#i love the way this author writes padme so much
ocd-kenobi · 2 years
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Padmé's feelings about her upcoming wedding, noticeably lacking in concrete "I love him" thoughts.
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anakin-pilled · 9 months
𝘨𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘰𝘶𝘴 - anakin skywalker x fem! reader (part one)
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pairing: anakin skywalker x fem! reader
wordcount: 4.8k
warnings: minimal uses of y/n (trying to avoid writing this as much as possible but sometimes u need to!), awkwardness, anakin needs a break, POV switching (im trying something new, but its still in 3rd POV), reader is a popstar (very loosely based of taylor swift), too many scenes (i'll limit it next chapter) rating: 18+ (my blog is 18+ only)
rating: 18+ (my blog is 18+ only)
taglist: lmk if u want to be added!
author's note: well, here it is!! my first anakin fanfic!! i was listening to gorgeous by taylor swift and it just reminded me of how much i hate beautiful men (hayden christensen) and the effect they have on me and then this feeling just spirialed and became a fanfic--and my first ever mini series! i'm aiming for four or five parts? enjoy!!! (proofread but if u see a mistake pls tell me). sorry if the first part is boring, i'm just trying to set the vibe and introduce the major plot elements! creds to saradika for the header!
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All Anakin Skywalker wanted was one, uninterrupted kriffing break. Yet, even that seemed like too much to ask from the Maker. With an annoyed sigh, Anakin quickly ended the call on his comlink and made his way out of his living quarters and towards the Jedi Council’s meeting room. “What do they want from me now?” Anakin thought to himself. 
It wasn’t unusual for Anakin to sport an attitude, but lately, his foul mood had been exacerbated in the last few months for several reasons. Anakin’s recent breakup with Padme laid heavy in his heart. As the war raged on and both of their duties called them away for weeks, even months, at a time, the young couple rarely had time to see each other. It was supposed to be a small break at first–Padme was working on an important bill that could change the tide of the war, so she wanted to focus all her energy on gaining support for the bill from fellow Senators and campaigning for its passage on the Senate floor. So, Padme suggested that she and Anakin take a quick pause on their relationship until she was finished with the bill. But even after the bill passed, Padme was too consumed by her senatorial duties to put her all into a relationship. Anakin was just as busy on the battlefields, traveling to distant systems, and ensuring that the Separatists did not win any more than they already had. However, he was still willing to put an effort into their relationship because he loved Padme more than life itself. Padme was Anakin’s first love, and they had already been through so much together. Didn’t that mean something? It was late one night when the couple retired to Padme’s apartment that she dropped the news. Anakin felt as if his whole world shattered. He begged on his knees to Padme, to give them another chance. She insisted it was for the best and that she would reach out to him in a few months when she felt ready. Anakin would be lying if he said a part of him was shocked. After all, Padme put her job as Senator above everything else. But still, it hurt knowing that the one person who he would abandon everything for, would not do the same for him. 
Aside from the breakup, Anakin was tired of the constant fighting, the rising death toll, and the never-ending chaos that always seemed to follow him. The 501st Clone Battalion’s most recent war campaign was brutal, and they lost a few men to Trandoshan separatists while in battle at a small, Outer Rim planet. Anyone could see that Anakin thrived in war. He was nicknamed the “Hero With No Fear” for a reason. But, the death of his men, or any man under Republic forces, always left his heart and mind unsettled. 
As Anakin reached the door to the Jedi Council, he quickly shook his head as if to ward away his dark thoughts. He really should meditate more. The door opened and Anakin was greeted with the sight of the Jedi Masters sitting in a circle, he noticed many of them appeared via holoprojectors. 
“Hello masters,” Anakin said with a bow. He looked around until he met eyes with Obi-Wan, who happened to be off-planet at the moment. Obi-Wan gave Anakin an uneasy smile which blared the alarms in Anakin’s head. Anakin was already in a defensive mode due to his rocky relationship with the council. 
It was Mace Windu who spoke first. “General Skywalker, we have called you here today to discuss an upcoming mission. It is to our understanding that you are currently on a break right now, however, you were specifically requested by the Chancellor for this task.” It must be an important mission if the Chancellor himself requested that Anakin carry it out. 
“There will be an upcoming charity event hosted in honor of the Republic to raise funds for the war effort. The event is being held in Corulag in ten rotations from now. While Corulag is part of the Republic, there have been recent Separatist activities within the planet and its system,” Master Windu continued.
“And what will I need to do while in Corulag?” Anakin asked with a slight edge in his voice. He really didn’t want to travel off-world.
“You will be the personal escort and bodyguard to the charity’s main event, singer (Y/N) (L/N). She will be performing a show as part of the charity and her presence is estimated to bring in a lot of credits for the war effort. While we don’t personally believe there will be a threat on her life, the Chancellor suspects that the Separatists may try to infiltrate the singer as a way to ruin the charity’s efforts.” 
Anakin felt his annoyance flare up again. He was being taken away from his well-deserved break time to babysit a singer? This was a job that even a Padawan could carry–Ahsoka could do it with her eyes closed. 
Even through the holoprojector, Obi-Wan could see the tale tell signs of his former student’s growing anger. He pitied the boy. Obi-Wan felt that Anakin deserved his break, especially after his most recent mission. However, it was not up to Obi-Wan alone to make these decisions. With the war prolonging itself more than necessary and the expenses rising every day, the Republic needed as many credits as it could get from its supporters. Obi-Wan quickly piqued up from the side to calm his friend, “Anakin, the Chancellor personally requested you as the singer is a family friend of his, and he trusts you. The Council will discuss giving you vacation time after completing your mission.” As vexed as Anakin might have been at first, he certainly didn’t want to disappoint the Chancellor. He had no choice but to accept the mission. Anakin silently nodded to the council. 
“Recieve more instructions tomorrow, you will. Rest for now,” said Yoda from his chair. 
And with that, the meeting was over. Anakin said his goodbyes with a bow and walked out.
After Anakin left the meeting, he headed towards the Jedi Archives to conduct some research on his new mission. He wasn’t interested in who the singer was, or what she did. Rather, he wanted to know what kind of person she was–was she a controversial celebrity, or did she stay in the lines? Anakin prayed he wasn’t dealing with some crazy, entitled celebrity who did whatever she wanted. That would make his mission harder than it needed to be. He had heard of the singer’s name in passing from Ahsoka, who kept up with recent trends via the HoloNet. As a General and a Jedi Knight, Anakin no longer had the same sense of freedom that he had as a Padawan, even though he had much less freedom than his other Padawan counterparts. “Perks of being the Chosen One, I suppose,” Anakin bitterly whispered to himself. 
Anakin filtered past the front desk of the Archives after giving Madame Jocasta a quick nod and small time. He wanted to be in and out so he could get food from the Temple’s cantina before retreating to his living quarters for the night. 
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“What do you mean they are assigning a Jedi Knight as my security detail?! I thought this was supposed to be a simple concert for a charity event, why are they assigning a Jedi if there is no imminent danger?!” you exclaimed to your manager, Gido Frisco, with a pointed look. 
When you agreed to perform at this charity event, you did so because you wanted to help raise credits for the Republic. Your management discouraged you from having any outspoken opinions on politics as it could lead to alienation from fans and tabloid backlash. But after your home planet became a recent victim to Separatist forces, you could no longer idly sit by and continue living as if the war didn’t affect you. When the charity’s organizers approached you to do this event, you happily agreed because all the credits earned were going to a meaningful cause. To the Republic. To democracy. 
The event was to consist of several performances by famous artists from throughout the Core Worlds, but you were the headlining event. Though you would humbly deny it, your popularity superseded everyone else set to perform. The media and your fans dubbed you “the Galaxy’s princess” due to your popularity as a singer across the Galactic Core. You hated that nickname. You were very far from a princess–you were just lucky enough to be born with an innate musical talent. Nonetheless, you were still treated as if you were royalty. 
“Look, I’m going to be blunt with you. There has been Separatist activity in and around Corulag, but we don’t predict that it will directly affect you. Think of the Jedi as an extra security personnel. They won’t let anybody or anything hurt you,” explained Gido. 
“Who is we?”
“We as in myself, and the Chancellor. He was quite worried for your safety when he heard of your acceptance to perform.” That made much more sense. The Chancellor, an old family friend of yours, often looked out for you throughout your years on Coruscant. You had no family on the planet as all your family lived on Bar’leth, only visiting you every few months. While you saw them as often as you could, the help and care they provided you was limited to messages on your holo tablet and calls via communicator. The Chancellor took it upon himself to help you whenever he could. You were extremely grateful for his help, but you couldn’t help but feel unnerved by the thought of having a Jedi accompany you. You knew Jedis were the peacekeepers of the galaxy. As the war started and worsened, the Jedi were thrust into a new, partial position. Where the Jedi went, trouble unfortunately followed. Would more trouble follow you if you were accompanied by a Jedi than if you were not? Only time would tell. 
“Very well. And when will I meet this Jedi?” 
“You will meet him tomorrow morning. Please do not stress the situation. We are merely taking precautions. Rest for tonight and we will talk more in the morning. Goodnight, princess.” And with that, Gido walked out of your apartment and you were left alone.
You walked outside and onto your balcony and observed the night sky. Your eyes followed the speeders flying through the air–a cacophony of honks and whizzes! reached your ears. You leaned upon the stone masonry of the balcony’s railing and rested your elbows on its surface. You then laid your cheek in your palm and closed your eyes as the lights of Corscuant reflected off your statue. You took into the slight breeze of the night and enjoyed this moment of serenity. Who knows what the next few rotations will bring? You could only hope you would suffer a nicer faith than your home planet. Your eyes opened, and you retreated into the lush interior of your apartment and began your nightly routine. 
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Holy kriff, this man is kriffing gorgeous! Those were the first words that popped into your head when you saw the Jedi knight walk into your living room. It was early in the morning. You thought he was only supposed to accompany you at the charity benefit, but your team thought it would be best if he accompanied you throughout the week as you prepared for the event and ran errands. 
