#i love scarfs because of the way they add colour to a look
estellaestella · 2 years
So in summer 2022 a friend dropped in and asked for some blusher to freshen up her makeup and i had to fess up i dont own any. (I dont do primers, foundations, highlighters etc either but that's another story.) Anyway, in all my time on this planet I had never bought a blush. And while i am sure that was right for me it didnt stop me from feeling super embarassed. Cut to a month later and I had bought 4.
So, my 2023 resolution is to not shop to fill an emotional need. No buying things unless i need them objectively. (Ok, with a tiny leeway for buying the prettier option.)
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csphire · 10 months
Updated Dammon Build Guide!
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Sad because you need more Dammon? Here is an updated guide on how to make him into your player character or dream guardian.
First, let's discuss the mods you'll need if you want to get your player character as close as possible to Dammon's long-lost twin or evil clone. Are you on a console or don't want to mod? No worries, alternative suggestions will be provided in this guide too.
This is only needed if you wish for him to wear the same outfit and for it to be the right color. If you want to keep the number of mods on the low side, you can use Basket Full of Equipment instead. It does have a blacksmith outfit, scarf and his boots too. (The boots are called: Black Leather Footwear D, just dye them brown. The scarf dye Swamp Green.)
Just know as of posting this, there is no dye in the game to match Dammon's existing choice of colors on his blacksmithing outfit perfectly. I would recommend when using Basket Full of Equipment to go with the scarf-free version and dye it Faewild Green and Dun Dye. Then you'll find his scarf in the cloak bag and dye that Swamp Green. If you can't get your hands on that rare dye Swamp Green works great too.
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Eyes (and a jump start with the dream guardian):
What do I mean by jumpstart? Well... the modder here made a great start of what Dammon looks like. But I suspect the way the mod and/or game functions, some of Dammon's coloring is a little off. His horns are nearly white, and his eyes are brown, that is if you're trying to make the dream guardian look like him. This might be corrected in the future.
What's important about this mod is that it unlocks Dammon's unique eye color for not only the Guardian but also the Player Character. It's the only one I've found so far that does this. If there are other mods that come along that just unlock his eyes, I'll be happy to include them here too.
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Don't want to install mods or can't? Try the Blue 3 or Sapphire 4 eyes. Or if you want them to glow more then have central heterochromia Elf Blue 1 and 2 are nice options as well.
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Fun fact: Dammon's eyes are blue with central heterochromia.
Oh, and there is also the option to go with his Early-Access eye color Elf-Gold 3 if you're feeling particularly nostalgic.
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The Quick and Easy Way:
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Want to make the player character and every companion in your party look like Dammon? Well, this is the mod for you. There is however a caveat. He's stuck in that blacksmith outfit. As in not even for love scenes will he get naked. Alas, the real Dammon model doesn't have a nude character model option-at least not yet. Any who...
Onwards to the rest of character creation!
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But first, a few quick side-by-side final comparisons to confirm the appearance you should get when following this guide.
Head, Skintone, and Horn Color:
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Head 4
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Blush Tone 5
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Malbolge Spires with Dusty 6 for both base and tip color.
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Style - Arabel Ribbon Hair Color - Blonde 3 Highlight - Red 6 Intensity 80.
Makeup (optional):
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Eye Makeup - Butterscotch (Intensity 40, Metallic Tint 10, and Glossy 10) Limp Tint - Red 1 (Intensity 10, Metallic Tint 10, and Glossy 10) For makeup, I'm unsure if Dammon wears any but in all the images here I did add a subtle amount to try to make his eyes stand out a little. This might be helpful if you're stuck using Blue 3 or Sapphire 4. I thought to also add a tiny bit of gloss to his lips since he's not hanging out by his forge so much. This is just a personal preference.
In fact, Makeup 12 comes in handy for guys or gals in general at a 10 to 50 tint level to make their eyes look a little deeper set, tired even and um... more broody? Play around with this and other make-ups and have fun.
Scar (optional):
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Dammon does have a scar over the bridge of his nose, under his right eye, and on his lower left lip. But on him, as seen below, it's faded. Scar 3 comes sorta close but it's rather distracting. Until we can get a scar depth or age slidder from Larian (or a mod) I would skip it entirely for now.
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Class, Race, Voice, and Stats (optional):
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According to the Wiki Dammon is an Asmodeus Tiefling but you could subrace him into Mephistopheles or Zariel as head 4 is available to all subraces. Changing his subrace might prove advantageous depending upon what class you wish to play.
For voice, nothing can replace Frazer Blaxland's, but... I found Voice 3, out of all of them, is similar in depth and warmth.
If playing as Dammon and you want to get as close to his abilities, and fighting style as possible, it's all an educated guess. This is only mine on one class example: Druid.
To start, I made sure that all his stats were at least 10 in everything just like his original. For the extra points left over, I put them into upping his Dexterity as it helps with dodging damage. After all, you don't need a lot of hp if you can dodge damage. I also put a few extra points into the main stat for his class and a bit in Charisma just to make conversation rolls easier. For background, I went with Guild Artisan to further help him with persuasion, give him some insight, and for roleplaying purposes since he was a blacksmith. For cantrips, I would highly recommend picking Guidance if available to further aid all conversation rolls.
I went with Druid because it lets him wield a scimitar right at the start. On the Nautolid you can usually find two of these weapons. "Who uses wooden tools!" Dammon shouts as he throws that ugly staff overboard into the fires of Avernus. The second reason is perhaps while he was in the grove he learned a thing or two. He did after all pick up a few skills while in Avernus, why not at the Druid Grove too? It's just one level and you could multi-class him into anything later on.
The third reason I went with Druid for class is your doppelganger gets a discount from Arron, the other merchant to be found there.
But of course, you can make him any other class you wish or multi-class him. I did so myself by adding dragon sorcerer and bard to him later on. This is just an idea, but one could use his playthrough to try and get the Jack-of-all-Trades achievement.
If I had to go with an official class for him, my money would be on Artificer with a subclass of a Battle Smith, to be precise. The video down below explains what they are, and as early as Act II Dammon can literally craft us some bombs and free armor if you bring him the right things. He would be the perfect Artificer companion if we in the future get that class in a DLC. (And romance option-yes while keeping most of his mystery too, Frazer. This will explain just one example of how it's possible.)
Sadly, no official Artificer class yet but there are a few mods you can try out by just searching the term Artificer on the Nexus. But this mod looks so far the most polished and fleshed out called:
Hope all this info helps you have some fun. Please feel free to tag and share with me your Dammon creations! Need any help feel free to reach out, I'd be happy to help. Looking for my old guide? It's here.
*Full Disclosure: In the previous versions of my guide, I was mistaken about his skin tone being Blush 4. After a near-unhealthy amount of scrutiny of Dammon's model, I apologize for this mistake. It's Blush 5, and the majority of the screenshots, ones that focus on his appearance, have been corrected accordingly. I apologize for this mistake and any inconvenience it has caused.
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unhetalia · 7 months
More than 1 note on a post? I'm gonna take that as people being interested! The follow up of my first character headcanon post - this time for England and Russia aka my America love interests.
Can be described as one word: sharp. Sharp jawline, sharp eyes, thin mouth. He has an eyebrow piercing - he rarely wears it nowadays, but he made the piercing with magic so it's always there. He has an eyebrow slit from a scar he got from a battle with a magical creature that never healed. All the other nations are fascinated with it because scars are so rare among their kind (and also because with how England's eyebrows are, it's very eye catching). Attractive in a rough and tumble way - he's very popular with a subset of the female population who initially peg him for a bad boy no matter how far behind him those days are. (France always jokes he's got the face of a delinquent). Physically 30s, ID says 33.
Tailored three piece suits and oxfords are his regular wardrobe for work, like a proper gentleman.
Dirty, light blonde hair (a bit like this), and D37 green-coloured eyes. While he's very hygienic, he doesn't take care of himself beyond doing things for hygiene, so he tends to have rough, calloused hands and his skin isn't particularly soft, though he has the Nation-blessed clear skin.
Very little body fat, lean muscle. He's 180cm (or 5'10), and is therefore 2cm shorter than America, which infuriates Arthur. A lot of scars from magical battles - he has more scars than any other Nation. Has kept up sword fighting and martial arts, and unfortunately has a temper that means he gets into a lot of brawls. Physicality is very important to him, which comes from some more old-fashioned Nation values that younger Nations don't tend to have (more on this later).
Arthur dressed down = replacing the three piece suit with a dress shirt paired with a sweater vest. Or a long, dark coat. He generally tends to prefer blacks, greys, browns. It's rumoured (according to France) that his fashion sense is to stop young women from hitting on him, thinking he's some kind of bad boy. Also why he's cut down on smoking in public. Poor guy.
If England is rough and tumble handsome, Russia is prince handsome - really on as opposite ends of a person's 'type scale' as you can possibly get. He's got a strong jaw and fuller lips, soft eyes. Many a six yer old have tugged on their mother's clothes, pointed at him and told their mum there's a prince, and many a mum have rewarded their six year old for pointing him out. Physically 30s, ID says 31.
Whatever he wears always tends to be hidden by a coat and his scarf.
White blonde hair (close to... this colour). His eyes are undeniably violet. Once again the polar opposite of Arthur, his skin is soft and smooth, looking very much like he's never worked a day in his life - but if the metaphor that I was going for is that England's power is in the way he's hardened from work and hardship, and maintains strength and power through sheer will, Russia's strength is in his impenetrability, in the way even years of holding swords or guns never shows in his body.
I've run out of words, so Russia's body type is the second or last one in this image, depending on if he's at war or in peace times. Minor differences between them, generally. Broad shoulders, thick waist, thick everything. No abs, just. Solidly built. Also, he's 6'7, and wears the kind of boots that make him taller (not on purpose - he just needs sturdy, waterproof boots, and those tend to add height.
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0alanasworld0 · 1 year
Fasting & Friendlies (Hakim Ziyech x reader)
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Request 1: Hi angel ramadan moubarak! Can you write something about ziyech during ramadan? It’s ur first ramadan together and he’s away since he’s in morocco, you can add or change whatever you like. Thank you sm 👼🏼
Request 2: Just loving Hakim and seeing that sparkle in his eyes😔 like spoiling him and always giving him little kisses maybe even appreciation posts on instagram
warnings: none
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“Hurry up, we’re going to be late!” Hakim yells from downstairs. You appear at the top of the stairs with your luggage and a scowl on your face.
“You had me rushing around and we’ve got three hours until takeoff.” you huff, carefully dragging your stuff down the stairs.
“Two hours and forty five minutes, actually!” he corrects and you give him a look that sets him straight. He holds his hands up in surrender before taking your things and carrying them to the car with you following behind him.
You’re feeling a little less grumpy now but you still refuse to look at him when he opens the car door for you. He does that adorable little bow that you would normally laugh at but you haven’t finished being mad at him just yet so you avoid his gaze and drop into the car seat with another huff. He sighs before getting into the driver’s seat and taking a look at you, a warm hand on your thigh.
“I’m sorry sweetheart. I just can’t have anything go wrong, you know? I’m just sooooooo desperate to show these off to Abde and Bilal!” he jokes, pointing at his shoes, and you can’t hold your smile back anymore. 
“I’m still sleep deprived.” you cross your arms, turning your head away dramatically and he chuckles. You furrow your eyebrows when you hear the rustling of plastic packaging and you slowly turn your head to face him. You finally let a full smile break free with what you see. Your absolute favourite crisps hidden in the glove box. You wrap him in a tight hug before grabbing the bag from his hands and scarfing down the much needed meal for your suhoor. 
“You’re almost forgiven.” you mumble between munching as he starts the car.
“Almost?!” he exclaims, lightly slapping your thigh with an exasperated shake of his head and you chuckle. You could never stay mad at him. And at the end of the day, he was right. Both of you have been planning for this trip to the very T. All that time off and away from the club served two purposes. 1. To give him the luxury of spending more time with you and 2. To only strengthen his drive to play. Sure, game time was important but he was ready anyway. Everytime he thought about the fixture, his stomach erupted into butterflies. He was finally gonna get to see them all again and the buildup to the day of the flight felt so painfully slow but it was finally here. He was going home.
