#i lowkey have some road rage too
jjdoggies · 6 months
tbh don't even want the eclipse rn take it back (for context I currently live around/in central Ohio) there are so many out of state people driving around causing so much backed up traffic and the very beginning of the eclipse doesn't start for another 2 ish hours (1:55pm) supposedly the peak coverage is around like 3:10-3:15pm
my drive home from my classes today took an extra 15 mins bc the highway was just stopped bc certain people wanted to merge into already super backed up lanes and ugh. I generally don't like driving anyhow, but this kind of disruption certainly wasn't helping.
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ooffmlsorry · 11 months
The Monster Trio Driving (you around)
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Getting this one right out the way, THIS MAN CANNOT DRIVE!!!! You are driving him around
Luffy theoretically knows how to drive because Ace and Sabo taught him but doesn't have a license and no one in their right mind would give him one
Always has his feet on the dashboard
Loves singing along to music with you even if he doesn't know the words
Knows it's probably a hassle to drive him around sometimes, so he'll get out and pump gas for you--especially when it's cold
Sticks his tongue out a people that cut you off
Always brings snacks that he'll (mostly) share with you
Points out everything cool, cool cars, cows, dogs, clouds, he just wants you to experience them too 🥰 (just don't crash)
DOGGIE!! Y/N there's a doggie in the car next to us!! Let's tell them to pull over so we can pet it!!
Leaves crumbs in your car if he notices them (BIG IF) he'll apologize and swipe them out, I swear!
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Between Zoro and Luffy, obviously he's the best driver and he definitely mocks Zoro about it
Drives so safe when you're in the car
You know that one Twenty One Pilots song "Tear in My Heart"? Yeah, Sanji is the guy avoiding potholes so you can keep sleeping and is cursing the government under his breath for not filling the potholes so his princess can sleep
Other than the fact that the car smells like smoke, he keeps it pretty clean
Of course he opens the door for you, who do you think he is???
He's great except...the road rage Oh. My. God. Nobody better drive like an idiot when he's go the most beautiful woman in the world in his car
I mean he's not gonna cause a problem once the idiots done being an idiot but I hope you like flipping people off and the liberal use of the car horn
Let's you pick the music, obviously, but gets really melty and fuzzy-hearted when you let him pick
Gets distracted at stop lights because he's always touching you or staring
Car sex obviously
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No one knows how he got a license...you're not even sure he has one because if anyone asks he just smirks like the gif above
Always has Google maps on, don't say anything about it or he'll get mad
HATES traffic
Tells you you owe him gas money, never actually collects on it though lol and if you try to give it to him he basically gaslights you into believing he never said that
His car is kind of a mess, when he started dating you he put his gym stuff in the trunk so at least his car doesn't smell like sweaty balls and ass anymore
Gets lowkey nervous about driving in the city and in bad weather
Shut up! I need to concentrate! / *turns the music down so he can see better*
Begrudgingly lets you pick the music and complains that you don't have taste but ends up totally enjoying it
Thinks about road head a lot but doesn't necessarily want to try it
Loves driving you around actually because it's just the two you and it feels like y'all are in your own little world sometimes
Usually rests his hand on your thigh or is touching you in some way while driving
Cramped backseat car naps together🥰
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beansmack2021 · 6 months
She's Yours Now (Pt. 2)
Platonic!Teen!Reader x Hazbin Crew
TW: Mentions of abuse, death, murder, Reader is lowkey kind of op lol, mentions of drugs
Charlie wasn't really sure who she'd expected to see when her father sent her straight into the heart of Pride. She just knew that Lucifer himself didn't believe that this new soul deserved to be damned to Hell for eternity. Or until the next extermination, if she was one of the unlucky casualties.
She tried not to think too hard about the fates of many of her people. She'd start seething soon enough, and then she'd be practically useless on their trip to find their newest arrival. Still, she couldn't help the sensation of her blood boiling when she pictured the masked angel exorcists.
"Char, breathe. You're crushing my hand."
She snapped out of it pretty quickly. "Sorry, Vaggie. I'm just... I'm thinking about the extermination. We don't have much time, and I mean, we have plenty of people who don't even deserve to be here, but they're going to die again. This new arrival is apparently the perfect example. My dad doesn't even think she should be here."
Charlie personally didn't believe any sinner deserved the punishment that Heaven had dealt them. The whole point of her hotel was to make the people of Hell see the light and bring them to their utopia. It hurt to know that even if every other soul in Hell left, she'd never be able to, but she also knew that her life's mission was to help others.
She took a deep breath, the sulfuric smell and red haze of Hell reminding her that she couldn't just wallow, and she definitely couldn't rage. She, Angel Dust, and Vaggie had been walking for what felt like hours. They'd passed plenty of bloodied up sinners, a few shaking each other down for some baggies of white powder, but still didn't notice anyone out of the ordinary.
That was until they heard a crashing sound in the alley to their right. Vaggie readied her spear, leading the way quietly down the alley. They heard another rustling sound and Vaggie quickly pointed her spear at the source of the sound.
Charlie put her hand out in front of Vaggie to lower her spear, taking in the girl before them. She was small, definitely younger, and terrified. She had doe-like features, like fluffy ears, a snout, white freckles, and big eyes. Her hair was dark and curly, and she had curtain like bangs. She definitely didn't look like she belonged there. They found their new arrival. She sniffed once, eyes wide as she stared at them.
"Please. Don't hurt me." The young doe was practically whispering.
"Oh! We're not going to hurt you! We're here to help." Charlie crouched down, offering the girl a warm smile. "I'm Charlie Morningstar. I run the Happy Hotel here. Our mission is to redeem as many sinners as possible so that they may make it to Heaven someday."
The girl looked at the ground in front of her, thinking to herself for a moment. "So... this really is Hell, huh?"
Charlie nodded once, trying to maintain her composure. She really just wanted to hug the young doe, but she knew that that was probably the one thing the girl wanted the least.
"I know why I'm here. I know I did a bad thing. I just didn't realize the one bad thing could outway so much good. Especially since I did a bad thing for a good reason. I was trying to make sure nothing happened to anyone else, the way it happened to me." She put her head in her hands, laughing once, but it wasn't a happy laugh. She was in shock.
Charlie reached out a hand, trying to comfort the girl, but it was almost like she sensed the movement in the air. She flinched, grabbing onto the wall behind her and the trashcan beside her. She pulled herself up and took off down the road.
"No! Come back! We're just here to help!"
Vaggie met Charlie at the end of the alley, putting a hand on her shoulder. The same gesture that had the doe-ish girl running for the hills. A gesture that was supposed to be comforting and instead scared her more.
"Uhhhh... toots, you're gonna wanna see this."
Angel Dust stood staring at something on the ground where the girl had once been. Charlie gasped as she took in the sight before her.
"Did she do this?" Vaggie mumbled.
"This" was... definitely a sight.
The trash can was no longer in its original state. There was a gaping hole, with ashy edges. The wall wasn't looking much better. The small girl, who seemed so terrified and helpless, had disintegrated the bricks and metal that had surrounded her.
