#i make my own luck | shay
allieebobo · 9 months
Nooo don't get rid of the athlete/soccer player option!! ;___; It's my favorite!
I like the whole "This is a fine hobby but not stable/viable as a profession" theme going on with it and the musician route, with stakes much higher in soccer route due to possibility of injuries/wear and tear and age working against you.
And even if you have a college degree, your time to obtain "experience" gets limited and your chances to land a "proper (read: well-paying)" job gets smaller in the post-athlete era.
And let's face it: it doesn't have much wealth in social currency as far as where your family is concerned so you have family pressure on that frontier too (as seen with the auntie at the dinner).
With music, it takes connections but mostly luck and right timing: fame can happen at any age, especially in today's world. But sports have a bit of a time limit for reasons mentioned above.
MC does it all in a different country, away from their family too. So it all adds a different dimension to their struggles.
It's a headcanon but I also see both soccer/music routes MCs as struggling with feeling like a financial and emotional burden on their loved ones. They are constantly on the move, going from gig/match to another, photo ops/training camps/studio time, dealing with media, not much money earned due to amateur status which is also an issue when you are living in New York City, which is notoriously expensive to live in. So there is a lot of relying on Nat financially while not being able to return it equally, causing the relationship to fall apart regardless of how you feel.
If you play as queer, there is also that specifically in the soccer route. You are also canonically POC and an immigrant which is another thing that would make your path to success difficult in those (if not all) fields in the USA.
I like the whole "This is a fine hobby but not stable/viable as a profession" theme going on with it and the musician route, with stakes much higher in soccer route due to possibility of injuries/wear and tear and age working against you.
Ooh, I agree with the first one (and I think that vibe is paralleled with the "goddamn you became the wrong kind of doctor of the PhD student" and the "why do you have to be CEO of a shitty start-up (your own shitty start-up) instead of just work for a legit big company with iron-clad legitimacy".) And I really love the idea of 'wear and tear'/injuries and "you're not young anymore, and if you're not yet established, you might as well give up" (which adds an extra layer to MC's existential late-20s crisis and pressure to have a stable relationship too).
I also see both soccer/music routes MCs as struggling with feeling like a financial and emotional burden on their loved ones [...] So there is a lot of relying on Nat financially while not being able to return it equally. If you play as queer, there is also that specifically in the soccer route.
OK these two points I didn't think of, and I especially love the Nat part. I might add that in as a reason why y'all drifted apart when I next have the time to do some edits. It definitely is exactly the sort of 'adult' problem that... while Nat would never voice out loud / explicitly say is a problem, it does, as you say, put strain / pressure on the relationship and on MC esp. for MCs who feel like they need to pull their own weight.
But yes thank you for batting hard for the soccer player option.
I will consider keeping all the options in so long as you guys are OK that PhD student and singer will get significantly more extra scenes with Nat and Shay respectively.
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where-theres-smoak-2 · 6 months
So I just stumbled across something, that as a non-book reader, I thought was interesting about the crysknife in the Dune universe, purely by accident.
I was actually trying to find out why the fremen thump their chests before/during a fight. Like we see Jamis do it in Dune part one before he and Paul fight, he thumps his chest twice. We also see Paul himself do it, first right before his duel with Feyd Rautha in part two. It's the same motion he thumps his fist twice on his chest in response to a fremen soldier who does it first. We see Paul do this motion again in the middle of his duel with Feyd, this time he does it after Feyd has knocked him down and then called Chani Paul's pet. I was wondering whether this motion had some symbolic meaning, like was it to rev themselves up before a fight? Was it an intimidation, challenge or warning to their opponent? Or does it have some other deeper meaning? I did wonder if it had some connection to the sandworms. I know the fremen see Shai-Hulud as a god type figure and they do sometimes punch the sand to call the attention of sandworms, so I thought maybe there was some kind of connection there, percussion and rhythm being important in fremen culture perhaps? Anyway I never found an answer as to what the meaning of this double fist thump on the chest meant, so if anyone does know or has any ideas, feel free to leave a comment.
What I did find out though, through a reddit thread, was a whole lore around the crysknives that wasn't included in the movies, but this lore adds so much more meaning to the pre fight taunt 'may they knife chip and shatter.'
The first fact I learnt about the crysknife also makes the scene in Dune part one, where Stilgar and the other fremen cut themselves when he says that they will take Jessica and Paul to the Sietch, make more sense. I did wonder why they did that and figured it was some kind of blood oath not to harm them or something. But it actually turns out that once a crysknife has been drawn it isn't allowed to re-sheathed until it has 'tasted blood' even if the blood is your own. So in this instance they had all drawn their blades in anticipation of a fight, when Jessica then bests Stilgar and the decision is made to instead take them to the Sietch, Stilgar and the Fremen then cut themselves so that they can re-sheath their blades. Which was an interesting detail to learn and honestly clears that scene up a lot. It seems to be a lesson of be careful before you draw your blade because you will have to get it bloody as well as a promise to draw blood when they draw their blades.
Another thing that was mentioned in this thread was that the blood lubricates the blade and helps prevent it from shattering which can happen if the blade isn't properly cared for. However there did seem to some dispute over this in the thread and some were saying this wasn't in the books and others were saying it was, but if it is true it adds to the whole 'may thy knife chip and shatter' taunt because its basically saying I hope your blade doesn't taste my blood and therefore chips and shatters.
But something else that adds to this taunt is that another part of the lore is that crysknives disintegrate when their owner dies, they literally shatter. So 'may they knife chip and shatter' translates to you're the one who is going to die causing you blade to shatter. Which I actually find really interesting because when I first heard Jamis say it in part one I thought it was like him wishing bad luck onto Paul when actually it was more like Jamis saying bitch I hope you die. Which is actually a lot darker and more threatening then wishing the inconvenience of a broken blade onto someone.
But yeah it was interesting to learn more about the crysknives, I wish they had put some of this lore into the movies.
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bellaireland1981 · 2 years
Stubborn Hearts | 1
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Summary: Reader (Firecracker, Sunshine) has been in love with Bradley since she was a young girl. Growing up the two were inseparable, apart from short periods of time when she was on the West Coast with the Kazanskys. One faithful decision by her dad to block Bradley from going to the Naval Academy resulted in a huge rift between father and daughter and left her without Bradley in her life. Now all grown up, she’s called back to the west coast at the same time as her father and Bradley. Her mission, according to her dying godfather, is to mend fences with her dad and Bradley. Can stubborn hearts be healed? 
 (I suck at summaries for real). 
This will have multiple chapters... this is 1 of ?? 
Characters: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Mitchell! Reader, Pete “Maverick” Mitchell x Daughter! Reader, The Dagger Squad, Shay (OC), Penny, Tom “Iceman” Kazansky
Word Count: 5861 
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Death of character, TGM Spoilers, Smut (later on ), Turbulent relationship with parent, Friends to lovers, ...Please let me know if I’ve missed any! 
A/N- This is my first time writing for TGM. I do not own the characters or plot lines from the movie. I DO NOT GIVE PERMISSION TO COPY OR REPRODUCE MY WORK ON THIS OR ANY OTHER PLATFORM! Reblogging is always welcome! Feedback is MUCH loved and appreciated. THANK YOU to @waywardodysseys​ for all support and bouncing ideas!! 
“Sweetheart, it’s time to come home.” Your Godfather and honorary uncle texted you. You knew his cancer was back, but had been living in that state of wishful thinking where you managed to convince yourself he’d beat it again. All that changed in one text.
That was two weeks ago. You’d called your boss and had filled him in, letting him know you were going back to San Diego and weren’t sure if you were coming back.  He’d been understanding, knowing your story and the circumstances that had landed you at his hanger eight years before. WIth an assurance you’d always have a job with him if you changed your mind, you got to work packing up your apartment in Virginia Beach and making arrangements to store what you didn’t need until you could find a new place. As luck would have it, your lease was up the next month anyway and you hadn’t gotten around to renewing it. Truth be told, you’d been thinking of a fresh start for awhile now.
