#i love stelle with all my heart
xshrimpcake · 5 months
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best drinksmith in penacony!!
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mossmx · 1 year
While Merlin is trending I want to thank the whole Merlin fandom
people who have been with us since 2008 and people who have just started watching, people who have left us too soon but will be forever in our hearts and people who switched fandoms but are still amazing
whereter you create, lurk, cheer or just cry in the corner (most of us have been there lol) every part of the Merlin fandom is always part of our family
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even if we have no reason to trend we will always have a reason to celebrate :D
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endlesslytired · 4 months
Herta space station is my second favourite place in the game.
yet I don't have much...
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previous HSR chat poset:
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junii-moony · 1 year
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mymarifae · 5 months
thinking about my stellefireflys
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i just woke up from an unfortunate 8pm - 12 am nap i don't have words this image is th e best i can conjure up. to express my fucking feelings
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aria0fgold · 2 months
Stelle's talking so much more in the new quest and I'm just: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ouoouououuogjhgghghghg OUOUGHHGFGD AUUUGHGHGGH AAAAA!!! I love her orz... Her cn voice is just SOO!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖
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gay-dorito-dust · 6 months
Could I request Sampo, Blade, Dan Heng, Welt, and Argenti getting a massive bouquet of flowers and cake as a gift from their s/o?
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Argenti: loves giving people flowers and such.
It doesn’t matter who the recipient is either:
Elderly people who are lonely, elderly couples who are still together and very much in love, Young couples, Single people, people in general; Hello! Even stray cats, stray dogs and birds alike get a flower or two and animal safe cakes to eat.
Argenti gives EVERYONE and everything flowers and never asks for anything in exchange.
So when you’re the one to finally give this man his long over due -but much deserved- flowers. You were having an hard time trying to hold up an entire bouquet of a hundred ruby red roses in one hand, and a box of red velvet daisy cakes in the other.
You loved this man dearly and believed that he deserved nothing but the absolute best of the best.
Needless to say this man was swooning at the beauty of your gifts and accepts them wholeheartedly, as he then hold them close to his chest and inhaled the sweet scent deeply, humming in content as a smile graced his lips. He looked so pretty when he smiled like that, then again he was always pretty to you but in that moment he was so ethereal it took your breath away.
‘Thank you my beloved.’ He said as he kisses your cheek. ‘I shall treasure these flowers until their petals loose colour and their stems can no longer support them, but they’ll still be beautiful regardless because you gave me them.’ You mentally cursed Argenti and his seemingly effortless way with words as you burrow yourself into his side.
‘You deserve those flowers and I’m just ashamed that you didn’t receive them earlier.’ You said and Argenti chuckled, falling more and more in love with your beautiful heart by the second.
‘I don’t need flowers when I have you my dear, now would you mind in helping me eat these lovely cakes?’ Argenti asks as he picks up two of the red velvet cakes, admiring the skill that went into them. ‘I don’t think I can eat them all by myself and I would much prefer being in the company of my little flower.’ He concludes as he puts one of the cakes in your hands with a smile.
How could you say no to that face.
Welt: this man probably has had flowers from the likes of March, Dan Heng, Himeko, Pom Pom and Caelus/Stelle but they were nowhere comparable to the bouquet of flowers that you’ve bought for him.
He’s a little flustered at the gesture because wow that’s a lot of flowers for an old man like him. However he will take them as a gesture of goodwill and respect for you.
‘What’s the occasion? I’m certain I’m not missing any important events for such a gift.’ He mutters to himself as he squints at the calendar on his phone. Even with glasses on Welt could feel his eyes strain against the bright light of the phone screen. (Grandpa core.)
You giggle at the sight, if never failed to make you smile whenever he did the whole squinting his eyes to look at the screen, it was unabashedly Welt and you loved him regardless. Respectful older men was your type and Welt covered all basis of this.
‘No, I just wanted to give you some gifts as to thank you for everything you’ve done, not just for me but everyone.’ You told him as he puts away his phone and smiles at you. ‘I appreciate the gifts but you didn’t have to feel obligated to get me anything.’ He says, feeling as though there were other people more deserving of such generous gifts than him.
‘There’s no obligation Welt.’ You defended. ‘I wanted to get you something because you’re worth a thousand bouquets and so much more!’ Welt was moved by your words and made his way towards you, holding your face in his hands as he kisses your forehead softly.
‘Thank you. I shall treasure them forever.’
Sampo: acts like he receives flowers all the time but he’s bluffing and you know it from the way he’d trip over his own words.
He’s deeply touched that you got an old fool like him flowers and sweet cakes.
‘All this for ol Sampo? Oh you shouldn’t have.’ He’d say as he’s wiping a tear from his eyes before he then practically salivating over the sweet treats that smelt rich in sweetness in every aspect of its creation.
‘Only the best for my favourite masked fool.’ You replied fondly as you watched Sampo act like a kid in a sweet shop with the way his eyes brightened and how his smile seems to widen more over time.
‘Your favourite masked fool?’ Sampo echoed, pouting as he puts his hands on his hips. ‘How many other masked fools do you know besides me?’ He asks, not liking the idea of sharing you with the likes of Giovanni or something , you were his buddy! He can go find his own buddy elsewhere!
You chuckled as you ran a thumb across his pouty lip, pressing a kiss there because you could along with the fact that Sampo was an absolute sucker for your kisses. ‘You’re the only one I ever need to know because everyone else fails in comparison to the great Sampo Koski.’ You praised him as Sampo buried his head into your neck and attached his arms to your waist, drawing you closer into him.
‘Thank you for the flowers and the cakes.’ He whispers. ‘I really like them…will you…do this again for me next time?’ You kissed the top of his head. ‘You’re very welcome Sampo and of course I will, I’ve got to keep you happy somehow.’ You told him and under his breath Sampo then said, ‘how can I be made even more happy when I’m happy enough as it is with you already here in my arms?’
Blade: skeptical.
Never, ever, ever has he ever been given flowers. Never.
So needless to say he’s a little on edge and side eye the harmless bouquet of flowers as though they just personally insulted him.
‘What’s this.’ He’d ask.
‘A bouquet of flowers and a couple of Black Forest Gateau cakes.’ You responded as your smile melted off of your face. ‘You don’t like them do you.’
‘No.’ Blade, feeling the hurt within your voice cut into him deeply, says immediately. ‘I’m just not accustomed to being given gifts because no one in their right mind would give someone like me flowers and cakes. I don’t deserve them.’ He adds as a somber silence befell you both.
‘Well I think you do.’ You said after a while and Blade could only raise a brow at you. ‘It’s true! I’ll buy you a thousand bouquet of flowers and boxes of cakes if it means proving to you that you’re worth such things.’ You doubled down on your promise and Blade couldn’t help but smile a little at your determination to prove him wrong. It was a trait that he loved about you but wasn’t ready to admit it yet.
‘Even if the trail I leave behind is one of blood, death and pain?’ He asks.
‘Even then.’ You reaffirmed and Blade felt a warmth flood through him then and there as he sighs and takes the bouquet into his arms. ‘I’m no florist,’ he starts as he was just about to take the flowers up to his room before stopping to look at you over his shoulder, ‘but I’ll try to keep them alive, for you.’ He adds and your smile came back in full force.
A sight he loves to see as often as he could.
‘Everything has to die at some point, even flowers.’ You told him but he wasn’t having it.
‘Not if the flowers are from you, then I’ll keep trying in getting them to live forever.’ Blade replied and it was honestly the most romantic thing he’s ever said in that moment.
Dan Heng: thinks they were for someone else at first.
He, like welt, receives flowers for the rest of the Astral express crew now and then, but they paled in comparison to your bouquet of flowers and cakes.
‘Am I really worth all this?’ He asks, not so certain that he was in fact worth all the effort you’ve put into getting him such a radiant bouquet and delicious treats.
‘You are and I won’t hear otherwise Dan Heng.’ You said as you held him from behind, kissing his cheek that burned red afterwards, making you smile knowing that you still had that effect on him after so long.
‘Is this want to expect now? Bouquet and cakes?’ He says as he takes in the fact that you remembered each of his favourite flowers, and managed to have the florist organise them in a way that emphasised the beauty of each and every individual flower as they seamlessly blended into one another, almost as though it were a painting.
‘Only if you want it to be.’ You replied softly and Dan Heng gently rubbed a soft baby blue petal between his finger before letting them go, the faint smell of flora bringing about a sense of calm and belonging to his room. Something that his room severely lacked, but he didn’t understand what was missing back then as he did now, his room was missing your warm touch and it was very much the same for himself.
Dan Heng needed you in his life. He was missing your presence before he even met you, almost as though you were fated to meet and become romantically intertwined to one another.
‘Only if it’s from you.’ He says softly as he moves to look at. you with a soft expression. ‘Then consider it done.’ You kissed his lips this time, smiling against him in response upon feeling him smile into the kiss.
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monamourbladie · 1 year
AHH OKAY SO.. this feels so weird typing out but IF YOU'RE COMFORTABLE CAN YOU WRITE LIKE PROTECTIVE/POSSESSIVE DAN HENG IL? idk how to describe it aaa like.. id imagine because he is a vidyadhara, they stay with their lovers for life, so he's be like very protective over his lover. maybe smut but its up to you!!!!!!!
Possessive Dan Heng/IL head canons
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okay firstly i wanna say i was sitting on this ask for days bc i was trying to think of a possible plot but I couldn’t:( so i’m just gonna do some head cannons, i hope you don’t mind! I’ll be including some nsfw ones at the end too don’t worry :)) and thank u for being my first request on this blog hehe~
Dan Heng:
alright, so Dan is a very reserved and kept to himself kinda guy as we can see on the Express. he doesn’t show his emotions a lot and he’s kind of hard to read
you’re one of the few people that can read him like a book due to how close you guys are and how much he trusts you. like, even MARCH couldn’t get him to open up as much as he does with you
so when he’s upset, you just know. like it’s so obvious to you and you alone lol
so let’s say you’re out in Belobog and he’s speaking with March & Stelle when some guy comes up to you and starts chatting with you
initially he wouldn’t think much of it until he starts hearing laughter from you, and then all his attention is on you and him. like, why are you laughing at his jokes? what’s he even doing talking to you??
he’d just kind of keep his distance and just watch. nobody else really understands what he’s doing, but you can immediately recognize the coldness in his eyes as he’s glaring daggers at the man.
eventually he’d have enough when he notices him starting to touch your arm and he immediately walks over, keeping a calm & collected stature
“y/n! there you are, i was wondering where you ran off to.” he’s walk up behind you and wrap his arm around your waist, keeping you pressed close against him.
your cheeks would flush and you’d immediately lean into him, feeling better now that he’s here and can scare the guy off. “i was just waiting for our drinks.”
