#i mean im godawful at writing BUT hey im writing what i like so that must count for something right?
iwritefandomimagines · 7 months
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based on a request
pairing: jess mariano x reader
description: after months of mutual pining, jess arrives at luke’s having read your favourite novel. oh, and he has some notes.
warnings: swearing, jokey sexual reference, other than that just tooth rotting fluff vibes
author’s note: thank you so much for this request, i loved it sm i had to immediately start writing!!! i hope it does jess justice — i love writing him so much. i may go back and edit some bits im not 100% happy with — but i hope you enjoy!!!
pleaaaaase let me know what you think — i love love love reading you guys’ feedback <3
“I finished it.”
If you were anyone else, you’d have jumped out of your skin at the sudden, and rather loud, appearance of someone beside you.
But this was you, and it was Jess, so you were more than used to your ‘peaceful’ study sessions at Luke’s being interrupted by his ever-present smirk, his flirting and his endless supply of smartarse comments.
Not that you could complain.
You’d grown used to his omnipresence over a year ago. And it had been months now since you’d realised that you no longer just tolerated his company — you enjoyed it a ridiculous amount and instead longed for it when he wasn’t around.
You eyed him quizzically, noting how proud of himself he looked for reading your favourite book, but also noticing an unusual lack of self-assurance glimmering through his expression.
“I would ask if you mean this trig stuff for Mr Elton,” you gestured down to the homework you’d been painfully poring over for the past hour, “But I know you too well to expect you to actually do your homework, so what are you talking about?”
He didn’t mention that the real reason he never studied in your trig study sessions was because he was more often than not too busy staring at you and coming up with things to say to make you laugh.
Jess raised his eyebrows, but then shook his head and cleared his throat to do a godawful impression of you, “Oh Jess, I can’t believe you’ve never read it. My favourite novel in the whole world and you’ve never read it!”
You scoffed, “If that was supposed to be me, get out of here.”
“Please, like you really want to get rid of me,” he teased, gesturing to the pile of papers in front of you, “Then you’d be miserable and heartbroken and, even worse, have to actually finish your trig homework. Besides, I enjoyed it.”
Your eyes brightened up at this, and you could tell he noticed, “Don’t look so surprised, Y/N. Your taste isn’t that bad… I mean, you hang out with me don’t you?”
“For some reason, yes,” you pretended to grumble, feigning ignorance of the butterflies in your stomach at his usual smug smile, “But you really liked it?”
He sat down in the seat opposite you now, pulling the book from his bag and slamming it down in front of you, “Well, I have notes of course.”
You rolled your eyes, at which he couldn’t help but laugh, “Hey, it wasn’t terrible. I did say I enjoyed it… Some of the notes are nice.”
“Oh yeah, I’m sure.”
“You wound me,” Jess feigned a pout, “Romance isn’t usually my genre and you know that.”
“Of course. Hemingway fanboy is too cool for my sappy romantic books, huh,” you joked, heart still racing wildly at the notion he’d even started reading it, let alone finished it.
“Pfft. Austen fangirl should be less rude and give more Hemingway a try, I say,” he quipped back, tongue in cheek.
“Hey, I like Hemingway,” you shook your head, “I just don’t go to bed and jerk off over how great I think he is like you so obviously do.”
He shook his head and pulled a face that faked shock, “And how much time in the day, on average, would you say you spend thinking about what I jerk off over, huh?”
“You are such an ass,” you tutted, swatting his arm, “Approximately none, thank you very much.”
“Whatever you say, princess.”
“Anyway, if you’re done being gross, let’s get back to the important thing here. You read my book,” You reached to pull the book towards you, only for him to snatch it back and rest his elbows on it.
You furrowed your brows at him, “What’ve you got to hide in there?”
His eyes narrowed, his lip between his teeth now as though he was thinking hard about something.
“C’mon, Mariano,” you leaned forward, “I assumed that since you brought the book with you, I’d get to see at least some of your notes.”
His fingers were picking at the edges of the book’s cloth sleeve, his toes drumming on the floor anxiously like they’d recently begun to do more often when he was around you.
He heaved out a deep sigh, “Look. I’m going to give you this, and then I’m gonna leave the diner, alright? And then, and only then, you can open this book up, and you can read what’s in there. And if you never see me again it’s ’cause I’ve died of embarrassment or something. Got it?”
You rolled your eyes, chin on your palm.
He slid the book in your direction now as you watched him swallow thickly and cocked your head to the side like a curious puppy, “Ever so cryptic, aren’t you?”
“You’ll figure it out, Miss Marple.”
With that, he rose to his feet and darted out of the diner before you could even say another word.
You briefly made eye contact with Luke behind the counter, who watched you carefully for a moment before looking down at the book now carefully clutched between your fingers.
You wasted no time then, pulling open the book and desperately skimming for whatever the hell he was talking about.
You weren’t sure what on earth you expected to find when you flicked through its pages, but it most certainly wasn’t a plethora of sticky tabs with scrawled notes on about how the protagonist reminded him of you.
You expected even less, then, to find a note in Jess’ handwriting at the very back of the book declaring that he realised halfway through — when the two love interests whose relationship bore a crazy resemblance to your own, realised that they were in fact in love — that he’d been stupid to deny that he even liked you, let alone that he’d quite obviously fallen stupidly in love with you.
Shock coursed through you, your heart racing at the uncharacteristically romantic and yet somehow still so incredibly Jess gesture.
You stood up, almost knocking over your chair as you placed the book under your arm and turned to leave, “I’ll be back—uh, soon.”
Luke nodded, “Go get him kiddo.”
You smiled, butterflies whirling in your stomach as you left the diner almost as quickly as Jess had just minutes ago.
You knew exactly where you’d find him — perched on the bridge swinging his feet and letting his mind convince him you wouldn’t in a million years feel the same.
When he heard the sound of your footsteps approaching, you saw him clench his eyes shut as if in hope that he was imagining you and that you’d soon disappear.
“You can’t confess your love for me and then run away, Jess,” you bit your lip as you teased him softly, “It’s not fair not to give me a chance to say it back properly. You do get bonus points for how much of a romance novel cliché that move is, though.”
He sighed, a deep heavy sigh of relief, and it was as though suddenly he reverted to his usual self, “Technically the book confessed my love for you, actually. And the window for reciprocating hasn’t quite closed yet. I’m all ears, pretty girl.”
You loved this.
You loved how easy things always were for you with Jess.
Everything that went unspoken still never went unsaid — sure, you’d been flirtatious friends for a while now, uncertain of quite how seriously he reciprocated your feelings, but deep down you always sort of knew.
You loved that ever since he’d come to Stars Hollow, he’d shown that he cared in his own silly little ways.
And he loved you.
And you loved him.
You sat down at his side, still clutching the book tightly as he finally looked across at you with a small smile.
“You’re such a romantic, huh? I didn’t know you had it in you,” you nudged his side teasingly, “But I— Jess I do love you, and I’ve probably loved you for a long time even though I didn’t want to let myself admit it.”
