#i love them...theyre so hashtag girl
floorpancakes · 11 months
zhongzhu is lanky clamp boy yuri
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jils-things · 6 months
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jrueships · 9 months
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who taught him how to say twin 😭
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sweetsweetloverlover · 9 months
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hi lol.... some pages from june ^_^
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steelycunt · 2 years
with every little note and annotation and underlining i subject my copy of giovannis room to she becomes just a little bit more dear to me...smthn smthn if my house was burning down and i could only save five things...
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corvidaedream · 2 years
researching for my job is weird because im torn between trying to find and then convey truth, and trying to tell a story that only takes up an hour and can be understood by any random tourist off the street. it has to play well with the prerecorded material ive been given, and the environment ive been placed in, which sometimes contradicts my own research.
regardless of the information i find about Lucy, her disposition, or her social standing (she was a middling sort, she became a wife and mother, so I cant assume she was anything other than ladylike enough to be desirable, polite enough for middling society, quiet enough to leave barely any evidence of her existence on record) i have to construct a version of lucy who is loud and brash enough to lead a group of 55 people, to stand at the front of a town meeting with confidence, a lucy willing and able assert herself and tell off a man who decides its appropriate to touch her, because I need to be able to do all of that without breaking character.
and diving further into the history of the town and the people in her life who might give me more insight into her, I cant shake the worry that I will find definitive proof of her being someone other than who I need her to be, and that I'll feel like im betraying her when I tell her story if I know im twisting it to suit my own purposes.
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not me having a panic attack in the shower because im 22 years old and havent done anything meaningful with my life 💀
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tennispilled · 19 hours
thank u for the tag @clayvedevs :333
a little get to know me tag game!
1. Do you make your bed?
... no but in my defence i have a loft bed so its very difficult to do
2. Favourite number?
hmm 3, 4 and 7 r my favourite digits. im a big fan of i hashtag complex numbers. grahams number and tree(3) r fun, oh -1/12 is a classic, pi as well... gosh so sorry i am a mathspilled nerd so,,,
3. What's your job?
never had one hashtag disabled
4. If you could go back to school, would you?
i never finished high school and i have thought about trying (for the like fourth time) to get a hsc (high school certificate, there r ways to get an equivalent qualification for mature age students) but idk. im at TAFE for fashion/costume and i dont really need an hsc for that. i have thought about eventually going to uni for maths though, and i would definitely have to take an entrance exam for that since i dont have an hsc. i do qualify for loads of exceptions though so its not all losses (yay disability?)
5. Can you parallel park?
never tried (have driven a total of 8 hours)
6. Do you think aliens are real?
in some form, yeah
7. Can you drive a manual car?
see q5 (no)
8. Guilty pleasure?
hmm... i believe cringe is dead and i also do/interact with surprisingly little.. i guess maybe like blind boxes? i dont get them often but theyre so expensive so i do feel guilty every time i see a kirby one and cant resist.
9. Tattoos?
nay, although now that all my friends are getting them i have been thinking about it. its not like. really on the cards bc i cant make decisions for the life of me but if i could id be so basic and get an ouroboros. and probably a guinea pig.
10. Favourite colour?
sage green, marone
11. Favourite type of music?
i'll listen to most kinds of music but i definitely gravitate to like emo, post hardcore, rock- that sort of thing
12. Do you like puzzles?
like jigsaw puzzles or? i mean i like jigsaws and i also like other kinds of puzzles. always my go to genre of game. riddles and cryptic crosswords and escape rooms my beloved
13. Any phobias?
hmm well ive got social anxiety disorder but other than that i dont think so?
14. Favourite childhood sport?
i deliberately was on every sports team in primary school at least once (except cricket lol) bc i actually did enjoy sports, but the aforementioned anxiety disorder made actually pursuing that difficult. i also did dance, gymnastics, acrobatics and trampolining at some point during childhood. i do miss acro, that was the last extracurricular i did before i got mucho depressed and my life basically stopped circa 2016. the only sport ive ever followed as a fan is tennis!
15. Do you talk to yourself?
yes lol mostly in my head but also out loud sometimes. born to be a yapper fr
16. Tea or coffee?
im a tea truther (earl grey with soy milk !!!!) and also a bubble tea fiend, BUT i will fuck up a mocha (or an iced coffee with enough milk and sugar to cover the bitterness)
17. First thing you wanted to be when growing up?
i was a veritable horse girl from a VERY young age so probably something related to horses?? like a showjumper maybe.