“and speaking with me. i was offering to give her a tour around Belobog, since she’s new,” the man said with a smile to her. dan’s grip would tighten around your waist and he’s grit his teeth.
your drink would be called and he’d move away for just a moment - (it helped that you were waiting by the counter, anyway) and grabbed your drinks for you, handing you one and kissing your forehead as he did so, “that’s sweet, but we already have a tour guide. let’s go.”
he’d grab your hand and fast walk you away, his heart almost aching from the exchange.
you always understood how sensitive he is about you dating him, since he’s been so heavily traumatized by his previous marriage in his past life. any scenario where you could leave him in any way terrifies him more than he wants to admit.
“was that supposed to be intimidating?” march would comment with a giggle as they walked over. dan simply sighed as he handed march her drink, “leave it, march.”
you’d look up at him with a soft smile and tilt his face to look down at you. you’d grin and kiss his lips longingly, “don’t worry, sweetheart. i was just being nice and keeping conversation.”
this eased his mind greatly - it’s not like he doesn’t trust you, he’s just extremely insecure and fearful about losing his loved ones, even to a random stranger in a planet they have no plans to stay on.
back at the hotel when you’re alone though? that’s another story. he doesn’t feel the need to keep his usual reserved facade up, and you know that.
the moment the door is shut, he’s immediately behind you, his arms trailing up yours as he peppers kisses up the back of your neck, “i hated seeing him speak with you, you know that?” he’d mutter against your skin.
you’d hum and close your eyes as you leaned into his touch, knowing this was going to be a pleasantly long night. “were you jealous, baby?” you’d playfully tease him.
he’d let out a low growl against your skin as his grip on you tightened, moving you in his arms so you’re pressing your chest against his own. he leaned down and started to kiss against your jawline up to your ear, “i don’t get jealous. i get protective.”
“you’re so jealous,” you’d giggle, moving your head so you could kiss his lips instead. he’d kiss you back harshly to immediately shut you up, beginning to walk the two of you slowly over to the bed as you’d kiss
he’d pin you down against the bed quickly, his kisses getting more feverish as his hands start exploring your body, “that’s enough out of you. you’re my girl.”
you’d squirm under his touch in enjoyment, cheeks flushing red from being called his girl. you loved when you got him to act all touchy, especially when he was riled up like this.
he would absolutely tease you all throughout the night just to get you so riled up that you’d just be panting and begging for him to finally let you have your release.
he’d click his tongue and lean in against your ear, his fingers teasing you unbearably slowly as you squirmed. he wouldn’t let you have your release until you cried out that you were his and only his, reaffirming him in the best way.
he’d lean down and kiss you heatedly as he pumped his fingers quickly to push you over the edge, “good girl, that’s right… you belong to me, no one else…”
youd cry out as he helped you through your high, “o-only yours, dan… f-fuck…”
there was literally nothing he adored more than seeing you a sobbing, moaning mess all because of him. part of you wondered if you should get him possessive more often if he would treat you so nicely afterwards…
Imbibitor Lunae:
if you thought dan heng was closed off and reserved, dan feng was another level. we all know everyone described him as cold and uncaring, but when it came to you? he was a total opposite and an absolute sweetheart.
he had his moments of being a typical brooding dragon, but the love he has for you is so immense that it outweighed every once of coldness in his heart and actions
it honestly surprised most of the quintet when he announced that you two started dating, because out of everyone they expected to actually get a girlfriend the high elder himself was last on the list — let alone a short life species such as yourself.
dan feng does not like showing any ounce of PDA in public by any means. in the public eye, he only would have his arm around you if you were walking around, or occasionally held your hand. he would never kiss you if he knew a lot of people would be seeing it
at least that’s how he acted early on in your relationship. this lead to most people thinking you were single, so it was not uncommon that you would have guys flirt with you right in front of him.
the first time dan feng noticed a drunk guy coming into you hardcore, it made his blood boil. unlike dan heng, dan feng was totally cool with showing off his angry side.
he immediately stormed right up and got between the two of you, resting his hand against your chest and glaring at the man, “i think it’s best if you leave.”
the man scoffed as he crossed his arms, “actually, it would be best if you left. i was having a great time with her.”
dan felt his blood boil and he glared at him, “that’s my fiancée, and i suggest you get away from her immediately.”
“or what?” the man spat back. “for being her fiancé, you certainly don’t act like one.” without thinking, dan shoved the man against the wall, his arm pressed firmly over his chest, “you have some nerve to speak to your High Elder in such a way. I told you — stay away from her. you should be thankful i’m not throwing you into the Shackling Prison for being an ass.”
the man’s eyes widened as he started sobering up enough to realize how badly he fucked up. he squeaked and nodded furiously, “i-i’m so sorry, your highness! it won’t happen again!”
he’d step back and let him run off quickly. turning back to you he saw your cheeks burning red with embarrassment, and his demeanor immediately changed back to stoic. he approached you and began to walk away with you, his hand wrapped around your waist, “i believe i owe you an apology. i didn’t realize i wasn’t acting as much of a fiancé as I thought i was.”
and ever since that day, he made sure he always had his arm around you in some way, and made it very, very clear that you were his fiancée.
he’d pretty much be the same as dan heng, except way more passionate and dominating about it. he’s not afraid to entirely let his guard down in private with you, especially about anything sexual, so absolutely be prepared for a long, pleasure filled night
he’d be very dominate but definitely a pleasure dom … most of the time lol, other times he’d just be absolutely rough with you if he was really, really feeling jealous or possessive
he would not be afraid to leave a lot of marks - it made him proud that others would absolutely know you’re taken just by one glance at your neck, and he wasn’t ashamed of it, either. he knew he fucked up early on, and he made sure to always make up for it, especially in bed
and yes — part of the reason why he’s so protective over you is because you are a short life species. it absolutely destroys him that while you will grow old and spend the rest of your life with him, he cannot share the same blessing with you, and he absolutely hates himself for it. it’s not fair.
that’s why any time anyone tried anything with you, he’d get so angry over it because how dare they flirt with his one and only?
he also gave 0 fucks that some vidyadharans did not approve of you, in fact he loves to flaunt it in their faces now and kiss you at public events when he hears people murmur about the high elder and his “short-life woman.”
moral of the story, don’t fuck with the high elder’s woman or you’re a dead man
i hope this is what u had in mind alenfhehddhhd thank you for the request 🫶🏻
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xodarling · 8 months
I have really bad brainworms for Stelle.. Perhaps overstimulation (or edging, whichever you prefer) for her? I'd like to think that there are two options for her. Either she doesn't know how any of this works which leaves room for corruption, or she does know and enjoys every second of it
Sexual training - xodarling
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includes: sub!stelle, innocent!stelle, fem!reader, strap on, lowercase writing, usage of y/n, corruption kink, overstimulation, edging, established relationship, pet names (puppy, baby), pet play lil bit, u have boobis, needy!stelle, praise, g!p stelle, reverse size kink, accidental orgasms
a/n: why not both😜😜😜 also im really sorry this is so late
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at this hour, most of the astral express is asleep, probably for the next twenty four hours knowing how little sleep all of them get; it’s very hard doing this job. except for you and your lovely puppy-like girlfriend, stelle.
“a-ah..! p-please, please..!” she whines out with her adorable husky voice, you giggle softly in response, “poor baby..” you coo. stelle originally knocked on your door right when you were about to fall asleep with a pout on her face and glassy eyes, and her pajama pants had a very noticeable bulge.
she whined and complained about how her stomach felt weird and how her ‘private’ was bigger and felt stiff! you and stelle have been dating for just a month but it wasn’t rocket science to see the tall girl was naïve to most things sexual.
you told her that you knew what was happening and would help out your girlfriend, her face brightened and her tail would’ve started wagging if she had one. now, you’re here. stelle laying flat on your bed, her gray hair all fluffy and a mess, flushed cheeks, and her very endowed penis flopping against her stomach and yours.
“o-oh..! ssho good..!” she slurs out, tightly clutching the pillow she’s resting on and burying her face into it. you chuckle again and start to plow your strap in faster, your hips slapping against her ass, “feels good? i’m glad, baby, only the best for my puppy.” you coo and pump her behemoth cock with your hand.
her tip is desperately leaking pre-cum. by the looks of it, stelle probably never had an orgasm in her life. with one specific angle change, stelle moans and arches her back, her hand start to fling everywhere as she desperately looks for something to cling on to; she settles for your smaller hands resting on her waist.
“there it is. you’re doing amazing, baby.” your gentle tone warms up stelle’s heart and her face gets even redder, “it’s.. so hot. n’ soo good..” she moves her hips to meet yours in a desperate attempt for more pleasure, “i know, puppy, it’s okay, i’m here.” your gently hold both of her hands as you aggressively fuck her ass.
“it feelss.. so weird..! something.. o-oh..!” she whines, her kicking her feet as the unfamiliar feeling of an orgasm starts to approach. before stelle could hit that euphoric feeling, you pull the silicone toy out, softly giggling as she whines and clenches down on nothing.
“poor baby..” you coo, immediately slamming in and continuing your pounding. stelle lets out a whine and arches her back again, seeing the large trailblazer being reduced to a whiny, flustered mess is so exhilarating. the tip of your large cock hits spots inside of stelle that she didn’t know existed, she won’t be able to live without your cock anymore, she knows that.
stelle clenches her jaw and squeezes her eyes, she’s gonna cum again and fast, more whines leaves her throat and then you stop again. stelle squirms and kicks her feet in dissatisfaction, thumping your fluffy mattress, “no complaining.” you gently scold her and she shuts up.
her large hands scramble up to your chest when you accelerate once more, groping the fat of your tits as you wreck her insides. her large, calloused fingers flick and tug at your nipples, hoping to keep the last bit of sanity she has left. your smaller fingers dig into her hips and you bite your lip, making your pace go from fast to impossibly faster.
stelle aggressively smacks your tits, wordlessly telling you that that weird feeling is coming back, “hold it.” you grunt out, sweat trailing down your forehead, “i-i don’ nggh.. know how..!” she whines, her grip on your breasts tightens which makes you hiss in pain. her dick flops around, because your force, because she’s moving it herself, you don’t know, her eyes are screwed shut as she tries to ‘hold in’ this feeling.
the tip of your silicone cock hits her spongy spot again and again, her hands detach from your bust and scramble around your fluffy bed. stelle may be naive but she’s not stupid, kinda, she tries her absolute hardest to think of anything else while you force her walls into your shape. it doesn’t work, she tries thinking of anything, like the way oleg’s bones cracked one time while she walked with him; anything that’s not this!
it doesn’t work. stelle feels something climb up her shaft and fast, her moans rise in pitch and dull nails sink into your bedsheets. her hips buck three times and then she lets out a deafening moan, coating you, the bed, and herself all in her cum. stelle’s eyes completely roll back and a dopey smile appears on her lips, what a feeling, she’s addicted now. months of built up sperm exploding out of her tip.
to say you’re disappointed is an understatement, you told stelle to hold it and look what happened! her cum is everywhere! but you can’t stay mad at your puppy for too long. your hand wraps around her cock again and your hips don’t relent, “what did i tell you, baby?” you gently ask, “..h-hold.. itt..” she slurs back, drool leaving her mouth a little, “..i-i’m.. shorry..”
the orgasmic rush slowly fades away but your shaft doesn’t stop shaping stelle’s walls, she squirms and whines, her tip no longer leaking her hot cum and instead red and throbbing with overstimulation. if you could, you’d bend her in half and pound away but she’s too big, you settle for just pounding.
she shakes her head and makes her gray hair so much fluffier, it’s adorable. her ass contracts around your plastic shaft, the lube that you rubbed all over her hole slushes in reaction. stelle whines and sticks her tongue out, making her pant like a tiny little puppy. her orgasm already faded away and now it’s just a burning feeling of overstimulation.
