#i mean she isn't diagnosed but the way she acts and speaks say a lot
prossima-nebulosa · 9 months
When i say it's hard to speak with some people I always think about my mother because she exemplifies everything that I don't wanna be in life.
I mean she is sweet and I love her, don't get me wrong.
However, she is the kind of person who doesn't get anything you say.
I came out to her and she took it weird, then one day she yelled that I made her desperate or something, don't remember what she said exactly, and she mentioned that the fact i like girls was also part of this.
Then she forgets everything and keeps pestering me about finding a "boyfriend" and makes some disgusting jokes about my sex life, then she jokes that 'maybe you like girls then'.
The same happened when we talked about my brother, she kept repeating it was because he didn't have a girlfriend- when truly that's further from the truth it can get (he's fucking sensible)
It's like talking with a wall, she doesn't get anything, she just reacts in the most boomer way possible, she only cares about what other think of her, and when I say others I mean EVERYONE REALLY. I told her countless times that this mindset was strengthened by being raised in a fucking town where everyone knows everyone that can be just as nice as harmful.
She rejects that idea, but then complains we don't get married when everyone does (and as I say everyone I mean my cousins that recently a) got married b) proposed) because she FUCKING CARES that people will think badly of her (that she raised us wrong? we came out wrong? who knows) hiding it under this guise that she is actually trying to look after us because she wants to see us settled-
(I don't mean to say she doesn't care about us, I know she does, but as I said there's a further reason, something much more pressing that is pushing her)
I tried talking to her, but she doesn't get anything. I think she looks at me and in her mind she just sees a child who doesn't know what's good or what's supposed to do once you grow up-
I don't mean to say I have any idea what to do, but never once in my life I did things just because people told me "It's what everyone does".
Though I believe she expected me and my brother to do just that, which means that we have to a) get married, b) have children c) get a job, and with this I mean a state job obviously.
And this is not just her mentality, it is a widespread one and she is just another piece in the puzzle.
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auschizm · 1 month
this is an offensive symptom to have but its real and i promise it isnt a troll, just hear me out: i haven't had a chance to talk to a doctor about this because of our economic situation, but i have a symptom where the n word plays in my head whenever i see a human or animal with dark pigmentation, not just black people but also dogs at the dog park for example
for context im a 19F afab european-american woman. and i don't know what to do about this because a few weeks ago on my birthday i was just sitting there at a restaurant on a busy day, and i was sitting by the entrance to charge my phone while a lot of mostly black people walked in and out, and i received the n word playing in my head a few hundred times and there was nothing i could do about it. I'm not racist i just have this recurring involuntary duosyllabic thought that i can't control.
this could be related to ocd or it could be some other type of coprolalia thoughts. but i also have thoughts multiple times a day saying "i am going to k*** m*s***", which i know I'm not going to do, it just gets really annoying and recently I interrupt those thoughts by thinking SHUT UP SHUT UP DON'T SAY THAT or something which certainly feels like I'm "going crazy" or something but i don't know what's wrong with me. (both of these have happened since around autumn/winter of 2023.)
i told my mom about this and she knows, we just haven't had a chance to talk to a doctor because we are moving to a different house. I've been diagnosed with autism and ADHD, and i was given a GAD diagnosis in January 2023 with the doctor saying i had some ocdspec traits of obsessive compulsiveness, tics, dissociation, and i forgot what else he mentioned but maybe the fact that i stutter? (i dont know what he meant by tics, back then i just made noises when lost in thought or typing things, and i used to have echolalia when i was 5 or something, this was before the current symptoms) i have no way of knowing right now if this is my Super Mega Autism (autism/adhd/anxiety + ocdspec traits) or if it's an ocdspec disorder if i am developing schizophrenia or schizotypal or something. and I'm not asking for a diagnosis or anything i just want to know what your thoughts are on the symptom situation because it's weird and i don't want to publicly post about it.
(and another thing, sometimes when I'm alone i stim by saying "vinegar vinegar vinegar" or Something Else if you know what i mean, and it might be controversial to have coprolalia-related stims, but my head/face feels warm and electric and i say it to calm down and feel normal again which is not something i feel comfortable telling a doctor about. I have a stutter affecting my speech, but i don't completely "involuntarily speak" offensive things, i just involuntarily think KMS and the N word on a consistent basis without variation in the symptoms besides them getting worse, and sometimes get a strong urge to say "vinegar" or just the last 2 syllables of vinegar, which sounds terrible but i think it's similar to coprolalia and i only do it when alone where nobody can hear me.) again this might sound fake or like a troll ask but i promise it isn't. what are your thoughts on this? again im not asking for a diagnosis i just need somewhere to anonymously talk about this.
1) Obsessive compulsive thinking is not fully within your control and does not reflect your actual desires or character. The best way to manage it is actually to stop moralizing it and to focus your attention on what actually leaves your head. 2) Of course no mental disorder excuses acting in racist and otherwise bigoted ways, but things happening exclusively inside your head can't hurt anyone but yourself
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eccentrcks · 5 months
𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐎𝐂: 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐫𝐨𝐞.
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This gorgeous artwork of Marlene was made by my talented baby sister. Give her some applause for this! 🫶 I also made a taglist out of boredom, so don't mind me. Taglist to those who inspired me to make this profile and ref. sheet: @revnah1406, @welldonekhushi, @littlemissclandestine, @alypink, and @darkhazard19.
Name: Marlene
Full Name: Marlene Jamie Monroe
Alias(es): "Mona" (General nickname by her family), "Marlie" (childhood nickname), "Chicky" (Captain Price), "Squirt" or "Baby Girl" (Phillip Graves), "Marl" (David Mason).
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Irish, Native American, Welsh.
Hair Colour: Chestnut brown.
Eye Colour: Light brown
Height: 5’11” (181cm)
Weight: 187lbs (84.8kg)
Body Built: Athletically average.
Languages Spoken: English, Irish, Gaelic, Welsh, Cree, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Bulgarian, Mandarin, French, German, Portuguese, etc.
Date of Birth: August 29, 2002.
Place of Birth: Fairbanks, Alaska.
Blood Type: AB-
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: N/A.
Status: Unknown.
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Myers-Briggs Type: INTJ-T (The Architect)
Calm and reserved: Despite having her moments of being a spitfire, she is actually a well composed individual and this really helps her in matters of survival. Although pretty social sometimes, then she can be completely asocial, Marlene is not exactly the kind of person who wouldn't instantly show her actual personality to others whom she'd just met. She handles stressful situations with the pressure very well most of time.
Selfless and loyal: Marlene may be an impassive and hardened young woman, but she has a good soul and heart. Those who are lucky to be a genuine friend of hers are privileged to see her display her true self at most times. Has the tendency to put others before herself. Marlene's love language is giving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch- which the latter is a rare thing of her to do frequently as a young adult now. Keeps it discreet though.
Tough as nails: She is unbelievably durable and endures a lot of life-threatening situations. Often gets underestimated by others, but tends to straighten them up with a surprise. It still hurts, yes, although she just quickly learns how to suck it up and keep going without letting it drag her down.
Jaded and weary: It's safe to mention that Marlene didn't had a normal childhood and went through a lot of hardships growing up with a paranoid survivalist of a mother. Kind of a sore spot for her to be asked about. Has a bad case of PTSD and denies her clinical diagnoses constantly. ("I'm fine." is her favourite saying) Has a complex relationship with her mother, her only parent that raised her this way, which means Marlene cares and resents her at the same time, yet she internally respects the woman who taught her most of everything she knows. She suffered from losses who were dearly significant to her... somethings she isn't ready to openly talk about. So the girl is just simply exhausted from existing.
Adaptable and intelligent, also a polyglot: If thrown into an environment that Marlene hadn't been in before, she will learn and adapt if it's necessary. Growing up traveling with her mother had taught her some things. She's quite a multilingual genius, speaks and read around 37(ish) languages, but also graduated high school at sixteen before attending Stanford University and finishing in three years for her computer science degree. So in a shorter summary, she's an eager and fantastic learner.
Primary Weapons: Knife, Karambit neck knife, Remington 700PSS, HK-MP5K, HK-MP5A3, TP-82, XM177E1, and Pipe Bombs.
Fighting Style: Hand-to-hand combat, some MMA.
Special Skills: Great at reading others' body languages and sensing danger.
Talents: She can learn to speak at another language in a short span of time, craft explosives such as a pipe bomb within an hour if she has the resources, and create traps with the right stuff.
Shortcomings: Can get paranoid most of the time, chronically insomniac, has some trust issues, and suffers from terrible migraines.
"Born and grew up outside of Fairbanks in an isolated cabin for five years of her life with her mother, who had Marlene at eighteen, and mostly traveled around on the road after. She grew up with tough love and Melissa, her mother, was fiercely overprotective with her only child. Once they settled somewhere in California when she was eight where Marlene finally got enrolled in a public school where her peers would eventually learn about her intellect. She never knew how, or where, her mother earned her huge incomes to financially support themselves, but knows Melissa just has an every important job whenever she isn't home. Besides, whenever her mother was confronted, she was just met with a firm look by her and the woman stating that it's none of her concern as Marlene should just focus on herself. Eventually this led to her rebellious behaviour before incidents occurred and slowly shaped Marlene into a withdrawn teenager in college."
"Her history with Taskforce 141 was purely platonic. Met them through her mother, one by one when she was an teenager, before the group realized she was Melissa's baby girl and they all knew the same woman who met each of them outside of their occupations. She've met Phillip Graves when she was a kid when he came by to confront her mother before a father-daughter bond was formed between them since then. David Mason is her godfather and one of the people whom Marlene looks up to- much to Graves' dismay."
"When she was done with college at nineteen and the year 2021-[REDACTED]."
