#i loved the merlin show too and despite it being extremely sad in the last few episodes it just
sapphirelass · 3 years
Deal? - Remus LupinxDaughter!Reader
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Hi! :)
Deal? (Part 1) | Oh, darling... (Part 2) | I’ll be by your side (Part 3) 
Please note:
1: I don’t own any of the gifs used, nor any already established characters, so credit to the authors and original creators - You have done a phenomenal job :)
2: English is not my native language, as I was born and raised in Sweden. I have, however, studied English for almost a decade, so I don’t think it’ll be a problem, I just thought I’d let you know ;)
You probably already knew this, but still XD
(Y/N) - Your name
(Y/N/N) - Your nickname
(Y/H/L) - Your hair length
I swear, my next story won’t be about Umbridge XD
Word count: ≈ 2300
Warnings: Umbridge, angst, slight swearing
“I do not wish to criticise the ways of the school, however you have been exposed to some rather irresponsible wizards in this class, very irresponsible indeed - not to mention” the toadlike professor threw a dark glance at a sandy haired student and smirked evilly, “extremely dangerous half breeds”.
The student in question raised her hand angrily, and glared at Professor Umbridge. “Yes?” the teacher smiled sweetly, “miss… Lupin, am I correct?”
“Yes, (Y/N)!” she began, “but that’s besides the point. Look, I know what you’re doing, but Professor Lupin was the best DADA teacher we’ve ever had, and I’d be more than happy to bet everything I own on that being quite a common opinion in this classroom!”
Most of her fellow classmates nodded furiously, and the young girl turned her head towards her professor, who immediately cleared her throat and declared: “Well, I’m afraid simply being a beloved teacher doesn’t really matter, dear.  Werewolves are still extremely dangerous creatures. They are beasts that are undeserving of respect and that should not be allowed to be part of our fine wizard community. They are uncontrollable, and highly likely to injure or possibly kill young witches and wizards, including their own children.”
She flashed a cruel, yet pleased, smirk as (Y/N) furiously stood up, despite Hermione desperately trying to force her down.
“You have NO IDEA what you’re talking about!?” she whispered angrily, her nails digging into her palms as her fists clenched. “You have probably never even met one of these so called ‘half breeds’, have you? No, you were most likely just told some bizarre stories containing more lies and made up facts than truths, and decided to put that worthless ‘knowledge’ - if you can even call it that - to use by spreading rumors and destroying the lives of innocent people.”
Umbridge looked frantic, and was about to speak up, but (Y/N) got there first. “I despise people who look down on others. People who claim to be better than everyone else. People like you. You certainly don’t deserve respect!”
She took a deep breath, and was about to continue when Umbridge’s shrill voice forced her to stay quiet. “That’s quite enough! Detention, miss Lupin. The rest of the week, five fifteen, don’t be late”.
A few hours later, (Y/N) made her way back to Umbridge’s office. She knew her friends had wanted to talk to her, but she had done her absolute best to avoid them all afternoon. She simply didn’t feel like explaining to them why she had done what she did. She’d gladly do it again though. Her father was the kindest, wisest, most incredible person she had ever met. He had done everything in his power to give her a good childhood, and no one had the right to insult him. She’d defend him to her last breath if that’s what it would come down to.
She knocked on the door carefully, and pushed it open when she heard a shrill, terrifying voice sing a sweet “come in”.
“Oh, miss Lupin, almost late I see!” she said arrogantly. (Y/N) didn’t have time to answer before her teacher continued. “Sit down.”
The detentions went on for another four days before Umbridge told her she didn’t have to come back the following evening, but that she better hold her tongue unless she longed for more. (Y/N) tried to keep that in mind, but still lost her cool a few more times before the end of the semester. However, the Christmas holidays were approaching, and though her red, swollen hand caused her to worry slightly, the idea of seeing her dad and godfather caused her enough joy to tip her mood over to “mainly happy”.
She stepped off the train with her friends, and immediately spotted her father on the platform.
“Dad!!” she shouted, and threw her scratched arms around his constantly scarred torso. “Merlin, I’ve missed you so much”. She buried her head in his shoulder, simply enjoying the feeling of love and safety that he somehow instantly gave off.
“Hello, darling!” he said gently, returning the bone-crushing hug. “I missed you too, believe me…”
(Y/N) wanted to stay like that forever, but eventually let go as she intended to at least try to keep her… problems… hidden. She had never really been able to keep secrets from her dad, and therefore didn’t want to do anything he would consider “out of the ordinary”. If she did, he’d figure it out, or persuade her to tell him everything within minutes, and she knew he’d feel guilty if he realized what she had done for him. She understood perfectly well that the scars on her hand were deep enough to be visible for the rest of her life, and that nothing she would say could convince Remus Lupin that it was not his fault. She was left with one option: He could not, under any circumstances, know. Ever.
They carried her trunk together, and walked a few feet behind the rest of the gang.
“So?”, her father inquired, “How are things? You all doing okay?”
“I suppose”, she answered, “Our new DADA teacher is quite a daft prick though.”
“(Y/N/N)!”, he muttered sternly, casually trying to hide a smile, “Are you sure that’s the right word? Sounds rather rough, doesn’t it?”
The witch shrugged. “No, I think it fits rather nicely. It’s almost as if she’s trying her very best to prevent us from learning anything helpful…”
“That’s… well, that doesn’t sound very promising, does it?”
“No, hence the slightly offensive description… But enough about her, how are you? Had any company while I was gone?”
The older wizard smiled, easily noticing the tone of his daughter’s voice switch into a far more joyful, energetic one - One he knew and loved!
“Oh yes, I’ve spent quite a bit of time at headquarters, and Sirius essentially isn’t allowed anywhere else, so we’ve done a lot of catching up. There is, believe it or not, a lot to talk about after 12 years without seeing each other, so it’s been very nice.” He turned to her, smiled even broader and added a quick “But I’ve still missed you.”, before quickening his pace to catch up with the others.
Later that night, (Y/N), Remus, Harry and Sirius were sat in the living room of number 12 Grimmauld Place. Harry and Sirius were playing catch with an old snitch they had found in the house, lazily throwing it back and forth. (Y/N) lay on a sofa, a thick leather bound book tightly clutched in her hands and her head resting on her fathers lap. He was deeply invested in A Guide to Medieval Sorcery, and father and daughter were simply enjoying a nice, calm evening.
All of a sudden, Sirius grabbed the snitch, sat up straight and reached out towards his godson.
“Harry, what’s that on your hand?”
The dark haired boy pulled the sleeves of his jumper further down and mumbled a quiet “nothing”.
“Sure, let me see then”
“No, it’s fine, don’t worry abo…”
Harry didn’t get the chance to finish his sentence, as Sirius had risen from his seat and forcefully grabbed his left hand. The slightly faded “I must not tell lies” was still readable, and Harry winced as the look on his godfather’s face went from composed to furious in a matter of seconds.
“Sirius, I…”
By this time, both Remus and (Y/N) had put their books down, and were carefully observing the “argument”.
“It’s our new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, Umbridge. She’s quite generous when it comes to giving detentions. But mine’s really not that bad now. It barely hurts anymore…”
“That’s totally barbaric!? Moony, we have to…”
“Harry”, Remus interrupted his old friend with a worried look on his face, “What do you mean by ‘quite generous’?”
His heart practically skipped a beat when he felt his daughter shift uncomfortably, however it was Harry who answered.
“‘m quite sure half the Gryffindors have been to her office at least once by now. Even when you’re not really doing anything wrong, she’ll make up a ‘reasonable’ excuse…”
As Harry spoke, (Y/N) had unconsciously been pulling the sleeves of her jumper closer to her fingertips. Remus obviously noticed and made eye contact with Harry, nodding discreetly towards his daughter as if to ask if she too had… well… yeah? Harry closed his eyes, knowing full well how his friend wanted to hide her scars from her dad. It had taken hours of convincing before she had even let him, Ron and Hermione see, and he understood why she didn’t want Lupin to know. He did, however, not like the idea of lying to his former professor, and nodded slightly.
Remus closed his eyes looking simultaneously sad and angered, sat up straight and muttered “(Y/N/N)?”
The young witch took a deep breath and was about to move away from her dad, but he was faster and quickly grabbed her hand. He was very gentle, but she flinched anyways, as her last detention had taken place only a week prior.
“(Y/N/N)”, he repeated, “show me”
“Dad”, she mumbled quietly, “‘tis fine, don’t worry”
“(Y/N)!” His voice sounded far sterner now, “I’m serious. C’mere”
“No, I don’t want…”
“It’s not a question of whether or not you want to, Love”, Sirius explained before his friend could think of a response. “Show your dad.”
“(Y/N/N)”, Harry mumbled, “Just… just do it”
“No! I can handle it! Stop making it sound like I’m too weak to do so!”
She felt a tear escape her eye, and stood up to leave the room when Remus waved his wand and locked the door.
Taking yet another deep breath, his daughter turned around, made her way across the room, pulled her left sleeve up and slammed her scarred hand down on the table for the other three to see.
“There! You happy now?!”
A flood of tears were streaming down her face, as her dad, godfather and best friend leant closer and read seven deep-red, awful, heart wrenching words:
I must not defend filthy half breeds
Remus put his head in his hands and stood up, while Sirius moved closer to his goddaughter and pulled her into a tight hug. Harry joined the embrace and comfortingly rubbed her back.
“why? Why (Y/N/N)?”, her father whispered quietly, his voice barely audible.
“I… I couldn’t…She… sorry…”
The usually calm, collected girl was completely lost for words. Shaking. She had no clue what to say, all she knew was that she had to let her dad know that she was sorry. Sorry for making him feel guilty. Sorry for causing him so much pain. Sorry for not being strong enough.
She walked over to him and noticed heavy, wet tears on his face too. Carefully she wrapped her arms around him, and together they sank down onto the cold floor. They sat there for what felt like hours before Remus finally spoke up, repeating his previous question.
“Why, darling?”
She met his sad gaze and collected her thoughts before quietly whispering “She keeps saying horrible things - pure lies - and she’s enjoying it. She’s throwing insults my way every chance she gets. If I don’t stand up and fight, everyone will think she’s right, and she’s not. Nothing will ever change unless someone works for it, and as soon as that someone backs down, they’ve lost. I’m not having that.”
He looks back at her, his eyes full of pride. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”
“You mean besides being the most phenomenal dad imaginable?”
He chuckled softly, ruffled her (Y/H/L) hair and held his hand out. (Y/N) slowly placed her hand on her father’s and shifted her gaze towards the floor as he examined the neatly written letters. With a worried expression on his face, he grabbed his wand and moved it back and forth over the scars while quietly muttering a few carefully chosen words. The pain immediately became more endurable, and after putting his wand away the older wizard grabbed his daughter’s shoulders gently, and looked at her in a sad, yet determined way.
“(Y/N/N), as honourable as your intentions are, please don’t do this for me. I’m not going to tell you to back down, but if you’re going to keep it up, don’t let it…” He paused, trying to find the right words. “I can’t stand the thought of you getting injured because of me. I’m not wo…”
“Yes, you are! Stop saying that! I’ll be a bit more selective, if that’s what you want, but don’t you dare tell me not to fight for you. You are my dad, my only family, and there is not a single person on this planet less deserving of disrespect, insults and hate. Dad, you’re amazing, and I’m not letting her fool people into thinking you’re not.”
After a moment of silence, a quiet, “I still don’t like it…”, escaped his lips.
“I know.” She sighed, “That’s why I originally didn’t plan on telling you.”
(Y/N) was fiddling with her fingers, not quite meeting her fathers warm gaze, when she suddenly sat up and said, “Let’s make a deal? I promise to choose my fights more wisely, and in return, you won’t blame yourself for the consequences of said choices? Sounds fair, doesn’t it?”
Her father sighed, but reluctantly answered, “Fine, as long as you promise me one more thing.”
“You won’t hide scars or pain from me ever again, no matter whether it’s physical or mental, okay? You’ll let me know, and let me help, always!”
She held her right hand out, her dad shook it and they shared a smile. This time, a true, pure one that actually reached their identically green eyes.
~ L
Part 2 Oh, darling...
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tiecladartist · 3 years
Okay, spoilers beneath the cut because I have some issues with Rise of the Titans.
Tales of Arcadia is one of my favorite series ever. It handled the "Kid is the chosen one" situation brilliantly, every character had depth (even characters like Steve, Eli, the teachers, etc). Theme was expertly handled with each part of the series. Destiny, heroism and sacrifice for Trollhunters; Family, duty and home for 3-Below; Legacy, prejudice and family (again) for Wizards. Every season brought me to tears, made me laugh, made me fear for the safety of the characters and want good things for them after watching them sacrifice over and over again. It is a comfort show for me and always will be.
Now, the movie...
So, I don't think it was bad. I also don't think it was good, unfortunately. The animation took a bit of getting used to after bingeing everything else leading up to this, but I can't deny it was incredibly beautiful. It was especially nice to see places other than Arcadia and Akiridion-5. It started off strong with the train fight, and admittedly there were a lot of scenes I quite liked during the movie. But, just the scenes. I liked moments, but overall it didn't come together quite as well as the shows did.
The biggest factor is likely time. I doubt making this a movie was the initial plan since I know production companies enjoy snubbing out strong series for various reasons. Honestly, I was surprised we got an "ending" at all based on the trends of recent shows being forced to wrap things up prematurely. Even Wizards felt rushed compared to the others and as a result a lot of interesting concepts were brushed over quickly. I mean, I for one would've loved to see more Camelot "filler" shenanigans since those less plot-heavy episodes that we had throughout Trollhunters and 3-Below helped us explore the characters and grow to love them, and we didn't get quite as much of that with Douxie, Archie, Lancelot, Charlemagne, etc. But I digress, this post is supposed to be about the movie, not Wizards.
So yeah, I think Rise of the Titans should've been a show rather than a movie. We could have more time before Nari is captured, focusing on the "where are they now" of all the characters after the year we skipped. Jim gets to cook and eat human food after losing that passion when becoming a troll, adjusting to being human again! Maybe him and Toby talk about Barbara and Stickler being together and how it's kinda weird (Toby could compare it to having conflicting feelings over his Nana dating an alien). Krel and Aja have a call about how it is being the Queen and Steve interrupts because he misses Aja. Perhaps we hear Eli in the background doing something related to the "Secret weapon" and the call gets cut off quickly because this leads to a small disaster on Aja's end that she needs to go fix. Claire is practicing her magic with the help of Zoe while Douxie is off with Nari. NARI AND DOUXIE INTERACT WITH EACHOTHER AND WE ACTUALLY GET TO SEE IT! (Like, I know that they were travelling together for a year and that that is why Douxie is sad when Nari dies, but it didn't impact at all outside of empathy because there was no emotional investment on my end towards their friendship). But yeah, we get to see what's going on with everyone, and then perhaps this first episode ends with the reveal of them being ready for a plan of sorts (luring the arcane order and cutting off their magic. That wouldn't be revealed though). Cut to the Arcane Order in their super secret clubhouse saying they're close to finding Nari and you get a decent cliffhanger.