18. What movies do you adore?
love a good (or laughably bad) horror movie. a cure for wellness, orphan, killing of a sacred deer r all movies gave 5 stars. also love a good children's animated movie! unironically a big fan of the secret life of pets movies, ferdinand, that sort of thing. g-force remains the best movie of all time.
i am tagging: @soronya @tennis-kittens @nick-cassidy @shapovalovvs :33
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meowsticmarvels · 4 months
im curious. who are your fav characters from each mainline persona game that you have played 🤔🤔 (take this as an invitation to ramble about them)
YIPEEEEEEEE here we go will be long so im hiding it under a readmore again. also since you said mainline im not including toshiro or eri but you Know...... im abnorma, abt them
i have NOT played p1 and i've just barely started p2is (though ive watched snippets of someone elses's playthrough) but i will say. based on my limited knowledge i rly like hidehiko, ayase, naoya, tatsuya, jun, eikichi, yukino, maya, and lisa
p3 and p4 are difficult bc theyre the ones im the most autistic abt and the main entire casts as a whole are comforts for me. but anyways. going to talk about p3 first Yes I Will Include SLs too. im abnormal. top 3 main insaners for p3 though are akihiko, yukari, and junpei. for me
makoto/minato sooo so gender envy. im obsessed with his design a lot. his character i do also like hes a little goofy and so mecore but mainly his design is something i love a lot
same with kotone. also love how she has a sort of distinct personality that you can tell with slight dialogue changes that her counterpart doesnt say. shes rly real. love reload but i miss her...
as stated yukari's one of my favs. she didnt Use to be (i did like her but Not as much) but she's slowly become one and man. i love that silly girl. her haters will not survive the winter actually. it does piss me off though because like. yeah shes not perfect no character rly is but she's a traumatized mentally ill teenage girl with a dead dad and a neglectful mom cut her some slack maybe? god forbid women do anything. idk. but im obsessed with her. her character is actually so interesting to me and not a lot of people talk about it? like her whole fear of death causing issues with summoning her persona like at the beginnning, her dad being involved with the kirijo groups shit, how she puts on a cheerful front but is actually deeply really lonely :(, her kinda playful insult friendship with junpei (deep down they do care abt eachother. i wish that was explored more. i found a rly good fic abt it once.) and etc etc. idrk what to say but shes sooo. i also love how she initially HATES mitsuru and is super jealous of her and then. Well. gay tension is real. anyways shes a transfem lesbian to me btw. yukamitsu ftw
junpei's also become one of my favs. somehow. in a similar vein to yukari in that he wasn't initially my main fav character but i think his character's also pretty interesting and has. a lot of unexplored potential. he's very silly and i love him for that a lot but something i don't see many people talk about is like. his Issues. like yeah hes silly but he's also got some fucked up self-worth issues!!! remember the scene on 5/9 where he kinda gets really upset and goes off on his own and stuff. for example. like i think him being imperfect and having these moments where he's NOT cheerful and goofy all the time and actually deeply really jealous of you because he feels that fighting's all he's good for and he's not worth much else is what makes him interesting. do you get it. like him being tbe silly funny guy isn't all he is as a person yk!!!!! also as far as characterization I point a lot to the scene where yukari's more than willing to go confront the people in the alley while junpei's worried, or scene near the end of the game where yukari teases junpei and he snaps at her, confessing that while he doesn't show it he really is terrified. they all are, at that point. yk what I mean? also people don't acknowledge his trauma with his father enough (maybe because it's only really discussed at all in femc's route... his SL is so good but not enough ppl see it... BUR YEAH did not think I'd go off on a tangent about junpei fucking iori tonight but he's real. hashtag brokeback tartarus. also he's an adhder to me. (oh yeah also want to point out this line in his SL where he says "maybe I have anxiety or something". yeah. that's a line!)
akihiko fucking sanada. ohhhh man. this guy. where do i even START. he's so so crazy like what if your local high school upperclassman boxing champion guy was also really gay for his dying childhood friend and autistic as hell and also traumatized. and he's doing boxing in the first place to overcompensate because the death of his sister made him fear losing anyone else again snd he needs to feel like he has power. he needs control. yk? like this guy made me insane for like several months straight in 2023 and he still makes me ill. to this day. as you can probably tell by my distaste for people seeing yukari and junpei at face value you can probably gather that I hate the protein jokes and i Do. he said it like. Once in p3. it never rly was funny????? and what they did in spinoffs esp p4a to just make him look like a gym rat and nothing more makes me upset bc of the REASON he's obsessed with fighting. he's not just a dumb jock (he also isn't dumb lol he canonically scores very high on his exams) he's overworking himself because feelings of self doubt from trauma have caused him to feel the need to overcompensate so he never loses anyone again. you know? it would've been interesting to see him relapse in p4a if theyd actually done it well. like he doesnt rly give himself time or room to grieve in game (theres rhat onw scene on 10/5 and then he barely talks about it again. man i wish it was developed more...) so realizing that grieving isnt a linear process that he can just repress for a long time and even years after it can still hurt would go INSANE. but no they just turned him into i love protein joke number 20. okay!!! (im very angry) thinking about when my non persona friend after hearing me explain some of the plot described p3 as like a greek tragedy because like. damn. he and shinji were doomed from the start with personas like polydeuces and castor huh. anyways. yeah. continuing writing now that i've watched october 4th in reload AND akihiko's breakdown as a reuslt and i wanna scream and cry and throw up that will be for another post but ooh man it mad eme cry like 3 times. and I KNOEW WHAT HAPPENS. THEYRE SOOOOOOOOOO if you know me im an insane akishinji truther. im just. i wanna talk abt other charactrs so ill stop here but always ask me about akihiko + akishinji + ships i like in general. i am really normal. oh btw transmasc akihiko is forever real to me. also he's autistic and a ptsder. to me (tbf what persona character Doesnt have some form of truama but like. this guy in particular). up there with my highest blorbos
i dooont wanna go on for too long abt every other character in p3 so ill keep this next part short and sweet but if u wanna hear me talk more abt any of them. feel free to. starting with fuuka i love he rmy transfem autistic girlie who has every disease. i also love mitsuru a lot who i Wish had people acknowledge her deeper aspects more. like. she was experimented on and also very sheltered and also a little bit of a girlfail. shes not fully the girlboss you all say she is shes also just a teenage girl!!!!!!!!!! koromaru can do no wrong hes forever the best. i love that dog. ken makes me so so sad he is just a kid!!! what the hell!!!!!! :(. and oh man. shinji. guy who is so wracked with guilt. guy that is dying no matter what happens. guy that dies in his lover's arms
as far as non-sees characters. i rly like strega. esp jin and chidori. dont think abt them enough. also as far as SLs i like keisuke, hidetoshi, bunkichi and mitsuko, kazushi, yuko, and etc etc...i need to see rio and saoris links too they look real. oh also i LOVE ryoji
p4 time !!!!!!
