#i might come back and turn this into a bulleted list so its easier to read lol
squiggly-mctwig · 1 year
This is your chance to infodump about space.
Anyway take this chance and give us ALL OF THE SPACE THINGS.
*distant crashing of glass as I run toward you
I think I might've gotten too science-y and unhinged bc I'm an absolute nerd but HERE IS THE SPACEY SPACE EHE
Also YES I heard about Betelguese!! Exciting!! I sincerely hope I'll get to see it supernova in my lifetime (luckily it's far enough that the rays of its supernova wont obliterate us dont worry guys) but its highly unpredictable when itll go ka-blooey!! Today? A week? A thousand years? We dont know it's just SOON! That's what makes it exciting!
Anyway INTO THE INFODUMP!! Did you know that Neptune rains DIAMONDS, and that Venus rains sulfuric ACID? It might be painful to stand in but hot DAMN itd be a sight. Idk the idea of walking along a dark blue, ominous and empty path in a spacesuit and softly crunching diamonds into millions of glittery pieces as you look up at the stars is just,, (I know you'd have to absolutely stomp with the force of a ton worth of elephants to crunch diamonds but you get me)
Saturn is not the only planet with rings! Uranus and Jupiter have them as well! Uranus's rings are vertical bc of the planet being on its side, and Jupiter's rings are too small to see
Another fact, a meteor's color also depends on its chemical composition, for example blue/teal signifies magnesium, red is nitrogen or oxygen, purple is calcium, and so forth (I wonder if it's possible to mix their components to get a rainbow??). Mars' sunset also has a similiar fashion, its sunset is actually blue! Still onto the topic of colors, theres this real cool thing called redshift that happens when scientists observe distant celestial objects. Basically the farther a galaxy is, the more red it will appear. This is because of said redshift, which happens when the light waves approach to our eyes, but are actually stretched out on the way (which if you remember middle school science, red is the longest color wavelength on the visible spectrum)! This is believed to be caused by the rapid expansion of our universe and not the Doppler phenomenon (I think)
ALSO ALSO did you know scientists believe that there is a 9th planet in our solar system? AND ITS 10X LARGER THAN EARTH!? WOOOO! They have been able to detect gravitational pull and changes as well as a possible moon of the planet, just cant locate it. And speaking of planet location, Neptune was actually discovered by mathematics based on the occasional disturbance of Uranus' orbit! (I sound like a nerd rn but stay with me)
I would also like to bring on the fkn ENORMOUS size of space, like,, take the dwarf galaxy beside us as an example, The Small Megallanic Cloud. Apparently that "small" cloud has 3 BILLION STARS and 7 BILLION SOLAR MASSES like if THATS small then call me atom-fucking-woman. And those size comparison of the universe yt videos? M I N D B L O W I N G
And finally I just wanna gush about black holes,, like their event horizons are so cool looking,, they're on the border of a beautiful, peaceful horizon of a sunset yet a chaotic tidal force of bent light that could turn you into spaghetti 🍝🍝 (literally it's called spaghettification)
Anyway I'll go ahead and leave this infodump here, I definitely will have more space knowledge in the future but this post will take an entire hour for my slow phone to post lol
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Here's that Dad! Lemon x Reader, I hope you don't mind it being put into the form of headcannons and it being a Fem reader, but its all my brain can really do, aka; I've been getting a little lazy and headcannons and a fem reader are easiest and quicker.
Lemon As A Dad
[Dad! Lemon x Fem! Reader]
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[Tumblr ruined the quality of my gif again🙄]
[Notes; This is the only Fem reader i'll probably make only because it was easier to do so.. For the sake of all of my bullet train fics of the twins, let's pretend that Tan is still alive because I don’t need reminders that he died🤭]
[Warnings; None, just more fluff. •❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•
When you both find out you're pregnant, he's a whole mess of emotions. He's happy and ecstatic, he's scared, he's freaking out but totally calm all at the same time.
He immediately calls Tangerine to tell him and I can imagine he's just fumbling over his words and such due to the excitement. Tan is trying to calm him over the phone so he can form coherent words and its just not working so you take the phone and talk to him about it so that way Tan doesn't start to yell at him due to his short fuse.
Tan is extremely happy for you two, he probably would take you guys a basket of sorts. Just things to get everything started off.
I think Tan and maybe your parents and siblings if you have them would be the only ones to know. You two being assassins and all doesn't really mean you get to have friends outside of your job. Maybe if you're cool with ladybug, he might know, but apart from that it just stays inside of family.
He's already thinking of names and such, making an entire list of them in fact. You find it so cute how excited he is.
You have no choice or say so when it comes to the nursery, because you just know its gonna be Thomas and Friends decorated no matter what you say.
I think he'd be very protective. Making sure no one in public is overwhelming you when your bump is visible.
He will punch someone if he has to, no joke.
He is such a boy dad. Say you see what gender the baby is and it turns out to be a boy hes just beaming with joy. I'm not saying he wouldn't like having a girl, but he seems like such a boy dad, y'know what I mean?
He would 100% constantly be talking to your belly. Making you watch Thomas and friends with him too as if the kid could see it with you two.
"How are you doing in there little man," "Not much longer until your out of mummy's belly, kiddo. I'm so excited to meet you."
He's freaking out the entire time you're going through labor.
You're like, screaming absolute pain, then he's screaming too.
You truly love Lemon but he's not much help for you as he's loud and probably more scared than you. He'd have a panic attack.💀
After the kiddo's out and he holds him in his arms, he's full on crying tears of joy it's incredible. He loves him so much.
When it comes to naming the kid though💀
"You two have a name in mind for him?" The nurse asks, smiling.
Lemon looks at you with a pleading look as you're holding your newborn in your arms.
"We're not naming him after a fuckin' Thomas and Friends character." You say sternly.
"We need some time to think about it," Lemon says looking back at the Nurse.
Eventually you give in and decide on Edward. I feel it would either have been between Edward or Percy.
Oh man just wait until Tangerine finds out about the kid being named after a Thomas and Friends character.
He's not upset about it because its not his kid or something he can control, but he's just a little bit disappointed you gave in to Lemon.
"Alright love, you can go on in, I'll get Edward alright," Lemon says, opening the car door for you and helping you out.
You had just been allowed to be discharged from the hospital, and you and Lemon planned to immediately head home and have Tangerine over to meet Edward.
You smile at him in response and head on inside of your shared home.
You go inside of your bedroom and change out of your current clothes into some comfier ones.
Once you finish, you walk into the nursery where Lemon was putting Edward into a Thomas and Friends onsie, grinning widely.
"Lookin' dashing kiddo! Let's go and show mummy now," Lemon says, picking him up carefully, making sure to hold is little head up.
He turns around with Edward in his arms and smiles even wider when he sees you standing at the doorway.
"Look at him, love. Doesn't he just look adorable in this," Lemon says excitingly.
"You can relax on the couch with Edward while I clean up darling, don't worry," He says, carefully handing you Edward and guiding you to sit on the couch.
"He looks great, Lem. Let's get the living area situated though, Tan should be coming over soon." You say, laughing warmly at the sight of the two boys.
You tear up a little looking at them, Lemon's already such a great dad.
You would protest but it would be no use, as it would only lead to Lemon forcing you to relax no matter what.
You we're grateful for that. You knew that some dad's would have their wives do all the work whilst taking care of the child sometimes, just sitting on their arse and being a useless piece of shit. You were glad that Lemon was the complete opposite. Stubborn, even.
Lemon cleans the living area as you sit down on the couch with Edward, admiring how much he looks like Lemon.
*Knock, knock, knock*
"That must be Tangerine," You say, looking up at the door as Lemon looks through the peephole, confirming.
"Hey Y/n, how are you doing?" Tangerine asks, sitting next to you on the side where you were holding Edward.
He opens the door to let Tangerine in, greeting him.
Tangerine thanks Lemon and immediately walks towards you and Edward, a large grin on his face.
"I'm doing better now, just a little tired but Lemon has been a great help," You reply.
"Thats great, how's the little one been doing so far?"
"He's been doing good. He's 7 pounds and healthy, there were no complications other than Lemon freaking out at the hospital while I was in labor." You and Tangerine snicker.
Lemon glares at you from the kitchen as he stocked the cupboards with baby bottles.
"Whats his name,"
You give a look towards Lemon and look down at Edward who was currently sleeping.
"I swear to fuckin' god if you two named him after a Thomas and Friends character," He says as he looks at Lemon.
"Its Edward," Lemon says, clearing his throat afterwards.
"Fucks sake you two are unbelievable, this poor kid," Tangerine scoffs jokingly.
Honestly though, Tangerine is such a good uncle. When I tell you its almost like he's there constantly.
When Tangerine isn't busy and you and Lemon just want a day to yourselves as a break, he's more than happy to take care of him.
Tangerine would 100% buy him a matching West Ham Football Jersey.
During football season, Tangerine is holding Edward and when the team makes a goal he's just running around with Edward in his arms in the living area as it fills with the sounds of Edward's giggling and Tangerine's cheering.
Tangerine genuinely loves him so much and would probably do anything for him.
When you go back to work and Lemon or Tangerine aren't available to babysit then Ladybug would definitely be down to do so.
Lemon is very obviously against the idea at first but seeing as you have no one else to do so that you trust, he finally gives in to the idea.
I feel Ladybug would just be great with kids too man, know what I'm saying?
Lemon would probably cry when the kid starts going to school and you know it.
Like, he's tearing up trying not to let any tears fall as Edward is hugging him, and he finally breaks when he hears the little "Bye, daddy!"
You have to calm him down the whole ride back.
He immediately wants another kid because the thought of his kid growing up scares him so much.
Lemon is just such a genuinely good dad though. Growing up without parents in the orphanage he wants to give his kid a better childhood than he had.
He would totally kill anyone if the kid ended up getting hurt or is in danger no hesitation at all.
This was a little shorter than I would've liked but I think it was still decent. I just really needed to put some writing content out and get my drafts cleaned up. Hope you enjoyed reading it though!
Send in your requests for stories! Look at my introduction to see if anything you like is something I'll write, and DM me for further questions!
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tarot-by-e11e · 3 months
Hello!!! Elle✨
I am here to participate in your Intuitive game activity.
My initials - SHEY
My Favorite song(current fav) and Why -
"Patience" by Tame Impala
Its dreamy🫧music🎶 and thoughtful💭 lyrics📃 capture📸 the feeling🦋 of waiting⏳ and being patient🤌🏻creating🎨🖌️ a calming🌸 and reflective🪞 atmosphere🌿
My question - I'd love to get a general reading from you. Just whatever comes to your mind.
Thank you so much for patiently waiting for your turn in my ask game.
I do apologize I wasn't able to include your name last night, it was a technical issue on my end. Don't worry, I added you back into the list and officially closed the game.
So starting with your song, the songs sound so chill and relaxing and when I check the lyrics seems dreamy and sort of sad.
Now for your general reading, the question that comes to mind is, "What do SHEY's guides want to tell SHEY?" They requested to do this in channeled messages format.
I'll list it down in bullet form for easier read:
"Is SHEY just being curious or does SHEY really want to know what we have to tell her?"
"Should we tell her about that time SHEY felt so embarrassed in public but really, no one even noticed or remembered?"
"SHEY's really hard on herself on things that she chose be burdened with. It's not SHEY's issue nor is it SHEY's problem to solve, yet why is she overextending herself for people who don't value and respect her?"
"Come on, I know this is a general reading, but we're (your spirit guides) are practically just rambling here?? There's no telling when will we ever get to chance to speak up again."
"Then tell SHEY she's being an idiot for forcing herself to fit into other people's molds and expectations are her."
"Yoooooo calm down, you might scare SHEY away. Let's be nicer about this, shall we?"
"Okay, SHEY needs a wake-up call for her perfectionistic procrastinating self-sabotaging tendencies. She knows she's capable of anything, yet her unrealistic standards for herself, makes her resentful for her ideals and her current ability."
"Seriously, what part of "be nice do all of you (your spirit guides) not realize?! Keep it nice and sweet."
"Okay, she's so sweet, loving, and secretly caring that her kindness is mistaken for weakness. That's why SHEY's become a chronic people pleaser."
"What the flipping duck do you all (your spirit guides) not know about the simple meaning of being *nice*?!"
(the rest of your spirit guides) "Well.... we didn't use swear words... So that's nice..."
(the actually nice spirit guide flips a table) "Universe?! Why did you assign with thissss *looks at the rest of your spirit guides as if they were vermins*"
"Hehe, the strict one lost its cool!! Anyway SHEY, stop guilt tripping yourself for things not being in your control. So as much as you want to save someone from the consequences of their own stupidity, you can't. They did need to learn their lessons and they need a good old fashion psychic backhanded bissh slap towards the brick wall, for thinking they can get away with harming and abusing you."
*nods spiritual heads in unison* "SHEY needs to stop being a push over!!" *the rest of your guides* "YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!"
"SHEY needs to do more self-care, that's beyond skincare" "oooohhh that's a good one".
"What else? oh! Don't give the so-called nice guy reformed player a chance.(this is future instance)"
"Is there anything else?" "Nope we all said what we need to say"
SHEY... your guides... they're wild and loud and cut throat.
Having to channel for all of them is giving a massive headache.
I'm sorry this is as far as I can pull for you.
Do let me know in your feedback how this resonates with you
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silversdragonemporium · 10 months
Fanfic ask meme answers
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
I take a lot of little things that I experienced/had people tell me because I'm apparently a very good listener.
For example, Good Uncle Rufus turning on that Latin Salsa music at the start of Be Not Afraid for I Am Here is me when I'm too scared to drive around at night alone so I put on the peppiest songs to not be afraid anymore.
C: What character do you identify with most?
When I write a "close 3rd person", I tend to closely identify with whoever I'm focusing on, so I can't really say that I feel a character more than other. However, some characters (like Dimitri) are easier to "tune into" than others.
J: Write or describe an alternative ending to The Forest
Dimitri and Byleth escape from the final story. She tells him "don't talk to me ever again". Dimitri respects her wishes and goes 0 contact. 10 years later, Dimitri becomes the president/prime minister and his first act of office is to send Byleth a letter with an official pardon for her felony and removal from the SO database. He attaches a note saying "I'm sorry for contacting you, but you had to receive this. I will never bother you again."
J: Write or describe an alternative ending to I sought for many things, and I only found DESPAIR
For the longest time, the draft had this ending (TW suicide): Byleth returns to Dr. Seteth after Dimitri kills himself because his love is unrequited and life really isn't getting better. Byleth thinks she's malfunctioning because she leaks out coolant liquid from her camera sockets and just says "That's...sad"
K: What's the angstiest idea you've ever come up with?
Angstiest idea… man. That’s tough. But probably the worst is a story where a girl gets arranged-married to some dude that only wants her as a trophy wife. Her One True Love vanishes without a trace. Eventually they reunite and her lover had forgotten her and married someone else. Like, 10ish years had passed and she even had a kid but she still clung on to “someday my true love will return” only to be utterly obliterated when she realizes that the person the loved most would never truly come back.
L: What's the weirdest AU you've ever come up with?
I’m pretty sure that the “Byleth is some kind of alien that absorbs people into their collective consciousness and Dimitri is sad he's not getting mindsucc’d until the end where he gets to actually be one with them”, is probably the weirdest one I’ve made so far, yeah.
The second weirdest AU is probably the bullet-point ramble I got somewhere where Dimitri ends up pregante (actual system undecided, but its byleth’s). He finds out before Corny tries to sentence him so he flees and gives birth alone in some forest and almost bleeds to death. Man.
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
Man, I really want a fic set in SS where Dimitri survives (somehow) and Byleth takes him in as her super-secret husband and he gets to be a stay-at-home dad and just relax and not worry about King-ing… that, or any of my requests from the dmlth winter exchange jejeje
O: How do you begin a story—with the plot, or the characters?
I almost always start with the plot. Or what I call “the bullet list” of what I wanna see in a fic. Generally I just make this bullet list in a single sesh, just to keep the ideas fresh. When writing I can cut out or take detours, but I do like having some idea of where I’m going.
Q: Do you have any discarded scenes/storylines/projects?
I have A LOT of them, but I do my best to keep "my scraps" just in case I might need them later on. Here's a little sample of one of the scraps from Wolf Lord:
When she grabbed his arm and lifted it just a bit to correct his stance, he felt himself burning, burning, burning. But why? He had never felt that way before?  Something about her touch was like fire. Or like thunder. It burned, it seared and it made him shake like a leaf in the wind. “—Good job.” She said, petting his head. What. “Professor—” It was over far too quick. He wanted her to run her hands through his hair, to whisper in his ear, to— “You should cool down,” she said. “You’re overheating.” Oh, she didn’t know just how much he was overheating just being near her. She made him burn inside.
S: Any fandom tropes you can't resist?
I am an absolutely SLUT for the “hey sad person I care about, you want some food/water? Make sure you take something and just take it easy” thing. Those little acts of service. Taking the time to just sit next to someone and look at them in the eyes and just... being there and trying to gently coax them into doing something really basic that can help them get their minds off their pain by putting something easy to do within arm's reach. It’s in everything I make.
U: A pairing you might like to write for, but haven't tried yet.
In my own time, I'm pretty much a monoshipper and most of my attention is stuck on dmlth. But I have been toying around with the idea of a side story for Wolf Lord ft. the sideships, more specifically the Felix ones. But I'm not suuuper bothered about it.
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luimagines · 3 years
Maybe you caring for the chain? Like doing small things like helping tend to their wounds or brushing their hair. Love the blog btw!
A little TLC?
A little Fluff?
That's my JAM! You got it hun!
It's gonna be in bullet point list because I can.
Content under the cut!
Can you imagine this guy?
It's late at night and you wake up unexpectantly.
It was supposed to be your shift but it's way past that
It's even past the shift after yours
Time is still by the fire pit
You get up
You walk over to him
Place a hand on his shoulder
He looks up at you, tired as hell
He knows he's been caught.
"It's past your bed time Old Man"
"I just wanted to give everyone a little break."
And like?!
You push him aside gently and he lets you sit next to him.
You pull him towards you and you place his head on your lap
"What am I going to do with you?"
"It's not your job to take care of me."
"Someone has to. Malon will have our heads if you come back home any less than how you left."
You start running your fingers through his hair and he closes his eyes in bliss.
It's quiet and neither of you say anything.
Time quickly falls asleep from your touch and you stay up to take your watch.
You take the next watch after as well.
Soon enough the sun rises.
And you let Time sleep in.
What about Twilight?
Twilight was mid battle, fighting multiple bokoblins at once.
At some point he had lost his sword.
This boy hunkers down and starts swinging.
It's a one on five boxing match.
Twilight, to say the least, is not unharmed by the end of it.
You notice that he's not stable on his feet and has a few bloodied patches on his clothes, not to mention the (hopefully) small cut on his forehead.
It's more blood than you'd like to see.
You're quick to help and let him lean into your side.
You bring to the side of the fire, quickly taking out your personal med pack and begin to clean his face.
He's not seeing straight so he starts to speak nonsense.
"Twilight honey, please, don't." You try not to laugh.
"Have you seen them though?"
He's talking about you.
"They're so amazing. Did you know that? They're so cool. They know so much about history and animals and plants."
"Twilight please, I can't reach the cut. I need to disinfect it."
"And animals and Epona and Epona likes them so much. I want to show them my home and my family. Colin would love them. And I think they and Illia would be best friends."
You're blushing but it's soft and you're smiling because Twilight is smiling and he looks so happy at the thought.
You wave away Hyrule when he comes to check on The Rancher, letting him know that you've got it covered.
It's sweet.
His is a little more obvious
"Wild, what on earth?"
He comes back from an afternoon adventure.
He's absolutely filthy.
There's at least three sticks in his hair.
At least those are the ones that you can count because they're sticking out.
Multiple leaves.
You think you see something move.
He doesn't care.
You sigh and stalk up to him.
You grab his arm.
"You're my prisoner now"
Wild tries to fight you but you're determined.
You sit him and take out a brush, taking his pony tail down.
It's a long battle.
But after at least thirty minutes of fighting the branches and leaves and what might have been a tiny mouse like creature.
The mouse thingy just ran away.
You're trying to be as gentle as you can but Wild has a hard time sitting still.
Some leaves leave easier than others and there were actually seven separate branches in his hair that you take out one by one.
But when you get past the battle and clear the foliage, Wild relaxes.
Soon you're only brushing his hair.
He needs to wash it.
But you're not anywhere near any body of water so it'll have to wait.
Wild hums every time you pass the brush pleasantly through his hair.
Within moments his hair is soft and tangle free.
You look around him to look at his face.
He's calm and blissful.
You smile and go back to brushing his hair.
It's a calm afternoon from then on out.
Warrior isn't one to accept TLC in public but-
It's after a battle.
And you look over to Warrior who's taking off his armor at a painstakingly slow pace.
It takes him a while.
He grimaces in pain and begins to rub his neck and shoulder.
You bit your lip and sigh.
You make your way over to him.
"Need a hand, soldier boy?"
He's confused.
"If you got pain, I can help with that."
You don't want to make it a big deal or weird.
"I want your permission first. I'd have to touch you."
"Sure. Why not? Do it."
You nod and get behind him.
Soon enough you start kneading his shoulders and lower neck.
He grunts at the pressure you put on it but otherwise lets you continue.
He's stiff as a brick.
So you're there for a while.
But when you get tired or when he's better off than how you started (whichever comes first) you let him go.
He rubs absentmindedly where your hands just were and smiles in relief.
You grin.
"Any time."
Now Sky is a bit different
He's not shy about TLC
He's frequently the one to take care of the others
You however notice something off one day
His hand was always in a fist and you pulled him aside.
"You ok? What happened?"
Sky sighs, and opens up his palm
A large cut down the middle
It cut through his leather and gloves and was bleeding through the cloth Sky was holding.
You gasp and begin to help him out then and there.
"How did this happen?"
"It's not that big of a deal."
"It's your hand!" You take off the gloves as gently as you can and bring out your med pack. "You kind of need that."
You sit him down and clean it off.
He's quiet as you work, watching you tend to his wound.
He flinches slightly at the disinfectant and hisses.
You begin to wrap his hand with a clean bandage.
You're meticulous in wrapping it up completely.
It's slow and you're losing progress in travel time but neither of you care.
"You don't have to do this."
"I want to. You can't stop me."
"I'm pretty I could if I did."
"Yeah, probably."
More silence.
You take moment to study your work and gently turn his hand over.
You give it back to him.
"How did you even manage that? You're usually so much better at this."
"It's... embarrassing..."
"Do I even want to know?"
"...No... Thank you... For helping."
"Of course."
"Legend, sweetheart, what are you doing?"
He's the kind to avoid public soft and gentle actions
Even if he's the kind to desperately want them
He'll push people away and fail to satisfy himself by yearning from a distance.
One day, you have enough.
He's trying to sit next to you and he's fidgeting, internally fighting himself over something but it's too close to you to not notice.
You sigh and pull him close to you, wrapping both of your arms around him even as he tries to fight you off.
He's trying to struggle out of it but you just snuggle into his shoulder.
He doesn't fight you for long.
Legend borderline melts into your embrace and he hugs your arm in return.
"You've got a weird sense of pride, you know that?"
You start to run your hands through his hair.
Legend scoffs
"You're the one being weird."
"You are."
"Just say you want a hug."
"Well I guess I have to hug you more often then."
Now, you're pretty sure that The Traveler's love language is touch, so he's not shy about keeping his hands to himself.
There's always a hand on your shoulder, a comfortable hug when your sad, gentle fingers to wipe away your tears and he's doesn't mind when one (or three) members fall asleep on him.
"Oh my- Hyrule" You drop your defensive stance from being startled and stare at him.
He's bleeding from at least three different areas.
"Hyrule, sugar, sit down!" You rush over to him and help him get into a sturdy position.
You're quick to pull out a potion and help him drink it.
His hand makes its way onto your shoulder as he settles himself down.
You push his hair out of his face with frantic but gentle fingers.
"Hellllllloooo." Hyrule attempts to smile but his head swoops to the side, too heavy for him to keep it up.
"Oh, what happened?" You push up his sleeve and begin to treat the nasty scrape on his forearm.
You know the potion will eventually take care of the injuries
But you're impatient.
"I... Got caught up in a cave."
"Why did you go alone?" You stress as you begin to clean the blood off.
"...Couldn't find Wild."
"Oh my goodness, take me with you next time." You nearly shake him. "Don't go alone."
Hyrule nods and sighs in relief, as the potion begin to effect.
"That sounds like fun."
"Can you not get hurt, for just like... five minutes..."
"I can't make that promise."
"Promise me, you'll at least tell someone that you'll be going somewhere."
"I can do that."
Wind is down for anything.
He's not afraid of any sort of TLC.
You're sitting next to each other one day for dinner
You both eat until you're full and lean up against each other.
The warmth of the fire heats both of you like a comfortable blanket.
Wind leans up against you and sighs.
You smile and wrap one of your arms around him.
Wind then snuggles closer and hums happily.
You set your plate aside and begin running your fingers through his hair.
Within moments Wind starts to fall asleep against you and he lets himself fall even more against you.
"Sleep hon, I got you."
" 'mkay." Wind adjusts himself one more time and lets his breath even out.
You let him sleep against you for a while until you also decided to hit the hay.
One of the others sets up his bed roll and you pick up Wind.
You begin to make your way over and set him down but your resident pirate holds onto your arm
"-Don't." Wind whines.
You hide your snickers and try to get him to let you go.
He doesn't.
You bite the bullet and ask Hyrule to bring over your own bed roll.
With the help of some of the other boys, you get it set up as close as you can get it.
Adjusting your grip, you lay on your side and pull Wind close.
It's bedtime.
So you fall asleep next to him.
Four is actually little more like Legend in terms of initiating contact than he cares to admit.
He's not going to push anyone away if they come to him.
Even if he wants something as simple as a hug, he won't be the one to go and hug someone.
Someone will have to hug him.
But this boy yearns.
And he's bad at hiding it.
You take it upon yourself when he's being a little off to talk to him
Brush his hair
Hold his hand
Hold him close with your arm over his shoulders, a side hug when your both walking.
He lets you.
He leans in closer and tilts his head in your direction.
A silent request for pats.
If you've been playing with his hair for long enough, he'll let you braid it.
You take the time to keep it out of his eyes and occasionally put flowers in it when there's more down time.
Four won't say it but it's one of his favorite times
He wears his flower braids with pride
It's not something that he would do for himself but he wouldn't change it for the world.
It makes him feel special.
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doctorstethoscope · 3 years
The Right Chapter 2 || Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader
Hello besties, laptop is going haywire but for the moment we are back!! 
Read chapter 1 of this fic here!
TW: This chapter contains swearing and descriptions of domestic violence. Please read at your own discretion! 
wordcount: 2.6k
tagging: @the-modernmary @greeneyedblondie44 DM to be added to the tag list :) 
Josh fell asleep on your ride home. You roused him gently as you pulled into your designated parking spot outside of your apartment.
“Josh,” You whispered, pushing at his shoulder gently. “Come on, we’re home. It’s late. Let’s go to bed.” 
He jerked awake. “Fuck. I was sleeping. Jesus.” He barked. 
“Sorry, baby. We’re home.” You repeated.
“Don’t know why you even bother calling it home. You’re never fucking here.” Josh grumbled, clumsily unbuckling his seatbelt and sliding out the passenger seat of the car. He went on ahead as you went into your backseat to gather your go-bag and purse. When you got to the front door, he was still fumbling with his house key. 
“Here, let me.” You took the key from his hands gently, unlocking the deadbolt and opening the door. 
Before you could even turn around, you were on the floor in the doorway, your nose slamming into the carpet. You were bleeding onto the floor, your blood soaking the tan fibers. It takes you a moment to realize that he’d pushed you. 
“Josh, what the--” a well placed kick to your hip cut off your protest before you could finish it. You rolled over, looking up to see him panting, with angry eyes. 
“You think you’re real slick huh? Staying late at work with the boss? Jesus, sweetheart. I thought you were better than getting a promotion on your back.”
“We were working, Josh. There’s nothing else going on there.” You argued, scrambling backwards away from him and propping yourself up on your elbows. You know that there should be some sort of instinct kicking in, one that allows you to disarm him as if he were an unsub, but you feel helpless as you struggle to put distance between the two of you. He followed you across the room, kneeling over you and pinning you against the floor before delivering another harsh slap to your already-swollen cheek. 
