#i love when my tags are 10 times the length of the text body
coreytasticc · 2 years
of course you wear boots and read out letters phonetically.
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roosterforme · 1 year
Batting Practice Part 10 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley is craving more alone time with you, but his work schedule is going to make that difficult. And when Danny comes to tee ball practice and makes Everett cry, Bradley lets you know that he would be so much better. 
Warnings: Fluff, angst, swearing
Length: 4900 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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Bradley had a long night. He had to jerk off two times before he could fall asleep, and even then, he kept dreaming you were with him. He woke up, his body searching for you in his bed before he convinced himself you really had gone inside your own house. 
When he had to get up to shower before the tee ball game, he felt like he had barely slept, but at least he'd be able to see you again in a few hours. 
When he checked the time on his phone, he saw you had sent him a picture of you all snuggled up in your bed. You looked beautiful without any makeup on as sunlight lit up the bare skin of your shoulders, and he was texting you back right away. 
Kitten, what did you wear to bed?
He forced himself to get up and head to his bathroom. As he was stepping into the shower, you wrote back.
Nothing. Kittens don't wear pajamas.
He couldn't write back. He'd never get himself in order if he did. But when he saw you and Everett arrive at the field, he couldn't help thinking that this whole thing would have been made better if he had slept over with you last night. He could have made pancakes for breakfast, and the three of you could have come to the game in his Bronco. 
"Hi, Coach," you called to him with that little wave, and he knew he wasn't going to get enough of you. Especially not since he learned about all the little noises you make when you come apart in his lap.
"Kitten," he muttered, squeezing Everett's shoulder and sending him over to Bob to warm up. You were smirking up at him. "Where do you stand on me kissing you right now?"
"Oh," you gasped, and Bradley watched you glance around to see Sandra and all the other moms were nearby. "I..."
"It's fine," he whispered. "Just know that I want to, okay?"
You nodded up at him before he turned toward the game that was about to start. 
It turns out the Tiny Eagles were indestructible up to this point. They beat the Tiny Falcons by five runs, and Everett scored twice. Bradley smiled when he turned to you both times to find you cheering for your son. You looked even more excited than you had when you had managed to hit some balls at the batting cages. 
When the game ended and the kids started to disperse, heading toward the bleachers, Bob made his way over to Bradley. 
"Great job, head coach," Bradley told him, shaking his arm and making him smile. "Undefeated after three games."
Bob nodded, blushing a soft shade of pink. "I think you're a better coach than you're giving yourself credit for. The kids love you."
Bradley's eyes caught on Everett as you knelt down to help him switch his shoes. "I'm having fun."
Bob followed his gaze and mumbled, "Do you know if Molly's coming to another practice or anything?"
Bradley had to reel in his desire to smirk. "You want me to ask Team Mom if she'll invite her sister again?"
Bob's blue eyes lit up. "Would you? I mean... I'll probably just chicken out again, but I want to ask her for her phone number next time I see her."
"Well, you should. According to her sister, Molly thinks you're hot." Bradley watched Bob's face turn from pink to bright red as he sputtered before turning and walking away.
You watched Bradley head your way, getting a high five from Everett. "You two sticking around? Or am I walking you to your car?"
More than anything you wanted to get to spend more time with him this weekend. You had to run Everett to a birthday party this afternoon, and tomorrow you had a family function. Both were things you would have invited him to tag along to if you had been dating him for a while. 
"Busy weekend, Coach," you told him, running your fingers along the back of his hand. "Walk us up?"
You watched him crouch down so Everett could get a piggyback ride, and you laughed at the two of them in their matching blue jerseys and hats. "That's adorable," you told them, running a few steps ahead to take a picture. One that would probably make your heart melt every time you looked at it, but that was okay. 
"Send it to me?" Bradley asked, and you texted it to both him and Molly. 
You listened to Everett ask Bradley when he could go to the park again, eager to see that fastball in action. "I'll talk to your mom, okay? Figure out a good time?"
"Okay, Coach," Everett replied with a bright smile, one you never saw on his face on the rare occasion that Danny was around.
"And now I have a question for you," Bradley told you as you approached your car. "A favor, really."
"Yes, Coach?" you asked, smiling innocently at him. Last night you rode his thigh until you came in your jeans. Maybe he was right; maybe you did love to tease him. 
You listened to him clear his throat. "Can you get Aunt Molly to come to another game? Or a practice? Please?"
You crossed your arms and rolled your eyes. "Don't tell me you're going to bring her more flowers?"
Bradley snorted and looked at you like you had two heads. "I'm not asking for me, Kitten. Bob's jonesing hard for Molly."
"Oh." Your first response was immediately embarrassing now. You already knew Bob had a thing for your sister, and now you sounded like an idiot. You watched Bradley set Everett down and open the car door for him. 
"See you on Monday, kiddo." Everett gave him a high five before Bradley closed the door. Then he focused all of his attention on you. "Tell me you're not jealous, Kitten."
"No," you whispered. "And I already know Bob likes her. But Danny used to hit on Molly all the time, and I'm sorry, I just... I'm sorry."
Bradley was frozen, a look of disgust on his face. "Your ex husband used to hit on your sister? Are you joking right now?"
You shook your head. "He used to hit on everyone. I couldn't even have girl friends around. I could barely spend time with Molly. She hates him so much, I thought she was going to hit him at times."
"Kitten," he whispered, and he started to reach for you before he stopped. But before his hand could drop down to his side, you caught it. You had basically told him earlier that you didn't want him to kiss you in public, but now you were pulling him closer. You could make the next move here. 
You wrapped your arms around his waist and leaned up to kiss him. After one soft brush of your lips, Bradley whispered, "We doing this in public now? In front of Ev?"
"Yeah," you confirmed, and then he kissed you a little harder, but kept his hands on all of your G rated body parts. He didn't let his lips linger too long, but he also didn't let you go. 
"Let me know when you and Ev are free? Maybe we can get some pizza after practice this week?"
You nodded up at him. "You know who else likes pizza? Molly. Want to see if Bob's free, too?"
Bradley laughed. "Yeah. Let's work on that."
When you slipped into your car and started the engine, Everett said, "Mom. I think Coach Bradley likes you!"
You couldn't help but laugh. "I think so too, Ev."
Monday had been going so well for Bradley. You and he had been texting all weekend, including a few risque photos. You also managed to get Molly to agree to come to practice on Thursday, and Bradley already informed Bob that she would be there. Bob was already so flustered, Bradley didn't see how he would even make it to Thursday. 
So his day was going well, right up until he was getting ready to leave base for tee ball practice.
"You have a minute?" Mav asked, and Bradley just shrugged.
"For you? I guess I have to."
Mav kind of laughed and then shook his head. "I have to send you up to Lemoore for a few days. Need you there by Saturday afternoon."
"You're joking," Bradley said. "I have a tee ball game on Saturday, Mav."
"Yeah, well, Bob can coach solo for one game. I need to send someone for training, and they selected you. At least it's not a full deployment."
Bradley ran his hands over his face. "Yeah," he grunted. He had already been planning out a way to get some more alone time with you. He had been hoping you'd agree to a sleepover at your house if Bradley left in the morning before Everett was up. Now he was going to have to go days without even seeing you. It's not like sleeping with you was the only thing on Bradley's mind, but his thoughts were wandering there a lot now. 
He'd tell you today at practice that he would be gone for a bit. He was just disappointed that he didn't have much choice. After he parked at the ballfield and started setting things up with Bob, his heart leapt when he saw you park next to his Bronco. But then he saw someone park on the other side of you, and a man got out and was immediately in your personal space and Everett's.
Bradley looked on with concern as Everett ran ahead of you with his gear bag, his face pinched like he was about to cry. You were still next to your car, and the other man was gesturing wildly with his hands while he loomed over you. He was tall, and even with your heels on, he dwarfed you. 
But Bradley peeled his gaze away from you as Everett got closer to the bleachers. "Hey, kiddo. You okay?"
He just nodded and sat down and started yanking his shoes off. But he didn't really look okay, and neither did you. Everett was swiping away tears before they could fall, and Bradley was seething with anger.
He knelt in front of Everett and helped him pull his cleats out. "Is that your dad talking to your mom?"
"Yeah," he replied softly and sobbing once before going silent again. Everett usually talked nonstop, constantly asking questions and wanting to know everything that was going on around him. 
Bradley cleared his throat. "How was school today?" he asked, doing up the laces and making sure Everett was ready for practice.
But he just shrugged and gave another one word answer. "Fine."
Bradley sighed and patted him on the shoulder. "We're going to have batting practice today, and I'll make sure I put you at the top of the lineup, how does that sound?"
He watched the kid's eyes light up a little bit. "Sounds good, Coach."
"Great. Now why don't you start warming up with Piper and Amber?" 
Everett reached into his bag and grabbed his Phillies hat, setting it on his head backwards just like Bradley. With a high five, he was off, running for the outfield toward Bob. And Bradley was standing up and getting a view of you struggling through the grass with your heels on, with a scowling Danny beside you. 
When your eyes met Bradley's, he watched a hesitant smile meet your lips. You shouldn't be hesitating with him. Your pretty face shouldn't look like you were on the verge of tears yourself. Danny looked taller than him, but Bradley felt the almost uncontrollable urge to knock him to the ground. And he was afraid he would do it if you or Ev did start crying. 
"I don't have time for this shit. You know that," Danny was telling you, practically yelling although he was right next to you. 
Bradley watched you take a deep breath and stop walking. "Danny. He's your child, too. He only sees you a handful of times a year. He loves baseball, and he's doing really well. I thought you could take like two hours out of your schedule to see him practice."
Danny shook his head at you. "I work all the time. You know that!"
Your hands turned to fists at your sides. "You work all the time?" you hissed. "Smoking pot and having sex with twenty year olds while you wait for artistic inspiration to strike is not the same thing as working! When was the last time you sold a painting? When was the last time you paid child support?"
Bradley felt his blood boiling. He knew he was staring and eavesdropping, but he didn't give a shit. And if Danny gave him a hard time, he wouldn't back down. 
Danny leaned toward you and got in your face. "You've always been like this. You don't appreciate the process. You act so fucking high and mighty, and then you can't understand why I don't want to be around the two of you."
"You don't need to spend time with me! I'm asking you to spend time with him!" you replied, turning back toward the ballfield where Everett was running the bases and laughing. 
Bradley was done watching this shit. He rolled his shoulders and made his way toward you. There were tears in your eyes now, and he was probably going to level your ex husband right in front of all of the other team parents and players who were getting ready for practice to begin. 
"Hi, Coach," you muttered when he got closer. 
"Kitten," he replied, loud enough for Danny to hear. "And you must be Everett's father." He reached out his hand and shook Danny's, making it clear with his eyes that he expected Danny to shape up his act. "I'm Bradley. One of the coaches."
"Fantastic," he replied sarcastically. 
Then Bradley focused all of his attention back on you. "Everything okay, Kitten?"
You nodded and smiled at him. "Yeah."
As soon as Bradley turned toward the ballfield to get the practice session started, Danny was all over you. 
"So you're fucking your kid's coach? That's a good one. Classy."
You knew Bradley could hear him by the way his shoulders stiffened and how his steps slowed. Part of you wished he would keep walking, and part of you wanted him to come back and wrap his arms around you.
But you rounded on Danny, because he wasn't your husband any longer. "First of all, Everett is your kid too, and second, that's none of your business. And third, do you really think you should even mention that shit after the way you cheated on me?" 
He was getting you riled up. He loved doing this. He would use this against you later, you knew he would. But you couldn't help yourself. 
"I sincerely hope you don't invite random men like this tee ball coach over for the night when Everett is around," Danny said in the most condescending voice. 
You sucked in a deep breath. "For once, just one time, I would like you to initiate spending some time with Everett. That's all I am asking for. Just a few hours. He deserves your attention."
Danny's response of, "I'll see what I can do," made you want to scream and throw your shoes at him. But instead, you just gingerly made your way to the bleachers, and he trailed behind you before sitting silently next to you. He took out his phone and never watched Everett at all. So you cheered twice as loud as you normally would while silently tamping down your rage. You couldn't even focus on the ridiculous things Sandra and Tara were saying behind you, because you knew if you took your eyes off of Everett and Bradley for a second, you'd start to cry. There was no way you'd let Danny have the satisfaction of knowing he could still do that to you.
When practice ended, Everett looked hesitant to come over to the bleachers. You nudged Danny with your foot, and he finally looked up with only mild interest. 
"Great job, sweetie!" you told Everett, collecting him in your arms as he came closer. "You were awesome!" But Everett still looked like he was about to burst into tears with Danny around.
"Nice job," Danny said with a plastic smile. "I need to run, but we'll set up another time to see each other, okay?" He patted Everett on the head and then turned to leave without another word. 
You weren't sure why you did this every few months. Part of you thought you'd be better off petitioning for full custody and leaving Danny out of your lives for good. But the other, softer part of you wanted Everett to have some sort of relationship with his father. 
And then Bradley was standing behind Everett, gently patting his shoulders and looking at you. "Ev was doing a great job batting today. I think he could handle some real pitches soon. Maybe even the batting cages," he told you, and you watched your son's face break out into a smile. 
"Really?" Everett asked Bradley, turning to look up at him.
"Oh yeah, kiddo. Definitely," he replied with a smile. 
You swiped away at the tears that still seemed to be lingering in your eyes. "I'm so proud of you, Ev. We can go to the batting cages one day."
"We can all go," Bradley said, but it just made you want to cry more. You weren't in a relationship with him. You weren't even technically sleeping with him. But he treated Ev with so much more care and respect that Danny did. And he was good to you as well.
You knelt to help Everett change his shoes, and you were so happy to hear him asking Bradley a million questions again. As Bradley walked you both up to your car, he started teaching Everett about baseball stats, and you got your phone out to text Molly. You wanted to make sure she could still make it to practice on Thursday, but you decided to also let her know that Danny came to practice at the last minute today.
Molly: You've got to be shitting me. He really showed up? Was he a dick? Of course I'll be there on Thursday. I've got to ask Coach Cute Glasses for his number. 
You snorted and tucked your phone away as Bradley helped Everett into the back of your car. "See you on Thursday, Coach!" Everett said, giving him a high five as he started to buckle himself in.
"Can I tell him about pizza?" Bradley asked you softly, and when you nodded, he draped one arm along the top of your car and leaned inside the door.
"How about we go out for pizza after practice on Thursday? Maybe with Coach Bob and your Aunt Molly too?"
"Really?" Everett asked, and you wouldn't know he'd been crying earlier. 
"Yeah, my treat. It'll be fun," Bradley said, closing the door and focusing his attention on you. 
You opened your mouth to argue with him right away. "Pizza will not be your treat! You bought me a one hundred dollar bottle of champagne!"
"Kitten, Bob and I will split the cost of the pizza. We need to make him look good in front of Molly, okay? Don't argue. Also, your ex husband is a fucking dick."
He backed you up against your car door with his hands at your waist and a concerned look on his face. "Yeah. I know."
"He made Everett cry," Bradley whispered. "Actual tears."
Your heart was pounding as you nodded up at him. "Thanks for making things better." Then his lips were on yours, and your palms came to rest on his chest. His kisses were soft, and he was pulling away from you almost immediately.  
"Oh, Kitten. I don't want to see that kid cry ever again."
You were practically whimpering at his words, but you held it together. "Thursday will be better, Coach. Pizza with Molly and Bob," you said, lacing your fingers through his. "And maybe this weekend we can try to spend a little time together? Just me and you?" 
"Oh, fuck," Bradley growled, his head tipping back. Then he was looking at you again, but his expression was far less pleased now. "I have to go to Lemoore for a few days. I'm leaving on Saturday morning."