Episode 2 would start with the train fight and go fairly the same way. We see Jim struggling with fighting with no armor. Or perhaps he has akiridion armor, but it's too rigid or keeps malfunctioning (doesn't fit, so to speak). Only difference is that Jim's arc wouldn't be about whether or not he's still the trollhunter, because we've been through that already and he knows. I could get having moments of doubt, but his full on denial was kinda out of place after everything he went through. Instead, it could be that he feels useless due to now being a burden in a fight. Or perhaps instead he's wrestling with guilt. He's blaming himself since the arcane order got the seals due to them trying to rescue him. Maybe both? Maybe he even misses his troll body and feels that he's too weak now. Yes, he's still the trollhunter, amulet or not, but he's feeling less and less capable of answering this particular call, and that bothers him. He doesn't want to be a burden after all. Fight ends with the train crash, arrest, Douxie swapping with Nari, all the same.
Now, this is where things would go very very differently. Have more time before Douxie and Nari switch back. Let the Arcane order monologue a little more. They want to reset the world because the balance has been shifted? Cool! Tell me more! Did they used to try to get along with the humans? Did they try diplomacy in the past only to fail due to the stubborn humans, and that's why they've decided to take drastic measures? Or if not, explore why they believe they're the ones allowed to decide the balance is off. Is it because they're powerful? Or how long they've been on Earth? Did they reset it in the past and thus know through experience? I don't mind not knowing, since not everything needs to be spelled out for the audience, but there was potential to make them characters rather than obstacles, and it wasn't really utilized to its full potential. Allow Douxie to pick their brains a little instead of immediately swapping him and Nari back and only succeeding in delaying things a few more hours. Hell, if it was a TV show I honestly would've had one or two episodes before doing that while we address how that initial failure (and the fact that magical creatures/aliens were revealed to the world) affected everyone.
Maybe I'll go through and like, actually plot out episodes and stuff, but since I only just finished watching, here's just some various things I'd change:
-Get rid of that whole Steve pregnancy. That was just out of place and rather than the "comedy" breaking the tension, it shattered it completely and distracted from everything. If you wanna explore his father-based character arc, maybe have him and Aja discussing the fact that now that she's queen, she'll need heirs. And maybe Steve isn't sure he could be a good dad due to his history with paternal figures. You could even have it that he's taking care of Nari while her and Douxie are switched, and that leads to a situation where he helps her out and realizes he may be a better dad than expected. Or perhaps Blinky gives him paternal advice. Or Strickler. Or even BARBARA AND JIM like, Steve couldn't be worse than Jim's dad, and letting Steve and Jim bond over that would be nice. There was so much potential, but instead, Steve was reduced to an out of place running gag instead of getting a resolution to his character arc. And hey, if you wanna keep the whole male akiridions give birth thing that's cool, but it's gotta be done in moments where it won't distract. Or, you could even have it be that it means Aja and Steve need to adopt because uh... she's inorganic and he's organic? His body likely isn't actually built for akiridion childbirth despite the movie glossing over this fact? And maybe Steve has mixed feelings about someone else being the dad of his kids, but Coach and him talk about how Coach isn't his biological dad, but that doesn't mean he loves Steve any less.
-GIVE DOUXIE MORE SCREEN TIME! Seriously, had this been a show he would have the most potential for character growth out of everyone. His series was the shortest, so really all he got was a confidence boost and moving past needing Merlin's approval. But there was so much to explore with him still. What was up with that extreme burst of magic after Merlin's death that was never brought up again? How has he been mentally handling singlehandedly guarding Nari against the Arcane order for a year? Once he and Nari switch back, does he feel guilt over not being able to protect her? "Merlin wouldn't have failed like that. He kept her safe for thousands of years, I lasted a little over one". Perhaps, in his constant desire to prove himself to the people he cares about, he takes risky moves to try and save Nari again and make up for his mistakes, similar to how Jim was acting in the movie. Eventually, when he and Nari meet up again when trying to break her controlled state, Douxie is apologizing and talking about how he wants to make things right. He sees Nari as a friend; as family, just as much as Archie, and he doesn't want to lose her like he lost Merlin. He doesn't want to lose anyone else (which would make Archie getting stuck in the other Trollmarket, and Nari's sacrifice even more painful later on if that still happened).
-Krel, Eli and Stewart also needed more time. I get it was a movie, so time was short, but still. Krel's entire thing is that he grew to see Earth as his true home, and we didn't get to address the fact that he was immediately at risk of losing it at all. Not to mention the sheer amount of stuff he'd built for everyone. Like, could you imagine an episode where, to break up the tension (in a proper way, not a weird pregnancy way), in the midst of everyone trying to figure out how to stop the titans, Krel has overworked himself fixing and managing everyone's tech. He has to spend a day resting and disasters ensue as no one knows how to fix any of the stuff he usually manages. Like the tech keeping Camelot afloat, for example. Stewart and Eli could be the ones that end up stepping up to fill the Krel sized gap for the day.
-And I know that these fillers would lower the tension a bit, but like, having the titans need to charge up after awakening (like, absorbing elemental energy or something), or perhaps making the Arcane Order have to collect certain things to break the seals in the first place that they had on their fortress but lost when that was destroyed , or any other kinda obstacle to give time between the train fight and the Titans waking up would give time for less plot-heavy, more character focused episodes. And even after the titans wake up, they were moving super slowly and walking across the planet. It's not like they'd be short on time despite the movie making it seem like walking from china to america was a short jog at most.
-Don't give Toby the amulet. Don't get me wrong, I love Toby very much and literally bawled out loud at his sacrifice scene. But like, it made no sense to give him the amulet? Jim doing everything again with years of Trollhunter experience would help solve a lot of problems from his first go around (and I'm not fully on board with the whole time reset in the first place. Resetting to the start of the movie, or even just the fight with Bellroc would be better). Jim knows the burdens of being a trollhunter first hand, and you really think he'd be okay dumping all that on Tobes? Toby, the guy completely content with being the wingman and helping the people he cares about. Toby, the guy who never worried about not having a grand destiny up until the movie. The guy who in his biggest dreams was a Duke, not a king. I think Toby was well aware of how important moral support is and wouldn't see it as a lame superpower. But even if he did, in a tv show they could explore that in a way where he comes to learn just how much that moral support does for his friends. And if you still want his moment of glorious sacrifice (because I count that as one of the well done moments), then do that! But rather than going back in time to save everyone, make it so they sacrifice the stone to turn back time a bit. Risk their victory to try saving Toby. Have them fight Bellroc together instead of it being just Jim, because it's trollhunters, not trollhunter. It always has been, always will.
-And if you're like "But if they don't go back then Strickler and Nomura stay dead!" Then how about they don't kill them for shock factor in the first place? Have Strickler badly injured instead, because by god Barbara deserves some happiness. And think of the potential scene of her treating his wounds, and the two of them think about how things have changed since that visit to trollmarket when they were both hurt. About how Strickler stuck around, and when Barbara thought she'd lost him it scared her. How she's sick of almost losing everyone she cares about. She could talk a bit about Jim's dad then too, and it could be revealed that Jim was outside because he was going to check on them, but stopped when he realized they were talking. And then later on, he asks about his dad, admitting he overheard, and we get that conversation they had in the movie. And if you keep the Nomura sacrifice, give her more of a moment ffs. Like, she deserved better! Have the death be a sacrifice to save someone else instead of just "oops I got caught and I'm in the sun now". Make it deliberate. Make it her decision after a life of serving others. Finally, she got to be the one in control of her fate, and she chose to protect the people she cared about.
There's so much more I could say about this and the potential that was killed by the lack of time, but this is getting long and I should probably try actually doing the work I need to do today.
Edit (Because this just popped in my head and I need to add it).
THEY WERE LITERALLY AROUND THE ROUND TABLE! THE NINTH CONFIGURATION (which like, screw that there are more than 9 heroes here to save the day) WERE THE NEW KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND TABLE. They were there to protect the world, and like... did the bond between Lancelot and Steve just not exist anymore? Did that get timeline erased too? Could you imagine Steve fighting to protect the world, doing his best to protect the people he cared about so that he never loses someone like he lost Lance again? He gets to keep his promise to carry on the legacy of the Knights even after they died. THE POTENTIAL WAS THERE!!! THE SET UP WAS THERE!!! BUT NO! WE GET MPREG STEVE INSTEAD!!
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vibraniumwing · 4 years
a sirius black x reader wherein the sirius discovers the reader’s hidden fear, desire and talent.
WARNING: a bit angsty at first but fluffy at the end. 
A/N: AAAA okay so mia gave me this sudden spark of an idea so i just went with what my brain could come up with. surprise surprise, i chose sirius black for this one which mean that this is the first one i’ve written for the marauders !! pls be kind because i’m a bit new to writing for them. aaa i hope you guys would like it :< this was also meant to be a very angsty blurb but this is where we are now :D
prompt/inspired by: ariana grande’s imagine, “We go like up ‘til I’m ‘sleep on your chest/love how my face fits so good in your neck.”
When love was the topic, you would tend to shy away, rather be talking about exams and whatnot instead of the said emotion. It wasn’t because you hated it; you were certain that you longed to be held the same way James does with Lily, but the little monster of fear withheld you from doing so.
Your eyes wandered to the Gryffindor table where you can see the infamous group — as they would call themselves — the Marauders.
Despite all of them being devilishly handsome, your eyes were only focused on one person, Sirius Black. You’ve only spoken to him once, having him partnered up with you during charms as they were forced apart by Mcgonagall due to their rowdiness. Despite him being quite arrogant, he was definitely clever—much to your surprise— and was quite fun to be around.
“Say Y/N, are you going down to Hogsmeade today?” A friend of yours asked, gulping down her pumpkin juice as she looked at you expectantly. You turned your head around and gave her a small headshake, wanting to sit by the Black Lake and read a few books despite the rather cold weather. 
Your friend shrugged and stood up, asking what you’d want back from the small village before heading off with your small friend group. As they walked away, your eyes glanced back at the table only to see the man you’ve been staring at looking your way, sending a not-so-cheeky wink towards you causing you to blush and turn away.
The rest of the day flew by as normal, with you hastily making your way to the tree you’ve made as your little nook during your quiet times like this. It had the perfect view of the castle and wasn’t too far off from the trek yet enough to keep you hidden from the prying eyes of students that wandered around the campus.
Your eyes stared at the sunlight that glistened against the Black Lake, finding it completely calming you down as you decided to sing a little song to entertain yourself. It was a muggle song you’ve heard from a shop you’ve frequented back in the summer before returning to Hogwarts for the year.
It totally captured how you felt with love; the love you’ve always long for. The unattainable kind.
You were a half-blood, having your dad as a wizard and your mom a muggle-born. Your home was always filled with laughter, love and just absolute happiness until one day it wasn’t. Your mother had left for a muggle man, longing for a life without having magic in it.
Within that day, you just didn’t lose a mother, you lost your father and the sense of what love really is. He became closed off and distant, leaving you to tend for yourself as days pass by.
The one day you wanted to love again was also the last.
It was your fourth year when you had met him, Christopher Medlar, a Ravenclaw just like you. He taught you how to love and be open, understanding you and your hesitant sentiments completely, making you feel the love and affection you’ve longed for since the day you lost your family.
You had found yourself a new found home within him, a safe space that you’ve never really been exposed to growing up. It all felt foreign and new, yet it was extremely comforting.
Everything was going well between you two until you caught him snogging with a Slytherin and made little to no effort to even talk to you. Making your heart shatter, leaving you to your own pain and despair.
And that day was the day you promised to never love anyone again.
Unbeknownst to you however, was the fact that the guy you were looking at earlier at the Great Hall was closely listening to your angelic voice ring out through the quietness of the woods.
Sirius was out and about with the Marauders when he had heard a rather soft voice sing, entrancing him almost immediately. James and Remus were about to speak up when he hushed them right away, fearing the fact that they might scare the person away.
“You guys go on without me, I’ll be able to find you anyways.” He whispered, waving a rather brownish parchment along his friend's way. They both shot him a skeptical look before leaving him alone, now placing bets as to what’ll be the outcome of their friends’ change of plans.
“We go like up ‘til I’m ‘sleep on your chest, love how my face fits so good in your neck. 
Why can’t you imagine a world like that?”
Your singing was interrupted by someone clapping, whipping your head to the direction of the sound, you felt your cheeks immediately flush and heat up at the sight of the male you were looking at.
How mortified were you at the moment? Nobody could ever measure that.
“Nice voice you’ve got there, L/N. Say,what song is that?” Sirius asked so casually, leaning against the tree.  You were at a loss for words, not really sure on how you would react to his compliment since no one really knew you could sing. 
“Just a muggle song I heard a few months back, Black. How long have you been there?” You asked, raising an eyebrow at him as he just shrugged, shoving his hands in his pocket as his signature lazy grin rested on his lips. ‘Merlin, he’s extremely good looking.’ You thought to yourself.
“That’s amazing. Mind telling me what’s it about then, darling?” He probed, now offering you a rather interested look as he settled down beside you.
Your heart jumped out of your chest at his sudden question, unsure on how to answer. You glanced at him, his eyes were locked on you, the same expression painted on his face as he nodded, somewhat signalling that he was waiting for your answer.
Taking a deep breath in, you faced him and said, “It’s about unattainable love. Somewhat like imagining that in this world, you are loved and is being loved in a picture perfect way; a place where no one can really hurt you, Sirius.” A sad smile rested on your lips as your mind wandered back to the horrid memories, the little monster inside taunting you more than ever.
His expression turned into a mixture of sadness, confusion and pity. He quickly caught on, knowing about how you got played by a boy in your house. Sirius had always watched you from afar, not really sure on how to approach you since you were somehow the opposite of him. 
He also feared that he might hurt you, the one thing he kept as a secret and treasured the most.
