#i love that silly skinny space man
sexy-sapphic-sorcerer · 10 months
in the same way that I wasn't born gay, I saw katie mcgrath in merlin when I was 9 and that made me gay - I wasn't born autistic, I saw david tennant in doctor who when I was 10 and that made me autistic
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madderot · 7 months
did i fuckin tell u guys i was this fuckin close to using alucard as a fc for marley.
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oinkinpigprince · 5 months
My friends(hostages) and I (tied them down and forced them to) watched the Texas chainsaw massacre one and two(I held them at gun point and kept wiggling happily) and I had silly little thoughts about my favorite little spleens :33(I love them so much it physically hurts)
I bet playing hide and seek w/ them would be a special kind of fun! Ik I have a lot of request for smiling friends and I pinky promise to get them done rlly soon this is just a little self indulgence
Hide and seek with the sawyer family!!!!!! Yeah!!!
They are so bad at it, it hurts. Listen, they are so big and bulky and too excited to play, they can’t hide anywhere and they aren’t that creative.
Cabinets are a no go, under the bed is laughable, I think they’d be the type to try and hide under a bunch of stuffies
They’re most likely to be hiding in closets and maybe the bathroom, probably behind the couch is a good place to look
Although you can easily find them cause if he sees or hears you getting closer they might start to giggle, it’s just so much fun!!!!
But when you do find them, the chase is fucking on. They may not look it but they are quick, bubba just has a hard time rounding corners quickly so that’s where they have trouble :((
When you do finally tag them, they’ll squeal and grab you, spinning you around. THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!! You two may get told off but it’s worth it
Bubba finding you is a pretty similar story. They are very observant but they’re still pretty giggly. Also with their loud ass stomps you can hear them coming and quickly change spots
When they do find you, oh fuck it’s over, doesn’t even think just quickly grabs you and hugs you tight. THEY WON!! It’s a lot of fun but low key scary when you can hear their foot steps approaching.
Loudest person you’ve ever met, how hard could it be? Once that game starts and you finish counting that boy is GONE
Although nubbins is pretty tall at a generous 6’2 he is skinny and loves small spaces so he quickly finds the smallish space he can cram himself in
A space you’d never think of looking and he is silent, it’s like he disappeared off the face of the fucking earth. He’s happy too, he doesn’t get bored which is surprising.
Nubbins will just lay there happily day dreaming til someone else unintentionally finds him and he cusses them out. Then you find him
Nubbins doesn’t care for the chase as much as the hiding so you easily tag him, he just can’t wait to find you :o))))))
You can also hear nubbins, but his is more, taunting. He likes to pretend he’s hunting you, and oh boy, it feels like he’s threatening you. You can hear him from the hall “heeeeeere kitty kitty k-kitty kitty kitty, where are you?” Your blood runs cold
Sitting in your hiding space steadying your breathing praying he doesn’t find you, there no hell you’d be able to out run a man who spends all day racing cars to scrap dead animal corpses off hot pavement!
When it goes quiet and you think you’re in the clear. You peak out and don’t see anything, so you swallow your fear and quickly stalk out to go and change hiding spaces. Then BAM!! He got you! Ha! You should see your space
He howls as you scream curling his body around yours, he eats up your terrified screams. He just hugs you tight and lays on the ground as you squirm trying to get away, he’ll pepper the side of your face with kisses as he pinches your cheeks. You’re so cute when you’re scared!
Oh Robby rob, oh dear Robert bobert, you asked him to play hide and seek, for fun! What’s the harm that could happen! You know this man a little eccentric, but you had zero clue what you got yourself into. Playing hide and seek, with a VIETNAM war vet
He agrees, excited as fuck. Never have you seen him agree so quickly to something. Before you finish saying the words he’s making you count to ten.
First round goes fine, it’s completely normal and not weird. He hit under a bed and then chased you around the house when he found you. Fun!
Next round, you looked around giddily, looking where trying to find him. You searched the whole house trying to find that man for 20 minutes. That’s when you stood in the living room and felt, something went drip onto your forehead. You looked up, HE WAS ON THE FUCKING CEILING AND HE SPAT ON YOU!!!
Laughed as you tried to tag him, taunting you and spat on you some more until you got a step stool and he just dropped, landed on all fours and scrambled away faster than god
You had to have nubbins AND bubba help you catch him. That man was unstoppable. He only relented after a while cause he wanted to have his turn seeking.
Waiting patiently for footsteps and you heard none. You figured maybe he was at the other side of the house. That’s when you glanced slightly and saw, a glimpse of a smiling man in your peripheral. Two inches away from your face.
Screaming you dashed for the exit with him hot on your trail. Chop was toying with you the entire time. Laughing, he was always just behind you. He could have caught you easily but just wanted to see you run from him
Have you seen where he was chasing stretch and he just leaped onto the bridge and climbed on. Yeah he did that to you, that man was not messing around
As soon as it started it ended with you cornered and panting, he didn’t even break a sweat. He just gently pats your face and says “got ya!” Before shouting ‘nam worl’ loudly and cheering.
He’s the whole reason I made these head canons, I don’t want to play hide and seek w/ him
The biggest fucking party pooper. Every time you ask he always says “I’m too old for that kiddy shit.” Or “are ya trying to kill me? I ain’t spending my afternoon chasing you around”
His favorite is “how about I go hide in the living room with the tv and you go find a damn to give me.” Dick >:((((
If in the one is a TRILLION chance he says fine, to shut you up it’s a pretty normal game to be honest
He isn’t one for running around so he doesn’t put much of a fight. Just sorta “oh ya got me! Happy now?” Yeah, you are, now it’s his turn
Is a really good seeker he just doesn’t like to run. If you try and make him chase you he’ll just give up cursing “I have other shit to do than play CHILDRENS game” like down chill out
Okay listen, deep down he does find it, a LITTLE fun and likes seeing you and his brothers play but don’t play with him. He doesn’t have time for that shit 😭😭💅💅
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dietmountaindewbae · 7 months
please please please can you write me a fic where reader and Humbug Alex are both work colleagues (reader thinks Alex is goofy and nerdy - but boy she will be wrong) and they fuck in his office whilst a work party is happening downstairs. PLEASE
xxv. talk tonight
alex turner x reader
Tumblr media
word count: 4739
summary: At an office party (humbug!) Alex watched you all by yourself, his heart tells him to hurry and talk to you before he loses the chance to.
warnings: ch*cking, scracth*ng, degrad*ng.
The elevator doors shut close, and finally, some silence makes you feel at ease. You're not even close to feeling a buzz with the skinny glasses of sparkly champagne they served and as you traveled up the rooftop you propped a cigarette in your mouth.
You swing open the door of the building's rooftop, the company you worked for was having its 6th anniversary, and while everyone was celebrating downstairs, you were aching for some time by yourself. The fresh cold allowed you to breathe but it only made goosebumps crawl up your back.
"Be careful there" Someone says from behind you, you are too close to the edge of the wall, so you turn around on your feet and face the man with the gentle voice.
"What are you doin' up here?" You say with a silly smile. Alex was one of the best workers at the company, he's been rewarded and recognized for his honest work and loyalty to the company, he's a good guy but socially awkward when it comes to going to bars late at night after working extra hours.
"Just wanted some space" You've never had a real conversation with Alex, let alone, be completely by yourself with him. Alex was a nice man, with his long wavy hair and his shy little voice and thick Yorkshire accent, he was decent, always serious but he had something likable and magnetic about him.
"Me too, are you having fun though?" You grab from your skirt your lighter and try to burn your cigarette, in the attempt you fail, and he leans in, grabbing the lighter and helping you light your cigarette, grabbing one from his box.
"Not quite there yet," He says, blowing the smoke away, "I'm waiting for the booze to kick in" You giggled, catching Alex's attention.
"It's the first time I've heard you say more than 4 words to me" Alex looks down to the floor smiling, he's quite shy but very nice, "I enjoy that..." He looks back at you with a smile, maybe it was the booze, but his radiant brown eyes looking at yours so deeply make you feel hot.
"What about you? How are you feelin'?" As you were talking, Alex's eyes ran down your body discreetly, you were looking sexy with your black mini skirt long sheer black knee socks, and grey silk button-up blouse, nearly unmade, your nails painted black, and your hair in soft curls. The smell of your perfume and the cigarette that burned in between your fingers blew him away.
"...But overall I think the party's ok, I just don't like the music the DJ chose" Alex smiles softly, and each time you talk he takes a step closer to you.
"Horrible set, isn't it?" You lightly chuckle nodding your head, "What kind of music would you like him to play?"
"Mmm... I dunno maybe the smiths? I love the smiths... I know it's an odd choice for a party but-"
Alex interrupted you by lightly putting his hand on your arm, his thumb caressing the soft material of your shirt, "No, no, not at all... it's much better than the trash they're playing" He noticed his hand on your arm, and you smiled as he took his hand away very shyly, as if he had to ask if it was ok even to do that, you crossed your eyes and he look down to the floor scratching the back of his head, "I-I..." He clears his throat, "Sorreh.... I know the DJ, he's an old mate, I can tell him to play some smiths for you" You see the way his body moves closer to yours, how his shoulders move unsteadily as he breathes, meaning his heart is beating fast, his eyes looking at you with hope, and you realized... someone has a crush on you.