One of the perks of owning your own little cessna was that you didn’t have to depend on commercial flights or timelines. Once you’d made the arrangements to come home, you’d texted your Uncle Tom and he’d found a small local airstrip and hangar for you to store your plane.
“That’s a beautiful little plane you have there.” A tall, lanky man in a worn Navy hat commented after you’d taxied in and shut down your plane.
“Thank you!” You beamed, taking pride in the plane you’d scraped the funds together to buy after college. “You must be Frank?”
“That’s me. Y/N, right?” He said, reaching his arm out to offer his hand. You placed your hand in his, firmly shaking his hand. “You have one hell of a Uncle, Miss Y/N”
“I do indeed.” You smiled sadly, very aware of the limited time left with him. “Is the plane ok tied down here or did you need me to move it somewhere else?”
“Right here is just fine. We don’t get a lot of planes coming through. The ones that are kept here, mostly belong to Naval aviators stationed in the area.” he replied. “The others are owned by myself or other retired aviators.”
“Perfect.” You said, reaching back up to grab your bag. “I’ll just call an uber to come get me. Haven’t had a chance to get a rental squared away.”
“You’re welcome to wait in the office if you’d like.” He offered, pointing towards another hangar that was wide open with various seating arranged throughout it. There was a desk nestled off to one side of the hangar with an ancient looking computer set up.
“Thank you, that’d be great.”  The two of you started in the direction of the hangar. Once inside you opened the uber app and quickly ordered a ride, which would arrive in fifteen minutes. While you waited, you decided to let your aunt know you were here.
Y/N: I’m home. Waiting on an Uber then I’ll be over. How’s Uncle Tommy today?
Aunt Sarah: I would have come to get you, sweet girl! We’re all looking forward to seeing you. He’s having a pretty good day.
Y/N: You’ve got enough on your plate Aunt Sarah, I can’t wait to see you all either. I do need to sort out a car though.
Aunt Sarah: You can drive the Jeep in the meantime. We’re not using it. See you soon! XX
You smiled, slipping your phone into your purse and taking the opportunity to stretch your legs after the long flight. You walked around the hangar, taking in the photos hanging up, and various aviation paraphernalia. You’d grown up around planes, obviously with Tom “Iceman” Kazansky as your uncle. It wasn’t just through him though. Aviation was in your blood. Tom wasn’t your biological uncle. He’d flown with your dad when they were in Top Gun. They hadn’t started out as friends, but had ended up closer than brothers. When you were born, your dad hadn't thought twice about naming Tom your Godfather and Sarah your godmother.  Thankfully he had as it had been Tom and Sarah that had helped to raise you after your mom had died.
“Ride’s here Miss Y/N” Frank called, pulling you from your thoughts.
You collected your bags and started for the car that would take you to the Kazansky home. Your home.
“I meant to ask, Miss Y/N,” Frank said before you got into the car, “I saw your last name on the paperwork, any relation to Pete Mitchell?”
You froze, the smile on your face slipping a bit, “He’s my father.”
The car pulled up outside of your aunt and uncle’s house. After finalizing the payment and tip on your app, you thanked the driver and climbed out of the car, grabbing your bags with you.
You stood looking at the house for a moment before taking a deep breath and walking up the walk to the front door. Before you reached the front step, the door was thrown open and your aunt came out, pulling you into a tight hug. You quickly dropped the bags and wrapped your arms around her, melting into her comfort.
“I’ve missed you so much, Aunt Sarah” You whispered, tears threatening to fall. “I’m so sorry for staying away.”
“Hush, sweetheart,” She said gently, “You’re home now, that’s what matters. We’ve missed you too, baby girl.”
She pulled back, smiling, “Come on inside. The kids are out with friends but will be home later. Let’s get you settled then you can go in and visit with Uncle Tom.”
You followed your aunt upstairs to the room you’d always stayed in when you were home. Truth was, this was just as much your childhood home as your actual one in Virginia. Whenever your dad was sent on longer deployments or stationed on bases you couldn’t join him, he’d send you back to San Diego to stay with your Godparents. On the shorter missions, you mostly just sayed with Carol Bradshaw. Life of a military kid… you were raised by a village.
After you dropped your stuff off in the room and took a minute to prepare yourself, you headed downstairs to your uncle’s office. Your aunt left you to spend time alone with him while she prepared a snack for you.
You knocked on the office door before opening it and peaking your head through. You smiled seeing your uncle hard at work at his desk. Leave it to Uncle Tom to still be directing the Navy, even as he fought a losing battle with cancer.
“So I see you never actually retired, huh?” You teased, hoping your face didn’t show your heartbreak at seeing just how weakened your uncle looked. “Does Aunt Sarah know she threw you a bogus retirement party?”
Slowly standing  up from his computer, he turned to you and held his arms out. You quickly walked into his embrace, wrapping your own arms tightly around him. You breathed in his scent, comforted and grounded in the familiarity.
“Love you” He said softly, his voice weak and rough.
“I love you too” You replied quietly, “I’m sorry for not coming home sooner…or more often.”
He shook his head, stepping back and motioning to the chair next to his desk for you to sit. Once he was back in his seat, he turned to type a message, finding it easier than talking.
“You have nothing to apologize for, Sweetheart. I’m glad you’re here now.” He typed.
“I quit my job with the charter company before leaving.” You confided in him, “When I got your message, I realized that my family and everyone I love is here. There is nothing left for me in Virginia except ghosts and regrets. You’re right, Uncle Tommy. It’s time to come home.”
“It’s time to let go of the past. Life is too short.” He replied with a gentle smile.
“How do I do that?” You asked, “It feels like it’s too late. I waited too long.”
“It’s never too late my little bird. Have you talked to your dad? Rooster?”
“I talk to dad mostly on holidays and birthdays. Things haven’t been great since he royally screwed over Rooster. He’s my dad and I love him but I guess when everything went down it just reinforced all of the anger and resentment I harbored getting tossed around all the time as a kid. I know I landed with you and Aunt Sarah or with Carol, but it still always felt like he chose the Navy over me.  As for Rooster… he was so angry after he was denied the academy…I thought he’d eventually come around but he hasn’t and I stopped trying.” Truth was, even years later, the hurt was just as raw.
As kids you and Rooster were incredibly close. You were younger than him by a few years but that never mattered. You did everything together when you were home in Virginia and would spend hours on the phone when you were in California. Bradley Bradshaw had been your first love, which made it even more devastating when your dad had pulled his papers for the Academy. Bradley hadn’t just cut ties with your dad, he’d also left you behind.
“Talk to them both, Y/N. You may just be what they both need. They’ve both been called back to Top Gun. There’s no time like the present, Sweetheart. They’ve both been called back for a dangerous mission. Your dad is the instructor.”
“Does Brad know dad’s the instructor? I can’t imagine he’d be in a hurry to take a mission that had anything to do with dad. Do either know I’m here?” You asked, knowing your uncle had most likely been the one to pull strings.
“I don’t imagine Bradley knows your dad will be involved in the mission. Your dad texted when he arrived in North Island but he’s avoiding me. You should reach out to them both. Giving Bradley a heads up about your dad might go a long way to mend fences.”
“I wasn’t the one that burned the fences in the first place.” You said stubbornly, “Hell, Uncle Tommy, he nuked the damn fences. He should be trying to make things right with me. Same with my father.”
“You’re not wrong, my hard headed girl. Problem is, both of them are hard headed as well.” He looked at you while he continued to type, “Can you live with the way things were left if something were to happen to them?”
“I hate when you make sense.” You grumbled, “When did you become so level-headed?”
“Reaching the end of one’s life allows you to look back and see things you missed when you were busy living.”
“I’m scared to lose you too, Uncle Tommy.” you whispered, “You’ve been one of my only constants and my rock my entire life. I don’t know how to pick up the pieces without you.”
“I will always be your wingman, Y/N, watching over you and giving you a nudge. You’re stronger than you allow yourself to believe. Aunt Sarah will always be here, and this will always be your home. But like I said before, Sweetheart… it’s time to let your dad back in.”
