#i love the exo's all to pieces; i wish them the best and i hope they are well and happy and doing what they love!
heartcravings · 1 year
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Hi. Can I request a Crow x young wolf. where he finds out about his past. Like he's shown the past (if that makes sense) He finds out uldren sov shot Cayde and that young wolf was there for Cayde's final moments and he sees how hurt Young wolf was. (It's ok if you don't want to). Hope you have a great day/night.
hello anon :) thank you for your request! I hope you enjoy this prompt fill. I decided to take recent developments into consideration and give this fic a different POV + angst.. I hope you like this! and hope you have a nice day as well! :)
Patience has always paid itself off, as the Witch Queen has learnt in her long game. She has reaped its rewards a thousand times over, and even from within her self-inflicted prison, she is bestowed a reward upon as it marches towards her willingly.
Savathun watches him approach, shoulders spread wide, yet fear in his glowing eyes. His companion, the ever meddling wordless Guardian, does not interfere, stands aside in a restful manner, with tingles of Light and Darkness at their beck and call. How sweet it is of them to accompany Crow on the journey of this self-discovery!
Crow pleads and bargains, he asks for a favour. He wishes to see what the bearer of his face had done to earn such loathing, and that is a favour he requests of Savathun, well aware that there may be consequences.
She smiles. She does love a good favour.
"Open up, little bird. Everything you need to know is within your arm's reach."
And she fills his mind with images, with voices. Given raw and unchanged, and it is enough to cause chaos in that little brave soul.
He watches, tearful, as he holds a gun with a worn out ace of spades on it, one that now hangs in the Guardian's holster. He watches himself leave, a smirk on his lips and cruelty in his eyes. He watches the Guardian and Petra Venj cry over a broken Exo body, with a glimmer of tainted gold and blue all over its destroyed frame. A tiny scatter of metal lies beside it, that one of a Ghost, shattered into pieces, lightless, asunder.
Petra is quietly mourning, and the Guardian swears revenge through thick tears.
The memories are a blur; the murders, the sweeps of killing throughout the Reef, the bloodied hands and sense of justice like never before. Tainted Ether between his fingers and blackness coating his eyes until all he can see is his dear sister's face. Poisonous loyalty, clutching at his very core.
But it is not all, there is more. The Guardian's face in front of his, above him, and that very same gun shooting a final bullet. The unforgettable scream of the hand cannon.
Savathun watches calmly, filling her need for knowing, what will the little bird do now?
"Enough," he cries out, stumbling backwards, holding onto his forehead. Savathun withdraws the memories, away and for safekeeping. She watches with curious eyes as the Guardian rushes to hold Crow. He cries loudly, desperately, and the Guardian comforts him best as they can while their eyes never do leave Savathun's prison.
Crow whispers and cries apologies, much to the Guardian's gentle rejection to accept them, for they were not for Crow to give. How kind, how generous!
The Guardian asks of Savathun, what did you show him?
"Nothing that you weren't willing to tell yourself," she replies, a smile in her voice. The Guardian replies not.
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
Hi, I know you’re a fan of namjoon so I wanted to ask your thoughts on this ring thing? I’m kinda new and assumed all these namjoon is married with kids stuff were a joke. But some people seem to totally believe that. I mean where he’d get the time to see a partner and kids is beyond me but who knows? Anyways I was looking at some of their recent pics and he doesn’t wear it all the time - which if it was a couples ring - wouldn’t he? I thought maybe he would only wear it if they were appearing on Run or Korean shows, but he didn’t have it on for either of the new shows they’ve been on recently, as they may not have been as widely watched. I mean I guess it’s none of our business - but I’m trying to rip of my delulu hat for making me think Seokjin gave it to him 🙈
Hi anon, I hope you don’t mind that I’ll combine my answer for you with my answer to another ask since I feel like they fall into the same kind of category, as in people taking things too far and/or blowing things out of proportion. And, coincidentally, both have something to do with rings.
I’ll start with your question though and give you another example that followed a very similar trajectory as the omg namjoon is married with kids because ring narrative/theory. Some months ago, Namjoon posted a few pictures on twitter and among them was a picture of him with another guy wearing a green sweater. His face though was covered. At first ARMY didn’t think much of it, but then, eventually, someone started a joke that “remember that sweater Joon wore for BV4? The guy is wearing the same one, what if that's his boyfriend?” and it went viral.
It started out completely harmless with hundreds of positive and funny tweets made in good humor, no one taking it that seriously knowing that we’d never find out even if it were true. But, as the jokes started to simmer down, everyone had their laugh, the next wave came in and this one decided that this isn’t a joke at all but serious matter. Quickly this harmless fun turned into a witch hunt of “ARMY” trying to figure out who the guy might be, if he is Namjoon’s mysterious friend that once sent him a coffee truck with custom drawn designs on it, perhaps the same one with whom Namjoon already once posted a picture sitting on this garden porch swing type thing, some even trying to prove that the guy is either Seokjin (in which case, what would be the need to cover his face?) or Florist Isaac whom they met during that one RUN episode.
So, very quickly a few idiots turned harmless fun into something almost malicious and got into fights with ARMY who were trying to tell them to stop.
The ring thing followed a similar story. It was once a harmless joke based on the fact that Namjoon wants to have kids one day, so some made jokes about what if he’s already married but we just didn’t know etc. But very quickly that got out of hand as well, going as far as people claiming the little girl in his pictures which he posted around his birthday or something is his daughter (even though it was said it’s probably the child actress from BTS WORLD) and that him making jokes (during a BangtanB while trying on glasses before their MOTS7 press con) about his child being able to read/write hangul at a very young age wasn’t jokes at all but solid proof of the fact that he is married with a child (despite the fact that he would’ve had to have gotten married and his wife pregnant not long after their debut for the timeline to even work out somehow which makes it seem even more ridiculous). This even went as far as people spamming the comments during this vlives with questions about it, flooded his selcas on twitter with questions and “jokes” and, again, attacked anyone who told them to stop.
In all of this, watching it happen from the sidelines as someone whose bias is Namjoon, I was confused why these particular rings (which I don’t even think were the same ones each time) caused such a reaction. The members have all worn so many different rings over the years, on all fingers, sometimes even like eight at the same time, and yet it wasn’t until 2020 and their KBS interview after their first BBH100 #1 that things went bonkers. All because Namjoon decided to take the ring off before they started filming or something.
In all of this I see two things that make me wonder:
When would he have the time to find a girl (since same sex marriage is not a thing in Korea) with whom he would have enough time to befriend her, trust her (considering who Namjoon is, that one is a major thing), fall in love, date and be together for a few years, and then get married? From Seokjin we know they have maybe two or three days off a month and work at least ten hours a day on their BH regulated schedules. Add to that the time they spend in the studio working on music outside of schedules, gym time, a few hours of sleep, and perhaps a few scarce hours of free time to (in Namjoon’s case) go to a museum or ride his bike, does that really leave enough time for romance (with an outsider) that leads to marriage (and a child)?
Is age 26 at the height of their career really the time for marriage? Even more so when you are someone like Namjoon, the leader of the world’s biggest group with more responsibilities than we can likely imagine as outsiders. Sure, he said he wants kids, but he can still have those in his thirties, he can also get married in his thirties, after all, life does not end once you hit thirty despite what some teens believe.
Lastly, I actually think that if it were true, Namjoon, or really anyone from the hyung line, would be the ones who wouldn’t have to hide it, at least not when compared to the maknaes. You could argue that “it would threaten their career” but would it really? Perhaps if the ring were from a man (some namjinists did make jokes that it’s like his promise ring from Seokjin or whatever, but it was all in good fun, nothing more than that), then yes, but connected to a woman? That one member from EXO also came out and said he’s getting married because his fiancé was pregnant and all it did was cause a few fansites to close and a handful of people to “protest” in front of the SM building. 
Little correction about my comments about that EXO member, though even with this my point still stands:
From anon: Re: your last post about namjoon’s rings! I agree with everything you said but just a small correction. I’m not an EXO stan but it wasn’t just a a few “protests” or fansites closing. From what I read online, he his fiancée and later wife, and his child were harassed, threatened and stalked to the point where he enlisted early just to give his family some relief. We all know there are people like this in every fandom and I know BTS would be aware of these things, so they’ll be extra careful.
Would there be delulus like this who’d go crazy if Namjoon were to say “ARMY, I’m (getting) married”? Of course. Would it ruin BTS’ career? I seriously doubt it. Do I think Namjoon would actually come out and say it if it were the case? No, but not because it’s bad idol etiquette or because BH wouldn’t allow him, but because people are insane and who knows what they would do.
It’s the same with times when people argue “I wish X ML members would just say he has a girlfriend so the ship wars would end” without taking into consideration the girl’s safety and the fact that a partner different than the one X member is shipped with has never been that big of an obstacle for some before. Just create a conspiracy theory about the company forcing this upon them and voila problem solved. We’ve seen that before when the tattoo scandal happened, and people thought JK might be dating that tattoo artist and therefore it would mean he isn’t in a relationship with Jimin or Tae.
Whatever happens in the members private lives, it is safer for all parties involved if it stays private, even more so if their romantic partners were non-idols, or non-celebrities, or another member.
Now onto the second ring question:
From anon: I am a young army and I am slowly losing my bearings. I've seen Vlive S, H and V. Many say it was a Tk*ok day (?) And all three emphasized it, and the V even wore the friendship ring for Jungkook. Is it true? I don't understand anything about it, I don't see it. After the last BTS interview on TV, I thought Vmin are best friends, not Tk*ok. I thought V said he didn't want Tk*ok and yet he was so happy during Vlive because it was Tk*ok day? Help!
Now this one, I was curious if we’d get an ask about this, even more since, if you’re a reader of our blog, you likely already know what I’m going to say.
Let’s start where you usually do—at the beginning. The day of the vlive coincided with what T*ek*okers have decided on is T*ek*ok Day, based on how supposedly some years ago this was the day Tae and JK named their subunit like this. I tried to find where exactly this happened, as in in which piece of official content, but I couldn’t find anything except for a screenshot. Anyone have a clue or a link?
Side note: T*ek*okers love using the “ship” naming as proof that not only are they real but also proudly showing it off by giving themselves a name but continently forget that they are not the only ones who gave themselves subunit names. After all Jimin and Namjoon named themselves MiniMoni, or Yoongi and Jimin who are MiniMini, Namjoon and Seokjin calling themselves RJRJ last year, or that one vlive with JK, Jimin and Seokjin where they also put together their names the way you build ship names. At the end of that vlive Tae, thanks to come prompting from the chat, named their trio vsope, so does that mean they are a romantic ship now too?
If you were watching that vlive as it was happening, and decided to look at the chat, then you know what was happening. For those who did not, basically the chat was flooded with comments about T*ek*ok Day, asking where JK is whom Tae loves, where his boyfriend JK is, congratulating Tae for T*ek*ok Day etc. Basically shippers took their shipping into a space where it doesn’t belong, into a space where the members can see it, and therefore purposefully broke one of the shipping rules (I even saw some tweet about how they were proud of themselves for literally spamming the chat with T*ek*ok comments which is so wrong, and I mean that regardless of which ship we talk about). In between those were the usual other comments like speak English or say hello to XYZ or say XYZ in whatever language, and very few comments that actually reacted to what the members were doing on screen. Like when Tae said he didn’t shave, instead of telling him that it’s fine, which it is, it’s his face after all, some decided to tell him he should shave more often, basically telling him what to do, which he saw and read out. Great job.
But all the madness came to a “climax” when Hobi was reading comments and among some other ones read out T*ek*ok, just the word not the T*ek*ok Day ones, and unfortunately we all knew he wasn’t reading out the Korean word for Thailand, which sounds the same though it is spelled a little differently. In that moment all hell broke loose. Focus cams of Tae’s facial expression in that moment went viral among shippers, most of course claiming he looked so happy, while other non-shippers claimed he didn’t look happy at all. It’s a micro moment so I won’t get into it, who knows what Tae thought in that moment and what his facial expression meant and if it even had any connection to the word and Hobi reading it out loud at all.
Because he read that comment, Hobi was basically crowned the new leader of the T*ek*ok shippers (I thought that role already went to Jimin?) and twitter basically had a meltdown.
As for the ring, I know this is something a lot of ships have, with romantic connotations according to their shippers, so I was curious how these rings supposedly look like in T*ek*ok’s case and if they even match the ring that Tae wore in the vlive. If it would, fine, if not, well…
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If it’s not clear from the picture, the “supposed couple” or friendship rings are very delicate and thin, and sure enough I did find a lot of pictures in which both Tae and JK wore them, usually at different times, I will admit that. But the ring Tae wore during their vlive recently was much thicker and had some kind of design on it, therefore it’s a completely different one. Sorry. Why he wore it, if he bought it for himself or received it from someone, what emotional connotation to may or may not have, those are things we won’t know anything about unless he would tell us, so there's no point in speculating.
“Many say it was a Tk*ok day (?) And all three emphasized it” now this is curious to me since I watched the vlive as it was happening, and I didn’t see that at any point in the vlive. Sure, Hobi read that one comment, but if 95% of comments were about that, I wasn’t even surprised by it. Perhaps he thought that it would get people to stop? Perhaps he just read whatever comments his eyes landed on? Perhaps something else entirely? We have no way of knowing it so there is no point in trying to fixate on it. But besides that, they were talking about many other things and having fun making their smoothies, decorating them and just having a good time together with each other and with ARMY. 
So, this way of presenting the vlive basically comes down to shipper perception, confirmation bias, and simply, almost, rewriting history.
Rings do not determine who your best friend is (according to a quick google search, wearing a ring on your index finger simply means friendship or self-esteem/authority), after all many of the members have rings either from each other or ones that match, like Namjoon buying Jimin a Cartier ring for his birthday a few years ago which Jimin proudly wore since it’s really pretty, or pink and blue rings (there are several different ones, actually) that Namjoon has worn with Seokjin in the past (which fits into the Namjinist pink and blue agenda), or the rings Jimin and JK have together according to their shippers, and many more. Jimin and Tae have a whole plethora of matching jewelry in form of necklaces, rings, bracelets, even contact lenses (as in wearing one of each pair to match each other), some which were chosen by their stylists and others they bought themselves for themselves (which are all conveniently “forgotten” by those who ship either big ML ship). Though we’ve seen that even with clothes given by their stylists they were still the ones to choose their own accessories, like Namjoon choosing a pair of glasses from a whole box of different ones, or the members choosing rings from two big boxes before going on stage.
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Tae himself said, on multiple occasions across multiple years, that Jimin is his best friend, even his one and only best friend, and that he’s the one he likes most which he even proclaimed on national TV. As long as Tae doesn’t say that this has changed in the last, what, two weeks and suddenly JK is officially his new best friend, those who claim otherwise are basically nothing but shippers pushing a narrative that willfully ignores Tae’s own words. Just like they ignore and twist his Weverse comment about how T*ek*okers should get out of their imagination. What doesn’t fit is ignored or adjusted until it does fit.
Lastly, sure enough, Tae really was happy during that vlive but I’m fairly certain (though neither you, them or I will ever know for sure, we’re not in Tae’s head) it had absolutely no connection to T*ek*ok Day, something shippers created and not Tae and JK themselves, seeing as Tae has been in a very good and happy mood for a few months now. Whatever makes him so happy, I truly hope it’ll continue making him happy and I wish shippers (and solo stans) would stop trying to force a reason (which fits them) upon his emotions.
I know it’s easy to get confused by how loud shippers are online, especially as young ARMY (in this case both ARMY who are young age wise but also young in the sense of being new to the fandom), but shipper opinions, in many cases, are just noise, and also noise twisted and skewed a certain way to suit them. If you kept to OT7 spaces on the day of that vlive, no one really paid attention to the ring, most were annoyed by and furious at the shamelessness of the shippers in the comments, and tried to just focus on how fun the vlive was instead.
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neonlights92 · 5 years
CHANGE: Chapter V
When the feud between EXO and Bangtan escalates beyond control Bangtan’s leader Kim Taehyung sees only one solution: a marriage of convenience between a member of Bangtan and a member of EXO. Park Jimin was not born into Bangtan but has slowly become an intrinsic part of Taehyung’s trusted inner circle.
And that is how Jimin finds himself married to you; EXO leader Xiumin’s little sister.  You’re not like any other woman he’s ever met before; fierce, angry and talented with a switchblade. When you first meet Jimin you’re left angry and disappointed.
Except slowly, things change. And despite yourself, you find your heart warming to the idea of falling in love.
WARNINGS: Language and themes of death
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You felt numb. 
How had Jimin found that stupid fucking file? Had he gone looking through your things? Your heart felt like it was being ripped right down the middle. 
Hadn’t you locked it away in the top drawer of your desk? Except… Rose.
She was the only other person in the house who had access to something like that.  Could she have been keeping an eye on you?
You picked yourself up off the bed quickly, scrambling to your bedroom door.  You had to speak to him… You had to make things right. 
“Jimin… Please!” You felt tears brim behind your eyelashes, and something angry crawled up your spine.
You were terrified of losing him.
How had things turned so ugly, so quickly? Wasn’t it just last night that you’d finally realised how much you cared for him? 
Why did he have to find that stupid, fucking file? 
You turned the corner quickly, and were surprised to find Jimin standing at the end of the hallway, back facing you, stock still.  You started to move towards him when something caught your eye.  The mouth of a gun.  Somebody was pointing a gun at Jimin.
Wordlessly, you slid into the open doorway behind you, into the study, eyes focused on your husband’s back.
“Where is she?”
Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun was pointing a gun at the love of your life.  Your pulse quickened.  You had to fix this.
You wished you could see his face, but Jimin’s body was like stone.  He didn’t move a muscle.   “Your wife.”
“I don’t know.” Your heart turned uncomfortably.  Even when he thought you’d betrayed him, he still protected you. 
“I don’t want to have to kill you Jimin,” Baekhyun’s voice was calm, slow.  This was the way he usually spoke to his victims, “It would be a shame to stain such an expensive carpet.” “You’re going to kill us all anyway, aren’t you?  Make it quick.”  He spat out angrily.  Fear washed over you.
Baekhyun cocked his gun, “I’m going to give you until the count of three.  One...Two…”
You didn’t even think.  You knew he was probably bluffing - that he’d probably just shoot his hand or foot.  But you couldn’t imagine Jimin… Your Jimin in any amount of pain.  Not if it could be helped.
You stepped out of the study sharply and cleared your throat.
Your eyes met. 
“Y/N.”  He smirked,  “Me and your husband were just getting acquainted.”
Jimin’s glare burned into your cheek but you refused to look at him.  You kept your gaze steady, counting the eyelashes framing Baekhyun’s dark brown eyes. 
“I thought we were waiting till the end of the week.” 
He shook his head, “Plan’s changed.  Boss wants me to bring you both in.” 
You crossed your arms and raised a brow, “Am I coming as a friend, or as a prisoner?” 
“That depends.”  His gaze flickered between you and Jimin slowly, “On where your allegiance lies.” 
You felt your heart threatening to beat out of your chest.  You swallowed thickly. 
“I was born into EXO, Baekhyun.  You’ve known me since I was born.  I think it’s obvious where my loyalty is.” You heard Jimin’s sharp inhale, and hated that he thought you were betraying him.  You hated that even though this was the only way you could help him right now, he thought you’d turned your back on him.
Still, you forced your expression into one of icy indifference. 
“There are rumours.” 
You scoffed, “What rumours?” 
“Your brother thinks you care about him.  Love changes things.” 
This wasn’t the  Baekhyun you’d grown up with.  This wasn’t the best friend who’d helped teach you how to ride a bike.  The Baekhyun who would’ve taken a bullet for you.
This was the Baekhyun of EXO.  And you finally understood why that meant he could no longer be a part of your life.  Because you had changed too.
You were Y/N of Bangtan, now. 
“My brother’s a paranoid bastard,” You snorted, “Put the gun down, Baek and we can talk.” 
Baekhyun raised an eyebrow, “You know I can’t do that, Y/N.” Your heart dropped, “What?” 
Baekhyun’s eyes flicked behind you for a split second, and before you could even turn around, you felt cold metal digging into your back. 
“Sehun’s just going to make sure you don’t do anything rash.”
Your chest tightened.  Sehun had been your friend too.  You felt tears threaten to spill, but pushed them back. 
“What the fuck is this, Baekhyun?” You spat angrily. 
“On your brother’s orders.” 
“It hasn’t even been twenty four hours since he gave me the file!” 
Suddenly, your chest was filled with a sinking feeling.  The file had been a decoy meant to distract you from the actual plan.  Xiumin had never planned on including you in anything.
He’d never trusted you enough to follow anything through.  It was the way things between the two of you had always been.
EXO first.  Everything else could wait.  
“From the look on your face, I reckon you’ve figured it out,” Baekhyun’s expression held a note of sadness.  Somewhere, deep down inside you knew he felt bad.  But not bad enough to help you, “Alright, Rose.  You can come out now.” 
Jimin’s sharp inhale of breath matched your own gasp, as Rose appeared beside Baekhyun.  Her eyes avoided your own, and suddenly everything made sense. 
Xiumin had given you the file to distract you from what was actually going on - and Rose had planted it within Jimin’s grasp, hoping to tear at any trust between the two of you.  And it had worked.  Now Jimin thought you’d betrayed him, and your brother wanted you… What?  Dead?
“So what?” You asked angrily, brows furrowing into a deep scowl, “You’re going to kill us both?” 
Baekhyun’s eyes were harder than stone.  He shook his head. 
“Stop asking questions Y/N.” 
Without another word, you felt a bag being pulled over your head, as Sehun shoved you outside.  You struggled against your restraints as best you could, but you knew it was futile.  Sehun was one of the strongest of your brother’s henchmen, and even if you could escape, where would you go?
You knew what your brother was capable of.  And despite wanting to believe he’d let you live, something inside you told you he might not.
Xiumin had never truly valued you as anything other than another chess piece in this twisted game he played with Bangtan.  Your throat felt raw and dry, and you wanted to cry again. 
Suddenly you were being pushed into what you assumed was the back of a van, and before the door slammed closed, somebody handcuffed you.  Now you were completely useless. 
There was a long, drawn out moment of silence, before the van started moving.  
Your voice was meek and quiet, but you didn’t care.  If he was here, you had to talk to him. 
He didn’t sound scared, but what else had you expected, really? 
“Are you okay?” 
He scoffed and you cringed at the sound.  He was so angry with you. 
“What kind of question is that to ask, Y/N?” 
You took a deep breath and tried to steady yourself.  Despite what Jimin may or may not have thought about you, you couldn’t let him go on thinking you had betrayed him.  Not when you were now so sure you loved him. 
“I want you to know that I wasn’t ever going to go through with that plan,” You said quietly, feeling tears scratch the back of your throat, “I was going to tell you everything the moment we woke up this morning, I just didn’t know how to.  You have to understand - telling you about that plan… Taking your side… It means turning my back on everything I’ve ever known.  And even though that’s exactly what I want to do - because Jimin I can’t imagine a life without you - it was still hard.  I was going to tell you...But Xiumin played me for a fool.  He must’ve known I wouldn’t go through with it. He even warned me about how I felt about you the other night.  He told me you were a weakness… You heard Baekhyun.  Xiumin thinks I love you.  And when I saw that Baekhyun was pointing a gun at you earlier… I thought maybe if I played along, I could help the both of us.  You have to believe me, Jimin.  I would never hurt you.” 
There was a beat of silence.  
“Okay,” He whispered after a moment, “I believe you.” 
You nodded to yourself.  It wasn’t exactly what you were expecting; not after you’d laid everything out on the table for him.  But it was enough for now. 
“So what are we going to do?” 
You felt hopeless.  Your brother would probably kill Jimin - and even if he let you live, what kind of existence would it be without your husband? Jimin meant so much to you now and you had to protect him at all costs. 
“Have you got any weapons?”  He asked, even though he probably knew the answer.  You didn’t even have shoes on. 
“I’ve got a tracker in my cell phone.  I switched it on when Baekhyun cornered me.” 
“Is the cell phone on you?” 
“Strapped to my thigh.  Taehyung insisted on it as an extra precaution after things with your brother got worse.”  He cleared his throat, “Provided they haven’t kidnapped the rest of them, Yoongi can probably track us-” 
Before he could finish his sentence, the truck you were in came to a screeching halt.  
“Just take my lead,” You whispered, as you heard the sound of the backdoors unlocking.  
And then in a much louder voice, you shouted, “You’re fucking pathetic, Park.  I’m glad Xiumin will finally have a reason to get rid of you and your stupid brothers.” You heard him inhale sharply, and for a moment you wondered if he’d understood what you were trying to do.  Maybe you should’ve warned him-
“You’re a fucking bitch, Y/N.  Fuck you and fuck EXO.” 
Thank God.  You heard the sound of the backdoors swinging open and fixed your face into a scowl. 
“Fuck you.” 
“Alright princess,” That was Sehun, and you grunted at the nickname, “Leave him alone.  Things are only about to get a whole lot worse for him.”
Your heart sunk, but you refused to give up.  Jimin had his tracker, hopefully, and you prayed that neither Sehun nor Baekhyun would notice it. 
“Get me out of these fucking cuffs,” You growled, “Baekhyun, this is fucking ridiculous.”
You felt somebody grab at your elbow, and hissed against the touch, “I can walk by my fucking self.”
“Stop being so difficult, Y/N.”  Baekhyun sighed, “Once we’re indoors we’ll take off your cuffs and the bag, okay?” 
You climbed out of the back of the truck, and listened carefully for the sound of Jimin’s feet crunching on the gravel behind you.  When you heard his landing, your chest relaxed a little, but you forced your composure to stay as rigid as it had been. 
Baekhyun was a master of reading people; everybody in the mafia was.
You couldn’t let him see any changes in your demeanor. 
“Do you really think this was all necessary?” 
“If your brother’s right about how you feel, then yes.”  It was Baekhyun leading you this time, “You know we’re not going to hurt you-” 
“That’s not the point,” You felt a knot forming in the pit of your stomach, “Xiumin has never trusted me with anything.”
You heard him sigh heavily.  He was used to the fights between you and your brother.  Baekhyun had seen them unravel his entire life. 
And despite the fact you had decided to leave this life behind - to leave Exo behind - you had to admit your words still stung.  Xiumin had treated you as a liability your entire life.  You’d spent years trying to convince him that you were smart enough, and strong enough, and capable enough.
And in some ways, you were sure you were better equipped to lead than he was. 
But he’d never trusted you with anything.  He’d always treated you like you were just waiting to screw up.
Xiumin had never really loved you. 
You felt tears prick your eyes, but you bit them back.  Despite everything that was happening, you had to remain calm.  Exo’s Y/N would never cry, no matter the circumstances.  Nobody could know the ice around your heart had finally melted. 
“It’ll be over soon, okay?” 
And then suddenly, the bag was ripped off of your head, and you blinked harshly into the dim light you were swathed in.  You were in a warehouse - the one on the outskirts of the city, if you had to guess - and you tried not to roll your eyes at the dramatics. 
Xiumin always did have a flair for those kinds of things. 
“Y/N.” Your brother’s voice caught your attention, and you turned, watching as he walked towards you.  The ceiling was high - and the room you were in was huge.  His words bounced off the walls. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you, you prick?”  You hissed, hands still bound behind your back.  You struggled against your restraints and gave Baekhyun a look.
Baekhyun only shrugged, “Not until Xiumin gives me the go ahead.” 
You glared at your brother with everything you had inside of you. 
“Will you tell this fucking idiot to get these handcuffs off me.” 
Your brother’s eyes darkened, but he nodded at Baekhyun.  After a moment, you felt the handcuffs fall from around your wrists.  You forced yourself to stay stoic - completely still.  You couldn’t let Xiumin see how restless you were.  Couldn’t let him catch you looking for Jimin.
But the truth was, all you could think about was where your husband was. 
Why hadn’t he followed you into this room? Were they going to kill him already? Your heart thudded angrily against your chest. 
“What the fuck was all this about?” You spat, refusing to move from your position.  Refusing to give your brother an ounce of power. 
Xiumin stayed where he was too - a good few metres away from you - eyes dark and calculating. 
“You love him.” It wasn’t a question.  
It was a statement. 
You felt your insides curl.  
“Park Jimin,” He sighed as though you were acting like a disobedient child, “You love him.”
You scoffed, “You’re crazy, Xiumin.” 
“No I’m not.”  He seemed sad, “You love him, Y/N.  I know you do.  You were never going to follow through with killing Taehyung’s wife, were you?” 
“I just don’t understand why we had to kill innocent people.” Your brother raised a brow, “That’s who we are Y/N.  We’re the mob.  Or did you forget?” 
“We have some honour,” You replied stubbornly, “I’ve never killed somebody who didn’t already have blood on their hands.” 
“She’s married to Kim Taehyung,” He snorted, “Her hands are soaked in blood.” 
There was a long drawn out silence.  Xiumin’s eyes studied you whilst you decided what to say next.  
Eventually, you sighed heavily. 
“What are you going to do with me, Xiumin?” 
Your heart was still skipping a mile a minute, but you refused to look away from your brother’s angry face.  You barely recognised him.
“I’m not sure.”  He answered bluntly, “Some of my men think I should kill you.” 
Your chest tightened, “What?” 
“You’re my sister, Y/N.  But you love the enemy.  EXO must always come first.” “I only married him in the first place because of you!” 
Xiumin didn’t seem to care.  He shrugged. 
“I told you not to fall in love.”
And that was the straw that broke your back.  Before you could even properly think through what you were doing, you spun around sharply and kneed Baekhyun between the legs, grabbing at the gun you knew was tucked away into the back pocket of his slacks.  Baekhyun bent over in pain, and you used this opportunity to shove him between you and your brother, running towards the door you’d spotted on your left.
You heard your brother swear, and felt the hot trail of a bullet somewhere above your head.
He was shooting at you.
You turned back, eyes blurry as you shot at Xiumin’s foot, hitting your aim and causing him to stumble to the ground.
“What the fuck are you doing Y/N?  This is suicide-” 
You didn’t hear the rest of what your brother was saying as you pushed the door open and skidded out into the hallway, eyes scanning the hallway.  
Fuck it. 
“Jimin!” You screeched, running as fast as you could across the linoleum floor, “Jimin!  It’s me, Y/N!” 
The door at the very end swung open, and you were greeted by Sehun - eyes wide as he saw the gun you were pointing towards him.  You skidded to a stop. 
“Sorry, Sehun.”  You grunted, pointing your gun at his foot and shooting. 
“Fuck.  What the hell Y/N?” He screamed, crumpling to the ground in pain. 
You ignored him. 
“Jimin?” You shouted again, and this time you heard his reply. 
“Y/N!  In here!” 
You shoved past Sehun on the ground, not caring when he grunted in pain, “Oh get over it.  You’ll be fine.” 
Once inside the room you saw Jimin sat on a metal chair, hands and feet bound, and his face bloodied and bruised. 
“What the fuck.”  You rushed towards him, “Are you okay?” “I’ve seen worse,” He smiled and your heart turned at the sight. 
“Fuck, we have to go, Jimin.  Xiumin and Baekhyun are going to be here any minute.”
Jimin nodded, “Help me out of these.  There’s a knife in Sehun’s back pocket.” 
You turned to Sehun, who was still struggling, and kicked him in the shin.  He groaned in pain and you shrugged. 
“That’s what you get for fucking up my husband.” 
You held him on the ground with the heel of your foot, and rooted around in his back pocket, until you finally found what you were looking for.  A swiss army knife. 
You smirked.
They didn’t call you Switchblade for nothing. 
You turned back towards your husband quickly, helping him undo his restraints, and pulling him to his feet. 
“Can you walk on your own?” You asked, eyes scanning his body for any broken bones.
He winced when he stood but nodded anyway, “I’ll be fine.  We’ve got to go.” 
“Y/N!  What the fuck!” 
Your heart froze over at the sound of your brother’s voice.  You looked up to watch him limping towards you, eyes the colour of coal.  He was so angry.  
“Is he really worth all this?” Xiumin’s voice was shaking, “Worth leaving your family behind?”
You nodded once, resolutely, “He’s the only family I’ve ever had.  The only person who’s ever made me feel like I matter.” 
Jimin’s hand slipped between your own, and he squeezed tightly.  You didn’t look away from Xiumin, afraid of what he might do when your back was turned. 
“Fuck you.”  Your brother growled, and suddenly he was pointing a gun at Jimin, “And fuck Bangtan.” 
Baekhyun’s voice shot out, before the sound of the front doors being kicked down reverberated throughout the entire warehouse.  You watched in awe, as your brother turned, almost as if in slow motion to be greeted by Kim Taehyung himself.
You never thought you’d be happy to see Bangtan and yet this time everything was different.  Taehyung was leading the pack, followed closely behind by Jungkook and Hoseok, their eyes narrowed into dark, angry slits.  
Behind them was an army of Bangtan brothers.
This wasn’t going to end well.
“You want to kill my wife, huh?”  Taehyung spat, pointing a gun at my brother’s forehead, “You want to kill Jimin?  I thought we made a fucking DEAL.  You’re a piece of shit, Xiumin.” 
Was he going to kill him?  Something coiled around your throat. 
Despite everything that happened… Xiumin was still your brother.  Could you just watch that happen?
Baekhyun tried to reach for his gun, but Jungkook shot him in the thigh before he had a chance, “Don’t fucking move.”
“Go on then,” Xiumin set his jaw - hard and glaring, “Shoot me.  What the fuck is left, anyway?  You’ve taken everything away from me.” 
Your heart twisted. 
“You’re pathetic.”  Taehyung’s face was like stone, “But I will not kill you in front of your family.”  His eyes lifted, and he nodded at Jimin.
You felt all the air in the room dissipate, almost.  
Taehyung was going to kill your brother.  That much was clear.  He’d given Xiumin one last decency - he was giving you an out.  
You knew you could handle a lot.  Had been through almost everything on God’s good green Earth.  But this… You couldn’t do it. 
So you let Jimin take you away.
And your heart thundered as your husband tugged you forwards, away from Sehun, and away from your brother.  You passed Xiumin, eyes drawn to the ground, unable to meet his gaze.  You knew he wouldn’t say anything to you.
He had always been so proud.
But just as you reached the front door of the warehouse, your eyes flitted backwards, and your stomach curled at the look on your brother’s face.  Hatred. 
He was looking at you with pure, unadulterated hatred. 