"Until 2022, she was brought into the CIA's custody in middle of a late evening walk, more like by Taskforce 141, and interrogated after some evidence of her was caught stealing some invaluable intel and secrets, appearing as one of their employees, before she was picked up by a black van after that. She kept denying the accusations and evidence for weeks until Graves, allegedly dead at the time, safely liberated her despite Marlene being in a frail condition with the help from David Mason and proof that she was truly innocent. Someone had framed her."
"Then not too long hours after she was brought into his protective custody, no one knew who helped her other than the fact that she escaped CIA's custody, as one of The Shadow Company's bases was attacked. Mostly everyone made it out, but Marlene who was soon announced dead after she passed out from the blood loss with the base getting bombed into nothing once they were forced to leave her behind. Leaving Graves and David angry, distraught, and vowed to avenge her once they find the culprits. Her remains were never found after that."
Theme song: Methods of Madness by Secession Studios.
*Profile will be be updated once the story progresses and kept her backstory vague(ish) for now.
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4lph4kidz · 3 months
hai :))) thoughts on roxy<>jake?
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pointing and laughing at you for forgetting to click a button
anyway yeah i like it, though a lot of this post is going to be me examining their respective character flaws and potential issues with a moirallegiance, i definitely do think they could/would have a supportive platonic relationship. i see a few different interpretations flying around when it comes to the pale quadrant but if we go by the comic as-written, the role of moirails is to 'balance and complement each other's emotional profiles, and thus allow their other relationships to be more successful'... roxy and jake get on well, but do they actually balance each other out? i think they might be too similar in some ways, and i get the vibe that the pale quadrant is typically about people with contrasting personalities coming together.
that's not me shooting it down though, i do think these two compliment each other quite well. they enjoy each other's senses of humor and i really like their pesterlogs because it's really fun to see them bounce off each other! additionally, they both seem to enjoy aspects of femininity and feminine presentation so i think they'd enjoy bonding over and exploring that.
ramble continued beneath the cut, tl;dr they are both well-meaning people who want to support each other, but i think there's a possibility that they might struggle to communicate around more serious issues. it would take some effort to make it work, but it COULD work!
in general i'm a little hesitant to say 'oh yeah this relationship would definitely be 100% functional' because. it's the alpha kids. they have a lot of personal flaws that result in a lot of interpersonal problems, and those might emerge here too.
broadly speaking both roxy and jake seem to have impulsive sides, so maybe they'd egg each other on in irresponsible ways? and though they talk on the quest beds, those are pretty exceptional circumstances so i don't know how good they would be at communicating in more ordinary circumstances - roxy's light-hearted demeanour can make it seem like she's not taking things seriously and jake is very non-confrontational and avoids having difficult conversations with his friends. though maybe those communication styles match actually better than anyone elses would, i'm not sure.
another concern i have is that while roxy ostensibly works through some of her issues on-screen, jake does not - and roxy is all too used to being 'the supportive friend' while jake is usually wrapped up in his own issues. i don't know if i want them to be locked into that pattern where she has to support him and doesn't get enough back, you know? i do think they could be good for each other, it would just take some work from where they are in canon - and we DO see them putting effort into being there for each other in canon! especially on the quest beds. given the trickster hangover roxy is a little worn out and irritated by jake freaking out on her, but even though reassuring him is kind of a lot she still shows him a lot more patience and understanding than anyone else.
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(maybe i'm just an idiot falling for jake's facade, but he does read like someone who genuinely needs direct communication sometimes. for the love of god... we need to diagnose him with something...)
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and later into act 6, she is genuinely exited to see him and tries to reach out to him!
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roxy clearly still likes jake. she reminds jane that jake isn't *genuinely* trying to be an asshole, and she tells dave that she thinks jake is a lot of fun if you can get him out of his shell, which bodes well for their friendship.
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now, on jake's side of the moirallegience... i'm not sure exactly what kinds of support jake could provide roxy in return, though he is good at matching her energy. i can see him being genuinely excited and supportive as a friend. that said roxy is tired of putting everyone else first and being the designated shoulder to cry on, and i don't know if jake really has the social or emotional awareness to support her in that way. he's self centered and gets wrapped up in his own problems, but he is beginning to recognise that during his turning point on the quest beds.
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and as we see a few screenshots above, he tries to offer her support when it occurs to him to do so! he does want to be a good friend and roxy of all people seems to understand his limitations best. so i think he could be a good moirail... but he would need to undergo some PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT first.
sidebar, i'd need to reread first to be certain but i heard somewhere that jake never does the rp thing again after this and if so thats really funny:
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(removing a means of obfuscation for the benefit of others, hm? the rogue of void strikes again...)
anyway, wow all this is without even TOUCHING the fact that their pre-scratch selves knew each other and extra-canon materials in particular would suggest grandpa harley seems to have had a big influence on mom lalonde which is... [stares into the middle distance forlornly] sad. like, roxy beats her acoholism, but if jake doesn't figure himself out he is in real danger of winding up just like grandpa harley, you know? so i really like building on their dynamic with that in mind. you know maybe they don't need to be tragic and dysfunctional adults. maybe they can do better this time around! maybe.
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hi dokter (i think i spelled it right? sorry;;). im gonna sound like an asshole and i feel horrible about that but, i feel like a lot of people fake DID and multiple personality disorders. I know that i shouldnt fake claim people and such but, ive been on discord servers and theres a random channel dedicated to alters finding out who they are and then they always know how to set themselves up with a bot mechanic and switch between people rapidly. im a jerk for this, but genuinely in my head there is no logical explanation for how they have amnesia but know and understand discord completely. or how people will have fictives that are nothing like the source, just genuinely nothing like the character. its present in a lot of teenagers that struggle with mental illness and escapism, i think its less of a knowingly faking thing and more of a misdiagnosing themselves and truly WISHING there were more people there and they could share a body with dream. I feel like i do a fair amount of research, and looking into DID leaves me confused sometimes with how a lot of people online display their symptoms. why do alters all share an account and sign it? how do they all know the password? how do they all know how to operate it? (referring to tiktok because so much DID content comes from there, all with teenagers and young adults. i have yet to see someone over the age of like, 23 talking about DID. Not saying that just cause youre young you cant be blank, but i feel like its worth noting.) i guess i consider myself a kind person, and i dont care about what people do if it doesnt harm anyone. but this DOES harm people. i think its mostly people self diagnosing because they identify mood swings, different interests, and a yearning to be closer to their favorite fictional character or not be alone. so they truly do believe that this character is possessing them, even when its truly them changing their voice, putting on different clothes, adding an accent, and such. when people fake an illness, they dont fully understand what its like to have it and act in a way that is not accurate. isnt this the kind of thing that leads to stigmatization? to people completely changing their definition of DID since all they have seen is kids faking and acting like their favorite minecraft youtuber? i dont know. i feel bad since i hear from people with DID that they do feel this way, they feel like people now have a warped view of the disorder from people faking it online. Im not speaking for everyones experiences, maybe some dont care maybe some think its a coping mechanism, i have no idea. im sorry i went off on such a rant. i really like kats blog, she's helped a lot in ways. one last asshole note. A part of me is crying out that youre just kat typing while speaking her true and harsher thoughts under a different name, like an alter ego. im sorry, i know she wouldnt do that and im sure thats not what you are. i just had to ask, to clarify i guess (Even though i more just. stated it. sorry;;). i am probably not very nice in your eyes now, i dont mean to be the mental illness gatekeeper or anything but when you can very clearly tell so many are faking something serious its hard to just, go along with it. p.s. since youre a dokter who shares kats mind, how did you get all the education to be a psychiatrist? i feel like kat alone could be one, since she is very well educated and good at that stuff. is that why? or another reason. jsut genuinely curious;;.
None of us are psych professionals and none of us are claiming to have DID. Like sure there is a general issue of misdiagnosis causing the spread of misinformation which is to some degree harmful, but when I am explicitly stating that I don't have DID, how do you then read that as me faking DID? How is my experience inherently fake just because it isn't corresponding with the clinical experience of DID? Why is having the clinical disorder DID the only way my experience could be valid and real? Why is anything besides the clinical diagnosis DID fake in your eyes? Please spell that part out for me
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s7e8 time for a wedding! (w. andrew dabb, daniel loflin)
i read a summary of all the becky episodes after seeing the first one. had some feelings (derogatory) about previous episodes. i was dreading this one
okay i got a question about "guano". every time they use this word i have to do a little mental lookup. is there a region in the US that uses guano regularly for going batshit/insane etc? i haven't lived everywhere but i have lived in the southwest, west, upper midwest, miami (lol it's its own region) and new england. and i don't remember ever hearing it said by anyone. john was in the military, was it something from him? anyway. stalling!
WAITRESS Yeah, okay. You came in here looking like somebody shot your puppy. DEAN Well, things are looking up now that your shift's over. All right. Uh, here's the deal. I have this friend. He's got this younger brother. Right? Cannon's a little loose. You know, his reactor blew a while back. It's not good. Um... My friend – he's, uh... He's kind of been sitting, waiting to see if he goes guano again. WAITRESS And I assume it just hit the fan? DEAN Well, that's the thing. It didn't. The kid's all reasonable now, considering he's crazy. Well, he's – I mean, he's not crazy. He – he's starting to seem like things might be getting a little better. WAITRESS Well, that's a good thing, right? DEAN It's a freakin' miracle. Except... when it happens during their, uh... their sacred annual pilgrimage to Vegas... and he goes off on some granola-munching hike in the desert by himself.
WAITRESS Well, maybe he just needs some time alone. DEAN Yeah. WAITRESS We all need to face ourselves sometime. DEAN Maybe he does. WAITRESS Wasn't talking about him. DEAN Speak of the devil. He's four blocks away? WAITRESS See? Baby bro needs you after all.
(of course, forever and ever amen.) when a stranger can diagnose and therapize you in 60 seconds flat. what a lot of backstory and happenings got dumped in that conversation. a yearly vacation, sam bailing to go vacation alone in the wilderness.
