#natsuo said no because endeavor blinked
togaschako · 5 months
Tomura and Natsuo definitely got caught making out on the couch by Endeavor and Fuyumi. Fuyumi tried to let Endeavor and Natsuo sit down and talk about it while she drove Tomura home. When she got back, they were still staring at each other.
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rarepears · 10 months
i don't know why but i really REALLY want to see an AU where endeavor is the japanese prime minister's wife (also we need more fanfics talking about Japanese government outside of the hero public safety commission)
Actually, would be pretty funny if Endeavor is still the husband in this scenario. No malewifing Endeavor here. He marries a woman.
In fact, he finds a better ice-quirk user to marry - someone with stronger ice powers than the top candidates that he was considered (ahem Rei). It is "unfornuate", as Endeavor concludes after their first blind date, that this woman is steadfast determined to continue her career trajectory (a degree in politics/policy/policy science?) and most assuredly not willing to be a housewife, but it's fine, Endeavor decides. It means he'll either have to arrange childcare or do it himself but that also means he can influence the child more directly and train the kid more.
Everything seems all good and dandy... Until he discovers, after the birth of Touya and Natsuo, his wife girlbossing too hard and had managed to complete college, grad school, and now had a full time position in the Japanese government. While juggling two pregnancies by the way. What agency he didn't know or care since it wasn't anything related to heroics. She's still doing her job of popping out more babies for him. So he stayed out of it.
When she decided to quit her job as staffer to some member of the National Diet (when did she start such a position? Endeavor wonders how he didn't notice it.), Endeavor blinked in surprise when she said she was gunning for something more ambitious. But he still didn't say anything. She stayed out of his work so it was only fair that he did the same to her career. Their partnership was good. (Duh, it's two workaholics who barely spend any time at home and say very little to each other if it didn't involve kids.)
And then one day Endeavor wakes up to the news that the prime minister of Japan was assassinated and his successor was predicted to be... his wife. A fact which none of the public seemed to be aware of by the way until this emergency election was announced. But now it was released... without Endeavor or his agency being made aware of such an announcement - bah, a "leak" the media called it. Endeavor was experienced enough in PR after all his years of heroics to know when a leak was planted.
It was unsurprising to see his wife win the election later that night. Especially unsurprising after the, now former and deceased, prime minister being assassinated by a villain (rumored to be connected to All For One who appeared to just gone off the grid a couple weeks ago from what Endeavor's intelligence team told him).
But now Endeavor has a wife who's the Prime Minister. And they have 4 kids - the youngest which is 7 years old. The nanny he had been using (named Rei) just had a mental breakdown after seeing the estate being besieged with reporters and the public and Endeavor was pretty sure she wasn't coming back to work ever. Oh, and he can kiss his dreams of defeating All Might and becoming the new No. 1 hero goodbye because even if he does become the new No. 1, he's never going to feel like he earned it himself - he's going to always wonder if it's a reflection of how popular (or not popular) his prime minster wife is with the public. And considering how, historically, prime ministers usually don't have such high approval ratings with Japan's regular villain attacks among other social problems...
Oh boy.
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pablopascal · 2 years
Another Love
Dabi x fem!reader word count: 1.2k warnings: death, abuse, lots of angst, some fluff, slowburn in the beginning, spoilers, Dabi’s pov is italicized A/N: Recommend listening to another love by Tom Odell (Slowed version) Also this is the first part of the fic. more parts to come when I'm not busy. please reblog, comment, like much appreciated!! sorry for spelling mistakes. *DO NOT REPOST ANYWHERE*
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GIF by tokoyamis
Touya and you were best friends before he died, always together. His father hated it, not wanting his children to associate with anyone. Touya and you were tied together by the universe or so his mother always said. But it was until the night he died; the universe tore you both apart from each other. You were saddened by the death of your best friend, knowing he wouldn’t want you to be sad forever. You lived every day for him because he couldn’t.
Touya was always at the back of your mind every day, he would never be forgotten. Deep in your heart you wanted him to be out there in the world safe away from his father and not dead. You knew he would never come back, and the world would move on from the death of Endeavor’s son Touya Todoroki. That’s what happened: everyone moved on with their lives and forgot about the death of an abused, scared little boy that wanted some form of love from his father. The sad truth was that he never really died that night. 
“I brought you daffodils in a pretty string
But they won't flower like they did last spring”
Dabi sighed as he watched from afar where he was “buried”, there was the same person he loved as a child. He always watched over her since he “died” and never once did he abandon her. He wished he could walk up to her and wrap his scarred arms around his beloved friend.
The one that truly believed in him when his father didn’t. The one that always stood strong in front of him when he couldn’t get back up. He saw the tears run down her cheeks as she pressed a kiss to her fingertips and then put those lightly kissed fingertips to the gravestone of Touya. He watched as she walked out of the cemetery with her head held high with fire in her eyes.
“And if somebody hurts you, I wanna fight
But my hands been broken, one too many times”
You were always trying to exploit the abusive ways of Enji Todoroki and what you had witnessed watching Touya grow. The torture that he pushed Touya through before his death and what he put Shoto and the others through.
After Touya died you never left the little brother’s side because you wanted to protect him when you could. But of course, Enji was able to keep you from the youngest Todoroki three years after Touya’s death. You made it your life’s mission to tarnish the hero’s reputation. 
You were on your way to meet Natsuo for your weekly study group. You both go to the same college and he is the only way you can stay in touch with Shoto. Walking into the library, you see the white-haired teenager sitting at the usual table but you notice someone next to him as you get closer.
You pulled the chair out in front of Natsuo and looked up to see no so little Shoto. Your smile grew in size seeing the kid that you promised Touya you would protect. You felt a sense of security that he wasn’t at home with his father, knowing the torture he has probably gone through. 
“Hey Shoto! How are you doing?”
He looked up from his phone realizing someone was talking to him. He was taken back to see the girl that Touya always brought home to play with his other siblings while he was pushed into training endlessly. Shoto blanked for a few seconds and then came to his older brother waving his hand in front of his face. When he blinked to make his eyes focus on you and his brother, he saw the concern on both of your faces.
“You okay sho?” you asked. 
 He looked at you saying, “Yeah… Yeah...  I’m just surprised to see you after all this time.”
You smiled at him, “You’ve grown so much, Sho. I hope you’re enjoying going to UA this year.”
He looked at you and smiled while saying, “Yeah it's good. I’m making some friends too.”
You nodded your head saying, “Good Shoto for you. Touya would be proud of you. I’m proud of you everytime Natsuo says something about you.”
Shoto shockingly looks at his older brother, “You talk about me to other people?”, who just looked at him with a toothy smile. 
Natsuo turned back to you with a serious face saying, “So you still out to get my dad? Not that I care! He has it coming.” 
You nodded your head yes with a sad smile, Natuso started speaking again, “I hope you are able to show the world the truth about Enji. He deserves to be torn down from his throne.” 
You looked at him with a smile, “I’ll tear him down even if it kills me in the process, Natsuo. Just make sure to take care of each other if I die, okay?”
Natsuo looked at you sadly before nodding his head at you in agreement, “I know y/n. I’ll never let anything happen to them.” 
Shoto during this whole conversation was thinking about how you were going to bring down his father and how it was going to destroy you in the process. He knew his father would do everything to save his reputation. Even making you disappear would be something he would do. When Shoto came to after his thoughts, he looked up to see you smiling at him with a sad look on your eyes. 
“Okay let’s get studying so I can leave and start my plans to destroy your father's reputation,” you said laughing while getting your books out. 
Shoto and Natsuo saw that the smile didn’t reach your eyes. To be honest you were scared of the outcome of showing the world the true Enji, but you knew that you had to do it for Touya’s sake. You looked up to see the two boys smiling at you with concern, you sighed. 
“C’mon stop looking at me like that… I’ll be safe. It’s my middle name,” Natsuo rolled his eyes, “Natsuo I saw that. I’ll be as safe as I can. I promise. Now c'mon let’s study. I have work after this, I can’t be late again.”
Before you guys got into studying you said something towards Shoto, “You know Sho, you look so similar to Touya when he was a kid. That makes me happy that I can still see him in some ways.” 
You said this with a sad smile on your face before looking back at your textbook. Shoto and Natuso looked at each other then back at you to see you wiping away the tears that were falling down your cheeks on to the textbook. Natsuo reached out to touch your hand in a comforting way. 
Looking up at him smiling and then looking at Shoto, “I’m proud of you four, especially after what you dealt with. None of you deserve that treatment from your parents. I will do everything in my power to show the world the truth.”
“So I'll use my voice, I'll be so fucking rude
Words they always win, but I know I'll lose”
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shadow-bringer-ao3 · 1 year
ripples reach far from a single pebble (she is far from a pebble)
When Touya was young, back before he got his quirk, he thought his family was the best family ever. He had a mom that loved him and his dad was the Number Two Hero and they got him almost anything he asked for. He got sick easily but he didn’t care about that. All he cared about was spending time with his family. His dad and mom and sister loved him and he loved them. They were happy.
Then Touya’s quirk started killing him and something shifted. His dad turned desperate and angry and cold. Colder even than Fuyumi’s snow and mom’s ice.
That’s when he met Kushina. At first, Kushina managed to bring his dad back to him. Everyone was happy again. They were almost back to where they started.
Everything fell apart again when Natsuo got his quirk.
His dad- Endeavor was angry. Furious. Not at them, not yet, but it all still affected the family.
It started off slow. Training now and then for the three of them. Touya the most. Natsuo the least (he would learn later that it’s because Natsuo’s quirk was the weakest and Touya’s the strongest, even if it burned him up from the inside. It doesn’t make anything better, to know that).
By the fifth month, they were training once a week without fail, sometimes twice. By the seventh month, the training was harsher. By the eighth, they were training everyday.
By the end of the year, it wasn’t training any more. It was abuse and it no long stayed in the confines of the training room. He controlled the house with an iron fist and he wasn’t afraid to use his fireitburnsimafraidimafraidimafrAID strength to get what he wanted.
In the end, he’s seven when Shouto is born. In the end, he’s eight when he nearly dies. In the end, he’s just turned nine when he disappears from the Todoroki family, proclaimed dead from a dangerous quirk malfunction.
(It wasn’t a malfunction, he wanted to kill hurt Endeavor.)
The second time he meets Kushina, it’s when he wakes up in her arms, in the backseat of a moving car with a little blonde baby curled up next to him, blinking up with too-blue eyes.
"This is Naruto," Kushina had said. "He’s your cousin."
And oh, it was such a wonderful thing, to have family that his father Endeavor couldn’t control.
(He remembers Shouto and Natsuo and Fuyumi, of course, and he feels wretched that he left them but Kushina soothes him with quiet murmurs and sweet promises of not-quite revenge.)
He throws himself into this small family where fire is golden instead of red and his dad Minato can teleport with lightning and wind and he only has one younger sibling by the name of Naruto.
Everyone in this new family is so different, so full of life. Minato forgets the time when he’s with Kushina and Kushina never steps over his boundaries even though her energy takes her on a whirlwind’s path through the house and Naruto is a sweet but demanding child who craves attention with everything in him.
(Kushina and Minato get this look when he flinches away from contact or locks himself away when it’s all too much or dyes his red hair black. It’s not pity and it’s not bad. It’s strange and faraway and so, so sad. It’s not sympathy, not quite, but it’s understanding. It makes him think that maybe, just maybe, they’ve been through something similar.
He can’t think of anything sadder than that.)
They don’t stop him from changing his looks or decorating his burns with tiny bits of metal or changing his name. They help him, guide him, but they don’t stop him.
So when they find him in the streets, fighting because that’s all he knows how to do, they don’t condemn him. They teach him. And maybe it should’ve been less surprising than it was, maybe he should've have seen this happening, but he still flinches away from a blow that never comes.
They train him. They train him but they don’t abuse him and he’s learned to differentiate between the content burn of well worked muscles and the dark painithurtsiwanttodie of abuse.
Kushina shows him how to use his quirk without hurting himself, how to make his weak constitution into a strength. Minato shows him how to use his quirk with control so fine that it dwarfs anything Endeavor has ever done, even with so much less flame behind it.
They teach him other things, as well. Like how it’s okay to hate Endeavor for what he’s done. How he doesn’t have to forgive his abuser to move on with his life. How forgetting and living in spite of everything is so much more fulfilling than revenge could ever be. How wanting revenge doesn’t make him a bad person, just a human one. They teach him that it’s okay that he doesn’t trust heroes anymore, that he doesn’t want to be one. They teach him that he’s okay fine great amazing as is and that he doesn’t need to have Endeavor’s his father’s anyone’s approval to be a great man and a good person.
They accept him and love him and it’s heady in it’s addictiveness and he can never, ever thank them enough for what they’ve done no matter what they say to him.
Dabi still thinks his family is the best family ever. Only now his family is Kushina and Minato and Naruto and that team of young heroes-who-might-be-vigilantes and those older guys that stop by to argue with each other and Naruto’s two little friends and their parents. His family is made of liars and scoundrels and thieves that double as heroes and friends and good people and he wouldn’t have them any other way.
Part 3 | Part 5
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
Sibling Bonding (My Hero Academia)
This fic was purchased from my Coffee Shop Wish List by a generous supporter. Thank you!
Primary Universe
Summary: Spring break has arrived, and Todoroki heads home to spend some time with his older siblings since Endeavor is out of town. When he accidentally reveals that he's ticklish, things take a giggly turn very quickly!
A/N: YES I'm so excited to share this one! Earlier this year somebody suggested a Todoroki siblings fic, which I declined at the time because I didn't feel like I'd be able to do it justice. Later I felt more confident and put it on my Wish List, and now it's been purchased for your reading pleasure! Enjoy! ^^
Word Count: 1,915
“I’m here,” Todoroki announced without flourish as he entered his home for the first time in months, kicking off his shoes in the entryway.
Fuyumi poked her head around the corner from the kitchen where she was working on dinner. “Welcome back, Shoto.”
"Thanks.” Todoroki shrugged off his backpack and entered the kitchen, stuffing his hands in his pockets. He felt awkward, but did his best to ignore it. “It smells great. What is it?”
He blinked at her. “You…didn’t have to go out of your way for me.”
“It’s no trouble at all. It’s your favorite food, right? I wanted to make today special. It’s the first day of your spring break and you’re spending it with us!” Fuyumi smiled at him. “I want you to have a great time.”
Todoroki nodded at her. “Thank you for cooking.”
“Of course. Natsuo should be here any minute. You can take a seat in the dining room if you want. We can talk easier that way.”
But instead, he leaned against a counter she didn’t appear to be using, putting his hands in his pockets. His first instinct was to cross his arms, but he didn’t want to come across as grumpy or ungrateful. He was truly happy to be here, finally able to spend time with his siblings without the presence of his father to ruin his mood.
It had been Fuyumi’s idea. Endeavor was out of the prefecture on business, which left her and Natsuo home alone for the first time in a while. That, and it was spring break for U.A., which meant Todoroki was free to come over and hang out with them without having to get permission to leave the campus. Fuyumi had quickly arranged for this first day to be spent having dinner together.
“So…” his sister said after a brief pause. “How’s school going?”
A couple of hours later, dinner was over, the dishes were in the dishwasher, and the Todoroki siblings sat around in the living room staring at each other awkwardly. None of them really knew how to proceed.
Still, Natsuo tried. “So, uh, Shoto. What kind of stuff do you like to do?”
Todoroki knew what he meant. What should we do now that dinner’s over? He thought for a moment. “Well…my friends and I play Mario Kart a lot, I guess.”
Fuyumi perked up. “You like video games?”
“They’re fine.”
“Well, we don’t have Mario Kart,” Natsuo said, “but we do have the latest Mario Party game. Do you want to try that?”
Todoroki helped his siblings set up the game, then selected Yoshi as his character and proceeded to inadvertently dominate both of them as time went on. He won several mini-games and always seemed to get to the star first, no matter the circumstances. He honestly couldn’t tell if he was really good, or if his siblings were just really bad. Or both.
“Jeez, Shoto!” Natsuo finally exclaimed after the youngest sibling got his fifth star – three ahead of Fuyumi, who had two. He nudged Todoroki, his elbow pressing into his ribs. “Give us a chance to catch up!”
Todoroki giggled.
The room went silent for a moment.
“Shoto?” Fuyumi asked, staring at him incredulously. “Are you okay?”
Todoroki knew he was blushing and he wished desperately that he could have held in his reaction better than that. But it was too late now, and he knew it. He sighed. “Yes, I’m fine. Natsuo nudged me and it…it tickled. That’s all.”
Natsuo’s eyes lit up. “You’re ticklish? Really?”
“Nat,” Fuyumi warned.
Todoroki hesitated. Game forgotten now, he glanced between his siblings on either side of him and struggled to decide how he wanted to proceed. He knew they wouldn’t touch him without permission – knowing what he’d gone through with their father kept them from doing that much, at least. But he didn’t want to brush them off, either. As it happened, he did enjoy being tickled to an extent, but he’d never been tickled by family before.
“I…um…” he swallowed, heart racing. What would they think if they knew the other half of it, too? That he enjoyed doing the tickling?
Fuyumi reached out as though to put a hand on his shoulder, then stopped herself. “Shoto, it’s okay. We won’t tickle you if you don’t want us to. Right, Nat?”
“Definitely not.” His brother was surprisingly emphatic, nodding. “I was just surprised to learn you were, that’s all. If you don’t like it I’m not going to tickle you just for the sake of it.”
“I…I do like it.” Todoroki mumbled, setting his controller down, hoping that would be enough invitation for them. “My friends tickle me quite a lot, actually. It’s fun. As long as you stop when I ask you to.”
Natsuo grinned, setting his controller down, too. “So you don’t automatically say ‘stop’ when you’re being tickled, huh, Sho? That’s interesting.” He poked him in the ribs again. “Cute, too.”
Todoroki smiled, pulling away only the tiniest bit.
“Fuyumi? I think we have some long overdue sibling bonding to catch up on.”
She beamed. “I totally agree.”
And that was it. The next thing he knew, Todoroki had been tackled to the floor, fingers digging into his ribs and sides and belly in rapid succession, giggles bubbling up out of him quicker than he had time to process. He squealed and curled up, but did his best not to push them away. He also never said a word of protest.
“Aww, you really do like it, don’t you?” Fuyumi cooed, wiggling her fingers up into his underarm. “Tickle, tickle, tickle~”
Todoroki yelped, his whole body jerking when she found one of his hot spots, and his squirming became near-thrashing when she realized what she’d done and continued to do it. Natsuo laughed, grabbing his wrists and pulling them above his head with little resistance, giving their sister full access to his armpits.
Fuyumi dug in, smiling wide as her youngest brother tossed his head back and laughed freely, eyes squeezed shut and teeth showing as he beamed happily, legs kicking behind her. “Aw, is this a good spot, Sho? Does it tickle really bad here?”
“YEHEHEHEHEHEHES!!” he cried, arching his back as she raked her nails from his underarms to his hips, searching for another hot spot. “GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! CAHAHAHAREFUL!!”
“I will be,” she promised.
“I want in on the fun, too!” Natsuo declared, shifting so he was sitting on Todoroki’s arms, pinning them above his head while he leaned down to pinch at his ribs and sides, sometimes scribbling along his neck and ears as well.
Todoroki dissolved into giggles, flustered beyond belief but still enjoying himself. Then Fuyumi squeezed his thigh experimentally, and he screeched with a new round of fresh laughter, shaking his head. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!!”
“Ooh, another bad spot?” she teased, squeezing gently, drawing loud laughter from him every time. “You’re really ticklish, aren’t you, Sho?”
“I KNOHOHOHOHOHOW!!” he laughed, digging his heels into the carpeted floor. “PLEASE, IT TIHIHIHIHIHICKLES A LOHOHOHOHOHOT!!”
“Are you still okay?” she asked. “Do you want us to stop?”
Todoroki whined but shook his head. “I’M FIHIHIHIHIHINE!!”
“Fuyumi, I want a turn!” Natsuo complained, releasing Todoroki’s arms and shuffling down to join her. “Let me try some spots! Don’t take all the fun of experimenting away from me.”
“Fine, fine, you big baby,” she shot back playfully, scribbling lightly over Todoroki’s sides and belly. “Go on, try his knees and feet.”
Todoroki couldn’t help the sound that escaped him at the mention of his feet being one of the next targets. He slapped his hands over his mouth the instant it was out, but it was too late.
“Oh? None of that,” Fuyumi admonished gently, pulling his hands away from his mouth and down to his sides, straddling him, pinning them in place as she danced her fingers over his ribs, occasionally sneaking into his underarms as well.
“I’m not getting anything here,” Natsuo said, squeezing Todoroki’s knees but not getting any kind of twitch or extra giggles for his efforts.
“Then try his feet.”
Todoroki couldn’t help it. He pleaded, “Behehehe careful, plehehehease, I’m reheheheally ticklish there!”
“Oh?~” Natsuo grinned, pulling off his socks and scribbling wildly over his bare soles. “Are you, now?”
“NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! CRAP, PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE NOHOHOHOHOHO!!” Todoroki shrieked, tossing his head back and unleashing loud, uncontrollable bouts of laughter that had both of his siblings staring at him in shock. He squirmed uselessly, trapped under Fuyumi’s weight and – following that outburst – Natsuo’s as he straddled his legs and went to work tickling him like crazy on his worst spot in true brotherly fashion. “NONONONO PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE NOT THEHEHEHEHEHEHEHERE!! NAHAHAHAHAHATSUO!!”
Fuyumi grinned. She’d never seen Shoto look so happy in his life, and despite his ticklish distress and the pleas falling from his mouth, he never once said stop, never once looked to be truly panicked. He was loving this, she realized, and it made her heart so full she thought it might burst.
Laughter was truly the best medicine.
“AAAIEEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHOHOHOOOO!!” Todoroki suddenly screamed, laughing so hard his hysterics went silent. He shook his head desperately, trying to gasp for breath. “NO MORE NO MORE PLEHEHEHEHEASE NO!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!”
Fuyumi climbed off of him. “Nat, get off, he’s had enough.”
Natsuo complied, but he was laughing just as hard as his younger brother had been moments ago. “Dude, your laugh is the best thing in the world! You know that? Got a serious sweet spot on your arches, don’t you, little bro?”
Todoroki curled into a ball, still giggling, still smiling. “Y-Yeheheah…thanks f-fohohor stopping…”
“Of course. Wouldn’t want to go too far.” Natsuo ruffled his hair, beaming down at him. He and Fuyumi shared smiles with each other.
“Are you okay? Let me get you some water,” she said, hurrying into the kitchen and returning a moment later with a glass.
Todoroki took it gratefully, taking a few sips after he sat up. Then he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “You guys probably think I’m such a child.”
“Shoto, sweetie, you are a child.” Fuyumi smirked, winking at him. “You’re the baby of the family, remember? But that doesn’t matter. Liking tickling doesn’t make you any less of a man. Or a pro hero.”
“For sure,” Natsuo agreed. He nudged his shoulder. “If anything, we think it’s awesome. Right, Fuyumi? It just means we have a guaranteed way to make you smile.”
Todoroki never imagined his first time really spending time with his brother and sister would wind up like this, but he wasn’t complaining. Not in the slightest. He smiled, unable to contain his relief and happiness. “There…there is one more thing, though.”
“Yeah? What is it?” Fuyumi asked gently.
He bit his lip, then glanced between them. “I like doing the tickling more.”
They went quiet.
They looked at each other.
Natsuo jumped to his feet. “Crap, Fuyumi – we’d better run!”
Fuyumi took his hand as he offered it to her, and they began to disappear from the living room.
“Wait!” Todoroki cried, worried he’d ruined the happy feeling from moments before. “I won’t do it unless you’re okay with—”
“Well, what are you waiting for, Sho?!” Natsuo called from somewhere in the hallway. “Come get us, tickle monster!”
“You can’t catch us!” Fuyumi sang teasingly.
That familiar fire flared up within Todoroki, and he beamed and leapt to his feet, chasing after them.
Sibling bonding went both ways, after all.
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
house sitting & concupiscence
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— In which Endeavor asks Shouto for a favor, and Shouto decides to take his payment by fucking you on his bed. —
pairing: todoroki shouto x fem!reader
warnings: cursing, 18+ smut, dom!shouto, masturbation, toys (spreader bar, bondage, vibrator, collar, leash, gag, & fuck machine), master kink, spanking, temperature play, marking, pain, choking, torture punishment, overstimulation, voyeurism, slapping, oral (giving), hair pulling (receiving), semi-brat taming, anal (receiving), breeding kink
word count: 18,631
a/n: i know its long, but,,, please read LMAO. this took me a full ass week to write. im exhausted, im buzzing because idk how this went LMAOOOO, let me know what you think! please carefully read the warning, I will not be addressing anything about anal in my askbox (unless youre roasting me, which is understandable because lmao)
message to join tag list :)
“Why are we going to your dad’s house?”
Tonight was supposed to be your date night with Shouto, and given that for the past two months, the two of you had been busy every day and night adjusting to being working adults, the two of you had been excited to go out. Next week would make two years, but it seemed the two of you would only be able to celebrate it during the dead of night. So, with a kind smile and a gentle kiss, you convinced Shouto that the two of you could celebrate the week prior. After all, it didn’t matter that it wasn’t quite two years; you both loved each other plenty enough to overlook the actual date.
Like for any celebration, you found yourself sitting in front of your vanity mirror as you applied your makeup. Your hair was done up in the most elegant style you could muster on your own, and you wore a simple yet gorgeous little black dress. Your head tilted in the mirror as you looked at your reflection. Your legs were shapely and smooth from the increased physical work you were doing, and the heels you paired with the outfit hung from your fingers.
You thought you looked hot, to say the least. What you didn’t expect was for Shouto to step into your shared room with his nostrils flared and eyes cold. Your eyes widened as you turned toward him, but the anger in his face disappeared immediately as he took you in.
His eyebrow quirked; a natural smile pressed into his face as his hands shoved into the pocket of his slacks.
“Don’t you look beautiful,” Shouto comments as he strolls up next to you. The steps were so casual, it was as if the two of you were strangers flirting in a bar, and not lovers two years into a serious relationship. “Who got you this outfit?”
Biting your lip, you chuckled, your arms wrapping around his neck, and you relaxed as he locked his around your waist. Your fingers rose to brush his short hair, the undercut was new, but it was a look you very much enjoyed on him.
Rising up onto your toes, you smile, seeing the way he leans towards you until your ruby painted lips brush against his earlobe.
“Your brother,” you tease, laughing loudly as he moves away, mock disgust and jealousy on his face.
“My brother? I’ll teach you to accept such pretty things from people who aren’t me,” Shouto warns as his fingers slip under the hem of the dress, eliciting a shout from you. He doesn’t seem to be deterred as his fingers hike the skirt of the dress further up until your cheeks turn red, and your protests are nothing but stutters.
“T-The reservations, Shoucchan,” you manage to get out as his lips press against your jugular vein.
“What about them?” Shouto mumbles against your skin as he backs you towards the bed.
“They’re s-soon,” you gasp as his teeth skim your skin, and his hands massage slowly against your ass. “We can’t miss it.”
Two months of hardly seeing each other also meant two months of not having sex or any sort of physical contact, and your actions exposed your need quickly. Your heels dropped with a loud clang, and you let Shouto do as he pleased.
To your dismay, however, the clatter of your heels on the floor caused Shouto’s ministrations to cease. Your eyes blinked as you focused back on him, your chest hammering and lust scorching your skin as you tried to concentrate on your boyfriend.