“Well, you don’t have to imagine that now, darling,” He spoke up, features now showing one of seriousness despite the erratic pace of his heartbeat. You looked at him with wide eyes, unsure of how to react to his words. “I don’t get what you’re saying, Black.”
A sighed, running a hand through his hair, “What I’m saying is why imagine that when I’m here.” He finished. It was rather flattering that he said that but you are unsure; the fear within you warning about how this would just lead you to repeat the same mistakes in the past. Besides, with his reputation, he had enough girls at Hogwarts swooning at the snap of his fingers.
“I appreciate the thought but I’m passing, Black.” You answered, showing him another sad smile as you stared off into the Black Lake. “I think I’m just not ready to love again nor I think I will ever love again. The one I wish for is unattainable, you know. Something far out of reach.” You finished, glancing at the male who had an unreadable expression on his face.
Silence fell upon the two of you until Sirius decided to break it, “But that’s why I’m here. I’ve seen you from afar, Y/N. Don’t think I can’t remember a time where you haven’t looked at me from the Ravenclaw table.” He humored, causing you to look at him with a horrified expression, surprised that he had caught on to your antics.
“Don’t apologize though, no one ever noticed except for me, of course. “I understand that you aren’t ready, but I’m willing to wait for you.” He continued, looking into your eyes as he spoke, “I’m willing to prove to you that you shouldn’t fear love, even if it means for me to wait on forever.” He finished, sighing softly as he grinned.
The monster inside of you thrashed around, wanting for you to not give a chance to Sirius, knowing that there’s a possibility for you to end up like the past but the side that has been longing for something like this is growing stronger as well, making you wish that you shouldn’t fear love in the first place.
A shaky breath escaped you, eyes shutting briefly to collect yourself as you looked at the male, who was waiting patiently. “Just promise me one thing, Sirius.” You told him, looking at him straight into the eyes as you spoke, “The fear inside of me is begging not to give in, but something about you is making me say yes. Promise me that you’ll never break my heart.”
His grin soon turned into a wide smile, nodding at the promise you wanted. “Until my very last breath, love.” as he opened his arms for you, which you looked at with a confused face, unsure on how to react.
“I’m giving you a hug, silly. Now c’mere!” He told you, pulling you into him. He smelled like sweets, a subtle hint of smoke reaching your nose as you easily melted against his touch. It was all foreign to you again yet this time, something was assuring you this would last.
With a few readjustments, you were now in between his legs, back against his chest as his arms were wrapped around you tightly, making you feel extra safe. Your head turned around and you snuggled up against the crook of his neck, eyes fluttering shut as the ambience of your surroundings eased you. He spoke up once more, the vibration from his voice causing you to cozy up against him.
“Soon, you won’t even have to imagine anything. I promise to give you everything you’ve ever wished for.”
TAGS: @andromedaa-tonks​ @whoreforfredweasley​
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whenihaveyouromione · 3 years
When I Have You - Chapter 19
Read on Fanfiction.net or ao3 if you’d prefer!
Follow this story’s Instagram account whenihaveyou.romione if you want. 
Chapter 19
A few days later came the new year, which was something — Ron felt — every single person in the wizarding world was looking forward to. The year 1998 had been horrid, but with the strike of the clock signalling the start of a new one, many people felt as if they were inhaling a breath of much needed fresh air. 
The loss of loved ones, the tragedy of what had happened, was still raw for many, but with every passing day, things became more normal again, and the new year helped with that. 
Since Christmas, Ron had found his relationship with Hermione easier than it had ever been. Looking back, he felt that maybe the argument they had, had turned out to be a good thing. Not because he liked fighting with her — he’d never really liked that — but because it had made them appreciate each other just a little bit more. 
Hermione had been trying her best not to obsess over her school work as much, or at least, not when Ron was around. During his second visit to Hogsmeade on Valentine’s Day, Ginny had mentioned that they were up to their necks in work, but Hermione had not complained once. In fact, they had spent a really nice day together.
Ron had also tried to be more appreciative of her work ethic and more tolerant of her just needing to get things done before she could relax. Which wasn’t too hard, considering most of their days were spent apart still. 
Auror training had taken on a whole new intensity after the holidays, and Ron, Harry and Neville were being pushed to their utmost limits each day. By the time five o’clock came around, they were absolutely wrecked and would fall asleep before seven on most evenings. 
Ron had no regrets, though. Despite the hard, long days, he felt he was becoming a better wizard for it. 
In the beginning months, he’d spent almost every weekend at the joke shop, assisting George in getting it up and running again. Every time he showed up, George’s mood seemed to lighten just a little bit more, and in March, when he had finally opened up for business, Ron hadn’t seen him happier than when he was greeting all of his customers. 
He now had three other staff manning the front, leaving him with plenty of time to continue producing products. He’d enlisted the help of Lee Jordan, though Lee was only doing it on a basis of friendship. He had his own job with the Daily Prophet. It wasn’t the perfect situation, but it was something, and Ron felt pleased to see a smile on his brother’s face again.
The months ticked by in a whirl, and before they knew it, the end of April had snuck up on them  (with no sign of Bill and Fleur’s baby, much to Molly’s annoyance), and they were just days away from the start of May. 
Ron had not had much time to think about what this meant until a week prior. Kingsley, who despite being Minister now, popped in on Auror training at least three times a week, had announced that there’d be a memorial service at the school on the second. Anyone — current student or ex student — was invited, and he’d cornered Harry on a Friday afternoon — a week before the service. 
“Would you be willing to give a short speech on the day?” Kingsley had asked. “Doesn’t have to be anything spectacular. Just… something. They’ll appreciate hearing from you, I think.”
Harry, at first, had not agreed. No one wanted to be reminded of what had happened, of the high number of deaths, not to mention the immense burden of guilt Harry still felt over everything that had happened. A service was going to be hard enough, let alone being forced to relive it through words. But after some more gentle persuasion from the Minister for Magic, Harry seemed to think he had no choice. 
“You’re braver than I am, mate,” Ron had said when they left the Ministry that evening, Harry looking rather glum. “Not sure I could do it.”
“Yeah,” Harry had said, “not sure I can either. What do I even say?”
A week later and Harry was still asking that same question. 
“It’s just a lot to think about,” Harry sighed on the evening before the service. He sat with Ron in the kitchen of Grimmauld Place, trying to find the words he needed. “I mean, I thought I was alright — training has definitely kept me preoccupied — but now that I actually have to think about it… it’s a lot to take in.”
“Yeah,” Ron said thoughtfully, his mind flashing to Fred, and Remus, and Tonks. “It’s going to be tough. I can’t believe it’s been a year already.”
“It’s been a wave of emotions, that’s for sure,” Harry agreed. “This past year…”
“But it’s had it’s good moments,” Ron added. “I try to think about them, mostly.”
“Yeah, it has.” Harry stared down at the blank parchment in front of him. “I suppose I could start with that. Some good things that have happened despite everything else? I mean, a year without Voldemort — for real — is something people have wanted for a long time, and we’ve finally achieved that.”
“Yeah, but there’s still Death Eaters and other Dark wizards roaming about, isn’t there?” Ron said. “That’s why they still want Aurors.”
“With no one to lead them,” Harry said. He paused. “I could always begin with how great it is to see Hogwarts returned to its full strength. To see people back there, like it once was…” He scribbled a few words on the parchment, gave a loud grunt of frustration, and tossed the quill aside.
“You could always just make it up as you go?” Ron suggested. “I mean, that’s probably what I’d do.”
“Do you want to speak then?” Harry asked, sounding irritated. “If you think you can do it —”
“Merlin, no!” Ron exclaimed. “I’m no good with speaking in front of people. Not in a situation like that. I’ll get all tongue-tied, stumble on my words...”
Harry groaned, smacking his forehead against the table. “Could use some Felix Felicis right now. Just a few drops…”
“Where could you get some from?” Ron asked, thinking that might not be a bad idea. If they both took some, they could probably come up with a ten page speech within the hour. 
“Dunno,” Harry said. “Do they sell it at the apothecary in Diagon Alley?”
“I doubt it,” Ron said. “I mean, if they just sold it to anyone… but, you’re not really anyone, are you?”
Harry looked up, smiling. “Ha! I suppose I could go in and ask and they might give me some… but no. I’ll think of something. I’m sure. If Hermione were here…”
“It’d be like the good old days,” Ron said, grinning. “Us leaving something to the last minute, then her being unable to resist the urge to help us… if only she were here…”
“Well, we’ll see her tomorrow,” Harry said, rolling up the parchment. “I think maybe we’ll have dinner and I’ll have another crack at it afterwards. What do you fancy tonight?”
“Mum’s cooking, maybe?” Ron said.
“Have you asked?”
“No, but you know what she’s like,” Ron said, shrugging. “She always overcooks. Come on, or she’ll kick us out.”
“I thought the idea of us living on our own was learning how to fend for ourselves?” Harry said, getting to his feet with Ron. 
“Yeah, well, we do most nights,” Ron said.
“Yeah, by buying something,” Harry teased.
“With our own money!”
Harry laughed. “That’s fair. Alright, let’s go.”
But when they got to the Burrow, they found it unusually quiet. It was around the time Ron’s parents usually had dinner, but there was no one in the kitchen, nor, did it seem, anyone was in the house at all.
“Huh,” Ron said, moving to the stairs. “Seems to be no one here. Hello?”
There was a shuffle as one of the bedroom doors opened. A moment later, Arthur appeared at the bottom of the stairs.
“Oh, hello, you two!” he said brightly. “Come for dinner? Well, unfortunately, you’re out of luck.”
“Where’s Mum?” Ron asked, following his dad back into the kitchen. 
“At Bill and Fleur’s,” Arthur said.
“Oh, right. Why?”
“Fleur’s having her baby,” Arthur said, grinning. “Bill came by not even an hour ago to tell us. We don’t think it’ll be for a while, though, so I’m not sure when your mother will return.”
“Oh, wow,” Harry said. “I was wondering when that would happen.”
“Yes,” Arthur said, still smiling. “The wait has been rather agonising, but it seems the little one has chosen a very busy time to make her arrival…” He stared thoughtfully at the pots and pans in the sink. “I hear you’re speaking tomorrow, Harry? At the service?”
“Er, yeah,” Harry said, going pink. “I said I would, at least. Finding the right words to say is becoming far more difficult than I thought.”
“I’m sure they’ll come to you, Harry,” Arthur said, patting him on the shoulder. “I couldn’t think of anyone more deserving to speak at such an important and memorable event. A year…”
There was silence. Then Arthur shook his head, and added, “Wouldn’t it be a miracle if this baby made her arrival tomorrow… one year after Fred… well, one year after everything, really?”
“I suppose we’d have something to celebrate then, wouldn’t we?” Ron said, though he wasn’t sure he’d appreciate one of his children being born on such a day. The feelings he’d feel would be extremely conflicting — unsure on whether to feel happy or sad, whether he should be celebrating or grieving. “I hope the baby’s born before midnight, actually,” he added.
Arthur smiled. “Yes, it is rather confusing,” he said. “Anyway, boys, seeing as your purpose for coming hasn’t been successful, is there anything I can send you back with? Ingredients? I could whip something up, perhaps…”
Ron looked to Harry, who seemed lost in thought. His face was screwed up in concentration, as if he couldn’t quite get an idea through his head. 
“You alright, mate?”
Harry nodded. “Yeah, I’ve just had an idea about what I might say,” he said. He looked to Arthur. “Thanks, Mr Weasley. We’ll probably head back, though. Get this speech done…”
Ron, feeling mildly disappointed, nodded. His stomach gave a loud rumble, causing his dad and Harry to laugh. 
“On second thoughts,” Harry said, “maybe just a quick bite to eat. Then we’ll get started.”
The mood at Hogwarts castle on the second of May was not all that different to what it had been like at the funerals almost a year ago. There was a sullen mood around the grounds, people dressed in their finest robes for the occasion, huddled in small groups and whispering amongst themselves. 
The service would take place on the Quidditch pitch at eleven o’clock, and despite being half an hour early, the stadium was already half full. It was mostly filled with faces Ron didn’t even recognise, but scattered throughout was the odd familiar one. Slightly to his left was Luna, Cho Chang and some other Ravenclaws he vaguely recalled from his Hogwarts days. 
To his right, and up a few tiers, was Lee Jordan, Angelina, Katie, and Alicia. He gave them a small wave, to which they returned without smiles. 
But the faces that cheered Ron the most — despite Hermione’s, whom he was sitting beside — were those of Seamus and Dean. It had been a whole year with hardly even laying eyes on them, and it had never occurred to Ron just how much he missed them. 
Both of them had taken a year off doing anything — a much needed break after fighting a war, as Seamus had put it. But now, as the first year drew to an end, both had plans to begin their new careers. 
“I’m going to get into Healing, I think,” Seamus said. 
“Healing?” Ron asked, unable to hide his surprise. “Didn’t take you much for a Healer, mate.”
At this, Seamus looked rather embarrassed. “Well… I didn’t think so either, but over the past year, I’ve really worked with Lavender and her recovery from the werewolf attack. It’s sparked an interest, seeing what Healers can do to help her…”
“How is she doing?” Hermione asked softly. “I’ve heard she’s —”
“She’s alright,” Seamus said with a shrug. “Refused to come to this. Didn’t want to be seen in public, but she’s alright. Speaks in sign language now. I’ve become quite good at it, actually. Understanding it, I mean.”
“Sign language?” Hermione said. “So it’s true? I wasn’t sure if they were just rumours or not…”
“Yeah, she had her throat ripped apart by Greyback,” Seamus said plainly, and Ron felt rather sick at the imagery. He remembered the last time he’d seen Lavender, Greyback over her, her looking close to death. He’d been surprised to hear she’d survived at all, if he was being honest.  
“Pretty bad… can’t speak…” Seamus shrugged again, as if it was no issue. “Doesn’t change anything about her, though. She’s been really good about it all, though I think the thought of facing so many of her old friends… she only lets me and Parvati see her.”
“Why you?” Ron asked, unable to help himself. “Are you and her —”
“Dean,” Hermione said quickly, “What about you?”
Dean jumped, apparently startled to hear his name. “Oh. I, um, am starting Auror training.”
“What?” Ron asked. “You serious?”
Dean nodded. “Yeah. The Minister, he’s still kept the requirements relaxed for this year, so I thought why not? I qualify on the grounds of having fought in the war — even though I spent some of it on the run — and I applied and was accepted.”
“That’s great!” Ron said. “You’ll just be a year behind training from me and Harry and Neville. We’ll all be working together in no time.”
