#i may have used 2 different shades of black by mistake but oh well
doubledyke · 3 months
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date night 😮‍💨
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Tattoo Shop AU - a quick, practical guide for writers
Guest Post by lebanon-hangover
lebanon-hangover said: this is based on my personal experience with the industry only, so depending on the era and country you are portraying, it may not be 100% accurate for your setting.
It may not be obvious at first glance, but most tattooists are clean freaks. We work with human blood every day, and we get clients from all ages, ethnic and social economic backgrounds, with all sorts of medical conditions.
We usually mop frequently, bleach the sinks, wipe down everything, and use cling film or bags to wrap everything. I mean fucking everything. We also scrub in, and sanitise the area on the person we work on.
Needles are collected in a sharps bin, and handled very carefully. Medical waste goes in yellow bags, and both are collected by a professional service.
Used ink caps may look full, but the ink gets diluted by blood. Like you dip the inky needle into the person, but you also dip the person’s blood into your ink. These are medical waste too.
Cleaning up must be done promptly after the session. Bin everything disposable, put things through the ultrasonic and the autoclave, and sanitise the area. We may take machines apart, but more for maintenance than cleaning, sometimes we swap parts in them too.
We have two sinks, one for hand washing, one for cleaning.
All inks and needles have use by dates.
The internal dynamics of a studio
Depending on the country, some tattoo shops tend to have ties to biker gangs, and some of those internal dynamics and unwritten rules are often present.
There’s a pecking order and it’s dead serious. Basically the longer you’ve been in a shop, the higher ‘rank’ you are, you get the better positioned stations, first pick of walk-ins, etc (Unless the client is asking for someone by name). Regardless of your actual experience in the industry, like if you move into your old apprentice’s shop, they are still senior to you. If the owner or their partner is an artist, obviously they are on top of the chain by default.
We are self employed, but we have a boss. You are only making money if you are working, but you still have set work hours.
We get paid by the clients, and we pay the studio a cut. In return, there are some items provided by them, and some we buy for ourselves. Usually the chairs, tattoo beds, gloves, cleaning products, clip cord covers, masks, aprons, ink caps, vaseline, green soap, and some basic ink is provided by the shop. We buy our own machines, arm rests, stations, pedals, power supplies, clipcords, tips and grips, needles, special colours, stencil fluid…these are a personal preference, and often depend on the artists’ style.
We totally ask to try out each other’s equipment sometimes, or ask for a certain type of needle if we ran out.
The receptionist is usually just one of us, maybe a piercer, but it also can be a hired person in top studios.
The apprentice in the traditional system is often mistreated, and they have to pay for their education, have to be there multiple days a week and don’t make any money. It’s kind of like a tear them down, build them back up again thing to see if they are really serious about the job. Times are slowly changing, but 99% of them will always need a second job. Most of them are working as bar staff.
When you open a new studio, you must visit all the existing local ones and introduce yourself, otherwise you may get a brick through the window. Otherwise there’s not much beef among individual artists, they are often friends, go to conventions together and party after, etc.
The Artists
Tattooing is a fairly physical job, stretching skin is very important. We have to also keep our clients safely still, so we often use positions to pin them down a bit. Sometimes you hit a reflex point on the foot or under a knee, and you don’t want to get kicked. Sometimes you have to pull away super fast, cos they are sneezing, yawning or giggling.
Most tattooists drink a lot of coffee, tea or energy drinks.
Some people are all rounders, some have specific styles, but we recognise each other’s art styles. Sometimes we delegate work to each other, if we think our coworkers style fits the concept better. For example if there’s a person who does script well, we give them those projects.
We don’t like when people come in with designs from other artists. Art theft is frowned upon, and we work best with our own drawings.
Most apprentices practice on their own legs, and sometimes we tattoo each other when it’s quiet. Most people have cover ups, or bad pieces from their early days. The artists’ own tattoos sometimes are in a different style than what they do, but we like to collect ink from friends or colleagues we admire.
In the first 1-2 years one is an apprentice, then junior artist. At 5-8 years of tattooing, you have earned your stripes and are considered an experienced artist.
Conventions are really fun, but can be stressful. You can make good money working at one, and sometimes get awarded for it too. We can also spend a lot at a convention.
Sometimes we poke our fingers by accident, and it’s a scary thing. Good case scenario is just some random dots on your fingers. Let’s not go into the bad case scenario.
We do guest spots sometimes, just to meet new clients, and change it up a bit.
We spend a lot of time drawing up things, and designs are meant to fall on specific muscles, stretch with the skin a certain way, so they are tailored to the body proportions of the client. A good tattoo is also an optical illusion, complimenting the body shape.
Social media presence is like a second job, you need good photos, and you need to market yourself.
Tattoo ink does not wash out, so some stains are inevitable when pouring it out. Those ink bottles get stuck so easily, and we wrestle them a lot. We try to avoid it, but wearing all dark colours is a thing for a reason.
The Clients
Tattooists need to have a good ‘bedside manners’ too. We get nervous or self conscious people, and we are told personal things during long sessions. For example scar coverups and memorial pieces can be very emotional.
We have pretty good poker faces and first aid trainings. People can faint, get shaky, throw up, some have seizures, have b.o., get sweaty, etc the same way as at a blood donation event? It’s no big deal really. We sit them down, give them some water and some sugar, and re-book them if necessary. Most artists keep some wet wipes, mouth wash, deodorant, sweets, maybe even some clean clothes at work, just in case.
If someone comes in with a wild idea for a jobstopper, we would sit down and have a long talk. If they haven’t got many tattoos, we usually try to stir them towards more safe choices, offering them creative ideas. It’s like those jedi mind tricks sometimes.
If someone is undecided, we show them our own hand drawn flash sheets. Once its gone, its gone tho, we don’t use the designs twice.
Pinterest is full of photoshopped fake tattoos, some that won’t even work as real ink. Many people also touch up their work digitally on photos, so some clients have really unrealistic expectations.
We can totally tell if someone is intoxicated or hangover. It thins the blood, and they bleed out the ink, and it’s super annoying. if it’s bad, they will be sent home and rebooked.
Some folks are self conscious about body hair, their size, stretch marks and scars. Chances are, we have seen similar, and we aren’t bothered by it, because it’s work. Surgery scars, scars from accidents, self harm scars, burns, we see it all the time. We shave some really hairy dudes all the time girl, your legs are fine. Seriously. If something makes tattooing you dangerous we will tell you.
Fit, muscular people are harder to tattoo because they are really firm. Its a workout for us.
Everyone gets midnight messages about the aftercare from nervous clients, and drunken booty calls about getting inked right at this second. We have copy paste replies…
We get creeps sometimes. Stalking, weird conversations, tmi info dumps etc.
Other things to include (for fun, or for plot reasons)
We sometimes have those “oh fuck” moments. We all do, but mistakes can be fixed, and we play it cool.
Tattooing takes time. Usually 30 minutes to multiple sessions though years and years.
Healing tattoos takes about 2-4ish weeks, and your characters shouldn’t go roll around in dirt, sunbathe, swim, pick at the scabs. Nasty infections, and messed up tattoos would be the results.
If you have a strong immune system, and you get a lot of work done in one sitting, you may get a brief bit of a temperature. It’s normal, and will go away.
Its a lot easier to get seriously drunk after getting a tattoo. Be careful.
We sometimes draw on each other for practice with our marker pens.
Tattoos are inside the skin, not on top of it. Imagine a low opacity, skin toned layer over the ink, adding to the healed tattoos’ colour. Please stop making your characters skin fully transparent.
Heavy blackwork and palms are done in multiple sessions.
You can’t cover up moles, because if they develop skin cancer, the dermatologist can’t see the signs.
There’s a stereotype about piercers having blacked out sleeves.
Stencil fluid looks just like cum.
You get that annoying itch on your face when you scrubbed in, put on gloves and finally ready to go.
Some artists have a strong preference for coil or rotary machines, and they bicker about it a lot. Coils are louder, more punchy, and more traditional, perfect for lineart. They can be customised, and they last forever. They are also called glorified doorbells by people who prefer rotaries. Rotary machines are smoother, lighter, and often use needles that are pulled back into the cartridges for safety. They are better for shading and delicate line work. Older tattooists often say they are dildo or butt plug shaped, overly delicate and are for “soft millennials” only.
Every artist owns like 5 to 20 machines, and they have specific machine builders they are loyal to.
The “which cable is broken and cutting out” guessing game. Clip cords and pedal cables get worn out easily, and that results in your machine running really jerky.
Walk-in always show up 10 minutes before closing.
We often look quite silly at work. Sleeves rolled up, folks use all sorts of plastic ppe, headlamps, and we tie up our hair. Add couple of purple smears from carbon paper, and we aren’t scary at all.
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br-disaster · 4 years
nie mingjue’s outfits appreciation post
This is way longer than I expected oh gods, please forgive me for it. 
 It’s a well known fact that Jiang Cheng has the best wardrobe of all CQL characters, I’m not here to argue with that, but I think it’s time for us to stop sleeping on Nie Mingjue’s absolutely fantastic fashion sense.
I mean have you seen him?? The man is out there serving looks even with the Nie sect limited color palette. Please let’s ignore the context here and just look at his robes
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I wasn't sure if I should rank them, so I’ll just ramble about them in order of appearance:
1. The gray “I’m the boss” one
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That’s the first time we ever see him and what can I say? He does leave an impression. We see him using these robes two times, in episodes 10-11 and on the beggining of Fatal Journey, as the first picture shows, which makes me wonder: Is this his stay-at-home set of robes? ‘Cause damn
I don’t know how I should comment on the particular details of his robes but I really appreciate how wide this extra fabric layer makes his shoulders look.
Really imposing and powerful look.
2. The Sunshot incredibly beautiful "this is how you win a war" one
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Look, this one might be my favorite, it has EVERYTHING
Shoulder game is strong here, and this bronze-like color goes really well with his belt. Now let's talk about his outer robe for a moment, just THE COLOR I mean it's the prettiest shade of gray I've ever seen.
Also Long Sleeves
And a CAPE. A f**king CAPE. I'll never get over this look and I'm really glad the costume department let this king wear a cape again in Fatal Journey, he was made for it.
Next comes the inner layer that's not really a robe, as you can see when he's standing, but the silver pattern is what really does it for me, guys. It's probably the first thing you see once you look down from his face, 'cause I know we all get lost on that beautiful mustache, and it's perfect.
You can’t lead a war campaign if you don’t look good, I see.
3. The "I didn't really want to be here but I’m looking good anyway" one
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It's so dark, it probably reflects how he was feeling during pretty much all the scenes he's in while wearing it.
Once again he accentuates his shoulders with an extra fabric except this time his sleeves are not long at all. I personally think he looks even more handsome like this, it makes his arms look bigger. What is it called? I don't know, but it matches his belt as well.
( Is it really a belt, guys? I don't wanna disrespect but I don't even know where to start looking for names nor I know other english names for belts)
The subtle golden/bronze details on the outer robe and on the inner robe's collar contrasts really well with the black and dark gray
Sad thing he looked really miserable wearing it :c
4. The "big event he seemed ok with attending" one
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Dark again. But he didn't look as depressed as in the previous one, he actually had fun that day, which is good. Enough of tears and betrayal for now.
May be the wider sleeves he ever wore, perfect for clapping his hands like a happy toddler. There's also a lovely flowery pattern on the darker robe that you can easily miss if you don't pay enough attention.
For the first time his shoulders are not accentuated by fabric or shoulder pads and it's really nice to see him like this. We all love a buff Mingjue, but CQL Mingjue is not that buff and I love him just as much.
Really elegant, not as imposing and he has every right to want to look civil for once. It may be the series' way of telling us that he's not dressed for real combat or war, who knows.
5. The "all this just for a flashback?" one
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Listen, this one right here is just AMAZING
I don't understand why they dressed him so beautifully for what? 10 minutes of a flashback. I wanted to see it for more than a couple os scenes!!
Everything here is different, so this will take time.
First: His inner robe, the first one, is not the usual black, it's light gray, it's lighter than his robes actually, and we don't see him wearing it like ever again since chronologically in the series this is the first robe he wears. Does it secretly mean that all went wrong from the moment he met MY? who knows
Second: The outer robe is fancy. There’s so many details to it and it may be the lighting of the scene, but it seems to be a warmer shade of gray, doesn’t it? The golden\bronze thin strip around the silver larger strip is perfect. It kinda has the opposite effect of his shoulder pads, since it makes his shoulders look a bit smaller but it’s so very elegant.
Third: The upper part of the inner robe. I mean who gave him the right to look that good ??? It’s dark but it has golden little shapes in it!! And it kinda looks like there’s a zipper in there because of that mid section. And oh to be a single jewel resting over Sect Leader Nie’s chest...
Fourth: The bottom part of the robe is also something new. We see pleats on Huaisang’s main robes, but never on Mingjue’s until now, that’s why I took the last screenshot, nothing to do with the bloody Baxia at all. I wish we could have seen them in pretty pleated robes together.
It probably contradicts what I said about his shoulder things being a code for battle, since the first thing we see him doing with this outfit is killing some guy/puppet; but for the rest of the time he wears it is peaceful
Honestly, imagine how Meng Yao felt. It was some fairy tale thing, wasn’t it? You’re a nobody eating bread and drinking water and then this king pops up out of nowhere and defends you from bullying and offers you a job and takes you home with him?? 
6.The “kick your local murderer down the stairs” one
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I don’t really know what to say about this one. The context kind of ruined it for me, but let’s try.
 It resembles the fourth outfit since it’s a really dark inner robe and a lighter and patterned outer robe. Except this one has this nice and shiny thin strips around the sleeves and the waist.
It’s pretty but not especially pretty in my opinion. If I were to rank the outfits, this one would rank last.
7. The “fighting qi deviation and needing emotional support” one
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Fatal Journey, baby.
I know what I said about the second one, but this might be my favorite.  It’s practical, no long sleeves or heavy outer robes. It’s also appropriate for horse riding, wich is great. The simple, sleeveless light gray outer robe is really nice.
There’s a cape again!! And I have to say the cape looks even better now that his sleeves are tighter, the way it falls gracefully on his back is perfect. I love the way it seems to be attached to the shoulder pad too. 
The robes are simple but the thing is: The accessories are not. 
His belt is now silver and if we ignore that the production team just painted it, we can assume he has two sets of identical waist belts, one is bronze and the other is silver. Now the final touch: The shoulder pads. This is what makes this outfit the most extra of them all. It’s silver and just so, so pretty I wanna cry everytime I look at them. I mean, the layers, the dragon\beast entire head makes him look so fierce and ready for the fight.
 I wonder how comfortable they are tho.
10/10 would rank first place.
bonus: Baby Mingjue
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We love a consistent king after all! Has he been wearing dark robes since he was a baby? We will never know. I love this dark yet translucent outer robe tho.
1000/10 the cutest and best dressed child out there.
Conclusion: Nie Mingjue is a fashion icon! 
* Do not take this too seriously, I did zero research and english is not my first language. If there’s any terrible grammar mistakes, point them to me and i’ll edit it. If I’m somehow disrespecting Chinese culture, please also point it to me and I’ll apologize, edit or even delete the post.
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annetteblog · 3 years
Intro & My take on KM
I’m new around here so it’s supposed to be (not so short) introduction, since I don’t know how to start a blog heh. I hope to sprinkle my 0.5 cents into the KM conversation and maybe to bring a new perspective from someone, who is not a part of the typical English-speaking West.
Who /the hell/ Am I?  
(please, consider it to be said with NJ’s voice from Intro: Persona :D)
I was born in Siberia (it’s in the Asian part of Russia), currently live in the European part of the country while studying at a Uni (European in terms of geography, not in terms of everything else i’m definitely not shading rn lolllll). English is not my first language, I’ve just kind of learnt it to some extent. Due to this it takes me more time to write a post; and I may (and will) make some grammatical & other mistakes. Plus I’m lazy AND busy with Uni, so I won’t even promise to be consistent in posting smth lol. But I thought I need more practice in terms of writing in English, so here I am, actually scribbling something. This feels weird, because I’ve been around stan Tumblr since 2015, but never ever interacted, just read.
How I ended up around Jikook/Kookmin (and BTS) & My (long&messy) take on this matter
Although I had heard of BTS before, I became an Army only in October 2018. I had kinda avoided them, because you know... boybands.... sing songs about romantic love and how they love girls.......... (+I had been around Twitter when 1D been at their peak and I remember a quite toxic community of fans, whom always had scared me). Shortly, hello stereotypes. Obviously, after I got engaged I felt terribly sorry that I had been sleeping on them, but what is done cannot be undone. 
Someone I knew back then reposted one of their MVs and I, during my sad hours of procrastination, decided to watch it. Then I saw their live performance with the same song. And I thought “wow these guys can sing and dance and the music is kinda cool, i need to check this out maybe??” 
Then a funny thing happened. One of the next videos I watched (the same person had it added to their page) was a 2016 BangtanBomb where JM and JK practiced their Coming of Age dance. 
Do you know this moment with Gina from the 1st episode of Brooklyn 9-9:
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Well, that was precisely me after I watched it. I don’t even know how to explain this, it was kind of a gut feeling? Whatever you call it, I started to get suspicious and couldn’t even explain to myself why. /actually now a do have questions to this vid and the main one - why does everyone cringe that much? if it’s a girly choreo than they had done some “girly” moves before. why is there such strong reaction??/
I started to get deeper and went to some ru-shipper communities. Shipping culture among Russian speaking fans is... well, weird to some extent, but I maybe address this topic some time later. You need to consider that (as far as you probably know) Russia is quite homophonic country and sadly is not the greatest place for LGBTQ+ community at the moment. The non-frienly influential attitudes hanging in the society + the general shippers’ weirdness = the result is not that nice honestly. 
I struggled for some time in order to find more mature people (not just in terms of age but in general sanity), failed, ended up with some EXTREMELY toxic ru-fans of TK, which was/is the most popular pairing here, spent among them like 15 minutes and ran away horrified. After that I didn’t even try to engage with shippers or believers or whatever of any pair and just decided to enjoy the music and the content (which is a great idea, highly recommend!)
After a couple of days I discovered that JK makes videos. I love video, films and visual art so I immediately found them on YT, saw the titles with names of different cities from all over the world and was like “Oh that must be so cool, he’s visited so many outstanding places I’ve never been to, so I really need to watch it! I shall enjoy some beautyyy”. Then I clicked on GCFt.
Well, what can I say. I did enjoy some beauty, but not the type I had initially anticipated. The biggest clickbait in my entire life. JK should be proud of himself.
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                                       /as I said - the beauty/
I had already known Troy back then and I known the song’s lyrics so it would not be an underestimation to say - the video just blew my mind. I was like - hold on is this real? seriously?? no really really????? he manage to get away with something THAT obvious?????? dude how
As a person who edited videos AND is not a native English speaker, I don’t buy the explanation “oh he mustve didnt get the lyrics lmao”. You just don’t do that. You don’t. DON’T. You google and translate every shit you don’t understand, every word and idiom you’ve never encountered, because otherwise the possibility of an epic failure is very likely. You wouldn’t want to give your mum a video as a birthday present and then discover that you used a song with WAP-ish lyrics, right? (well maybe that would be okay in your family, I don’t judge, but that’s not the case for people I know). So don’t you dare to degrade JK’s intellectual capacities; such assumption is really offensive. He is a smart boii, he knows exactly what he’s doing in terms of his art.
So I was shocked, but decided to look for the context - maybe I missed some previous events regarding this Tokyo thing (another great idea - always check the context). Well, apparently I didn’t, because the whole narrative with the trip for two, lovely selfies etc. made my poor brain lowkey explode. (I still don’t buy the rings theory thing though)
But I didn’t give up lol! I’m a bit stubborn and it’s very hard to convince me in anything, so I decided to search for more context, more of their interactions, moreeee. Remember, the late October 2018, there were no swan lakes, RB, and even MMA18 hadn’t happened yet. 
This time I ended up watching content in more or less consistent way, and when I saw all of these scenes with affectionate JM and a cool badass i-don’t-care-about-anyone-i’m-a-manly-man-with-no-feelings-whatsoever JK, I just hysterically laughed. 
Homophobic Russia, remember? I recognized this. Growing up here being LGBT myself, taught me the same type behaviour during my high school days. When a girl I kinda liked but didn’t what to admit it to myself was nice to me or (oh god) flirted with me, I did something similar. It’s like a huge panic mode. Being an introvert doesn’t help either. The funniest thing is that you may not entirely realise what exactly is going on in terms of your own feelings, especially at that age (16-18ish). In my personal case, I thought I liked her but as a friend, only later to realise that well not as a friend oops :DDD The second thing (already not so funny) is that you actually consciously or unconsciously try to avoid the subject as much as possible, as long as possible and pretend that nothing is going on. We’re just bros. Stop doing this stupid gayish thing and don’t look at me like that, you’re annoying. If you ever do this again I (gently) kick you. I’m straighter than a straight line in my math textbook. IDK, but probably that’s your brain is somehow trying to protect you. Again, in my case&position I knew that the consequences for any non-straight person being outed would be bad (TW not to the point of being killed bad, but to the point of being excluded from a big part of society). So for me it was a mixture of the internalized homophobia + lack of self reflection + just being a bit emotionally slow + very! straight community around. Shit happens, I was a teenager and made my share of mistakes, but that experience helps me to recognize the same pattern of behaviour up to this day.   
So coming back to KM, because the post is already waaay too long and I just ramble. It’s been 2+ years for me being a part of this fandom, and what can I say... Things become more intense and eventful with every year passing by ;) Funny how I felt that vibe from the 2016 dance practice video. Seeing the Black Swan performance a week ago almost had me choked, no joking. They are amazing.
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                                                    Pure Art
However, and I would like to emphasize that, I do not incline that KM are 100% romantically involved and/or gay or whatever. I tend to treat people with respect and not to make too much assumptions about their private life. That’s not my business. However, I’m also not a fan of heteronormativity, so I’m just sitting here and observe everything that’s going on putting some distance and not forgetting being generally polite and critical thinking. But if they are just straightest besties please give them an Oscar before Grammy
Anyways, I hope this blog won’t kick the bucket from the very start and I will post something every now and then. You can always ask me questions about some BTS/Jikook related stuff or something about Russia and a Russian view on mass culture topics, since I’m pretty sure some of you have very stereotypical view of what is going on here :) However, do note that I’ve never been to America or Europe, therefore I may not be aware of something verrrry obvious to you or just have a completely different experience. 
P.S.  And yeah, I’m used to say Jikook, since it’s the name which is used much more frequently in Russian.  i like it better and what will u do haha
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ponyguru · 3 years
Tonight I watched all of He-Man: Revelations and most of Centaurworld (I watched the first three episodes like, a week ago?) and I have ... opinions. (And it’s 4:37am, might as well share them while they’re fresh!)
(Warning, this got very long and ranty, sorry for stretching out your dashboards if that’s even still a thing anymore?)
He-Man was entertaining, but it did feel like (as someone with like, less than a passing knowledge of the characters) someone’s super-angsty fanfiction more than like ... a continuing series. They killed off multiple well-known, beloved characters, to drive home the point of how SERIOUS and how HARDCORE this series is, and instead it felt like being a little kid in the 80s watching Optimus Prime get murdered to sell more toys. Like, WHY DID THEY DIE? Oh right, to show the viewer how SERIOUS the bad guys are! And to give the other characters things to angst over, to show you they’re no longer just shallow 80s muscle man stereotypes to sell toys! But then you gotta wonder, where will they go from here? Who’s even left to continue the storyline? Is it still He-Man if half the supporting cast is dead?
Like I said, I’m not a He-Man fan by trade, but aside from the pointless murder, it did seem like it delved into the backstories that a lot of people have probably wanted since the 80s, and it made some very interesting points. So, hey, maybe it’ll be beloved by its fans! And it was very entertaining, especially as someone who wasn’t a childhood fan so I didn’t have a lot of nostalgia that I had to watch die. It doesn’t end on a happy note, there’s definitely the ‘what if the villains WON’ theme going, so maybe my opinion will be less dour when the next part comes out. (I did like that it focused more on the female characters, which was a very unexpected change, and in that aspect I felt it was very well written; that could explain why I’ve heard other screechingly negative feedback elsewhere online, heh. He-Man fans probably don’t appreciate the heavy preference paid to Teela.)
Centaurworld was ... well, I watched the first episode with my mother, which was a Huge Fucking Mistake. I heard that it was a thrilling combination of something akin to Adventure Time and a more serious cartoon like Avatar, and instead I got 10 minutes of that, and then 16 minutes of continuous ass, fart, and poop jokes, combined with a couple of great tunes and a lot of tuneless recitative style “songs”.
If you follow this blog, you probably know toys; you know the Poopsie Surprise toys? The ones which were so obsessed with uncomfortably sexualized poop/fart/barf references that entire scholarly articles were written about the sexualization of children with scatology-themed toys? Yeah, that’s what Centaurworld felt like, almost the whole time. Like just ... an uncomfortable amount of poop/butt/fart “jokes”, to the point where it felt like it had to be one of the writer’s fetishes. Like, it was clearly not funny, and the main character is clearly uncomfortable with it ... and it just keeps going.
I say jokes in scare quotes because jokes are supposed to be funny, and a lot of Centaurworld just wasn’t funny. You could tell it was meant to have jokes, but it was very much dated early-2000s type humor, I want to guess? The kind where it’s not so much ‘setup-punchline’ but the more ‘awkward reference awkward reference awkward reference drawn out wooooord’ type of “jokes”. And most of those “jokes” were just - you guessed it - drawn out references to butts, or farts, or some combination of the two. I felt like an aged boomer watching it. I like to think I’m hip and with the times, but it felt like it should be aimed at a middle schooler - but like, an oversexualized middle schooler? It was uncomfortable to say the least. (One character talks to his farts, claims they talk back to him, and he addresses them as ‘Daddy,’ while another character expresses how uncomfortable that is, and implies he has “issues” to unpack. Because that’s hilarious, I guess?)
Centaurworld did, beneath the heavy layer of scatology, have an intriguing storyline. A warhorse from a LOTR-style world is thrown into a wacky Adventure Time-type land made up of silly centaurs, and has to try and find her way back home. It was thrilling at times, if you could slog through everything else that beleaguered it. There were some really good jokes! But I couldn’t quite muster up a laugh, because I was still wondering when the next butt reference would sneak in. After ten terrible jokes, the one good joke couldn’t manage to lift me from the depth of despair I’d sunken into. It really only felt like the show got ‘tolerable’ around episode 7 (out of ten!!!!), which was an episode heavily focused on cats. (Which, again; wasn’t the internet very much about LOLCats in the early 2000s?)