“Fuck Bangtan.”  Xiumin spat, raising his gun towards Jimin, and taking aim.  You tried to pull him out of the way, but it was too late.
The bullet hit Jimin’s stomach, and just as Taehyung shot your brother between the eyes, your world shattered into a million pieces. 
Things would never be the same again.
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Altar Boys Altered Boys (We’re The Thing Love Destroys) - WooSan
Aurora - 2Ho
Baby Baby You’re A Carmel Macchiato - San
Because I Met You I Draw A Bigger Picture - ATEEZ
(Don’t You Know I’m A) Boss That Leads You - WooSanSang
But You Won’t Do The Same - San
Dancing Like Butterfly Wings - WooSanSang
Do You Wanna Run Away Too? (All I Really Want Is You) - Hongjoong
Forever Fight As One - Seonghwa
I Will Become The Spring To Your Smiles - Mingi
Lonely Hearts - Mingi
Maybe You’ll Love Yourself (Like I Love You) - Hongjoong
Moments Like This - SanGi
One Day at a Time - ATEEZ
Pirate King - SeongJoong
Soon May The Wellerman Come -Yeosang
Spare Me What You Think (Tell Me A Lie) - SeongJoong
Star 1117 - SeongJoong
Sunrise - WooSanHwa
Think You’re Ready For The Monster Monster - JongSan
This Is Our Fate, I’m Yours - SanGi
Twilight - WooSan
Wave - YunGi
We Will Make This Love Together - San
Where’d You Wanna Go? How Much You Wanna Risk? - WooSanHwa
Wonderland - SanGi
(Roger That) Yes Sir I’ll Protect Them - Jongho
Your Red Lipstick - Wooyoung
You’re Not A Constant Star - SeongJoong
Monster - G-Dragon
We’re Classic Together (Like Egyptian Gold) - G-Dragon
Agust D - Suga
Angel or Devil (What Should I Choose?) - Jimin
Best Years - TaeGiKook
Blood, Sweat & Tears - TaeJin
Don’t Leave - TaeGi
Dynamite - VMinKook
Euphoria - Jungkook
Filter - Jimin
Get The Ink, Get The Pen (Let’s Sign It) - J-Hope
Home - RM
How Did We End Up Here? - TaeGi
I Just Wanna Give You Love - VKook
I Want To Write You A Song - YoonKook
It’s Where My Demons Hide - BTS
Just One Day - YoonKook
Lights - TaeJin
Magic Shop - NamJin
Mikrokosmos -KookMin
My Feet Don’t Dance Like They Did With You - JinKook
My Heart’s Already Breaking (Go On Twist The Knife) - TaeGi
Play Pretend - Suga
Plz Don’t Be Sad - Suga
Pretty Words (On The Tip Of My Tongue) - VMinKook
Save ME - VKook
Speed Demon - VKook
That Should Be Me (Holding Your Hand) - YoonKook
The Truth Untold - Taegi
They Say Love Is Pain (Let’s Hurt Tonight) - V
Too Bad (But It’s Too Sweet) - V
We Are Bulletproof: The Eternal - BTS
Welcome To The House of Fun - TaeJin
What Can I Do? - VMin
Yo Ho Ahoy and Avast - KookMin
You and I (We Don’t Wanna Be Like Me) - VMinKook
Zero O’Clock - HopeKook
2nd Grade (Maths Problems) - Baekhyun
Baby Don’t Cry - Chanyeol
Be Combative or Be Sweet Cherry Pie - BaekYeol
Blooming Day - Chen
Don’t Go - Tao
Heaven Knows I’m Falling (I Can Never Be The Same) - Kai
I Can’t Stand The Rain - XiuBaek
I Just Hit The Lotto - Kai
It Will Wet Your Wings - KaiBaek
Lost In Reality -Tao
Lotto - Lay
Moonlight - LuChen
My Answer - XiuChen
Peter Pan - Tao
Ring-a-Ring O Rosie (Whoever Gets The Closest) - Kai
She’s In A Long Black Coat Tonight - Chen
The Moonlight Fills Your Eyes - ChanKai
The One - Xiumin
Twenty Four - ChanKai
Unfair - Baekhyun
Wolf - Lay
I Wish I Was (Beside You) - Jackson
Just Right - BamBam
Miracle - Jinyoung
School Life (Again Today) - BamBam
Take A Sip From My Secret Potion - JB
(Remember All The Memories) The Fireflies and Make Believe - BamBam
Prince Charming (Ridicule Is Nothing To Be Scared Of) - Gikwang
I Feel So Right Doing The Wrong Thing - Bobby Monsta X: I Will Borrow The Skies - Jooheon. This Way, That Way, Forwards, Backwards (Over The Irish Sea) - Wonho
All My Moments Want You - MarkHyuck
And I Still Want You - LuMark
Assemble - Lucas
Baby Don’t Like It - MarkHyuck
Baby Don’t Stop - Tae Ten
Baby We Two Distant Strangers - Yuta
Born To Be Wild - Haechan
BOSS - LuWoo
But My Heart Goes - Lucas
Candle Light - MarkSung
Can’t Even Talk, Still Stuttering - LuWoo
Complete - LuWin
Daisy Daisy (Give Me Your Answer Do) - Jaemin
Dance Around The Living Room (Lose Me In The Sight Of You) - JohnTenKun
Dream A Little Dream Of Me - LuWoo
Dream Glow - Yangyang
Drifting, Drifting, Drifting - Jungwoo
Everything Has Changed - Ten
Everything I Didn’t Say - NCT
Fireflies - NoMin
Fly Away With Me - MarkHyuck
Fool’s Gold - YuWinIl
Goodnight Sweetheart - Jeno
Grow Up - TaeTen
Hakuna Matata - LuWin
Hello Future - Renjun
Hold Me In Your Arms Tonight - MarkYong
Home - WayV
Howling At The Moon - JohnTen
Hugs and Kisses - Johnny
I Can’t Stop My Hand From Shaking - Jungwoo
(I’m Waking Up) I Feel It In My Bones - Taeyong
I Hate This After Dark - Mark
I Have Loved You Since We Were 18 - JaeYong
I Hear Them Coming For You - Jaemin
I Tend To Glow When You Are By My Side - NCT
I Want To Write You A Song - RenLe
If I Ask You If You Love Me (Lie To Me) - Jaemin
If I Could Fly - TaeTen
I’ll Be Right Here Beside You For Life - ChenJi
I’ll Be Your Genie - NoMin
I’ll Make This Feel Like Home - Shotaro
I’m A Wolf and You’re A Beauty - Jaehyun
I’m Giving Up On You (Say Something) - NoRenMin
I’ve Never Seen You In The Daylight - Jungwoo
Kick It - Taeyong
Killing Me - Yuta
La La Love - RenHyuck
Long Way Home - MarkHyuckWoo
Lost - Yangyang
Love Talk - TenWin
Lover of Mine - Winwin
Make A Wish - Shotaro
Misfit - Sungchan
Most Nights I Hardly Sleep When I’m Alone - Haechan
Music, Dance - Sungchan
My First and Last - MarkNo
My Flower - Haechan
My Heart Is Blind (But I Don’t Care) - MinSung
New Heroes - Ten
No Longer - Taeil
Not Alone - JohnMark
Of Guns and Roses - Renjun
Perche Tu Stasera Sei Perfetta Per Me - Mark
Punch - JohnJae
Puzzle Piece - NCT DREAM
Remember When I Broke You Down To Tears - RenMarkHyuck
Requiem - Jisung
Ridin - NoMinSung
Smooth Like A, Like A Snake - Doyoung
Stop. Rewind. Turn Back Time - Winwin
Superhuman - YuMark
Take Off - LuWin
The Internet Is Great - TenWin
The Sun Will Shine Through - Ten
This Is Halloween - Taeyong
Till The Love Runs Out - Shotaro
TOUCH - MarkYong
Touch Me When The Sun Goes Down - NoRenMin
Wait For Me To Come Home - LuWooMark
Waited For Your Reply (Here In The Pouring Rain) - SungTaro
We Almost Rolled The Dice - Winwin
We Got That (Power) - Jaehyun
What Can I Do? - Jisung
Whatever It Take - JaeYong
Wildflower - Haechan
With Great Power - Winwin
With You - Mark
You and I Go Hard At Each Other (Like We Going To War) - Chenle
You Are My Soulmate(s) - MarkHyuckHei
(This Is Our Sanctuary) You Are Safe With Me - ChenJi
You Became My Crown - MarkYong
You’ll Find Me In The Region Of The Summer Stars - Jaehyun
You’re My Everything - Kun
You’re The One I Want For Christmas - Xiaojun
You’re Unfair - TenWin
Jingle Bells Jingle Bells Jingle All The Way - Hwanwoong
Princely Duties - Hwanwoong
Spooky Scary Skeletons - Ravn
Stay Oh (Baby Touch Me) - Hwanwoong
A Tiger Inside - SoonHoon
Call Call Call! - Hoshi
Extreme Musical Statues - JiGyu
Fallin Flower - JunHao
Fear - Meanie
Giving All My Secrets Away - MingSoon
Home - Dino
How Can I Love You? (If You Don’t Talk To Me) - SoonHoon
Hug - SoonHoon
I’m A Lost Boy - Woozi
Lay You Head On Me - Joshua
Love Letter - JiGyu
My My - Woozi
Smile Flower - Woozi
Snap Shoot - 2JiCheol
Splish Splash - Hoshi
Titanium - Meanie
Cafe Latte - Taemin
Good Evening - Onew
I Growl At You - Taemin
I Will Fight, I Will Fight For You - Taemin
Lucifer - JongTae
Our Page - Jonghyun
Witch - Taemin
Welcome To The Circus - Sungmin
Stray Kids:
A Sign of the Times - Felix
Astronaut - Bang Chan
Authorized Personnel Only (Back Door) - ChanLix
BEWARE - Bang Chan
Burger and Sandwich, Coffee and Tea - ChangLix
District 9 - Lee Know
Finders Keepers Losers Weepers - Bang Chan
I Need Someone - Seungmin
I Want To Breathe You In Like A Vapour - I.N
I’m Sorry (My Handwriting Isn’t Pretty) - ChangLix
Insomnia - ChanLix
I’ve Been To The Year 3000 - 2Chan
Levanter - Han
Little Steps - Han
My Side - Felix
Never Ending Story - JiLix
Please Baby Get Away From Me (I’m Poison) - Changbin
Spaces Between Us - Lee Know
The Story of My Life - 3RACHA
We’re Not Alright But I’ll Pretend - Felix
Better Days - KaiMark
Big Chance - TaemTen
(When I’m With You) Danger Seems Like A Good Thing - TaeKai
Even When I Lose I’m Winning - TaeKai
Please Excuse My Writing - TaemTen
The Only Heaven I’ll Be Sent To - KaiMark
Tiger Inside - SuperM
To You In The Distant Future - SuperM
Who Do You Love? (Is It Him or Me?) - KaiMark
Yeah Superhuman! - TaemTen
0x1=LOVESONG (I Know I Love You) - Yeonjun
Blue Hour - Yeonjun Dubaddu Wari Wari - Taehyun
Flip It On Me Say I Think Too Much - Huening Kai I Know I Could Lie (But I’m Telling The Truth) - Taehyun I Know I Love You - Yeonjun I Know You Don’t Give Two Fucks - Beomgyu (Sorry) I’m An Antiromantic - TaeGyu I’m A Loser - Soobin Loving You Is A Losing Game - Yeonjun
Magic - TXT
Oh My God (He’s A Really Bad Boy) - Yeonjun PUMA - TXT
Run Away - Huening Kai
Running Down To The Riptide - Huening Kai Small Town Boy (In A Big Arcade) - YeonBin
Fantasy - Neo
Hyde - LR
On and On - Leo
Thank You For My Love - Leo
The Power Within - Baekyeol
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
Memories (Yuta x you)
Today is not a good day, my phone fell into a toilet bowl and we're on a road trip. I just got the chance to put it in rice and the screen won't budge when I touch. Hopefully everything will go well by tomorrow or Tuesday.
Anyways here is a new fanfiction for you all and for my broken heart :”)
enjoy! ps this is 95% real life story, this happened between me and my friend. but we got no string attached :-)
It was a blessing at first when the substitute teacher came in and announced that class was cancelled and we were allowed to just study anything by ourselves as long as we keep the room quiet. Half of the class were called for a laboratories class for practical exam practice. You are one of the second half of the class that won the privilege of not studying, you were so excited at first, not until you sit down with a question for one hour.
 Finally you have a time to rest in school, since the national exam test is coming closer and you along with your friends were twisting brains to memorize everything and make tons of practice quizzes.
There were only six or seven students in the class, one of them was your best guy friend ever since you two met in first year of senior high school. Now you were ready to graduate after passing the examination of course, and you did not realize it has been a long three years of sweet friendship with Yuta.
Nakamoto Yuta is a new student from Japan who caught your attention since the first day of orientation day, and you cannot lie that you were afraid of him at first. Probably because his Instagram feeds are nice and aesthetic; however, that was totally wrong. Yuta is a warm guy with a really funny humorous side when you know him. He happens to be one of your closest guy friends and he has a special space in your heart.
No, you did not see him as a man you want to be in a relationship with, you are so happy with the friendship bond now. Both of you like each other's joke and you just click with him. He never forgets you whenever he went for holidays, he always come back to school with a lot of special souvenirs for you. Since then, you've been giving him souvenirs too and that becomes the small vacation routine between you two.
Today you are stuck in the room with Yuta and your other friends. Just that a lot of them are sleeping and you did not want to sleep. You tried to busy yourself by studying and solving questions, but seeing Yuta just enjoying his free times makes you want to slack back and relax too. Well, Yuta is not like you in terms of academic focus. He did not study as hard as you, and usually even piggy backs you for projects. He loves modeling and dancing that he spent more of his time and effort there, though you have to admit that is cool of him to break the stereotype that man can model too.
Yuta glances from his sleeping position, between you and him were three tables. Three of your main squad sit there and were all away somehow. Yuta is sitting on the other end and stares at you.
"Study Yuta, you need to pass the exam. I can't help you. I am taking Chemistry and you are taking Biology. I cannot help you." you pause from trying to solve a long question.
Yuta shakes his head, "The exam won't determine my future. I'll graduate since my school report is nice. Chill."
You shrug your shoulder, "Well, Winwin is also taking Biology test, why don't you ask him for some study group time?"
Yuta just flips his hair and winks at you, "I have better things to do. Relax a bit please (y/n), you can do this why bother stressing yourself out?"
You want to hit him, but the school doesn't allow violence and you were raised to be a gentle girl.
At last the stress hits you and you stand up from your chair. Some eyes were watching you as you make your way to the big white board and uncap the marker. You slowly draw there and although you cannot draw, your feelings are moving your hands and you were covering the board with scribbles.
Your mind was like a pile of unsolved tangled strings and you were trying to straighten them out, but nothing seems to lead to an end. Maybe it's the pressure from your small heart saying you need to learn more for the exam because you are still unable to do it.
You scribble your thoughts into the white board and it is no longer clear, slowly the dark shadows of curls are covering the lower side of the box and you jolt in surprise when you feel someone tugs your hair into the back of your ear lobe and force an airpods into your ear.
"Hey!" you scream from the surprise and when you toss your head to see who is doing this, Yuta is standing there beside you with his secretive face.
"What?" you bring your hand to stop him from forcing a metal into your ear.
The other students are not paying attention to the two of you, for them you and Yuta were already so close to the point where people ask if you were dating him.
"Put it on quick." he whispers while glancing to the door, checking if there is any teacher walking by, because the rules here are strict about touching others.
You laugh thinking that why did he give you a piece of a Bluetooth ear phone if none of you have a phone right now. "What you want me to use this?" you grab the ear piece and he nods his head.
"There's no song here, we don't have a phone." you punch him.
He just ignores you and suddenly your ear hears the familiar catchy opening song of EXO-OBSESSION.
"I want you I want you want you." resonates in your ear and that did not fail to bring a smile on your face.
Yuta just smiles when he sees you already grooving into the intro and asking him to pump up the volume a little bit.
He puts his hand into his pocket and the song turns louder inside your ear.
"How?" you ask with a big surprised face, this song really brings your mood back.
He taps his pocket, "Shhh it's our secret."
You pull out a thumb to him and he calmly brings his hand to put down the strands of hair behind your ear to cover your ear.
"Cover them, make sure no one sees." he still steal glances to the door.
You nod your head, "Of course! You should've done this sooner. Hey can I have the eve by EXO next?"
he shakes his head, "I don't think you were going to violate the rules."
You shrug your shoulder, "Well if things go wrong, you were the one who got your phone confiscated, I don't."
Yuta's eyes widen and he playfully hands out his palm, "Return the earphone."
and you totally whine and pout in front of him, "Don't."
He smiles and just ruffles your hair, "Cutie."
You shudder, "Cheesy eew!"
The feelings you have to him remain unchanged, it's already super comfortable to have him as your best friend and he too clearly has crush on another girls. Whatever happens, you just wish nothing can break your bond with him. Nothing big and nothing small. Yuta will forever be your best friend and so will he.
Yuta just stands there beside you, his right hand takes the marker away from you and with his artistic skills he draw images of funny characters on the board. It's no longer dull and gloom, but filled with cute doodles.
"Thanks for the song and mood booster, but break is coming soon" you hand him back the ear piece and he quickly keeps his belongings in his bag.
"No problem" was all he said.
You sit back down on your chair, cheeks a bit red from realizing what he did might make someone blush deeply but not for you. Your mind plays back all the small attention he gave to you in the past three years.
"Hey (y/n), I am goin downstairs, what do you want?" he asks one day before leaving the class.
You check your bottle, "Water please. Let me take my wallet," you were about to walk to your chair, but he was faster "No need I'll go now. Just one right?" and zoomed he go.
"(y/n), I heard that Starbucks has a new card collection, maybe you want to buy them quickly before it ran out."
"(y/n)! Can I be in your team?"
"(y/n), I brought your favorite snacks."
He was so sweet, even when he did not mean to be sweet. He just knew how to cheer you up with the simplest thing and he knew you well.
"(y/n) I've used up all the soap you gave to me last holiday," he winks and you burst into a laugh. "You're sending me code to buy you a new one right?" and he just shows you his gummy smile and nods fiercely.
"(y/n) happy valentines!" he said and gave you a special unicorn shaped chocolate. You were surprised, your squad were confused, the class was wondering who gave you a big chocolate, but in the end you and Yuta keep the tie only up to best friend.
You cannot forget how surprised you were to receive the special unicorn chocolate, but that was the first and last special valentine gift you had from him. The next time he gave all his girl friends the same chocolate gifts, but you... you once won a special unicorn chocolate.
i hope my phone can get back to normal real soon 😭😭😭
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Reporting for Romance ~ EXO’s Lay x Reader
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{{Since it’s our sweet healing unicorn’s birthday today, I wanted to write a short fic centered around him. Being a very stylish ambassador-around-the-world, Lay shows up at a variety of fashion-related events, so this setting is where the reader (Y/N and Y/F/LN) is a fashion journalist who catches his eye at a show.}}
It was still surreal to be covering the Valentino show for S/S this year, but when you queued up with your press pass, it became a more concrete happenstance. Your editor in chief would be sitting toward the front row, of course, while you were deposited elsewhere. Your phone was fully charged and at the ready for any recording purposes, and your notebook and pen were stashed in the purse precariously dangling off your shoulder. You nervously presented the badge and allowed security to rifle through your bag before crossing into the hallway.
It was a beautiful, sunny day and you could see the bright, verdant hedges wrapping around outside the glass walls of the atrium that was playing runway for the day. Seats were set out around the room on the hardwood floors. The walls were in elegant white French style, and complementary to the mirrors and chandeliers that dotted the décor. Despite how uncomplicated and traditional everything looked, you felt overwhelmed. You’d attended fashion shows before, but you’d bought your ticket with your own money so you could write up a piece to try to make a name for yourself and score a job.
Now that you had, you were choking on imposter syndrome. You stood for a moment in the hallway, tugging at the hem of your dress, which suddenly felt too short despite getting the seal of approval from your boss. You crossed the floor to a mirror to check that you were just having a minor identity crisis and not that you were styled incorrectly. You brushed over your clothes with your fingers to smooth anything that felt out of place and did the same to your hair. You pouted as you looked at yourself, still unconvinced at your reflection. Another face blurred in the corner of your periphery as you were tapping at your lipstick.
 “You’re putting the mirror to good use, but you already looked nice when you came over.” Your face flushed a shade that matched the tube perched between your fingers. You turned to identify the man speaking to you and felt your heart do a somersault in your chest. He was strikingly handsome, to say the least, draped in a long, graphic coat punctuated by crisp white sneakers. His golden skin was smooth, and he didn’t have a hair out of place. But the thing that wrung your heart was his warm, dimpled smile. You sucked in your lip as you tried to remember how to breathe. Finally, you managed a chuckle that was at a higher pitch than normal.
“You can never be too careful at these types of events. One shoe unbuckled and the internet will crucify you,” you tucked your hair shyly behind your ear and let a smile pull up your lips, “thank you though. That makes me feel a little better. I just don’t want to embarrass my boss and have her banish me to the fashion closet again.” The young man laughed, and you felt some of the tension drop off your shoulders.  “Are you a magazine reporter then?” “I am! This is my first time covering a show for my publication. I think that’s why I’m on-edge. I want to work hard and prove my worth so I can come back again, you know?” His eyes widened at this, but he nodded as the dimpled resurfaced.  “Wow, first time! So exciting! I hope you will really enjoy it. I love to see all the beautiful clothes, so it is nice to get an invitation. I’m Lay Zhang, by the way. It’s nice to meet you.”
Your companion held out his hand for you to shake, and you took it gently with a sheepish grin. “I, uh… I know, actually. I’ve heard your music. You’re very talented!” his whole face brightened at your admission, but there was an expectancy lingering before you remembered yourself, “oh right! I’m Y/F/LN. It’s lovely to meet you too. That coat looks so sharp on you!”  “Thank you so much. I liked the tiger because it reminds me of China, and I like animals,” he hadn’t dropped your hand but continued talking, although he seemed to be a little restrained with his speech, perhaps because English wasn’t his first language, “I’m surprised you’ve heard my work, but I’m happy to hear that you like it! I always want to work very hard and do my best, so I understand how you feel. I’m sure your writing will be great. You speak nicely.”
You had to turn your face away a little to hide the blush creeping back across it. Reluctantly, you let your hand slide out of Lay’s as you fiddled with the zipper of your bag. “I listen to a fair amount of KPop actually, so I found you through that. I can tell you really pour your effort into everything you do, and I hope that more people can see its beauty like I do,” you flashed your teeth at him, happy to direct the conversation onto him for the moment, “I’m sure the show will be amazing, but we shall see if I can do it justice. If you see it, you can tell me what you think. Criticism is encouraged.” You laughed softly.
Lay’s perfect mouth shaped into an O and he took a minute to process everything you said.  “Ah, do you like EXO? I miss my members… it’s nice to get to make music in my home country, though, so I can represent it well. It would be really nice to share my music with the world. Your wish is very kind; I wish for it, too,” there was a wistfulness in his tone, but he also seemed very heartfelt, which only made you like him more, “when I read it, I will think of you and send you a message of praise, Y/N! You should believe in yourself more.” “Yes, I love you guys! Awww that’s hard. There are pros and cons to everything I suppose. I think you’re doing a really great job balancing everything. And now you’re here as a brand ambassador too, right? I’m sure China and your members are really proud of you. You should be proud of everything you’re doing and have done… and will do! If I have to be confident, then you do, too,” you leaned forward and bumped his shoulder with your own, giggling, “I would love to hear from you no matter what you think. You can message me whenever.”
Before Lay could answer, a few people swept by and noticed him, calling out greetings. He frowned to you for a moment before turning and waving congenially. It seemed like everyone was migrating into the main hall. When the passersby had dissipated, he looked back at you.  “I would like to talk to you more, but I don’t think we’re sitting so close to each other and my English takes a little longer to express what I really want to say. Will you go to the party afterwards? I don’t know if you’re busy and will continue working…” It was your turn to gape at him, but you quickly schooled it into a neutral expression.
“Ummm I think I am? I have to double-check with my boss, actually. Can I tell you my answer after the show or are they going to rush you off to start mingling?” You dragged your foot in front of you on the floor, feeling a little bit like a silly schoolgirl.  “I will come find you, but let’s exchange contacts now just in case it’s difficult to coordinate.” He slid his mobile smoothly out of his pocket and went to pull up a VCard, but he paused as he looked at the screen for a second. He shut off the screen and held his hand out to you, which had you puzzled until you realized he was asking for your phone. You dipped into your purse and mimicked the steps he’d just taken before placing it in his palm, fingers brushing. He tapped away in concentration before handing it gently back to you and smiling.
 “I thought this would be easier because I don’t know if you read Chinese. Please send me a message and tell me it’s you so I can save your information to my phone! We can talk about things… and maybe you can help me practice my English?” It was quite a sight to see Lay beginning to blush, and you wished you could replicate that expression many times over. “You’re so thoughtful. Xièxiè. I’ll send it before I sit down, okay,” you reached out and squeezed his shoulder affectionately, positively beaming, “your English is great, but I’d definitely be happy to help with whatever you need, so no worries! Tell me whatever you can think of and then I won’t focus on feeling so awkward being here where I don’t belong.” You snorted, shaking your head. The glow returned to his face when you thanked him in Mandarin and made your promises, but he looked a little concerned at the end. It was his turn to reach out, placing a hand on your arm to command your attention. Your eyes glazed a little bit.
“Don’t say that, Y/N. You are a fashion reporter! Your company wanted you to be here. You are meant to be here. Don’t doubt yourself. Do your best and don’t forget to enjoy yourself. I will be cheering for you in my heart. Keep smiling and everything will be okay… okay?” Lay spoke without any frills, so sincere that it made you want to believe him. You had to bite back the urge to cry because he was so sweet and encouraging. Your heart was melting. “Okay. I’m just going to trust that you’re right and that I can do this. I’m really happy you came over and talked to me, Lay. It’s made me feel so much better. I’m really grateful.” Lay let his hand trail down your arm before returning to his side. You felt the warmth radiating off of him, and he seemed very pleased at your turnaround. He pouted his lips for a moment.  “I’m happy too. I think we should go in now, though. Can I walk you to your seat?” “Oh! You don’t have to do that, you’re like, an actual important person! It seems like a lot of people wanted to chat with you. I feel bad that I stole you away from them for so long.”  “I’m sure I will get to talk to them at some point, maybe during the show or the party. I just want to make sure you find your way and don’t feel so nervous. Come on, let’s go.”
Lay turned and placed his hand on your lower back, guiding you forward at his side. You matched his pace as you crossed under an archway and headed past the scattering of other attendees. You peeked sideways to get a glimpse of Lay in profile, not quite believing your luck. Once you neared the seats, he helped you locate your company tag. It took a few minutes. “You’re some kind of special, Lay Zhang. I’m gonna text you right now, and then we’ll see each other after, okay? You just go and look pretty! I have to turn on my ace reporter mode now!” You brandished your fists, psyching yourself up. Lay laughed, bumping a fist against yours in agreement.  “I look nice because of my team, Y/N, it’s nothing,” his other hand finally slipped away from your back, a little to your chagrin, “I will look forward to it. Work hard, Miss Reporter! Then we can have fun together at the party… I hope your boss will let you come!” You covered your cheeks with your hands and grinned at him, shaking your head in amusement. “You’re too modest. Enjoy the show and we’ll catch up in a little while!” You clasped your hands together and bowed your head to him. He returned it and then walked off with a bright smile. You dropped down into your seat after you watched his retreating back, grabbing your phone. You sent off two messages—one informing your editor that you’d arrived, and the second to Lay, for him to save your contact.
[[From: Y/F/LN To: Zhang “Lay” Yixing
Ni-hao, Lay! It’s Y/F/LN, the ace reporter. Tell me afterwards which outfit you like the most, and I’ll finagle a party invitation from Kristen. ;)
Sent 2:00PM]]
You tucked your phone into your purse after silencing it and turned to face the center. Your eyes scanned the room, taking in the scenery and all the beautiful people and beautiful clothes. You were about to write a note in your notebook until you caught sight of a very handsome young Chinese man looking at you and waving. Lay smiled and gave you a thumbs up. All you could do was grin stupidly and wave back. You were somewhat glad he wasn’t sitting anywhere near you because you wouldn’t have been able to concentrate if he had been. Another beautiful person came over to him and struck up a conversation, so you turned back to your paper and began writing what you saw.
The show was a confectionary of dreamy designs in vibrant colors and sumptuous materials. You noted some people were near tears. It was probably the highlight of your life thus far, besides your earlier meeting with Lay, of course. As people began to disperse, you slipped out your phone. Your editor, Kristen, had responded to your message and had you nearly hopping in glee. You looked across the panorama of the room but didn’t spot your prince of China. Collecting your things, you slowly made your way toward the entrance, although you got caught up quite a few times by writers and photographers from other publications. Kristen told you to meet her outside so you could take a car over together, but your first priority was to find Lay.
By the time you’d made it into the exiting crowd, you felt like you’d never find anyone. Just then, you felt a hand hook in the crook of your elbow. You turned and faced the stranger.  “You were difficult to locate in all the people, Miss Reporter! You’re tinier than all the tall guys, you know? But here you are, I’m glad.” Lay was smiling again, and you joined him easily. “I couldn’t find you either and you’re not short! Hey, guess what,” you paused as the two of you wriggled past the other people, Lay’s hand still on your arm so you wouldn’t get separated, “Kristen said we’re going to the after party, so we get to hang out more!! Yay!!” You bobbed your head with excitement. Lay looked like a fish as he exclaimed his satisfaction.  “That’s great, Y/N! I will meet you there then. Go safely and I’ll see you soon.”
When you spotted Kristen, you took Lay’s hands and squeezed them between yours, the joy written all over your face. You didn’t think today could be topped; you felt really lucky. “You too, Lay. Text me and I’ll come find you this time!” He nodded and you parted with full hearts, vibrating with anticipation for your reunion. You ambled over to Kristen, who raised an eyebrow when you appeared at her side.   “Who was that good-looking man you were talking to, Y/N? He seemed very fond of you.” “Ah! He’s a Chinese musician who’s in a Kpop group. He’s a Valentino brand ambassador, too, actually! He’s really sweet. He asked me to practice English with him since he’s going to be at the party as well.” You covered your mouth to downplay your smile, but Kristen saw everything. She chuckled softly, patting you on the shoulder.   “Well, regardless of all of that he is, he was clearly taken with you. Behave yourself… but don’t forget to take advantage of the moment. Who knows… you might be able to continue helping with his English after today.” Kristen winked at you and your face bloomed red as a nervous chuckle escaped. Shaking your head, you nodded to her to lead the way to the car. Your brain was struggling to absorb what she’d just said, so you’d have to take the car ride over to cool down before you got to see your new companion again. And so the magic continued…
{{I hope you liked this scenario; please leave a comment or reblog if you did! Watching interviews with Lay for research and he is just so humble and precious; it made me so happy to do a fic with him. Don’t forget to support his solo stuff as well as his work with EXO because he’s doubly-amazing and so hardworking! Happy 29th birthday you beautiful soul—I’m wishing that your dream to be on stage at the Grammy’s for your music comes true! Saranghae <3 <3 EXOXO}}
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h2omyeon · 4 years
You Were Beautiful (KJM x reader)
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Summary: You had been in love with your classmate Kim Junmyeon for the last year and a half. You finally find the guts to tell him the truth about how you feel, but at the wrong time. (PS: Chanyeol makes a cameo in this story and Junmyeon is an Art History major!)
Pairing: Junmyeon x Female Reader
Tags: College Student Junmyeon, Art Hoe Junmyeon, bittersweet stuff
Warnings: Mentions of suicide towards the end of the story (not in this chapter)
Word Count (in total): 8.5k
AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is my first ever story I wrote and published on here. Feel free to leave comments and I will try to publish each chapter weekly! This story is based off of a combination of dreams that I had which included people who weren’t Junmyeon and Junmyeon himself during the beginning of this whole COVID pandemic (AKA: when things began to fall apart). Like the world that I was living in at that time, this story/dream is just as (I hope to believe) chaotic. I also apologize if there are a ton of plot holes in the story because it was based on a dream and I could not think of any filler parts. Enjoy!- PS
PPS: This is the second to last part of the story and yes, I have written the entire thing already! Because of some personal stuff that I have related to work, I will not be publishing the last chapter until August 16th. I hope you all have enjoyed the work up to this point!
Read the previous parts here: Part 1  Part 2  Part 3 
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Chapter 3: Natural Delivery
Your alarm rang; it was D-day. You couldn’t believe you kissed him, the man of your dreams. You smiled even thinking about, but then a rush of sadness hit you because he was going to leave you all from today. It was 6:30 in the morning when you woke up and you could hear Junmyeon and his family starting to pack the stuff in the car and talk to one another in Korean. 
Before leaving for the airport at 7 that morning, your sisters had groggily said goodbye to Junmyeon and he had given them $40 each to spend. He thanked your mother for being so kind and helpful; you and your father were in the car watching him say goodbye. You had a letter in your hand you wrote to Junmyeon before last night, explaining everything you had felt for him and gave him some pictures you two had taken at various photo booths throughout the city. 
The ride was occasionally silent, except for when your father and the older Kim’s would engage in conversations about politics and asked Junmyeon about his flight details. Mr Kim played some music; “Me Gustas Tu” by GFriend blasted through the car speakers and you all (except your father, who didn’t know the song to begin with) began to sing along while you and Junmyeon did the chorus dance hand movements. It was ironic that on the day the person you liked was leaving, this was the song playing. 
“Did you know our nephew was an SM trainee?” Mrs Kim asked you and your father. You both shook your heads. That explained why he was so good at dancing. 
“Aunty, it was for a month,” he replied in Korean, then said: “Yeah, all I did was not get sleep and train all day for something I didn’t know if I actually wanted to do.” 
You all chuckled then went silent, while watching the traffic. You sang along to the rest of the song alone, while Junmyeon looked out the window and then looked at you while you were singing. 
“Y/N, you sing so good!” Mr Kim stated. 
“No, I just like this song a lot, Mr Kim,” you gushed. Junmyeon smiled at you; you smiled back. Junmyeon was definitely a better singer and knowing that he was an SM trainee confirmed the reason why he was so good. 