His eyes were once more consumed with the irritation and annoyance that had plagued him before you two interacting. Groaning loudly, you did not miss the way his eyes rolled before he focused back onto you.
“…we have to cancel the reservation.”
So, there you sit in the car, still dressed up with Shouto to your right driving, his hands clenching so tight around the wheel that his knuckles are white.
You sigh and tug his arm towards you. The way he attempts to jerk his arm away doesn’t escape you, but you still clutch his arm and lace your fingers with his. You place a soft kiss to the back of his hand and smile when you see him relax. It’s a small victory, but a victory nonetheless.
“Are you going to answer my question, or are you going to leave me in the dark?” You ask again, stroking the back of his hand with your thumb.
Shouto sighs and looks over at you. His face is still set with annoyance, but his eyes brighten when he looks at you, and his lips quirk into the smallest of smiles.
“You’re annoying,” he says, and you scoff in protest. He smiles broader and brings your hand to his mouth and presses a gentle kiss to it.
Shifting in the leather seat to face him a bit better, you stretch towards him, your eyes wide with curiosity. “Answer my question, brat!”
Shouto sits there for a bit, gathering his emotions before he sighs, annoyed once again. “He asked Fuyumi-nee to take care of his house for tonight.”
Your eyebrows scrunch. You know that Fuyumi has a vital interview tomorrow for her job, and knowing the hero’s life, she would have to stay there late into the night. “Doesn’t she have the—?”
“Yeah, so she said no,” Shouto sighs, his hand in yours tightening. “Natsuo also has a lot of exams, and he and Endeavor aren’t on good terms still, so… that’s why he couldn’t take it. So, Endeavor called me and pulled a ‘you owe me a favor’ card from our second year. Didn’t fucking care that I had plans.”
“Why does he need someone to take care of his house?” You ask, trying to keep Shouto from hyper-fixating onto Endeavors’ ignorance detail. “He lives there alone?”
“He’s paranoid about some low-class villains going to his door when no one is there since his address was exposed,” Shouto rolls his eyes as the two of you pull into the driveway of Endeavors Residence. “Some fucking number one hero he is.”
“And he wanted Fuyumi to watch the house?!” You gasp, your eyes widening. Shouto nods his head as he unbuckles his seatbelt, and he’s out of the door before you could finish asking your question. You sigh and unbuckle your belt, knowing how infuriated Shouto is.
Your brush your hair out of your face, and the car door opened. You looked up with a small grin as Shouto offered you a hand.
“If I’m being forced to spend our anniversary here, I’m going to do it correctly, as if everything was going according to plan.”
Giggling, you let Shouto help you out of the car, and you couldn’t help but bring your exasperated boyfriend in for a gentle kiss. The kiss lasts less than a few seconds, but as you pull away, the irritability on Shouto’s face is gone as he smiles.
“I love you,” he says, closing the car door behind you.
“I love you too.” You smile like a lovestruck idiot as he begins to lead you to the front door. “We should have brought our costumes; surprise a few lowlives with our signatures.”
“Are you suggesting we let them rob Endeavor?” Shouto asks as he unlocks the front door.
“I just might be!” You laugh as you step in and remove your shoes.
It was currently five in the evening, and thus your date night commenced.
After two hours, you found yourself curled up on Shouto’s lap. You busied yourself with shoving popcorn in his mouth as you two watched Avatar the Last Airbender. The two of you had been watching it together since Shouto finally confessed that he had no idea why he was always compared to Prince Zuko.
Months of watching a few episodes every occasional night when you two had time lead you two to the finale now.
“I see the comparison now,” Shouto admitted with a mouthful of popcorn, and you hushed him again.
“Zuko may die!” You cried as on the screen, Zuko faced off with Azula, “He can lose, and you finally getting the comparison to the hottest man in the world is not a good excuse to distract me!”
“We can use fire, a scar, and a horrible father,” Shouto continues talking despite your attempts to quiet him as fire and lightning roared on the screen. “I was never the bad guy, was I?”
“You were a complete prick in the beginning, like Zuko,” you point out as you still focus entirely onto the T.V., “I mean, you did threaten to kill someone when we were fifteen. Talk about edgy! Plus, you didn’t want friends until Deku destroyed half of his body for you!”
“You’re an asshole,” Shouto huffs as he pushes you off of him, and you groan as you watch as he stands up.
“Where do you think you’re going?” You call after him as you sit up onto your knees, you faced him as he walked out with his cellphone raised for you to see that he was getting a call from Endeavor.
Your mouth drops, and you nod as Shouto walks outside to talk with his dad. You settle back down onto the couch and grab the remote, pausing the show and sinking into the sofa. Your fingers brush against your dress as you wait for Shouto to come back.
It felt like an eternity before Shouto returned; the front door slamming behind him, causing you to wince. Shouto stormed over, his eyes blazing with fury, and he clenched a case in his hand as he glared in your direction. It would have been unsettling had you not known whom his anger was directed at. He stops a few strides away from you, clearly not in the mood to finish up the Avatar series.
“What happened, baby?” You ask, standing up. A soft scoff escapes his lips as he shakes his head.
“He thought I was here alone,” Shouto explains, his head low. “He makes me come take care of his house, knowing that I had plans tonight, then he expected me to be here alone?!”
Your eyes widen as a chill runs down your spine. Endeavor was not a people person, that was a given, and there was no saying whether or not he liked you being Shouto’s girlfriend, but for him to not like the idea of being here was a bit off-putting.
“Do you need me to leave?” you find yourself asking as you walked over to Shouto with short strides. You knew that their relationship, while it had vastly improved since three years ago, was still rocky. You wanted Shouto to be as comfortable around his dad as much as possible, even if it meant you stepping away when needed. “I can get—”
“No,” Shouto snaps, his nostrils flaring, a furious fire flashing in his eyes, and his lips curling into a wry smile. “You’re not leaving.”
“If Endeavor doesn’t want me—”
“Fuck what Endeavor wants,” Shouto growls as he lets you pull him into a soft embrace, but he’s tense and doesn’t melt into your touch like he usually does. “I want you, y/n, and he ruined our night. He doesn’t have the damn right to tell me what I can or can’t do when I’m happy.”
You nervously licked your lips as you stroked his back gently in hopes of derailing his palpable anger. There was just no use in having Shouto getting worked up about something that Endeavor wasn’t going to be able to change in the long run anyway.
“It’s okay,” you whisper as you pull away, your eyes trying to shine brightly as you press a gentle kiss to his mouth. “I won’t leave!”
There’s a harsh stream of air that escapes his nose, and he’s stiff against you, his lips unmoving, but he returned the kiss nonetheless.
“This is our night,” you whisper against his mouth as your lips press against his jawline and pepper slow kisses down his jaw. He seems to have an internal battle of remaining angry and caving to your touch. “You have a room here, it’s just us two, let’s have some fun! Come on, forget about Endeavor.”
As a hero, there were moments where you could feel impending danger or something on the horizon. Be it a sixth sense, or just fantastic gut feeling, but the moment those words left your mouth, they hit you in the gut. Pulling away, your eyes focus on Shouto, whose eyes are shut tight, and you watch as his jaw muscle flares before his eyes open.
Todoroki Shouto was no longer his younger self. While still prone to acting solely on his emotions, he was in control. The last time you had seen the pure rage in Shouto’s eyes was long before the two of you had been together, and something crawled down your spine as you attempted to speak, to understand what he was thinking about, and to stop whatever he was planning.
But then he let out a dark chuckle.
And you were too slow.
His mouth slams against yours, and your body goes back with the collision, but he doesn’t let you free. His kiss is hot, drowning, intoxicating, and full of burning energy that you didn’t realize he had in him. His free hand presses into your lower back, keeping you pressed against him as his mouth tries to get you to break. Your hands press against his shoulders in an attempt to slow him down, but it doesn’t seem to have the effect you were hoping for.
His hand leaves the bottom of your back to tangle into your hair, your resounding groan of both pain and pleasure resonates through you, and it clouds your judgment. Your hands — against your better sense — wrap around the back of his neck, drawing him in closer. His hot tongue swiped at your bottom lip immediately.
Not wanting to give in to his insistence, you purse your lips against his harsh kiss. He didn’t seem to agree with you. The hand that held the black case smacked against your ass, and you gasped at the stinging pain as the case rattled.
His tongue invades your mouth in an intense affair, and your mind spins at the way his tongue drops in temperature before warming up. It sends a pleasant and dull throb through your body, and you moan into his mouth. Were you really going to let Shouto fuck you in a house that wasn’t yours? The two of you had fucked in places that weren’t your house, but it was never a family home, much less his dad’s house, but his tongue curls to tease the roof of your mouth, and it sends an uncontrollable shudder down your spine.
Your cheeks glow with embarrassment, and your eyes are wide in shock. “Shouto’s really going for it,” you thought. His lips are scorching, but it’s his eyes that make your thighs tremble. His eyes are nearly glowing with lust and desire, there’s still that animosity in his eyes and a sense of arrogance that made you want nothing more than to retaliate.
“I hope you’re ready for what’s happening tonight,” Shouto smirks, and you pant trying to control your racing heart.
“You know I am,” you lie confidently, despite the tremor in your voice and the weakness in your knees.
His hand moves to your cheeks, and you feel a growing heat from his hand as he places yet another ardent kiss onto your slowly bruising lips. Shouto’s lips are magnetic against yours, continuously pulling you in, sucking you in until you were gasping for more. Then he would move to nibble on your senseless lips in your overwhelmed state.
Low and soft pants with intermixed gasps begin to leave your mouth as you try to calm down, this kiss was so unlike his typical embrace, but you fucking loved this dominant persona that he dons. Your arms wrap around his neck, drawing him nearer, eliminating the space between you so that nothing could dare to come between, but your hips have a mind of their own, and you feel yourself grinding your crotch against his.
A low and nearly angry hiss leaves his lips, and your breath hitches as his mouth leaves yours. In a fashion similar to yours earlier that day, his mouth presses multiple kisses against your jawline, but they’re sturdy, intense, and full of teeth. Your mouth drops as you let out a curled moan at the feeling of his teeth sinking into the skin below your jaw.
It wasn’t a typical love bite; this was marking. You could feel his intent to break your skin with the mark, and the heat between your legs flared as he took a step forward, and with that, you made a step back.
You’ve only been to this house a few times, and most of the time, you only come here for Fuyumi’s sake of keeping the family close. Awkward yet lively dinner conversations had led to Shouto showing you his childhood room that hadn’t been touched since he was fifteen. Sure, the two of you were nineteen, but a bedroom that hadn’t been touched in four years was something sinisterly haunting.
Shouto’s bedroom was the closest to the master bedroom — Endeavors room. That you knew because the grandest and most intricately beautiful door in this house belonged to Endeavors’ room.
Imagine the horror that sank in your when your lust hazed vision watched as Shouto’s childhood room passed you and your back hit a door.
“Shouto! This is—”
“I know,” Shouto growled against your burning neck. He had left enough bites on your neck to hurt, but the throbbing pain only added to the throbbing heat of your core. “You deserve to be fucked on a good bed, not my childhood one.”
“But Endeavor!” Pathetically you try to get him to move off you, but Shouto opens the door, and the two of you stumble in. “We can’t—!”
“Don’t worry,” he chuckles as he pulls away from your marked neck, “he won’t know.”
Your eyes widened as he lets you go, and you hesitated in moving towards the enormous bed before you. This was too much, you couldn’t let Shouto fuck you on his dad’s bed! That would be so disrespectful! Blatant and honest disrespect! Even if Shouto was in a “fuck his dad” mood, you couldn’t let this happen.
Turning to face your boyfriend, the release of him on your body, allowing you to think logically, you were ready to stay firm in your decision.
“What are you doing?” Shouto asks as he walks to the bed, placing the black box onto the bed with a quirked eyebrow. “Get on the bed.”
“N-No,” you wheeze out. Wow, go confident you! “We can’t fuck on Endeavors bed! T-That’s going too far! I… I can’t do that!”
Shouto blinked slowly, once, twice, and then returned his attention back to the case as he released the clasps.
“Don’t worry about it,” Shouto says as he lays out a few things from the box, and a nervous shiver goes down your spine as you see what he brought.
A collar, leash, vibrator wand, ball gag, a spreader bar with bondage cuffs, so much lube, and a fucking machine.
Your jaw drops as he lays them out neatly, his eyes turning back towards you, and there’s a silent moment where the two of you simply stare at each other.
“That’s going too far,” you squeak as you pull at the hem of your dress, the nerves hit you as he shifts to look at you directly. “I can’t… if Endeavor found out, he’s going to kill us!”
“Endeavor isn’t going to find out,” Shouto’s upper lip curled into a snarl as his eyes flashed dangerously. “We’ll wash the sheets, whatever the hell makes you convinced he won’t find out. But right now? I fucking need you the way I was planning on having you.”
His words fall almost alluringly in your ears, and goosebumps flash across your skin; butterflies fly in your stomach as you moan at the thought of what his intentions were for tonight. You chewed nervously on your bottom lip as you thought it over, trying to figure out what exactly you needed to do because there was no getting out of this. You were beyond horny now, but it didn’t take much to see the danger in doing this.
But no, you couldn’t do this!
“Shouto, let’s — oh my god!”
Shouto, while you were lost in your thoughts, had begun to strip off his shirt. His toned and scarred torso ridiculously defined in the lighting of the room, and he stared at you dead-on as he ran a hand through his falling locks. Your breathing turns into a frenzy as he walks over to you, his hands slipping into the pockets of his slacks until he’s centimeters before you.
Your eyes struggle not to scour your boyfriend’s body like some hormonal fangirl, you recited the Pro Hero Guidebook in your head as you fought off the urge to just jump him. Were pheromones a thing for humans? If they were, he was definitely putting you under some spell that was making you succumb to his own lusts.
“I know what I want,” he whispers as his lips brush against your sore neck, and a voluptuous moan resounds loudly from you. Your breasts rise and fall quickly as your hands press against his warm skin, and your eyes flutter closed as his lips press heavier against your skin. “I know what I need. I need you more than life itself, and I only want you, y/n.”
Not daring to open your eyes in fear of having this gone too soon, you feel yourself nodding.
“Fuck me right then…”
A chuckle deep in his throat reverberated against you, and then you felt his lips back on you.
Hot, fast, dangerous.
You struggled to keep up as Shouto tossed you up, and your legs automatically went to wrap around his waist.
Hunger, desire, need.
That was the way Shouto kissed you right now, his lips downright eager, yet it wasn’t the right word to use. You could feel his hard-on pressing against your ass as you drew him in closer. Hands pressed against his neck, clawing at the bare skin as you wanted more from him — you craved more from him.
It was when you pressed your chest into him that caused a small yelp of protest to escape your lips. In your impassioned drunkness, Shouto had been holding your ass firmly in his grip. His fingers digging into your soft flesh under the hem of your dress until he seemed to be sick of it.
The sound of ripping fabric echoed in your ears as you pulled away from Shouto’s luring mouth. The dress fell loose around your body as you watched as he pulled the remains of your dress from between the two of you. You slammed your hands against his chest in protest as Shouto took the destroyed material and tossed it onto the floor.
“It was in the way,” Shouto chuckles as he ignores your protests as he brings you back in for another kiss. “I’ll buy you a new one, I’m the one who bought it after all.”
Your eyes twitch as his fingers trace the lingerie that remained secured on your body; the anger you had vanished quickly the moment he brushed his thumb over your clothed nipple. Yes, there were apparent problems with knowing everything about your partner’s body, as in times like this, your anger flew out the window as his thumb and forefinger pinched your nipple.
You reacted with a shrill mewl as your hips automatically ground against his, and your head slammed against his shoulder. You felt his cold fingers press the bra down, and your mind nearly went blank as his calloused fingers made contact with your sensitive nipples.
“S-Shouto,” you stammer as you feel your neck blushing as his teeth nip at your earlobe, tingling pleasure scorching your body as he does it a few more times. Low and sultry moans escape your mouth as the heightening bliss of this interaction was getting to you.
“Fuck,” Shouto chuckled as he began moving towards the bed, and you tremble as the friction between your crotches increase. The pressure of his clothed cock sends your mind spinning against your barely covered core. “You’re so gorgeous, love.”
Panting in agreement, your hips bucked weakly against his as the pleasure of him biting your earlobe, his fingers pinching, pulling, and rolling your nipple, and the way his hips met your grinding hips.
Low and pounding heat grew in your stomach, and you whimpered as his hand groped your breast.
But then it was gone, and your body was tossed against a soft bed.
The coolness and freshness of the sheets once more sent a memory of whose bed this was. And the consequences for your actions.
“Shouto!” You squeaked as Shouto climbed onto the bed, his hands holding the lube as his eyes glanced at you.
Lust, amazement, love, and confusion.
“What is it?”
“This is Endeavors bed,” you find yourself repeating, although you were past the point of caring. It just came back up like word vomit.
“Fuck what he says,” Shouto snaps as he drops the lube. His eyebrows were scrunched together in his annoyance and anger, and you could see the muscles flaring in his jaw. There’s a cold laugh that leaves Shouto’s mouth as he grabs the spreader, and you feel your heart stop. “I don’t like it when you’re saying other trash names when I’m about to fuck you, princess.”
Your eyes widen as Shouto is by your feet with the spreader, his head down, and his hair falling to cover his dark eyes.
“I think you need to prove to me that you deserve to let me fuck you.”
Before you could ask, before you could question his actions, Shouto tore your panties from your hips and held them in his fingers. His eyes widening as he sees the soaked thin fabric between his fingers.
You sat up straight, trying to grab for your panties, embarrassed by how wet you had been even though practically nothing had happened. But Shouto was faster and far stronger. With a heavy hand, he shoved your shoulder back, and you fell back onto the mattress, and as you collected yourself, something tight wrapped around your ankles.
On your ankles sat the spreader bar, the black steel shining dangerously at you as you stared up at your boyfriend, who placed your panties into his slack pockets.
“You’ll get those back if you behave,” Shouto hums as he sat down. “Now, if you want my cock, you better make yourself cum.”
“I’m not masturbating,” you snap embarrassed as you felt exposed. Your legs were wide open, your slick essence already coating your inner thighs and the smell of your sex filling your nose as you tried in repetitive failure to close your legs.
“Fine,” Shouto says coolly as he stands up from the bed. “Have fun letting Endeavor see you like this. Cunt wet and exposed like a filthy fucking whore.”
You’re stunned into silence as you watch as he walks towards the door, his eyes unamused yet challenging as he places a hand on the knob.
“But you would like that, huh? You’d let other men fuck what’s mine? Is this what you wanted all along?”
Shouto lets out a dry laugh as he dares you to not do anything, but the pure stupidity behind his words makes you angry. It boils in your stomach as you lay down, your eye contact not breaking as you pull down the other bra cup. Then your fingers trail from your collarbone down to your breasts, teasing your pert nipples.
Electrifying pleasure rolls through you as you play with your breasts. Each tug, pull and turn making your knees slam together in an attempt to get friction to your cunt.
“Come on,” Shouto smirks as he rests at the foot of the bed. His arms are crossed against his chest, and he’s drinking you in. “Put your fingers where you want me.”
“I’m not putting my fingers up my ass,” you grin, your bottom lip captured between your teeth as another building pleasure slams through your body.
Shouto doesn’t say anything, his eyes only getting darker as you bring your fleshy mounds to your mouth and take a playful bite.
Eyes were powerful, and Shouto had some of the most intense eyes you’d ever known. So the way he gorged your figure as your hand flattened against your skin while trailing down your navel to where you were desperate for attention set your skin on fire.
Your legs trembled as the nail of your middle finger teased the middle of your lower lips, and you felt like you were choking at the way he zeroed in on your teasing fingers.
“Give me a show.”
Groaning at the way his words clung to you, your fingers pressed against your throbbing clit as your eye contact was broken by your head tossing back. You were so turned on that this gentle pressure felt overwhelming as you cried his name.
Your other hand dropping your breast and pressed against your inner thigh, your other fingers moving from your clit to your cunt.
In went one finger, the initial tightness making you sigh as you pumped your finger with no intent in mind. Then went in another finger and another. Your inner walls clenching around your intruding fingers, making you gasp at the velvety warmth of it all. Eyes fluttering open, you move your wrist, and your fingers move fluidly within you.
“Doesn’t that feel good?” Shouto groans as he watches your movements like a hawk, his eyes burning themselves into your exposed cunt.
But it made you feel so good.
With a single heave, your pumping fingers increased in their speed and intensity. Growing so much, your walls squeezed against your moving fingers. Your fingers pounded into your wet core, the sounds of the entering and exiting appendages, making you whine as your free hand pressed against your clit. Your hips bucked up against your moving fingers in an attempt to further increase this intense desire.
Your fingers continued to dance against your needy clit as you shook.
Hot fire slammed to your toes as they curled in your overwhelming pleasure. Your eyes clenching closed as you rubbed hard and fast circles into your desperate clit. Your back arching off the bed multiple times, almost ending with you falling onto your side due to the imbalance caused by the restraint bar.
Faster and hard, faster, and harder.
The squelching of your soaked pussy and pistoning fingers were heavy in your ear as you shrieked. Your legs were spasming, kicking, and your hips thrusting as your end was nearing fast. Shouto’s name continued to be cried from your mouth as you curled your fingers in you, and your fingers pinched your clit, and then an idea slams through you.
Use Endeavor’s name.
And as your orgasm crashed through you, a pitched scream sounded in the room as it all clashed within you.
His name was used.
Your body trembling as you lay on the bed, your fingers still knuckle deep within you as you pant. Your slick essence coats your hands as you manage to sit up, out of breath, and staring at Shouto in a challenging way as you removed your fingers from within you.
There’s a scoff, a sound almost similar to a snarl, and you watch as Shouto shakes his head.
“Aren’t you being a fucking slut.”
Blinking slowly, you heard his pants hit the ground when the belt clacked against the wooden floors. Then you saw that he was by your legs, his cock erect and pressing onto his stomach, the head already beading. Pre-cum dripped from his tip, and you feel victorious at the way he was so turned on.
But it seemed that the dress wasn’t the only thing being destroyed today.
His left hand held onto the fabric of your bra, and you watched in heated horror as he reduced the lingerie to ash.
“Shouto?! What the fu— mmph?!”
Shouto shoved your cum slick fingers in your mouth, and you mewled at the taste of your sweet essence on your fingers.
“Suck it all off,” he practically hissed as he moved your wrists, emulating a blowjob as you groaned against your fingers. “You don’t deserve to be fucked like a princess, do you?”
Your protests against your fingers were ignored as he pressed you against the bed, and you choked as your fingernail stabbed the back of your throat. But it didn’t matter to Shouto, no, not at all.
“If you want to be saying Endeavor’s — fucking scum’s name in bed, I’ll treat you no better than a fucking whore.”
There was a moment of silence as he watched you gag against your own fingers, his weight keeping you locked onto the mattress. But then it was over, and his hand grabbed the bar between your ankles, and he yanked it up.
Your teeth lock around your fingers in your surprise, but he lets go of your wrist, your eyes lock on his as your knees rest beside your chest, and you blink in confusion as he glares down at you.
“Hold it,” he commands as your hands move to hold the bar. It’s cold against your fingers, and the areas that are coated with your saliva make the bar slippery and wet.
“W-Why?” You hoarsely ask, your throat thick from the continuous stabbing of your finger. Typically when the bar was used, Shouto always held it.
“I told you you were going to be fucked like a whore, right? That makes you easy. I don’t need to work hard for someone who does this daily. But that means you should be good at this, so see that clock? In ten minutes, if you cum more than three times, you’ll get punished.”
Your mouth opens to respond to him, but Shouto presses his hands against the bottom of your thighs and, with accurate precision, thrusts wholly into you.
Your grip on the bar almost weakens entirely as his cock fills you completely, your words of protest become gasping pleas as the tip of his cock presses against your cervix, and you feel dizzy, your fluttering walls adjusting. His cock was thick, and it was lengthy; your inner walls ached against him as you adjusted, but regardless of how tight it felt, you could sense your essence spilling from you as Shouto sighed.
He shifted, and in a matter of seconds, you watched as his hips snapped backward before thrusting back into you.
The stretch of your legs makes you feel as if you weren’t breathing correctly. Each breath was short and raspy as you clung to the metal bar as Shouto repetitively slams his cock into your cunt.
“Shit, such a pretty cunt you have,” he rasps as your walls spam against him with his wild thrusts. He moves his hands further up your legs so that they press against your knees, pushing you into the mattress, increasing the angle of which he drills down into you.
Pathetically, your hips attempt to rise up in meet him, to increase this brutal force he was using as you crave even more. It was too much.
The sounds of his cock slamming into your sopping pussy created loud wet noises that you cried in embarrassment, but Shouto found it as an excuse to speed up. His rugged grunts are music to your ears as his cock hits your walls every time. The stretch he gives you was boggling, and you were progressively less cognitive aware as he drilled in harder. His slams were so hard that the sound of his thighs hitting your ass let out a continuous and loud slap.
His fingers gorge into your skin, and you cry his name like a hopeful prayer as he is fueled by your appraisal.
Your hands are weak against the bar, and it feels as if it’s slipping the moment he releases his right hand from your leg. You cry as the angle of penetration lessens, but his ramming continues at the same pace, and his fingers land on a puffy and sensitive bundle of nerves. The simple action set you enflame as you wailed his name, and Shouto bit your inner calf as his finger cooled dramatically against your clit.
The difference between your body that felt like it was on fire and the bitter ice of his fingers made your body spasm uncontrollably. The bar was being pulled in by your forearms as exploding pleasure slams through every vein in your body. But your thrashing and wailing do not stop Shouto, nor do they lessen the pace and the force he’s settled in as the bed begins to sway with every powerful thrust.
“I needa— holy shit, r-right there!”
“What? Do you need to come already?” Shouto mocks against your calve, and you whimper as he bites it again.
Your eyes can no longer stay open as the only noises leaving your mouth are whines and begs for more. You forcibly clench around him in an attempt to stir a reaction from him, but all he does is curse loudly as he continues his rutting force. The pounding is rhythmic. The feeling of Shouto’s cock entering and leaving you draws your eyes to the back of your head as you whimper his name, his thighs hitting your ass at bruising force, only adding to your pleasure. His finger getting colder by the second as it simmers against your burning clit. Your heart hammering in your ears as you heard Shouto snap at you.
The orgasm that had been surging within you crashed through you in a fiery white heat as your jaw slacks in a silent scream. Your body convulses against your hold and his, but Shouto doesn’t stop, not even when your toes curl, not even when you sob.
He pulled out then, his pants heavy in your ear, and something ripped through you as the weirdest sensation floods through you. Your cunt throbs uncharacteristically harder as you softly sob Shouto’s name.
You had squirted.
It was all over the comforter; there was even some on Shouto’s lower abs that shone in a mixture of sweat and you.
Your head slams back into the mattress as you can feel your heartbeat in your cunt, your chest heaving at the experience you just had. You’ve never squirted before, and your body felt like it was short-circuiting as you remained on your back.
“Look at that,” Shouto mused as he unfastened the restraints on your ankles, and your thighs crashed together, an inevitable soreness throbbing within as you lay speechless. That had winded you. “For someone not wanting to make a scene on his bed, you just wet a whole portion to it. I don’t think you even care if he finds out I fucked you on his bed, y/n. A little whore like you, you probably want the entire neighborhood to know.”
“I don’t,” you gasp as you struggle to find your breath still, and Shouto hums as he turns you over onto your stomach.