“you look so fucking sexy, stelle.” you chuckle and wrap your hand around her cock again, aggressively pumping her large and stiff dick. her cock throbs in pleasure, “n-no.. it f-feels weird..!” she slurs, looking up at you with big, glassy golden eyes. or, at least she tries, the never ending pleasure makes her groan and throw her head back each time.
the onslaught of pounds into stelle’s hole made her feel something that she didn’t know was humanly possible, something that made her float and the surroundings around her become blurry and spin. her legs were in the air and kicked with each prod at her spot as well as a scratchy yelp. wet slush sounds and her moans bounce off the walls of your room, probably being heard outside in the hallway.
your pace intensified, becoming more and more frantic as stelle’s core began to tighten again. her body shook violently with each powerful thrust of the strap, making stelle let out a symphony of whimpers as well as slaps from both of your flesh on the others. “oh g-god..! a-again..!” stelle screamed out, the pleasure was too much, her tip was burning and the heavy cum in her balls was ready to explode once more.
“y-yeah?” you ask and she responds with a nod and whine. honestly, your hips burn and you’re getting really tired so this was fantastic for you. with renewed vigor and determination, you somehow go faster, to the point where you have to bite your lip because of your aggression. stelle kicks her feet again, her golden orbs are rolled back showing the whites of her eyes.
there’s sweat dripping down your forehead and some on your upper lip, this is one extremely intense workout out. stelle’s doing no better either, she’s also sweating so much to the point where your sheets are a little damp, which would be disgusting if you the two of you weren’t fucking like animals.
suddenly, it happens. stelle screams as the orgasm crashes over her like a tidal wave, her entire body convulsed spasmodically, and she cried out as she released that tight knot. cum erupts from her swollen, red tip onto her abdomen and yours, some on both of your breasts, and even her hair got touched with sticky, white fluid.
your hips don’t stop until her behemoth cock stops spewing out her sperm, hands tightly gripping her hips and then releasing once you stop. breathing heavily, stelle’s body goes limp, her knees feel weak and unsteady, until the addicting pleasure fades away. not to disturb her, you pull the large toy out very carefully, the lubricant still staying on the toy and her ass.
after a moment, stelle speaks, “t-that was.. insane. w-what did you to me? i never.. felt like that before.” she utters being heavy pants, “don’t worry, puppy.” you coo, “just relax, don’t think.”. stelle listens and closes her eyes, enjoying and fully taking in the aftermath of your fucking.
gingerly, you unharness the strap around your waist and place it down the soft mattress. stelle seems unaware of your movement as you crawl all the way up to her head and shift around so your cunt is hovering over her blissful face. she feels something drip onto her chin and when she opens her eyes, her eyes widen.
her mouth opens to question but you shush her. “shh, i know this is selfish, baby, but i worked so hard to please you. don’t you wanna do the same for me?” and, of course, like the loyal puppy she is, she nods yes.
“i’ll teach you, stelle, just think of it as training!” you happily said, your nails massaging her scalp and your nether area lowering onto her lower face.
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spirit-lanterns · 1 year
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synopsis: various hsr women when they're drunk.
featuring: serval, stelle, tingyun, fu xuan, asta, bronya
rating: sfw (anyone can interact)
warnings: fem reader, fluff, crack, mentions of alcohol and getting drunk (everyone is of drinking age). very ooc personalities for the girls as they are drunk. pet names, slight pet play (asta), feral tingyun, established relationships.
art credits: bloom into you
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“And this so— (hic) is dedicated to my wonderful, beautiful, adorable, most bestest and kindest girlfriend ever—”
When Serval gets drunk, she sings. But the way she sings is less in a badass way and more in a “she took too many shots” kinda way, because your girlfriend was currently doing drunk karaoke at the bar with everyone cheering and shouting. Her body going through a whole workout plan as she was putting her heart and soul into this performance.
You knew you should stop her before she got hurt, but how could you when she was just so cute and screaming her love for you. “Yeahhhhh everyone scream for my girlfriend! She’s the best!” Serval would yell, accidentally causing the mic to screech but not caring because even in her less sober state, she still loved you unconditionally.
“Oh Aeons…” you laughed into your hand and blushed when the rockstar winked in your direction. Yelling the lyrics of some dumb love song while swaying back and forth with the mic. “You’re doing great, sweetie!” 
Serval smiled broadly at your shout and raised her arms in the air, feeling like the luckiest woman in the world. 
Oh. Oh no…
And then Serval body slammed onto a table. A loud crash echoed throughout the bar as everyone stopped shouting while you ran over to check if she was okay. 
“Serval? Serval!” 
Your girlfriend swayed for a bit as she slowly looked up at you in a daze. Her body was still getting used to the crash and the alcohol, but even then, she looked up at you and gave you a lopsided grin.
“Oh…you’re pretty. But I have a girlfriend.” she murmured, giggling to herself while gently pushing your hand away.
“I am your girlfriend, silly.” You chuckle, gently lifting her up and brushing her hair back to make sure she wasn’t bruised. “Are you okay, baby?” 
Drunk Serval paused, an even deeper blush growing on her face as she didn’t respond. 
She seemed in awe at how she actually had a girlfriend, and you giggled before lifting her up to her feet. “Come on silly, let’s get you home. You drank too much.”
When you kissed her cheek, Serval blushed even more and looked at you with wide eyes. Seemingly falling in love with you all over again…
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Stelle would cling to you needily and look up at you with big puppy dog-like eyes. Whimpering as she begged you to let her do the one thing she loved doing the most.
Dumpster diving.
“No Stelle, you just took a shower.” You hummed, tapping your girlfriend’s cheek and taking another sip of alcohol. “Besides, I let you dumpster dive earlier today. You emptied out three whole trash cans before we came out here.”
Stelle whined and looked over at the dumpster outside the bar. After having way too many sips of alcohol with you, Stelle began feeling the side effects as every dumpster and trash can she saw looked like a playground. That, and she started getting more and more clingy with you, wrapping her arms around your waist and nuzzling into your neck by the bar. 
“Please…” she mumbled, practically smothering her body against you like a giant teddy bear. “I want…nnh…wanna jump in…”
Her speech was getting a little slurred and you sighed as you realized your precious Stelle was getting drunk, meaning you’d have to leave sooner or later anyways. 
“…One. Dumpster.” You say with a sigh. 
Stelle’s eyes lit up and she immediately started kissing your cheek. Usually Stelle would be too shy to do PDA with you in crowded areas, but she was just too drunk and too happy to care. “Thank you!” She mumbled against your cheek, giving it an affectionate little nibble before running off to dive headfirst into the trash.
You chuckled at the sight and made sure to keep watch so she wouldn’t hurt herself. Your girlfriend having a blast as she stumbles around in the dumpster pulling out various items she found interesting. 
After a few minutes of dumpster diving, your girlfriend tumbled out of the bin with trash sticking to her hair. “Oof!” Despite that however, she excitedly ran up to you and hugged you. “Baby look, look. I found a new blender…!”
You tried to keep your laughter in as she held up a blender that was not only broken, but was missing its blades. You didn’t have the heart to tell her it was useless, so you just patted her head and praised her. “Good job, baby. You did so well.”
She smiled and closed her eyes, nuzzling you as the effects of alcohol started taking over again and making her clingy. “Can we go home now? I want to add this to my collection…”
Before you could even respond, Stelle ends up slumping against your arms and sleepily kissing your neck. Heat building up in your face as Stelle was never this affectionate with you in public…
“Pfft, okay.” You chuckle, patting your girlfriend on the head, “Let's go home.” 
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“Off! Back off!”
Tingyun hissed at yet another stray cat while her tail was raised high in the air. The most unholiest of feral fox sounds emitting from your girlfriend as she screamed at any animal that even so much as dared look at you. 
“Tingyun dear, I think that’s enough soju for now…” you gently pulled the glass away from her and watched as she glared holes into the poor dog passing by on the street. Her teeth poked out from between her lips like she was getting ready to attack, nails gripping the hardwood table before you calmed her down with a hug. 
“Tingyun, I’m right here.” you hummed into her ear, planting a comforting kiss on her cheek. “I’m not in any danger.” 
“Yes, because I am protecting you…!” Tingyun slurred, her tail swaying back and forth before standing upright at the sight of a bird. “Away! Shoo! Shoo!” 
Tingyun was definitely one of the most unique types of drunks you’d ever have the pleasure of seeing, as she would get awfully protective of you whenever there were animals present. It was like the foxian side of her had taken over once alcohol entered her system, and while it was entertaining, you did worry for Tingyun’s reputation…
“Pfft, alright dear. Thank you for protecting me from the scary bird,” you cupped her face and pulled her towards you, giggling at the sight of her scrunched up and pouty face. “You’re so brave. I am just simply awestruck at what an amazing girlfriend you are.”
You kiss the top of her nose and Tingyun’s face starts going pink, her tail slowly wagging in praise as she stares lovingly at your eyes. 
“I love you…” she purrs out, her drunk-dazed eyes going half lidded like a cat. 
“I love you too.” You giggle, cupping her face as you lean in to kiss her fully this time. Closing your eyes and ready to claim her lips when—
Not again! 
You grabbed Tingyun’s face before she could get up and pulled her down towards you. “Oh no you don’t, we are going home.” You quickly kiss her on the lips and distract her long enough to drag her away from the bar. Your foxian girlfriend whining and trying her best to squirm out of your grasp but to no avail.
“Let me go! Baby, let me go!” 
She nibbled on your arm as you dragged her away and you sighed, patting her fluffy ears while taking her drunk ass all the way home. 
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“Yeah that’s right, she’s (hic) mine…”
Fu Xuan was currently sitting on your lap and glaring at everyone like a feisty kitty who wouldn’t let go of a toy. She had her brows furrowed and tensed in an angry way while she gripped your shoulders to show ownership, her body swaying in a way that indicated to you that your girlfriend was getting drunk.
“Oh, Fu Xuan…” you chuckled, feeling her forehead to see if she was getting sweaty. “Are you getting tipsy?”
“Of course not. I’m (hic) perfectly sober, my love.”
You raised a brow and tried to hide the smirk growing on your face. My love? Since when did Fu Xuan get so affectionate? It was almost like she was lying straight to your face…
“Are you?” You teased, holding her tightly by the waist. “You’re hiccuping, little bunny…”
“I just need more water!” She quickly spat out, before taking another shot of soju which she thought was water. “Nngh! Why is water so bitter?”