“Your pronunciation isn’t that bad, Y/N. You kinda sounded like Yuju when you sang at that moment,” Junmyeon said. You didn’t know the members' names, but you were honored. 
After a few more songs and more stories from the Kims and your father, you had finally reached JFK airport. You helped Mrs Kim and your father take out the bigger luggages onto the trolley cart; Mr Kim hugged his nephew for one last time and told him he loved him and how much he was going to miss him. You watched Mr Kim sadly walk into his car and think briefly, knowing his nephew will have to go through the difficult training he went through himself, before entering the airport. While at the airport, you all decided to grab some breakfast. 
Your father and Junmyeon fought on who would pay for breakfast; Junmyeon gave in and your father had paid for the quick breakfasts you all ate from the Dunkin stand. 
“I’ll miss Dunkin Donuts,” he admitted as you all walked to the baggage check in stand. 
“There aren’t any in Korea?” Your father asked. 
“No,” Mrs. Kim and Junmyeon replied at the same time. 
“There are Starbucks,” he disclosed. “They’re way better in Korea though.” You rolled your eyes, remembering the debate you two once had over this topic. 
Once you reached the baggage check in, you all were no longer allowed to go with him past that. Junmyeon checked in his big bags and was given his boarding pass; the flight was at 10:30 and it was 8:00. Before walking into security, Junmyeon said his goodbyes to Mrs. Kim in Korean, thanking her for all she had done these three years. Then, he went to you. 
“I will miss you a lot, probably the most out of everyone here. I said all my thank yous and I love yous last night, but I really love you and always have, I really do. Thank you for everything and I really hope to see you again. Think of me,” he said with a smile. You hugged him tightly; he was so comforting and from today, you would no longer feel that warmth. You were going to miss him deeply. Tears formed in his eyes and you all were about to cry. 
“Stay safe, serve well and don’t forget to call and text us when you get there, Junmyeon.” Mrs Kim said. He walked to your father while you sipped your iced coffee and silently cried. 
They both looked at one another in silence. You knew your father loved Junmyeon like his own son; they had an immediate bond. “Hey, buddy, I know we didn’t talk a lot, but I saw you make my daughter the happiest she had been in a long time. I haven't seen her smile and laugh with anyone for a while and I’m happy it was with you,” your father said. “Good luck with your service and if you ever need any help, you know where to call,” he addressed with a smile. He gave Junmyeon a big hug and they embraced briefly. 
“Thank you for accepting me into your home whenever I needed help. I felt protected and welcomed by you all. And I will definitely call whenever I need your help,” Junmyeon replied to your father.
“That’s what fathers do, right?” he replied with a fatherly chuckle. You all laughed. They hugged again and he walked up to you. 
“Stay safe, okay?” you said, holding his hand while thinking about last night. He assured you that he would stay safe and that he would call you as soon as he got to Korea. Both of your smiles disappeared from your faces when you let his hand go. You all looked at one another in silence. 
“Hey, let’s take a picture,” you suggested. The rest of the clan agreed; you asked a young French woman to take the pictures on your dad’s cell phone. After a few pictures, Junmyeon hugged you all for one last time and walked towards security. You put his letter in your pocket and walked out of the airport alongside your father and Mrs Kim once he turned into a tiny figure in the entrance towards security. 
The ride home was overcast with sadness and silence; you cried most of the way home. You felt like you were Elio Perlman in Call Me By Your Name after Oliver had left; your father held your hand the whole way home while he looked out the window in silence. Mrs Kim tried to console you from her passenger seat as best as she could. 
“That boy was like glue,” Mrs Kim said. “He brought two families together without realizing it. Thank you to the both of you and your other family members for making our nephew Junmyeon feel welcome, I really mean it. He talked about you all as passionately as he did about those art pieces he studied in school,” she continued. 
“He was a special kid who made my daughter the happiest-” your father admitted. You had fallen asleep by then, while the elders continued to have a conversation about Junmyeon and based on Mr. Kim’s experiences, how his life will change after the military. 
You were asleep for 30 minutes when you were awakened by a buzz coming from your pocket. It was a text message that had come from Junmyeon, but just as you were about to read it, your phone battery had run out. 
“Junmyeon said he is on the plane and that he will miss us all.” Mrs Kim said; she was talking about the text she had received. You accepted that he would be gone for a long time and that you needed to live your life the same way you would if Junmyeon were there. 
To pass time before you went home to live your life post-Junmyeon, you began to sing some songs in your head and one of the songs that popped up was “For Life” by EXO. You thought about the lines: “Never gonna let you go, giving you my heart and soul.” You initially heard the song in 2016, during a New Year’s Eve party your cousin Tiffany had invited you to and imagined some random celebrity as the love of your life you would pour your heart and soul for. Little did you think at that time you would ever find yourself giving up your heart and soul for someone in real life until you met him.
Another hour of traffic ensued and you fell asleep again, this time your father fell asleep as well. You could faintly hear Mrs Kim was talking to her sister in law (Junmyeon’s mother), wishing her a happy birthday, with Mr. Kim saying happy birthday as well before falling back asleep again. 
By the time you woke up, Mr. Kim reached the neighborhood parking lot and after scurrying around the lot to find a spot, he parked his car next to your father’s. Just as you were all about to leave, your father’s cellphone began to ring; it was Angela. She never called your father unless it was an extreme emergency. Angela worked at the airport as a cashier at a duty free perfume shop on the weekends. 
“Hello? Angela, what’s wrong?” Your father asked. 
“Mr. Y/L/N, I tried calling Y/N’s phone, but she isn’t picking up and neither is Junmyeon.” you heard Angela explain through the phone. 
Did he miss the flight? You thought. Your brain spiraled into a frenzy and thought of every possible situation. He spoke English very well, so he was able to understand the announcements and by now he should have flown out of New York; it was 11:00 AM and his flight left at 10:30, a half hour before. You all had left the airport at 8:30. You couldn’t hear the rest, but based on your father’s face, it was not good news. 
“What happened?” Mr Kim asked your father. “Is everything okay? That Angela girl is crazy, but she would never call unless something bad really happens.”
“There’s been an accident.” 
“An accident?” you asked. 
Your father took a deep breath. “Angela called me to say that a plane crashed outside of JFK fifteen minutes after it went off the runway. The flight left earlier than it should have and everything was deemed as fine, but somewhere along the way, the plane’s engine started to act up and despite doing an emergency landing, the plane crashed and caught fire.” he explained  
“It landed in some construction site and based on the severity of the damage and what she heard through word of mouth, it seems like no one survived the crash. She doesn’t know what flight it was yet, but she will call me and let me know.” 
“Oh my god!” Mrs Kim exclaimed. “Let me call Junmyeon. Oh, I hope he is okay!” She tried calling him multiple times; it went to voicemail each time. 
There was no report of bad weather today, you thought. But it did rain last night, so it might have been partially because of the weather. You felt like you were living a fever dream; you were on cloud nine twelve hours ago and now you felt the end of the world nearby. 
“Honey, he already left. You can’t call him.” Mr Kim explained to his wife in Korean. Mrs Kim’s face turned pale in worry that her beloved nephew was dead the moment he was supposed to leave; Mr Kim was consoling her on the quick walk home. They both began to call everyone they knew, including your mother. You and your father were both too stunned to say anything.  
Your mother and sisters had reached the Kim residence after hearing the news from Mrs Kim, and your father went to go use the bathroom. Your mother, and the Kims talked to one another frantically. 
“What happened?” your youngest sister Molly had asked, sitting on the same bench where you and Junmyeon had confessed your love for one another less than 24 hours before. 
“A plane crashed and we don’t know if it might have been Junmyeon’s flight,” you explained. 
“Bro,” Natasha exclaimed. “You really believe Angela?” 
“Angela may be strange at times, but she is not a liar,” you snapped. “This is serious, Natasha!” 
They were just as stunned and by then your father had come back from the bathroom. You all prayed in silence that Junmyeon was okay and it wasn’t his flight that had gone through that tragedy. 
A few moments later, the phone rang as soon as your father reached the house and you all sat on the porch in worry. It was Angela. You picked up the phone immediately, while everyone watched you in worry. 
“Hello?” you uttered. She indicated that based on the information provided to her fellow employees and supervisors, the plane that had exploded was going to an Asian country, although which country and airline it was, she did not know yet. She also said that there were survivors, but did not know how many there were. After a minute’s silence, she got back on the phone and told you the flight number of the plane that had crashed. 
“There is good news and bad news: There are about twenty survivors out of the 178 people on the airplane. They have, unfortunately, not found any more survivors and yes they are still looking. They are being taken to nearby hospitals  as we speak and for now, all other flights have been delayed.”
Angela took a deep breath before she shared the news of the flight. She was a journalism major, so it was natural for her to deliver news, good or bad; despite her natural strangeness, she was able to successfully deliver bad news without crying and good news with a panned face. However, her voice changed, which meant it was definitely serious. 
“It was Junmyeon’s flight to Seoul that crashed onto the construction site.”
Part 5 (and final part)
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thesunnyshow · 4 years
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Name: Mae Gi
Age: 23
Writing Blog URL(s): @mae-gi-writes & https://embed.wattpad.com/user/nutmeggu
What fandom(s) do you write for?
The Boyz, EXO, BTS, SVT, Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts
Nationality: Mauritian
Languages: French, English, Creole
Star Sign: Pisces 
Favorite color: Mint!
Favorite food: Xiao Long Bao
Favorite movie: Patriot 
Favorite ice cream flavor: Mint and chocolate chip!
Favorite animal: Definitely whales
Coffee or tea? What are you ordering? Coffee all the way! 
Dream job (whether you have a job or not): Writer 😍 
Go-to karaoke song: Breaking Free High School Musical
If you could have one superpower, what would you choose?
If you could visit a historical era, which would you choose?
The 70's 
If you could restart your life, knowing what you do now, would you?
I Would not. I believe that everything I've experienced was for a reason and I couldn't be happier where I am. 
Would you rather fight 100 chicken-sized horses or one horse-sized chicken?
100 chicken-sized horses because that would be cute af
If you were a trope in a teen high school movie, what would you have been?
I like to believe that I'd be a badass tough cookie
Do you believe in aliens/supernatural creatures?
Fun fact about yourself that not everyone would know?
I am bad at maintaining eye contact so I am always conscious of it.
When did you post your first piece?
I think it was in 2012 that I started my first story!
Do you write fluff/angst/crack/general/smut, combo, etc? Why?
Fluff and angst are my go-to's because they are the ones that I relate to the most. My writing comes from personal experiences, so there's a lot of fluff and angst involved.
Do you write OCs, X Readers, Ships...etc?
Why did you decide to write for Tumblr?
I just started posting without really taking it seriously to be honest. But when people started showing interest, it motivated me to write more and gave me confidence. I also made lots of wonderful writer friends which I am so grateful for! 
What inspires you to write?
Life, people, relationships. Writing is also a way for me to process my thoughts of emotions, it's therapeutic. 
What genres/AUs do you enjoy writing the most?
Romcom and slice of life mainly. And my guilty pleasure is the best friend to lover AU. 
What do you hope your readers take away from your work?
That it makes them laugh, have a good time, or cry in sympathy. I want my characters to reflect real people and I hope that my readers can relate and realize that they are not alone, no matter how tough life may seem sometimes. 
What do you do when you hit a rough spot creatively?
I stop writing and listen to music. It allows me to imagine scenarios without me actively writing them. 
What is your favorite work and why? Your most successful?
My favourite work is definitely my first novel that I recently published on Amazon! It's sci-fi dystopian and is really close to my heart because every character is a piece of me stitched into them. 
My most successful on Tumblr is Deobi Playlist series, which is a fanfiction mashup of the series Hospital Playlist x The Boyz. I think people find it really entertaining and light to read. 
Who is your favorite person to write about?
Kevin from The Boyz, Jungkook from BTS. 
Do you think there’s a difference between writing fanfiction vs. completely original prose?
There's a difference in terms that some elements are already crafts for you and you approach them in a different perspective. Original prose is completely made up by you. 
What do you think makes a good story?
The storyline is important, but characters are definitely the most vital elements in telling a good story. 
What is your writing process like?
Depending on the mood, I usually put on a playlist of slow songs and start writing whatever comes to mind on my laptop. Sometimes if I need to figure out a story, I use pen and paper to quickly outline the series of events. I also usually write better at night or early morning. 
Would you ever repurpose a fic into a completely original story?
I actually already did! It was named as Entity and was a BTS fanfic that received so much love I decided to alter it into a real novel now called Terminal. It's available on AMAZON. 
What tropes do you love, and what tropes can’t you stand?
I am a sucker for Love Triangle tropes and Best Friends to Lovers tropes because, in my experience, they really do happen. I can't stand the "I'm not like other girls" trope, I just think it's overdone and is always portrayed as something that the protagonist needs. 
How much would you say audience feedback/engagement means to you?
I definitely don't depend on feedback to write because I write for myself. But getting feedback and seeing people appreciate my work definitely motivates me to believe in myself as a writer. I would not have come this far without support. 
What has been one of the biggest factors of your success (of any size)?
I just kept writing, even though it was shit, even though I was sometimes frustrated. No matter how bad it was, I always told myself that I was doing this for me and never listened to outsiders who didn't appreciate my craft. 
Do you think fanfic writers get unfairly judged?
Definitely! Just because we write fanfiction doesn't mean we're not writers. I know of so many AMAZING fanfic writers who are so much better than actual authors!
Do you think art can be a medium for change?
Yes, art has always been involved to portray what can't be said. And that is the beauty of it. 
Do you ever feel there are times when you’re writing for others, rather than yourself?
Rather than "writing for others" I keep myself disciplined by writing everyday, no matter how bad it might be or how little i write. 
Do you ever feel like people have misunderstood you or your writing at times?
Yes, I don't really understand why writing as an art form is so underrated when it is so beautiful, but there is this misconception that writers, especially fanfic writers, are just thirsty fangirls who are obsessed with their biases. No, we are content creators, we write stories because we are artists and take so much time and effort to write these amazing stories.
Do your offline friends/loved ones know you write for Tumblr?
My boyfriend is the only one and he is really supportive.
What is one thing you wish you could tell your followers?
That I appreciate every single one of them for supporting my work, and that every comment, reblog or like just makes my heart feel so full with love. I also wish to tell them to keep dreaming, keep pushing and stay safe 
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers who might be too scared to put themselves out there?
Be scared to start. Be scared because that means you're pushing yourself and that's okay. Fear is part of the process but you have to go through that to gain confidence in what you do. Throw yourself under the bus, because that's how it gets easier. And don't compare to other writers because like every artist, your story and your craft, your words and your voice will be different. So believe that you can, and you are worth it.
Are there any times when you regret joining Tumblr?
Do you have any mutuals who have been particularly formative/supportive in your Tumblr journey?
YES!! I'D LIKE TO THANK @pixelelf @choaticdeobi @moondustaeil @aveluant1a @atbzkingdom @thesingingfae1905 @2hyunjae @tbzhours @jenocakes ❤❤❤ 
Pick a quote to end your interview with:
There's no such thing as perfect writing, just like there's no such thing as perfect despair - Haruki Murakami 
19 notes · View notes
springday-aus · 4 years
BTS’s Namjoon: Plus Two || part one
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Fic Piece Written by: Admin Grandma of @springday-aus​
Moodboard Link: Created By Admin Grandpa
Character Pairing: Y/N and BTS’s Kim Namjoon (RM)
Other Characters: BTS [Hoseok, Taehyung, Yoongi (barista!yoongi), Seokjin - others are mentioned briefly], Hyerin (EXID), Suho (EXO OT12), Moonbyul (Mamamoo), Eric Nam, Tiffany (SNSD), Irene (Red Velvet), and Jackson (GOT7) - along with their respective group members, who are involved as planners, partakers, and guests 
Genre: romance, comedy, officer worker!Namjoon, wedding date!au, friends to lovers!au 
Type: series [two parts]
part one || part two
Word Count: approx. 21.6k
Plot Summary: getting older is never easy, especially with all the weddings Namjoon has been attending. Fortunately for him, a run in with an old friend of his, i.e. you, makes all these weddings a bit more bearable. 
⤷ Alternatively: you and Namjoon keep running into each other, ultimately becoming unofficial wedding dates. Once it’s official, a couple of things start to change... such as the old flame that Namjoon thought he put out. 
→ Inspired by: the movie called Plus One—hence the creation of Plus Two!
Warnings: lots of drinking involved and cursing 
A/N: this accidentally became a slow burn fic, considering that I stretched out Namjoon’s pining to 21k words. 
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October 25th, 2019
Friday, 10AM 
Lee Corporations
The clicks of computer keyboards fill the dead silence of the office floor. Everyone’s buried in their own paperwork and files, concerned about finishing their workload before the work day is over. Namjoon sits in his cubicle, reorganizing his spreadsheets and double checking the numbers. It’s taking longer than he originally wanted, but then again, computer games are designed for distractions. He checks his watch. It’s only been two hours and he’s already bored. Sure, he’s got enough work, but does he really want to do it? 
No, not really. 
He rubs his eyes, which he inwardly hopes might wake him up from this nightmare. Curse him for being practical and choosing to be a business major. Had he chosen a different path, he might have turned out happier—at least, he has a stable paycheck. By the end of the day, that’s all that really matters in this lifetime. 
A chime from his phone interrupts his thoughts on his extinctial crisis. He grabs his phone from his desk counter, as he stands up from his seat. Might as well grab another cup of coffee. He heads to the break room and immediately navigates himself into the corner, where the coffee maker rests. After plugging it in, he unlocks his phone and clicks on the latest notification—an email sent to his personal inbox.
You’re invited to celebrate the union of Seo Hyerin and Yoon Jae Jung! 
Date: November 16th 
Time: 11:15am for the ceremony, 8pm for the reception
Location: Crossroads Cathedral and Sweet Dreams Event Hall 
Please RSVP at XXX-XXX-XXXX or respond to the email! We hope to see you there! 
Huh, he hadn’t heard from Hyerin for a while—last thing he remembered was that she was enjoying her job as a translator and she was in a wonderful relationship, which is now blossoming into marriage. 
Good for her.
He doesn’t mean for it to sound as sarcastic as it does. It is good for her. As one of her close friends (close enough to get her wedding invitation at least), he’s glad she’s able to find someone who wants to share her life with. 
But it’s also a reminder that Namjoon hasn’t managed to do the same. He shuts his eyes and lets out a long sigh. It’s going to be really sad that he’s going to be there without a date of some sort, while others are most likely going to be there with dates. It’ll be nice to catch up with some of his old friends, but it’s also going to be a pain to have all those pity looks and the ‘don’t worry, you’ll find someone soon’ speeches. 
By the time he realizes he’s lost himself within his thoughts once again, the coffee is reheated and his phone screen has turned black. He moves his mug and slowly pours the dark liquid in. Namjoon’s ringtone breaks the silence. The image of Hoseok’s dog, Micky, flashes on his screen with the words, Dancing King. 
“What’s up, man?” Namjoon asks, as he pours a packet of sugar into his cup. 
“Hey! How’s my favorite businessman?” 
“Hoseok, I’m the only businessman you know.” 
“No! Wonsik is also a businessman.” 
“He’s a CEO of his own music company—while there is business associated, he’s still deemed as a musician in my book.” 
There’s a bit of silence and Namjoon can practically see Hoseok’s lips pulling back in disappointment. 
“Same difference,” Hoseok says through the line. “Anyways, did you see the invitation yet?” 
“Yeah, I saw it,” Namjoon says. “I just can’t believe Hyerin is already getting married.” 
“I know. It’s almost like we’re adults or something.” 
Namjoon rolls his eyes from Hoseok’s sarcastic comment, even though he can’t see it. “Are you bringing anyone?” 
“It’s too soon to see, but I might try to find a date—it’s just another wedding.” There’s a pause, with some muffled shuffling. “If not though, would you do the honor of being my date?” 
“You know, I might just take you up on that offer.” 
“Bet,” Hoseok says. “Well, the others are starting to come back from break. I’ll talk to you later?” 
“You know where I’ll be.” 
“Only from 9 to 5.” There’s another laugh from him through the phone. “Alright, bye!” 
He sets his phone down, staring mindlessly into his coffee as he waits for the sugar to dissolve. 
Well, on the bright side, he has a date to the wedding now. That one task marked off the list. 
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November 16th, 2019
Saturday, 9PM 
Hyerin’s Reception 
Sweet Dreams Event Hall 
“I’ve known Hyerin for such a long time,” Hani says. “And I have seen so many sides of her. Even today, she continues to reveal new sides of her that are surprising to everyone. She’s smart; she’s classy; she’s fun-loving and she’s cute. Sure, everyone here might know her as the crazy one in this group. But that craziness is part of her charm—which I’m sure Jae Jung has experienced at least once or twice by now.” 
The crowd laughs, as Hani tips her glass towards the couple. She gives another dazzling smile to them and continues. “Nevertheless, that craziness is what’s going to make life more entertaining for you. Some may say marriage doesn’t last, but I know you two will make it work. As one of Hyerin’s closest friends, I wish you two nothing more than a lifetime of happiness from one another. Congratulations, Hyerin and Jae Jung.”
There’s a light applause as Hani, the maid of honor, finishes her speech, which is followed by the taps of the guests’ champagne glasses. Hoseok and Namjoon’s glasses make a clink against the other, before they respectively clink their glasses with the other guests at their table. 
After taking a sip, Namjoon turns his attention back to his plate, which is cleared of food. 
“Hey,” he says with a nudge to Hoseok. “When did they say they were gonna cut the cake?” 
“I think they’re gonna cut it after a couple more courses.” 
“I’m so full.” Namjoon lightly pats his stomach. “I knew there was gonna be a lot of food, but I didn’t know it was going to be this much.” 
Hoseok lets out a laugh. “Hyerin’s got a bottomless pit for a stomach—you should have known she was going to have a lot of food.” 
Namjoon laughs with him. “Oh my God. How could I forget the buffet incident?”
Their conversation is interrupted by some feedback from the speakers. The crowd’s attention is turned back to the main table, where Hyerin stands with the microphone in hand and her new husband, Jae Jung, is trying to fix the veil that was caught on the back of her dress. 
“Hello everyone! Thank you so much for coming and joining us for this evening. Also, if we could give another hand to Hani for helping me arrange the whole thing—she really is the best. This night has been the most incredible.” There’s some more applause and, at the end of the main table, Hani stands once more with a smile and bows to the guest tables. 
Hyerin continues to talk once it dies down. “Um, we’re still coming around to the tables to properly greet and thank everyone for their support and gifts. The cake will be cut soon, but we still have two more courses left. Also, the bar remains open, if any adults need some more alcohol.” There’s a light laugh—Hoseok and Namjoon exchange looks of agreement to hit the bar after the meal. 
“And after the cake is cut, everyone is welcome to the dance floor.” She hands the mic to Jae Jung. 
“Hyerin and I will have our first dance and, after that, the party can officially start.” A guy in the back shouts a ‘woo’ and there’s scattered laughter. “Anyways, thank you again for coming in support of Hyerin and I. We hope you have a good time tonight.” 
There’s more applause and the couple resume to make their rounds to each table. The informal conversations begin once again as the guests wait for the next course to be served. Namjoon turns his attention back to Hoseok, who’s already engaged in conversation with a couple of people at the table. 
“So, how do you know the couple?” Minhyuk asks. 
“Ah, Hyerin and I went to the same dance academy,” Hoseok says. “We’ve been friends for, like, 10 years now. We all still talk so…” He gives a light shrug with an eased smile. 
Minhyuk looks over at Namjoon unexpectedly, who freezes for a bit from the eye contact, before answering. “Oh, I met Hyerin through Hoseok actually,” he says. “We had a couple of classes together and were in a couple of study groups together in college and…” He pauses. “Here we are. How do you know her?” 
“I was friends with her back in high school,” Minhyuk says. “A lot of people thought we were dating, so it’s a whole inside joke between us—especially since I got invited to her wedding.” 
“That’s funny,” Namjoon says. “But, wow. You kept in contact after high school?” 
“Yeah, thanks to the creation of cell phones and, as you already know.” He pauses. “Hyerin is very sociable, so it’d be hard to not keep contact.” 
“Speaking of which,” Hoseok says. “There’s a lot of people here. Their guest list is huge.” 
“I have a feeling there’s more of Hyerin’s friends than Jae Jung,” Namjoon says with a small laugh. 
“I’d place my bet on that,” Minhyuk says. His attention is diverted towards the servers that were coming out to serve the fifth course, making more conversation with the others at the table. 
“That’s a safe bet,” Hoseok says to Namjoon. “I’ve seen nearly everyone from dance camp.” 
“Yeah.” Hoseok takes another look around. “I saw Hyemi as we were coming in and Sanghyuk is just a couple of tables away.” He pokes his head up, sitting up straighter to get a more clear look around. “I should catch up with him in a bit.” 
“Maybe you two can meet on the dance floor,” Namjoon says with a laugh. “That’d be an interesting scene.” 
“Well, there is an open bar.” 
Namjoon can only give Hoseok a warning look, to which he gets a mischievous one in return. He can only sigh in response, but he can’t help to chuckle. He’s known Hoseok for so long that he knows he can’t stop one of his shenanigans. 
He resumes his attention back to his plate, where a small scoop of brightly colored sorbet sits in a little bowl. 
“It’s cute,” Hoseok says. “We get ice cream before the cake.” He does a little dance with his shoulders, beaming with his pearly whites. 
“First of all,” Namjoon says. “I think you’ve had enough sugar. I’m afraid of what’ll happen once the alcohol starts to take effect as well. Secondly, it’s sorbet and it’s supposed to refresh your palate.” 
“Ah, Namjoon,” Hyerin says. “Smart as always.” The entire table centers their focus on the newlyweds, who’ve approached them from behind. Light cheers erupt from the other guests and Namjoon gives her a big, toothy grin. 
“I was just wondering when you two were gonna get to our table,” Il Woo says from across the table. 
Hyerin laughs. “I’m trying my best to get to all the tables, but, in hindsight, we do have too many friends.” 
“To be honest,” Jae Jung says. “We had to cut down the list, like, twice.” 
“Finding a venue to fit everyone was easier than cutting down the list. Who knew?” Hyerin makes a face, which Hoseok responds to with one of his. The two start to go around the table, individually catching up with others and filling the guest’s glasses as they chat—eventually getting to Hoseok and Namjoon. 
“Are you two finally dating?” Hyerin teases.
“As much as I like Hoseok,” Namjoon says. “Seokjin is more of my type.” He looks over at Hoseok, who pouts. 
Hoseok turns away with bitterness. “That’s fine, I like Yoongi better anyways.” 
“It’s nice to see that you two haven’t changed,” Hyerin says. “Thank you for coming—the both of you.” 
“It’s no problem,” Hoseok says. “We’re your friends.” 
“We’re here to support you.” Namjoon says. 
“You two are just as sweet as I remember,” she says with a bright smile. She taps her glass with theirs. “Cheers.” 
Hoseok and Namjoon take their respective sips, while Hyerin drowns hers down. 
“Damn,” Hoseok says. “Your tolerance hasn’t changed since college.” 
“We’ll see with how tonight goes,” Hyerin says. “I think the others’ have lowered, so watch out when they all head to the bar.” 
“You mean like now?” Namjoon asks. 
Namjoon points a finger towards the wall where glass shelves hold many colorful bottles of wine, liquor, and juices to mix with the alcohol. A bartender mixes the drinks to the best of her abilities to fill the four glasses set on the counter. Hyerin’s bridesmaids lean on the countertop, shouting “shots” repeatedly. 
“Oh dear God,” Hyerin says. She shuffles with her dress, grabbing as much of it as she can, and attempts to run over towards them. “Y’all!! Couldn’t you have waited until the elders left!?! Wait for me!” 
Jae Jung hurriedly follows after her. “Honey! Be careful with the dress, you could trip!” 
After they ran off, Hoseok and Namjoon could no longer hold in their laughter. 
“That’s one way to exit a conversation,” Namjoon says with another sip of his champagne. “They really haven’t changed since college.” He lets out another laugh. “Who else do you think is here?” 
“Honestly, knowing Hyerin,” Hoseok says. “I have no clue.” 
They get back to their plates and converse with the others at the table. Hyerin has made many friends after graduating, Namjoon notes. Then again, she’s always been very friendly with others, which is how Namjoon was able to easily get along with her. 
As the conversations go, the last course, along with the cake, is served and the dance floor is officially open. Once 10pm hit, Hyerin and Jae Jung led their first dance. Everyone slowly started to join in and then the songs were transitioning to a faster pace, in which the elderly started to take their leave. Good timing too because the alcohol started to set in and no one had any resistance left. 
Hoseok has officially abandoned Namjoon to steal the leftover party favors on empty tables (at this point, he’s openly stealing rather than sneaking them into his pockets). Namjoon remains at the, now, empty table and empty plate—observing the other guests who have made a home for themselves on the dance floor. 
Hyojin’s alcohol tolerance is officially met as she twerks on the dance floor. Hyerin and Hoseok’s dance friends, Hyemi and Sanghyuk, have officially engaged in a full-fledged dance battle. Meanwhile, one of the bridesmaids, Solji, has another, Junghwa, on one arm to pull her away from any physical object she could flirt with (to which Namjoon has been a victim) and, in the other arm, she holds a svedka bottle that’s already half empty. In another corner, from Namjoon’s table, Minhyuk has helped himself to the rest of the uncut cake with a serving spoon. 
Amidst the chaos, Namjoon stays at the table, taking in the atmosphere with the disco lights and fast-paced radio hip-hop songs. He nods along with the music, mouthing along with the lyrics. As much as he would love to join the others, he knows he would most likely break something of his, or someone else’s. 
He checks his watch and glances around, wondering as to how far Hoseok had gotten with the party favors. Just as he was about to start his search, Rihanna’s Umbrella starts to play and that’s when he hears Hoseok before he can see him. 
Namjoon has to close his eyes from embarrassment of being his date, but then something saves him. 
Well, nevermind. 
The crowd parts like the red sea, allowing Hoseok and two familiar looking figures to meet in the middle—each person nodding along to the melody and waving their arms in the air. As if it was a karaoke meet, everyone sings aloud, along to the music. 
“You have my heart. And we’ll never be worlds apart. Maybe in magazines… but you’ll still be my star…” 
 Namjoon smiles at the sight. Hoseok and Hanna are doing their own thing, ignoring the little bags that fall out from Hoseok’s pockets that were, technically, stolen from the other tables. You blend into the crowd, swaying to the melody with Hani on one arm. 
“Because~ When the sun shines, we shine together. Told you I’ll be here forever. Said I’ll always be your friend. Took an oath, Imma stick it out to the end. Now that it's raining more than ever, know that we’ll have each other. You can stand under my umbrella… You can stand under my umbrella, ella, ella, eh, eh, eh…”
Namjoon makes eye contact with you. Your eyes widen, surprised from seeing him. With your free arm, you wave him over—to which he can only shake his head, passing up the opportunity of embarrassing himself in front of his old college friends. 
You pull yourself away from the crowd and head towards his direction, eventually taking the empty seat next to him. Without a word, you reach over and grab a champagne glass from the other side, drowning it down in one shot. 
“Ahh,” you breathe out. You point to his glass and the remaining alcohol that glistens from the disco lights. Without another word, Namjoon hands it over to you. He can only watch, as you drown down that glass as well. 
“Well,” he says. “It’s nice to see you too, (Y/N).” 
“Sorry,” you say. “That glass looked too appealing.” 
He lets out another light laugh with a shake of his head. “Seriously though, it’s nice to see you.” 
You hum. “How long has it been? Couple of years?” 
“Yeah, it’s been a bit of time,” Namjoon says. “Glad to see you haven’t changed too much.”
“Glad to see you haven’t either.” You pause, looking back at his, now empty, glass. “Still have a low tolerance?” 
“You already know the answer to that, so why bother asking?” 
“Just ‘cause it’s fun to hear you admit you’re a little baby when it comes to drinking.”
“Ugh, this is just because you were able to build a tolerance from all that bar hopping.” 
“We both did that bar hop.” You scan him with a glint in your eyes. “Something clearly went something wrong.” 
You both laugh. With another nudge towards him, you speak up again. “How’ve you been? Still working at the office?” 
“Yeah, I’m officially a manager.” He rubs the back of his neck. 
“You still making music?” 
“Every now and then,” he says. “Whenever I get the time, I do.” 
You let out a little laugh, grabbing another glass of champagne. “I remember all those tracks you made. Shame that your mixtape never released.” 
“Oh my God.” Namjoon has to close his eyes. “Please never bring that up again.” 
“Why not? They were great.” You take a sip of the glass. “I still have your Soundcloud page bookmarked.” 
Namjoon rubs his face with his face becoming more and more flushed, but he can’t hide his growing smile. “Oh my God, (Y/N).” 
You give him another teasing one in return. “Remember when you used to try to promote yourself on the quad—” 
“Oh my God, (Y/N)—”
You let out another laugh from his red face. Namjoon shuffles his feet and his eyes dart around, trying to find a drink for his, suddenly, dry throat. As if you read his mind, you tip your glass towards him—offering him the rest of your drink. He takes it and takes a small sip, clearing his throat afterwards.
“Anyways,” Namjoon says. “What have you been up to?” 
“Oh, you know. Same old, same old.” You pause. “You act like you didn’t like my Instagram post two nights ago. You also DM me memes, dude.” 
“Yeah, but that’s different from actually talking to you and catching up.” Namjoon rests a hand on his chest, in mock-hurt. “I’ve been sending those since college and you still don’t appreciate them?”
You roll your eyes but it’s with no malice. “For your information, more is not less. Less is less.”
“Is this your way of telling me to lessen the meme content in our messaging?” 
“Damn, that’s harsh.” 
You let out another laugh as he pouts in his seat. “Sorry, Joonie.” 
Your conversation is interrupted, as Hyemi shouts your name from across the room. “(Y/N)! I’M PUTTING ON BRITTNEY, BITCH.” 
“AYY!” You immediately get up from your seat, dancing your way over back to the dance floor. As Hyemi pulls you away, you look back towards Namjoon and give him a little finger wave. “I’ll see you sometime, okay?” 
He smiles back with a small nod, just quick enough for you to see, before you get pulled into the crowd once again. 
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December 3nd, 2019
Tuesday, 6PM 
Shoreside Condos
Another chime comes from Namjoon’s email. He continuously types, re-organizing and triple checking the calculations of his spreadsheets. 