"You'll miss the game this weekend?" 
He nodded. "I'm not sure when I'll be back. But we can talk on the phone at night?"
You laughed softly. "Is that what a deployment is like?"
Bradley kissed your cheek and your ear. "Oh, shit, Kitten. No way. A deployment would be so much worse. Hardly any communication at all."
You pondered that for a moment. "You mean we would just have to miss you without even getting to talk to you? Because that would probably make Ev cry, too."
He cupped your cheek with his big palm and tipped your face up to look at him. "But I would spend the rest of the time when I'm back in San Diego and not deployed making it up to him. And you."
You nodded and kissed him. "I believe you, Coach."
Bradley thought a lot about you while he flew all week. He wanted to have the chance to really be with you, but going to Lemoore was making things difficult for him now. He was aching for the chance to spend a night with you. There was no way he would have passed up that opportunity with you for any other plans. 
On Thursday, he was waiting to fly with Bob and Nat in the hangar. When Nat set her water bottle down to fix her boots, Bradley picked it up and finished her drink. "You need to stop that!" she complained when she saw what he had done. "And you need to tell me what's going on with your hot mama."
Bradley tipped his chin at Bob. "Ask him what his dinner plans are for tonight."
Nat turned toward Bob with a smirk. "You're dating a mom, too?"
Bob's flushed cheeks as he shook his head and sputtered. "N-No, not a mom. Everett's aunt."
It took Nat a second to piece it all together, but when she did, she started laughing. "You're interested in sisters?"
Bradley shared a look with Bob, and then the three of them were cracking up together. "This is too much for me to handle," Nat said, tossing her water bottle in the trash and heading to the tarmac. Then she spun around and excitedly asked, "Wait. Is there a third sister?"
"Just the two," Bradley confirmed with a grin.
"Damn it."
When Bradley was eventually showering before leaving for practice, he thought about the special treat he had tossed into his bag for Everett. It seemed really stupid now, but he couldn't get over the way Everett had been so upset on Monday. 
And Bradley fucking hated Danny. Everett was his child! What the fuck? How could you do that to your own child? And you were so strong, it was baffling to Bradley. You invited Danny to practice even though you knew he was horrible, but you still managed to stand up for yourself and your son. Bradley was absolutely hooked. He wondered if he could ever be good enough for you to be willing to stand up for him that way too. 
He had so many conflicting emotions as he hopped in the Bronco and headed for the ballfield. 
Molly parked right next to you, and she hopped out of her car to scoop Everett into a big hug. "I heard we're going out for pizza tonight!" she cheered, kissing him all over his face while he laughed. "I love pizza!"
"Me too!" he cheered, and Molly sent him toward the bleachers while you and she followed behind him. You hopped out of your high heels and slipped your sneakers on while she helped you walk. 
"Oh. There he is," Molly whispered with a grin. "Shit, do I like glasses now? Or just tall, sexy men?"
You watched Bob interacting with some of the kids, and you couldn't help but smile too. "I think Bob is actually taller and sexier than Casey was. And the glasses are like a cute little cherry on top."
"Are you checking out Bob?" Bradley asked when you reached the bleachers.
"Mmhmm," you and Molly both hummed in unison. 
Bradley kissed your cheek right in front of everyone, and then he took your hand as he told Molly, "Bob's not just a pretty face. He also has a master's degree in aeronautics, volunteers at the library, comes to a full stop at stop signs, and he never litters."
"Sounds made up," Molly said with a smirk. "I'll be the judge of things."
You and she sat side by side and watched Everett practice. It wasn't long before she started asking you about Danny. This didn't surprise you, but he wasn't high on your list of things you wanted to talk about. But you did admit, "He made Ev cry. I was almost in tears, too."
Molly kissed your temple and laced her fingers through yours. "He's horrible. Just take him to court and get full custody. I can help you pay for another lawyer, since I know you're not getting any child support."
"I don't need money," you promised, your eyes tracking Everett as he hit the ball and ran past Bradley who was cheering him on. "You know all those people who claim you can save a bunch of money by just making your own coffee at home? Turns out those bastards are right."
Molly didn't laugh, but she also didn't press you for more information. She just held your hand until practice ended. 
"My god... is he sweating? I think he's sweating," she whispered, and you realized she was watching Bob take off his glasses and wipe his face with a towel. "Do you think he would get upset if I licked his face?"
"Molly!" you said, cracking up. 
But now Bob was looking at her with wide eyes and flushed cheeks, and she was just grinning back at him. 
"You need to behave at dinner," you muttered as Everett ran over and climbed on Molly's lap to get his shoes changed. 
You watched Bradley and Bob pack up all of the practice equipment and head your way. Bob cleared his throat twice before he managed to say, "Hi, Molly." And when your sister smiled up at him and greeted him by name, even you could feel butterflies in your tummy.
"Pizza time?" Bradley asked the group while Everett scrambled up onto his shoulders, knocking his hat off. When you caught it and set it on your own head, Bradley mumbled, "Looks cute, Kitten."
By the time you got to your car, Everett was laughing with Bradley, and Molly was smiling at Bob. You watched Bob climb into Molly's car as she told you, "Meet you there!" And then you turned to find Everett sitting on the tailgate of Bradley's Bronco.
"I have something for you, kiddo. It's not new, okay? He looks like he's seen better days, but he's still a good luck charm," Bradley was telling Everett while digging in his bag. When he pulled out a well worn stuffed Phillie Phanatic with slightly matted green fur and handed it to Everett, your heart skipped along erratically. 
Everett held it gently with both hands. "It's the Phanatic! Can I keep him?"
"Yeah, kiddo. He's all yours," Bradley told him, leaning on the tailgate as well. 
Everett hugged Bradley around the neck, and you felt so much love for this man. How was he already treating your kid this well?
"It's just a shame the real Phanatic is only at Phillies home games," Bradley said with a grin. "You've got to get your mom to take you to Philadelphia."
Suddenly two pairs of eyes were on you, but you were already shaking your head. "Maybe next year, Ev! Now hop in your seat so we can go get dinner."
Bradley wrapped you up in his arms, and you whispered, "Did you just give my son your very own stuffed animal?"
"Yeah," he said, his voice raspy and playful. "He got me through some hard times, just thought I'd pass him along. I can always come over and visit him at your house if I miss him too much, right Kitten?"
You looked up into his brown eyes in awe and ran your fingers along his mustache. "I just want you to know that if we were alone right now, I would be more than happy to help you through a hard time."
A smile spread across his handsome face. "Tell me more about that."
You bit your lip and ran your fingers down the front of his shirt. "It's just that, Kittens really know how to use their tongue."
Bradley groaned your name loudly, and you giggled when he grabbed your butt and pressed himself against you. "I need to get you alone," he whispered, and you kissed him hard, tasting his tongue and wiggling against him. 
Then you pulled out of his grasp, leaving him reaching for you as you backed away saying, "I think it's time for pizza."
I hate Danny. Also, Coach and the stuffed Phanatic!! If you don't know what the Phanatic looks like, Google him and laugh! Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32!
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montrealmadison · 3 months
writing patterns
rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern
thank you for the tag @doggernaut! 🩵 eight of my ten most recent fics have been written in the last three weeks for efickegster, so i'm interested to see where the similarities lie (she says, knowing damn well where the similarities lie)
put me back in it (3/8/24) Bitty gets kidnapped at eight.
excuse me (i love you) (3/6/24) As a rule, Kent does not believe in miracles.
still a planet (3/5/24) Bitty's least favorite dream opens like this.
can't unmiss you (2/29/24) Tater’s letting some girl he doesn’t know shoot tequila out of his belly button when he gets the text.
terms or conditions (2/27/24) Dex is thinking about why fancy restaurants invest in stupid shit when Nursey says, "Poindexter, I don't think this is working."
always, forever (2/26/24) Hot morning sun on his shoulders, a big, hot hand on the small of his back, and Bitty has no clue where he is.
imperfections (2/25/24) Half awake, the first thing out of Bitty's mouth is, "We have gotta stop meeting like this."
if it's on, i'm on (2/24/24) Halfway through December, with the night becoming morning and the tub juice lighting him on fire, Oliver O'Meara thinks he's having a pretty good freshman year.
see your body bare (2/14/24) It's a dirty hit.
advent (11/23/23) After almost fifty years, Jack knows how to be famous.
the verdict: apparently i am clinically unable to write a first line of substantial length! i sort of knew i trended this way, but it's really interesting to see them all lined up next to each other and realize they are shorter than bitty 🤷‍♀️ this is also funny because as y’all might be aware i’m also clinically unable to write a short line anywhere else in a fic. this post sponsored by the comma splice and em dash gang.
tagging the homies @mkaugust @cricketnationrise both of whose first lines and writing styles inspire me on the reg and @ohyoufool a second time cause mwah. no pressure darlings. anyone else who wants to play - please feel free to say i tagged you! i’d love a refresher on folks’ recent work! 🩵
if you're curious, like i was, whether or not the density of the writing schedule had an effect on the patterns of these fics' first lines, my older fics are included below the cut!
creation myth (11/5/23) It goes like this.
light the lamp (10/4/23) "Daddy?"
take charge (9/14/23) Bitty is a lot of things these days: a boyfriend, a captain, and (as of three weeks ago) officially a second-semester senior.
like branches in a storm (9/28/21) Nursey wakes up on the morning of graduation with the distinct and uncomfortable feeling that somebody's glued him to the mattress.
t'étais réel parce qu'il t'aimait (7/20/21) “Has her fever gone down?”
drink deeply (6/25/21) Good evening, everyone!
sweet creature (5/9/21) Marriage is a funny thing sometimes, Alicia thinks. 
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milflewis · 1 year
RULES: Post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to AO3. (Sort by date posted.) If you have less than 10 fics posted, post what you have. thank u for the tags @thelittlebirdthatkeptsomanywarm and @effervescentdragon !
the soft animal of your body
Sebastian’s hand curls around Lewis’s arm, fingers gentle on the white race suit, hardly making a crease.
get on your knees to pray
Yuki is laughing, sitting sprawled on the couch across the room from where Pierre is working out.
can i still make you laugh? i think i can
“Oi, Vettel!”
i feel quite bursting with tenderness for you
Lewis (9:52 pm): flight will get in at 8. that okay?
i will swallow you whole and spit you out
“Why do you insist on wearing those,” Fernando stops, glancing at Lewis before looking away, back at the grandstands full of screaming roaring colours.
this soft love of ours
“Just move your head back slightly, yeah, like that.”
fernando’s feet exhibit. feat. lewis and mark
Lewis is cutting up fruit, half an apple, a mango, and two bananas, for his morning protein smoothie after his workout with Angela when he gets the text.
i feel divinity in my bones like an ache
Mick nearly falls getting out of the car, catching himself just in time.
this was v interesting to do ngl. with some i set up the story and with others i do Not lmao. v curious with the different lengths of them all. hmm
tagging @lewishamil10n @husbono @tsu22 @vettelsbitch and anyone who wants to do it !
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for-fucks-sake-h · 2 years
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Only 10% of my posts had no tags
#anon - 208 posts
#fic rec - 43 posts
#acotar - 41 posts
#hbd - 36 posts
#prev - 30 posts
#book talk - 25 posts
#exactly - 24 posts
#please - 23 posts
#send help - 23 posts
#mine - 20 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#the best part of this whole thing is seeing people who i thought i was friendly with on here liking all these peoples shit talking posts
My Top Posts in 2022:
TIFF Promise
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 You barely made it through the door before he was grabbing you, pulling you in tight and slanting his mouth over yours in a desperate kiss. Practically ripping his jacket from his strong shoulders, the flower caught your eye on the floor as his mouth made its way down your neck. 
 “You… are evil.” His voice sent a chill down your spine, his tongue soothing the insult as he found your mouth once more. 
 You hummed against his soft lips, almost in agreeance, as your hand found his swollen length to rub him through his trousers. The softest of moans slipped past his lips, and you withheld your smile as you pressed kisses against his jaw, knowing the sounds you would soon be pulling from that gorgeous mouth. 
 He watched as you undid his pants, as you pushed them down his thighs, and as you teased your finger across the line of his underwear. His hand gripped the side of your neck roughly to pull your mouth back to his, tasting his moan and panting breaths as he pressed his hardness against you. 
506 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
Endless Minutes
His entire body pressed her into the wall, practically suffocating her.  His hands, his warmth, his scent, his mouth - all focusing on her torment, her pleasure.  A welcomed juxtaposition.  
Her head tipped back when his hand cupped her breast, squeezing before his thumb smoothed over her pebbled nipple.  He was on her neck instantly, tongue thrashing against her pulse as a moan traveled up his throat. She was… everything.  He couldn’t touch her fast enough, couldn’t absorb her moans and pants any more, yet wanted so much more.  Her time, her body, her love – never feeling like enough. 
“I want you inside me,” she breathed, the words floating up to the ceiling.  
He groaned in response, pressing his hips into hers even more. The pressure alone had her swallowing her own moan, let alone his hand gripping the back of her head to pull her lips back to his.  
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687 notes - Posted January 24, 2022
Cocaine side boob pumpkin cream cold brew
1,081 notes - Posted September 9, 2022
Wet Dream
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The party was dying down slowly.  People going off into smaller groups and then eventually starting to head out, giving their thanks to him for a great night.  There were always the few friends that lingered, an unspoken invitation to stay as long as they wanted.  
He was giving hugs to a few at his front door, wishing them a safe drive and a request for a text that they were home before shutting the door and leaning against it briefly, exhaling a low breath.  The introvert in him was scratching its way out.  So much socializing in what seemed like so little time always got the best of him towards the end of a good night.  
He passed the inevitable friend asleep on his sofa as he walked back through the house, noticed the light coming from the back patio as a few passed a joint around, but the house was otherwise quiet.  A few soft whispers came from outside, but that was it.  
So when he walked into the kitchen to find you sitting at his island, your back to him, he couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at the corner of his mouth. Plates had disappeared from the counters, trash thrown away and a familiar lemon scent wafted in the air before he noticed the sound of the dishwasher running and the small strawberry shaped magnet that read CLEAN was flipped right side up.  
“Didn’t have to do that,” he said as he made his way closer to you.  
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1,535 notes - Posted June 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
With A Sea View
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Your body was overheating. 
Completely and totally on fire as your hips rocked against his, your nails digging into the thickest part of his chest, his fingers bruising the outsides of your thighs with their tight grip.  
“Just like that,” he murmured, his eyes roaming from your face, your breasts, your core, and back again.  
Messy hair splayed out on his pillow, his face a mix of awe and overwhelm. He looked as gorgeous as ever with the hair on his face turning into more than a bit of stubble.  
You couldn’t help your moan, his length reaching so deep your back arched to feel him fully.  The breeze coming from the open floor to ceiling double doors to your left bit at your clammy skin as you lifted your hips and dropped down on him yet again, over and over, his own groan slipping past his lips against his will.  
“Love,” he warned, his voice like a deep caress against every inch of you. “Fuck… fuck.”  His eyes rolled back, teeth sinking into his bottom lip before his gaze snapped back to yours, as if he couldn't allow himself to miss anything.  
