#i love to read about other peoples creative process and maybe someone will enjoy this too idk idk
smimon · 9 months
Something something hope confirmed something something I had no faith but kept going only to succeed in the most unexpected moment something something I was about to continue anyway but if I lose both the faith and the hope in the future, I should remember this one time it worked
This is a post about my creative process and it is very personal to me but it might be difficult to understand because I am not good with words and it is basically the very point here
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So yeah many of the comics I make come from my need to communicate certain messages, and I am very bad at communication so it usually doesn't work.
I look at the "failed" stories and save them for later, hoping to perfect them when I have more skill, but in the meantime I recycle the same motif in a new story.
New fandom, new characters, new setting, new tone, new genre, same heart, same me.
And I keep adding them, rows of iterations of the same message dressed in new clothes like character skins in video games. And I keep thinking: I will return to you all and complete you all in the future, and this way my message will be heard, it will be heard in many voices until it maybe gets to someone.
Then something unexpected happened with giant K series. I explained it somewhere, this series is based on a kind of motif I have been using for years, every few years a new retelling, new layout, new skin, but at core always the same.
(How to explain it? It is a silly comedy series, but at the same time it can be a reflection of a strained mind, silenced heart, confused soul. I don't have the right words yet.)
And this time, for the first time ever, it worked. I managed to start posting it, I managed to complete the plot, I managed to make it consistent, whole, harmonic.
And I almost dropped the series soon after it started, ready to put it among its ancestors to wait forever for a revival. But a friend encouraged me to keep going, and after The Post I managed to regain faith in it myself. And then, just recently, I realized that I did in fact manage to tell the story. I alreay told it. This did not change much in the world, but it changed a lot in myself.
And I started to think that maybe I couldn't complete the message before because I didn't have the right material, not enough building bricks that could fit together to form the shape of my thought. And maybe I will never get to complete the other variants of this motif, because the tools I have used constructing them were not the right ones. It was always trial and error, and I am lucky to have somehow landed a way that worked.
(I can still use the plots built around the older takes to tell stories to entertain so it's not like they are useless or something. Also I love them dearly and will never leave them)
I don't know, I am just so happy this lil series got to exist, and that it brings people joy. It brings something else to me too, something I cannot exactly express with words. I might make another comic about it one day lol
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koolades-world · 2 months
can i request MC randomly staring at them, and when questioned abt it, MC responds with something similar to “sorry you’re just so pretty” or maybe “do you know how pretty you are?”, or anything else like that with satan, solomon, barbatos, and lucifer?
side note completely unrelated to the headcanon: if i was sent to hell to hang out with the most beautiful men in existence, i don’t think i would be able to stop staring. you know? and i think they need some more compliments and praise. luci, that poor old man working and trying to keep the boys out of trouble 24/7. i don’t think i even need to explain mr. barbs, bro lives, eats, and breathes his job. AND BOTH OF THEM STILL LOOK BEAUTIFUL DOING IT. my excuse for adding solomon and satan is just that they’re pretty and they need to know it. i am just yapping at this point but if i was MC i would probably start with mammon and levi. it has probably been centuries since mammon has heard anything positive said about him and levi is just literally the epitome of insecurity. OOH and maybe even prioritize asmo while we’re at it, someone has got to tell him that his looks are not his only lovable trait 😭😭idk, am i allowed to ask for your opinions on silly questions outside of the headcanon request?
hello!! it's totally fine to ask my opinion on non-headcanons requests <3 it's so fun just getting to rave about things like that and it's always great to get the creative juices flowing haha. if you and other readers ever want to do this, feel so free!! i'd love to chat with you guys about the reason we are all gathered here today haha
you are so right anon. you are so incredibly based because omgod what the hell how are you all Adonis????? if I got teleported suddenly to the Devildom like that, I think I might pass out because hello??? I don’t think I’ve ever been in a room with so many gorgeous people? how are they so effortlessly attractive 😭 all of them need positive reinforcement and i think we would all jump at the chance to be their cheerleaders haha. knowing me, I would try to call them pretty and stumble over ever single word in the process, but it’s the thought that counts, right?
cute request btw!!
enjoy <3
Mc calls Lucifer, Satan, Barbatos and Solomon pretty
he was probably working but you somehow managed to get him to take a rare break
you’d brewed him his favorite; hell coffee. the smell plus youe big puppy dog eyes did the trick
he kind of expected you to want to chat, but to his surprise, the two of you sat mostly in silence
when he asked what the matter was, since you loved to talk during his breaks, the last thing he expected was for you to call him pretty
he blinks a couple times and stares at you back
he couldn’t get many words out, but he did manage to say thank you
as he sips his oh so bitter coffee, he couldn’t help but smile and wonder how he got so lucky
he probably acted like he expected it and responded smoothly while behind that put together, suave expression was a overthinking mess haha
the cafe you were at was busy, so the two of you were patiently waiting for your drinks
he was telling you all about the book he’d finished reading this morning, but you weren’t engaging with him like you usually do, so he asked if something was wrong
when you told him you were distracted by how pretty he was and how his excitement only made him even more attractive, he knew the perfect counter
despite that well timed and ready compliment back, he still found himself thinking about and getting bashful over your words
thankfully for him, your drinks finally arrived and the conversation took a different turn
but he won’t stop thinking about what you said
he doesn't notice you spacing out at first
he's in the middle of cooking dinner, and is currently refusing to let you help because you're his guest
in the middle of multitasking, he finally notices your eyes on him
he didn't stop working but he called out to you, asking if something was wrong
after you told him you were just admiring his beauty, he thinks about your words but continues to work
your words and unfaltering gaze actually managed to fluster him
congratulations :) you’ve done the impossible
he thinks you’re joking at first actually
being silly and poking fun playfully is just so very him and he was probably in the middle of doing just so
maybe the two of you were attempting to do some homework or just lounging around together
you said that he was pretty so suddenly that he didn’t really register what you’d said so when he treats it as a joke, you repeat yourself
now you’ve got his attention and he makes you repeat it one final time
he calls you a cutie, or something along those lines and continues his fun banter, but you notice his lingering, adorable grin
it’s moments like this that make you realize you should tell him just how pretty everything about him was
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copper-16 · 9 days
Chapter 8 has been posted - but before everyone goes to read, a little bit of an announcement on my end:
This is going to be my last longer Mapi/Ingrid story, and probably the end of me being super active/posting on ao3 and tumblr. I might write the occasional story here and there, but writing is not bringing me the same joy it once was and I want to dedicate my time to other things. I’ll still be around reading on ao3 and somewhat on Tumblr, but I just won’t be posting a whole ton on either. I’ve been so incredibly lucky to get to know all of you guys on here, and to receive so much love for my work. It means the absolute world to me - and thank you all so much for welcoming me into this little community so wonderfully! I hope the stories I wrote were able to bring just a little bit of happiness when you guys needed it (even if I constantly left everyone on cliffhangers - I truly am sorry about that).
The rest of this is long, and you don't have to read it if you don't want to, you can just go ahead to the story now if you would like. I'm not known for my ability to keep concise, that is for certain. If brevity is the soul of wit - perhaps we know why my stories aren't very funny!
I’ve especially enjoyed joining tumblr and really finding a little community here. Getting to interact with so many people, both those who read my works and those who don’t, has been such a joy for me. I love getting to hear when people like the things I've written, even if it touches them in a small way. I love getting to interact with so many brilliant minds and am forever in awe of how much amazing talent there is in this little corner of the internet! I've made some incredible friends from getting to be on here, and it makes me so happy to have a little community of people I love. Thank you guys for letting me have space here even if I don’t write reader works or know how this app works most of the time.
I started writing seriously in September 2022 and I can't tell you how much joy it has brought me in the last two years. As someone who doesn't enjoy the college degree they are currently getting, this was such a fun creative outlet for me. It was so cool to have this blank canvas to work with, to weave things together, especially as I began to write longer stories. Writing was a place to destress for me and interact with other people who loved football as I was coming to love it. Every single kudos, comment, and bookmark meant so much to me. Even when it was something silly like someone dubbing the 'Copper Monologue,' it made me feel so seen. Someone cared enough to read enough of my works to pick out the fact that I do that? Absolutely mind blowing to me. It's crazy to hear that people cared about the silly little stories I wrote. When someone told me that I was one of the things to help inspire them to write their own stuff - I think I properly sobbed. It meant more to me than anything has in this entire world, and it still does! Writing has helped me to process, it's helped me to grow, it's helped me learn to identify my emotions and struggles and think through my own thought processes. I hope that maybe for someone out there, it could help them do that as well. It's a little strange for me not to want to do that anymore. Writing this last story solidified to me that for the most part it was time to be done, and HDITA was more of a goodbye than anything else. But even with that, it feels strange not to be thinking of my next idea, thinking of how I am going to create characters and relationships and plot lines.
I think for me right now, I'm just excited to be myself. Maybe this vessel of writing was what I needed to get myself through the last two years. I wrote la princesa when I was at my absolute worst in life, and as I've grown and matured as a person, I like to think that my writing has. I no longer find myself in a place where it fills a huge void in my own life that I once needed.
