#i mean the woman doing it is bad too and i don't condone it
andorerso · 7 months
to each their own but I will never understand how people can ship a couple where one of them cheated on the other... that's like THE deal-breaker for me
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radioactivewisdom · 3 months
You know for all the outrage about incels and pick mes/trads both men and women do online, I think they secretly like those groups of people existing so they can look better in comparison. Men wanna act like they are better than incels and brag about not being like them, yet they still share very similar beliefs ("male loneliness", watching porn, paying for sex, male entitlement, rape, sexual harassment, ect) when they speak about women. Women wanna act like they are better than pick mes/trads while sharing similar beliefs too ("sex work is work", hating female separatists, participating in anti-women lifestyles and saying "well it's my choice!", choosing to date/marry/reproduce with men, degrading sex acts and beauty rituals, ect) when they speak about their choices. As soon as these men and women are criticized for their hypocrisy, they always pull up these groups and act like "see? I'm not as bad as THOSE people!" yet they share the same beliefs and make the same lifestyle choices as the people they claim to hate, but act like it's okay since they are not as extreme about it. I even saw a women slamming trads for being misogynistic, then she turns around and brags about being a woman watching degrading porn of gangrapes "for fun"...this really opened to my eyes to seeing that most of these people don't actually care about the harm that incels/trads are causing, they participate in the same hypocritical nonsense at the end of the day but wanna pretend they are somehow better and only virtue signal while taking 0 accountability for their actions. Honestly reading your blog and the truth you speak made me start seeing this dysfunction for what it is, I can't wait to see your next posts!
You’re absolutely correct. Thank you for sharing your insight because SO many people fall into the cope of believing that they’re not as badly behaved as others because they indulge in an “enlightened” way. All of them are motivated by the same desires, but disagree on the means of getting there. Differing strategies let them hold onto supposed superiority even though they all suffer from the same insecurities and addictions. It’s honestly amusing to witness the more you realize just how blind they are. Just two groups of idiots accusing each other of the same behavior both condone behind closed doors. You’ll no longer be deceived by the dichotomies presented to us in this reality. Everyone enjoys what this world has to offer, otherwise they wouldn’t partake in it. Pretending that their political beliefs separates them from others doing the same thing a childish way to avoid responsibility. It’s always someone’s else’s fault. Keep seeing the truth instead of the show they’re putting on and experiencing the benefits! Thank you again :) I’m glad my post resonate with you.
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See ion condone murder in the slightest but when I say Rose and ren need to be offed I mean THEY NEED TO GOOOO
Please babes I’m begging for a teeny weeny spoiler on if we ever get too yk make them hit the hay permanently OR better if reader and Andrew do it together
I too do not condone murder in the slightest; however, I portray fictional murders, stalking, and all other non-safe events in my series as something that you should NOT do in real life. I also do not write the events of real murders in non-educational views + twisting the true story in order to try and gain fame and fortune from another's unfortunate reality (looking at the questionable TV shows like Jeffery Dahmer and such...)
HOWEVER, everything in Star Patient is fictional, and is supposed to be written and viewed as grotesque, something that should not be replicated in real life, and is meant to unsettle you for a nice thrill or at least cope with fantasies in a very safe way that shouldn't mingle with real life.
With that being said, allow me to get on with the spoilers. Please note, chapter 8 is still being written so everything may not be the final draft. Please be aware, the following content below will possibly be split in different chapters, so this is spoilers for all future Star Patient chapters as of July 27, 2024.
These spoilers will be solely bits of dialogue. I will not directly give out who said what, and I also will not provide any clues as to what's happening as to not destroy any shock value or plot twists in future chapters. You can try and figure out the story yourselves; however, I don't want to directly ruin the emotional impact of the story, so my lips are sealed for any specific events! I do accept questions of the characters, future series ideas (non-spoilers), and any other fun questions.
"Sometimes, it still feels like I'm trapped inside that room; except this time, I'm the one that put myself in it."
"What? You're not going to help me change?"
"She wasn't innocent! Everyone knows that she killed that boy and his mother!"
"Whatever excuse I try to put it, it's my fault in the end."
"I got you some chocolates and flowers! If you're allergic to coco or milk, I have this replica of hot chocolate powder that tastes like hot chocolate, but doesn't have any milk or coco! People are so smart nowadays! Oh, and don't worry, I checked with the missus first, so she won't be mad at me!"
"It's too risky to just leave her like that, especially because I'm unsure if I left any evidence or not..."
"Oh, how cute! My little angel is into the occult now! She's so pure!"
"It’s different if a woman kills someone! She does it to love and protect, men do it to destroy."
"Do you ever wonder why we do this? I mean... right now someone else could die, so the people we saved are suddenly unimportant... because we couldn't save them all..."
"He's a city boy, do you really expect him to be able to support you if he can't even support his own legs?!"
"Everyone in this hospital is either freaks or criminals."
"Was there really no other way?"
"At the end of the day, it's you. Do what makes you survive."
"Ah, perfume. A woman's beauty kills another."
"Do you think saving me is going to make me forget that you're the one who did this to me?"
"She gives great hugs..."
"I said I don't want to see you!"
"I had a nightmare, and I don't want to be alone."
"You need to eat, god damn it!"
"The water is freezing, but what it promises makes me feel warm..."
"You don't choose if the inheritor is good or bad, because they're the inheritor. They get it, whether they deserve it or not. Sometimes, they do bad things with that sort of power, and it can lead them down the wrong path."
"You don't expect your son to be a bad person until he is."
"How about we make a deal?"
"I don't think you understand the gravity of your situation right now, after all, I know what you did."
“She’s so kind, accepting strays like you.”
"What do you mean they're dead?"
"Can you forgive me for doing bad things, even if it was to protect myself?"
"What are you doing with a former patient? Having any sort of connection outside of the hospital is strictly frowned upon and can cause in termination!"
"Is this to pay for my sins?"
"Why can't you just leave!"
"Whoever invented AirTags probably made them to stalk his wife. Or husband. No judgement."
“Who is to say that you’re not next?”
"Perhaps, a happy ending was never written for me or you."
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wordsbymae · 2 years
Title: The Viking
Pairing: Male OC x reader
TW: Violence, murder, generally bad things, implied non/con, no explicit smut but heavy Non/con groping!!, discussion of sexual slavery, mention of cannibalism, Christian elements but it is because I am and I am less afraid of stuffing up Christian stuff than other religions. If you are uncomfortable with any of that move on This man is not nice. Pet names: little mutt, little one and little lamb. Let me know if I missed anything let me know
Also, I tried to do Gn but as I am a woman, I automatically write with a female reader in mind. But!!!!! I have tried my very best to not mention gender. If something doesn't work please tell me. Reader discretion is advised! Also, I hope I don't need to say this but I will just in case, I do not condone these sorts of actions!!! Or any actions in any of my work. This is pure fiction. Also, all my OCs and the reader are over the age of 18+. and I'm not gonna add google translate because that takes forever and you guys won't even be able to read it so he conveniently speaks the same language as the reader.
Notes: Aaaaa! I have 21 followers! You guys are absolutely amazing! I never thought anyone would want to read my stuff let alone like and reblog. This doesn't take place in any place in particular, if anything I heavily rely on the climate of my home. I was though heavily influenced by Vikings and their nordic culture of that time, however, I had originally planned to make the oc a barbarian of sorts and not a Viking. But my inspiration dive into Pinterest left me with Vikings so here we are. I might write a nomadic barbarian fic later on cause I do see them as quite different in my mind but it depends where this goes, I usually write the notes and triggers before I start writing as a way of planning my thoughts so it might change halfway through.
Also the climatic event in the beginning, in my mind, is the cause of a volcanic eruption somewhere on earth, there was a year of just constant winter due to a massive eruption a few centuries ago and I wanted to include that and showcase how superstitious the people of this time were, seeing the winter as a foreshadowing of terror. And hell they were right.
Lots of love Mae xx
It was far too early in the season for the cold winds to be here. Your father pretended to not be frightened but you could see it in his eyes. There was a fear lingering. You could hear your parents whispering in worry when they thought you were asleep. You could hear your mother sob as they discussed what it could mean. Your homeland was one of sun and thunder, but never frost, never snow. Yet, a chill had descended onto your lands. A frost had spread across the summer grass. Your bare feet crunched upon what should have been dried pasture, instead, they were chilled by a wicked frost. The sun that you would curse for its harsh warmth was now hidden behind constant grey clouds and you begged for it to return. The floods and storms you ragged against never came. No seasonal thunderstorms after the humidity of the day. There was just darkness. Travellers and merchants from far-off lands, journeying to the capital came through your village, speaking of the darkness that had spread. It seemed like no kingdom or empire was safe. The frost and darkness had come for all.
The first omen of their arrival was the frost itself. It seeped into everything and made the ground as solid as rock, the summer pastures shrivelled up and left nothing but dirt behind.
The second omen was the famine. The harvest failed and the livestock starved. Your father was forced to sell the heifers and cows and slaughter all calves and steers to provide for your family. Still, it wasn't enough. You heard gruesome tales of far-off villages butchering each other for scraps of meat from their bones. Your village was lucky, the sea still provided as much as it could.
The third omen was the dragons. Firey images in the night sky, leaving streaks of light hanging in the air. As soon as they appeared men cried out and women fell to their knees. It was a sign of a terror to come.
The final omen was a raven.
The skies had begun to clear and the winter rains had soothed the harsh scars left behind. Crops had been sown and the frost retreated in the face of the reappeared sun. You had all thought that the struggles of the last few months were over. Your father had been able to buy a cow with calf last week with money you made weaving baskets. She was a skinny thing even with the calf in her belly, but with the winter rain healing the land, you could see her regaining strength.
You had thought it was a crow when you first saw it. It did seem to be a bit bigger than the crows that waited patiently for your fish scraps by the pier. But you had never seen a raven before, so why think anything of it. It had flown in from the sea, flew over the village before fixing its gaze on your mother's garden. Your mother prized her garden, especially her roses, and had cried bitter tears when the frost killed the flowers, leaving thorny masses behind, but they had begun to regrow, leaving your families house surrounded by a beautiful arrangement of daisies and violas, butterfly pea flowers and lilacs. You had your favourites of course. In fact, you were picking them right now, happy to make a bouquet for your ancestors' burial place. As you were sitting and deciding which flowers to choose, the raven landed beside you, you watch in amazement as it plucked a flower from your hand and rose into the air and back towards the sea. Standing up with a giggle you chased after it in play until you reached your property's fence. You watched until it was nothing but a black dot in a sky of blue. If you had known what it had foreshadowed you would have wrung its neck.
They themselves came in the night.
They landed on the beaches and in silence drifted into town. Axes drawn and blood-hungry. The first death was the blacksmith. He was stumbling from the inn, stomach filled with ale. He saw them first, and let out a cry of warning, but it did not save him from a dagger sliding across his throat. The killer let out a howl. His comrades followed. The screams began.
You had lost sight of your mother in the smoke of the burning village. Fire ragged towards the heavens. The smell of charcoal and blood ravaged your senses. The yelling and screaming were just a constant now. Like how a bird song drifts into the background. You stood immobile calling for your mother, begging her to reveal herself. Out of habit, you called for your father, but you were harshly reminded that dead men can't answer. You watched as the savages ripped men to the ground and let blood flow. They hadn't noticed you yet it seemed. A lone wraith shaking in the centre of town. In the centre of all the murder and mayhem. For a moment you thought you were dead. That the arrow your father had taken for you had indeed struck you and now you were wandering the mortal realm alone and afraid until St Peter called for you.