As he walked closer to you, you felt your mouth run dry and a creeping heating sensation sprouted from the base of your neck to your cheeks. You could only hope he didn’t feel the heat radiating off your body. He was wearing dark-colored robes, with a maroon long-sleeve undershirt, and only one leather glove on his right arm. Was this a fashion statement of some kind? Gido spoke up before you could say anything. 
“Welcome, and thank you for being here Jedi. I can assure you that it means very much to us and I hope that you find yourself comfortable for the next few rotations. Our team will do its best to ensure you are properly accommodated. My name is Gido Frisco, and I am (Y/N)’s manager.” Gido reached out his hand for Anakin to shake. Anakin took his hand in a firm grip and replied.
“Thank you. My name is Anakin Skywalker, general of the 501st Legion. I will do my best to keep (Y/N) safe.”
Anakin. You had heard of him before–he was the Republic’s poster boy and a very successful leader. Though you knew of him, you had yet to put a face to the name until now. Instead of making eye contact with the man, you simply stared at the ground until Gido included you in the conversation. 
“And this is (Y/N),” Gido said. 
You then looked up at Anakin and made eye contact with the gorgeous man in front of you. Your eyes widened slightly as you took in the color of his eyes. They were a dazzling shade of blue that was highlighted by the scar running down the right side of his forehead to underneath his eye. 
There was an awkward moment of silence before you stuttered as you reintroduced your name to Anakin and shook his hand. Shit, he's strong, you thought as he shook your hand with a firm grasp. If there was one thing you were weak for, it was a strong man. A strong, beautiful man!
“Pleasure to meet you too. I’ll be at your service this week,” Anakin stated with a small smile. Kriff, even his voice was attractive! You could only stare at him and nod. You were truly at a loss for words. Wait, can he hear my thoughts right now? You thought to yourself. You heard the Jedi could use the Force to read minds, but you didn’t know if this was just a rumor. You hoped it was just a rumor or you'd find yourself burying yourself six feet under the ground out of embarrassment.
“Well, now that you two are acquainted, I’ll be taking Anakin so we can go over the security details. Stay here until then.” Gido then led Anakin out of the room and that was the last you saw of the Jedi until dinner time. 
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When Anakin woke up the next morning, he walked toward the Temple’s catina to grab a warm cup of caf and breakfast. The food was meager most days, but it beat having to live off the plain-tasting ration bars that he ate most of the time when he was on missions and campaigns. As Anakin walked through the tables to find a seat, he was greeted by the site of his former master sipping on a cup of tea and conversing with Ahsoka. 
“Ahh, Anakin. Nice to see you this morning. I am terribly sorry that you have been called upon for another mission. I do believe that your rest was well-deserved, but unfortunately, I had no power over this decision,” Obi-Wan stated as he continued to sip on his tea. 
“Thanks, Master. I can’t say I’m particularly excited about this, but hopefully, after this is done, I can properly enjoy my rest.”
“Master, you’re so lucky! I am so jealous of you right now. I wish I could join you, but Master Sinabu has requested that I assist him in a few lessons with the younglings,” Ashoka pipped in. “Hey, do you think you could get me an autograph?” She was excited. Ahsoka was no stranger to being in the company of high-profile people, but most of the time, it was limited to officials and members of the Senate. Boring! The thought of her master working with one of the most famous singers of this generation was honestly hilarious to her. A part of her wished it was her on this mission instead. The last time Anakin was on babysitting duty was when Ahsoka first joined Anakin as his Padawan was to rescue Jabba the Hutt’s son. Much like Anakin, Ahsoka believed this task could’ve been carried out by a Padawan, but as Obi-Wan explained to her, the Chancellor personally requested Anakin for this task. 
“Snips, I’m there to protect, not get autographs. Try practicing your mediation skills, and maybe I’ll get you an autograph,” Anakin said with a small smirk on his face. Much like him in his Padawan days, Ahsoka found meditating tedious and boring. He honestly should meditate more to set a better example, but Anakin’s teaching method was more of “Do as I say, not as I do.” 
“Oh come on Skyguy! You owe me this favor after I saved your butt back on Florrum. What would you have done if I wasn’t there to save you from all those assassin droids?” quipped Ashoka with a slight raise in her eyebrows. Damn, she got me there, thought Anakin to himself. But, he wasn’t going to let her have this win so easily. One might say that Anakin was acting immature for his age, but he and Ahsoka’s relationship thrived off witty remarks and friendly competition. Anakin’s relationship with Ahsoka was one of the most precious things in his life. 
“Except I won our last sparring battle. That makes us even, no?” Ahsoka’s smile quickly dropped, and she glared at her master. Anakin took a sip of his caf and continued, “Only kidding, Snips. I’ll try to get you that autograph. I might be too busy trying to keep this singer out of trouble.”
Obi-Wan observed his former student and Ahsoka with fondness. “Do not worry, young one. You will beat Anakin one day. A student is only as good as their teacher, and you have a good teacher. I would know–I taught him,” Obi-Wan joked with the two. “Anakin, I hope this mission goes smoothly. I know how badly your last assignment went.” Obi-Wan placed his hand on Anakin’s shoulder and squeezed it.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Though Anakin’s ego subsided since he lost his arm at the Battle of Geonosis, it didn’t mean he liked talking about his failures. The Separatists somehow acquired important Republic intel and managed to ruin Anakin’s battle strategy with a surprise attack. He and his men just barely made it out on time before a full Separatist takeover happened. Anakin’s appetite was ruined by the thought of it. 
Suddenly, Anakin’s commlink beeped and he knew it was time to head out to the hangar and receive his instructions for the week. He said his farewells to Obi-Wan and Ahsoka before going to the hangar, where he was surprisingly greeted by the Chancellor. The older man smiled at Anakin and shook his hand.
“Anakin, my boy. I cannot express my gratitude to you for accepting this assignment. You see, I specifically asked for you because I knew that I could trust you with my dear family friend. I do hope that you take care of her well.” 
“Of course, Chancellor. She will be safe under my watch.” 
“Now, she shouldn’t give you any trouble. She is a well-mannered girl. However, I have just received secret Separatist intel and wanted to share it with you before I visit the council. According to the intel, Count Dooku has ordered intelligence to interfere with the benefit. Our report says that he is planning on hacking our broadcasting signal and threatening the talent for the whole galaxy to see. For what, I do not not know. While we do expect the benefit to raise many credits for the Republic, the show will also provide a boost in morale for the citizens of the Republic. I theorize that Count Dooku wishes to ruin the public’s perception of the Republic’s efficiency and control over the war and the talent are a way to do this,” explained Chancellor Palpatine.
Anakin furrowed his brows. “Seems like Count Dooku is running out of scare tactics. Chancellor, the Jedi will ensure that the benefit proceeds as expected and that no harm comes to anyone there.” 
The Chancellor smiled at Anakin’s words. “Thank you, my boy. Now I mustn’t take any more of your time. I will let you go now. You will receive more information on the Separatist intel later on.”
Anakin and the Chancellor shook hands once more before Anakin boarded his ship and plugged in the coordinates provided to him by the council. 
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Anakin’s first impression of you was that you were pretty. A delicate kind of pretty that Anakin had only seen in one other person before, Padme. But as quickly as the thought entered his conscious, he pushed it toward the back of his mind. What was he even thinking? He chalked up to him missing Padme. Yeah…Anakin just missed Padme and now that he was in the same familiar situation that he was in a few years ago when he first met Padme, familiar feelings are rising. After all, this wasn’t the first time Anakin had been sent on bodyguard duty for a well-known beautiful public figure. 
Your manager introduced himself to Anakin and then introduced you to him. Though he wasn’t excited about this mission, he couldn’t help but feel a tiny bit relieved that he would be staying in your luxurious apartment for the next few rotations until you traveled off-world. It wasn’t very often that the Jedi were afforded such accommodations. Anakin had spent his fair share of nights seeking refuge in strange, foreign biomes with only mere sticks and leaves as shelter. If he couldn’t sleep in the comfort of his private quarters at the Temple, he might as well enjoy the lavish high-rise Coruscanti apartment. 
Despite Anakin’s initial impression of you, your reaction toward him was…intriguing. Based on his research last night, Anakin couldn’t anything on the HoloNet that painted you in a bad light. Sure, there were the occasional tabloid articles that made outrageous claims about you, but all of those were overridden by the amount of good publicity you got. Charismatic, friendly, confident, a sweetheart–these were all words used to describe you by the various media outlets. But the person standing in front of Anakin seemed everything but that. 
Your nervous energy radiated off you and permeated Anakin’s senses through the force. You avoided eye contact with him until your manager forced you to properly look at Anakin and introduce yourself to him. You definitely didn’t seem as confident as the Holo Net made you out to be, but Anakin didn’t fault you for this. He’s sure you felt nervous in the presence of a Jedi because it implied that there was some danger lurking around. If there wasn’t, he wouldn’t have been assigned to his task. What did you know about the terrors of war and the cruel reality of death and destruction? You were just a rich celebrity located within the safe confines of the Galatic Core. Anakin felt a twinge of jealousy at this notion. He knew that he belonged with the Jedi, but Anakin couldn’t help but feel envy at the fact that you were simply an innocent civilian whose daily life was virtually unaffected by the war. You didn’t have to witness violent bloodshed, say goodbye to your comrades, and live life constantly on the move. Sometimes Anakin longed for his days on Tatooine when he lived with his mother and worked in Watto’s workshop. He was a poor slaveboy, but at least he had his mother, and life was relatively peaceful. Before Anakin could harp on these thoughts any longer, he caught a stray thought that didn’t belong to him. 
Kriff, even his voice was attractive! Anakin was sure the thought didn’t belong to Gido, so he could only assume that it belonged to the woman standing in front of him. Anakin internally smirked to himself. Could it be that Anakin made you nervous for reasons other than him being a Jedi? Perhaps…you found Anakin attractive. Anakin didn’t care if you found him attractive, but it did boost his ego a bit. It seems his split from Padme was affecting him more than he thought. Since when did trivial things like this matter? 