“That’s soju, love.” You chuckled, pulling the shot glass away from her hand. “I think you’ve had enough to drink, why don’t we go home?” You pat Fu Xuan’s head and giggle when she starts to pout. “I don’t want to move…” she mumbles, plopping her head into your boobs. “Darling feels good…”
Your heart speeds up when she says this and you can’t help but hold in a squeal. How cute, perhaps drunk Fu Xuan can stay for a little while longer—
No, you shouldn’t. As her girlfriend, the right thing to do is to take her home and take care of her. You sigh and gently hoist her up in your arms, Fu Xuan panicking for a moment as she wraps her legs around your waist. 
“Wha— darling the floor is falling—”
“I’m just standing up.”
She immediately clings to your neck and holds on to you tightly, slowly closing her eyes as she feels herself getting nauseous. “Don’t drop me. You hear?”
“Yes darling, I hear.” You chuckle, keeping your arms firmly under her thighs while you begin carrying her out of the bar. “Try not to look up too much, we don’t want you getting dizzy and throwing up on my back.”
Fu Xuan gives you a hissy glare and just blushes before hugging you close. “I won’t throw up…I never throw up…” 
She begins grumbling to herself and you smile at the sight. Patting the back of her head while the two of you head home together. 
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“Awe Peppy you’re so cute! Who’s a good boy? Oh who’s my good boy?” 
Asta cooed and drunkenly squished your cheeks together while calling you Peppy and patting your head. You, her girlfriend. Her loving and doting girlfriend who was very much human and very much not a dog. 
“Asta—” you chuckled, “I’m not Peppy.”
“My Peppy is so big and strong…!” Asta grinned, rubbing your cheeks together while peppering your face in sweet, gentle kisses. “The sweetest and cutest canine ever oh yes you are…”
You rolled your eyes at how silly your girlfriend was being and just went along with it. Deciding to tease her a bit by playing along with her little charade.
Asta squealed and kissed your face even more, taking another swig of her alcoholic beverage while scratching underneath your chin. “Ohhh if only your other mommy could see you now…” Asta sighed, unaware that her girlfriend was literally right there. “Hm, perhaps I should send her a video.”
Asta whipped out her phone and began recording you while still believing you were Peppy. “Okay Peppy! Let’s send mommy a little video to show her how cute you are being. Come on, say hi to mommy!”
You couldn’t help but smile when Asta got so excited, patting your head in praise while going “good boy…!” Into the camera. Oh how embarrassed she will be once she finds the video in her camera roll the next morning, you couldn’t wait.
After a few more minutes of playing the little dog shenanigans with your girlfriend, you finally decided that it was getting late and Asta definitely needed to head back to bed. 
“Sigh, okay Asta. I think it’s time we head back home, hm?” You chuckle, finally breaking out of your Peppy act charade. “You’ve had quite a few drinks already…”
Asta tilted her head when she saw you getting up to leave, and her mind instantly went to Peppy once more.
“Oh? Does Peppy want to go home now?” Asta hums, smiling and taking your hand. “Don’t forget your leash!” 
Wait, what?
And then out of nowhere she whips out a leash and clips the collar to your neck, surprising you as you had no idea that Asta carried around a leash at all times. 
“Come on boy! Let’s go home to mommy!”
She gave the leash a little tug and you sighed with no choice but to follow her. Asta skipping happily beside you with you chuckling beside her in return. 
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You were getting worried for your girlfriend as she had been staring at the wall in silence for the past six or so minutes. No pressure, Bronya was usually quiet when invited to bars like this one, but she never was this quiet and it was starting to worry you a little.
You poke her cheek.
She blinks and slowly turns to you, eyes wide like a cat who got into some catnip as she seemed to be lost in another world. 
“There is a train that can travel through universes.”
Ah, so it’s one of those nights. The kind of nights where Bronya would get lost in the dark abyss of her mind and say the most random, deep things that would have her questioning her sanity by the time you pull her out of the bar. 
“Mhm, the Astral Express is capable of doing that.” You chuckle, trying to downplay how deep her thoughts really were. “Uhm…baby?”
Bronya was still staring in silence as she was now looking at the ice cubes melting in her drink. She usually got like this whenever she was sleep deprived or blanking out, but today it was especially prominent as Bronya took one too many sips of her beverage whilst sitting at the bar with you.
“Darling, do you think other universes could come to Belobog and fix our Fragmentum problem?” Bronya said while spacing out, the gears in her mind rolling as she slowly took another sip of her drink. “Aeons, we should’ve told the Astral Express crew to bring back some people. Perhaps the people at the Herta Space Station could help us. Or— I believe they are people…”
Bronya paused again and her eyes got wide.
“Darling…do aliens exist? Are the people at the Herta Space Station actually people?”
She gasped and suddenly turned to face you.
“The Astral Express crew. Do they count as aliens too?!”
You quickly shut her up with a kiss before she could get too deep in her alien vs human conspiracies. Your girlfriend squeaking and blushing before finally calming down in your hold. 
“Bronya, sweetie. It’s very late, and as cute as you are rambling about aliens and conspiracy theories, I think it’s time we head back home.” You slowly pulled the drink away from her and helped her stand up from her seat. “Come on, you can borrow my coat. It’s cold out.”
Bronya flushed when you wrapped your coat around her while the two of you began walking back home. The Supreme Guardian leaning against your shoulder affectionately as a comfortable silence falls between you. 
“…Do penguins have knees?”
“Oh Aeons.”
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elvestoneanzelote1 · 4 months
Hello! This is my first time I request. Can you write Aventurine x Male Reader that part of Astral Express? Can you also make it as yandere? Take your time, please don't rush.
Gʀᴇᴇᴛɪɴɢs ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ, As ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛ ɪs ᴛʜᴇ ғɪʀsᴛ I ᴀᴍ sᴛᴀʀ��ɪɴɢ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʏᴏᴜʀs, ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛ ᴀɴᴅ I ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪʟʟ ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ғᴜᴛᴜʀᴇ.
I ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇ Aᴠᴇɴᴛᴜʀɪɴᴇ ᴛᴏᴏ, ʙᴜᴛ ᴜɴғᴏʀᴛᴜɴᴀᴛᴇʟʏ I ᴅɪᴅ ɴᴏᴛ ɢᴏᴛ ʜɪᴍ ᴇɪᴛʜᴇʀ.
Aɴʏᴡᴀʏs, Yᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ Aᴠᴇɴᴛᴜʀɪɴɢ x ᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ғʀᴏᴍ Asᴛʀᴀʟ Exᴘʀᴇss.
(Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ sʟɪɢʜᴛʟʏ ʙᴀsᴇᴅ ᴏɴ Rᴇɴɢᴏᴋᴜ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴅᴇᴍᴏɴ sʟᴀʏᴇʀ. I ᴍᴇᴀɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇʏᴇʙʀᴏᴡ ᴀɴᴅ somehow... I suppose.)
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"Astral Expressers huh?".
Aventurine interest was slightly caught by the trailblazer and no you aren't taking the place of Stelle nor Caelus. Thankfully.
Either way, you had your own reputation among the stars I mean literally you had a reputation to hold onto.
The day Aventurine met you was the day he could confirm on that you both are opposite of each other.
You had family (the astral express) . He doesn't.
You Had a peaceful life (or how he sees) and he didn't at least now...
Your smile and your words were honest yet he...
He wonders how he even gain your trust... Maybe he didn't... Maybe you just... Want to use him perhaps.
Or perhaps... You truly cared for him in a way.
Honest... Truthful may have been sour but at least you don't sugar coat your words. And truthfully... Honestly wanted to be with.
He wonders if he hadn't met you through that day would things be better if he met your earlier?
"Well little expresser, why do you like Hoggin around me? Have I caught your attention too much?"
"Why yes! You have interesting shade of eyes! Like my eyebrows!"
"Ah... I see" he mutter as he squint his eyes... He swore you were too bright for the world.
Heck even Ratio couldn't comeback with you as you were literally too genuine.
He never met someone like you.
If he was a kid still it will bring him... Happiness... Well it does still now.
"Thank you Kind man! I swore to repay you back for the payment!" You exclaimed while eating the eight bowl of rice as he meekly smile.
"It doesn't really not necessary... But I will consider your offer" 'though you won't repay back' his thoughts muddle whether to really believe your word but he let it kept aside.
He for some reason attracted to you like the moon like the sun that shine and wish to be like them...
Perhaps he doesn't mind getting slightly burned by your warmness after all it is not everyday.
He preserve and you attack (just kidding).
I mean more word... Likely... Uhm... You know how to hit his heart unknowingly.
"Is this real?" He asked while slight tucking your eyebrows as you laugh.
"Why? Does it seems weird?"
"I suppose I never saw eyebrows like yours"
"What can i say I am quiet a catch" you laughed as he just sighed.
He doesn't know how positive you are perhaps unaware... No.
That thought went over when the day he saw you fight against him protecting your fellow express friends.
A katana. Like the colour of the flames and the determination of your eyes
Something snap inside his mind when you eventually were concern of him.
Even if he was the one about to hurt all you approach him worried.
You never accuse him for what he have done.
Nor you look at him in betrayal nor disgust.
Just warm and understanding.
"...you know my mother used to tell me... Strong should protect the weak... And since I am strong I want to protect you some way"
"Why? Because we are friends now"
"..." He never understood the look of your eyes.
He never felt the love.
He never... Thought he will ever get the feeling of love and protection of sort.
"I do not understand you at all"
"Hmm? Well isn't it awesome then? We all are different but we can understand the other more and more but not completely"
Irrationality your words were but... For some reason he enjoy your company more and more.
The fact you don't go for logical thinking... Maybe you do... But your kindness... Is something else.
You never get mad either.
Whenever someone been rude of sort you don't be mad instead smile and talk to then happily.
He never thought someone like you exist.
Neither he thought he will experience something like you.
"Y/n... Don't you ever get angry?"
"Hmm? And why should I be?"
He never understood you... But he wants to.
He for the fact he does want to learn more and more about you.
He wants to spoil you locking you away from the world... After all... He doesn't want to let go of the warm.
The blaze of warmness around you.
No wonder the astral express friends of yours wanted you to be around them.
Supposedly... They are selfish.
Well... He will to be if he were to apart of the group.
"Hmm? You seems like you haven't get any sleep?"
"Ah... I just... Had a bad day"
"I see! My mother always tell me a hug can help someone cheer up"
He didn't oblidge of you hugging him. Instead it felt just right.
He doesn't want to let you go.
Can't you stay more?
Why you have to leave?
He can give you everything you want.
Can't you... Let him stay in your warm?
The fact he falls for you... He is not shock.
After all... Who wouldn't.
You are literally something worth the praise.
Will it be selfish... No he wants to be selfish.
You felt a tug on your haori as you turn and look down to see the familar blonde male with his significant glasses.
"Is something the matter buddy?"
"When are you leaving?"
"Well... That depends on them"
"...why do you travel with them for?"
"To find a way home"
'Can't I be your home... No... Perhaps he was never meant to get a home..' He thought to self but his thought halt when you kept a hand on his shoulder.