Now that the initial tired slump has worn off, you can’t help it. You’re both buzzing with energy now. The closest you had to home was talking about it and now you finally got to spend 2 weeks with the people you both considered family and in the place that connected you all. And with the way Hakim described it, Ramadan in Morocco was going to be a magical experience and you couldn’t wait to share Hakim’s safe space with him.
“You need to try the Tagine, the Bisara and… uh… just everything! And the air is so refreshing, it's so colourful and bright- not like here with all the grey- and the people are always so nice, always just giving out freebies!” he excitedly rambles, squeezing your thigh gently. His own thigh is bobbing up and down at the red light and it makes you so happy because it takes a calm person like him a lot to show their excitement. 
“Hakim, my love: I think the freebies are because you’re Morocco’s 4th top goal-scorer of all time. I don’t think they’re doing that regularly!” you remind and he hums.
“I didn’t think about that.” he admits with a shrug, picking up where he left off. 
When you reach the airport, concern bubbles as you see 2 random men waving, rather crazily, and seemingly towards you. Only when you squint, you realise that they’re familiar faces and not some hooligans out to irritate Hakim. Well it is just that but familiar hooligans at least. The men are sprinting towards you and Hakim as you take your time to get out of the car.
“YES YES YES NOW YOU HAVE TO ASK FOR THE DESSERTS!” Nayef yells, grabbing Hakim by the shoulders and bringing him into a bear hug. You watch on, completely confused by the situation unfolding and still not completely there. Hakim sighs with a huff, turning to you.
“Surprise! Nayef and Ilyas are joining us!” he winces. Tweedle-dum and Tweedle-dee are still clearly very excited. You decide not to pry further so with a shake of your head, you get to the car to grab your luggage. 
After praying in your separate areas, you all return together to sit at one of the cafes in the airport. Not that any of you were going to eat but courtesy of the staff being Chelsea supporters - much to Nayef and Ilyas’ dismay - you were allowed to sit and rest in one of the comfortable booths while you waited. You can’t help but be completely drained already so you rest your head on Hakim’s shoulder. He presses a soft kiss to the top of your head and you interlink your hand with his, sighing out in relief and closing your eyes. You choose to ignore the gagging noises that the other 2 are making but you know that Hakim is probably giving them his signature death glare. No middle fingers or swearing but he had that killer glare that would do the trick anyway and the noises subsequently stop. You can’t help but smile at the situation unfolding. Oh this was going to be a good 2 weeks, you just knew it.
“Okay everyone give me your passports.” Hakim instructs and you can’t help but giggle. Airport dad Hakim was finally here. You supposed that the fasting delayed it a little bit. The boys both furrow their brows, looking to you for an explanation as hakim looks through his backpack, bringing out the folders.
“He doesn’t trust you to take care of your stuff.” you put it simply. They both look to Hakim in offence.
“I’m very responsible, thank you very much!” Nayef exclaims and Hakim gives them a side eye (bombas- no). 
“Look me in the eyes and say that.” Hakim challenges, putting the pair under his intense gaze. The lack of response is all he needs.
“All right cmon, GIVE!” he repeats, a little more sternly now and the boys relent their documents with a sigh. After checking the dates on the passports and having a go at Ilyas for not renewing his (it was going to expire in 2024), you all make your way to check in but not before Hakim checks the flight information for the umpteenth time since you entered the airport. You all look like little children trailing behind him as he navigates. In typical Hakim fashion you are an hour too early so you all drop down onto the uncomfortable airport benches. 
When the time finally does come and you all haul your luggage onto the conveyor belt. Hakim’s brow is furrowed in concern as your luggage goes through. And just as he suspected, you’ve overpacked. 
“I knew this would happen.” he pinches your cheek before opening the side compartment of his own suitcase to bring out an empty backpack. He hands it to you with a kiss to your cheek and he ends the matter there, helping you to offload some of your stuff into it. The boys look on in disbelief. 
“Where’s the lecture for her?! How’s this fair?!” Ilyas points out frantically. 
“Overpacking can be solved in a few minutes. An expired passport cannot.” Hakim explains but not without slapping the back of Ilyas’ head first. 
After recollecting the passports and rechecking the gates, Hakim takes to studying the planes while the rest of you find yourselves engrossed in your word hunt challenges. 
“Does your loving husband always do this?” Nayef mumbles absentmindedly before shutting his phone off, his face in his hands as he loses yet another game. You pat his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him after your victory.
“Oh yeah, gets the job done though so no complaints from me!” you say with a shrug, looking over at Hakim with a smile on your face.
“The airport dad pose really does it for you?! Really?!” he teases and you pinch his arm.
Only as you’re about to walk onto the plane does Hakim return the precious passports, giving a stern glare to all of you and keeping track of where you keep them. 
He finally seems to let go of all of his tension when you’ve all taken your seats and he sits up with his phone.
“Oh I’m going to trash all of you at word hunt.” you all groan in response because Hakim was good at many things: one was being organised and the other was puzzles. 
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After about 4 hours of a fairly peaceful flight, many pretty photos of clouds, and even more photos of you and Hakim asleep together being spammed in the group chat, the sight of the landing ground getting closer and closer was an exciting one. For the first time today, all of you are buzzing with energy as the flight draws to a close.
Once you reach the hotel, you and hakim now separate from the boys as you all make your way to your rooms. He hugs you before dragging you to fall onto the bed with him and he groans in relief. 
“Can we just stay here please?” he mumbles.
“And go to bed without irritating Romain?” you joke and he immediately shoots up.
“I almost forgot!” he exclaims, energy returning and he’s now hauling you up and back onto your feet. You don't have much time to think as he’s dragging you out of the door.
When you reach the lobby, you’re guided to where the rest of the team are waiting and you hoped you would remember the smile on Hakim’s face forever. All of his best friends, all of the people he considered family, gathered in the lounge happily talking to each other face-to-face for the first time in months. The time apart felt hellish, for some more than others, but whenever they got to speak to each other, it was like they’d never been apart. 
There’s Yassine and Romain talking with Bilal and Benjamin, probably another wise old man lecture because you can see the latter two dozing off every once in a while. Sofyan, Abde appear to be preoccupied with an arm-wrestling contest with Ounahi and Dari officiating. Abde appears to be on the brink of tears while Sofyan looks cool as ever. Hamdallah is knocked out completely on one of the couches and you can see Anass and Boufal prepare to sneak up on him. It’s chaos but a very comforting one. You would be lying if you said that you didn’t miss these guys too. You see Noussair waving at the pair of you and push Hakim on.
“Fancy seeing you here!” Hakim remarks and Nous simply rolls his eyes, a bright smile quickly making its way onto his face.
“Oh please you missed me more than anyone here and you know it!” he brings you both into a hug before you all start talking again. You knew that Hakim was extremely fond of Nous in particular so this catch-up in particular meant a lot to him. Your eyes focus on Hakim. He looks to be having the time of his life: he’s rarely an animated person but he becomes something else with his fellow Ajax graduate. It’s something that you don’t think you’ll ever tire of seeing.
Thankfully he’s kept occupied long enough for everyone else to slip to the dining hall without him noticing. Sure his birthday WAS yesterday and he had a wonderful time spending it with you but it was only a day late so why not share it with the people he loved most?
When the 3 of you finally make your way to the dining hall, you’re met with a litany of confetti cannon blasts and the sight of the huge birthday cake. The cheers from the team put a dopey smile on his face as the joys of the return fully settle in. all of his favourite people gathered in one place. All smiling and energetic as ever. He couldn’t ask for more. 
The cake is quickly shared out along with the rest of the meal and everyone is quick to dig in. Ounahi, the resident bully of the group, is of course the first to speak when the chatter slowly starts creeping up again.
“The cake is great and all but I think we can all agree that the best way to celebrate this momentous occasion is with some entertainment! Ben, you’re up!” he announces and the poor guy reluctantly moves to stand on his chair with a microphone already in his hand. It was time for his group initiation. 
“Some things never change.” Hakim whispers and you laugh quietly, eager and waiting for the entertainment to begin. That brightness in his eyes really was just spectacular. Over here, he was just freed of a stress that he simply couldn't get rid of over in London. he was happier than he could ever he describe when he spent time with you but the burdens of the club always still lingered in the back of his mind, he was never truly free of the stress. it weighed him down and only now do you realise that.
It hurts to think about but you're glad he gets some time away from it where he genuinely isn't being weighed down. He's focussed on the performance in front of him and you're certain that Benjamin's predicament is hilarious, you can't tear your eyes off Hakim. everything else is drowned out as you stare at him. He hasn't stopped smiling since he arrived, you realise. you truly wished that things could just stay like this forever but of course it wasn't to be that way so you're thankful that he gets these next couple of weeks. Momentarily, you forget that everyone else is there and you catch him off guard by hugging his side. He looks down at where you've nestled your head with a confused smile. Nonetheless, he welcomes the affection and snakes an arm around your waist to give a comforting squeeze. You lift your head from the crook of his neck and peck his cheek. You can see the redness start to appear so you go for another. And another. And another.
"Get a room, guys!" Sofyan whispers, nudging Hakim and he shrugs before leaving a kiss at your temple. The rest of the group has noticed too but become preoccupied as the next newbie is ordered to take the stage. You see no reason to leave your spot so you stay there, with your arms around him and his around you.
He zones out for a second as he processes things. Sure, you were an affectionate person, especially with him but in a group setting? Not that he had a problem with it by any means. this was basically his family so he knew he had nothing to worry about but still. He wonders what's sparked it.
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The next few days in the build-up to the match felt like a fever dream. You had expected Hakim and the boys to be sore and completely shattered by the end of every day. So imagine your surprise when Hakim sends you a photo of the mural in the prison. That day he comes home absolutely beaming as he recalls how kindly he was treated and how much fun he had. What's strange is that he IS sore and he HAS spent hours upon hours training but by some miracle, they’ve managed to fit their field-trips into the schedule too. The next day is also bizarre but you can’t say that you’re too surprised when Hakim facetimes you while going to town on a colouring sheet. You can see Yassine and Anass in the background doing what they were actually supposed to be doing and you furrow your eyes as you pay closer attention to the background noise.
“Hakim, I might be wrong here but I think the kiddies are looking for you!” you laugh but he’s too engrossed with the task at hand to even look up at you.
“They can just come over here and join me with this!” he suggests, still refusing to look up. You can’t help but laugh harder as Romain comes up behind him to slap him on the head.
“You’re the bane of my existence, wallah. Can we get back to the task at hand?!” the captain scolds as Hakim winces.
“Oh hi, kiddo! Duty calls! ” Romain adds quickly, before ending the call and you can already imagine Hakim’s heedless protests at the action. You knew that one little setback very likely took nothing away from the fact that Hakim was having the time of his life. This was home. Not the grey abyss of England. He perhaps held Netherlands more fondly but THIS was home. He didn’t want to be anywhere else.
He sends you countless videos of them having a blast training: messing around and causing chaos, laughing at each other. This trip was turning out to be everything you both expected it to be and so much more.
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The morning of the 22nd is a fuzzy one. You’d been waiting for it for ages for the special night but the early hours still have you in a haze with Hakim shaking you as gently as he can to wake you. 
“My love, we need to eat!” he reminds, voice gentle on your ears which isn’t doing you much good in terms of waking you. His next attempt is more successful as he wraps his arms around you and lifts you so that you’re sitting up. You rub your eyes tiredly and he kisses your cheek, holding your face in his hands as he looks at you. You looked so cute, so tired, so grumpy. He loved it. 
“Ramadan Mubarak, gorgeous! We have to have our suhoor remember?” you hum, vaguely understanding what he was saying which was honestly an improvement. Even with slight coherence, he’s still the one dragging you around and making sure you’re steady on your feet as you get to the lounge. 
Some of the players are already there, gathered on the floor with the various dishes being shared around. You rest your head on Hakim’s shoulder as he gets both of your plates ready. The meal is fairly quiet, thankfully. The chatter is fairly minimal with everyone in the rooms at different levels of exhaustion. It's a peaceful moment and although you’re not fully there, you can still appreciate the fact that you were with people you had grown to love in such a short period of time. 
You spend the day trying to distract yourself with some gift-shopping for when you went back home while Hakim was focussing on training for the match. There was very little time for the pair of you to talk in between so you were itching to see him by the time iftar rolled around. It was your first Ramadan together and although you were glad to be spending it in Morocco, there was a part of you that wanted to spend a little bit more time with him but you knew that it would be worth it in a few days.