If six episodes of a ten-episode series is nigh-intolerable, is it a successful show? Should you bother watching something that is 60%+ garbage? (And DON’T FUCKING WORRY, the poop/butt/fart jokes continued UNTIL THE FUCKING FINAL EPISODE.)
I suspect that, if there was a “goal” for all of the fetish stuff (beyond fetish stuff for fetish sake), it would be to illustrate to the viewer how uncomfortable the main character feels in this strange new land, and for us to share in her discomfort. Which, fine, sure! Secondhand embarrassment is definitely a trope. But the sheer uncomfortable volume of the poop/butt/fart jokes clearly went way beyond mere discomfort, and veered into ‘why is this coming up so much, is someone getting off on this?’ territory, at least for me. A couple butt jokes an episode, fine, okay. Entire five minute bits devoted to farts and butts? Entire songs about butts? I start questioning why it’s such a beloved subject for you to write about.
Plus, and I may be reading into this too much, but several of the only Black-coded characters felt racist. I’m talking neck-snapping, tribal body paint type racism, although only one got the exaggerated “soul” type music to sing, which I guess is a relative win? (Waterbaby and Judge Jacket, if you’re wondering who I’m referencing. One of them is a literal hippo centaur, giving us shades of Madagascar.) It wasn’t obvious, but combined with everything else, it felt ... bad. (There are multiple other nonwhite voice actors who aren’t stereotypes, so maybe it was just a bad case of ‘trying to represent different culture while being clueless white people’, who knows?) There was also some classic fatphobia, with one of the villains being shown as a fat neckbeard collector/nerd. Wasn’t that relevant in - wait for it - the early 2000s? They redeem themselves very slightly by having maybe two other characters who are visibly fat, but one of them is also viewed as an antagonist.
Anyway, I was disappointed enough with the show to feel like I should say something, so - there it is. Centaurworld did have some good moments, some lovely songs, and there was some really heartwarming and tender character development that I liked, sandwiched between huge swaths of discomfort. There might be a season 2 (there shouldn’t be, LOL) and hell, I will probably suffer through it because I want to see what happens to them. But I can’t recommend that anyone else do the same, in all good conscience. It’s not good. It’s just not. But if you have 5 hours to kill, there’s worse stuff out there?
If you want to watch one episode to see the best of the series, I recommend episode seven, “Johnny Teatime's Be Best Competition: A Quest for the Sash.” It’s themed after the CATS musical, and the extended number at the end gave me shades of MLP or Fashion Star Fillies. (I found an official clip of the song posted here.) There’s also other lovely songs in the series, but you’d have to suffer through entire bad episodes to see them. The lovely “You’re Okay” shows up in the very first episode, so if you’re curious give that a watch... just be aware it never gets better, only worse.
This series genuinely upset me, because I wanted it to be something much better, and there were glimpses of it; you just had to try and close your eyes to the obsession with butts and farting to see pieces of what it might have been.
One notable fact that I thought was kind of like ‘wow, oof’ was that Meghan McCarthy, of MLP:FiM fame, was a story editor for Centaurworld. And considering how MLP went downhill in later seasons, I gotta say I’m wondering if there’s a commonality there. Maybe her fetish is bad writing? There’s worse fetishes to have, AS CENTAURWORLD CLEARLY DEMONSTRATES.
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kaiya101 · 2 years
Chapter 5: Fieldwork
1. Phenotype: 
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This photo is an example of phenotype. The photo shows 3 different races and it also shows 4 different characteristic traits from each person. The different shades, eye color, lip color, makeup, face structure of each woman shows the physical form of how they are viewed. Every race and person have a different genetic sequence. A lot of times you may see someone and say “oh, they look stressed” based on their appearance or “it looks like she got surgery” because she wears makeup. These are examples of how people are viewed based on their looks and society and what people may think based on their looks. A lot of white women today get lip injections or fill in with lipstick/lip liner because of insecurities and the want of bigger lips, it’s crazy because having big lips for African Americans when I was in elementary school, was an issue.
2. Institutional racism: 
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This photo and article are an example of institutional racism. DeRay Mckesson is a Black Lives Matter activist and was the leader of the riot in Louisiana in 2016. The purpose of the riot was to stop the killings of blacks by police officers, and he was arrested and charged because of the injuries that took place that night. The judge of his case sued him, and he fought to get it dropped and the federal system took it further and refused to drop the lawsuit. The system knowing that DeRay is a black man and one of the activists for the Black Lives Matter is a reason why they wouldn’t drop the lawsuit. The system wants to eliminate whatever they can to stop blacks from realizing how bad and unfair the system is because of racism. DeRay was the organizer of the riot, but it was for justice. Seeing that the officers arrested about 200 rioters that day is sad and looks like they are again trying to eliminate the movement. When DeRay posts on Twitter about the movement he uses “Stay Woke” and this shows that he wants to remind blacks to do so when it comes to the justice system.
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This photo is an example of Hypodescent better known as “One Drop of Blood.” This photo is of Barack Obama former president of the United States, his mom was white, and his dad was black. If you were to not know him majority of people would think that his parents were both black. After finding out that his mom was white people may think “oh he’s not fully black or African American he’s mixed” which is not the case. When you have at least one person out of your family/ancestors you are considered black, even if you didn’t look like it. Racism also takes part in this situation as well, treating and doing things differently because of the history they have on them, like one of their ancestors from years ago being black. A lot of the time people mistake “mixed” as a race and don’t really know where they stand in society.
4. White Privilege: 
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This tweet is a great way to explain what white privilege means when black people say such things. The word can be mistaken as an offense to whites when hearing this word. Blacks aren’t hating on whites but simply stating the reality of this world. Blacks go through being treated different by the government/police office, getting denied by a job because of their color, getting stopped by police and having to be on edge, and more. White skin protects them from going through the challenges that blacks go through. This tweet reminds and teaches whites that they have an advantage that they may or may not see. This reminds me of when my mom who has been working at her job in the government since 2006 in her division and she just got promoted to another job January of 2022 after applying for jobs and being denied. She told me that she was training whites to do her job and receive higher pay then her and move up before her. This goes to show that there is a lot of advantages of whites.
5. Miscegenation:
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This picture is a perfect example of Miscegenation. In the 1600′s white men were punished for marrying black woman because of the amount white women. Why punish them if they are in love and happy. In 1967 the Supreme Court made it legal for interracial marriage. The world today shares all different types of marriages with different races. Love is love and when you find that person you should be able to marry, I’m glad that they made the interracial marriage legal. Marrying someone who is out of your race gives each other knowledge on where they came from by visiting and learning about their different cultures. In Brazil a lot of Portuguese men chose to date black women and Brazil didn’t partake in the “one drop of blood” rule.
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This picture is a prime example of microaggressions. The quote is very offensive even if it wasn’t intentionally meant to be. The question I have is how is a normal black person supposed to act? Some things that people say may not be meant to hurt someone’s feelings but it’s about the respect and the attitude of the question or comment. Blacks and even other races are seen to be someone there not, you don’t truly know a person until you get to know them, just like the saying, don’t judge a book by its cover. Microaggressions are used a lot in society today, you see people’s true colors on how they feel about you by their comments.
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Easy Come Easy Go~ CH 2
~A degree in not taking anyone's bullshit~
As they walked towards the house, the group was approached by a blue-clad man.
“Anderson, here we are again, '' Sherlock said sarcastically.
“This is a crime scene. I don’t want it contaminated. Are we clear?”
“Quite clear, and is your wife away for long?”
“Don’t pretend you worked that out. Someone told you that,”
“My deodorant?”
“It’s for men,”
“Of course it’s for men, I’m wearing it,”
“So is sergeant Donovan,” Sherlock proclaimed dramatically and Delila sighed, rolling her eyes, “Phew, and I think it just vaporised, may I go in?”
“Now, whatever you’re trying to imply,”
“I’m not implying anything. I’m sure Sally came ‘round for a nice little chat and just happened to stay over,'' Sherlock brushed by them, pausing at the top of the stairs to look down his nose as Anderson, face barely hiding his triumphant joy, “And I’m assuming she scrubbed your floors going by the state of her knees,”
“I-“ Donovan and Anderson were both rendered speecess by this. Sherlock vanished inside and John sidled past them, clearly feeling the secondhand embarrassment of the encounter, limp extremely pronounced as he struggled up the stoop. Delila glided past the adulterous duo, amusement clear on her face as she followed the two men inside. They’d gone further into the hallway and Delila took her time to take in the surroundings, and she could hear them talking in the hallway.
“Who’s this?” Lestrade’s voice floated down the hallway.
“He’s with me,”
“Yeah but who is he?”
“I said he’s with me,”
“Is this a bad time, boys?” She asked from where she leaned in the doorway, eyebrows raised.
“Ye- Delila?!?!? What on earth are you doing here?” Lestrade looked as if he’d seen a ghost- mildly panicked and extremely confused.
“Ah, hello again,” the tallest of the group remarked as he turned to look at his blonde companion again.
“But… You’re not due until the 16th!!’” Lestrade exclaimed
“Doctor Watson, what is today’s date?” Delila asked the blonde, turning to him as well.
“February 17th,”
“…oh,” Lestrade looked sheepishly to the side, “I- uh..”
“Missed picking me up from my flight? Missed most of my calls? Left me alone in a city I didn’t know?” Delila asked amusedly before crossing the room to kiss him on the cheek, “Apology accepted. Now, onto the other reason I’m here. Do you need some help?”
“...We might, actually. Um, Sherlock, this is-“
“Your daughter, Delila Lestrade. Yes I am aware. Now, where are we?”
“Upstairs. Delila, you can tag along. Do you have gloves in that little bag of yours?”
“Wait, does she even have jurisdiction here?” John asked.
“Well, do you?” She remarked, not looking at him as they climbed the stairs.
“Erm, I don’t think so,”
“I can give you guys 2 minutes,”
“May need longer,”
“The name’s Jennifer Wilson, according to the credit cards. We’re running them now for contact details. Hasn’t been here long, some kids found her.”
“Did she have anything with her? She looks to be dressed for travel, and rain. Umbrella or a purse maybe?” Delila asked, taking in her surroundings as they came to the top of the stairs.
“Not much, she had her wallet, and an umbrella in her pocket,”
“That’s odd….” Delila murmured. They fell silent, and Delila reached into her small blue purse to retrieve a pair of black latex gloves. She pulled them on, sanitised her hands, and then watched as Sherlock started to inspect the body. It was silent for a long minute.
“Shut up,”
“I- uh nobody said anything!”
“You were thinking, it’s annoying,” Sherlock remarked and Delila scoffed in amusement. He looked up and narrowed his eyes, brows slightly furrowed.
“Something funny?”
“Nothing, you’re just… different than I expected,”
“And what is that supposed to mean?”
“You’re peculiar, can’t tell if that’s a good or bad thing yet,” Delila replied, not breaking eye contact. He huffed and reached into his pocket, pulling out his phone and typing away at it.
“Well, what have you got?”
“Not much,”
“She’s German, rache, German for revenge. She could be trying to tell us-” Sherlock shut the door before Anderson could finish.
“Yes, thank you for your input,”
“So she’s German?”
“You’re kidding,” Delila gave her father a deadpan look.
“Of course she’s not German.” She replied with a sigh.
“She is from out of town though. Planned to stay in London for one night before returning home to Cardiff. So far so obvious,”
“Sorry, obvious?”
“But the message-” Lestrade insisted.
“Dr. Watson, what do you think?”
“Of the message?” John asked, tilting his head slightly to the side.
“Of the body, you’re a medical man,”
“What? No! I’ve got a whole team outside,” Lestrade broke in.
“They won’t work with me,”
“I’m breaking every rule letting you in here,”
“Yes, because you need me,” Sherlock leveled Lestrade with a serious stare and the latter let out a disgruntled sigh.
“You’re right. I do. God help me,” he admitted after a moment.
“Well I’m not quite god, but you did bring me along for this reason, no?”
“Oh... uh-yeah. Sherlock, Delila has a degree in forensic science,”
“I’d be happy to offer my expertise, Mr Holmes,”
“I suppose you’ll do, Miss Lestrade,” Sherlock replied dismissively.
“Doctor, actually. I didn’t waste away amongst the religious southern zealots at Duke university for nothing,” Delila approached the body and set to work.
“Anderson, keep everyone out for a couple of minutes,” Lestrade disappeared and John leaned closer to his companion.
“Well what am I doing here?” John whispered.
“You were supposed to be helping helping me make a point,”
“I’m supposed to be helping you pay rent,”
“Well this is more fun,”
“Fun? There’s a woman lying dead!”
“Perfectly astute observation, Dr. Watson,” Delila remarked, peeling off her gloves, “But there’s more to it than that. Asphyxiation, fell unconscious and choked to death on her own puke… Likely one of those suicides that the Yard’s been investigating, based on the timing and the fact that there are no outward signs of drugs or alcohol. Citrus smell around the mouth is exceptionally strong, likely going to be stronger when her stomach is opened,” Delila pushed her glasses up on her nose, “I’ve got more to say, but I’ll leave the rest to Mr. Holmes and his- what did it say on the website again..? Oh yes- deductions,”
“Alright. What’ve you got?” Lestrade asked before the smartass brunette could comment.
“The victim is in her late 30’s, a professional person going by her clothes, something in the media going by the frankly alarming shade of pink. Married for at least 10 years but not happily, she had a string of lovers but none of them knew she was married,”
“Are you just making this up?”
“Her wedding ring, dad. Her jewelry is clean but her wedding ring is dirty and beaten. She cleans everything but the ring, so obviously it doesn’t mean much to her-” Delila explained, “Or...uh it didn’t mean much to her,”
“Not just that. The inside of her ring is clean. It’s regularly removed but not for polishing. The only polishing it gets is when she works it off her finger. Look at her nails, she doesn’t work with her hands. So what or who does she take it off for? Certainly not one lover, she’d never be able to sustain the illusion of being single for that long. Simple really,”
“That’s brilliant!”
“Agreed, Dr. Watson,” Delila tilted her head to the side, “The fact that you can perceive all of that in a matter of minutes. Have you officially tested your IQ or-?”
“Delila, focus!” Lestrade snapped and Delila flushed slightly.
“Sorry, continue,” She said sheepishly, looking away, balling up her gloves and putting them in her purse.
“You said she’s from Cardiff,”
“It’s obvious isn’t it?”
“Not to me..”
“It has to do with her jacket, yes? Like I said earlier? She’s dressed for travel. It’s wet along the underside of the collar and along the back. I’ve been around London all day just wandering and there hasn’t been a drop of rain.”
“You’re not as dumb as everyone else. Yes. Her coat is still wet so she can’t have travelled more than 2-3 hours. Because the inside of her collar is dry it means she’s turned it up against the wind. Strong wind that had to be over 15 kilometers per hour, otherwise she would’ve used her umbrella. Strong wind, heavy rains, 2-3 hour travel time. Cardiff. Simple,”
“That’s fantastic!”
“Do you realise you say that out loud?”
“Sorry I’ll shut up,”
“No.. it’s fine,”
“Cardiff… Media. Shouldn’t she have a suitcase? She seems fashion forward,” Delila asked
“Overnight bag maybe?” John suggested.
“Suitcase, yes she had one. Where is it then? What have you done with it?”
“How do you know she had a case?”
“Small splash marks along the heel and calf, small bag going by the spread. Wouldn’t get this pattern any other way.”
“Well, hate to break it to you but there isn’t a case,”
“Say that again?”
“There wasn’t a case, sherlock. There was never any case,”
“Suitcase! Has anyone seen a suitcase?!? Was there a suitcase in this house?!?”
“Sherlock there wasn’t any case!”
“They take the poison themselves, they chew, swallow the pills themselves. Clear signs- even you lot couldn’t miss them!”
“Yeah thanks, and?”
“Don’t know how just yet, but they’re killings. All of them, serial killings. We’ve got ourselves a serial killer; god I love those, always something to look forward to. Serial killers are hard though, you have to wait for them to make a mistake,”
“We can’t just wait!”
“We’re done waiting. Don’t you see? Houston we have a mistake,”
“What mistake?”
“Her case! Where is her case? Did she eat it?”
“Oh. Someone else was here, took her luggage. That means the killer had to have driven her here! Forgot they had it?”
“-oh! OH! Phone to Cardiff, find out who Jennifer Wilson’s family and friends were! Find Rachel!”
“What mistake?”
“Well, isn’t that clever?”
“What is?”
“They’re abductions, obviously,”
“Obviously,” Anderson sneered, “Great, another one,”
“Shut up, Anderson,” Lestrade snapped and Anderson gave an offended look to the Detective Inspector. John stared after them for a long moment after the two men disappeared.
“Don’t get yourself all worked up over him, John. Shall we?” She gestured down the stairs.
“I guess we shall,”
“Would you happen to want to grab a cup of coffee or something? I don’t drink, so that’s the best I can offer you,”
“That sounds nice, actually,”
“Was he your ride?”
“Well, a cab was my ride, but he’s the one who called it,” John replied and Delila laughed. As they left the building a voice called out.
“He’s gone,”
“Sherlock Holmes?”
“Yeah, he just took off, he does that,”
“Likely he’s not coming back then?”
“Doesn’t look like it,”
“Right… erm-”
“Well, we’re in Brixton, yeah? Any idea where we could hail a taxi?”
“Try the main road,”
“Thanks,” Delila held the tape up and john ducked underneath.
“But you’re not his friend. He doesn’t have friends,” Donovan said to John, “So who are you?”
“Nobody, I’m nobody. I- uh- I just met him,”
“I assume the same goes for you, whoever you are?” she asked Delila.
“I’d say it’s none of your business, but obviously you have something to say so go ahead”
“Just a bit of advice, you both. Stay away from that guy,”
“Why, exactly?”
“You know why he’s here?”
“It’s his job?”
“He’s not paid or anythin’. He likes it, he gets off on it, The weirder the crime, the more he gets off,”
“Says the officer in the homicide division,”
“-as I was saying. Be careful, because one day showing up just won’t be enough for him. One day we’ll be standing ‘round a body and Sherlock Holmes will be the one who put it there,”
“You’re telling us this, why?”
“Because he’s a psychopath, and psychopaths get bored,”
“Bravo. Stunning psychoanalysis, Sergeant,”
“Excuse me?”
“Bit of advice for you too, Sally. Stick to the dead people. Obviously the living ones are too complex for you to wrap your head around,”
“Delila! You’re- um- still here?”
“Yes, sorry. I was suffering through your Sergeant’s cookie-cutter judgements,”
“...Right. Do try to be nice to my officers, Delila. They’re the best I’ve got,”
“You could do better. Anyways, I’m going out for coffee with Dr Watson. Call me if you need me. Or actually, just remember to actually call me period.”
“I will, I promise. Donovan, come on,”
“So then, coffee?”
“I think I saw a small café on Baker street. I know the owner,”
“I have zero idea where baker street is, but lead the way,”
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pussy-puncher · 4 years
Valentine Special!
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x reader
Word Count: 2,848
Warnings: Swearing, angst, blood, sexual situations, sexual activities without consent, alcohol, fighting, Nat being kinda rude at first, but there's fluff to make up for it, I promise.
A/N: I really enjoyed writing this. I took me a few days to finish and edit. Hope you enjoy it!
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1. The first encounter.
You met Natasha at a meeting with Fury so you could join the Avengers. You weren't too much younger than them. Ony three years younger than Natasha, making you 32. But they thought you didn't have experience.
Well everyone except Steve. He was glad to call you his team member.
Fury assigned Natasha to train you and show you the ropes. The two of you would usually spar or train and that was about it. She didn't want to have to spend more time with you than she had to.
The most you've ever talked was when you screwed up a move while sparring and almost broke your arm.
When you first met Natasha you thought she was just a little cold, closed off and rude.
Well she was.
"You're young and stupid. You're going to make an immature rookie mistake and get someone killed. We don't need you here." She gave you a strong glare.
She was very rude to you. She didn't agree with Steve for letting you on the team. Natasha just thought you would just drag them down and get in the way.
"I don't know why Fury let you join the team. You have no prior experience and you're just flat out annoying." She would give you scowls during meetings and she could be seen staring at you with a hard glare from across the room at any given time.
She didn't start warming up to you until seven months after you joined the Avengers.
The two of you were sparring and she elbowed you in the face harder than she intended and broke your nose. There was blood all over the mat and your shirt. Your fingers were painted red with your own blood as she apologized repeatedly.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean to break your nose." She seemed genuinely upset that she hurt you. But you just brushed it off and laughed.
"It's fine, Agent Romanoff. Really."
"You don't have to call me that anymore, you know. My name is Natasha. My friends call me Nat." She gives you a soft smile. You go to smile back but wince. She helps you clean up and gets you to the med bay so Dr. Cho can fix your bloodied, broken nose.
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2. The first date.
You were really surprised when Natasha asked you to eat dinner with her. Mainly because two months prior she broke your nose, she seemed stand off-ish and would usually pick on you.
But you accepted. Who wouldn't? She's gorgeous, smart, actually quite funny and was being nice recently. Not to mention she had a body to die for.
She asked you while the two of you were sparring. She had pinned you to the ground, your hands above your head. You groaned in defeat. She smirked down at you, "Grab dinner with me?" It wasn't really a question, it was more of a soft plea.
You smiled, "What?"
"Let's go on a date. You and me. We can go to a nice restaurant or go for a walk or do whatever you want."
Your smile grows, "I'd love to, Nat. We can go to dinner then for a walk in the park."
Natasha took you to a small diner secluded from the rest of New York. She said to dress casual so you did. Jeans, a t-shirt, Converse and a denim jacket. She wore a black t-shirt, black jeans, her black leather jacket and heels.
You two had dinner then went for a walk in the park as it got dark like you suggested. The two of you were sitting on a bench, watching as the sun set.
The sky was painted beautiful shades of orange, yellow, pink and purple. You stared at the magnificent colors as Natasha stared at the sid of your face.
"I'm sorry I was so rude to you when you first joined the team. It's just I didn't think we needed a new addition to the team. I thought you were just going to mess everything up." She frowns softly but it fades into a smile, "But you didn't. You made things better. The team doesn't fight as much as we used to because of you, and you're a great fighter."
She slowly reaches over for you hand, you let her take it and smile, looking over at her. "I'm glad you changed your mind." You look back out at the sky with a smile on your face.
She does the same. Her heart felt full for the first time in years.
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3. The first kiss.
The two of you were just laying in your room together watching a movie when it happened. You didn't know it would happen until seconds before.
You were laying next to her, your head on her shoulder, fingers running through with her hair. She wasn't watching the movie. She was watching you. She was watching the way your brow would furrow when you didn't like something. Or how your eyes lit up when your favorite character came on screen. Or how your lips twitched up into a delicate smile at what one of the main characters said.
She enjoyd seeing you so happy looking.
The two of you have been going on dates pretty regularly but there were no labels yet. But everyone pretty much knew that you and Natasha were together for the long run.
You looked up to her as the movie ended and the credits began to roll across the screen, "Did you even watch it, Nat?" You ask her, sitting up to look at her.
"Yes, of course I did. It was very interesting." She smiled knowing you knew she was lying.
"Oh really? What was it about then?" You questioned with a smirk.
"Oh. Uh..." she searched for an answer, glancing over at the CD case, seeing the title of the movie and it being: 'The Breakfast Club', "It was about a club of people who ate breakfast together. Yeah, yeah. That's right." She says fighting a smile.
You laugh at her terrible lie, "I thought you were a spy. Spies can lie better than that. Also I'm surprised you've never seen this movie before. It came out in 1984."
"I didn't really watch TV or movies until I joined the Avengers and had some freetime. I usually had more important things to do than sit around and waste two hours of my time watching a movie." She responds with a shrug.
"Well it's one of my favorites. I'll show you more of my favorite movies another time." You get up to go get more chocolate since you ate it all. But Natasha grabs your waist and pulls you back down, you fall on top of her, your faces incredibly close. Your breath audibly hitches and she smirks.
"Can I kiss you, Y/N?" She asks just above a whisper. You don't trust your voice to speak for you so you nod your head.
She smiles and closes the gap between the two of you in a gentle kiss you can only describe as perfect.
Her lips are soft and warm and taste of strawberries and vanilla. You want to kiss her forever, never have to pull away.
Her arms are around your waist, she pulls you further into her. You can smell her flowery perfume.
You want her to hold you and never let go. She feels like a safe place for you.
Like home.
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4. The first 'I love you'.
You were the one to say it first. It was right before one of your missions. It was a really long and dangerous one but you had to go alone. There was a high possibility that you would never return from the mission, and Natasha didn't like the odds. She wanted you to come home to her at the end of the day.
You were getting ready to leave, packing everything you would need, getting your suit on, grabbing weapons while doing so. You said your goodbyes to everyone except Nat, wanting to tell her bye last.
You knocked on her door and she opened it for you to come in, she had a frown etched on her face. The moment she shut the door her arms were wrapped around you tightly, not wanting tou to leave her.
"Please be careful, babe." She mumbled into your neck, not wanting to show vulnerability but not caring because it's you. It would be different if the other were around.
She pulled away just slightly to kiss your lips with such passion you couldn't help but smile against her lips.
You pulled away for air after about two minutes due to your lungs burning slightly. You looked at her with soft eyes and a gentle smile. "I love you, Natasha."
You didn't mean to say it, but you sure as hell weren't going to take it back. But you were starting to regret it when her smile fell and her face became blank.
You tried to read her but got nothing. You looked into her eyes hoping to gauge her response to what you had just said, but all you could see were her beautiful green eyes looking right back into yours.
She didn't say anything, but she grabbed the back of your neck and pulled you in for a kiss. She may not have said it out loud but you knew she felt the same and that she meant it.
The first time Natasha said it to you was after a date. The two of you had just gotten home from eating dinner at a nice restaurant and were taking a shower together. You had your back to her as you washed your hair. She was just staring at you with fascination, when all of a sudden she mumbled it in Russian.
You smirked when you heard her say "Я люблю тебя¹, Y/N."
You had Bucky teach you Russian so you could impress Nat and speak to her in her native language. So you understand what she said. You knew the meaning behind her words.
You turned to look at her and smiled, wrapping your arms around her neck, pulling her closer to you for a sweet kiss. She was surprised at the sudden affection but gladly accepted it, kissing you back, cupping your cheeks in her hands.
"Я имею в виду, кто бы не стал², Natasha?" You said with a cocky smirk and kissed her nose before you pulled away to rinse the shampoo out of your hair.