“Listen to me when I’m talking to you.” He growled, and you gulped. He smirked, before grabbing you by the hair and throwing you against the closest wall. You see stars, but you will yourself to stay awake. You’re scared of what he might do if you can’t fight back. 
“Oh yeah? Just working, at 2AM when everyone else is gone? And what was that he called you? Invaluable.” He spits out, pulling you up roughly by your forearms. He leaned in close, presumably to intimidate you. You don’t give him the satisfaction, looking him in the eye and doing your best not to let your glare betray your fear. “Well, we’ll see about that.” He smirked, reaching an arm around to take your gun out of its holster, placing it against  your chin. Your face dropped. 
“Josh… Joshua, you’re drunk. Let’s just go to bed, okay? I’m sorry I was out late. I’ll make it up to you in the morning. I swear.” You’re frantic, your training leaving you once again. De-escalate, de-escalate, de-escalate. “I’m sorry, baby. It won’t happen again, I promise. I’ll request a transfer so I don’t have to travel anymore.” 
He chuckled. “Okay, dear. We can talk in the morning. I’m going up to bed. Get that blood out of the carpet, will you?” He placed your gun on a nearby end table.
He kissed you on the forehead before he went to the bedroom, but the gesture had never been less comforting. He left you there, standing against the wall, blood streaming down your face. You slid down the wall, knees curled up into your chest on the floor, regulating your breath for a few minutes before you rose again. You holster your gun before tending to the blood on the carpet, realizing belatedly that you can’t get it clean because you’re still dripping all over the stain. You chuckled a little, although none of this is really all that funny, sitting back on your heels and looking up at the ceiling, wondering how the fuck you ended up here. Realizing you had no clue what time it was, you reached out your work phone, seeing a missed text from Aaron. 
Please let me know that you’re safe.
You looked around, at your blood on the carpet, at the dent your head had made in the drywall when Josh threw you against it. You brought a gentle hand to your face, feeling how your nose was definitely not in the same place it was when the day had started, and you sighed. Things with Josh were never perfect-- but this was too far. You texted Hotch back. 
I need help. 
Hotch could have easily blamed his inability to fall asleep on the cups of coffee you both had been drinking well into the evening, but he knew that wasn’t the case. If that were so, there was no reason for him to be flicking his eyes over to his phone every three minutes. But here he was, in his study, file open in front of him, and not a word of it absorbed.     
Finally, finally, his phone buzzed. He unlocked it fervently, anxious for the assurance that you were fine. Your text provided no such assurance. 
“Are you safe right now? Do you need medical?” He texted back, trying to keep his head for your sake. 
“Not urgently. Can’t stay here.” 
“You alone?”
“He’s asleep.” 
“On my way. Pack a go bag.” 
“Don’t come in. Light sleeper. Just text.”
You were suddenly grateful for the load of laundry you’d left in the dryer that morning, tossing it all in your go bag without folding it. When you realized that you didn’t know when or if you’d be back here, you took the lockbox off the top of the fridge and pulled out all of your important documents-- your passport, birth certificate, social security card--you tuck them all into a file folder as you feel your phone buzz. 
“Outside.” Hotchner texts you plainly. You gingerly pick up your bags and slip out the door, careful not to make any noise. 
Hotch is out of the car in an instant once he sees you-- he doesn’t know what he expected, exactly, but somehow you look worse, even from a distance. 
“Hey, hey, give me that.” He said, taking your bags from you. “You said you didn’t need medical.” He said, accusatory, but not mean. 
“I said not urgently. I didn’t want you to send an ambulance.” You told him. “I feel fine. I just need advil.” You said as the two of you climbed into his SUV. 
He looked you over, incredulous. Your nose was definitely broken, and he couldn’t tell in the dark of the night, but he was pretty sure you were still bleeding. Your cheek was swollen from where he slapped you, and you were sporting a black eye, likely a complication of the nose. And that was just what he could see. He shuddered, although he tried to hide it from you. 
“We’re going to the hospital.” He said, turning his key in the ignition and taking off.
“Hotch, I just want to sleep. Please. I’ll take myself to the hospital in the morning, I promise.” You practically begged. 
He turned his head towards you. The only thing he wanted more than to give in, in that moment, was to make sure that you were safe. “Did you hit your head?” He asked, 
“What?” You asked. 
“Did you bump your head at all, when everything happened?”
“Yeah,” you told him, running a hand over your head and feeling the tender bump that was forming there. You cringed, and Aaron caught it. 
“I’m sorry, but we need to take you to the hospital. You probably have a concussion.” He apologized. 
“I really don’t want to go through the whole ‘you were clearly involved in a domestic dispute’ thing that they’re going to do,” you complained.
“You don’t have to answer any questions you don’t want to answer. I just need to make sure you’re okay. Everything else goes at your pace.” He promises you, sneaking a glance away from the road and over to your face. You’re already looking back at him. 
“Thank you,” you whispered. 
Already looking back at the road, Hotch took one hand away from the wheel and gave your forearm a quick squeeze in response. You drove in silence for a few moments before Aaron pulled into the hospital.
“Alright, let’s get this over with so we can get you to bed.” He told you, climbing out of the car before coming over to your side to help you walk. Truth be told, you didn’t really need assistance, but your hip hurt so badly that you were limping, and it seemed better to have Aaron slowed down by helping you, rather than just by watching you. 
The emergency room was, thankfully, deserted, and you were seen relatively quickly. Aaron offered to stay in the waiting room but you asked him to come with you. 
“I, uh. I don’t really want to be left alone right now, if you don’t mind.”
“No, no, of course not.” He said, standing and following you and the nurse. 
“What brings you in, dear?” The nurse asked, moving slowly to accommodate your pace. 
“My boyfriend beat the shit out of me.” You said, figuring she might make it easier if you  just bite the bullet, and Aaron shot you a glance. You shrugged in response, and then noticed the nurse’s eyes shifting between the two of you. 
“Oh, no. Not him.” You assured her with as big of a smile as you could muster, given the amount of pain that you were in. “He’s a friend. He picked me up.” You explained as she led the two of you into an exam room, shutting the door behind you. Aaron helped you up onto the exam bed gently, choosing to stand nearby rather than sit in the chair provided.
“Okay, ma’am. Our policy for domestic disputes is not to involve police unless requested by the victim.” You cringed at her word choice. “We don’t want this to be more stressful than it already is. What we do instead, is we take a detailed account of everything that happened to cause you bodily harm, and if you decide to pursue any legal action, we can send those records along on your behalf. So can you tell me what happened tonight?” 
You glanced over at Aaron before you started, taking a deep breath. He wasn’t going to like this. You told the nurse, clinically, what had happened, leaving out the things he had said to you for Aaron’s sake. You did your best to keep your emotions in check, although regurgitating everything that had happened was making you feel sick. You glanced over at Aaron-- his jaw was set, his mouth in a straight line, nostrils flaring, even as he stared at the linoleum tile on the floor. You closed your eyes and attempted to zone out as you continued, as if you could distance yourself from the emotions by imagining that it was just a story you were telling. 
“And then he pulled my gun out of my holster---”
“Ma’am, do you have a gunshot wound?” The nurse interrupts you, voice slightly panicked.
Oh, shit. You probably didn’t need to include that part. Your eyes are open in an instant, and you look over at Hotch. He’s pissed, and not looking at the floor anymore.
“No, no. Sorry, that is um--- that’s clinically insignificant. He didn’t fire the gun or strike me with it. That’s how it ended.”
“Okay, hon. Why don’t you get changed,” she said, handing you a hospital gown, “and I’ll send the doctor in in just a second.” 
“Thank you,” you said, and Aaron echoed his thanks. 
“Clinically insignificant?” Aaron asked incredulously as the nurse shut the door. 
“Can you turn around? I need to change.” You deflected.
He turned to face the wall as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “He pulled a gun on you, (y/n).” He shook his head as you quickly changed. 
“I know. I’m sorry. You can turn back around now.” You told him.
“No, I’m sorry. How long has this been going on for? How did I not notice?” He asked as he turned to see you, practically swimming in the oversized gown.
“I think we all work really, really hard not to be profiled, Aaron.” You tried to comfort him.
He was interrupted before he could respond by the doctor knocking and then swinging the door open.
“Good evening, folks.” The smiling blonde woman said. “Let’s get you home so you can sleep some of this off, yeah?” 
It takes a couple of hours, but you’re sent home with a nose that’s set back in place, as well as a prescription for enough pain killers to put a large dog in a coma, in addition to the confirmation that you did, in fact, have a concussion. Your hip, thankfully, was just bruised. 
“She needs to be woken up every couple of hours for the rest of the night and the day tomorrow. Just to be safe.” The doctor told Hotch. 
“Not a problem.” He said resolutely. 
“Do you have any questions?” She asked, turning to you. 
“When can I go back to work?”
“Well, if you work at a computer--”
“I work for the justice department. So, I guess I’m really asking about field work.” You clarify.
“At least ten days, and that’s if you’re feeling better.” She said, giving you a stern look. You visibly deflated, knowing that if the doctor said ten days, Hotch wasn’t letting you in the field for at least twenty. 
“Thank you, doctor.” Hotchner said, placing a hand on the small of you back as she opened the door and allowed you both out. 
“Of course. Call us if anything changes.”
You trudged out to the car in an exhausted silence, sure that you’ll fall asleep as soon as the car starts moving. Once you’re buckled in, Hotch speaks. 
“I’ll tell Strauss that we aren’t coming in today,” he says offhandedly as he cranes his body back to pull out of the parking spot, his arm strewn across the back of your seat for leverage.
“We?” You questioned. 
“You need to be woken up every two hours. I can’t exactly do that from the office.” He reminds you. 
“I can just set an alarm on my phone, it’s not a big deal.” 
“Uh huh, and when the alarm doesn’t wake you up because you have a brain bleed?” He’s teasing you, but you also know him well enough to know that there is a very real twinge of anxiety behind it. 
“Hotch,” you scoffed at his joke, breaking into a smile despite yourself. “I don’t need you to take care of me.” You added more seriously. 
“I know you don’t.” He placates you. “But will you let me do it anyways? Plus, you’re not the only one who didn’t sleep last night.”   
“I guess that’s my fault.” You admitted. 
“Hey, I’m glad you called me. And I’m also glad the bureau has a generous sick leave policy. We both need it right now.” 
You can sense that this is an argument that you’re not going to win, and even if you could, you don’t have the energy to try. You close your eyes and lean back against the headrest in the car, giving him a resigned nod before you fall asleep.
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maybankiara · 3 years
pairing: JJ Maybank x Pope Heyward
summary: Pope proposes, JJ panics, and now he’s trying to explain why he said no (and why he shouldn’t have done it.)
w/c: 3.7k
a/n: angst with a happy ending, ignore all the typos bc this is entirely unedited (i might edit in the future)
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It’s really unfair that when someone’s life falls apart, the world itself doesn’t. JJ thinks it should. It should be raining knives, hailing bullets, volcanoes should be exploding and the ground shaking shouldn’t be just his personal experience of reality. 
But it’s not even a moderately hot day. It’s breezy, it’s perfect, and it’s one of the nicest days of the fucking whole year. 
JJ hates it. 
The Chateau has only got John B and Kiara under its roof when he barges in, teeth gripping on the cap of a beer bottle. ‘Don’t ask,’ he states, then drops in the empty space between the two on the couch. His legs find their home on the coffee table and he nearly downs the bottle. Burps. Sighs, dramatically. 
He knows they’re exchanging glances, but he chooses to ignore it. 
Kie’s consoling hand lands on his shoulder. ‘What ha—’
‘Pope asked me to marry him,’ he says, ‘and I said no. And I also said I think it’s never going to happen.’
John B should’ve made a dumb comment. Kie should’ve made a sarcastic remark. But they didn’t, and they won’t, because JJ feels the gravity of the situation weighting down his lungs. (It feels like being torn up inside out, like his heart is chewing on itself out of anger, or sadness, or betrayal. It feels like the moment when your heart skips a beat and you think this is it, this is how I die, except you don’t; except you’re stuck in that moment forever.)
JJ burps. It chips at the silence, but it doesn’t break it. Kie’s hand on his shoulder is frozen and the distance between him and John B seems like an ocean. 
‘Yeah,’ says JJ. ‘I don’t think that was what he expected.’
A sigh comes from Kie, but he doesn’t look. ‘When was this?’
‘About twenty minutes ago. I drove straight here.’
‘Drunk?’ asks John B. 
‘Does it matter? I’m here now. Safe and sound.’ He lets out a dry chuckle before he can stop himself, and shakes his head. ‘Physically, anyway.’
‘You’re not drunk,’ says Kie. It sounds a little like a scoff, so JJ looks at her, but he can’t figure out what her face is saying. Tight lips scream anger, but her eyes are soft as ever, maybe a little concerned. She glances between him and John B with one of her eyebrows slightly raised. ‘He’s a heartbroken idiot, but not drunk.’
‘Ah. Understandable. Should I—’
‘You know what being a heartbroken idiot means.’ Kie pushes herself off the couch and when JJ glances at his other friend, John B’s just as confused as he is. ‘I know a thing or two about getting your heart broken for a dumb reason. You two sort that out, and I’ll make sure Pope’s okay. Let me know when you’ve knocked some sense into him.’
Before either of the boys manage to comprehend her words, she’s out the door. The Kie-shaped void on JJ’s left side feels a little odd, so he pushes himself into that side of the couch. The beer is bitter at the back of his throat; he wishes some music would be playing. 
John B calls his name, so JJ looks at him. He’s giving him the puppy eyes, trying to get him to talk, and it’s because neither of them really know how to start. (Their affection is physical, not verbal. Kie’s the one who’s good at that. Pope is—)
‘Did you panic?’ asks John B. 
JJ shakes his head. ‘Don’t think so. Not until after I’ve said it, anyway.’
‘So what happened?’
There’s a pause, JJ feels his brow furrow, and then: ‘I don’t know.’
‘…you don’t know?’
‘So you panicked.’
‘No, I didn’t, it’s—’ With a sigh, JJ accepts the momentary defeat. He glances over and sees John B’s signature stare full of indecipherable intent, but nothing less than pure kindness. They’ve had their bumps, but they always came out on top. It’s the pogue way. Even if John B wears that stupid bandanna around his neck well into his married life of his late twenties. ‘I knew the answer was no.’
It’s John B’s turn to frown. ‘You’ve thought about it?’
‘No, I just knew. Like you know the ocean is salty.’
‘You know that because you’ve tasted it before,’ counters John B. ‘I doubt you’ve been proposed to before.’
‘I could’ve been!’ 
All John B offers is a long stare yet that is enough. He’s older by only a few months, but he’s also married and didn’t say no to the proposal (granted, it was him proposing to Sarah, but still) and kind of has got his life together. He’s still JJ’s dumb older brother, but he knows something JJ doesn’t. 
‘How did you know you wanted to marry Sarah?’ 
‘Are you reconsidering your answer?’
‘No, I just—’ JJ sighs again and tries to wish another bottle into appearing in his hand. Doesn’t work. Probably for the better. He just leans his head back on the couch and stares at the ceiling, connecting the dots in his mind. ‘I don’t know what I’m doing. I just want you to tell me how you knew.’
He hears shuffling, and then feels John B’s feet in his lap. (He’s not going to comment on the boat shoes. There’s been enough deflecting. He’s got to listen, because Pope is threatening to burst into the forefront of his mind any second now.)
John B gives out the deep, heavy sigh that only comes with a slight aah whenever he’s about to tell a story. ‘When we were young, she made everything come alive. Everything looked brighter and clearer, and it was like I could finally breathe with the entirety of my lungs.’
JJ closes his eyes, trying not to gag. ‘Bro. I’m not listening to that.’
‘But that’s how I knew!’ He could just hear the grouch in his friend’s voice and now he’s threading the fine line between laughing and gagging. ‘Seriously, JJ, you asked. I don’t— I don’t know what to say. I don’t think you’re taking this seriously enough.’
‘I am.’
‘No, you’re not. You’re deflecting.’
‘Big word.’
‘See?’ John B scrunches his nose, shaking his head. His thumb and index finger grip the bridge of his nose. ‘I know you’re confused. And scared. I know you panicked when Pope asked, but I don’t think you understand how horrible is the thing you’ve done.’
‘It’s not like I broke his heart,’ scoffs JJ, but the words are flat and his heart skips another beat. He doesn’t need to look at John B to knows he’s got his head in his hands. ‘C’mon, it’s Pope. He’s tougher than he looks.’
‘Yes, but he proposed, JJ. He asked to spend the rest of his life with you and you said no!’
‘I didn’t say no to that!’ JJ flings himself off the couch and now he’s pacing around the living room of the Chateau, marching circles around the coffee table. His forehead is pulsating; he’s probably having a heart attack. That’d explain a lot. ‘I said no to getting married.’
‘That’s the same thing.’
‘It isn’t.’
‘It is.’
‘It really isn’t, John B,’ he spits out. Christ, he’s getting hot. Is that his blood boiling? ‘Marriage is… It’s taxes. It’s prenups. It’s joint bank accounts, it’s added tension, it’s fucked up. Half of the marriages don’t even last.’
(Pope’s always talked about getting married. When gay marriage was legalised, before they were together, before they were out of the closet, even then he was openly delighted about it. He’s been talking about the two of them getting married for a while now, or at least hinting at it. 
He should’ve expected it. It didn’t come out of the blue. He saw the signs, just ignored them, because… because…)
‘If you’re scared marriage is going to ruin your relationship, JJ, I’ll have you know you’ve already done that yourself.’ 
This is about the point where everything just… It comes crashing down. The world does end the way JJ wanted it to. 
He feels himself growing very, very still, like when he was younger and his father raised a hand. He feels his breath halting in his throat and ears tuning out all sound, repeating John B’s words over and over until the echo became the echo of itself. He could feel the ground opening beneath him despite not moving an inch. 
When gravity drags you down to earth, your rose-tinted glasses shatter like porcelain. 
He sees Pope’s face of shock, then laughter, then embarrassment and betrayal at once, once he’s realised JJ isn’t joking. He sees him get up from his knees, hands shaking as JJ fumbles over his words, unable to find an explanation or an excuse. He feels cold sweat breaking out on his forehead, blood turning to ice in his hands. He sees his mum leaving, his dad’s hand raised; he sees people arguing and JJ wants to cover his ears. He sees himself, alone, alone, alone. 
And he sees Pope turning his back to him. Quietly. He doesn’t even argue back. Just takes the no and i’m sorry, i can’t do this, it’s never going to happen, not like this and doesn’t say a word. Just walks away. 
It’d be easier if he screamed at JJ. At least he’d know how to deal with that. 
Pope’s heartbreak is the quiet kind, the one that doesn’t ask for attention, just the opposite. Usually JJ’s there to hold his hand, to sit by his side until Pope’s ready to talk about it, or be somewhere around, far enough so that Pope deals with things himself, but close enough so that he’s there if he’s needed. He’s never been the reason for the quiet. 
Fire replaces the ice. JJ feels like the sun itself is tearing him open. 
‘Shit,’ he says. ‘Fuck.’ Then raises his eyes until he meets John B’s, blurry and barely visible. ‘I fucked up.’
He doesn’t realise he’s shaking until his knees buckle under his weight and he stumbles to find his footing. John B shoots from the couch and pulls him into a hug, wrapping his arms around him so tight JJ couldn’t have escaped if he wanted to. He didn’t. He wanted to be held, even if by a friend. 
He doesn’t sob because the sob gets caught in his throat, too, but he lets out a cough that says all the same. ‘It would’ve been easier if you yelled at me.’
‘I know.’ John B pats his back, letting JJ rest his weight unto him. ‘Pope will understand. That’s why Kie went to talk to him. As long as you realise you’re hurting everyone by being an idiot, you can make it better.’
‘I thought—’ He stops, because his words get fumbled again, and now he’s pressing his eyes into his friend’s shoulder like he’s all he’s got. ‘I don’t want to hurt anyone again.’
‘You’re not going to, okay? Just… Marriage is not all taxes, and you gotta understand that. It’s about knowing that if they get hurt, you’ll be allowed to see them. That you can get a house together, that you can look after each other if something goes wrong. That what you have is there to stay. Think of it as a promise.’
JJ snorts, but he doesn’t let go. ‘I don’t do well with people promising things to me.’
‘Then promise it to yourself,’ counters John B. The way he puts it makes it sound it’s as easy as breathing – JJ wishes he could feel the same. ‘Promise to stay with him. Promise to be around if something bad happens, but if something good happens, too. That’s what marriage is.’
‘I already promised that,’ he says. ‘His future and mine are the same.’
‘Then what’s the problem? Marriage is just making it legal. Making it formal. When what you have is honest and true, it doesn’t change anything. It just makes things better.’
JJ pulls out, feeling confident he can stand on his own two feet. He still feels a little lightheaded, but the thought of Pope possibly thinking that spending the rest of their lives together is the last thing JJ would want… That is the last thing JJ would want. Pope hurting because of him. 
JJ can’t afford to be scared anymore; living a life half-way ready to run is not living. 
He checks his phone; it must’ve chimed at some point because there’s texts from Kie, telling him where she is with Pope. His heart skips another beat, and at this point he thinks he could have enough heartbeats for a whole new person just from the ones he missed. 
He’s not dying today. He’s not dying before he gets to live the future he’s almost ripped out of his own hands. 
When he looks up at John B, he feels the hint of a weary smile on his lips. ‘I think I’ve got a promise to make.’
It shouldn’t be a surprise JJ finds them at the Boneyard, yet it’s still quite odd to see the scenario he’s seen a million times – Kie sitting next to the sea with her feet dipped into water as her fingers splash at the waves just about reaching her, and Pope… Pope sitting on the half-dunked log that’s been here forever, with his feet bare but not quite touching the water. His head is hung low and JJ can see the strain in his shoulders even from halfway across the beach; the cap is sitting on his lap, unused, despite the sun high above their heads. 
The sight tugs at his heart and he falters in his step, but John B’s firm hand on his back encourages him forward. JJ gives a slight nod; he’s not giving up on the courage. 
It’s Pope who notices them first and he stiffens even more; JJ sees Kie pat his knee before turning around and waving at them, then saying something to Pope. JJ wishes the wind would carry her words to him – is it encouragement or telling Pope he’s better off without someone who panics and refuses the one thing they’ve always longed for?
‘Don’t.’ John B pats him on the back. ‘I see you doing your dumb thought thing.’
JJ opens his mouth to say something, but whatever it was that he meant to say, it’s gone forever. All he can do is try and keep his shoulders from slumping and hands from forming fists; he can’t allow himself to be angry at the world, or himself. 
The sand creaks underneath his feet. He hates it in this moment, because it makes him aware of every step he’s got to take to get to Pope, and the steps drag into eternity. 
Pope locks their eyes. JJ tries figuring him out, but he’s too far, and Pope’s too guarded. 
(Not against me, Pope. Please. Not against me.)
When they get there, JJ feels like fainting, but he sets his foot firmly on the ground. He’s not escaping. 
‘Hey,’ greets Kie, and John B returns the greeting. The feuded lovers stay silent, just taking each other in. 
(JJ always wished he could paint. The lines of Pope’s face are shaped as if they were meant to withstand centuries instead of being washed away with age. He wishes he could offer to Pope more than just… himself.
He’s talked about this with Pope before, though. Feeling inferior to his boyfriend was always going to be JJ’s Achilles’ heel, yet he didn’t think it would come to this. He made another promise, ages ago – to try to see himself the way Pope sees him. The way other people see him. 
To believe in himself the way he believes in other people, for once.)
The silence is heavy, but JJ forces himself to not see it that way. Instead, he looks over to Kie, to John B, and says: ‘Can you guys give us a second?’
There’s nods and then they’re off, with nothing between the couple aside from waves crashing into the shore. Pope’s head is hung and shoulders slumped, and he’s sitting on this log with one foot pulled up and resting on it, the other hanging in the water now. JJ’s fingers ache to reach across for his, but he tells himself it’s not the time. 
‘I’m sorry,’ he says. ‘Marriage scares me. I don’t know one that worked out, aside from John B and Sarah. I was raised to be on my own. Marriage means not being alone and that scared me, until I realised that… I haven’t been alone for a while now. The pogues, you… Nobody’s going anywhere. And if marriage is just a way to promise to you that I’m not going anywhere, either, and if it means so much to you, then I say let’s do it. I got scared, but never for a second did a life without you cross my mind. It’s — That’s my nightmare, Pope. Your future and mine are the same. Where you go, I follow. That’s the way things are.’
For a long time, it was JJ trying to come to terms with loving Pope – then it was Pope coming to terms with loving JJ. They’ve always loved each other, in a way, without quite saying it. It has never been the kind of love that is shouted from the rooftops – it’s the helping hand, the whispers of i got this, or you’re not alone in this, or i wish you could see yourself the way i see you. It’s the kind of love that’s etched into the air around them, existing as a part of themselves rather than something external. They’ve grown into it, shaped their lives around it.
It’s always been the beach for them. Their first kiss when they were seventeen, their first fight, their first promise to stick together through thick and thin. Every time something happened, something that mattered, etched itself into the back of JJ’s mind like the sound of his mother’s voice, it was always accompanied by the sound of waves on the shore; by the wind howling over the bay. It was always people chatting in the distance, or some music playing from a half-working speaker. It was always them, in the midst of other people’s lives. 
Pope proposed in their flat. 
When JJ drops to his knees, he doesn’t do his dumb thought thing. He doesn’t even think about it – for once, his gut isn’t telling him to run, but stay. ‘Pope Heyward.’
‘Can you let me do this?’ asks JJ. He laughs a little, shakes his head, and tries not to think about how ridiculous this looks. ‘I know I already had a monologue, but I don’t think I got my point across.’
Pope shakes his head, too; he isn’t smiling, but his eyes aren’t as strained anymore. ‘It’s okay, you don’t have to—’
‘I want to. I want this, okay? I want you to hear it.’
He can see Pope’s Adam’s apple bob, and he can see his shoulders slump in a relaxed way. The lines around his eyes soften and his lips nearly turn upwards, just a little bit. A little twitch is enough to shoot electricity to JJ’s heart. 
‘Pope, I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life saying it to you. You’re my best friend, my boyfriend, and my fiancee, if you’ll have me after the shit I pulled today. Husband, then. Father of your children, because I know it’s what you’ve always wanted, and I want it, too. Whatever you’ll be, I’ll be by your side. It’s all I want. No matter what our status is, we’re always Pope and JJ. We’re always just us. And I really haven’t thought out what I’d say next because—’
Pope’s lips crash into JJ’s, his hands grasping at JJ’s face, and world pulls itself together again. When they part their foreheads lean against one another, and he can feel Pope’s breath on his lips, and he feels his hands burning on the small of Pope’s back, and he can breathe and breathe and breathe like his lungs have never worked properly before. 
(He understands John B now. Not like he’d ever admit it to him.)
He lets out a chuckle, and then he’s kissing Pope again – a small, chaste kiss, just to feel the softness of the touch. His fingers grip the back of Pope’s flannel and he’s laughing into the kiss. 
‘You’re an idiot,’ says Pope. ‘I should break up with you.’
‘Can’t. I’m too irresistible.’
‘Shut up. You’re cheesy. That entire speech would put John B to shame.’ 
JJ shakes his head again and then his thumb is tracing the line of Pope’s jaw, eyes transfixed by his lips. He almost lost this. He almost gave up everything out of fear after promising to never doing it again. (He’s making a vow, this time. It holds more weight.) ‘You loved that speech.’
Pope rolls his eyes, in the way that tells JJ he’s right. ‘Kie told me you were freaking out at the Chateau.’
‘I was,’ admits JJ. What’s the point of holding back the truth? ‘I was freaked out of my mind. I thought I’d ruined everything.’
‘You forget how well I know you, JJ. I was hurt, but I knew you would come back. Old you would run, but Kie came and said you’re at the Chateau, and you wouldn’t have gone there if you meant to run.’
‘I couldn’t ever run from you.’
‘You better.’
JJ rolls his eyes at the teasing tone in Pope’s voice, then pulls him in for a hug. It’s not long until Pope buries his face in JJ’s shoulder, and JJ kisses the side of his head. ‘I do want to marry you, if you’ll have me.’
There’s a pause and JJ feels Pope chuckle against his neck, shivering a little. ‘What is it that you said? My future and yours are the same? That better be in your vows, John B.’