You wiped the tears that had started to fall, looking out the window to try to regain your composure. Tom pushed back from the desk and slowly stood up, pulling you up as he did. He wrapped you in his arms, holding you tightly as you allowed the grief of what was to come  to wash over you. After a few moments when the tears slowed, he dropped a kiss on your head and pulled back enough to smile down at you.
“It’s going to be ok.” He rasped. You knew it hurt him tremendously to talk, but you loved to hear the reassurance anyway.
Your aunt walked into the room, smiling at the sight of the two of you together. She brought a fresh glass of water and some meds for your uncle.
“It’s time for the afternoon meds, my love.” She said, handing him the pills. Your uncle took the pills and grimaced as he tossed them back with the water. It looked like swallowing them hurt him as much as trying to talk did. It broke your heart to see him this way. Your uncle had always been one of the toughest and strongest men you knew.
“I’m going to go re-orientate myself with North Island, maybe go put my toes in the Pacific.” You said, needing time to get your head on straight and process your conversation with your uncle. “Is it still ok if I borrow your Jeep?”
“Of course, Sweetie.” Your aunt replied, “The keys are on the hook by the door. Call if you need anything ok?”
“I will. I love you both.”  You said, “Crappy circumstances aside, I’m happy to be home.”
“We’re happy you’re home too.” Your aunt replied. You quickly hugged them both before grabbing your purse from your room and making your way back downstairs.
You grabbed the keys to the Jeep and headed out to the garage, taking a deep breath to center yourself when you stepped outside.
The drive to the beach was soothing. There wasn’t a lot of traffic since it was the middle of a weekday. You had contemplated driving by the base, but decided that was a task for another time. The ocean was calling you. It’s a good thing you’d never been too far from an ocean growing up, as it was often what soothed your soul the most…apart from Bradley that was.  
You pulled into the parking lot of the Hard Deck, knowing it was still closed until later in the afternoon, but it had beach access. You would just have to pop in for a quick drink when it did open to make up for using their parking lot. You also knew that the owner, Penny Benjamin wouldn’t mind you parking in her bar’s lot.
The walk from the lot down to the beach was pleasant. You kicked your shoes off and left them by a group of chairs, walking closer to the water so you could dip your toes in. The water was cold, despite the warm weather. You looked out over the water past the horizon, breathing in the salty air. As you were turning to head back to the chairs you’d left your shoes at, you heard the familiar sound of F-18s. You looked up in time to see three jets fly overhead. They looked to be flying maneuvers judging by the formation of the jets. They passed quickly and were out of sight before too long. You smiled, welcoming the familiarity in being close to a naval aviation base again.
“Well, that answers the question of who’s Jeep is parked in my lot.” You heard a familiar voice from behind you, turning to see it was Penny.
“I hope you don’t mind. I just came from my uncle’s and needed to regroup a bit. I planned on coming in once you'd opened.” you replied.
“I don’t mind, Kiddo.” She replied, “It’s been awhile since I’ve seen you. Did you just fly in?”
“Yeah. I got here today.” You said, “Uncle Tom texted me a couple weeks ago and told me it was time to come home.”
“I saw your aunt at the Farmer’s Market and she filled me in. I’m sorry, Kiddo. I know how close you are.”
“Thank you” You replied, quietly, “It definitely fucking sucks.”
“Can’t argue that.” She agreed, “Wanna come up and have a drink? Keep my company while I open?”
“I’d love that.” You replied, smiling.
Once inside, Penny grabbed you a beer from the cooler and started getting the bar stocked, the two of you slipping into comfortable conversation. You’d spent time with Penny often growing up. Your dad had had an on again off again relationship with her. You’d hoped he’d eventually get smart and ask her to marry him. You really liked Penny and knew she was good for your dad. She didn’t put up with his bullshit, which was definitely your favorite quality.
“The bar will start to fill up with aviators in about an hour, they usually file in once their training has ended for the day. So depending on who you want to see…or to avoid… you have a timeframe to work with.” She said, giving you a knowing look.
“Thanks, Pen.” You replied, “Honestly, I know I can’t avoid him forever… I just don’t know that I’m quite ready yet.”
“Which ‘him’ are you not ready to face? Your dad or Bradshaw?” She asked, winking.
“Both?” You laughed, “Uncle Tommy told me to stop being stubborn and that the mission they’re back for is a dangerous one. Aren’t they all dangerous though?”
“Yes and no” She replied, having grown up as an admiral’s daughter, Penny knew the score. “I think your uncle is right though, Kiddo. I’d tell your dad and Bradshaw the same thing, but it would fall on deaf ears.”
“What makes you think I’m more willing to listen?” You asked
“You’re here.” She said, leveling with you a knowing stare. “You could have gone to any beach or any bar. Yet this is where you ended up.”
“Touche.” You laughed. “I miss them, Pen. I act tough and I give my dad a hard time… and I’ve got some definite intense emotions in regards to him but he’s my dad. I love him…even when he’s stupid.”
“And Bradley?” She asked gently, “Where do those feelings land in regards to him? I seem to remember a certain someone who thought that boy hung the moon and stars.”
“He left me behind.” You said, “I doubt I’ll ever stop loving the idiot, but he left me. He was mad at dad, rightfully so, but he cut ties with me too like I didn’t even matter.”
“Well, I say give them both hell, Kiddo.” She answered, “Don’t go easy on them by any means, but don’t shut them out if the opportunity arises for amends to be made. Let them know exactly what you think and feel, but be open to what they have to say too.”
She glanced up to the windows overlooking the parking lot, then looked back at you.
“Decision time, Kiddo.” She said, “Your dad just pulled up on his bike. He probably already saw the Jeep parked out there, but if you’re not ready yet, I can let you out the back and keep him distracted.”
You glance behind you, seeing your dad getting off his bike. You’re torn. The part of you that’s still daddy’s little girl, aches to run out to him and throw your arms around his neck. The hurt teenager and adult version isn’t ready for the interaction.
“Thanks, Pen.” You said, “I think I’ll take that as my cue to leave for now.”
“Sure thing, Kiddo.” She replied, leading you around to the office in the back that would lead to the exit. “Just don’t leave it too long. Maybe come back tonight… Shay will be here, you two can catch up. And maybe a certain other Aviator as well.”
“I’ll think about it.” You promised, “Thank you again, Pen…for everything.”
You carefully dashed out of the back, making sure not to slam the door, before heading to the Jeep and jumping in. You really hoped Penny was able to keep your dad distracted and that he didn’t recognize the Jeep. Knowing your uncle, you pretty much figured he’d already let your dad know you were here, but you needed a little more time.
You drove around a little more after leaving the Hard Deck, stopping at Starbucks to grab a coffee before heading back home.
As you were pulling in, your phone dinged with a notification. Once you parked and turned off the ignition, you pulled your phone out of your purse to check the incoming message.
Dad: I saw you high tailing it out of Penny’s, Firecracker. Planning on avoiding me forever?
You sighed, knowing you were caught. It sucked that your relationship with your dad was so complicated. Why couldn’t it be as easy as the one you had with your Uncle?
Y/N: Not forever. Just … for now.
Dad: Fair enough. I love you, Y/N. I’m here when you’re ready.
Dad: Also, in case Uncle Ice didn’t tell you, Bradshaw is in town too…in case you want to avoid him too.
Y/N: Already know... Don’t treat him unfairly, Dad. The fact he was called back to Top Gun means something. He’s a good pilot. He’s not Goose and you can’t wash him out over a stupid promise you didn’t have the right to make.
Dad: Duly noted.
Well, at least you can say you tried. And honestly, that exchange was the longest you’d had in months. Uncle Tom should be proud.
Later that night after dinner, your uncle went up to bed, worn out from the day. You helped your aunt with the dishes and putting away the leftovers. Your cousins were watching a movie, taking their minds off of everything. Your heart broke for them. You were really young when your mom had died, but you remember what the loss felt like. You didn’t wish that loss on anyone.
