#i may have made him look a little too close to how i imagine jake but ill worry about that later
raven-watcher · 1 year
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11 notes · View notes
fleet-of-fiction · 8 months
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Jake Kiszka // Female Reader
Summary: It's your job to translate. But when Jake asks for private Spanish lessons, it complicates things. You try to fight it, but one night the fight gets all too real. And you realise you need him more than you ever thought you could.
Trigger Warnings: Mild S/H. Physical Violence. Full penetrative sex. Foreplay including oral. All the usual smut warnings.
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"En español, Jake!" You admonished, tapping your finger down onto the page with vitriol.
He looked up at you with a frustrated sigh. As if the words were swimming around in his head but simply refused to spill out of his poised mouth.
"I'm so sorry." He apologised, slamming the book closed. "I just can't imagine why you haven't punched me in the face yet."
You had a little sympathy for him. Learning a new language in adulthood was fastidiously hard. You'd watched him for hours trying to curl his tongue around the way things were spoken in conjunction to how they were written down.
"The thought may have crossed my mind." You replied playfully, stashing the book back in your bag.
He watched you gathering your things together. Leaning back in his chair, arm draped casually down the back as you tried to pretend that you weren't aware.
"Why won't you let me take you out for a drink?" He asked, again, leaning forward onto the table. "It's just one drink, where's the harm?"
You slipped your bag over your shoulder and gave him the same balanced look you had given him all the other times he had tried to convince you to go out with him for a harmless drink.
"Jake, I can't keep doing this with you."
His arms were crossed as he leaned on the table. Long, lithe fingers locked together as he tried to downplay the disappointment. There was a sadness there in his eyes as he tried to smile.
"I know. I'm sorry, I just lose my head around you sometimes." He uttered, cracking his knuckles as he got up to walk you to the door.
You stopped in the hall to slip your shoes back on. Conscious of his eyes burning into the back of you. It would have made you uncomfortable were it not for the fact that every single time you had told him no a small part of you had died inside. These stolen moments where you knew he was studying your body were all you could enjoy.
When you turned around he was holding the door open for you. A thousand things on his mind that he ached to say, but couldn't.
"Maybe we shouldn't do this anymore." You suggested, "I mean, it was a crazy idea to begin with. I'm not a Spanish tutor, I'm your fucking translator. I'm already on the payroll. It'd be like dating my boss. You know that's why I have to say no, right?"
It was a downright lie.
He raised a hopeful eyebrow. "And not because you don't think I'm sexy?"
He was insufferable in the way you couldn't stand the fact he made you laugh. That had been the reason you had agreed to give him Spanish lessons in the first place. Because he had made you laugh with his goofy silliness. His self deprecating manner was endearing. And you hated him for that.
"Comportate, por favor." You told him, slipping out of the door before you changed your mind.
You weren't averse to dating rock stars. There had been times, in the past, where you had been hired to go on tour with artists who didn't speak the language of the countries they were moving through. It had been your job to liaise with concert venues, hotels and media outlets. Sometimes allowing yourself to be courted by these melodic creatures. There was something about musicians that drew you in.
Perhaps it was because they were poets. They valued art over everything else. To you, language was the most powerful art of all. To have the knowledge of words that could be understood the world over was truly a gift. And you could speak eight of them.
When Jake had asked you to teach him one of your gifts, initially you had balked at the idea. There was something about Jake that made you nervous. He made you feel like a song with just a fleeting glance. You weren't sure of yourself around him. It felt as if at any given moment something beautiful might happen. He wasn't a temporary fuck on a job you knew would only last a few weeks before moving on to the next. You knew, intrinsically, that if you allowed him to touch you there was no moving on from it.
He was peering at you from his porch steps as you got into your car. Patiently waiting until your seatbelt was on before waving sweetly. Like a Grandma would. Only stopping when you were out of sight.
"Damn you, Jake..." You whispered to yourself as you turned the corner, wishing you could rescind the past seven days.
You slammed the overhead locker shut and slumped into your seat below. Eye mask lingering on your forehead, ready to be pulled down so that the fluorescent lights on the plane didn't give you a migraine. Your skin was moisturised, your hair coiled in loose braids down each shoulder. Ready to sleep for the next eleven hours.
You watched the rest of the crew and management team take their seats. The unspoken rule of long haul flights being that nobody conversed. Nobody disturbed the other. It was a time to rest and reflect before chaos ensued.
"Do you mind if I sit here?" He asked, swinging himself into the seat beside you before you could protest.
Your mouth agape, you watched him get comfortable in the space where you had planned to put your feet.
"Jake?" You sighed. "I thought you were sitting with your brothers up front?"
He shrugged nonchalantly. "I wanted to sit here, with you."
You were still waiting for him to embellish as he pushed his shoes off and stretched his feet out. He was wearing those blue jeans with the cut in the knee he had worn every day the previous week, with a ripped hem shirt that was only buttoned half way. His chains hanging against his flesh between the opening.
You wondered how a person could endure eleven hours in clothes like that, but Jake always seemed to put style over comfort. It was one of the first things you'd taken in about him. Every single facet of his being was a token of his personality. He was his own canvas.
You couldn't help but smile.
"Ok, fine." You allowed, "But we're not having an impromptu lesson or anything, I plan to sleep."
You slipped down your eye mask and tried to hide the fact you were terrified of flying as the plane took off. The rumble and strange loss of gravity churning your stomach as you gripped the arm rest. Only settling once you were in the air and the subtle sounds of people sleeping and turning the pages of books was all you could hear.
He kept silent while you slept. And when you awoke to find your legs splayed across his lap, you flinched involuntarily. His head snapped up from the back of his seat. Eyes wide and for a moment neither of you could remember where you were.
You weren't sure how you'd ended up in the position you found yourself in. If he had placed your legs there himself, in some act of kindness you'd not asked for. Or if you had done it yourself in your sleep, and he had simply allowed it.
"Sorry." You grumbled, taking back your feet and slipping the eye mask around your frazzled braids.
"You don't like flying, huh?" He asked, running a hand through his knotted locks.
You were quick to defend yourself. "What makes you say that?"
The most heart breaking memory seemed to come to him. Smiling as if he may never have that time back. You felt the blood rush to your head as he looked at you. His deep brown eyes catching yours for the briefest of moments.
"You reached out for me in your sleep." He replied, almost in sadness.
You blushed. Turning away from him hastily, busying yourself with the book on the small table in front of you. Feeling foolish. As if you had spoiled something already.
"I didn't mean to." You said quietly, fixating on the page without being able to focus on any of the words.
"You worry too much." He commented, straightening up in his seat to reveal that all of his buttons were now undone.
As he stretched, he revealed a smooth chest and small ripples of flesh around his stomach. The muscles above taut and lean from years of grinding into his guitar.
You excused yourself to the bathroom. Brushing past him as you climbed out of your seat. Feeling dizzy as you walked down the aisle towards the illuminated rest room sign.
Splashing your face with cold water did little to dispel your nerves. Staring at yourself in the mirror, telling yourself to hold your reserve. He didn't deserve to hold your attention like this. How had he crawled beneath your skin so easily?
It wasn't exactly love at first sight. But it was something akin. The first time you had spoken. You felt it. The ache. Like a little electric burn. Because of him.
You sucked in your breath and uncoiled your braids. Ran careful fingers through your hair until the waves were smooth. Reminded yourself that it was just another job. And walked back to your seat with irrational confidence that you could endure the rest of the flight by his side.
Confidence which ebbed as you noted the glasses of rum and coke sitting on the tray tables. The froth still fizzing on the surface of the ice. He was chewing on his bottom lip absently until he noticed you. Immediately stiffening as you breezed back into your seat. Looking slightly different than when you had left.
"You've hijacked me, you do realise that, don't you?"
He picked up his glass and raised it as if to make a toast.
"I don't have a clue what you're talking about." He feigned. "I just thought you might be thirsty."
There was a devious glint in his eye. One which made you bend to his will. You picked up your glass and didn't really feel in the mood for rum so soon after waking up, but up in the air it didn't really feel like morning or evening. You were in limbo. The only place where you would ever agree to have a drink with him.
"This isn't a date." You confirmed. "This is not me agreeing to go for a drink with you. This is two colleagues having a drink on the same flight together."
It was precisely what he had wanted, packaged in another name. He knew it and so did you.
"Cheers." He said brazenly, tapping the rim of his glass against yours. "Here's to colleagues having a drink together."
You rolled your eyes. "We'll only ever be friends, Jake."
There was something oddly beautiful about silence. Music was the beating heart of the world. There was a song for every emotion ever felt by anyone anywhere. But when the music stopped, it was like the echo was felt universally. Bones and blood coming down from the euphoria. There was something about Jake that made it so hard to come down from.
You were standing behind the stage. The tones of the final note still playing out. Your eyes closed and your hands clutching a crisp white envelope tightly. The silence was deafening.
And then he was there. Peeling off his jacket. The sweat glistening in the stage lights. He handed his guitar to one of the stage technicians and noticed you waiting by the door. Not where you usually could be found.
"Buenas noches." You said, tilting your head as he approached.
"Evening." He replied, in English. "What do I owe the pleasure?"
You hadn't seen him all day. You'd been endlessly scrolling through potential activities for a day away from the stage. So rarely did these days come about, it had felt as if you had to find the most perfect venue. The tour manager had given you only three proviso's. Somewhere beautiful to film social media content. Somewhere all four of the band members could enjoy. Somewhere quintessentially Spanish.
"I think I've found the ideal place for your day off." You said, handing him the Vineyard confirmation.
He unfolded the paper and scanned the document. Looking up at you as if you were the most perfect creature to ever walk the earth. It dawned on you that you didn't have to be stood there in that moment, but you'd been so excited to tell him. Aching for a glimpse of him. Afraid that you wouldn't get one.
"A real Spanish Vineyard?"
You nodded. "And a tour of the distillery where they make brandy, too."
"This is perfect." He replied, eager to hug you but consciously aware that he was dripping in stage sweat. "And you'll be there, won't you?"
"Hardly be doing my job if I wasn't."
He lingered there with you. In the silence. The subtle reminder that you worked for him completely disregarded as he took the liberty of waiting until his brothers had walked past before shakily trailing his fingertips down the side of your cheek.
"Bello..." You heard him say, before he dropped his hand and you felt the absence of it so deeply you weren't certain how you could walk away from him and feel whole ever again.
You barely slept. Questioning yourself as you tossed and turned in the darkness. Irritated by the inner monologue that told you to re-think your outfit choice. It had to be light and airy for the warm sunshine. But not too revealing for the classy Vineyard aesthetic. You wanted Jake to look at you and think you pretty. But it couldn't be too obvious that you'd chosen the outfit just for him. Because you didn't want to choose the outfit just for him. You were consumed by the need for his attention. And hating yourself for it wasn't getting any easier.
The sleep deprivation hit you as you stepped out into the heat. Not yet noon and it was scorching down on your shoulders. The yellow sun dress which had been your fourth and final choice had tiny spaghetti straps that did little to protect your skin. Your white wide rimmed hat provided a little shade, but in the end you knew you'd walk away from the day with pink and red stripes.
You were already at the Vineyard when he arrived. Awaiting his arrival with the tour manager and social media assistant. Spilling out of the mini van, it appeared the sleepless night had been a friend to them all. Four sets of shades hid the dark circles. You couldn't help but smile ironically.
But they were like curious children as soon as the first taste hit. Jake, listening to the tour guide speaking a mixture of English and Spanish, turning to you for confirmation on anything he didn't understand. Swilling the wine in his taster glass, as he'd been instructed, endearingly involving himself even though you could sense that he was so tired.
You found some shade as the tour came to an end. Beneath a eucalyptus tree. Fanning your dress out as you sat on the little wooden bench under the arching branches. Watching Jake filming content with his brothers, happy to just be there. Relieved that your skin was not too sun kissed. The joviality of Jake and his brothers was a joy to behold. Their subtle differences in the way they reacted to each wine was comical and you found yourself drifting into a state of bliss you'd never found whilst on a tour job before.
He was wearing his shirt open at the chest again. Chains glistening in the afternoon sun as he came to sit with you. The entire group dispersing into their own little activities. He handed you a glass of red, noticing that it was the one you'd liked the most whilst on the tour.
"I feel as if I haven't seen you all day." He said, shuffling up the bench so that he was closer to you.
"I've been by your side the whole time." You replied bashfully.
He didn't seem to care, though. "I felt it yesterday too, when I actually didn't see you all day."
You took a languid sip, feeling the wine go down past the lump in your throat. His knee conspicuously close to yours. The fabric of your dress billowing in the breeze, threatening to lift and reveal your flesh. He noticed and pressed his leg against yours, the motion driving you irrevocably insane.
"What are you doing, Jake?" You asked, keeping your voice low.
You could smell the wine on his breath as he leaned in.
"How do you say... I want to rip your clothes off and fuck you until you can't stand up straight...in Spanish?"
The glass felt loose in your hand. As if his words had shaken your core and you couldn't ground yourself.
"Do you enjoy this?" You asked, more curtly than you'd anticipated. "Like it's not hard enough already?"
You'd hurt his feelings. All the happiness of the day seemed to drain from him as he moved his leg away. Another absence of his touch you felt so completely, it was as if you'd fade away entirely if he ever touched you again.
"Why do you constantly deny me?!"
He was livid. You could feel the bench move as he trembled.
"I could understand it if the feelings weren't reciprocated. I'd have asked you out, you'd have said no. Told me that you're not interested and yeah, it would have sucked and I'd have taken it on the chin. But I'm not stupid, I know you want me. And no amount of telling me that we're just friends is going to change that."
He downed his wine. You waited for him to get up and leave, but he remained at your side. A trembling mess as he waited for you to say something that might give him hope.
"You have no right to say that to me...no right!" You almost bellowed, feeling the rage prick at your fingertips. "When all I have done has been to preserve myself. And you. From hurt. And confusion."
"I'm not confused." He was quick to say, gripping the neck of his wine glass so tightly his knuckles turned white. "I know what I want."
"You think this is easy for me?"
You glanced across the courtyard towards the distillery where Jake's brother, Josh, was chatting with some of the staff. His eyes wandering back to you and Jake. His interest piqued as your voices began to rise above the din.
Jake's shoulders slumped. "It doesn't have to be this hard!"
You tried to smile reassuringly as you caught Josh's eye. He smiled back, returning reluctantly to his conversation. Suddenly everything began to turn into a surreal dream. Everything was perfect save for this one moment. You wanted nothing more than to turn back time, just by five minutes, and say or do something differently.
"I'm not about to complicate things for a quick fuck, Jake. I still have a job to do." You whispered, "I don't want to spend the next two weeks feeling like this..."
"Oh, what?" He replied, all the hurt you had caused him spilling out in his tone. "Like you've never fucked somebody on tour before?!"
There it was. All his hurt laid bare and all the hurt you had feared manifesting itself in the instant regret he felt as you turned to face him. All the times you'd rejected him kept in a little bottle in his heart, smashing there on the ground at your feet.
His head began to shake, his mouth open against apologies that wouldn't come out. His arms up in defence as if you were about to strike him. And all you could do was stare at him in disbelief.
"That's real nice, Jake." You managed, "Yeah. Ok, you want to play it that way? You're not wrong. I fucked a few guys on jobs in the past. Sure. They didn't care and neither did I. Why would it be awkward if you know you're never going to see them again? It meant nothing. What do you want me to say? That I'm terrified that this time it's different? That fucking you will never just be casual? That I know I'll fall in love with you the minute you kiss me? Huh? Is that what you want to hear? Stay the fuck away from me!"
You were still reeling as you stepped into the cool night air. Cardigan wrapped around you as the wind picked up. It was late but the hotel was situated in a sleepy little town ten minutes outside Barcelona. Lights were still twinkling in the distance. The faint sounds of people sitting outside bars and cafes sounding on the breeze. The gentle waves lapping at the shore in the pitch black.
You couldn't sleep again. Not plagued by irrelevant outfit choices this time, but instead you were horrified by yourself. By the way you had left things at the Vineyard. By how you had made your way back to the hotel without him. Not even looking at him when you'd seen him at dinner. You had felt his eyes burning into you, though. Losing your appetite entirely.
It felt as if a walk would clear your head. Bring you to some conclusion that would give you a reason to carry on. You'd been on the cusp of quitting and taking the next flight back to Nash before slipping on your sandals and cardigan and heading for the empty beach.
The sand was cool to the touch as you slinked down into it. The moon illuminating the curl of each small wave as it encroached onto the flat shoreline. The ever twinkling lights of the buildings which stretched across the coast were like stars upon the land. And you were lost in thought about Jake. About how you were going to make everything right.
So lost were you that you hadn't noticed that you were no longer alone. Catching them in the corner of your eye as they approached, as if they'd walked directly out of the black sea. A man, wearing nothing but a tattered white t-shirt and blue board shorts, waved to you inconsequentially.
You made the mistake of waving back. An impulse. Not an invitation to be disturbed. Your heart sank as they changed their direction, instead of carrying on across the shoreline, they diverted up the beach towards you. An errant smile on a bearded face greeted you as you tried to stand up.
"Oh, no. Please...stay where you are." He insisted, and you smiled because you thought he merely meant to pass you by.
When he didn't you felt yourself rooted to the spot. The darkness somehow darker than it had felt a moment ago.
"I was just leaving." You said as politely as you could.
He smelled like tobacco and body odour. The state of his feet alarmed you, as if he hadn't worn shoes for a very long time. He was sitting opposite you, as if you were friends enjoying an evening under the stars. But the hair on the back of your neck was poised. Your blood began to run cold.
"Oh, come on now." He replied, playfully with a hint of malice. "You're American, yes? I love America."
You had no desire to stay in his company. But something told you not to move. A primal instinct maybe?
"Uh, yeah." You replied, trying to keep your responses civil but brief.
He moved closer. His scent drifting in on the sea breeze. You recoiled. Feeling entirely foolish for stepping out of the hotel thinking you'd be safe.
"What's the matter?" He asked then, his voice low and gruff from years of smoking. "I just want to sit with you, alright?"
You uncrossed your legs. "I really...I was honestly just about to leave..."
He placed a dirty hand on your knee to prevent you from standing. You felt the fear grip you and choke you. Tears forming in your eyes as your lip began to tremble.
"Be a friendly girl and sit with me a while." He insisted. "I just want to talk to you."
He could see that you were afraid. Almost aroused by it. He moved to sit by you. Rubbing a calloused hand up your shin towards your knee. A broken scream was stuck in your throat. Warm tears streaming down your face.
"I have a boyfriend." You choked out, frozen into the sand as you willed it to swallow you.
"No boyfriend that I can see right now."
Something inside you snapped. The thought of Jake. Calling him your boyfriend. You didn't care about anything beyond him. Not your job nor the fears which you'd been running from. None of it made sense anymore. You could feel yourself begin to panic. Your chest moving against deep breaths. Your heart beating erratically.
You dared to push his hand away from you.
"I thought I told you to be friendly..." He hissed.
There wasn't a part of you that had any thoughts running through your mind as you heard the switch in his voice from playful malice to direct evil. You gathered the sand in your fist and threw it into his face, hearing him reel back and grunt in anger as you tried to run away.
Your sandals filled with sand though, preventing you from gaining any real speed. The scream which left you came from somewhere deep within, so blood curdling you weren't even sure it was you making the sound. It felt as if you dared not look back in case he was right behind you.
Three things seemed to happen all at once. The first was your body crushed to the ground. Sand in your mouth. The sensation that you were about to be buried alive. The second was the almost immediate release. Air rushing to your lungs as you swallowed the grit. And the third was Jake.
You stumbled onto your feet. Tears streaming down your face, spitting sand out as you felt yourself on the verge of vomiting. You blinked a few times, using your sleeve to wipe away the blurring tears.
All you could see was Jake. A pair of blue board shorts beneath him. His arm reeling back again and again and again as he rained down blow after blow.
"What the fuck did you do to her?!" He cried, cracking his fist against the bloodied face below him. "I will fucking kill you... I swear to god..."
You hadn't known Jake that long. But long enough to know he was loving and kind. That he chose to sit in corners and watch over being the centre of attention. He was funny and unserious in private with those he trusted best and stoic around people he didn't know. You'd never imagined he could be capable of such violence. When pushed, he was an animal.
"Jake!" You screamed. "Please, stop it!!!"
He didn't hear you at first. Picking up the guy by the scruff of his shirt, rattling his head before shoving it back into the sand. Landing a final, brutal kick to the stomach.
When Jake looked over at you, it was like he was seeing you for the first time. His chest heaving against catching his breath. His knuckles red and covered in blood. Not certain if it was Jake's blood, or the guy who was writhing around on the sand's. You reached for him.
But Jake didn't move. "Did he hurt you?"
You shook your head, feeling vulnerable in a way you'd never felt before.
"He started to but I ran. I'm so sorry, I was so stupid. I should have stayed in my room. I just needed to get some air...I can't believe this is happening...oh god, look at you..."
Jake noticed his hand. He shook off the blood and looked down at what he had done. The nose was broken and the eye sockets already swelling. Blood streaming from the guy's mouth. He spat a few teeth out and groaned in pain, clutching at his stomach as his white t-shirt turned red.
"No. You shouldn't have to stay in your room. You should be able to walk outside if you want to walk outside. It's fuckers like this who need to stay the fuck inside." He shoved his foot into the place where he had kicked, making sure to cause more pain. "Call the police."
"I can't." You sobbed. "They'll take you away, too."
He knew it as well as you did. They'd take him in. Question him. Stick an assault charge on him. You'd need a lawyer. You'd have to tell them what that disgusting guy had tried to do to you. You didn't want any of it. You just wanted to translate Vineyard tours, not police interrogations.
Jake leaned down and pressed his foot into the bloodied cheek.
"You better get the fuck out of here. I've got an entire security team in that hotel and they aren't little guys like me. They'll take you to fucking hell."
The adrenaline was still pumping as Jake stood back. Raking his bloody fist through his hair. Letting the guy stumble away, clutching his stomach as he spat blood onto the white sand. It wasn't until he was half way down the beach that Jake finally breathed. Letting out the most painful groan you'd ever heard. Your instincts telling you to protect him at all costs.
"What the fuck were doing out there?" You asked, cracking open the first aid kit in your hotel room. "Were you following me?"
He was sitting on the edge of the bed. Wincing as you knelt at his feet to wipe his hand with antiseptic. You held it within yours gently. Blowing cool air onto his grazed knuckles as you tried not to hurt him. You were still fighting back tears as you looked him in the eye.
"I didn't know you were out there." He said solemnly, tears of his own forming on the rim of his eye lashes. "I guess I had the same idea as you did. And then I heard you scream."
"What if you hadn't been there..."