‘Shut up.’ JJ feels himself burning, neck up this time, and tries to laugh it off. ‘I get to be cheesy once.’
‘Just save it for the wedding. I’d like to hear it again.’
JJ angles his body so there’s some space between them; he doesn’t hesitate before planting another kiss on Pope’s lips, reveling in the ease of movement. This is what coming home feels like, and if this is what future has in store for him, who is he to complain?
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rent-a-bat · 3 years
Drabble #3
Promt: #1 “You don’t have to do this alone”
Pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader
Requested by: Anonymous
A/N: Aaaaaand it's done!! I really liked writing this one, it made me soft all over. I really hope you like it!! There was a dialog I really wanted to include but didn't really know how, let's see if you can find it. Enjoy!
Requests open
The first time it happened, it took you by surprise.
He arrived with a crash, falling from the ceiling, and getting straight into action. The way he moved, how he fought, everything he did was calculated, yet it flowed so easily like a second nature to him. If Batman was all brawl, Nightwing was all movement, he moved like he was giving a show, one you couldn't help but watch. Nothing like the clumsiness you moved with, relieved if only a little that your lack of any formal training could be helped by your abilities.
The warehouse you were in was one of the many you’ve been taking down for a while, a place where people gathered for illegal purposes, too small for the big guys to notice, which meant it was a job for you, nothing unusual, except for the number of people you were not ready for.
A job that should have been easy but escalated as more people started to come. He arrived just as a jab had you on the floor, not before you took out the one responsible, if he was surprised at the number of bodies already taken out, he didn't show it. The moment you realized who he was had you hiding as fast as you could, careful not to be seen and happy to let him finish with the rest.
You watched him fight until the last one fell unconscious. He lingered for a while after that, making a call to what you guessed was the GCPD, looking around as he did so, like waiting for you to come out and then, just as fast as he came, he was gone. You stayed hiding even after he left, you were sure he hadn't seen you, but one can never be too sure, so you waited, in case he wanted to come back. Minutes passed but he never came. Before you knew it the sounds of sirens surprised you, the police were getting closer, which meant you also had to go.
Gotham was your home, born and raised, and like many who did so, you were used to its antics but cared for the city nonetheless, even when this city was a danger to people like you, people with abilities that will have them either fighting for you or trying to kill you, if you were not with them you were against them, something they needed to get rid of.
You knew you were different from a young age. After your parents died you went into the system, a place that's not easy on those who've lost it all, where the first lesson you learned was that in order to survive, you had to fight for everything, literally. And the more you fought, the easier it was to see what made you different.
Your abilities were far from super, but where enough. Just fast enough to dodge a bullet, just strong enough to lift a car, just invulnerable enough to keep going, just enough to save a life, to help those who needed it, to keep the weak safe. And that's what you did.
It took you time to be ready, training yourself to control your power. Too much force might break them, too fast and you’d be doing more damage. Your suit was easier, something light so you could move freely, but strong enough not to break. All black to hide yourself at night, your hair neatly pinned down and a hood to cover yourself, attaching to mask that hid half of your face. It was a long way, but when you were finally ready, you took it to the streets.
While the big ones took out big organizations or fought against the ever-growing list of rouges, you helped the ones that thought were lost, that thought they weren’t important enough to be saved. A girl trying to get home safe, a student getting mugged, doing the little things, because you knew that helping the people of Gotham was the real change.
Trying to go unnoticed in the city where the greatest detective resided was a feat in itself, but you had managed to do it so far, until the little problems you were trying to fix got bigger.
The second time it happened you were expecting it, still, you couldn't hold your surprise when you saw him appear.
A growing number of disappearances and a little digging through the streets of Gotham had you at the docks. Turns out, the warehouses you had been taking down were part of a larger operation, still small, but if left alone it could grow into something much more troublesome, which explains why Nightwing appeared that night and how your chances of staying anonymous were closing to zero.
He arrived just like the first time, so when he landed on the floor and all eyes were on him, you took it as your queue to go, freeing the people your top priority.
The Intel you had was scarce, rumors here and there, bits of information you heard passing by, so you weren't sure how much you could trust it. Luckily for you, that information proved to be true. The area you were headed remained heavily guarded, even with all the commotion on the other side.
Deciding it was now or never, you charged. Taking advantage of your speed, you made your way to the farthest corner of the warehouse, to some merely a blur, a well-placed hit taking them down, but even then you weren't invisible, the moment they saw what was happening they began to shoot. Bullets grazing you as you made your way to the container where they kept them, the hits weren't strong enough to pierce but they still hurt, leaving bruises and scratches on your skin. Moving through the pain you kept going, until you took down each of them, clearing the area enough to check on the people while Nightwing continued fighting with the rest.
The container was chained close, nothing a good pull from you couldn't break, but before you could do anything else, a quick glance to the other side made you stop. Nightwing was a good fighter, you could tell that from the last time you almost met, but they were closing in on him, you could see he was getting tired, his body losing the previous easiness he had, there were more than last time, and he was fighting alone.
You had to make a choice, taking the chance, and freeing the people now, leaving him to his luck, or risk everything you've worked on remaining invisible and help him. Letting out a groan, you moved before you could regret it further, hurrying to meet him in the middle, knocking out a guy as you reached him. He paused for a moment to look at you, smiling a little before he went back to fighting.
You worked in tandem. He moved with you. Every open you had, he covered it, the ones you fought, he made sure they stayed down sending some your way so you could do the same. It felt like dancing.
The both of you working together managed to take them all in no time. You hurried to check on the people, making sure everyone was okay and no one was hurt, confirming they were the ones that'd been reported missing. Leaving the rest to him you quickly made your way out, before being stopped just as you crossed the door.
"Hey! Wait!" He grabbed you from the arm, his grip firm but soft. A little tug had you turning around to look at him, his face flushed from the fighting, smiling from ear to ear.
You looked down to the hand that was still holding you, following your gaze he let you go, holding up his hands as a sign of peace. You rubbed at the spot his hand left, it felt warm.
"What?" You said, not trying to hide how much you did not want to have this conversation. You had done enough showing yourself like that when you helped him, talking was another mistake you didn't want to add for tonight.
"I saw what you did back there. You handled yourself well." He kept smiling, ignoring the sharpness in your voice.
You remained silent, eyes locked on him. Seeing nothing else was coming from you at the moment, he kept talking.
"You're welcome, by the way" you laughed at that. His smile grew as he looked at you, making you do the same.
"Cocky much?" The question leaving your mouth before you could think
"Some might say that." He winked, getting another laugh from you.
“I could've handled it on my own.”
“I know you would.”
“I would! I ha- I had a plan.” Your emotions were getting the best of you. You took a deep breath to calm yourself. “I didn't need help.”
“I know.”
“Don't be condescending.” Now was his turn to laugh. You glared at him, his laugh making you feel things you were not in the mood to acknowledge.
“I'm not! You seem more than capable enough to me, but I can't help saving someone so clearly in distress.”
“I'm not some ‘lady in distress’ for you to come and save me or whatever it is that you do”
“Are you sure?” he was having fun, if the amusement and the ever-growing smile on his face were any indication, and you were in no shape, physically or mentally, to keep up with his games.
“Dick.” you huffed, no malice in your voice as you said it.
“At your service.” he said with a wink. Was it a habit of his?
"I'm Nightwing." He introduced himself as if he wasn't one the most famous vigilantes in Gotham, extending his hand towards you, expecting.
You looked at his hand for a moment, thinking what it would mean to take it.
"And I'm leaving." You finally said, turning around as you began to walk, leaving your speed for when you were further away from him, hurrying to leave before the GCPD could arrive.
"I didn't hear your name." His shout making you pause for a moment. "It'd be nice to have a name for the mask."
You thought about it for a moment, how fast were you to change your mind for someone you'd just met, but he had something that made you want to open up and break your own rules, something that made you want to reach out.
"I'm Nobody!" You shouted without turning back. Your name was a little play on words. If they say nobody is going to save you, you could at least give nobody a body to do so.
"See you around, Nobody!" You could hear the smile in his voice as he shouted back.
You walked a little more before breaking into a run. Your conversation leaving a warm feeling in your chest.
A third time became a fourth, and a fifth, and before you knew it you began to wait for him to come and vice versa, working together on the case and sometimes more. Keeping each other company on patrol in the nights where you could barely catch your breath and the ones where all you did was talk. He became your friend, someone you could rely on, who you could talk and tell things no one else would be able to understand. The life of a vigilante was lonely, you both knew that well, but the nights you spent together made you feel otherwise.
The night you finally decided to reveal your identity was one you'll never forget. After years of being almost invisible, of not daring to appear, fearing who might find you what they'd do if they knew about you, the time spent with him had you tossing all of them away. And when you finally did, taking down your hood and removing your mask, your heart roaring in your ears as you looked at him, waiting. The joy, the calm, everything you felt when his hand went to his own mask revealing his face, his permanent smile and his beautiful eyes for you to see, where nothing you'll ever be able to describe.
“I’m Dick.” he extended his hand to you, much like the first time he did so, only this time, you took it, no longer afraid of the meaning.
“And I’m y/n.”
The more involved you became with him, it was a matter of time before you finally met the big guy. Batman was imposing, but you could see why Dick respected him so much. He welcomed you, offered help, if you needed. The rest of the group was just as welcoming, chatting and joking with them. Dick was more than happy by your interaction, beaming as he looked at you. Here, with these people, you felt welcomed, safe, all thanks to him.
Today was one of the few nights where Gotham was calm, it wasn't like nothing happened, but it was slow enough that you could still rest and take your time. You were sitting with Dick on a rooftop, enjoying each other’s company in silence, you always felt comfortable with him, that's why you took it as a now or never.
“Hey, Dick?”
“What is it y/n.” the way he said your name leaving goosebumps all over.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Shoot.” You took a deep breath. You could do it.
“I wasn't the best with you at first, and you didn't know me, we were strangers. So why keep coming back?” You finally asked the one question that’d been rounding your head from the beginning. He remained silent for a while before he could answer, his cheeks and ears getting redder with every second.
“We, uh, heard from you a long ago.” he started to say, visibly flustered. “Nothing specific, just that there was someone helping out in the streets.” he glanced at you as he rushed through his words.
“Batman let it pass because it wasn't anything dangerous and it was pretty on the low, we actually lost track of you a couple of times.” he smiled, “That was quite impressive, you were really good at that.”
“That was the point.” you blushed at his admission, not that you weren't as invisible as you thought, but that he was still impressed that you managed it, if even a few times. He left out a chuckle, low enough to for you to miss if you weren't by his side, his sight lost in the horizon like lost in thought.
“But then, we found each other that first night, you had taken out half of them already, I was impressed. I couldn't see you, but I knew you were there, that's why I stayed, I wanted to talk.” he looked at you once more, his sight fixed on you as he continued. “Then I thought that if you were trying so hard to cover your tracks then you'd show yourself when you were ready, so I left, but the feeling lingered.” you felt his hand on yours. Not daring to look down, you took it and held it firmly, relishing the warmth it gave you.
“I guess, what I wanted to say that night was that, you don't have to do this alone.” your heart clenched, tears threatening to come out as his words echoed in your head.
“That's why I kept showing up. I wanted to support you, let you know in a way that there are people you could count on. That you could count on me.” he was the first to look away, taking both your hands in his as he waited for you.
You knew words wouldn’t be enough to convey what you felt, not enough to thank him for what he did, of how he did that and more, the lump in your throat not helping either. He gave you a place to come back, someone to trust. So, you did the only thing close to that. You took your hands away from his, ignoring the question that flashed through his eyes, placing them on his face, holding it carefully as you pulled him down to you, hoping he could feel everything you did as your lips touched. He let out a surprised gasp, before he took your face and deepened the kiss, his mouth moving with yours like an answer, that he understood. Tears freely flowed down your face, not touching the ground as he wiped them away with his thumb, caressing your cheek. When you finally broke apart, foreheads touching while you caught your breath, you smiled, a laugh passing between the two. You held each other after that, holding closer as you enjoyed the night. The start of many to come.
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neonponders · 3 years
I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself @hoegrove your Bond!au is just too strong.
Based on their post here ~
I hope you like it 🥺 🌹 it’s on ao3, if that’s easier for anyone to read 🌹
• • • • • • •
Fucking 013. Not 00.
Which meant he’d have to wait for whoever got the 00 status he deserved to either die or become incompetent.
“Congratulations, Hargrove. Report to HQ for briefing.”
He’d rather be headed for the private plane that would take him to some tropical location, where capitalist monsters waited for his bullet.
Hargrove stepped out of the elevator onto the spacious floor. He really wished HQ would renovate. The concrete floors, glass walls, and metal beams were urban but not chic.
He found the corresponding desk of his... “partner” of sorts. Every number had a letter. The computer and the muscle. As Hargrove removed his outer garment, though, only the computer desk was present, while the person - 
“Could you not dump your nasty jacket on my work station?”
Hargrove sighed and found the loon - on a bicycle. He frowned. “What the hell are you doing on a bike inside?”
“It helps me think,” Q said, riding slow laps in between the cubicles. Granted, there weren’t many of them, and Hargrove was pretty sure he’d only ever seen Q and maybe three other people on this entire floor, unless there was a crisis.
Maybe that’s why he had yet to be promoted to 00. Too much peace.
“Take your jacket off my seat!”
“Jesus Christ,” Billy cursed. He balled up the ruined jacket and threw at the bastard’s head. To his credit, he didn’t crash into anything. “Clean freak.”
“That’s Q to you,” he barked, dumping the raggedy garment into the nearest bin.
“Sure, Steve,” he purred, knowing his partner loathed the fact that he had figured out his real name. Hargrove wouldn’t work for just anybody, after all. And he was a detective first. Hired gun second.
He didn’t actually need Q. So he told himself. But Steve sure came in handy.
“So help me god, Billy. Did you at least keep my pen intact?”
“Your what?” He landed in Steve’s spinning chair, forcing the guy to lean his bike against his cubicle and stand with his hands on his hips.
“My pen, dip shit. You know, the one that’s basically a Swiss army knife. The one sanctioned by HQ to one Asshole Hargrove - ”
“Oh, that,” he said distantly, gazing out at the city around them. “It broke.”
Not surprised, nor impressed, Steve remarked, “You realize that if some nerd civilian reverse-engineers half the shit you lose, we might be genuinely compromised, right?”
“Then make better stuff.”
“Stop losing it, and you might actually be 00 one day.”
Billy glared with all the menace a man could while having his chair rolled out of the way. Steve shoved him aside with his foot and entered his computer password before navigating to the corresponding case briefs. Billy let his head recline on the seat while Steve went through the list.
“Totaled, but returned.”
“Pen: lost in action. Suspect?”
“Null. Excellent in bed, though.”
“You’re a cliche.” Steve glared from behind his glasses.
“Stop giving me cases with attractive people, then,” Billy smirked. “Who’s my next target? Tell me they live somewhere expensive and sunny.”
“Like a desert?”
“No, like Marseilles.”
“Oh, Marseilles is nice,” Steve chirped distractedly. “If you like French people.”
Billy snorted, but it evolved into laughter. “What’s wrong with French people?”
“They’re French.”
“Wow. Picky.”
Steve giggled under his breath and said, “I’m sorry I don’t have a gig for you in France.”
“I’m sure I’ll managed,” Billy sighed. “What do you have?”
“Something more domestic.”
Billy exhaled through his nose, warranting a curious peek from Steve. “Yeah, that’s what I’m stuck with. One zero and domestic jobs.”
“You’ll get there,” Steve reassured. Softly. Which was...odd.
Billy’s head rolled over the back of the chair to stare at him. Steve quickly added, “If you stop breaking the shit I loan you.”
Billy looked toward the ceiling, pressing his lips into an impertinent line...
“Hm?” he asked while typing away.
“There’s a bird in here.”
Steve looked at him. “What?” and followed his gaze up to the metal rafters. A grey bird gazed right back at them. “Oh shit - ”
Billy already had his pistol out. One shot knocked the bird off its perch. It landed with a loud, metallic clatter.
Steve's body doubled over when Billy wrenched his arm in the direction away from the device, and not a second too soon. The force of the explosion knocked them both over one cubicle and roughly onto the concrete floor.
"Q," Billy growled when the guy scrambled to his feet and back to his desk. He reached underneath it, uncovering a baseball bat of all things, and swung right over his hard drive. Metal and plastic debris rained over the floor, and then he ran to the router standing on a low piece of furniture along the wall. He wrenched its cables out and smashed the thing too.
Then he looked up at Agent Hargrove. "We're compromised."
Billy was already moving toward the scattered carcass of the spy bird. They didn't have a lot of time. Already, another explosive rumble sounded beneath their feet, on another floor. Billy quickly found the piece he was looking for, and pocketed it before yanking Steve in the direction of the stairs.
"I need a car."
"You know where the garage is."
"You're coming with me. That thing heard both of our names."
Steve defended, "We both lost our original identities when we signed up for this bullshit."
"We don't know what we're dealing with yet," Billy reasoned. "Until then, you're safest with me."
"Well that's pathetic." His words might've landed better if they didn't rattle out of him while they did their best to sprint down several dozen flights of stairs.
"You're really sassing me right now? What are you gonna do with that bat?"
Steve ignored that to proclaim, "We need to get to my place. I have a backup computer connected to the system."
"And how do we know it's not compromised too?"
"Because it's mine. Not the system's."
Billy could only frown at him ever so briefly, but he pocketed that information away for another time. For now, they descended into the belly of their organization, where the garage of vehicles rested beneath the city. There, another argument awaited him.
"You're not taking the goddamn Camaro."
"I'm taking the goddamn Camaro," Billy retorted, already ripping the keys out of the cabinet Steve unlocked for him.
"It's loud as all hell!"
"So are you. Get in the car."
Another explosion shook the concrete columns of the garage. Steve ducked his head and coughed on the dust while he threw himself into the car a millisecond before Billy left tire tracks on the floor. "What are you doing?"
Steve was pressing buttons on the dash. Somewhere behind them, a mechanical part was moving in the car. "We don't know how many birds infiltrated the building. I'm rotating the license plates - egh!"
He collapsed against his seat when the car angled up to speed onto the city streets. Billy mused, "And what can you do for speed trap cameras?" and held up a middle finger to the camera angled over the four-way intersection.
"Nothing yet. We'll have to trade cars eventually."
"Not soon enough."
"What?" Steve all but screeched, and turned around to see behind them. "At least you're not the only stereotype in this business."
He got the words out a moment before the large, black SUV rammed into the back of the Camaro. "Put your seatbelt on."
Steve provided his own chorus of swears and exclamations while Billy navigated through the city, tossing his partner left and right in his seat, avoiding another collision with the SUV that would spin them out of control. When Steve began digging through the glove box and lowering his window, Billy bellowed, "What are you doing?"
"A PEN!" he yelled before throwing something behind them. A second later, the SUV's front lifted off the road so the whole thing fell onto its side.
It was Billy's turn to exclaim, "Those things explode?"
Steve pointed out the front windshield. "BILLY!"
Another SUV narrowly rammed them from the side, but Billy pulled on the brake and swung the car into a 180. Some civilian took the brunt of that particular attack, but Billy officially needed to get them the hell out of here. Whoever wanted their heads for trophies didn't care about national news.
Which was possibly the most dangerous piece of this mess. Arguably the most powerful component of a country was its press, and these assholes didn't care if they earned the media's or internet's attention.
It was another aspect in itself that Billy had ridden in one too many black SUV's. That would also account for someone's ability to install too many explosive birds in the building.
"Billy?" Steve piped when he drove down the stairs leading to the boardwalk along the river. Billy focused on the new car behind them. He looked across the river at the opposite riverbank, where the walls sloped up. He needed to get over there.
The car rattled as he sped up a flight of stairs to the street once more, but did a hard left onto the bridge that crossed the river.
Down the stairs again, this time slaloming over the ramped wall, keeping an eye on his rearview to see how tunnel-visioned the SUV behaved.
A hand gripped the wide bell of his forearm. "Billy," Steve rasped. There wasn't a stairwell at the end of this riverbank. Just a concrete wall.
Billy went up the ramp, and braked with a hard turn on the steering wheel. The SUV tried to brake in time, but the Camaro clipped the back tire, and it spun right over the side into the river.
Billy k-turned back in the direction of the stairs. He drove seamlessly into the midday, traffic, turning on his windshield wipers against the heavy drizzle. He glanced at Steve, who had not let go of his arm. At a stoplight, Billy's other hand overlapped his, earning a pale, ghostly stare.
"We need to get to the subway. Then your place."
Despite his shock, Steve nodded and said, "Two blocks down."
Billy found the station, lodged their car in a back alley between a Polish restaurant and a laundromat, and circled the car to help Steve out. "I'm fine," he said even as his knees gave out and he hung between his arms on the car door and roof.
"I see that," Billy replied. He nestled in close to wrap an arm around Steve's softer waist. "Put your weight on me."
He did, and Billy kicked the door shut behind them. "Do you have a metro card?"
"Do I have a metro card?" Billy snorted on their way to the entrance.
"You can't jump the turnstiles."
"I'm not leaving a paper trail. I don't know if my cards are compromised too. That bird sat right over your desk, pretty boy. Someone wanted a real close eye on you. Maybe even kill you. We can try and figure out who else was under surveillance later."
They did not earn approving looks from vaulting the turnstiles, but they made it to the train, and then forty minutes or so later, Steve's apartment. By then, his color had returned to his face, and Billy couldn't help but tease, "Do you always bring colleagues home?"
Steve sighed and didn't grace that with a response. He unlocked his door, and Billy perused the living room and its bay window. The place was nice. White walls. Light wooded floors. Colorful dish ware. A bedroom off to the right with an unmade bed, and a dining room to the left with an array of folders and a laptop on it.
Billy placed the broken bird piece beside the laptop. "I don't know how much you can get out of this. But it's a start."
Steve maneuvered around him and sank into the chair. "Help yourself to the kitchen."
Billy did exactly that, and only found a few hints at the neurosis of a tech genius: Steve's pantry was entirely filled with bags of chips and hot sauce. His apartment also wielded the same characteristic Steve used at work: cleanliness. There wasn't so much as a lingering cereal dish in the sink.
Billy went about scrambling some eggs, frying up some bacon, and heating up a box of leftover diner hash browns. He poured a bottle of white and brought the dishes to the table. He set the glass of wine in view of the laptop. "For your nerves. Try to eat something."
"Thanks," Steve murmured. He didn't touch his food, but Billy sat opposite him and plunged his fork into his eggs.
After he cleaned his plate, he started tapping the back of the laptop screen, causing whatever Steve was reading to bounce. As if tossed out of a reverie, Steve inhaled sharply and took his glasses off to scrub his face. Naturally, Billy chuckled and plucked up the glasses to see how the other half lived...
"Hmm?" he mumbled from inside his hands.
"Explain to me why your glasses are asking for 004 authentication?"
His hands lowered so he could see Billy wearing his glasses and the nearly invisible screens layered inside the glass. The muscles of his jaw ticked as he reached across the table. Billy let him remove the glasses, but his stare did not waver until Steve relented, "I'm not 004 anymore."
Billy blinked, hard, as he absorbed that. "When were you an agent?"
Steve pushed his fork around his plate. "Right as you joined."
"Am I really going to have to pull your teeth for this? Because someone must know who you are, or were. Knows enough to keep an eye on you. How many other 00s are retired into office work?"
"My whole team," he heaved. Surrendered. "It all happened too fast. I was elevated to 00 status and just as quickly flunked out of it. Then they gave me you."
Steve exhaled as if there was a whole lot more there. Then he added, "Consider this a mentorship."
Billy huffed and relaxed against his chair. "So my guardian angel is the one keeping me from my promotion."
It took a second, but Steve processed that and lifted his head. "What?"
"You. I don't get to be a 00 until a 00 gives me the okay."
Something shy of a grimace flitted across Steve's features. "Maybe you'd be one, if you learned how to say thank you. You're not god. I've saved your ass at least twice without even being in the same country as you."
"You're a P.T.S.D. case with a laptop. That's all."
"And you're a gun with childhood trauma and abandonment issues. Welcome to the fucking club. We have special glasses."
He stabbed his hash browns and started eating. Billy crossed his arms and brooded in silence.
Abandonment issues, my ass, he mused, but could not help but watch the man opposite him eat. He'd never actually seen Steve eat. He'd certainly always been available whenever Hargrove called, regardless of timezone or courtesy of sleep.
It's hypocritical to call him an angel and treat him as disposable...after you hauled him around like precious luggage.
Billy didn't like that thought one bit.
This job wasn't actually a business. It was a lifestyle. One that didn't grant angels or precious items. And the same voice that called Steve, Angel, kept whispering in Billy's mind.
Something moved in his periphery and he had his gun out before he even thought twice. "What the hell is that?"
Steve, to his credit, hadn't flinched. "The cartoons refer to it as a pussy cat. She wants your bacon."
The fluffy ginger that had jumped onto the table stared Billy down until he relinquished his last piece of bacon. "Why am I not surprised that you have a cat?"
"Considering your reaction, I'd say you were petrified."
"Shut up, Steve."
"No guns on the table."
Billy groaned and set the device on the console table behind him. "Yes, dear."
It was going to be a long case.
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champagne-bucky · 4 years
Summary: Peter doesn’t like a disobedient girl.
Warnings: Dark! Peter Parker (18+) x female reader, non-con/dub-con, knife play, face fucking, begging, humiliation kink, squirting, smut, fondling, hand job, anal play
Notes: Hehe, sooo this challenge is very very late and I’m very very sorry. I’d like to apologize to @mariessecretfantasies​ for being soooo late. Anyways I hope you enjoy this one!! 
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You tried your hardest to stop the growing smirk on your face as Fury yelled at you. You may or may not have almost killed yourself and others while executing a life or death mission. The key work here was almost.
Being a new recruit was no walk in the park. Other agents were constantly belittling your actions and questioning your position with S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers, you showed them though. With every mission and every time you trained, you made sure to go above and beyond and prove every single one of those people wrong. As a result, a lot of agents became jealous and would do anything they could to ruin your credibility. Which brings you to Fury still yelling in your face.
It’s not like you were completely reckless, you made sure to carefully calculate everything you did so that you wouldn’t risk putting anyone in actual danger. Yes, that mission was technically very poorly executed, but it’s not your fault. Truthfully, the original plan would have cost people their lives if it wasn’t thanks to your quick thinking that saved everyone.
The only reason you were being yelled at instead of praised was because your incompetent teammates didn’t want to question the mission captain and think of a new plan. You were a hero, but those stubborn asses would never admit it.
“You really have me backed into a corner here, Agent,” Fury sighed as he rubbed his face.
“My desk is filled with complaints about your negligence to the team. Even your mission captain wants you suspended indefinitely,” you huffed.
“The only reason everyone complains about me is because they can’t be me. Everything they do, I do it ten times better than they could ever dream of. Even the lousy mission captain couldn’t think of a more brilliant plan than mine. You all should be thanking me really,” Fury raised his brows.
“Thanking you?”
“Yes, you should be thanking me because I’m the only competent one here willing to risk it all to save innocent people. Sorry you only hired people that were too afraid to get their hands dirty, what a sad sad team we have here,” Fury looked as if he wanted to chew your head off more, but for the sake of his already high blood pressure and an impending migraine, he decided against it.
“You know what I’m willing to do for you, Agent,” it didn’t take Fury long to come up with a plan.
“What, Nicholas,” you loved poking at his nerves. The vain in his forehead looked as if it were about to burst.
“I’m going to assign you to our Avengers program,” you gasped internally. The Avenger program? Does that mean-
“Don’t get it twisted. This program does not mean you’ll become an Avenger. This is a shadow program. You’ll be able to go on mission with your Avenger, go to their meetings, press conferences, you get the point,” you scoffed.
“And you’re doing all this for what?” Fury rolled his eyes.
“You may be able to get away with a lot of shit as an agent, but the Avengers are on a whole other level. One slip up and you're done. This program is gonna teach you just how we do things here at S.H.I.E.L.D.,” Fury leaned over the desk to be eye level with you.
You thought about giving him more attitude, but you didn’t want to push your luck. Even though Fury wasn’t saying it, he was pretty much saying that this program could mean a spot on the Avengers, right? Finally, you were all that hard work was giving you the recognition you deserve.
