#i mean i know logically why cos money
fracturediron · 2 months
I was already half-expecting them to not stick the landing on the ending as it felt things were getting a bit rushed, but I wasn't expecting them to try and hook a second season with a bullshit cliffhanger
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loriache · 23 days
"I've been waiting for ages for somebody to unmask them."
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This moment tends to elicit negative reactions in a first read through, and I've got some opinions about why where Kabru is coming from here actually makes a lot of logical sense. So I thought I'd elaborate on that.
I think people hear this and go, "He thinks they must be hiding something because they gave money to someone? What a cynic." Or "he dislikes them because they did charity?? What's wrong with this guy!". And obviously, a lot, a lot is wrong with him. But I think this makes more sense than it seems at first glance! What people evaluating this judgement miss is why Kabru is paying attention to Laios and co to begin with.
Kabru knows of the Touden siblings because (he's a little bit of a stalker-) he is keeping an eye on all the relevant parties in events developing on the island, in order to be able to guide them to his preferred outcome. This includes adventurers because they are the ones actually exploring the dungeon! He's well aware that something as minor as internal tensions between party members could be key to the historical events that are developing. (He would love the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.)
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His desired outcome is that whatever the rewards are of breaking the dungeon's curse, whether that's kingship or the ancient elven secrets of dungeons, are claimed by:
A) a short lived person
B) Someone who will be a good, effective leader and/or use those secrets and the power they carry wisely, with foresight, and to establish a political bloc for short lived people.
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The person he can best trust to do this is, of course, himself. But due to his PTSD regarding dungeons and monsters, he's not able to develop the necessary skills to conquer the dungeon. Once he realises this, he starts looking for someone else who he can support to that end.
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But most of the adventurers don't have any intentions of conquering the dungeon, don't have the skills, or are unsuitable in other ways. In fact, it seems like some potentially suitable people are the Toudens. There are a lot of good rumours about them going around - they actually seem to have a very positive reputation! That's what Kabru means when he says "unmask".
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So when Kabru is observing something like them giving money to an old comrade from their gold-peeling days, he doesn't consider it a problem because "they're giving money to this person who doesn't actually need it" or because they must have some dark secret if they act superficially nice. I think he actually understands this situation and what it implies about Laios (in particular) perfectly well.
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Laios and Falin gave money to an old comrade who got injured and couldn't work. That person then healed up but kept taking their money. Then he used the money to start smuggling illicit goods to the island.
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The key is that for Kabru, the problem here is the same as with the corpse retrievers - people using the dungeon's resources to fuel dangerous, selfish, or violent pursuits cause problems for the island, attract more criminals and people with motives other than breaking the curse, and increase the chances of the whole situation ending in tragedy.
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Kabru is willing to work with the Shadow Lord of the island if it gets him to his goal - he isn't scrupulous - but the criminal element of the island increasing is something he sees as a major issue.
Also, when you're evaluating someone as a candidate for power, riches, secrets, potentially kingship - then being curious about how the money you give to people is going to be used is kind of a relevant trait!
Interpersonally, Kabru's actually very easygoing - I mean, Mickbell isn't exactly an upstanding guy, is he! But Kabru likes him and they get along well. These traits wouldn't be a problem at all in a friend, or a comrade, or someone Kabru was confident he could use. But he can't get a handle on Laios, and Laios is someone who has the potential to be a major player!
On Laios' end, this is the same as with the marriage seeker who joined their party. She kept asking for things and he gave them to her, because he tries to be nice to others. He even gives her money! It's the exact same thing.
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That's fine, but it became a problem because he basically wasn't interested in her motives, didn't notice she was trying to manipulate him, and it also didn't occur to him that the other party members would notice or be affected. We can assume the situation with the gold peeler is the same. When Kabru says that "It's not that they're bad people, they just aren't interested in humans," he isn't wrong.
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The extent to which this is true of Laios is linked to his autism imo, (because it isn't just disinterest - he genuinely isn't able to notice nonverbal cues that people are lying to him or have ulterior motives) but to a greater or lesser extent I think it's a very common trait. Most people aren't actually that interested in other people who aren't close to them. Kabru is the weird one here. It isn't an issue except as a leader - which is why we see an immediate comparison to the Island's Lord, because that's how Kabru is evaluating them.
And disinterest in/lack of ability with people to the extent Laios exhibits it, it does, actually, make him a worse leader... it's just that as we see in the story, people can help him out. The rest of the party tell him the marriage seeker is taking advantage of him so he tells her he can't give her special treatment anymore. They're pissed and it's a crisis point - he couldn't have recovered their trust without Marcille and Falin - but that's exactly the point. With Marcille and Falin, he was able to recover their trust.
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And he has other good traits that make up for it, such as his intelligence, strategic knowledge, open-mindedness and sense of fairplay.
Kabru doesn't disqualify Laios as a candidate based on what he sees about him from afar, though - he still tries very hard to get close to him, obviously hoping that if he manages he can steer Laios to defeat the dungeon and make up for his lack of people-skills in the aftermath. (Which... he does eventually achieve that goal!) He completely fails until the events of the story, so... definitely I think "They just aren't interested in humans" could also partially be a stung reaction to Laios' complete disinterest in him.
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Anyway, that's my read on what exactly Kabru's "issue" with Laios is. Obviously, once he does find out what Laios' true nature is like - about his love for monsters - he develops an entirely new set of fears about Laios' priorities. But since Laios kept that a secret until the start of the story, he has no idea of that yet.
Given all that, I think it's interesting that he says that he doesn't think that the Toudens are suitable to defeat the dungeon, and that he's hoping they'll turn out to be the thieves. As some of his few potential candidates, people who he thinks may play a big role in the island's future, you'd think he'd hope they would be good people!
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I suppose it's better, in his eyes, because it means that he's involved in something "interesting". They haven't just had their stuff stolen by regular criminals (boring, puts them further away from his goal) - they've been caught up in the beginning stages of "a historic event". The desperate and dwindling group forgetting morals in their quest to retrieve their lost comrade probably appeals to his sense of melodrama. Because he also just... loves drama.
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Despite it being "uglier than anything he was expecting", he still pursues Laios as the person he wants to conquer the dungeon pretty much as soon as it becomes clear that he won't be able to do it himself and they are out of time. That's because... well, to be fair, there aren't any other options. And he fits standard A: he's short-lived!
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and Kabru still hopes he can fit standard B, too, and be persuaded to use the power he wins for good. No matter how many nightmares he has about Laios, or whether he thinks about killing him. He doubts him, but ultimately he puts his faith in him and seems happy after the manga's ending that he made the right decision.
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nothorses · 1 year
I think the word "power" tends to get kind of abstracted in conversations about oppression, and I think the scale of this also makes it difficult to get this idea across. So I'm gonna explain with a microcosm:
You start a small business with two friends.
When making decisions about the business, you all meet together.
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Eventually, the business grows enough that you need more employees. You include all of them in the meetings, because all of them want a say in the decisions that impact them.
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But as the business continues to grow, this gets a little out of hand.
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You decide it's time to scale it back.
Now it's just you and your co-founders making decisions again. You still have all those people working for you, of course- you're just making decisions for them instead of with them.
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When it comes time to adjust salaries, well... suddenly, there aren't twenty people advocating for a fair and even split. In fact, nobody else even knows what the budget is. You could just give yourselves more money than they get, and none of them would even know about it.
So that's exactly what you do.
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One day, you and your friends have a falling-out... and you remember that while you're all co-founders, all the paperwork actually says that you're the owner. So you fire them.
You have to hire replacements, of course, but you don't know these people, and they don't need to know any more than the rest of the staff. You take the excess from their salaries that your friends were collecting, and add it to your own salary.
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Now you're making double what you used to, and nobody can do anything about it- because nobody else is in the meeting room with you. Nobody else has any decision-making power.
The more staff you employ, the bigger the company grows, and the more money you make.
If you were to include anyone in that meeting room, you'd just be dividing up your power again- and probably your money, too. It's in your best interest to continue to exclude everyone you can.
Here's the thing: oppression is based around excluding people. Oppression literally cannot work with any kind of inclusive principles.
Inclusion means dividing power; not just money or whatever other resources, but the decision-making power that allows oppressors to maintain their status in the first place. It's in the best interest of the oppressor to exclude everyone they possibly can; which is why definitions of oppressor classes tend to be so narrow and hyper-conditional.
It's also why exclusionary movements within activist spaces are so counter-productive. People claim to be protecting vulnerable groups, but even with the best of intentions, this only ever perpetuates the overarching oppressive systems: they are recreating those oppressive systems, validating their logic, and leaving people who deserve a voice in the decisions that impact them out in the cold- and all it does is benefit the few who remain included. For now.
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alyjojo · 6 months
October 👻 2023 PAC - Who Haunts You & Why?
Welcome to my fun & spooky October PAC, where it may turn out actually spooky 😈 At least, that was the initial intention. Most are likely to get very deep, these are likely difficult subjects and people to “haunt” us in the first place. Some situations will be darker than others, I will lightly touch on what I see and remain empathetic and in the flow without getting too deep or painfully descriptive. We want to heal it, not re-live it. You know you 🙏 The oracles I’m using for this reading are all for descriptive purposes to help shed light on a character profile or situation, not to be taken literally, unless they do for you. I’m also not putting any focus on signs, it can be any sign in this energy. These are meant to be general, for many different people so if it sounds like you, great. Some may have more than one, or not feel pulled to choose any, and that’s fine too.
Hopefully this helps anyone drawn to it! I love everyone on this blog, it’s grown so much in the past two years, thanks to you guys 🥳
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Pile 1 - Crow 🖤
Living or Passed?: Living
Character Oracle: The Founder
Who they are: King of Swords, 5 Swords & 8 Pentacles
Why: 9 Wands & King of Pentacles
- Higher Commitment
- Eternity
- Partnership & Union
- Completion
71 - Free Associate
Allow the first thing that comes into your mind without self-censorship to bestow a vision upon you.
70 - Insight
See beyond appearances, masks, cliches, and cultural stereotypes to gain insight.
Several stories are coming through at once with this King of Swords. This feels like an authority figure, and with The Founder, they are the ones that did something “first”. Or better, in their mind, or yours, and it creates a LOT of pressure on you to meet or exceed the standards of this other person. King of Swords is a very intelligent person, they don’t consider emotions in their decision making, only the logic and facts they have in front of them. They can be very black & white in how they view solutions, there’s a right way and a wrong way, and while they are friendly & focused on fairness, they can also be straight to the point and almost cutting with how they communicate with others. Just the facts, and they use that sword to cut off what doesn’t serve them or isn’t useful or necessary, information included, they can seem quite unemotional, even cold.
With The Founder, this is also someone very responsible and in charge of something. I’m getting a boss at work, a landlord, a parent, possibly a father in-law or someone in your person/spouse’s family, or this can be an ex-spouse/co-parent of yours or your person’s. They’re involved but also removed from your immediate situation or relationship, yet they still hover in your energy as a means of comparison or not living up to some standard set before. You or your person may split child custody with this ex, so their input is always involved, even if/when it’s not wanted.
You see them as 5 Swords, cruel, instigative, always out to prove a point or put someone down, or your methods perhaps. Queen & King of Pentacles are here, for those in relationships or where this is family or an ex, showing this is your person and you match up in energy. But you can’t shake this other person. They could be jealous of your relationship, how you do things, where you live, or they try to one-up you and show you that they can do it better than you can. They could purposely be difficult with custody to inconvenience you or your person where baby-sitting is concerned, they’re someone that tries to sabotage in order to prove a point, and a lot of this could be regarding money or value, comparing yours & mine. It’s all regarding feelings for this Queen of Pentacles, you or your person, whether romantic or family, whoever they are, this King shows their hurt by being an asshole. Is that okay, no, but that’s what I get from them.
For work/home situations, they’re just very difficult to deal with. They may sabotage you in these ways, not putting work into their property (that you live on) so that you’re forced to leave (or want to). Not giving you the right hours or pay, treating you like less deserving of something you’ve worked hard for. They could be condescending about your work, where you/your person works, and what you have or don’t have. Or them just being them brings out these sorts of inadequate feelings in you, and it’s your issue more than theirs. Comparing what kind of worker, lover, parent, or how intelligent you are. No matter who this is, they’re involved in a stable situation you can’t just pick up and leave. It’s possible this is someone that’s forced you out of a job, a home, a relationship even, and you’re on the outside looking in, having to trudge through the mud while this person sits on a throne…in your mind. They feel like they’re right, and this again could be a judge, some level of authority, and you’re left battling their decisions/actions either privately or because you’ve been forced to by their own bs. Or your perception of it, this can be someone that just triggers your own issues too…knowingly, for some, especially if a boss or some kind of father figure.
It could be your person that’s the problem too, if they’re the ones constantly comparing the two of you or bringing them up. “Well Swords did it that way, and Swords thinks xyz, etc.,” which makes it incredibly difficult for you to be your own person with your own methods, we should be discussing what Pentacles thinks and does ok fk Swords 💯 You could wonder if you’re even cut out for this, this person really weighs on your self esteem, they’re the 3rd energy in a situation/relationship for two.
There’s a small story here about a possible financial advisor that’s giving you hell as well. You may not have the money for something and they’re crushing your dreams with matter-of-fact speak regarding credit, savings, purchases, things you’ve found very difficult or are really trying to overcome. You could feel like they rub your face in shame, but I don’t get that they do, or don’t mean to. Or that’s their job? Something about them makes you feel crazy.
Advice to deal with this ghost 👻:
7 Pentacles & Ace of Wands
Bottom of the deck shows to maintain your self control and your anger, give yourself the time and space you need to calm down, because sometimes the reality of the situation may not be how you’re seeing it in the moment. You could jump to conclusions or have a bit of a temper with this person, and I get a lot of it are your own insecurities. Your person needs to be on your side too, if that’s an issue, or at least play mediator, they’re really the one that has to deal with them, not you (for many of you). Let them handle it. I get hopeful energy, sometimes this will really piss you off, and other times it won’t seem so bad, try to assume nothing and allow yourself & this person the space they need to grow and change. Basically, just be respectful, and if they’re not, show them how it’s done ❤️ For many of you this is unavoidable, and it’s also like you’re loosely on the same team, better to cooperate. Some of you just need to save money, apply elsewhere, move possibly, and otherwise give things time to grow before acting on change. For many of you, boundaries could be necessary depending on what this person is doing to sabotage or affect an environment or relationship. They’re allowed to (and do, being Swords), and you’re allowed to as well 💯
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Pile 2 - Potions 🧪
Living or Passed?: Both - Two Stories
Character Oracle: The Thief
Who they are: The Sun, 2 Swords rev, Knight of Swords & The World
Why: 9 Pentacles, Ace of Swords & 6 Swords
Oracles: POKER FACE ♦️
- Taking a Chance
- Risks & Options
- Not Showing Hand
- Gambling
33 - Perfectionism
Be content to know perfection as a distant utopian goal to which we journey but never arrive.