 You practically jump onto him when he walks through the door and you capture him in the tightest hug you can manage before dragging him to sit next to you. The rest of the team is soon to follow, too tired to make any jokes as Hakim kisses your temple. Everyone is clutching onto their dates and pouring large glasses of water as you await the Adhaan. Another benefit of Morocco was that you weren’t all having to constantly check your phones, you just had to wait for the beautiful sound to echo through the streets. And eventually, you do hear it. There’s a collective sigh of relief before you all dig into the dates, almond filled so that none of you had to deal with gnawing around the seeds. With the renewed energy, the chatter steadily increases in volume as the boys excitedly talk about the events that transpired during training. Hakim throws an arm around your shoulder as he continues the conversation. You may have been a little upset about the lack of time spent with him earlier during the day but moments like this where you truly felt like a family reminded you just how worthwhile the time apart was. Again, that look in his eyes was priceless. A sparkle that had become pretty rare over in London.
He falls onto the bed when the pair of you reach the hotel room and you’re soon to follow, shuffling under the covers and towards his arms.
“How are you feeling?” you ask quietly, wondering if he had already dozed off yet.
“Exhausted and excited all at once, love. It’s very confusing.” you chuckle together before he starts again.
“I know it seems far-fetched but I really think we could do this, you know?” he confesses. Everything was right. They were training harder than ever, praying, fasting. Things just felt right. He had every reason to be hopeful.
“Not far-fetched at all, my love. Before you know it, you’ll have another top 10 team on their knees.” you assert before releasing a huge yawn. He smiles, realising that you both most definitely need the sleep. The hand drawing shapes on your back is enough to send him into a deep slumber fairly quickly and you're soon to follow, dipping your head down to kiss his cheek before sleeping off the events of the day.
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The 24th and 25th are stressful, stressful days. Every player giving it their absolute all in training, tensely going over the tactics, the analysis, and they just know they can’t let this match go to waste. It’s a chance to prove that their world cup run was no fluke. They’re here for real and they’re hungry for victory. This was their time to show it.
The tension doesn’t relieve by the time iftar rolls around either. Unlike the first 2 days, the silence isn’t broken even after everyone has dug in. The boys have heaps for energy but the idea of expending it now wasn’t one they wanted to act upon. The stress in the room is choking as everyone gets their fill. Only one thing on their minds. They’re quick to leave as well so they can pray together, Hakim pressing a quick kiss to your cheek before making his way out and you return back to your room to get ready to leave for the stadium.
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The match is the first time you see him since the iftar, much to your dismay but you knew that he was where he needed to be. Surrounded by all the right people that made matches like this that much more magical so you felt a sense of peace in your heart.
The crowd was electric, some of the best you have ever seen. Colourful smoke bombs, streamers and giant sparklers ignited the atmosphere and perfectly reflected the feelings of the crowd. There are the charismatic Brazilians who were seasoned pros in all things football. As much as England proclaimed themselves to be the home of football, for most it was Brazil. It was a legacy they carried with pride and strived to preserve. But you and everyone in the stadium knew better than to count your husband’s team out. Morocco, a team that broke down a glass ceiling that had been imposed on non-European teams from the very start. It wasn’t going to be an easy fight by any means but you had faith. You knew exactly what they were capable of. And in the most blessed month of all times.
You smile when you see Hakim close his eyes to listen to the anthem. In truth, even without knowing Darija, he had spent a very long time learning the anthem but the feeling of the crowd, and such an energetic and passionate one was something that energised him in a way that nothing else could. You could feel the sound of the stadium quite literally move through you. 
You feel your heart in your throat as the match begins, it just meant too much. Everyone had too much to prove. But you have to remind yourself that you have faith. They’d done it three times before with an extensive injury list haunting them last time. Now, with the entire team injury-free, there was no reason they couldn’t achieve the same greatness again. And you just had to keep reminding yourself of the fact.
You’re proven correct in your faith and you can’t help but cheer when you see Hakim immediately ease past the Brazilian defences with Ounahi at the helm to assist him. The speed of the passes was difficult to comprehend and you find yourself struggling to keep up. If you blinked, you would open your eyes to something completely new. The Moroccan tiki-taka. And it was your Hakim who was at the centre of it, you couldn’t be more proud already. Your cheers turn into full blown screams as the chance comes to fruition with Boufal taking a risky shot. The stadium lights up and the electricity moves through you in a way you hadn’t felt in any other stadium. The noise is overwhelming but the relief that you feel is all you need. 
Fairly soon after the first chance, your eyes light up and you prepare yourself to scream again when you realise who is at the centre of this one. You get up from your seat and hold your breath, the scream bubbling up your throat but it's not to be this time. Wonderful chance for your husband but it goes just wide and he winces. You can imagine what's going through his head already. The normal Chelsea treatment would be online ridicule and contempt but you know the Moroccan crowd better than that. He gets a fairly big cheer from the crowd anyway and you smile widely when you see Walid giving him a reassuring thumbs up. He smiles back and then manages to easily find you in the crowd. You do the same as Walid and his smile widens and he gives you a shrug. Quickly getting ready for the play to continue.
The final half hour is tense as you all tensely wait and pray for a goal that could break the equaliser and it finally comes. The crowd once again is electrified with cheers as Sabiri takes Morocco back into the lead. Even with the comfort of the lead and the clearly worn out Brazilian side, nothing has you more happy than seeing Hakim continue to give it his all. For the first time in a long time, he looks like he’s having fun and you couldn’t be happier for him. It felt so right here. Things felt natural and he was reminded of why he loved the sport so much in the first place. 
The final whistle is a sound almost as beautiful as the adhaan and the cheers vibrate the stadium once again, the volume at an all time high as Morocco do it once again. Yet another historic victory to solidify their world cup status. The crowd lights up once again as everyone celebrates the resounding victory. A reminder that was very much needed and a message that could be sent out to the rest of the world. You were so proud. So proud you could combust into flames. They really did it again. 
You turn around from celebrating with some friends to see Hakim charge towards you, his face lit up with a smile. The next thing you know, he’s grabbing you by the hand and dragging you towards the field where you can celebrate freely on the grass. He lifts you up and spins you around as you laugh together before he puts you down. His arms stay in place however, grip tightening as he takes in the moment.
“We really did it.” he mumbles, dumbfounded by it all. 
“Of course you did, you were amazing!” you beam and he furrows his brow.
“I messed up probably one of the easiest chances of the night.” he reminds you and you wave your hand dismissively.
“Oh please, forget that! You were perfect otherwise and you know it!” he shrugs before lifting you up and spinning you around again.
The hotel lobby is absolute pandemonium as everyone gathers to celebrate the victory. You’re there with him the entire time, pressing little kisses onto his face at any given opportunity and a dopey smile on your face as you looked at him otherwise. Memories of the missed shot leave his mind fairly quickly as everyone celebrates the victory. He’s a blushing mess with the love you’re showering him with and his skin is burning by the time you reach the time you reach your hotel room.
“You’re awfully affectionate tonight.” he mumbles, eyes drifting away from yours because he knows how much you’re enjoying this.
“I’m proud of my wizard! What can I say?” you shrug before making your way onto the bed, your back against the headboard.
“C'mon, let me spoil you for the night.” you pat the space in front of you and he obliges, removing his sweater and sitting with his back towards you. He knew that you wouldn’t want to do anything in the holy month, even if you weren’t fasting and especially right after a match.
Your warm, smooth hands begin at his shoulder as you press into the knots, careful not to hurt him as you work away at the tension. He can feel it melting away from his body already as the soreness dissipates with your comforting touch. You continue down the rest of his sore back and when you’re done, you press kisses over his shoulders and upper back. He sighs out before turning around to look at you with a shy smile. You don’t give him much time to think before grabbing his face and pressing your lips against his. He’s surprised but ultimately welcomes the affection as he melts into the kiss. You whine as he parts for breath.
“What has gotten into you?” he asks incredulously. You always made sure to shower him with affection but it had been a whole other level recently.
“I don’t know! I guess seeing you happy just makes me happy! Like really happy!” you attempt to explain before reaching for another kiss, which he accepts. When you part again, you lay yourself down and he lays next to you, face only a few inches from yours.
“You know you really were amazing out there today!” you remind him and he smiles.
“Could have been better if I was on target.” he admits with a small shrug and you run your thumb over his cheek.
“Oh you know that it isn’t all about the goals! you were everywhere today, you make it look so easy!” you attempt to explain. He smiles and you breathe out in relief because he’s finally accepted the compliment.
“Nope. Go to sleep now.” you quickly interrupt him before him so his head is under your chin. You feel him laugh against your chest before finally conceding although its muffled against your skin.
“Fine! Fine! It was good today! I was good!” he says but he opts to stay where he is, even with your loosened grip. He lets out a yawn and that's your signal to end the night. You press one more kiss to his temple and his arms snake around your body, snuggling into your chest. Sleep finds him quickly as the exhaustion crashes through him in waves. The warmth of your body and the hand once again smoothing over his back is enough to send him into the most peaceful slumber. The feeling of his warm breath against your skin is a comforting one as well as the feeling of his strong arms around your frame. It lulls you into a place of contentment at which point you find yourself falling into your own slumber.
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not ramadan anymore but as I always say, better late than never lmfao but i hope u enjoy anyway, lovelies xoxo ryan ;)
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carlos-in-glasses · 7 months
A Scarf Askew
Tomorrow, I will have been knitting for exactly one month - and I have an update!
Yesterday, I finished her! A scarf unlike any other (that's for sure!). The colours were dictated by the BEAUTIFUL Bergere yarn I found in a charity shop, which was part of the fun! The plain green and purple were an online purchase to complement. I'd love to do this a couple more times and make scarves of different blues and pinks.
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Without a pattern, I cast on way too many stitches so ended up frogging the first six inches worth of rows - but I'm so glad I did, otherwise it would have been a monster. It looks a lot more sensible this size! The main challenges were working with such frizzy yarn (beautiful halo, though) and actually knitting in straight rectangles rather than whatever freeform, billowing nebula I ended up creating. My tension went wonky with the purple panel, but I simply stitched up the holes and you can't really tell unless you look close. I decided to add tassels into the mix so had to acquire a set of crochet hooks - but again, I'm so glad I bothered! They ended up being pretty fun once I got the hang of it!
Finally! I used a garment steamer for blocking - which made all the difference in the overall 'quality', if I may generously use that word. Crazy how much longer it grew though! Rougly 60 inches has blown to 88 inches! Clearly need to be more careful in the future if I don't want a jumper to look like I knitted it for a giant.
Ooh and - my partner, exited about a new gadget in the flat, broke the steamer after a single use when fiddling around, so I'm already in the market for a new one if anyone has any recs!
Overall, I'd say this was a success. It is definitely a functional scarf. You look at it and you think "that is a scarf!" It is in no way perfect, but I wore it out today and felt a million dollars because it was something I made and put hours into. I have no idea how long projects are meant to take for beginner-knitters with full time jobs and other hobbies, but I feel like this was pretty good going.
Currently, I've cast on practice yarn so I can improve stockinette, 1x1 and 2x2 rib stitch, and I'm itching to learn how to increase and decrease. It's freaking me out so much, and I just want to be able to do it! Not to be dramatic, but it feels like such a mountain to climb! I've bought a pattern for a hat (and a pattern for a jumper!) but I'm not starting either until I'm more confident with ribs and shaping.
So there we have it. First, chaos mitten. Now a scarf askew. I hope to be able to show you a hat that looks like a hat in the not too distant future! It comes with a bobble maker (!) so all being well, it could be pretty cute!
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tireddovahkiin · 2 months
1, 2 & 15
Thank you for the ask Lee <3
Link to the game!
1. Gush about your f/o's sense of style/fashion!
OOOOOO it's so beautiful... I know we only saw Sephiroth in his SOLDIER/battle uniform for the entire game, but I personally like to think that he's into dark academia style/elegant/clothing with dark colors and that look plain. He's a simple man. I don't see him as a fan of bright colours, tbh, and Tsizilia HATES colours. So, good thing is, their house is black or grey themed. Tsizilias wardrobe has black and white things, while Sephiroths has a bit more colour to it.
