#i love the idea of the todoroki kids doing something to piss endeavor off and his eye just starts twitching
togaschako · 5 months
Tomura and Natsuo definitely got caught making out on the couch by Endeavor and Fuyumi. Fuyumi tried to let Endeavor and Natsuo sit down and talk about it while she drove Tomura home. When she got back, they were still staring at each other.
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h2bakugou · 4 years
When i saw the "request: open" i almost got a heart attack for the excitement!! And I JUST LOOOVE THE OS OF BAKUGOU AND THE DUMB READER IT WAS SOOO FLUFFY! and ADORABLE! Can i request a hc of that but with Shinsou, midoriya and todoroki (if are many character choose your favorite one your are the writer;) )
a/n: lol, i have so many requests while writing this dskjfhdj but we’re getting there lmao. i love this idea sm
headcanon: them with a s/o who isn’t the brightest
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff, like one 16+ joke about pubic hair
»»————- ★ ————-««
hitoshi shinsou
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Shinsou is probably really blown away by how you act. It’s crazy to see you in class, let alone practicing or training.
You may not know what an improper fraction is but damn do you know how beat a bitch up.
So you aren’t the brightest, it’s nothing to be ashamed about. Honestly talking ot you is a relief.
It’s not constantly words, words, hard equations, hero this hero that. Shinsou is happy to listen to you talk about the latest trends or your new favorite song even if he doesn’t really care about what the trendy kids are doing these days.
This boy loves cats I think that’s a given. So when you start buying him all this cat themed stuff, he’s smitten.
You’ll walk in wearing a cute little cat ear headband, and you’ll wear it if you do your makeup to push your hair back.
Cat sweaters, matching ones of course.
Owning a cat family. Shinsou may not be worried about a real family with kids right now, but coming back from class and spending time with you and your two cats that you’ve snuck into the dorms with help from Aizawa is enough for him.
He enjoys hearing you talk. It’s so entertaining.
“So do you want to go to this new store with me?” You’re rolling on the heels of your feet and smiling at your indigo-haired boyfriend.
“Not a chance but bring me something back.”
“Awe come on~ live a little!” Your tone is always so happy and almost flirty. Elongating your words to make them have more emphasis.
Shinsou might correct you a few times, but he isn’t doing it to be mean.
»»————- ★ ————-««
izuku midoriya
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This boy rambles and so do you.
Honestly he finds you so cute. Like there isn’t really anything you do that this boy doesn’t love.
If you aren’t super smart in class, he’s helping you out, giving you every piece of information you might need.
If you’re trying to study heroes, you better believe it’s with this green-haired babey.
If it’s the battlefield you need a little more guidance in, he’s training with you one-on-one when he isn’t training with All Might. He loves showing you new tricks and even helps with trying to balance out your fighting style.
I feel like he finds you super cute. Even if you’re a little on the dumb-side.
I feel like people baby people who aren’t smart, like if you don’t understand something they treat you like you’re so young even if you aren’t.
Not with this boy, nope. If you don’t understand something, or you’re confused, he’s helping you on a level you need. sure he may be soft spoken or nice, but he isn’t going to treat you like a baby, and he sure as hell isn’t going to go easy on you. After all you’re attending U.A. and you’re just as capable as everyone else.
If you’re an All Might fan like Izuku, expect to have non-stop conversations about him. From showing each other your collection of figurines to having All Might pajama-themed sleepovers.
This boy could sit and listen to you ramble, or talk nonsense all damn day.
He is head over heels for you and the way you talk, forms saying ‘like’ or ‘um’ every other word or just simply taking forever to get to the point, the sound of your voice is enough to make this boy smile.
»»————- ★ ————-««
shoto todoroki
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»»————- ★ ————-««
No I’m not saying Shoto is dumb, because he isn’t, he’s pretty smart, but he has his moments.
Collectively I think being with you makes Shoto question himself sometimes. He loves you a lot, and enjoys listening to you ramble about stuff or talk the way that seems to piss Bakugou off every time you speak, but sometimes what you say may strike a nerve in Shoto and have him question the things he says.
Collective ‘hating your dad’ talk. Half the time Todoroki may not be able to comprehend what you’re saying with the analogies and comparisons you make to today’s trends and news, but when he hears how much you despise Endeavor, it’s pretty clear that you’re the one for him. (sorry endeavor redemption arc fans, i promise i’m on your side.)
“Could you heat and cool a house if you tried?”
“If you eat spicy food, is the burn neutral on the right side or is it the same as your left?”
“Is it white and red down-”
“I think that’s enough.” Todoroki’s ears are tinted pink, a blush spread across his cheek after your questions.
Todoroki doesn’t doubt you for a second. He’s seen first hand, people like Camie, be amazing. He’s totally blown away by your skills, and it’s human to need some guidance, and he’s totally down to help you out if you need.
Okay but I could totally see you making/bleaching or tie-dying a sweater or hoodie to match Todoroki, and he’s in love with it.
A red and white hoodie that’s got his hero name on the back of it? You’re his number one fan and he’s yours. You two are inseparable.
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kerosene-insomniac · 3 years
To Be So Lonely
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Midoriya Izuku
Warnings: alpha/beta/omega dynamics, violence, strong language, homosexual behavior, major character death {not bakudeku}
Word Count for Chapter: 3,715 words
Summary: Midoriya Izuku has always wanted to be a musician. Something about the lyric working with a melody to convey his feeling just made his heart race. After his father died when he was three, Izuku has always relied on his mother. She worked two jobs to care for him and always supported his dreams. But when his mother is diagnosed with breast cancer just after he graduated high school, Izuku has to shift his focus. Now he’s working two jobs and takes care of his mother with the help of his gay neighbors.
In an attempt to learn self-defense, Izuku takes a few classes at a local gym. It’s there that he meets Toshinori Yagi, an older beta who used to be a professional heavyweight boxer. Yagi notices Izuku’s potential and encourages the small omega to eventually go pro. So, in order to make more money, Izuku eventually agrees.
Bakugou Katsuki has only ever wanted to fight. Orphaned as the young age of four, Katsuki has been fighting to live for his entire life. Fighting is all he’s ever known. After fighting underground for a couple years, Katsuki is noticed by Todoroki Enji. The older alpha takes him in at 19 and names him the official successor of his legacy (especially since all of his actual kids hate him).
 Now, Katsuki is 25-years-old and the professional heavyweight champion.
In a whirlwind of events, Katsuki meets Izuku in the unlikeliest of places. He watches the small omega perform and can’t help it feel extremely protective and absolutely enamored with him. The older alpha gets to meet him and say goodbye without even learning the omega’s name. Katsuki isn’t sure that they’ll ever meet again.
That is, until Katsuki officially meets Izuku at a professional lunch with his manager’s rival.
The one where Katsuki is a professional alpha boxer with arrogance issues and Izuku is a stubborn omega that’s way little too reckless with his well-being.
With a wacky cast of characters (including three idiots, a manly best friend, a traumatized bastard with daddy-issues, and many more) absolutely hell-bent on getting them together, neither men can seem to catch a break
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{0.5} Icarus
“There are two circumstances that lead to arrogance: one is when you're wrong and you can't face it; the other is when you're right and nobody else can face it.”
― Criss Jami
“It was nice seeing you after all these years, Enji.”
Izuku mentally groaned as Toshinori kept talking to the overgrown alpha. Their lunch had long since ended, so the small omega just wanted to head across the street and begin his warm-up.
And to get away from Katsuki Bakugou, who had been staring at him since this whole shit-show started.
Endeavor huffed in agreement and glanced in Izuku’s direction. “Your successor seems very headstrong, so I can’t wait to see how he fares today.”
I love that he’s talking like I’m not here.
“He’ll exceed your expectations. Let’s head out, Izuku.”
Izuku immediately relaxed, wagering standing to follow Toshinori out of the restaurant. His dress (which had been forced on him by Uraraka, who said something about looking nice for a certain alpha) brushed against his knees and tickled his legs.
Honestly, he couldn’t leave fast enough.
The small omega followed his teacher towards the exit, nodding respectively in Endeavor’s direction. And Todoroki’s.
When his gaze landed on Bakugou, he simply looked ahead.
The outside air caressed Izuku’s soft skin and made him sigh in relief. Compared to the tension in the restaurant, the slightest amount of breeze felt like a god-send.
“Young Bakugou seems very interested…”
Toshinori’s voice was teasing and affectionate, but Izuku immediately stiffened. There is no way that they were talking about the same alpha.
Izuku hummed lowly, adjusting his jacket. “I disagree, sensei. He seems arrogant and insufferable with a need to prove that he’s stronger than anybody else.”
“I think he’s just concerned for your well-being.”
The small omega huffed, his cheeks flushed a rosy pink as he glanced at his teacher. The idea of an attractive alpha feeling protective over him was flattering yet incredibly infuriating.
Izuku is here for one reason and one reason only.
“Deku! Wait!”
Fucking fuck.
Toshinori stopped and glanced behind them, his face lighting up in amusement. “It seems like someone wants to speak with you, Izuku. Don’t take too long and I’ll see you inside.”
The small omega paled.
His teacher hobbled away, chuckling to himself.
The familiar smell of caramel and cinnamon greeted Izuku’s senses. It was more than comforting, which made the small omega feel slightly mortified.
Izuku sighed in defeat and turned to face Bakugou, who had a less intense scowl on his face. His suit looked messier than before and the alpha appeared as if he had fought someone to catch up with him.
“What do you want?”
Bakugou didn’t even flinch at Izuku’s tone. “Nothing. I just wanted to-“
Izuku cut him off, crossing his arms. “If you’re to lecture me on my own idiocy, then don’t even try. You don’t even know me.”
“I just want to understand.”
That was enough to make Izuku freeze.
Izuku’s chest tightened as he locked eyes with alpha, who looked less angry than he had been during lunch. “There isn’t anything to understand. I’m doing this for the same reason as anyone else.”
Bakugou’s red eyes glinted. “But I’ve seen you perform, Deku. You fucking love music.”
“Stop calling me that.”
The alpha raised an eyebrow, smirking slightly. “I like that it pisses you off, so no. And don’t change the subject.”
Izuku scoffed. “Why are you so desperate to understand me? You shouldn’t concern yourself with my wellbeing.”
“Honestly? I have no fucking clue.”
Bakugou’s words hung in the air and floated amongst the tension. Izuku was a bright red as they stared at each other, searching for any sign of challenge.
Izuku swallowed thickly, looking away from the alpha. “Look, I’m well aware of the risks. I’ve been boxing underground for over a year and struggling to learn how to protect myself.”
“What if you get bitten, though?” Bakugou’s voice was rough.
The small omega sighed, anxiously rubbing his palm with his thumb. “As I said earlier, they would have to catch me first.”
Bakugou nodded after a moment, still studying him. “I still don’t understand your fucking need to be reckless. I also don’t get how everyone seems so fucking okay with it!”
“It’s not your job to worry about me.”
The alpha chuckled at that. “But someone obviously fucking needs to. I don’t give a shit about what your supposed friends think, but you’re going to be eaten alive tonight.”
Izuku’s eyes narrowed. “Yeah?”
The small omega hummed and took a few steps forward. Bakugou froze, his breath quickening as Izuku’s face became centimeters away from his own.
I hate that he smells so nice.
Izuku chuckled, pulling away from the surprised alpha. “Then I guess you’ll have to watch. I don’t need your concern and I certainly don’t need your fucking protection, Kacchan.”
Bakugou blinked, still processing. “What the fuck did you just call me?!”
“Kacchan.” Izuku purred smugly, stepping back. “Good luck on your match tonight. Not that you’ll need it, of course.”
The alpha snapped out of his daze, his skin flushing at the compliment. “Hold on a damn second, shitty Deku-“
Izuku ignored him and walked briskly towards the entrance to the venue. His own heart was racing in his chest from the interaction, especially since Bakugou was obviously just as enamored as him.
He glanced back, smirking softly.
“I’ll see you later, Kacchan.”
“-and it was like his brain short-circuited.”
“No shit?! I would’ve paid cash to see that!”
“So manly, Bakubro!”
Katsuki growled loudly as his idiots ran around him in circles. Todoroki, who had been re-telling the events of lunch, smirked at him with as much smugness his stupid face could muster.
Nobody was doing their fucking job.
Sero and Mina were supposed to be preparing the med-kit supplies for the match, but they were fucking around and wrapping bandages around Kaminari’s head. Kirishima was supposed to be talking strategy with him, but he was talking excitedly with Todoroki.
And that half-n-half bastard?
He was reveling in Katsuki’s embarrassment.
“I swear to fucking god…” Katsuki huffed, his eye visibly twitching. “I will fucking end each and every one of you if you don’t shut the fuck up!”
Everyone froze.
Kirishima laughed awkwardly, obviously trying to ease the tension. “Don’t be so angry, Bakubro. We’re all just excited that you’re finally interested in somebody…”
Katsuki flushed a bright red. “I’m not fucking interested in that shitty nerd Deku! I just don’t want to see a weak bastard get eaten alive!”
“Sure, Blasty, sure.” Mina muttered sarcastically.
Don’t commit homicide.
Don’t commit homicide.
Sero looked at Katsuki with an indifferent expression, a used roll of bandages in his hand. “You’re acting like being interested is a bad thing. We’re not saying that you wanna fuck the dude, Bakugou.”
Katsuki grumbled loudly, trying to hide his embarrassment.
I totally fucking do, and that’s what’s embarrassing.
“…unless you do…”
The red-eyed alpha clenched his jaw and growled indignantly in Kirishima’s direction. “I totally fucking don’t, Shitty Hair! Who the fuck would even be into a shitty nerd like Deku?!”
Kirishima, Mina, and Todoroki shared a glance.
Sero and Denki simply snorted.
“I thought he was cute.” Todoroki spoke evenly, his eyes challenging Katsuki. “I found his confidence quite attractive.”
Katsuki stiffened, his stomach churning at the idea of Deku and Icy-Hot interacting at all. Red hot jealousy bloomed in his chest and spread like a wildfire throughout his body.
I think the fuck not.
“Someone looks jealous.” Mina sang smugly, making Katsuki scoff.
Todoroki hummed in agreement.  “He does. If I wasn’t emotionally invested in an omega from my office, I’d pursue Midoriya out of spite.”
Kirishima perked up at the news. “You’re interested in an omega? Since when?!”
And just like that, the focus shifted.
Katsuki silently got to his feet and walked around the small locker-room. His match wasn’t till the end of the tournament, but he usually watched other matches with Kirishima and critiqued their strategy.
It’s a tradition at this point.
What the fuck happened earlier?
Deku stood so fucking close to him. All Katsuki could smell was chocolate and cherries with the faintest hint of vanilla, which hadn’t been noticeable before. His stupidly cute face was so close that Katsuki could’ve kissed him.
And then he fucking left.
Deku left and turned back with a stupid smirk that screamed sexual innuendos in Katsuki’s direction. He called the alpha a ridiculous name, and Katsuki fucking let him.
What the fuck is wrong with me?
“Alright, bro. You ready to go watch some matches?”
Katsuki snapped out of his memory-filled daze and grunted in response. “Let’s go watch some losers, Shitty Hair. I need to relax before I kick Togata’s ass tonight.”
Kirishima grinned. “And maybe impress a certain omega?”
“Shut up.”
Both alphas headed out of the locker-room and towards the arena. There was a specific box that Enji rented at every tournament specifically so he could watch. He didn't seem to mind that Katsuki did the same thing.
Even if he did, Katsuki didn’t care.
The sound of screaming fans, alphas and omega alike, immediately made Katsuki cringe. He could barely make out a few words, but he didn’t care enough to process any of them.
In the ring, an alpha female and a beta female were kick-boxing.
We’re still in this part of the tournament.
“OH FUCK! Hagakure delivers a stunning roundhouse kick!”
Katsuki took a seat a little ways away from Enji and focused on the match. It was Yaoyorozu vs Hagakure. He had seen them in regular boxing, so it wasn’t that much of a surprise to see them deviate sometimes.
As a beta, Hagakure was shorter and relied heavily on her legs. She was known for being a skilled southpaw, so upper-arm-strength wasn’t out of the question.
Yaoyorozu was one of the few female alphas that Katsuki’s met in his life. She could be jumpy at times, but she also struggled with predicting/preparing for her opponents moves. She relied on her height to get in close and hardly receive any damage to her face.
Katsuki fought her once or twice. She’s definitely skilled.
“I think Hagakure strained her left leg.” Katsuki murmured, watching the way that the beta favored her left side.
Kirishima narrowed his eyes and leaned forward.  “I think you’re right. Yaoyorozu hasn’t noticed yet, though.”
Katsuki shrugged. “She will. Eventually.”
Sure enough, Yaoyorozu glanced at Hagakure’s feet and her eyebrows furrowed in surprise. As the beta pulled back to land another kick, the female alpha hit her in the face with multiple jabs.
As soon as Hagakure was distracted, Yaoyorozu landed a harsh kick to her left leg and swept them out from under her.
The beta didn’t get back up.
As the crowd and commentator went wild, Katsuki sat back and glanced at Kirishima. “I told you that Ponytail would notice. She’s been training.”
“It’s a good thing that we didn’t bet this time.”
“Yeah. You would’ve fucking lost.”
Before Kirishima could respond, the familiar sound of an intermission rang through the air. They had about ten minutes till the next match, so the sound was to let people know that there was a break.
Katsuki cringed at the sound.
“After our break, we’ll see the professional debut of Midoriya Izuku against a crowd favorite, Monoma Neito!”
And that was enough to make Katsuki freeze.
Oh fuck.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Monoma was an arrogant bastard that Katsuki hates with every fiber of his being. He was an alpha with a history of distaste for omegas, leading to an ever-growing fan base of shitty alphas.
Not only would he hate Deku, but he would try and rile him up the whole time.
This wouldn’t be a fair fight.
“Bakugou? You look pale.”
Katsuki snapped out of his daze and locked eyes with Kirishima. “I’m fucking fine, Shitty Hair. Monoma just pisses me off.”
Kirishima’s gaze softened. “You don’t have to watch, you know? I can just tell you what happened after the match is over.”
“I don’t need your pity. I’m fine.”
“Okay, bro. Whatever you say.”
“There. Feel tight enough?”
Izuku took his gloved hand away from Uraraka and moved his wrists. “They feel great. Thanks for being here, Uraraka.”
Uraraka grinned brightly, her hair pulled back in a messy ponytail as she went over Izuku’s things again. “Of course! Iida and I wouldn’t miss this for the world, Deku! Plus, Aizawa threatened to ground us if we didn’t……”
Sounds about right.
“Midoriya! Where is your mouth guard?!”
Izuku glanced over at Iida, who had a professional-looking med-kit in hand. “I put it in my bag…I think…”
Iida sighed and bolted to Izuku’s gym bag, muttering things under his breath. He and Uraraka had been his friends ever since high school, long before Izuku’s mom got sick.
They graduated a little over a year ago.
Now Uraraka is attending University to be a teacher and Iida is studying to be a doctor. Sometimes, the older alpha will come over and give Izuku’s mom a once-over. His family helps out a lot with her treatment.
But not enough.
Which is why Izuku is here in the first place.
“Your mouth-guard is important, Midoriya!” Iida chided, handing the omega a green piece of plastic.
Izuku hung his head, slightly embarrassed that the alpha was reprimanding him. “I was training late last night. After the stuff this morning, I couldn’t remember if I packed it or not.”
Uraraka grinned, her eyes glinting mischievously. “Speaking of which….I saw you and Bakugou in front of the venue.”
Oh god.
“And it seemed pretty flirtatious, Deku.”
Izuku flushed a bright crimson, resisting the urge to hide his face. “It wasn’t flirting! He was just being stupidly overprotective when he didn’t have the right!”
Uraraka smirked. “Alphas tend to be protective over people they care about. Or, in your case, people they are attracted to.”
“I don’t think it’s like that.”
His best friend gave him a look before looking behind him. “Sensei?! What was your impression of Bakugou when you met him?”
Toshinori, who had been talking with a few betas, looked in their direction and grinned as he walked over. “Young Bakugou was very outspoken about his concern with Izuku’s second gender. He’s quite enamored.”
“My point exactly!”
Before Izuku could argue, a female referee appeared in the entrance to the locker-room.
It’s time.
Izuku feels nauseous.
The small omega can hear the crowd screaming as his opponent is announced, but his brain can barely process any of it. His silk robe (an emerald color) clung to his curves and covered his freckled skin.
Since he’s no longer underground, there’s no need for the bunny mask.
Then his name is announced and he’s shoved into the shark-infested water. Izuku focuses his gaze on the ring, acutely aware of his team following behind him in quick succession.
Izuku can feel the disgusted stares among the screaming.
“You’ll do great, my boy.”
Toshinor’s voice was gentle and firm as he made Izuku look at him. He looked proud and confident in his abilities, which made the omega feel better.
Izuku swallowed thickly as his robe was pulled off of him. “I’ll win. For you and for my mom.”
“I know you will.”
Izuku hugged him and turned to enter the ring.
His opponent is a short but burly alpha who was obviously slow on his feet. His blond hair was parted and his pale eyes were full of amused disgust.
“Alright, boys,” The referee crooned, her black hair tied back. “I want a clean and fair fight. No funny business or I will dish out some punishments.”
Izuku nodded, studying the alpha in front of him.
Monoma, however, ignored the omega’s attempt to touch gloves and retreated to his corner. He was smirking in Izuku’s direction, shamelessly checking out every inch of his body.
Izuku stepped forward, carefully guarding his face and waiting for Monoma to make the first move. He needed a strategy, above all else.
Monoma smirked. “I didn’t think they’d make it this easy. Omegas can’t fight, doll. It’s a known fact.”
The small omega ignored him, staying carefully light on his feet as they circled each other. It was becoming obvious that Monoma just liked hearing himself talk, so he had to wait for an opening.
“You’re not mated? How pathetic.”
His eyes flicker to the crowd when he talks. He’s speaking loud enough for them to hear, meaning that he wants to put on a show.
Monoma chuckled some more. “What? Too scared to make the first move? I can do this all-“
Izuku lunged and landed a right hook to the alpha’s jaw.
The small omega immediately retreated as Monoma stumbled back in surprise. The crowd fucking lost it, screaming a mix of cheers and curse words.
Monoma huffed, growling lowly in Izuku’s direction.
Then he charged.
Izuku dodged, guarding his face as Monoma initiated an onslaught of jabs and pummels. Sweat gathered on his brow and his breathing sped up as he looked for an opening.