You’re not sure if it was a forcible push or something gentle. All you know is that your body burned where he touched you, and your thighs ached as you settled on your stomach.
“How the fuck am I supposed to fuck you like that?” Shouto snaps at you, and your eyes widen as you shift your head to look at Shouto’s whose cock is still erect, and you realize in a dawning horror that you had come twice now, and he had not.
Then there was the challenge, he only had to make you come three more times to do whatever insidious things he had planned. Your fingers fisted in the sheets as you groaned loudly. His body heat radiated onto you, and you rub your thighs together at the thought of Shouto gripping your ass as he drilled into you from behind.
You needed to get him to do that, but to make sure you didn’t come.
“I don’t want to,” you stall, hoping that in moments like these, it would help in your favor.
“Let go of the sheets,” Shouto ignores you as he gives a pointed look at your hands that clutched the sheets.
The heat he provided was suddenly gone, and your eyes widened as a closet door creaks open. You watch as Shouto stands by a closet, a hand on his hip as he studies the closet before him, and you let out a strangled noise as you can already taste what he’s getting out.
“Shouto, do not!”
“Don’t what?” Shouto asks as he pulls out four brightly colored ties that Endeavor owned. “They’ll get cleaned up and put away, I mean look at the mess you already made, this shouldn’t concern you.”
Your cheeks burn in embarrassment as you look at the stained sheets below you, and you sit on your knees as you cross your arms.
“Using Endeavors clothes as bondage is going too far!”
Shouto looked at you, his eyes annoyed, angry, and uncaring, then he shrugs. He takes a few strides, and he’s back on the bed.
“He should have thought of that before being a dick.”
There was no time to react as Shouto grabbed your wrists in his hand and tugged you towards him. Before you could attempt to pull back, to resist ruining more of Endeavors’ personal belongings, the tie is properly looped around your arms, and you’re locked in place.
“Now on your hands and knees like a good slut,” Shouto directs running a hand through his sweaty locks while rising to his knees. The tie is almost uncomfortable with how tight it is, and you remain stagnant, staring at your boyfriend, who was insistently becoming more of a dom than you had ever seen him as. But with your lack of action, his expression sours, and he grasps your cheeks in his hand. “Are you fucking deaf?
You gasp loudly when Shouto’s hand brings your face to the mattress, your back curved, arms pressed into your breasts.
“I thought whores had better form than this,” Shouto sneers while pressing a heavy hand against the center of your spine. You adjusted immediately under his force, your back arching with your pert ass in the air. “Much better.”
The mattress pressed against your chest in a suffocating way, your heart hammering as you realized what was to come.
“Shouto, please,” your voice pleads again; his hands roam your ass and hips, whispering nasty sweet things to you while the tip of his cock presses against your still wet cunt. “Don’t make a mess of me, not on Endeavors bed.”
There was a moment of silence while his hands disappeared from your skin. Licking your lips, you turned your head to see what exactly his expression was. But you were too late.
He slammed his right hand against your ass cheek, causing you to shriek while your skin throbbed in his wake. The pain made your legs buckle, a hot pressure reigniting in your core, and another loud slap repeated on your opposite cheek.
Fisting in your hair, you yelped loudly when Shouto yanked your head back. The arch in your back was dramatized by this action; your back ached as another heavy slap echoed against your troubled skin. His dense, almost wild breathing hits the shell of your ear, and chills shoot down your spine when he snarls.
“Who the fuck matters to you right now?” He hisses in your ear. “Is it Endeavor fucking you on this bed right now? No—” his hand comes down against your ass with every word, ignoring your growing sobs— “I’m the one fucking you. The only man’s name you should be uttering is mine. Do. You. Understand?”
The next spank that comes across your ass nearly sends you tumbling over at the strength and power behind it. Your arms buckle under you, the weight and struggle to keep yourself upright was a challenge as Shouto abused your ass.
“Answer me, whore.”
There was no stopping Shouto’s heavy hand against your pert ass, and you could not think of anything but how your cunt throbbed for the man behind you. Your sobs of pain had long ago become those of pleasure, and you could feel the raised prints of his hands on your sore cheeks. It delighted you.
“Y-Yes, sir!” You pant, your body trembling in your excitement and need for more.
“You like this, don’t you,” he sneers while he rubs circles against your heated skin. “You’re trembling with excitement as you try telling me you don’t want me to fuck you here. Do you want me to leave you here? With no clothes, no way back home? Count the number of times I spank you, I want to hear you counting and thanking me every time.”
“One. T-Thank you, sir.”
Your words were barely above a whisper, just enough for Shouto to hear you thank him as you trembled like a leaf before him. His upper lip pulled back into a sneer as he let go of your hair, throwing your head into the mattress, and his fingers go and pinch your nether lips, and you cried loudly.
“I know you can fucking scream louder than that, don’t make me ask again. From the top.”
The words were like honey to your ear, and you shifted in an attempt to ease the growing lust between your legs.
“One! Thank you, s-sir!”
Your mind reeled as Shouto continued his conquest against your ass. You could barely remember the number you were on by the time he was done with you, the added sensation of his alternating heated and chilled hands increasing the desire in you to find you as you were now. Ass bright red and in the air, back arched further than you had ever gone, and saliva and tears seeping onto your bond arms.
“You’re so fucking wet,” he observes as two of his fingers slide against your wet slit, and your ragged moans fill the area at the need of more. He continued petting you, and while feeling finally returned to your abused ass, your hips began to buck against his wandering hands, trying to get them to slip between the folds. “Such a greedy little slut.”
His chuckle is barely heard by you, for as he said that, he pressed the head of his cock into your cunt. A sharp whine slams from your throat as the emptiness of this action makes you crave more. You shift your ass back, the action full of temporary regret as soring pain flashes through your lower body. He did not hold back.
Gritting your teeth, you continued pushing against him, craving more.
“Is this not good enough for you?” Shouto chuckles, but there’s no light humor to his laughter. “Good.”
At that phrase, Shouto slams into you at full force again, causing you to bite down hard against your saliva-coated and bound arms as you feel his cock twitch within you. Your breathing is harsh as you focus on the nightstand and see the clock. It’s felt like an eternity, but only three minutes had passed since the bet was made. If you won, you’d move this fuck feast into his bedroom.
“Seven minutes,” you choke against your skin, not wanting to show how turned on you were.
The instant you were done chiding him, you regretted telling Shouto the amount of time he had left. The bed shifted by your knees, and you could only imagine what was happening as you could feel his cock moving out of you and slamming back into you.
The angle and power behind these thrusts were different than what you were used to from the standard doggy style. With each hypnotizing slam of his hips, shrill moans of pleasures ripped from your throat, and you preened your head to look at Shouto.
Sure enough, Shouto was positioned on his feet, his knees bent as he dropped into your awaiting cunt with such savagery your eyes rolled back watching him. Sweat dripped down his neck, his hands gripping your bruised and battered ass like some type of life support, and the squelching noises of your slamming sex were making your body weak.
“That feels so — fuck — do that!”
“Who—” slap— “Are—” slap— “You—” slap— “Addressing?!” Slap!
“Y-You, sir!” You scream, your hips buck against his slamming hips. It was so raw, so rough, and you were enjoying every passing second.
Shouto chuckles at your praise, all while he continues to fuck you roughly. He was in a zone, his concentration like steel as he pounded into you again and again. Your inner walls clenched and spasmed against his penetrating cock, and the heated pressure had built up all over again.
His cock twitched within you, it knocked the breath out of you; his fingers twisted into your hair.
“Fucking cum with me,” he demands, jerking your head back towards him again, and you sob as your legs tremble against his increasing power.
You feel your eyes cross, screaming out his name as your walls clamp down fiercely against his length. Shouto curses loudly, pulling out of you while your cum drips from your folds. But a hot and sticky substance hits the curve of your ass while Shouto lets out a string of curses, and you moan knowing that he came on you.
“That was two,” Shouto reminds you as you groan into the sheets.
“That was two,” you mock hoarsely, but you’re unable to move, your body locked in the way he had fucked you.
“Look,” Shouto says, ignoring your disrespect, for you can hear the prideful smirk on his tone as he forces you onto your side. “You made another mess.”
“You’re cleaning up Endeavors bed when we’re done,” you whimper, making no attempt to sit up, your body screaming in pain when you lay still.
“You really can’t seem to get his name out of your fucking mouth, can you?” Shouto barks while he moves to sit against the headboard. “What do I have to do to get you to fucking forget him? Choke you until you pass out? Break that pretty little mind and pussy of yours?”
There is no time to argue, Shouto grabs your legs and drags you over to him, your sensitive ass burning against the cum soaked comforter until you were at his side. Your pained breaths still as Shouto glares down at you, his left hand undoing the saliva-coated tie around your wrists, leaving the fabric slightly burnt while he tosses it to the side. Your arms throb as blood rushes back through it.
But before you could relish the feeling of your arms back, Shouto has his chest pressed against your back, and his right hand angling his once again hardening cock upwards.
“Since I mean nothing to you, make yourself cum.”
With that, he dropped your aching pussy onto his dick.
The feeling of his cock wholly sheathed within you, mercilessly slamming against the wall of your cervix and staying pressed tightly there. The delirious sensation made your head crash back against his shoulder, and your legs kicked out in response. Loud and low moans reverberated from your lips while adjusting to him buried within you again.
Your mind reeled while you adjusted, and Shouto angled his knees up, his scorching and robust grip moving your legs outside of his, causing your hips to spread against him.
“I told you to move,” he snaps, his fingers twisting your sensitive nipple harshly, your resulting wail muffled by you burying your face into his neck. “I didn’t pay for you to sit there.”
Puffs of air escaped your mouth quickly, and your feet shakily pressed into the mattress. You needed to move for him. But you were too slow, and a sharp and icy cold slap hit your clit.
Your body impulsively arched forward, your body rising up from his cock before you collapsed back down. But the sensation of his cock hitting your cervix made you shudder.
So you began to rise and fall against his length, his hot breathing fanning against your sweat-soaked skin made your body shudder against his. His fingers found a place on your hips to hold, and you moaned at his bruising grip.
Your thighs burned with every bounce of your body, your head lolling to the side, stammering Shouto’s name as your walls clenched and squeezed against his hard cock. You wanted more of him. You needed more of him. Choked out screams rung from your throat as your hand gripped onto his knees, your body trying to support the numb ache that was shooting through your body.
“Shouto,” you puff, his fingers digging into your flesh, making you gasp.
“Why don’t you follow fucking instructions,” Shouto gnashes his teeth, and his left-hand moves from your hip to your clit. A jolt of massive arousal shoots through your body, a warm presence pressing into you as he teases your clit, causing you to roll your hips against his. But it grows hot, hotter, and hotter. It’s too hot, and his movements are painful yet disgustingly pleasurable. Pained and animalistic sobs pouring from your mouth while he deliberately abuses your throat. “What are you supposed to call me?!”
“S-Sir!” You weep, slamming your hips back down against his in pathetic attempt to lose his hold against your puffy nerve. “I’m supposed to c-call you, sir!!”
“Then why haven’t you been?!” Before you could attempt to respond, Shouto’s right-hand leaves your hip and slams to your throat, choking the response from you. “I don’t want to hear your answer.”
His hand remains heavy and tight around your throat, his hold barely allowing oxygen to travel through to your lungs. Your vision fuzzed, and you could feel your heartbeat in your head, but your core shook with Shouto’s now reciprocating and rhythmic slams.
Choking, clit stimulation, his cock pounding into your cervix, his fingers hotter than coal, and Shouto chuckled into your skin. His thrusting hips were becoming more precise, angling into you in a way that made you audibly choke when you needed to gasp. Maybe it was the lack of oxygen to your body that was making you delirious, or perhaps it was the fact that he was slamming into you with the strength of rearranging your guts, but your hips began to swivel at an inhumane pace. Your cunt held a vice grip around his cock, yet it did nothing to slow Shouto down, but the growing heated pit in your lower belly was making your legs tremble against his. Still, you tried to keep up with his rough and cruel pace, and Shouto enjoyed knowing that detail.
“Such a fucking tramp, you’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” He sneers, his teeth biting down against the curve of your shoulder. “You enjoy being choked?”
Your head nods, “Y-Yes, sir!”
“Do you need to cum?” There was no reason for Shouto to ask that; the answer was obvious enough. “Good.”
If you thought Shouto was rough, as soon as that word rolled off his tongue, he only got worse.
His hand against your throat tightened, and black dots littered your vision; the coldness of his ice burned against your skin. His teeth sunk far into your skin, enough for you to feel your skin breaking as his tongue moving in cold and heated strokes to calm your now irritated skin. Then there were his nimble fingers running against your clit, and entering your cunt between your spastic walls and his hammering and throbbing cock. But your bouncing held no value anymore, Shouto’s hips snapped upwards fast enough and powerful enough to overcome and overwhelm you. The only thing you could tell was that along with the tip of his cock hitting your bruised walls, the sounds of your sopping wet pussy crashing against his forceful hips rang in your ears in a primal yet excited fashion.
Despite his hold on your neck, nothing was holding back the scream that left your mouth as you orgasmed.
White stars filled your vision as Shouto ripped his cock from you, and that same sensation of peeing bewildered you as he held your body up. You had squirted again, but your ragged and shallow breathing had only increased, and there was something warm and wet painted on your back.
“That was three,” Shouto whispers into your ear, his teeth tugging at your earlobe, and you shuddered. “I should get extra points for making you squirt.”
To that, all you could muster was an embarrassing moan as your dazed eyes focused on yet another wet stain on the bed. Three minutes left, that’s how much you had to endure to win.
Three more minutes.
Unfortunately for you, Shouto was well aware of this, so he wasted no time.
Once again, he shoved you to the side. Your body crumpling onto the mattress, aching and sharp pains flooding your body as you lay there. Your clit throbbed in time with your heartbeat, and your inner thighs were coated entirely with your cum — both new and old. Maybe your body would be incapable of cumming at this point now? You sure hoped so… or not.
“Up,” Shouto commanded but gave you no autonomy since he grabbed your hair by the roots and tugged you onto your knees. You whimper in your throat at the stabbing pain settling in your lower body, you were still recovering from him rearranging your guts. But you caught sight of the cum he had released onto your back pressed all over the covers, and your breathing stopped.
“Shou— ack!!”
A collar locked around your throat, and you wheezed loudly; you hadn’t managed to catch your breath still. Your body swayed forward into his hold as your head spun due to the lack of oxygen, but Shouto seized you his eyes wide and worried as he stared at you.
“Shit, baby, are you okay?”
You nodded your head, oxygen slowly spreading back into your body.
“Sorry,” you hoarse, pushing away, your face burning with embarrassment. “You just surprised me.”
Shouto seemed unconvinced as his hands held onto your cheeks, his fingers stroking your sweat plastered hair out of the way, tracing your bruised lips and against the marks and bites on your exposed skin. The delicate touches are long forgotten on your skin, your lips sighing while he sends warm pulses from his fingers to the aches of your joints.
“You sure?”
Rolling your eyes, you shoved Shouto away, “I’m fine! You just made me spread your cum on Endeavor’s bed!”
Just like that, your loving boyfriend died, and the man who had been fucking you this entire day was back. His hands locked back to where the collar was, and your eyes nearly boggled out of your sockets when he tightened it more until it burned to breathe. But you remained calmed as a black leash appeared from seemingly nowhere and attached to the collar.
“Since you liked being choked so much, I might as well give you what you want without straining me.”
Your eyes widened, your ability to talk back removed.
“Now, ride my cock again,” he grins with the slightest hint sadistic, and as you move to do as instructed, he yanks at the leash. Falling onto your hands, your eyes widen while you stare at Shouto, who merely raises a cocky brow at you. “You have two minutes to make yourself cum.”
“I’m not going to,” you strain, the choking of the collar and the simple manipulation of your body already making that all too familiar heat spread upon your loins.
“You don’t have a choice,” Shouto mocks, his hand moving to grasp the leash centimeters from the collar and yanks your face close to his. But the movement is sharp and rough, the collar strangling you. You scramble on your hands and knees to get closer, stopping when his lips ghost over yours. “And you won’t have one until you’re begging me to fuck you into a puddle, not until you’re nothing more than my cum slut, and until you no longer care about dirtying Endeavors bed.”
The words are fire on your skin, and bubbling lust grows in you again.
There’s nothing to say except give a doe-eyed nod, but Shouto appreciates this submission as his lips take yours. They’re hungry, possessive, and ardent, moving against your mouth with fervent intention. Your mind slips when you straddle him, your soaked core brushing against his tip, and Shouto guides you back down onto his cock.
Your abused pussy had been through a lot, and a loud hiss passes through your teeth as you sunk all the way on him. Your teeth biting onto Shouto’s lip to control the pain-filled pleasure that corroded your body at the moment. It still felt so crazed, the sensation of your heartbeat in your inner walls shifting and hugging Shouto’s still throbbing head,
But the slowness is gone when Shouto pulls away. His hands on the leash as he yanks the cord up and back down.
“Follow my actions, “ Shouto warns, and you weakly nod.
His hand moves the leash back and forward, and the soreness of your cunt bleeds into your actions as you imitate him. Your rolling hips are slow, your hands pressing against his shoulders as you roll your hips against him. There’s a dark mutter from Shouto’s mouth when you lock eyes with him, and his nostrils flare. His hand suddenly grabs onto your waist, making you freeze in your decent back down onto his cock, but he beats you too it, for his cock rams into your dripping cunt. A shriek ripping from your throat as he pounds into you. Your fingers digging into his shoulders to hold onto for support.
“SHOUTO!” You shriek as he ruthlessly slams into you. His hips coming up so fast your body bounces with every thrust. Your moans tumble out in chokes, your face turning red as oxygen fails to fill your lungs. The thrusting is intense, and your hands on his shoulder are more of a lifeline; the bed is quick to move with your movements, the considerable bed groaning under the harsh actions. Its squeaks and tremors are loud in your ear alongside his insistent pounding.
“What’s that, whore?” He growls, his hips hammering into you at mind fogging speed. The leash on the collar being yanked to pull you closer; your bare and sweat-slick skin pressed against his. “What’s my fucking name?!”
“Sir!” you shriek as your pussy throbs around his pounding cock. You’re unable to even twirl your hips in rhythm with him. You were stuck to the lap, only able to feel his cock entering you at toe-curling speeds. “Oh my god, FUCK, please— I —shit!”
Words failed you miserably as Shouto’s hot and sweet tongue drags against your collarbone, his teeth burying into your primed skin as your eyes roll back.
Stay calm, stay calm, stay calm. One more minute.
“You take my cock so well,” Shouto grunts as he releases one hand from your waist and runs it down your navel to press against your clit. Your head throws back, your back arching further into his chest as you scream again. Your pussy clenching with no remorse around his cock. “Your pussy is so fucking tight. Do you want to come now, slut?”
You can only shake your head, you didn’t want to cum; the pressure continues to build and build.
“I need to hear your words.”
“I don’t need to cum,” you sob out as your body trembles under his thrusting, you’re so close you see stars. “I don’t need to — sir, please, I can — oH SHIT!!!”
Shouto growls as his hand wraps around the leash, wrapping it around your bruised neck as he tightens the chokehold on you. You’re being strangled, and the air feels like its burning as it goes down your tightened passage, but your cunt throbs in excitement when he presses his mouth to your ear, “I don’t give a shit if you don’t need to cum, you’ll do it regardless.” Your mouth dropped open, your eyes crossing, and a loud whine emitted from you when his hand moved to pinch your nipple, and his mouth found a place on your sensitive nipple.
That’s all it takes, and you come hard around his dick, his name ripping through your abused body as he groans. His tongue lashes against your nipple, his teeth tugging at the pebbled skin all while he continues pummeling into you. Chasing after his own orgasm now.
You pant harshly, moving your hips against his own. Your pussy still twitching around his throbbing dick. You hear him expel a wavering sigh, and you can feel him come within you. The heated fluid fills you up, and he lets go of your sore breast; he collapses onto the bed with you landing on his chest.
“You lost,” he whispers after a moment of silence. Your breath picked up in a panic, you were fucked. “On your knees.”
You groan loudly when Shouto sits up, lifting you up with him, and you can feel the intermingled cum dripping out of you, falling onto your thighs. Your eyes flutter when Shouto kneels before you, his face victorious and poised as he undoes the collar against your throat. Although you took a full breath of air with every, inhale, your breathing is finicky as you’re terrified of what’s to come. You’re silent while watching Shouto make his way make to the no longer neat line of sex toys.
He grabs two things: the vibrator, spreader bar, and four of Endeavors’ ties.
Shouto rises to his feet as he walks back towards you, and while you hated doing this on Endeavors — now filthy — bed, your mouth opened.
“Close your mouth, whore,” Shouto chides, his arms above his head tying the colored fabric to the fan blades above the bed.
“What are you—?!”
“You care too much about making a mess for some selfish pig,” Shouto shrugs, he falls into a squat after securing the ties to the fan. There’s a dark and almost amused glint in his eyes when he stares at you. “Now, I’ll give you a reason to worry.”
Before you could protest, pull away, or scramble from the center of the bed, Shouto grabs your right hand and secures the tie around it.
“Shouto!” You panic when he succeeds in capturing both your wrists. Breathing sharply, you looked up at the flimsy blades that curved under the weight of your arms. If you moved to harshly, if you struggled against this punishment or collapsed too early, it would break. Oh, no… snapping your head behind you to where your boyfriend was relocking your ankles into the spreader bar. “Please, baby, I can’t do this!”
Shouto ignores you, and cold sweat runs through you at what’s to come, you wouldn’t be able to resist bringing your elbows down if the vibrator was pressed into your clit. How were you supposed to not wholly destroy Endeavors’ property?!
“S-Sir, think this through!” You begin to word vomit in your desperation while Shouto presses the vibrator against your right thigh, the smooth head holds against your clit, and he uses two more ties to secure it into place. “The bed is already a-a mess, I squirted! Twice! You came two times on the bed! Not to mention my saliva and the cum that’s dripping out of me! I can’t — we can’t break his fan!”
Shouto is unconcerned, his tongue tracing his teeth while mocking concern, “Then I guess you’ll have to work extra hard not to ruin more things in his room. Considering you care about that shit still.”
Your mouth opened to argue again, your body feeling like you needed to fight this because there was no way you were going to be able to last with your arms above your head, legs unable to come together, and a vibrator pulsating into your cunt. But as soon as you made your initial noise, Shouto turned on the vibrator to low.
The low buzz of the vibrator filled the room, and your mouth dropped in a silent scream. Your body was half numb already, having cum multiple times within the past hour was causing your body to convulse on occasion, but now with the vibrations being sent straight to your core, you felt on edge once again.
Trying to control your visible reaction, your hands gripped onto the cloth ties, your arms quivering as you try to keep from pulling down, and your hips thrusting subconsciously to the vibrations.
“S-Sir!” You sob as the slow and steady build in your belly was already growing. Your eyes locked on Shouto, who was a length away, his eyes gleaming in sadistic joy as his hand ran up and down his once again hardening cock. “P-Please, tie me to the bed! Not to Endeavor’s fan.”
The glint disappeared.
“You just won’t let me enjoy my fucking victory, will you?!”
You sucked in a harsh breath when you shifted your hips, the head of the vibrator brushing deliciously against your softly throbbing clit. You thrilled at the feeling of the vibrations on your clit, and your toes curled as your head fell forward. You needed to keep vigilante, you had to continue complaining so that Shouto would cave.
But you had completely forgotten about the ball gag.
“Open up.” Your head shakes no when Shouto holds the ball gag against your lips, there’s a warning noise. A dark growl emitted from his throat, and you feel your heart rate spike when his other hand roughly pinched in your cheeks. Your mouth opens against your will, and you splutter when his fingers shove into your mouth. You try to bite down on his fingers, but Shouto’s fingers turn ice cold making your mouth widen further, so then the gag was placed behind your teeth pressing into your tongue. You feel him lean against you, his lips by your ear as he whispers, “I don’t fucking remember asking.”
His hand lowers, and he amps up the vibration of the vibrator, and your body stiffens under the powerful waves. Being gagged was the worst, first drool always seeped past your lips with this particular gag on, and the uncomfortable pressure on your tongue sent your gag reflex flaring. Staring up at the ceiling, your noises were muffled at the source, staggering pleasure shooting through your veins as the medium vibrations made your long-abused cunt weep.
Your slick coated the head of the vibrator, and soaked you inner thighs, soaking the tie where it held contact with your skin. Your body spasmed as you sobbed in pleasure, your mind reeling and short-circuiting when your head dropped.
Focusing onto Shouto, your legs nearly gave out at the sight of your sweating and smirking boyfriend, his ears tinged with blush, and his fist stroking his huge cock. You wanted to have him slamming into you with the vibrator pressed into your clit, not this.
“Aren’t you having fun,” he pronounces slowly, his eyes — still dark with excitement and lust — dropped to your soaked thighs. “You look fucking delicious right now, princess.”
You clenched your core, the feeling of the vibrator only intensified, and you gagged when you tried to cry out. The feeling of your saliva pooling from your lips mortified you, your body twitching as Shouto only laughs again.
“I think we should go higher,” Shouto groans, his eyes momentarily closing as you assume a particularly gratifying shiver crawls down his spine. The muffled sounds of your disapproval only make his smirk more sinister when he abandons his own length and moves closer to you. Your eyes are wide, body attempting to shift away from him, but there was nowhere to go.
Air passed through your nose are heavy and sharp breaths, your chest hammering, and your puffy nerves throbbing while the vibrator continued powering into you.
“You’re so messy,” he drawls on his knees before you, his fingers touching the saliva coating your chin, and you sob in anticipation of what’s to come. He trails his fingers down your throat, the slickness of your saliva cold against your raw and bruised neck. “Maybe you don’t really care about fucking up scums bed, do you?”
You make a disapproving noise, your will holding on to a thread, and you vigorously shake your head. Shouto hums, his upper lip curling before his hand flattened and smacked your breast right on your nipple.
There was a loud crack when your arms pulled down, and you shrieked, your eyes trying to choose between focusing on Shouto and the fan blade you very much could have just broken. You whimper, your body twisting in an attempt to show submission, but Shouto isn’t done.
With an icy cold hand, he hits your aching and hot breast again and again and again. Your pained and pleasured wails muffled while you choke against the ball, and saliva pours from your mouth, your body trembling with excitement.
“Shut up,” he hisses, bringing his other hand to your face and striking you.
Your head slams to the side, the throbbing of your cunt intensifies with the burning of his handprint. Why did you like being slapped?! Saliva dribbles from your lips when you straighten back up. A now unignorable ache fills your arms from being in this tiresome position for a while now.
Everything felt like it was burning, sensations, and wantonness flooding your senses galore.  
“I forget you like this,” Shouto groans as his hands grope your breast. Pulling, kneading, gripping and pinching the soft and moldable flesh in his hands, Shouto grins at your whimpers and the soft groans of the fan above the two of you. “Break the fan, I dare you.”
Your eyes slam shut at those words, and they remained closed as his hot and cold hands trail down your torso, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. Your lips twitch, the involuntary action to bite down on your lip prohibited by the gag. He must have seen considering the teasing pinch to your ass.
It was then that you froze. He was flushed against you, and the feeling of his cock pressing into the bottom of your sternum. Shouto’s right hand snaked behind you, those fingers playing with your dripping sex, and his left hand skimmed down your right inner thigh, resting onto the switch that changed the vibrational power.
“Don’t worry, princess,” he speaks in a low tone, an arrogant tone to his voice, “I’ll make you cum again.”