Anakin looked over you once more before following Gido to discuss the schedule and plan for the upcoming rotations. 
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Dinner was…awkward, to say the least. It was just you and Anakin eating in your dining room. Gido had some business he needed to attend to so he could not join you for dinner. Anakin insisted that he could eat somewhere else as he did not want to intrude, but you insisted that he eat with you. It was the polite thing to do. But after you insisted that Anakin sat with you, you realized that you had nothing to talk about. A singer and a Jedi Knight turned war general? What would you have in common? A pregnant silence enshrouded you both. Only the soft clinks of silverware could be heard. 
You sipped on your water every few bites to calm your nerves. This was so unlike you! Honestly, you were never one to shy away from anyone’s presence. A part of your job was selling a likable persona to the public–countless interviews, media appearances, meet and greets! You had done these all with grace and a smile. Yet you couldn’t find the proper words to say to the gorgeous man sitting right across from you. Geez, he must think I’m one of those stuck-up celebrities, you chided in your head. You were far from stuck up, but something about Anakin set your nerves on fire and made the social part of your brain feel like mush. Sweat started building up in your armpits as you thought about it. You had to do something to salvage your reputation and stop yourself from sweating through your outfit.
You cleared your throat and looked up from your dinner plate. “So, Anakin. How do you know the Chancellor? I hear you’re friends with him.”
“I’ve known the Chancellor since I was a little boy. We first met when I left my home planet after I was discovered by a Jedi named Qui-Gon Jinn. He was Naboo’s representative back then.”
“Oh, that's interesting. My family goes way back with the Chancellor too. My father and him studied at the same university on Naboo. Though my father was a few grades below the Chancellor, they became good friends,” you replied. 
Anakin nodded at your story before focusing his attention elsewhere. You internally deflated once you saw he did not seem to care about keeping a conversation. However, if you were going to spend the new few rotations together, you’d rather it not be more awkward than it already was. 
“Uhm, where are you from? You mentioned that you left your home planet. I’m not from Coruscant either! I am from Bar’leth.” 
“Tatooine,” Anakin answered curtly. The way Anakin said Tatooine almost made you think that he disliked his home planet. He didn’t say it with any fondness, or longing. 
“That’s in the Outer Rim, right? I’ve never been. How is it?” you questioned.
“Hot, lawless, and sandy.” Another short answer.
You got the impression that Anakin wasn’t exactly fond of his home planet, so you decided to change the subject of conversation. “You travel a lot as a Jedi. Which has been your favorite planet so far?”
Anakin was silent for a moment before, as if he were thinking deeply about it. In reality, Anakin knew his favorite planet. Naboo. He only paused for a moment because he was unsure if he wanted to reveal this information to you. Though it was seemingly an innocent question (and it was), Anakin felt it was a vulnerable question. Naboo is the planet he spent days frolicking in the lush, romantic meadows with Padme, falling deeper in love with her as the days passed. Naboo represented a part of Anakin that no longer existed–an Anakin that didn’t know the pain of losing a mother, losing a part of himself in the process. When his mother died, gone became the young boy with a golden aura and eyes full of hope. On Naboo, Anakin was still bright and naive with a laughter full of joy and excitement. That Anakin died the day he and Padme set out to find his mother on Tatooine. Anakin wished every day to the Maker that part of him could come back from the dead and replace who he currently was. To better days.
“Naboo. That’s my favorite planet,” answered Anakin. He decided to be truthful instead of responding with a random planet. Anakin didn’t know what compelled him, but he knew you were only being polite. 
“Naboo is beautiful. Though I mainly grew up in Bar’leth, I spent a lot of my childhood summers in Naboo. I don’t think there is any other planet with views as stunning as Naboo,” you revealed. 
You felt that there was nothing else to say. The remainder of the dinner was quiet. Though there wasn’t as much tension as before, it was still awkward. You finished your dinner as quickly as possible before retreating to your personal quarters for the evening. 
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To be continued!
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antianakin · 4 months
Hey there! Do you have any good anti-Vader/Vader critical during the Original Trilogy/ with the OT group? I don't know if it is the tags I use or anything, but most of the fics I find with the OT group + Vader tends to go towards being nice to Vader, with a 'Good Parent Vader' and all.
I'm going to assume this is asking about fic recs. I don't tend to read as much with the OT characters, I'm just less invested in them, but I have a few that might fall into this category. I don't have any way of helping you look for fics via tags, but I can recommend the same trick I always do which is to find fics you like that ARE more critical towards Anakin/Vader and then go through that author's other work and bookmarks and just keep moving forward from there. If they write Anakin critical stuff, chances are pretty high that they probably read it, too.
Ahsoka is Mace's Padawan series (Stintless Stars) by SkyeBean: The last fic in this series is set during ROTJ at the last strategy meeting the Rebels have about the battle on Endor. It's definitely meant more as an end to this series to just wrap up a lot of the character development for Ahsoka and give a glimpse at how she and Mace and the Jedi have changed things in the decades leading up to ROTJ, so I don't truly recommend reading the last fic without having read the rest of the series which is (obviously) more Prequels/TCW focused. The fic does sort-of briefly touch on Luke and Leia, but it's told through Ahsoka's perspective. Luke is, as usual, more positive towards Anakin, but Leia is not. The entire series is Anakin critical (as well as Padme and Anidala critical), but the focus isn't on the OT or its characters.
Meet in the Middle by BilbosMum: Luke and Leia connect with Obi-Wan and Rex through a shared dream that will allow them to meet each other through the power of love. This is set somewhere between ROTS and ANH and mostly focuses on Obi-Wan and Rex's relationship, but there is some discussion of Anakin and his current decision-making in there.
may you inherit his light by notbecauseofvictories: Leia reflects on Bail and Anakin and her feelings about both of them and how her two fathers have shaped who she has become after ROTJ. This fic is definitely critical of Anakin and immensely positive towards Bail, but it's not what I would call ANTI Anakin. It's honestly my favorite Leia fic I've ever read, it really digs into her and while it sort-of touches on the "Leia is angry like Anakin" trope, it goes deeper than that and considers WHY Leia might be angry and whether it truly is anything like Anakin's anger at all.
that was a spring of storms by blackkat: Leia accidentally time travels herself, Bail, and Luke back in time to the first year of the Clone War. This fic is VERY much a WIP, there's only 2 chapters of it and it hasn't been updated in quite a while, but the concept still really appeals to me a lot. This is cheating in terms of your prompt since the majority of the fic is obviously going to take place within the Prequels/TCW era, but it obviously is dealing with a Luke and Leia from ANH, so I'm letting it count.
ring the bells that can still ring by rain_sleet_snow: Reva trains Luke and Leia post-ANH. Reva is not an OT character, but it's set in that time period and Reva is having to interact with multiple OT characters and isn't exactly someone who is going to be positive about Anakin.
Compromise by gaeasun: Dogma reflects on his life during the celebration on Endor as he speaks with Rex and Leia. This one's stretching the definition of being Anakin critical, Dogma makes a single comment that sort-of discusses his feelings about Jedi in general as he looks at the bonfire for Anakin's body, and Dogma is obviously not an OT character at all, but I like the concept of how much Dogma would have had to grow over the decades since the war and the hint of his relationship with Leia.
finally cleaning, cleaning my closet by dee_lirious: Leia deals with Anakin's ghost trying to interact with her post-ROTJ. It's a really interesting exploration of what Leia WANTS Anakin to be to her and what she starts to decide he ACTUALLY is to her. It's a look at what forgiveness is and how it might look for Leia. It's not precisely positive towards Anakin, but it does ultimately recognize that what is causing Leia's anger is fear that stems from an unimaginable loss. It's perhaps more positive towards Anakin at the end than you might want, but it's left relatively open-ended, as well.
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gffa · 1 year
I know this has been talked about many times before, but I still don't know what we are supposed to think of Padmé's actions when she comforts Anakin after he confesses to murder in cold blood. He feels guilty and all, but he continues his shitty behavior even before he became Darth Vader, and then does it again. It's just hard for me to see Padmé as some sort of saint in that scene. And are we even supposed to see it that way anyway? There's no official answer, which makes it all the more mind boggling to me. When people say she forgave and did the right thing, it's seems unjustified because he still did it, he regretted it, but he also said "I hate them". Idk I'm sorry if this is too long. I just have a lot of thoughts on this scene.
Hi! For me, I've settled into a balance between "there's no hard narrative intention here, so I just have to let it go" and "here's my best guess at a look into what little has been said about her" and "here's what makes sense to me as someone speculating about her character on my own". I think it comes down to two things: 1) Natalie Portman's comment about how Padme thinks she can save Anakin as a motivation for her character and 2) that as complicated as it can be in some ways, the Tuskens were written in an extremely racist way, especially in that their deaths do not register with Lucas the same way other races/cultures would. Which means that while this should be a point-of-no-return moment for Anakin's character, while it should be recognize that he's murdering children here (and I do think that's meant to have weight, that the dialogue specifies he knows he's killing innocent lives), I don't think the narrative fully does so, and instead treats it as his "first step" onto the path of darkness, one that he can come back from. And I do think a lot of that comes from Lucas, much as I applaud him for being progressive in other ways and genuinely seems like someone who was trying to do better, does portray real world elements in a racist way in the movie, they're treated as less than human here. (I will say that Padme also is willing to take Anakin back even after he murders the Jedi younglings, so there's a little wiggle room here, in the way she reacts, but the racism is pretty undeniable and a big motivation here.) But because the narrative and the author don't treat his murder of the Tuskens as a point of no return, Padme can't treat his murder of them as a point of no return, so instead her reactions are based on the idea that, yes, this was bad, but it was something that still left good in him and she's trying to reach out to that good, she's trying to save him. As much fun as it is to examine these characters from a more realistic lens, so much of Star Wars makes a lot more sense when you consider what Lucas was going for on a thematic level--in a lot of ways, Padme isn't written for herself, she's written as a baromter of where Anakin is at. When she comforts him, it's because we're meant to see Anakin in a place of emotional turmoil. When she backs away from him on Mustafar, we're meant to see him as having crossed a line, unwilling to come back. When she says, "There's still good in him." on Polis Massa, we're meant to understand there's a glimmer of hope for the far-off future. I don't think it's really about Padme's character at all, I think she's written--as SO MANY of the elements of Star Wars are--to be an extension of Anakin's character, because the story of Star Wars is the story of Anakin Skywalker. I love love love some of the excellent meta that examines these scenes through the lens of what Padme is thinking and feeling and what her character arc is about. And I may be being uncharitable to the writing for her, but it's largely where I've settled just so I can stop itching over it. For me, I don't think Padme was "right" or "wrong" on Tatooine, I don't think we're meant to see Padme as any kind of saint. I think she's balanced between "Padme thinks she can save Anakin, but ultimately she cannot, Anakin has to be the one to choose to come back himself" and "Padme is basically a symbolic dark side meter, as so many of the characters in SW are symbolic of various aspects of Anakin".