Your eyes reached towards the heavens and you began to beg for the angels to pluck you from this horror. Your arms wrapped around yourself as tears flowed down your soot-covered cheeks. You were broken from your prayers when you heard your name being called, your mother perhaps? Your eyes rushed to find her. No, you can't see her. But it was enough to have you moving towards the darkness and away from the light of the fire. With your arms still holding you tight, you began to stumble towards the outskirts of town. Once in the fields outside town, you could hide. Wait till they grew bored of your village and left in their ships to torment another village. You were reminded of a time when you were fearful of the dark. But now it was your salvation. Tripping over your feet you struggled to remain standing, leaning on the walls of yet-to-be-destroyed houses and holding onto the rungs of fences. You kept rushing forward, eyes onto the safety of darkness. You were close, only a few more steps.
A beast emerged from the darkness. His face burned with the light of the fire, and his axe shined with delight. His furs were matted with blood and encompassed his shoulder. His arms were bare save for strips of leather circling them. There was blood on his arms and hands as well, dripping onto the handle of his axe and onto the dirt below. You stood still, hoping perhaps you were dead. That he would just pass by and you could remain nothing more but a spirit. If death was without pain you would prefer it to the horrors the beast in front of you was capable of. His face was marked with blood, lines travelling over his forehead and down through his eyes. His eyes flickered with hunger and his mouth was turned up into a grin. He stood feet wide as if he was ready to battle, but his hand was loose on the axe, allowing it to dangle from his palm. He saw no threat in you.
A strange mix of sounds came from his mouth, while his voice was rough and stern, his words were lyrical and filled with rounded sounds and quick sharp notes. It left you confused and almost enchanted, like a deer in the gaze of a hunter.
His voice stopped and his eyes drifted down and then up. He gave a deep laugh at the site of your cowering.
"Come little mutt, stand tall" he chuckled with amusement. You whimpered at the sight of him, a beast of a man denying your freedom. He began to march towards you his axe swinging in his hold. You try to take steps back but he is quicker. You yelp as he pushes you towards a wall, his thick forearm resting against your neck as he peers down at you. You could see the scars littering his face and could smell the stench of blood dominating his body. You could feel the warmth of the blood from his arm smearing all over your neck and chest. You hated to think whose blood it once was.
"Little mutt has no teeth huh? What about claws? hm?" he questioned, joy in your torment in his eyes.
"If I was to fuck you now would you fight me? Would you claw at me or bite at my fingers?" he laughed at your obvious fear. He brought his head down to your neck and sniffed loudly. You cringed as his nose met your skin.
"You smell sweet little mutt. I wonder if you taste just as good"
you struggled as his tongue run up your neck, tears tumbling down your cheeks.
"As sweet as honey!" he cheered. His forearm dug into your neck further as you struggled to escape. He began to shush you, giving out soothing sounds like you would a crying baby as his body stepped forward to meet yours.
" Please don't kill me" you choked, eyes red with fear.
"Never little one!" he bellowed, his face of mock hurt. "Why would I kill you? hm?" he comforted, releasing his arm if only by a fraction. "You will fetch me a high price at the slave markets, little lamb. Men will go mad trying to buy you for their beds" he grinned, showing off his sharp canine teeth. You struggled once more, this time clawing at his arm and chest.
"So the little mutt has claws! Maybe I will keep you for myself. Use you to warm my cock. Would you like that little one?" he teased, he moved his face closer, his tongue darting out to catch the tears on your cheek.
" Get off me" you grunted, desperately trying to remove his arm. he teased you by feigning pity.
"Poor little lamb, you must be so scared. Trapped by a beast like me" he cooed, pushing his arm further into your skin. You watched as his eyes drifted to your chest below his arm. He dropped the axe in his other hand to the ground, it falling flat with a light thud. He looked you in the eyes once more. You could see mischief in them.
"I am torn between keeping you for my bed slave and making a small fortune on another man's desires. Let me see your wares and then I shall decide" he sang, his grin reaching higher and higher with each word. You could only watch in horror as his hands reached for the front of your night smock and ripped it. You tried to grab his wrists but he was too strong. In a mere moment, your smock lay tattered on the ground and you stood bare in the night air. His eyes drank you in, and his hands drifted over your body. He gripped tightly in some places and softly in others. Blood from his hands was left smeared all over you, like rivers on a map. His eyes found yours once more and glee was evident on his face.
"I have decided little mutt. You shall warm my bed and most importantly me" he proclaimed, laughing at the end. "I am to be your master and you the little mutt at my heels. But first, let me dull those claws, hm?"
You stood arms covering yourself confused at his words. You had no claws to dull.
You gave a shriek as he began to drag you into the darkness. His hand was tight against your wrists. You tried to use your body weight to stop him, but it only ended with you falling to the ground and him dragging you through the dirt. You screamed and kicked, shouted and cried. He just laughed.
The dirt turned to soft grass as released you from his grip. You shot up to your bare feet, only to be thrown to the ground and a foot thrown on your stomach.
"I admire your fight little mutt, but as your master, I cannot in good conscious allow you to disrespect me. it would not be natural." he cooed at you, his hair falling into his eyes. You choked out a sob at the thought of what he planned to do. You were both far enough from the town your screams would not be heard and you were both hidden by lush pasture. You began to pray, your words drowning in sobs.
"Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kin-"
"Enough!" shouted, falling onto his knees above you, a dagger glinting in his hand.
"Keep your God, fine, but do not expect kindness from me when you beg for his mercy" he sneered. You watched in terror as the dagger raced towards your head, only for it to land safely in the soil next to you.
"Now little lamb moan sweetly for me, will you?" he smiled, his grin one of filth. You lay there looking up at him in fear. "I said moan" he barked, his hand reaching for your throat. You gave him what he wanted, although it was tarnished by your terror.
"Like the music of the gods" he praised. He removed his hand from your throat and brought both to your knees, lifting them up and slotting himself in between them.
"Look at you little mutt, shaking and cowering in fear and yet I haven't even fucked you yet. You Christians are strange folk. If you knew of pleasure you would be moaning on my cock by now. You yourself would have begged for it. Begged for me to fuck your tight little hole on the ashes of your ho-" you slapped him with a furry. A rage releases from you, with you reaching for the dagger beside your head. His hand reached for yours first and punished it with his strength. He gave off a terrifying laugh as you were forced to drop the knife and he quickly threw it behind him.
"Maybe you aren't a little mutt but a little wolf instead. That fire in you will warm my cock and balls for years to come. But first, let me break you in"
You really did wish that arrow had found its mark in you.
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sappho114 · 1 month
Genuinely gobsmacked that I saw someone I follow on here call not voting, or at least putting pressure on the democratic party, "single issue voting" and implied it was a lesser of evils and harm reduction.
I know some people are callous and ignorant and nasty but how can you think you're a good person if you ignore all of the everything else. Such a white middle-class mindset if all you see is a single issue, never mind being completely ignorant of electoralism at all. YOU are the single issue voter, bitch. YOU are the unreasonable little fuck.
Palestine deserves our advocacy because American money, American politics, and American munitions are directly responsible for all of it. It is not only condoned but encouraged daily by the same people these cunts want us to vote for. If you disagree with that, then you disagree with that. Just say it - don't be a coward and pretend like you care about their lives. Just fucking say it with your chest: its all a performative game to you. You only care so long as it doesn't potentially impact you.
Because let's face the facts, these people are also the same sorts who have no time, advocacy, or attention to any of the numerous imperial terrors that the democrats - or k harris specifically - have sown in only the past four years. All of which the current nominees had their hands in. Is it single issue voting if I don't want someone to be president when they've been ghoulishly and comically evil in regards to border policies, migrant concentration camps, reproductive rights malaise, LGBT+ rights, and for not enabling or encouraging but actively creating the new pandemic of militarized policing by using the National Guard to abuse, kill, and maim citizens that you don't agree with? These seem like more than one issue, all of which are perhaps adequate reasons to utilize one's electoral right and responsibility (as you see it) to vote for a candidate who has their interests or the country's interests in mind.
Like, sure, you can sit there and be an absolute dumbfuck and write off Palestine because you are a bad person but the unfortunate truth here is that by just voting for the people who make things worse - red or blue, same team different colors! - you're just another idiot who is choosing to crouch behind the curtain like every other ghoulish system-fellating moron who just doesn't have the guts to be uncomfortable for the five fucking minutes it takes to pressure Democrats into doing something, anything, other than rapidly whirlpooling into fascism.
If you hold those opinions you are simply uneducated politically, academically in history, socially, and you are letting your comfort mean more to you than actual people's lives - yourself included, because you're SO willing to let a million canaries die as long as you can go about your day without being challenged or feel complicated.
Every single civil rights advocate who was assassinated by the US government has quotes about how you people do this, too. Like, you are aware that you're that shade of person right? The white moderate, the quasi-liberal, the fucker who won't even acknowledge the knife is there. And don't think people didn't see you play pretend and immediate discard the BLM movement just as quickly as it went out of vogue because you were "tired" from COVID, not because you actually cared about black people.
Where was your advocacy and attention during Trump's first presidency? Why did it stop when the blue team switched into his chair and made so many things worse? Because that's your team?
All you need to do is shut the fuck up, to stop telling people to not feel for others, advocate for others, or adhere to their own moral codes. Nobody needs to know that you're a big coward pissbaby who is turning into the next ghoulish sycophant like Pete Bootychug and his ilk, gleefully wiping your brow of any and all social responsibility the moment you decide that voting for the Minnesotan police state guy and the woman who loves genocide and hates migrants get in office.
You can, and should, just fucking shut up if you want to vote so badly for them and do nothing else.
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limeade-l3sbian · 4 months
Idk how to explain this n you can shit on me if you want but
I just wanna exist as a woman why do I have to be Dworkin 2.0 because I was born as female. It's not fukcing fair how come the men who are the worst perpetrators of misogyny don't receive the same treatment and scrutiny.
I have to unlearn stuff and analyze how I dress and how I talk and how I behave and all that shit because oh my god I could be influencing young girls to repeat that stuff. Like I'm not even allowed to be an individual. If I fuck up in a science class "you're making us look bad" men can carry on with their bs behavior and no one gives a shit not even feminists are that harsh with them. If there was a way out of womanhood I'd take it I didn't ask to be a woman I didn't ask for misogyny to exist why is it on me to get rid of it you go and get rid of the cage ill just try to make mine comfortable and I don't mind I wanna travel I wanna work I wanna do things why do I have to dedicate my life to female liberation bc I Was born a woman.
I'm not going to shit on you because that is 100% valid thing to feel. Your anger is warranted. WHY is your life being spoken about like it's political? How COULDN'T you be mad about that? And you have expressed in one valid, heartfelt post why so many women seek any means to opt out of it. Why it is more important to them to pass completely while others could go either way.
I think your feelings are a generally avoided part of feminism. The anger that it must even exist. That from birth, you are being gauged on a predetermined list of things that you should and should not do. I cannot condone black pill feminists, but I am not ignorant as to how they got to that point.
You don't have to dedicate your life to anything you don't want to. No one has a say in how you spend your temporary years on this planet. If you want to shut everything out and live, then do that. But I think you know too much now. And the unfortunate part of misogyny is that it is omnipresent. It will exist in spaces you never thought possible and you will hear it so casually that you'll feel like you're going crazy.
I am not going to attack you for deciding to just make your cage comfortable. But I don't think it will be as easy as you think it is to forget that you are in a cage. And for that, I'm sorry.
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Random Things Dr. Cimmerian Said Asleep
Dr. Cimmerian is, first, typically a ray of sunshine. Second, he has a bad habit of dozing off while reviewing reports. And drooling on a few here and there. He does say some weird shit while asleep, I blame the copious amounts of coffee everybody consumes. Once more, without context!
"Peaches? With long pork? Pushing the boundaries of fine cannibal dining I see, Ferdinand. I'd suggest some shiraz or a nice zinfandel."
"Yoshi! Put down that D-Class right this instant! He's a very boring serial killer. The nice Chaos Insurgency guy next to him would taste better, not that we condone a humanitarian diet here."