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the way his hair is falling it looks like the mutant sideburns suddenly gained a lot ground 😂 (stalling)
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how does his hair look so different every episode?
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okay, leslie odom jr. i know the name, i've never seen/or listened to hamilton but i gather that's what he's known for? (i love music but don't vibe with musicals generally) i did watch smash though and he was in that, and the second knives out movie. shame he got stuck in this episode.
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smash s2e1 on broadway - leslie odom jr as sam strickland
ok extra dumb murder of the week. splatting a dude's face with the baseball pitching machine
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(live reaction)
SAM You know, I went after her, Dean. Maybe that's what's bugging you – that I'm moving on with my life. I mean, you took care of me, and that's great. But I don't need you anymore.
having an actress that's about the same age as dean play becky, and having her act so juvenile... it's just all bad and insulting and weird. and then adding in the inherent joke she is about fans... will i save the noncon rant for later? ha ha she raped him too right? heavy sigh
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cannot figure out what i know him from. maybe the core?? but also he was a one-off in episodes of a lot of shows i've seen and he has such a distinctive face, i think it might be one of those i think is more familiar but really isn't. also maybe the movie roadtrip? which is so very much not my kind of movie but i definitely have seen it.
having garth be incompetent as a hunter is... again, a choice.
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the core (2003) dj qualls as rat
now they tell us there was no sex. see it's funny, guys! just the drugging and the concussion and the tying up and gagging.
GUY Yes! And I'm very protective of my ass. It's one of my best features.
he's so charming in this part. say again it's a shame he got stuck in this episode
you know. it's not just the writing and the styling of becky. but the way she plays her... it's like every moment she's just making fun of a certain type of person.
crowley, sight for sore eyes
SAM Becky, look. You're not a loser, okay? You're a good person, a-and you've got… a lot of… e-energy. So, you know, just do your thing, whatever that is, and the right guy will find you.
no. *gets out the squirt bottle*
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was this all just to have some goofy bonding experience to mend things after The Incident with the stabbing and the lying (mutton chop status 66%)
SAM Look, man, uh... When I was all dosed up, I-I said some crap. DEAN Oh, you mean, she – she wasn't your soulmate?
no, because dean is sam's soulmate duh. lol this show. sometimes i'll just be sitting here and think "canonical soulmates" and boggle all over again
SAM Shut up. I mean, I do need you watching my back. Obviously. DEAN Yeah, when, uh, crazy groupies attack.
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DEAN I'm just saying. It's stupid to think that you need me around all the time. You're a grown-up. SAM Right.
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SAM I mean, you basically have been looking out for me your whole life. Now you finally get to take care of yourself. About time, huh? DEAN Yeah. DEAN Right.
haha this is like, straight out of fic. both of them "ha ha you don't need me anymore :D" and they're both😟
made it through. they really like to shove good brother content into bad episodes, like Bugs.
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schizosupport · 2 years
Hey there! Hope you are well, I have a bit of a complicated question that I’m not sure you can answer, I’m seeing my psych in two weeks but it’s a burning question and my mental space isn’t good enough to research. I have treatment resistant schizophrenia, but I also think my consciousness is more of a plural one, like I just don’t think I have a single consciousness, i can’t tell if the extra conscious states are from my schizophrenia or possibly from the repeated childhood traumas. Also how do I go about phrasing this to my psych? She’ll take me seriously cause she’s the coolest psych around but I don’t speak this eloquently in real life and I want to make sure I get my point across. Thanks so much !
Hey there! Sorry it took me a while to get back to you, I'm traveling with a friend! I have not slept in a while, so I apologize if this is unusually meandering.
Ok so first of all, I am to a large extent of the opinion that you have the final say on how to interpret your own experiences, but that doesn't mean that my input or your psychiatrists' input can't be very valuable.
You've said here that you are diagnosed with chronic schizophrenia, and that you experience your consciousness as 'more of a plural one'. You also mentioned repeated childhood trauma.
So first off, here's my two cents, but keep in mind that both you and your regular psych know your experience and situation and history better than I, a rando with too many fucking cents on my person at any given time :P
But the one thing I may be able to provide is perspective and knowledge, that you are currently struggling to gain bc your mental health isn't a place to research stuff. And honestly, this is also one of those things that present a rabbit hole of research and opposing views etc. Even I, despite this being something of a personal interest of mine, have barely skimmed the surface.. And anyone who tells you that they know all there is to know on the subject, and can give you definite answers, are conceited, ignorant or naive.
First off, I am curious about what it means when you say that you experience your existence as more of a plural one. I think that elaborating on that experience would be the key to communicate this experience of yours. I'm asking because from the phrasing, I can interpret this in various ways, which are all potentially consistent with the other known facts.
You have chronic schizophrenia. So a lot of people with schizo spec disorders experience variations of what is known as 'ipseity disturbance' or 'self disorder'. It's one of those concepts that is hard to boil down, but it often includes hyper-reflectivity upon "the self", seeing the 'self' as separate from the person perceiving the 'self', potentially perceiving yourself as having multiple selves or even no self at all. Apparently for a large part of the population the 'minimal experience of self' is a given that very much 'just is', there is nothing for them to reflect upon, because their sense of minimal self is the act of being itself... In a way.
I'm not sure I'm managing to explain this very well, but my point is that in certain ways experiencing your self as "more of a plural one' could be congruent with ipseity disturbance.
Because it involves a lot of feelings of "otherness" towards parts of your self/consciousness that other people experience in a more inherently singular manner. When thoughts don't feel inherently like your own, when your find yourself analysing thoughts in the brain to understand what 'you' are getting at - I feel like in a lot of ways, ipseity disturbance can lead to/be explained as a plural experience, and it's something I wish there was more talk about.
Second, you mention repeated childhood trauma, and I'm guessing you're bringing this up in the context of whether the plurality in your self-experience could be explained as dissociative barriers created to protect the self, between compartmentalized versions of 'the self'.
Third, I think some people regardless of trauma and mental health history, have a tendency to feel plural in their self-experience and/or thrive with a plural self-expression.
There are probably yet more ways that we could account for this experience, but let's stop there.
I think in preparation for the meeting with the psychiatrist, these are a couple helpful questions to know the answer to:
1) is the feeling of plurality scary? Comforting? Does it help you cope or does it make life harder for you?
2) Is the plurality of your consciousness more an inherent almost "philosophical" quality of how you experience your mind? Or is it more literal - there are a multitude of consciousnesses sharing (or not sharing) your brain/life?
3) if there are multiple consciousnesses - do you know how those other to yourself 'identify'. Do they claim names and other identity markers, do they have different opinions or feelings than 'you'?
4) if there are multiple consciousnesses, are they 'internal chatter', are they all parts of 'you' or do you experience it as if any of them ever 'takes over the reign' from 'you'?
5) if you experience such 'losses of control', how does that feel? Is it "you" becoming "someone else"? Is it a blackout? Is it like getting relegated to the backseat while someone else drives the car?
And so forth. I think it's important in a way to be clear in your own head about what they experience is like for you, because even good psychiatrists will sometimes read their own expectations into vague statements.
I also think it's worth mentioning here that while a lot of people will tell you otherwise, the lived experience of SOME people with schizophrenia and SOME people with dissociative disorders that involve identity compartmentalization, are actually very similar, for reasons that are too complicated to get into here. Another thing is that the two can definitely be comorbid.
A last thing is that personally, I try not to bring up symptoms/experiences with psychiatrists unless I think that them knowing is gonna be helpful to my treatment. It sounds like you got a great psych, so I don't think this is an issue, but when I personally tried to bring up my own experiences with plurality, they were immediately interpreted as active psychosis in a way that proved detrimental to the mental health of all of us.
So I'm mostly putting this here for other followers, who are debating whether to bring up something interesting/weird about their experience with a psychiatrist.. in a general sense most doctors err on the side of caution with things they perceive as potential psychosis... So at this point in my life I only bring up symptoms that are painful/bad to me, personally, bc I'm pretty tired of psychiatrists medicalizing every aspect of my identity and experience..
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scatterpatter · 3 years
"Where's the essay OP" Said no one, and yet here I am
Lampy isn't stupid, he's neruodivergent: a rushed-together masterpost
Disclaimer: I'm not a liscened medical professional but I'm neurodivergent who's close to many neurodivergent people so I know when certain traits strike me as very familiar... Also tblt is my comfort movie I've seen it probably over 100 times, not exaggerating, so if anyone here's an expert on it, it's me.
I'm only going by the first movie because while To The Rescue and Goes To Mars probably have evidence to back me up, I don't feel like sitting down to watch them as I don't have them as memorized as the original
Point #1: Lampy is arguably the most intelligent appliance in the movie
Honestly it apalls me that so many are convinced that Lampy is an idiot when he displays some of the most intelligent traits in the movie. I'll just list off some of the most important scenes that show this
1: When discussing a way to get to the city, Lampy comes up with plans that end up failing, true. But we should also consider that not only did Radio and Toaster come up with bad plans before deciding on the swivel chair, but 2/3 of Lampy's ideas involved the same mechanic: on something with wheels(yes the mattress had wheels for some reason) being powered by Kirby
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2: "From here you can see the really big lamp!" This scene is simply due to the appliances being sheltered from the outside world. Lampy displays the same level of naive-ness as everyone else: Radio seems earnest in calling the sun a "really big lamp", and Kirby calls the grass "shag carpet". Lampy is not at a lower intelligence in this scene, he's exactly at the same level as everyone else
3: The scene with the storm really sells his intelligence. The appliances have a rudimentary understanding of electricity, most likely from being appliances, but Lampy displays an excelled level of understanding by sacrificing himself for the battery. He understands that batteries are powered by electricity, lightning is electricity, and by using himself as a lightning rod, he acts as the conductive metal to easily transfer this energy from the bolt to the battery. Technically this should have overcharged and fried the battery but we'll suspend disbelief for the sake of this movie.