You fell into his arms. Your entire body shaking as you sobbed. If you'd been afraid of loving him it felt so foolish now. You were consumed by love.
"I knew..." You tried to say, breathing hard against his bare chest.
You felt him cup your chin in his unspoiled hand. Forcing you to look at him.
"I knew from the start." You swallowed. "From the moment I saw you that I'd be fucked up forever. One look and I was gone. Washed away...in a landslide...because of your perfect face."
He fought against a smile.
"I knew you'd ruin me for anyone else." You said, "That's why I said no. All those times...no. How could I say yes to you? When saying yes meant I had to love you without fear."
He returned his fingertips to your cheek and you knew his touch was meant to heal you.
"Are you afraid now?" He asked quietly.
He was the kind of person that you knew you would end up falling in love with. You had perhaps always known it from the moment he was introduced to you. . There was a feeling which sat exactly right in your chest. You didn't want to ever say that you loved him for fear that he would leave. But you knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you didn't want to spend your time with anyone else.
"I was afraid that you'd break my heart." You sighed, the shadow of that fear dissipating. "But not anymore."
"I shouldn't have said what I said earlier at the Vineyard. I was wrong to call you out like that. It's none of my business who you've fucked in the past."
You appreciated his apology, but it had little place in the moment. You would never truly understand what he had sacrificed that night. He'd never lost his cool like that, ever. He was sorry for the things which he had said, but there was no apology needed. Not after what he had done for you.
"It doesn't matter." You shrugged, pressed an ice pack against his hand as you flipped the first aid kit shut. "All that matters now, is us."
He took that as his permission to kiss you. Leaning in to it slowly. Keeping your eyes focused on his. Feeling the heat of his breath before his lips reached you. And when they did, your eyes were closed and his lips were soft against yours. They parted slightly, allowing for his tongue to slip into your mouth.
You knelt up to lock your arms around his neck. Bodies pressed together heatedly against each other. You could taste the shared breath. Feel the thud of your combined hearts. Fumbling to be free of your cardigan.
Heat blossomed in your chest. Sparks igniting as Jake pulled you closer against his open shirt. Tentatively, for the first time, he uttered your name as his mouth momentarily parted from yours before returning to you as if he hadn't whispered it at all.
"Jake..." You responded, breathy and almost too shrouded in whisper to hear.
But he did hear you. Gripping your hips tighter as he deepened the kiss. Pulling you up onto his body as he leaned back onto the bed, your legs parted on either side of his waist. Weeks of tension flowing out of both of you.
But nothing happened that night. The evening had caused an exhaustion which both of you shared as you slipped into the curve of his arm. Kissing him in small increments, stopping only to appreciate his face in the moon light which flooded in from the window. Caressing his bare chest, playing with his chains as he pressed his lips against your forehead. Your leg draped casually over his, tangled in each other for the first time.
There was no need for anything else. Loving him with abandon for all the accompanying things you'd told yourself. All the reasons you'd given yourself not to enter into this with him. Wishing that he had been your first love. So that you could have loved him sooner, instead of looking for malice in his pure intentions. Looking for ways to never have to give yourself to him. With Jake as your first love, you would have only known love to be like velvet.
But he wasn't. He was going to be your last love, you knew you would die to make that happen.
Jake kept his busted hand bandaged up the next day. Telling anyone who cared to ask that he had dropped his guitar case and fucked up his knuckles trying to save it. It was an unlikely story, but nobody dared to question it. Least of all the security team that would have been heavily judged for not being there to break up a fight.
You were relieved to move on. Telling yourself that it wasn't your fault, that you'd done nothing wrong. And yet, a voice echoed in the back of your mind screaming blame for what Jake had been forced to do.
Even as you boarded the plane to leave the country, it was still playing on a loop in the back of your mind. That rough, dirty hand moving up your leg. The blood. The sand in your mouth. The way he had kissed you that night afterwards...
"Do you mind if I sit here?" He asked, looking down at you with a wicked grin.
The flight from Spain to England was only a few short hours. Nothing which required sleep or tentative dream induced embraces. You felt yourself blush as he slipped into the seat beside you. Feeling entirely different. Grateful for the distraction from your thoughts.
"Maybe we should have an impromptu lesson this time." You suggested, "I haven't heard you use your words at all this week."
Jake pulled off his shades, slipping them into his breast pocket as he kicked off his shoes and offered you his hand to hold as the plane took off.
"If I tell you that asking for lessons was a ploy to get closer to you and nothing else, would you be mad?" He asked, deadly serious, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb.
Everything he had done before the previous night meant little. You didn't care.
"Crees que eres tan listo." You replied, "But truthfully, I knew you had no intention of ever learning any of it."
He would have pulled you into one of those kisses. The urge was there on his lips as he licked them, eyes focusing in on yours.
"Besides, we're in England for the next three days. You're going to have a lot of free time." He joked, knowing that you'd have to be preparing to liaise with the concert venue and hotel in Germany for the week ahead. "What's the plan to fill it all?"
It felt like the entire time you'd known him had been foreplay. Leading up to this. A game of cat and mouse that you'd secretly wanted to end with all the sex you'd imagined having with him. Because you had imagined having sex with him.
"Maybe you could help me with that." You giggled, feeling the heat rise in your cheeks.
He stared at you for a moment. Trying to comprehend the words he thought he'd heard you say. He wasn't used to it. He expected you to rebuff him again. Even after spending the night wrapped in his arms, listening to his chest rise and fall against your cheek.
"Are you fucking serious?" He asked, gripping your hand more tightly.
You leaned in and placed your lips flush to his ear.
"Quiero arrancarte la ropa y follarte hasta que no puedas pararte derecho..." You whispered.
You felt his body close, his hand travel up your arm. Pulling you in. You let him. His brothers, Josh and Sam were sitting in the seats in front. And behind there was Danny, surrounded by people who would never know the secret you shared. Their eyes busy with anything but what the two of you were doing.
"I beg you, tell me what you just said."
You kissed him. Without shame. Without care if anyone noticed.
"I want to rip your clothes off and fuck you until you can't stand up straight..."
Throwing your luggage down, you tumbled into the bathroom. The anticipation was overwhelming. He'd been whispering in your ear the entire flight. All the things he was going to do to you. All the things he had imagined every single time you'd rejected him. The last thing he had said to you as you pulled up outside the hotel, weary and travel worn was a twenty minute warning that once you'd checked in and got to your room he was coming after you.
You grabbed your toiletries and began pulling your brush through your hair. Running the faucet until the water ran warm, rinsing the airport smell off your face. Shedding your clothes until you were down to your underwear, furiously brushing your teeth as you ran an electric razor up your leg.
Pulling open the elastic waist band of your panties, you peered down into the pubic hair you hadn't bothered to tidy up. Sighing at your own lack of foresight. Pushing your panties down to your ankles as you ran the shaver across your mound, wondering if he would care or even notice.
You slipped on your little white night robe over your underwear. Certain he would want you in a state of undress as he arrived. Perhaps expecting it. You regarded yourself in the mirror as you recalled his words.
"I'm going to taste that sweet pussy...You don't know how many times I've imagined what you taste like..."
You tightened the belt of your robe, feeling the length of silk material between your fingers as you pulled on it.
"You've pissed me off so much lately, I'm going to fuck that right out of you..."
Catching yourself breathing heavily, you placed the flat of your hand to the centre of your cleavage. Pressing down to feel your own heart beat.
"You know I would beat any man who tried to hurt you...you know that, don't you? Nobody's ever going to touch you again. Only me..."
Something stirred in that space between your chest and stomach. Something you had no name for. You weren't afraid when you remembered how he had lost his mind over the thought of you getting hurt. You were turned on.
"I'm getting hard right now thinking about getting to the hotel... You've got twenty minutes until I knock on your door..."
When you'd thought of the kind of lover he might be, you'd been inclined to imagine him soft and thoughtful. But there was something in those words that had been savage and downright filthy. He'd taken delight in watching you squirm in your seat, looking around to make sure nobody was listening.
Kissing you until you giggled. His lips making moist trails down your neck. Not leaving you alone for a moment, not even when people walked past your seats and witnessed exactly what he was doing to you. You'd be the talk of the tour, now.
The soft knock broke your reverie. You flinched, realising you'd been standing in front of the mirror lost in thought. Feeling as if your life was going to change the moment you opened the door. You sprayed some perfume into the air and walked through it as you headed out of the bathroom.
You only opened the door a notch before he slipped through the gap. Hands creeping down your back, gripping your ass cheeks tightly as he pulled them apart and pressed you against the hotel room wall. His mouth was on yours before speaking. Lapping his tongue into your mouth, feeling it brush against yours in a kiss that was the most desperate you'd ever felt him be.
"Fuck!" He groaned, "I can't believe I finally get to do this with you."
He put you down on the bed. Releasing you so that you fell onto the sheets and pillows, the sweetest laughter sounding out from the pit of your stomach.
Ripping open his shirt, he slipped it off his shoulders and began fighting to ease his belt. You watched curiously. Opening your robe to reveal the white bra and panties beneath.
All the laughter gone as you eyed his hard cock. Sitting there beneath his boxers, large and imposing. He gripped it in his hand. moving the erection up a little so that the tip peeked out from his waist band.
"How bad do you want it?" He asked, taking one of your ankles in his free hand and pulling you effortlessly down the bed.
You were under some sort of spell. There was no other explanation for how you found the confidence to respond. You would have fallen into embarrassment otherwise. Afraid to be vocal about what you wanted. Jake liked to talk, and talking was your gift. It made sense to you, more than ever, to use your words.
"I want you so bad, Jake. I can't stand it..."
He nodded, casting his gaze down the length of your body.
"Fuck, you're sweet. You're so god damn sweet, I just want to sink my teeth into every inch of you."
You pointed your toes, lifting your leg up to run the length of his torso. When you ran it back down, you lingered at his waist band. Hooking your toe beneath it, pulling it down just a little further so that his cock sprang free.
"Pain..." You gasped under your breath.
His hand curled around the hard base. "I won't fuck you sore, I'll make sure you're wet enough first."
You could feel the pressure building in your centre. You slipped your hand down beneath your panties and felt the wetness increase. You were already enough for him to slip inside of.
You were about to pull your hand out when he shook his head.
"No. Keep it there." He instructed, making shallow breaths as he began to move his hand up and down his own cock. "Slip your panties to the side, just a little bit. I want to see your lips down there..."
Yours were like little pink ribbons. Your clit was swollen and ready at the peak, the tiny head budding out from beneath the hood as you pulled it back with the flat of your fingers. Keeping your eyes on him the entire time. Allowing the sight of him at the foot of the bed to spur you on.
His head was flushed pink. White beads of pre-cum leaking out onto his fingers as he squeezed at the end. A throbbing vein pulsated down the centre of the shaft, his eyes half closed as he watched you plane your fingers down the slit, opening up your entrance for him to see.
"Take everything off." He ordered, the faded tan lines on his chest from the Vineyard making you smile as he kicked off his boxers.
Jake knelt onto the edge of the bed as you unhooked your bra. Your breasts spilling out of the white lace, round and firm with two hard buds in the centre of rippled goose flesh as you felt a cold shiver down your spine. Everything felt as if it were happening in a dream.
"These eyes stay on me while I'm inside you." He said, a hand suddenly reaching up for your jaw, tilting your face upward as he drank you in. "You understand me?"
You nod pitifully. Knowing his strength. Knowing there was aggression simmering beneath his cool exterior. Knowing you would do anything to placate him. Even though it made your pussy throb to think of how masterful he could be when cornered.
He inched two fingers into his mouth. A trail of saliva hanging down from his lip as he brought them to your needy cunt. You were a trembling mess as he hooked them inside you, watching your face for that blissful relief.
"Tell me how that feels."
You couldn't speak for a moment. Taking in the sensation of him driving into you past his knuckles. His grazed hand came to rest on the bed beside your head, his hair and the chains around his neck reaching down into the space where he hovered above.
"So fucking good." You tried to say, your entire body shaking as he began to pound into you harder.
He grinned that confidence, the one he liked to smirk when he knew that he was doing something right. You'd seen it on his lips before. His pressure was delicious. Using hot force and a curl of his fingers to press down on that sweet spot inside.
You almost felt bereft when he pulled his fingers out completely, returning them to his mouth where he padded them across his tongue. Tasting you. Just the way he had said he would.
"Put your mouth on it." You told him, wondering if you were a part of this dominance play or if you'd stepped out of line.
"You really are a filthy little thing, aren't you?" His head bowed, he slid down your torso and down through the valley of your navel. "Fuck...if this isn't so worth the wait..."
You looked down past the curve of your breasts. To where his wild hair was splayed across your open thighs. His back arched as he opened his mouth. Taking in a full slick lick of your pussy lips that made you moan so loud you couldn't hold back. His lips pursed around your clit, sucking on it and lapping his tongue against the swollen bud.
"Se siente tan jodidamente bien..." You hissed through gritted teeth, trying to keep a grip on the bed sheets.
You felt the vibration of his moan against your clit. Listening to you speak like that, it made him drive his tongue further into your entrance. You felt the softness of it at the opening of your walls. Hearing him swallow your wetness, you tangled your hands into his hair and swept it into your fist.
You took a deep breath and pushed him deeper into your cunt. Hips bucking, pressure mounting in your core. You almost fucked his mouth yourself until he gripped your hips steady and reminded you who was in control.
"Hold still!" He called up, raising his head with your juice dripping from his bottom lip.
You were brought to stillness by his firm grip. His eyes locked on yours as he returned his mouth to you. His nose pressed flush against your clit as he buried his head. You ached to move. Arch your back. Grind your hips. Anything to release the mounting tension.
"I mean it Jake, I'm so fucking close..." You warned him.
You trembled and twitched against his tongue as he slowly brought it to rest at your mound. The sound of his name falling like gentle rain was like music to his ears. Your orgasm belonged to him. He looked up at you and viciously slammed his fingers back inside.
"Well, come on then." He urged. "Give it to me if you want to so badly."
You tossed your head back. He ravaged and ruined you. Pounding his fingers into your cunt violently as he returned to sucking on your clit, harder. The sound was like a wet popping as his fist pressed against your slipper lips. The moans you couldn't hold back shrieking out of you as he deviously refused to stop.
"That's it, baby." You heard him say below the wet pounding and your own vocals, "Show me what that pussy can do."
He watched you. Every breath. Ever shudder. He absorbed it all. Appreciating each and revelling in it all. You were his muse, his morning song. And as you came undone at the tip of his fingers and tongue, he felt your orgasm bloom into his mouth.
"Oh god..." He swallowed hard. "I fucking need it...."
You were still on the fringes of your climax as he pulled you up. Every point in your body a mess of tingles. You met his mouth again and tasted yourself there on his lips.
"Fuck me, Jake."
Positioning you on the pillows, he made you lean back against the head board. Crawling up to meet you, ensuring your eyes never left his.
"Ask me again."
You feel his hard erection pressed against your pussy lips and inner thigh.
"I want you to fuck me so good, Jake."
He lowered his head, coming to rest at your breasts. Scanning them with his tongue, sucking on your nipple as you try to keep yourself from melting into the bed sheets.
"Beg me." He said finally, sinking his teeth into your flesh.
All the words you could think of in any language you had ever known seemed to flee from you. There was only one that remained.
It wasn't enough. "Beg harder."
You sank your fingernails into his back. "Fuck me! Please, I want you to... punish me...for all the times I told you no... make me repent for it... I beg you."
He moved to bring himself into you. Slapping his thick, girthy cock against your still sensitive slit. Before you could scream, he had you pressed against the head board and his cock was buried so deeply inside you it took your breath away.
God, he felt so good. Like your walls had never welcomed such a perfect feeling. He filled you so good, just on the cusp of pain but you were wet enough to handle it. He'd promised you wouldn't be sore afterwards, and you believed him.
"Shit, you feel so..." He faltered, "Fuck, I can't explain it."
His mouth was at your throat. Sticky fingers rested against your wind pipe, not squeezing but simply holding you in place as he rocked into you.
It had all been too much. Too much waiting, too much anticipation.
"Use your words, Jakey, come on..." You closed your legs around his waist and felt him shudder as he thrusted.
He wants as much contact with you as possible. To keep your eyes locked with his. But to also feel your breasts bouncing against his bare chest. He wants to rub your clit as he shoves his cock into you so deep he wants to watch your pussy eat it up until it disappears inside you. He wants all of it whilst listening to you speak.
"Shut up." He managed, sweat dripping off his brow. "Just let me come inside you..."
You might have been offended, but you could tell the hold you had on him had him all speechless. You making him talk was taking him away from all his other senses. Which made you smile because Jake loved nothing more than being vocal.
"Why don't you make me?" You teased. "Fucking me with your big cock like that? You want me to shut up? Fucking come in me..."
As if he could read your mind, he abruptly picked up speed and grunted vividly into the curve of your neck. Slamming into you with his entire body. The sound of his skin slapping against yours is all that echoes in your ears. Muffling out the sound of Jake's tension, his panting as he let's go into your waiting pussy. Convulsing on top of you as you grip him tightly.
His hands come underneath you, kneading your ass cheeks as he slows down. Breathing hard against your chest.
"I had no idea you could fuck like that." You breathed, "You're a dark horse, Jake Kiszka."
He laughed and returned to you for gentle kisses that reminded you he was still the sweet one who had sat with you as you reached out for him in your sleep.
"I protect my woman and I fuck her good." He replied, with a hint of playfulness as he moved apart from you to slump at your side.
You watched his cock soften as he laid there. His seed still sitting at your entrance.
"Oh I'm your woman, am I?" You jested back.
He nodded, but didn't say anything. Before too long he was snoring quietly. Beautifully naked as he was sprawled out on your hotel room bed.
You slowly inched away, heading to the bathroom to clean yourself up while he slept. Feeling a little sore, after all.
@caprisunsister @thewritingbeforesunrise @takenbythemadness @katuschka @its-interesting-van-kleep @lvnterninthenight @writingcold @jakekiszkasbuttsweat @edgingthedarkness @velveteencatch @lyndz2names @nina-23-45 @itsafullmoon y @char289 @dancingcarbon @gvfpal @violetstarcatcher @wetkleenex-gvf @jazzyfigz @gvfmarge @ignite-my-fire
160 notes · View notes
jamsterrr · 3 months
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heeseung & jake. blessed - yet - cursed. best friends. love triangle.
description; people say trios don’t work , until they see you , heeseung and jake. then all of those doubts and thoughts cross over their head. but what they don’t know is what goes on behind closed doors, and what you don't know is, they're sneakier than you ever could've imagined.
words : 4.6k
heesung x jake x female!reader
contains. ‼️ ; cursing , sexual scenes , 18+ content , oral sex , vaginal sex , plot twist , may contain typos , unprotected sex , mentions of cheating , both jake and heeseung have a dirty mouth , dirty talk , face fucking , slapping , both or them are a little crazy as well , maybe something a little unsettling. ( let me know if i miss anything ! )
link to my masterlist . . . !
———— .. ᯓᡣ𐭩 ( start ... ) ᡣ𐭩ᯓ .. ————
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you hurried to class, a big smile on your face as you sat down next to sunghoon, placing your head on his shoulder as you looked up at him. "sorry i'm late" you smiled and sighed, the male leaning down and placing a soft yet sweet kiss to your lips.
your body melted before you pulled away and looked around the class. it was still fairly empty. you did get there a bit earlier than you normally did. "sorry, heeseung and jake wanted to walk with me here, but i told them no. that's what took me a bit longer" you explained, and he gently took your hand, smiling and placing his soft lips against the knuckles of your hand. "it's fine baby, i'm just glad you are here."
sunghoon wasn't too bothered with heeseung or jake. in the couple months of your relationship, he got to know them. he seen them as your older brothers, how they cared for you and treated you like their baby sister. so, he wasn't threatened at the fact that they would be around you every 24/7. he was just thankful when he needed alone time with you, he could have it.
you smiled and looked at him. "have i ever told you how amazing you were?" you spoke and he shook his head. "if i am, then it's only for you." you laughed at his corny response and continued to hold his hand until the professor walked in.
you held onto the males arm as the two of you walked out of class, sunghoon holding your hand, placing sporadic kisses on your knuckles. "so i was thinking, date tomorrow night?" he asked as you smiled and nodded your head. "it feels like it has been forever hoonie" you pouted playfully, your chin resting on his arm as you looked up at him. "sounds perfect baby" he spoke, your hands taking his into your hold before you spotted heeseung and jake walking towards the two of you. sunghoon smiled and bowed to them as he gently handed you your bag and cupped your cheeks, kissing you sweetly as you smiled in his hold. 'okay, okay bye bye" you smiled and placed a soft kiss on his lips once again before he walked away.
your eyes lingered on the male's body before turning towards jake and heeseung's who had a playfully disgusted look on their face. "oh shut up, like i haven't seen the two of you suck lips off of some poor girls face" you rolled your eyes, straightening the bag on your shoulder as you walked towards them.
"hey i didn't say anything" jake declared, laughing and shaking his head before walking. the three of you made your way down the side walk and to heeseung's car. "okay, what's the plan?" you ask curiously, your hand holding tightly onto your bookbag's strap. "food, obviously y/n" heeseung laughed as you hit his shoulder. "you're buying then" you smile. the three of you make your way to the school's cafeteria. stacking up on food. hell you paid to be here, to learn why not each as much as you can since there isn't a limit currently, and it was getting late. truthfully who was going to stop you.
"should i wear this?" you asked, bringing out a red sparkle dress, showing it to heeseung and jake, the both of them sitting upright on your bed. you were preparing for your date with sunghoon, having an hour before the promised time that he was going to be here. trying to get your best friends to help you who seemed to be more interested in their phones than to help you pick out an outfit.
"i don't even know why the two of you bothered to even come if you were just going to sit there...bums" you mumbled under your breath. "heard you, and y/n stop stressing, you look good in everything you put on okay?" jake reassured, heeseung sitting up and placing his phone beside him.
"try it on, some out and show up hm?" he suggested and you nodded, going into your connected bathroom, shutting the door. you took off the white shorts and t-shirt off, slipping the dress over your body. you took a moment to look in the mirror as you looked at yourself. finding all the ways the dress hugged your body perfectly.
stepping out of the bathroom, jake and heeseung's eyes shot up to you, staring a little too hard for comfort before you rubbed your arm. "something wrong?" you asked, clearing your throat to snap the two out. "you look awesome y/n, he's going to love it" jake spoke, standing up to look at you a but more. "going to wear it just like that?" he asked, clearing his throat a little. "no!" you exclaimed, grabbing the leather jacket that was spread across your vanity that was cluttered with makeup and things you used for your hair.
you slipped the jacket, going to your full body mirror, and checking out yourself. "damn, egotistical are we?" heeseung laughed, coming over to you and wrapping his arm around your shoulder. "you look great, now stop worrying" you smiled to yourself and then looked at heeseung in the mirror. "okay..." you took a deep breath, being a little nervous since its been a couple of weeks since you and sunghoon have actually been on a date due to how busy the both of you have been with studying and meeting project deadlines. you barely had the time to grocery shop.
hearing a knock on your door, you smiled as you look back and the two. "okay, help yourself to anything you want, and don't wait up too late!" you shouted, grabbing your purse and smiling before you headed to the door, hearing the words of jake.