She was stunned that you understood and could speak her native language. She loved how it sounded rolling off your tongue.
Я люблю тебя means: 'I love you' in Russian.
Я имею в виду, кто бы не стал means: 'I mean, who wouldn't' in Russian.
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5. The first fight.
The first time you and Natasha had a fight it was during a mission. The two of you went undercover to gather information on a man by the name of William Jordan that was selling alien technology from the aftermath of Ultron.
He was about the same age as the both of you and was known for sleeping with numerous women. Fury wanted you to get him to talk about the deals he was making, where he was getting the technological weapons and who was buying them. Fury had sent you and Natasha to one of William's parties to do just that.
You thought seducing the testosterone and pleasure driven man would get him to tell you information in turn for the promise of sex or at least some sexual release.
You decided to wear a tight black dress with a plunging neckline that exposed a good amount of cleavage, you were sure it could turn anyone on. Paired with black heels and a necklace with a bright red jewel that rested right between your breast, drawing attention to them. Your hair was curled slightly and flowing down your shoulders. You thought you looked quite nice.
When you left the hotel bathroom Natasha was standing by the door waiting for you in a tight Red dress that hugged her perfect figure with red heels, her short hair curled how you like it. She looked up from her watch right as you walked out. She gasped softly. "You look... perfect."
You blush, "I wouldn't say perfect but I do look nice, don't I? Do you think William will like it?" You weren't necessarily too worried about what he thought about you but you needed him to find you attractive or else the mission might not work.
Natasha visually frowns at your question. "Why does it matter what he thinks, babe?" She walks over to you and places her hands on your hips, gripping them.
"For the mission, Nat. That's the whole point of us dressing up. Why else would I wear anything like this?"
"I don't know. Maybe so I could rip it off of you and fuck you until you can't walk for a week." Her voice was a low growl, her red lips kiss your neck then she bites down hard, definitely leaving a mark.
After some.... messing around then cleaning up, the two of you leave for William's party. You were right about William. He's a sex driven man. He already had two girls on his arms and some groupies behind him.
The moment you arrived there were men and women alike trying to get you to leave with them or buy you a drink. But you denied all of them. The mission only required you to get William's attention. And that you did.
After you caught William's eye he made his way over to you and immediately put his hand on your upper thigh, "Hey there, gorgeous. Can I get you a drink or my number?" His breath stunk if alcohol and his body reeked of a strong musky cologne.
You put on a fake smile though, "Sure, baby." You would have gagged if you weren't such a good actress. You gave a quick glance to Natasha across the bar, to see her giving William a dirty look.
She was obviously jealous of him. That he got to touch you like he owned you. But she knew that you would go home with her and you would sleep in her bed at the end of the day and that she was the one you loved. Not some egotistical business man that smelled of a cheap cologne you hated.
After about thirty minutes of you talking to him and touching his arm or his knee or 'accidentally' brushing your hand again his crotch, you left with him to get more information, but he thought he was going to see what was under your dress.
You took him to a room and you let him kiss you. It was disgusting. His lips were dry and rough. His hands wandered to places you didn't want them to be. His slimy tongue pushed past your lips and into your mouth. You had to fight the urge to push him away. It would ruin the mission if you did.
You let him touch you in places you only wanted Natasha to touch you. You hated this. But he was telling you things you needed as he was doing this.
He was about to pull his pants down when you pushed him off of you. "That's enough." You fix your dress and your hair. Then exit the room leaving him to finish himself off.
You felt dirty. You wanted to leave immediately. Walking over to the bar, you gave Nat a look and she knew. The two of you left and reported back to Fury. After the mission debrief you went to take a shower.
After you got out and dried off you saw Nat on the bed, frowning, "Why did you let him do that to you, Y/N? He touched you like you were his, but you're not. You're mine."
"I don't belong to you, Natasha. You don't own me." You say, giving her a glare your anger boiling up.
"That's not what I meant." She moves to stand next to you and turns you around, "He touched you in ways I don't want anyone else to touch you in. I love you, Y/N and I want to protect you."
"I'm not yours to own. I'm not your property. I can do what I want. I'm an adult and can make my own decisions." You say, anger spilling out. "I'm going to stay with Wanda until you realize you don't own me, like I'm somedog, that I'm your girlfriend and you should treat me like a person that loves you." You gather some clothes then walk out to Wanda's room down the hall.
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advernia · 4 years
fic: the many tea parties of charon
— deck out the flowers and mourning veils, the guests of honor are in attendance. - pre-game: of a child and his trusty guide.
1: contains heavy references to edgar's backstory, so be warned if you haven't read his route yet! please tread lightly. 2: terribly late, but this was written for @unappreciatedotomelove’s day 19 angst prompt, death.
Baron Paulos Arca was mute.
The morning papers narrate the tale of a man unable to scream for help as he fell to his demise. Scratches on grass and soil, torn pieces of cloth and drops of blood scattered on the twisting path leading to the forest's cliff may suggest that he might have been running away from beasts until he had a misstep that led to his untimely fate. Why the man was in the Forbidden Forest without permission or an escort was still being investigated, but the man was already well-known for losing himself to the company of plants and trees over tea parties and soirees, so perhaps that narrowed down possibilities.
A most unfortunate accident, his uncle reads before pressing the rim of a teacup to his lips.
It almost sounds humorous; the way the word accident rolls off his uncle's tongue. He pokes at his breakfast, watches the tines of his fork sink into the meal on his plate.
Metal through meat.
Sharp tearing soft.
Trident piercing flesh.
Very unfortunate, he says dryly in reply, feeling the twist in his stomach.
Marchioness Marie Marithe Lacelle was weak.
He's been taught manners, and one of the basics say that is it most rude to stare. Young boys like himself shouldn’t dare ogle, especially at girls and ladies and at their bare skin. Propriety is important. And if he must stare, there is an unspoken rule among gentlemen that whispers subtlety is key.
So he and his uncle don't stay too long, don't find a need to linger any longer around a casket that held a woman so dainty, even her gloved fingers gave off the impression of fragility. On these occasions his uncle spent more time exchanging pleasantries anyway, and while waiting he would just stand away and observe his surroundings. Today wouldn't be any different. 
On one side of the refreshment table, he studies the champagne flutes that form beautiful rows. Despite the bright crystal lights, the liquid inside each glass remains a hostile purple; dark from the top and eerie come the bottom. Almost like vials of poison, he figures.
The smile on his lips turns awry.
Merchant Duriel Atlas was sickly.
In the modestly decorated hall he's seated somewhere around the middle aisle next to a relative, a child who may or may not be a member of the main family. His uncle is seated somewhere around the front row, becoming one of the many gentlemen offering an ear to an elderly man with a face that's positively ghastly. The deceased's father, he guesses.
Hey, the child seated beside him suddenly speaks. It's only then that he looks at her properly, at the girl beside him who was clutching a stuffed bear close to her chest.
How do you know my papa? she asks, raising her head to stare at him. The edges of her eyes are bright red but their centers remain gray, the kind of shade that's a tad dull but with an edge to it that's oddly sharp; like the deceiving end of a rusty needle pricking the most sensitive spots of skin.
Her scrutiny pokes uncomfortably at his throat, and for once isn't quite sure what to say.
Professor Sarietta Pierre was careless.
It's amazing, really - in one room where all sorts of individuals gather there are those who truly mourn, but in that same room there are those that hide behind their feathered fans and quiet corners, believing that keeping their voices in hushed whispers could hide remarks such as:
A professor of magic put to rest by her own spell - what an end!
She was bound to make a mistake sooner or later with that ego of hers.
Serves her right, I'd say. That woman was far too arrogant.
And to think that she bragged about how her prudent magic wielding was second to none...
And so on and so forth - he listens to wails in one ear and criticism on the other until his uncle comes to stand beside him, gaze set on the deceased's portrait.
They sure enjoy wagging their tongues before using their heads, don't they? he says, tone casual.
Government official Ivor Xies Grellol was bedridden.
It was bound to happen... but oh, I wish it didn't happen so soon, too soon, the now-widow cries with her puffy eyes and scratchy voice. She angles her head away from them to stare at the body fit perfectly in the coffin, clothed in his very best and surrounded by fresh flowers. I... I... just wish we had more time.
... I'm sure he felt the same way, his uncle is a picture of sincerity with a gentle tone and perfect bow, my deepest condolences for your loss, Lady Grellol.
Tears start streaming down her eyes again, so as an act of courtesy he takes out the handkerchief in his pocket and gingerly offers it for her to use. She blinks for a moment before accepting the cloth, breathing in deeply and dabbing quickly at her damp cheeks. 
Such a kind child you are, the woman says in between sobs.
He'd swallow a lump down his throat and say his thanks, but he finds himself too distracted by the powdery smudges of red now staining his handkerchief.
Arles and Ceres Clemence were bastards.
There's no caskets, formalities, procession. No flowers, people, crying, portraits - just a deep well of soil, two large sacks, torn shrouds of cloth, a shovel.
Two people - a child and an adult - looking down at the well and its contents.
The sound of raindrops hitting an umbrella's canopy, going tap tap tap tap tap every second.
A voice cutting through the rain, soft yet with a fury so cold.
Blame society for deciding that your greatest sin was to be born, Claudius Bright hissed.
Claudius Bright was limping.
A result of an accident or the curse of aging? Either way it didn't change the fact that today, he was assisting his uncle in the act of walking for one of his legs seemed to be struggling. Together they cross the halls and go past the door, down the path and inside the carriage that was waiting for them.
It hardly suited the Jack of Hearts - an image of susceptibility, a flaw. Vulnerable, oh-so vulnerable to the eyes. A target with an obvious weak spot, easy prey that didn't require much effort to take down. A strike to the knees or a well-aimed hit to the thigh, a poke of poison or the bind of magic, the pierce of a bullet and his uncle might as well -
"... Perhaps," he says when he enters the carriage and sits himself across from his uncle, "we should get you a cane. Trying to walk on your own adds to the strain of your sore leg, and we can't have that if you want your leg to heal properly."
"That does sound like a good idea," Claudius hums, but then he checks his wristwatch. "... Ah, but that will have to wait. We can't afford to be late, now can we?"
A funny concern when they've never been late for an appointment in their life.
With the subject temporarily put on hold though, his eyes keep drifting back to his uncle's left leg; to the bandages secured around the kneecap. Weakness, the sight seemed to whisper strongly. Balance disrupted, equilibrium lost, weight of the body favoring one side over the other -
Hands balling into fists and teeth digging into the inside of his cheek, he urges himself to look out the window instead.
The sky above them is nearly dressed in murky grays and heavy blacks.
Perfect weather for another funeral, Edgar Bright whispers to himself.
3: charon from greek mythology is the ferryman of the rivers styx + acheron, the rivers said to separate the world of the living and the dead. he serves under the god of the underworld, hades. intended context puts edgar as charon (he who follows) & claudius as hades (he who commands), but can also work in a reverse manner with claudius passing off as charon - he 'leads' souls to edgar and his nephew unwittingly becomes hades; he who passes 'judgement' on said souls. 4: supposedly this went with a desensitized edgar in claudius' perspective, but somehow turned out to be novice!assassin edgar dealing with his conscience + claudius rubbing salt on the wound by bringing edgar to the funerals of the people he ordered his nephew to kill. it does give a different spin on the theme of death, so i guess it works.
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Let me tell you a good story
Bloodbound Fanfiction (characters and main story belongs to Pixelberry Studios).
Pairing: Kamilah Sayeed and MC (Annie)
Information: this takes place after Bloodbound 3, here I’m recreating how Kamilah and MC would meet if she had never gone to Raines Corporation right away.
Summary: Thirty years after meeting Annie for the first time, Kamilah is now a wife and a mother. During a regular family dinner, she decides to tell her daughter and the new son-in-law the story of how she fell in love with Annie after an unusual meeting through the hallways of NYU.
Warnings: none.
Part 1 Part 3
Let me tell you a good story - Part 2
March 2nd, 2048 
 “You’re telling it wrong.” Anna shook her head in disbelief. “Kamilah Sayeed, you be a woman and admit to them that you checked my butt when I was opening the office’s door.”
“I don’t think they need to know that part. It’s not an important piece of information.”
 “Ha! But me shivering when you sensually pressed yourself against me is an important piece of information?”
 “I did not sensually pres…”
 “Guys!” Lysia hit the table, laughing. “Focus!”
“Maybe I should be the one telling the rest now” Anna pinched Kamilah’s arm playfully. “Since you’re omitting the good bits.”
 “You know what, my love? That is not a bad idea. I want to hear your version of the next part. It’s my favourite one.” Kamilah eyes had a glimpse of amusement. “And you do not dare to hide anything from our conversation in the hallway.”
While trying not to blush over that memory – and failing – Anna turned to Lysia and Drake with a happy broad smile on her face. “So, let’s continue. We went for coffee. And you mother just couldn’t stop staring at my butt.”
Kamilah rolled her eyes but didn’t interrupt it.
 August 15th, 2018
 “So, how do you like your coffee?” Anna had guided them to a small coffee cart by the side of the building. There was barely anyone around, unlike the other gigantic coffee carts they passed by. 
The woman arched her eyebrows to the small old man playing some sort of card game with a kid. They were speaking a language she couldn’t understand. “Black. No sugar.”
“Figured.” Anna laughed softly, approaching the old man and playing a kiss on both his cheeks before starting to talk in the same language as them. “Tudo bem, Antônio? Pode me fazer dois cafés pretos extrafortes? Um deles sem açúcar, por favor.”
“You know him?” She asked when the girl took a step back, waiting for the coffee.
“Yup.” Annie drove her attention to the kid on the floor. He looked back when felt her hugging from behind, smiling and waving to both women. “I stay here a lot.”
“So I see…” those brown eyes once again started to analyse the cart, now with less suspicion. “That language you spoke. Was it Portuguese?”
“Yeah. Got it right away, huh? People usually think it’s Spanish or Italian. Every time I tell them I’m Brazilian, they just start to speak Spanish with me… Or a really loud and slow version of English. Both suck. My Spanish is horrible. And I’m not deaf.”
“Aqui, Aninha. Dois cafés bem fortes. Um sem açúcar, e o seu bem doce.” Antônio gave her a warm smile. He always remembered how Annie liked her coffee. She paid for it with a five-dollar bill and refused any change.
Slowly, they started to walk away with their coffees. The sunset was almost over, a dark shade of orange shining on Anna’s black wavy hair. She kept her eyes staring at the floor, lips twitching with indecision. It seemed she was trying to find the right words. The stranger besides her had such an intimidating aura that suddenly Anna felt like a shy teenager again, not the impressive college professor who won tons of arguments during congresses. She tried to gather courage to look at the woman once again, her mouth opening to ask a question, but someone interrupted with a touch on the shoulder.
“Anna?” They turned to face another college professor. She looked no more than thirty, blue eyes shining behind blond bangs. “Sorry to disturb you. I was just passing by. Did you get the chance to read my email?”
“No worries, Faith. I’m the one who should be apologizing, I did read the email, but I was so distracted by the donations this week I forgot to give you an answer. It was about the article, right? You sent me a sketch?”
“Yes, yes. For a new magazine we’re working on. It’s due to Monday. I was wondering if you could take a look and help me fix the mistakes. I’m sure there are plenty of them.”
The one named Faith took a step forward, practically excluding the other woman from the conversation. There was something on her smile, a hint of a special admiration.
“To Monday? Gosh, I’m so sorry. Let’s do the following. Are you staying for the lecture today?” Anna pointed to the sign on the wall. They were having those big weekly lectures with different CEOs and tonight was going to be a Mrs. K. Sayeed speaking… Among others less important names.
“What? Oh. Yeah. I am.” She cleared wasn’t planning to until now.
“Perfect. That’ll give me time to read it again and make better notes. When the lecture finishes, come and meet me at my office, we can talk about it. Okay?”
“Sure thing, Ann. I’ll see you later.” Faith took another step forward, kissing Annie on both cheeks before turning back to the building.
The woman beside her had a judgemental look on her face.
“What?” Anna took a sip of the coffee.
“Do all of your co-workers kiss you?”
“I’m Brazilian. We kiss people on the cheek. Regularly. It’s the polite thing to do.”
“She is definitely not Brazilian. I don’t think her kissing was over politeness.”
“Why, are you jealous?” Anna opened a teasing smile.
The woman answered with a short laugh. “No.” But her eyes were sparkling. Analysing. Right now, she was capturing Annie’s features: the pink-flowered blouse stuck inside social pants, stains of coffee on one of the blazer’s sleeves, her short stature, those black burning eyes. 
“Why are you here?” The professor’s voice cracked the silence that lingered between them. “I mean, you’re not a student. Is it the lecture?”
“Oh. Yes. I have to be there in ten minutes.” A flash of discomfort crossed Annie’s face after hearing those words. “What? Something against the lecture?”
“No. Not exactly. It’s just… Not my kind of thing.”
“How so?”
They were back at the entrance. Anna leaned her head for a second, deciding what to do. Then, she took a step in, waiting to be followed by the woman.
“Well. Let’s just say that listening to billionaires giving advices to a hundred rich kids about how to perpetuate the same M.O. of exploitation their parents and grandparents had been doing for decades is not on my top list of good use of academic time and space.” That was the sincerest she could be without cursing. “I’d rather watch other lectures.”
“Did you watch any of the previous ones to have such a sharp opinion?”
“I did, in fact. Two. The first one, with the Canadian guy, Mr. Phelps. And last week. I had some spare time. It was… Raines. Adrian Raines. From Raines Corporation. He was better than Phelps. A little.”
The woman seemed to stiff a bit.
“What about tonight? Do you know the speakers?”
Anna’s eyes moved away to the floor. Every time she had to search for something in her memory, there were these little signals. Fingers entangling, like a little prayer about to start. Eyebrows furrowing. Lips pressing. The unknown woman noticed it all, since she couldn’t stop looking at the professor.
“Three of them. Mr. Walker. He’s a teacher here. Stupid, arrogant, and too touchy around female professors, may I add. I also know Haley, Haley Dens, I helped her with a job interview a while ago. We met during a lecture at Columbia. She’s nice, but I’m not familiar with her work. I also know the main attraction, not on person, but I read her thesis. Ms. K. Sayeed. Solid thesis. Better than Mr. Raines.”
“Hm. Tell me more about it.”
Anna kept her posture, walking slower by the minute. “How can I say it? I sensed… A little bit of naivety on Mr. Raines thesis. He’s not actually perpetuating the status quo, instead he tries to fix it’s problems, make it into a new system by improving the qualities. This doesn’t work. He’s just embellishing something that’s already broken. Ms. Sayeed is clever. Her mistakes are different ones.”
The silence and the curious look on the woman’s face were pushing Anna to continue.
“Hm. Ok. Let’s just say that Ms. Sayeed thesis is more consisting, but the end is frustrating. She admits the system sucks. With better words, of course. And that it’s impossible to fix it. So far, I’m on board. But then, her analysis stop. It’s like a Fukuyama kind of thing, you know? He said history was over. Ms. Sayeed is claiming economy is doomed. Dead. Over. Nothing to do. No one can change things. I beg to differ. That’s such a stupid and lazy conclusion. I do believe the system is broken, and fixing it won’t take us anywhere… That’s why we need to build a new one. From scratch.”
“A dreamer, aren’t you?”
Annie lifted her gaze to find a malicious smile on the woman’s face. She was suddenly stunted by the beauty of it. All the seriousness on her tone, the posture, the entangled fingers, all of it dropped. Suddenly, the college professor returned to the hypnotized teenager mode, bouncing from one foot to another. She looks like a goddess. Oh my. Oh my. She’s… Wait. Who is she?
“Oh no. I’m so sorry. I was so distracted I forgot to ask your name.”
The woman’s brown eyes locked with Anna’s as she approached. For a moment, the professor thought they were going to kiss. Her back was pressed against the pillar, so dangerously close to the stranger that lavender parfum started to dominate her senses. And even though there were a few students walking around, she wouldn’t mind having that gorgeous woman kissing her in the middle of the hallway.
“Kamilah.” She tucked a lock of hair behind Anna’s ear. The small touch sent electric signals through their bodies. “Nice to meet you, Annie.”
“Nice to meet you too.” That was barely a whisper. Her voice was gone. Disappeared.
And all Anna could do was watch as that goddess step back and head inside the auditorium, wondering if all that talk was real. If she was real.
The coffee definitely is. The taste of it was lingering on her tongue.
So was the desire to kiss Kamilah.
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ddaengyoonmin · 5 years
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Pairing: Mermaid!Taehyung x Space explorer/Scientist!Reader
Genre: Smut, Angst, Fluff
A/N: I really have nothing to say other than I took this way too far lol I hope you all enjoy it! The ending might be confusing lol send asks if you want to know anything and id love to hear what you thought! 
Word count: 16k (yeah that happened)
Warnings: Oral male and female receiving, descriptions of fainting, drowning and death, guns, swearing, (I think thats it, let me know if i missed anything)
Tagging a few of you who seemed excited for this! :) @mischiefmakerliesmith5 @yeontanismypresident @oh-worm-yee-haw @kpopgirlbtssvt @zombiewerewolfqueen
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No one with legs lived on the surface of Neptune, walkers such as yourself lived on the moons.  The spacecrafts that you traveled in constantly moved to and from all of the different moons, but  no one ever went down to the surface.  That's where the swimmers lived.  You’d heard tales of the fishtailed people that swam in the great sea below the moons, some called them mermaids.  But no one had ever actually seen one before, well, until now.  You and the scientific research team that you had gathered together had built the first spaceship in your people’s history that could go into the waters below.  You’d figured you’d snap a few pictures and return within the month, but things didn’t go as planned.  Your ship was captured by the swimmers and they seemed just as in awe at you and your team as you were with them.   They decided to let you go but only on the condition that you to bring their leading scientist back up to the moons with you, so you could learn from each other.  You learn quite a bit from Taehyung, in particular, your anatomy seemed to be his favorite subject…
Triton was a gloomy and desolate place, but the moons of Neptune were all your people had known.  There were a few large cities on each moon, each looking identical to the others, all of the buildings were tall and gray and matched the one sitting next to it.  Each neighborhood’s houses looked no different from the one on either side.  Original thought and creativity seemed to be scarce in your society. 
Even the clothes sold in stores seemed to fall into a range of plain styles and blacks and grays.  
Ships flew back and forth between the moon’s daily exchanging supplies.  Some citizens worked on other moons during the week and would return to their home moon for the weekends.  You were lucky to not have to travel far for your work, in fact, you lived right on the same plot of land in dorms with all the other scientists at your facility. 
You were the lead researcher and developer on a new type of shuttle that could fly through space, and also dive into water.  You didn’t know too much about the engineering of it all, your studies had all mostly leaned to biology and astronomy and you had dabbled in geology and physics.  But, your team had been from all different sciences and studies, so, together you had found many ways to overcome the struggles of its creation.
It was a particularly difficult task, considering Triton didn’t have many places for you to test out the ship you were developing.   There were no lakes or big bodies of water. 
Your life’s goal, from when you were a small child had always been the same.  You’d stare out your window at the giant blue planet that hung in the sky, and you’d dream of what life would be like down there.  
You’d heard stories, but everyone said they were nothing but fairy tales.  Your science driven brain couldn’t quite escape the idea that you wanted to prove that they were real, and figure out the mysteries of the swimmers from the stories yourself.  
You knew that it could possibly all be fake, maybe the planet wasn’t even made of water and just looked like it.  
Those were the types of unanswered questions that motivated you to wake up every morning and continue your work.
You had been working on the ship with your team for about 3 years, and the day had finally come to put together the finishing touches and head out on your exploration. 
You weren’t surprised that it had made the news, headlines read ‘Hopeful Scientist and Her Team will Attempt to Uncover the Mysteries Bellow.’ and unfortunately prompted some like
‘Chasing Fairy Tales?  The Scientist who believes in Mermaids’   that one you weren’t quite fond of.  The majority of people thought it was a ridiculous idea, but you never let it crush your spirits and excitement. 
It was going to take about 2 days to get down to Neptune, nothing compared to a lifetime of curiosity, work and waiting.  
A large crowd of excited citizens and media came to see you and your team off.  You smiled and waved out one of the windows before strapping yourself into your seat.  You had traveled by shuttle many times before, though the design of your shuttle was different than most of the other looked, you were used to this part of space travel. 
Yet, you still felt your stomach turning into knots. 
There were so many things that could go wrong once you got down to the surface of neptune.  One tiny leak could risk the safety of your whole group.  Or a mistake in the system that was supposed to balance the pressure within your ship when you’d dive down into the depths could cause you all to perish almost instantly.  
The team that was coming with you consisted of four others besides yourself. 
A photographer named Jungkook that you insisted must be included to capture all of your findings. 
The aerospace engineer that did most of the designing and tests on the shuttle, Namjoon, also joined your team.  Most of those who actually had worked with you up until now had been too terrified to see this through all the way, but Namjoon had been so excited to see for himself, what he considered his greatest creation, put into action.
The government who had funded your project through the grants that you had basically had to sell your soul for, insisted on your bringing a military general with your team for protection.  You had argued that you couldn’t imagine what kind of help he would be underwater in a small ship.  Yet Jin was forced onto your team.  You didn’t quite like him, or any of the vibes he gave off, but he had actually volunteered for this.  Part of you thinks there must’ve been some good pay in it for him.  
The final member was the pilot/mechanic named Hoseok, he would fly the ship and be tasked with quick fixes and repairs of the ship if anything were to go wrong. 
Everything had gone smoothly on the take off.  Next was just time to wait and prepare yourselves for what you may discover. 
You and Jin had gotten off to a rocky start when it came time for dinner the first day.
He’d mostly been silent and kept to himself but when you handed him his packaged space meal, he had scoffed and waved his hand away at it. 
“This is literally what you’ll be eating for the next month we are here, I’d get used to it if I were you.”  You snapped at him.
He grumbled something under his breath as he caved in and took it.
“I’m sorry what was that?” You raised your eyebrows.
“I said what idiot decided to go for the bland vitamin protein packs.  You know they had ones with actual food right?” 
You glared down at the black haired man.  He was wearing the same uniform as the rest of your team, silver sweatpants, and a black t-shirt with a silver jacket with a blue stripe up the side.  His nametag on his jacket read, General of Space Military Kim Seokjin. 
“Well Mr. Kim Seokjin.  I’m the one who purchased it.  It saved us money, we didn’t have a big budget for food here.  Probably so we could pay your enormous salary for your unnecessary presence here.” you growled back. 
Namjoon had stepped in as he saw Jin’s face growing red.  
“It’s only the first day guys, let's keep things civil okay?” he said putting his arms up between the two of you. 