Charlie looked at Vaggie. "We need to find her. Before someone gets hurt."
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vendoramachine · 8 months
random headcanons
velvet & veneer
pretty self explanatory. i needed someplace to dump all these stupid little thoughts. also, as the younger sibling of an older sister, these are all just me self projecting our relationship <3
- vel is mildly dyslexic and it’s been a sensitive topic for her entire life (yet she still makes fun of veneer for not being able to do math)
- veneer had both of his ears pierced, but his left ear eventually closed up cus he doesn’t wear his earring on that side (ifykyk)
- velvet’s anger issues has made her throw things at veneer on multiple occasions
“do you remember that time i accidentally hit you and you threw that moisturizer container at my head?”
- both had a very intense phase where they were obsessed with pokémon, specifically, team rocket
- jesse and james were both of their gay awakenings
- velvet always used to practice painting nails and doing makeup on veneer, that they never really grew out of it (she still does it for him <3)
- they never apologized to each other properly after getting upset with each other
“…you hungry?”
“…yeah. i’ll go with you to check the fridge.”
- strangely enough, vel asks to sleep in her brother’s bed if they don’t have anything going on the next day
- vel is one of them VIOLENT ASS SLEEPERS who kicks everything within radius, and her feet are always cold as fuck
“vel… vel, stop kicking me… v-velvet, YOUR FEET ARE COLD!”
- but ven is a blanket hog so they hate sleeping in the same bed but still do it cause it’s oddly comforting for them both
“veneer, it’s cold, bro… give me the- STOP TAKING THE BLANKET!”
- for some reason, they’re always coming at each other’s taste
- “i really don’t know what you see in ritz.”
“yeah? well, at least i didn’t fall for a random fan from the crowd.”
- their favorite places as kids were costco and ikea (don’t ask i just have a feeling)
- vel needed glasses as a kid, but she always hated how they looked on her, so she never wore them. ever. her eyesight is still lowkey shit.
- they both took violin and cello lessons as kids, but they thought it was mad boring and left (they don’t remember a single thing about it)
- velvet will fuck up a raw ass steak (so raw that you might as well give her an entire fucking cow), eating it with her bare hands like a wild animal
- as kids, they always talked about bailing each other out if one got arrested (but they both got arrested so that’s out the window 😻)
- “ugh, orange is so not my color.”
“girl, fuck you mean? you look better than all the bitches here.”
- ritz and orchid always go together to visit their criminal lovers in prison
- vel hates the feeling of gel, but does it for the aesthetic (veneer hates it too)
- veneer got his drivers license after vel, but she gets the WORSTTT road rage, so he doesn’t trust her and drives them everywhere
- vel has literally almost stabbed her brother with her sharp crown thingy
- veneer constantly asks his sis what he should wear because he’s too scared of being insulted
- both of their retinas have been burned by all the flashing cameras
- surprisingly, most of vel’s high school homecoming dates were men. nobody except veneer even knew she was a girl kisser until she turned sixteen
- they have matching robes. for sure.
- veneer is a shopping addict ( velvet carries his bags every time cus she thinks his complaining is annoying )
“ugh, my arms-“
“shut up. give me your bags.”
- vel had a giant ass rottweiler when they were in middle school that always scared the shit out of veneer, so that’s why he was so fucking scared of rhonda (velvet’s dog was really sweet tho 😢)
- ven coughs so hard from inhaling too much of vel’s perfume
- vel has a crippling fear of heights and veneer is the same with small spaces
- veneer is terrified of horror movies, and vel tells him to stop being a pussy (one jumpscare and you’ll see her clinging onto her brother)
- vel laughs her ass off every time her brother is mad because she can’t take his twink ass seriously
- these two turn into monsters when it comes to nintendo games (specifically mario kart)
- vel had the nintendo switch and ven had the nintendo lite
- they bought two so that they could have separate animal crossing islands, but ended up living on the same one anyways
- veneer loves the little clink that his shoes make
- never let either of them near cinnamon rolls. ever. (their asses will demolish entire buildings for that stuff)
i’ll probably add more to these later on, so watch out! i’m working on the requests, so watch out for those too!
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honoviadakai · 8 months
Rating the Hazbin crew based on how much I trust them to drive me places 🚗 😈
(This idea comes from @not-just-another-hazbin don’t think I didn’t see your reblog my friend, it’s been making me cackle for a week now 🤣)
Charlie 🏨🎶:
Oh this is the SAFEST person you could get in a car with
9 times out of 10, she’s probably not the one driving
It would be Razzle and Dazzle
That being said
When she DOES drive, you’re guaranteed to get from point A to point B in one piece
She’s a little too safe though….
She follows all traffic laws to the letter
And that wouldn’t borne a problem…if you guys weren’t in hell
Traffic laws in hell are a suggestion more than anything else
So more often then not, people are yelling slurs and insults at you two
Also, she’s lowkey a s low driver
She refuses to go above 30mph unless absolutely necessary
And that’s usually never with her
So if you have an appointment at 4pm and she’s the one driving you
No you don’t
It’s at 2pm
3pm at latest
She honestly gives off massive “trying to be the cool mom” vibes when driving
But her some slack, it’s the daddy issues that make her give that vibe
Vaggie 🦋🗡️:
She’s pretty ok at driving tbh
She’s gonna keep you safe and she’s more than capable of navigating you through the hellscape of hell’s roads
But her road rage is insane
Like you’d think someone like Husk has horrible road rage right?
It’s Vaggie
She genuinely might actually start ramming into people if they’re being truly unreasonably unhinged and threaten your safety
She truly just wants to keep you safe so that’s exactly what she’s gonna do
Just keep your seatbelt on…please
She’s also just not gonna let anyone eat in her car
No exceptions
Why…oh why in the ever loving FUCK would you get in a car where the RADIO DEMON was behind the wheel!?!
Get out of the car!
He’s gonna cause an accident on the freeway on purpose!
And god help you if you say you’re in a hurry!
He’s gonna grove even slower than Charlie!
Like 5MPH kind of slow!
Angel Dust🕷️💕:
He’s an average driver tbh
When he’s being chill/sober
He’s pretty good at staying out of trouble and getting you from point A to B in the time you need
Now if he’s having a manic episode or had too much coke….
Please for the love of god buckle up
He’s speeding so fast it makes Sonic the Hedgehog look like a tortoise
He’s there for a good time, not a long time and he wants to see some shit get wrecked
But tbh he might not let you in the car if he’s doing this
He doesn’t care what happens to him
But you?