"That would be great, thank you Alex" You and him head towards the door after throwing away your cigarettes, he opens the door for you and closes it once you are inside the building, you smile at him as your eyes crossed again, and you take initiative to grab his hand as no one was watching.
Getting involved with your co-workers was never an option for you, all the men that worked here were bitter and boring, always bragging about their money, faking a smile every time they talked about their marriages just to proceed to flirt with all the women at the copier room. You didn't have anything bad to say about Alex, he was a dork, a bit shy and awkward yet he was the most interesting and likable person in your office. He made himself present with little actions, he sometimes dropped by your desk to leave you a bagel or doughnut since you worked in the cubicle next to his, but you weren't the only one who received those little acts, so you thought nothing about it, he hardly even knew your name, but he always smiled at you whenever he saw you.
For all you knew, he was single, and he's very reserved, you only ever see him talking with Nick or Jamie, the drinks in you made your rules bend a bit, maybe see where this gets you, maybe nothing would happen, but if it did, you wouldn't feel bad about it at all.
The only rule that had to be respected was, not being seen flirting with him, rumors spread faster than the speed of light in your office, and you didn't want to ruin this little spark between you two for just one night.
As you and Alex step into the elevator, you drop his hand, being on opposite corners of the elevator, you cheekily smile at him, he looks visibly disappointed at how you dropped his hand. When the doors opened again, you two walked side by side, keeping a reasonable but choking distance from each other as if he was agreeing to your rules without you even having to tell him. As you walked past the people you stepped into the disco-style dancefloor with squares of neon lights, and Alex walked forward to the DJ, saying hi to the guy with fuzzy curly messy hair, black headphones on his neck, grey sweatpants, and funny sunglasses.
He whispers something to his ear, and the guy nods and they switch the music. You hear the hypnotic sound of the intro of 'How Soon Is Now?' by The Smiths, you're lightly divided by people, but he's still able to watch you dance, and you look beautiful as you do. He sees you smiling, laughing, and having fun with the other girls, but your eyes are only on him, and his on yours.
Alex wasn't a man of many words, but ever since you had come into the office, a part of his heart had started to beat so rapidly, that he always turned to look at you whenever you untied your tight ponytail and let your hair fall, whenever you stretched your back and he could see the outline of your chest peek through your shirt, he was gone. He never tried to speak to you, he was too self-conscious to do so, he lived all of his fantasies of you and him in his head, he had the sound of your voice engraved on his head. Whenever you dropped something he was always there to pick it up and hand it to you, or when the printer was out of paper he was the only one that gave you some new paper to work on, every day when he arrived with fresh goods he made sure you were the first to get the warmest piece or the biggest slice. He did all of that, but you didn't think it was out of a crush, you thought it was him just being nice, and man if he could tell you how wrong you were.
In his head, you two had thrown away all of the people and there was only you and him dancing to some old music that no one thought was fit for the occasion, but you thought there was no better timing than this one, but the fun ends as you feel someone's breath on your neck, one of your supervisors drunkenly whispers close to your ear...
"That skirt fits your bum very well" You rolled your eyes and walked away, not saying another word, Alex following you closely. He catches you at the elevator just in time sliding inside.
"Hi," He says out of breath, you giggle and he brushes his hair away, "Where are we going?" You smiled as you heard the excitement of his voice.
"Well, I was planning to go the rooftop again..." You say looking down to the floor, he saw how that man had whispered to your ear something that woke up a flaming rage inside you, something so profoundly disgusting, you just wanted to get away as fast as you could.
"I have a better idea..." You smile, he presses down at the button, and he waits patiently in the opposite corner, facing you with a smile, you wonder in your head where he was taking you, while he was battling in his head what else could he say to keep you interested, he thought he could bore you at any given time. The doors of the office were open, the lights were completely down, and only the lights of the city that shone through the cracks of the curtains could show you two the way. He noticed you were afraid to step inside, but he grabbed your hand and pulled you in, "The cameras are down for the night, don't worry love, no one's gunna 'now we were here"
You smiled, "I'm not worried about that... just not a big fan of the dark..." You giggled and he played along with you, he grabbed your hand tighter, making your cheeks lightly blush as you walked into his cubicle, you sat on his desk while he pulled from a corner a carton box and took out a big bottle of whisky, "I didn't take you as a bad boy, Al"
"Well, this is the only thing that takes some of me headaches from when me and Jamie stay late doin' those bloody Excel sheets" Then he takes out from his pocket his MP3 connecting it to the little speaker next to his desk, playing more music for you as he quickly goes to the break room and fetches you a plastic cup and a soda. He sits on his chair and pours you some coke and whisky, and when he severs you a good amount of alcohol he hands you the cup and grabs the bottle touching the edge of the bottle with your cup and you both drink away.
"Thanks... I couldn't handle more wine... needed something stronger" You smile at him, and he brushes his long hair away.
"Do you wanna know something else about the office?" You smile and nod your head, fixing your hair to the side, he shuffles on his chair and you hear the sound of his lighter coming off, he puts a cigarette in his mouth and lights it, blowing the smoke up directly without causing the fire alarm to go off.
"What the fuck?!" You both break into laughter, "Oh my God!-" He lightly shushes you to make you talk quieter, you keep laughing until your abdomen hurts, and you sip on your drink once more, "Imagine the day I decide to set my supervisor's chair on fire... God"
"He's a dickhead" You nod your head.
"I don't even wanna say anythin' else, I mean he doesn't touch me or anything but that doesn't mean he cannot say anything to me... which is what angers me" He nods his head, turning on the lamp next to his computer, "Thanks"
"I wanted to see you while you're talking" He smiles, and you lightly blush once more, "Next time he says anything to you, why don't we put some tacks on his desk?" You giggle together, you can't help but stare at the way the corners of his mouth rise to make that cute smile appear, you like how discreet he was, lightly grazing your hand whenever he laughed, or how his eyes sweep down to gaze your body.
"I was wrong about you Al," You say, he drags his chair closer to you very slowly so you don't notice but you do, and you don't mind it, "You're the only interesting person in this office"
"Why is that? You're always laughing with Brian at the copier" You stare at him with a cheeky grin.
"Are you jealous or something?" You tease him, and he stutters into his words trying to fix his mistake.
"No, I just thought that... never mind" He looked away, taking another sip of the bottle, you grab the cigarette trapped in between his fingers, taking a drag and staring at him deeply.
"He's just a funny guy, there's nothin' much going on with me" His eyes light up, so after all, you weren't the only one who was concerned about him being single or not.
"I'm glad," He blurs out, making you both smile, "What is so interesting about me anyway?" You bit your bottom lip, taking a big sip from his bottle of whiskey, the liquor scratching your throat but it goes down easily once you sip on your coke.
"I mean, isn't it obvious?" You smile at him, starting to feel a bit dizzy, he takes a big chug of his bottle while you talk, "I just know that you don't say everything that you think, there's more to you"
"You're not far from the truth," He says nudging his head and leaning closer to you, resting his elbow on his desk next to your leg, you saw his face properly now, and he was a dream.
"Why? Is there something you want to say to me, Alex?" You teased leaning in closer to his face, your hand almost touching his, you could smell his cologne now, the space in between you two almost being none.
"I'm afraid there aren't enough words for that" He looks down to the slit in your shirt, your arm squeezing your tits together, he could see your black lace bra perfectly, he had this insatiable need for you, "But as you know already, I am not a man of many words, I take actions" His eyes looked down to your lips, licking his, already drooling to get a taste of your lips, until you suddenly pulled away, scratching the back of your head, "Wait, what happened?"
"If this is going to happen, we can't kiss"
"But..." There has to be a but always.
"I'm not gonna do it if we're gonna be awkward in the mornin'" You cross your arms sitting comfortably on the desk.
"I'm not like that," He says with a smile, but he sees your position and your limits, he just wanted a little bit of you, from the moment he saw you outside all by yourself under the moonlight with your beautiful eyes and lips smiling to him he knew he had to strip out of his costume and talk to you at that moment, he needed and wanted you now than anything, "If you don't want me to kiss you, can I at least touch you?" You bit your lower lip, sitting upright, his eyes only looking at you and not anywhere else begging you to say yes, he desires you with a big ache, you see it right in his eyes, just as transparent as glass.
"Yes.." He cups your cheeks and his face approaches yours, looking at you with lust, his lips peck the inner corner of your lips, traveling up to your earlobe, his fingers lightly playing with your hair, and his lips kissing your neck very gently at first, but then he licks his lips, kissing your neck with big wet kisses all over the place, sniffing every last bit of your perfume. He kicks away his chair, standing up to run his hands down your sides, unbuttoning your shirt gently, sneaking his hands to your bra, kneading your tits and squeezing them hard, you sigh and he breathes in your quiet moans and sighs like smoke, letting it consume him from the inside out.
"You're so fuckin' beautiful" He whispers into your ear, kissing the left side of your chest, where your heart is, you try to fight the urge to kiss him, but impatiently, he's in great need to show you real pleasure, to tear down your rules and let him taste your mouth, there was nothing he desired more in that moment.