"Dyo, honestly... the crinoline is outdated with good reason, namely it's too damned impractical. Stick to corsetry."
"Eighty kilos of gunpowder, twenty kilos of iron nails, a further twenty kilos of roofing tar? In her skirts? I've heard people say 'If I'm going to die, you're coming with me!' before, but... that's hard-core. No wonder they stopped burning witches after that. Woman was a massive legend, but not a witch. A REAL witch wouldn't need all that to make burning her a bad idea."
"Clef... your ex... Woman has an entire magazine warehouse of issues. And you put your junk in the crazy. Never. Sleep. With. The. Crazy."
"Dad? Why is the beer growing mushrooms?"
"Put down the cake knife and walk away, Dr. Bright. You knew when you asked Mabel for German chocolate what you're in for. Besides, you could just hit her with her own terrible cake. Not that O5 would condone that, of course."
"Uh... Ben? Is it me, or are the daisies staring us down?"
"We actually nailed jello to a tree once. Clef bet Kondraki $200 he could figure out how it's done. Benny almost ate his sword over that one. Turns out you can do it, provided you simply nail the unopened box to the tree."
"Cain, can you locate in the notes where anyone asked Dr. Matthieu for his opinion?" A pause. "Nowhere? Huh. As I thought. Thank you."
"Whomever said you couldn't herd cats never was at my Aunt Martha's house. All she had to do to herd cats was just touch the food bag, and every cat in her house came running."
"WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO FEED THAT POOR IDIOT TO 682? He's going to get an upset stomach."
"Uh... Agent Dimitriov? I think you might have forgotten part of your uniform. Aren't your knees cold?"
"Are you sure we can't just yeet him out of the airlock when no one's looking? Yes, I know the spaceship is on Earth still, but it's far enough off the ground for terminal velocity to become a factor. Just push him out of the vent."
"You hit the Scarlet King in the junk, with a hammer? And survived? Okay, Abel... I take it back. You're not just a Semetic badass, you're THE Semetic Badass."
"How? How in the hells did you manage to shoot yourself in the back with no one else around you in a sealed room? The fuck you mean, 'The Invisible Man has a gun?' Admit it, you had someone shoot you to get out of Peanut-sitting again, didn't you?"
"Coffee. Extra large, heavy on the cream and sugar. No, larger than that. Larger." A pause. "What do you mean, you don't sell by the gallon?"
"Dr. Gears. This is the SCP Foundation. Sarcasm and pessimism are practically survival mechanisms here. Give the kid a pass."
"NOOOO! COME ON, WHAT THE BLUE FUCK DID OREGON DO TO DESERVE LENNY? YOU UTTER BASTARDS!" In the middle of a meeting with the Ethics Committee, eyebrows were raised, and coffee spilled.
"I, too, would rather be under the sea, in an octopuses garden in the shade. You thinking what I'm thinking, my dive brother? Right. Let's leave these landlubbers and go hang with the fishes."
"Funny, 035. First, we can't KEEP you dressed, now you're out here looking like a weird ass male version of Rogue from the X-Men. Malicious compliance is acceptable, I suppose."
"You keep making poultry explode, Alto. Perhaps your charming assistant should give you cooking lessons?"
"Screw the files! Don't let 999 burn! That little blob of joy is my only reason to live."
"That's it. Get me a team of ten really strong D-Class, a case of 100 mph tape, a tranquilizer gun fully loaded, the electric purple snow leopard furry suit in lost and found, and a camera. Let this be the last time anyone sees Bright butt in public."
"I'm not above blackmail and we both know it. Gimme. The. Pie."
"Simon? I think this might be above my skill level. Can you please get Dr. King to calm down?"
"I can't believe Agatha talked him into a mankini. Didn't need photo evidence though."
"WHO THE HELLS TAUGHT THE KETCHUP PUPPIES TO 'FETCH THE LEG'? Max? That's... honestly impressive. Pity about that guy from MC&D, though. He did have it coming, to be honest."
"You ran... the Bible... through the Clockworks? On "Very Fine". And, got basically over a thousand pages of 'Try not to be an asshole, mmmmkay?'. Experiment inconclusive. Run the 'Communist Manesfesto' through next, my accountant is curious."
"Why are you here? Basically, 343 likes a joke as much as the next person. Oh. You meant why are you in the Femur Breaker? Well, we gotta get 106 back in containment somehow. That's where you come in. For what it's worth, I'm sorry about this, you seem like a lovely fellow."
"They're just firing arrows at us. You have an SMG, shoot them back. Some MTF agent you are."
"He's dating THAT? I've seen less silicone in a RealDoll. And, better fashion sense, for that matter."
"Wait... hold the phone, Abel. You're older than Jesus, but never had a cannoli? Rabbit, my girl, this will not stand. Cannoli the man!" A brief pause. "I KNOW, RIGHT? Whomever invented the cannoli deserves a sainthood."
"Primitive and outdated concept on a crutch!" Preceded by a thump.
"New Bright List entry: 'Dr. Bright is no longer allowed to access the Cursed Clown Nose of Improbability under any circumstances. No, not even to prevent an XK Class Scenario.' Noted. This item #857, or 858? I lost track."
"WHAT kind of butter? Oh. I thought you said something altogether more horrifying."
"JULIAN, YOU ABSOLUTE WALNUT! You forgot Quinn's birthday. Of COURSE you're in trouble for it. I got you covered though. They're still into lemons and tea, right? You're golden. Lemon blossom tea set, courtesy of the fine folks of Etsy. Pay me back on Friday."
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silvertws · 2 months
I may have watched all of the Descendants movies in one day.......
I'm ok guys, this is a sane thing to do.
Why Descendants if you may ask?
Because yes, songs are ok, Queen of mean is my entire gacha phase so I will of course watch it's origins ^^
Like, I could rant about them but like. You know.
I already forgot everyone's names.
Also wait wtf happened in the fourth movie??????? Where did our beloved golden retriever boy go??? Did he fucking die??? Are you kidding??? HOW WHY WHO DARED.
He was hands down the best character, I don't want to believe anything bad happened to him. No he's fine. I probably just misunderstood something... Right??? RIGHT????
I need to stop watching like, multiple movies from the same universe or an entire series in one day because like, emotions be emotioning.
Like, other than the fact that I taking down the barrier is literally the stupidest thing ever, because like, fine, you want to give the people who actually didn't do shit to have a chance to be normal.
I'm getting so worked up over some teens dancing and singing istg (nah jk, I love them they were great :3).
Well, Twilight Sparkle would be proud ig.
Also like, so, all the Disney villains and heroes are there right? Something like that?
Also like.
Nah like I'm sorry girl, I love you, but that energy in the second movie was not nearly enough screentime for you.
Like, she's the daughter of the most badass woman ever and the most badass man ever, there could literally be a whole movie about her maybe wanting to, unlike her mom, being more feminine and doing girly things because there's no war and so there's no need to train or some bullshit.
They could have gone the opposite way where the daughter is just as skilled as her mother (which has been shown to some degree but come on) and wanted to be just like her, maybe going through an arc where she was afraid of not meeting the expectations (not from her parents they would never) and instead making her own path, oh but we can't do that, why? WHY? IT COULD HAVE BEEN ADDED TO THE FIRST MOVIE, INSTEAD OF HER JUST WANTING NEW HAIR??? LIKE SHE COULD HAVE BEEN AN ACTUAL HELPFUL CHARACTER and a good middle ground???? Smh.
Ok, I mayyyyyyyy be looking too much into this my bad guys, I didn't want to turn this into a ramble but I guess here we are.
Also like if the guy with the dog died or went missing... What happened to the dog? His gf???? Was she with him??? Were they both???? Like, istg if they don't delve into this in the next movie imma go YEET something.
But to me it looks like the next movie will probably be about Uma's aunt cuz, time travel, she's angry comes for revenge and yada yada yada.
That whole charade we definitely haven't seen before in like... 4 movies...
But hey, the last movie I can say from a special effect point of view, and overall quality definitely showed a lot of improvements from the other 3.
Also, 3rd movie, girly was so justified in her villain arc, like I'm sorry, but one, Queen of mean slays, second of all, Mal literally ruined everything she had ever worked for, everything she had ever known now didn't matter. All the things she prepared for, all the times she had to be perfect, and she was! Before Mal arrived and by the way, stole the prince by giving him basically a love potion, which was like, "ok it wore off so it didn't matter" because at the end of the day he loved Mal right? WRONG, Mal, I love you, but you should have just gotten with your best friend tbh (even tho I do love the combination of nerd × creative couple, they are actually probably the couple I enjoy the most) like I'm sorry, I'm just saying. So like, I'm not saying I condone her actions, but I do understand why and what led to that whole thing. That could have been avoided if Mal also just simply, I don't know, bothered to say sorry? To check on the person whom she stole the boyfriend from? Again, Mal, love you so much, but this whole thing was just a big no for me.
(I wanna clarify that I don't actually hate anyone..? Like just in case someone thinks I hate the actors...? I don't???)
I'm just vibing here guys, this is just me being silly, you know how I am atp, (especially if you've ever seen my rambles on Steve Stories and stuff).
I have no friends to rant about this with, so the internet shall deal with me (bestie I know you exist, but I don't wanna bother u with Descendants).
Anyway, everyone have a lovely day and remember, it's summer, so hydrate a lot.
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wolfgang1097 · 11 months
This is NOT gonna end well...
WARNING: the following image(s) may not be suitable for minors nor those who are sensitive to the subject matter involved. Viewer discretion is advised.
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Monochrome Copy
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Colored (unedited) copy
Do these remind anybody of a certain scene from a very early episode of Beavis and Butthead? I meant to post this on Halloween night before midnight, but noooo, more trick or treaters kept showing up at my house, apparently. Anyhow, as much as a lot of Spy vs. Spy fans would wish that Grey Spy would lose for once on account of how much they hate her, I personally don't think that would be such a good idea. Don't get me wrong; I mean, I'm not too fond of her either. I, personally, would prefer to stay true to Prohias's original concept of her being immune to the usual slapstick horror that both of the male spies endure on a regular basis, considering that he didn't want a woman to go through the male spies' usual suffering. Imagine what Prohias would think if I painted (figuratively and literally) Gray Spy in a more realistic light while still staying true to her intended concept of always gaining the upper hand over both Black Spy and White Spy. I am pretty sure that he is probably rolling in his grave right now. If you want to check out the back story behind these copies, go to the monochrome version that I posted on DeviantArt (if you can handle it).
Disclaimer: I do not condone any actions in the backstory that I had described in the monochrome copy on DA nor anything taking place in these images. Other than that, I wanted to make this whole piece of art I made to use as a message of some sort that women harassing, abusing, or violating men needs to be taken just as seriously as the other way around, despite not being as common.
I do not claim ownership of any content. Spy vs. Spy vs. Spy belongs to the defunct MAD Magazine and the late, great Antonio Prohias (who is probably rolling in his grave; which I feel really bad about). The idea for the image as a whole was inspired by Beavis and Butthead, which is owned by MTV Productions.
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rise-my-angel · 4 months
In your heart are you sexist? Dont mean to hate but your opinions on stannis who is a daughter killer, king robert etc do give me sexist vibes. Why do you hate the idea of a sub jon snow? Do you think relationships where women are more physically powerful are taboo (jon and dany)
What is your view on Sansa and Cersei?
Aemond is a rapist yet you are team green? (I like alicent too but her sons suck)
I don't think you grasp quite what you have done here. So dear anon, hold my hand as I baby step you through why this is the dumbest ask I've received in weeks.
Keeping in mind someone called me a reader insert Jon porn writing loser this morning, but at least they were funny about it.
Let's start at the bottom.
First of all, I would like to ask you to go through my blog and tell me where I have ever talked about Aemond in any positive manner aside from the incident where he was mutilated. In fact, in my main post addressing that incident I specify I do not condone his later actions at all. There has never been a moment in this blogs history I have ever condoned anything he has done, or Aegon II for that matter.