again gonna cut this short so i can actually Fit it all in one post. but wow. i do like all of the IT so so much but im just focusing on my favs. anyways i love yu so much his autistic swagger esp in the animation is amazing. like he is not a "chad" he's just an autistic teenager. ok. also the animation broke me when nanako gets kidnapped he sounds fucking distraught there. love when people delve into yu's issues also bc hes a bit fucked up but Man. ouch. just like me fr tho
i love yosuke in a similar way to why I like junpei because he's kind of a loser /pos snd has some insane issues that his shadow delves into that are Kind of Insane for the FIRST shadow of the game. like ok damn. i really do love his social link in general tho his was the first one I maxed out in my (unfinished because i didn't want to finish it) p4g playthrough so!!!!! many things wrong with him and also the lgbt community has forgiven yosuke hanamura. also similarly to junpei he's adhd as hell. souyo ftw
naotos probably my fav p4 character I think which is Pretty Painful Sometimes. sometimes I need to kill both other persona fans and atlus if ykwim. but anyways i hc him as transmasc for one thing but also if atlus weren't cowards and actually made his story abt rhat it would've hit so hard. his shadow in general is often overlooked apart from that bc what about the part where he talks about being mistreated by others and feeling utterly alone and not allowing himself to act like a kid!!!! it fucks me up!!! he's also super autism btw like god damn. but YEAH point is I love naoto so much and i hate how both some fans and atlus tjemself treat him because his whole arc and shadow had the potential to be super compelling
apart from who i listed above i do like the rest of the IT so much they're such silly friends (i love you chie i love you yukiko i love you kanji i love you rise i love you teddie.). can't think of any SLs off the top of my head that were crazy but I do like daisuke and kou. OH ALSOO the dojimas..... 😢💧😢😢💧 love them
p5 time :3 I'm into it less so than p3 or p4 but Still
yusuke's my favorite p5 character probably. i domt know what it is apart from the common trend of my favs being autistic as hell (see: akihiko and naoto) but he's like. such a fucked up guy. he's traumatized. he loves art. something is deeply wrong with him. obsessed with this gug
i also do like ren/akira, ryuji, futaba, and also mishima (unfortunately. but in my defense there is something deeply wrong with him slash positive). i don't know a lot abt all of p5's confidants but i like iwai I think.... this reminded me I need to make more progress in p5 what the hell. i miss you futaba (i haven't even got to her palace yet im still on kaneshiros LOL)
but YEAH! thank you for asking!!! from the ones I've played my top favs are akihiko + naoto + yusuke respectively so👍👍👍 loved answering this :3 if u have any thoughts on a particular character feel free to ask and ill elaborate :3
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ITS NOT JUST THEM EITHER literally every line of dialogue in s3 (and MUCH of s4) is completely interchangeable and basic it’s SO mcu-coded it makes me sick the characters have little to no personality they just get morphed into cookie-cutter archetypes if theyre LUCKY and the flanderization of the majority of mains (hopper (s3 hopper i am beating you to death you make my piss boil he’s such a heinous cunt literally episode one he threatens a CHILD and forces them to lie to his surrogate daughter who theyre dating and he also just shoots like dozens of russian soldiers without a second thought and it gets treated as a scene wit brevity despite the fact that this mario-looking motherfucker is murdering people left and right in between yelling at joyce who is his love interest (omg it’s all so contrived and early 2000s romcom/shitty 80’s action movie like so fucking much of s3) steve (who’s only character traits are dumb and slutty now ig and every scene he gets that gives him depth gets undercut with bullshit st*ncy romance teasing or played for laughs (like when he says he feels like an idiot and kinda looks down on himself bc he crawled backwards as a baby and also when this teenager was literally drugged; beaten to a pulp and tortured) and nancy (lois lane esque hashtag girlboss character (who the duffers can’t write for when they TRY to be feminist bc it becomes so performative and inauthentic on their part and their accidental feminist moments (the “screw that” scene, confronting steve in the alley in s1, determinedly swearing to kill the demogorgon (paralleling jonathan in episode 5), being given every out but forthrightly still luring the monster to herself despite having literally just learned that her best friend in the whole world was viciously eaten by it, and ofc battling the demogorgon) who’s super ambitious and stubborn to a fault) are just three instances, and if you know my blog you know i ADORE nancy and steve and also good fucking lord the ABSOLUTE CHARACTER ASSASSINATION OF MAX IN S3. they de-butched her they yassified her for the worser my best girl thank god they did better with her in s4 but i can’t think abt her overall characterisation in s3 for too long before getting a headache, fucking hell this show really is just bad fanfiction now i can only hope for some genuinely good and heartfelt moments in the final season, pray that the duffle bags REWATCH THEIR FUCKIN SHOW, and manifest an ending that doesn’t completely disappoint
goodness fuckin gracious that’s a wall of text. hope this mini rant was entertaining tho 🤠✌️