“Alright, Fury, I’ll join your little program. So, who do I get. Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Thor, Agent Romanoff, someone who matches my intelligence and skill set?” You leaned back in your chair with a smug smirk. Fury matched yours.
“I believe a shadow program is well below their pay grade. I was thinking of assigning you to someone who was a little like yourself. I think Peter Parker would be the perfect match for you,” your eyes went wide in disbelief.
“Peter Parker? Him? Oh, Nick, you gotta be kidding me? He doesn’t even go on real missions! He just helps old ladies cross the street, scares punk teens from shoplifting, he’s not even a real Avenger!”
“Mr. Parker is way more qualified than being a neighborhood watchmen, Agent. He’s on the team because he is one of the best. You can learn a thing or two from him. He, very much like yourself, was a big rule breaker too, still is if you ask me. The only reason we haven’t kicked him off yet is because Tony Stark has a soft spot for the kid.”
You tried to argue your way out of being with Peter, but Fury insisted or you would be met with suspension. You grumbled and trudged your way out of his office. Fury mentioned before you left that Peter would be in contact with you shortly. You slammed the door before he got his last words out.
“And don’t forget, follow the rules or be faced with the consequences,” you mocked his words under your breath as you stormed back to the agent’s wing of the compound.
Peter couldn’t believe the phone call he had just gotten from Fury. More importantly he couldn’t believe who was going to be shadowing him. After all this time being in the Avengers program, no one ever wanted to pick him, but you, his crush, well his heart was just bursting at its seams.
“What’s gotten you all smiley, Spidey,” Sam took a seat next to him on the couch.
“N-Nothing, I just got off the phone with Director Fury, he says someone requested me for the shadow program,” Sam laughed.
“And that’s what’s making you get all blushing and giddy? Gee, you not getting enough attention at home?” Peter rolled his eyes at Sam.
“No, it’s, it’s just this girl that I’ve liked for some time. Apparently she wanted me to be her guide.”
“Who is she?” Once Peter said your name, Sam’s eyes lit up in fear.
“Aww no man, you don’t want to be messing around with her,” Peter’s face fell.
“Why not?”
“Well, rumor has it she’s kind of a rebel.”
“Kind of?”
“From what I hear from other agents, she’s always breaking protocol, almost always putting people in danger, risking lives, not a good look if you ask me. Come to think of it, why didn’t Fury deny her application?”
“Maybe he thinks I can be a good influence on her,” Peter smiled and nudged Sam’s arm.
“Pfft, when pigs fly,” Sam got up and walked away leaving Peter to write out an informative email to you.
“Just be careful with her is all I’m saying, kid.”
Peter ignored him as he pulled up his email and began to write to you.
Your alarm was blaring way too early in the morning for your liking. Peter insisted on starting everyday at 6 a.m. because “crime always starts early”, or something stupid like that. You two had only been with each other for a week and it was pure torture for you.
Peter on the other hand indulged in the time he got to spend with you. So far, Sam was being proven wrong about your rebel status. He always made sure you were to follow the book no matter how defiant the look in your eyes was becoming. Maybe you only followed the rules because of him, he’d like to think.
“Peterrrrrrr,” you whined.
“Whattttt,” he mimicked with a laugh.
“This shit is taking too long. Can’t we just-“
“Nope,” Peter interrupted.
“I believe the correct word we are looking for is no,” you wanted to slap the stupid smirk off his face.
“Peter there is an easier way to do this,” you tried to reason with him, but he just wouldn’t listen.
“You mean there’s the wrong way to do this. I was given my instructions and now we will follow them, AS PLANNED OUT. If you don’t like how the Avengers run things, then maybe you should rethink your status in the program,” Peter stated as he kept his eyes locked on the bank.
This is what it’s been like for the entire week. You were starting to get agitated beyond belief by Peter’s smugness. What a cruel joke Fury decided to play on you. First, he makes Peter your partner, the most useless of all the Avengers when it came to missions and crime fighting. Next, his unwillingness to go off book for one measly second. If Peter could’ve known how much time he’d be saving by just bending the rules a little, he might be able to take on more serious tasks, unlike this stupid bank robbery tipoff he received earlier today.
Nevermind the other laundry list of reasons why you can’t stand Peter Parker and his dopey grin. Right now, you are thinking of good reasons why it would be impossible to get away with the murder of the most annoying person to ever walk the planet, in your opinion. While you were doing your own plotting, Peter was trying to keep his focus on the potential robbery and not the woman of his dreams next to him
The robbers made their move around 4 a.m. After countless hours of hearing Peter ramble on about Star Wars, chemistry, and his web fluid stuff you were thankful to end the night with some action. Peter made sure to take the lead while you were waiting at the back of the bank for a back up call. A stupid strategy, but supposedly Peter knew what was best and refused to go against orders.
Peter surprised the robbers by swinging himself down from the ceiling. There were four men trying to attack him and Peter fought every single one off without taking a breath. However, as things were going seemingly well they took a turn for the worst when one robber pulled out his gun and started to shoot. Peter faltered his steps and quickly dodged a bullet headed straight for his knee. During all this time you were watching from a small window, he still refused to call you for back up.
“Parker, you need my help, tap me in,” you said through your earpiece.
“No, no, uhh, I got it, thanks,” Peter responded quickly while dodging another bullet, this time to his shoulder.
“Parker, you're failing out there,” there was no response from Peter as he kept trying to tame the situation.
You huffed and decided to get to work. You really didn’t want to screw up your chances with this program, but you were left no choice. The line between Peter’s incompetence and stubbornness finally frayed and you just about had to butt in.
“I’m saving his life, I’m not breaking the rules… right?”
Peter was now tackled to the ground by two of the robbers. The one with the gun was reloading his bullets and the other was taking the money out of the machine. Somewhere along the line, they seemed to have damaged a part of his suit and he was bleeding out. That weakness alone was enough for the robbers to use all their strength and hold him down,
“It’s the end of the line for you, Spider-Man,” Peter started to freak out. Was it too late to call you?
“Hey boss, why don’t we see who’s under the mask,” one of the men holding him down said.
The “boss” agreed and began to walk his way towards Peter. He started to hyperventilate at the thought of not only his life ending, but his identity would be exposed.
The robber started to put his hands on the material of his mask, but not before he halted his actions and fell to the ground. Peter was stunned as were the rest of the men, but not for long.
“Hey, who’s that,” one man said as you came down from the ceiling where Peter had entered.
You have your few weapons at the ready and no time to waste. It had already been a long day and you were angry and exhausted. It took no time for you to wipe out the robbers and alert authorities of what went down. The men were hurt badly, but they should be okay, maybe.
Sirens were becoming louder as you quickly grabbed Peter and hauled him out of the back door and into the car. You whipped off his mask and started to check him for any injuries. When you went to touch a bruise on his face, he swatted your hand away.
“What did I tell you?” He said angrily.
“Peter I-“
“I said I would call you for backup and you defied me,” he pressed a button on his suit and it disappeared to his normal clothes.
“Peter you were choking out there! If I would’ve waited for your call you probably would’ve been dead by then! I saved your life, the least you could say is thank you,” you rolled your eyes and slumped back into your seat.
“Thank you? Y/N you blatantly went against my orders and did your own thing. Do you not have any respect for me?”
Your jaw dropped as Peter spoke those words. You cannot believe how irrational this boy was behaving. He was in trouble and you offered to help him.
“You know what Peter? No, no I don’t respect you. You were close to dying and I came in and saved your helpless ass. I have never met somebody so dimmwhitted, so stubborn, so incompetent, so STUPID, and so so SO annoying as you, Peter Parker. Come to think of it? How are you even an Avenger? Aren’t they supposed to have more than the one brain cell you seem to possess? Do they just let anybody be an Avenger or do we all have to suck up to Tony Stark just to get a spot on the team?”
“Get out,” Peter said through gritted teeth.
“What? Can’t handle the criticism?” You laughed as Peter slammed his hand on the center console, creating a dent.
“I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT,” you were surprised at Peter’s tone of voice.
“Get out, get out of this car before you make me do something I’ll regret,” your eyes went wide as you got out of the car and started to run home.
Peter cried that night after he kicked you out of the car. Nobody, not even Mr. Stark talked to him the way you had. The girl he fantasized about each night had called him stupid, annoying, and possibly more hateful words in the English language synonymous to the ones she had said in the car.
Peter needed to take the weekend to himself to process everything. His heart was crushed and his emotions were conflicted. Even after all those terrible words, he still had some feelings for you. How could someone so perfect for him be so cruel to him at the same time?
He avoided everyone at the compound for the weekend. Usually he’d spend the few days there to work on some new tech with Mr. Stark or train with Bucky and Sam, but you lived there too and he couldn’t face you at the moment.
Peter was also screening calls from Fury. At the end of every mission with you, Fury would demand a status report. Peter would always have positive things to say about you, but this time he wouldn’t even know what to tell Fury.
After a movie with MJ and Ned to clear his head, Peter walked back home to the small apartment he shared with his Aunt May. He felt a little better after seeing some friends, but his heart still had a pang in it from your words. Was he really as annoying as you said he was?
Peter didn’t dwell on his thoughts for long before he felt himself getting pulled off the sidewalk and into a sleek black car. He tried to fight off whoever pulled him in, but he stopped struggling once he heard the ring of his cell phone.
“So, it does work,” Fury ended the call and scowled at Peter. “Any reason you haven’t been answering me?”
Peter took a deep gulp as he figured out what he was supposed to say. “Director Fury, I-”
“She finally cracked you,” he simply stated as Peter nodded in agreement.
“I didn’t know what to say because I’m afraid of how you’d react.”
“And what did she say?” Fury questioned.
When Peter told him the whole story from the robbery to her hateful words in the car, Fury just about had blown a fuse.
“SHE WHAT?” Fury expected the absolute worst from you, he’ll admit that, but blatantly insulting her superior crossed a huge line for him.
“Director Fury, I have it all-”
“No, Parker, I’m in the driver’s seat now. No more Mr. Nice Guy,” Fury called for the driver of his car to take off.
“Fury, please, just let me handle this,” it took a lot of convincing, but Fury came to an agreement with Peter.
“If you don’t get rid of her attitude and I find out that she continues to talk to you the way that she did, I’m terminating her position with S.H.I.E.L.D.,” Fury had no time for further discussion as he basically pushed Peter out of the car and sped out of Queens.
Oh, Peter was going to do all he could to make her obey him. It didn’t matter how he was going to train her, but when the time is right he’ll make his dreams come true. Peter was going to make his fantasies come true.
After about a week of no Peter Parker, the Avenger was back and surprisingly better than ever. He made no mention of the car incident and you didn’t want to bring it up either. In fact, Peter seemed to be his happy, normal self while the two of you trained together for an upcoming mission. He was cracking the same jokes and still rambling your ears off about the usual stuff. It shocked you to say the least, he held no ill will for you because of that night. Maybe he finally wised up and was starting to see things your way.
It seems as if lately Peter has become more lax with you. He didn’t get mad when you were just a little late for training sessions or when you would begin your back talk with him. It was as if Peter changed overnight into a completely chill person. Not that you minded at all, you would definitely be taking advantage of his easy going personality.
However, you did notice something in his eyes that you never seen before. You couldn’t pinpoint it, but it was almost like whenever you too got a little rough during training, he would enjoy it and try to push the limit. Maybe it was all a test to see how far your strength could go? Whatever it was, it kept you curious. Peter was acting different, but not too far off from his normal self.
“We have a mission tonight at the docks. Be ready at 10 and we can take turns being watch,” was all Peter said to you before he left the gym to go off with Mr. Stark.
You weren’t used to going on a mission so late. Peter always wanted to arrive at missions early just in case he was being fooled by a criminal. Of course, he always ended up being wrong and everything would happen later at night than in broad daylight (you tried telling him that and he simply waved you off).
You quickly rushed back to your room, slamming the door and triple checking that the locks were in place. The events from tonight’s mission left you speechless, shocked, horrified. Never in your life had you gotten out of a car and booked it to your room so fast. Peter Parker, Spider-Man, New York’s favorite defender, had done an unspeakable act.
It started out like always, just sitting in the car hiding out. Peter wasn’t talking as much so you decided you wouldn’t make conversation either. It was only until the criminals came to the docks where it all went downhill.
Peter told you the same thing he always had, he’ll call you if backup is needed. Of course, Peter found himself in hot water yet again and you decided to intervene. Only this time, you were met with more than just yelling and a kick out of the car.
“You didn’t listen,” the tone in Peter’s voice changed.
“Peter, c’mon now you were in trouble,” you began to speak, but he quickly cut you off.
“You didn’t listen, and now you’re gonna have to be punished,” Peter had a dangerous look in his eyes that scared you.
“Peter, if you’re gonna throw me out again I’ll save you the trouble and just leave. You know I don’t get why you have to be so stubborn all the damn time, if you just-,” as you were going to open the door, you heard the lock click.
“You didn’t listen, you need to be punished,” Peter began to lean closer to you as you pulled harder on the door.
“Peter, PETER,” you screamed as he put his hand on the front zipper of your top.
“Take this off,” you stayed still, “NOW!”
You rushed to take your top off and avoided the tears forming in your eyes. You fumbled with the zipper towards the bottom and Peter groaned impatiently. He grabbed the top and tore it off of you only leaving you in a bra.
You tried to look away from him and cover yourself in the process, but Peter wasn’t having any of that. He grabbed you by the chin with one hand as the other made its way to your chest. You tried to fight his intentions, but he wouldn’t have it.
“Stop moving. I’ll make this worse for you,” he grabbed your chin harder and you stopped trying to move.
He dipped his fingers into one of the cups and began to fondle your chest. Once Peter found your nipple, he circled it with the tip of his thumb. Peter was moaning as soon as it hardened. He never took his eyes off of you.
“Take off the bra,” Peter gave you a look that dared you to defy him. You quickly got rid of the bra and he took it and threw it in the back seat.
Peter was in awe, you were as beautiful as he imagined. Your bare chest and the tears in your eyes made him hard as a rock. He took his hand off your chin and began to palm himself through his suit.
Peter made his suit retract back into his regular clothing. He took your hands and placed them over the palm of his jeans. He pressed your hands down as you bit back a terrified whimper.
“Why don’t you help me out, yeah?” It wasn’t a suggestion judging by the look in his eyes.
You pulled down his zipper and didn’t go any further than that. Peter chuckled at you and brought your hand into the inside of his boxers. You couldn’t form any type of sounds as he made you hand travel through his patch of hair and up his cock. Peter was impressive, but there was no room for a pleasantly shocked emotion.
“Now take him out and finish what you started,” Peter pulled down his boxers and fully exposed himself to you.
You started off slow with a shaky rhythm. Who could ever be confident and cool in a situation like yours? Peter didn’t seem to like what you were doing and put his hand on top of yours. He guided you up and down his cock and took it off once he gave you a pace.
“Don’t be shy, go faster,” you picked up the pace as you saw Peter swipe some precum off his tip and shoved his finger into your mouth.
He didn’t even have to say anything to get you to start licking his fingers. You closed your eyes and Peter didn’t seem to stop you. The faster this was over with the faster you could finally be home.
After a fast few pumps, he was ready to come undone. He slowed you down and then demanded you picked up the pace. You were told to open your eyes and look at him, but you would close them again after a short few seconds. When he finally did cum, he brought your body close to his cock and let it all spill out on your chest. You felt disgusted, humiliated, and baffled that Spider-Man would take advantage of someone like you.
You opened your eyes once you heard the beep of a phone. Peter had his phone out and was taking a video of the whole thing. He took an additional few pictures and stashed his phone away in case you tried to grab it.
“You might want to clean yourself up, won’t take long to get back home,” Peter tucked himself away and started the car.
When you arrived at the compound you darted out of the car before he could say or do anything further to you. If he wanted to talk he would have to call you now.
You shed yourself of your clothes and began to scrub your body down. No matter how hot the water and how hard you scrubbed, the feeling of Peter on you will forever remain. You took a few showers once you thought the scent and act of Peter had washed off of you. When you left your bathroom it was well past 2 a.m.
Making sure the doors were locked for the hundredth time that night, you finally settled down into bed. You tossed and turned for the next hour until you heard your phone buzz. Not thinking anything of it, you picked it up to see who could be texting you so late at night. Your heart dropped once you saw the messages.
One after another Peter was sending you the videos and pictures that he had taken. Each one made your stomach turn more and more. He was mocking you.
Don’t ever disobey me again or I’ll send these out to everyone.
It took a lot to impress Nick Fury after everything he’s seen and been through. Alien invasions, aliens, cat aliens, raccoon aliens… a lot of aliens. However, nothing could’ve impressed him more than reading your progress report from Peter this morning. It took all of Fury not to frame the report and send emails to all of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents the news of this miracle.
It’s true, over the past weeks you’ve been ever so obedient to Peter. You didn’t move unless he told you to move, didn’t speak until given permission to, he had you right where he wanted you and you couldn’t do anything about it. Even if you thought of telling someone of his mannerisms towards you he would hold out his phone and get the file containing all those pictures ready in a “Send All” email.
Fortunately, Peter never touched you like that night again. True to his word, you would only be treated that way if you ever went against him again. Needless to say, you were walking on something sharper than egg shells. He would tease you spook you relentlessly, even going as far as locking the car door just to see you jump.
Even late at night he would spam your phone with obscene text messages just to taunt you. Sometimes he would send you photos of himself and when he asked for some in return, you had no choice but to give in. Day by day, this man was messing with you and you had no way of outing him.
Peter would be hot on your trail if he saw you making your way to Fury’s office. He would stop you before you could even get to his office corridor. Peter couldn’t have this getting out, his credibility would be ruined and Mr. Stark and the rest of the Avengers would see to it.
He wasn’t happy about what he did, but he didn’t feel a lot of guilt either. What he did that night in the car set something diabolical off in him. It felt good to take what he wanted right there and then. Peter couldn't help but be a little prideful about what he did. He even hinted to Sam a few times that something might’ve happened between you and him.
While he was gloating you were scheming your way into telling Fury what happened. You can’t go anywhere near the man without Peter right beside you, and you can’t call Fury because he never seems to answer his phone. In fact, Fury has been out of the office more and more lately, perhaps keeping up with the other Avengers or being involved with more aliens.
Regardless of what it was, the next time you saw Fury in person you would say something.
You finished off your makeup and were now putting on the expensive dress your fellow agents coaxed you into buying for the party tonight. The material was tight and it was a little hard to breathe, but you’d get through it. Your body was buzzing in anticipation and nerves as you checked your hair one more time before heading off to the gala.
Every year, the Stark x S.H.I.E.L.D. Gala was held to promote and spread awareness for local and international charities across the globe. You never had an interest in going before, but this year you were bugged by the other agents to go and Peter had expressed his interest in your presence at the party. If you didn’t show you were afraid of what he might pull in your absence.
The hotel was extravagant, from the way it was decorated to the mass amounts of people in their expensive suits and elegant gowns. You scanned the room for Peter, but saw no sign of him. He was either taking photos with the Avengers or watching you from afar, and you wouldn’t put it past him to do that.
While you didn’t see him you got to work finding Fury. You went through the humongous crowd of people just to see if you could catch a glimpse of him, you even started to ask around, but no one seemed to know where he could be. It felt like forever and you were beginning to lose hope that you would never find him. If anything was going to happen it had to be tonight.
A tap on your shoulder stopped you in your hectic search. You knew who it was just by the clear of his throat. You faced Peter with a nervous smile on your face as opposed to the devilish one on his.
“I‘ve been looking for you all night,” Peter drank in your appearance, “you look beautiful.”
You squirmed under his gaze while he lingered a little too long for your liking. When he was finally done ogling you, you saw the lust in his eyes grow. You gulped as he extended his hand.
“Dance with me?” The band started to play a slow song.
You looked at his hand and then up to his eyes which dared you to say now. Reluctantly, you grabbed his hand as he led you to the dance floor. Immediately, a few wandering eyes were on yours and Peter’s figure as he led the first dance.
“You know I’ve been thinking. Since you’ve been so perfect lately, I was going to recommend you to Stark for a spot on the Avengers,” your skin formed bumps as he spun you around.
“Could you imagine that? My obedient little angel fighting alongside me. Ugh, could there be anything more perfect?”
You were about to speak, but the music had stopped and all attention was directed to the stage. Up walks Fury and Tony Stark, Fury was first to take the podium and began his long speech about the gala and what supporting these charities means to him and everyone here tonight. You kept your eyes on him the entire time and ignored the words Peter was trying to whisper in your ear. You only started listening to him when he squeezed your waist hard causing you to yelp.
“I said, why don’t we go back to my room when this is all over, huh?” You froze when he ran his hand up and down your spine.
“Peter, don’t you think that’s a little inappropriate?” He hummed in disagreement with you and he wrapped his arms around your waist.
“Nonsense, I don’t even know why I asked, it’s not like you have a choice in the matter anyways,” the fucker laughed.
Your body was shaking and your face was turning red in anger. Peter was going to hold you down forever. There was no way you could ever escape someone as evil as him. Peter had a hold on you for as long as he wanted. You only had one chance to escape it seems and Fury had to be your ticket out.
Before you could form a response Fury handed over the mic to Tony. Fury stepped off the stage and you kept your eyes on him for the entire time. He was making his way out of the gala and you needed to be fast in order to catch him. Peter seemed too distracted by what Tony was saying so you loosened yourself out of his grip and stood beside him. Peter only glared at you for doing that, but you didn’t care, tonight would be the night you take down Peter Parker.
Slowly, you slinked away into the crowd as a round of applause sounded off for whatever Tony was saying. Peter didn’t seem to notice you leave and that’s when you took off. People were giving you disgusted looks as you began to run out of the ballroom and chase Fury.
You almost lost him in the elevators, but you took the steps and ran once you saw what floor he was heading to. You shucked off your heels and ran up the many steps to catch him. When you got to his floor, you pushed the stairwell door open and ran after him.
“Director F-,” you face planted.
Your ankles were tangled by some sort of slim rope and they wouldn’t come undone. Fury’s footsteps faded and new ones approached your struggling body. A pair of expensive shoes stopped right by your head as the body leaned down. You came eye to eye with an angry Peter Parker.
“Rebel, rebel,” he shook his head and hauled you up. You were beating on his back the entire time as tears formed in your eyes. The rope-like material was his webs which kept you trapped.
He went back in the stairwell and carried you up a few more flights until he came to his floor. The hallways were empty as everyone was still at the party. You tried to yell, but it only got you a harsh slap on your ass.
Peter stopped in front of his door and opened it. The second he closed it he threw you on the middle of the bed. He made his way to his suitcase and took out a pocket knife. You were screaming uncontrollably and he began to cut the webs loose. You knew better than to fight with a man with a knife, let alone Spider-Man with a knife.
“Rebel rebel, you’ve torn your dress,” Peter noticed the small tear towards the end of your gown and tore up the rest. “Rebel rebel, your face is a mess,” he looked at your makeup stained face. He put his thumb near your lips and began to smudge lipstick around your face.
“Rebel, rebel, what are we going to do about you?” Peter took off the rest of your dress. The only thing you were in was a lace thong. Peter licked his lips and began to trace the knife down your breast.
You were shaking, afraid that he might dig the knife deeper into your skin. Afraid that he was so mad at you he would go as far as to kill you. You started to whimper as Peter looked up. The smirk on his face grew wider and wider.
“Beg for me not to hurt you. Beg like the good little angel you are,” you were so close to not giving in, but Peter dug the tip of the blade into your skin just enough to pinch it.
“Please Peter, please, please don’t hurt me Peter,” he hummed in a way to tell you that he wasn’t convinced by the performance.
“Please Peter, I’ll do anything to please you. I’ll do anything to make you happy. Please Peter, I’m so sorry for being bad,” you were hysterical as he moved the knife further down your body. When he reached your center he chuckled and threw the knife to the other side of the room. He roughly grabbed you by your scalp and made you come face to face with him.
“Anything?” You shook your head in agreement. “Alright, I wanna fuck that naughty mouth.”
Peter pulled off his suit pants and became complete bare from the waist down. He pumped his cock a few times before grabbing your jaw and forcing your mouth open. He didn’t give you any time to get used to his size as he put all of himself in your mouth. He grabbed you scalp rougher this time and pushed your head up and down. Tears formed in your eyes again as you were forced to take him down your throat. He was a moaning and groaning mess until his thrust started to falter. Peter quickly pulled out watching in awe and the trail of saliva connected from your mouth to his cock.
Peter quickly sat you up and ripped off your underwear in the process. He started to rub his fingers along your folds where he found that you were wet. He smirked and chuckled as he continued rubbing up and down to make you become slicker than before. You tried biting back your moans, but Peter would only press down harder on your clit which caused you to cry out.
“See, I’m not so bad, princess. I could be good to you if you’re good to me,” he removed his fingers and pushed you down on the mattress.
“Peter, please,” you didn’t know if you wanted him to stop or urge you on.
“I know honey, I know. Just lay down and let me make you feel good,” Peter rid himself of the rest of his clothes and slotted himself between your legs.
His tip began to enter you and the rest of his length painfully stretched you out. You squirmed a little, but Peter reassured you it would feel better soon. Sure, he wasn’t your first, but it had been a long time since the last guy and you were a bit tight.
“Oh, angel, you really do feel like heaven,” he started to thrust a little faster.
Pretty soon, Peter was getting really rough with his thrust and making you cry out in a mix of pain and pleasure. Peter got carried away and didn’t realize how fast he was going on you. You felt an orgasm building and were trying to communicate that to Peter but couldn’t form the words. Peter felt you tighten around him just a little too hard and he took that as the signal to pull out. After all, he did want to see his crush cum, for him and only him.
You felt the rush of your orgasm after Peter pulled out. When you looked up at him, his chest was covered in the slick sheen of sweat mixed with your arousal.
“Holy shit, you squirted. That’s got to be the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen,” Peter went back inside you and hoisted himself on his knees and making you face to face with him. “I wanna see that again, and again, and a hundred more times.
He didn’t slow down no matter how many times you tried to beg and plead. Peter ripped out orgasm after orgasm from you and it only coaxed him to go harder and faster. Your bodies were covered in each other’s sweat and you were beginning to get a little tired. However, your eyes quickly shook away their tiredness when you felt fingers prodding your other hole.
“I’ve always wanted to do this,” and as Peter continued his thrusting, he pushed one finger into your tight muscle and pounded into you harder.
“Aww fuck this feels so good,” Peter cried out one last time and finally came inside you.
You both collapsed onto the bed still connected to each other. Tears formed in your eyes once the shock wore off. He had finally gotten what he wanted from you.
Only a week went by when you had finally heard from Fury again. This time, he wanted to speak with you privately in his office. Your time with the Avengers program was up and he wanted to give his final thoughts.
“Well Agent, I am shocked to be saying this, but I am thoroughly impressed by your behavior with Peter. A little rough in the beginning, but I’m glad to see you both worked through your differences,” you wanted to scoff, but you wouldn't put a damper on Fury’s mood.
After that night in the hotel, the sex became a regular thing. Peter would demand and you were forced to give in. His punishments were still ongoing as he was still mad at you for trying to snitch on him to Fury, but now that the program has ended you and Peter Parker wouldn’t be seeing each other at all.
“And because of your improving behavior I’ve decided to push through your request,” you furrowed your brows in confusion.
“You know, your request to join the Avengers team officially. Parker has been raving about your skills and training that we decided to recommend you for a spot on the team. You’ll have to meet with Mr. Stark for a few interviews and sessions, but seeing as Peter has talked so fondly of you there is no doubt in my mind you wouldn't be offered the spot.”
You stayed frozen in your seat as Fury went on and on about you. You only left when he dismissed you, reminding you that Tony Stark would be contacting you soon.
When you shut the door behind you, you began to freak out. Peter was planning on keeping you as his. At this point, there would be no way out unless you either die, face embarrassment and let the video get leaked, or wait around until Peter gets bored. Knowing Peter and his fatal attraction to you none of those could happen.
On your way back to your room, you heard the familiar footsteps you’ve grown too disgusted to know. You turned around to face the man who would be running you entire life for who knows how long. Just as you were about to speak he opened his mouth first.
“Rebel, rebel, there you are.”