“Wow, okay Mr Darcy… Wait ‘til Luke hears that the real reason you’ve only just told me that is because you think he’s embarrassing,” he mocked, but you felt him shuffle closer, “I’ve definitely loved you for longer than I thought I had too, if it makes you feel any better.”
“Much better, Miss Bennet,” you laughed, linking your arms and leaning against his shoulder as he pressed a small kiss to the top of your head.
You felt Jess’ chest rise and fall as you closed your eyes and let the sound of the stream beneath you wash over you.
“So, like, I don’t know the protocol with the whole ‘best friends to lovers’ trope like you do, so you’re gonna have to help me out here,” Jess chuckled.
You sat back up to look at him whilst still keeping hold of his arm, “Hmm, I think what’s meant to happen next is you kiss me and ask to take me on a real date. Pretty sure that’s right.”
“Right, everyone’s favourite cliche moment,” Jess rolled his eyes jokingly but cupped your face with his palms, “God, what have you done to me?”
“You looove me,” your response was muffled as he pressed his lips to yours to shut you up, at first gently and then with a touch more urgency.
When you pulled away, he let go of your face and smiled softly, “So about that date?”
“You got it, Mariano,” you grinned, kissing him quickly once more as you paused, “But you’re going to have a tough time doing anything as romantic as annotating my favourite book and writing me a love note, you know.”
He scoffed, “Oh I’ve got plenty more where that came from, Y/N.”
“Is that a threat?” you giggled, leaning back into his side.
“Just you wait and see.”
ok so i kinda lost my way with this a bit eventually and i’m sorry it’s quite short but i had sooooo much fun writing it. i love jess so fucking much and i’m so grateful for all the jess requests i get — trying v hard to work through them asap because it’s so fun.
thanks for reading! here’s my masterlist for more <3
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bigfemboyenergy · 5 months
ok ok this will be the LAST time i promise
my interests are always jumping around and i get bored easily which makes writing fics hard but i have an idea
instead of me trying to write about things im not super good at and pushing extra work on myself, how about…i write about silly things with bill cipher and others !!
just kidding i have no idea what im doing (writing characters that dont belong to me kills me because i have to interpret them in a way that is as in character as possible but it never works lmao)
anyway take some new bs (ft. bill and danny)
Bill finds himself in the Mindscape, hanging around, all by himself. He knows who he can and needs to use for his plans, even if it means hopping across universes just to reach them. See, dreams connect each and every universe..which allows him incredible connections and possibilities.
Wandering through the realm full of doors, he searches for one that intrigues him. He should really try and get a possession in order, he thinks. But, before he can continue that thought, like the startling that goes with the crack of a twig, Bill suddenly jumps, as he hears a door open. Funnily enough, it’s just a..kid. A human, it seems.
The guy looks quite harmless, with their teenage appearance, but something tells Bill that they aren’t nearly as weak as they may seem. Despite his caution, Bill approaches the kid, masking his intentions. The random teen still hasn’t noticed him, even though there’s so much empty space and little color.
”Hey, kid, could’a sworn nobody knew how to get to this godawful dimension!” Bill proclaims, startling the kid with ease as he appears before them. The teen blasts a hole through Bill’s bowtie area, cleanly. “Well, you must be a feisty one!”
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seongminiz · 4 months
plsss i’m feral😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫🥴🥴 /pos
i’m going insane i have nothing else to say wtfff i could go on for hours it’s too good i need that so bad :(((((((
thinking about that trope lowkey with heeseung too tho👀 cuz like oh he would be the type !🤓☝🏻 cuz i fucking love loser ! heeseung and i love him as a dom too fuck i want him to be so mean to me ffff like i’m so sick cuz like the idea probably not the reality. ever. of getting fucked while being called a slut and degraded for how stupid i am PLS send help-
also jay is bias-wrecking me really bad rn… i have nasty ideas of being fuck buddies with heeseung but then wanting out of it to date jay but they’re friends. u didn’t know they were friends. and heeseung doesn’t want to lose access to you so he makes it very difficult :(
- 🧁 anon
it feels heeseung so well omfggg n also i feel like it feels sunghoon too a little ? or maybe im just extremely biased , who knows
fwb hee who is so disappointed that 'some loser' took u away from him. hearing jay constantly talk abt his new s/o n how in love he is with them does not help either.
until one eventful night like a month after u stopped seeing heeseung , jay is like 'hey guys meet my s/o' n who is it if not u . you try to act like nothing is wrong n seeing heeseung totally hasn't almost made ur heart drop out of ur ass , and when jay notices how tense u seem to be and asks if somethings wrong u can barely lie, excusing it on being nervous of meeting his best friends..
from that day on , hee makes it his life mission to absolutely ruin ur relationship with jay by reminding u what u left behind by choosing jay over him ..
(maybe the solution to this mess is a threesome)(the solution to anything is a threesome , really)
(the only thing a threesome cant solve is my godawful writing today idk whats wrong with me)
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vilf-lover · 1 year
WRITE IT WRITE IT WRITE IT‼️‼️‼️ (the thing ab ash seeing sam and darlin basically fukcing in tje club)
love this unprompted request i definitely wasn’t waiting to be asked to write
be generous im really fucking tired
love you angel @daveys-angel01 <3
darlin’s phone buzzed underneath on the bedside table, they ignored it because based on the buzz pattern, it was ash.
they were grateful he texted the most out of the pack; which meant that they could ignore him.
they could ignore him…until their phone was damn near buzzing off the table.
*5 new messages from Ketchum🌈⚡️*
Plz answer mee
I know you have your phone
And I know you didn’t have plans today
they caved.
Yes, Asher Talbot, what could you possibly want this early
early? that means you must have had a nice night. i knew it!
a cackle ensued after he had practically yelled at his phone
What the fuck are you on about?
Milo and I were talking
David said he wasn’t because he didn’t want to “infringe upon the privacy” of you
blah blah blah
he’s so boring
asher could not
1. talk about one subject without going on tangents with unnecessary details
2. just send one long text like a normal person
Anyway, when you left the club
I said it was because you were getting freeeekayyy 😼😼
ash and his mate were the only ones who understood his texting humor…or any of his humor really
Milo said you weren’t, it was just to get space. It’s obvious who’s your best friend, the one who knows you the best (pssst it’s me)
Can you tell me there was a reason for texting me other than this delightful conversation in which you tell me how you’re betting over what my mate and i are doing
Ohhh yeah
wanna come over? maybe even play minecraft
We both know i don’t play minecraft.
well can you still come over? pretty pleeeeeasee
babe had to go back to work and i’m bored
Oh my god. fine
they pulled up to his house
after playing for a good hour, the club was brought up
I miss going partying, college used to be so fun, plus i forgot how great of a dancer you are
Oh please. I mean, I wasn’t allowed to go out when i was with Quinn so this was a dramatic shift.
