#i love soft headcanons it's truly my calling
myfandomincolor · 6 months
I did it I wrote the whole fic.
In which Astarion gets his portrait painted.
Fevras, Oskar. Portrait of Astarion Ancunin. 1492 DR, Private Collection.
Rated teen bc there's suggestive dialogue
Nothing smutty though
Super-soft and fluffy Astarion/fem Tav
Act 3 minor spoilers
The first fic I've written in over 10 years.
Full text under the cut
AO3 link
The original post I made that wouldn't leave me alone
"This is great, I'm so happy for you both, but my companions and I did save you. Twice. And I'd love to be compensated for the work we've done." Tav stood before Oskar Fevras, painter of some renown, and his fiancée, Lady Jannath. The warlock was genuinely happy for the pair, of course, but she'd been looking forward to a more...material reward for all the literal blood and sweat that had gone into first liberating the artist from the Zhentarim, then rescuing him from a vengeful spirit. Nevermind the entire debacle of getting rid of a mummy lord.
"Of course!" the painter assured her, "Come upstairs to my atelier. I promise you'll leave with something priceless: immortality."
Tav very much doubted that Oskar's offer of "immortality" would be as satisfying as a nice pouch of gold, but she rolled her eyes and gestured for him to lead the way. "Yes, alright, we'll join you in a moment."
Oskar disappeared up the stairs, and Tav exchanged an exasperated look with Astarion, whose expression was equally unamused.
"We'll have a private word with Lady Jannath later," he murmured, and Tav nodded in agreement. The woman had a whole floor of valuables stored in safes and display cases, for gods' sakes! Surely she could bear to part with a few pieces of jewelry as payment for the safety of her dear Oskar.
Nevertheless, Tav climbed the flights of stairs to the artist's atelier, with Astarion, Shadowheart, and Wyll in tow. When they reached the top floor, Oskar greeted them with open arms and a wide smile.
"Here she is, the hero of the hour! Brushes are oiled, canvas is prepped, and you, my savior, will make a striking subject."
"You're going to...paint me?" Tav asked, realizing suddenly what Oskar had meant by "something priceless" as payment. She'd assumed he'd intended to let her pick a piece from the countless canvases stacked around his studio, but he meant to capture her likeness in a new painting altogether. The idea was honestly very appealing, considering she'd never in her life sat for more than a sketched portrait miniature. She smirked in self-satisfaction, and turned to gauge her friends' reactions, maybe crack a joke about how the whole of Feyrûn should be so lucky to see her face in salons and galleries, when a thought suddenly occurred to her:
He should paint Astarion.
The grin slowly faded from her face, settling into a thoughtful quirk of her lips as the idea took hold, and she looked steadily into the eyes of the man she loved.
Astarion shifted uncomfortably under her unbroken gaze. "What, why are you looking at me? Do you need someone to make sure your hair looks alright before your portrait? Because, darling, a few unkempt strands are the least of your worries, considering the impressive amount of blood and dust you've mopped up today."
"What if he paints you, instead?" she asked.
The vampire spawn scoffed, caught off-guard, "Why would he paint me? You're the hero being commemorated," he waved off her suggestion with one hand, the other reflexively propping itself on his hip.
Tav looked back at Oskar. "Would you paint him instead of me?"
"If that is your wish, I'd be more than happy to accommodate. Any of you would be muse enough to inspire exhibition-worthy work," the painter answered, sweeping one hand in a gesture that encompassed their whole group.
"It's not a bad idea," Wyll offered from a short distance away, where he'd been studying a painting of a patriar. He turned his head and looked at the couple over his shoulder, one hand rubbing his stubble thoughtfully. "You'd cut a very fine figure on canvas, I'd wager. And there's the matter of, well - it might be nice to..." he trailed off, unsure of how sensitively he should phrase the end of his sentence.
"My love, you haven't seen your face in 200 years," Tav whispered, drawing close to Astarion, careful of hinting too loudly at anything that might betray his vampiric condition. She cupped his jaw in her hands, as much to keep him looking at her as to convey the tenderness of her feelings. "Would you like to?"
"Hah," was his response, more of a breathy sob than a laugh. His brows knitted together despite the smile he demanded remain in place. "Always full of surprises, aren't you?" He covered the back of one of her hands with his, turning his face to press a kiss to her palm. "Alright then," he mumbled against her skin.
"Might I suggest a change of wardrobe before you commit to the session?" Wyll chuckled.
"I don't know, the bloodstains feel right, somehow. More honest," Shadowheart added with a smirk.
"As long as you're, erm, comfortable," Oskar chimed in, "Though if you do want to freshen up first, I'm more than happy to wait. After all, it will be seen by generations to come."
"Then we'll be back first thing in the morning," Tav promised, turning to shake Oskar's hand.
"Excellent, I shall await your return," the painter beamed, and went back to his easel.
The upper rooms of the Elfsong were bustling the next morning. Astarion normally relished being the center of attention among his friends, but as they fussed over everything from clothes to makeup, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret at having ever agreed to sit for a portrait.
"Gale, would you please just settle on something? I'm freezing over here," he groaned through clenched teeth, narrowing his eyes at the wizard in question. Astarion was clad in nothing more than his dressing gown, the relatively thin fabric doing little in the way of insulation against the cool morning temperatures.
"Now now, my friend, a good color story is crucial to the success of an ensemble, and your complexion does pose a bit of an unfamiliar challenge for me," Gale explained, not looking away from the selection of shirts he'd laid out across Astarion's bed, but waving a finger in the air anyway as he made his point.
"Oh gods, just put me in red or something and call it done," Astarion griped, plopping down onto a stool.
Gale finally looked over, regarding him for a beat before replying. "Seems a bit on the nose, doesn't it? Red? For a vampire?"
"Why mess with the classics?" he replied wryly.
"Fair point, but I was thinking something more along the lines of - " he plucked a shirt from the pile, stepping over to Astarion so he could hold it next to the elf's pale skin. "Hmm, yes, I think jade complements you quite nicely."
Astarion fought back a blush. "I'd look good in anything, no need for you to have wracked your brain over it so hard. Now shoo, give me some privacy so I can dress." He flicked his hands at Gale, who threw his hands up with a chuckle and strode out of the room.
A gentle knock rapped on the door as Astarion shrugged a jacket on, rich charcoal-colored jacquard fabric accented with silver thread and blue-green gemstone buttons.
"Come in," he called, starting to fasten the front. Tav cracked the door and scooted in, dressed in clean attire suitable for a social call. "Oh good, I half expected you to accompany me dressed either in your leathers or practically nothing at all, but you look surprisingly presentable," he snarked, arching an eyebrow at her as he fumbled with his cuffs.
Tav feigned a look of annoyance. "I could always change, it's not too late to pick something inappropriate for polite society." She stepped across the room to stand toe-to-toe with him, taking over the task of fastening his jacket cuffs. Astarion relaxed at the feel of the warmth radiating off her body. She lifted his hand to her lips when she finished, kissing his knuckles. "You look absolutely dashing," she remarked, lifting their clasped hands overhead and coaxing him into doing a little turn.
"I do, don't I? Someone should paint a picture," he joked, making sure to take his time showing off every angle as he turned, noting Tav's very evident appreciation with satisfaction. "My dear, if you keep looking at me like that, we'll never make it out of this room, much less back to the Jannath Estate," he purred with a smirk, pulling her into a close embrace, free hand finding its way to the small of her back as if he was about to waltz her around the room.
Tav laughed, blushing, "Don't tempt me! We can be on our way whenever you're ready."
"Oh, you're no fun. We'll put a pin in that."
The couple arrived at the Estate, welcomed by the steadfast Dragonborn doorman, and then by Lady Jannath herself. After some routine pleasantries, Tav and Astarion ascended once again to the atelier, where Oskar was busy preparing the surface of a canvas. The room smelled of linseed and turpentine.
"Ah, you've returned! And looking splendid, if you don't mind me saying so. Are you ready?" he asked, setting aside a long-handled paintbrush.
"Quite ready, thank you," Astarion assured him, while Tav nodded her greeting.
"I'm just here for moral support," she explained, earning a soft smile from the vampire. "Do you mind if I just do some reading, and perhaps watch you work?"
"I would be honored to have you as an audience. Now, my good sir, if you please," Oskar gestured toward a large backdrop occupying one wall of the small room, its surface softly painted to look like a sunrise. A low platform extended in front of it, and Astarion stepped up, shuffling a bit until he felt like he was squarely in the center. "Yes, stand yourself just there - perfect," Oskar coached from behind his easel, "Now, keep still, this won't take long, but do let me know if you need a break."
Astarion threw a glance over to Tav, who was settling into a high-backed chair in the corner, positioned so she would be able to see him but not so close that she'd be a distraction. She noticed his attention, and gave him an "OK" gesture, accompanied by a small shrug and a tilt of her head. He caught her meaning and nodded, closing his eyes and exhaling a deep breath before settling into a pose, willing the butterflies in his stomach to settle down.
A few hours into the session, Astarion realized that he and Oskar Fevras had very different definitions of "this won't take long." His feet ached, his neck was sore, and he longed to stretch out his limbs to relieve the tension that had built in them as he concentrated on remaining still. The only sounds in the atelier were the soft strokes of brush bristles on canvas, accompanied intermittently by the swiff of Tav turning a page in her book. He could only see her from the corner of his eye, but it was enough for him to have noticed that she'd been looking up every so often, gazing silently at his profile for a few minutes before ducking back into whatever she was reading. Just as he was about to relent and call for a break, Oskar spoke up.
"Aaaand - voila!" the painter exclaimed, causing both Astarion and Tav to jump in surprise.
"Ah," Astarion croaked, voice cracking from the long silence, "Ahem, I take it you've finished?"
"Indeed I have, come around for a look."
Astarion hesitated for a moment before stepping off the platform. The time had finally arrived, he'd be able to see his portrait. His own face. He swept his gaze around the room at the other works, unable to deny how detailed and lifelike they all were. Would his picture convey the same sense of realism? Would it reflect how he truly looked? He was excited, anxious, and unsure as he approached the easel.
"I hope you captured my best side. You better have made me look good- " his breath caught in his throat as he came around the other side of the canvas.
Gods, there he was.
He'd almost forgotten, but there he was.
"Oh," he breathed, reaching a hand out to the painting at first, but catching himself before he could mar the wet surface. Instead, his hand found its way slowly to his face, fingertips lightly tracing his cheekbones and jawline as his eyes followed the same contours so beautifully captured in rich, expressive oils before him. The artist had truly outdone himself, soft brushstrokes composing every detail, from the angle of his eyebrows, to his coiffed hair, even the tinge of pink on the edges of his ears, all perfectly and faithfully rendered.
By this point, Tav had crept over from her seat to join the two men, her eyes locked onto Astarion's face, watching him carefully as he took in the sight of the painting. She noticed his eyebrows draw together, his mouth slightly open as he regarded his portrait. She rounded the easel, eager to see the finished piece, and she understood why he'd fallen so silent. It looked exactly like him, down to the last freckle.
Her heart clenched for him, a person who had not seen his own face in two centuries, who didn't remember enough about his appearance to know who others saw when they looked at him. She'd tried many times to imagine how difficult it must be to lose something so taken for granted, and the look in Astarion's eyes spoke volumes. She moved closer to him, shoulders almost touching, and he unconsciously took her hand in his as if he needed to be grounded by the contact.
"My love?" she whispered, squeezing his hand gently.
"Tav, do I...is this me?"
"Of course it's you, my friend!" Oskar broke in, completely unaware of the solemnity of the moment. "And I never embellish, striving to capture the most lifelike visage of my subject. I can't imagine this is any different than what you see in the mirror."
"Oh, believe me," Astarion managed to choke out with a sardonic laugh, "I haven't seen myself like this in ages."
Oskar sighed, nodding sagely, "Yes, well, sometimes it does take an artist's eye to highlight a subject's true beauty, sometimes beauty they themselves cannot see!"