He sits on the couch with multiple sheets of paper which lay on the unoccupied space of the table and couch, in some type of clean mess. In the background, his flat screen plays a film from some movie channel that he stopped paying attention to a while ago. His only company, Rapmon, lays on the carpet near Namjoon’s feet—practically blending himself into the white, soft texture. The keyboard clicks continue for a couple more minutes, before he decides to check his email. 
Hello Mr. Kim, 
How are you this evening? I am sending this email to let you know there are some adjustments that need to be made to the reports. Below, I have some attachments for you to check. 
Please let me know once they are completed. Have a good evening. I’ll see you tomorrow morning. 
Bang Sihyuk 
Head Manager of the Big Hit Management Team 
Lee Corporations 
Namjoon lets out a sigh. Guess it’s more work for him. Jokes on Bang though—he didn’t give him a deadline. Loopholes are a wonderful thing. 
He shuffles with the papers on the table, trying to find the remote. Once it’s spotted, he lowers the volume. He looks at the overall mess, ultimately deciding it’s better to clean it up, somewhat. As he pushes some of them back into their manila folders, he hears a whine. 
With a scratch behind Rapmon’s ears, Namjoon gives him a little kiss. “You hungry, baby?” Namjoon gives a small smile, as Rapmon pants. “I’ll get some food for my good boy.” 
He lifts himself from the sofa, already abandoning his clean-up attempt. Rapmon bounces alongside with him and they head into the kitchen area. Opening one of the lower cabinets, he easily pulls out the dog food and puts it into the doggy bowl.
Leaning on the countertop, he looks down adoringly at his pupper. “I should probably get something to eat too.” He pats his stomach. “It’s been empty.” 
He pushes himself off and shuffles over to the refrigerator. However, a white card, decorated with lace, catches his attention. He sighs, plucking the card off the refrigerator magnet. 
Join us for the union of Minyoung and Junmyeon! 
January 11th, 2020 @ 5PM
Location: Sowon Temple 
Black tie dress. 
Reception to follow! 
See you there! 
Namjoon lets out another sigh, but from the migraine that formed. He’s gonna have to text Taehyung—maybe they can go wedding gift shopping together. Considering how much Taehyung spends, Namjoon is sure to balance out that…. Taehyung-ness. 
He grabs out his phone, sliding it open to his messages. 
Namjoon: yo, did you get a present for Junmyeon yet? 
The reply is nearly instant and comes all at once. 
Tata: oh shit 
Tata: i forgot 
Tata: shall we go shopping soon ? 
Namjoon: you read my mind 
Tata: it’s like we’re soulmates 
Tata: :) 
Namjoon: …. okay 
Tata: i love you :*
Namjoon: and you have now made it weird 
Namjoon: but ily too 
Tata: i’m screenshotting this for the groupchat
Namjoon: and goodbye
He shakes his head, silently laughing at Taehyung’s responses. He’ll make those plans later, once he’s got some more time. It’ll be fun to spend some more time with Tae. It’s been a couple of weeks since they’d hung out. While their time at the ice rink was fun, they spent more time struggling than skating together (well, at least Taehyung was the one struggling). 
But, right now, he’s got more work dumped on him. And he’s hungry. 
Rapmon looks up at him as Namjoon looks down at him. “Don’t look at me like that.” Namjoon opens the fridge without breaking eye contact. “This is for me. You got your bowl, buddy.”
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January 11th, 2020 
Saturday, 7PM 
Junmyeon’s Reception 
Enchanted Evenings Restaurant 
“Although I am the oldest of our group,” Minseok says. “Junmyeon has taken care of me ever since I became friends with him. I’m sure that everyone in this room, who knows Junmyeon, knows that he has this thing where he cares more for others rather than himself. He’s the mother figure that everyone wants in their lives and we were lucky enough to have him as ours. But now, he’ll finally have someone to care for him this time around, for the rest of his life.” 
He turns to the main table and raises his glass. “I would like to dedicate this toast to Mi Young, on behalf of the exo boys. Thank you for putting up with all of us.” The crowd chuckles. “ And congratulations to the both of you, for finding someone who will faithfully look after you no matter what. Cheers.”
Everyone respectfully clicks their glasses together, taking a sip and going back to their meals and their own little conversations. Namjoon looks up from his glass, seeing Taehyung across the table—chatting away with the other guests. Tae fits well with the others, despite looking out of place in his patterned suit (“It’s Gucci. I have taste,” Taehyung said, when he was picking up Namjoon).
Namjoon glances to the right… where you are seated. You happily drown your glass down, letting out an exhale from the refresher. 
You turn to him. “Do you think I’m allowed to drink more?” you ask. 
“(Y/N),” Namjoon says. “I think it’s better for everyone if you didn’t drink more.” 
You pout. 
Namjoon tries not to stare. 
“You, my friend,” you say with a point of your finger, poking his chest. “Need to loosen up.” You shake your empty glass at him. “What better way than with alcohol?” 
“Have you become an alcoholic? Is that what this is?” 
“Haha, oh so funny as always, Joonie.” 
“You know I try,” he says with a grin. 
He sets down the glass, turning his attention back to his plate—on it lies a pile of chopped lobster topped with little scraps of gold, which is paired with fresh caviar and foie gras sauce on the side. Everything looks so good that it practically glistens in the chandelier light coming from above the table. 
While there are many guests, the venue is actually very spacious. Each table has a good amount of space that the chairs don’t bump into one another when pushed out. And yet, there’s still a large amount of space dedicated to a multicolored dance floor (which has Baekhyun and Jongin written all over it, Namjoon notes). 
Even without the tables, anyone could tell it’s decorated tastefully. Above each table, there’s various lights that provide a nice atmosphere for the guests. The ceiling itself is painted plain white, but if anyone looks close enough there’s little specks of gold that shine against the light. In contrast to the ceiling, the walls were covered with wallpaper. The wallpaper is also white with gold accents, but there are also pearls that popped out of the walls—quite literally popped out. The kids who came with their parents have been feeling up the wall for the past hour or two. 
Namjoon knew the wedding would be boujee, since it is Junmyeon’s, but he’d almost forgotten about how loaded Junmyeon’s family actually is. 
“Who knew my most expensive meal would come from a wedding?” Go Eun says, from your other side. You let out a laugh. “It’s the Kim family, what more did you expect?” 
“I don’t know,” she says. “Maybe something corny.” 
“Honey, we’re past corny when we walked through those balloon arches.” 
Go Eun blinks, slowly nodding along as she comes to the realization. “Ah, I guess I never got over the whole senior-junior view I had of him in school.” 
“He’s got that vibe; he seems like a chill mentor.” 
“But realistically speaking,” Namjoon pitches in. “We know that’s far from the truth.”
“Considering how he dances to any Sistar song like (Y/N) to Hit Me Baby One More Time,” Go Eun pauses. “I think all of the guests here know that.” 
“Damn,” you say. “You really had to attack me like that, huh?” 
She gives you an innocent smile that feels not-so-innocent. “Hyerin’s reception videos circulated. What else was I supposed to do with their information?” 
You give her a teasing one in return, before returning to your plate once more. 
There’s a moment of silence at the table as everyone is starting to dive into their meals, except for the silverware that taps the plates and bowls. As the plates start to get cleared, the chatter picks up once more—especially as the newlywed couple makes their way around with Junmyeon holding the train of Minyoung’s dress. Taehyung stirs up the commotion as he sees them making their way over. 
“Here comes the lucky couple!” 
From the sudden, informal announcement, everyone cheers with their glasses—both empty and full—for the newlyweds. 
Junmyeon tucks a strand of Minyoung’s hair back with one hand and, with the other, he holds a glass filled with champagne that’s already lost its bubbles. “Thank you for coming, everyone. We really appreciate your presence here.” 
“It’s no problem,” Namjoon says. “We’re glad to be here.”
“We hope you like our presents!” Taehyung practically yells. “If you don’t, then deal with it because we lost the receipts.” He gives them one of his boxy smiles. 
Everyone gives a light-hearted laugh at Junmyeon’s face. 
“Is everyone okay?” Minyoung asks. She stands behind you and Namjoon, laying a hand on your shoulder. “Is the food good?” 
“Minyoung, this one plate is about the equivalent of my first year tuition,” Yeri says, looking at her. “The food is more than just good.” 
“Don’t worry,” you say, giving Minyoung’s hand a pat. “Everything is great.” 
She lets out an exhale. “I was just a bit concerned because Junmyeon decided the meals without me.” 
“Honey,” Junmyeon says. “The meals turned out great. (Y/N) agrees.” He turns to the rest of the table. “You guys are going to love the dessert.” 
“What’s for dessert?” Yunho asks, from one side of the table. 
“It’s a Golden Opulence Sundae,” Junmyeon says with a beam. 
“It’s got edible diamonds and a sugar forged orchid,” Namjoon whispers to you. “It was super trendy a couple of years ago, but it doesn’t mean the price went down.” 
Your eyes widen. “Goddamn,” you mouth to him. 
“Yeah, he went a bit overboard,” Namjoon says. 
Junmyeon pouts at Namjoon’s words and Minyoung pinches his cheek. Minho makes a gagging noise and Yunho has to hit him to get him to stop. 
“Anyways,” Minyoung says, pouring another glass for you and Namjoon. “Let’s enjoy the evening with a drink—cheers.” 
Around the table, everyone respectively tap their glasses against one another—Namjoon with you and Minho, you with Namjoon and Go Eun. 
“We would love to stay, but we need to get to the other guests,” Junmyeon says. 
“But,” Minyoung says. “Stay as long as you would like. Desert is coming and the cake will be cut soon after. So, please enjoy yourselves—at the table, on the dance floor, the pool out back—” 
“There’s a pool?” Heechul asks from the other side of the table. 
“Yeah, the doors will officially be open after thirty minutes or so,” Minyoung says. “Anyways, mingle and have fun. We’ll be around.”
“Enjoy yourselves, okay?” Junmyeon says with another smile. With his hand on her lower back, he guides her towards the other table behind yours. 
“They’re so cute,” you say with a pout. “I’m glad to see Minyoung with someone good for her.” 
“Same,” Namjoon says. “I haven’t seen Junmyeon this happy since…” He tries to think. 
“Since Sehun paid that one time for dinner?” 
Namjoon’s eyes light up. “Yeah!” He takes another sip of his glass. “I almost forgot about that.” 
“I couldn’t,” you say. “You don’t ever forget it if Sehun pulls out his wallet for you.” 
“Yeah, he only pulls out his wallet for Vivi,” Namjoon notes. “Big mood though.” 
You laugh. 
Everyone gets back to their plates, which now has the dessert and the reception goes on. The conversation flows, between all the guests—at their assigned tables, along with the other tables. Siwon visited Namjoon’s table on many occasions, just because of Yunho and Minho’s seats. Although, Namjoon will admit that their conversations are very impressive (many topics related around politics and social injustices in modern society, which was very impressive to be honest). 
The time continues to pass, but it’s hard to tell with all the conversation going on. While Namjoon is more introverted, he has been very engaged in many conversations with others—especially with you. It had only been about a year or two since you two had actually talked, caught up and all that good stuff. 
You two originally met in college, in one of your classes together—after all, the study group that suffers together, stays together. While Namjoon majored in business, you had actually studied what you wanted. Your drive and extrovertedness balanced with Namjoon’s realism and introvertedness, which created, what you believe to be, an iconic duo on campus (at least with your friends). 
While it is inevitable for people to lose touch after college, you were easily able to keep the connections. With the help of social media, you reached out and managed to keep contact with your close knit group of friends—including Namjoon and many others from college (and probably high school). 
Unfortunately for Namjoon, this also means reminders of the uni days—both good and bad (as previously mentioned: the mixtape promos on the quad)... 
“Expensive Girl was a fucking bop and you know it,” you say, scooping another spoonful of your ice cream. “What did you do with all of those CDs anyways?” 
Namjoon groans, wiping his face as if it’ll get rid of the embarrassment from the olden days. “Honestly, they’re probably in a box somewhere and collecting dust.” 
“Come on,” you say. “You have to admit that those songs were actually really impressive.” You smile at him. “You were really creative. What happened?” 
He sighs, setting down his, now empty, wine glass. “Nothing happened, (Y/N).” He pauses. “Real life just got into the way and… next thing I knew, I stopped making songs.” 
The look in your eyes softens. “Namjoon, you’re one of the most creative people I know,” you say. You lay a hand on his that rests on the table. 
His eyes land on yours. You continue. “You should do what you enjoy, while balancing out the realistic picture.” Your other hand pokes his chest once more. “You, of all people, should know that. Remember what happened sophomore year?” 
Ah, sophomore year. From what Namjoon remembers, you originally came into college undecided. It wasn’t until the beginning of sophomore year that you figured out what you wanted to do. (“Seeing you so driven about your music makes me more driven towards what I want to do,” you said to him. “Even if I suffer to the destination, my happiness afterwards is the most important to me and my future.”)  
Namjoon sighs once more, but it’s more of frustration towards himself rather than exhaustion. He can only say one thing. “Being an adult is hard.” 
You laugh at his statement—your hand unmoving from his, another thing Namjoon tries not to focus on, but he can’t because of the warmth of your hand. Yes, while the two of you are friends, if he said he never had non-platonic feelings for you would definitely be a lie. 
The tap of the mic interrupts his thoughts and the conversations start to simmer down once more. In the front, Junmyeon and Minyoung stand side by side. Minyoung is in a different wedding dress but it’s been shortened and paired with some white flats. Junmyeon’s jacket has been removed and his tie is loosened. 
“Hello?” Minyoung says. “Can everyone hear me?” Her smile grows, as she meets everyone’s eyes and nods. “While people have been able to enter the pool area, it’s officially been thirty minutes since dessert was served.”
“With that,” Junmyeon says. “The pool is officially open, along with the dance floor. We’re allowing song requests, along with karaoke mics. So, go wild.” 
“YEAH!” Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Jongdae simultaneously shout. 
Junmyeon immediately retracts his statement. “Not too wild!” Despite that warning, everyone knows it’s already too late. 
Jongin, Taemin, and Ten are the first ones to enter the dance floor as the music starts. Everyone easily joins in to circle around them and chaos starts to ensue, making space for the elderly to start to leave. As the other guests start to migrate towards the colorful tiles on the dance floor, the younger ones are more on the antisocial side—Yeri joins the table with Mark, Renjun, and her other university friends that were invited as well (considering that most of them can’t legally drink). Meanwhile, Yunho, Minho and Siwon continue their political conversations in another corner as their glasses are consistently refilled by the servers. 
At some point, Sehun simply puts on his sunglasses and holds a bright yellow floatie in one arm (“Sehun, we’re indoors,” Luhan says. “Your point?” he retorts). He walks past your table, saying something about how he needed the hot tub and a bottle of bubbly after this chaotic week—although, the nearly empty strawberry flavored vodka in his hand said a lot more about his lack of current sobriety. 
Meanwhile, you were long gone to the dance floor, being pulled in by Yuri and Hyoyeon. Go Eun was right; something just flips when Hit Me Baby One More Time plays. Namjoon remains at the table, watching the others continuously mingle and dance, as he engages in conversation with Jaebum and Taehyung. 
“You two came together?” Jaebum asks. 
“Yeah,” Taehyung says. “We went shopping together for Suho’s gift and he had no choice because he can’t drive,” Taehyung jabs a thumb towards Namjoon, who’s jaw drops. 
The audacity. 
“I suddenly miss Hoseok as my date,” Namjoon says. 
“It’s nice you all kept in touch,” Jaebum says, ignoring Namjoon’s pettiness. “It’s hard to do that nowadays.” 
“It really is,” Namjoon responds. 
Jaebum and Taehyung nod alongside him in response. At this moment, Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Jongdae are walking past them with black buckets to which splashes could be heard with each movement. 
“Hey guys!” Taehyung calls. 
Baekhyun turns towards the table and the three make their way to Namjoon and them. “Hey, Tae! Long time no see,” he says. “Nice to see you two again, thanks for coming,” Baekhyun says to Namjoon and Jaebum. “Did anyone wanna come to the pool?” 
Namjoon and Jaebum shake their heads. “I didn’t bring a swimsuit,” Namjoon says. 
“Same,” Jaebum says. “I forgot about it.” 
“Okay, good,” Chanyeol says. “Because you won’t want to swim in it later.” 
“What?” Jaebum asks. 
“We’re dying it pink,” Jongdae says. Their eyebrows raise in curiosity, but no one dares to ask. “Although, I think Kyungsoo has been catching on.” Jongdae’s eyes dart around, trying to catch sight of the short, but frightening man. 
“I’m sorry,” Jaebum says. “Not to be that guy, but, where’s your wife?” 
“She passed on the wedding invitation, so she’s at home with our daughter,” Jongdae says. His head tilts to the side and his eyes narrow. “Why?” 
“Just trying to understand why you left the house without your impulse control,” Jaebum responds with a smile. 
Jongdae pouts, but it’s ignored. 
“Wanna join?” Baekhyun asks. He has an innocent smile on, but his eyes are full of mischievousness. 
“I'll pass,” Namjon says with a raised hand. “But thanks for the offer.” 
“Same,” Jaebum says. “I don’t plan on messing with Kyungsoo.” 
“I’ll go with,” Taehyung says. “It’ll be interesting to see how all of this’ll unfold.” 
He waves the other two goodbye and points to Namjoon. “Text me if you want to leave early, but I’ll be at the pool, okay?” 
Namjoon nods. “Please be careful.” 
Jaebum waits until they’re an earshot away. “I have a bad feeling about this.” 
Namjoon can only shrug. “But can you stop them?” 
“You got a point there.” 
From the other side of the venue, there’s a crash, followed by a splash, coming from the pool area and a yell louder than the music (which could only be Kyungsoo). 
“Well,” Namjoon says. “They lasted longer than I thought.” 
Jaebum checks his watch. “Two minutes?” 
No one is really sure of what happened with the dye (except for those who were actually in the pool). But it’s hard to concentrate on that when, out of the pool area, Jinki and Kibum emerge from the door with pool noodles, attacking one another with them with unnatural, pink frosted tips. Kyuhyun and Johnny are attempting to separate them, but are seemingly failing to do so. Jinki’s pool noodle hits Johnny, knocking him into a vase—luckily, he manages to catch it before it falls. 
… That is until Ten knocks into him as he shakes his ass along to Shakira’s Hips Don’t Lie. 
“Oof,” Jaebum says. “That’s… that’s rough, bro.” 
“Hopefully, no one notices?” 
Another server comes around, silently filling their glasses once more. 
“Thank you.” 
“Thank you.” 
They clink their glasses together in a silent toast and take a sip. Jaebum sighs, leaning back to his (well, your) seat. He takes another glance at the dance floor, spotting Heechul and Momo dancing their asses off. You would think that as dates they would be dancing together, but it looks more like they’re competing. Eventually, he spots you with some of the others. 
“I’m surprised you didn’t come here with (Y/N),” he says. 
Namjoon’s eyebrows raise. “What? What’d you mean?”
“I just mean..” He pauses. “It’s not bad that you two are friends,” he starts. “But, I was betting you two would be together… or, at least, in college.” 
Namjoon doesn’t know what to say, but Jaebum continues. “You two just had a lot of chemistry, and still do!” He pauses. “Not a lot of people can say that.” 
He nods. “Yeah, you’re right.” Namjoon looks out, easily spotting you from the crowd. It’s hard not to notice you as you twirl and dance around with some other guests—especially since someone managed to get you into a duck floatie. 
“I think it’s (Y/N) though,” he continues to say. “(Y/N)’s just sociable and… that outgoingness just makes people surround (Y/N).” 
“Is that what led you to (Y/N)?” 
From Jaebum’s question, Namjoon’s lips automatically pursed. “I-I guess it is.” 
Before Jaebum could say anything else, Give It To Me by Sistar starts to play and there’s a shout. 
Before anyone could stop him, Junmyeon shimmies his way past the guests and towards the center—loudly singing along and doing all the dance moves. 
Without either one of the boys noticing, Minyoung stands behind them with another champagne flute that’s half empty. 
“Why hello, Mrs. Kim,” Jaebum says, looking rather cheeky. 
“Hello boys.” 
“So, Mrs. Kim,” Namjoon says. “What are you going to do about that?” he asks, pointing to the monstrosity that’s happening underneath the multi-colored disco ball.
“Uh, I don’t know,” she says. She swirls her glass and drowns it down. “Because I suddenly don’t know him anymore.” 
They laugh. 
“Well, that’s your husband now,” Namjoon says. “That’s all on you.” With those words, he tilts his glass towards his mouth, emptying it out once more for the night. 
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January 27th, 2020 
Monday, 8AM 
The Roasted Bean
The sound of chatter and the smell of coffee fill the air as Namjoon steps into the familiar coffee shop. While some of his fellow co-workers sit at separate tables, typing away on their laptops and drinking from their espresso cups, they all collectively ignore his presence—too preoccupied with their own matters. His body automatically places himself in line; his head poking up every once in a while to get a glance of Yoongi behind the counter. 
Since it is early and they are located in the business district of the city, Namjoon expected for the line to be fairly long. As the time continues to pass, Namjoon quietly hums along to the songs that play on the morning radio, occasionally nodding along with the beat. He gets closer and closer, eventually giving a smile at the frowning barista. 
“How are you doing that?” Yoongi asks. “It’s, like, dawn.” 
“It’s eight in the morning,” Namjoon points out. “Not exactly dawn.” 
He brushes the comment off. “You’re here earlier than usual. What happened to 9 to 5, Dolly Parton?” 
“Nothing really,” he says with a shrug. “I just have some extra work to do and I should be able to leave an hour earlier.” 
Yoongi makes a face with nothing short of disgust. “I still don’t understand how you’re able to just go to work like that.” 
“You’re at work though.” 
“Okay, but here, I get free coffee.” 
“Isn’t that stealing?” 
“Not if I mess up,” he says with a wink. “Speaking of messing up orders, how can I mess up yours?” 
“The usual is fine,” Namjoon says. “Thanks, Yoongi.” He gets a grunt in response, so he takes that as his cue to head over to the side where the stirrers, creamers, and sugar lay. As he absentmindedly fiddles with the sugar packets, he goes back to humming along with the songs. 
A tap on his shoulder interrupts his thoughts. A familiar grin greets him. 
“I thought that was you,” you say. 
His smile mirrors yours. “Hey, (Y/N). I almost didn’t recognize you in the daylight.” 
“And I almost didn’t recognize you without alcohol in my system.” 
Namjoon laughs. “What are you doing here?” 
“You’re asking me what I’m doing in a coffee shop?” 
He gives you a look. “You know what I mean.” 
You let out a laugh of your own. “Well, I just was visiting my friend, who works down the street, and I heard this place has the best coffee.” 
His eyebrows raise. “Well, consider me pleasantly surprised.” 
“Thanks?” You let out another laugh, smiling as you move yourself towards him, along with the sugars and creamers. 
You both end up fiddling with the little packets, nodding along to the music together silently. Namjoon glances towards you, eventually nudging you to get your attention again. You hum in response. 
“You still prefer the french vanilla creamer?” 
“Yes, sir,” you say. You pluck it from his hands with a twinkling look in your eyes. 
He glances over again, catching your eye. He lets out an awkward chuckle. “What?” 
“Nothing,” you sing. “I just can’t believe you still remembered that.” 
“Considering how we spent most of our college years over-caffeinated,” he says. “It’s safe to say I remember it.” 
“Over-caffeinated?” You think for a moment. “Sounds about right.” You pause for a moment. “Oh!” 
Namjoon slightly jumps from your random shout, which you do apologize for. 
“Sorry.” You put a hand on his arm with a not-so-innocent smile. “I just remembered: are you going to Moonbyul’s wedding?” 
He thinks. It had been a while since he received the invitation, but he definitely remembers getting it. “Yeah,” he says, after a moment. “Yeah, Jin and I are planning on going together.” 
“Still can’t drive?” you ask with a mischievous twinkle in your eyes. 
“You know what,” he says. “I can’t and there’s no problem with me not having a license.” 
“I didn’t say there was.” You sniffle your laughter, as he pouts. 
“Don’t license-shame me.” 
“Not a thing, Joonie.” 
Before he can reply, he’s interrupted by Yoongi, who calls for him. 
You give him another smile, before heading back to the line. “I have to get back in the line. I’ll see ya. Thanks for the creamer.” 
Before he heads back to the main counter, he gives you a little nod.
He tries to ignore Yoongi’s cheeky grin. “Don’t say anything.” 
“Okay,” Yoongi says. “I’ll ask instead. Who was that and why do you look all slap-happy?” 
Ah, semantics. They were going to get him some day. Namjoon sighs. “That was (Y/N).” 
“From college (Y/N)?” 
“College (Y/N).” 
“Ahhhh.” He smirks. 
“Can you not?” Namjoon groans.
“Didn’t you tell me you used to have a crush on (Y/N)?” 
“Can we not?” 
“Not what?” 
“Oh, okay. So,” Yoongi starts. “From your exact words: (Y/N) is technically your first love, but you never confessed out of fear—of both ruining your friendship and also rejection, which is only natural. You thought you had a chance at graduation, where you knew the ties could or could not be severed. And yet…. you still didn’t confess and, now that you’ve run into your old flame…” His eyebrows raise in question. “How are things, ‘Joonie’?” 
Namjoon’s eyes narrow at him in speculation. “You remembered those details rather vividly.” 
Yoongi shrugs. “My therapist says I have good listening skills.” 
“You really have an answer for everything,” Namjoon mutters. 
“And yet, I’m the one who’s a high school dropout.” 
For once, Namjoon blanks, before deciding to change the subject. “I thought you said my order is ready.” 
“It is.” Yoongi sets the large cup onto the counter and gives a bright smile that is filled with sarcasm. “Bone apple tea.” 
“It’s lingo,” he says. “Keep up with the times, man. You’re younger than me.” 
Namjoon groans, but he can’t suppress his grin. “Have fun with the morning rush. I’ll see you later, man.” 
“See ya.” 
On his way out, he gives you another wave goodbye, to which you wave back.
As he officially leaves the cafe shop, he makes his way back to the office. While his mornings are rather shitty, Yoongi does tend to make them brighter—but seeing you, on top of that, might have given him more energy than the coffee does.
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February 14th, 2020
Friday, 8:30PM 
Moonbyul’s Reception
Celebration Ceremonies Wedding Hall 
“I think we can all agree that Moonbyul has a stronger image,” Hyejin says. “Despite the more masculine stereotype she’s categorized in, Moonbyul is a very loving, sweet, and tender person.” She pauses. “Although, Heewon probably already knows this.” 
She turns to the rest of the guests. “People say that love is supposed to make you feel nervous—your heart will pound and the anxiety will make you sweat. But, I think, love means sharing yourself with another person and you’re willing to work together to build that life with one another. Byul is someone you can share anything with—she makes everything feel more comfortable. Rather than making you nervous, she makes you feel at ease.” 
She pauses. “Heewon, you’re very lucky to have someone so dedicated and hardworking by your side. And, while I may not have known you for very long, I know you’ll take great care of her. Congrats to the MoonWon couple and may your marriage be blessed for all eternity.” 
Light applause is given throughout the room and Hyejin makes her way back to her seat at the main table, with the other bridesmaids and immediate family members of the two brides. 
Light conversations begin once again at each of the guest tables—Moonbyul and Heewon remain seated at their table, having greeted the guests earlier as they entered the reception hall. In the background, classical music plays softly (although, live music will continue to play after the cake has been cut). 
It’s been calm so far, but who knows what will happen once the bar’s open. 
Namjoon takes another sip from his water glass, listening as Seokjin rambles on about the perfect ramen. Next to Jin, there’s Hani and Yura, who look half confused and half-amazed at how much he knew about food. On the other side of Namjoon, Junghwan and Myungsoo are eating away at their plates, practically cleaning them with their utensils as they scrape the food off (despite that, Namjoon swears he heard both of them ask if doggy bags were doing to be given out). 
“There’s this cute little shop that Namjoon and I used to go to all the time. Remember, Namjoon? It had that seafood theme with the cute decorations?”
Namjoon’s head turns from his name being mentioned. “Yeah?” He blinks, recalling the cute fish tanks they had along the wall. Granted, the restaurant also sold sushi and he always felt guilty whenever he ordered the sashimi platters. “We should go back there sometime. They really do have the best ramen there. You should give it a shot, if you get the chance.” 
“I’m always up for food,” Hani says. “I’ll take the girls with me someday since you’re giving it such high praise.” 
“Well,” Namjoon says. “Maybe when Hyerin gets back from her honeymoon.” 
“Very true.” 
“It does sound like a cute date spot,” Yura adds. “Maybe I’ll get lucky enough to find someone to go with here.” 
“Ooh,” Seokjin says. “I’ll share the address with the newlyweds too. They can go on cute dates together!” Seokjin turns back to Namjoon with a pout. “We don’t go on any dates anymore.” 
“I’m busy at work, you know this.” 
“You can still try to make time like you do with Jimin, at least.” 
“I didn’t know you were dating,” Hani says, glancing between them. “Have you been together long?” 
Namjoon nearly chokes on his food from the laugh that escapes his throat. 
“We’re not dating,” Seokjin answers. “Namjoon’s got his eye on someone else.” Namjoon gives him a questionable look, which he ignores. “As a little birdie has told me.” 
Damn Yoongi and his big mouth. 
At that moment, there’s some microphone feedback coming from the front. 
“Hello?” Yongsun and Jaehwan stand on the stage and Yongsun carefully taps the microphone in her hand. “Hello, everyone. Can you all hear me?” 
She smiles. “Well, I hope you’re all having a good time. We're just about to cut the cake, but, before that, Jaehwan and I have prepared a duet for the new couple for their first dance! I hope you all enjoy it and another congratulations to our brides.”
Jaehwan gives a thumbs up to the DJ in the corner, who gives another in return and starts to play a soft melody. The lights dim and, from Namjoon’s line of vision, he sees Moonbyul stand, bowing to her wife with a hand out to invite her to the dance floor. The two make their way to the middle and slowly start to sway together. Others start to join in too, listening to the soothing music provided by Yongsun and Jaehwan. 
Namjoon nods along to the song, along with the many others who stayed at their tables. He takes a glance around, spotting some of the other guests and that’s when he sees you with Wheein and Eric. An automatic grin appears on his face as he sees you. The three of you are holding hands and slowly swaying to the beat with bright, proud smiles as you all look at the lovely couple. 
He glances to the side, only to see Seokjin with a smug face. He feels the heat creeping back up his neck and towards his cheeks. Namjoon clears his throat, shifting in his seat from his friend’s eyes. “What?” 
“I think you know what.” 
“No, I don’t.” He clears his throat once more, feeling it dry up. “Stop staring at me like that.” 
“Staring at you like what?” 
“Like what?” Seokjin tilts his head in a mocking manner. 
Namjoon sighs as he closes his eyes and shakes his head. “You know what I mean.” 
“No,” he says in a singsong tone with a higher pitch. “I don’t~” He gives another look to Namjoon, speaking up again, back in his normal tone. “That’s what you sound like right now. You can’t lie to me and you know it.”
Namjoon lets out another sigh. He does know it; he really can’t lie, especially to one of his best friends. Because of this though, he’s going to be teased endlessly. “Do you remember (Y/N)?” 
“Of course I do,” he says. “How could I ever forget the person you pined over for the entirety of college and afterwards?” 
“Can you please not mention that part?” 
“How could I not, though?” Seokjin tilts his head with a little smile that’s nothing short of mischievous. “You never confessed too, so that just added onto the secondhand frustration I had whenever you two were together.” 
“Oh my God,” he mutters. “I’m just gonna stop talking altogether.” 
“No, no, no,” Seokjin whines. “Please continue, I’ll be quiet.” 
“Okay,” Namjoon says with a sigh. “I may… or may not, have ran into (Y/N) a couple of times at some other weddings and the coffee shop—” 
“Which is where I got my info—” 
He gives him a look, which shuts him up. 
“Sorry,” he says. “Proceed.” 
“(Y/N) is also here—” 
Seokjin squeals, clapping his hands together—unable to contain his excitement. “Where? Where? Where?” 
“(Y/N)’s with Eric and Wheein right now.” 
“So? Go join them; talk to them, chat ‘em up.” 
“Dude, you’re a great hype man,” Namjoon says. “But, not that great. (Y/N) seems busy, I shouldn’t interfere with that.” 
“What you lack, my friend, is the confidence.” He pauses. “Do you need some of mine? Because I’d be happy to rub some onto you.” 
“No, thank—” Even though Namjoon (halfway) rejected him, Seokjin is already rubbing his hands onto Namjoon’s face and, at that, with a bright smile as he smushes his best friend’s face. 
After a couple of seconds, Seokjin pats Namjoon’s face, admiring his ‘work’ for a second. “There. You are set.” He gives Namjoon a little push. “Now go.” 
“Of course now; they’re starting to cut the cake and (Y/N)’s gonna be alone.” He makes a shoo-ing motion with his hands. While Namjoon would rather let his anxiety take over, Seokjin’s got a point. Yongsun and Jaehwan have finished their duet; Moonbyul and Heewon have already moved on to cutting the cake, which have taken most of the guests’ attention—even Hani and Yura have moved themselves towards the front (granted, anything with food will draw them in). Better now than never. 
Namjoon stands up, straightening out his shirt and tightening his tie. Seokjin gives a thumbs-up and a pat on the butt, before Namjoon sets off towards your table. 
He takes long strides with, little to some, confidence. By the time he gets near your table, he stops behind you and lightly taps your shoulder. 
You turn around, greeting him with a bright grin. “I knew you’d be around somewhere!” 
“You were looking for me?” He tries not to look too shocked. 
“Considering how you said you were going to be here… Yeah, I kind of was.” You turn back to Eric and Wheein. “Scootch over, y’all. Namjoon’s got a seat next to me.” 
“Don’t even worry about it,” Eric says. “We’ll be out of your hair in a second.” 
“We’re gonna go get some cake and then we’re gonna go to the bouquet toss too,” Wheein says. “I also have to stop Hyerin from running into the kitchen to get more of the food. Don’t worry though, we’ll be back.” 
They both get up, waving you both goodbye, and catch up with the rest of the crowd. 
Meanwhile, you turn back to Namjoon. “So, what brought you over?” You lean your chin on your hand. “Was it my sparkling aura you felt the presence of?” 