Even Sam got into it! I thought he wasn’t a dancer. “I don’t feel like stumbling all over like a hog straight out of the muck” or whatever he said when we were walking in
he did the godawful southern (if you could even call it that) accent that he just loved showing off
Darlin slapped him while they both chuckled
I personally think he was focused on a different kind of dancing but that’s just m-
HEY LOOK! i’m just saying if you don’t want me to bring up how you were basically fucking on the dance floor until you “inconspicuously” leave…maybe don’t do it i don’t knowww
the text to david “we’re leaving, nothings wrong” is a bit vague but come on
why are you reading the texts he receives?
he asked me to read it while he danced, or maybe i was looking over his shoulder wondering if i could get an answer because i saw you two walking out- the world may never know
a few more whacks were laid upon asher’s arm
i’ll give it to you, you save a lot of horses considering you ride that cowboy all the time, starting to think it’s just becoming a tradition between the three of us, you practically jumping on sam while i’m an unknowing bystander except this time it was the rest of the club too
and thank you
it’s not good, but it’s alright and i’ll probably make something else once i’m not tired
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whumpshaped · 8 months
Hey, hier ist der deutsche Anon von gestern!
I'm so sorry, I thought german was your native language — didn't want to passive-aggressively pressure you into picking up DuoLingo, of all things 😅😬 (the update that removed the skill tree made the appbso godawful..)
Sadly, I don't have any great german whump recommendations either - german writing onkine seems rare, I know a bunch of german creators but they all exclusively write and chat in english (which is why I mistook you for one, LOL).
The actual reason why I asked you, is because in my experience, reading unexpectedly whumpy stuff in your native language in a book for example just *completely* overruns you. I tend to feel more strongly when hearing/reading in my native language.
But on the other hand, german is notorious for having absolutely disgusting, unappealing dirty talk/sex words in general ('breast warts' for nipples and 'sheath' for vagina, urgh). So it's a fickle thing, ha ha.
Sorry for teasing and then not delivering! 😅 Maybe someone reading this *does* know good german whump that is meant as such!
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it is in fact not my native language, im hungarian :) but yeah theres a BUNCH of german whumpers here who all write in english, and from my experience u guys have a particular talent for it😭 its so good.
also this is super controversial but im loving all the updates theyre rolling out........ also no im glad u did. again, yesterday was the first day in maybe 5 yrs that i spoke any german and it rly reminded me how much i adored the language and wanted to pick it up anyway. then apparently by complete coincidence u sent that anon and my pattern seeking mammal brain was like this is a sign
i do love well written hungarian literature that has whump, but all the shit online makes me cringe so bad. and i know its in my head mostly (or the fact that im not looking in the right places?) but yeah. what usually gets me is poetry. hungarian poetry is extremely good. im still looking for that one poem of the guy listing off all the things he loves abt his muse and he goes into incredible detail and starts getting unhinged w it and starts going on abt how he loves her organs and her guts and etc etc. its visceral. literally. we have such good poetry and well all poets r depressed so its always a little whumpy /j
it definitely hits different. i mean, its my native language. that always hits different. i should rly read more hungarian stuff bc my vocab is honestly deteriorating-
IVE HEARD THE DIRTY WORD COMPLAINT BEFORE. i used to follow a german kink blog (it was all in english i found out later that the blogger was german) and she always said she doesnt even ever dirty talk bc its just Bad😭😭 rip. im very bad w any dirty words tbh in any language. thats why i dont write smut ever <3 IT JUST MAKES ME CRINGE I REACT TO HAVING TO SAY/WRITE THOSE WORDS LIKE A REPRESSED CHRISTIAN HOUSEWIFE. but! i think hungarian has decent words? idk! hungarians who have sex please sound off, is the dirty talk good? /j
bro that woman sounds awesome. i wish her the best forever and ever.
AND... what did i wanna say. wait. OH YEAH. i did go looking for german whump and .... i found tatort whump??? i mean hey.
bonus, i took the duolingo test and i skipped ahead a bunch bc apparently im still extremely good and talented and amazing /j bonus bonus, lily should mind her business. dont look at my suitcase
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mvalentine · 2 years
hi hey hello sorry for bothering you but malia???? First of all, she’s an absolute stunner goodness you’re always so good at picking out fcs!! But more importantly I need to know more about herrr!!! What’s she like? Is she more on the softer side or is she more stoic?? What’s her relationship/dynamic with Everett like? How much trauma does she have or have you decided to have some mercy on her and just let her be happy? What are her hobbies? Literally anything you could even think of, I need to know everything about her omg I love her already and I just know she’s so brilliantly well thought out and crafted just like all your other OCs! Sorry for the rambling lmao but please indulge me ilyyyy❤️❤️❤️
maurine <3 first of all you could literally NEVER bother me ❤️ the fact that you always care about my ocs & my writing means the absolute world to me especially because you know how much i love to ramble! so here’s a bit of information about my new girl my best girl malia! :
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just a few images that sum up their dynamic <3
& okay so her dynamic with everett is very much opposites attract ❤️ she’s bubbly and lighthearted and will never miss the opportunity to be sarcastic. makes the world’s most godawful puns. a little bit of a people pleaser and a perfectionist - very much a believer of the fake it till you make it philosophy so she often appears way more confident than she actually is and only the people she trusts are privy to her true insecurities.
very loyal! she’s nice to everyone that’s nice to her but has no problem being rude if the occasion calls for it. that being said even though she has a lot of friends & acquaintances her circle of close friends is really small and if you’re one of them she’s always gonna be on your side which i think is everett’s favorite thing about her ❤️ she has no problem calling him out and telling it like it is but also she’s always got his back and gives him the space to make mistakes and grow from them and be better without abandoning his side <3 as long as she can see that someone is truly trying their best and is not taking advantage of her kindness then she’s game.
and as for her family no trauma here shockingly! since malia’s fc imaan is moroccan & egyptian so is malia!! her parents moved to morocco to give her and her brother a better life. they’re both super loving and hardworking, and malia’s love for cooking definitely came from seeing her mom cook in the kitchen and wanting to help her and wanting to learn more about her culture ❤️ her dream is to open a moroccan/ egyptian/ fusion restaurant and share her culture with others <3 while her parents are lovely and she is super close to them i think her perfectionism and putting too much pressure on herself definitely comes from her parents but that’s just the quintessential first generation immigrant experience! and her brother angelo is an absolute angel <3 he’s older than her by 4 years and is her best friend- he’s always been there for her he makes her laugh he teases her he comforts her when she’s down - she wouldn’t be the same without him ❤️
also a cute little hc i have for them- so everett is super nervous to meet her parents because he really really wants to make a good first impression and malia’s all like yeah that’s fair they’ve never liked any of the other guys i’ve bought home so far & he’s like what?? and she’s all like kidding! im just messing with ya and he’s like that’s not funny! all nervous fixing his tie and double checking his homecooked meal that he’s bringing to impress his future in-laws <3
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starswake--archived · 2 years
🍓 and sunflower please!
hello stan !!