"And I believe we will meet again buddy"
"...y/n... You could stay here you know Penacony is good in a way and beside I will be happy to help you stay and settle here"
"Why thank you, Aventurine but..." Your gaze fall onto the Astral express members Himeko , Welt and March as the trailblazer was somewhere elsewhere.
"I think I would find a way through them"
"I see..."
"You seems upset"
"Huh? No I am not"
"You don't want me to go?"
"...well it is your wish to leave but... I"
That day... There were two choice made for him.
"Yes I do not want you to leave"
"...because I find comfort in you and..."
"It is your wish to leave but I never had a friend like you so" he grimance by the word friend but... He was glad.
You value the word friendship.
"Sure I will stay for some more days."
"Can it be months?"
"Huh? Uh... Sure I suppose?"
He smile but you notice it was genuine smile of his.
As usual you ruffle his hair yet this time he didn't mention how it takes to make his hair.
Instead he embrace it.
After all... It won't be long that you will be within his.
He finally can have you.
And he will make sure he will.
He will make sure you will come around for him.
After all the sun and the moon... Are admire by all when they come together.
Creating the eclipse.
A:n- thank you take care I hope you rest well.
276 notes · View notes
kpop---scenarios · 4 months
Reckless (7)
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Pairing: Lee Know x Reader
Genre: Brothers Best Friend
Warnings: Mentions of depression, heartbreak, lying etc
Word Count: 2.2k
Taglist: @hyunjinhoexxx @ovulatingrn @jisunglyricist @guiltycoco @fawnpeaks @purple-bell @caught-in-the-afterglow @ana-marais98 @rylea08 @astraystayastayastray @partyparty-yah @skzswife @sillyhal @feellikecinderella @asphalstead @minh0scat @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan @gabriellamariee @hyun-hwanj @zerefdragn33l @stelle-aka-simp @chanbahng29 @blackbluerose666 @mmarusa
@glitter-z @seungminsapuppy
Previous Chapters
Minho sits in his room, the silence was deafening. He tried anything and everything to distract himself, but there was only one thing his mind kept wandering to, and it was the conversation he had with Jisung after you had gone upstairs,yesterday. His stomach twisted with anxiety as his mind raced, he knew he needed to make a decision that was best for him, but he knew, whatever decision he made was going to hurt someone he loved. He gets up, walking downstairs into the kitchen, where he sees you and Jisung, and his heart hurts instantly.
“Are you going out tonight?” Jisung asks you.
“I'm not sure. I don't have any plans yet, but I might see what Hyunjin is doing.” You say, glancing over to Minho. He completely avoids eye contact with you, making your heart sink. He hadn't said a word to you since the whole confrontation yesterday, and to be completely honest, you had thought that he would have been groveling and begging on his knees for you right now. But he wasn't. He looked stressed and sad. It made you want to hug him and tell him it was going to be okay, but you couldn't. You needed to remain strong and if he wanted you then he would show you.
At least you hoped he would.
Day after day after day you waited for Minho to say something to you, to acknowledge you but day after day he left a room if you walked in, with his head down. If you called out for him, he'd give you a sympathetic half smile before walking away from you. It left you feeling confused and hurt, wondering what the fuck was actually happening.
“I don't get it.” You sigh to Jisung. “He said he loved me.”
Jisung looks at you, trying to be sympathetic but you could tell he wasn't sincere and it made you wonder if he had done something. But you didn't ask, you left it alone. You wanted to talk to Minho, but Jisung didn't seem to think that was such a good idea.
“If he's avoiding you, it might just be for the best, yeah?” He says. “Obviously he doesn't want to talk to you, I don't think he's going to do what you expected him to do, Y/N.”
“It just doesn't make sense. Why say all those things if he knew he wasn't gonna try? Why would he get my hopes up? I really think I should talk to him.” You decide, standing up from the couch.
“No, Y/N. I'm telling you right now, leave it alone.” Jisung snaps.
You're taken aback, why was he snapping at you?
“I'm sorry. I just don't want you to get hurt more than you already have.” He says, pulling out his wallet. “Here, take this, go out with Hyunjin, or better yet, go out with Chan. On me.” He smiles.
You hesitantly take the money, where was your actual brother, cause this guy was not it.
“Okay..” you murmur, grabbing your phone.
“That's good. Chan is the better option, I think.” He smiles, turning back towards the TV continuing to watch his show.
You walk up the stairs replaying what Jisung said to you. He wouldn't do anything to keep you apart, right?
That night, you're sitting with Chan, laughing and smiling at his stories, trying to be fully invested but you cannot stop thinking about Minho. You felt like he owed you at least a little bit of an explanation. If he didn't want to be with you, then tell you so you could move on but it felt like he had played nothing but games with you for months. And there was a partial love confession, until you finally told Jisung, and then there was a full on love confession. But since then it's been radio silence.
“You okay?” Chan asks. You look at him, slightly embarrassed.
“Yeah, sorry, I got caught up in my head.” You laughed.
“Everything okay?” He asks. You nod your, smiling at him as you finish your drink. Chan slides two shots towards you, wiggling his eyebrows as he glances from the shots to you, back and forth. You laugh, taking them both back to back. “Now get out of your head, and come back to me.” He smiles.
“I'm just gonna go to the bathroom quick.” You tell him, grabbing your purse, stumbling away. You can feel the drinks hit you like a ton of bricks. You sit down on the toilet, fully clothed and pull out your phone.
[11:57pm To: Minho] Why are you doing this to me?
[11:59pm From: Minho] I'm not doing anything. Please Y/N, stop.
[12:00am To Minho] Stop what? Stop loving you? I can't. I need closure. Please.
[12:02am From: Minho] Y/N. I can't love you. Leave me alone. Move on. Be happy. Just stay away from me. Don't talk to me, don't text me, don't think about me, and please stop loving me.
You can feel the tears welling in your eyes as you read his text again, over and over. Why was life so fucking cruel? All you ever wanted was to be happy, and it seemed like you weren't even allowed to have that. But fine, if he wanted you to move on then that's what you would do, after you confronted him in person. You had too. You needed to hear him say those words to your face, you needed to watch him tell you to stay away from him, even if it ended up breaking you.
That night, Chan dropped you off and you drunkenly rushed into the house. You stomped up the stairs and stood in front of the door of Minho's room. You stood with your fist raised to bang on the door for a few seconds, trying to catch your breath while also trying to muster up the courage to actually knock. Part of you didn't want to hear him say those words because you really didn't want them to be true, but the other part of you, well you knew that you needed to hear them or you just wouldn't fully believe him.
You press your ear to the door, there's no sound of movement. Maybe he was sleeping? You place your hand on the door, twisting the knob before pushing the door open, only to find an empty room. The drawers in the dresser were open and empty, the closet where his clothes hung was empty. There were no sheets, pillows or blankets on his bed, all of his things were gone.
You rush out of the room, down to Jisung's room. You busted in, scared the shit out of him.
“He's gone.” You whisper.
“I know.” Jisung says.
“Why?” You ask.
“I don't know.” Jisung sighs. “He said it was time. He felt guilty for everything he did to you I guess.”
“No, I need to talk to him. He can't just move out without a word.” You whimper, fumbling with your phone.
“What did I say about talking to him, Y/N.” Jisung yells. “Christ, you don't listen. Don't make me tell you what he told me. Just believe me when I say, leave him alone.”
“What do you mean what he told you? What did he tell you?” You ask.
“You don't want to know.” Jisung says, avoiding your eyes.
“Tell me. Or I'll track him the fuck down.” You snap.
“He said you were nothing but a game to him. Just another notch on his belt. That you were just my little sister and nothing more.” Jisung tells you. You swore, in that moment, you could actually feel your heart shattering into a million little pieces.
“Oh.” Jisung watched as your face sank, the color completely draining from it. You said nothing else, just shuffled out of his room and went into yours. You closed the door quietly behind you, crawling into bed without the will to even get changed. Maybe if you slept, you'd feel better in the morning.
You didn't.
Over the next few weeks, It was like depression had fully taken over you. You looked in the mirror and saw a shell of the person you used to be. The bags under your eyes were heavy, your face was pale, hair was matted. You looked sick, and honestly you felt sick. You still couldn't get over the fact that he had said that about you. You'd never hurt this much over some man before and you hated yourself for letting him have this kind of effect on you but at this point you didn't know how to get out of it. You had charged your phone in weeks, not that you'd answer if anyone called or texted anyways. Hyunjin and Jisoo tried to see you, but you wouldn't even roll over to say hi. Instead you hid under your covers and silently wept until they left.
And Jisung. He tried to get you to eat anything, drink anything but you wouldn't. You had no interest in fueling your body. Until it had been just over a month and Jisoo and Hyunjin had enough. They busted into your room as you stared at yourself in the mirror.
“Shower time!” Jisoo yells. Hyunjin marches past you, turning on your shower before throwing you over his shoulder and sitting you in the tub fully clothed, despite your weak protests.
“Why!” You yell out as Jisoo takes your hair from its bun. She sits with you, washing your hair, rinsing it, conditioning it and rinsing it again. She helps you brush your teeth before helping you into clean, dry clothes. And then she sits with you, brushing out your hair as you listen to her talk. A lot of what she was saying were things you knew were true and things you had told yourself, but it was different hearing it from someone else. A few hours later, she had fully brushed out your hair, took your hand and took you downstairs to make you something to eat. Luckily Hyunjin was already finishing up making some of your favorite food. You hadn't realized how hungry you actually were until you smelt it. Your stomach growled as your mouth drooled. You sat down, eating, talking and finally smiling for the first time in a while.
Every day after that, Jisoo and Hyunjin were over, and every day, you were becoming yourself a little bit more and more. You were finally starting to move on and move forward. It felt good. You were feeling good. You still missed Minho, and you honestly weren't sure if you would ever stop.
A few weeks later, you decided to meet up with Chan for coffee. He had you laughing until your stomach hurt, and it felt so fucking good to be out again and feel like yourself again, especially with someone who was genuinely interested in you and being with you. He had asked you out again that night, wanting to take you for dinner and out of drinks after. You accepted, excited for the night. You walked down the street after your coffee, telling Chan you had wanted to do a little window shopping before going home. Of course he offered to go with you but you politely declined, wanting to be alone and take your time. As you're walking down the street, you're looking at a beautiful silver ring in the window. You sigh before you continue walking, accidentally bumping into someone. You look up and your breath hitches. It was the last person you had expected to see out.
“Minho.” You whisper. He was thin, thinner than usual. The bags under his eyes looked almost exactly how yours had, along with his sunken face.
“Y/N.” He responds, staring at you, looking you up and down. “You look good.” He half smiles.
“You should have seen me a few weeks ago. I was a mess after you left.. after you said that shit about me.” You half yell, remembering you were in public.
“What?” He asks. “What stuff did I say?”
“Don't play dumb, Minho. I was just another notch on your belt. Just Jisung’s little sister. A game.” You say.
“Who said I said that about you? I never fucking said that.”
“Jisung. He kept telling me to stop talking to you because you didn't want to talk to me.” You explain.