Your safety matters so much to him…
Thankfully he hasn’t done stuff like that in a long time so for the most part, he’s a good person to go to if you need a ride
He’s got the soul of a grumpy old man and he drives like one too
First of all
He’s gonna complain when you ask him to take you anywhere
He’s gonna drive you ofc
But he’s gonna act like you took him away from something important
It was booze
You took him away from his quiet drinking time
How dare you
He’s gonna get you from point A to B as quickly and as safely as he can
Nothing crazy, he just wants to hurry back home with as little chaos happening as possible
Low key I feel like he plays country, blues and/or rock music from around the time he was alive
It’s mostly sad music if you really listen to the lyrics
He honestly doesn’t care if you eat in the car but if you make a mess, he’s making you clean it
It’s honestly like getting a ride from you’re very tired and jaded uncle
Absolutely not
First of all
Look at her
She’s like 3 ft tall
How is she supposed to reach the pedals or look over the steering wheel????
Even if she was tall enough to drive properly….would you honestly get in the car with her???
The best way I can explain her driving….
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And even then…I think she’s 1000 times worse than this guy
She’d tumble it hard enough to make it explode while you’re both still inside
And she’s laugh gleefully….
Just get a cab…it’s much safer
Sir Pentious🐍🥚:
I know he’s capable of piloting his war machine
But piloting a ship and driving a car and very different for him
Ships are easy for him
But cars????
It’s like reading a foreign language to him
You’ll eventually reach your destination sure
But the town you just passed through is somehow on fire
And so is the car
And it’s only being held together by duct tape and prayers…
Just walk
Your chances of coming home in once piece is much higher that way
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staggersz · 1 year
I'm in the mood for some angst. Assuming the order of kidnapping is the same as the movie, with Griffin being the first, how did Vance and Bonnie react when it first became known that their younger brother/son got kidnapped? How did Vance react when he first reunited with his bro in the basement? How did he react when Griffin got his throat slashed, when the news broke that he'd survive, and when it's revealed that Griffin won't ever be able to talk again?
One of the best asks I get to go into detail and I get to talk about angst 😇
When Griffin was first taken, Bonnie was literally devastated. Griffin’s kidnapping took a toll on her. Her son didn’t get a lot of coverage on the case and she knew he wasn’t going to get a lot of attention from the public. She knew that because of her place in the society of North Denver, her kids wouldn’t be cared about. She couldn’t take a day off from work because she needed her job to take care of Vance still and to make enough money to keep living in their house.
Vance is kind of in shock, to be honest. He was used to Griffin talking all the time since he lived with him. He grew up with Griffin being talkative to him and Bonnie only. It used to annoy Vance with how much Griffin talked, but after he went missing, Vance lowkey missed the chatter, even if he didn’t admit it.
He helps in searches and stuff and puts up missing posters when he can, but it’s clear he isn’t optimistic about his brother being found at any point, and he was already grieving the loss of his younger brother. He starts getting into a lot more fights than normal, because it’s the only way to cool off after having to grieve his only brother who he did really love and appreciate. Only one person ever made fun of Griffin’s disappearance to Vance’s face, and he beat the absolute hell out of them. Nobody ever said anything about Griffin’s disappearance to him again. Vance was also insanely upset when Griffin’s missing person profile stopped showing up in the newspaper. He knew that the system had failed his brother.
When Vance got kidnapped a bit farther down the road, and saw that Griffin (and Billy) was alive but clearly unwell in that basement, he felt all sorts of negative emotions. He couldn’t help but feel rage and just overall disgust for what his brother and Billy could have gone through. He immediately goes into protector mode, making sure Griffin and Billy aren’t taking up the stairs as often anymore. He looks after them while they sleep, and he makes sure they at least eat, even if the food is gross.
When Vance first arrives, Griffin is quick to tell him what has already happened to him and Billy, and Vance feels incredibly and physically sick. He knows Griffin and Billy have gone through far too much at this young age, and life is already cruel to them. He feels pity.
When Griffin’s throat got slashed just moments before their escape, Vance was frozen, but on the inside, he was terrified that Griffin wasn’t going to make it. What’s worse, is that Vance had tried to go and get Griffin away from The Grabber, but ended up getting blood sprayed all over him in the process. He carried Griffin up those stairs while trying to compress the bleeding; to keep Griffin alive, even if he was hanging by a thread.
When Griffin got to the hospital and was saved, the doctors kind of held the information for a bit. But Vance was shocked hearing Griffin wouldn’t be able to speak ever again. He wouldn’t hear his little brother’s voice ever again. He wouldn’t be able to listen to the once a chatterbox of a brother. Vance kind of seemed numb on the outside for a bit. He tried to detach himself from the situation, but on the inside, he was grieving a lot.
That’s all I got for this ask :3
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leggo-my-aego · 10 months
note: again, sorry if im wrong w anything, but i rlly tried my best 💜
note3: im doubting riots gonna show more of the Heartsteel content for a LONG time so this is my way of coping with that </3
this post ft. Kayn, Sett and Yone so if yll wanna see my first post w/ Aphelios, Ezreal & K'Sante, heres a link!! :
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>he reminds me of an overactive dog that barks at anything that moves and the description just emphasizes that
>SOO dudebro. like mans spawned from a frat and is now making music
>born to rave and def has aux in house parties where cops come to arrest ppl cuz noise complaint
>seems like the type of people who walk around in public with a speaker and blasts music while ppl stare at him
>opposite of k'sante, would NOT trust him w my drink <//3
>would trust him to start barking randomly tho and be a getaway driver (would we survive ? prolly not, but we're fast 😈)
>also used soundcloud a lot for opposite vibes of Aphelios. this mans was definitely a soundcloud rapper since high school and was voted as that superlative
>i think the fact my song reccs are from my road rage playlist is also another thing about his character
> Personal Song Reccs based off this playlist💜:
• GASLIGHT! - Maggie Lindemann, Siiickbrain
• Oh Shit!!! - Injury Reserve
• FEEL. - Kendrick Lamar
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>i can only think of that discord bit of him and k'sante talking ab their protein powder and k'sante just raw dogging the powder like a psycho
>similar vibes to Kayn but this man would actually be apologetic if someone told him to turn down the music
>obsessed with Rocky and Bruce Lee films since he was a kid for sure and makes references that none of the boys get
>definitely has a guilty pleasure for catchy and annoying pop music. definitely knows the words to call me maybe by carly rae jepsen and was caught singing it by aphelios
>i wanna think he growls before a fight even in this universe
>i think ab that recent art of him tearing his shirt after the World Final performance
> Personal Song Reccs based off this playlist🧡:
• Cobra (Rock Remix) [ft. Spiritbox] - Megan Thee Stallion
• DEATHCAMP (ft. Cole Alexander) - Tyler the Creator
• God's Menu - Stray Kids
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>im SO serious when i say i thought all this man listened to was white noise music before i listened to this playlist
>honestly, i wasnt too far off. my song reccs are straight from my Brain Static playlist
>gives club music. but like those really lowkey ones if u know what im talking ab
>if this wasnt a playlist from a game company i would think this mans would have classical music in this playlist too
>he DEFINITELY is a Pandora user rather than spotify user for obvious reasons old ass
>hes so old im crying 😭
>i wanna think him n aphelios both listen to game soundtracks n bond over it. those two have my heart n i think is an underrated duo given they do the bts stuff
> Personal Song Reccs based off this playlist💖:
• coalescence 1212 - アトラスサウンドチーム (from Shin Megami Tensei IV : Apocalypse OST)
• EARTHBOUND - black balloons
• dream about some mistakes i made - nilöwh.