“You should go back to the Hard Deck, Sweetheart.” Your aunt said, drying her hands off on the towel once the dishes were complete. “If for no other reason than to catch up with Shay like Penny suggested. If you’re planning on staying, it will be nice to reconnect with friends.”
“Why do I get the feeling you saying ‘friends’ includes Bradley?” You gave her a side-eyed look but couldn’t get mad at her if you tried.
“Be careful, have fun.” She said, already knowing you’d give in. “If you need to leave the Jeep parked and uber home, I can take you to get it in the morning.”
“I definitely don’t plan on drinking more than one beer.” You replied, “Two tops if I decide to stay longer. I’ll be quiet when I come back in.”
“I love you, sweetheart.” She said, hugging you.
“Love you too.” You replied smiling.
You decided a change in clothes was needed before you left for the bar. Not that you were dressing to impress anyone… at all. You simply wanted to feel refreshed… besides, maybe there was another hot aviator you could meet.  
Pulling out what you’d already had a chance to unpack, you decided on a pair of distressed jeans and a lightweight gray racerback style loose tank, the front slightly tucked in. You slipped on your black sandals before heading into the bathroom to do something about your unruly wavy hair and to apply light makeup. In the end, the only way to tame your hair was to just pull it up into a loose messy bun, with a few front pieces left out  to frame your face. Finally satisfied, you grabbed your purse and headed out.
The bar was much livelier than it had been when you were there earlier. Several cars were parked in the lot and you could hear the music from the jukebox as you walked in from the parking lot. Once inside the door, you could see it was indeed full of Naval officers. Spotting Shay sitting at the bar talking to Penny as she poured drinks, you made your way over.  
“Twice in one day!” Penny teased, “Must be my lucky day.”
“Just couldn’t stay away, Penny” You replied, “The beer is too good here.”
“Y/N!” Shay exclaimed, after turning to see who her aunt was talking to. “When did you get back? How long are you here for?”
“I got back earlier today, actually.” You replied, smiling at her contagious excitement. “I’m here… indefinitely.”
“It’s so good to see you!” She beamed, “It’s been way too long. What have you been up to?”
You settled onto the barstool next to her, shoving your purse behind you so it was out of the way. Penny slid a Corona over to you, winking, before heading to the other side of the bar to fill orders.
“Up until a few days ago, I was flying charter flights for a company out of Virginia Beach.” You responded, taking a sip of your beer. “I haven’t really decided what my new plan is. I’m kinda playing it by ear I guess. What have you been up to? It’s literally been, what, since college since we’ve managed to be here at the same time?”
“Something like that!” She laughed, “Too long, regardless. I’ve been good though! I moved here to be closer to Aunt Penny once I graduated college. I’m working at a medical office by day and still writing at night and on weekends. I have a publisher who would prefer if I were only writing, but I’m not ready to give up the stability of the full time job yet.”
“That’s awesome, Shay! I’m glad you’re still writing.” you replied happily, “I can’t wait to read all of your New York Times Bestsellers one day soon!”
“That’s the dream!” She replied.
“Penny, my dear, another round of beers please!” A smooth, southern accent sounded next to you.
You glanced over to see a tall, blonde aviator, dripping in confidence, with a dimpled smile to match. You could acknowledge the fact that he was indeed hot, but knew instantly, he was far from your type.
“And another round for these beautiful ladies here as well, put it all on my tab.” He winked, openly checking you and Shay out.
You rolled your eyes, glancing at Shay, who just laughed and shrugged. You weren’t one to turn down free drinks, but you’d promised your aunt you wouldn’t be drinking a lot tonight.
Penny placed the drinks in front of you, passing the aviator’s whose callsign was apparently Hangman his own drinks. “None of your games with these two, Hangman, or you’ll be buying for the entire bar. These ladies are family.”
“Loud and clear ma’am!” He smiled, his dimples becoming more pronounced. “Can I get names to go with your gorgeous faces?”
“Does that normally work?” You asked, amused. He wasn’t your type, but you liked this guy. Cocky yes, but you could see yourself befriending him.
“It’s not a perfect record, but it’s not bad.” He shot back, shrugging. “I’m Hangman. Or Jake.”
“Thanks for the drink, Hangman.” You replied, “I’m Y/N.”
“You’re welcome, Darlin’” He said, unable to keep from flirting too long. “And this exquisite lady next to you?”
“You’re smooth.” Shay laughed, “A shameless first… not hard on the eyes. I’m Shay.”
“Shameless perhaps” He drawled, eyes clearly wandering over Shay as he replied, “But sincere.”
“I guess we’ll see about the serenity of it.” She teased, “But thanks for the drink.”
“Bagman, stop harassing them before your ass gets the bell rung on you.” A female voice said approaching behind Hangman. “I don’t mind drinking on your tab, but I feel it’s part of the girl code to protect unsuspecting females from you.”
“I was just being friendly, Phoenix.” He replied, feigning hurt. “I was making friends.”
“Sure… friends” she replied, rolling her eyes and grabbing one of the beers from him before glancing over at you. “I’m Natasha, or Phoenix.”
“Y/N” You replied, then introduced Shay as well. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“You too!” She replied, “I’m usually surrounded by pure testosterone, so happy to balance it out when I can.”
“I can only imagine.” You laughed, understanding the male dominated field she was in. “Feel free to come hang with us anytime.”
“I’ll take you up on that!” She said, “But for now, I have to deliver this one back to the group with everyone’s drinks.”
“I’m sure I’ll see you ladies around.” Hangman said, “Enjoy your night.”
As they walked back to a group in uniforms, you and Shay looked at one another laughing.
“Well that was entertaining.” You said, “He’s full of character.”
“He’s fucking HOT” Shay said, her eyes following where he’d walked off to. “If you’re not interested…”
“All yours” you replied, “Friends with that guy is probably all I could handle. And…to be honest, there’s really only one Naval aviator I would ever even consider dating but it’ll never happen. I have enough on my plate right now anyway.”
“Who’s the special one you would date?” Shay asked, intrigued. Before you could answer, the jukebox suddenly cut out and everyone around started to cheer and head to one side of the bar.
You could hear the piano above the cheering. The opening chords to Great Balls of Fire, distinct and burned into your memory. You look quickly at Penny, who, catching your startled look, nods before tipping her head towards the piano.
You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain
Too much love drives a man insane
You broke my will
But what a thrill
Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!
The sound of Bradley singing took you back to when you were younger. Endless hours of karaoke together or him playing piano and singing just to entertain you. Your heart clenched hearing his voice again. You knew there was a Bradley sized hole in your life, but you hadn’t fully realized how large it was until the moment you heard him again. You zoned out listening to his smooth voice.
I chew my nails and I twiddle my thumbs
Real nervous, but it sure is fun
Come on, baby
You're driving me crazy
Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!
The bar erupted into cheers, everyone yelling his name. You were so lost in memories you didn’t register the jukebox being plugged back in and music starting, everyone returning to their drinks and conversations.
“From the look on your face, I think I know the answer to my previous question.” Shay said, her attention focused on you. “You ok, Y/N?”
“Yeah.” You quietly replied, pulled from your head. “I’m good.”
“Back door is always an option, Kiddo.” Penny said, gently, “Just say the word.”
“Thanks, Pen” You replied, “I can’t keep running forever though. I’ll be ok.”
“Ok, well, look alive then” She said looking over your shoulder, “It’s showtime.”
You gulped in air, anxiety rushing over you. You could feel every nerve ending firing in response to a surge of adrenaline flooding your system. Your whole body felt like it was on fire.
“Breathe, Y/N” Shay said quietly, her hand on your shoulder to steady and ground you.
“Hey, Penny!” Bradley called cheerfully as he reached the bar, “Can I get another beer please?”
“Coming right up, Rooster” She replied, reaching into the cooler for a bottle of his preferred beer.  
“Thanks!” He said, before taking a drink and glancing over your way.
You kept your head turned towards the bar and eyes firmly on your own drink, determined now to look over. You were frantically trying to keep from hyperventilating.
“Sunshine.” He said, using the nickname he’d given you long ago, the shock at seeing you evident in his voice and in his eyes when you finally glanced up at him. “It is you… you look…good.”