Second of all, I have made my stance on this quite clear. Me being anti team black does not make me team green. In fact I have been very specific that outside of Blood and Cheese, I do not support team green because they perpetuate the same general issues I have with the Targaryeans as a whole. I simply think that team black does wrong more and have committed more blatantly horrific atrocities, again such as Blood and Cheese.
Your claim I am team green is wrong because I have said clearly I am not. And I do not wish for my anti team black posts to be looked at as pro team green rhetoric, because my criticisms are not also support of the other side. That and your pointing out that Aemond is a rapist, first of all interesting you choose him, considering Aegon in the show is clearly shown to be one. I have also never supported that, nor did I deny they did that. I simply have barley spoken of Aemond or Aegon because I don't like them.
So you have gotten that assertion from nowhere. You saw my anti team black posts and assumed I was team green as a result. Do not force me into team green just beacuse I criticize team black more.
What are my views of Sansa? Simple. Book Sansa and Sansa from season one through four has her issues but is an innocent girl who does not deserve to be manipulated and preyed upon by a very creepy man who is using her as an object of fantasy for a life with a woman who never loved him.
Cersei is evil and I adore her. She uses the system around her to her advantage which has given her a very great amount of influence, but she also is a victim of the same society. Because the amount of power and influence she has earned would be equivalent to that of a King, but she is abused and ordered around simply because she is a woman and it is unfair. She is not a woman who deserves the bad things that happened to her, but she still does very evil things which deserve criticism.
Now, my support of Stannis despite him being a daughter killer? First of all, I have talked down about that a lot when discussing Stannis. Second of all, Stannis in the books has in no way, killed his daughter.
In fact, Stannis told his men that if he dies, that they better put Shireen on the Iron Throne or die trying. He loves Shireen and I've said multiple times him willingly burning his daughter is horrific and a blatant misunderstanding of his character, and if it is in the books, it will entirely depend on how it occurs before I judge it. I have said many times Stannis consistently does horrible things and do not support those horrible things, and talk about the things that are not bad as to what I like.
Now, you just named King Robert and what? No example of what I said? Beacuse if you did even a single second of very basic research by scrolling down my blog, you would find my post discussing that I hate book Robert, and went into the interesting nuance of the shows different adaptation of his character.
In the same post, not that you would know clearly, is that I recognize he is pathetic and also acknowledge that he both abuses and commits marital rape against Cersei. I don't at all say it's alright or good and in fact point out characters would be right in stepping in to stop it.
But you wouldn't know that because you did not bother to check my opinions whatsoever before jumping to this conclusion.
Next. Why do I hate sub Jon headcanons? Beacuse I think he's a dom. Jon Snow is a fictional character. He is not real. Me saying he is a dom cannot hurt you. I look at his character and think he is written out of character when he is written as a sub. I think he's a dom because he acts like a dom. There is literally zero crime in me thinking a fictional male character is a dom in bed. It is not inherently sexist to say I think a man would be dominant when said man is a fictional character.
You are calling me sexist for smut headcanons I write for fun. That is reaching so hard it is wild. I'm a smut writer with a smut headcanon. My dom Jon headcanons cannot hurt you.
Now, first of all Jon is physically stronger then Dany. He is taller, stronger, more muscular, a skilled warrior and Dany has never held a sword in her life. Jon is physically stronger then her. That is not an actual argument.
What you MEAN is that Dany is more powerful then him. She has more armies, more power and has three dragons. Three dragons that she uses to murder both as unlawful executions and mass murder. Jon is a bastard with a small army and no defense but the sword at his side going up against a woman with three dragons.
Also, I have gone on record to say that Dany is a cruel genocidal tyrant who while dead sober, tried to force an unwilling and extremely drunk Jon into her bed. Which is rape. She's a rapist but I have many posts about this before.
Dany holds the power of Jon and it is not cute. It is a threat. And it has nothing to do with her being a woman leading me to that conclusion.
You are clearly mad I do not ship them and are projecting onto me saying things that I either did not say or are strawmanning my actual points to paint what I said as more unfair then they were.
There is not a SINGLE point you made that was accurate. You came onto my blog and did not do a single bit of research to the point that either you are knowingly misinterpreting my opinions to paint me as worse then I am, or are genuinely stupid.
If you actually read my posts over fairly and still came to those honest conclusions then you are genuinely stupid.
And most importantly, what you said to me, is incredibly sexist.
I have opinons which do not fit into the standard of what a majority of women think in the community around you. You call me sexist for not agreeing with your stances on things. You think the only way I could be not sexist, is to think EXACTLY as you do?
You want me to not be sexist by putting all of my opinons into a box and agree with other people and not have disagreements that are not the majority opinon. By telling me I am sexist for having opinons outside of the majority, you have actually shown to be very sexist towards at least me specifically.
Other women are not entitled to my opinons agreeing with theirs. I am allowed the freedom of individuality and I come to my own conclusions that sometimes do not align with the general community's mainstream views. Telling me that makes me sexist is so tone deaf I actually am gobsmacked.
You have every right to disagree with me, but I have supported both women and equality within this series many times. I do not need to agree with you on a fictional series, just to prove I am "one of the good ones".
I follow people on here that I disagree with on a lot but do not look down on them for it. I respect they have a different idea of this story, and we simply can agree to disagree and interact with what we do agree with, and I will never talk down or argue or look down on them for not agreeing with me.
I make posts of my own, I don't go onto other people blogs or posts to disagree because I want to use my space to discuss ideas not argue. But you came here accusing me of being a sexist for opinions I never actually stated.
In no way is it at all alright to accuse me of being a sexist because my opnions on certain male and female characters do not agree with your preconceived idea of what is the "correct" opinion.
You want to put me into a box either labeled "safe" or "sexist" which in and of itself, is sexist for saying I can only be for equality if I shit on ONLY the right fictional characters in the CORRECT way like everyone else.
Sexism is when I say " fictional character Jon Snow wouldn't want to be called a good boy in bed" apparently.
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braveclementine · 4 months
Chapter 12
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Warnings: None. However, future chapters will contain sexual content so readers that are under the age of 18 may have to skip those chapters (However they are very few so those under the age of 18 can still read a majority of this book. However please keep note of the warnings).
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕴 𝖑𝖊𝖋𝖙 𝖀𝖒𝖇𝖗𝖎𝖉𝖌𝖊'𝖘 detention with Harry, my hand burning with pain. I went up to the Gryffindor common room with him. Hermione had our bowls of murtlap solution waiting for us.
"I still reckon you should complain about this." Ron said in a low voice as Harry and I took our seats. Crookshanks leapt up on Harry's lap and he scratched his head with his left hand.
"No" Harry and I said flatly together.
"McGonagall would go nuts if she knew-"
"Yeah, she probably would. And how long d'you reckon it'd take Umbridge to pass another Decree saying anyone who complains about the High Inquisitor gets sacked immediately?" Harry asked in a dull voice.
"It's like a communist takeover!" I said in an angry voice. Harry and Ron looked at me confused but Hermione said, "That's not a bad comparison."
"You're going to have to explain that." Ron said. "Is that a Muggle term?"
I nodded. "There's only a couple communist countries: Russia, China, North Korea, Vietnam, and Cuba. Basically, they have one person who runs the entire country and what they say goes- a dictatorship almost. Disobedience is punishable by death in some cases. Take China for instance. You can only have one child. If you have a second child, well you'd better kill it or the entire village is going to be punished for breaking the law. Historians have found wells that are filled with the skeletons of baby girls because the Chinese kill girls more than boys because boys are valued higher in their society."
Ron looked absolutely revolted and Harry was nodding his head slowly, "So the Ministry is like China and we're like a different country they're trying to take over?"
"Something like that." I said. "But more along the lines of being a state that is technically controlled by China, but had some freedoms, but now China is taking over again so they are pressing the ideals down on us harshly."
"She's an awful woman." Hermione said, coming back to the topic of Umbridge, "Awful. You know, I was just saying to Ron when you came in. . . we've got to do something about her."
"I suggested poison." Ron said in a grim voice and I laughed.
"No. . . I mean, something about what a dreadful teacher she is, and how we're not going to learn any defense from her at all." Hermione said.
"Well, what can we do about that? 'S too late, isn't it? She got the job, she's here to stay, Fudge'll make sure of that!" Ron said through a yawn.
"Well. . . you know, I was thinking today. . . I was thinking that- maybe the time's come when we should just- just do it ourselves." Hermione said in a nervous voice, shooting an even more nervous look at Harry.
"Do what ourselves?" Harry asked suspiciously.
"Well- learn Defense Against the Dark Arts ourselves." Hermione said.
"Come off it." Ron said, groaning. "You want us to do extra work? D'you realize Harry and I are behind on homework again and it's only the second week?"
"But this is much more important than homework!" Hermione exclaimed and the three of us goggled at her.
"I didn't think there was anything in the universe more important than homework." Ron said in a frightened voice, exchanging a look with Harry.
"Don't be silly, of course there is! It's about preparing ourselves, like Harry said in Umbridge's first lesson, for what's waiting out there. It's about making sure we really can defend ourselves. If we don't learn anything for a whole year-"
"We can't do much by ourselves. I mean, all right, we can go and look jinxes up in the library and try and practice them, I suppose-" Ron said in a defeated sort of voice.
"No, I agree, we've gone past the stage where we can just learn things out of books. We need a teacher, a proper one, who can show us how to use the spells and correct us if we're going wrong."
"If you're talking about Lupin. . ." Harry started slowly and I looked up quickly at Hermione.
"No, no, I'm not talking about Lupin. He's too busy with the Order and anyway, the most we could see him is during Hogsmeade weekends and that's not nearly often enough."
"Who, then?" Harry asked, frowning.
"Isn't it obvious? I'm talking about you, Harry."
There was a moment of silence. That made the most sense I supposed.
"About me what?" Harry asked.
"I'm talking about you teaching us Defense Against the Dark Arts." Hermione explained in apparently a simpler manner.
"That's an idea." Ron said.
"What's an idea?" Harry asked. I wondered if he could hear anything they were saying.
"You. Teaching us to do it." Ron explained.
"But. . ." Harry was grinning and I realized he thought that they were joking.
"They're not joking." I said softly, looking at him. "We want you to teach us."
"Why don't you teach?" Harry asked. "You've been with me every step of the way and you know more Elizabeth!"
I shrugged. I couldn't really debate this except by saying, "Technically, I was only there. But still, you got rid of Quirrell on your own, killed the Basilisk, got rid of the dementors, and dueled Voldemort all by yourself. Yes, Hermione, Ron, and I helped you part of the way with Quirrell but in the end, it was you. Yes, Ron and I were there for the basilisk but in the end, you're the one who killed it-"
"With you shouting instructions at me!" Harry cried, exasperated. "Listen to me!" Ron and Hermione were wearing smirks but I wasn't. "Just listen to me, all right? It sounds great when you put it like that Elizabeth, but it was all luck or you or Hermione or Ron guiding me. I didn't plan any of it, I just did whatever I could think of and I nearly always had help-"
I wished that Ron and Hermione would drop their smirks because I knew it was going to piss Harry off. "Don't sit there grinning like you know better than I do, I was there, wasn't I? I know what went on, all right? And I didn't get through any of that because I was brilliant at Defense Against the Dark Arts, I got through it all because- because help came at the right time, or because I guessed right- but I just blundered through it all, I didn't have a clue what I was doing- STOP LAUGHING!"
The bowl of murtlap essence fell to the floor. I sighed, closing my eyes.