🍓: idk what's going on HOWEVER i enjoy seeing all ur dutch jokes :] glad ur enjoying urself buddy
Sunflower: What is something you don’t want to imagine life without? 
Writing. Hands down, writing. It stuck with me for this long in life, and the periods where I'm not writing I genuinely don't feel like myself. So if all else fails, at least there's writing and if not, then I have no idea what.
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silveryfairy · 4 years
hey man if it's not too much trouble, could you give us a brief rundown of the Nocturnes? It's just, every morning I wake up and there's a new one, and I Care everyone in this establishment a lot though I don't really know them, thank you kindly have a nice day
let my preface this by saying: aayushi, i love you, and your enthusiasm and interest for the things i create never ceases to bring me joy. you are the kind of friend i think everyone should have and i say that completely genuinely outside of this bit.
i say that as an apology in advance for what i’m about to unleash upon you, because what you’re going to see is the product of my friend @himepapillon and i’s absolute BRAINROT and what comes of it when not only two people make an oc universe from scratch but what happens when we then have to explain that universe to other people
you are in no way required to retain this information as to be completely honest me and jeremie haven’t fully either and we’re the ones who MADE this shitshow. below is the shoddy family tree i lovingly crafted in ms paint
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let us begin. 
for starters, i’ll specify some things:
1. not every oc on this chart is mine, as it’s a collaboration between me and jeremie - the koenig family and bishop family belong to faer but the rest is all me baby! for the sake of your soul i will only be going into my half of this Mess
2. the universe this takes place in is a pretty wacky and silly one, just, like, Slightly removed from reality. these characters are all completely batshit insane and do things that no human being probably should. it’s all portrayed critically, as the general concept of this whole thing is “the goings-on of a bunch of unhinged corrupt rich people”. we kind of flip flop on how seriously stuff is played but if i had to slap a genre on this it’d be, like, black comedy drama. i know a lot of these concepts sound kinda fucked to write but that’s just because i’m trying to describe them in a SOMEWHAT concise way without going into Super Introspective mode
the nocturnes are an incredibly influential and rich family in the uk that tends to produce very influential and rich people. they’re also all a little bit insane. the main characters of this Saga are the sons of desmond and xanthes, the family’s resident Power Couple and biggest figureheads. they suck ass but that will become apparent the second i talk about their children.
from oldest to youngest, the nocturne boys are:
ichor nocturne, 25 - the eldest, ichor was disowned from the household when he was 18 for unruly behavior, sent to live alone on a farm so he couldn’t tarnish his family’s image any further. since then, you’d think the isolation has driven him a bit mad - he’s a very prolific cotton farmer and has been doing astonishingly well for himself, running his farm on his own with only his parents’ inheritance as help. ...that, and, of course, the blood of the people he executes to keep his crops growing - or so he believes. he moonlights as an executioner in the small town over, exterminating the ‘pests’ of the city. despite his newfound violence, he still routinely checks in on his siblings, finding ways to mysteriously end up at their door to pay visits. the older brother instinct still hasn’t left
icarus nocturne, 23 - the second eldest (only by technicality, as he is a twin), icarus is the family’s golden child! but not in terms of business or anything, oh no - icarus is a famous heartthrob teen (sorta) musician! he’s been in the limelight since he was a little boy, being an actor as a small child and getting into music as he grew. his general Look(tm), accompanied by infectiously happy rave music, is a trademark cutesy mask over his face with oversized clothing - meant to express as much energy as possible as he bounces about the stage. in reality, he lives a life as forced and controlled as possible by virtue of... living the fucked up life of a child star. but his parents have someone to take the fall - so, what of his twin?
achilles nocturne, 23 - icarus’ younger twin, which wouldn’t mean much... in any family but this one. achilles has had it drilled into his head since the beginning that he was a mistake next to icarus, to the point where legally, he does not exist. following icarus beginning his career, achilles was unpersoned completely - living in the family’s basement with the height of his education being for a very specific purpose... needing to be icarus’ body double on tours and for paparazzi - after all, they can’t have icarus’ purity tainted by all those clamboring fans! it’s a godawful situation. on the bright side, though, achilles has found a hobby where he can be himself: twitch streaming! yes really. under the name of 1upanonymous, hidden under a mask just like his brother, achilles at least has a fanbase that can love him for who he is! ...uh, kind of.
tomasine “tommy” nocturne, 16 - the youngest of the bunch, and it says a lot about his siblings’ capabilities that he’s the technical heir to the nocturnes’ various businesses and fortune. tommy is just a feral 16 year old that doesn’t give two shits about any fame or fortune, he just wants to party and drink and have fun like any other kid his age! he’s rebellious, loud, and charmingly annoying (to his brothers anyway), and has no real care for the gravity of his family’s situations beyond finding it annoying that they want him to be all PRIM and PROPER and BUSINESSY EEWWWWW. he’s just a funny loud little child trying to live his best life. loves his brothers fiercely
already a mess of people. and really, all you need to know about or really keep in mind are those four: the upcoming characters are largely just side ones we came up with because we thought it’d be funny to flesh out this fucked up family more. so let’s get into the anatra branch of the family - headed by jael nocturne, xanthes’ brother and the siblings’ uncle
jael anatra-nocturne, who i am not giving an age for my own sanity trying to decipher this fucking timeline - a crude and playful uncle, jael is someone the nocturne boys either love (icarus, tommy) or hate (achilles, ichor). constantly joking, as he expresses affection with loving insults - kind of a money-driven asshole, but a lovable one - he’s a career politician and met his current husband, joaquin, on the job. or, well... no longer current, because jael’s funny life of debauchery, toxic masculinity, and making fun of his nephews, came to an abrupt end when he was assassinated on live television. yipes!
joaquin anatra-nocturne, who also does not get an age - jael’s former secretary and current widow, joaquin is the local wine uncle. im not sure if that’s a classification but it is now, because he is one. an unapologetic gold-digger, he (publicly) took jael’s death frighteningly well, and is now living his best life with a revolving door of new boyfriends. his relationship with jael was a genuine and very loving one, and joaquin IS devastated by his death, but both of them just found the bit of pretending to be this loveless gold digger/politician couple very funny, and being as suspicious as possible around his husband’s death is exactly what jael would have wanted joaquin to do
taddeo anatra-nocturne, 14 - the youngest child of these two, a shy little boy with big Child In A Horror Movie energies. makes potions in the backyard and probably decorates his clothes with animal bones n stuff when he’s older. despite this he’s pretty harmless, nice and fiercely loyal - tommy especially thinks he’s fun and likes to hang out with him at family gatherings - just so long as you look past the creepy dolls he likes to talk to and fires he likes to set. especially close with jael and wants to be a miniature version of him, buuut still being a shy tween taddeo hasn’t been able to act on that much.
dailon anatra-nocturne, 20 - the adopted second child of jael and joaquin, dailon is a moody and unstable delinquent that was snatched up by them just as he was about to age out of foster care. while he has a chill ‘cool-older-even-though-he’s-younger-cousin’ demeanor, the tension when he’s around his parents - jael specifically - can be cut with a knife. dailon hates his dad: ‘someone who expresses affection with insults and jokes and likes seeing people pissed at him’ and ‘someone who’s volatile, short-tempered, and sullen after living in a foster home most his life’ are just as bad of a combination as you’d expect. dailon gets himself into a lot of trouble, and is an overall very self-centered prick, but we’ll get more on that in a bit.