Izuku brought his leg up and kicked Monoma in the gut.
The larger alpha gasped in surprise, but that was the opening Izuku needed. In quick succession, the small omega hit him with three jabs and a left hook.
Not without consequence, though.
“You fucking bitch!!”
Monoma growled loudly and landed a solid left hook to Izuku’s face.
Pressure, pain, and high-pitched ringing erupted from his right side. Izuku grunted in a mix of surprise and pain, immediately retreating to his corner and settling into a guarding stance.
In his confusion, Izuku was attacked from the right side again.
Two kicks and a mix of punches pummeled themselves into Izuku’s stomach, making the small omega choke and gasp.
“Enough! Back off!”
Izuku gasped, still standing upright as the referee pulled Monoma back. He could taste blood in his mouth, but his adrenaline was too high to feel any pain.
My strength is in my legs.
I need to aim my kicks high enough to land on his face. The nose is the most sensitive, so it would be my safest bet.
Izuku hardened his gaze and glared at the alpha in front of him.
Monoma charged, heading straight for Izuku’s right side. This time, however, the small omega was prepared and effectively slipped.
As he ducked under, Izuku moved and delivered a high-kick to Monoma’s face. The alpha choked and stumbled backward, grasping his face as blood immediately started to pour.
Before the alpha can recover, Izuku charges and delivers strikes to Monoma’s jaw.
“That’s the bell! To your corners!”
Izuku backed off and retreated to his corner, sweating like a pig and gushing blood from his brow.
He sat down, allowing his team to work.
“You’re doing great, Deku!”
Uraraka’s voice sounded close by as Iida and Toshinori crowded him. The alpha got to work on bandaging his eyebrow as the beta placed the water spout between his bloody lips.
Izuku panted wildly, drinking the water. “He needs to get close to land a hit, sensei. I fucked up his nose, though.”
“You did.” Toshinori supplied, pulling the water away. “Don’t forget to parry. Meet his hits head on.”
“2nd round! On your feet!”
Izuku took a deep breath and got to his feet. He could see better without the flow of blood in his eyes, so he definitely noticed the look of hatred Monoma gave him.
Monoma looked pissed.
Monoma moved first this time, furiously charging Izuku like a raging bull. Instead of dodging or slipping, the small omega met his kick head on.
Their legs clashed, which Monoma clearly didn’t expect.
Izuku used his body weight to shove the alpha backward, giving himself enough room to land a few side-kicks. He kept his moves fast and precise, knowing that any wasted second could make him lose.
Monoma swung, but he overcalculated.
Izuku dodged and landed a harsh upper-cut to the jaw. He could feel the crunch of bones and teeth, which was more than satisfying.
After that, Monoma didn’t stand a chance.
Before the alpha had a chance to recover, Izuku shoved him back with another side kick and prepared himself to finish the fight.
Izuku leaned back and put his entire body weight into the kick itself. He aimed high, specifically for Monoma’s broken nose, and fucking succeeded with a perfect landing. It was fucking perfect!
Monoma crumpled into a heap, completely unconscious.
“That’s a TKO! Midoriya wins the match!”
Izuku stumbled backward as the cheers rang loudly through the air. His right ear was still ringing, but he definitely heard most of them.
As he was swarmed by his team, Izuku glanced upward.
Katsuki Bakugou was watching and yelling animatedly from a private box. His face was red and he looked pumped as he grinned in Izuku’s direction.
That was the last thing Izuku saw before losing consciousness.
“Holy fucking SHIT!”
Katsuki watched as Deku’s team dragged him out of the ring, but his mind was running a mile a minute.
Despite taking multiple hits, Deku’s form was fucking perfect. Every move he made was carefully calculated and planned, along with a surprising amount of raw fucking power.
It was hot as fuck.
“Did you fucking see that!?” Kirishima was just as hyped as Katsuki, sounding hoarse from the amount of screaming they’d done.
Katsuki nodded, almost breathless as he glanced at his best friend. “I’ve never seen anyone TKO Monoma. I could probably fucking do it too, but Jesus fucking Christ.”
Kirishima met his gaze, smirking.
Oh no.
“He didn’t need your protection after all, bro.”
Katsuki swallowed thickly, shooting a mock glare in Kirishima’s direction before getting to his feet. “Shut the fuck up. Deku may have kicked that bastard’s ass, but he barely held up.”
Kirishima raised an eyebrow. “And where are you going?”
“I still have a fight to prepare for, dumbfuck.”
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makeste · 4 years
What are your favorite hero names?
oh man there are so many. I had to limit myself to a top twenty, and even that was rough. anyway so first off, a few runner ups because I couldn’t go without mentioning these:
Vlad King - to be clear, this isn’t actually one of my top hero names. but I’m mentioning it here because back when I was first reading the series, one of the fan scanlations -- either Fallen Angels or Mangastream, I forget which -- had originally translated his hero name as Brad King. which, to be frank, would have been one of the greatest hero names of ALL TIME. you can’t imagine my disappointment when I finally learned the truth. it still haunts me to this day.
Jack Mantis - this is Kamakiri (a.k.a. the guy from class 1-B who can grow knives out of his body)’s hero name. my question is, why the Jack. the mantis part, I get! that’s fairly obvious! but the “Jack” is forever a mystery to me. it just adds this little layer of intrigue.
Mr. Brave - this guy is one of the few good things to come from the Basement arc. don’t get me wrong, he is completely useless. but his name? absolutely legendary. this guy, with his power of ripping his own hair out and turning it into a sword (yes that’s his quirk), an ability that could be easily duplicated or bested by literally any jackass who just went out and bought their own damn sword, really thought to himself, “I am going to be the BEST MCFUCKING HERO THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN. I AM GOING TO NAME MYSELF... MISTER BRAVE.” and they let him, you guys. they let him.
anyway so now for the top twenty!
20. Can’t Stop Twinkling - this isn’t a name so much as it is poetry in three words. I still cannot believe that Aoyama went up to Midnight with a hero name that sounds more like the world’s greatest Dear Abby letter, and she actually let him keep it. I’m not 100% clear on how this all works, but I like to think this means that Aoyama’s fellow heroes have an actual legal obligation to call him this in battle. I don’t think we as a fandom and as a people really take enough time out of our lives to stop and be grateful for Aoyama’s existence.
19. Uravity - it’s a pun!! it’s so cute and I love it!! and it’s such a perfect name in that it just instantly sums up and defines her whole brand, bringing to mind both Ochako the person and Zero Gravity the quirk. honestly she is one of only a few kids whose hero name I never space out on. with a lot of the others I usually have to pause for a sec and be like “wait, what was their name again?” but never Ochako.
18. Present Mic - this would make a really great band name honestly. I just like it. I’m pretty sure Horikoshi was going for “present” as in the verb meaning “to perform”, like in “presentation”, but to tell the truth I always pronounce it like “present” as in “gift” or “the present time”, which doesn’t make any sense at all, but IT’S JUST WHAT MY BRAIN DECIDED TO DO. anyway.
17. Tsukuyomi - I know this name has its origins in Japanese mythology, but to be completely honest I’ve always just associated it with Itachi’s infamous genjutsu attack from Naruto. I just think it’s the gothest thing ever and absolutely perfect for Tokoyami lol.
16. All Might - there’s just something about this name that kind of makes me just want to pump my fists and go “YEAH!!” I really like the use of “might” as a noun rather than “mighty” as an adjective like you see in so many classic superhero names. it’s just so much cooler somehow. this name really does conjure up the image of the strongest guy in the universe.
15. Midnight - honestly I’m almost mad that this wound up being a hero name, because it would have made a perfect villain name. it’s dark and mysterious and sexy. it’s no wonder why Midnight chose it lol. anyway so my girl is a bit kinky, nothing wrong with that, and it’s also a perfect name for someone whose quirk puts other people to sleep. it’s just such spot-on branding, I love it.
14. Ingenium - fun fact, I had no idea what this meant when I first came across it because I don’t speak Latin! apparently it means “genius” or “talent.” which is a very good meaning for a hero name! but honestly the real reason I love it so much is because it’s Iida’s tribute to his brother, and I am just such a sucker for that kind of shit. damn you Iida siblings. quit giving me all these feels.
13. Shouto – yes, seriously. I know a lot of people hate this name, and it’s always getting flak for being bland and uncreative. but I honestly think it’s a perfect name for Shouto. firstly because Shouto himself is very much the opposite of flashy in a lot of ways. he’s not particularly animated or attention-seeking; he is a very calm, sort of still-waters-run-deep person, and I think the lack of a snappy brand name fits that personality. I’m even more delighted that it hasn’t remotely curbed his popularity at all (at this point I think the only kid hero with more in-universe fans out there is Momo, and even then it’s probably a close thing), and I think a big part of that is that people are drawn to his unpretentious nature, especially in comparison to a lot of the other heroes out there. but most of all, I like the name because of the simple yet powerful way it serves as a declaration that he is his own person. he’s not his father, and he’s more than just a Todoroki. he is himself; he is Shouto. anyway so yeah, to me this is a fantastic name with so much depth and meaning.
12. Battle Fist - this is Kendou’s hero name AND IT’S PERFECT. like, holy shit. what should we call the girl who goes around punching bad guys around all day with her giant hands. how about BATTLE FIST. there really isn’t much more to say about this one, honestly. its greatness speaks for itself.
11. Vantablack - imagine being such an enormous douchebag that word of your douchey exploits made it all the way over to some guy in Japan who spends 95% of his waking hours writing a manga and has almost no free time. fun fact, although Anish Kapoor is the only one licensed to use the color Vantablack, the name Vantablack is still owned by Surrey NanoSystems (a.k.a. the guys who actually invented it), and so I’m pretty sure they’re the ones who decide whether or not someone else gets to use it. I wonder if Kapoor is pissed about his color being referenced in a popular shounen manga. anyways, all of that speculation aside, it really is the perfect name for someone with Kuroiro’s quirk.
10. Endeavor - look, say what you will about Endeavor the person (although I’m personally a big fan of the way his redemption arc is being done and think he’s a fascinating character, albeit a very flawed one), but there’s no denying that Endeavor is a badass name. but what’s really great about it is how it so perfectly captures the admirable part of Endeavor, the one thing about him that’s actually worth praising. he never gives up. he’s always pushing, striving, struggling forward no matter how hopeless it seems. and that’s a worthy trait, and it says something about him that this is what he chose for his hero name. a name that has nothing to do with fire, nothing to do with his quirk, nothing even to do with his goal of becoming #1. it’s simply a name that means to make an effort; to try and achieve something. and I like that.
9. Sugarman - this IMO is easily the most overlooked and severely underrated hero name in the series. it’s a hidden gem. everyone always forgets about Satou just because his power of being a Strong Punching Guy doesn’t particularly stand out in a manga chock full of strong punching guys. but he is a badass and a great character, and honestly “eating candy makes me super strong” is possibly the single greatest quirk in the history of time and I am jealous. anyway, so this is a really straightforward name, but it’s really smooth and catchy somehow and so it’s one of my favorites.
8. Gale Force - this is Inasa’s hero name! it’s another one which is criminally underrated, much like Inasa himself. airbender powers are just so badass you guys. wind is so badass. this name is all hurricaney and tempesty and super cool and powerful-sounding. this is one of those names that I’m honestly surprised wasn’t already a mainstream superhero name. Marvel was all “nah, we’ll just go with ‘Storm’”, like come on you guys where is the creativity.
7. Red Riot - this name is a fucking grand slam. it’s alliterative! it’s catchy! it’s got the word “riot” in it! it’s an absolutely perfect name for a passionate guy whose quirk lends itself towards good old fashioned brawlin’ and head bashing. the fact that it’s got additional meaning as a tribute towards Kiri’s own personal hero is just the icing on the cake. this is another name that Marvel probably legit wishes they had thought of first. it’s easily the best hero name out of everyone in class 1-A imo.
6. Sir Nighteye - hilariously for the longest time it was not confirmed whether or not Nighteye actually had a real name (he does! but I’ve forgotten it lol), and so there was this lingering question, absurd as it was, of whether or not Nighteye’s parents, whoever they are, were descendants of some proud Nighteye clan, and whether they had really, actually named their child “Sir.” anyways though, I love this name. it’s super cool and mysterious and perfect for someone with future-seeing powers, and the “Sir” just makes even awesomer because it implies that the Queen really liked him or something.
5. Mt. Lady - this name is a stroke of genius. supersize-me powers are a dime a dozen, but the characters always have names like Giant Man or Giganta or Goliath. as far as I know, no other superhero characters have ever thought to name themselves after mountains, let alone to name themselves as if they WERE a mountain. like, she isn’t “mountain lady”; she’s “MOUNT Lady”, as if she were an actual tectonic peak. it really bothers me that I can’t adequately describe in words why I love this so much. I just do!! I think she should get an award.
4. Suneater - Tamaki is out here proving to everyone that your hero name doesn’t need to have jack shit fuckall to do with your actual quirk in order to be completely badass and iconic. sometimes I wonder what Tamaki does when people ask him “out of curiosity, why did you pick that name?”, which someone surely must have done at some point. he probably turns beet red and tries to dissolve into the background. but anyway, the general public does not need to know the meaning of his hero name in order for it to have meaning; we know what the meaning is, and that it’s his way of saying “I believe in myself because my friend believes in me”, and honestly that’s all that matters. I am still of the opinion that certain other people whose childhood friends held a lot of unwavering belief in and admiration towards them could do worse than going down this same hero name route, but we will see! anyways Suneater deserves all your respect.
3. Best Jeanist - I had so much love for this name from the start, and then I found out it was a real, actual award. for people who make good jeans, or are good at wearing jeans, or something. it’s run by the Japan Jeans Council, which is also a real and actual thing. but anyway, despite it not being as wholly original of a name as I thought, it’s still iconic, and I love that he went with something that was recognizable while still fitting his quirk, and which has the added implication that he is the motherfucking best, because he is. also, given that he probably chose this name while he was still in school, and that only public figures generally seem to be eligible for the award, this implies that he chose the name Best Jeanist first, and then went on to win the actual award eight years running. presumably because the JJC got very flustered and were all, “IT’S LITERALLY HIS NAME... WE HAVE TO GIVE IT TO HIM... WE HAVE TO”, and so they did. anyway so that was a goddamn power move on his part.
2. Gang Orca - first of all, if you are an orca man, then naming yourself after orcas is a pretty apt thing to do and I have to respect that. but then along comes the “gang” part, out of absolutely NOWHERE, and it absolutely SMASHES. like, this name comes up to you and it slaps you in the face. GANG ORCA. HE’S A BIG AGGRESSIVE DOLPHIN MAN AND HE’S NOT HERE TO FUCK AROUND. IS HE ACTUALLY IN A GANG?? WE DON’T KNOW. BUT HERE HE IS, READY TO YEET YOUR DELINQUENTS AND HUNT YOUR MOTHERFUCKING SEALS. this name fucks so hard it came within inches of the number one spot. he is a ruffian and a champ.
1. Eraserhead - last but not least, the guy who DIDN’T EVEN PICK HIS OWN NAME. his best friend had to do it for him, and out of love, came up with the SINGLE BEST HERO ALIAS IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND. first of all, this name sounds like a very funky and electronicy Thom Yorke song. second, it conjures up the image of a man with a big no. 2 pencil head, which could not possibly be further from the truth. it’s just so whiplashy in the best way possible. third, the very existence of this name is seriously a goddamn miracle. he could have been “Power-Stopping Man.” or “Sleeping Bag Man.” or “Scruffy Hero: Tired Man.” or just “Shouta”, but unlike Shouto there wouldn’t have been any actual meaning to it; it would have simply been a case of him not giving the slightest of fucks about coming up with a real name. but rather than any of these, thanks to the power of friendship we were blessed with the greatest hero name in recorded memory. this is one of the few kindnesses fate has ever bestowed upon Aizawa Shouta in his tragic, exhausting life, and I for one am eternally grateful.
anyway so that’s my list! sorry if I left out anyone’s favorites! but I think all of these are deserving of love. also if you want to see the single best thing Japan has ever come up with, please go visit best-jeans.com. they even have an instagram lulz.
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edwardslostalchemy · 4 years
1) ice skating dates! i like Shouto not knowing how to skate so Izuku shows him and the reverse as well! 2) As pro heroes they leave dumb hints on the internet about their relationship! like really dumb though. Shouto just has a social media account that's called Pro_Hero_Deku's_Husband and just posts candid pictures of Izuku. everyone thinks the user is a crazy stalker, but its just Shouto. 3) in highschool Shouto would be taller for kisses, but then when they get older Izuku is the taller one
(I am going to post several of the messages I have received together! Thank you for sending them in! These made me very happy!)
ultragayturtlepride said:
this isn't really tododeku BUT i think is a funny thought. Shouto is actually left handed but learned to write with his right hand just to spite his father. okay back to Tododeku. I've always had this idea (and i might have said this already i don't know) Izuku accidentally confesses to Shouto by writing something about him in his analysis journal then one day Shouto asks to look at what Izuku wrote about him to see what he needs to improve 1/2
2/2 Shouto looks through it to see what he needs to improve on. Izuku has forgotten what he wrote and when they study together (or Shouto looks through it alone) he sees what was written about him. blushes, fluff, mumbling words, and a proper confession follow
Izuku and Shouto have had many dates at Dagobah Beach. I like to think that if one of them proposed in a proper way it would be there. If they didn't get engaged there, it would be either in the middle of a battle when they think their going to die, or when Izuku is in the hospital (Izuku proposes only in this situation) after a life threatening battle
@da-crazy-fangirl said:
1. Todoroki starts doing deku’s tie for him because he can’t do it very well himself, 2. Deku gets every freckle kissed every night (mom called freckles angel kisses), 3. Todoroki actually is able to boost dekus confidence, 4. The whole autism thing, deku helps todoroki understand emotions and empathy 5. Todoroki is massive emotional help for deku because of his hyper empathy, 6. Deku finds food that aren’t cold soba that todo will like the texture and temperature of for todoroki
Anonymous said:
Just gonna throw this out there - Tododeku as sleeping beauty. But the version where the “beauty” sleeps a hundred years and wakes up in a different world but falls in love with the prince who woke them up. The prince helps them with culture shock and also finds their great great nieces and nephews. (Honestly either one could be the “beauty”. Leaning more towards Shouto tho so he can balance out the sad of having his family gone with “fuck yeah my dads dead”)
Anonymous said:
I know we all talk about how much of a conspiracy theorist Todoroki is. But guess what? So is Midoryia. This is a hero fanatic that takes notes on his heroes and friends abilities and how they operate and you're telling me he doesn't come up with his own theories? That's why they are the ultimate power couple. They support one another's theories and everyone around them is at a lost
Anonymous said:
You know what I think about? That time Todoroki was deciding whether or not to use his fire during his fight with Bakugo, and just when he thinks he made a mistake in his previous match he hears Midoryia shouting “DONT GIVE UP” and just loses his shit. I mean yeah, at the end he still decided to not use it but like how’d you even hear Midoryia in that gigantic stadium where thousands of people are already screaming their heads off? This kid ended up crushing on his rival way too easily
Anonymous said:
I love how Shouto who appears calm cool and collected actually has zero chill like he heard All Might and Midoriya in the same sentence and decided that his rival (crush) was his faves secret child and that he was going to beat his rival (get his attention to show him how amazing he is) and then after they became friends he decided he was never going to leave his side ever again
Anonymous said:
Izuku having nightmares cause of what he's gone through and so he wakes up in the middle of the night and goes downstairs to make tea but Shouto is already down there cause he had a nightmare about Endeavor's abuse and the two of them are trying not to show they're upset so they can comfort their friend and it ends up with the two of them cuddling and crying together until they fall asleep for the rest of the class to find the next morning
Anonymous said:
Izuku and Katsuki are probably gonna intern with Shouto and Endeavor right? So I'm just imagining Izuku and Shouto flirting hardcore and Endeavor is like "my child and this kid?? wtf?!" and Katsuki is like "man you get used to it" and Endeavor wants to be FURIOUS with Shouto but can't cause then Izuku does something goofy or badass or anything at all and Shouto's entire face goes bright red and he smiles so fondly and softly and Endeavor is like "OH SHIT"
Anonymous said:
Vigilante quirkless Izuku who started at 14 when All Might said to give it up cause hes stubborn and was like imma prove you wrong and becomes pretty famous he runs into and possibly saves AM one night and AM was like "I should've just had you as my successor" and he takes Izuku under his wing then to train him (could also be tododeku cause Izuku fights alongside Shouto at some point or saves his life and tells him to fuck off and use his full power and Shouto falls in love right there)
Anonymous said:
Oooooo but its canon that Izuku is the one that Shouto smiles for and he just comes out and says it to all of 1a and Izuku is just so happy and flattered and in love when he realizes it and he gets all wide smiled and crinkly eyed and Shouto just falls in love even more
Anonymous said:
We don't see a lot of Toga and Todoroki confrontations when it comes to Deku in this fandom. I do have this fic in mind that Toga manages to steal Todoroki's blood cause she figured she could get close to Deku but Deku just automatically recognized that this wasnt his Todoroki. ALSO I'm pretty sure real Todoroki would be pissed if he found out how often Toga places herself ontop of Midoryia
Anonymous said:
During the whole Stain fight I figured Shoto didnt have the time to even notice. But when Izuku started showing off his moves in that class race after their internships, I loved his expression like, "omg how did I not process this beautiful site before me". Izuku comes in with a new suit, glowing neon green energy bolts surrounding him, his eyes also illuminate. And Shoto thinks about that a lot
Anonymous said:
Lmao Katsuki tryna get Shouto's attention about whatever and Shouto is just like "Izuku 😊💖" and Katsuki is like "STOP IGNORING ME" and Shouto is like "Izuku the wind really picked up huh? Kinda loud today?"