Dean grinned. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Will be great seeing you all every day. Any tips for training?”
“Yeah, be prepared not to sleep much,” Ron said. “Oh, and you passed your Apparition test, right?”
Dean nodded. 
“Then you’re all good, mate,” Ron said. “Will see you around. Let me know if you need anything.”
“Thanks,” Dean said. “I’ll probably need a lot of advice as it progresses.”
They were interrupted by Kingsley as he announced they’d be beginning the service in a few moments. Once seated and out of earshot of the pair, Ron whispered to Hermione, “Is Seamus —”
“Yes,” Hermione said. She looked at him, appearing slightly irritated. “Does that bother you, does it?”
“No,” Ron said. “I’m just surprised, that’s all. They don’t seem the type… poor bloke.”
Hermione raised an eyebrow, but said nothing more. In fact, she looked rather annoyed that he was asking at all. It wasn’t until a moment later did he realise that maybe she thought he was jealous of the fact that Seamus was dating Lavender, but he had no time to rectify that misunderstanding as Kingsley had just asked for silence.
What had been a semi-pleasant atmosphere prior to the service, immediately turned into a very sullen one. Everyone sat in their seats with their heads bowed, listening to the voices of those who had been asked to speak, along with Harry. 
There were students, Ministry workers, Kingsley himself, their words amplifying through the quiet stadium, the only other sound being the quiet sobs from the people around. 
Knowing what Hermione was like, Ron cast occasional looks towards her to see if she was okay. She did well, keeping it together until Kingsley stepped up onto the podium on the pitch. He only got a few words in before tears started to fall from her eyes. 
Ron reached out his hand, palm up, and she gratefully accepted, locking their fingers together. Her head rested against his shoulder and he patted her comfortingly while she silently sobbed against him. 
When Kingsley finished, everyone was left in complete silence. Eyes downcast, staring blankly at hands, buried in the shoulders of loved ones — as Hermione was — but that didn’t stop them all from looking up when the final speaker stepped up.
Despite it being a year, despite Harry having made several appearances at Hogwarts since then, there was still an air of awe amongst the people as they stared in fascination at him. Even Hermione lifted her head, wiping her eyes. 
Ron gripped her hand tightly, and she squeezed back. He felt nervous for Harry, knowing how difficult it had been to come up with something to say. They had been up until two o’clock finalising it, and Ron just hoped Harry could get through it. 
Harry looked around at everyone, appearing terrified. All eyes were on him, expectantly waiting for him to say something. Ron saw him swallow as he brought his wand to his throat. He gave a loud sigh.
“I am here merely to repeat what everyone else has said,” he began. “To remember. On this day, one year ago, many innocent lives were lost. Many families destroyed, my own included.”
Ron knew it was the wrong moment, but he couldn’t help but smile. My own included. Harry considered Ron’s family his family. 
“This isn’t what we wrote last night,” Ron whispered to Hermione.
She shook her head, telling him to be quiet. 
“But we remember every single one of them for the bravery they displayed, and how valiantly they all fought,” Harry continued. “And no matter how many years pass, how many times we gather here to remember the fallen, their memories will forever live within us. So, I present to you —” he flicked his wand to a large covered object. The cover fell away, and many gasps filled the stadium, Ron included.
Harry had just revealed the memorial that had been announced shortly after the war, but it was better than Ron could have ever imagined.
A large, stone structure reflected not only the names of every single person who had died, but smiling, flashing pictures of them as well. Even from where he sat, Ron could see Fred’s picture. He turned to Hermione, lost for words. She smiled weakly at him. 
“It was my idea,” she whispered. “If you tap your wand on each picture, it will reveal information on each of them. Ginny, Luna and I have been doing it all year, sending off owls to families, researching… I wanted it to be a surprise for you… for your family…”
Ron gazed at her, unable to speak. She turned red. 
“It was… well, it was what I was working on last Christmas… why I wanted to stay...” She turned to look back at the memorial. “I thought it would be better than a book, more interesting, more engaging for students to learn from. They could just walk up to it, tap on it, and then read and learn…”
“You. Are. Incredible,” Ron said, realising only now that a loud murmur had overcome the silence that had been there a moment ago. Kingsley had started demonstrating how the memorial worked to many awed gasps.
Hermione flushed. “It was just —”
“Amazing,” Ron said. “Amazing. You…”
“Fred’s memory will always be there now. He’ll live on. Here, and at the Ministry. Everyone will know what he did… as well as Harry’s parents, Remus, Tonks, Sirius… anyone who ever fought.”
“I love you,” was all Ron could manage to say, and she smiled, looking rather embarrassed.
“Come on,” Hermione said, tugging his hand. “Kingsley promised us a first look close up, before anyone else.”
Ron followed her past a stunned audience, and onto the pitch. Ginny was already there, tears in her eyes, along with a handful of other people. 
Seeing his sister, and knowing what she must have been feeling, he let go of Hermione’s hand and pulled Ginny into a tight hug. She hugged him back, shaking against him. 
“You should have said something,” he said, pulling away from her after a moment. 
“It was going to be a surprise,” Ginny replied softly, wiping away her tears. “But because Mum and Dad and Bill couldn’t make it, Charlie and Percy had to work, George… well, George couldn’t come…” She turned her head to the monument just as Harry came over to them. “It’s so much better than I imagined it. So much magic went into it, too. All Hermione, of course. She’ll get an Outstanding in her NEWT in Charms.”
“You and Luna and McGonagall and Flitwick all helped equally,” Hermione said. 
Ron looked to Harry, who was gazing up at the structure in awe. His eyes were fixed firmly on the pictures of his parents.
“You kept this a secret,” Ron said.
Harry shook his head, his eyes still on his parents. “I had no idea until just before the service,” Harry said. “Kingsley told me…”
“Go on,” Ginny whispered, nudging Harry forward. “You go first.”
"Me?" Harry asked, looking uncertain.
"No one more deserving," Ron said.
Looking bewildered, and a little apprehensive, Harry stepped forward to the monument, where the smiling faces of all those who'd died flashed at them. Drawing his wand, Harry tapped it against his mother's name and immediately everyone else disappeared to reveal a whole section on just Lily. 
Harry gasped, stepping back. His eyes scanned the paragraphs written about her life, her involvement in the first war, her death… more pictures appeared, revealing her life at school, her life with James and Harry, in the Order…
"Ginny," Harry said, turning to her. "Thank you."
It was Ginny's turn to blush — a very rare occurrence. But Ron couldn't blame her; Harry was staring at her with such deep intensity that even Ron had to look away. 
"It was all Hermione, really…" she mumbled.
"Stop being modest!" Hermione said, sounding frustrated. 
Harry tapped his wand again, the monument going back to all the names. He tapped his father and the same thing happened. 
More people were beginning to file down onto the pitch in curious whispers, desperate to have a closer look at this new kind of magic. 
"How did this idea come to you anyway?" Ron asked Hermione as they watched Harry now flick through Sirius and Tonks and Remus’ information. 
"Well, Muggle technology, really," Hermione said. "In computer games, and things like that, you have selection screens… options… it's a bit like that." 
"Oh… cool," Ron said. 
Once done, Harry stepped aside and turned to Ron and Ginny. “Go on,” he said to them. “Your turn.”
Ron looked to his sister and saw the same apprehension on her face that he felt. What would they see once they tapped on Fred?
“Come on,” Ginny said in a hushed tone. “Come and see it. For our family.”
Ron nodded, swallowing a hard lump in his throat. They stepped forward together, and it was Ginny who drew her wand and tapped Fred’s name on the monument. Like it had done with all the others, information about Fred immediately popped up, flashing pictures of him as a child, as a teen, and then of him as a young adult. There was a lot of information about him, probably helped by Ginny who could share a lot more than most. 
They stood reading it together, Harry and Hermione a little way behind them. Then, once finished, Ginny sniffed.
“Oh, I wish Mum and Dad were here to see this.”
“They’ll see it,” Ron said, throwing an arm across her shoulder. “One day. If not this one, the Ministry one, right?”
Ginny nodded, wiping away a few stray tears. 
“Come on,” Ron said, turning around and stepping away as other eager people moved in around them, keen to get a closer look. “Let’s go back up to the castle. I think I’ve had enough for today.”
Ron and Ginny, along with Harry and Hermione, began to slowly walk back up. Others were also trickling up, with others walking towards Hogsmeade so as to Apparate. It had only been a little over an hour since the service had started, but it had been emotionally and mentally draining, being forced to relive such an awful event. Ron felt as if he could sleep a whole day away after it. 
“Do you think they’ll do it every year?” Hermione asked once they reached the Entrance Hall.
“They should,” Ron said. “Always need to remember that kind of thing, don’t we?”
The others nodded.
“It’ll hopefully get easier as the years go on,” Harry said. “Easier to handle.”
“This day will always be remembered,” Hermione said. 
“Ah, Ginny, Ron…” 
Everyone turned to find McGonagall hurrying into the hall behind some students. Despite what had just taken place, she had a smile on her face. “I have just had word from your father.”
Ginny gasped. “Did Fleur —?”
“Congratulations,” McGonagall said. “You have a niece. Victoire Weasley, so I am told. Born at eleven-thirteen this morning.”
“Victoire…” Ginny said, saying the name a few times. She smiled. “I like it.”
“Yeah…” Ron said, turning to Hermione who beamed up at him. 
“Congratulations,” she said, taking a step closer to him and kissing his cheek. “You’re now Uncle Ron.”
“Er… thanks.” The name sounded weird to Ron, like it didn’t quite fit him. Though, he supposed he’d get used to it. With six other siblings, he supposed this baby — Victoire — wouldn’t be the last. 
“Come on,” Ginny said after a moment. “Let’s get something to eat. Maybe Mum and Dad might come and join us soon. Give us some details about baby Victoire.” She wandered off towards the Great Hall, Harry following her.
“You okay?” Hermione asked, looking up at Ron. 
“Yeah,” Ron said. “Yeah, I’m okay.” He smiled at her, then kissed her. “Just a lot to take, isn’t it? And now with the baby — Victoire — being born today…” 
“You’ll have a reason to remember, to grieve, and now to celebrate,” Hermione said softly. She smiled. “Come on, let’s find a place to sit before everyone else comes in. Just in case your parents do show up.”
Ron nodded, and as the crowd entering the castle thickened, they made their way towards the Great Hall, joining Harry and Ginny at the end of one of the long tables and helping themselves to the feast that had been prepared for everyone attending the service. 
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nincompoopydoo · 5 years
Pairing: Newt Scamander x reader
Words: 1079
Requested by @mystoragehatesme : Yoyoyo wassup gimme a noot imagine where it is on the readers perspective and she's an insecure bean, being used by her friend. When she refuses to do something and her friend lashes out, she's on her last straw, so she goes to the black lake to clear some shit out. Noot comes along. They have a chat and its cute and fluffy, cuz they have some unspoken thing. But issa cute puppy love. So it's got some angst and fluff. Hit me
Note: piss off MaGgIe wILsOn. What are the odds your name is actually Maggie Wilson? I apologize in advance to all Maggie Wilsons out there :’) also, why is this so cheeeeesssssyyyyy
You scurried towards the black lake, your tears streaming down your cheeks, partially blocking out your vision.
The winds picked up as you sat by lake, little strands of your hair flying out of your ponytail in the wind. Your heart ached with guilt and sadness, knowing very well you have just lost a close friend but you wondered whether she was even considered a true close friend from how badly she had treated throughout the years. You partly blamed yourself for being naive and oblivious to the fact she had been brainwashing you for years.
Whatever it was, you hoped Maggie wasn't out to hex you after the previous events.
Maggie Wilson, a girl you had shared a compartment with on the Hogwarts express during first year. You were alone, not exactly knowing anyone or how everything in the wizardry world actually work. You were in desperate need of someone you could trust despite all the insecurities you held. Thus, Maggie came along, both sorted into the same house and the two of you were instantly attached to the hip.
As years went by, you had started to take notice of how your friendship with Maggie became a rather toxic one. She became overbearing, narcissistic and right down evil. However, she was the one that had gained your confidence over the years and she was after all your only friend. Despite her obvious toxic flaws, you decided to brush it off, not wanting to lose our only friend in Hogwarts.
There was, however, another student you had become quite acquainted with.
Newt Scamander. The two of you shared Astronomy class together, which was the only class you never shared with Maggie. You and Newt had been partnered once for an Astronomy project and immediately hit it off right away.
Sure, you and Maggie were close, sharing each other’s secrets, the two of you could talk for hours sometimes, but Newt had a passion for Magical creatures and talked about it all the time. Well, at least to you. It seemed to have always been the only topic the two of you talked about. You liked Newt, maybe a little too much. His shyness which you found extremely cute and a fiery passion for magical creatures, he had even once showed you the Bowtruckles by the Black Lake. One of your fondest memories during Hogwarts days. It was around sixth year when you had known you were truly attracted to Newt Scamander romantically, sensing Newt himself might feel the same way and of course, you had told Maggie about it.
Instead of being happy for you, she snapped, claiming Newt was a liar, cheater and will most definitely break your heart in any sort of way. You somehow sensed a slight hint of jealousy in the very words she spat, but why in Merlin’s beard would Maggie be jealous of you?
Had she been envious of your happiness?
Was Maggie unhappy?
From that day on, Maggie was never herself, she was already bad enough but manageable but she became snappier and a literal control freak.
She somehow managed to convince you to help her with her homework, and when she says help it really means doing her entire homework for her and like the oblivious person you were, you did it for her anyways.
Hovever, everything changed on a lovely summer afternoon in the common room.
You were peacefully working on a potions essay due the next day and you were definitely far from finishing it.
A few minutes later, in comes Maggie down the stairs as she approached you.
"Y/N, could you do me a favor?" you winced at the sound of her high pitched voice. Before you could say anything, she went on to place a stack of parchments over the essay you were working on, and asked you to help her with her homework.
When Maggie means help, she really means doing the whole darn thing for her.
Usually, you would do it for her, thinking it was what a close friend would do for another but something occurred to you at that very moment, Maggie had never done anything for you like the way you did things for her.
With that thought in mind, you picked up your courage and said a word you had never dared to say; the word 'no'.
Of course, she reacted rather badly as predicted and then went on to complain of how she had sacrifice so much for you as a friend.
With that statement, everything else went downhill as your conversation had turned into a massive argument, it ending with you leaving the common room.
That was how you ended up by the Black Lake, tears in your eyes.
Your thoughts from the argument wee interrupted by the sound of leaves rustling from a distance. Your eyes snapped up to the direction of the sound, only to be met with the sight of a certain mop of brown disheveled hair.