4: He knew that stacking the appliances to roughly human height, creating a dark environment with ominous sounds, and putting Toaster at eye-level to scare the human with his own reflection... Again, this is an intelligent understanding of how to scare a human
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5: It's unclear on whose idea it was to look up Rob in a phone book, however this shows that not only can Lampy read(most likely picked up from being Rob's reading light), ESPECIALLY when Toaster struggles to read, but also has an understanding of phone books, addresses, and finding humans based on family names. I cannot stress how intelligent this is for a sentient desk lamp
There's a few more minor examples, but these are the biggest cases. Lampy is intelligent.
Point #2: Lampy struggles with social cues and doesn't empathize as easily as others
My biggest point here is when people think neruodivergents are "dumb" for having trouble picking up on things like sarcasm when that just... isn't the case. A few notable examples include:
1: When Air Conditioner says "You're a real bright little lamp", Lampy doesn't pick up the sarcasm and thinks he's being complimented. Though he definitely shows a level of emotional intelligence because he looks to Toaster to confirm "hey I was complimented", sees they're still looking angry, and gets the hint that he was insulted without someone needing to explicitly tell him that, to which he then responds with "Heyyy >:("
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2: Sometimes he's able to read the room and pick up on tones, but other times he shows a level of emotional density. Legitimately not knowing if Rob had returned even when seeing Blanky disappointed to the point of near tears... But then knowing "brains wouldnt hurt either" was a jab at their intelligence and reacting with appropriate annoyance... But also when Radio says "Things could be worse!", doesn't realize he's just saying that to make Toaster feel better and asks "How could they be worse?"
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3: He bullies Blanky alongside Radio and the others, unclear if he's actually being a jerk or just "oh this is what everyone else is doing so this is the normal way to act", but he's legitimately confused when Toaster tries to explain why they're suddenly being nice to him. He doesn't get the "now I feel better" argument because his argument was "Well you were never this nice to him before". Even when Toaster tries to explain why it feels nice, it just doesn't click... until Toaster finds a way to explain that connects personally to Lampy's own emotional state. He has trouble empathizing until realizing "oh this is like this thing that I feel sometimes"
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4: Something I've noticed when gathering evidence is that more than once, Lampy goes "Wow..." After someone gloats about themself(Twice with Radio, once with the Computer). It's clear by the third time, when Radio goes "What does that mean?" And Lampy responds "I don't know. [To Computer] What does that mean?" That he doesn't even know what's being gloated about, let alone why he should be impressed. He has the emotional intelligence to recognize when someone's gloating and the "appropriate" response of amazement, but it seems like it never comes from a place of earnest. (While Neurotypicals can and do engage in "performative" behavior, I tend to notice this way more commonly with neurodivergents)
Also the "wow..." Performative thing is VERY reminiscent of Peridot from Steven Universe(a characters who many autistic fans see themselves in and the creator herself saying she doesn't consider Peridot or any of the gems to be neurotypical) going "wow thanks" as her default "this is how I've been taught to show gratitude" response
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Point #3: Miscellaneous traits that could be neurodivergent
These traits COULD be interpreted as neurodivergent, but I will admit they could also be interpreted as something else so like take these with a grain of salt
1: Lampy appears to have sensory needs. When sleeping, he needs to tap a rock a few times(presumably to make sure it's "right") before clonking his head on it. It's interesting because rocks aren't a very "lamp" thing whatsoever, and none of the other appliances look for pillow-ish objects to rest on, so this could be a sensory thing.
2: Lampy has an interesting vocal quirk: repetition of phrases at the beginning and end of a sentence. Instances include "How exactly do you propose we do that, exactly?" "All of a sudden you're being so darn nice to him all of a sudden" "The fact is there's just not enough facts" The third one is a bit of a stretch but the first two seem to indicate a possible pattern of speech. Part of me wants to say this could be a verbal tic or some type of verbal stimming, but I've never met anyone who has a tic or stim like this so I can't say it's a neurodivergent thing with confidence, but I wanted to mention this quirk regardless.
3: Physically saying how he feels. Two instances where multiple characters are laughing, Lampy speaks while laughing "That's funny - I'm dying!" "I'm aching with joy!". It's just interesting that no one else speaks while laughing and for whatever reason, Lampy needs to verbalize "Yes I find this very funny" as if simply laughing along isn't enough. I've seen somewhat similar stuff in neurodivergents who have issues expressing emotions implicitly so they state them explicitly instead.
4: I've noticed Lampy isn't touchy... except with Radio. Some neurodivergent people can have issues with physical contact, which could explain that. But I've also noticed that Radio also gives me huge neurodivergent vibes... But more importantly Radio is extremely touchy with everyone, Lampy included, hence them often getting into physical fights but also just- tapping them or wrapping a cord around the other and pulling him close(they're so in love but that's a post on its own). A possible explanation is Lampy having issues with touching others, but either feels comfortable being touchy with Radio(due to emotional bonds and trust) or simply recognizes "Radio likes being touchy so I should be touchy back". A stretch of an argument, I'll admit, but I think the interpretation is there and valid.
In conclusion
I mean idk if Lampy was written to be neurodivergent or if the writers just wanted him to be "quirky" and accidentally gave him a lot of neurodivergent traits, but he reads as very neurodivergent to me(probably autistic or adhd but I'm not a professional and can't diagnose him). But while I can chalk up neruodivergency being one of many possible interpretations of his character, I WILL argue that he's not "stupid" given the evidence we see throughout the movie
Tl;Dr: Lampy is evidently intelligent, but sometimes struggles with social cues, empathy, and overall shows numerous traits of neurodivergency
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galivantingg · 4 years
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the beginning
People want to believe they are what they choose to remember. The good stuff. -It Chapter Two
Jacob thinks about that quote a lot. What does he remember about himself? His mind flashes back to the days of arguments, bullying and proving to be the biggest brat ever. Of name calling, rude quips and stoney faces. Too long arguments about things that didn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. If all he remembers is the bad stuff, does that make him a bad person? Yes, it does. Jacob is a bad person. He's mean, belittling, and takes everyone for granted. He thinks about himself first, doesn't ask how the other is doing in return, at least not automatically. He has to try to be nice. He has to force it. Jacob is a bad person because he is a thoughtless person. He just doesn't think, before he acts, or speaks. He literally is, head empty, no thoughts.
He can be nice, people have told him that, but he doesn't think he is nice. He has his moments, It's usually when he's giving someone something, or doing something for them, but there's no ulterior motive; except for validation. That's all Jacob wants. Validation. He wants to be noticed, to be needed. And when he does something for someone, he becomes needed. Which grants him what he wants, which makes him a bad person. Nice people don't do things for others for expect something in return. It is a fact,  Jacob is a bad person.
Now that that's out of the way, let's begin.
Jacob was lying there on his bed, watching the sun rise through his window. He wanted to know the time, but didn’t have the energy to turn his head to the side and check the clock. The sun was a little over halfway over the houses, the sky a brilliant blue already, and the birds were just as annoying as ever. It was pretty at first, but after the first twenty minutes of tuneless chirping it became tiresome. He doesn't remember the last time he slept properly. Either he'd come home, sleep until dinner, push his food around, then go back to sleep, waking up some time around four or five in the morning, and spend the next two hours staring out his window or at his ceiling, or he'd come home and not sleep at all. There was no in between, no compromise. He'd either get roughly eleven hours of sleep in one day, or none. On nights he didn't sleep he would do homework for ten hours straight. He'd work through essay after essay, checking the syllabus for each class and starting a new one when he finished. Never mind if it hadn't been assigned yet, Jacob would do it. He'd do anything to avoid sitting and staring at his wall for ten hours. He thinks he has insomnia, but it could just be a symptom of the depression.
He only allowed a certain time slot for his thoughts to run wild. If he didn't keep to his routine, he'd go insane.
His family didn't see him often, not for a while. His parents didn't approve of him locking himself in his room all the time, but they got his report cards, ninety-five percent average, and he joined them for meals, so they didn't fight it. In fact, they just carried on with things. They would make jokes, "oh look, he's alive!", "well well well there's a surprise for you," and a couple "woah! Sorry, not used to seeing you". The jokes didn't make him want to spend time with them. Of course, if he told them that, they'd say that it's only a joke, he shouldn't be so sensitive. He would say he's not being sensitive, it makes him feel judged. They would tell him that he needs to stop taking everything so seriously, it was just a joke. He’s not laughing.
They don't understand. Sure maybe it's not their fault, maybe Jacob could've explained things better when he was formally diagnosed two years ago, or even when he first started feeling this way six years ago, but he knows it wouldn't matter. They can be sympathetic, but they'll never really understand. They'll never be empathetic, and Jacob knows this for sure. He knows this because when he told his mother he was depressed maybe four years ago, she brushed it off. She said, "Oh Jacob, I know it seems like that now, but just wait. You'll feel better soon," completely ignoring the fact that Jacob had said he'd felt like this for two years at that point. Things just went downhill from there.
Jacob has a lot of feelings about the past four years. Mostly nothing, but sometimes he'll be overcome with anger, then annoyance, and then that blissful emptiness. That wonderful nothing.
Months went by, and nothing changed. Not even his mom's attitude towards him. Jacob remembers when one of his friends found out by accident. He was keeping a secret, but said something he shouldn't have, which led to that friend finding something Jacob wanted to keep secret. He was nicer to Jacob for a while after that, it took Jacob a while to notice. Every time someone in the group would tease him, that friend would tell them to back off. Jacob didn't know where it was coming from at first, but was thankful nonetheless. Until he found screenshots of a conversation between that friend and another friend in the group, talking about Jacob's secret. His friend was only being nicer because of this secret.
Jacob was angry for a while. He didn't understand why being depressed was the only way to get them to stop teasing him, to stop making him the butt of the joke. Why couldn't they see that it doesn't matter if he's depressed or not, he shouldn't have to endure that much teasing. Then they went back to normal. And Jacob stopped feeling angry. He just felt empty.