"You don't know what it's like! You- none of you- you've never had to face him, have you? You think it's just memorizing a bunch of spells and throwing them at him, like you're in class or something? The whole time you're sure you know there's nothing between you and dying except your own- your own brain or guts or whatever- like you can think straight when you know you're about a second from being murdered, or tortured, or watching your friends die- they've never taught us that in their classes, what it's like to deal with things like that- and you two sit there acting like I'm a clever little boy to be standing here alive, like Diggory was stupid, like he messed up- you just don't get it, that could just as easily have been me, it would have been if Voldemort hadn't needed me-"
Tears fell out of my eyes. Cedric wasn't stupid. He just wasn't prepared. If I'd just told him. . . Don't blame yourself Elizabeth. . .
"We weren't saying anything like that mate. . . We weren't having a go at Diggory, we didn't- you've got the wrong end of the-" Ron stuttered.
"Harry, don't you see? This. . . this is exactly why we need you. . .We need to know what it's r-really like. . . facing him. . . facing V-Voldemort." Hermione stuttered too. I opened my eyes in shock and stared at her. Had Hermione really used Voldemort's name?
Apparently she had because Harry seemed much calmer and he sat down. He was staring at his hand, wincing in pain. I took my hand out of my bowl and handed it to him, "Here." I said, wiping tears off my face. "Cedric. . . Cedric was brave. . ." I whispered.
"I know." Harry said.
"Well. . . think about it. . . Please?" Hermione asked.
Harry nodded, looking ashamed of himself for making such a scene. I was surprised no one had come down here to see what was going on.
Hermione stood up. "Well, I'm off to bed. Erm. . . 'night." She said and headed off to the dorms.
"Coming?" Ron asked Harry awkwardly.
"Yeah. In. . . in a minute. I'll just clean this up." Ron nodded and left.
"Reparo." Harry said, pointing his wand at the bowl. He turned to me, "So. . . this teaching thing. . ."
I shrugged. "I see you eventually accepting but don't worry about it for another two weeks, okay?"
I left the room, realizing that I only had one more more night before I could take the Mandrake leaf out of my mouth.
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖉𝖆𝖞, I woke up, feeling startled and panicky. What was the next step for the Animagus spell? I quickly hurried to the closet I had locked and unlocked it. I collected the Dew drops and hurried then hurried back up to my dorm. I had my crystal phial that received pure moon rays and put the mandrake leaf inside of it and then added one of my own hairs.
My mouth felt so weird without the leaf in it. A sort of relief and also a sort of 'oh no, somethings missing' feeling. Then, I dropped the dew into the phial and then carefully added the Chrysalis of a Death's-head Hawk Moth to the phial as well. Then, I rushed back down the stairs to find a quiet dark place. I already had a place in mind.
I put the phial in a box and then put it in the closet that I had locked before. I put it on a bottom shelf in the very back corner. Then I locked the door again with two different spells. I was to leave it alone until the next electrical storm. I had no idea when that would be. Then, every sunrise and sunset I had to point my wand at my heart and say, "Amato Animo Animato Animagus."
The sun hadn't risen yet but the moment it did, I quickly placed my wand over my heart and said the words. Then, I hurried to breakfast and tried to forget about the box in the bottom of a locked closet.
𝕴 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖉 𝕼𝖚𝖎𝖉𝖉𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍 tryouts on Saturday. It looked like it was going to rain and I hoped there would be lightning. But first, I had to hope that the rain held off until Quidditch tryouts were over.
We were looking for a beater and a chaser. I still had Heidi and Malcolm, both in their seventh year. I had decided to take Cedric's place as seeker as we'd planned last year. Our Keeper was a sixth year and our beater was a sixth-year as well. It struck me weirdly that I was the youngest on the team at the moment and yet I was also the Quidditch Captain.
I thought I'd get some hate for it but Heidi seemed genuinely happy for me and said I deserved it. She helped me out with tryouts too. There were about fifteen or so Hufflepuffs that tried out for either Beater or Chaser.
In the end, I chose a boy who only went by his last name which was James to play in the Beater position. Zacharias Smith was chosen for Chaser.
"That went well." Heidi said happily at the end of the tryouts. "I thought you'd choose Daphne though, to be completely honest."
"I liked her." I admitted. "Much more than I like Smith. But he's a better player so we'll put up with him."
"What's that on the back of your hand?" Heidi asked suddenly. I stuck my hand in my pocket.
"Just don't get a detention with Professor Umbridge." I said coolly. "She'll make you right lines with a cursed quill."
Heidi shook her head. "What a witch. I can't believe you got detention already."
"Well." I said, smiling a bit sarcastically. "It was my fault."
We parted ways and I stayed outside, waiting for it to lightning. When it didn't, I gave up and went inside for dinner. Halfway through dinner, however, lightning flashed and I jumped up. Hermione gave me a peculiar look as I dashed out of the Great Hall. I fled down a flight of stairs and rushed to the closet, unlocking it.
I was trembling with excitement as I stepped into the closet. With trembling fingers, I pulled out the phial and held it up to the light. If you've done everything right then you will discover a mouthful of blood-red potion inside it. Then move somewhere where you aren't going to alarm anyone or place yourself in physical danger during your transformation.
The potion was. . . blood-red! I rushed out of the closet and tried to figure out where I wanted to do the transformation. After hesitating for a few seconds, I rushed down to the potions dungeon. No one was in there and I carefully thought of the next instructions:
Step 6: Place your wand-tip against your heart and speak. . . . . .the incantation 'Amato Animo Animato Animagus' and drink the potion. You will then feel fiery pain – lucky you – and an intense double heartbeat.
I quickly pulled out my wand and pointed it at my heart. It was pounding already. "Amato Amino Animato Animagus." I said clearly. Then I opened up the crystal phial and drank it down. It tasted like liquid brownie- much to my surprise. A burning feeling started up through my entire body and I felt the heavy, double heartbeat.
In my mind, there was the image of a cat and I latched onto it. A black cat with white paws. A black cat with white paws. A black cat with white paws. And then, I found myself much shorter than I had been before. I was also positioned weirdly, like my hands were on the floor too. I turned in a circle and caught a glimpse of a black tail with a white tip. My wand was on the floor too and with my white paws, I batted it under the desk. I pounced on my wand next and then rolled around on the floor.
I raised my paw to go in for a victorious kill when the door opened.
Professor Snape came into the room, closing the door behind him and then froze, seeing me there. I was equally still. He looked from the crystal phial and my bag on the desk to my wand under the desk and back to me. My tail was high in the air. My paw was still poised over my wand.
"Elizabeth?" He asked uncertainly.
I mewed, lowering my paw and sitting back on my haunches, tucking my tail around my paws.
He sat down in a chair. "You didn't tell me. . ."
I batted my wand towards me and mewed four times and I turned back into a human. "Well that was easier than I thought." I said out loud. Then to Severus I asked, "How cute did I look?"
He seemed to have lost his voice and finally he asked, "You became an Animagus?"
I nodded, "As long as Voldemort never finds out then I can hide-"
He was suddenly on his feet and I thought he might be upset about me using Voldemort's name- he hated when I did that. Instead, he picked me up and sat me down on the desk, making it easier to kiss me. "I always knew you were a genius." he muttered on my lips, "You taste like brownies." He added.
I was so taken aback by this reaction it took me a minute to explain what the potion tasted like. "Don't tell dad, or Sirius, or anybody." I said. "I want to surprise them, okay? "
"Sure." Severus said, not really listening. He was to busy running his fingers up and down my spine. I shivered and pressed myself tighter to him.
𝕴 𝖕𝖆𝖈𝖊𝖉 𝕸𝖈𝕲𝖔𝖓𝖆𝖌𝖆𝖑𝖑'𝖘 classroom as a cat, waiting for her to come in. When she did come in, she didn't even notice me at first as I was sitting at a desk like a student, pretending something. When she put her bag down and looked out, her sharp eyes landed on me first.
I jumped from the table, down to where I had kept my wand. I had already practiced quite frequently so that I was getting used to the transformations and I turned back into my human form.
"Well, well. I'm impressed." Professor McGonagall said with a wry smile. "That'll be thirty points to Hufflepuff. Twenty for the transformation, ten for picking a cat. I happen to like cats."
I laughed, "Yes, I know you do."
"Now don't flaunt it Miss Kane." She added sternly. "There's a reason you're keeping this a secret."
"I know" I said, nodding solemnly. "Also, are we going to be doing private lessons this year? I understand from Professor Umbridge's speech that the Ministry doesn't seem to approve of the concept, but only Professor Snapes started lessons up again, and he only did so when I asked."
Professor McGonagall nodded, "We can't start up lessons until you ask because then we, as teachers, can say that you asked for the help and it's not favoritism. Keep that in mind if you want lessons with Flitwick too."
"Of course." I said. "I just got to figure out my schedule with Quidditch first."
"Well, you're keeping yourself out of detention, so that's something." Professor McGonagall said lightly.
"Just hope it stays that way." I mumbled. "Good night Professor."
"Good night, Miss Kane." Professor McGonagall said. I scooped my wand up off the ground. I couldn't wait until I could transform without a wand!
𝕴'𝖉 𝖘𝖊𝖓𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊 number 127 to Sirius. I knew Hermione had the meeting set for twelve o'clock and I figured that the meeting would be over before then, which would give me plenty of time to carefully make my way up to the mountain to meet Sirius.
I had stayed behind for a few moments, debating whether or not I should pack a small lunch for Sirius and I before deciding against it. As a cat (though Severus said I was more of a kitten) I was too small to try and lug my bag up the mountain. I barely had the strength to carry my wand in my mouth as it was.
I ran to catch up with Hermione, Ron, and Harry who were talking about the letter Harry had sent to Sirius and how Filch had been tipped off that he was ordering dungbombs instead.
"He said he was tipped off you were ordering dungbombs? But who had tipped him off?" Hermione asked.
"I dunno." Harry said with a shrug. "Maybe Malfoy, he'd think it was a laugh."
"No." I said. "I think it was Umbridge, trying to figure out who you're writing to. I carry Sadie nearly all the way to the Hogwarts barrier and watch her till she's out of sight now so that Umbridge can't get into my letters."
"Where are we going anyway? The Three Broomsticks?" Harry asked as we made our way farther out of town. I saw him glance up at the mountain and then at me.
"Oh- no. No, it's always packed and really noisy." Hermione said, coming out of whatever she was thinking about, "I've told the others to meet us in the Hog's Head, the other pub, you know the one, it's not on the main road. I think it's a bit. . . you know. . . dodgy. . . but students don't normally go in there, so I don't think we'll be overheard."
"I think we're being followed." I said softly.
"By who?" Harry asked sharply.
"Dunno, I can feel it though. I think someone from the Order. . . it's a good feeling." I said, glancing over my shoulder. I don't know if I expected to see Kingsley or Tonks or who but I didn't see anyone but students.
I felt very excited about this meeting though I was also extremely apprehensive. There was someone in the Hog's Head we couldn't trust. . . now who was it?
We finally turned up a side street at the top of which stood a small inn. The sign hanging above it was battered and made of wood. The sign portrayed a severed boar's head leaking blood over a white cloth. I grimaced. The sign creaked in the wind, hanging from a rusty bracket.
"Well, come on." Hermione said in a nervous voice and pushed the door open. Harry was the first inside and I followed close behind.
The bar, in my opinion, was exactly how it should've looked. The lights were dim, the windows were grimy, there were tables stationed every which way. It smelled like some sort of barnyard animal. The people in the room were very strange as well. One was sitting at the bar, drinking a smoking drink. There were dirty gray bandages wrapping him up from head to toe. There was a witch wearing a thick, black veil sitting in the corner. I grinned. Mundungus.
"I don't know about this, Hermione. Has it occurred to you Umbridge might be under that?" Harry muttered under his breath.
"It's not." I muttered back. The bartender who I recognized from Uncle Moody's old photograph to be Aberforth, was looking at us over the bar.
