#i love when vets have their full ''why the FUCK'' face on
pacific-coast-hockey · 8 months
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he's hot but i'm not sure we're ready for that conversation
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robbinghisdick · 8 days
"Good afternoon, baby boy!" Wade cheerily greets, swinging himself over the back of the couch and dropping himself hard into Logan's lap. The older man grunts slightly, but doesn't push Wade off as the man pulls up his mask just enough to plant an exaggerated kiss on his cheek. "Where have you been all day?"
Now that he had gotten a good look at Logan's face... something was off.
Logan was quiet for a moment, considering. "Well, you know how I've been feeling sick lately?" He asked. Pain was nothing new for him. The weight of his bones and poison from the adamantium made sure to keep his body in some level of pain. One thing his healing factor prevented was illness. If he managed to get sick, he didn't stay sick for very long.
"Yeah and I said, "you should get that checked out" and you grumbled and whined like a dog being taken to the vet?"
Logan rolled his eyes and continued, "Well, turns out I'm pregnant."
It was one of those rare times Wade was rendered silent. The mask also made it annoyingly impossible to get a good read on his face.
Wade, meanwhile, was trying to gauge whether or not this was a good thing. Logan didn't seem particularly happy.
"How the fuck did we manage that?" Wade asked. "I mean, it's not like my cancer ridden body makes healthy little swimmers and you said the adamantium poisoning rendered you infertile."
"According to the doc, unless I literally don't have a uterus, there's always a freak chance," Logan sighed, leaning heavily back into the couch and running his hands over his face. "It doesn't matter either way. We can't have a baby."
Logan waited to see if Wade would agree or disagree with him. He found himself half tempted to rip the mask off so he could get a better read on him.
Who's to say the baby would even make it to term, and what then if it did? Have two dads who's lives were marked by death and tragedy? Two guys with a list of enemies a mile long and would target a kid without thinking twice? Their lives were messy and dangerous, they couldn't bring a kid into that.
There were a million reasons why they shouldn't bring a baby into the world, but that was all too much weight for Wade. "I mean, you're right, but like, what if it develops the wolverine claws in the womb and bursts out of your stomach alien-style? That'd be kinda cool."
Logan's nose crinkled in disgust, nearly shuddering at that mental image. "That's horrific, thanks."
Wade just grinned, cupping Logan's face with both hands and kissing him.
"But seriously, whatever you think is best."
Later that night, Logan stared up at the ceiling fan, the blade whirling at full blast because Wade insisted on snuggling despite how hot both of them ran. He was splayed out like the world's most clingy starfish, head on Logan's chest. It was clear he was still awake too as one of his fingers idly tracing over Logan's arm. This quiet, domestic routine had become the norm.
When Logan thought about it, they were truly in a better place than they had ever been before. Logan had a home and family. The mansion was a home, but this one was his. One he chose to share with Wade. He had friends who loved him, a partner that stuck with him no matter how grumpy he got. Hell, he wasn't even drinking or smoking as much as he used to.
There were still battles and hardships, but never before had there been such a strong sense of support and community.
Logan was... happy.
"I..." he trailed off, unsure. "I think I actually want to have the baby." He couldn't particularly explain it. For years he fought against being put in a fatherly role when it came to all the young mutants he had met and looked after. Somehow, though, the thought of going on that journey of parenthood with Wade actually seemed kind of exciting. He loved that man more than he'd ever be able to put into words.
Wade sat up so fast it made Logan flinch.
"Oh thank FUCK!" He exclaimed, reaching over and turning on the bedside lamp while he straddled Logan's lap. His eyes pratically sparkled as he looked down at Logan. "Seriously?"
"Yeah," Logan stared back up, surprised. "Wait, you wanted to keep the baby?"
"Of COURSE I want to have a little baby wolverine with you!" Wade waved his hands as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "Like, yeah I think we're probably not the best parent material in the world and Jesus the CHRIST is it terrifying, but I wanna be dad."
"Why the fuck did you not say anything earlier?!"
"I'm not the one carrying it!" Wade shot back. "Besides, I never thought I'd have kids anyways, so not exactly a deal breaker, sweetheart." He patted Logan on the cheek. "Also, you know how many orphaned and abandoned mutants we run into? We always had a chance. If only Laura were younger, coulda started there."
Laura was an adult by the time Wade came into Logan's as a romantic partner. She was still young, but not a kid that needed parents to look after her.
"So... we're gonna have a baby?" Wade asked, a grin on his face.
"We're gonna have a baby."
Wade surged forward to kiss Logan, enthusiasm rubbing off on him as he smiled against Wade's lips. His face was peppered with more kisses and whispered "God I love you so much."
When Wade calmed down a fraction, Logan had to bring him down a bit more. "I'm only a few months along, we don't know if the baby will even make it," he reminded him. So many things could go wrong it was terrifying.
"Nope! This little guy--gender neutral--is a little fighter!" Wade insisted, hand splaying over Logan's stomach. They're gonna make it and be beautiful, and then we get to name them something cool!"
Logan scoffed but couldn't keep the smile off his face. "We're not naming the baby after any of your cartoons."
"You are absolutely no fun," Wade pouted. "I'll sneak something by ya."
Logan just pulled Wade down into another kiss to shut him up.
((They name her Allura, from Voltron lmao.
Writing this has made me incredibly sad for reasons I'll say if asked, but decided not to say so y'all don't just get randomly sucker punched.
This is NOT movieverse, exactly, but just a vague timeline. Movieverse poolverine end up with the kid tho. Which you can read here.
ALSO YES I KNOW THIS IS THE 3RD BABY AU ON THIS ACCOUNT. I have problem. I don't even want kids 😭))
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shotokimchi · 2 years
When Their S/O Is a Seggs God
How would they react if their cute lover was like a succubus in bed LMAO Going through some hard stuff so wanted to drop this here to laugh a little JSDFHSDK-
A/N:Sorry for being inactive y'all i swear I'm not ignoring the requests, just preparing for an important exam this year, but I'll be back around Julyyyy
Little side note: Characters are aged up so don't come at me smh
part2 w/Dabi and Midoriya
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So we all know that this man doesn't sleep around randomly. My guy dates the "one" for him he's planning to marry you so if you aren't planning about settling down...
Too bad for you missy (Lemme see your ring finger bitch you gonna get wifed up💍)
After taking you out to meet his parents, this chili oil literally falls in love with you (i mean he already did but when he saw how you treated his momma and papa- boy was CHOKING ON HIS HEART❤️) so he decides to take your relationship to the next level.
Needs and excuse to leave early so literally tells his parents that he has a bad case of diarrhea ( Do ya'll know that video LMAO) and drags you out to his car
Lemme tell you he ran over at least 5 red lights just to have sex with you-
And you are just confused about why he's suddenly acting like a rabid dog i mean he's always acting like one but this time-
"Suki, why is your mouth foaming?"
On the way to your apartment, you had an inner conflict about actually taking him to a vet, you aint planning on telling him that tho.
After finally throwing you onto the shared bed like a sack of flour mf flies for a second in the air like a bloodthirsty mosquito- (the only difference is he's thirsty for the ✨All-mighty pussy juice✨)
Dw tho man asks for your consent because he loves you a lot and doesn't want your first time to be scary and all-
Wait did i say first time?
YES MF THINKS YOU'RE A VIRGIN- but guess what he's about to find out...
Before he can start kissing you, you push him onto his back and rip off his pants and leave a small peck on his lips before riding him like you are in a horse race- Good news gurl you are about to win, no one can compare
Poor man is speechless bc you are literally singing on his dick like you are the headliner in a choir...
And while you are singing you are rhythmically bouncing too LMAO
He aint scared no he just swallowed his tongue by accident- cuz you know...
He decides to grab your hips to slow you down a little bc you are causing an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.9
but instead of slowing you down now you are making him jump on the bed with you too LMAOAOAOAOAO- imagine someone breaking in and seeing two floating figures on the bed
He's like "SLOW DOWN Y/N-"
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But nuh uh you are too caught up in your own horny world so you continue to milk him (Fr tho calm down queen aren't those legs tired?🦵)
After cumming for the 5th time he tapped out LMAO-
You gave him a concussion bc of making him bounce for too long KSJFHJSDKFGSDKJHSD- POOR KATSUKI
He was laying there, unconscious with drool dripping down his mouth and it took you three full minutes to realise that he passed out (OMG I'm gone-)
Fly high Katsuki Bakugo 🕊️🕊️
Dw tho you made sure to pamper him the morning after, bringing him a breakfast tray filled with pancakes and a cup of coffee. A cute innocent smile plastered on your face
"Morning, baby!"
Needless to say, he was shocked ( pretty sure he thinks it was the hottest night ever but doesn't wanna hurt his own pride by telling you that)
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So both of you are lovebirds obv because Todoroki would be the most caring boyfriend ever (i'll fight you about this one 🥊🥊🥊) so its impossible not to be in love with him
So pretty baby thinks it's going to be all about kisses, vanilla, sweet loving, him showing how much he cares about you etc.
Todoroki being a virgin is such a turn on he trusts you enough to give his first time to you (aw❤️🤍)
...but you didnt know that he was a virgin
I mean come on look at him how can he be a virgin while looking THAT PRETTY
So one time, while you guys were chilling on the couch watching Titanic and snacking on some strawberries together he decides to make the first move and gently holds your hand while whispering sweet things to your ear and then you hear the magical word (open sesame zimzalabim this coochie 🔮)
"Y/n, I wanna do it."
BIG MISTAKE SHOTO VERY BIG- So being the horny queen you are the wicked horny grin makes its way to your lips and baby is concerned Before he can say anything you immediately grab a strawberry and stuff it into his mouth and quickly try to get him off of his sweatpants
Then you work your magic on him by giving him the best and first head of his life ✨ and trust me he is enjoying it very much
Mmmm yes that famous glock glock 60000 GOBBLE UP BABES don't let em Santa Claus looking pubic hair get into your nose tho🎅
Pretty moans were filling the living room while his fingers lock with yours
But the baby was too lost in his own pleasure so he accidentally bit the strawberry and took it out of his mouth
But you noticed so you grabbed a new one and harshly shoved it into his mouth
"Dont. swallow. the. strawberry."
Babies eyes went wide
he %100 looked like this-
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So now he was drowning in his own pool of saliva trying not to bite into the strawberry while his eyes were rolling at the back of his head (bc of your amazing tongue skills)
Spot the difference between your mouth and a vacuum cleaner
When i tell you, you were sucking him DRY
like the next Todoroki generation got to the point of extinction
at this point he was trying to pry you off of his dick bc the overstimulation was TOO much lolol
Poor baby accidentally covered the couch with small burns
when you lifted your head to check up on him you were met with a sobbing Shoto
Literally thought of bringing him an oxygen tank but decided against it bc he calmed down after receiving your loving kisses You layed his head on your chest while combing through his locks with your fingers, you made sure to give him a great aftercare
"Are first times are this rough?"
You choked on Casper the ghosts dick
"WHAT-" Literally mourned for two hours bc of treating him so roughly LMAO
A/N: I'm done- sorry for the typos if i have any, i was too lazy to edit :p
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imperator-titus · 3 months
Some personal Astarion headcanons because I'm bored.
Some are rooted in my experience as a player or digging in the files, some might be from other player discussions, and others are purely made up. I don't take any of it seriously
Astarion is not ORIGINALLY from Baldur's Gate. Where is he from? idk. I don't know that much about Forgotten Realms/DnD. But I think Cazador is too smart and paranoid to not vet his potential spawn, if they were Baldurian they'd have to be "forgettable" and it seems unlikely anyone in the Gate is forgetting Astarion. I think it was smart for them to nix the Noble background for Astarion because of this, although he could be a noble from somewhere outside of the Sword Coast.
That being said, Cazador compelled Astarion to forget everything about himself from before he was a spawn, so to spawn Astarion, he IS Baldurian and after 200+ years, he blends right in.
Astarion came to the Gate as a fresh-faced adventurer rogue, which explains... being a rogue. Why? I don't have a real why, I've considered everything from "rebelling/getting away from his family" to "for fun, maybe his family is full of retired adventurers"
"I was a magistrate" was one of many stories to lure victims. Even if he was for even a brief time, I don't think he'd remember that. also possible Cazador told him that.
Astarion may not have been the only one luring people back with sex but I think he learned it was the most effective way. When you're getting tortured for failure, it doesn't matter if success turns your stomach.
Cazador carefully seduced Astarion, but not with the promise of eternal life. His resemblance to Vellioth caught Cazador's attention. Cazador lured him with promises of patronage or just good ole "rich powerful man wants me?" energy. Cazador attacked Astarion himself and sold him a lie that Gur (easy to blame, as they are widely disliked and considered barbaric) attacked him.
The graveyard Astarion was buried in is small and has a mix of noble mausoleums and paupers' graves. Likely Cazador had enough sway and money, through a intermediary ("oh, the poor boy, Lord Cazador hired him for tasks and he did so well, what a tragedy"), to get Astarion an expedited burial with no questions (seeing as anyone with eyes can see he's got 2 big bite marks in his neck). Astarion says he's never been there since he came out the first time, but I believe Cazador has put him back in there on occasion as punishment (along with putting him in a proper tomb, possibly borrowed from the Hhunes), he just represses it. That's why Cazador keeps the plot and headstone, to torture him, but it remains overgrown.
Astarion's original hair color is silver, but it was a bit more lustrous, and his skin was already fairly pale but now it doesn't have the glow of life/blood (and they should have picked a paler skin tone, but it is what it is). I know that this would probably make him a Moon Elf, who commonly have blue or green eyes, and while I love me some vibrant blue or green eyes... I am a "golden brown" fan, sorry. They looked dark while in the shade and turn golden when hit by the light. I really enjoy the brown hair/brown eyes fanart and edits though, good job everyone
They say vampires feel only hunger. They are paranoid, loveless, and cruel. They believe they are superior to all living creatures, even the spawn. In a fucked up weird way, Cazador really did love Astarion and his spawn (but especially Astarion) and believe they were like family. The Szarrs were a vampiric family in blood and... well, more blood. Cazador took out his hate and twisted love for his master Vellioth on Astarion. Cazador hated that Astarion constantly wriggled out of his grasp, testing him. Sometimes Astarion would play along just to get Cazador to cool off, but Cazador would find out it was a lie and punish him harder for "breaking his heart."
Astarion is THE MOST self-interested person in the party and it's perfect that he is. He is paranoid, hungry, cruel, and superior. He needs to get back as SOON as possible to Baldur's Gate because Cazador will probably scalp him and hammer bamboo shoots under his fingernails for disappearing. Then he realizes that he could feasibly BEAT Cazador and the sooner it happens, the better. Stop helping orphans, I need to get home, tick-tock! He also has no foresight, even though that would be a GREAT trait for a fucking ROGUE. He wants you to stop helping and saving people even though they will help you in the future because he projects his own personality on others: they're selfish and won't do shit for you.
I could probably go on forever but I've forgotten some things at this point. I'm supposed to be doing math right now.
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nikethestatue · 7 months
A Match Baked In Heaven
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Chapter IV
Strange Times
Warning: Explicit
The plan was solid: Piglet was going to eat some flowers (they didn’t taste bad, just weird, like cucumbers, and Piglet hated cucumbers!), then get a mild tummy ache, get his Elain all nervous and then guilt her into giving him chicken and rice. Once he was full of chicken and rice, he was going to be let out of his enclosure, having lulled his unsuspecting humans into a false sense of calmness and security. Then he was going to jump on the tree, topple it, and finally destroy all the shiny balls. He was sure he was going to get in trouble. But did he care? Nope. It would be worth it. 
What his plans did not include was a trip to the vet in the middle of the night. 
Or an angry dad, who was super mad at him, as he strapped him into his new dog seat in the car.
“Don’t think I don’t know that you are faking,” Azriel hissed. “You think I can’t spot a faker when I see one? I’ve played Neymar! That silly fucker dives like he is gunning for an Oscar. You are not far behind. There is not going to be any chicken and rice for you. No meatloaf,”
At that, Piglet expelled a horrified squeal.
“Yeah, too late to be moaning now,” Azriel rounded the car and got into the driver seat. “You done a fuck up, lad. Also, I don’t know how much this little excursion is gonna cost me, but it’s all coming out of your IG sponsorships and allowance. No more Fuji water. You gonna drink tap.”
But, let’s rewind. 
“But where are we going?” Elain wondered, as Azriel’s heavy palm squeezed the back of her neck and he gently guided her down the spacious hallway.
There was an open den, where the walls and shelves were covered with trophies, trainers, kits, medals and lots of Arsenal gear. 
“My little spot of pride and gloating,” Azriel joked.
“Nice,” she shook her head, but she was also proud. And therefore, she turned her head to him and said, “and I happen to think that you are brilliant.”
“Aww, baby,” he smiled. “Are you going soft on me?”
She blushed but didn’t answer, only asking, “so?”
“I want you to hear a song that I love. I think that it’s about us,” he told her, a bit bashfully, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“A song?” That was unexpected. Elain knew that Azriel was musically inclined–he always hummed something to himself, there was music playing in some manner whenever he was at her house, he made up songs for Piglet, and sang in the shower–she had to admit that he did it well and had a husky, gravelly voice, which had a lovely sexual quality to it.
“Maybe we can dance to it as well,” he proposed quietly.
“Oh, a slow song then?”
“Pretty slow, yeah,” he nodded, and opened the door. To his bedroom.