"It's wonderful, Oskar," Tav said, trying to cut his speech short. "Will we be able to take it home today?"
"Well, no - it will need to dry, and then there's varnishing. But what you can do today is give it a name. Something to capture the spirit in which it was created." He looked expectantly at the pair, who in turn looked at each other.
After a pause, Astarion turned to Oskar. "You know, I think a straightforward title is best: Portrait of Astarion Ancunin."
He was standing in the foyer again, studying the painting in the glow of candlelight. Tav had spotted him there several times over the past few days, as the others undoubtedly also had, but no one bothered him apart from a few initial comments.
"Truly masterful, it looks exactly like you," Gale had remarked in awe, inspecting the work closely.
"Aw, pal, now you can see how handsome you are, just like the rest of us see you!" Karlach had beamed through her tears of joy.
"Minsc does not know much of art, but Minsc does know a good picture when he sees it. And this, my friend, is a very good picture. It is like there are two Astarions. Hm, but Boo makes a good point that Baldur's Gate probably cannot handle two Astarions," came the glowing review from their Rashemaar friend.
But now he stood in front of it alone, gazing at it with a contented expression. Tav made her way over to stand with the elf, linking her arm in his.
"I think I prefer the real thing," she quipped.
"Oh, shut up, can't you see I'm having a moment?" he countered playfully, but quickly sobered again. "Tav, is this really what I look like? It's the person you see?"
She scanned carefully over the portrait, looking for any flaw or embellishment that didn't match the face she knew so well by now. "It's...you, I don't know that you could get a more realistic representation than this. Although, he always looks quite well-kempt, even when you don't," she teased.
"Rude, I always look this handsome, how dare you imply otherwise?" he pouted, nudging her shoulder.
Tav laughed, "Sorry, sorry, you know I can't help myself. Seriously though, it's you, down to the creases where you smile and the way your hair curls around your ears."
"Yes, you've mentioned those before."
"They're some of the features I find most attractive about you. Well, physically, at least," she mused, laying her head on his shoulder.
"All of this," he gestured to himself with one hand, "and that's what you choose to admire?" his tone was incredulous, but lighthearted.
"They're what make you you, Astarion. I'm so glad Oskar painted you so well."
"Why don't we head to bed, and you can tell me everything else you find attractive, darling. I'm dying to know." He turned them both around and began leading Tav toward their room at a leisurely pace.
"Oh, my love, it's a very long list, it will take all night."
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crystallinestars · 6 months
Kissing Headcanons
Since this won the poll, here are the promised kissing headcanons for Jing Yuan, Argenti, and Aventurine!
Disclaimer: I haven't finished the 2.1 main story, so my interpretation of Aventurine may be a bit off. I'm going off of my interpretation of him from 2.0, as well as a few screenshots I saw around the internet.
WARNING: Contains a spoiler for Aventurine's real name!
Jing Yuan:
🦁 Jing Yuan likes kisses a lot, but he’s careful to reserve them for when you’re in private. He doesn’t want anyone to intrude on your romantic time together and is aware that he must look professional while at the Seat of Divine Foresight. That is why the majority of affection he shows you is done at home.
🦁 Jing Yuan enjoys receiving good morning kisses when he wakes up beside you, as well as good luck and farewell kisses when he parts from you to go to the Seat of Divine Foresight. If you don’t give him at least one kiss before he leaves in the morning, he’ll pout and try to weasel one out of you. He won’t leave until he at the very least got to kiss your cheek.
🦁 When he doesn’t feel like doing his paperwork, Jing Yuan will come to see you instead. At your insistence that he should finish his stack of documents, he’ll demand you give him kisses to motivate him to work. As childish as his requests may seem, your kisses do seem to give him the energy he needs to finish his paperwork. Only after holding you captive in his arms and indulging in your lips for longer than he should, of course.
🦁 If you feel down and in need of comfort, the Luofu General wraps you up in a gentle hug and tenderly presses his lips to your forehead. His words may not be the most comforting, but with that kiss, he shows you that he cares about your well-being, and hopes to give you the comfort you crave.
🦁 Jing Yuan’s kisses are slow, yet firm. He likes to place a hand on the back of your head and pull your face closer, capturing your lips in a tender kiss. It’s unhurried and firm, his soft lips melding against yours as his hand brushes through your hair, lightly combing through it. He only pulls away when you both run short of breath.
🦁 He gives you time to recover because he can tell that his kisses leave you a little dazed and awed at how loved they make you feel. During moments like these, he looks at you with fondness and amusement, as if he were looking at a small, cute animal. You are simply too adorable for him to resist, so don’t blame him when he pulls you into another long kiss before you’ve fully recovered from the first one.
🌹 Argenti’s kisses are full of his heartfelt feelings for you. He is a passionate man, and that passion transfers to romance, and subsequently kisses, as well. He feels touched when he receives kisses on the cheek as a thank you for saving someone, especially if they come from you, but he seldom gives kisses himself. The Knight of Beauty takes kissing very seriously, and will only kiss someone he truly loves.
🌹 His go-to places to kiss you are usually your hands. Like the gentleman he is, Argenti likes to take your hand and place his lips on the back of it in the lightest of kisses, his mouth just barely brushing against your skin. He tends to give you these types of kisses when you are going out for a romantic date or when he is courting you because they are a display of his reverence for you.
🌹 Argenti also adores kissing your palms. He takes your hand and places it on his cheek while looking at you with verdant eyes filled with adoration and devotion, as if he were so smitten with you, that you were the most important thing in the universe to him. With a heartfelt proclamation of his love for you, Argenti turns his head to place a tender kiss on your palm, much more firmly than how he kisses the back of your hand. With these types of kisses, Argenti wants you to know how much he cherishes your very existence, and how lucky he is to call you his lover.
🌹 Since Argenti is the epitome of a gentleman, he tries to avoid overwhelming you with his kisses. When kissing you on the mouth, he takes things slow. The way he cradles your face in his hands is gentle as if he were handling porcelain, and he makes sure to lean in slowly to give you time to pull away if you don’t want this. You never do, of course, but he won’t stop taking things slow and gentle until you make it clear to him that you are not only okay with but also want to receive more intense kisses from him. Only then does Argenti allow himself to kiss you with the passion that flows inside him, yet one he restrains for your comfort.
🌹 With your consent, Argenti will give you the most passionate and sensual kisses you’ve ever experienced. He leads the kiss with tenderness and fervor, supporting the back of your neck as he angles your head just right to deepen the kiss. He’s not afraid to use his tongue, skillfully slipping it into your mouth and caressing your own in an intimate dance that leaves you breathless and weak in the knees. For all his gentlemanly behavior, Argenti isn’t shy about expressing how much he desires you.
🌹 Even so, he is still loving and tender towards you. Argenti likes to hold your hands or face when kissing you, and once he pulls away, he gazes at you affectionately while brushing the back of his hand along your cheek or tucking a stray lock of hair behind your ear. Every action is filled with care. He may not be the best at expressing his true feelings with words, but his actions speak louder than words ever will about how much he loves you.
🦚 Aventurine had some prior experiences making out with people, so he knows exactly what he’s doing when kissing you. The gambler likes to catch you by surprise with a heated and sensual kiss, one that leaves you flushed and breathless by the end. Biting on your lower lip and tugging at it, slipping his tongue in your mouth, and even sucking on the tip of your tongue are all things he does to get a reaction out of you. The more flustered and weak in the knees you get, the more smug he looks when he pulls away, a string of saliva connecting your mouths. Licking his lips while giving you a mischievous and pleased grin, he’ll look like a cat that got the cream as he observes your flushed state.
🦚 Aventurine is great at erotic and sensual kisses, he can give them as easily as he can receive them so you’ll never fluster him with one of those. However, he feels completely out of his element when you give him sweet and tender kisses. Aventurine is not used to receiving gentle affection, and at first, it scares him because it’s such an unfamiliar sensation that touches him deep in his heart.
🦚 He's used to heated make-outs that don’t mean anything other than lust in the end once the other person leaves, but your sweet kisses aren’t like that. The way you press your lips against his skin is soft and loving, the way a true lover would. Unlike those people he encountered in the past, you truly love him. Not the money he owns, not his powerful connections, not his material possessions—what you love is him. With time, Aventurine realizes that you’re not with him for a fun and exciting fling, but for something more long-term. You genuinely love him. Not his persona as Aventurine, but him as Kakavasha.
🦚 The way you cradle his face as you kiss the top of his head, your lips soft and warm against his cheeks, temples, and forehead all make his breath hitch and heart squeeze almost painfully. The gentle kisses make him want to cry, and he hugs you tightly for reassurance and comfort. When you sweetly kiss him on the mouth, Aventurine practically melts. He never knew how good such gentle affection could feel until you came into his life and gave him the affection he’d been subconsciously craving. As emotional as this makes him, Aventurine finds a sense of solace in your tender touches and he wants to feel more of your love even though he sometimes feels undeserving of it.
🦚 Aventurine also likes receiving kisses on other parts of his body, such as his neck and shoulders. He enjoys it when you hug him from behind and press your lips onto the skin of his shoulder or back. It’s such a small thing, but the gesture feels intimate and loving, proof that you love and want him. He tries to hide it, but such kisses make him shiver in a good way.
🦚 Despite enjoying having his neck kissed, Aventurine doesn’t like you touching his tattoo since it can bring up bad memories. However, if you kiss him there as an act of comfort when he feels depressed, it can give him a bit of solace. Though in times like these, he finds the most comfort being wrapped up in your arms and reassured with gentle words and soft kisses to his forehead. It might take a while for Aventurine to feel comfortable enough to be this open and vulnerable with you about his feelings, but please don’t give up on him. Don’t abandon him after you have shown him how amazing real love is.
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slytherinshua · 18 days
genre. fluff. boyfriend headcanons. warnings. minghao dreams abt marriage and starting a family. not proofread and written while i'm sick and have half a braincell so i'm rly sorry if this is a mess. pairing. minghao x fem!reader. wc. 558. request. no. a/n. babe wake up slytherinshua is back skdjskd GOD IM SO HAPPY I WAS ABLE TO WRITE SOMETHING FINALLY 😭😭 thought this blog was literally gonna die cause writers block was so strong. also surprised it ended up being svt that broke through my block esp minghao but yk ill take it no complaints !!!!
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boyfriend!minghao who’s a gentle, slow lover. he never rushes, but he also never leaves you with any doubt. he can read you like a book, and any concerns on your mind seem to be instantly resolved before you even have time to bring them up. he’s steady and true; your rock that you always know you can fall back on when things get tough. no matter what, he’ll always be there. he gives you a soft passionate type of love that you would never get tired of even after decades. 
boyfriend!minghao who’s always been ambitious. he has dozens of things he’d like to do and achieve, but he also knows how to take life slow and enjoy the present. he knows he has time to do everything he wants, and he reminds you that you also have plenty of time as well. sometimes you need that extra voice to tell you that it’s okay to take a break sometimes. it’s okay to breathe and think. no matter what, minghao will always be your biggest supporter— always rooting for you to strive and reach your goals, even if they are small.
boyfriend!minghao who helps you relax after a long day. warm tea and a massage are enough to put your mind and body at ease. his hands work like magic over your neck, shoulders, and back. it’s so good, in fact, that you feel guilty for not paying him for his service. he would never accept anything like that from you, though. once he’s done working out the knots for 20 minutes, he’d fall on top of you, giggling into the crook of your neck as he acts like your personal weighted blanket.
boyfriend!minghao who has a whole collection of couple items with you over the years. whether it be clothes, jewelry, or even mugs, everything he buys seems to come in a set of two. he can’t even imagine buying something for just himself anymore when you always seem to cross his mind whenever he spots something cute.
boyfriend!minghao who scolds you (but truly only out of love). his attention to detail and observant nature is both his strength and his flaw. he’s quick with his tongue— too quick— and will catch himself lecturing or correcting you when it wasn’t strictly needed. although it’s rare for his scolding to get on your nerves, as you know its a way he shows that he cares about you and loves you, it sometimes does. but he’s quick with his apologies as well, so no bickering between you two can ever last long. 
boyfriend!minghao who is so happy and secure in your relationship. he knows he’s found the one with you, and now that he’s been able to call you his for years, there’s no way he would ever be able to imagine his life without you. the overwhelming fondness he holds for you plants itself in his head and his heart and always has him thinking about your future together. he’d tell you randomly over tea how much he’s been thinking and dreaming about spending the rest of his life with you. whether it be big milestones like your wedding and starting a family, or smaller ones like waking up in each others arms each morning, he’s excited to experience it all with you.