22 - Counsel
Seek out the counsel of those whose lives and creative work you most admire.
75 - Originality
Feel lighthearted and free while trusting that your unique way of doing things is the right way.
These PACs never fail to amaze me. This whole pile is Spirit giving you a round of applause for how you’ve already handled a situation, because it’s done, and you don’t have to worry about them anymore.
The first story is regarding an actual spirit/ghost/poltergeist or what have you. The troublesome & meddlesome kind too. I don’t get “dark”, just tricky, problematic. Only take it if you know you’ve dealt with one, this is simply confirmation & validation for your experience. I’m specifically getting a spirit that liked to take things, or move them, maybe break them. It’s possible they were a child, doesn’t have to be, they liked to mess with you. Always when you were alone, that’s here under “why” they chose you, you were the one in a light 💡 energy, you were alone, and they liked you. Something about you drew them in, where with others they were pretty avoidant or even shy. I get you probably having done some research, and telling this spirit where to go. It’s possible you called in someone who does this for a living, a medium, priest, something like that. Or you did it yourself, and again, they liked you. Whatever you did, it worked, they’ve moved on to the light 💡and won’t bother you again 💚
The second story is for someone alive, a trickster, possibly a gambler or someone that likes to take risks and/or possibly use others for their gain in some way. You are already aware of this person and all of the bs that comes with them, you’ve already told them where to go and have ended the connection. For some, it’s possible this is a parent, or a child, maybe someone you knew as a child. You could have gone to counseling regarding things this person has done, or how they’ve affected you. You have moved on, and have done the right thing. I do sense possible hurt here for a lot of you, in the way you saw the world and how it was/should be - before and after this person. They’ve changed your perspective in many ways, probably negative ways. How a parent “should” be. Or trying to guide a child/friend/etc. that won’t listen and heads down the wrong paths. This person is only out for themselves, and you’ve had to remove yourself from this, which was probably very difficult for you. There is an energy here of forgiveness, them, their actions, yourself, needing to for your own sake. Gain your clarity & allow yourself to move on from this, I see nothing but happiness for you now & moving forward ☀️
3333 is here with Perfectionism, The Sun and The World, showing a shady character is not comfortable in the light - which is you, and they had to leave that behind. You make this person feel uncomfortable, and their darkness stares them in the face around you. This is not your problem, they’re fighting their own demons, or they prefer their own demons.
222 is here with making the decision to seek Counsel, could be counseling, rehab, you may have had to cut someone off until they get help, or need to now. Either way there is someone important that could be or needs to be involved with this, but it’s not your place to.
Advice to deal with this ghost 👻: You’ve got this, for many, it’s already handled 💯
For those of you who have not yet handled this, removing yourself is the best thing for you, and you need to only worry about you. Same as this person only worries about them. You may have some ideal they should’ve lived up to, and they should have, *they* probably know that too, but that’s not who they are. If this person left one day and never came back, or you did, I’m getting it’s for your highest good. Are they bad, no. But they’re not good for you, that’s what’s important for you to know, and then Originality points out how wonderful you really are. If this situation runs deeper than even I see, Counsel is here for a reason, it could be good to talk to someone with an outside perspective to help you work through some of these possible traumas. Not that anything is wrong with you, you just owe it to yourself to honor your own experiences and sort through your feelings with someone that is an expert at these things. Some of you have already done this and Spirit is applauding everything you’ve done to deal with this, you’ve done an amazing job 👏
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Pile 3 - Window 🪟
Living or Passed?: Living
Character Oracle: The Pathless
Who they are: 8 Pentacles, Queen of Cups, Knight of Wands, 4 Swords rev
Why: The Sun, Ace of Wands, The Magician, 3 Swords
- Resentments & Triggers
- Perception
- Intensity & Letting Go
- Turmoil & Fleeting
4 - Recycle
Learn from the past and apply it to creating your vision of the future.
51 - Time
Time can be seen to be both linear and a spiral - circle back to explore concepts form the past and create the future.
444 on the clock as I begin this reading, two 4’s in your reading as well, this message is about learning from the past in order to create stable relationships in the present, healing yourself from old hurts. Both oracles show past energy, I’m getting you’ve either moved on from this person or they’ve left and you’re needing to. They don’t have great energy 😕
I’ve gotten a few messages showing feminine energy specifically, doesn’t have to be romantic to be karmic, but for some of you this is definitely romantic. It can be any kind of connection, but tough lessons were learned from this person. You loved them. Some of you still do, and always will. I’m getting it’s been very difficult to move on from them, for those that already have. This is the kind of person with no direction, no goals, no real definition of anything in their life. There could be a noticeable age difference between you, or they’re the kind of person who IS an adult, but will always have a rebellious & spontaneous teenage sort of energy. They’re exciting, they make you feel good, happy, ready to take on the world. And then they let you down, disappear, date other people, cheat, hop from situation to situation, person to person, in the hopes that the next one will give them the sense of direction they’re looking for. This one will have purpose. This one is the right one.
But it’s never the one, and they come and go in and out of your life, and probably countless others as well. I get that you’re angry with this person, you want to hold them accountable, and they’re a dodger in nature. They dodge accountability, responsibility, maturity, rules, this person has an answer for everything and none of those answers actually make sense. Yet it works for them, and they know how to craft a reality around them to suit them, for the time being. Until they change again. This could be someone promiscuous in anything, partners, hopping from job to job, moving from place to place, and there’s always some drama attached to them, something they’re running from. They may have simply left you.
I’m also getting you could have done this to them or other people, because of the heavy past energy, and there’s one person in particular that you regret hurting, and they’re haunting you for that reason if that’s the case. Someone was very sexual, spontaneous, rushed into things and created painful situations, that’s the focus. But I’m getting it’s more than that too, that was just one representation of a much deeper issue where this person was/is concerned, and it’s the lack of direction, boundaries, and dreams that causes this sort of personality to dominate their energy. They siphon off of other people’s energy, other people’s goals & dreams, being appealing, sweet, kind & loving and using it to their advantage. They are all of those things, that’s why it works for them. They’re also non-committal and a restless sort of person, I’m getting they’re “too far gone” with this sort of energy, nothing can change them but God, karma, themselves, the consequences of their actions, time, etc. Not you. If it was you, no one could have changed this, not even you at the time.
For a small part of you, this could be a person that literally changed a job of yours, you could’ve lost a job or they did, you could’ve moved or traveled in regards to work or they did. Work is part of the loss, along with them. Or money. For most of you this just shows something you’ve struggled with for a long time, actually letting go of this person/situation. Or they have.
Advice to deal with this ghost 👻:
Wheel of Fortune, The Hanged Man & The Hierophant
All major arcanas, all very intense energy, this is a whole life lesson for this person. Karma, and this is a karmic, you’re the lesson that showed them what they’re doing and have done to people they care about. What losing people costs them. What acting on passion or spontaneity (or anger) does to relationships. This message shows the only thing that will teach them is time, time brings perspective on commitment, marriage, religion for some, karma for sure. They will “get theirs”. I also get your own perspective changing with time too, karmic relationships have two sides, two lessons, both of you were meant to meet and experience each other for a purpose. For those that have not already moved away from this, even just emotionally, now is the time to learn it, feel it, and let it go. It’s out of your hands 🙏
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Pile 4 - Bouquet 💐
Living or Passed?: Living
Character Oracle: The Shepherd
Who they are: The Fool, 5 Swords, 6 Wands, The Hermit & 10 Swords
Why: 5 Wands, 9 Swords rev & Ace of Swords
Oracles: ASCENDING 🎈
- Learning & Expansion
- Transcending
- Preparing for Union
- New Phase
78 - Recharge
When the pace of life becomes too hectic, know to slow down, be mindful, and go with the flow.
5 - Pitch
Be as clear, concise, and professional as you can be when you explain your ideas to potential associates.
45 - Collaboration
Creative people can be inspired by sharing and stimulating creativity in others.
I’m not pulling out signs here but the fire 🔥 is intense with this pile. There is a lot of conflict with what looks like a pair, a couple, probably parents or grandparents being the most obvious story here. If they aren’t fire signs, then they’re fiery in nature, could have hot tempers and are used to getting their way. If anything, I’m getting you could be too much alike 💯 How this ended initially was a nasty conflict and big-headed egos, you/they are right and the other person is wrong, stick it to them, sort of energy. This had to do with you doing what you want, not what they want. Periodttt. You were glad to leave this, glad to be alone, glad to do wtf you want to do.
I’m getting it worked for you too! Maybe not entirely, but for the most part you’ve succeeded and ascended spiritually, you just keep on rising higher. This could all be switched as well, and you’re watching another person/people rise in their lives, without you. Some of you chased after a goal that crashed and burned terribly, and are now considering a “walk of shame” back to parents or something. You could need them. I do get this being family for the most part, could be a friend/s as well. It doesn’t have to be a couple, that’s just here for where it does apply, 3 Pentacles too. Two people, and you, probably parents. In like…one case, it could be romantic, and you’re haunted over whether someone cheated on you or not, and I get no. The Wands are naturally very flirty, is that okay idk depends on you, but it shows the Death of this occurring before they met the other person. It also answers the question of a reconnect, they’re with someone else now. If there was a known issue in a romantic connection, it’s like something got flirty, someone got pissed off (you?), and it ended immediately after that. No Moon energy, no secrets, no hidden anything beyond that.
You’re conflicted inside on whether or not you could heal this connection, and work together again. Be friends again. Be close again. Come to holiday dinners again. I’m getting you don’t talk much if at all. More specifically, there’s something they have that you want, could be regarding a career or some kind of teamwork collaboration, but I don’t get you literally working together. You need someone’s help, or they could need yours, but you feel like this bridge has been burned, and are afraid of Ace of Swords, clear cut truth & communication, being cut off, or rejected. Or having to again. Except for the ex moving on story, if so it’s not hidden, I don’t see any reason why this can’t be healed, except things like pride…shame…guilt, big egos are at play in all of you. It’s like it runs in the family or something 😜 I’m also getting this feeling that you haven’t done anything this person hasn’t done as well, there is some kind of equal ground or understanding between you. The Shepherd protects its “family” and I get that what this is, is a family, people that look out for you, did, want to, or could, and it’s up to you where/how this goes if it goes.
Advice to deal with this ghost 👻:
Queen & King of Wands, 3 Pentacles
Just ask. Be clear, honest, Ace of Swords, no tricks or avoidance, games or bs just be truthful about what’s happened, how you are, what you want, etc., and give this person/people the benefit of the doubt. It feels really positive to try mending these fences, like all of you can rise to another level of understanding with each other and feel good about it.
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Pile 5 - Hades ☠️
Living or Passed?: Both - 2 Stories
Character Oracle: The Spymaster
Who they are: 10 Pentacles, 6 Swords, The Tower, 4 Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles, 8 Swords
Why: 6 Wands, 9 Cups, Temperance
- Light-hearted & Adapt
- Finding Out & Change
- Things Coming to Light & Heal
72 - Nature
Go out in Nature as much as you can, for it’s pure creativity can teach you everything you need to know.
39 - Direction
Switch gears, reboot, and try a new and different direction.
66 - New Start
Sometimes we must realize that what we have done needs to be discarded and we must make a new start.
We’ll start with the living energy first, there are slight variations that separate them into two stories, one being your own actions, the other being someone else’s. Either you stalk them, or they stalk you, this is someone that watches you closely with everything you do. To the point of obsession even. Or you do. There is heavy earth energy here, you/they could reflect that, or the issues here have a lot to do with money, success, and material things. A business. An inheritance. Your career. Or just greed in the sense of no one giving a damn. No one helping you out, financially or otherwise, there is no team effort from a whole group of people. For many, this is your family that you feel victimized by. For others this could be someone that ran out on you (maybe a whole family) and left you to fend for yourself, carrying the bag and everything else on your own shoulders, with no help. Possibly being a single parent, unexpectedly, having the rug pulled out from under your feet and you had no choice but to be strong enough to hold it together, for a group, a business perhaps (or kids). Or you could have done this to them.
This person, or you, the wrong one, is trying to make a comeback into this situation, or wants to, because they see how well things are going for you. It could be you too, there’s a message about playing the victim and trying to gain sympathy, for money, expecting that from others…not helping yourself, just blaming everyone else for your problems. Or that’s them. It’s not the main story, but it’s here as a side note, 8 Swords is either trapped unwillingly, or keeps themselves trapped on purpose, both are possible. There are cases where you or this person were actually put into very difficult & painful situations and just left there with no care or help from anyone around you. Those that left, or you had to leave, haunt you, mostly due to deeply rooted negative perceptions and grudges you still carry, or you know they do.
If they are trying to come back around, it’s because you’re successful now, your dreams have come true, you’ve risen above The Tower and pulled yourself through the mud and the darkness to get where you are today. You could be doing quite well for yourself. And these people just expect a seat at your table? Or you expect a seat at theirs? I don’t think so. The skepticism is healthy, and the distrust makes sense, no matter which side it’s coming from. What are people’s real intentions?
There is a small side story about maybe a coworker or a family member that was in the same business as you, same kind of job, and it’s like they left this behind and succeeded elsewhere, and you didn’t. Or you left, they stayed and took it very far, dreams come true, hard work rewarded, and you’re like damn…that could’ve been me.
There is also a passed loved one story, likely a family member, that watches over you all of the time. They even come up as Temperance, which is always shown as an Angel 😇, they could be a Spirit guide of yours or are just part of your spiritual team, they’re always with you. The Tower may show how they passed on, something quick, unexpected, and very upsetting. Someone you wanted to hold onto, or they wanted to hold on to you. Or maybe your parent, if a grandparent. There could’ve been an inheritance issue with this person, they could have been seen as greedy, or may have been left to their own devices. The outcast of the family, the single parent, possibly an earth sign, they did everything on their own, because they had no choice. Or when they passed on, they left you in that state, and it was out of their control 🙏
For the passed on story, I’m getting a clear message about animals, could be dragonflies, crows & birds, I have those both here. Nature is generally showing anything you see outside that acts peculiar towards you, strangely friendly and such. They send those critters to you, and many say that Spirits often like to use animals as a sign they’re with you. There’s also a note here about whatever you’re doing, needing to switch tracks and do something else, or if you already have, you’re being applauded for that. Some of you started from near nothing and have gone far, they’re cheering for you 👏 Some are encouraging you to do this, if it’s something you’re dealing with now. It’s really a feeling of validation and pride, they’re proud of you for how far you’ve come, and making a dream of yours come true. I’m getting them being with you every step of the way, for all of your life going forward too.