They both like to dress for the occasions, even as simple as going outside for something. Never leaving the house without the style mhm😎
Sephiroth likes to wear plain sweaters and sweatpants, or t-shirts and pants when it's hot. He's a fan of knitted sweaters a lot. As for when going out, he'll choose coats, usually black or dark beige, simple button up white shirts, or again, sweaters, jeans/leather pants and boots. He even adds a scarf sometimes, not because he's cold, but just because he wants to look fabulous. When it's hot, shirts are unbuttoned, and the sleeves are pulled up. Sephiroth also likes do add sunglasses (Tsizilia chose them for him because she wears hers 24/7, she knows what she's doing alr)
For the special occasions, suits with a special silver lining, black cravat with a pin decoration, maybe even gloves... JSHDLUSGDIUSGIUGFYSD~
Just as I said, simple and practical, yet elegant man.
(Bonus: Sephiroth doesn't weak any pyjamas in bed. When it's winter time, he sleeps in boxers, and when it's summer, he sleeps naked. [IDFC HE SEEMS LIKE THE TYPE IF YOU THINK THAT'S NASTY I DON'T GIVE TWO SHITS- FIGHT ME-])
2. Gush about your f/o's voice!
Sephiroths japanese lines are voiced by my FAVORITE voice actor, who also voices Minato from Naruto and Ubuyashiki Kagaya from Demon Slayer! That man REALLY knows the way to act with that calm voice of his... It gives me so much comfort and warmth...
The japanese one does sound a little more 'menacing' compared to english, but both of them are soft as COTTON CANDY... So sultry, and velvetty, dripping slowly like sticky, hot honey~ Sephiroth literally PURRS when he talks. His voice is literally hypnotizing to listen to, like of a siren. I would be EASILY swayed if he was to try and talk me in to his will. It's a real voice of a manipulator. And I fucking LOVE it.
The way it never raises, that guy NEVER yells. EVER. He's as calm as the sea at night. Sephiroth is the most suave of the suave-st ever. Even when he's angry, he's CALMLY angry. And it's even more unsettling than the yelling, in my opinion. You don't know what to expect.
Oh, and when he whispers lowly into Clouds ear every time he decides to mess with him, LORD... I BECOME SO JEALOUS- LIKE I WANT SEPHIROTH TO TEASE ME, PLEASE- TELL ME I'VE BEEN A BARD GIRL, OR A GOOD ONE, ANYTHING--
I can only imagine the way he says stuff when we- when whne um uhm whnw- make out or something-🥴
MY FAVORITE THING ABOUT ALL OF IT? His possessiveness. That man is the most pssessive man I have ever seen. Like it's borderline crazy, almost close to yandere-ish. AND I'M ALL HERE FOR THAT FOOD- Like YES I wan't that man to whisper into my ear that I'm HIS, and his only, as he makes me watch slash people with Masamune before my eyes, YES, I want to hear him just how crazy and insane I drive him, yes I wan't him to always keep me close to him and never let go as he rants about how we're meant to be, and blessed by the fates, YES YES YES YESYEYSYESYEYSYEYS-
I wan't him to ramble about his 'planet conquering' goals to oblivion, I'll listen... Half of it. Otherwise, I get distracted by his beautiful voice... I also make him read a lot to me. Best ASMR for fucking FREE- I'm a lucky gal😋
Favorite lines?
"I'll never be a memory." (YES TELL THEM BABY FUCK EM UP WOOOOOOO-)
"Careful now. That which lies ahead... Does not yet exist." (Ahhhh... His philosphy is so fascinating to decode... What he means about 95% of the time he talks... Like he's such a mystery of a man, I absolutely adore it...)
"You're practically panting... Such a puppy." (WOOF WOOF BARK BARK BARK ARF GRRRRRR ARF ARF BARK WOOF WOOF-)
3. Gush about your F/O’s love languages!
First, and primary one: Acts of service
Sephiroth is the embodiment of 'Actions speak louder than words'. That is his primary love language, when he first even started dating Tsizilia (me).
As I said once before, Sephiroth is definitely touch starved, but greatly touch repulsed at first. He only ever experienced a forceful touch, touches he had to endure when countless of scinetists exprimented on him, treated him, monitored him. They were always rough, without emotions, treating him like an object, another obstacle, a lab rat, and not a human being. So, being afraid of a loving touch is a 'normal' reaction. He's afraid he might be used again, and he wants to avoid it at all costs. But Sephiroth doesn't realise it won't hurt him, that he is loved, and that that touch isn't fake, it is indeed quite real, and full of love and care for him.
So, he shows it through small acts like, preparing food, helping in the house, remembering something Tsizilia mentioned, doing the chores, bying her gifts, and always being there to listen to her, to help her, to enjoy time with her. He's willing to literally sacrifice himself in an instant if she asks. Anything for her. Because Tsizilia has ALWAYS been by his side, and now he wants to return the favor.
Physical Touch
After experiencing a loving, harmless touch for the first time by Tsizilia, and out of the constant fear of ending alone again, of being left on his own, of being pushed away like always before, he holds close like his life depends on it.
Sephiroth becomes hungry for touch: possessive, greedy, like a dragon to its treasure. And Tsizilia understands that, hell, she even loves it herself (Similar shit happened to her, she's a chaser, a people pleaser, and she always thought her touch meant nothing to anyone ever every time she showed affection, because her heart, when she was young, was sensitive and very loving, but due to life treating her that way, she closed off.) In the beginning of the relationship, Tsizilia was always initiating contact, but seeing him reject it every time, she got scared, and eventually gave up... Until Sephiroth reprocicated for the first time. (AND THERE WERE TEARS LET ME TELL YA-)
Sephiroths touch is firm, but gentle. Even though Tsizilia keeps telling him she isn't made of glass, Sephiroth insists he handles her with care, like she was made of porcelain. But the firm grip she has on her is always there, indicating she AIN'T GOING ANYWHERE, even in sleep- and the fact that it's constant, almost becoming clingy... (HELL YEAH YOU GET ME BABE IM HELLA CLINGY TOO) Sephiroth uses any given moment he has to hold her close. To feel her. To keep reminding himself that this isn't a dream, that it's real. Reading a book? Cooking? Sleeping? Watching TV? Even showering together? That man is acting like a sloth.
But the situation slightly changes when in public. Sephiroth isn't a fan of PDA at all (dw me too), but at least hand holding is a must, or an arm over her shoulders. He STILL wants to make sure Tsizilia is close. Rarely, she kissesher cheek, knuckles, forehead, temple, and hug her. But the definite rarest is direct kisses. He initiates it only when he's like DESPARATE. But, sneaky glances, secret touches under the table on hand brushing? YES. YOU BET YOUR FUCKING ASS ON IT, YES.
There's also gift giving!
I just know bro spoils like every day is a celebration day istfg /j
No, but really. Sephiroth is VERY perceptive as a person, and I just KNOW he'll look out and pinpoint on every longing look Tsizilia directs at a jewelry piece she sees on TV, or a game she wants to buy and play, or when some of her favorite bathing salt runs out, or a flower she saw on the way home. Oh, you BET he saw/heard her. And next time you know, he's bringing a big ass boquett of her favorite flowers, the jewelry lying on the table, or a video game bought and installed on her laptop, you NAME it.
AND- AND THE MAN HAS AUDACITY TO ACT DENSE- like what are you talking about, I didn't hear anything, I just thought of you and brought it... SHUT THE FUCK UP AND KISS ME RIGHT ABOUT NOW—
Every once and then, he will even buy something he thinks will fit her pefectly, like a dress, accessory, or a piece of... l1nger1e hehe~😏 That man NEVER fails. He knows what's he doing, alright. Fashion sense is quite literally like his normal sense. I MEAN LOOK AT HIM- HE AIN'T BLESSED WITH THAT BEAUTY FOR NOTHING. And beside that, he'll even try creative gifts, handmade ones. But, having a meticulous perfectionist ass can be quite tiring😔and he often rage quits. (Again, I can relate SO much.)
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Creative Process
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The lovely @mariamariquinha​ asked about my creative process so here it is! This is a long ass post by the way.
When it comes to developing characters, even reader ones I usually add a little something in there to make more individualised and it kind of creates an anchor point in my head so it’s easy to slip into them. I also think it brings an additional layer to the character and makes them more realistic.
A few examples of this:
-        Joe Velasco’s reader usually has at least one tattoo, a lotus on the back of their neck and one on their wrist. I kind of envision them a little spiritual and I feel the lotus flower kind of plays into that. (To be clear I don’t have this as a tattoo)
-        Horacio Carrillo’s reader usually has a scar on her throat close to the jugular from clashing with Quica. This serves a few purposes, it shows she is also on the front lines, it reminds Horacio of how close he was too losing her, and I feel it’s realistic that you would have some scars if you were in that type of job. (I also don’t have this scar)
Sometimes I do include tiny details from my life, like experiences or things I’ve encountered, like the way someone’s scent clings to a scarf if they lend it to you and stuff like that. I feel like it helps to add more realism to the work and it’s something readers can identify with.
Back to my creative process, it kinda goes like this:
I get an idea –  Usually from a prompt, or a song, or just a random thought I wake up with. I usually have my best ideas in the shower.
One way it works is:
I write the first draft on Google Notes if I am out and about or on Word if I am at the laptop. When studying for my Masters we learned the importance of leaving the first draft for a little while so that you can come back to it with fresh eyes. While I am doing that I am usually working on first drafts for other ideas so by the time I write up the original piece I have fresh eyes.
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All of my rough drafts are colour coded by character as you can see, so it’s easy for me to tell what or who I am working with when I am in certain moods.
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If I am writing a series, I try to write it up in one big go so I have a good idea of where it’s heading.
On the flipside:
Sometimes when I write a first draft on my laptop it’s really vivid and is almost perfect because I have had a really clear vision of where I want to go and what the piece is about. All it takes is a final flourish and read through and it’s ready to go. (This is pretty rare)
Once I’ve written a rough draft or had an idea, I haven’t had a chance to work on I pop it on my Ideas Trello board:
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Each idea has a Gif or image attached to it so I can see which char it relates to as well as a working title and a colour coded banner with the fics current status. This also helps me keep track of where I am when I am writing a series as you can see.
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Initially I had the goal of publishing one fic a week so there wasn’t much pressure when I was getting back into Tumblr. So, when I finished one, I would just schedule it for the next week. However, since I was getting the bus more because my job role changed I had more time to write rough drafts so I ended up stepping up my productivity and started posting more regularly. Now I am scheduling content daily for weeks in advance.
I keep track of what is going out and when by making a schedule board on Trello. This also allows me to make sure that there isn’t too much of the same character booked around the same time. I try to space it out a bit more.
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I also have inspo boards, so when I see something for a certain char like a GIF or a song, I add it to the boards:
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 I know this whole thing probably looks like I have no life at all, but the organisation actually really helps me keep on top of things!
I’m a busy person who works 4 days a week and runs their own social media business on the side. I’m married and go on dates with my husband, I also have boxing and sewing classes once a week as well as family obligations. 
I have had to slow down over the past few weeks because I have developed prolonged COVID. 
The key for me is not to feel guilty if I don’t write. I’m pretty self-reflective and know when I am over encumbered myself so sometimes, I take a step back and just rest for a few days. Taking that time really helps to refresh my mind and I always come back better for it.
I know this works for me and won’t work for everybody but if you have any qs feel free to drop me a line.
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goldenkamuyhunting · 1 year
Nendoroid Sugimoto
So, since everyone knows I’m very, very weak for these little figures I’m going to spend a little talking about Nendoroid Sugimoto, since they released the image of its coloured version.
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Premise: I’ve already talked about it a bit here, and the colour image seems to confirm what I said back then since it’s just the same image only now it’s coloured, so I’m not going to repeat myself.
So, the colouring is overall good. The boots and the visor of the hat seem shiny, which adds an extra cute layer if you ask me.
In this image too I can’t spot if Sugimoto’s body can be parted in two halves so that the standing legs can be replaced by seating legs so as to allow him to make citatap same as Ogata.
Anyway my greatest hope is that he can and they’ll allow to its box an ‘Asirpa sitting body part’ (yeah, sometimes they add body parts of another nendo to a nendo if they’re from the same series and meant to do something together) so that we can have a nice per-Abashiri citatap moment with the whole gang.