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2,632 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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1watermelontea · 2 months
ask game fun times as your co-writer i have Experience i suppose aksld;fkjlas
i think i've mentioned this to you before but your dialogue is always pretty distinct—you use a bunch of less-common but still effective speech tags (is it a melon fic if no one “cedes” lmfao) + do a really lovely job of setting the different characters' speaking styles apart. also, just, the words you use for characters' speech (that makes no sense nine, oh dear)—little things like writing pearl saying "see ya" instead of "see you" help readers more vividly imagine her saying the line. i've started doing it a bit more since like. i've seen how you Make It Work but i didn't use to before bc i was always kinda paranoid it’d make it seem harder to read/just like… overkill?? dunno but i never see that problem with your dialogue
your actual prose is also pretty distinctive—I am Trying to put it into words but it’s just. a vibe. thanks brain. you’re really good at mixing it up with paragraph and sentence structure to keep things interesting; i do tend to miss that if i edit the day of writing lol but you’re really good at noticing that. also, ik you’ve mentioned not always knowing how to do descriptions and like. I find that funny bc you’re 10x more likely to open a scene with a landscape description than i am. the descriptions you do include are usually very movement-focused and have less to do with the characters body language and more to do with how they’re interacting with the environment. you’re also a fellow em-dash enjoyer, especially in dialogue, which makes character’s lines feel more natural + close to how people actually speak.
i keep talking about your dialogue but it’s just very fun!! you’re also like Not Afraid to juggle scenes with many characters which alskdjdhahal magic. i must spend ages poring over any character’s speech pattern before i dare write them and you just. do it
anyway you’re a v cool writer love everything you make 10/10
NIIIIIINNEEEE 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 you’re so kind
thank you yes dialogue is the one thing i’m confident in—i’ll say, shortening words is a thing i choose to do sparsely and only in circumstances where i think it is kind of necessary to get across the right vibe. accented speech in any capacity is finicky so if i think the reader will be able to read it in their voice without assistance, i leave it. like with stress’s scene in crosscurrents, although she even types in an accented manner, i didn’t do that in the text, because that would be difficult to read, and i know readers know how she speaks already. i use shortens to accentuate a tone or an energy first and foremost, unlike how i often see it used to denote accents. i think it works out well, and i’m glad you think so!
AND OKAY i have been opening with descriptions every time because i’m actively trying to practice, cos i basically ALWAYS opened every writing piece with dialogue for YEARS and im trying to get out of that habit 😅
& it’s so cool to know someone notices that i do a lot of variation in sentence lengths/types because that is a conscious decision i’ve been making for years. if i have too much consistency with it, i feel like it gets repetitive—with notable exceptions being that i use short simple sentences or sentence fragments repeatedly when trying to get across intense stress or fear or smth. go-to method for that lol because it mimics how my own mind organises disorganised thoughts
em dashes my beloved <3 i definitely have characters cutting themselves off or correcting themselves mid-speech pretty often or using filler words like “um” “like” “y’know” etc because i notice people use those a lot—i use those a lot—and no one’s ever going to be truly concise without a script. i gotta capture the girlfailure energy of these boys (gender neutral) not being able to get their thoughts across well
DO I REALLY USE CEDED FHAT OFTEN that’s so funny. the funniest thing, too, is that word is not even on my little list of speech tags i have pulled up when i’m writing. it just lives in my brain and comes out a lot, i suppose
lastly thank you i love writing scenes with many characters it’s always fun and i fear nothing 🥳 if i can write a scene with 14 characters present then i can do anything
love you nine <3 /p
you’re a sweetheart
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greenhorn-art · 2 years
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Title: This Tornado Loves You (link to AO3)
Author: @rabbitcrimes | FeelsForBreakfast (link to AO3)
Fandom: MDZS, The Untamed
Length:  8 821 words | 52 pages total
Hanguang-jun is dating a mild mannered, non-cultivator named Wei Wuxian. The Yiling Laozu rolls up to a nighthunt on a motorbike, no relation at all to the previous statement.
The author made a post for the fic here on tumblr, so go check them out!
Fonts used: 
a Agreement Signature
Art credits:
Lan Wangji landing the Pizza Hut was photshopped by @rabbitcrimes, 
rat swarm by Vojislav Vasiljevic on ArtStation
Motorbike pictures from Silodrome article
The swirly pattern background from Rawpixel
Another short fic bound pamphlet style! 
I knew before I even started reading that this fic was going to be fun -- the first thing that caught my eye while scrolling down AO3 was the tag ‘Dark Rataouille show me the forbidden rat cultivation’. I was not disappointed! It was great! I also had a lot of fun typesetting and designing the cover for this fic.
I really wanted to incorporate the author’s picture of Lan Wangji landing on the Pizza hut and found that it worked well as a silhouette. The red coulour was inspired by the roof of the Pizza Hut from that picture. And of course the swarm of rats from the story. To fill up some empty space I added a fake sticker (a sin, I know. I’m not sorry despite myself) to the back cover with some of the fic’s tags. I chose the swirling pattern seen on the background of the cover because it reminded me of clouds. And at the end of the Author’s Note I added pictures of the of model of motorcycle Wei Wuxian drives. All of the images I used are credited in the colophon at the back, and I added QR codes alongside the links for easy access. The story itself has a QR code on the page with all of the info from AO3. (I just really hate typing out the full URLs. Scanning a QR code is so much easier!)
I had a hard time choosing a font for the title (nothing new there) but in the end settled with a Agreement Signature (link to Fontspace) for the title and headings, and Spartan (link to Google Fonts) for sub-headings and other non-body text. Spartan is a thin font, and it might just be my printer, but it did not print well at regular weight. Especially at a small font size. In the future I’ll try it out as medium or semi-bold. The main body of the fic is in the font Lora (link to Google Fonts) size 10. I like this one a lot, it’s up there with Crimson Text on my shortlist for serif body fonts.
ALSO! I figured out how to avoid the issue of disappearing Blank Pages when I exported to PDF from LibreOffice Writer! Instead of doing page breaks with the Right Page style, I inserted the empty pages using a break with a page style without headers, followed by one with Right Page style. (And there was much rejoicing.)
141 notes · View notes
4joonkookie · 3 years
After Midnight
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Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
Words: 1.8K
Warnings/Tags: shameless smut, fuckboi!Namjoon, choking, strangling, reverse cowgirl,thigh riding, ruined orgasm, angst, fluff, masturbation, mutual masturbation.
Summary: You prey on Namjoon when he can’t be peeled away from his work in the studio and after a slight speed bump, it continues in the bedroom.
(In order) thigh riding, Yoongi Cameo, ruined orgasm, mutual masturbation, (eventual orgasms) and reverse cowgirl.
It’s Midnight.
You’ve been waiting in bed almost 2 hours for Namjoon to finish in the studio. You texted again and he’s been “almost done” for over an hour now.
You’re panty-clad only but throw on his nearby hoodie and quietly head downstairs to fetch him. You gently open the studio door, hoping not to disturb anyone.
“Hey.”, he turns from a computer screen as you close the door behind you.
He quickly turns his attention back to the screen, engrossed in his work. You reach him and turn the rolling chair just enough to squeeze onto his lap.
“Almost, I swear.”, he says, eyes not leaving the computer screen.
“You said that at 10.”, you whine, placing little kisses on his neck.
You brace yourself on his lap and lean forward facing away from him to reach the mouse of the computer, closing all of the applications.
“Oh I like this”, he says, grazing his hands over your near-bare ass and admiring this coincidental view. He’s pleasantly distracted until he sees what you’re doing.
“Wait , wait, wait, I'm not do__…”, he begins to scold you.
“You’re done.”, you look at him convincingly and nod, turning to straddle him face-to-face in the chair. You bluff, “...unless you’d like me to go.” beginning to stand from his lap.
He uses a large arm to pull you back straight away and locks his lips with yours.
“Mmph… 20 minutes...”, he negotiates between heated kisses. Just give me 20 minutes and I’ll head upstairs and we can finish this.”, he says, grinding his lap up.
“We haven’t started anything yet.”, you groan as you reach for the waistband of his shorts.
He lifts you by your waist and spreads your legs over one of his thighs. He begins guiding your hips back and forth and you both groan into the feeling.
“We can start like this.” he says.
“Not while you’re working.”, you counter, wanting, needing to be more important.
“No?” he says, not letting his lips leave yours but rolls the both of you back to the computer.
He lifts you off his lap briefly to raise one leg of his shorts and pulls your panties to the side. Your lips hug his bare thigh, dragging your swelling center over his smooth skin. He pushes his leg up, causing you to cry out.
The moisture flowing allows you to slide easily, Namjoon keeping his leg firm in place. The increase in sensation makes your mind foggy but you tease anyway:
“And exactly how many girls have you convinced to grind on you while you work in this studio?, you ask, not disrupting the rhythm you've created.
“None that look as good in my sweater as you do”, he says softly, sliding a hand under the sweater and feeling up your breasts underneath.
Your core slips and slides on his thigh, orgasm hot in your belly. You try to distract yourself to pull him farther from even considering touching that computer again.
“Mmmm...and how many girls have worn your sweater?”, you moan in his ear, grinding with pleasure.
“None that look as sexy with my hand wrapped around their neck as you do.”, he replies, not missing a beat. Damn. His hand in the sweater grips around your throat with light pressure, Namjoon eoying watching your boobs bounce while you move on him.’
“More?” he asks.
“More.”,you reply, moans becoming needier and breathier.
The sweater rides higher on your body when he squeezes your neck a bit tighter, pushing you down on his thigh harder. You’re swept away, hips moving instinctively, chasing the climax.
“Come, baby. Make a mess on me.” He swoons and tightens his grip on your throat ,catapulting you to your orgasm. Your legs are shaking when the studio door swings open.
Only you can see a mortified Yoongi squint his eyes shut, use a hand to cover his already shut eyes and never lets the other hand leave the door handle before slamming it back shut.
“Oh my God.” you say, humiliated and softly and drop your head to Namjoon’s shoulder.
“ ...I forgot.”,he says, frozen with his hands on your waist. He was expecting Yoongi.
“You knew he was coming?!”, you grip his shoulders, feeling your blood boil.
“I asked him to come down to help me finish_”
“Ugh!” You grunt, interrupting. You angrily hop off his lap. “Have him finish you off then, see if I care!”.
You storm out of the studio, not even minding Yoongi still outside the door with a view of your bare ass, trotting away.
Stomping upstairs, you return to the bedroom. You take off Namjoon’s sweatshirt, your body overheated with embarrassment and ruined orgasm. You shut off the lights, hide under the blanket and hope to fall asleep and put off the discomfort and frustration until morning.
You expect Namjoon to stay with Yoongi in the studio and are surprised when a flash of light pans the room when the door opens. The lights turn on and he laughs when he sees your curled up body under the blankets, surely pouting. He jumps on the bed and wrestles you out from underneath the blanket.
“You pull tight at the covers and fight to keep shielded.” He finds your ribs on your blanketed form and tickles you until you let go of the sheets. You greeted with his sweet smile.
“Don’t be embarrassed…” he begins.
“But I am.”, you snap back more roughly than you intend. “I’m embarrassed that I had to literally hunt and pin you down to try and get laid.”, you're noticing real feelings coming out under the heat of embarrassment. “That I had to all but beg to tear you away from your work.”
He hangs his head in realization. He looks at you to speak. “I'm sorry, you’re right...”, he says, sincerely. He continues “....but I'm so glad you did...”, insufferably sweet.
“ Well, next time I won't.”, you reply, still cross with him. “I’ll just take care of it myself.”
“Only if you let me watch.”, he teases and begins to stroke your body and kiss your neck. It’s enticing but your ego is still bruised and you’re not ready to give back in to him yet.
“Take off Your pants.”, you demand and gesture at him to sit on the end of the bed. He complies readily, undresses and sits with his exposed cock on one end of the bed.
You pull the still-sticky panties off your body and get on all-fours to arrange pillows on the opposite end of Namjoon, revealing your ass to him. You mimic the view he’d enjoyed earlier. You gather several pillows to prop your back up and use one to sit on.
You settle yourself on the pillow and spread your thighs apart to expose your glistening cunt, still wet. Namjoon’s cock swells further, eyes darting across your body while his brain catches up to his dick.
You begin by dragging some wetness above to your clit. Your leg twitches when you move over the sensitive nub. You use the flat pads of 2 fingers to circle around, breath quickening.
Namjoon runs an antsy hand through his hair while exhaling deeply, mesmerized.
“Fuck baby…”, he groans while grabbing at the base of his leaking cock.
You spread wetness around your opening before sinking your middle and ring finger inside. Using your other hand to spread your lips apart so Namjoon can see.
He moans and uses building precum to turn his wrist around his shaft.
The image of him working his own cock propels you faster, rubbing faster and your pelvis instinctively grinds against your own fingers.
Namjoon strokes up and down his length. “You sure you don’t want to come over here, baby?”, he growls, tempting you with his dripping cock.
You look at him thoughtfully for a half-second before nearly pouncing on him across the bed. You’d kill to get that moment on his thighs back. It’s an offer that can’t be denied.
You straddle the same thigh and settle yourself on either side. Namjoon is keen on your idea and replaces his hand around your neck.
“Where were we?”, he whispers, setting a rhythm with his lap.
“I was telling you how sexy you looked with my hand wrapped around your neck…”
It’s just a few rolls Of your hips before the sensation captures you again.
“...and how I wanted that pretty pussy to make a mess on me”, he praises.
You start to see white when his grip tightens around your neck.
“Mmm...Joonie” you moan as your peak takes you over.. He keeps his grip tight on your throat until your orgasm and hips roll slower.
“Turn around.'' he says. You can hardly make out what he’s saying in your blissed state but turn to allow him to envelope his cock inside you.
He groans when you bottom out, You rotate your hips, grinding over his shaft until Namjoon can’t control his breathing.
He lays little slaps on your skin, grabbing and groping your ass cheeks.
You rotate your hips, grinding over his shaft.
“mmmph_ I love the way you move.”, he praises. You glance back to find him with one hand behind his neck and the other guiding your ass as it bounces, eyes fixated on the work on his cock.
You arch your back, and he uses his hand to keep you high up, impossibly deep. He pushes down on your shoulders as he thrusts from below you, eventually lifting himself up to his knees for a better angle. He still pushes the small of your back to guide you around his cock.
He gorans out and moves faster causing you to lose your balance. He doesn’t let you slip off but catches you bent on all fours, never losing stride.
“I’m gonna make a mess of that pussy, baby.”, he threatens as he fucks his orgasm into you. He keeps his rapid pace and bottoms out a final time.
He falls beside you and gives your ass a rewarding rub.
“I’m sorry.”, he begins. “It’s hard for me to walk away from work”, he says, still catching his breath. “ But you’re a welcome distraction. and I love it when you ‘hunt and pin’ me down.” he kisses you.
In a teasing tone, he continues, “And how many guys have watched you touch yourself like that?”
He looks truly curious but you leave him guessing anyway.
“None that look as sexy watching me as you do”. You tease back as you stroke his cheek.
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es-kay-zee · 3 years
Double or Nothing | Lee Minho & Han Jisung x Reader
pairing: jisung x reader x minho
genre: smut
warnings: non-idol au, dom! minho, sub! jisung, sub! afab reader, established polyamorous relationship, fingering, oral sex (f and m receiving), cum eating, humiliation, hair pulling, degradation, praise, pet names, sir kink, choking, swearing, edging, overstimulation
requested: nope
word count: 5.2k
proofread: yes :)
taglist: @bxngchxn @jisungsplatforms @hyunsluvv @qtieskz @etherealeeknow @arohabangtan @channelhan @minholuvs
(can't tag): @doyoungsjohnny
as soon as you read the message that your package was out for delivery, you were excited, practically waiting at the front door for it to arrive. you’d bought it four months ago, and when it was taking so long to show up, you’d started to think you’d wasted your money on something you weren’t going to get. but here it is, finallyarriving. you watch the postman place it on your doorstep, waiting for him to drive away so you can swing the door open and grab it.
as soon as you have the package in your hands, you rush down the hallway, almost running to the bedroom in excitement. you place the package on the side of the bed, shaking jisung’s sleeping form in an attempt to wake him from his sleep. it doesn’t work, you’re slumbering boyfriend continuing to snore away, barely even stirring.