Elain swallowed, but put on a brave face and entered, though her hands were balled into little fists and he smiled to himself. 
It was a huge space–completely unlike her own bedroom, which was lage, but also cosy and personal. This was right out of a modern hotel catalogue–vast, comfortable, but without an identity.
“Yeah, I know. It needs a woman’s touch,” he chuckled, as she looked around the space. At least it had gorgeous views. 
“None of your lady friends stuck around to redecorate a little?” she asked, her tone a bit tart, as she stared at the oversized luxurious bed. 
“Oh, is my matchy a little bit jealous?” he teased, spinning her around carefully, until she was facing him, her expression sour.
“Not. At. All.”
“Hmmm, you sure pretty girl?”
“Why would I even care?”
He shrugged and then threw himself across the bed, while propping his head and watching her. 
“I’d care!” he argued. “For example, I care about your Lord Eris. I don’t like him very much at all. Not at all. In fact, I think he is a bit of a cunt.”
“Azriel!” she gasped, whirling to him.
He shrugged. 
“What? I am jealous. I am jealous that he got there first. I am jealous that you loved him…kind of,”
“Kind of,” she murmured to herself. 
“I am jealous of all the time he’s had with you that I didn’t,” he continued. 
“You’ve spent all the time with me since you’ve met me,” she reminded him.
“Still ain’t enough. Still doesn’t change the fact that I can’t stand the cunt,” he said roughly.
She bubbled her lips and shrugged, “well, doesn’t matter. You don’t need to worry. I’ve not heard from him in weeks and he didn’t even wish me a happy birthday. I think we can conclusively say that it’s over.”
Azriel smiled, his smile a little too knowing, and then declared, “Fucking brilliant. I am more than happy to hear that.”
“Meanwhile,” she bristled at him, “what about your girlfriends? Mr. Orgy.”
“Ehhh,” Azriel waved his hand dismissively. “My orgy days are long behind me. Don’t have girlfriends. Well…one. She is standing in front of me now. And don’t worry, no one’s been in this bed except for the lonesome me.”
She stared at him so hard, he thought smoke was going to pour out of her ears. 
“I ain’t lying, beautiful,” he raised his hands in futile defence. “Okay, maybe a little,”
“I think Cass slept here after shoulder surgery, when I played his handsome nurse,” he recalled, smirking.
At that, Elain’s expression softened and she cooed, “You nursed him?”
“Someone had to. He was as dramatic as Pinky when you break his treat into halves.”
“That’s very dramatic,” she agreed solemnly. 
After a pause, where they looked at each other, Azriel pulled out his phone and Elain asked, “What about this song you wanted me to hear?”
He searched and quickly found what he was looking for. A slow, mellow melody came from the speakers. Then, a woman’s voice sang:
It’s gonna take a bit of work
Oh work
Now that you are here, 
Oh work
Because people come and go
But I think you should know
That I, I think this will work
It’s gonna take a little time
But with you by my side
I won’t let go, till I got what’s mine
Because people come and go,
But you should know,
That I, I’m taking it slow
There was something haunting about the simple rhythm and when Azriel got up from the bed and slowly approached Elain, wrapping his strong arm around her waist and pulling her closer, she succumbed to the flow of the song immediately. Azriel’s scarred palm squeezed her own and he placed it against his chest, as they swayed steadily to the song.
This was their song. Nothing about them and their relationship was quick, and everything took work. Nothing was quick, other than Azriel Night falling in love with Elain Archeron. Because that took no time at all.
When Azriel kissed her at last, he was so slow. So indulgently slow, as his body moved languidly and gracefully against hers, sweeping the two of them in a gradual circle around the room. Elain closed her eyes, giving herself over to the music, but also wholly to him. His lips were hot on her mouth, the kiss lingering there for a while, moving with assured intention. He pulled her closer to him, her breasts smashing against his chest, as she melted in his embrace, her arms circling his neck instinctually, while he made her back arc in his big hands, as he leaned against her. From the small of her back, his warm hands travelled up, and he squeezed her waist and then appreciatively ran his palms over her sides, up and then down, until he splayed his fingers over her bottom and gave each cheek a generous squeeze. 
“Oh,” she gasped into his mouth, but he only cupped her ass in his palm and pressed deeper into her soft flesh. 
If there was a true ‘ass man’ then Azriel Night was the definition of one.
Their kiss was unhurried, but it felt otherworldly in its dreamy hotness. It was like with every kiss, another barrier was broken. Azriel chipped and carved at her defences with lustful, unyielding determination, and Elain clung to him with needy desperation which might not have been attractive with anyone else, but with her, it only ignited the spark of blind, all-encompassing love within him. As he moulded his mouth impossibly closer to her lips, breathing and drinking in her oxygen, he thought for a moment that if they’d cut him right now, he’d bleed Elain. That’s how deeply she was ingrained in his very soul.
Elain stroked his neck with her hot little hands, her nails lightly raking over his skin, pressing into his collarbones and then gripping his broad shoulders. 
When the song ended, it switched to the sexy intro of ‘Beast of Burden’, the riff of Keith Richards’s  guitar completely unmistakable. And Elain loved it. Moving her hips within the circle of Azriel’s hands, she gyrated to the tempo, her head buzzing from the champagne and for the delicious taste of Azriel’s lips. She wasn’t sure what she was doing exactly, but she pulled on his black hoodie’s zipper and bared his sculpted, incredible torso with flourish. 
Azriel tore away from her mouth only to kiss down her jaw before sinking his teeth into her neck. Elain figured that he needed to ‘refresh’ his nearly-permanent hickey that he sucked into her skin. 
“I have to feel you,” he growled into her neck.
“What?” she breathed, half-drunk from their kiss.
He pushed her back towards the bed and all but collapsed on his knees in front of her, his hands on her thighs, rubbing them slowly up and down. 
“Let me give you another present for your birthday,” he pleaded, his voice urgent. 
“What present?” she breathed, though Azriel’s rough, large hands slipping under her knit dress and resting on the bare skin of her thighs, while he fingered the clasps of her garter, which held her knit stockings, told her enough of what he desired. He groaned, as he caressed her fleshy thighs, his palms slipping between them, parting her legs slightly. Elain acquiescent, allowing him to touch her in a manner in which he’d never dared to before. 
“Fingers or tongue?” he asked, his voice rough. Before she could answer, he dragged her dress high up, baring her legs, her stockings, and finally her thighs. Elain’s chest was rising and falling erratically, her breathing heavy and rapid, especially when Azriel rubbed his knuckle over her flowery panties. He shrugged off the hoodie completely, tossing it on the floor and Elain was faced with his absolutely incredible body. Unable to stop herself, she reached to touch the stacked cobbles of his abdomen, carved with an almost obscene precision beneath his bronze skin. The sculpted shoulders and his big, muscular arms flexed and gleamed in the sexy buttery light of the bedroom, thick, black swirls of his tattoos spilling from his shoulders down to his arms and over his pecs. She couldn’t resist tangling her fingertips in the dusting of soft dark hair beneath his navel–and he was right when he teased her about it. Even back then, she couldn’t tear her eyes away from it. Or from his ridiculously defined Adonis Belt which lewdly pointed straight down towards his cock. It was inescapable.
He didn’t wait for her final decision, and instead, gripped the side of her panties. Before she could even squeak, he ripped the underwear at the seam and crumpled it in his fist, before stuffing them in his back pocket. 
Pressing his forehead to hers, he smiled at her with encouragement and then thrust two thick, long fingers straight into her tight, tender hole. All at once. Rough. The noise that Elain made was something like a pathetic, shocked rasp, while her pussy responded to the invasion with an erotic, almost profane squelch, sucking his fingers deeper. 
Elain’s head lolled back and she fell on the bed, shuddering visibly, her thighs tense, while Azriel settled between her legs, opening them up brazenly and exposing her soft, wet, pink slit. Elain’s moan was loud, explicit and it was obvious that she relinquished all control of the situation, opening her legs further, even without him prompting her to. Azriel smiled and kissed her knee, soothingly stroking her with his free hand between her legs. His eyes were literally glued to her pussy and he was physically incapable of looking anywhere else. It was the prettiest, most perfect pussy he’d ever seen–and he’d seen many. It could be that he was completely pussy blinded right now, and seeing Elain’s for the first time was almost a religious experience. 
She felt tight and soft against his fingers, enveloping his hand greedily, like she’s been hungry for him, or maybe for someone to pay attention to her.
Elain felt so incredibly full with only his fingers inside, and yet, the beautiful torture of having him in her was worth the discomfort. He moved slowly, but firmly, exploring, stretching, spreading her with appalling, delectable vulgarity. God she loved it. Fucking loved it. That hand was brazen and strong, and when the tips of his fingers found her sensitive her front inner wall was, she bowed on the bed, digging her fingers into the plush duvet. 
“Keep like this,” he ordered, “so I can finger you like you need.”
How he knew what she needed, Elain had no idea, but she obeyed him, legs falling open, her pussy fully exposed, as he pressed on her inner thigh with considerable force, keeping her in place. His other hand began to move rhythmically, with deft, knowing movements inside her hole, and she bit her lip so hard, she tasted blood. The intensity of the movements was almost painful, as he took from her with glutinous need, but she couldn't even keep her eyes open from the savage pleasure that she was now experiencing.
Azriel’s voice, hypnotic and breathy with lust, whispered, “is this good, beautiful? Getting what you need?” and then he leaned over her and kissed her deeply and filthily. His fingers never paused or changed their perfect rhythm and Elain clutched the rock-hard muscles of his shoulders, raking her nails down his arm.
She couldn’t explain what he was doing, but he hadn’t even touched her clit, and yet she was arching and shaking like she was being exorcised. But his fingers…god, his fingers. He was so horribly ruthless too–pushing a third finger into her, burrowing deeper and deeper, while whispering, “you are going to be a good girl for me and take it all in your sweet, tight pussy for me?”
She made some inhuman noise and Azriel laughed darkly. The prodded further, stretching and pumping her hard and oh-so beautifully, half of his heavy body covering hers, as he watched her reactions and listened to her loud moans. When she didn’t answer, he murmured ‘yeah you are, gorgeous” and even if Elain rebelled internally for being so predictable and so easily broken, she couldn’t argue, and succumbed to his demanding hand that filled her so completely. Azriel kissed her, slow and tender, his lips in complete contrast with his hand. 
“Can you take one more, sweetheart?” he asked, voice husky, eyes dark, perspiration covering his chiselled chest. Elain grabbed at him just when he pulled his three fingers out and the emptiness had her gushing with her sweet nectar. He breathed heavily, inhaling the scent of sex and her essence, and then leisurely licked his fingers until dry. Elain was panting, watching him half-lidded, desperately needing him back inside of her, So she didn’t ask, but took his hand and brought it back to her plump, bare mound which leaked like an overripe fruit. 
“I want more,” she told him simply, biting her lower lip.
He kissed her brow and nodded,
“I know, sweetheart. Here’s more.”
And he plunged four fingers inside of her with one firm thrust.
“Elain,” he groaned, his own eyes closing, as he felt around inside of her. “You are so fucking tight, baby. I can’t wait for fuck you for real. My cock is gonna go nuts!”
He slowly pulled his fingers back, almost all the way out, but the soft walls of her pussy squeezed him and dragged him back in, before he pressed his thumb into her clit.
“Oh fuck,” she moaned.
Elain felt like she was being torn apart by his savage hand, but the pain was so glorious, and the way it mixed with pleasure only had her opening further for him. She was no longer concerned with any propriety, all her modesty having flown out the window a long time ago. Here she was, turned inside out, groaning and panting, holding most of Azriel’s huge hand inside her pussy and loving every second of it. 
Yeah, this was a gift that kept on giving. And how grateful she was that Azriel decided on giving her another present today. 
His pace was merciless, four fingers inside, pushing and rubbing at her tender inner walls, two fingers curled and massaging that wondrous spot inside of her, while his thumb worked her clit roughly and unforgivingly. 
“Bite me, Ellie,” he offered and Elain didn’t know that that’s what she needed. But when she latched onto his neck and bit him hard, feeling the throb of his blood beneath her tongue, she realised that it was perfect–the taste of his skin, the scent of his body, musky, lightly spiced with cedar, the strength of him–all beneath her tongue.
“That’s good,” he approved, moaning softly with his own pleasure. “Do you want to come for me, sweetness?”
Did she want to?
Yes, the smouldering heat of her body, the spasming muscles of her pussy, the gorgeous pressure on her clit all told her that she was about to explode like never before. But part of her yearned for this to continue for as long as possible. And Azriel was patient. So patient with her, even though he was basically fisting her at this point. She never knew that she’d be able to stretch like that, to accommodate almost all of his hand up to the wrist, where only his thumb remained firmly pressed to her clit. God. It was positively crazy. It hurt and it ached and it was blissful and intense and the sounds that her body emitted–all the slurping, squelching, groaning, moaning–would’ve been completely indecent in any other situation. But today, Elain didn’t care. She guessed that Azriel was the type of man who liked his woman undone. Feral. Unbound. Uninhibited. 
“Azriel, Azriel,” she screamed out, jerking upright, unable to stop, or keep from thrashing against him.
“Say my name, Ellie. Let it all out.”
Fuck, did she ever. An orgasm to end all orgasms. Azriel’s unique gift, his personally crafted orgasm that only he could’ve given to her. Only he had the skill and the unflinching ruthlessness to do this so well. 
Elain came and came, her hole sucking him in almost fully, her voice hoarse from screaming. She probably looked possessed, but she didn’t care. And Azriel was probably going to be evicted, but it would be worth it. It was so brilliant–waves of pure ecstasy crushing all over her body, every muscle inside of her alive with pleasure and tension. 
And then she blacked out.
Legitimately blacked out. 
…Azriel was chuckling.
Elain was being jostled about, something around her getting tugged and pulled. 
When she opened her eyes, while moaning, she saw his smiling face hovering above her.
“What...what happened?” she mumbled, disoriented.
At least the jostling began making sense–Azriel was pulling off her dress over her head. 
Yes, she was still wearing her dress. 
“I might have semi-murdered you with some light fisting,” he said innocently.
“Light?!!?” Elain screeched, a nice, but definitely acute soreness radiating from between her thighs. “You call this light?!”
He was laughing, while he manoeuvred her out of the dress, folded it nicely and left her only in her bra and the stockings, which had descended all the way down to her knees. 
Then, Elain watched him get up from the bed and unbutton his trousers, pulling the belt out of its loops in one crazy, half a second move. She stared, open-mouthed, while he tugged the trousers down and she tensed.
“Sweetheart,” he chuckled. “You pussy ain’t ready for my dick tonight,” he assured her. “I’ve given it a nice gentle pounding,”
“It was not gentle!” she protested.
He stepped out of his pants, got rid of his socks, and stood there, in all of his almost-naked glory. 
That body.
It was almost unfair how stunning his form was–so long and so firm, every tendon and muscle on display, gorgeous lean sinew wrapping around his muscular thighs and the robust shoulders.
“Didn’t I tell you before that I was rough?” he reminded her, crossing his arms on his chest and looking down at her sprawling in his bed.
Elain fucking Archeron, in his bed. 
It was incredible.
Her pussy bare and wet, because of him. Her body, naked and glorious, for him. Her fucked up hair, her smudged mascara, which made her look extra sexy and wanton. The way she looked so cosy and comfortable on his sheets. 
He couldn’t comprehend it. That after all this time, months of courting and cajoling, or slow, baby steps, they were finally here. Elain naked. Happy. Satisfied. Actually passed out from the orgasm that he gave her. 
If he’d known then that he should’ve cherished that moment even more he would’ve. But he didn’t. So he just enjoyed watching his girl in his bed.
Her cheeks turned pink under his scrutiny and he tracked her eyes staring at his raging boner beneath his black boxers. 
“It’s out of your hair tonight, sweetness,” he assured her, palming his cock for emphasis.
“You don’t want me to…” she swallowed nervously and he chuckled.
“Choke on this dick?” he clarified.
She reddened ever more and he thought that it was completely adorable.
“Well, yes,” she nodded.
“Not tonight. It’s your birthday, after all.”
Elain looked down, at her bare stomach, her bare pussy, the swollen, glistening folds, remembering how just a few minutes ago he had his hand in her and squirmed, feeling embarrassed.
“May I have something to wear?” she whispered. 
Azriel landed on the bed next to her and brought her face closer to his, before kissing her lips.
“Baby, you ain’t got nothing I haven’t already seen,” he reminded her, his smirk salacious.
“Well…ummm…still,” she tried, her little toes curling, as she tucked her legs to her belly.
“But I like you naked, in my bed,” Azriel wrapped his arm around her and drew his thumb over her skin which pebbled with gooseflesh.
Elain threw her arm over his stomach and snuggled to him.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“What for?” he asked curiously.
“The best birthday ever.”
He smiled,
“Better than Annabel’s?”
“Yeah. Better than that.”
Elain didn’t know that this was the happiest birthday. She didn’t know that she needed to cherish the moments with this man whom she loved. She didn’t know how things would change.
When Elain woke up, she was disoriented. 