↳ svt taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @kangtaehyunzzz,, @eternalgyu,, @ddeonudepressions,, @hannahsophie0103,, @minholing,,
@shuabby1994,, @icyminghao,, @98-0603,, @weird-bookworm,, @candewlsy,,
@wonwooz1,, @blossominghunnie,, @haecien,, @amara-mars,, @okshu,,
@parkjennykim,, @wootify,, @svtoose,, @seunghancore,, @ujisworld,,
@heavenfilm,, @sobun1est,, @bananabubble,, @talkingsaxy,, @thesunsfullmoon,,
@talking-saxy,, @nicholasluvbot,, @cupidslovearrows,, @50-husbands,, @hursheys,,
@gong-fourz,, @nonononranghaee,, @forever-atiny
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gay-dorito-dust · 4 months
scar with a gn! Reader that’s crazier then him :3 (headcanons please)
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You probably caught a glimpse of him one day could feel this chaotic and intense energy about him, which would’ve been enough to have anyone making the smart decision to leave while they could.
for you however, it was more or less the opposite and it wasn’t long before you’d actively tried seeking him out, causing chaos and discord however you could just in the hopes of getting an audience with the man known as Scar.
You knew of the stories that have been told about him but you didn’t care and instead found something to bond with him over; wanting to watch everything go up in smoke as the fires blazed on well into the night.
Scar saw you both as kindred spirits, people who saw things as they really were whilst everyone else was more or less content with living in ignorant bliss.
If anyone were to call your love deranged or unstable, Scar would gladly destroy them in whatever ways he felt suited them best, as he went on a triad about how yours and his love was a genuine, one of a kind love that couldn’t be replicated because people didn’t have the same passion for destruction and desolation like you two did.
So in his eyes, anyone else’s definition of love was false in comparison to yours as yours stemmed from an obsession that bloomed from a simple glance.
Scar would preach whilst holding you close as a village burns to cinders that you were soulmates, two halves of the same soul that were forced to live separate lives because you were deemed too powerful of a force when together. so they had to rip you both apart while they could to preserve their definition of ‘peace.’
Your dates were…unique to say the least, such as participating in his experimentations and misleading good and well meaning people for fun and laughing when they come back a monstrosity of their own creation, as you’d let them believe.
You: would you burn everything for me? Would you even kill thousands for me my dearest Scar?
Scar: I’d do so and much, much more, charred corpses that would try to take you away from me, try to persuade you into leaving me or even exist within the same space as you will be used as an cautionary art piece; an example for everyone else that they’d too would suffer a similar fate made purely for our entertainment.
*he grabs at your face and leans in real close* they are merely mortals fooling themselves into thinking they’re smart enough to speak upon issues regarding those of a higher power and purpose. Do you hold me in the same regard, my desire?
You, leaning your forehead against his, looking deep into his eyes that were unusually soft in this moment: if I had it my way there’d be no one left alive to look at what’s mine. I’d rip out my own heart if I could to prove that it only beats for you and you could do whether you’d like with it for as long as you want. Cage it? Destroy it? Preserve it for all time always? My heart is yours to toy with.
You truly were a match made in a demented, morbid version of heaven.
Scar would probably test how much you love him by making you do the most morally questionable shit known to man, if you succeed, you’ve proven your love was genuine but if you failed, then he guesses you didn’t love him as much as you declared you did.
However once you’ve become scar’s, you were forfeiting your freedom in order to shape yourself into being the prefect lover for him, however that was the plan to being with wasn’t it?
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cherie-doll · 4 months
𓆩♡𓆪 Headcanon: Missing You While They’re Away
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✧˚ Ghost, Soap, Gaz, Alejandro, Phillip Graves, Keegan, König, Horangi
༉‧₊˚. (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
“Just one soft kiss is enough to move my heart. There was a time when our affection was deep, and reminiscing has made me realize how much I miss you.”
This feeling is quite strange to him
He thought his heart would be at ease when you’ve said your goodbyes
Although he’s tried dismissing this feeling every day by reminding himself he’ll see you again
But he finds himself missing you; your touch, your comfort, your smell
A habit of his is hooking a leg over your body while in bed, that first morning he wakes up feeling empty because you’re not there
Your touch is like fire to his body that he seeks to warm his lonely nights
He yearns for it so much he cannot live without it
He would truly burn for you
Starts writing love letters to you like how Napoleon wrote for Josephine
He wakes up with you on his mind, his senses in a turmoil
Replaying the last evening and your intoxicating body scent that gives him such tranquility
Probably writes your name out a hundred times, drawling little hearts around it
If he finds a flower he’ll press it between the pages he sends you
When you send him something small of yours in return, insignificant to anyone else but an amulet to him
He wears it around his neck
Fiddling with it between his fingers
He’s prob the type to get one of those 18th century lover’s eye jewelry because to him it means having a clandestine declaration of your love
That feeling that cannot be put into words
The feeling of walking on clouds that you have planted in his heart
He misses it so much
Your whisper with your soft smile
When he’s sitting alone he wishes he’d have you there next to him
Looking down at his hand, it feels empty, he knows exactly where your fingers intertwine with his
Your touch is so familiar to him that it feels unusual not to feel you
The words he longs to say, your name he wants to call out, the cherished place you have for him in your heart
He swears that when you reunite he’ll wrap his arms around your waist, pressing long and relentless kisses whilst murmuring “i missed you”
Man thinks about how he pressed lazy, slow kisses all over you, taking his sweet time memorizing your body
It’s the last thing he did right before he left
He asked for a kiss from you too before leaving, a real kiss
“Don’t be shy cariño”
He makes sure that you’ll miss him just as much as he’ll be missing you
The night before, he played slow, romantic music as he pressed hot, open-mouthed kisses trailing down your back hoping that through his lips you would feel his heart that beats wildly for you
Now whenever the song plays both you and him have that sweet memory, soothing his mind but awakening his heart
Phillip Graves
He believes that being away from one another every once in a while is beneficial
While it is truly a vivid and pleasant sensation; being enamored, so ardently in love, being everything when together and nothing at all when apart
His mind revolves around you
Anything can serve as a reminder of your fond love
A gentle wind caressing his face is like your embracement
Amid the bustling, glimpses of your smile flash through his mind, a whisper of your voice in his crowded memories
Even if he can’t hold your form; in the night sky enfolded in his closed eyes remains a trace of thoughts that are meant only for you
In this world, only you and him exist and it becomes yours in a swirling glass
Parting his lips from the brim of the glass to savor the wine makes the second drink all the more delightful
Groaning in frustration because he can’t bury his face into your neck first thing in the morning to inhale your scent as he’s used to, you’re like a fragrance so refined
Before leaving, he took your pillowcase and a sample of your preferred perfume
He sprays it all over himself before going to sleep so he may be drenched in your aroma
If he can’t be with you in that moment, he can only hope he’ll dream of you
He’s constantly placing candy that melts on his tongue, substituting your addictive taste
He’s come to memorize your body, scent, taste, and voice through his senses
Being deprived of just one of those things is torture to him
You don’t know how afraid he is of something happening to you while he’s gone, or something preventing him from ever seeing you again
Your existence alone is like a dream to him
Déjà vu of some perfect gaze
Risks are scary, yet it makes his heart flutter
Late at night, his fingertips trace his lips where you’d place loving kisses
He feels how empty his lap is when you’re not sitting on it
When he closes his eyes he remembers how you cup his face in your hands and dote on him
It wasn’t until that night that he felt more lost than ever before
To him, it was enough knowing you were his reason to go on
That lively dynamic that is created when two universes collide
It filled his void with renewed purpose, and that in itself is enough to spur the other on
That spark that ignites when you brush skin against skin, he craves it so deeply
A hunger that stirs from his loins
How your lips feel like velvet grazing his skin, your tongue dripping with honey
The intoxicating expressions of affection he wishes to give and receive
He secures these thoughts in the back of his mind, knowing he’ll act upon them when he’s with you again
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kamisama1kiss · 5 months
Hiiii! Can I request hc's on sal fisher (literally like any you have there's no specifics) love your page + writing btw!! :)
Thank youu!! Everyone has been so sweet to my writing, and as a dyslexic writer, I really appreciate it 😭🫶
Sal Fisher when it comes to first kisses with his partner?? 😝😝 I was given no limits!! Sorry if this isn't what you expected 🤭 (yet again, no rules were given to me)
Sal Fisher Headcanons { First Kisses }
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- Months. It took absolutely months before he was even comfortable enough to take off the mask that covered his scarred face.
- Within those months, he had gotten used to you kissing the lips of his mask or cheek as if it was his actual face and skin.
- Lies will be told if he denied that it got him a little flustered every time you did sneak in kisses on the prosthetic.
- Never would truly call it an actual real kiss since there was a wall of barrier between the actual mouth to mouth kisses, which he did wish for after the first hint of interest.
- Being able to see and touch his face for the first time was a meaningful moment for the both. Soft grazes alongside his hurt appearance only made him cherish this moment and ingrained it into his mind.
- Having chunks of missing skin did make the kiss maybe a tad awkward? Did it stop either of you from trying? No.
- It was soft and gentle with almost ghostly of a kiss on his own lips, maybe a bit dry, but that would be expected from trying his best to hide under the mask all day.
- His hands rested on the side of your waist, softly rubbing his thumb up and down your side as he enjoyed the small affection
- Kissing him gently across his face brought him to tears, being only new to the feeling of being loved from a romantic partner.
- The rest of the evening was full of laughter and small kisses here and there as the mask was resting on the nightstand out of reach.
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n3ptoonz · 9 months
BEGGING you to make more sub mk men content 😭 they're always dom in all the other hc's and it's refreshing to see something that's my cup of tea lol
oh? like this? throws this post behind me like a bouquet toss earthrealm guys here
mk1 hcs: how the outworld guys react to you riding them
y'all sure do love headcanons LMFAOO
i always try my best for most of the outworld cast cause i'm truly an earthrealm girly, but i got yall. yall really challenge me 😵‍💫
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Shang Tsung
This sly mf. He thought when you suggested riding, he'd be the one watching you writhe, but it's quite the opposite. Little did you know it was all an act. A fib; fairytale. He wants power, of course, but in the bedroom it's entirely different
Nothing will get him to submit fast than treating him like a common harlot. He's in desperate need of hair pulling, degradation, maybe even act like you're trying to kill him. He's into that shit! He's an aggressive man, so he should be treated as such
I'm talking fully dog this man out while you ride him. It'll drive him mad and make him crave it. Hell, slap him around and call him names and his gasps, groans, and deep whimpers will clear the air in no time! If you add small weapons to the mix or like a role play thing it's ON
He's literally the meme "don't bully me i'll cum" so do with that what you will!
Rain sexy ass...OOF. That smug "i am a demigod" attitude is punted out the window when you ride him. One single stroke of his hair and a caress of the jaw and just like that he's a slut!