You untuck your shirt, letting him enjoy the taste of your skin, and his hands feel your bare skin, his hair lightly tickling your neck, and you couldn't escape the need to run your hands thru his soft curls, lightly pulling on his hair as he lets your tits spill out from your bra, sucking on them and nibbling your nipples with his teeth, his tongue licking and his mouth sucking every inch of your skin, leaving red bruises on your chest so you don't forget who's been there the next morning.
He momentarily pulls away from you, his lips tearing off your skin like scar tissue on your knees, "What?-"
"You were right, love," He says, the look in his eyes sending shivers all over your body, "I haven't told you everything"
"What else have you got to say to me?" His hands slowly travel down to your legs, riding up your skirt until they unravel your black lace underwear.
"I've been watching you ever since you came here, every day, every time you felt exhausted and you stretch your back against the chair, I just want to make that go away... make you feel brand new... drop a note and tell you to meet me in the bathroom, and make you sigh out of pleasure and not from being tired, I only see you" His eyes dug in yours as he kneeled in front of you, "Maybe you think I'm quiet and dorky, but you don't even know for how long I've been thinking of you like this" His knuckles pull your soaking wet panties to the side, his eyes watching you as his fingers enter your body and his lips suck on your pussy harshly, slowly your orgasms started to get louder and louder each time his fingers rimmed your walls. Shamelessly he licks your pussy up, swallowing every ounce of the wetness that leaks out of you, "You're so fuckin' tight babe, taste so delicious"
"Fuck... please, don't stop!" You push his head in between your legs, starting to feel that ache getting bigger and bigger as he sucks right at the spot you needed hard, his fingers fuck your pussy faster, filling up that hole so well, more wetness rushes out from your legs, your end is yet to come, you feel it crawling up from your belly to your chest, starting to form in your throat as a scream until he takes his mouth off from your warmed up cunt, leaving you to breathless and needy for more.
He covers your mouth with his hand, sliding down his fingers covered in your arousal into your mouth, your lips sucking them hard until he makes you gag around them, pulling them out from your mouth with a string of saliva, "Can you be quiet for me?" He says it in such an easy way you're so amazed.
"Mhm," You bit your bottom lip.
"Tell me babe... are you gonna let me fuck you or are you just gonna pretend your pussy isn't drooling for some of it?" Your cheeky smile is no competition for him, he's certain you're in great need of more than just fingers and sucking.
You grab the buckle of his belt, undoing it very slowly, your hand palming his hard-on, you smiled as you felt the size and weight of his cock, biting your bottom lip as you take him out of his boxers and see him on the flesh. The tip of his cock leaked some wetness, he sighed as you give his veiny cock a few strokes, the tip of your thumb rubbing down his head, spreading it all over his cock. His hands cover your mouth pushing your head back and his tip rims your clit, lubing up his cock with your juices. You were trying to find a way to get more pleasure from him but the only way was right in front of you, "You know what to say babe... don't act like a dumb little cunt"
Your eyes lock in his, his lips a few inches close to yours, to kiss your lips, "Fuck me, Alex, please..." You bite your lower lip as the tip of his cock slides down tightly inside you, making you sigh. His fingers dig into your thighs, and you rock yourself against him, your elbow in the desk while the other holds Alex's shoulder tightly, his hand gripping the wall and the other one in your lower back. He rocks his hips against yours, fucking you slowly and passionately, the tip of your nose against his, he liked to watch your pupils dilate as he buries himself deep inside you.
"I loved leaving you just like that... soaked in all of your juices for me cock to slip inside you... God, you're so fuckin' wet for me... you fuckin' cock lovin' whore"
"Fuck you" You pant, "Fuck you Alex" You push your hips against his harder, his hands scattered in the back of your head, wrapping his arm around you, driving his cock in and out of you so hard, you were slowly losing yourself in his arms, enjoying how good he's fucking you.
"You love it," He says with a grin on his lips, his lips moaning against yours, grazing each other, laying one in another, but so far from being sealed together, that kept him on the verge, everything being strictly physical, the desire of wanting the feeling of your lips around his will bother him for the rest of the night.
Your tits bounce against his chest, sweat drips down from his forehead, and he's forcing himself to handle longer just for you to come on his cock so hard your whole body would feel light and high in the sky. You grip his shoulder tightly, holding yourself up with your hand, his fingers wrapped around your neck as he feels your pussy dragging him in, getting tighter with each stroke of his cock in your walls. His thumb went down in between your legs, rubbing your clit in tight little circles, forcing you to come, your abdomen pushing out your last cry of pleasure, and you choked out a little sigh of relief.
Alex was fast to pull out of you, you watch how his hand made a fist around his cock, and you didn't want him to finish like that. You willingly get down on your knees, and blow him thoroughly, "Jeeesus fuckin' christ... fuck!" He made a fist with your hair, "You want me to cum in your mouth, babe?" You hummed as a yes, sucking him harder as he drove your head back and forward. He drove his hips into your mouth, pushing your head until the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat making you gag all over him, feeling him come inside your mouth in hot spurts at the feeling of your soft plump lips. You swallowed without him having to say it, "Mmm... fuuckin' hell, that was..."
"Really good," You said, he helped you get to up from the ground, holding hands and smiling at each other.
"You're ok? Your knees don't hurt or anything?" You giggled lightly, feeling a little strange about how much he cared for those little things.
"No, no, I'm alright" You turned to fix your blause, putting each button back on, and when you faced him back, you saw him staring at you with his big puppy eyes in awe, "What?"
"You've... um, your eye... I'll fix it" He grabbed the edge of his sleeve, he was wearing a basic white button-up shirt, denim jeans, and a belt. He cleaned the stain in your eye from the crying, and while you fixed your hair, he put everything in his desk back in order.
"Thank you, Al," You said with an honest smile, "I had fun"
"Sounds like a goodbye," He says with a fainted smile.
"No... it's not, I'll see you tomorrow, right?" He fakes a smile and says yes with his head, before you head out, he grabs you by the wrist and pulls you in to give you a warm hug, you lean back to get a better look at him and say, "Sweet dreams, Al"
"You too" You break the hug, leaving the confused man with his big brain and questions all by himself.
When he drove to his apartment and laid down on his bed, he grabbed his phone, wanting to send you a message, but what type of message? You said you were ok, even said you had fun, but he was hooked. He was aching to know more about you, to know what you think. The rest of the night he kept looping around in his head every word he said to you, and everything you and him had done. He didn't want to sound so needy, but at least he wanted to talk to you.
The next day at the office when Alex sat on his chair, he smiled, vividly remembering what had happened the night before. But he knew something felt strange, he felt something was missing, this feeling was bittersweet, and you came right in through the door with your black low-waist pants, heels, and baby pink shirt with some buttons undone, he knew exactly what he needed to do.
There was a moment when everyone was working quietly in the cubicle, and he pushed himself up from his chair, walking through your cubicle he dropped a little purple post-it note at your desk.
"Break room"
That's all the letter said.
You put the note away in your purse, walking to meet him, you closed the door and he was waiting for you behind it.
"Hey," You said with a gentle smile.
"I- um" You sighed, thinking you knew well what he wanted to say. So, you cut him up before he did.
"Nothin' happened last night, you can forget about it... we had fun, let's leave it like that" But before you could escape him he pulled you back in by your wrist, making shivers run up your arms.
"No, I wasn't gonna-" He smiles very kindly to you, making you feel warm, "I just wanted to ask you out for dinner, tonight... if that's ok?" A little smile crawls from the corner of your mouth.
He liked how you looked with that little smile in the corner of your lips, that little blush creeping up your cheeks, "Yeah, yes"
You both smile at each other very shyly but happily, you nod your head and slowly take a step back but he leans in, his arm wrapping around your waist, "Now that we're sober... is the kissing policy revocable? or..." You break into laughter and take a step closer to him, he leans in and presses his lips against yours. You couldn't believe how just a simple little kiss on the lips could feel so electrifying, his lovely warm lips open to kiss you properly, he tasted the fresh cappuccino in your mouth with soft cinnamon in your breath, mixing with the taste of your lipstick. He tasted like black coffee and a cigarette bright and early in the morning, a mixture that makes one become an addict.
When you pulled back some blush creeps into your cheeks, "I'll see you later then..." You said.
"Last one before you leave" He pulled you in, giving you another soft kiss on your lips, biting down on your bottom lip before your lips tore apart.
I'll be posting more of your requests soon! I love you all, and I've taken some time to make the playlists fitted for the chapters, some will be longer than the others but I hope you enjoy them all.
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honeymilkbubbletea · 4 months
Is this a safe space?
Jesus this sounded bad 💀
But honestly? I got into Dungeon Meshi solely because I saw fanart with Laios and Falin hugging (they were both drawn as plus sized) and thought, "omg chubby main characters? That's so awesome!"
And people on Twitter were talking about how it's so nice to have "actually chubby" characters (some people, on the other hand, were mad that "they made Laios fat")
So finally I watched the show and was like??? Where chubby??? Where fat??? (I'm talking about Falin and Laios here, just to specify)
Like c'mon
I think people have such a distorted view of how bodies look like, that they will call muscular/broad character fat only because they don't have a six pack poking out all the time, and it's kinda sad :/
I was so excited for fat Falin, but she's literally just regular, she does have bigger boobs, yes, but she's not fat, sometimes I wonder if some people actually saw a fat person irl cause...