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charliesimss · 1 year
Evens for gracely
Odds for alexham
2. Who does most of the cooking? Gracie she likes to cook things and bake things from scratch, Bradley will do clean up.
4. Who says creepy paper and who says crepe paper? I think they'd both say crepe paper, having only ever heard it said like that.
6. Who’s the sun and who’s the moon? They're both pretty sunny but if one had to be the moon it'd be bradley because he's more quiet
8. What are their cooking habits? Who cooks meals and who “cooks” insta-ramen? She cooks real meals and Bradley *can* cook, he just goes for easier dishes like frozen chicken nuggets and things that don't need a lot of prep, hashtag accessibility.
10. What are their love languages? They seem like the type to just hold hands really hard and say I love you a few times an hour.
12. Who says “party rockers” and who says “party rock is”? Grace says party rock is, and bradley is party rockers
14. How does their personal styles differ? Do they share clothes? gracie has done that "fit in your partners jeans" challenge thing on tik tok and bradley's fit her just fine. But Grace's style is very girly, dresses, no shoes, and bradley is also for comfort but won't be caught with his bare feet out ever.
16. Who takes charge during grocery trips? Who picks out all the silly snacks and munchies? Pregnant gracie really got into the habit of picking out snacky stuff, but Bradley does the grocery shopping and just gets what she circles in flip.
18. What’s a typical date night for them? Do they go out or stay in? They'd stay in and garden and play scrabble or something like the 20 something year old grandparents that they are.
20. Do they want kids? If so, who initiated the question about having them? They always wanted kids and they probably started talking about it after high school. And then struggled to get pregnant.
22. What do they bring out in each other? Bradley brings out her nurturing side and her little girl on the prairie side, and Grace brings out his ambitious side, makes him want to do better.
24. What’s their song? Long Live/Taylor Swift
26. Who asked out who first? Grace asked him first actually (well poppy more likely) 😳
28. How would they describe each other? Grace would say he's devoted, creative, and reserved, and Bradley would say she's loving, inclusive and angelic.
30. What are their nicknames for each other? (If any) Probably just baby and sweetie, and Bradley calls her gracie, but she never ever calls him brad. He's not a brad, don;t get it twisted.
32. How are they intimate with each other in a nonsexual way? Whispers!!!! Those seem very intimate, and like still holding hands while theyre just on the couch watching a show.
34. What couple from another media reminds you of them? Laura and Almanzo, in These Happy Golden Years book.
36. Who wakes up and falls asleep first? Bradley falls asleep first, Grace wakes up first.
38. What do they love most about each other? Probably their devotion and parental skills
40. Do they have any jealous tendencies over each other? Jealousy is a disease they are immune to 😌
42. Do you have a playlist for them? Gimme?????? They don't, they barely have a song 💀
44. How long have you been playing with them (or making edits with, etc.) Since 2021 I think
46. Who takes longer to get ready? Gracie. But now that they have babies they'll both take a long time because they'll each get a baby ready
48. What is something they have given the other that has a lot of meaning? Bradley giving her a promise ring and then an engagement ring with both of their birth stones in it remains to be one of the cutest things any of my couples have given each other.
50. What is their dynamic playing board games and video games? (versus each other and/or on the same team) They play really well on a team together and always want to be on each others team, unless poppy is playing something with them in which case grace has to be on the twin team. but they just play for enjoyment.
