sky flame.”
Kenma sees understanding dawns in Yaku’s eyes, the pieces falling into place to make the complete puzzle of one Kuroo Tetsurou. Why Kuroo doesn’t think much of himself despite all of his achievements, why Kuroo insists of using the Mist aspect of his Sky flames, why Kuroo’s backup plans tend to put Kenma in the center, why Kuroo rarely sends Kenma out to the field unless necessary. 
Yaku leans back on his heels as though he is struck, the look on his face is of great incredulity.
“A placeholder? All this time?” Yaku looks like he wants to cry and curse and yell, so does Kenma. He should have realized. He should have known better. Kuroo cares too much. He has too much heart. He always wants the best for others, but he rarely, if ever, considers himself. He is his very own and only blind spot.
It should be his duty and responsibility not only as his right hand but also his friend and confidant to make Kuroo see. That he has been the best leader Nekoma can ask for, more than Kenma can ever be.
Kenma presses hard the heels of his hand to his eyes. Kuroo needs time to rest and recover, time he might not have if Kenma wastes his time to wallow in guilt. Kenma stands up, taking Yaku by surprise.
“Yaku.“ Yaku snaps to attention at the change of address. “Call for an emergency meeting in an hour. Attendance is mandatory. Lateness, furthermore, absence, will not be tolerated.“ 
It takes a moment for the Sun guardian to respond, barely recognizing the younger man before him. Kenma doesn’t look away, doesn’t duck and hide. He meets his gaze straight on. Kenma is dead serious. He won’t accept any excuses. He will have them in the meeting one way or another.
This is Kenma the right-hand man of Nekoma.
Yaku smiles grimly as he stands up, nodding his head. “Consider it done.“
Kenma’s gaze follows Yaku until he’s out of sight, knowing with certainty that he will have all the inner circle along with council members and family representatives in the meeting. He walks towards the interactive table, briefly hesitating before opening up the backup plan Kuroo left behind in the event of his death. As he skims through the plan laid out before him, he understands why Kuroo made the request. He knew he was asking much from them to remain calm and neutral when all they want is to raze the bastards to the ground, because the best outcome hinges on it. Although Kenma has a feeling that Kuroo underestimate how much. 
Before he knows it, an hour has passed. Kenma steps into the conference room with Yaku and Kai at his immediate right and left, the rest of the inner circle at their sides and back, giving him the support that he doesn’t realize he needs as he is greeted by the full ensemble of Nekoma’s council members and family representatives standing around the large conference table whose gaze immediately trained on them. Kenma knows Kuroo’s absence doesn’t escape their notice despite their best attempts to hide their alarm especially when he takes his place next to seat at the head of the table. Only the Nekoma boss has the power to call for emergency meeting. And yet, he is not here. Hush falls over the room, which doesn’t help his nerves. Kenma tries not to fidget as he grapples to say something.
“Please be seated.” Kai, bless ever reliable Kai, takes care the formalities so Kenma has less one thing to worry about. Everyone takes their seat, all but Kenma, who cannot find it in himself to sit in Kuroo’s place so he remains standing next to the empty seat. 
Kenma breathes in and out, drawing strength from the flame inside him that belong to Kuroo.
For Kuroo.
“Three days ago, we met up with Karasuno to discuss the details of truce arrangement between both of the families. We were represented by Kuroo, Yaku and Kai, and Karasuno was represented by Sawamura, Sugawara and Azumane. It was supposed to be a highly classified meeting with with only few people in the know. And yet, we were attacked.” Kenma pauses as much to let the news sink in as to give himself time.
“We were outnumbered and overpowered. We managed to escape, but Kuroo... Kuroo was hit by Cloud fragmented bullet.” Shock ripples throughout the room. This is the gathering of the most brilliant minds in Nekoma, they are fully aware of the significance and the consequence of the action. Before they arrive to the wrong conclusion, Yaku is quick to step in.
“Kuroo is alive.” The Sun guardians stares them down, daring them to question his words. “However, he suffers from blood loss and flame exhaustion. We don’t know when he will regain consciousness.” Kenma watches everyone’s reaction carefully.