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Writer Interview Game
Thank you so much for tagging me @infernalrusalka! This was a lot of fun to reflect upon and type out. :)
No pressure tagging: @morelikeravenbore @ravenwind-75 @myokk @moongurl95 and honestly anyone else who wants to join in. I love reading about other writers' processes <3
When did you start writing?
Fanfic? When I was a young teen (roughly age 13/14). I wrote Star Wars (Anakin/Padme) fanfics on FanFiction.net.
Writing in general? When I was around 5. I used to "write books" (that is: take construction paper, bind it, and create little stories with pictures when I was bored at home, alone). Only child syndrome; am I right, or am I right? Haha.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I enjoy reading angst, but I don't (typically) write it. I also read a lot of published nonfiction for fun, but I hated writing essays in school. I was more of a creative writing gal.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
You know, I've never actually thought about this, probably because I like to write for myself. I think it would be odd to be compared to another writer, even a famous one. I also read oodles, so it's difficult for me to choose an author I'd want to emulate. I suppose if I were forced at gunpoint to choose, I'd say John Steinbeck. He had a way with words; he turned phrases beautifully and his books have really stuck with me over the years, especially East of Eden.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
My office, which my husband recently renovated for me. It's Hogwarts: Legacy themed, naturally. My husband is the best; he loves to encourage my "Sebastian and Damien delulu," my words, but he would definitely agree and approve. XD
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Hmm, good question. I don't know if I have one actually, unless setting a writing schedule counts? I write every morning, rain or shine, for one hour before work. If I'm in the middle of writing a long-fic, I also write during my lunch break. I don't typically take days off either. So...I dunno? I do like to write while drinking coffee. Maybe that helps. Yes, let's say that.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
I tend to prefer writing morally gray characters that eventually have a redemption arc. Not sure what that says about me, but I don't mind it. Haha.
What is your reason for writing?
It's a type of therapy for me. It's the only time of the day that I get to myself. I work full-time and I'm a mom, and as thankful as I am for that, I have my own desires and passions outside of those two things that I don't want to lose. Writing is my way of keeping that part of myself alive.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
I love all types of comments, but I will worship the ground you walk upon if you're the kind of person who does reaction comments with quotes included. I try to comment this way too on other writers' fics to encourage more of this style of commenting because it's the best!
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
If someone reads anything I've written and comes away with the sense of joy that I felt while writing it, I'd be absolutely thrilled.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I have a few that I'm proud of. Dialogue, particularly banter. Push-pull dynamics in relationships, especially in established ones. Morally gray characters. Foreshadowing and twists. I'll even it out by saying I'm not as confident in my description-writing abilities, which is partially my fault. I tend to skim descriptions in published books because they more often than not bore the hell out of me. LMAO. So...that's my bad. Interestingly, I really enjoy reading descriptions in fanfics, possibly because they tend to be more unique. Descriptions in published books are often very cookie-cutter and I feel like I've read them a million times before. Oh well.
How do you feel about your own writing?
Some days I love it, other days I think my writing is the worst, but I'm finding that's pretty normal when it comes to creators. We are very critical of our own work. I try to be kind to myself on days when I'm in a negative headspace because I know the feeling will pass. <3
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colorfulmetaphors · 1 year
Maul fic rec because yes please
Hello friendos. In the last few months or so, I took a break from tumblr and in that time read through the near-entirety of the (maul centered) Maul fic on ao3. It was a blast and I wanted to make a rec list because these were amazing and I want to gush over them. my goal here is to rec something for any maul mood you may be in. there's flash (short) fic, medium length, and long-ass novel fic; some fluff, some angst, some character studies; i tired to hit each Maul Genre. And I'm categorizing them because organizing things is fun. So:
O66 fallout:
To The Wild by @d0nkarnage (43,251 words; rated M)
This one is by far my fav of the Maul and Ahsoka team up during O66 (fall) ones. Giant buff gay Ahsoka? Yes. Good. But the greatest draw of this fic is the way in which these two characters learn to understand each other. I like how hostile it begins and how the author shows Ahsoka's opinion changing over time. And of course, because my focus is going to be Maul, I loved the way the Ahsoka POV catches his acerbic demeanor and lets him just be kind of an asshole. Then that first chapter of Maul POV hits to reframe everything and youre like *dog in a burning room meme* this is fine. It balances tone really well, with growth built on small moments, parallels I didn't expect to punch me in the heart, lines of dialogue that bring every that's crashing beneath up to the surface, and just being fucking funny. Every other line has me going Oooooooo that's some good-ass writing. Love it, please read it and enjoy the image of Ahsoka and Maul arm wrestling while you try not to sob over the ways theyve learned to care for each other.
Cocaine and Abel by storm_warning (18,431 words; rated T)
On the other side of Maul and Ahsoka team up (fall), we have my favorite of the Maul and Ahsoka team up (balance), or 'Ole Palps gets defeated. Not only is this fic awesome, so is the playlist (which the author has linked in the notes) that accompanies it. My favorite part of this fic is Maul's denial, or his inability to understand/confront himself. He's working through allying with Ahsoka, seeing his master defeated, and figuring out where his place is, all while fighting through the horror of [his entire life.] It all coalesces into my favorite line: "--and then his knife is letting the blood out of the Anomid’s throat, and it runs gushing and thin in the rain, and all the wretched voices are quiet with shock." Switching the subject of the sentence in a moment of intense emotional struggle is such a clever use of language, reminiscent of Windham using the passive voice to signify Maul's dissociation, and I went back and re-read the passage like seven times. Read this one if you want to lie awake at night, haunted by birdsong.
The Heavy Center by bluestalking (41,790 words; rated G)
This one snuck up on me! Not because I didn't like it, but because it didn't sound like something I would normally be into. But I was determined to read almost everything in the tag so I tried it and I'm so glad I did. It's a post-O66 (fall) fic that centers around Padme, Ahsoka, Maul, and Obi-Wan. And It's one of those fics where I have to stop every few paragraphs or so to just repeat a sentence to myself and roll the rhythm over my teeth. The turns of phrase are exquisite. I really appreciate how reasonable Maul is in this fic. I feel like in a lot of Obimaul scenarios, he doesn't get to be the one to say hold on wait a minute let's talk. I think this one does a great job showing the shift in his motivation/reasoning and how that affects the way he approaches other people. I also like how there's so much he and Obi-Wan don't talk about. They skirt around stuff because its difficult to confront, but they find a way anyway.
Keep Running by @greenreticule (two parts, combined 26,094 words; rated T)
God bless Maul is rescued young fics. I think this series gets the exact balance of aw what a cute bby and oh shit that is one traumatized child how tf do I raise him. I like that the relationship between Dex and Maul isn't easy, but it is careful. I like that Dex messes up and that Maul is a rebellious fearful angry curious little guy, prone to all the folly of any young child, let alone one raised by Sidious. And I love that those behaviors appearing are signs of healing! The world-building in this one is really cool too. I found myself enjoying the locations and imagining the spaces around the characters. And HOLY SHIT the trans feelings in part two. Please heed the author's warnings carefully. I was having a great time, enjoying smaul, and then felt like I got hit by a train. It's good, but it's painful, but it's good.
Twin Suns/Kenobi on Tatooine:
the past is another planet by anonymous (329 words, rated T)
I so admire authors who can say a lot with very little. This snippet of an altered Twin Suns uses action to convey thought very well, touching on themes without ever naming them. The last line left me breathless.
Just This Once by A_Hodgepodge_of_Nothings (35,451 words, rated E)
This fic is exceedingly warm. It made me happy reading it, and I had to pace myself-- stop myself from finishing it all in one go. This is a desert hermits fic in which Maul and Obi-Wan's relationship develops very slowly and naturally, spaced over time skips that flow together really well. The Maul would be good with kids, actually, representation we need. The learning to be vulnerable around each other and learning how to rely on someone else scenes we also need. Just two tired, sad men clinging onto what little hope remains between them. And some chapters have art!
The Nature of the Beast by Carmarthen (@carmarthenfan) (1,384 words; rated G)
After I've spent 20 minutes staring at the ceiling, despondent over Maul, I turn to this fic for relief. Maul and Obi-Wan adopt a puppy. What's not to love. The author does some really interesting world-building regarding the Tusken raiders, and Maul himself is curmudgeonly to cover his affection. He's a stinker who buys things he knows his partner will like but also intentionally spooks him because he can. Peak Maul.