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ma1dita · 7 months
okok catching up on troubleverse WHEWW and i have the perffff song for them, paired with the lyrics verse-for-verse and me screaming shrilly LMAOOO.
but this song is sosososo perf, like everything abt it from the lyrics to the singer's erratically paced singing to the general unhinged vibes and. IT SHARES A NAME WITH THE ENTIRE SERIES TOO OMG-- 'partner in crime' by madilyn mei!! i haven't listened to my folk indie queen for a hot minute but i had to pull it out from the dusty archive of my skull for u 😗😗
When you're gone I feel alone again / The voices cannot hold my hand / They keep me company at very best / Distract me from my loneliness
insanity mention?? dionysus the god of mania?? HELLOOOO CAN THOU HEAR ME [rattling at the bars of containment]
Maybe I'm just an anomaly / Even my demons have their families / Truly something must be wrong with me / To need you as much as I do
smth must be wrong with trouble to need luke as much as she does and vice versa smth smth okay like. i think the whole thing abt him being trouble's ESA from buddy system is saying enough 😭😭
I was never meant to win / [... maniacal laughing] SHUT UP!
THE LAUGHING AND THE MUTED SHUT UP HERE JUST GETS ME. straight chills, ik it didnt happen but during love like a blister if trouble screamed at the other counselors out of rage and the campers heard it the way it sounded in the song UGH. I WAS NEVER MEANT TO WIN. THEY DON'T EVER WIN BC LUKE HAS BEEN DOOMED BY THE NARRATIVE OMFG.
Here's the reigns / Take ahold of me / Please don't let me go / You do the talking / Sew up my mouth if I can't keep it closed
BUDDY SYSTEM CODED when they're on the road trip bc the image just comes to mind instantly, like if they see questioning adults luke has to do the sweet talking bc trouble is lowkey a pro yapper and can't keep her mouth shut at all. AND 'here's the reigns take ahold of me' NO WORDS no words at all just vibes bc wdym. i just think that luke being vulnerable to trouble and talking abt his mom as if he were giving her the reigns to his personal life ermm.
Run for it / I'll keep em occupied for you / Cause I love you, I love you so
SOMEBODYS ANGEL SAVE ME SOMEBODYS ANGEL SAVE ME. trouble stepping into the battle with ladon to save luke, 'run for it i'll keep [LADON] occupied cause i love you i love so' I AM SICK. SOMEONE MAKE ME SOME CONGEE UGHHH.
I'm 'bout to die / Yet the only thing I find i'm worried about is you / Something tells me you aren't coming / Guess that I'm truly doomed
i saw ur synopsis of asking for trouble like. he's dying and the only thing he can think abt. is trouble??? r u kidding me? and then trouble supposedly pleading his case with the olympians in the as above so below synopsis DONT TELL ME that trouble is gonna be too late for luke and so he dies thinking that she still hates him (based off what im assuming from the when the curtains close synopsis, 'all strings r cut' WDYM??)
I overhear your brain when it's close to mine / Oh, I know that we're not the same / My heart's on the line / I'm just a pawn in your game / Not your partner in crime
JO THEY R SUPPOSED TO BE PARTNERS IN CRIME HELLO. solipsism c'mere i just wanna talk bc drunk!trouble seeing luke from a different timeline and KNOWING HE'S REALLY THERE BUT IT ISNT HIM = 'i overhear your brain when it's close to mine / oh, i know that we're not the same' THEY ARE ON DIFFERENT WAVELENGTHS IN THE MOST LITERAL SENSE POSSIBLE WITH TIME in this essay i will--
You're slowly killing me / Taking your- (I was never meant to win)
luke to kronos, the titan is slowing killing him from the inside out the longer he's possessing luke. HE WAS NEVER MEANT TO WIN UGH. i need to put maddie and u in affectionate jail bc ASDFGHJKL goodbye i am finished. troubleverse is sososoo evil, like this is srsly what everyone else feels when they read jubi bc if it is i am so sorry for everything.
to conclude jo, ily but i also am gobsmacked with my mouth hanging wide open and catching flies bc this whole thing is unbe-fucking-lieveable. the way u built their whole ass relationship from the ground up and swung a baseball bat into it like ok i need to take a business month to process this for reasons known and unknown, my bags r packed up at the airport, who cares abt my chem grade, it is sabbatical time WHEWW
i am so happy that you made the troubleverse part of your day it is an honor to have you connect the dots from your perspective and see how everything is playing out!! you in my brain ill make you congee BAHAH you've been the only one to put some of the dots together for the final arc (or at least voice it, thank you for being brave) and i will neither confirm nor deny but your analysis is pretty spot on for someone who binge read it today thank you so much!!
study for chem no rest for the weak >:( love youu
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HEY please use this ask as an excuse to dump any and every jack & john thought in your head :o)k (the k is the clowns arms and legs look)
:o)k is really cute
Anyways, oh B O I thank you so much it is TIME
This got really long so under a read more it goes!