Give him praises. He wouldn't handle degradation too well. On the outside he appears to have his shit together and doesn't have a care in the world about anybody else but his studies (and you), but he likes to be taken care of
If you want to be rougher or if he asks you to, really just pull his hair/give him love bites. idk it might just be me but i just wanna bite him sooo we're gonna say he likes bites! He's also super handsy but mostly when he's close
He's not very vocal but when he is i can see him as the kinda man that like...purrs, if that makes sense? If it don't i say he's a grunter and from groan city: population him
Reiko has a hard time being submissive, but you just make it a little easier for him. You kinda have to coax him into it before every time you get intimate because he's made it clear he can do both and wants to try submitting more to the person he loves
It was your suggestion after a long time away for a mission. Poor dude was stressed da hell out! He's like Rain, a sucker for praise. Now that i'm really picturing it he'd prob be down to smother his face into your chest cause like, that's hot to him
When he's feeling particularly spicy definitely tie him down so he can't pull free no matter how much brute strength he uses. Hold his face and never break eye contact, he's all yours! If you call him any name that has the word "strong" in it he's like puddy in your hands
Prime grunt man here. He ain't whimpering unless you deny him of something, even then it goes from a coarse tone to soft
General Shao
Siiggghhhh 🙄 Shao likes the riding position the most. That's all thanks for coming to my Ted talk
LOL JUST KIDDING😹 He would appear like he's incapable of submission but like, this is YOU we're talking about. And he'd do anything for you. Literally.
A little birdy told me he loves when you grab his horns. Grab his horns. Grab them and make him look at you. This unbreakable wall of man yearns to be conquered by someone like you. Someone who dared to challenge him and never back down? By the Gods he has a breeding knk whether you can have kids or not. oh yeah, he'd beg. plead. he's gasping for air like pls just don't stop riding him LMAO he needs his mind off taking the throne for a few hours
whimpering little bitch which eventually turn into growls and grunts. takes a bow
Syzoth is so subby I literally cannot picture him dominating a soul. Ashrah got that man on hold fr but anyway this about you
Typa dude to tear up when you ride him. You just look so damn good, and you make him feel so damn good. Dizzy eyes that he can barely keep open; I feel like he'd go brain numb from how fast he feels pleasure
I'm talking like because he's not originally human he's more sensitive. Now hear me out guys...two dicks....AHEM. DONT SHOOT THE MESSENGER!! Both his dicks are very sensitive OHHHHHHHHH Reduce him to a sobbing, stuttering, gasping, mess. He needs it, wants it, loves it. It's up to you if you'd ride him in his og form ya nasty. He'd also have a tendency to leave bite marks on you like your chest, neck, and shoulders
Mister whimper over here there's nothing else he does but whimper and cry jesus almighty somebody give this man a HUG (hug him while you fuck him dumb/busts)
Banging my head against the wall rn lemme tap in...ok we here let's go.
Another kombatant who peruses power, but also very much attracted to it. He definitely likes to be dominated. He'd be into some real kinky shit too i know it. Literally all the above he don't wanna think about SHIT
He would thoroughly enjoy being completely helpless at your disposal as you ride him. He likes degradation more than praises but if you do give him the kind of praise that inflates his already massive ego. shoot down his arrogance while also maintaining it he fucking lives for it. he likes being choked or slapped too keep that in mind
This bitch growls and that's it. bro ain't got the lips to really make different sounds LMAO?? get yo fuckin dog bitch!!!
You might be insane but we love that haha...! Monster fucker certificate checked at the door i understand i do
Absolutely no degradation here DO NOT!! Mf might start crying or give a monologue either way, steer clear. Be nice to him!!
He likes to be held, and he likes holding his partner. If this was confident Baraka from the previous timeline I'd say he likes fast and crazy over slow and romantic but that's not the case. Be immersed and in the moment with him, he clings onto the human interactions he got stripped from him 😞
Growls but that's mostly bc he deadass don't have lips either LMFAO😭
a/n: tearing my skin off rn I DID IT GUYS I DID IT TELL ME IM GREAT😎author likes praise too.
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robilover · 3 months
Robin and Topaz taking care of an overworked fem!reader Headcanons !
pairing(s): robin, topaz x fem!reader (separate)
cw: purely sfw, mentions of topaz’s real name, massaging, a little makeout session (topaz), non-sexual bubble bath (topaz), men and homophobes dni.
a/n: I accidentally deleted the ask, I’m so sorry😭 I’ll do both for you! do take some rest, you deserve them and you need them. I hope this is to your liking. <3
robin is a very busy woman; being a famous intergalactic songstress and all, she also gets tired from all the tours and her very obsessive fans.
she’s used to going home late, to see you home first before her. however, there will be times wherein she’s the first to come home, your presence absent.
robin would be surprised to see you come home late. she will get very concerned. she would ask you how work was for you today, and when you respond with a tired sigh, she doesn’t ask any more questions, so as to not overwhelm you further.
she will offer to let her take care of you, wanting to carry you back to your shared bedroom. it doesn’t matter about your size, she’s strong enough to lift you in her arms. she doesn’t want you to exert any more effort in anything, just wanting you to rest.
robin will cuddle you close to her heart. <3
she will lull you to sleep, humming and singing softly into your ear until you fall asleep in her arms. she even gently massages your head, your arms — the parts where you think you feel sore at.
as soon as you’re asleep, she will let out a sigh as her face forms another frown. she’d then reach out to her phone that was on the nightstand. it must’ve been a hard day for you, wasn’t it? don’t worry, robin will take care of everything. she will make sure that you will be back to your energetic self.
the morning after that, when you slowly woke up, you’re surprised that robin was still with you. she was only in an oversized shirt and pyjama pants, her hair up in a messy bun as she had a cup of coffee in her hand. the faint noise of the television can be heard in the bedroom as you thought that robin was watching a movie or something.
you stirred, letting out a soft groan as you felt robin’s arm tightening a bit around you. she looked down at you with a smile.
“you’re awake,” she whispered. “good morning, sweetheart. slept well?” she leaned down to press a soft kiss on your forehead.
“mm, good morning, robin.. what time is it?” you greeted, nuzzling your face into her chest, resulting in a giggle from your girlfriend.
“it’s 8:30 in the morning, love.”
suddenly, you stopped moving. your sleepiness vanished in a split second.
“h-huh? I-I’m late for work!” you panicked as you tried to get up, only to be stopped by robin.
“no, you are resting today.” she said with a chuckle. “you are on a day off. I don’t want my girlfriend to tire herself again.” she added, placing her mug on the nightstand to maneuver you on top of her.
“you’re in for a weekend to get spoiled by yours truly. I had to call your boss that you’ll be staying home for a few days.” robin explained softly as she pressed a kiss to the top of your head, her hand gently making your head rest on her chest, her free hand gently caressing at the small of your back.
“what about you?” you asked, your cheek against her chest.
“don’t worry about me, honey. this weekend will be all about you.”
just like robin, topaz is also a very busy woman; being one of the ten stonehearts, being the manager of the strategic investment department of the ipc, even being the leader of the special debts picket team. that’s a lot to shoulder.
as soon as she sees that stressed out look on your face as you were on your phone, she takes your phone and turns it off. numby would even place your phone to who knows where (just on a table) as topaz will pick you up in her arms, bridal style.
topaz will try to get that stressed expression off of your face as she tries to make some lighthearted jokes.
don’t stress yourself out! only she can be stressed, she’d chuckle. it will result in her getting a slap on the shoulder. she says that it’s to lighten up the mood. don’t be so grumpy~
she would carry you to the bedroom and tells you to stay there so she can prepare a bubble bath for the both of you. who were you to refuse? you love taking bubble baths with topaz! minus numby. it’s just for the both of you. sorry, numby. not tonight.
once in the bathtub, topaz will pull you close to her (naked) body and massage your head that it’d already make you sleepy. she’d also massage your shoulders, arms, hands, thighs — anywhere, really. as long as you ask her where to, she will do as you say.
topaz loves to press fleeting kisses along your neck as your body is pressed against hers. it makes her feel just as relaxed as you.
“there— ah, that’s the spot, topaz..” you sighed in content as topaz massaged your shoulders and back. she let out a soft chuckle.
“right here, baby?” she giggled while massaging you, even pressing a gentle kiss on your shoulder blade, making you smile.
“mhm,” you hummed with a chuckle, leaning your back against her front. after a while of massaging you, topaz wrapped her arms around your waist and rested her chin on your shoulder.
there was a comforting silence enveloping the both of you. topaz’s soft hums can be heard as she thought that it would at least soothe you. pressing another kiss onto your shoulder, she whispered.
“feeling relaxed yet?” she said against your skin.
“yes,” you replied. “it’s all because of you, jelena. thank you for this.” you added with a gentle smile, turning your head to press a kiss against her temple. topaz’s cheeks flushed at the kiss, feeling giddy; especially when you called her her real name.
“d’aww, it’s nothing, sweetheart! anything for my sweet girl.” she chuckled.
moments later, she pulled herself out of the bathtub to get a towel, then pulled you out of the bathtub as well. she wrapped the towel around herself and you with a giggle, gently leading you out of the bathroom and to your shared bedroom.
as soon as you were both dressed in your matching pyjamas, topaz picked you up in her arms and carried you to the bed, earning a giggle from you. she first sat down and placed you on her lap, her hands on your hips.
topaz pressed soft kisses against your lips before giving you a gentle yet passionate kiss. your arms around her neck as you both kissed.
both of you made out for a while until you pulled back to press your forehead against hers. with a breathless smile, you whispered against her lips.
“I love you, jelena.”
“I love you more, y/n.”
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mynahx3 · 7 months
One Moment Was All It Took
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Helloo!! This is a blerp inspired by @envy-of-the-apple Yandere! Satoru Soulmate Headcanon. I wanted to write a little something inspired by it. Hope you enjoy! There will be more parts to the story, hehehehe >;3 This story will be dark!! MDNI** Warning to those that are uncomfortable with obsessive love, proceed at your own risk. Masterlist
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Satoru never planned on coming to that cafe; it was a last minute option because his favorite was closed for renovations. It was the closest place on his way to Jujutsu Tech that made his morning strawberry croissant with coffee (more like a pound of sugar and milk). Now, he thought, as he walked, he couldn’t be happier with the detour. 
He stood to the side with the other people in the morning rush, each one waiting for their caffeine to start the day. Hearing his order number, he goes to get his food, still texting someone on his phone. While reaching for it, he came into contact with someone who was also not paying attention. The woman jumped when she felt another hand grab hers, looking up to see a tall man with white hair and a blindfold. She apologized to the man with an awkward laugh. Not thinking anything of the contact between them, but to him, it was a moment that changed his entire being. 
Looking at her with wide eyes after quickly removing his blindfold, he was taken aback. This was the only person who had evaded his Six Eyes and Limitless technique without even trying. She was just a nobody, albeit a cute one, a civilian with no cursed energy whatsoever. Time was slowing down for him. as he gazed at her in disbelief. He couldn't shake the feeling that their meeting was no mere coincidence. The realization left him both exhilarated and terrified at the same time, knowing that their fates were now intertwined in ways he couldn't yet comprehend. He'd heard stories about Jujutsu sorcerers finding their soulmates who were immune to their techniques, but he never believed them.
He was engrossed in their eyes; the steaming coffee was left untouched on the counter. She remained in place, clear as day. The rest of the world, with its blinding brightness and sheer detail, almost gave him a migraine. For once, he had to actually look at someone to see them—not just a mass of cursed energy and molecules; he truly saw them. Their face is a breath of fresh air for the man. 
“Sorry bout that.” She smiled, handing him his paper bag with his pastry. Their hands touched once more as he took it from her. The mere contact sent lightning down his spine from his fingers, and goosebumps formed along his arms. She was in casual attire, and her hands were soft and warm. “I thought I heard them call my number.” 
She's adorable. Gazing down at her with his usual endearing expression, he muses. 
“You’re fine.” He smiled, continuing to look over her, taking all of her in. His heart thumped loudly in his chest; he was scared she could hear it. 
She smiles softly and nods to him before returning to wait for her own food, believing their interaction had ended. Ignoring the way he watched her, she fidgeted with her sleeve from his intense gaze. To her relief , the barista called out her number a second later. She quickly grabbed her food and walked away, nodding him goodbye politely with a soft smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. One that sent a shiver down his spine at the sight.