I love Dungeon Meshi, and Laios is probably my favorite character (he's just like me frfr) BUT this man is NOT chubby, and I'm not saying this with ill intent, because I would actually LOVE if he was!
I'm saying this in more, "That's not what I expected, and you got my hopes up for nothing 😐"
And again, the show is great and has awesome and diverse character designs
I guess I was just sad for a bit because people don't know how to call any other body type besides skeleton skinny anything other than "chubby"
Okay end of my silly little thoughts
Laios and Falin will forever be fat in my head 🩷
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beautifulhigh · 1 year
Welcome to the next edition of Jen's meta ramblings
I have watched the movie at least once a day since it came out and I kid you not, I see something new every time. The fact that this is Matthew López's first directoral debut is just... I'm in awe. And you can tell how much he loves the story because of the way things like this are set up and played out
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In the novel, Henry and Alex are skinny dipping in the lake at night, and so I absolutely got the change in both time of day and also attire. But let's talk about that little island shall we?
No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea
Every single one of us is not meant to be alone, without connection and without a link to someone else. We are parts of a whole and if we lose that... well. It's not good.
Henry is on that island, our prince who belongs to Britain and Henry Fox who thinks he has to belong to himself. The prince is forced into status and circumstance, of appearances and mindless ribbon cuttings. When he does something that means something - like the trip to the cancer ward - then he doesn't do it with cameras. I'd argue he's not the prince there, he's Henry Fox. The man who lost his father to cancer.
But this is not that meta.
Henry has shut himself off, shut himself away. He doesn't date the people he's interested in, he doesn't live his truth (and for very good and valid reasons). He has decided that while Prince Henry belongs to Britain, Henry Fox is an island.
And look who is swimming up to that island. Look who is coming out to Henry, having realised the night before that oh yeah, I do feel forever about him and so Alex swims out to that island.
And the first thing he does? He makes Henry laugh. He is silly and fun and the complete antithesis of the composed and collected Prince of Wales. And then he joins Henry, on his island.
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This gorgeous overhead shot shows us that Alex is putting himself on Henry's right (protocol or his good side?) but he's also in the centre of the island. He's not on the edge of it. In the metaphor of Henry Fox's island, Alex is putting himself at the heart of it all. RIght before he lays out his heart to Henry.
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The shot that broke our hearts too, along with Henry's. Because we can see the shore in the background now. We're reminded that islands are not - they cannot be fully independent. People cannot be islands and even though Alex is literally and metaphorically planting himself at Henry's side, Henry knows that this island he's formed for himself in his heart and his sense of self cannot stand if Alex is there. If Alex is with him then he is no longer an island. Henry Fox will not belong to himself and the sense of protection and self-preservation we see coming out in the Storming of Kensington is under threat.
So he bails.
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The island is submerged, like the mythical Atlantis, because how do you render land useless? Drown it. How do you deal with water? Drain it away. He abandons his island and flees back to the only other space he has left - Kensington Palace - in an attempt to regroup. He drains his life of Alex and what he brings. He has to return to being the Prince of Wales because Henry Fox got too close. Because Henry Fox realised he was being loved by a man who would literally swim out to where he is.
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Moment of appreciation for the shot. Matthew, you have a fucking talent and I cannot wait to see what else you do. Because our #imtaller boy looks so small here. So lost. When else have we seen someone look so small and lost?
Oh. Yeah.
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When he's curling in on himself in an almost last-ditch attempt to protect himself and his boundaries from what is coming. You can see that he's no longer dry, that Alex's "shower time" has changed him. Alex brought laughter and love and water onto his island and Henry has just realised what this means. This isn't a visitor's visa. This is immigration.
Which is what makes THIS so much more. Back to our boy, drenched from the storm, plaintively asking Henry to talk to him.
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Because yes, the Storming of Kensington happens during an actual storm, but by now you know I overead into everything... so once again we have Alex "swimming" out to Henry. He's dived right in and gone are the jokes, gone is the humour. He is here and he is asking to be let in and daring Henry to send him away.
This is Alex, serious and in love and following Henry to whatever landmass he is setting foot on. Henry is trying to be an island and Alex is out here going, "I'll just build another boat you fucker". A true 'ship if you will. He swam out to an island on a lake, he flew to a tiny island across an ocean. He is standing at Henry's borders and he isn't launching an offensive. He's just saying that if Henry wants to be cut off from everything then he needs to do the cutting himself.
Prince Henry felt like he belonged to Britain, Henry Fox felt like he had to belong to himself, and Alex turned up and went "nope. Mine now". (Insert additional historical quip about the English being colonised for once.) But there is still some truth in that: the Prince is part of England, and we should all belong to ourselves even in relationships. Henry just learns that the different parts of him can co-exist. Bit like how water and land can co-exist without one destroying the other.
Henry is Alex's North Star but he's also his solid ground. Insert quip about Alex colonising Henry and claiming him for his own, planting of flag, your innuendo of choice goes here. Pyramus wished there wasn't a wall - Alex straight up scaled Henry's.
There's a divergence between Prince Henry and Henry Fox, but at the heart of them both there's Henry. And this is the man that Alex sees, this is the man that Alex loves. Alex swims out to the island for Henry Fox, Alex pushes through the rain for Prince Henry. Alex holds steady in the storm of talking with King James/Queen Mary and the public.
And it started with Alex literally making his way out to Henry on an island: be that England for the Royal Wedding, a pontoon island on a lake, or knocking down Henry's walls.
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To this moment. Which is very hard to grab a screenshot of, but Alex asks Henry to "take a walk" with him. This time it's Henry going to/with Alex. The fact that he's there is one thing (and a rant rather than a meta) but at this point they have each other. They belong to each other. Where one of them goes, the other one follows. Independent, together, co-existing.
Anyway. I'm sure there will be more bullshit ramblings and metas at some point. Follow me if you want more of that (but be warned: blank and empty blogs are blocked on sight) because we are not islands in this metaphorical storm of life. Let us swim out to one another, dry off with one another, and live a life with broken down borders and walls.
ETA: I now have another name to add to the thanks. Stephen Goldblatt, from the bottom of my soul, thank you
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demonslayedher · 3 months
Something I really loved about this past episode (and I loved a lot of things about this episode) is that I got to enjoy Himejima at his dweebiest.
I've been on the meta side of enjoying Himejima so long now that I feel like I went straight from "ugh, crying is this guy's personality" to "Himejima is deeply jaded but that has nothing to do with how deeply everyone respects him." This episode is that wonderful space in between where Himejima is an even bigger dork than most of the rest of the Hashira. Like, you could expect that this is going to be his role for the rest of the series and still be just as happy with seeing another side of him, like "haha, of course he cries about trash. OMG, he loves cats. HAHAHAHA LOOK AT HIM HE THINKS HE IS HIDDEN BEHIND THAT SKINNY TREE" because he's just such an adorable oaf.
Also, I startled myself a bit when I thought that, because often when I say that I love oni (of the red- and blue-skinned cartoony kinds), I say its because they are such big, silly oafs. My apologies, Himejima, I know you would make a terrifying oni.
But that's the beautiful of this episode. People only following the story in the anime don't know that yet.
I'm so happy we got the silliest of Himejima Taisho Secrets animated, both the way he is goo when holding a cat, and how seamlessly they integrated Himejima smacking Inosuke face first into the ground with the flippancy of a cat knocking a cup off a countertop. That is one of my favorite Gotouge doodles ever.
Anyway, that is my happy, cheerful, "yay, Himejima is so cute and silly" ramble. I really hope to see his flashback get the same dramatic treatment that Muichiro's did (which would be especially satisfying after showing this light side of his character so we get that contrast), and I'm very excited for the next episode. But man, we don't *truly* get Himejima until he's facing off against Kokushibo, do we?
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noemilivv · 8 months
Hi! I saw that a matchup event is open and I (of course) had to join : ) here I go!
FANDOM: I would like a MALE HAZBIN HOTEL matchup request please! the characters I don’t want is husker or angel dust (I have no problem with them but I don’t feel comfortable with having them as romantic partners…..)
ABOUT ME: My name is Jaxrel! People call me "Jax" for short. also use other names like Himawari, Rin, etc, He/Him (They/Them is acceptable), I'm a Trans Man who's pansexual and l've been diagnosed with mental illness and disorders that I do not wish sharing ATM.