I've grown a lot as a writer these few years (those who read my earlier works will understand), and I'm excited to one day come back to it, maybe in a different sphere. I love the idea now of writing a real book. It always terrified me before - I didn't know where I would start or if I would be horrible at it. But you all have given me the confidence that maybe at least one person would like it, and maybe that's enough of a reason to try. So thank you all for holding my hand and encouraging me. I hope that if nothing else, everyone remembers that a little bit of kindness on here or ao3 or anywhere on the internet costs nothing, and yet can go a long way.
It did for me.
But enough of my sappy rambling, please enjoy this last chapter of mine. I hope it brings you as much joy as it brought me when I was writing it. Love you all so so much!
Chapter 8 of How Do I Trust Again?
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esamastation · 4 months
hi!!! i just wanted to pop in after reading some of your AC fics (ones where desmond, ezio, and/or altaïr are at the forefront so in this case: i was born for this, terrible two, stone angel, gift of living well, impermanence, three fold, & earthly scene) and say that you're a brilliant writer. as someone who's trying to write longer, more impactful stories, it's admirable how you prioritize the plot and how romance is a sweet part of it. (this is part 1 of this message bc of the word count!)
you construct romance in an original, cathartic way that feels effortless. i just finished 'i was born with this' and the romance that forms between the characters feels so natural and unforced. another thing i love in your fics is that when desmond goes back in time, he always (unintentionally at first) makes an impact in furthering knowledge, inventions, etc centuries ahead of when they were supposed to happen. more importantly, desmond finds his well-deserved happy ending.
your fic ideas are also so creative and out of the box. i'm currently going through the games right now and desmond has been so so much shit (unwillingly) and he deserves some rest and happiness :,) another thing i love is how you always leave a hopeful ending that makes me ache to know what happens after!! you flesh out the characters so much over the span of + 100,000k words, tie things wonderfully at the end, and make me feel out breath (in a good way)
yeah, to sum that up, you're an amazing writer!! i also wanted to ask you some questions about writing. i aspire to write long fics, but i struggle with plotting out events =( i feel like i rush the events in how i want to get to the end where the characters are happy! do you have a writing process? do you plot out your stories or kind of go with the flow? do you have any tips on improving your writing? i totally get if you don't have any advice! have a great day!
Thank you for your nice comments, sorry it took so long to reply, I was feeling very antisocial. Anyway.
I do not have a writing process - I'm what they call a gardner writer, I take characters and I put them into situations and see how things develop and plot either happens or it doesn't. Maybe I have vague plans like "here's a scene I want to see in future" and "this is a result I want them to come to" and then try to write towards those goals, but they don't always pan out. It's all very chaotic and leads to lot of dropped fics, but it's how I enjoy writing. (It really helps having someone reading your stuff and poking at the plot holes though, I got a lot of fics that only got as far as they did because nimadge or someone else was there along for the ride.)
I dunno if there's anything other that just practice that can improve a person's writing. Some people recommend writing short stories and flash fiction, some people say your should write X amount of words every day. If all else fails there's thousands YouTube videos on subject.
Personally I'm a huge advocate of taking ideas from other people and putting your own spin into them. Derivate, rehash, put them in a blender, see what comes out. Like, don't copy Lord of the Rings word for word and publish it as your own work, that's bad - but maybe dwarf and elf going on adventures together is a idea that could go places. Fanfiction is all derivation upon pre-existing ideas.
Related, I whole heartedly endorse anyone who wants to take plots and ideas I've written and taking a crack at them with their own style. It's pretty much how I learned to write as wee bab on a typewriter, stealing from the books I enjoyed. And hell, if you don't have a style, try someone else's. One is my most popular fics started with me trying to emulate the style and cadence of narration of a completely unrelated TV series I was watching at the time. I don't think anyone even noticed.
Once you have enough practice under your belt, your style will develop on its own.
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msmysticfail · 7 months
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With a restless mind, Mercury conjunction Uranus, Timothée needs mental stimulation, because Mercury and Uranus speak of the mental, the intellect. He can have a very quick mind, he absorbs and understands things very easily, he is always looking for new information, maybe he tends to read a lot, but he may not like long books, as his Mercury is also in conjunction with Mars, which talks about things that can be done quickly. This aspect also denotes that he is abrupt at times, perhaps people who have a slower thought process bother him, as he has great mental agility.
As his ascendant is in Virgo, it’s ruler, Mercury, makes important aspects in his chart, this denotes that he likes to be on the move, it’s very important for him to be able to flow through different places and different people (Mercury conjunction Uranus + Venus in Aquarius). He is very easy to communicate with, his speech is fluent (Mercury conjunction Neptune) and he is eloquent when explaining his ideas (Sun conjunction Jupiter).
Knowledge is very important for him, as well as traveling, as it’s a way of elevating his spirit. He seeks to improve himself, elevate his soul, make it greater(Sun conjunction Jupiter + Mercury conjunction Neptune). This Sun/Jupiter connection has a very strong presence in his chart, this conjunction brings good humor, high-spirit and strong moral and ethical principles, whatever they may be.
There is a side to Chalamet, however, that he keeps to himself, perhaps he was very sensitive when it came to love, since from an early age romantic encounters were very important to him (Saturn in the 7th house), he has suffered a lot though, especially with Moon in Pisces in the 8th house, as he tended to to idealize others, suffering great disappointments when reality came to light. However, as he is going through his Saturn return, it’s likely that he is maturing when it comes to romantic relationships. Love is now a very serious matter, which he truly commits to, investing a lot of himself.
His Venus being in Aquarius shows that he feels very good in a crowd, he likes being around people, it brings a certain pleasure to his soul; also, like it or not, he has something that makes him different, be it his features, his manner, or the way he acts. He enjoys studying (Venus in Aquarius + Moon sextile Mercury + Mercury conjunction Mars, Neptune and Uranus), I think he was an excellent student, maybe everyone liked him, especially with the Sun being in the 5th house, perhaps his teachers loved his presence, his dedication. Speaking of the 5th house, the strongest house in his chart, Timothée has a gigantic stellium in it. In this life he came to attract attention, to express himself genuinely, to bring lightness, joy, creativity to others and to himself. Because he has powerful aspects in this house, in the sign of Capricorn, he will be remembered as someone very important, loved, intelligent and his artistic ability will be remembered long after he is gone. He will pass away doing what he likes, it’s very unlikely that he will retire, he will always have vigor and that shine of his, even in his more mature years, 50/60/70 (Sun, Mercury, Mars, Neptune and Uranus in the 5th house in Capricorn).
He is very strategic, perhaps from a very early age Timothée knew what he wanted to be when he grew up, he was/is very attached to his mother (Moon in Pisces, in the 8th house), he inherited/will inherit many of her characteristics, perhaps he knows a secret of hers(Pluto in the 4th house). There is something at the beginning of Timothée's life that is intriguing, perhaps there is some conflict, some not-so-friendly situation, perhaps it’s the secret as I said, perhaps it’s something that he has noticed since he was very young, something within the family, that leaved him/made him uncomfortable. But in any case, he is emotionally intense, mainly due to the Moon in Pisces in the 8th house + Pluto in the 4th house + Moon sextile Mars and Neptune + Moon trine Pluto. He has a very rich intimate universe, when he loves he shows it (Sun conjunct Jupiter + Mercury conjunction Neptune), he is always going through a process of internal revitalization, stirring his own depths (Moon in the 8th house trine Pluto). Timothée feels the people around him, his intuition is sharp, he knows how to navigate people (especially with Mercury aspecting Neptune) because he has this “warmth” (5th house), dealing with them, winning them over.
It would be obvious if I said that he has talent for acting, but I will say it anyway, as it’s written/underlined/printed in Timothée's chart and this is made clear by the stellium he have in the 5th house, of the arts, of stage, the house ruled by Leo. He has a lively personality, which captivates people, this is the Sun in the 5th house, people take him seriously because he strictly fulfills what he promises, Sun + Mercury + Mars in Capricorn.
Commitments are very important to him. He generally doesn't make excuses when it comes to the things he wants, he goes out there and make it happen (Sun, Mars and Mercury in Capricorn). He doesn't stand still, either things happen or he searches for something to do, being restless, curious, hyperactive. He is also very skilled at convincing people to do what he wants, he has the power of persuasion and it’s very strong (Mercury conjunct: Mars, Uranus and Neptune). He is also very honest (Mercury conjunction Mars + Sun conjunction Jupiter), sometimes he can give his opinion without being asked to, which can be considered as intrusion to some.
From an early age he set up strategies to get where he wanted, because with the Sun + Mercury + Mars in Capricorn, he already knew which mountain he would have to climb, and today/in the future, he is/will be reaping the fruits of his work. He is very independent: Mars in Capricorn made him always want to have autonomy over his destiny, to have control over himself, over his life. With Venus in Aquarius in the 6th house he cares about his friends, he is always giving advice to them, or has a lot of contact with them, they are part of his routine, whether through messages or in physical presence. Romance is very important in Timothée's life, it makes him feel good, it’s essential to his identity, Sun in the 5th house, as he likes the feeling of fun, happiness, the lightness that it brings (Mercury in the 5th house) to his heart. The area of romantic relationships is one that he does not like to lose/feel like a loser in, in the sense that he invests a lot of energy into romantic relationships (Mars in the 5th house) to have to lose his loved one or not truly have them; however, just like in his life in general, he doesn't like a stagnant, fixed love life, where he can always predict what will happen, news and movement are essential things to keep his Venus in Aquarius satisfied.