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jarchivussy · 10 months
Yo sorry if this is long but for the ask games
🥊 for kai (1,5,14)
🙌 for ed (3,6,19)
💀 morgan (4,9,23)
🎹 for Rel (16,27,44)
(The numbers were for the second ask bit. You don’t need to answer them all :] )
kai loves working out (his favourite sports are dance, kickboxing and parkour) and tinkering with mechanical stuff and eating yummy food and making morgan pay for said yummy food :3 he HATES math and confrontations and cleaning and swimming/anything with a lot of water ❌❌
his first date is hard to define cause he goes out with morgan a lot before they realise they like each other and even then they don't have much time to date :-( but i've been thinking recently it would be kind of funny if their first "date" to their fav restaurant was back when they still totally hated each other. and morgan saw him while he was out and she was like omg kaii hiiii ^_^ and she went to hug him and he was like ! wth but then she was like 'play along or we're both dead.' so they pretend to be besties and go out to a restaurant and make small talk which is really funny cause kai is bad at it but it works on the people spying on them. anyway of course morgan pays cause she has expensive taste and too much money and then they go out and through some shadier streets and defeat the guys following them (actually theyre only following kai but morgan doesnt say that) and kais like hey we make a pretty good team and morgan is like tch 😒 whatever but secretly she likes it
he doesn't argue for as long as he can and 1. dislikes confrontation 2. is really nice and forgiving so he doesn't argue a lot. except for morgan he loves bickering with her about everything cause she sucks and has awful opinions
as for pda he's ok with a smooch on the cheek or a hug or holding hands (i mean his favourite way to have a date is to visit his and morgan's fav restaurant) but he doesn't like affection for show, and prefers stuff like kisses on the mouth and other intimacy to be private. occasionally he does do embarrassing romantic stuff around other people cause he likes to see morgan get flustered but he never makes her genuinely uncomfortable :3
ed has one sibling and that's cass! though i was thinking about him having a brother that would die so like. cass could be a parallel but idk . anyway cass and ed are so fucked up they leave each other so much. that vee post that's like 'the love was there and it changed everything' that's them. i love them so much i could eat cement
oh man first impression. for morgan he thought she was super annoying and sucked and he genuinely wanted to kill her (based) and for kai. ed thought that kai was super hot and he hated himself for that. denial 💔
he hates arguing a lot and is bad with words so he tries to make it up through doing nice things! acts of service is his thing
19 is here!
MORGAN. PHOBIAS. YES this girl is so scarednervous. she's scared of the dark (ironically enough she as a character has a lot of darkness symbolism toed to her. something something she's afraid of herself) and she's really scared of intimacy, because she doesn't feel like she's good enough and she knows it won't last and it'll hurt when it's gone. she's really scared of disappointment and not living up to her own heightened standards for herself. i could go on 😆
she initiates affection less than kai but more than ed! it's cause she's evil and fucked up
for kai, she hates how selfless he is and how fleeting her happiness with him is. (esp because she's an elf and he's a human)
for ed well. she hates that they're both not very good at communicating so it's hard to work out their issues. but it's ok they have kai (for now)
defining characteristics huh. hmmmm well i'd say for morgan + kai it's soulmates + toxic codependency + divorced and remarried. for morgan + ed it's mutual hate/love + we're in love with the same guy let's either kill each other or have sex about it + verryy slow burn + eventually domestic
YAY REL he's such a hashtag weirdgirl ^_^ his hobbies are making toxic green slutch, gaslighting, overall emotional manipulation, evil politics, making plans and running mlms as well as clickbait craft channels on yt.
he has no significant romantic relationships so i can't answer those sorry!
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red-dyed-sarumane · 1 year
what the fuck is up with akire ocs. masterpost made way too quick while i need to sleep. i was going to add images but im tired feel free to look at the toyhouse pages tho
723 - behavioral issues. by choice. shes just like that.
aira - trapped in xeir own personal ever changing hell. like literally xi is stuck in a world that feeds off of & changes based on fears.
aisha - killed by her best friend.
alstroemeria - selectively mute until an injury made her permanently mute. often mistreated by people who think they know best bc she can't verbally argue with them
amari - she is willingly in such a fucked up relationship. constantly being framed by and the subject of bad rumors from her gf (fuyue)
amaryllis - no one listened to her or took her seriously so she ran away & when no one came to look for her realized no one really cared anyway! (isolation)
ash - was trapped in the same hell world as aira but made a deal to get out. her morals are destroyed from it & she tries to trap others in the world so she doesnt have to go back
cestria - idk what her deal is. shes just violent. hashtag influencer things i guess
cherry - u know what i dont think she has any. hm.
chime - no sense of self. theyre exclusively a mirror, intentional or not, of the people around them
chira - commits to the bit too much. will exploit people for views
cleo - refuses to get involved even when she can help. she only wants the scoop on drama
crian - currently, she beats herself up over not being able to help void before they ran away & thinks its partly her fault
daelryc - trust issues
dusk - naturally more violent than ur average person. also trapped against her will
feisha - family issues only fushia knows about. they wont talk about it to anyone else.
fjahva - his mom hates him. he gets kicked out if he tries to come back home. among other mistreatments
flora - trapped against her will & forced to participate in ethically questionable experiments
fushia - mild childhood bullying
fuyue - everything (no). malicious, petty thief, constantly lying for her own amusement, frames her gf for her crimes, blackmails, etc etc etc. why? shes bored
glacia - bully. manipulator. potential murderer but she hasnt stooped that low yet
greeml - theyre self conscious of their ears bc theyre pointy. thats like their worst problem. bc i love them
hanabi - social media poisoned mind. shes not an influencer she just needs to get offline
helix - playboy. self obsessed. used his own blessings on himself enough the other deities demoted him to demigod.