“That motherfucker.” Minho snaps. “Don't go home for a while, unless you wanna see your brother's ass beat.” He yells, storming off. You follow him, sliding into the passenger seat of his car.
“I deserve to know what's going on.” You deadpan, buckling your belt. Good thing you did, because you and Minho managed to get to your house in record time.
“HAN FUCKING JISUNG.” Minho screams, storming into the house.
Jisung jumps up off the couch, looking absolutely fucking terrified.
“What are you doing here?” He asks, looking between Minho and you.
“I happened to run into Y/N on the street, where she started screaming at me about why I would say such shitty things about her. She doesn't know, does she?” Minho yells, pointing to you. “She doesn't know you told me that I had to choose between staying friends with you, or being with the one that I fucking fell in love with.”
“You did what?” You whisper, staring at your brother.
Jisung stands there, his eyes darting between you and Minho, unable to utter a sentence, not even a word. Turns out Jisung would do whatever he could to keep you apart.
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ambros1an · 5 months
firefly x reader / what tethers my fate
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warnings: gn reader, reader is TB but not stelle/caelus, angst, HEAVY PENACONY SPOILERS, implied nonbinary firefly
summary: “how can you love me? you don’t know anything about me.”
a/n: firefly’s dangerous side needs to be talked about more!!
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They say captive fireflies only live three days, and so she was released to the world. Yet, you knew her for less than that. Still, your heart raced nonetheless upon seeing them.
“I love you.”
The Firefly you knew lead you by hand. How fitting that they also held you in the palm of their hand. The ‘normal girl’ had not only set ablaze the world, but your heart.
“How can you love me? You don’t know anything about me. I used you.”
“But you tried to save me all the same.“
“But I lied to you! This whole time I’ve been misleading you, showing you a version of me that doesn’t exist.”
“Was ‘trying to save me eleven times’ a lie too?”
Firefly remains silent. Of course you’d remember that. The way SAM kept his eyes on you the whole time in the dreamscape, ignoring everyone else. The way he headed straight to you. Keeping that galaxy ranger and Memokeeper away from you. As if you were the only thing that mattered. As if you were the spark that lit her namesake.
“I do know you. You’re Sam, but also Firefly. You try your best even when things are futile. You told me that Elio said that ‘destiny cannot be changed’ but you tried anyway. Thank you.”
Firefly looks down at the ground, clenching her fists. “To you. As SAM I kill indiscriminately. I haven’t felt bad once.” Their teeth bite their lips, eyebrows furrowed. She’s furious.
Haven’t felt bad? She’s so tense that a touch could send them running.
You shake your head, “I don’t believe that. You tried to save me, because if I died, you would’ve blamed yourself.”
Firefly says nothing. She unclenches her fist and sighs. “With you, I could be normal, whatever I wanted.”
“You can still be ‘normal,” you hold your hand out to her, but not to touch her, “whatever you want.”
They look down at your hand. Her eyes darting around the skin of your palm as if she was remembering everything that happened before. When she was just a normal person acting as a ‘stowaway.’ Holding your hand. How would that feel again?
Before she realizes it, her hand grabs into yours. Nearly crushing it in her grip. Everything they touch turn to ash, but yet you remain. Still here through everything.
“Everyone else looks through me, why couldn’t you.” They give a half-hearted chuckle. Firefly’s eyes are locked with the ground, as if stuck in the past. Through SAM, entropy, the Stellaron hunters-
…and finally you. With a ridiculous amount of strength, Firefly quickly has your head in her grasp, placing her lips upon yours. But contrary to her strength her lips are gentle. They caress yours so delicately, that you can feel their plushness. Just like that, she pulls away, flushed and staring up at you. Her eyes are narrowed as if challenging you.
“You still feel that way about me?” She stares you down, but the flushness of her cheeks combined with her twirling her hair around her finger betray her nervousness.
“That’s good.”
Shutting people up was a normal part of her job, but this was the first time she’s done it without blood. A kiss. She liked that.
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nomazee · 5 months
could i req childhood best friends dan heng x reader word(s) is sneaking out if you want a timestamp, it's 11:42 p.m. thank you so much!!!
THIS REQUEST WAS SO CUTE i had way too much fun with this this hit 1.5k words which is way over the limit i set for myself... but i do not regret it at all. I LOVE CHILDHOOD BEST FRIEND DAN HENG AAAA THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING
my 1k event!
The ringing of your phone is cut off by the automated voicemail message for the nth time in a row. Your neck hurts from how long you’ve been staring up at Dan Heng’s bedroom window,  where the lights are off and the curtains are drawn and he’s definitely asleep. 
Anticipation makes you bounce on your feet, itching to just break into his front door and shake him awake yourself. Fortunately for Dan Heng’s family, it doesn’t quite reach that point, because your phone suddenly vibrates in your hand with Dan Heng’s contact flashing on your screen. 
Incoming call. Jackpot. 
“Dan Heng,” you answer the call with no formalities whatsoever, because those aren’t needed after knowing him for so long, “come outside! I’m here to pick you up.” 
“What is wrong with you,” he grumbles out. The grit in his voice is endearing and familiar and makes your breath stutter. “It’s— almost midnight.”
“I know, and you’re already asleep? You’re such a senior citizen,” you hear the exhausted sigh he makes at another one of your old-man-Dan-Heng jokes. “There's a carnival tonight. Like, one of the cool ones that only open at 10 o’clock. March just texted me about it, she’s already there with Stelle!”
“Why wouldn’t you tell me earlier?” You hear shuffling, and spot movement in your peripheral vision. Craning your head up to look at his window yet again, you see the flicker of his bedside lamp being turned on (and you can already picture it from how well you know his room—that goofy-looking toucan table lamp that you got from some vintage store years ago for him), and the curtains pull back to reveal Dan Heng in all his half-asleep glory. He looks terrible, bangs sticking up and his corny galaxy-printed sleep shirt all wrinkled. It’s a charming look, though. 
“I told you, March just texted me about it! Literally five minutes ago.” 
“So, you ran here just to tell me about it?” 
“Well, yeah, duh,” your tone is incredulous, because he should know by now that he’s the first person you go to for anything. The first person to hear about your failing grade in calculus, or your embarrassing run-in with your middle school ex girlfriend, or the bitter orange that you had as an afternoon snack. Dan Heng’s call history is probably full of your contact (which is just your name, no fun emoticons or inside jokes, and no profile picture, much to your everlasting dismay), and every call would show that he answers every single one without fail. 
And, really, if you’re going to be honest with yourself (which you really hate doing), there’s a hopefulness twitching in your fingers tonight, something carried to you through the wind. You’re thinking of the carnival, about the sticky sweet snacks that you’re going to split with Dan Heng, the ferris wheel cart that you’ll be cramped in, the view of the stars from way up there and the tender way he’ll look at you. 
Because he does that, sometimes, with no explanation, and you’ve never had the strength to respond in any way but a hesitant smile and a smack on his shoulder and a stupid joke. But there’s a tote bag slung around your arm now, full of money and two water bottles and the weight of your heart. 
“Listen,” you tell him after a bout of his reluctant silence, “I brought you a jacket and your scarf, because I know you’re vitamin deficient and you’ll blow away in the wind unless I hold you down. It’ll be so fun if you come with me! Please? And I’ll get you home before your family notices!” 
Both you and Dan Heng know that’s a lie, because you have a tendency to drag him out for long periods of time where both of you forget to check your phones. In your opinion, it does more good than harm, because it lets you live in the moment—or so you tell Dan Heng’s parents when they question you about keeping their son out past sundown. 
“I’m not vitamin deficient,” Dan Heng tells you, but the argument is weakened by the fact that you’ve had to carry around a spare jacket for Dan Heng since you were both stumbling on your tiny baby legs. He must realize that, too, because you can see the way his face softens as he looks at you from his window, peering down. Despite the minimal light, you can still see the vibrant sheen of his eyes, the way that his mouth presses into a thin line to hold back a smile. 
It takes only a moment of contemplation before he lets out a yielding sigh and mumbles, “Okay, fine. I’m coming downstairs to let you in and then I’ll get ready. Don’t be loud.”
“I’m never loud!” 
The call ends with a click and Dan Heng slides his striped curtains closed. Circling around to get back to his front door, you made sure to be as quiet as possible and not trample his family’s gardenias. When the door opens to reveal Dan Heng’s beautiful, sleep-swollen face, an overwhelming warmth blooms in your chest and leaves your lungs dry and aching for air. The smile that appears on your face is instinctual, as most behaviors are for you around Dan Heng. 
“Hi,” you whisper, really truly whisper, because he told you to be quiet and sometimes it’s good to do what Dan Heng wants (only sometimes). His lips are still tightened into that thin line, and you think, I’ll make him laugh tonight, which is a goal you’ve always set for yourself, ever since you befriended him in first grade with a paper flower and a loud, blatant, childish proclamation of best-friend-ship. 
“Wait on the couch,” he directs you quietly, stepping aside to let you in. “Get a water from the fridge and pack it.” 
“I already brought two for us,” the apples of your cheeks strain with the force of your smile, and you’re trying not to giggle. The water thing—that was established forever ago, too, just like the spare jacket, and staying out late, and the toucan lamp, and the paper flower. You always shared a water bottle, reminding each other and passing one between your hands until the last drops were wrung dry from it, and then you’d spend half an hour trying to find a fountain to refill it because you never packed more than two on any given day. 
“Dan Heng,” you stop him with a hand on his shoulder before he can go back up the stairs to get ready in his room, and he looks back at you with the same look that you were envisioning before. The color of his eyes has gone dim, but in a fond way, in a way that tells you his breathing is even and his pulse is steady. 
You take the brief moment where his attention is on you to wrap your arms around him, the sleeves of your jacket pulling him close, warm, tender to you. Your tote bag dangles awkwardly to the side, but you try not to let it stop you from squeezing him tight, letting him know you’re here, right here. 
“What’s this about,” he mumbles into your shoulder, hands going up to grasp at the back of your sweatshirt and tug you just a few millimeters closer. A gentle weight sits between your hands and in your chest and you stifle a laugh into his barely-covered shoulder. 
“Nothing. Just really happy you’re coming.” 
“Okay,” he says, because he’s awkward and awful and so are you, but his hands still squeeze between your shoulderblades and keep you against him. A whistle of wind makes the gutters of the house creak, and you think of the stars that you’ll see from the top of the ferris wheel tonight, glinting in the sky and in Dan Heng’s eyes. 
“Let me go so I can change.” His voice is monotone, seemingly disinterested, but you don’t take offense to it, you never have. Reluctantly, you loosen your grip around him, and let him pull back the rest of the way because you can’t bear to do it yourself. 
The look, the glimmer, the depth of his eyes are all still there, accompanied by a new rosiness in his cheeks that you know isn’t caused by the heat of your hands or the cold wind outside. You don’t get the chance to laugh at the waver in his mouth as he fights back a small laugh, because he’s already turning back to rush up the stairs, stance wobbling as he tries to hide from his own embarrassment, and it’s so terrible and familiar and you ache with the urge to burrow into this home and make it your own. 