He has a good ability to remember things, to remember all the little details about his loved ones, what they said in the past, Moon sextile Neptune + Mercury conjunction Neptune, also he has a great ability to memorize, be it long texts or just some random information. He has a lot of charisma (Sun + Mercury + Mars + Neptune + Uranus in the 5th house), people in general consider him very dear, it’s difficult to have enemies or people declared his enemies. He is much appreciated by the young female audience (Venus in Aquarius + Midheaven in Taurus, despite Gemini being mostly all over his 10th house). Timothée can entertain people with ease: Sun + Mercury in the 5th house. In the search of transcending oneself for the better, pleasure, happiness, the capacity for artistic creation, as well as self-expression, these are the key words for reading the natal chart of Timothée Chalamet.
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marvel-ous-m · 11 months
Writing Sucks
Written for @steddiemicrofic Challenge Prompt: Suck | WC: 480 | Rated: T | CW: none |
Author’s Note: inspired by me buying Dave Grohl’s autobiography today and then having writers block about the title of this microfic/writers block about this prompt in general 😅 hope you enjoy!
“Ugh. This sucks.”
Steve glanced over from his cellphone- away from the very amusing video that Robin sent him, a fan cast about his husband in the early 90’s- to look at Eddie in response to his frustrated outburst.
Eddie had been working on his autobiography for the last three months. What was once an ADHD-fueled hyperfixation had become a thorn in Eddie’s side, especially after he got a sternly-worded email from the government to not even allude to anything Upside Down related. Given that almost every Corroded Coffin song was inspired by what happened during Spring break of 1986, that the guys got their start because of Argyle, someone they would have never even known had Eddie not gotten roped into the mess that was the alternate dimension in Hawkins, and that Steve and Eddie only started getting to know each other, and subsequently started dating, because of the trauma-bond formed from the Upside Down, this requirement had put a substantial burden on Eddie’s creative process.
Eddie also, naïvely, promised the publisher that he would have the book finished for review by Halloween- which had now resulted in many mandatory late nights and forced writing, which were two things Eddie did not enjoy.
“What section are you working on, Teddy?”
Eddie let out a long sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I finished writing everything after Argyle got us hooked up with our producer in Cali. So… the middle and the end of the book are done, but I’m stuck in the beginning, like I have been for the last two months, after the asshole government decided to bring up the NDAs that shouldn’t even be enforceable because they were basically signed under duress-“
“Hey, Eds? Why don’t you read me what you have, baby.” Steve gently cut him off, having heard this very rant many, many times before.
Eddie scrubbed a hand over his eyes, then gave his computer a scorned look and began reading. “When I was twenty, I got mauled by a bear-“
“-Okay, yeah, that sucks.” Steve cut Eddie off with a giggle, but quieted once he saw the devastated look on his partner’s face. “Hey, it’s okay. You just need to write it like one of your songs, yeah? Make a bunch of metaphors, maybe tie in some Corroded song lyrics. Make it all artsy, people love you for that shit. Just be yourself.”
Eddie frowned for a long moment, his brows creasing in thought. Finally, he turned back to his computer with a large grin- the kind Steve always saw him get when he was writing the songs that would go on to become his greatest hits.
Steve watched his husband write with a smile on his face. They had come a long way over the last almost-forty years, and he found himself falling more and more in love every single day.
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i stand with you in the face of a defensive misunderstanding of what critique is.
i think understanding what a critique actually is is a skill that increasingly is not taught. i remember going through freshman art courses feeling the frustration that all negative, nasty, unhelpful, and missed-the-point-entirely feedback is so commonly conflated with critique, and then critique gets a bad name because everyone remembers the time someone said their painting looked like an asshole (true story, altho now i think i would take it as a compliment) instead of the time a teacher or friend or classmate helped them uncover a hurtful bias or think of new ways to explore the same idea or how to connect it to related ideas or how to look up and understand other people's ideas on the same topic.
anyway i think you're great.
ahhh you're so kind to me!! i appreciate your support, and i think you are great also.
i have experience with giving and receiving critique as a student myself, and i think it was the best part of my degree! i majored in creative writing in college, and critique was just a generally accepted part of learning to become a writer. i don't even remember people being especially worried about receiving critique on their work. we had guidance on what kind of feedback was useful, but we were still at liberty to give it as we saw fit as like messy 19 year olds. the standard was that we gave it both written on printed copies of the work AND aloud in front of the whole class, and the writer receiving it was not permitted to speak during the critique. understanding how people are perceiving your work is important!
i don't have any particularly negative recollections of the critique process, although once in a high school writing class, the boys in the class told me that my male characters touched each other too gently and real boys are more rough with each other. in particular, they took issue with me writing that one boy nudged another. nudging is too soft. nudging is for girls. that was more than 20 years ago, and i still think about it sometimes because it was such an interesting perspective! i did not take their advice, though.
i should dig up that piece and see if it reads queer in any other ways. i think that's what they were getting at. (actually i once had a non-fiction class tell me i was in love with my roommate after reading an essay i wrote about her)(i did not listen to that advice either, but having 12 acquaintances tell you that you're gay in 2006 before you realize it yourself is Truly Something!)
i think people have conflated criticism and critique and think that being more openly analytical is the same thing as being negative. but analysis is so fun to me! analysis is why i joined fandom in the first place, and it's why i write fic! can we trust each other to be respectful and to speak in good faith even when we're not singing each other's praises? for me fandom would be better if we could.
oh i also want to clarify that i don't think it's impossible to demonstrate that you've thought deeply about a piece of fanwork while remaining completely positive. people do it all the time and do it very well!
i know i sometimes have tunnel vision wrt my own perspective. in a lot of situations, i wish it were more acceptable to be more direct, and i know people sometimes find the way i express myself to be kind of shocking. i know a lot of people like to be spoken to more indirectly than comes natural to me, and i don't mean to imply that my perspective is the only correct one or that there's no good reason to err on the side of gentleness/politeness in our responses to amateur art and writing. i just think that at a certain level of circumspection, it feels like we're all holding each other at arm's length.
i think for people who can't bear to feel exposed, making and sharing art is always going to be painful and difficult, and maybe too painful and difficult to enjoy the process unless they're sure of a soft landing. but like. the rewards of being loved only come after the mortifying ordeal of being known, right?
#ten years ago i had a comment section diagnose me with autism and they were RIGHT. and they loved me!!!!#my portfolio advisor told me that my main character was having a mental breakdown and it made all the people around her seem Villainous#for how selfishly they treated her#and i didn't realize that things seemed so dire for her but i needed to know that in order to make the story make sense!#it wasn't a mean thing to say it was just pointing out something i couldn't see! ik it was different because it was a draft tho#'looks like an asshole' makes me desperately want to see that painting#i didn't know that you're also a visual artist and i'm longing to see your work#there's this movie called igby goes down#where someone tells the main character that they're an artist and he says so do you paint?#and the character responds an artist creates art regardless of what form it takes#and i think the audience is meant to consider that character unbearably pretentious but i totally agree#it has also just occurred to me that some people are nervous about commenting on other people's work#to the extent that they're afraid they'll commit some kind of unintentional faux pas or just leave a disappointing comment#and i get that because you're also kind of sharing yourself by leaving feedback#and you don't want to offend or hurt someone who's created something that resonated with you#idk i guess stepping on people's toes is just a normal part of interacting with them#and almost never fatal
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hunniebunnietarot · 2 years
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Featuring my smudged little drawings. Enjoy!
Also, I know the drawing won't be for everybody, I just wanted to do something creative.
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Pile 1
This person is very knowledgeable, could possibly be more on the spiritual side. They value family alot and will be protective if you should ever create your own family together. They are independent in their decision making, especially when it comes to work matters. Their competitive nature shines through when they have an opportunity to further themselves. I’m also haering they’ll do anything to protect those that they love. They’re a great problem solver, not in an “authoritative” kind of way but instead more in a nurturing and soft manner. This person obviously has duality when it comes to their personal life and professional life; At work they are very serious and cutthroat then at home a more calm and sweet personality. They could have a certain level of discontentment with the work that they do but they still work very hard as a sacrifice for the family that you two (could) have together. They are very selfless and family oriented. Your future spouse is very good, they know how to have a successful partnership, aware that sacrifice is required from both parties sometimes to reach complete satisfaction. The word “safe” keeps resurfacing in my mind, this person is the definition of a protector. They quite like taking on this role, they are going to want to be the one in the relationship that takes the lead. They don’t like sharing “power” so if you’re the kind of person that is more dominant there might be a power struggle between you two.
