#i love shaak ti
mroddmod · 2 months
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one of the very few to show the batch kindness back on kamino
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sixfrogsonalog · 1 year
one of my favourite things about the clone wars is that everyone just agreed that the clone commanders are all in love with their generals.
Obi Wan and Cody? theyre in love. they drink tea together.
Aayla and Bly? married, paint each others nails sometimes.
Shaak Ti and Colt? adopted every single clone trooper, official parents of the GAR.
Anakin and Rex might not be in romantic love, but platonically they were MADE for one another.
and everyone knows that Plo adopted the wolffepack so there nothing but love there, too.
they just deserve to be happy.
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weatherbane · 1 year
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love is stored in the :3c behavior
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cillyscribbles · 1 year
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ahsoka and shaak based on this togruta redesign by SpectralVulture !!!
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kryte-col · 8 months
One of the cruelest things about the clones is that Shaak-Ti teaches them. She is so kind and warm yet has to send her boys out never to be seen again knowing full well what will happen to them.
The Jedi code won't allow her to get attached but I know that woman is crying herself to sleep at every new number she has to learn and then force herself to forget.
(She doesn't forget)
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furious-blueberry0 · 6 months
Do you ever think about Shaak-ti?
Of how she would look at the faces of the sleeping tubies and see the faces of the brothers who died on Geonosis?
Would she see their little, puffy faces transform into those of soldiers? With empty eyes and blood pouring from their mouth, and with their cheeks covered in the red dirt of the planet?
Would she ever stay up at night, thinking about the shinies that were just deployed? Young men, boys, sent too soon, because their older brothers keep dying on the battlefield?
Would she keep herself in the dark about how the war is going? Not wanting to think about how many of her boys died? Preferring to imagine them surviving until the end of the war? Not knowing how many died on their very first deployment?
Do you ever think about her sadness?
Do you ever think about her hope?
Do you ever think about her guilt?
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wackusbonkus22 · 1 year
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Star wars women😍
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robotsandramblings · 1 year
((sorry but I purposefully left out Plo Koon bc he's a huge favourite and I figured he'd sweep up the votes; plus I think it already goes without saying we'd all love a Plo & Rex episode lol))
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(takes the sorta-desi character and desi-fies her even further)
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sorry not sorry!! i’m going to do it again <3
trying to draw Shaak Ti in a sari was not smth I expected to do but I got the idea at 3am last night (today?) and only finished the sketch and a few hard lines now
fun fact! In Hindu mythology, the goddess Shakti is associated with creative energy and is responsible for the universe's creation and destruction :)
@phoenixinthefiles (not ahsoka but I just thought of u 😁)
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beandraws · 2 years
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Shaak Ti✨🤍
She is the most beautiful just ever
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phoenixkaptain · 2 years
Actually the love of my life is fictional man Fordo because he a.) changes his armour three times, b.) is very competent, and c.) he appeared to look cool for maybe an hour and then vanished into the ether, never to be heard from again, and good golly if that isn’t a mood.
Also, quick side review of the 2003 micro series Clone Wars as a whole: I love that Obi-Wan is a soaked cat of a man. I love that Cody jet packs down to crush Obi-Wan’s dreams and then immediately jet packs away. I love Shaak Ti because she is so strange looking and cool. I love the kid sharing water with Mace Windu on Dantooine. I love Anakin eating uncooked bugs which he apparently snuck into the enemy camp to get. I also love Anakin Force choking a man to death without a hand, that was super cool. I wish I was as chill as Obi-Wan looks.
10/10 could have used more Fordo and more wet-cat Obi-Wan scenes, but I’m content with what I have
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siennahrobek · 2 years
Mace Windu: “one of these days, Obi-Wan is just going to headbutt Dooku and he’s going to stop implying his desire for Kenobi to join him because of it. I just hope I’m there to see the look on his face.”
Everyone else: “…”
Shaak Ti and Quinlan Vos: “agreed”
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auxxrat · 10 months
I've seen a lot of people headcanoning Shaak Ti as being really, really physically strong. What are your thoughts on this?
YESS!!! She’s so physically strong but also SO lightweight on her feet.
Of course the first evidence we have of her being any type of physically strong is the fact she’s a Togruta. There’s absolutely no denying their skill level, especially strength level (I don’t wanna mention the fact they are stolen for labor, but if we add those conditions and how we’ve seen them survive through that— they can endure quite a lot)
And of course the fact she’s a Jedi!! Her technique and form require her not only to be physically strong, but also acrobatic.
Then how mentally strong she is— the strength of this woman is unmatched.
All in all— I think she could take quite a few people down with strength alone.
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alexeithegoat · 2 years
jedi ladies i would die for
day number six — shaak ti
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rexscanonwife · 1 year
Ok I know this is ignoring canon a little bit, the production of clones wasn't known about till the battle of geonosis yadda yadda but HEAR ME OUT
Roughly 14 year old padawan Brea interacting with the cadet batchers (who're maybe around 12, like Omega's age) 🥺 I was thinking about it last night and again it's diverging from canon a little bit but, maybe after her BIG screw-up that caused a rift between her and Anakin she's determined to straighten up (more or less) and tells her Master that she'll do anything to make it up. So her Master assigns her to help out 99 with maintenence and clean-up duties on Kamino in order to discipline her and keep her out of further trouble, and to prove that she truly wants to buckle down and become a proper jedi!
And ofc the little batchers are very close to 99 so they meet each other and probably can't help but cause a little mischief, but probably end up doing some good and solving some problem in the episodic style of the show 😂😂
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jaytaku · 1 year
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Wanted to draw her in my style
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