Anonymous said:
Izuku is teaching Shouto to cook and as you said has him peeling veggies at first right? So Shouto is like "I'm gonna be the best veggie peeler EVER" cause he wants to impress his man but he's too focused on Izuku and he cuts himself so he's all embarrassed and Izuku is like "OH NO SHOUTO ARE YOU OK" and so he cleans Shouto's cut and bandages it up and then he presses a small kiss to it and Shouto is DYING and Izuku is like "that's what my mom always does when I get hurt"
Anonymous said:
Shouto oversharing to Izuku during the Sports Festival and having Izuku see him as an equal and a rival and expecting him to be his best for no one but himself: "I really hope this doesn't awaken anything in me"
Anonymous said:
Shouto is like "You're my rival because you're All Might's successor!" and Izuku is like "Cool so you're one of my best friends now and how would you like to go to a date to kick some villain ass" and Shouto's like "......ok but next time we go on a date I get to choose and it's gonna be saving some asshole's life"
Anonymous said:
Sometimes (all the time) I think about how Izuku legit tore apart his body and broke half his bones just to help Shouto and show him he is way more than just endeavor and I AM SONBING RN 😭😭😭😭 WHAT DID WE DO TO GET 2 PURE BOYS FILLED WITH SO MUCH LOVE
Anonymous said:
Izuku and Shouto are each other's first kiss. Izuku googling how to kiss to make sure he does it right and even asking Katsuki (who he knew had kissed Kirishima at least once) for advice
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a-bnha-shoutorealm · 4 years
Dekusquad and the microwave
@hoe-doroki​ made me realize that Deku talks a lot about microwaves in this serie, and now I have this headcanon where the Dekusquad gives him one for this birthday.
I have no regrets.
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- The first to think about it was Todoroki, because he notices that Deku tends to use microwave metaphors a lot for unexpectedly important things. Ochako could also be the first one to think about it, but Todoroki makes more sense because he’s serious about it.
- He could buy it by himself - and wouldn’t even have to steal his father’s credit card. He can just go like : “I need to buy something for Midoriya” ”Why Midoriya?!” - his son giving something to All Might’s heir just pisses Endeavor off ”He’s the one who’s made me use my left side.” that card never fails.
- But the boy doesn’t know too much about gift giving etiquette, so he turns to the Dekusquad.
- Ochako LOVES the idea and encourages Todoroki to go with it. She doesn’t say that it’s mostly because she thinks it’s hilarious, would make the best prank gift, and that she can’t wait to see Deku’s reaction because you do not give microwaves to your classmates, especially ones that live with you in a dorm.
- Iida is on board with it because let’s be real, he’s a rich kid too so a microwave doesn’t seem like a big deal in price range, and since Todoroki mentionned it’s because of the microwave training metaphors, he somehow convinces himself that it’s going to help Deku in his training.
- Ochako goes shopping for the microwave with Todoroki to make sure that he doesn’t buy the 300000 ¥ model (~2800$).
- She’s a big help because she teaches him which shops to avoid to buy gifts that may come across as too much in the future, and they end up deciding that it’s going to be a group gift.
- He tells her that he’s sad he didn’t end up buying the most expensive one to annoy his dad, but he wants Midoriya to be comfortable with the gift, so it’s better this way.
- Um if he’s looking for ideas to spend money while doing some good, she can absolutely help him out. That’s the start of a shopping spree routine between them. Once every two weeks, they go to the mall together with Endeavor’s credit card and buy nice stuff for their dorms’ common room and gifts for their teachers. Todoroki sends the gifts for their teachers under Endeavor’s name just to annoy him even more.
- Poor Deku is so confused at first.
- Then he realizes that he’s talking about microwaves A LOT.
- Next thing they know, he’s crying because he thinks it’s such a thoughtful gift. Chaos ensues. Todoroki and Iida panics because they think they made Midoriya cry. Midoriya can’t talk because he’s overwhelmed with emotions. Ochako is flushed seeing how grateful Deku is for the gift, but also busy trying not to burst out laughing because of the obvious confusion on Iida and Todoroki’s face.
- Once she finally calms down, she reassures Todoroki and Iida that they are tears of joy and they all group up around Izuku to hug him because he’s precious.
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ramblingguy54 · 4 years
Enji & Touya Todoroki: Motivation Gone Terribly Wrong.
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My Hero Academia’s latest chapter shines a new light of the dynamic Enji and his son, Touya Todoroki, shared as time went on. It’s very interesting to see after learning Touya’s quirk would be too dangerous for his own body, Enji did decide not to push him forward with further advancing his quirk’s abilities. Instead it goes for more of an exploration on how he detaches himself emotionally from his son by each passing month afterwards. Touya was the beginning downward spiral of Enji’s abusive attitude evolving in many different ways starting with more attempts at creating a perfect quirk inherited child. Even with fair warning from a doctor to not explore this idea at all, Enji still refused to succumb to that notion of never being able to surpass All Might. Enji tried to put his son down gently on stopping their training altogether and not worry about this dream of being better than All Might anymore, which was the right call in this regard. However, the damage was already done, where it’s crystal clear Touya isn’t going to yield away from achieving his father’s dream and feeling acknowledged. Children are highly impressionable people, naturally, so to be faced with an idea, in a society based around heroism no less, of never being able to feel loved & respected by his father Touya wasn’t gonna accept this as a conclusive answer.
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From Touya’s perspective, his dad is the number two hero, so why wouldn’t he want to follow in his footsteps? Their society has highly praised heroes, such as Endeavor, for how many people they’ve managed to save in all their years of heroics. This chapter continues to show how well integrated the world building and lore is woven into creating MHA’s diverse cast of complex characters. Touya is no different from this statement in putting on full display the consequences of their society being so highly dependent on that mentality of heroes. As far as many are concerned in their world, becoming the best hero is a definitive way to earn love and respect from many around yourself, as well as family. Although, we’ve known from Shigaraki’s backstory this is far from being true, obviously. Becoming a hero isn’t guaranteed happiness for making whatever problems in your life magically disappear be them small or big. If anything, My Hero Academia amplifies those internal conflicts of each character who became inspired to take that mantle upon themselves. Touya Todoroki is yet another tragic example of their structural system failing to give them proper emotional growth. Having a father, who embodies so much negativity in what heroism means to him, was a guaranteed disaster for having long lasting affects on their dysfunctional family tree. Regardless if Touya Todoroki took the intense training upon himself for putting burn after burn upon his fragile body, who planted this crucial seed in the boy’s head? His father did, plain and simple. Enji may have not greatly physically abused Touya, as seen with Shoto in that distant future, but there’s plenty of psychological damage the child’s been handed down from his father. Namely one utmost important thing being, emotional neglect.
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Underneath whatever Enji said to try gently guiding his son away from training to become a better a hero than All Might were those darker desires in doing whatever it took to get what he desired. Enji became all the more laser focused on getting that top spot of number one hero, rather than give Touya a real heart to heart, which the boy oh so desperately needed to prevent bigger problems. Enji doesn’t bother to pursue those concerns, voiced by Rei, to try finding another way for communicating properly with Touya’s inevitable insecurities. He’d rather play scientist in seeing how many babies it’d take before getting their perfect child. All of that becomes a greater detriment to Touya’s mental state seeing his father take a greater interest in playing favorites, once Shoto came into existence. It finally clicked in Touya’s head what kind of person his father is and what stuff was happening in their family tree. Touya became so crushed and confused with everything his father made him believe in standing up for. Eventually, something had to give and damn did it not hold back on Touya’s breaking point in confronting his father with all of those repressed feelings. No matter how much Enji tried to help in a sense from deterring his son and guide him to an extent, it doesn’t change a simple fact he brought all of this upon himself. Enji did indeed reaped what he sowed with Touya by filling his head up with ideas of grandeur about being better than All Might. That he could put his mind toward becoming a stronger and more impressive person, too. Those words don’t amount to much when he ends up throwing you to the wayside in favor of someone else to carry on his dreams. If Touya wasn’t worthy, than what does that make him? Another failed experiment to be ignored forever?
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Touya’s breakdown hurts to look at because all he wanted was his father’s love, like any kid would want to have. Doesn’t help that when your father is a respected person in a renowned profession of community there’s going to be loads of more pressure in wanting to impress him. So, it doesn’t take much thought to figure what’s gonna happen next with that kind of emotional intensity. Touya’s line, “The kids at school all say they wanna be heroes! I can’t understand that. Because I’ve got you for a father.”, was a serious red flag for his anger boiling over at everything ranging from his father, the concept of heroes, their family tree, and most importantly Shoto taking up the reigns from what was, in Touya’s eyes, his whole purpose for existing. Combine that with stubborn determination, a powerful quirk, painful drawbacks, and a shit ton of emotional issues giving us one Hell of a pissed off broken kid determined to kill Shoto Todoroki for taking away what was his “birth right” and father’s love. 
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This panel is God damn intense in encapsulating everything wrong with Enji’s actions. He wanted so badly to surpass All Might it ended up crushing his whole family’s idea for a happy life together and it’s shown so wonderfully with Touya’s descent into bitter madness at their family, society, and idea of pure heroics.
It’s why Touya’s arc works for being so empathetic, yet painfully tragic. while also showing another side of Enji’s personality that he hadn’t reached a level of intense abuse just yet anyway, until after these events occurred. Gives us a more layered look into what types of abuse there were in the Todoroki house hold.
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localinferiorgood · 5 years
BNHA Modern Gang AU
*I got bored on a car ride and kind of got overexcited imagining and planning out this AU inside my head so uh, yeah. I should also note that I ultimately decided they would not have quirks in this AU*
General Stuff: - I’ll be referring to the gang as Gang X for now - The kids would go to school and everything like normal kids but after school would have gang training (physical and in weapon use (instead of having quirks)  - I want all of the major events of the show to still be incorporated in the AU, in some way - And I want all the kids to have the same personalities and relationships, because its not a BNHA AU if all the characters have different personalities (also I love my babies so) - Everyones “Hero Names” in the show are now their gang names - Instead of striving to become the #1 hero, they’re striving to eventually take over and become the head boss of the gang (at least Bakugo, Deku, and Todoroki are)
School: - So I was imagining the kids would go to a nice private school paid for by the gang - Also a major sports school - It would have mostly normal kids but have 2 classes (in each grade level) filled specifically with the gang kids (like the hero course; the normal kids would be based off the general track in UA) - There are rumors that the school may have gang ties, but no ones ever really been able to prove it - The school nurse (they call her Recovery Girl because it seems like she can take any injury in 15 minutes flat; she even takes care of broken bones and major injuries) and the principal (Nezu; not sure what would be unique about him yet, as he obviously can’t be a mouse in this one) and the gang-class teachers are all aware of the ties to the gang and are in it  - So to properly encompass and justify Class 1-A and Class 1-B’s relationship, I was thinking both classes could also be in sports(maybe volleyball,baseball or basketball(require a lot of  teamwork) but anything would probably work)?(it would be mandatory as physical training and to strengthen their bonds) - I can’t decide whether I would have Class 1-A be varsity and class 1-b be JV of the same sport or both varsity of different sports. 
Support Course/items: - So.... this wouldn’t be an extra class physically in school, but the kids training to work on support items would go to the same private school - Hatsume is still the prodigy - Support tailors weapons and sometimes clothing/other stuff to fit specific people  - Like they can tailor a specific gun to fit your hand, and can lower how much the gun kicks. They can do the same for knives, tailoring them to be the perfect length and weight for the user, as well as fitting perfectly in their hands. This goes for all weapons as well
“Gang Training”: - This is basically training to be able to be a competent gang member (most kids that get into the private school end up being higher ups) - They do basic physical training (I mean in hand-to-hand combat it helps to be strong, but also to handle the kick from any gun) but also with basic weaponry - The guns they use for training look, feel and have the actual kick of the gun they’re using but only actually shoot paintballs (Mr. Aizawa is a tough teacher but it’s not very rational to kill off all of your students lmao) - They train with all kinds of guns and ammunition, to get a feel for what each one is like and what they like. Aizawa requires them to train with all anyway though, as he believes you should be able to pick any random gun off the ground and shoot it with perfect efficiency and aim.  - There’s safety measures for swords and knives too, but I haven’t trained with those so idk what those would be lol 
All Might: - I was imagining he would be the boss, or head of the organization, since he’s #1 hero (at least in the beginning) - Like in the beginning of the show, he is secretly sick from an old injury and can only fight for so long before he starts coughing up blood.  - He’s still revered as not only the best gang leader ever but also one of the most amazing fighters the underworld has ever seen - But, as he gets older he still needs to find a worthy successor, as he’s definitely not immortal - Believes the boss should still be actively involved in the gang, fighting alongside his men and while some people think it’s foolish, everyone respects and likes him more for it 
All Might & Deku: - Obviously, Deku is still his secret chosen successor (or the one he wants to succeed him anyway but it will, in the end, go to the best candidate no matter what) - Deku was (distantly), probably through his father who’s in America, related to Gang X. His grandpa told him about it before he died, and all about All Might, the most impressive man in all the underworld, and has wanted to be just like him ever since - Soooo......I’m not entirely sure about how this part should play out, but I’m thinking maybe Deku was sick? And just couldn’t afford the really expensive procedure? (I’m pretty sure in the show Deku is middle class? So we’d keep it that way) - He by chance meets All Might and asks if he could ever be like him, even with his sickness, and All Might says no - Not sure what would go on to change his mind, but something happens, and All Might decides to pay for Deku’s hospital bills, heal whatever was going on, and personally start physically training him. Probably would make him clean up the whole ass beach still lmao - After the “entrance exam” (the physical part which happens after the standard school written at a secret location), Deku gets in by the skin of his teeth
Endeavor&Todofam: - uhhhhhhhhhhh........ - So he’s always wanted to be gang leader, but has always been behind All Might - He’s even tried duking it out with the boss a couple times but never wins - Not sure if I would make him head of the second most powerful branch of the gang or second in command - Either way he still not-so-secretly hates All Might, although he does grudgingly respect him - Wanted to become better than All Might, not get the top spot from All Might weakening, so he’s still pissed when All Might has to retire and he’s technically the boss now  - So, I haven’t been able to decide what Rei had that Endeavor wanted(since no quirks) but I still want it to be a fucked arranged marriage. Maybe she came from “good bloodlines” (like notoriously strong and smart /or people, whether her family was arranged in gang stuff or not) or maybe she was just very pretty and when she refused him, he literally bought off her parents? - Still raised Touya and Shouto specifically to be All Might’s successor - Touya still wasn’t good enough for some reason and something happened to him (weak bones maybe?) and he’s still dead in this AU (or is Dabi whatever the truth really is) - Rei still had a psychotic break and burned Shouto’s eye with boiling water and is in a hospital
Top 10 Heroes:  - So I want the top 10 heroes to either be the leaders of the 10 branches of the gang, or the top 10 members of the gang (they have a council or something)
Work Studies: - So in my old high school we were allowed to have a work study class, where we left campus for that hour and worked somewhere of our choosing, - Work studies were a big part of character development in the show so I’d like to keep those if possible - To make things less suspicious, work studies are required for all students (I mean let’s face it of entire classes all had work studies and others didn’t it would be weird). Also, since it’s a nice private school, I can totally see where they’d want the kids to go out and have “real world experience” before leaving high school - I would probably keep the fact that first years typically don’t have work studies (our school didn’t let freshman have them) but they’re trying something different this year - Of course the gang classes would be sent to various gang members (I think they’d still get to choose who, but idk maybe it would be more interesting if the teachers chose for them? - The general classes would go to whatever work study of their choosing, probably based on the careers they want to go into
Sports Festival:  - Literal school sports festival  - Limited only to those school students, i think - Gang members interested in work studies would come watch and scout - Would it be as internationally famous as the UA sports festival? i dont know tbh
Summer Camp & The Wild Wild Pussycats: - Not sure if here they would be purely working on physical ability and maybe martial arts or on weapons and stuff too - It would depend whether or not the Pussycats knew about the whole gang thing(or if they were involved in it) or were just regular physical trainers with no connection or idea about the gang thing - Kota......I think I would have his parents die in a gang-related accident and, obviously, hate anything to do with gang activity (which is normal anyway). If the Pussycats were not gang-related I’m not sure how the whole Deku-saving-him thing would go down but oh well - The League of Villains would be attacking still, to kidnap Bakugo (for whatever reason)
League of Villains (Gang Y) & All for One: - In a world where there are no “heroes” and “villians”, they obviously can’t go by that name (I mean I guess they can but I feel like that would be kind of stupid and odd) so we’ll go with Gang Y, for now - All for One can’t be immortal in this one, so maybe the gang name just keeps getting passed on from successor to successor? Or he’s just stupidly old(like 100 years old and still kicking ass)? - So, in the underworld, obviously no one is really “good” so to speak, I assume Gang X would still be involved in basic drug deals and stuff like that, but think Gang Y would be involved in some really fucked up shit. Like slave trade stuff maybe? Blood money? - Gang X and Gang Y have been top rivals since both of them started (around the same time) - Gang startup story would be the same as the beginning of the AFO and OFA rivalry in the show (2 brothers with different ideals) - AFO still ends up in jail after the legendary battle in Kamino Ward  - So......I’m having trouble with Shigaraki’s backstory since quirks aren’t a thing. Like obviously it would still be a horrific accident but.....yeah you get the point (haha it sucks trying not to spill manga spoilers) - Toga’s backstory would pretty much be the same I think - Spinner would have some deformity or something (since he can’t be a lizard) justifying his backstory - Twice is hard for the backstory thing.....but I would still have some traumatic event that caused him to do the contradicting voices thing - Nomu’s would maybe be like, brainless humans? Still look like flesh and blood humans but essentially be brain dead and only do what AFO tells them to do? Not sure but I’d still like them to be the result of human experimentation. - In Kurogiri’s case.........not sure tbh we’ll work on it  - Speaking of Kurogiri, he is like, get away driver/escape artist of the millennia. It’s like him and the rest of Gang Y just disappear into thin air. Even the police have tried to track him but? he’s just....gone? He’s still team mom, by the way, and really the only reason the Gang Y survives tbh (Credit to @tears-of-an-otaku )
Stain:  - Goes after and kills gang members (especially higher-ups) that he deems “corrupt” (ones that sit back and make underlings do all the work; rapers; betrayers; ones that are only really in it for the money; etc) - Puts chemicals on his weapons that immobilize his victims; The blood-type thing is still the same (works longer/better on specific blood-types) - Iida still goes after him for disabling his brother, and Deku finds and follows him, and Todoroki ends up coming as back up. - They still don’t get the credit for defeating him “for safety reasons”
Chisaki & Eri: - From a rivaling gang - Not sure how they find out whats going on but they do - Eri, at the very least, is still severely abused, but it would be cool to be able to incorporate using her blood to make some kind of drug  - Not really sure about much in this story arc tbh it’s so quirk-based it’s kind of hard to incorporate without them :/
The Licensing Exam: - Another sports festival, but this time with other major sports schools - Gang members come to scout as well  - In this one though, the other kids are just competing in a sports festival, but the teachers of the “gang classes” are also watching to determine whether or not their kids are ready to take on more “hardcore”/serious work studies (or even internships), where they would be able to experience what it’s actually like to be in a gang a little more in depth and practice real world fighting (and of course their special skills) - Special thanks to @tears-of-an-otaku for helping me figure this one out!
The Kids: - Like I said I want all the kids personalities and relationships to be the same - Jiro is still super into music and can still play (at least a little bit) a bunch of instruments; She has unnaturally good hearing too.  - Bakugo obviously can’t explode things with his hands anymore but has a dangerous interest in explosives (he was actually recommended to join the Support team but he rudely declined); still tells everyone to die on the (way too) regular; also still has the best reflexes in the class - Deku is super strong. Our sweet boy doesn’t look it but is strong af - Koda, still quiet as ever, is super good with animals (but afraid of bugs) - Momo is super good at designing and creating stuff and is very inventive(can always find a solution to a problem); She was also recommended to help in support but she (politely) declined; Still team mom - Iida’s a great runner (probably best at long distance but good at jump about anything)! Back in middle school, he was an absolute track star, but now-a-days with school, his class sports, and gang training, he doesn’t have time for track as well :( ;Still class president and team dad - Kaminari is still our lovable dumbass but is really good with electronics and wiring anything.  - Shinsou obviously can’t actually mind control, but he’s a super smooth talker and can convince almost anybody to do anything for him, so it can kind of seem like he controls people.  - Kirishima is an icon when it comes to defense training, he can block almost anything. He also never seems to get bruises. The rest of the class lowkey hates him for it because while, at the end of the day, they’re covered in bruises, Kirishima’s got maybe one (but usually not even that). He dyed his hair because he thought it made him took tougher and less boring - Aoyama is still into the ridiculously shiny, which is horrible for stealth practice, but he has this trick where he (maybe with a bracelet or something? Or a belt bc of his iconic belt in the show) can blind his opponent with the light reflecting off the metal and go in for an attack in that moment. It’s surprisingly effective.  - Oijiro may not have a tail, but he still excels at martial arts.He even rivals Bakugo (he might be able to win if Bakugo played by the actual martial arts rules that Oijiro was taught but he won’t) - Sugar makes Sato really energetic really quickly! (and for some reason makes him focus better). He’s still a super good cook and baker - Shouji still wears a mask all the time (he has a medical condition with his mouth that’s kind of gross and tends to scare people). He “talks with his hands” using sign language! He’s been teaching the rest of the class, as Aizawa said it was a very useful skill to have, especially in a situation where they need to be quiet but still communicate. - Hagakure, for whatever reason, is amazing a stealth missions! She’s somehow really good at blending into the background and even Jiro can’t hear her when she walks (unless she’s really focusing on it). Top of her class in it, actually.  - Mineta still isn’t that good in actual battle but is really good at simple immobilization (sorry the only thing I could think of for him even a little bit related to his quirk). - Ururaka (while not as strong as Deku), is surprisingly, incredibly strong. She can pick almost anything up and make it seem like the thing’s totally weightless (even when she’s actually struggling, something Deku can’t do) - Sero is the master of Duck tape really good at fixing stuff! It seems like he can fix almost anything; Him and Momo team up a lot when something breaks (which, in Class 1-A, is surprisingly often *cough* Bakugo *cough*); (Sorry, couldn’t really think of anything for him either but tape=fixing things? maybe?) - Mina is really into chemistry, specifically corrosives and hazardous mixtures. Her and Bakugo once teamed up after school and tried to make something - Aizawa said if they ever teamed up to do anything in the chemistry lab again they were going to be banned from it; Mina still has pink hair - Tokoyami has a pet raven that follows him everywhere-literally everywhere. It was a problem at first, but the school eventually decided to let Tokoyami keep it as long as it wasn’t making a mess anywhere and not attacking students (everyone else is lowkey mad about it like why does he get to keep a pet? Nezu tries to pass it off as an “emotional support bird” but everyone knows that’s bullshit); The bird (whom Tokoyami’s emo ass named Dark Shadow for some reason) can actually attack on cue! Actually, he kind of constantly has to be watched otherwise he might attack someone on the random (it’s happened; he seems to pick up on Tokoyami’s emotions somehow and if Tokoyami gets mad well.....; He has in particular had trouble Aoyama and all his sparkly things); The bird can actually send messages too! Tokoyami refuses to say how or why he trained his bird to do this but since no one expects such an old fashioned way of sending a message, it’s extremely useful for high secrecy messages (and packages; actually the actual gang has used it a time or two, a fact Tokoyami is secretly proud of). (Credit to @agaxso) - Todoroki is, not quite an expert, but has a weird amount of knowledge on arson and burning things (not sure why a gang would really need a skill like this except to burn bodies beyond recognition but Endeavor specializes in it so it must be useful somewhere); He also has an extensive knowledge of using  polyoxacyclobutane mixtures(liquid nitrogen definitely and maybe some other things?) to freeze things at whatever temperature (I think he’d probably shoot bullet-like things out of a modified gun; Freezing the target when it hits. Here’s a link explaining basically how polyoxacyclobutane works); He has practice with the modified gun from training with his father, but his mom was the one that originally taught him how to make and use the bullets properly.(Credit to @agaxso) - Monoma can do anything almost perfectly after watching someone else do it once. Unfortunately, he has a really horrible memory so he only retains the information for like an hour then has to watch them do it again. Still an annoying asshole - Kendo is tough as hell! Specifically has really tough hands/knuckles. The One Punch Man of class 1-B, she is literally known for being able to knock people out in only a punch or two. She once smacked Monoma and he had a wicked bruise on his cheek for 2 weeks. She still maintains that she “didn’t even hit him that hard” - Awase is an amazing welder! He was another candidate for the support team, but after some consideration he declined - Tetsutetsu, like Kirishima, has ridiculously tough skin that never bruises, and has amazing defense - I don’t really know enough about class 1-B to finish this unfortunately - Aizawa and Vlad actually put special time aside for the kids to practice and hone their specific skills and learn how to put them to use in battle. After all, you should use everything you have in your arsenal in real battle, and unique/special “skills” can be extremely useful in battle and often pack the element of surprise and can easily but you above whoever your fighting, (especially if they don’t have any special attacks)
Soooo......if anybody would like to write out this AU for me and help fill in the blanks I would love you forever and also probably owe you my life because I have absolutely fallen in love with this AU. Also let me know if I missed anything or you have ideas for the stuff I couldn’t fill in and I’ll put it in (and credit you of course lol) @todorokitops I know you’re a pretty well known Tumblr fanfic writer so......know anybody who might be up for the challenge?