(Possible) Physical Appearance
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Red Aura
-A big smile
-Dyed hair
-Glowy skin
-Full lips
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Pile 2
This is an intelligent person, more logic minded. They could seem very guarded to you when you two first meet, could be an air sign. They aren’t easy to open up and are very stuck in their ways; a stubborn nature. Your future spouse could be a bad communicator because of overthinking(?). They have a different thought process than most which could be because of some kind of condition or mental illness. Even though they are quiet and guarded, they have a good heart. They are generous, maybe even give away second chances easily. Could be a “Everyone deserves a second chance” kind of nature. They’re very proud of their achievements and the knowledge that they’ve gained through their pursuit of higher education and through their work. They’re passionate about learning and investing in themselves. Since they are more of the observing type they tend to see past whatever facade people put up. This person typically has good judgment when it comes to other people, or even could have a talent in reading people They don’t like dictator personalities, people who don’t have good intentions when it comes to other; so they tend to have an inclination to fight for good, to challenge those in authority positions and hold them accountable. They could be an activist of some sort, or work at some kind of non-profit organization.
(Possible) Physical Appearance
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Green Aura
-Defined cupid's bow
-Nose piercing
-Has a beard
-Baby face
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Pile 3
This person is confident and sure of themselves, I'm getting fire energy from them(fire sign). When they go through bad situations they go through them, it’s very bad and they feel very down. Putting pressure on them would definitely make them spiral into a depressive episode, completely the opposite of their usually confident demeanor. They’re successful in financial matters, content in the success they have thus far. They could be impulsive, maybe even short-tempered. The thing I described before could suggest that their emotions switch at the blink of an eye. They could be vengeful, meaning they don’t ever forfeit someone that does wrong by them. They assess and make a plan to get back at people because they believe in equality(obviously something they could work on). They have the capability to change these “negative” aspects of themselves, and they probably will by the time you two come into union. This person may live at a distance from you, or they just like to travel and could want to take trips with you often. 
(Possible) Physical Appearance
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(Pls ignore my failed attempt at drawing forehead wrinkles lol)
Purple/Violet Aura
-Forehead wrinkles
-Mature figure
-Thin lips
-Dark cirlces
-Defined cupid's bow
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Pile 4
This person likes the outdoors, they find their peace of mind there. They could find it difficult to understand people that think outside of the box or just someone that has different ideals than them. The cause of this is their confidence in how they think, so it’s not easy to change that. They will defend their beliefs because they see it as what’s “right”. They really love what they do for a living, it gives them complete fulfillment so they put their all into it to reap the best benefits. Seriously, they really do get into lots of arguments/conflict because they believe their way is the only way. They’re a workaholic, so they do not like taking breaks from work. Your future spouse clearly lacks balance in their life as a result. They may have grown up with little to nothing, so it is their top priority to secure stability.
(Possible) Physical Appearance
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Green Aura
-Stand out birth mark/beauty mark
-Clef chin
-Thick neck
-Wears glasses
-Hairy arms
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This took so long, I hope this resonates for some.
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cupiddivinearrow · 11 months
🎃 What do you need to know come Samhain? 🎃
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- Metamorphosis, Protection
- Silver, black, blue, white, purple, and red
- The Moon
- Your Root, 3rd Eye, and Throat Chakra might be unbalanced
- secrets hidden, secrets revealed
- growth, epiphanies
- 3rd eye, communication, new beginnings
- Might be seeing a lot of 2s (222), 5s (555), or 6s (666)
- Wolf 🐺
- Astrological signs: Libra, Taurus
Pile 1
Maybe it’s time to focus on protecting your energy!
Has this pile been feeling the call to let their hair down, sort of? Have you been exploring new things? Trying to find yourself once again?
Pile 1 has been learning to give back to themselves. You’re currently learning to follow your intuition on what makes you happy and how to fill back up your own cup, instead of pouring to everyone else’s nonstop which left you feeling a bit unbalanced.
This Samhain, Pile 1 will be working on learning to pour more into their cups by not being mean and self sabotaging. Pile 1 will be working on not letting their emotions overcloud their judgement. If you feel the need to isolate yourself so that you can go through whatever you need to go through with some privacy, do it! You will not regret the decision. This decision will cause a change to be completed and a person with confidence and passion will emerge.
Try not to worry caterpillars! You are currently about to emerge from your cocoon as a wiser and better version of yourself, a butterfly! Soar into the unknown and know you are protected. Go out and experience life. Take calculated risks. Find that balance between man and wolf, what’s expected vs the unexpected.
Pile 2:
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- Some of you may practice witchcraft
- Abundant, Passionate, Creative
- Finding Balance
- Energy Worker, Healer
- Manifestor
- Divinely Protected
- Confusion, Fog, What’s Hidden in the Dark
- Colors: Black, Green, Orange, Red
- Numbers: May be seeing 3s (333) and 10s (1010) alot
- Signs: Pisces, heavy Earth energies, Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, Aries,
*If you’re feeling called to Pile 1 as well, then you might want to give it a glance as well*
Did you know that? Well, if you didn’t before, now you do!
You may be feeling or felt down on your luck previously Pile 2, and may have let your ego get you down about not getting an offer in the past? Maybe someone betrayed you? Was there a lesson that needed to be learned about loving yourself?
Try not to worry Pile 2, the disappointment you went through was a catalyst for a change.
Because you’re gifts are enhancing. You have the power to manifest anything you want in this world! Anything. Anyone can manifest, but some are more adept than others, and Pile 2, you got it!!! So for the ones that didn’t know, you might want to consider putting in the practice to change the way you think. The mind is powerful, and we only use a small percentage of it. Bring your dreams into this reality, Pile 2. You are powerful and it is real!!!
Now, hold on to your hats my little witches! As you know, with an upgrade, comes new challenges. Some of you may have people around you that you may need to cut off in the near future. These individuals might be people that you thought you could trust and or may be friends or family. These “loved ones” will have a problem with your changes and growth, but don’t let it discourage you! When one door closes, another will open. New friends and better opportunities that are meant for you will be attracted to you instead. So enjoy this process, and keep your head. A whole new world is about to open up to you. Keep moving forward in faith, and you will move towards a partnership.
Also, someone from the past that offered you a cup of deception in the past may be returning because they feel stuck in their heads about this situation. Let them be. Continue moving forward.
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- Temptation comes to mind when I look at this card.
- Passion, Love, Confusion, Deception (Poison), Guidance
- Colors: Red, Green, White, Black
- Numbers: 2s (222), 5s (555), & 6s (666)
- Astrological Signs: Scorpio and Pisces, Water & Earth Energies
Pile 3:
So raise your hand if you’re one of the few that HAS NOT heard the story of Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs?
The story goes:
Snow White ran away from home after her evil step mother had her father killed due to a prophecy made by a magic mirror that could foretell one’s grace and beauty. The Evil Stepmother was jealous and ordered Snow White’s death, in which she escaped into the forest and into 7 dwarfs who protected her. One day, an old crone came upon Snow White and offered her an apple. This apple was poisonous. And when Snow White went to bite into the apple, it drops onto the ground and she falls into a deep sleep that only could be broken with true love’s kiss.
Then there’s the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden; as well as, the Golden Apple of Avalon.
But then again, you have the saying, “You’re the apple of my eye” which is a statement of affection/ love, or “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” which is a statement wishing good health and luck, or the spiritual fact that apples mean love, ecstasy, fertility and abundance.
What does the “apple” mean for you?
Does it mean risk or reward for you?
Decisions, Decisions…?
Pile 3, Are you about to take a bite out of love?
Emotions are the main thing popping out in your reading, which is causing a major change to occur within your life during this time.
A masculine energy that was emotionally unavailable previously is going through a change due to having a renewed faith from happy memories or past life. Pile 3, were you thrown off balance after you received an opportunity to follow your dreams or after receiving some good news about a baby or new project?
Pile 3, are some of you currently feeling independent after a moment of stagnation?
After a change, you may be feeling more confident. However, be mindful about being emotionally unavailable due to an emotional conflict in the near future if it hasn’t happened already. If you don’t become clear on what you want or need to be emotionally fulfilled, it won’t manifest for you. So it’s important to be mindful.
Pile 3, if you’re feeling conflicted on what to do about a situation, choose to move forward. What is meant for you, will be for you regardless. You can’t miss an opportunity that is for you. No matter what, choose you! Determine what’s worth the risk for you, otherwise, delays will occur if you let anything or anyone else discourage you.
🕊️ Bless 🕊️
Discord Server:
Shop website: Coming soon
IG Page: Coming soon
I love to know how I do, so please feel free to drop a comment and let me know. Thank you in advance! Bless!
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quindriepress · 1 year
We’ve worked with so many fantastic creators over the past two years, all with different styles, creative processes, and approaches to comic-making. Here’s 16 artists’ advice for aspiring comic creators!