I’ve mixed feelings with this expression, as a confident grin... well, Sugimoto can look more confident, as a soft expression (Sugi has lovely warm and soft expressions) it feels like it’s not soft enough.
Though it can be that it doesn’t feel confident enough to me because the visor covers completely his eyebrows. I’ll need to see it by another angle before giving a more truthful opinion.
I expect Sugi’s scarf to have a ball joint so it will be possible to move it and the bayonet to be removable.
It would be nice, considering how often he used it, if they were to five him a bayonet he can hold as well.
LOL, a naked Sugimoto body would be an interesting alternative to a sitting Sugimoto body if we don’t get the sitting one.
Sugimoto gets naked often enough in the series and has a body notable enough it would make a worthy addition and please Noda as well.
A kicking lower body part is also an option since Sugimoto kicks as well but it’s my least favorite. I’m all for the sitting body part.
I like my Nendo to be comfortable.
I doubt they’ll give him a spare ‘hair without hat’ part, but I genuinely hope his faceplates don’t have hair parts attached. It’s something they did with Ogata and I despised it as it was unnecessary (they had Nendo with similar hair who didn’t need it) and makes troublesome to use other faceplates on him.
Anyway we’ll see.
The release of future Golden Kamuy Nendoroid is likely strongly tied to how well the main character will sell as well as how many requests for GK Nendo goodsmile will receive (you can send requests here because, in case you’re wondering why Ogata was released way sooner before Sugimoto the answer is Goodsmile got so many requests for him he was one of the 6 more requested characters and therefore they decided to release him) so we can only wait and see.
Also, if you’ve a custom made GK Nendoroid and are sharing pictures of him/her, feel free to give me a head up. I’ll love to see it and I’ll be more than happy to reblog your post.
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44gamez · 9 months
10 Best Trainer Designs in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are filled with quite a few Trainers with distinctive kinds, Sort preferences, and personalities. With so many brilliant and vibrant character designs, Era 9 in a short time turned acknowledged by gamers for having one of the best assortment of character designs in a single Gen. To focus on a few of these phenomenal ideas, we’ve befriended ten fortunate people from Paldea to debate, so comply with alongside beneath.
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Picture Supply: The Pokemon Firm Kieran’s design is arguably one of many extra attention-grabbing ideas within the recreation; within the Teal Masks DLC, he’s obtained that basic, emo child power along with his messy black hair, full with purple strands beneath for additional edgy factors. Kieran’s outfit may be very easy, being a variation of the Blueberry Academy uniform — nonetheless, it’s not this that makes him stand out, however extra so the truth that he’s the one character to obtain two completely different designs. Within the Indigo Disk DLC, Kieran has undergone some adjustments, carrying a a lot sportier set of garments to point his new, brutal coaching schedule. On high of this, his hair has been pulled again from his face, which adjustments the coloring to point out off the purple undertones in full. Each of Kieran’s designs completely stability simplicity with the concord of complementary colours, which makes his look attention-grabbing and straightforward to establish. Contemplating lil’ Kiki right here has two profitable designs, he deserves his rightful place on this checklist, unquestionably.
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Picture Supply: The Pokemon Firm Drayton is one in all a number of new characters added by way of the Indigo Disk DLC, carrying a choice for Dragon Sort Pokemon. That is hinted all through his design with delicate components, such because the flowy, cape-like garment he wears round his waist, and his horn/scale-shaped coiffure. On high of his love for Dragons, Drayton additionally will get some bonus factors for having a Maschiff design on his jacket just because who doesn’t love doggos? Drayton additionally has a robust silhouette that portrays his confidence, and his clothes is a superb mixture of Academy uniform with distinctive additions, which helps him stand out from the gang of different NPCs.
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Picture Supply: The Pokemon Firm Iono is the Electrical Sort Health club Chief in Paldea and likewise has a secondary job as a streamer, so I’d say Pokemon hit the nail on the top along with her design. She has that comfortable, but trendy apparel that so many streamers and content material creators are recognized to like, and even has brilliant, funky-colored hair break up in hues of pastel pink and blue, which is a little bit of an e-girl basic, at this level. Nevertheless, there are additionally some actually attention-grabbing additions to this apparel to point her Sort choice and add some originality, similar to her shark-like enamel, screw-like elements of her sneakers, and naturally, her huge Magnemite hair equipment — which might detach and float round her. Or…perhaps these are precise Magnemites which have been painted to match her hair? Both means, they make her very attention-grabbing and positively add to her silhouette, making Iono one in all a number of characters who stand out within the Paldea Area probably the most.
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Picture Supply: The Pokemon Firm Grusha has been a beloved Pokemon Scarlet and Violet character ever since he was first teased in one in all many trailers main as much as the sport’s launch and for good purpose. I imply, simply have a look at his design — Grusha is so easy, but attention-grabbing. His design clearly portrays the presence of Ice Typing, and the chosen coloration palette makes him seem chilly, but heat and approachable nonetheless. That Poke Ball scarf? An absolute spotlight. If I had been Grusha, I’d be snuggling into it and letting it cowl my face, too. 
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Picture Supply: The Pokemon Firm Crispin is one other character launched within the Indigo Disk DLC, and as soon as once more portrays excellent readability in his design by his easy particulars and coloration palette. Proper from first look, earlier than we even witness him converse, we will inform that this man is a passionate prepare dinner — his Blueberry uniform is modified right into a chef coat, and he’s holding his finest battle stance with that frypan. On high of this, Crispin’s Hearth Sort choice is indicated by delicate additions of purple, yellow, and orange, similar to his scarf, sneakers, hair, and the trim of his coat.
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Picture Supply: The Pokemon Firm Jacq has that excellent nerdy, quirky trainer look, full with a really good coloration palette of purple hues. His biology and educating roots are indicated with the quite a few books he carries in his hand and coat pockets, and the room cellphone sitting in his shirt pocket. The hexagon-shaped glasses and rips in his pants are a pleasant little contact of element that provides to his character, and the dad sandals truthfully simply full Jacq’s total vibe as he he takes on a step-in father determine strategy and runs round after his class, ensuring they’re all wholesome and comfortable.
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Picture Supply: The Pokemon Firm Brassius is the Grass Sort Health club Chief in Paldea, and in my view, maybe one of the best Grass Sort Health club Chief design of all time. His total design is themed round thorns and vines, and that is pulled with nice success. The thorn-like spines in his shirt, the belt wound round his physique, and even his hair; every part is formed like a thorn, which provides to his silhouette and makes him stand out whereas additionally preserving issues strongly associated to his Sort utilization within the excellent means. Brassius’ design isn’t overcomplicated, both, which is kind of spectacular. An idea similar to this might be straightforward to go full ship on and make every part tremendous busy and complicated, but Brassius right here stays eye-catching, straightforward to learn, and attention-grabbing, holding simply the correct quantity of thriller to make you wish to know extra.
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Picture Supply: The Pokemon Firm Atticus actually stands out as being one of many brightest and daring character designs in the complete Pokemon franchise. Don’t let this overwhelm you, although — this dude’s look suits his character and background completely, and as soon as examined, it turns into apparent that this is among the most attention-grabbing designs in all of Scarlet and Violet. Atticus is alleged to be a descendant of ninjas, therefore his distinctive apparel. Nevertheless, he’s additionally modernized his tackle ninja put on by including his touches — black and white chest straps, brilliant coloring, and sludge-like patterns to point his Poison Typing and a hood that creates an phantasm of dripping poison overlaying his face. Truthfully, it’s straightforward to see why he was chargeable for developing with the Crew Star outfits; this man is a design whiz!
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Picture Supply: The Pokemon Firm Look, if there’s one factor I've to say about Ortega, it’s that he one way or the other managed to make me love and hate him abruptly…but when he’s adequate for the remainder of Crew Star, he’s adequate for me. That being mentioned, Ortega has an exceptional character design, and there’s no denying it. His design tells a lot about his character that even only a slight look can point out that not solely is he a Fairy Sort consumer, but in addition that he’s a wealthy little boy from a rich background. Placing his background apart, this ‘match truthfully simply fits Ortega’s character to a T. He positively offers me the vibe that he’d at all times wish to be wearing correct high quality apparel, so this matching costume coat and pants actually do the trick…and I do love his little bowtie. Nevertheless, one of the best half is unquestionably, his golden Poke Ball employees. I imply, have a look at the Poke Ball — it has little pixie wings to as soon as once more point out Ortega’s Sort choice. Little particulars like this go a great distance, which is why Ortega’s general character design is such an enormous success.
Professor Turo & Professor Sada
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Picture Supply: The Pokemon Firm Scarlet and Violet are the primary video games to supply model unique professors, and for good purpose — one for the previous (Scarlet), and one for the long run (Violet). These design variants are pulled off with nothing however success, too. I’m truthfully blown away just a little at simply how a lot the previous/future aesthetics of Paradox Pokemon had been capable of be indicated by Sada and Turo’s designs, while nonetheless holding that basic Pokemon Professor have a look at the identical time. Turo takes on a futuristic bodysuit with glossy patterns and markings that give off sci-fi and cyberpunk vibes, whereas Sada has a really cave woman-ish vibe to her, full with little beaded belts and necklaces that seem to have jewels resembling fangs or claws hanging from them. One other factor that's attention-grabbing about these designs, is that with them being Arven’s mother and father and Sada resembling the previous whereas Turo resembles the long run, leaves Arven as the current. Placing all three of those characters facet by facet makes the designs much more harmonious as a bunch, which exhibits off simply how nicely thought out every character is. In regards to the writer
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Grace Black Grace is a author and digital artist from New Zealand with a love for fiction and storytelling. Grace has been writing for Twinfinite for one 12 months and within the video games trade for 2 years. She's an fanatic of every part spooky, an occasional anime enjoyer, and a die-hard Ghost-Sort Pokemon fangirl. Her favourite video video games embrace Overwatch 2, Life is Unusual, The Final of Us, Baldur's Gate 3, and Pokemon - all of which she's going to by no means tire of. Source link Read the full article
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ask-bluesman · 2 years
A summary of changes
I spent the past couple of weeks on sick leave after having my tonsils removed, which means I had some spare time to take another look at my characters and their colours. I'm going back to work tomorrow, so let's take a quick glance at the tweaks (that may or may not be permanent.. man, I don't know anymore)!
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Boatswain got his baggy pants back, though somewhat lighter this time. I was going through my sketchbook and figured I liked those just a little bit more than the slim ones. Bos is small, so it's not odd for him to wear oversized clothes! I changed the bandana to an earthy orange & his cap is slightly off-white (dirty) now, with a brown rim. Went back to bubbles coming out of his pipe instead of regular smoke. The very, very first boatswain I've ever drawn was blowing bubbles!
I decided to keep the lighter beard, soles and toe claws, I believe they make him just a tad more interesting. Ol' gramps certainly enjoys having a full set of claws, no doubt about that. I keep making his nose turquoise instead of cyan. Maybe it wants to stay this way? I like both!
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Captain's white cap got swapped for a dusty, dark blue one. I wanted each lad to have a different hat, just to highlight the difference between their ranks. Blue caps are generally associated with aviation, but I think it still works well for him! The little fish is made of cardboard. Packie draws them himself and glues them, then proudly parades with them on his head until they eventually fall off and he has to do that again, haha.
I experimented with his colour scheme for quite a bit, but eventually kept it as it was. Very minor change to the jacket colour. I also shaved the fuzz off his scarf and threw a checked pattern on it instead. He deserves fancy neckwear! I hope Sakura never discontinues manufacturing the particular pen I draw these lines with because the colour is just perfect.
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The way I approached admiral was pretty intuitive. I didn't look at any older doodles of him and simply drew what felt right. His outfit lost some details this way. His white hat is here to stay - I just changed the shape and look of the badge a little; not sure if I want the rim to be this dark blue or brown. I made his shoulder insignia simpler, as I meant to do it earlier. Completely forgot that little buckle on the strap and the third row of buttons on his boobies. These might come back, I don't know yet - I'm sloppy, so I have to cover small details with masking fluid (that prevents them from being painted) and just like 90% of watercolourists... golly, I hate using masking fluid.
I had quite a dilemma with his gloves and boots. Ultimately made them much lighter and I think this is how I prefer them. They add some much-needed contrast as up to this point his colour scheme was on the darker side and, to be perfectly honest, I wasn't a fan of that. I believe I'm not skilled enough to make proper use of dark colours, especially in traditional media, but it's ok! I enjoy the vintage feel of admiral's current colour palette.