"Anyway, even if Umbridge does come in here there's nothing she can do to stop us, Harry, because I've double- and triple- checked the school rules. We're not out-of-bounds; I specifically asked Professor Flitwick whether students were allowed to come in Hog's Head, and he said yes, but he advised me strongly to bring our own glasses. And I've looked up everything I can think about study groups and homework groups and they're definitely allowed. I just don't think it's a good idea if we parade what we're doing."
"No." Harry said in a dry voice, "especially as it's not exactly a homework group you're planning, is it?"
"We just have to stay away from him." I whispered, jerking my chin at the man in bandages, "I get a bad vibe from him. Probably a Ministry spy."
Aberforth came out from behind the bar and approached us, "What?" He grunted. He was nothing like his brother.
"Four butterbeers please." Hermione said. I wondered vaguely why no one else recognized him.
"Eight sickles." He said, reaching under the bar and pulling out four dirty glasses and filling them with butterbeer.
"I'll get them." Harry offered and handed over the coins. We took our butterbeers and with my encouragement, we sat in the corner near the veiled witch. I'd winked at Mundungus as we passed.
"You know what?" Ron murmured. "We could order anything we like here, I bet that bloke would sell us anything, he wouldn't care. I've always wanted to try firewhiskey-"
"You- are- a- prefect." Hermione snarled. I giggled.
"Oh, yeah. . ." Ron said and the smiled dropped off his face. I took a sip of butterbeer. It tasted about the same as the Three broomsticks so I drank the rest of it.
"So who did you say is supposed to be meeting us?" Harry asked Hermione.
"Twenty-five people if my visions are correct." I muttered. "Of course, I only saw Hermione talking to people and I talked to some extra people so it could be more than twenty-five."
"Twenty-five?" Harry asked but he didn't get a chance to add anything else because at that moment, the door to the bar opened.
Neville and Dean came in first and were followed by Lavender and the Patil twins. Then there was Cho and one of her girlfriends who's name I was pretty sure was Marietta. They were followed by Luna and then the three Gryffindor Chasers: Angelina, Alicia, and Katie. Then the Creevey brothers. Followed by them were Ernie, Justin, Hannah, and Susan to who I gave an enthusiastic wave. Then there were three Ravenclaws. I only knew Anthony Goldstein and Terry Boot. Ginny was followed closely by Zacharias Smith. Heidi and Malcolm came in too which I was pleased about. Then there were was Rose Zeller who I'd invited along with James, the newest member of our team. Rose had a brought a friend from Gryffindor whose name I had no idea. The last three were Fred, George, and Lee.
Aberforth had frozen behind the bag, looking as though he couldn't believe how many people had entered his bar.
"Hi. Could we have. . . thirty butterbeers, please?" Fred asked, "Cheers. Cough up, everyone, I haven't got enough gold for all of these."
I giggled.
"What have you been telling people?" Harry hissed at Hermione, "What are they expecting?"
"I've told you, they just want to hear what you've got to say." Hermione said in a soothing voice and then added, "You don't have to do anything yet, I'll speak to them first."
"Hi Harry!" Neville greeted him in an excited voice, sitting right in front of him. Susan and Ernie waved at me and I winked back, leaning comfortably against the wall. I was eyed the man in the bandages carefully, trying to see if he was going to be listening in. I wondered briefly if there was a charm to make people go temporarily deaf. I couldn't remember.
"Er. Well- er- hi." Hermione said, greeting the quiet crowd. "Well. . . erm. . . well, you know why you're here. Erm. . . well Harry here had an idea- I mean- I had the idea- that it might be good if people who wanted to study Defense Against the Dark Arts- and I mean really study it, you know, not the rubbish that Umbridge is doing with us"
Brilliant speech Hermione. Try not to stutter so much next time.
"Here here!" Anthony Goldstein shouted out and Hermione looked greatly relieved.
"Well, I thought it would be good if we, well, took matters into our own hands. And by that-" Hermione looked over at Harry. "I mean learning how to defend ourselves properly, not just theory but the real spells-"
"You want to pass your Defense Against the Dark Arts O.W.L. too though, I bet?" The Ravenclaw that I didn't know asked.
"Of course I do." Hermione said. "But I want more than that, I want to be properly trained in Defense because. . . because. . . Because Lord Voldemort is back."
I was still even more surprised that one, she'd used his name without stuttering and two, she'd said in the public.
Marietta shrieked, slopping butterbeer down her front. Terry gave a sort of twitch. Padma gave a shiver and Neville let out a yelp. All of them, however, looked at Harry in a eager, hungry, sort of way.
"Well. . . that's the plan anyway. If you want to join us, we need to decide how we're going to-" Hermione started.
"Where's the proof You-Know-Who's back?" Zacharias Smith asked rather aggressively and Heidi and I exchanged a glance. My cheeks reddened. Oh why had I let him on the Quidditch team?
"Well, Dumbledore believes it-" Hermione started.
"You mean, Dumbledore believes him." Zacharias said, nodding towards Harry.
"And me." I snapped at him and he lowered his gaze, a bit angrily. Oooh I loved being Quidditch Captain and prefect. "I foresaw it."
"Still!" Zacharias said, though he seemed to be picking his words carefully. "I think we've got a right to know exactly what makes him say You-Know-Who's back."
"That's really not what this meeting was supposed to be about-" Hermione interjected swiftly but Harry interrupted.
"It's okay Hermione." He looked Zacharias straight in the face, "What makes me say You-Know-Who's back? I saw him. Elizabeth foresaw him. But Dumbledore told the whole school what happened last year, and if you didn't believe him, you don't believe me, and I'm not wasting my afternoon trying to convince anyone."
"All Dumbledore told us last year was that Cedric Diggory got killed by You-Know-Who and that you brought Diggory's boy back to Hogwarts. He didn't give us details, he didn't tell us exactly how Diggory got murdered, I think we'd all like to know-"
I was finding it very hard to breathe. Zacharias hadn't known Cedric like I had. I had loved Cedric and here was Zacharias, throwing his name around casually with the word 'murdered'. I tried to swallow, but my throat was dry. Fred was looking at me, a worried expression on his face. I tried to reassure him, but my mouth didn't want to curve upwards.
"If you've come to hear exactly what it looks like when Voldemort murders someone I can't help you. I don't want to talk about Cedric Diggory, all right? So if that's what you're here for, you might as well clear out!" Harry said angrily.
"But I will." I said, my eyes flashing. "The Cup was a portkey. It transported Ced and Harry to a graveyard where Voldemort was waiting for just Harry. He didn't need Cedric, so he killed him the way that Barty Crouch Jr. disguised as Professor Moody killed the spider on the first day of class. Is that what you wanted to hear?"
Harry, Ron, and Hermione were ogling at me and they weren't the only ones. I was fuming mad. Zacharias was staring down at the dirty floor again.
"So. . . so like I was saying. . ." Hermione said timidly and all attention turned back to her. "If you want to learn some defense, then we need to work out how we're going to do it, how often we're going to meet, and where we're going to-"
"Is it true that you can produce a Patronus?" Susan Bones interrupted.
"Yeah." Harry said though he sounded a bit defensive about it.
"A corporeal Patronus?" Susan asked.
"Er- you don't know Madam Bones, do you?" He asked stupidly. He should've remembered the conversation between Madam Bones and I back at his trial.
"She's my auntie. I'm Susan Bones. She told me about your hearing. So- is it really true? You make a stag Patronus?"
"Yes." Harry said again.
"Blimey, Harry! I never knew that!" Lee said, impressed.
"Elizabeth can do it too!" Harry said, throwing a panicked look at me. I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Of course she can." Fred said and I glared at him. Some people laughed. "But mum told Ron not to spread around about Harry. She said you got enough attention as it was."
"She's not wrong." Harry said and everyone laughed.
"And did you kill a basilisk with that sword in Dumbledore's office?" Terry asked. "That's what one of the portraits on the wall told me when I was in there last year. . ."
"Er-yeah, I did, yeah but E-" I stomped on his foot.
"And in our second year, he saved that Sorcerous Stone-" Neville said.
"Sorcerer's" Hermione hissed.
"Yes, that, from You-Know-Who." Neville said.
"And that's not to mention." Cho said and Harry, who had been trying not to look at her, was looking at her now. "all the tasks he had to get through in the Triwizard Tournament last year- getting past dragons and merpeople and acromantulas and things. . ."
"Look." Harry said after a moment. "I. . . I don't want to sound like I'm trying to be modest or anything, but. . . I had a lot of help with that stuff. . ." Harry said motioning to me, Ron, and Hermione.
"Not with the dragon, you didn't." the Ravenclaw boy I didn't know said. "That was a seriously cool bit of flying."
Rose's eyes were as big as galleons considering she hadn't been here in the past years. She was also the youngest one here besides her Gryffindor friend.
"Yeah well-" Harry said.
"And nobody helped you get rid of those dementors this summer." Susan said.
"No. No, okay, I know I did bits of it without help, but the point I'm trying to make is-"
"Are you trying to weasel out of showing us any of this stuff?" Zacharias asked. I think he meant to be joking with Harry, but Ron took offense to it.
"Here's an idea. Why don't you shut your mouth?" Ron asked sharply.
"Sorry Ron, only I can bully him." I said lightly.
"Well, we've all turned up to learn from him, and now he's telling us he can't really do any of it." Zacharias said.
"Never mind, ya'll can bully him." I muttered.
"That's not what he said." Fred snarled.
"Would you like us to clean out your ears for you?" George asked pulling a shiny metal tool out of his Zonko's bag.
"Or any part of our body, really, we're not fussy where we stick this." Fred said.
I giggled and Hermione quickly regained the situation, "Yes, well. Moving on. . . the point is, are we agreed that we want to take lessons from Harry?"
There was a murmurs of 'yeses' and 'yeahs' and I felt a bit better about that.
"Right." Hermione said, looking relieved. "Well then, the next question is how often we do it. I really don't think there's any point in meeting less than once a week-"
"Hang on." Angelina interrupted and at this rate I wondered if Hermione was ever going to get to speak. "We need to make sure this doesn't clash with our Quidditch practice."
"No, nor with ours." Cho said.
"Nor ours." Zacharias added, though he wasn't Quidditch Captain, and then flinched as Fred brandished the weapon.
"I'm sure we can find a night that suits everyone, but you know, this is rather important, we're talking about learning to defend ourselves against V-Voldemort's Death Eaters-" Hermione started again.
"Well said!" Ernie barked. I had definitely thought he'd have spoken sooner. "Personally I think this is really important, possibly more important than anything else we'll do this year, even with our O.W.L.s coming up!"
"I second that." I said.
"I, personally, am at a loss to see why the Ministry has foisted such a useless teacher upon us at this critical period. Obviously they are in denial about the return of You-Know-Who, but to give us a teacher who is trying to actively prevent us from using defensive spells. . ." Ernie continued.
"Well." I said with a snort, "There's a very good reason that the Ministry gave us such a useless teacher. For one thing, the books, the lessons, her opinions, is to brainwash us to think the same. To make us all hate half-breeds like noble Centaurs and innocent Werewolves. Once we're brainwashed to think that way, we can start cracking down on Muggle-born witches and wizards. While Umbridge hasn't come out and said anything against them yet, I know that she absolutely hates Muggle-born wizards. But the main point in us not using magic, is because the Ministry believes that Dumbledore will use us as a private army to mobilize us against the Ministry so he can take over."
Almost everyone looked shocked at this news and some of the students, like Justin, Colin, and Dennis looked angry at the idea of learning to hate Muggle-born wizards.
Then Luna spoke and said, "Well, that makes sense. After all, Cornelius Fudge has got his own private army."
"What?" Harry asked.
"Yes, he's got an army of heliopaths." Luna said and I pressed my lips together to keep from laughing.
"No, he hasn't." Hermione snapped.
"Yes, he has." Luna debated.
"What are heliopaths?" Neville asked.
"They're spirits of fire. Great tall flaming creatures that gallop across the ground burning everything in front of-"
"They don't exist, Neville." Hermione said in a tart voice.