iono - despite neither of her parents being qualified to care for a kid she surprisingly doesnt have any serious problems
iraidis - carrying the weight of being rejected by several generations of people & erasure of proof of her existence
itsumi - shut in by choice & lost all her communication skills. very familiar with escapism
jade - idk i havent thought about it enough yet
keppi - also carrying the weight of generational rejection and erasure
kin - theres just so much wrong with her. she's taking herself down and the world with her. or just kinako. either works
kinako - straight up no will to live she endures whatever kin does to her. or doesnt. she dies a lot.
konome - orphan? lives in the woods with his sister & causes problems for people (""natural"" disasters)
kumo - god complex (they are not a god). the fact they arent dead is a miracle bc they are so stupid and bold and rash
kyeslu - weird girl. no one hates her per se but no one really gets along with her either.
lavender - also trapped in her own hell world
lilium - cave explorer. in the tundra. i think that counts.
linesus - (my sister :) ) well. shes dead. guess she had worm farming trauma too idk
lyra - bullied :(
lyrica - also in personal hell world
maien - shes just massively unlucky.
malshay - power complex (is that what its called??) needs to prove shes better than everyone.
manayo - causes problems on purpose. shes a fox demon she can do what she want tho
meimu - haha trauma of dying repeatedly while the worlds falling apart etc etc shes an aru sekai fan oc thats all i need to say
meision - idk i need to think about her more
meringue - got mad once (unfairly discharged from her job) and now shes a serial killer. hashtag girlboss or whatever
meshika - orphan? lives in the forest with her brother causing problems for people. has definitely killed people but good luck proving it
mkoom - victim of capitalism
nuria - disrespected & killed. now carries the stress of maintaining an entire world with her mind
oken - trauma (?) of turning into a cat against his will
paolo - would rather be a bird than a person
pomgara - distrusted & frustrated by it so shes rather sharp
refrichi - trauma of using her ability. not only accidentally killing people but also casual self harm so she can protect herself (she controls blood. if that makes it make more sense)
rhonda - unsuited to her home country & the problems that come with that. not necessarily stockholmed but she did fall in love with a serial killer
roselii - bad home life. she's overprotective bc of it
ryuusei - isolation of being in space only to come to earth & have to act like a celebrity
sarlina - blank spots in her life bc her ability consumes memories if shes not careful.
saturday - petty.
saturn - burden of maintaining balance in the world. emotionally isolated bc of it
scarlet - bully manipulator liar etc etc and all for her own gain. started bc she didnt want to get punished for bad grades & then she never stopped
sepheria - trust issues. emotional isolation bc shes from a different time period & no one will understand
sera - forced into a sort of celebrity type role he didnt want
seyla - idk what to say here she doesnt really cause problems & she doesnt really have any. mischievous at most
shaia - abandoned his duties as the weight of them was too much. somehow still a deity regardless
sometya - doesnt like people. scaredy cat. yet theyre always off exploring other worlds
sora - ability related trauma. naturally a kind hearted person but she's killed people & it haunts her
teila - tired of rejection she'll promise anything to get her way. ironically shes a shitty mom who rejected her son
tobio - trust issues & quick to argue.
towaka - accidentally got herself trapped in a video game & no longer has control over herself or a way to communicate
vanilla - fear of the unknown & stays in an area that frustrates her bc of it
viridia - victim of her own sister, verbally tormented, tricked into going places she shouldnt & losing important items bc of her only to come home and get told her sister wouldnt do that she should be more like her.
void - we've been over this. bullying into a mental breakdown into 8 years of physical and emotional isolation
wyndi - also carrying the weight of generations of rejection & erasure
xeli - victim of various poisoning attempts that dont work bc theyre immune
yuclenya - isekai'd into a world she knew nothing about, didnt speak the language, was cornered by people looking for a fight, only found out she had an ability when she used it out of fear & it thoroughly cut up her hands
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clay-pidgeon · 10 months
can u please talk about mayberry and corin as a dynamic. please i love them sm let the world know more
ok so im starting at the beginning. mayberry sweetsunn age 14 accidentally killed her dad a week ago. she has made decisions that ruined her own life even worse than it already was ruined. she is 14 years old. she has to go to school
she is on edge and scared and still very, very lonely. enter corbin, a boy who has sort of built his whole identity out of being helpful and nice and supportive. which is fine but its his like. he does not see himself as anything more than a helpful guy. maybe not fine!
corbin sees this sad lonely girl and he makes the executive decision to befriend her. it does not go well, because may is scared of herself and as such is denying herself basic human interaction out of fear shell hurt someone. so shes like please go away im not your friend and hes like haha :) what does that mean. everyones my friend. hahahaha :) what
so they just fight each other on this for a couple years until mayberry is like the horrible shadow monster says it might be okay to have a friend so you can. maybe hang around. because of course you should listen to the shadow monster
anyways theyre incredibly attached at the hip for years they get married they become famous magicians corbin also has a little weird ghost daughter i love you annabelle mayberry does not like her weird ghost stepdaughter its generally the worst most insane dynamic ever
mayberry kills corbin by accident and shes like oh. i AM an unlovable monster. 14 year old me was right (<- a statement that is rarely true) she does bring him back wrong tho. hashtag girl (i love you resurrection theres nothing wrong with resurrection)
anyways. girlfailure and malewife forever
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david-box · 1 year
Liveblog (but a day late ish) of Succession season 4 ep. 1
3:38 love how Shiv didn't kiss Kendall also is very clearly lying lol. Rome is so focuking rude it's hilarious. Wtf is their new venture are they trying to make a new media outlet??? And shiv is talking to Tom
They're already on to her lmao. Glad she's semi honest. Ajjajahw. "he's not a real junkie" ahhaha. Kendall is saying "don't bail on me I don't want to put effort into this and not have you reciprocating". Shiv really is into it.