Personality(+ Notes): I'm a ENTP Ravenclaw, 5w4, Extroverted. I'm a very chill and intelligent person I'm very polite and sweet! at first awkward, shy and distant when meeting people, extremely independent, when comfortable I talk about a lot of stuff for hours, loud talker, emotions come off as sarcastic or silly (due to autism), confident, straightforward (I have a urge to correct someone of faulty information), uses "big" words, good sense of humor, playful, entertaining, optimistic, mischievous, curious(l'm nosy and I love gossip), i can be a rule breaker(sometimes don't mean to), dad/ tharapist friend, when I go out I bring water bottles, first aid kit, chapstick(s) just in case, chill but some people would say I have some "repressed anger issues, I get a realllyyy overractive Brain, I tend to get deep and philosophical when l'm left on my own for to long, I can be verbally aggressive when prevoked. If this helps more the characters I kin a lot are: Victor Nikiforov (Yuri On Ice), Tei (Nameless), Gojo Satoru (Jujustu Kaisen), Cutthroat (Akudama Drive, Except the Bloodlust cutthroat has.), Ranpo Edogawa (Bungo Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu (Bungo Stray Dogs), Space Ishtar (Fate), Okita Souji (Fate), Langa Hasegawa (Sk8 The Infinity), Sherlock Holmes (TGAA), Zack (Final Fantasy 7), Vash The Stampede (Trigun), Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist), Otonashi Yuzuru (Angel Beats), Karma Akabane (Assassination Classroom), Vanitas (Study Case of Vanitas), Zoe Hange (AOT), Shinoa Hiiragi (Seraph of The End) + more
MORE KINS: hiyori tomoe (enstars), yoosung kim (mystic messenger), jumin han (mystic messenger), hanako (tbhk), felix kranken (twf), albedo (genshin impact), shoya ishida (a silent voice), tom (eddsworld), eridan (homestuck), karkat (homestuck), shu itsuki (enstars),miyamura izumi (horimiya), micheal afton (FNAF), lolbit (FNAF), mangle (FNAF), natsume sakasaki (enstars), sora harukawa (enstars), urumi akamaki (alice in borderland), V (mystic messenger), hagumi kitazawa (bandori), matsubara kanon (bandori), shinji ikari (neon genesis evangelion), minami kotobuki (oshi no ko), lain iwakura (serial experiments lain), hajime hinata (danganronpa), k-angel (needy streamer overdose) and more 😃
Looks: Half Polish and Vietnamese with Some Scottish and Half Middle Eastern(Iraqi) /Filipino with Some Russian, I'm very skinny like just flat, I have hazel eyes and some slight flecks of amber and blue, I have upturned eyes but they seem like they are almond shaped but they aren't too noticeable, I think I have a heart shaped face but from different angles it looks more diamond shaped(?), I'm approximately 5'8, I have a dimple only on my chin, I have dyed black hair, I also have bangs too, my clothing style tends to stretch widely from comfy to... a lot like this! I wear gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, gyaruo, rokku, manba, baba, kogal, tsuyome, and kigurumi), goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth, cyber goth, and victorian goth), scenemo/emo (ofc), & vkei ouji and lolita, I can also pull off a kpop idol look, i also wear a lot of cool dresses and suits, I also wear Y2K and I also dress in alternative clothing a LOT, I wear a lot of other harajuku styles such as, jirai kei, decora and more so on.
Likes: Chocolate, Strawberries, Iced Coffee and Boba Tea, Anime/ Manga, Music, Food, Winning in arguments online or irl, Reading, Art (Digital Art, Drawing, Painting, Pottery, etc), Cats, Sharks, Animals in general, Anthropology, Zoology, Theology(+ more) Cold/or Rainy Weather, Cooking, Cosplaying, Shopping, Playing Tabletop RPG's, Chess Board Games or just Gaming, Dancing, Abstract or Romance movies, Murder Mysterys, Kdrama, Spicy or Sweet Food, Ramen, learning new languages/instruments and much more.
Dislikes: Loud Noises, Slow Walkers, People who don't know when to close their mouths when chewing and hot weather.
Love Languages: physical touch & words of affirmation (giving). gift giving, words of affirmation & physical touch (receiving).
Thank you so much! I can’t wait to see who I got!!!! :-)
hey jaxrel!! i knew pretty much immediately before you even submitted who i was doing for ya haha, and that person is…
Lucifer !!
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You and Luci are like the gay dads to Charlie and the gang it’s actually so cute
Lucifer lovesss to get deep into shit and philosophical with you haha
He loves having lazy days in bed with you, just curled up together, talking about anything or just fuckin’ sleeping lmao
Both of you two struggle with mental health on your occasions, so the fact that you two can pick each other back up is super sweet, you and Lucifer grow to better understand eachother and pick up on the little cues which make handling the harder days a lot easier for the both of ya!
Lucifer also loves your various styles, as I said in your last request, he definitely has you style him some sick fits for his important meetings haha
He also loves making you little small duck related gifts, because ducks are the only thing he knows how to make😭💕
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toastthewolfie · 1 month
its done
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silly. Silly guy. Silly man. Silly sopping wet golden retriever. Filled with soup and anxiety. (dont worry. They will eventually come out as it does reach a point where the closet is fucking glass)
His name’s Issac Giselle, his callsign is Coyote :D
info from @/olibird’s template under the cut :)
Name: Isabella (Issac) Giselle 
Aliases: Coyote and 10-19
Nationality: American       Ethnicity: Latina (I am unsure how to represent this, so it will probbaly not be very prevalent. Sorry D:)
Age:  23              DoB: (M/D/Y) 6/15/2001
Pronouns: Uses She/Her but prefers he/they Gender: transman (Closeted)            Sex: Female
Sexuality: Questioning
Height: 5’2
Languages: English, Spanish (Mexican)
Which CoD Universe: the Modern Warfare Reboot timeline
Branches of Service: N/A
Affiliation:  (Former) Mercenary for unnamed Company, Shadow Company
Specialties: Demolition. Fights extremely fast and relies heavily overwhelming the enemy but can easily be overpowered if the enemy has more experience than him.
Personality: sad golden retriever boy who’s a doormat.
Was one of many adultified children after his parents moved from Mexico to the States. Mother was busy, father was unable to work due to health and visa issues and was practically a vegetable so basically he had to raise his little sister (who’s 4 years younger than him). Was kicked out at 19 for expressing the desire to be a man, stumbled into a man (who will remain unnamed until further notice) and joined an unnamed Mercenary Company (they explicitly chose to remain unnamed. It, quote, allowed “less strings to be attached or followed”. Most just refer to it as ‘The Company’). 
Met Phillip Graves during a random mission when he was 21, they exchanged information (rather, Graves was interested in their abilities and forced them to exchange information (doesn’t help that Issac’s a doormat’ so he could contact him later). After a bit of discussion, he made the decision to join Shadow Company and leave ‘The Company’. Everyone there was extremely against it but what was done was done (even if he started to heavily regret it) and he’s been here ever since.
Issues: extremely touch starved, very big doormat, extremely likely to hold back any form of tears (even if caused by pain) as he believes that emotions like that are messy and will cause unnecessary distress (where he grew up and worked, pain was seen as weakness or caused distress, and those are two things he wants to avoid).
Habits: holds self very tightly, as if trying to take up very little space. Stretches when bored.
Scars: large, jagged scars on face, hands, and most of his forearms and legs.
Preferred method of showing care/affection/love language: Any. My guy will literally take sword fighting and turn it into a sign of affection 😭 (edited bc i wrote this at like 12 and forgot this was SHOWING and not RECIEVING)
Preferred way of receiving care/affection: Physical touch
Eye Color: amber
Hair description: cut just above the neck and very flowy, its a dark reddish brown (not chestnut, just a slightly redder brown)
Clothing description:
Combat: fairly standard combat gear in black and varying shades of grey with a balaclava only cut around the eyes
Casual: a green hoodie with two slightly darker patches on the right arm that read ‘Giselle’ and ‘10-19’ respectively. Grey leggings and green shoes.
Body description: skinny. They aren’t very muscular and act more as a scout.
Favorite Activities: observing. He writes down little notes in a small brown-leather notebook about everyone he’s around for more than half a day.
Blood Type: O+
Favorite color: Platinum
Favorite animal: dogs (german shepherds specifically)
Favorite food/Dessert: they like mango slushies :)
Other Fun Facts:
allergic to Grandpa and his children D: (they try to hide it tho and wear a mask around him to prevent sneezing)
He’s also allergic to cacao (it’s not a bad allergy, just kinda itchy mouth and stuff)
He and Selena are frenemies. Selena has kinda taken Issac under her wing but since she HATES doormats, she’s trying to teach him to standup for himself (but he usually almost starts crying because he thinks Selena is upset at him leading to a very awkward comfort session).
Selena was probably the first person he approached first, as he was VERY interested in her previous work with MWDs (and potentially her adopted German Shepherd named Skye who was a former MWD that she trained)
people have assume they’re a dude, and despite being in the closet, they dont bother to correct people (it feels nice, being called what you want to. Most people just assume he doesn’t care lol)
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rivertalesien · 10 months
"The one with the skinny suit. Then I wore a bow tie, then I was a Scotsman, then a woman."
"And now you've got your face back."
And now. You've got. Your face back.
Well, if that doesn't sum it all up.
Yeah, I had a look. Can't talk without knowing, right? Spoilers ahead for The Star Beast.
The episode starts with a really truly I-can't-believe-they-thought-this-was-necessary Disney-friendly opening that explains The Doctor and Donna's connection, as if the show didn't exist before it aired on their service. That's what it's saying now: this is the only important information you need. Whatever came before is irrelevant. You won't be seeing it on this streaming service anyway.
Bringing up Donna Noble, right after leaving Yaz behind with the regeneration, calling her "My best friend in the whole wide world" is...ouch. That hurts. As if nothing that went on before or anyone they knew or cared about (as 13) was even a thing. It won't be for the Disney audience and all the kids tuning in for the first time and they know it.
13 is already an aberration, like Missy. A reboot experiment that will be easy to ignore. Now, we're back on track!