There's a memory Jacob has, a memory of when he was maybe six, and it was his mother's birthday. His dad wanted him to stand next to him while they sang Happy Birthday to his mom, but instead he was knelt next to the coffee table untying his toy dog on wheels from the leg. He was still singing Happy Birthday, not to mention he was six, so it's not like he really understood anyway, but his dad got mad. He was taken upstairs to his room, and was yelled at, until he started crying. Jacob has a vague memory of being hit across the face, but looking back, he doesn't know if that really happened. He attributes that moment to his development of depression. He doesn't remember experiencing all the symptoms, but he does remember around Grade Six feeling like he will never be enough. He clearly remembers trying hard to fit in, but no one really wanted him around. He'd interact with people, but wouldn't get the same reaction as others did. He'd say something witty, and no one would laugh, but someone else would say a simplified version of it and suddenly they were the funniest person in the world.
Jacob has some issues.
Sometimes these memories made him angry, other times embarrassed, but more often than not they just reminded him why he doesn't belong.
A soft knock came from the door, and he heard his mother from the other side say, "Jacob, honey, are you awake yet?" Jacob sat up and pushed himself off the bed, walking to his door. He twisted the knob, pulling the door towards him and walked away to his dresser, pulling clothes out of the drawers. "Good morning sweetie, how are you?" His mom took a step into his room. A twinge of annoyance flickered in the back of his mind but he shoved it down, telling himself he has no right to feel that way. His parents didn't ask much of him, he has no right to be rude to them.
"I'm good fine, mom, only been awake for a bit so I don't really know if it's been a good day or a bad day yet," he turned to face her, smiling a bit. He had become an excellent liar over the years, able to hide his mood and fib his way through a conversation. "I'm gonna shower now though," he murmured, starting to walk towards the door. She smiled gently at him and stepped to the side, following him out and walking down the stairs.
As he lathered shampoo in his hair his head was filled with the usual back and forth debate on whether or not the people in his life actually cared about him. The evidence is pretty fifty fifty. An image of the gentle smile flashed across his mind, then he remembered a moment where his mother had said that he needed to get out in order to feel happier. But she isn't wrong, statistically speaking fresh air is better for you, and exercise releases endorphins that make him happy. On the other hand, he knew that if he went out without someone expecting him some place at some time, he wouldn't exactly be careful when crossing the street. He doesn't trust himself, and while he doesn't believe his family actually likes him as a person, he could never risk hurting them, no matter how much pain they've caused him.
That shower got depressing really fast. He shook his head and stepped out, grabbing a towel and drying himself off. He pulled on his clothes, brushed his teeth, moisturized and opened the door, heading down the hall and walking down the stairs. He greeted his dad, grabbed an apple, picked up his school bag and headed out the front door. Jacob dropped his bag in the passenger seat of his car and slid in behind the wheel, starting up the car and tapping his fingers on the wheel. Thirty seconds later the front door opened and slammed shut, and out of the corner of his eye he saw two figures moving across the lawn towards him. The locks made an audible sound when he locked them, just as the girl put her hand on the passenger side handle.
"Um Jake," she said, not looking very pleased. "What, do you think you're doing?"
Jacob rolled down the window and leaned over, smiling up at her. "Back seat is for people who crash their cars, Phoebs."
"Don't call me that it's not my name," she snapped back, her hand still on the handle. The boy behind her started snickering. "Shut it Pai." The boy's head snapped up, a scowl on his face now.
"Hypocrite." He muttered.
Jacob was still smiling. "You two, in the back. Now."
The girl still wouldn't let go of the door handle. They're going to be late at this rate.
"Only if you promise not to shorten our names anymore," she said, loosening her grip.
Jacob sighed. Well there goes all his fun. "Fine. Phoebus, Paieon, back seats. Let's go."
They smiled, the same smile, stupid twins and their identicalness. He unlocked the door and they slid into the back seats like plebeians, then they were off. The ride was filled with beautiful serenity. Just kidding. It was filled with the sounds of Phoebus and Paieon arguing, over something stupid no doubt. Jacob paid them little mind. He was very good at ignoring everything, from feelings to hunger pains, among other things, not to toot his own horn or anything. Those other things include overanalyzing, patronizing others, and most of all, worrying. He is very good at worrying. Soon they pulled up next to the school and the twins were dashing out of the still moving car (yikes!) shouting something along the lines of "see you at three ten". Jacob took a moment to himself to breathe, drawing up the energy and reinforcing his walls for the day. Each day got harder and harder, it was only a matter of time. You’re not here for yourself, you’re here for others. Your purpose is to serve until you are no longer needed.
A knock on his window startled him. He looked over to see a girl leaning down, her hair hanging freely and a furrow in her brow, She mimed cranking down the window, like in an old car. Jacob rolled down the window. "Yes?"
"Sorry," she said, biting her lip. "It's just uh, you looked I don't know, alone? I was wondering if you're okay?" Jacob's eyebrows rose in surprise. She must be new. "Yeah, I am new," she laughed a little, looking away then looking back at him. Her eyes seemed to look past his walls and see right into his soul. He didn't like it. Make it stop.
"I'm Jacob, but everyone around here calls me autistic mostly." Jacob said, staring right at her to gauge her reaction. She looked taken aback.
"Are you?"
That's a new one. Asking if he is autistic. He shook his head. "Just anti-social," he smiled half heartedly. She grinned.
"So I'm getting the most anyone's ever gotten out of you?" Jacob nodded his head, confirming. She smiled again, her eyes twinkling. There was something behind them, something he couldn't quite place. Oh well, must not be important. "Cool. Why don't we head in and you show me around, Jacob?" The way she said his name sent a shiver down his spine, and he tried not to move so it wouldn't show. He smiled a little, and she stepped back to let him out. He locked the door behind him, and she wound herself around his free arm, the other shouldering his bag. Jacob looked down at her in surprise. No one has willingly gotten this close to him in a long time. The only time he had physical contact was during gym class.
He opened his mouth to say something but she forged on ahead, dragging him along with her. He was too confused and overwhelmed by this sudden change that he didn't notice they had arrived at his locker. He was still confused as he unlocked it, grabbing a textbook he had forgotten and closing it.
"Take me to the office? I need to get my schedule and student card." He nodded dumbly, letting himself once again be dragged along. She looked up at him and gave him another dazzling smile, and it took him walking into the wall for him to regain his focus. He laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand and set off through the hall, ignoring the looks from the students staring at the weirdo with a very beautiful new girl hanging off his arm. His mask rose, and his face went stoney. They arrived at the office and his second mask slipped into place. His customer service mask, if you would.
"Good morning Irene," he greeted the older woman behind the desk. She didn't look up. "I have a new student here who needs her student ID and timetable if that's not too much trouble?" Irene mumbled something. He leaned closer, "Pardon? I didn't quite catch that sorry."
She looked up at him as if he had personally wronged her family a thousand years ago, then repeated, "Name?"
Jacob froze for a second, just now realizing that she knew his name, but he didn't know hers. "Leah Marsh," she jumped in, still holding on to Jacob's arm. Would she ever let go? Irene muttered again, and Leah must have very good hearing because she laughed and said, "No no, we're not related. We just met," and she looked back up at him with that dazzling smile and that twinkle in her eye. Jacob's ears went red. She laughed.
Irene stood and grabbed something from a drawer, a piece of paper and a small plastic ID card, putting them on top of the half wall separating them before sitting back down. "Have a good day now," she murmured to her computer screen.
Jacob smiled, the polite boy his mother raised in him coming out. "Thank you, you too."
And they were off once again, Leah dragging Jacob out the door and around the corner.
"Let me see your schedule? I can help you find your classes before the bell goes." Jacob offered. He held out his hand, and Leah passed over the piece of paper. He scanned it, then scanned it again. He pulled out his phone and her the two items next to each other, looking back and forth. "Looks like we have all the same classes? Odd," he murmured.
"Cool!" Leah said. He glanced over at her and her face was brighter than the sun. How could one person be so happy? Doesn't it get tiresome?
"Well I guess we're heading to first period English," he handed back the schedule. "Come on, it's this way." He led her down the north hall, stuck inside his head again. He was so caught up in his own mind that he didn't notice Leach staring directly at him, not even looking where they were going. Which led to her knocking into someone, of course.
"Hey!" The kid exclaimed, outraged, until he got a good look at who he had bumped into. "Oh, hey," his voice changed, and Jacob finally snapped out of his thoughts and looked over.
"I'm so sorry, I was leading and I didn't see you," Jacob apologized, getting a good look at the kid. It's Matthew, one of the popular kids. He's a guard on the basketball team, though he should be post guard, what with his height. He was a tall lanky kid, and easily made three pointers. The only reason Jacob knew this is because one of his classes is Yearbook, which makes him a photographer for the school. You'd think that would make people be a little nicer to him, but nope. Still gets bullied.
Matthew sneered. "Who said you could speak, retard." Jacob looked at the ground, ashamed. He should've known better. Leah giving him attention does not make him liked by everyone else all of a sudden.
Leah laughed lightly, and he looked at her. "No, Jacob's right, we should have been paying attention. Sorry about that," she lifted one of her hands and held it vertically in front of her face. Odd. Jacob had never seen someone do that before. He'd never seen anyone like Leah before. She truly was a unique person.
Matthew looked her up and down, then smirked lightly. "Why are you hanging out with this retard?"
"We have all the same classes it seems, so he's showing me around." Leah smiled up at him and this time Jacob wished she hadn't. Matthew was glaring at him and if looks could kill, well let's just say Jacob wouldn't be doing too well.