HELL FAMILY...2!!! that’s the last of the families to cover, buuuut there are still some other names on that list - mostly connected to dailon. this is REAL “just going on in the background” shit that you also do not need to know whatsoever (except for mitzi she’s pretty important she’s just down here for organization purposes) - i just like to play god and make characters get into drama.
[tw: cheating, unhealthy relationships, stalking]
mitzi “moon” altberg, 23 - achilles must feel very far away by now, but we’re back to him for a second! mitzi is his ex-girlfriend he met online, a fan-to-employee-to-lover and one of the maybe two people outside of the family achilles has shown his real face to. however, achilles growing up deeply unstable - between his parents’ abuse, having spotlights on him and adoring fans both as icarus’ body double and as a streamer, and in general not really growing up to be any kind of well developed human being - made this relationship a complete disaster. he grew obsessive and controlling - and when she tried to ignore him, he broke his one rule (to never go outside without permission) to find the hotel she was staying at in real life and show up to confront her. the incident was completely covered up, both by the nocturnes and with their connections, and so mitzi was forced to stay silent. this entire thing is based on this song! as time heals wounds, though, mitzi will end up doing pretty well for herself and putting achilles behind her - even getting a new boyfriend, jared!
reynard fiala, 20 - dailon’s (ex-)boyfriend, who he’s enraveled in his own weird soap opera subplot with. reynard is a relatively chill person, with an interest in art and taxidermy - just as morbid as dailon’s brother, but in a more. Normal way. genuinely a sweetheart who does not deserve what happens to them: getting cheated on with dailon’s best friend. yipes^2! while it's earth shattering in the moment, all reynard will really want to do come some time to process is to move on and for him and dailon both to heal in peace... far away from eachother (which is easier said than done since taddeo thinks reynard is super cool and loves having him over, the awkwardness between them and his brother be damned)
jared summers, 21 - the most normal person here. a longterm best friend of dailon’s, and yes, the very same one i just mentioned. he’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer - what we in the industry would call a himbo if his dumbassery didn’t cause very real damage - who had been pining for dailon for years and him dating was no deterrent, and dailon, thinking the world revolves around him as he tends to do, accepted jared’s confession so they just kinda started dating on the side. jared has the moral backbone of a pool noodle, and even after it causes dailon’s relationship with reynard to fall apart, will need a wholeass intervention to be staged to make them both realize just how shitty they’re being. after that, though, jared will end that mess and be on his way to becoming a better person himself - with the help of a sweet girl he’s met online.
jared and mitzi dating in the future is the most contrived thing on the planet but just hear me out that it’ll be HILARIOUS for achilles to check in on his ex-girlfriend and find she’s dating his cousin’s best friend, who said cousin was apparently dating on the side. very small world, it is. 
anyway, thank you if you’ve somehow stuck around to read this entire thing - this isn’t even getting into jeremie’s half of this whole ordeal, which includes some of these fellas’ friends and partners, as well as more crazy rich people nonsense. it’s been very fun to think about and i do love it all dearly, even if putting it all together it’s SUCH a mess.
we don’t intend to make anything Legit out of this, it’s honestly just a fun way to pass the time. it’s the adult equivalent of playing dollhouse. in our minds this is like a 20 season soap opera but actually explaining it to other people it’s just like this
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but thank you again for letting me babble i hope it was somewhat entertaining! and again, godspeed if you managed to read this much XD
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artsynimbus · 4 years
hello! and welcome to my tedtalk about how racism is rwby is godawful/godawfully executed :)
inb4 if this subject makes you uncomfortable, don’t read, move on to lighter posts----
anyway M&K and their ‘Racism’ in RWBY disgusts me- not to full on rant.. but I just find it funny how even in 2020 its very much a fact that racism is alive and well but also a very foreign concept to people who genuinely have never experienced an inkling of it in their lives.. these same people though love the idea/thought that being ‘aware’ of what the word means and how its overall construct is bad, is kudos enough for them to walk around with a fake woke badge hence the title..
Miles and Kerry dance around the subject of racism and drop sprinkles of it in the form of Blakes cat ears lowering when someone doesn't like her for being a faunus or the reoccuring old man with the bald head/busted hairline putting up a sign that says ‘no faunus allowed’.. thats it. The real damaging stuff that ends in black coded characters being abused, tortured or murdered via this very real construct in this fantasy world- ignored, never shown, told or roughly implied.. Also M&K had a whole character whos hatred of humans was born from this construct, branded on his whole face- but rather than get anything from that- they switch up his character from a menacing villain with a vague goal ( like cinder and roman) and hate for humans to an emotionally broken fuckboy pissed off that his ego was bruised by a girl who left his side.. and then to top it off they kill him.
Yeah all of that , while making sure the construct of racism is alive and well, and our main (human/whitecoded) characters who aren’t affected by it at all, move on and do fuck all- ignoring/aiding the problem that has been introduced since V1, addressed by only blackcoded characters, and solved by no one.. What is the overall message people are supposed to take from that? Suppress, write/kill off characters who have been affected by racism if they’re being ‘mean’ about it but keep the construct around cause why not- and our ‘heroes’ dont have to give a shit about it cause, it doesn’t affect them so why bother??? what a goofy mess and a grim overall image of the world of remnant and how similar it is to parts of the real world... but im not surprised the writers have a weird interest in fetishizing lesbians so i wouldn’t be shocked if they have a weird fixation getting off at the idea of oppressed people suffering just cause it mirrors real life.
but going back to our heroes and main characters who arent faunus.. Are these the heroes im supposed to like?? all of them doing nothing to address or even attempt to change a system that affects their faunus friends?? one of them is matter of factly related to one fo the main sources of the problem that plagues the faunus, but she hasn’t done anything about it right? Nah can’t have her do anything to aid that, cause then how will she and her family continue reap the benefits from this obviously terrible construct that allow black coded characters to suffer and her family to prosper? (Not gonna lie her growth is nice but why isn’t she doing anything about her family's dust company profiting off illegal faunus labor? Why hasnt that been addressed since v1? No ones talking about it anymore so its magically gone now??)