“Hi, Brad.” You replied, finally looking up. He was dressed in well worn, fitted jeans and his signature Hawaiian shirt open over a white tank. Aviator glasses perched on his nose. “So do you…the mustache suits you.”
“Thanks. I rather like it.” He said, awkwardly shifting from one foot to the next. You hated it. Things had always been so easy between the two of you, this new distance hurt almost worse than just not seeing him at all.  “What brings you back to North Island? Last I heard you were flying tourists and bigwigs around on the East Coast.”
“So you’ve kept tabs on me then?” You asked, curiously.
“Iceman would occasionally let it slip when I’d run into him.” He explained. So he hadn’t cared enough to actually ask about you. The realization stung.
“I’m back because Uncle Tom said it was time to come home.” You replied, turning your eyes back to the beer bottle in front of you. “The cancer is back and the docs said he wouldn’t beat it this time.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” He said sincerely, “I know how close you’ve always been to him.”
“He’s not the only one I was close to.” You said quietly. You glanced up to see guilt race across his face before he schooled his features. “Brad… you should know..”
“Look, Y/N,” He interrupted, “It was good to see you, but I need to get back to my friends. I’ll see you around maybe.”
As he walked away, it felt like you’d been kicked in the gut. The wind knocked out of you. The realization hitting you that Bradley didn’t even see you as a friend anymore. You swallowed the lump lodged in your throat, pushing the half full bottle of beer away. You needed air. It felt like the bar was closing in around you.
“I’m going to go ahead and go.” You said gathering your purse from behind you, “It was good to see you tonight, give me a call when you’re free and we can hang out again.”
“Y/N” Shay said, “Do you want me to give you a ride home?”
“I’ll be ok, but thank you.” You replied, “I just need air and to get out of here. Please let Penny know I’ll stop by again…maybe when the bar is closed.”
“I will.” She replied, “I’ll call you tomorrow. We can get some lunch.”
Nodding, you carefully got off the bar stool and headed quickly for the door, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone, just needing to escape. Once outside you took a deep breath, gulping in the much needed air to your lungs.  You could still hear the music from the bar playing and the loud voices of drunk sailors and aviators, but outside, it was easier to cue into the sounds of the waves and the breeze moving through the trees. The sound of the waves crashing helped to soothe you enough you no longer felt like you were hyperventilating. No longer in danger of passing out due to lack of oxygen, you decided it was safe to make your way home.
“Fuck you Bradley Bradshaw.” You said, the breeze carrying your words out to sea.
You walked to Jeep, ready to put this day behind you. With your back to the bar, you didn’t see Bradley had stepped out of the bar and was watching you walk away. He’d seen you leave, had watched you walk out of the bar looking like a kicked puppy. The remorse caused his stomach to churn. As your taillights faded away out of the parking lot, Bradley trudged to his Bronco, deciding to call it a night.
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lunavadash-creates · 1 year
Next idea reffering to the latest message. The reader gives them their necklace as a lucky charm and some kind of promise to come back to them right before they go on a mission/battle?
You know my favorite characters, but feel free to write for characters you like to write about.
After weeks/months/years of silence, I am back.
Thank you Knifey for believing in me when I couldn't believe in myself! I hope you will enjoy it!
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„Why are you giving me this?” he was so surprised when you suddenly gave him a turquoise
The stone was in the shade of summer sky, covered with a thin web of darker veins, it was held in place by a black, leather strap
“It should give you protection, especially that I won’t be there with you”
It didn’t matter that he wasn’t the one to believe in the magical power of colourful stones, he was just happy to have a gift from you
He immediately put it around his neck, secretly happy that he will be able to have a piece of you wherever he goes
“Thank you” he would say while hugging you and leaving a gentle kiss on your temple
“Promise me you will be careful and that you will come back to me”
“I shall”
After that, he thought about what to give you in return
During his missions, he was learning about different stones and when he found out that turquoise was really supposed to give peace and protection, he felt like his heart skipped a beat
It took a long time but finally, he managed to find the perfect stone – one that you then wore to the end of the time
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The Morrigan was docked in the port for a week now and you were bored
As not-yet-the-official-templar you weren’t allowed to attend the meetings and all the weird shenanigans Shay had to take part in
It’s not like you cared a lot about politics but it was boring all alone
Like sure shopping and eating nice food was great after weeks at the sea but you missed your love
That day you were on the shore, enjoying the sun and the warm weather, baling barefoot on the wet sand, allowing the ocean to wash around your feet
At one point you found a clam
It had a pearl inside
And only by a total accident you also knew that Shay will have a birthday soon
It took a bit to find the right blacksmith but he agreed, after getting some additional coins, to put priority on your order
You made a sketch of what you wanted – a silver four-leaf clover with this small pearl inside
“It’s for good luck,” you said while giving him the present
The grin on his face widened  
“I make my own luck”
And then he spent half of the night thanking you for a beautiful gift
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He doesn’t really like getting gifts
Unless a gift is a cup of coffee
Honestly giving him a gift is such a pain as he has almost everything he wants
Like seriously he grew up rich and as a Café Theatre owner he doesn’t really complain about the lack of money to spend
One day he comes back home and tells you he has a mission in Germany so he will be away for a few weeks
He also asked you to take care of the Café in his absence as he trusts you the most
It broke your heart that he will be away for so long so you desperately thought about something to make him remember his home and you
At one point you found a weird man from a land far far away who was selling some goods
Among them, there was a little Rhodochrosite. A pink crystal in a shape of an obelisk hanging on a silver threat
This man piqued your curiosity so you listen to the story of the spiritual meaning of the stone
You came back home with this necklace just to find Arno packing his clothes
You hugged him from behind, not really wanting to let him go so far away without you
“I have something for you”
“I hope it’s a cup of coffee”
“I don’t want you to go. But also, I cannot stop you so… please, have it with you. It’s a Rhodochrosite and it means compassion and love. They say it clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past. With it… you will come back to me eventually, right?”
There was a moment of silence and you thought Arno wasn’t really happy
It was until he hugged you so tightly, he almost took your breath away
“It is so much better than coffee. I swear I will come back to your Cherie”
He kept his promise
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The crew was preparing your ship to set sails
Right next to your there was Jackdaw, also getting ready to head toward the endless blue
While sitting on the railing you watched the blond man, your friend and lover, ready to leave for a mission that will take him god-knows-where
You were holding a coin in your hand frantically flipping it through your fingers
“Hey, Kenway!” you shouted, to catch his attention. Despite the sound of waves crashing against the shore, he heard you and immediately turned around, just in time to catch the object that flew his way
It was a golden coin with jackdaw on it and a little hole at the top, through which run a leather strap
He raised his head only to see you holding the twin coin, already on your neck
“This is a promise, Kenway. Better come back and find me after the job is done” you threaten, but actually, you were afraid that the endless ocean will be too much of a gap between you and the bond you shared would be severed
Edward put the necklace with a coin on and then sent you one of his smirks
“I will find you even at the edge of the world, Lass! And you better have the second coin prepared for me!”
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bonesxbows · 1 month
Windy Old Weather (Shay Cormac x Reader)
A severe storm catches you and Shay off guard and you're forced to face your fears. Luckily he's there to keep you safe and comfort you through your anxiety.
(WARNINGS) - panic attack/anxiety attack behaviors described - thunderstorms - fear of thunderstorms
We recently had some pretty bad storms where I live and they scared the fuck out of me, I ended up having one of the worst panic attacks I've ever experienced. Me and my family are all okay but it was still hella scary, so I decided to write something about it. It took a couple of tries to get it right and I'm still not completely satisfied with it, but it's good enough for what I wanted it to be. Hopefully, it can help someone else who shares my fears. Comments and reblogs are much appreciated :)
Your feet slapped against the wet wooden boards of the docks outside of Fort Arsenal, rain thrashing around you and the wind screaming in your ears. Shay was close behind you, using a hand to shield his face from the assault of water being thrown at him, otherwise it was impossible to keep his eyes forward. He placed a hand on your back, urging you to keep moving as he ushered you towards the safety of his home. The rest of the crew would find their own shelter in the outer buildings, his main concern was you right now. There was no time to secure the Morrigan besides dropping anchor and tying one of her mooring lines to the dock. The storm had shown up abruptly, out of nowhere turning the once blue sky into an abysmal darkness, the rain and wind turning visibility to nothing. Shay counted his blessings that they hadn’t been that far from the Fort when the sky had turned sour, though he guessed his self-made luck had something to do with it. 