"Why don't I show you around? You're not going to get much out of him, he doesn't talk." Matthew was speaking to Leah but was staring directly at Jacob. It was like Matthew was daring him to say something, prove him wrong, but Jacob knew better. Any time he spoke outside of class, weird things would happen. He'd suddenly trip, or his books would be knocked out of his hand, or even weirder, he'd be shoved head first into a locker. Strange.
Jacob said nothing. Leah looked back up at him, and finally noticed his whole demeanour had changed. He was rigid, stone face and looking at the ground. More than that he was closed off. The arm she was holding onto had gone limp, and he other hand was shoved into his pocket. She gently let go of his arm. Matthew smiled broadly. He held out his arm, as if he were a gentleman.
"Great, let's go." Matthew led the two of them down the hall, chatting animatedly. She didn't look back.
The next few hours passed in a haze of learning, note taking and teachers droning on, just as bored as their students. Jacob didn't understand why but he was somehow hurt from Leah ditching him. He shouldn't be, because everyone leaves him at some point, but she seemed different. There was something about her, she was warm, friendly, and she seemed genuine. Ah well, it doesn't matter now. She met Matthew and she was obviously getting along well with him. Jacob sat in the middle at the far side of his classes, trying not to draw attention to himself. He'd also somehow get there earlier than everyone else, and would keep his head down as people walked in. He noticed Leah walking in each time, but she didn't look at him. That solidified it in his mind: she wasn't worth the emotions he was feeling.
He focussed on the board, transferring the words from the board to his laptop, then don't get too comfortable, you're just a placeholder. He shook his head lightly, shaking away the unpleasant thoughts. Intrusive thoughts begone! He doesn't have time for this, he needs to take notes.
Lunch came and Leah walked right past him with Matthew and another girl named Clarissa. Matthew stared at him as they walked past, as if challenging him to say something, but Jacob knows his place. He looked down. Grabbing an iced tea from the cafeteria he paid for it and headed out a set of double doors to the lawn, finding a tree and climbing up into it. He pulled his apple out of his bag and bit into it, enjoying the peace up in the branches. It was quiet, birds chirping and kids laughing, tossing around a football or stretched out on the grass. Jacob looked up, captivated by the sun shining through the leaves.
This tree was his escape, no one else ever came out this far so no one else was there to bully him.
He stared out at the field, looking at each and every person. They know him, but they don't at the same time. They know his face, his speech (or lack thereof). What they don't know is his mannerisms, his story, his raison d'être, which really doesn't exist. They don't know that sometimes he cries himself to sleep, sometimes he doesn't sleep, and when he does, he dreams of everyone around him leaving. The haunting image of the backs of those he loves flashes across his eyes and this time he doesn't shake his head. He embraces it. They don't love him, it's just a fact. Well, they do, but they don't. What Jacob means is that they love him, because they're family, but they don't love him for him. They don't love his random outbursts of weirdness, standing in doorways like a creep, making horrible jokes. They don't love who he is as a person, and that's okay. Jacob can barely tolerate himself, how are others supposed to tolerate him?
Before he knows it, he's climbed to the very top of the tree, and he's leaping out of it,
He crashes to the ground hard on his arm and lets out an involuntary yelp, drawing the attention of the other students outside. Well shit. That's not what he was planning, but it's happened now and there's no going back. Some kids came running over, the ones who didn't really know him, and one asked if he was okay. Does he look like he's okay? He's pale, sweating, and his right arm is bent awkwardly. He is not okay. They send someone inside, and the kid who asked if he's alright kneels beside him, helping him lean against the tree. He spots Jacob's bag in the tree and stands up to grab it, pulling out his iced tea.
"Thanks man," Jacob says, accepting the drink.
"What happened?" The kid asked.
"I was trying to climb higher, but I must've slipped or something because next thing you know I'm falling."
"Hm," the kid pondered. What could he be pondering? "Cause from where I was it looked like you had jumped out," he looked sideways at Jacob, and his blood froze.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Jacob stammered. The kid just looked at him coolly.
Before he could answer he was interrupted by someone else rushing over, calling his name.
"Jacob? Jacob!" He looked up, and saw it was Leah. She was followed closely by Matthew and Clarissa, and in no time she was kneeling on his other side, hands halfway through the air and her face riddled with worry. "Are you okay? What happened?"
Jacob just stared at her. What was she doing here? This was a complete turn around from how she had been acting earlier. Matthew and Clarissa had caught up. "I'm telling you Leah," Matthew was shaking his head, still wearing that stupid smirk. "He's not going to talk."
Leah glared at him before turning back to Jacob, looking at him softly. The pain from his arm was already starting to go away, which makes absolutely no sense at all. "Jake are you okay?" He felt that twinge of annoyance at the nickname, who was she to give him a nickname, but he shoved it down. He nodded.
"He fell out of the tree," the kid said. Jacob didn't know who he was, and he knows everyone. He has to, he's on yearbook.
"Oh my god, Jakey that's horrible! Is your arm hurt?" She lightly touched his broken arm and he hissed, drawing back a bit. From Jake to Jakey in less than a minute. Who was she? Why did she feel so comfortable with him, and why did he feel so comfortable with her? He just wanted to tell her everything was alright, but nothing was alright.
Leah looked up at the kid, a smile covering her face. "Thanks for coming to his rescue and letting me know. My name is Leah, nice to meet you," she held out her hand and the kid shook it.
"Erick," he replied, smiling tightly. How did Erick know to get Leah? What's with this kid?
"The retard is fine, Leah. Just leave him alone," Matthew said, growing impatient.
Leah whipped her head back to glower at him. "The 'retard'," she spat, emphasizing the slur, "is my mate, so back the fuck off."
Matthew held his hands up, trying to calm her. "Woah, how was I supposed to know that?"
Leah just growled. It sounded animalistic. The gears in Jacob's mind started to turn. How she had shown up when he was in distress near her, how she had answered a question he had only thought, why she seemed so keen on attaching herself to him. But why did she leave him then? Why did she choose to go with Matthew over him? This doesn't make sense. First he has to accept that werewolves are real, she's much too warm to be a vampire, but she could be a selkie? Or any other mythical creature really. Jacob doesn't know, he doesn't know anything anymore. If they were werewolves, and that's a pretty big if, Jacob could understand why Matthew always hit him so hard, versus other people, like Max, or Grizz.
Jacob lifted his eyebrows. His arm is broken, he's been on an emotional rollercoaster today, and he would just like to know what's going on. So he said as much. "So, what pack are you guys from?"
"I'm a rogue," Leah replied, turning to look at him.
"Half Moon," Matthew responded offhandedly. Then he realized what he said. He put a sneer on, "What's it to you?"
"I'm human," Jacob shrugged, ignoring the pain.
"Ah," Matthew said, nodding. "Wait, what?" He looked at Leah, then back at Jacob. This is probably the first time they've held eye contact for this long. "How are you human?"
"Uh, good question. I just am? My whole family is human." Jacob replied.
Matthew shook his head. "No, your family is part of the other pack in this town, Rising Sun. You smell like them, so we all assumed that you just hadn't shifted yet, which is why we bully you. But you're saying you're human?"
None of this makes sense.
Jacob nodded. "Yep, that's what I'm saying. Guess I need to have a talk with my family about a certain furry secret." Jacob smirked. This'll be fun. God this day has been crazy, and it's not even halfway over. Wait a second, Leah said she's a rogue?
"So," Jacob looked at Leah. "You're a rogue?"
Leah stiffened. Touchy subject apparently. She nodded.
"And you're my mate,"
Leah brightened, "Yeah! I wanted to tell you, but you got so cold when we ran into Matty that I thought maybe you were going to reject me," she looked at the ground. She's lying. She wasn't going to tell him, she didn't want to tell him. She's only here now because of what they call the mate bond, and she couldn't exactly up and leave halfway towards running to him. Then she'd really look like a bitch. Jacob is seriously starting to doubt she actually wants to be mates with him.
"Fascinating," Jacob commented. Leah frowned. Jacob shook his head. "That there are werewolves," he explained. It was kinda cool. "So what other mythical creatures are real?"
Leah was about to launch into a whole explanation but she was cut off by Erick. "Shouldn't we get him to the office? His arm is still broken." Thank you Erick, for being the voice of reason. Jacob never would have remembered that the bone in his arm is broken if not for that comment. It's not like he couldn't feel the searing pain coming from the limb. How enlightening.
"That would be much appreciated," Jacob said instead. Erick helped him up, and Leah tried to help by grabbing his other arm, which was the broken arm. It did not help. She retracted her hands, demoting herself to just standing and walking beside him. Irene the office woman was not entirely impressed to see him, but called an ambulance nonetheless and he was off. He got his cast, bright pink of course, and was given some pain meds before being sent on his merry way.
He walked back to the school.
Since he was technically exempt from his afternoon classes but it was close to three ten so he just waited in the car. After bumming around on Tumblr for a bit, he finally heard the bell go, and not long after that his beloved younger twin siblings were racing out the school doors, headed right for the car. They tugged on the door handles impatiently, waiting for Jacob to unlock it. He finally did, and they slid in.
"Why are you out so early? Aren't your spares tomorrow?" Jacob lifted up his broken arm in response. He looked back at their faces, the picture of surprise. Eyebrows raised, mouths in the shape of a O. Hilarious. With that, Jacob started the car and drove off. When they got home, Phoebus slamming the door of course, the twins headed upstairs and Jacob strolled into the kitchen, ready for his talk with his parents.
"So I met my mate today," he said casually. His mom was typing on the computer, his dad filling out papers, and neither of them looked up.
"That's great sweetie," his mother said lightly, still not paying attention. Silence, then, "What did you say?"
"My mate," Jacob said louder. "I found her,"
"Mm not possible Jacob," his dad murmured. "You're not a werewolf."
"But you guys are," Suddenly they froze, finally tuning into the conversation.
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scarleeonyxide · 5 years
I need to vent, don't mind me.