“wake up!” you shout, grabbing one of the pillows and smacking him with it. he begins to move slightly, and you can tell it’s working. you hit him again with the pillow, over and over until he eventually sits up.
under normal circumstances, you’d take a moment to laugh at jisung’s bedhead, but right now, there’s too much excitement running through your veins to even notice the way his hair sticks up at odd angles. instead, you pick up the package again, holding it up and smiling widely at jisung, waiting for him to notice it. but alas, he doesn’t notice, moving to lay back down and go back to sleep.
“hey, don’t you wanna know what i’ve got?” you ask, waving the package slightly.
“what have you got? just tell me,” he mumbles, eyes already closed once again.
“the outfits arrived,” you answer, and that finally wakes him up properly.
he sits up again, rubbing the sleep from his eyes before looking at the box in your hands. he grabs it from you, impatiently prying it open and carefully pulling out the contents.
“i forgot we actually ordered these,” he says, holding one of the matching maid outfits up to look at it.
“are we sure minho’s gonna like them?” you ask, a small bit of doubt creeping into the forefront of your mind.
“well, if he doesn’t, then that’s his problem. either way, we’re gonna look so fucking good,” jisung says, smiling wide as he continues to look at the item in his hands. “where is he, anyway?”
“he went out for lunch with his parents, remember?”
“oh yeah, that’s right.” he pauses, turning his head to you, and you can tell from the look on his face exactly what he’s thinking, especially because you’re thinking the same thing. “how long before he’ll get home?”
“not sure, i can text him and ask,” you say, already pulling out your phone and opening the messages between you and minho. you start typing, asking him how long before he might get home. it’s only moments before your phone buzzes with his reply.
minho <3: maybe an hour. why?
y/n: we just miss you, that’s all
he doesn’t respond, and you know that he’s aware of the real reason you’re asking. he can tell that both you and jisung are needy and waiting for him to come home.
“we have about an hour,” you say, turning to jisung, and he drags himself out of bed at your words. “where are you going?”
“to shower,” he replies, walking towards the bathroom. “because i’m not gonna be stinky when our boyfriend gets home.”
“ah, that’s a good idea,” you reply, deciding to scroll aimlessly through various apps on your phone.
“are you saying i stink?”
he scoffs, but you can tell from the upturn at the corners of his mouth that he’s just pretending to be insulted. “well, you’re always stinky as well.”
“am not.”
“are too.”
it’s childish, the way you and jisung always banter with each other. but you wouldn’t change it for the world.
“just go shower,” you say, shaking your head.
“wanna join me?” he asks, a cheeky grin on his face.
“nah, your hands like to wander, so i’ll just shower after you,” you reply. “just don’t use up all the hot water.”
it takes almost 40 minutes for jisung to emerge from the bathroom, a towel loosely hanging around his lower half. but you don’t even take a moment to complain about how long he took, only opting to glare at him as you zoom past him and into the bathroom.
you shower faster than you ever have before, stepping back out of the bathroom, clad in a towel, in record speed. 10 minutes to be exact, which is quite quick for you, who usually showers for upwards of half an hour. as soon as you step into the bedroom, you’re greeted with the sight of jisung, already dressed in his outfit. he spins around upon hearing your soft footsteps, and the view of him is even better from the front.
you love it, the way his strong arms stick out from the short sleeves, the way the skirt rests around his thighs. the fabric hugs his torso perfectly, accentuating his tiny waist.
“how do i look?” he asks, and you respond with an approving nod and a thumbs up.
jisung smiles at your reaction while you grab the other maid costume. you quickly dry off the rest of your body, excited to put on the new clothing. if you look anywhere near as good in it as jisung does, then you’ll be super happy. you pull the garment on, turning to face the mirror once it’s in place, jisung walking to stand next to you, also looking at the reflection. he was right, about what he said earlier, you both look so good.
“what now?” jisung asks.
“now, we wait for our hot ass boyfriend to get home,” you answer, moving to sit on the bed. he follows you with a soft whine. jisung’s the impatient one, always getting himself worked up then complaining when no one helps him straight away.
you begin scrolling through your phone once again, jisung doing the same. and you can tell he’s getting himself worked up, judging from the way he keeps inching himself closer and closer. you, however, ignore him, determined to wait patiently for minho to come home. you fall into a steady rhythm, scrolling aimlessly, and the time ticks by quietly. or, at least, it was quiet until jisung lets out a frustrated groan.
“where is he? he told you an hour, and it’s already been an hour and a half,” he huffs, and you’re not surprised at his response. nor are you surprised when you face him and find his cock hard, pressing against the front of his skirt.
“he’ll be here soon, just be patient.”
“but i’m tired of waiting,” he pouts, placing a hand on your thigh. “what if we had some fun before he gets here?”
“you’re too horny for your own good, sungie,” you reply with a slight eye roll, feeling the way his hand rises up. a content sigh leaves your lips when his hand finally reaches your pussy, a lone finger running through your slick folds, already dripping with arousal.
“see, you’re just as turned on as i am,” he huffs, continuing to move his finger slowly, teasingly. and he’s right. while you’ve been waiting for minho to show up, your mind has been wandering, thinking up all the different possibilities for what he’s going to do when he sees you both, and you’ve been getting more and more worked up with every passing minute.
“but i, at least, know how to behave myself and wait patiently,” you retort, trying to hold back the whines bubbling in your throat.
“well, i don’t see you stopping me right now,” he says, his finger beginning to rub small circles into your clit.
“oh, shut up,” you say, voice somewhat breathless as you bring your hand up to jisung’s aching cock.
it’s almost instantaneous, the moan that he lets out when you wrap your hand around his length, slowly rubbing your thumb along his slit. you slowly pump him, and his hand stills against your clit, his brain momentarily short-circuiting at the stimulation you’re providing him. it only takes a few seconds for jisung to regain control of himself, moving his hand so that his fingers prod at your entrance. he slides the digit in, quickly adding a second while you continue to jerk him off leisurely.
he curls his fingers inside of you, causing you to let out a particularly desperate sounding moan. you pump jisung’s cock faster, losing yourself in the feelings of the moment, loving the way his fingers drag along your walls. you can feel the beginnings of your orgasm starting to grow, the knot forming deep in your stomach. but you can tell from the chorus of shameless whines and moans tumbling from jisung’s parted lips that his orgasm looms much closer. his cock twitches in your hand, so close to a release, but a voice speaks up from the doorway, halting your movements.
“well, well, well, what do we have here?”
you pull away from jisung, his fingers leaving you while you ignore the irritated whine he lets out from his orgasm steadily fading away. you stare at the doorway, eyes wide as you look at minho standing there, his arms folded across his chest and his expression none too impressed.
minho walks towards you, each step somewhat menacing, and it’s obvious that he’s not very pleased with what he found you and jisung doing. he brings his hand up, gripping your chin tightly between his finger and thumb, forcing you to maintain eye contact with him.
“tell me, lamb, which one of you was the impatient one?”
he doesn’t have to ask; he already knows the answer. it’s jisung, it’s always jisung. but you tell him anyway, finding some joy in telling on jisung. minho shakes his head in disappointment, frowning at the younger boy.
“was my pretty boy too horny to wait just a little bit longer,” he says, and you watch as jisung’s ears grow redder and redder. he cowers slightly under minho’s stare, the older man being entirely unimpressed with jisung breaking the rules. “what do you have to say for yourself?”
“i’m sorry,” jisung says, his voice quiet, meek, and he keeps his eyes trained on the bed underneath him, unable to look minho in the eye. minho just tsks in response, saying nothing more about the disobedience, knowing the best way to punish jisung is with actions, not words.
“do you like our outfits?” you ask, kind of annoyed that you’re not getting enough attention.
minho’s eyes scan over you and jisung, and you can tell that he loves the way you both look.
“of course i do, you both look so cute in your little matching outfits,” he smiles, gently cupping your face and rubbing his thumb along your cheek.
he leans in, pressing his lips to yours, and you smile into the kiss, enjoying the gentle moment. but it’s interrupted by jisung’s soft whines. he pouts his lips, silently asking for a kiss as well. minho rolls his eyes slightly, but you can see the soft smile on his face before he leans over to jisung and kissing him. minho steps back, grabbing the chair from the corner of the room and placing it at the end of the bed, ignoring the confused looks from you and jisung.
“now, my pretty pets wanted to play with each other, so you’re gonna keep playing. but you’re gonna do it the way i tell you to,” he says, sitting down. “so, y/n, as adorable as you look all dressed up for me, i want you to strip.”
“yes, sir,” you say, eager to please. you slowly stand up, reaching behind you to undo your outfit before slowly sliding it down your body, being sure to sway your hips enticingly as you do so.
“that’s my good little lamb,” he says, making you smile at the praise. “now, sungie, sit with your back against the headboard, and y/n, i want you to suck him off.”
you wait for jisung to settle into his spot before you move into your position between his legs, lifting up the skirt of his outfit to reveal his still throbbing cock. just as he did before, he moans the second you take him into your hand, slowly pumping him a few times before bringing him to your lips. you press a chaste kiss to the tip, relishing in the soft hiss he lets out at the minuscule contact. you can’t see minho, but you can tell that he’s smirking at you both from his seat, enjoying watching the way you tease the desperate boy in front of you.
“p-please don’t tease me, y/n,” he whimpers out, bringing his hands to tangle in your hair.
“shut up, sungie. you’re lucky i’m not trying you up in the corner to just watch,” minho spits, and jisung’s mouth instantly closes at the words.
you place another kiss along his slit before finally, licking a stripe up the underside of his cock. your tongue moves slowly against him, painstakingly slowly, and he lets out the most pathetic whine you’ve ever heard. it’s a beautiful sound, and you want to hear it again. you pause, waiting a few seconds before licking another stripe, moving just as leisurely as the first time, and you’re rewarded with another desperate whine, jisung wanting to ask for more, but knowing minho will stop you if he does. you lick once more before finally taking him into your mouth.
the only sound better than his whines is his moan upon finally getting to feel the warmth of your mouth. it’s low, guttural, bordering on being a groan. and it sounds like heaven. it sounds like a sinful delight that you’re all too happy to indulge in. you hollow your cheeks, sucking harshly on the tip of his cock before bobbing your head once, taking as much of him as you can before pulling away. you release him with a soft pop, swirling your tongue around him twice before moving back down his length, setting a calm pace with the bobs of your head.
you can feel him twitch in your mouth, his earlier lost orgasm already beginning to return. you hold your head down, feeling him deep in your throat. you moan around his cock, loving the way the vibrations make him rut his hips upwards, causing you to gag slightly. jisung’s legs start to tremble, his moans rising in pitch, and you can tell he’s getting close to his release.
“oh f-fuck, i’m gonna-” he stutters, eyes screwed shut and his hands tugging softly on your hair, a weak attempt to keep himself grounded.
“cum on their tits,” minho’s voice speaks up, and you’d almost forgotten he was even there, watching, observing the way you swallow around jisung’s cock.
“b-but-” jisung whines, wanting to cum down your throat.
“but what? you should be grateful i’m even letting you cum at all,” minho responds.
but, just like jisung, you also want him to cum down your throat. you want to taste him, want his release to coat your tongue. so, you don’t stop, continuing to bob your head up and down with new vigour, trying to make him cum before you can be stopped. but minho gets there first, moving from his chair to you in the blink of an eye, moving jisung’s hands from your hair and harshly grabbing a fistful of it himself, yanking your head back so that jisung’s cock falls free from the confines of your lips.
jisung is quick, taking his cock into his hand and pumping quickly, not wanting to lose his orgasm for the second time. minho presses one of his hands against your back so that you arch it, your chest protruding outwards. jisung pumps himself once, twice, before you feel the warmth of his release hit your tits. you hang your mouth open, tongue out in an attempt to taste at least a drop. but you’re out of luck, his cum only splattering across the expanse of your chest.
you watch jisung’s hand slow down, jerking himself off until he comes back down from his high. he lays limp against the bed, breathing heavily as he tries to catch his breath. minho lets go of you, moving towards jisung. he gentle strokes the younger boy’s hair, telling him how well he did. but the softness only lasts for a moment, minho yanking against jisung’s hair, pulling his head back so that they’re looking each other in the eye.
“lick it off,” minho orders, voice stern. jisung goes bright red, blood rushing to the surface as his face heats up in embarrassment, and you can practically feel the warmth radiating from him from where you’re sitting.
the look on his face is a marvel to behold, a perfect combination of humiliation and desire. so utterly embarrassed at the mere notion of it, but also so devastatingly turned on at the idea of licking his own cum from your breasts. he nods his head, moving so that you can take his place. you lie down, your head resting upon the pillows, jisung hovering over you.
minho stands up, returning to his chair at the end of the bed, watching as jisung’s head lowers to your breasts. jisung looks up at you through his eyelashes before pressing his tongue flat against the soft flesh of your chest.
there’s something so filthy, so dirty about watching him lick his own cum from your skin. something so entirely erotic about the trails of saliva he leaves behind. you moan softly when his lips wrap around one of your nipples, sucking softly on the sensitive bud. he’s quick to let go, though, moving his lips and tongue across, wrapping his lips around your other nipple as well. and it’s not long before his cum is cleaned from your tits, jisung turning to face minho, waiting to be told what happens next.
“good boy, sungie,” minho says, and jisung perks up at the praise, loving to hear that he’s doing a good job. “what do you say to y/n for making you cum?”
jisung turns back to face you, and it’s adorable, the way he looks so shy. but he says his thanks to you anyway, his cheeks a soft shade of pink.
“it’s your turn to give, pretty boy. y/n made you cum so now you can do the same to them.”
“yes, sir,” jisung says, moving so that his face is in front of your pussy. you’ve ignored the throbbing between your legs for long enough. and it’s only now, with jisung’s breath delicately hitting your dripping folds, that you realise just how desperate you are for some kind of stimulation. for any small amount of contact that can bring you the release you need.
his tongue darts out of his mouth, quickly swiping up from your entrance to your clit. you let out a broken moan, your hands flying to tangle in his hair and your eyes closing tightly. jisung’s always been good at this, making you feel good with his mouth. and as his tongue dips into your hole, you can’t help but feel as if you’re floating amongst the clouds.
he only adds to your pleasure, however, when he brings his fingers to prod at your entrance while he sucks at your clit. he curls his digits, working your g-spot for the second time today and it makes your back arch. you tug at his hair, pressing his face harder against you, greedy for more. and jisung is happy to provide. he thrusts his fingers into you faster, humming against your clit. and the vibrations feel like electricity, setting off every nerve ending in your body.
you slowly open your eyes, and you’re greeted with one of the best sights. minho sits on his chair, clothes in a pile on the floor next to him, his hand wrapped around his hard cock, jerking himself off to the sight of you being eaten out by jisung. jisung’s fingers pumping in and out of your walls feel divine, but the addition of knowing that minho’s watching, and that he’s getting off to it as well, is enough to make the knot in your stomach grow faster.
you look down at jisung, and you love the way he looks. his maid outfit still covering him, his eyes closed as he relishes in the taste of you. his hands wrap around your thighs, grip firmly holding you in place, and you can see the way his hips rut against the edge of the bed.
the knot grows, steadily coiling tighter and tighter until you’re waiting, with bated breath, for it to unravel. with a particularly delightful curl of jisung’s fingers, you’re cumming, your legs shaking on either side of his head. he works you through it until you’re only left trembling with the aftershocks of your orgasm.
minho stands up, signalling for jisung to do the same, and the younger boy does, standing beside the bed awaiting instructions.