The two of you ran across the yard as fast as your legs could carry you, making it to the front door of the house just as a crack of lightning rang throughout the sky. You stood there panting and dripping water as Shay closed the door behind him. He moved over to the fireplace, tossing a few logs in and starting a spark. A warm orange glow soon filled the house, causing you to inch closer towards the heat, the cold being chased from your bones slowly as the warmth seeped in instead. Shay let out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding, he could finally relax a little and let down his guard now that the two of you were somewhere safe and warm. 
He turned to you and placed an arm around your shoulders, gently pulling you closer towards the fire. You had wrapped your arms around yourself, partly from the cold and partly to calm yourself down. You leaned into Shay, relishing his touch and body heat even though his clothes were still soaked. You began to shake, your teeth chattering. 
“Is the fire not warm enough, love?” he asked you, turning you to face him so he could rub his hands up and down your arms in an attempt to warm you up more.
“No Shay, it's alright. Thank you,” you told him, still shaking despite feeling the warmth radiating into your clothes and skin. Another boom of thunder and lightning shook the sky, illuminating the window panes with an eerie blue light. It made you jump and you started to panic uncontrollably, your breaths coming out shallow and fast-paced. Trying to get your heart rate to slow down was becoming impossible. It didn't take Shay more than a few seconds to figure out what was wrong. 
“Is it the storm? Does it scare you?” he asked. But before you could answer the two of you heard a loud splintering crack resound outside. You both turned to peek out the window towards the sound. One of the trees in the courtyard now lay sliced in two, its top now nothing more than a bundle of branches on the ground, its stump a ragged knife pointed up towards the sky. You instinctively covered your mouth with a hand to stifle a cry, though that didn’t stop your eyes from overflowing as tears began to flood your face. You turned back around and rushed into Shay’s arms, burying your head into his chest. He wrapped his arms around you, holding you firmly against him. The rain had caused his usual comforting smell to turn into a scent of wet gunpowder and spoiled whiskey but you didn’t mind. You were too frightened to care. 
“It’s just a storm, love. You’re okay,” he told you, running his fingers through your still-wet hair. 
“Make it stop Shay.” you cried into his chest, your voice slightly muffled from the layers of leather. You pawed at the back of his jacket, trying to find something, anything, to ground yourself with. 
“I’m right here. You’re safe, I swear. I won’t let anything happen to you.” he reassured you, though you stayed clinging to him. 
At some point he scooped you up into his arms, picking you up and carrying you to an armchair near the still roaring fireplace. He held you in his lap, letting you nestle your head in between his neck and the collar of his jacket. Eventually, the wind stopped howling and you stopped shaking but Shay never made a move to let go of you. He could feel your breath on his skin, your breathing slowly but surely returning to normal, as he continued to rake his hands through your hair soothingly. 
“Sorry…” you whispered into his ear, a little embarrassed that a storm had spooked you so easily. You had faced greater threats by Shay’s side and come out on top, yet one little storm had turned you into a sniveling childish mess. You had always had a fear of storms but living aboard the Morrigan didn’t leave much room for silly fears. But the abruptness of this one had startled you, unburying your anxiety that you had spent years covering up in a matter of minutes. 
“It’s alright, love. We’re all scared of something. Next time a storm comes we won’t be caught off guard like that. I’ll protect you.” he kept his voice low and soft, his accent coating his words like molasses. You truly did believe him. Now that he was aware of your fears he made a mental note to steer clear of situations that would spark your panic attacks. You still felt ashamed but you knew Shay would never belittle you, even over a fear of thunderstorms. When one of his hands found its way to your chin you let him guide your face out of the crook of his neck to where he could see you. You looked at him and there was a small smile on his lips, his puppy dog-like brown eyes gleaming with unconditional love. He used the pad of his thumb to gently wipe away any leftover tears under your eyes, placing a soft kiss on your forehead afterward. You couldn't help but return his smile with one of your own. 
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howlingday · 1 year
The Remnant Retention Regiment (RRR):
A secret organization established to maintain public order. Their primary objectives include hunting down spy networks and conduct surveillance of the public.
Primary tactics include the use of brutal violence, wiretapping, cruel and unusual torture, intimidation, and much, much worse...
They're feared by the public, though they remain ghost stories to their own kingdoms, referred to only as "The Secret Police".
Cordovin: Hm? Is there a reason you're here? Mm? Orders from the general? Fine. Best of luck, Specialist Arc.
Saphron: Thank you, ma'am~! I'll do my very best~!
Clover: Man, what was General Ironwood thinking, hiring such a cherub-faced girl? Especially for this line of work?
Cordovin: If I recall, his exact words were...
Ironwood: "Who, Sapphy? She's a cutie, ain't she? Kinda like a doll~!".
Clover: Seriously?
Cordovin: That's what he told me. Besides, that might be just what this kingdom needs. Regardless, she gets results, whatever it takes.
Saphron: So, nice to meet you, Mister... Mann, was it?
Shay: I ain't got nothin' to say to you-
Saphron: Oh, listen to this! My baby brother just got married~! I'm just so excited to go out and celebrate with them~!
Shay: Uh, that's-
Saphron: And he's such a good man! So kind and generous and smart and he gives the best hugs ever! He means the world to me...
Shay: Yeah, so-
Saphron: Oh! Maybe you've met him? He works here in Vale, too! How lucky am I to make it here with the Argus team to aid in conduct a spy hunt!
Saphron: Shoot! That reminds me! I still need to call him and let him know I'm in the city! But just between you and me, I haven't told him I'm visiting, so hush-hush on that, okay?
Saphron: But for everything else, just lay it all out.
Shay: I dunno what you're goin' on about! I ain't a spy!
Saphron: (Drops photos) These are you, aren't they, Mr. Mann?
Qrow: Hey! What the hell?! Why didn't we get those photos?!
Saphron: I've been so excited to be here, I guess I just forgot to deliver them. Clumsy me~!
Saphron: Now, as for you, Shay D. Mann... WHY DON'T YOU START COOPERATING?
Some time later...
Shay: And that's it. That's everything I know. All I did was make copies, deliver them to the drop site, and they paid me for them. That's it. Dunno anything about the woman who picked them up. Said she was from out of Vale, but didn't say where.
Saphron: Was there anything you could point out about her? Any unusual ticks or features?
Shay: Far as I could tell, she was a totally normal chick.
Saphron: Mhm... I see... Tell me, Mr. Mann... DOES THE NAME "NIGHTSHADE" MEAN ANYTHING TO YOU?
Shay: ...No? Who's that?
Saphron: She's a spy from outside of Vale. They say she's a master of disguise. She's planning to destroy everything we hold near and dear. She's the exact kind of spy why the RRR was made. Help us catch her, and all of this goes away. Okay?
Shay: W-Well, let me think of something-
Saphron: Something truthful and honest, yes, because you already know that lying doesn't work on us, and lying only gets you into more trouble.
Shay: Ghk! Alright, listen! I just needed the cash, okay?! To meet girls! I wasn't hurting anyone!
Saphron: ...Meeting girls? What about your wife?
Shay: J-Just for fun! Marriage is it's own other thing, y'know? You're married, too, ain't'cha?! All I did was give 'em some scraps of paper! It ain't like I'm plannin' a revolution! Cut me some slack!
Saphron: ...
Saphron: (Stands up) Let me be perfectly clear, Mr. Shay D. Mann. While it's true that I am married, neither my spouse nor my own brother knows that I work for the RRR, and I don't plan to, either. Part of the reason is so I can keep my loved happy because I'd hate for them to worry about my dangerous job. (Slips on black gloves) But the other reason... IS I DON'T WANT THEM TO KNOW JUST HOW DIRTY I GET MY HANDS SOMETIMES.