“This is concerning.” Nekomata speaks up. “This is not just simply another assassination attempt. Do you have any suspects?”
“We do, but we do not have sufficient evidence.” All Nekoma in the room catch on to the underlying meaning. Only few people outside the inner circle know about Kuroo’s foresight, but they all know the infamous Sky intuition and has seen it in action that they are willing to set aside their skepticism and follow the plans based on it so long they are ironclad. It will be so easy to give them names and have all Nekoma go after them. But that’s not what Kuroo wants, or what he needs.
"So what would you do?” Kenma cannot quite quell his trepidation when he hears that voice. It is the head of the council himself, Hyou Sakaki. Hyou is among the few of the older generation that remain in the council and representatives. He is a traditionalist, or the closest equivalent to it, in flexible and adaptable Nekoma, because however much Nekoma changes, their core values must and should not change. It is why he is elected as the head of the council, to be the foil of Nekomata, and later Kuroo who are the radicals of Nekoma. He is firm and unyielding as required by his position. He is Nekoma’s harshest critic and devil’s advocate. 
Kenma doesn’t have pleasant memory of the man, despite having him as his main supporter for the succession because it meant the elder demanded more from him. Hyou wanted more traditionalist and less radical leader for Nekoma. While he can think out of the box, Kenma does favor the more proven and tested approach and is content with status quo, unlike Kuroo who is more willing to take risks especially with his intuition and challenge the status quo. Hyou doesn’t hide his disappointment when Kenma chose to give up his position as the successor and his disapproval whenever Kuroo showed his radical inclination. Regardless, he has sway over the family, and Kenma needs his support with his plan. He cannot show any weakness.
“We’re executing Plan D. Nekoma will go to ground.” 
The declaration is met by surprise and disbelief. Of all orders Plan D is the last order Kenma is expected to give, because it is not a simple matter of staying quiet and under the radar. It is a complete withdrawal of Nekoma presence in the mafia world with the exception of the people and business to which their association to Nekoma are not known. It is an extreme measure that is meant for the direst situation.
“Do you know what you’re asking?” Hyou narrows his eyes at Kenma. “You are asking for all of our businesses to be closed down and stop operating. You are asking for a recall and reassignment of our people. You are asking for a major undertaking that is going to cost us the longer it is in motion.”
“Yes. I do know.” Kenma doesn’t back off, signaling his seriousness in the matter.
“Then why?” Naoi asks. 
“They’ve gone this far to kill Kuroo. They won’t stop until he’s dead. The way he is now, Kuroo is an easy target. Any other course of action, any other plan, will put him at risk.”
“So you’re putting the safety of one person above the family?” Kuga Haruka--the second most influential person in the council--inquires, an elegant eyebrow raised.
Kenma can sense the rest of the family bristling around him, taking offense in the council member’s words, but it serves to center him instead. Finding his courage, Kenma straightens his spine and meets the gaze of every single person in the room.
“No. Because Kuroo is Nekoma, and Nekoma is Kuroo.”
The moment the words come out from his mouth, he realizes how true they are, and he is not the only one with how he stunned them speechless. It’s ironic, in his attempt to make Nekoma free and independent from inside and outside reliance, Kuroo becomes an irreplaceable figure himself. Nekoma will carry on without him, but it won’t be Nekoma anymore. Kuroo is not just Nekoma’s leader, he is their heart and soul. It is why the council was so against of having him as the successor to Nekomata, because Kuroo inspired steadfast love and devotion in the coldest and most rational of Nekoma. It was dangerous for Nekoma that placed mind above heart, rationality above intuition.
“Any objections for implementing Plan D?” Kuga asks the room at large.
And they are right. Because against all rational thought, none of them raise objections, not even Hyou himself. ithout a shred of doubt and hesitation, they all come to an agreement. The decision is unanimous.
“We shall proceed with Plan D. You have our full support.” Hyou concludes.
Kenma should feel relieved, but all he can feel is sadness.
Can’t you see how much you are loved, Kuro? Kenma clenches his hand, his gaze sharp and determined. Wake up, and we’ll show you.
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