He laughs, responding with a teasing tone of his own. “What else could it have been otherwise?” He shifts in his seat. “Are you having fun?” 
“You know me, Joonie,” you say with a laugh of your own. “I’ll find a way to have fun.” You eye him. “Are you having fun? Or are you planning on being anti-social again?” 
“Again?” His eyebrows raise. “How dare you. I am an introvert, not anti-social. I came to you this time.” 
“Uh-huh,” you say with crossed arms. “This time being the key phrase. Don’t you have other friends?” 
“I have other friends.” He pouts. “I came here with Seokjin.” 
You gasp. “I haven’t seen him in so long. I need to catch up with him; I miss him.” You poke your head around towards the dance floor, waving to Seokjin—who is currently doing his infamous traffic dance underneath the disco lights. 
“Wow. Really feeling the love here, (Y/N).” 
You turn back to him with a teasing smile and poke your finger into his dimple that he doesn’t even bother to try to swat away. “I’ve missed you too, Joonie.” 
He quickly takes your hand off his face, hoping you didn’t feel the heat that rises to his face. 
“We can make plans too,” you say with a nudge. “You know, instead of meeting at all these weddings.” 
“Oh, yeah,” he says. “That’d be a lot easier.” 
“Give me your phone.” 
Namjoon reaches into his pocket, easily pulling out his phone and hands it over to you. He lets you tap around on it, until he realizes something. “Wait, what are you doing? I have your number.” 
“I’m checking your schedule,” you say. “Makes things easier to plan.” You look up from the screen. “Especially since you’re an important businessman.” 
He closes his eyes, in an attempt not to laugh at the ridiculous statement, but the grin on his face gives his emotions away. 
You scroll through his calendar, before landing on a date. “I’m free for lunch on Wednesday.” You dangle the phone in front of him. “Think you can make some time for me?” 
“(Y/N), I can always make time for you.” He really hopes that didn’t sound as desperate as it did. 
However, he doesn’t think you care—as he spots the large grin on your face. 
“Great,” you say. “It’s a date.” 
Namjoon is unable to say anything, as he’s sabotaged by his own friend. 
Seokjin dances his way over, pulling him onto the dance floor. “Need to borrow him, thanks! I’ll catch up with you later, (Y/N)!” He gives a light push to Namjoon, who’s trying to keep up with Seokjin’s dance moves. “How’d it go?” 
“We set a date?” He tries to collect his thoughts, but he’s having issues with processing it. “I think?” 
“See what happens when you have a little confidence?” He interrupts before Namjoon can answer. “You’re welcome.” 
“Oh my God,” he mutters with disbelief. Sometimes, he really can’t believe the amount of confidence that this one man has. 
“Now keep dancing, that’s how we’re gonna make our way closest to the bouquet. I’m catching that and no one can stop me.” 
“Seokjin, why are you like this?” 
“Oh hush, you love me.” Seokjin does a little body wave to skim past the other guests. “Y’all better watch out ‘cause the king is coming!” 
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February 19th, 2020
Wednesday, 12:30PM 
Emerby Eateries 
Namjoon’s fingers tap against the table, checking his watch for the time once again. He takes another sip of from his water glass, oddly feeling the anxiety hit. Does this count as a date? You did say it was a date, but… is this really a date? 
Before he can linger too long on the thought, the seat in front of him is taken—by you. You’re slightly out of breath and, from the sight of your hair being slightly out of place, he can assume you did a small run on your way here before you were any more late than you already were. 
“You’re late,” he says with a singsong tone. He picks up the menu, pretending to glance over the options. “You really haven’t changed since college.” 
“Tsk, tsk, Joonie.” You brush off his statement with a wave of your hand. “You’re just too punctual. I was just a couple of minutes late.” 
“More like ten minutes late.” 
“Potato, potato.” You grab your menu, glancing through the appetizers. “Time’s an illusion anyways.” 
He tries to stop his laughter, but one look at you and he breaks his fake anger. 
“Did you order anything without me?” you ask. 
“Of course not,” he says. “I figured you would want to share anyways, so you can decide on what you want.” 
“And jack the bill up? I’m not that type of person.” 
“Stand down,” he says. “Not what I meant.” 
You chuckle. “I’m just pulling your leg. But, seriously, is there anything you’ve set your heart on ordering?” 
“Well, the sandwiches look good.” His tongue clicks as he contemplates on his order. “I usually get those whenever I’m here, so I’ll probably get one. Do you know what you want?” 
“Not really, I’ve been stuck on the appetizers. Did you want to split one?” You set your menu down, but your eyes don’t leave it. “They got fried pickles and I kind of want to try them. They also have those cheese balls that those mukbang youtubers eat.” You look up at him. “I kind of want to try those, not gonna lie.” 
He smiles at the way your eyes sparkle at the thought. “I’m not stopping you, you know.” 
“I know, but will you eat it with me? I’ll even pay for them.” 
“Damn, (Y/N),” he says with a hand on his chest. “That’s how I know your love is real.” 
You let out another laugh at his words and Namjoon couldn’t help but admire how carefree you look. While the two of you were a chaotic duo, the chaos was more drawn out from your side—not really chaos, it was more of your impulsiveness. But, it doesn’t mean he didn’t enjoy those memories with you. In fact, he cherishes them the most from his college memories. 
He still can’t believe he let you convince him of breaking into the campus gym’s pool. There was also that time when you two were drunk and you told him you wanted to try rock climbing—at the end of the night, you took an hour to climb up to his top bunk, declared success, and passed out once your head hit his pillow. You also broke into a classroom with him, to explain your theories on how birds work for the bourgeoisie (while the theories were insane, he had to admit you had a really convincing argument, which was probably due to all those essays you had to write). 
“Do you know what you would like?” 
The server’s question makes him snap out of his thoughts. He looks at you expectantly and you do him the solid by answering first. 
“We’re gonna need some more time for the entrees, but could I get a couple of appetizers first?” 
“Of course, whenever you’re ready.” 
“Okay, so we’re going to start with the fried cheese balls with some fire sauce on the side, along with some fries.” 
“Anything to drink?” 
“I’m good with water.” You look to Namjoon. 
“Uh, me too. Water’s fine.” 
You both thank your server before she leaves and turn back your menus when she’s out of sight. There’s a moment of silence as you both deliberate on what to get. Namjoon’s already figured he would just get what he usually does a while ago; his menu is shut and left on the side as he waits for you to figure out what you want. He can only shake his head; you’re still just as indecisive as before. 
Light pop music plays in the background and his fingers tap along with the beat. He moves his focus to the window where people continue to pass by on the busy city street. It’s lunchtime, so he expected the foot traffic to pick up a bit (and it did)—which was why he wanted to go a bit earlier. After another moment, he turns back to you, only to see you already looking at him. 
“Having fun?” you ask with a quirk of your lip. 
“Always.” He leans back in his chair. “You figured out what you want?” 
“Yeah, it took a bit but I figured it out.” 
When the server comes over again, the appetizers are served and you both order the entrees. You and Namjoon split the appetizers, nearly finishing them until the entrees were ready. Between all this time, you two actually catch up. It’s more than just the casual conversations you’ve had at those weddings—you’re both taking more time to listen to one another (in a more sober conversation) and actually talk about the things you didn’t manage to get to. Next thing you knew, it’s already been nearly an hour. 
“Can you believe that we’re actually adults living in this capitalistic society?” You set your glass down. “We’re doing things like paying for bills.” 
“Yeah,” he says. “It’s called responsibilities.” He lets out another laugh at the face you make from his word choice.
“Ugh, that’s disgusting. Don’t make me choke.” You take another sip of your water. “You know one way of knowing there’s the transition from childhood to adulthood is attending more funerals than weddings.” 
“It seems more like the opposite for us, don’t you think?” 
“Oh my God,” you groan. “You’re so right though. The amount of weddings I’ve been attending…” You shake your head, as if to convince yourself the number is lower than it actually is. “It’s kind of ridiculous. Don’t get me wrong, I love all of my friends, but Jesus Christ, it’s like they all had a pact to get married around the same time and decided to leave me out.” 
Namjoon sighs, playing with the leftover sauce on the side. “I’ve been to, like, five last year and I’m pretty sure it’s going to keep coming.” 
“I really feel you, Joonie. I really do. I have a couple more I have to go to later.” You let out a sigh. “Curse me for being so friendly with others.” 
“Haha, this is what you get for being popular.” 
“I am not popular; I just happen to be a bit more extroverted than you.” 
“More like a lot,” he says. “You definitely used to be a popular kid in high school.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing. What’s wrong with a couple more friends?” 
“No, no, there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s a compliment: people enjoy your company and that’s how you managed to keep the ties you still have…” He pauses. “Like me.” 
You give him another teasing smile. “Glad to know you enjoy my company.” 
“It’d be awkward if I didn’t, considering I decided to have lunch with you.” 
“Oh, yeah, by the way, how long are your lunch breaks?” 
“Since I’ve moved up to management, I get more time, so about an hour or so—give or take.” 
Your eyebrows raise. “Wow, look at you.” 
He tries to suppress the blush from the look you give him. 
“And despite all of this,” you continue to say. “You still don’t have your license?” 
“Why are you bringing this up again?” He groans. 
“It came up organically when I was with Seokjin,” you say. “You know... After he managed to steal the bouquet from Sunmi’s hands.” 
“So,” he says with a glint in his eye. “You did talk to Seokjin that night?” 
“Yeah, I did. Found out a little bit about what you’ve been doing after college.” 
“So you talked about me?” 
For the first time today, the blush starts to creep up your face. Namjoon raises an eyebrow at the sight; for once, he seems to have the upper hand. You clear your throat, before taking another sip of your near-empty glass. 
“Don’t try to change the subject,” you say. “You still don’t have your license.” 
“I-I just never had the time and the office is close to my apartment…” He tries to find the words (excuses, if he’s really being honest). “All of my friends have their licenses, so I don’t see the appeal of getting one.” 
“So, what I’m hearing is, you have a uncommitted chauffeurs.” 
“Oh my God, (Y/N),” he says with a laugh. “I don’t have that much money yet.” 
“Yet. That’s the word to focus on.” 
You both laugh again. 
“Well, I would love to be your chauffeur anytime,” you say with another grin. “That is if you pay me for gas money.” 
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he says. “Thank you for the offer though.” 
“It’s no problem.” You let out a sigh, but it’s more relaxed than tired. “I’m serious though. If you need a ride, you can always ask.” 
“I know, I know,” he says. He swirls his glass, trying to distract himself before he lets out his next words. “I know I can count on you anytime.” 
The sparkle in your eyes returns and Namjoon has to stop his heart from skipping a beat at the sight. 
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March 10th, 2020
Tuesday, 4PM 
Shoreside Condos
Hey! Just a friendly reminder to RSVP to our wedding! 
We’d love for all of you to join! 
See you then! 
- Anna Young and Eric Nam
Namjoon squints at the email and its neat, curly font. If he didn’t have Eric’s email saved, he definitely would have thought it was some type of subscription he signed up for and completely forgot about from the words alone. 
He makes a mental note to dry-clean his fancy suit before the time comes. Although, realistically speaking, he has more than enough time to do so. He can probably (and most likely will) procrastinate on it.
As he tries to make the mental arrangements, in the background, the television plays on another generic movie channel that doesn’t play anything remotely worth paying attention to (he might make an exception for The Hunger Games though). Rapmon sits on the couch, next to Namjoon, with his front paws and head laying on Namjoon’s legs. One hand pets Rapmon softly and the other hand hovers over his laptop’s keypad as he quickly RSVP’s for the wedding and reception. 
Namjoon easily fills it out with one hand, humming along as he taps the individual keys. However, he realizes that there is a problem after submitting the form: he has no ride. From what he can recall, the others probably aren’t going, considering these were two separate friend groups—so there’s no point in asking anyone for a possible ride. Then again, he could always get an uber or carpool with someone else. 
He sucks in a breath, praying someone he knew would be on the guest list. Going back to his email, he looks over those who were sent the same email.
While he is acquainted with over half of the people, there isn’t anyone close enough he could ask. Jackson’s most definitely going with his long-time partner and there is no way Namjoon wants to be between the two of them. On the other hand, Amber is probably going with a group of people and he’s not really up for a conversation with a bunch of people he’s unfamiliar with. On top of all that, Eric is very sociable, so there are bound to be guests from all sorts of places (considering the unknown names from the email). 
Although....there is another option. 
He quickly picks up his phone, scrolling through his contact list. His finger stops as he hovers over your contact. He taps on it, but can’t find the courage to hit any button. The contact photo of you, smiling with a bundle of puppies (from that time you wanted to pet a bunch of puppies at Petco), is what his eyes linger on the most. 
While the rational side of his mind knows you would be ecstatic to go to Eric’s wedding with him, the irrational side tells him that he shouldn’t bother you. What if you think he’s just using you for rides? Are you just going to drop him off? Should he invite you as a date? But, most of all, what if you just flat out reject him? 
Rapmon senses his master is upset and tilts his head up at Namjoon as his paws start to pat him—at least, his leg—to make him feel better. Namjoon can only smile, patting his head in response as a silent thanks for the attempt to comfort him. However, because of that… 
One of Rapmon’s paws hits the call button and Namjoon can feel ten years of his life being shaved off as the tone starts to ring. 
Out of panic, he drops the phone quicker than a hot potato. Luckily for him, it lands on the soft carpet below. He looks to Rapmon, who looks around, panting—without a care in the world, as if nothing was wrong. 
But right now, everything is wrong. 
Before Namjoon could even pick up the phone, nevertheless hang up, the ringing tone stops and there’s a soft response. 
He stumbles around, trying to grab the phone, but hitting the coffee table with his foot and falling on his ass. “Oh shi—” 
“... Hello?” 
“Sorry!” he shouts aloud. He quickly puts himself together, sitting back on the couch and leans down to grab his phone. He clears his throat, before speaking. “Hello?” 
“Hey, Joonie.” He can hear your grin over the phone. What’s up?” 
“Oh, nothing much..” He lets a small exhale, trying to calm himself from the embarrassing situation. “Um, what’s up with you?” 
“Nothing really?” He hears some clutter as you are shifting the phone on your shoulder. “I’m just at home. You know, doing this and that.” 
“Oh, oh. Uh, sorry. I didn’t mean to bother you—” 
“Namjoon, you can never bother me,” you say. “What’s up though? Not that I mind you calling me a bit out of the blue.” 
He opens his mouth, unable to really find the words. “So, uhm… This is kind of stupid.” 
“More stupid than you cutting that onion?” 
“That was one time.” His eyes close, trying to repress his laughter and the embarrassing memory. “Let it go!” 
There’s a laugh on the other side of the line; your laugh is infectious, causing Namjoon to burst into a laughing fit as well. 
“Um, okay,” he says. He lets out a sigh. “This is, like, way earlier than I originally intended.” 
“Come on, Joonie. Spit it out; it’s just me.” 
That’s the problem though: it’s you. But he can’t say that without it sounding weird. His lips twist to try to find the right words. “Do you remember Eric?” 
“You mean the guy I met at Moonbyul’s wedding?” 
“Yeah, him.” 
“Yeah, I remember him. Why?” 
“Well, he invited me to his wedding…” 
“Oh, good for him.” 
“Yeah.. but I was wondering…” Maybe he shouldn’t ask, but he does anyways. “If you could give me a ride?” 
You let out a small laugh. “Of course I can give you a ride.” 
“Are you sure?” 
“Yeah, when is it?” 
“It’s in April, which is, like, a month away, but—” 
“Considering how I can’t even plan the next day, I’m sure I’ll be able to give you a ride, like, a month later.” 
“Well,” he says. He can feel his shoulders tense a bit. “It doesn’t just have to be a ride…” His fingers absentmindedly toy with a decorative button on his couch. “Did you… did you want to be my plus one?”
There’s a bit of silence and Namjoon can only swallow, feeling all the moisture in his mouth. 
“... It depends.” 
“On what?” 
Your response is a bit softer from the original teasing tone you had before. “It depends if you really want me there.” 
He relaxes, easily leaning back onto the couch. “Of course I want you there, consider it a trade deal.” 
“A trade deal?” 
“I get a ride and you get free food?” 
You hum a bit into the phone. “I like that preposition, but could I refer to this as a favor?” 
“Considering that it is a favor,” he says. “Sure—I owe you one.” 
“I’m gonna hold onto that against you then.”
“I’m completely fine with that, (Y/N).” 
“Okay, just keep in touch and text me the details when you get the time.” 
Before you can hang up, he speaks up once more. “Hey, (Y/N)?” 
There’s a bit more shuffling, but it stops. “Yeah?” 
“It’s no problem, Joonie. You can count on me anytime.” 
He smiles into the phone for the nth time and looks down at his feet, feeling the blush return. “I know.” He pauses. “I’ll-I’ll text you.” 
“You better, Joonie. I’ll talk to you later.” 
His phone screen turns black for a second, before returning back to your smiling contact image. His grin grows and he slumps back further into the couch, practically beaming once his body is bully molded with the couch. He turns back to his fluffy boy and plays with his fur, giving him thorough pets. “Such a good boy. I shall retrieve you a treat soon.” 
Rapmon barks happily at his spot, continuing to pant as he moves his eyes on the television screen. 
Meanwhile, Namjoon gets back to his spreadsheets, minimizing his personal email tab. He manages to do his tasks much happier now that he’s got something to look forward to. 
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April 3rd, 2020 
Friday, 7:30PM 
Eric’s Reception
Bright Rings Event Venue 
“Anyone who knows Eric,” Eddie says. “Knows that he’s very easy-going. He’s able to get along with anyone, which is how he’s able to meet so many people and make so many friends. So, when I first introduced Eric to Anna, I thought this was nothing more than another just friends situation. Little did I know was that I would be standing here… as the best man for their wedding.” 
He moves himself closer to the main table, where the bride and groom are seated. “As Eric’s brother—and manager—I did not think that he would be married before me.” The crowd laughs light-heartedly. “Don’t worry, I’m not bitter about it. I’m glad Eric has found someone who’s willing to spend their life with him, especially after getting to know him.” He lets out a small laugh as Eric pouts from his seat. 
“Anyways, Anna—” He raises his glass. “This toast is for you. Consider this your official welcome to the Nam family.” 
The guests click their glasses with the others, exchanging pleasantries along the way. Namjoon comfortably smiles at you, and vice versa, before drowning a mouthful of the bubbly champagne that you two had previously cheered with. The chatter picks up once again as Eddie sits down next to his date at the main table with the newlyweds. Everyone resumes their conversations, slowly building up to, nearly, maximum volume. Birds of a feather flock together—Eric’s loud personality attracts many other eccentric personalities. 
Namjoon takes a look around, taking note of the other guests. There’s a wide variety of people; while some are from college, from what he could recall, most of them are unfamiliar faces and unrecognizable place settings. Although, he should thank Eric for his place setting—many of those at this table are faces he does know. 
Jackson and his long-time girlfriend and recently engaged fiance, Hua Yi, were seated (luckily) on Namjoon’s left side and you were placed to his right. On your right, you sat next to Amy Lee and Amber—who were like Eric’s non-biological sisters. You were making easy conversation with the other guests, both familiar and non, as per usual. Maybe it’s due to your presence, but Namjoon has been able to easily converse with others as well. 
Jaehyung, another close friend of Eric’s, is currently at the front of the stage to provide entertainment with his guitar. He sings a sweet melody, contributing to the light atmosphere—above all the chatter and light conversation happening. 
“You know, I’ve always wanted to play the guitar,” you say, leaning closer to him. “Maybe I should’ve joined the band kids in high school to pick up a little something.” 
“Well, I did band…. kind of.” His face contorts, remembering the piano lessons he was forced to participate in due to the school’s curriculum. “But, trust me when I say that it did nothing for me.” 
Your eyebrows raise. “Nothing?” You lean in closer, with an elbow propped on your knee. “You almost became one of those famous soundcloud rappers. I think you should give yourself some more credit.” 
“Yeah, well, I can only play chopsticks,” he says. “So, were those four years really worth it?”
“Is anything from high school really worth it though?” 
You both chuckle as the old memories from high school started to occupy your minds. To think that Namjoon had really spent four years, not knowing what the hell he was doing—only to study for four more years to survive life and work a stable job with a stable paycheck... Time really does just fly. 
“Oh my God,” he says. “High school was awful.” 
“College was fun though.” You let out a relaxed sigh as you lean back and your eyes nearly sparkle from the fond memories you’d made way-back-when. “That’s the time period anyone would go back to.” 
“I would prefer the experience without the debt though.” 
“Thank God for scholarships.” You give him a little nudge. “Am I right, Mr. 148-IQ?”
Namjoon rolls his eyes at your words in a playful manner.
Before he can respond back, microphone feedback plays through the speakers, causing most to wince at the sound. Eric and Anna have entered the stage area, nearly blocking Jae—who simply waves at the crowd with his head poking out from behind the couple. 
“Hello?” Eric says. “Can everyone hear me okay?” 
There’s a collective murmur and he speaks up once more. “Okay, we’re good. Before anything, let’s give another round of applause for Jae!” 
There’s a light round of applause for Jaehyung, who gives a big smile and wave. Eric continues to speak after it dies down a bit. “Thank you all for coming once again. We both really appreciate that you took the time to be here for us.” 
“Right now, we’re going to have our first dance,” Anna says. “So, we’re gonna slow things down with the musical accompaniment of our very own Ailee!” 
Next to you, Amy raises from her seat and makes her way to the stage. You, along with Namjoon, clap for her—cheering her on as she walks towards center stage. She chats a bit with Jaehyung as the two of them start to set up. After a bit, she does a bit of harmony with Jaehyung and, shortly after, the sweet, soft melody of the guitar starts to play. 
Anna guides Eric towards the middle of the dance floor, who’s got a grin the size of the entree plates; she places his hands on her waist and hers on his shoulders, leaning into him as the song continues to play. Other guests slowly join them as well, including Jackson and Hua Yi. 
In a couple of minutes, you and Namjoon are the only ones left at the table. You two continue to chat for the time being, even as the music changes and time continues to go by. The other guests come and go by your table (even Mark came by, but the thumbs-up he gives Namjoon made him quite flustered); some had left a bit sooner because of prior engagements they had arranged for the next day. 
By this point, it’s past three hours—the cake has already been cut and the bar is officially open for the rest of the evening. The loud personalities had just gotten louder as the night got longer. 
Yongsun’s alcohol tolerance has been hit as she swings on the stipper pole with a plate of cake in her hands. On the other hand, as the songs started to get more upbeat, Amy abandoned her post at the stage and headed towards the bar—where she’s been doing her own personal wine tasting (and karaoke session). Amber had briefly joined her, before deciding to lead an impromptu concert that may or may not have resulted with her currently crowd-surfing. Jackson is with Peniel… doing whatever they usually do (although, Namjoon definitely recalls Peniel holding very tightly onto a Naked smoothie bottle; something about getting naked at the reception). 
The chaos goes on, even with the two of you in your own little bubble. The only difference though… is the alcohol intake as the time had passed. Considering how many glasses you had drowned, along with the ones Amy kept recommending to you and the ones brought by other servers, Namjoon is starting to remember how good your tolerance is. Despite that, you are definitely starting to feel it hit hard all at once. Meanwhile, he’s suffering silently from a mere three glasses. 
You drown another glass of your white wine. “Ahh.” You lean back in your chair with closed eyes. “My guy, I definitely cannot drive for a while.” 
A giggle spills from his lips as the alcohol starts to flow throughout his system.  “I can’t drive at all.” 
You laugh along with him; his giddiness is contagious. “Are you drunk?” 
“Nope.” He pops the p, giving you a wide beam that showcases his perfect, shiny teeth.
You raise your eyebrows, but don’t say anything. You can’t focus on anything from seeing how red his face is. You can’t resist yourself and lightly tug on his ears—which are also a similar shade—to pull him a bit closer to you. “Joonie, you’re so cute when you’re drunk.” 
He feels the blood rush more into his cheeks, but he can’t help his smile growing from the compliment. Even as you’re squishing his cheeks together, he doesn’t pull away from your touch. 
Both of your heads turn towards the stage. Anna’s clearly had her fill of alcohol too. Her hair is in loose curls from the tight updo she previously had. She currently stands on the stage, the mic in one hand and her bouquet in the other; her wedding dress was already ripped—but it looks as if it was chopped with some basic kitchen knife—to a shorter length. 
“It’s time for the flower toss!” She waves it around, dangling it in front of the crowd. “Anyone who wants this can come and get it!” 
A small group of people start to push their way towards the front as Anna turns her back towards them. 
You divert your attention back to the man in your hands. “I’m gonna go.” 
“Will you be back?” 
“Very soon.” You look dead serious. “Swearies.” 
He nods his head (to the best of his ability, considering his face is literally in your hands) and watches on as you head towards the crowd, easily fitting in with the others. He leans his chin into his palm, watching you engage with a bunch of people, who are literal strangers to you. It’s amazing how you can easily and naturally insert yourself into a group of people. He knows he probably looks like some type of idiot, but, right now, you are the only thing that matters. 
Back at the stage, Anna counts, leaning back little by little with a swing of her hands. “3! 2!” 
Just as she tosses the flowers over her head, Mike yells. “Yeet!” 
“Mine!” Peniel calls. 
But Matthew gets there first. 
“Interception, bitch!” 
He knocks the bouquet from its original path. It was almost like a high school basketball match from the way it happened.
Next thing you know, a couple of grown ass men were starting a brawl over an overpriced floral arrangement. Jamie interferes the two, squeezing herself in between the two idiots and easily whacking them, effectively getting them to stop. 
“Not the tiddies!” 
“Shut the fuck up!” she yells. “This isn’t about you!” With each word, she uses the flowers to hit each of them. 
While everyone’s distracted, Jackson rips the flowers from Jamie’s hands. He makes his way over to Hua Yi, easily getting down on one knee. Before he says anything, Hua Yi rips the flowers out of his hands and yells. “We’re already engaged, you idiot!” There’s no harm in it, considering how wide her grin is and the blush that’s apparent on her cheeks. 
Eric, eventually, takes over the stage once more—his tie loose and tossed carelessly over his shoulder. Despite it being his wedding, he looks like he’s  seen some stuff happen. He stands next to Anna with the mic, which he definitely had to pry out of her hands, and simply sighs as he watches the chaos. “This is cancelled; y’all are banned—I’m calling the police.” 
Of course, everyone ignores his empty threat and continues to brawl over the flowers. 
Namjoon’s attention is taken away from the scene, as you move past the chaos, and head back towards him. You arrive back with a pout, immediately slouching back in your seat. He rests his chin on the table, inching closer to you with eyes that sparkle like an anime character. 
“I didn’t get it,” you whine. 
He pouts with you, feeling your pain. “I’m sorry.” 
You let out a sigh and proceed to take another shot. A drop spills from your lips, trailing down your neck and Namjoon’s eyes unconsciously follow it. 
“Joonie,” you say. 
His eyes go back to yours. “Yes.”
“I need ice cream.” 
“Ice cream?” His eyebrows furrowed together in concentration and thought. “They only have cake.” 
“Then we need to go to the ice cream, Joonie.” 
His eyes widen in a comedic size reeling you’re correct. He snaps his fingers, lifting himself from the table, and pointing directly at you. “You are a genius.” 
“I fucking know, bro.” You pause as you realize your predicament. “I can’t drive.” 
“Neither can I.” 
“Not like that,” you say. “I’ve had like…. more than five glasses.” 
“Really?” His mouth gaps open. “I lost count after the tenth one.” 
“Ten?!” You gasp. “Did I really drink that much?” 
“I don’t know, (Y/N). I said I lost count.” 
You blink at him, slowly coming to the realization of how much alcohol was actually in your system. “Oh my God.” Your pout returns. “But I want ice cream now.” 
He hums, rocking a bit in his chair, like an old man out on the front porch, to find some way out of the complication. His eyes finally met yours. “I think I have a solution.”
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Friday, 11:45PM
After Eric’s Reception
Midnight Munchies
Your giggle overlaps with the sound of the bell that rings as you two walk into the late-night dessert shop. The workers greet you cheerfully, which you both respond back to. You are looking at the glass that showcases all the different flavors, whereas Namjoon tries to read the menu to the best of his ability—but his squinting shows how bad his vision is at the moment. 
Back at Bright Rings, after some common sense had slowly started to come back, you both searched up ice cream places nearby. Luckily, Namjoon found a place that served ice cream at this hour and it was close enough to walk to—resulting in an improvised, evening stroll which was just the two of you laughing at dumb jokes along the way (he may or may not have used some of Seokjin’s dad jokes along the way). 
Due to the lesser amount of drinks in his system, he sobered up a bit… On the other hand, yours still remained. But nothing can’t be fixed with a little bit of ice cream (at least, that’s what you said).
“Do you know what you would like?” 
Your attention has been turned to the server behind the counter. “Uh, not me.” Scooting closer to Namjoon, you give him a nudge. “Joonie, do you know what you want?” 
“I’m not sure,” he says with a slight frown. “What’d you think I should get?” 
You let out a small hum as you think, before pointing to the fruit flavors in the middle. “You like fruit flavored ice cream, and you definitely need to try something new, so I say you should get the melon.” 
“Okay,” he says with a nod. “I trust you.” He turns to the worker. “Can I please get a scoop of the melon ice cream?” 
“Would you like any toppings?” 
“Uhh.” He turns to you. “Should I?” 
“If you want some, then get some.” 
He hesitates a bit. “Strawberries?” 
The worker raises an eyebrow. “Are you sure?” 
Turning back towards the counter, he answers. “Yes.”
He receives his ice cream, waiting as you order yours and pays when you’re done—despite your protests. You two thank the staff and add some change into the tip jar, before heading out to go back to the venue to sober up a bit more. 
For a bit, you two are enjoying your ice cream in silence as you walk side by side. You both walk for about a block—his footsteps match yours and yours matches his. 
You’re the one who speaks up first. “Thank you for the ice cream.”
“It’s just ice cream, (Y/N),” he says. 
“Still,” you start to say. “Considering I practically pushed you into inviting me out—” 
“You didn’t push me. I wanted to invite you.” 
You look to him, simply giving him a small smile. “Thank you.” 
The two of you continue your walk back to the venue, but you abruptly stop and tug on Namjoon’s sleeve. 
“What’s up?” 
You point to an open park and, with another hand, you lightly shake his arm like an excited child. “Let’s go in there.” 
He smiles at the sight. “Okay, let’s go.” 
Your eyes gleam at him and you’re practically wiggling with excitement, before you sprint over towards the park gates like a child. 
He shakes his head with a chuckle as he follows behind you. By the time he’s caught up with you, you’re already settled underneath a nearby tree with a view of the lake. He heads towards you in long strides and silently seats himself next to you. 
You’ve already finished your ice cream—its remains left on the side. Namjoon manages to finish his, which isn’t hard considering how it’s half melted and less cold. White noise plays as you two sit back and relax. There’s a couple of bikers, dog walkers, and other couples that occupy the public space. But, for most of the time, it’s just the two of you in silence. 
It’s broken once you let out a loud breath and fall back onto the grass. You shift a bit, trying to make yourself comfortable, and tap the empty space behind him. “Come on, Joonie. It’s just me.” 
“Okay, okay,” he says. “Just give me a sec.” 
He leans back, feeling the prickly grass brush against his neck, and rests his hands behind his head. You frown from the distance, easily pulling his arm and resting your head on it, scooting closer to him. 
His breath gets caught in his throat from your proximity, but he doesn’t move away—almost in a near frozen state as you continue to lean on him. Right now, all he hopes is that you can’t hear how hard his heart is anxiously beating in his chest. 
Instead, he tries to focus on the clear evening sky. It would have been nice for the stars to be out, but this is just as fine (although, the view can be done without all the red helicopter lights that pass by). 
You let out a sigh, feeling a lot more sober compared to before. “Time is weird, huh?” 
“What’d you mean?” 
“It’s just—” You pause. “One moment, we’re just college students messing around and now we’re adults, doing things like jobs and going to the post office or something.” 
He chuckles. “The post office?” 
“Ugh.” You lightly hit him to get him to stop laughing. “You know what I mean.” 
“Yeah,” he says with a sigh of his own. “I get it. It’s just… we’re grown ups—” 
“Ew, please don’t say that.” 
He chuckles again. “Look at us though. Could you have even imagined telling your younger self that the most eventful thing you’ve done this week is go to a wedding?” 
“Weddings can be fun,” you try to defend. “There’s free food and good music.”
“Good music?” 
“Better music than all those cringey ass middle school mixers.” 
“You’re right about that,” he says. “I think I’ll die if I hear another remix of a top 40 hit song again.” 
“You know which remix I hated the most?” 
“Which one?” 
“Love You Like A Love Song club remix.” 
He lets out a hearty laugh from your answer. “I didn’t know that was a remix.” 
“It is and it’s absolutely terrible. They did Selena so dirty.” 
“Did they now?” 
“Absolutely, Joonie. It’s a fucking monstrosity.” 
You look dead serious, which is probably what makes him laugh even harder than before. His laugh dies down to a chuckle. There’s another moment of silence afterwards, the two of you focusing your attention on the calm atmosphere from the silence of the park and the calm waters that lightly splash from a safe distance. 
The silence is interrupted as your phone goes off. Namjoon watches as you simply take the phone that was placed next to you. The light of the phone shines against your features briefly before you turn it back off. 
You make eye contact with him and he has to turn away, clearing his throat from being caught. “What’s up?” he asks. 
“Nothing really,” you say. “I just got a reminder for another wedding I have to go to.” You wave your phone, despite the blank, black scene. “I have to RSVP later… at some point.” 
He hums, understanding the situation. Suddenly, you sit up as you shake him lightly, causing him to sit up as well. 
“What?” he asks with apprehension. 
There’s a glint in your eyes that Namjoon is unsure as to whether or not he likes. 
“Remember that favor you owe me?” 
“You wanna come to my friend’s wedding with me?” 
He leans back with a hand on the grass, contemplating whether or not he should. Would this count as a date? Nevertheless, an unofficial third date? 
He does owe you a favor too… 
So, it makes sense for him to accompany you to return the favor. 
He finally looks to you, whose head is tilted towards him in curiosity with a smile that shines brighter than the sun and eyes that sparkle more than any star in the sky. 
“Come on, Joonie. It’ll be fun.” 
“Count me in,” he says. “Consider it a favor being repaid.” 