The Doctor has got HIS face back! And everybody's funny! We can laugh again!
Alright, no need to rub it in, Space Man. It really is a shame how 13's era was so dry (lesson-heavy, even) but so much more expansive with story ideas, while 10's period was full of humor and pure silliness that doesn't stick around in the memory very long. Some irony there I think.
Now the rough bit. Going to do it like a bandage and just tear it off because it's starting to itch:
For an episode that lays on the trans-positivity, it hits a sticky spot (and this is more meta than the meta crisis, so take with a pinch of something salty): can we talk about 13, or would that be a kind of dead-naming? The answer should be obvious, right, but there's an awkward and unspoken (and probably not deliberate) juxtaposition of 13 with Rose: we're reminded she deserves love and respect and how her bullies dead-naming her is shit, so the show completely erasing any references to 13 (the one time the Doctor visibly transitioned into a woman) in the same episode, is...um, well, I said awkward already. Are we supposed to just leave 13 in the past as something that wasn't true to who the Doctor really is? The Doctor regenerating into an old self, in their old clothes, even with a completely different sonic, no glimpse of 13's Tardis? Same performance? No sense of who they were before? Not even an acknowledgement of the clothes regenerating? We can call it convenience for Disney's sake, but it feels like what the Master called it: erasure.
I believe Davies, living in the midst of Terf Country, wants to do right by the queer community and stick it to anyone who believes we are less or should not exist and that is awesome. But he also led this...what, misogynistic? erasure of 13 (something deeply misogynistic fans of the show who never wanted a woman in the role in the first place are happy about, and fuck them) and if his walk doesn't follow his talk? Sorry, but we've been here before.
And it's not like the Doctor is particularly bothered with having the old face back (Rose would probably be horrified if such a thing happened to her), and Donna later bringing up "if you were still a woman" at the end is...more messiness. I mean, we know the Doctor regenerates, but this is different: we've gone backward, male-presenting-only. The first (and second) female Doctor is followed by two more men. Because there hasn't been enough of that particular image. No negative message intended, right, but there's one all the same and it's...messy. It's awkward. I hope they know it and I hope there is some proper acknowledgment before we get to the next regeneration. Just not counting on it.
Speaking of Donna and messy, she can go from adoring her daughter, willing to defend her to the death, to calling the Meep a "ferret from Mars" and insinuating they could sell it...and that was before she knew the Meep wasn't exactly a cuddly furry. Just underlines her previous conversation with her mom about failures in language (and tolerance) as being, well, really something straight white folks really need to work on.
Among other things.
The episode is filled with "lessons" on pronouns and disability (who is the lesson for? Disney audiences?): "don't make me the problem" is a great point, but then begs the question: why didn't they just put up a ramp to the ship? Answer: no opportunity to teach...and that kind of gets thrown out when everyone has to climb a ladder...and later, when there's an elevator in the building...missed that. Oh well. "Confused but got the spirit" is there and maybe a little OTT, but there's also the part where RTD is setting up what to expect as we move into Gatwa's era and Disney had better be on board. They're not known for hanging on to overtly queer shows (DW has got to be a big investment for them, though, so here's hoping they just keep making it queerer and weirder and let Disney stew in their discomfort).
And it's got all of RTD's signature silliness and an emotional 10 showboat moment (how is this "14?" Again, there's no difference in the performance at all) and I bet everyone who started watching in 2006 is just trembling all over that the Good Old Days are back (let's face it: people just like Tennant and Tate as a duo. They're great. Some are also ageist and chauvinist dicks about 12 and 13, so, again, fuck them).
And destiny is a thing. And reversing catastrophic geological damage with a few switches is a thing. No stakes, just the old fun, for old time's sake.
No pun intended.
Only with more explosions and shoot-outs (and a sonic doing decidedly non-sonic stuff): Marvel fans will love this. Blue Beetle fans? Probably not so much.
This show has always fed off of its own nostalgia, even if each regeneration means moving on to something different. But the same. Kind of. Now they've got Disney money and while I don't feel this is a full reset, kicking off from where 10 and Donna left off (again, as if nothing happened between now and then and no one else was around who mattered), is...well, if destiny is a thing and this show was always heading in Disney's direction, I guess no other Doctors needed to have happened after Tennant.
It doesn't exactly setup Gatwa for success, is what I'm saying.
"Why did this face come back? To say goodbye."
The Doctor does that. A LOT.
"Binary...non-binary" is a choice here and it adds to that earlier stickiness: Rose *choosing* her name, her very existence even, isn't about her being trans, it's about her being a result of the meta-crisis. Interesting.
The "The Doctor is male and female and neither" is also kind of hilarious given the earlier point that there is now no evidence of 13: not her clothes, not her sonic, not her Tardis. In prior regenerations, the Tardis changes due to damage from the regeneration energy. That didn't happen with 13. The previous sonic always shows up, too, until it breaks. So...well, it's beating a dead horse now, isn't it? Good for the goose, but the gander is something else. It's kind of a "do as I say not as I do" kind of thing.
Not even Donna bringing up how The Doctor was a woman for a hot second, not even the "male-presenting" Doctor suddenly "not understanding" (because the Doctor, in their male body, no matter the circumstances, cannot understand any of this and wait...did the show imply The Doctor is *not* non-binary? What?), makes this any less messy.
Yeah, this is important right now. How are you going to be this earnest with the Lesson about Representation (which would be kind of glorious otherwise, especially on Disney), and just gloss over the visual erasure of 13 and all the baggage that comes with that?
"Do something completely new and have some friends."
I hope Yaz is somewhere, with her support group of former companions, rolling her eyes and working on her affirmations.
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bahoreal · 1 year
i literally dont understand how torchwood could have spun off from light silly doctor who 2005 with the tall skinny guy and his fancy hair :-) and it was like eye myles screaming kicking dragging time and space in her clenched fist to bring the man she loves back it was a doomed man getting the first real kiss of his life before walking to his death it was the worst of humanity murdering people who crossed their path for sick tradition it was desperation to be seen and loved so strong it let you endanger everyone you know it was the deep selfish desire of human nature and what that means when you have the world in your hands it was so fucking MUCH its not the same genre as doctor who at all yet captain jack fits in both somehow as this awful tragic sympathetic antihero who loves and loves and loves knowing he'll outlive everyone knowing it will hurt him knowing everyone will die he just does it every time
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firstdivisiongirl · 5 months
hi! i was wondering if i could get male tokyo revengers matchup? perfect match please!
ᓚᘏᗢ general info:
/ she/her / enfp / 7w8 / leo /
𓆈 i'm tall, taller than most of my friends → i'm 6'2. my figure is hourglass shaped, something like models in 50s/60s fashion magezines, i think. i have shaggy golden blonde thick curls, my hair is long so i usually tie it up in two buns and two braids (like goldilocks from puss in boots: the last wish). my eyes are amber. i have skinny hands with long fingers
𓆈 my clothing style is mix of whimsigoth, cryptidcore and grandmacore. i really like unusual jewelry → weird shaped rings, earrings, brooches (i especially love the insect shaped and art nouveau ones)
𓆣 i'm positive and upbeat person, i try to see the bright side in most situations. i'm friendly, cheerful and bubbly. i'm full of energy and i can be a bit chaotic, but i try to be as responsible as possible, i want people to feel that they can rely on me
𓆣 i'm really confident and i'm not afraid to express myself
𓆣 i care about my friends and family a lot, and go out of my way to show it. i love making people smile
𓆣 i'm super kind person, but won't take any nonsense
𓆣 i have morbid, dark sense of humor. sometimes i randomly say a weird obscure fact in the middle of conversation
𓆣 i'm kinda struggling with taking rest, doing nothing, because there is always something to do, something new to learn, etc. → i'm afraid of stagnation. i overwork myself a lot
𓆣 can't think of anything that i don't like, guess i'm so fixated on my hobbies and passions, i don't pay any attention to other things
𓃹 my hobbies 𓃹
𓃹 dancing and performing. i'm ballet dancer since i was a kid. i also try my skills as figure skater
𓃹 sewing and knitting. i sew most of my clothes and i made for myself tons of sweaters, with most silly patterns like characters from old cartoons, for example "wilk i zając" or "krecik"
𓃹 playing on instruments. i can play on violin, cello, piano, guitar, saxophone, harp and drums, i'm currently learning how to play on trumpet
𓃹 learning. about world and universe or learning new skills. i'm deeply fascinated by space and oceans, they're still unknown to humanity, learning about them makes me sigh in wonder and admiration. i also love nature, i could spend days wandering in forests, observing and learning about animals, insects, plants
𓃹 doll making. i love making dolls, puppets, marionettes. wooden, porcelain, rag, basically every type. i organize puppet theaters, sometimes i give my works as gifts to my loved ones
𓃹 art, any kind of art actually. i like to learn about artists and their work, and i like to try different types of art. sculpting, painting, ceramics, photography, filmmaking, i adore them all. i work as illustrator for fantasy books and books for kids (and honestly this job is dream come true for me!)