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vanderlindemorgans · 4 years
Cross My Heart (Chapter 1)
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x Reader
Rating: Explicit/18+
Summary:  A traitorous Agent Whiskey returns to the United States on the run. Being cast out by Statesman, he soon finds that you're the only person he can turn to - the embittered former flame from years long passed
Word count: 2.6k 
Warnings: Eventual smut, some references to alcoholism and drug use. Reader is in her late twenties but there is an age gap between her and Whiskey. Chapter specific warnings include some graphic descriptions of blood and injuries and some alcohol consumption. Also I know nothing about Texas or horses. 
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To say things hadn’t gone to plan would be a dramatic understatement. In his case, however, the results of his arrival in Cambodia had proved even more disastrous than he could have ever imagined. Though really, if he’d have stopped to think about it for even just a second, he would have seen that his plan was doomed to fail from the beginning.
Stalking through the busy streets of Dallas, Jack tried his best to keep as low of a profile as possible - you never knew who could be wandering the city searching for him, and after the stunt he pulled with Eggsy and Harry it could almost be guaranteed that he had some sort of warrant on his head. It was probably foolish of him to even come back to the United States in the first place, but really, where else did he have to go?
He didn’t entirely know where he was going now either. He couldn’t return home, as it would most likely be swarming with Statesman agents and the like hunting for him. He was almost certainly cast out of Statesman for his actions by now, so any former friends he could usually turn to in situations like this would be of no help at this point, considering everything that happened. For once in his life, Jack was well and truly alone. The acknowledgement of that fact itself did nothing to alleviate his anxieties, only doing more to further the ever growing void in his stomach. His eyes darted between the various passersby, none of them taking a single notice of him to his relief. He’d have expected to draw more attention to himself, in fact when he stopped to take a gander at his reflection in one of the shop windows he passed by he was almost stumped as to how he had managed to keep under the radar so well - you couldn’t much see it with the way he kept his head down, but upon closer inspection one could easily spot the large nasty gash of blood split across the side of his cheek, complimenting several different bruises that were forming underneath. His clothes were either torn from navigating through the thicket of the Cambodian jungle or scuffed from his confrontation with the two Kingsman agents. The only part of him that was still in almost perfect condition was his damned hat, surprisingly enough. In the most blatant use of the term, he looked like an absolute wreck. If he weren’t on edge from the constant vigilance of potentially running into one of his former colleagues, he might’ve laughed at himself over it.  
Escaping from Eggsy and Harry had been the easy part - they’d left him tied up with his own lasso off to the side, but in all the confusion and spate of heroics in trying to distribute the antidote, they had neglected to keep any sort of watch on him. From there on, all it took was the simple slice of a knife he had hidden away in his back pocket and just like that, he’d slipped away into the shadows, running for his life through the thick and sweltering heat of the jungle. He’d wanted to retreat back to the plane he’d used to travel there in the first place but upon realising that Statesman could use radar to track him, he instead was forced to navigate himself to a nearby airfield used for moving cargo. After that it was just a matter of stowing away on one of the planes to ensure his arrival back in America, touching down in Dallas of all places. Jack was fully aware that he was lucky to have his life - if things had gone differently he’d have ended up with a bullet in his head or something much worse. For that much at least he was somewhat grateful for. Somewhat.
Almost as if by instinct, he drifted towards a bar in the downtown area of the city, stumbling in and being assaulted by the smoke-scented air that greeted him the moment he opened the door. It was by no means a classy place, yet he didn’t much care in that moment. Any place was better than aimlessly wandering the streets like a stray mutt. Striding through the crowds of patrons ranging from tipsy to drunk, he came up towards the bar and pulled a couple of notes from the inside of his jacket pocket. “A glass of whiskey, if ya will” he requested, sliding the notes over to the disinterested bartender on the other side of the counter. Some part of him felt stupid for ordering the drink of his agent namesake, but some side of him felt like reminiscing on old times a bit. In light of him going rogue, they’d most likely be passing on that codename to another agent. Probably to Ginger most likely. He caught himself sneering at the thought of her, a deep burning sense of hate starting to fester in him. He never did like her much.
Taking the glass of whiskey in his hand, he let the warm rush of liquid seep down his throat, feeling consumed by the blazing burn it left on his tongue. So this was how it all ended for him: hiding out in a dingy dive bar, drinking himself to death while he waited for the inevitable. His mind ran over all of his options from there on, running down the short list in less than a minute tops. He had no job, no friends, nowhere to run to, no-one to turn to.
Jack’s mind began to nag on something, a faint memory from years long since passed starting to resurface, the face of someone he hadn’t thought of in what felt like forever creeping into his thoughts gradually. He was in Dallas, right? An idea began to form in his head, recalling days spent during the summer out on a ranch north of the city, of your warm smile and intoxicating eyes that one could get lost in. Waving over the bartender, he pondered on his idea further. Would you even want to see him after all this time? He remembered the way things ended between the both of you, the bitterness and bad blood that most likely still lingered.
It was possibly an idiotic idea to begin with. Hell, you might not even be in Dallas anymore: the last time the two of you spoke was at least a good seven years. But it was the only option he had left. Throwing his head back and downing the last remnants of whiskey in his glass, he threw down a couple of extra notes for the bartender on the counter and sauntered off, fully sure of his next course of action. Like it or not, you were his best chance he had of survival. He just hoped that you didn’t hate him too much to turn him away after everything that he put you through.
Wiping a line of sweat from your brow, you found yourself cursing the suffocating summer heat. After living there for so many years you thought you’d be used to it but every June through to August the intensity of the blistering sun always managed to take you by surprise. If only you could simply relax a little, lounge by the pool sipping on cognac and smelling of lilacs, without a single care in the world. Instead, you were out in the sun, tending to each of the horses that your ranch housed. You ran a horse riding ranch only a couple of hours outside Dallas, tucked away in the deep necks of the Texan countryside. It was originally your parents business, and you’d practically lived there your whole life. It wasn’t your original plan to take over the family business, some part of you angling for something more than life as a simple ranch hand but when both of them tragically passed only a few years before, you felt you owed it to them in a way to take up the mantle to keep things running as smoothly as possible. Some things didn’t take much adjustment in a way  - you’d already known the procedure for cleaning the stables and tending to the horses like the back of your hand, and the inheritance money left behind had made it easier to pack everything up out of your small  city apartment to move back home on such short notice. The thing that did take some getting used to was their absence. Stepping back into their well loved home, seeing the photos still hanging on the walls, the folded pages of the books your mother kept on her bedside that would never be opened again, the places where they should be but simply weren’t - that wrecked you more than anything you could ever imagine.
At first you didn’t even sleep inside the house - it was just too painful to see them everywhere around you, and you couldn’t bring yourself to remove the cheerful family photos from the walls, even if it was only for a little while. The first two months back home were spent in the backseat of your car, curled up with a blanket that you’d managed to drag out from the house. You tried to carry on with business as usual but everything felt bleak around you. Some part of you wanted to blame someone, anyone for what happened. Sometimes you’d felt tempted to blame yourself in some way. Eventually, things did become easier. The emotional weight started to lift, and you were able to get through the day without having to take five to pull yourself together. Nothing was the same as before, but the flow of your life started to settle and become something resembling normal again. And that, in your opinion, was probably the best way it could have turned out.
Doing a onceover the stables to check everything was in its correct place, you pulled the large doors closed and surveyed the landscape around you, taking in the stunning visual of the sun beginning to dip below the skyline, mellowing out into a lively and beautiful sunset. With the front gates locked and everything with the horses all taken care of, you trudged back up to the house at the centre of the property, your mind drifting to the glass of liquor you intended to pour yourself the minute you got inside. It had been a long day, full of tiresome frustrations and irritations. Being in the middle of July, your ranch saw frequent visitors, including kids who were out of school and being taken out of the city on a sort of day trip by their parents. That day in particular had involved a birthday party for some kid, and you’d been out there giving riding lessons to the whole group of them.
Usually lessons were conducted by one of your other employees but in cases of events you tended to take on more tasks yourself. To be perfectly blunt about it, the day had gone horribly. Surprisingly enough, the kids were fine, no, the real piece of work was the birthday boy's mother. She’d insisted on trying to take control of every single aspect of the event and was overly critical of every little thing you did, and was an all round exhausting person to deal with. When the party was finally over and everyone had packed up and left, you remembered breathing a huge sigh of relief and thinking “thank fuck, she’s gone”.
Twisting open the front door to your house, you tossed your keys off to the side and immediately set off in search of something to drink. Grazing your fingertips along the refined wooden edges of your liquor cabinet, you pulled on the handles and reached your hand in to select a bottle. What you really wanted was something strong to take off that stressful edge of the day behind you. You felt your eyes settle on a bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey stuffed towards the back and couldn’t help but smirk to yourself, a vague memory teetering on the precipice of your mind. Shaking the thought away, you instead choose a bottle of bourbon, placing it on top of the cabinet as you reach for one of the empty glasses stored inside. As you poured a glass for yourself, you felt your mind get lost in a haze, wandering between the events of the past few hours and what you’d planned to do with the rest of your night, and, admittedly something you were ashamed to say, a lingering thought to do with that bottle of whiskey you’d passed on over before. Fucking Jack Daniels, I swear to god…
Your body might as well have been on autopilot then, as you didn’t take any conscious note of anything other than the burn of liquor on your lips. If you hadn’t been so distracted you might have noticed it earlier - the distant sound of footsteps coming closer up the driveway to your house, the sounds turning into thuds the nearer they got. Too lost in your thoughts and too tired from the nightmarish day you endured, you were only pulled from the depths of memory by a loud bang on the front door. Furrowing your brow, you shot a confused and worried glance over to the front of the house, already beginning to feel alerted and wary. Who the hell could that be at this hour?
There was another bang on the door, this one more insistent than the last, and you felt yourself jump at the suddenness of it. Would it even be safe to go answer it? For a minute, you contemplated the idea of ignoring it and pretending you weren’t home, however once you realised whoever was outside could most likely see the lights on from the windows you dismissed that idea with disappointment. You’d have to go answer it, you knew that, but something didn’t feel right to you. Cautiously rising up out of your seat, you took a small step towards the entryway of the house, and through the fear managed to call out “Who’s there?”.
Taking another moment to contemplate whether or not it would be worth fetching a gun for this, you heard the voice of the person on the other side answer back, a voice that had you freeze in a mixture of shock and disbelief the instant you heard it. “Darlin'? It’s...it’s Jack, could you…”.
You didn’t even give him a chance to finish his sentence before you had bolted to the door, hastily unlocking the deadbolt and ripping it open to reveal him standing before you. Something in your heart stopped the second you saw him - he was the one person who you never, ever, in a million years ever expected to see again, much less on your front doorstep. You drank in his appearance, the first thing your eyes being drawn to was the large bloody slash across his cheek. His eyes were looking down at you pleadingly, a look you weren’t used to seeing on him. From when you’d known him he’d always looked so confident, so self-assured and pulled together, so to see him so browbeaten and, dare you say, defeated, unnerved you in a way. You could feel your mouth hanging open slightly, the words being there but your mouth being unable to form them, your eyes only fixated on his own dark and vanquished gaze as your mind raced a million miles a minute. There was so much you wanted to say, to ask, yet the only thing you were capable of verbalising in your shock was the one question that pushed itself to the forefront of your mind.
“Jesus fuck, Jack, what the hell happened to you?”.
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sisterspooky1013 · 3 years
Damsels, Chapter Three: Interview
By SisterSpooky1013 / Read Previous Chapters Here
Rated E / Tagging @today-in-fic
The Hoover building is deserted at 4am, which is exactly why she has to be there so early. She arrives at Skinner’s office with nothing but her car keys and the casual clothing on her back. Agent Wiley, a young woman in her twenties, greets Scully warmly. She’s tall and brunette with an hourglass figure, and Scully has the passing thought that she is exactly Mulder’s type. She wonders if they’ve ever met.
“I’ll drive you to your apartment in Philly where you’ll stay for the duration of the undercover assignment, Agent Scully,” Wiley says in an authoritative though very high pitched voice. “We’ll leave your car in the bureau garage for the duration, but you can give A.D. Skinner your keys for safekeeping.”
Scully hands Skinner her keys and he sets them on top of his desk, rubbing his hands over a weary and sleep-rumpled face.
“I’ll fill you in on the case details on the way. Let’s hit the road, we’ve got a two and a half hour drive ahead of us,” she finishes, slinging her purse over her shoulder and making for the door.
Scully follows her mutely. Just as she reaches the door herself, Skinner speaks.
“Agent Scully?” he asks in a hoarse voice. She turns to face him. “I…I…” He keeps restarting his sentence, but never gets further than that.
Scully finally interjects. “It’s okay, sir. I understand. We all have a job to do.”
He nods at her with a grateful expression, and she follows Agent Wiley out to the parking garage.
The sun is just beginning to brighten the inky sky as they drive out of D.C. Agent Wiley is chatty behind the wheel as Scully leafs through the case file; once they get to Philly, she won’t have the opportunity to see it again. The only trace of Dana Scully in her apartment will be a burner cell phone, which she is to keep off and hidden in an air duct in the wall. She will call Agent Wiley at least every other day, or as needed, to share any updates. She is to turn the phone on only when she’s sure no one else is in the apartment with her. She is expected to get as close as possible to the other dancers at the club, one of whom they believe to be Mila Chamberlain. In the file, there’s a photo of Mila, a young Asian woman with a short blonde pixie cut and penetrating dark brown eyes. There is also her parents’ account of her disappearance shortly after meeting Ricky at a party, and their fears that’s she’s a victim of sex trafficking.
“Your cover is Diane Sellers, recently divorced and needing work,” Agent Wiley explains. “To our understanding, they won’t ask you much about your history, but it’s still good to have a backstory ready. It can be helpful to use real details from your life in regards to things like siblings, parents, and past romantic partners, just because it’s easier to keep straight. We don’t recommend addiction being a part of your backstory, in case that affects Ricky’s willingness to trust you. You should immerse yourself as much as possible with the staff, including spending time with them outside work if you can. You can have them over to your apartment, which is why it’s important that there’s nothing there that isn’t part of Diane’s story. It’s fully furnished with everything from tampons to Rice a Roni, but we’ve also set up a bank account and a debit card in case you need to buy anything. Once you identify Mila, call me. You should try to get as close to her as possible, and ultimately the goal is to confirm that she’s being held against her will. Then we’ll raid the club and get you both out of there. What questions do you have?”
Scully stares out the window at the cars rushing by. The pink sunrise illuminating the clouds on the horizon makes the sky look pinstriped.
“Why weren’t you asked to go undercover, if this is your case? You’re young, you’re very pretty. So I guess my question is why not you?” She recognizes the irritation in her voice, but she can’t help herself.
Agent Wiley glances over at her and back to the road a few times. “I can understand why you’d ask that. And I also realize that I haven’t thanked you for taking this assignment. It was a hard one to staff.”
Scully scoffs and turns to face the other woman. “I wasn’t given a choice, Agent Wiley.”
“Right. Sorry. Um, the reason I couldn’t take this assignment is that I have an ostomy bag, as a result of a pretty severe case of Crohn’s. I doubt anyone wants to see a stripper with a bag of poop strapped to her belly dancing around on stage.”
Scully closes her eyes against the shame that wells in her gut. “I’m sorry, Agent Wiley. That was rude of me to ask.”
“Don’t worry about it, Agent Scully. Honestly, I’d take my ostomy bag over this assignment any day. I don’t envy you.”
Scully turns back to the window, spinning up the life story of Diane Sellers as they drive on through the early morning light and towards her uncertain future.
Agent Wiley drops her off around the corner from her apartment with nothing but a set of keys and verbal instructions for where she can locate the burner phone. Her interview is today at 2, and the address of the club and interview information are on a slip of paper on the kitchen counter. They bid one another an awkward goodbye, and Scully goes in search of her home for the next several weeks.
The apartment is small, a studio, and fully furnished. She can tell that Agent Wiley herself took care of decorating it; youthful touches like a sequined throw pillow and a magnet on the fridge with “Diane” printed on a tiny license plate give it a dorm-like feel. Many of the items appeared to have been thrifted, which will be important to keeping up her ruse of being a woman in a tight spot financially. She locates the air duct and the burner phone, turning it on to be sure it works before securing it back in its hiding place. She pokes around the various cabinets and cupboards to find all kinds of dried goods and snacks, and is surprised by the 6 pack of beer in the fridge and the bottle of vodka in the freezer. The closet is full of clothing in her size, some of it basic jeans and tees, some of it tube tops and daisy duke shorts that she would never wear. Well, Scully would never wear them, but she suspects Diane would. The slip of paper on the counter reads:
Damsels in Dominance
1634 W York St, Philly
Ricky Dean, 2pm
She makes a face at the name and her stomach turns at the thought that this might be some kind of S&M club. It's just after 9am, so she has quite a bit of time to kill before her interview. She doesn’t think she’ll be able to sleep, so instead she takes a thorough inventory of all the cabinets and closets to see if anything important is missing. In the bathroom, she opens the medicine cabinet to find a full Oil of Olay skin care line right next to a box of condoms. What the hell does Agent Wiley think she has planned for this assignment? Her confusion deepens when she pulls open the drawer of the bedside table and is greeted by a book light as well as a small bullet vibrator. Either Agent Wiley went to very great lengths to make sure this apartment would pass the sniff test for anyone who decided to snoop, or….she doesn’t even know what the other possibility is. Adding some paperback novels to her mental shopping list, she slams the drawer shut and flops down on the bed. Mulder is at work by now, and she wonders how long Skinner will be able to keep up the ruse. Knowing Mulder, not all that long.
Mulder arrives at work just past 8, noting that Scully’s car is parked in her typical spot in the garage; she must have needed to stop by before heading to Quantico. He’s a little bit disappointed that she’ll be away for the next few weeks; the basement office is exceedingly boring without her. At the same time, he’s grateful for a bit of space to think.
The tension between them had reached a tipping point but now sits suspended, teetering between coworkers and friends or whatever lay on the other side. He’s made some attempts at pushing things towards the “more than friends” end of the spectrum, but nothing seems to come of it. He kissed her, and while she kissed him back and seemed receptive to it, she hasn’t initiated anything further. The night they played baseball together was fun and flirtatious, but again nothing happened. He’s getting the sense that any move will need to be made by him. Maybe Scully just isn’t the forward type in these situations, or maybe she isn’t confident enough that he’ll reciprocate. This time that she’s working away from the office might be the perfect opportunity to take her out on a real date, knowing that if things get weird they won’t have to face each other in the morning.
Entering the office, he doesn’t find her there; they must have just missed each other. He logs into his email and opens a new message.
Hey G-woman,
What time can you get away for lunch today? I was thinking about checking out that new sushi place on 8th. Or we can meet halfway, whatever works.
Would you like to get dinner sometime this week? My treat. Let me know.
He hits send, then digs in to some more case reports that he needs to complete. He has a vision of Scully returning to find them completely caught up on paperwork and how pleased she’d be with him, and decides then and there to make it a reality. While he’s not generally an approval-seeking kind of guy, the surprised smile on Scully’s face when he does something uncharacteristically responsible is one of his favorites. The number one spot will always, of course, be held by the smile she gives him when he says or does something that truly strikes her as funny. He finds it hard to keep from smiling just thinking about it.
Two hours later, there’s no response from Scully. That’s a little bit weird, but not exceedingly so; if she’s working on a particularly gnarly autopsy it can take quite a while. When he still hasn’t gotten a response by noon, he first checks his sent email to be sure it went out, then picks up his office phone.
“Autopsy bay, this is Richard.”
“Hey, Rich, this is Agent Mulder up at the Hoover Building.”
“Hi, Agent Mulder, how can I help you?”
“Is Agent Scully around? I was hoping to talk to her.”
“No, I haven’t seen her.”
“Not at all today?”
“No, I haven’t seen her in a few weeks, actually.”
A flush of worry spreads across his chest.
“Hey, Rich, are you guys pretty busy down there? I hear you have a big case you’re working on.”
“Busy? Uh, no, not really. Just business as usual.”
“Okay, thanks. If you see Agent Scully, will you ask her to call me?”
“Sure, will do, Agent Mulder.”
“I appreciate it, bye.”
He sets the phone down and sits back in his chair. Did Scully lie to him? And if so, why? Her car is here, so he knows she came in today. Picking up the phone again he tries her cell, which goes straight to voicemail. The darkest part of his brain worries that she came to the office but never made it to Quantico. He makes one final phone call.
“Hi, sir, this is Agent Mulder.”
“How can I help you, Agent Mulder?”
“Have you heard from Agent Scully today? I’m having a hard time getting in touch with her.”
“She’s assigned to work at Quantico for the next few weeks, Agent Mulder, she wasn’t expected to report to the Hoover Building today.”
“I know, sir, but her car was in the garage when I got here and I just called over to Quantico and they haven’t seen her today. I’m a little worried.”
He hears Skinner mutter what sounds like “Jesus H Christ” under his breath before he speaks again. “Agent Scully is fine, Agent Mulder. She’s on assignment. I encourage you to focus on your own assignment.”
Mulder hesitates. “Should I take that to mean that she’s NOT assigned to Quantico?”
Skinner sighs. “All you need to know is that she is fine, but unreachable. You worry about yourself and let me worry about Agent Scully, got it?”
“Um, okay. Thank you, sir.”
He hangs up the phone even more confused than before. Scully’s behavior yesterday after she returned from Skinner’s office makes a little more sense; she was uncomfortable about lying to him. When he leaves the office that night, her car is in the same spot it had been that morning. He doesn’t like this, but he knows Scully was in the same situation when he was on an undercover assignment and he should just trust her, and Skinner, and wait it out. That’s easier said than done, and he spends his entire evening imagining all the dangerous situations she might be immersed in. Drug cartels, amateur mafias, cults, hackers, the list goes on and on. He can only hope that she’s safe.
Damsels in Dominance is an unassuming building nestled between strip malls and fast food restaurants. The parking lot and entrance are at the back of the building, a fabric-draped chain link fence surrounding it for privacy. Scully pays the cab driver, though now that she realizes how close her apartment is to the place she’ll probably just walk back. After much deliberation, she wound up wearing jeans and a blue T shirt, guessing that it would be out of place to dress up for an interview at a strip club. She pulls the front door open and finds herself in a small foyer with a counter along one wall, a hulking man perched behind it on a stool. Even seated she can tell that he’s very tall, with a broad chest and square shoulders. His neck is nearly nonexistent, thick and disappearing into the rolls under his chin like a tree trunk. His head is shaved bald and his deeply tan skin shows evidence of long ago healed acne scars on his ruddy cheeks. A small gold name tag pinned to his T-shirt reads “Denny.”
“Hi, I’m Diane, I’m here for an interview with Ricky,” she says with a smile. She’s decided that Diane will be the kind of person with an easy smile. The kind of person who makes friends quickly. She channels her sister Melissa, who would talk to anyone and somehow have them sharing details of their childhood trauma within fifteen minutes. If she’s going to get these people talking, she needs to be more like Missy and less like herself.
Denny nods with a grunt and stands, proving himself to be at least six inches taller than Mulder; her head barely reaches his waist. He comes around the counter to push open a second door and holds it for her, motioning her to follow. They enter one end of a long hallway, a door directly in front of them labeled “Enter Here to be Dominated.” They walk down the hall, past some restrooms and several other unmarked doors, until they come to one that says “office.” Denny knocks and a small woman answers.
“Diane, 2 o’clock interview,” Denny says in a flat baritone, then turns and walks away.
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solynaceawrites · 3 years
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The Paths I Follow . . .
Rating: Mature Archive Warning: None Fandom: Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse) Characters: Jill Valentine, Tyrell Patrick Tags: Canon Compliant, Canon-Typical Violence, Implied Relationships, Implied Jill/Carlos Summary: Getting infected was hell. So is the recovery. Wandering the remains of the Raccoon General Hospital, Jill searches for answers regarding the actions of the man who’s come to intrigue her so much. Written For: @valeveirazine​
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
Nothing here but another corpse.
Closing the door with a quiet click, Jill takes a step back and wipes her clammy palm on her jeans. She’d thought after the events at Spencer Mansion she’d be used to just about everything, but seeing the young nurse with her face frozen in a perpetual scream of anguish had shaken her, and her empty stomach churns. All of this suffering, this death and not-death and fires burning in the street, just a hallmark of the callous greed of Umbrella. Knowing who’s responsible doesn’t make the cost any easier to witness; it’s why Nikolai’s betrayal infuriates her, and why her trust of Carlos and Tyrell stumps her. Even now she’s wandering these dark halls because Tyrell had suggested she do so, where the locked doors and blood-splattered walls pay testament to the fight for survival.
“You look like hell, Valentine,” he’d told her with a wry sort of grin. “Bit of exercise and food might do you some good.”
“Where do you expect me to go?” she’d retorted, and he gestured to the doors behind him and the sign next to them that said CAFETERIA ↑ in bold, black letters.
Not that there is a cafeteria, at least not that she can find. While Carlos had taken care of the infected and mutants, leaving her path relatively clear, the journey is no less fruitless. Almost every door is sealed behind a keypad or keycard terminal, and those that aren’t are barricaded from within, leaving her with nowhere else to go but deeper into the hospital. At one hall, gouges run deep into the drywall and the metal doors are ripped from their hinges. A pile of debris barrs her way; when a low, rasping growl resounds from somewhere far beyond it, she quickly moves on. Could just be some pipes, but she’d rather not stick around to find out.
Not when her mouth still tastes like rot.
Not when her vision is still blurry.
Not when death is still looming over her shoulder.
Fucking Umbrella.
Following the only path that she can leads her to a set of electronically locked doors. Unlike the others, however, the keypad’s light is blinking green, so she pushes against it with her shoulder and keeps her hand on the butt of her gun in case there’s something nasty lurking on the other side. Yet the room—a laboratory of some sort—is remarkably immaculate in comparison to the rest of the hospital: a few papers and folders litter the floor, and the lights do not work, but the walls are clear of damage. The only thing out of place is the corpse slumped in a swivel chair with blood pooling beneath the wheels, its expression one of furious terror. A robbery? In the middle of the goddamn apocalypse? Jill snorts as she steps fully inside. Guess I shouldn’t be surprised.
Her cop instincts have her checking the body first. An ID tag pinned to the label of his coat reads Dr. Nathaniel Bard, Research & Virology, and the small photograph matches the man’s face as it probably was five or so years ago. The computer behind him is useless thanks to a bullet hole in the middle of the screen, but a low beeping draws her attention to the back of the lab. She finds another terminal there next to a door marked Restricted Access; accessing it pulls up a list of emails between Dr. Bard and a senator full of increasingly desperate pleas for rescue and promises of a cure for the virus ravaging Raccoon City.
Her brows pinch as she reads the messages again and again. Then she pulls the radio from her belt and turns it on. “Tyrell, you there?”
A crackle of static. “What’s going on, Valentine?”
“I’m in Dr. Bard’s lab. Guess he made a vaccine, but I don’t see it anywhere.” Jill pauses to take a deep breath, her next question setting a pit in the depths of her stomach. “Don’t see a recipe or guidelines to replicate one, either. So how did Carlos manage to make it and give it to me?”
“He didn’t,” Tyrell replies flatly.
“Well, I’m not trying to bite the shit out of you, so he—”
“Don’t get me wrong, he injected you with the cure.” There’s a long pause before Tyrell sighs. “There was a vaccine in the lab, off in the restricted section. Carlos grabbed it and used it on you. Guess Nikolai missed it on his way through. Saved your ass, even if we lost Bard.”
Despite the humor he’s forcing, Jill only feels angry and defeated. Grateful, yes, because Carlos rescued her from the nightmare that’s been plaguing her since the Spencer Mansion, but at what cost? “Did he stop to think how many more could’ve been saved if he got it out of the city?”
“Probably not,” Tyrell admits. “Guy’s got a one-track mind. You were in trouble, he reacted.”
“Goddamn it!” She braces her hands on the desk, struggling to control her temper. This whole shitshow isn’t Carlos’ fault, and she knows that, but all she can think of is Brad holding that fucking door shut so she could get away, his screams of agony as the undead on the other side broke through and tore him apart. “Tell me why, Tyrell. Why choose one over thousands? Millions? This thing is only going to spread, and now we’ve lost our one chance to get ahead of it!”
The answer comes quietly, almost lost in the static. “You really gotta ask?”
“Yeah,” she snaps, “I do. Because otherwise all I’ve got is someone working for Umbrella to get rid of any chance to kill their virus, and that’s not a pretty fucking picture.”