"Oh yes they do!" Luna said angrily.
"I'm sorry, but where's the proof of that?" Hermione asked.
"Hem, hem!" Ginny coughed and everyone looked around in alarm and then laughed. "Weren't we trying to decide how often we're going to meet and get Defense lessons?"
"Yes." Hermione said quickly. "yes, we were, you're right. . ."
"Well, once a week sounds cool." Lee Jordan said.
"As long as-" Angelina began but Hermione interrupted her.
"Yes, yes, we know about the Quidditch." Hermione said. "Well, the other thing to decide is where we're going to meet. . ."
"We'll decide that later." I said tartly. "For now however, I know that there is something else Hermione wants everyone to do."
Everyone looked at Hermione in curiosity and she pulled out a roll of parchment. "I- I think everybody should write their name down, just so we know who was here. But I also think that we all ought to agree not to shout about what we're doing. So if you sign, you're agreeing not to tell Umbridge- or anybody else- what we're up to."
Fred took out a quill and signed it immediately. George and Lee followed after that and I signed fourth, eager to put my name down. Some of the others, like Rose, Luna, the Creevy brothers, and Ginny followed just as eagerly.
Others however, seemed very hesitant.
"Er. . . Well. . . I'm sure Ernie will tell me when the meeting is." Zacharias said, avoiding my gaze. Ernie, however, was looking hesitant to.
"I- well, we are prefects." Ernie burst out. "And if this list was found. . . well, I mean to say. . . you said yourself if Umbridge finds out. . ."
"You just said this group was the most important thing you'd do this year." Harry reminded Ernie, who blushed.
"Ernie." I said warmly. "For one thing, Hermione isn't going to just leave the list laying around. We aren't stupid, you know that. And if I foresaw that the list was gong to be stolen, I'd intervene before it was."
"Ah, right, of course." Ernie said and promptly signed the paper. After the last person had signed- which of course was Zacharias- we stayed for a second later, feeling as though we'd signed some sort of contract which, in a way, we had.
"Well, time's ticking." Fred said, getting to his feet. "George, Lee, and I have got items of a sensitive nature to purchase, we'll be seeing you all later."
Everyone got up and left. I said good-bye to Hermione, Ron, and Harry and hurried out of Hog's Head. I set up the street. It was nearly time. I ducked behind a building and waited for a couple of seconds but no one appeared and so I took out my wand and turned into a cat. Then, I gingerly picked the wand up in my mouth and gripped it tightly and took off running.
Running as a cat and running as a person were very different. Cats were much faster and I could leap much higher. Soon, my paws were thumping on the stones and up the mountain. I turned multiple times but I didn't see anyone and I skidded into the cave.
Sirius was already there and looked up, and then frowned at the cat. Then I turned into a human and he looked at me with the utmost shocked face I'd ever seen.
"You- You're an Animagus?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.
"A couple of weeks now. You gave me inspiration." I said, sitting down in front of him. "How are you?"
"Good." He said though he didn't sound like it. "I've stopped giving Kreacher's orders. I've been trying to keep an eye on him too."
"I just hope it's enough." I said. I ran a hand through my hair and then Sirius frowned.
"What's that on your hand?" He asked.
I looked down and then flipped my hand over. "It's nothing really, just some writing."
"It looks like its been carved into your skin." Sirius said, reaching for my hand. I pulled it back.
"Really, Sirius, it doesn't matter." I whispered.
"So how's Hogwarts?" Sirius asked, sitting back, still frowning.
I sighed. "It could be better. I mean, it's not bad, you know? Quidditch practice and homework and class. But I miss Hagrid and I absolutely despise Umbridge. I just. . . I get so angry around her when I think about everything she's doing against Werewolves and Centaurs and Merpeople. I mean. . . It's just so frustrating and I can't do anything about it! And. . ." I hesitated and then said, "I'm scared Sirius. I'm scared you're going to get caught. I'm scared that the Death Eaters are going to come and get you. I'm scared that Dad's going to get in trouble. I'm scared for Kingsley and Tonks and Uncle Moody and Snape and everyone in the order, even Mundungus."
Sirius reached out his arms and I gratefully hugged him. "I mean, I think I'm being stupid but every time I see you, I always feel that it's the last time I'm going to see you."
"Don't worry Eilís, I'm going to be around for a very long time."
"I really hope so." I murmured. "And also, I need you to promise something."
"Oh, and what's that?"
"Don't tell dad about me being an Animagus. I want to surprise him next time I see him, okay?"
"I won't tell him if you show me what's on your hand." Sirius said lightly.
I pulled back from the hug, looking stricken.
"Is it really that bad?" Sirius asked, frowning again. I looked away and held out my hand. He took it and read it. And then he read it again and then asked in a dangerous voice, "What the hell is this? As a werewolf brat, I should learn to keep my mouth shut?"
"Well. . ." I started out hesitantly, drawing my hand back. "I got detention with Umbridge for two weeks, right? And she made me write lines and this is what she made me write. I use a cursed quill so that the line imprints on the back of my hand."
"Go to Dumbledore." Sirius said flatly.
"What is he going to do?" I asked quietly. "Professor Umbridge has every right to decide what my punishment is for detention. Harry's got the words 'I must not tell lies' carved into the back of his hand."
"Yes! But this in an insult you've got carved into your hand!" Sirius said, on his feet now. "That's like if she had Hermione writing Mud-blood over and over!"
"Sirius, you don't think I know that? But if Dumbledore tries and confronts her about it, what good is that? Especially if he gets arrested or something. And it's not like the Minister will do anything about it- he pretty much agrees with her. And Dad? If you tell dad Sirius, I will never speak to you again."
It was an empty threat.
"You really think you can keep that from him?" Sirius asked.
"Yes, I do!" I said hotly. "And I'm going to, I don't care what it takes. There's makeup, there's spells, there's gloves. He's going to blame himself for this and I don't want him to! It's my fault! I told her to shut up and that dad was 10 times the wizard she was. It's my fault, not dads and he doesn't need to know."
We were both on our feet now, glaring at each other, and Sirius finally sat down, shaking his head. "Bloody hell Elizabeth."
"I know." I said, sitting down too. "By the way, I love your hair." He'd grown out to his shoulders now and they framed his face perfectly. Maybe I just had a thing for guys with long hair. Of course, I didn't like Sirius like Severus. I wondered briefly what dad would look like if he grew his hair out that long.
"Trying to change the subject?" Sirius asked.
"Of course." I said. "And now, you're going to keep both secrets, right?"
Sirius sighed, "I don't think you're going to be able to keep it from him forever but fine. I won't tell."
"Thank you." I said. "So tell me more about the Order."
"Well... I don't know much." Sirius admitted. "We still haven't heard from Hagrid. We never found Sturgis, though I suppose you read the article?"
I nodded, "It's like they knew I'd had a vision warning you guys and then hid him."
Sirius nodded, "Dumbledore's worried about that."
"Funny, he hasn't called me into his office yet." I said. "I've usually been his office three hundred times by now." I said lightly.
Sirius laughed. "Well, he's been busy. It's hard getting news now that we're all separated too. The teachers can't come here, we can't go there. Communications extremely difficult too."
I nodded, "I think pretty soon they'll start monitoring the fires so you need to be careful if you decide to pop in again."
Sirius scowled, "I see Harry didn't come."
I hesitated and then said, "Er well, I didn't tell any of them that you were coming.... actually..."
Sirius stopped scowling and looked at me in surprise, "Why not?"
I hesitated and dragged a finger in the dirt. "Well... see... I had a feeling that I shouldn't tell Harry about me being an Animagus so I didn't want him to come... the whole point of being an Animagus was so Voldemort couldn't find me and I think somehow... I don't know how yet... but I think somehow Voldemort could find out through Harry... I just don't know how yet... I'm sorry I didn't bring him..."
"Do you think... do you think he would have come?" Sirius asked hoarsely.
But at that moment, I heard footsteps outside the cave and we both froze and jumped to our feet. I snatched up my wand and raised a finger and dashed to the entrance. It was Hermione, Ron, and Harry. I sighed in relief.
"Hey, Sirius." Harry said awkwardly. "I wasn't sure if you guys would still be here or not..." He scuffed the ground with his foot.
"Legilimens." I whispered quietly, pointing the wand at Ron's back. I could see all Ron's memories and so I was convinced that it wasn't anyone with Polyjuice potion.
We chatted for another half hour and then Sirius said, "I really should get back. If anyone from the Order finds out I was gone..."
I kissed him on the cheek and whispered, "Keep my secrets."
He nodded and kissed my cheek back and then clapped Harry on the shoulder. He disapparated with a crack and we exited the cave, making our way back to the castle.
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bayoblr · 1 year
I was inspired by @luaminesce 's venting post on the Bayo3 ending to speak out about my personal feelings on the matter.
That ending was awful to me on many, many levels, but I'll be focusing on a specific one. As I've mentioned before, Bayonetta was THE most important character for my self-esteem as a woman who wears glasses since childhood.
I have "mid to severe" miopia and been dependant on specs for most of my life. Nowadays, thanks to the growing use of smartphones and increasing blue light exposure, there are more miopic people than 15+ years ago, so I'm aware that the following paragraphs may sound "dramatic" to a certain audience.
I'm a late millennial who grew up surrounded by romcoms that condoned the use of glasses. Wearing glasses are ugly; being miopic is unfashionable; you should be completely unaware of your surroundings so the hot guy can notice you and find out that you're actually attractive. When I got my first specs, I received notes at school with very hurtful doodles of what I supposedly looked like with a pair of glasses. People would actually bully you for being "four eyed" back in the day. They would take your glasses from your face, put them on their own and joke about how awful your eyesight is, call you names, brag about how they're much more attractive than you, make you tell how many numbers there are on their fingers from a distance when they catch you without your lenses.
Back in the day, I've never had a character who looked like me, and could relate to. Women in glasses are either "the ugly nerd", "the unfashionable poor soul" or "the hidden beauty", and if you're a latina like me, you were probably drowned in the many versions of "Betty la fea" (AKA "Ugly Betty"). If I gained a dollar each time someone told me how much better I look without my glasses, I'd right now be at my own yacht in the Bahamas.
Been single for a while and can't find a date? "Try not wearing your glasses, they make you unattractive" (I'm NOT joking, people have ACTUALLY told me that). Heck, even my ex-mother-in-law complained about my glasses and tried to convince me to go through a surgery (and this is your friendly reminder that refraction error surgeries only work temporarily).
Then I found about Bayonetta. She looked like me and wasn't a complete failure of a woman – on the contrary. She's sexy, she's attractive, she's sexual, she's a fashionista, she's THE woman. And her bad eyesight is just there. They don't try to revolve her personality around it. It's just an iconic, natural and very much welcoming trait of who she is and how she looks.
I was already too shocked seeing the direction they were going with the ending. But watching Bayonetta taking off her glasses in order to be kissed by Luka felt like a punch in the stomach. I immediately began to cry.
What does that even mean? Why couldn't she just stay with her glasses on? Did she need to do it so she could look good enough to be worth of love? Maybe it wasn't the writers' true intention, but I couldn't help feeling that bitter taste in my tongue.
Just because refraction errors are being more and more common, it doesn't mean that the bullying doesn't exist anymore. People (specially women) with eyesight disorders are still being portrayed in a ridicule way in media everywhere (I'd say Harry Potter is the only popular character with glasses that isn't ridicule, but look how that franchise is fucked up now). Children with glasses are still being targeted by bullies everywhere. People with severe conditions, hemianopia (half-blindness) and higher prescriptions are still being made fun of because of how their glasses look and how "comical" they are for being like that. I think most don't realize how people with glasses are treated in a dehumanizing way sometimes.