She knew where she was–at Azriel’s, because she wasn’t that far gone–but she had no idea what time it was. She was still nearly naked, her pussy lips splayed over Azriel’s thick thigh. She’d drooled all over his bicep–very sexy–but he didn’t mind, and kept her bundled up next to him like she was his plushy toy. Outside was dark, with night lights twinkling all around. She carefully extricated herself from Azriel’s heavy embrace and slipped from the bed. She tiptoed to the bathroom, closed the door and turned on the lights. The bathroom was as opulent as expected–enormous everything, shower so big, you could wash a car in there, a long sink that resembled a trough, a gorgeous bath tub, and even a sauna tucked in the corner. Elain looked at herself in the mirror. Yeah, she looked a proper state. Naked. Her hair a terrific mess, as were the remnants of her makeup. She washed her face, scrubbing at her eyes, then saw Azriel’s hair brush and with no alternatives, combed her hair, before breaking the handle of the brush on a mega tangle. Well, that was just wonderful!
There were bruises on her thighs, and she was sure that it was from the grip of Azriel’s fingers. Her pussy lips were swollen and overly pink. It was obscene and sexy and she didn’t mind the sight of it. Of course she snooped behind one of the mirror panels, finding nothing incriminating, other than an alarming number of face and hair products. Well, that was a surprise. Mr. Night had a skincare routine apparently. There were nice French creams, some very expensive, some cheaper: moisturisers, retinol, anti-wrinkle. Serums, oils, argan and olive oil extracts, Japanese and Korean hair care products, fancy tubes of lip balms from Sweden. 
“Well, don’t mind if I do,” she muttered to herself, as she lined the products on the counter and began sniffing and trying them out.
She was so into it, she didn’t even hear the door open and Azriel padding into the bathroom.
Before she could even begin to lie and weasel out of her predicament, Azriel dropped on his knees behind her and wrapped his arm around her thighs. He rubbed his stubbled cheek over her bare behind, before latching onto her ass cheek with his teeth. 
“Awww!” she cried out, but he only laughed, but also licked away the pain that his teeth caused.
“That’s for breaking my brush on your wild horse mane,” he told her.
“I do not have a horse mane!”
“Right. More like an unkempt lion’s mane.”
“It’s still my birthday!” she complained. “You have to be nice.”
“Oh yeah? How do you figure?” he asked, his hand caressing her hips, both of her bum cheeks before he nosed below and buried his face in her pussy.
“Ohmygod! Azriel,” she moaned, gripping the trough sink, when his tongue swept from one hole to the other. She’d never been licked like this. And when his tongue poked boldly at her butthole she thought she was going to pass out…again. To imagine that Eris or Graysen would do something like this to her was laughable. Eris barely ever did any oral, his sex drive never very high, so much so that he didn’t even ask for oral himself. 
Azriel, ever the biter, bit her puffy nether lips, bit her ass again, lazily licked over her hole, pushing his tongue inside, before scooting back on his hunches and sitting on the floor, crossing his long legs at the ankles.
“I can’t believe you are not just a snooper, but also a user,” he scolded her humorously, shaking his head like a disappointed parent.
“Why do you have all this?!” she demanded instead.
“Don’t change the subject, snoop!”
“I was simply trying out your weirdly huge collection of face products.” she huffed.
“Turn around,” he told her.
“Turn around,” he repeated. “I want to see your pussy.”
Elain blushed like crazy and he watched her squeeze her thighs tightly.
“I can’t,” she mumbled.
“I am not used to this….this familiarity…you are still,”
“If you say ‘a client’ you will make me angry, Elain,” he said sternly.
She bit her lip, not saying the word, but Azriel saw it on her face and sneered with annoyance, before getting up.
“No, don’t be mad,” she begged, grabbing his hand.
“Well, then don’t be daft,” he told her. “Decide what you want from me and for yourself,”
“I know what I want,” she argued.
“Are you sure?” he cocked his brow at her.
“You are being very cross,” she pouted.
“Then give me a reason not to be cross,” Azriel said instead. “Sometimes, I find you very frustrating, Elain.”
“I am sorry,” she whispered guiltily. 
“Why won’t you just let go and be mine?”
Before she could answer, they heard an audible moan.
Azriel rolled his eyes and groaned, “Oh fuck. Now what? What did he do?”
Because the moan was definitely Piglet’s. It was a touch dramatic, which made Azriel wonder what the hell was happening and whether the pug got to a bottle of whiskey or something as questionable as that. Wouldn't surprise him though. 
“Oh my!” Elain cried out, “it’s Piglet!! What happened to him?”
Before Azriel could even respond, she was running off, barefoot and naked, her perfect ass bouncing with every step. Azriel followed, because he knew that he had to see it for himself.
Piglet was in his enclosure, laying on his side, moaning. Flowers from Elain’s bouquet littered the floor around him. They’d left the vase on one of the side tables near where he ended up. Well, apparently, he was so starved for snacks that munched on a bunch of flowers and petals, tearing them off the stems. He only ate the heads and only specific flowers. 
“Piglet! What did you do?!” Elain wailed. “Oh my god. Is he going to die?!?!”
“Of course he is not going to die,” Azriel sighed. 
“How do you know?” she was almost in tears. “We need to go to the vet!”
At the word vet, Piglet immediately quieted down and the moaning ceased just like that.
“See, he is faking it,” Azriel nodded towards the dog. “He probably just wants chicken and rice or something,”
At those words, Piglet not only stopped moaning, but also raised his head, giving Elain a hopeful look and a little bark of encouragement. 
“You don’t know this!” she argued.
“I do. I know men and he is a man. He is faking it to get attention and to get the food that he wants. He wants his woman–you, in this case–to cook for him and feed him.”
“He ate half the bouquet!”
“Yeah, probably on purpose,” Azriel noted, to which Elain rolled her eyes. 
At first, things were going well and according to plan. Piglet gave a pretty good moaning performance and soon after he began, he watched his Elain run into the big room. He wasn’t sure why she was naked, but maybe she was drowning herself for fun, like humans tended to do. He trusted his Elain with his own drowning, but he wasn’t a big fan in general, though he enjoyed it when she soaped him up and scrubbed him with a brush. But the drowning…he didn’t like so much.
Then dad mentioned ‘chicken and rice’ Piglet whooped internally and gave himself a high four. But then the words ‘vet’ began spoiling his hopes. What the hell? He didn’t want to go to no vet! Defeated, Piglet watched dad get his phone and start doing something on it, while Elain picked him up and carried him around the room, rocking him like he was a baby.
“Baby, you know it’s Christmas Eve,” Azriel kept saying, as he dialled what felt like the fifteenth number for a vet clinic in and around Canary Wharf. No one was picking up–not surprising, because it was around 11 pm and most outgoing messages stated that the clinics would be closed for the Christmas holiday.
“Can’t we just give him a laxative? So he can shit flowers?”
“This is not a joke, Azriel!” she exclaimed, stroking Piglet’s head and kissing him.
It’s not that Azriel didn’t want to help Piglet–even though he was convinced that Piglet wasn’t as sick as he pretended to be–but Azriel wasn’t trying very hard, because he was currently entranced by the fact that his gorgeous Elain was walking around his home, circling the vast expanse of the flat basically completely nude. He sat back on the sofa, threw his legs on an ottoman and made calls, while watching Elain and her bare pink pussy. Just like that. He didn’t even have to ask for it. It still blew his mind and he knew it was going to take him some time to get to terms with what was happening in his life and that Elain was almost his…but he’d have to deal with that later.
“Yes, yes,” he was surprised when someone finally answered. Elain stilled and looked at him. “We have a pug who ate some flowers…no…not garden…from a bouquet. How old is he? He is two-ish. Oh…I don’t know. He is a big pug. Short legs though,” at that, Piglet offered him an unimpressed side eye. Amazing, how Piglet miraculously understood everything whenever he wanted to. “I don’t know…he is kind of chunky. I’d say 13 kilos? Just under 30 pounds…Well, like I said, he is a big pug. No…not fat. Just bigger than normal pugs.”
He is? Elain mouthed, looking at Piglet.
Azriel nodded. How did she not realise this before? Piglet was only slightly smaller than a Frenchie. He was the biggest pug Azriel’d ever seen, with short little legs. 
“Alright. Thanks mate. We’ll be right over. Yeah, yeah…we have money and insurance too.”
Piglet raced down the wide hallways and sitting rooms of the palace. 
He wasn’t exactly sure whether this was actually a palace, but this was the biggest house he’s ever been in. He came here a few times a year with his Elain and with Fey, and some of the times Aunt Nesta came along as well. Mostly, he loved it because it had a huge park around the building, and in the summer, there was a pool, where he could splash and where the sisters swam and played with all kinds of toys. Pool was different from the drownings that he was subjected to, and therefore, he loved the pool. And then, there were the meals! Oh, the wonderful meals, where he got chicken and steak, where he ate sweet potatoes, and rice, he ate ham and hard boiled eggs for breakfast, he drank the best water and had so many treats, he couldn’t even count them (okay, he didn’t know how to count). There were fruits and berries in unlimited amounts and pup cups whenever he wanted. Oftentimes, grandpa came as well, and Piglet spent most of his time with him–they went for walks, they played, Piglet could run with all the sticks, he could zoom as much as he wanted, and then grandpa gave him treats, or let him nap in his study. 
As he ran along, Piglet noticed a whole lot of big trees, with lights and shiny balls on them. In fact, the whole house was decorated with shiny things and he was contemplating how he was going to get to some of them.
He and dad came to an agreement earlier in the day.
While Elain was sorting out insurance information at the vet’s, Azriel told Piglet the following,
“Not only do I know that you were faking all of this, so you could get food and attention, I also saw how you’ve been looking at the Christmas tree.”
At that, Piglet made a show of looking indifferent and almost surprised.
But dad, unfortunately, was too smart.
“Here is how it’s gonna go,” Azriel continued, also making a show of watching Elain, because he was always watching her, instead of what he was actually doing, which was scolding Piglet. “You will leave Ellie’s tree alone. You are not going to jump on it, poop under it, or try to tear any of the ornaments off. By the way, they are glass, and it won’t be fun for you, if you do. It’s mum’s tree, she loves it and you will remember that.
“In exchange,” he continued casually, “I will ask the vet not to stick anything up your butt.”
Piglet swallowed audibly.
He hated the vet so much.
And he especially hated it when they put things…up there. Which they did, almost every time. Thinking backwards, he was now regretting the whole flower-eating plan. It was stupid and he shouldn’t have done it.
“The tree stays, and nothing goes up your ass,” Azriel concluded. “If you attack the tree, I’ll tell the vet that he is free to do whatever he wants.”
Piglet quickly barked in agreement. The tree could stay.
“Wise move,” dad approved. 
True to his word, Piglet didn’t get anything stuck up in his butt. They gave him a pill, he had some diarrhoea in the park and that was that.
Mid-day, they all got dressed up and piled into the car. 
Piglet had to wear a tuxedo today–his black dungarees, a white shirt and a bow tie. Dad looked very similarly to him–he wore a tuxedo as well. Today, they were like a real father and son duo, and Piglet liked that. His Elain was dressed so prettily, in a beautiful dress, and she couldn’t touch him, because the dress was so fancy.
There was tension in the car, which Piglet didn’t understand. They humans spoke, but their tones were clipped and there was something going on that he couldn’t quite put his paw on. So when they reached their destination, he was very happy to get out of the car and run to find grandpa, because he was tired of the drama.
That’s what the country seat of the Duke and Duchess of Velaris was called. Rosehall Manor.
Manor was an understatement of the century. It was an enormous estate, with over 10,000 acres of land around it, and a stately mansion with 140 rooms. Though technically it belonged to the current Duchess of Velaris, which was Nesta, the ownership documents stipulated that the house and the land belonged to all the female members of the family. The estate was shared equally between the three sisters, with all of their female cousins having access to it as well.
The family always celebrated Christmas with a formal Christmas Eve dinner–hence the tuxedos, followed by a more informal Christmas lunch the following day. 
It’s not that Azriel was unfamiliar with this level of wealth and old money extravagance, but this was something straight out of Downton Abbey or something. Legions of servants, footmen, maids, butlers, valets greeted them as he helped Elain out of the car. Once unclipped from his dog seat, Piglet dashed inside the manor, feeling perfectly adept with all this finery and not giving a fuck. Azriel envied him. 
Elain took his arm, a lovely smile plastered on her face, but he knew that things between them were tense, at best. She didn’t show it though. When they entered the foyer and then the reception hall, Azriel saw Rhysand and Feyre, posing on the grand staircase, while professionally-looking photos were being taken of the two of them. 
Feyre wore an opulent gown of heavy pale silk with sheer sleeves and neck, embroidered with all kinds of gems. She looked regal and bridal. And happy, draped over Rhys’s imposing, tuxedo-clad form. 
“Happy Christmas. Helios Day, Hello Magazine,” a man approached them, slick and professional, handsome and curious. He handed out his card, which Azriel absently thrust into his pocket.
“We are here to take Christmas photos of Lord and Lady Darling. Their nuptials were so unexpected–but we are lucky to have snagged the first interview and the first photos of them as a married couple.”
He then turned to Elain and said,
“Lady Elain, do you have a few words for the article? And then, if you don’t mind, we’d like to take a few photos of you and Mr. Night,”
Azriel was surprised how quickly the man recognised him, but he supposed that that was his job. 
“And then of course the Duchess of Velaris and Mr. Cassian Night as well…”
Azriel hid his smile. Cassian hasn’t even gone on one date with Nesta, and yet here they were, being photographed as if they were a couple. Apparently, Hello Magazine just christened them as one, and was going to declare it to the world. He wondered how well it was going to go over with Nesta. But Nesta had invited Cassian to Christmas dinner here, at her family home. She didn't have to, but she did act like he was something more than a guest, so perhaps, she wouldn’t be affronted by the insinuation that they were a couple.
Speaking of Nesta–she appeared in the reception hall, with Cassian looming behind her.
She looked beautiful, in a blue gown with a lace overlay, which fit her gorgeous body like a glove. 
The three sisters were pulled to the staircase, and photographed together. Feyre–the bride, Nesta–the blade, and Elain–the flower. 
He might have been biassed, but Elain looked the best. She also wore a lace gown, with a very intricate pattern, in a sophisticated shade of pink, and with a full skirt. She definitely looked like his little princess tonight. 
Dinner was a traditional, if elegant affair held in the Walnut Dining Room, and thankfully, Azriel was seated next to Elain. The Darlings were here too–meeting of the families and all–and it seemed like Sir Charles and Lord Darling knew each other from before, and found each other companionable and there wasn’t any odd tension to contend with. Nesta and her father played hosts, he recited grace and then dinner was served. 
There were platters of chilled seafood, blinis with caviar, and cold oysters to start off with, and bottles of champagne. The ubiquitous roast turkey was the main course, but it was stuffed with apples and chestnuts and tasted spectacular (for turkey). Indulgent dauphinoise potatoes, and roasted vegetables made Azriel think that he’d soon need to go on a diet. He was barely training, not playing, and eating apple crisps, and cheese, and bacon sandwiches every day because of Elain. He loved it. Loved every moment of it, but still…And speaking of cheeses–then the cheese course arrived and…well, he couldn’t say no. Lastly, there was trifle and Eton Mess for pudding.
“Interesting menu,” Azriel commented, attempting to start a conversation with Elain.
“It’s been the same since Victorian times,” she answered, sipping her coffee. “Curated by my great-great grandmother,”
“The infamous Elain,”
“Indeed. This is what the Duke of Velaris liked to eat, and what she enjoyed as well. It’s been the same for generations.”
“Not bad. Not bad at all. Beats Brussel sprouts and weird bread sauces.”
“She loved trifle, and he loved Eton Mess, so here we are.”
And then Elain smiled at him and Azriel realised that he lived for that smile.
“What’s wrong with you tonight?” 
Cassian’s booming voice sounded even louder in the glass enclosure of the Winter Garden. 
“I think all things considered, everything’s been going pretty well. Nes even agreed to get her photo taken with me. So I guess I am now ‘the boyfriend’.”
He snickered to himself at the idea.
“I think it took her by surprise.”
“But she didn’t say no,” Azriel noted. 
He had loosened his bowtie and took off his jacket. He’d come here after dinner, leaving the revelry behind, because guests began playing charades and Rhys even got behind the piano, urging everyone to sing along to Christmas carols. 
“So, what is it?” Cassian pressed, seating himself in a wicker armchair, not so close to Azriel that it would feel like a confessional, but close enough to listen.
Azriel shook his head with annoyance, and Cassian waited. 
He knew his brother.
Azriel would speak only when he was ready. And that is IF he even decided to speak. The man was not exactly in tune with his sensitive side. 
“Hey beastie the pug!” Cassian suddenly cried out and Azriel knew who he was talking about. “My little wingman–wingpug–got me together with Nes at Fey’s birthday. Come here, boy.”
Piglet trotted to Cassian and Cassian picked him up and laid him on his lap, and as soon as he did, Piglet promptly fell asleep. 
“I am alive! I am dead! I am asleep! I am running! I am dead again! I am asleep!” Cassian muttered, and Azriel couldn’t help but smile. That really was Piglet in a nutshell.
Suddenly, Azriel began speaking, and Cassian stilled, listening and not making a sound. 
“I don’t know what to do, Cass. Like she is driving me crazy. I am so consumed with her, I can hardly think straight. Everything is her. Every word, every gesture. I over-analyse all of it until I give myself a headache. If I don’t talk to her, I stalk her social media, to see if she posted anything…I have this photo of her that she sent me a while back. She was wearing my jersey in it, it was before that game with Liverpool. And I’ve looked at it so many times now, I think I’ve poked a hole in my phone screen. 
“My thoughts…I scare myself sometimes. If she ever said no to me, if she tried to break it off, I think I would kidnap her, Cass. I would steal her and I would keep her in a cage,”
“Whoa,” Cassian breathed.