Tyrell’s silence stretches on so long that, for a moment, she thinks he’s put down his comm or plans to ignore her entirely, and she grits her teeth and debates whether or not she could force him to answer. Then, wearily, he says, “You gotta understand this first: all that shit about Umbrella? The viruses, the experiments, the bioweapons? We didn’t know. Every single one of us who got recruited to U.B.C.S. viewed it as a second chance. Not like they were putting their plans on pamphlets, you know?”
“You really think I’m that stupid?”
“Honest to God, Valentine, we didn’t know.” His fervor makes her hesitate, makes her doubt, and she bites her tongue as he continues. “Hell, they offered me the job of a monitor once. Same shit Nikolai is doing. But when they wouldn’t tell me what the hell that meant, or what I’d be expected to do, I turned it down. We were always in the dark, thinking we were just meant to help people. Which, believe me, we wanted to do after the shit we got up to before Umbrella found us.”
Her misgivings and her need to trust somebody war within her. “What shit?”
“You really want to know?” He sounds amused, but it’s hard to really tell through the comms. “Even if it sullies the view of the guy who busted his ass to save you?”
“For my own sake.” Jill swallows her pride. “Please, Tyrell. I need to know.”
He sighs, and she thinks she hears the sound of fingers drumming on a tabletop. “My story isn’t new. Joined the Foreign Legion, got caught selling black market weapons, wound up court martialled and waiting to die. Umbrella pulled me outta that after I tried to contact one of their recruiters. Offered me the chance to turn my life around, and I took it.”
“I see,” she murmurs.
“As for Carlos? Guy was a guerilla fighter somewhere in South America. Got captured and slated for execution. He’s a damn-near wizard when it comes to heavy weaponry and vehicle maintenance, so Umbrella bought his freedom and relocated him.” 
She doesn’t know what to say to that; it’s too far from the image of Carlos she has in her mind of a man who’s good-hearted and warm. But he’s a soldier, so is it any surprise that his past is checkered? 
“Satisfied now? I mean, as a cop, you’re probably itching to arrest us both and send us to pay for our crimes, right?” Tyrell sounds mocking now, and she doesn’t care for it much,
Still, she says, “No. I should, you’re right. It’d be the correct thing to do. But . . .” Hell, she was never good at this emotional stuff. Never good at sharing her thoughts and feelings, even when she was with S.T.A.R.S. and considered them friends. It’s easier to brush it off and keep going. Putting words to it makes it dangerously real, after all, and she’s always lived in a man’s world, where that sort of weakness would get her mocked. “Out of all you U.B.C.S. guys, he was the only one I could trust from the start. I have to hold onto that, or I’ll have nothing left.”
“He’s a trustworthy sort,” Tyrell agrees. His voice is kinder, less defensive. “Dedicated, too. Once you’ve earned his loyalty, it won’t waver. I mean, unless you pull what Nikolai did and start murdering the people he cares about, anyway.”
“Right,” she murmurs. “Listen, I’m gonna work through the lab, see if there’s anything Carlos missed on his sweep. Valentine out.”
Before Tyrell can respond, she cranks the volume on her radio down to a whisper and hooks it to her belt. She’ll still be able to hear him if he calls for help, but right now what she needs is what little quiet she can get to think. The last forty-eight hours have done more to upheave her world than that night at the mansion ever did; what is she supposed to do against a corporation as far-reaching as Umbrella, one that has the ability to wipe out populations on a whim?
Oddly, though, her mind doesn’t linger on the danger. No, it turns towards her mother.
Jill hasn’t thought of her parents in years, not since she moved out at eighteen to try her hand at college. Her mother always wanted her to go, keeping a critical eye on her studies and doling out punishment whenever a grade slipped a little too low for her liking—not that Jill had ever failed a class, but to her mother, anything lower than perfect was cause for shame. At least she’d had the comfort of knowing it came from love. Neither parent had attended any sort of university, even for a technical degree, and her family had always straddled the line between middle class and poverty. Midwestern America wasn’t kind to immigrants, and it took her parents’ sweat and tears with glee.
So she’d gone. Majored in economics like a good daughter and visited home every weekend without fail so her mother could coo to that small circle of knitting friends she’d made about how her daughter was doing so well, was so smart, was bound to marry a doctor one day and take care of her poor, beleaguered folks. Love and resentment colored Jill’s view of her mother in equal measure. Maybe that was why she’d enlisted in the military right after graduation; it had broken her parents’ hearts without a doubt, though the promise of money sent back weekly helped smooth that over a bit.
Then they died.
It wasn’t expected, which would have been still horrible but bearably so. No, it was an accident, hit and run from a drunk driver that killed her father on impact and her mother in the ambulance, wham, bam, here’s some grief to go on top of drill sergeants shouting all day. She’d buried them, sold their house, and drowned her grief in her work. And that led to notice from Delta Force, and a unique offer, and learning how to pick locks and dismantle bombs and keep her cool when someone had a gun pointed at her face. She’d done well. Survived, anyway, but a call that came too close to being fatal was almost more than she could take. Luckily—or not so luckily, all things considered—someone else had taken notice of her, too, and in 1996 she’d been transferred to a new unit: S.T.A.R.S., right in her hometown of Raccoon City.
S.T.A.R.S., of course, led to Barry and Chris and Brad and Rebecca, led right to Umbrella’s front door because Wesker hadn’t been the kind, dedicated leader he’d made himself out to be. In fact, he’d been so cruel that Jill sometimes wonders how they never saw through him, how that mask of his never slipped. It took a real heartlessness to lead the people who trusted and looked up to him into that slaughter, and she knows that none of them were meant to make it out alive, that they were nothing more than tools to test Umbrella’s weapons. Shit, with that bastard chasing her around Raccoon City, it seems like all joining S.T.A.R.S. did was paint a nice little target on her back. 
The real question, she supposes, staring at the blinking cursor on the screen, is was it all worth it? She’d grown. She’d learn to trust her instincts, how dangerous the world was outside of her parents’ sometimes smothering love, and she’d found a place for herself, if only for a few years. S.T.A.R.S. might be broken, but some of its former members are still alive and fighting back against the monsters lurking in the dark. 
And now there’s Tyrell, with whom she’s found a wry kinship. Tyrell who works best behind the scenes, but will stand his ground in a pinch and is damn handy when it comes to his rifle. She’s seen bravery time and time again: Barry standing up to Wesker, Mikhail staring death in the face and refusing to be cowed by it even when it meant sacrificing himself. 
That doesn’t even begin to cover Carlos, but those feelings—trust and a dangerous sort of longing that she’d sworn never to feel in a world gone to hell—aren’t something she can deal with right now. He’d saved her life without concern for risking his own, had come to her aid time and time again with no expectations of a reward other than, presumably, knowing she was still alive and kicking. Hell, he’d used the one chance they had of stopping the T-virus in its tracks on her. Safe to say that it’s all a bit muddled, but maybe . . .
Static hisses from her radio. Jill twists the knob and catches, “ . . . reception, pronto!”
The urgency is what has her snatching it from her belt and pressing the button so hard her finger turns white. “Tyrell?”
“Jesus, Valentine, you fall asleep?” He sounds angry, and without giving her time to bite back he snaps, “Get your ass to reception. We’ve got trouble.”
“Great,” she mumbles.
After one last, quick search of the room that leaves her frustratingly empty-handed, Jill retraces her steps and follows the few undamaged signs back to reception. Tyrell is still there, but he’s no longer fixated on the computer behind the desk. His body is turned to the television in the corner, and she joins him as the Breaking News Alert finishes blaring its grating tone.
From behind the static screen, a female voice says, “Attention all citizens. Following the outbreak of an unknown pathogen in Raccoon City, the government has decided to use a nuclear warhead in an attempt to stop the infection from spreading. It has a fatality rate of one-hundred percent, and no attempts to contain or cure it have been successful. The missile strike on Raccoon City will occur in just hours. The payload is designed to eradicate all biological material. You will not survive if you remain in the city. Evacuate now. Repeat: evacuate now. This is not a test. Evacuate immediately.”
Her blood runs cold. “What the fuck?”
“You missed the part about blockades,” Tyrell replies grimly. “It’s nice of them to tell us to get the hell out when there’s tanks out there to make sure we don’t.”
“They can’t do this!”
He shakes his head, returning to the terminal. “They can. Umbrella has them in their pocket, and I’d wager they all but demanded a missile strike. How else are they gonna make sure none of this shit reaches the public?”
She can’t accept that. She refuses to, because she’s survived this long and she’ll be damned if Umbrella is going to kill her now. “What can we do? There’s gotta be something!”
There’s an uncomfortably long pause. In it, she realizes that Tyrell has gone pale beneath the grime on his face, that his eyes are a little too wide and his fingers tremble the tiniest amount when he tries to type, and she knows that he’s afraid. Finally, he says, “Carlos went underground a few hours ago. There’s a lab beneath our feet; guess he was thinkin’ he’d make more of the vaccine. I have some government contacts I can try to reach to buy him time, but—”
“I’m going to help him.” Jill spies an extra magazine on the table and takes it before checking the ammo in her gun. “Two hands are better than one.”
“Yeah, sure. But you’ll have to be quick, Valentine, you hear? Even if I get through, there’s no guarantee that they’ll listen or make a deal.” 
“Make them listen,” she barks. 
He considers her for a moment, and then his lips curl into a dry sort of grin that, oddly enough, settles her nerves a good deal. “Yes ma’am. In fact, I’ll put a boot in their ass, just for you.” 
“Better use two,” she remarks. Following his gesture, she finds a small stash—herbs, bandages, knives—and gears up. “The comms should work underground. If not, I’ll leave markers for you to follow in case you have to . . .”
She trails off. In case he has to come after her? Why? Either both of them will succeed, or one of them, or neither of them, and in every scenario all him finding her would do is put him in danger. If he fails, wouldn’t it be better not to know? To live thinking she has a chance until the very last second? “If you need me,” she finally says.
“Sure thing, super-cop.” When she looks up, she finds Tyrell watching her, his expression unusually kind. “Listen, before you go? You need to know that Carlos wears his heart on his sleeve. The guy can’t hide what he’s feeling to save his life, and it’s clear that however he feels about you, you’re more than just a comrade or friend or any of that nonsense. I wouldn’t be surprised if he made a pass if things get hairy down there. Get what I mean?”
Jill can’t tell if he’s being genuine or yanking her chain. She stands, finishes strapping a knife to her thigh, and cocks her gun. “I’ll worry about that after I save his ass. Catch you on the other side.”
“It’s been an honor,” he replies, and she feels his eyes on her until she steps into the hall and the door closes behind her.
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sooibian · 4 years
Flambé - I
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poster and edits/collage credits to @is-that-baekhyuns-shirt​ ! 
chapter two | moodboard by the lovely @pororodks​
🍜 pairing: kyungsoo x fem!reader ft. baekhyun, mark lee
🍜 description: pull up a chair. take a taste. come join us. life is so endlessly delicious. - ruth reichl
🍜 themes: fluff, crack (ish), slight angst, a lil bit of spice (in the future), rivals to lovers au
🍜 word count: ~ 9.7k
🍜 a/n: writing this makes me feel lonely and hungry and that, my friends, is a deadly concoction of emotions so while i wallow in my misery, i dearly hope you’ll enjoy this creation. i'd love to hear from you <3<br>
🍜 reference notes: yt channels: maangchi, one meal a day, bore.d; netflix shows: midnight diner, street food: asia, chef’s table
🍜 tag list: @changshapatrol​ @j-pping​ @kyungseokie​ @exosmuttytalk​ @his-mochi-cheeks​  @littleflowercrown13​ pls lmk if you’d like to be added/removed from the tag list!
Water bobs in frenetic bubbles in a massive ancient stone pot perched atop a fort of raging wood. Amidst brutal peals of thunder, a gushing stream rises from a nearby hill, obscuring the shrill cries of the sacrificial crab.
Chanting a spell, you lift the enormous crustacean by its pincers and lower it into the growling, pitch black utensil. Blubbering helplessly, it lodges its claws at the rim of the pot in desperation, seeking escape. The sound of your maniacal laughter reverberates through the cave as you thrust it back into the violent undulation with a heavy-handed flick of the bladed-spatula. 
All of a sudden, you’re swept over with a wave of unconsciousness, your skin tingles, and boiling water begins to fill up your lungs. 
You are alone at the bottom of the very same utensil.
“Help!” frantic, you stagger up, gasping for air. But the bladed-spatula wielding crab, now untied and hovering over you, roars jubilantly at your defenseless form.
Maybe the spell didn’t land, you think. 
“Please, Chef!” you whimper as a last ditch attempt. 
In one swift motion, it swooshes down to your eye level. 
Bushy black brows sprout on its forehead, just a little over a pair of big brown circles for eyes. Then comes the nose, followed by a bloody red mouth that snarls at you.
“Late again?” 
4:00 a.m., your phone blinks.
In a sleep befuddled state, you reach out for the wailing device. ‘Late again?’ Chef’s cold, deep voice sounds in your consciousness as you wipe the droplets of sweat off of your forehead.
Doh Kyungsoo had insisted on the title and you’d boldly refused to call him that. What business does a man working at a Kalguksu stand in Gwangjang Market have, being called Chef. You’d seeked redressal with the higher ups. The owner. 
Your aunt.
“Aegiya, he has something that you don’t.”
“A dick?”
“YAH! A degree in culinary arts.”
“Imo, haven’t you watched Parasite? Anyone can forge documents these days and if so then why is he here? He could very well land a job at Four Seasons like Hyunjin. Think, Imo. Think!” 
“Exactly! With forged documents, he could be anywhere. But he’s here, no?”
“Maybe you’re just easier to manipulate.”
Finally, she said in her no-nonsense, stern voice. "Chef. You’re calling him Chef.”
Every time the egotistical madman opens that darned mouth of his, it makes you want to knock him down with a roundhouse and beat the living daylights out of him. 
But, counting to five, you always resist the temptation. 
Because one day, one glorious day, you’d take over your aunt’s business and the very first item on your agenda would be….well, the obvious. With a glimmer of hope, you flounder out of your comforter, muttering every cuss word you’d learnt…and crafted in the course of working with the devil himself.
“Ah 3000 is a bit too much for cucumbers", he says to the middle aged vendor, flashing a boyish grin. 
The face of sourcing has drastically changed in the last six months since Kyungsoo’s arrival. Prior to his dictatorship, Imo had tie-ups with vendors who’d hand deliver the produce every single day, without fail. Guess Kyungsoo didn’t fully comprehend the benefits of customer loyalty. ‘There could be better quality ingredients out there, Sajangnim…economically priced, I might add’, he’d convinced your aunt using his military corporal voice. No matter if it meant awkward break-ups with the vegetables ahjumma or the prawns ahjussi: you were left to do the dirty work.
And required to tag along for the routine 5 a.m sourcing runs. Every morning, he’d greet you with an accusatory ‘you killed my cat’ expression.
Groaning, you shift your weight from side to side. If only he’d quit flirting with every woman in the market and hurry up! The purchases have long exceeded the capacity of your humble cart. Flailing your numb arms awake, you urge him to speed up with a nudge of the knee but he glares at you like you’d asked him for a kidney. 
Kyungsoo has a tendency to overbuy but never does he help with a single bag. ‘I don’t like to sweat’ is his excuse. Which is pretty ridiculous considering he spends over ten hours a day overseeing a scorching frying pan at the stall. 
But you know better than to argue. 
Because as much as you loathe every fibre of his existence, he terrifies you a little. The man possesses the duality of a psychopath. As fierce as he is in the Market, ruthlessly competitive even, he’s quite the sweet talker. Incredibly charming. And you can bet your life on the fact that every ahjumma - whether or not a rival - would take a bullet for him.
“Ahdeul-ah”, the woman coos at him, making your insides violently contort, “you know how tight the market is these days. But I’ll throw in some more only for you.” 
The additional weight of three kilos on your right arm ends your sourcing run for the day.
“Chef”, huffing, you say to him on your way out, “I had a late night last night.”
“And I need to be privy to this little nugget of unwarranted information because?” He paces ahead of you at his usual lightning speed.
“No, I meant, could we stop”, panting you continue, “could we stop for a quick cup of coffee.”
Halting abruptly, he turns around to look you square in the eyes, “No.”
“Asshole!” You murmur under your breath.
“I heard that.”
Monday at Choi Yoonsun’s Kalguksu stall was busier than usual. 
It went by in a daze amidst the cacophony of a sizzling girdle, clanging of pots and pans and Imo’s relentless vocalization inviting guests to the stall. Having served thousands of bowls of Kalguksu and Kimchi Mandu, you rely heavily on muscle memory to get you through a workday’s demands.
Despite its massive chaos and commotion, you quite enjoyed working in the Market. 
Not being particularly skilled at much and having nearly flunked out of high school, cooking was the one thing that defined you. It was your safe harbour. You’d lost your father in an accident at the tender age of ten and your mother was forced to work long hours to put food on the table. So you honed your culinary skills, little by little, because you thought it vital for your own well-being as well as your mother’s. 
One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.
At the end of yet another rewarding day, you leave a wet towel soaking in vinegar for Kyungsoo to clean the iron girdle and proceed to tend to the dirty dishes yourself. 
“Yahh!” Imo calls out for Kyungsoo and you, thumping her hand on the table, gesturing for you to join her.
“Ahh! Imo, there’s a huge pile of dirty dishes!” You cry out in response, only to turn around to find that ass-kisser already at the table, schmoozing with your aunt. Hastily taking off your grubby apron, you wash your hands and wipe them clean with a rag cloth. Straightening your black shirt, flattening unruly flyaways, you rush toward the table but she’s already up and ready to leave, “We’ll have dinner together tonight. I want to have a word with both of you.”
“But -”
“Sajangnim”, Kyungsoo interrupts, wagging a finger in your direction, face scrunched up in mock concern, “this one’s had a late night last night -”
“Chef! So I guess I’ll be seeing you tonight. As if seeing you every day of every week wasn’t enough already!” 
An overtly saccharine smile spreads across your face and his jaw hardens in response.
“Aish….you two…I’m leaving now”, shaking her head, she sighs, “see you both in two hours.”
Kimchi jjigae, Pajeon, Tteokbokki, Jajangmyeon, some leftover Bibimbap with sides galore from Hong Lim Banchan Stall. Imo clearly has something important on her mind.
But the vibe at the dinner table just doesn’t sit right with you. 
The reason for that could be the bespectacled black hole of negativity that’s seated besides you in all black clothing but there’s something off about Imo. 
She’s being a little too nice.
Fear gradually starts to settle in your bones. Is she finally closing down? Is this delectable fare an attempt at softening the blow? After all, she’d settled her husband’s debts over five years ago and her sons were doing well for themselves. Quite well, in fact. The elder one, Hyunwoo, is an investment banker and the younger one Hyunjin went to culinary school and is working as a chef at Four Seasons’ Chinese restaurant. It only makes sense for her to trade the Market’s gruelling ways for some much deserved peace and quiet.
“We’re closing down the stall”, she says coolly.
It’s like a punch in the gut.
“Imo -”
“Aegiya”, she rests her chin on her hand, face clouded over with serenity, “the Market’s given me everything. It’s given me a sense of independence…a sense of pride. It put my family back together. I used to think that I’m nothing without my husband and my sons…but the Market gave me an identity. I continued to work even after my husband’s passing not because I needed the money but because this is something that I’ve created and I’m mighty proud of what’s become of it today. My name is a brand in itself. And a decade ago I couldn’t have imagined this even in the wildest of my dreams.”
A million scenarios cascading through your head drown out Imo’s voice.
Would you now have to go back to Bucheon? Or invest in a stall of your own at the traditional Gwangjang that would never accept your big and bold ways with cooking? And to start from scratch? With a new recipe? Kalguksu with a twist, perhaps? But you had no insight into your aunt’s special broth. She’d never let you or even Kyungsoo for that matter whip up the hand-cut noodles. The two of you only ever helped with the ancillary tasks.
You soon come to the realization of not being the only one caught in the eye of the storm. Kyungsoo’s unwavering gaze is scarily fixated on the bowl of jajangmyeon before him. His miserable state gives you a fleeting sense of relief and it’s in that exact moment that he chooses to say something unpalatable.
“Sajangnim, you’ve worked too hard. It’s time for you to reap the fruits of your labour. We’ll be fine, you don’t have to worry about us.”
Of course he’ll be fine. 
Nearly all food stall owners in Gwangjang have been vying for him ever since the day he set foot into Choi Yoonsun’s with his phlegmatic personality. Whereas you had nowhere to go. The world conveniently assumes Imo hired you only because you were her poor sister’s daughter who she sought to help financially. Not because you had what it took to be there and survive.
“Did I say I was ready to retire?” She laughs, eyeing Kyungsoo quizzically. 
“Here’s the thing..I met up with a friend last month. She was looking for a buyer for her little family run restaurant in Gangnam. So I took out a loan, made her an offer”, balling her hands into fists she sighs, “put in the deposit…and the place is pretty much mine now!”
“IMO”, you yell, “you didn’t have to scare me with that long winded speech! God, you’re so dramatic!”
“Well, it is a big move. I’m not sure either of you are ready to take the leap. It requires a tonne of work and I may not be able to pay half of what you earned at the Market for at least two months until we open. It’ll take the restaurant two years or so to break even and only then will I be able to afford scaling your salaries. On the other hand, what I can do is, help you secure a job at the banchan stall since you love seasoned spinach so much and Kyungsoo even stands a chance at managing one of the Pakgane stalls!”
Pakgane is the mung bean pancake stall that had gotten so popular that the owner managed to branch out of Gwangjang. So even your beloved Imo believes that you’d make for a better “help” and Kyungsoo, a Manager. 
“I’m coming with you”, you say firmly, “I’ve saved up a little and Eomma will gladly pitch in, if need be…”
At this point, you’d expected Kyungsoo to be ready with his luggage considering the little sycophant he is but his expression is stoic, eyes still glued to the jajangmyeon bowl, filling you with insane hope. 
He was going to jump ship…finally!
“Chef…”, you couldn’t resist, “you don’t have to worry about us…I’m more than enough for Imo. You may…”
He shoots you an angry glare making you chew on your unsaid words. But wanting to rile him just a little more, you excuse yourself and bring out a bottle of ketchup. Squeezing it generously atop the stack of pajeon, you snicker maliciously. 
The tangy, unassuming condiment is the sole reason Kyungsoo abhors your very existence. But as this dinner marks the end of his torturous regime, you celebrate with ketchup - lots of it - right in front of his nasty eyes.
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Steam swirls in different directions and at every twenty metres a contrastive redolence tickles your olfactory senses. Experiencing Gwangjang as a guest is clearly a far richer experience compared to the donkeywork involved in life as a vendor. 
A proper send-off is essential lest Kyungsoo decides to stay, even if it means creating a huge dent in your pocket. You plan on giving him a final tour of the Market where you could both say your goodbyes while receiving a premium fuel of vitamins, minerals and carbs. 
Lots of carbs.
“Let’s start with Pakgane”, says Kyungsoo, with a skewered sausage in one hand.
Wanting to start with nothing less than the best in order to create a lasting impression, you shake your head in response. This was supposed to be a farewell he’d never forget.
With every step, the aroma of scallops drizzled with butter and cheese grows stronger. You start your tour by ordering two portions of the delectable street food which sets you back considerably but you’re far too elated to care, even refusing Kyungsoo’s offer to pay as the woman sets the scallops ablaze with a blow torch.
“Do you know what this technique is called?” Kyungsoo gives a little nod in the direction of the flaming food.
A teachable moment. How does his own personality not wear him off?
You’d made a firm resolve to not let any of his condescension bog you down so with a sweet smile, you reply, “No, Chef. I do not.”
“Flambé, minus the alcohol. Do you know how they manage that?”
The ahjumma calls out for you and you nearly jump to collect the order, the slight upward curl of his lips coming into your peripheral vision.
The Market supposedly looks the same as it did fifty years ago and you quite enjoy eating your way through it. The tour makes your heart grapple with nostalgia even though your partner’s vibe is akin to a mug of insipid coffee.
Although you’d spent only a little over a year at Choi Yoonsun’s, the goodbyes were long and hard. Some of the vendors squeeze you and Kyungsoo in heart wrenching hugs, the others give you a little cash to help you through the transition and for some of the food, you pay only with smiles and thank yous.
After a gastronomic fiesta entailing tteokbokki, pajeon (minus the ketchup - you did it Kyungsoo’s way), sashimi, kimbap, different types of banchan, a thousand more teachable moments, the both of you end the day on a sweet note with hotteok. 
The ahjussi wishes you both luck, making you choke back tears. 
Your moist eyes don’t escape Kyungsoo’s attention.
“Are you…. Is the hotteok spicy? No, I mean it’s obviously not…erm”
The dam of your tears explodes. 
You were going to miss this place. Even the less appealing aspects of it. You were going to miss the kimbap unnie who greeted you with a hug everyday, also the snooty mandu ahjumma who could hardly stand the sight of Choi Yoonsun’s crew. You were going to miss washing dishes in the winters with water that was supposed to be ice and the sweltering summers that had you sweating through every layer of clothing. 
Hell, you were even going to miss Kyungsoo.
“No”, you sniffle, “No, no Chef, it’s nothing. Take care of yourself. As much as I’m glad that our fateful working relationship has met its rightful end, I truly, genuinely, wish you luck. And learn to smile a little more, yeah?”
“Are you dying?” Eyes glinting, mouth agape, he chuckles.
“What? NO! What? You’re leaving. What is wrong with you?”
“Who says I’m leaving?”
“You! You’re not coming with us to Gangnam!”
“Says who?”
“Your stupid face that looked like it was hit by a freight train when Imo broke the news last week!”
“I’m not leaving?” He draws his words out in a question.
“This is no time to joke, Chef. You are leaving!”
“Says who!”
“Your stu-”
“Stupid face? I wasn’t planning on leaving at all. I’ve even found myself a place close to the restaurant. Oh yeah, sorry for having misled you. It was really just - my stupid face.”
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A month from Grand Opening
It’s not just about food.
Food only makes for a fifth of a restaurant’s success equation. Management and promotional skills are essential because a restaurant is, first and foremost, a business. 
Mark Lee, the young consultant from PCY Associates had imparted this crucial business knowledge to your compact team of three aspiring restaurateurs in exchange for an egg sandwich and watermelon juice. The enthu-cutlet has been overseeing the legal set-up of your humble restaurant for a month now. 
However, according to Mark, the crème de la crème of the success equation is customer service. 
Customer service. 
Here’s where the crusty Chef was supposed to take a backseat and you - a real people person, a socially adept charmer - were to sashay in and shine. 
These ideas were a bit too much for that thick, globular skull of his so you tried to educate him with a practical example. 
He’d added a rule to the first draft of the menu - a shared document for brainstorming purposes. It read ‘No ketchup for you.’ This rule (or insolence as you called it) went against your belief system as the restaurant’s to-be-anointed Manager (a girl can always hope). ‘Never say no to a customer’ being the foundation of customer service, you slashed the rule with a strikethrough. 
But the next time you tried to log in, you found yourself locked out of the document. 
“Chef, why can’t I find the draft menu anymore?”
He’s aggressively julienning leeks, pretending to not have heard you. 
“What?” Finally, he looks up. The skin between his eyebrows pinched and his arm raised to level his brand new 1-piece chef’s knife (initials etched into the blade) with his profile.
“Why-why did you lock me out of the draft menu?”, you stammer, gaze trained on the cutting edge glistening with tears of The Leeks.
Kyungsoo’s been visibly getting jittery by the day as opening day approaches.
He deliberately places the knife to the side of the board and you take a gutsy step forward. He uses a cold, serial-killer voice to ask, “What makes you think that I locked you out?”
You lean over from the other side of the granite counter, face barely an inch from his, “Who else could’ve? Imo is technologically challenged.”
“Fine”, he sighs, “I locked you out.” His lips curl up in a menacing smirk, “What are you gonna do about it?”
Grinning, you stare right into his dark eyes and let out a shrill, high-pitched scream, “IMO!”
This throws him back a few steps and he’s rubbing and pulling at his right ear when Imo walks into the kitchen. 
“Yah! Am I your babysitter? Whatever it is, I don’t want to hear about it. I am asking you”, she looks at you before spinning her head in Kyungsoo’s direction, “and you, to sort this amongst yourselves. For once!”
“But-but Imo!”, you protest.
“Aegiya, I really don’t want to ship you back to Bucheon.” 