You sighed and nodded.  “Sorry for being unprofessional.  I’m on edge today.”  
Jin sulked away to eat his meal in his room. 
You stayed in the small dining area with Namjoon. 
“I’m just so nervous this was all for nothing.  What if we get there and It's literally just empty water.” You frowned. 
Namjoon put a hand on your shoulder and gave you a comforting look. 
“I know, but we’ve come this far.  We should stay positive, I want this to go well too” 
You nodded and wrapped him into hug, “Thanks Joon” 
That was the other thing about Namjoon.  He was your best friend. You had met in college and realized that he shared your curiosity for the life that may be on Neptune.  He’s the one who encouraged you to go for it and offered his help in constructing the ship that would take you to your dream. 
You’d hooked up with him once or twice, he was actually the man you’d lose your virginity to.  But, it's always remained unromantic, purely a friends with benefits deal.  You never wanted a relationship to get in the way of your dream research project.  
The photographer Jungkook entered the room for a moment, noticing the two of you embraced.  
“Oh sorry-” he stuttered thinking he walked in on a personal moment. 
“No it’s fine,” you pulled away from Namjoon and smiled.  “How’s it going?” 
Jungkook settler down into a chair on the other side of the small chrome dining table. 
“I’m pretty excited” Jungkook spoke “Tired of black and white.  Ready for some blue” he chuckled. 
The reason that you had picked Jungkook’s portfolio out of the many submissions of photographers to join the expedition was for that exact reason. 
Everything on Triton and the other moons were so plain and colorless.  Everyone’s submissions contained basically the same types of photographs.  A grey building, the grey empty landscape of Triton or Neso.  Even the wildlife back on the moons were colorless.  Being adapted to blend into their environment, most every animal was some shade of pale gray.  One person even just had an entire portfolio of the same photographed rock.  They were well done, and artistic, but nothing stood out to you. 
Jungkook on the other hand, when you were presented with his portfolio, your eyes lit up, it was a series of beautiful shots of objects sitting in front of the big blue planet of neptune in the sky.  It was extremely creative, and you could tell his love for the blue glow of your destination planet. 
Hoseok slept in the pilot's seat with the shuttle on the autopilot course most of the next two days, only coming out of the room for meal times and to do a routine check of all of the parts of the ship he was in charge of maintaining. 
You passed the time double checking the inventory of equipment you’d brought, and playing cards with Namjoon and Jungkook. 
The blue planet now took up almost the entire view from the windows of your shuttle.  It was magnificent and you felt every part of your body tingling with excitement.  
You were set to land in a few hours, your dream was coming true. 
Everyone was rushing around getting prepared.  Namjoon had come up with a suggestion a few months ago to design an underwater suit, similar to what the astronauts used to be able to breathe in space, but for underwater.  Though none of you planned on leaving the ship, you all would wear them while the ship was first  underwater just encase something malfunctioned.  
You were getting changed and geared up in your room, when your door swung open on you still half naked. 
Namjoon walked in chuckling at the way you scurried to cover yourself up. 
“Just me” he spoke
“Fuck that scared me” you laughed. 
He walked over to you and rubbed your shoulder up and down. “You ready? I can’t believe it's finally happening. I feel like I’m going crazy with anticipation.”
“Same here.  We’ve waited for this moment for longer than I can even remember.”  
Hoseok’s voice rang out from over the speakers “Landing in 30 minutes.  Everyone gets in their seats and buckle up” 
Namjoon gave you a quick smile and a thumbs up and left you to finish getting ready. 
You shakily got the rest of your suit ready, lastly putting on the helmet and making sure it was secured to the oxygen source. 
As you walked out to the seats, you noticed Jin was now equipped with a gun on his hip. 
“And how the fuck do you plan on using that? I will literally kill you if you shoot any holes in my ship.” You hissed at him as you sat and started to buckle up. 
He rolled his eyes.  “Its for if we have to go outside of the ship obviously.  Its made for underwater use” 
“Well here’s to hoping nothing comes to that.” you sighed.  
None of you knew what you were entering into.  If there were any creatures living in the water, how large were they?  How dangerous were they? 
The ship shook and rattled as it entered Neptune’s atmosphere, the deep blue water below looked so close that you could just reach your hand out and touch it. 
You have to force yourself to keep your eyes open, not wanting to miss a moment of it.  
With a giant thud that jolted all of you hard into the back of your chairs, the shuttle hit the surface of the water.  
It was the smoothest landing that you could have hoped for, the ship was built for the impact.  
Your shuttle now floated on top of the surface of the waters.  You let out a sigh of relief, though the mission had only began, this was one of the moments you were most worried about.  It was over and had been a success.  
Your team cheered and clapped their hands for Hoseok and his successful piloting as you all un buckled and got out of your seats. 
Hoseok turned around and smiled bowing like a performer on a stage. 
Then looked to you, 
“Alright boss.  What now?”  He asked. 
You thought for a moment, you’d had a set schedule and plan, but you couldn’t help but want to take a moment to just let this sight set in. 
The blue water was making your ship sway to and fro in soothing movements.  
“Lets have Jungkook take some pictures” you decided.  That would give all of you some time to adjust and observe as well. 
Jungkook nodded excitedly and went to his trunk that stored his camera equipment, rifling through to find the best lense. 
Your group now took off their helmets, feeling comfortable that nothing was going to go wrong at this point, but keeping them close on your hips just in case.
You walked over to the giant glass window that took up almost the entirety of one of the room’s walls, staring out in awe. 
The sun made the water sparkle and glisten, it was the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen.  You heart was jumping for joy, you felt it might just jump all the way out of your chest and dive right into the water. 
Namjoon walked up and stood beside you.  He opened his mouth to speak but then shook his head and just looked out the window with you. 
You were speechless as well.  You were the first people to have ever observed this sight, it was an honor and was almost a spiritual experience.  
Jungkook now stood on the other side of you, snapping pictures with a giant grin on his face.  He paused and turned to you. 
“Oh my god, I never want to go back” He chuckled.  
After about a couple hours and all of you eating your lunch in front of the window, you decided it was time to begin your descent. 
Hoseok got back in the pilot's seat, you could see him growing slightly nervous, so you walked to his side with a curious expression on your face. 
“Everything okay?” 
He sighed and nodded, fidgeting with some of the controls, “Yeah, I’ve done this in the simulator so many times.  But, that was just a guess.  I’m about to be the first pilot to shuttle underwater...Just...taking it all in” 
“You’ll be famous for this” you smiled, putting a hand on his shoulder to reassure him. 
He grinned widely “Yeah, We all will be huh? Thanks y/n.” 
“Do we have to buckle up for this?” Jungkook asked 
You shake your head “No it should be smooth and slow as we dive.” 
“Awesome” he clapped his hands together “I’m gonna sit by the window and take a video of us diving then” 
Slowly your shuttle dove down until you were surrounded by water.  So far there were no signs of life anywhere, you were starting to get a little discouraged until you heard Jungkook squeal loudly. 
“Hoseok stall the descent!” you shouted. Hoseok listened and the ship stilled.  Your group ran over to the window where Jungkook sat with his face pressed against the window. 
A small creature no bigger than your hand was slowly moving along the window.  It was yellow and round, and had a large fin that wiggled back and forth as it moved. 
“Jungkook pictures!” you spoke quickly.  He scurried to capture the creature. 
It was so strange and new.  
“Hoseok how many meters down are we?” you asked
Hoseok checked a screen near his pilot’s seat. “About 30”  
“Hoseok I’m a scientist...can we not do ‘about’…” you chuckled
“29.8” he replied
You quickly jotted it down into your log of events that you’d been keeping. 
When you lifted your head up from your writing you let out a large gasp. 
A larger creature now swam past.  It seemed to be a meter long and was snake like, it was bright red with black stripes around it.  
Your team pouted slightly when the creatures disappeared from view.  But you were still completely giddy over the excitement of having discovered new life. 
“Let's go down further” you told Hoseok and he nodded and returned to his seat. 
For the next few hours you ventured further down into Neptunes depths.  Your team had discovered at least 30 unique creatures that Jungkook had been able to take pictures of.  You documented the depth and time at which you’d seen each of them with a quick summary of their behaviors.  
“I think we should go back to the surface for a while” Hoseok suggested.  “It’ll be getting dark soon and we should surface for the night” 
You were slightly disappointed about that “Are you sure? Can’t we just go a little deeper?”
“Honestly, pressure wise, this is as deep as we are going to be able to go.  The pressure room that the ship was tested in wasn’t capable of testing pressures any more than what we are currently at.  The ship might still handle it, but we don’t know for sure.  For our safety I’m going to advise against it…” 
“10 more meters?” You pleaded batting your eyelashes. 
“Y/n.  If he says it's not safe I’m not going to allow it.” Jin hissed. 
“Allow it?” you spun to face him with your jaw dropping.  “I’m sorry, I thought I was in charge not you?” 
“I’d think that the guy with the gun in really in charge” he smirked, putting his hand to his hip. 
So that's really why he wanted the gun on him.  It wasn’t just for safety from the creatures of the waters.  It was to make sure that he remained in a position of authority over the rest of the crew. 
You shake your head.  
“You wouldn’t do that in here. Hoseok. 10 more meters” you ordered sternly. 
Jin slowly stepped so that his body was almost touching your own, he stared down at you angrily. 
“I said no.  I’m not dying over this stupid mission” 
You gulped.  
“I think if we do 10 more meters I can ascend fast enough that it wouldn’t be a problem.  Any malfunctions would be solvable.” Hoseok spoke calmly, wanting to relieve some of the tension and calm down the man with the gun. 
Jin’s eyes narrowed “Fine.  But if anything happens. I’m calling this mission and we return immediately” 
“You don’t have that authority!” you yelled out. 
“Actually I do.” he pulled out a government note from his pocket and shoved it in front of your face.  
“You really think the government was going to just let something like this happen without being in control of it?” 
The sheet read that Jin was capable of overriding any decisions you’d make.  Shit.  
You groaned and hit the paper away from your face. 
“Fine.  But I don't think anything will go wrong” 
Almost like you had jinxed it, the ship lunged to the side, rolling onto an angle that caused everything not secured to slide to one side of the room and your whole team to fall over. 
“Fuck!” you heard Hoseok yell out as he tried to maintain balance while messing with the controls “I can’t do anything.  Our systems aren’t working” 
You felt your heart rate quicken, you tried to pull yourself back up as you stared wide eyed at Namjoon who had the same look of fear and surprise on his face. 
Almost as soon as your team had regained their footing, it happened a second time.  
This was not good…
“What the fuck is happening!” you screeched, pulling yourself over to the windows and looking around, not seeing anything but the darkening waters.  
Your ship seemed to be...moving?
“Y/n...we have a big problem here” Hoseok’s voice trembled “We’re descending...fast…” 
You felt yourself growing faint, had you just doomed every soul on this shuttle with your grand dreams and ideas?  
Your eyes were fluttering shut as you fell to the side, you could hear Jungkook crying.  And you swore you heard Namjoon throw up right before your consciousness slipped away from you.  
When your eyes started to open, you expected nothingness.  Maybe you were still dreaming, because everything was bright.  A warm yellow glow touched everything in the room.  The room was a mess, Jungkook’s camera equipment scattered across the floor along with all of the notebooks and papers you’d been writing in.  A coffee cup had spilled over and a giant puddle was surrounding the floor next to Hoseok who was lying unconscious. 
Jungkook who was lying flat on his back had also not yet come to.  Namjoon who was next to you seemed to be just waking up same as you.  And Jin was nowhere in sight. 
Your gaze followed the light up to the windows, it seemed you were still underwater, yet this looked like...a city? It was colorful and magnificent with sea life floating around everywhere.  Your ship appeared to be landed on the steps of a very tall and heavily decorated stone building that had large colorful shells all around it.
What the hell? 
You gasped and stood too quickly almost falling back over.  
Have you found them? 
You almost screamed out when a figure appeared in front of the window.  
It looked like an adult man, in your human years he’d probably be in his 20’s, he was shirtless so you could see how muscular he was.  He was the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen in your life.  His skin seemed to have an iridescent glow glossed over every inch of himself.  
Your eyes trailed down and you now noticed that his lower half, was definitely not human.  Just below his waist, his skin stopped, and a navy blue scaling that you’d seen on some of the sea creatures you’d observed was on him.  It bound his legs together into one long form, and where feet would usually be on a person was a translucent, large, tail that also had similarities to some of the smaller sea creatures you’d seen.  
He had long flowing blue hair that floated in the water as he moved along the glass, peering in at you. 
You really had found them, they were real. 
As terrified as you were, you couldn’t help but feel a little excited too. 
You’d been laughed at for wanting to install an underwater speaker system to your ship, but you now thanked yourself for that. 
You shakily made your way to the control panel and picked up the corded microphone, holding down the button and pausing a moment to debate on what your first words should be? 
‘We come in peace?’ ‘Hi?’  Shit.  You’d always thought about what you’d say to a mermaid if you’d ever met one, but all of that seemed to have been lost to the nervousness that you felt. 
The fish man saw that you had noticed him and was now floating right in your line of view, cocking his head to the side while he looked you over. 
You cleared your throat and spoke into the microphone
“We are friends.  Explorers”  You spoke slowly, pointing to the others on your ship.  Not even knowing if he’d understand you.  He mouthed something back, you realize that he must be speaking. Shit, you’d forgotten to turn the receiving microphone on. 
Your fingers fumbled over the control panel and you found the red button, pressing it so it now glowed ‘on’ 
“Sorry, what did you say?” you spoke into your mic, still not sure whether anything you were saying was getting across. 
“I spoke, we are no friends.  Your warrior injure one citizens.  We have now” 
You gasped.  He spoke your language!  Not perfectly but it was more than enough to have a conversation with him.  How that was possible was a discussion for another time.  As you realize now, that he was referring to the missing Jin.  He must’ve left the ship to investigate and shot at one of them. 
“I apologize for our…” you thought over if you should just use the word he used and decided that was best, “For our warrior.  I’m sure he was just scared.  Is your citizen going to be okay?” 
The merman pressed his forehead to the glass looking around the room you were in. 
“Will be okay.  Getting medical care now they are.  You have more weapon?”  The merman suddenly seemed to get spooked and quickly turned around and swam a few feet from the ship, still looking in at you but hovering further back. 
You realized Namjoon had just walked over to your side.  
“W-what…” Namjoon gasped out “They are real? Oh my god they are real!” he grinned. 
“They are real, and Jin shot one of them” you whispered in a hiss “They captured him.  And us.” 
Namjoon looked around the room realizing Jin was indeed missing. 
“That idiot” he shook his head. 
“Another friend” you spoke into the mic at the merman “No weapons.  Our warrior had the only weapon” 
The merman swam back over to the glass and looked unconvinced.  “Don’t trust…” he muttered. 
“Why here?” he spoke louder now
“We came to see you.  To learn.  Not to hurt.  I’m very sorry about that.  He isn’t a friend” you decided to just throw Jin under the bus with that, in hopes that the man would trust you better. 
“Not friend?” he thought a moment.  “Learn…” 
“Yes, we came from the moons” you pointed up “We came to learn about this planet” 
“We learn too” the man nodded “We like learn.  We want learn”  
“Awesome, well maybe we can learn some things from each other for a while before we leave” you threw in “We do need our warrior back, or we will be in trouble with our government” 
“You said not friend?” He looked confused.  
“Right, but we still can’t return without him” You told him. 
“You don’t return” the merman crossed his muscular tan arms over his chest.  “We don’t let return” he sternly spoke. 
“Woah” a voice came from behind you.  You realized Jungkook was now awake and approaching the glass with his camera in hand held up towards the merman
“Jungkook wait” you spoke to late. 
“Weapon!” the merman yelled and hissed, pulling himself back from the glass, his hair now stood straight up as he bared his teeth growling animalistically at Jungkook. You noticed he had pointed teeth, every one of them sharp. 
“Wait wait!” you waved your hands “It’s not a weapon, see” 
You stood in front of Jungkook’s camera.  “Take a picture of me Kook” you whispered.  
Jungkook was now shaky after the behavior of the merman, but he nodded and held up his camera.  
The merman got close to the glass again pressing his face against it with wide eyes as Jungkook took a picture of you.  
“Can I?” you held your hand out to Jungkook asking for the camera.  He shrugged and handed it over to you. 
You pulled up the picture that was taken and brought the camera to the glass to show the merman. 
“Picture” you told him “See.  That's what he was doing.”  you smiled, trying to show the merman you were being friendly. 
He nodded slowly and repeated “Picture..” 
Suddenly he was pulling himself away from the glass and swimming away quickly.  He was gone. 
Hoseok was now standing up and holding his head that had a slight bump on it.  
“What the hell is going on” he groaned.  
You filled him in on everything that had occurred. 
“For real?” he gasped out. “But, they won’t let us leave...What are we going to do? We will definitely run out of breathable air if we don't recharge at the surface in about a day and a half…” he said looking at some of the gauges on the control panel. 
You sighed. “Yeah, we need to figure out how to convince them to let us leave.  Is there any contact to Triton available right now?” you asked. 
Hoseok tried the radio then shook his head.  
A knocking noise against the glass made you jump.  You turned to see the merman was back, his mouth turned up in a smile.  
“Hello” he spoke 
“Welcome back” you chuckled, growing quite fond of his cute smile. 
“Make deal.”
“You want to make a deal? To let us leave?” 
“Yes.  Deal.” he nodded.   
“Okay…” you looked to Namjoon who shrugged “What’s the deal?” 
“We keep warrior. For learn” the merman spoke
You shake your head “You can’t keep him...He’ll die soon if you don’t let him come with us.  He can’t breathe down here, there isn’t enough air in his tank to last him.  You won't be able to learn much from him dead.”  You informed him. 
The merman looked upset.  “No deal?” he seemed to be pouting, which you shouldn’t be finding so cute considering it seemed this was the creature that held your fate in his hands currently. 
“I make new deal.  Must ask first.” he then turned and swam away like he did before. 
“I say just leave the asshole.” Namjoon laughed. 
“This isn’t funny!” Hoseok snapped.  “But, yeah, why didn’t we just leave him” 
“First of all, I don’t want that on my conscience for the rest of my life.  And secondly, do you really think we won’t be in huge trouble if we return without him.  He works for the governent” 
“True” Namjoon sighed, “But if it comes to all of us dying...don’t you think that…” 
The merman was now knocking at the glass again, snapping the attention of the four of you back to the window. 
“New deal” The merman looked even more excited.  “We give back.  You take”  
You didn’t quite understand what he was saying, he seemed to notice your confused expression. 
“You take” he repeated pointing to himself. 
“Take you with us?” you gasped.  He wanted to come back to Triton with you?  
“For learn.  Want learn.  You take.  Me learn, you learn.  Deal?” 
“Deal!” you exclaimed instantly, realizing you should probably discuss it with your teammates but the idea of being able to take this merman back to Triton with you, and being able to learn everything about him and his kind seemed even more like a dream come true than anything that had happened so far. 
“Right?” you turned to the rest of your crew
They all shrugged and nodded
“I don’t see why not” Namjoon spoke, but there was a hint of something uneasy in his voice. 
A few more mer-people swam over to your ship after the merman you’d been speaking with went and told them that the deal was on.  Two of them had Jin in their arms who seemed to be squirming around and resisting until he realized he was being brought back to his ship. 
There was a small metal room in the back of the ship meant for coming and going that drained the water once Jin was inside.  
Hoseok went to grab him and brought him to his room.  Yelling at him for being stupid the whole way there.  
The merman you’d spoken to was now in front of the glass again.  
“Gave back.  You take now?” he pointed to himself. 
“Yes.  But, how are you going to breathe?  We don’t have anything water here for you.” 
He thought for a moment, putting his hand to his chin. 
“One night.  I return” he swam away, and the other mer-people followed. 
 You spent the rest of the night discussing with the rest of your crew how you’d handle bringing the merman back with you to triton.
You’d all settled on keeping it a secret.
You knew Jin would have a hard time not telling his boss’s in the government so you’d brought him out to have a little talk.
He was still quite shaken up from the days events when hoseok dragged him from his room to the main room where you all had gathered.
“The merman is coming with us back home.  I want to learn from him, but I don’t think it’s best if the media knows he’s there.  everyone would want pictures and interviews and it’d all get in the way of our research.  Can you keep it a secret?” You asked Jin 
“And why would I protect any of them? Do you even know what they did to me in there?” He growled
“You did shoot one of their people…” Jungkook spoke hesitantly 
“Well she snuck up on me.  And what was I supposed to do?” Jin scowled down towards the floor.
“Please Jin.  I’m begging you.  You can report it to your supervisors only or whatever after we’ve taken him back here” you begged.  You knew that if it was found out your team had brought a real mermaid back with them the media would swarm.  You also were scared of what the government would ask to be done with him, they could easily take him from your team and give him to a different scientist for who knows what…
“I don’t want to lie about this…” Jin grumbled. 
“We could’ve just left you there with them man.  That was the original deal, and she turned it down.” Namjoon snapped at Jin, narrowing his eyes and clenching his fists at the man’s stubbornness to get on board with your plan. 
Jin sighed and rubbed his temples.  
“Fine.” he whispered “I won’t tell…” 
You hoped that he was telling the truth. 
The next morning you were awakened to a tapping on the window.  You had slept in the control room where you had seen the merman before so that you wouldn’t miss his return. 
You lifted your head sleepily and looked to the noise, smiling widely upon seeing that the merman had his face pressed to the glass looking in at you. 
You quickly stood and fumbled around to grab the microphone and turn on the receiving one for the outside. 
“Hey, welcome back!” you chimed excitedly. 
You noticed the merman seemed just as excited as yourself.  His long blue hair floating just as beautifully in the water as you had remembered it.  His skin was shimmering in the light, with that shiny iridescent glow covering his gorgeous caramel skin.  
Your breathing quickened at the sight of him, it was almost like looking at a statue of an ancient god.  You felt slightly unworthy in his presence, yet he looked more excited to see you than anyone ever had in your whole life. 
“I come back.  Go with you now.  Made way to travel with.” he spoke.  And as he said that, a group of four other merpeople swam up carrying a large glass tank that looked plenty big enough for the merman to comfortably fit into. 
“That's perfect!” you clapped your hands together.  “So what you’ll want to do is be in the tank when you get into the room.  The room will drain out the rest of the water, but the water in your tank will stay and we can carry you in” 
He nodded.  You saw an older couple, a merman and merwoman approach him and hugged him tightly.  
“Careful you” The woman said kissing him on the forehead. 
You assumed those must be his parents.  Their family dynamics seemed to be similar to your people.  Those were the types of things you couldn’t wait to learn about, you had so many questions. 
You pressed the button to open the door to the chamber Taehyung would enter from.  He swam into his tank and you watched the merpeople swim it over and place it inside.  
“All good?” you said over the microphone to the outside of the ship. 
“Good.  Ready”  A voice called back to you
You took a deep breath.  Nervously you pressed the button to close the doors and drain the water from the room.  
You then called over the announcement speaker system, realizing you should’ve probably done this first,
“Everyone, I’m gonna need your help carrying him in.  He’s here” 
You made your way to the room, Namjoon had joined up with you and you saw a sleepy Hoseok and Jungkook following close behind.  
“Jin’s not up?” you raised an eyebrow to Namjoon. 
He shrugged and you sighed.  Oh well, the four of you could probably do this on your own.  
You felt your skin tingling with the excitement of what lay behind the door you now stood in front of.  
Your childhood dreams and fantasies within your reach. 
You shakily placed your hand on the door and turned the handle to open it. 
When you entered the room the merman was sitting with his head, arms and shoulders all out of the tank.  His head resting cutely on his hands at the edge of his tank. 
“Hello” he spoke.  His voice sounded a bit different when not distorted by the water.  It was deep and soothing and made you just want to melt on the spot. 
“Hello” you returned. “This is Namjoon, Jungkook, and Hoseok. And I’m y/n” you pointed to them respectively. 
“Taehyung” he pointed to himself.  
“Nice to meet you Taehyung” you approached him holding your hand out to shake his hand.  He looked curiously at you and you realized that was probably not a gesture that he understood. 
“Oh.  Sorry.  It’s what humans do to greet each other.  We shake hands” 
“Shake hands to greet.” He nodded like he was making a mental note of it. 
“So we’re going to carry you out of here now, I’ve made space in my room to put your tank and secure it so it doesn’t slide around the ship when we take off.”  You did now notice that the tank didn’t have a lid, you hoped that the trip back to Triton wouldn’t make the water spill out, you’d have to come up with something for that…
The four of you picked up the tank, noticing that it had handles to carry it, you were extremely thankful for that convenience.  It was quite heavy, about four feet high, and six feet in length.  You wondered if he’d start to miss swimming in the open waters.  You’d have to build a bigger tank for him back at your lab. 
“We make last night” Taehyung proudly tapped the glass on his tank as you carried him. 
“You made this in a night? It’s nice, the handles helped”  You complimented him sweetly.  
So they have the means to make things like this.  And very quickly.  You were going to have to ask more about that. 
Once he was set down and secured in your room, you let out a small chuckle at the way he looked around wide eyed at all of your things. 
Hoseok and Jungkook had decided to go get something to eat.  
“Want me to stay?” Namjoon asked “For safety?” he whispered the last part in your ear.  Not being able to tear his eyes from the sharp teeth showing as Taehyung smiled. 
“He seems gentle, you can go eat.  I want to just take some notes and talk with him for a while” 
Namjoon nodded and left the two of you alone in the room. 
You sat down on your bed, which was only a few feet from where his tank sat.  
He rested his chin on his arms at the top of the glass, looking at you with a cute and curious stare. 
“I have so many questions I don’t even know where to start” you chuckled, feeling slightly shy now that you were alone with him.  
“I have question too.  Many” he laughed lightly, he didn’t seem to be nervous about this at all.  If he was he was doing a good job not showing it. 
Your mind raced through all of your questions, wondering what to ask first as you pulled out a pen and your research notebook.  Writing at the top
‘Taehyung, Mermaid Research Notes’ 
“So, did you know that we existed?” You asked him 
Taehyung thought for a moment.  “Little know.” he answered “See your ships move in sky?  Not know what look like.  Or why ships” 
You wrote down his answer in your notes.  So they could see your ships going from moon to moon.  
“So you go to the surface of the water, you can breath like we do it seems.  Like right now you’re out of the water and seem to be fine?” 
He nodded “Breath is both.  Tail need water or maybe die.  Have question? You say two, not fair, take turn” he winked at you in what almost seemed like a flirtatious gesture, your cheeks grew hot and you wanted to cover your face in embarrassment. 