Newt Scamander.
You felt your heart immediately flutter.
He never said anything as he cautiously sat beside you.
You turned towards the Black Lake, not wanting Newt to notice you had been crying. There was silence for a moment or two, it was comforting as your tears quickly dried off in the wind.
"Are you alright?" he finally spoke, turning to you.
You let out a slight chuckle followed by a soft sniffle, "Somewhat."
You finally picked up the courage to look at Newt, and when you did, there were no regrets what so ever.
His light brown eyes, nearly golden, looked into yours, as his hair became messier in the wind, you felt yourself smile.
Newt was sweet, kind and truly loving, the reasons you adored him so much.
The sides of his mouth quirked up at the sight of you smiling.
"That's better." he whispered softly with a comforting smile.
There may or may have been something unknown between the two of you but nevertheless, you enjoyed his company as much as anyone else's.
It may have also been the way Newt smiled at you during that windy day by Black Lake or they way his golden eyes shone with adoration as he looked at you, it certainly made you fall even more in love with every single piece of him.
You knew at that moment, you were in deeply in love with the Hufflepuff boy with a burning passion for magical creatures.
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selfdestructivecat · 5 years
I just finished playing Ace Attorney Investigations 2. And HOLY SHIT.
This game has been absolutely incredible and I feel the overwhelming urge to rant about how incredible it is. So SPOILER WARNING because I will be spoiling the crap out of this game.
Where to begin? I loved the intricate cases, and how they all built upon each other, forming one large mystery that we much uncover. Each case, while all being so different and distinct, each possessed their own charm.
The first case, even though it was a tutorial, reintroduced our favorite prosecutor/detective/Great Thief trio in an interesting introduction that was challenging while also simplistic enough to gain our bearing, in addition to laying the foundation for the rest of the cases and introducing many key figures.
The second case, instead of being the first of the filler cases usually introduced in an AA game, surprised me by having the culprit in the first case turn out to be the new victim. This case also introduced some AWESOME characters, such as Justine, Sebastion (my beautiful boy), and Dogen, who is SUCH A BADASS! Honestly, I love everything about this man and I will be sure to rant about him later on. And come on, who doesn’t like a good prison escape? The scene of the crime was probably one of my favorites in the game, and the inclusion of the animals added charm to the environment and many of the otherwise dull prisoners. The case itself was also lots of fun. It was so satisfying to refute all of DeBeste’s smug and completely illogical theories and to bring Roland to justice.
The third case, while being my least favorite of the five, was also lots of fun and had so many good moments. I LOVED playing as Gregory Edgeworth! He was so similar to Miles, and yet possessed a gentler and quieter nature that contrasted nicely to Edgeworth’s sharper personality. In every remark he made, he showed how good of a person he was, addressing everyone politely and patiently guiding Ray. AND HIS THOUGHTS ABOUT HIS SON! You can tell how much he cares about Miles though him constantly thinking about him and worrying about him. He thinks about introducing the show the suspect stars in to his son, debates gathering treats for his son’s Christmas present, and overall demonstrates how much he loved him. HE DESERVED BETTER, GODDAMMIT VON KARMA! The case was also fun to play, and battling against the Stature of Limmitations (which has come up in many past AA cases) was a nice challenge. Overall, really enjoyed this case, although many of the new characters introduced in this case lacked the charm other characters showed, at least in my opinion.
Sadly, the case of Kay’s amnesia was spoiled to me when I accidentally read about it in a gorgeous fancomic on tumblr (which was entirely my fault, I just wanted more Edgeworth content and ignored the risks. I thought I learned my lesson with Merlin, but I guess I’ll never change XD). However, I was still shocked and immensely saddened when I saw the state she was in. And when Miles gave away his badge (how he did it with no hesitation! I believe, in his words, he said “it was nothing compared to the life of a dear friend”) GOD MY HEART! I didn’t think I could love him any more than I already did, but I was so so wrong. And Gumshoe wanting to stick with Edgeworth even when he wasn’t a prosecutor anymore! The mystery surrounding the smuggling ring was super interesting and a lot of fun to learn about, and the connections that were beginning to form between this case and all the previous cases definitely created some jaw-dropping moments. And of course, bringing Blaise DeBeste to justice was oh so sweet (although it hurt so much to see Sebastian in so much pain). This case was such a tear-jerker in the many emotions it created, both happy and sad, and I wish I could forget all about it so I could play it again.
Finally, the last case. BOY was this case a ride. The longest of all the cases, I thought it ended twice before it did, every time going “wait, there’s MORE!?” as another cutscene played. And I loved every second of it. First of all, another lovable character is introduced in John. John also gives us another reason to love Justine, who is actually John’s doting adoptive mother. Aside from that, the case itself was deliciously complex and intricate, introducing twist after twist to create an exciting story, while also tying up loose ends created by all the previous cases. I couldn’t even begin to imagine what those monster footprints could have been! And the reveal with Knightly and Simon being the two lost sons!? This realization left me speechless. However, my favorite part of this case was Sebastian’s triumph over his father. Seeing tied up and in tears following his kidnappjng, questioning everything he’s ever believed in, was heartbreaking. However, his helplessness made his redemption so much sweeter. I am honestly so proud of him.
And now, the characters! God, does Capcom know how to make characters! I loved the return of old, familiar faces like Penny Nikohl (I definitely butchered that last name), Regina Berry, and the mysterious and oh so badass Shelly de Killer (although I could have done without a few... looking at you Lotta!). And the new characters were also very cool! I could go on and on about Sirhan Dogen and Anubis. Even while behind bars and making absolutely no threats whatsoever, he still holds a intimidating presence with his piercing white eyes, the hulking figure of a huge black dog over his shoulder, and the soft, menacing music playing in the background, accompanied by the quiet ringing of bells. I just... I can’t get enough of this man. And his controntatuon with de Killer was awesome!!! I honestly just can’t get enough of him. Raymond was also a really fun character. I liked how he interacted with Edgeworth and Kay, as well as his sense of humor. However, despite his goofy personality, there were many touching moments involving him, such as the two photos he took (one with him and Gregory, the other with him and Miles). Such a beautifully complex character. Other characters like John and Simon were also very cool and interesting (I especially liked the twist with the latter. Seriously, I did NOT see that coming!) However, there were also a few characters I simply disliked. Many of the characters in the third case were either a bit too extra, such as Master, Hall, and Delicia, or had much less personality compared to the other characters, such as Gustavia. This made them not as fun to interact with as others. Another character I didn’t particularly like was Patricia Roland. Even before we descovered her to be the villain (which I TOTALLY CALLED), her manurisms and personality made me very uncomfortable, and I kinda dreaded interacting with her. Of course, these opinions of these characters are entirely my own, and if you like any of these characters, I think that’s awesome and respect your opinion.
In terms of gameplay, I think I liked the first Investigations slightly better. Some parts were drawn on a lot longer than I think they had to, and while the majority of the twists landed and were extremely effective, some were way too obvious or didn’t land at all, although that could be attributed to my own stupidity. However, I still enjoyed uncovering the truth just as much as any other AA game, and the new Logic Chess minigame was tons of fun (although it took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out that I was supposed to watch their facial expressions and decide based on them whether to wait or press). I kinda wish there was actually more of this minigame, but it didn’t detract in the least from the rest of the game.
Overall, amazing story, super fun gameplay, and both new and old lovable characters join together in the masterpiece that is Investigations 2. I’m sure I’m forgetting tons of things I want to discuss regarding this game, and I may add on to it later, but I just wanted to get my thoughts down while I’m still riding the high from completing it. Thanks for listening to my rambles, and if you wanna discuss this game, leave a comment or PM me! I’d love to talk about it!
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slytherin-puffskein · 5 years
Nothing Kingly about being Caught in the Crosshairs
Even the sadness of that day, even the pain of that day-
I loved every bit of it, together with you
( thanks to @thecursedvaultchild for bet reading, as well as giving me title ideas )
* * *
A little something for @hogwartsmysterystory ! We talked about Lau x Ethren for a hot minute, and next thing I know is I’m writing this.
I hope you will enjoy !
* * *
It was a warm, calm summer day, and yet young Laurent couldn’t stop moving, to the point that his mother almost passed out from exhaustion after hours and hours of running after him whenever he’d stray off too far... which basically meant, every five minutes. Seriously, what was it with that kid ? It seemed like whenever the opportunity arose, he just had to get up and run, no matter the situation. It even happened, in fact, during a funeral, something that Jeanne Clemence wasn’t that proud of.
But hey, he was a kid. People automatically forgive kids for their mistakes, no matter how big they are.
At last, Jeanne managed to get Lau to sit down on her lap, and in order to keep him from moving too much, she sunk her thin fingers into his hair, petting them softly and immediately soothing her boy who pressed himself agains his mother. A thin smile curled Jeanne’s lips, and she raised her head to admire the blue, cloudless sky.
“How beautiful is that, don’t you think, honey ? It’s as if the sky is showing off it’s beauty... what an attention seeker !”
She giggled, but Lau didn’t seem to find that joke that fully. Instead, with his small hands, he gripped at his mother’s hair and started twirling them around his fingers.
“That’s mean, mummy. Don’t insult the sky”
“Am not !” she giggled. “Let’s just say that she knows she is beautiful... no wonder she has so many admirers”
Who doesn’t stop in the middle of their daily activities to take a look at the sky ? If some people truly dared to ignore it, Jeanne couldn’t understand them at all... and maybe even judge them a little.
“You know, Laurent, I had many admirers when I was a teenager... many men hoped to go on a date with me ! However, only your dad caught my eye... and believe me, it was love at first sight...”
Lau couldn’t help but roll his eyes, and he shifted his attention from his mother’s hair to the grass underneath her legs. So pretty, so green... and much more entertaining than her boring monologue about her suitors.
“Believe me, honey. Falling in love... it’s the best thing that happened to me, quite frankly. It’s as if I was floating right over there, in the sky, and that I would never fall off ! And-”
“Mooooom, that’s BO-RING !”
“Ahah ! You say that now, darling, but one day, you’ll meet a beautiful girl, and you’ll want to do anything for her...”
“EW !!”
* * *
If Lau had inherited one thing from his mother, it was a strikingly green thumb. When he was a child, she would always drag him to her garden, whether he wanted it or not. Soon enough, however, he found himself... oddly interested with all these plants and flowers, and was suddenly not as bored as before. In fact, he even asked her to teach him how to care for a garden, so that he could make his own one day.
As his mother ultimately died when he was seven, he had promised himself to never, ever, stop loving flowers. And he kept that promise, because tending to flowers was his way to stay by her side. Whenever he’d water plants or trim some ivy, he would think of her, and instantly feel less lonely. Sure, he had friends in Hogwarts, but can they really replace his mom ? Most likely not.
When he learned that Herbology classes were a thing at Hogwarts, he was, to put it short, deeply enthusiastic, and also relieved that he would get to spend that much time around vegetation during his Hogwarts education. Indeed, it had been a fear of his to be so busy he wouldn’t be able to care for plants, or even just admire them... but this time, he had been lucky.
Another day, another Herbology class, and while some people were talking about the Mimbulus Mimbletonia they were supposed to care for, another... topic was crossing students’ mouths, and Lau was quick to notice Tonks leaning towards Diego and him and say, with a smile on her lips:
“Ethren has a crush”
Diego Caplan’s eyes widened, and his mouth opened a little, forming a small ‘o’, but he was quick to get over the small shock and adorned his most charming smile.
“Well, finally. It’s about time for him to think about dating and such, especially with all the Vaults he has to deal with...”
“He does need to relax, but he can’t slack off either !” Tonks exclaimed, slapping Diego’s hand. “If he slacks off because he’s dating someone, he won’t think about inviting me to another adventure !”
Diego laughed, but Lau couldn’t figure out how to react yet. Relieved like Diego, or enthusiastic like Tonks ? Both ? Neither ? Something else ? He decided instead to focus on his Mimbulus Mimbletonia, but soon enough, Tonks called out his name, and he had no choice but to look at her.
“Hm ?”
“Watcha think of this, huh ? Who do you think Ethren’s mystery crush is ?”
“Now” Diego said. “Maybe he isn’t a fan of all that gossip, right Tonks ? Maybe let’s not talk about it”
Yeah, let’s not, Lau thought.
But Tonks was harder to convince.
“Let’s ! Because if we figure out who his crush is, then, we can play matchmakers !”
“You just lost all credibility, Tonks” Diego commented. “Love isn’t a game, at least, not the one you’re thinking of. We gotta let Ethren do his own thing, without rushing him... right, Lau ?”
Laurent, however, was gone. He had moved a few steps away to be far from all that gossip, but he was unlucky enough to find more people talking about it near his new spot.
And a lot of people were saying their opinion on this.
It’s so cute !
That Whitecross is sort of a freak, though...
I hope I’m the one he fancies !
Can we just keep talking about your bunny, please ? I don’t even know that guy !
A question then rose itself in Lau’s mind, and it immediately filled him with uneasiness.
How do I feel about this ?
What a good question. With an obvious answer, so obvious Lau almost wanted to laugh... but now, he couldn’t just start giggling in the middle of class, that might earn him a few weird looks.
“Of course I don’t feel good about this...” he quietly whispered to himself.
He was, in fact, filled with dread.
But also excitement.
What if-
Quickly, he shut that thought out of his mind. Nope, nope ! Right now, the only thing he needs to do is to focus on his damn plant. And to make sure it doesn’t sprays him with it’s disgusting Stinksap.
What if-
Don’t you dare think of it
What if I’m the one he likes ?
Red took over his freckled cheeks, and he accidentally knocked over his Mimbulus Mimbletona as he had attempted to reach for fertilizer.
And immediately, Stinksap squirted all over him. However, despite that awful situation, another thought slithered through his head.
I hope it’s me
A few steps away, he heard two girls whispering to each other.
“I heard it’s a Slytherin”
And Lau’s heart happily skipped a beat.
* * *
After three extremely long showers that surely drained up Hogwarts’ pipe system, Laurent was sitting next to his best friend, Barnaby Lee, who still wouldn’t stop giggling at how his friend got covered with Stinkstap. Lau jokingly rolled his eyes, smiling.
“Glad to see it’s making someone laugh”
“Awwe, sorry, Lau ! It’s just pretty rare that you mishandle a plant that badly~”
He gently patted his back, before giving his friend a worried look.
“Why did that happen, though ? You must have been pretty distracted, am I wrong... ?”