Satoru watched as she left, turning on his heel to go after the woman with haste, leaving his food behind. He wanted to know more about her. No, he needed to. Blood pumped in his veins as he ran behind her, easily moving through the crowd. Not one person was able to touch him, all except for her. Grabbing her hand, he turned her to him a bit roughly. This surprised her greatly, making her gasp in shock at him.
“You're really pretty. Would I be able to get your number?” Satoru asked, looking at the woman with anticipation, still holding her hand. He liked how her hand felt in his. With an awkward smile, she tries to take her hand back, pulling slightly to be free. He gives in, letting her hand fall back to her side. 
“Thank you, sir… You seem nice, but… I have a fiancé." She tells him, raising her left hand for him to see. On her ring finger was a pathetic, small stone with a silver band. Something he knew he could do better than a million times over. Still, he didn't relent, stepping closer to her.
"I can be better." He boldly stated this, stepping closer again. Her eyes widened in surprise at his audacity, unsure of how to respond to his persistence. The tension between them grew as she struggled to maintain her composure. Clearly nervous, she fiddled with her ring, pursing her lips together at the stranger.
"I appreciate the interest, but I have to respectfully decline." She told him, stepping back from him. The obvious discomfort seen in her eyes and body language made it clear that she was not interested in his advances. He visibly deflates at this, his jaw clenching at the rejection. Brows furrowing as he looked down at her.
"Don't you even want to get to know me?" His tone was teasing as he tilted his head, his blue eyes analyzing her. His hands were going into his pockets as he smiled down at her.
She shook her head, looking to the side as the busy commuters walked around them, making her more anxious as she fidgeted with her ring. A few people looked their way as they stood in the middle of the sidewalk, clearly annoyed by the obstruction.
"I'm sure you're a great guy, but I'm just not interested," she replied firmly. Looking back up at him, she gasped, not expecting him to be towering over her so quickly, having only looked away for a second. His intense gaze made her shake more, her gut telling her to run. She steps back slightly, looking up at him with wide eyes. His large hand moved to cup her cheek, the other resting on her waist, a little too low for her liking.
"Cute." He smiles, revealing a row of perfectly straight teeth, his blue eyes wide. "I like a challenge," he added, sending a chill down her spine.
Frowning, she slapped his hand from her face and pushed him away, confident he wouldn't do anything else with the people surrounding them. Her patience ran thin at his insistence, despite her clear discomfort. She squared her shoulders, meeting his gaze with defiance.
"I'm not interested," she stated firmly, hoping he would finally get the message and leave her alone.
"I don't like being told no." He leaned in closer, his breath hot against her ear. "I always get what I want," he whispered, causing her heart to race with fear. She took a step back, trying to maintain her composure and not show any sign of weakness in front of him.
"I suggest you respect my boundaries and leave me alone," she said, her voice small but firm. "I'm not someone you can manipulate or intimidate."
His smile faded slightly at her words, but he didn't back down.
"We'll see about that," he replied, his tone ominous. Turning on her heel, the woman left the stranger quickly, shaking her head at the weird encounter that made her feel uneasy. His eyes follow her form as she escapes into the sea of people, laughing a little at the sight. Whistling as he pulled out her ID and twirled it around his fingers, he took a look at her name and address.
"I'll see you real soon." Satoru smiled, tucking her ID into his pocket.
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funfettifrills · 7 months
♣️; caregiver! husk x kid/agere! reader [headcanons]
[all platonic] + my inbox is open for reqs!
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♡ʚ⁺˖↪husk is canonically good with kids!! He would be great at taking care of you !!
♡ʚ⁺˖↪ initially, husk keeps up his grumpy self around you
♡ʚ⁺˖↪but you find yourself enjoying being around him, to you he's a silly little kitty !!
♡ʚ⁺˖↪ he notices you will sit by him or stay in the same room as him, and he doesn't mind at all
♡ʚ⁺˖↪ at first you're a bit shy, but he tries initiating conversations with you and you happily speak to him a bunch!!
♡ʚ⁺˖↪ Once your wall of shyness is broken down, you'll find yourself sitting at the bar and info dumping to him about things you like or just your day in general
♡ʚ⁺˖↪He doesn't say much, but he always listens with a small smile on his face while he tends to his bartending tasks
♡ʚ⁺˖↪he has a huge soft spot for you, that he'd deny at first but everyone else at the hotel would clearly notice it
♡ʚ⁺˖↪whenever you go out, he starts going with you. He really wants you to be safe, even if you're in hell
♡ʚ⁺˖↪since you obviously wouldn't be drinking any alcohol, husk starts keeping things like juice at the bar just for you!! He even gets sippy cups !!
♡ʚ⁺˖↪even though he doesn't enjoy being a cat, you can't help but call him "kitty."
♡ʚ⁺˖↪ Sometimes, when you want his attention, you'll babble a bit and call out "kitty!"
♡ʚ⁺˖↪if anyone else would call him kitty, he would be sooo livid
♡ʚ⁺˖↪but he loves you and knows you mean no harm, he finds it endearing!!
♡ʚ⁺˖↪his default nicknames for you are just 'kid' or 'kiddo'
♡ʚ⁺˖↪he lets you play with his tail !! He just sits nonchalantly as you do it, and the others in the hotel watch in awe over how comfortable Husk is with you
♡ʚ⁺˖↪even if he has a soft spot for you, he's still husk so he's a very patient caregiver but also very stern when he needs to be
♡ʚ⁺˖↪if you get bratty or fussy, he won't hesitate to get you to behave, and he's very effective at it while not being tooooo harsh
♡ʚ⁺˖↪since he loves sleeping, when it's nap time he'll join you sometimes!!
♡ʚ⁺˖↪he's very comfy to snuggle with cause his fur is surprisingly soft
♡ʚ⁺˖↪as you two sleep, he holds you so gently
♡ʚ⁺˖↪He purrs during these naps too and its silly to feel the vibrations
♡ʚ⁺˖↪whenever you'd be overwhelmed and in tears, he had struggled to deal with it at first because he was intimidated
♡ʚ⁺˖↪Over time, he had learned how to handle those moments with ease and will hold you in his lap as you regulate yourself
♡ʚ⁺˖↪Depending on the severity of your emotions, he'll start doing magic tricks to distract you, and it's effective for calming you down
♡ʚ⁺˖↪he struggles with low self-esteem, so he questions whether he's good enough to be taking care of you (he is much more than good enough!!)
♡ʚ⁺˖↪you're happiest and comfiest with him, sometimes you cling onto his legs as he does random tasks and he just goes on as normal
♡ʚ⁺˖↪before he had gotten onto better terms with Angel, he'd tried to keep you away from him
♡ʚ⁺˖↪But afterward, you become close with Angel as well, and he thinks you're the cutest ever !!!
♡ʚ⁺˖↪you and Angel sit at the bar, with you in his lap, and have silly conversations with Husk
♡ʚ⁺˖↪Angel goes insane hearing you get to freely call Husk "kitty"
♡ʚ⁺˖↪ And Angel teases Husk over how soft he's gotten for you, Husk gets embarrassed in response
"Ya' let the kid call you 'kitty?' Why can't I do that too?"
"You are a GROWN man. There's no reason for you to call me that."
"You're just turning into a big softie, ya know?"
♡ʚ⁺˖↪don't even get me started on how adamant Husk would be to keep you away from Alastor
♡ʚ⁺˖↪but Alastor does find a way to get your attention, much to Husk's dismay...
♡ʚ⁺˖↪he'll find Alastor playing you, and you giggling along, which leaves Husk horrified
♡ʚ⁺˖↪he is really dedicated to keeping you safe from anything that'd cause you harm!!
♡ʚ⁺˖↪and he truly wants you to be redeemed, he knows you don't deserve to be in Hell
♡ʚ⁺˖↪overall, he adores you a bunch and would probably kill for you!!!!!!
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annymation · 9 months
Reimagining the characters in Wish
(Part 3- Star/Aster)
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Ahem… so yeah welcome to part 3
If you haven’t seen them yet, here’s the links for part 1 and part 2 where I talk about how I’d rewrite Asha and the villains respectively.
Star may be the most challenging character to reimagine since… All I have is the personality displayed on the Star we DID get, a song we all collectively headcanon as Asha x Star love song (At All Cost Demo), and my imagination… In a way that just makes things more fun too.
Now remember there’s no definitive version of this character, he never came true so there’s limitless ways we can interpret him.
Some may imagine him mute, some may imagine him as a wacky character like the genie, others may imagine him more soft spoken like the blue fairy, some may imagine him as Asha’s love interest while others may prefer them as just friends, or even have him look like her grandfather, there are no wrong answers.
So here’s how I imagine him to be like:
The Star 💫
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What’s a Wishing Star?
- Before we start talking about our star boy, I think it’s important we establish what a wishing star even is, so let’s begin.
-Star is an entity from another plane of existence, a wishing star, a being whose only purpose is to listen to the wishes from mortals that can see him and other wishing stars through their night skies. They listen to the wishes from mortals and provide some guidance in subtle ways.
- A wishing star is born, or rather, gains consciousness, once someone looks to them and makes a wish from the bottom of their hearts, once the star receives their first ever wish they are no longer just a celestial body of gas, they become a new wishing star, they gain a purpose, and develop their minds just like how a human would.
- As the years pass the star becomes more wise, more equipped to help the person who wished upon them for the first time.
- For a wishing star to grow up it may take a while, that’s why most people wish upon bigger ones who are already fully developed and clever enough to know exactly how to help.
- It’s not a wishing star’s job to GRANT a wish immediately, in fact, they’re incapable of doing that, their magic can only go as far as the hope and perseverance that resides in their wishmaker’s heart.
- Things that the mortal would consider just luck could actually be the works of a wishing star putting them in the right path.
- If the person loses hope in their dream then there isn’t anything the star can do, but if they remain determined then the star can help them go far.
- So a wishing star job is to just… stay in the sky, look down upon their wishmakers, give some subtle magic intervention here and there…
-That is, when they’re wished upon at all, otherwise they just stay there doing nothing.
- However… In some rare occasions, wishing stars can do a lot more than just give a subtle magic intervention from the distance. Sometimes, when someone truly well intentioned makes a wish with all their heart… The wishing star gets the power to do some extraordinary things.
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- Star, or Aster as I’ll be calling him in this rewrite, which is a non-binary name meaning “star”. I’ll be referring to them with (He/they) pronouns.
- Aster is a very young and inexperienced wishing star, in fact, counting with Asha’s wish, Star only got TWO wishes in their whole life. And he’s still working on granting that first wish he ever got 18 years ago.
(Haha I’m sure that’s not foreshadowing for something really sad)
- Because of that he’s often treated by the other stars as sort of a younger sibling or a little kid.
- I think I should just get this info out now: Aster is NOT the north star, that big, bright and iconic star we know from the Disney movies, nope, Aster is actually a small itty bitty little star that you can barely see, that kind of star you probably wouldn’t pick to wish upon, most choose the brightests and bigger ones.
- So who’s that big, bright and iconic star? Well, in the beginning of our story… That star doesn’t exist, like, it’s literally absent from the sky… After all, we're seeing that star's origin story :)
- We’ll get to that when we get to that, back to Aster tho.
- Aster is a lot different from the other wishing stars, while they’re these benevolent and wise entities, Aster is more of a naive and curious teen who’s fascinated with the world below them.
- No one wishes upon him EVER so he gets a lot of free time to just watch humans do human things and animals do animal things, and he loves it.
(He’s like Ariel and Quasimodo lmao)
- When he gets to earth he’s very excited to help Asha, showing appreciation for her wishing upon him through a lot of physical contact, often hugging her and holding her hand without him even noticing. (Asha at first is confused but she gets used to this behavior pretty quick)
- Although Aster is naive and overly excited they’re no fool, he can be very clever and creative when it’s necessary.
- He’s also not a fish out of water like Ariel when he’s on earth, they understands human customs and how things work, since he watched everything from the sky… Although nevertheless they’re delighted to see everything up close.