“I know. And I’d feed her my dick when she got hungry.”
“No, you don’t understand. She is everything to me, Cass. I want to hear her voice first thing in the morning. I want her face next to mine. I fucking want her to submit to me and be fucking mine!”
“I am assuming we are talking about Elain,” Cassian said carefully.
“No. About Kevin!” Azriel snapped.
“Okay, okay. But–I don’t understand–aren’t you with her already? Aren’t you two dating?”
“We are…kind of,” Azriel agreed. “But it’s like she has this wall around her that I can’t seem to penetrate. It’s tug and pull all the time. She is so skittish with her feelings,”
“Elain?” Cassian confirmed in disbelief. 
“Yes! Elain. You think only Nesta is all prickly and cold? You’d think Elain would love all the lame couple things! But no. The moment I push even a little bit, she pulls back, as if she is scared…I’d never hurt her!”
“But others have,” Cassian said reasonably. “Wasn’t she engaged once? And the bloke cheated on her? And her current one–he is AWOL too,”
“I am her ‘current one’!!!” Azriel snarled viciously.
“Okay, sorry, I know,” Cassian said quickly. “That’s not what I meant, you know,”
“That’s exactly how she thinks as well! That somehow, this isn’t real. We are not real. That one day, I would walk away like those other cunts. But that’s not me. She’d have to cut me out of her with a knife,”
“Mate, enough with the graphic imagery today!” Cassian raised his arms defensively. “I just ate.”
“We had a fight today,” Azriel muttered. “A really stupid fight,”
“Aren’t most fights stupid?”
Azriel ignored him.
“What happened?”
“We had to take Pink to the vet,” Azriel explained. “And she texted me something in the car and when it popped up on my phone, she saw what she is saved under,”
“Which is what?” 
“Mrs. Night.”
“Oh, well…” Cassian didn’t know how to respond to that. 
“And she flipped out!” Azriel snapped. “She yelled at me and said that it’s too soon, that she didn’t ‘sign up for this’, that we’ve only known each other for a little over two months, and that I am–and I quote–her client!”
Cassian sighed. He sympathised with his brother, but he also understood Elain.
“Maybe you are moving too fast and it’s scaring her?”
“Oh, fuck off! This is not what I need to hear,”
“Maybe you need to give her a bit of space,”
“Out of the question,” Azriel said sharply. “I am not giving her any fucking space. She is mine. She was born to be mine. I love her and I will make her mine. She will be Mrs. Night. She will carry and birth my children. And we’ll die on the same day.”
“Well, I am glad to see that you are not all weird and intense about it,” Cassian said helplessly.
Azriel buried his face in his hands, shaking his head.
Cassian gently lifted Piglet off his lap and picked him up, cradling him to his chest. Then he got up from the chair and proceeded to give the worst piece of advice that he could possibly give.
“Why don’t you stop obsessing and do what she asks of you. Don’t push. Dial back the intensity like 134%. If she asks you for something, just do it, and show her that you’d be there for her. That when she needs you to do something, you’d do it.”
“Like I haven’t been,” Azriel groaned. 
“Just keep going. Don’t talk about babies and how you’ll make her Mrs. Night. And I’d keep quiet about the cage thing too.
“It’s not a big thing, you know. It’s just a little fight. Everyone has those. Elain just need a bit of time.”
“So, do what she asks?”
“Yeah,” Cassian shrugged. “Do what she asks.”
**The song that Elain and Azriel danced to is called “Work’ by Charlotte Day Wilson
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The Archeron sisters Christmas dresses (left to right: Feyre, Nesta and Elain)
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lumosandnoxwriting · 7 months
flashback to my mistakes || George Weasley
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Title: flashback to my mistakes Pairing: George x Reader Summary: George never planned on proposing marriage. Not after he broke the heart of the only woman he ever saw himself marrying. But when he’s up for Captain and the only thing standing in his way is a less than stellar reputation, he’s willing to do anything to overcome that. So when Fred suggests a fake dating scheme like all the romance books his girlfriend reads, George immediately agrees. What better way to show people he’s a serious role model than a lifelong commitment? Too bad the only woman he could even stomach pretending to be engaged to hates his guts. Or does she?
A/N:And here it is! The first part of my new hockey!george series! Hope you enjoy!
“Weasley,” Coach Morris greets as George steps into his office. George nods in response, settling into one of the chairs facing Coach’s desk when the other man motions for him to sit. “Thanks for coming to see me on such short notice.”
“Of course, Coach,” George responds, keeping it brief. He’s trying to exude a casual, confident aura to hide the fact that he’s freaking the fuck out on the inside. Getting called into the Coach's office during the season is one thing, but having him schedule a last minute meeting a week before pre-season is utterly terrifying. The fact that his Agent and a representative from Legal aren’t in attendance is the only thing keeping George from a full on panic attack. 
As long as his spot on the team is safe George doesn’t care what Coach might have to say.
“I’m sure you’re wondering why I called you in today, and as much as I want to see you sweat a bit I’ll leave the torture for the ice,” Morris teases with a laugh. George doesn’t think he’s heard Coach laugh in the five years he’s been with the Rebels, so he manages to squeak out a chuckle. “As you know, Crawford retired at the end of the last season and the team is in need of a new captain.”
George clenches his fists, feeling like his stomach might fall out of his ass. As the center to Crawford’s right wing, George had been devastated when they lost in the second round of playoffs and Tyler announced his retirement in the locker room after. Losing a teammate is always hard, but Tyler had become like a big brother to George and he didn’t even think about the fact that he wasn’t just losing a good friend, but a captain as well. 
Until now. 
“I haven’t really thought about it,” George says honestly when Coach doesn’t continue. “I was more worried about who was going to replace Tyler on my line.”
Coach laughs again, shocking George just as much as the first time. “Well at any rate, the team is in need of a solid Captain. We lost a few other vets to trades and we’ve got a slew of rookies coming in who will need someone dependable to look up to as a role model. And to be honest with you George, your name has come up more than once.”
“Oh, wow,” George stutters out. “Just being considered for a position like that is an honor, Coach.”
George is not the most senior player on the team, so the fact that his name has been brought up in these discussions is truly a shock. He’s spent the last six years in the league working his ass off to try and make a name for himself playing the sport he loves. His rookie year he was placed on the third line, and every spare second of his time has been spent trying to improve in the hopes of moving up. 
It’s why he’s still around, even in the off season. Even when the team is on break George is training. Whether it’s in the weight room or on the ice, George is always working hard to stay fit and on top of his game. And clearly it’s paid off, since he was promoted to second line during his second season, and half way through his third Coach bumped him up to first. The feeling of being the first person on the ice is like nothing he’s ever felt, and George has worked his ass off to keep that privilege. 
And just the thought of having that capital C on his jersey as well has George feeling higher than any drug ever could.
“Final decisions haven’t been made yet, but I wanted to pull you in to let you know you were being considered because, well,” Coach pauses, and George thinks he might throw up. “Some of the administration thinks you’re still a little too fresh. You know I don’t like to listen to the shit some of those magazines publish, but not everyone who makes these decisions is the same way. And what you do or who you do off the ice is none of our business, but that doesn’t mean that the admin team likes hearing about the wild parties you go to and the girls you take home. Like I said they’re really looking for someone dependable and who can be a good role model to the younger guys on the team. We got so close to the Cup last year, and this year we’ve got the talent to get there, we just need the leadership to guide us.”
George nods in understanding. “Of course, Coach. I appreciate the heads up and the ability to show you and the rest of the admins that there’s no other man for the job but me. All that shit is in my past, I promise.”
“Good.” Coach starts to ruffle through the paperwork in front of him, and George takes that as a goodbye.
He shuffles out of the office and heads back down towards the parking lot, already trying to formulate a plan. 
Now that him being Captain is on the table, there’s no way he’s stopping until that capital C is his.
“So let me get this straight,” Fred starts, his familiar voice tinged with the tinny sound of a FaceTime call. “Coach said you’re on the short list for Captain, but some of the higher ups don’t think you’re a stable enough role model.”
George nods, taking a sip of his beer. “Precisely.”
“So now you’re trying to think up some kind of plan or scheme to convince everyone that your fuck boy days are in the past and you’re ready to be the team Daddy?”
“Yup, you got it.”
Even through the grainy call George can see the mischievous glint in his twin’s eyes. “Then you’ve come to the right place, little bro.”
George grins, but he knows it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. The only downside of his job and his dedication to it is that it keeps him from seeing his family regularly. When your job keeps you busy for eight months of the year and you spend the other four months training for that job there isn’t much time to fly across the country for a visit. His parents and siblings still live in the small town in Washington where they grew up, and not having them close by makes the big city feel even bigger. 
Under normal circumstances, Fred would be here on the couch with George. And they’d be sipping beers and scheming together. But a FaceTime call will have to suffice.
“So the partying has to stop, obviously,” Fred starts. “Or at least how publicly you do it. Same with the puck bunnies and trust me, I know, it wounds me to even say it. If I could get pussy that easily I would be fucking drowning in it, but if you want to project a new, focused and reliable persona you can’t be banging a new chick every night.”
“I came up with that on my own, genius,” George huffs. “But I don’t think that’s enough to really get through to everyone that I’m ready to be Captain.”
“And are you?” Fred asks. “Ready to be captain, that is.”
“Of course.” George is firm in his answer. “I know I can do it, and I’m just going along with some stupid scheme to show everyone else I can do it too.”
“Alright, bro, as long as you’re sure.” Fred pauses as they both think. An idea must hit him, because suddenly Fred’s eyes are lighting up. “Fake dating!”
George raises an eyebrow in question. “I’m sorry, what the hell did you just say?”
“Fake dating, it’s a book trope or whatever. Angelina is always talking my ear off about the newest book she’s reading, and it’s a pretty popular story line. You know, someone wants to make their ex jealous, or they need a fiance to get their inheritance. Bam, fake relationship.”
“Huh. That’s actually not the worst idea you’ve ever had,” George responds, his surprise evident in his tone. “A fake fiance would be the perfect cover. Shows my partying is behind me, and I’m ready to be serious and settle down. And then once I’m Captain and things have blown over, we’ll have an amicable break up and everything will be right with the world again.”
“And that little brother is how the master works,” Fred grins. “Now you just gotta find a girl. Maybe one of our past hookups.”
George frowns, shaking his head. “No, it’s gotta be someone I feel comfortable around and who I know won’t go blabbering to everyone about what’s happening. It has to be someone I might actually consider spending the rest of my life with. Some random puck bunny is not that.”
They both sit in silence, sipping on their beers as they try and figure out who that girl might be. And when they both suddenly make contact, there isn’t a doubt in anyone’s mind that they truly are identical twins. Because George can tell by the look on his brother’s face that they’ve both come to the same conclusion. 
“Y/N,” Fred is the only one brave enough to utter her name. 
And as much George wants to admit that his brother is wrong, deep down he knows that he’s right. Y/N is the only girl George has ever loved, and leaving her behind is the only regret he has in life. Fuck, even all these years later, just thinking about her makes his chest ache. Swearing off commitment and marriage isn’t something George ever even considered until he broke things off with Y/N. He only ever wanted those things with her, and just the thought of even pretending to feel those things for someone else makes him sick to his stomach.
“When’s the last time you talked to her?” Fred asks when George doesn’t say anything. 
“The day I left. I’ve tried to reach out a few times, but,” George shrugs, taking another long drag from his beer. “She never picked up or responded.”
“She still lives in town. If you just show up she’ll probably be so shocked she’ll have no option but to hear you out.”
George nods, reluctantly agreeing with his brother. “Looks like I’m coming home.”
“Everything looks the same,” George rumiates wistfully, his eyes roaming over the buildings they pass as Fred drives. 
He hasn’t been back home in nearly a decade, and yet his hometown looks as if it was frozen in time. The ice cream parlor on main street still has the same faded red and white awning, and George swears the chalkboard out front boasts the same specials it did when he used to take Y/N there after school. 
The memory of Y/N reminds him both of why it’s been so long since he came back, and why he finally did. Every inch of this town is covered in memories of Y/N, and every reminder of her cuts George down to the bone. Deep down he knows that letting go of her all those years ago was the best decision for both of them, but that doesn’t make it hurt any less. 
“Well here we are,” Fred announces, pulling George out of his thoughts. But once he realizes where exactly they are his stomach drops. 
Parklane Community Center, is still plastered on the front of the familiar building and George thinks he may actually throw up. This is where he learned to skate, where he joined his first PeeWee league and where he led his high school team to the state championship four years in a row. 
This is also the place where he first met Y/N, when they were both six year olds teetering on brand new ice skates. They’d held onto each other, rather than the orange traffic cones all the kids had been given, and that was the start of a beautiful friendship. Y/N never did anything with those lessons like George did, but she was sitting in the stands cheering him on at every single game he played on that ice. 
When they were in middle school George took Y/N to the community center for open skating on their first ever date. They’d held hands as they glided across the ice and every time she so much as stumbled George was there to catch her. After they got done on the ice they drank hot chocolate at one of the tables, their free hands still intertwined. 
Their first kiss happened here too, right before George tried out for the local travel team and he was practically vibrating with nerves. But as soon as Y/N’s lips touched his all those nerves melted away, and George became the youngest member of the team.
Every moment that lead to George playing in the NHL took place here at this rink, and Y/N was there for every single one of them. 
“Here? You’re sure?” George asks once he’s able to speak. 
Fred nods, giving his brother a sympathetic look. “Yeah, she teaches lessons on the weekend.”
Taking a deep inhale George closes his eyes, needing to take a second to center himself. Not only is he about to see the love of his life for the first time since he broke her heart, but he’s about to ask her for the biggest favor known to man. He can do this, he knows he can. He’s just not sure if he’s ready.
Once his eyes pop back open Fred claps him on the shoulder. “You got this, man.”
Giving his brother a nod in thanks, George braces himself, throwing the car door open and stepping out into the parking lot.  
Here goes nothing.
It takes George several minutes to actually make his way to the rink. 
Greg, the same janitor who was in charge of the facility when George was a boy, spotted him the second he came in the door, and pulled him over into a conversation. Which ended up being a good thing, because the morning lesson was just finishing up and while they were chatting a flood of parents with their kids came rushing out of the double doors that lead into the rink. So what started as an annoying inconvenience actually turned into a blessing in disguise, because George definitely did not want to see Y/N for the first time in front of her students and their parents.
With a promise to come back soon, George parts from Greg. He stands just outside the doors to the rink for a few seconds, just taking a few more deep breaths. He’s hit with a wave of nostalgia as he approaches the rink, and it almost brings him to his knees. 
There’s a long figure out on the ice, and George doesn’t need to look for long to know it’s Y/N. He’d recognize the outline of her body anywhere, and she’s just as beautiful as he remembers. She’s just gliding along the ice, not really doing anything fancy and George creeps closer to the boards. He’s drawn to Y/N, and he’s far too weak to resist the pull.
Suddenly Y/N turns on her skates, and George is face to face with the woman he loves. 
Y/N stops, a strangled gasp leaving her lips as she takes in the man standing less than ten feet away. Anyone else in her position would assume that it’s Fred just stopping by to be annoying. But Y/N spent years studying the slight differences between the twins, and there’s no doubt in her mind that George Weasley is standing there. At the rink. Looking right at her. 
Holy fucking shit. 
He looks older, more mature and even in the faint light she can see the slight crook in his nose after it got broken in a game last season. All the times she imagined this moment, never did Y/N actually think it would ever occur. She’s spent years wishing George would come home, but now that it’s here she’s not really sure how to feel. 
Especially considering the way things ended between them. It almost feels like some weird twist of fate, that George should show back up in her life here at the rink, considering it was this very spot where he left her all those years ago.
“There you are,” Y/N greets as she steps up to the boards, a wide smile on her face. She’d been trying to get in touch with George for the last few hours, and when he wasn’t at home she knew there was only one other place he’d be.
The rink.
When George just keeps skating Y/N yells out. “Hey! I’m talking to you, George!”
Ice sprays out as George comes to a sharp stop, giving up on whatever drill he’d been running. He doesn’t even bother to mutter an apology, but he does slowly make his way over to where Y/N is standing. 
“What’s up?”
She frowns at him. “What crawled up your ass and died?”
“Nothing, I’m just in the middle of something.”
“Oh, excuse me,” Y/N bites. She hates getting short with George, but it seems almost necessary lately with how moody he’s been. In all the years they’ve been together George has never been this distant, and it’s starting to worry her. After they managed to survive freshman year of college apart, Y/N figured the next three years would be a breeze. But now George is about to leave after Spring Break and she can’t help but feel like she’s about to lose him for good. 
Softening her tone, Y/N reaches out to grab George’s hand. “I can’t help you deal with whatever’s going on in that head of yours if you don’t talk to me about it, Georgie. You and I against the world, remember?”
“Do you remember that guy Jameson? The Agent who signed me at the end of the last season?” George asks instead of responding to Y/N’s concern. He’s been torturing himself for days on how to have this conversation with her, and even still he’s not ready. 
Though George isn’t sure he’d ever be ready to break up with the only woman he will ever love. 
“Yeah,” Y/N answers skeptically. 
“He called me, the other day. Said some teams have been interested. Chicago’s going to draft me next week.”
“George, that’s amazing!” Y/N cheers, jumping up and down in excitement. But when she goes to hug George and he steps away from her embrace, all that joy drains from her body. “George?”