"don't do anything i wouldn't do!"
"there's nothing you wouldn't do" you shouted before opening the door and excitedly wrapping your arms around sunghoon's neck as his hands immediately found your waist. "ready to go?" he asked, his smiling bringing a smile to your lips as you nodded. "always."
the date went amazing. the two of you ate delicious food, cracked jokes, laughed tons. you enjoyed being out with sunghoon. for once in your life, one of the guys you dated actually made you feel amazing without having to give them sex for you to feel wanted.
the way he held you on days you were sad. the way he smiled when he saw you made you feel like you were the princess in a movie that finally got the prince after all your hard work and heart breaks. he was even gentleman enough to open the door for you once you both made it back to the car, doing a small jog to the driver side and you were both off.
"there's something i want to get for you before i drop you off baby" sunghoon spoke, one hand on your thigh and the other on the steering wheel. "oh yeah~?" you questioned. "and what's that?".
"you'll see." is all you got in response, his teeth showing and the fangs you adore so much peek through. after a few minutes of driving through the downtown traffic the male stops in front of a small flower shop as your heart thumps out of your chest almost. "oh my god-" you speak. sunghoon just smiles and gently reaches over, pressing a soft kiss on your lips before rubbing your cheek with his hand. "i'll be right back yeah?" you nodded and blushed. your heart feeling as if it was going to beat out of your chest.
you watched sunghoon walk into the shop, then come out with a big bouquet of your favorite flowers: lilies.
the male got into the car and handed you the bouquet of flowers, the smile never leaving your lips. "thank you so much hoonie..." you said, feeling as if your life just got a little more complete, feeling the love from sunghoon as he smiled at you. the rest of the car ride was filled with comfortable silence as you held the flowers with one hand and held sunghoon's in the other.
you finally reached your door as you sighed, not wanting the night to end. you gently got out the car as sunghoon approached your side. you smiled and turned to him, his hands bringing you in by your waist as he kissed you deeply, his lips matching perfectly with yours as he gently rubbed the small of your back.
you both pulled away when it was time or you to catch both of your breath. you turned and grabbing your purse, spotting a silk material underneath the seat of the male's car, gently pulling them out, revealing them to be panties. silk ones. ones you didn't wear. in an instant your night was shattered, your heart feeling like it got struck with a knife in the most sensitive part.
you turn around with tears building in your eyes. "baby? what's wrong?" he asked, seeing the material in his hand as you stare at him blankly, the bouquet dropping out of your hands. "baby, those aren't mine. i don't know how they got there" he proclaimed, gently placing his hand on your arm. you looked at him as tears started to pour from your eyes. "sunghoon..." you mutter, balling them in your fist and throwing them at him, stepping on the flowers that you received.
"i cant believe you would cheat on me!" you shouted, choking on sobs as you spoke. "how could you!"
"i'm not cheating on you..!" he proclaimed loudly. "i would never!"
"the proof is right there, because they sure as hell aren't mine!" you shouted, pushing past him. "baby, please, you have to believe me" he said, turning to where you were, grabbing your hand, practically pleading with you.
"leave me alone sunghoon!" you shouted, snatching your hand away, rubbing the tears that fell down your face. "fuck you!".
"baby please~!" is all you could hear behind you, following words of. "i don't know why those were even in there!" "please baby, hear me out!" but you just couldn't listen right now. your head and heart hurt too bad. you couldn't see him right now. you couldn't even enter the key to your apartment correctly. though once you got in, your sobs got louder, kicking your shoes next to the door as you fell to your knees. too heartbroken to walk before you heard your bedroom door open and heard the patter of two feet, following up with "y/n?! what happened??". your voice blocking out the question as you sobbed, gently beating on your chest, hoping the pain from your heart would subside.
heeseung gently wrapped his arms around your waist, picking you up as he carried you to the room, jake picking up your shoes and bag bringing it to the room with him.
heeseung sat you gently on the bed. "here, im not going to ask what happened, I'll wait until you're ready to tell us princess" heeseung spoke as you continued to cry, your body relaxing against the male. jake took a place on the bed and gently rubbed your back. "fuck what sunghoon did, you didn't need him anyway "jake spoke, you looking at him with sad eyes. hearing the male's name this soon made your heart hurt even worse as you shook your head and rested it on heeseung's chest, soaking up his t-shirt, though he didn't seem to mind as he held you. jake gently massaging your back, getting off of the bed and grabbing the clothes you disposed of earlier.
"here, lets get you in something a little more comfortable"
you didn't even care at the males taking the dress off, sliding back on the white shorts and crop top from earlier. heeseung continued to console you as jake gently wiped off the makeup from your face, carefully gliding the soft wipe across your tear-stained face. your sobs dying down as you watched them both, thanking god for bringing heeseung and jake into your life. you weren't even sure what you'd do if you didn't have them. heeseung ran his hands through your hair and gently on your cheek. "don't worry baby, you font need him when you have me and jake. we will take care of you" heeseung whispered into your ear. his voice soft as you shuddered slightly.
"heeseung what are you talking about?" you mumble as you lift up, sniffling and rubbing your eyes once jake was done getting majority of the makeup off your face. he didn't say much, but the look her gave jake was enough for the two to silently agree on something.
you sit up. "i need to uh.. use the restroom" you spoke but heeseung gripped your waist, pulling you close to his chest as jake hovered over you. "let us get your mind off of sunghoon.. baby" the male mumbled as he smashed his lips against yours, kissing you deeply.
you widened your eyes as you looked at him. "kiss him back princess" heeseung spoke to you calmly. you were confused, but your lips slowly started to kiss the male back. you didn't understand why you were giving in. maybe it was the thought of how both heeseung and jake made you feel comfortable. how the both of them were always there for you regardless of the problem.
your arms wrapped loosely around the male as he gently pulled the shorts he just placed on your body off, leaving you in your panties. his hand traveling down to your waist, gently tugging at the fabric as he depended the kiss, slipping his tongue in your mouth as your tongue played with his. pulling away, jake smiled as a trail of spit followed, licking his lips to get rid of it.
heeseung's hands played with your shirt. whenever jake was done he took that chance to get rid of the cropped shirt, leaving your top half exposed, unclipping your bra in one swift motion.
"wow y/n, your body is more perfect then i could've ever imagined" jake swooned, pulling off his shirt as heeseung pushed you up off of him gently, taking off his shirt. standing before you at the food of the bed as you looked at them, covering your breast. you didn't doubt the attractiveness of your friends. i mean. you weren't blind, though you never really allowed yourself to seem them in that type of light. "w-we shouldn't do this.. i just broke up with sunghoon.." you spoke.
"god. shut the fuck up with his name already. sunghoon this. sunghoon that. fuck sunghoon." heeseung spoke, leaning into you, pressing a soft kiss to your head and leaning against your ear. "the only names i should be hearing come out of this pretty little mouth of yours is heeseung, or jake. understand me?" the male spoke. jake gripped your jaw as you switched to look between the two.
"y-yes.." you whimpered at the right hold of your jaw.
"yes what?" heeseung hummed.
"yes heeseung" you whimpered out more. jake letting go of your jaw as you closed your mouth. you couldn't deny the arousal that was pooling in your underwear, closing your legs tightly as it started to irritate you, wanting the underwear off you as soon as possible. jake noticed before he forcefully spread your legs open, smirking at the wet stain inbetween your panties. "oh shit seung, i think she likes the talk" he smirked, placing a smack against your clit as you jerked a bit under jake's touch, him smirking a bit.
"you like it baby?" heeseung asked, his hand coming to your breast, taking one of your breast into his hand, gently squeezing the plush. you nod. "ah, i don't understand movements. let me hear your pretty little words." the male spoke sternly.
you didn't know what the matter was with you. how you could just give in to the two of your friends that quickly. "y/n!" you heard, a soft smack being delivered to your breast and cunt at the same time. "yes!" you cried out, shuddering a bit.
"good girl" heeseung spoke, looking back at jake, giving him a silent nod before jake removed your panties, revealing your cunt. all glistening and pretty just for them to use and abuse. the male got down on his knees, gently pulling your legs to his face to where he was met with your cunt. you could feel the male breathing against it, your legs wanting to close but jake forces them open once again. delivering a smack to them. "do that again and see what happens" he growled and you nodded.
you felt the air get warmer as jake licked a stripe from your hole to your clit, flicking his tongue against your clit. "oh fuck heeseung, she's so sweet" he moaned practically against your clit. you whined, arching your back at the feeling, your hand gripping onto heeseung's side as he watched you with a smirk.
jake eats you out, holding your body close, his actions are the same, but the groans you hear coming from the male's lips cause more arousal to come from your cunt. heeseung watches as his cock hardens, gently massaging your shoulders. "fuck, you sound so pretty darling, can i hear you gag?" the male asked, though it was a question that needed to be answered. you lift up your head as you moan and whine from the pleasure that's being delivered to you by jake's tongue you don't even notice heeseung's length pressed against your cheek as you widen your eyes. he was big and thick, there was no way it was fitting, and if it did it was going to hurt like a bitch.
"i want you to make me feel as good as jake is making you feel, can you do that for me pretty girl?" the male asked, gently rubbing your cheek. you clench around nothing as you slightly nod, lying to heeseung and lying to yourself. you were going to die, but he didn't seem to care. heeseung tossed his leg over you as the sight of jake was now gone and it was only you, face to face with heeseung's length.
"open wide sweetheart" he spoke as you opened your mouth and stuck out your tongue, moaning and shutting your eyes from the long stripes jake was licking against your core, the knot in your stomach forming. before you were prepared, heeseung placed his mushroom tip on your tongue and slid his length into your mouth, pushing it all the way down your throat as he let out a heavenly moan. his bottom lip being tucked in between his teeth as his hips moved at a pace, fast enough to give him pleasure, but barely fast enough for you to keep up.
jake licked your arousal, sliding his tongue into your hole as he could feel the velvet of your walls pulsing. the sounds of your gagging and whimpering only fueling his hardened length in his pants. the moaning from heeseung's lips causing you to cum on the males tongue. gagging and squeezing on heeseung's thighs so you could breathe as he pulled out, his hardened length hovering over your face. "came already baby?" jake spoke, licking your cunt one more time before he pulled up and watched as heeseung crawled off of you. "you've got to taste her, she's better than we ever imagined" the spoke to each other.
by this time jake had already taken his pants off, his length just as big and as thick as heeseung's causing you to audibly gulp as you tried to catch your breath. the two switching positions, jake now sitting by your head as he leaned you up so you could watch heeseung.
"damn, i cant wait" he spoke, wrapping his arms around your legs keeping them open, before attaching his lips to your sensitive cunt. you arched your back and shut your eyes tight, jake smirking as he looked down at you. "watch heeseung baby, it's a few you wouldn't want to miss". you slowly opened your eyes as you looked down at heeseung, his tongue exploring each part of your cunt. from the walls, to your clit, to your hole that was clenching around nothing, desperate to only make you cum with his tongue. your body shuddered at the feeling or heeseung's tongue, swirling over the sore muscle. your back arched as you moaned more, attempting to keep the eye contact with him, but it didn't work. the knot in your stomach snapped again and that was it, you were cumming for the second time in less than 10 minutes.
you jolted as you felt a smack against your thigh. heeseung coming up as you watch the bottom half of his face glisten with your arousal as jake pressed kisses along your jaw, kissing the soft spot on your neck. heeseung used this opportunity to press his red, leaky mushroom tip to the entrance of your cunt. you widened your eyes and squirmed. "no--no heeseung" you mumbled as jake kissed you, sucking up the words as heeseung smiled. "i'll make sure to take it nice and easy pretty girl" he spoke.
you felt the males tip stretch you open, gripping and digging your nails into jakes aides, heeseung forced his whole cock to fit deeply inside of you moaning at the feeling of the tightness around him. "fuck, did sunghoon not stretch you out at all?" heeseung asked, grabbing your legs and held them up against his chest, wrapping his arms around them, delivering deep strokes into you. you moaned and cried out, grabbing a tighter hold onto jake's side. "hm?" he asked, delivering a deep hard thrust into you as you shook your head. "words baby, give me your words," the male declared, giving another as his tip rubbed against your cervix.
"n-no!" you cried out, grabbing onto jake's arm as his hands played with your nipples, squeezing on the plush and sucking on the nipple. "good girl, i want to hear your pretty voice" he soke as he stopped and you gasped. "kee-keep going seungie..!" you shouted out as he started out once again. the room filled with both you and heeseung's moans, his hand travelling down to your clit, taking jakes hand and making him rub it. "you're so fucking tight baby" he moaned, the sound of skin slapping feeling the room.
your eyes rolled to the back of your head as the room turned cloudy. your body reacting heavenly to the feeling of jake and heeseung pleasuring your body in different ways before you felt the knot in your stomach snap once again. heeseung's hands gripped your thighs as he pounded deeper into you. "fuck y/n, im going to cum' he spoke. another groan escaped his lips as the male came into you. his long dirty blonde hair sticking to his forehead as he looked at you, your body shaking. jake popped his head up from your nipple and exchanged a look with heeseung before the two switched spots yet once again. only this time was your ass up in the air, and heeseung laid out in front of you as you were once again face to face with his semi hard cock.
jake smirked as he watched both heeseung and your cum leak from your cunt. "going to be a great little cum dumpster for the both of us aren't you baby?" the male spoke, placing a smack to your ass as you whined. heeseung sat up and grabbed your face. "what?" he asked, raising his eyebrow. "ye-yes jake" you mumbled out, looking at heeseung with pleading eyes. heeseung looked at jake and then you, gently letting your chin go and patting your face. "good girl." he spoke.
he exchanged another glance with jake as heeseung scootched to the headboard so his back could lean against it, causing your body to shift as jake lifted you up, placing a pillow under your abdomen and hovered over you, giving you no time to settle as he entered into you and your eyes widened. a slight squeak escaping your lips as you hid your face in heeseung's thighs, grabbing onto the sheets as you moaned, the male pushing his cock deep into you, feeling the pressure against your velvet walls as he started to thrust into you.
heeseung watched as he listened to both you and jakes moans, sounding like music to his ears. you moaned into the blankets, your body jerking with each thrust jake delivered. "fu-fuck!" you cried out. heeseung lifted your head and looked at you, assuming what he wanted, you stuck out your tongue, gripping the sheets as you belted out moans.
jake was hitting your cervix hard, his rough yet soft hands delivering hard smacks to your ass, sure to leave handprints. heeseung pressed his length to the tip of your tongue and pushed it down your throat. making a makeshift ponytail out of your hair, he bobbed your head down faster onto his cock as you moaned around it. unable to comprehend it all, tears started to escape from your eyes once more. the overstimulation plus the pleasure mixed in was all too good. you wanted to come, no you needed to come, but for some reason you weren't there yet. you clenched around jake's cock, bobbing your head and gagging around heeseung's. small sniffles were escaping along with moans and cries as your vision started to become blurry once again.
the saliva build up spilling from out of your mouth onto heeseung's cock as he came in your mouth. "swallow it" he said, you moaned and slowly moved your ass back against jake's thrust as you swallowed heeseung's cum, only for your makeshift ponytail to be taken over by jake's as he pressed your back against his chest. "open your mouth and let me see" heeseung said, attempting to catch his breath as well, coming closer to you and jake as you opened your mouth, letting your tongue hang out.
your hips and body stuttered as jake came inside you, you cumming with him as you fell against heeseung, shaking as jake pulled out and both of their cum leaked from your cunt.
"you did so good princess" heeseung spoke as he pressed a soft kiss in your hair. jake smiled and pressed a kiss on your shoulder blades. "who needs sunghoon when we got you baby." jake spoke, gently rubbing your ass before delivering one more smack to it as you looked back and glared at him. a small smile on your face.
"go and run y/n a bath" heeseung said looking at jake as he ran his hands through his hair, walking to the connected bathroom.
jake ran the bath water, putting it at a nice warm temperature with some bubbles to help you relax. heeseung gently lifted up your body as he took you to the bathroom. the male lowered you in the tub as you sighed when you hit the water, letting your body relax. "thank you" you spoke as heeseung smiled and shook his head, "no need to thank me pretty girl. just doing my job" he spoke. heeseung left you alone in the bathroom, quietly.
you closed your eyes, enjoying the moment you got to just relax before what you heard made your eyes widen, your bones chilling in a hot tub.
"i told you it was a good idea to plant those panties in his car." "told you she doesn't wear silk, dickhead."
was all you could hear through the walls, your mind going blank.
poor sunghoon.
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luvonmes-blog · 2 years
hey y’all… so ik i’ve disappeared for a while and dw i am gonna drop that stiles fic!! but i’ve re-entered my avatar phase and i have some head-cannons🤭🤭🤭
contains: all the Sully men, avatar!Jake, agedup!Neteyam, agedup!Lo’ak, smut, explicit descriptions of smut, me being horny for the Sully men😔 i have no shame
i’m a firm believer that lo’ak and neteyam are so close in age BECAUSE jake was obviously a human right?? and before him and neytiri met she was just living the simple life and jake came along then BAM introduced her to new shit.
just imagine like you and jake are about to mate and since avatars mate for life he knows for a fact you’re a virgin and that just does something to him so he’s showing you new shit so he goes down on you and that opens the floodgates
his potty mouth definitely rubbed off on you
to me avatars low key look like cats (their noses!!) and act like them too and i feel like we’ve all agreed they purr but jake definitely takes that to a new level.
like he just lets himself go completely
like imagine he’s fucking you in missionary, head buried in your neck whispering all types of nasty shit you’ve never heard before (“fuck you’re so good for me” “so fuckin’ tight” “lettin me fuck you so good”) and he’s just purringg
vibrates through his whole body
we all know he whines but the first time he teaches you to ride him??? can’t help himself
like you’re trying your best, pace sporadic, movements jerky but you feel so good that it’s all he can do
holds onto your hips sucking on your boobs absolutely whining into your chest
first time he teaches you about giving head??
he can’t help but fuck your mouth
WHAT WAS HE SUPPOSED TO DO??? you looked so cute staring up at him all wide eyed he couldn’t help himself
it’s ok though he made it up, fucked you so good you couldn’t even walk straight (no seriously mo’at was concerned)
i wanna be fucked by jake sully so bad😔
this boy right here??? soft dom all the way
he couldn’t hurt a fly how tf could he do that to his partner????
grunts, not a whiner like his daddy but he doesn’t moan either
grunts and groans
whether he’s praising you or you praising him he loves it sm
growing up with a father who’s a dream walker he’s definitely heard some shit about jakes life before he was an avatar
once heard his dad talking about something called “head” upon further investigation (asking norm) he had taken this amazing and i mean AMAZING idea to you
took you guys a while to figure it out but once you do???
has never nutted so fast in his entire life
like i mean he barely had time to register he was cumming just long thick ropes being pushed down your throat
play with his balls??? he’s a goner. lick them, suck them and if you pull just a little bit he’ll yelp🤭
wanna get your way?
sit him down in your shared hut, rub his shoulders get him real comfortable then put his dick in your mouth
he’ll agree to anything (his hands buried in your hair pulling just a little bit “yes! yes i’ll do it- anything- just please, please keep going”)
wanna fuck him so bad it hurts💔
a whiner, beggar, moaner all the er’s
he’s so loud too omfg
when i say beggar i mean BEGS
like his life fucking depends on it. he can’t help himself (“please jus- please! i’ll do anything, please, please, please” drool coming out his mouth)
moans. long drawn out ones too. especially when he’s cumming can’t help it he just feels so good
was definitely there when teyam heard about the whole head thing. took it back to you too and somehow you just caught on so fast
shakes when you give him head. i mean tremors through his whole body whining about how good it feels
favorite position is cowgirl why you may ask? TITTIES!!!
boob guy all the way he loves them sm so when you’re riding him he gets to suck on them. his eyes def roll back
cums too fast. poor baby can’t help it. it just happens and he tries to warn you he tries so hard (“baby slow down please. i’m gonna- you’re gonna make me- fuck!” whines all the way through it)
his tip is so sensitive. you don’t even have to suck him off completely suck on his tip and he’s a goner
his ears too!!! bite his ear just a little bit when you’re riding him and he’s bucking up into you trying so hard not to cum.
dw even if he finishes too fast he never leaves you hanging
he figured if you can go down on him he can go down on you ofc there’s some differences but he learned and he learned well
is lo’ak my favorite? yes. do i wanna fuck him so bad? also yes.
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tgmsunmontue · 9 months
It's all academic darlin' PART 3/10
12k+ Hangster AU. Updating 2-3 parts per week and will be finished by 31st January 2024. (Each part is ~1500 words).
Bradley is a professor but living his best life with IceMav parents. Jake is a pilot. Maverick sort-of tries (and fails) to play matchmaker, so he tries again. Touch of epistolary and sprinkling of one-sided unknown/mistaken-identity.
                When Bradley returns from his run he stands outside in the shade of a trees and catches his breath for a few minutes, stretching his legs. The scent of baking bread takes him by surprise and he turns his head towards the cabin and can’t help the little hmph he makes. Jake can apparently make bread, or something that smells a lot like it, and Bradley shouldn’t be impressed by that, his bar is clearly too low. He jumps up the steps and pushes the screen door open.
                “Something smells good. Have you made bread?”
                “Yeah. Didn’t bring any with me.”
                “Meh. Who needs to buy it if you can make it.”
                Bradley strips off his tank and wipes his face with it before heading to his bedroom, definitely in need of a shower. He gives Jake a quick glance and notes the other man doesn’t even give him a quick once over and Bradley shrugs internally. Likely straight then. He showers quickly and dresses again, spends a couple of minutes shoving some clothes into his bag in a lazy attempt to start packing. All his clothes need washing, but he’s been here on his own for over ten days, and he’ll be back onto town supply water soon enough. Huh. Water. He heads back out to the kitchen.
                “How are you with plumbing?”
                “I need to show you how to deal with the water pumps. If it decides to stop working for whatever reason here are the top three reasons –”
                “How will I know if it stops?”
                “You won’t have running water in the house. Trust me, it’s something you notice pretty fast. The pipes will just make this awful gutter-gasp like they’re about to explode if you try and run water.”
                “Wait, will they actually explode?”
                “Oh, no. Just sounds fucking awful. It’s just trapped air.”