The Lost & The Forgotten by @shadowmaat (5,651 words; rated G)
It was really difficult to pick just one work by shadowmaat. I highly recommend checking out their entire Maul catalogue. In the end, I chose this one because I was instantly charmed by its opening. Maul shouting "Fight me!" and Obi-Wan replying like no lets have lunch made me laugh and I was ready for the What If The Naboo Duel Never Happened ride. I love Maul's characterization in this one. There are touches to his presentation that I subconsciously look for now, and this one hit all the marks: his strange brand of kindness, his maladaptive coping behaviors, and the brusqueness that covers intense care. Their use of character voice is really powerful and I enjoyed each swap in POV. Maul and Obi-Wan being mutually stranded (abandoned?) alters their dynamic from the more standard one-saving-the-other, and I enjoyed the reciprocity of their equal standing. And if this one doesn't pique your interest please check out the Tooka Cafe AU. Guess I'm not just picking one ha. Her Twin Suns AU is also very good...... FUCK. moving on.
Leaps of Faith, Acts of Kindness by @trixree (1,298 words; rated T)
My favorite type of fic are the ones where Maul and Obi-Wan just talk. This is exactly how I think a conversation post-Maul-losing-on-Naboo would go. Maul's fear and courage are on equal display-- Maul is a collection of conflicting traits and I think this fic shows that with clarity. He's stoic but expressive, terrifying yet terrified, paranoid and all too ready to trust, and all of that conveyed through an outside POV . There are so many gaps in this fic, in a good way. The characters don't have all the answers and neither does the reader, but there's enough for the characters to act and enough for the reader to understand why they act in that way. That's really damn difficult to do. The dialogue is strong and carries the narrative without requiring a lot of description, only needing some emotive action to convey what's going on in the characters' heads. 10000000/10
Staring into open flame by SLWalker (@sl-walker) (100,526 words; rated M)
To me, this is THE Maul fic. It’s an insightful dive into his character; it’s stunningly beautiful in both language and composition; the ending was so satisfying that I immediately wanted to read the entire thing again. In it, Maul is found by the Jedi after Naboo, but the fic takes place during TCW (Wild Space novel) and bounces back and forth between the present and the past as Obi-Wan and Maul work through their relationship. And by God. The parallels the author draws. The way she uses those jumps to juxtapose different scenes. Reading it the second time was even better because I knew how things connected and could further appreciate how carefully they'd been woven. This fic made me fall in love with Maul’s character all over again and that’s the highest compliment I can give. (And honestly, anything by Steff is going to be a banger. I haven’t read all her stuff but Im confident it’s all good because her mastery of craft and understanding of character are that solid. AU where Bail Organa takes Maul in? I know nothing about Bail but that one ended up being my favorite of her work. A series where the base premise is just “maul has wings?” im already in the car with a full tank of gas let’s go. "WORDS" IS REALLY GOOD. "IT" IS REALLY GOOD. and im terrified to read her Twin Suns internal monologue because *mr incredible voice* im not strong enough. uh. This one tho. Please read this one.)
There my heart lays sweetly in the velvet moor by @texasdreamer01 (12,856 words; rated E)
I'm incredibly fond of this fic. Reading it feels like nesting into the couch, fireplace going, thick blanket on, and shaking up a snow-globe to watch the sparkles settle around this little encapsulated world. It's mesmerizing, comforting. Has that oooooooo a damn good writer wrote this pizzazz. In this one, Obi-Wan didn't "kill" Maul on Naboo, and afterwards they keep running into each other as time goes on, until those coincidences become purposeful. The author is great at describing places in a way thats tangible. I can hear the scenes, feel them. You can tell a lot of thought went into the smallest details. The vocabulary in this one is also great? Precise words are used in ways you wouldn't expect within the sentence structure. It makes reading it fun and engaging, like playing tag with phrases. I really really like this version of Maul; he's a little more loose than your typical TPM-era Maul, but he has the same awkwardness and endearing happiness in doing things efficiently/well. Settle in!
Misc Imperial Era:
Mannequin Dream by anonymous (1,477 words; rated T)
Maul/Rex as a thing kinda hit me out of left field but I think I like it? Maul's characterization in Maul/Rex fics is always so !sharp and this one is no different. The description alone sold me on it, and the content (Maul and Rex having a philosophical discussion about purpose and ideology and solitude) sealed the deal.
he reaches over and he touches you, like a prayer for which no words exist by trophygoth (2,131 words; rated M)
What initially caught my attention about this one is how Maul thinks about his past self. He feels matured, aged, changed from who he was when he was younger, and i think that that’s significant because his ability to self-reflect is initially so stunted. It's not a long fic; it’s a post-nightmare scene that captures how Maul and Obi-Wan have come to understand each other. They have gentle banter, intentional body language, and Maul's inner-monologue is knowing. It also portrays Maul well, with his tempered contemplation, rough edges, and warped thinking. "(He is still young enough that he allows himself to quantify this feeling as pain)," knocked me tf out.
TCW (ending where my love of Maul began, in true Maul fashion):
Far Above, Far Below by nobody_expects_the_inquisitorius (@nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius) (788 words; rated G)
Gen fic has a special place in my heart. Maul's venator rampage is probably my (second?) favorite TCW scene, because it's so calculating and brutal, but it also carries a sense of simultaneous hopelessness and determination to survive. Of you want a "monster?" Fine. And I feel like this internal-monologue fic does a great job of showing why Maul is feeling that way. The prose is incredibly pretty and it's so... desolate. Yet rebellious. It has the same gravitas as the scene it frames, and I think that's really impressive. It's in the verbs, evocative and visceral. I want to plant flowers around this fic, like offering respect at a sorrow-laden grave.
Until I am Whole by dimtraces (@doorsclosingslowly) (1,934 words, rated M)
Maybe I am slightly cheating on my parameters with this one, but I don't care because I love this fic so much. This one is Savage-focused, but his relationship with Maul lies at the center. (If you want something more Maul-focused with a similar tone, try Keep quite still and wait ((2,984 words, rated M)) by the same author ((yes I'm doing two in one because it's my list and no one can stop me)) listen dimtraces is where I go for Brothers) [Both have] everything: character work, beautiful writing, and that sweet sweet ~~~~~body horror~~~~~. This one is about Savage's lost arm, but that's such a simplistic way to summarize it. The imagery is visceral and the way the author follows a single thread through time/emotion is extremely well done. I want to talk about it a bunch but I also don't want to spoil it because seeing the way it unfolds is a large part of the appeal. It's spooky! It's got heart! It's gorgeous! Please read it and go-- go-- feral with me. (falls to knees in anguish)
and then the singing by @sunsetofdoom (10,007 words, rated T)
Okay. This happened to be the last fic I read as I made my way through the tag and worked off of my list of to-reads. And it's the best way to end. If you want just a straight-up character study of Maul, this is the one for you. It's haunting in a way that has stuck with me, and, I feel, will never leave because it has fundamentally altered my brain chemistry. I wept repeatedly while reading it-- it's so tender, but blunt about who Maul is. I'm struggling to put my thoughts into words, because it's not the kind of thing you talk about; it's the kind of thing you just feel. To try and give you a synopsis, then: it follows Maul's life from pre-TPM into Rebels (but is mainly focused during TCW) and has him braid his experiences with various songs (mostly old English folk), poems, and lullabies, all while the narrative hovers around a theme of clinging to individuality/person-hood, the part of him I hold most dear. It's triumphant and mournful, victory and tragedy. It's "This is why I love Maul." It's just-- achingly, beautifully, written. Achingly, perfectly, Maul. I'm going to start crying if I talk about it any more, so. Actually, too late. Pressing save as draft and coming back later. <3
Those are the recs! Thanks for taking a look and please come talk to me if you end up reading any. (or if you want even more recs, because I've got 'em) If any of the authors happen to see this, thank you! Your work has made this dive so enjoyable. You've made me laugh and cry and send impassioned raving messages to my friends. I appreciate you posting and allowing me to swim in your worlds for a while.
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musewrangler · 3 months
🦋 🌸 🐠 🌷 🍄 for the writer ask game, please?
As ever, lovely friend, you are so kind. ;D Absolutely!!
my current WIP-----as you know, at any given time I usually have about 3-5 xD. However, I'm so glad YOU in particular asked this because it was you who gave me the Piett as a Jedi AU five facts. And um----guess what happened. I am currently plunging through chapter three of what is likely going to be a MUCH longer story than I anticipated, but I am not complaining, no sir. I've never written Piett this way and I am enjoying the development of this story in my brain. My poor boy has to go through a lot of suffering first, but the upshot is this---rejected by his family and sold, it is Plo Koon who saves him and raises him. He ends up stationed on Coruscant as the Clone Wars break out and it is here that he not only befriends Padme and Bail, but also a very overworked Commander Fox. While they are not able to completely keep Order 66 from happening, they manage to put a dent in it [because Fox gets a Jedi in this story ;D] and go on to fight this corrupt Empire with far more living Jedi and clones than we were left with in Revenge of the Sith.
WIP I've been working on the longest---again it is timely that you ask this. xD xD I am HOPING to finish Stiffen Up the Sinews today, which is the latest installment of the Empire Reimagined series. I've been at it for over a year which is fairly slow for me, but I totally blame the muse rugby team. You know how they are. xD
Author who inspires me----I'll give a two pronged answer here. First is the published author and while I could name so many, I am going with Dorothy Sayers. I ADORE her Lord Peter Wimsey series----she is a deft hand at both rich character development and in describing a scene. I owe a lot of my writing voice to her I think. Second, in fanfic land, there are once again a good number I could name, but I shall go with Osheen Nevoy. This is the author who wrote The Adventures Of Darth Vader and who really shaped my ideas about Piett. We have been communicating and it has been a true delight.
Writing achievement I want to brag about---- Well normally I'm happy not to do this. ;D But...I am really thrilled to say that I've started work with a friend on an original fic. I've been dabbling a bit in original work lately, but this is the first serious full blown work I've attempted in years. It has been immensely satisfying and I'm stoked to see where we take it.
Name a song that represents my main character----Ooh wow. This is actually a tough one. I can think of a number to represent Firmus. I'm Still Standing would be one. ;D Here Comes the General is another. But I think I really like The Fire by The Roots and John Legend. Great lyrics for our Admiral. ;D
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kcrabb88 · 12 hours
For the fanfic author asks: 8, 55, 68!