Your smile turns into a beam before you settle back onto the grass with your eyes closed. “Let’s stay here a little longer.” You sigh. “I’m going to keep you for a bit, before I have to share you again.” 
He lets out a sigh of his own, but you don’t hear it. 
He’s already yours for the taking.
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April 18th, 2020 
Saturday, 9PM 
Tiffany’s Reception 
Rosey Pink Palace
“I’ve known Tiffany for over ten years,” Jessica says. “I’ve lived with her, worked with her, and that meant learning a lot about her, as a person and a professional. She’s someone who finds the balance between idealistic and realistic. She has been looking forward to finding her Prince Charming and now she gets to have her fairytale ending. I have never seen Tiffany as happy as I’ve seen her with Kaun Yin.” She pauses, looking at the two. “So, let’s raise a glass to congratulate the Pink Princess for finding her Prince Charming.” 
The other guests give a light round of applause for Jessica, who gives another wave and smile—before she takes back her seat at the main table. Conversation is sparked once again amongst the guests. 
At your table, Namjoon makes small talk with some of the others at the table (mainly those who he’d previously met at Junmyeon’s wedding). Despite the fact that this is your friend’s wedding, which is filled with literal strangers and acquaintances, he’s managed to mingle fairly well without your guidance. But that’s also the reason why he’s been dragged into a conversation with another table—i.e., the table behind him. 
“Tiffany and I went out for ice cream once and she basically shamed me for not getting sprinkles,” Evan says. “I’m betting her cake is going to be the most colorful thing in the venue.” 
“The pinks aren’t colorful enough for you?” Nichkhun asks with a teasing smile. 
Namjoon lets out a laugh. “It’s called the Pink Palace, what other color did you—could you have expected?” 
“I thought maybe Kuan Yin would convince her to other colors,” Evan says. He lets out a sigh, swirling his wine glass. “I blame my optimism.” 
“If you know anything about Tiffany,” Nichkhun says. “Then you would know that no one could convince her out of something once her mind is set.” 
“How long have you known her?” Namjoon asks. “I bet it’s been some time now.” 
The handsome man ponders for a bit. “Probably about half a decade now,” he says. “Another one of my friends knew her and… we’ve been friends ever since.” 
“That’s a long time,” Evan says. “I’ve only known her for a couple of years. She helped me out with some of my Youtube videos.” He sips on his glass. “She did a makeover for me once.” He turns to Namjoon. “How long have you known her?” 
“Oh, I’m just a….” He tries to think of the word. Technically, he’s a date, so he should say date…. right? Something inside stops him from saying so though. “I’m just a plus one.” 
“Oh?” Nichkhun says with a tilt of his head. “Of who?” 
At that moment, you take back your seat next to Namjoon. You easily settle back in, giving him a smile, before noticing the other two. “Sorry, there was a line at the bathroom. Did I interrupt something?” 
“Not really,” Evan says. He points to Namjoon. “Is he with you?” 
“Yeah,” you say with a smile. “He’s my date.” 
He nearly chokes on his water at your words, but your smile just grows when you look at him. Before he can respond, the conversations come to a bit of a pause as the newlywed wife gets up from her spot, stealing the crowd’s attention. 
Tiffany makes her way up the main stage with a bedazzled, pink microphone in one hand and her dress in the other; Kuan Yin follows behind her with a hand holding the rest of her train, making sure she doesn’t trip on her way up the stairs. 
“Hello?” She taps on the microphone to double check. “Everyone, thank you so much for coming. We’re so glad you were able to make it. Let’s give one more round of applause for the maid of honor!” 
There’s another round of applause for Jessica and, once it dies down, Kuan Yin speaks into the microphone that remains in Tiffany’s hands. “She’s done a lot for us this past month and we’d like to thank her again for her hard work.” 
“Right now, we’re preparing for the cake cutting!” she says with a giggle. “Our wonderful servers are getting the cake ready and it will soon be out!” 
More light applause breaks the silence once more and, in a second, the two servers emerge from the kitchen with a rolling cart. 
On top of the cart is a three-tiered cake, various shades of pink are dotted around and smeared to look like a sophisticated art palette. Edible, at least what Namjoon thinks, glitter is decorated along the side and sparkles in the light. White frosting is decorated on the edges and sprinkles top them off. 
Well, Evan was right about one thing; it is colorful. 
You lean over towards Namjoon. “I’m betting there’s glitter inside the cake too.” 
“I’m willing to get into that bet too,” Nichkhun says. 
Namjoon and Evan laugh. 
On the other hand, Tiffany and Kuan Yin are already cutting the cake and passing it to the servers, who are immediately placing it on trays to serve to the other guests. You let out a little cheer once yours arrives. Next to you, Bora takes pictures of the slice that sits on her plate, showing them to both you and Na Eun, who’s sitting at her other side. 
“I’m glad she got the red velvet,” Bora says. 
“Yeah, it fits the aesthetic,” Na Eun replies. “And it definitely screams Tiffany.” 
You pick at yours a bit, splitting the cake to see the rest of the batter. “I totally called it. I knew there was gonna be glitter inside!” 
Namjoon just shakes his head, before grabbing a hold of his fork and diving into his dessert. 
As the cake is cut and distributed, the conversation builds up again and the sugar has started to hit. Your plate is cleared, but Namjoon can’t get past all the sprinkles (which is why they’ve been abandoned on the side of his plate and you took that chance to poke some fun out of him). 
In the midst of all the chatter, the newlyweds return back to the stage, along with Jessica, after the cake-cutting—with Taeyeon behind them, who has begun to set up the stage. 
“I would just like to thank all the guests, once more, who are here to support Tiffany and Kuan Yin,” Jessica says. “Right now, we have Taeyeon, another bridesmaid, who will be singing the song to their first dance!” 
Another round of light applause is given as Taeyeon gives a smile and wave. Meanwhile, Tiffany and Kuan Yin have arrived in the middle of the dance floor, looking at one another with so much love. Namjoon couldn’t help but be a bit envious. 
“Congratulations once more to the happy couple,” Taeyeon says. “This song is for you—I hope your happiness will carry on for the rest of your lives.” 
The guitarist starts to strum to a soft melody and Taeyon’s soothing voice starts to move throughout the venue. Other guests start to make their way to the dance floor as well, joining the slow dance. Namjoon moves his head along to the calm tune, swaying to it with his eyes closed. 
He hears your chair move and he peaks an eye open, only to see you standing with a hand out to him. 
“Would you like to join me for a dance?” 
“I thought we agreed I should never be dancing,” he jokes. 
You pout, putting your hand down. “We’ve been to so many weddings and haven’t danced once.” You put your hand out once more, wiggling your fingers underneath his chin. “Is little Joonie afraid?” 
“We both know I’m not the best dancer.” 
Your pout deepens and you take your hand away again. He has to stop himself from leaning back to your touch. 
“That’s your insecurity talking,” you say. “Besides you don’t know until you try.”
He lets out a sigh, hiding a smile, and wordlessly puts out his hand for you. “Okay, (Y/N). I trust you. Please lead the way.” 
Your pout turns back to a smile, easily grabbing his hand and leading him towards the bright tiles where the other guests are dancing. 
Taking the initiative, as per usual, you put his hands on your waist and lightly place your hands on his shoulders. He hopes you don’t notice how shaky his hands are, or how much more sweaty his palms have gotten. His heart pounds even harder in his chest from the close proximity.
He let out an exhale, trying to keep it under his breath to avoid hitting your face with his glittery cake breath. Despite being friends for the longest time, Namjoon can’t remember a time he’d been this close to you. There had been a couple of times when you would drunkenly cling to him or the time you asked for a piggyback ride… But he’s never seen you like this upclose. 
Under the sparkling lights, he can make out your features. Your eyes shine with excitement and anticipation, but he can’t tell from what. The way the slope of your nose dips is pretty, he notes—he’s never noticed. Your lips… they practically mock him. 
He can feel his throat feeling dry again. Where are the champagne flutes when he needs them? 
Even as he tries to avoid eye contact, your eyes don’t leave his face. A teasing smile appears when you take notice of his darkening cheeks. 
“What’s wrong?” you jib. “You’re doing good. Are you focusing all of your brain cells into your dancing?” 
He rolls his eyes at you, but it’s without malice. “Haha,” he says. “You know I didn’t have that many to begin with.” 
“You have 148 IQ.” 
“Let it go, (Y/N).” He sighs. “Let it go.” 
This time you roll your eyes at him, giving him a light shove. “You’re literally so smart. You need to embrace that more.” 
“Don’t get too cocky on my behalf,” he says. “I think I got burnt out by the time we graduated.” 
“Everyone gets burnt out,” you say. “Whether it’s emotionally, physically… Life has a way of doing that to you.” You lean a bit closer, settling your hands on the back of his neck. “What you choose to afterwards is how you decide its impact on you.” 
He straightens up a bit, but doesn’t necessarily move away from you, putting himself in a more comfortable position. “You don’t ever seem burnt out,” he says. “I wish I had that endless energy. I might actually be able to do something productive with my life.” 
“Hey,” you say. “You’re doing it again.” 
“Doing what?” 
“Downplaying your abilities.” You let out a sigh. “You did it, not even, two minutes ago. You haven’t even stepped on my foot; you’re going just fine.” 
He feels the heat on the back of his neck, hoping you don’t say anything about it. “Not yet, at least. Have you forgotten that tango class I accidentally registered for?” 
You grin from the memory. “Considering that we were able to grow closer from it and it was required, not accidental… I have not.” You tilt your head at him. “But did you forget?” 
“Forget what?” 
“How much you improved by the time the semester ended.” 
“I don’t know, (Y/N),” he says. “I didn’t get worse and that was all I was aiming for.” 
“Sure, you weren’t perfect, but you were pretty good by the end of it. Admit that, at least.” 
“Fine, I was pretty good at it.” He looks directly at you. “Satisfied?” 
“Not really, but I’ll take it.” 
The two of you sway for a bit, listening to the music and enjoying each other’s company. At some point, you lean against him with closed eyes. He smiles to himself, subconsciously pulling you closer and breathing in the faint scent of your shampoo. Letting out another sigh, he can’t help but think of himself that he could get used to you in his arms. 
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April 28th, 2020
Tuesday, 4PM 
The Roasted Bean
“Do you want to come to China with me?” 
You choke on your tea. “Shit,” you manage to cough out with. 
Namjoon scrambles to pass you the napkins and can only look at you with concern as you continue to cough. He waits for you patiently, expecting this kind of response from you.
When you had agreed to meet up with him for coffee, Namjoon said to himself he was going to plan what he would say to you… cut to the day of and he had planned nothing except, well, that. 
Damn, procrastination really doesn’t stop. 
“I’m sorry,” you say. You dab the corners of your mouth, trying to wipe off the remains of the tea that spilled from your lips. Your hands settle on the table as you look at him incredulously. “Did I hear that correctly?” 
“In hindsight, maybe I should have provided some context.” 
“A little would have been nice,” you say with a slight shrug. 
He lets out a sigh, shifting in his seat. “I’m going to Jackson’s wedding,” he says. “... which is located in Hong Kong. I made the reservation awhile back, so I took a couple of vacation days to go to it and join them in the festivities. I even got Jungkook to dogsit RapMon, but, then again, that could easily go downhill. But, I thought, you know, since we’re, like, wedding buddies, you might want to go with me?” 
“Wedding buddies?” you ask with a raise of your eyebrow. “I guess that’s one way of putting it.” You take another sip of your tea. 
“It’ll be fun?” he says with an awkward smile. “Besides, you know Jackson.”
“I’ve met him a couple of times, yeah.” You take another sip from your cup. “I obviously wasn’t close enough to get an invite, but I know him.” You try to think, as if you were pondering the pros and cons. “I do know some people who were going to be in the wedding too.” 
“You do?” He shouldn’t be surprised, but couldn’t help the curiosity. 
“Yeah, there’s Mark. There’s also Jinyoung and Youngji.” 
“Even if you didn’t know anyone,” he says. “It’s not like you won’t make new friends.” 
You give him a shy, but proud smile in return. “I do adapt well.” Your eyebrows round from a realization. “Wait.” You give him a confused look. “You were originally planning on going to China…. by yourself?” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asks with a slight pout. “Is it a bad idea?” 
“No,” you say. “Rather the opposite.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“How do I say it?” you mutter, more to yourself than aloud. “I guess—it might just be because I know what you’re like.” 
“... Elaborate.” 
“It’s not supposed to be a bad thing. It’s just that—I say this with affection, okay?” You clear your throat a little and lean back into your seat. “You don’t really leave your comfort zone, which isn’t a bad thing—it’s just a bit surprising that you are willing to leave the comforts of your home.” He doesn’t get the chance to respond; you continue to talk. “But, another thing I know is you’re fierce loyal, so it’s not necessarily that surprising. Even then, it’s a good surprise because this might be good for you.” 
There’s a brief pause as he thinks to himself, absentmindedly swirling the remains of his coffee from his glass. You’re right (with both of your points). It’s not that he’s offended, or mad. It’s just that… you’re right. That’s it. 
He knows he’s more of an introvert, which isn’t a bad thing—he just takes a bit longer to adjust to new surroundings and unfamiliar people. He’s very self-aware of it rather than self-conscious about it. To be honest, he really didn’t think things through all the way; he couldn’t say no to Jackson, especially considering how close they are with one another. The thought of brushing up on his Chinese also crossed his mind momentarily, but this trip is really more about supporting Jackson and Hua Yi. 
He freezes, snapping out of his thoughts. “Sorry, I just, like, spaced out.” 
“Are you okay?” 
“Yeah, yeah, just lost in thought.” He clears his throat. “What were you saying?” 
“Nothing of that much importance, but—” You pause. “I just think this would be good for you, you know? You’d get some time off from work, get together with your friends, explore a new place, etc.” 
“It’s just a week or so,” he says. “It’s not much, but… it’s something.” 
“Yeah, but you never know.” 
He hums, agreeing with you, as he taps his fingers lightly against the table. The tapping stops. “Wait, you never answered my question.” 
“Wait, what was the question?”
  He chuckles. “Did you want to accompany me to Jackson’s wedding in China?” 
“Well,” you drag out, fiddling with your napkin. “I would need to see all the details, figure out a couple of things, but, overall…” You practically beam at him. “I’d love to.”
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May 13th, 2020 
Wednesday, 9AM 
East Asian Airlines
Incheon International Airport
You nearly elbow him as you try to settle into your seat. Your neck pillow barely hangs on your shoulders, as you reach over to adjust the incline and decline with one hand and manage your downloaded playlist on your phone with the other. 
“Whoa,” Namjoon says, trying to escape from your flailing arms. “You know this isn’t an overnight flight, right?” 
You let out an exasperated exhale that’s far more dramatic than it needed to be. “Joonie, comfort is always a priority.” 
“I didn’t say anything was wrong with comfort,” he started to say. “I’m just saying it’s a bit much for a four hour flight that you’re 100% going to fall asleep on.” 
Your jaw drops. “The audacity.” 
“Am I wrong?” 
Your jaw promptly closes at his words, your lips twisting to the side. “No,” you mutter.
He lets out a laugh, patting your head as some type of reconciliation—messing it up a bit. “Sorry, I only speak the truth.” 
You grumble in your seat once more, playfully glaring at him with a petty look in your eyes. Without breaking eye contact, you lightly slap his hand away and start to fix the mess he created on your head. “Says the man who told Taehyung he looked handsome after his home haircut, but okay. Pop off.” 
His eyes narrow at your sarcasm, but he doesn’t say another word. 
While you fiddle with the light and air conditioning functions above, he plucks out an airline magazine from the seat in front of him—in an attempt to ignore the numbness of his long legs due to the small, cramped area he’s been provided. 
Curse this capitalistic society and the stupid economy seats. 
He flips open a page, glancing through. Most of the pages are promotions for products that no one really needs. There’s also an absurd amount of pillows that they were insisting to be sold. Who needs a pillow that can work as a lap-desk? Or a bendable neck pillow that can be twisted into a hugging pillow? There’s also a pillow that can be folded into a miniature pillow. These are all awful, he thinks. 
As he inwardly questions and critiques each product, he fails to notice that you’ve finished settling in, tugging on his jacket to get his attention. 
“What’s up?” he asks without looking up. “Finally settled?” 
“Say all you want, Joonie, but when I’m napping like a champ, you’ll be restless in your spot like a chump.” 
He stifles his laughter, raising his eyebrows from your words, flipping through the pages without actually looking through them. “Okay, (Y/N). Whatever you say.” In his peripheral vision, he can see you pouting from his lack of reaction. 
You lean back in your seat, taking another deep breath. “You know, I think this is the first time we’re traveling together, isn’t it?” 
“I think it is.” He looks at you. “This is our first trip together.” 
“Well, first overseas trip.” 
“First overseas trip,” he says with a hum. “You think there’ll be more?” 
You smirk. “Only if this one is a success. But, for now, we’re just wedding buddies.” 
“Wedding buddies?” He lays a hand on his heart in mock hurt. “We’ve known each other for years and this is what our relationship has come to?” 
“You defined it first,” you say with a poke of his chest. “If anyone is to blame, it’s you.” 
His lips are pulled back—half frustrated at himself and half disappointed. Before he can retort, the bell has been rung and the attendant’s voice comes on over the intercom. 
“All passengers, please take your seats as we are taking off at 9AM sharp.” 
Another bell rings and the seatbelt image flashes on. The attendants go around, checking the seatbelts and others begin to start the safety procedures. Namjoon tries to remember it all, but eventually finds himself accidentally tuning out the information. Sensing his panic, you remind him that it’s also in the same pocket he’d been grabbing magazines out of. 
After a little while, the plane starts to ascend. Both you and Namjoon wordlessly look out the window, taking in the view as the buildings get smaller and smaller. Once the captain had announced that passengers are now allowed to roam about the cabin (with reason, of course), you lean back in your seat and plop in your other headphone. 
“Wake me up when we’re descending?” you ask. 
He nods, letting you play your music and close your eyes. About twenty minutes pass and you’re already asleep, But, your neck pillow is still barely hanging on your shoulders. He manages to adjust it comfortably for you, without waking you up—he’d call that a victory for his clumsy ass. 
To pass some time, he goes through some more magazines, eventually getting bored of them. He should’ve downloaded a playlist or something; granted, you did nag him a bit to do so at the terminal gate because you didn’t want him being bored on the plane. 
As usual, you were right. 
He looks over at you once more, before deciding that he should nap too. 
If he’s being honest, he was too nervous last night to get any sleep at the thought of spending, nearly, an entire week with you… in an unfamiliar country. He really didn’t think these things through. On one hand, it’s normal to invite long-time friends on trips and go to events together, platonically. On the other hand, he technically had feelings for you. But, he also thought those feelings had died down… until he actually started to talk to you again. 
Deep down, he knows the feelings never really died but that’s a conversation he’s not ready to engage in. But, he’s also aware that he’s stupid and lacked the brain cells to even think of the possible cons that would come when he invited you to an overseas wedding...
Sleep, Namjoon thinks. Sleep is great for avoiding problems like these. 
He lets out a long sigh, settling into his seat with a close of his eyes. 
Yes, sleep is the best solution. 
Ding. “Passengers, you will need to return to your seats soon as we are close to our destination.” Ding. 
As Namjoon starts to regain consciousness, the light from his window that shines on his face stirs him awake. He lets out a sigh, lifting his head from yours as he rubs his eyes. You remain asleep on his shoulder with your headphones still intact, but your neck pillow sits uselessly in your lap. 
He’s suddenly awake and aware of your current position. He unconsciously clears his throat, instantly feeling thirsty, causing you to shift a bit closer to him. 
The intercom comes on once more. “Once again, passengers, if you could please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts, we’re going to begin to descend soon.” 
From the announcement, he lightly shakes you. “(Y/N),” he whispers. 
When it doesn’t work, he shakes you a bit harder. “(Y/N).” 
You let out a groan from being awoken. “Ten more minutes.” 
He shakes you again with a bit of a laugh. “You don’t have ten minutes.” 
“Give me ten minutes then.” 
“No, wake up.” 
“(Y/N),” he whines. “Wake up.” 
You let out another groan, reluctantly opening your eyes—immediately shutting them from the bright lights of the afternoon sky. “Are we there yet?” 
“Nearly,” he says. “Why did you think I woke you up?” 
“To torture me?” 
“I wouldn’t do that to my precious wedding buddy.”
“Damn,” you say. “Your sass levels are up.” 
He laughs in response. 
Your conversation is interrupted as the bell rings once again, the attendant’s voice filling the air. 
“All passengers, we are descending to our destination.” 
You let a small squeal of excitement from the official announcement, leaning out towards the window to take in the new sights. He can’t help but smile at your childlike wonder, moving himself out of the way for you to take in the scenery as the clouds start to part. 
“We apologize that there will be a bit of turbulence, so if you may all please fasten your seatbelts for your safety. Once again, we are starting our descent—passengers, we welcome you to Hong Kong. Thank you for choosing to fly with East Asian Airlines. We hope you’ve had a wonderful trip.” 
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A/N: Thank you for reading the first part of Plus Two! Please do not ask about updates—you can check the upcoming page to check on the status of the second half! 
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goodnightkisseu · 5 years
Do Kyungsoo - A Quiet Love
→ request: @prettywordsyouleft​​ “ Final one I promise! #51 - “You didn’t have to marry me, you know.” with Kyungsoo please! Possibly either arranged marriage au or enemies to lovers! Thank youuuuu ”
→ pairing: do kyungsoo x reader
→ genre: fluff
→ word count: 2034
→ warnings: none~
→ summary: growing up with wealth meant that everything was decided for Kyungsoo before he was even born. But the one thing he never thought he would easily find was love. And yet, how he felt for you was just so... effortlessly simple...
→ masterlist // exo masterlist // goodnightkisseu’s 1k follow drabbles
note: after spending the entirety of December planning for what to do in the coming months, I’m finally back with another fic! Things may be a bit slow for a bit as I ramp back up, but I hope that I can provide all of you with some wonderful stories. This particular drabble request was timely as today is also Kyungsoo’s birthday! So I hope that you all enjoy this one ^^
- ash <3
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Navigating a normal life within regular social norms was already hard enough. Trying to figure out if your behavior was acceptable, how others perceived you, as well as where you stood with someone was trying. Add wealth, power, and greed to this, and you had the complicated web of relationships that Kyungsoo had been trying to navigate ever since birth. Kyungsoo came from a well-off family. His great grandfather had built a business that skyrocketed in success about fifty years ago. Though his family didn't have the type of power to run the country, as some would hear of others, they were still quite renowned.
This, of course, meant that Kyungsoo grew up differently than other kids. He had his life mapped out for him before he was even born. He was sent to the most prestigious institutions for his education so that he could take over his portion of the business when the time was right. Every day was packed with additional coursework outside of schoolwork, the family priming him to be a well-rounded individual. Sometimes, he would get to play with his friends, but that wasn't often. And honestly, he could never tell if his friends were really his friends or just people that wanted to befriend him because of his family. Though as complicated as this all was. There was one thing that Kyungsoo was sure of.
He loved you.
Kyungsoo had loved you for a long time, likely before he even knew the meaning of the word. Many things in Kyungsoo's life were already etched in stone, and one of them, in particular, was his engagement with you. Your family was also rather wealthy, and it was projected to be a union that would help both families. But as children, neither of you understood this. You just enjoyed your time playing together, running through the large homes and gardens, playing hide and seek. You didn't have a care in the world back then.
But as you grew older, the two of you started to understand. You understood your roles in your families, as well as your future roles towards each other. Strangely, it didn't bother either of you. By that point, you were already close. You spent a lot of time with each other every day, so it was natural for you to depend on the other. And whether you knew it or not, that might have been when those first seeds of love were planted in your hearts.
Still, even if everything was planned, growing up was hard, mainly through the teen years. Although Kyungsoo expertly navigating these new social circles, like many of his peers,  he noticed that you were having a much harder time. You were naturally rather shy, to begin with, and everything that was changing probably didn't help. Whereas girls your age were developing into beautiful swans, using makeup to enhance their maturing features, Kyungsoo noticed you shrinking away. You wore more clothes to hide, grew quieter, and this was what got the school talking.
Kids were cruel, and you were subjected to a handful of baseless rumors. Kyungsoo shot every one of them down, but that didn't stop people from talking. Amongst the sea of wealthy children who spent their family's money to get into all sorts of trouble, the only person you had left was Kyungsoo. But honestly, he was all you needed. All of the drama in high school pulled the two of you closer. Your bond grew stronger.
Kyungsoo didn't leave you for his new group of friends. Instead, he found himself spending more time with you. You would always do your coursework together. You would still eat together. And most importantly, you spent your free time together. While you pursued your passion for painting, Kyungsoo would be nearby, face buried in a book. Those small seeds of love were blossoming into beautiful flowers that thrived on your support for each other.
Age eventually led Kyungsoo to start working for his family's business. This was expected, but it did mean that the two of you spent less time together. Your engagement was kept quiet for the time being, allowing you both to focus on your new jobs. You also worked at your parents' company, though a lot of the work you did was behind the scenes. You never really got over your shyness, and you preferred to handle business that didn't require you to be in the spotlight, and your parents respected that. It did make things a bit harder in some respects, but you all worked through it the best that you could.
Though you were both busy, Kyungsoo had worked hard to maintain that connection the two of you had over the years. Because as much as he wanted to be there for you, he appreciated you being there for him too. He wasn't going to let the stress of his family's work get in the way of your relationship.
Naturally, after the two of you grew comfortable with your roles, your families were back to talking about your marriage. For something that had been agreed upon so long ago, there wasn't much arranged for it.  So all of the wedding planning had to be completed within a few hectic months. This did make some things difficult, of course. While you were trying to plan the wedding, old friends and the general public felt the need to comment on the arrangement. They posited that someone as successful as Kyungsoo could have found someone better, someone more fitting for the limelight. These comments were hard to see, even hear, but Kyungsoo stayed close. He knew what you needed, and not once, over all of these years together, had that changed. And eventually, the chatter from your social circles died down.
That night, Kyungsoo arrived home a bit later than usual from his business meeting. He had some people coming from overseas, and due to some flight delays and overall time differences, the meeting ran for longer than expected. He was exhausted now, and he figured that you probably would have been asleep yourself. From what he had gathered from your messages throughout the day, work had been hectic for you as well. Yet, much to his surprise,  you weren't. The moment he walked through the front door, he saw the light of your studio, the yellow hue dancing across the floorboards of your hallway. With a faint smile, he dropped off his jacket and bag by the door before he made his way over, eyes peering into the gently lit space to see what you were up to.
One of the first things that the two of you did when you moved in together was to set up this little art studio for you. Something that hadn't changed since you were children was your love for painting. Even now, your brush effortlessly danced across the canvas as you laid down the first layers to your next masterpiece. Though art was always a hobby, you had sold a handful of pieces under a pseudonym. And though it made Kyungsoo happy to see others appreciating your work, part of his did wish that you would make yourself known… instead of hiding behind a façade.
"Looking lovely as always," he stated, his low voice cutting through the calming music that you had playing in the background.
Though you were startled, you had learned not to jump. One, for the sake of your painting, and two, because this was pretty typical of your husband. Kyungsoo was always rather good at sneaking up behind you when you least expected it. As much as that bothered you sometimes, you were glad when he was around.
"Are you talking about me or the painting that I'm working on?" you inquired, turning around a bit in your stool so that you could get a good look at him. He smiled when your eyes met, and you received a chuckle in response.
"Both. Though, I think that your painting may outshine you this time," he teased, watching as your eyes narrowed slightly, a scoff leaving your lips in return. Kyungsoo's smile spread as he made his way across the studio, the space much more natural to traverse now that the two of you found some proper shelving for your supplies. He gave you a gentle kiss on the cheek, and the moment that he felt your lips pulling into a smile, he knew that you weren't upset. His hands found their way to your shoulders, and his eyes gazed at the piece of art before him.
"The colors are really nice for this piece. You went for warmer colors than you usually work with. I think it's stunning," Kyungsoo complimented.
You gave a small nod before resting your head against his arm. "I wanted to try something a bit different this time," you explained. "Since I'm usually partial to cooler colors, I wanted to step outside of my comfort zone, work on something that can bring warmth to a room."
"Will we be hanging this one up, or will you be looking for a buyer for it?"
You hummed softly, your mind trying to come up with the right decision. "I think I'd like to keep it. I think it could look really nice in our living room, in that one empty space along the back wall. I always thought it felt a bit cold, so this could help?"
Kyungsoo nodded. "I think it would look really nice there," he agreed. "Maybe someday, we could actually tell our friends that the artist they are so in love with is you…"
You let out a quiet sigh, knowing what Kyungsoo meant. He always wanted you to be more confident in yourself, to share your passion with others. Though you had become more comfortable in your own skin, it was still hard for you to in a room with too many people. He wanted to be able to bring you to events, but extravagant events were always too much for you. Small ones were fine, but when they reached a certain level, it was hard. "You know that isn't like me…"
"I know," he said softly. "Part of me wants to show you off to the world, to show off your talent to others. I think people feel like I purposefully keep you hidden away. I... I just want others to appreciate you the way that I do…"
"You didn't have to marry me, you know," you reminded him. "You could have chosen someone that liked the spotlight more than I did. They would love to go to those big and fancy events and have people ogle them…"
Kyungsoo nodded, his hands gently sliding down your arms as they reached for your hands, helping you up on your feet so that he could slip his arms around you, holding you in his embrace. "I could have. My parents told me that there were a lot of other families that were interested in an arranged marriage," he told you truthfully. "But, I know that I could never have the same connection with any of them that I have with you. We grew up together. We were there for each other, and you managed to take over every inch of my heart, little by little. You didn't do anything big, but each of your little gestures showed me how much you cared. I couldn't find that anywhere else…"
You couldn't help but the smile that crept onto your features, the way that the heat rose to your cheese. "You, Do Kyungsoo, have become very cheesy since we were kids," you stated, your own hands finding their way around his neck.
"Only because I love you so much," he reaffirmed. "Our parents may have arranged this marriage, but what I feel for you isn't fake. If I had to marry anyone else, I wouldn't feel the same. I don't want you to ever forget that."
"I won't," you told him earnestly, as he leaned down to seal your lips with a kiss. Though your lives were anything from average, Kyungsoo wouldn't have changed this quieter and more private love for anything in the world…
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fyexo · 5 years
191031 SuperM Reveal How They Reacted When They First Found Out About the Supergroup
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What does it take for a K-pop group’s first album to debut at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 chart? For SuperM, it takes a lot of hard work and a hefty dose of jumping and popping.
To understand SuperM’s success on the charts is to understand its members, company history and sound. The supergroup is comprised of seven members from three different SM Entertainment groups: SHINee’s Taemin, EXO’s Kai and Baekhyun, and NCT and its Chinese sub-unit WayV’s Ten, Taeyong, Mark and Lucas. In their respective groups and individual solo careers, the members have sold over 14 million records combined, racked up more than 4 billion views on YouTube with their music videos, and have more than 120 million followers online.
While this is not SM Entertainment’s first attempt at the creation of a supergroup (that title belongs to 2012’s Younique), SuperM is unique as a joint venture between Capitol Records and SM Entertainment. The group’s debut single, “Jopping,” is a quintessential “SM Music Performance” track — a term coined by the company to describe their genre-bending style of rock, hip-hop and R&B that, combined with stellar music videos and masterful choreography, creates an experience that leaves a lasting impression long after the first listen.
It’s this self-defined genre of music that has fans around the globe hooked on SM’s artists, and SuperM’s debut single “Jopping” is no exception: with its pulsating garage backbeat, sleek choreography, Baekhyun’s chills-inducing high note, and sampling of the Avengers theme, “Jopping” is truly a high-octane ride from start to finish. However, sections of the song harken back to past hits, like EXO’s “Wolf,” NCT 127’s “Cherry Bomb,” and TVXQ!’s “Catch Me,” rooting the track in the company’s signature style while still exploring a new chapter in SM history.
With a Billboard No. 1 debut album and a knockout showcase in Los Angeles under their belts, SuperM is currently preparing for their first tour, the aptly titled We Are The Future Tour — serving both as a callback to the 1997 song by first generation SM Entertainment K-Pop group H.O.T and setting SuperM’s goal of musical domination all at once. Kicking off in Fort Worth, Texas, the tour will see SuperM performing in ten different cities spaced over three months, and promises to showcase not only dynamic group performances, but their “individual characteristics” too, according to Ten.
PopCrush caught up with SuperM to discuss the group’s first practice session, their upcoming tour and the group’s dream of becoming the first Asian artist ever to perform at the Super Bowl.
You held your first official performance as SuperM on October 4th! What was it like performing in front of fans at the Capitol Records building?
Taeyong: It was awesome!
Mark: It was really, really fun. It was our first time performing as a team live in front of our fans and it was like a new experience — we all felt the same emotions together. I think that’s what really stood out to me; last night we were all getting nervous. We were all warming up together. It’s these kinds of things [that] make it feel like we’re actually a whole team. We feel kind of powerful.
Taeyong: We were all really, really nervous about this whole performance. We wanted to show so much to our fans because it was the first time we were performing in front of our fans as SuperM. Because of that, a part of me feels like I wish I could’ve shown more, so hopefully ... I can show off more next time.
How long did you know about SuperM before it was announced to the world?
Baekhyun: One year ago, but our younger members didn’t know then.
Mark: I learned about SuperM on NCT 127’s tour, so this year. I learned about it a couple months before preparing.
Taeyong: Yeah, me too.
What was your first reaction when you heard about SuperM?
Group: Wow!
Baekhyun: So powerful!
Mark: I actually wanted to say this once. During our early filming all together, I went to Taemin’s room and I asked him, “What did you feel when you first heard about SuperM?” He actually said, “This is actually something that can only happen now.” I actually totally agreed with him once he said it. It’s something that the world never thought that they needed, but now they’ll know that they needed it once we come out. We’ve been preparing a lot and we’re ready to show why we came and why we are SuperM.
Baekhyun: That’s right.
Take us into your first practice session together as SuperM. What was it like?
Lucas: First time, it was a little bit awkward.
Taemin: Awkward!
Ten: Because we’ve never worked with the seniors in our company before, we didn’t know what was going to happen when we started practicing, right? First, the atmosphere was so tense, but then Baekhyun came in and he just kept making jokes about stuff and the fences just like dropped down. From then, we started to get to know each other for the first time.