And as for the main colour of his uniform? I had to ditch that previous indigo because I couldn't stand how the paint handled :( The one you see here is a custom mix, which, hopefully, won't be too hard to replicate. What I like about it is that it looks like a duller shade of Prussian Blue. A colour I tend to use sparingly because it fades, but otherwise love very, very much!
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Nothing really changed about Taffy except that I made her ribbon lighter here. For some reason my scanner wasn't happy about that! The purples are very pink-leaning in the scanned version, while in person they are considerably cooler. I like them in person, but here... not so much. It could be the paper though, so I'll give it another go once I use up this particular supply (I'm about to)!
Her eyes are ever so slightly green-tinted, but it doesn't show here, does it? I will add a touch more green next time. This thing is surprisingly hard to balance because with too much green in her eyes she starts to look kinda spooky.
You have to wait for a bit before you hit your final form, Taffy!
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I like Mia's colours, but it took two attempts to get them right and my gosh, was the first try icky and clashing. I'm going work on her overall look at some point in the future. I hope I can push her proportions to be somewhat more cartoony & her face to be more expressive. I took a glance at my older doodles of her and she looked as if she was a Disney princess' horse, haha. We want none of that here! Silly & homely looking horses all the way.
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Rookie didn't change much either, I only picked a more vibrant shade of yellow for her scarf. I'm most likely going to go back to the older, more toned-down version. I enjoy punchy & vibrant colours - just not on my little ol' characters!
I also didn't grab my best black for Roo, but thankfully I have a replacement. Notice the tiny white dots all over the black parts? This is an undesirable trait in watercolour, some pigments do it naturally, but in some cases it's the formula or paper (or both). Sometimes I'm tempted to colour her black parts with a pen, but I think that would look too harsh. But you never know before you try it!
Whew! That's it for the changes. I know these may not look like much (and it's true), but in reality I ended up removing and replacing a good portion of my paints for better alternatives. This means I had to build a new palette from scratch, holy smokes. I'd better stick with these tweaks because I really don't want to do this one more time!
EDIT: Oy, one last thing I wanted to add - looking at those doodles, I realised I need to try and fix my inking. It's not very good! I typically ink with fineliners (that's the easiest and simplest way), then colour, then go over my lines again to make them darker and thicker. But it also gives them this unappealing, rugged look. Next time I'll do just a single round & see how that looks!
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missluckycharms · 3 years
These small moments.
Single Dad!Harry and his little love, Honey.
Summary: mornings with Honey are Harrys favourite, small chats with blurry eyes and lazy smiles is what makes him feel closer to his little lady.
A/N: ahhh they’re so 🥺 enjoy !!
Click *** for visuals throughout the story.
Warnings: none, just pure fluff and dad jokes.
Word Count: 2.1K
It’s nearly seven in the morning.
The sunrise shining through the windows and casting a bright warm hue onto Harry’s sleeping body in his bed. The white sheets tossed about and his head buried in the pillow, his cheek smushed to up and his lips slightly parted letting out small snores.
The only sound throughout the whole house is the sound of birds chirping about outside and the engines of cars on their way down the roads, the morning rush nearly upon the streets as people make their way to their nine till five jobs. The house has a slight breeze throughout due to Harry always sleeping with his window cracked open, and his door cracked open also to allow honey to walk in when she needed her Papa.
Speaking of the little love, she’s already awake, in her own small pink coloured bed, many pillows around her and her stuffies lined up against the wall, her favourite stuffie in her hand — Pascal from Tangled is her favourite stuffie, she brings him everywhere, even sneaks him into school in her back pack when Harrys not looking. She does this every morning, she lays in bed and talks to her stuffie or just stares at the ceiling, her glow in the dark stars now white and barely noticeable in the bright room, her pink curtains casting a pink hue around the room.
She waits five minutes before she’s hopping out of her bed and padding along towards her door, she pulls it open as it’s only closed a little, allowing enough of a gap for her small body to fit through. She snuggles pascal as she walks, looking around and noticing her Papa must still be asleep, she immediately darts for his room, peeping her curly head in and looking at his sleeping body, his back facing her and his bed messy as usual, but there’s always enough space for her to snuggle up next to him.
She doesn’t wake him, she tip toes towards the side he’s not laying on, throwing pascal up first before she’s hiking herself up on the large bed, a small groan when she has to put more strength into getting up than usual due to her sleepy state. When she’s up, she brushes the curls from her face with a harsh swipe, her blue doe eyes looking at her Papa, his hair messy like hers. She lays down on the pillow, looking at her Papa as she softly taps his cheek and pushes pascal towards him.
“G’morning button” he grumbles when he hears a small giggle, pascal now on his back as her dimples pop out at how ridiculous the man looks with a small green chameleon stuffie on his bare back. He smiles when he hears her hearty laugh, instantly wrapping his tattooed arm around her and squishing her into his chest.
“Papa! Cant see!” She laughs loudly, her small body being caged by her Dad’s broad muscular one, his own laughs filling the room as she peeps her head up at him, a small pout on her lips which causes him to lean down and peck her lips lightly.
“Have a good sleep? Yeah?” He asks when she nods happily, her small hand playing with his cross necklace as he shuts his eyes for a few more minutes, face buried in her chestnut curls as she talks to him and pascal, Harry never knowing which one she’s actually talking to sometimes.
“Papa? Pancakes now?” She asks after another five minutes, her small attention span running out which causes Harry to wake up from resting his eyes, smile back on his face as he turns them over so he’s laying on his back and Honey is sat on his stomach slapping his chest looking at his tattoos — she loves his tattoos or his “paintings” as she calls them.
“Papa, your pearlies are gone” she says disappointed looking to see that her favourite necklace of his which is his Pearl one, is missing. She loves to run her small hands over it, the feeling and look of it making her eyes wide in awe at the beauty of it.
“Should I wear them today?” He asks with a smile, watching as she rubs her eyes a little, slowly waking herself up as she lets out a small yawn, her small pouty lips returning as she babbles on nonsense as Harry tries to tame her hair a little before he has to style it for her today.
“Love your pearlies Papa” she says brightly, laying down on his chest, her curls tickling his chin as he wraps and arm around her back, rubbing small circles on it as she relaxes a little, her small body still trying to wake up as Harry softly kisses her head.
It’s when his alarm rings when the two actually peel themselves from bed, Honey immediately springing up and slapping his phone to turn off the sound, it’s her favourite thing to do for some reason, she always shouts “I did it Papa!” Which makes him laugh and nod kissing her head proudly. They’re both in the kitchen now, the early start allowing them to lounge about in their comfy clothes for awhile while they make breakfast. Harry is only in a pair of grey joggers while Honey sits on the counter, helping him add in flour and sugar to the pancake batter in her baby pink bunny printed silk pyjama set *** the darker complexion of her skin standing out against the pale pink, Harry was overjoyed when he seen she had the same skin tone as her Mum, her darker skin causing her blue eyes to be brighter.
“Wanna help crack an egg button? Need t’be careful though, don’t want crunch pancakes now do we?” He asks with a grin as she pulls a disgusted face shaking her head. Her small palm helps her Papa’s hand crack the egg and she giggles watching it plop down into the dry mixture.
They scarf down their banana pancakes through small chats and giggles, Harry cracking his usual jokes that have Honey giggling loudly as she shovelled her pancakes into her mouth, their faces hurting from laughing by the time they’re up in her bedroom, Harry standing at her drawers, holding up small outfits as Honey sits like the diva she is on her bed, giving him a thumbs down when she doesn’t like an outfit he picks. She’s so stubborn, but she gets that from him.
“I do it Papa!” She says annoyed now, marching over to him as she picks her up with a laugh, her small hands rooting about until she pulls out a white cable knit jumper with a few frills on the sleeves and a baby pink velvet pinafore to go over it. She smiles up at him as he nods, happy with her choice. ***
“Did good button, need to put some tights on you though, getting a bit nippy out” he says as she nods, walking towards her sock drawer and pulling out some white knitted tights with an smile as Harry gives her a thumbs up, causing her to laugh loudly.
“Why Papa shave?” She asks sitting on the sink, her small outfit on her and her brown boots swinging on her feet as she dangles them off the counter beside the sink watching as Harry applies his shaving foam and wets his razor under the water, he’s still shirtless and only in his joggers as Honey watches on — she loves watching him, when he’s shaving his face or when he’s cooking, even when he does something a small as put her DVD in the player, she’s fascinated by him and Harry thinks it’s because he’s all she has, and he doesn’t mind being the centre of her attention as she is his.
“Papa has hair on his face, sometimes it gets itchy when it lets long. You don’t like it sure you don’t, always complaining it tickles when I kiss ya” he says with a laugh, his hand gliding the razor over his face as he inspects himself in the mirror, trying not to nick himself as Honey watches on curiously.
“Yuck! Hate Papas beard, gross!” She says as Harry looks at her, his face shaven and the foam gone, he picks up his curl cream and scrunches it through his hair a little.
“S’not nice to say gross button, remember? Cant say things are gross” he warns her, her small face falling but nodding as she takes the small scolding from her Papa, he rarely scolds her and when he does, he feels guilty but he knows it’s for her own good. Apart from a few slip ups here and there, she’s the most well mannered toddler ever, everyone that meets her complements Harry on his good parenting which means so much to him due to what he’s been through to get to where he is now.
It’s another few minutes before Harry is fully dressed, a baby blue striped grey suit *** on his body and his usual gucci heeled boots that Honey loves the sound of, she instantly perks up at the sound knowing her Papa is near. She claps when he walks out from the bathroom, it’s her new thing, she claps like he’s putting on a fashion show, causing him to strike a pose which causes her to fall back onto the bed in fits of laughter.
“Alright button, hair time!” He says as she widens her eyes, trying to wriggle off his bed and run away. She hates her hair being combed due to her curls being unruly and always tangled on her head. He grabs her and makes monster noises at her, tickling her belly as she screams out a laugh, nearly falling from his arms as he places her down on the counter by the sink, she spins around and watches herself in the mirror.
“What are we going for today Miss Styles?” He asks her like a professional hair stylist, her smile wide as she grabs a pink hair tie with small butterfly clips also, she shows them to him in the mirror as he smiles, taking her hair brush and de tangling spray. He struggles a little but he gets there in the end, her hair tied up in a pony tail and the small butterfly clips all around her head as she smiles brightly at herself.
“Did good job Papa!” She says clapping her hands, seeing how her Dad is improving, he’s been watching tutorials nightly and even trying some on himself as he gets used to braiding and all that stuff for when she starts asking for more complex styles in her curly hair.
He packs her bag and they’re both out the door quickly, he straps her into her booster seat in his black Range Rover, her legs dangling about as she rings and dances to the song on the radio, Harry keeping his eyes on the road but they flicker to hers in the rear view mirror when she speaks to him. Honey loves school, she loves her teacher and she loves making new friends due to her out going personality that she definitely got from her Mum, she could make friends with a tree if she was near one.
She’s holding his hand as he walks her in the gates, the other kids all lining up on their designated class spot on the ground, a yellow circle painted on the tarmac signalling the younger class. The Mums are all there with their kids, the odd few Dads there also but it’s always the Mums who are smiling and speaking to Harry as they watch their kids walk into their classroom, small hands waving as they excitedly march into the school. He doesn’t stay long after she’s gone in, mainly because the Mums have no filter and would publicly flirt with the single Dad even when they have wedding bands on their fingers.
He brushes off all the women, smiling at them as he runs out the gate, hearing them all whisper amongst themselves as they excitedly look on as he pulls away in his expensive car heading towards his work building. Harry feels empty when Honey is gone, he loves mornings with her, just him and her going about their mornings, making breakfast and cracking up at jokes they tell one another back and forth over banana pancakes every morning, some mornings they have cereal if they wake up late and sometimes if they wake up extra early and can’t go back asleep, they get ready and Harry brings her out for breakfast before dropping her off at school.
It’s the little moments with Honey that Harry cherishes, knowing she won’t be his little love for very long, but doesn’t think about that. He lives in the present with her and he loves how they are now, he loves his little lady with all his heart.