Advice to deal with this ghost 👻: For the living
Ace of Pentacles & The Hanged Man
In simplest terms, you may need to take this opportunity to look at things from another perspective, especially in terms of money and the motives of other people, yourself included. Is everyone judging everyone based on some bs sense of worth - via money & material things or are others out to take what’s yours, or vice versa? Is there even money to spread around like that, or like is expected, because I get a sense that there isn’t. In all stories there is a confusion in how you’re seeing money and how that’s a value to you or other people, it’s something you need to see differently than you do currently. What even is value, to you? People that “flex” what they have could really bother you, but it’s like IS it what they’re spending on? Or is it the family around them? Or in some cases the family they left behind, staring at them through the window of the internet & life like wtf…any side could be you, there is no *one* energy strongest in this pile.
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Pile 6 - The Babadook 🎩
Living or Passed?: Could be either
Character Oracle: The Brawler
Who they are: 10 Swords, The Empress, 8 Swords, The Hierophant & 10 Cups
Why: The Emperor & 9 Wands
Oracles: ASCENDING 🎈
- Learning & Expansion
- Transcending
- Preparing for Union
- New Phase
50 - Sacred Space
Use beautiful art, music, and creativity if all kinds to put you into a sacred space.
57 - Worry
Worry is attachment to a particular outcome and the fear that it will not come to pass.
This is the most clear reading by far I’ve gotten, the most obvious answer is a parent, or a dynamic between parents. Particularly a mother. For some, your mother may have passed on and your father is a mess over it, it’s like you lost both people the same day, in many ways. Your relationship with one parent isn’t the same after the other one passes on, which is especially difficult for you as children if that’s the case. Sending you lots of love. That won’t be for everyone.
A father figure could be particularly aggressive with this Brawler card here, this is someone that is always fighting, a “tough guy” mentality, like they dare you to go against them. Doesn’t have to be a father either, it could be the mother too. Or a spouse, an ex-spouse, an ex in general, someone destructive, mouthy, you have to walk on eggshells around them. I get a clear narcissist energy from the Brawler card - lacking empathy, and for any of you that have dealt with that traumatic psychological mindfuck, I see you, you’re included. Parent or not, these don’t have to be parents, they’re just here. Marriage & spouses are clearly highlighted too. This could be your situation, your parents, or even a friend that’s married to an asshole and you can’t get them out of your head, it haunts you, because you’re powerless, and they are too it looks like.
Some of you may have literally lost people to a tragedy of some sort involving domestic violence or something very painful like that, maybe blaming the other person involved for what’s happened. In the worst case I can see, one parent may have hurt you, and the other just stood by quietly, or didn’t believe you, they didn’t do shit about it when they should have. It could be switched in any of these cases but I’m not getting that specifically, I’m talking to a hurt person, not the problem. Someone may have hurt you like this, could be close to you, could be a complete stranger. Cases of violence and harm on any level are included. It also doesn’t have to be that serious. This can include step-parents that maybe pulled your own away from you, or that’s how you feel. It can be a co-dependent relationship of some kind, and feeling powerless to do anything about difficult situations in this dynamic of chains - that’s what I’m getting from this whole pile. Someone is in chains, could be you, could be someone else, but it stays with you at all times.
Some of you have freed yourself from a bad situation, but someone else is still there, could be kids, parents, whoever, and you constantly worry about them. You could’ve been left by one parent and the other one is a mess, and you can’t get out of this because they’re emotionally dependent on you. You could’ve been forced to grow up very young because those around you weren’t equipped to deal with reality, like you were the adult here, and you were idk 8 years old. If anyone harmed you as a child, especially in any way regarding violence, or any level of abuse, this is describing them.
You want to grow from this, escape this, want to be better and set better examples for those around you. You could have children of your own, and are haunted by shitty parents, wanting to be better for your own kids, make better decisions that others never did for you or gave to you. You want people around you to guide you and show you the way, or you want to be this person yourself, maybe both. The family you never had, or maybe did have at one time, and something terrible happened to change all of that. It’s like the memories of happiness and a happily ever after are what haunt you. If a spouse, you’re tempted to make it work, even if this is someone you’re cautious about or around. Or you were, and you tried. If a spouse it’s like this person never stops trying and “haunting” can be more like “stalking” because they will literally never leave you alone 💯 My heart goes out to all of you.
The tamest story I’m seeing is a person that wants to follow their dreams, maybe go to school for a specific thing or do things in a way they feel is right, and in order to do this they would have to fight. Or have already fought someone, that they miss and want to reconcile with, but aren’t sure that they can. In this story, you’re happy, it’s others with the problem. No matter what your story is, or who is involved, boundaries seems to have been the lesson here, keeping people behind a wall out of caution of what they will or could do to you, and I don’t get that’s wrong, that’s learned. It’s a trauma response.
Advice to deal with this ghost 👻:
Temperance, 2 Swords & Queen of Cups
For those thinking of making amends, that’s here as a possibility. You could. Don’t have to. I’m getting more than anything that worrying about what will or won’t happen is not useful for you, like you have no control over this. For some that’s the whole problem. I don’t get any one answer because there isn’t one story, no right or wrong way to do or handle any of this. Your advice is to take care of yourself, your heart, your space, give all of the love to you that you would another person. And be very patient with yourself, how you process things, because I get a lot of fear and indecision that’s not helpful to you. It’s really just “take as long as you need”, some of you are dealing with or have dealt with some serious trauma, and you can’t be expected to heal, overcome, “deal with it” or any other mindless bs advice in one day, week, year, five years, doesn’t matter because everyone is different. You focus on you 💯 Love you 💯 Worry about you ❤️ If you want to reconcile with people or not, I don’t get any answer you coming up with being right or wrong, it’s about doing what you feel is best. Ascending 🎈 If this is a person that has passed on, it’s a similar message, with “I love you” attached - Queen of Cups.
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Pile 7 - Sinkhole 🕳️
Living or Passed?: Both - 3 Stories
Character Oracle: The Sentinel
Who they are: 5 Cups, Page of Swords, Page of Pentacles, Temperance & The Devil
Why: Queen of Cups, Ace of Cups, 4 Cups & 4 Pentacles
Oracles: DEATH ☠️
- The Relationship is Over
- No Second Chances
- Grow & Transform
- What’s Dead is Dead
36 - Generosity
You can afford to be generous with the gift of your time and attention.
3 - Share
To help you make progress, it’s a good idea to share what you have and what you care about.
Story 1 is about a literal entity, and you’ll know if this is you, because you already expected it, you’re aware of the things going on around you, they make themselves known. Are chatty even, you could have heard actual talking, have seen messages or are receiving them regularly. I almost get an “attachment”, like they are attached TO you. Stuck to you, holding on, it’s possible they’ve even followed you from another place. Are they still with you, yes. I keep getting “they”, and I see two Pages here, there are two of them. It’s possible they’re children, or just young, and it’s likely they’re together. Siblings, friends, I’m not sure but they come together with you as a pair. I don’t get a negative vibe from them, I get a very sad one. Why they latch onto you, because you’re a loving person, almost like a mother or a parent they don’t have and want. You could have living children around and they want to be one of them, they don’t want to “go away”. I get that they don’t know what “away” means, or how to get there, or what comes after, they’d rather be with you. For others with an entity, same energy but not a child, just chatty, noisy, they make it known.
Story 2 are for those who have lost children, or even friends & family while young yourself, people you’ve lost in childhood, or over the years, even if they’re still alive right now. You grieve what’s been lost, and the sadness weighs on your heart like a weight that never leaves. I’m getting you are a very deep, loving, and nurturing sort of person, this could also be their energy for some of you. It stays with you because of how much you loved them, and wanted them to stay, so you hold on tightly to your memories and what you still have of them…but those memories are being tainted with the amount of grief they bring you at the same time. It’s like you feel guilty if you’re too happy. There is no winning in this situation, and I’m sending you so, so much love.
Story 3 is for romantic heartbreak, having been betrayed by some ex lover. It could be the lover themselves or someone they moved on with, things they’ve said and done to you. There’s a lack of closure with this, and it keeps you sad, you want to know why things happened the way they did, what they were planning, how this even happened, how you missed something. It’s caused a lack of trust in you that’s still not been overcome, it’s like it didn’t have to be this way. Essentially, your heart is wanting to ask a snake 🐍 why it bit you. You loved this person deeply, genuinely, and were very kind & loving to them. It’s possible they were this way to you and played you for a fool, you feel that way. Your pride is wounded, and they hurt you very deeply by treating you as someone that could just be replaced, when you gave them nothing but unconditional, pure love. You hang onto this and them tightly, forever holding a grudge, forever upset that this ever happened.
Advice to deal with this ghost 👻:
For the actual spirits, I’m getting that you’re going to have to be a little manipulative in how you handle this. Talk up “the light” and why they should go towards it. Their family is there, friends are there, it’s a beautiful place with the most amazing scenery and everything they could ever want, this place is no good. Someone can actually hug them and talk to them over there. Essentially selling them what they want, is the best tactic to getting them off of you, at least the ones I’m picking up on.
For the other stories where your own heart is centered on grief, heavy sadness, remorse, regrets, heartbreak, the advice is to “see the light” yourself. Your family, your friends, what you have right now, and how far you’ve come. Be proud of yourself. You could be needing to see people more, or spend time with loved ones and friends more. You can honor sadness and still make time for happiness, gratitude, deep connections with other people, seeing how things maybe worked out for the best - in some cases, not all 💯 I’m getting group energy, if grief is your main focus and you’ve lost someone, this can be a community drive or a cancer 5k run or something to honor your lost ones in a way you actually can. Planting a tree, donating something nice to a park, adopting a road, there are many different avenues to remember people, and they’ll see that, they’ll know. There’s no need to feel guilty or conflicted for feeling happy today, your loved ones on the other side want you to be, and they are too. They miss you too, and they’ll see you soon…to them, it’s soon. In the meantime, they’re always with you, always, and they like to be honored in special ways, thought of and celebrated like they’re still here, because they are, just in another way. For those who have lost loved ones, I’m getting they too are chatty, they send you messages and signs often, and if you think you’re just crazy, you’re not. Talk to them, ask for signs & they’ll show you however they can. You could also try contacting a medium of some kind to actually talk with them, if that’s something you’d like to try, again I get “chatty”, like they’d love to show up for you.
For some of you, the advice is simply, if you miss them then tell them, call them, where that’s possible. For the ex story I’m getting you’ve already come a long way, or you will eventually get to a point where things are so good you wouldn’t change them, and if you’re not there yet just keep moving forward ❤️
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Pile 8 - Siren 🧜‍♀️
Living or Passed?: Probably still alive
Character Oracle: The Puppeteer & The Aspirant
Who they are: Wheel of Fortune, 4 Pentacles, The Devil, 6 Swords, The Hanged Man
Why: 6 Pentacles, 2 Wands, Queen of Cups
Oracles: THE RUNNER 🏃‍♂️
- Fear of Intimacy
- Running Away
- Intensity & Letting Go
- Turmoil & Fleeting
54 - Visualize
When we develop our abilities to visualize, we can manifest maximum influence on our experience of reality.
43 - Change
For a change, do something you usually do a certain way in a different way.
80 - Go Deeper
Expressing the deeper meanings in life, while staying attuned to childlike wonder, is at the heart of all great art.
This is probably going to be the most popular pile, because I’ve pulled two character cards and the energy is very vague and general, meaning many people will resonate with it. This is the “loved and lost” pile, Twin Flame, karmic relationships, doesn’t have to be but they’re all included. It can be a parent that ran off, a friend, cousin, someone you looked up to. They can be anyone. And it is not only those who have been left, but those who run.
Most of these people are still alive, not all perhaps, but I’m getting there are no spirits haunting anyone here, even if that’s the case. It’s memories & love that haunt you. The character cards show the two sides of a Twin Flame, that’s the easiest way to describe this dynamic and split the stories - even if that’s not exactly your story, the feelings are the same.
Story 1 - The Left Behind
It’s a spiritual connection, karmic in nature, so the pull between you is intense. It’s like they know you, they read you, they can understand what you’re thinking and feeling before even you do. They may have manipulated you, tricked you, you could have felt bamboozled and lost when this person just left, because it felt so REAL. It was intense, and everything inside of you *knows* this person was meant to be your person, or in your life, there’s a thread connecting you…but they ran off. How can a person just DO that? You can’t just leave, and you haven’t. Some of you have been tied to this person for a long time, holding on a little longer, forever waiting for them to grow up, see sense, see the light, realize you’re worth it.
Why, because this person gave you a sense of meaning that runs deeper than most other people in your life. All spiritual ties feel this intense, you just know, and you don’t know how you know but you do. You could still see synchronicities that remind you of them - even when you don’t want to, you try to force them out of your head, and then you dream about them and it starts all over again. You’re never going to be able to actually let this person go, but you do need to change your side of things, so that this doesn’t remain so strong. It’s Devil energy currently, keeping you trapped, you feel like you can’t escape it. Some of you could feel used, and discarded, and similar to the last pile, want to ask a snake 🐍 why it bit you. The answer won’t make you feel better, and for many of you, it’s why they never returned. And if you love them anyway, they can’t respect you for that, because a snake knows it’s a snake, and they’d likely do it again 💯 But you may not know how to continue on without them, and that’s the whole lesson of this very deep soul connection. They’ve changed your whole life, now you have to, on your own.
Story 2 - The Runner
The Aspirant is your character card, it’s the eager to run, eager to rush into new experiences, try on different faces in different places with different people, and make mistakes, but being afraid to face them once that’s happened. You’ve probably had a life full of all sorts of experiences and connections, many stories to tell anyone who’d like to listen, and many of them which didn’t run that deep, most things probably don’t with you. Life is life and it’s for living. Deep is something that feels like entrapment, it’s good in the moment but who you are is not built for what’s required of taking something “deep” all the way. It’s not comfortable, not FUN, it’s not for you. There is too much out there to see, do, be, and explore. Too many potential lovers to meet, too many different jobs to try your hand at, you’re not the person to want to stay put…forever. That’s daunting. There could be many reasons why, you all probably have all sorts of personal philosophies and beliefs on why “staying put” is not for you, and they’re not wrong, that’s you. Wheel of Fortune, you’re meant to be this way, because you’re meant to learn whatever it is you’re learning through all of this, it’s brought as much joy as it has any sorrow.
There is one particular person though, that sticks with you no matter where you go, you can’t outrun them, the feelings, the guilt, the longing in some cases. Maybe even the obsession, either you or them. You keep running and they constantly follow you, in dreams, even if you haven’t spoken in years. Time works funny in a karmic/Twin relationship. Time works funny on the other side, like it doesn’t really exist, and neither does it in these intense connections. It does and it doesn’t. They’re put here to make you feel the way you feel, because face it, no one else could. There’s something about *them* that was real, genuine, the depth of this connection came to you naturally, and it moved quickly. If it was intimate, it felt like your soul was on fire. It scared you. If it was family, you felt like you *were* this person, the connection was like two same people, they understood and loved you like no one else could. You probably didn’t know that then.