Baekhyun: I think for us, we felt more comfortable working with them. Also, I was really curious what it would be like to work with the younger, more recently debuted groups. They were more innocent and cuter than I had thought originally! That kinda made me want to take them under my wing and helped us grow closer.
Lucas: And because the seniors kind of looked after us, we felt very comfortable and that was kind of what brought us all together.
How was “Jopping” selected as the lead single?
Mark: We chose “Jopping” because we believed that it had the potential to contain our performance in terms of our dynamics. The way we are as a team, we’re very diverse; we have a lot of talents all rolled in one. We felt that “Jopping” had the capability of holding all of those talents in one piece. We definitely knew that it was going to be the song that we were gonna release as our debut single, and through it we wanted to show our strong side and how strong we are together.
Taeyong: SMP!
Ten: SM Performance — ”Jopping” is in that category.
Taeyong, you helped write and compose “No Manners.” Where did you get the inspiration for that track?
Taeyong: I got the inspiration from it from the movie Sid & Nancy, which I mention in the lyrics. It’s about a couple that have a bad break up even though they’re so in love with each other. Just going off that, I kind of thought, rather than having the relationship end on such bad terms, like you ending up hating that person, maybe it’s actually better to cut it out... [Stops talking and turns to Baekhyun] How do I put it?
Baekhyun: Let me help you out. If the relationship hits rock bottom, you end up hating each other. Rather than letting each other be the worst ex you ever had, it’s sometimes necessary to break up cold turkey before you start hating each other. I think that’s the message of the song.
You’re embarking on a huge tour beginning in November! What are you looking forward to most about performing in the U.S.?
Taeyong, Taemin and Kai, singing: We are the future! [Writer’s note: This is a reference to the H.O.T song of the same name.]
Kai: Oh my God.
Mark: It’s our first tour as SuperM. We are all lovers of performing and so having a tour itself just excites all of us, but to excite as a whole team together is just a total different feeling and so we’re looking forward to it. We’re still rehearsing it; we haven’t fully finished preparing it, but we’re actually thinking about a lot of things that we can show the fans other than just the album. I feel like the fans would love seeing how we all kind of collaboratively work together and I think that’s the best part that we can show the fans from the tour, so I hope a lot of people come.
This tour will see the group performing at prestigious venues like Madison Square Garden, some members for the first time ever in the U.S. How does that feel?
Ten: For me, I’ve always wanted to come to the U.S. and do a tour, and this time I get a chance to work with my SuperM members.... I still can’t believe it that I’m getting to do this! I want to thank all the members for working hard for this opportunity and thank you to Soo-Man Lee [SM Entertainment founder and executive music producer of SuperM] for giving us this opportunity and Capitol for helping us. This show, it’s not just the team, we get to show our individual characteristics too.
What’s your goal for the future of SuperM?
Taeyong: I wish that people all around the world would get to know us, would like our music, and would get inspired by us.
Taemin: I agree and want to add that fans also inspire us. This give and take with the fans as they support SuperM, SuperM also reciprocates that to the fans and I just want it to continue.
With a Billboard No. 1 debut album, what’s the next goal for SuperM?
Taemin and Ten: Super Bowl!
Taeyong: To become the first Asian artist to perform at the Super Bowl Halftime show.
Kai: With Capitol…
Taemin: With Capitol’s support, we can do it!
Lucas: Yeah!
Baekhyun: Let’s go!
source: popcrush
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kimjongdaely · 5 years
The Art of Sin [Chapter 1]
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Gang!AU, Racer!AU, Tattoo Artist!AU
Pairing: Chen x Reader
Warnings: Language, violence, sexual situations, vandalism
Summary: He’s an artist. He does it all for the ‘art.’ Tattooing. Racing. Sex. All because he thinks they’re beautiful. There’s no one here that doesn’t know his name, because it’s everywhere. On every graffiti-filled wall, every tattooed skin, every cheer of the crowd. His name is there somewhere, because it’s all his—this world. And when he lays his eyes on you—well, he’s never seen anything more beautiful. And he’s going to make you his masterpiece.
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Chapter 1│Chapter 2│Chapter 3 [M]│Chapter 4 [M]│Chapter 5 [M]│ Chapter 6│Chapter 7│Chapter 8 [M]
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“Damn, if you don’t slow the fuck down, you’re going to crash.” Jongin calls as Jongdae gets out of his car. “I like fast, but that’s a death wish, man.”
“Live fast, die young.” Jongdae answers with a laugh. “It’s the only way to live.”
Jongin snorts, slapping his back harder than he needed to. “You’re a damn hypocrite.”
Jongdae shrugs, a lazy smile on his face. “No idea what you’re talking about. You gonna go now?” Jongdae asks, swiping his hair out of his eyes as the night air cools him down. “To, like, some chick’s place?”
Jongin flashes Jongdae a grin, and that’s all the confirmation he needs. Jongdae sighs, heading back towards the garage where his tattoo parlor is. “Well, fuck you.”
“Aw come on.” Jongin wraps an arm around Jongdae’s neck, giving it a firm squeeze. “You can find any chick you want, if you weren’t so picky.”
Jongdae slaps Jongin’s hand away, although his only reaction is a laugh. “I know damn well I can fuck any girl I want. But that’s ugly, and I don’t like it.”
“Right.” Chanyeol says, taking a long drag of his cigarette as he leans against the doorway to the garage. “He only goes for the gorgeous ones. Be too picky, and you’ll end up with nothing, Dae.”
Jongdae throws his head back, a loud laugh echoing through the night. “Nothing? Please, I own this place.”
“Self-proclaimed.” Jongin scoffs. “I’m the King of the Streets.”
“Nah.” Jongdae grins. “Your inflated ego doesn’t allow you to hear all the people cheering my name during the races.”
Chanyeol throws his cigarette on the floor, stepping on it. “You’re both pretty, girls. Now, are you going to give me a tattoo or what?”
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“I never agreed to this.” You groan, though you let your friend pull you along.
“Sorry? I can’t hear you.” She answers with a mischievous grin. “I thought you said you wanted it.”
“Once.” You answer with a loud whine. “When I was drunk!”
“Come on.” She urges, swinging your arm around like a child would. “It’s your birthday! Getting a tattoo would be so cool.”
“I don’t do well with pain though.” You wince at the thought, now regretting ever saying it on a drunk whim. She never lets go of things like this, especially when she has that glint in her eyes. You know her way too well. “It doesn’t hurt.”
“Stop shitting me.”
She snickers, holding her arm out as if she’s presenting something amazing. “Viola, EXO Customs!”
You take a good look at the place she’s pointing at. The garage looks pretty run down, but sturdy. At least it doesn’t seem like it’ll collapse on you. You wrinkle your nose at your friend, feeling skeptical—well, more so than before. “There? It looks like shit.”
“Shut up.” She pulls you along again. “It’s the best around. Very famous. Tons of hot guys. You’ll love it, I promise.”
Entering the garage, you find it surprisingly hot, despite the ACs blasting cold air. And damn, she was right. The receptionist flashes you the cutest smile you’ve ever seen, though his face is anything but cute. He’s hot; really, really hot.
Which is probably why the AC feels even more nonexistent right now.
"Welcome!” The man greets. “I’m Byun. Got a car for repair?”
“No actually,” your friend pushes you forward a little, a wide grin on her face. “My friend’s here for a tattoo.”
“Oh, great!” He smiles, pointing into the garage. “The tattoo parlor’s in the back. The one with a glass door.”
“Thanks!” She says with a wink, voice higher than normal. You roll your eyes. Ugh, she’s trying way too hard.
You walk past several people who are working on repairing cars, the sounds of machines whirring and metal clanging. Some of them are under the cars, but the others are equally as handsome as the receptionist. It’s quite intimidating, actually. You would never voluntarily walk into a garage like this alone.
You friend knocks on the glass door. You can’t see inside since the binds are down. “Um, hello?”
There’s a loud yelp that comes, the steady zapping sound of a tattoo gun. After a moment, it goes quiet. The door opens.
The man that greets you is stunning. His golden hair is half swept up, lazy in a way like he just wanted it out of his eyes, wearing a black tank top and ripped jeans. He makes your heart stop, your breath hitch. The others were attractive, but he’s on a whole different level. And all sorts of alarms are blaring in your mind.
He smiles, eyes lingering on you as he holds the door open. “Hello ladies. Here for a tattoo?”
Your friend nods enthusiastically, but you can’t even tear your eyes off his face. A man walks out from the room, face sweaty and pale, clutching his bandaged arm.
The handsome man, slaps the other guy on the shoulder good-naturedly. “Make sure not to infect that, ok? Come again if you want another one.”
“Sure, Chen.” The man lets out a small smile. “See ya.”
The man named Chen turns back to you and your friend, stepping aside to let you two in.
You finally snap out of your daze when your friend begins to push you in, and the reality settles in, making you panic. “Uh, wait. Are we really doing this?”
“Getting cold feet?” Chen chuckles as he sits down, patting the chair in front of him. “You sure about this?”
“Come on.” Your friend whispers in your ear. “Getting a tattoo is awesome, but getting a tattoo from a hot guy? That’s a once in a lifetime chance, girl.”
You roll your eyes at your friend, but lie down on the chair nonetheless, feeling your heart pound anxiously. “Um...this is going to hurt, isn’t it?”
“Yeah.” He answers. “Some places hurt more than others. Where are you thinking?”
“Um, collarbone, maybe?”
“Maybe? You sound very unsure.” He smiles, raising a brow at you. “A tattoo’s serious, you know? It’ll be more painful to remove, so make sure you’re absolutely certain about this.”
“Look, I’m going to be honest here.” You start with a sigh. “I don’t know where I want it or what it’s going to look like, but I do want a tattoo.” You look pointedly at him, almost challenging. “You’re a professional, right? Can you help me figure out what I want?”
He stares at you for a moment before he throws his head back and lets out a loud laugh. It’s the kind of laugh that lights up the room, that sounds like a laugh an angel would have. “You’re interesting.”
He moves to sit at his desk, grabbing a piece of paper and pen before scribbling furiously. “Collarbone, right? Something big or small?”
“Small.” You answer.
“I prefer black and white.”
He has a grin on his face when he swirls around again, presenting a sketch he quickly made. It’s beautiful though, the line-work a little rough and sketchy but it’s beautiful. It’s hard to believe he did this in less than five minutes.
“A butterfly?” You ask, tracing the delicate pattern of its wings.
Chen leans down, brushing a strand of stray hair out of your face, his eyes shining with mirth. “Yeah.”
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Next Chapter
The Art of Sin Mini Masterlist
EXO Customs Collab Masterlist
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A/N: I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! Please check out the collab masterlist and read the other authors’ fics too, because we all put a lot of effort into it! Thanks~
Tags: @ninibears-erigom @baekwell--tart @fairyyeols @suhoerections @kpop---scenarios @skjdln @yeoldontknow @kyungseokie
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stainandscribble · 5 years
Beyond Words(III)
Let Me Hold You Tight
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Pairing: Jongdae (EXO Chen) X Reader
Genre: Jongdae Poet AU; angst; fluff
Summary: A poet reminiscences about his old lover and their relationship in his new anthology, reminding himself of the importance of sincerity, and that love words are just as important spoken aloud as they are printed on paper.
Word Count: 5935
PART 1    PART 2     PART 3
A/N: Love is a blessing everyone is deserving of, and Jongdae has been blessed twice: with someone he wants to spend the rest of his life with, and a child, who he himself referred to as a blessing. I wish him all the best. In light of this, I will be concluding this short series in the next part. I will not be writing for him anymore. (I know its march but this is set in December because it fits the timeline and plot)
Space was the nothingness between two things, an unspoken barrier, a limitation that kept you from him. You had told him you needed space. You needed time. Jongdae respected that. He didn’t push you. He had given you as much space as you wanted. You didn’t move back into your shared apartment for three months, until November. You didn’t sleep in your shared bed until December began knocking on your windows with frosty fingers and chilly drafts. He didn’t push, and he hoped he didn’t seem uninterested. In truth, Jongdae was captivated. He had thanked the universe every time you walked out of your bedroom to have breakfast together. He had thanked whichever deities looked down on him every time he could hold you in his arms. The soft hues of his eyes never strayed from you. Since you had told him you still loved him you had watched in glee and relief the way his publisher glared at you. This time, you noticed Jongdae had put a lot of effort into making it work. He sat with you at dinner and indulged in your hobbies, not having you indulge in his. He tried painting with you, and you had hung the pieces above the couch; your piece, drawn and painted with skilled hands and sharp eyes, his with the enthusiasm of a beginner. 
“I think this looks quite good, don’t you?” He asked, brown eyes twinkling as he looked over his masterpiece, although incomparable in skill to your own, still in his eyes, it was an achievement. To Jongdae it was a physical manifestation of the fact he was trying, and you had accepted his hard work. He turned his gaze to look at you, lips curled into a Cheshire-like grin, eyes following the trail of yellow paint smeared over your forehead and the pastel pink colouring your right cheek. 
“You should go into abstract painting.” You turned to look at him, lips mimicking his grin as your eyes trailed his clear face, bare of the paint you ended up covered in. He turned away from your wandering eyes.
“What do you want to watch now?” Jongdae turned on the TV and started flicking through the channels. There was a lightness in his tone; one that you had noticed only recently, since you moved your things back into the shared bedroom. It was clear he was happy. You would have been lying if you said you were not sharing in his happiness. 
“It’s winter sports season. I wanted to watch figure skating championships.” You answered, turning your back to the bright paintings that now decorated your living room. The only other decoration this bright in your home was a vase of purple hyacinths standing on the kitchen island. Since you moved back in, Jongdae had brought you a bouquet every fortnight. You appreciated the gesture, but you were also fed up of the unspoken apology. Your eyes fell on his hand curled around the tv remote, free from any stains. Since he apologised you had never seen him with any ink staining his fingers. 
It was something you wanted when you were breaking up because those stains reminded you that you were cast aside and disregarded in favour of his publisher and a pad of paper. It was no longer the case. His clean hand curled around the remote, flicking through channels for what you wanted to watch, and you no longer felt disregarded. You hoped he felt the same way; hoped that he was as happy as you were. 
“They are on today?” He asked, walking over to sit on the couch. 
“Yeah.” You went to sit on the couch beside him, as he sprawled out, leaning against the armrest. Some moments still felt new, as if your relationship was only beginning, and you supposed in some way it was. It was a new start, a chance to fix previous mistakes, give each other a chance to be better. In some respects, after being away from him for so long, you felt a little shy. That was why you sat a space away from him now. 
“Do we have a sport’s channel?” He asked, still flicking through the channels before he handed you the remote in frustration. 
“We should have. I was in our deal.” You told him, looking through the channel guide to find the sports channel. When you finally found it the competition was starting, and the first skater was about to go on the ice. Their dress was beautiful, embroidered with gems and sequins on the delicate fabric, and their routine was breath-taking, along with the scrape of blades against the ice rink. 
Jongdae motioned for you to move closer, his hand outstretched in your direction, intertwining his slender fingers with yours. With his encouragement, you moved closer, comfortably pressing yourself into his side as his other hand reached for a blanket under the coffee table. He wrapped the fuzzy thing around the two of you, keeping you warm and cosy. 
“It’s so pretty.” Jongdae whispered when the skater landed a triple axel. The soft instrumental music in the background was broken by the profound sound of her metal skates hitting the ice. You flinched, and Jongdae smiled, wrapping an arm tighter around you. 
“And terrifying.” You whispered, making him chuckle. 
The two of you continued watching, your cheek pressed against his shoulder, and you wrapped your arms around him, enjoying his warmth, and the smell of his cologne. For a moment, you were completely at peace, right where you belong. In Jongdae’s arms. 
You were so comfortable in Jongdae’s arms, at one point your cheek fell from his shoulder to his chest, his heart beating steadily in your ear. As the warmth completely consumed you, the last thing you remembered was being wrapped up in Jongdae’s arms as the announcer called out a double salchow. You did not remember going back to bed, nor Jongdae carrying you to bed.
I asked you what love is
And you answered,
That love is many things,
And that I must find love for myself.
Because love to me,
May not be love to you.
During December it had been cold and dreary, having you both in low spirits as you counted the days down to Christmas. Over the holiday period, he wrote all notes and lists with glitter gel pens and stuck them around the kitchen. You thought it was endearing, he thought it was hilarious. For the first week of December, the strange process of waking up beside another person was awkward. Sometimes you woke up on opposites sides of the bed, as far away as the bed would allow. Other times, you woke up in a tangle of limbs with your bodies twisted unnaturally, necks and backs aching for the rest of the day. It was pleasant A change you both welcomed because it meant moving forward, and the pace was irrelevant to the goal you sought out in the end.
Today was one of those days you woke up twisted, sweaty from the thick duvet and body heat. Last night you had fallen asleep on the couch, and now you were waking up in your bed, face pressed into the crook of Jongdae’s neck. 
“Mornin’” You muttered. Your eyes, still blurry from sleep, made out the deep brown of Jongdae’s eyes looking down at you, a small content smile curling his lips. 
“Good morning.” He answered, pressing a kiss to your temple. 
Jongdae woke up, the soft rays of cool winter sunlight streamed through the window, kissing your face as he watched. Soon, you stirred awake, eyes half-closed as you murmured a greeting. He kissed your forehead, pressing himself closer. 
“I love you.” He murmured into your skin, the confession hung in the air unanswered and heavy as he watched you tentatively, seeing sunlight reflect in your eyes and the morning flush bloom on your cheeks. The split-seconds it took you to answer seemed like an eternity for him, a sweet eternity he was willing to wait every time. 
When you answered, there was no hesitance in your voice, and Jongdae thought he was willing to wait an eternity if it meant that at the end he could hear you say it again.
“I love you too.”
The words rattled his bones, like the shaking of reverberating thunder. He had always thought you were a storm. You had always proven him correct. He wanted to stay like this forever, in this moment, and his fingers ached to feel you against them. He stroked your hair, pulling it out from your eyes, giving him a clearer view of your face. His fingers ached for pen and paper too, and it was almost painful not reaching over for it, lying just on the bedside table. He refrained. 
You began moving, getting ready to stand up, and he followed you, sitting up, letting the duvet fall.
“What do you want for breakfast?” You asked, getting out of bed.
“Cereal.” Jongdae mumbled, rubbing his eyes as he got up. You walked out into the kitchen, leaving him to make the bed. His eyes kept falling on the notebook and paper lying on the bedside table, his desire too strong to ignore, and before he knew it he was sitting on the freshly made sheets, writing away, the pen gliding effortlessly guided by his hand. The words formed on their own, and he didn’t see you walk in, ready to call him over, before you stopped in the doorway, watching with fond eyes as he bent his back over the low surface. Maybe if he had seen you there would be less guilt eating at him later. Maybe if he saw you, you would be able to reassure him. He was not meant to fit into your mould. You were meant to learn to fit together, each a separate piece of a puzzle that together would form a picture. Jongdae had learned from his mistakes, but he had yet to find the balance necessary for both of you.
Once he emerged from the bedroom, he avoided your gaze, and you could not help but feel the need to talk. And so, you did. You too had learned from your mistakes and knew that you had to make your desires clear, more forceful.
“Jongdae,” You called , and he turned his head away from his cereal to look at you.
“Yes?” He gave you a small smile, his brown eyes gazing at you softly as he played with the softened cereal in his bowl.
“You don’t have to hide away and wait until I’m gone.” You told him, referring to the incident that had transpired moments before. 
The spoon he was playing with fell from his fingers. You could see the dark ink on his fingers, small smudges decorating his hands like constellations. A smile formed on your lips, tight-lipped and rueful, but still, it was a smile, and you were both learning a balance and compromise all over again. 
“Just remember you have a life too, outside of pen and paper.” You watched his stare at you with wide eyes, part astonishment and part fear swirling in the kaleidoscope of browns. He leaned back in his chair; the soft smile he wore now replaced with concern. 
“I never asked you to stop writing. I asked you to talk to me.” You reminded him, voice firm but soft, as you gazed at his hands as he fidgeted with his fingers, rubbing against the ink-stained skin. 
“I feel like that was all I used to do.” He confessed, looking down at his hands. You walked up to him and leaned against the table.
“You are a poet. That’s not going to change. I don’t want it to change.” You took hold of his hands, stopping him from rubbing away at his skin. You could tell he was nervous; you did the same thing when you were. You manoeuvred yourself to sit in his lap and he let you, hands grasping firmly to your sides, thumbs massaging soothing circles on your waist. 
“Keep the ink stains.”
His heart leapt in his chest, the strange feeling of guilt, as if he had done something wrong, began to vanish, and with every caress, it lessened as if washed away by water. You pressed a kiss into his hair, murmuring the same thing as before. He reciprocated your affection in kind, kissing you with a newfound enthusiasm as happy tears burned the back of your eyes. 
“Keep the ink stains.”
So, I decided to find it for myself,
What made my heart race,
- beating against my ribs like the bars of a cage. 
What made my breath shake,
- hitch in my throat and never reach its home in my lungs.
What made my mind reel,
- play the film of you frame by frame like old cinema.
Later that day, as evening settled upon the bustling city, Jongdae busied himself pulling out the contents of your storage space. Behind the hoover and various bits and bobs, you had put away all your Christmas decorations, and now it was the time of year again from Jongdae to make a mess in the corridor by taking them out. He succeeded eventually, and you helped him put everything back in its spot. You two had gone out earlier to get a Christmas tree, a small living one that fir in the corner of the living room. 
Jongdae put on the multicoloured fairy lights, as you began putting on various baubles. Some were plastic, others were made of glass, and reflected the light like little mirrors. 
Once you were finished, you lit up scented candles and curled up with a mug of hot chocolate on the sofa. Jongdae sat on the opposite end, typing away at his keyboard as he sent out work emails and drafts. 
He just finished working on a short story for a Christmas special anthology by his publishing company, along with multiple other writers. Despite the workload, he still baked cookies and helped out around the house and went out on multiple errands like the grocery shop and the post office.
In the background, soft instrumentals played through your speaker. After about an hour, the peaceful atmosphere was broken by the sound Jongdae’s laptop falling to the floor. You rose from the couch and picked it up, making sure nothing had happened to it. Taking a glance at Jongdae, you noticed his closed eyes and even breathing. He had fallen asleep with his laptop on his lap, and it had fallen once he started moving in his sleep.
You put the laptop on the coffee table and pulled out the fluffy blanket from underneath, draping in over Jongdae as he slept. You tried positioning him so that he would lay down fully on the sofa. 
“Goodnight.” You murmured, pressing a kiss to his forehead before extinguishing the lit candle and walking back to your bedroom to get ready for sleep.
Once you emerged from the bathroom, you were greeted by the sight of Jongdae smiling sleepily at you as he finished putting on his pyjamas. 
“Goodnight Y/N.” was the last thing he said before climbing into bed. You did the same, curling onto your side, allowing Jongdae to drape his arm over your middle and thread his fingers through yours.
I found what made my heart ache, 
- the look in your eyes when you spoke about the things you love.
What made my breath hitch
- the way your fingers ghosted over my own before your hand found its way into mine. 
What made my mind come to a standstill.
- when the film ended and you walked away, and the flowers on the windowsill withered away. 
A week passed, and Christmas was coming fast upon the two of you. No real plans have been made, and Jongdae’s parents were insisting you both to visit over the holidays. Your parents said nothing, and since they had never explicitly invited Jongdae to visit with you for Christmas, still being stand-offish towards him. You understood them, and he didn’t push to visit them with you. 
Hence why you were now sitting by the table, eating your breakfast and looking over your calendar.
“Are we going to go separately?” Jongdae asked. It was time to decide what you were going to do, as time was ticking, and your parents, both yours and Jongdae’s, had been pestering you for answers.
“I haven’t thought about that.” You spoke, munching on your second bowl of cereal. 
“My parents have been asking if I’m taking you.” He told you, pouring himself milk in his first bowl of cereal. He had just rolled out of bed, hair a mess and coffee in hand. You watched him, the winter sun, bathing him in light, making him look ethereal. His features appeared sharper; a morning blush flushed his cheeks. He smiled softly at you as you watched him. He enjoyed having your eyes on him and the feel of your eyes scanning over him, invisible fingers caressing paths over his features. 
“My parents didn’t ask.” He heard you whisper, and his heart tightened listening to your hushed voice. He smiled at you, trying to lighten your spirits.
“They still don’t like me?” He asked, already knowing the answer. 
“Watching me live at home for half a year wasn’t pleasant.”
“Maybe we can split it up? One day with your parents. Then one day with mine.” Jongdae reasoned, sipping on his coffee. You nodded, watching him, eyes scanning over his face, falling on his Adam’s apple. 
“I’m all yours. No need to stare.” He smiled at you, and you smirked, leaning over the table to peck his lips. 
“Have you gotten presents for your mother yet?” You asked him, returning to your breakfast. 
“No.” He answered, reaching over to fill his bowl with another helping of cereal. You passed him the milk standing on your side of the table.
“Me neither.” You told him. “What were you going to get her?” You asked, wondering whether you should bring a gift of your own if you were going to split your time between both sets of parents. 
“Perfume, chocolates. That is what she likes.” He answered between spoonfuls of cereal. 
“What perfume are you going to get her?” You asked, wondering about your humble gift to your mum.
“She likes Chanel, and I know she is about to finish one of her bottles.” He just shrugged; eyes turned to look at you. Your shoulders were hunched as you rested your head in your hands.
“My mum wanted a new electric mixer. One of the fancy ones, since her one is living out it's last days.” You told him, and he nodded, promising to take you to a store that sells kitchen utensils.
Later that day, he walked around with you, sipping on bubble tea as you browsed through the shopping centre, electric whisk in a bag hanging off your arm as you looked for a perfume shop that carried the fragrance Jongdae wanted.
At one point, he left you alone, telling you to go get cake, as he disappeared in the mass of people doing last minute Christmas shopping.
You were left in a Starbucks, finishing your bubble tea and a slice of cake you ordered. 
 Jongdae walked away, leaving you in Starbucks as he rushed through the crowd of people towards the jeweller. Once he got into the quiet store, he was greeted by the worker, who happily showed him what he was looking for, before packing it in a pretty box. 
Jongdae thanked her, before tucking the box away into his bag, hiding it so that you would not find it.
With a smile on his lips that caused them to turn up at the corners, and turn his eyes into slits, he walked back to where you were waiting, finishing your cake and tea.
You waved at him, ushering him to your table, allowing him to sit down before asking your questions.
“Where did you go?”
“I needed to check if I was getting the right perfume. I didn’t want to get the same one dad was getting her.” He told you, hoping he didn’t look as nervous as he felt. His heart skipped a beat when you nodded your head and picked up your bags. You didn’t question him any further, and he was thankful for that.
“Come, we still need to get her present.”
It was all you. 
How could you say that what is love to you,
May not be love to me,
When my love
Is you.
Christmas eve rolled around, and the next day you were going to spend Christmas day with Jongdae’s parents. Tonight, you were with your parents. Jongdae was slowly making amends with your mother, as your parents accepted that he was back in your life, and you hoped that this time it was for good. 
“Jongdae, would you like some hot cocoa?” You asked, peeking out from the kitchen, watching him set the table as your dad did the last-minute hoovering. 
“Yes please.” He called back, setting another crystal glass in front of one of the four chairs.
You helped your mum, taking the dishes to the table, giving her time to change into more appropriate clothes, before your parents and Jongdae and you sat down.  
The dinner went by smoothly, the conversation flew by, about your illustrations featured in a magazine and about the nomination of your artwork for some type of award; at one point your mother even commended Jongdae for a literary nomination in the poetry section of a country-wide award. You did not expect her to as civil knowing that she could hold grudges, but then again so could you. 
“The spiced cake is lovely.” Jongdae turned to your mother, finishing his last sip of hot chocolate. Your mum smiled at him, turning to look at you, and Jongdae’s arm that draped over the back of your chair, thumb running circles over your shoulder. 
“Y/N is a good baker.” She replied and you hid the blush. Baking was something you could always do, and you had been pretty proud of that. 
“She is.” Jongdae commended, giving you a small smile, eyes twinkling in the bright light, the multicoloured fairy lights of the Christmas tree reflected in his dark irises. Without thinking, you smiled back, oblivious to the fond look your father had been giving you all evening. 
“You are going to your parents’ tomorrow morning?” Your father spoke, and you turned your attention to him, smiling brightly.
“Yes.” Jongdae answered, his arm falling from the back of your chair as he rested it in his lap. 
“Wish them a Merry Christmas from us.” Your dad instructed, and you could see the playful glint in his eyes, making you smile. 
“I will. Thank you.” Jongdae replied, a small polite smile plastered on his lips. 
“Thank you for the flowers. They are lovely.” Your mum turned to him before her gaze fell on the vase standing on the top of the chest of drawers under the tv. It was a bouquet of mixed edelweiss, bluebells and honeysuckle. Silent; Jongdae had told your mother he loved you, and it had brought a smile to your lips every time you thought about it.
“And thank you for the wine.” Your dad added, gesturing to the bottle of red dessert wine standing on the dining table. 
“Why don’t we open it tonight, seeing as you are leaving tomorrow?” he asked, and Jongdae turned to you, silently asking if it was okay.
“Sure.” You nodded, going to get a corkscrew from the kitchen.
 The rest of the evening went by smoothly, with you ending up in Jongdae’s embrace at the end of the night, warm under your blankets in your old room.
And yet, you were right.
Love to me was unspoken
Love to me was a subtle breeze.
Love to you was something obvious.
  Morning came, and neither of you wanted to move. Still, he was the first to get up and shower, and you left to help your mum set up breakfast. Once you finished, you went to shower yourself, leaving Jongdae to talk to your dad over the morning news. 
An hour later it was time to leave, and after a heartfelt goodbye and your parents fretting over if you took everything, you were off on the road, travelling to the next town over where Jongdae’s parents lived. 
“Do you think they will be happy to see me?” You asked, looking over at Jongdae as he focused on the road. You were greeted with a white Christmas this year, and so he was being extra careful whilst driving. Snow was everywhere, and you were thankful the roads were cleared out before you got in the car late in the morning. 
“They call you daughter in law. Why wouldn’t they be happy to see you.” He answered, a smile tugging at his lips, and you gave him a small smile back, on instinct, despite the fact he never saw it. 
The rest of the three-hour journey was peaceful. Jongdae sang along to the Christmas song on the radio, encouraging you to sing along with him as he gave you cheeky smiles and stole little glances your way, doing his best to focus on the road. 
It was a miracle you were not stuck in traffic between towns, so you arrived at his parents’ house around one thirty. 
“We’re here.” Jongdae announced, pulling into the driveway of his childhood home. His mother was the first to get out of the house to greet him, his father following close behind. You stepped out of the car the same time Jongdae did. Almost immediately he was engulfed by his mother’s arms, caught in a hug so tight you could imagine him turning red.
“There you two are!” His mother exclaimed as she let your boyfriend go, giving you a warm smile in greeting. Despite your relationship with Jongdae being repaired, you doubted you would feel comfortable with his mother embracing you, and so you were thankful for her keeping distance. You came to stand by Jongdae, his hand finding yours in split seconds as he threaded your fingers together.
“Don’t they look lovely together?” His mother asked, eyes falling to your joined hands. You blushed lightly, letting Jongdae lead you into his parents’ house.
“Come in, how about some lunch?” His mother asked, leading the two of you to the already set dining table. Jongdae’s dad was already bringing out the tureen for soups. His mum went and got side dishes from the kitchen, motioning for you to sit down.
“I don’t want to bother.” You responded, trying to politely decline, despite the fact you already knew it was useless. 
“Nonsense.” She waved a dismissing hand and went to place the dishes on the table. 
“Sit down.” Jongdae’s dad gave you a reassuring smile as Jongdae motioned for you to sit beside him, his arm draped over the chair you were meant to sit in. You had poured yourself a bowl of hot chicken noodle soup, and so did Jongdae. The soup was delicious, so much so that Jongdae ended up having seconds. Once the food was done, you helped Jongdae unpack your things from the car, and then went to help his mother cooking. The house was spotless, and the only other thing to be done was Christmas dinner.  
You cut up carrots and parsnips as Jongdae peeled and cut potatoes. His mother busied herself with baking a pie.
“I’m glad you two are back together.” She commented over her shoulder as she rolled out pastry. You stopped what you were doing, choosing to let go of the knife in your hand. Jongdae gave you a worried look. He had not told his parents about why you two broke up, figuring that Christmas was not the best time to tell them everything. He had not seen them in a while, seeing as they were away from the country for the last six months because of work. You had agreed to keep your metaphorical dirty laundry private for now.
 “I don’t understand why you two broke up in the first place.” Jongdae pursed his lips, giving you a small smile as he looked at his mum.
 “We thought we needed some time alone to think things through.” You answered for him. Technically it was not a lie, you had done a lot of thinking during the time you spent apart, and you believed, as did Jongdae, that it had done the two a lot of good. it had given you a much-needed break, and it also released a lot of tension between you.
 “I’m glad it all turned out alright in the end.” His mother smiled at Jongdae, and then at you, and you returned the smile, a little less enthusiastically.
 “Mum lets leave this topic for a day other than Christmas.” Jongdae butted in before his mother said anything else. The kitchen fell silent as he resumed peeling potatoes, and you managed to give his free hand a gentle squeeze. 
Night came quickly after that, and soon you were sitting at the dinner table, dressed in one of your better dresses. The dinner had been peaceful, you walked away stuffed and smiling, eyes falling onto Jongdae every once in a while, admiring the golden tone of his skin under the candlelight.
You walked to the lounge; the large living Christmas tree stood in the corner. It was decorated with opulent ornaments and the fairy lights glowed a brilliant red and gold in the dim lights.
“It’s time for presents.” Jongdae’s mother exclaimed once everyone sat comfortably in the lounge. An old copy of The Nutcracker lay on his father's lap, open to the first page.
His mother pulled out some gifts from under the tree, giving the first one to her son.
“Here you go, darling.” She passed over the colourful package. 
“And you too, you are family too.” She said, giving you a serious look as she handed you a small box wrapped in red.  
“Thank you.” You told her, looking over at Jongdae as he went behind his father's armchair, pulling out two boxes and a bottle of wine.
"Here you go." He handed his gift to his mother and passed over the bottle to his father.
"What's the third one?" His father asked, setting the bottle aside.
"Y/N thought you would like this, to put up on the picture wall." He handed the box to his father, and he pried it open, revealing a frame with the magazine article featuring Jongdae and his anthology. It was back from a month or so ago, after he received a nomination for the national poetry award.