I'mma do them separately and then together
- *slaps his back* this bad boy can fit so much angst into him - Seriously tho I dunno why I've made him the object of my angst affections atm but heehoo >:} - He's gruff but he has a big heart, you just need to dig a lot to find it - This man is such a workaholic my god - I've also seen a few fics run with the idea that he has low self-worth which. Ough /pos - His last name is Doe, his wife's name was Jane, and his daughter is named Judy - John and Jane had a very Greg and Rose type of dynamic, just some guy and a woman who seemed extraordinary and far out of his league - Tho unlike Steven Judy actually did get to have a few years with her before she kicked it lol - Also his daughter is alive! I'm not THAT cruel. She was at a friend's house and John and Jack immediately rushed over to pick her up - However there's a good period of time where John just gets stuck on the idea of what if. What if she was there, what if she got hurt, what if he lost her, what if what if what if. He starts spiraling on all the ways he could lose Jack too, it got bad. Thankfully Jack was there to ground him :> - Why yes that was my projecting a little, why do you ask - Seriously tho he loves Judy sm he'd die for her in a heartbeat - Eventually grows to love Jack to the point he'd also die for him - I like to think John and Frank were really close when they were kids, not as close as Lila and Jaune but damn near it. Growing apart hurt. Discovering Frank's… business hurt even more, for the both of them - In general he misses when they were all just kids goofing around, not having to worry about anything - Also misses Jane. He loved her so much; losing her devastated him. Part of him to this day feels at fault for her death, even though there was nothing he could do - Absolutely stole this headcanon from @the-tick-tock-chaos-shoppe but I have become very attached to it: John has ADHD. He went undiagnosed and has no idea he has it - Not helping matters is that Jaune ALSO has ADHD and was diagnosed (this is also a headcanon), so that hyper and bubbly personality is just what John associates with it; if someone went "hey I think you have ADHD" he'd be in complete denial lol - When he was a kid he'd always have lollipops or straws in his mouth. When he got too old for that, it was pencils and pens, and when he got too old for that, he started smoking - It is absolutely a sensory thing and he doesn't realize it is a sensory thing. Mans just needs something in his mouth - If he happens to run out of cigarettes he goes back to pencils and pens. There are bite marks on all of the pencils at the police station lmao - One time he took a pen from Evermore's office and just went to town on it - Other stims for him include tapping his fingers on tables/desks, flicking his lighter repeatedly, and bouncing a pencil between his fingers/against the table - In general him stimming is a lot more subtle than Jack, usually doesn't even realize he's doing it - Definitely the type of person to flip the "lucky cigarette" when he first opens a pack. This has lead him to accidentally putting the end with tobacco in his mouth because he forgot about it, multiple times - Has really bad road rage. This is why Jack drives - As his kid self's costume would suggest, he's always dreamed of being a cop. It… definitely isn't what he thought it'd be, that's for sure - Is bisexual. Did not realize this until he met Jack - His favorite donuts are caramel glazed - I just want him to be soft and put down his dang walls
- Silly cop man!! I love him - Just a big ol' goofball with a big heart - Cares a lot for John and would absolutely die for him - Lowkey I love how he snaps at the end of Tender Treats, like YEAH GET HIS ASS!!! - Great with kids! Judy adores him - Has a tea kettle! it's easier to use than a coffee maker in his opinion, he can make things other than coffee with it, and the noise actively reminds him to take it off the stove because he WILL forget otherwise - Got bullied a lot in school because he was the "weird kid". After he graduated high school Jack left his home town and never looked back - Became a cop because he wanted to help people. Was not at all prepared for The Horrors - Is usually the one that patrols the cellblocks - Bob made a point to give him a fun fact every time Jack passed his cell and Jack got so sick of it, lol. Part of him was glad Bob broke out of jail just because he didn't have to hear it anymore - That partially attributed to why Jack got so pissed after Bob climbed onto their squad car (alongside y'know, surviving a bullet to the back and 27 to the chest) - He is autistic :> Like John he wasn't diagnosed, tho Jack's pretty sure he has it and is okay with that - Wringing/clasping his hands together is a nervous stim. In general Jack's stims usually involve his body, like cracking his knuckles, tapping his foot, or that little shimmy he does in the Newgrounds ending for Deadly Smiles - Also shakes his fists when he's excited, but tries not to do it at work - Pranks John sometimes to lighten the mood/make him smile - Has a surprisingly dark sense of humor - Literally him not understanding that using the actual dead body of some super cannibal for a joke was so funny (and very mecore) - After the whole thing with Mr. Clown, Jack had a panic attack in their police car and John had to calm him down :< - Actually a great cook! It's a hobby for him - Also loves to bake ^^ this is also a hc I stole from tick-tock, but hey it's sweet (literally) and I like it - He still gets donuts from GoNuts tho since they make them WAY better than he can - Always makes his eggs scrambled because regular eggs feel weird to him - Prior to Deadly Smiles, he didn't take the cult seriously. That changed real fast when they came back to John's house on fire - Gay gay homosexual gay - His favorite donuts are chocolate with sprinkles - Gives great hugs! He's been compared to a walking pillow - He's just a big softie aaaa
- No thoughts, head empty vs many thoughts, head full - The OG sun/moon duo next to the thieves - Jack is the one who catches feelings for John first, and for a while he just. Sits on it not knowing what to do with it - Like he loves John, he knows he does, but he doesn't know if John feels the same way and really doesn't want to make things awkward between them, or worse case scenario outright ruin their friendship - John... whoo boy - Man's just in a big deep pit of denial for the longest time - Literally Jack was John's bi awakening, so John tried his damn hardest to pass off these feelings as anything else - When he finally realized "oh god I'm in love with him", his face went bright red (I'm specifically thinking of that one series of sketches by necr0dancin and I REALLY hope people know what I'm talking about) - Even after that it was still heavy denial because he didn't know if Jack felt the same way, didn't think Jack could love someone like him, AND he still had lingering feelings for Jane, and felt that finding someone new, hell maybe even feeling this way at all, was betraying her - So yeah John had a lot of roadblocks in comparison kjdfnkjf - Eventually Jack, with some spurring from Patty (and maybe Captain and Shotgun) does manage to confess. John doesn't know how to feel but god it's a weight off his shoulders knowing Jack feels that way about him too - Jack meanwhile is so damn happy it's reciprocated! He didn't fuck things up!! Now maybe they can kiss!!! - It's clumsy and messy as all get out, but they're partners now, in work and in love - Uhhh okay now that my full-ass setup is out of the way let's get to the cute stuff - Stress + overworking + his house burning down = that sickness John caught absolutely WRECKS him, he's tired and feels like shit for at least a week. Cue Jack taking care of him, all the while teasing him because he told him that coffee mug was gonna get him sick - Literally there is so much potential in John and Judy staying at Jack's house after theirs burns down oh my god - They're both surprising horror movie buffs: John's favorite movie is Nightmare on Elm Street, Jack's is Friday the 13th. Freddy vs. Jason is a guilty pleasure for them both - Sometimes Jack will lay his chin on John's hair. It's very soft - If he's okay with it Jack will also run his fingers through John's hair - The ways they show affection is just. So small but so meaningful. - Jack keeps a couple cigarettes on him even though he doesn't smoke and doesn't really like John smoking, just in case John runs out - John listens intently whenever Jack goes on a tangent, and it's one of the few things he's able to fully focus on next to work and his kid - Enjoying each other in silence, the only sounds being the white noise of a heater or TV - The damn SIZE DIFFERENCE with these two when they hug and cuddle my word - They're both forgetful as all hell - fittingly, Jack remembers what John doesn't and vice versa - They're both absolutely the type of person to walk into a room and immediately go "what did I come in here for again?" tho, sometimes at the same time - I want them to be soft and in love so bad
Uhhhh okay that's all I can think of atm and I feel I've left this ask sit for a bit too long so. Here you go, enjoy and thanks again for letting me talk about these guys <3
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Game ideas because Atlus is running out of milking idea 
Persona 3 (FEMC version): roadtrip time. It was set just right before Nyx’s fight, in a world set by Theodore (from the future... somehow). FEMC and SEES woke up in a world where Nyx’s cult just... vanished. Everything seems so happy. Even Shinjiro came back from his coma quicker than doctors realize (and FEMC ran to hug him because Shinjiham). Theo was confused but he told FEMC to have fun. If it’s an imaginary world, she must use this opportunity to be happy before fighting Nyx. Cue wholesome roadtrip scenes. Akihiko learning how to drive but he utterly sucks at it. Road rage kind of guy. Mitsuru ends up hiring some driver from Kirijo Group. Hot spring time cuz Persona. Fuck it. Shinjiro is wearing a jacket to the hot spring. No misunderstanding scene because Shinjiro pretty much is chill and honest to Mitsuru and she’s like “k”. Aigis learns the joy of cooking from Shinji. Junpei joins some drawing class to impress Chidori in afterlife. Akihiko and Ken is playing together like father and son. Etc etc etc. Sadly there’s still a pseudo dark hour that Theo don’t know about, but he advised to find the cause. It’s like, not in Tartarus but in the place they visit. At the end of the journey Theo realizes that it’s his subconcious that created this world, he knew that FEMC will be a seal and he still refuse to accept it. He told FEMC about her death alone, but she can still fight Theo with her friends cuz friendship is magic :) FEMC won, Theo believe the future can’t be changed, but he believes it’s for the best of humanity and won’t interfere with her anymore. Happy end :)
Persona rhythm game. Fuck it. Make SIFAS but Persona. Shinji must DANCE. Atlus can have money too I mean whales are INSANE on SIF/SIFAS (lowkey miss it)
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what-if-nct · 2 years
hiiii today's reminder is your road rage discussion reminded me: I'm from a city that's famous for having awful traffic and no one caring about driving rules. case in point: i didn't even have to do a test to get a license, the dude just took my word for it when i said i just needed a form of ID instead of actually needing to drive. anyway true to my word i don't really drive much but there was this one time i was driving a bunch of my cousins from out of town and i was feeling the city-appropriate level of road rage and about to yell at some dude on a bike and i looked at my brother clearly about to lose it and i rolled my eyes and said "it's fine you won't die" but that look of fear has made me too scared to drive since
hiii, Lowkey wish it was that easy to get a drivers license here, only requirement is a pinky promise you're good and they trust you. how could it get worse. Here If I forget to bring my glasses for an eye exam and fail it they won't even take my word for it if i say have glasses at home. Though I very rarely wear my glasses honestly dont know where they are. But I promise I can see, just not really far away and if i cover my right eye. And siblings are so dramatic I'm sure you weren't even that bad and the traffic was just causing most of the annoyance.