M&K: oH bUt ShE sPoKe Up AnD dEfEnDeD bLaKe WhEn PeOpLe WeRe BeINg MeAn To HeR!
yEs tHaNkS To tHiS, ThE RaCiSm iN YoUr eMoTiOnAlLy mAnIpUlAtIvE AnD MoRaLlY BaNkRuPt sHoW Is gOnE. hooray.
but whatever right, its not a big deal cause you hear about the suffering but don’t see it, that must mean its not important right? Yeah that message is just gonna fly over the heads of the people who seriously don’t get it cause the concept of racism is so foreign to them because again they’ve never been affected in any type of way by any form of said racism.
but yeah whatever, your only racist radical character was a mean scumbag and ppl didnt’ like him anyway, so lets get rid of him, oh and that character with the beautiful melanin and tiger ears, yeah lets kill her too cause while she wasn’t as terrible as the former we can’t have any faction leader exist that hates our human/whitecoded happy go lucky heroes or race of people, even though the story establishes half of them being super fucked up and the implication of our heroes silence on the subject of racism aids faunus oppression, but yes expanding further lets have our prominent character hailing from a company that benefits off this shit literally do nothing and address nothing all of the time she is at home and around her father--all the while lets keep dangling people being mean to the cute cat girl and call it racism and never find any means to solve it- that probs won’t trigger the fans that have experienced anything but this diet form of microaggression and beyond right?.. fuck our feelings right?
but no ones ready for that conversation- its okay for certain characters to get revenge but not others- its okay to forgive certain characters for their misdeeds, misgivings and misinformation but not others, its okay for certain characters to be straight up manipulative and evil, but not others- and the cherry on top of this fucked up parfait is being mean to cute faunus girls is perceived as a great way to present racism to fans who still don’t get it or care :D This just exposes how the writers do not know a damn thing about the subject they keep reminding you exists in almost every volume that they won’t remove or have white coded characters fight against... the only thing you’ll get is a bunch of sad sympathetic faces to the racism and microaggressions aimed at blake,and weiss being the main one saying “hey thats wrong youre rude.” What an ally.. forget anything i said prior to how her character could’ve dismantled 1 large part of faunus suffering, this right here is that good shit! Right?... but again, no ones ready for that convo.
Miles and Kerry are actual trashcans which makes sense as to how they’re garbage writers lul. anyway this has been my tedtalk. :)
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favourite reddie head canon?
oh MY god is iT REALLY-- my first reddie ask??????? holy shit i love you thank you-- ok i will stop grovelling and start answering
So im gonna start with the observation that Richie and Eddie have so many facets in their personality that is explored by the fandom depending on the AU/Timeline, which makes it so much fun cause each AU means a different approach to the same characters that we all know. I’m also not very picky on whether its realistic or not as long as I enjoy it. 
One of my favorites is the Jock!Eddie Nerd!Richie fics, cause it highlights Richie’s softness. It’s usually Richie POV too! So i love him pining, grappling with both his sexuality and his social standing. But I also love the tension that this all causes, and some sexy hallway makeout scenes-- thats always good. 
Another thing I’m soft for is, admittedly, rockstar/celebrity aus. I know, I know, all the culture around celebrity worshipping yada yada yada, but the celeb aus are really well written! I enjoy the fantasy while also being taught again and again how unhealthy or how not good it always is.
I’ve mostly read Singer/Celeb/Famous!Richie fics where Eddie does nor give a damn, but I also read one really good smau where Eddie is an indie singer and Richie is the fan. IDK i just love imagining myself in the fan’s place WHILE thinking that its Eddie or Richie. (Plus it doesnt help that I have a crush on both Finn and Bill-- anD im 11 mos older than finn so i hope thats acceptable to yall huhuh but ive been trying to not engage in the finn-fandom cause itll just be a headache for me in the end)
WAIT I JUST REALIZED YOU SAID HEADCANONS-- but like aus are similar to headcanons in that aus are basically built mostly on headcanons? ok fuck
so, headcanons
(that exist in the fandom space!)
I LOVE RICHIE BEING INSECURE ABOUT HIS BODY AND EDDIE BODY WORSHIPPING HIM DURING CUDDLY OR HOT TIMES, like, my belly, too, is wiggly, and if eddie loves richies wiggly body, why, i too, must love my wiggly belly 
I also adore tattoed eddie hcs because of a rebellious phase against sonia, and when richie realizes this, he, like, cackles and adores it
idk if this is in the book, but its in almost every fic set in their younger years but yes yes yes i loveeee “Richie goes to Eddie’s bedroom by climbing his window”  and the “they sleep in the same bed because NIGHTMARES and they end up cuddling” its a cliche classic and i love it to the bits
I ALSO lOVE the hc of eddie taking richie’s glasses of to clean it with the cloth he keeps specifically for richie and the one where richie has a spare inhaler for eddie- like holy shit how can you be 14 and act like a married couple goddamn 
ALSO ALSO ALSO DANCER EDDIE-- like Eddie just knowing how to MOVE IT. And this is usually in the high school fics or fics where they’re 17-26 or something, where they go to a high school party or meet at a bar and richie is jUST-- whoa, goddamn, eds, lemme put my big ass hands on your waist as I become increasingly enraptured by your dancing, and also, lemme put my big ass hand on your bigass--
and this is about to get nsfw but like, i am also guilty of loving the Richie is sexually active as a teen and introduces eddie to pleasurable sex-- AS I ALSO enjoy the Richie and Eddie both have never had good sex due to repression and they figure it out together. IDK ITS JUST-- BOTH SO VERY GOOD!
Additionally, I have a few headcanons of mine that I would like to share:
for a few months after theyve gotten together, richie and eddie keep their relationship a secret and eddie is VERY sweet to richie, like just, pure fucking chocolate candy rainbow unicorn diabetes kinda sweet, but when theyre with the losers, eddie is feral and argumentative or he tries to be like before. and when the losers find them out richie explains, “well, i wanted to tell you all but eddie said he enjoyed our sexual tension--” before shut him up for good
also for my actors au that i simply do not know if i will still write it:
richie is a popular singer turned actor, and they share this house while shooting in the middle of nowhere and they all share one bathroom, and so thats how eddie finds out that Richie LOVES singing disney songs, and especially pooh songs in the shower. His comfort song is actually the pogo remix that basically puts music in the dialogue “dum de dum de dum dum dum de dum de dum dum when im with you im with you” that kinda thing and Eddie fucking TEASES him so much and he even shares this on the interviews and richie is like “eddie dont ruin my bad boy rep!!!” and eddie is all “oh richie you ruined that yourself when you started wearing those godawful hawiian shirts with inhalers on it” and richies like “hey the fans gave it to me!” “yeah and i like it” and eddie has the gall to question WHY everyone thinks they’re dating!
and the last one (im so sorry this is prolly not what you asked for i need more people to talk to me Q^Q):
the losers on a sleepover sleeping on the bedroom floor, and stan is like scared of the dark right so he sleeps beside the wall but thats not enough so he curls into a ball and he needs to touch someone else and its usually richie (richies noise as he sleeps calms him down because if theres a noise atleast he knows its richie yaknow) so he curls around himself, ass out and like just seeking richie’s back and eddie sleeps to the other side of richie, but when eddie sees this, he would wait for stan to fall alseep before he scoots between stan and richie so hes sandwhiched between stan and richie, and eddie gets to cuddle richie that way 
okay thank you good night this might be the last ask i get but thanks for the opportunity!