𓃹 gardening and herbalism. i work on in garden a lot, i grow flowers, vegetables and herbs. i know herbal medicine, i make my own infusions and tinctures
𓃹 cooking and baking. i learn new recipes whenever i have the opportunity. my favorite things to bake are bread and cookies. i also pick mushrooms, dry them or pickle them
sorry if it's too long or too chaotic (⁠・ั⁠ω⁠・ั⁠)
thank you so much for even reading this! (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)
Hello. It isn't too chaotic at all. I think I found the perfect match for you! I hope you like it!
You Got...
South Terano!!!
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Would love to have you play music with him. He himself is a pianist.
Would love to watch you perform by yourself. Having a talented S/O would make him a proud man.
Would love how artistic you are. It makes him happy (wanted a music pun but could not think of any. Ten years of piano lessons down the drain)
He is a very dark person. So you're sense of humor would be something is loves.
Loves your confidence and how cheerful are. He is also like that too, so I think he wouldn't want someone timid. He loves chaos.
I think dates would be piano bars...or art galleries. Just be warned, he may get kicked out.
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boygun · 6 months
FANDOM: I would like a romantic MALE MATCHUP for Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, Creepypasta, Homestuck and OHSHC please! The only characters I don’t want is angel dust and husker please (I love them but I do not see myself being romantic partners with them.), Also I’m more focused on HH since it’s my biggest hyperflexation rn :D
ABOUT ME: My name is Jaxrel! People call me "Jax" for short. also use other names like Himawari, Rin, etc, He/Him (They/Them is acceptable), I'm a Trans Man who's pansexual and l've been diagnosed with mental illness and disorders that I do not wish sharing ATM. Here’s my pronouns page if you need it!
Personality(+ Notes): I'm a ENTP Ravenclaw, 5w4, Extroverted. I'm a very chill and intelligent person I'm very polite and sweet! at first awkward, shy and distant when meeting people, extremely independent, when comfortable I talk about a lot of stuff for hours, loud talker, emotions come off as sarcastic or silly (due to autism), confident, straightforward (I have a urge to correct someone of faulty information), uses "big" words, good sense of humor, playful, entertaining, optimistic, mischievous, curious(l'm nosy and I love gossip), i can be a rule breaker(sometimes don't mean to), dad/ tharapist friend, when I go out I bring water bottles, first aid kit, chapstick(s) just in case, chill but some people would say I have some "repressed anger issues, I get a realllyyy overractive Brain, I tend to get deep and philosophical when l'm left on my own for to long, I can be verbally aggressive when prevoked. If this helps more the characters I kin a lot are: Victor Nikiforov (Yuri On Ice), Tei (Nameless), Cutthroat (Akudama Drive, Except the Bloodlust cutthroat has.), Ranpo Edogawa (Bungo Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu (Bungo Stray Dogs), Space Ishtar (Fate), Okita Souji (Fate), Langa Hasegawa (Sk8 The Infinity), Sherlock Holmes (TGAA), Zack (Final Fantasy 7), Vash The Stampede (Trigun), Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist), Otonashi Yuzuru (Angel Beats), Karma Akabane (Assassination Classroom), Vanitas (Study Case of Vanitas), Zoe Hange (AOT), Shinoa Hiiragi (Seraph of The End) + more
MORE KINS: hiyori tomoe (enstars), yoosung kim (mystic messenger), jumin han (mystic messenger), hanako (tbhk), felix kranken (twf), albedo (genshin impact), shoya ishida (a silent voice), tom (eddsworld), eridan (homestuck), karkat (homestuck), shu itsuki (enstars),miyamura izumi (horimiya), micheal afton (FNAF), lolbit (FNAF), mangle (FNAF), natsume sakasaki (enstars), sora harukawa (enstars), urumi akamaki (alice in borderland), V (mystic messenger), hagumi kitazawa (bandori), matsubara kanon (bandori), shinji ikari (neon genesis evangelion), minami kotobuki (oshi no ko), lain iwakura (serial experiments lain), hajime hinata (danganronpa), k-angel (needy streamer overdose) and more 😃
Looks: Half Polish and Vietnamese with Some Scottish and Half Middle Eastern(Iraqi) /Filipino with Some Russian, I'm very skinny like just flat, I have hazel eyes and some slight flecks of amber and blue, I have upturned eyes but they seem like they are almond shaped but they aren't too noticeable, I think I have a heart shaped face but from different angles it looks more diamond shaped(?), I'm approximately 5'8, I have a dimple only on my chin, I have dyed black hair, I also have bangs too, my clothing style tends to stretch widely from comfy to... a lot like this! I wear gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, gyaruo, rokku, manba, banba, kogal, tsuyome, and kigurumi), goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth, cyber goth, and victorian goth), scenemo/emo (ofc), & vkei ouji and lolita, I can also pull off a kpop idol look, i also wear a lot of cool dresses and suits, I also wear Y2K and I also dress in alternative clothing a LOT, I wear a lot of other harajuku styles such as, jirai kei, decora and more so on.
Likes: Chocolate, Strawberries, Iced Coffee and Boba Tea, Anime/ Manga, Music, Food, Winning in arguments online or irl, Reading, Art (Digital Art, Drawing, Painting, Pottery, etc), Cats, Sharks, Cold/or Rainy Weather, Cooking, Cosplaying, Shopping, Playing Tabletop RPG's, Chess Board Games or just Gaming, Dancing, Abstract or Romance movies, Murder Mysterys, Kdrama, Spicy or Sweet Food, Ramen, learning new languages/instruments and much more.
Dislikes: Loud Noises, Slow Walkers, People who don't know when to close their mouths when chewing and hot weather.
Love Languages: physical touch, acts of service & words of affirmation (giving). gift giving, words of affirmation & physical touch (receiving).
Thank you so much! Have a wonderful day (:
I am terribly sorry for the wait. The draft deleted a few times and then life got in the way. I’m back on track amaing and I’m really sorry. But, without further ado, I’d like to give you some matchups. If you want any sort of headcanons about any of those relationships, feel free to sent an ask and I’ll add to the lore!
First, we have HAZBIN HOTEL and it was really a no brainer. I ship you with…
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Lucifer. He’s absolutely the type to be intrigued by your reserved nature upon the first meeting and delighted when he gains enough of your trust that you feel comfortable being expressive around him. His curious nature and mind of an inventor work well with your thirst for knowledge. If you take time to look into subjects that fascinate him, he’ll be happy to talk with you for hours. Of course, he’ll look into the things that you like as well, like games or books you enjoy. To be fair, that would be the first obvious sign that he likes you. At times, especially at first, he would try very hard and worry about the way he was coming across. So he would try to think of ways to make a good impression on you and getting into your hobbies is definitely on the list. He’d also make you little gifts, mostly ducks. Kind of like a cat, dropping them off at your hands proudly but anxiously. Only, it’s less gross than a dead mouse haha. Also, any gift you decide to give him will be his biggest treasure. Every time you’re over he’ll have the trinkets from you on display. Honestly, he’s kind of embarrassed by that, maybe you think it’s weird or corny? He overthinks stuff like that a lot. Also, I think it would be a cute parallel to have you as a rule breaker (especially when you do it accidentally) and be with him of all people. Kind of sweet, because he’d feel a stronger bond with you. Needless to say, he’ll have your back no matter the consequences, even if it hurts a little (not because of you, it just reminds him of his past self). And as an immortal, he would be happy to indulge in any sort of passion for music you have. Hey, if you want, he can teach you how to play his instrument as well! He’s just going to be… a bit awkward about it. He just doesn’t want to come off as pushy! But he will absolutely cherish any sort of passion you two might share. I think Charlie would approve of you too (if we’re going full in with the divorced dad!Lucifer) and would try to help her mess of a father get the guy of his dreams. So, it would get pretty silly real quick
Alternative: Vox
In HELLUVA BOSS your match would be…
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Moxxie! This was a no-brainer. This man would not think twice or question his feelings because you really seem like his type. Come on, a thoughtful, protective person who also can be an absolute nightmare to your enemies? Sign him up. He wouldn’t be the most confident about you returning those feelings, but he would be sure that he’s in it deep because how could he not? He would also vibe with your interests a lot. Be it discussing books with you or playing his guitar for you (not AT you, don’t worry) to make the evening more romantic. Also, once he starts feeling less nervous around you, his words of affirmation are top-tier. He works well as a balance to your more silly and relaxed nature, but even if he’s less extroverted, you won’t ever be bored with him. He would vibe with your style as well and maybe explore his own if you would like to lend him a helping hand. You two would definitely be like, kind of the parents of the group (which works well because Blitzø is more than reckless, we’ve all seen it) but also have your own silly moments that are still very much in line with the kind of job and place you live in (so, with a little bit of gore on occasion)
In CREEPYPASTA I see you with…
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Eyeless Jack! Hear me out, I think this would be silly BUT also incredibly sweet. Like, goals. First of all, he’s a flesh-eating demon but usually, he’s portrayed as a tame (at least during casual encounters) guy with not much passion for socializing. Just imagine going about your day, chatting with friends, being your extroverted self around the people you are close with (since you said it can be different when it comes to acquaintances) and his bad-omen-looking demonic presence is just standing beside you. Absolutely iconic if we’re talking ship dynamics. Also, with him being the designated doctor, he’d appreciate your caring nature, with you being the parent of the group. That could be one of the ways that help you two to grow closer - he patches people up, helping them physically, while you keep their emotions in check. Soon he finds himself feeling lonely when you’re not hanging out with him while he does his whole healer-thing. He enjoys hearing your gossip stories and in a house full of murderers, there’s always something interesting going on. On occasion he even joins in, sharing the stories about your mutual friends. Confidentiality be damned, he will tell you about why Jane gave Jeff two black eyes (it was deserved). Speaking of which, if any of the guys (let’s be honest, this is still about Jeff) decide to be difficult patients and you swoop in to unleash your more aggressive side, he only falls harder. I think you two would get each other because you both have moments of insatiable anger and also sometimes want peace and think about deeper things. He’d definitely enjoy discussing those topics with you when there’s no one around to bother either of you