There was no time to contemplate his actions, for the vibrator was turned onto the highest setting and pressed into your clit, and his fingers sunk into your sopping wet cunt.
Even with the ball gag, the shriek of being overstimulated was as loud. It was as if you didn’t have the gag on at all. Your arms lurched forward against your will, the fan creaking loudly as you fell onto Shouto. You trembled more than a leaf in a storm, his fingers pumping deliciously and savagely into you, leaving behind the squelching noise of your wet core. The buzzing of the vibrator clear and steady and his cock twitched between the two of your bodies.
Sobbing and drooling moans escaped the gag, and Shouto relished in his ability to manipulate your body like this. His teeth leaving nipping kisses against the broken skin he left minutes before.
But the feeling of his teeth against your aggravated skin, the sensation of the powerful vibrations against your clit, and how he was still so responsive to you was nothing against his pistoning fingers dragged against that particular spot in your walls. His fingers scraped and slammed against your g-spot, and you felt your vision give way as a powerful force crashed through you.
You had squirted again, only that it seemed to last forever this time. Your lower body throbbing in its wake.
Your head collapsed against his shoulder, and when your vision came back, it was hazy and swam in your eyes. Whether Shouto had noticed or not, he still was slamming his fingers within your cunt with such intensity that — alongside the still buzzing vibrator — pressure built again within you. Heat seeped through you, and tears fell from your eyes when you came again.
Everything felt lethargic when Shouto removed his knuckle deep fingers from your sopping cunt, his tongue lapping away any of your essence remaining on his fingers. With a long pause, he finally turned off the vibrator.
Your breathing was shallow, your head spinning while he removed the bondage from your wrists and ankles. Collapsing onto your face, you felt your slick running thick on your thighs, mixing with the sweat that soaked your skin too.
Good god, were you exhausted.
“You broke the fan,” Shouto murmured.
Shrieking against the gag, adrenaline shot through your veins as you looked up. The fan blade had visible cracks in it, and your jaw dropped further.
Oh, fuck!
“Still haven’t learned,” he sighs, shaking his head. “That’s okay, you’ve always been a stubborn bitch.”
You whimper in agreement, your leg shifting so that you could feel the wet puddle you had made this time around. However, there was no time to relax.
Shouto grabbed you by your armpits and dragged you to the edge of the bed. Choking, you stared at him startled. There was no use in asking what was happening; Shouto bent your knees and wrapped two ties around each leg. One holding your ankle and upper thigh together, and the other one near your knee.
“Good,” Shouto approved, walking back to the side of the bed where the toys lay. Though soreness struck your body, you rose to your elbows and watched Shouto grab the fuck machine before returning to the bedside. “Because you squirted.” He says with a coy smile, lining the dildo to your exposed pussy and thrusting it in.
Your body slammed back down against the bed at the slickness of the dildo. You were so used to Shouto’s cock that the dildo was foreign as it buried within you.
“Now,” he sighs as he turns on the machine. Immediately the fuck machine blows into your tight and slippery cunt, your eyes rolling backward at the mere sensation of the speed it was at, and a loud mewl leaves your throat. His fingers snuck behind your head, unfastening the gag, and is removed with a saliva string, and a sob croaked through your voice as your mouth was finally free. “Suck my dick.”
With your head past the edge of the mattress, and the height lining you near perfectly to Shouto’s cock, he slides his cock into your sore throat. But ever so eager, Shouto wastes no time starting his conquest.
You try to keep up with the momentum of the toy and his viciously thrusting hips, your hips snapping against the toy despite its insane speed. Your breasts bounce with every thrust, and you choke against his cock. Shouto chuckles, his hands kneading your breasts, his moans tight and low, it had been a while since the last time he came.
“Look at you, so desperate,” Shouto chuckles, his fingers tweaking your hard nipples. “So fucking needy.”
The words ignite a fire within you, and your legs tremble in unspoken glee. You wanted him to fuck you until you were nothing less than a mess. You needed him to give you his cock instead of this stupid fucking machine — wait…
Your eyes widened when you realized the extent to your thoughts.
Fuck Endeavor, you thought, a shiver rolling down your spine. Your boyfriend was giving you the best dick down of your life, and you were too preoccupied with foolish worry! Shouto promised he was going to be cleaned up. You wanted Shouto, you needed him. Maybe you were whipped.
Your arms shot out, gripping the back of Shouto’s thighs as you willed him closer. Your jaw widening; you let hot breaths of air expelled from your mouth. You could feel Shouto peering down on you, but rolling your hips against the machine that was making your stomach bulge with every slam of its rod, your tongue lashed against his swollen head. Shouto’s thighs clench when your mouth sucks against the head of his cock, your tongue pressing flat against the tip.
“Did someone finally fucking wake up?” Shouto grunts, his hips moving with more unrestraint into your mouth.
Making a pleasant sound, you hollowed your cheeks out and tasted the saltiness of his pre-cum. Delighting at the harsh curse, you guided him further in.
One of his hands is soon braced on the fuck machine between your legs, but the other is tangled in your hair, pulling it and twisting it as he wishes. He’s pulling hard enough to hurt, enough so that you can choke against him, the angle and the position on your back already increasing the likeliness of that happening.
Shouto’s grip on your hair tightens, and he realizes that you’re keeping up impeccably. His dance between aggression and concupiscence is too much for you to keep up with. You don’t have time to tease his length with your tongue; he steers his cock further down your throat. You don’t bother to hide how satisfied you are by his action as you relax your throat and hollow your cheeks against the length of his snapping cock.
“Fuck,” he hisses, his hips bucking forward, he can’t stop himself from demanding more. You don’t mind; you open wider to take more of him in, and his cock thrusts further down your throat. He’s now panting, in his desperation, judging from the strangled sound he makes as you take him even deeper. “You take my cock so good, princess.”
He was doing this for you, despite everything that could happen to him after this night was done. Shouto loved you enough to tarnish his dad’s room with you. The thought makes you moan, and you wiggling trying to take him deep enough now that he must be able to feel the vibrations from your throat because that makes him hiss out another curse. He’s shaking with the effort of slamming his cock down your throat and holding the machine.
The raw, primal, and wet noises of his cock entering and leaving your throat are maniacal, added onto that is the dildo penetrating your sopping cunt again. The pressure is back, and it’s settled deep in your lower belly, and you want to cum more.
He’s underestimating you, however; you could take him in all power and length he could muster. You know that as you begin bobbing your head despite the backwardness of your position. Digging your fingernails into his ass, you silently letting him know that you’re okay, and he understands.
Shouto grunts, bending his knees as he begins to face fuck you with no remorse. It’s savage, uncontrolled, and brutal. Your choking noises music to both your ears; he doesn’t let up, only snapping his hips faster, harder, rougher. Your eyes begin to roll backward at the force, his balls slapping you in the face with every slam of energy.
But you like — you lust — the sensation of the raw and primitive fucking he was giving you, and you felt your hips rising off the bed when your walls begin to clamp against the insanely moving dildo. Yet, when you shifted higher, his hands slammed down against your hips, keeping you down, and you cry around his cock.
“Take my fucking cock like the slut you are,” he snarls, taking giant thrusts until his cock is completely buried in your throat, your nose pressed into his balls. Your tongue still revolves around the veins in his cock while you grip his ass. You choke against him, the noise music to his ears, while your legs spasm as your orgasm is hitting you.
“Y/n,” he manages to get out through gritted teeth. “Fuck, y/n. You—” He cuts himself off with another groan as the tip of his cock hits so far down your throat you feel your neck bulge.
There’s a brief moment of panic as you struggle to breathe. The force a but more than you expected, but you relax, getting yourself to calm back down. But then you inhale through your nose and force your throat to rest until you can take him all in, the oxygen burning as it made its way past his cock in your throat. Not long after that, Shouto lets out a long, loud groan when his seed shoots down your throat.
It burns, and to your horror, you find yourself unable to take the sheer force of his load and the fact that he just seemed to keep unloading within you. Uncontrollable panicked coughing and choking rattle your throat while Shouto is still balls deep in you. The second he removes his cock from your throat, you shoot up, your core throbbing, and your airway burning as cum drips out from your nose.
You continue hacking, the bitter taste of cum scorching your throat, and you continued to rub cum from your nose. It burned and hurt to breathe. Turning your head towards Shouto, who turned off the fucking machine, his eyes were locked on you already, a grin on his face while he ran a hand through his hair.
“That was hot,” Shouto rustles, running the flat of his thumb against your upper lip, smearing his cum against your skin.
“That fucking hurt!” You snap, throwing his hand off your face, a fire exploding under your skin because you were more embarrassed than anything. You enjoyed the feeling of his cum coming out of your nose, but you weren’t about to admit it!
“I don’t care,” Shouto perversely informs you, his hands taking you cheeks and twisting you towards him before his lips press against yours.
His lips are libidinous against yours, his mouth opening as he coaxed you to join him in this affair. His kiss was bruising, his teeth knocking against yours when hot and breathless puffs of air exchanged between your mouths. The heated pressure does nothing to ease the burning in your throat, only intensifying the pain while you dig your fingers into his back, leaving crescent marks and bloodied tears behind. The pain does not deter Shouto, not even a little bit. There’s an approval growl emitting from his throat and his tongue soon pressed against yours, and you resisted the sharp moan threatening to leave while his muscle danced with yours.
“Stop holding it in,” he grunts, “make everyone know that you’re being fucked.”
The next noise to escape your mouth is a loud mewl when Shouto sucks against your own tongue, his eyes ablaze while he stares down at you, victory and lust in his eyes.
“Where should I fuck you next?” He asks, his body pressing you down into the mattress, ignoring your pained hisses for your legs were still bound. His fingers dig into your breasts, pinching at the edges of your areola instead of your nipple. Your fingers dug deeper into his skin when you sob at the teasing. “How does that filthy little cunt of yours want to be ruined next?”
“In his chair!” you cry in gluttony, your body thrashing and reaming against his touch. “Fuck me in his chair, sir!”
“Look at that, maybe the slut can learn,” Shouto grins into your skin, the tracing movements salacious, and he stands. You’re weightless when Shouto scoops you from the bed, his hands supporting your tender ass. Mindlessly, your mouth nibbles against his throat, leaving purple hickies in your wake while he collects more items.
The taste of his salty sweat invades your senses, your tongue lapping, and circling against his skin while Shouto gave no attention towards your actions. He merely dumped you onto the cool leather of Endeavors desk chair, and you arched in pain.
“Now, now,” he ruthlessly grabbed the ties on your legs. He slides them off with such amoral strength your skin throbs in his wake. Your legs, finally free, slam to the ground, and you let out a fervid noise as you stare up at your boyfriend, whose stomach is taut and sheened with sweat. “I thought you liked pain.”
“You haven’t been giving me any,” you sneer, your tongue dragging against your bottom lip.
Rage fills his eyes, and he chuckles depravedly, “Okay, brat.”
Grabbing your hips, he drags you on the chair so that your ass barely remains on the cold leather. Shoving you down by your chest, the wind is knocked out of you, and you heave when he grabs onto your ankles. With a familiar tightness and the strain of having your knees under your shoulders, the spreader bar is placed behind the chairs back, keeping you trapped to the chair.
You’re folded in half, and his hand pressed onto your stomach before he began to tie your arms and thigh down. Two ties to secure your wrist into place, two ties to secure your thighs into place. The position — being placed into an ‘L’ shape — prohibited you from breathing correctly as your inflexibility flashed through your muscles.
“Oh my god,” you breathe while Shouto presses the back of the chair into the desk for additional support. Your wrists throbbed with the loss of blood circulation, and Shouto stood before you, his hand fisting himself.
“Hard to breathe?” He mocks, his cock now fully erect again.
“Make me stop breathing, pussy,” you challenge unwavering.
“God, I was hoping you’d say that,” he smirked, grabbing the top of the chair, and placing his feet by the side of the bed, he rammed himself into your cunt.
There was nothing for you to do except pathetically howl when he slammed into your cervix, your body tied so tight to the chair any other action was stopped.
“You’re so fucking tight like this,” Shouto hisses, but you could hardly tell the difference with the way he pummels his cock deep within you. Perfectly hitting the back of your wall every time.
His girth was stretching you out far more than you could seem to remember, his thrusts were urgent as they were voracious, slamming deep into you with every second, scrambling your mind with every shift. But, he didn’t gag you, and you weren’t one to give in.
“It’s because you n-never fuck me r-rIGHT!”
His left fingers slammed into your mouth, his fingers touching the back of your throat as you choked against him in your surprise. Tears watered in your eyes, and his fingers dug into your spongy muscle, making you gag even more laborious.
It already hurt to breathe, with the sensation of his cum still falling from your nose, the angle of which you were tied up, and his finger in your throat, you began to panic. Your eyes close, your throat relaxing immediately to let things be okay. But as soon as you regain your breath, you feel your core throb in how much you liked that. Tears flow down your cheeks, your eyes locked on Shouto, who’s scorching you with his sight.
“I thought you were going to tap out,” he taunts, and your tongue pushes up against his fingers, your throat humming lowly to control the insistent gag at the back of your throat. “You’re crying, and yet you’re still so defiant.”
You tilt your head up, alleviating the pressure of his fingers in your throat, and still looking like a brat.
But his cock brushes against your g-spot and your eyes nearly bug out in ecstasy for his right-hand wraps around your neck. His cock still slams into you with speed and power, the oxygen in your body being denied with his tight grip around your neck, his fingers beginning to thrust within your mouth emulating a cock, and the chair starts to squeak with every movement.
Your ass pathetically rises off the chair, a desperate attempt to move in time with his drilling cock. Both of you delirious under your overstimulation and refusal to stop until there was evidence for years that the two of you fucked in Endeavors’ room. His grip around your neck soon became bruising, where his fingertips were burned you, but you cared not. His cock was stretching you out in shameless thrill, the angle only increasing the pleasure buzzing through you. Your eyes cross over in your elation, and you splutter when his fingers leave your throat, moving to press cold and wet figure-eights onto your clit.
“Fucking take my cock,” he growls.
Your head nods, the heated pressure in your belly scorching. Your walls clamp down against his hammering cock, but it doesn’t slow him down, only encouraging him to increase his speed and strength until the chair creaked against your weight. The sopping noises of your meeting sex filled your ears, and you moaned loudly, your teeth biting down onto your lip.
It takes his cock brushing against your g-spot for your legs to slam forward, your arms nearly succeeding in destroying endeavors ties as you try sitting up as your orgasm slams through you.
“Fuck, fuck, FUCK!” You scream hoarsely. Your scream only increases in great thrill when you feel the chair snap under the force of his fuck. But Shouto ignores it, his hips continuing to drill into you, his hand clamping tighter against your neck, cutting off your voice. Shouto isn’t done yet, after all.
His hands move to grip the exposed back of your thighs, his grip bruising your supple skin. He slams into you faster, his cock continuing unaffected by your convulsing walls. There are no other noises except your wet cunt meeting his cock, your shrieks of approval, and Shouto’s heavy breathing as he continues to drive into you. His body is giving you unreplicable sensations, and your body only making Shouto stammer and curse loudly.
His lips find yours, and there is nothing to say, the kiss is messy, more teeth than anything. Saliva passed between the two of you without care, as he chases his orgasm. His brutal pace continues, your name growled from your throat, until one last thrust and one final clamp from your cunt sends him over.
He pulls out as soon as he cums, his seed slipping down from your slit, tickling your tight ass and dripping onto the chair and the floor.
Your eyes are barely opened; you try to peer at Shouto, who is pressing his right hand to his forehead.
“You cheat,” you rasp, knowing that he had successfully cooled his body down.
He smiles at you wickedly, choosing to ignore you before walking back.
“Look at that,” Shouto whispers, bending down so that his face is level with your cunt and ass. “Can’t have anything not falling onto Endeavors things getting out of you…”
His finger pushes his cum back into your sore cunt, and you sharply breath when he pats your cunt.
“You want me to have your babies,” you tease, and he remains silent, dragging his fingers down the center of your pussy. His breathing teases your sensitive flesh, and you feel yourself clench when he pulls his fingers lower than where he usually goes. Soon, his fingers trace around your puckered asshole.
“S-Sir,” you pant, your chest rising as far up as you could in this position, and your eyes widened when he looked up at you.
“Have you ever wanted to try anal?”
Your mouth drops when the pad of his finger teases your other entrance, and your thighs shook while you remained silent.
His opposite hand struck your ass sharply, your body thrashing as it stung against your unprepared skin.
“Answer me.”
“Yes, what?!”
“I want your cock in my ass!”
Your boyfriend’s quirk did not involve speed; in fact, without his quirk, he was not that fast. Sure he was athletic and adequately trained, but in comparison to those on the Hero field, if you took away quirk usage, he was barely above average. But there were times that you believed he was incredibly fast, and this was one of those moments.
You found your face, chest, and knees buried back into the mattress, your back arched so much you swore you would need a spine replacement after this, and the ties and spreader bar were gone.
His fingers slide between your folds, lathering in your essence. A low groan left your lips at the feeling, and you quivered when Shouto’s hands spread your ass cheeks.
“B-Be gentle,” you whimper when he presses the pad of his forefinger against your pert hole. Your ass tightened instinctively, and Shouto huffed but pressed his finger in. A weird full pain shot through you when the tip of his finger entered your rectum, your ass squeezing against his finger, trying to deny him entrance.
“Fuck,” he mumbled, his other hand massaging your ass cheek, trying to calm your instincts to let him in.
Your fingers dig into the comforter, the still wet fabric from your multiple orgasms was cold under your heated fingers. But something cold splashed against your ass, and you shook, demanding to know what it was.
“Lube,” he answers, a smirk evident in his tone as his fingers leave your asshole. A soft groan exhales from your breath at him exiting your ass, and soon enough, his finger returns to your puckered tight hole. The feeling of his fingers pushing in you to his first knuckles sends your ass flying backward toward him, a desperate and idiotic way of getting him further in.
It was a weird feeling, almost reminiscent to the first time you had sex, only completely different. It made your head spin in a frenzied way and felt backward but in a way where you needed more.
“You like this,” he laughs, his lips pressing against your spine. Your head nods, you’re unable to speak as his fingers push into you and pull back out. It’s a slow and chilling movement that fills your asshole and makes you dizzy.
“Shit,” you breathe, your body rattling, your ass rolling against his fingers.
“Are you ready for my cock, whore?” He asks, and you whine in response. His hand grips your ass, and his finger curls within you. You loudly call out his name, feeling your body turning weak as you lay there, a slave to his manipulation. His manipulation of your ass sends warm liquid falling down your thighs, shining against your skin as his hand smacks your inner thigh, and he relishes in your high pitched squeal. “You finally cave to anal when I’m fucking you here. Is this what you wanted all along?”
Your eyes clamp shut as his fingers exit your ass, and you only manage a panting groan in response. There’s a soft ripping noise before a package hits your face.
Your eyes open to see a condom package sitting by your face, its empty, and you shift your head to stare at Shouto who’s unraveling the condom on his cock.
“You haven’t used those in a while,” you remark snidely, your eyes glowing with amusement as he locks onto you, his eyes rolling.
“I remember a certain someone begging for me to put it in her raw,” he smoothly states, lube in his hands now, and he applies a lot on the smooth condom. “Besides, you want my cock up your ass, you don’t get to play that card right now.”
“Yeah, well — oHMY GOD!”
Shouto, without warning, presses the head of his cock within your asshole. It stretches you out disgustingly, sharp pain throbbing in your ass and cunt as he settles within you. Despite his cock halfway buried within your ass, it’s your pussy that weeps. Your slick runs rampant down your inner thigh, falling onto the bed top. Shouto’s fingers dig into your waist, the both of you breathing heavy at this new feeling.
Slowly, his fingers move to your breast and your nipples, and with the smallest nod from you, he begins.
In and out, he moves, his hips moving faster than a manageable speed, and your eyes welled with tears at the constipated feeling in your asshole. His fingers tweak and pull at your clit and nipple, savagely teasing them, uncaring that your cries left drooling puddles on the bed. His thrusting movements became quicker, harder, and more solid until a familiar sensation of his balls slapping your skin burned your mind.
“More,” you beg against the sheets, drool coating your cheek, your body nothing more than his fuck toy. “Fuck my asshole harder.”
Shouto merely growls, the pinch on your clit, making your hips buck against his cock, and he began to barbarically slam into you. It was as if it was your pussy and not your ass he was drilling into.
Your body shifts with his every movement, your slick pouring from your cunt, and he let go of your nipple. In your crazed state, you sob at the loss of contact, but his hand strikes against your soaked cunt with a loud sound. The force alone nearly sends your eyes flying open, your vision blurring when his finger dive into your sex.
His fingers work at double the speed of which his hips slam into you. His fingers pushing the limits of your velvet walls; he curls his fingers against your walls, dragging them deliciously against your clenching heat. Then there was his cock, and at times the thin walls that separated his fingers and his cock brushed together, sending you into a new frenzy while you sobbed his name.
Begging for more, begging to come.
“You already need to come?!” He snaps, his hips not at all weak, and you moaned loudly, knowing that he was nowhere close. “Then come you, filthy bitch, I just started, and you need to come!”
“I-It feels so fucking good,” you garble, your jaw unable to move for its slack against the mattress, electrifying pleasure singing your nerves, and with a loud smack to your pussy, you come hard against his fingers, splashing against the bed top.
There’s no time wasted; Shouto pulls himself from your ass and shoves you onto your back again. There’s no fightback, no attitude, from you. Without being forced to, your legs are brought to your chest while Shouto discards the condom onto the bed.
“Aren’t you so fucking enthusiastic, getting all ready for me without asking,” Shouto grins, his hands grabbing your legs right below your ankle. “Do you know what I’m going to do to you right now?”
“Y-You’re going to fill me up with your cum,” you stammer for he pushes your legs slowly towards you, the stretch in your muscles overwhelming for your sore body. “You’re going to give me your babies.”
“What else?” He taunts, the top of his cock rubbing against your clit.
“B-Breed me like the bitch I am, sir!” Your cry, wanting nothing more than his cock to bury all nine inches in you.
“Come for me one more time, and I’ll make sure to fill you until you’re dripping with my semen for an entire week,” Shouto promises, and his hips slam within you.
Your knees are buried within the mattress by your head, your feet curling and pressing against each other.  Shouto lays on top of you, the penetration deep, and his hands gripping yours. The weight of having him on you is exhilarating, and for the first time this night, his lips press hungrily against yours while ball deep within you.
His cock slams against the wall of your cervix repetitively while his lips overwhelm you. Each slam into you is massive and powerful. Powerful enough to have you sobbing into his mouth while he kisses you, his hands clutching your smaller ones in his.
Again and again, he slams into you. His thrusts knocking the wind out of you until you release his hands and find yourself digging your fingers into his back, crying out his name desperately while his teeth find a home on your neck, sinking into flesh he had long ago broke. The powerful pounding of his cock makes you keen, your hips jerking up to meet his, but you’re useless against his downward thrusts.
“Impregnate me, sir,” you gasp, your eyes rolling back in pleasure, “breed me, please!”
“You’ll be full of my fucking kids in no time, your cute belly will be round with my kid,” he snaps, his cock throbbing within your pussy, and loud echoing slaps fill the room. Your nails claw at his back, marking him in multiple places with clean four red lines.
You couldn’t take the feeling of how his body moved perfectly within you, the strength and power behind his every move were almost too natural as if this was an everyday thing. You let out noises reasonably similar to a purr, grinding your cunt against his conquesting cock and laughing breathlessly at his low groan.
“You like this, whore?” Shouto nips at your throat, his thrusts making you shriek out his name as he buries you further into the bed, your nails digging into his flesh. “You like the way my cock fills your pussy the same way it did that pretty little ass?” You nod rapidly, your eyes closed, your mouth open, your pants tumbling from your mouth. Your sanity was lying on a string, his actions the reasons for your downfall.
His leverage was small, but every thrust seemed to have his cock being pulled out of you nearly completely. Before he drilled back into your pussy. The noises of your connecting wet sex left loud echo with your squelching pussy around his hot cock.
The muscles on his back seemed to flare dramatically, your screams turning silent due to your approval of this.
“You like the way I fuck your pussy? The way that I’ll fill you with my seed for days to come?” he growls into your ear, his hips inhumanly slamming into you.
“I need you to breed me,” you sob, the fire in your face as bright and hot as the one between your legs. His sweaty forehead pressed against yours, and his lips recapture yours.
Your mind goes blank when a mighty crash goes through you. But Shouto must not have felt the familiar spastic clamping of your inner walls as he continues pistoling his hips into you, hitting your cervix, and pushing it further up with every slam. You cry against his mouth, your hands shoving at his shoulders as the feeling of your orgasm was too strong to deny, and he slips out of you.
You squirt wildly, your juices going everywhere, wetting his groin area, and splashing against the bed.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” he growls, and once again slams into you.
Your scream is silent, your eyes rolling to the back of your head, your fingers digging into his neck, and your toes curl. His hips are driving, persistent, and have a goal in mind. You can barely keep up with him, your long overstimulated body wanting to collapse at the seams, but he doesn’t stop.
The bed creaks loudly under you, headboard crashing into the wall, over and over again.
“Cum, sir,” you beg, your hips wildly thrashing against his. “Please, fill me with your seed!”
That’s all it takes, and a hot and heavy load shoots through you, and Shouto collapses onto you at the same time the bed falls. Neither one of you reacts as gravity shifts you both slightly downwards, but your mind is too full of Shouto to care. His body twitching while his cock remains hard within you, the feeling of his cum swimming in your cunt, making your head spin with euphoria.
Drowsiness hits you quickly, and Shouto’s body heat is quickly putting you to sleep.
He pulls out of you gently, and the feeling of his cock no longer in you makes you whimper, your nose burying into his neck as he flips the two of you over so that you’re laying on his chest. His hands send warm and cooling waves through your body, helping soothe the aches in your tired body.
Who knew Endeavor was the key to making Shouto lose control. Maybe you needed to get him to fuck you on this bed more often now.
You can feel the cum seeping from your cunt, and Shouto must have too, for he scooped it back in with his fingers, and you chuckled at the feeling of his warm fingers against your seizing cunt. This was nice, you loved this.
“I didn’t go too overboard, did I?” He asks, his voice small given that he saw the blood that trailed down your neck and the raised handprints on your ass.
“No,” you say, your hands running down his muscled sides. “Not at all, I really enjoyed this, sir.”
Your words are teasing, and the two of you chuckle as silence overtakes the two of you.
“I love you, y/n,” he whispers, his lips pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek.
“I love you, too, Shouto,” you mumble, your eyes fluttering closed, sleep consuming you.
You don’t remember anything else, only that you woke up the next morning in your bed, your body is strewn with purple bruises, red hickies, and handprints on your body, wearing nothing but Shouto’s shirt and your panties.
“Good morning beautiful,” his voice greets you, and you sigh, soreness rampaging your body.
“Good morning, my love.”
Endeavor walked into his house at three in the morning, the strains of a late night at work had truly exhausted him.
Shouto, who he had asked to take care of his house for only two hours had stayed much later. His son had informed him that he left ten minutes before he arrived. It was too bad, Endeavor thought, he wasn’t able to get back on time to see his son and girlfriend. Tossing his case to the floor, Endeavor was ready for bed.
Trudging through his house, he was quick to realize how humid the house was when he neared his room. His eyebrows scrunched, his attention on alert as he threw open the door, the lights and fan turned on by mistake.