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linphd · 5 years
husband!endeavor x wife!reader | wedding ring
enji todoroki x reader
female reader
Endeavor goes mad when his wife's wedding ring falls in the sink, and the whole city hears about it.
no warning
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           ''ENJI ! ENJI !'' Endeavor heard. He had remarried -a happy wedding this time, not a quirk one- but his wife had the tendency to overreact everything. So, he didn't flinch when he heard her yell from the bathroom. ''What ?'' She was trying to catch something in the hole that was in the sink. ''My wedding ring fell ! I left it on the sink, next to my clothes as usual, but it must've been wet because it slipped and fell !'' She said that so fast, Enji needed a whole minute to fully understand what she meant.
          ''I'm going to buy you the same one, no problem.'' Ohoh, not a great idea. ''NO ENJI ! IT WOULDN'T MEAN THE  SAME THING, A WEDDING RING HAS A WHOLE MEANING, YOU CAN'T JUST REPLACE IT LIKE THAT !'' The man raised his arms in defeat. ''Okay, okay... you young people like to yell.'' His wife turned to look at him, mad. ''It's your fault for having married a 30 years old !''
          They were interrupted by Shoto walking in. ''Why are we yelling ? Did you hear that you were pregnant or something ?'' Enji turned to look at him. ''SHOTO ! But no, (Y/N)'s ring fell in-'' he was cut off by the main addressee crying. ''What ?! (Y/N), no, no ! We're going to find a solution, don't cry !'' Shoto looked at the scene. ''It fell in the hole ?'' His stepmom nodded. ''Hm... Well, we can do like in Stuart Little. You know, the ring falls and Stuart goes in the pipe to find it because he's tiny ?''
         Enji's eyes widened. ''Yeah ! That's clever, son ! I'll go to my agency and I'll call someone that has a shrinking quirk ! Honey, relax, okay ? Don't think about the ring, I'm going to find a solution.'' That said, the hero put on his hero costume to run to his agency. (Y/N) looked at Shoto. ''Thanks, kid. I can't think straight when I'm panicking.'' The boy smiled a bit at her. ''Yeah, I know.''
           Enji arrived at his agency, bursting the door open. ''WE NEED THE PHONE NUMBER OF EVERY AGENCY AROUND ! WE HAVE THAT, RIGHT ?!'' He yelled at his secretary, who just jumped. ''Uh, y-yeah, sir, but what do you need specifically ?'' He walked closer, panting. ''Someone who has a shrinking quirk or someone who can catch things in a pipe. My wife's wedding ring fell in the sink's pipe and now she's freaking out.''
          Many people that worked there took their phone out, dialing numbers. ''Sir, we're not sure that those heroes will be free, they're surely doing some hero job outside.'' The man turned to look at the person who said that. ''A hero is also someone that helps people with little actions ! AND WE'RE TALKING ABOUT THE NUMBER ONE HERO'S WIFE SO THEY'LL SURELY BE FREE.''
           Okay, his fire was expanding, they just wanted to calm him down before he burnt the whole agency by himself. He was usually cold with them, but he wasn't this scary. And seeing that nobody could find anyone with a useful quirk in the closest agencies, Enji decided to go outside to find a civilian.
‘’DOES ANYONE HAS A QUIRK THAT SHRINKS THEM ? OR ANYONE CAN CATCH SOMETHING THAT FELL IN A PIPE ?!’’ Seeing the number one hero outside like that, many people ran to him to ask for autographs and stuff. ‘’I DON’T HAVE TIME FOR THAT, I’VE GOT A CRYING WIFE AT HOME !’’ And finally, someone from his agency ran outside to find him and tell him they got someone. Apparently, it was some guy who had an elasticity quirk, so he could use his fingers to grab the ring.
Anyway, they made the guy arrive as fast as possible and Enji ran with him back home because ‘we don’t have time to wait for a taxi’. Maybe if he hadn’t rushed like that, in a hurry, he would’ve taken the car to go to his agency ? But his wife wasn’t here to tell him those kind of stuffs because she was crying at home. And the poor elastic guy, he heard Enji say that all the way back to the house.
‘’Am I getting paid ? -You’ll get paid when you’ll give me the ring.’’ They arrived at the hero’s house, and Enji rushed to the bathroom. ‘’(Y/N) ? (Y/N) !!!’’ She didn’t seem to be here, since it was Shoto who answered. ‘’She’s hanging out with Mount Lady.’’ His dad sighed in relief. ‘’Good, she won’t see how much effort I’m putting into this.’’
The elastic guy caught the ring, Enji paid him, and then he went to clean the ring -he wanted it to look just brand new. It was on TV already ‘Endeavor, #1 hero, caught yelling in the street’.
‘’Endeavor was seen today, hysterical, because he needed someone to catch his wife’s wedding ring. It’s another example of the paradox of the new number one hero. Indeed, he’s yelling at people and refusing to sign autographs and to talk to his fans, looking like a mean guy, but he’s doing that for his wife and something she loves. Maybe his popularity will rise once again because of this event, or maybe it will decline at the same time-‘’
The TV was turned off, and Shoto turned to his dad. ‘’What ? I don’t want (Y/N) to know that. She’ll think I’m crazy.’’ His dad said. ‘’You are crazy. -Shoto....’’ But it wasn’t time to deal with Shoto right now, and Enji also thought he was deserving that anyway.
When (Y/N) came back home, she immediately asked about the ring. Enji had put his normal clothes back on, and he had already prepared to ring to put it on the table in front of her. She gasped. ‘’Oh it’s shining ! How did you do ?’’ But Enji didn’t answer. Instead, he said : ‘’From now on, you’ll put your ring in its box when you’re showering instead of putting it on the sink. Of course it’ll fall if you do that...’’ He looked a bit pissed, but (Y/N) was too focused on the ring anyway.
‘’Thank you honeeeey !’’ She said, putting in back on her finger. Enji snorted, even if he didn’t seem to smile. ‘’It wasn’t a big deal.’’ Shoto rolled his eyes. Yeah, as if it wasn’t !
endeavor is officially a part of my adult mains with aizawa and dabi now
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foryoumyheroes · 5 years
Their S/O lives with Saitama and Genos
Midoriya + Bakugou + Todoroki 
I’m enjoying OPM season 2 so far!! 
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On one of your scheduled dates with your boyfriend, you realized that you left your phone at home. As you two walk back to your apartment you ask him one thing. 
“But...keep an open mind about my living situation, okay?” 
Midoriya Izuku: 
Immediately this sets off warning bells inside his head and he starts to worry. 
Are you being abused? Are you living inconveniently? Maybe you are struggling financially? How did he not notice this from his own significant other? 
You two walk to the bad side of town and immediately Izuku starts to fret about your home life and your safety. 
Your apartment building is ratty and trashed, and he’s full-on mumbling now. The two of you go up several staircases, and by the time you’re at your door, he’s ready to announce that if you needed it, he can help you if you’re struggling financially. 
“My roommates should be home,” you cut him off before he could say anything. “But just so you know...they can be a bit...weird.” 
Before he can, “Eh?” in response, you knock and the door slams open.
Midoriya barely has time to cry out in shock when a glowing, warm metal hand is pointed right at his face, ready to blast him to the next life. 
[“Stand back, [Name]. An unidentified male is standing behind you. One-hundred and sixty-six centimeters, blood type O—” 
“Calm down! That’s just my boyfriend!”]
Just as quick as it came, the hot light winds down and your roommate drops his hands with an, “Oh. Please come in then.” 
Midoriya is ready to cry and drop into his knees shaking. Did he just have a near death experience? 
You have to physically grip Izuku by the shoulders and lead him into your room while he leans as far away from Genos as physically possible. 
You step into the apartment and a bald head pops out. 
“Huh? Did I hear that [Name] has a boyfriend?” he asks. Saitama looks at Izuku and even though Saitama is so horribly plain looking, he wonders if Saitama is out to kill him too. “Oi! Genos! He looks like he just saw a ghost! What did you do?!” 
You seat a dazed Izuku at the table and you leave him for a bit to look for your phone. In that time Genos managed to serve Izuku tea and apologize, and after Midoriya managed to calm his heartbeat, he notices just who your roommate is. 
[“N-No way! Y-You’re Demonic Cyborg! You just started joining the Pro-Hero ranks several months ago, yet you’re already No. 17! You’ve managed to become the sixth most popular Hero in the forums since your debut! C-Can I have your autograph?” 
“Oh...sure, since you are [Name]’s boyfriend.”] 
Izuku forgets all about his fear and continues to talk to Genos; and if there’s one thing that Genos loves, it’s talking. They somehow get to pulling out their notebooks and diaries and they get on like a house on fire. 
You find your phone, tucked as a bookmark for one of Saitama’s manga, but end up sitting at home for the rest of the day anyway. 
His S/O doesn’t live with not one Pro, but two. It’s Christmas. 
Saitama, Caped Baldy, is near the end of the ranks but Izuku still knows who he is. 
Genos constantly refers to Saitama as an inspiration and a mentor, but unlike Genos, Saitama doesn’t have very (positive) videos showcasing his skill. But two weeks later, when the streets are ravaged by villains and all hope seems lost, Saitama comes in and saves the day with just one punch. 
Caped Baldy has won himself a new number one fan, and when asked what Izuku could do for him to pay him back, Caped Baldy just claps a hand on his back. 
“Take care of [Name] for me, all right?” 
When he learns that Saitama’s Quirkless? Izuku cries buckets. 
Bakugou Katsuki: 
He just does that soft scoff and slams his hand in his pockets. 
“Whatever. Can’t be worse than living with my old hag.” 
He says this, but he can’t stop himself from looking you over once more. You don’t look like you might have financial issues (but he knows better to take this at face value), you don’t have any bruises on your body, you do all of your homework on time, you look like you get enough sleep, and you have a packed lunch every day. But you never mention your parents, and you’re always chasing sales like a penny-pincher. 
While people say that he’s a horrible friend and partner, you’re one of the few things that he actually adores in this world. Bakugou is no idiot either. If something was wrong with your living situation, he would know. 
Then you two get to a deserted, trashed part of town and he’s on edge. You get to your apartment and he’s like, “Shit, you fucking live in this dump?” 
You just mumbled out a “Rent’s cheap—and my roommate’s the one that picked it.” Before you knock on your door, your feet shift ever so slightly, like you’re shielding Bakugou, and you have one hand out. 
[“What the fuck are you—” 
 “An unknown male has entered my proximity alarm with surprising rates of anger and aggression—” 
“What the fuck—?!” 
You forcefully wedge yourself between the two before one sets off his palms or cannons. “No explosions! No incineration! Genos, he’s just my boyfriend!”] 
Genos straightens up as if nothing was wrong and lets you in, but Bakugou doesn’t back down so easily. He’s shouting and cursing, and in no time at all your other roommate pops his head out of the room. 
[“Huh? Genos, what’s wrong?” 
“Fuck off, Baldy! This is none of your damned business!” 
“Master is very sensitive about his lack of hair! Apologize immediately!] 
You walk out of the room with your phone, ready to resume your date, but Bakugou just yells at you. 
“What the hell?! You live with older men and you never told me?! You know how suspicious that sounds?!” 
You’re already used to this, so you just calmly respond to Katsuki. You wanted to be a stronger Hero, and you had nowhere else to go. As simple as that. 
Katsuki isn’t satisfied though, and they still have a cursing, angry boy screaming at them, so Saitama just goes, “Oi, Genos, do something.” 
“You wanna fight?! Let’s go fucking fight!” 
You tell Bakugou it’s a bad idea to fight against Genos. 
No one listens to you and they fight anyway. 
Bakugou’s strong, but it isn’t surprising when Genos ruthlessly beats him. You end up dropping Katsuki off at his house, but you already know that this isn’t over yet. 
Bakugou ends up going to your house almost every week to demand a rematch. Saitama would tell him to leave, but Bakugou brings groceries as a bribery every time. 
When he manages to finally beat Genos in one fight, he has to go up against Saitama next. 
Bakugou might as well move in with you too. 
Todoroki Shouto: 
Todoroki believes that even without you telling him to keep an “open mind,” he wouldn’t say anything. He’s not the judging type and he’s not in the place to judge with how his own living situation is anyway. 
“Are you...hurt...or struggling at home?” is the only thing he asks when the two of you start walking. 
“Huh? Oh, no, don’t worry, but my home life isn’t the most normal....” 
Low key a Crazy Rich Asian, so it baffles him when he sees the state of the apartment you live in?? 
“Where’s the rest of it?” 
“[Name], I will steal that man’s credit card and we can move in together.” 
The door slams open and you barely have time to think before you’re thrown behind Todoroki and ice and fire collide on your front door. 
It takes a while for the steam to clear and for the situation to de-escalate because your genkan is near irreparable. 
[“[Name]...I didn’t know you were Caped Baldy and Demonic Cyborg’s love child.” 
“O-Oi! We’re just roommates! I’m not with Genos like that! And don’t call me Caped Baldy! It’s Saitama!”] 
Todoroki barely knows of Genos, but he knows of Saitama well, because Endeavor complains about Caped Baldy all the time when that man is home. 
[“You’ve caused my father a lot of irritation.” 
“Huh? Your pops? Who’s that?” Saitama squints at Todoroki to get a better look. He snaps his fingers after a couple of seconds with a look of Eureka on his face. “You’re Jack o’ Lantern Panic--no...Speed Of Sound Sonic’s kid!” 
“No. I don’t even know who that is.”  “Saitama that’s not even remotely right.”
“H-Huh? But...don’t they kinda sound alike?”] 
Endeavor doesn’t like Saitama because he thinks that Saitama is a showoff and he doesn’t like the look on Saitama’s face. 
Whenever Endeavor and Saitama end up defeating the same villain No. 2 goes home and complains. 
[“Oh! Endeavor! The guy with the fire beard, right? I almost punched him once on accident...I think....”
“Do you think you can punch my father again, but this time on purpose.”] 
You’re able to resume your date, but when Todoroki needs training he goes to your apartment and asks to fight one of them. 
It’s a good thing that Todoroki is mostly flame resistant because Genos doesn’t hold back. 
Todoroki desperately wants to know the secret to Saitama’s power, but you never let Saitama finish his sentence. Todoroki can’t go bald. 
Todoroki pisses his dad off by inviting the three of you to his house for hot pot. Endeavor just comes home one day and a baldie, a cyborg, and his son are just slurping noodles while looking at him straight in the eye. 
He could piss his dad off even more by moving in with y’all but Saitama likes his leg space. 
[“I have rent money.”  “Oh. Did you bring your own futon?”]
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saccharii · 5 years
Todofam Month, Day Twelve: What if...
Human Disaster Social Worker Touya
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Todofam Month masterpost
heads up, dad might try to contact you
Touya stared blearily at his phone and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He reread the text, trying to make sense of it. He checked the sender again. It had to be some wrong number, right? Nope. It still said Natsuo. 
Maybe he was still asleep?
It was not something he ever expected to wake up to. A text asking him to come in to work early, sure. Or maybe a firm reminder of the next family dinner from Fuyumi. A booty-call text from Hawks would be a pleasant morning surprise. 
But not heads up, dad might try to contact you
More than five years had passed since Touya talked to his father. He couldn’t even remember the last thing they said to each other. Hell, when was the last time they saw each other? Maybe a month before he’d packed his things and left...?
Touya shook the thoughts out of his head.
What? Why? he texted back.
The “...” bubble popped up, disappeared, and popped up again. The phone rang and Touya answered it without thinking.
“Hey,” Natsuo said before Touya could say anything. “The old man’s apparently trying to ‘mend bridges’ or some garbage. He he kept going on and on about how becoming the number one hero put things in perspective. Yesterday, came home early when I was visiting Fuyumi and Shouto and I got the pleasure of his company. I wanted to warn you he might try to ambush you too.”
Touya scrunched up his face. None of this made any sense.
“You sure it’s him and not the bodysnatchers or something?”
“Pretty sure. He’s just as much an ass as always.”
“You might want to check the basement for pods, just in case.”
Natsuo snorted
Touya yawned and stretched, nearly knocking over one of the many half full cups of water on his nightstand.  
“It’s too early for this. I just woke up.”
“It’s ten. Don’t you have work?”
“Not until eleven. I’m working a half shift. It’s paperwork day.”
“That’s good? I guess? Don’t answer any unknown numbers.”
“I can’t do that.” Touya threw his arm over his eyes. Why did sunlight have to be so bright? “I have to answer any calls I get because of work. Emergency situations or whatever.”
Natsuo hummed sympathetically. “That sucks.”
“Yeah. Actually... do you have his number? I could block it now.”
Touya groaned. Of course. Nothing could ever be easy. “I guess I’ll just have to hope he can’t get my number. Or maybe he’ll forget I exist.”
Natsuo laughed. “If only. At least he doesn’t know where you live.”
“Don’t jinx it,” Touya said. “He could probably find me if he wanted.”
It was an abuse of power to use hero resources to track someone down without a warrant, but when had Endeavor ever cared about shit like that?
He pushed himself up and squinted at the clock. “I better get out of bed and get ready. I have to be at work in an hour and I haven’t eaten or showered or anything.”
“Isn’t your work a half hour away?”
“Good luck with that,” Natsuo said. “I’ll see you later.”
Touya hung up and rolled over, pulling the blankets around him. Maybe he could get away with sleeping for another fifteen minutes.
“We received a complaint about you.”
Touya nodded. People complained about him all the time. It turned out some people thought that piercings and badly dyed hair where ‘unprofessional.’ The more traditional parents didn’t like his casual speech and attitude. Whatever. He wasn’t using keigo just because some asshole waste-of-space parents thought that a lowly social worker should bow down to them. (Endeavor had drilled keigo into all of his children’s heads. Touya knew the proper way to respond in any formal situation. He took great pleasure not doing that.)
“So what is it this time?” 
“According to the complaint,” she said, scanning the papers in front of her. “When told of a teen’s disrespectful behavior you said, and I quote, ‘Hell yeah, stick it to the man’ then high fived her.”
Touya grinned. “Oh yeah! I remember that. I liked that kid. She’s got guts.”
His boss pinched the top of her nose. “You can’t just say things like that, Todoroki. I know you connect well with troubled teenagers, I’m not sure if it’s because of your age or your casual attitude, but you have to retain some professionalism.”
Touya snorted, crossed his arms, and leaned back in his chair. ‘Troubled teen.’ Ha, she had plenty of troubles alright—two pieces of garbage who called themselves her parents.
 Only years of practice pretending not to give a shit kept him from blowing up at the sight of the girl’s split lip and dead eyed stare. It was a familiar sight for him: he’d seen it in the mirror enough times growing up. 
“You know what grave sin she committed? She said ‘okay’ and rolled her eyes when they asked her to do something. What will that troublemaker do next? Breathe too loudly? It pisses me off.”
His boss’s gaze softened. “I understand your feelings. It frustrates me too, but you know why we can’t do anything.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Only ‘life threatening’ situations justified removal from a household. That was why no one did anything when he was a child, even when he showed up to school in bandages. It was why he couldn’t get Shouto out of the house even now, with all of his resources. All that shit he’d gone through—lying on the floor bruised and bleeding due to his father’s ‘training,’ unable to move until his mother scooped him up—felt pretty life threatening to him.
Getting Shouto out of that house was the whole reason he’d become a social worker in the first place.
The first time a kid from a ‘non life threatening situation’ on his watch died, he’d spent the entire month holed up in his room, dark thoughts swirling in his head, wondering if it would be better to burn the world down.
“Listen,” his boss said. “You’re good at your job, and I respect your judgement. But you have to show some propriety. For example... why are you wearing two different shoes?”
Touya flexed his right foot. It pinched his toes, but a shoe was a shoe. “When I was switching to my indoor shoes Amano bumped into me, and I dropped one out the window. A dog grabbed it and ran off. Ichihara lent me one of his spares. It’s a bit tight, but it mostly fits.”
His boss nodded slowly. “Right. And why didn’t you just wear both shoes?”
“...It didn’t occur to me?”
“The strangest things happen to you, Todoroki. You’re lucky I have a truth telling quirk. Otherwise I’d never believe you.”
Touya shrugged. It wasn’t his fault that these things kept happening to him. Okay, maybe a few of them were his fault, but the kangaroo thing and the time with the parade were out of his control.