“Here’s your tax ID, liquor license… okay so this was a touch-and-go because the officer is transferring to another Department and the one that’s supposed to be coming in is a real piece of work….” 
Mark Lee is here with the final set of documents. 
Imo’s eyes are gleaming with excitement and sheer joy but she’s held a businesswoman-like composure. On the other hand, Kyungsoo looks very much like himself - like someone’s sucked the life out of him. 
You bring Mark his usual egg sandwich and watermelon juice because there’s only so much your restaurant can offer at this point in time, feeling brutally overwhelmed with the volume of pending tasks until opening.
After practically inhaling his mini-meal, Mark dabs his mouth clean and says, “My work here is done. If you need anything you know where to find me. And good luck. Trust me, you’ll need it.”
Imo looks worriedly at Kyungsoo and then at Mark and at Kyungsoo again which prompts him to ask rather uncomfortably, “What do you mean ‘you’ll need it’?”
Mark’s dramatically long sigh is an indication of a sermon to follow. As he leans back into his chair, Imo and Kyungsoo instinctively cower like an invisible weight has been plopped onto their shoulders. The sight is beyond pathetic: they are like peasants before a feudal lord. It makes you want to smash the know-it-all smirk off of Mark’s face.
What comes after, though, isn’t a sermon but a sentence and a half that leaves the three of you shaken.
“The dining business here in Gangnam is hyper-competitive and most restaurants fold in six months. And if that sandwich is any indication…”
Kyungsoo valiantly advances to rescue your team out of the dark bubble of Mark Lee’s words with, “What’s wrong with the sandwich? She makes a perfectly good sandwich!”
What was supposed to be a compliment somehow sounds very wrong in your head, but before you could give him the death stare he leaps to damage control, “What I mean is, we all ate the very same sandwich for breakfast. I don’t usually dissect food for novices but the egg was perfectly cooked, mayonnaise was just the right amount and the seasoning was balanced, too. So I’m not sure what you’re trying to say. We’re serving perfectly good food here.”
“The thing is, this is something even my mother could make and dude, believe me, she’s terri…her culinary abilities are highly questionable. Also, do you think your friend would’ve sold you this place if it were thriving, Mrs. Choi? She’d inherited it from her grandfather and she sold it to you at a dirt cheap price because she was neck deep in debt. I’m sure you know, real estate here is three and a half times the country’s average. So not only do you have significant funds locked into a possibly deadweight property but also your plan clearly lacks vision. Gwangjang’s Choi Yoonsun can keep you afloat for four…maybe six months but Gangnam’s Choi Yoonsun has to create an identity for herself. Look around you, everyone’s serving good food”, Mark tilts his head in Kyungsoo’s direction, “Here, people eat with their eyes first. Now, I’m not saying family-run restaurants serving traditional cuisines don’t do well. A lot of them have been passed down for generations. What I’m saying is…..find your USP.” 
Mark squints, looks into the distance, and pinches the air a lot during this damp squib speech of his.
So the menu isn’t very different from what Choi Yoonsun served in Gwangjang. Her USP has always been homestyle cooking with a twist. But that was the demand of a Market that upheld traditionalism and Gangnam, being precipitously everchanging, would be quite something to keep up with. 
The weight of Mark’s words manifests on Kyungsoo’s shoulders. He lets out a sharp exhale and starts to clear the table, giving him plenty non-verbal cues to leave. You rush to help him out and meet his defeated form (crouched over the sink) in the kitchen.
The shuffling sound of your footsteps reaches his ears and he pivots to face you.
“We’ll be okay”, your voice is but a calm whisper prompting his creased forehead to slowly smoothen.
“We’ll be okay”, he forcefully echoes.
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Grand Opening Day
A frisson of fear laced with excitement descends your spine.
Choi Yoonsun’s is enveloped in a pin drop silence save for the sound of Kyungsoo’s pacing. It’s grating on your nerves but Kyungsoo pacing is far better than Kyungsoo “going over the plan” for the umpteenth time. 
The kitchen’s prepped for battle so you’re seated at the cash counter, cuddled close with Imo, placated by her soothing, motherly presence. The three of you are like ticking time bombs, ready to go off at any minute.
This, right here, is the perfect example of a pinch-me-it-doesn’t-feel-real moment. You allow yourself to feel the forces at play as your eyes take in every nook and cranny of the restaurant. The place is agreeably well lit and the ventilation hoods aren’t an eyesore either. The decor’s minimalistic with a sand and stone colour scheme and the floor’s been scrubbed spotless. Eight sturdy wooden tables, tactically placed, allow for movement and privacy yet the area has been optimally utilized. 
Fifteen minutes for the ‘Open’ sign to light up. 
Kyungsoo and you proceed to help each other out with crisp bright yellow aprons affixed with red name tags (handpicked by Imo, the aprons made you both look like dumpy chicks) and clear plastic masks and wish each other luck with curt nods.
Imo’s sons are the first to arrive with some friends in tow. They are served with Kyungsoo’s Yachae Twigim and Budae Jjigae, your Gyeran-mari and Kimchi Bokkeum-bap and of course, Imo’s famous Kalguksu and Kimchi Mandu. Makes you wonder if they’ve had enough of it but they seem to be greatly enjoying themselves. Some of Hyunjin’s friends from Four Seasons are here too, their mighty presence driving Kyungsoo to the edge.
But a few compliments from them are enough to soothe his nerves.
Among the flurry of patrons through the day were vendors and stall owners from Gwangjang along with their family and friends, Kyungsoo’s acquaintances who you knew nothing about and neither did you care enough to ask, Mark Lee with his very handsome boss Park Chanyeol also dropped by sometime around noon. 
Your mother couldn’t make it to the opening. It stung a little but as usual, you sucked it up and went on with the highly stimulating day that anyway left you with very little time to mull over any unpleasantness.
By the end of it, you were pretty sure you’d wake up with blistered feet the next morning. 
It’d been a splendid opening with sales tallying up to KRW 2500,000: nearly two and a half times the estimate. Imo breaks into a dance at the figure, even Kyungsoo lips stretch into a reluctant grin.
You intensely wish Mark Lee were here to witness this euphoric win.
Six months later
Mark Lee had been right. 
Choi Yoonsun was miles from creating an identity in Gangnam. Regulars from Gwangjang could make it to the restaurant only twice or thrice a week, support from acquaintances had been gradually trickling, and some negative reviews floating around the internet about poor table turnover had also been driving potential guests away.
You tried to mitigate this by hiring part timers at minimum wage but for several reasons, none of them managed to stay: anti-social hours and Kyungsoo’s hostility being two of the key causes.
On your best days, the sales would total up to KRW 1500,000 and the weekday numbers had been dismal.
Your eyes light up at the familiarity of that voice. Mirroring its excitement, you run into the arms of its owner.
Kyungsoo peers over his glasses while scrubbing the iron girdle, studying the floppy haired, cheerful man with a wide grin plastered across his face that’s pranced into the kitchen at closing time. 
Byun Baekhyun has been your best friend since time immemorial. Growing up in Bucheon, he’d been the only family you’d known besides your parents and Imo’s family. You weren’t even as close with Hyunwon and Hyunjin as you were with Baekhyun. Since work always kept your mother busy, his parents had practically been the ones to raise you and not once did they make you feel like an outsider.
“Yah! Quit calling me Dooly we’re not kids anymore! Have you eaten? Let me whip you up something real quick. Look at youuuu, when did you get this skinny! How long are -”
“Not to interrupt, but you’ve left the water running”, Kyungsoo drones, lazily pointing in the direction of the sink. 
You clearly remember turning it off before darting to greet Baekhyun.
‘Sonofa-’ exasperated, you mouth to Baekhyun, whose eyebrows have shot up to his hairline out of vicarious embarrassment, before turning around to face Kyungsoo who seems to be scrubbing the iron girdle to gold. “Chef, you’re closer to the sink.”
“Reiterating. You’ve left the water running. If you wanna go on tittle-tattling, by all means….this wastage is on you.”
“Make yourself comfortable”, too exhausted to pick a fight, you whisper to Baekhyun, gesturing towards the closest table, “I’ll be with you soon.”
“It’s bad”, Imo sighs, burying her face in her hands. 
11 P.M., two hours past closing time. 
The sparse lighting in the restaurant is causing you an eyestrain to look at the scribblings on the register. Your neck and shoulder muscles are tense from all the chopping, stirring, and scrubbing: a slow day does not translate to an easy day. You notice that Kyungsoo is growing weary, too. 
Or maybe discouraged.
You communicate with each other in evasive glances as if the restaurant not doing well is, somehow, on the two of you. 
“Imo”, Baekhyun speaks first so as to allay the looming dread, “I’ve been reading the online reviews and those who’ve visited here have been raving about the food - especially the Kalguksu. They say you’ve brought the flavours of Gwangjang to Gangnam. There’s this one thing, though - ”
“Sajangnim”, Kyungsoo interrupts a zealous Baekhyun’s pitch, “I don’t think this is any of his business. We’ve been keeping track of reviews and such - ”
“Let the boy speak. He’s family.” She says softly, pressing her fingers to her temples, clearly clutching at straws now.
Kyungsoo clenches his jaw and nods in Baekhyun’s direction, indicating him to continue.
“There-there”, Baekhyun stutters, eyes fixed on Kyungsoo who’s vaguely fascinated with his cuticles, “are some complaints about slow service. Particularly between starters and mains.”
After an uncomfortably rich pause, Imo gently rests her hand atop Baekhyun’s “Baekhyunah, how long are you here for?”
“For as long as you need”, the apples of his cheeks rise as his eyes crinkle into a gleeful smile.
“Somebody is early. Also, the cart looks different…it’s..?” 
Dressed in his usual black athleisure, round eyes framed with chunky glasses, Kyungsoo jogs lightly to match your out-of-character sprightly pace into the market. 
“Bigger. I bought a new one.” You chirp, shooting him an out-of-character smile.
Even the dreary weather isn’t a buzzkill because today is supposed to be Baekhyun’s first day at work.
“How did you get Sajangnim to agree? She can be -” 
“Miserly? Stingy? Close-fisted? Also, when will you stop calling her Sajangnim?”
“Just so that you can stop addressing me appropriately? Dream on. And I meant economical. Sajangnim is economical.”
“Chef, do you even listen? I bought it. With my own money. I figured since we’d need more ingredients now, we could use a bigger one.”
“And how did you come to that conclusion?” Impervious to his smug tone, you step away to pick up a one kg bulk pack of dried shiitake mushrooms while he’s examining a small batch of zucchini. 
“Because Baekhyun’s gonna be working with us now.”
“Temporarily. And we’re suddenly going to start doing better because of an inexperienced, unemployed -”
The wheels of the cart hit his ankle when you swivel it, making him wince in pain. 
“Oops! Sorry.”
“You did that on purpose!” He chides.
Half-shrugging, you say nonchalantly, “Serves you right. Baekhyun may be inexperienced but he isn’t unemployed. If anything, he’s doing us a favour. He’s whimsical like that.”
“I know”, he states, forcefully taking control of the cart, “I know he isn’t unemployed. He owns a Hapkido training academy for elementary school children and is on a break these days. I looked him up. I, personally, wouldn’t have hired him if it were my restaurant but I’m sure Sajangnim -”
“Chef?” You stop dead in your tracks.
“You’re on…” you wanted to say ‘social media’ but the words sounded almost blasphemous to be used in front of a very uptight Doh Kyungsoo: a man with absolutely no online presence. 
“What is it?” His eyebrows knit together in annoyance.
“Nothing, let’s go.”
“You know what else is different today?” He says on your way out, a mischievous smile tugging at his lips.
“You. You’ve showered.” He chortles, thinking he’s being funny.
But with a hardened expression, you let him know that he’s crossed a line.
“Too far?”
“A tad.”
“Let’s get you some coffee.” 
“No.” You smile inwardly, relishing his apologetic tone.
“We have to pick up Baekhyun’s apron and nametag.”
At first you thought you were imagining this. 
A group of high school girls frequenting Choi Yoonsun’s must obviously be because they want to get healthy, homely meals instead of the trash served at fast food chains or the uneconomical subsistence of instagrammable cafes. They’re obviously not here for the charming server with an athlete’s body and a boyish grin.
“He should wear respectable clothing”, says Kyungsoo, indicating at Baekhyun’s skinny jeans and fitted black tee, hiss sharper than the sizzle of minced garlic in butter.
“Why, I don’t think his cleavage is showing”, you retort, scooping out a serving of rice from the cooker.
“You have absolutely no shame”, he states matter-of-factly, stirring the soup pot.
“What? Is my cleavage showing, too?” You ask in mock-surprise, fixing your apron theatrically.
“Forget I said anything.” 
The aroma of Kimchi Jjigae had you salivating and you couldn’t wait to taste it for seasoning. Kyungsoo’s cooking amply made up for his drab, lacklustre personality. 
“Chef, lighten up. Any publicity is good publicity.”
“You sound like a tabloid journalist”, leaving the soup to simmer, he turns around to face you, “What’s wrong with your hair?”
“I got a haircut”, scrunching your face you respond suspiciously, the fact that he noticed it despite the hair cover makes your heart palpitate.
Taking the unwarranted attention away from your hair, you ask hastily, “You think they’re here for Baekhyun and not your food, right?” 
“Ye-yes”, he stutters, looking away.
“These people wouldn’t be here time and again if it weren’t for the food, Chef. You should know that.” 
Moving closer to him, you lightly dust flour off of his shoulders. 
“How did you get flour on your shoulders?”
His ears go scarlet. 
Imo comes into the kitchen while Kyungsoo and you are preparing for the day ahead. Baekhyun has gone down to Bucheon to oversee the affairs of his training academy. 
“There’s this new officer who’s reviewing all liquor permits issued this year. Be careful and make sure to check all IDs twice. I’m taking the day off. Will you two be okay by yourselves?” She swooshes out of the kitchen, not bothering with your incoherent replies.
“Can’t believe they’ve ditched us on a Friday.” You grumble, soaking clams in fresh water.
“We’ll be fine.” Kyungsoo reassures you.
It had been quite the day and nearing closing time, your feet were going sore. Baekhyun taking on the toughest role in the restaurant made you greatly appreciate his efforts. While most guests are civil, he’s experienced his fair share of rowdy ones firsthand and his ability to deal with them is unparalleled. He’s never, ever let any matter escalate to a point of embarrassment and has demonstrated the maturity to overcome every crisis situation with a smile on his face. 
The fact that he’s only temporarily here suddenly starts to wear you out. 
Kyungsoo sticks a handwritten note on the steel holder which reads - Yangnyeom - 2. It’s only been a little over eight months since the restaurant’s been fully functional yet the holder’s worn out more because of use and less because of time. 
“About time we advanced to kitchen order tickets, right? Saves Baekhyun…or either of us unnecessary excursions to the kitchen. Also, billing will be simpler that way.” You offer while straightening your apron and getting ingredients ready for Kyungsoo to prepare the sauce.
“Yeah, it does”, he seems really out of it as he’s getting chunks of juicy chicken ready for the fryer. He’s moving around the kitchen rather clumsily, nearly tipping over the bottle of corn syrup.
“Wah, Chef, are you alright? Would you like me to do this?” 
Resting his back against the wall, he slowly sinks to the floor, face buried in hands. “Yes, please.”
While you’re preparing a sauce the recipe for which you know like the back of your hand, his instructions don’t cease. The only thing you’ve ever liked about working with this man is that contrary to Imo, he does not believe in micromanaging. But right now it feels like you’re in the kitchen with her and not with Kyungsoo.
The tension causes you to lower the chicken into the fryer hastily resulting in specks of flaming oil to splatter onto your arm. 
He’s quick to rush to your aid with a cold towel.
“Yah, Chef, you’re making me nervous, what’s with all this nitpicking?” You almost yell at him as he’s gingerly dabbing the towel on the affected area.
“I’m sorry, I am so sorry. It’s just”, he pauses briefly, worrying at his lower lip, questioning eyes peering into yours, before helping you with the chicken - slightly more confident in his movements now, “whatever you do, don’t get out of the kitchen. Table number four, those guys there, are weird.”
“Weird, how?”
“Rowdy, mannerless and drunk. Really, really drunk. Steamrolled by the ‘Friday happy’.”
“Ah, Baekhyun’s well-versed with their kind. Don’t worry, just be polite. Are you sure you don’t want me to intervene?”
“Positive and whatever happens?”
“Stay put. Chef?”
“It’s only thirty minutes to closing. We can get through this, okay? And don’t accept further orders!”
Twenty minutes after, you’re aimlessly scrolling through your phone to take your mind off the stabbing pain in your lower abdomen. Simultaneously playing a little game of inventing the kind of content Kyungsoo would upload if he were a user on these sites only to be jolted with the realization as to how little you know about the man.
As the restaurant’s occupied with boisterous conversations and raucous laughter, you’re counting seconds to closing. Multiplying three hundred with every bracket of five on the clock.
The din comes to an abrupt halt when you hear a middle aged man bellow, “Yah, punk, do you have a death wish?!”
Gradually moving closer to the door, you try to get a view of the scene outside.
You see a polite but firm Kyungsoo bow before the man, “We can’t serve you any more alcohol, sorry, we’ll be closing now.”
The other two men along with the nasty vermin have long passed out. You quickly call for a cab, subconsciously grabbing a hold of Kyungsoo’s knife in the process.
Kyungsoo recoils as the man grows louder by the second. “We cannot serve you anymore alcohol, sir.”
It happens in a flash. 
So fast you almost feel like you’re astral projecting.
One moment, the man raises a hand to strike Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo swerves. You dash out of the kitchen with the knife in your hand. Face to face with the man, you scream until your lungs hurt, “GET OUT! I SAID GET OUT OF MY RESTAURANT!”
The vermin’s companions stir at the sound. 
With frightened eyes they take in the scene as their drowsy brain is still trying to assess the situation for action. They soon pull the man by his shoulders while Kyungsoo’s tugging at your knife bearing arm that’s still raised in combat mode, simultaneously apologising to the rowdy guest.
Wagging his sausage like finger at the both of you he warns menacingly, “You have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into.”
Slapping the tab on their table, you proceed to threaten him, “Settle this and get - the fuck - out of my restaurant before I call the cops.”
Throwing a couple of bills on the table, he staggers out, grumbling, “You just wait”, still wagging his finger and reeking of stale alcohol. 
It was only then that your grip on the knife eases as Kyungsoo carefully draws it out of your hand and you see, just like you, he’s shaking too.
“What just happened?” He’s the first to speak as you sit across the table from him, dark orbs glinting in the dim light, forehead beaded with sweat. His hands are tightly wound together as he places them on the table. One day without Baekhyun and Imo and Kyungsoo and you had messed up real bad. By the looks of it, neither of you were ready to accept this fact.
“We did exactly what we were supposed to do. Stop worrying!” You say more to yourself.
He’s not convinced.
“Chef, that man’s reaction wasn’t something that you could’ve preempted or….controlled in any way.” Finding yourself getting mildly annoyed, you try your best to lay the edge off of your voice. All you wanted was for him to be alright because, technically, none of this was his fault. 
“Would you have allowed him to take a swing at you?”
“He was far too drunk for that”, he exhales heavily and you notice his stance relax before clamping up again, “but you-you came out with a knife!”
His tone isn’t accusatory. He’s simply baffled.
“Fight or flight…”
“It’s my knife.”
“I’ll be sure to hide the murder weapon.”
He nods slowly.
“Do you need some water? Tea? A hug?”
You half expect him to scowl or groan or whatever it is that he usually does but he seems to be actually evaluating his options.
“A beer?”
“Down for Chimaek?”
Stood up to go into the kitchen, you awkwardly, and very, very slowly put an arm around his shoulders and give him a tight squeeze.
This was your first time having fried chicken and beer in complete silence - a few minutes felt like hours with the incident still hovering over both of you.
“Chef, you know we haven’t murdered anyone right?”
“The restaurant feels like a scene of crime to me. Also, what did he mean by ‘you just wait’?”
“Eh. Empty threats. Testosterone poisoning. Do you think they’ll throw me into prison for threatening him with a knife?”
“You should be sent in for pilfering stock”, he says gesturing at the tray between you, taking a chunky bite of the chicken, “you were going to take this home, weren’t you? It’s good, by the way.”
“Ah, this makes me happy”, you lean back into your chair, smiling discreetly at Kyungsoo’s messy fingers and mouth.
“A compliment from me makes you happy?” His eyebrows shoot up as he takes a swig of beer.
“Testosterone poisoning”, you say pointing an accusatory finger at him, “I couldn’t care less what you think. I’m pretty confident in my skills.”
“As you should be. Then what ‘makes you happy’? The thought of going to prison?”
“Yes”, you lie, “you think I’ll have a prison bitch?”
“I think you’ll be the prison bitch.”
You open your mouth to protest but what escapes is a mortifying burp.
Uncomfortable silence.
Meeting his eyes, you purse your lips, feeling your face flame. He smiles at you and says, ‘wait for it’, before belching. Loudly. Sending you both into fits of laughter.
“What happened here last week?”
Kyungsoo and you are seated opposite Imo like criminals before a cop in an interrogation room. Baekhyun is holed up in the kitchen, cleaning. For the most part, he avoids conflicts like these where Imo’s red hot beam of anger could be misdirected at him. 
She’s glaring at the responsible child, Kyungsoo, to break first but since it was your idea to keep the incident from her you start to explain. By the time you’re done she seems angrier, but not at the two of you. Only after a tiny lecture on how you should learn to be more tactful in such situations does she spell out her real concern.
Turns out the man the both of you had a scuffle with last week is the new officer’s brother-in-law. Now, the restaurant’s received a notice from the liquor permit’s office for an “inspection” in the coming week. Although aware that this situation isn’t either of your fault, Imo is far from pleased with this development.
“Fix this”, she orders and disappears into the kitchen.
There’s only one person who can help you out of this mess, but neither Kyungsoo nor you possess the emotional capacity to deal with him. 
“He’s our only option”, you deadpan.
With a heavy sigh, Kyungsoo dials Mark Lee.
Mouth stuffed with egg sandwich, Mark Lee garbles, “What do you want from me? It’s an inspection so let them come and - inspect.”
Imo’s taken off for the day and it’s just you and Kyungsoo trying to sort out the mess you weren’t entirely responsible for. 
“You said we could call you if we needed help with anything”, Kyungsoo reasons with Mark who’s now ogling at him as if he just got spoken to in an alien language.
“Yes, but I don’t see how I can be of help here?”
“Tell us anything you know about this new officer. Don’t leave anything out.” You’re nearly begging at this point and Mark Lee, as always, is reveling in your misery.
He relaxes in his seat, swirling the glass of watermelon juice, “You know you can’t buy your way out of this right? He’s an uptight bugger and you screwed up! Big time! All you had to do was give his brother-in-law a bottle of beer.”
“Oh, we’re sorry we didn’t have his family tree handy”, Kyungsoo rolls his eyes, “Besides, were just trying to abide by the rules - ”
The helplessness in Kyungsoo’s voice causes you to lose your cool at Mark. “Yah! Quit being cocky and just tell us everything you know!”
“Oh-oh feisty”, his mouth spreads into an annoying grin, “okay so he loves his wife, obviously, it’s why he’s doing this. Has an eleven year old daughter who is the apple of his eye. Erm, let’s see, he’s spent his teenage years in Japan and the country is all he’ll ever talk about. Piss him off and this inspection turns into a review and if things continue to spiral you’ll have your permit revoked. So be careful.” His eyes lock with yours making you shift uncomfortably in your seat.
“What are you planning to do with this information, anyway?”
“We don’t know just yet”, Kyungsoo starts clearing up the table, as usual, and Mark knows that his time is up.
“Dude”, he leans towards you, whisper-chortling, as Kyungsoo retires into the kitchen, “did you drive him out with a knife?”
Nodding, you grin gleefully.
“Fiery! You’re totally my boss’ type.” 
“So what are we going to do?” Rubbing your eyes and stifling a yawn, you ask Kyungsoo.
While the world sleeps, the market is awake. Buzzing with a contagious energy. Although you hate having to wake up this early, the moment you step into this space, you’re completely taken by its vigour and gusto for life. 
It’s nothing short of a celebration.
Chefs, big and small, passionately scour every nook and corner for the perfect herbs, veggies, and meats. You may not know each other closely or even by name but you feel part of a community - part of a family. True to character, you won’t ever stop whining about this routine with friends and family and occasionally with Kyungsoo, Baekhyun, and Imo but you know it in your heart of hearts, you wouldn’t skip sourcing for the world.
“So he’s spent his teenage years in Japan right?” Kyungsoo muses, lowering a crate of mudfish in the cart for today’s special, Chueotang.
“Let’s recreate his teenage years for him. Japanese dorm meals?” 
Kyungsoo stops abruptly, “That’s a thought!”
“We can set the menu today after closing.”
“How about a coffee now?” He asks, averting your gaze as a slight smile forms on his lips.
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On the morning of the inspection, Kyungsoo sneezed. Once. Twice. And on the third strike he was sent home by Imo because “this is not a good look”. Or forced out of the restaurant - depends on who you ask. He whined a little, even shed a few tears but Imo steeled herself and drew him out, anyway.
Although the menu is simple, the concept is layered and robust. The exercise is, after all, being undertaken merely to impress the officer in question. Well equipped for the inspection, the restaurant’s closed for the day. 
This is nothing Baekhyun and you can’t manage but, obviously, Kyungsoo feels otherwise. He’s been calling to check in in intervals of five but seems like the medication’s finally kicked in and put him in a state of deep slumber. Good for him. And for you. 
Two hours until showtime.
Under your close supervision, Baekhyun is labouring over the fairly straightforward stuff: tako sausages, potato and macaroni salad and egg sandwiches while you’ve kicked off the recipe for rolled omelettes.
Egg mixture aside, you start the rice cooker, leave green tea to boil for salmon ochazuke while the frying pan’s heating up for yaki udon.
Once you’d gotten all the dishes down, done exactly the way instructed by Kyungsoo: rolled omelettes, yaki udon, tako sausage, potato and macaroni salad, egg sandwiches and salmon ochazuke, it was time for you to take on the simplest but the most provoking dish on the menu.
Neko Manma. Or, cat rice. 
“Ah, Dooly, shall I bring out the jar of bonito flakes?” Baekhyun prompts.
“The one Chef brought us this morning?”
He hums in response.
“I think we should use the store bought one instead.”
“But he’s worked on this recipe all week. You sure you wanna do that?”
“He’ll flip out.”
“I’ll deal with it. We’re altering the recipe for Neko Manma, this ones too pretentious. Doesn’t sit right with me.”
“So, what do you want to do with it?” Baekhyun’s tone is wary and questioning. 
“Rice, soy sauce, store bought bonito flakes and just a faint drizzle of butter. Nice and clean.” You respond confidently. 
“Are you really sure?”
“Why are you here?” You hiss at Kyungsoo while Imo is outside, busy greeting the motley of high-headed officials, giving them a brief of the restaurant, herself, her team, and going over the licenses and documentation. 
Face flushed, Kyungsoo’s lips are swollen and his eyes are runny, puffy, and bloodshot. He’s clearly in the need for some rest.
“To see if everything’s in order.” His voice is hoarse.
He starts to closely examine the entrees laid out, a smile of approval gracing his lips until he stops short of cat rice.
“These bonito flakes -”
“I didn’t use the fresh ones. I thought -”
“There’s no miso soup?” 
“No, Chef, I reckoned -”
“No grilled fish? Are you being lazy?”
“Chef, no, I am not being lazy. The original recipe just didn’t feel right. So i changed it up a little -”
“Changed it up? That decision was not yours to make!”
“It’s just a side, it’s not going to matter so much!”
Absolutely livid, he runs a hand through his hair and laments. “If we weren’t this close to serving i would’ve dumped this into the bin because that’s where it belongs.”
“Chef, please”, your voice quivers, “let me explain! This was supposed to be the lightest dish on the menu. We ended up styling it with… overwhelming ingredients, so I -”
“I’m utterly confused! What on earth led you to believe you’re qualified enough to teach me? I’ve trained at a diner in Tokyo for two whole years. I know exactly what I’m doing here!”
Eyes brimming with tears, you glance over and Baekhyun who has ‘I told you so’ written all over his face. 
"Kyungsooyah? When did you come in? What’s going on here?”
Imo’s bewilderment cuts through the tension. 