Saphron: (Grabs him by his hair, Slams down) Mr. Mann, I don't think you quite understand. You don't see the reason. Your crime is called treason. Those papers may only be "scraps" to you, but to everyone outside Vale, they're tasks on their to-do!
Saphron: (Grips hair tight, Grinds face down) Unlike you, I love my family. I love my spouse. I love my brother. And I will do anything to keep him safe, regardless of what kingdom they live.
Saphron: (Twists hair, Lifts head and bashes) WHATEVER. IT. TAKES.
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
love letters
read on ao3 // ongoing series
Using Irish language for this lad 🍀 who makes his own luck
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Mo grá,
I must say that the little number you left for Haytham’s letters left him quite flustered. Though I am a bit jealous of your affections.
The Morrigan misses you at her helm, but not as much as I yearn for you.
Sweetest lass, the wind blows so soft it reminds me of you threading through my hair. The ocean is your temperament that I’ve always admired you for.
Don’t fret, for I will be back to you soon.
The one who carries you in his heart,
Shay Patrick Cormac
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peridot-tears · 1 year
Literally nobody:
Shay: I make my own luck.
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maguro13-2 · 7 months
Shattered Hero ~ Origins of the Ink Demon : Episode Maka Finale (9/11)
[Save this World (Orchestral Ver.) - Hideaki Kobayashi]
Tsugumi : This must be it. Planet Jupiter.
Meta Knight : So this is where Maka originally came from. This is where her origins came from this planet when the Phantonians have came to this galaxy and conquered it all. The Sancuatry was created on two of these planets Earth and Jupiter.
Tsugumi : So that's why her birth certificate was messed up. She wasn't born on earth, she was born on that planet, it's a sanctuary that no one shouldn't stepped in. I doubt that the author has been doing something with Maka's backstory. Although her records did shay that she was born in 1991. Hmm? What's that out the window? (uses spyglass to see from the view) Is that a Black Hole or is something in it?
Maka : That's no Black Hole, the gateway to Dark Nebula's domain. He's almost ready to use his powers to swallow the galaxy whole in darkness.
Tsugumi : Maka-chan! It's you, I haven't seen your face in three years.
Maka : Well I believe that things changed, Harudori-san.
Meta Knight : Maka Albarn, the 14-year old who was presumed gone from the world and has somehow returned to uncover the truth. You lived and have survived for all these years, how long did you manage to free yourself.
Maka : Someone that I have to believe in the hearts of all. I am innocent after all.
Tsugumi : Hey, Maka. When I said anything about meeting you, you were supposed to be the one responsible for saving my life, but I realized that It means much to me as a hero. But I'm not the Tsugumi that I used to be, I changed. I always knew that I would the see the day that I would see that face of yours. And go by the name Sir Halberd Knight.
Maka Albarn : Whatever you say, Sir Halberd Knight. I'm much more genuine than the rest of them. I only made myself the person that I wanted to be this way! It's not just about the fate of the world, It's about saving it with valor, same goes to Courage and bravery! Well, I'm not that kind of person that needed a helping hand. You sure got everything, that you needed? You seemed kinda lonely without any help from a person that makes a diligent effort.
Tsugumi : ....It doesn't seems right about being solo or have a one man army. Even though, without the friends I need, there will never be a story that is completed. If only there's something that we needed. (Maka puts her hand on her shoulder)
Maka : Tsugumi-chan. The Maka you needed is right here, and I needed you to complete your story. You got a part, I got a part, we all got parts of every story that needs to be part of. So, do you feel like that were in this together? Should we agree on helping out together?
Tsugumi : Hmm...Agree means "Accept", but "disagree" means i "deny it". So I nod to agree and accept! (firmly hand shakes Maka) this partnership has officially forged! Welcome to the story, friend.
Tsugumi : Same to you, buddy!
Ethan : Maka! Take care!
Maka : What about you, guys?
Ethan : You guys go on ahead to defeat Dark Nebula, I'll go stop Magashi and destroy the S.E.E.D HIVE.
Maka : But, Ethan. You sure you can stop Magashi? But this is the 06 and I let everything down, not even Sonic around while he deals with Solaris and...
Ethan : Hey, kid. Look, we have stories of our own, we're heroes. We got this. You got your part and I got mine respectively. You got a world to save.
Maka : And you got a galaxy to save as well. We'll do, Ethan. That's what being a hero is about. It's not about courage, it's about Valor.
Ethan : Right back at ya! (fists bumps each other) Good luck out there, Kid. (walks off)
Maka : ...! Hey, Ethan Waber!
Ethan : What is it?
Maka : I just wanted to tell you one last thing. May the holy light guide you, and thank you for my heart.
Ethan : Nah. That would be Vivienne's line who would say it. [walks away]
Maka : Alright, It's time to head into battle. Good thing I brought this, [pulls out a Chaos Emerald] since Sonic 06's story was reset, It's time that we use with good use. Grim found the Chaos Emerald that it was causing the events of the 06, guess all things needed in common. Girm, Moirai, Tsugumi, Soul. Everyone ready?
All : Of course!
Maka : Alright, here goes nothing...[breathes inhale and then exhale] Chaos...CONTROL!!!
*Sonic SFX : Chaos Control*
Ethan : This is it. After fighting my way through the Hive, I finally found it.
Magashi : Welcome, Ethan. You finally made it this far just to reach to the end of your journey. Today, this will be the final battle for us before the year of 06 is about to come to an end.
Ethan : Alright. It's just you and me now. This time I'll stop you for good!
Magashi : Certainly. It times when Earth will be reaching in everlasting darkness, Gurhal has been at peace after the 500 year race war changed everything. Since Dark Falz from PSO has failed to put everything in Jeopardy, I will be the one that shall bring the darkness to the Universe and the despair that shall forever be their gift.
Ethan : I just might happen to be lucky that you would gain control of the universe. For the sake of saving Gurhal, I will put end to the likes of you! (pulls out weapon) Shall we get started then? It'll be just our fight that we predicted it!
Magashi : Rhetorical theory, Ethan! I've waiting for this for a long time and now I really want to see some action! This is a duel that is worth fighting for! a duel to deliver the fates that we carry! Haaaah!! (charges)
Ethan : (charges) HUAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!
[the two starts fighting as they clash their weapons]
[The Last Story - Hideaki Kobayashi]
Ethan : Just face it, Magashi! 2006 would've been a great year for Sonic and for PSU!
Magashi : Heheheheh! It's a shame that the Blue Blur himself let himself down after the 06 has effected him and his entire life, but I realized that all of the events of the 06 have been retconed by one tiny flame, and that flame is Solaris! HAAAAH!!!
Ethan : Everything changed in the 06, it changed his life before I even met him! Ever since Japan's population was long lost to Maka, people started to turn against her and to think that she was a traitor to the whole world. But she was never a traitor, she wanted to become the hero that she was and become part of a story she has been! Don't you know how much that it hurt her when others do bad things to her, this caused her to go frustrated because of Soul World, the place that existed within the Real World, the universe that she grew up on!
Magashi : And all to think that the poor girl was frustrated because of Shinra Kusakabe's influence. Despite his loss after his 1000 years of death, he still remains in the Real World as a pitiful lifeform on earth. Desperate to him that he created the legacy that is nothing more than a curse! I look foward to see this day, just as watch the whole star system loses the light and shall forever be in everlasting darkness! The planets and their inhabitants shall forever lose hope, not even you can stand a chance.
Ethan : Last Chance! I do know one thing's for sure...! (Attacks Magashi directly) There will be light for Maka and for the planets, and that's called "Hope". You're nothing without something.
Magashi : I-Impossible! So be it! I shall looking foward into this power I have achieved! You should see the true fear of humanity that lies within all. But still, this is should be the final curtain call!
Ethan : Magashi, watch out! You're gonna fall off! (Magashi falls off) Magashi!....Well, guess this is the end for him.