                “Okay then…”
                Bradley laughs at the worried look on his face and he wants to give him shit, but takes him through the filter cleaning, telling him that he shouldn’t need to do it again, but sometimes weird things happen. He scribbles down instructions on how to turn the pumps off, walks him through it and shows him and then shows him how to turn them back on again. Bradley then makes him do it, and he doesn’t know for certain, but the fact that Mav has offered Jake this place tells him that Jake likely needs rest, peace and quiet and Bradley would put his money on a concussion as a minimum. Mav had asked if Jake seemed okay and Bradley hadn’t known how to answer, has no comparison so had been necessarily vague. Right now though, well, Jake seems to follow the instructions well enough, which he’s going to take as a good sign.
                More of his earlier conversation with Mav comes back and he knows that while Mav might have offered this place to Jake to use, Jake doesn’t know about Mav’s relationship with Ice. That’s a closely guarded secret Bradley now has decades of practice keeping. He won’t be here long enough to have to worry about it, and this place is used too often by people who may not know for there to be anything incriminating lying around. He focusses his time outside, stacking the wood he’d chopped yesterday, letting Jake help although he keeps a careful eye on him, grabbing them both bottles of water.
                All throughout they talk, Jake tells Bradley about the first time he met Mav, his oh fuck moment when he’d realized the next morning exactly whom it had been he’d tossed overboard from The Hard Deck. Bradley can imagine it, laughs at the image and wonders if Mav ever told Ice. They talk easily and Jake shares snippets from his flight school days, time in basic training and Bradley in turn shares some of the utterly stupid shit he got up to in his undergraduate days. He takes Jake down to the edge of the lake and points out the best launching places, although it doesn’t escape his notice that Jake winces a little when he lifts his arms up past his shoulders. More than a concussion then and he knows he’s unlikely to ever find out.
                They end up making grilled sandwiches with the beer bread for dinner, and it’s easier going than he had expected when Jake had turned up yesterday. He’s met plenty of naval aviators in his time, and for the most part they’ve all had massive egos. He gets it though, there’s the confidence in knowing you’re good at what you do. He has the same confidence at work, feels sure of what he’s doing and saying. So he gets it when the pilots he meets have confidence in their abilities. It’s when they try and make it seem like they’re somehow better than Bradley, or worse, better than Mav, and he’s over hanging around for witnessing that shitshow. Jake seems pretty normal all things considered.
                “I’ve got an early start tomorrow so I’m going to head off to bed. It was nice meeting you man. Feel free to get my contact details from Mav, I never bother to remember my number. Would be good to see you around. Maybe grab a beer.”
                “Yeah, thanks. Nice to meet you too. Thanks for being so accommodating.”
                “Any time.”
…             …             …
                Jake feels like he’s accomplished a Herculean task and he congratulates himself for his self-control. He didn’t stare or say anything inappropriate when Bradley had stripped to his shorts in the kitchen when he’d returned from his run. He hadn’t made any comments about how competent he looked handling wood. He’s pretty sure this is what Phoenix would refer to as growth. Not that he thinks she’d believe him right now. He had felt Bradley’s eyes on him, watching and assessing throughout the day. He wonders if Mav had told him to keep an eye on him, he wouldn’t put it past the old-man. He’s not even sure if Bradley’s looks had even been sexual in nature at all, but he’d had to remind himself, this is Mav’s son. Even if there had been messages, he’s ignoring them. Plus he’d wake up to an empty bed tomorrow regardless. In addition to all that he really doesn’t feel up for anything more energetic than walking to the bed and falling into it. Maybe he should reinstall the dating apps and try looking for something when he gets back to North Island.
                When he gets up the next morning the house is silent, no music, no one singing and he allows himself to have a small fleeting moment of disappointment before sucking in a breath and telling himself that he’s fine. He’s here to rest and have some peace and quiet. He goes through the motions of breakfast, is glad when there’s running water. He’ll try for a swim later, even if he just ends up floating in the shallows, he imagines the cold water will feel nice all over. He takes his cup of coffee and settles outside, decides to start on his calls to catch up with people and starts with Javy.
                “Hey man! You made it to Mav’s secret cabin. You know you’re the only one he’s ever offered it to right? Not his favorite my ass…” Jake laughs, because despite everything he does think that Mav might actually have favorites. And he’d put himself up there. “Seriously though, how is it? How are you?”
                “It’s good. Better now that I’m on my own.”
                “Wait, who else was there?”
                “Oh, Mav’s son was here for the last couple of nights. He left early this morning to head home.”
                “And it’s better without him there why exactly?”
                “Because fucking Mav’s son would not have been a good idea.”
                “Pretty sure fucking anything right now isn’t a good idea. Although he’s an adult right?”
                “Who? Oh, Bradley? Yeah, little older than me I think? Don’t think Mav would care about how old he is.”
                “I think you’re projecting. I think Mav lets his kid make his own decisions.”
                “Moot point anyway, he’s gone and I’m not likely to see him again any time soon.”
                He doesn’t mention the offer of getting his number off Mav. He’s not asking his ex commanding officer for his son’s number. Although he’s just realized he had a wide open opportunity to give Bradley his number and he didn’t take it. And that sends a message of its own. Okay then. Door closed on that opportunity, even if it was just potential friendship.
                “So… was he hot?”
                “He wears Hawaiian shirts and has a moustache that belongs in a porno from the 80s…”
                “I’m not hearing a no,” Javy states and Jake can just imagine the look on his friend’s face right now.
                “He manages to somehow make it look really good.”
                “Definitely sounds like a you problem.”
                “Fuck you too.”
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dirtytransmasc · 2 years
Imagine Neytiri and Jake finding out what machine the scientists used on Spider when asking where they are. I bet that Neytiri would have killed them and Jake and the others joining in on the fight
mild tw: there is no s/a or anything, but that machine is quite the allegory, forced penetration, stripping spider of his autonomy, making him completely vulnerable to the wills of others, robbing him of the safety of his own mind... he's gonna react a certain type of way and its gonna be a lot like a s/a victim might act, which can be really triggering, ot myself included. ~~~ it was clear as day that something was wrong, so very wrong. neytiri knew it the second she laid eyes on her boy, once so strong, so confident, now meek and afraid. he covered up more, clinging to the spare coat that was wrapped around his shoulders, which had seen much better days. his eyes weren't empty per say, but something was missing, part of her boy was gone.
she knew, no matter how much it hurt, that she would bring home a broken boy, but this was more then that, more then just broken. spider was vacant, quiet and reserved, clinging to her or jake or his siblings. he was terrified to be alone, terrified to show too much, too say to much, to be too much. when neytiri asked he shook her off, which was wrong, so wrong, he never kept anything from her, if he felt like he had to now she feared for what he had been through, more then she already had.
she want to charge into that base and question each and every human in there, to spill their blood, to make them pay for hurting her child. especially when spider took on the role of a church mouse, no longer loud and outgoing, a smile always on his face. no, now he cowered as if he had been robbed of everything that once made him, him.
then she found the scars, they almost seemed like burns, despite being formed like puncture wounds on the back of his neck. when she found him he froze up, his eyes watering, desperately fighting to stay calm. she felt something flip in her stomach, something telling her that this was the turn in the path she would never come back from.
"I didn't say anything I swear," he barely whispered to her before sinking into her arms, letting her hold him together. all he felt was hot shame in his gut, he never wanted her to know, ever, because then she would worry more then she already should of, and he didn't want that. that level of shame was unfamiliar to him, brought upon by those demons and their machines, but he couldn't get himself to ease through it.
he couldn't bring himself to answer her questions, or jakes, or norm's. he just stayed curled up in their arms and cried, because he didn't know what else to do.
it broke her to see him like that, she couldn't even describe it, the way he acted, she had never seen something like it before; jake was not given the same mercy, he prayed to god, eywa, whoever else was out there, that he was wrong, for once in his life he would be grateful to be wrong, but he when he looked at spider he couldn't help but recognize that empty fear in his eyes, the way he maintained whatever sense of modesty he could, grappled to what little he could trust like it would be ripped away from him. norm saw it too, looked to jake with fear, fear of what they may discover, what they would have to explain to a mother of all people.
jake can't decide if what he found to be the truth was a mercy or not; that spider was strapped to a machine that made a joke of tsaheylu, twisting it to hurt and maim and rob. knowing spider was never hurt like that, but rather tortured in an attempts to get him to sell out his family. that he never broke, no matter how badly the tried to force him, how long they kept him hooked up to that thing, no matter how hard they pressed. in a way spider was hurt like that, they just found an even sicker way to do that, they took away the refuge that was his mind, the one place he should always be safe. he held his boy close that night, not being able to let go.
explaining it to neytiri was even more difficult than accepting the information himself. how did you explain a child being robbed of their own mind to someone who could barely understand something like corporal punishment? how does he explain what spider was feeling, what this torture was like, an earth concept like rape? how does he explain the damage done to their son, mentally and physically?
neytiri broke as it settled into her, every word that came from jake's mouth like a blade to be stuck into her heart. her baby had suffered so greatly at their hands, because she failed to protect him that night.
she kept a strong face for the little boy in her arms, but when she went flying that night she screamed, she screamed and screamed and didn't stop screaming. her child had been stripped of everything he had out of another man's greed.
she swore upon her father's bow, hers own life, and her son's wellbeing that she would make them pay, starting with the wretched machine, she planned to smash it to pieces.
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Come Over Here and Overwhelm Me: iceman (Jake "Hangman" Seresin x OC)
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Summary: Ice's last words to Ronnie resonate deeper than ever before now that he's gone.
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x OC (Ronnie Bradshaw)
Word Count: 3451
Warnings: death, funeral, grief, general angst, the Ronnie and Rooster reconciliation we've all been waiting for, Hangman being soft and caring
A/N: likes are great but comments/reblogs are even better!
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It’s good to hear that the business is doing well! I’ll have to get Sarah to drag my ass over there one of these days so I can see what you’ve done with the place. Last time I was there, it was still a dump! Ha! I can remember getting drinks with your father and Maverick there. Goose was great on the piano. I remember too, when you were small, you and your brother playing that song Goose loved. 
Now, I know you don’t want to hear this. But this is a letter and you can’t argue with me. Please don’t just throw this away, either.
It’s about time that you reached out to Bradley. I know how much it hurt, still hurts. I can never imagine the kind of pain that he put you through. I am not telling you to forgive him for what he did and said. You may never be ready to. But I think you should open the door for him to come back into your life, if only a little bit. 
Life is too short to be angry at your brother forever.
I was angry too once. At everything. And it did nothing to make my life any easier or my heart less heavy. I hope you actually read this letter and take it to heart. I’m not trying to tell you what to do, only sharing a bit of advice from an old man who cares.
In your next letter, please tell me about your surfing. I remember going to one of your competitions when you were still in school, you were good. I hope that we can see each other again soon. I miss your face.
Love always, 
A rogue tear fell onto the page held in Ronnie’s lap. She didn’t wipe at her face, she could barely think to move the letter out of the way before more of her tears fell. It dropped to the floor softly, as a fresh autumn leaf, at her feet. 
She only ever saw him in person once every few years. But ever since her mother died, the pair had been writing letters back and forth consistently. The only times the letters stopped were when he was deployed — and even then they just switched to emails. But both of them preferred it the old fashioned way. Iceman liked to say it reminded him of the early days, when there was no email or cellphones, and he had to write home to his mom or his sweetheart. He always made sure to buy fun stamps because she mentioned she liked them once.
A sob constricted her throat like a snake as Ronnie dropped her face into her hands.
It was worse the day she got the call from Sarah. Jake wasn’t home and she had just gotten back from a surf. It felt like the whole world was tipped sideways and shaken until something fell out. She heard through a fog Sarah tell her when the funeral was going to be and where — and when the other woman hungup she was barely able to mumble out some form of goodbye.
Ronnie sat in silence until Jake got back from his day of training. When he walked through the door he immediately knew something was wrong. She wasn’t bouncing off the walls ready to greet him or bombarding him with takeout menus for what they should order that night. Instead she just sat on the couch, didn’t even look over at him as she continued to stare at the wall.
“You okay?” he dared to ask her. 
She finally looked over at him — eyes glassy and huge. Then the dam just burst. It took Jake half an hour to calm her down enough for her to tell him what was wrong. Then the tears were off and on the rest of the night and into the next day. The Hard Deck closed for the rest of the week. The flag at base was lowered to half-mast. The aviators were given the day of the funeral off. 
Ronnie could barely sleep the night before. Even with Jake holding her tight and telling her stories to keep her mind off of it. Eventually he fell asleep, but she just couldn’t. She couldn’t stop thinking about the last letter she received from Ice. So she got up and read it — over and over again until her eyes blurred and her heart felt too heavy for her chest. 
He didn’t even tell her that his cancer had come back. There was no warning, no stronger push to go see him one last time. All she was left with was a letter that said he missed her face and a bit of advice from an old man. 
Life is too short to be mad at your brother forever. 
He was right. One day you’re here, writing letters to a dead friend’s daughter, and the next you’re gone. No more words. No more letters. No more memories shared or made or anything. He couldn’t tell her anymore things about her dad and Maverick and she couldn’t tell him that she was getting there with Bradley. She couldn’t tell him anything.
Sat on the couch, he hand slipped over the open wooden box that more of Ice’s letters were spilling out of, and she grabbed her own letter that she was going to send in the mail when she found the time. She wished she had found the time. 
In her own words, she told him about Jake. About how easily the pieces of them fell back together. She told him about Maverick, about his apology, about his obvious love for Penny Benjamin. And she told him about Bradley. About the fight, the night out on the karaoke bar’s deck, that she was trying but still couldn’t let him in all the way because she was scared. She was so scared of getting hurt again. By any of them. By all of them.
Was life too short to be scared of heartbreak too, Ice? 
The sound of footsteps down the hall made Ronnie jump. She quickly folded the letter and tucked in under her thigh just as Jake, sleep still in his eyes, walked into the room. 
“Hey, darlin’,” he greeted, accent heavy with the drag of morning.
She could only bring herself to hum in response as he carefully moved the box of Ice’s letters to the coffee table, then he sat down next to her. He was only wearing a pair of Navy sweats and his dogtags. His usually perfectly done hair was messed, crazy even as he pulled his hand through it again. Ronnie barely even looked before she let herself fall into him, putting her entire weight into it as her head crashed into his chest.
She was so tired. 
“Didn’t sleep did ya?” he asked softly into her hairline as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. 
Ronnie shook her head. “Not really.”
“Still have a few hours, wanna go back to bed?”
Fresh tears welled up before she could even stop them. Hot, frustrated ones because she was exhausted, because she was angry, because she wanted answers. Why did he have to go? Why didn’t he tell her what was going on? What did he mean when life was too short?
Why did everybody have to leave her?
Jake helped her up from the couch and she felt like a child. Sniffling and pulling her hand under her nose to wipe away the snot as he led her back to the bedroom by the hand.  He crawled back into bed first, tugging her down with him into the warm comforter and sheets. She practically flopped on top of him, too tired to move even another inch, and he groaned through a chuckle. 
They laid in silence for a while. Jake’s fingers traced a pattern over her back, figure eights and letters and probable flight patterns. He didn’t even mind the weight on top of him. He would do anything to make her feel better. To bring back that spark, that smile, that energy that he loved and loathed all at once. That drove him crazy and drove him to his knees. For two days she had been quiet, noncommittal, and small. Ronnie had never been small her entire life. She lived big and loud and uncaring of what other people thought. God, it tore Jake up inside to see her this way.
But he was going to let her mourn in her own way. Ronnie was a woman who had lost too much too soon. She had her own way of dealing with things and Jake wasn’t going to push her. He was going to be there if she needed him, to hold her when she cried, and to make sure she ate something occasionally.
“I told him about you, you know,” Ronnie’s voice was small and muffled against his chest, but it rumbled through his sternum all the same. “Way back when.”
Jake kept himself from wincing. “What’d you tell him?” 
“Mostly the good stuff. Told him about when you left.”
“Shit,” he hissed playfully, knowing that whatever she said probably didn’t give the best impression of him. 
“Yeah, he wrote that if I just gave him the word he could get you kicked out of the Navy.” A soft laugh slipped past her lips. 
There was his girl. 
But then she whispered, soft and broken: “Why does everyone leave me?”
He could feel her tears as they collected on his skin. Jake sighed as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, holding her tight against him. He shushed her like he might a child, one hand running up and down her back as he moved from side to side. He pressed reassuring, almost desperate kisses into her hairline. After a while, she stilled and she was asleep. 
“I’m never gonna leave you,” Jake whispered into the quiet of her bedroom, into the quiet of her sleep, “Never again.”
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Ronnie felt proud of herself that she was able to look as presentable as she did. She smoothed out the satin material of her black dress as she looked in the full length mirror. She didn’t own any heels — never had any reason to wear them. So she opted instead for a pair of black flats she hoped didn’t look too girlish.
“You ready to go?” Jake asked as he stepped out of the bathroom. 
His hat was tucked under his arm so he could finish the cuffs on his right sleeve. But he was still struggling to get the button through the hole. Ronnie turned to look at him with a small smile. He always did look sharp in uniform. The dress blue jacket fit just right across his chest, showing off all his ribbons and medals. It always stunned her, anytime she saw him in uniform, just how accomplished he really was. It was no wonder he was invited back to TOPGUN to go on some top secret mission he still couldn’t tell her about — could probably never tell her about.
“Let me help,” she said as she took over inserting the cufflink.
“Thanks.” Jake watched her for a moment, the way her delicate fingers finished the cuffs and smoothed out the material, how she knew he needed everything to look perfect. Then he said, “We need to get goin’.”
They drove to the viewing in his Crovette. Located at the church that Ice attended. There were flowers everywhere and a long receiving line. It seemed like every aviator in the Navy showed up. Ronnie held Jake’s hand tight the entire time as they moved up closer to the casket at the front of the sanctuary. In her purse she had folded up neat the letter she intended to send him. She kept clutching at her bag — wondering.
She thought of her father. A man she never got to meet and only knew through everyone else. It was hard to mourn him, mourn the loss of a father, when she never felt his love in the first place. Maverick and Ice always told her that she would have been, and should have been, proud to call Nick Bradshaw her father. And she was — but it wasn’t the same. She could say she was his daughter all she wanted, but it didn’t feel like anything. It was an abstract sort of pride, an abstract sort of loss. Like a wound from a dream on the edge of her memory. 
She thought of her mother. Ronnie was only sixteen when she was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer. It only took six months for it all to take her life. To lose someone so quickly, when she was so young…In the direct aftermath of it all she was just left confused. Confused why people kept telling her they were sorry. Confused why Bradley feared they would take her away. Confused as to why she didn’t feel sad and she just felt lost. For months, maybe years, her first thought when anything happened was that she had to tell her mom about it. But she couldn’t. When she needed help she wanted to go to her mom but she couldn’t. When everything got too hard she wanted to be held in her mom’s arms but she couldn’t. It wasn’t abstract or a faded memory it was real and painful and all of her love had nowhere to go.
Sarah greeted them just before the caske. She hugged Jake and thanked him for being there — that Tom told her wonderful things about his career. It took Jake aback but he smiled and told her he was sorry for her loss. Sarah gave Ronnie a motherly, knowing smile next and Ronnie didn’t want to take it. She let the older woman wrap her up in her arms and she felt it again. Real, sharp, painful. Love with nowhere to go and nowhere to hide.
“He didn’t want to tell you,” Sarah muttered into Ronnie’s hair, “Because he thought it would be easier this way.” 
Easier? How was any of this easier?
Then she thought of her mother, again. Going to the hospital every day after school, spending the night most nights. Watching as she disappeared, as she crumbled. Able to do nothing as she slowly died. Ronnie didn’t want to go through that again. And so — she understood.
“I — um — “ Ronnie pulled the letter from her purse. “Do you mind if I…?”
Sarah’s eyes turned glassy as she noticed the crumpled paper clutched in Ronnie’s hands. She nodded, knowing exactly what it was. Ronnie smiled, small and broken as it was, her thanks.
Then she approached the casket. Jake was there, waiting for her. He took her trembling hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. Ice looked peaceful. No longer in pain. Ronnie swore there was even one of his classic smirks pulling at the corner of his mouth. He was gone. There would be no more letters. And that was okay. He loved her, and that mattered, and that hurt now that she was the one left behind.
But she supposed that was grief. Even abstract, even confusing. Love treking on even with no where to go.
Ronnie slipped the letter inside the casket beside Ice. A letter he’ll never read. But a letter it felt he already answered.
Life was too short to be mad at your brother forever.
It was time to open the door. To finally let him back in. Because one day you’re here, and the next your gone. No more chances and no more wondering.
The actual ceremony took place at the Miramar National Cemetary. Ronnie was sure she was going to leave an imprint in Jake’s hand she was squeezing it so tight. But he didn’t seem to mind. Penny stood on her other side with tears streaming down her face. Ronnie wasn’t crying anymore. She couldn’t. 
Not when she understood. Not when it felt like Ice was still there, gently nudging her like an old man who cared. 
The service went by in a blur. She caught bits and pieces. The Father’s eulogy. Maverick stepping up to the casket to stamp in his wings. The fighter jets as they soared overhead — roared in her ears, billowed the skirt of her dress.
When it was all over, most of the people dispersed to go back to their cars. To try and go back to their lives. Jake tugged her to follow him back to the car so they could go back home. He had the rest of the day off and he had every intention of spending that time cuddled up in bed with her.
But for the first time in hours, Ronnie pulled her hand free of his. 
“I’ll meet you at the car, okay?” she said. 
Jake looked over her shoulder at Bradley as he walked to his Bronco parked with all the rest. Phoenix, Tsunami, and Bob were with him, more than likely getting a ride back to base. He knew she was going to go talk to him.
“Okay,” he agreed, giving her hand one final squeeze before he turned and walked away. 
Ronnie jogged in order to catch up to her brother.
“Hey, Bradley!” she called to him just as he put the keys in the door to unlock his car. 
Natasha and Ji-Yung both smiled at the sight of her. Bob even waved and she raised her hand back as Bradley turned to look at her. Her eyes instantly shifted to the ribbons on his chest. Every one told a story. A story of his accomplishments, of his successes, of all the times he brushed close to death. She looked back up into his questioning face and she nearly lost her nerve. 
But she had to do this. For Ice. 
“Can I talk to you for a second?” she asked. 
“Yeah.” He tossed the keys to Natasha before he nodded towards the expansive cemetery. “Let’s walk.”
They started off, going between the rows of gravestones. It was a beautiful day despite the circumstances. The sky was clear and so blue it nearly hurt. There was a soft breeze that ruffled the petals of flowers placed on loved ones final resting places. Ronnie sighed as she walked beside her brother for the first time in years. It felt like coming home after so long abroad.
“You were always closer to Ice than I was. M’sorry,” Bradley said after several moments of silence.