“You’re not” Lau admitted. “I suppose you’ve heard of Et-”
“Ethren’s crush ? I was right there !”
And after saying these words, Barnaby puffed out his chest with pride, as if he had just claimed he met the Minister of Magic. Then, he proceeded to give Laurent a rundown of what happened... and as he’s finished, Lau couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow, puzzled.
“ ‘Do you like me, yes or no, circle your answer’... ? That’s sort of... cliché, no ?”
“I supposed he wanted to do this quickly. He did this during Potions class, he didn’t really have time to write out a heartfelt poem... I wonder if he would have done that, if he had the time !”
Probably. When Ethren wanted to, he could be pretty suave... and Lau couldn’t help but blush as a thought -maybe he’d write me a poem - crossed his mind.
“Poor guy, though” Barnaby suddenly said. “I don’t think it feels that nice, to have your entire year know that you have a crush...”
“Yeah, I’m not quite sure he likes the attention...”
His eyes flicked to the Gryffindor table, but Whitecross was nowhere to be seen. Hiding in the Artefact Room with Ben, perhaps ?
“But I sympathize wih him. Having a crush sure is hard... and quite the emotional toll, honestly”
“Yeah... that’s true” Barnaby mused.
Suddenly, he turned hopeful eyes to the redhead, smiling shyly.
“Do you... have a crush, Lau... ?”
“... yeah, I do”
Of course he’ll admit it to Barnaby. He is his best friend !
He believed having seen a few stars in Barnaby’s emerald eyes, and the taller boy blushed a little.
“Yeah... me too”
* * *
“Truth or Dare ?”
Lau took a moment to consider the possible consequences that each choice might offer, and finally made a decision.
“Did you ever pet McGonagall’s cat form ?” Barnaby asked, a huge smile on his lips.
Giggles escaped from Lau’s lips, and he nodded, much to his friend’s surprise.
“Yep ! Not on purpose, thought. I thought it was just a little kitty... next thing I know, McGonagall is glaring at me. Now, Truth or Dare ?”
And that word is said with no hesitation, demonstrating that Barnaby was ready for just about anything.
Might as well have some fun, then.
He sprung towards his friend, and suddenly leapt right at him so that he could catch him. Luckily for him, Barnaby had fast reflexes, and he was now holding him tightly against him.
“I’m tired of walking, carry me~”
Thank Merlin Barnaby refused to turn down any dare from Lau, because his feet did kind of hurt. Stupid new shoes.
“Ok, dare” Lau declared.
“Hm... I, Barnaby Lee, dare you, Laurent Dorian King, to confess to your crush !”
Lau’s reaction was immediate: his chocolate brown eyes started to bulge out of their sockets, and his jaw fell open with shock. Definitely, he had not expected that, and Barnaby couldn’t help but feel quite satisfied.
“I-uh, what ?”
“You heard me ! You’re going to confess to your crush~”
“Put me down !”
Reluctantly, Barnaby obeyed, and once Lau was standing on his own, he plunged his gaze into his friend’s.
“Why would you ask that ?”
“Well... why not ! Ethren’s already dealing with his mystery crush, how about you do the same ? Hey, you guys can even be each other’s wingmen !”
“Now, I can’t ask Ethren to help me woo people !”
“Why not ? I’m sure he’s good at it ! I mean, as long as he doesn’t makes you write the same note he did...”
“Because... because he’s my crush, Barnaby. I... I like him”
He didn’t even mean to say that out loud. Maybe he just wanted Barnaby to leave that topic alone at once ? Maybe he just couldn’t keep that information to himself anymore ? Who knew. Certainly not Laurent.
Barnaby remained silent for an awfully long time... but eventually spoke up:
“You... like him ? He’s... he’s your crush ?”
“You’re not going to judge me because he’s a man, right ?” Lau asks, squinting his eyes into thin slits.
Barnaby was quick to react, thank Merlin.
“N-No ! No, never ! I’d never judge you, Laurent... ever. It’s just that... you and Ethren, you guys are so... different ! He’s pissed and distant half the time, and you’re so... cheery and extroverted ! Shouldn’t you like someone similar to you... ?”
“I want a lover, not a clone !” Lau exclaimed. “And why are you criticizing Ethren like that ? That’s just... how he is. People are who they are, and we love them anyway. I just happen to like him... a little bit more than intended”
Maybe his broodiness was what had attracted him in the first place. He just seemed... so different than everything else Lau had known, he felt like an adventure, one he wanted to live so badly.
Rebellious, stubborn, protective, both Lau and Ethren shared these traits, and yet, they were so different. Basically galaxies away from each other... and for some reason, Lau liked him. They were polar opposites, but he liked him anyway.
Mom once said contraries make a good match. Is that true ?
For a moment, Barnaby and Lau could only stare at each other in silence. Several times, Barnaby looked as if he was about to say something. No, scratch that. Not say something, but confess something. His eyes looked sad and dull, and his smile, while present, seemed borderline fake. What was up with him ? Before Lau could ask, his friend suddenly patted his shoulder.
“If you like him... confess to him, then ! W-Who knows, maybe he’ll share your feelings !”
Lau immediately recoils, taking a few steps away.
“Nu-nu-nuh-no way ! What if he rejects me, huh ?”
He might look confident and charismatic, but could Laurent Dorian King really handle a rejection ? ... probably not. Barnaby fervently shook his head, his grip on his friend’s shoulder tightening.
“So what ? At least, he’ll know how you feel... and you won’t be worried anymore over if he likes you or not, because you’ll know now that he isn’t interested !”
Barnaby noticed that he might not sound as encouraging as he had meant to be, and sighed.
“What I’m saying is... what is there to lose, huh ?”
Indeed, what is there to lose.
My friendship with him ? What if the rejection gets that bad ?
However, he found himself nodding.
“Yeah... I suppose you’re right, Barnaby”
And in order to not chicken out, he raised his chin, trying to make himself look even taller.
“I’ll do it ! I’ll tell him how I feel ! And who knows... maybe I’m his crush !”
* * *
But first, Lau would rather like to plan how the hell he was going to ask Ethren Whitecross out.
A note, maybe ? No. Ethren himself proved that it was a bad idea. How about a letter sent from an owl ? No, someone else might somehow get that letter. Scratch that. Soon enough, Lau begrudgingly accepted that if he was going to confess to Ethren, it will have to be done out loud. While facing him. And while hoping for the best.
Fucking shit de putain de merde
He speeded up his pace, intending to reach Slytherin’s Common Room as quick as possible. He went down a few flights of stairs, crossed empty hallways, turned a corner and-
Quickly enough, he found himself on his ass, hitting the tiled floor with a loud ‘OOF’ releasing itself from his chest. What the fuck just happened ? Groaning, he looked up at the person he ran rather brutally into... and his blood froze in his veins as he recognized Ethren Whitecross, who was struggling to keep his balance. Clumsily, Lau attempted to get back up, but then he had to deal with his own balance, which sent him hitting the nearest wall.
“Fuckin’ hell !”
Finally, Laurent managed to get back up, and that’s when he remembered that, oh shit, Ethren was right in front of him.
Being this close, he realized one thing. Shit, I’m taller
Ethren rubbed the back of his neck, grimacing in pain.
“Had to be in one hell of a rush to run like that”
That accent. That terribly attractive American accent. Lau had his own, French accent, but he was persuaded it wasn’t as beautiful sounding.
“Sorry ‘bout that” Lau replied at last. “I... felt like runnin’”
There was one thing to know about Laurent Dorian King.
He could playfully flirt like a true master.
But when it came to real flirting... his self-confidence would immediately crumble down. I felt like runnin’ ? Fucking. Idiot.
Ethren raised a puzzled eyebrow, but smiled wanly.
“Well, exercise is good, I suppose. What else have you been up to ?”
“Eh, not much. Diego’s flirty, Tonks’ sort of annoying, Barnaby still loves creatures. As far as I know, everything is well balanced. How... how about you ?”
The answer was quite obvious, of course, and Whitecross bit on his lip.
“Let’s say I had better days”
“Yeah, I... I heard of what happened, and I’m sorry. Honestly, it’s nobody’s business that you have a crush on someone, really... but seriously, a yes or no question ? That’s cliché !”
“Well, not like I had time to write a complete poem, right ?”
Lau couldn’t help but giggle, and caught himself admiring the Gryffindor’s features. His beautiful blue eyes, his hair falling in front of them, his... KEEP YOURSELF TOGETHER, YOU DOOF !
“And... are you going to ask your crush out ?”
Ethren seemed hesitant about answering at first, which was understandable. After today’s ordeal, he probably doesn’t want to think about any of this until next Christmas.
“Maybe. Still not sure. My crush is, er... sort of rough, you know”
Laurent couldn’t help it, but he felt a spark of hope through his chest. He could be rough, he could definitely be rough. Impossibly stubborn, brutally honest, and also rough in the physical way...
He might have, impulsively, punched a few students who were annoying him.
Maybe he’s talking about me ? God, I sound so fucking hopeless right now, it’s ridiculous... fuck, Ethren is speaking.
And luckily, he caught his last few words:
“I probably won’t do it”
“Not do it ? Why not ? W-Who knows, maybe your crush is sharing how you feel ! And don’t be afraid because your first attempt failed, you can have so many other chances ! You can even sing to your crush, maybe that’ll work !”
Ethren, however, scoffed.
“Yeah, I don’t think that’ll work. Knowing Merula, she’ll probably snap my head off” 
Silence. Ethren’s eyes widened as he realized he just revealed his crush.
Laurent’s mother had told him about how first crushes felt. But she had made the mistake of never telling him how heartbreaks felt.
But he was pretty sure he was having one right at this moment.
“Merula ? The Merula ?”
“Who else ?” Ethren retorted.
Of course. Who else. Lau bit softly on his lip, and quickly regained his senses.
“Yeah, true. But...”
Why her ? He swallowed with difficulty, attempting to keep all his feelings bottled inside.
“You should ask her out, no matter how rough she is. Who knows, maybe she... likes you back”
“Er... no, I’ll be fine, Lau”
“Liar” Lau was quick to reply. “You won’t be fine, I know that for a fact. Crushes are hard to deal with... so just do it ! And... you guys have been through a lot together, with the Vaults and such. I’m sure she’d be glad to be around you in circumstances different than curse-breaking”
Why was he doing this ? Why was he encouraging his own crush to ask someone else out ? The answer was simple, really.
Before everything else, Ethren Whitecross was his friend.
And his happiness was what mattered the most.
Ethren’s lips curled themselves into a smile as he stared at Lau.
“You might not be wrong. I’ll... consider it. Thank you, Lau”
He patted his shoulder, sending shivers through the Slytherin’s spine, and took his leave.
Once Lau was entirely certain he was alone, he let silent tears flow down his cheeks. A lot of people crush on me. Why not him ?
* * *
“Barnaby... how does heartbreak feel ? Do you know it ?”
At that hour, Whitecross was getting ready for his date. Was probably even heading to it. Lau, on the other hand, was sitting in a empty hallway, Barnaby by his side, their fingers linked together.
Barnaby let out a long sigh, biting on his lip. Believe me, love, I know.
Lau didn’t wait for an answer, however.
“How do you get over it... ? How do you stop the pain ?”
A sob threatened to break out of his throat, and Barnaby wrapped his arm around Lau’s shoulders, squeezing softly.
“You pretend the pain isn’t here. And eventually, it truly goes away”
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slashtakemylife · 5 years
Sheith was NEVER meant to be canon
First of all, I will NEVER EVER discourage a ship, I welcome all ships, heck send me right now a message about sheith HC and I'll encourage you and even HC with you as well
But please, Sheith was NEVER in any point supposed to be canon and yes I've seen and read a LOT of theories and let me tell you, you all need to watch all of captain america's movies but that comes later, first here's some arguments
Brotherhood: Yes I know you get this argument a LOT but the Brotherhood (TM) story line is extremely common
The Hobbit (Bilbo and Thorin) Sherlock, both movies and BBC (Sherlock and Watson) Merlin (Merlin and Arthur) and my main base Captain America (Steve and Bucky) I'm sorry I can't bring you child shows because none come to mind right now
All this shows and even more, show a bond between males that go beyond friendship, become brothers, even stronger than blood but also these guys are actually the most popular ship in their franchise and it's no surprise why, even Queerbaiting comes from here because they KNOW people are invested in them and deliberately make scenes that encourage people DESPITE knowing they will never follow through, so you are not new, the first or even the last
The Beard
So it comes a point were this male/male relationships are so close you begin to think, hmmm, I wonder if there's more? Could it be romantic?! And at this exact moment content makers pull out their trap card, The Love Interest!
Nothing a seldom developed female character can't fix, right? They can add a female character and push her solely for romance (since they don't actually know what to do with a female character, wtf do vaginas even do?) with a few character development moments and also to show like, No they are not gay, look at this happy HETERO couple!
Now is the moment were I confess I am a rabbid Adashi shipper, YES I will protect my son Adam from ANYONE and right now I'm gonna tell you the real deal, the absolute tea of my boy Adam!
Adam is a freaking Beard
So yeah, when S6 ended, it also came to a point were they realized things had gone way to gay and considering how they had hyped LGTB, they knew now was the time to deliver and put an end to a romantic Sheith with the respective Beard (Acxa I think was considered to be Keith's beard but maybe they cast it out later on?) but wait! Ohhh f*ck, we forgot Shiro was gay, uh oh, that means Shiro's beard is a guy, yeah, remember that boy Adam back from when we were doing S2?