I just want to discuss the three Hulk movies, so let's go :
Hulk (2003)
Aaaaah, Ang Lee's successful failure, as some may call it. It's not really a bad movie as much as the flaws it has are more noticeable, such as the color scheme used. For example, the military base.
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Purple walls, yellow bars, grey bits of wall, flashing red, green and blue lights. I know it's not realistic for a military base, but the idea was to go for a "comic book like" approach, sooo..it looks cheesy and cartoonish. Bright colors are often used in comic books to make an important place more recognisable, such as military bases.
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The way the screen splits is also reminiscent of comic books, like you would read a comic. The storyline itself is the closest to the first Hulk comic, which is why I prefer it. (Like with Sam Raimi's Spiderman movies, it is the closest to the comics)
CGI speaking, the Hulk itself is way too green but yet again, this was probably intended to go with the color scheme. The CGI is bad by today's means, but it was the shit back in the day. I think the Hulk is very well animated for a CGI character without any sensor-motion.
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The gamma dogs, however, they look hideous. It's like someone tried to animate a dog and put a Joker's grin on it with some green eyes. Their movements are badly made, they just leap in the air, along with some CGI dirt.
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Acting goes well, Eric Bana will forever be my favorite Bruce Banner. He really gives off the vibe of "shy guy has an inner monster" and I can easily metaphor it as a mental illness. (Yeah I'm the kind of person who tries to diagnose fictional character with defiencies or mental illnesses)
Jennifer Connelly is also a very good Betty Ross in this, I'm surprised they didn't bring her back. I love that her Betty isn't a crybaby or a typical damsel in distress. Sure, she's Banner's girlfriend, but she is a strong and capable woman and thus, I think she's very underrated.
Nick Nolte plays Banner's father very well. A deranged but brilliant man, he knows what he's done. I try to think of him as "a madman who knows that he is crazy".
Alright, moving on !!
The Incredible Hulk (2008)
The MCU's black sheep and second entry. In overall, it's a good movie, but also a bad one. It introduces us to the Hulk/Bruce Banner that we later see in The Avengers. Understanding this complex character without seeing the movie is really difficult, considering what information we get later on.
Color scheme this time, is dark. Gloomy, dark and somber, this movie could almost play itself as a horror movie such as "The Thing". Fight scenes are often displayed in the dark, where you can't see shit of what's going on. Even in broad daylight it looks dark !
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CGI is well done, the Hulk kinda looks like it's actor. I personally think that the green they used is a weird somber blend, considering the bright green eyes that barely light up. Also, the shadows don't help. All you see is a big black mass with a small tint of forest green. Well animated, it fits perfectly in the CGI city (I mean, when he climbs on building like Spiderman, that's CGI) reminds me of the city in TMNT (2007)
The Abomination is an abomination indeed, it's facial movement are unrealistic. It's movements, everything ! Clearly the budget was all on the Hulk, either that or they wanted to give a tribute to the fucking gamma dogs from Ang Lee's movie.
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I would see that in a videogame nowadays.
The storyline of this one is confusing and it's basically the only piece of information you can get from Mark Ruffalo's Bruce/Hulk. The ending itself, I'm still trying to figure it out. General Ross here doesn't seem to have no logic whatsoever, the Russian guy turned Abomination is useless.
Acting is good I guess.. Edward Norton is a very good Banner, but I dislike the vibe of "I'm a monster and everyone knows it" because no one seems to care about it. Norton was apparently really hard to work with, which is why they didn't bring him back.
Liv Tyler as Betty Ross is kinda dumb. Ang Lee's Betty was strong, while this one is a crybaby and always goes where she shouldn't. I've seen that trope a lot of time and I hate it. Liv Tyler is a very good actress as well, so seeing her as this really pissed me off.
Tim Roth as the Russian guy wasn't a bad casting as much as it just looked forced. I don't have much to say, except that he loses his accent some point in the movie and no one noticed that.
Moving on.
Mark Ruffalo's Hulk (2012-2019)
Starting in The Avengers, this Banner is the same as Norton's. They give little to no explanation of who he is and instead throw a reference to the alternative ending of The Incredible Hulk. The CGI used is very well made and the colors are well done, true MCU fashion.
It's everyone's favorite of course, and it has evolved in a way no other MCU character has. First, the Hulk smashes, then gets trapped on Sakaar as a gladiator, then Banner can't even turn into the Hulk anymore and then we get Professor Hulk : the ultimate mix of Banner and the Hulk.
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Banner here is a typical nerd, but is clearly damaged by the Hulk, refusing to even say his name.
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In the battle of New York, he changes into the Hulk saying : "That's my secret, Cap.. I'm always angry"
This could explain so much about the confusing ending of The Incredible Hulk, whereas he isn't scared but is in control.
Scenes that I love :
In Hulk, we are treated to a scene where everything is dark, I'm obviously talking about the scene where the gamma dogs attack. It's so fucking dark, you can't see shit ! But yet again, Hulk knows what to do and is not just SMASH ! He puts Betty in a safe place and fights the dogs, which are OP btw. He breaks one's jaw by flexing, bitch slapped another, this Hulk was strong as hell ! That is, if he doesn't get distracted by Betty.
In The Incredible Hulk, there's a scene where it rains like hell. Hulk had already protected Betty at this point and got her to a cliff, where she would be sheltered from the rain. Hulk clearly doesn't understand why they were all shooting at him and even gets mad at the rain. Betty here gets really fucking scared, but eventually calms him down.(At least the other Betty had the guts to touch the big guy)
I'm done.
In The Avengers, no Betty is seen, so he doesn't really seem to calm down. Black Widow's lullaby is a thing but again, it's forced. I'm done venting, criticising or whatever.
This was my opinion, over !
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frogsandfries · 3 years
I did the interview
Went to the mall to interview for this retail job I want. She said they really need the help, she has to talk to her superior, they'll get ahold of me yet this afternoon. Which means they'll call tomorrow morning, if ever.
I really need this job. I mean, yeah, I have a job, but........ I feel bad, the pay is incredible, but I'm just not going to be in the best shape to excel at the job I'll be trying on tomorrow and officially starting next week. I can't let my SAD whup my ass again this season.
I try not to self-diagnose, but I feel like SAD diagnoses itself: I'm superman in the summer and hollow-derealized nobody in the winter. I'm happy and energetic and myself in the summer and just want to sleep all winter and not eat. My fix for this is just getting out of the house in the winter, which I don't like to do without good reason no matter the season--too hot, too sunny, too windy, too cold. The other thing is, it's hard enough to run on somebody else's sleep schedule (my dad is straight up nocturnal, but I'm certainly no morning person) if I love the job. If I don't love the job AND I'm depressed........
Funnily, the weather today was perfect. Helllllaaaaaa windy, but perfect. Then it kept getting hotter lol.
Obviously, I haven't gotten any on-boarding material from the new job yet, so I'm not writing my notice yet. I'll wait to revel in my relief until then and maintain my plans to turn the office into a cheerful area to work. I mean, if I'm stuck with this call job, I'll certainly have plenty of money. I want to buy a bunch of cork tiles, mount them on foamcore, and buy a bunch of quilting fabric to wrap the cork tiles in, then use command velcro to stick the cork boards behind my desk on the wall. It might even be cool to cut the tiles into halves and quarters and make them even more like a quilt. I was toying with the idea of putting strip lights on the boards, under the fabric, to make color-y lights, but I'm really not sure how good an idea that is. Best case scenario, the fabric bleaches.
We have this patch of wall in the living room with some strip lights (but I had to acquire the part that plugs in, so they don't work right now) and I was telling my partner that we should buy some of that light-bulb/heat-safe paper to put over the light (maybe an inch or two between the light and the wall) to act as a sort of lamp shade. That'll do a lot of favors for the living room. I wouldn't say no to two more strips of light on my desk, one closer to the front and one closer to the back.
Of course, I'm always thinking about ways to add even more light to the rooms I work in. I'm sure my partner wouldn't mind a similar light element to the one in the living room, over his desk, even if we take this curtain down. Speaking of that curtain, I need to add more layers or padding or something. If they don't actually want me at this job I just interviewed for, then I need to find a way to feel like I'm not yelling over him. I was going to sew the extra length up off the floor this evening........ we've been throwing out the extra egg cartons. Those would've been a lightweight solution...... Yes, I would've temporarily attached literal egg cartons to my curtain. Hmmmmm........ maybe the granny quilt? We'll see if that works.
I'm really attached to this desk. If it was maybe six inches taller, so I could stand at it, it'd be excellent. All I need are a couple monitor stands, some drawers for my thumbnail sketchbooks and pens and erasers and stuff, maybe one of those under-desk baskets for other oddment.
I really want a second chance at this call job though. I understand how expensive my license was and I want to prove that I can kick ass at this job, just this isn't my season. I kinda thought it might be, honestly, but I'm literally in tears of anxiety over the thought of going back on the phones. I need to be prepared that I might have to try. If I do have to give it a shot, I need to be prepared. I'm also going to really try to build up an extra buffer of savings, just in case.
0 notes
My Thoughts and Feelings About Sephiroth (Part 3)
Well I did say I would make a third part if I had more in mind about Sephiroth. And much to my surprise, there is more! So here it is! Parts 1 and 2 can be found here so you can keep up just in case I mention anything from those posts:
My Thoughts and Feelings About Sephiroth (Part 1)
My Thoughts and Feelings About Sephiroth (Part 2)
Now this one will be a little different because I will include more about the portrayals I've seen throughout the Internet, my own opinions about them, and my own portrayal. Plus I will include the essay I wrote about him for one of my college courses and I might say random things about Sephiroth that I will discuss. 
First will be the portrayals of Sephiroth I have noticed throughout the Internet. I will not attack any of these or offend anyone who has these headcanons. I respect everybody's headcanons, and it's a good thing too because being a jerk to anyone who has portrayals that are different from yours is stupid and a waste of time. I have friends whose portrayals are varied, and we don't fight over how Sephiroth should act. Love them, hate them, be neutral to them, just as long as you handle this in a mature manner. 