Bayonetta was (and is) my ultimate comfort character in many ways, but specially that. It was the first time I felt actually seen and represented. So yeah, I was extremely hurt not only by the total erasure of her relationship with Jeanne and "de-empowerment" of her character (I'LL CATCH UP ON THAT LATER), but also by how they completely destroyed my favorite thing about her in a matter of a second.
With love,
Your favorite miopic Bayonetta blogger.
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aroace-cat-lady · 1 year
so uhhhh ahhh long rant incoming sorry~
I'm sure you're aware of this whole Matty situation...
I just need to say that I cannot support Taylor after this, for me, this is absolutely where I draw the line. Personally, I believe that knowingly dating a bigot, a racist for example - this is someone who has unashamedly admitted to watching racist torture p**n, imagine how twisted you have to be to do such a thing - it automatically means that you are also racist, because, as per *my* definition of racism, racism doesn't have to be outright saying racial slurs and actively harassing poc, I definitely classify this indifference and condoning of bigotry as racism too. You *cannot* claim to be an activist and proceed to associate yourself with someone who is against everything you apparently stand for, unless it is of course, purely performative and somewhat for your own benefit. You cannot seriously claim you stand with people of colour, trans people, jewish people, muslims, every marginalised group basically, yet associate yourself with someone who clearly doesn't??
I understand some people are conflicted, I mean so was I for perhaps an hour after it was confirmed, it is hard when someone who you might idolise, who you believed would advocate for you is actually incredibly apathetic, and who has proven that countless times but especially this time, that they didn't truly mean what they claimed... But how can one not draw the line at bigotry? You can't just shrug it off by saying "I love her but this is wr-" that means nothing, you can't seriously call her out for something and say you love her in the same sentence, does that even count as holding her accountable? Equally bad are those who are "looking the other way" so you simply just don't want to hold her accountable and then be held accountable yourself for not doing so.
Additionally, if you're going to date a literal bigot, and you are aware of the colossal platform and influence you hold, why would you do it publicly- oh and with a fanbase obviously including the groups said bigot has openly discriminated against?
Unfortunately, the main responses I've seen to this situation are: swifties who idolise taylor to an unhealthy extent attempting to defend and condone even matty's actions, the performative activists who pretend they care but continue to talk about how much they adore her and basically just shrug it off, those who are fully aware its wrong and look the other way, and the literal minority who hold her accountable. Oh, said minority's feelings tend to be dismissed and invalidated and belittled by the former 3 groups. Oh, and also, said minority is primarily poc. hmmm.
Something particularly annoying that people are doing is attempting to making this about misogyny when it quite obviously isn't ("ofc you guys are blaming a woman for a man's actions"). I swear, I have seen not one person who has even implied that Taylor is to blame for Matty's actions. We are holding them both accountable because they are both shitty. Matty is unquestionably worse, but does that mean Taylor shouldn't be held accountable? Really? People saying this either... have zero understanding of the situation OR just don't want to hold her accountable and want to *out-woke* us or something and I think most of them are guilty of the latter
btw you don't have to comment on this or anything idk I'm just upset lrpekfos;rjdlgi
Oh I'm commenting don't worry about that
Just!!! Ugh!!!
I'm so. Outraged. And disgusted. He's just another privilege white guy who doesn't care at all about making fun or offending ppl that are different from him and that doesn't even try to understand or respect them. He's the worst brand of white bread out there.
And most white fans are being so awful about this. Oh you're just making it about yourself oh she's just not thinking oh he's not that bad oh I actually think he's becoming a better person because of her. Shut up. Shut up. Just shut the fuck up.
I really don't know how to feel about Taylor right now. Like, all I can think about now is how a lot of ppl have said for years she's racist cuz she has never toured on latam. How there's literally no explanation for that. And I ignore all of that cuz, dude, it's Taylor??? She's one of the few ppl that actually try.
But. Is she?? Cuz she isn't trying a lot right now. She apparently doesn't care. Sure, she stands for human rights and say Vote Blue!! and all that, but at the end she doesn't seem to think that being racist antisemitic islamophibic etcetc count as a red flag.
I just hate feeling like this. I've always respected and admired Taylor, but I really just can't respect her right now. But I don't seem able to pull away from her.
I mean, I literally love her songs so much I learned a second fucking language thanks to her. My relationship with my sister got a lot better because of her music. I've met incredible ppl because I started blogging about her.
I guess I'm so disappointed and kind of heartbroken right now. Like, I got this feeling of you didn't just betrayed me, you betrayed all of us and, worst of all, you betrayed yourself
It's just a lot.
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ordinaryschmuck · 2 years
To be fair, from what I've seen, it seems like people are just copy and pasting the same spoiler. That being said, it IS pretty dumb to do, since....you know, it's a video game. You can't really SPOIL a video game. They're not movies. People play them for the experience of playing them, not the plot. At most the people who post spoilers are just being trolls. The worst are the ones actively telling people and streamers to kill themselves for buying the game or even having an interest in Harry Potter or attacking people who say not to harass others for playing/enjoying the game even if they personally don't like it or Rowling.
Two things on that:
I agree on how you can't spoil a game. For example, what's the story of Legend of Zelda? Link goes off to find the magic artifact before the big bad gets it. Pretty standard stuff and isn't all that exciting. But what do you DO in Legend of Zelda? What are the adventures you go on as you fight evil to win the day? And how much fun do you have going through those adventures even if you know what's going to happen?
THAT'S why you can't spoil a game. It's different to spoiling a movie because playing a game offers so much more than just...watching a film.
As for harassing fans...I don't condone that. I understand that it's easy to assume that fans of Harry Potter must be as evil as the cow who made it, but not that's not true. I mean, sure, there must be SOME twisted dickweeds out there, but a person isn't a monster for liking something, even if that something is problematic. It's one thing to try and convince them to see the light of the issues of interacting with the franchise or to point to better content that scratches the itch Harry Potter did, but to tell people to kill themselves because they like something is...going too far to me. Like, yes, that game is all kinds of anti-semetic and transphobic. And, personally, I don't know how a person can't feel ashamed for playing that. But EDUCATE them. Tell them what's wrong with playing this game. Appeal to their humanity if anything else. Try EVERYTHING else before you jump to telling someone to take their own life.
And if they still buy it? Well, that's on them. You can always ignore them forever if that's what you want. But, I don't know. I get not wanting more Harry Potter, but I don't condone telling fans that they're monsters for committing the crime of not liking something. ESPECIALLY if they know that Rowling's a horrible woman who will hopefully burn in hell sooner than later.
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chabby4memes · 1 year
So, its like, nearly twelve here, and I've been stuck In a room with my cousin, right? So like, he's been listening to an Andrew Tate thing, and I don't normally take time to debunk arguments, but he says the dumbest shit with the most jackass type of 'intellectual wrapping' I've ever heard in my short ass life.
The way he talks about, well everything, it's disgusting, he tries to say that he thinks women are powerful but then only values their fertility, and the fact that they pick men as sexual partners, he says that it's not their job to be 'emotionally stable' which is actually fuckery.
Any part of the gender spectrum is fucking impulsive, like my dad is a good man, but he's a little impulsive, he makes mistakes. But he's the better parent. My mother is calculated, not particularly impulsive, she makes mistakes, very stable, but she is a shit parent, and awful fucking parent.
Stability, and impulsivity are very different.
He's the loudest shit talker I've ever heard, he uses the loud negative minority of the LGBTQ community, some that are bad, some misguided, and uses their words to articulate an argument based solely in believing in gender roles, he wants a role, he wants everyone do to xxx and xxx so on so forth.
Using an argument like "some gay people are inappropriate to children" when uh yeah also some straight people are inappropriate to kids too- it's like the gender double standard, women get away with sexual assault, but so do men. And I'm putting the rest of this below the cut because it involves my personality experiences.
When I was younger, I was sexually abused for years, by several men, all of which got away with it but one. It's not that there wasn't any evidence against them, but they pleaded towards their luck and position.
So out of what four men, one was put away, for five years, he got put away for the time it took me to graduate secondary school, that's how fucking bankrupt the system is.
So. What that means is, yes while some people do get away with crimes more than others, be it due to sexuality, gender or even their fucking class, those people tend to get away with more, they do, but still- to villanise a large group of people based on a small group of people who they actually decry and exclude for being immoral too, but not do that to other groups is intellectually dishonest.
And yeah, sometimes certain people get excused of things due to the media and court not wanting to be portrayed a certain sort of way, bit as someone who is black and not straight, I don't condone that shit, and someone needs to say it, everyone who has committed a certain crime, (negating like, self-defence, or actual insanity/crimes of passion, young age in some cases) should get equal sentence, sometimes it does tip towards white men, bit sometimes it tips towards minorities, or women or whatever.
And in both cases it's fucked. The scales of justice shouldn't be tipped for one side, someone's identity shouldn't stop them or condemn them. Using someone's sexuality to say it's sexual deviance is messed up, but so is condemning them on their skin colour, and I'm going to say it, regardless of white or black, and no, you cannot ostracise others for being white because 'their ancestors' That's unfair, racism is simply based on prejudice of others race or ethnicity, by putting into a class system you make it sound as if some people don't get mistreated for their race, and that's wrong.
I have alot of white friends, whatever right? To my family, especially my paternal grandmother, that's wrong, and I should have more black friends. It's to the point where she won't acknowledge my dad's partners properly for having relationships with too many white people which is fucking awful. My dad's current partner is the sweetest woman I've ever met, but she's treated like a ghost for no crime of her own. Even I get treated oddly for not being "black enough".
I know this has spiralled, but to say what it is, all forms of justice and evaluation should be equal, equality comes though a diminshment of focus on the unchanging factors of humans, like race, gender, sexuality, so on so forth, it creates unfair bias.
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mellohd · 5 years
You seem to genuinely want to help people, so let me drop in and say;
Being a pedophile is not inherently bad. It's a bad. It's an attraction. You're still a kid, so it's okay and valid to not wanna interact with pedophiles, but It's not okay or valid to say they're inherently dangerous.
Lemme try to break this down for you, by getting a little off-topic.
Imagine someone who fantasizes about murder. They draw violent art, they write violent fiction, they might even buy certain toys for the express purpose of taking them apart. These are all perfectly healthy, legal, and morally correct ways to handle this feeling. They might go into a fandom space and, instead of posting about the woman at the grocery store they thought about, they might instead post about a specific character or a specific media. It helps get it out of their system.
Now imagine if someone told that person "Don't do that, you're upsetting people. By engaging with these things, you're letting them fester, and you'll really, genuinely kill someone one day."
And they took it to heart. They never played with their toys again. They never wrote or drew the "bad" fiction. And it did fester. It bubbled up in their mind as they tried to ignore it until one day it was too much to handle.
The same is true for dealing with other mental issues. Trying to "kill" thought makes it more powerful. Any thought. And when people are unhappy (like, for instance, feeling ashamed of things that bring them joy), they tend to be more violent and unpredictable.
You're so, so close to the point. You're so close to understanding what we're saying. You just need to make that last leap.
If someone is a pedophile, that doesn't automatically make them a predator. And not all predators are pedophiles (like any assault, it's about control, not attration.)
I hope you aren't getting too much unsavory anon mail from that post. Genuinely. But I know how people can be.
I appreciate the effort to be nice, but I simply disagree with this as a whole. Your analogy doesn’t quite fit the situation. I was trying to get the op to realize that they were a pedophile, and encouraging them to get therapy.
To build off of your analogy, when you start having the violent urge to kill people, your first thought should be to seek professional help, where you can receive treatment for these thoughts. It shouldn’t be to buy toys and weapons and posting violent material online that can upset and damage other peoples mental health.
Id also like to say the pedophilia is inherently bad, when you start having these kinds of thoughts that means you could have a potential hormone imbalance or something wrong with the structure of your brain. That’s why most people don’t condone pedophilia, because they don’t have a mental issue. Pedophilia is a mental disorder that can be treated
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