“Sorry.  We’ll take turns” you smiled nervously at him. 
“Good.  I ask, You say warrior would die under water.  Not breath underwater?” He furrowed his brow as he asked. 
“No, we have to hold our breath if we go underwater, and that can only last for like a minute or two.” 
“Oh.  Interesting” Taehyung’s eyes widened as he nodded again. “I ask again?” he cocked his head to the side. 
You chuckled at his gesture “Yeah, I got two so you should get two” 
“We speak same. You know Why?”  
“Actually I was wondering that too!” You put a hand to your face as you thought “ I really have no idea though.  It seems you speak our language, just in a more…” you didn’t want to offend him so you tried to think of a way to phrase your thoughts. “With less words?” 
“Less words.  Yes. You speak extra words” 
Extra words, you found that an amusing way to put it. 
“Maybe at one point in life, a long time ago our people lived together somehow.” you guessed “I don’t know for sure, but we had heard of you.  It was all supposed to be just a story that you’d tell children, and no one really believed it.  But I actually had hoped it was true, and that’s the main reason that we came to your planet.  I wanted to find out if you were real” you told him. 
“Maybe.” he nodded as he agreed with your guess, yet something strange flickered over his dark eyes.  He suddenly dunked his head under the water and surfaced again.  It seemed random, you wondered if he was just missing the feeling.
“Don’t like dry hair.  Feeling weird” he told you, as if he knew what you were thinking. 
“Oh okay” you nodded.  “Um...so my turn?” you still were feeling shy and awkward around him.  His beauty was enough to make you nervous alone, let alone the fact that he was the embodiment of a life long dream achieved.  You wanted to make every second with him count. 
The door to your room swung open, causing Taehyung to jump slightly and splash a bit in the water. 
“Hey.  Just brought you some food and wanted to check in” Namjoon spoke, handing you one of the protein packs and looking Taehyung over skeptically.  
“Thanks Joon.  We’re doing well.  Just talking” you smiled at him
“Okay, just radio me if you need anything.” his eyes not leaving the merman in the room “Hoseok is going to start the ascent to the surface soon”  he let you know. 
You gave him a quick smile and a wave as he left the room.  You had expected him to be far more excited about all of this, it was his dream as well, yet something seemed to be bothering him. 
“Not like me” Taehyung said after Namjoon had shut the door.  He said it as if it was a fact and not a question. 
“I’m sure that's not true.  He’s wanted to meet your people too.  He might just be nervous” 
You were almost trying to convince yourself that was the case. 
You felt the ship jolt forward a little bit, a small creaking sound rang out as the ship complained from having been still for so long.  Taehyung's water shook slightly in his tank and he looked scared. 
“It’s just the ship moving up to the surface” You told him “Its safe” 
He smiled slightly “Okay. Safe” he nodded “Trust” 
The two of you exchanged questions back and forth the whole way to the surface.  You found out that he was also a scientist, that they seemed to have most of the same careers that your society had.  Doctors, teachers, store owners, construction.  Even one job that was basically a veterinarian, they liked to keep some types of fish and aquatic animals as pets. 
Once you reached the surface of the water and it was time to take back off into space, you had to say goodbye to Taehyung and go sit buckled into your seat.  You had made a makeshift lid, hoping it was enough to keep him safe and his water in the tank.
Right before you put it on, he could see your worried expression and he reached out his hand to you, taking your hand in his own.  He brushed his thumb along your palm, sending a shudder throughout your body. 
“Safe.  Trust” He spoke, his dark eyes sparkling as they met yours.  
When your shuttle arived back to Triton, your crew was met with cheers and camera crews everywhere.  The large crowd gathered at the station were excited that you had all returned safely, and you were sure they were dying to hear all about it.  
Your team went out to the steps where you could address the crowd.  You told them that your team would be releasing the pictures and notes that you’d taken on your trip within the week.  That seemed to satisfy their hunger for curiosity.  
Really all you could think about though, was getting Taehyung safely into your lab without him being seen. 
You had discussed with Hoseok plans to dock the ship in the back entrance after waving away the crowd, so now it was time to do just that. 
Jin had left to go update his higher ups on what had happened on the trip.  You nervously hoped he’d keep his word about what had really happened down on neptune. 
Hoseok, Namjoon and Jungkook helped you carry Taeyhung’s tank from where the ship was now discreetly docked in the lab.  
You were happy to see that he was already from the landing. 
“Nice see you again y/n” he purred out as he saw you.  Namjoon rolled his eyes and sighed, you still didn’t quite understand what had him so upset about this whole thing. 
Once Taehyung was brought to one of the rooms in the lab that only you and Namjoon had access to you thanked Hoseok and Jungkook and told them they could go. 
“That was a hell of a trip boss” Jungkook grinned at you “These pictures we took really are going to make me the top photographer on all of the moons.”
“Just remember not to publish any of the ones of Taehyung or the other merpeople.  Also the ones I selected to be exclusively for my research papers I will be posting” 
“Right” he nodded giving you a small wave as he left the room.
Hoseok then stepped forward towards you.
“Hey let me know when you need me for the return alright? You have my number” he put a hand on your shoulder.
“Will do, seriously thank you for everything. I couldn’t have done this without you”
“I know” he winked and gave you finger guns as he walked backwards out of the room.
Taehyung had been watching you say your goodbyes silently under water, tiny bubbles ascending to the surface of the tank.  He seemed to be anxious to get your attention back over to him again. 
You gave him a small smile and put your finger up to say ‘just wait one second’
You still had to say goodbye to Namjoon, who stood scowling at Taehyung. 
You realized you needed to have this conversation in private and motioned for Namjoon to join you right outside the door to Taehyung's room.
“So what’s going on with you? I thought you’d be excited that we finally found merpeople? This was our dream remember?” You narrowed your eyes at him, biting on your lower lip.
Namjoon crossed his arms across his broad chest.
“Yeah, this was our dream. Our, dream.  But you seem to want to do this all on your own.” He glared at you 
“On my own?  I’m sorry but you were right there with me? You came on this trip too, I didn’t leave you out of anything” you hissed in a whisper 
“Yeah. Okay.  Well have fun with your new best friend.  And your research papers.  Don’t bother putting my name on them.  If you even planned on it” he growled and stomped away from you.
“Namjoon wait!” You yelled after him. “What the hell” you mutter to yourself shaking your head angrily as you walked back into the room where Taehyung was waiting for you.
He had an expression of confusion laid on his features.
He was poking only the top of his head out of the water, just his eyes peeking above. 
“Sorry about that.  I really don’t know why he thinks-“ you stopped yourself, not wanting to rant about your problems to this man you’d just met. “Never mind” you sighed.
Taehyung cocked his head to the side.  “Okay?” he pointed to you. 
“Yeah I’m okay” you faked a smile. 
“Lie” he shook his head, “Alright, don’t tell.” he seemed to pout slightly. 
“It’s nothing really.  Namjoon is upset, but he’ll get over it” 
Taheyung pulled himself up to rest his arms on the top of the tank.  “Hope.” he nodded slowly “Don’t like you sad” he frowned and reached a hand out to you. 
You purse your lips, debating whether to step into his touch.  Deciding that it couldn’t hurt. 
You reached your hand out to him as you walked forward.  He took your hand gently in both of his and turned it over, brushing fingers lightly over your palm and staring at it inquisitively, his gaze flickering from your hand to your confused face every once in a while.   His hands were cold, and seemed to glitter in the light, they were so beautiful, wet and soft as they touched you.  You shuddered slightly.
After what felt like hours of him doing this he gave you your hand back.  
His eyes were locked on to yours and you awkwardly wiped your hand on your pants.  
“So I still have so much more I want to know about you” You spoke
“Same” he nodded “Many question” 
“I’ll start?” you chuckled as you pulled up a chrome metal chair to the side of his tank, taking out your notebook.  
“So,” you cleared your throat “What are relationships like there?” 
“Relationship?” Taehyung furrowed his brow. 
“Yeah, like do you get married?” 
“Not married” He spoke slowly pointing to himself “But, yes married happens.”
“Oh, okay so you aren’t, but that's a normal thing”
He nodded.  “You?”
You chuckled “No, I’m not, but we do here too” 
He seemed relieved at your answer. 
“Turn?” he pointed to himself.
“Yeah, go ahead”
“How do…” he smirked slightly, his tail flicking some water up in the air that fell right back down into the tank. “How do you, create new people”
You choked on air at his question.  As a scientist you shouldn’t feel uncomfortable talking about these things, but for some reason discussing sex with him seemed more intimate than it should.
“Oh, I-” you shook your head, trying to shake away the embarassement, “Sex is, um.  Men have an…” you wanted to try and say this like a mature professional as best you could “an appendage, their genitalia, and they enter the woman’s, entrance...that fits the man’s appendage inside and releases sperm that combines with an egg to create a baby” you coughed, still feeling uncomfortable and shy. 
He nodded understandingly.  “Us different.  Not enter.  Female release, then male release, combines outside in water to an egg where young grows”
“Oh!” you found that interesting and quickly jotted it down in your notes. 
You talked back and forth a bit more with him explaining further and asking more questions as well. 
“I did have one more question before I turn in for the night…”
Taehyung smiled at you, nodding for you to go ahead.
“You said that you can’t leave the water or you’ll dry up.  Has that happened before?”
Taheyung thought hard for a moment “Only told.  Only a story.  No dry to test theory.  Only water at home.  Wanted to create raft to test theory, no one willing.  Much risk.”  he seemed to be thinking hard on this thought.  “Always wondered…”
You wrote down a few more notes on your paper, then flipped your notebook shut. 
“I think that’ll be it for the night” You smiled at him “I’m going to look into getting you a bigger tank, will you be fine sleeping here for the night?” you asked
“Yes, fine.  Sleep good” he smiled, holding his hand out again to you.  You put your hand into his and he gave you a quick squeeze “Will miss…” he murmured almost inaudibly. 
The rest of the night you tossed and turned in the sheets.  Taehyung was on your mind the whole time.  
When you finally drifted off to sleep, the world you were sent to was familiar but not your own. 
You felt yourself falling down slowly through dark water, a small light in the distance was getting closer and closer as you sank.  
You didn’t feel like you were drowning, you felt serene and weightless.  The light was now almost to you, nothing else was visible in the pitch black water, and you were starting to make out the object giving off the warm yellow glow. 
It was a lamp, somehow still lit underwater, and a hand was holding tightly to it. 
Soon you recognized the face that owned that hand.  It was Taehyung.  His tanned skin glowing against 
You smiled and opened your mouth to greet him, when suddenly his face was mere inches from your own. 
His razor sharp teeth were bared and your blood froze.  You felt your entire body start to clench up with fear, a shock running down your spine at the monstrous sight of this man.   
His hand shot out and gripped you around your throat.  He screamed something but for some reason you couldn’t make out the words, maybe it was a different language?
Your eyes shot open and you were sitting straight up in bed, gasping and sweating.  What the hell was that dream about? 
After eating breakfast, showering and getting dressed for the day, you made your way over to your lab.  Excited to see Taehyung again despite the dream still slightly haunting your mind.  
As you opened the door, starting to step into his room, you called out for him in a singsong voice “I’m baaaack” 
Only to drop everything you are holding in your hands in shock.  Your heart seemed to sink all the way to your feet and fall to the floor with your notebook and coffee that now was spilling across the tile on the ground. 
He was...gone.  He just wasn’t there.
No, this isn’t possible! Who got to him? Did Jin lie? Did he tell his supervisors and they came and took him to a different lab so they could steal away your credit and research?
Catching you completely off guard and making you almost jump straight out of your skin, a hand touched your shoulder from behind. 
You almost turned around to punch the attached person in the face, when he spoke. 
“No! Sorry.  Accident scare” 
You knew that voice. 
You whipped yourself around to see that standing behind you was a completely naked Taehyung.  Standing.  Behind you.  On LEGS. 
Your eyes scanned over him, his tail gone and his lower half of his body now matching the humanness of his upper half.  You also took note of the fact that the iridescent glow that usually blanketed over every inch of his skin was also gone.  He looked completely human. 
“W-what…” you stammered out, your eyes flickering up and down his body. 
“Y/n.  Experiment, success!” He clapped his hands together and motioned to himself up and down, as if you weren’t already looking him over obsessively. 
“Tried out of water.  Thought you save if went wrong” he shrugged “Look! Like you now.  Strange.”  he grinned excitedly. 
“Taehyung.  I don’t understand...I thought you were sure you’d die out of the water” 
“Scientist?” he pointed to himself “Never sure without facts.  Want see for self. Much surprise” he chuckled.  You now noticed he was absentmindedly playing with the new body part he had discovered between his legs.  
Your breath caught in your throat and you quickly pulled your eyes away from what he was doing.  Your eyes had lingered a bit too long already.  Enough that you’d realized how impressive his cock was.
“I-I, need to get you some clothes” you muttered, now facing away from him. 
“Oh” he spoke quietly “Yes, you people clothes here” he laughed lightly. 
You hurried out of the room and grabbed a spare lab coat, then went to Namjoon’s locker in the breakroom to find that he thankfully had some spare basketball shorts left there. 
You brought them back to Taehyung and turned your back to him while he dressed. 
“Feel weird” Taehyung muttered.  “Don’t like dry” 
You spun back around to face him.  It wasn’t the most stylish attire but at least he was covered now and you could speak to him without feeling a warmth building between your legs at the mouth watering sight of his naked form. 
“I don’t understand how this happened” you whispered. 
“Same” he took a seat in one of the metal chairs in the room, lifting his legs up and down and kicking them around, rolling his ankles while he stared at his feet.
“Toes?” he asked cocking his head to the side as he wiggled his newfound appengages. 
“Yeah” you giggled “How’d you know what they were called?”
Taehyung stood up and walked over to the desk in the corner of the room where you now saw a bunch of opened books laying out.  One being an anatomy book. 
“Oh, woah you’ve had a long night huh?” 
Taehyung smiled and nodded. 
“I learned much” 
Suddenly he was walking over to you, you felt your breathing break it’s steady pace as he reached his hand out to rest on your shoulder. 
“Haven’t learned enough...explain? Something wrong happening” his expressed was shifting into one of confusion and worry. 
“I-I don’t quite understand what you mean?” you stammered out, hoping that he doesn’t realize how much his closeness was making you nervous.  The way his eyes trailed over you was sinful and you were trying to convince yourself that it wasn’t what you thought it was.  But, his eyes seemed to be hungrily taking you in, and now his hand was sliding down from your shoulder, fingers trailing lightly down your arm as he did.  It slightly tickled and made you shudder, which he definitely noticed.  Yet he still seemed concerned about something. 
Once his hand reached your own he took it and slowly guided you forward.  He placed your hand over his crotch, which you felt harden even more than it most likely already was under your touch.  It was his turn to shudder. 
“Why is this?” he muttered. 
“Um…” you tried to speak but your mind was taken over by the fact that he was holding your hand to his dick currently.  You didn’t want to feel as turned on as you did, you wanted to keep this professional.  But you felt yourself growing warm and wet between your legs. 
“It's what happens when men are turned on” you murmured 
“What turned on?” he was still confused. 
“It’s nothing bad.  It means…” you wanted to find the right words to communicate this.  He seemed to understand most things you said even if he didn’t know the words, why couldn’t he get this one, you groaned silently in your mind. 
“It means you want to mate?” you tried. 
“Mate?” He suddenly smiled, “Ah yes.  Understand now.  Yes want that.” he nodded, your heart skipping a beat as his lustful gaze was now admitted to be something real and not an idea you were creating just to flatter yourself.  
“Taehyung you know we shouldn’t right? We are just here to learn-” 
Taehyung cut you off with his other hand bringing a finger to your lips.  He brushed over your bottom lip delicately, his eyes staring into your own so intensely that you swore he was staring into your soul.  
“Want to learn human body, help?” his voice was innocent but his expression and body language was anything but.  He was still holding your hand to his clothed cock over Namjoon’s basketball shorts and he was starting to move your hand slightly up and down his shaft that you could feel so distinctly through the loose fabric. 
“Mmmm” he moaned out lowly, his deep voice so erotic and inticing. 
“For learning?” you whispered, hesitantly moving your face towards his. 
He broke into a boxy smile that made you want to melt. 
“Show me” he spoke softly, his hand now tugging at the button on your jeans.
He pressed his forehead against your own, biting down on his lower lip. 
 “Please” he breathed out. 
At this point you were too far gone to think clearly.  He was begging, and he was too tempting to deny.  
You nodded your head slightly, closing your eyes as you felt him now undoing your button and unzipping your jeans.  So slowly it was almost as if he was teasing you. 
He dropped to his knees as he pulled down your pants and panties all in one swift motion.  His tongue darted out and he wet his lips quickly as his eyes widened at the sight of your lower half naked in front of him. 
“Never...Never done...never seen” he muttered, his eyes flicked up to meet yours. 
“I’ll teach you” 
“Please” he groaned, bringing his attention back to your pussy that was eye level with him. 
His forefinger trailed across your outer folds ever so lightly.  You felt a chill of pleasure and want run over your skin, giving you goosebumps all over. 
“Show me” he repeated his request from earlier. 
You decided to step back from him to go lay on the desk, so you could spread your legs and give him a better view.  He pouted until he realized what you were doing.  Now he was walking towards you and dropping to his knees again, returning to face your dripping center at eye level. 
“Wow” he whispered, he was so close that you could feel his breath against you.  
“You...can touch me.  Explore around I guess” you chuckled nervously, not sure if you were excited or scared to be in this position with him.  You felt like if any of your crew found out what you were doing they’d be upset, especially Namjoon.  
You closed your eyes tightly, breathing quickly anticipating the likely touch that was soon to come. 
Taehyung stared into your center in awe, he didn’t quite know why he was so attracted to this part of you that he’d never seen on anyone before.  Mermaids didn’t actually have sex.  It wasn’t about pleasure or getting off, it was purely for creating children, you never even had to touch the other during the act.  It wasn’t intimate, it wasn’t this…
The urges that he was having were so foriegn to him, he knew it was coming from the new body part he’d found dangling between his legs that seemed to somehow be growing even harder as he stared at your nakedness laid out in front of him. 
You were becoming wet, Taehyung liked the wet, it was so inviting, he wanted to feel it on his fingers.  
You shuddered as he started to feel around, brushing against your clit every so often, never entering you.  
You realized he might not understand that he could.  One of your hands crept down to join his, he almost jumped back in surprise, he had been so entranced in touching you he’d almost forgotten anything else in the world existed.  When your hand reached down he snapped back to reality a bit.  You started to press a finger into your dripping hole. Moaning as you brought the finger in and out.  Taehyung felt his cock twitch at the sound of your pleasure, he realized he wanted to do whatever he could to be the one making you create those beautiful noises. He didn’t understand why, but the thought of pleasuring you made him more excited than he’d ever been in his life. 
“You can do this to me” you told him, “Try” 
Taehyung nodded and brought his finger to replace yours that had just retracted itself from your hole.  
Without even realizing why he did this, his other hand snapped up and grabbed your wrist before you could pull your hand away.  He brought his lips to the finger you’d had inside of you and pulled it into his mouth, carefully avoiding touching you to his sharp teeth, sucking and licking, growling in satisfaction at how unexpectedly pleasent the taste was.  
“Wow” he whispered as he released your hand from his grip. 
He then returned his focus to his other hand. 
“Another?” he asked as he started to tease your entrance with two fingers. 
“Yes.  I can probably only take two though” you moaned, 
Taehyung chuckled, and decided he was going to try a third after he played around with two fingers.  The scientist in him needed to test that theory that you could only take two.  
The louder your moans got, the more Taehyung felt this urge for you to be touching him back.  When your hand was on him over his clothes earlier it was all he could think about, and he needed you to touch him again.  
He started to push into you with a third finger.  
“Fuck, Taehyung,  Thats too” you gasped out in high pitched moans. 
Taehyung smirked as he continued, “Shh, Will be okay” he muttered.  You were so tight but adjusting to him.  He started to move his fingers around, and then remembered that you had shuddered and moaned every time that he had brushed against the nub that rested right above where his fingers were going in and out of you.  And the way you had tasted when he licked your wetness off of your fingers still lingered on his tongue, he needed another taste,  Maybe he should be giving some attention there too…
He brought his mouth to your clit and started to give small licks, you responded more than he’d anticipated, bucking your hips up into his mouth, it makes Taehyung swell with pride that he’d figured out how to make you feel even better.  
“Taehyung I’m g-gonna cum soon, I’m getting so close” you gasped out. 
Suddenly his head snapped away from you, you whimpered at the loss of him. 
“Cum?” he looked up at you in confusion. 
“Um yeah, like have an orgasm” You explained. 
“Hmmm” he hadn’t fully realized he was working towards a finish here, he had just been having fun.  But now that he knew there was an end purpose to his actions it only motivated him to work harder.  His tongue dove back into you, flicking and licking faster than before.  He had to hold your squirming hips down with his free hand so he could keep his pace.
“Fuck!” you screamed out loudly “Taehyung don't stop! I’m cumming” 
Taehyung smiled widely against you as he continued his surprisingly skilled tongue work, lapping up every bit of the wetness that you were giving to him as you came.  He felt the walls around his fingers pulsing and tightening around him as you rode out your high.  
He didn’t stop for a moment after you had came.  You were giggling as you tried to wiggle away from him.  
“Ah, Taehyung, Ahh, Stop.  It’s too sensitive now!” you squealed. 
He chuckled and continued for a few seconds more before pulling himself away from you.  Wiping your juices from the corner of his mouth. 
“That was the best orgasm I’ve ever had.” You put an arm over your forehead, your chest heaving up and down heavily.  “Are you sure you’ve never done that before?” 
Taehyung felt so proud of himself.  “No never...Really good?” 
“So good” you smiled at him, sitting up now.  “Want me to return the favor?” 
Taehyung nodded slowly, “Meaning...Touch me?” he asked, his hand now palming his hard and aching cock over his short. 
“Yes, I want to touch you” you smiled sliding yourself off the table and getting down on your knees in front of him.  He cocked an eyebrow up, curious at what you are doing now.  Your fingers hooked around the hem of the shorts and pulled them down to his ankles.  His cock sprung free now, so hard and needy, a small bead of precum already forming on his tip.  You licked your lips and brought a hand up to grip the base of his cock. 
“Oh” he whimpered as he threw his head back and shut his eyes tightly.  
You then brought your lips to wrap around him, not fully taking him in, but enough that he could now feel your tongue laying flat against the underside of his tip.  His hand reflexively snapped to the back of your head, wanting to push himself into you all the way, but not wanting to hurt you.  You started to bob your head as your lips moved up and down his shaft.  Taehyung's other hand now held the back of your head as well, gently moving with you as you moved on him. 
Your tongue flicked over him in a way that felt like heaven, and he, without meaning to jerked his hips forward, causing you to take him in all the way.  You quickly pulled away from him coughing and giggling. 
“Sorry” Taehyung gasped, “Hurt?” he felt awful for his unintentional action that seemed to have caused you discomfort.  Here you were making him feel so good and he was getting overly greedy. 
“No, you’re fine.  I get it” you chuckled “Let me adjust and you can do that more if you want” 
Taehyung’s eyes widened dramatically as you  now started to take him in fully, your lips now all the way at the base of his cock, your nose brushing against his abdomen. 
“Do your thing now,  I’ll tap your thigh hard three times if it’s too much for me okay? Then you have to stop, but unless I do that you can use my mouth however you want” you smirked up at him.  
Taehyung nodded, and for a brief second a thought floated through the front of his mind.  He was in love…
Taehyung’s hands returned to the back of your head, he started out slowly, moving his hips forward into your mouth as he gripped you tightly, pushing himself into your mouth all the way, and back out again.  A loud grunt that surprised even him escaped his lips as he sped up.  
Your eyes were watering as you choked a bit around him, but you didn’t want it to stop, you wanted him to cum.  This beautiful godlike man was using your mouth so perfectly. 
Taehyung felt himself tightening as the pleasure was building, was this his orgasm?  He was slightly nervous for the feeling, when you came it seemed to be quite an intense thing.  He didn’t quite know what to expect but if it felt anything like what he did right now he didn’t want to stop chasing it. 
Suddenly you hummed around him, a low moan that sent vibrations through his cock.  The feeling was overwhelmingly pleasurable.  It was happening.  
“Cumming” he whispered, his eyes rolling back as he shakily fucked himself into your mouth.  The sensation that flooded over him as he poured his hot cum into your mouth couldn’t even be compared to anything he’d ever felt in his  life.  His cock twitched wildy inside your mouth and you moaned around him a few more times, swallowing every drop that he gave you. 
He pulled away once it became too sensitive for him to continue. 
It was your turn to wipe the corners of your mouth.  
Taehyung cocked his head to the side as he stared down at you with a fucked outlook.  
“Good.” he whispered through deep breaths, extending out his hand and brushing a thumb over your cheek and then your lower lip.  You gently grabbed his wrist and kissed the palm of his hand. 
“Very good” 
The next few weeks you and Taehyung continued to learn from each other, in every way possible.  Learning about each other's societies and cultures.  And continuing extensive first hand anatomy lessons.  
Taehyung had been falling more and more in love with you.  
Now that he had legs you were able to take him out into the towns, showing him all of your favorite spots and places to go.  
Everytime you grabbed his hand and pulled him over to something that excites you, that warm feeling of love and joy filled him up to the point that he felt he might explode. 
Your happiness was irresistible, all of you was irresistible to him. 
You were feeling similar, yet that dream you had weeks ago hasn't stopped appearing.  Almost every night you dreamed of Taehyung’s hand around your throat as he dragged you down into the dark water, the dream had actually continued even longer than the first time.  In the most recent dream everything was the same, expect that you could feel the water filling your lungs, you could feel yourself drowning.  You woke up choking and grabbing at your throat.  You hated yourself for somehow having this subconscious fear of Taehyung due to these dreams.  Yet you’d still flinch away from in the morning’s where the dream had visited you during the night.  You’d shudder slightly when you caught a glimpse of his teeth.  
Namjoon had avoided you ever since your fight.  He had turned in a resignation notice and that was the last you’d heard of him.  It hurt that he felt like you were trying to steal all of the credit, you really weren’t.  You would’ve put his name right next to yours on every research paper.  You had cried when you saw Namjoon’s notice that he was leaving,  Taehyung held you and kissed you on the cheek, telling you everything would be okay.  You did feel some comfort in that, you’d lost your best friend...but gained a new one. 
Then many things happened.  All too fast and none of them good.  About a week ago your office was broken into and you found all of your research had been stolen.  You hated that you suspected Namjoon, but who else could it have been.  Who else had access? 