“strip,” he says to jisung, and he does, quickly ridding himself of the maid outfit, tossing it unceremoniously into the corner of the room.
jisung stands still, cock hard once again, and you can see on his face how much he’s struggling to stop himself from wrapping his hand around himself. minho ignores him for a moment, helping you manoeuvre yourself so that you’re laying sideways across the bed, your head hanging off the edge. he climbs on the bed, positioning himself between your legs before finally acknowledging jisung once more.
“you’re gonna fuck their throat again, sungie,” he says and is quick to continue when jisung pouts. “and don’t complain. if you were good earlier, then you might’ve gotten to fuck their pussy, but you weren’t. so, you’re gonna take what you get and be grateful for it.”
jisung huffs slightly but says nothing further as he lines himself up with your opened mouth. he takes himself in his hand, rubbing the head of his cock along your lips, his breathing uneven from the knowledge of the pleasure that is in store for him. minho does the same, sliding his tip up and down your entrance, gathering your wetness. and only when you whine softly, a quiet beg for more, do they finally both push into you.
it’s kind of funny, the way they both simultaneously pause when they’re bottomed out, catching their breaths, needing a moment to recover from how good you feel wrapped around them. it feels like a lifetime before they begin to move, and it’s immediate euphoria, the way minho’s cock drags along your walls, every single one of his thrusts deep and purposeful. his hips move slowly into yours, wanting to truly feel the way you clench around him. and jisung’s thrusts are the same, calculated, determined, savouring the way your throat constricts his cock in just the right way.
you keep your eyes closed, just letting yourself feel the way they’re making you feel, the almost overwhelming pleasure you’re being provided. you can feel the drool dripping from the corners of your opened mouth. you can hear the grunts and groans from both of your boyfriends, you can smell the unmistakable scent of sex in the air. and you can taste jisung’s precum on the back of your tongue.
you’re careful of your breathing, being sure to take breaths at every opportunity. you lift your hands, gripping tightly onto jisung’s thighs while minho’s hands do the same to your hips. his fingers dig into the flesh, and you know that the skin there will be littered with a bunch of tiny bruises. but you don’t care, bruises are a small price to pay for total pleasure, especially when they don’t hurt at all.
jisung’s hands cradle your head, and he watches the faint outline of his cock in your throat. the sight alone draws a moan from his lips and sends a shudder through his body. your attention is brought back to minho when he begins to slowly rub at your clit with his thumb, and your body jolts slightly from the pleasure. you clench tighter around him in response, making his hips stutter for a moment before he regains his steady rhythm.
“fuck! c-can i cum? please? i n-need to,” jisung pleads, his thrusts into your mouth growing sloppier and sloppier as he gets closer to his orgasm.
“of course you can, sungie. go ahead and cum for us,” minho says, and you pick up on the tone with which he speaks. you can hear the almost sinister undertones in his words, but it’s obvious jisung doesn’t, because he releases down your throat with a moan.
he thrusts a few more times until he comes down from his high before stilling inside your mouth. he’s panting, trying to catch his breath before minho speaks up again.
“now, keep going.”
“huh?” jisung’s confused, it’s written all over his face. and there’s slight fear in his eyes. he’s well aware of what minho’s order means, but he doesn’t want to believe it.
“you wanted so badly to cum earlier, even breaking the rules to try and do so. so that’s what you’re gonna do. you’re gonna cum again.”
jisung’s frozen in his spot, and you press your hands harder against the back of his thighs so that he can’t step away. you take the chance to catch your breath as much as you can, taking deep breaths in through your nose while you wait for him to move again. but he doesn’t, each time he tries to thrust again his body shivers in overstimulation, and it stops him. minho takes matters into his own hands.
he thrusts into you with more force than before, causing you to moan around jisung as well as lurch towards jisung. you swallow around him and the younger boy whimpers from the overstimulation, his knees almost buckling beneath him, but you can tell he loves it.
minho grips your thighs, lifting your legs so that they wrap around his torso, and he’s able to thrust into you better, the slight change providing the perfect angle for him to reach deeper inside your tight walls. you can hear his breathing getting ragged, the warmth of your pussy starting to get to him, and his hips stutter every few thrusts.
minho lets out a shaky moan, and you clench around him as tight as you can, beginning to grind your hips up against him for some added friction, while jisung finally regains control of himself, managing to restart shallow thrusts into your throat.
all the nerves in your body are alight once more, and you can feel the knot forming again. you continue moaning around jisung’s cock, and the vibrations are sending him hurtling towards another release of his own. you can tell that minho is also nearing his end, his breathing is heavy, his thrusts are getting sloppy. but he doesn’t want to be the first to finish. he slides one of his hands up your body, leaving goosebumps in his fingertips’ wake before reaching your neck. he wraps his hand around your throat, and jisung’s the first to feel it. he feels the way your throat envelops him tighter, and he lets out such a desperate whine before cumming down your throat without warning. you swallow around him, feeling the way his thick cum slides down the back of your throat. his legs shake when he steps away from you, and he’s quick to lay down on the bed beside you.
minho’s hand stays around your throat as he continues to thrust into you, and he rolls his hips expertly. you’re close, so damn close to your orgasm. but you need something more, anything more, and jisung and minho can both see that. they both know what to do, minho leaning down and bringing one of your nipples into his mouth, while jisung wraps his lips around the other.
they both work in tandem, almost in sync as their tongues flick and swirl over your buds and it’s mere moments before they have you right there, standing on the precipice of ultimate pleasure, teetering on the cliffside, so close that a small gust of wind could push you over. but you fall, of your own volition, into an earth-shattering orgasm.
your entire body moves on its own, writhing, trembling. your head is thrown back, eyes squeezed shut, legs shaking and twitching around minho’s torso. your back arches, your hips buck up and down over and over again. you’ve never had an orgasm so good, so exquisite, before. minho can tell from the way your walls grip his cock tighter than ever before, the way your mouth hangs open in a silent moan that just can’t seem to escape the confines of your throat.
the almost unbearable tightness of your pussy sends him over, triggering the orgasm that he’s been fending off for longer than he’d like to admit. you’re still lost in the pleasure, blissed out from the best orgasm of your life when minho releases inside you, painting your wall white. it’s only when you both have come down from your highs that both boys detach from your chest, jisung flopping back against the pillows while minho gently pulls out of you.
“you guys good?” minho asks, leaning back, propped up with his arms. you and jisung nod, happy smiles on both your faces. “good, then i’ll go grab us some water.”
he slowly stands up, catching his breath before heading out of the room. you use the moment to quickly go to the bathroom to clean yourself up. and by the time you return to the bedroom, minho is already there, two glasses of water in his hands and one more in jisung’s. minho hands one to you as you sit back down on the bed. it’s not until you drink the cool liquid that you realise just how much your throat aches. it’s faced a lot of use over the course of the session, but you know a scratchy throat is only temporary.
“i really liked your outfits,” minho says, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled in the room.
“thank you,” you and jisung say in unison. you both giggle before you continue.
“i bought them months ago and started to give up hope that they’d even show up.”
“then it’s a really good thing they did because they just might get a lot of use,” minho replies, smiling. “did you both have fun?”
“of course! it was really good,” jisung responds first.
“yeah, i really enjoyed it,” you say.
“i’m glad.” minho grins wider, happy that you both enjoyed it. it always makes him happy to know you both had fun. “what shall we do now? get in the hot tub or watch a movie?”
“who says we can’t do both? hot tub and then a movie,” jisung says.
“i second that motion,” you add.
“alrighty then,” minho replies. “then that’s what we’ll do.”
all three of you make your ways out of the bedroom, stopping to grab a towel each on the way to the backyard. and as you all reach the hot tub, jisung and minho both pulling back the cover, you’re just excited to sink into the nice hot water with both of your loving boyfriends.
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NSFW Alphabet (N-Z)
Part 1 | Part 2
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier
Pairing: Sam Wilson x Female! Reader
Summary: A-Z of just smut (and some fluff).
Word Count: 1324
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, minors DNI, unprotected vaginal sex, oral (male/female receiving), masturbation (male/female), overstimulation, creampie, multiple orgasms, teasing, slight spanking, sex toys, cursing, language, mention of bodily fluids.
Authors Note: POSTING IN 2 PARTS! Because Tumblr won’t let you have more than 250 text blocks. Happy Birthday to Sam! I love how this turned out and I hope you all do too! Enjoy loves <3
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Credit @ chrishemsworht for the wonderful gif
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N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He would never ever do something that would hurt you in any way, shape, or form.
He had told you countless times that if there ever was something you weren’t comfortable with in bed or something was hurting that you speak immediately.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
That man could live between your thighs if he had the chance. At every opportunity, he would search for your core to nuzzle his face in it and bring you earth-shattering after earth-shattering orgasm with his master tongue.
Sam was close to bringing you to a third orgasm in some random room at the party the two of you were attending.
His mouth was sinful as he sucked on your raw and abused clit for how long you didn't know. You lost track of time how long you've been spread out for him on some random surface as he was on his knees. The short dress you were wearing made it easy for him to have access to all of you.
“I-I don't th-think I can d-do one mo-more baby.”
“Just one more. Just one more for me.”
“Shouldn't we go back to the party? People must wonder where we are.”
“I don't care. I don't like the food there. This here is much better. Now cum for me one last time.”
He wouldn’t say no to an offer from you in sucking him off. He just wishes sometimes you would have picked a more appropriate time to do so.
“Her? Now?” Sam questioned as you were on your knees trying to undo his pants. The two of you were at a party, and you had gotten the sudden urge to feel him on your tongue, so desperate to taste him.
You had pushed him into some random small broom closet. The crowns of people outside having no idea what was going on just a few meters from them.
“Yes now. Do you not want me to?” You asked innocently as you grabbed his dick through his underwear. “N-no, I want to. Please keep going… fuck.”
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
If he’s been angry and frustrated that day, it’ll be more rough than usual. You could feel him take that little bit of frustration out on your body as he fucked you hard and fast from behind.
Not that you mind. It was terrible to admit, but you loved those times when he got home from his day a little angrier. Your thighs clenching together in knowledge that he would handle you roughly in bed.
Your head was buzzing as Sam fucked you into oblivion from behind. He had gotten home frustrated and in desperate need to release some steam. Your hands were gripping the sheets tightly in your palms to keep you grounded from his abusive thrusts.
His palm continuously left harsh slaps on your ass cheeks as he fucked you deeply into the mattress.
It didn't take long for both of you to release. His hands held a tight grip on your hips as he fucked you just a tad longer after the orgasm.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
If there really isn’t time for foreplay and exploring each other, he has nothing against a quickie if one of you is in a rush.
“We don’t have time for this Y/N! We need to leave in 10 minutes.”
“10 minutes is more than enough, Sam! We just need to be very quick.”
The rush to get his pants down as well as your underwear under the dress down was immense as you only had a few minutes to bring each other pleasure before you had to leave for the fancy gala both of you were attending.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He’s up for exploring new possibilities in bed if that’s what you want.
New positions, maybe some toys that could be used to enhance both of your pleasures.
If you were game, he was as well.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
You have sex almost every day. That man can last as long as he wants and is good to go for 2-3 rounds. You don't understand how in the fuck he does it. It's like a secret superpower he has. He mainly uses it to his advantage when he wants to tease you to the fullest.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
There won’t be that many toys that are used. Sam always says that his mouth, hands, and dick are the only toys that are needed in the bedroom.
Once in a while, he will ask you to fuck yourself with the dildo in your drawer while he watches intensely.
“Please, Sam, can you just come and touch me?” The drive of the toy inside yourself was good, but it would never please you in the same way Sam did.
“No, no. I want to watch. You’ll get me later. Now show me what you do to yourself when I’m not at home.”
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
There is teasing to some degree, but he mostly wants to get right on.
But those few times he does actually want to tease you, he’ll take his sweet time in doing so, driving you absolutely insane with need.
“No… please,” the pathetic plea for him not to deny your orgasm again was bringing a smirk to his expression.
“Shhh… I’m not done with you yet,” he said as his fingers were inserted in you once again to build you up. Was he going to allow you to let go this time? That would be left to see when the time came.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He can be loud at times, but mostly he’ll just let out grunts and moans of your name on a repeated loop. It became more evident just as he’s about to finish inside of you.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Sam loves drawn-out foreplay when he has plenty of time to spare.
He takes good care in preparing you and making you cum at least once before he’s even put his dick in you.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Have you seen how he walks? He’s thick and long, and he knows how to make you absolutely crazy with it. The way he holds himself just screams big dick energy.
You’ve been together for years, but you still can’t get used to his length inside of you, and you doubt you ever will.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He’s always ready if you are. He’s not joking when he says he wants you 24/7, 365 days.
Even when the two of you are tired but still horny for one another, you will find a way to pleasure each other.
The two of you were laying on your sides, Sam’s chest pressed tightly against your back as his dick was driving itself in and out of your tightness.
It was early in the morning. The two of you were as tired as could be but the need to feel each other was intense.
It wouldn’t be long until the two of you released all over each other. On the bright morning, none of you would be able to hold on for long.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He always takes care of you before his eyes close for sleep. Washing you, cuddling you, running a bath for the two of you to relax in.
He can’t sleep unless he knows you have been appropriately taken care of.
“Good night, sweet girl. I love you.”
Part 1 HERE
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Credit @ firefly-graphics for the wonderful divider
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mmvalentine · 3 years
The Bargain pt 11 | Feysand
Modern AU. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10. Just a little more smut, yeah?
Rhys woke up early and traced patterns lightly on Feyre’s skin as she slept.
They had just one more day together before he flew home to New York, but in the pale dawn light and with Feyre’s even breaths beneath his fingers, he couldn’t for the life of him think of why he needed to go back.
After a moment, Feyre stirred.
“Making me more tattoos, are you?” she mumbled, without opening her eyes. Rhys chuckled. “Sorry,” he said, “I didn’t mean to wake you.” “Why?” Feyre asked muzzily. She rolled around to face him, all smudged mascara and sleep-swollen lips. Beneath the sheets, Rhys was hard in an instant.
"Because I wanted to let you sleep." “But we only have one more day,” she said, and looked so cute when she frowned that it broke Rhys’ heart a little. He pulled her body over his, loving how soft she was all over, and kissed her nose.
"And what would you like to do with this one more day?" he asked her. Had not meant to add any suggestions of his own, but the way she was nuzzling into his chest, still waking slowly, had his hips sliding under her. Feyre's eyes widened a little, and colour bloomed on her cheeks.
"I could think of one thing," she breathed. "We don't have to-" Rhys started to say, but got cut off as Feyre put her lips on his throat. His words broke off into a stifled moan as the heat of her hovered just below his navel.
Her hands slid over his collar bones and around the back of his neck, and she was so marvelously warm on top of him. Next thing he knew, her tongue had made a blazing trail down his sternum, over his stomach, and around the head of his cock. Rhys gasped, and gripped the bars of the headboard hard enough for them to creak in protest.
When Feyre slid her mouth down over the length of him, Rhys's hips jerked forward reflexively.
"Sorry," he muttered, trying to hold still. But Feyre just moved her lips lower, letting him hit the back of her throat and sucking hard on the way back up. Rhys groaned, and the sound seemed to encourage her. She moved her head back and forth and the world shifted in and out of focus.
"That... feels amazing," Rhys told her, watching her move over his body. Feyre didn't reply, just kept up a steady rhythm until Rhys could barely stand it.
"You're going to have to slow down," he managed to get out. Feyre shook her head 'no,' and decidedly did not slow down. "Seriously," Rhys said between gritted teeth. "I'm not going to be much use you you in a second."