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Poly Ateez x Reader Time Stamp
❖ Ateez, all members x gender neutral reader
❖ Comedy, Drabble
❖ No warnings
❖ wc: 342
❖ @atiny-piratequeen @atiny-dazzlinglight @kimnamshiks❖ Masterlist ❖
. ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Hope you enjoy! Commissions and Kofis are open!
. ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . “I am not getting in trouble for this again.” Seven pairs of eyes glared holes into his skull. “Nope you guys did this to yourselves.” Jongho shook his head, sipping his drink and watching the tv, feet up on the arm rest. The maknae was comfortable, not bothered by them at all. Wooyoungs irritation culminated in a throw pillow being launched at the youngest. “Careful!” Seonghwa snatched it from the air, stopping its clandestined meeting with a deocaritve bonsai. San gripped Wooyoung by the front of his shirt giving him a good growling shake. “Sorry-sorry-” “Okay enough fighting, lets just try and get this cleaned up, and figure out a proper apology before they get home in…” Hongjoongs voice faded away as he looked at the broken cat clock that could no longer tell the time. “An hour and thirteen minutes.” Thankfully Yunho piped up, holding his phones led display up for them all. “So you have fourtyfive minutes to clean up and pick something out at the shopping mall down the road since its 15 minute walk both ways.” Jongho input for them, pushing more popcorn into his mouth. “If they didn’t end up getting off work early like they wanted too.” Once again pandemonium broke out, as people leapt over one another to clean, get jackets on and find out what they could get. Jongho not stirring from his spot on the couch, after all this was the fourth time they’d broken something just this week alone with their shenanigans. He didn’t want to face your murderous rage, not when the one request you’d had when they asked to stay at your apartment and try living together fulltime had been to please cut down on the rough housing and not break things. He lowkey was looking forward to this, maybe he’d finally get some piece and quiet that night when you punished them all. Or even better, get alone time and maybe one on one romance in your room all too himself. That was something he was looking forward too.
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✨ random class 1a headcanons that turned into driving headcanons whoops✨
Kaminari is good at driving but ONLY 1) in a car chase or 2) as a race car driver he’s terrible at regular driving change my mind (you can’t)
I saw someone say that Iida is actually a bad driver bc since his quirk makes him Go Real Fast he has like no sense of his speed or the speed limit and that’s fucking hilarious I fully agree with that! Iida in theory should be a good driver bc he always makes sure everyone’s wearing their seatbelts before he moves the car and he is super vigilant about checking mirrors and stopping for red lights and stuff like that but no one ever rides w/ him cause they’re scared of his Speed Crimes absksjsnskwmehqjdbejejkwhee he hardly ever drives cause he has enough tickets that they’re almost gonna take his license away
Yaoyorozu gets road rage. She is mostly a good driver and usually a polite and reasonable person but if someone like suddenly cuts her off or something she is filled with incandescent rage the likes of which the world has never seen before and just. Honks the horn and yells at them. Sometimes she can even be goaded into racing if she’s mad enough and the street is otherwise deserted enough that racing wouldn’t be likely to cause a crash. After she gets out from behind the wheel she feels ashamed for how she acted and apologizes to her passengers
Ashido is Absolutely Terrifying to drive with but has somehow never been in an accident. She seems distracted pretty much the whole time she’s behind the wheel, plays her music really loud, sometimes is on the phone while she’s driving, and tends to go over the speed limit, but for some reason she never gets caught going too fast (unlike Iida rip) and she never gets hit or hits anyone, despite many close calls that scare the shit out of her passengers. For this reason no one LIKES riding with her, but most people will if they have to
Todoroki is that person that like. Is good at driving but is not focused on the road. He just zones tf out and then next thing he knows he’s arrived at his destination. He’s not a huge fan of driving even though he’s good at it, so he mostly relies on public transportation, his friends, or his agency’s transportation service any time he needs to go anywhere.
Uraraka is a good driver but she requires her music to be playing loudly and loves to sing along at the top of her lungs. One of the better class 1a people to ride with so long as you don’t mind her music taste.
Hagakure is a decent driver but likes to go through drive throughs while fully invisible so it looks like the car is driving itself to freak people out. Unfortunately every time she does this she forgets it doesn’t just scare drive through workers, it also freaks out people on the actual road with her, so she’s accidentally caused a few accidents
Tsuyu is a good driver but during the winter she has to crank up the heat really high so she doesn’t go into hibernation, so anyone riding with her lowkey Dies from the heat
Midoriya Does Not Like driving and is very cautious about it (as in he likes to go slightly under speed limit and wait until he’s Sure he can make a turn etc), often preferring to walk or use public transportation. He is a good driver in an emergency situation though, since his worry about the situation overrides the worry about driving.
Sato is a good driver but he refuses to drive if he’s recently used his quirk because he tends to misjudge his own strength and go too fast/break too quickly. Also his car always smells like baked goods which his passengers either love or hate bc it makes them hungry.