Touya jumped and nearly dropped his phone onto the mall’s dirty floor. A smiling, pink cheeked, brown haired girl skipped towards him. He opened his mouth to ask her who the hell she was, but she brushed past him before he could say anything.
Brow furrowed, he turned to see her approach... Shouto?  The girl flounced up to his youngest brother and said something to him. Shouto responded and smiled. He smiled. What the hell was going on?
Two other teens, a black haired boy with glasses and a freckled green haired boy, flanked Shouto. They greeted the girl.
Shouto was hanging out with people? He was talking to them? Smiling at them? Did he have friends? When did that happen?
Without stopping to think about whether it was a good idea or not, Touya strode towards the small group of teenagers. One of them, Glasses, saw him coming and moved as if to intercept him. Touya sidestepped the boy and made a beeline for his brother.
“Hey! Shouto!”
Shouto startled and whipped his head around, eyes wide. “Wha-? Touya? What are you doing here?”
“Buying new shoes. Are these your friends? Holy shit, do you have friends now? I never thought I’d see the day.”
Shouto turned bright red. “You’re one to talk.”
“Um.” Freckles looked back and forth between the two of them. “You are...?”
“He’s my brother, Touya. And yes, these are my friends.”
“I didn’t know you had a brother.” The brown haired girl put a finger on her cheek and tilted her head. It was kind of adorable.
The three teens not so subtly eyed him. Touya knew what they were thinking. With black dyed hair, red showing through at the roots, multiple piercings, and a grungy leather jacket, he didn’t look like someone related to his prissy looking little brother.  He loved Shouto, but honestly he embodied Rich Kid Aesthetic.
“He’s got two of them. Why didn’t you tell your friends about us? Are you ashamed of me and Natsuo?” Touya realized his mistake as soon as he saw the stricken expression on Shouto’s face. No matter how many times they told him that they didn’t resent him, it remained a sore spot. “I’m just kidding. So, friends, huh? I’m proud of you.”
Glasses cleared his throat and stepped forward. “It’s nice to meet you. My name is Iida Tenya and-”
“I know you.” Touya snapped his fingers and pointed at Freckles. “You’re the kid with the hands. Midori something.”
Shouto groaned and covered his face with his hands. He looked just like Fuyumi when he did that.
“Um, yeah, I’m Midoriya.” Midoriya held up his gnarled, scarred hands, and stared at them with a furrowed brow, like he had never seen them before. “I do have hands.”
“I thought Shouto would never have friends. First day of middle school he made some kid cry. He didn’t even mean to. He just said, ‘Why would I want to be friends with you?’ and stared him down.”
Shouto turned an even deeper shade of red, almost purple, and scowled. “Okay, that’s enough.” He pushed Touya bodily away from his friends. “Time to go. It was good seeing you. Goodbye.”
“I was just-”
“Good. Bye.” he said, pushing harder.
“I was just being honest. It’s a compliment. I was congratulating you.”
“I’m going to get my revenge,” Shouto hissed, low enough his friends couldn’t hear. “Just you wait. I’m going to humiliate you.”
“Alright, alright. I’m going. Try not to be too weird and drive them off.”
“I don’t need your advice. It’s not like you have any friends.” Shouto gave him one final push, sending him stumbling. “Don’t ever talk to me again.” He stomped back to the other teens.
“See you next week!” Touya called back.
“What on earth is that?”
Touya hefted himself off the couch onto his elbows to see what Fuyumi was talking about. 
“That’s my backpack.”
“It’s got Pokemon on it, and it’s covered in coffee stains.”
“It was on clearance for a hundred yen. And that’s Detective Pikachu, I’ll have you know. It’s a good game.”
Fuyumi shoved his legs out of the way so she could sit down next to him. “Why do you have to sprawl out all over the couch?”
Touya groaned and dragged himself up into a reclining position. He pushed his feet against Fuyumi’s legs, and she swatted his knees.
“I don’t have a couch at my place and this one is comfortable.”
She rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Other people have to sit too, Touya. Please tell me you don’t take that bag with you to work.”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
Fuyumi rubbed her eyes underneath her glasses. “You’re supposed to be a professional. You’re an adult now. You need to set an example for the children you work with. You need to set an example for Shouto.”
“What does a backpack have to do with that?”
The microwave dinged. Hell yeah, food time. Touya hopped to his feet and jogged into the kitchen. He pulled the hot pocket out of the microwave and took it back into the living room.
“Is that a hot pocket? Where did you get that? We don’t keep those in the house.”
“I brought it with me.” He gestured to his hoodie pocket, and sunk back down into the couch.
It had been pretty awkward to walk around with a frozen pastry in his pocket, to be honest. It was probably something most people didn’t do. He knew he sometimes did things that others found strange, but he had a hard time telling apart what was weird and what was normal. He usually relied on people’s reaction to figure out if he was being strange or offensive. Judging by Fuyumi’s horrified expression, carrying around a frozen microwaveable meal in your pocket was not normal.
He took a large bite and promptly burned his tongue. 
“Ow!” He fanned his mouth.
“Serves you right. You should eat healthier.”
“Why are these things always too hot or too cold?”
“Did you follow the directions?”
“Yes- well, no. I’ve never read the directions.”
He held the package up to eye level. “Oh. You’re supposed to let it sit for two minutes. Hmm... ‘Enjoy with a serving of fresh fruit or veggies.’ Hah! Even they know that their food is nutritional garbage.”
“Maybe you should cut out the middle part and just eat a serving of fruit and vegetables.”
“But that takes effort. You have to wash the vegetables, then cut them up, then cook them. Then you eat them off the plate and after that you have to wash the dishes. It’s just not worth the hassle.”
“Touya, they have bags of salad you can buy and eat with no prep. You can get frozen vegetable stir fry packets, too.”
“But you still have to cook them and do the dishes.”
Fuyumi clasped her hands together and raised them to her lips like she was praying to god for strength. She did that a lot when Touya was around.
“You are going to die of malnutrition. You can come over anytime you want. We have a home cooked meal every night, and we’d love to see you.”
“Yeah, but then I’d have to see Endeavor. Hard pass.”
“He’s been doing better,” she said, picking at the afghan draped over the arm of the couch. “He wants to do right by us. He asked about you.”
“Sure he does. You didn’t give him my information, did you?”
“Of course not! I wouldn’t do that to you.”
“Good. I can’t stay tonight anyway. I have a date,” he said as casually as he could, like he wasn’t internally freaking out.
Fuyumi’s eyes lit up. “You have a date? That’s great! I didn’t know you met someone.”
“I already knew him. One of my fuckbuddies is interested in trying for something more.”
She grimaced. “Please. I never want to hear you say ‘fuckbuddy’ again.”
Just as the word ‘fuckbuddy’ came out of her mouth, Shouto entered the room, stopped, turned around, and walked back out.
Touya burst into laughter.
“Oh god,” Fuyumi whimpered, sinking down into the couch and covering her bright red face with her hands. “I can’t believe he heard me say that.”
“Poor kid.”
The front door slammed open and shut, and heavy, thudding footsteps stomped toward the living room. Touya knew those footsteps. He hadn’t heard them in over five years, but every atom in his body knew what they meant.
He jolted to his feet, sending the hot pocket packet tumbling to the ground and crumbs scattering.
“Oh, he’s home early,” Fuyumi said.
“What the fuck. I thought he was in Hokkaido all week.”
“No, that’s next week.”
Touya vaulted over the back of the couch, and threw himself flat on the ground. Just in time, too. Only moments later Endeavor entered the room.
“Welcome home, Father.”
“What was that noise, and why is the room a mess?” A pause. “Is that a child’s backpack?”
The floor creaked under Endeavor’s weight as he came closer and closer to the couch. Touya held his breath and tried not to move.
Endeavor, sans flame beard, (he had improved that much at least) leaned over the back of the couch, and stared down at his oldest son.
And so, the first thing Touya said to his estranged father whom he had neither seen nor spoken to in a half a decade was, “What’s up, fuckface?”
Touya arrived outside the cafe ten minutes late. Unsurprisingly, not many people were in the outdoor seating area. Only Hawks and one other person pretending, and failing, to not stare at Hawks. Most would consider it still too cold to eat outside. Not Touya, though.
When Hawks looked up from his phone and saw Touya he did a comical double take. He spluttered and wheezed, covering his mouth with both hands in a vain attempt to stifle his laughter. “Oh my god. What the hell happened to you?”
Touya plopped down on the (uncomfortable) wrought iron cafe chair across from Hawks and held up his now deep purple arm. “Work happened. There was a kid who couldn’t control her quirk yet. I tried to wash it off, but no dice. I came over as soon as I could.”
“The kid has a quirk that dyes people purple?”
“Just the skin and hair, but it lasts a few days.”
Hawks leaned forward and examined Touya’s face. “It even dyed your eyelashes. Wow.” He sat back in his chair. “And you came out for the date anyway despite the fact you look like an eggplant. I’m flattered.”
Touya shrugged. “I’ve had worse. One kid had a projectile vomit quirk.”
Hawks’ eyes lit up. “That’s so gross. Tell me more.”
“Not much to it. She was... six? I think? Anyway, she had two stomachs. One was normal, and the other was a sort of storage, I guess you’d call it. She could swallow items and store them in the second stomach, and later spit them out at high speed. Pretty dangerous, even when used right. She spit rocks through car windows a few times. The second stomach didn’t have any way to digest anything, or anywhere for whatever she swallowed to go.”
“I am loving where this is going.” Hawks gestured with his hand. “Please, continue.”
“Well—she ate some food and it went to the wrong stomach. She couldn’t digest it, so it went bad-
“-and she got sick. When they realized it was a quirk mishap they called me and she-” Touya pantomimed vomiting. “All over me.”
“Disgusting.” Hawks laughed.
Touya shook his head. “It’s probably the worse quirk mishap I’ve had. Some others are close, though. What about you? You must’ve come across some strange quirks and situations.”
Hawks leaned back and tapped his black, talon-like fingernails on the table. “There was a mugger who had some sort of subspace pocket in her boobs that she was keeping all the loot. We had to reach in and fish it all out. Not gross, but awkward. One woman sweated slime and left a large trail behind her. She wasn’t too hard to track down. Oh! Once, I had to apprehend a guy who farted fire. He-”
“What’s this?” Shouto appeared seemingly out of nowhere next to Hawks’ and Touya’s table. It took everything in Touya not to jump, but Hawks didn’t seem to be startled at all. “Touya, do you have a friend? Who would have thought.”
Shouto’s eyes glinted and his lips curled up into a smirk. Touya did not like what that expression promised.
“What are you doing here?” Touya ground out, glaring daggers at Shouto and doing his best to telepathically communicate fuck off. 
His smirk widened, the little shit. “I was going to meet up with one of my friends, but then I saw you and thought I’d say hi. Wait, are you on a date? How did you manage that? I’m so proud of you.”
Hawks looked back and forth between the two of them and furrowed his brow. “You two know each other?”
“We’re brothers,” Touya said.
“What?” Hawks’ eyes widened. He pointed at Shouto. “But you’re Endeavor’s son. So does that make you-” He pointed at Touya. “-Endeavor’s son, too?”
“Yes,” Shouto said. “You didn’t know?”
Hawks hummed contemplatively and looked at Touya. “I just realized I never knew your family name. I probably should have asked earlier. It’s been, what, six months now?”
Touya shrugged. “If it makes you feel better, I don’t know your real name either.”
“It’s Yuuoh Sora, nice to meet you.” Hawks saluted and Touya returned it.
“You’ve known each other six months and you only now learned each other’s names?” Shouto asked incredulously. “Is that normal? I don’t know anything about dating, but I don’t think that’s normal. Were you really going to date someone whose name you didn’t know?” 
“Yup,” Touya said.
Hawks snapped his fingers and leaned forward, putting his elbows on the table and resting his head on his hand. “So what was it like growing up with Endeavor as a dad? Pretty cool, yeah?”
“No,” Touya and Shouto said coldly at the same time.
Hawks jerked back slightly. “Sounds like there’s a story there.”
“There is,” Touya said curtly.
Hawks looked back and forth between the two brothers, but they didn’t elaborate.
“What do you even see in Touya? He’s a mess.” Shouto raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms, tilting his head to the side. “He used to eat toothpaste out of the tube, like it was candy. Mom had to lock it up.”
“Shouto...” Touya growled.
“One time,” he said solemnly to Hawks, “he glued his lips closed with superglue. When they took him to the doctor the nurse had to run to the hardware store to buy solvent.”
“The label was in Korean!” Touya protested. “It’s not my fault that chapstick and gluesticks look so much alike.”
Touya wondered how Shouto even knew about that. It was a few years after the fiery bag of dicks isolated Shouto from everyone, and he doubted that Endeavor even knew about it, and if he did he certainly wouldn’t have told Shouto.
It was probably Natsuo. He’d find that funny. Then again, Fuyumi had a mean sense of humor from time to time. (It happened long after Mom was committed, so no way she knew about it.)
“You’re currently purple.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot about that.”
“See? A mess,” Shouto said to Hawks
But Hawks just smiled. “I feel like I can relax and be myself around him without pretense, you know? I don’t have to worry if I’m funny enough or charming enough. It doesn’t matter if I do or say something embarrassing.” He tilted his head to the side. “If you ever find someone like that hang onto them and don’t let them go, whether or not it’s romantic.”
Touya’s cheeks heated and he beat down the bubbly feeling rising inside him. He turned his head to the side so he wouldn’t have to look directly at Hawks, or Shouto for that matter.
“...I guess I understand,” Shouto said slowly.
His phone dinged. He took it out of his pocket, his face impassive until he saw whatever the text said. He swore.
“I have to go. I told Ochako I’d meet her for sushi five minutes ago.” 
He stuffed his phone back in his back pocket and jogged down the street toward the kaitenzushi place. (Endeavor would lose his shit if he knew his precious youngest son was dining in such a cheap place. Touya approved.)
“Ochako, huh?” he mused under his breath.
How kind of Shouto to give him material for his own revenge.
Touya stretched, and his back popped. He kicked away the tangled sheets at the end of the bed. Hawks moved away slightly, then cuddled back up to him once he got settled, their sweaty skin sticking together in spots. He picked a few loose, downy red feathers off of Touya’s chest.
He snickered.
“What is it?” Touya asked.
“When your brother asked what I see in you, it took all of my strength not to say your dick piercing.” 
Touya groaned. “It’s a good thing you didn’t. Shouto wouldn’t get that it’s a joke and he’d repeat it to someone.”
Hawks buried his face in Touya’s neck, and Touya could feel his smile against his (still purple) skin.
Like what you read? Consider buying me a coffee.
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screamfairy1996 · 5 years
A villain`s tale.
Warning:there will be some heavy/triggering topics involving murder,death,torture,and references to non-con in this story. If it makes you uncomfortable by any means you do not have to read it.
“Who the hell are you?” One prisoner asked.
The man sneered. “Well.I`m a old visitor to UA.
5 years ago
The man watched as the two boys comforted each other in a recovery room. So it`s true. The two are mates. And their names are Izuku Midoriyaand Shouto Todoroki. And Todoroki is the son of the number two hero, Endeavor. And word on the street is that All Might is mentoring Midoriya and might be his secret love child. “Interesting .” The man thought, writing his notes. This Midoriya boy.  He`s a pretty sight.  A step up from that other sweet piece of ass. That red idiot was a fool in leaving him all alone in the house.  Maybe Todoroki will think before leaving him out of sight. Otherwise, Someone might claim him. “ The man grinned evilly. This will be fun. But first, he’s gotta off someone or Shigaraki will keep bitching about not doing his job since one guy is MIA and another villain dropped out to escape the pros. Does the freak know it’s not easy since the school has tightened security since the attack on USJ and had their students moved in dorms since the training camp attack, an kidnapping of a student, All Might’s retirement and the apprehend of All For One. There goes his pay. Great. The guy who could pay him is in prison but Kurogiri assures his pay will come due once he’s completed his task. The man scoffed. They better have his fucking money once he’s done cutting up the brats. But the green whore. Speaking of him. Isn’t he the crazy bitch who kicked Jersey’s ass because the reindeer socked his moronic shithead Alpha because the peppermint dumb ass couldn’t take a fucking joke. Midoriya could have slept with anyone. That bitch might have as well wrap his legs around that blonde spiky one or even most of Class 1A. What’s so special about that whore? He’s an omega. All omegas are nothing than sexual pleasure and baby breeders. They are meant to obey Alphas and occasionally betas no matter what. That burn on his arm. He maybe pissed off Todoroki and learned his lesson. Whatever, He needed to do his job and get the money so He can go back to America and pay her a visit. As soon as he`s paid. He`s getting the away from those fuckers.
Time-Skip to after Riki was born.
The man stood outside, smoking outside of UA gates. “Hey, Look over there.”  Shigaraki rasped in his comm. The man growls. That bitch really needs to contain his attitude. The man groans and did what he was told. His eyes widened. It was Shouto and Izuku and Izuku has a little bundle in his arms. He took a closer look at the bundle. Lays a infant with red-white striped hair and mismatched eyes. It was a girl with Todoroki`s blue eye and Midoriya`s green eyes. “She has her father`s hair.” The man spoke under his breath.
Back to Present Time
‘’Such a nice happy family.” The man smirks, twirling his shiv. “But not for long....:’ “
Back to Flashback.
The man was hiding in the closet. He managed to get inside by  shape-shifting into a janitor. He made he had drops of the real janitor`s blood. The man didn`t had a Quirk so it was painless. Eventually, his skin mask was itchy and he had to take it off. Soon Mineta came across him. “What`s going on?” The grape kid asked. “None of your concern.” The man insisted. Mineta took a closer look which made the man more annoyed. “Do I know you from somewhere?” Mineta asked.  “No.” The man said. “Now please leave. I`m trying to clean here.” Mineta didn`t budge . “You`re not cleaning, you`re sitting and taking notes in the ground. “ Mineta stated. The man growls. “You`re a fucking drag, you know that? Peeking at girls.” Mineta scoffs. “They have nice chests.” Mineta turns to leave but realized something. “YOU!! You were the one who killed four kids back in America!!! You`re a murderer. Wait till the pros hear this!!” Mineta cried. The man grips his knife in his pocket. “The pervert has to go.” The man thought as he dug his knife out......
The man stuffed Mineta`s bloody corpse into the garbage. He was lightweight unlike his past victims.  The man then realized something. Shit!! He doesn`t have any more drops of blood and pros will be suspicious when Mineta doesn`t turn up. Then a idea shot in his head. He could masquerade as the kid. The man grabs his voice changer and the needle. He injects several drops of blood into the needle, like 35 drops. This will last for months. He tossed the corpse into the closet, locking the door. Once he`s done cleaning the blood and evidence, He injects into his arm vein. Once, the blood was injected, He growls in pain. This was extremely painful due to Mineta`s quirk and small height.  The transformation was completed. Now he can get near students.  He can get his money and get out of here. This is gonna be a piece of cake.” The man thought, as he walked to the dorms with the keys he stole from Mineta.
2 to 3 weeks later.
The man, posing as Mineta was yeeted out by Bakugo once again for peeking at the one of the girls`’ skirt. The man dusted himself off. “Son of a bitch. Up yours asshole.” The man thought as he walked to the common room.  He noticed Izuku and his baby in the kitchen room. “Great ,that whiny bitchy omega is here.” the man thought. “Man, Todoroki got himself a nice piece of ass.’’ The man said. The greenette got scared and even more frightened when the man uses Mineta`s grape quirk to block the doors. The annoying thing starts crying so he moves it out of his way. He then advances...... The sounds of slashing, screaming , cutting, a baby crying, and a horrific scream filled the room.....
“You did that to him?” The prisoner asked in horror.
The man simply stared with a blank look on his face.
The teachers and students rushes in after hearing a girl scream in terror. They were soon greeted by a horrific sight.  
“No, buddy. Izuku did that to himself.  Izuku and his whoring legs. He was a tease. Izuku was begging for anyone to do him. It`s not my fault, the whore had a nice ass and he was a great fuck. “ The man cackled maliciously.
The man hid in the shadows as he watched Todoroki rushes in and once he started crying. The man smiled evilly. He broke the son of Endeavor and killed All Might`s apprentice. Now he gets his cash and leave Japan. He chuckled as he left his hiding place........
“Then his shitty boyfriend shows up, trying to kill me. I might have been a little rough, They were all trying to murder me for what happened. I told them they`ll get their revenge over my dead body. They all agree and try to off me but their friend called them out, warning Todoroki not that he`s not helping Izuku. They were such idiots. They were all too busy, beating each other up,doing teen stuff, and fucking each other to know who I really was.
“I`M GONNA KILL YOU, YOU SON OF A BITCH!!” Todoroki yelled in rage. The man chuckled. “Best sex, I`ve ever had.” A fight breaks out which turns intense.
The man gets angry. ” I revealed myself and everyone was shocked.  Being found out wasn't a problem, butt getting your ass whooped by the number one hero., now that's a bitch. “
All Might punches the man in such ferocious anger and seething rage. Later, as the man is restrained and escorted to the police van. He noticed Todoroki sitting on the ambulance, cradling his baby.  The man gets angry, struggling against his restraints. ‘’YOU CAN`T BEAT ME!!! YOU CAN`T BEAT ME !!!YOU CAN NEVER BEAT ME!!!! I`LL FIND YOU TODOROKI! I`LL FUCKING FIND YOU AND FUCKING KILL YOU!!!! YOU`LL BEG FOR MERCY. I`LL FUCKING CUT YOUR INSIDES IN FRONT OF YOUR MATE AND BRAT!!! I`LL THROW MIDORIYA DOWN AND MAKE YOU WATCH ME FUCK HIM!! YOU AND THOSE PROS WILL FEAR ME, MOTHERFUCKER!! YOU. WILL. FEAR. ME!!!  ALL OF YOU WILL!!!” The man kept ranting as the doors closed and the van drove off......
The prisoner grew more disgusted. “And the other boy?” He asked.
“It`s not my fault, that bitch was dead on his feet.” The man shrugged. “It`s just a dead whore.”
The prisoner backs away from him in fear. The man shrugged and looked at the sky through his window.  He smirks evilly.
“Soon, Shouto. Izuku. I`ll get out of here and pay you a visit. I can`t wait to play with your mate again, Shouto. Don`t know where and don`t know when but soon. I`ll finish on what I started....”