Feyre lifted her head long enough to say, "we don't have anymore condoms anyway," and then resumed her motion. Used her hand at the same time to cover the length of him. Rhys's hips arced up off the bed to meet her touch, and one hand moved through her hair before he realised he had reached out.
"Feyre stop I'm gonna come," he said, jaw clenched. But she showed no intention of doing any such thing. "Feyre." His control crumbled, and he started fucking hard into her mouth. She didn't pull back. "Feyre I'm gonna..." And then he was coming and she was swallowing him down and the sight of it was so unbearably sexy that his climax stretched on even after he was empty.
Feyre crawled back up his chest, kissed him with his own cum still on her tongue, and then promptly took a snooze right there on top of him like a cat. Rhys just watched her in wonder, and stroked her bare back while she slept.
Fifteen minutes later, she woke, they kissed lazily in bed and then in the shower, and then they strolled down the road to the bakery. And to the chemist.
On the way, Feyre chatted about Berlin sights she thought Rhys needed to see, iconic street art she could show him, and the best food in town. Rhys nodded along, saying very little and being content to watch Feyre animated and enthusiastic.
And he did want to do all of those things, wanted to go anywhere Feyre took him. Really, he did.
But then they got back to the hotel room, and did not manage to leave it again that day.
Did make love on the edge of the bed, fall off the side and fuck on the floor, get messy and have sex in the shower with their hands pressed up to the glass. Did cover each other's bodies in swirling patterns with black markers and ball point pens found in the hotel drawers. Did take breaks for pretzels and hot chocolate, before beginning again in the tangled white sheets with the 'do not disturb' tag hanging on the door handle outside.
They were just dozing off on the rug, Feyre in nothing but a pair of white cotton panties and black ink, Rhys completely naked, when Tarquin rang, and the sharp intrusion of the outside world in their little bubble was about as welcome to Rhys as a kick in the guts.
Feyre groaned. "Don't answer," she said, her head pillowed on Rhys' stomach. His fingers traced around her navel.
"Hello?" "Rhys! It's Tarquin. How are things over there?" "Fantastic," Rhys said. "We've finished painting and are tidying up now. I was just about to call you and tell you the good news."
Feyre took his fingers and guided them lower. She moaned softly as he pushed light circles onto her clit, over her underwear.
"You have? Wie schöne, that's wonderful news," Tarquin said. "I'll come meet you both up there."
Feyre reached out and stroked his cock while he dipped his fingers under her waistband.
"Actually," Rhys said, forcing his voice to come out evenly, "we're just leaving now. But I would still encourage you to go have a look." "Oh but I want to see it with you," Tarquin argued. "Give my thanks to you both. Shake your hands."
Rhys bit back a laugh. "Don't think you could shake out hands right now." Feyre giggled silently. "They're... covered in paint."
"Ah fair enough, but even figuratively speaking, it'd be good to see you both off." "Love to, Tarquin," Rhys said, eyeing Feyre. She was starting to arch off the floor, and little whimpers were escaping as his fingers sped up. He held a finger to his lips. "Unfortunately we actually have an engagement to get to. We're leaving the site now, and I'm going to eat something but I'll put Feyre on."
He handed the phone to Feyre, and at the same time rolled over her. Slid her underwear down and put his mouth on her pussy. She lifted her hips to him, and then mouthed Naughty, while her eyes sparkled above him.
"Hello?" she said. Breathlessly. "Oh, yes Tarquin do come have a look. It's-" here here breath hitched, "well I'm quite without words, Rhys is ve-ery skilled hmmmm I've been so glad to work with him on this project."
Rhys grinned, and reached his tongue deep inside her. Feyre clamped a hand down on the phone's speaker and bit down hard on her lip.
"No, we won't be there but I would love to... ah... to.. mm, to catch up with you later in the week. Sorry, yes I am a bit... uh... out of breath. We're carrying all the supplies back to my... umm.. my car."
Feyre swatted Rhys' head, but he just sped up his tongue on her clit.
"Doyouknowwhat, ah, Tarquin you head up there now, text me what you think and I... I'll speak to you later. Yep. Okay. Yesokaybye."
Feyre hung up the phone, threw it to one side and then moaned so loudly and deeply Rhys felt the vibration in her stomach. She wrapped her legs around his head, put her hands in her hair and pushed herself closer to him. She was hotter than anything, and then Rhys was palming his own cock while he watched writhe on the floor. It wasn't long before she was coming undone on his lips.
When she finally came, Rhys was struck with the desire to draw her, just like this, in gorgeous ecstasy and with the exact colour of the blush across her chest.
The next morning, Rhys was due to get on a plane.
They sat in Feyre's car, with Rhys' bag on the back seat, and sat outside the airport without saying a word. Eventually, Feyre said, "Do you know, I came a long way to get away from my ex, and now all I feel is homesick." "Do you now?" Rhys murmured. "I've honestly thought about moving back to New York. But I packed everything up and left. I have nothing there, I have nowhere to live."
Rhys leaned back in his seat, and grinned lazily at Feyre.
"I'll make you a bargain, Feyre darling," he said. "I'm listening," Feyre replied. "You move back to New York and you can stay with me while you look for somewhere, and then you just move out when you find a place." Feyre considered it. "That would make things easier," she agreed.
"And hey," Rhys continued. "Maybe you like living with me and you never move out." Feyre grinned right back. "Maybe you like me and we live happily ever after."
Rhys shrugged. "Anything could happen," he said. Feyre stuck her hand out.
"It's a deal," she said, and they shook on it. Rhys pulled her in by the hand and kissed her, committing to memory the exact way she tasted.
"Come home soon, then," he whispered. **** Theeeeee end! That's all lovers, thank you so, so much to everyone who has been with me on this super lovely ride. Your comments, reblogs and general love have been deeply appreciated and I am forever grateful. I am a bit sad this one is over.
TAGLIST: @ghostlyrose2 @highladysith @stardelia @feysand-loml @tillyrubes10 @ratabrasileira @live-the-fangirl-life @maybekindasortaace @annejulianneh111 @thebonecarver @rowaelinismyotp @loosingdreams @whythefuckdoiexist @inejsarrow @swankii-art-teacher @sjmships @courtofjurdan @teddytdr @positivewitch @thalia-2-rose @darling-archeron @rapunzel1523 @fairchildjace @philosophorumaurum02 @story-scribbler @allthecolorsneverseen @asteria-of-mars
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imo-chan-imagines · 4 years
『 As your boyfriend | BNHA Headcanons 』
From the good, to the bad, to the downright adorable.
Characters: female!reader, Aizawa Shouta
Tags/warnings: Boku No Hero Academia (anime), 18+, explicit descriptions of sex, smut, fluff, soft dom Aizawa, relationship, headcanons
A/N: Right, so I'm simping for this man biG TIME, but I'm only on season 3, so no spoilers or anything, please. This is my first BNHA post (and it turned out way longer than I was intending 😅) Please let me know if you want more in the future!
Also, I have a repetitive strain injury, so typing stuff is taking a while at the moment. Sorry about that. Thanks for reading! Please enjoy ♡ ~Imo
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☆ Aizawa Shouta ☆
I'm not going to lie. Shouta can be a big ol' grouchy pants sometimes, and it's basically impossible to win an argument against him makes you want to tear your hair out, sometimes
But most of the time, he's just tired and in pain, and he doesn't mean to be so crotchety
He's not the type to make excuses, though. That's childish. He means his apologies, even if they're simple
He'll normally initiate an apology by gently wrapping his arms around you from behind and resting his forehead on your shoulder 🥺
Physical contact is incredibly personal and intimate for him. He doesn't just touch anyone, or allow them to touch him
You're special 💞💫
Soft, gentle touches, like his fingers interlacing with yours, or his leg brushing up against you, are basically his way of saying 'I love you'
Catch me crying in the corner, a'ight? 😔
He rarely ever raises his voice. Like, ever he doesn't need to, and is aware that it can be scary
He's definitely the kind of guy to forget to tell people that you're dating, simply because he doesn't see how it's relevant or anyone else's business 🤦‍♀️
I mean, he ain't wrong, but–
And his mood switches between 'antisocial' and 'clingy' like a mechanical metronome did someone say 'cat'?
Sometimes, you'll be lucky if he speaks more than three words to you together in a whole day nothing personal 🤷‍♀️
But on other days, he literally won't let you out of his arms for the world he's complicated, okay?
You have missed many a parcel delivery because he wouldn't let you get up from his lap to answer the door 🙄😂
Boundaries and responsibilities are key and highly respected by Shouta, and he would NEVER erase your quirk without your permission, unless he literally had no other choice like someone's going to get hurt, or something
Is generally quite serious so what's new? but you're one of the few people he can relax around when he feels like it
9/10 of his jokes are dad jokes 😎 hell yeah
Takes a hard stance in financial debates, but is constantly broke af 😶 says he'll buy you dinner and presents you with some instant noodles with a 'Reduced To Clear' sticker on them
Will take a bite of your food/steal some off your plate without asking, and literally say nothing to defend himself #gremlin
Is incredibly shy and uncomfortable about being ~le horny~ until you've been together for literally forever
Even then, he's still shy about it when he has to bring it up and it's pretty cute, let me tell ya
It took him forever to admit to you that he gets turned on when you eat ice lollies
Guess what you do whenever you want to mess with him like a little brat 😛
But if he's in the mood, he will 100% whisper something dirty in your ear, even if you're completely alone and probably well past third base
He does it because he knows your pussy will clamp around him at the sound of his voice 😳🥵
*fans self profusely*
Genuine, unadulterated smiles are rare with Aizawa, but when he does 🙌 Heaven hath opened its gates and allowed an angel walk amongst mere mortals 🥺🤧
If he lays his head on your chest, he will fall asleep like that *snaps fingers*
Surprise nose and forehead kisses to show he loves you ❤
Calls you 'Kitten' this is basically already canon at this point
And he's all about those deep talks with you at 3 am when he can't sleep
Speaking of insomnia!
It's cheesy, but you're like a soothing balm. The warmth of your body makes him feel safe, your touch helps him relax, and your voice soothes him to sleep
He's never slept as well as when you're beside him 😭🤧
When cuddling, he likes to be the big spoon but will accept being the little spoon if you if you press your boobs against his back and ask really nicely 🤭
And he loves you stroking his hair and running your fingers through it 🥺
Netlix nights and pillow/blanket forts!!
Rainy days are a godsend. Staying inside all day under the blankets, with the soft sound of the rain falling outside and no-one to interrupt you – literal paradise
He makes mean hot cocoas and Irish coffees 😋 I feel like this man lives off Irish coffees 😂🤣
Wears a lot of black and grey sweatpants at home 😗 which highlight the outline of his dick just right, if ya know what I'm sayin' 👀
Doesn't like going out for dates and prefers staying inside and doing stuff together same, honeyy
But if you really like going out, he will somewhat begrudgingly agree to it and get all dressed up for you, just so long as he gets his fair share of home-dates, too 🤗
But if you also don't like going out... the two of you will basically never leave the house, except to get groceries in your pyjamas from the 24-hour convenience store down the road at one in the morning oddly specific, I know, but you get me
And sorry, but I don't make the rules
Well, actually, I do. But shush
We all know that Shouta cleans up *chef's kiss* So when you go somewhere ~fancy~ he always looks so damn fine 😩
But he has very little idea that he's hot he sees himself as a tired, walking dumpster fire🚶‍♂️🔥
Shouta will 100% turn into a crazy cat dude with 15+ cats if you don't stop him I never said you should, though 🙃
And is a 'minimalist texter' – basically, if he can't answer a text with 'yes', 'no,' 'maybe', or 'OK', then he probably won't answer it at all 😭😂
Especially if you try and sext him or send him your nudes while he's at work. He'll probably lecture you when he gets home and depending on just how much you turned him on, he might proceed to teach you a lesson...
But wear his shirt, and just his shirt or his hoodie and he's yours
Heart eyes, motherfucker 😍
And, depending on how you two are feeling that day, you may or may not end up getting dicked down on the nearest semi-flat surface right then and there 👀
But don't misunderstand. This is an incredibly tired man you have here, and his libido actually isn't through the roof sorry, ladies so this kind of thing isn't an everyday occurrence
But when he dicks you down, he dicks you down goooood
Shouta's not big on PDA, but makes up for it in private. We're talking hands and kisses all over your body he leaves nothing unloved 😏
And while he's not big on PDA, he is big on sneaky displays of affection or 'SDA', as I like to call it
Like subtly grabbing your butt for a second, or his hand on your thigh under the table at a dinner etc. especially around other people
But what really gets him going is slowly removing your clothes and taking you fully naked, spreading your legs wide and holding them open he likes the view 😍
He lowkey highkey worships your body 🙏 and will literally not shut up about how fucking pretty you are, and how fucking good it feels inside you his words, not mine 😳
Groans and growls a little when he's getting close/cumming especially when he's being a little rough and likes to cum together, but knows it's not always practical
He tends to be a gentle dom, but can get just a teensy bit 🤏 rough if he's too into it – but nothing outrageous
We're talking rough thrusts and a brutal pace, maybe holding onto you a little too hard and, waaahh, he gets so embarrassed if he leaves bruises
Is also into a little bondage, but again, only light stuff – restraining your wrists with his hands or his tie or his Capturing Weapon 👀 maybe blinding-folding you if you're okay with it
If you're not blindfolded, then I'm afraid he's all about that eye contact
Eating out your pussy? Eye contact. Pounding you into the mattress? Blazing eye contact. Rearranging your guts in front of the mirror? Fucking eye contact
But all jokes aside – he's too used to taking without consent with his quirk, that he's kind of paranoid about it comes to sex but it's adorable and sweet, and honestly, still kind of hot
And speaking of eating pussy – goddamn does he like to please you. Like cream to a kitty 😛
Oh, and he just loves it when you suck on his fingers as he's pounding into you 🤤
And he likes to leave love bites in personal, inconspicuous places and sometimes on your neck
He's marking his woman 😌
When he gets suuuper horny, he likes to fuck you from behind, standing upright in front of the mirror. It's a specific kink he has of watching himself stretch you out as the length of his cock disappears inside you...
I can get behind that, lemme tell yaaa
I said he tends to be dominant, but female doms – fear not!
Shouta is quite flexible when it comes down to it and is kind of lazy, lmfao so he definitely has time for laying back, having the control taken away, and having his dick ridden
For him, it's really all about communication and what you're both comfortable with
I will say this, though: sometimes, his cat watches you while you're banging 😅😂
The first time it happened, you freaked out and refused to continue because – how could you??? But eventually, you just kind of got used to it 🤷‍♀️
The same way you've got used to it following you to the bathroom every time you go to take a shit 😭
So now, you just kind of laugh about it, which helps keep things a little lighter 🤗
After sex, he does like to snuggle, but you'll be lucky if he stays awake for more than 30 seconds it's one of the few times he actually can sleep well
If you're ever out and about, or even inside, and cold, he'll wrap you up in his clothes/scarf/blanket like a sushi roll like Eren wrapping up Mikasa in his scarf, all deadpan and everything 😐
It's not that often, but when he gets drunk, he gets all soft and emotional, and starts babbling about how he can't believe he got so lucky to be dating you, and that he's sure he hasn't done anything to deserve it mah heart
He's pretty sure he wants kids, but he doesn't feel like now is the right time, and is lowkey afraid that it's never going to feel like the right time
He also constantly doubts himself, wondering if he'd actually able to look after them and protect them the way a father should class 1-A got him second-guessing himself 🥺
Besides, it's not all about him. You clearly have a say in it too, and he doesn't want to force you into anything
Again: communication and comfort zones
Dating Aizawa definitely has its ups and downs, and it's not smooth sailing, but he's prepared to work for a life with you because he's found a connection with you that he hasn't feel with anyone else
He knows that you're both far from perfect, but hopes that, for once, you might just make something good, and make it last 🥰😇
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© imo-chan-imagines 2020
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jamespotterthefirst · 4 years
Hit the Town (Ethan x f!MC)
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Lilac Allende) Word count: 1.5K Warning: N/A Premise: After enjoying drinks with their friends, they escape to a quick dinner date. 