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pinesconessecrets · 6 years
Ice to Meet You
Merry Christmas @ladynightmare12 ! I hope you enjoy the fic!! <: I had a lot of fun with the soulmate AU, since it’s something I’ve always enjoyed. I combined it with the first meetings AU too. Have a great Christmas! <3
Wirt had given up on trying to find his soulmate when he was thirteen. He still remembered the conversation that came after he mentioned it to his mom. She had choked on her tea, wheezing until she’d managed to regain control of herself again. Then began the spiel about, “Oh, sweetie. You’ll meet her at some point in your life, don’t give up now!” and Wirt just sighed. Internally, of course. He didn’t want to upset his mom any further. A good bit of everyone in his grade had found their soulmate, leaving Wirt feeling terribly alone. Sara tried to comfort him, except she ran into her soulmate a few months later; it was some guy named Brian. That was a fun day.
He was a little more than relieved to graduate high school, which meant moving away to a college in a different state. A college in Oregon had caught his eye and he applied, half expecting to get denied. But lo and behold, the college actually accepted him and even had a full ride scholarship too.
Greg was against Wirt moving across the country when he broke the news. Wirt reassured him that he would call every day and keep in touch. He wouldn’t be left out just because Wirt didn’t live in the same house anymore.
Wirt enjoyed the trip to Oregon. His parents rented a small u-Haul for the stuff Wirt could take to put in his dorm. He was lucky enough to score a single person room, complete with his own bathroom. He didn’t think he could have managed if he had to share a dorm and a bathroom, much less having to suffer from public bathrooms.
They made the drive out to be like a mini vacation, taking their time since they left a few days early. Wirt’s nerves almost got the best of him a few times, the realization of him living somewhere that wasn’t with his mom and stepdad. Thankfully Greg managed to quickly distract him before he grew too anxious, eerily able to quickly figure out when his nerves were beginning to act up.
With the help of everyone, it didn’t take long before Wirt’s room was set up. He still had a few things to tweak here and there, like moving his desk closer to the window and hanging up his poems on the walls. He didn’t have much time to be particularly picky about how his room was set up with his parents and brother around.
They stayed in town for a few days, exploring the place with Wirt in tow. It definitely was a college town considering the absurd amount of fast food restaurants around. Like seriously, who needed this many fast food places? At least there were a few cafes for Wirt to hang out in. Cafes were pretty sweet places to chill at and they had a great effect on Wirt when it came to writing poetry. He was excited about that.
Tears were shed by his mom and Greg on the day they had to leave. Greg made Wirt promise to call him every day, and that was a rock fact. Wirt lingered in the parking lot for a bit longer than he intended, staring off into space before letting out a long sigh. He hoped he would be able to survive the semester before Christmas break. His next adventure in life had begun, only to bring challenges he had no way to prepare for.
Wirt got to studying diligently when the semester began. The majority of his classes were the core classes every freshman were required to take, including math. Thank god that he only needed to take two semesters of it due to his major in English. Math was one of his most detested classes; it was the worst. Maybe he was being overly dramatic, but Wirt would rather prefer to listen to someone scrape their nails on a chalkboard repeatedly for hours than be stuck in math class for even an hour. The entire point was above him, and the fact that other kids were majoring in math just blew his mind. They were to be feared.
The semester started out slow but picked up steam as the weeks went on. Midterms came and went, letting Wirt breathe a sigh of relief when his passing grades were posted.
He video called Greg before he went out trick or treating on Halloween, both happy and mortified that Greg decided to go as a garden gnome. Their trip to the Unknown was still very present in their minds years after it happened. At least now it was easier to deal with, and they didn’t have to worry about being sent into a fit of panic when winter rolled around anymore. Wirt admitted that Greg wore the outfit far better than he did, earning a protest of “No, you wore it better!” from Greg. They bickered back and forth until their mom told them to knock it out or else Greg wouldn’t be getting any candy that year. That shut Greg up and he hastily told Wirt goodbye and that he’d show him how much candy he got before going to bed.
Wirt found himself growing progressively more stressed as the end of the semester rolled around. His professors shoved study guides down their student’s throats and made it very clear that passing their finals would make or break their grades. Wirt found himself spending more and more time at his favorite cafe. He would have been surprised that he hadn’t drunk all of their tea if he wasn’t so stressed about passing his finals.
A week before finals, the unthinkable happened.
Wirt was on his way to the Jasmine Brew Cafe, lost in thought about his upcoming math final. It was the one he dreaded the most, and rightfully so. Other students in his class struggled as much as he did. The professor didn’t know how to break down the lesson so other kids could understand what he was trying to teach. Wirt barely managed to understand what the heck he was talking about most the time, and he hoped it would be enough.
Of course, the dork was so lost in thought that he wasn’t watching where he was walking. His foot made contact with frozen ice on the sidewalk, causing him to slip and fall down to the pavement. Wirt miraculously held onto his notebooks, laying on his back, winded from his fall.
Someone with unruly brown hair peered down at him with a look of mild concern. Wirt wished he could turn invisible because he knew that everyone around him saw what just happened.
“Hi there. It’s ice to meet you finally.” The other boy paused, before continuing. “I hope that’s not weird? I’ve seen you around campus before and I noticed you were always alone and I was going to say hi but I always got distracted and oh my god I’m sorry I’m kinda rambling. I tend to do that a lot and my sister always punches me and yep I’m gonna shut up now.”
Wirt’s wrist burned. That was what his stupid soulmate mark said. ‘Hi there, it’s ice to meet you finally.’
He wanted to say something witty back, but all that could come out of his mouth was, “Was that a motherfucking pun?” He rarely cussed, but dangit he was sleep deprived and angry that he was stupid enough to fall and slip on ice.
The other boy blanched, his extended hand frozen in shock. Wirt shuffled to his feet, clutching his notebooks to his chest. An awkward silence enveloped the two, only to be broken by the other boy.
“Do you want to go somewhere warm? Get some coffee or something?”
Wirt broke free of his surprise. “Uh, um, sure. I was heading to the Jasmine Brew Cafe to get some studying done. It’s right up the street here.”
“Cool. I’ve only been there once or twice, so lead the way.” He stuck his hands in his pockets, looking at Wirt expectantly.
“Right.” Wirt turned on his heels and began walking to the cafe, fidgeting with the spiral of a notebook. He knew that he was probably acting slightly like a jerk. Okay, a lot like a jerk. He had spent the majority of his teenage years resenting the idea of soulmates, knowing he’d never find his and that he’d live the rest of his life alone. But look what happened. He ran into his soulmate.
The rush of warm air made Wirt feel grateful for heating, heading to his usual spot by the wall. He sat with his back to the wall, and a large window to his left. Being able to look out into the street helped declutter his mind.
He almost relaxed, until the other boy - his soulmate - slid into the chair across from him. He looked as nervous as Wirt was.