Endeavors’ eyes widened at the sight of the cum-stained bed, the ruined sheets, the slanted chair, and his bed being held together by ice. His eyes locked on the fan blade that fell from its place; it was cracked entirely in the middle. There was no denying that his room was wholly and disgustingly used, and for what?! His stupid kid didn’t ever need to stay!
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goth-girlfriend · 3 years
Just wondering and no pressure here! Are you ever gonna finish the Endeavor fic? Love ur works bby and stay safe out there! <3
Yes yes yes 😤😭 Anything for you sweetheart and especially anything for Enji. Take care of yourself ❤️❤️
“What?” I yawned out loud to myself pushing myself up. My arm was sore from sleeping on it, I looked around and blinked at the light that had made itself known. I tried to push to sit up being held down by a familiar weight. I yawned again, before rolling over under Enji’s arm. I pressed my back against his warm side resting on my arm that wasn’t sore. I pulled his arm around my waist to feel like I was being held in place.
“Ah, security.” I sighed using his shoulder and bicep as a pillow, “Not soft at all.” I snuggled against the firm muscle until I heard a throaty chuckle. His chest shook lightly and I looked up at him he was awake. His eyes lidded from sleep still fighting against consciousness, I watched a faint smile pull at the corners of his lips, I couldn’t fight the most likely idiotic looking grin that surfaced. I laughed and shook my head as quietly as I could. I turned in his arm and hugged his chest. I watched as he moved his free arm behind his head, his bicep bulged at the unintentional flexing.
“Good morning.” I smiled and let my head fall against his shoulder while I looked up at him. It felt perfect, this moment. The morning sun filtered by the beige curtains lighting the room in gold with a few thin slits of white sunlight breaking through. The white duvet stopping at waist, open sleeping shirt, messy hair, pressed into his side sighing content. The rumble of the AC filling the silence, soft breathing, its perfect. In this moment, in this place, there is no history, there is no future, its us in this moment. With nothing to ruin the moment I sighed and closed my eyes feeling the faint heat of his rising chest.
“Good morning.” He finally answered, voice deeper than usual, I felt him shuffle, before I felt his lips pressed onto the top of my head. I felt my eyes flutter involuntary, and my heart swelling. I smiled closing my eyes enjoying the closeness, perfect, this is perfect.
“DDAAAAAAADD!!” I blinked a few times remembering where we were, I watched as he groaned rubbing his face with his hand and sitting up leaving me behind.
“Yes, Fuyumi?” He called starting to stand up doing a few basic stretches.
”Y/N IS GONE DID YOU HEAR ANYTHING THIS MORNING MAYBE SHE LEFT TO GET BREAKFAST?!” She screamed through the door, I watched the door handle jiggle, thanking God I locked it last night.
“Yes, I heard someone moving this morning. It could have been (L/N), why don’t you go look around down stairs, I need to shower and get ready.” He yawned before he stood popping his back.
“Mmm...” there was a pause and some shuffling.
I heard Sho’s faint voice “Fuyumi, look y/n sent me message this morning saying she was going to a nearby convinience store to buy some things she had forgotten. She’ll be back soon.” I sighed thanking God once again that I had told Shoto my password all those weeks ago.
“Alright, DON’T MIND DAD!” She screamed before I heard them walk away, Great, now how am I supposed to leave? I looked around, “Does that window open?” I asked pointing to the window in the room. “It‘s a balcony.” Enji pulled back the curtains revealing an pretty good sized balcony with fancy railing. I was wearing sleeping shorts and a long sleeve shirt with some socks, I‘ll fly down, and just walk back in... but I went to the store.... so I need to come back with something. “Can I have ten dollars?” I smiled sheepishly looking at Enji.“
He sighed before turning to the dresser and pulled out a bill out of his wallet. I grinned and thanked him, “I’ll be back in, five or ten minutes.” I shrugged and opened the Balcony window. Taking eagle form, I dived down into an alley way barrel rolling and lading back on human feet. I walked out and stopped outside a tourist shop. The shop owner was placing out a box of mini hero figures, the same figures from that night we patrolled. These were a new release with the change to get Gold or Silver All Might, Endeavour or Hawks. I got excited and rushed in, I “went to the store”, but I never said what for. the packs were on sale, 2 for $5.00. And lucky for me, I had managed to get a $50. Each box comes with 12 lucky bags each bag has 3 mini figures, there are only 10 Pro hero’s currently released in this line. I have a ten percent chance of getting Endeavour, All Might or Hawks, if you add the 6 new figures to the line thats 16 characters in total. Meaning there are three possible Endeavor, All Might and Hawks,,, But, the chances of getting a special edition, would be 2 of 16 which should be 12.5 out of 100. If I multiply by three that raises the chance 37.5 of 100. So out of all 36 Figures that means I have to at least get 1 limited edition Per box, bu counting in these are the first boxes to pull in customers, they overload the limited ones to make it look easy so people will be convinced to buy them because it’s “easy” to find a limited figure... meaning... “ill give you $50 even for both boxes.”
I turned to look at the cashier guy who seemed unimpressed but nodded, “I usually sell boxes for $30 dollars each but  I feel generous 25 each plus taxes.”
“How about $20 plus taxes.” I counter offered. He squinted at me before he made another offer, we went at this until we were back at my original offer. “Alright, this is my last offer,” he huffed and stared at me hard, “$50 dollars cash, no taxes, and IF you become a Pro Hero you do advertising free for my shop.”
I laughed and nodded, “Deal.” He packed the boxes and I paid him before we parted ways. By the time I made it back to the hotel Fuyumi rushed to me with a look of worry. “Where were yOU I WAS WORRIED?!” 
I smiled, “I was in the middle of a very serious conversation about some very serious things.” 
“A toy store, that bag says you were at a toy store.” Shoto said sounding very unimpressed.
I smiled and let out a sheepish laugh, “well...” I looked down and hid the bag behind me, “I never said I went to buy anything important.” 
“Ow......ow.......nooooo stop.” I whined feeling one more tug at my hair and finally it fell down.
“There, we’re done.” Fuyumi fluffed my hair a bit before smoothing it out again, “Now lets go, before Natsuo starts causing a fuss.” She ushered me to move and I did leading our way to the elevator.
“Alright,“ I sighed slouching a little... “....Wanna see something cool?” I asked standing back up, Fuyumi cocked a brow by smiled a little, “Alright, I do actually.”
I dug into my pocket and pulled out a gold endeavor figure, “Boom, its your dad.“ I took her hand and placed it in her palm, “You can have that, I have another one.” I smiled when she let out a slight laugh. “Thank you, I’ll keep him with my keys.” We stood in a comfortable silence until the doors opened and we started to move out I asked, “Soooo, what are we doing after this award ceremony?” I asked tilting my head in curiosity.”
“I don’t know, she said he lips pulling to the side in a displeased way, “They didn’t let me plan out this trip so its a surprise for the both of us.” My only answer was to nod while I smiled down at the ground, “Sounds Fun.”
”Aren’t those kids from UA?” The voices of photographers were loud with there questions as flashes went of left and right, “Why are they with Pro Hero Endeavor?” “I don’t know but these kids could pull in the views!”
“Todoroki! A question if you Will!” “Hey Midoriya Over here!” “L/N! Can you pose for a few photos!” “Todoroki look over here!” Midoriya whats it like to learn from Pro Hero All Might??” “L/N! L/N! Are you affiliated with Todoroki or Midoriya?”
As much as I love getting my photo taken, I knew sticking around for pictures and questions in this scenario is probably the last thing I should do. So instead I stayed close to Natsuo almost sandwiched between him and Fuyumi. I stayed betwen them as we kept moving, Sho and Deku were behind us not rushing, Sho seemed unaffected and Deku was looking down red faced and embarrassed. It was kinda cute. I looked back ahead watching Enji ignore everyone moving forward with purpose and carrying himself with pride. I smiled watching him I know not everyone can see him or respect him as the number one hero but, to me, He can be so much more if only people would give him a chance. I know he’s not the most kind person in public, but with the right sidekick or partner that could change easy. When Hawks was with him those brief days, his like ability actually raised. So I know all it takes is someone pushing him to be more interactive with his fans, he knows now there are some that like him, bit i also understand why it’s so hard for him to accept it...
“Alright, were in, lets go find some seats.”
The ceremony went by slowly, I was bored listening to a bunch of speeches but at least made it look like I was paying attention. I couldn’t even sit by Enji because Fuyumi took my place, and then I managed to get stuck between Natsuo and Sho and they kept talking and we had to refrain from laughing to loud at a few things. Midoriya was so interested in everything that was happening and i started to pay attention when they actually started calling name, Sho and Natsuo stopped after Fuyumi told them to shut up. Which I appreciated now that things were getting interesting. I listened to the awards leaning forward more and more as more hero’s showed up collecting awards and moving on with speeches each with their own rounds of applause. I got this twisted feeling about Eniji going so I whispered to Sho who voiced the idea of us cheering for their dad and Fuyumi praised him for caring about their dad and he took the praise. So when Enji was called for an award of Achievement and a few other things the crowd applauded but how it normaly had so I stood up pulling Sho and Natsuo with me which caused Fuyumi and Midoriya to stand we clapped louder and cheered “For the new Number one Hero!” I screamed and then the five of us cheered more as others started to stand and clap louder. I looked at Fuyumi who smiled back and nodded. After the crowd calmed down and sat he gave a short speech, almost another thirty minutes of closing speech we finally got to leave.
“Finally! I’m free!” I cheered running straigh into Natsuo’s back as he stopped out of nowhere. “My face.” I groaned pushing away from him, it was in that moment I realized how big he actually was, “Wow, you’re actually tall.” I leaned to use his head to block the sun.
He looked back over his shoulder at me, “huh? Did you say something down there?” He... he just... he just bullied me for my height... “I-...” I look esta him and swallowed, “IM TELLING FUYUMI YOURE BULLYING ME!”
I watched his eyes widen and turned to rush to Fuyumi and he screamed, “wait...NO”
“Natsuuoooooo?” I poked his cheek as he sat pouting arms crossed, “Nat...Suo? Nat... pssst hey Nat, you still mad?” I poked his cheek again and smiled watching him force back a smile. “Come one, you cant be mad.” I poked his cheek causing him to smile briefly before he forced it back again, so I quickly summoned a feather and poked his cheek distracting him before using it to tickle his other side causing him to laugh.
“Alright fine fine, I’m not mad anymore.” He wheezed as I pulled my feather away, plucking it from the air. “A hero’s work is never done.” I gave an exaggerated sigh and he a single laugh kinda like a scoff, “Some hero you are, you get innocent pedestrians hurt to save them.” he crossed his arms and snapped his head the other way, unamused I felt me brows go up, “Innocent? Pedestrian? You?” I paused when he gave me an offended look. “I don’t think so.”
“Natsuo-“ We turned to look at Shoto, the two of having been sitting outside on a stone bench after Fuyumi scolded him strongly and I pulled into it.
“Yes?” He asked standing up and popping his back.
“Our father, asked if you could head back with Fuyumi to the hotel to pick up her bag of clothes. She left it when she was rushing out. Well meet for lunch before we do anything else.” Shoto said leaning his head to the side slightly.
“Oh,” he looked at me and then over his shoulder at the doors we had both just sulked out of, “yeah, well take a Taxi. I’ll get Fuyumi and we’ll leave.” He nodded and turned to leave.
I moved to stand by Sho, “So?” I asked elbowing him slightly, “how was last night?” “Well, I could ask you the same.” He side eyed me, “Take your phone with you next time you jump out a window.” I didn’t miss the amusement in his eyes, “Right,” I nodded and he closed his eyes a small smile on his lips. “Now, where are we going for lunch?”
“Oh! I read about this American style fondue place! It’s supposed to be really good! So I kinda wanted to try it and I was going to suggest it but, it’s pricey so, eheh, ya know.” I shrugged and Shoto’s brief look of amusement came back, you want what Kaminari told me is a Glucose Guardian, someone who pays for what you want.” I choked, “Sugar daddy.”
“What. Nothing, so, lunch? I’m hungry? Also I’m riding in front move.” I rushed past him jumping into the passenger seat before he followed after Deku had met him. I was buzzing in my seat and the took Enji’s hand the moment he was sat and started driving, I squeezed his hand staring out the window, watching the building and cars pass. It felt so nostalgic, but how could it be nostalgic?
“Where are we eating?” I turned to Enji at his question, before looking at Sho through the mirror, “There’s this place Y/n was talking about.” I felt a squeeze to my hand meeting Enji’s stare as he looked at me briefly before looking at the road, “Where is it?”
I smiled and used my free hand to grab my phone, “it’s not to far from here, we should be able to make it in ten minutes if traffic is good.” I clicked away typing the address, “Yup, go straight, take a right at the light, and it should be a large glass building on the corner! It’s a fondue place, more American style!” I tried to talk and explain while squeezing Enji’s hand at the excitement I was feeling. Upon getting to the restaurant we waited a while, having sent Fuyumi and Natsuo the address we waited at least half an hour until we got a call.
“Dad, I don’t think we’ll be able to do lunch today, a really bad wreck caused a traffic jam on this side of the city, it’s an estimated two hour wait until we can move, well find a place to eat once we get closer if you all want to go ahead and eat we’ll be fine.” Before he could answer Shoto spoke “Thank you for your sacrifice.”
“We should go then?” I questioned looking around the car.
“Yes.” Enji said turning the key and opening his door to get out.
After we all got out the car, we started our way towards the restaurant. I awed at it, we made it in met with a nice man, “Welcome to The Melting Hot Pot! How many will be in your party?”
We all looked up at Enji, “Four.” We all nodded, it felt as if we were judging him.
“Would you like a private room or to be seated in our public seating area.”
“Private.” He nodded and the host nodded, “You can follow me this way.”
“Will this be you’re first time dining with us?” We all slid into seats in the large luxurious looking booth, it’s was in a room with a sliding screen door for privacy.
“Yes it will.”
“Great! I’ll give you the crash course before you’re waiter comes to attend to your table.”
After about seven minutes and looking at a menu the Host left and we started to talk about what sounded good.
“Wisconsin cheddar cheese?” Shoto asked.
“Flaming turtle... sounds painful...” Midoriya was staring at the opposite side of the menu.
“Maybe... we should start with a salad? Before we start looking at the fondue, there’s.. Wisconsin Wedge... California... Caesar... and a house, so, what sounds good?”
We tried to talk it out but no luck, we ended up right where we started, until Midoriya looked at Enji, “Mr.Endeavor sir,” I held back a laugh.
He hummed staring at Deku, his face didn’t change making him seem angry or annoyed, “What?”
Midoriya flinched.
“Maybe you.... you have more experience with this than we do, do you have a-any... advice?”
Enji nodded, “Get a California Salad, you’re allowed two cheeses, well get the Wisconsin Cheddar and Quattro Formaggio, for entree you’ll get a classic plate that comes with Pork, shrimp, chicken and steak cooked in a Mojo style broth, and for two desserts you’ll get a flaming turtle and Yin & Yang mix.”
We all stared at him, “Have you been here before?” I asked interested.
“No,” he held up a rectangular piece of plastic lined paper, “It’s a recommended course.”
“That’s very convenient.” I mumbled and we all looked as our waiter slid the door open finally entering.
“Hello, sorry for being late, what can I bring you to drink.”
“A tea, please.” Shoto and Midoriya spoke at the same time.
“Alright, two sweet iced teas,” and for you, she turned to me, “A spirit free watermelon cooler.”
“Good choice, and for you sir?” She turned to Enji who was looking at the menu, “A Billionaire’s Coffee.” He didn’t even look at her.
“Alright,” she looked at us, “I’ll get your drinks and be right back to take your order.”
She left and we casually just sat there looking around at the decor.
“I like the low lights, it’s nice kinda cosy.” I talked out loud to no one, before I looked at Midoriya locking eyes contact, “perfect place for a date.”
He chocked on air and brought his arm to his face blushing stuttering out things I didn’t understand. I laughed a bit, enjoying the show before he calmed down when the waiter appeared.
“Alright, what are we getting?” She looked at us and all I did was look up at Enji, he sighed, “We’d like to try the Complete Fondue experience for four.” He tapped the plastic with his finger and she noted it, “in that exact order.”
She nodded again, “An exact copy of the full experience, now before I head out, does anyone want to add a lobster tail or any extra meats to their plates?”
“No thank you.”
“No, I’m good.”
“Alright then, I’ll be turning on the burners, they will get hot, please do not touch them.” She pulled out a small metal stand with a promotional flyer and placed it on the burners before she left.
“I’m excited.” I reached over under the table and took Enji’s hand and brought it back to my lap squeezing his bigger hand between mine.
His hand squeezed mine, I smiled up at him before looking down at his hand, callused, warm. Scars were present but hardly noticeable, I ran my thumb over his knuckles, losing myself in the patterns I began to draw, feeling myself fall into a feeling of nostalgia.
“Y/n,” I looked up at the sound, “Hm?” I hummed in response looking around.
“Are you fine?” Shoto asked his voice soft but his brows were furrowed.
“Yeah, just thinking about school and the internships.” I shrugged, “We’ve been through a lot with everything that’s happened, it’s hard to believe we’re just first year.”
“Hm.” Shoto nodded and I pulled a hand up and lates it palm up on the table.
“Honestly, the more I think about it, the more I see and the more we do, it kinda scares me,” I looked at a scar it ran from the side of my wrist to the back of my hand, it was a deep wound from my Internship, “But seeing everything also makes me realize,” I balled my fist up smiling, “There’s so much space for new hero’s to rise and it excites me knowing one day I’ll be out there fighting for a chance to be number one.”
“Ambitious.” I flinched at the waiters voice who slid the door closed as she entered, “You must be in a hero school then.”
“I, yes, I am.” I nodded and looked away.
“I’ve never heard of you, you must not be that well known. Everyone however would be able to notice our lovely new number one hero Endeavor.” She smiled and patted Enji who just gave her a side eye and she quickly pulled her hand away.
I let out a mix of a scoff and a laugh, “You must live under a rock, or be uncultured, I’m from UA, were our sports festival is streamed publicly almost everywhere throughout the prefecture and surrounding cities, not to mention I was in the news quite a few times with Endeavor and Pro Hero Hawks, I was on headlines and on front page covers of newspapers and magazines, if you can’t recognize me it really goes to show what kind of woman you are.” I made a face and she made a face back.
Before we started a stare down another person walked in, “Alright, here comes a hot pot, everyone be careful.”
As the second waiter was setting up the meal I couldn’t help but mumble to myself, “Bite me, it’s what rabid dogs do anyways.”
After eating and Midoriya and I burning ourselves multiple times on hot cheese fondue we finished our desserts and started to head out.
We stepped out into the dark, the afternoon sun had set and the cities night life was crawling out into the streets, lights lit up outside patios, rooftops had flames lit lighting tables, tinted windows were lit up showing the chandeliers that hide during the day. Ladies in fancy dresses and men in suits and flashy attire. It was in that moment I realized how wrong our relationship is, I’m in UA, I’m only 16, sure the consent age is lower then that but, I, this is morally wrong in some eyes... I could ruin Enji’s career if anyone ever found out... I felt a sense of worry fill me. No one knew, I didn’t care before. So what scares me now?
“So! What are we doing tomorrow?” I looked at Enji and Shoto as we walked, Midoriya was unintentionally hidden by Shoto.
“It’s a surprise.” Shoto answered very bluntly and I squinted at him, “Very helpful.”
“How are Fuyumi and....” I paused the name leaving me and looked down, embarrassed, thinking, his name just couldn’t be Naruto because it’s pretty close to that anyways, “Natsuo! Heh! I remembered.”
“Fuyumi messaged me, they tried a curry at an Indian restaurant near the hotel, Natsuo also now holds the title for eating a plate of the spiciest curry in under an hour.” Shoto said flashing us his phone which had a very red smiling Natsuo holding a certificate and a $200 dollar check.
“That’s... impressive.” I was impressed, but it seemed like a painful thing.
I felt my phone buzz, I answered if, “Hello?”
“Hey y/n! It’s Fuyumi, I’d you don’t mind when you get to the hotel can you stop by the hotel shop and pick up something for indigestion or upset stomach, maybe heart burn?”
“Oh,” I smiled, “Yeah, I can do that, we’re on the way back about to get in the car, the streets are empty so we should be there soon, so, I’ll get it for you.”
“Thank you, sorry for the burden but I feel bad for leaving Natsuo while his stomach is hurting this much.”
“Don’t worry! I’m a hero, it’s what I do.” I smiled getting into the car as we reached it.
“Still, thank you y/n.” She sounds like she was smiling, I could feel it, in that moment how much she really cared for her family. It kinda warmed my heart in a way I can’t describe.
“Alright, see you then.” I ended the call and explained everything on the way over, Enji sighed and rubbed his forehead before pinching the bridge of his knows shaking his head. I smiled, noticing the edge of his lips twitch upwards a bit before he forced it down mumbling out Natsuo’s name and something I couldn’t hear.
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@waffleees-world @daedaep69 @gabrielislovegabrielislife @sabrinakishi @mae3solo
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boytouya · 3 years
𝘖𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘐𝘵
words: 1k
request: ”hi Cloud! i hope you’re having an incredible day. also, congratulations on the Toji anon, lol.could i please request Natsuo Todoroki and classmate male reader? and Natsuo is just instantly interested but the reader is like the opposite of what Endeavor wants for him? for example, the reader is a black, openly gay man who wears whatever he wants (including “girl” clothes) and Natsuo is like “god I want you so bad but god my father’s gonna hate you, which is fine but I’m scared he’s gonna be mean to you.” thank you! -🌨
a/n: thank you!! i got two 😭 your requests never fail to be my favorite. your MIND IS SO??? ugh your prompts are so good.
tags: miscommunications, lowkey racist endeavor, mentions of racism in japan for one (1) second, mention of past alcohol use
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He wants to hold your hand. The first thing he notices about you are your hands. He wants to watch the melanin in your skin fade into the paleness of his own. He wants to lace his fingers with yours and compliment you on your clothes. He’s only known you for so long, but he wants to be in your presence forever. He wants to run his hands through your hair, but it was too thick for that. He wants to show you off to his family, but his father is too thick-skulled for that. Fuck.
The way you look at him makes him feel six feet tall. Natsuo wasn’t the tallest man, but he didn’t consider himself short either. Okay, his little brother was taller than him, but he wasn’t that short. When he looks into your eyes he feels taller than his own father. Taller than his doubts about showing you off to his family.
“Nat!’' You wave him down, a large smile on your face as you pick up the pace and walk over to him. Going back home from his long day of college classes, Natsuo’s eyes droop as he waves back with a sleepy smile. He was so lost in thought he never even noticed you calling his name. He turns to face you, blinking hard as his eyes focus on the strikingly handsome sight in front of him.
He knew you liked men, but he wasn’t sure if you liked him. His eyes drop to meet your empty hand, resting by your side as you ask him if he’s alright. His fingers twitch, he almost reaches out to lock hands, but soon enough, you’re waving your own in his face. Your laugh is so bubbly, your voice is so velvety and it’s a melodic sound that blesses his ears. He can feel his face twisting into something fond, he’s always been quite an expressive man. He lets you touch his shoulder, lets you stand close to him as you enter the train and he holds onto the railing when you sit at the end of the row.
You cross your legs when you sit, he finds it quite endearing. Another part of him wonders what his father would think, if he’d push your leg and tell you to ‘sit like a man.’ He doesn’t need his father’s blessing for anything, but he’d still like to rub it in his face. Not that that particular reason is why he’s interested in you. It’s just a bonus in his own selfish way. He’s staring again, he notices, when you look up at him through your curled lashes. He feels his face grow hot, and he’s choking on the confession that sat on the tip of his tongue.
“Seeing your dad?” You smile, plump lips curling up with unspoken understanding.
Natsuo nods. The spit on his tongue feels thick when he swallows, and in the moment he lets go of the railing to wipe down his palms, he almost falls to the ground. He prepares himself to crash into someone else- if not the ground, holding his hand down and squeezing his eyes shut until he meets..nothing.
“So nervous, and for what?” You giggle, holding him upright by the thickness of his wrist. He’s surprised he doesn’t implode right then and there. He wishes he could hide behind the white of his hair and come out when he’s ready. He wishes he could kiss you as a thank you for helping him. He so badly, so badly wants to ask you out.
“Are you dating anyone?” He asks before he can collect his thoughts. You look at him like he’s insane, and he considers jumping out the train window.
“Uh, yeah?” Your eyebrows knit together and he can see your teeth as you grimace. “You hit your big head or something?”
“Did I hit my… What?” Huh? Natsuo decides whatever you’re talking about is going to take a toll on him, so he takes a seat beside you. He didn’t even mean to ask that, it just slipped out. He should’ve done it from the jump, but at the same time- he’s glad he almost fell. He got to feel your soft skin against his own.
“You asked me out at the beginning of the semester? You even said you wanted to ‘take the next step’?” Even when you make such unflattering faces you’re just so handsome. The look you give him screams ‘the fuck are you talking about?’ but he doesn’t point it out. He’s just as confused as you are. He stays silent.
“Are you serious…” He half expects you to smack him and sit somewhere else, but instead you laugh. You laugh loud and jovial, like there weren’t people staring. Natsuo noticed that there were always people staring at you, though. He wasn’t sure if it was because of the clothes you wore, the things you said, or simply just your skin tone- but you often had an audience. Your laughter only pushes his confusion off a cliff. “You asked if I wanted to meet your family today? I know you were drunk but I didn’t think you were that drunk.”
Natsuo’s face ignites into hues of pink as he apologizes, immediately reaching for your hand because Holy Shit. He can do that. He can hold your hand. You’re his, and he’s yours. He’d be sure to protect you with his life. He wanted to have you by his side, he wanted to show you off to his family and friends. He wanted you, and you alone. He didn’t care what his father thought.
Endeavor was a man who ran on strange values. He was stuck in an era of ignorance that he concealed so well in press conferences, but Natsuo knew better. He’d never let him hurt you, though. Because with you, he felt taller than Endeavor’s flames could ever reach.
When he holds your hand, he holds it tight. He traces the pads of his fingertips over your knuckles and stares at the way the brown of your skin bleeds into his. It’s perfect. He’s always wanted this, he’s always wanted you.
And now he finally gets to.
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hopelesshawks · 4 years
History of Us Part 17- Family Dinner
Summary: Once upon a time Todoroki and (y/n) were best friends. Now they haven’t spoken in years. When (y/n) is forced to transfer to UA, will she and Shoto reconnect or will their troubled past keep them apart? A childhood friends to enemies to lovers hybrid fic.
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You frown down at the mysterious text from the unknown number. Something about it gave you an uneasy feeling but you brush it aside for now. You have other things to focus on. Other things like the fact that the way to Shoto’s house is looking awfully familiar. “Do you still live in our old neighborhood?” you ask suddenly as you and Shoto walk side by side. “Yes. Different house but same neighborhood, why?” he asks. “This is where we moved back to,” you explain, “my house is down that way.” “In that case do you want to invite your mom as well?” Shoto asks but you shake your head. “She’s working a shift right now. Maybe next time?” you offer. “Next time,” Shoto replies with a soft smile.
Something warm blooms in his chest at your mention of a next time. He’d missed you over the years certainly, but he didn’t realize just how much until he finally had you back. You’re different now, sure, but so is he. Neither of you are the children you once were and yet reconnecting had been as natural as anything else. The two of you had slipped back into a rhythm as if no time had passed and he was forever grateful for that. He watched your face as the two of you walk, your eyes lit up with a combination of nerves and excitement, and he has a flickering thought that you look absolutely beautiful that way. “Is there something on my face?” you ask suddenly. “What?” he asks, blinking at you in confusion. “You’re staring Sho,” you laugh. “Oh! Sorry,” he says, a light flush dusting his cheeks as he sharply turns his gaze away. “It’s fine! It’s still weird being friends again for me too,” you assure him. “Yes... Yes you’re right, that’s it,” Shoto says, more to himself than you, as you finally arrive at his house.