“You really just have to do it. Start something, get that experience, finish it or not - move onto the next project. Gotta keep going. Comics take time. Might as well start now.” - @sticksandsharks
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"Read comics you love and try to figure out why they are so good, read as broadly as you can and try as many different styles and ideas as you can. Follow what is fun and interesting to you, rather than what seems like the “professional” or “right” way to do it.” - @toadlett
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"Start with something small, maybe a few panels or a few pages, and finish it. Then do the same again. Making comics can be a very solitary activity, so find others that are doing the same thing, and do it with support.” - Julie Campbell
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“Don’t wait until you’re a comics master to start making something, you will learn so much more by sitting down and drawing. You can always come back to your original idea and try it a different way. You might love your next attempt.” - Jem Milton
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“Tell stories YOU want to tell. There’s no real value in chasing trends - others are already doing it after all. What people are interested in is reading the story only YOU can tell. You have a unique life experience that no-one else can replicate.” - Chris Manson
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“A simple, practical piece of advice I would give someone would be to get a cork board. Being able to use a cork board to lay out your thumbnails is very useful! Just seeing it all laid out can help reduce the anxiety of a larger project.” - Thomas Heitler
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“Finish comics. A mediocre finished story is always better than an unfinished/unseen magnum opus. Making mistakes and bad art is something everyone should get used to.” - Jack Devereaux
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“Try to entertain yourself and maybe one or two other people. Make comics for in-jokes no one else understands, or ideas that come to your mind. Try not to think about doing everything all at once.” - Robbie Kieran
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“Don’t worry too much about finishing things. Even an unfinished project will teach you an incredible amount. Don’t let a fear of an unfinished work hold you back from starting a project that you’re passionate about.” - @ariadnearca
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“Drop the ‘aspiring’ and dive in. Have you already doodled the cool scenes you’re excited about? Then congrats, you’re a comic artist. Get started on page 1 so I can see it.” - @spiremint
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“Create the stories you want to make and that you want to read. Forget about what you think a publisher or a potential audience might want.” - @domduongart
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“Make sure you’re making comics for YOU, not what you think other people want! If you have enthusiasm for your project, it will always shine through. If it’s a slog, and you’re not enjoying it, hit the bricks!” - @elljwalker
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“Keep going. Keep obsessing over those things you love. Keep making things. Keep sharing them with people. Take breaks.” - @pppondi
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“Your comic will never be perfect, but thats okay - it’s good even! You learn while you work, even if it’s just learning what you would change next time. It’s good to make mistakes, it’s good to learn and grow.” - @kroovv
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“If you want to be a creator, you should create for yourself. You’ll always have an audience that way. I think people that appreciate good comics can see work that’s honest. Just be yourself. There is always a place for you.” - @prehistoricfrog
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“If you have a story, get it down. You don’t need to consider yourself a comic artist to make a comic. If you can draw, and you need to say something, just start drawing boxes and see where it goes.” - @bethfuller
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If you’d like to pick up a comic from any of the artists featured here, check out the Quindrie Press shop or the Kickstarter we’re running for our new comic collection!
What's your advice for people who are just starting out in comics?
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ussjellyfish · 3 days
fic author q & a
Thank you, @fiadorable for tagging me!!
The questions:
Why do you write fanfic?
Which of your posted stories do you think about the most, even though the story is "finished"?
If you could give yourself fic advice from when you first started writing fic, what would that advice be?
What's your relationship to fic stats?
Is there a pairing or scenario or friendship you miss writing? If so, why? If not, why not?
Why do you write for the fandom(s) that you write for?
If you're stuck writing a WIP, what do you do?
What do you wish people knew about comments?
Maybe there's a question you wish had been on here. What's that questions (and answer)?
Why do you write fanfic?
I enjoy, so much. I love dialogue, I love trying to write something that's feels true to the characters in the moment I'm writing. Some of it is writing things that are simply not feasible/wouldn't film well/aren't things shows would bother making.
The worlds fiction creates are interesting to me and I like expanding them. I'm particularly into little hurts and comforts, and I have a specialty in the long epic that takes place around a pregnancy. I also really love f/f pairings and those are not usually offered in the canons I enjoy. (Maybe there's one...).
I like writing the things I would like to read. I love the community around it, exchanges are fun because you get to make something and someone makes something for you. Existing with people who also find writing fun is a neat and creative way to connect.
It's the freest creative outlet I get in my life, and I really love that.
2. Which of your posted stories do you think about the most, even though the story is "finished"?
Right now, Quantum Variations on a Love Theme, because I love that story, I invested so much of my life into writing it, and it stopped in a good place, so it's done, but it's a world I made that I am fond of. There are fun little friendships in there, and I built their relationship well. I had fun. I don't know if I have anything to add. It feels done, but I love it.
Two ficlets I really liked and feel like they could have more to them in a "proof of concept" kind of way are "legends of the space lanes" which is where Laira has amnesia and thinks she's space pilot much younger Laira (which was fun) because I really think space pilot Laira could go somewhere. So I think about that one because I write to write a more complicated fic vaguely in that direction.
I also think about Federation Labor Code Section 51A-11, subparagraph 2, because it's adorable, and I have such a soft spot for Laira doing her job, and feeling terrible while she does it, and only Michael knowing. This idea makes my heart mush in my chest. There are so many more labor codes to make up and fun ways to break them and it's cute, they're cute together.
3. If you could give yourself fic advice from when you first started writing fic, what would that advice be?
Worry less about what other people think about it. Comments are fun, they're wonderful, but the writing itself is a journey. You get better the more you write, and the process is what you enjoy. Write things that make you happy, enjoy writing them, don't be ashamed for liking what you like. I do the same thing over and over, but I enjoy it. Other people do this too, and enjoy themselves, I would feel better if I let myself write without shame.
4. What's your relationship to fic stats?
They're fun! I like that ao3 has been tracking things for me for 15 years. There's little fun things in there. In a good year, I write around 200,000 words. I'm almost to 3 million words on ao3. I'm almost to 1 million hits. These are fun things. I like knowing they are out there. It's little ways to motivate myself.
5. Is there a pairing or scenario or friendship you miss writing? If so, why? If not, why not?
I can't think of one at the moment. I miss the people who talked to me while I wrote some of my previously pairings. I seem to swap friend groups as I swap fandoms/pairings and I miss people when I don't talk to them any more. Lately they get too busy, move on before I finish something, and then I finish it on my own, and it's rather lonely. The last two long fics I've been really into (Michael Burnham/Laira Rillak) and ( gen Philippa Georgiou) have gotten me through since 2020. I definitely have a candle for all the pairings I've been really into. (Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard - Stargate Atlantis, Beverly Crusher/Jean-Luc Picard - Star Trek: TNG, Kathryn Janeway/Chakotay - Star Trek Voyager, Beverly Crusher/Kathryn Janeway - TNG/VOY, Melinda May/Phil Coulson - Agents of SHIELD, Maleficent/Regina Mills - Once Upon a Time, Regina Mills/Emma Swan - Once Upon a Time.)
I feel contentedly done with most of them though.
Beverly/Kathryn is probably the one I'm most likely to go back to. Elizabeth and John get a little nod every October. Mostly my heart moves on, and I write my specialty for a new pairing, and I see how long I hang out there.
It seems like I will write Una/La'an babyfic at some point. They're adorable. It'll be fun.
5. What motivates you to write?
It may honestly be that femslash babyfic doesn't write itself. It's an unpopular corner of an unpopular corner and usually my favorite pairing is tiny. Some of them haven't been, and it's really fun to be part of a big ship. It's also fun to be part of a tiny little ship when people sail near you in their ship and wave. That's kind of where I am at the moment, and it's nice.
I don't remember a time where I didn't write fanfic. I wrote Addams Family fanfic when I was nine. I have ancient self insert TNG fic from when I was thirteen. I love support and friendship and feelings and vulnerability and little things that aren't important enough to be a whole episode that are important enough to me. I love building relationships and figuring out how to make something sound like it's from the show, and keep it vaguely close enough to the characters that it makes sense.
It's fun. I get a creative outlet and a challenge and friends and something I like reading at the end
6. Why do you write for the fandom(s) that you write for?
I like women with power and underlying vulnerabilities, often when they're terrible at dealing with their own feelings. I lead towards scifi or fantasy, lots of Star Trek. (probably two thirds of my works are Star Trek of some kind). I like being able to make things up, I love casts with lots of women.
I love the freedom of science fiction and fantasy. I love weird stuff. I'm not that intrigued by things too close to reality.
Usually I find a character I like and fixate on her and then decide whom I ship her with. (Often it's the person who would fuss over her if she had a headache). Sometimes they have scenes together, sometimes they don't. I've shipped several f/m pairings in the past, lately it's all femslash.
I care more about the mutual looking after each other when it's a f/f [pairing, I am kind of biased towards the female character in most of my f/m fics. She's Barbie, he's just Ken. Barbie/Barbie is much more fun for me.
I love it when the characters have people who love them around them, and I like building the friendships that go with the relationship. I like to make this place where they look after each other, or expand it. It brings me joy.
7. If you're stuck writing a WIP, what do you do?
Start another one! (i wish I was joking). Take a walk, paint, play video games, go do a chore. I rarely have enough time and energy free to be stuck. It's either going well or I'm too tired to write. Usually now my problems are not, I have time to write and I don't know what to write. It's I don't have time or energy to write. I have to work, I have chores and I…
I am filling this out instead of writing but this is fun and I've been meaning to do it for ages.
I talk about my WIP with anyone who will listen or write another fic, if I am stuck but have time to write. Rarely does this occur. Usually I have no time / energy, which is different than stuck.
8. What do you wish people knew about comments?
They're a fabulous way to make friends, if you want. I would love to hear the little things you didn't put into a fic when I comment on yours. If you're reading something for the 10th time, I'd love to know. I mean to reply to them, I try, and sometimes I forget or they get buried. I treasure them. Thank you for taking the time. It means worlds to me.