- He may be smart, but at first, they don’t really know how to guide Asha in the right path to make her wish come true, after all he’s a very inexperienced wishing star, and freeing a kingdom from an evil sorcerer king and queen is no easy task.
- But regardless he doesn’t let his own insecurities get to him, and remains optimistic they’ll figure it out, together.
His personality is reminiscent to Disney guys such as: Quasimodo, Peter Pan, Prince Philip (yes really, rewatch Sleeping Beauty, that boy has a lot of personality), Alladin and Hercules.
Main Traits:
- Optimistic and kind
- Naïve
- Protective
- Curious
- Energetic
- Secretly very insecure
I think it’s important to establish his abilities before we get to his backstory and all that jazz.
What he CAN’T do
Just like how Movie Asha did in her job interview, let’s get his weaknesses out of the way first.
- Sooo… don’t get mad but… Star won’t be a shapeshifter in my version. I don’t want him to feel too much like Maui or the genie. So he’ll stay in the shape of a princely looking boy the whole way through.
- He can’t teleport, would make things too easy, also there’s a plot reason I’ll explain later.
- Can’t materialize real things out of thin air, only things made of star dust so they don’t really have any utility other than to create fun visuals during music numbers or when he’s explaining stuff.
- Can’t hurt anyone, this one is VERY IMPORTANT for plot reasons I’ll talk about later on.
- Can’t make a wish come true with the snap of his fingers, he’s a star, not a genie.
Weakness: Dark Magic, hopelessness and Asha getting hurt.
What he CAN do
- Stretch and re-shape his body. He may not turn into animals but his body can regenerate and squash and stretch around (haha get it? Like the animation term), like he’s made of star dust. Have this piece of concept art as an example:
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- He can Fly and make other people and objects fly too
- Unlock doors, may seem random now but I’ll explain in a minute.
- Bring plants to life, and make them grow bigger, and I mean like “make a flower the size of a house” bigger.
- Make animals talk, but the animals only keep talking IF they so desire, if that’s not something they wish for then the magic fades away with time.
- Tho he naturally understands animals and any other living thing in their own languages.
- He can feel other people’s wishes, not all the time tho, he has to make a conscious effort to see what’s that person’s deepest desire.
- His body is warm like a small sun, so he can give warm hugs… that’s a power, yes.
- Aster may not teleport, but they can move really REALLY fast
- Uncorrupt wish bubbles, I mentioned in part 2 that Magnifico twisted most the people's wishes, those wishes that are changed are called “Corrupted wishes”, Aster can change those wishes back to what they originally were.
- Create dreams, is that too much like the sandman from rise of the guardians?… Im still keeping it.
-Get inside drawings, This is just for a scene I imagine Aster shrinking and walking around inside Asha's sketch book, I think that's cute.
- Make a human disguise, I'll elaborate more on this when we get to talk about his design.
- He can grant wishes “but Anny you just said earlier he can’t—“ yes yes I know… he just grants them in his own unique way.
What gives him strength: Hopes and dreams
(Undertale reference? More likely than you think)
A wishing star purpose is to serve as a guide, that provides some magic intervention so that the wishmaker has the means to get to their goal.
As such, the stronger Asha’s hope, perseverance and passions are, the stronger and more limitless Star’s magic becomes. Like his magic abilities are charged up by Asha’s beliefs, the more she wants something, the more he can do for her.
Now, let’s talk about how Aster and other wishing stars that come to earth function, and to do that, we gotta go waaaaay back to another wish granting character in the Disney catalog.
The Blue Fairy- What can we learn from her?
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- We all know the blue fairy from Pinocchio, she is in a way the closest thing we have in the Disney canon that resembles the concept of Star, so I’m considering them as both the same kind of entity, they’re both wishing stars.
(not the same character tho, and I’ll get to that soon don’t you worry)
- You would think a character we see so little about doesn’t provide a lot of context, but she actually gives us a pretty good idea about what wishing stars can and can’t do.
- First thing she says when arriving is:
“Good Geppetto, you have given so much happiness to others. You deserve to have your wish come true.”
- From that, we can interpret that wishing stars only assume a human form and help those who are truly pure of heart and have spread kindness to others. Like Asha.
- Geppetto wished for Pinocchio to be a real boy, a human boy, but the blue fairy couldn’t grant that wish, because the only one who could make himself a real boy was Pinocchio himself.
“To make Geppetto’s wish come true will be enterely up to you. Prove yourself brave, truthful and unselfish, and someday you will be a real boy"
- So, am I saying that Aster will just fly up to Asha and say “it’s all up to you to save your people… GOOD LUCK! 😊” sparkle some magic on her and leave?
- Well no although that would be funny, he’s not gonna do that, in fact, Aster will act way differently compared to the Blue Fairy.
- Although Aster can’t immediately make the people of Rosas “Have something more than this” he will do everything in his power to help Asha with anything she needs, and stay by her side the whole way through… Not at all what the Blue Fairy did.
- Lets say the Blue Fairy did exactly what a wishing star is supposed to do.
-She didn’t let herself be seen by anyone except Pinocchio and Jimminy Cricket, she only gave Pinocchio a few instructions and then left it all up to him, and even then when she went a bit beyond that to inform him that Geppetto was inside a whale she did so by sending a note… Almost like she couldn’t go back again to tell him personally… Interesting huh?
(I know the reason is because the animators would lose their minds if they had to draw that sparkly effect on her dress a third time but let’s pretend there’s more to it okay?)
- So we have her being the best role model of a wishing star… and then we have Aster...
-Doesn’t even know where to begin with helping Asha, chooses to stay on earth more than a day instead of just giving cryptic advice and leaving, was seen by multiple people aside from just Asha and Valentino, and worse of all, falls in love with his wish maker… yeah dude broke several rule… And the other stars ain’t happy about that.
- You could say the scale of Geppetto’s wish and Asha’s wish are way different, one just wants a son and the other wants to defeat two evil monarchs.
-But the stars don’t see it that way, to them every wish should be treated equally and it’s not their purpose to mingle with humans and change the course of their history.
- So you see, while the Blue Fairy could go back to the sky and then reappear anywhere she wanted… Aster won’t have that privilege.
-If he goes back to the sky he’s not coming back down, because the other stars won’t allow it, not after he broke their rules.
- Aster knows all that, because he can hear them talking to him, warning him to stop and go back to the sky… Aster keeps that information a secret from Asha for as long as they can…
- He knows after he’s done helping Asha they’ll never see each other again, but that’s fine, he’s willing to break every rule to help her…
- Oh also there’s a scene in Pinocchio where the Blue Fairy opens a lock to free Pinocchio from a cage… that’s why I said Aster can unlock doors… okay moving on to our boy backstory.
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Yup, Aster has a backstory. And it all started in one fateful night:
An elderly man was taking a walk, carrying his granddaughter in his arms, she was just a few weeks old, but he couldn’t wait to show her how beautiful the stars looked that night.
He sat with her on a thick tree branch, and even though she couldn’t understand him, he was so happy telling her the names of each constellation.
In that moment, it seemed like everything was perfect.
But then that moment ended… He heard screams, and smelled smoke.
The elderly man ran back to his home, only to find it completely engulfed in a fire.
His granddaughter was now crying in his arms as he watched some neighbors trying to put down the fire, but to no avail.
His son and daughter-in-law were in there, he lost them both in an instant, the pain he felt in that moment was immeasurable.
In that moment of sorrow all he could do was look up, between the thick smoke he saw it… a small star.
With all his heart, Sabino wished upon it
“I wish my dear granddaughter, Asha, never feel such pain and sadness as I’m feeling in this moment”
A new wishing star was born.
Those words were the first thing Aster ever heard, it took a few years for him to even know what they meant, but as Asha and him grew older, he started to understand them.
He tried his best to make Asha as happy as she could be with the little that he was allowed to do.
Sometimes giving her inspiration for her drawings, other times sending her nice dreams after a bad day.
But he felt like he was failing her, no matter what he did, Asha would still go through sad times… Specially after her grandfather passed away.
Aster treasured every happy moment that he saw Asha experience, her making new friends, getting better with her drawings, dancing during wish ceremonies. Aster would shine brighter every time she was happy.
Point is: They were connected the whole time, and Aster already knew Asha even way before she wished upon him.
To be clear he wouldn’t just stay up there looking at Asha all day, he was also interested on everything else on earth in general.
But then, we have Asha’s 18th birthday, the day she had to give away her wish.
Aster knew what was really going on in Rosas, about what happened to most of the people’s wishes, and although that also saddened the other stars they all agreed they couldn't intervene unless someone from Rosas wished for their help.
So you can imagine how happy Aster was when Asha wished upon HIM, of all the stars, she looked at him and asked for his help! What are the chances?
If you could listen to them, you’d hear all the stars collectively whisper “oh…this might not end well…” as Aster flies down to earth going "YYYYYPIIIEEEEEEE!!!"
A Star Who Wishes To Be Human
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- I’ve made it very clear that Aster is different from the other stars, for the reason that he’s so young and so fascinated with life on earth.
- But there’s more than that, see, I mentioned before Aster can’t hurt anyone, and that’s not because he’s some holier-than-thou pacifist, it’s because his magic literally CAN’T hurt living beings.
- Because his magic is made of ✨hopes✨ and ✨kindness✨ and ✨everything nice✨, so even if they literally make a sword with his star dust, all it’ll do is give Magnifico some tickles.
- And Aster hates that.
- He wishes he could be more useful to Asha… wait, “wishes”?
- That’s silly, a star is not supposed to “wish” for anything, to have wants, that’s a human thing... And yet here he is wanting to protect Asha in any way possible.
- This drive to protect Asha runs even deeper than just the wish he received from her grandfather or the wish she made, Aster feels as if it's a wish that comes within him.
- Aster would question why they feels this way, is it love? Can’t be that right? A star can’t fall in love…
- The same way a star can’t taste food, or smell the flowers, or feel temperature…
- But Aster wishes they could, Aster wishes he knew what food tasted like, what was the smell of the flowers and the morning dew, but most of all… Aster wished he could feel Asha’s warmth, the same way she feels when they embraced.
- This would be Aster internal conflict for most of the movie. They’d realize that they can’t be with Asha forever, but Aster wanted to at least confess his feelings before they went to enact their plan to defeat the king and queen, that’s when we’d get “At All Cost”.
- Soooo a bit of a spoiler to this rewrite, I’m basically telling a story all out of order at this point, but here goes, Aster does become human by the end, after the king and queen are defeated, the stars realize that punishing Aster for breaking their rules wouldn’t be fair after he did so much good, and also because some of them can’t stand him so they decide “hey, let’s leave him there” and just ask him to return his magic back to the sky.
- Once Aster accepts, his magic would be turned into a brand new star, that shines brighter than all the others, because it carries all the magic that Aster accumulated by helping Asha and all of Rosas. And thus we’d get an origin story for THE wishing star.
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Aster has brown skin, sparkly freckles and blond hair that shines and moves almost like a candle.
He dresses up as a prince, with the classic cape we see in classic princes like in Snow White and Sleeping Beauty.
They choose that form because he recalls that Asha used to read a lot about princes that would help princesses in need, so he thinks it's fitting to at least looks like one to help Asha
"But I'm not a princess"
"I know, you're just pretty like one!"
A itty bitty detail I didn't mention until now: Aster would be hand drawn animated, while everything else would be 3D, and his animation would change as the movie progressed.
By change I mean he'd start in a very sketchy looking animation, like it's being drawn very frantically to reflect how excited he is to help Asha, but as the movie progresses he'd be drawn with more detail and with more fluid movements.
This would serve to both represent his character development, showing him becoming more mature and learning what it means to be human, and also a reference to how Disney's animation evolved over the years.
He can make a human disguise, as I mentioned earlier, but that would require him to keep his magic hidden somewhere, in this case, a round stone that holds his cape together on his chest.