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kerosene-insomniac · 3 years
To Be So Lonely
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Midoriya Izuku
Warnings: Violence, mature language, homosexual behavior, alpha/beta/omega dynamics, major character death (not bakudeku)
Word Count for Chapter: 1,701 words
Summary: Midoriya Izuku has always wanted to be a musician. Something about the lyric working with a melody to convey his feeling just made his heart race. After his father died when he was three, Izuku has always relied on his mother. She worked two jobs to care for him and always supported his dreams. But when his mother is diagnosed with breast cancer just after he graduated high school, Izuku has to shift his focus. 
Now he’s working two jobs and takes care of his mother with the help of his gay neighbors. In an attempt to learn self-defense, Izuku takes a few classes at a local gym. It’s there that he meets Toshinori Yagi, an older beta who used to be a professional heavyweight boxer. Yagi notices Izuku’s potential and encourages the small omega to eventually go pro. So, in order to make more money, Izuku eventually agrees.
Bakugou Katsuki has only ever wanted to fight. Orphaned as the young age of four, Katsuki has been fighting to live for his entire life. Fighting is all he’s ever known. After fighting underground for a couple years, Katsuki is noticed by Todoroki Enji. The older alpha takes him in at 19 and names him the official successor of his legacy (especially since all of his actual kids hate him). 
Now, Katsuki is 25-years-old and the professional heavyweight champion.
In a whirlwind of events, Katsuki meets Izuku in the unlikeliest of places. He watches the small omega perform and can’t help it feel extremely protective and absolutely enamored with him. The older alpha gets to meet him and say goodbye without even learning the omega’s name. Katsuki isn’t sure that they’ll ever meet again. 
That is, until Katsuki officially meets Izuku at a professional lunch with his manager’s rival.
The one where Katsuki is a professional alpha boxer with arrogance issues and Izuku is a stubborn omega that’s way little too reckless with his well-being. 
With a wacky cast of characters (including three idiots, a manly best friend, a traumatized bastard with daddy-issues, and many more) absolutely hell-bent on getting them together, neither men can seem to catch a break
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{0.3} Special
“There was something beautiful about his scars, something lovely about his fallibility.”
― Grace Curley
“Square your shoulders.”
Katsuki ignored the monotonous voice and delivered three jabs to the blue punching bag in front of him. Honestly, he’s imagining the bag as Todoroki’s stupid face.
“You look tense. Maybe you would like some soba-“
Katsuki growled and dropped his stance, whirling around to face the other alpha. “Shut the fuck up, Icy Hot! Focus on your own bullshit!!”
Todoroki blinked, sipping his tea. “It’s not as entertaining.”
It’s been two days since Katsuki’s adventure at the bar. For some odd fucking reason, he can’t stop thinking about a certain freckled nerd and the bandages on his hands. To make things much worse, Shinsou has been ignoring his attempts at contact.
Now Katsuki’s training at his manager’s professional gym. He’s been with this manager for six years and wasn’t planning on leaving anytime soon.
However, his manager’s son definitely makes Katsuki consider leaving.
“Stop pissing me off.” Katsuki grumbled, turning to face the punching bag again.
Todoroki chuckled, but the tone was still indifferent. “You’re the one getting mad, Bakugou. You should control your emotions better.”
Katsuki scoffed, using his forearm to wipe sweat from his brow. “Shut the fuck up. At least I don’t have a meltdown every time someone boils water.”
“You should come up with better comebacks.”
That was enough to make Katsuki freeze.
“I have enough survival instincts not to tell you. Stick to the shitty nicknames.”
Katsuki swallowed thickly, blinking multiple times in an attempt to snap out of his daze. Now, thanks to Icy Hot, his mind was preoccupied by freckles, green eyes, and the smell of chocolate cherries.
His mind had been a muddled mess since that night.
“Bakubro! You good?”
Katsuki snapped out of his daze again and locked eyes with a worried Kirishima. The other alpha was watching him with obvious concern.
He nodded. “I’m fine.”
“You don’t sound so sure.” Kirishima murmured, glancing at Todoroki. “You have a tournament tonight, so we can’t afford you overworking yourself.”
Katsuki immediately bristled at the alpha’s tone, his eyes flashing angrily. “Stop looking down on me, Shitty Hair! I don’t need your fucking pity and I don’t need your concern!”
Kirishima didn’t even flinch. “There’s no need to be so defensive…”
“Fuck you, I’m not defensive!”
“You’re just proving my point!”
“Fuck your shitty point!”
Todoroki, who simply watched the interaction with bored eyes, finally cleared his throat and made both alphas freeze. “Perhaps this is about the potential celebrity that’s supposed to be at the tournament?”
Katsuki’s eyebrows furrowed. “Hah?!”
“All Might is supposed to be involved in the tournament.” Todoroki murmured, pursing his lips.
That was enough to make Katsuki’s nerves much worse.
Todoroki ignored Katsuki’s gobsmacked expression and focused his gaze on the laptop in front of him. “Father had been raging about it for days. Apparently Toshinori has chosen a successor.”
“No way!”
Kaminari’ s voice echoed throughout the gym as he raced towards them with Mina and Sero hot on his heels. If Katsuki wasn’t so shocked, he would’ve yelled at the lot of them for running inside.
Yagi Toshinori, or All Might, had been a famous boxer back in the day. He was best known as the beta who took on an alpha heavyweight champion and won.
He was easily Katsuki’s favorite boxer.
Toshinori had retired years ago and disappeared from the public eye. He didn’t come to tournaments and definitely wasn't associated with the community. So the idea that he had chosen a successor was mind-blowing.
If anything, Katsuki felt jealous.
“Bakugou? You look pale.”
Katsuki snapped out of his daze and glared in Todoroki’s direction. “Do you know who his successor is? What’s his weight class?”
Todoroki hummed, looking at his laptop again. “According to the website, his name is Izuku Midoriya. Light Heavyweight.”
“He must be a beta.” Kirishima murmured thoughtfully.
“Actually, it doesn’t say.”
Katsuki stood up a bit straighter at Todoroki’s words, his heart thudding in his ears. “It doesn’t say? Everyone is required to list they’re secondary gender when applying.”
Todoroki shrugged. “It only lists his name, weight class, and type of fight. There’s no picture or mention of his gender. Apparently this is his debut tournament, but he’s been underground for the past year.”
“Is he boxing?” Mina asked, obviously invested.
The alpha sighed indifferently. “Kick-boxing. Honestly, I’m more excited to meet the beta who kicked my father’s ass.”
Katsuki huffed to himself and focused on the punching bag again. He wouldn’t be fighting All Might’s mysterious successor, but he had the urge to show him who’s boss.
What could be so fucking special about Izuku Midoriya?
“Parry or guard, Deku!”
Izuku huffed and guarded his face with his forearms. He was sweating wildly as Uraraka directed high kicks towards his face. The green mouth-guard between his teeth was clenched tightly as he concentrated.
Uraraka had been doing this much longer than him, so her skills were a little more precise and powerful.
But she also takes a second to get her bearings after kicks or jabs.
Izuku waited a split second after her last kick to pull his left leg back and swing it to hit Uraraka’s torso head-on.
Uraraka gasped on impact, caught off-guard.
That’s all Izuku needed.
In quick succession, Izuku delivered three jabs and ultimately finished with a right hook to take down his opponent.
Sure enough, Uraraka collapsed on the mat.
Izuku straightened his stance, panting wildly as he used his wrists to maneuver the head gear off of his curls. He was sweating like a pig, dressed in a form-fitting tank and spandex shorts.
Uraraka was panting as well, spread eagle on the mat. “That was good, Deku. Wasn’t expecting a roundhouse kick.”
“I can’t let you win every time, Uraraka.” Izuku huffed, chuckling lightly.
Before the female omega could respond or even think of a witty response, a gruff and familiar voice spoke first.
“Excellent job, my boy.”
Izuku glanced to the side, where two betas had been watching the sparring match. Shinsou was one of them, sipping on what looked like iced coffee. The other, however, was Izuku’s teacher and close friend.
Izuku bowed, his face hot. “Thank you, Toshinori-sensei.”
“Your reflexes have improved quite a bit.”
Uraraka sat upright, humming in agreement. “Compared to yesterday, Deku managed to study my reflexes and react accordingly.”
Toshinori grinned, leaning on his cane as he walked over. “I noticed that as well. He’ll need that skill, especially since all the alphas tonight will try to crowd him and get a solid hit.”
“They'll have to catch me first.” Izuku muttered, wiping his brow.
The blond beta chuckled at his response. “That’s correct, my boy. If you stay light on your feet, then it should be fairly easy.”
Izuku nodded, still slightly out of breath.
“However, we do need to discuss something.”
This doesn’t sound good.
Izuku’s eyebrows furrowed in obvious confusion, his stomach already churning with anxiety. Toshinori looked serious and stressed, which was a tell-tale sign that something was wrong.
“Endeavor reached out to me today.”
Izuku shared a glance with Shinsou and Uraraka. “What did he want? I thought he only reached out to try and challenge you to a rematch?”
Toshinori’ s mouth twitched slightly. “He’s very intrigued with the fact that I’ve been training a successor. He’s offered us a chance to train at his gym and spar with his successor.”
“Why would he do that?”
The elder beta shrugged, smiling lightly. “I think it might be his way of sizing up the competition. Personally, I think it’s a good idea.”
Izuku cringed. “Endeavor’s gym is full of raging alphas with pride issues. I really don’t want to put up with courting requests or the assumptions that I need extra assistance from them.”
“But he has access to better training gear.”
The green-eyed omega sighed, his boxing gloves feeling heavy on his hands. “I’ve heard of his successor, sensei. From what Shinsou has told me, he’s loud and aggressive in or out of the ring.”
Uraraka, who was watching the conversation, rolled her eyes. “Just give him an attitude adjustment, Deku.”
“It’s not that-“
Shinsou, who had been listening silently, effectively cut him off. “You’ve already met him, Izuku.”
“No, I haven’t.” Izuku murmured, hopelessly confused.
The purple-haired beta chuckled, placing his iced coffee on a table before approaching them. “He’s the alpha who insisted on walking you home after kicking Dabi’s ass.”
And just like that, Izuku couldn’t breathe.
Hell, he couldn’t even process the information.
Blondie, who Izuku had pushed to the back of his mind, was nothing like Shinsou’s description of Endeavor’s successor. He was rough and loud, but he did make any move to attack him.
However, Blondie did assume that Izuku was helpless.
This can’t be the same-
“Deku, you’re mumbling again.”
Izuku froze, his skin immediately reddening as he glanced around the room. “Oh. I didn’t realize that I was….”
Shinsou raised an eyebrow at Izuku, grabbing a gloved hand and beginning to unlace the wrist. “I guess he made an impact on you, too. He won’t stop harassing me about your wellbeing, you know.”
“What?” Uraraka screeched, making everyone else wince.
Izuku sighed, ignoring the nervous flutter in his chest. “He probably thinks I need protecting. How does he know that you’re friends with me?”
The beta shrugged. “I was out with Denki and his friends that night. We went to the bar you perform at and Bakugou basically started drooling.”
“He’s sounds proper infatuated, Midoriya.”
Izuku groaned at Toshinori’s teasing tone, using his newly freed hand to rub his face. His bandages felt rough on his skin, but it was nice. “Not you too, sensei. I’m sure that this Bakugou person is just looking for a boost to his ego.”
Toshinori chuckled, obviously amused. “Be that as it may, I already accepted Endeavor’s request. We’re having lunch with them before the tournament.”
“I don’t remember agreeing to that.”
His teacher grinned. “I didn’t give you a choice, my boy.”
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ohmytheon · 6 years
It’s (Not) a Date (1/2)
summary: What better way to get petty revenge on his father than blow his money at an insanely expensive restaurant? It's a good idea in Todoroki's opinion and the person that will enjoy the experience the most is Uraraka, so of course it makes perfect sense to ask her if she wants to go out for dinner with him. What could go wrong?
notes: This was 80% inspired by this tumblr post, which made me laugh for five minutes, and 20% inspired by wellthengetouttathesoupaisle's Chaotic Rich Kid Todoroki fic, "two hundred and fifty-three black sandelwood bathbombs". I wasn't supposed to write Todochako, but when Sven from the Kacchako Discord asked for Todochako fluff, my lizard brain refused to focus on anything else. Uh, this was supposed to be like 3k. Now it's two chapters and I might be done with it.
It took Todoroki an embarrassing amount of time for the actual idea to form. Instead of hitting him all at once like lightning, it came to him in pieces, a part of the puzzle here and another there until it formed a picture. Once the idea was in his mind, he couldn’t let it go. There was something so perfect about it that it almost made him smile just thinking about it (which probably should’ve been when he knew that this was different). With the idea created, he realized what he had to do.
No, he knew what he wanted to do. He had spent his whole life living by what he had to do that he sometimes forgot that he could do things simply because he wanted to do them. There didn’t have to be some grand reason or life or death situation. If he wanted ice cream, he could get it. He didn’t have to wait to reward himself because he accomplished something in class, won a mock-battle, or defeated a villain. He could just do things.
Even if those things were extremely petty.
He didn’t say they had to always be good things or nice ideas.
The first piece of inspiration had actually come from Bakugou, who had been telling his friends a story about how he’d stuffed cotton balls in his ears so that his mom’s yelling was muffled. Then, after laughing, Ashido had added that she sometimes wore her headphones when she was on the train even when her iPod was dead so that guys wouldn’t talk to her. They were such small things that Todoroki couldn’t help but take note of upon overhearing them in the common area. Apparently, Bakugou’s mom had been so pissed upon finding the cotton balls that she had quit yelling and left the room, just as he’d wanted.
The second piece of the puzzle came from Momo. Blushing, she had told people that she’d upset her mother over the weekend by wearing purple to some fundraiser her parents’ were throwing instead of the assigned red and gold theme that were her family’s colors. It was such a dumb, little thing, but it had apparently infuriated her mom, who didn’t always agree with Momo’s decision to become a hero. She was very close with her parents, but they didn’t always get why she was so willing to put herself in danger all the time. They didn’t know her like their classmates did.
Still, the fact that Momo had done something so small to get back at her mom was...eye-opening. Whenever Todoroki had tried to get back at his father, it had usually been something on a much grander scale, such as refusing the fire half of his quirk for years or trying to become a hero with only the half of his quirk that he’d inherited from his mother. He had always been a “go big or go home” type of person. Maybe it came with the nature of his powerful quirk.
After coming to U.A., he had figured out that sometimes much more subtle jabs were more efficient, like the time he’d slurped his food during whenever his father had tried to talk. The shock and frustration on his face had been utterly priceless, but because Todoroki hadn’t done anything really, he couldn’t say much without looking like a total idiot.
The third and last piece seemed so random compared to the rest and it had taken him a day or two to piece them all together. On the rare occasion that they had a break, Todoroki had gone out with a group of his classmates (his friends) to blow off some steam at the mall. By the time they left to get something to eat before going back to the dorms, everyone had bought something - except for Uraraka. Her thriftiness was by now known to everyone. Even if she was saving money by no longer having to pay rent, she kept a very tight budget, a habit she couldn’t break.
When they stopped to eat at a restaurant, she’d hesitated and then ordered the cheapest meal. No one else had noticed it, but he certainly did, especially when he ordered what might’ve been the most expensive meal. He hadn’t done it intentionally - it was simply the best-sounding one on the menu - but he couldn’t miss the way she had stared almost dreamily at his food when everything arrived. When he had asked if she’d wanted a bite, she had blushed furiously and insisted that she was fine. She avoided him the rest of the night, embarrassed at having been caught. Being considered poor didn’t bother her, but she didn’t like to bother her friends with it.
A week later, with the plan in mind, Todoroki sat at the couches in the common area with his friends. They were supposed to be doing a study session for Present Mic’s exam, but to be honest, he wasn’t paying attention. Iida and Deku were the most involved, trying to help Ashido and Sero, both of whom were lamenting about the class. Their scores had begun to improve once they’d started doing these sessions, but the cost was high apparently. Todoroki had studied English as a kid with his mother, the only reason why it didn’t seem so difficult to him.
Uraraka sat on a large cozy chair with her textbook and notes in her lap, chewing on the end of a pen as she read through them. If she wasn’t careful, it was going to explode in her mouth like last time and get ink everywhere. She’d looked like she got into a fight with a giant squid and potentially lost. Not that she lost many fights these days. Now near the end of their second year, her technique with her quirk had grown into one of the strongest in the class. Just the other day, she had helped them win a mock-battle in their hero course. He wasn’t sure they would have won without her.
Once the session ended, everyone got up and started to head off to spend the little free time they had left before bed. Uraraka didn’t seem to notice everyone leaving, too absorbed in her notes, until Iida put a hand on her shoulder. Startled out of her reverie, she smacked him in the chest and he floated quickly to the ceiling. “Oh, I’m sorry!” She pressed her fingers together. “Release!” When Iida crashed onto the couch unceremoniously, she cringed and pressed a hand to her mouth. “Oops, should’ve given you a warning.”
“It’s quite alright,” Iida reassured her, adjusting his glasses as he pushed himself up. “I just wanted to make sure that you don’t stay up too late. Pulling all-nighters to study has been proven to be detrimental to scores.”
Uraraka smiled. “Okay, Dad, thanks. I won’t.”
Instead of getting upset over the teasing comment, Iida nodded his head and then walked away, his job done. That left only Todoroki, Uraraka, and Deku at the couches. While Uraraka went back to looking over her stuff, Deku was slowly gathering his things together, lost in thought about something. Todoroki glanced at him. Normally he didn’t mind if the other boy was around, but for some reason, the persistent feeling that he wanted Deku to be gone kept creeping on him.
He didn’t know why. It wasn’t like this was a big deal or anything.
After placing his mostly ignored notes in his backpack, Todoroki slung it over his shoulder and walked over to her. Scratching her head and sticking her tongue out as she wrote down a sentence, she didn’t look up. It wasn’t until he said, “Uraraka,” did she pause and glance up at him.
“Hey!” The smile from earlier reappeared on her face, the only difference was that it was less teasing. “You were quiet all night. Well, you’re pretty quiet normally, but not that quiet. You good?”
“I’m fine. Thank you for asking.” Todoroki gazed down at her. Now that he was here, he was having trouble actually saying what was on his mind. It didn’t help that Midoriya was still around, but it wasn’t like he could ask him to leave. Besides, it shouldn’t have been an issue. They were friends. He’d hung out plenty of times with just Momo or Midoriya and he and Uraraka had become better friends over the past year. So he might as well just say it. “Do you want to get dinner with me tomorrow?”
Uraraka turned bright red. “Eh?”
There, the question was out. He felt a lot better, even with her looking at him like he’d grown an extra head. She had a habit of looking down on herself and he knew that he tended to be distant, so maybe she’d thought that they weren’t actually that great of friends. They were. He simply had a difficult time showing it. He was trying to get better about it though.
“Do you want to get dinner with me tomorrow?” Todoroki repeated. Behind him, he heard Midoriya cough. It could’ve been for any reason. Maybe he was catching a cold. Whatever the case, Todoroki didn’t mind him as he stayed focused on Uraraka. “I’m kind of mad at my dad right now and figured I could spend some of his money”
“So you...want me to have dinner with you...to get back at Endeavor?” Uraraka asked slowly.
Todoroki shrugged his shoulders. “Essentially, yes, but the place I was thinking of has a dessert special that you’ve mentioned really liking.”
Uraraka’s eyes practically sparkled at the mention of dessert. She had an insatiable sweet tooth, somehow worse than Natsuo’s, one that she bemoaned on a frequent basis whenever she was trying to eat healthily. Maybe it was a low blow, mentioning the dessert since he knew how much she loved sweets, but then he had thought of her when he’d looked up the menu. He hadn’t been there in years, not since he’d been forced to attend business dinners with his father, but the food had always been exceptional and he didn’t think she’d ever been.
“You don’t have to go if you’re busy or uncomfortable,” Todoroki added for good measure.
“No, no! I’ll go!” Uraraka rushed to say, waving her hands in the air. “Um…” She put a finger under her chin. “What time?”
“How does seven sound?”
“That’s fine. It gives me time to get ready after my gymnastics training with Aizawa. Ugh.” Everyone was trying to build up their strengths in unique ways. If it seemed unusual, it probably helped in some unpredictable way. “Is there like a dress code or something? We’re just gonna get some food, right?”
“Yeah, wear whatever you feel comfortable in.” That was what he was going to do at least. He liked to think that he had a better style than, say, Midoriya, but he wasn’t overly concerned with fashion either. Besides, it wasn’t like he expected her to wear an evening gown or something like that.
“Okay.” Uraraka’s cheeks were still pink and the smile on her face was nervous for some reason, but she didn’t look bothered that he’d asked her to hang out. He had worried that he might come off as weird or annoying, but then she had always been very friendly and warm. “This will be fun!”
It would certainly be interesting. Todoroki nodded his head in agreement, bid her and Midoriya goodnight, and left for his dorm. Midoriya wore a bright, wide-eyed stare and it took him a beat to respond. He wasn’t sure why his friend looked so shocked, but it didn’t matter. Dwelling on it was pointless and he was tired. He had a lot to do tomorrow if he was going to slack off at night.
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r95irth · 7 years
Mimi Todoroki
Here is the text I promised to fit Mimi in the better care universe. There are a lot of angst at the beginning as I took the time to give a context. Mimi’s birth move the twin’s from year one to year 3 and the second daughter for a couple of year too. I will rewrite those scene in the upcoming days. For now, enjoy the One-shot. I hope you’ll like it. 
@gunnigun this is for you too =) I hope you’ll be okay with it Xo It is quite long. But here is your “poison” (since gift is poison in German apparently ? XD)
Momo and Shouto had been trying to have a baby for almost three years now. A lot of their friends repeated that they were young, and had all the time in the world for that. And normally Momo would have agreed with them. They were only in their twenties, after all, and they had a lovely adopted son who was making their everyday life as great as tiring. But she was anxious. It was not the conception that gave them trouble but keeping the baby She already had two miscarriages. One was an accident, she didn’t even knew she was pregnant when a battle against a villain got awry. She was lucky that her friends were there to help and evacuate her. So when she got pregnant again she had been very careful, and made sure to eat healthy things, staying safe from harm. It didn’t work either the baby was pronounced dead in the first ultrasound.  
Momo was beginning to think that she was at fault.  (Maybe she was steril? Maybe it was her quirk fault? Maybe she was not fit to be a mother…) Shouto always comforted her when she began to doubt but it was getting harder and harder to actually hear his kind words.