“It’s still not a guarantee, they’re offering me a contract for after graduation,” George explains. “It’s provisional, if I let myself slip they can still withdraw, and then I’ll have to reenter the draft as a free agent after graduation.”
“Okay,” Y/N drawls, a sinking feeling in her stomach. She has a feeling that she knows where this is going, but part of her is still hanging on. 
“I need to focus on hockey, Y/N. This is my only opportunity to prove to myself and everyone else that I’m good enough. That I can compete on a professional level.” George exhales sharply. “I don’t have time for distractions.”
“Distractions?” Y/N squeaks out, her voice already thick with emotion. “That's all I am to you, George? After everything we’ve been through together? I’m just some stupid distraction.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” George apologizes, but he can’t even look her in the eyes. “But this means everything to me, you know that.”
“Of course I knew that,” Y/N says defeatedly, her voice breaking. “I just thought I meant more.”
George keeps his head down as Y/N leaves him behind, both of their broken hearts spread out on the floor.
“Hi,” George greets, breaking the silence. 
“Really?” Y/N asks, voice firm. “Eight years and all you can say is ‘hi’?”
Her tone stings, but George knows he deserves it. He spent so much time thinking about what it would be like to see her again that he didn’t even consider what he might say to her once he did. Just add it to the list of fuck ups he’s been accruing since he walked away from Y/N all those years ago. 
“I’ve never been good with words,” George explains with a shrug. “And unfortunately there isn’t a book out there called ‘what to say to your ex-girlfriend when you come to ask her for a favor eight years after you broke her heart.’”
That intrigues Y/N and she skates closer to George. “You finally came home after all these years to ask me a favor? What are you, dying?” When George doesn’t say anything Y/N feels her stomach sinking. “Holy fuck, George are you dying?”
George is ashamed at how good it feels to hear the genuine worry in her tone. Having her worry that he’s dying is the actual bare minimum, but he’ll take anything he can get. 
“No, nothing like that,” he assures with a grin. “Just hear me out, please?”
Despite the million reasons why even entertaining George is a bad idea, Y/N finds herself nodding in agreement. Because she’s felt a lot of things for George Weasley since he broke her heart, and unfortunately for her love seems to be the strongest. She never stopped loving him, and even after all the years she has a hard time denying him anything.
Once she’s off the ice George helps her put her skate guards on, a simple action that has her cheeks flushing and butterflies threatening to erupt from her tummy. Y/N also takes the hand that George offers, letting him lead her over to the bleachers. Once they sit Y/N keeps her distance, sitting far enough away that they aren’t touching but so she can still feel the heat radiating off of him. 
“There’s a strong possibility that I’ll be the next Captain of the Rebels,” George starts slowly, trying to find the right words. “Morrison, my Coach, said I have a lot of support. But some of the other higher ups don’t know if I’m the best role model for the team.”
“Okay,” Y/N says, her tone questioning. Clearly she’s not as devious as George and Fred, since she has no idea why George is telling her all of this.
“So I’ve been trying to clean up my image, you know? All the partying and stuff.” A knot has lodged itself in his throat, and George swallows thickly. “But I don’t know if that’s enough. Captain is a serious job, and I want everyone to know that I’m serious about it.”
“And that requires a favor from me, how?”
George sighs. “Well Fred and I were talking,” he stops, unable to keep from chuckling when Y/N mutters a quiet "this can’t be good.” “And he suggested this uh, fake dating scheme. He said Angelina reads a lot of rom coms that include it. Basically, Fred said that the best way for me to showcase that I’m a serious guy and a good role model is to uh, ask someone to be my fake fiance.”
Y/N is silent as she lets George’s words soak in, and once they do her jaw nearly drops. “Are you seriously sitting here right now asking for me to pretend to be your fiance? After everything we’ve been through?”
“There’s no other woman in the world I’d ever imagine wearing my ring, Y/N. When I think about marriage, even fake marriage, you’re the only woman that comes to mind.”
The honesty in George’s voice punches her in the gut. This is such a bad idea, and yet Y/N finds herself considering it. Because despite the pain and the years apart, sitting here with George still feels like home. All of her efforts to push him from her mind, to date other people and move on have always failed. Everything has always come back to George Weasley. 
Realistically she knows that this is just going to end in heartbreak again. As soon as George gets what he wants their little charade will be over, and she’ll go back to having a George shaped hole in her life and in her heart. But the smallest part of her, the part that has read those same rom coms and knows the fake dating always turns into real dating, holds out hope that this may be their second chance. 
Either this is the way she rids George from her system for good, or this is the way she keeps him in her life forever. 
And Y/N will never forgive herself if she doesn’t find out which it is. 
Taking a deep breath, Y/N gives George a curt nod. “Okay, I’ll do it.”
The smile that takes over George’s face takes her breath away. “Really? You will?”
“Yes, George. I will.”
Immediately George drops down to one knee and Y/N lets out a sharp gasp when he produces a small velvet jewelry box from his pocket. This is not how she ever imagined a proposal from George, but if this is all she’s ever going to get Y/N will take it. 
“In that case,” George starts, opening up the box to reveal a gorgeous, simple diamond ring on a white gold band. “Y/N, will you pretend to be my future wife?”
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m-jelly · 2 years
Levi X Reader where she makes horrendous jokes and stuff. Like just sitting at the table in the dining hall and someone says something outta line and reader is like “ Instead of being a little bitch, how about you go pull some for a change?” Or something like “ Hey I get why you’re such an asshole, I would be to if my dick was the size of a thumb.” It can really be any type of outta pocket joke. But how would Levi react to that. Can this be non established relationship so he is still trying to hide his admiration but when she says stuff like that it’s gets hard and he just full on laughs at one of her jokes one day infront of everyone
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@kenkopanda-art <3
Funny joke
Pairing: Levi x Fem!Reader
Genre and tags: Canon world, fluff, hidden feelings, mutual pinning.
Concept: While gathered together in the dining hall, you are cracking your usual jokes and setting Hange and Mike off laughing. Levi enters the hall and notices you right away. He hurries over to take his spot next to you and enjoys how you rip into others. You crack one joke that sets him off laughing so hard that it shocks everyone.
Warning: There are some very rude and crude jokes and comments made by the reader.
Taglist: @levisbrat25 @ladycheesington @skittlelover69 @li-anne @nyxiieluna @notgoodforlife @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @nbinairyn @demonsimp6
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Levi was exhausted and in desperate need of sleep. He wanted just to rest and he wanted you. Levi had strong feelings for you and had held them for a while now. He wanted to tell you how he felt but he wasn't sure how to go about it because he'd never felt this way about anyone before.
He released a long sigh as he dragged his heavy feet down the stone hall. He cringe a little when he heard the loud voices of cadets and fellow vets coming from the lit up doorway. He paused in his tracks and huffed another sigh as he got ready to face a rowdy bunch of people.
He turned the corner and saw the hall was full. He scanned the room with his tired steel blue eyes until his heart skipped a beat. He locked onto you as you grinned at Mike laughing hard. Levi felt a blush creep over his cheeks. He hurried through the hall and collected his food and tea.
You turned your head and smirked at Levi as he sat next to you. "Alright, Captain?"
Levi cleared his throat. "Lieutenant."
You winked at him before turning to Mike. "Seriously Mike, I'm pretty sure you're dealing with a tree in there. You'll knock a poor woman out if ya turn and she's on her knees."
Mike laughed. "You might be right."
Oluo clicked his tongue. "Do you have to be so crass?"
You smirked. "Why don't you stop sucking on Levi's towels to get his body fluids inside you so you can be him and just accept you have gnats dick so we can all move on with our lives. Honestly, it's getting a bit sad now."
Oluo blushed hard. "I'm not-!"
"Bet you snort his dandruff."
"I would never!"
You smirked and mocked his voice. "Oh Levi you taste so gooood."
Everyone started laughing hard, but one laugh seemed to cut through everyone. You all slowly turned to look at Levi laughing so hard he was crying. You blushed bright red at seeing the man you adored so much getting a kick out of your joking and banter.
Levi wiped his tears away and cleared his throat. "Sorry."
You smiled softly. "Don't be sorry. I'm honoured you find me funny."
He cleared his throat. "You're hilarious and very right. He does seem like he does all that."
You hummed a little laugh. "He does, right? I love your jokes too. You're so funny."
"Thanks." He felt so happy in his little world with you, but then he noticed a strong gaze on him. He slowly looked over to see Hange grinning at him. "Tch, fuck off four eyes."
You stood up and sighed. "Well, I'm off to my office. Thank you for the fun chats, but I gotta work."
Mike glanced at Levi. "Hm, Levi?"
Levi peeled his eyes from you walking away and looked at his tall friend. "Yeah?"
He nodded towards you. "Follow her. Go to her office and help her with paperwork. She's seen you in a different light. It's not or never."
Levi shot to his feet and nodded. "You're right. I'll go to her."
"I won't wish you luck because I know that the next time I see you both, you'll be a couple. So, see you soon."
Levi bowed his head a little. "Later."
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staybabblingbaby · 4 months
SKZ x Coordi (Intro Part) a1 d3
[Caution: These are not full fics, or even full parts of fics for some, these are part of my writing progress archive!]
Concept: Reader is a successful makeup artist with a notorious and prolific career and no self awareness. Reader joins JYP as a part of Stray Kids' team and encounters their hazing ritual for new coordis: flirting.
Word Count: 1,178 Notes: This spawned because of my conviction that I could never get my makeup done by a professional bc I would fall in love. Getting your makeup done by someone else just feels very intimate to me (ik its not, ok, I'm just touch starved T^T). It's sort of lending itself to long one-shot style formatting, but for tumblr purposes I'm posting it in parts. Also, I think I accidentally avoided pronouns for Reader? Not sure how but I didn't see any when I was reviewing this part. Will update as I post (idk how to add emojis, just imagine a thumbs up here pls TT^TT). Needs to be edited for clarity. Warnings: None that I know of? Reader has weird self esteem but it's not bad?
Masterlist Link :D | Next Part Link <3
You're fairly sure, by the time your sunbae finishes showing you around and giving you the low-down on your new duties, that you'd gotten this job over other make-up artists because you were the safe choice. You suppose it's not an awful thing to be thought of as safe and professional. You can’t help feeling stung anyways.
You'd come to this conclusion after your sunbae, while showing you a few of the dressing rooms in the company building you'd be working in, casually drops, "oh, yeah, if you end up having relations with one of the idols, just make sure the media and management don't find out. No one else will rat you out." mid-tour.
You'd had to stop and give your sunbae the most confused and alarmed look you could manage, and when she'd seen she'd immediately laughed and made the face back at you. That made you crack, and the two of you ended up giggling together for a minute. Once you'd calmed down, she elaborated.
"It's a bit of an open secret that the unattached idols will sleep with a willing coordi every now and then," she explained "As long as management doesn't find out, and the media is entirely clueless, it's pretty much useless to try and stop it." You’d nodded along, fascinated by how similar celebrities were around the world. Sure, the cultures surrounding them were different, but there was almost always a similar sort of system when you were contracted long-term somewhere.
"Staff are pretty safe options for them, at least here at JYP.” Your sunbae had continued, “They vet our staff and stylists really well." You’d nodded again. The background check had been intensive and you’d had to sign a lot of release forms about it. It was one of the things you’d liked most about this opportunity, actually.
"Your group in particular have probably fucked at least 2 dozen coordis between them." You’d choked on air and turned to her incredulously again. What was with her and dropping bombs like this on you? It was your first day! She’d just laughed and rolled her eyes at you. "Why are you so scandalized? There's 8 of them." She reasoned, "That's, like, 3 flings a piece. Not that many." You’d conceded her point with a tilt of your head. You're sure the actual numbers aren't so even, but she had made an excellent point regardless.
"I guess that makes sense," You’d mused, "I mean, they're grown men, right? Their hands must get awful tired." That startled a laugh out of your sunbae and you’d grinned at her before you continued. "But, sunbaenim, you won't have to worry about that from me." You’d stated confidently. She’d shot you a questioning look, so you’d continued, “They’re both my clients and my coworkers under my contract. Two types of people I categorically refuse to sleep with.”
She’d laughed again, simply saying “That’s probably for the best.” and moving on with your tour. You’d let yourself be distracted by memorizing everything she was telling you and promptly forgot all about your scandalous conversation.
Despite moving on, a seed of doubt had been planted in you. You couldn’t help but think back to one of the odder questions you’d been asked when you were interviewing for this position. As an independent make-up artist you’d had to negotiate everything yourself, and at the time you’d assumed it to simply be part of their vetting process.
“What are your views on workplace relationships?” They’d asked. At the time you’d simply said you strived for friendship with both your clients and coworkers, but that you preferred professionalism over all else. Which was true, obviously, but after that conversation with your sunbae you couldn’t help but add a new context to the question.
That doubtful seed sprouted at the end of your tour, when your sunbae gave you another warning.
“Don’t mind the boys, by the way,” She’d said out of nowhere. “They’re playful, all of them, but they’ll respect a boundary to the death the moment you set it.” Once again you’d had to look at her, hopelessly confused, and you’d become pretty sure at that point that she just liked getting a reaction out of you because she snorted a laugh at whatever face you’d made and explained herself.
“I mean that they can be pretty loud and playful with both each other and staff. That includes being flirty and touchy.” she said, “I think it comes with the territory of being an idol. All that fanservice must do something to them.” She laughed, and you’d smiled along, still somewhat confused of the warning.
She must have noticed, because she elaborated further, “It can be flustering for new stylists.” She explained, and you finally started to understand, “A lot of the time it’s the first time a new stylist has been so close to an idol, you know? You have to prepare for it, like, mentally.” She made a weird gesture toward her head and you’d giggled at her antics but shook your head.
“I’ve seen so many beautiful people at this point in my life that I'm pretty sure I'm immune.” you’d declared with a chuckle. You weren’t lying either, you’d seen so many examples of so many different culture’s beauty standards you could probably write a book on it.
You’d sort of made it your career’s goal to learn as many different styles and skin and face types as you possibly could. You’d done pretty well by that goal so far, doing everything from tiny private boudoir shoots to high profile fashion shows, just about anywhere you could get to, from Cairo in Egypt, to Hollywood in California, to tiny barely-named towns all over Europe.
“Idols are different!” Your sunbae insisted, “There are hot people everywhere, but idols are built different. They’re manufactured to be desirable.”
“So are models,” you’d dismissed with a wave, “Honestly, sunbaenim, I’ll be fine. If anything, it’s the idols you should worry for.” you’d given her a saucy wink and she’d howled with laughter and clapped in delight. You’d giggled right along with her, and when you’d both calmed again, you continued. “No, but really, I’ve been told I can be quite intense when I’m focused, so maybe you should be warning the group instead.”
She’d waved you off, saying “It’ll do them some good to be humbled by someone they have no chance with.” with a devious giggle. And that had been that. The click of a conclusion sliding into place in your mind had sounded and you’d become certain that you’d been the safest of the candidates who’d applied.
It hurt, just a bit, because you’re used to being selected for your experience and ability to mimic and blend styles, not for your personal beliefs. You stave off the hurt by reminding yourself that reputation matters in this industry. If they hired you because you value your professionalism, then you’d show them exactly how professional you could be! You’d wrapped up your tour with mixed feelings and lots of determination.
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gamerwoo · 1 year
hansol/mingyu: the lovers playlist
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characters: mingyu x female reader (mentions of hansol x female reader)
genre/warnings: idol au, friends to ????, one-sided pining, a smidge of angst but mostly fluff, mingyu is so stupidly in love it’s insane, a lot of time skips with no mention of how much time has skipped lmao i’m so sorry
word count: 3,248
summary: so i’ll just tell my telephone all of the above when i’m alone
a/n: things in bold italics are song lyrics
previous song | next song | back to playlist
“Do you ever hear a song that you forgot existed and you just know it’ll be on repeat for the next two weeks?”
Mingyu gave you a strange look, sitting across from you at a table at some burger joint the two of you pulled into. Actually, it was your idea. You reached out to him, and he was kind of shocked.
i’m keeping the promise 😋, was what your text read when you asked him to grab lunch.
Honestly, he wasn’t confused by your question -- he saw the way you sat up straighter when the beat kicked in, like you were trying to get closer to the speakers in the ceiling to listen to the music -- but more so confused by why you would listen to only one song for so long.
“You have no idea what I’m talking about,” you realized with a laugh as you saw his eyebrows knit together, looking like a confused puppy.
“I’m trying to,” he promised with a chuckle.
Despite not getting your need to play one song over and over again even after you tried to explain, like the lovesick simp he was, he found that exact song and played it on repeat for you whenever he saw you.
I’d like to know your middle name; Let’s talk about your parents and your future dreams.
“You did this on purpose.”
Your playful glare was on Mingyu, who merely grinned proudly and announced, “Yup!”
“You said you didn’t get it,” you reminded him.
He shrugged, “That’s okay. I don’t need to get it to listen to it.”
“You’re gonna keep it on replay?” you scoffed.
“Why not?”
As if he didn’t listen to it alone at home until he knew what the lyrics were.
“So, _____,” he continued as he stretched out comfortably on your bed, arms going behind his head as he laid back on the headboard, “why don’t you tell me about your middle name and your parents?”
You gave him a look that was something along the lines of an annoyed ‘are you serious?’ or a ‘shut the fuck up’ with a small eye roll, but you shifted at the other end of your bed and replied nonetheless.
“When did you become an English major?”