HOMESTUCK was a tough one, but I settled on…
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Dave. I kinda debated that for a bit but I think it fits. There would be no instant love with sparks flying, but you would definitely grow to like each other. At first, it would be somewhat difficult because you’d seem a bit distant upon the first encounter, and let’s be honest, his whole cool-guy thing doesn’t always appear very inviting. But as time goes on, you’ll spend more time chatting one-on-one. Not to mention the events of the plot would help to bring you guys together, I mean, at least you're going through your bizarre experiences together. Rose would be the first one to notice (though the rest would follow soon after) that he seems to care about you more. Every time you’d try to be the mediator, attempting to bring everybody together and be the ‘dad friend’ he’d - in his own chill way - make sure that you’re not burning yourself out. He is the Knight, after all, being protective is a part of his thing. The same goes for your anger. I mean, he kind of likes that vibe, but if you just feel like you're about to burst from frustration, he’ll certainly try to redirect your thoughts. Not afraid to talk back if you end up snapping at him, but at the same time, his aura just seems really calming? And he wouldn’t insult you for real, I just mean that the guy can hold his own. Definitely would support your art and indulge if you want him to play some games with you. Generally, based on your interests I think you would meet through John, which also means that there would be a few times when you and John team up to do some practical jokes on him. Dave acts unamused, but up to a limit, he doesn't even mind. Especially not if it’s you
And lastly for OHSHC I match you with…
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Umehito Nekozawa! I feel like he would greatly appreciate your curious mind and it would complement his own pursuit of (occult) knowledge. And as a way to show you his admiration he’d give you the strangest gifts that would be nonetheless endearing. The other thing that would make him fall for you would be how caring and helpful you tend to be. For a while, he struggled to connect to his sister and I feel like you could help him with that, which would be some nice setup for a fun romance arc. With a lot of mishaps because you know how he is, some things are bound to go wrong. But in the best way possible. And his determination plus your creativity would always overcome any obstacles in that classic writing style of OHSHC. I’d totally read that! Also, he would totally love your hair and would ask you to dye his if you know how to do that. Honestly, he would let you even if you lacked experience. Another thing that seems kind of small but works well for this ship is your love for rainy weather. He’s open to dates, though a little nervous, and your preference would make him feel less bad about his aversion to the sun. I mean, if you don’t mind the dark gloomy skies, either way, he can work with that to organize some nice, atmospheric dates for you two. And if you were ever interested in borrowing his clothes for some of your more edgy outfits, he’d be down for it. Nervous as can be (especially at the beginning of the relationship) but still happy to share his clothes with you. Also! He would be so into playing tabletop RPGs with you. Prepare to see him whip out the edgiest warlock every time he has to make a D&D character. And when he finds out about the Call of Cthulhu? You have no idea how into it he’ll be
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stratesphere · 1 year
n e ways rtc is consuming my left brain as korn and homestuck overtake the right!!! headcanons timeee
i believe in scruffy ocean, she def has a hooked nose, freckles and slightly messy hair despite how well she tries to keep it neat. sje also has braces..
shes a QUEER!! probs unsure of jer gender but too ashamed to try and figure it out, (ocean x constance real)
she hates blueberries, i can't explain why she just does
shes 5'7!!!!!!!! tall!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!1
she plays the violin and many other string instrument
she made rhe whole choir bracelets, despite how msnytimes mischa breaks jis on accident sje always makes him a new one.
one side of her jair fades into purple dye and the other blue, her glasses r FAKE!!!!
also her and Noel r besties and she absolutely adores hearing about Monique when she gets rhe chance
she really reallt really really really really likes Clairo and Car Seat headrest.. a lottttt
JANE THE SWEETHEART (or Penny) ((or Savannah))
in the attic room thingy, as jane, she had detached puppet strings on her elbows, knees and neck
agender, pansexual Jane real
her and Ricky r in love cuz i absolutely adore spacedolls theyre so cute im gonja sob i oove them smm :3
(i exist in fhe au where rhey all get brought back to life) Jane learned how to bake bc of constance and shes not bad at it. also after she got brouhjt back she kept the name Jane and Savannah
Mischas like a big brother to her def!!
Noel (aka me)
he loves strawberries soooooo much but hates cherries, theyre rhe only red fruit he wont eat.
sometimes he'll "preform" as Monique for Constance. he also talks about his fantasies wirh Ricky like 'my oc aants to be friends with your oc!!!!' type shit and now there's a Monique zolar catwoman-man
hes genderfluid and gay, doesnt care what pronouns ppl call him
guys pls Noel wouldn't like Will Wood or any music like that.. maybe 70s music like Abba and sometimes 80s but he listens to French music c'mon yall
whejever mischa switches 2 Ukrainian, Noel switches to French and they both steadily pick up on words in the languages from eachothe r
he listens to Lana Del Rey occasionally bc shes the only English speaking artist Talia likes. also after they all got brought back yo life (let me dream.) he finally saved up and brougjt Talia to Canada
cries slightly everytime he breaks one of constances bracelets, he feels bad everytime but constance doesjt mind at all. mischa is the #1 every choir member defender (even ocean but he doesnt show it)
reads rickys stories about his silly off brand David Bowie (the silly space age bachelor man) ((thjs one is inspired by another post i saw I don't remember the og creator im sorryty))
last but not least Ricky!! (also me fr)
he/they pronouns usually but slso uses a lotttt of space related neo prns
him and Constance take care of the cats the choir own
HE ADORESSSS 60S-80S POP MUSIC AND JUST DJFJEJFJ AHHHHH🙁🙁 jes rhe average ziggy stardust enjoyer
hardly cries.. like at all, also he lightly tapped Ocean with his crutches(?) once and she freaked out (idk what the things je usss r called im sorry)
for some strange reason hes very medically talented??? like for no reason at all. and his fave Homestuck character is Eridan and Nepeta
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dujour13 · 2 years
2, 6, and 9
What is their grooming routine? (how do they treat themselves in private) It’s funny, Siavash likes to be clean and enjoys nice clothes (although some might say his taste is questionable), but his chamber is a disaster area. He’ll happily spend time washing his hair but not on keeping his personal space tidy. He’s athletic but makes no effort to stay in shape unless it involves fun—swimming (actually skinny dipping, there are stories), hiking (especially in the snow), sparring but not with Lann.
Are they an oldest, middle, youngest or only child? About his family: “My parents and three older sisters. I’m the baby. Which meant I learned early on that I could get away with anything by being cute.” The epitome of the rebellious youngest child. His Kelesh mother worships Sarenrae and his musician father worships Shelyn, so of course he decided at a young age he would worship Desna. Would not sit still for school or for music lessons, which does not mean he’s uneducated—he just did it his own way.
What is their favorite holiday? As a Desnan Siavash might tell you it’s Swallowtail Festival, and he does actually love the gathering of eccentrics, the costumes, the craft fairs, the music, and the great clouds of butterflies (I picture this as basically Pathfinder Burning Man but without the hype), but if he’s really honest he most looks forward to Merrymead, Cayden Cailean’s spring celebration when he can just hang out and get silly with friends.
ask game
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alastryona · 4 months
oh so barrets got beef with scarlet, not just Shinra. if he doesn't yuffie and i do for him.
oh Shinra you want an insurgent group we'll give you a fuckin insurgent group.
I get barrets guilt over it but it's also one of those. how would you know? how could you have known? that the reactor would go up? that Shinra would go full scorched earth to cover it up?
barret once again we're here for buisness we don't have time to have fun vs everyone gathering at the window excitedly
"but why am I in charge og handing out posters" as opposed to running your defunct space travel division palmer.
the guide moogle actually scared me I didn't think it would start moving
oh that's so cute I hope I get to keep that outfit
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this whole segment is making me feel high what is happening
"would you like to duel" "no" "great! that wasn't an option square up skinny boy."
OH MY GOD???????
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I love when it tells you to dodge and just decides to not actually do that. Just ignores my input completely or is so hypersensitive to the angle the stick is at idfk but it's really fucking annoying
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"who's up for a break! yay or nay!" cloud, hallucinating again:
so funny to think about this little kitty knowing full well there's a pretty serious man in an office somewhere putting on a silly voice for his fursona
do you think the clerk that has to hang upside down is unionized. do you think he's properly compensated for the inevitable medical bills he'll have for that.
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oh my god did Cait cancel Palmers reservation vkxjdgj
tonberry humidifier I love you
hmm?????????? was that just a cool transition or is he hearing zack???????
oh this is cool????? am I controlling both of them?
oh all of aeriths flowers are dead here.....
oh Zack you said you never got to be a hero cause you were promoted too late but look at you.
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