9. Maybe there's a question you wish had been on here. What's that questions (and answer)?
@fiadorable chose How are you feeling about writing today? and that's a good question. So I'll go with that.
I feel good about writing today. I'm finishing up my Discovery Big Bang, and that's going well, it's been fleshed out where it needed to be and I know what happens in the end I just need to drag all the threads together.
It's been a few weeks since I had the time and energy to write anything and it's nice to be on the upswing where things feel hopeful and fun.
It's genuinely been fun to add on little things and pull the big bang fic together. I'm excited about it.
Tagging @onmytallesttiptoesspinning @astrotrek86 @pilcrowtudinous @mylittleredgirl @moomkin77 @concentfortea @an-inky-fingered-lass @lenfaz @havocthecat @bessemerprocess @elephant-in-the-pride-parade @divinemissem13 @lorcaswhisky
if you feel inclined.
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yandere-sins · 12 days
Hi can I ask for 8, 9, 10, 13, 19? :))
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[Writer asks here]
Thank you guys for asking! ♥
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#8 How do you stay motivated? 
Ironically, when I first started writing, I asked someone who had been writing for a long time on how to stay motivated. They said "Motivation and inspiration don't exist." That never left me. I stuck with me to this day. I really didn't want to believe it.
That said, I used to really force myself to write because I was so desperate to escape reality for a while when I was younger. By now, it's more that I know what I want and that I like writing, but ultimately, if I realize I can't bring myself to or it's too exhausting for me, I learned to just not do it. Writing is a pasttime I either want to do or not, but it can't be forced, and I had to learn through therapy that it's okay not to engage in it if I don't feel like it.
So a real motivation doesn't exist. If I sit down and I have nothing I want to do more, I turn towards writing because I know I enjoy it. I am always happy to finish a story, always smiling when I read the lovely comments on them or when I get asks that chat or engage. And, of course, if I have a new idea I might be super exited to write it down. But maybe that person was right and there is no such thing as motivation per se. You either want to do the thing or don't. Both is fine, both are valid. No beating up about it either :)
#9 What is your favorite genre to write?
All kinds of romance, I'd say! I think it's the most rewarding genre, and since I don't like extensive world building, something sci-fi or fantasy with a focus on the story is less my cup of tea. Characters are my favorite part about writing and if I get to pair them up it's a major plus! :D
#10 What is your favorite genre to read?
Yeeeeah, no surprise but romance lol! I honestly prefer romance plots over everything else and while that can be dark romance, romantasy, monster romance, normal romance stuff, it doesn't really matter. I crave romance and I want it sprinkled in my stories like I want sugar in a cake! I am that kind of predicatable :'D
And I'll be honest, I love dual- or multiple-pov and I want my characters pining and madly in love and for a story to make me giggle.
My favorite trope btw, is when they don't speak the same language and they have to figure each other out and learn to trust each other despite the language barrier. It's just so delicious, I gobble it up every time!
#13 What is your pre-writing process like? Do you outline, research, etc.? 
Oh, that really depends. If I just write a request or something predictably short then it's unlikely I plan anything. I get my spark of idea and go to town, basically!If I can predict that there will be multiple chapters I often write down what I want for the plot later in case I don't write the other parts right away, so I don't forget. If I want and have planned for a story to be long, then yes, I mostly have one paragraph with the rough outline per chapter. I do write down the most important things I want in that paragraph, that include dialogue and actions but it's a really rough outline and once I sit down to write I read it once or twice before delving in.
Research I do on the go when I get to a point in writing where I think "huh, how does that actually work?" and then I go figure it out. Doesn't interrupt the flow as much as one would assume! If it's a planned action or happening that I was able to predict beforehand, then I will probably do the research, safe the pages and read up on it when I get to the chapter! I do prefer less research and more creative freedom though, haha xD
#19 Do you see your characters more as children, as people you know and love, or more as tools to generate the story? 
Uh, that question will make me look bad :'D
While I do care for my characters and think of them as individuals (that I'd love to meet up and be friends with) that I will call my kids, at the end of the day they are actually more... self-inserts. Yeah, I'll be shameless for a moment, I have not created a single character that has not been burdened with some form of my own problems, but I am happy to say they all got their happy ending! (Or what could be considered a HE for them lol!)
As such, tools would probably describe them better. I am definitely working a lot of my problems into my writing and it heals a part of me that is hard to reach. But in that way, they are also somewhat children to me and I love seeing them grow and overcome their problems. It's creative generational trauma :'D
Same doesn't go for the readers whose pov we have in the stories you read on this blog though (the second person pov can be very misleading, but those characters I don't consider my children or even my own characters). They don't always pick up my pieces but are mostly the embodiment of an emotion I want them to reflect. In fact, they are more like puppets, means to further the stories and involve the readers (you). They have to be much less personal in order for everyone to be able to associate with them, and I think it's very important to keep that up or else it'll become harder to read that pov!
And I also don't associate myself with ficitional characters created by other people. So what you read is just my interpretations of the characters.
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yuebings · 8 months
fic writer meme
thank u @fruitdaze @uhuraisgay @cairoscene @englishsub for tagging me!
How many works do you have on Ao3?
44 currently! double 4s? during MY lunar new year? i gotta change that up quick
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
315,042 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
my most written-for fandom is mdzs, but i don't really write for it anymore...if you look at my ao3 profile u can kinda tell i'm a sporadic one-and-done type when it comes to fic hehe no one can predict where i'll go next. my latest fandom is jujutsu kaisen!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
so you've been robbed by a musuem
the stone-filled sea
the family-dodging bathroom-dwellers association
and his wanting grows teeth
diving blind
it's like a wangxian sweep except for the last sambucky lol
5. Do you respond to comments?
i am trying to get better at that! sometimes i don't have the energy to go through and respond to every single one but trust me when i say that seeing the wonderful comments people leave truly makes my day
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
tbh i don't think i've ever written straight-up angsty endings (or at least the way i see straight up angst). every 'bad' ending has a ray of hope in it, or at least an acceptance that like...yes, this is the way it was meant to be, and to reject the outcome would be to reject everything that came before it. sometimes things were meant to go to shit. there was no other way to go. we were doomed but at least we loved each other. i will suffer but at least i can remember you. so on so forth.
with all that said, it's a toss up between the longest journey (di feijing & lei chun), or all things in pain (wen ning character study). 'angsty' endings, if only in the way i described above
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
a lot of my happy endings aren't super-sweet happy endings per se, but rather a promise or hope that things will get better. idk what that says about me lol like maybe i have more interest in the "how to become happy" part than the actual happiness itself...? but ANYWAY i'd say the sappiest ending is i have is uhhhh feel like a brand new person (msr take edibles together) because 1) their mutual attraction is finally acknowledged 2) they're making out 3) they're high as balls. what's better than this
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not any time recently! i've rarely had negative comments before and all of them have been of such a ridiculous nature that my only response was like "lmfao ok"
9. Do you write smut?
nope! not yet, at least. maybe some time in the future i'll feel like it
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you have written?
haven't written any, don't really read them either! i keep my blorbos locked up in their separate cages. siloed.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
yes! kind of. if this counts, a couple years ago someone on wattpad stole over 100 wangxian fics (including mine) from ao3 and reposted them onto their own account without credit. we got their account taken down tho so all is well...but this is why i say in my ao3 profile that i do not allow reposts. please tell me if u ever see my work reposted anywhere........
i've also come across a fic in a diff fandom that was VERY clearly "inspired" by one of mine (lifting certain scenes and lines beat for beat) and gave no credit. so there's that as well.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes! it's always an honor when someone wants to translate my work :)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope! my creative process is so erratic that i feel like i'd be a nightmare to co-write with, so this is probably for the better
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
this is a hard question to answer. i don't have an ultimate favorite that always stays at the top of the pile, cuz my interests change all the time! right now i'm really enjoying platonic yuuji & megumi & nobara & gojo. in terms of what i go to most often when i want a comfort re-read...finnpoe.
15. What is a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
omg. you want a DEEP CUT? i have a wip for a rarepair in an already sparse fandom...yeongshin/seobi from kingdom on netflix (the historical korean zombie drama). i LOOOOVE that show i comfort re-watch it all the time. i love their bonded-thru-trauma-frenemies healer/warrior dynamic and i have this wip going for yeongshin getting bitten and seobi developing a zombification-reversal cure through sheer willpower and spite alone........there's maybe 2k written and i was relying on a season renewal announcement to motivate me enough to get the rest of it out but uh. fellow kingdom warriors if you're out there. i think we may be losing this battle............kingdom season 3 announcement save me..............
16. What are your writing strengths?
as a haver-of-siblings, i think i do general family dynamics pretty well! someone has told me in the past that i am good at packing meaning into very few words. i also think i'm good at angsty emotional beats (i sure like writing them, at least)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
bro if there is any action scene in my work, writing it is like pulling teeth. what do you mean he's getting hit. what do you mean i have to think of an interesting way to describe punch #1 and punch #2 and punch #3. STOPPPPPPPP I CANT DO THIS.
in terms of technique i used to struggle with this thing where i NEED to perfect the writing i'm working on before i can move on. like i'd waste huge amounts of time rewriting a three sentence paragraph over and over and over again until it was perfect before i could move onto the next scene. i'm getting a lot better with that tho!