“The past few days haven’t been awesome, I’ll admit.” Ronnie kept her eyes locked on the names as they past. Fallen heroes, veterans, pilots.
“Hangman’s been helping you though, right?” he asked. 
It made her laugh. “Jake’s been great. I promise.” 
More silence. They came to a well manicured tree that offered some shade and Bradley slowed to a stop. Ronnie slowed too. Her fingers fiddled with the hem of her dress as she tried to find the words. Tried to find what it was exactly that she wanted to say to him. And Bradley just waited, patient as he always was. Hands shoved in his pockets as he looked out over the rolling hills of the cemetery. He would wait all day for her if he had to.
“I don’t know — “ Ronnie started, then stopped to swallow down the emotion clogging her throat. “I don’t know if I will ever be able to forgive you for what you did.”
Bradley looked down to his well polished shoes and nodded. “I know.” 
“But I have never once stopped loving you.”
He looked back up at her then, sudden and shocked, his brown eyes so much like her own glossed over with tears. And she couldn’t help the ones that slipped from her own eyes as she looked at him. Her brother. Lost for so long. Her protector. Her hero. Her home.
“I love you too, Ronnie. Always,” he said as he tried to blink back the tears. 
A laugh bubbled up in her throat as she smiled. “I know.” 
They crashed into each other then. Like techtonic plates carrying so much weight. Bradley held her head against his chest as he pressed a kiss into her hair. Ronnie had her arms snaked around him so tight she thought he might start wheezing. And it really did feel like coming home. Like her mom’s tomato soup after a day of playing in the snow. Like dancing around the piano as they sang. Like riding bikes around the neighborhood till sundown. Like playing hothands till they screamed.
Life was too short to be mad at her brother forever.
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mrcspectr · 2 years
continuing to think about mr jake lockley and i wonder. while he's likely influenced marc... how much rhetoric has he internalised from marc, how much has marc's perception of self influenced the way he sees himself? he may not have the self-hatred marc has; never bought into ammit's rhetoric (and by extension, to a certain point, wendy's rhetoric)... but does he believe he's worthy of love? he may protect the body from physical and emotional harm... but does he believe he deserves to exist in moments outside fulfilling that function?
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I imagine it would be similar in some ways to how Steven viewed fundamental parts of his life. There were things that he truly believed, without question, that we find out later were based on a foundation of lies formed by Marc. His intentions were good, sure, but he built his life from the ground up, for him, based on what he thought would be best. On what would make him happy. Marc knew Steven for years, better than anyone else, knew his life by heart. Marc loved Steven, not just for who he was, but for everything Marc felt like he himself was not.
With Jake, you could see it as the opposite. Because not only does Marc know very little about him, what he does know, he pushes down deep. Marc has some faint clue there's a third alter, he has to. There's just too many gaps in time, too many memories missing. The men on the rooftop, the men in Cairo. The red sarcophagus. He's afraid of all the missing pieces in the patchwork of his life. So he never spends much time on it, never looks at it too closely. Because if he focuses on it for too long, it makes it real. It makes Jake real.
While it's a much less direct influence than Marc had on Steven, he's still shaped Jake's life in a distinct way. It's kind of heartbreaking really, because Marc's essentially turned his back on Jake. He's so afraid of someone he doesn't truly know, that's he's closed himself off from a meaningful relationship with him, from that same understanding he now has with Steven. He doesn't give it a chance.
Jake might not experience the same self hatred that Marc had, but I think it would be more of a.. hollow understanding of what he could have, if given the chance. It's not that he'd think he doesn't deserve a life, he just.. doesn't consider the possibilities. Whatever life Jake had, he had to make for himself, he wasn't handed anything by Marc. It's why I think they'd butt heads for awhile, there'd be a resentment there, once Jake starts to see the relationship Marc and Steven have apart from him. Actually, Marc made Jake's life for him by simply.. not doing anything at all.
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sunghun · 3 years
enhypen’s hyung line when their s/o is sick
requested; no :p
warnings; sickness???
note; it was brought to my attention that i haven’t posted anything for enha in a hot minute, plus my allergies have been kind of all over the place and kicking my ass lately, so what better way to help than writing about cute boys taking care of you :]
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희승 | heeseung;
bruh heeseung is probably the perfect bf to have when you’re sick
he will Literally get anything you ask for
you want some water? crackers?? another blanket??? the moon????
he will get them all for u <3
will cuddle you. so much.
insists that it’s to help you get better
“no babe i literally read an article that said snuggling boosts the immune system”
sure heeseung
but if you just want to be left alone he’ll make sure that you’re as comfy as possible and then leave you be
but he’ll still be close by in case you need anything :(
also the boyfriend where if you ask him for a tissue he will bring u the whole box <33
he knows he’s not the Best Cook Ever
but he’s still decent
so if you’re really craving smth he’ll do his best to make it for you
but otherwise he’ll just get takeout from ur favourite restaurants <3
will always make sure you’re comfy and he’s not crowding you too much :(
where can i get a heeseung :((
제이 | jay;
you know how he’s like . low-key always kinda nurturing?
yeah imagine that except it’s multiplied by like 80000
so not low-key at all lol
would legit not let you do Anything for yourself
“babe i just wanted to get some-“
“nope. back to bed, angel. i can get you whatever you want.”
also makes sure you take lots of vitamins and medicine so you can get better faster
he’ll try to get the good flavoured ones but we all know there’s no such thing as good tasting medicine
would do his best not to laugh at the the disgusted faces you make after swallowing the cough syrup
“it said it was cherry flavored, it can’t be that bad!”
“jay that tasted like chemically altered death and the tears of small children, it is definitely that bad.”
would look up what kinds of food is best for sick people and then make like a million dishes just for you :(
and tries to feed them to you so you won’t ‘strain yourself’
i mean if you don’t like it he’ll stop
but if you’re cool with it …. well
let’s just say that you will never be picking up a utensil again <3
because you’re his baby :( and he just really loves to take care of you :((
what i’m trying to say here is the second you sneeze he’s gonna baby the hell out of you
제이크 | jake;
is literally ? so calm???
he knows being sick isn’t any fun and can also be kinda scary depending on what it is
so he always does his best to keep a level head and reassure you with lots of cuddles and sweet words :(
would get you Anything you asked for no matter what time it is
but also knows when to back off and let you do things for yourself
is just very chill abt it overall?
also a very big fan of cuddling and watching movies while you’re under the weather
not to mention that he would be SO sympathetic
“i’m sorry you’re sick baby :( i wish i could just take it away :((“
refuses to stop kissing you lol 😜
“jaaaake stooooppp you’re gonna get sick too :/“
“just” *kiss* “try” *kiss* “to” *kiss* “stop” *kiss* “me” *kiss*
jokes on him when a few days later after you’re feeling better he starts sneezing like the house is made of dust
which the turns into him being a whiny liddol baby and demanding that you take care of him
but he’s cute so it’s okay
성훈 | sunghoon;
literally just stands there like🧍‍♂️at first
bc he just . doesn’t know what to do
like should he comfort you? leave you alone to die in peace?? get u some liquid???
he ends up doing all three by awkwardly patting your back, bringing you some gatorade, and then sitting out in the living room
eventually he gets the hang of it tho
legit buys you a million blankets and pillows <3
bc he’s not great at the whole sweet words thing <33
so retail comfort it is <333
would definitely lay down and cuddle with if you if that’s what you wanted
but unlike jake he will Refuse to kiss you until you’re better
like yeah you’re sick and he feels bad about it
but why would he risk his own health??
makes sure you stay well hydrated bc he knows not having enough liquid when you’re sick is Not Good
but realizes he may have gone a bit overboard when you get up for like 5th time in ten minutes to go to the bathroom again
ALSO gets you the cutest little stuffed penguin 🥺
“it’s for you to cuddle when i can’t be here. you know. since you don’t really like to be alone when you’re sick, or whatever.”
tries so hard to be tough but is really just a big softie for U 💕💕
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bre-meister · 2 years
If you don't mind, I need my cleon dopamine to help me go through this assignments. Give me 2 instances of !parent Cleon on helping Sherry either in relationship or work advices
So it's not exactly two instances but I hope this satisfies you enough to get through your assignments. I know how hard they can be sometimes!
~ Mild cursing under the cut ~
Leon was a girl dad in every definition of the word. He’d perfected the art of braiding hair - although his plaits were never as neat as Claire’s - and he’d learned the proper etiquette for tea parties after being told time and time again that he was doing it wrong and he had to hold his pinky up like this, not like that. It took him longer than he’d like to admit to learn the difference between this and that but fuck it if he didn’t do it! Leon may have only had two little girls at home. But, if anyone ever asked about the number of children he had, Leon would answer three without blinking.
Sherry may have spent most of her childhood in a somewhat laboratory setting - both with her original parents and then later with Simmons - but Leon and Claire always thought of Sherry as their first kid. When they were fortunate enough to be allowed to visit Sherry while still under the supervision of Simmons and the government, they treated Sherry as such. She’d always seemed comfortable with that dynamic, asking them the sort of questions that a child might ask their parents; looking to Claire and Leon for all sorts of advice as she grew up and learned how to traverse a world riddled with bio-weapons and with abilities the laws of nature said she shouldn’t have.
Most of their visits were filled with all sorts of whys and Leon always made sure to answer Sherry’s questions to the best of his abilities. He’d sensed that the poor girl was never given the opportunity to ask such questions on a day-to-day basis and frankly, Leon believed there probably wasn’t an adult she trusted enough to ask about how she’d know if she liked a boy. He’d fumbled answering that question so badly that, in the end, he had to tell Sherry to just wait for when Claire was able to visit again. 
It had been such an innocent question, something Leon suspected most adolescent girls would wonder about at some point - boys too, honestly. Leon just couldn’t imagine his sweet Sherry thinking about anyone in that way. So, imagine his surprise to see her in the wreckage of China several years later with a boy no less. At the time, his surprise had been mixed with anger at Simmons upon hearing that not only had he orchestrated the outbreak at Tall Oaks, but had also sent his not-so-little- little girl into the heart of this mess as well. That anger had only intensified when this boy who he didn’t even know had tried to prevent him from touching Sherry.
Now Leon was sitting on his porch with said boy who Leon still knew very little about sharing forced small talk. If Leon had been surprised to see Sherry with Jake over a year ago, he’d been even more surprised that the two had kept in touch.
“You know,” Leon began, breaking the tentative silence that the two had found themselves in, “I think this conversation is long overdue.”
“I don’t think you can call what we’ve been doing so far a conversation,” Jake scoffed.
“Fair, but I do have something I actually wanted to talk about. Or rather, someone.”
Jake spared Leon a hard glance before facing forward again. From where Leon was sitting next to the younger man, out of the corner of his eyes he could see Jake close his own and chuckle softly.
“Seriously? Are you going to ask me about my intentions with Sherry because, quite frankly, it's none of your business.”
“Like hell, it isn’t.” Leon was trying his best to keep his temper under control but Jake could at least pretend to show some respect. 
“I assure you, sir,”  the word was spat with such mocking contempt that Leon found himself revoking his previous wish, “that Sherry is a big girl. She can make her own decisions about who she does and doesn't get involved with. Nothing you say is going to change anything.”
“As true as that may be, I still thought it pertinent you know that if you ever so much as bring a tear to Sherry’s eye that I can make you disappear in a heartbeat. I have friends in high places. No one would ever find you, not even Sherry.”
“Like who?” Jake chuckled again. 
“Well for starters, try the last President. I single handedly saved his daughter from a B.O.W infested cult. I’m more than certain that he’d help me protect my own. He’s practically said as much to me.” 
Leon wasn’t sure how much Jake knew about him. He also knew that this threat might have fallen flat but was gratefully surprised to see the boy next to him squirm a bit in his seat.
“I’m not sure how much sway an ex President truly has. Besides, Sherry isn’t even your daughter. Why are you going all psycho parent mode over this anyway?” 
If Jake wasn’t intimidated by Leon before, he was now. The statement was barely out of his mouth before the older man had jumped from his seat and pulled Jake up by the collar of his shirt. His back was against the exterior of the house and Leon was in his face before Jake could even blink.
“Don’t you dare say anything like that again. I’ve tolerated your disrespectful ass in my house today for Sherry but that is where I draw the line,” Leon was practically growling, voice low and even as to not alert anyone in the house to what was going on.
“Sherry is my daughter in every way that counts and I will protect her like she is my own. The fact that you have the audacity to say some stupid shit like that to me shows me that I was right thinking she needed protecting from you!”
“Ok, old man, I’m sorry,” Jake pushed Leon off of him.
He didn’t seem to put up much of a fight. Although, that was probably more of a testament to Claire peeking out to check on them than Leon being nice. 
“Sorry…sir,” Jake cleared his throat awkwardly after Claire retreated back inside. She’d seemed skeptical of Leon’s assurances that everything was fine but hadn’t pressed the matter anymore.
“I…I see how much Sherry means to you and I see how much you and Claire mean to her. I don’t… my intentions were never- are never to come between that. Or to hurt Sherry. I would never purposefully hurt Sherry.”
“It's not the on-purpose stuff I’m worried about,” Leon muttered but didn’t say anything further.
One of his other girls came running out soon after saying that Leon and Jake needed to come inside for dinner.
Sherry didn’t question why Jake was extra quiet during the meal. She also pretended not to notice how Leon hugged her extra-long or whispered something into Jake’s ear as they prepared to leave for the night. The look on Leon’s face said it all and really, she was too happy to have a dad who cared about her enough to threaten her boyfriend to be upset.
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Keep Going
Chapter 1 {Next Chapter >>}
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Pairing: Jake x Danny
Word Count: 2.1K
Warnings: 18+, minors DNI. (spoilers) getting caught masturbating, mutual masturbation
{Author Commentary: This is my imagining of a budding interest between Jake & Danny. They are both over 18 in all nsfw scenes, but still young and horny and figuring their shit out. I want to thank Zara for inspiring me to write and encouraging me to actually post this. Let the silly, saucy shenanigans ensue~}
At first, it had seemed innocent; tolerating rather than intrigued. Danny and Sam had entered the garage as Jake was practicing a solo he'd been working on. Jake looked up as the chord progression was unceremoniously interrupted by the garage door creaking open "mom said I could have the space to practice till 6" "it is 6, dipshit" Sam retorted, strolling in. Danny had leaned on the doorframe, respecting the space. "Keep going though, finish that riff, it sounded cool." Jake smiled at him in earnest before returning to his shredding, flicking his hair dramatically with the final note. Sam rolled his eyes "Real cool. Now move, Danny's gonna fix my bike" he plopped down on the old faded couch that faced the cleared half of their garage. While the other half housed the car and various landscaping supplies, this half functioned as a makeshift spot for hanging out, working on projects, and, increasingly recently, band practice.
"I'm gonna tell you how to fix your bike, I'm not doing it for you, lazy ass" Danny laughed at Sam, walking over to shove his feet off the couch and take the spot next to him. 
Danny had volunteered to sub in for their regular drummer on a few occasions and began regularly attending their more casual jam sessions before being formally invited to the band. They'd collectively decided he was a better fit. He'd always been 'around', having been Sam's best friend since before middle school. But they'd started hanging out 'as a band' more the past few years, and he was now nearly as close friends with Jake and Josh as he was with their little brother.
Getting their first 'real' tour bus had been a big step for all of them and a big adjustment. Though they were all practically living together before the tour, the four of them confined to a bus was another story. Danny's talents for mediation and de-escalation had presented themselves early into their bandmate relationship. He was good at making them all laugh, even when Jake and Josh were literally at each other's throats. And, despite being quieter than the rest of them in conversation, he always made sure everyone else got their chance to be heard.
They were doing one of the many interviews for local radio shows during their tour stops. Jake had come to a pause in a long-winded answer when Josh classically started reaching for the mic, trying to insert his two cents. Danny playfully batted his hand down. "Keep going, it may be the last chance, once Josh gets the mic" they'd all laughed, Jake and Josh sharing a knowing look. Jake had shot Danny a grateful glance and a nod and a nod before resuming his answer.
They'd all seemingly found their cohabitation-flow living together in their close quarters of the tour bus. Stacked beds and a shared bathroom weren't too unfamiliar. Jake had been reading in his top bunk when a vague black mass in his peripheral caught his attention. He couldn't help but laugh, causing Danny to turn, from straightening his bed after a nap. "Have you seen the back of your head lately?" "The back of my- ?" Danny reached over his own shoulder, eyebrows raised in confusion. His hand rested on the matted fluff of hair, sticking up from the back of his head. Bedhead, from a seemingly eventful nap. Moments after the recognition dawned on his face he doubled over laughing, Jake joining him, his book abandoned on his pillow. "Damn. How am I even gonna start with this, I can't see it!" Danny had begun awkwardly attempting to pat down the back of his hair, making them both chuckle again. "Here- come here, turn around" Jake motioned to him, leaning out slightly over the edge of his bunk. Danny stepped over, turning so Jake could start nimbly picking through the knots causing the protrusion. A particularly tough one caused Danny's head to jerk back. "Shit, sorry" Jake stalled, but Danny just chuckled "Keep going. It's better than me ripping through it with a hairbrush." "Speaking of, it's probably time for one of those" Jake resumed, finishing off the rest of the identifiable tangles, combing the hair down experimentally with his fingers. "That, I can do. Thanks, man" Danny ran his hand over the spot as he stepped over to his storage drawer, looking for his hairbrush. "What had you squirming around that much anyway? I've never seen it that bad", Jake jested, reaching for his book again. In lieu of an answer, Danny just turned to him, having found his brush, and gave him a pointed smirk, his eyebrows quirking before walking off to the bathroom. ‘Oh.’ Jake understood immediately; finding a convenient time to get off on a constantly full bus was near impossible, and he'd been feeling the frustration himself lately. Still, the thought of Danny's resulting dirty dream brought a slight warmth to his face. Thankfully Danny was too busy in the bathroom mirror to see its resulting tinge on the peaks of his cheeks.
After a particularly enthusiastic show in Boston, the boys had gathered to decompress and share a drink in the shared back-stage lounge. They rarely used individual dressing rooms, even when they were provided. It just wasn't their style, there was too much to talk about, before and after the show. But Jake couldn't talk right now. After initial sentiments were exchanged and beers were opened, he excused himself to the bathroom as the rest of them settled in. He found himself walking down an adjacent hallway till he saw a designated artist dressing room. It was modest, being a small local venue. But it fit the need, and before he even considered looking for a bathroom he was leaned against the edge of the vanity fumbling un-gracefully with his belt, button, and zipper. Jake's jacket had been tossed backstage between songs, and he was now even more grateful to have one less article of clothing to deal with. Finally pulling his strained cock from his briefs, he hissed between clenched teeth as he desperately began stroking himself, his other hand gripping the edge of the counter, his head dropping back in a strained sigh. It wasn't gonna be his best work, but after being on edge for weeks he wouldn't need it to be. “Fuck.” The energy that night had really been palpable, they'd all found themselves flushed and shiny only a few songs into the set. During Danny's drum solo Jake had first realized how all the adrenaline had gotten to him. Danny had been pounding away at a seemingly infinite rhythm as they all took a moment. Brushing sweat-slicked hair from his temples Jake had stared in wonder. Danny never needed that break, he was relentless on stage, commanding the attention of the whole room as the rhythm of his drums filled everyone's chest. Jake's hand was increasing its pace subconsciously till the sweet music in his mind was cut off by the dragging of the heavy door against the matted old carpet as it was opened.
Danny was standing in the doorway, his eyes fixed pointedly on Jake's now still hand. His mouth opened slightly, his tongue gliding over his bottom lip as he stood there, seemingly transfixed. His hand not being used to open the door had been wiping the sweat that accumulated on his chest during the show down toward the small trail of dark hairs that continued below his belt. The door had swung shut behind him but he remained by the doorway. The room was already small, almost more of a glorified storage closet. Danny's eyes flicked up to his briefly, in a moment that felt like it lasted hours. "...Keep going." It wasn’t a command, more like a plea. His voice was low but slightly hushed, breathless. He made no move to step towards Jake, which Jake was grateful for. He wasn't sure how to react in his current state. All the blood left in his brain was thrumming with frustration, denied pleasure, and now an extra shot of adrenaline at the shock of being caught in his current state. Still, Jake was too far gone to stay still any longer. His hand slowly resumed its interrupted stroke, heeding his friend's words. A groan grew deep in his chest as he reached his head, thumb trailing over the hypersensitive flesh. His eyes involuntarily fluttered closed but not before seeing Danny's hand dipping past his belt and into his own jeans. 
Jake had returned to his desperate pace, panting filling the small space, echoed out of sync by Danny who had seemingly accepted Jake's nonverbal agreement to ...whatever this was. Danny had undone his pants and was stroking himself, almost at the same pace as Jake. As the sound of a repressed whine left his friend, Jake's eyes threatened to flutter open, his brow furrowing further instead. He wasn't sure where he'd even look. 'What was riskier, looking at Danny's hand, currently working over himself?’ -not for the first time, admittedly- Jake wondered if he was proportional, Danny being what he and Josh jokingly called 'obnoxiously tall'- but the other option was looking Danny in the eyes. Remembering the odd feeling that had shot through him when they'd first made eye contact, Jake knew that definitely felt like more of a risk. Still, the feeling of Danny’s eyes on him was strangely empowering. Jake tossed his head back, clearing his face of any obscuring hair. His, no doubt flushed, chest rose and fell desperately as he felt his overdue orgasm start to arrive. “huhh- fuck.” he came in his hand, voice hitching in his throat. Biting down on his lower lip, he stroked himself through it, finally sighing in true relief. Feeling looser than he had in a while, he lazily opened his eyes, knowing Danny hadn’t come yet. He was significantly less composed than the last time Jake had looked at him. His teeth were sunk intensely into one of his knuckles, breathing heavily out of his nose in an attempt to stifle his sounds. Jake reached behind himself for the box of tissues on the vanity, cleaning off his hand without breaking his stare. He stood up, leaning off the counter, causing Danny’s eyes to flash to his, they were widened and infinitely dark, his irises almost completely black. His sharp cheeks and the strong bridge of his nose had been painted pink with a flush. his free hand had now dropped, gripping where his shoulder met his neck. His mouth opened slightly like he was about to warn Jake of something. But, before anything coherent could come out his eyes screwed shut, face tucking into his bent arm to muffle a final grunt. Jake's eyes followed the tensing of his slicked stomach muscles and strained vascular forearm just in time to watch his friend come undone, arching off the door frame ever so subtly. Danny was panting slightly when he looked up again. 