Your people are probably still alive, not all, but you can’t go back. If they’ve passed on, that’s probably what triggered a spiritual awakening of sorts, because runners don’t usually watch tarot readings or believe in…much. The 3D, what’s in front of them, LIFE IS FOR LIVING, you pave your own way etc etc, not analyzing karmic lessons, that’s boring 🤪 with beliefs & nonsense right, what a headache and it’s depressing af, too much, that’s likely not your cup of tea. Or it was at one time, and you’re not alone. I’ve met way more people like this than the other way 💯
Why you’re haunted, because of love. Same as the first story, there was a purpose with some person, a direction you never felt you really had, they gave you meaning, definition, you felt like you knew who you were when you were with them. Or who you wanted to be. Some of this may have been hopeful projection, not who *you* really are, because you ended up leaving this behind. Or was it? You always question what if. Something made you leave, and The Wheel of Fortune shows things being destined, karmic, outside of your control (or theirs). Could’ve been another person, an opportunity, a job, moving away while young, a death in some cases. Life was life-ing, some of you chose to walk and others had no choice. It was your path to do whatever you did, for whatever reason you did it, especially in this connection. Many things are free will, and some things are soul-level lessons, orchestrated by things outside of us, and those feel the most intense, they’re the soul connections. Like this one, whoever they are. Is it your fault? Depends on your own story. Some yes, some no, and some “you couldn’t have known”. Shocking you was the point, they were the jolt.
Advice to deal with this ghost 👻:
9 Pentacles, 4 Swords, 5 Pentacles & Ace of Wands
I don’t get a reconcile energy from either of you, 9 Pentacles is happily independent, with or without a person, and that’s what you’re needing to achieve within yourself. Healing from whatever has happened. Healing any abandonment issues that came with it. Releasing it entirely, because for many of you, control is not a factor - you have none. It either is or it isn’t, and it’s not up to you with whoever this is. Whether or not it’s Twin Flame doesn’t seem to matter, because it’s the same advice.
Assume they’re not coming back. Ever. You have to worry about yourself, live for yourself, do what you want to do and express your soul’s purpose in whatever way that is for you, this person is not a factor in that. They may have started the story, but then made their exit, and it’s up to you to continue it, change it, mold it, surprise us, and come up with your own ending. Be free of them. Will you still think of them, dream of them, sure, especially Twins. Whoever they are IS a soul tie, you’re not crazy. Many are just lessons. It was meant to be this DEEP and intense, meant to start a fire in you that doesn’t die, but it needs to be redirected.
Ace of Wands shows you needing to feel passion for other things, head off in other directions, feel joy and inspiration from new experiences. Pretend they never happened, what would you do now? Who are you now? Who do you want to be, what would that person do? What makes you feel ALIVE, by yourself, because it feels good, it’s for you, your whole soul resonates with this thing? And then do that. Could be music could be gardening could be work, whatever makes you feel like *you*. You won’t forget them, but for awhile you should probably try to, on purpose, and have faith that whatever you do or whoever you end up with, it’s the right thing for you. This person filled you with purpose and love, now they’re unconsciously keeping you chained away from purpose, and love ❤️
P.S. After finishing
That was intense. I was thinking Halloween fun and maybe some actual demons let’s do this, when I first had the idea, and what I got was…real shit. Things that hit our core. Things we’ve held onto a long time. I’m both surprised, and not. I’m sending you all love & hugs, we’ve all got demons, just not the kind that pop up in the mirror and say BOO 👻 Though a couple could. You never know.
Happy Halloween! And thank you for being a part of my intense/funny little tarot corner of the interwebs. I appreciate & love you all, and I’m cheering on everyone to win 🏆 at everything they want to win at along their soul’s journey 🥰 Thank you!
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a-very-tired-jew · 12 days
To Eat Your Own
Anyone who has been involved in activist spaces, politics, and pushed for equity in any capacity is well aware of how quickly any of these groups can (and will) turn on itself. Often this is due purity politics and "No True Scotsman" logic. If you don't agree 100% with what each individual member, not just leadership, thinks and believes then you're not part of the group. If any action doesn't meet the criteria of certain individuals then they will raise hell, complain, splinter off into more radical camps, and/or they will try and ruin someone. In this case, I have seen Leftists and Progressives go after John Fetterman for his support of Israel. Now...they were goin after him prior to this as he met with Jewish groups in PA during his run for Senate. This is not new. How do I know? I'm from Philly. I grew up there. My family is from there. My family business is there. I worked in delis there to make my way through college. I have been a part of most major progressive movements and groups for over two decades and I know most of the big players in these spaces. There has long been an antisemitic undertone to Leftist groups in PA that trade in the standard conspiracy theories. These do differ from Right Wing replacement theories and instead focus on the good ole "Jews control the money" as it is couched in anti-Capitalist language. Other antisemitic conspiracies are also often couched in Leftist language as well. As such, these people openly enjoy Jewish culture, food, and business while also believing that the people behind it are "evil Jews Capitalists Zionists". It does not help that many of the safe spaces that Leftists attend are owned or co-owned by Jewish business people (e.g. Tabu). PA has one of the largest Jewish populations in the USA outside of NYC and NJ. It has long been established and there's so much Jewish culture that has made its way into Eastern PA culture that you'd have to actively work to avoid it. However, because it has become a part of the mainstream culture, a lot of people take for granted the actual presence of the Jewish community and/or don't understand how large it is. So what does this have to do with Fetterman? Take a look at this rant from today.
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Fig. 1. User rants about Fetterman and calls him an Imperialist. Prior to 10/7 someone like this would be praising Fetterman for appearing "disheveled" and fighting against the status quo's emphasis on a dress code. His disrespectful nature and calling out of Republicans in Congress was highly praised. His voting record was also praised. But now? Now that he supports Israel, he's bad. He's no longer the Leftist's ideal politician, but instead a representation of the "evil Zionist agenda". Fetterman is from PA. That means he grew up in a state that has Jewish culture and identity woven throughout it. He knows Jews. He's worked with Jews. Jews have influenced his politics and identity as much as he has them. But this person likely doesn't understand that. They mention Fetterman and Casey so I know they're from PA, and they mentioned calling Fetterman as their rep. But they, like most others, don't understand much regarding Jews and their impact on their state, politics, media, and belief. Fetterman does and that's why he is such a supporter of Israel and the Jewish Diaspora. But because he supports the "Big Bad Zionist Entity" he is now no longer a Progressive/Leftist. In fact, Fetterman himself has said he no longer identifies as a progressive Democrat, but simply as a Democrat. All because of the rise in rampant antisemitism on the Left. This is how you lose politicians and leaders who support your ideals. Let's step away from Israel for a second and look at Fetterman and what he supports vs the people going after him. Both parties actively support LGBTQ+ rights, equity movements, choice, and so on. But Fetterman is not supporting a terrorist group that actively suppresses and/or kills people belonging to these groups or campaigning for them, the activists are in the name of "Resistance". Contradictions and cognitive dissonance are viable forms of politics if you want to make change. They are viable forms of ideology and belief though, and because this conflict has become an ideological war full of antisemitic hate, conspiracy theories, and downright vitriolic lies...it makes sense that the pedestal they put Fetterman on has crumbled. (Also note that this person is 22. Again, age plays a major factor in activist spaces and I will refer you back to one of my other writings for those thoughts.)
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istadris · 11 months
Ok, so...if it wasn't a problem, do you have something you would like to share about "Accidental Ghost King Luigi"?
I saw that you mentioned it and it really caught my attention, a lot of thoughts came up when I finished Luigi's Mansion 3 and I love expanding them.
So most of the ideas were discussed here, but I can scrounge up some more.
TL;DR for this AU : E.Gadd passes away, leaving in his will everything he owns to Luigi, who is now probably the richest man in the mushroom kingdom between the estates, the cash and the employees, living or not. (Spoilers alert : once Luigi realizes exactly how much he owns, he freaks out so much he hides under his blanket for several hours, with Mario patting the bundle and occasionally slipping snacks under it).
Then once he calms down enough, he wants to give everything away but it turns out to not be that simple, explains the Toad in charge of giving the will to Luigi:
"What if I DON'T want all of this ??"
"I don't know about the ready money or the coffee shop, but by all ghost and Boo laws, you are the rightful master of these places that you earned through Right of Conquest until someone else comes to dethrone you."
And it turns out, yes, by beating King Boo three times, on his haunting ground, with the last time being a direct challenge to Luigi and his kin, Luigi effectively conquered him, with all of his ghosts and Boos. And King Boo was a very powerful ghost. Luigi is now King Luigi.
"Why was E.Gadd even the owner of these places then, he wasn't the one chasing ghosts there !"
"Oh, he wasn't the actual owner of anything: before the dark moon incident, the ghosts were not agressive and let him play around, and afterwards, he acted as your steward to maintain your domains in your absence"
"Wait, is that why King Boo keeps coming after me ? Not just by revenge?"
"Oh yes, definitely, you dethroned him three times, that's a bad number for a spirit."
Peach, who has to deal regularly with a king ruling over a place where 90% of roaylty dealings involve kidnapping : "oh, Luigi dear..."
Except E.Gadd comes back. As a ghost. And he's still obsessed with science, but now without any of these pesky mortal ethics or boundaries. To the point his experiences go from "eyebrow-raising in the methods but ultimately for the greater good" to "mad scientist except this one is perfectly aware of what his potential enemies can do and acts accordingly."
At first he seems relatively reasonable...until Luigi refuses to give him back Gooigi AND the rest of the ghosts, too. Maybe he has grown fond of his new "subjects", or maybe he senses giving E.Gadd full control of the ghosts is a bad idea.
"My boy, do you think you could use my own creations against me ? I know them better inside out than you can ever do !!"
E.Gadd doesn't take it well.
E.Gadd is now very curious and vindicative towards this meddling new Ghost King who dares to get in the way of his research.
E.Gadd issues a challenge. And by challenge we mean that he takes possession of Luigi's territories. Probably kidnaps Mario & co, AND Polterpup (he knows how to capture ghosts, and he knows how helpful the ghost pup is to Luigi). Oh, and he steals and breaks all existing Poltergusts.
Now Luigi is stuck in a dangerous place with a mad ghost after him, unarmed, alone...except for King Boo, still stuck in his container, that he managed to grab on the way out of the laboratory.
King Boo is angry at Luigi for stealing his title, but he certainly isn't going to let the professor beat HIS nemesis!! What will the rest of the spectral community say if the one who defeated him loses his new title so fast?? Luigi isn't sure about the logic behind this reasoning, but he'll take any help he can get.
So now it's the team up of the century, and by that I mean King Boo snarking and loudly complaining from his container, asking again and again to be let out, while Luigi tries to survive and to keep KB inside the container (he has enough on his plate, he doesn't want another mad ghost after him); all while KB actually guides Luigi through the mysteries of ghosts and spectres, as well as the intricacies of the Ghost King title. But even after King Boo manages to get out of the container at some point, he still sticks by Luigi. You can guess why.
A Very Important Plot Point: King Boo gets frustrated by how much time Luigi takes and decides to shove some spectral power in him to level the field.
That's a fun surprise : King Boo's spectral essence boosts up Luigi's Thunderhand (that he had stopped using due to how taxing it was on his body; but now the Boo power helps circumventing this energy tax). KB acts as the new "source" and makes it way more potent, especially given his own affinity with lightning.
"Isn't that cheating ?"
"Have you even MET ME ??? Here, have some of my power, it should AT LEAST give you a boost so you won't die right after touching a gho-"
*huge thunderbolt crashing on the house frizzing everything electrical device*
"Uh....it never did that before."
Later, when they manage to free Mario, KB eyes Mario suspiciously for a loooong moment as both brothers look in hope.
Then he shrugs : "Nah, not gonna happen"
"What?? Why ??"
"It's more fun if Luigi gets my power, he's my nemesis. Just ask Bowser to lend you fire powers next time you see him"
"That's ridiculous, with everything at stake..."
"More seriously, you are NOT my nemesis. You did NOT deal with my powers as intimately as Luigi did"
"Don't put it that way please"
"Even if I wanted to provide you power, Mario is much weaker to my powers, he wouldn't be able to harness them."
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knight-already · 6 months
Why Chilton ruined Rory.
Believe it of not, Rory's ruin didnt come from the people, or the environment. In fact it wasn't even Chilton itself, Chilton was a great experience for Rory.
Then your probably wondering what are you talking about. If it wasn't Chilton, then what is your point?
It was what became -- because of Chilton. Lorelai desire for Rory to go to Chilton was even stronger than her desire to keep limited contact with her parents. I mean wasn't that the point? We see that.
But what we don't see is what breaking that dam meant.
Rory is a child of poverty.
We don't see that, because what we see is a two story house, take out everyday, more books than it seems logical. We see a perfectly normal upper middle class family.
But for all of Rory's life before the two story house, was a shed in the back of the inn her mum worked in.
Rory's world was nothing like we see at the start of Gilmore girls. Which makes why she fell apart as a character so much more clear.
Poverty, meant that things were out of reach -- if Rory got one book for the year that was hers and not one from a library. That was something to treasure, because she only had a sixteen year old who was only now getting her shit together for a mum. I'm sure things were tight for a long time.
So with everything out of reach, everything behind a clear glass so little Rory could see it but never have it because they never had enough -- that gives purpose.
Now with only her mum and maybe her mum's co workers to help look after her, then the older towns folk. I'm sure Rory found herself unable to do much more that sit quietly and read. I'm sure, she quickly put two and two together like kids tend to do when they know their parents are in a rough spot. They try to not be too demanding and keep to themselves, they 'mature.'
She read, she did her school work, and she dreamed about far off places, she dreamed about being an explore, seeing the world. Helping the work, telling stories for those that couldn't. Her pen would be her weapon to fight the evils of the world.
She dreamt about getting out of poverty and I'm sure like all of us, her mum told her the only was she could was to get a good job.
She told her, "but to do that you need to finish middle school, highschool and go to college. The better the college the better your chances at success!"
So Rory started to study and take her school work more seriously. She's working hard to achieve something impossible from where she's standing.
All of us normal people know, something like an ivy league college like Yale or Harvard is impossible. We don't have the resources, or the time or money. And if somehow we did work hard and somehow got in -- we'd be struggling somehow. Maybe we have to help out with the family: chores that your parents can't do or having to pick up part time work so you can help out or looking after siblings.
Even as an only child with a single mum working as a maid it just won't seem likely. This was Rory's drive. Because all she has known up till now was scarifice.