Your phone is flooded with dozens of texts from March, you’re sure, but even as it pushes midnight, you take your sweet time walking to the carnival, fingers clasped with each other as your jacket hangs off of Dan Heng—like it always has, like it always will.
gen taglist: @tragedy-of-commons @lasiancunin @flower-yi
event taglist: @confusion-star
fill out my event taglist (pinned) or general taglist (navi) to be tagged in upcoming works!
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nrdmssgs · 1 year
Tips to write for König (language)
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Masterlist Let's go! But first important disclaimer
I know well, that Konig is from Austria and German language is a bit different from Austrian. The only reason, I'm doing this list for German language instead of Austrian: I know German well enough to personally check every phrase on my list. I live in southern Germany since 2019 and understand written Austrian, but would not venture to make a similar list for phrases in Austrian.
These phrases are not headcanons - just useful helpers for my fellow ficwriters!
I`ve tried to keep this list SFW, so there is no really kinky stuff or any swear words. But if you guys are interested - I can try to bring such a naughty list together as well.
Neither English nor German are my first languages, so there's a possibility of a mistake always.
Thank you to absolutely beautiful soul @konigsblog for encouraging me doing this.
So, you want König to speak German in your story, but don't know how to get him to? There is nothing easier.
(very) Ground rules
All nouns, names (and nicknames) are always capitalized.
Here are a few useful letters, so that you don't search for them on your keyboard: ä, ö, ü, Ä, Ö, Ü.
"my/your + masculine noun" = mein/dein + noun or name (e.g. Mein Horangi)
"my/your + feminine noun" = meine/deine + noun or name (e.g. Meine Josephine)
"chen" is a diminutive suffix (We'll need that with pet names).
A few German pet names
Keywords to google: Kosename (+ für Männer/für Frauen (for men and women))
Genderless (can be used, referring to both men and women, depending on relationship dynamic):
Schatz / Schatzi - the ultimate killer and number one pet name out there. "Treasure". Is very often used in public.
Liebling / Liebe - "Lover, love"
Herz / Herzchen - "Heart"
Süßi - "Sweet one"
Baby / Babe - yep, it's not in German, but it's very popular here among people younger than 50.
Engel / Engelchen - "Angel/angel + diminutive suffix"
Mein Ein und Alles - "My everything" a rather pompous expression, but it can be used when speaking directly to a lover.
Herzblatt - "Darling"
Goldstück - "Jewel. Piece of gold" a bit like treasure.
Sonne / Sonnenschein - "Sun / sunshine"
Himmel - "Heaven"
Stern / Sternchen - "Star"
Kätzchen - "Kitten"
Schneckchen - "Snail". I know, this one sounds strange, but I've heard it here a lot. And this is not even referring to someone slow
Tiger / Babytiger / Tigerchen - "Tiger / tiger cub"
Babylöwe - "Lion cub"
Zimtschnecke - "Cinnamon bun"
Also you all know and use Maus (which is great!!!!!), bit there are also options of Mausi, Babymaus and Mäuschen!
Feminine and masculine versions of pet names
Süße / Süßer - "Sweet one"
Schöne / Schöner - "Beautiful one"
Liebste / Liebster / Angebetete / Angebeteter / Geliebte / Geliebter - "Beloved"
Kleine - "Little one"
Großer - "Big one"
Heldin / Held - "Hero/ heroine"
Hübsche / Hübscher - "Beauty"
Ok, here is the part, where we get him to talk dirty to us.
Ich brauche dich jetzt wirklich - "I really need you right now"
Es macht mich so an, auch nur an dich zu denken - "It turns me on just thinking about you"
Ich kann es nicht erwarten, dich in mir zu spüren/in dir zu sein - "I can't wait to feel you inside me/be inside you"
Ich will dir so einen blasen/dich so lecken, wie du es noch nie erlebt hast - "I want to give you a blowjob/lick you like you've never experienced before"
Ich möchte dich küssen, überall... - "I want to kiss you everywhere"
Du kannst heute Abend mit mir machen, was du willst - "Today you can do anything you want to me."
Ich kann es kaum erwarten, bis wir beide allein sind, damit ich dich ausziehen kann. - "I can't wait until we're both alone so I can undress you."
Ich stelle mir uns gerade nackt zusammen vor - "I'm thinking of us naked right now."
Ich hatte gerade einen eindrucksvollen Flashback von letzter Nacht - "I just had an amazing flashback from last night"
Wollen wir heute früh ins Bett gehen? - "Shall we go to bed early tonight?"
Das/du fühlst dich super an - "This/you feel great"
Ich liebe es, wie groß/feucht/weich du dich anfühlst - "I love how big/wet/soft you feel"
Bitte hör nie wieder damit auf - "Please don't stop doing this"
Das ist das beste Gefühl überhaupt - "That's the best feeling ever"
Du machst mich so an - "you turn me on (so hard on)"
Ich will, dass du mich nimmst - "I want you to take me"
Ich will dich schmecken - "I want to taste you"
Ich will, dass du kommst - "I want you to cum"
Ich habe deinen Körper so sehr vermisst - "I've missed your body so badly"
Ich will, dass du mich hier/da leckst/küsst - "I want you to lick/kiss me here/there"
Gutes/Böses Mädchen - "Good/bad girl"
If you want him to be more soft, here are some romantic phrases in German.
The (very) basics
Ich liebe dich - "I love you"
Willst du mein Freund/meine Freundin sein? - "Do you want to be my boyfriend/girlfriend?"
Ich bin bis über beide Ohren verliebt - "I’m head over heels in love"
Ich steh’ auf dich - "I’m into you"
Du bist die Liebe meines Lebens - "You’re the love of my life"
Du hast wunderschöne/schöne Augen - "You have beautiful eyes"
Küss mich - "Kiss me"
If you want something more advanced
Ich vermisse dich noch mehr, als ich jemals gedacht habe. - "I miss you even more than I ever thought it was possible"
Es gibt Freunde, es gibt Feinde und es gibt Menschen wie dich, die man vor lauter Liebe nie vergisst. Ich vermisse dich! - "There are friends, there are enemies and there are people like you who you never forget out of sheer love. I miss you!"
Ich zähle die Tage, Stunden und Minuten bis du wieder bei mir bist. - "I count the days, hours and minutes until you are with me again."
Unsere Sehnsucht wird immer größer, je weniger wir sie befriedigen können. - "Our longing grows ever greater, the less we can satisfy it."
Für mich ist jeder Morgen ein guter Morgen, weil ich weiß, dass ich dich an meiner Seite habe. - "For me every morning is a good morning because I know that I have you by my side."
Ich zähle die Stunden, bis du wieder bei mir bist. - "I'm counting the hours until you're with me again."
Ich weiß, das mit uns beiden ist mehr als nur Freundschaft. - "I know there's more to the two of us than just friendship."
Das nächste Mädchen, das ich lieben werde, wird unsere Tochter sein. - "The next girl I will love will be our daughter."
Ich wünschte, ich wäre der Wind, der sanft durch deine Haare streicht, die Sonne, die dich zärtlich berührt und der Mond, der deinen Schlaf bewacht. - "I wish I were the wind that gently caresses your hair, the sun that caresses you and the moon that watches over your sleep."
Jeden Tag wünsche ich mir, dass das zwischen uns niemals endet. - "Every day I wish that this never ends between us."
Mit dir an meiner Seite kann ich mich der ganzen Welt stellen. - "With you by my side I can face (fight) the whole world."
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Hi hello! I’m not the person who originally submitted the ask for the Genshin/Honkai girls with a G Gundam-style chuuni S/O, but I’ll be fully honest that one hit my brainrot something good and fierce. So what about Xinyan, Dehya, Navia, Himeko, March 7th, and Stelle with the G Gundam Chuuni S/O?
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(Genshin Impact/Honkai: Star Rail)
Xinyan, Dehya, Navia, Himeko, March 7th, Stelle, and Natasha with a very dramatic S/O
Part 1 here!
@jjovin3221, here is your part two, courtesy of others!
Also, March 7th's part has my absolute favorite image I've ever made for this blog.
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Xinyan absolutely loves S/O's over the top attitude!
Not to mention they had some killer pyrotechnics! Both their visions may be Pyro, but her lover's put any flame to shame.
The explosion they'd create alongside the absolute raw energy they exuded from their shouts was enough to motivate her and her fans.
Plus they had an amazing stage name already: The King/Queen of Hearts!
But that being said, she finds them a little too intense at times. All they cared about was fighting, but she did appreciate they made time for her concerts despite that fact.
...Wait, their whole warrior schtick isn't just a stage Persona, was it?
Xinyan watched as S/O effortlessly blew through a horde of bandits with blinding kicks and punches.
She could only watch in silent awe while they rapidly leapt from one enemy to another, everyone powerless to stop their rampage.
With one final kick, S/O sent the last bandit tumbling down a hill, while they crossed their arms dramatically, headband blowing in the wind.
One of the ones knocked to the floor by their punch tried to crawl away, catching S/O's and Xinyan's attention.
(Bandit) "W-What are you?!"
(S/O) "You look upon a student of the Undefeated of the East!"
Grabbing their collar, they looked them in the eyes as they reached for something in their pocket.
(Xinyan) "...Uh, is that a picture?-"
(S/O) "Have you seen this man?"
(S/O) "Answer me!"
S/O tossed the bandit behind him like they were made of paper, walking back to Xinyan.
(Xinyan) "...S/O, did you actually want to ask 'em a darn question this entire time?!"
(S/O) "I did. Does that bother you?"
Xinyan was stunned, blinking twice to make sure she was processing S/O's actions correctly.
(Xinyan) "...A-A little, yeah! Why the heck did we beat the tar outta 'em just for a single thing?!"
(S/O) "Hm. They started it. Let's get back to Liyue, your concert will start soon."
(Xinyan) "R-Right..." Man, they sure do got a screw loose...
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Dehya had met many mercenaries that had something wrong with them throughout her career.
But her S/O took the crown for the biggest psycho she's ever met.
When she first met them, she knew they had a dangerous air about them.
What she didn't expect is for them to be able to blow every single thing they came across into smithereens with just their bare hands.
Sure, a Vision allows you to pull some crazy stunts, but how does it ignite your entire fist into a golden flaming sun, which allows you to blow up things as if they were pyro slimes?!
She fell for them because of the kindness they could display, and how reliable they were, but that was when they weren't going off the deep end.
And these days, that was getting increasingly rarer.
Dehya marched into the ruins with S/O, both of them approaching a group of eremites who were holding a girl hostage.
(Dehya) "There's a lot of them in there. What's our plan?"
(S/O) "Flank around the sides. I'll go in the front and save the girl."
Before she could formulate another plan, S/O walked ahead of her.
(Dehya) "Be careful..."
She then watched as the Eremites immediately shot at S/O with arrows from their flanks.
S/O suddenly crouched down with arrows inside of them, which made Dehya's heart stop.