As his breathing slowed, he motioned to the tissue box in Jake's hand, smiling a bit sheepishly. “Can I get a few…” “huh? Oh, yeah” Jake mentally pulled himself from his daze of swirling thoughts to pull a few tissues from the box and hand them to him. “That was, …uhm…” Jake motioned vaguely with a limp arm, now even more tired, post-show arm. He was not sure where he was going with that sentence, it just felt like he had to say something. “...fun?” Danny offered, lightly. He was smiling down at Jake, who was now standing in front of him. “Yeah… uh, do we… have to-” “not if you don’t want to.”, Danny affirmed. Despite neither of them quite knowing which of the thoughts buzzing through the air Jake was referring to, it seemed to work. Jake nodded, visibly more relaxed as he did up his pants, waiting as Danny did the same. He paused at the door, 'would it make him feel bad if I asked to stagger our leaving?' Danny's thoughts seemed to be in the same realm as he spoke up, pulling his damp hair up into a ponytail. "I told them I wanted to bum a smoke from you, cause I'm out. I don't think they'd think anything of it if you just joined me for a smoke break." "Yeah, -that's perfect", Jake paused to stretch his arms, letting out a relieved groan "and I could really use one right now." Danny followed him down the hall, his smirk audible in his voice "Yeah, I bet."
{Woo! First chapter of my first posted GVF fic. Chapter 2 is in the works. Till then, please please let me know what you think!}
{Next Chapter >>}
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paigenoelchas-blog · 2 years
The Heist -- chapter 27
Authors note: this is my second fan fiction that I have been part of. I appreciate all of the excellent writers that have allowed my to participate in this. I hope I didn't let this story down.
Warnings: language
His arms are around me before the door clicks.
We fold into each other instinctively. He holds me for a few seconds. Neither of us move. I am so happy he wasn't hurt. I can't let him go, not now. Not after promises of a life that is shared with him.
One arm releases my waist as he gently runs his other hand through my hair to check for injuries. His face is a mixture of concern and absolute love. I assume mine looks much the same.
“How are you feeling?’ He whispers softly, apparently satisfied that I will recover.
I gently place my hand on his cheek, "I am fine, Jake.” I smile and lean in for a kiss. It was going to be a reassuring peck on the cheek, but his eyes darken and he pulls me close to him leaving no space between us. Desire begins to grow in both of us as his tongue explores my mouth. My arms wrap around his neck tighter as his lips move ever so slowly from my mouth to my neck, driving me crazy. His tongue grazes my collarbone sending chills down my spine.
A moan sneaks its way from deep in my throat. He pulls his face away, but one hand drops. It finds its way to my ass and stays there. Our lips meet again, though this time was a crashing of faces and an uncontrolled grasping and searching for any way to be closer. What has made him so bold in this moment?
"Fuck, MC, I thought that I had lost you," he says, his voice shaking. "That can't happen." He hugged me tight again. I'm still trying catch my breath from that kiss and now he is holding me so tight that I can barely breathe. Yet I refuse to move because I feel so safe in his arms.
“When he sent that message to me, the one that said he was going to hurt you, I had to come immediately. Master isn’t someone that you take a gamble on. If he says he will hurt you, he will hurt you. Don’t ever doubt that he is a man that will do whatever it takes to get what he wants. I was so afraid I wouldn't get there in time. You were passed out when I got here. I can not explain the terror that I felt." As he speaks, his free hand runs through his hair.
Maybe I could imagine a little. I was terrified when I couldn't find or save Jake. I was terrified when he was in the caves. I was terrified when he drove off in the car.
He backs up and takes one more kiss, this one gentle and sweet. "He was right, you know. You are my weakness." He squeezes my ass before letting go. He winks at me while moving to take my hands in his. His eyes never waver from mine. “You are the most important thing to me. I will do whatever it takes too keep you safe. This may include taking Master up on his offer for freedom.”
“But what about the FBI and Christopher, Kyle, and James? They have done so much to save us. Don’t you trust them?” I question.
"We made a deal with the FBI. I feel like we would be betraying them if we didn’t go with their plan. If we do go with it, we would be free and he would be behind bars. We would be safe.” I plead.
“ I trust you. Only you.” He admits.
"I don’t know that we would be," he says while brushing hair off of my face with his hand. "I mean, what if they aren't happy with the way we bring him in. What if he finds a way to escape? We will never be this close to him again. This is our only chance. I am also not exactly sure that Master wouldn't come back for us later," Jake says.
He does have a point. I lean my head onto his shoulder. He runs his hand though my hair and we sit in silence for a moment both lost in our thoughts. As if he is afraid to lose contact, he reaches for my hand and kisses the inside of my palm.
“I really don’t know that we would be safe," he continues, "though that is the outcome I desire. Master has people everywhere. I also don’t know what he has on that disc. We could be framed for all of the crimes that he has committed. I said that he is a man that he will do whatever it takes to get what he wants." He hangs his head.
"You know him best. I trust whatever you say" I tell him. I want him to know that we are in this together, partners to the end. I bend down to meet his gaze.
“Look, I haven’t done the things he accused me of, but I haven’t always been innocent." He begins to share his thoughts with me. "I haven’t always taken the higher road and made the best choices. Master is cruel and lacks a moral compass. He deserves to be caught. He needs to be shut down. I just dont trust that he will let us turn him in without consequences to our freedom. I will not have you suffer at his hands. I feel as though he has a trick up his sleeve." He stops.
"However much I admire the men who worked to get us to this place and I trust Christopher to do right by us. I only have one priority, to keep you safe. I feel like either of these decisions is precarious. I know that if we betray the FBI we will be criminals and we will be running from them forever. Master can keep us safe, but not forever and maybe not the kind of freedom that we are looking for. I want to be with you, MC. I want a future that allows me to take you places and walk hand in hand without fear. The FBI promises that, but who says that we can turn him in and they don't find a way to break our agreement? There is just so much at stake here. Your life, your future, our future is hanging in the balance." Jake stands. He is pacing now. The weight of this decision is weighing on him.
Suddenly, he spins me around to sit me in his lap, his arms tighten around my waist. He smells good--distinctly Jake. A bit of woods and danger, if you could put a smell to that. I can see the stress on his face and I begin to rub his back, trying to calm him.
“If you weren’t with me," he begins again. I feel privileged to know his thoughts. "I would probably take my chances with Master because the police have never been on my side, but I want you to be safe and happy and free. I believe in Christopher because you do and I trust your judgement. I believe good things can happen because I met you. I believe that we can have a future and a wonderful life. We just have to figure this..."
I interrupt him with a kiss. How can he be so willing to give up everything for me? Despite the danger we are in, I can't ignore how lucky I am to have him. Deepening the kiss, his hands slide up the skirt that I saw him eyeing earlier. My hand manages to find its way up the edge of his shirt and my skin is on fire. He moans this time and a shiver escapes my body. His fingers begin to dig into my thigh while I can feel his lips tracing the skin from my neck to that soft place between my breasts.
I am jello. My knees are shaking and my body vibrates. Everything inside me loves him and wants to share this love with him. There has to be a way that can save us so that these stolen moments aren't stolen. We have to find a way to be free for the kind of life that he deserves.
“I’ve got it!” I yell and he pauses. He jumps and his hands move to my hips. This time he is trying to catch his breath.
"What do you mean, you’ve got it? And right now? I thought we were in the middle of something." He says, his voice low and deep.
"Oh, we were, but I am trying to create a lifetime of moments that we can share... and.. you inspired me." I say with a little smile, standing and trying to straighten my skirt.
He is pouting. I bite the bottom of his lips and tease him a little. "I am trying to find a way to our freedom so we can do more of this, a lot more of this." He starts back with those lovely kisses that crinkle my toes.
“You are quite the tease." He says and smiles at me slowly removing his hands from my hips. Taking a deep breath, he returns to the logical Jake that I am used to.
"What is your plan? I can not wait to hear it." His eyes are gentle as they look into mine.
"What if we help Mark fake his death? We can please the FBI and Mark won't be coming after us. I think this would give him his freedom and give the FBI the solution that they were looking for. Just maybe we could be free to be together without having to look over our shoulders."
“Miss Davis, my little genius," he says, looking at me with a flash of hope in his eyes. “If we can convince Master to agree to the plan and if we can manage to dupe the FBI, maybe..."
Jake stops mid-thought as the door swings open.
He whispers in my ear, "Please be quiet and let me do the talking." I nod but secretly hope that I can keep my end of the bargain.
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manuedws · 2 years
Too late to apologize - 8
This part took more trouble than I thought it would : The first reason is that it was the passage in the mine that drove me to write this fiction. I had a very clear idea of what I wanted to say and I think also had high expectations. The result was, and still is, frustrating. When you write in a language that is not your own, with gaps in your vocabulary, it becomes very complicated when it comes to evoking feelings.
The second reason is that I'm on vacation, and obviously mojitos don't help concentrate.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9|
She would be there in about thirty minutes if his calculations were right. Till then, he should get a little closer to the exit, even if each of his steps had become an ordeal. He could hardly breathe and he was shivering, fever was getting in the way, one of his wounds must have become infected. He was at the end of his rope, but he had to hold on, he had to fight for her, and she would be his reward.
   He didn't want her to go into the mine, but he hadn't been able to convince her to stay in her shelter. He had once again been powerless to protect her. He was upset she would take risks for him, she could be so stubborn !  Paradoxically this situation also warmed his heart. He understood, he would move mountains for her, and this reciprocity made him grow wings.
But she was still putting herself in danger, and he was scared to death! So, a few hours earlier, when he realized that she would do as she pleased and come anyway, he had finally indicated his position on the map and the route he intended to take on the way back. If he couldn't stop her from coming to get him, he could make sure she didn't get lost, and limit her presence inside, by getting as close as possible to the exit.
They had agreed that she would wait for the night to leave, they had less risk of running into curious people than during the day. She had managed to sleep a little, and had sent him a last message to inform him that she was leaving her hotel. She had then turned off her phone to avoid being located. The rest of the operation would be done blindly. Nevertheless, Jake had chosen a simple route, and they couldn't miss each other.
            He was impatient, but not that much anxious. Since he allowed himself, he had imagined thousands of times how their first meeting might be, and in every scenario, everything was perfect. He had never even thought that she may not find him attractive, that she could push him away as he would lean towards her to kiss her.
The situation today was far from perfect and he had no chance to present himself to her in his best light. He was exhausted, wounded, sick, and dirty : the dust from the mine had stuck to his sweaty body, and on top of that, she was the hero who came to save him. In short, he hadn't planned it that way at all. Even though he was dying of thirst, he had kept some water to wash his face, just before meeting her.  As he was afraid of not being  able to get up if he sat down,  he just leaned on the wall, moistened a corner of his sweatshirt and passed it over his face.
It took him back four years ago: he saw himself standing in front of that mirror, in a public toilet that smelled of piss, using his shirt to wash his face, in shock. The place was dirty, the neon light above his head was sizzling, giving the place an even more surnatural look. That day too, his face and hands were sticky, but covered in blood, his blood and his friend's.
     Like all extremely intelligent people, Jake was hypersensitive, idealistic, utopian, even naive, rebellious, with a very precise idea of justice, and moral values that mattered more to him than the law. All this, added to his curiosity and his taste for challenge had led him on the path of hacking. At first it was just fun, then it became exhilarating. The world was going wrong, he was realizing  it more and more, each of his break-ins bringing him face to face with the perversity, greed and arrogance of the world. So, each time  he managed to denounce  a scandal or anything like that , he felt a great satisfaction, as an accomplished duty.
  To help him in his intrusions, he had developed a set of programs that saved him a lot of time.  These pieces of programs, which he improved as time went by, were easily recognizable. If those pieces of code appeared,  it meant the hacker had been there. The FBI was thinking it was a signature, a mark of arrogance, and he was very amused by that theory. He was so much simple.
        He had never trusted the police and governmental organizations, not because of what they represented, but because of the people inside.  It only took one rotten fruit to contaminate the whole basket, only one match to set a forest on fire. So, when he was caught and the FBI offered him this deal, he knew it wasn't going to work as planned.
It wasn't too bad at first, the challenge was interesting, and even though he wasn't allowed to leave the warehouse, he was comfortable. Sometimes, the fed who was watching over his safety on the night shift, Tom, was bringing freshly cooked food from his wife , or a beer, that they were enjoying together.  
       When he was about to get the money back from the cartel, the shrink offered him another deal, not a very honest one: the money from the cartel for his freedom + 20 million euros.  He was given only a few hours to think over it and transfer the money to several private accounts in the Bahamas. The shrink was supposed to come to the warehouse at the end of the evening, to verify that the money had been transferred and to allow Jake to escape.
But of course, this deal was out of the question for Jake : he was a hacker, not a crook. 
He had explained everything to Tom and had even shown him the conversations. The agent had made a detailed report to his hierarchy, which of course had disappeared immediately. Realizing that they would have to fend for themselves, the two men came up with a plan to expose the psychologist.
Jake had to make the psychiatrist speak and, Tom, listening discreetly, would have put him under arrest as soon as he had heard enough compromising words.
The hacker had also coupled a microphone to the CCTV Camera to record the conversation with the shrink, it would be conclusive proof. But it was still necessary that this was not erased like everything else.  He had drawn the conclusion that at least one computer expert of the cybercrime unit was involved in this scam, the psy not being clever enough to have located and deleted all compromising evidence.  So he had made a little script so that everything, including video streams was encrypted, cut and saved in different places. The idea was simple but ingenious: leave the evidence on the FBI network, in front of their eyes, but almost impossible to see if we do not know where and how to look for it.
Satisfied, and ready for confrontation, they both had waited for the psychologist, in vain. The night passed and the two men wondered, without really believing it, if Tom's message had not been received and the psy arrested.
It was Solis who showed up the next morning, which was not unusual for him. What was less common was that he arrived at 7:00 , half an hour before the guard shift. He sent Tom home, claiming he had to have a confidential talk with the hacker.  Jake had watched his friend leave with apprehension : he had never trusted Solis. And he was righ t: once they were alone, Solis ordered him to finalize the transaction. He hit Jake several times when he refused, and the two men began to fight. 
Tom, who had not really left, but was hiding to observe, intervened and join the fight but when he wanted to reach for his gun, Solis took a knife out of nowhere, and stabbed him several times.
Solis was like crazy, he threatened a shocked Jake, and ordered him to make the transfer immediately. With a gun to his head, the hacker understood that he would not escape alive, that Solis would kill him once the money was transferred. So he tried to stall for time, pretended to work on the transfers, while checking if everything had been filmed and saved. His heart was heavy, he was as scared as he was angry. Tom had paid the price, there was no way Solis was going to get away with it, even if it meant getting killed.
The day shift guard arrived with a bit of a head start. A few minutes later and it would have been over for Jake.  The man approached slowly, horrified by the sight of Tom's body lying lifeless on the ground, trying to figure out what had happened. But when Solis threw himself at him, knife in hand, he understood what happended.
"Get the hell out of here, go to safety," he yelled at Jake. 
The rest is blurred in his head, it seems that he has obeyed by instinct. He vaguely remembered throwing himself out of the window and landing painfully one floor below, starting to run run run run as fast as he could. 
He did not stop, even when he heard a gunshot ring out behind his back. He ran until he was breathless, until he heard the sirens of the police cars. The whole area was being cordoned off, he had to get out of this mess.
     In the bathroom of the bus station, he had removed the shards of glass from his hands and forearms with the means at hand, washing all that blood, trying to make himself presentable, so as not to scare people. Horrified, he was seeing the same scene before his eyes again and again, unable to make sense of it. He was almost killed, and two cops died to save his life. 
He was being hunted, the police and the FBI were after him. On the news, they said he was a cyber thief, a cop-killer, armed and dangerous. When in truth he was wounded, scared,  and had only his clothes on him.  That day was the first day of the rest of his life, and when he slipped through the crowd to avoid his pursuers, he knew that he would no longer belong in this world, that he would have to stay invisible.
The first few days had been complicated, he had to steal to eat and get new clothes. He then managed to contact his childhood friend and lifelong accomplice, who provided him with a roof over his head for the first few days. Unfortunately, the police quickly traced him, so he had to leave very quickly, with the cash savings that his friend had almost forced him to take. Since then, Jake sent him a greeting from time to time, to tell him that he was still alive and free, but more and more rarely, each contact putting them both in danger.
Over time, it became easier and easier  to hide.  All those people around him were too busy living their lives  -  going to work, having children, falling in love, getting drunk, screwing up, suffering, and starting all over again -  to notice him. He knew this life was no longer for him, the man in black and white, who passed right by their world, but never crossed it. He was wanting to be cold, insensitive, impervious to others, he could not allow himself the slightest weakness, and weeks after weeks , he was getting better and better at it.
But the human being is not a green plant that feeds only on water and sun, it is a more complex being whose sensitivity needs to be nourished, and Jake was no different.
         So, as his only companion, he chose music, which followed him everywhere and which allowed him to evacuate his overflow of emotions. He lived a life by proxy through it and it gave him the impression of never being alone. He was loving  all styles of music, listening to everything. He sometimes ventured to attend a concert, and these were unforgettable moments for him. 
He could have tried to rebuild a life and forget the past. As long as he stayed away from the internet and especially the FBI, could have stayed hidden this way.  He had tried several times to blend in, but after a few weeks the anger returned. The injustice of not being able to use his name while criminals were running free. It was too much for him to bear.  
So he was starting war again :  preparing  to flee, planning a drop point, and was  hacking the FBI again to retrieve the proofs of his innocence.  Every connection brought him closer to his goal. A few months earlier, He had even retrieved and posted a compromising conversion with the shrink, who had mysteriously disappeared afterwards. but he was far from having been able to obtain the video of the murder of the two agents, which could clear his name.
Anyone else would have gone mad, but he had held out, having  more resources than he thought. He had no other goal than to survive and get the truth out. 
And then, the email from Hannah. He had been unable to ignore it and this was the first crack in the shell built around him.  It all came together when he witnessed her kidnapping.
  When the message with HER number sent to Thomas appeared , he immediately began his search. He had forced access to her phone in no time. How reckless! 
A quick examination of her phone gave him little informations : 
Her name was MC She was registered at a gym  She was sewing in her spare time  She had an insta account where she didn't post, or very little, and nothing really personal.  She was an aquarist. She was reading  manga and psychology books - A student probably since he had not found anyone with her name on the list of graduates, Note for later :  Check in universities -
She had turned off the geolocation history. He grunted in frustration, this girl was even more discreet than he was. Nevertheless, according to her text messages, she had been dining with a friend hundreds of miles away from Duskwood at the time of Hannah's disappearance, so she wasn't the kidnapper. 
Beyond needing to find information about her to understand her role in Hannah's disappearance, the girl's discretion had drawn his curiosity. While the world shares their lives on social networks, she seemed to be absent from them, and her phone was obviously not a priority for her.  While browsing the photos on his phone, he felt a tension rising in him : She was taking  pictures of everything around her but not a single selfie.  But he finally managed to  find a first photo of her.
Pretty, was his first thought.  Her eyes were huge, her face so sweet. She was smiling honestly at the camera, as if she was going to talk to him. And as he was looking at her, he found himself smiling too.
Really pretty, he said again. 
He had thought she was a friend of Hannah's, but after checking her call log in her contacts, they  had never written or spoken., they didn't seem to know each other.
So, who was she? 
Would she help him find Hannah? 
He immediately had a good feeling during their first exchanges.  She was nice to him, She was interested in him, and asked him questions above their investigation.  After so Many years being invisible to others, he was no longer a ghost. Even though the situation was complex, talking to her was good. He was feeling like existing through her eyes and he was liking that.
The more the days went by, the more curious he became about her. He had searched her phone again, and quickly started to wonder if all this was really just a precaution for his own safety. But he was thinking he could manage this : after all, he was not a teen  who had never had the opportunity to speak to a pretty girl.
Her playlist was great, so he started listening to it, not realizing that he was letting her into his life in this way, associating her with the feelings he could get from listening to these songs.
he had tried to investigate her further by reading some of her conversations. 
There was nothing, she was a young woman with a perfectly normal life: friends, an ex-bf she had broken up with a few months ago.  And then there was this guy she seemed to see often. Although there didn't seem to be any ambiguity between the two of them, he had this twinge of sadness when he read their conversations, their complicity.  He shouldn't be so curious, too dangerous.
And then there was the day she asked his name ,out of the blue
 His name ? He was confused, why?  He had to know why.  Without really thinking about it, he connected to her phone and activated the front camera. He had wanted to for a long time, but he had never dared to take the step. And before he could even think about what he was doing, she was in front of him, looking him straight in the eyes.
Sitting cross-legged on a window sill, phone in her lap, she was looking at her phone anxiously, her hair in a mess around her pretty face. 
- “Why would you want to know my name ?”
He saw her run a hand through her hair, pouting, taking a deep breath before writting.
-“Because i like you”
- “Please ❤️”
She was looking anxiously at her screen, biting her lower lip. She was so incredibly pretty and he was like hypnotized.
- “My name is Jake”.
A huge smile lit up her face, 'Hi Jake' she wrote. Then with her eyes fixed on her screen, as if she was looking him in the eye, she whispered : "Hi Jake".
He shivered, it had been years since anyone had called him by his name. He had to hear it today from her. It was like, she was giving him back his identity :  He was Jake and he was falling in love with her.  He tried to pull himself together but it was so hard to look away from her eyes, it was like he was under a spell.
- "Are you dating someone ?"
How did he come to ask her that? He didn't even know. Once the question was sent, he immediately felt very uncomfortable, but he had to know.
- "No ? Why ?"
- "i dont know  - i ... I find you quite fascinating"
He saw her blushing, trying to keep control, realizing she was attracted to him too and he was moved, upset, shaken. He had turned off the chat and the video connection, to escape that moment , swearing to himself that he would never do it again.  But it was already too late. That day he knew they were both feeling the same, and this certainty had carried him forward until that day. 
Of course, he had tried to fight it, but his feelings were getting stronger and stronger.  He had tried to remain rational but he was slipping more and more towards her,  losing all logic, all distance when it came to her. 
He had tried to tell himself that she would be better off in the arms of anyone else, for her sake.  These last few years he had been just good at causing disasters, she would be so better away from him. But this idea : his MC in the arms of another was intolerable to him.
He had tried really hard for both of their sakes. 
But the truth is that such a feeling of love is not reasonable.  It's selfish, it doesn't share, it doesn't reason, it doesn't compromise, it wants it all, and it wants it now. So he stopped fighting.
He was hypnotized and bewitched. She had made his heart beat and brought him back to life.  And the prospect of taking her in his arms and kissing her was making him so happy. 
Somehow she had become the key to all these problems, and that everything would be okay because he had found her.  He really had an unshakeable, naive faith in the future for the first time in his life as if the wheel had turned. After all those years of hardship, of injustice, she was there and everything would be fine.
He was aware that this belief was naive and fragile, but in all honesty, he didn't give a damn: for the first time in years, he was happy. 