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die-rosastrasse · 2 years
hey no pressure to answrr and idk if uve talked abt it before but I rly love what I've seen of your fashion style/your overall style. Can I ask if you have any tips for how you, kind of... curate your wardrobe and figure out what you need to create your looks? Like if you focus on sticking to a colour palette or certain silhouettes or? sorry again no pressure
Hi! Thank you very much, I'm glad you like my fashion sense! 💕 I would love to help you with some tips, although I don't want to force my personal style on anybody with my answers - please use them as a general guidance!
• Yes, it is important to me to stick to a silhouette and color palette when I'm looking for new clothes. Firstly, you need to know what kind of look you're going for and what colors you feel the best in. I'm very naturally drawn to burgundy, white, black and jewel tones, so I always check them first when I'm thrifting. You can also find a specific pattern for your looks - I love checkered skirts and floral dresses the most.
• As for the silhouette, my general 'vintage' look is a shirt or a blouse with covered arms, and a skirt that is tight in the waist and long enough to cover the knees. The pictures below show some variations of that look. I pretty much always stick to it because I find it to be the most comfortable and flattering. If you're going for a different look, try to experiment with silhouettes and see what looks best on you! For example, 20's had a completely different shape, but it's still very retro!
• To find your personal look, I recommend looking through a lot of inspiration pictures and references. I like the looks of 30's, 40's and 50's, so I follow blogs with Old Hollywood stars, watch movies from that era and save my favorite looks. A pinterest board or a special folder for all the inspiration should help a lot! After analysing many sources, you'll find items that fit this style a lot easier and you'll know how to style them.
• Find 'basics' for your wardrobe, a perfect item that will fit many styles and aesthetics. For me it's a simple white shirt, and a black skirt (midi lenght, tight in the waist). Plus simple cardigans, jackets and thights in different colors. You can make many outfits with a simple base like that and it will always look good.
• Accessories! I have so many pearls and pearl jewelry, and they don't have to be real to look good, so it's not a big purchase! I really recommend pearls, came jewelry, brooches, and gems to spice up the look. I also have a collection of thrifted scarves and cloths that I wear in my hair or on my head, and vintage leather bags that I take everywhere. I don't know a lot about shoes, but I wear oxfords / saddle shoes or mary janes.
• Even thought I don't always have the energy to set my hair in pin curls, I want to highlight that hair is really important to achieve a vintage look, and there are many ways to style them and add simple accessories to make them look polished. My personal favorite touches are adding lace, ribbons and flowers to the hairstyle, or tie them with a cute scarf.
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littleoddwriter · 3 years
Can I make a request for the Sinclair brothers, Chucky/Charles, Pavi Largo, Billy Lenz and Dan Torrence with a GN!s/o who knits and their reaction to getting a hand knitted gift for an anniversary? Bonus points if you include what you think the gift could be!
Slashers x GenderNeutral!Reader, who knits | Headcanons
Thank you so much for this request! (Also, thanks for throwing Dan in the mix, I haven't written for him in forever, I missed that). <3 I really hope you enjoy these. :)
[My requests are open, so feel free to come into my Inbox with whatever you have in mind. But be sure to read my Pinned Post, BEFORE you do. Thanks!]
notes; GenderNeutral!Reader; Domestic Fluff; Anniversaries; Gifts.
Billy Lenz
Loves to watch you knit; you’re always so focused and your hands and fingers move so beautifully in quick and sure movements
It is so soothing to him to just sit there, or stand somewhere you wouldn’t see him, and observe you work (you always know when he's there and looks, even when he's not visible, you can feel his eyes on you and it makes you smile)
So when you try to make Christmas a more enjoyable day for him, you put a hand knitted forest green turtleneck sweater and a scarlet scarf under the tree for him
When he opened the present, he couldn’t help but gasp and look back and forth between the gift and you with wide eyes and a slack mouth
He loved them! They were so cosy and beautiful and smelled so wonderful – these two items were pure comfort for him
He did his best to thank you, but could barely string the words together coherently at all, but the way he stuffed his face into the thick collar and the scarf after he tried them both on, told you more than words ever could
Bo Sinclair
He thinks knitting is boring and for old people; he really doesn’t understand why you like doing it
But he has to admit that he enjoys seeing you knit something when you two are just having a lazy afternoon or night – you just look so at peace and yet very passionate, which is something he appreciates about you
Still, it was a big surprise to him when he received a knitted sweater and a pair of gloves from you for his birthday in November
It was even more surprising to him that he loved them – you’ve done an amazing job and the sweater fit perfectly and the gloves too; all items were olive green which he’d once mentioned as his favourite colour to you
It touched him that you remembered it at all and he couldn’t help but to kiss you breathless to thank you for your efforts
The sweater quickly becomes his most worn piece of clothing during the colder days
Lester Sinclair
Thinks knitting is a great hobby and you are clearly very talented and he really admires you for it
He really enjoys the times when you two just sit on the bed and cuddle, while you’re knitting; it’s so peaceful and the rhythmic clanking of your knitting needles calms him down
You know he loves his hat and he never takes it off, unless he really has to
So, it’s only natural that your gift for your one-year anniversary to him would be a hand knitted dark sky blue hat for him
Additionally you threw in a little sweater vest for his dog, which he is super ecstatic about
Lester is all over you when he receives those gifts and now your knitted hat is what he wears all the time, no matter how hot it may be, he won’t exchange it for a different one
Vincent Sinclair
He considers knitting just as much of an artful craft as his wax figures are (and it is!)
So, he really enjoys when you two spend time together, sitting downstairs, and knitting and working on wax figures respectively, – it’s the most peace and quiet he’s ever had in his life with another person
He always praises your finished pieces and shows the deep appreciation and admiration he has for them, just like you do with his own; it’s so perfect for you both
It only makes sense for you to knit him something for his birthday – a tan, oversized sweater and a black scarf that he can bury his face in (and he does)
He can’t believe that you’ve made these beautiful things for him and that you wanted nothing in return; he couldn’t possibly thank you enough for your unyielding kindness that you keep showing him
Of course the sweater and scarf are quickly his all-time favourite clothing articles to wear from that point on; he only washes them very reluctantly
Charles Lee Ray/Chucky
Teases you for having such an old-fashioned, boring hobby; but it’s in good nature and you never take it to heart
Especially not when he sits there, looking at you as you knit, when he should actually be watching the movie you two put in to have a relaxing evening – it makes you smile, though
When Valentine’s Day rolls around, you thought it to be the perfect opportunity for you to gift him something that ought to show him just how much you loved him – so, you knitted some things for him
It ends up being bright sky blue gloves, and a matching hat and scarf – a full set; because he never likes admitting it, but he actually gets cold easily
He is shocked when he opens your presents, but he is beaming at you after a moment, a genuine thank you leaving his wide-stretched lips
Anytime it gets a little colder, he is wearing the full attire; he loves it (you) so much, but you better don’t tell anyone
Dan Torrance
He loves that you’ve got such a peaceful hobby and he never ceases to shower you in compliments about your creations – he just admires your talent so much and wants to support you
It’s a little hard to make gifts for him, because he’ll involuntarily be able to hear you think about it, no thanks to his shine
So, without even thinking about it at all, you’ve knitted an azure blue sweater for him and gave it to him at random, just because
His eyes might be a little wet when he holds it up in front of himself and smiles at you so brightly
It becomes his favourite sweater quickly and he kindly asks you if you could perhaps make more for him – they just make him feel so warm on the inside, so cared for and loved, which is something he hasn’t felt since forever, but especially not since his mother has died
This blue pullover is the one he then wears at his AA meeting that officializes his eight years of sobriety
Pavi Largo
He never really gets behind knitting and why you like it so much, it seems far too tedious and boring to him
But he has to admit that all your creations look rather cosy and so full of love, which would be strange if anything could really feel obscure to him at all
Often at night he gets a little cold and you feel him shivering, but he also refuses to add another blanket to the mix
Well, you took that personally and started knitting a big throw blanket for him for his birthday that was coming up anyway (very convenient for you, of course)
No matter how hard he tries, he just can’t hide the sharp intake of breath and huge smile that grows on (under) his masked features – this was just so thoughtful and the blanket is so fucking soft, he wants to bury himself in it
It’s safe to say that he’s never cold at night ever again (and that he really likes burrito-ing himself in the hand knitted blanket you made for him)
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witchersgoldenbard · 3 years
4 or 10 for the winter prompts? <3
Thank you for the prompt, darling, and sorry for the wait! I hope this little bit of Yennskier fluff will make up for it 💛
Winter prompts: 4: gift giving/unexpected gifts or 10: ugly jumpers
1k words, yennskier fluff, modern au
Jaskier hates Christmas. No, scratch that. He loves Christmas. It's just that he is not very good at it. Exhibit A: his entire apartment still littered with gift wrap, stickers, glitter and a few decapitated Santas. Exhibit B: The haunting memories of despairing over what to give people for Christmas until the inevitable epiphany on the 23rd. Every year. Without fail.
This year, though, everything is even more of a mess because it's the 28th and he curses himself all the way to the next decade as he walks up Yennefer's driveway. His hands clammy, his heart beating out of his chest, and if he only stopped to take a deep breath, he would call this whole thing off.
But he can't. He has to do this. He worked so hard, barely slept and lived only on sugar highs of the past few days.
Yennefer will get her gift, no matter how much of a mess Jaskier might be. No matter how much glitter still falls out of his hair as he's running his hand through it - courtesy of an impromptu crafting session with Ciri and Lambert on Christmas Day.
He sighs. "You got this, Jask. You got this. She's only mildly terrifying now that she learned to smile at you. She won't curse you. Even though she probably could. Oh, she definitely could."
It is almost as a side note that Jaskier rings the doorbell, still mumbling to himself. His heart hammers when the door opens and reveals a surprised and quite frankly gorgeous Yennefer in her pajamas. Jaskier stares, shocked, surprised, and so very in love he has to kick himself into motion.
"Jaskier," she says, and already amusement finds its way into her voice, overshadowing the confusion.
Jaskier swallows and tries to find his cool. He's been trying to find that since third grade, though, so he doesn't have high hopes.
"Yen," he says, and almost cringes as she only raises an eyebrow. "I... I have something. For you. It wasn't good on Christmas Eve, and I suck at this, but I also can't really wait to give you this until your birthday or whatever, so let's pretend it's still Christmas and that I'm only half as weird as I am, yeah?" He chuckles in embarrassment, the words tumbling from his lips before he can stop them.
Yennefer's face has turned into a patient smile during his ramblings, and only turns impossibly softer when she finally understands.
"You're bringing me a not-Christmas gift?"
Jaskier shrugs and shuffles his feet. "Well, technically it is a Christmas gift and I'm just chicken."
She chuckles. "Do you wanna come in?"
"No," he hurries to say, almost too loud, but fuck, he's nervous. Yen frowns at him, and he adds, "I would like to have the opportunity to just turn on my heel and hide forever."
She laughs this time, and Jaskier wonders when her reactions turned from annoyed to endeared. "Okay then," she says, quiet and patient and so, so beautiful.
Jaskier swallows. Holds out the gift bag. "I wanted to give you this."
She takes it with expertly manicured fingers and Jaskier notes that she, too, still has tiny particles of glitter on her skin and under her nails. He holds his breath as Yennefer looks inside the bag, and his world stops in those two seconds, only spinning again as she lets out a tiny gasp.
"Oh, Jask," she breathes and reaches into the bag to pull out the lilac scarf.
"It's probably not perfect because I didn't really sleep, and I honestly don't completely remember how I even managed to finish it, but--"
"It's so soft," she interrupts his rambles with such marvel in her voice that Jaskier's shoulders sag in relief.
"Yeah," he breathes. "You... You deserve soft things, Yen. And I know you only wear black clothes, but I remember you told me lilac was your favourite colour, so I really hope this is okay."
She meets his eyes with fondness and stares for a second before she smiles brighter and nods. "It's more than okay. Thank you."
Jaskier nods hastily, his face split into a wide grin, before he remembers that he has something else he wants to give her. The something that he needs to be able to run away for.
He swallows again and breathes deeply before taking a step closer to Yen. Her breath hitches, and he tries not to turn and run before he absolutely has to.
"There's something else," he whispers. "Not really a Christmas present this time, but... Something I've been meaning to give you, but I chickened out several times on Christmas Day alone."