8. Do you prefer the beginning, middle, or end of a story?
Hmmm this is a good question! Weirdly, probably the middle? I think because I've got things going, and I'm really getting into the meat of it, and I'm not sad about it almost being over. I feel like I'm in my prime having the most fun in the middle. It might be more complex in that I have to figure more things out, but I love brainstorming, so that doesn't bother me much.
55. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
Oh gosh tough choiceeeeee. Depends on the fandom, for sure. Enjolras, for Les Mis, because I love getting into his head, and readers have said that they enjoy my characterization of him, which is the perfect way to get me to write more. Raoul, in Phantom of the Opera, because I love getting to flesh him out, or, in the case of my genderbent lesbian Raoul set of AUs, her! I do love writing Christine too, because she's my darling who deserves more in her own story. In Star Wars, Obi-Wan (my sweetie honey snarky self-sacrificing genius man) and Quinlan (my complicated goodhearted smart baby boy). Getting people into QuinObi as a ship via my fics DEFINITELY encourages me to write more of them, because that is like music to my ears. I also really love writing Anakin and Padme (they are a set with Obi-Wan, after all, do not separate what will they do without their dad-brother?)
68. What, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
Music is hugeee for me! I make playlists for everything I write, and I get a lot of ideas for images and even full plot points when I am just doing other things listening to music. Also, maybe a controversial take, engaging with the canon material pretty frequently. I think it's important to pull on the details that made me love something in the first place.
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sometimesanalice · 8 months
Hello, Alexa!☺️
How are you?
A bit of a random Q, but! I remember you saying that the first fanfic you wrote
was ‘Oh Christmas Tree' and I was just wondering if there was any other fandoms
you ever thought about writing for? Even if you don’t want to publish them! :) An even more general question, what other fandoms would you say you're into?
I know it's a little random, but I just love hearing about other people's interests/loves! 🥰
(I’m sorry if you’ve answered these in some way before)
Have a lovely weekend!
Hi Bo!! 🌟 I'm so good! I'm having the best afternoon with some coffee and a treat from Trader Joe's and working on a fluffy oneshot! I hope you're doing well! I love seeing you pop in my inbox!
The call of Bradley with a pine tree allergy and getting his best girl a fluffy pink one was too strong for me to resist! It was such a new thing for me that I wrote the whole thing on the notes app on my phone, it didn't even cross my mind to open a word doc for it, lol.
It's such a funny thing that for the years and years that I've jotted down ideas and dialogue that I never once thought of actually sitting down and trying my hand at writing fanfic until last year!
More for you under the cut!
My first foray into fandom and fanfic was when I was a nugget out there wilding on fanfic.net and shipping Clark/Lana from Smallville and Padme/Anakin from Star Wars. (back when I didn't even know what shipping meant, lol)
In college, I didn't have much time to read books because of all the school work, so I turned to fanfic again and got really into The Hunger Games. Dandelion Peeta had my heart, and all the modern AUs really softened the dystopian angst. That fandom had so many truly terrific writers, ones that I still follow even today.
Which is how I ended up becoming a big The 100 girlie. Some of my favorite THG authors started posting and writing for a couple of the main characters on that show and I was hooked. (it's been a lot of fun to learn that some of my fav TGM babes were also the 100 babes, so we've trauma bonded over it, haha)
And let me tell you, I need to be financially COMPENSATED by the CW for the chokehold this man had on me for like 5 years. (the hair! the gravely voice! the chin dimple! the biceps! the grumpy king with a heart of gold!)
Tumblr media
If I was going to write for another fandom, it would be that one. Bellarke (bellamy blake and clarke griffin) still has my heart. At the height of it, I was spending hours every day reading fic for them. The chemistry between them was bananas and every week I was waiting on baited breath for any little interaction between them. It's funny now because the actors are actually married now, haha! The show gave us crumbs and went out with such a tragic whimper, but the fandom and the incredible talent there is probably why I was so invested and still read fics about them on AO3.
When I reread my favorite series The Winners Trilogy by Marie Rutkoski I fall DEEP into an Arin/Kestrel spiral. It's such an underrated YA series that I'm pretty sure I've read every piece of fanfiction that's out there (which isn't nearly enough) at least 5 times.
There was a brief Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen GOT era, but it was short lived.
I also like the Darkling/Alina dynamic from Shadow and Bone. I read the series when the books first came out before the show, and wasn't particularly enamored with them as a couple. But then they had to go and cast the pretty bearded attention whore that is Ben Barnes and I had simply no choice but to ship, lol.
I always joke and say that I don't pick the hyperfixations, that they choose me. But it's really true. The 100 ended in 2020 and I didn't have anything really capture my attention in the same way until TGM. This is the first fandom that I've really participated in, like getting to know other people and creating content! And it's been so wonderful!
Oof! Well, this got out of control quickly, lol. This was such a fun ask to get! I haven't been asked before, so I really went off the deep end here giving you my full life fandom history, haha!
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independence1776 · 6 months
19 Questions Meme
Supposed to be 20 questions, but one seems to have vanished along the way. Thank you to @spiced-wine-fic for tagging me.
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 120, though some of those are moodboards instead of fic.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 492,336 words. I'm not prolific.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Star Wars, in the Kanan comics niche of the Rebels subfandom but I also work in rather a lot of Prequels-related material and I love the JFO/Survivor era. I also wrote a lot in the Tolkien fandom, Silmarillion side, but I'm only dipping my toes into the fandom at the moment and I'm not sure I'll return in depth.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? 
I am not the world's biggest fan of sorting by kudos; kudos doesn't mean best, it simply means popular. And often in the case of AO3, it means "in a popular fandom" so it skews results. There are plenty of fantastic fics that don't have a lot of kudos. And just because they're in the top-5 doesn't mean the author thinks they're their best works.
I'll step off my soapbox now. In order from most to least: To Remake the Universe (MCU), In Deep or In Darkness (MCU-Young Wizards crossover), Never Discussed But Silently Acknowledged (Star Wars), An Unexpected Welcome (Tolkien), Evolving Roles (Star Wars).
5. Do you respond to comments? Always. On one level, it's simply polite to say "thank you" to compliments. On an entirely different level, commenting on fics was how I found fandom friends, especially in my early years in fandom.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? The one where I killed (BBC) Merlin.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? *shrugs* I mostly write happy endings. Readers' choice of which is the happiest. 
8. Do you get hate on fics? A few times. I'm generally able to laugh about it now. There are a couple of hate comments I find truly hilarious.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Nope.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Love 'em. I write a lot of Star Wars-Tolkien crossovers. I have no idea which one people would think is the most out there.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes. The two I know of are on AO3 but there have been a handful of others over the years that people asked if they could translate and I have no idea if they ever were, where they were posted, or (at this end of time) even what stories they were.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? A fic, no, but for a bit, I co-wrote a short-lived series.
13. What’s your all time favorite ship? Elrond/Celebrían for Tolkien. For Star Wars, Han/Leia and Padme/Anakin. Favorite noncanon Star Wars is Owen/Beru/Obi-Wan.
14. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? ...So I posted a WIP a couple of weeks ago. It is the only WIP I've posted because my policy is to only post completed fics. I'd hoped that I'd get some encouragement to write more but I'm honestly not sure anyone realized it was a WIP because I didn't get encouragement to continue or a single "looking forward to more!" type of comment. I lost the little bit of enthusiasm I had because I'd been stalled on the fic for a while (I began writing it in fall 2020!) and it really feels like I could walk away from it and no one would care.
15. What are your writing strengths? I am sadly the type of writer who has a hard time seeing her strengths.
16. What are your writing weaknesses? Description is my go-too weakness. You can probably add writing romance to this.
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I prefer not to except for dramatic effect. I'm, for better or worse, monolingual. And I refuse to learn conlangs just to read a fic. If there's too much dialogue in a conlang, I'll hit the back button.
18. First fandom you wrote for? Mutant X.
19. Favourite fic you’ve written? I don't have an answer for that. Or at least a permanent one; there's a handful of fics that rotate through that position depending on mood, time of day, opinion toward the fandom, etc.
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this-acuteneurosis · 2 years
Okay, 2 things I really, really love about your writing and DLB (be prepared for praise)
1. Your commentary and meta on the Force. Reading through your post on how western (Christianity) theology ruined the prequels— yes! I have been saying this for years but I never knew how to put it in words or explain why the force felt so different in the PT vs the OT, and why I always preferred the force in the OT more than the PT (you hit the nail on the head). And I appreciate that this is the route you’ve taken in your writing, and I have to say since I’m writing my own SW fic I have been reading through that post and applying it to how I write about the force in my own story, and looking at things with a more critical eye and being mindful of what the force is and how it does/doesn’t work.
2. Your characterization of Anakin. I think yours is the best characterization of him I’ve ever read in a fic (I mean it). When I read DLB, I feel like I’m actually reading an Anakin from the PT. I think when it comes to a lot of fics about Anakin, I think authors tend to write him more like he is in the TCW, which is totally fine (I love the TCW) but DLB is just refreshing to me, and I know it’s because you’re sticking mostly to the movies with added bits from the TCW. For me, TCW Anakin feels a lot different from PT Anakin (sometimes it feels like they’re two different people), and Ive always preferred the Anakin in the movies (which is why I LOVE DLB). And it’s not just Anakin, but all of the characters are just written extremely well and true to their portrayals in the movies: shmi, padme, obi-wan, the list goes on.
3. (I know I only said 2, but I feel like being a Rebel). I think you’re one of the first authors of a SW time travel to bring up the very poignant point that just because it’s a time travel fic does not mean that we’re owed a big reveal. I mean, honestly, if I was Leia and I was dropped into that situation, I would do the exact same thing. My mouth would be wired shut, you’d have to tickle/torture me to get that out of me. Leia doesn’t owe anyone that part of herself and it’s not super relevant either, so why bring it up just to bring it up. If it does end up being relevant to the plot then I would very much enjoy a reveal, but you’re such a good writer that no matter where the cards fall I know I will not be disappointed either way— I am all here for how you write it. But the way you’ve written so far feels realistic and authentic to how a real person would react in that situation
I’ll end it here, but yeah! I appreciate you and DLB and I look forward to seeing where you take things.