They wanted to build a family of their own. (Of course, Shouto repeated that they already were, with Satoru, and that they could just adopt again) but they couldn’t because of her. She had tried to imagine a future without kids too, with only Shouto by her side and their work as heroes. It left her a bitter feeling under her tongue. They wanted a large family (Shouto couldn’t hide it from her, and she kind of wished to have at least three kids too, as she grew up as an only child and missed having siblings). But they couldn’t because of her. Maybe Shouto would find someone else, someone who could bear his dream of a family when she couldn’t. (When she said that, Shouto had looked so horrified it hurt ; was she really the only one that would think of this as a possibility in their relationship ? Was she the type to go away when he would never even think about it?). In time like these, she felt so unworthy.
She was afraid to go see a specialist, only to hear the hard and unchangeable truth she was fearing. “You can’t have baby. You’ll never be able to.” She only got to a doctor, who recommended some easy treatment that could increase her chance. She took it and didn’t feel any difference : neither stronger or weaker.
That’s probably why, when she suspected being pregnant again, she didn’t say a word at first. She didn’t want to go through the happiness, then the deception, sadness and grief all over again.
It’s just until you’re sure you can keep it, she tried to convince herself, as the days passed by and that suspicion turned into certitude.
The last two year had been quite of hard for them, especially Momo. She had been stressed (more than usual) and sad no matter what Shouto had tried to cheer her up. They already knew how they grieved but that didn’t make it any easier. They both didn’t need to talk about it, especially hated empty word of support and words of comfort. But they hated to deny the tragedy even more. The balance was quite hard to keep. He had been walking on eggshells, trying not to talk about kid and pregnancy unless she talked about it first.
Shouto still recovered from it way quicker than Momo. The first pregnancy had been a surprise, they didn’t even try, and noticed before the baby was gone. One could think that you couldn’t miss what you didn’t know, but that one would be wrong. The loss of the possibility, the knowledge of a little being they would never meet ; it hurt. It hurt so bad. But that also permitted them to know they wanted children, that they were yearning to have it, despite their young age. Shouto tried to take the first loss that way ; he couldn’t say that it had been a helpful (it hurt thinking that) but at least, despite all the suffering that came with it, it had been one good point.
The second miscarriage however, had none. It only hurt and hurt. Momo had been so brave, putting up a facade in front of their friends and smiling to the press; but she had broken into tears more than once in his arms. This time they had planned it, they had imagined what their future would look like and they had names and expectations. Shouto had his heart broken both by the loss of the baby in the desperation of his wife. He hated not being able to comfort her, and he hated that they were nothing he could do, no word he could offer. He could only be there and share her pain in silence.
Satoru’s presence had helped a lot, in a lot of way. Unlike the children in the Peace program, who made Momo’s pain worsen every time she handled one, reminding her that she didn’t manage to keep her baby, Satoru was her son.
No matter what happened, he would forever be their son.
Shouto had tried many times to say that to her. Shouto didn’t mind her being sterile (if she was). He didn’t mind adopting kids, he even liked the idea. (He even tried to joke about it, saying that it would piss off Endeavor, but that didn’t make her laugh). Then seeing that nothing he could say or do would help, he stopped saying anything and started walking on eggshells.
That’s probably why when Momo started to vomit every morning for one week straight he didn’t pressure her. If she said it was a flue, then so it was. He still bought medications that were okay for pregnant women, just in case, so they would have not another tragedy on their hands.
He was sure that if Momo was pregnant, she would know, and so she would tell him, when she was ready.
Of course Momo couldn’t hide it for ever. Shouto already had some doubt. He was oblivious but pretty smart nonethless. But he didn’t push the issue on her, not even when she was sick every morning for a week straight. He accepted her excuse of a flue and went to buy some medications for her after work.
Satoru was harder to fool, with his power. But fortunately he was preparing his future at UA and had little to no-time off. They were gathering his stuff in order for him to move into UA dorms, since Shouto was totally not-motivated to do this (he was more unpacking things than packing), when the boy found a way to ask her:
-You’re going to tell him?
She put her hand on her mouth, to hide the way her lips twisted. It was useless since he could probably read her emotion, but Satoru was smart and he got the message:
-Okay, he simply said.
-I don’t want you to have hopes if…, she tried to say the word, but couldn’t mutter it.
Satoru nodded again.
-I understand.
They never talked about it again. Instead they wondered about the pet problem, how could Satoru would bring up his evil-rabbit with him at UA, and...no you can’t take the cat too Satoru, it’s the family cat! Think about Shouto, he will be miserable if the cat goes to UA too!
When Satoru went to UA, it was a hard blow.
Shouto always thought that having Satoru here helped Momo being better, but when the kid was gone he realized that he probably needed the kid more than Momo. He was the one coping.
He didn’t like the idea of Satoru being a hero (the job was too dangerous, and Satoru was so tiny and fragile and sweet and kind and his heart was so big he even wanted to save villains) but it was Satoru’s dream and Shouto couldn’t take that from him. He tried to convince himself that UA was safe (yeah, just like it had been when he was a student? Ah!). He tried to remember that Satoru had been through a lot and was stronger than he let it show (but that was all the most reasons to never let him endure anything more)!
In the end, no matter what he said, Satoru still left and Shouto took the absence so badly he didn’t think much of anything else for a long time.
She found Shouto in Satoru’s room, one evening of May, looking sad and lost, as he stared at the empty space that their son left. It was a hard sight to witness : the room with bare walls (no poster or photo left to live it up), no clothes scattered on the floor or any game forgotten on the bed… There was just nothing left to prove that Satoru had lived with them at some point. The kid had always been a rather calm and silent child, but it was a different kind of silence that was filling home now. One that screamed “something is messing, you’re all alone” without any sound. Shouto took Satoru’s absence worse than her, always looking for him when the conversation died down, or buying stuff the kid would have loved. It hurt Momo to no end to see him like this.
-I miss him, he simply said when she sat next to him on the bed.
-I’m sure he misses you too, she answered. -And he’s not that far, and has a lot of fun in UA.
Shouto didn’t answer, because he heard that many times before. It was the truth and he knew, but that didn’t change the fact that he missed his son. He missed having him under the same roof, he missed him eating dinner with him, talking to him, their movies nights or their family week-end at Peace office. Hell, he even missed having to recall to not slam the doors, telling him to held is back right, even bickering about the silly stuff like whose turn was it to do groceries shopping!
-Maybe we should go and see him at UA this sunday, Momo proposed as she hugged him.
-We already went to see him last week, we can’t just go every week, sighed Shouto. -Beside we embarrassed him last time we got there, he added (and Momo swore it was he was pouting).
Still Shouto was right but she didn’t know how to make him feel any better. The family cat (psycho-pattes) tried his best, asking for belly rubs, and purring as loud as he could, but Shouto scratched him only a couple of seconds before going back to sighing. She couldn’t stand seeing him like that, if it was in her power, she would make sure that he had a smile on his face every second of the day. And, fortunately it was in her power:
-Would you go to the doctor with me tomorrow?
She avoided Shouto’s gaze, blushing. Of course he didn’t worry about a possible flu, he had seen through her lies from the very beginning. Maybe did he understand her to even more than she thought since he only asked:
-You’re sure?  
She only nodded. Yes, she was pretty sure already. She had been sure for a while now, and that was the reason she took every excuse to stay at Peace office, doing a lot more desk work than she needed, instead of going on the field. But yet, at the same time, she wasn’t so sure.
-I...I just want to check that they are...okay... this time, before starting to plan.N-no name until we’re sure they’re going to make it.
Shouto gave her a tiny bit of a smile, and took her hand in his, squeezing it tenderly.
-Okay. Let’s do that.
At least he had his mind elsewhere that the missing gap Satoru left behind. She didn’t know if she had been right to tell him yet. She felt like he deserved the truth, and that it could at least make him happy for a couple of hours. But she was also afraid to bring him even more misery after the check up.
Defeating villains? Easy. Going for a mission on the street? Even easier. Taking down a whole black market of human traffic? Not that fun but he already done that. He could do it again. Every year at UA he won the test of courage. He was just not often overwhelemed by fear. Anger, yes, anxiety and despair, less, but fear? No. Shouto was not afraid of a lot of things.
But going to the doctor with Momo, holding her hand as she started shaking, as they waited to know if the baby was safe and okay. Shouto had no control over this (and neither did Momo, despite what she thought), no enemy to fight, no guilty person to blame, and the only thing he could do was to handle symptoms of stress...That was truly terrifying.
But the doctor said that everything was okay. That the baby seemed healthy and even agreed on planning an ultrasound in the very same evening to ease the soon-to-be-mother’s worry. Shouto didn’t say a word, he just held her hand and squeezed it a little bit softer each time they got a good news. And there was absolutely no bad news. Momo couldn’t quite believe it, after the last two miscarriages she had been so sure that something was wrong. That it would never be right. And yet...Yet?
The risk was still there, but it had lessened quite a bit, said the doctor.
She still tried not to get attached too much, not to name the baby already, not trying to imagine them in the secrecy of her mind. She didn’t want to be hurt again. As they returned home, Shouto wanted to call Satoru, first but:
-Do you not want to tell him yet? He asked her before taking out his phone.
And the truth was she didn’t want to tell her friends, anyone, yet. She wouldn’t be able to face them if anything happened, and she lost the baby, and she would have to tell them again...No. Just no. But Satoru already knew that it was a possibility, though he had other things on his mind right now. So it was useless to hide it. Besides, apparently the kid was pretty worried too. When Shouto called him, he gave no time for small talks and went right through the point. Since he could feel their emotions through his power, it had been a roller coaster for him too.
The conversation could have been better though. The boy may not share Momo’s blood but he definitely was as much as a worrywart as she was. He even proposed to give his empty room for the baby, stating that there was not enough place home now. It was a fair point, that Momo thought before, when she had her first pregnancy (But she tried not to remember it) - so at least she had an answer for that:
-The neighbors are leaving their apartment, we could ask the landlord to actually rent their place too and make the place bigger.
She was being quite attached to this place, as it was the first one that was her and Shouto’s. The very first apartment she had her parent’s, but she didn’t stay long in it. She had all her memories here, they raised Satoru for five years here. Thinking of leaving hurt.
-We’ll find a way to make it work, don’t worry about it, i’ll call you back to give you news, said Shouto determined, as he hang up to Satoru.
Then he went back to the couch and wrapped his arms around Momo’s waist, leaving a track of peck on her neck.
-We’re going to make it work, he promised again, to her this time.
She wanted to believe him, and when he was speaking like this, it was actually really easy to do so.
The not-planning-part was fastly forgotten. She still managed to not name the baby yet, but that was her only victory. Shouto was exatic -in a very Shouto way, with a lot of focus lines and deadpanned face as he blunted sentence so sweet it could give diabete. And of course, the word of her pregnancy had spread to every single one of their friends. (Even Kouda who was working in Mt Fuji and Mezo who was currently working for a 3 months mission in singapor)!  Shouto swore he was not responsible for this, and a few days later they indeed found out that the culprit was Mahô. Satoru’s best friend who couldn’t keep her tongue tied. Still the secret was out and before she knew it she was covered of gifts from her friends.
-I saw baby shoes while i was shopping and i thought of you immediately. Look how tiny they are! So cute! Squealed Tooru.
-And look at those tiny, tiny gloves i found? It’s going to be a winter baby right? So they need tiny gloves! Added Mina, even more enthusiastic.
-And a hat, looks at all those adorable hat in the store, we could gift the whole family cute animal themed hat, so you could all match, proposed Ochako.
-I took the same baby clothes in four different sizes, so no matter what they’re growth would be, you will always have something to put them on, declared Tsuyu.
-The most important part is to have a directive line with baby clothes, let me handle this, your baby will still be a brat, but at least he will rocks! Promised Jirou.
Even Aizawa one day arrived at Peace office and just dropped a cat onesie out of the blue (He said it was from All Might’s, but she had the feeling that it was a gift from both teachers, maybe even all UA teachers).
-We will need to start making the room, she said one evening, as she came home with her arms full of baby things from her friends. (She even had a baby seat for the car from Kirishima).
-Why? Wouldn’t the baby sleep in our room while they’re still small? Asked Shouto.
Their opinion clashed quite often on some subjects, as Shouto had been raised in a traditional japanese household, while she had parents who were often doing business all around the world and so, adapted to western customs. But she was still surprised by this idea:
-A kid needs a room to call their own, she said. -It’s good for their development.
-Yeah, but not baby, i mean, they’re so tiny, and they will need to be feeded every two hours and so, so it’s only logical to put a craddle in our room.
Yes, but putting a craddle in their room would also mean that the baby would be always with them, and that they wouldn’t be able to cuddle at night, and they would have to go to bed very early. No. She liked her evening cuddle session with Shouto. Just no. She had no doubt that she would love the baby and take every opportunity to kiss them, but some things were just out of question. Just as she would still be Momo Yaoyorozu, before being Shouto’s wife, she would still be Shouto’s wife before being the baby’s mother. Or maybe there was no “before” but more than “too”, anyways she would not back down on this:
-We’ll have very little time to sleep with a baby, she explained, and we still have heroes work to do, even as parents. We need to get some good rest and for that we need the option of putting the baby in another room.
-And let them cry alone?
-Yes Shouto. Remember All Might’s daughter when she was little? She cried for hours without a reason, and they was nothing they could do but let her.
Actually, they let her with Izuku, once, and the boy had called Shouto in tears, swearing that he loved his little sister -he really did- but she was crying non-stop for already five hours and he was tired and he was going to throw her by the window if someone didn’t stop him right now. (Which Shouto did. He took Izuku on a car-ride for half an hour, leaving the baby in her bed, and when they came back, she was still crying, but at least Deku didn’t want to throw her out of the window anymore). The argument seemed to won Shouto over, because he made a face and mumbled:
-Okay, fine. But the room must be close to ours.
They agreed on that compromise, and since it left him no choice, started to plan how to organize the house. She went to the landlord, and asked if it was possible to rent the apartment right next to their, which the old lady agreed immediately. She was quite a fan of heroes. They agreed on a overall rent -which was okay, the whole building was made in wood that made him very cheap to begin with, so they could afford it with both of their salary.
Jirou, when Momo told her everything, once again said that she was rubbingtheir power couple’s wealthyness to everyone’s face without meaning it. Momo knew she did that a lot, since she never had to worry about money (except when it was Peace office money), so she rarely bothered about prices. She rarely got restrained in her plans thank to it too. Having so many friends from different social standing, like Ochako or Izuku, made her realize sometimes how lucky she was.
Welcoming a baby into the family always cost a lot, and put a lot of person into troubles. Shouto and her had no such worries. Actually, once the problem of their apartment was solved, all they had left to do was to actually decorate their new-old-house to their liking.
Momo found a new passion in design. Or more accurately, she found a new game to fill her day with since she had less work to do. Since they were redesigning their apartment, she had decided to make it well. She went to see the mother of one of Satoru’s friend -an architect- and talked with Shouto’s mother -who had tried to have a degree but got pregnant with her first son before completing it. The three of them worked on some propositions that Shouto watched from afar, a little bit lost, yet very happy to see his wife and his mother getting along so well. All he asked for was to keep it a little bit japanese, since he was more comfortable in it. Oh and to keep Satoru’s room the same! Oh, and was it possible to have…
-You know why don’t you make a list of all the stuff you want? Proposed Momo. -Get some images of rooms you like, and i will do the same, and we will mix them at the end. Or at least get a little bit of both sides each time!
The idea was great, and thanks to that they agreed on overall atmosphere, which was half way through japanese traditional patterns, optimisation of space, and western modernism.
Izuku called it special, Ochako called it cute, Tsuyu called it “very like both of you”, Jirou called it hipster, Mei called it steampunk, Iida called it progressist, Aoyama called it “not shiny enough”, Bakugou called it shitty.  
Momo and Shouto liked it, that’s all mattered in the end. At least on the plan. Because they had a lot of building to do, and they had to sell their old furnitures and buy some new ones too. They gave a lot to their friends, and went to several trip to stores.
Momo was determined to pay for almost everything at the beginning. But when they didn’t find what they wanted -it was not always the good size, or the right color- she got bored with stores hunting and used her power. “F-For training purpose!” She swore, blushing from head to toe.
Shouto didn’t mind or judge ; it was easier this way for them. And it did train Momo to create all kind of stuff she never made before. Like a Kotatsu. Or a fridge. (She was very eager about making a fridge). He just wished she could tell him when she planned to create something, because more than once he just walked in a room to find her very much naked.
Not that he didn’t enjoy the sight (she was the most beautiful girl in the world to Shouto’s opinion) but it was quite...Well disturbing. For their schedule. And, when they really started to customize their apartment, their friends started to visit. It would be troublesome for them to find her naked.
One of the advantage of Momo’s new found passion, was that it filled up their days. Shouto came back home tired after a day of work and would immediately start to help out making the baby room -or the living room, whatever they were on that evening. And as said earlier, their friends (and family, sometimes. His mother, Fuyumi and Momo’s parents especially) often came on Sunday to help out. Ochako especially, since she knew a lot about construction and was the most useful helper while tinkering. So Shouto stopped feeling like the house was too empty, and that time got slower. He still missed his son, Satoru, but at least didn’t feel the need to visit him at Ua every week-end anymore.
Of course, since it was the first time all of them tried something like this, they made a lot of mistakes. They did things not quite in the right order, painting ceiling after finishing the floor for example. And they were tired, so very tired. But...It was good to have the house full of laughs and bickering once again.
Satoru came back home during summer break, only to find his old house in an almost war state. He did had a summary of the last months by phone, and sometimes on sunday, when they came to see him...But knowing and seeing were two different things.
-Do you need me to help out with the construction? He asked, as Shouto and Ochako struggled over a particular part of the house, where pipes were exposed and had to be put back into norms and safe for a house with a baby. He wondered why they were the one handling it when Mei was affiliated to move heavy things around with Iida’s help. But after a moment of reflexion (and hearing May Saying that a flame thrower at the entrance ould be so cool) he understood why.  
So he he took one of the drill that were laying on the ground and proposed his help (he would love to learn how to build things to be honest). He didn’t even have the time to push the button on before Shouto took it from his hands.
-No, he said, rather calmly but with no opening for absolutely no chance to protest. There were quite a few things that Shouto openly said no to the kid (Or Momo, or his friends). But when he did there was just no way to bargain. Apparently he didn’t like the idea of Satoru having a dangerous tool in his hand.
-Don’t worry, he did the same with me, and his mother and sister, comforted Momo when he told her what happened. -It’s not that he doesn’t trust you more like he…
There was a knocking sound and they heard Bakugou scream a full basket of curses and Iida apologizing on Mei’s behalf.
-Accidents happens quite often, she concluded as she already started creating some first aid kit.
Satoru didn’t say that he knew that -after all his power allowed him to know what was on people’s mind. But he also didn’t say to Momo that Shouto did not trust his wife with a dangerous tool. For two reasons : the first one, was that she was a weapon master that could create deadly things and that was as amazing as scary. The second reason was that she always had a bit of a clumsy side -missing a level, or a step- and that he didn’t want ther to be injured because of it. In the end, Satoru and Momo were pushed off, to the future baby’s room. They decided on the color -something genderless since they still had no name nor gender.
-You’re okay with all that stuff being done, but still not okay with choosing a name? He asked Momo, quite surprised.
He couldn’t help but put a bit of painting on her nose, so she rolled her paint roller on his face as a revenge. That only made him laugh, as he got a face as green as a troll. They were a bit scolded because the painting was not close to being done (But maybe they got a bit ambitious about it, doing stencils of animal on the walls...when none of them could actually draw).
-Yes. It’s just...Naming them it make them more real, it would be harder if…
Momo didn’t finish, she didn’t need to. But Satoru watched around, as the house was nothing but packs and almost finished-furniture, and work in progress. Surely, if anything happened, it was way too late to make it painless. But he didn’t say it ; what good would it do? Momo and Shouto were happy for now, and there was nothing he could do to protect the baby while it was still in Momo’s belly.
He looked at the woman he considered as his mother, and couldn’t help but smile at her growing profile.
-I don’t know if it comforts you, but...I can’t read the baby’s mind when i touch your belly.
Momo frowned, and for a second he saw a bit of panic on her face ;
-You could do that? I mean read the baby’s mind? Is that why you always guessed when i was expecting?
The kid bit his lips. The first time she had been expecting, he didn’t say it, or at least not openly ; he only acted happier and made some weird comments they didn’t get before it was too late. He had felt so guilty about it, that he stopped asking for a little brother and sister, even as a joke. It actually hurt Momo even more, witnessing people changing attitude because of her lost. But she didn’t know if she would have appreciated to see them act normally, as if nothing had happened too. So well. She supposed there was no good behaviour in those kind of situation. Anyways, Satoru shrugged and finally explained:
-Well, kind of. Since i could control you if had wanted, i had access to your brain. Your brain already knew you were pregnant so, whenever i checked something in, i just...it’s like a upload i suppose? I just knew the new stuff? And i kind of knew what state he was in?
Momo was puzzled. One part of her wanted to talk about it (Satoru said he, so that meant that the two baby she had lost were boys? Or just the first one, since the second one never actually lived?). But on the other part, she didn’t want to dwell on the past or make the kid uncomfortable with sad questions. She decided to make a compromise and still get on the subject while being optimistic:
-So...is my baby okay?
-Last time i checked, a couple of minutes ago, yeah. Developing well and all. Napping.
-Can know what the baby is feeling right now?
Satoru shook his head.
-No. Not anymore.
Momo couldn’t help but panic, and the boy immediately added:
-It’s a good thing! That means they are developing and becoming someone entirely new, someone i don’t know yet and so i can’t bond with and read the mind of! They’re a person now, so i can’t just check out your brain and know basic stuff about them!
Momo let out a sigh of relief, putting a hand above her heart. It didn’t stay long though, and immediately went down on her belly, shocked for a couple of minutes:
-They are?
One could think her question was nothing but an amazed comment over the fact, but Satoru knew better. It was more than that. Momo was amazed, yes, but she was above all relieved, because that meant that her baby was well, that they were alive, and growing and…
That one day she would be able to meet them.
Shouto felt so happy. Tired but truly happy. They had so many things to do that sometimes he felt like there were not enough hours in a day. He already felt that way in UA, when he had to take supplementary classes, but he didn’t remember enjoying it. This time it was quite different.