The Eremite's laughter quickly halted when S/O stood back up, arrows somehow caught between every single one of their fingers, completely unscathed.
(Dehya) "...What?"
S/O suddenly threw every single arrow back at them, each of them seemingly lethal as they instantly dropped dead, despite the fact they went through non-fatal areas of their bodies.
(Dehya) sigh "I'm not even going to ask..."
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Navia thought S/O was part of a theatre group from Inazuma, given how over the top they were.
She was horribly wrong, and she didn't know if that was a good thing.
But it certainly made life much more interesting!...In a fiery explosion and screaming kind of way.
But Navia didn't really think S/O any less for it. She loved every bit of them!
...Even the more psychotic bits that would make everyone flee in terror.
Navia's bodyguards watched nervously as Navia loaded her umbrella gun.
(Bodyguard) "U-Uh, I know S/O's reflexes are good but-"
(Bodyguard 2) "Even with non-lethal ammunition, this is REALLY dangerous!"
S/O scoffed as their arms were crossed.
(S/O) "Do you really think bullets can even touch me?"
(Navia) "They're right darling, this is a spreadshot weapon at point blank-"
(S/O) "Then the King of Hearts will show you all! HIT ME, NAVIA!"
(Navia) "A-Alright...Three, two, one!-"
In what seemed like an instant, S/O's hand began glowing a bright golden light as it extended out, melting all the bullets she shot upon contact, not even a single one getting through.
Navia and her bodyguards were beside themselves, unsure of what they witnessed even happened.
(Navia) "HUH?! B-BUT-"
(S/O) "Hmph! If you think what I can do is impressive, then you should see my Master."
(Navia) "S/O, PLEASE let me meet him! I want to ask him how he can just defy the laws of physics!-"
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Himeko at first was convinced S/O was just some kind of actor hired to be a live-action representation of Welt's creations.
But no, they were just inside a Mecha-like suit they had created, and could do martial arts perfectly.
...A little too perfect, actually.
Himeko wants to research how the suit works, but she's pretty sure S/O would drive their fist into her stomach and make her explode if she attempted.
Just like every enemy they've come across.
But other than that? She's not exactly too bothered by their insane behavior.
In her travels, she's honestly seen worse. At least S/O uses their power for good, and heck, they even liked her coffee!
That was good enough for her!
Himeko and S/O were strolling through the streets before they were approached by a hooded man, pulling out a knife.
She was mildly concerned by the thug, mostly for them more than anything. After all, S/O was outside their suit.
If they called it down, there would be hell to pay.
(Thug) "Your lady looks rich, hand over all the credits you got, or I'll gut you both."
(Himeko) "Is that right? Well, if I were you, I'd put the knife away."
(Thug) "Wha-Are you stupid?! HAND IT TO ME!"
(Himeko) "Oh, we'll give you a hand, alright. S/O?"
S/O raised their fist into the air.
S/O snapped, and the ground behind them suddenly blew open, shooting debris into the air.
S/O's clothes suddenly changed into a black skin-tight suit of spandex, landing and robotic parts suddenly materializing around them.
The thug was completely shocked by what he was witnessing, while Himeko watched with mild amusement.
S/O was now encased inside their mech, quickly throwing punches and kicks as their machine stabilized and checked if their movements synced up.
Himeko had a blank expression, silently thinking to herself:
(Himeko) S/O has done that every single time they've transformed, and no ones' actually bothered to stop them...
(S/O) "HERE I GO!"
With their warm-up out the way, S/O's machine crossed their arms as it stared directly at the thug, eyes flashing green.
(S/O) "This hand of mine glows with AN AWESOME POWER!"
Himeko tried to contain her giggle with one hand covering her mouth as the thug began blubbering in absolute fear as S/O's hand lit up the entire alley.
(Himeko) "That's so cheesy-"
They immediately grabbed the thug's head as they squirmed, trying their best to make them let go.
(Himeko) "Okay dear, you don't actually need to blow him up. I think he gets it."
The head slowly turned to Himeko before a sigh came through the machine, anticlimactically dropping the thug onto the ground.
(S/O) "You heard the lady. Get out of here before she hands you back to me."
They sprinted away, almost tripping themselves several times in the process.
(Himeko) "...You have got to tell me how that suit of your works someday. Where does it even come from?-"
(S/O) "It comes when I need it."
(Himeko) "...That didn't answer-"
(S/O) "And I'm not going to."
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March loved the walking mechanical natural disaster that was S/O.
Did they even make remotely any kind of sense?
Aeons no, but what in this universe really made sense when you think about it?
March takes pictures of S/O all the time inside their suit, pulling off awesome attacks and hanging it on her wall. It made for some really cool wallpaper!
She also likes to steal their headband whenever they were outside their mech, as rare as it was.
March wears their headband and starts mimicking their voice, dramatically shouting in a low voice. It doesn't take her long to break character and begin laughing.
But nothing could top the moment their Master visited the Astral Express.
Upon meeting their disciple once again, the two immediately broke into a strange dance. One that March had to try. If she couldn't make something explode with her hands, then it was onto the next best thing!
Dan Heng, March, and S/O watched as S/O's master departed on a mechanical horse, standing perfectly upright on it, while inside their own mech suit.
(Dan Heng) "...That would certainly explain why S/O is the way they are."
(S/O) "Amazing, isn't he?"
(March 7th) "...Hey, S/O? Remember that thing you did with your Master? Do you think we can try it too?"
S/O's machine tilted its head as they responded to March.
(S/O) "Huh? Oh, the dance?...Sure, why not!"
(Dan Heng) "Uh, I think I'd rather pass-"
(S/O) "Don't be such a spoilsport! Come on: Undefeated, School of the east!"
S/O raised their fist to the middle, with March 7th quickly chiming in and doing the same.
(March 7th) "Winds of the King!"
Dan Heng simply sighed, knowing March or S/O wouldn't take no for an answer.
Finally relenting, he raised his own fist.
(Dan Heng) "Zenshin!-"
S/O retracted their fist and struck a pose, as if they were ready to begin fighting.
March leaped into the air and landed dramatically, pointing upwards into the air.
(March 7th) "TEMPA KYORAN!"
Dan Heng grabbed S/O's metallic fist as they traded places, extending their arms and connecting their fists.
(Dan Heng) "Look!-"
(S/O) "THE EAST!-"
March went to the middle, the three of them shouting in unison:
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Stelle kept a straight face through all of S/O's shenanigans.
Watching them pose dramatically, witnessing their machine erupt from the ground before S/O magical girl transformed into it, dodging the explosions their fists created, all of it.
Stelle was more confused than anything.
Rules were made to be broken, but the rules of how gravity, physics, and heat worked too?
That was taking it a little too far.
She wants to know how they do it, but some questions were probably left unanswered.
S/O's mech crossed its arms, dramatically posing as it turned to Stelle.
A small army of malfunctioning robots approached them, threatening to attack the camp they were defending.
(S/O) "Hmph, there's too many to take them on individually."
She turned to him, eyes finally widening in surprise.
(Stelle) "Wait, you don't mean?-"
(S/O) "We have no choice! Launch me, just like how I taught you!"
(Stelle) "You can't just defy the laws of physics whenever you want-"
(S/O) "We have no time to argue, JUST DO IT!"
Stelle had performed some crazy plans in her time aboard the Astral Express, but-
Stelle took a deep breath and mimicked the crane stance, her baseball bat still in hand.
(Stelle) "CHOKYO!"
S/O went down on one knee, extending their fists.
(S/O) "HAOH!"
The two struck a dramatic pose in unison, exactly as how S/O's master had taught them.
(Both) "DEN'EIDAN!"
Stelle took a deep breath before swinging with all her might, with S/O suddenly leaping into the air, using her bat as a jumping point.
S/O roared out in fury, their mech spinning rapidly and turning into a tornado of red, blue, and yellow, blitzing a line through the robots, creating a single line of destruction.
Finally, S/O's mech flew up into the air, struck another pose with their feet and fists extended to one direction as if they were doing a flying kick.
(S/O) "ERUPT!"
On command, the entire army detonated at once, creating a beautiful ball of destruction as the dust cloud soared into the air, S/O slowly floating down next to Stelle.
Stelle looked blankly at S/O, then back to the army they had destroyed together.
(Stelle) "...It's probably best I stop asking questions, isn't it?"
(S/O) "Yes!"
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Oh Aeons above, S/O was a horrible influence on the kids.
Natasha does not have the mental capacity to deal with their insanity they brought with their mech onto the planet.
Hook and the others thought that S/O and their mech was the coolest thing they had ever seen.
The flashy red, blue, yellow, and white of their suit looked like an action figure.
And their warrior attitude definitely did not help things.
S/O had already made themselves notorious in the fighting club too, adding even more fuel to the fire.
She has to constantly tell the kids to not mimic her S/O.
Natasha loved them, but sometimes she wanted to slam her head against their mech in frustration.
They were great with kids, but seem to grasp no concept on impressionable children actually were.
Natasha treated the last of the patient's wounds, waving goodbye to them as they left.
She leaned back into her chair, taking a deep breath and finally relaxing.
Natasha opened one eye and saw that S/O's mech was standing completely still, clearly unmanned.
(Natasha) "...Strange, where is-"
She heard the kids all grunting in unison outside the window.
(Natasha) "...Oh no."
She leapt off her chair at a speed that startled some of the people inside.
Opening the door, she found Seele already approaching the clinic.
(Seele) "Nat, the kids!-"
(Natasha) "I know!"
She rushed past Seele, who quickly joined her as they rushed towards an open part of the courtyard.
S/O was standing in front of a large group of children, all mimicking their actions.
(S/O) "Put your heart into every swing! Your fists are the only way to convey how you feel!"
(Hook) "Yes, teacher!"
(Child) "S/O, do you think your Master could teach us too?!"
(S/O) "Hah! My Master would appreciate your enthusiasm, but-"
(Natasha) "S/O!"
S/O froze in fear, as did the rest of the children as every single one of them rushed to hide behind S/O.
Natasha sighed, looking at the kids, then back to her lover.
(Natasha) "What in the world are you doing?"
(S/O) "...Exercising-"
(Seele) "Really? Is that what you call it?"
(Hook) "S-S/O said they would show us the Erupting Burning-"
(Natasha) "Absolutely not! S/O, the clinic, NOW."
Seele took the kids behind her as Natasha dragged S/O out of sight.
(Child) "...Will they be alright?"
(Seele) "I don't think they will be, no."
(S/O) "Nat-"
(Natasha) "Do not Nat me! What are you thinking, teaching the kids such a violent move!?"
(S/O) "W-Well, I can't exactly say no to them-"
(Natasha) "Do I know it, S/O, but I don't need parents telling me their kids were trying to blow up something with their bare hands!"
(S/O) "...But I do it with the-"
(Natasha) "Don't you dare finish that sentence! If I find you trying to teach the kids your crazy moves again, I will make you explode next."
The Mech's head moved and stared at Natasha.
Both the mech and S/O stepped back in fear.
Honestly, S/O couldn't decide whether their master or Natasha was scarier.
...Probably Natasha.
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