I am blushing like crazy, you're so kind.
1) I know my rejection of an even semi-sentient Force isn't popular and doesn't mesh with current canon, but I prefer and stand by it. I'm glad that it resonates with someone else!
2) I agree that Anakin characterization is So Hard because he's not really consistent between the OT, PT, and TCW. I find my interpretation strongly influenced by TPM Anakin specifically (another Anakin!). That bright, kind little boy who was too smart and too talented for his own good! I love him and I want to protect him!
3) Be a Rebel! :) The "reveal" issue is something I think about a lot. I get lots of comments--ever increasing as the story goes on and the silence holds--about how excited or anxious people are for a reveal. What they think people's reactions will be. Why it must happen at some point. I can understand the underlying tension issue, and how people are probably on the edge of their seat. But I agree with you anon, Leia doesn't owe her past to anyone. There have been, are, and will be consequences to her silence. If and when she chooses to break it, it will be a Big Deal for whoever she trusts with the truth.
But for now, get comfy folks. Leia isn't going to break so easily.
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oonajaeadira · 2 years
I have this idea in my head for a fic. Have had it there for a while and it’s getting to the point where I NEED to get it out of my head.
Problem is I have to break canon. Like a lot. I pretty much have to take the entire Star Wars timeline and just throw it out the window for my story to work.
I’m having trouble justifying that to myself. I don’t know why. I get that is what fanfiction is for to “fix” canon if you will. I’m just having a hard time being able to do it.
I just love Din so much. I want to write about him. I’m just scared. I don’t know how to get past my mind block that is ok to break canon. I mean if Disney can do it so can I right?!
Oh friend.
Have you chosen the correct solidarity corner or what.
You have no idea how much I feel you on this. Like, NO IDEA.
I fell completely in love with Din Djarin at the end of season two and couldn't stop myself from writing my fic. I'm still writing that thing. But. I did have a moment of crisis.
I started slowing down because I realized that there would be a season 3 and that I couldn't predict how that was going to go and wanted so badly for my fic to be canon compliant that I froze, panicked, and that fic ground to a halt. Then Book of Boba Fett happened and I twisted myself--and my plot--in knots trying to find a way to make my story work around that canon.
And I could have done it. I could have made it work. But, to be honest, it wouldn't have been my story. It would have been pushed into a mold and come out something other than Adira-shaped. And even then...season 3 was still coming.
Did I mourn the fact that my story would no longer be compliant? I sure did. Did I consider just abandoning it? Totally.
And then something amazing happened. My friend @honestly-shite started reading it, and they loved it and--to my absolute delight--couldn't stop telling me what they loved about it. It didn't matter that it wasn't compliant. They wanted more and got excited every time I had an update. It brought me so much joy. They didn't even care if it was compliant or not. My very good friend @grogusmum who was the fic's first fan told me--TO MY FACE IN REAL LIFE--that it didn't matter at all, that she would read it and love it. And @writeforfandoms is the first girl to tell me "just write what you want and we will devour it" every time I have any doubts about any of my fic.
"Just write what you want and we will devour it."
To think. I almost stopped writing a story that gave me and my friends joy just because some non-existent rule I set for myself that it had to match up to the source material.
What I needed was permission to break my own imaginary limits.
And that's what I'm giving you.
Fic is fantasy. It's re-writing. It's filling in gaps. It's taking the characters and putting them in an old-timey saloon. It's taking characters behind closed doors and learning their secret personality they show nobody else and letting them absolutely wreck you with it. It's turning your favorite character into a dragon and using his ding dong for a stripper pole. Fic is the ultimate godlike power because you are absolutely allowed and encouraged to take a world and its characters and just play with them like dolls, rebuild them, mess up their timelines, reconstruct their entire physics and morality.
So what. You want Din and Poe and young Obi-Wan as an elite mercenary team? FK TIMELINES IN A GALAXY FAR FAR AWAY. If you've got the story in you, it's gotta get out. GET IT OUT.
If you're afraid that someone will call you out on your bullshit? That--gasp--they may not like it? Well then, put an author's note on the front and explain that you just really wanted Leia and Padme to kiss and in this version they're not mother and daughter and they're the same age. Someone doesn't like it? They don't have to read it. And if they do and have a problem? They're the ones that went marching on past the warning, so eff 'em. Eff 'em right in the eye socket because it's not your responsibility for them to have fun reading your fic.
The only responsibility you have is to yourself and your own fun and happiness. That's what imagination is for! And what is fic but imagination written down? You wouldn't limit your imagination, would you? So why limit your fic? BREAK THAT CANON. THEY'RE JUST STORIES. HAVE FUN WITH YOUR BEAUTIFUL LIFE.
Here is the part where I call upon all the fic readers and writers out there and ask you to come and leave a comment on this post. Feel free to copy and paste the following:
Seriously, nonnie. Lemme say one more thing because you love Din so much.
Din loves you back and he wants to live the adventure you have planned for him.
Do what brings you joy. No rules. It doesn't matter. It's just fic. And fic is beautiful because it's one of the only things in life that is both extremely important...and not important at all.
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antianakin · 1 year
What are your thoughts on the Soft Wars fic series? Personally I hate the take that the clones love Anakin and Ahsoka better than the rest of the Jedi.
I've actually given some of my thoughts on this series in a previous post I made here.
I'll put a quick TL;DR on those thoughts in this post, and then put some new ones under the cut to address your specific question.
All in all, Soft Wars is exactly what it says it is. It’s soft. It’s soft towards Anakin, it’s soft towards the clones, it’s soft towards the war and the worldbuilding. It’s definitely worth a read just for the way it handles the clone worldbuilding and the clear impact it has had on the way the clones have been written in fic ever since. At this point, I don’t regret reading it but I also don’t go back to it very often anymore and there’s a reason I don't rec Soft Wars for pro-Jedi fic recs when people ask. Soft Wars is not what I would consider fully Pro-Jedi but nor is it anywhere near virulently anti-Jedi and it has some really neat writing for the clones while obviously being really pro-Anakin Skywalker to the point of smoothing out most of his more uncomfortable flaws to make him a more sympathetic and likable character.
To address your specific complaint about the clones loving Anakin and Ahsoka better than the rest of the Jedi, it's fairly clear to me that the author has a soft spot for Anakin and the rest of the fic is sort-of written around that in many ways. The majority of the focus of Soft Wars IS on the clones themselves, and their relationships to each other rather than their relationships to Anakin and Ahsoka specifically, but the big fix-it of the entire thing is that the clones save Anakin from the dark side and allow him to truly be himself. Which definitely ignores that Anakin was a full-blown fascist at this point, not to mention a complete racist (at least against the Tuskens), and arguably sexist as well as a sexual predator.
This is kind-of what I was referring to when I mentioned in the previous post I made about this that the author "smoothes out" Anakin's flaws to make him more sympathetic and likable. Soft Wars is by no means the only place this happens in fics, Anakin OFTEN has to get smoothed out in fix-it fics where he's allowed to live and just get a happy marriage with 2.5 kids and a white picket fence with Padme.
Soft Wars Anakin is... not really canon Anakin. He's got hints of canon Anakin, sure, but he's a LOT better of a person than canon Anakin was at this point in the story. The author had a soft spot for Anakin and wrote an entire epic around Anakin being saved by the clones, so you have to sort-of view Soft Wars from that perspective. If you are someone who doesn't like Anakin much and prefers a more realistic take on Anakin WITH all of his flaws at this point in his life, Soft Wars isn't going to give it to you. I find myself at a place these days where it can be really hard to read fics where Anakin is portrayed REALLY positively and without a lot of his canon flaws, especially with regards to the clones.
If you want more fics where the clones have good relationships with Jedi that AREN'T Anakin (or Ahsoka or even Obi-Wan), please check out blackkat's fics on AO3! A lot of them feature more niche Jedi or just focus on Jedi that tend to go more ignored in popular fandom. I've absolutely gained a love for a few Jedi characters that I'm not even sure I KNEW before I started reading these fics as well as gained several new ships! They're 100% Jedi-friendly, and they never shy away from the reality of who Anakin is and what he's done.
And if you want a series that focuses on the clones more and still gives them a pretty soft ending WITHOUT glorifying Anakin or infantilizing the Jedi, please check out the Reconstruction Corps AU by cacodaemonia (et al). Caco is an INCREDIBLE artist, so the series is worth taking a look at for the art alone, but the writing is wonderful, too, and is one of the few places where I've seen someone explore clone culture without just re-appropriating Mando culture, which is really awesome!
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imgoingtocrash · 10 months
Hi there, it's your Secret Santa :) Hope you had a wonderful week! Two questions for today: 1) When reading a longer story, do you have a preferred chapter length? 2) What did you think of Andor (the TV show)? What was your favourite story arc?
Hello again!
1. Not particularly? I trust the author to know what’s up lol. Most often I find I like a 20k words with ~5 chapters sort of mid-length oneshot sort of thing. Like it has spaced out beats so that I can take a break between chapters if needed, but overall it’s a singular story, if that makes sense. But I’ve also read 20+ chapter fics that update with 2-5k words every week or so. The fic always dictates that kind of thing for me lol.
2. My feelings toward Andor are…complicated. Which I think is a familiar sentiment in the fandom.
Like, I wanted more Cassian Andor, and I got it, and there are some really great pieces of story and writing in there. The score is absolutely incredible. I hope it makes it into at least a couple of Emmy categories.
(Particularly I watched Luther: The Fallen Sun right around when No Way Out aired, and Andy Serkis has some damn RANGE this year and he deserves some supporting credit for sure for that or Andor.)
