#i love trc sm
pigmeypouter · 1 year
I just finished bllb so here’s a random collection of all my favorite little things <3
Ronan having “furious handwriting”
Blue and her collectible fathers, aka mr gray and JESSE DITTLEY AND HIS SPAGHETTI’OS, AND HIS TINY ANT NAMED BLUE
Gansey nearly crashing his car because blue touched his fingertips, same babe
Ronan is a !!hoarder!! and his room is full of silly whimsy oddities
Gansey’s glendower rants reaching all the way to a COURT JUDGE,?? my mans will literally take ANYONE who’ll listen i love him sm
Disastrous dates with the horror twins <3
Noah and blue gardening together gosh theyre adorable (in my head they chucked dirt at each other but they reconciled bc noah showed her a frog he caught and blue gave him flowers)
Gansey’s ove language: feeding ppl mint leaves
Greenmantle and piper revealing the chaos of a narcissistic couple
Adam. I just love Adam. I love Adam and his forever intimately observant povs
The gang finally fulfilling their strangely large amount of rodeo jokes by awakening their own horde of animals
Murder squash remixes in hondoyotas <3
Henry catching bluesey on their midnight date and henry immediately thinking,, “WAIT… UR NOT GAY??”
gansey’s horrid brewing skills (microwaved tea?????😭) that i hope extends to his culinary ones
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ganseysmagiciansz · 2 months
“"A lot," Ronan translated, and he was right, because, strangely enough, Ronan knew a great deal about how Adam worked. It was possible Adam had always been aware of this but had preferred to consider himself — particularly the more unsightly parts of himself — impenetrable.”
- Maggie Stiefvater, Blue Lily, Lily Blue, Chapter 29
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nonotjustlamps · 2 months
richie has some of the most funny ass robin-esque lines in the entire show LIKEEE
guess whether its a taylor lyric or shakespeare but its dick grayson's robin and richie from the bear
"heard and resented"
"excuse me, lizards"
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adamsrcnan · 3 months
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blueseysyogurt · 5 months
wake up babe it’s st marks eve (raven boys day)!!
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bookishjules · 8 days
tagged by @andrwminward <33
make a poll of your favorite female characters (no limits - as many or as little as you want) and see which your followers like the most!
made myself stick to a top five (and only one from each series) bc otherwise they would have easily overflowed the poll lol ..feels wrong not to have some others represented here tho :/
tagging: @potato-jem @bcyoureallthatmakessense @iminlovewithpercyjackson @helenofblackthorns and anyone else who wants to do it <3
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lunaxart · 1 year
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all i wish is to be as cool as blue sargent
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shayberri789 · 1 year
Something about how in chapter 4 of trc Adam is insecure about the fray on his second hand sweater, and how it's a symbol of his background and insecurities, and how most people don't notice it, and if they did, they didnt think better of him for it
And how Blue saw it immediately and it was something she liked about him, a girl too good at seeing the vulnerabilities of other people, but Adam didnt want someone to see his insecurities, didn't want someone to acknowledge that life
But Gansey did. Gansey needed someone to see him at his worst and love him for it, and blue did that
And how Adam needed someone to see him at his most unruly, and encouraged that
And Ronan makes Adam loud
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mjshortformcjesus · 5 months
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The Sunshine Court page 169, colorized
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squash1 · 1 year
An essay on what makes Gansey, Gansey.
okay. strap in.
in this essay i will examine how, ultimately, what makes gansey, gansey is his experience with death at an early age and how that is fundamentally about a loss of childhood.
to understand what makes gansey, gansey you have to look at gansey’s two lives. gansey was born into a wealthy family — the kind of family that passes down names father to son and has buildings then built in that name. until gansey was 10, we can assume he fit into this affluent world without issue. little gansey was most likely a spoiled little rich kid — not a bad person but inherently out of touch because of the reality he was born into. when gansey dies the first time, it changes his perception of reality — he has an understanding of time and mortality that most adults don’t have never mind ten year olds. this first death is a representation of an early end to gansey’s childhood. he no longer easily fits into the wealthy, laid back world he was born into. we have to assume that until gansey went to stay with mallory, he was in DC with his parents trying to fit into their world but instead feeling intensely isolated and lonely. because even though gansey changed, his parents didn’t.
mallory is an important figure because of the time he represents in gansey’s life. we know from mallory that at 14 gansey struggled intensely with anxiety, that he hadn’t yet learned to present only his shiny gansey mask to the world. but instead of being dismissive, mallory showed gansey kindness and empathy — he was perhaps gansey’s first friend because sometimes delightfully weird old british men are exactly what a teenager needs. mallory helped gansey in his quest, but he also helped him to discover this new version of himself by making him feel not only safe but like there were other people beyond his parent’s world that would understand this pull and fascination he had.
understanding this backstory is key to understanding what makes gansey, gansey, because an intimate knowledge of death is what has produced this gansey that we meet in the raven boys. the gansey we meet is silly and strange and charming. he uses phrases like “hey, tiger” and drinks organic apple juice from the bottle, he has a favorite yellow sweater and is vocal about his love for it. and that’s just gansey, those are ganseyisms as i like to say. gansey has chosen to live his life with childlike wonder and whimsy because he lost that at an early age but doesn’t want to loose it forever. he has decided to embrace the weird, unknown parts of life. he is essentially reclaiming his time. he’s saying yes i know that there is death and darkness in the world, yes i have seen it first hand, yes i still feel it sometimes but i am going to live my life hopefully. gansey has carved out a life for himself in henrietta — a town that in and of itself makes him feel known, but also contains a piece of his old world in aglionby — and has slowly found people who fit, who feel right, who are 1,000 years old just like him. gansey has been lonely for a lot of his life but he found people who were lonely like he was lonely, that were looking for the something more just like he was looking for the something more. he is a compelling leader not because of money or status, but because his hope and quest and belief are real and made real because of gansey’s relationship to mortality. he has made it his mission to build a life he wants, even if it’s short, even if he’s scared. what makes gansey, gansey is his ability to choose hope anyway, to choose to live anyway.
if you made it this far, i love u
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lynchsrqven · 1 year
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Look what I made guys
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40lions · 1 year
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happy trc month to all who celebrate !!
day 1 - sakura (full prompt list)
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a-lilguy · 10 months
Screaming crying and kicking my feet over y'alls tags 😭😭 I appreciate literally each and every one of you and I'm gonna try to get more TRC art to you soon 👀
If anyone has any ideas/prompts they wanna suggest for future art feel free to add it in the tags or shoot me a DM! (Can't make any promises about what the goblin living in my brain will latch onto, but feel free to rattle its cage regardless) 😈❤️
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lesbocrocker · 2 years
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decaflondonfog · 9 months
day 6/30 of 30 microfics in 30 days
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this one is yesterday’s because i got too busy and needed sleep BUT here’s some post-trc harvard era pynch ✨ (non-tdt compliant bc i love myself lol)
PYNCH • STARS for @discobee
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