“I’m Dipper, by the way. I don’t think I introduced myself yet.”
“Wirt. It’s um, nice to meet you, I guess,” he mumbled, his awkwardness hitting him like a fricking train. Now that the fact that yep, him finding his soulmate was a thing, was starting to sink in, a feeling of panic also begun to set in too.
“Hey, are you okay? You look like you’re freaking out there a little. I mean, I’m kinda freaking out too, but that’s because I’m super pumped to have finally run into my soulmate.” Dipper looked giddy almost.
Wirt chewed on a nail. “Y-yeah, I’m okay. It’s just… I gave up on finding my soulmate years ago, so I never thought I would actually run into them. I hope you don’t think I’m a jerk or anything because oh my god I feel so bad for being cold to you.”
When Dipper was silent, Wirt looked up to find him holding back a snicker. With the biggest shit eating grin, Dipper replied, “Was that a motherfucking pun?”
“Oh my god.” Wirt groaned, dropping his face into his hands. “Do not use my own words against me.”
“Kinda hard to considering they’re right here.” Dipper rolled his sleeve back, revealing the words scrawled across his arm. God, they were even in Wirt’s own handwriting. How crazy was that?
Wirt reached out to touch the words on Dipper’s arm, stopping short once he realized what he was about to do. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay. I know it’s a lot to take in. But I don’t mind if you wanna take a closer look at them.” His voice was quiet.
Figuring that he may as well roll with the punches, Wirt pulled his own sleeve back, exposing Dipper’s godawful pun written on the inside of his forearm. Dipper didn’t hesitate before running his fingers over Wirt’s pale skin, tracing the scratchy letters of his own handwriting. It looked different from his own, his letters rushed and hurried versus the flowing loops of Wirt’s.
Wirt finally caved and traced the words on Dipper’s arm. The two dorks sat in silence, no words needing to be exchanged as they let the importance of the day truly sink in.
The corners of Dipper’s mouth quirked up in a grin after a while. “So, did you wanna get a coffee and chat? And maybe tell me how you’ve bean all these years.”
Wirt had a feeling the puns weren’t ever going to stop.
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artgay · 7 years
hey hey got tagged by @delusions-of-decency
The last 1. drink: coke 2. phone call: how do i say my mum w,o it bein dorky 3. text message: finn obviously 4. song you listened to: liability, lorde 5. time you cried: monday on the tram 6. dated someone twice: noope 7. kissed someone and regretted it: yea 8. been cheated on: no ? 9. lost someone special: fuck 10. been depressed: look, 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: eVERY TIME i am a hell child 3 favourite colours: idk like? light pink? maroon? lavender? aah? yyellow
In the last year have you 15. made new friends: yes!! 16. fallen out of love: ye, 17. laughed until you cried: i hope so? 18. found out someone was talking about you: yep @ bee u gay thing 19. met someone who changed you: definitely 20. found out who your friends are: oh yeah baby 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: one or two (or eight)
general 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: some, definitely more than half? probably? 23. do you have any pets: two cats n a dog 24. do you want to change your name: i have before.. and i definitely wasnt just imagining doing it again earlier tonight? and i also definitely havent look at changing my middle name to match my gf?? no! 25. what did you do for your last birthday: get drinks w, friends and sleep in a polyam sandwich 26. what time did you wake up: too early. 8:20. left the house by 8:35 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: getting way too flustered by a cute grl on okc / trying to watch a movie but probs talking to finn ngl 
28. name something you can’t wait for: the cold embrace of death- whAT?? probably actually being @ uni and also moving out and not dying and emotional stability pls 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: cough cough like two? hrs ago rip 31. what are you listening to right now: my brain mostly and i try to tune that guy out as much as i can 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: briefly?? 33. something that is getting on your nerves: literally abuse apologists n people who r g??? with them? ffs im not even sorry im so fucking done i ranted to jemimah for like 2 hours today and like i am. fucking done like im writing angsty poetry that i cant even upload yet and im fucking done man do ne rip im out 34. most visited website: my blog, google docs lmao, fb,
35. hair colour: naturally light brown, currently godawful silver 36. long or short hair: short omg me with long hair was a Travesty 37. do you have a crush on someone: whaaaat??? nO??? like seven and a half 38. what do you like about yourself: my conviction n my collarbones and not this answer idfk like? stuff, probably 39. piercings: septum and ears except i went to put earrings in the other day and i couldn’t get them in which may have been tremors but also they may have closed over whoops 40. blood type: is there a personality test for that 41.nickname: no 42. relationship status: in the gay 43. zodiac: gem/scorp/leo 44. pronouns: they/them , lowkey thinking abt adding fae/faer into the mix but also havent told anyone so hey everyone thats a thing idk 45. favourite tv show: help idk like? fuck idek ,, brooklyn 99? bob’s burgers? i don’t know? neither of them are intellectual but look, 47. right or left handed: right  48. surgery: i forget 49. sport: who 50. vacation: anywhere people aren’t. iceland mostly. i want puffins and cold  51. pair of trainers: what
MORE GENERAL 53. eating: granny smith apples ayy  54. drinking: still coke 55. i’m about to: go to sleep coz i need to get up at literal dawn (not actually) to go for geelong with my gf tomorrow
56. waiting for: friday.. friday night. post friday.. seeing finn. seeing catherine. the rest of my life. charlie to die so i find out his horoscope in the obituary. uni. death. idk, wow somewhere along these questions i decided to die not really but also really 57. want: money so i can not stress about that but probably still feel this bad, but with money 58. get married: if it’s lorde or samira wiley , otherwise idc 59. career: what is the point of life
WHICH IS BETTER 60. hugs or kisses: yes 61. lips or eyes: yes 62. shorter or taller: yes 63. older or younger: older tbh 64. nice arms or nice stomach: Aarms but also omg tummies r cute ok tummies no wait arms idk 65. hook up or relationship: what is sex lmao give me the relationship 66. troublemaker or hesitant: idc
HAVE YOU EVER: 67. kissed a stranger: yep 68. drank hard liquor: yea 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: 20/20 vision, babe 70. turned someone down: yep rip 71. sex on the first date: actually yeah? 72. broken someone’s heart: uh shit probs less rapey ben or imaad apPArently 73. had your heart broken: rip i can’t read all of a sudden 74. been arrested: does cops forcibly escorting me from- yes oh fuck i have 75. cried when someone died: bitch im still crying 76. fallen for a friend: i dont do it any other way
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 77. yourself: i did at the start of this quiz when i had faith in the world but mm unsure 78. miracles: nope 79. love at first sight: no 80. santa claus: nope 81. kiss on the first date: what tf do u mean believe in? does it exist? yea? is it moral? also yea 82. angels: no
OTHER: 83. current best friend’s name: there are multiple 84. eye colour: hazel 85. favourite movie: i have no distinguishing characteristics but probably uh fuck like probably the way he looks bc im sad rn Tagging: idk i got sad go for it tho
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