I'm not sure when things started to turn up for the mother daughter duo because Rory was only 15/16 at the start even then they were only okay. They weren't great, they were lower middle/working class at best. Certainly not swimming in money.
The town also plays a role in this, they look out for the both of them, after all they are:
A 16 yr old, highschool drop out mother who clearly has no idea what she's doing with a daughter who could be her sister.
The coodle them, the look after them. Because they are just children and it's not like they could do much. They can only see them on the street, maybe help out with groceries, look after the baby while the child works.
And while they have Rory, they see how bright she is -- and they encourage her. They, along with Lorelai tell her the sky is the limit though they know it's not realistic, they can't afford it.
They are protective of Rory because they all had their hand at raising her. They see how brilliant she is and if it wasn't for her grandparents I'm sure the town would have put up to help that kid go to college. Because that's just the kind of people they have in the town.
Is any of this coming together yet?
No? We still haven't any idea why Chilton ruined Rory?
Now I can't not emphasis enough that Rory is young. She is so young. Things have already made a permanent mark in her life while other things slowly faded.
Now comes Chilton, she got in, how?
Rich grandparents.
Lorelai opened contact and slowly Rory is taken into this world of wealth and riches. Chilton is FULL off rich kids. They've been rich all their lives, I like to think Rory's off brand bright orange backpack was like the constant reminder of where Rory came from. It's not the Chilton bag that matches the uniform, for uniformity sakes.
It might not mean much, but the obnoxious orange stands out. Because she stands out she's not like them.
When she goes home using a bus, a stinky, smelly public bus. All the other kids have cars and private cars coming to pick them up. Maybe they don't drive, they all live ten minutes tops away. While Rory's 30 minutes.
Even now she has to fight for her spot because she doesn't really know her grandparents and she's practically a scholarship kid in a rich school. Nothing she has, nothing materialistic compares to the other kids. Things they can just have and bought on a whim she can't.
Yes, she has her family name that has weight, yes she has her grandma, yes she also has a house ten minutes away from the school. Yes she has rich grandparents that knows all the kid's and their parents.
But all those things belongs to her grandparents.
She has nothing and her mother has nothing. Rory still has a reason to fight to make her place. She has dreams that can only be accomplished by hard work.
She knows hard work.
Now time goes by and she's closer to her grandparents. They open up a wealthy world to her any whim is theirs to grant happily, for example, Her grandfather gives her a meeting at Yale just to 'keep her options open.'
Everything that was once far away is now close to her it's at her finger tips. Though at first she does not use it. Because she doesn't know how -- All she knows how to do is study so she keeps at it. She has a goal, or something that looks like a goal. Her world that she knows has changed again.
From poverty to working middle class to wealthy.
Everything is changing.
But you know what hasn't changed the town she lives in. Their encouragement and coddling of Rory, because she is a good kid and they know her -- she grew up with them. But now she has so much more. Yet they treat her the same.
She by now is not some poor four year old with a bright future yet no resources to do anything about it. But mentally she doesn't really remove herself from who she was as a child. Even though she has no issue accepting what she has, mentally she's still back there.
what once was encouragement for a little girl with no real future, not one she could afford became nothing.
she's so bright, she so smart, so removed from her peers that you can't help but hope for the best from her. Everyone put such a pressure to continue on her shoulders that -- she just did. But slowly, she's losing the steam.
Slowly she realizes that she was just moving without a purpose. She's only doing what's required of her -- because I mean, in that small town there is no one really there who knows what to do. What she should do. So she just keeps doing what she has.
I mean look at when Paris told her she needs to have certain things down, like the event where she had to build houses so she freaked and started looking at things she could do to fill her application. For someone who did so much research about Harvard you would think she would have come across something about the importance of extracurricular activities.
Another example was with her writing, the paper before the ballet in 'die jerk die' the dude says that's she had no opinion. The easy that she got a D -- nothing with substance, half hearted.
Or even the piece for Chilton, when she wrote on cement. No opinion, just a really good factual piece. That got praises.
Then she goes for the interview for the paper and the lady asks, well what would you write? If we hired you.
And she freezes.
Or when Logan's dad says she doesn't have the drive or when everyone was doing internships she went to Europe.
She gets angry but it's just a fact.
She has no heart, her childish dream was one of adventure she isn't suited for but was pressured to use it as a life direction with no space for change. Because she knows that's who she has to be -- that's who her mum tells her to be.
Then comes Logan giving her the fact check.
"You are one of us. You are wealthy, you have just as much as we do."
And he starts to list it off and she can't fight it.
But she doesn't have that -- not for free. Not for her whole life. Hardly four or so years by then. Mentally she's still that little girl with her mum in the shed. She doesn't have money.
Everyone's telling her who she is -- but she knows that's not her. So she spirals, because she's coming at an age where reality is really setting in and she's racing a dead horse. But she can't stop because it's not what's she's suppose to do.
And when she does, she's lost. Because truly she doesn't know who she is or what she likes.
So in conclusion, Rory went from being a little fish in a big uncertain yet comfortable pond. To a big fish in a little pond unwillingly. The cruelty of the world starting knocking, telling her that she was in fact a big fish and she needed to wake up and smell the roses.
While the small pond she's use too, ie stars hollow and her grandparents told her that they did not know what they were talking about because she was a little fish in a big pond.
Don't you think it's fitting that the first episodes plot point was the start of our main characters end?
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waeirfaahl · 10 months
No one thought anything through at all
Let’s talk about meaningless and badly-written enemies without any purpose in the story and reason to exist in 5 season. These guys get a very least of critisizing simply ‘cause they’re just typical random bounty hunters, which have no connection to Aku, but just want money or whatever. They are at least understandable. Moreover, they are weak third-rate enemies, created for stupid joke.
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Scaramouche, being the only assasin who really works on Aku in 5 season (and who kills by own will, not by Aku’s order, by the way), however, is absolutely unnecessary character at all. If you remove him from 5 season, nothing will change. The story will come to exact same events. He is just a waste of time. And I can’t for the life of me understand, why his head was still alive, if all other robots after mutilation, dismembering and decapitating died and explosed. He is not of the same model the robots were in 3 episode of 4 season — because if he were, he would have connected with his body and limbs and reassembled again into one he was before fight against Jack.
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Then these guys. Who the f*ck are they?! Are they random bounty hunters? Are they the personal army of the High Priestess, but Ashi somehow didn’t know about it, and they just didn’t recognize Ashi? I have no idea, because neither the animatic nor the final version of 7 episode give absolutely no hints to answers about it! They just happen literally out of nowhere for cheap Lord of Rings reference, for wasting time and forced action scene! Because Genndy and Co apparently don’t understand that the elements, characters and events in the season with limited number of episodes and one cohesive story have to be logically explained and to have the important role in the story! There always must be the conflict behind fight sequences! You can't just take and add random unexplained crap without any personality, motivation, purpose, importance and role in the plot!
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Then this sadist. Again, who the f*ck he is?! Is he another random bounty hunter or mad scientist? For what he built his factory in the first place? Like, I get it, he wanted to kill Jack, using Jack’s kindness as his weakness, like Jack will never hurt innocent or whatever, so he destroyed the city (how? alone or with soneone else? then where his allies?), then stole alien cubs and implanted them with chips to use as weapons, but... Do you realize, how forced and stupid this is?  Jack already had a case with hypnotized kids/teens in the classic seasons (from another random alien guy, who used magical music — and although his discs are with Aku’s face, it doesn’t mean that he worked on Aku, who has no reason for doing this), so why this sadist was so sure that Jack will fail and die instead of knocking them out and finding the way to free them?! As I said many times here and here, it’s extremely stupid idea to use some children against the smart and fast-adapting warrior, who slays powerful demons, robots and deities etc. 5 season is extremely pointless and stupid not only because of contradictions to the canon of the classic seasons and breaking their rules (and because of ruining Jack and Aku, of course), but also because there’s no single reason for every of these new enemies to exist in the story of 5 season. More sense just to hide in shadows and to shoot Jack with sniper rifle or laser tooth!
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Plus, if you look closer, you’ll notice that he stole these cubs and took them under his control kinda for a couple hours before Jack’s and Ashi’s arrival. It's easier to win the lottery than to make Jack come right now, stumble upon a ruined city, find a temporarily near-dead (or survived, but very injured) inhabitant there and learn from him that these are not robots/demons, but real cubs, who are already controlled by the sound and chips. Very terrible building of the new villain, who died as quickly as he appears in the episode.
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But the main issue with this aspect is Jack’s reaction and his immediate decision to die. Like, again, he lives 50+ years in this future, he’s extremely experienced and has to know not only various technologies, but also how to help in such situations (and also to have critical thinking and think everything through in advance). Why he didn’t check their breathing and heart-beating for being sure, whether they died or they are alive?! He had to, in a state of emotional outburst, hold their bodies in his arms and try to awaken them and desperately find the slightest sign that they were alive! Moreover, why this ghost warrior lied to Jack that these children died, if they are alive (here I discussed about this warrior and his gang, which are absolutely real, i.e. not inner demons in Jack’s mind)? Plus, why the hell these alien cubs were electrocuted at all?! Ashi destroyed the computer that controlled chips and hence alien cubs, so logically the computer doesn’t work anymore, i.e. no signal, so the sound and the chips have to just turn off and not affect the alien cubs in any way! Why the chips explosed and hurted them?! WTF?! It makes absolutely no sense! And the most uncomfortable question comes from Ashi’s words from 6 episode “Jack, you were misguided! The children are alive!”, and exactly after them Jack starts to fight the ghost warrior (i.e. not when Ashi mentioned about his friends from this future or about herself, but exactly when she mentioned about these alien cubs) — like, as if they were really dead, then Jack’s decision to die would have been considered as right by this logic... Wait, what?! Then why he didn’t commit seppuku in 1 episode of 5 season, seeing hallucinations of ghosts of dead kids and citizens the robot killed? And how would he then react to half of the survivors and half of the dead alien cubs, or just one survivor among them all? Also would go to commit seppuku? Damn, how forced and stupid it is... No one thought anything through...
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And he just forgets and abandons Ashi, the girl he actually took responsibility for. After unconfirmed death of these alien cubs he literally doesn’t care, whether his new young friend is alive or maybe in danger or injured or even dead... And she is lucky enough to actually check and see that the alien cubs are alive. And for some reason Ashi loses all her pathfinder skills she and her sisters had in 2 and 3 episodes and she can not find Jack, who went not so long time ago and not so far from her and obviously left tracks... WTF?! And Jack doesn’t hear her calling for him... WTF?! All should end immediately in the end of 5 episode without 6 episode with this blatant and pointless fanservice and ruined graveyard scene!  If the authors so wanted the idea of Jack’s depression and despair with thoughts about death and with overcoming this and fighting against some ghosts or inner demons, then It would be more emotionally powerful and meaningful, if the blue cubs really died, and in 6 episode Ashi’s message was about ���Yes, some people died, but it’s not your fault. You saved many of others, and they still remember you and your kindness. You can not give up. You can not die”.
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By the way, in the entire 5 season that’s the only shot, where Ashi looks nice and relatable, and where her face, expressions (with sincere emotions as if she really experienced them instead of being newcomer actress with her first awkward debut) and lips are normal, and she really looks like a child, i.e. 13-16 years old teen.
Now about this pointless bullsh*t in the dumbest episode (well, I’d say that all episodes, except 2 episode, are moronic, but 8 episode is cringiest) of 5 season. The authors no longer hesitate to demonstrate how they throw problems to the heroes without meaning and logical-plot necessity. There was some kind of slab ship in space, a couple of asteroids hit it slightly, and it just ended up falling on Earth in the desert. Might I remind you, in the classic seasons the Earth was patrolled by guardian robots in space, but in 5 season there are absolutely nothing.
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No air defense, no patrol robots and ships. Nothing. Moreover, whose ship is this? Why didn't anyone on the planet think to report this to Aku (the brother and sister, whose ship crashed in 8 episode of 4 season, were quickly captured as intruders)? Why (if the prison slab belongs to someone from other planets) nobody contacted to report the crash and pick it up with all potentially survived and escaped prisoners?
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And if Genndy and Co didn’t want to use their brains for explaning this, then what’s a point to make it be a space ship prison, damaged and fallen on Earth exactly where Jack and Ashi will walk after couple of hours? What’s a point to show how this space ship happened to be here and to spoil any mystery and unknown threat they can encounter?! Why not to make it just an ancient remains of some relict ship or city, where the deadly monster hides?! Nothing will change, if you either replace it with something else or totally remove this out of the story!
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Now Jack and Ashi share a half of near-dead brain cell for two. They get lost in desert and find the place to relax and wait until the sandstorm will calm and stop. 
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They climbed into the ship. What the f*ck did they have to climb deep into this ship, if they could relax and sleep near the hole of this ship and wait out the storm there?!
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Plus, where the other guard and prisoners? Did they escape? Did Lazarus eat them, since there’s no corpses and bones? Why Lazarus itself didn’t escape from this ship already?
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And if there was a weapon, which can kill Lazarus, why the hell the owners of this prison didn’t kill him long time ago, if he’s so deadly and hard to kill?!
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Now Demongo, who appeared as a small cameo and fanservice without any story purpose that could excuse his presence in 5 season. My question — how the f*ck is that possible?! Might I remind you, in the classic episode after Demongo failed to kill Jack and to capture his soul and lost all of his other souls, who kicked his butt, Aku killed him! How can Demongo be alive after this and perfectly feel himself without souls?! This poor character was also in the game with even more plot holes toward him. But it’s another story.
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And the main sh*t of 5 season, of course, the Cult aka The Daughters of Aku, whose leader/queen is the main f*cking reason of why 5 season even happened. Before 5 season was released, I legitimately thought that they will be the main villains of 5 season, i.e. the deadly enemies for both Jack and Aku. Simply because we have never seen such type of characters before in Samurai Jack universe, especially such cruel and f*cked up character like their fanatical leader. They have to have the backstory and explanation of who they are and where they came from, their leader and her identity, backstory, motivation and goal have to be explained. So it’s logical to assume that they are not what they seem, that they will be the villains of 5 season and the greatest threat for both Jack and Aku. But what we get in 5 season, when it finally was released? They are literally cheap and worse replica of Outsiders from “The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride” with absolutely the same problems (but, at least, the leader of Outsiders had motivation and goal — she was power-hungry manipulator, who used her son as a weapon and a puppet to kill the king and to rule his kingdom, for this she brainwashed her son, feeding him with the idea that he’s the chosen one, who will avenge the rightful king and become king himself). And they give impression of morbid parody toward Aku’s fans, who likes him as a character. And although I duscussed about them here, here and here, analyzing and pointing out everything what’s wrong with them and with the story of 5 season, in this post I’ll talk about problems in exactly building them as some new characters/villains.