Tokoyami has a hard time driving cause dark shadow can be Really Distracting, especially at night, so he doesn’t drive unless he Absolutely Has To. He usually relies on Shoji to chauffeur him around. When he does drive, he & Dark Shadow like to listen to podcasts since they have vastly different music tastes
Shoji is an excellent driver but unless someone riding with him initiates conversation, he drives in complete silence, which can be unnerving to some. Despite this he’s undoubtedly one of the better drivers in 1a, and his quieter classmates especially like riding with him.
Koda doesn’t like driving cause it’s bad for the environment (and also anxiety inducing), but one memorable occasion resulted in him being pulled over bc there was a deer in his backseat, a family of bunnies in the front seat, and some birds sitting on his shoulders.
Bakugou is a good driver and very by the rules; he always goes At the speed limit never above or below it except in case of bad weather when he slows down, he yells at his passengers to put their seatbelts on and won’t move the car until he’s sure they’ve all done so, and he always checks carefully before merging. Despite this he loudly complains about everyone else’s shitty driving and yells at his passengers to shut the fuck up if they are being even a LITTLE distracting, so not many people like driving with him.
Ojirou is a good driver and there’s not much remarkable about him EXCEPT for the fact that for some reason, people keep crashing into him? He never is the cause for these accidents and never gets badly injured, but he swears he’s cursed or something because people keep hitting him (Todoroki fully believes he’s cursed as well. Tokoyami offered to do an exorcism on his car.)
Shinsou, like Aizawa, absolutely REFUSES to learn how to drive (Aizawa can’t drive, prove me wrong). He makes his friends chauffeur him around and is one of the few people who will ride with Kaminari on a regular basis (he does not fear death)
Jirou is another driver who prefers to have the aux cord. She’s fine as long as music is playing but she may judge her passengers’ music taste if they have the aux and play something she doesn’t like. She sings in the car with people she’s really comfortable with sometimes and everyone appreciates it since she has an amazing voice. Her actual driving is nothing remarkable but not bad
Aoyama bedazzled his car with like a shit ton of rhinestones & everyone hates him for it because it reflects and makes it really hard for other drivers to see. He would have a ton of tickets but the police have not been able to get close enough to his bedazzled car to issue him one. He is a Menace and his driver’s license is suspended
It took Kirishima a while to learn to drive, but he was determined to do it well because “driving your friends places is manly!!” He eventually becomes a pretty good driver, and has a big car so that he can fit a bunch of friends in it 🥰 Love is stored in the Kirishima 🥺💛 (Addition via my sister who is a Kirishima stan: any time an animal comes into the road he loses all his driving prowess and goes into PANIC!/I’M GONNA SWERVE AND DIE mode)
Sero is a pretty good driver for the most part, but unfortunately he is a little reckless behind the wheel & his friends can sometimes convince him to do stupid shit. He and Kaminari are not allowed to be in the same car without someone else to supervise because of one memorable occasion where Kaminari convinced Sero to put tape over his eyes and drive around a parking lot with Kaminari telling him how to turn from the passenger seat
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orionhere · 3 years
Road Trip!
Just for fun! A random prompt that I found on Twitter lmao, and I thought, 'let's try it with the pgr's boys'
And also to distract me from my never-ending works
First, I'm not good at writing and English is not my primary language. And also you may find some character seems ooc, so forgive me! 😖 I just wanna having fun lol
The one who drive no questions
But sometimes he will switch with Chrome to rest a bit
Yells at others to use the seatbelt multiple times
But got ignored all the time
Doesn't really get road rage; at the most he will just clicked his tongue and will pass the cars that are going "too slow" for his liking
Will put his coat on you when you fell asleep
Won't let anyone beside Chrome to switch with him, the reason?
Kamui: the last time he did it, they almost crash the roadblock because he got distracted by a wild deer
Lee: you know it
Camu: *distant yelling and Deja Vu playing in the background*
Banji: he will definitely fall asleep in the middle of his turns
He snores during his rest, but if anyone pointed that out, he will deny it
Until Camu give him the recording
After that Watanabe refuses to sleep even when you begging him to take some rest
Eating mint gum every 10 minutes
"Watanabe, how many gums do you have with you?"
"Enough until this trip is over."
"But our trip is 2 weeks long?"
Sigh a lot during the journey
He almost regret everything now
Save him please
Claiming shotgun (so he can switch with Watanabe easily)
The one in charge with the snacks ,(Yes, I'm looking at you, Camu)
The only level-headed person in the van
In charge with the radio station
Will straight up choosing a classical music station (if there's one, idk)
Slap Kamui's hand when he tried to change the station to a more lively one "Kamui stop-"
A softie for you
If you ask for more snacks, he will reluctantly give you more
Will pointed some wild animals he spots and secretly took photos and send them to his father
Light sleeper. Even when you stare at him, he will suddenly be very awake.
One time Kamui tried pulling a prank by doodling on his sleeping face
Chrome suddenly jerk awake and scared the hell out of Kamui
Will keep an eye for everyone, especially Kamui & Camu
"Kamui, be careful! Don't stick your body out of the window!"
"Camu stop encouraging him!
Save him please #2
Sit in the middle row with Lee and you inbetween to separate them
You think his normal voice is already too loud? Wait until he starts bickering with Lee about ANYTHING
Bless your ears
Telling Watanabe or Chrome to stop for a while so he can pet some wild animals they found on the way
"Kamui, that's a bear-"
"So what? It looks like it need a hug-
"STOP! It will attack you!"
"Let him be. One less passenger, the better."
Will post a selfie or short videos and posting it on his social media
When you fall asleep, he strangely didn't speak at all. He instead made a shushing gesture whenever someone ask him something
Snoring so loud you need to borrow one of Banji's noise cancelers.
Lee tried to stuff his mouth with a cloth to muffle his loud snoring
Pull out his gaming console when he's bored. He brings two of his consoles so he can play together with you, making Lee lowkey jealous annoyed
Backseat driver just because he will told Watanabe or Chrome that they're going to the wrong way
Will bicker with Kamui
Probably trying to show off to Kamui (mainly YOU) by stating random facts about the landscape from wikipedia
If Kamui finds out he's just trying to impress you, he will deny it with pink cheeks and stop talking
Liked to open the window, until a bug flying in and he nearly screamed
Will compete with mama chrome to remind you to drink water (gotta stay hydrated, people)
"Here's water."
"Lee, Chrome just gave me some earlier…"
"It was long ago. Stay hydrated, it's pretty hot out there."
If Camu annoys him, he will throw the plastic bottle to the back
Also a light sleeper. But not as bad as Chrome though. He will just grumbled or mumbling when you're whispering with anyone
A grumpy boy when someone wake him
Lost at the rock paper scissors with Kamui & Lee so he abandoned on the back with Banji
Doesn't use the seatbelt even after Watanabe screamed at him
He's a rebellious man, leave him be Watanabe
Will annoyed the hell out of Lee and Kamui (like blowing their ears or purposely using his earphones with maximum volume near them)
Leaned forward so he can chat with you
He and Banji sometimes forgotten there when either Lee and Kamui forget (read: purposely) to lifts the seats
Steal Kamui's snacks
When he get bored, he will put his headset and listen to some hard rock songs
If Lee annoys him, he will put the headset near Lee's head and turn the volume to max
Heavy sleeper, like, even when there's storm and lightning outside, he won't even twitch
He has his own snacks that he bought at gas station without Chrome noticing
Got along with Banji really well (mainly because Banji sleep all the time and gave him one of his comfy pillow & blanket)
This mf sleep all the way
Put the headset, use his eye mask, and no one can disturb him
Even when he hits his head during the bumpy road
He choose the back seat so he can sleep peacefully
The only time he awake is when he need to use the bathroom
But sometimes at terrible timing
"Hey, are we near the rest area yet?"