Ohhh my god Logan is visually miserable. Hows it feel old man you motherfucker. He is not dating that woman still Jesus Christ. I mean good for her probably, damn, but what the fuck. What happened to the Italian princess Greg?? He's so clean shaven... Also "friend assistant and advisor" lol. Girl when. Her face is funny as hell also I love these actors. Is it "random fuck". Greg's face lol.
Shiv don't sound bored. Kendall is into it. Tom looking out for Shiv?? You alwars awkward awkward man. Paying with one hand. You're not being fair Shiv rn but I don't blame you also low blow with the st. Paul remark. Best response Tom. She's really freaking out damn. THEYRE STILL HERE AKHAHAHHA. Rome the only chill one here hahahhaa. The investor advisors walked off in separate directions. Aaannnnd Greg's gf snitched lol. They're paranoid. They have every reason to be. Oh those are their investors.
Connor is dressed like a president and the gf is insiding. Connor how broke are you, you're always worried about money. Who was Logan's first wife? Why is the Left going after them? Are they buying Pierce? Also the audacity to call them rats... And the side piece is literally just standing there. Logan doesn't know what Tom looks like when he lies. His awkwardness helps though imagine asking your FIL for marriage AND business advice. Logan looks so annoyed Toms ass sucking but I honestly think it helps and as much as Logan is annoyed that's exactly where he wants him to be. Tom killing Logan 2023 hashtag or whatever. Who hosts a party and waits for food??? They fucking rich people.
Two parties vying for Pierce is going to make the Gojo buyout easier because the Waystair side won't bother squeezing Connor out. Unless they just try harder and he has to pay more to stay lol. Roman the most mature one here. Kendall is being stupid. Who was walking in the background also they're just sitting there huh those Saudis or whoever lolll. They do kinda have a point tho.
Tom doesn't even wait to cut Greg down a 6 inch. And she's fucking recording??? Greg is too excited for their marriage thing. Greg is delusional. I wouldn't switch gears personally but I'd be anxious telling the other guys to keep waiting if they're even still there.
Logan has the world and isn't even happy. Right in front of her "hoop de hoop". Nan's family is a matriarchal version of Logan and Shiv is correct he has no patience but Nan's gonna be busy ain't he. Nan is funny also. I love the way Shiv dresses casually ahahha good lines. Kendall might honestly be better to go but Nan's picky and pickier than what's good. Oh fuck off Kendall its about Dad. And Rome is scared of conflict and I don't blame him also it would be funny if they can do it.
Why is he going you're my pal. You're mybest pal. What the fuck does this mean. This poor man. People are exonomic units??? Bro. Is he really thinking about marriage??? Bro. Gee I wonder why
People turn against you everywhere you go. He's getting old and finally feeling it. Only person he trusts isn't even family and business only.
Ahhahahhahhaha I didn't think Roman would repeattt thatttt ahahha. She looks so hurt :-(. That means he didn't ask. You can pop it back in your mouth now lolll. Who they calling. Oh Logan? Pierce is making calls huh I bet.
Connor is so excited for the wedding and it's gonna be bad if he pushes for more money or if he pushes for less I bet. I love this man. Get a rapper and jetpacks. Dude. Bumfuts. Oh it's about the election cycle. Poor Willa. She's trying. She'll do a lot for him huh.
Greg has the worst timing and Tom low-key thinks it's funny. Greg. No. She's crunchy peanut butter. Dude. The guest bedroo?? Dude. And he's really worried ahahaha. I think he's more amused Greg is scared and is mayyybbee fucking fucking with him. He's making him tell him this is so gross hahahaha.
Is this fucking Marthas vineyard? Italian themed Waystair rocyo? Do they realize Logan can just wait on the sale so they won't be able to buy her out? The sex implications with the headache is great. I think she's going to use it as leverage. Oh butter my beanpole ahahha. Tom saving his ass and isn't even needing to lie, everyone DOES know. He's got some fucked up machinations. Greg is worse off saying something than not. He hasn't eaten. He gave him candy. And he's just holding it. Ahahhaha. Shhshhahha the thumbs up. Lmao. Poor Greg. Poor poor Greg. Think of something better. I would not be honest. He really doesn't think about things critically, like, ever.
Who's the garbder? They're showing more servants today.