“If I’m gonna listen to this song a billion times with you, I may as well know what it’s about,” he stated in a ‘duh’ tone.
Very good save, he told himself, It’s not because I’m in love with you or anything.
After another, more dramatic eye roll, you replied, “You don’t need to know my full name, and my parents are a teacher and a vet tech who live in some tiny town and own a tiny yappy dog to replace me while I’m gone.”
“Yeah, you’re basically the same thing,” he deadpanned.
You grabbed your stuffed bear that had ended up on the floor when you and Mingyu climbed onto the bed, and threw it at him. He let out a loud laugh as he held up his hands so he didn’t have to take it to the face.
“Do I at least get to know the dog’s name?” he asked, still laughing.
“So you’ll tell me your dog’s name but not your middle name?” he sighed, feigning sadness.
“You don’t actually care,” you scoffed, “you’re just trying to be a smartass.”
“I do care!” he insisted, looking straight at you so you would know he wasn’t joking or lying.
You didn’t know that Mingyu actually did want to know everything about you.
After a few seconds of just studying him, you sighed and relented.
Mingyu’s smile slowly grew when you told him, testing your first and middle names on his tongue. He liked how it flowed. He liked saying it. There was something kind of intimate to him knowing your second name.
“You’re so annoying,” you giggled. “Are you not gonna ask me about my future dreams?”
“Your dream wasn’t to become an idol?” he asked, cocking his head slightly to one side.
“Originally it was to be a cowboy,” you explained, earning a belly laugh from him. “But I still have other dreams. Do you not have, like, dreams for your future? Getting married and having a family and stuff?”
“Ohhhh,” he nodded, finally understanding what you meant. “Yeah, I think about that stuff. I’ll get married and maybe have a few kids.”
“Would you travel or are you sick of it now?”
“I’d want them to experience the world, too, I think,” he mused. “There’s too many beautiful places and things to experience, and I want to provide them the opportunity to do all that.”
“I still haven’t been a lot of places,” you said. You realized that Mingyu had kind of been everywhere and you hadn’t really been many places compared to him. “I still have to discover all that, which is kind of exciting.”
‘I’m interested but distant to a fault, and I’d never want to complicate your heart.’
His immediate thought was to show you those places. Replace the faceless wife in his head with you, bringing you and your two kids to all the amazing places he’s seen thus far in his career. 
Relax, he reminded himself with a deep breath that you didn’t catch as you rambled about how traveling was scary but exciting.
This was only the fourth time you’d hung out together since that night after the ball, and the third time since the wound re-opened when Hansol and Ivory went public. Of course you wouldn’t be ready for any sort of romantic thing. And yet, here Mingyu was, becoming delusional for absolutely no reason.
He should be thankful you even reached out. At least, that’s what he told himself. He knew how you felt about wanting absolutely nothing to do with Hansol or what happened, so it was a miracle you invited him over, especially after already asking him out for burgers to “keep the promise.”
"Gyu?” you saying his name brought him out of his thoughts. “You good?”
“Um...” he hesitated, wondering if he should even say anything, but now he was feeling guilty. “Can I actually ask you something?”
“You’re not...forcing yourself to hang out with me because of our conversation on the car, right?” he wondered slowly and quietly. “I don’t want you to do anything you’re uncomfortable with. If you really don’t want to be friends, I can handle it.”
It would hurt, but he would stay away if you really wanted. He’d get over it eventually.
You let out a sigh and looked down at your lap, picking at your nails, “It’s... Okay, so, yeah, it kind of sucks because of, like...everything. But I also do have fun with you, so... I dunno, I guess I just have to get over the Hansol thing eventually.”
“But I don’t wanna rush you or force you or--”
He stopped talking, just watching you with his mouth half-open. The look you gave him was one that told him you didn’t want to talk about the matter anymore.
“I’m fine. It’s fine,” you promised. “Can we drop it?”
I talk a lot but we could fill your frames with pictures of our faces 'til we share a name.
“I’m begging you to shut that song off,” Soonyoung whined.
“And to shut the fuck up for a second,” Minghao sighed in annoyance, kneeling a few feet away from where you, Mingyu, and Soonyoung were leaning back against the pier railing while he snapped some photos. “Your mouth is open is literally all of these. You don’t need to hear your own voice all the time.”
You learned quickly that Mingyu was constantly talking. Currently, he was on a rant about which place on the pier was the best place to get pizza, and that stemmed from a story about going to the beach with Seokmin, which stemmed from wind blowing sand into Minghao’s face. He really knew how to get sidetracked over and over and over.
“If he closes it, he’ll die,” you told him.
Mingyu frowned and glared at you, “I’m not a mouthbreather.”
“And I’m not your journal but you talk like I am,” you shot back with a shit-eating grin.
Mingyu mimicked you with a sneer so you did it back.
Honestly, Mingyu was nervous inviting you out with some of the other members. He kept reminding you that you could say no, but you figured you’d been fine with Mingyu thus far so what was the worst that could happen? He knew better than to invite Hansol, and you figured his friends were smart enough to not bring him or what happened up.
Well, except maybe Soonyoung, but he was doing good so far.
“Okay, I’m over this,” Soonyoung reached around you to Mingyu, ripping away the small bluetooth speaker that was clipped to his jeans and powering it off. “Five times is enough for one song.”
To be fair, you were the one who was playing it this time.
“Can you guys please look less like you hate each other?” Minghao asked.
“We’re fine,” you shrugged, gesturing between you and Mingyu. Then you shot your thumb toward Soonyoung to your left. “It’s this one who’s being a party pooper.”
“Then leave, Soonyoung.”
Both you and Mingyu burst into laughter, causing Minghao to smile at his own statement. Soonyoung looked appalled as he slowly started stepping out of the frame, looking at the younger boy with a mix of confusion, offense, and anger.
“Are you kidding me?” he demanded. 
Before he got up to run away, he snapped a photo of you and Mingyu laughing together.
You didn’t get to see the photos until later when Mingyu was dropping you off. Minghao texted them to you and in the middle of yet another Mingyu tangent, you cut him off to coo at the photos.
It was perfect timing because he just pulled up outside your building, so he leaned over to look.
All of them were kind of a mess. Mingyu’s mouth was open in most of them, or Soonyoung was blinking, or your hair was blown in your own face or one of theirs -- actually, there was a photo where it was both.
It wasn’t until you scrolled to the last one that you let out a laugh from how cute it was. You and Mingyu stood beside each other, you half-bent over and Mingyu holding the railing behind you to stay up as you both laughed toward the camera but not directly at it.
“Shut the fuck up,” you squealed as you immediately went to make it your new lockscreen.
And for once, as Mingyu watched you change a photo of the two of you to your lockscreen, he was at a loss for words, his heart thumping in his chest the only sound that came from him.
“Honestly, I was getting kinda tired looking at my group,” you said absentmindedly as you looked at your new lockscreen. “It was us for a loooong time.”
“What was it before?” he wondered in a murmur.
You looked over at him with a ‘you know who’ look.
“Yeah...” you sighed.
“Do you think you’re still in love with him?”
Mingyu blurted the question. In classic Mingyu fashion, he just spoke without a filter. He never stopped speaking. You didn’t really expect anything less.
“Wait, that was--”
“No, it’s fine,” you interrupted. “I think...yeah.”
“Yeah...” he mumbled, his mouth going to one side of his face. “I mean, love takes a while to get over.”
You looked over at him, “Have you ever been in love?”
He gulped but hoped you didn’t notice.
“You’re single, right?”
“How long did it take you to get over it, then?” you wondered, hoping for some advice.
“Honestly? Um...” Mingyu took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to come up with an answer that wasn’t too suspicious. “Honestly, I’m not. I’m just...trying.”
“To be with her?”
“Sort of. I just want to be her friend right now.”
You nodded slowly, “So you’re not friends now?”
“We kind of are. I think.”
You laughed softly and shook your head, “Okay, well, let me know how that goes.”
“Yeah, I will.”
I’m living on a target and you shot it with an arrow; Now I lost my self-control, I can’t stop thinking and I’m thinking that I’ve lost it.
Mingyu watched you move around your bedroom as you mumbled the words to yourself mindlessly. You were supposed to be putting away the few pieces of laundry scattered across your floor that you were too lazy to put away, but you were clearly getting distracted.
To be fair, it was his fault. He randomly asked if you wanted to hang out since he finished his schedules early, and you still had a couple hours before your own so you didn’t plan on cleaning until you got home.
Instead of planning accordingly and spending time to get ready, you decided to hang out with Mingyu. But that was okay because Mingyu was supposed to be getting an early night’s sleep since he had to wake up early for recording the next morning.
“Can I ask you something?” he asked suddenly.
You paused what you were doing, looking at him to silently let him know he could ask whatever he wanted.
“Why didn’t you just say no if you were busy?” he chuckled even though he was getting butterflies just knowing you let him come over when you had things to do. It made him feel important; like you wanted to see him that badly.
You shrugged and countered with, “Why didn’t you go home to sleep?”
“I will always readily admit I have back self-control issues,” he stated.
“And who said I don’t?” you scoffed.
The butterflies only got worse. You couldn’t say no to him?
Was he getting delusional again? Absolutely.
Was there any coming back from it? Probably not, but at least he was self-aware.
All these aisles feel like miles; Where you go, I'll follow.
Finally, you grabbed your Switch controllers and went over to your bed, sitting beside him against the headboard and handing him one. 
“So why do you have nighttime schedules?” he asked as you started up Mario Kart.
“Soey insists we sound better at night, so we’re recording at night instead,” you explained. “Since she’s the one with the music degree, we all just kind of listen to whatever she says, I guess.”
“Won’t she ream you for not, like, warming up and stuff?” he chuckled, recalling you talk about how Soey could be when it came to music.
“I can drink tea and play Mario Kart at the same time,” you decided as you got back up from the bed. “I could probably also get Taehyung to distract her or something. You want anything?”
“I’ll just come with you,” he said as he put down the controller and climb out of bed with you.
Mingyu shuffled behind you like a puppy as you led him to the kitchen. Along the way, a few of your members that were hanging around the dorm were greeting him like normal. It had become common for you and Mingyu to hang out, and while it took some warming up for some of the girls, they liked having Mingyu around. Plus, he sometimes made them food.
When you first started hanging out with him, you got the third degree hard. You knew it was just because your friends cared about you and didn’t want you falling back into your awful depression, but it was also kind of annoying that they suddenly wanted to be protective when it felt like they wanted you to get over the whole Hansol thing already. 
But now, it was almost like Mingyu was the thirteenth resident of the dorms. Half the time, if you were somewhere, Mingyu was bound to be there, too.
“Your shadow’s gotten taller,” Mori joked as the two of you passed her in the kitchen.
“If he’s my shadow, you think Soey will be pissed if he ends up at the studio later?” you asked jokingly.
“Wouldn’t put it passed the two of you for him to end up there.”
Mori looked up at Mingyu with a knowing look, and Mingyu just shrugged, cheeks turning pink, “At least I’d be there on time for our session tomorrow.”
I know we only just met so why do I feel invested? And do you feel it too? Do you feel it too?
Mingyu finally understood what it was like to want to listen to the same song on repeat. Because that was how he felt about this song. It was the perfect song for his situation. How he fell for you instantly. How he was trying to be respectful while you healed your heart. How he had gotten so attached to you and had begun wondering if you could or would ever feel the same for him. Whenever he heard it, he thought of you, and he never wanted to get you out of his head to he just kept it on.
I could be your best yet; Future favorite regret; Do you feel it too? Do you feel it too?
He watched you, drunk and borderline unhinged, as you passionately sang along to the song in his bedroom. Most of the members had gone out for a night of drinking, and while he invited you, you decided you wanted to stay home so he offered to stay in and drink.
And boy, was he glad he did, or he wouldn’t witness you using his hair mousse as a microphone so you could sing his newest favorite song at the top of your lungs while you jumped on his bed.
I've gotta let you know that I think that I love you so.
It was so hard to not be hopelessly in love with you, especially in moments like this. Moments where you were goofy and unapologetically weird. Moments where you did whatever you wanted and just acted so you. Moments that were rare for the rest of the world to see. Moments that were just for him.
You could be my only one; I've gotta let you know.
You’d come so far from when your heart was first broken, and the more time he spent with you, the harder it became for him to not say anything. Even if you denied him, he wanted to tell you. This must’ve been how you felt when you wanted to confess to Hansol. He wanted to do it so badly that he thought he’d throw up.
But now wasn’t the right time. Not while both of you were drunk. Not while he was still even a little bit unsure if you were over Hansol.
So I'll just tell my telephone all of the above when I'm alone.
In the middle of him laughing loudly and shouting along with you, his phone buzzed on his lap. He picked it up to see it was Minghao texting to see how things were going. Wanting to know if his alone time with you was going well or not.
At least he had his friends to talk to in the mean time so the word vomit wouldn’t make him explode.
So I'll just tell my telephone all of the above when I'm alone.
── « ⋅ʚ ♫ ɞ⋅ » ───
tag list (italics are unable to tag): @anissanightyoung @aceofvernons @mythicalamphitrite @caratluvie @juliettechokilo @liemwantstosleep @rubyreduji @ohchangyu @mingyublues @kamalymaly @ru-lin [if you’d like to be added to the tag list, please fill out this form!!!]    
perma tag list (italics are unable to tag): @minluvly @honeyylin @miki-chi @heemingyu @noraehey @awkwardnesshabitat @floweryjessy @woozarts @anothershorthuman @shuabby1994 @vernxnsfool @ti--red @etaerealboy @plants-w0rld​ @futuristiccomputerkitten-blog​ @thepencilkorner​ @shmooooo​ @dejavernon​ @slut-for-dabi @pussymode @iamxelia​ @itbtoblikethatsometimes​ @wonderfulshinee​ @aikisbbq @ohmykwonsoonyoung​ @just-a-really-bored-kpop-fan​ @merapehlapyaaradhoorarahgaya @saythenameseventeen178​ @starlight-night0​ @ulavenger64king @itbtoblikethatsometimes​ @woo8hao​ @lillijayy-blog​ @twistedsiren​ @xxluckydreamsxx​ @dwaekkiracha​
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itzrafee · 2 months
One Piece Chapter Discussion (Chapter 1122)
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This week's cover page is in honour of My Hero Academia’s last chapter. The drawing of Smoker a recreation of fanart that Horikoshi sent Oda when he was young. Back when Oda first found out that one of his contemporaries was a fan of his that had sent in fanart, I remember both Oda and One Piece fans being ecstatic. It must be such a unique feeling for a fan to rise up and be a colleague essentially. And now it’s ending. Jujutsu Kaisen also seems to be nearing it’s end so the landscape of Jump will look very different soon. At least among the Simulpub series there isn’t much else other than One Piece and Chainsaw Man that are at similar levels of popularity or cultural relevance. Personally, I don’t think that’s the worst thing either. While I don’t think anything nowadays really matches the relevance or impact of the Big 3, that concept holds water because it’s something that’s cross cultural and relevant across many mediums. I hope Shonen Jump doesn’t trip over itself to establish the successors to these as something organic as well as thoroughly vetted will probably be better for the medium as a whole. With the prevalence of Manga and Anime these days, it might be beneficial for one or two series like One Piece and Chainsaw Man to be the face and ambassador of Shonen Jump and manga as a whole. This is an idea I want to explore further sometime later but for now let’s jump into the chapter! Thoughts below the cut!
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Just like how Whitebeard and Roger set people off towards the One Piece, so too does Vegapunk, though with a twist. Whereas before, the One Piece only attracted Pirates, now everybody seems to be aware and many are after it. We are no longer in the age of mock town. Of Dreamers and Cynics. We are in the age of Believers. But with that Belief comes panic. I feel like Vegapunk instilled within not only us and the pirates but also everyone else, the urgency to seek out the One Piece because he wants as many people in the way of the World Government and Imu. Cause let’s be honest, Pirates aren’t the most altruistic sort. Telling everyone is basically hedging the bets. Letting the citizens know is also this huge act of rebellion as the powers that be would rather it’s citizens be in the dark so that they can continue their rule unopposed and unquestioned. 
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Also the fact that Oda redraws flashbacks is so apparent here as there isn’t a one to one to that panel of Luffy’s face and Koby used to look much dorkier, with his glasses having huge straps on the side. 
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I also think Koby’s declaration and determination here shows one of One Piece’s central theses, that dreams aren’t meant to be static. They are meant to end. To be achieved so that you can grow and find a new one. And Koby fulfilled his initial goal of joining the navy a long time ago. Now he wants to build it into a just place as he believes the navy is a vehicle for that. It’s why he’s a part of Sword. And it’s why he now too wants the One Piece. I find it funny how now everyone’s goal is the same as Luffy’s. Was it inevitable or is it through Luffy’s sheer force of will that he’s brought attention to it. Before him, the world was at a stalemate between the great powers. Whereas before Luffy was moving through an actively changing world, it’s him now that moves it. I also find it funny that Luffy’s goal exists beyond the One Piece, his true dream something ridiculous and unimaginable. I like to think he wants to explore space but who knows.