18. Thoughts of writing dialogue in another language in fics?
i've never done it myself, like, full on written-in-a-diff-lang dialogue, but i think it's cool as long as context clues/some form of translation is provided. and if proper research is done if the writer isn't a native speaker
19. First fandom you wrote for?
the man from uncle (2015). lol. napollya could have won in an alternate universe where armie h@mmer wasn't a piece of shit
20. Favorite fic you have written?
HOO. i gotta say it's my sambucky ghost fic the boy who cried ghost. it's by far my longest fic (even tho it isn't actually very long compared to others ive seen LOLLLL) and it took me AGES to write and ended up being quite personal!! part of the reason it took me so long to finish was bc i couldn't bear to write about sam struggling with grief/guilt when i was also going through something similar, so when i finally got around to writing the moment of catharsis i kinda felt like i was helping myself, too! which was a very interesting experience, and definitely served to lodge this fic in my heart forever and ever. it's not exactly popular but i'm proud of it :)
tagging @tantai-jin @bluecrystalrainingdaggers @vinelark and anyone else who wants to participate!
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yellowhollyhock · 3 months
For any (or all that you know? 👀) version of Michelangelo:
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
ah yayayay!!
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Put him in MLP:FIM, he can have a video games cutie mark. I see him being a pegasus. He can have use his nun chucks to redirect tornados. Plus, super speed. And plus plus, baking! Lots of ways for him to have lots of fun in a world like that.
7 something fandom does that I like
It is simply delightful to read about Mikey being an absolute menace. Maybe especially because when I'm writing him I have a hard time coming yo with ideas for what to make him do. It's so fun to see people's creativity! I also love when his sweetheart shows through, he really feels deep and cares lots. And if the same story shows his sweetheart side and makes him create situations I couldn't dream up if I was paid? excellent
12 headcanon
I am not original for this but, genderfluid Mikey!!
21 favorite thing to do when writing, something I don't like
My favorite thing about writing him is how much he's watching and noticing everyone else's emotions. This is such a younger sibling thing. It's different from Leo or Raph worrying about others' feelings; it's like he's watching tv. Not that he's not worried but like. It's like he's the omniscient narrator. I mean he might be wrong sometimes but he's always watching and speculating.
Something I dislike? His brain moves so fast. I have a very Donatello-style choose one thing to focus on and that's my personality now brain, so it's always challenging to write for someone like Mikey who notices so many little things and connects so many different thoughts. Which in the end I guess I also enjoy in that it's very satisfying when I'm done, but the process is difficult
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oooh I kinda want to see him in like. A Louis L'amour book. Just hanging out being nice to everybody. All the characters comment on his accent. By the end of it they're all talking like him. He can use his grappling hook to confiscate guns and talk to the horses and cattle and dogs and make everyone pizza 😌
7 fandom thing I like
I like in crossovers how everyone always loves him. This is such a true thing. Canon crossovers are wrong there's not a turtle ever to turtle who wouldn't get along with Michelangelo.
12 headcanon
hmm... actually I don't know if I have any. I can see him sometimes being the oldest. I do mean sometimes though,, there are some turtles that have an Age Order and some who are Quadruplets and say what's convenient. But 1987 Michelangelo is the only Mikey I'd see ever being the oldest
21 fave and least fave about writing character
His dialogue is mondo fun to write! Like, majorly good time dude.
as for something I don't like--his dialogue is totally challenging at times amigo!
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I mean 2012 already put him in so many genres canonically akdjdhaj.
Actually. 2012 Mikey in Snorks. Okay listen it's this cartoon from the 80s, they're undersea creatures the size of smurfs with little snorkels on their heads and flipper feet and they're multi-colored and other than that they're pretty much just humans. The main cast is a group of teenagers who go on various adventures often related to keeping the ocean clean, taking good care of wildlife, or being good citizens of their community, but also just a lot of high school drama and some really random stuff.
They're very silly and I feel like 2012 Mikey would vibe. The fun thing is they can (for some reason) breathe on land, so instead of moving Mikey to there just put the main cast in his room. Him and Tooter would bond instantly. I'm kind of obsessed with this idea now
7 fandom
I don't read a lot of 2012 fics, but pretty similar with 03, I enjoy reading about chaos.
I also love love love when 12 Mikey is shown being protective of his bros. idk if that counts as something 'fandom' does since it's canon, but I do so enjoy fics where that trait is shown.
12 headcanon
Asexual. Remember the ep where he was like 'well I'm never getting a crush it makes you guys act weird' and then fell head over heels for literally the next person he saw? To me (ace lesbian) that reads very much like picking someone to convince yourself you like that way so you don't feel left out. I see him as demiromantic asexual. Unlikely to even come up much in fics but there it is
21 writing
it is more rare for me to write 2012 but I do have some things in the works. I like writing Mikey with Raph. They have a very fun and sweet dynamic. for dislike.. hmm.. it is a challenge balancing his emotional intelligence with his goofy side, I'm not sure why more so with him than the other mikeys? I feel like I always lean too hard one way or the other with him specifically
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Easy: The Great British Baking Show.
7 fandom
when they give him hand tremors from making that portal in the movie. yessssss
12 headcanon
idk if this is really a headcanon, I feel like it's highly textually supported. But I like to think he really looks up to Leo and tries to act like him
21 writing
it's very fun to write hie explosive he can be! I probably overuse Dr Delicate Touch XD
what I dislike writing... hmm. It can be difficult to write how competitive he is. Very different from how my brain works so it can be hard to tap into
90s movies
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I think this Mikey should be in Friends. I haven't seen a lot of Friends but from what I have I feel like he'd be a fun personality to throw into the mix. Him and Phoebe both thin they're the sane one of the two of them
7 fandom
Love to see incorrect quotes. I haven't seen much of the 90s turtles generally in fandom, but when they make an appearance it's usually either an incorrect quote or a screenshot, both of which are excellent opportunities for Mikey to shine.
12 headcanon
He loves Dinsey princess movies. I mean loves. You can't tell me a guy who randomly starts singing and dancing that often doesn't have a closet full of Disney movies. Musicals as well but he also likes animation. Also Lady and the Tramp and Jungle Book are honorary Disney princess movies to him, in spite of April and his brothers' solid arguments against this. His favorite is Cinderella
21 writing like/dislike
he's kind of low-key for a Mikey, which is both fun and challenging as a writer.
Next Mutation
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Gummi Bears. They also live underground and try to stay secret. Grammi Gummi cooks really weird combos just like Mikey likes. He and Gusto Gummi would cause very chaos together. Plus there's so much magic elements, which Mikey would find cool because of Venus (and it would also make him extremely homesick). Plus it's a kids' show so they'll have episodes where they learn basic lessons like 'tell the truth' or 'apologize when you're wrong' and Mikey could state the moral on his radio show
7 fandom
allll of the Next Mutation stuff I've read has been you, train, and I gotta say I thoroughly enjoy him and Leo being dorks together 🧡🩵
12 headcanon
He doesn't call Venus 'mutatious babe.' In fact he doesn't call anyone babe
21 writing like/dislike
I haven't written him yet... but it's coming 😈
4 other media
I wanna put this Mikey somewhere nice. Oh I know! Danville, Phineas and Ferb's town. This would be a safe place for him to be out among humans if he wants. He could throw so many parties. And his family can live there too. April could be a den mother (is that what it's called) for Isabella's scout group. Phineas and Ferb and Donnie would borrow parts and blueprints from each other like other neighbors borrow eggs. Leo could shadow Perry! Raph could be a yourh mentor at Kandace's school! And Mikey could work at a pizza place and on the odd occasion when someone comes in like "but you're a turtle?" he'd be like "trust me bro, you're gonna see weirder things than me around here. Just look out the window in 5.. 4.. 3....." And Phineas and Ferb are riding by on hoverboards being chased by a bunch of monkeys.
guys guys guys
"Aren't you a little turtle to be making these pizzas?"
"Yes! Yes I am 😁"
Plus the turtles could also meet Milo Murphy at some point. Michelangelo would be such a good friend to Milo!
7 fandom
Making him and Donnie so close 🧡💜
12 headcanon
I feel like I bring this up all the time, but I'm gonna bring it up again: Mikey knew Raph was the Nightwatcher.
21 writing like/dislike
like: giving him justice. let him yell, let him cry, let him have so much ice cream and pick the movie and get so many hugs
dislike: it actually can be draining to write him because he has so much anger inside that he doesn't know where to put.
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hmm. again, I want a place where he can comfortably go out whenever he wants. What's a place with a lot of random creaturrrres...