You suspected that he was going to publish the papers with just his name on them, same as he thought you were going to do to him.  
You had tried calling him only to find that your number had been blocked.  
You and Taehyung were cuddling in your bed, enjoying a day off from work and just hanging around your house. 
Your head was on his chest and your arms wrapped tightly around him.  You felt him sigh heavily.  
“Hey what's wrong” you wondered.
He simply sighed again.  
“Tell me or I’ll tickle you” you chuckled. 
Taehyung avoided meeting your eyes as he spoke, a small frown on his lips.  “Miss home” 
“Oh” you frowned
“Love here with you.  But, Miss home.  Miss water.” he sighed again. 
You didn’t know what to say, and simply nuzzled your head against him.  He brought an arm around your shoulders pulling you in tightly and kissing you on the top of your head. 
Suddenly your phone was beeping wildey.  You groaned and rolled over to your nightstand table picking it up. 
Text from Jungkook: Call me. 
Text from Jungkook: Y/n????
Test from Jungkook: Y/N CALL NOW
You were completely confused at what might be so urgent.  You clicked the button to return his many calls that he’d also tried. 
“Y/n oh my god” Jungkook was frantically gasping.
“What the hell Kook are you okay?” 
“Have you seen the news?” 
Your body froze and you got extremely nervous.  What news? What could possibly have happened. 
“Y/n everyone been lying to us.  Jin lied to us, The government lied to us.  Taehyung has been lying to you” Jungkook was shakily gasping out. 
You spun around to Taehyung who was glaring at your phone, he seemed to have overheard that last part and his jaw was clenched tightly.  
“W-what do you mean?” You stammered.  
“Y/n, Off phone now.” Taehyung growled. “Please” 
Your eyes widened at how aggressive Taehyung seemed to be getting.  
“Jungkook just tell me what happened!” 
Taehyung lunged forward and grabbed your phone out of your hand, breaking it in half with ease and tossing it across the room. 
“No.” he spoke with a grim quietness. 
You scrambled out of bed running to the other side of the room away from Taehyung, your heart beating fast and your stomach filling with a sickening feeling. 
“Taehyung what the hell!” you yelled “What did Jungkook mean?” 
Taehyung was shaking his head and running his fingers through his hair. 
“Y/n.  Not what it seems.  Please.  Didn’t want wrong idea.  Please” he was starting to tear up.  “Hear from me not from him” his voice shook as he spoke. 
“Hear what from you!” you spoke through gritted teeth. 
“y/n…” he whispered, 
Suddenly there was a loud crash, and you heard the door to your house being opened and footsteps running towards your room.  The door flung open wide and a frantic Namjoon stood in the entrance now. 
“Y/n! Thank god you’re okay.  I thought maybe he’d already taken you to the ship.” he was gasping. 
“What the actual fuck is happening?” you screamed.  
Taehyung was now standing and walking towards Namjoon, his body shaking with rage. 
“Step back!” Namjoon screamed holding an arm out to Taehyung, your stomach dropped when you saw what was clutched in his hand.  A gun, just like the one that Jin had on the ship. 
Taehyung snarled and hissed animalistically at Namjoon, but backed up a few steps.  His eyes flicking over to you. 
“Y/n please.  Love you y/n.  Promise” Taehyung was whimpering.  “Trust.” 
“We have to go y/n” Namjoon spoke urgently pulling on your arm, still holding the gun out in warning at Taehyung.  
You didn’t want to leave him though, you wanted to hear Taehyung explain himself.  You wanted him to make this awful sinking feeling go away.  You needed the man you loved…
Yet Namjoon was pulling you away from him and out of the house, then into his car.  Speeding away from your house,  you could see Taehyung running out of your home, his gaze following the car as you drove away, your eyes meeting.  You could see him screaming something out at you.
The sight outside was shocking, you now realize why Jungkook was asking you if you’d seen the news. 
The sky was scattered with ships that looked so familiar...they all looked identical to your one of a kind shuttle you’d taken to Neptune! 
“Namjoon, what is happening?” 
Namjoon didn’t tear his eyes away from the road, but he answered you in a very serious tone. 
“Taehyung. This whole time he’s been playing you.  His people wanted the plans on how you’d built the ship they’d seen and that's why they sent him with us.  I’m assuming, once he’d tested out his theory that he could become just like us out of water he radioed that down to all of them too.  Now they are here.  And they aren’t being friendly.” 
Your jaw dropped, you didn’t understand.  Taehyung had been stealing your plans for the ship the whole time? And how did Namjoon know all of this? Was it Taehyung that had broken into your lab?
“And Taehyung isn’t the only one that’s been playing you.  Our own fucking government was.  They knew that they existed.  It was never a question.  They just hid it from the rest of society.  It turns out each of our ruling powers had a similar idea.  Neptune has been wanting to colonize on our moons, take them over.  And our government wanted you to go down there and scope it out because they were thinking the same thing.  Thats why Jin was there.  And that's probably why he left the ship right away when we had arrived at their city.  That's how my suspicions started, why would the government send a man with a gun like that unless they already had an idea.  And the way Taehyung was so willing to be handed over and didn’t even seem to be worried.  I just couldn’t get it off my mind that something was up.”  He shook his head. 
“B-but...Taehyung loves me” you stuttered
“Y/n I’m sorry, but he doesn’t love you.  Hes been faking everything just to steal your research. They are literally here to wipe us all out and we need to get the fuck off of this planet before that happens” His hands shook on the steering wheel. 
“I can’t...I don’t want to leave him.  He may not love me.  But...I love him” You started to sob uncontrollably. 
“You’ll get over it” Namjoon scoffed, pulling into the hanger where your ship that you had taken to Neptune still sat. 
“I got Hoseok and Jungkook here since they are familiar with this ship, and I made the government promise to get our families on the evacuation ships”
This was all happening so fast.  Did Triton really not stand a chance against Taehyung’s people?  Your mind flashed to the dream you’d been having and you felt that you might throw up.  Your mind had been trying to tell you something was off this whole time.  You were too infatuated with the hypnotizingly handsome merman you’d now fallen in love with to see the truth, you’d fed him enough information to destroy your entire civilization. 
You quickly boarded your ship.  Hoseok and Jungkook were already inside as Namjoon had mentioned.  
You sat in silence, still in shock over everything that was happening as the ship took off. 
“So where are we going” you muttered, turning to Namjoon. 
“I know this sounds bad, but we are actually going down to Neptune...It’s big enough that we can hide out in this ship for now until the president issues out a notice that our people have found another planet or place to live... all the ships going out are scattering.” He sighed
“I-I’m so sorry Namjoon.  Why didn’t you tell me sooner that you thought something was up.  I could’ve stopped telling him things.  Been more careful around him” you frowned “Not fallen in love with him” you spoke in a whisper. 
“I’m sorry y/n.  It wasn’t the right call.  I just felt like it was safer if I didn’t say anything.  But I was wrong” he shook his head.  
In a few days your ship was nearing Neptune,  the four of you had mostly slept the entire trip, trying to  not look out and back on your moons.  You’d caught a glimpse of what was happening and you couldn’t help but scream out as you saw the once gray surface of your home lit up red with explosions and flames.  You hoped and prayed that your family and everyone else who had lived there had been fast enough to the evacuation ships.
“Landing! Get buckled” Hoseok yelled out over the intercom.  You did as you were told shakily buckling yourself into your seat. 
Once you hit the water, you just stayed still for a while. You all did.  Probably sharing the same silent thought.  What now?
Your questions were answered when suddenly a door that led to a storage room creaked open. 
“Put your fucking hands in the air and don’t come any closer!” Namjoon shouted out.  His gun he had brought with him now raised for a second time. 
Your breath caught in your throat.  And you knew you shouldn’t feel any happiness at the sight of this stow away.  But you couldn’t help it.  
“Tae-Taehyung” you whimpered.  
Taehyung looked like he hadn’t slept in days, his blue hair messy and bags under his eyes.  
“Please.  Want explain” He choked out, stepping forward towards you. 
“I said don’t move!” Namjoon boomed narrowing in on Taehyung with his gun.
“No! Please!” you ran directly in front of the gun with your hands out. 
Namjoon let out a frustrated growl “Y/n…” 
“I want to hear what he has to say…” you cried. 
The room fell silent, and all eyes locked on to Taehyung.  Namjoon nodded reluctantly for Taehyung to explain himself, lowering his gun, but staying on alert. 
“Your people.  Government.  The date was set.  Destroy date.  I Hacked files and saw.  You came and took pictures.  The last pictures of my people.  Government wanted kill us all.  Date was set” he muttered looking down at the floor. “I wanted...save my people….I wanted also save you” he looked to you with sad eyes “Wouldn’t have let you hurt.  Would’ve got you away!” 
You wanted to believe him so badly.  You wanted to hug him and kiss him, and share more cuddles on your bed at home like you had gotten so used to.  But now you had no home, and it was because of him.  Yet, if what he said was true, his people were only returning the favor in advance for what was about to happen on their planet.  
“Y/n.  Something about four…” He pointed to you, then to Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook, “You dream of water all your life.  Want to see Neptune.  Want to explore.” Taehyung turned to Jungkook “Pictures of Neptune so beautiful. And You” he pointed to Hoseok, “Knew the water well, fly ship in water, no one has ever done yes?” 
Hoseok nodded, none of you understanding where he was going with this. Taehyung turned to Namjoon. 
“Why Neptune?  Why here now?  Whole galaxy.  Yet here.” he asked as if he already knew the answer.  Then Taehyung turned to you.  
“Trust?” he muttered, holding out his arms wide.  
You had no idea why, but you did trust him.  His dark eyes had done nothing but lie to you, yet all you wanted to do was keep believing in them. 
You nodded and ran to his arms.  He embraced you in a giant bear hug, twirling you around. 
You smiled as he kissed you on your head. 
“Go water now” He whispered in your ear. 
“You’re leaving?” 
“No.  Two” he pointed to you and then to him. 
“I can’t, remember, we can’t breath under water” 
“Theory.” he stated. 
“Fact?” you raised an eyebrow.  “Humans die  underwater if they don’t get enough air.” 
Taehyung groaned  “Trust,” he grumbled. 
Despite the rest of your crew pleading for you to stop, you followed Taehyung out a hatch that led to the roof of the ship.  You now stood on top, sunlight shining down on Taehyung’s glowing skin.  He grinned at you as the two of you looked over the vast un ending water laid out in front of you. 
“Jump?” Taehyung asked, holding out his hand to you. 
You sighed, feeling slightly uneasy about whatever this was.  But, still, you put your hand in his and let him hold on tight to you. 
“Trust…” you muttered under your breath, taking a deep breath in as the two of you did a running jump off of the top of your ship and into the water. 
Taehyung instantly changed back into his iridescent mermaid form, his tail flowing elegantly in the water.  You pointed for him to swim with you back up to the surface, you already felt yourself craving a breath. 
He smirked and shook his head.  You did not like where this was going. 
Instantly after you had a thought of swimming back to the surface even though he’d said no, he was holding you tightly, and dragging you down, down, down. 
Everything was so dark, and your lungs felt like they might explode.  Your dream came into your mind again.  Though this time his hands weren’t on your throat they were holding you around your waist, holding you under.  You beat him with your fists hoping to free yourself from him.  But you knew, even if you were to be released, he’d dragged you too far down for you to make it up in time. 
This was it.  
It was over.  
Your fight or flight instinct failing, as there was no way to save yourself anymore.  You gave up.  
Taehyung pulled back from you as you started to go dizzy and limp.  He spoke something you couldn’t hear...as if it were another language...Like in your dream.  
He planted a soft kiss on your lips.  Far too loving and delicate for someone that was murdering you.  
Yet somehow, you were glad.  
You had loved him so much.  
You were only sad that now you’d never see him again. 
As everything faded away and your eyes closed, you felt your body try to take in a breath.  Only to have your lungs fill with water.  
Then complete darkness, complete nothingness. 
Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook ran to the top of the ship.  Looking down into the water. 
“She hasn’t come back up yet...it’s been 10 minutes” Jungkook cried out. 
Namjoon shook his head, tears burning his eyes as he clenched his fists. 
“I shouldn’t have let her go with him.  I can’t believe I let him…” his voice cracked. 
Suddenly the water broke.  A wet mess of blue hair was popping up from the water. 
As soon as he was within earshot Namjoon screamed out. 
“Where is she!?” 
“Come see” Taehyung grinned with a sing song voice. “Take you to her...Follow?” he said cutely. 
“Fuck.” Hoseok whispered.  “This is bad.  She's not with him.  He killed her” he growled. 
Jungkook shook his head “No, no NO! This can’t be happening. Y/n…” he cried. 
Namjoon glared down at the man who was at the edge of the ship now, smiling up at the three of them, his blue tail peaking out ever so slightly from the water. 
“Why shouldn’t I just shoot you right now” he  pulled the gun up and aimed it directly to the forehead of the blue haired merman who seemed unphased by the threat. 
“Want see her yes?” he asked cheerfully.  “Trust” he smiled mischievously, motioning for Namjoon to come into the water with him.  Namjoon was sure it was a lie, it was a trick.  But, he even if it was in death, he wanted to see y/n again. 
“I’m sorry guys.” Namjoon whispered, tossing the gun aside on the top of the ship and diving down into the water next to the grinning merman.  
Your eyes fluttered open, there was a weird feeling of weightlessness around you.  Everything surrounding you was colorful,  you definitely weren’t back on Triton.  Which means there's no way all of this had just been a dream.  
You were laying on a stone bed in an odd room, the walls were decorated with shimmering shells and glass. 
In your confusion you went to stand up and go investigate your surroundings.  Yet something stopped you. 
You couldn’t move your feet.  
Well, something moved.  But it wasn’t feet.  You looked down and screamed out loudly. 
Where legs used to be was now a glittering silver scaled tail, resembling the one that Taehyung had, only differing in color. 
At your screams Taehyung quickly swam into the room. 
“Y/n.  Awake!” his eyes widened. 
You jumped and backed away from him, closer to the wall. 
“Taehyung what the fuck is happening.  I-I thought…” you thought he had killed you.  It was the last thing that you can remember. 
“Never.” he shook his head. “Y/n.  Never hurt you” he held out his hand to you.  “Learn? Swim?” 
You nervously swam towards him, it wasn’t elegant and graceful like how he always swam, but you got to him. 
He pulled you into a loving embrace, petting the top of your head as he held you to his soft and warm chest. 
“y/n is awake?” A voice rang out.  
You broke yourself away from Taehyung's arms to find where that familiar voice was coming from.  
Namjoon swam over to you.  Like you, he was missing legs, and his were replaced by a long green tail.  
“This is crazy isn’t it?” his eyes widened.  “I still can’t quite believe it.  But I’m loving it” he swam up and did a backwards flip.  “It’s kinda like flying.  Hoseok And Jungkook are somewhere around here ” he looked around searching for your other companions.
Taehyung chuckled putting an arm around your shoulders. 
“What is going on here?” 
Namjoon swam to face you and Taehyung. 
“Y/n.  The reason Mermaids speak our language.  The reason both our people knew about each other” he paused collecting his excitement.  “They all just explained this to me, so Taehyung, let me know if I’m leaving anything out.  Everyone up on the moons was originally from here on Neptune.  A long long time ago, the mer people learned that they could walk on dry land, but there was no dry land, so they set out to see if there was any where that they could.  They had made it to the moons but a cruel leader at the time destroyed all of the ships and all records of how to get back home.  The knowledge of the merpeople was passed down through stories, until a journal was found not too long ago of a scientist that had built the ships that could go back and forth between the worlds. It was turned into the government and that’s when they started plotting to wipe them out, and figure out a way to colonize.   I had no idea but It was actually one of the books that were given to me by the government for research help while I was building the ship.  They were going to use us and our research to kill everyone here” he finally stopped for a moment after his long speech “did I get everything?” He turned to Taehyung, who nodded.
“Not all moon people can turn back.  But, More than realize though.  Can tell” he pointed to himself “always drawn to water.  Always need learn, explore, color, need more…” he informed you.
So he knew,  he knew the whole time what all of you were.  
“And we can stay here with you?” You whispered, it all still felt like a dream.
Taehyung smiles and kissed your cheek. 
“Yes” he whispered “please stay” 
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What Mattered Most (2)
Characters: Dean x Reader; Sam
Summary: Dean wakes to find she’s gone. What would make his best friend leave him? Sam may just know.
A/n: This will be a mini-series of two to three parts, based on the song “What Mattered Most” by Ty Herndon. This has been rumbling around in my head for a while, so I finally committed to getting it down. This is a little later than I was hoping to get it to you today, for that I apologize. 
Warnings: Angst. Sadness.
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Dean stood in the doorway of the bunker’s kitchen, resting his weight against the wide frame as you stood at the stove, flipping sizzling bacon in a cast iron skillet. Your hips were swaying to the sounds of music flowing from your headphones and you would shimmy your waist every few beats, oblivious to the world and thoroughly enjoying the Saturday morning off. A smile played at his lips as he watched you, content to savor the moments where you were lost in a melody as you took care of him and Sammy.
You turned slightly and caught his movement out of the corner of your eye, making you jump and yank the cords from your ears, “Dean! Don’t sneak up on me like that!” you yelled, clutching a hand to your chest.
A small chuckle erupted as he held his hands up in surrender, “Hey, you can’t blame me. There was no way I was going to ruin that show.”
Dean smirked as your cheeks turned a deeper shade of pink and a hint of a grin made a small dimple appear on the left side of your mouth.
He loved mornings like this; in the safety of his home, his brother snoring down the hall, and his favorite girl waiting for him to wake up.
“Yeah… well, you could have warned me. Not given me a heart attack.” You grumbled, but still cheekily beaming as you turned your back to him, setting to work at the stove with the pancake batter.
Dean moved slowly, placing a foot in front of the other methodically and allowing his strong legs to carry him to you. He rounded the small island, reveling in the sight of your falling in ribbons around a messy bun and your bare legs tucked beneath your sleep shorts.
It was a sight he adored. You.
When he reached you, he planted his feet on either side of your stance, his arms sensuously winding around your midsection. His fingertips trailed lightly against the skin exposed as he pressed his lips against your collarbone.
“How are you this morning, sweetheart?” he purred, caressing the shell of your ear with his mouth.
Reaching behind you to thread your fingers in his soft locks, you replied with a hum, “I’m good. Slept well, had good dreams.”
“Oh yeah?” he questioned mischievously. “About me?” he asked, attaching himself to your backside and locking you within his large frame.
You giggled. He could get lost in your laughter. “Of course, honey. Always about you.”
He spun you gently to cage you against the counter, leaning in to run his nose along the curve of your jaw, “I had good dreams too. I missed you when you weren’t there when I woke up, though.” his lips curling while he brushed a few stray hairs from your face, feeling the smoothness of your skin against his palm.
Stretching to your toes, you pressed a longing kiss to his plump lips, slipping your hands under the hem of his shirt to feel his muscle beneath. Dean knew he could live in this feeling for eternity.
“I’m sorry,” you whined, hugging him tightly and burying yourself in his chest, “but I had to go.”
“Go?” Dean questioned, confusion knitting his brow.
“Yeah, Dean.” You stated simply, pulling away from his embrace to look into his eyes, a sadness in your voice that he hadn’t heard before. “Remember? I left. I’m not here anymore.”
Dean stood speechless, witnessing the once happy glow fade from your gaze. A single tear flowed down your cheek, but you were steadily fading even as he still felt your warmth in his arms. “Y/n…”
Before he could continue, you slipped from his grasp, his hands still reaching for you as you vanished, words echoing in the darkness, “I’m gone. You can’t find me. I’m never coming home.”
Dean awoke gripping the sheets around him, a thin layer of sweat covering the length of his body and a panic in his chest that he couldn’t calm. He sat up quickly, searching his surroundings for something he wasn’t sure he’d lost. Sleep still fogging his memory, he struggled to remember what he was holding onto, but his dream haunted him none-the-less. He shook the covers from his legs and swung his bedroom door open with force, moving towards the room across the hall. Sam’s gentle snores could be heard from behind his cracked door to the left as he stood in front of yours.
When he twisted the knob gently and the door opened with a whine. He flipped the light switch, illuminating the pitch-black space to reveal a pristine, yet empty bedroom. He felt his stomach turn in knots and his eyes burn with fresh tears.
It wasn’t a dream. It wasn’t his imagination… You really were gone.
He’d tried for two months to find you, but every shred of your identity was left behind. Every link or connection he had turned up empty. Fake badges, ID’s, and every burner phone he knew of yours sat on the small desk adjacent to your bed. He dragged his body towards it, slumping into the chair and resting his elbows on his knees to run a hand through his hair tiredly. Retrieving your most recent license from the stack before him, he took a moment to study the photo displayed on the plastic pinched between his thumb and forefinger. Your eyes, your nose, your lips. The smile hidden beneath them.
The images of his dream flooded back to him. He felt your skin touching his, your body cradled against him, and the smell of your shampoo. His hands could still feel your heat, though they were cold to the touch.
The scene in his vision wasn’t entirely fantasy, but one that he’d been a part of years ago. A memory of breakfasts you’d shared so many times made his chest tighten in agony. They were always filled with laughter and deep conversations. The secrets you kept from the world were often shared over the most amazing coffee and arguments ensued over the last shred of bacon. The only difference now was the intimacy. The touching. The kissing. Holding each other. That was something that had never been reality. It was never that he didn’t love you—at least not in the profound, elegant way, but rather it was something that hadn’t blossomed within him, until recently.
Until Sam told him everything. Until you left.
Now there was a longing in his heart that bloomed like a thirst that could never be satiated. He reasoned that it was just the feeling of missing his best friend, the person that had been there for him through all of the ups and downs that accompanied this life. But he knew. Deep within him, Dean knew he was in love with you—he could deny it, pretend he didn’t know the feeling, but there was no mistaking it. He also knew that he was too arrogant to appreciate it when he’d had the chance to act. He drove you away to the point that you didn’t want to be found, all the while burying himself into a hole of his own creation. He could try to move on, to try to forget and pretend to be his old self with a devil-may-care attitude, but there would be no use.
He stood from your desk chair and moved to stand by your bed, envisioning you lying there curled beneath your favorite blanket. Strangely enough, your scent was still etched into the very fabric of the room he now stood in. Your once decorated nightstand and dresser were bare, drained of the photos that use to adorn them. Dean resisted the urge to crawl into your bed and instead settled for running his fingertips along the hem of your pillow, cold and unused.
Dean shuffled back to the confines and darkness of his own room; closing your door to hide the haunting sight of its bareness, before slowly lowering himself back onto his mattress. He tucked himself tightly beneath the sheets, praying for the release of sleep if only to see you once again.
Hours passed before he was being gently shaken awake by Sam informing him of a case. In a state of confusion and hollowness, Dean packed his small bag of belongings and kept the radio silent during the entire drive, pertinently ignoring Sam’s questioning stares. He tried to pretend with Sam; pretend he wasn’t torn apart, but his brother knew him all too well.
Now, here he was, in a bar in nowhere, Nebraska, trying to chase the tiniest bit of his sorrow away. They’d arrived in town at 7 p.m., too late to follow any leads of the case, so Sam elected to stay behind and do research as Dean elected to do anything but stare at motel room walls.
“Another round?” the bartender asked.
“Yeah, then close out my tab.” Dean replied; opting that two was actually a good place to stop for the evening, something he potentially wouldn’t have done two months ago.
The bartender, a man probably in his late 40′s and hardened by life, grabbed the bottle of scotch and poured another three fingers over the remaining ice in Dean’s glass, “You from around here?”
“No.” Dean shook his head, lifting the amber liquid to his lips. “Just in town for a few days.”
“Didn’t think so. Only a few newbies ever make there way to these parts. But, let me give you some advice…” the stranger replied, reaching behind him, “This place has the best steak in town. My neighbor owns it; it’s an institution around here.” He set a paper menu in front of Dean on the glistening wood, next to the coaster that would house his drink.
Dean picked it up, prepared to thank him before he excused himself to help the new round of guests that poured in.
As he was studying the menu, a commotion sounded from the other end of the room, where two men were in a heated discussion about a recent game of pool. Dean took notice of the increase in bodies in the small area, not surprising for a Friday evening in a small town bar. At the other end of the space, a squeal from the speakers sounded as a few workers set up equipment for karaoke that would apparently be happening later that evening.
Glasses clinked together, the cracks and clanks of the balls being pushed by  pool cues flooded his hears, and voices sounded from all around him; but nothing could have drowned out the sound of the voice he’d missed for months.
“Can I have a Jack and coke, please?” he heard from the opposite end of the bar, causing him to freeze. It was unmistakable.
He slowly turned his eyes in the direction of the wonderfully chilling melody and was met with the sight of you leaning over the edge of the bar, your Y/h/c hair falling in waves around your face and your eyes shining as you smiled at the bartender.
Dean attempted to force every cell of his body to tear his eyes away from you, but to no avail. Your skin was flushed and healthy. You were wearing a new shade of lipstick; a slightly darker red then the natural pigment of the flesh of your lips.
The bartender passed you a glass as you left a few bills on the counter, but you stayed planted where you were standing when you ordered. There was a lightness to you that Dean hadn’t witnessed in many years, feeling a fresh wave of guilt as the knowledge passed that it had been his doing that you’d lost it.
As he was taking you in, Dean felt a new found determination and strength to right whatever he’d done wrong. In that moment, he’d give anything to give you everything.
He began to stand, until he heard your name called.
A new fire rose to your eyes as you glanced in the direction from which it came, a bright, dazzling smile gracing your lips.
Dean watched as a man made his way through the crowd, steadfastly making his way to you.
And when that man captured your lips with his, Dean felt his heart shatter.
To be continued...
<Part 1 / Part 3>
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iainwrites · 5 years
A Samhain Brouhaha
Harry Dresden, trick-or-treating with Maggie, Karrin and Mouse.  And a tie to the earliest stories I posted on here.
“Charity, you can trust me.”
“Harry, I know you’re trying to be a good man and do right, but you’re also Harry Dresden and that name doesn’t inspire a lot of trust, especially for what you’re asking for.”
“What I’m... All I’m asking for is that I can take her out for one night.  That’s all.”
“I’ve heard that request before, and we both know what came of it.”
“It was an accident!  How was I to know...”
“Yes, Harry.  How were you to know?  Something like this means you need to know, and to be prepared for whatever might happen.”
“... Mouse will be with us.  Do you trust Mouse?”
“I trust Mouse with her life.  But Mouse is just one dog and...