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As an avowed Buggy stan, it’s always a treat to see him like this. He’s my Pirate King ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
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I fucking love this clown <3<3<3
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Getting back to Emeth, possibly the first proper crew member of Joyboy’s we’ve seen, we learn a lot of small details that make the bigger picture a little clearer. While we don’t know Emeth’s full story we can already get a glimpse of how tragic it is. Emeth seems really kind and innocent, kind of like a cross between Chopper and Oars Jr, and it’s obvious that he misses his old friend. It seemed like Joyboy was a lot like Luffy or Ace where he was always protecting the people he loved. It seems that Emeth wasn’t confused at the time period but more that Luffy looks exactly like Joyboy, so much so that he hoped he’d survived the centuries like Emeth himself. And here those feelings of betrayal and failure rise up again in regards to Joyboy. Joyboy had failed his promise to the Fishmen. And Zunesha committed a crime and was forced to wander the earth for centuries. And finally here we learn that Emeth failed to make Joyboy King. What kind of king could that be? Could it be that Joyboy never was the king of pirates or is it something else? Could it be that Roger himself never fully achieved it either? Luffy’s definition of the role of the Pirate King is that they’re the freest person in the World. And how can you achieve that if the world itself is oppressive. So by any metric, as long as Luffy dismantles the current oppressive structures of the world, as the promise seems to be, he will be the greatest king of the pirates, if not the first. 
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It’s curious that both Emeth and Zunesha recall the drums of liberation with fondness and nostalgia. It seems to be something that’s a lot more important than we even realize now. It’s this magical beat that can be felt and heard by everyone nearby, especially those who align with values of freedom. And alongside that, the magical seeming storage capabilities really highlight the magic side of One Piece in an arc about Science. I think very often Oda tiptoes the line between explaining everything and making it seem scientific and having a sense of unexplained magic in the world, with how unquantifiable things like Haki and Devil Fruits can be. And with a combination of both weather magic and haki, Oda goes all in on magic here. I think also making the ancient technology seem simplistic in comparison to the current world adds to that as well. The return of the knots also reminds me of the dials from Skypiea in that they may be another ancient technology. 
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Emeth’s explosion of Haki also shows a lot of things. One, that the beast version of the Gorosei almost coat them like armour. Two, that they themselves are kind of like impermanent summons in that they can be sent back to where they came from. If you remember, Saturn actually came to Egghead himself. And Three, either Joyboy’s haki is felt by Imu, or more likely, he has a connection to the Gorosei on a physical level. Also we get a look at Imu’s silhouetted attendant once more as well, maybe hinting that they’ll be important near the end too. This reveal of Joyboy’s powerful and sealable haki also gives us a hint towards where Luffy could develop and how he could learn to fight the Gorosei and Imu, who seem untouchable right now. Also it seems like Emeth always talked to Joyboy through the voice of all things. I wonder what Emeth really is?
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Also if we look at Emeth’s hand there’s a cross/X on it. It kinda calls back to the X’s on the Strawhats arms but also the idea of the Jolly Roger and the Marine and World Government Flag as well at the idea of the Road Poneglyphs being used to triangulate the One Piece. 
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Also if we look closely at Joyboy's Silhouette, the first time we've got a proper look at him, we see that his right hand and right leg look a little odd. My first thought was that he had a peg leg and an artificial hand that kinda looked like a lego arm if that makes sense? Oda once said that when we see a character with an eye patch we'll know One Piece is near it's end. So this makes me wonder if this flashback isn't set sometime after the war and the war having taken it's toll on Joyboy, left his right side damaged, from his leg to his arm to his eye, making him the first character we could see with an eyepatch. I do think Luffy could get one too eventually. Also Joyboy's prosthetics also reminded me of Nami's original design so I wonder if there will be any crossover there. The perspective is a bit skewed but it doesn't look like the giant strawhat Imu had would fit Joyboy. Unless Joyboy changes sizes a lot or Imu is a lot smaller than we think.
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Finally it seems like we’ll be moving on from Egghead soon as the Strawhats and Giants are all together on the water and in the clear. It seems like the Strawhats have a tendency to fly through the air with their ships. This moment being kinda reminiscent of them leaving Skypiea and Wano. As the Strawhats seem to begin their journey, Emeth is faced down by Saturn. It looks like the last attack by the Gorosei took out the transponder snail so the transmissions is at an end. I think all that remains is to see if Emeth is alive and what Saturn will do to him.
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slowandsteddie · 8 months
27 June 2010 - 8 February 2024
When I laid on my side, Emmett used to start at my feet and walk up my entire body before digging his tiny, little paws into my ribs. His stinky, old man breath would assault my nose, and then he would cram his entire tiny, fucking face into my armpit before purring so loud that I swear you could hear it in the next room. I’d lift my arm up at angles that actually really hurt because of my collar bone having been previously broken and drop my hand down at the right angle to be able to play with the fur that was from his mid-back. Grip and shake and tug while he is purring somehow, impossibly, louder. After awhile, I would adjust my arm, that always fucking popped, and cradle him on one side with it. He’d pull himself up just a bit and proceed to start licking/chewing on my chin and cheek. I’d use my other hand to half-ass cover us up. We’d fall asleep like that. I’d wake up on my other side with him laying across my face most days. Some days I’d wake up because he was trying to steal my nose piercing again. Occasionally, I’d wake up with him on top of my dresser. “Excuse the fuck out of me” was always met with the cutest little mew before he’d come running back to me.
I’d set my alarm for an hour early so I always had plenty of time to pet and snuggle my old man before I had to get up and get ready for work. As I walked around my room, making sure he had everything he needed, he’d follow me by walking quickly across my bed. Back and forth. When it was time for me to get dressed, I’d grab three random shirts and drop them on the bed. He’d pick the one I’d wear by laying on it. I always had to carry him to the bathroom with me, even if I was just going to pee, because he would cry the entire time I was gone and it broke my heart. Now he’s gone and I’m the one who can’t stop crying.
He was given to me when he was just 8 weeks old. My aunts cat had had a litter and I was promised one of the babies. My mom was taking too long to be “ready,” so her sister brought him to me. Zipped up in her coat. When she got out of the truck, I remember thinking “it’s so warm, why is she wearing a jacket?” She looked at me with a grin while unzipping it about half way and presenting him to me with a very smug “I brought you something!” I instantly pulled him into my hold and ran inside. I remember my mom saying something along the lines of “well, I guess I’ll be back. Have to go to PetSmart.” I was too busy giggling and introducing Emmett to his new space. I did have to rearrange my room a bit so that the dresser was under the window for him — needed to make it easier for him to see the backyard.
He had me keeping my room very clean because he would knock everything off of whatever it was on if it was out of place. His favorite place to hide was in the laundry hamper, and it was even better when there was clothes in it. He also liked to go into my closet when the door was opened. He’d crawl up and find a comfy spot. Most of the time, the comfy spot was on top of my Bag of Bags. Sometimes he’d squeeze between all the clear totes and then mew at me until I fixed it AKA either made more room for him or helped him get back out.
When I moved out of my mom’s house and couldn’t take him with me was the hardest two years of my life. I’d go see him everyday after work and would see him for at least an hour every Saturday. It wasn’t enough. When I moved in with my dad’s sister and was able to get my baby back, full time… I’m so glad I had him with me the last two years of his life. He got all of the loves and attention and vet visits he needed/wanted. He made friends with my aunts dogs, Gunner and Bandit, and fell in love with her cat Jackson.
Emmett left us a few days after Bandit did. I just know they’re together again and that Grandma is taking care of them.
I think it makes it a little easier for me, thinking that he’s not alone wherever he is. Picturing Bandit waiting for him and then slobbering all over him before taking him to Grandma.
A huge part of me is missing, but I’ll figure it out. I have to.
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bwobgames · 1 year
Previous First
He wakes up
He doesn't know what day it is or what time it is
He wakes and has only one thought on his mind
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"I'm fucking pissed"
He knows he gets cranky when he gets hungry but this is something else.
He knows how it is, he will die soon
So why shouldn't he be a little hater in the meantime
This situation just sucks. Dying from thirst is so unglamorous.
This house? Wack. The art? Wack. The architecture? Wack.
If it wasn't because he didn't know how to start a fire, he would, indeed, set this place on fire
He knows what he can do.
After doing things that he'd rather not repeat to keep his water levels vaguely estable, he stands up and walks, with purpose this time, he is looking for something
And he finds it
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The femur is a human's strongest bone
"I don't know who your owner is, Mr Femur, but I'm sure this will be cathartic to both of us"
He is walking again
He finds a suitable target
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"Here comes Oliver Beebo, our rising star this season. He gets ready to swing aaand..."
"He absolutely smashes it!!! It's a homerun-goal-checkmate whatever the fuck, he wins!!"
"I fucking win"
He does it again to the rest of the heads. It's exhilarating, and moves to the next room
He's walking only through adrenaline and spite
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He sees another graffiti from his friend, anonymous graffiti-er.
He wonders if this is their femur. He hopes they are happy looking it be used for good.
Down with the system, you are so right graffiti person, I will make you proud
He smashes with a smile on his face
He finds a familiar room
The ceramic crime scene
Now it's gonna look like a real tragedy
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He wonders if the ghosts of the house are watching him right now
He hopes they're are
He can almost hear them
Giving him encouragement, clapping for him, shouting in joy where he can't
He will join them soon, he knows this
He will make a grand entrance
"Enjoy the show, fellas. I'll be there soon for any interviews"
He already feels like one of them
He's happy
Part of him hopes he's alone
He hopes that everyone else managed to leave, to pass on.
He hopes no one else is trapped like him
He doesn't know any of this people, and he loves them
"We are brothers now"
He walks, locally grown bat by his side, when he finally sees it
His primary target
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The map
Always there, a constant presence
Mocking him
His brain is not the most logical right now, but who cares? He has three femurs and a quickly approaching expiration date
He knows what he wants to do
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The frame shatters into pieces
He hits it over and over again, until the frame falls
He takes the paper and rips it with his own hands
He even bites it a little
He wished he could put it on fire, but he'll settle for leaving it absolutely non recognizable
He feels full of energy, borrowed from adrenaline
He feels amazing. He feels successful. He just ...!!
Something feels
He's tired, but he won't rest
He doesn't plan to stop until he's forced to rest
He is going down swinging, Goddammit!
He goes to open another door
"I'll have all the time in the world to rest when I drop de-"
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He's outside
He's... He's outside?
The sun is so bright
He hears something behind him
A meow?
Looking behind him, he sees... a lot
Is the main room, the one he came in.
There's the cat, meowing, he takes it
"Poor boy, he's definitely hungry, but still looks healthier than me, hah"
Behind is... everything
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All the trash, art, bones, corpses, and mysterious substances that he found in the multiple rooms
His blue jacket is there, he thought he lost it forever
He doesn't take it
Some things he hadn't even encountered are there
It's... It's a lot
He puts the femur with the pile
He quietly thanks it
In between the... everything, he sees a can of spray paint
Must be empty
He feels like he lost a friend
He says goodbye to everyone
He think he hears them say it back
He goes back to the closest city, it's early morning
He leaves the cat in a vet and himself in a hospital.
The cat was delivered to the owner the next day
For his sacrifice and high amount of trauma in the act of cat-searching, he got paid the amazing quantity of
20 dollars
He got himself the most expensive and delicious ice cream 20 dollars can buy
It was really good
And a great way to repress memories
He tells people something fell on him while he was in that house, and that's why he couldn't escape for 2 days
Sometimes he believes it too
He makes a formal and stern petition to have that house be demolished. Seeing the multiple bones inside and Oliver's story of the events, they quickly accept it.
The house is gone shortly after
He doesn't know if there were ghosts in there or not. He could have been very well just hallucinating anything due to his poor, poor mental and physical health.
He still misses them
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theloveinc · 2 years
🐌 anon -
Okay a few things and I’ll go cause I literally- this shit-
Bakugou has had a long day at work. When he came home he literally ate so much food you had cooked from him that the smell of food makes him sick. Afterwards he took a hot ahh bath and right when he laid in y’all’s bed and did that feet rub thing everyone does he was fucking out.
A few hours later he would hear crumbling a first he thought it was just the cat coming to bed but then he heard it again and it sounded like plastic. He swears to fucking god if that fat old bastard got into some FUCKING food or weird ass international snack you eat from your home country and gets sick and he has to rush him again to the vet ER he’s gonna kick YOURS and THE CATS ass. His bright red eyes would be glaring at the dark wall in front of him and he would look on his night stand to see it’s 2am- he has to be up in 2 hours.
He was ready to grab that bastard and throw him downstairs until he hears the bed shift and causes him to jump. He’s whip around so fast that it scares you and you’re looking around asking him what’s wrong and did someone break in or something?? THIS BITCH- This man is GLARING SO HARD AT YOU CAUSE WHY TF ARE YOU EATING A UNCRUSTABLE IN YALLS BED AT 3 AM- ITS LITERALLY FROZEN! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU!
Also that song by ghost- Mary on the cross the lyric “you’re beauty never ever scared me” makes me think of bakugou with a s/o that has a “villain” like quirk that makes her look monster like. He knows people use to pick on her and that she always wanted to be a hero growing up but her quirk is seen as “too dark” and could “scare the public” or “make people uncomfortable” but he thinks you’re just so fucking beautiful that it physically hurts him.
I can see his s/o sitting in front of a full size body mirror just staring at themselves because they wish they were quirkless because they’re seen as “dark” or “monster like” and he just kneels down beside you and cradles your face while gently whispering how beautiful you are and how you’re absolutely too perfect and beautiful for this world AHHH GAAAAAAHHWD DAMN
This is making me YELL omg, Bakugo being so tired from work he just breezes through the house not even realizing what the hell is going on.😭😭😭 Probably on one of the days he has his normal morning or day shift after an emergency fill-in the night previous, he just... is so soppy + exhausted that all he can do is be sweet to you and let you feed and cuddle him...
Which is why, OF COURSE, he ends up assuming the crinkles are from the cat (me 24/7 w/ my kitten actually)...
I'm just imagining the argument too, LMAO:
"Why... the fuck... are you eating a frozen uncrustable.......... in my bed?"
"Your bed? And uh, you were the one who dragged me in here at 8:30."
"Be quiet. We usually go to bed at 8:30."
"Yeah, after having a conversation about it like any normal couple. You were drooling all of dinner, was like talking to a robot."
"Be quiet."
"You said that already."
"Shut up. Finish your damn sandwich. Gave me a fuckin' heart attack."
(And he's like, sinking deeper into the covers and glaring at you until you finish LMAOOO. Then you do the feet rubbing thing again until he passes out, AGAIN as;djfalksjd.)
And for the monster quirk idea, 🥺🥺🥺 Bakugo being so hurt that he's unable to make you see how lovely you are. He really has such a hard time imagining why anyone WOULDN'T think you were the most amazing person on the planet for having not only the coolest quirk ever, but dealing with the hardships that came with it, too.
Makes him LIVID, and no matter how scary people find you, they're gonna find him even scarier when he goes after them for making you sad. Yeah, Bakugo is absolutely monster GF's protector hehehe.
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wanderingnork · 2 years
Isolation (2005): Illicit science experiments go horribly wrong on an isolated farm in Ireland, pitting a farmer and an innocent young couple against a monster.
Why doesn’t more of horror tumblr like this movie??? It has practical effects for its monster, does not like cops, has a black final girl, is full of cute and pettable cows, and has a hot sad older man alone on a farm. What’s not to love?
I loved everything about this. It got two (TWO!) audible gasps out of me, which is kind of hard to do.
The first half an hour is really just a farm drama, about a cow having a difficult pregnancy and ordinary people coming into conflict. There’s the relationship history between the farmer and the vet, there are notes of the social issues that drove the couple away from their old lives, all very mundane stuff. All of that is good, and the actors perform very well. It all culminates in the night that the cow gives birth, a scene which is mostly just the intense drama of trying to save the cow and her calf...until something very unsettling is revealed. Which is when the movie takes a violent turn into the horror of science gone wrong.
And my god was it WRONG.
I should really at some point compile a list like “ten most unsettling scenes in horror movies,” which would be a hard list to put together in general, but it’s clear that one specific line from this movie would sit at the very fucking top. You’ll know it when you hear it.
The creature in this movie is ALL practical effects. Grotesque, gory, beautiful. You can see a beautiful side shot of a model from bogleech here, here on artstation  is the life-size model of a cow sculpted for the movie, and the IMDB photo gallery for the movie has some nice photos. (Spoilers abound on that last one.)
Many elements of earlier practical-effect monsters are at work here (the Thing and Xenomorph comparisons are obvious), but I would like to give a special shoutout to the creatures of The Deadly Spawn. The way that this creature moved through water and mud in early stages of its development was extremely reminiscent of the delightful basement scene from Deadly Spawn. It’s really good stuff.
The movie isn’t constantly moving at top speed--despite being only 90 minutes, it still gives plenty of breathing room. It doesn’t hesitate when it’s time for the monster to show its face, for a sudden bout of violence, or for a tense chase scene. But that isn’t all we get. Between the tense moments there’s always a beat or two of stillness and silence, without any dread continuing to build, letting us wind down before ratcheting the tension up again to a higher point.
Which, pacing-wise, does make me think of the process of pulling a stuck calf out of its mother. Veterinarian Dr. W. Mark Hilton puts it this way: "Pull calf with hooks or use calf jack. The key is to go slowly and only apply pressure when the cow pushes. When she rests, you rest.” Appropriate, no?
Warnings: animal death, gore, sex, traumatic childbirth (a cow but I feel like it’s worth mentioning)
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sunflowerghostvol06 · 2 years
Alpha Louis Tomlinson - Omega Harry Styles
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Leave your mark on me by kingsofeverything in AO3
When Chef Harry Styles’ unbonded Omega designation threatens to derail his career, he does the only thing he can, and goes in search of a black market bond.