In case you don't remember, here's some history, Shiro was supposed to die back in S2 so that Keith could rise into the BP, in an interview, JDS and LM said that S7's Adam flashback was supposed to happen in S2, so those scenes were prepared beforehand, they were actually going to show a gay Shiro and then he was going to die but since they didn't want to do the BYG trope, *cough* bullshit *cough* toy sales and Shiro being Very popular *cough*, they let Shiro live, be the BP and also help make a storyline were Keith goes with the blades instead of immediately into BP and also create this amazing brotherhood that would guide both their characters (the only reason S6 gets a pass is mostly that emotional, visually beautiful fight between Shiro and Keith)
But then as I said, it reached the point were it was way to gay and the beard was needed but unfortunately, the beard was gay and honestly they didn't want to spend too much time on the gay, luckily all they need is a beard, nothing more so here VLD tried to be sneaky with these easy steps:
Put Shiro's gay beard
Get brownie point for the rep they promised
Kill Sheith in the process
Also kill Klance since it's stablished Shiro is he only rep
Kill the beard as well since we don't actually want to put a whole gay storyline, we only need to stablish Shiro as gay
This is very VERY clear in how they justified Adam's death by saying it was tragedy, war and loss, specially when they mentioned that Shiro is the rep, no one EVER made an intention to give Shiro a full GAY romance in ANY way or with any character, but their plan went to shit when everyone (rightfully) called out their BS so they needed a quick fix specially with the coming S8 which was probably mostly done
Why didn't they just make Shiro marry Keith? Their relationship was very developed it was a very easy step, in fact! We have clear evidence they cut out big Sheith moments and interactions and deliveratedly added more Curtis in the BG to justify the ending
If they had prepared a Sheith canon finale it would've saved their ASS, all they had to do in S7 was say 'there's more rep to come!' And be done with the controversy and you are right, ot would've been a slow build relationship
I wholeheartedly believe they cut Sheith scenes and added more Curtis, I do, but here's why, S8 was mostly done, they had done their LGTB duty and S7 should have all the rep the fandom needed, things were good, we could forget that pending and move on with the finale, then the fandom exploted (rightfuly mind you
So VLD had to fix this, they knew S8 also had Sheith PLATONIC moments since they thought they were safe, we were supposed to know this was a friendship, not a relationship, that was the point of the beard! But the beard and the rep both failed (you mean an ambiguous scene and later kill the SO doesn't work? *pikachu face*)
They cut Sheith platonic moments, made klance open ended, used the deus ex machina card for Ezor and Zethrid and rush a Shiro wedding
Look I'm an Adashi, my ship IS canon but one is dead and the other married off, if they had added Adam at the wedding it would've also felt awkward, this Shiro friend that we barely saw is now married to him? Only if you know their true relationship would you understand but it would also feel out of the blue (they did broke up) specially since their scene felt final and not a petty dispute or a misunderstanding but a really sad but necessary choice, none were in the wrong
So I understand the canon and the behind the scenes as to why this happened, but that doesn't mean I'll stop shipping them (F*ck VLD, I'm he captain now) I choose to drown in fanfiction but I won't hate or belittle Curtis because he really is a backgroungd character that got roped into this but people like him, so respect him, his relationship with Shiro and their shippers
So back to my Captain America, I chose this pairing because they went through the same, in Cap 1 there was a balance between the friendship between Steve and Bucky and the slow buildup of Steve and Peggy so while you could definitely ship Stucky if you wanted, the clear canon was Steggy, what happens in Cap 2? The Stucky relationship gets more screen time and the developing romance Staron is very little (non-existent) so when we get to Cap 3 were Cap goes against everyone FOR Bucky, well #GetCaptainAmericaABoyfriend was trending, why? Because The Beard, Sharon as a character and Staron as a couple was so underdeveloped that we all felt wierd with that kiss, sure we knew it was going to happen and that there was something there but suddenly in our faces? People felt comfortable with Stucky because it was more developed that the actual canon relationship, if they had actually made an effort to flush out Sharon and her relationship with Cap, I think it wouldn't have feel so akward, it doesn't help that we repeatedly get reminded of Peggy so they never really pay time to poor Sharon (Yes I'm a Stucky but if a female is done right I can accept her because I actually love Steggy as well)
So Sheith went through the same, they coded their relationship a certain way and failed to separate the romance and bromance, it's never fun to be the obligatory love interest to push away that gay sh*t, Lance actually went through thos since S8 has him mostly worry for Allura
So this is a long rant so thanks for reading
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cottonpadenthusiast · 6 years
Prompt idea (if you think it’s good)- could you please do one with Drarry where Harry realises Draco has been self harming. It could be Harry sees scars or walks in on Draco, also I don’t have a specific request on whether they’re dating or not.
Thank you for the prompt and sorry it’s a bit late xx
WARNING: Mentions of self-harming and depression
“Draco, why in Merlin’s balls are you wearing a hoodie? It’s twenty-five degrees outside, and to be honest, I think I’m more sweat than human at this point.” Harry raised an eyebrow at his new boyfriend from where he had just entered Draco’s dorm. The blonde in question was seated on his bed, clothed in a fluffy white hoodie, that, although adorably cute, was extremely impractical for the weather.
 “Thanks for that lovely image, Potter. And I think you know why I’m wearing a hoodie.” Draco shot Harry a pointed look, but when Harry stared at him, confused, the blonde rolled his eyes.
“I can’t show my arm…” Draco prompted, but Harry continued to look at him as if he was crazy.
Draco sighed in exasperation. “Merlin, Potter. The Dark Mark. I can’t exactly go around and remind everyone that I was once a Death Eater.”
“Oooooh,” Harry realised, kicking himself internally for forgetting. “Well, you can take it off in here. It’s you and me, and I don’t care about your Dark Mark.”
Draco turned, facing away from Harry. “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” he mumbled.
“I don’t want you to think of me differently.”
“Draco,” Harry said softly, “I know you’re scared to show me it, and that’s understandable, but I won’t judge you. It’s a sign of your past, something that shows you how far you have come and how proud you should be of who you are today. How proud I am of you. You don’t need to hide from me. And I promise I won’t think of you any less, just because I’ve seen it.” Harry sat down beside Draco, reaching out to hold him, but retracted his hand slowly when Draco flinched at his touch. Harry tried to swallow the hurt that bubbled up at the rejection.
“Harry. I can’t. You’ll hate me when you see it. And it’s not just the Mark…” Draco whispered and Harry could almost feel the sadness in his voice. He didn’t want to force Draco into something he didn’t want to do, but he wanted his boyfriend to trust him.
As Harry stared at the Draco’s back, he thought about Draco’s arm, and the more he thought on it, he realised he had never seen Draco without a long-sleeved shirt. Not in the first few awkward months of eighth year, not in the four months they had been close friends, and not even in the two weeks they had been dating. And the more he thought about that, he realised that he hadn’t even seen Draco’s other arm without the Dark Mark.
It just didn’t make sense. Everyone knew he had the Dark Mark. He’d even shown it to the Wizengamot at his trials. So why couldn’t he even show his boyfriend? 
Despite his confusion, Harry lifted himself up, and moved to sit in front of Draco on the top of the bed. Draco was staring intently at the patterned sheets, plucking at the material and refusing to meet Harry’s gaze. Harry knew there was something more to this. 
When he didn’t respond, Harry reached out and brushed his thumb gently over the pale cheek.
“Draco, please. Look at me.”
The blonde reluctantly raised his gaze and Harry was taken aback by the despair, yet determination in the grey eyes.
“Harry, if I show you this, you can’t go all Gryffindor on me and act like I need to be saved. I’m not a child, and the last thing I need is your pity. All I need is for you to understand. Ok?” 
Harry nodded numbly, preparing himself for what he was about to see. Draco sighed, closed his eyes, and slowly but purposefully lifted his sleeve.
Harry gasped, the air almost seeming to be knocked from his lungs. His shock quickly wore away into pain. Heart-wrenching, uncontrollable pain. Because Draco’s arm was not only black with the ink of his Mark, but lined with little strokes, his scars. There were littered across his arms, mainly focused over the Dark Mark, as if he had tried to scrape it away. 
Harry met Draco’s eyes, those sad, grey eyes, and was about to speak, when the blonde interrupted.
“Don’t talk, Harry. Not yet. I need to tell you everything first.” Draco paused for a second, as if preparing himself for what he was about to say. “I started this, the self-harming, last summer. It was after the trials and I had lost everything. My father was in prison, Mother barely spoke and walked about the house like a ghost, and I was under house arrest, alone and angry. I hated myself for letting this happen, for being too weak to stand up to my father and doing what was right. I saw the Mark and it reminded me of how pathetic I was, how I let Voldemort use me to hurt others, and I hated it. One day, I had enough and I started cutting, and cutting, and cutting. I wanted to get rid of the Dark Mark. I believed at the time that I deserved the pain after everything I’d done, that the pain would remind me never to be so weak again. Soon, I had cut the Mark so badly that I had to use my other arm.” Draco lifted his other sleeve to show Harry the scars. “Pansy was the one who noticed. She was in my room and I had rolled up my sleeves to wash my hands and I completely forgot about the cuts. She was so angry when she saw them, shouting at me, asking me why I had done it. And then she started sobbing, like really sobbing, and I remember thinking that I would never hurt her like this again. She was one of the main reasons why I stopped. I started going to a therapist and I got the help I needed. I haven’t cut myself since.”
Tears were cascading down Harry’s cheek. His heart was aching for Draco, this boy, who had to pay for the decisions of the ones he loved the most. Draco, who always offered his food to his friends and always smiled at the new first years, had once felt so alone and guilty that he had left the scars on himself. 
“You could have told me, Draco,” he whispered. He didn’t know how to voice everything he was feeling.
“I didn’t want to disappoint you.”
Harry grabbed Draco’s hands, squeezing them tightly. “Draco Malfoy, you could never disappoint me, even if you tried. Everything you have just told me has just given me more evidence to prove how brave you are. You were depressed and alone, you had to go through more than I can even comprehend, yet here you are, stronger than ever. You sought help, you stopped hurting yourself and you no longer blame yourself for what your father did, and that takes courage, Draco. More courage than I think I have.” Harry choked on his words. He breathed deeply, trying to regain control. “I can’t tell you how proud I am that you overcame all of that by yourself. That said, if you ever feel like that again, I want you to know that I will always be here. Even if we are no longer together, I will always listen to you and help you, in any way I can. You’re not on your own anymore, Draco. I’ll make sure of that.”
Draco pulled Harry into an embrace, crying into his shoulder, while Harry wrapped his arms around him. “Thank you,” Draco whispered, and Harry knew Draco meant for more than just listening.
Harry held Draco, and Draco held Harry, while they cried and placed soft kisses on lips, both boys needing the other as much as the other needed them. Harry would never break his promise of helping Draco, but, as Draco pulled away and smiled softly at him, he knew that his boyfriend was unlikely to ever take him up on that promise. Draco had learnt from his mistakes, and made himself stronger from them, and Harry believed that maybe that was the bravest thing of all.
If anyone is ever feeling alone or hopeless, my inbox is always open and please know that there is help out there. There is always hope, always something that can bring happiness. You have brought happiness into someone’s life more than once and that is worth more than anything else on earth. And so are you. 
Sending all the love xx
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sapphirelass · 3 years
Deal? - Remus LupinxDaughter
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Hi! :)
Deal? (Part 1) | Oh, darling... (Part 2) | I’ll be by your side (Part 3) 
Please note:
1: I don’t own any of the gifs used, nor any already established characters, so credit to the authors and original creators - You have done a phenomenal job :)
2: English is not my native language, as I was born and raised in Sweden. I have, however, studied English for almost a decade, so I don’t think it’ll be a problem, I just thought I’d let you know ;)
I swear, my next story won’t be about Umbridge XD
Word count: ≈ 2300
Warnings: Umbridge, angst, slight swearing
“I do not wish to criticise the ways of the school, however you have been exposed to some rather irresponsible wizards in this class, very irresponsible indeed - not to mention” the toadlike professor threw a dark glance at a sandy haired student and smirked evilly, “extremely dangerous half breeds”. 
The student in question raised her hand angrily, and glared at Professor Umbridge. “Yes?” the teacher smiled sweetly, “miss… Lupin, am I correct?”
“Yes, Breanna!” she began, “but that’s besides the point. Look, I know what you’re doing, but Professor Lupin was the best DADA teacher we’ve ever had, and I’d be more than happy to bet everything I own on that being quite a common opinion in this classroom!”
Most of her fellow classmates nodded furiously, and the young girl turned her head towards her professor, who immediately cleared her throat and declared: “Well, I’m afraid simply being a beloved teacher doesn’t really matter, dear.  Werewolves are still extremely dangerous creatures. They are beasts that are undeserving of respect and that should not be allowed to be part of our fine wizard community. They are uncontrollable, and highly likely to injure or possibly kill young witches and wizards, including their own children.” 
She flashed a cruel, yet pleased, smirk as Breanna furiously stood up, despite Hermione desperately trying to force her down. 
“You have NO IDEA what you’re talking about!?” she whispered angrily, her nails digging into her palms as her fists clenched. “You have probably never even met one of these so called ‘half breeds’, have you? No, you were most likely just told some bizarre stories containing more lies and made up facts than truths, and decided to put that worthless ‘knowledge’ - if you can even call it that - to use by spreading rumors and destroying the lives of innocent people.”
Umbridge looked frantic, and was about to speak up, but Breanna got there first. “I despise people who look down on others. People who claim to be better than everyone else. People like you. You certainly don’t deserve respect!”
She took a deep breath, and was about to continue when Umbridge’s shrill voice forced her to stay quiet. “That’s quite enough! Detention, miss Lupin. The rest of the week, five fifteen, don’t be late”. 
A few hours later, Breanna made her way back to Umbridge’s office. She knew her friends had wanted to talk to her, but she had done her absolute best to avoid them all afternoon. She simply didn’t feel like explaining to them why she had done what she did. She’d gladly do it again though. Her father was the kindest, wisest, most incredible person she had ever met. He had done everything in his power to give her a good childhood, and no one had the right to insult him. She’d defend him to her last breath if that’s what it would come down to.
She knocked on the door carefully, and pushed it open when she heard a shrill, terrifying voice sing a sweet “come in”. 
“Oh, miss Lupin, almost late I see!” she said arrogantly. Breanna didn’t have time to answer before her teacher continued. “Sit down.” 
The detentions went on for another four days before Umbridge told her she didn’t have to come back the following evening, but that she better hold her tongue unless she longed for more. Breanna tried to keep that in mind, but still lost her cool a few more times before the end of the semester. However, the Christmas holidays were approaching, and though her red, swollen hand caused her to worry slightly, the idea of seeing her dad and godfather caused her enough joy to tip her mood over to “mainly happy”. 
She stepped off the train with her friends, and immediately spotted her father on the platform.
“Dad!!” she shouted, and threw her scratched arms around his constantly scarred torso. “Merlin, I’ve missed you so much”. She buried her head in his shoulder, simply enjoying the feeling of love and safety that he somehow instantly gave off. 
“Hello, darling!” he said gently, returning the bone-crushing hug. “I missed you too, believe me…”
Breanna wanted to stay like that forever, but eventually let go as she intended to at least try to keep her… problems… hidden. She had never really been able to keep secrets from her dad, and therefore didn’t want to do anything he would consider “out of the ordinary”. If she did, he’d figure it out, or persuade her to tell him everything within minutes, and she knew he’d feel guilty if he realized what she had done for him. She understood perfectly well that the scars on her hand were deep enough to be visible for the rest of her life, and that nothing she would say could convince Remus Lupin that it was not his fault. She was left with one option: He could not, under any circumstances, know. Ever. 