Oh! Monsters Inc! And it could be after the movie so they're collecting laughs! That's his job! aww yis this is perfect
7 fandom
haven't checked out the bayverse fandom much. I like the idea of him and Raph being close, since Raph stood up for him in the second movie (never really got the impression Raph much wanted to be human for his own sake)
12 headcanon
audhd, and also besides self-diagnosing is largely the one to notice his bro's symptoms (Raph depression, Leo and Don both anxiety, idk what else). Even though he doesn't have the language for it, he understands a lot about his and their needs just from observation (it will help them all a lot once they start putting words to it and doing research tho)
21 writing like/dislike
like: he funny 🧡
dislike: sometimes he kinda crude :/
Batman vs tmnt
4 other media
All of it. Let him press. Every button. Every. Button.
hehe the Jetsons
7 fandom
I am getting more and more into Michelangelos where I haven't seen enough art or stories to notice patterns 😅 Love people appreciating or elaborating on his friendship with Alfred
12 headcanon
this Mikey is very close with his Master Splinter 🧡♥️
21 writing
this Mikey is fun because I don't have to think up schemes, just make him touch everything. difficult because there's only one movie of characterization to draw from
okay I am not caught up on IDW by a long shot, and I can't answer most of the questions for him, but
4 other media
put him some place soft. Strawberry Shortcake.
same thing again, but I have one answer
4 other media
Highway to Heaven. Ex-cop goes on the road with a traveling angel. Michelangelo would be a good buffer at times and very funny picking on them both at other times.
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goodluckclove · 1 month
I have spent some time now trying to formulate a question but every time i arrive back at there's probably no answer. OH. So. (Please ignore if you do not want to answer or can't or whatever. I'm thinking instead of sleeping and that tends to lead to strange thoughts.)
Where does creativity come from? Like, how do people get that spark that turns into an idea an universe. How do they step outside what they have experienced (tropes, stories), and... create something of their own.
I don't know. The answer is probably somewhere between "it just comes" and "they listen and notice it" (as in they are not in something resembling chronic creative burnout).
Writing looks fun. Creating stories. Having a world take shape in your imagination. I enjoy getting glimpses into that process and seeing the end products. (I would love to try it myself but it's one of those "so far away i have zero idea where to start" things. Where on the other hand rants, thoughts, concepts *prompted* by anything and routed in something already existing seem to come freely and turn into whole essays (sometimes at least). Oh well.)
I really don't know. Please ignore if this is weird. I should maybe have some water.
Take care if where you are it's also way too hot. Have water or rest or whatever might be good in that moment, if you want. I hope your day goes as well as can be, with nice moments and strength for the hard ones. (How do people end asks i am not good at people today.)
Hi! You sent this to me a while ago and I hadn't answered it, but I've been thinking about it a lot. I think I'm finally settled enough to answer it.
I think every human being - at least every that I've come across - possesses innate creativity and the ability to make art. I never believed in the concept of god-given "talent" and actually find the concept deeply patronizing as, in my mind, it implies no real effort. Which is bullshit. I will call an artist capable, honest, skilled, passionate - I will never call them talented.
Children are creative in their natural state and in their own way. What happens is an exposure to poison over the years. Your favorite books and movies aren't good for the reasons you like them, or if they are it doesn't matter because they're not real art. People project what they think art is onto you and negate any opportunity for you to grow and form your own sense of intuition.
Or you're never given a chance to really explore art at all. No one makes an effort to show you books you can relate to, so you decide you don't like reading. You think the stuff at art museums is just stuffy Old Dead Guy paintings, and since no one suggests you explore otherwise you never explore painting or sculpting as something accessible to you. It's an unbelievable tragedy to me and I cringe inwardly every time someone tells me they just aren't creative.
There are no uncreative people. There are no boring people. There are only people who were lied to and demeaned until they felt the only real option was to deny themselves the language of communicating through art and storytelling. And that's fucking horrible.
So how can you move past that? I talk to a lot of "aspiring writers" (another term I despise), who tell me blocks in their creative process that keep them from doing the work they want to do. Oftentimes I just respond by asking who told you that? Was it a teacher who was unable to finish their novel because of some poison they consumed? A parent who only sees you through the lens of a career they've decided you're meant to pursue to have value in the world? Perhaps a stranger on the Internet who realized that you can gain a facade of illusory "respect" by making individual taste and limited artistic scope as an overall rule of thumb everyone else has to follow?
Once you find the root of what makes you feel fundamentally severed from creativity, you can start to undo the hold it has over you. You might have to start further back than what feels good for the ego. If you struggle to write a long-term project, maybe you just need to write something. Anything. Just play with fragments and develop a foundation of actually confirming you're able to take up space. Because you are and you absolutely should.
Big ramble but this is a really important topic to me. Don't know where to start? There are really no wrong movies! People watch and wonder what their lives are like! Explore a single plot point of character without worrying about an overarching narrative! As discouraging as it can feel to struggle in a way so many other people seem perfectly well-versed in, it is never too late to develop creativity in your life!
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hello! I saw that you were doing matchmaking and I would like to request one from hazbin hotel, it would be very helpful for you to give me an idea so I can Draw (Creative Block D':) 𖦹 Name: Pia.
𖦹Sexuality: Bisexual.
𖦹Gender: Fluid gender.
𖦹Personality: INFJ, I consider myself empathetic, kind, calm and very sensitive. If someone comments on a game that I like, I will talk non-stop and tell the stories, data and theories.
𖦹 Appearance: (to be honest I wouldn't like to write it but I can tell you what my oc looks like) Her appearance is that of a moth with black and red tones, wings with 3 eyes on each side.
𖦹 Likes: animals and insects, especially foxes, rabbits, crows and moths, I really love video games, especially those about history or making decisions, reading horror books, cryptozoology, unsolved cases, the paranormal, I love nature a lot, I like comics, listening to metal and calm music, coffee.
𖦹I don't like: spiders, annoying noises, people who speak badly behind people's backs
𖦹 hobbies: Drawing would be my biggest hobby, I always draw anywhere, play video games and read.
𖦹Characters: I'm fine with any character except Valentino, Rosie, Nifty and Lute
𖦹Sorry if you don't understand, it's not my language.
~~~~~ MATCH UP ~~~~~
I love your original character! After choosing your match, I went to your blog and was very impressed with your artwork! You are so talented! I hope you like this and that it helps with your creative block!
I have chosen for you a character who is super loving, compassionate, supportive in all aspects, and, most importantly, a problem solver.
I present to you your match-------
Tumblr media
Charlie Morningstar
~~~~~ HEADCANON ~~~~~
Charlie loves love, simple as that. She expects to be showered with love and admiration almost constantly in a relationship.
Charlie loves animals. If she hadn't opened the Hazbin Hotel, she definitely would have opened an animal rescue facility.
Charlie can get very overwhelmed with grand ideas at times, and because of this, watching you draw becomes one of her favorite pastimes. It's so relaxing.
When you explain to her how you watched or read about all these crime shows based on real murders in the mortal realm, she begins helping you find the people who committed them to question them.
Charlie will save you from any bug that dares thretens you, just expect her to want a few kisses as her reward.
Charlie has a mega sweet tooth, and she loves to make you your favorite coffee and other little snack cakes to munch on when you two have long nights working together.
If she can't draw her image for the hotel or her next master plan, she will come to you and ask you to help her pull it.
Charlie tries to learn how to play video games with you. However, like how she enjoys your drawing, she ends up just sitting there watching you, which is a pastime she enjoys enough.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
You were sitting in your room setting up your new computer; you had to sneak in so Alastor didn't destroy it. As you were mid-set up, Charlie sat on your bed, slumping in the sheets. "What seems to be the problem, my love?" you asked Charlie as you finished the first part of the setup. "It's the worst, Pia; my dad wants to come and visit us." You laughed at Charlei's theatrics, "Charlie, I thought you and your dad made up." Charlie groaned into the bed again, and you smiled softly, walking over to the bed and sitting next to her. Charlie repositioned and laid her head on your lap.
"I have made up with him. I just don't know. Showing him my partner seems like a big step. What if he doesn't like you." You sighed and ran your hand through Charlie's hair gently. "I think all will be fine. When is he coming?" Charlie looked away from you at the wall, taking her two pointer fingers and pressing them together softly. "Uh, well, in maybe less than five minutes at this point." Before processing what Charlie was saying to you downstairs, you heard a loud boom as the front doors opened. You and Charlie got up and made your way to the main lobby.
As you both walked downstairs, Lucifer ran straight to his daughter, grabbing her and holding her close. You stood back, watching the moment, laughing gently. Hearing your presence, Luficer set Charlie down and came over to you. "Why, hello, dear friend! My name is Lucifer, and as you may know, I am the King of Hell. It is a pleasure to meet you. We already have so much in common I also love and adore my Charlie Bear and we have wings" You laugh as Charlie comes over and begins smakcing her dads arm moving him away from you. This is a little family you could see yourself forever as part of.
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(You are trying really hard to teach Charlie how to play the basic of basic video games, Mario Kart)
Pia: No, Charlie, my love. It's motion-controlled. You just have to tilt the controller, not your whole body.
Charlie: If I don't tilt my whole body, how will the car know I want it to turn faster.
Pia: (laughs) Charlie, that is not how motion controls work.
(As you two finish the race, Angel dust comes in)
Angel: Woah, that is one of those new game things Vox has been selling.
Pia: Yeah, it is. Want me to teach you how to play, too?
Angel: Ah, hell with it, why not.
(Without so much as telling Angel how to play, he won his first game)
Charlie: That's it, Pia. The game is rigged; the little guy on the cart hates me.
Pia: (laughing uncontrollably) Oh, brother.
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