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Are they some kind of primitive savage tribe or what? Why only women are members of this Cult? Why they have no technologies?! What their leader wanted from Aku? Why she fanatically saw him as virtuous god (and was absolutely okay with child abuse and animal abuse at the same time), if everyone knows that Aku is a fiercy demon, who rules thousands years, who created multi-cultural society and who is a patron of magic and technological progress and never needed these worshippers at all?! Why she created some kind of religion about him with absolutely contradictional doctrines about him being the most evil and the most good god at the same time (she has to be either dumb*ss without any logic or cunning psychopath with own twisted goals who just pretends to believe in this sh*t — and the version with cunning psychopath is more plausible, because she watched on Ashi all this time and saw everything what Ashi saw during her travelling with Jack and rescuing alien cubs and talking with Jack’s friends he helped earlier)?! Why she always hid her face and identity?! Since when the religious motives exist in Samurai Jack universe?! From what dense Middle Ages were these deranged cultists teleported?! Why Jack never heard about them and never saw them? Seriously, they just happen out of nowhere — there were no cults and religious motives in the classic seasons, so they exist 20 years at best! And 5 season gives no information about them!  Instead of normal script writing and character writing, Genndy and Co just add this random creepy bullsh*t, which also raises questions. For example, this WTF-screamer Ashi sees in 4 episode — her mother really talks to her at this moment (and it differs from the scene from 5 episode). So, why Ashi sees exactly that instead of her mother’s regular mask?! Seriously, what the hell is that?! If her mask can turn into this — then why her daughters didn’t use it as weapon?! Or it’s her real face, since we see squinting blue eyes, eyebrows, wrinkles, big mouth with big fangs and red tongue? If yes, then it's scary to imagine how she disfigured her face to look like Aku — for example, filed her teeth for making them sharp (like the Hessian Horseman from Sleepy Hollow did) and cut off her lips. That’s just another bright example of how morbid and f*cked up this character is. 
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Plus, it’s extremely hillarious to realize that she and her followers never had thought that while they trained her daughters to be the best assasins for killing Jack all these 20 years (at least, I want to believe that 20 years passed, ‘cause montage of 1 episode of 5 season give impression as if they trained and grew during these few days Jack travelled to the city, destroyed by Scaramouche), Jack could die natural way or be killed by another enemy or by Aku himself. Such an irony of fate would have been — she would certainly have gotten rid of her daughters with her own hands, because they are no longer needed (although she herself went to kill Jack, and she could watch and talk and summon, hence they were not needed before in any way too, then why did she give birth to them at all?). That thought apparently never crossed the mind of this fanatical mother. I’m tired to say that again — but she deserves the Darwin Award.
Or this WTF-moment. Why Jack saw this?! He still dreams about Ikra or what?
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No one thought anything through...
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raaorqtpbpdy · 1 year
In the Zone (3)
Based on the Phic Phight prompts: Danny and co. go sight seeing in the zone and get lost. Maybe they have to navigate weird ghost logic/physics/laws to make their way home (from @ventisettestars). And Sam and Tucker maybe getting Pharaoh + plant powers? ecto contamination for the win ig (from @corvidspectre).
Chapter 3: The Metropolitan Realm
AO3 Link
[no applicable warnings]
The Ghost Zone didn't have mornings or evenings, or even days and nights, but the teens all woke up around the same time. Danny and Tucker snacked on beef jerky for breakfast while Sam munched on some mixed nuts for a protein boost. You know, road trip snacks.
"Yesterday was a mixed bag," Tucker commented with his mouth full, "but there's gonna be much cooler stuff coming along today. I'm sure of it. Like, I feel weirdly confident about this."
"You mean like a massive ghost city?" Sam asked.
"Yeah, sure, or a video game realm, or a wizard tower or something? You never know."
"No, look!" she pointed out the window. "A massive ghost city! Danny do you see it?"
"Adjusting course!" Danny said. He got up and sat in the driver's seat, flipping switches to shift into gear and taking them down toward the glowing green and purple skyscrapers in the distance.
"Woah!" Tucker said, finally catching sight of the city. "That looks kinda... modern, for the Ghost Zone, doesn't it?"
"It doesn't really fit the whole aesthetic," Sam agreed. "It's too sleek and... almost normal looking. Why is something like that in the Ghost Zone, dimension of the weird and slimy?"
"Is that a monorail?" Danny asked as they got closer.
He parked the Specter Speeder on the street. There was no one around, it seemed like. Tucker walked over to an abandoned hot dog cart, thinking he could steal some grub, but once he was standing where the line would be a ghost appeared on the vendor's side.
"What can I get for ya?" he asked.
"Two dogs with ketchup and mustard," Tucker said.
"Do you have veggie-dogs, and are they cooked in the same greasy water as the regular dogs?" Sam asked.
"I do, and they're not," the vendor promised. "I also got ecto-dogs."
"Ooh! I'll have one of those, please!" Danny said. The vendor nodded as they finished ordering and gave them their food, handing Danny his last. Since it was the Ghost Zone, where there was no money, he didn't charge. Ghosts held down jobs because they loved doing them, unlike people.
"Make sure you eat it before it eats you, eh?" Danny laughed and took a bite.
"Mm, even better than Mom makes." His friends looked at him with matching disgust. "What?" he asked, smiling internally. Ever since Danny had given them a common enemy regarding whose diet was right and whose was wrong, they hardly ever argued about the pros and cons of meat versus veggies. At least their food wasn't glowing. Once they left the line, the vendor disappeared again.
"Wait I just thought of something," Tucker said, finishing his second hot-dog before the other two were halfway done with their first. He walked back over to the cart, and the vendor appeared again.
"Back for more already?" he asked, then chuckled heartily.
"Actually, my friends and I are tourists, and I was wondering if you knew of any cool places for us to see while we're here?"
"Oh, sure!" the vendor said. "You're gonna wanna take the monorail to the boardwalk for sure! The best shopping is on Third Avenue, just past Wail Street. Oh, and if you can get a reservation, there's this great club on top of the Metropolitan Building, that's the highest skyscraper in the city. It's got great food, great music, and great views of the Zone, and it rotates, too, so you can see everything."
"Sounds awesome!" Tucker said. "I guess that's our day planned. And hey, where is everybody?"
"Oh, it's generally considered impolite to be visible in public places if you can help it, to preserve the city's picturesque quality, but since you three can't help it, I don't think anyone'll call you on it," the vendor said. "Mostly, they'll do what I did and show themselves when you talk to them. It ain't you're fault you're alive."
"Uh... thanks," Tucker said, then shook off the strange comment and smiled. "Thanks a lot!"
"No problem!"
The vendor vanished again as Tucker walked away to relay the information to his friends. They grabbed the things they might need out of the speeder, made a note of where it was parked, Danny activated its cloaking, since apparently being visible was rude, and they headed up to the nearest monorail station.
The monorail moved super fast, and Danny poked his head out the window to see how it worked. It seemed to be using ghost levitation to follow the tracks without touching them so the friction didn't slow it down. "That's so cool!" Danny said, making a mental note to try and replicate the phenomenon for some of his experiments back home.
The carnival at the boardwalk wasn't really anything they couldn't get at home, except that the Ghost Zone physics made the rides even more nausea inducing, to their credit. The carnival food was also as deliciously greasy and unhealthy as it ever was. Occasionally, ghosts would turn visible to talk to them, ask them if they were having fun, and what they were doing there, and say how they'd never seen a living person in the Zone before.
They asked some of the other locals about cool things in the city and Sam got so enthusiastic when she heard about the botanical gardens that they had to make it their next stop. Tucker and Danny didn't really understand her excitement, but every plant she went to see brightened at her presence, to the point where one of the employees made herself visible to compliment Sam on how attuned she was with nature. Danny gave he a smug smirk when the employee disappeared again.
"I don't have plant powers," Sam told him, despite the obvious way the flora reacted to her presence. "Stop being ridiculous."
After the botanical garden, they got directions to the Metropolitan Building. In the end, they didn't really need them, since it was about a hundred feet taller than any other building in the city and the only one with a huge, round disc on the top. The Metropolitan building, as it turned out, was mostly a tourist destination. It's many floors made up a combined hotel and shopping center, with the Metropolitan Club on top.
"Remember, we might not be able to get in," Tucker said as the elevator bypassed the shopping center to the club at the top. "We didn't know how to make a reservation, so don't get your hopes up." The doors dinged and opened on the top floor.
"Hi!" Danny said, and the host turned visible for them. "We didn't know how to make a reservation, but we were wondering if you might have room for the three of us tonight?"
"As it happens, we had a cancellation for a party of four earlier," the host said. "May I take your names?"
Danny started to answer but Sam cut him off. "You may not, please list us as Sam, Tuck, and Danny."
"Clever girl," the host said, writing down the names. "It's always smart to stay on your toes around here, especially while you still draw breath. Go on in, all three of you. Enjoy the Metropolitan Club." 
The club was fun, and just like the vendor from earlier had said, it had a breathtaking view. Danny convinced his friends to do ectoplasm shots, just to try it, and laughed when they took them and gagged.
"Eugh, Danny how can you eat that stuff?" Tucker demanded. "It's... so gross... so bitter."
"It tastes like how wet socks feel," Sam moaned. "I'm never doing that again as long as I live. I can't believe I let you talk me into that."
Danny took another shot from a passing tray, no-doubt being carried by an invisible waitress, and downed it in one gulp. "Ah, refreshing," he said, grinning at the revulsion on his friends' faces.
Once they recovered from the shots, they decided to dance.
"I gotta say, I really like ghost music," Sam said. "I wonder if I can buy a couple albums around here somewhere."
"We should check out the shopping center downstairs when we're done here," Danny suggested. "They've probably got lots of cool stuff, and there's no money or scarcity here, so everything's free."
"Good idea!" Tucker agreed. "We should totally pick up some souvenirs from this place! It rocks!"
They spent a few hours up at the club, enjoying the view, and the food, and the atmosphere, before heading down for souvenirs. Sam picked up some CDs and a ghostly portable CD played, just in case a normal CD player would get fried or something trying to play ghost music. Tucker got himself a Metropolitan Club souvenir T-shirt, and Danny got a key-chain for the keys to the Specter Speeder.
Finally, the three of them got tired enough to head back to the speeder. Danny pulled out the key to deactivate the cloaking. Nothing happened, not even a sound to indicate the car was there when Danny tried to unlock it. This was definitely the right place. It was the right intersection of streets, next to the right building, with the hot dog cart across the street. The speeder should be there.
"Did we get carjacked?" Danny said, frantically waving the key around and clicking buttons at random, hoping to hear the familiar chirping of the speeder. "It's gone!"
Tucker walked over to the cart, and the vendor appeared again.
"Good to see you again, you hungry?" the vendor asked.
"Actually, we just ate at the club you recommended, and it was great, so thanks, but it seems like our vehicle was stolen at some point while we were seeing the sights. I don't suppose you saw who took it?" 
"Oh, I'm afraid not," the vendor told him. "That's the side effect of most things being invisible. There are never any witnesses."
"Thanks anyway," Tucker said, then headed back to his friends, uselessly feeling around for the stolen speeder. "Give it up, guys. Were stranded in the Ghost Zone with no transportation, and no idea how to get home."
"We'll find a solution," Danny said determinedly. Sam nodded, stifling a yawn. "For now, lets head back to the metropolitan building and get some rest. We'll come back tomorrow and attack the problem again with a clear head."
"Shouldn't we call the cops?" Sam asked. "The ghost cops?"
"You think ghost police will be any less corrupt and useless than human police? Tucker retorted with a scoff. "Ghosts with jobs do them out of love for the job, remember, not a sense of duty to the community. If anything, ghost cops will be worse than human cops."
"He's got a point," Danny agreed. "Just think about Walker's goons. They weren't exactly paragons of protect and serve." He began to walk back down the street. "Come on."
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luckystarchild · 6 months
Do you know why Jojo part 6 released in three batches of 12-14 eps many months apart instead of weekly like the previous parts?
Disclaimer: I'm not working on that series and I don't work for or with Netflix in any capacity, so please know everything I say here is just educated guesswork based on my experience in the anime industry at large, plus some logical observation thrown in.
But tbh? I'm guessing it's due to Netflix's dogged adherence to binge-model streaming.
In recent history, Netflix began licensing anime from Japanese licensors in a bid to enter the very lucrative anime space (valued in the tens of billions as of 2021). They kept their licensed titles in "Netflix Jail" until they could release the entire series in a binge-ready batch, foregoing weekly releases entirely. The "binge model" of streaming has worked well for them in the past, and they saw no reason to break from this tradition when they first started licensing simulcast anime in-season.
Carole & Tuesday, Beastars, and others received this treatment. The shows aired in their entirely in Japan, and months later, Netflix finally released them (with multiple foreign language dub options) in a big batch. Alas, anime fans accustomed to same-day simulcasts weren't happy they couldn't watch these series weekly during their seasonal debut (hence the term "Netflix Jail" entering anime community parlance). Because Netflix wanted to do batch-releases, fans missed out on the initial hype concurrent to the series' Japanese TV debut as a result.
I imagine most fans who wanted to watch a series would just pirate it rather than wait for Netflix to release it from Netflix Jail and drop the whole thing at once months after it aired (I know I did with Carole & Tuesday). Because there was no legal way to watch the series, these series weren't as widely reviewed for American audiences during the peak of the hype surrounding them. The lack of media hype + rampant piracy likely ate into Netflix's bottom line once the series were released on the platform. People had already watched the shows by the time Netflix released them from Netflix Jail, making them old news.
Since Netflix is a business, they were likely interested in figuring out how to better monetize their content and prevent preemptive piracy. That leads us to current-day-Netflix's behavior surrounding anime simulcasts.
The series I talked about above were largely licensed by Netflix. Licensing a show means buying the rights to these shows after the shows are funded (AKA produced) by Japanese producers, licensors and studios. Netflix owns the rights to stream these series, but they don't own the shows themselves. They couldn't prevent them from being aired in Japan since they didn't actually own the shows.
More recently, Netflix has been installing themselves as a producer on shows, rather than just a licensor of them. That is, rather than buying the streaming rights to a series, they've been putting down money up-front and funding the production of the anime they've been buying. They are co-producing, which gives them more control and power over the series as a whole. In short, they own all or most of the series.
Two recent series come to mind: Ooku the Inner Chambers and JoJo Part 6. Both of these series debuted on Netflix (Ooku is an exclusive Netflix production and ONA). In the case of Jojo Part 6, it was shown on Japanese TV after it debuted exclusively on Netflix.