"What? No-"
"I need to use the bathroom"
His and Camu's seat is full of comfy cushion, blanket, and snacks that Camu steals from Kamui
"Why'd you bring so many pillows?"
"Just in case of emergency"
Strangely, he has everything that you'd need during the trip
Need a tissue? Here you go. Had motion sickness? Here some medicine. Want some gummies? He will sneaked a pack without Chrome noticing
Also doesn't use the seatbelt
He sometimes kick the middle seat when Kamui is too noisy
Once Watanabe saw a pair of leg from the back seat and he yelled at Banji to sit properly
Will use Camu's lap as a pillow without hesitation
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bubbleteaimagines · 4 years
Driving with the Haikyuu Boys
Haikyuu Boys Headcanons
Tumblr media
Everybody thinks he’s such a good driver but Suga makes some turns that are extremely questionable
Has hit the curb more than once and literally just said, “Oops!” while smiling and chuckling
Lowkey has road rage, Sugamama is NOT afraid to use that horn
Dear god you can’t tell who’s more nervous- him or you
Asahi is literally shaking at the wheel, thinking over and over about how he really doesn’t wanna kill you
He’s a good driver honestly but his nerves make him serve a lil and mess up and he’ll always scream, “Sorry, sorry!” when he’s yanking the wheel and cars behind him are honking
This man can and cannot drive and I stand by this
Like he’s a good driver, but he literally takes his fucking eyes off of the road every two seconds
He absolutely will NOT take them blame for anything even tho HE was the one that was serving in the other lane because he was trying to check himself in the mirror
If you value your life PLEASE don’t do it
He is the WORST driver out of all the boys because it runs in his veins
Has his music blasting so fucking loud that you can feel the base thumping in your damn brakes
Is actually pretty decent
His worst habit is getting too into the music and he ends up serving cause he’s tryna dance to the beat
Has the worst road rage ever and is not afraid to get out of the car
Extremely good driver but is literally like this 🗿 at the wheel
He sits up completely straight, looks straight ahead, doesn’t even have music. It’s just completely silent
Has the fucking AC on full blast you will legit freeze to death in Ushi’s car
Like...he’ll get you there safe but GOD DAMN
This mf speeds like he’s on a damn race track, weaving in and out of this fast lane. Don’t even try to look at the Odometer cause you’ll have a heart attack
Worst part is, he doesn’t even mean to, he just gets distracted
Likes to bounce in his seat and sing along with the music, he’ll even point to you, wanting you to sing with him but you’re literally clutching the seat for dear life
This mf knows he’s a good driver and gets cocky about it
His god damn seat is on the lowest possible setting and his ass might as well sit in the back cause that’s how far it is
He speeds too but not as much as Bokuto, insists it’s okay bc, “Don’t worry, I’m an experienced driver,” even tho he’s only been driving for like 3 years
Another one that’s like 🗿
But Kenma is a horrible driver, he only sits up close cause he’s scared of relaxing
You could give this mf the SIMPLEST directions but he’ll panic and get lost somehow (Kuroo has had to come get him on multiple occasions and will not let Kenma live it down)
10/10 driver, would recommend driving with Daichi
He literally sits like a dad- one hand on the wheel, the other on the clutch, humming to the radio with his lil sunglasses on
He’s super relaxed and actually knows how to murge, probably drives a big ass truck with the headlights on 24/7 and bright as shit
Super chill driver, another one that has the mf bass practically vibrating through your asshole
Drives with one hand and literally only looks once before merging or turning
Has the, “If they hit me it’s their fault,” attitude, always tenses up when a cop pulls up beside him (his car lowkey smells like weed but...ya didn’t hear it from me)
SO stiff I’m literally screaming
He’s like Ushijima, will yell at you if you even THINK about turning on that music, sometimes you’re not even sure this mans blinks while driving
Kageyama has a horrible sense of direction and always takes the wrong exits, he also has bad road rage and will ride your ass if you’re going too slow
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monoghost · 3 years
SDC teaching you how to drive (this was heavily based off of an oddly specific conversation I had with my best friend) :
-You: *buckles your seatbelt, checks your mirrors, adjusts your seat, and then turns on the car*
-Jotaro: alright, turn off the car great job today
-Literally screams everytime you make a turn…
-No matter how good of a driver you are he still is gripping onto the car for dear life
-Probably yells at you for making a mistake because “you could’ve killed us”.
-Older Jotaro is like 100% more mellow for sure, will probably scream internally but will still grip onto the car. He won’t yell at you just have that stern parent voice.
-“I’m not mad I’m just disappointed”
-Not really helpful but you learn a little? You’re better off taking a driving course...
-Will literally flip off anyone and everyone who is rude to you on the road
-He’s kinda like Jotaro where he screams every time you break too hard or make a bad turn.
-Actually sweet heart tho he gives great advice he just freaks out.
-He gets worried about you for sure but when you get the hang of it he’s very proud.
-Probably will have a picture of you with your license once you pass the test.
-Decent instructor like 6/10
-Kakyoin makes you very comfortable. He's just nice to be around.
-Doesn't really make a big deal out of your mistakes but just tells you calmly when’s the right time to make a turn how to maneuver the steering wheel, gas, etc.
-So distracting though, like you guys will be having a conversation about something and then you get pulled over because you didn’t realize how fast you were going-
-He’s a reckless driver though… so maybe not the best to ask? But he gives great advice like I mentioned earlier he just doesn’t follow it himself.
-Needless to say he’s definitely the right person to ask.
-He’s very mellow and easy to relax around.
-Even though he won’t allow you to get distracted like Kakyoin he’d still throw in some small talk.
-He’s very good at comforting you if you’re nervous and will definitely take you to some less busy roads so you get the hang of driving for the most part.
-“Good job you’re doing great!”
-Never freaks out when you make a mistake.
-You’ll pass the driving test no problem the first try I guarantee it.
-Can he teach me how to drive coz-
-He definitely is a bit jumpy about your driving but he’ll teach you regardless because he loves you so much T-T. (Take that as you will)
-Lemme just say rOaD rAge
-If anyone cuts you off or something… they’re getting cussed out… in French✨
-Honestly kinda fun to talk to while you’re driving and he’s very encouraging.
-Lowkey does a prayer before getting in the car with you…
-If you’re a bad driver he will literally make you pull over so he can just drive you home🤡
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