After pulling his wet t-shirt over his face, not having a mirror, he reached for his phone. But before he could launch the camera application to check if he was presentable, a notification caught his eye. It was from Lilly :
- “Jake, be careful, MC is from the FBI”.
His heart stopped beating, his body becomes heavy, his head about to explode  “No, no, that's not possible” he breathed, his eyes glued to his screen. "No" he shouted, throwing his phone violently against the wall of the mine. 
His fist clenched and a shadow passed through his eyes, something that looked like madness. Part 9
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non-binaryzombie · 3 years
29 with Jake please?
Prompt: 29. “I'm getting sick from these apologies, from people with priorities. That their life matters so much more than mine”
Music: The Living Tombstone - I Got No Time
Characters: Jake x Reader (Lilly's appearance)
Warnings: Angst (Reader just turned 20 two days before being involved in Hannah's disappearance)
Word count: 1.3k
A/N: Okay, I risk to say that this is one of my favorites so far, I loved writing this and I loved how it turned out , hope y'all enjoys as much as me <3
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(Most of my pics/gifs come from Pinterest, if I use a photo that belongs to you and you don't like it, please contact me and we'll take care of it)
This is not exactly how you imagined your adult life to start, not trying to find a missing girl with a group who you’ve never met, nor falling in love with someone who you barely know, but still, here you are, getting off a train that just dropped you off at the famous Duskwood, even if lately you’ve been thinking about giving up you can’t just do that, it's a luxury you can't afford. You’ve come to Duskwood because you have all the pieces together you just need to clear your mind and what better than being in the place where everything is happening? Even with Jake's reluctance, you went against everything he said for your certainty that you are able to solve this case. For your lucky Lilly offered to book a room at the hotel for you, she asked you to meet her at her apartment after you got settled, and so you did.
“You know that Jake will kill you when he finds out, right?” she asked putting a cup of tea for you
“Let's hope he doesn't find out anytime soon” you chuckled softly
“There’s something bothering you, isn’t it?” she asked sitting down next to you in the couch
“Can I be honest with you?” she nodded “I know it seem selfish, but I’m thinking about what will happen when all this end” you admitted “I mean, I don’t know if Jake will stop talking to me and just disappear like he always does, after we find Hannah I’m afraid of what may happen” you sighed
“Oh, Y/N, you have the total right to think that” she assured you “I’m afraid of that too, but I’m certain that Jake wouldn’t do that, he likes you too much to do that with you” she shook her head
“Well, he wouldn’t do that to you, after all you’re his sister, the only family he has left are you and Hannah, he told me that once, but he always says that is too dangerous for us to be together” you threw your head back on the back of the sofa closing your eyes “God, where did I put myself on?” the sound of the door opening made you open your eyes again
“Lilly, I’m home, I’ll be up there if you…” he stopped as he saw you, a strange feeling that you knew him hit you “Need me” he finished shifting his gaze from you to Lilly “Really?”
“Surprise?” she asked waving her hands slightly excitedly, you looked at her confused “Y/N this is, Jake” your eyes widened a little
“What?” you looked at the dark-haired boy standing by the door
“Oh, look, I totally forgot I had to go buy some milk” she said getting up and you looked at her again
“Don’t you dare-” you tried to said but before you could even realize she was already at the door
“Interact with each other” she said smiling before opening the door
“Wait, Lilly!” you said getting up, but she left you two alone, an awkward mood created in the room, you could feel his gaze on you, so you looked back at him, his hands shoved into his pocket
“What are you doing here?” he asked
“Well, that’s not exactly what I expected from our first meeting you know?” you laughed nervously “How about an “Hello?” he sighed looking away from you
“Why are you here?” his voice was firm, of course he would be upset
“I’m trying to solve a puzzle” you answered “Trying to put the pieces together”
“You could do it from your house, from a safe place” you rolled your eyes
“Like I said, it’s better to search for clues in place” he took a step in your direction
“It doesn't change the fact that it's not safe for you here.”
“Yes Jake, and it’s not safe for anyone around, what’s your point?” you approached, and your eyes meet
“You promised me you wouldn’t come here” so this was the main reason
“You promised me that my friends would be safe” you countered “And now Richy is missing”
“Of course, you would bring it up” he laughed incredulously “You’ll keep blaming me for that, won’t you?”
“It’s your fault too, Jake, mine and yours, don’t try to get rid of the guilt because you know I’m right” you said rudely looking deep into his eyes, as if your gazes were fighting a battle
“Look, I get it, Richy was your friend, and you miss him but that” he gestures point to you two “won't get us anywhere”
“He wasn’t my friend, he is, and I’ll find him”
“Our priority is to find Hannah”
“No, that’s your priority” you pushed your finger against his chest “And I’m sick of doing what you want”
“You're letting your emotions control you, and that's not a good thing for the investigation” he said calmly, and you laughed looking away from him
“All I did was lettings my emotions control me, because of you, I ignored threats because you told me to, when Cleo was followed in the forest, I didn’t warn them, when Jessy was attacked you told me not to worry about it, and I did as you said, because you seemed to be sure of what you were doing, but now I see that for you they’re all means to an end, you don’t care if something happened to them as long as you have your Hannah back” you shouted angrily, your eyes were wet, you wanted to cry, scream, you wanted to get it all out but you couldn’t, you had to be strong
“I’m just trying to find her like anyone else, I have to find her no matter how, why can’t you understand that?” you looked at him in disbelief, as if you expected him to take back what he just said
“You know what? I'm getting sick from these apologies, from people with priorities, that their life matters so much more than mine, I’m leaving my life aside, so I can look for someone who I don’t even know, and for what?” you shook your head “I’ll keep looking for her, but not because of you, I’ll do that for Lilly, and for Richy, I know that I can find one if I found the other, but after that” you paused, breathing heavy “I don't want anything to do with you anymore” you completed, your words hit him like a train, he couldn’t believe what you just said, he didn’t wanted to believe, you passed by him, but he held your arm
“You’re not serious” he looked into your eyes, searching for some sign that you were joking, some kind of regret, but all he could see was sadness and anger
“Yes, I am, we’ll solve this fucking case, and then I’ll go back home, to my calm and simple life, the one I should never have abandoned” you said sharply pulling your arm out of his hand
“Y/N, please don’t do that” he bagged as you reached for the doorknob, you stopped looking back at him
“Keep doing what you do better, Jake, running away and hiding, I’ll take care of the rest” you said before living, taking a deep breath trying to pull yourself together, before making your way back to the hotel, he just watched you leave, not knowing how to react, maybe doing like he always did and pretending not to care, but this time he couldn’t, after all, he fell in love with you, he expected to be with you after all that ended, and now it looks like It’ll not be possible, and he just can’t believe what just happened, hopefully when Lilly come back she’ll help him to process that, hopefully she’ll understand his side, hopefully she’ll talk to you and change your mind, hopefully…
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babytaes · 3 years
the originals (you belong)
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summary: The Mikaelsons family stumbles across a plot to assassinate the Prince. Despite Klaus’ judgement, you are determined to take on that challenge with the help of some magic. You demonstrate to them and to yourself that you BELONG!
paring: jake x female reader
genre: angst, slight fluff, slight smut/suggestive
word count: 7k
warnings: suggestive scene
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖎𝖙𝖘: click me before reading!
➳ part of the drunk & dazed series
a/n: i’m not a big fan of this work, i don’t know what it is but i feel like it could be better. I didn’t do my routine thorough read so forgive me for any mistakes. thank you for waiting for this member. enjoy and much love from babytaes. :)
☆ ҉ ◢▅◣
"This is not allowed, Your Majesty. This is not something I believe we should be doing, "You began to walk out of Jake's regal room, shaking your head.
Hearing footsteps behind you, a hand touches your shoulder as he turns you around, shutting the door behind you as he gently pushes you up against the wall.
"Don't pretend you haven't been keeping an eye on me for the past few weeks. I'm sure you want it as much as I do, y/n.”
Licking your lips, you slap his hands off of you and make your way to his massive bed as you fall back.
"It's not like I don't want to do it. It's just your royalty, and I'm not the Mikaelson type."
Jake snickers as he approaches you and raises you up by your hands, bringing you face to face with him. He touches your cheek in his palm and caresses it as he moves closer to your face.
"Well, we're notorious for occasionally breaching the rules. Why don't you give it a shot?" As you yanked his hand away from you and dashed to the door, you snapped back to reality.
Your heart ached as you turned back to see a befuddled Jake, and you cried out to him before closing the door.
“Jake, please stop. You and I both know I'll never be good enough for your family"
It wasn't the finest decision to leave him standing there, but it was necessary for your protection. You wouldn't want to jeopardize the next person in line.
Even if something might have worked with him, the risk was too high.
Everyone should be cautious when they're among the Milkasons, including the youngest.
It wasn't all bad being with the Mikaelsons. They were like a second family to you, despite the fact that you had only met them millennium before. It was strange to find them on that fateful day.
You never know when the all-powerful Originals will appear on your doorstep and request to look after their brother.
It seemed strange. Right?
"Calm down, brother; we'll find a place." We wouldn't be in this situation if you quit yelling and spreading mayhem all over the place."
Klaus ignores his brother and knocks on a cottage door, rolling his eyes at him.
"Oh, Elijah, just shut up; you're just trying to prove me wrong."
Elijah straightens himself as he hears light footsteps approaching the door and approaches the madam who opens it.
"Hello-, your mother bowed down to them and swiftly looked down."
Elijah takes a step in front of his sibling, who is rambling to your mother. Nothing is audible to you. Even so, you see a boy from behind the corner. He appears to be your age and is hidden behind the towering man.
As he moves from behind the man and toward the back, you snicker and watch him through the windows as he approaches the back door.
As you walk through it, you come face to face with the curious boy.
"Hello, my name is Jake; how about you?" He extends his hand, and you eagerly examine it.
"My name is y/n."  Do you want to join me in my game? "I don't have anyone to play with." As you drag him to your makeshift playhouse, you grasp his hand in yours and shake it hard.
You and he hit it off right away when you were outside. You didn't have many friends, so having someone to play house with was very entertaining at your young age
"Hey, come back," He said as he snatched your toy vehicle, making you and him giggle. "Give it back," you insist  
The two men and your mother were standing by the rear door, staring at you two. 
"I believe he will be a perfect fit. Don't worry, I'll do my best." Before summoning Jake over, Klaus and Elijah thanked your mother one again.
They said their goodbyes and walked away, and your memories were about to start.
You and Jake have been inseparable since then; it's always been you two against the world. Despite the fact that you and he come from two different worlds, you manage to make it work on occasion.
You stood far away from the commotion, watching the royal family squabble over royal matters. Jake had just been summoned, and you took a step back, not wanting to cause any disruption.
Despite the fact that they could clearly hear and see you, you continued to stand there.
"Brother, we wouldn't be in this stupid situation if it weren't for your inconvenient behavior once more."
Life is always tumultuous when you basically grow up with a group of originals. I don't think there has ever been a moment when someone wasn't screamed at, killed, or cursed.
It's always something with them.
Jake looks at you, rolling his eyes and making a variety of facial expressions. He loved his life except for this part.
His family 
Your mother took him in and practically raised him when you were younger. You never understood why his family always left him behind. It seems like just because his family was on the run at the time they couldn't or didn't have time to look after him.
As a result, when he reached adulthood, he was able to take his rightful place in the kingdom, and because your family took on that responsibility, you were granted permission to remain in the kingdom.
I mean, the enormous rooms and countless bathrooms never get old, noo. Even though everything appeared to be all in good humor, you felt a sinking feeling in your stomach.
Feeling as if you've never belonged there 
You were a vampire with most of their powers, but you lacked the "royal," and no matter how hard you tried, you could never fit into their mold.
You take one last look at the family, shake your head, and then walk away. You still have a lot of work ahead of you.
You arrive at your mother's room slowly and open it to see her folding laundry. As you approached her and sat down on her, her demeanor brightened.
"You do know you're pretty heavy, sweetie?"
"Mmh," you mutter under your breath as you roll away from her and to the ground. To pass the time, you take a shirt and begin folding it.
As she continued to fold, she hummed a quiet yes.
"What made you decide to take on such a difficult duty as raising Prince Jake?" She let go of the blouse in her hand as she came to a halt and stared at you. She sighs as she takes a seat next to you and tells you about that fateful day.
Your mother was inside talking to the royal family as you played in the backyard with your new friend.
She dropped her head and gazed up at Elijah and Klaus, saying, "It is such an honor to have you both in my company."
Making their way over to the table, they all sat down and discussed ways of how you could best protect him.
"We don't know when or for how long we'll be on the run, but we're prepared to pay any charge if that time comes."
As Klaus' voice boomed over the table, she shook her head at them, her hand trembling.
"We have to get out of here; I sense them." Elijah gave his troubled brother a stern look and motioned him to leave. He was in a hurry and dashed out of the house.
Elijah reached into his back pocket and placed a bag of coins on the table. He swiftly thanked you after scouting the front entrance.
"I apologize for the inconvenience, but forgive our ill-timed intrusion. I'll make arrangements for payments to come from the castle every week. I'd like to thank you in advance for everything you've done for us."
Elijah nodded before sprinting into the woods in pursuit of his brother. She smiles as you take it all in and grab the bag of coins from the table.
"This is for you, love, Rest in peace, my dear."
As she make her way to the back, she calls over the two rowdy children and embrace them in a hug. As she looked at them both, they both smiled. You watched as she squatted down and spoke, holding them in her hands.
"So those two lovely gentlemen who just came by were members of the royal family, as you may know y/n, and they have entrusted us to watch and maintain track of this handsome little boy," Jake squirmed around as his face reddened as you pinched his cheek.
"For the time being, we'll do our best to make this the best time for him." Before embracing Jake in an embrace, your daughter cast a glance at him. As you gazed at the scene in front of you, a warm flush spread across your chest as you imagined the days you three would spend together..
"So it was difficult at the time, and due to your father's death and financial difficulties, it was only a matter of time before we were thrown out on the street. So, aside from the age-old law of not disobeying the royal family, it was now or never."
Your smile crept across your face as you shook your head up and down. Your mother was your role model, the woman who always wore a grin on her face and never let the world bring her down. She was daring, loving, and brave, and she did it all despite the fact that she had recently become a single mother. Moms have a lot of strength.
"Ahh, I see. Dad would be incredibly proud of you and all of your efforts."
She grinned as she threw her shirt in your direction.
"Ahh- stop"
*Knock Knock*
As you and your mother stood up to tell them to come in, a guard approached you both and communicated a message.
"You are required in the Prince chambers, Ms. Y/n." You bowed down and pecked your mum on the cheek before taking your place behind the guard.
You thanked the guard as you entered inside the familiar area after arriving at the enormous set of bronzed yet golden doors. When you peek inside, you notice him lying on the floor; as you carefully approached his side, you smiled and hovered over him.
"You asked for me, right? I'm going to leave if this isn't something significant." Jake gently rises, his head resting on his gigantic bed.
"It's nothing major, but I do have a request," he says. As you faced him, your eyes widened. As he turned to face you, he exuded a princely radiance. He leaned forward and lingered near your lips, his gaze fixed on you.
You leapt to your feet, terrified and intrigued, and shoved him back as you took a step back.
"Excuse my language, Jake, but what the hell was that?"  As he got up and approached you, he cocked his head to the side.
"My request?" He snatched your hands and held them in his. You'd never been caressed with such gentleness before. It was an unfamiliar sensation that made you feel warm but strange.
"This is not permitted, Your Majesty. This is not something I believe we should be doing, "You began to walk out of Jake's regal room, shaking your head.
A hand touches your shoulder as he turns you around, shuts the door behind you and gently pushes you up against the wall, hearing footsteps behind you.
"Don't act like you weren't eyeing me these past weeks. I know you want this just as much as I do y/n."
You smack his hands off of you and make your way to his large bed as you fall back, licking your lips.
"It's not like I don't want to do it. It's simply your royalty, and I'm not the Mikaelson type."
Jake snickers as he approaches you and raises you up by your hands, bringing you face to face with him. He touches your cheek in his palm and caresses it as he moves closer to your face.
"Well, we're notorious for occasionally breaking the rules. Why don't you give it a shot?" As you shoved his hand away from you and opened the door, you snapped back to reality.
Your heart ached as you turned back to see a befuddled Jake, and you cried out to him before closing the door.
"Jake, please stop. You and I both know I'll never be good enough for your family."
As you turned the corner and ran down the corridor, you left him stunned and in disarray. You didn't stop running until you were outdoors, far away from the castle, in the fabled garden.
As you fall on top of the fountain, the tears won't stop flowing. The day was slipping away as your sobs drew the attention of a curious woman. It wasn't until she sat next to you and spoke to you that you realized it.
"One of those days, huh?"
As she stretched her hand to you, you shrieked and fell back on your hands, frightened and terrified.
"Sorry for scaring you, hun; I didn't intend to. Haven't we all had awful days? My name is Davina, by the way." As she helped you up to the edge of the fountain, you took her hand in yours.
"Thanks for asking, today is one of these days." "So, may I ask what the problem is?" she asked, smiling as she moved closer to you.
"I miss my father and all that made up his eccentric character. He would know what to do." you sniffled as you glanced up at the girl with a welcome atmosphere.
She leapt to her feet and squealed, extending her hand "I enjoy helping others. In this area, I do have the upper hand. Allow me to demonstrate." You took her hand in yours after a brief moment of hesitation.
You had never expected a witch to be able to assist you, but you were willing to try. She waved to her neighbor across the street as she unlocked her door. As she arranged her stuff, she turned on the lamp and signaled for you to come sit at her table.
"Please take a seat; I won't bite. Maybe" You chuckled as you sat in the wooden chair, having forgotten that the witches lived in this neighborhood. It's not like they were exiled, but you hardly had time to check in on them and the rest of the group.
Everyone looked to be so comfortable in their own little world. Why couldn't you seem to fit in anywhere?
"All right, all right, we're ready; don't worry, it won't hurt."
"What might hur-'' As the knife quickly passed across your palm, you felt a searing feeling.
'What the hell, Davina,' you exclaimed." She chuckled as she put yout palm over a stone bowl and watched the blood drip into it.
As the blood began to bubble up in the stone bowl, you pouted. As her hands swiveled around the bowl, Davine began to speak phrases you couldn't comprehend. As your eyes blinked quicker, your head began to spin.
"What's going on?" you exclaim. When she opened her eyes, you could see white orbs replacing her natural ones.
"We're ready."
You passed out as you receded back into your chair. Awoken Davina took your hand in hers and escorted you outside. This time, though, things were different; the day had turned to darkness, and everything appeared to be dissimilar. The town has turned completely around.
"Where are we?" As she turned to face you, she laughed.
"A better question is when are we. The spell I casted transported us to a time when I hoped you would learn something new and put things into perspective." For the 23rd time today, she began to tug you. Your heart began to drop as you arrived at your house, well, the one in the past, as you beamed at that. As you let her hand fall from yours, your nerves were heightened. As you took a step back, you began to feel panicked.
"Noo-nooo wait, how did you do this?" you say as you fall to your knees and cover your eyes. You could feel her hands on your back as she gently caressed it.
"I know, it's crazy, y/n. I just pulled some old memories back to life. I won't leave your side if you're afraid." As you saw the familiar image in front of you, you slowly pushed forward.
"Just don't leave." As you walked through the front door, you held her hand in yours. Everything seems so blurry at this point; you were just a small child, and your life was about to alter dramatically.
"Hey sweetie, go tell your father to go get some firewood. Okay?" As you crawled down off the stool and out the door, you smiled. As he turned to face you, your little feet found their way to your father's side.
"There's my little princess. What exactly do you need?" He massaged your backside as he hauled you onto his lap.
"Mommy said to get wood, and I wanna come too, daddy. May I, pretty please." He sighed as he looked at his watch, it was fairly dark, but the wood wasn't far away.
"Yes, you are welcome to join me. You're a big girl now. So you gotta help daddy out, okay?"
As you and Davina stood on the sidelines watching everyone make their way to the woodpile, you wished you had done more for him.
"All right, sweetie, you can carry one and I'll take care of the rest." You squealed as you clutched a small, almost insignificant log in your arms. As he placed a twig in your batch, he gazed down at his girl.
"Daddy, I think that's all I can carry." As he and you both began heading back to the home, you both laughed.
As the horror grew, you turned around and began crying on Davina's shoulder. You knew what was going to happen, but you couldn't bear the thought of having to go through it again. As Davina turned to face you, you felt her hands on your shoulders.
"You must see for yourself. It is the only option."
As tears flood down your cheeks, you slowly open your eyes and look at the scene.
"Thanks for helping daddy, sweetheart." "Mommy would be so proud of you." He kissed you on the head as he knelt down to you.
"You're welcome, Daddy. "Now that I'm a big girl, I can do huge things." He smiled as he took another glance around. " As your mouth enlarged, you dropped your logs. Your father's life vanished before your eyes in an instant.
As his body went slack, he fell to the ground, and you began to scream. As words slurred from your mouth, he began to shiver.
"What's the matter, Daddy?" HELP, MOMMY." As he held you in his hug, your small body slumped forward into your father's chest.
Your mother's footsteps were quick to arrive as she knelt down and took up your father, holding him in her arms.
"Honey, I'm right here," she says. A tear streamed down his cheek as he glanced up at his beautiful girls.
"Never forget that I love you all." And then, as he fell limp on your mother's lap, life left his eyes. As you gazed up at your mother, the screams resonated across the forest. Her eyes were welling up with tears.
You had no idea what was going on, but you knew something had changed.
"What's wrong with daddy, Mommy?" She slowly turns to you, pulling you closer to her breast and kissing you on the head with moist lips.
"He's gone, daddy's gone."
"NOo, noo stop this. I don't want to remember this." As Davina chases you down, shouting out to you, you begin to flee the scene. You come to a halt and turn to face her, yelling at her.
"Is this a joke or something? Your spells, you witches." As you fall to the ground grasping your arms and gently rock back and forth, tears begin to flow from your eyes.
Davina finally reaches you and attempts to calm you down by wrapping her arms over your shaking body. Your heart felt like it was racing at 100 miles per hour and you couldn't stop it. Everything seemed a little too real. You didn't want to think about it.
It's not that you didn't believe it; it's just that you didn't want that memory to resurface in your life.
"Just wait and listen to me, y/n. I know it's horrible, but something good came out of it." You push her away from you as you leap to your feet, tears streaming down your cheeks.
"How did something wonderful emerge from my father's death, who died in my arms? DAVINA, HOW DAVINA." Davina frowns as she walks around, taking your hand in hers and leading you somewhere.
"You weren't the only one whose loved one was taken from them." You look up at her and stare blankly at her as she comes to a halt at a familiar location.