Shoto pushes open the door, calling out to let the family know he’s arrived. Rei comes from the kitchen, wiping her hands off on a dish rag, but stops in her tracks when she spots you. You freeze in place as you wait to see how she’ll react. You haven’t seen her since her hospitalization. There are more wrinkles at the corners of her eyes then the last time you saw her and you hope it’s from smiling more since she was released after the Dabi incident. You start to see tears gathering in the corners of her eyes but before you can apologize for upsetting her, she’s striding forward to pull you into a hug. It takes you a second to process what’s happening but then you eagerly return the hug, clutching her tightly to you. Her hand strokes over your hair gently a couple times before she pulls back to look at you properly. “You’ve gotten so big! And your performance at the sports festival was truly incredible,” she compliments you. “Ah thank you,” you reply sheepishly. “Come in, come in. How’s your mother doing? I’ve missed her,” Rei asks as she ushers you through to the dining room. “She’s doing well! Work keeps her busy most of the time though,” you respond.
Shoto trails behind, watching fondly as his mother fawns over you. He stops in the kitchen to say hi to his sister who is attending to the food still cooking. “You brought a new friend home instead of Midoriya and Bakugo,” she notes. “Not a new friend, look closer,” Shoto corrects as he leans against the counter next to his sister. She stops what she’s doing to take a closer look at you, eyes widening in disbelief after a moment. “Is that-“ “Yep.” “I thought you said she hated you.” “We made up at the sports festival.” “I’m happy for you,” Fuyumi smiles. “Thank you,” Shoto replies as his eyes wander back to where his mother continues to chatter away with you at the kitchen table. He startles slightly as a hand claps him on the shoulder, turning to find Natsuo has finally arrived. “Been a minute baby bro. The living nightmare hasn’t arrived yet has he?” Natsuo asks casually. “Blissfully no, although I doubt that will last much longer,” Shoto acknowledges. “Will you two play nice? Shoto brought a guest,” Fuyumi chides. “Oh dumpster fire mentioned that, is it not the usual two?” Natsuo asks curiously. “Nope,” Shoto replies. “It’s sweet little (y/n). Remember her?” Fuyumi exclaims. “Ah she’s a little different than you remember,” Shoto chuckles but before he can elaborate Rei is returning to shoo all of her children into the dining room while she finishes up.
It’s nice talking to the Todoroki siblings and catching up. You’d never really known Natsuo and Fuyumi growing up so you appreciate getting the opportunity to now. You’d even managed not to get too outlandish as you joked around with them, your self-proclaimed gremlin nature laying dormant. At least until Endeavor finally returned home. None of you heard the front door open, too wrapped up in your conversation. He walks into the room and although he’s initially happy to see his family laughing and talking together, his eyes narrow as he spots you. “What are you doing here?” he asks, standing to his full height. “Shoto did you hear that? Sounds like a little bitch talking,” you snap instinctively, as you turn to glare at the new arrival. Everyone but Shoto and Endeavor look surprised. “Shoto I was under the impression you’d be bringing a friend along,” Endeavor replies through gritted teeth. “I did bring a friend,” Shoto replies easily. “You said she hated you,” Endeavor fires back. “Past tense! We settled our differences through the only language you and my father taught us. Violence,” you cut in, grin a little feral. “Do not lump me in with that villain,” Endeavor all but growls. “But that was your training buddy,” Shoto refutes with a straight face. “I do recall you two proclaiming you’d die for each other on multiple occasions,” you taunt. “Ah yes, everyone knows best friends who abuse children together, stay together,” Shoto adds. Fuyumi and Rei watch on stunned as Natsuo barely suppresses his surprised laughter at you and Shoto’s comments. “I, at least, am trying to be better,” Endeavor snaps. “Try harder,” you and Shoto both say at the exact same time. Endeavor looks as if he’s about to growl out another response but Rei is swiftly out of her seat to put a placating hand on Endeavor’s chest. “Ok, ok, let’s call a truce. Enji you go get changed out of your work uniform and then we can all just sit down for a nice meal,” Rei proposes. Endeavor mutters something under his breath but agrees none the less before storming off to go get changed. “Ok, petition for (y/n) to replace dad at all family functions?” Natsuo grins. “Natsuo,” Rei chides gently. “I second the petition,” Shoto replies, causing you to cackle. The fondly exasperated look on Rei’s face makes dealing with Endeavor worth it.
The dinner goes surprisingly smoothly even with Endeavor there. He seems far less intimidating when he’s not in his hero costume, which only further enables you and Shoto’s belligerence any time the man dares make his displeasure with your presence known. You can’t imagine why you were worried about them accepting you. The entire night is suffused with a warmth you’ve missed. You love your mother but the past several years have been difficult for her. To suddenly be solely responsible for supporting both of you financially all while dealing with the stigma of her husband’s reputation has meant work is twice as hard and keeps her twice as busy as it did when you were younger. You had missed having Mrs. Todoroki to lean on and in many ways she feels like a second mother to you. Not to mention finally getting to interact properly with Natsuo and Fuyumi. When dinner is finished, Endeavor and Rei are the ones to clear up the plates and begin cleaning up the kitchen. You keep talking with Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Shoto for awhile before you finally decide to get up and grab some water from the kitchen. You excuse yourself from the table and head that direction, but just before you enter the other room you notice Rei and Enji speaking in hushed voices to each other. Curiosity drives you closer and you decide to hover on the other side of the doorway and eavesdrop.
“I thought you and Shoto were making progress. What happened?” Rei asks with concern as Endeavor scrubs away at a dish. “That girl happened,” Endeavor replies. “That girl has a name,” Rei says warningly. “Yes she does. It’s (Y/l/n) and I seem to be the only one who remembers that fact,” Enji retorts. “You cannot judge her by the sins of her father.” “She was there Rei. He brought her for a reason.” “Yes, just as you took Touya out to the woods that day for a reason. Just because you have a certain intent doesn’t mean your children will share it. You should know better than anyone that being related to a villain doesn’t make someone one.” “I’m just trying to protect Shoto from the betrayal and pain I felt. I don’t want her hurting him.” “I know but whether she’s going to hurt him or not, that’s a mistake he’ll have to make himself.”
You try not to flinch at Rei’s words. You’re used to people doubting your intentions because of your father but to hear it from Rei stings. You’d expected her to insist you’d never hurt Shoto. You decide you don’t want to hear anymore and head back to the dining room, water glass still empty. “I thought you went to grab water,” Fuyumi points out as you return. “Oh, I ended up drinking it on the way back over here and I’m too lazy to go refill it again,” you lie. She and Natsuo seem to accept the lie easily, resuming the conversation they’d been having, but Shoto gives you a concerned look. He scans your face as if he could ascertain what’s wrong if he looked hard enough. He catches your eye and mouths “what’s wrong?” but you simply shake your head and give him what you hope is a reassuring smile.
Eventually it’s time for you and Shoto to head back to the dorms. You swallow down your hurt as you hug Rei goodbye and then say your goodbyes to the other Todoroki siblings. Endeavor hovers in the doorway out of obligation, saying his goodbyes to Shoto before staring at you warily. “Good seeing you too, fuckface,” you tell him with a roll of your eyes. You count Shoto’s amused smile as a win. As the two of you start walking to the train that will take you back towards campus, part of you worries that Shoto will grill you on what’s wrong now that the two of you are alone. He looks somewhat deep in thought as the two of you walk and you brace yourself for the question you’re not prepared to answer as he finally opens his mouth. “Want to have another movie night tonight?” he finally asks. You blink at him in confusion for a moment as the words process. When you fully realize he’s not pressuring you to tell him what’s wrong, relief washes over you like a wave. “That sounds perfect,” you sigh, some of the tension leaving your body on the exhale. “Great,” Shoto affirms and when the two of you make eye contact you know he understands how you’re feeling perfectly. The two of you continue on your way in companionable silence and, not for the first time, you find yourself incredibly grateful to have Shoto by your side again.
A/N: I live for Shoto and (y/n) roasting Endeavor tbh. Also Rei only phrased things the way she did because she was trying to appeal to Endeavor and didn’t think the kids would hear her. This is why you shouldn’t eavesdrop 🥲 Anyway, next chapter we’ll finally find out what exactly happened when (y/n) was 8 and why her father is so hated.
Taglist: @sorrythatspussynal @miss-bakugo-writes @pixelwisp @larkspyrr @sokkaandzukosimp @akkaso @sunaispretty @mindofess @todoplusultra @oliviasslut @lapysllazuly @immah0e4fictionalmen
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remember when i said i was gonna write a "hawks gets stuck in a time loop" fic? well i'm like 99% sure i'm never gonna finish it, but i really liked this particular scene so here y'all go
platonic endhawks, mention of not-so-platonic dabihawks, mention of typical time loop angst, 1500 words of just the most self-indulgent h/c i've ever written. i go apeshit for mid-redemption-arc father figure endeavor, if you can't tell
To say what Hawks is expecting after his outburst wouldn’t really be accurate, since he’s not really thinking clearly enough to expect anything at all.
Honestly, he doesn’t give two shits. What does it matter? What does it matter if he just says screw it and blows up every relationship he has? What does it matter if Endeavor now thinks he’s lost every last shred of his sanity—and fuck it, maybe he has—if all of this is just gonna reset in a few days’ time?
At this point, what the fuck does it matter?
He’s still gonna have to have to watch Endeavor die over and over and over again. Same with Dabi. Same with who knows how many others. Rumi. Jeanist. Twice. Tsukuyomi. Shouto, and the rest of Endeavor’s kids. No matter what he does, this still ends with people he cares about in the ground. A knife in the back. A gaping scorched hole where vital organs should be. A whole body—a whole person, drained of all its blood or reduced to nothing but a pile of ashes.
He’s too busy thinking about how long he’s gonna be stuck watching this horror show over and over and over again to even begin to think straight. He’s exhausted. He’s done. Or, you know, he would be done. If he had that option.
So no, he’s not expecting anything.
But if he had been expecting anything, it sure as hell wouldn’t have been this: Endeavor, carefully and silently stepping up to where Hawks is sitting, leaning back against the opposite wall, and then sliding down until he’s sitting, too. The space is narrow; Endeavor’s boots are nearly touching the wall to Hawks’ right, until he pulls his knees up.
Then, calmly, so fucking bizarrely calmly, he asks, “How many times?”
Hawks blinks.
“I— what?”
“How many times have you…” Endeavor starts to say, then makes a vague gesture with one hand that might be meant to indicate the time loop, “… been through all this?”
Hawks stares at him for longer than is probably strictly reasonable, but, well, sue him. The question isn’t reasonable. It doesn’t make any sense, not unless—
“You believe me.”
Endeavor nods.
“You…” Hawks gulps. “You don’t think I’m insane.”
Because that’s— well, that’s insane.
“You’re a lot of things, Hawks, but insane isn’t one of them,” Endeavor says, and there’s nothing but open frankness on his face. “How many times?”
The lump in his throat swells a bit. Hawks swallows it down.
“I don’t know,” he admits. “I lost count.”
“So guess.”
Hawks huffs. “I— I don’t know. Fifty? Sixty?”
“Jesus.” Endeavor tips his head back against the wall, evidently letting that answer settle while he thinks. Then he says, “Alright. Catch me up, then. Where are you when it resets? How far back does it take you?”
“I— I don’t—” Hawks stammers then shakes his head. “What do you mean, how far back—? Catch you up? Endeavor, how the hell are you so calm about this? Why do you—? Why do you believe me?”
Endeavor frowns at him, and at least that’s something that makes sense, at least now he’s sort of looking at Hawks like he’s almost as insane as he sounds.
“Hawks,” he says, again so goddamn calm. “Why would I not believe you?”
“Because this is insane!”
“Yes, but so are a lot of things we deal with on a daily basis,” Endeavor reminds him. “This could be the work of someone with a strange Quirk we’ve never heard of. It’s not so insane that it’s impossible.”
He says that so casually, just posits a perfectly reasonable explanation to the thing that’s been torturing Hawks for fucking months, that for a second he thinks he might faint. Right here and right now.
Endeavor’s frown shifts, a crease deepening between his brows, and he asks, “Do I usually not believe you when you tell me?”
Hawks opens his mouth, then shuts it.
That is somehow all it takes for Endeavor to come to the right conclusion.
“This is… the first time you’ve told me,” Endeavor says, nodding to himself. “Well. I suppose that explains a lot. Even if it is mind-blowingly short sighted. But— Hawks, is this the first time you’ve told anyone? At all?”
Again, Hawks’ lack of an answer is all the answer he needs.
Endeavor sighs, and it’s a world-weary sort of sigh, an I-can’t-believe-this sort of sigh that suddenly makes Hawks feel very, very, very young. Like a useless little fucking kid, lost and scared and clutching a raggedy old plushie to his chest. Endeavor—the real Endeavor, the real deal, his coworker, his somewhat too human hero, the horribly shitty father to a guy he may or may not be in love with, and his friend somehow in spite of all of it—tilts his head to the side and massages his forehead for a second, and then he asks, “You’ve been through this, what? Fifty, sixty times? And it never once occurred to you, in all this time, to ask someone for help?”
He drops his hand and levels Hawks with an annoyed stare.
Hawks gulps down the lump in his throat, again, which doesn’t do much to steady his voice or hide how close he is to breaking down, again, but he manages to croak, “I’m, uh… I’m not too good at that, big guy. Never have been.”
Endeavor looks at him for a second, and then he nods. “Alright. Well, since you refuse to ask, I’m offering it anyway. What can I do to help?”
What can he—?
Hawks gulps for the third time. He thinks of— what was it, forty loops ago, or thirty-something, the first loop where he’d lost Endeavor, the first time Hawks had to watch him get burned down to smoldering bits of bone. He’d been trying to protect Hawks that time, planting his comparably more fireproof body between Hawks and Dabi, only to vastly underestimate exactly how hot Dabi’s flames could get. And then a few loops after that, when Hawks fucked up the timestream and Toga somehow got to Endeavor first, and he’d long since gone cold by the time Hawks found him. And then there’s the time that Hawks can barely stand remembering at all, the time Dabi managed to burn the whole Todoroki home down to cinders with Natsuo and Fuyumi and Rei inside, the time when all the fight seemed to drain right out of Endeavor, when Dabi had said, ah, come on, old man, you’re sucking all the fun out of this, at least fight back, before—
“Um,” Hawks says, squeezing his eyes shut and shoving the thought as far to the back of his mind as it’ll go. He’s shaking, and it’s annoying, because he can’t get it to stop.
What can I do to help?
“I— Can I, uh… Can I just—?” Hawks asks, pointing toward the spot on the wall opposite himself, right beside where Endeavor’s sitting.
Endeavor raises an eyebrow before his meaning seems to catch on, and then, without a word, he gestures with a tilt of his head, indicating the same spot. Hawks scrambles up, tucking his wings in close as he spins around and plants himself side-by-side with Endeavor instead. His right wing extends out as far as it needs to, while the left curls up, cramped between his back and Endeavor’s ribs as Hawks hunches forward and wraps his arms around his knees. The heat of Endeavor’s Quirk, even powered down as it is, tingles through his feathers. Because he’s alive. Alive and not burnt to ash, alive and not drained to empty, alive and not willingly and brokenly stepping right into death.
And then Endeavor lifts his arm up, and something about the warm weight of his arm falling over Hawks’ shoulders just— It fucking cracks something in half somewhere in the middle of his chest. He ducks his head down against his knees and tangles a hand in his hair, trying and failing to stop the hiccupping sob that shakes its way through him, and Endeavor…
Endeavor, shockingly, doesn’t tell him to pull it together. He doesn’t tell him that heroes are supposed to be, like, unbreakable symbols or pillars of strength or whatever the hell other kind of bullshit Hawks might have expected from him.
Instead, as Hawks wriggles his left wing out so it curls around Endeavor’s back, Endeavor sighs for maybe the millionth time, and he tightens his arm around Hawks’ shoulders, and he drops his chin on top of Hawks’ head, and he moves his hand slowly up and down Hawks’ upper arm. That’s it. Not a hug, not exactly, but something close to it, while Hawks maybe breaks down a little bit, and while he lets himself believe, for at least a few seconds, that he’s actually safe from all this, that as long as he’s under the arm of the Number One Hero then there’s not a force on Earth that can touch him. Not the League, not the Commission, not whatever godawful shit’s been throwing him back through these time loops over and over and over again. Not a single fucking thing.
“It’s alright,” Endeavor says, his voice reverberating through Hawks’ bones. Like it’s that simple. “It’s alright. We’ll figure this out.”
And, for at least a few seconds, Hawks lets himself believes that, too.
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bbq-hawks-wings · 3 years
Do you think Horikoshi did a well enough job with the Touya backstory reveal? Touya ended up really different from what fans thought. The beginning of the whole family's dynamic and history really. I don't know if there were enough clues dropped beforehand.
I would respectfully disagree because it was a running theory that gained traction as far back at the summer camp ambush, and only got more hints as the series went on. Even from the very beginning he said, "You can call me Dabi for now."
We got that odd introduction as well as the fact he was a fire quirk users with striking blue eyes that were the same shade as Endeavor's (this theory really took off after the anime included Dabi).
We learned about how Endeavor was set up to have his past come back to bite him with Shouto's life story in the Sports Festival (though at the time none of us knew he would make such a turn of character by the time it happened)
Dabi specifically called Shouto and Endeavor by their full name which is an odd thing for a villain to do without a personal connection to them.
We learn about a missing brother in the Todoroki family who's death Natsuo specifically blames Endeavor for.
The little boy in the photo on the butsudan had the wrong hair color to be Dabi, but that's an easy detail to change and isn't out of the question in universe (Kirishima dies his hair from black to red) and the timeline would add up given the age the boy was in the photo the year he died vs how long it had been since and Dabi's approximate age.
In a blink-and-you-miss-it dialogue, in the Pro Internship Arc, Endeavor's response to learning that Deku's quirk harms his body is, "you're one of us" and we learn around this time that Dabi's repeated use of his flames burn away at his body.
There might be more clues than this, but these are just off the top of my head and I think they're compelling when you consider the fact that everyone expects Dabi to be fully dead which would easily explain why the idea he might be Touya never crossed anyone's mind.
I was thoroughly pleased with the outcome of the reveal. It was in character for Dabi and horrific to watch knowing the ripple effect it would have. You could clearly see where he lied or twisted the truth in the video and the manic glee on his face when he literally gloated in his father's face after getting what he wanted after so long.
It may not have been what the fandom was expecting (though, I have no idea what's fandom consensus anymore because I can't trust algorithms) but at least I don't think it was a bad outcome - kind of like how Hawks' backstory wasn't quite what we expected but was still compelling and captivating to watch.
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the-final-sif · 4 years
Now, for the fake quarantine dating au aka the Fuyumi has gone feral au, we’ve now got 3/4 todoroki siblings hanging around the league of villains. Obviously this can only go well. Incorporating some lovely suggestions I got in here.
Fuyumi is now on quite good terms with most of the league. She’s practically adopted Toga as her new younger sister. Because really, the girl is quite sweet when she’s not stabbing people and she’s still a teenager. Fuyumi is a really good influence on Toga and while there’s obviously a lot of things she can’t help with, she’s able to at least get Toga to be better about consent and stalking.
Twice & Fuyumi become super close, at first just because Twice is keeping an eye on her to make sure she’s not taking information she’s not supposed to, but it quickly becomes a regular friendship. Twice is extremely supportive of Fuyumi and honestly he’s just so happy to be helpful that Fuyumi can’t help but like him.
She’s so used to being in a caretaker/helper role, that Twice being so eager to help her out is unfamiliar to her, but honestly a godsend at the same time. Twice helps her manage the new extra workload of being a villain, and encourages her to keep going when she starts worrying that she’ll never find Touya.
I should mention in here that the league is actually the paranormal liberation front by this point, and Skeptic/Re-Destro/the others are hanging around, and at the very least Skeptic and Re-Destro are aware of who Fuyumi is and why she’s here/that she’s not really a villain, but honestly they’re just so relieved that there’s an Adult that Tomura and the others will listen to and who seems to actually know what’s she’s doing, so they’re keeping their mouths shut.
There’s probably a good month in here where Fuyumi suspects that Geten might be Touya who got quirk swapped by AFO, but eventually that theory gets disproved, putting her back at square one.
Under Fuyumi’s guidance, the league rescues Kurogiri from jail (although none of the core members are aware of his status), so now they have two Real Adults around, which is great.
Tomura is extremely happy to have his foster father back. Kurogiri is so proud of the progress he’s made while he was gone (and he 100% pulls Fuyumi aside privately to thank her for getting Tomura to dress respectably), and the two of them have a genuinely nice reunion.
One problem: Tomura now has now been dating Natsuo for a month, has caught Serious Feelings, but nobody knows about any of this and Tomura doesn’t even know how to go about telling anyone, let alone Kurogiri.
It doesn’t help that 1) since he accidentally told Natsuo his old name, Tenko, he then had to tell Natsuo that he’s still in the closest and ask him not to mention him to anyone by name to stop that from getting out. 2) Natsuo has no idea that he’s a villain, let alone the leader of the league of villains, because for obvious reasons, Tomura doesn’t think that will go over well.
He doesn’t want to lie to his boyfriend, but he doesn’t know how to tell the truth either. There’s so many things he can’t say, and even though he’s mostly just been avoiding answering certain questions, it’s still weighing on him.
All of which comes to a head one evening when the two of them are lying in bed, not doing much besides cuddling, something that is still extremely foreign to Tomura and which makes him a bit nervous, even with special gloves on. Maybe it’s how undemanding Natsuo is for answers, or maybe it’s because getting Kurogiri back has made Tomura more brave, or maybe it’s just that he’s kept secrets for too long, but regardless, Tomura’s the one who breaks the silence.
“I feel like- I- There’s things you should know. About me. That I haven’t told you. That I need to tell you. But-” And he doesn’t even know where he was going with that, because he can’t tell Natsuo, but god he needs to.
“Hey, hey, hey, easy.” Natsuo has a grin on his face, softer than his normal one but every bit as bright. “It’s okay. I mean, if there’s things you want to tell me, than I’m happy to listen, but you don’t owe me answers or anything. I get it. Everyone’s got skeletons in their closet. If you’re not ready to tell me yet, that’s just fine.”
God, he was so nice and Tomura wanted nothing more than to take him up on that, but all the same he knows that Natsuo wouldn’t be saying that if he knew.
“I want you to know, but I also don’t. Because it’ll change things. Don’t try to say it won’t. I know it will. There’s no way it won’t. And you deserve to know about it, but I don’t know how to tell you. I want you to know, but I like things how they are too and I don’t want them to change.”
Natsuo’s quiet for a moment, clearly considering before his fingers come up to gently stroke through Tomura’s hair, and fuck if that doesn’t help him calm down.
“Okay. I get that. It’s still okay if you aren’t ready yet though. If it makes you feel any better, there’s stuff I haven’t told you either, for the same reason. I like what we have now, and I don’t want to lose it. But hey even if knowing more about each other will change things, that doesn’t mean it’ll be worse. Just different. Change can be good too. Who knows.”
Again, it takes a lot for Tomura not to interrupt and say he knows this won’t be a good change. But he manages. He doesn’t manage to find any other words to say though, too busy wondering what secrets someone as kind as Natsuo could possible have. 
“Tell you what, I’ve been meaning to get this off my chest anyways, so how about I go first? Then if you feel like telling me your stuff, you can, or we can just save it for another night. Okay?”
Tomura nods, because that sounds nice, and who knows, maybe he’ll get lucky and Natsuo will reveal that he’s a villain too or something.
“Alright, here goes; the reason I haven’t told you my last name is because it’s Todoroki. And yes, it is the Todoroki you’re thinking of. Endeavor’s my father, and Shouto Todoroki, from the UA sports festival and stuff, that’s my younger brother.”
Oh god fucking damn it.
Suddenly, Tomura’s brain helpfully supplies him with a few facts.
He has, while not directly tried to kill Natsuo’s (and Fuyumi’s???) father, enabled Dabi to attempt something of that scale.
Wait, doesn’t Dabi have a grudge against that guy? It’d always been a bit weird to Tomura, but he hadn’t really questioned it. Not until now. That’s going to be a major problem.
“I didn’t tell you for a few reasons. One, I didn’t want you to like me or not like me because of him. Two, I noticed you were kinda jumpy about hero stuff and I didn’t want to scare you off, and three, my relationship with him is kinda... complicated. Definitely not great. It’s got to do with a lot of things, but Touya’s a pretty big part of it all.”
It takes everything in Tomura’s body to hold back his instinctive responses of ‘Do you want me to kill him for you?’, because at this point he doesn’t want to make that offer unless he means it, and he might mean it soon. Depending on a few things. He let’s his gut guide his tongue instead.
“You’re brother’s pretty important to you, huh?”
Natsuo laughs, and it’s something soft and bittersweet, but fond. Still so very fond.
“Yeah, I mean, both of them are. But Touya was my older brother. He was always looking out for me. He was a pretty sickly kid, but he had a fire in him like nobody I’ve ever met. Literally and metaphorically. I still remember how some older kids tried to pick on me after school- it must’ve been ten years ago now- he was so tiny back them, but that didn’t stop him. They weren’t taking him seriously, one of them asked him what he planned to do against them when he wasn’t even up to their shoulders.”
This time Natsuo’s smile is more fond, lost in memories. Something about this is causing ideas to connect in Tomura’s brain, and he knows it’s heading towards something, but he’s scared to get there. Why though?
“Touya looked the guy right in the eye said ‘This’, and without blinking or even changing his expression, just with a little flick of his hand, he sent a wave of flames across the ground. Before they could do anything, he melted their shoes in place so they couldn’t do anything. Then, while they were panicking about it, he got his big creepy grin on his face. The kid who’d been leading them looked up and I think he almost fainted out of fear when he realized that he couldn’t fight back or get away. He apologized real after after that, promised they’d never do it again, and Touya said they better not, or next time it wouldn’t be their shoes that he melted. Then he turned on his heel, grabbed my hand and walked me all the way back home. I never got picked on again after that. But that was Touya for you, nothing ever scared him.”
Vividly, a memory flashes in front of Tomura’s eyes of some low level grunt getting in Dabi’s face. The guy had been getting a bit too friendly with Toga while she was still recovering from her eye injury. She was on pain meds at the time, and honestly Tomura had been about to decay the guy where he stood when Dabi stepped in and told him to back off. Apparently the guy thought he was hot shit because he asked why he should.
The very next second, blue flames had erupted and the guy was stuck in place, bound by his own shoes and helpless to do anything but simper out apologizes as those flames hovered around him, the smell of burning flesh hitting the air. Tomura hadn’t heard what Dabi had said, but he’d heard the rumors afterwards. ‘Next time, my flames will be burning a whole lot more than just your feet. Got it?’.
He hadn’t actually burned the guy’s feet off all the way, but it was enough to leave scars as a reminder.
Tomura had wondered many a time what Dabi was like when he was younger. Before he was Dabi.
It was almost funny, to find out that he’d always been like this. At least on some level.
Years of training was the only reason Tomura managed to keep a straight face and his voice somewhat even.