Now I have mentioned the portrayal of Sephiroth where he's unnaturally hypersexual in part 1, so I will not go into detail about it anymore. It's already been done. Another one I will not discuss again is the mindless killing machine portrayal (mentioned in part 2). To those who do or like these portrayals, I dislike them but I will respect your choice.
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Now for the portrayals. The ones I really enjoy are the ones for his Crisis Core self (or pre-Nibelheim if you want to put it that way). As I have stated before, I can relate to his past personality, so I really like a lot of the headcanons. Picturing him, say, struggling to socialize, not knowing much of certain things (i.e. video games), spending time with friends, basically being human is heartwarming for me. I take it a lot of people like CC Sephiroth, and who wouldn't? There was this one story where Sephiroth took a liking to lemon drops, which is one thing I added to my own headcanon page on my blog. I found it rather sweet and cute. That's like me but with chocolate. I love chocolate. And then there's one where he has no idea what a sitcom is due to his sheltered upbringing, and it was pretty amusing to picture Genesis and Angeal trying to explain it to him as they watched TV. There are many others that I don't think I can list since there are so many of them, and for a lot of them, I like them. There's some that I don't, but that's just my personal opinion.
Now for the Sephiroth we all know after the Nibelheim Incident. Man, I'm beginning to remember what I've read. It's hard for me to find some portrayals that I like because the ones I've seen so far were unsettling. Sephiroth being a sadistic rapist is one of the worst ones I've seen so far. Not as in the stories are poorly written or something like that but for me, it's one of my least favorite portrayals. I get that he lost his mind, but I believe he wouldn't go that far. I wouldn't go that far with my own portrayal because it just makes me feel uncomfortable. Just thinking about it makes me uneasy.
I confess that I don't know my limits when it comes to portraying Sephiroth. For a long time, I've been trying to grasp his evil demeanor and I still hesitate to go further and struggle to get inside his head sometimes. So I don't know how far I can go with dark, twisted, cruel scenarios, but rape is one of my limits. I won't reveal the user, but I was recently asked if I could do necrophilia. When I got the question, I was speechless. That's another one of my limits. I really can't imagine Sephiroth being...intimate with a corpse. Much to my relief, they respected my opinion. And I like that. People should respect others because everyone has limits and if I have to force myself to write Sephiroth doing rape, acting all creepily intimate around Jenova, asphyxiation (as in the kink), or something that I don't see him doing, I won't enjoy the roleplays at all. I used to wish I could please everybody, but that's an impossible goal and I should keep in mind about what I want and don't want to do. Again, I don't know my limits too well, so if anyone wants to RP with me on my Sephiroth blog and it involves something that you're not sure if I accept or not, please message me. I'll try to get out of my comfort zone, but please respect my limits. If I don't do certain things, there are other Sephiroth blogs out there. It's simple and it will prevent pointless drama.
My portrayal for Sephiroth is close to his canon self but mixed with his CC side and my own headcanons. I try to stay close to canon as I write, and I silently read what I wrote and then read it out loud while picturing Sephiroth saying it. If what I wrote doesn't work, I revise them until they sound like Sephiroth. It's still not easy because I'm still struggling with his dark, insane, cruel self, the villain everyone knows and loves. One thing is certain is I do try my best to make him more human but still maintaining his character. I can't make him too human or else that ruins his cold and distant qualities, like making him fall madly in love with someone or bawling his eyes out. Now I haven't seen these examples anywhere, so I'm just throwing in random hypothetical headcanons here. The point is I do try my best not to make him too kind, soft, patient, you know, real nice or else that's not really Sephiroth. Lol But I also don't make him relentlessly cruel to the max 24/7. Both extremes aren't portrayals I like, so I am tackling middle ground. It's possible, and if others don't like my portrayal, that's fine, but they shouldn't judge me for it.
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Since I'm discussing my own portrayal, I might as well explain other things about it. Let's see, he has interests outside of trying to destroy/conquer the world and messing with Cloud. My character is a loyal follower. Her profile isn't on my blog but her name is Maybelle Rose, and she's Sephiroth's love interest. Speaking of this, I make Sephiroth a bit of a Tsundere towards others, not necessarily involving romance like with Maybelle. He doesn't act like a stereotypical Tsundere, but he's a very, very subtle version. 
Romance. Now this is something that might piss off so many, but I can picture him in a relationship. No, I'm not talking about Crisis Core Sephiroth. I mean post-CC. Say what you want, but I can see it. If done well, it can work. I don't like following the stereotype that villains are incapable of love. Some villains can truly be incapable of love, but not ALL villains. It's not mandatory. A friend of mine claims that Sephiroth is bland. Now I completely disagree with his opinion, but it did give me confidence in pursing romance regarding Sephiroth. Heroes are written as human beings, why not do the same for villains? That's what makes characters compelling, it makes them real. That's what I'm basically trying to do with Sephiroth, and as challenging as it may be at times and despite people probably going against this idea as they read this, I'll do it. My blog now allows shippings. Yes, I now accept shippings. I used to not accept them, but I changed my mind. My reasons are shown in my rant here:
Sephiroth Fandom Rant
Okay I know I said I wouldn't mention the hypersexual Sephiroth portrayal, but I might as well. If he were in a romantic relationship, he wouldn't be like that. Sephiroth doesn't get horny around everyone. Seriously, he's not a sex-obsessed maniac. Sephiroth is a private man with dignity and he would never act extremely sexual, let alone sexual in general. He would be intimate with his significant other, but it would be in a normal level and he would be intimate in private. And I must add that my portrayal does involve Sephiroth having kinks, but he's not sex-obsessed like I said. He has self-control and he keeps things private. 
Now for the next thing. I wrote this essay over two years ago, and apparently I kept it after all this time. Lol Yes I wrote an essay about Sephiroth, back when I was still somewhat of a new fan. The assignment was to do a paper on a criminal, real or fictional, and diagnose them with specific personality disorders. However, it didn't mean that they HAD to have any of these disorders. We just had to show the instructor that we understood the material we have learned during class. Take a look at my essay here:
Essay on Sephiroth
Fun fact: My other choice for this assignment was Gaston from Beauty and the Beast. XD But Sephiroth was a better candidate and I was able to write more about him than I could have ever done about Gaston. Schizoid Personality Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorder were two of the ten types of personality disorders that came close to Sephiroth's behavior. I don't consider either of these disorders as my personal headcanons for him. I honestly never did despite Schizoid PD being pretty close. And much to my shock, my instructor liked my paper and I wound up getting an A! I never got an A on any papers, so it felt amazing to finally get a grade that was higher than a C.
Speaking of psychology, one headcanon that's somewhere online is that Sephiroth has autism. Well, it is possible because I have a friend who is autistic, but during my research on this condition, I don't see Sephiroth as autistic. Sure some of his traits do seem to resemble signs and symptoms, but speculation isn't considered a confirmation that he has autism. He might have it but I would rather have Square Enix confirm it if he really is autistic. On another note, I do understand why they headcanon him as autistic. They relate to Sephiroth because some of his traits remind them of themselves. I get that and if they think he's autistic, that's okay with me. This headcanon is also given to Papyrus from Undertale and Pearl and Peridot from Steven Universe, so I'm familiar with this. Even L from Death Note is believed to be autistic. To be honest, I kind of believe it regarding L. That's just my opinion, though.
Tangent aside, courtesy of a friend, I am more intrigued by Sephiroth in a new level. Aside from his appearance and personality, his intelligence, the way he thinks has me curious. Yes I have been trying to get into his head to improve my portrayal, and I think I found a strategy. If I want to portray and act like Sephiroth, I have to think like him...in less destructive ways, might I add. Lol I may not be an expert as Sephiroth yet, but I'll get there. I've come this far on my blog, and I'm not throwing it all away. 
Speaking of my Sephiroth blog, besides that it would be fun and such, I created my own blog because I wanted to express my passion for him. He's one of my role models that made me stronger and I just really admire him. And like I said, I knew I could connect with other fans. Sure, there's a toxic side of the fandom, but that won't stop me. I did feel offended several days ago, as mentioned in my rant, but I'm fine now. In addition to my reasons, I didn't start the blog for fame. Popularity isn't really a big deal for me, I just want to show everyone how much of a Sephiroth fan I am in creative ways. Besides, I found the thought of portraying Sephiroth a fun challenge considering he's my opposite, and he pretty much started my fascination for villains. I also made friends thanks to the blog, one of them being my best friend here on Tumblr. :)
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Now to finish this post with one more thing. When I was still a new Sephiroth fan, I confess that I tried to redeem him. Of course it was a difficult task to do for a story, and I admit I was determined to do it. However, as I kept going, I slowly realized doing this implied I didn't like him the way he is, the villain he is widely known as instead of what he used to be before discovering his origins. So I drifted away from redemption and focused on Sephiroth on who he is without changing him. Today, I love Sephiroth for who he is, cruel, cold, calculating, everything. Why change a character you're supposed to love? You wouldn't do that to a real-life partner, or anyone in general. Sephiroth wouldn't have liked me for trying to make him turn a new leaf. Lol So I never pursued redemption for him again. It was too hard anyway. It's like trying to redeem the Joker! That's how hard it was for me. So screw that mind-numbing task, Sephiroth should remain as the badass villain I have grown to love.
Well, this is it. For real this time! Lol This is my final part of the "My Thoughts and Feelings About Sephiroth" posts. I said everything I had to say about Sephiroth as I included all my thoughts, feelings, etcetera. I'm out of things to say about him, so no fourth post! XD If I ever have more Sephiroth-related comments that comes to mind, I'll just make small posts. Will I make more long posts like these? Perhaps. I had fun writing these posts. Maybe I can tackle other topics, or maybe talk about another character in detail. Well, see ya!
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