A/N: Just self indulgent crack, don’t mind me. 
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They stood in comfortable silence as the elevator ascended to their destination, the scent of her perfume embracing his every sense in the confined space. Not surprisingly, Ethan had found himself easily persuaded to abandon the tower of paperwork that awaited him in favor of spending the rest of the evening with her. 
As the elevator announced the 20th floor, she moved closer to him, her body fitting so perfectly to his side. “Are you still thinking about work?” she correctly guessed. 
Ethan’s arm automatically draped over her shoulders, as though it was second nature. 
“I’ve been thinking of nothing but work these past few months,” he confessed in the silence.
Lilac simply nodded. The same could be said for her-- for everyone at Edenbrook-- as the date of its final day loomed closer. That thought alone was enough to send his mind spiraling into a cesspool of melancholy. He forcefully pushed them away, deciding to focus instead on the rather pretty smile she gifted him. 
“Let’s not think about work tonight,” she proposed, straightening her posture with a new sense of purpose. Her fingers toyed with the gold pocket square that matched her dress perfectly.  “Tonight is about you, me, and how good we look for this date.”
The latter point of her argument was undeniable, at least when concerning Lilac. His girlfriend in the gold dress that clung to her like a second skin had to be the most alluring sight he had ever seen. His eyes traveled down the plunging neckline, tracing the sparkling band of her necklace. 
Lilac caught him staring, her smile turning devilish as she pressed herself closer to him. 
“Besides, there's so much more you could be doing with your time than paperwork,” she argued in a low whisper, lips pressed against the column of his throat. 
Ethan wholeheartedly agreed with that compelling argument, particularly with the one her delicate hands made at the buttons of his shirt. A chill traveled down the length of his body, not from the air conditioner of the elevator but from the captivating, expectant way her green eyes studied him when she pulled back. 
“Like what?” he asked anyway. 
“Like me,” she returned without a beat in the sexiest murmur he had ever heard. 
Ethan grinned down at her, surprised he had enough self control to do even that. “That was terrible, Allende.”
Yet it worked, his body thrummed with an overpowering need to push her against the elevator railing, the unbridled longing buzzing wildly through his veins like an exposed wire. The loud ding of the elevator announcing their arrival, however, interrupted what promised to be a charged and heady kiss. 
Lilac took in the lavish décor of the restaurant, rendered even more intimate by the twinkling lights of the city sparkling through the floor to ceiling windows. As the maître d' approached, she hurriedly leaned up to whisper in his ear. 
“Ethan, this looks like the kind of place that needs a reservation.” 
Her eyes fell on the crystal chandelier adorning the high ceiling and added, “A reservation months in advance.”
Ethan only grinned crookedly at her. 
“And given that I just seduced you into this date one hour ago, I really doubt we have one.”
“Seduced me? Is that how you'll get me to do your bidding from now on?” 
He would welcome that new development. To his slight disappointment, however, she ignored this question, wide eyes fixed on the maître d' before them. 
“Good evening. What is the name for the reservation?” 
“Ethan Ramsey.”
The man nodded once. “Of course. Welcome, Dr. Ramsey. If you follow me.” 
He turned to lead them into the luxurious dining room. By the time they sat at their private table with an unobstructed view of the bay, Lilac blinked out of her surprise.
 “How did you—?” 
“I'm friends with the head chef.”
“Of course you are.”
Ethan flashed her another crooked smile, this one taking effect immediately in the adorable blush of her cheeks. His own stomach swooped in response, part of him incredulous that he was really there, on a date with the woman of his dreams. 
The waiter arrived and Ethan wasted no time in ordering an expensive bottle of champagne, earning him a curious glance from Lilac. 
“What are we celebrating?” 
The bravado seemed to fizzle out and Ethan, suddenly self conscious, shrugged. “The fact that we can finally do this openly, without having to hide.”
Her eyes met his, the rosy patches on her cheeks burning brighter. Looking positively touched, she gave him a fond smile. 
Lilac did not have an opportunity to say anything else because their champagne arrived, along with a beautiful display of appetizers. At the sight of food, her expression brightened, eliciting a laugh from Ethan. 
“I hate seafood but I'm going to try the Ahi Tuna Poke,” she informed him confidently. 
Ethan raised his brows. “Why? You know you'll hate it.”
“I want to see if I'll like it now that I'm older and more mature.”
“Mature?” he asked with faux sarcasm. 
Lilac stuck out her tongue at him. “You know what I mean. You start enjoying things you once hated as you grow older.”
Ethan considered this in the quiet ambiance of the restaurant. Finally, he nodded his agreement. “I definitely know what you mean. When I was younger, I hated pistachio ice cream. My dad always insisted on buying it and just the sight of it made me gag.”
It was Lilac's turn to laugh, endeared by the story. “Poor little Ethan,” she commented, leaning in to bop his nose with her finger. He would never admit it out loud but it made his chest swell pleasantly. “I always wondered what you were like when you were younger.”
“I was a devil. Remember that story about me blowing up my neighbor's shed?” 
She laughed again but shook her head. “No, I mean I've never seen any pictures of young Ethan Ramsey.”
“That's been on purpose, Rookie. They're locked away in Providence, safe from prying eyes.”
Her shoulders deflated at that, the light of the chandelier catching the sequin of her dress. The crestfallen expression, however, did not last long.  
“And how do I get access to these adorable pictures?” 
“When I die.”
“Or,” she added without missing a beat, her expression brightening in a way Ethan didn't exactly appreciate. “I could just text Alan right now. I bet he'll send them if I asked.”
Ethan glared at her, finding it difficult to remain unsmiling when her playful grin lit up the entire room. 
They stared each other down for a long minute before they both sprang into action at the same time, each reaching for their phone. 
“Too late,” she proclaimed, her voice giddy. It attracted the attention of a nearby couple but she didn't seem to care. “I'm texting him now and—Oh my God, he's replying.”
Ethan wasn't even sure what he meant to do with his own phone. There was no chance he could ever compete with Lilac's lightning-speed texting.
Finally, a message came in on her phone and Lilac clapped a hand over her mouth. “Oh my God,” she squealed, the sound muffled. “Ethan!” 
He knew his father had sent her the pictures he requested because her eyes darted from her screen to Ethan and then back again. 
“You were so—” 
“Don't say—” 
Lilac showed him her screen and he groaned.
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As she dissolved into giggles, Ethan brandished his own phone at her. “You'll pay for that, Allende.”
“Go ahead,” she challenged. “Nothing you do is going to top—” 
“I'm texting your sister,” he interrupted calmly. “For pictures of young you.”
Her laughter halted completely, all traces of humor vanishing entirely. With as much dignity as possible, she shrugged, though the intended effect was ruined by the way she had almost leapt across the table with every intention of snatching his phone away. 
Before she could do just that, Ethan began to text.
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“I'm going to murder her,” Lilac said passionately just as the server stopped at their table to refill their glasses. He didn't even bat an eye at Lilac's declaration. 
“No need,” Ethan said with a chuckle, glancing at the pictures once more. “My plan of embarrassing you backfired since there's not a single bad picture of you in here.”
She rolled her eyes but he could tell she was fighting back a smile. Unable to resist, he gently took her hand in his and brought it to his lips. The private moment between them lingered, their eyes locked on each other’s as though magnetized. 
“Thank you,” he murmured. 
Her lips were parted, her voice slightly breathless. “For what?” 
“For making this night infinitely better.”
Her responding smile was brighter and far more breathtaking than the view of the city behind her. 
“It's only just starting.”
A/N: Told you that was crazy and pointless. I really wanted them to go out somewhere, anywhere in those hot outfits. Thank you if you made it this far!
Dedicated to @takeharryandgo​ who said “Ethan is the town and MC is going to hit it” in regards to the dress being changed from “Date Night” to “Hit the Town” 
thank you @aestheticartsx​ for pre-reading!
Love you all,
Also, the Pictagram series: Chapter 10 is taking longer because work is crazy for me atm. I also want to make sure this particular chapter is the best it can possibly be! 
(Sorry if I forgot anyone) 
tags: @openheart12​ , @takeharryandgo​ , @trappedinfanfiction​, @aestheticartsx​, @aworldoffandoms​, @paulfwesley​, @myusualnerdyself​,  @rookie-ramsey​, @ohchoices​, @colossalpainintheass​, @enmchoices​, @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​, @choicesfanaf​, @openheartthot​, @octobereighth​, @nazarihoe​, @utterlyinevitable​, @kites-in-our-skies​, @maurine07​, @schnitzelbutterfingers​, @doilooklikeiknow​, @snesdudes​, @kingliam2019​, @perriewinklenerdie​, @cinnamonspongecake​, @choicesstan1​, @queencarb​, @ethxnrxmsey​, @missmiimiie​, @jens-diamondchoices​, @adamsdumortain​, @mrsramseyy, @apphia12​, @kalogh​, @lucy-268​, @binny1985​, @queenbirbs​, @honeyandsunfl0wers​, @newcolonies​, @lilyvalentine​, @rigatonireid​, @interobanginyourmom​, @parkerattano​, @custaroonie​​, @nikki-2406​​, @lilypills​​, @chasingrobbie​​, @nooruleman​​, @angela8756​, @lonely-mxxnlight​​, @ruinedbypixels​​, @shadynaturehilariouscookie​​, @tsrookie​​, @mvalentine​​, @professorkingslay​​, @drakewalkerfantasy​​, @casey-v​​, @helloblueeyedcat​​, @mysticaurathings​​, @blossomanarchy​​, @thegreentwin​​, @togetherwearerapture​​, @rookieoh​​, @ramseysno1rookie​​, @rookiemarsswiftie​​, @natashajaniphil​​, @mysticalgalaxysstuff​​, @hatescapsicum​​, @choices-lurker​​, @kiara-36​​, @junehiratas​​, @danijimenezv​​, @macy-ray85​​, @adrex04​​, @canigetanawwjunk​​, @sanchita012​​, @overwhelminglyaquarius​​ , @scorpiochick8​​, @skylarklyon​​, @starrystarrytrouble​​, @mercury84choices​​, @drariellevalentine​​, @ethanrcmsey​​, @lion-ess24, @aarisa-frost​​, @kaavyaethanramsey​​ , @udishaman​​
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kindahoping4forever · 3 years
All I Want For Christmas Is You // Ashton Irwin
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Day 3 of Hoe For The Hoe-lidays! I hope everyone is enjoying the event so far, we’re having a lot of fun! Please be sure to let us know what you think either via ask or in your tags if you’re a kind reblogging soul 😉
Stay tuned today for a new Cal blurb from Cass on her @cal-puddies​​ blog and as always, each new piece will be linked on the masterlist below.
Warnings: Oh you know, just gifting Boyfriend!Ash with some good old fashioned road head for the holidays 😌
Word Count: 1785
Hoe For The Hoe-lidays Masterlist
Masterlist // Taglist and Ko-Fi linked above
Let  me  know  what  you  think!
“I would’ve taken you to get some real coffee if you’d asked,” Ashton comments grumpily.
You ignore his negativity, pecking his cheek. “It’s good! I mean it’s still gas station coffee but it’s not flavored or anything. Unsweetened and disgusting, exactly what you like,” you cheerfully reply, sitting the drinks in the cup holder.
When he’d heard you were planning to travel a couple hours away to pick up a gift you wanted to give your mother for Christmas, he eagerly offered to accompany you on your journey, even volunteering to drive.
The trip there went smoothly; he picked you up early, you stopped for breakfast along the way and had fun singing Christmas songs, sharing holiday memories and enjoying each other’s company. You’ve only been dating since the summer so every new fact you learn about each other is fascinating and the idea of spending time together is even more novel as the holiday season unfolds.
The rest of the trip, however, is a different story: you got caught up at your destination and your one-stop shopping trip turned into a multi-store, multi-hour tour of the mall, putting your return trip smack in the middle of rush hour traffic.
You'd hoped that your suggestion of pulling off the freeway to fill up the tank would’ve helped either his mood or the traffic but as you plop back in the passenger seat, wincing at the latest traffic delays, you concede your plan may have failed.
“That bad, huh?” Ashton guesses, seeing your face as he starts the car back up.
“Yeah… traffic looks pretty light if you skip the freeway and take the streets, though,” you offer positively.
“Traffic’s light because no one’s taking the streets unless they have to,” he scoffs. “Long stretches of road without anyone or anything nearby and it’ll add at least another hour, if not more to our trip.” He runs a hand through his long hair and over his tired face, scratching at his beard, frustrated.
You’re not used to him like this, so pessimistic and combative. You respond, much quieter than before, “Just thought it’d be better than white knuckling through another hour of bumper to bumper.”
He immediately notices your change in demeanor and reaches over to squeeze your knee. “Hey... you know I’m not mad at you, right? It’s just been a long day and stuff like this makes me a little crazy,” he explains.
“I know… I’m just sorry I turned this into a way bigger deal than you thought it was going to be, I didn’t mean to take up your whole day,” you shrug.
“I offered you my day, baby,” he corrects. He takes a sip of his iced coffee and makes a displeased face, yet keeps drinking it. “We haven’t seen each other much lately and I’m not gonna see you at all for the holidays so I’m not complaining about a few extra hours with you.”
He laces his fingers with yours, bringing them to his face to place a kiss on your knuckles. He gets back on the road and it takes less than 10 minutes of freeway traffic for Ash to agree with you about taking the alternate route.
His disposition may have lightened but he’s clearly not in the mood to talk so you flick the radio to the local Christmas music station. You hear him take a deep, steadying breath but don’t think anything of it as you quietly sing to yourself while you sip your coffee and answer texts.
The music simply exists in the background, neither of you paying it much mind until the opening tinkles of Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas Is You” sound out through the speakers. You excitedly sit up in your seat to sing along but notice your boyfriend clenching his jaw, gripping the steering wheel as if his life depends on it.
You get through the first verse before you steal another glance at Ash and he looks inexplicably, comedically furious. You don’t want to push your luck based on the day you’ve had but you can’t imagine what the issue is. “Um, babe? Everything alright?” You tentatively ask, turning the radio down.
He takes another deep breath and says as evenly as he can manage, “Sweetheart. You know I care about you. You know I want you to be happy. I love when you’re happy. Nothing makes me happier than when you’re happy. But I swear to fucking GOD if I have to hear that fucking song one more fucking time I’m going to lose my goddamn fucking mind.”
You can’t help but burst out laughing. “What?!”
“Baby, it was on the radio a few times on the trip there, we heard it at the breakfast place, every goddamn store in the mall played it. I’m at my wit’s end," he insists.
“Was my rendition really that bad?” You joke.
A grin threatens to creep up his cheeks but he remains stoic. “Just trying to get us back to our respective homes with my mind and body in one piece.”
“Homes plural? I don’t even get to invite you in to make up for how today turned out?” You tease, walking your fingers up his thigh.
“You're not ready for a break from a grinch like me?” He asks with a faint smile. You feel a rush of serotonin shoot through you when you see the sparkle back in his eyes.
“Aww, I’m pretty sure I know a way to raise your holiday spirit,” you smirk as your hand settles on his crotch.
"That so?" He laughs coyly, enjoying the build up.