He loved having his friends over, helping to build the house. (The class could be split into two groups, the efficient builder, like Ochako, Sero, Bakugou or Iida, and the supportive team, with Izuku as the leader. Mei was out of the chart making them do a big progres only to blow things up the minute after.) He loved to see Momo and his mother, sister and her parents talking about the plan. He loved the way their home looked more and more everyday. And most of all he liked the future he could glimpse sometimes. When Satoru came back from UA he almost could see the full picture.
-Can you teach me how to build things too? Satoru asked, the first evening.
And though Shouto didn’t like the idea of him holding dangerous tool (not at all) he could not say no. He missed their father-and-son bonding moment too much. And, unlike when they tried to learn how to cook with Momo, Shouto could actually shine on this subject. He was the third best of their generation, just after Mei and Ochako.
Momo often looked at them, when they started giving him lesson. Shouto tried to propose her to participate, but she declined. It was their time and it was important for Satoru to know that he was not being replaced, she said. (She probably started reading psychology book again). During dinner, Satoru would always tell them how was Ua, describing his friends and his everyday at the school, while they did the same for their days of work. It was almost as if he never had left.
Satoru had to go to the training camp, and again left the house. Shouto complained a lot about that, and even tried to make him not go. Something about him having good grades, or that they could supervise his training as a heroes as well as Aizawa or All might at home, and when it didn’t work, how UA had a student that got kidnapped during one of this summer camp once.
-Are you fucking using me to be an even more disgusting doting father? Complained Bakugou when he heard that.
-I’m safe at Ua, you know, it’s not like when you were in it, the league of villain is not so bold anymore without Tomura at their head, protested Satoru. -And i will be back in no time, two weeks is super fast.
But Shouto still pouted, and didn’t like it when the boy had to leave. Momo was a bit worried about what he would be like as a father of a baby? He was already overprotective with Satoru…! Yet it was so charming to see him care so much. And even if Satoru tried to hide it, he did care too. The proof was that he tried to leave twice, and always came back to ask for “one last hug” before he actually managed to leave the house.
-Come on, you will be back in no time, she whispered to the kid’s ears the second time. -Two weeks is not that long and then you’ll be with us for a whole month!
-I know, but it’s hard not to see you both everyday anymore. And i wanted to help you more. You need a lot of hands to get all be done.
They felt the same, this couple of days were not enough. They were used to so many more, they were used to having him living under the same roof and it was even harder than before to let him go back to UA.
-Next time i’m subscribing to be one of the supervisor in the training camp, he swore when the boy finally managed to leave. -If Bakugou can teach children in the training camp, so can i.
-Bakugou is helping out Kirishima, it’s not the same, Momo insisted.
-And you would leave Momo here, all alone, pregnant with your child…! Gasped Jirou dramatically.
-We could supervise together, proposed Shouto. -Momo is a good teacher, kids would love her.
-She is, assured Kaminari immediately. -I always thought she would become a teacher like Aizawa hen we were in high school. It’s only thanks to her that a lot of us got good marks during our final exams.
The compliment made Momo blush, and she hid her embarrassment under her hands. She did liked to teach her friends around, and would have loved to make it her work. But things turned out differently.
-I’m not sure it’s very advised for Momo and the baby, contested Shouto’s mother with a compassionate smile though. -And next summer you will have a baby to take care of.
Shouto was smart, he knew they were right and that he was saying nonesense. But he was also very stubborn sometimes.
-I still think we should subscribe next summer, he repeated that evening, as they cuddled under the blanket.
The house was silent, so much it was disturbing. Surely Shouto felt the same because he hugged her tenderly and put his head in the crook of her neck. His bangs tickled. There were no friend anymore, and not even Satoru. Only them, cat and rabbit, and the crackling light bulb on the ceiling that waited for some covering. She missed her son already, harder than before. She missed having a home full of laughs and life.
She put a hand on her belly and prayed every gods she knew of to never let the house feel this empty again.
Momo was feeling huge and clumsy. She felt like a stranger in her own body, having to learn again how to move. Even walking was different with a big belly. She couldn’t bend down the same way as before and gods, having to pee every hours (and doing the exercise the doctor gave her to prepare for the labor) was an hassle. A lot of time, she hated being pregnant.
She hated having to only do desk work, and then, when she was six months, being put on home-rest. The doctor wanted to be cautious and so asked her to stay in bed in a certain position for as long as she could. Which apparently had meant the last trimester of pregnancy.
At the beginning she took the new pretty well, there were still a lot of things to do in the house, the big workout was finished, but they still missed some decoration and stuff. So she laughed it off and said that it would be the perfect opportunity to take the time to finish it.
How wrong she was. She finished decorating the house in three days and then...
It had been her own personal hell. Once she had been punished by her parents, when she was little (because she lied to them). She had been grounded to her room, not allowed to play with games, watch tvs, or even read books. She remembered her father saying “You’re only allowed to be bored and to think about what you did wrong.” And gods, it was almost as if she had been grounded again. She felt like her little old self, watching the cellar of her room for hours. She had tried to work while being in bed, making the heroes job a little easier, fillin papers in their stead, planning intervention...But there was little she could do, confined in her house. She started refreshing her internet page and hoping Aoyama to call and tell her all about Peace’s business. She even started to hope there would be a great crisis in the office, so important that she would need to come back asap.So it took her four days and the knowledge that that they had 1376 nails in the cellar, before breaking up and disobeying the doctor’s orders.
-I will be back in my bed if i feel bad, she promised to Shouto when she saw him frowning. -But i just can’t. I need to do something. Anything!
At least he understood that, and didn’t made her feel guilty about it. She was thankful, because she already felt guilty by herself, like an adult. But it was worst when all she had to do in her day was lying down and think about everything that could happen to the baby and go wrong with the pregnancy, for hours. (Spoiler, so many things could go wrong it made her wants to change the whole world before giving birth to anyone).
Shouto and Aoyama still convinced her to work on the couch of peace office most of her time, but it was still easier than being home. At least at the office she was not alone, she could see all her friends (fro little time as they were just passing between reports and missions) and even kids from the Peace program. Aoyama handled all the stressful activities though, as such as dealing with press (he loved that part anyways).
But that was not the only thing she did not like about pregnancy.
She also hated how her food buds became so random! Her favorite dessert changed taste in her mouth every now and then, and some scents she adored before made her want to throw up immediately. And the worst? It didn’t stop her from being hungry. She always had been some kind of a glutton, but with another being to feed? She could eat all day! And actually, she had to constantly remember Shouto that it wasn’t healthy for her to eat all day. Because her so -adorable- husband was very committed about bringing her food. She swore he always had something to eat when he saw her, was it candies, or cake, or even healthy things for women he read about online, or even takeover from their favorite restaurant. It was like he was going back to the pure animal instinct of fathers: MUST. BRING. FOOD. TO. WIFE. AND. BABY. Gods. It was disturbing. For a time she even wondered if Shouto would have the belly growing like some stressed men have, mimicking their wives. Of course he did not. (That was a bit unfair) Shouto often said:
-You’re worried for the both of us, so i don’t need to.
Which was quite refreshing and infuriating at the same time. She would have liked to give him some of her internal turmoil and stress. So he would understand what it felt like. But at the same time, it was a comfort of having him as an emotional pillar. Always calm and composed, he patted her head when she cried over the laundry (which turned PINK! PINK. How could have been so stupid and not see the red garnement in all their white shirts?) and even massaged her feets when she didn’t feel like walking anymore.
Shouto made being pregnant a lot more easier many times. But there was also a little things that she liked on her own.
The baby’s kicks for example. She never got tired of it, even when it woke her up in the middle of the night. She couldn’t sleep on her belly anymore anyways. So she got used to stay in the bed, while Shouto was spooning her, and wait for the baby to kick.
It was the proof the baby was all right and so lively and she never got tired of being reminded of that.
Of course she shared the baby’s growth with Shouto too, she didn’t keep it secret all the time. They spent hours, together, trying to talk to the baby, giving them comforting words, supportive ones. They put some music, classical because apparently it made them smarter (Iida said, but Izuku remarked that with Shouto and Momo’s genes, the baby was bound to be smart). But the most enjoyable part was when Shouto put his ear on her belly and stopped moving, holding his breath.
Sometimes the baby was sneaky and didn’t move (Momo was sure it wasn’t intended) and so he started to doze off and fall asleep on the spot. But when the baby did kick and he could feel it too...Oh gods, the light in his eyes, the happiness, his smile...It was all she ever wanted him to look, all she ever wished him to be. She couldn’t help but giggle and wanting to shower him with kiss.
She knew she already liked the baby, there was no denying, despite all her efforts she was already planning. But witnessing how much it made Shouto happy, well, it made Momo love their baby even more. She couldn’t help but wonder, sometimes, what would they look like?
Would they be a girl or a boy? Would they take their look from her or Shouto? Would their smile as rare and yet so beautiful as their father’s? Would she be able to bring it as easily as she did with Shouto’s? She couldn’t wait to know.
Shouto did not understand why people said pregnant women were hard to handle. Momo was the same as she had always been, she even seemed happier than before.
He always liked the way she was a glutton, the way she lifted her pinky even to eat hamburger and still eating it in one bite. Now that she was pregnant she ate even more than before. Then she would be embarrassed and blush about her behaviour and that only made Shouto want to bring her more food. Momo was quite not happy with this new found tendency, she always said that he was trying to make her and the baby all puffy. (Which he would not mind, she had the most adorable puffy cheeks).
The only thing that was troublesome with Momo being pregnant was the fact that she was so fragile. He never thought he would see Momo that way ever. She always had been smart and strong and reliable on his mind -and she still was. But the doctors were worried and so she had to stay at home, in bed. Shouto could see it was hard for her and getting on her nerves. She was more emotional, and asked him more attention when he was already tired.
-It’s normal, she’s off the track, explained his mother when he told her. -When your day is off, and you come back home, her day truly begins. It’s a bit hard to handle the time difference. She’s probably lonely all day, there is no one available on work hours, not even her parents or me.
So he listened to his mother and made a compromise with Momo. They traded the bed for the couch, in the work office. It made things a little bit more distracting for him at work. How was he supposed to leave her for work when she was here, having trouble to just finding a good position to work in with her belly?
When Satoru came back during breaks, he could also stay with Momo at home and make sure she would not overwork herself while Shouto was at work. Thankfully, Satoru was an easy teenager (well, he was hard to handle when he was in his no-hug-im-not-a-kid-anymore phase, but he dropped it very quickly) so he didn’t complain. Sometimes, Shouto did come home to find a bunch of other kids (Satoru’s classmates) at home, with Momo lost among them though. But he also came home to find them enjoying a mother-and-son time too, fighting on a goban or chess board.
He missed having Momo on the field with him, sometimes, as much as he missed having Satoru home, but as the months went by he had learned that it was only temporary. And he came to like the daily life of this “temporary” even more, knowing that it wouldn’t last. It felt precious and unique in a way.
Momo enjoyed the last few weeks of pregnancy, surprisingly. Now it was certain that everything was going to be all right ; the baby was fine, she was fine too, Shouto and her were going to have a baby. Nothing could go wrong now. She felt at peace and confident.
So she started to worry on much trivial things, that every pregnant women did, way before her: the labor. Momo’s friends were here often to discuss about it, though they made her more stressed than she already was about it.
-I heard it hurt a lot. Like more than a lot, kept repeating Mina.
-You’re the first one of us to go there, Momo, scout it for us, be our pathfinder!
-I swear i’m never going to be pregnant, remarked Jirou.
-You can also deliver with ceasarian, right? And there are a lot of medications to relieve you from the pain, promised Tsuyu.
Thankfully she had a good relationship with her mother, who was always there to comfort her when she was stressed.
-It worth the pain, she said over the phone, and Momo could hear her smiling. -You are still my greatest joy, up to this day.
-If it hurts a lot, crush Shouto’s hand, proposed his father with a grin. -Your mother broke my fingers when you were born.
Shouto’s mother was also a big help, and she came over very often to help her doing the exercises. She was every bit patient, never complaining about her questions no matter how silly it was sometimes.  She tried to think of it as a jump, scary when your feet are near the gap, when you watch the cliff, but then you take a deep breath close your eyes and it’s only a matter of seconds before panic turns into something else. She still was not very much looking foward this day, no matter how much she wanted to meet the baby already.
It happened during winter break, right after christmas. When they got together, Momo and Shouto took the habit to merge the western and the japanese custom for this holiday. They enjoyed the 24, not as a couple, but with their friends, in a gigantic party. Then they enjoyed it as a family the next day, and would do couple date on the 26. The new eve celebration was typically japanese, with a visit to festival, shrines, eating cold soba (his favorite part), waiting for the countdown and the upload of the heroes ranking, then going to watch the sunrise. Overall, they never rested during those holidays. Momo being pregnant of nine months and the due date approaching didn’t change it.
-Maybe i will have the baby on the very first day of the new year, she laughed. - It seems that the baby wants to stay in my belly for now!
He liked the way she said it, how she put her hand on her belly tenderly. She was becoming more confident everyday. Shouto knew he liked the baby already, but seeing how they made Momo’s eyes shines, and smile and how it pushed away her self-doubt and guilt...He loved them even more.
Though, she was wrong, the baby decided they had enough of Momo’s belly on the 28, in the middle of the lunch. She had been unwell all morning, restless and dizzy at the same time, but still assuring that she was not “that sick”. Satoru and Shouto tried their best to make her think of something else and they were choosing a good movie when her water broke.
The rest honestly, was just a mess.
They barely managed to get to the hospital. Satoru had called a cab -because Shouto was not a good driver to begin with but with all the emotion bottling up and the stress? No way thank you. Even Momo said no when Shouto proposed to drive her, and said that she would after go on foot. While being in labor. (That alone was a good indicator of how bad he was at driving).
Still, they made it in time. Satoru was impressed though, in movie the labor was always erratic and the woman was screaming and yelling and father was panicking. Momo barely made a sound during the travel, and simply went to the wheelchair, then Shouto pushed to the front desk and asked for a room. Of course, Satoru knew that inside, they were both panicking and worried and all the stuff, but that didn’t come to the surface before hours.
Momo’s mask was the first to fall, due to the pain. And so, with her, Satoru’s one fell soon after, and only Shouto’s remained. For a couple of minutes.
-Everything is going to be all right, don’t worry. Just...stay there. I called our friends, they should be arriving soon enough, he said, as he followed Momo in another room. The delivery one.
-You don’t even know the baby’s genre!
It wasn’t so important, but at the moment, Satoru had felt like it was the worst thing of the day, that it detained some vital information that could save both Shouto and Momo, and the baby’s life. And they did not have it!
Thankfully, Satoru wasn’t alone for a long time, in the waiting room, hearing Momo’s screams and sobs. Izuku was the first one to arrive, then Shouto and Momo’s family Except Endeavor, and Satoru wondered if it was wise to send him a text. He decided against it, and promised himself to do so when everything was over and okay. Shouto would not like to see his father (period) while being exposed. He didn’t have to wonder long though, because the whole room was filling more and more. There was no place left for anyone, as all Shouto and Momo’s friends barely fit in together. They even had the surprise to see Kouda, arriving from the mount Fuji, three hours after. Apparently he had jumped in the first train to be there.
Even Mahô, Satoru’s best friend, arrived after a few hours, with her whole family. She huged him so tight and bounced around happily:
-They’re having a baby! A baby! I’m so happy!
It might be a little bit stupid, but Satoru thought that with this much love and support around them, nothing could go wrong. It might be a bit naive, but it made him feel better.
Momo had been so tired, the rest of the day was a blurr. She remembered having her friends around her, and many congratulations, but honestly? Not much after that. She might have fainted, or maybe she fell asleep. All she knew is that when she opened her eyes with a clear mind, the night had already fallen. The hospital room was empty, Shouto was sleeping like log on the chair beside her bed. Satoru was not here, but she remembered planning that he would stay at her parent’s place or Fuyumi, on the day after the labor. Yet...Yet, she still looked for him in the room, she looked for her baby. Both of them.
She turned her head and for the first time, her eyes fell on the little baby she dreamed of for so long.
It was a she, a wonderful little girl all red and with puffy cheek (how could she not, when Momo had eaten so much during pregnancy?). She had white and red hair on her head and was sleeping soundly, making bubbling sound with her mouth. Already calm, just like her father.
Shouto woke up hearing a sob. He immediately rose to his feet, trying to remember what the nurse said, how to handle a baby, hold him...The fog of his tired mind lift up when he realized that the baby wasn’t crying. Momo was.
She was just there, on her bed, with the baby in her arms, with this radiant smile on her face despite the tears rolling of her cheek, it left Shouto numb. The only thing he could do was to brush her tear away with his thumb. She couldn’t hold her hiccup, as they eyes met.
-She has so tiny hands!
He couldn’t deny it, she did had tiny hand. So tiny she couldn’t even grip his finger.
-Her hands are perfect, he said.
Momo nodded:
-We have the perfect glove for her tiny hands. And looks at her tiny feets!
Shouto couldn’t help but smile.
-Her feets are perfect too. She is perfect in every single way. Just like you.
He sat on the bed with her, and put a arm around her waist, pulling both of his girls in a hug.
-We have a baby, Shouto, sobbed Momo.
She hugged the baby so close to her heart. For all this time she had felt the baby growing in her womb, she knew it was there all along, she knew it was a reality...But she never felt like she had a baby before this moment. Now she could see what she looked like, how her skin was so smooth...And soon enough she would be able to recognize her scent, to see her grow up, her hands and feets take centimeter, learn how she was, who she was, her personality...
-She needs a name, she realized.
Now that she was here, for good, for real, her perfect little girl needed a name.
-If you’re okay with it, said Shouto. -I would like to call her Mimi.
Momo opened her eyes, and her throat got so tight she didn’t even know how she managed to speak:
He nodded and said:
-We’re already been calling her that with Satoru for months on the phone. Momo’s baby, Mimi.  
The baby looked already so much like his father, a name close to Shouto’s would be more fitting. And yet. Yet, it sounded right. So right. Mimi was her baby too. It was their daughter and she was wonderful and pretty and perfect with her tiny hands and tiny feets and her name. Mimi Todoroki.
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seraph-shield · 7 years
OMG yees hogwarts and atla au are so cool... uhmm we'd need to choose a fandom first I guess... maybe bnha or haikyuu or voltron ?? For bnha I have this very specific hc that Bakugou is a combustion bender lol. Also Izuku I'm having trouble with bc : should he be a nonbender ?? Or the avatar ??? It would also make sense for Todoroki to be the avatar because of his original quirk... or is it better to just choose elements based on personality or something like that ?? Idk, what do you think :3 ?
ahhh yes, Sparky Sparky Boom Boy at his finest lololol  tho tbh i kinda forgot how combustion bending worked lol...
I have also thought about that before and struggled to find an answer. I dunno if i like it better for Izuku to be a nonbender (bc I love nonbenders they can be just as badass if not more) or the avatar (especially when remembering that part in the tournament when he fought Shinsou and could see all the past OfA users.. that instantly made me think of avatar cycles lol). SO. I thought of some small things for both of them. You get two different AUs my friend, and idk which is better
AU where Izuku is the avatar:
Izuku, who’s father was a fire bender and mother from the earth kingdom, probably lives in one of those smaller towns in the southern earth kingdom area, which were the fire nation colonies in the past. The avatar cycle though, recognizes him as fire. 
Toshinori, obviously, was the previous avatar, originally from the earth kingdom. 
I like the thought of Endeavor being the Fire Lord lol. Let’s say he knew Toshi, the avatar, while he was alive and whatever happened to have him be really bitter toward him. He really wants one of his children to be the next avatar, as a weird way to one-up Toshi. Doesn’t happen though. Because little Izuku is here! (He’s also probably pissed that some plain kid from the colonies is the avatar now.)
In this senario, Toshi would have had to die pretty early on, which is sad, but he can always communicate with Izuku via weird avatar shenanigans.
Endeavor marries a girl from the northern water tribe. Maybe he thought it would be good for politics. Maybe he thought it would somehow increase the avatar chances. Maybe he thought one of his children would be a never before seen double bender, who knows. But bending powers don’t work like that u fool. smh. 
And thus, Todoroki ends up being a fire bender. And he Hates it.
He tries not to use his fire bending as much as possible. I like the thought that his mother’s family had a special method of physical combat or something to make up for the fact that he can’t use ice in this au, and he prefers that.
Whenever he IS more comfortable with fire bending (thanks Midoriya), he probably adopts a gentler, more fluid, water-bending-esque style of fire bending, sort of like Zuko did at the end.  
There isn’t much said in canon about how children first learn they are benders (unless in LoK...) SO. Perhaps it took Izuku a lot longer than normal to realize he could fire bend, it not ‘awakening’ until he’s older. Maybe it was just really really weak at first. No one at all could’ve expected this kid to be the avatar of all things. 
Maybe he didn’t get avatar tested or whatever as a baby, for whatever reason, and had to find out by accidentally air bending (which is next after fire). The kid probably tripped, expected to hit the ground, but then never did lol. 
Imagine Bakugou when he learns about the news. This kid he’s known since they were tiny, who’s bending was so weak it may as well not exist, who could barely walk down a hill without falling down, is THE AVATAR. Imagine him when Izuku starts to train harder, learn more elements, become even stronger.... :)
Maybe Uraraka could be one of his bending teachers!!! That’s a cute image~
AU where Todoroki is the avatar:
In this one, Izuku is a nonbender. This is could be set in the future, where more and more people have bending abilities that nonbenders just aren’t as common. The kids who can bend start thinking they’re cooler and stronger. 
I don’t really have ideas as to a plot or why they would need to fight. Unless this world evolved like bnha did, and more people started using their bending for evil lol. Or maybe this could just be about sport-like tournaments or something but:
Izuku still wants to be strong and tough!!! He really looks up to all might, who is the best even though he is also a nonbender! Things happen, and he becomes all might’s student. Learns his special physical fighting methods. (kind of like how sokka got his cool sword master guy)
Todoroki is the avatar, but would he be water or fire first?
With water, it would make sense. He could become a water (and ice ofc) bending master first. Canonly, he would struggle with learning fire, since they’re opposites. It could be a big hurdle/plot point for him to overcome too. Physically and emotionally.
With fire, maybe he could put off learning it to the fullest, try to move on to the next element before he’s ready, complicate things and make it harder on himself than necessary.
idk I like water better. 
um.. obviously, i didn’t think this au through as much heh...
This became slightly too long and focused on izuku and todoroki, but they’re my favorites and also those who were mentioned. I hope these are good ^^’ what are your thoughts? I could try to expand more, or focus on other characters, if anyone would like. 
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