Words: 32,059 Chapters: 1/1
Empty nest by littleroverlouis in AO3
Harry has not felt the desire to nest. The thoughts of where the nest should be, or even what items he planned to scent and arrange, have not even crossed his mind. None of the soft blankets or sweaters they own have triggered any nesting responses. Throughout his career as an OB/GYN nurse, all of his patients have spoken of their nests or how the need thrummed through their veins. There was also the knowledge of all of his omega friends and family members beginning to nest before the end of their first trimester.
Does this mean he isn't cut out to be a parent? Why isn't his body preparing him to provide safety and warmth to his pup? Harry fell in love with his pup the moment the pregnancy test result turned up positive, but what if his unfaltering love isn't enough?
or pregnant Omega Harry is stressed about a nest.
Words: 16,464 Chapters 1/1
Face your fears by SadaVenirem in AO3
Harry is a single father, pretending to be a beta after his alpha mated him and left him. He’s getting by just fine raising the twins when Louis walks into his bakery. Too bad him and Louis will never be a thing.
Words: 92,219 Chapters: 17/17
Just for tonight (I can be yours) by SadaVenirem
Harry, prince of Cestrescir, has been betrothed to Ludvic, prince of Yorvik, since birth. He'd accepted a loveless marriage as his duty to his country, until an accident threw him in the path of a gentle alpha.
Words: 42,495 Chapters: 14/14
Watch the sun coming up by SadaVenirem
As Louis approaches his thirtieth birthday his pack is desperate for him to find a mate.
Harry has always expected one day he may settle down with a nice alpha and they would continue to live in his small hometown.
Together they somehow will make this work.
Words: 36,535 Chapters: 7/7
I just want you to stay by SadaVenirem
“Remember the vet job up in Edinburgh I interviewed for right before your rut?” Louis nodded. “She just called me back. I got the job. I start next year.” Harry let out a shriek as he said the word year and he clapped his hands in delight. “Isn’t that great! Full time vet job! New animals to meet! A new environment!” He settled his eyes back on Louis, who was still standing there in front of him with wide eyes. “Isn’t it great, Lou?”
That seemed to jolt Louis out of his thoughts and he nodded immediately, opening his arms up for Harry to dive into. “Holy shit, yes. Congratulations. Come here,” he wrapped his arms around Harry and cuddled him close, pressing his nose into Harry’s neck. “Holy shit,” he whispered.
aka Louis and Harry have been roommates for four years, comfortable in their routine and their relationship. But all of that is about to change.
Words: 34,941 Chapters: 25/25
Never been a fan of change, but we're still the same by fearsparks
“Why didn’t you call me?” Louis demanded. “As usual?”
Niall grimaced and reluctantly said, “He said you would make him drop.”
“Make him, how?” Liam asked worriedly, then quickly turned to Louis with almost judging eyes, asking, “You’d never force him to drop, right?”
“Fuck no,” Louis said firmly, shaking his head. “Never.” He’d never force Harry to drop unless he wanted to drop. Jesus, are his friends all idiots?
(Harry and Louis have relied on each other for over two years now, always turning to each other every time they need anything from touch to pheromones. But after Harry's omega unexpectedly causes him to drop in the pub, their relationship is no longer the same.)
Words: 27,115 Chapters: 1/1
Come on over, we have something to share by jaerie
Even as an unbonded omega with a four year old, Harry had everything he needed. His beautiful son, a nice apartment, money to pay the bills -- oh, and an alpha next door always willing to knot his brains out.
Words: 12,661 Chapters: 1/1
I like the way you say my name (when you soak it in grace) by louisismycat (tiflamomet)
“It’s like I’m fucking orbiting around you, you know? Like you’re some huge, beautiful planet, and I’m a piece of space junk lucky enough to be pulled in by you somehow, and now I can’t leave, even if I wanted to. And I really fucking don’t want to leave.”  OR Louis is transferred to a new city to temporarily cover for his counterpart while he is on maternity leave for the next six months. His new co-workers talk endlessly about Harry, the omega who he’s covering for. And Louis finds himself jealous of whatever alpha as snatched him up. Until he learns Harry is actually an unmated omega three months out from becoming a single parent. Title from “Say My Name” by Prince of Eden
Words: 66,083 Chapters: 21/21
Ace of Spades by allwaswell16
Living as a sheltered omega in a farming village has not prepared Harry for life aboard the most notorious pirate ship to sail the Atlantic.
Or Louis is a pirate, Harry is his captive, and no one is who they say they are.
Words: 78,342 Chapters: 14/14
Glitter in the sky, glitter in our eyes by softfonds
What happens when a Duke who will only marry for love and a courtesan who only sells it create a public ruse? Well, nothing boring for sure. An Edwardian AU.
Words: 59,205 Chapters: 6/6
I think you're already home by jaerie
Seeing Louis Tomlinson today, it would be hard to guess that he was ever once a member of the world's most famous boyband. These days he doesn't even the leave his own house. The truth is he can't leave his own house. He can't even remember the last time just standing at an open door didn't send him into a debilitating panic attack. But, against his friend's advice, Louis is ready to add meaning to his life again. He's ready to start a family. So what if he doesn't have an omega? There are plenty of surrogacy services just waiting to help the rich and famous become parents. He just has to find the right one for the job.
Words: 38,318 Chapters: 11/11
Lies & Liability by 4ureyesonly28
Harry Styles has only three wishes when he leaves River Dane Manor to go to Town for his first season: that his sister has rented a townhouse that will provide him as many of the comforts of the country life he has grown accustomed to as possible, that he will not trip and fall when he is presented to Her Majesty the Queen, and that he will enter matrimony out of true love, no matter how favourable the match with any which alpha may be.
Words: 34,329 Chapters: 1/1
Rooms on fire by softfonds
Ten years ago, Louis helping Harry through a heat was the start of a romance that ended in heartbreak. Now, Harry's marriage is over thanks to his husband's very public infidelity, and Louis is fresh off a Golden Globe win. The last thing they both expect is to be cast in the same movie.
Words: 34,132 Chapters: 2/2
Only guilty of loving you by sweetrevenge
After Harry gets set up with his co-worker's alpha friend Louis, he's expecting some pleasant conversation, free dinner, and maybe a new friend. What he doesn't expect, however, is that Louis' arrival in his life begins a life of crime Harry never knew he had in him.
A You've Got Mail!AU with a twist.
Words: 22,110 Chapters: 1/1
You've got to eat something by nancyo1
"So," Zayn starts, breaking the silence, "You and Lou. What's up with that?"
Harry chokes on his water, wiping away the spillage on his chin and shakily setting down the glass. "Sorry?"
"You and Louis. The Alpha you're currently sharing a bed with. What is up with that?" Zayn repeats smugly.
The younger boy panics a little, trying to keep calm and play dumb. "I mean, I can sleep on the couch if it would make you feel better?"
Words: 21,980 Chapters: 1/1
Wolf boy (Like no one else) by cristalrush
Harry turned his head and smelt the pillow. He was slowly waking up but didn’t want to. He wanted to stay asleep and keep smelling that scent. He was certain it was only made up by his brain because nothing could smell like that. So good and relaxing but at the same time exciting and new. He tucked the soft blanket higher up, so he could hide under the covers for a while longer. His aunt would come soon and wake him up.. Except... no, Marie was not coming to wake him up. He wasn’t at home. He was somewhere he didn’t even know, sleeping in someone else’s cabin and this wasn’t his bed.
Harry sat up fast, the blanket falling down on his lap. Harry looked around the room and saw a boy in front of him, sleeping in an armchair with a baseball bat next to him. And that was when Harry screamed.
Or the one where Harry leaves his old pack in hopes to find his soulmate. And that’s when he meets Louis, an alpha who doesn’t believe in soulmates.
Words: 70,315 Chapters: 15/15
Shadows come with the pain that you're running from (love was something you've never heard enough) by hlftanna
“Thanks, Ni, I guess I needed to hear that,” Harry sighed and wrapped his own arms around Niall and squeezed him tightly not caring if Liam would be mad. He missed Niall so much.
“Does it really come as a surprise to you that I’m right? Shaking my head, Haz. You should know me better,” the brunette teased.
Harry giggled again.
“You know Hazza, you really are so different to all the other alphas out there. You’re soft, caring, cuddly and sweet and those damn dimples. So freaking pretty, it’s almost annoying. I would hate you if you weren’t my best friend. You’d really be a brilliant omega. Nature really did a number here,” Niall mumbled. It was his turn to smash his nose into Harry’s neck and Harry was extremely thankful for that because he wasn’t sure he had his facial expression in check at all.
Or a Band AU in which Harry isn't allowed to be who he really is and the North American Tour might bring some unexpected truths into the web of lies and also a bit of heat that has very little to do with the summer in the US.
Words: 51,170 Chapters: 3/3
Milk kinship by jaerie
Harry had aspired to become a wet nurse since first learning about the honored and respected tradition when he was a teenager. The first documentary he’d seen had been detailed and brutally honest and Harry had still fallen in love with the idea. It’s origins were rooted in highly regarded positions of the royal staff and were credited in playing a role in the lives of some of the most famous children in history. There were medically trained wet nurses and other milk services for mothers unable to feed their babies, but true wet nurse nannies could only be afforded by the rich and famous. The glamorous life appealed to Harry even if his understanding of his role changed to a more realistic view over time. As a starry eyed kid, that was where he wanted to be.
Or Harry is a wet nurse and isn't allowed to have an alpha. He may or may not break his vows.
Words: 21,528 Chapters: 1/1
I can't hear you by kikikryslee
"I’m not supposed to be built this way!" Harry said. "I’m supposed to be shorter than you, and you’re supposed to be stronger than me and-“
“Harry!” Louis tried to interrupt.
“And what if I’m not supposed to be an omega? What if my body screwed up somewhere or something? What if I’m not supposed to be your omega?”
Or, the one where Harry is self-conscious about his body because it's not the 'typical omega body' and Louis shows him why he loves that.
Words: 9,088 Chapters: 1/1
Pretty please (with sugar on top) by angelichl
Harry is a sugar baby omega who cons rich alphas for a living. Louis is a rich alpha with too much self-control.
Words: 113,663 Chapters: 3/3
Stars will align for us by 2tiedships2
"The serial monogamist is single," Niall said by way of introduction when he sat down across from Harry in the canteen.
Harry sipped his chocolate milk. "What are you going on about?"
"Your alpha dream boat," Niall said. "That tiny little footie player? I heard from Hannah that he's broken it off with his boyfriend so he’s single and ready to flamingle. Now's the time to make your move."
Harry sipped his chocolate milk harder to keep himself from replying.
Or the one where Harry is an omega at a loss of how to get past his pining and gain the attention of Louis...especially considering the alpha is always in a relationship.
Words: 15,865 Chapters: 1/1
His first heat by IceQueenRia
There were so many things 17 year old Alpha Louis Tomlinson could have been doing on his Friday night. As it happened, he was set to spend his evening babysitting a younger Beta boy named Harry Styles. Although, perhaps 'Beta' wasn't entirely accurate?
There were so many Friday nights when 14 year old Harry Styles could have presented as an Omega. But as luck would have it, his body had to decide to present itself the night he was alone in the house with an older Alpha.
Words: 61,706 Chapters: 22/22
Enchanted by brightgolden
“My close friends usually call me H,” Harry mumbles suddenly after Louis wraps up his story.
That’s unexpected. “Are you telling me I’m your close friend now?” Louis quips, squinting his eyes at Harry.
Where Louis finally meets his neighbour. After a few conversations, he begins to realise he is too weak to resist the charms of the new mother and his six month old daughter.
Words: 25,030 Chapters: 1/1
Endgame by brightgolden
Harry has been told all his life how grateful he should be for being born as a male omega, and how blessed their people were because the heir to the throne would be carried by The King.
What they neglected to tell Harry was what would happen if he failed to become pregnant.
Where omega Crown Prince Harry Styles is trying and failing to get pregnant for four years, but all that is about to change when courtesan alpha Louis Tomlinson comes into the equation.
Words: 38,619 Chapters: 1/1
A twist of fate by myfearlesslou
Since the moment Harry presented as an omega, all he's ever wanted was to have a baby. Fate had another idea in mind for him. Giving up on trying to conceive, he decides to adopt a new born baby boy. After months of loving and caring for the boy, a strange man comes into his life, taking him by surprise. Not wanting to lose the child he's loved from the moment he laid eyes on him, Harry does whatever he can to keep the boy safe and in his arms. Even if that means following the handsome stranger to a part of the woods he's never seen before.
Words: 35,518 Chapters: 16/16
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jellyfitzjelly · 2 years
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I posted 7,007 times in 2022
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#and like....for some of my faves i do have a lot of opinions™ on the quality of writing in the 2000s but jesus christ. did you have to sink
My Top Posts in 2022:
Just want to tell you that I really love your hc you leave in different peoples inboxes (even when they are angsty af) ❤️ if you have more ideas - please share!
oh! 😭😭😭😭 thank you so much!!!!! 🥺
Ok so how about some mer!bruce? most of the ideas are courtesy of @ivebeenghosting but they were kind enough to share them with me!
• Alfred is human and found Bruce clinging to his dead merparents on a beach. They were killed by poachers who were after their scales (very sought after in jewelry and cosmetics). He raised him and kept him safe and hidden and is basically the granpa of Bruce's brood.
• It all came crashing down when this guy who moved in the village only a few years ago came into town with his truck full of Bruce's merbabies, buying ALL the ice cream stocks of the local supermarket and going to the vet with a bloodied Dick (he got injured by yet another of Bruce's potential mate). Alfred is less than pleased.
• I personally would find it hysterical if Alfred can understand merlanguage perfectly (which consists of chirps, shrill sounds and screams) and the mers seem to understand him perfectly despite the fact he only speaks English. This is never addressed by anyone nor by the story.
• Lex and Clark are exes and have a son together (Connor). They worked together, Clark was a marine biologist but Lex got greedy and started his own lucrative but deeply unethical sea park thanks to Clark's research. The divorce got messy. Clark was ruined and disgraced as an academic while Lex got Connor's custody and won't let him see him.
• The merbabies refer to ice cream as the "yummy cream" in their merlanguage.
• Connor comes across a tiktok of a local showing a blurry pic of a guy with a truck full of things that looks like kids and Connor goes "wait....DAD?!" and proceeds to run away from home to go to the town and try and find out where his dad lives.
• He accidentally wanders into the cavern creek near Clark's house where Bruce and his brood now live. Connor finds himself face to face with a whole gang of mers, which is not good since he knows mermaids are extremely dangerous and territorial, especially when they are raising youngsters. Bruce is hissing, claws and sharp teeth out before he starts sniffing and....wait.....smell familiar.....smell like.....Clark????????
• Clark comes as he usually does to check on the mers and feed them his fattest catches to find his estranged son being half-drowned and licked by Bruce and his babies.
• Connor later asks him if Bruce is his new stepdad. Clark almost dies choking on his coffee. Alfred sternly denies. Bruce is bringing fish to Clark like he's his mate.
152 notes - Posted July 18, 2022
Batman/Superman (2013) or the gift that keeps on giving
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Bruce being his usual grumpy self and Clark!!! being worried for him!!!! (but Bruce still lets him take Clayface to Arkham because he trusts him BUT ANYWAY)
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then they meet at the cave and Alfred gave Bruce's bf some tea because this boy will be THIRSTY when he'll see those abs (ALSO OH MY FUCKING GOD BRUCE WHY ARE YOU STITCHING YOURSELF UP JUST LET CLARK CAUTERIZE THE WOUND)
See the full post
249 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
Superman will live much longer than humans, right? Well, what if he eventually becomes a recluse in his fortress of solitude. Everyone he has ever cared about is gone now. Especially someone he loved.
He couldn't bear to lose him. Centuries later thinking about his death still hurts like it happened yesterday. So Clark had an AI built. He used footage and voice samples of Bruce. And there he was now, with his eternal frown, his blue eyes looking at him. He manages the Fortress. Sometimes...Sometimes Clark is painfully reminded that this Bruce is not his Bruce, that he is nothing more than a hologram and unfeeling lines of code. Sometimes he reaches out to touch his face, and his hand goes through because Bruce has been gone for centuries and this one is just a hologram, a memory of a distant past now reduced to dust. Clark keeps preciously all the footage he gathered of Bruce, you know. Sometimes....sometimes he just wants to hear his voice. To see him like he was there. Clark wished he could be with him. He has a lot of objects that were owned by Bruce too. He even recreated the Batcave down to the very last detail. He kept all of Bruce's batsuits. Clark even preserved the portrait of Bruce's parents because he knew it was important for him. He takes care of it. He also takes care of Bruce and his parents' graves, because he knows Bruce wouldn't want their graves to disappear. Every year on Bruce's death anniversary he comes put flowers on his grave. It's the only day in the year that he comes out of the fortress nowadays.
What if Clark has to save the world again, but....he doesn't want to. What's the use? The man he loves died a long time ago. And then there is Owlman. And this young man, this wannabe hero, reminds him so much of Bruce. Of his compassion, his need for justice, his stubborness. He peeked under the cowl and his eyes are as blue as the sky. Just slighter darker than Bruce's. It's painful. It is like Bruce's ghost has come back to haunt him.
309 notes - Posted July 27, 2022
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god i hate as much i love this dynamic of theirs 😭
460 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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please enjoy clark dragging bruce to his parents' for christmas
897 notes - Posted May 23, 2022
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