The cinematography, direction, and set design is INCREDIBLY unique for modern Star Wars. The choice of not using The Wall and doing as much practical set construction as possible SHOWS. It has an intimacy I think the new movies strayed away from, and it benefits what Andor as a show is trying to do. Not to mention that the RO/Rebelcaptain fandom has feasted on scraps for like 5 years and we actually got a lot to play with from the show. (When/If Cassian says Jyn’s name in s2 I will need to be hospitalized ❤️)
But. The Kenari/Kassa thing. The Maarva and Clem “adoption” situation. Some lack of decent reputation. It’s not really my place to elaborate on some of it as a white person, but I’m keeping up with those conversations in the fandom and I find myself agreeing with a lot of them.
Have I proposed AU ideas about Maarva meeting a RO!Lives team with Cassian? Sure. Do I think the way people are writing Cassian’s POV on the canon is really interesting? So far, hell yeah.
As usual, I’m willing to deal with the sandbox I’ve been given and play around in it, but I do think there’s room for improvement, and I’m an OG Rebelcaptain fan, so I’m always down for anyone that chooses to ignore the rewriting of Cassian’s Festian history. I’ll pretend the show doesn’t exist any day of the week and ride whatever vibes the author is putting down.
But as for favorite story arc, I did really enjoy the prison arc (and the kick in the ass of Cassian building the thing that kills him, because we love an awful full circle moment.)
Also, the beginnings of Rebellion Intelligence! I think Mon gets a bad rap sometimes when it’s like…she and Bail literally clawed this whole thing out of nothing. The Padme BFFs Club had a bunch of credits and a hope and eventually saved the galaxy by being true to what they always believed was right. They rule imo.
Also, my favorite scene is the end where Cassian is like “kill me or recruit me bitch” kebdnsn his eyes are so SAD and WET that’s my poor little meow meow spy 🥹
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tantive404 · 1 year
Dear Author- Star Wars Rarepairs 2023
Hello wonderful author! Thank you so much for writing for me! This is my first year doing the Star Wars Rarepairs Exchange and I'm so excited to see what you have in store… I just know it will be lovely!! <3
DNWs: -Explicit sexual content. I'm okay with some things of that nature being tastefully implied, but I don't want descriptions of genitalia or sex acts. -Sequel trilogy content -Modern AU -Major Character Death between the characters involved in the ship (they can certainly threaten to kill each other though XD)
Likes: -enemies to lovers tropes, villain x heroine ships -forced or arranged marriage -Leia whump or angst-- I love seeing that girl vulnerable and in perilous predicaments, but still maintaining her strength of will and fighting back. -political intrigue (lends itself particularly well to tarkin x leia) and drama -power dynamics -captivity -banter
Leia Organa/Wilhuff Tarkin I am OBSESSED with these two… Ever since I noticed the way he grabs her face during their scene together in A New Hope, something just clicked within my brain. I love their absolute hatred for one another, how they are each so devoted to their opposing causes, and how his desire to subdue her and defeat the Rebellion could manifest into a twisted obsession and desire… They have a great tension and chemistry, and some fun silly space banter. Feel free to lean into the darkness and creepiness.
Prompts: -Something exploring their dynamic pre-ANH, where Leia is working as a rebel spy and Tarkin is suspicious and attempting to catch her in the act of treason. A game of cat and mouse ensues. -Leia and Tarkin strike some form of deal in the hopes of each benefitting their side of the war. How might this develop their relationship? I'd love to see Tarkin manipulating Leia, and Leia's efforts to sabotage him. -Bad end to ANH… Tarkin lives, or the Rebellion loses, and Leia must deal with her grief and desire for revenge… meanwhile the Grand Moff decides he wants something more for the Princess than execution -Missing scene from her captivity and interrogation on the Death Star. Who knows what could have occurred between them behind closed doors?
Leia Organa/Darth Vader These two have the chance for layers and layers of DRAMA and irony. I love the possibility for a sweet twisted "knight and princess" motif, as well as Vader being SUPER protective and possessive of Leia, with her bringing out his more "honorable", "good" side… and Leia reminding him both of Padme and of his former self. I love Leia being a complete sass machine to Vader and being one of the very few people who is able to stand up to the Dark Lord… Perhaps he finds a strange sort of respect for her through that. Also, they're really just a very aesthetically pleasing couple. The size/height difference and the black armor against the white gown. They're truly a villain and a heroine who are meant to be pitted against each other.
Prompts: -Through some strange set of circumstances, Vader and Leia must put up a temporary truce and are forced to work together begrudgingly -Vader protects Leia from a more dangerous foe, and she comes to gain a strange sense of respect for him. -Vader is haunted by his memories of Padme and uses Leia as a fill-in for her of sorts…
Leia Organa/Wilhuff Tarkin/Darth Vader Something of a twisted love triangle where Vader and Tarkin are fighting for control of the Princess, and she is caught in the middle of them.
Leia Organa/Lord Tion Tion is a character who appears in the second episode of the Star Wars Radio Drama-- an arrogant, pompous Imperial officer and devotee of Tarkin who becomes Leia's suitor. Despite her disdain, she briefly permits his courtship to learn more about the Death Star… and everything goes disastrously wrong after he proposes marriage. As an enthusiast for Leia villain ships, I was in love with the MELODRAMA potential caused by this character.
Prompt: -What if the proposal/courtship was allowed to go further, and things turned out differently for them? It would be interesting to see Leia enter into a relationship with an Imperial in order to obtain rebel info…
Rogue One: Jyn Erso/Orson Krennic I enjoy the potential that the clash of these two strong personalities might bring, and the connection which they hold to one another's past. Where Leia and Tarkin will have a heavy amount of verbal sparring, I imagine Jyn and Krennic would have some physical sparring, too. It's also interesting to delve into his relation to her father.
Prompts: -AU where Galen's family returns with him during the construction of the Death Star, and Jyn grows up in high Imperial society, rebelling against the expectations placed upon her, and eventually catching Krennic's eye. -Alternatively, the Erso parents are made to offer Jyn as a bride to Krennic in order to ensure their safety… She's not happy about it, but wants to protect her family. -Something where they survive Scarif and have a chance to build a relationship from there… complex and hate-filled, of course.
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thebiggerbear · 3 months
About Me Section
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Hi there! I'm B and I'm a writer. Writing/creating is my passion and a huge outlet for me. I've been writing for years but only in the last year or so did I venture into Reader fic territory and start posting some of my works here. (and I'm still figuring out how it all works, sorry about that!)
Writing is fun for me. If for some reason it ventures into the no-longer-fun territory, I either take a break or move on from it to the next thing. I'm a "slow" writer. I take my time to make sure I'm satisfied with the end result before putting it out whether it be a drabble or a one shot or a chapter for an open WIP. I'm a planner but sometimes things do change up mid-writing as I discover more during the process or the muse wants to go in a completely different direction. Music is a very helpful tool for me and I would say about 92% of all of my projects, open and closed, have been inspired by multiple sections of my Spotify library.
Over 18. Bi. She/her.
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Food: waffles (why not?)
Favorite Movies: just to name a few: Black Hawk Down; Gladiator; The Departed; The Dark Knight Rises; You've Got Mail; Beverly Hills Cop - any 80's movie quite honestly (especially John Hughes and The Brat Pack all the way); old classic movies hold a special place in my heart (recently fell in love with Goodbye, Charlie - didn't think it would be my type of movie but I LOVED it)
Favorite TV shows: Game of Thrones; Supernatural; Yellowstone; The Boys; The Tudors; The Gilded Age; Buffy the Vampire Slayer; ER; Charmed 1998; Xena: Warrior Princess
Favorite Books: so many tbh; The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley; Jaws by Peter Benchley; Point Pleasant by Jen Archer Wood; A Girl Called Samson by Amy Harmon; The Bourne Trilogy by Robert Ludlum; and yes, the classics Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen along with Dracula by Bram Stoker
Favorite Music: to name a few: Aaliyah, Beyonce, Colter Wall, Whitney Houston (I will never get over The Bodyguard soundtrack), Gloria Estefan, Patsy Cline, Sam Cooke, Faith Hill, Reba McEntire (have you heard "Somebody's Chelsea"?), The Mamas and The Papas (came for the band, stayed for Cass Elliot), CCR, Metallica, Led Zeppelin, Ben E. King and The Drifters (separate and together), Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Bach, good ol' Beethoven - basically anything from classical to pop to country to opera to hip hop to rock to golden oldies to big band and swing to indie to jazz to whatever comes after that - I listen to everything, mostly depends on the mood or the day or if I'm checking out a certain song or genre for writing; though I do have a special place in my heart for film score/film composers (and that helps me tremendously with writing, too)
Favorite Song: Lambada (no matter where I hear it, I will always end up dancing)
Favorite Characters: Daenerys Targaryen; Dean Winchester; Beth Dutton; Padme Amidala; Soldier Boy (showverse); Russell Shaw (or what I envision his character to be after that one episode); Sam Uley; Rosalie Hale; Callisto
Favorite OTP: Jonsa (to name one)
Favorite Trope: if I had to choose just one -> friends to lovers
Favorite Actors/Actresses: we're definitely going to be here a while...
Favorite Authors: George R.R. Martin; Michael Crichton; Philippa Gregory; Amy Harmon; Hester Fox
Currently reading: re-reading all of my favorite fantasy series
Currently listening to: all playlists on my Spotify
Currently watching: Rings of Power Season 1; Orange Is the New Black Season 7; Charmed 1998 Season 1 (rewatch); back half of Season 1 of Tracker (on pause)
Currently playing: Stardew Valley; Hogwarts Legacy
Current Song: Roslyn by Bon Iver & St. Vincent
Current Celebrity Crush: Glen Powell 🤠 (I need to see Twisters, like NOW lol)
I think that pretty much covers the basics. If there's anything else you'd like to ask me about or for any media recs or something like that, feel free to drop me a line anytime in the ask box! 😁
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