Because Netflix has a controlling stake in these shows, they can control how and when they are released. They're going to release the series in the way they think will make them the most money. Because batch-releases and the binge model have worked well for them, they organized the release of JoJo Part 6 around this strategy. They premiered it on Netflix in a binge-ready batch of episodes, rather than rolling it out weekly. Then, afterward, they gave it a weekly release on Japanese TV. By preventing the show from airing on TV before it arrived on Netflix, they basically prevented pirates from "leaking" the episodes before Netflix could get a bite at them. This move made Netflix the first and simplest place to consume these series.
Basically Netflix wants to stick to their binge-model when possible. With anime simulcast licensing, you just can't do that without missing out on simulcast seasonal hype and inviting piracy of shows before you can air them. Anime simulcasts are basically incompatible with the binge model...
... unless you're rich enough to change the game, and turn "Netflix Jail" into just... Netflix.
If you own the show, you can control how it's released. Netflix removed JoJo Part 6 from the simulcast game completely and structured its release on what they thought would make them the most money. They think (and probably have numbers that suggest) people subscribe in order to binge new shows. By breaking Part 6 up into batches, they have three "binge cycles" that'll earn them customers each time.
Long story short: Netflix controls their content based on what they think will make them the most money, and for them, that's the binge model.
Obviously they're doing SOME weekly rollouts (mostly with their reality series), but Netflix still appears to be prioritizing bingeable content, and they haven't shifted over to weekly simulcasts for anime.
In the future, I expect they'll back away from simulcast licensing and do far more co-producing when it comes to anime. We'll likely see most "Netflix anime" being released as platform-exclusive (or ONA) content with a delayed TV release in Japan. Licensing simulcasts that get stuck in "Netflix Jail" earns them ill-will from fans who prefer same-day simulcasts. Owning the series by co-producing, rather than just stream-licensing, makes more sense for them and their binge-model business practice since they can escape the simulcast and piracy trap baked into the simulcast model. They can do whatever they like with the series they own... even if it flies in the face of anime fans who prefer simulcasts to the binge model.
Capitalism ruins the party again, I suppose. Hope this helped!
(Disclaimer: I understand there were long delays between the parts of Part 6, and that could be Netflix trying to drag things out, but it's also likely there were production issues. I can't say for sure, but the anime world is still suffering a lost of delays because of COVID, so... throw that in there and you have a recipe for long-delayed batch releases. But I can't speak to the specifics of this project.)
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hyba · 3 months
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I put my detective cap on today, and made a cork board sketch to determine who Invidia is. Strings, connecting dots, the whole deal.
For those who aren't familiar with this character, "Invidia" is the code name that Cassia's blackmailer went by. This person knew about Cassia's past and her true relationship to Aster Lockwood. They were using this information to get payments from her each month. A few months before her murder, Cassia had stopped paying Invidia and refused to continue doing so. Naturally, Laith suspects that this Invidia person might have been Cassia's killer.
In the current draft, Invidia is revealed to be...
(SPOILER ALERT? It changes so it doesn't matter but if you're reading the current draft and haven't gotten to it yet, read ahead at your own peril.)
...Audra Haize.
In a nutshell, here's the case against Haize:
She works at PATET HQ, she is able to hack her way into parts of the PATET system she isn't supposed to have access to or clearance for, and she has more money than an Assistant Spec should have. She also worked under Grot Antrum, who was connected to Cassia's past, so she could have maybe learned about the whole thing from him, directly or by snooping. She's a good snooper.
Moreover, she would have had the knowhow and opportunity to remove all traces of any footage which featured Cassia Grove meeting up with Invidia at Platano Maduro.
On the surface, she looks like the kind of person who would be able to pull all of this off. In the current story, we learn that she was doing it for two reasons:
She was blackmailing Grot Antrum to keep him in check and ensure her career progression.
She wanted to get a little extra money; apparently, there are rumours within PATET HQ that Specs have crossed lines for bribes before.
Why this doesn't hold up:
Audra has been cooperating and aiding in the investigation into Cassia's murder from the moment we meet her.
If she was Invidia, she would want to stay as far away from Laith as possible. To make herself invisible. Just another Assistant Spec. There is one compelling reason for this:
In the current draft, Haize claims that she had no clue about the murder that Grot, Cassia, and her husband were covering up. Given that she had become a part of that crime, there is a very big chance she would be arrested and sentenced heavily for her involvement in the continued cover up of a murder.
The punishment for murder in Heliopolis is the death penalty.
Covering up the crime is almost akin to being a part of it, which means that Haize was, in the worst case, facing the hangman's noose if her involvement was revealed.
Why does she help Laith if she truly is Invidia? She could be risking her life. There is nothing tying her to this case, apart from Aster Lockwood, and if we're being honest, he's not credible. Logically, if she is Invidia, the best thing for Audra to do is lay low.
The other issue is the money and job progression thing:
Specialists are very well respected in Heliopolis, and even Assistant Specialists are paid handsomely for their work, despite the job's entry level status. So she's pretty solid on that front, too. She doesn't need to blackmail anyone.
And, if she's as good at her job as the book makes her out to be, why would Antrum keep her career from progressing? He wouldn't; and he couldn't, because each team of Assistant Specialists reports to two Specialists which act as co-leaders and trainers. It's not up to Grot alone.
It just doesn't make sense for Audra to be Invidia the way I've set up her character and the worldbuilding.
So, who is Invidia? 🧐
After carefully assessing motives, means, and opportunities for each potential Invidia suspect - including new characters I've added like Moorland and Wulf - I narrowed it down to four main questions:
Did they know/could they have had the opportunity to learn about Aster Lockwood and Cassia Grove?
Would they not actually go through with their threat if Cassia and her husband refused to pay? (This is a necessary point because Invidia didn't do anything after Cassia and her husband stopped paying up. After all, Invidia is meant to be a false red herring - not related to Cassia's murder but related to the huge iceberg of which her murder is only the tip.)
Did they need the money enough to do something like this, right under PATET's nose, where the smallest slip-up could cost them everything?
Did they have access to PATET and could they potentially manipulate it to protect themselves?
Only one suspect fit all four criteria, and it wasn't Audra Haize, mainly because she didn't need the money enough to potentially put her neck on the line.
Also, the one person who did fit all four criteria had an even stronger motive, means, and opportunity than she would have, and a history of criminal activity.
I wonder if you can guess who it is? 😉
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
One Piece Chapter 1062 - Initial Thoughts
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And we're back
Once again Oda dropped a bomb and dipped for an extra week but now we're back to await answers
This is the second time I've had to write this XD My PC froze so I had to restart it
but still, let's get this Vegapunk arc going!
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the official release also
Oh we know whose technique that is, seems that Blackbeard's crew were indeed in Whole Cake Island, ara ara
Picking up right where we left off, Franky and Usopp are still fanning out on Vegapunk, while Sanji and Brook are in the 'pretty lady' mindset
Robin however does point out that Vegapunk has been referred to a dude for much of the story
As fans theorised, 02 is simply not Vegapunk's main body, this is Vegapunk Lilith
Interesting to choose biblical since Lilith is sometimes deemed the second human to be created; after Adam but before Eve
Lilith however reminds the crew this isn't a rescue and demands they hand over their loot, which of course Nami takes offense to
Lilith though claims that the crew is surrounded, with her squad of cyborg sea monsters
Franky's still fanning out while Usopp is between panic and fanning, Zoro however remains unimpressed
Lilith though is contacted by 'Shaka' who reprimands her for looting - even if its for getting more funds
Seems both are aware that this is the Straw Hats, but Lilith believes that our idiots actually have money XD like her cute devious face though
Shaka though notes that Zoro and Robin are calm in the situation, meaning they know they can take her
But I wouldn't call the others idiots, they may end up surprising you
Zoro's willing to play it cool with Lilith though, since he wants something from them. Likely a means to help Luffy's group reunite but you never know
Shaka has interesting stock in the Straw Hats too, asking Lilith to bring them over
Shaka is Punk-01 'Logic', fitting for the name
Over to Luffy's squad and Bonney's in a sharing mood, seems she was here a long time ago when it was just a minor lab
Bonney is indeed after answers from Vegapunk about Kuma...who is her Father!
I mean, it explains a lot and yet so little, no wonder she and Akainu are acquainted and she hates him
But still, Bonney princess of the Sorbet Kingdom, I guess this puts the age question out of the Void Century, unless she used her ability on Kuma too, guess that would be a way to 'commit every crime' per his title
Also we can't dodge the fact that Kuma fucks. Hope he put a ring on it given how he carries that bible around
Jinbe is of course angered by this (not sure if he knows it's Kuma she's talking about but he may've had a dynamic with him as fellow warlords)
It is at least enough for Luffy to try and remember Bonney's name better
Bonney meanwhile realises she forgot to tell Luffy about Sabo - meaning she must know about their brotherhood - but expects she'll have a chance later
They reach the ground floor and it looks like a city from the Jetsons, with a Mecha/Kaiju battle overhead and a lot of Vega branding, plus SSG at the top
Naturally, with all the Steve Irwin energy he can muster, Luffy decides he's gonna ride this gigantic beast...but ends up firing into its mouth
or, not? He goes straight through. The group then see a parfait and go for it (despite Jinbe's warnings it could be a trap) and go through that too
Bonney surmises that these must be holograms, and not Luffy's suggestion that they died and are now ghosts XD food not being real though triggers a Sanji-esque flaming reaction from Luffy
Jinbe suggests that the mech is also a hologram, stating that nobody could make something that big (of course unaware of the mecha that saved the Sunny) but also wonders why the climate is different from the Winter Island climate
This prompts a new Punk to arrive, stating that they made a climate air con. This Punk looks a bit like Uta too, except gigantic and like a sheep-girl-thing, also Jetpacks and rocket boots
Luffy thinks this is another hologram and goes to hit it to test, but when he makes contact he's surprised that the Punk hits back
Fortunately, he's hit into a machine that makes food, and the three gluttons go wild for it
Do you think Vega Cola would make Franky more or less Super?
Seems this Punk is also aggrieved by lack of funding, as well as engineers being unable to follow their blueprints. They're so angry that they punch a hologram too
Seems this Punk made special gloves that can touch holograms, which does feel a little like they're making Kizaru deterrents...
Seems the Punk feels that their Holograms are 'real' in a sense, but like Luffy often does tells others to figure out how they feel, before introducing themselves as Vegapunk too
Bonney doesn't buy it, but this is Punk 06: Atlas rather than the main guy, 'Wrath' is also its sign which is why it's shown to be frustrated and aggressive
Dunno what animal tail that's supposed to be either
Luffy meanwhile remembers the name Vegapunk...not by Bonney who told him last chapter but from Coby back at Water Seven XD
Meanwhile in the New World, CP0 are back in play
This time it's Lucci, Kaku and Stussy, all with their masks on the table, as Kaku tries to explain to Lucci the Vegapunk situation
Vegapunk has took a trick from Nagato and split themselves into Six 'satellites' so they can multitask
In numeric order we have Shaka, Lilith, Edison, Pythagoras, Atlas (even though their dress and name plate said 06) and Yoke (or is it York? Maybe relative to Captain Yorki Brook's old captain??)
Their sign is Logic, Evil (probably a nod to Lilith being mother of demons), Flair (kinda hope he's just a plagiarist), Wisdom, Wrath and Desire
There's also a Seraphim Kuma on the ship, deemed a 'problem child' that they're taking back to Egghead
but this is only a front for their actual mission: Kill all the Vegapunks
Lucci does wonder if this is tied into Lulusia, but Stussy does slyly note that it's not their job to ask questions
Unlike Lucci though, questions is all we have to ask!
The Vegapunk stuff isn't surprising, but I still like it. Seven different Vegapunks are running around with different personalities, skills and agendas, which can blend well with the different personality types of the crew and Bonney.
Speaking off, Bonney has perfectly blended into the group, not that I had much doubt, but she has the seriousness Zoro, Jinbe and Robin issue but the silliness that Luffy, Usopp and Chopper exude. Revealing her to be Kuma's daughter is a surprise, but it does add to her and Kuma's mystery.
And Oda is slowly putting all manner of threats in the way; CP0 and a defective Kuma Seraphim on their way to kill all the Vegapunks, which will likely bring all of the plots post-Reverie to light when it comes to the Straw Hats. It'll be interesting how Lucci and Kaku rate against Luffy and Zoro now, part of me wants them to be weaker just so we can get Kaku vs Usopp but another part of me feels like Lucci and Luffy should be on similar levels. With CP0 unraveling in Wano too, I wonder if this leads to a bigger fallout, but really I'd be happy if they simply don't squash Tashigi and Smoker if he's here, give Smoker and Tashigi a big win instead.
We still have Shaka to physically meet and 3 more Punks to entirely meet in this arc, but I'm liking what we're seeing
Plus since there's multi Vegapunks I'm going all in on calling it the 'Vegapunk Arc' rather than Egghead Island, let's manifest it!
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ardeawritten · 2 years
My boss just added a job to my plate that I have been staunchly avoiding for the six years I've worked here because it deals with some financial stuff and I don't like doing that. There's a lot of "just let that slide, it's how we do things" out here, but I can't operate like that unless I get the whole backstory and also decide I agree with the internal logic. And there's a mess in the middle of this. My boss might be learning why you don't give an INTP a job unless you want the job deconstructed down to its base facts and then each fact reviewed for accuracy.
The long and short of it...
Partner company's employees: Life is more expensive for us because your company has a monopoly on housing and inflates our rent and we can't afford to live here
Everyone at my work: This partner company is lying to their employees and jacks their rent to make money off them
Partner's employees: Our bosses said they're just transferring your cost direct to us and your company is charging them extra
Everyone at my work: We are literally not charging them rent. Their company uses our real estate for free and it's an open secret that they are scalping their employees
Me, an INTP: Since it's suddenly my (unwanted) job to tell you all how much life costs and keep track of the bills, I want the TRUTH RIGHT NOW PLEASE
Either a) we're telling lies about them (we are charging them rent but no one outside of like one person off-site knows this) or b) partner company is lying to their employees and also being incredibly unethical (we are not charging them rent but they claim we are as cover to overcharge their people) or c) partner company is being scammed out of a few thousand dollars a month but doesn't realize it and just assumes it's a legit cost for renting (everyone is wrong about everything and the truth will save everyone a lot of money)
But there's some Large Personalities involved and I am now needing to wait until they are all back from vacation to have a chat and sort this out. Much as I'd love to just dig into this and start making phone calls. I am not supposed to Offend people in authority by Asking Questions. I value accuracy of information much higher than someone else's pride but since that's already on my performance review as "things to work on" I probably shouldn't push it with this.
I did not want the local book-keeping job added to my existing job but if I'm going to do this job I'm going to do it all the way even if it means digging up some buried BS rent drama that's been quietly sitting ignored for a decade. I'm really done with my partner co-workers blaming my boss for their higher cost of living while all my co-workers insinuate their boss is a scammer. And apparently no one else has dug into it. In the ten years this has been going on.