“Murphy will be there, too.”
“... I suppose I can trust Mouse and Karrin to keep an eye on her.  And you too.”
“Great!  Thanks, Charity.  You won’t regret this.”
       My name is Harry... Well, you know the rest.  Wizard and Warden of the White Council, Knight of Winter, Warden of Demonreach, yadda yadda yadda.  It feels like I have more titles than the Cubs at this point, and they all mean something different to someone.  After a while, it just gets tiring repeating them all, and they seem to lose their importance.
      A few years ago, none of this would have meant much for my personal life.  I lived alone, with nothing else in my life but my work and a few people kept at arm’s length that I could call my friends.  It’s funny how the years can change things.  As the world turned, my life kept getting more and more... complete, I guess.  Filled, maybe.  I found out that there are people who look up to me, then that I had a brother, got a dog, found out I had a daughter, then a sort-of-girlfriend-I-think.  Oh, and I died once, became possibly irreversibly connected to one of the greatest powers in the magical community, might possibly be losing my morality, and am currently the master of a jail that makes Area 51 look like an amusement park.  But those things aren’t as important as the family side.
      All of my history, those titles and that backstory doesn’t mean much tonight.  Everything else is pushed to the side, and tonight I’m wearing only one of those mantles.  Maybe the most valued one.  Tonight, I am Harry Dresden: Dad.  And with that mantle comes a responsibility like no other I have shouldered before.
      “Alright, Maggie.  We’ll go whenever you want to.  Charity made sure I know the list of houses that we can go to, and Mouse-bacca will make sure that anyone who's acting too spooky won’t bother us, okay?”
      “What?  You don’t believe in the Great Mouse-bacca?  I mean, he might not look like much, but he’s got it where it counts, right?”
      The walking carpet that is my dog actually manages something that sounds closer to a Chewbacca warble than his usual chuffing sound.  Matched with the belt slung around his middle and a little bit of brown dye, it’s hard to mistake him for anything other than a Wookie.  The rest of us are dressed in a way that makes it impossible to see us as anything but nerds.
      Maggie, with the help of a mother who has spent more years making costumes than anyone else I can begin to think of, is dressed up in a Rey costume, complete with a little lightsaber.  Karrin and I nearly came to blows over what we were going to wear.  I’m... well, ME, so of course I’d be the dashing and roguish Han Solo, right?  And my partner is a giant, furry thing.  It practically writes itself!  Karrin argued that I’m the dork and should be Luke Skywalker, while she’s the cool guy with the gun.  She may have also mentioned something about being able to kick my ass.  And so here she stands in her black vest and over-sized pistol at her side and looking (damn me for saying this) appropriately Han Solo-y.
      I wasn’t content with being Luke, and am not nearly old enough to be rocking the Sir Alec Guinness look, so I settled on something a little more my style.  Thanks to a mop of hair as a result of living out on a deserted island for way too long, a scar across an eye thanks to a past encounter and a penchant for flirting with the dark side of magic, I gussy myself up as an over-sized Anakin, pre-lava bath.  With a little help from Andy, we managed to make up a casing for my blasting rod that looks like the hilt of a lightsaber.  A little focus and the blade lights up with a nice shade of blue, thanks to a little help from Winter.  We couldn’t figure out how to get it to sound right, so I end up making the sounds myself.  All in all, we look like a nice, nerdy family out for some trick-or-treating.  And that’s how it all began: a nice, nerdy sort-of family trick-or-treating together.
      I was worried when we started out that all of the costumes, noise and excitement might be too much for Maggie.  I mean, there’s a lot that usually goes on during Halloween night.  For the normal people, at least.  There’s the noises, the lights, the people running around costumes that go from home-made to movie quality.  And while she starts off close to Mouse, Murphy and me at any particular time, she eventually starts to look the way she should: a little girl out on Halloween, hitting up houses for a sugar fix.  She might not be running around Hell and Creation like some of the other munchkins out there, but there is a smile on her face, and a little bounce in her step.
      Mouse, Murphy and I take turns going up to doors with her, each of us to varying degrees of success.  Mouse always seemed to be a lock for more candy, because whenever she comes back the bag feels a lot heavier.  When she goes up with Murphy, Karrin comes back with a smile on her face, with just a hint of conflict hidden underneath.  A part of me wants to ask; the intelligent part knows to stay quiet.  The detective part of me has suspicions.  When she was married to Rich, there was tension around them having kids and her staying home to take care of them.  Going up to a door with a kid for Halloween and being told that your “daughter” is cute is probably playing around in head each time.
      When I take her up, I get to experience my own brand of head and heartache.  I keep hearing them ooh and ahh over her costume, and how sweet or cute or cool she looks, then there’s the looks up to me.  And I hear them say again how sweet she looks.  And it tears a piece out of my heart each time.  Susan and I should be taking her out for this.  Susan should be here with our daughter.  Our daughter should never have had to go through everything she’s gone through.  She should be living a normal life, spooked of the costumes at Halloween because she has an overactive imagination, not because of what she’s lived through.  And I smile, try not to loom so much, thank them and squeeze my little girl’s hand when we walk back to the street.  I steel myself for the next time that I’ll hear those words, and try to make the most out of this first father/daughter Halloween.
      On my side of the magical divide, Halloween has this recent habit of being more exciting each year.  The wearing down the divide between the living and the dead, necromantic rituals, changing of mantles, and the killing of immortals seem like they’re only the tip of the iceberg these days, and there’s always the little whisper in my ear that there’s going to be more.  Somehow, I manage to trick myself for a fair portion of the night that this one will be different.  That the creepy crawlies from the other side will take the night off and give me a chance to have a well-deserved break.
      Yeah, right.  The author of my life isn’t ever going to be that nice to me.
      The first indication is the sudden jerk of Mouse’s leash.  He’s usually happy to trot along at his own pace, with the leash there to show everyone he’s a well-behaved dog.  It’s not uncommon for him to stop and smell the proverbial roses; but for him to stop because there’s something he wants to stop, that’s enough to get my attention.  The only thing that stands out around us is a small pack of costumed clowns hanging a little ways back.  They all have the shabby zombie costume that seems to keep its firm grip from year to year, combined with some cheap masks.  The clothes portion of the costumes are pretty good, comparatively; they look distressed, like there was some actual damage to them.  I know those kinds of rips and tears intimately.  They even got the blood patterns around the tears right.
      The night gets cold when I realize that some of the rips and the stains look fresh.  And have that quality that costumes either exaggerate or downplay.  I look from the costumes to the people (no, things) wearing them.  They move in sync, coordinated.  My brain goes back to my throw-away description of them and revises is: a little ways back behind us is a small Pack of costumed wolves.
      The Pack.  A holdover from an old fight some Hunters and I should have finished and buried.  They’re a roaming group of monsters who hunt together, and have been the death of innocents and those that have tried to stop them.  The legendary Hunter John Winchester worked with the fledgling Black Cats to kick their asses up around their mouths decades back.  After a misunderstanding, Karrin and I teamed up with his sons, Sam and Dean, to ring the bell on Round 2.  We didn’t finish them off, but I thought we left them with a nose that was so bloody that they’d never want to try hunting together again.  Apparently, the lesson wasn’t definitive enough for them, because here they stand, lesser in number but still a threat to everyone walking this street.
      Karrin must have realized that we’ve been left behind, because she calls back to us.  “You okay, Harry?”
      Mouse clues in that I’m clued in and goes from alert growl to “stay way the hell away” growl.  “Yeah,” I reply.  “Mouse just has to use the little doggy’s tree.  We’ll catch up with you in a little bit.”
      “You sure?  We can wait.”
      My gut starts to get wrenched around.  I want my daughter to be safe, and safe is away from these things.  But if she’s sent away, that means I can’t be there to protect her.
      But Murphy will be there, and short of Michael, she’s the one person I know I can trust to keep my daughter safe.  “We’ll be there in a bit.  I’m going to take Mouse away from the street so nobody has to get caught up in it.  Have you been feeding him table scraps again, Maggie?  Because you’ll have to clean up you’ve been sneaking taco’s to Mouse.”
      My daughter gives off a little giggle and Mouse lets off the subsonic growl long enough to give a happy little chuff.  I pat his head, wave to Karrin and Maggie and start to lead him to an alley, digging out one of the plastic bags we’ve been using for Maggie’s haul.  I see Karrin look from me to Mouse, to the Pack and unlatch her blaster.  Just like I put a case around my blasting rod, she has a plastic shell around her service pistol.  It might not be much, but it’ll sure as hell slow down anything that I let get past me.
      The Pack seem to size up Karrin and Maggie as they leave.  Their gaze stays on them for a very uncomfortable time, before slowing coming back to me.  The message is loud and clear: “We saw them, we’ll remember them and we’ll find them.”  Yeah?  I have my own message.
      “Okay, assholes.  You were dumb enough to sign up for Round 3, so let’s find a nice quiet corner so I can beat on you like I’m Rocky.”
      As they follow me, one makes its way out of the main body, to stand in front of them like a spokesperson.  I can tell even underneath the costume what it is, and a fire starts to burn through my veins.  Human sized, but not human like. Extra-long arms that end in claws.  An unhealthy color that some could pass off as make-up but I recognize as naturally disgusting.  And behind the mask, eyes that are weighing and measuring you up for its plate.  A ghoul.  A ghoul who has seen my daughter.  Ever since the Red Court was dealt with, the whole race of ghouls have been moved up to the top of my “Things That World Will Never Miss” list.  This one just reserved extra special placement.
      I take my hand off of Mouse’s lead as he and I turn in sync to stare at the Pack.  The lead ghoul stops only a few feet away from me.  The alley is barely wide enough for Mouse and I to stand side-by-side, but that also means that they’re limited by how many can come forward at a time.  It’s not my favorite ring to fight in, but there’s been worse.  “Okay.  Say your piece, then let’s get started.”
      “You assume too much, wizard,” the ghoul says to me.  I’m not sure if it’s actually speaking English or if I still understand Ancient Sumerian as a parting gift from Lash.  Whatever the case, it sounds like a snake slithering over broken bottles.  “What stops the hunters at the mouth of the alley from going back out to the street?  You?  The dog?”  Damn it.  “No.  You will hear what we have to say, you and the beast will die, then we will go out and continue our hunt.”
      “Alright, Smiley.  Let’s hear it, then.”
      “You are known, Wizard.  You are remembered.  The Pack knows your scent.  You went to ground, but have decided to appear again.”  There’s a murmur behind the ghoul that could politely described as “agreement”, if agreement was made up of growls and rumbles.  “You may have bested us in the past, but that is when you hunted with others.  The Winchesters.  They are known to us.  They are remembered.  They will be found.”
      For a ghoul, this guy is practically Shakespeare.  This is the most I’ve ever heard from one before and it all comes across as understandable.  “Alright.  So what’s your point here?  Are you just going to keep talking until I go into a coma so you don’t have to strain yourself?”  I keep my attention off of it and on the ones in the back in case they decide to amscray back onto the street like they were threatening to do.  “Because there’s actually stuff that I want to do tonight.  If that means I have to walk through all of you to get there, and this sounds weird coming from me, let’s stop talking and get it done.”
      “No, Wizard.  You do not decide the Hunt.  The Pack hunts its prey, and when it is cornered, their lives are ours.  You, a human, have no say in what happens.  Should we decide to kill you, you will die.  Should we decide to eat your beast, it will be eaten.  If we decide to hunt your mate and your whelp, they are ours for as long as we wish and for what we wish.”
      “You don’t want to do this,” I mutter, while Mouse begins to growl behind me.  The only mercy I can think of is that Karrin is away from us, and that Maggie will be safe with her.  I might even be able to take a few of them with me.  I might be able to protect my daughter from what’s to come.
      The ghoul doesn't break eye contact with me, but I’m willing to be to bet that it knows what’s going on and what’s going to happen.  The cocky bastard doesn’t even seem to care.  “Oh, I think I do, wizard.  I think I will.”  The Pack behind him shifts, the sounds of claws scraping ground, of bones snapping and reforming into monstrous forms.  I get a death grip on the lightsaber case and start to will my power into it.
      Why?  Why does this always have to happen?  I try to take my daughter out for something nice, like a trip to the zoo or out for Halloween, only for things to go sideways on us.  This life, this job, this responsibility... I’m okay with it.  But I want to be a father once in a while.  I want to try and give Maggie a normal life whenever possible, but something seems so damn set in ruining that for us.  There is always something that shows up and ruins things and keeps me from connecting with my own daughter.  Susan should be here.  Our lives shouldn’t be so... wrong.  She should be allowed to grow up with a mother and a father and never have to worry about all of these things.  All of this is happening and I’m just about ready to...
      Something around us changes.  I’m not even aware of it until I hear something shift in Mouse’s voice.  It still carries a sound of warning, but there’s something else.  Anticipation?  Excitement?  A certain reckless happiness that his human sometimes shows?  He’s ready for a fight, but there’s something that’s allowing him to relax, even in the smallest ways.  He’s not worried about the fight.  From what I hear, he might even be looking forward to it.  I do a quick scope around me to see what could flip the switch in him.  Turns out it’s a lot closer than I’d ever expect.
      It���s my blasting-saber.  A firey shade of orange is starting to appear in the core nearest the hilt.
      Its old color.  Something from years ago that has since been covered in Winter ice.
      MY old color.  A color of will, and excitement, and barely controlled power, all of it coming from me.  Not a mantle.  Not a mostly immortal Faerie Queen.  
      I bring my eyes back up to the ghoul, and I smile.  It’s not a nice smile, but it’s one with a promise.  “Let me rephrase that.  You’re NOT going to do this.”
      The remnants of the Pack shift, the faces under their costume masks shifting.  Most of them change their posture and flex their hands, getting ready for the fight they’ve been working themselves up for all night.  What they don’t understand is that the moment they looked at my daughter, they didn’t have a chance in Hades.
      “Here’s why you’re not going to do that.  In fact, here’s why after tonight, you’re never going to see each other every again.”  A few give off growling laughs.  “I am Harry Dresden.  I am a wizard and Warden of the White Council.”  “Warden” makes a few of them twitch.  “I am chosen by Mab, Queen of Winter, Air and Darkness to be her Knight.  I wear the mantle of Winter, and I wear it very damn well.”  Mouse has stopped growling by now, as though he doesn’t want to take any attention off of me.  “I am Warden of Demonreach, jailer to nastier bastards than you’ll all ever be.  Combined.”  The blue of my blasting-saber exists only on the outside of the blade; fire is making up the core and it’s becoming a brighter shade of red with my every word.  “I am Bane of the Red Court.  The one who has outplayed and overcome Death.  My ride is one of the greatest predators to ever roam this earth, and I brought it back from millennia of rest. I am Ally to Hunters and Slayers.  I know and will invoke the names Winchester and Summers.  I have been tempted by and refused a coin of the Blackened Denarius.  I have led the Wild Hunt.”  THAT gets their attention like I know it would.
      The air around us suddenly gets warmer.  Almost spring-like, like the nights you sit outside near a fire.  There might be a chill in the air, but there’s also the promise of warmth and comfort.  The snow starts to melt and the grass can be seen again, and there might even be the faint sign of flowers starting to bloom.
      Life and warmth after a snow that never seemed like it would leave.
      The various creatures in front of me start to look around, probably trying to figure out what all this means.  The quicker ones figure it out and look at me, the hostility they had been showing before beginning to melt away, revealing something almost like fear.  But right now?  Fear is not enough.  Fear can be conquered or forgotten.  They need to feel something much more permanent.
      “I am Harry Dresden.  This is MY city.  And this is MY night.  I claim it by birth and by my strength.”  The tension that’s been building in this little alleyway just... pops around me.  If there’s a pressure, I don’t feel it anymore.
      “You have threatened my daughter, and I will protect her.  Ask the Red Court what that promise means.”  I let those words hang in the air, full of meaning and threats.  “This is my city, and I will protect it.  Ask anyone how far I’ve gone to keep it safe, and what happens to the people that threaten it.”  I let my blasting-saber dip until it nearly touches the pavement, which starts to send up wisps of smoke.  “The people who live here are my people, and I.  Will.  Protect.  Them.  Ask the Heirs of Kemmler and the Black Court what that oath means.”
      I don’t make any of this a challenge, or a brag, or something to piss them off.  These are all things that simply are.  They’re all true, like that the sun rises or that water is wet.  You can argue and try to ignore it all you want, but these things are, have been and always will be.  I am who I am, and I do what I do, no matter the mantle I wear, or what tries to change me.
      “So here’s what you’re going to do.  Tonight, I curse the name ‘Pack.’”  There’s another subtle pop in the air as those words gain meaning and permanence.  Words have power, and I invest a portion of my own self into those words.  “All those who live under it do so under pain of... Well, death is too nice.  Non-existence.  Erasure from history.  I will call in every favor, from the crater of Sunnydale to the Isle of Manhattan and every road of that cuts across this country.  You will cease to exist.  You will never be spoken of and you will never be remembered.  And you will all die bloody.”  I draw my gaze from one face to another, never letting off until they look away first.  They wouldn’t need to Soul Gaze me to know what is on my mind; it’s pretty damn apparent to any of them with half a clue.  “You will never run together again.  You will not do it under the name Pack, or any other name.  Because if I hear so much as a rumor that a group of creatures attacked an innocent person, you’re done.  You will be found, then you will be gone.  This right here is your only warning.  Any questions?”
      “And you,” I say to the ghoul.  I start walking forward, the cape billowing behind me, my blasting-saber burning a line in the ground.  I get right up to its face, and lean down towards its ear.  “I really, really hate fucking ghouls,” I whisper.  “And I know how hard your kind is to kill.  I have experience with that.  But you want to know something?”  
      I whip the blasting-saber down and take its hand off at the wrist.  We both look down at it in surprise.  I was expecting some burning, maybe a little cut, but not full blown lightsaber action.  I doubt it was expecting anything at all.  We both bring our eyes back up and I stare it down one more time.  “I have one more title for you: I was the Fire of Camp Kaboom. There was a message that was sent back with a survivor.  I told it ‘Never Again.’”  And I bring the blade flashing up in an arc and sear through its head with barely any resistance.  The head drops with a stunned look on its face as the body falls back into the hastily made space its friends make.
      “Never again.  Never again in my presence, in my city or to my people.”  I bring my gaze to each of them once again, but this time, nobody is too excited to look me in the eye.  “Do I need to repeat that to any of you?”  None of them reply. I snake out the blasting-saber again and take a chunk out of a rawhead and take out what looks to be a rugaru at the waist. That’s the sign they needed to break away and run, but not before I take a couple of slashes at their retreating asses.  I manage to down some; Mouse manages to run down another before it makes it to the mouth of the alley.  The ones I see escape split up.  When I step back onto the street, they’re long gone.
      Mouse and I take some time getting rid of the bodies, thanks to some creative uses of Ways and a few convenient garbage cans. The ghoul got some extra-special treatment, just like I promised.  I only realized how much time had actually passed when we finally caught up to Murphy and Maggie.  They’re less than a block away from the Carpenter’s home, with Karrin carrying an impressive haul of sugar filled goodness.  Even with all the best intentions, I still missed my first night of trick-or-treating with my daughter.  I try not to let my disappointment show as I lope up to them and ruffle Maggie’s hair.
      “Ha... Dad?  Are you okay?”
      “Yeah, I’m okay.  Just had to help Mouse clean up a mess.”
      “Your lightsaber is red.  Um... Isn’t red the color bad guys use in Star Wars?”
      “A lot of them do.  But remember the end of Return of the Jedi?”
      “We never finished it.  The Emperor... I don’t like what he says to Luke.”
      “He’s a pretty scary guy, and his threats are pretty serious.  But when he threatens Luke, Vader decides that his son is more important than his master.  He decides to fight against the Dark Side.”
      “So... Vader... becomes a good guy?”
      “It’s... complicated.  He did bad things, but family helped him so he could try to be good again.  He decided what to do, and that he didn’t want to follow the Emperor’s orders anymore.”
      “So, you’re like Darth Vader.”
      “... Yeah.  And the people I care about are helping me come back to the Light Side of the Force.  There’s going to be... bad things in my past, and there are going to be people who tell me what I have to be, but I decide whether that’s who I am.”
      “That’s... you’re kind of a cool guy.”
“Cooler than Han Solo?”
      “Well Mouse is cooler than Chewbacca, and he’s your partner.  So I guess that means you’re cooler than Han.”
I admit, it kills some of the cool vibes, but I squeeze Karrin on the shoulder and as she looks up at me, I stick out my tongue like I’m a kid.  I get an elbow in my hip in return, but it’s worth it.   I’ve never gone out trick-or-treating before tonight, so my expectations were pretty low.  But this was actually pretty fun.  And my daughter thinks I’m a cool dad.  Yeah.  That’s never going to go to my head.
      “Hey, Dad?”
      “Yeah, kiddo?”
      “Do you want to stay after we get back and watch Return of the Jedi?  If you’re there, I think I can make it past the Emperor this time.”
      “I’d love to, Maggie.”
      Murphy gives my hand a tug, and gives a nod of her head to let me know she wants to whisper something to me.  
      “I don’t know everything that happened, but you were pretty amazing tonight, Dresden.  And it’s your birthday.  There’s a Slave Leia costume I think we should break in later.”
      I love Halloween.
      “But you’re wearing it.”
      … Happy birthday to me.
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Left to the Wolves - 2
a/n: The long awaited second part! now ubbe has some alone time with her and they talk... I hope you enjoy, please leave your thoughts and comments. Is there anything specific you want to see out of this story in the future? I have a loose plot outline but I’m open to suggestions
warnings: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, smut, slight bondage-just wrists tied, and vaginal penetration, some breeding talk 
FF.net // Ao3 // Masterlist
Ubbe X Reader // Vikings
word count: 3,506
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You had a leisurely morning, taking your time to rise and eat the breakfast of fruit and oats left out for you. Your body felt rejuvenated, like your skin was glowing and all was well with the world. There was a light twinge of pain when you sat that came from Hvitserk’s rough treatment, but you paid it no mind. That morning you woke in bed alone, and though disappointed, you were not surprised he’d taken his leave in the early hours.
After knotting the leather thong that fastened your boots, you finally entered the main hall, planning for a walk along the fjord in the sun, but it appeared the Gods had other plans. Almost immediately after stepping outside you crossed paths with Ubbe.
“Good to see you this morning, or should I say afternoon?” he greeted with a sly smirk.
“Good day, Ubbe,” you replied, ignoring the chiding comment. “What are you up to?” Leaning to the left, you looked past his shoulder at the chestnut-colored horse behind him.
“I was planning on going to set traps, but I would much rather take you for a picnic instead.” He bowed his chin as he spoke. With a subtle grin, his eyes connected with yours in a hold you couldn’t shake. Though his offer seemed innocent enough, with his gaze you felt the all too familiar pang between your thighs. That ache you’d thought you had satiated the night before was back and the blatant smell flooded Ubbe’s nostrils.
You hesitated, checking over your shoulder—though you weren’t sure who it was that you expected to be watching—then with a shy nod, you agreed. Ubbe offered to let you ride on the horse, giving you a helping lift into the saddle. His fingers lingered low on your hip a little longer than needed before he reached for the reins to guide as he walked on foot.
Riding through the woods was pleasant with the large trees shading you from the afternoon sun. The pair of you took your time traveling, occasionally stopping so Ubbe could set a trap when he saw fit, until you came upon a small clearing in the wood.
“We should pause to eat here,” Ubbe offered as he tethered the horse’s reins to a branch. Holding out one hand to aid in your dismount, the other found it way to your waist as you slid off the saddle. Undoing the fastener that kept his cloak around his shoulders, Ubbe shed the garment and handed it to you suggesting, “Lay this down, we can use it as a blanket,” before turning to gather the lunch he had packed. You couldn’t help but sniff at the cloak, taking in the musky scent of Ubbe which stoked the warmth in the base of you belly.
Clouds began to move in, hiding the sun as you settled next to Ubbe. He had laid out a variety of fresh bread, cheese and fruits. You picked at the foods idly while chatting with the eldest Ragnarsson.
“My brothers and I will be leaving for a few days to hunt,” he mentioned as he handed you a waterskin filled with wine.
“Oh? All four of you?” Lifting the bladder to your lips, you tipped your head back and took a drink.
“Not Ivar. Hvitserk and I want it to be a short trip so he offered to stay home,” Ubbe explained, flubbing the details to hide the true nature of Ivar’s words as he reached for the small basket of black raspberries.
Gently brandishing an overripe berry, Ubbe brought the morsel to your mouth. You bit down, feeling the fruit explode and flood your tongue with juice. As you chewed, savoring the taste, Ubbe let the pad of his thumb dance across your stained lips, just barely brushing at your skin.
“Is it sweet?” he questioned in a low voice close to your ear. You gave an affirmative hum before he continued, “May I have a taste?”
Slightly confused, your eyes darted to the full basket—there was more than enough to share, so why had he asked?
Smiling inwardly at your perplexed expression, he cautiously nudged your chin to face him. With a bit more force, he swiped at your lip again before connecting his mouth with yours. Initially shocked by the contact, you let out a soft gasp, granting his tongue entry so that he could lave at your own, taking in the sweet juice that coated the walls of your mouth while also urging you to respond to the kiss.
With a sigh you melted into him, the rekindled heat flooding through your limbs and blinding your thoughts. His hand covered the expanse of your cheek to neck as your tongues twined together.
Breaking away, you caught your breath while Ubbe stayed close, running his nose along your cheek when he spoke in a soft voice, “I could curse Hvitserk for getting to you first.”
“What do you mean?” His statement caught you off guard—the last thing you expected him to mention at this moment was his brother. Pulling back, you searched his eyes, hoping for an answer.
“Well, I am the oldest and next in line for the throne. Imagine the respect I’d garner with an Omega as beautiful as you on my arm.” Though his words seemed so confident and matter-of-fact, you still reeled at how he spoke—like an entitled Alpha. Of all the Ragnarssons, Ubbe had struck you as the one least interested in social status.
Pivoting in you seat, you shifted out of his grasp, sliding his palm from where it rested under your hair. “An Omega is not a trophy. I am not a prize to be had and put on display,” you began, trying to keep a firm tone as you picked at invisible pieces of lint from your skirt in attempt to avoid eye contact. You could feel his intense gaze watching you and although you were not sure if it was in shock or admiration, you kept your chin held high. “I have spent my life having to follow orders from my father and other Alphas. I hope that my mate would be different, that he will treat me with respect—as an equal. I do not wish to spend my life just making babies, I want to raise fierce warriors alongside my partner—whoever that maybe.”