They carried her trunk together, and walked a few feet behind the rest of the gang.
“So?”, her father inquired, “How are things? You all doing okay?”
“I suppose”, she answered, “Our new DADA teacher is quite a daft prick though.”
“Bree!”, he muttered sternly, casually trying to hide a smile, “Are you sure that’s the right word? Sounds rather rough, doesn’t it?”
The witch shrugged. “No, I think it fits rather nicely. It’s almost as if she’s trying her very best to prevent us from learning anything helpful…”
“That’s… well, that doesn’t sound very promising, does it?”
“No, hence the slightly offensive description… But enough about her, how are you? Had any company while I was gone?”
The older wizard smiled, easily noticing the tone of his daughter’s voice switch into a far more joyful, energetic one - One he knew and loved! 
“Oh yes, I’ve spent quite a bit of time at headquarters, and Sirius essentially isn’t allowed anywhere else, so we’ve done a lot of catching up. There is, believe it or not, a lot to talk about after 12 years without seeing each other, so it’s been very nice.” He turned to her, smiled even broader and added a quick “But I’ve still missed you.”, before quickening his pace to catch up with the others.
Later that night, Breanna, Remus, Harry and Sirius were sat in the living room of number 12 Grimmauld Place. Harry and Sirius were playing catch with an old snitch they had found in the house, lazily throwing it back and forth. Breanna lay on a sofa, a thick leather bound book tightly clutched in her hands and her head resting on her fathers lap. He was deeply invested in A Guide to Medieval Sorcery, and father and daughter were simply enjoying a nice, calm evening.
All of a sudden, Sirius grabbed the snitch, sat up straight and reached out towards his godson. 
“Harry, what’s that on your hand?”
The dark haired boy pulled the sleeves of his jumper further down and mumbled a quiet “nothing”.
“Sure, let me see then”
“No, it’s fine, don’t worry abo…”
Harry didn’t get the chance to finish his sentence, as Sirius had risen from his seat and forcefully grabbed his left hand. The slightly faded “I must not tell lies” was still readable, and Harry winced as the look on his godfather’s face went from composed to furious in a matter of seconds.
“Sirius, I…”
By this time, both Remus and Breanna had put their books down, and were carefully observing the “argument”.
“It’s our new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, Umbridge. She’s quite generous when it comes to giving detentions. But mine’s really not that bad now. It barely hurts anymore...”
“That’s totally barbaric!? Moony, we have to…”
“Harry”, Remus interrupted his old friend with a worried look on his face, “What do you mean by ‘quite generous’?”
His heart practically skipped a beat when he felt his daughter shift uncomfortably, however it was Harry who answered.
“‘m quite sure half the Gryffindors have been to her office at least once by now. Even when you’re not really doing anything wrong, she’ll make up a ‘reasonable’ excuse…”
As Harry spoke, Breanna had unconsciously been pulling the sleeves of her jumper closer to her fingertips. Remus obviously noticed and made eye contact with Harry, nodding discreetly towards his daughter as if to ask if she too had… well… yeah? Harry closed his eyes, knowing full well how his friend wanted to hide her scars from her dad. It had taken hours of convincing before she had even let him, Ron and Hermione see, and he understood why she didn’t want Lupin to know. He did, however, not like the idea of lying to his former professor, and nodded slightly.
Remus closed his eyes looking simultaneously sad and angered, sat up straight and muttered “Bree?”
The young witch took a deep breath and was about to move away from her dad, but he was faster and quickly grabbed her hand. He was very gentle, but she flinched anyways, as her last detention had taken place only a week prior.
“Bree”, he repeated, “show me”
“Dad”, she mumbled quietly, “‘tis fine, don’t worry”
“Brianna!” His voice sounded far sterner now, “I’m serious. C’mere”
“No, I don’t want…”
“It’s not a question of whether or not you want to, Love”, Sirius explained before his friend could think of a response. “Show your dad.”
“Bree”, Harry mumbled, “Just… just do it”
“No! I can handle it! Stop making it sound like I’m too weak to do so!”
She felt a tear escape her eye, and stood up to leave the room when Remus waved his wand and locked the door.
Taking yet another deep breath, his daughter turned around, made her way across the room, pulled her left sleeve up and slammed her scarred hand down on the table for the other three to see.
“There! You happy now?!”
A flood of tears were streaming down her face, as her dad, godfather and best friend leant closer and read seven deep-red, awful, heart wrenching words:
 I must not defend filthy half breeds
Remus put his head in his hands and stood up, while Sirius moved closer to his goddaughter and pulled her into a tight hug. Harry joined the embrace and comfortingly rubbed her back.
“why? Why Bree?”, her father whispered quietly, his voice barely audible.
“I… I couldn’t...She… sorry…” 
The usually calm, collected girl was completely lost for words. Shaking. She had no clue what to say, all she knew was that she had to let her dad know that she was sorry. Sorry for making him feel guilty. Sorry for causing him so much pain. Sorry for not being strong enough.
She walked over to him and noticed heavy, wet tears on his face too. Carefully she wrapped her arms around him, and together they sank down onto the cold floor. They sat there for what felt like hours before Remus finally spoke up, repeating his previous question.
“Why, darling?”
She met his sad gaze and collected her thoughts before quietly whispering “She keeps saying horrible things - pure lies - and she’s enjoying it. She’s throwing insults my way every chance she gets. If I don’t stand up and fight, everyone will think she’s right, and she’s not. Nothing will ever change unless someone works for it, and as soon as that someone backs down, they’ve lost. I’m not having that.”
He looks back at her, his eyes full of pride. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”
“You mean besides being the most phenomenal dad imaginable?”
He chuckled softly, ruffled her long hair and held his hand out. Breanna slowly placed her hand on her father’s and shifted her gaze towards the floor as he examined the neatly written letters. With a worried expression on his face, he grabbed his wand and moved it back and forth over the scars while quietly muttering a few carefully chosen words. The pain immediately became more endurable, and after putting his wand away the older wizard grabbed his daughter’s shoulders gently, and looked at her in a sad, yet determined way.
“Bree, as honourable as your intentions are, please don’t do this for me. I’m not going to tell you to back down, but if you’re going to keep it up, don’t let it…” He paused, trying to find the right words. “I can’t stand the thought of you getting injured because of me. I’m not wo…”
“Yes, you are! Stop saying that! I’ll be a bit more selective, if that’s what you want, but don’t you dare tell me not to fight for you. You are my dad, my only family, and there is not a single person on this planet less deserving of disrespect, insults and hate. Dad, you’re amazing, and I’m not letting her fool people into thinking you’re not.”
After a moment of silence, a quiet, “I still don’t like it…”, escaped his lips. 
“I know.” She sighed,  “That’s why I originally didn’t plan on telling you.”
Bree was fiddling with her fingers, not quite meeting her fathers warm gaze, when she suddenly sat up and said, “Let’s make a deal? I promise to choose my fights more wisely, and in return, you won’t blame yourself for the consequences of said choices? Sounds fair, doesn’t it?”
Her father sighed, but reluctantly answered, “Fine, as long as you promise me one more thing.”
“You won’t hide scars or pain from me ever again, no matter whether it’s physical or mental, okay? You’ll let me know, and let me help, always!”
She held her right hand out, her dad shook it and they shared a smile. This time, a true, pure one that actually reached their identically green eyes.
~ L
Part 2 Oh, darling...
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jamespotterstardis · 7 years
Positive and Negative News.
WARNINGS;Mentions of miscarriage. The word is not said but it is heavily implied. Summary;James and Lily receive news. AN This the first thing I wrote in ages and it’s a long one shot😁. First angst fanfic i’ve wrote. Romance and humour also included.
‘Lily, please.’
’ … James, I’m scared.’
‘I know you are, but please come out.’
‘What if it is like the last time?’
‘Then we’ll deal with it together. ’
'Whole heartedly.’
’ … Do you, do you remember the l-last t-t-time?’
Remember? He remembered every single day; the moment when she told him she was pregnant and the events that followed.
He remembered the joy on her face when she told him and the joy ,mixed with excitement, on his own. He remembered lifting her up and swinging her around the kitchen. He remembered them telling the other Marauders, and Lily then being swung round by Sirius while Remus and Peter congratulated them with big smiles on their faces. He remembered them celebrating and the boys giving them name ideas, {'No, Sirius, I’m not naming my  child Wolfstar.’ 'Why? It’s perfectly acceptable,  unisex  and you’ll be naming him or her after me and Moony.’} He remembered the happiness.
He also remembered the sadness and the pain. He remembered Lily waking him up, several days after the celebration, in extreme pain. He remembered taking her to St Mungo’s. He remembered the scared look on her face and himself trying to reassure her. He remembered the whispered conversation of the Healers and them telling Lily, and himself, that they lost the baby. He remembered Lily’ s face, oh Merlin her face, devastation mixed with extreme sadness. He remembered the constant tears, from both of them, and how he thought his world had ended.
Four months later they had a second chance to become parents. He recognised the signs from the first time. He waited for her to confirm his suspicions. He waited some more. Four days later, on boys night, she told him and then locked herself in the bathroom. Lily had said it fast but James knew exactly what she said.
'I think I’m pregnant.’
Unfortunately when he ran after her,  he didn’t get there fast enough. He had tried several times to convince her to come out to no avail, and he wasn’t going to use magic to open the door or enter, so he sat cross legged, boys night completely forgotten, on the floor leaning against the bathroom door.  (Unbeknownst to him, Lily was in a similar postiton, but her legs were drawn to her chest.)
James was going to sit there and be there for her for how ever long it took.
'I do, yes.’
'Do you think it could happen again?’ Lily asked,  her voice full of fear.  It was also slightly muffled, due to the door, but the messy haired boy understood every word she had said.
He wished he could say no. 'I honestly don’t know but I will be here for you what ever the outcome.'  James said. 'The boys too.’
'How are they?’
'They’re - ’
'What was that?’
'I’m not sure.’ James said slowly. He was torn between staying with Lily and investigating the noise. In the end he didn’t have to make a choice as Sirius was  slowly jogging towards him with Remus walking behind him as a much calmer, reasonable pace.
'What was that?’ James asked repeating Lily’s aforementioned  question.
'Wormtail leaving.’ Was the answer Sirius Black gave. He then sat on the floor, ungracefully, opposite his best mate. Remus rolled his eyes but sat, with much more elegance than the Black, next to Sirius nevertheless. He, to, was leaning on the door, which was James and Lily’s bedroom, behind them.
'Why was he leaving?’
'Ask Sirius.’
'It’s not my fault Wormtails’ a little’, here Sirius paused as he thought of the right word to describe their friends behaviour. ’Touchy these days. He can’t seem to take a joke lately.’
James rolled his eyes. He’d have a word with Peter, and Sirius, at a later date; Lily was the one who needed him now.
'You okay in there, Evans?’ Sirius ask as he linked hands with Remus, who smiled and tightened his fingers.
'You know very well that it’s Potter now, Black.’ Came Lily’s reply from inside the bathroom and James hid a grin, he could almost see the small smile on her face.
Remus then started to laugh a little which cause both James and Sirius to look in his direction.
'What’s so funny?’
'Yeah, Moony, share the joke.’
The young Lupin took  no notice of his friend and boyfriend but raised his voice slightly. 'I seem to remember a time, not too long ago when Sirius called you Potter, you threw an ink pot at his head.’
'I remember, i still have the scar.’ Sirius contributed as he began poking his forehead trying to find the long lost scar.
'Shut it, Wolf boy, or I’ll hide your chocolate.’
Remus wisely made a show of shutting his mouth, despite Lily not seeing it, as all three boys began to laugh. Once the laughter began to cease, which took a while as whenever they stopped they only had to look to start again, James heard Lily take a deep breath. She had made a desicion.
’ James?’
'Yeah, Lils?’
'Can you go in my bag, it’s by the front door, and get the pregnancy test for me please.’
'Sure.’ James shared a look with both Remus and Sirius and then followed Lily’s instructions. By the time he had returned both boys were standing. 'I got it.’
The door opened, just enough for the box to enter,  and James passed it to her. As quickly as it opened, the door shut again.
'Thank you.’ Lily said with gratitude and then James heard the box open. Both Remus and Sirius were silent.
Lily had wanted to do both a muggle and magical test for a better result.
'I don’t want you to hear me pee, so make some noise if you could.’ The former Evans said.
'It’s not like we haven’t heard you pee before.’ Remus pointed out.
'Yeah, remember the Quidditch world cup? You .. –’.
’ You promised not to speak of It.’ Both Lily and James said simultaneously.
'In sorry.’ Remus said stifling a laugh.
'Yeah, apologies Potters. What you expect us do, tiger Lily, sing?’
Both Remus and James faux glared at him when Lily agreed.
'Fine.’ Sirius said in defeat. 'We’ll sing.’
'We will.’ Remus agreed.
'Your wish is our command.’ James said as the trio of boys began to sing.
’GOD RES -’.
'The clean version.’ Lily advised and Sirius sulked.
'Potter, you’re ruining my fun but we’ll sing the clean version just this once. From the top boys.’
Halfway through the song the door began to open slowly and the three boys were  immediately quiet.
’ You boys carry quite the tune.’ Lily joked weakly  when she stepped from the bathroom into the hallway but James smiled even so. He then put his arm around her and she side hugged him gratefully.
'I’ll have you know,  former Evans, we sung beautifully.'  Sirius commented confidently.
'So beautifully that it almost made my ears bleed.’ Remus grinned which earned him an elbow in the ribs from James, a shove from his loving boyfriend and another weak, though slightly stronger than before, smile from Lily.
As the quartet became silent , the joking atmosphere was replaced with a serious one.
'I think we can look now.’ Lily gulped as her  eyes shifted from James’, to the test still clutched in her hand, and back again.
'Together?’ Lily asked as moved the test to the palm of her hand and straightened out her arm. She had stepped out of James’ arms and was instead holding his hand quite tight.
'Together.’ James confirmed as quickly glanced towards Remus and Sirius. They were holding hands as tight and he and Lily were.
'After three?’ Remus asked and James could see Lily was greatful that she didn’t have to look straight away. The rest of the group nodded.
'One. ’ Sirius started.
Eight looked straight at the stick in Lily’s hand as soon as the third number was said.
There were two red lines.
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