“Sounds like he was a pretty good brother.”
“Yeah. He really was. I miss him so much. All of us do. I know Fuyumi told you guys that she’s thinks he’s still out there, I don’t know if I believe that or not, but I don’t really have the heart to tell her to let it go. I probably should. It’s been years. I just... I just really like to think he’s still out there somewhere. I’d give almost anything to get him back, if I could, so I can hardly blame her for looking for him.”
Silence for a moment.
“Sorry, that’s kinda a lot to dump on you- I don’t really talk about him a lot these days.”
“No, no, it’s fine. I- I get it. My family- some of them anyways- it’s not the exact same, but it’s similar. I miss them a lot too. And-”
Tomura wanted to tell him the truth, but fuck, he couldn’t. As much as he wanted to tell his boyfriend that his brother was alive, had been this entire time, even now looked out for them because now that he was thinking about it, fuck, no wonder Dabi had been avoiding Fuyumi even while he vouched for her. But-
But it wasn’t his place to. That wasn’t his secret to share.
“-who knows, I can’t say I’m one to believe in miracles, but they do happen sometimes.”
Fuck that sounded sappy. It made Natsuo grin though, bright and wide, and so it was worth it. Worth the guilt that settled in Tomura’s chest, for all the things he couldn’t say yet.
Biting his bottom lip, Tomura decided to switch topics, meandering back to far lighter discussions of new games coming out soon. He’d wanted to tell Natsuo everything- but not tonight.
There was someone else he had to talk to first.
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apexqueenie · 4 years
I’ve Missed You (Shoto Todoroki x Reader)
Warnings: Swearing, A N G S T
Hey everyone! I’m super excited to post the first request I’ve gotten by @bubblegum-bnha
Thank you all so much for reading!! Enjoy da spiciness❤️
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“Sh-shoto,” you breathed, “again…?”
Shoto brushed his lips down your bare stomach, nuzzling against your soft skin. “Mmmmm why not?”
“Shooooooo-” you said as you playfully lifted his face off you. You looked into his dual colored eyes and smiled, happy to have such a wonderful boyfriend. “I have a patrol tomorrow and...I’d like to be able to walk you know…”
Shoto sighs in defeat and lifts his naked body off yours, shifting to cage your head in between his elbows. “You know I love you, right?” he mumbled, slowly lowering his face to yours.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him into a deep and slow kiss, a complete 180 from the rough and passionate one you were having ten minutes before. He pulled away, leaving you nearly breathless. “I love you so much more Sho” you smiled.
He smiled back and sat up, allowing you to get off the bed and retrieve your clothes scattered around the room. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay the night?” he asked.
You shook your head no. “don’t wanna get caught by your old man again, remember last time?”
Shoto grimaced, remembering the ugly encounter the three of you experienced just a month ago. Endeavor caught you both (fully clothed) on the front porch, Shoto planting kisses along your jawline. Furious that his son was ‘tarnishing the Todoroki household’, Endeavor forbade Shoto from leaving the house for an entire week. He would hate to imagine what would happen if he caught the both of you naked. Sho still lived with his father just like his big siblings Fuyumi and Natsuo. As much as he wanted to move out into a place of his own, he was only 18. His pride wouldn’t allow himself to borrow his father’s money for a house. Instead, he bides his time, saving whatever he can from his hero career.
“Good point” he said, getting up to put on his own clothes. He watched as you slid your arms through your jacket and opened the window. You turned around, giving your lover one last ‘I love you’ before sneaking down to the roof of the second story floor. Shortly after he saw your figure disappear into the darkness of the night, he closed his window and sighed, walking to his door to grab a glass of water downstairs. That plan went to shit as soon as he opened the door.
Endeavor’s large stature filled the doorframe, radiating a mixture of anger and disappointment. “Shoto,” he said, dangerously calm.
“Father,” he replied, unfazed, mirroring the same glare he was given.
Endeavor sighed, bringing a hand up to his face to pinch the top of his nose, “I thought I told you to stop seeing that girl?”
Uneasiness hit Shoto’sentire body. Did his father find out about the two of you sleeping with each other? Relax, Shoto thought to himself, he didn’t say anything about that yet.
“I had someone install cameras around the property for...safety reasons…” Endeavor said, but Shoto could see right through the lies.
Shoto’s face scowled up at his father, “And?”
“And, I saw her come out of your window, Shoto. I understand you two do a lot of hero work together, but I think she needs to-”
“She has a name” he hissed.
Endeavor sighed, getting more and more frustrated with his son’s behavior. Ever since the fire hero became number one in Japan, he’s tried to become a better father towards his kids, talking to them, spending time with them, giving them the attention they should’ve had a long time ago. Still, he hasn’t forgotten about making his youngest son the greatest hero in Japan. The Todoroki family has high expectations from the public, and with the elder siblings having no interest in hero work, Shoto was the only one to continue the legacy.
“Fine, I think that (y/n) needs to spend less time with you” Endeavor grunted, crossing his arms.
“Less time with me?” Shoto scoffed, “Enji, you don’t control me-”
Enji, not father, Shoto has struck a nerve. Endeavor’s face erupted in flames in a clear display of dominance as he glared down at his son. “Do you even hear yourself Shoto? You’re lacking at your job again, almost letting a civilian die the other day! Why? Because you failed to take your eyes off her when there were people in danger, (y/n)’s a hero for Pete’s sake! She can save herself when a civilian can’t!”
“I-“ For once, Shoto showed his father genuine emotion. His father was right, he did do everything that was just said. The guilt of that mistake crawling back to the pit of his stomach. “I thought the place was clear of civilians-” he started.
Lie. He knew there was one left, and he assumed the lady would run, but she didn’t. She was frozen with fear.
“And now you make pitiful excuses for your behavior?” Endeavor narrowed his eyebrows.
Shoto looked down, unable to say anything else in return. He remembered encasing the woman in ice before the debri could fall on her, but he could only do that because you were there, frantically pointing to the frightened lady before dodging one of the villain’s attacks. If you hadn’t done that, well...he didn’t even want to think about that. There was no excuse for his behavior. He turned his back on the helpless to focus on you, and that itself might as well be a crime.
His father sighed and extinguished the flames, placing a hand on Shoto's shoulders, “I understand that you love her Shoto, but this isn’t the first time this has happened. That’s four times this year so far, I can’t let you get distracted so easily when you’re putting civilian lives in danger-” Endeavor paused, bracing himself for what’s to come. He didn’t want it to come to this, but he had been pushed too far, so he said it.
One simple sentence, just one, was all it took to throw his son off track completely.
Shoto slapped his father’s hand away and stepped back in and anger. “What?!?”
“Shoto-“ Endeavor started
Shoto’s left side was the one erupting in flames now. “No, no I will not…I-“
“Shoto, it has already been arranged. Your mother has agreed to the arrangement as well.”
“M-mom?” Shoto stuttered, his parents actually agreed on something? The flames died down as he bowed his head, his anger dissolving into guilt. If his mom, his number one fan, had taken notice, then he really is screwing up.
“Yes, Rei is...worried about you Shoto, everyone is”
“Of course, she supports this relationship anyhow, foolish if you ask me-”
Shoto couldn’t hear the words, it was all gibberish. He tried to get upset at his father, like he used to be, but he couldn’t. He knew it was his fault. Ever since he met you on the field, your quirk nearly outdoing his, he couldn’t help but awkwardly ask for your name, asking for a date, asking for your love. He was head over heels with you, the fire from your relationship burning brighter than what could ever be created through his left hand. But it was burning too bright, blinding him from seeing reality, preventing him from doing his part to protect the lives of others.
Endeavor looked at his miserable son, feeling slightly guilty from bringing this upon him so quickly. “You leave in 2 weeks son, I’m sorry but, this is what we think is best for you” he said before walking away to give Shoto space.
Shoto sat at the edge of his bed wondering what the hell he was gonna do now.
In the blink of an eye, two weeks have passed, and he couldn’t bring himself to tell you. You were always smiling with him. He'd rather see that for two weeks than dampen your personality with his own problems...but that backfired on him once he realized he had to tell you at some point, and that had to be soon. This was his last day with you, and you both chose to walk in the park at night, enjoying the emptiness and the cool spring breeze.
“Shoooooooo” you whined leaning up against your boyfriend’s arm “talk to me, you’ve been so moody today”. Your beautiful eyes looked up at his tired ones, pleading for an explanation. He stared back with sadness, striking anxiety in you, but you waited, giving him time to collect his thoughts. You thought you were prepared for anything...anything but this.
“I’m leaving”
Your eyes widened, “what? Waiiit, you’re just joking aren’t ya-“ but you looked at him, and he was dead serious.
“You- you’re done with me?”
The mood shifted quickly, the cool air surrounding you both turning ice cold.
“What? No, I’m leaving for America in about two hours. I love you more than anything (y/n), and I would never leave you”
You looked down at your feet coming to a stop in the middle of the pavement. That piece of news was just as bad as the last. Emotions flooded your system as you tried to process his words. America? That’s so far away.
“...For how long?” You asked quietly.
“Four years” he sighed.
Four years
Your stomach dropped as you struggled to absorb that information. “Sho, why-?” You started, biting back the tears that threatened to fall.
Shoto pursed his lips, unable to look you straight in the eyes, “My family said I need to focus on being a hero, that our relationship- that I was putting lives at risk-“
“And you agree with them?”
“Yes (y/n), I-“
“And you hadn’t bothered telling me you were leaving Shoto? You kept this from me until the last fucking minute when we said we wouldn’t hide anything from each other???”
“I didn’t have a choice (y/n)-”
“Of course you have a choice! What? Now that your daddy’s the number one hero, you have to-”
“My mother said it too (y/n)!” Shoto yelled. He never yelled at you, and seeing you flinch like that broke his heart. He reached out to you, your figure slowly backing away from him. “I’m sorry baby, I-“
“No” you interrupted, tears falling freely from your eyes “no, I understand, if...if your mom wants you to go then, then you should go”
Shoto tried to grab your arm, but you were fast, and quickly ran aimlessly through the park, ignoring your boyfriend’s cries for you to come back. You ran for what seemed like hours until you realized you were at the city limits. Away from the pain, away from the sounds of the city, away from Shoto- but the guilt was there, gnawing at your chest like a parasite.
You should have stayed.
You should have told him you love him.
You should have said goodbye.
But you didn’t, you let your emotions take control, you let your anger get the best of you and now you’re paying the consequences.
You placed a hand on your stomach, wincing at the physical pain that was catching up to you now that your adrenaline was gone
You should have told him you were pregnant.
It was too late now. Still, you ran back to his house, ringing the doorbell impatiently for someone to answer the door. Fuyumi answered, hair messy from just waking up, glasses sitting crooked at the bridge of her nose.
“(y/n)?” she blinked.
You grabbed her shoulders, shaking her wide awake. “Where’s Sho?”
“You uh, you just missed him, he was looking around for you for as long as he could but dad dragged him off to the airport” she said, clutching on to her glasses.
You fucked up big time, now he’s gone.
“Dammit” you cursed, sinking to the floor. “Fuyumi… I didn’t get to say goodbye” You wiped the tears from your face, but they just kept falling, one after the other. “He told me but...but I freaked out and ran away and imjustsuchafuckindumbassandijustwantshototocomeback-“
“Hush hush, let’s get you inside first before you catch a cold” she said, urging you inside. She made you tea and listened to you ramble on about Sho for nearly an hour. You really loved that idiot. After you calmed down a bit, she grabbed a hoodie from his room, handing it to you neatly folded. “Here, he’d want you to have this”.
You took the hoodie, holding it close as you breathed in his scent. “Thanks…” you sniffed. “I’ll get out of your hair now Fuyumi, thanks for listening to me”
“Are you sure you don’t need a cab home?” she asked, grabbing her phone to call a Todoroki family chauffeur.
You waved your hands “ah no thanks, its ok, my house isn’t that far from here anyways.”. You got up and hurried to open the door before she could insist any further.
“(y/n)?” she said. You stopped, the door halfway open. “You’re welcome to stop by anytime for tea”.
You smiled and whispered a thank you before embracing the cool night air again and starting the walk home.
For four years, you kept your child secret, careful not to make it known to the public that you were raising Shoto’s child without him. After a year of “hero vacation” you resumed your hero work as normal, re-designing your costume to cover your stretch marks. The public didn’t need to know the drama. The last thing you needed were headlines all over the news that Shoto had ditched you and… for him to read those headlines in America and forget about his studies to rush back to Japan.
Your beautiful baby boy was born with bright turquoise eyes, with the right one later reflecting the same color as yours. His soft hair bright red, definitely a Todoroki family marking. The physical similarities to Shoto ended there, the rest were attributed by none other than you.
You watched in adoration as your son sat on the floor, playing around with the action figures he received from “uncle” Deku and “auntie” Ochako, the only two who knew your secret. They were a godsend, regularly helping out with babysitting when it was your turn to go on patrols. Honestly, you didn’t think you’d make it this far if it weren’t for them.
You were so lost in your thoughts that you hadn’t realized that your son had put his toys down and was staring right at you.
“Mama,” he said, “do I really have a dad?”.
Your eyes widened, astonished at how perceptive he is...just like Sho. No matter how many times you tell him the man in the pictures is his father, it doesn’t change the fact that he isn’t here in the flesh.
You slid off the couch to join him on the floor, pulling him gently onto your lap. “Baby, of course you have a dad-“
“-where is he?” He interrupted, looking at you with wide eyes.
“He’s….he’s not here right now baby, but you’ll see him some day” you replied, giving him a soft squeeze.
He pouted, “you always say that mama”
“I know, but it's true. You wanna see videos of him again?”
His eyes lit up. He loved watching old YouTube videos of Shoto’s hero work, amazed at how he used both fire and ice to take down the villains threatening the city. He excitedly made his way to the computer, both his Deku and Uravity figures forgotten on the floor, to watch his favorite hero in action.
Dinner was approaching in about an hour or so and you needed to quickly get some grocery shopping done. Just fifteen minutes or so, he’ll be fine right?
“Alright, I’m going to go get food ok? You sit here, understand? No opening the door for anyone except me, ok?”
“And papa?” He asked, eyes still glued to the screen.
You looked back at him, the door already open “sure honey” you smiled, and closed the door, locking it from the outside.
Your shopping trip took a little longer than expected due to the long lines, and overall, it took you about half an hour to get back home. You were planning to make cold soba, your son’s favorite. Plain and simple, yet it put a smile on his face every time. You hummed to yourself as you unlocked the door to your house, no longer hearing the blaring sound of combat from the computer. Your son must be tuckered out, possibly asleep on the desk.
You opened the door, preoccupied with your thoughts and the groceries to notice your son wasn’t passed out like you thought. “I’m home” you said, slipping off your shoes.
“Mama! Look!”
You looked up, expecting to see a giant mess of toys instead when you saw-
“Sho…?” You breathed, unable to believe your eyes.
There he was, dressed in just a plain grey sweater, jeans, and the same old haircut he had four years ago. Despite all this, he was noticeably brawnier, his muscles becoming more defined underneath his clothing. You didn’t think it was possible for him to get even more handsome than he already was, but here he is. He looked up at you with the same look of awe as he sat next to your son, cross legged on the floor with the Deku action figure in one hand.
“It’s papa!” Your son exclaimed excitedly, running over to give your leg a hug.
You reached your hand down to give your son a pat on the back, not taking your eyes from his dad. “Sho, how in the world-“
“Uh, sorry for intruding but, Midoriya sent me your address earlier. Apparently, I’ve been sending letters to an empty mailbox for quite some time now” he smiled sheepishly, pulling out a stack of envelopes from his book bag next to him. “Are you...wearing my hoodie?”
So he has tried to contact you. You thought all along that he’d forgotten about you, that he found some beautiful American girl while he was out there. Relief washed over you until another question nagged at the back of your mind. He had a phone didn’t he? You opened your mouth to say something, but it was like he could read your thoughts.
“Sorry I wasn’t able to call you, they didn’t allow phones in this school. After all...” he shrugged, “my father obviously had to pick the most prestigious hero program in America”.
Your son’s eyes lit up, “America? Papa, I wanna show you a thing!” he said before scrambling off to his room.
“Sho…” you said as soon as your son left, your voice cracking a bit with tension. You dropped the bag you were carrying and took small wobbly steps towards your lover. He sat up on his knees, arms wide open to catch you as you lunged forward, wrapping him up in a giant bear hug. You couldn’t hold back any longer and let your tears flow, quietly sobbing Shoto’s name in the crook of his neck. He rubbed slow circles on your back as he gripped you just as tightly as you held on to him. He pulled away moments afterwards to catch your lips in a sweet kiss, releasing all the pent up feelings you thought you could lock away deep inside your memories.
“I missed you so fucking much” he said. He rarely ever swore.
“Shhhhh, don’t teach our son how to swear this early” you smiled, pressing a finger to hush his lips.
Shoto sat back on his hunches, pulling you into a cradle with his strong arms, “so he really is ours huh” he said, bringing his hands down to your waist, “...I’m sorry I wasn’t here for him (y/n)...”. He looked straight into your eyes, reaching to squeeze your hand “I promise, I’m going to be here for him from now on, I’m not leaving you ever again.”
He kissed you again, deeper this time, as if he was afraid you were going to disappear. All those tears, all those years of anger and frustration, they all melted away as you two sat there, lost in your own world.
“Papa?” your son called. You smiled and got off Shoto’s lap, letting ‘papa’ stand up.
“We’re getting married next week, just so you know” he whispered in your ear before placing a kiss on your forehead and heading to see what his little rascal had to show him.
“About time” you mumbled with a grin.
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im-bakugous-bitch · 5 years
Shoto Todoroki - Quirk Marriage
Prompts 58 and 59 58: "Don't you dare touch her!" 59: "You came for me."
Quirk Description: Ground Strike The user can send bolts of lightning from the sky to any desired point within a ten foot radius of themselves, though doing so causes their body temperature to rise substantially to dangerous levels.  The location of the lightning strike and all ground in a five foot radius of it is then under the control of the user.  They can only control the ground for about ten minutes, and it will be frozen in whatever state they have it in (though gravity does still apply).  Laws of electricity still apply to the lightning bolts.
y/n POV
You were out in the park on a date with your boyfriend, Shoto.  The two of you sat on a blanket in the grass underneath a cherry-blossom tree chatting about whatever you could think of, and neither of you could have been happier.  You'd both just finished your graduation exams at UA, and were officially on your way to becoming Pro-Heroes.  
Unfortunately, your relaxing moment was interrupted when Shoto's eyes widened, staring at something behind you.  
You turned to see what he was looking at, and your eyes widened when you saw the towering Enji Todoroki standing over you, eyes fixed on his son in a glare.
"Shoto!" his father scolded, flame mustache blazing brighter around his face.  "What do you think you're doing?"
You wanted nothing more than to strike him with a lightning bolt and send him deep into a hole in the ground, but you restrained yourself.  You couldn't go and get yourself arrested for attempted murder on a Pro-Hero right before graduation.
You turned back to your boyfriend, to see his expression had calmed to a disinterested look.  "It's none of your business," he said coldly as he matched his father's glare.
You could feel Endeavor's glare shifting to you, almost as if his vision was as hot as his flames.  "You girl, what is the meaning of this?  What are you doing with my son?"
You slowly turned to look up at him again.  Your fear was probably evident on your face, but you didn't know how to hide it.  In the three years you had been dating Shoto, you had always managed to successfully evade his father and keep him from learning of your relationship.  But apparently, that had ended.  "Um..."  You couldn't find the words to explain yourself, so instead you stood up and bowed to him.  Maybe if you were respectful, he'd go easy on Shoto.  "My name is y/n l/n, Mr. Endeavor sir."  Being so polite to this monster killed you inside, but you were just trying to save Shoto.
Endeavor's glare softened slightly as he stared at you.  "l/n, you say?"
You stood up straight and nodded, but did not dare look him in the eye.  "Yes, sir."
He chuckled slightly.  "I see your parents are getting ahead of themselves.  Trying to win my son's favor, are you?"
Your eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.  You looked up at him accidentally, meeting his eyes and unable to find it in yourself to look away.  "I'm sorry?"
He laughed.  "Don't play dumb girl.  I will admit that this did take me by surprise, but I like your confidence.  Taking matters into your own hands."  You had no idea what he was talking about.  "That is most certainly a quality that will mix well with Shoto's."
Your eyes widened slightly.  "E-excuse me?"
Shoto stood up and stood beside you, putting his arm in front of you protectively.  "She's not doing anything wrong."
"Oh, on the contrary!" Endeavor said.  If you didn't know any better, you'd say you could see a gleam of pride in his eye.  "In fact, she's done everything right.  l/n, tell your parents I'll accept their offer."
"Neither of us has any idea what you're talking about," Shoto said venomously.  "So you should just leave us alone."
Endeavor shook his head disapprovingly at his son's words.  "l/n, I do hope your attitude will overpower Shoto's when you begin producing."
Your eyes widened even more somehow.  "Producing?!"
"That is the purpose of a Quirk marriage," Endeavor said, and your heart began to race.  
Quirk marriage?!  You'd never heard anything about a Quirk Marriage from your parents - they'd never even brought up the possibility!
"No," Shoto said angrily.  "I refuse."
You didn't like the idea of being married-off by your parents for your Quirk.  But your long-term boyfriend flat-out rejecting the idea of marrying you one day hurt you, deep down.  You turned to look at Shoto, but his attention was fixated on his father.
"And why is that?" Endeavor asked, anger seeping into his voice.  "This was a date, was it not?  You obviously have romantic interest in her.  You should be glad I chose somebody you knew.  It was either her or that Yaoyorozu girl."
Your heart shattered at that.  "I-I have to go," you said, bending down to pick up your backpack off the ground and putting it over your shoulder.  "I'll um...I'll talk to you later I guess."
Shoto grabbed your arm, and you met his sad eyes.  "y/n, don't go."
It hurt your heart that you saw him that sad, and even more that you were the one who caused it.  But you needed to talk to your parents and find out what the hell was going on.  "I need to talk to my parents," you said, trying not to look at his sadness.  But you couldn't stop thinking about it.  "I'll call you later, I promise."  You leaned forward and kissed his cheek before taking a step away.  You didn't bother giving Endeavor a farewell, you just turned and walked away.
That had happened two weeks ago.  It turned out that your parents had in fact offered you to Endeavor for Shoto's Quirk marriage.  You felt betrayed that they would sell you into marrying your boyfriend.  Not to mention it had made things uncomfortable between you and Shoto, which broke your heart.  He'd been your best friend ever since you started dating, and you had a bad feeling that it was going to end.
He'd asked you to meet him at a local coffee shop, which had your heart racing.  You hadn't really seen him outside of graduation activities ever since the incident, so you hadn't had time to talk about what happened.  You assumed what this was about.
This meeting was going to make or break your relationship.  Either Shoto was going to marry you, or he wasn't.  You'd made your decision after only a few days: if he'd have you, you'd marry him.  As betrayed as you felt, your parents desperately needed the money.  They had to have been blessed to have a child with a Quirk as desirable as yours, as people would pay lots of money to have you as their child's Quirk marriage.  Endeavor himself had offered your parents five million yen for your hand to Shoto.
You were on your way to the coffee shop to meet Shoto when you were stopped by a man on the street.  "Do you know how to get here?" he asked you, pointing to a map in his hands.  You had to admit, seeing someone walking around with a map felt a little odd, but you figured he was a tourist or something and brushed it off.
You shook your head, looking closely at the map.  You'd never been to that area before.  "I'm sorry, sir, I don't know how to get there."
A grin crossed his face.  "Good."
A bag was placed over your head before your eyes, and a hand flew to muffle your screams.  You struggled against the man and his accomplice, but to no use.  They had dragged you into an alleyway, you could tell by the loss of light through the sack on your head.  Your heart was racing; you were being kidnapped.  You tried to fight back against the men, but they had you restrained within moments.  You couldn't even use your Quirk, because they were so close that the lightning would burn you, too.  Not to mention you couldn't do anything to the ground without hurting yourself.  Your Quirk was more for ranged attacking.
You felt yourself being shoved over and landed on something soft.  A car seat.  You were being stuffed into a car.  You tried to scream against your captor's hand, but your cries were muffled as the door slammed shut.
Shoto POV
Shoto had been waiting at the coffee shop for an hour.  You should have been there by then, it was only a few minute walk from your house.  He began to fear that you were standing him up, that you had lost interest in the relationship.  It made him feel ridiculous for going out and buying an engagement ring.  If he was going to marry you, he was going to do it right.  But it looked like he wasn't doing it at all.
He tried calling you several times, but to no avail.  After sitting in the coffee shop for two hours, he finally got up and left the coffee shop, walking back to his house with his head hung.  When he returned he went straight to his bedroom and laid down in his bed, hiding himself under his blankets.  His heart felt shattered, he couldn't think of anything except the woman he loved leaving him this way.  He figured it was probably because they had hardly spoken since the incident, and in that time she decided that she didn't want to be with him.
He'd wanted to talk to you after the day at the park, but he never could.  He never knew how to bring it up.  But he'd brought the issue up to his friends, who helped him compose his plan to propose officially.  He was finally ready, but you didn't show up.
He didn't move from his bed for the next few days, except for using the bathroom.  Fuyumi and Natsuo took turns checking in on him and bringing him food, which he never touched.  He was too depressed to eat, and when they asked how he was doing he always told them he was fine.  
It was on the third day that Fuyumi threw his door open and ran in.  "Shoto!" she said.  The tone of her voice caught his interest, surprisingly, and he rolled over to face her.  "Check this out!"  She shoved her cell phone in his face.
He blinked as his eyes adjusted to look at the cellphone, and he shot up on his bed when he read the headline of the article she was showing him:
Shoto's eyes widened as his heart began racing.  You'd been kidnapped.  He read thr entire article, and it said you'd last been seen on your way to meet your boyfriend at a coffee shop.
You didn't stand him up.
He jumped up out of his bed and immediately threw on clean clothes.  "I'm going to look for her," he said.  He didn't even wait to hear what his sister had to say, he just ran past her after dropping her phone onto his bed.
When he got outside, he realized he had no idea where to look for you.  He took out his phone and searched your name, resulting in several articles reporting you missing.  He scrolled through them, his heart falling with every article he saw, until his phone began to ring.  He didn't want to talk to anyone, but he couldn't not check it.  What if it was you?
He pulled out his phone, seeing an unknown number flashing across the screen.  Given the current circumstances, he decided to answer it.  "Hello?"
"Shoto."  It was you.  Why were ou calling from an unknown number?
His eyes widened.  "y/n!  Where are you?"
"I can't tell you that."  You cleared your throat.  "I'm calling to apologize.  I don't know what you were planning to say at the coffee shop, but I'm sorry you didn't get to say it."
He shook his head, forgetting you couldn't see.  "I don't care about that.  Just tell me where you are and I'll come get you."
He heard you make a small sound, and he knew what that sound was.  It was you holding back a sob.  "I don't know what you were going to say at the coffee shop...but I can't marry you.  I don't know if that's what you wanted or not, but no matter what...I can't."
He could've sworn his heart stopped.  "Why not?"
There was hesitation in your voice as you said, "Because I'm marrying someone else."
He froze.  Why were you marrying someone else?  How could you do this to him?
"I'm so sorry, Sh-Todoroki."
He didn't know his heart could break more, but that did it.  You used his last name.  He heard some muttering in the background, and suddenly a new voice was speaking.
"Hello, Todoroki."  This was a man's voice, no doubt.  Most likely your captor.  Were you even captive?  Had you secretly been seeing someone else?  "I'm Aito Suzuki, y/n's fiancé."