Tonnio : Ethan! Where did Magashi go? Dang! We're must've ran late or something.
Leo : Guess he's not coming back or anything.
Karen Erra : Is he gone?
Ethan : I hope so.
Magashi : (voice heard) Not yet, Ethan Waber. It's not over yet. I still got something for one last chance in order to defeat you! To all four of each of Gurhal's kind, I considered this as a gift to your demise and despair! This is the true power of Darkness!
[The Hunt ~ End of Planets - Kenichi Tokoi]
Ethan : What the-!?
Magashi (?) : Behold, Ethan! I shall put the planets into Jeopardy! Whether it's nebula or me, Dulk Fakis!
Ethan : This is Dulk Fakis? This must be the one that awakens Darkness? What has Magashi been doing with the reactors' lately?
Tonnio : Oh man! He's huge! He's much bigger than Dark Falz himself! Talk about a nasty fight for a final boss character!
Leo : This is one tough enemy that we need to take down in order to save the galaxy!
Karen Erra : Ethan! You ready?
Ethan : Oh yeah, I am ready! I hope Maka and her buddies we'll be taking care of Dark Nebula! But right now, it's this thing that needs to be taken care of! Help me and destroy this thing!
"The Final Battle Has already just begun."
"I, Dark Nebula, Shall forever make this Galaxy in the ruling domain."
"Not even a single heart and soul would stop me from ever reaching my dream."
"This excursion will be concealed to whatever happens to this galaxy."
"In it's primordial nature cease all living beings from across the cosmos...For all eternity!"
~ Act 33 : The Galaxy's Last Stand ~
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thewittyphantom · 2 years
Got a final Shay episode in Duel Links with flashbacks inside flashbacks!
[flashback] Shay: The Duelists I met in the Standard Dimension...They were supposed to be my foes, but they called me their friend. Sylvio: Not so fast! Sylvio’s stepping in! Shay: No! I’m up! Gong: You’re in no shape to battle! Gong’s takin’ over! Shay: !! Why did you give me these Pendulum Cards? Gong: Because we’re a team. Now go an’ make Gong proud! Shay: .....!! [end flashback] Shay: I thought everyone was my enemy. But I finally realized I was wrong. I learned that those who fought by my side were my friends! [another flashback] Shay: You don’t have to thank me, Crow. I only did what needed to be done. Just like I need to take down Duel Academy, and you need to take down the Topsiders. Crow: I guess even though we have different enemies, we’re sort o’ fighting for the same thing. Good luck trying to take down those Duel Academy thugs. It doesn’t sound like it’s gonna be easy. Shay: I could say the same things about you and the Commons trying to change things in this dimension. Crow: Yeah. I guess we both have our work cut out for us. Shay: That we do! [a different flashback] Shay: You may have pushed me to the edge of defeat, but I’m not giving up. Not for me and definitely not for you! Kite: Why don’t you just leave me alone? I will take down Duel Academy my way! Shay: And I’m saying that way is wrong, Kite! We’re going to take ‘em down the right way - together! I’m gonna Duel some sense into that thick stubborn brick you call a brain. These new friends have made me stronger than ever! When I left this dimension, I was a loner like you, Kite. But my travels taught me that the greatest strength you can have is true friends! Kite: Your so-called friends will let you down. That’s why I Duel on my own. I’ve had enough of people I know just vanishing into nothing. Shay: You think that if you don’t care, you won’t get hurt. The reality is - you always do care! [end flashbacks] Shay: .....That’s right. I don’t want to lose my family or friends again! I will fight to get back what I lost!
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lncarnon · 9 months
For once, when Shay reached the brothel through the usual service door that he preferred to in order to avoid detection, the scene that welcomed him was a bit different; Melissa was not dressed as one ready for the bed and the kitchen was not yet cleaned after a long day of work.
Instead, a small banquet was presented: obviously for no more than two, but the layout of the table and the madame's grin made it all very clear that he was the guest she had been waiting for. Motioning for him to take a seat and approaching Shay with the intention of taking his cloak, Melissa chuckled at his expression and offered an explanation.
"It's Christmas - how long has it been since you had a proper holiday meal?" she queried with some genuine curiosity, but mostly kindness, too. Whatever strange ways had brought them together had shown to the woman that Shay, as dangerous as he could be, was not her enemy - or her girls'. The larger picture of things was hardly tangible for commonfolk like Melissa; she just cared to have a place and some semblance of peace, one that the man seemed to be willing to protect.
"Merry Christmas, Mr. Cormac," a kiss was pressed to his cheek next, "I hope it is to your liking."
Christmas. It was not a holiday that he often considered anymore. Ever since the loss of his mother, there wasn't much in his family's ideals that met up with the idea of being cheerful. They did what they could to survive, what greater joy was there than to simply be alive? Even now, when he had the money and the means to make something out of a festive time of year, the most he could offer was his sailors some time away from sea to be with whoever they thought was deserving of their time. It was the least he could offer outside their impressive pay, for being loyal, a quality that seems far more few and far between these days.
It was business as usual otherwise. He had people to see and talk to about things that went bump in the night. Shay had been that knife in the ribs for a long time now; both as an assassin and as a templar it had been in his very nature to take lives and root out information. This day would be no different.
So he walks, taking a path he knows by heart now. Perhaps to some his frequency to the place was something quite dubious. He went in and came out later looking just as he had before, no tussled hair or disheveled clothes. Maybe he cleaned up good. It was a secret he had been poke for before by a few others in the order who had decided to keep eyes on him. For that he could not place blame. Shay had been one of their greatest enemies before, and taken the lives of their friends by his own hand. Some found him a stroke of luck, others thought a red herring.
Entering the establishment he is floored and left quite speechless. He doesn't give any signs of resistance that might generally be his response. The ladies here had tried more than a few times to get him out of his uniform, with none finding more success than Melissa just had. It takes a moment for him to even consider the dangerous weapon strapped to his wrist that she would be able to see now, without his heavy coat concealing it.
Giving a sheepish smile and bringing that same hand behind his back Shay bows his head, keeping the hidden blade out of sight.
"I do not know, Melissa. Quite some time indeed. My line of works keeps me busy through most every type of celebration that comes along... At least, the best of us try and keep up appearances." He delivers a soft chuckle, the sound very genuine considering the mental image he has of one of his fellow templars.
Bringing forward the hand not hidden away it is a gentle caress across her cheek that he uses to keep Melissa close, peering into her eyes for a short spell. What he looks for he does not know. Perhaps the whispers of deceit, he is a liar amongst liars after all. Or something far less sinister, something like a question, lingering on the tip of his tongue and he might find the words if he looks at her for guidance.
Whatever it is doesn't come quick enough, and he saves face by pressing a gentle kiss to her opposite cheek.
"You have my gratitude," he says, and what is left unspoken is that she could have just about anything else from him as well. "I see no reason why I would be unhappy."
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fauscailt · 2 years
.tag dump
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discountwives · 2 years
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the carpenter and the stable boy 
refs i used:
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taglist (lmk if you wanna be added or taken off!): @sanderswife @nikkzships @whisperinghaunts @paperweightlovers @tex-treasures @captainscyarika @suzuyalove
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shaycormacaroni · 2 years
Honestly I strive to have the same level of confidence of Shay jumping this👌 close to rocks.
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rogaire-a · 3 years
I must have a headcanon about this somewhere on my old blog, but Shay sleeps more at ease when he’s with someone. 
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Somewhere in North Atlantic, 1752...
(During a mission)
Shay: [Complaining about the mission and Chevalier]
Liam: "Shay..."
Shay: "What?"
Liam: "Your Irish accent's slippin' again..."
Shay: "Wha- Liam, I'm being serious-"
Somewhere in Osaka, 1985...
(2 months before the Ueno Seiwa Hit)
Majima: "Admit it! I nearly had ya!"
Saejima: "Nearly counts fer not'in, kyoudai. 'Sides, nah. That's just luck"
Majima: "I made mah own luck... kyoudai"
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