Ubbe said nothing as you finally rose to your feet. Though he did not strike you as the vindictive type who would punish you for such insolence—speaking out of turn the way you had—you were still well aware of the fact that you were alone in the woods with a young Alpha who you had willingly joined. If anything happened now, nobody would question his actions. Hoping to diffuse the tension of the moment, you looked skyward. “They clouds are getting quite dark, I fear it will rain soon. It is probably best for us to return to Kattegat.”
Silently moving in tandem, the pair of you worked to gather what was left of the food. Once everything was secured, Ubbe climbed onto the horse’s back and held his hand out to you. “It’ll be faster if we ride together.”
Keeping your eyes low and averted, you accepted the gesture and situated yourself in the front of the saddle. The positioning kept both of you close. He brought the edges of his cloak to wrap around your shoulders, presumably for protection from the impending weather and chill. You couldn’t ignore the way his chest pressed inline with your spine as you rode, his body swaying with the horse’s gait. His legs cradled yours as his arms circled your waist, forearms resting on his thighs as he held the reins.
The journey was silent—save for his clicks and commands to the steed along with the noises of the forest around you. You had grown comfortable with the quiet, no longer fearing Ubbe’s ire when he gave a slight cough to clear his throat.
“When I spoke before about you as my queen, I did not mean to offend, but now—reflecting on your comments—I see how I misspoke.” You chose not to respond. Keeping your head forward you suddenly found yourself fascinated with the small twitches of the horse’s ears, each moving independently to perceive its surroundings while simultaneously staying focused on the path ahead. With a tense sigh, Ubbe carried on, “The dream you describe of raising a family together is all I could ever ask for. If I was lucky enough to do so with you; I would be a happy man. I cannot promise to be perfect, but I hope that you will correct me when I make mistakes.”
It was not visible to Ubbe, but a small smile tugged at your cheeks as you listened to his apology.
Riding back to Kattegat, all was quite between you and Ubbe, each enjoying listening to the sound of nature that surrounded the pair of you—the sound of the rain hitting the sprouting leaves with a light pitter-patter.
It seemed the moment Ubbe’s horse crossed the threshold into the barn it began to pour—as if the clouds had held back, waiting for you to find shelter before releasing their deluge.
The eldest prince dismounted first before helping you to settle on your feet. Stepping away you found a nearby post to lean against as you watched Ubbe undressed his horse, brushing the sweat off her back before leading his mare to her designated stall so she could eat her dinner of oats. There was something about watching him care for another creature so intently—listening to him coo to the horse, murmuring how she was such a good girl, having done well all day and deserving to rest—that made your insides twist into knots. His words about starting a family together rang through your head while you watched the way his tunic stretched, taught across his shoulder blades as he reached to secure the pen.
Pivoting on his heel he approached where you rested. He raised his hand to scratch at the short hairs on the back of his scalp, looking anywhere but directly at you. He motioned, opening his mouth as if he was going to speak before snapping his jaw shut and turning away. He grabbed his cloak from the hook and held it open at the shoulders. “It doesn’t look like this rain will let up soon. I think it’d be best if you head back to the hall. You can take my cloak and stay dry, I’ll wait out the storm here in the barn,” Ubbe explained, swinging the wool and fur to wrap around your shoulders before you could disagree. Once the ties at the collar were fastened he dropped his hand to rest on the middle of your back, leading you to the exit of the barn.
The rain seemed to come down in sheets and you hesitated at stepping out into the storm—even with the added layer. The inclement weather wasn’t the only thing that drew you stay put. Shifting away from his touch you faced Ubbe and bit you lip.
“I don’t have to leave,” you suggested, cautiously looking up at him through your lashes as you raised your hand to meet his, lacing your fingers together. “I could stay here with you.” Hesitating for a moment, you wondered if you should finish your thought, but then choose to do it anyway. “I could stay here and help you keep warm.”
A grin grew on Ubbe’s face as he watched your eyes and took in the meaning of your words. Cautiously he raised his open hand to cup your flushed cheek but you dipped away, releasing your fingers from his just before he made contact.
Spinning out of his reach you gave a flourish to the cape, guiding the the hem to swing out. You shot him a teasing glance over your shoulder before moving aside. Ubbe’s hands tried to catch your waist but you were a step ahead, keeping close but still far enough away. You couldn’t help giggling every time his fingers barely missed the wool of the cloak. The chase kept up but it soon turned when you were too focused on your pursuer and not the path ahead. Unexpectedly, you found yourself in a corner, pressing your back against wooden boards while watching Ubbe’s hungry approach.
You could smell the desire on him. It had spiked the moment you suggested staying the night in the barn, and it was obvious what thoughts were flooding his mind. His eyes burned into yours as you nervously reached to fiddle with the fastener near your throat, worried about the beast you may have provoked with your teasing.
Once he was near his hands clamped around your middle, easily dragging you against his chest. “Did you plan on keeping me warm by making me chase you?” Ubbe questioned, pinching your chin between his thumb and index finger, forcing you to look at him.
Simpering at his accusation you tried to feign innocence but he wasn’t fooled. Jerking your face forward, he held your gaze. “Maybe I did,” you teased, watching the way his mouth twitched as he listened. “Was there something else you had in mind?”
“If you are going to behave like a brat, then I should treat you as such.” His voice was low with warning, a scratchy grow that made your stomach jump. You stood flush against the wall, pinned by his chest as he held your jaw, his thumb sliding to brush along your bottom lip. “Is that what you want? To be punished?”
Taking a shaky breath you watch the dark gleam in his eye. “How would you punish me?”
“I could keep you in my bed, forcing you to orgasm until you beg for me to stop.” His tongue danced across his lip, enjoying the wide-eyed expression you wore, hanging on his every word. “Then I’d fuck you until you can’t walk without thinking of me. I’d fill you with my seed until it takes and you bear my children.”
His words stunned you—freezing you inplace, overwhelmed but the thoughts his implication brought forth. Ubbe took advantage of your shocked reaction to wrap his arms around your waist, easily lifting you off your feet. The sudden action rocked you back to reality as you yelped and clutched the wool of his tunic. After two long strides, he pivoted to deposit you on top of the bale of hay. You let out an ‘oof’ on impact as his hands moved to brace next to your head.
He lowered himself slowly, bring his lips to capture yours. You met his kiss, eagerly pressing against him. Shifting, Ubbe rested on one elbow, freeing his other hand to blindly fiddle with the fasteners on your clothes. First he released the cloak, letting it fall flat to serve as a blanket again. He made fast work of the rest of your garments, yanking your long dress over your head without fully removing your apron and adornments. Pulling back, he took a moment to admire your figure, taking in the soft curve of your hips and belly as his calloused hand ran down your side.
His touch tickled, causing you try wriggle away from him but still his eyes burned as he watched the way you moved. His gaze made you anxious—in attempt to take the attention off of your own body, you reached for his vest fumbling with the buckles. As you raised your hands, Ubbe seemed to realize that he was still fully dressed. He aided your advances, eagerly peeling off his layers before returning to kiss you.  
There was an energy coursing through your limbs every time he touched your skin that was all too familiar. You were in heat and with every second you spent near Ubbe the urge increased exponentially. Pawing at his shoulders you attempted to draw him further against yourself. Your nails dragged across his trapezius, leaving a score of red on his skin in their wake.
This only encouraged the prince, biting at your collarbone as he drew your arm upwards, pinning your wrists next to your ears. The smell of Ubbe’s arousal flooded your senses, drowning out any logical thought. The closer he pressed the weaker you felt under him.
Easily manipulating your body, he twisted your torso to roll over. Resting on your belly you were still reeling at what was happening when Ubbe fisted the kerchief you wore to keep your hair back. He ripped the fabric from your head, letting your hair fall loose as he twirled it up. He gathered your arms behind your back before you could resist and secured it around your wrists.
Giving the tails two hard tugs, he ensured your wrists were immobile before leaning in. His chest lined with your spine as he moved to speak in your ear, “Don’t think I’ve forgotten about punishing you.” His breath fanned the side of your face as he pulled the knot tight with a final hard tug.
Ubbe moved away to kneel behind you, keeping one hand flat across your shoulder blades—forcing you to remain bent over, cheek resting against his cloak’s fur trim. Having your nose buried in his scent only stoked the fire in you, urging on your heat as Ubbe grabbed at your hips, lifting you to rest on your knees.
You let out a mindless, wanton moan as his palm smoothed over the expanse of your ass, edging close to your center. Just as his thumb began to brush your outer lips his hand lifted away.
Without warning Ubbe dropped his open hand to slap your ass. Skin cracked against skin as his palm made contact. You couldn’t hold back the yelp that passed your lips, nor the following one as he spanked your other cheek. By the third you had turned your head into the fur, trying to muffle your sound. The effort was proven futile when Ubbe wove his fingers into your hair, drawing your head back, craning your neck so you couldn’t hide your gasps.
“Do you want me to stop?” Ubbe teased, rubbing his nose against your temple as he kept you in such a vulnerable position. “Will you be my good girl now?”
“Please,” you gasped, trying to push your ass against his erection. Shifting your hips, you slid against his shaft until Ubbe finally released your hair. With a bruising grip, he shifted your hips into place, holding himself as he lined up with your center. Your pussy welcomed him as he pressed forward, sinking into your warmth. Biting your lip you tried to stay quiet until his hips hit yours.
Before you could fully adjust to his girth, Ubbe was pulling back and slamming back in. His hips cracked against your ass over and over in hard thrusts. With each impact you were driven further into the soft hay, a moaning mess that cared only about receiving what the prince had to give. He carried on at a hard pace, pounding into you with such force you could do nothing but take the brutal treatment.
You whimpered when he found his end—begging for him as he released, cumming inside of you. Ubbe seemed to collapse immediately, curling around your back before drawing you to lay on your side, spooning with him. His limp prick slid from your pussy as you shifted, feeling the warm trickle of his cum following it.
Wiggling slightly you cuddled back against him, almost forgetting about your arms before he undid the knot, releasing your hands. Shaking out the square of raw fabric, he flattened the kerchief against his hand before bring it to swipe between your legs. With a hard press he drew the fabric forward, gliding his covered fingers between your labia to best mop up the wet.
You laid halfway on your back, one arm looped backwards around Ubbe’s neck as he brought the square of his fabric to his nose. He gave a deep grunt as he inhaled the scent of your heat smeared across the wool.
“The perfect way to think of your while I’m hunting,” Ubbe growled after depositing the kerchief with his clothes. Returning his attention to you, he wrapped his arm tight around your shoulders, holding you firm against his chest.
Nuzzling your cheek against his chest hair you made yourself comfortable, sinking into the warmth of his body and  as you drifted off to sleep.
Than you for reading! please tell me what you thought! and if you have any ideas or suggestions of where this should go tell me, im open
@beautifulramblingbrains @ariwolf14 @titty-teetee @whenimaunicorn @sweetvengeancee @ivarinleatherpants @tiyetiye@romanchronicles @oddsnendsfanfics@murmelinchen @buckybarnesisalittleshit@laketaj24 @ivarslittlebadgirl @readsalot73@imgoldielikehawn @ivarsshieldmadien@ceridwenofwales​ @grungyblonde​ @honestsycrets @lisinfleur @athroatfullofglass @westcoastselkie [[if you want to be tagged for vikings stuff in the future, leave a reply]]
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mysticsparklewings · 5 years
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Roses in Your Eyes
Oh look, a not-Inktober thing! So after my first dive into The Realm of Gouache, I really wanted to play with the medium a little more and try doing some different things with it. More accurately, I wanted to try using the gouache more opaquely, since last time I took a more transparent/watercolor approach. Full disclosure, I actually had the sketch for this done before the gouache set even arrived to me. My original plan was to do the rose part of the "glasses" in the watercolor style from my In Bloom Le Plumes piece, maybe the leaves too, and then do the hair and possibly the skin in the more opaque gouache style. That was the plan so that I could try to get the most out of both sides to what gouache can do. But after I got the gouache and swatched it out, I wanted to try something a little more experimental before I jumped into this drawing so that I'd have a better handle on what I was actually working with. So that's where the first gouache painting came in. So it was after that when I made the decision to commit a little more closely to using gouache in it's more opaque form. The concept for the drawing is something of a play on the phrase "looking through rose-colored glasses," (or whatever the full version of that phrase is, you know what I mean). The original expression, as I'm sure we all know, means seeing something as being better than it actually is, usually because of personal bias. This idea takes it to a bit of an extreme; the glasses aren't just tinted in a rose color, they're straight-up roses. Instead of just viewing something as better than it actually is, the person is willfully ignoring or otherwise blinded to seeing things as they really are entirely. And possibly hurting themselves in the process, if the roses have thorns. (I didn't draw any but they could be there, unseen.) A couple of other notes on the drawing design before I move on: I went with buns in the hair since I usually draw loose/down hair and wanted to mix it up a bit, and to "close off" the drawing I added the leaves at the base of her neck, which also kind of double as a shirt-collar in terms of appearance, which I thought was neat. The leaves and the bit of vine across the nose, as may be obvious, are supposed to represent the frame and bridge of glasses. I transferred the lines from the sketch to piece of Strathmore mixed media paper since I didn't think I'd be using enough water or watercolor techniques to warrant breaking out some 100% cotton paper, but I wanted something thick enough to handle paint, and I thought the smooth-ish texture would suit the gouache based on what experimenting I'd already done. The roses for the eyes had no lines, and admittedly I probably could've gotten away with even fewer lines than the ones I did transfer since the gouache is opaque. I actually had a fair number of hairlines drawn in that got totally covered up since that was way easier than trying to carefully work around them. Anyway. For all the gouache parts, I started with a darker base color, since it's usually recommended that you work from dark to light in gouache, and then I'd go back in with 2-3 lighter colors on top to add shading/depth. The main issues I ran into were when the gouache color wasn't totally opaque, such as the rose base color (which is actually called "Rose," believe it or not) which gives me mixed feelings because on the one hand, it can look kind of interesting in giving you less structured, more unpredictable shading based on how you layer it, but also...well, it's not as opaque, so you have work with it slightly differently compared to the more opaque colors. The other issue was that I really struggled to have enough paint on my brush, particularly when doing tiny details, to get the full opacity and smooth color that I wanted, without leaving a glop of paint where it didn't need to be. Especially in areas like the hair that had a lot of fine tapering lines. I'm not sure how much of the problem is me and how my is or isn't my brushes or what, but this is something I occasionally have issues within acrylic painting too, but it felt way more prevalent here. I did manage to fix some areas that got away from me by layering darker colors back on top of the lighter ones, but then you also have areas like one of the loose hair strands around her chin that got away from me and I had to make noticeably longer than it originally was in order to fix it. (You can probably guess which one it was without me having to point it out for you.) I also had an "issue" in that it was seemingly very easy to mix up way too much of custom color, but that's more of a me problem than a problem with the paint. (And admittedly the above aren't necessarily paint-specific problems either.) Speaking of which, I'm still not sure if my "Titanium White" and "White" got mixed up or not, but since I suspect they did, I used the one I felt like looks more like the mixing white to do so. (Although admittedly I probably could've tried some mixing tests with both to see if I noticed a difference there whatever, perhaps some other time.) And I specifically avoided using black, since I thought it would be too harsh in mixes. For the hair, I just used one of the pre-mixed browns for my darkest and then used lighter colors and made my own lighter mixes to go over it. For the leaves, I actually mixed some of the Prussian Blue into one of the greens to make it darker. I think I may have benefitted from going a little lighter on how much of the blue went in, though. The roses were actually one of the more fun parts since they didn't have to be so precise or specific to make the look work. I started with a base of the Rose/hot pink color, mixed a lighter pink to make sections that probably should've been a little less light in color and slightly larger in shape, and then a slightly lighter pink than should have been lighter to layer on top of the already lighter pink parts. Partly because of some the issues I mentioned earlier and partly because I was just kinda going for whatever with only a minimal plan, I did have to go back and forth with the lights and darks in some areas on these, and I still don't think they look quite alike enough, even though I never intended to make them perfectly symmetrical. I also decided to not totally abandon gouache's watercolor properties with the background, since at this point I was thinking I didn't want to leave it plain white, but I also didn't want to do anything too complicated or intense that might take away from the rest of the art and the concept behind it. So I watered down some of the pink I used for the roses' base color and just kinda went over the background to my heart's content until I was happy with what the textures were doing since I knew it was unrealistic to expect to be able to get the background totally smooth trying to work around the rest of the drawing. Now, originally I was planning on painting in the skin with the gouache, however, I made the grave mistake of not thinking about it until after I'd pretty much finished with all the other painted parts, and I really did not feel like trying to paint around everything. And, honestly, I really did like the contrast of the white skin against the other colors. I did acknowledge that I could have mixed a gray from the gouache and shaded the white skin with that, but it felt like too much of a risk and still like too much of a hassle, so I conceited that I could bring other mediums into this since I'd already done my gouache-exclusive test piece. I grabbed a couple of very, very light gray Copic markers and added some very careful, very subtle shading to the skin. And you guys haven't seen the first time I used this mixed-media paper just yet (it's coming down the pipeline, I promise!), but for the second time I'm kind of in love with how it handles alcohol markers and I really need to try a more marker-heavy illustration on it sometime.   After all that though, it was still missing a couple of things. I ended up breaking out my white uni-ball Signo gel pen to line around the girl just so she really would pop off the background, opting for it instead of the white gouache because, again, that seemed like too much of a chore to try and do. And my white Sakura gelly roll tends to be a little more transparent compared to the Signo, and I really wanted the stronger, stark white look. Then after some thinking, I added the rose lines in the background using a pink and a green Sakura gelly rolls and the stencil I've toyed with using on other projects before. And overall it, it has its faults (especially if you look at it too closely), but I really like how the whole thing turned out. It has almost a surreal vibe to it that I think drives home the initial concept really nicely, and just, in general, it's very sweet colors but has a more eerie feel to it. (At least when I look at it, anyway.) It also very vaguely gives me Luna-Lovegood vibes, so of course, I like it for that alone. I'm not sure what I'm going to make with the gouache next, as so far it seems its planning requires a slightly different thought process than I'm used to, but I have some ideas and all this has succeeded in doing is making me want to use the gouache more.  This definitely isn't the last we'll be seeing of it, that's for sure! ____ Artwork © me, MysticSparkleWings ____ Where to find me & my artwork: My Website | Commission Info + Prices | Ko-Fi | dA Print Shop | RedBubble |   Twitter | Tumblr | Instagram
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oc-rehab-centre · 5 years
OC Design Basics #1 - Colour Palettes
Every part of an original character, fandom or non-fandom, humanoid or animalian, is important to the bigger picture. Your original character is like a mosaic or a puzzle, every piece is crucial to having a “good” character: personality, backstory, relationships, etc., you know the deal. But today we’re going to discuss: the importance of OC design, common mistakes and what you can do to fix them. 
Now, this isn’t a post made only to talk about how OC fame/attention is linked to OC design… Which is really isn’t, and I hope that’s clear! This isn’t a tutorial on how to get famous either, but rather a collection of information and tips meant to help you! This is also geared towards a younger audience - so some things are pretty obvious.
Alrighty then, let’s get into this~
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Importance of Design
We all know the idiom “don’t judge a book by its cover”: which discourages people to prejudge something’s overall worth from a mere first glance, positive or negative. However, when it comes to characters, you’ll often see the images before you see their biography or information and get to know the nitty-gritty information about them.
It’s pretty superficial, but first impressions can make or break your OC’s popularity and reception, but alas, that is just human nature. If you have a fandom OC; how well your OC’s design blends in with the existing cast, or how much they stand out against them can reel in an intrigued audience. Your OC’s design is just one of many factors which may bring you an audience, or leave you with just a small one - but shove aside that notion and let’s focus on what’s actually important. 
A good OC is congruent, with all the little pieces working together naturally to tell your OC’s story and fit with aspects of their personality in a way that doesn’t feel forced. Their appearance should reflect things about them, and give the audience an idea as to what they are like from a first glance or two. It’s a challenge, but as you grow more experienced, it becomes easier. However, some help along the way is always nice, and that’s why we’re here! 
In this tip & tutorial post, I’m mostly going to cover more natural colours and make your OC look more, well, “original”! Of course as always, these are just opinions, and you are just as entitled to your own as I am to mine! Also, I’ll be talking about more common mistakes I’ve seen several young artists and creators make, so if you’re new to OC creation, here’s some tips from someone whose been doing too much of this kinda thing! 
I will not be covering facial features and shapes here, but perhaps I will in the near future??? This mostly focuses on colours!
For this tutorial, by the way, I used a colouring page found HERE. I’m not entirely sure if this is the original artist, nor is the original artist credited. If you ever find the source and wanna let us here at @oc-rehab-centre know, that’d be just dandy!
Common Mistake #1 - Hair Colours/Styles
If you’ve browsed the undiscovered page of DeviantART, you may find yourself browsing the work of younger creators. It is always wonderful to see young artists working to produce their own characters, but it’s a shame to say that most OC creators can determine or guess your age range and experience from the way you design characters, or perhaps an inability to credit base makers lmao.
What I see a lot on DeviantART when it comes down to hair colour is often… unstimulating. Hair colours like black and oversaturated colours are often used, perhaps due to a lack of understanding the colour wheel of infinite possibilities or how to make colours beyond what they can find in their box of 24 Crayola coloured pencils.
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When it comes to OC design, you want to try your best to avoid black and bright, bright colours that are hard on the eyes unless absolutely necessary and essential to your character. 
Black hair can easily be substituted for other dark and natural colours, like shades of brown or red. Heck, there are entire charts of natural hair colours online you can browse. 
Blinding shades of red, green, blue, etc. can all be made easier on the eyes by simply mellowing or darkening the colour. Perhaps you might settle for pastel hues, or a darker and less saturated tone. Both your eyes and the eyes of your viewers will thank you for making something other than pitch-black or a vibrant hot magenta! 
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Hopefully this little diagram shows what a difference a bit of playing around with your colour wheel can do! Now time to address another common trope in OC creation when it comes to hair: hair styles. 
A very common hairstyle that you see is the hair over one eye. OCs with their bangs draped down over one eye. TV Tropes discusses this infamous design cliche as a way of symbolizing sexuality, shyness, solidarity or powerful [HERE].. However, most OCs with this hairstyle are not always explained and if it is, it’s done poorly, making it seem as though a) the creator was merely going for a run-of-the-mill edgy look with their character OR b) they just can’t draw the other eye. 
While having an OC who's a bit on the edgy and badass side is cool and all, it is a trope to avoid. I went through a phase of having my hair over one eye in my elementary days but trust me, it’s not a very practical hairstyle, and it’s certainly not very stylish if your bangs are all scraggly too. If you have chosen this hairstyle to avoid drawing the other eye, just take the leap! You’re not going to improve unless you push yourself to experiment with new hairstyles, of which there are many! 
Finding other hairstyles to use for your OC is as simple as browsing the Internet. There are countless of video and written tutorials to watch on how to draw hair styles, all of which are arguably more appealing and interesting than that mock of edgy bangs. If you are striving for an edgy character, there are other ways to show that in their design than simply such an ill-mannered hairstyle! 
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Credit: doggerland
Common Mistake #2 - Eyes/Facial Scars 
Much like hair colours, overly-saturated colours can ruin eyes when they seem out of place. You can have an OC with natural coloured hair, a good colour palette and then oh wait - an eye colour that doesn’t really fit. I’ve seen many young creators using eye colours that really don’t exist and look very unnatural, clashing with their character’s design. 
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Like with hair, a certain number of natural eye colours exist. Even if you’re bending from natural eye colours, avoid using saturated shades or shades that are just too dark. You can get some nice and more natural colours by playing around with your colour wheel. You can be bold without using such assaulting colours! XD
Another common trope derived from anime and gaming are scars. I know I was mostly going to discuss colours here, but like hairstyles, it’s something worth addressing!Once again, I’m gonna make reference to TV Tropes’ article. The most common scars include:  
A cut over one eye
A claw mark (usually three or four even gashes on the chest or face)
Any of the Standard Bleeding Spots
Any scar shaped like an X.
A scar on the face that happened in a sword duel.
Credit: TV Tropes
Regardless of the universe, fandom or non-fandom, scars may add to your character’s story, but it takes a lot to make a scar on the face seem original. I’m personally not a fan of OCs with scars on their face, since it’s often not acknowledged or even drawn in a way that is realistic. 
For example, getting slashed across the eye with a sword or blade would not leave a clean scar and a pearly, blinded eye, as we often see in anime. It would look nasty and it would look as disabling as it feels, so when people don’t abide to the very nature of how the human body heals, it irks me a little bit. 
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My tip here would be to avoid scars that go over the eye unless you’re going to do it right. Research the injuries if you don’t have a weak stomach, and see what injuries like that would really look like. Overall, facial scars are also something you should steer away from. Important scars can go elsewhere, you know! There’s more to your OC’s body than just their face. 
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Scars also come in more shapes than just 3-4 animal claw marks, burns from abusive parents or straight-lined sword scars. Scars come in different shapes and sizes. Some are hypertrophic/raised while others are flat and just sort of look like birthmarks upon healing. Are you willing to give up your action-packed duel scene and settle for a more realistic scar for your OC? It’ll help in the long run if you’re aiming for accuracy. 
Common Mistake #3 - Colour Palettes
Oh goodness you guys have probably heard enough about me yammering about colour. But hey - this tip post is mostly about the importance of colour. This here is the last major tip for designing your OC. This will be the last part of this post, and I apologize for this being a bit of a mess! I was trying to keep this one as general as possible! 
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Colour palettes are essential to a character! I hope that’s ingrained in your brain at this point because it really is! Their wardrobe should reflect their personality and should be carefully considered as well. Too many times have I seen colour palettes that just do not work at all with the character’s attire nor their apparent personality. 
Using the girl who has been our base for examples in this post, let’s take a look at her attire. A baggy hat, a bandanna around her neck, a sweater, fingerless gloves and a layered skirt. This is rather cutesy attire and while perhaps you could argue that a pink and teal getup or an edgelord black and rainbow outfit could work, there are palettes that might fit this character a little better.
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Pastel colours fit better with this style of dressing. It feels more correct to have the four palettes on the right than the two on the left. This is the effect your colour choices have on how pleasing your character looks to the eye. 
And that is all! 
We hope you enjoyed this tip post! Likes, reblogs and follows are always appreciated. Some aspects of OC design were not covered here, especially the important stuff that more experienced creators would’ve wanted to see like how to make face, eye, nose, etc. shapes more unique and clothing design. I’ll try to ensure that gets covered in the future, as I said before, but I hope that those that read this enjoyed it!
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