Once his magic was all kept inside this stone he'd turn into a 3D animated character, however his movements wouldn't feel... quite right, like he'd be animated in a different frame-rate compared to everyone else, so you could tell he was struggling to make himself move like a human, and people would be able to tell there was something off about him.
In the end when he turned into a human for real he'd become 3D animated with the right frame-rate, and his hair would no longer be blonde, but rather brown, like his eyebrows (Tangled reference? yup)
Final Thoughts
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This was DEFINITELY the hardest one to translate my thoughts into words! My gosh this took so long to write.
Don't know if you could tell but I'm very passionate about this scrapped idea of a human looking star falling in love with our protagonist, and no it's not just for the ✨aesthetic✨.
I don't think it's wise to throw a romance when writing a story just because you feel like it, a romance needs to progress both the story and the characters involved, think of it like how Naveen learned with Tiana the importance of working hard, while in turn showing her that life can also be fun. They complete each other, and I want the same for Asha and Aster.
Asha needs to learn that she shouldn't feel guilty for wishing more for herself, she worries too much about others and what others may think of her that she forgets her own self worth, and Aster shows her that she not only can wish for things for herself, but she can also accomplish anything she sets her mind to. From becoming an amazing artist that can give movement to her drawings to the leader of a rebellion against two evil monarchs, she can do it all.
Meanwhile, Aster needs to learn that what Asha's grandfather wished upon him is an impossible task, for Asha to always be happy, that's impossible, because sadness is a part of life, its a part of being human, and that's what he learns, what it means to be human, to fail, get up and try again. As a wishing star Aster always knew that humans had to fail a bunch of times before having their wishes granted but he could never imagine how hard that actually was, and Asha's perseverance even with all odds against her is what makes him love her even more.
I talked a lot about why Aster loves Asha, so I should probably mention what Asha sees in him too. Asha get's a lot of laughs from Aster's innocent reactions to natural things on earth, like how dazzled he is seeing the sun rise for the first time, how he just stops and starts chatting with animals and plants like a damn disney princess, or how he randomly starts rambling about how some constellations don't look at all like the animals they're named after "Like, seriously, why did they name that one a lynx? That's obviously a snake hehehe"
But most importantly she loves how caring he is, how he's supportive and passionate about her interests just as much as she is, and how he makes her feel safe, and in turn she wants to protect him too.
I'm honestly debating with myself how I want Aster to go about the information he has known Asha all his life, like, I imagine he'd probably want to hide the fact because he didn't want to talk about the sad tragedy that led to her grandfather wishing upon him, yes Asha knows about the fire but he doesn't want to remind her and make her sad, because remember, at first he doesn't understand that sadness is just part of life.
But then like, would he pretend to not know her? Or would he be like a ghibli character and just nonchalantly say "Oh yeah, I’ve always known you" and never elaborate on that until the story demands it?
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… Great, now I just had the idea of Aster functioning like Haku from Spirited Away, like they don't remember where he knows Asha from because he forgot what their previous wish was now that he’s granting a new one, let's say stars can only remember one wish at a time, then as he gets to know her better he starts to remember what his first wish was, and things start to make more sense.
I don’t know, like that’s cute but might be a bit too complicated, y’all tell me, I’m throwing ideas and seeing what makes sense, this whole thing is me asking for feedback after all.
Honestly I think the idea of Aster knowing Asha the whole time works because it not only gives a better explanation to why a star came down from the sky to help her, but also gives more sense to the lyrics “you still amaze me after all this time” in At All Cost.
Welp, I think that's all I got, thank you so much for following along with this series, and don't worry I'm not over yet, there are a few characters to talk about before I start sharing the actual script of this rewrite.
Thank You For Reading!
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moonsbypadfoot · 8 months
theo nott random headcanons 🩶
(excuse my lack of knowing how to spell things)
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Theo is the type of guy that acts like he doesn't care, but truly, he does and he gives off 'I do not give a f' but then the next day he'll buy you a necklace from Pandora.
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Theo is the type of guy who acts tough and strong but late at night he'll beg you to cuddle with him and his perfume smells un-characteristically sweet.
Theo is the type of guy who gets embarrassed when he says something wrong in English (cause I believe that he's Italian) and sometimes will mix up Italian and English words.
Theo is the type of guy to defend you in front of others when youre not there.
Theo compliments you in Italian, and so you barely understand it.
Theo has a soft spot for those who are close to him, especially you 🖤
Theo has anxiety, but hides it very well, and was embarrassed when you found out.
He hated being called 'nott', cause despite of the words that came out of his mouth, he thinks muggleborns deserve a little bit better, and that his family is taking it too far.
Theo is not math smart, he is English-literature smart.
Theo loves when you mess his hair despite what he says cause he thinks 'it looks better'
Cold, but actually a soft, and caring person.
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6ronze · 23 days
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jujutsu kaisen w HIGURUMA HIROMI format. headcanons + scenarios warnings. fluff + nsfw. mdni. fem!reader. oral(reader receiving). fingering. pretty tame and domestic stuff. summary. unorganised thoughts ab higuruma.
author’s note. this is literally just me yapping ab all the possibilities w higuruma cs i love the man and i’ll probably reblog this w a continuation of my thoughts + non-sorcerer au so he’s just an overworked lawyer here
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Similar to nanami kento, he’s a busy man, perhaps even busier since he’s a lawyer. Being at the office most of his time made him a stranger to the mundane pleasures of dating—especially so when you suddenly barged into his life.
A stranger as he is, he tries his best. Sending delivery flowers to your own workplace when he finds himself staring at his phone, waiting for a lightbulb to go off in his head to find an idea on what to do or say to you after hours of no contact.
He wanted to talk you, he truly did, but he didn’t what to talk about exactly. He was the best at the finding the big words to get his point across when presenting something to the judge in court, and yet here he was, as speechless as ever with you.
If it wasn’t flowers, then it’d be a short voice message that he begrudgingly made when he finally had the words to say to you at the busiest of moments he was in. As deep and dismissive his voice may be, his words expressed enough when you heard him say your name. In fact, you would always notice how he keeps calling your name in the audios he sends you, like if he was yearning for you and lazily keeping it under wraps. He was too unbothered to truly hide his affections for you, admitting to whatever accusation you made on him.
You thought he was down bad? He won’t deny it. You called him out for his lack of subtlety of being infatuated with you jokingly? He’d say yes to it immediately without realising you were just teasing.
He picks you up from work whenever he could but most of the days he’d come home later than you do so you’d have to go home on your own. Though when he gets home late at night to you, he’d take off his suit jacket and have his sleeves rolled up, ready to curl you up in his arms and drag you to bed with him.
He’d have one arm firm around your waist, his hand hold your side once he has you on top of him on your shared bed. His cologne would wash over your nostrils, making you playfully complain why and how he still smelled so good after so long at work. It’d make him scoff, his eyes closed and the corner of his lips curled to a smirk.
Once he has you in his arms it’d be hard for you drag him out of it. You knew for a fact he was baiting you with his closed eyes, ignoring all you excuses and pleas to get out of bed and shower, maybe even have dinner you kept for him. Higuruma would ignore them all, waiting for you say the magic words—i’ll bathe with you.
Only then would he finally release you from his grasp, loosening that arm he had around you, patting your hip as he got up from the bed with you.
With a tug on his tie, he’d take slow steps into the bathroom, watching you walk into it first and the lights open. He’d tilt his head to the side slightly, a faint smile of amusement making it’s way to his face at the sight of you failing to hide that hint of excitement as you got the faucet on your bathtub running, your movements quick and rigid despite your best efforts to act natural.
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The silent process of helping him undress was awfully suffocating, the tension and stolen glances with only the sound of water running in the background making you hold your breath against your will. Your hands up against his chest untying the now loose tie around his neck made your body heat up, the soft yet short breaths leaving your lips not going unnoticed by either of you. Looking up at him was impossible but also so fucking irresistible. You’d flicker your eyes up at him only to find out he was already looking you, the sight of his own gaze fixated on you alone made your thighs rub against one another, the slick of your arousal beginning to coat your panties.
You finished untying his tie and took steps back, checking up on the bathtub that was now near full of water. While you went to close the faucet filling up the bathtub, higuruma would start unbuttoning his shirt, shrugging it off his shoulders and carelessly letting it fall to the floor. He’d innocently tease you by making the sounds of the metal on his belt louder than it should be, purposely making you hyperaware that he was stripping.
Finally, he’s naked and bare in the bathtub with you. He’d have his head thrown back against the curved rim of the tub behind him, letting out an exasperated sigh that he knew would catch your attention. When your head finally turns to him and your pretty voice utters his name, he lift his head off the cold rim of the tub, leaning forward to you and slithering his arm around of stomach under the water. He’d give you a short hum, his voice hoarse yet still curious.
While you went on talking about your day at work all that he’d be thinking about if how perfectly your soft body fits against his hard one, like a puzzle piece he’d been missing for the entire day, and the years he lived before you. He’d have his thumb gently rubbing the side of your rib, nuzzling his chin onto the top of your head and letting you feel the reverberations of his gravelly voice through his neck that he had so close to the back of your head, his adam’s apple bobbing and all whenever he acknowledged you.
Higuruma would have his hands wandering as you speak, you words progressively being reduced to incoherent mumbles when you felt his fingers moving down your tummy, fingers rubbing circles on your pelvis before slipping lower to the fold between your thigh and your hips. His calloused fingers would be cupping your heat under the water in no time, his eyes following his hands and looking down at you with soft hums to keep you thinking he was still paying attentions to your mutters. Higuruma’d point out how your voice was getting quieter and quieter with each second that passed, exhaling a brief chuckle when you retorted him in return, blaming him for distracting you.
You’d have your legs spread further in the water, your thighs pressing up against his to give him access to your cunt, shivering when he scissored your folds, his middle finger making slow strokes up against your slit. Higuruma would have the length of his middle finger ground up against your slit while he teased you, revelling at the sight of you squirming in the water between his legs. Fuck, he was tired, he’ll admit. But what would be better rest than the sleep he’d get after fucking you, after making you feel good.
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Sundays. A day that was supposed to be his day off was spent by being in his office completing paperwork and sorting documents from last night. Being the menace you were, you bothered him. Coming in and out his office, whining and complaining about how he should spend some time with you on his day off.
After hours of convincing, he gave in. Higuruma thought that maybe if he gave you what you wanted so bad, you’d be sated and leave him alone for a while. But oh fuck, he was so wrong.
It’s been God knows how many minutes know and he still had his face buried between your legs, your skirt hiked up to your hips and your body sprawled on his desk. He had your legs hung on his shoulders, your heels burying into his back whenever his hooked nose ground against you clit, your hips rolling forward to seek more friction from him however you could.
His desk was a mess now, your hands flinging and pushing some stacks of his well-organised files off the table unintentionally. You muttered some apologies but he shut you up with deliberate strokes of his tongue up for entrance, lapping up your juices shamelessly. His eyes remained as stern before, though they were more fixated on the view of your body that he saw from his perspective. He loved it, the sight of you with your back arched and writhing for him, your hands gripping onto whatever you could of the table to use as an outlet for the onslaught pleasure he was giving you.
Higuruma would have you cum on his tongue once and continue on his assault on your sopping wet cunt with his tongue all up until he made you reach the brink of another orgasm only to pull away, sitting upright in his chair and licking your juices that he had smeared on his lips, using the back of his hand to wipe your cum dripping down his chin. He’d leave you panting and aching for more, mewls and pleas leaving your lips to let you cum just one more time though you knew he wouldn’t—he’d break your pretty mind instead.