"How did we end up in front of the castle?" As inaudible sounds flow from her mouth, she begins to swirl her hands around. You stand there in astonishment as you are whisked away to someone's private quarters.
You and Davina both walk into a room where a young boy is crying into the chest of someone. As you recovered consciousness, you noticed that you were surrounded by the Original family, or at least some of them.
"We couldn't get the remedy to her in time." You stood there watching Klaus thrash around as he collided with a vase that shattered on the ground.
You shifted closer to the young kid as you observed him as his brother shouted out to him, "Niklaus." As the rest of the family walked out in tears and small sniffles, you shifted closer to the young child.
Jake was there; you had no idea his mother had died. It had never been mentioned before, so you were taken aback.
The little boy crawled onto his mother's chest as he sobbed into her chest.
"Mommy, come back to me, please."
"I'm ready to leave right now." You took her hand in yours and gripped it strongly. You were prepared for anything the world could throw at you now that you had this new knowledge. Although it was painful to revisit that memory, you chose to use it to your advantage.
Your father raised a fighter, not a wimp. You wanted to honor his memory rather than mourn it, and I feel Jake should as well.
"This is for you, Dad,"
With that, you were transported back to reality, and you found yourself back where you started. You instantly stood up and exited her room.
"Hey, where are you going?" 
You came to a halt, raised your head, and shook your head, saying, "Acceptance."
She waved you off with a smile on her face. You brushed yourself off as you walked out of her house, mentally preparing yourself for the road ahead.
You felt more alive when you woke up in this house. Although the work was endless, you earned something greater than it all, A friend. Your mother groaned as you rolled over and landed flat against her backside.
"Mmmh, mom, I think it's time for you to get up." "Mmmh, five more minutes," she mumbles as she yawns on your shoulder. As your body moved up off the bed and towards the blinds, you giggled. You chuckled as you let the blinding light move into the room as you heard your mother's nasty shrieks.
"Sweetie, it's Saturday; it's a free day today. Go hang out with your friends." As you fall to the floor, she kicks your body off the bed. You giggle as you walk towards the shower, scoffing at her acts and mumbling words to her.
"Have you noticed, Mom, that I only have one friend?" You chuckle as you take a step into the shower and let the suds run down your body. As you wash slowly, your thoughts begin to wander.
You were reminded of your previous outburst with Jake as the water flowed over your body.
You felt the chilly air hiss against your body as you stepped out of the shower and hastily wrapped a towel over your body from the shelf. You noticed that the girl in the mirror had a different smile. She felt happier and more grateful.
You cried out to your mother as you opened the door and entered the frame.
"Yes, darling?"
"Get ready. I'd like to take you out for a picnic." She grinned and drew you in for a hug while cocking her head to the side.
"That would be fantastic. I'll take care of everything. You don't worry, okay?" You grinned as you shut the door behind her and returned to your self-pampering.
"It's going to be a terrific day today."
As you rested your head on your mother's shoulder, you held the picnic basket tightly in one hand and your mother's hand in the other. It was moments like these that made you long for your small family. You spread the blanket on the ground and placed the goods on it as you chuckled.
"My two lovely ladies are here."  When you raced towards your father, he stretched his arms open wide for you. Your mother took out her little camera and snapped a candid shot of you two.
"Don't forget about me," as she made her way over, your father pressed a kiss on her lips as you all sat down on the grass.
As you stumbled towards the basket, your little fingers pointed to it, saying, "Mommy, open". Before you saw the glorious fruit in front of you, a small pebble made its way in your path as you trip on it.
As a result, your father gracefully caught your small body in his grip while you giggled.
"My princess, you need to be more cautious. I can't have my pretty girl all beaten up."
You chuckled as you kissed his forehead and said, "OK, daddy, me be careful." You dashed over to your mother's side as he let you go, and she handed you a strawberry.
Your smile widened as you jumped up and did a small dance as you bit into it. Your parents stood there in astonishment as they watched you eat some more fruit.
"Is it good y/n?" You giggled as you ran around them, shaking your head up and down, as they simply watched their exuberant kid spout forth incoherent words. They smiled.
'I love you, honey,' she said. Light kisses on her temples were exchanged by your father while your mother rested her head on his lap.
"I will always love you."
Finally, with everything in place, you sniffle and wipe a stray tear from your eyes. Your mother immediately turned to you and rubbed your arm as she drew you closer to her.
"Hey, sweetheart, what's the matter?"
"I miss him," you said as you drew closer to her.
She smiled as she rocked you back and forth, kissing you on the head.
"I miss him as well. This brings back memories of our picnics with him." As you reached for the basket, you shook your head. Before removing the famed strawberries, you smiled. You chuckled as tears streamed down her cheeks after delivering them to your mother.
"Thanks for this, y/n." You were both crying as you rested your head in your mother's lap before entwining your hands.
"Anytime mom, but I do have to get going. I need to speak with someone, and I'd prefer to do so now before the situation escalates."
Before biting on a plump strawberry, she laughs and smirks.
"Tell Jake I said hi." "Wait, how did you know?" you start to stand up as you freeze in place.
As she pushes you toward the gate exit, she shakes her head at you. You blow a kiss to her, embarrassed and honestly surprised, as she yells at you.
"Use protection."
You cringe as you race towards the gate, not even looking back. You came upon a guard at the entrance who winked at you as you stared at him.
"Oh, Mark, shut up." After saluting you, he chuckles and returns to his former stance. Making your way to his chamber, you slowly knock as you hear his voice on the other side of the door.
As you slowly come in, you notice him at his desk, working, and you move your glance in his direction.
"Oh, look who it is?" As your lips fell, his eyes rolled at you.
"Hey," you say as you approach him and take a seat in one of his sofas. They felt like marshmallows, and you spent your days and some nights in them.
"Let me explain before you go all pouty and stirred up." He doesn't even move as he goes about his business. You kick his chair while rolling your eyes at him, eliciting a yelp from him.
"Fine, I'm listening, what?" he says, smiling as he scoots over to you and places his hand on his lap.
Not only did the close proximity make your heart race, but his position didn't help matters either.
"So, for starters, I'd like to apologize for my outburst. We both know if they're a problem we can freely discuss it. That's something that's been on my mind for a while and has now exploded, but it's not your fault. I just don't think I belong."
He approached you with a puzzled expression on his face as he moved forward. You look around, worried, as you cough.
"What you just said made me pause because you and this family know how important you and your mother are to all of us, especially to me. I'm sorry you feel that way. My family can be difficult at times."
As you push past him and land on his colossal king-sized bed, you scoff "Yeah, tough how about, protective, vengeful, murderous, and hot-headed? That's a lot better." He laughs as he pushes you over and lays down next to you, a little closer this time.
"I can't argue with that, but you still love us. Right?"
"Yeah, I do love yo-" As you rolled over and smacked your hands in your face, your eyes widened.
"Yeah, go ahead and spill your secret y/n."
You kicked him as you rolled back on your side, facing him, rolling your eyes. As his hand landed on your leg, the newfound electricity between you two shifted.
Before his hand lightly moved up your leg, he grinned at you. He came to a halt and stared at you, waiting for a response. You softly shook your head as he continued as his hand came to rest on your chin.
"You must have been waiting a long time for this one, dude, ain't I so attractive," you chuckled before scooting closer to him. Before extending his delicate hands towards your lips, he reddened.
"Shh, also what happened yesterday? You said this wasn't right, didn't you?" As your desire overtook you, you became irritable.
"Oh, shut up and kiss me, people change Jake." you said as you drew him closer to you and your lips smashed together furiously. As he pushed you over, you both synced up quickly, and he was on top of you in no time.
"Oh how the tables have turned," says Jake. You had definitely changed as your body craved for his touch even more. As you threw your arms around his neck, pressing him closer to you, his lips never left yours.
His shirt was ripped off and dropped to the ground in a flash as he touched yours, hoping for a response.
"Yes, you may remove it." He stopped and peered at you, chuckling, as he slowly pulled it above your head. You subconsciously flew your hands to your chest, concealing your body.
This was the first time a boy, much less a Mikaelson, had seen you half-naked. Jake's mouth falls open as he rushes to unlatch your hands.
"Hey, don't hide your beauty, because I love each and every part." That made you grin as you approached him and kissed him on the lips.
"You haven't even asked me to be your girlfriend yet, and already you're behaving cringy. Maybe this was a mistake." As you begin to rise, you smirk. Jake grabs you and pins you down before you can even get a foot off the bed.
"Wait- stop, wait, don't go" You chuckle as he kisses your frigid body while you squirm under his touch.
"Ahhh, please stop tickling me...ahh." He comes to a halt in his actions to look at you for a little moment.
"I can't believe we've reached the point where we've gone from friends to lovers. It feels like some teenage drama."
(Am I right readers, don't we all love a trope like this... I know I do.)
This isn't a book; it's real life, and can we please get back to making love? Jake, the readers are waiting." He continues to laugh as he gently removes your bra as he completes the last clip.
He didn't have time to marvel at the beauty in front of him as you placed your hand on his hardening spot. This elicited a tiny moan as he swirled his lips around your soft nips.
"Mmmh, wow, don't stop, that feels great." You quickly remove your jeans and underwear while his tongue works its magic, placing his hand within your folds.
"This is my first time; wow, I'm not sure whether I'm doing it correctly." Wow!" As a moan explodes from your throat, you laugh.
"Stop playing me; you're making me laugh. I'll show you the way." He finds a groove in your folds as he pushes faster and deeper, striking a familiar area, while your eyelids roll back.
"AHHHH, Jake, right there."  As your back arches off the bed, thrusting deeper into his finger, your body reacts perfectly.
A knock on the door is heard just as your high reaches you, and you both pause and look behind you.
"Prince Jake, you have been summoned to the royal room to receive a message." Before Jake speaks to him, you both remain silent for a few moments.
"Thank you very much; I'll be out for a minute."
Before he turns to face you, you cover your lips with your hand. Before pulling away, he bends forward and kisses you on the forehead.
"You're not going to finish me off, are you? You can't stick and dip; it doesn't work like that." You start arguing with him before he bends in and kisses your folds.
"I have to get going, and if I'm late, I'm toast. You did mention that my family is what now-" You shake your head as you push him off your body and start putting your clothing on.
Another knock is heard as the door slowly begins to open and a familiar face appears. Jake rushes to conceal your half-naked body as Elijah walks in.
As you lowered your head and snickered, it felt like a million pairs of eyes were on you. Jake covers your body with a blanket before pulling up his pants and walking towards the door.
He flashes a big grin at Elijah before crossing his arms and stepping closer to him. "My dear brother, keep your indiscretions to yourself," he yanked his handkerchief from his pocket before handing it to Jake. Another familiar figure arrived in front of the entrance as he saw the chaos unfold before his eyes.
Kol appeared behind Elijah before chuckling as he crossed his arms, "well, well, well looks like someone having fun." He gave you a wave as he walked out of the room, smiling to himself. You turned away and mentally slapped yourself as soon as he said it.
"We'll be out in a second. Please visit us again." Before turning around, Jake slammed the door shut. While yelling under his breath, his reddened face brought you your garments.
"Please forgive them; they enjoy barging in here unannounced. I'm sorry if they saw anything." You're hauled up by him before you can secure the button on your jeans. He kissed your lips as he assisted you in putting on your shirt.
"Okay, I'm definitely not going to get tired of those." You kiss his lips once more as you pull his shirt closer to you.
"Mmh, your lips are soft. As you approach the door, you take Jake's hands in yours before gently pushing it open.
“We will definitely finish this later.” As he plants a kiss on your hand, he smirks. Before enlarging your gaze, you licked your lips.
You moan under your breath, "Oh, I can't wait," as Jake discreetly lays his palm over your mouth.
“You’re already a mess for me, aren't you?” He comes to a halt in front of the door and cups your face in his hands, kissing your hungry lips.
“As much as I would love to kiss you,” you say as you rest your palm on his chest and giggle. "Let's hurry up because I don't want them to come back and dagger you." He took your hand in his and led you to the throne room.
Jake strides over to his family's gathering and excuses himself, letting go of your hand. You took a step back and stood next to Mark, who was looking at you with a curious expression.
"So...how did it go?" Then, after a brief scan of the area, you struck him across the shoulder with your fist.
"Aren't you guards supposed to be quiet? You do know we all have vamp hearing." After chuckling at your remark, he returned to his job.
Besides Jake and I, Mark was the only person around our age with whom we both became close as we basically all grew up in the castle. Although being the only female in the group, they made up for it.
We all had our own ways of having fun in those late evenings, so there were many nights of loud laughter and sticky fingers. Those were the days, but now Jake had his royal duties, they were a thing of the past. Everyone seems to be set in their ways.
When your name was called, you were swiftly brought out of your thoughts. They didn't seem to know you were there, but you knew it was true when Mark bumped your arm.
"Uh.. yes. I'm here, your majesty."
Walking over to the gathering, you stood next to Jake as you heard his booming voice; still to this day, you could never get over that.
"So, y/n, you and your family have been so kind to not only the Mikaelson family, but the entire kingdom. And we thank you for your service, but we've heard rumors that my father is planning to travel to our country to assassinate our future heir."
You exhale, your body trembling as you clasp your hands behind your back. You weren't old enough to recall certain details of the attacks.
This was how horrible it was 
As he gazed down at you and winked at you, he entwined his fingers behind your back and whispered, "It's going to be okay."
As he stepped up from his throne, Klaus began again, "So, once again, I'd like you to protect and guard him while we're out; you've had plenty of training for this, so I'm confident you'll do fine. Finally, you are responsible for whatever happens to him."
He was now directly in front of your eyes as he kept a wary eye on your flimsy frame.
Thanks for the extra pressure. 
Jake gave him a gentle push back as he walked in front of you and coughed "Okay, don't scare her. We've got a lot of security in place, and I'm an original here who can take care of myself. I don't want to put anyone at risk, especially y/n."
As he acknowledged you specifically, it warmed your heart. He squeezed your hand not only to show that he was paying attention, but also to make you feel comfortable and secure.
Klaus grinned as he walked away from you, both of you speaking in a condescending manner.
"Our father has not and will not stop if we are alive in the past centuries, and now that you are of legal age, he is coming to take advantage of that opportunity. Our father's reign is far from done. After all, it's more for y/n than for you. Take a look at her. Do you believe she'll be able to defend YOU?" 
Your heart stung as you gasped in pain as you yanked your hands from his grasp. As you took a step forward, tears welled up in your eyes. You coughed as you drew Klaus' attention, enraged and honestly taken aback.
"No one has the right to treat me like an outsider just because I'm not a member of this family. Instead of making trouble and fleeing, why not stay and fight like a brother once in a while?I've done more for Jake than YOU could possibly do.
You turned and walked away from the family, tears streaming down your cheeks. A hand grabbed your wrist as you flung it off of you. Before exiting the room, Elijah caught Klaus just as he was ready to explode with wrath.
"This meeting is over. After 30 minutes, we'll be on our way." As you raced away from Jake, he called your name.
You heard shouts of anger from Jake as he yelled at Klaus.
However, he has never been able to see what you and your family went through to safeguard his prized heir. They were going to get a guard if they wanted one, and a good one at that.
You vowed to prove to them, and particularly to Klaus, that you belonged here.
You got to a familiar area and pounded on the door, enraged, as she approached the door.
You hurried by her and sat down, your hand outstretched as you glared angrily at her. "Oh hey—," she said. As she sat down gently across from you, she rubbed her chin and arched her brows.
"Okay, no hello or nothing. That's awesome, what's up?"
"I'd like to see him; please, show him to me right now." She chuckled, as if she'd read your mind. You wanted to prove yourself to someone. And he was the only one who had a clear idea of what needed to be done.
She sliced your hand and poured the liquid into the stone bowl as she spoke. You sat up straight and became ready. As soon as you closed your eyes, you were transported somewhere else.
Davine touched you on the shoulder as you sat up straight and followed her instructions by moving forward.
"You just have a few minutes, so work quickly. This is a difficult spell that becomes weaker by the second."
You stood up, shook your head, and walked over to the man perched precariously on the ledge, his feet dangling dangerously in the air. After a few minutes of sitting next to him, you began to become worked up.
"I was curious as to when you planned to pay me a visit. Princess, how are you?" As tears welled up in your eyes, you turned around in astonishment. He looked exactly the same as he did that night. His black slacks matched his stained white collared shirt.
He was perfect, still 
"I miss you, dad." Upon entering his embrace and taking in his smell, he extended his arms and welcomed you in. The lingering woody smell filled your nostril as you held onto him tighter.
"Hey, love. Whatever you're going through right now, I have complete faith in your ability to get through it. I didn't raise a wimp; instead, I raised a powerful warrior. Don't allow them get to the point where they're controlling your thoughts. What is it that I usually say?"
"Life struggles are necessary for growth."
You continued his sentence with the words "life struggles are necessary for growth." He pecked your head and held on for a little bit more.
"Y/n we have to go; the spell is slipping."
When your father saw you, he got to his feet and stood up. His hand went to your face as he noticed all your new features. He seemed intent on studying you, as if he wanted to make up for the time he had lost by not seeing you.
"I'm very proud of the women you've grown to be. I'm so proud of you, y/n. Remember that and know that I am always here for you." As a tear rolled down his cheek, he pointed to your chest.
You gave him one more hug as you raised your eyes to see his face.
"I love you, dad."
"Princess, you have my undying love. Now go out there and confront the world. Fighting for you always."
Davine held your hand as she guided you back to the present moment in time. You observed his disappearance as you bid him farewell by waving.
As soon as you regained consciousness, you hugged Davine and thanked her for her time. Afterwards, you left.
"Don't worry, y/n you got it. I've had my fair share of the Mikaelson family, so don't fret. I'm here for you."
You took a deep breath and then made your way back to the castle, smiling as you did so.
You already knew who you were on the inside; you didn't need an all-powerful family to confirm it for you. You only needed a little nudge to remember who you truly were on the inside.
The princess in your father's eyes.
"Thanks, Dad, this one for you."
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hacked-by-jake · 2 years
I can honestly imagien that besides his pursuers, Jake has hia own personal problems too. I mean, the guy probably only had his mother growing up and might have been bullied because of that (ya know how kids can be) so he might have been dealing with some sort of repressed self hate. Considering the fact that he hacked the goverment, every time he looks in a mirror he sees nothing more than a criminal and he is so ashamed of his face he might not want to show himself to MC at all, since he doesn't see any worth in himself, so why would MC do?
Hust a little headcanon time that made me sad, hope I didn't make your day/night bad, lots of hugs to these who got sad ❤
Hey, dear Anon! :D
Well, the first thing I have to say is that I’m sorry this has escalated so much. Honestly, I didn’t plan this, I just wrote and wrote and suddenly I was there. I hope this is okay for you!😅
Oh, and my answer isn’t really more happier than yours, I’m sorry if I make you sad again now, of course I don’t really want that. But, well, I love talking about Jake, and then sometimes it just bubbles out of me. xD
Some warnings for safety: Mention of self-hatred, the dying of a parent, leaving/not being wanted by a parent. Nothing too specific but certain is certain. <3
I can also agree with you on the theory that he was bullied in school, for example, also based on the clichés, this is the case in many films, etc. I mean, Jake is actually absolutely the cliché of a hacker. A social awkward guy who doesn’t often go, with a sad past, wears dark hoodies and leather jackets, and has hacked the government at least once. At least he’s wanted by the government, and I’m sure, following the clichés, that he’s wanted because he hacked the government. Or at least an organization of the government etc.
Oh, Jake definitely has a lot of personal problems.
I mean, in conversations with him, you can clearly notice some behaviors that are really not "normal". And no, of course that’s not meant to be bad in any way, and I’m not a psychologist or anything but I think it’s pretty obvious that Jake has to deal with some mental health problems. And I think, like you, we can relate this to his childhood. I also assume that Jake only grew up with his mother, maybe not even for long. If we follow some clichés about the "typical hackers", for example from film, then the probability is great that Jake’s mother may have died when he was younger. Maybe when he was a teen. Duskwood is quite cliché based, so I would suspect that this theory is quite possible.
But I have to say honestly that I don’t know if he really sees himself as a real criminal. I can imagine that he might regret it a little now, because that keeps him from being able to really get closer to MC, but I don’t think Jake really regrets what he did. I mean, he’s not happy that he has to spend a life on the run, etc., but I don’t think he regrets his actions.
If we continue to follow the pure cliché, and notice some signs, I would rather say that he thinks what he did was right. Let’s take as an example the Guy Fawkes mask he has as a profile picture. This is, of course, the symbol of the hacker collective Anonymous. So if Jake is a hacktivist who used himself under the name of Anonymous for, for example, human rights and against corruption in the government, then I think he’s wanted, for example, because he was looking for bad and incriminating information that would get the government into trouble.
And I think Jake would take that risk to get himself into trouble, but to protect others. For example, a whole country, but as you say, this, of course, in Jakes' case, could also happen because he is struggling with self-hatred. Maybe he thinks he has nothing to lose, and at least he wants to do something good for it.
So I think he knows, of course, that what he has done is illegal, but I don’t think he really sees himself as a criminal. Of course, he could now regret some things. Like I said, he can’t get close to MC, he has to flee, and if they catch him, it doesn’t end well for him. Then we can only hope that cliché, which is being pursued here, also has to do with Edward Snowden.😅
Nevertheless, I think he sees his actions as a means to an end, so that it is the way to the higher goal.
I think what might have made him develop some kind of self-loathing is his past. I mean, the thing with his father is bad enough. If Mr Donfort really cheated on the mother of Hannah and Lilly, and that’s when Jake was born, and the father might not want to know about him, that must be hard. (Even though I honestly don’t quite believe the father cheated on the mother, or at least I don’t think the father knows anything about Jake) But either way, of course, it’s terrible. I just think Jake’s entire life hasn’t turned out really well and his insecurity may also lead to him not being sure if he can really do it with MC. On the other hand, however, he also seems to be quite confident, which we can also see in conversations with him.
But yes, unfortunately I also think that our hacker boy is quite broken and his childhood was anything but easy. :(
And I also think it won’t be that easy in a relationship for Jake and MC but I’m sure they can make it. :)
Thank you so much for sending a sharing your thoughts with us! I really enjoyed reading your ask and answering it. 🥰
Again, I apologize for writing so much, I hope that’s okay with you.
And I would also like to point out that of course I don't want it to seem like I’m trying to talk you out of your opinion or to consider your opinion/yours to be wrong, since it’s a/your headcanon.
I read my text again and was a little unsure if this could be misunderstood.😅
I hope you will have a beautiful day/evening/night! Please take care of yourself and stay healthy! Lots of love and hugs to you!💚🌹🎭
Edit: Is this very chaotic? I have the feeling it is pure chaos. Also sorry about that. 😅
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