His body began to flare with rage.  This jackass had the nerve to have her call him?
"I apologize that it's in this manner, but I'd like to meet with you."
He had no interest in meeting with this man.  He'd stolen you from him.  He was about to reject the offer and hang up when he heard a quiet sound.  It was distant, but he heard your shriek through the phone.
You were definitely a captive.
He had to go to this meeting.  He had to save you.  "Tell me where and when," he said.
He could hear Suzuki's grin as he said, "that coffee shop where you were supposed to meet my darling y/n.  Two hours."  The line went dead immediately after that sentence.
Shoto stared at his phone in shock.  He didn't understand what was happening, but he knew you were in trouble.  He had to save you.  Even if you didn't want to marry him, he couldn't just leave you there.  He rushed down to the coffee shop, wanting to get there as early as possible so he could be there before the jackass he was meeting with.
He sat down at an empty table and stare at the door for a solid hour.  When a man walked in, locking his eyes onto Shoto, he knew this was Suzuki.  His suspicion was confirmed when the man walked over to him and sat down across from him at the small table.
"You came early, too," the man said, his grey eyes studying Shoto.  "Smart."
Shoto stared at him.  "What do you want?"
"Your cooperation."  He pulled a case off of the ground and pushed it over to Shoto.  "You leave me and y/n be, and this is yours."
Shoto opened the case to see it stuffed full of money.  He looked up at the man, eyes burning with hatred.  "You want to buy her from me."
Suzuki shrugged his broad shoulders.  "That tends to be how Quirk marriages work, is it not?  Usually I'd give the money to the parents, but...once she explains, they won't fight it one bit.  She and I are going to make such great Heirs."
Shoto's eyes widened.  "Don't you dare touch her!"
He gave a cocky smile and rested his hand on the table before standing up.  "It's a pleasure doing business with you, Todoroki."
Shoto also stood up from the table.  "Keep your money."  He closed the case and pushed it back across the table.  "You can't have her."
Suzuki's grin fell.  "Don't do this.  I do believe you'll make a fine Hero one day, don't make me kill you first."
"Tell me where she is."
His new enemy glared at him.  "And why would I do that?"
Shoto's entire left side erupted into flames, causing everyone in the coffee shop to turn and stare in fear.  "Because," he said as people began fleeing the coffee shop.  He could only imagine how terrifying he looked.  He took a step closer to Suzuki, using his right arm to grab a hold of the man's shirt.  "If you don't, I'll kill you."
Suzuki laughed.  "You don't scare me, I hope you know that.  But if you want to fight, I ask that we take it outside.  Level the playing field."
It was Shoto's turn to laugh.  "Why would I want to give you a fair chance?"
Suzuki shrugged his shoulders.  "Fair enough."  He pulled his foot up and kicked Shoto in the stomach, effectively pushing him away.  He turned and ran out of the coffee shop while Shoto was bent over in pain.
He couldn't let this overtake him.  He quickly put his pain aside and followed Suzuki from the cafe, running after him into an alleyway.  There was a van parked at the end of it.
The bastard was just going to run away.
Shoto used his Quirk to ride ice down the alley, slowly but surely gaining on Suzuki.  When there was still about ten feet between them, the door flew open and the coward jumped inside.
Shoto could've sworn he saw you sitting in the car.
The car was moving before the door was even closed.  He let out a scream of fury, putting more focus and energy into his ice as he followed the car.  He was losing it quickly, so he had to cut to plan B.  It was dangerous, but he had to try.  His hand shot out, causing a wall of ice to form in the middle of the street right in front of the van.  The van crashed into it, effectively stopping it, and he ran the rest of the distance on foot.
When he reached the van, he pried the door open and looked inside.  Thankfully Suzuki was unconscious in the front seat, but he heard a quiet groan coming from the back.
He turned and saw you, strapped down to the seat of the car with a blindfold over your eyes, with a large gash in your cheek.  He quickly reached over and used all his strength to pull you from the seat, pulling you out of the car and into a hug as he removed your blindfold.
"Shoto?" you whispered quietly, looking at him in shock.  Thankfully, you didn't look to be too hurt.  "Shoto!"  You wrapped your arms around his neck and jumped up, effectively latching yourself onto him as his arms wrapped around you.  "You came for me!"
He held you tightly, smiling.  "Of course," he said quietly before pressing a kiss to your forehead.  "I'd never leave you to someone else against your will."
You removed your legs from around him, standing up straight in front of him.  Thankfully, it appeared your only injury was the gash on your cheek.  "Thank you."
He took your hands in his.  "I-I thought you didn't want me."
You shook your head.  "I thought you didn't want me!"
"I want you forever, y/n."  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box.  He hadn't taken it off his person since he went to the coffee shop to meet you three days ago.  He opened the box and placed it into your hand, meeting your eyes.  "Marry me?"
You nodded tears filling your eyes as you pulled him in for another hug.  "Yes, yes of course!" you cried, holding onto him tightly.  You never wanted to let go.
He wrapped his arms around you, picking you up and twirling you in a circle.  When he put you down, he separated you slightly to put the ring on your finger before connecting his lips to yours in a kiss.  When you two were finally separated, you turned to look at the wrecked van.
"We should probably do something about that," you said, eyeing the van and holding onto Shoto's arm tightly.
He shrugged his shoulders.  "We can leave that to the police.  Let's go get your head checked out."
You nodded, and though you were bleeding from your face you couldn't help the smile that grazed your lips.
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some-cookie-crumbz · 4 years
“It’s three in the morning” for Fuyumi and Hawks please...🥺
Oh, Anon, you came for my Secret Ship with this one!!! I am all about that Huwumi!!!
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The clatter of glass being rattled violently jolted her awake. She'd always been a light sleeper, for reasons she didn't like thinking about, and laid still for a moment. She determined the sound was coming from her own window. She flipped over slowly and stared at the looming shadow taking up the whole of her window. She sucked in a breath and frantically threw her glasses on, dropping the small, jagged icicle she'd conjured up with Quirk in her haste. Just because she wasn't a Pro didn't mean she didn't understand the concept of self defense. She made quick of the latch, pushing the slider up. "Hawks?" she wheezed in disbelief.
"The one and only," he said, the teasing tone he always spoke with sounding strained and the words struggling out through his teeth. She stepped back, arms extended to help him slip inside, as he wobbled his way inside. "Pardon the intrusion."
"Hawks, what are you doing here? It's-" she started, hands up in the air uselessly as she stole a glance at her alarm clock, "three in the morning!"
"Sorry about that; didn't mean to drop in unannounced," he drawled with a huffy chuckle. She took the moment to size him up, watching him sway uncertainly before her. It was then she noticed his feathers starting to pool on the floor, wings drooping with the struggle of staying upright.
"You're hurt," she breathed. She guided him over to sit on her futon before squatting down and cupping his face, carefully tilting his head this way and that, checking him over. She was a little relieved to find no head injuries, before she shifted to push at his jacket. “Where are the injuries? How bad are they? Should I call an ambulance?”
He reached out, looping one arm around her waist to pull her a little closer and dropped his head against her shoulder. “‘S not that bad. Mostly minor stuff on my back and shoulders, probably a little banged up in the wing area,” he said, not lifting his head from its perch and flapping his free hand in the air lightly.
“I’m going to go get a first aid kit out of the bathroom so I can patch you up. If they’re really bad, though, then I’m taking you to a doctor,” she warned, moving to pull away. He let out a small whine of protest but let her slip away. She carefully moved over to her desk and turned on the little lamp there, casting the room in a faint glow. “While I’m gone, get your jacket and shirt off for me.”
“Can’t wait to get me undressed, Fu?” he purred, his tone playful but still a bit bogged down. She shook her head but felt her lips twitch up in a small smile. If he was feeling well enough to make flirty commentary, he would be safe for a few minutes. "No rush about the injuries, though. I just... I really needed to see you."
Pink flooded her cheeks at the omission and she scampered out, letting out a quiet mutter that she'd try to be quick.
Fuyumi wasn't sure when whatever was between she and Hawks had gotten to this point of intimacy. As the only daughter - and the only sibling with a somewhat amicable relationship with their father - the job of maintaining positive public relations fell to her. She could be charismatic and superficial - and flirtatious when absolutely necessary - so, when he needed someone to grease the squeaky wheels of Hero society, Enji tended to call upon the now-eldest. She would be dragged along to banquets and charity events and the like to flounce about, playing the role of darling debutante to a tee, and gaining him some amount of clout. After all, Endeavor couldn't be that bad if he raised such a charming young lady.
She absolutely loathed it. She hated having to go and play the part, of having to let men she barely knew get cozy with her just for her father's sake. He was always watching for her, and nothing more than a hand sliding too a little too far above her knee had occurred, but the whole thing was still uncomfortable. And then there was the strain it put on her relationship with her brothers, too. With Shouto, it was more that he was put off by her assisting her father and gave her these looks that said more than words ever could. She opted against pointing out that, unless he do something about his own attitude, she'd most likely have to do clean up duty for him, too. It was always a fight with Natsuo and had come down to some nasty accusations being thrown at her a handful of times.
She had openly sobbed, the first time he said it, before closing herself off from feeling the sting of it when she'd seen how upset his own words had made him.
At one charity event, though, she'd slipped out to get some air and encountered then Number Three Hero, Hawks. He had overheard her grousing to herself about investors and the Hero Commission and chimed in with a few quibbles of his own. It had been a nice reprieve, to speak with someone who wasn't as tucked into the Commissions pocket as some of the other Pros, and from that point forward they sort of gravitated towards each other at social gatherings. They would whisper and gossip about some of the other Heroes in attendance, chat about their personal lives outside of work, about music and books and television dramas. She wasn't sure when she started actively seeking out red feathers or slicked back golden hair, nor when the fluttering had started in her belly at the mere thought, but… She liked it. She liked him. And he liked her. And, well… they fell into whatever their relationship was from there.
They didn't label it, but they were exclusive and belonged to the other and that was enough.
She was quiet and careful as she slipped out of her room and to the bathroom. Endeavor was out of the city for a few days and, as such, Natsuo and Shouto were both staying in the family manor. She knew they’d stayed up later than she had, with the older teaching the younger how to play Mario Kart, and hoped she didn’t wake them up. Locating the first aid kit was easy, but she double-checked it to make sure that all the items were there. She took a second to toss an extra tube of antiseptic cream and an actual bottle of burn cream in it as well. She then grabbed a washcloth and small basin, filling it with lukewarm water and tossing the cloth inside. She was willing to wager there’d be a bit of mess to clear away before she could start cleaning it properly. “Okay, that should be everything,” she mumbled to herself, carefully juggling the items and slipping back out into the hallway.
“Nee-Chan?” She jumped and turned to see Shouto watching her from the other end of the hallway. He was rubbing at one eye with the heel of a hand, voice thick with sleep, eyebrows knit in confusion. 
She relaxed a bit at seeing it was him. Between Natsuo and Shouto, her youngest brother was the easier one to deal with. “Sorry, Shouto, did I wake you?”
“Mm. I heard voices coming from your room. Is everything okay?” he asked, wiping away the last bits of sleep before his eyes wandered down to the items in her arms. He blinked before lifting his gaze back up to meet hers. “Fuyumi?”
“It's nothing major; just an unexpected guest. Don’t worry about it, okay?” she asked, trying her best to sound reassuring. He just continued to stare at her, expression giving away nothing. Maybe he was the harder sibling to deal with; Natsu wore his heart on his sleeve and was incredibly vocal, sure, but at least she could always get a reading on him. But Shouto? Not so much.
"It's that guy, isn't it? The one you're kinda-not-dating?" he prompted, eyes narrowing and a slightly bitter note catching in his voice.
If she wasn't so frazzled, she might have been touched by how affronted he was on her behalf. "Sho, don't believe everything Natsuo tells you. He doesn't know as much about it as he thinks he does," she said gently, readjusting her arms and starting towards her room again. He looked like he had more to say, but she slipped back into her room as quickly as she could. She listened for a moment for the sound of his near-silent footsteps to move away before letting her shoulders go slack.
That would be a conversation - unpleasant - for the morning. Or, rather, later in the morning.
When she peered back into her room proper, Hawks had done as she asked and then some, sitting on the floor with his legs stretched out in nothing but his boxers. What bothered her, though, was the fact he was staring at the window, one hand twitching on his knee with a feather under his palm. His expression was pensive, as if he was anticipating something or someone to come through after him. She made sure to move with a little bit of noise to alert him to her presence without jarring him too much. His gaze softened on her immediately and she felt a small smile turn up on her own lips. "I doubt that the floor is more comfortable than my futon," she commented as she stepped closer.
He flashed her his trademark prankster grin but it didn't reach his eyes. "I didn't want to get it dirty," he said, scooting forward as she settled in behind him. It was a good thing she'd grabbed the cloth and basin, since his back was covered in road rash, bits of broken glass and what she knew by smell was liquor. There were even bits of gravel dug into some of the wounds, presumably from him being thrown out of wherever he'd been before. The worst of them were a two-inch gash right between his wings - jagged and oozing and uneven as if made with broken glass, good God - and a burn mark about the size of a fist on the lower left side of his back. Her fingers trailed down his back as the ghost of contact, fearful of hurting him.
"Keigo, who did this to you?" she asked, taking a breath to calm herself, and reached to wring the cloth out. She needed to have steady hands to prevent making things worse as she tended the wounds.
"Just a little… disagreement with some work buddies. Didn't like something I said and we decided to solve it like gentlemen," he said with a wheezed out laugh. She kept her touches light and delicate as she got the filth off. She could tell that it was more than that. Pros normally knew better than to come to blows over petty disagreements. Plus, the haunted, dull look in his eyes told her that much. But she also didn't want to press him on it. They would come to discuss it on their own terms, when he was ready. "Take it you had something similar going on out there?"
"Shouto heard me let you in. He, Natsu and I will most likely have a chat about that after breakfast," she said with a small huff, rolling her eyes.
"Oh, will they be giving me the shovel talk instead of your old man?" he asked, tone perking up a bit with amusement. She found herself giggling quietly as she worked on putting him back together. The stab wound was, thankfully, not deep enough to warrant the need for stitches, though she was sure that he'd be more than a little uncomfortable while it was covered and healing. Hawks made a noise of contemplation before clicking his tongue. "Ah, but that might be worse. I saw what the little one did to his buddy at the Sports Festival."
"In Shouto's defense," she said, picking up the burn cream and squeezing a generous amount on into her palm, "a good half of those injuries were self-inflicted on Midoriya-Kun's part. He told me so himself." She applied the cream with dainty dabs while she listened to his befuddled muttering at that revelation. She couldn’t blame him, though, as she’d been just as startled about the impractical effects of the Quirk herself. A comfortable silence fell between them as she finished patching him up. With that done, she carefully regrouped the supplies and put them away. “Okay, I’m going to go put everything away. While I’m gone, get as comfortable as you can, okay? I think if you lie down on your side, you can avoid agitating your wounds and still stretch out your wings.”
He hummed quietly, watching her as she left. She made fast work of getting everything put away and washing her hands. She stopped by the kitchen to get him a glass of water and some pain relievers, too. He had been unnervingly quiet while she’d worked on him, but she knew to expect that. When Shouto used to let her dress his wounds from training with Endeavor, he was silent, too. When she returned to her room, he had settled in on the far side of the futon, wings stretched out and dipping to the floor. She offered him the pills and water before heading to turn the lamp back off. With that done, she made her way back over to her futon and removed her glasses before slipping under the covers.
The minute she was in reach, his arms were around her, pulling her flush against him. He dipped his head and kissed her, soft but insistent. She kissed back and moved her arms carefully to loop around his neck. Normally she'd drape them over his shoulders and lightly rub along the base of his wings, delighting in how they would stretch and shudder in delight, but she didn't want to risk it this time. Instead she went for another soothing gesture she's learned in her time with him; gently dragging her nails through the short hairs along the nape of his neck. She felt his chest rumble with a pleased groan as they pulled apart from the kiss. "You know how much you mean to me, right, Fuyumi?" he mumbled, reaching a hand up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
A welcome, if not strange, sentiment. Apparently whatever happened had really rattled him
She tilted her head to press a kiss to his fingertips, awarding her with a small chuckle. "Of course I do, Keigo. And I hope you know that feeling is mutual," she assured, opting against making any teasing jabs. She could tell that now wasn't the time. Instead she gently pulled him closer, smiling into his hair as he burrowed into the crook of her neck, the arm still around her waist tightening slightly.
"We should get some rest; we're gonna have some explaining to do in the morning," he mumbled, lips brushing her skin with his words. Her heart skipped at the idea of him staying and helping her explain things to her brothers, a flush coming to her face and a giddy flutter kicking up in her belly. She closed her eyes and let out a small, contented sigh. She knew there'd be chaos in the morning, but they would handle that then. Right now, she wanted to indulge in the warmth of Keigo's body against hers.
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bartallenisbae · 5 years
Starting over
I don’t own anything, including two characters Teka and Yoshino todoroki. Those two are owned by Ackerbang on instagram(check their account, it has great oc bnha characters). I asked for their(not sure if their a guy or girl) permission to use them in this and they were kind enough to allow it.
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It was 8 pm at night when Endeavor grunted while putting his last piece of his costume on before walking through the door to see his fiance with her eyes closed while holding her young son in her arms. Their young 4-month-old son in her arms, his red hair had some spikes starting to grow in since he was born with a little amount of hair similar to his older half-brother Shoto. Endeavor was going to let them sleep but it was dangerous to be sleeping while holding a sleeping baby.
Sometimes he wondered how this happened so fast. After making so many mistakes here he was getting a fresh start with the most beautiful woman who never gave up on him, she was his happy ever after though he would never tell anyone that, he wasn’t an emotional guy.
With all the drama that led to this, she stood with him, she stood with him when the media called her the worst names because of how much younger she was compared to Endeavor, she stood with him at night when he woke up from another memory of his mistakes from the past, so when she asked for a kid he couldn’t say no. Was his family supportive? Understandably no, well Fuyumi had some trouble but after meeting (Y/n) she was more understanding.
When Endeavor met (Y/n) that was when he agreed for Rei and him to get divorced, (Y/n) never tried anything with him when he was married but he just fell for her. When his children found out their father was dating a young woman almost the same age of his oldest child, they weren’t happy. When Enji and (Y/n) got engaged, his children didn’t seem very supportive but they never tried to hurt (Y/n) or anything and she understood their anger wasn’t meant towards her but towards their father. The only kid of his that was supportive of them when they announced (Y/n) was pregnant was Fuyumi as the best and sweetest girl she was.
Enji softly smiled though ignoring his troubles and enjoying this moment seeing his love sleeping with their son on her arms. Their son, Oga laid peacefully with his tiny 4-month-year old arms holding his mother’s hand. The oldest Todoroki placed his hand on his fiance’s arm and gently shook her which woke her up after a few seconds. The young mother opened her eyes and rubbed her eyes to see Enji and smiled, “Hey there,” her voice was soft.
“Are you tired?” Endeavor asked, (Y/n) blinked for a second thinking of it but she shook her head no. She kissed Oga’s head and saw her little boy’s eyes open to show his bright blue eyes practically glow in the dark. Oga tried to move his arms a bit but had a hard time as he was only 4-months-old which made (Y/n) laugh a bit before her baby rubbed his face into her arms out of exhaustion and clinginess.
“He is clingy like you,” (Y/n) said, some friends had suggested that Oga was just going through the baby phase where he doesn’t want anyone other then his mama which (Y/n) agreed with since he hadn’t been this clingy before. The problem with that is the fact (Y/n) can’t have a second of peace when Oga is awake because he won’t accept anyone but her. Oga likes his dad enough though but if he sees his mama, he won't let her have a second alone. They learned that from experience after Enji was kicked in the face once when he was holding Oga while he was having a tantrum wanting his mom.
Oga also seemed to have a fascination with his older half-brother Shoto for some reason, he loved to grab his hair out of the rareness of the color but Shoto didn’t seem to care about Oga understandably so. Fuyumi loved Oga more then anything, whenever she visited she would say how cute he is and how much he looks like their dad though it was obvious she purposely dodged saying he looked like any of his brothers, especially Touya. The one who didn’t want to have anything to do with (Y/n) and/or Oga was Natsuo, he was literally engaged the same time his father was so it wasn’t hard to find why he never visited or called or anything, but the worst part was he had never even met Oga.
The older red haired Todoroki wished he could do more but with his job and knowing the only way his fiance could escape the clutches of the baby would be having to be in an area where Oga couldn’t see or hear her but she couldn’t stand the pain of leaving Oga while he is so young, oh the pain of being a first time mother. Enji looked to the side grumbling, “I’m not clingy, I’m protective,” his fiance giggled a little before looking at him.
“Well I love your ‘protectiveness,” Endeavor smiled and kissed her before looking at Oga stare at him before glaring at him almost and cuddling into his mama. (Y/n) looked at Endeavor in costume before realizing what time it was, “You need to be working, so go and help people, I’ll be fine,” (y/n) reassured Enji which he responded by nodding and leaving. Endeavor had thought the whole night in worry over his fiance, she literally had bags under her eyes since she didn’t get much sleep because Oga wouldn’t let her sleep.
When (Y/n) woke up she could smell something burning which made her shoot herself up and run to Oga’s room to see he wasn’t in his crib, she had never felt so panicked in her life. She ran to the kitchen since that was where the smell was coming from before seeing the number 1 hero Endeavor in his normal citizen clothes while cooking breakfast which was obviously burning as he mumbled under his breath. Oga was sitting with a smile on his face watching his dad get frustrated, he turned his head immediately seeing his mom holding her hand up to cover her mouth to stop herself from laughing.
Oga cried to the top of his lungs to inform his mama he wanted her immediately, Enji turned to Oga to see what was wrong before seeing what caused his baby to start crying. He frowned with some red on his cheeks before speaking, “I wanted you to get some sleep so I wanted to make breakfast.” (Y/n) smiled and walked to Enji and kissed his cheek which held his scar before turning and picking Oga up, Oga started to mess with her shirt trying to get to his source of food.
“How did you keep him from noticing I wasn’t there?” (Y/n) asked, Enji looked at his cooking before responding, “I just closed our bedroom door and woke him up and walked past our room quickly so he wouldn’t think of you.”
(Y/n) turned to see the track Enji left, how did she not notice that? She didn’t really care since she just got a full 8 hours of sleep since...oh man she needed that sleep. Plus seeing her adorable fiance trying to cook next her baby just brightened up her day. Oga started to cry a bit out of annoyance of being hungry and his mother not giving him food. “This is the sweetest thing. I love you so much,” (Y/n) said with tears forming from her eyes as she hugged her fiance.
“It’s not a big deal,” Enji grumbled, (Y/n) giggled before finally noticing her baby that was hungry and clung onto her shirt. Oga’s red hair had a few spikes but was mostly smooth, his blue eyes was its usual vibrant color.
“It’s still super sweet,” (Y/n) said before kissing his cheek, Enji chuckled softly seeing his love’s sweetness. In that moment, the number 1 hero was at peace...even if the food was burning.
(Y/n) had Oga on her hip while bouncing up and down a little bit while thinking of what to do next, she could start cooking or give Oga some toys while she tried to clean but she didn’t trust him to not try to sit up while his mama wasn’t looking. Oga was starting to stop crying before hearing someone knock on the door, Enji was at work a bit late looking for someone who had escaped prison or something and no one said they were visiting so who was at the door?
She walked to the door before looking through the door to see a gorgeous older woman with hair that looked to be similar to lava, it probably was lava, she had something about her that reminded her of Enji for some reason. (Y/n) looked at Oga who looked at the door before looking at her staring at her. (Y/n) opened the door with some worry since she didn’t know this woman but she looked like a nice older woman, “Hi, do you need something?” (Y/n) asked thinking maybe she was lost or something, the woman with lava hair was about to speak before seeing Oga looking back at her but after a second she spoke with a very graceful and serious voice.
“Hello, I have some business in the city and thought I could visit. I’m assuming that Enji hasn’t told you much about me, has he?” She asked, (Y/n) shook her head no before hearing the woman sigh.
“I’m Enji’s mother, Teka. I...was hoping to see my new grandson,” (Y/n)’s eyes widened before remembering her in a photo around the house, it was an almost hidden picture oddly enough as it normally just sat in the corner of his work space close to his computer that he used when he had extra work. The picture had Teka when she was younger next to a man who was practically a replica of Enji’s son Natsuo with black hair and dark eyes. (Y/n) shook her head for a second after losing herself in thought.
“Wow, I’ve never met you before, I’m (Y/n) but you probably already know that. This is Oga,” (Y/n) introduced herself before moving to allow Teka into the house. Teka walked in so elegantly with a stare that had daggers ready at any moment, there is no doubt she was a Todoroki. She looked around the house with the exact same glare Enji had while in thought.
“It seems he is doing well for himself,” Teka said while looking at the pictures around the house before sitting on the couch like royalty.
“I don't know whether or not this is rude but ugh...why hasn’t Enji talked about you before?”(Y/n) wasn’t good at holding any thoughts in. Teka closed her eyes and looked at Oga, (Y/n) then realized something...Enji is so much like his mother.
“I’m so sorry if I upset you!” (Y/n) apologized sweetly to the ex-model woman, (Y/n) froze for a second after hearing the lava haired woman laugh.
“You remind me so much of him. You're so calm and positive, just like Enji’s father,” Teka said almost in a different world as she looked at her before looking back at Oga. (Y/n) realized Teka wanted to hold him but didn’t know how to properly ask...Enji did the exact same thing when Oga was born. (Y/n) smiled and offered Oga to her which Oga turned his head looking at his mama basically threatening to start crying before Teka smiled and took her grandson.
“He doesn’t normally like other people holding him,” (Y/n) said feeling a bit like she was interrupting the grandma and grandson. Oga was totally calm as he stared at the woman with lava hair.
“He is as big as Enji was at this age,” Teka said with a laugh feeling the weight of the baby boy in her arms. (Y/n) could almost feel Teka in deep thought over something, maybe thinking of when she was holding Enji at this age. She then realized Oga was squirming a bit, “Oh Sorry if he is being fussy, he is going through that phase where he doesn’t like anyone but me holding him. It’s a bit of a problem but he’s getting better,” (Y/n) said, Oga looked at his mother now almost challenging her. After she said that Oga pretty much made her look like a liar as he froze looking at her in silence.
“Ok, now he is just being stubborn. He is turning out like his father,” (Y/n) said with a frown on her face looking at her baby. Teka smiled and ran a hand through her grandson’s hair before hearing (Y/n) speak again.
“So like what happens with you go to beaches, does your hair like change or-”
“-What are you doing here?” They turned to see Enji standing at the doorway staring at Teka. Teka sighed and gave Oga to (Y/n) before turning to Enji.
“I didn’t want to cause any trouble, I assumed you wouldn’t let me see my new grandson,” Teka said with the same glare that Enji shared as (Y/n) practically cowardard in the back.
“Just leave,” Enji said, Teka nodded before leaving the house which left (Y/n) and Enji alone with Oga in (Y/n)’s arms.
After (Y/n) put Oga into his crib she walked into Enji and her bedroom to see him sitting with his laptop on his lap. After the event that happened Enji was silent. (Y/n) went behind Enji and put her arms around him and put her head on his shoulder.
“I’m not going to force you to do anything but if I had a choice I would talk to her again,” (Y/n) said, Enji sighed and put a hand on his love’s head.
“I love you,” Enji said
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