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creedslove · 6 months
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Javier Peña x f!reader
Summary: His longing for you is going to be the death of him, especially if he thinks he isn't good enough
Warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of paid sex
A/N: it's been a long time since I managed to write something more than a headcanon, but you know, it feels I'm back, modestly and Pedro Pascal and his smooth clean shaven plus mustache face is to blame for my return, it has awakened something in me
1.5k words
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Javier was embarrassed, ashamed and mortified. He didn't want to do that, to ask you that, but at the same time he really did. More than that, he was desperate, he needed to ask and to know your answer. When he stepped inside your apartment earlier, all he could think of was standing by your side and taking care of you, while you went through another one of your dreadful migraine episodes. At first he was really torn between showing up or not, worried that would make him look like a sick lovey puppy, but at the same time, it was exactly what he was and even if he couldn't be with you in that way, he still wanted to be a part of it and enjoy some time with you, allowing himself to pretend there was something more than just the bond you two shared over a total unexpected friendship that grew between you both. He liked spending time with you overall, more so when you were alright, excited and willing to have a drink, go out, dance or just act as the only ray of sunshine that truly mattered in his life; but there was something about just standing silently next to you, making you a cup of tea and playing with your strands of hair very gently it made him come running to you every single time he sensed you weren't doing that well.
No matter if the lights were dimmed, if the TV was low and you were lying on the couch, your head on his lap as his fingers ran through your hair and he could just enjoy how cozy everything around him was. He still had a question, a doubt hammering his chest and it made him uneasy, needing to let it go and just get to the bottom of it as soon as possible.
“Cariño…” Javi's voice was soft as you opened your eyes at his calling, it always made you flutter to be addressed like that by him “...can I ask you a question?”
“Yeah, Javi…”
“I-I like this woman… I don't know how to approach her, and what should I do?”
There he said it. It was out in the open, his pathetic question aimed at you with a slightly shaken voice, he felt his cheeks burning with embarrassment as he felt himself back in the seventh grade. He needed to know, he needed to open up and tell you you were that woman, he needed to see if he had any chance with you, but then, he couldn't bring himself into doing it, it was paralyzing, because it wasn't just lust, or a silly crush, it was more than that, it was craving, passion, love.
You, on the other hand, couldn't help but laugh softly, not sure where that joke was coming from. Why was Javier talking like an inexperienced schoolboy was a mystery to you, so raising your head from his lap and sitting straight up on the couch, staring at him with a confused frown, you could see there was no laughter, not even a smirk, he was completely serious about his question and you felt unsure what to say.
“Oh.. you mean that?! I'm sorry..” you chuckled a little embarrassed and licked your lips thinking of what to say next, being honest was always the best and the go to option between the two of you “well, Javi that's surprising, I mean, you are Javier Peña, women like you, not the other way around you know what I mean? You can get any girl you want, so this one just made you lost?”
Javi took a deep breath and ran his hand through his jaw, looking at you and nodding, making it so obvious his discomfort.
“Yeah…” his hand traveled through his hair still shyly “I just like her, for real… thought it wouldn't happen to me, the idea of, you know, being in love seemed so distant. I don't know what to do”
“Is this like Lorraine?”
Javi chuckled at that; the only love reference you ever got from him was a woman he left at the altar when he wasn't much more than a teenager. He was a mess, not being able to develop a single meaningful relationship in his life and suddenly aiming for it with you, while you weren't even aware of that. Shaking his head, he looked into your eyes
“No, Lorraine was different… I liked her, but I didn't love her. I was also younger, immature and a real dick, but that was long ago and she forgave me and found a decent man to build a family with. This is different now, I don't know what to do, what to say, I feel I'm not enough…”
“Well Javi…”
“All I'm saying is that I feel I'm not worthy, you know? What could I do so she would see I'm real..”
“You can always stop the whoring, Javi”
You shrugged and smiled, sort of joking at the same time he tilted his head and watched you attentively, he wasn't expecting that answer but now he got it, he was intrigued.
“What I mean is that if you want to show this girl you like her, you gotta stop going after any women, no prostitutes, that kind of stuff. You see, if it were me for example, it would be a deal breaker, I wouldn't want to be with a man who does that. No offense Javi, you are a great guy, but in a romantic sense I guess no woman would be okay with knowing their boyfriend is well-known all over the whorehouses in Bogota… it would be embarrassing, humiliating even, to know whenever you get into a place with your boyfriend everyone knows he's been sleeping around”
Javier went silent. His heart dropped to the pit of his stomach as he stared into your eyes. That's what you thought of him; he knew you didn't mean to offend him, you knew you didn't judge him for his ways of life, as long as you remained in the friendship area. It was as clear as the sky you would never be involved with him. He couldn't even blame you for it, only himself for ever thinking he could have a shot with you. He didn't know what to say, he wasn't necessarily offended, he was simply disappointed in himself and his unrealistic expectations, he was heartbroken because he had ruined everything before he could even start it.
“Y-you think she wouldn't be with me because of that?”
You noticed how upset Javi seemed and you immediately regretted the words you'd said. You were so used to being honest and straightforward towards him, it didn't even occur to you your words could hurt him. Words never seemed to hurt Javier Peña in the first place, so why was that so different? It didn't make any sense to you, sighing you looked into his beautiful sad eyes once more.
“I don't know her, Javi… maybe this isn't a big deal for her, all I'm saying is that if it were me, I wouldn't be okay with it, I guess, but you're a wonderful man, no matter what and if she's worthy of you, she'll love and accept you no matter what”
“You think I'm disgusting?”
His words broke your heart, you could never think that of him, he was your Javi, and even if you didn't agree with his way of living, you cared about him. Placing your hands on his cheek and caressing them gently.
“Of course not, Javi… I am just jealous I guess, I wouldn't want that many women around my man, and I think you deserve so much better than that. You are handsome, sweet, intelligent, you shouldn't have to pay for that, you should be able to have a family…”
You said sweetly and Javi gave you a sweet, sad smile, you didn't know if he agreed or not, but he held your hand in his and stroked it with his thumb. He'd always been so gentle with you, he was often much better than you deserved it. Whoever that girl was, she was damn lucky.
“Do you mean that, cariño?”
“Yes, amor…”
Javi's heart raced as you called him that. Amor. Love. Could it possibly be it? Perhaps he did have a chance?
“You know Javi, the embassy ball is coming, maybe you should invite your girl to come with you” you suggested and he chuckled, it was his turn to place his hands on your cheeks, always dwarfing them with how big he was compared to you. Javi still wondered if you were playing hard to get or if you really hadn't realized you were his girl.
“You're right cariño, but I could invite anyone in the world, and none of them would be as beautiful as you are”
He loved you, his heart ached from the longing he felt, he didn't know if he had a chance with you, sometimes he thought so, and sometimes he was sure you were way out of his league, but one thing he knew for sure: he'd love you for the rest of his life no matter what.
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costelloschoice · 9 months
General Mizu headcanons -Mizu x fem!reader -sfw and nsfw headcanons + my thoughts :], kinda long? but aye, more content -pls, reminder these are my takes, and I would love to hear your in the comments <3
-comments and reblogs are appreciated <3
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took her awhile to open up fully to you. Like about everything- probably hide her fav food from you too
speaking of food, she probably is a terrible cook and would love if you can cook for her
I can imagine Mizu burning a pot of water
I tried to do my research and look into this, but I think Mizu is about 5'4
if you're shorter than her, she'll definitely have a confidence boost and feel she has to protect you always- she already does but...you're short and tiny...so she must
If you're taller, she's putty in your hands when you two are alone but she will still kick someone's ass for you
If you're not trained in the martial arts or any good with swords, she'll teach you
If Mizu is teaching you before you two are official, she'll be rougher and stricter with her teaching. She wants you to be the best and have a good chance to learn to protect yourself
Now if she is teaching you after you two are dating, she'll still be strict but definitely a bit more gentle
"Do it again...You almost had it, try again I know you can do this"
Nicknames for you? I feel she would mostly call you by your name, but she would also call you "my pearl" or "my dove"
Pls play with her hair plsplsplsplsplsplspls
She's a sucker for a massage due to her battles and training but only from you
The first time you saw her without her male persona/ identity sent her in panic mode. You knew her as this strong, tough masculine man...but here you are, happening to stumble upon her wearing nothing and seeing her...lady parts
She already started to develop feelings for you by that time and so have you, but at the knowledge you think she's a boy. Gay stuff is already a 'no-no' to a lot of people, so would it be a 'no-no" for you??
of course not- doesn't matter if they're male or female, it's still Mizu at the end of the day
once you accept her, she truly feels seen for once
This woman will and always lay down her life for you.
She'd probably die then come back to life for you cause she loves you that much
I do feel she would be distant in the beginning. We all know how her last marriage went...She doesn't want to be hurt again
Once you show her you're in for the long run, she'll become lovable and clingy
She barely got to explore her feminine side with Mikio (rat bastard) cause of what happened
Dress her up and make her feel pretty <3
I have a feelign she can be really childish when comfortable with you- play wrestle with her to burn off some energy
She will want to duel with you, but never lets it go too far
If she ever pulls that same shit she did with Mikio, and she has the sword to your throat...I feel she will get flashbacks and get nervous how you'll react
but is soon pulled out of those memories when you laugh and say she wins and you kiss her <3
now the yummy part lol
no one will change my mind, no one could ever think of changing my mind
In the Edo period of Japan, sex toys were there to use and have fun. Now, I actually looked it up and ruined my web history for this because of the shunga I saw
STRAP ON- either Mizu using it on you or you using it on her, either way it's a good time
She definitely can and will be rough and dominate. She's used to be taking control to getting what she wants
Doesn't mean she can't be soft and sensual, you are her love after all, and sex is something for both to enjoy. She would love to just be soft with you
She will spank that ass, idc
Now, like I said, I actually looked a lot of this stuff up...
Double sided dildo for the both of you to use. For her, it's almost embarrassing cause you are seeing her reactions but she also LOVES this since it's so intimate to her, so hold her hand while you two do it
Going off the last one, I feel she would be trying to cover her face or her mouth sometimes...don't let her
With that one episode, we know she's loud and her eyes roll back...it's canon...so hit her with that dumb dick and make her roll her eyes back
Tie her up...that's all
Her fingers are long and slender, good for fingering your cunt and rubbing your clit
Loves having you in her lap and fingering you late at night, especially if there are other people around. Gives her the chance to cover your mouth and whisper in your ear to tease you
"You like that?...You like the fact anyone could catch us right now, and they'd see my fingers fucking this pussy..?”
Dw you'll give her the same treatment
When you finger her, she's whiny, holding onto your other hand tightly
Praise her breast- whether you have bigger breast or not, still show love to her peaches
Kiss them, suck on them, whatever..love on them
I don't think she would ever consider sharing you with another person like ever
I can imagine her talking a big game, but your first time? She’s a wreck, she wants everything to be perfect
Yeah technically she's not a virgin but she doesn't want to mess anything up with you
Favorite position? I think she likes taking you in missionary but likes to be bent over when she subbing
After you give her sum backshots, pls give her the softest aftercare
She will be clingy after, so let her cling to you like a koala
In the end, Mizu is the best girlfriend boyfriend ever <3
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reirasheadcanons · 4 months
Cw: none,just cute headcanons nothing more (yet), English isn't my first language so I apologise if I make any mistakes.
Hope yall enjoy it!!<33
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He has a soft spot for you. Anytime you try to point it out, he either denies it or ingores you.
Nicknames. Yeah, you heard it right SANEMI SHINAZUGAWA LOVES NICKNAMES. He mostly uses cute ones such as, 'my love', 'little one' and in RARE occasions, he may call you 'baby'.
When it comes to you, he does whatever you ask him. You need help with the laundry? He will do it. You need help with the dishes? He will ALSO do it. (such a cutie)
He hates bringing you in missions because he is afraid of you getting hurt. And yeah.. you argue about it a lot of times. "For the last time I WON'T bring you to the mission. It's very dangerous for you."
KISSES. HE LOVES GIVING YOU KISSES. Anytime. Anywhere. With anyone around. It's his love language and you accept this man just the way he is.
In alone time, he enjoys cuddling with you but mostly he is in love with your hair. He will try any hairstyle he can imagine and guess what, he won't admit you are cute even if you ask his opinion on it.
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