Logan smiled? What the fuck?? Tom is so right but he also clearly thinks its both funny and disgusting. Greg don't push it. Greg. Dude. Ahahah. God be willing. Nan thinks smiles and warm energy is important and is complaining about spending money. Interesting. Roy might be better for that than the kids. She's ruthless. Shiv is better for this than anyone else. Oh, but it's not wrapped up. It's fine :-)) come drink with me :-)). Don't curse. Kendall. Dude. She wants to drink? Take the offer to drink... Kendall it is not robust. What happened to Maine? I'm getting a divorce ahahhahaa okay damn. Kendall if you're gonna call her on the numbers don't be shitty. That was clever Roman.
Nobody tells jokes any idea so they. I'm saying Carl, it's a big dry in here. Do you have any jokes? Frank, start, be funny, abhahahahahahahahahahaa roast me dhshshhshshshs skanshshshs absghshshshhsjsjsjsjsjsjsh he can't even do it. That's not funny. Greg is too honest. Ahahhahaa "where are your kids?" AhahhahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhaahhHahaha. Not a good retort there Logan sorry. So it is the money. Logan's mood is much better when he has something to do. He's going to win. But that's cus I got spoiled.
Roman is correct. 8 is bad. Oh ton don't pussy foot. "This is dusgusting :-)" lol. call your wife. Nan likes the bidding and they can't do 8.5. Tom hiding his face. They do not have 9.5. they go to 10 they lose. 10 is a lot. They don't have 10. And he's being loud. He's outvoted. Ouch. Shiv is so happy. She's gonna cry. Tom said 12 she fucked herself.
Congratulations on saying the biggest number. Romans not sure and they left. That's when the Gojo falls through innit? Lol. Or the lack of a divorce. They still living in the same house? Cute dog. Swear it's different from last year, lol. They don't even look at the accounts anymore. Oh, they still here. Tom still kinda trying to connect, he really does love her. Who wouldn't? Where's the disgusting brothers thing and Shiv is really trying to hurt him and she's hurt from it. And he's right to fire right tf back. Is Mondale even let out at night? Shiv is really, really upset. She doesn't want to move on but now she has an excuse to force herself so this is when the deal gets fucked and now she's divorced for no reason. Shiv doesn't wanna talk because she arguably did worse. No responsibility. Tom won't fight her and a small part of her wishes he did. Tom what the fuck ahahhahaa. Dude. What the fuck. He's genuine . He isn't but he is. I think Shiv would be happy just having him be there. They're so sweet together. My little cats. They do love eachother :-(. If only they could make it work.
Is Logan watching court dv? Or his own news? He's mad the reporters ugly. Wild. They actually won. Oh, new number.
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professor-abeloved · 2 years
misc wan headcanons because they live rent free in my brain
rowan's real name is juan (hu-wan but fast). writes it 'wan' sometimes because white people keep saying it wrong
also, they do have chinese blood up in the family free somewhere hashtag chinoy pride
says his surname doesn't matter because everyone else who shared it is dead.
on a happier note, wan's drag name is 'wan tutri' (1-2-3)
their first reaction seeing the cast is, "Bakit ang ganda ng mga taga-westchester parang kayong model ng sunsilk commercial" (why are people from westcher so attractive its like youre all shampoo model commercials)
that said, wan thinks devon and harper are hot. yes even with the scary death dreams from harper. and with ghosty entity devon.
linc and wan are broody masc mlm and high energy femme nonbinary gay friendship
lincoln being annoyed by wan until they bond
like if theyre in a car and wans head starts to droop, lincoln shoves them away... but later when theyre friends lincoln doesnt move wans head on his shoulder
wan low nerve is a clusterfuck of angst. he thinks he's nothing without the power and needs to be useful to make sure no one else dies. lincoln, who feels like he's been used his entire life for the power, has a lot to say about this
high nerve wan it's a lot of them playfully hitting linc like "bakla ka tama na yang angst angst! Focus here!" (you queer, enough with the angst!)
wan didn't hit on abel because he thought that abel was lincolns ex. upon finding out the truth, he shakes lincoln in frustration
wan, shaking lincoln: sis tingnan mo yung [peach emoji] niya ang sarap sarap aughhhhh now i cant [redacted] him because we're friends >:c (sis, look at abel's [peach emoij] it looks delicious]
he also thinks joss and lia have chemistry
he also just never mentions that assumption until near the end of their adventures and goes “ay nako mga exes na ‘to lagi nag-aaway” (oh my god, these exes keep fighting)
lincoln: wan what the fuck did you just say >:(
abel, linc what did he say? :o
wan, physically restrained by amalia: HALIKAN MO NA SI PROFESSOR (kiss the professor!!)
abel is still ? :0 bc he doesnt understand while linc is fuming
amalia sighs while sipping her coffee
jocelyn goes “oooh fight fight fight!” (she doesnt know whats happening either but its funny)
Wan frowning at matthiass and saying "kaloka ka girl. (you're crazy/you drive me crazy). you're lucky I love you" when he does shady shit is so funny
wan, poking lincoln as they're sleeping; beh. beh. psst
lincoln: what the fuck
wan: yeah pero listen. may something something si jocelyn and amalia I can feel it in my French tips
lincoln: wan its 2 am shut the fuck up
wan calls mattyass 'colonizer' when theyre upset with him
something something being with mattyass makes wan feel like he has a home and a purpose something something
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