Yen huffs and he can feel her breath on his lips as she steps forward, too. "Is that so?"
Jaskier smiles and hums. "You must know, I'm a coward, Yen," he breathes, his fingers coming forward to meet her own, stroking, playing, asking. The reply comes in the form of Yennefer's thumb lightly running over his palm, and Jaskier can't breathe.
"You don't look like much of a coward right now," she murmurs, their lips almost touching, their noses gently bumping into each other, almost like a caress. Jaskier could lose himself in this if only he dared.
"Oh, I am," he breathes, his other hand coming up to Yen's cheek, his touch as light as the breeze around them. "Should have done this much sooner."
"Done what?" she asks, and it's a dare if he has ever heard one.
Finally, Jaskier's lips meet hers in a gentle and chaste kiss, just a press of lips that is only broken by their smiles. Neither of them moves away as they grin and huff and breathe, leaning their foreheads against each other and bumping their noses.
Gods, he should have done this sooner.
"So," Yennefer says eventually, her thumb still drawing menacingly light circles on his palm that send tingles through his whole body. "Do you wanna turn away and run now, or do you wanna come in?"
"Can I still run later if I come in now?" he asks, breathless.
"See if I'm gonna let you go later," she grins, and Jaskier's breath hitches.
Fuck. He should have done this much, much sooner.
tagging: @cthulhusteve @horsedadgeralt
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Hii! <3
Me there, since I last asked about getting ungettable fanfics in paper.
Update is that I accidentally found a bit time today and dived into the topic like I always do things: try and fail until you get it right. I know you mentioned something about "just putting it into Word and printing it out like...", but since I almost never work on computers, I felt bit helpless.
So, first I tried on a laptop, but Word there had for some reason no option to add columns, which made me move to the good old phone.
After copying the text to the document, I edited it a bit (deleting double "enter"s, font, size, underlined words etc). That's when it got tougher, because, well, pages.
I made a little model to help me visualise it:
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And there came the looong part of organising it all up, but like I said- tries and fails. I figured out two important tips:
1. on every column add a highlighted page number.
And 2. Mark first and last word of the page in different colours.
It helped me a LOT and I might've hadn't managed it without. There's how it looks like:
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After that just un-highlighted them and it's just like that:
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I still have to get the numbers in control, but apart from that, it's ready for printing! Just gotta remember that every page is double-sided, so the printing has to be... brained.
Dunno if anyone needed this, but thought I'll share anyway. This fic is Coup De Foudre by prettysailorsoldier if anybody was wondering. There are longer ones I wanted out, but decided to take it easy for the first one.
All the love! <3
(referencing this post)
Hi Lovely!
AHHHHHHH!!! I LOVE when you guys share your processes with me!! Thank you so much for this, hahah! The way you did it is actually a print setting in most Word-type applications... on Macs it’s called “print double sided spreads” or something like that, so it will print across a full sheet. LOL AHH I can’t explain it because it’s one of those “natural” things I know because of my job as a graphic designer, but yeah, when we do larger 16 page pubs, trying to remember how a layout will print is annoying LOL. InDesign makes it a LOT easier, heh.
Thank you so much for sharing your process, and here’s the fic you referenced above:
Coup de Foudre by prettysailorsoldier (T, 6,446 w., 1 Ch. || Teenager/University AU || Alternate First Meeting, Skiing, Winter, Sherlock Speaks French, Christmas Fluff) – When John and his friends decide to blow off some steam after finals with a holiday to the Swiss Alps, he's expecting a week of roaring fires, hot chocolate, and snow as far as the eye can see. He is not expecting to fall head over heels for a fellow guest--a young Frenchman known only as "Blue Scarf"--but John's not one to let a little language barrier get in the way, and, with the help of Google Translate, it might just be a Christmas to remember after all. Part 7 of 25 Days of Johnlock
Cheers again for following up!!! <3
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years
Childe: First Kiss HCs
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I tend to make things gender neutral by not putting in pronouns and just using “you” but you can definitely read this as female^^ But I completely agree, I love this boy so much. He’s my favourite character to play (im so sorry razor) until Xiao comes out. I literally have a genshin team named “waiting for xiao” and it’s just Childe and Zhongli haha. 
Today’s appreciation post goes to childes-starconch. Fitting that this is a Childe fic but ty for your support^^ I always notice you pop up as soon as I post a fic and I really enjoy seeing you. Hopefully you read this since tumblr won’t let me tag people, for whatever reason I don’t know anymore, but just saying hey, I see you 💕💕
I’m just gonna piggy back off my last Childe fic. I’m sorry. 
Semi Part 1:  Fiance HCs [honestly, one of my favourites haha] 
Xiao Ver:  First Kiss HCs
Venti & Kaeya: Mistletoe HCs
Venti, Xingqiu, and Razor: Kissing HCs
[taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first.
@hanniejji​  @mikeysbike​ @unionwitch​ @musekala​ @twistedsunnshiii​ @stanzastic​ @akaasea​ @xoneaboveallx​ @adoring-ghost​ @asheseiler​ @childelover​@youaskedfurret​ @snowy224 
@youaskedfurret​ @diaxfeliz​ @wintergreen-aix​ @dandelily​ @thegayrubberducky​ @lovelykittycatmeow​ @yuunoagivesmelife​  @dokidokisama @simpygrimoire @minakohasmanyhusbandos​ @strwbrry-lia    @tigerpriestess 
For some reason I can’t @ certain people. I’m talking to tumblr about it. 
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Childe: First Kiss HCs
Childe was never one to shy away from affection, be it holding your hand in his or wrapping an arm around you, he was always happy to be close to you. He was always a bit territorial which lead to some embarrassing situations for you but it was from a good place in his heart. But when it came to public kisses, he preferred to keep it between you two. It felt too private of a moment that he didn’t want to broadcast to the rest of the Fatui, especially to the other Harbingers. That is to say, if he actually kissed you in the first place. For all the two braincells Childe had, one was fighting and the other was protecting his loved ones, just imagining kissing you was too much for him and he needed to go find some poor recruit and beat his inner problems out. The Fatui recruitment process would always dwindled down during his inner turmoil sessions that Scaramouche himself, had to throw his goddamn hat at Tartaglia, and yell at him to hurry up and fix his problem. It was clogging up the air. 
When he tried to think about it, it shouldn’t be this hard to simply lean in for a kiss. But it was his first and while Childe might run into whatever danger or prospect of a fight without a second thought, he didn’t want to ruin it. What if he accidently bonked his forehead with yours? He should remove his mask then right? Just in case? He’s only given forehead and cheek kisses to his younger siblings so it should be the same right? Yeah he could do this, this was just another battle for Tartaglia to conquer! 
But whenever he would see you or you would both sit and bask in each other’s presences. He couldn’t bring himself to initiate something or heck, even looking at your face made him a bit hot under the collar in sub-zero temperatures. He can almost hear Scaramouche and Signora laughing maniacally at him behind their hands. He’s the youngest of the Harbingers, he should get a “get out of jail for free” card that all youngest children have whenever they get into trouble. But in this case it’s murder. He quickly slaps his cheeks to get his mind off fighting for one second which startles you beside him. 
The first time you’ve seen Childe shy was when he first confessed to you, stuttering that he liked you and just really badly wanted to hold your hand without using the frost of Sneznaya as an excuse. You flushed pink but nodded that you returned his feeling and slipped your hand in his. Whatever shyness Childe had was quickly wiped off his face and he cheered and brought you in for an eskimo kiss. Rubbing your nose with his as he laughed in joy, the tips of his ears and cheeks still coloured pink. You always hold that memory dear to your heart because not only was it the start of your relationship, it was the first time you felt you were staring at Ajax. Not Childe. Not Tartaglia. Just Ajax. 
But now, you’re not to sure what to call this. Lately he seemed to be out of it, always staring off into space or frowning at some poor poor snowmen that did not deserve that much pressure.  Was being a harbinger starting to take it’s toll on him? Did something terrible happen to his family or was the Tsaritsa being too hard on him? You were beginning to get concerned because you’ve never seen this much mental turmoil in him. This never really happened before and he usually bounced back pretty fast. Would it be better if you left him be and he sorted it out himself? Would it be better if you asked? 
Childe is startled out of his thoughts of possible committed murder because he’s too scared to ask his own partner if kissing was something they could do, when he felt your hand slowly nudge his. No matter how many times he holds your hand, you’re always warm. It could be snow storming outside and the only heater he would need would be you. He offers a small but warm smile as he laces his fingers with yours. He remembers when you first started going out he was so scared about boundaries and what was okay. Brushing your fingers together and overall, not doing a good job at saying he wanted to hold hands that even he cringes slightly at his younger self - even though it wasn’t that long ago and he’s doing it again just with kisses - but now he borderline clings to you like some overgrown animal. Scaramouche’s words, not his. 
It’s still evening in Snezhnaya and the Tsaritsa herself seems to be taking a vacation because there’s only a light snow falling down between the two of you. You’re both sitting outside his house while his family is inside, warm and having fun playing games. He breathes in, closes his eyes, and let’s the world fade away just a second. He slowly brings his other hand to cup your cheek, his hands are always numb and the tiny pin pricks are dancing on his fingers again before they fade away too, and guides you towards him so he can place a small kiss on your fore head. Then tilts your face to the side so he can kiss your cheek. Brings his nose near yours to nuzzle against. Then hesitates when his lips hover above yours. 
“Ajax is there something bothering you?” you ask softly, you’re so close to each other that all you can see is him. The small puffs of breathe you both take bounce off each other’s face before evaporating into the air. You never really took the time to appreciate Ajax’s bright blue eyes. His pupil from this distance seems to be slitted too. 
“Hm? Ah no, of course not. Where did you get that idea?” he tries to laugh it off and tries to move back before you quickly bring your hand to the back of his head and nudge him forward so he stays in place. It wasn’t like him to run away from something, it was really starting to bother you what could get Ajax of all people to retreat from something. 
“You know if there’s anything that’s bothering you, you can talk to me right?” you asked as you brought both your hands to cup his face as you softly rubbed circles just under his ear. He closed his eyes and hmmed happily at your actions and nuzzled further into your hand before turning his head inward to kiss your palm. Before relaxing and parting his eyelids half way as he seemed to be back in concentration mode. Before awkwardly saying what was troubling him these past few days. 
“So wait, you mean to tell me that this entire time I was worried about you. How out of it you were and how many fights you’ve been getting into. Was because you wanted a kiss?” you asked dumfounded as he pouted but nodded. You sighed but bonked your foreheads together softly, “You’re such an idiot....C’mere.” 
You grab the scarf on his harbinger uniform and tug him forward as your lips slot over his. You kiss him hard and for a few seconds as Ajax just stares at you as his brain tries to catch up, before his eyes seem to dilate and he kisses you back just as hard. All his past worries are quickly thrown out the window as slowly pushes you on your back, cushioned by the soft snow, as he basks in the feeling. It’s a bit sloppy given this is both your first kisses but that’s what adds to the charm. You both have to separate at some point for oxygen but Childe looks like he’s ready to dive in again. 
“One more,” he pants as he goes in for another but you quickly place your hand in the way so he ends up kissing your palm. He whines but you chuckle at him, place a small kiss on the back of your palm of where his lips would be, and push him off you. You’re both still outside his families home and you aren’t in the mood to be caught in this kind of position. Especially not in front of his younger siblings. He rests his cheek on your shoulder and looks at you, trying to make his eyes bigger and look like a kicked puppy. You sigh as you give a small pet on his head, running your fingers through your hair. What a troublesome partner you’ve gotten. 
“Alright, one more.” 
My entire taglist was just made for the  “Enemies” to “Lovers” post and I still haven’t started hehe. Trust me, it’s coming. I’ve got requests for it and we’re slowly getting there. The entire time I’m writing this I’m just thinking “honey..no, that’s not how this works.” God you’re so dumb. I hate you. You’re my favourite character. Pour one out for Xiao, I was going to make this a crack fic too but ended up making it somewhat serious. 
So yeah, xiao is a cat and childe is a fox. In other news, water is wet. But I did actually google fox behaviors just for this shitpost. ALRIGHT TIME TO SPIN THE WHEEL OF “WILL TUMBLR BE NICE TO ME?” OR DO I NEED TO DOUBLE REPOST AGAIN. 
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