You drape yourself over his seat, attaching your lips to his neck while you palm him. "Long stretches of road without anyone or anything nearby?" You quote his words back to him as you hastily undo the button and zipper of his jeans. "Sounds like a perfect opportunity to help relieve some holiday stress."
Ashton inhales sharply as you pull him out of his boxers, attentively massaging his tip between your thumb and forefinger. "You know you don't have to do this just because of earlier, baby," he states softly.
You press a soft kiss to his cheek before ducking down to lick a long stripe all the way up his shaft, suckling gingerly at the head when you reach it. You let your spit collect in your mouth and fall onto him when you pull off to say, "Oh, I meant I'm doing this to relieve my stress but you're right, I can see how this would help you out too."
He laughs loudly and you think there may not be a sweeter sound in the world - at least not until you hear the awed way he mutters your name when you slowly slide your mouth down his cock, almost making it all the way to his balls before you start to choke and pull up.
You hollow your cheeks and bob your head, tongue working him over in your mouth just how you've learned he likes. His hand rests gently on top of your head, occasionally tangling his fingers in your hair but careful to never apply pressure. It enters your mind that part of you wishes he would and you moan around him at the thought.
Ash can't help but quickly cast his eyes down to take a peek; he groans loudly at the sight of you in his lap with his cock nearly buried in your throat. You swirl your tongue around him as you pull up, hand cradling his balls.
"God, baby… feels so good… your mouth is fucking heavenly," he sighs breathlessly.
You press your legs together at his praise, regretting you didn't wear that skirt you'd considered this morning, wishing there was some way you could relieve the ache between your thighs before you got home.
He must've noticed your struggle because suddenly he's asking, "Being such a good girl turning you on, baby? How wet has sucking me off made you?"
You whine, pulling off with a loud pop. "Ash… been wet since I first thought to do this," you admit, stroking him while you catch your breath.
"Poor baby," he replies with a smirk. "Can you behave and wait to cum until we get back? Or are you so desperate for my cock that I'm gonna have to pull over and fill you in the middle of this goddamn highway?"
Your head spins, overwhelmed by arousal. "Only ever wanna be good for you," you whimper, sloppily kissing up and down his length. "Wanna be good and make you cum." Your declaration has barely left your lips before you're sucking him again, with renewed intent.
"Fuck, baby, yes… wanna give you my cum, you deserve it," he babbles as your mouth works him, up and down, up and down.
You pull up to pump him again and out of the corner of your eye, you notice his blood moon tattoos practically jumping off his skin with how tightly he's beginning to grip the steering wheel.
Before you even have a chance to teasingly comment, Ashton's breath hitches and with a sharp cry of your name, his cock is suddenly throbbing in your hand, cum shooting up and onto the shoulder of your sweater.
You giggle in shock but act quickly, moving to try and get him back in your mouth, a task made difficult by the forceful pulses of his orgasm; you can't help but moan as you feel the stripes of hot cum hit your cheek before you're able to wrap your lips around him, sucking the final drops from his tip.
He finally lets out an exhausted huff, followed by an elated chuckle. "Jesus, baby, I'm sorry," he apologizes, looking over in disbelief as you shift back to your seat, trying not to make a mess of the car, digging through the glove box for tissues. "That came out of fuckin' nowhere."
You wipe your face, snickering, "You're telling me." You use your water bottle to dampen a tissue and start carefully dabbing at the stain on your sweater. "To be fair, you did say you wanted to give me your cum. So. Mission accomplished, pal."
He cackles, stealing another glance at you, unsure if this memory will ever leave his mind. "Gonna make you feel so fucking good when we get back," he promises breathlessly.
"Decided to come over to mine after all, then?" You tease with a smile.
Ash squeezes your knee. "I've got favors to return, my dear," he giggles. "Plus, we need to go online so you can pick out the new sweater I clearly need to give you for Christmas."
Taglist issues again so my apologies if you get notif’d more than once (or not at all)
@mymindwide​ @suchalonelysunflower​​ @pxrxmoore​ @loveroflrh​ @ghostofmashton​ @sexgodashton​ @feliznavidaddycal​  
@castaway-cashton​ @ashtonlftv​ @cashtonasfuck​ @megz1985​ @ashdork-irwin​ @angelicfluffs​ @findingliam-o​ @youngbloodchild​  @irwinsbetch​ @everyscarisahealingplace​
@wiildflower-xxx​ @metalandboybands​​  @realisticnotes​​  @makeamovehemmings​​ @golden166​​ @burstintocolor​​
@mfartzzz​​ @babyoria​​ @petunias-pet​ @youngblood199456​​ @notinthesameguey​​ @seanna313​​  @zhangyixingxing1​​ @stardust-galaxies​​  @zackoid​​
@lovelybonesetc​​ @xsongxbirdx​​ @justhereforcalum​​   @ashtonangst​
@laura66sos​​ @calumrose​​ @karajaynetoday​​  @pilunb​​ @jazzyangel242​​ @babylon-corgis​​  @heyheyhaleyd​​ @calmsweetcreature​​
@spicycal​​ @talkfastromance4​​  @holystxne​​
@meetmedowntown​​ @myloverboyash​​
@irwindoll​​ @cheekysos​​ @carrielfisher​​ @lukedorkyhemmings​​ @creampiecashton​​ @lovelywordsblog​​
@trix-arent-for-kids @uh-huhh-honey @tobefalling @aladyofalbion @likehuhdude
@curlycalums​​  @cxddlyash​​  @reddesert-healourblues​​
@fedorable-killjoys​​  @iamcalumswhore​​   @i-like-5sos​​   @Too-et-moi215
@photochic18  @kouska901 @Indermeow  @dantord
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grapehyasynth · 3 years
First Line Challenge
I was tagged by @missgeevious and @my-nameless-bliss - thank you!! This looks like a lot of fun - normally these games require that I remember something about my works or think deeply about them and this does neither of those so I love it. I also kind of love first lines/first paragraphs because I have held dear to me the concept from a creative writing class that in a short story, you don’t have time for exposition and need to drop the reader write into the juicy action. I try to follow that as much as I can!
Post the first line of the last 20 things you’ve written. Then tag 20 people to do the same.
I am skipping my drabbles because I don’t know, chronologically, when those were actually posted.
I am also not going to tag 20 people but I will tag: @maybewecandreamalittle @roguebebe @hullomoon @flashbastard @theswiftiewholived @maxbegone @lisamc-21 @januarium @startswithhope  @davidbrewer @lilythesilly @blueink3​ @middyblue​ @danverses​ @schittposting @kindofspecificstore
1. It starts, as these things seem wont to do, with Ray.  (Smorgascreek)
2. “Mr. Rose, I was supposed to be at the cafe twenty minutes ago to help David with the-” (Gossip is the devil’s telephone)
3. It’s a lush summer night, hot and swollen, and Patrick knows his husband would rather be inside, upstairs in their borrowed bedroom where his parents have kindly installed the AC window unit. (people worth missing, things worth sharing)
4. It’s been a long day at the store, their busiest since the soft opening, and Patrick’s thrilled.  (Sounds of Pleasure)
5. David would never willingly enter a laundromat.  (Making Change)
6. The Roses have a small, rented house in Los Feliz, and no matter how many times Moira has assured Patrick that “we’re very close to signing the concordat on a more permanent dwelling - any day now!”, he still has a hard time fitting his larger-than-life costar here, in this humble, quiet corner of Los Angeles. (Son-rise Bay)
7. Patrick has made a terrible mistake. (Breakout Sessions)
8. Patrick has his first little gay spiral on the walk home from work, when he sees the entire Jazzagals troupe flocking to the cafe. (come as you are)
9. So when you said you hated pet names,” Patrick says the minute they get up to their borrowed bedroom, and David freezes where he’s crouched by his suitcase, “you only meant from me, huh?” (Negotiation of Terms)
10. David regrets everything. (beneath the arc of the earth’s halo)
11. Patrick comes into the living room for movie night, where David’s been watching Friends while Patrick finishes up some paperwork, and sighs. (Seating Arrangements)
12. do you have plans tonight (your eyes are wider than distance)
13. “This is not how I wanted to spend my night,” Alexis grumps, as if he didn’t know. (laughing and hydrating and listening to frank ocean)
14. David is speedwalking down the length of the motel within seconds of getting Stevie’s text. (Picking up this heat)
15. “So I have an idea for our second date,” David says, after the dust - of the body at the motel, of Mrs. Rose’s hysteria, and of Patrick stumbling over not being ready for the sex he very, very much wants to have with David - has settled. (I like you down to the sugar on your fingertips)
16. Stevie walks into the cafe in her puffy winter coat, takes one look at Patrick sitting alone in a booth with a wrapped present on the table in front of him, and spins back around, heading for the door.  (Brewer Birthday (Non)Bombardments for Budd)
17. They’re in Patrick’s bed - well, more on the bed than in bed, because David’s foot is the only part of him that’s covered by the sheet. (Butt Stuff)
18. All semester, every time Patrick gets drunk, he’s drinking because of David. (like rum on the fire)
19. David takes one look at Patrick when he ambles into their kitchen after shucking his shoes and coat and bag in the hall and says, “Well, don’t you look like you’ve just been through an emotional trash compactor.” (To my younger self)
20. David goes looking for towels, mostly to have five minutes away from Alexis for the first time since all of this started, but also because he cannot be expected to dry his  body  with the sandpaper currently hanging in their bathroom, a room smaller than his claw-footed tub in New York.   (If you’re looking for an ass to kiss)
If you made it this far, I’ll share with you that looking at some of these again, I was like - wow, I miss that one. A kind of special feeling when writing fic can so often feel like banging your head through concrete. Sorry for that visual. Also, I will always ragret naming a fic Butt Stuff. But (ha) here we are.
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interstellar-shores · 3 years
Your Mind Aches - Ch 7. Kiss Me In The Dark
Josh Kiszka x (F) Reader x Jake Kiszka
Warning: (18+) Soft smut, mentions of alcohol.
Summary: It’s okay to date your ex’s brother. Right? After being in a successful long-term relationship, things get rocky when the boys prepare to go on tour. Through long text threads and occasional coffee outings with your best friend, you discover that your ex’s twin has feelings for you. 
Tag list: @garbagevanfleet, @brianmaysclog, @anditsmywholeheart 
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*I wanted to treat you guys with a new chapter since the whole purge of starting my blog over again! So enjoy with the climax of this series. No pun intended wink wink*
December 31st, 2017. New Year Day.
Y/F/N and I had nothing planned for the night, so when Sam and Danny announced that they would be in town and invited us to a party at Danny’s house, it thrilled us.
“Hey Y/N! Come here, I found a dress you could wear tonight!” 
We were making a monument of my strength and to top it off, I was going to see Josh, maybe even talk to him. I got over Josh and tonight was the night to prove it.
“Look!” Y/F/N held up a black spaghetti strap halter dress with a deep v and a low cut back.
“Oh my god, I have to try it on!”
I ran to the fitting rooms with the garment in hand and waltzed into one of the many rooms and locked the door behind me. I stripped to my undergarments, put the dress on, and made sure all the seams hit the right spots. I turned to look into the mirror. The dress was fingertip length, and the back exposed my shoulders to the top of my tailbone. It hugged my curves, and I was falling in love with it!
*knock knock* “Do you have the dress on?” Y/F/N asked.
I opened the door and walked out, revealing myself in all my glory.
“Oh, my god! This is it!” Y/F/N was just in awe!
“You look good too!” She had on a red long sleeve dress that was shorter than mine and had a deep v. “Your dress is perfect! Look at how it hugs your curves!”
“Awe! Stop! Okay, so we got our fits? We’re ready for tonight?”
“Heck yeah!”
7:00 p.m. At Danny’s house party
We walked in and gained attention from every guy there, some of them getting hit in the arm by their girlfriends. 
Jake was passing by us and did a double-take. He stared at my body. When I took off my coat to give it to Danny, his eyes didn’t leave me.
“I’ll take that for you Y/N!”
“Thanks, Danny!” I smiled.
“Hey Y/N. Um, do you need something to drink? I could get it for you!” Jake asked. He still looked at me in awe. The more I stood silently with him, the more my heart fluttered.
“Yeah, uh, could you get me a captain and coke?”
“Could you make me one of those?” Y/F/N asked.
“Sure. I’ll be back in five.” When Jake walked away, I couldn’t help but look at his ass. What is up with me tonight?
We made our way to the couch to sit. I looked in front of me to see Josh standing with his girlfriend. I felt a tinge of jealousy, but Sam walked over and talked with us.
“She is so annoying! She has no music knowledge, let alone taste, and doesn’t know what Josh is talking about half the time.” Sam groaned.
“Well, tune her out. Besides, if Josh is happy with her, you won’t have to hear him complain about being single.”
“Damn! You got over him quickly.” Sam replied in shock.
“Well, it’s not like I don’t care about him, but I just don’t want anyone to be miserable. It’s been seven months.”
“I know, it’s just Anna is so lame compared to you. Hell! I can’t compare you to her. You are outstanding Y/N!” Sam finished.
“Thanks, Sammy!” 
“Alright ladies, here’s your drinks” Jake set them in front of us and then joined us on the couch.
“So Jake, after we finish our drinks, do you want to dance?” I wasn’t much for dancing, but I was in for Jake to be near me in a fun and romantic way.
“Sure thing, Sugar.”
Sugar? Now, that’s flirting.
10:30 p.m.
I talked to Sam and Danny, but my focus was on Jake. We danced and drank all night. It was getting to where the drunker we got, the more intimate Jake and I were getting. He kissed my hands and my forehead throughout the night. Y/F/N just looked at me and smiled, then continued her conversation with Danny. 
When a slow song played, Jake pulled me in close. There was no gap between us. He whispered sweet things in my ear, saying how beautiful I am, or how sweet to him.
We stood against a wall at the end of the hallway that leads to a bathroom and bedrooms.
“You’re so handsome.” I smiled and laughed as his grin grew bigger. He leaned into me, holding me tight to him.
“I’m glad you think that, sugar.” We laughed. He moves his right hand to the back of my head and tilts it upward. Our noses meet, we look into each other’s eyes. “I want to kiss your pretty lips.”
“Then do it.” I challenged. We close our eyes and our lips pressed together. Both of us work so they never separate. I grab the back of his head and deepen the kiss. 
We pull away. Look at each other and kiss again. He backs me into the wall, making me moan in his mouth. His tongue brushing bottom lip, asking for entrance and I let him. He grabs my ass and glides his hands to my thighs. He lifts me and presses himself against me. We moan into each other. The taste of rum and tobacco in his mouth. He smells of warm sandalwood.
He puts me back on the ground and pulls an inch away from me.
“You want to go to my place?” I ask.
Jake bolted to the coatroom to get our jackets and I found Y/F/N.
“Is it okay if you take a cab home?” I ask her.
“Why?” She questions, but then starts grinning when she sees Jake appear next to me. “Yeah, you two kids get out of here, I’ll be fine.”
“Could give you a ride home,” Sam tells Y/F/N.
“Thanks, dear!” She kisses Sam on the cheek and he blushes.
11:30 p.m. My place.
Jake and I run to the bedroom. He’s discarding his clothes on the way there. His jacket, then his shirt. He waits for me to take his pants off and he lifts my dress up and works on my panties.
He throws me on the bed and takes a moment to look at my naked figure in the low light before he crawls up to me and kisses me and pawed at me. I lay there and grope his naked body as he sucks on my neck, leaving a trail of hickey’s, making his way to my breasts.
I yelped as he touched my center and slid his fingers through my wetness and I wrapped my hand around his member and stroked him, resulting in both of us moaning and throwing our heads back.
This is an unforgettable night.
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