"Oh, it's lovely." His mother said, picking the frame up.
"She thought it would be nice for you to have a memento of my first success." Jongdae explained, squeezing you hand as you pressed yourself closer to his side. His mother looked at you, tears brimming in her eyes as she smiled, murmuring a silent thank you. She proceeded to put the frame up on the chest of drawers below the wall covered in family photographs.
Once you were alone in Jongdae's room, you relaxed a little, unaware until now of how much stress this evening caused you.
Seeing your slumped figure, Jongdae smiled, moving closer, until he was right behind you. He could feel the warmth of your skin and smell your favourite perfume. His heart beat faster, straining against its lining in an attempt to escape the confines of his ribs. He hoped you didn't hear the erratic beating, nor the deep breath he took before speaking. Jongdae summoned all his courage, bracing himself against the storm that you were.
“I have another present.” He whispered, arms wrapping around your middle from behind. You threaded your fingers through his, running your thumbs in circles over the backs of his hands, enjoying the comfort of the moment. Jongdae was warm and solid behind you, his presence allowed you to relax as your shoulders fell. 
“Another one?” You asked, and he hummed in confirmation, the vibrations tickling your ear.
“You’ll like it.” He promised, and you could feel the hind of a smile in his voice. He let you go, and you turned around to face him. Jongdae pulled out a small velvet box out of the pocket of his suit trousers.
“Jongdae-” Your breath hitched, but he stopped you before you could say anything more.
“Be mine.”
“I’m not asking you to marry me. Not if you don’t want to.” He told you, close enough you could feel his warmth, could imagine the erratic beating of his heart. Or was it simply the echo of your own heart?
“I’m asking you to stay with me.” Jongdae looked you in the eye, his dark orbs smouldering with intensity like ardent flames. 
“During the last year I have learnt many things, I learnt that I need to be more attentive, and find a healthier way to come with negative emotions.” He told you, voice gentle as he spoke, your eyes never leaving his.
“I’ve also learnt that I can live without you.” Neither of you flinched or reacted when he said that you both smiled, ruefully, but it was still a smile. 
“But I also found that I don’t want to. I want to stay by your side indefinitely. I can live without you, and you can live without me, but I don't want to. I want you. I love you.” He told you, opening the little box he was still holding, revealing the thin band of gold among the dark cushion. A single brilliant pearl sat in the middle of the band, like a moon against the night sky.
You thought back to his anthology, mind catching onto the significance of the ring he was holding. 
“I cannot water you anymore,
And pearls, like dew 
I cannot give you.”
You remembered the passage from his poem, and tears swelled at the back of your eyes, threatening to spill over.
He had finally given you the pearl he always wanted, finally fulfilling his self-made promise. 
“Our love is an inkwell, and I promise to never let it dry again.” He promised, and before you could continue, you pressed your lips to his.
The kiss was sloppy, nothing like the ones on screen, your teeth clashed, and your neck hurt, but you didn’t care. All you could focus on was the man in your arms; the man who had decided he loved you more than ink-stained fingers, who had kept his promises. It was the man whose ink-stained fingers you learned to love, the same one who brought you flowers and compared you to spring and flowers and the sun, and made you feel like you were all of those and more. You loved him, and you didn’t want to live without him either.
“I love you too, Kim Jongdae.” You broke the kiss, whispering those words against his lips like a prayer.
“I love all of you.” You told him, eyes looking into his own as you let his fingers, stained a deep blue, slide the ring onto your ring finger as your hands wrapped around his neck, keeping his body close to yours. 
Is this obvious enough?
Loud enough?
Eternal enough?
I hope it is,
because you are. 
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mrneighbourlove · 5 years
Into the Darkness and Unknown: Ch 8. Connection to Humanity
Malik had a stack of notes and letters ready to give to his family at the castle and to his wife. Although he couldn't send them, he dearly missed his wife and children. Asakonigei would be worried sick for sure. If they didn't have children, Malik would be worried she'd leave him. "Dear Asa. Today marks a month since the incident with the necromancer. Starting to grow a small beard, and I feel as so much more animalistic here. There is a sense of community amongst these monsters, a special sense of power being amongst the biggest predators. Although I've enjoyed it for a time, I miss the company of Zarazu, my forces in the castle, and especially you. I love you, my coal covered diamond. I hope to see your smile soon."
Finishing his latest letter, he placed it in the mail bag he had with the rest.
Leere arrived at the hut, gathering her supplies. One look at her and Malik could tell she was exhausted in both body and voice. "We're leaving."
"What? Just like that? What about our mutual friend of Hyrule?
"Yes. Bonegrinder may be unconscious for another month, maybe a year. And I know you have family to attend to. Let's not dawdle. This might take us a couple hours."
Malik watched in silence for a few moments at Leere quickly buzzing around like a bee, until he too slowly started to gather his things.
It was almost three hours later when Mother arrived. She looked... frazzled. And annoyed. "Forgive my lateness, I was currently trying to handle---" She nearly jumped out of her exoskeleton as Bonegrinder suddenly just flopped off her back onto the ground with a loud giggle. "... the situation."
"Hehehe, piggy back... piggy back rides!"
"Leere... what did you do?" Mother looked at the princess with knowing eyes. "Did you give him some of your magic?"
"Butts. Exo-butt. Exoskeleton ass." The Anagari was poking Mother's backside with his tail. "Hard ass. Get it? HARD ASS!!!" He snickered at his own joke. "Cause of the exoskeleton."
"Modoc, would you please quit that?"
"Aw. But it's a good joke!"
"Yes. I did. He's never been like this before when I've done it though." Leere, with her tiny body, tried to nudge a giant off a titan. "Hey buddy, why don't we stop climbing on the charming chimera lady eh?"
"But... HIC, he likes piggyback rides." Bonegrinder was still partly slumped on Mother. He tried to get his bearing and slithered forward, and wobbled back and forth before slumping on the ground, on his belly. "Dirt. This is dirt. Hrm... right, right, good dirt. Good dirt for mud wrestling."
"That's because I was giving him light energy and you gave him dark energy and there obviously was not a correct balance on either side." Mother ran her hand down her face. "And now he's... well... the best way to explain it is, he's drunk. Off a magic high."
"Why are you so tall?" Bonegrinder looked up at Leere. "You're supposed to be tiny."
"Modoc, can you slither?"
"But he likes it down here."
"Can. You. Slither?"
"The dirt is moving, it's hard to slither." The Anagari pouted.
"Kaksa give me patience..."
"Cause I'm a little human?" Leere, after so much stress at seeing him hurt and possessed, couldn't stop herself from snorting in amusement at his behaviour now.
Malik, however, shook his head. "Mother. Are there any others that wish to say goodbye?"
"I had the others write in this little book for you." Mother handed Leere two small notebooks, one for Malik and one for the princess herself. "It's their accounts of you. Their impressions. Goodbyes here are meant for never to be seen again. You will return one day."
"Nooo, you're... you... wait, you are hooman. Whadaya doing here?" Bonegrinder hiccupped once more. "Omisha is for Echidnans not hoomans!"
"You're going to take her home, Bonegrinder, you and Malik here."
"Who?" Bonegrinder then looked at the Gerudo. "Oooh..."
Malik rubbed his temple, moving to pick Bonegrinder off the dirt floor. "Thank you for your hospitality Mother. I look forward to our continued business together as allied nations. I'll make sure your 'boy' gets home."
Leere too, took Mother's hand, giving her a princessly kiss. "Thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn. Until we meet again."
"Until we meet again." Mother then started to open the portal... while Bonegrinder decided it was the perfect time to hit on the Gerudo 'lady' holding his man tit, when really it was just a supportive gesture to keep him off the ground.
"Hmm, you're a fine piece of treasure you know that?" Bonegrinder grinned widely with as his tail slapped Malik's backside. "Come here and let him kiss you for good blessings from Sand and Stone sisters, yes? Kissing a Gerudo lady is good luck." He then grabbed the sides of the lord's face and smooched him for all he was worth.
Malik's face bloomed in a flush of light pink with furious fire burning inside his soul. His armour kept him protected on the breast and most of his ass, but there was nothing that could be done about the kisses. This was another reason to always wear a helmet. His gauntlets stabbed into Bonegrinder's skin as he put all his upper strength into lifting him, and all his lower strength into getting him through the portal back to Hyrule's underground. Leere couldn't help but break out into laughter as she gathered all the bags of material. Malik was absolutely livid by this point. "Quit your chortles and hurry through the portal!"
Leere quit her laughing long enough to look back at Omisha. The hot air and jungle atmosphere blew a silent wind. Did her coming her ruin something in the land? She shook her head to silence such a thought before it could grow into something more. Hurrying through the portal, the three of them returned to Hyrule. It was time she went back home.
There journey from a colourful, yet dangerous land, a very drunk Bonegrinder, an irate Malik, and a tired Leere found themselves in the dark underground of Hyrule's caverns under castle town.
"Where you going, baby doll?" Bonegrinder flicked his tail back and forth playfully as Malik spewed every curse known to man in ancient tongue, and spitted. The Anagari was still not acquainted to his equilibrium just yet. He wobbled, snickering the entire time. "He wants to tap that fine ass, come back here! We got to 'pray' to the sand and stone sisters, heeheehee..." He looked at Leere and asked. "Doesn't she have a nice ass? You have nice tits, and she has a nice ass. Bonegrinder has... he has... well, he has a big dick. Does that count as attractive?"
"Yeah. I've seen it up close big guy. Its certainly something. That's also a Gerudo male, not a woman Bonegrinder." Leere felt the least she could do was put Malik out of his misery.
"Oh..." Bonegrinder's train of thought was still processing the information. "Well... good thing he is bi or this would be a very teachable moment. Never judge the sex by the jiggle of ass cheeks. It's misleading."
"I don't think he is Bonegrinder. Perhaps you should lie down."
Before Leere could say anything else, with the speed of a minitour, Hades charged out of the darkness, his breath burning with cinders at the smell of Bonegrinder.
"My friend! You're back!"
"KITTY!!!" Bonegrinder suddenly latched onto the Lynel and petted his mane. Then he held his face and asked, "Has he ever... ever told you HIC how fluffy you are? Just so fluffy, and soft, and so cute..."
Hades stood perfectly still, allowing the master of the Hive to pet him, simply glad that Bonegrinder was unharmed. Taking in his behaviour, he growled deeply towards Leere. "What in the hell did you cause now?"
"He's just a little drunk off some magic. Now that he's safe and sound, I'm sure you and the rest of the Hive can entertain him."
The Lynel grumbled, fire snorting out his nostrils. "Get out of here. You're lucky that entertaining Bonegrinder is what the other members of the Hive have been longing to do just a week into his trip."
"Fluffy... fluffy baby!" Bonegrinder draped his long body across Hades' back, still messing with the Lynel's mane. "He thinks... he thinks you would look like... look like so ravishing with... with big braids. Big, long, braids..."
"Oh good goddesses, what happened now?" Red appeared from the shadows and levitated, looking at the master of the Hive. "... he's drunk. Must have been some party."
"Sex machine!"
"Well, at least he recalls who I am."
"And fluffy kitty."
"And who Hades is."
"Fluffy kitty, purr for Bonegrinder."
"Okay, let's get him back into his dwelling before 'fluffy kitty' has an aneurysm." Red waved goodbye to Malik and Leere. "We'll take care of him."
Leere was courteous enough to wave back while Malik aggressively applied a handkerchief to clean off the scent of Bonegrinder’s kisses. “Tell Blue and White I said hi. Oh. They should probably send a letter to their father and sister sometime.”
Walking together out of the Hive, Leere and Malik both released a heavy shared sigh. There were so much bizarre circumstances seen and felt within the last month. A personal take away was a deeper understanding of each other. Leere looked up to the Gerudo giant, smiling coly. “You know, he ain’t that bad a lover.”
“Please no.”
“What, you never thought of using that junk inside your trunk to fit tighter holes?”
“If you don’t quit it, I’m going to shove a rag into that mouth of yours.”
“That mean tight holes are still on the table.”
“You’re so immature.”
“You’re a tad uptight.”
“And you’re unbelievable.”
Both of them snickered, their chortle soon shared into a warm, soft laugh.
The princess jotted down in her mind what would need to be done as an ambassador to Omisha, if Mother still wanted her that is. Leere knew she made an impression on the monstrous woman, both good and some bad probably.
“Malik. We just simply going to walk into the castle chambers?”
“I see why not.”
Leere thought it over. “Want to take a bet?”
“Zarazu is going to want to tackle you. Zelda or Rinku will squeeze me too tightly. Ralnor will cross his arms and squint his eyes wanting details on Omisha. Best he knows the capacity of our knowledge. I will make him furious when I say I was able to stay a night in Mother’s bed. Finally, your wife is going to kick your ass to the moon.”
Malik frowned in fear at that thought. That would be an inevitable conversation. “Oh lord you’re probably right.”
The man felt her pat the back of his armour, a cheeky smile on her face, yet a serene kindness from her energy. “Pretty sure she’ll break into tears for you though. People love you enough for that.”
“And you believe they won’t for you?” Malik looked downward, his gaze resting on her small frame. “You’re a very lonely woman Leere.” Before she could respond, Malik continued, “But you need not be. Your shadow stays close to people, watching over others. And like a shadow, you disappear in true darkness. You aren’t the type to reveal in it. Stop believing that darkness owns you. As a shadow, you can master it for good.”
Leere flushed slightly, unsure what to say in reply for a moment or two. “That’s... beautiful. No one has put me into words like that.”
“You don’t need to thank me.”
“Well... you can have it anyways. Thank you.”
“Heh. Don’t get sentimental on me. Come, I think we’re about to reach the castle’s secret entrance soon.”
Zarazu was in the middle of a meeting with a few of the council members. She loathed these meetings with a passion. Since Covarog was dealing with another diplomatic issue in Danjur, she was stuck here. Sometimes, she wished the old coots would go senile and forget about these monthly meetings. The queen was just about to bring forth another issue when Malik and Leere walked in... and her mouth dropped open.
Malik had placed his helmet over his head to keep up appearances as Lord of Hyrule. Finally able to breath the air of Hyrule once more, he waved to everyone in the room. “At ease.”
Leere smiled to her sister in law, tiredly placing the stacks of research on a desk close to her. “Greetings everyone. We didn’t interrupt anything too important?”
"... gone for a just over a month and hardly any word?!" Zarazu exclaimed as she rose from her seat so fast, her chair nearly toppled backwards. "What in hell took so long?! A 'hi, I'm not dead' would have been nice! That's for the both of you! Do you have any idea how worried we all were?!"
“Apologies my friend. There was an incident that left us stranded without transportation back to Hyrule, as well as a zero communication policy put into place.” From a bag, he handed her several letters. “It did not stop me from writing to you.”
"That's... that's... ridiculous!" Zarazu was angry, more so about the fact that there could have been something horribly wrong, and she had no way to help. "No location, no backup plan, no return date!!! We were worried sick! We had no way to find you! You know Asa is going to kick your ass. I'm tempted to give you a kick to the ass myself." The queen then glanced at Leere. "And you should know better. You had your brothers and sisters all worried that you were gone off on another journey never to return for another decade."
“Zarazu. I’m sure they can tell me that themselves. I wasn’t in danger of being alone. Malik and I looked out for one another.” Leere raised her hands in light defense. “We made a great deal of progress in learning about Omisha, as well as our relationship with the Echidnan people.”
"... as an order from your queen, the next time you two wish to suddenly disappear and go off on a month-long journey, you will leave a location, you will inform me or at least one of the family, and you will send updates." Zarazu was leaving no room for argument. "Am I clear? My king has enough stress upon him already, nor do I. This is not negotiable."
“Did Ralnor not tell you?” Malik knew damn well he didn’t, but he needed to let Zarazu know that information had been available to her. “My wife knew as well, but since we no longer live at the castle, I can understand about you being left in the dark.”
"Ralnor knew not where you were either. I asked him." Zarazu told Malik with a small huff. Of course, Ralnor would keep his place in this whole situation in the dark to his queen. Not that Zarazu knew. "And Asa knew you were going on a journey, but had no clue you would be so long!”
“I said Omisha to her.” Malik sighed, waving a hand to dismiss the other nobles to move on. “Zarazu, there are more important matters to discuss then my or the princess’ safety.”
"Fine... but if you do this again, I'm putting a locator spell on you both." Zarazu warned the pair but then turning to the old coots on the council. "I apologize, this is an emergency. I will return later."
"But... but we..."
"We will continue later." Zarazu then gestured to Leere and Malik to follow her to a more private area.
“I’d suggest that you summon your husband and other members of royalty.”
"Covarog is in Danjur, Tebanam is exploring ruins with Faris, Kanisa is in Uskar, Orana is on a trip with Corsaire, and Ralnor is actually on holiday, so you're stuck with me." Zarazu then sat in the office she shared with her husband, gesturing for Leere and Malik to sit.
“Very well.” Malik took his seat, and was brutally blunt with his next statement. The Queen needed to know the storm that brewed in the future for Hyrule. “We fought against a disciple of Teufel. The Demon tried to inflict a strike against the citizens of Omisha using the Mortuus that tried to assassinate you. It spoke to us through this disciple. Teufel is active, and he is dangerous.”
"... wow... okay... well..." Zarazu was not really sure what to say. "Omisha... the country of Echidnans. I really thought it was merely a myth. So it's all real... and Teufel is back." She took a breath, trying to rational her thoughts and what was possibly the best objective to do next. "One day, Teufel will be back. We don't know when, so we need to have our guard up. It could be now or later. Next, I think we need to establish a communication link with Omisha. We need to find out if there is a leader there and see if they are interested in perhaps combining forces or sharing knowledge of this Teufel being. Then next, I believe a diplomatic visit is in order, if the leader agrees... I might have to ask Ralnor to come back from holiday early. He knows a little of the Echidnans, and perhaps Teb will."
“We met their leader and established an alliance over the last month.” Leere added to the conversation. “Their leader is very protective of her land, so I don’t know if she’ll have just anyone over.” Leere presented notes and sketches of the island and different variants of Echidnans and their land. “They have many reasons to mistrust most humans.”
"Oh..." Zarazu carefully looked over the documents. There were pieces of history here that had been missing for thousands of years. There were answers to questions about... many issues. She was shocked. "Why..." The queen cleared her throat. "Why did you not inform me?"
Both of them held their tongues. Leere looked as though she was bound to a secret oath, which she was. Malik crossed his arms tightly, feeling the need to be defensive. “Zarazu, there are things in this world that are beyond your understanding to comprehend.”
"That I know, but this is not beyond my comprehension. This is simply just keeping..." Zarazu was trailed off and then became... quiet for once. More so than usual. It was not difficult for the queen to put two and two together. Malik, Leere... the pair of them were keeping something about this trip from her. "... tell me about Malus. I'm more concerned over demon-summoning necromancers than a country full of monsters."
The air lifted, that information being acceptable to share. “Malus, from what we gather, is a land both encased in evil, and possibly having innocents trapped within for hundreds of generations. As Lord, my professional opinion is to have a covert invasion of the country. Not even the Echidnans have ventured in the land. Notes taken were from fleeing Mortuus.”
"When?" Zarazu asked, keeping her eyes glued to the information on the country of Malus. From what the Echidnans provided, it did not sound too promising. "And is there any hint on to where the innocents might be? You cannot walk into a country like this blindly without a plan."
“In underground cities, and according to the last document, since the formation of your people’s monarchy.” Leere sounded somber. “It’s a very conflicting feeling. The first Mortuus I met in my adult life, and she turned out to be as evil as the Echidnans warned. Yet, if there are innocents, my heart goes out for them.”
Leere brought up a book she borrowed on Mortuus history. The first page she pointed out held an illustration of ten-foot-tall wolves. Next were sketches of demonic golems made of flesh. “According to old documented data, Malus is filled with bizarre monsters of all varieties.”
"Demonic possessions and flesh-stitched hosts for them to use for their time on this earth." Zarazu frowned, trying to think of any magic she knew to protect the kingdom against the evil in Malus. "You've certainly done enough research."
Malik tapped a pen on the desk, writing a recommendation. “Zarazu, you should know I will be taking charge as lead negotiator to Omisha.”
"You?" Zarazu shook her head, thinking he simply had forgotten. "Malik, a member of a royal family is supposed to take lead of negotiations for new alliances. Ralnor is the one who told us of Omisha's interest. He should be the one to take charge." She then reminded him. "What we have with Al-Daida is due to Tebanam, with Danjur thanks to Orana, with Uskar kudos to Kanisa, Labrynna was cemented long ago and Covarog handles that, so Ralnor should be in charge with Omisha. He's already submitted paperwork for the job."
“No. Ralnor is a liar and a manipulator. His role is here, in Hyrule. It is he who has kept you in the dark for so long about Omisha. It is he who held Leere and I to secrecy. A secret he’d have preferred hidden had we not discovered Echidnans so close to Hyrule....” Malik kept his voice calm, steady, yet forced his hand in the matter. “As Ganondorf’s blood relative, I too have claim to royal status. Leere has proven herself most effective in forming a bond with the heart of Omisha. It’s people. Ralnor might be Mother’s choice, for that is ultimately up to her, however, her and I have already agreed to being the most concrete link in negotiations.”
Zarazu was getting irritated word by word that came out of Malik.
"Okay, I don't know what is going on between you and Ralnor, but it stops. Like, right now." The queen had nothing negative from her husband's brother about the ex-commander. If anything, Ralnor had been nothing but courteous, singing Malik's praises for doing such a wonderful job. Yet, all Malik seemed to do was bash Ralnor's name. She was getting very tired of it. "I've heard you drag his name through the mud over and over, and not once has he said one word against you. I don't know what fight you two had, or if he was keeping a secret from you and it blew over, or if it's a dick size thing, but whatever the hell it is, right now, it stops." She then added, "In the dark about Omisha? Malik, if anything you were the one keeping me in the dark. Ralnor gave what all he had."
To prove her point, Zarazu fetched the files that Ralnor had dated... years ago... and placed them in Malik's hands. Unknown to the queen, she was playing the part exactly how the second prince wanted her to do so. Ralnor was a master manipulator, and no one could accuse him of such without the accuser looking like a fool in the eyes of others. He was that good. "I understand whatever conversation you had with this 'Mother' person is important, but as far as I'm concerned, Ralnor is the one who will handle affairs." Once again, the prince had been three steps ahead of Malik, portraying him to be the quote on quote 'bad guy'. "And if you and Leere wish to aid him in his endeavors, then you may do so. Though in the future, if you do wish to share what information you have, I'd be happy to hear it."
The queen of Hyrule then took a slow breath. She was already very incensed by the fact that there was information hidden from her. Ralnor told her that he suspected Malik was up to something, but she did not believe him. After all, Ralnor was always known for his paranoia. Yet, this time, he was right.
She then asked Leere, "You mentioned Malus has innocents trapped. Before you decide to go on this expedition, might I inquire as to how you are going to avoid detection if you wish to stay incognito?"
Malik was furious, yet he hid it well behind a cold, chilling anger. In an unexpected first against Zarazu, he completely pushed back, stopping the pale princess from answering. “Zarazu... your naïveté is exactly why I did not recommend you for a position in dealing with Omisha’s people. Ralnor will not be in the future of Hyrule’s head of negotiations with the leader of the Echidnans. You lack the fortitude for it, and him the heart. You can both take care in knowing I won’t step over your heads for long. It is your eldest daughter who will have a future with Omisha. Mother has declared it so.”
"And your temper is why you will not be handling any foreign negotiations as lead." Zarazu then told him in an icy tone. "If you're going to insult me and act like this, then there's the door. I don't care what this 'Mother' said right now, I am your friend but I am also your queen. If you cannot have the respect for me or my brother-in-law, then leave. I am so sick and tired of fighting, and I'm not going to do it anymore today."
“The choice, dear friend, is simply not up to you. It is destiny. I’m sure the leader of Omisha will find purpose for the three of us. But not you. You are my friend Zarazu... but given that the fates will bring death and war upon us soon with the very gods, I must look at the bigger picture.” Malik finished his recommendation. “I will train your daughter to be the best Gerudo Queen she can be. I also recommend you ally with the Kikai Empire and Danjur to liberate Malus. After recon of course. Now, if excuse me... I have a son, daughter and wife of my own to tend to.”
With no other word, Leere watched as Malik left the office. Spewing about destiny and so coldly calculating the future of Hyrule as if Malik himself was King did indeed worry her, but it wasn’t Leere’s place to judge him. That duty would be left to her brother and Zarazu. The princess took a few breaths, looking back to the Queen. “Any questions on your mind?”
"... many questions and so few answers, Leere." Zarazu ran her hands back there her hair, appearing to look so defeated. "I am tired, Leere. So tired of blame, of fighting, and arguing. I hate myself for wishing to escape back to Lorleidi. None of this," She motioned to her surroundings. "Existed there. No hate, no fighting, no... no having to look for the better in people. I simply knew it was there. But here, now?" The queen sighed. "I spent four hours arguing with those old coots in the council room about their apparent homophobia and how my kingdom would let love be love... and not one of them gave thought to any possibility of not being able to love who they love."
Leere gently took Zarazu’s hands, suddenly feeling an overwhelming sense of emotion. Despite her getting along better with Malik, they only had a professional relationship. She was also surrounded with monsters that either tolerated her, completely mistrusted her, made her feel uncomfortable, or simply needed more time to get along better with. Touching Zarazu’s hands, someone that, sure, she didn’t know the best about on a day to day basis, but still respected and come to care for, made her cry. Her experience in Omisha with retrospect now horrified her, throwing herself into the darkest of secrets, finding out she was a sacrifice for a being that’d bring tyranny and chaos, losing trust in a friend she held close... her tears swelled. “Oh god... I’m sorry. It feels like years since I talked with someone else who feels human.”
"Oh, spirits, Leere, don't cry!" Zarazu looked alarmed at the princess' sudden tears. What brought on the waterworks?! She pulled her into a tight hug. "I'm sorry if I made you upset! Please, don't cry, I was just rambling because Malik really knows how to push my buttons, don't cry for my sake!"
“No. Please. It’s just Omisha. It was... it was so much. I feel so old Zarazu. I learned and experienced... terrible knowledge.” Leere didn’t object to a deep hug, however. “Zarazu... you’re such a sweet soul. Please... if you want to learn anything I know, ask. I don’t care if Malik, Ralnor, or anyone else wants to keep a lid on things.”
"It's okay, it's okay... maybe questions later? I think right now, you just need a breather." Zarazu patted her back gently. "Heh, according to Malik, I'm a she-devil, Ba'puu is nothing but a pest, and Ralnor is Vul'kar's right hand. I'm only sweet to those I like. I guess you got lucky today, huh?" She said in good humor, trying to make Leere laugh. "... you want a sugar cookie? I hid a few cookie baggies in my desk."
“Zarazu... my birth parents set me up to be a sacrifice to Teufel.” The words escaped her lips, nearly broken getting out. The tears still kept coming. Leere sounded broken, like something in her soul was taken and violently snapped in two. “I found this out from a friend who only told me now after keeping this knowledge from me for years because he wasn’t right in his mind... Zarazu. I can’t leave Hyrule ever again... it’s that, or I kill myself.”
"... I... I don't know about all of this Teufel business, and I certainly have no clue about this friend of yours that likes to keep secrets, but..." Zarazu tried her best to choose the proper words of comfort. "I guess... sometimes secrets are kept to protect who we love. I've kept my share over the years. If this prevents you from leaving Hyrule, then... there's nothing wrong with just staying here a while until you're ready to fight. And when you are, I'll fight with you. Two old ladies... side by side."
Leere actually chuckled at that, drying her tears. “Friends name is Bonegrinder. Same person Malik and Ralnor know, though I’m sure they’ll deny it. Boys and their secrets, playing with power... Maybe, when he feels up to it, you can meet him one day. He came to Hyrule from Omisha actually, but due to privacy, he likes his isolation from most people.” A solid weight lifted off her chest. After meeting the people of Omisha, it seemed silly for Bonegrinder and the Hive to remain hidden. Out of continued respect, however, she wouldn’t fully disclose their location. “I’m sorry I cried. Malik failed to mention we fought demons as well, only three days in. I broke my leg in the fight, and saw things that I think my nightmares will enjoy.” One more thought to express on her mind. “Zarazu, what do you know of Gods of Balance, Creation and Destruction?”
"That's... well... uh..." Zarazu tried to formulate a response. She honestly did not know what to say. What could she say to make all of this better? "You're going to have to give me a bit to process all of that. More secrets, a reason to scold both Malik and Ralnor, you fought demons, got hurt, and a monster is leaving in Hyrule. I hope I didn't miss anything." The queen then offered the princess a few tissues. "Oh... let's see here. There used to be an old story that was told around the bonfires at might about a 'Mother Goddess and the Two Brothers'. There was even an old song with it, something about a prophecy. If I remember correctly, we received it centuries ago from a traveler." It suddenly clicked in Zarazu's mind. "... a traveler from Omisha."
“Indeed. Listen, if this trip has taught me anything, I worry more about humans than the actual monsters. Despite being cold and distant, perhaps not getting human connections or emotions, you don’t see Monsters ripping one another down for the sake of a power struggle.” Leere smiled, a fond memory making her feel better. “It wasn’t all distressing though. Met some children who I think I’ve helped break the bond of fear between humans and monsters.” She carefully showed the fine details of her sketch. “Met a wonderful chick named Solani. Must admit, I felt rather... motherly towards her.”
"All of this is a lot to take in for one afternoon... I think you and I will have to dedicate another afternoon to finish the rest of my questions." Zarazu gave a dry laugh. "Well, Leere, I mean, you'd be a great mom. You're wonderful with kids. All your nieces and nephews love you. If you don't want to get married, then why don't you adopt? Or you could always find a donor."
“Perhaps...” Leere settled her mind upon looking at the picture she drew of Solani. “I think the safest places I can be are here in Hyrule... or beside Mother. I would like to see Solani again, despite the risks of Teufel...” Closing her sketchbook, Leere left documentation on the Queens desk. “Be sure to get these copied after you’ve read them over. Didn’t fight the denizens of Hell so knowledge would go to waste. And tell you what. Soon as you finish up all the laws giving more freedom to gay rights, then I’ll settle down. Would you like tea with me over the weekend to continue our conversation further Zarazu?”
"Whatever you decide, it's important that you're happy." Zarazu agreed with a soft smile. "Tea sounds wonderful."
“Then I look forward to it.” Leere made her way out of the office, sighing to herself once out of earshot. She hoped she could sleep soundly tonight. Was staying in the unknown better, just as Bonegrinder forewarned? Only time would reveal that answer and more.
Previous Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/190931724986/into-the-darkness-and-unknown-ch-7-the-burden-of
Next Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/610955133909614592/into-the-darkness-and-unknown-ch-9-into-the
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chogiweol · 5 years
Exo's Reaction to their Idol S/O having a Stalker fan.
a/n: this was requested, i forgot how to do reactions bc it's been so long but i hope you can enjoy!
Junmyeon would be one of the more sensible ones, noticing right away your discomfort when a particularly familiar fan - one who looks more and more like you each time they show up- seems to always know where the two of you are. It takes him by surprise one late night when you randomly bring it up to him, telling him you're afraid to venture out alone. He takes you to file a police report, and got in touch with your body guards, offering to pay extra so they stay with you around the clock, getting a little snotty when they didn't comply. He asked you to move in with him temporarily to protect you himself.
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Minseok wouldn't have a single idea what to do, here is a situation he'd ask multiple opinions on. He would ask Junmyeon what to do, being told to file a report. Asking the youngers just got him nowhere: they were sure that confronting the stalker himself was a good idea. He'd follow after Junmyeon and go to the police, regretfully using his wealth and status to ensure that the one he loves will always be safe.
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When Yixing found out you had a stalkerish fan, he went nuts. He felt anger towards himself because he hadn't noticed sooner, not knowing that you've felt tormented. He would go to your shows and public appearences, trying to find a fan that matched the description you've given him. With no luck, he'd wait close by you until he saw the girl that's been following you around; stunned to see her taking so many pictures on a disposable camera. He took his own pictures, and brought them into the PD by your side, asking for a restraining order.
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Kyungsoo is torn on what to do, not knowing how to help you left him to feel miserable. He'd do his best to stay close to you during the outings, but when he was away he advised you to tell your bodyguards when you see them, or to take a picture of them, or stay close to a large group of people, and to keep all your doors and windows locked as best you can. He lost sleep when he spent time away from you, fearing your health and wellbeing was in danger because he couldn't do much about it.
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Kai would react the same as Kyungsoo, in pieces when the news brought up an article of a fan that seems to be in every photo taken of you. He looked through all the photos and saw the same ghostly figure in the background, always wearing dark colors with some sort of mask on, facing you wherever you were. He called you, an unfamiliar tone in his voice when he asked why you never told him. You explained to him that they've never done anything to harm you, as creepy as it was, and told him you won't do anything unless it gets more severe.
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Baekhyun is more of a madman when it comes to this. As soon as he finds out, he's ballsy and starts shouting. Sure, he gave away both of your covers but at least the stalker was shocked enough to run off, even if it was just for this one day. He ran into her, remembering her hair and the color of the trench coat she wore. He gave her a piece of his mind and threatened to have her arrested, to which she stomped off. Even if it was just for a few months, he was glad you could sleep. It was out of character for somebody as good natured as he is, but you were grateful for it.
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Chen, on the other hand, was a complete wild card. He first used Junmyeon's advice to file a police report but after weeks of no change and your nervousness growing, he got sick of it and put it on blast through social media. He was lucky that you two have a relationship that everybody seemed supportive of, so it wasn't long until he got answers of who this stalker was. With this new information, he found that the police were more than willing to help.
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Chanyeol was another one who decided to go through social media, finding comfort in the support you got from his fans. Some of his fans actually came up with an idea to protect you at all costs, and got wild gratification out of banning this stalker's account (made entirely from photos of you) then taking some things to extremes. Although Chanyeol had to release an apology and sternly tell his fans that it's not okay to get yourself arrested trying to protect your idols, he was secretly very proud.
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Sehun was worried when he found out you were being stalked. After having a long talk with you he decided to respect your wishes and let you handle it on your own. Quietly, he tipped off your management and requested more security, making sure he did everything he could do in the background. To your astonishment, management complied with your complaints and soon the situation was handled well, to which Sehun secretly credits himself.
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