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kim-ruzek · 2 years
I think Jesse leaving is part his doing and part money/budget. Like, maybe he was going to leave after the 10th anyway but just didn’t put up a fight over them having him leave sooner. Even if he wanted to stay for the end of the season.
I think the video/interview that Jesse did with Nick and Alberto in April for TV Guid YouTube says it all. They were playing “Who’d you rather” and at 5:53 when they got to “sentence to desk duty”, Nick said Jay and Jesse said “hey I’ll take it. I could use the rest, lord knows.”
It was subtle but that’s what makes me think it was (at least partly) his idea because I don’t think was talking about Jay. I think he was talking about himself.
I agree with this, honestly. Like I'll be the first to say I wouldn't be shocked if it turns out Jesse was fired, but I do think it's his decision.
I haven't seen that video interview, and while I wouldn't necessarily take that as an indicator that Jesse wanted out because he could want rest without planning on, plus it's hard to take literal meaning from things they say knowing humans, but it does make it seem more likely -- and also brings up a point I keep thinking when I keep seeing how many people say Jesse enjoys filming on the show.
As I understand it, a lot of people are finding it hard to believe that Jesse would choose to leave just because he's always said he enjoys it but that just, to me, dismisses how at the end of the day this is a job to them. He could love his co workers and love his crew and love being part of something so special... And still chose to leave. Like even if he enjoys himself, there's enjoying themselves and also choosing rest.
Not the same sort of thing, but it's like-- when I was in college, I was exhausted and depressed and the getting up every day and heading in was tiring, but I *loved* this one class. Like I adored it. I loved the people, the subject and the teacher. When I was there I enjoyed myself... But I was still tired and depressed even though those were some of the best times of my life (adfvhj lol I sound like a nerd). And so Jesse can still love working there, and still decide to leave for whatever reason.
I think I'm just frustrated with people not applying logic. Like if you think there's weird vibes there's other explanations than just oh no he was fired! Like maybe he told them he was leaving, but the original plan was to have him leave later in the season/at the end, and then they decided to move it closer and it's like oh so the vibes are because they're sad about not getting as much time left! And like everyone being like but he was so happy to be back at work... Maybe because it's that leaving nostalgia that hits you before the end of an era. And the people who (and I'm not gonna comment on how insane and intrusive I think about them) think Jesse's dating Tracy? And is like why would he leave the show he films with his gf... Maybe it's because she is? Like if he wants the relationship to succeed he may think it's got a better chance with him having left?
This is getting long so I'll end this here. This insistence over Jesse being fired is crazy to me, especially the proof people put up (especially with nothing confirming being leaked sooo). It's also crazy because there's no way to get confirmation of it being his choice if it is... He says he's leaving, everyone assumes he was fired. So the options for fans are even keep believing what hasn't been said, or him to have actually been fired... Nothing about believing he wanted to leave. Also it's just me I guess but I like taking the actor on their word until knowing other wise
Thank you for this ask 💖
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onetwotwentytwo · 25 days
I finally got this account back
I don’t know why i’m writing this as a letter - or even why I’m writing it in the first place. I thought of calling you to come outside so that I could say it in person, or perhaps a phone call, but I felt like this was the most appropriate way to express what I want to say. there’s permanence in writing that the other ways hold hold. i think that’s important, I need these words to be cemented in that way. I know you expressed in our last conversation that you wanted it to be our last regarding this, and through I agree that a back and forth is not good for either of our mental, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t of the clearest mindset. I have two sides inside of me fighting with one another - I think it’s my heart and my mind. I think logically my mind says that perhaps we aren’t right for one another. as alike as we are, we’re also so tremendously different. with the way we were raised, with our thought processes, and with how we respond to stresses. I think of the ways we keep coming up short for one another and how damaging that is for the both of us, especially considering how much we love on another. that’s where the other side comes in - love. 
somewhere within our first interaction that september evening I think our souls made a unspoken vow to one another; one that said we choose one another. we need one another. we will need one another for balance, for peace, and for strength. we will need one another to help ourselves fill the spaces between our cracks. the problem there however is that we weren’t ready for that. I think we interpreted it as we will fill those cracks for one another. we started depending on one another to do that when the reality is that it’s no one but our job to do that for ourselves. our partners will assist with that along the way and make it easier for one another in the best way that they can, but it’s ultimately our job for ourselves. 
we became co-dependent and wanted the other person to save us from ourselves. we made it worse by not voicing our feelings to one another - me especially. I bottled it all up out of fear, and because I thought it was what I needed to be doing for it to be easier for us. you bottled it up out of fear of what that would do to the love that we foster here. a healthy relationship needs communication like we need air. our fears, our thoughts, our opinions need to be voiced for us to be free, rather than us being together in the confines of our own minds. 
I write this to say that I’m putting all of me out there. I have a fear of being left alone and because of that I find that the consistent reassurance through physical and verbal ways makes me that go away. I seek that from you because I also want to reciprocate that to you in a way that does not make me feel like I am being overbearing or too intense. I know you never understood the desire for me to never ask for my parent’s money because of your experience with that, but the truth is, that was rooted in my desire to be my own man. a man - i’ve always wanted to see myself as a man and i’ve felt I never got a chance to be that. I had to figure all of that on my own and I feel like I always came up short. I never felt man enough to be a partner to you and that would make me regress even more. all my life i’ve desired to be a man and not a lost little boy. I didn’t understand what that meant and so I made it up for myself along the way. I think I now have a good understanding of what that means. 
you have given me that. the chance to become the man I always wanted. the man that can be decisive, strong (will, faith, and character). a man that can be a provider by ways of action, but also through all the ways I spoke of earlier - the romantic side to me that I wish to show. I want to be able to lead, I want to be able to provide, I want to be able to let you know that any situation that is presented will be handled because we are a team and you have someone that will always have your back, through faith and actions. I want for you to never worry about sharing anything with me because you know that I will see the best in you and will help you through anything that I can. I will devote my life to making sure you don’t have to feel alone. I want to be here for more than dates nights and getting high, I want to be a pillar that you lean on. a tree that shades you from the july heat and refreshes you with the fruits from its branches. I want to be more gentle. I want to be soft, tender, and loving. with my words and my actions. I want to put that into the world so that our bond benefits everything around us just as much as it benefits us. 
in order for this to happen though I require my partner to allow me to lean on her as well. I need my pillar just as much as you need yours. I need something to lean on as well. I need someone to be just as open with me, just as gentle and just as understanding. I need someone who understands that I have no will to be hurtful and that I also want the best for my partner. I want effort as well to show me that I am taking care of what we have. you made me a hoodie on valentine’s day. that was one of the sweetest presents I have ever received. I don’t ask for expensive things, Alhamdulillah I can provide myself that - I ask for thoughtfulness. I ask for action to the words that you speak. if you say you want to cook for me, then I would love to experience that more. I have the means to allow us to have experiences that help us enjoy time together as well as the ability to pitch dates so you don’t have to think about planning it but I need that enthusiasm from you to show my efforts as worth it. I need to see and hear that you also see value in us being able to spend that time together. I would love for my efforts to be appreciated and encouraged. I don’t want the same from you. I don’t want 50/50, I don’t want you to have to provide in that sense. it’s my job as a man to provide that for us and I WANT to do that, but I do think it’s your job to provide the encouragement and effort in the ways that I just said. that’s what 50/50 is to me. to me effort goes a long way. I cannot take it all on by myself - I can take on being a provider but I need someone there who will allow me to continue to do that through her actions as well. I need a partner to see my efforts and tell me where I am doing well but more importantly to tell me where I am not so that I can continue to be better for us. it’s a partnership for a reason and that doesn’t mean both people have to split every role, but each party has their own roles that they have to play in order for the relationship to work. 
I know home plays a very big role in our problems as well. the limitations can be crippling and for that reason I think it’s important that I address it. I know that regardless of what the situation is, family is family and regardless we have a role to play it that. we cannot abandon them - neither of us were raised that way, nor does our faith allow for that in the first place. we have to do what we can in our families and I realized that I was not doing the best that I could in my own situation. I accepted it for what it was and built resentment. avoidance. no communication or attempt to fix the cracks. I can’t call myself a man with that attitude. I vow - not for us, but because it’s be duty as a man, a son, a brother - to take care of my family in the best way that I can. for me that means being a lot more gentle, a lot more understanding, a lot more open to have difficult conversations. my role is to use my skillset to create harmony and understanding, very similar to how I am trying here. it’s my responsibility to play a more active role in all my relationships. It’s my responsibility to open my heart to those around me, especially the ones to allowed me to exist in this very world today. it’s because of them i’m able to actualize these words and put them to action. every smile I put on someone’s face, in their heart, is accredited to me parents, not me. 
it’s really hard to say this, but I think that being a partner there is a need to respect the others’ family, their dynamics, and their way of living. but at the same time it’s important to also point out where it crosses the line, especially for you, because you have a such a giving nature and you also take on the world and feel guilty when you don’t. as your partner it’s really important for me to say that a lot of the things you share with me of your situation are really abusive and that isn’t okay. it’s far from a tough situation, it’s a situation where it’s now detrimental to your mental and physical health. it’s wrong of me to stand idly by and let it happen without taking a stand or saying something. a lot of what you have shared cannot happen with me around, I could not let for that to happen if we were married because it’s beyond wrong. even Islamically speaking it’s my duty to take that stand and I think it’s time that you hear this. I know it’s the most difficult thing to hear but your situation is not okay. I know you know this, but I don’t think you know it enough. you need to understand that it’s not okay to let all your own dreams, goals, aspirations, and energy deteriorate within your own situation. its your responsibility to be a older sister to the kids but it’s not your responsibility to take on the role of their mother. it’s not your responsibility abandon all your own desires to look after someone who has no desire to look after themselves. just like I want for you to come into a happy home with openness and love, I want you to let yourself come into that as well. I say this because I want a future where though they are not abandoned or left behind, all your energy is not being poured there. I need a partner who is able to pour into her own self and this as well so that I can take on the rest - but I do require for you to be here. more importantly there for yourself. not sacrificing even more for a situation that will not acknowledge your work. communication and softness is my challenge with my family and boundaries and taking a stand is yours. I am up for the challenge, but I also need for you to be as well. for this to work that is crucial, otherwise we will be doomed. this was very difficult for me to say but i’m not shying away from difficult anymore. if it’s my responsibly to take care of you then I need to do that in the way I know to be fit, regardless of anything. and I want to say again, I mean no disrespect nor will I ever in my entire life to yours, but I will never not take a stand for you, regardless of who it’s against. I refuse to sit idly by and allow you to get disrespected by anyone for as long as i’m able bodied and have a voice. I want to provide you with a home, one that we build together because you deserve that. you deserve the pleasantries of life and I want to provide you that, but in order to do so i’m going to need for you to help me and help us achieve that as well. that means standing up for yourself and this.  
this took hours to write, and even longer to formulate. it’s been on my mind since that first phone conversation. therapy helped me actualize a lot of this as well. I didn’t understand a lot of it until I was able to break it down and speak about it. I’ve been journaling, meditating, thinking, feeling. expressing. last time we talked I asked you how things would be different and you said it doesn’t matter anymore. I told you, I cannot live a life of regret so I had to write this. my vow to you was to give this my all and I won’t stop until i’ve offered you the very last drop. all of me. all my fight. this is me putting it out there. what I will give, what I think, what I feel, and what scares me. you know what I want from you, you have my expectations and you have my offering. my thoughts processes. my everything. I haven’t told anyone about us yet because I knew in my heart of hearts that I wasn’t ready for that conversation. I told you I wish we had it a little later - I needed the ability to seek help in order to formulate all this. now you know. if you agree, if you feel like after reading all this, we are aligned in what I am saying, I am here with open arms to really start this journey together. if after reading all this you still think it’s better to go our separate ways I completely understand and I respect it. like, really respect it. I am giving you the time to think about it and really reflect on what i’m saying. I will be going on my trip and that will allow for you to think freely. I will talk to my dad about jobs in Saudi - I am willing to do that for us. if I can do that and I get something there iA you won’t have to work and you can live that life you deserve to live. there will be money to send home and you won’t have to worry about anything. I know I said it’s unrealistic to take all that on myself and that’s the one way I see it would be realistic. I need you to know my goal is always to take care of you, but in order to do that I need you to play an important role as well. if you are willing to do that then I want to really try. really give it an honest shot which neither of us have actually done, regardless of how often we say we have. this to me is how we do that. I trust your judgment and I trust Allah’s more than anything else so if you want to really try, may Allah guide us to that. 
Yours indefinitely, 
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lizardbytheriver · 7 months
"The Goode Family" Observation Part 3
"Nothing ever gets solved with violence". Okay, you can either go with these folks love Che Guevara or go with these folks are extreme pacifists. You cannot do both. The show has a problem of when anyone is further Left than the titular Goode Family then they are just terrorists. Or to be fair, there was one time where the "further Left" person was living a life of self-imposed poverty (to get away from his wives, children, and debt). They could not resist the low hanging fruit of having the reformed gang members (who are all People of Colour), still steal something at the end. Damn, this show is racist. "Why do we have to listen to public radio on our computer, its barbaric". That line does not age well tbh. Even their fantasies are being Upper Class. Blahhh. The "Leftwing" Father is surprised that a business man cares more about money than a person's life/financial-ruin. See what I mean when I say they write the Father as too out-of-touch? Okay. So now the daughter getting a job is "Conservative" (even tho the Father has a job). When a few episodes ago the parents were afraid the daughter would leach off the system. You see what I mean by inconsistent? Like inconsistent, in a way where there is no internal logic to these characters. The Father is deeply uncomfortable "toppling current power structures", but is a fan of Che Guevara. Okay.
If you ever wanted the fem-version of Bill from "King of the Hill", this shows got you covered. The show is pretty Fatphobic. When the show want to scare our skinny leads, they show a fat person in the scene. When the show wants someone to be definitely (perceived as) ugly or a loser, they just make 'em fat. Well. The neighbor lied about his age to kill the Vietnamese in the War. Which... Yikes. The show oddly comes out as Pro-Child Labour. Okay, I guess. "Not to gender type, but you know how women can be." That line disgusts me on several levels. It really is funny (possibly intentionally so), that the deeper you go into this show. The more it solidifies that the Goode's activism basically amounts to... shopping at expensive, organic store. Later, it seems to imply that the store is a chain store and not even like a true local business (or Co-Opt). I guess this is the problem with some forms of activism, is they just become based solely around individualist consumption and steeped in consumerism. Also. Another, "Petitions are useless" messaging. Which Okay. It just still feels like any action that does not solely rely on just the individual and/or the household is outright disregarded.
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