“Sajangnim, I was feeling slightly better so I thought of dropping by to wish you luck." 
Courtesying, he quickly dashes out through the back door. 
The inspection has been revoked. Unofficially, atleast. The restaurant is to receive a written order in a week’s time. 
The officer was impressed to the extent of apologising for his brother-in-law’s behaviour. He even lauded Imo on teaching her staff to stick to the establishment’s principles which made you wonder if he was fully aware of the facts of the case: knife and all. 
He also mentioned how, as a student, he’d eat a bowl of Neko Manma before every exam because at the time, to him, anything else was unpalatable. 
And that, this was what he considered to be the perfect recipe. 
You go through the rest of the day as if sleepwalking. How stupid could you have been believe you were “on good terms” with Kyungsoo or that this was an equal and productive partnership. The fact remained that he still thought of you as someone frivolous: some air-headed moron who has no idea what she’s doing. 
Someone beneath him. 
You made an effort to appreciate this victory but the day had only left you with a bitter taste. Your mother had been right. You’ve always been too soft. Too trusting. Letting people in too easily and allowing them to walk all over you. 
Now, Kyungsoo’s always been like this: controlling, stubborn, absolutely thorough. He never deviates from his well laid out plans. But today was different. Today, you expected something out of him. You expected him to trust you. You expected him to understand your reasoning, to give you a chance. To comprehend the fact that you could have a mind of your own and that not everything has to be exactly by the book. 
You loathe yourself for expecting this out of him. 
Sailing rough seas together doesn’t bloom friendships. You were stupid to think of him as a friend while, in all these months, his opinion of you had remained the same. 
Contrary to the Gwangjang days, you’d long stopped wishing him gone. In some farthest corner of your heart you were even grateful that he chose to say. 
You’ve been so stupid.
Two months later
The kitchen has been fervent but hushed. 
After all this time, Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and you seem to have found a rhythm. You don’t need to verbally communicate to get through a workday. 
But, you used to. 
Sometimes unnecessarily even. Kyungsoo and you hardly saw eye to eye on most things but there would be some semblance of friendly workplace banter. He’d say a little something about a perfectly done piece of meat or a well seasoned soup. Baekhyun would take wickedly funny pot shots at some of the customers (to the utmost horror of Imo). Imo would sporadically push morsels of whatever was being prepared into your mouths. 
Baekhyun receiving feedback in the form of grunts has shut him up altogether. And the busyness of the restaurant has seemed to have blinkered Imo into not being able to perceive the tension between Kyungsoo and you.
It’s a dance to no music. 
Furtive glances. Measured smiles. Curt nods. Exceptional dishes. Decent earnings. 
That’s it.
Maybe that’s how it should’ve always been.
“Ready to go?” Baekhyun asks, dressed in a well fitted black shirt and slacks. 
You’re mopping the floor. Clearly not ready to go.
When you make this known with a sharp glare, Baekhyun giggles. 
Nothing good can come out of that impish smile of his. But before you can sink your claws into him and drag him back, he’s already chatting up Kyungsoo who’s fixing the chairs.
“Kyungsoo, you coming?” He says a little too loudly and you groan. But you know Kyungsoo all too well. He’s one to decline offers involving socialising with you (unless of course, the offer is put forth by his dearest Sajangnim). 
’You can do better than that’, you mouth to Baekhyun.
Incurious about Kyungsoo’s answer, you’re fully prepared to chomp Baekhyun’s ear off for inviting him.
“Sure”, Kyungsoo says plainly.
Without taking the where-what-why route like normal people do? Just..sure?
“Great! We’re going out for drinks since it’s Dooly’s birthday today.”
“Oh. Happy birthday.”
“Thanks. But, Chef, you can’t come. I don’t want you there. I’m sor-”
Swallowing the apology crackling at the tip of your tongue, you dash into the kitchen, your periphery catching his lowered gaze and tight smile. 
Regularising the erratic thrumming of your heart with deep breaths, you shove the mop into the storage area, take off your apron and throw it in the laundry bag (which you were to deal with the next morning), straighten your outfit, fix your hair, dab some rosy tint onto your lips, throw your tote bag over your shoulder, run back out, grab Baekhyun by purposefully lodging your nails into his arms, and take off.
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walker-journal · 3 years
At Hell’s Gates (Bea, Adam, Luce- POTW)
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Participants: Beatrice Vural (Spellcaster- Fiona), Lucinda Vural (Spellcaster-Cal), Adam Walker (Hunter- Tapir)
Summary: Adam brings Nell’s skin talisman to the Vural house to plan a rescue operation into a Hell Dimension with Luce and Bea as time runs out. 
Content Warning: Allusion to sibling death in the Bea resurrection plot
In a way Adam appreciated the breakneck speed of preparations, the staggering level of planning needed to even attempt this almost impossible task. Every second fussing over environment resist gear, talking to Naomi about atmospheric poisons, and running over possible dimensional scenarios with mom was one where he wasn’t thinking about Nell being tortured in hell. Eventually he just had to drug himself to sleep, as he’d be no use on the mission already exhausted. 
Adam caught a glimpse of his reflection in one of the windows of the Vural home. He looked like someone about to venture into a radiative wasteland or wade through mustard gas, heavy boots, sealed armor, and a gas mask hanging from his belt. In truth, even with all this equipment he was pathetically underprepared for what was coming. 
But as always, Adam put on a face of stony resolution. He’d mastered the unphased action hero act a long time ago, even if his reflection had a numb thousand-yard stare that didn’t quite fit. 
“So what’s the magic plan?” 
The bracelet around Luce’s wrist had pinged the second Adam had crossed the boundary line, the magic a reminder of the sister she had lost. Nell had been the one who’d insisted upon the bracelets, something simple and small that they could always keep on them. She’d been so different back then. Younger. Unburdened by the weight that this town placed on its inhabitants. Luce let out a sigh and made her way to the front door, letting Adam inside. He looked like he was going to be rolling up into Chernobyl and, for all any of them knew, he would be. They didn’t know what was on the other side of those portals. And as much as Luce wanted to rush into the first rift she saw, she knew she couldn’t. She couldn’t leave Bea here, alone, to worry and to curse her name. 
Cupping a glass of water in her hands, Luce looked over at her older sister, uncertain. “I don’t know. I’m not the one with the master plan, not this time.” Not ever really. She was just here to get things done, to bring Nell home. She might have lines now, boundaries she wouldn’t cross. But she needed to bring her sister home. “Bea, you find anything in the books on how we can get her back?”
In her early twenties Bea had been worried about her breakups and losing touch with her friends, how different that was from her sisters’ lives. How different that was from Adam’s life. He was walking into war for her baby sister and the eldest Vural could not help but see the flash of the blade cutting down when she looked at him. How many people would risk their lives for Nell? Would Adam be added to the list that had lost theirs for her? Nell, of course, was worth it, but Bea couldn’t help wishing that Adam and Nell could simply lead a life that was similar to Bea’s at their age. 
Her shadows swirled at her feet, agitated by the whirling emotions suffocating their mother, they clung to her ankles as she moved to grab a tome she had taken from Nell’s things. “We’ll be using her magic for this. Or at least we will be using an adjusted version of her magic,” Her voice flowed confidently through the space, coating every surface with honeyed hope that she did not feel. Is this how Luce and Nell felt when they lost her? Luce, now, had witnessed both of her sisters gone, taken unfairly from this world. In an impulsive move, Bea found her little sister’s hand, squeezing as she thought of the terror that must be drowning the middle Vural. “Adam, we will get her back.” Bea would destroy this world for her sister, if it meant she was safe. She would tear the fabric that kept this plane stable. She wondered if the universe knew, if it was prepared to go to war for Penelope Vural. Bea was ready. 
Adam had always been cautioned against hope. It was a purely therapeutic emotion, meant to comfort the dread of uncertainty. Esther Walker had instructed her children that facts should be assessed only for what they were rather than what we want them to be. We are not gods. This is not Hollywood. The cold universe wouldn’t fudge the numbers just because some monkeys on a random rock in the Milky Way had feelings in their skull. 
But Adam knew that not everyone grew up with their mom bluntly stating that they’d eventually lose everyone they care about in the long war. While Adam knew this grimness was Esther’s way of loving him authentically, it’d probably be cruel to give Nell’s sisters the same treatment right now. 
“Hey if we got a plan anything’s possible” he assured Beatrice with a confident lie of smile. Trying not to look at the darkness bubbling at the deathless woman’s feed, Adam turned his attention to Luce briefly. “Hey uh, resident fire scientist. Any way I could get something that might give me a chance if like...there is like an inferno or something? Just a few seconds to get the fuck out?” 
Adam shifted his weight, leather and alloyed kevlar creaking with the moment. “How do we get access Nell’s magic then?”
Bea’s hand slipped into her own and, for the first time, Luce realized just how changed her sister was. The familiar warmth, the heat that had always matched her own-- a source of both frustration and comfort that had followed their whole lives… It was gone now. Bea’s fire was gone. She didn’t have it anymore. She never would. But she was still here, still standing, still trying. And Luce was going to try too. She’d reclaimed her fire, she’d manage to fan the spark back into a blaze, and now that she had the power back? The least she could do was help Adam. To keep him safe. Fuck. She nodded slowly, mulling over how she’d manage something like that. Their mother, she’d made charms to protect Nell from their fire as children, back before they had total control. “I think we have something that we could use-- a necklace Nellie used to wear when she was little. Kept her safe from us, before we could control our fire.” She said, dreading the idea of going into Nell’s room to look for the charm. She didn’t want to step foot in there. Just because she could expect the same anguish that had overtaken her when she’d went into Bea’s room last year-- that didn’t make it any easier. This town, this fucking town. She’d thought that the nightmare had ended, that Bea was safe, that Nell was safe. But nothing changed here.
Looking at the book in Bea’s hand, Luce swallowed. “That’s one of Nells. I don’t know how to do what she does, Bea. Neither one of us do. Summoning, blood magic-- I… What are you planning?”
The charm. Bea had forgotten about the charm that used to keep Nellie safe from them. A physical reminder that she was different from her sister. Bea didn’t blame her for not keeping it on her as an adult. “Do you know where that is?” Nell could have thrown it out years ago, but the youngest Vural tended to know when to hold onto things that could be useful. Bea hoped that she had classified this as something useful enough to hold onto, even with it’s baggage. “I don’t know how to either, but Leah is going to help me research too,” She squeezed her sister’s hand. “We have some luck on our side, we’re already somewhat connected. Her magic is, obviously, connected to ours, but by bringing me back we’re even further intertwined. Your magic combined brought me back, so we can use that as a way to channel her too.” It wouldn’t be that simple though, there were more steps that she wasn’t quite too sure on yet. “We need something else, something to track her too, but I’m not completely sure how to do that yet, if you have any suggestions.”
Adam nodded and mouthed thanks to Luce as Beatrice spoke. He hated to part the sisters with something that reminded them of Nell but when you are about to try a longshot, anything that could ease the odds even slightly was needed. Beatrice's question brought a stab of pain as Adam stirred from where he’d sat, reached into a pocket, and withdrew a battered compass. 
“Nell gave this to me, it was uh a present,” Adam’s stomach clenched at the cruel irony of being given a six months dating present by a sad fire cat. It’d been the morning after he’d taken Nell out to ask their relationship to end for safety’s sake, only for that to be the mistake that caused the disaster he’d hoped to avoid. 
“It points uh,” the answer was that it pointed towards home, though Nell had cautioned that it was more metaphorical than literal. “It can take me to her,” he stammered, trying to keep his voice steady. 
Shifting uncomfortably, Luce swallowed. “It’s in her room. I can…” I don’t want to go in there, not alone. But you could never understand, Bea. You weren’t left behind the way we were. “Get it. Yeah, I’ll grab it.” She said before pushing back from the kitchen table, her hand slipping from Bea’s. She lingered in the doorway for a moment, watching as Adam pulled out a worn looking compass. As Adam explained what it was, Luce couldn’t help but wonder how Nell had gotten her hands on something like that. And just how lucky they were that she had. Luce nodded. “Good. That should… definitely help.” She was dragging her feet, she knew that. Just bite the bullet. With a slightly forced smile, Luce patted the door frame. “I’ll get the necklace.”
The walk up the stairs and down the hall to Nells was a short one, but every step filled Luce with that same anxiety she’d felt every time she had walked past Bea’s door last summer. It was a dread, a fear. That no matter what they did, it wouldn’t be enough. And that all that would be left of her sister would be tucked away in a room. That everything inside would stop being a part of Bea, of Nell, and start being a memorial. A memory. She didn’t want to step foot inside that room. But she had to. If they wanted to find Nell, this was their best shot. Luce pushed open the door and forced herself not to pay attention to the potted plants on their shelves, their leaves wilting a little from lack of care. She didn’t allow herself to dwell on the desk with books still open, the bed unmade with rumpled sheets, as though Nell had just left for the day. These were all reminders of her sister that she couldn’t handle. Instead, Luce began to look for the necklace. 
It wasn’t until this past year that Bea truly understood love. In a sense, she had looked at love the same way her mother did, based on what the other person could do for her. Bea had collected people for their skills, pocketed the ones who were the most useful and claimed she understood love through them. It wasn’t until she had been lost that she got just how powerful love was and even then, though she had seen so much work put into her resurrection, she hadn’t witnessed it all. She hadn’t seen the planning or the original mourning, she had not been involved in the panic and grief. She was unable to escape it here, where love twisted into melancholy suffocating them as aptly as summer heat did in the afternoon. 
Bea reached out to Adam, “Can I hold it? I’ll give it back to you after.” She couldn’t take the physical piece of Nell he had left, but looking at it would help her form a plan. They were all relying on her to make a plan that would bring Nell back. With Luce gone searching, she looked at him for a long moment, considering him. “Adam, I know how much a person would do for Nell.” I know sacrifice and I feel like I’m looking at one. “Please do your best to come back to us too.” Some of that honey sweet hope had dissipated now that Luce was gone, Adam didn’t need that, not in the way Luce did. “Is there anyone who can go with you as back up?” Please, don’t do this alone. 
Adam pressed the compass in Beatrice’s hand. It took Adam a bit to answer Beatrice's request. His wide distant eyes and the lost way they drifted around the Vural’s home, looking anywhere but Bea’s face, revealed the lie behind the firm set of his jaw.
It’d been a long time since Adam had felt his age. Uncertainty and finding yourself were unnecessary when you’d grown up already knowing you’d be a soldier and what war you’d be fighting in. His civilian peers had gone through heartbreaks, angst, anger, cycles of rebellion, maturation, acceptance, and reinvention. But Adam had already grown up at sixteen, when he signed away his life to fight and die in service to humanity. He’d learned how to make bombs, lethal holds, blades, marksmanship, and how to keep his head in a warzone when everyone else had been fretting about what school clique to fall in. 
But now Adam suddenly felt like a child in this tactical armor. It was as if he’d finally woken up from a dream to realize the weight was too heavy for him, but it was already way too late to learn all that stuff the other kids took for granted. Adam marveled at how narrow his own knowledge of the world was. 
Honestly? He knew way more about how to kill monsters than how to be human. 
With bittersweetness, Adam realized that made him exactly what Nell hadn't needed, and only now that she was trapped in Hell was he an ideal partner. 
“I promised Luce I’d come with her back to Earth,” was the only assurance Adam could offer Beatrice. He shook his head at the matter of back up. “I’ve got family and Hunter friends who volunteered but I can’t ask them to take this risk. Besides we need all hands on deck to deal with all the shit coming out of the Portals.”
There were times people should be selfish and this felt like a time, but Bea knew that Adam wouldn’t agree. She could spend all night trying to convince him otherwise and it wouldn't work. He was more stubborn than Nellie sometimes, which was saying something. They were the only people that could get through to each other sometimes. It reminded her a bit of how she and Felix could be with each other. 
“Is it going to be that bad?” She had no idea what these portals could mean for everyone else after all this. Honestly, she didn’t really care what happened as long as the people she loved were going to be okay. “You aren’t asking them if they offered, Adam.”
“In situations like these the portals often get worse, opening wider till they let bigger and bigger things through, stuff that our weapons won't work on,” Adam claimed, suggesting perhaps that the already deadly things coming through the dimensional breaches right now were just small fry compared to what really waited in the beyond. 
“Eventually we get what’s sometimes called a Hellmouth,” the Hunter said, numbly staring at a wall as the present mixed with another time where doomsday had loomed near. “Unless its stopped reality itself could be permanently fucked around here...well...fucked even harder I mean, in a way that can’t be covered up from the outside world any more. They’ll probably notice the tentacle godzillas after a bit.”  
Everyone had called Dad a hero. Had he felt like this, just another expendable piece of kindling thrown on the fire to keep ‘normal’ going for just a little while longer? 
“Hey uh,” Adam prevaricated with a shrug knowing Beatrice was correct. “I’ve ask people for supplies and stuff. They’ve been very generous, but actually going in is something I don’t think I have the right to ask.” Of someone that wasn’t raised to die that way, was rest that was left unsaid. 
It was always the end of the world, it seemed. No matter what everyone did to fix it, something else would come and take the mantle. Bea couldn’t help but feel as though sometimes these things were inevitable. It didn’t stop her from understanding the need to fight, if anything she got that this made people fight harder, because at least they had done something then. Still to fight for a world that didn’t know you were doing it must be exhausting. “So, it needs to close or else we’re all going to die via horrible ways.” The countdown they had already started to tick faster. “I guess it's good that we have people who are going to help then.”
Her throat tightened with unsaid words of caution and unnecessary attempts to dissuade him. Bea knew the look in his eyes, knew that no matter what she did or said, he wouldn’t turn from this course of action. She was sure she would have seen the same look in her own if someone had dared to stop her before she found Nell. “I suppose giving you supplies is enough.” It wasn’t. 
Bea went back to Nell’s book, hoping that skimming again would reveal something else. And it did. She looked between the compass in her hand and the word bone. “Adam, do you know if Nell’s been keeping anything she’s killed? Like the bones of a monster?” The words came out quickly, excited by the potential that laid between them now. 
Adam nodded. “On our first mission together, there was an Alchemist dude who was using a Dolophage to harvest intense emotions and memories from trauma patients,” the Hunter explained, swallowing down the bittersweet feeling of that recollection. It was hard to imagine that’d hadn’t even been a year ago. “Nell forged the Reversal Talisman so the Dologphage’s powers reflected back on it when it tried to tentacle my brain,” Adam explained, poking his ears to illustrate that he’d volunteered to get fed on by the demon as bait. “After we killed it she kept its bones.” 
Digging around in Nell’s room wasn’t easy. Luce had known it wasn’t going to be easy. Not when there was so much uncertainty and that sense of doubt loomed over her every move. The moment she’d heard that Nell was gone, the second she’d heard from Adam, a pit had formed in her stomach. Or maybe it reopened-- maybe it wasn’t a pit so much as it was a gaping wound, created by Bea’s death, that she’d barely been able to tend to. She hadn’t stopped to process the loss, the grief, the anger. The anger. She’d only managed to get a hold of that until it was too late. And just as she was finally coming to grips with the events of the past year, White Crest found a fucking way to open up the wounds. Shutting the dresser drawer she’d been pawing through, Luce settled down on the edge of Nell’s unmade bed. 
Luce clenched her jaw as she tried to sort through her thoughts, trying to figure out where Nell might keep the necklace. But all she could think of was how much it would hurt if she had to do this for real. If she had to pack up boxes of Nell’s things. She hadn’t had to do it with Bea, they’d known how to bring her back, known exactly what they needed to do, even if they weren’t sure if it would work. But Nell was lost. Gone. And Luce had no fucking clue how she could help. Swallowing, Luce wiped her eyes with the back of her hand before her gaze fell on a simple box on Nell’s bookshelf. Luce moved towards it, apprehensive. Her fingers lifted the lid and inside were little trinkets-- magical in nature. Some of them familiar to her, others she didn’t know where Nell had even found them. But there it was. The necklace Nisa had enchanted all those years. Luce took the necklace from the box and closed the box before hurrying out the door. She didn’t want to stay in that room, didn’t want to see that place again. Not until Nell was back. Not until they were all safe.
“Hey. Found it.” Luce said as she held up the little silver charm necklace. “We might need to re-up the magic, but it should help. And hey. Might help with the tracking situation. She wore this all the time.”
Plans were beginning to race rapidly through Bea’s mind, wheels spinning so quickly that she was almost scared they’d burn out. “With that bone we could connect with her,” She mused, before grinning at Luce. “And with the necklace we’ll also be able to tell how close Adam is to her. He’ll be able to use the compass, hopefully, in the dimension to find her quickly.” With eyes brighter than they had been since Nell was gone, Bea looked between the two younger adults,“We have a plan now, a really good one, with three ways to track her. We’re going to get her back.” And the moment she got back, she was going to get the lecture of her fucking life. 
Adam nodded. “Hey...thanks both of you, like I know you’d do this for Nell anyway, but I still appreciate you folks having my back on this.” 
Luce leaned against the doorway, taking in the scene. Bea, determined, her old fire lit inside her with this new mission to get her sister back. Adam, weary in a way that no one should be at his age, but filled with the same resolve. And then there was her. She fell somewhere between the two of them-- somewhere between grim determination and optimism. They were going to bring Nell home, come hell or high water. Which, in this town? Either could happen. “Sounds like we’ve got a game plan then.” Luce said with a nod. “Of course, Adam. And… thanks for leading the charge here. We’re gonna bring her home.”
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skarsgard-daydreams · 4 years
My Doorbell
Description: You love to push Axel's buttons just as much as he pushes yours.
Warnings: jealousy, rough sex, spanking, oral (male receiving), smut, 18+
Note: This story features a reader with tattoos. So, this was supposed to be a simple drabble about Axel getting a Hitachi Magic Wand, but these characters have minds of their own. This is part one of a two part story. Axel’s girl in this one is not the same as the soft girl in my previous story. We’ll call this one his grunge girl. I want to point out that these characters have had explicit conversations about consent and know and respect each other’s limits and safe words. Consent is sexy, y’all. The title is a reference to the song by The White Stripes.
Edit: As of May 2nd, 2021, I do not currently have plans to write the second part of this story unless inspiration suddenly strikes.
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Axel had been waiting for a package for weeks. Your birthday had come and gone and it never arrived, sending him into a constant state of low-grade impatience that manifested itself in little eruptions from time to time. One minute his fingers were idly brushing the koi fish tattoo inked onto the surface of your thigh and the next he was hurling his phone across the room after checking the shipment's tracking information for the seventeenth time in a row.
"What the fuck, Axel?" you finally asked.
"It won't be delivered until Friday," he grumbled as he raked a hand through his hair, trying to calm his agitation.
"Are you ever gonna tell me what 'it' is?"
You picked at the chipping nail polish on your fingertips as you spoke, trying to seem casual about the question. You were curious, but if you let him see you get curious, it would inflate his ego. It was always more fun to be playfully aloof and force Axel into coming up with novel ways to try and impress you. His well of imagination never seemed to run dry.
"Only if you ask me real nicely," he said with a smirk, sliding his hand further up your naked thigh to grab at the waistband of your boy shorts, pulling them back and letting the elastic snap sharply against your hip.
It was your turn to smirk. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?" You turned around and straddled his lap, staring at him with your best bedroom eyes and stroking his package over his jeans as you kissed the corner of his mouth. "Good night," you said in an airy voice, rising to your feet and leaving him there hard as a rock. He looked at you as though he didn't know whether to worship you or pull you back by the hair and tell you that you weren't going to bed without finishing what you started. Really, you were down for either option.
Axel grabbed your thigh before you could move away, a low growl escaping his lips. His hand dug into your flesh, holding you still as he yanked your shorts down and leaned in close, teasing your pussy with his tongue and sucking on your clit for a long, delicious moment with the expertise of a lover who knows your body even better than you do. You gasped and thought your knees might give out if he hadn't been holding your leg so firmly.
"Axel," you breathed.
He pulled away abruptly, leaving you standing there with your shorts around your knees and your head spinning. He gave your ass a quick smack.
"Get some sleep," he said. "You’re going to need it."
You found it impossible to sleep that night, laying against Axel's back with his arm wrapped around your hips, his hand pressed flat against your boy shorts just above the wet spot that was gathering in the fabric from your unabated arousal. You had heard him jerk off in the shower while you got dressed for bed and thought you'd get yourself off with a little help from your favorite vibrator, but you found the drawer empty when you went searching for it. Your silver bullet and the big pink monstrosity with the rabbit ears were both gone. When you confronted Axel, he had just grinned and slipped his fingers between your legs, clearly enjoying how wet you still were.
"You'll get them back," he said, his teasing strokes reminding you that he could turn you into putty with just one of his wicked fingers. "Tomorrow."
Normally you slept easier in his arms, knowing Axel was there to hold you and investigate any bumps in the night. Now you were just horny and agitated and his arm around your waist was like a harness keeping you from slipping out of bed to search for the place he'd hidden your stash of toys. You knew you could have set him straight earlier. It wouldn't have taken any effort—just a sharp lift of your brow as you told him to quit fucking with you. But you were curious to see what kind of filthy ride he'd take you on. That was your favorite thing about being with Axel. He never failed to surprise you.
Eventually you fell into some semblance of sleep. Neither of you had work in the morning, so Axel left you in bed to sleep in as late as you wanted. You were in a dead slumber when you heard him start shouting after the mail was delivered.
"You're fucking kidding me!" Axel bellowed from the kitchen. You furrowed your brows tightly and rolled over with a groan. What was he going on about now? You managed to haul yourself out of bed and padded down the hallway, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
"Axel, what the fuck?" you asked.
He was standing by the kitchen table in his boxer shorts, holding a strange white appliance in his hands. It looked like an immersion blender with a rounded tip instead of the blender attachment. Axel held up the plug at the end of the cord and shook it wildly.
"The listing said it was compatible with an American outlet," he ranted. "Look at this."
You examined the plug. Sure enough, it had two cylindrical prongs like a European appliance. You glanced back at the device as he flipped it upside down to see if it listed its voltage on the side. From the new angle, it reminded you of a microphone.
"What the hell is this?" you asked, rifling through the box for an instruction manual and finding nothing. "You planning a karaoke night, Axeman?"
"Oh, this thing will make you sing, kitten," Axel chuckled. He threw it down on the table and walked back into the bedroom to pull on his jeans. The tone of his voice as he threatened you made your body suddenly remember its unfinished business from last night, and you felt everything inside you tighten with anticipation. Axel was always ordering new toys to enhance your sex life from one questionable website or another. The surprise on your face whenever he introduced something new in the bedroom delighted him so much that you were content to let him do the shopping. You picked up the device and turned it over in your hands, studying its shape. It didn't look like something that would go inside you, that was for sure. You suspected it was a vibrator, but you weren't sure why anyone would make a vibrator shaped like a miniature baseball bat. It seemed like overkill.
Axel came back into the kitchen, pulling on a leather jacket over an old band tee. He had showered earlier and he smelled like warm musk and agarwood. "I have to go pick up an adapter," he said, fishing his keys from his pocket. He pulled you into his arms and kissed you hard and deep, like he wanted to keep the taste of your lips in his mouth when he left. He squeezed your ass with both hands and you could feel his erection through his pants. You sucked on his lower lip as he pulled away, knowing it would make him think of you sucking his cock.
“Don’t take too long,” you said with a slight lilt in your voice. “I have a long line of ex-boyfriends who would do anything for one more chance with this pussy.”
You weren’t entirely sure how he’d react to that one, but you loved to toe that line, pushing him just as much as he pushed you. The words had barely left your mouth before you found yourself facedown on the kitchen table, the cardboard package flying to the floor as Axel pinned you and yanked your shorts down. He drew his hand back and slapped your ass as hard as he could. You dug your fingernails into the wood tabletop and yelped in surprise. It hurt, but the force rocked your core, making your toes curl with another pang of desire. Axel massaged the place where he’d struck you, still holding you down. Your heart was pounding and your vision was obscured by your own hair as you moaned, pressing your forehead against the table.
“Fuck me,” you cried as he smacked your ass again. Axel grabbed a fistful of your hair and pulled your head back. You both loved it when he was rough, but in his voice you heard the pent-up frustration of the past few weeks rising to a boiling point.
“Why should I?” he growled in your ear. “Why don’t you call one of your ex-boyfriends and ask them to do it?”
You knew you had fucked up then. Axel wasn’t the kind of guy who got jealous easily. He knew you found far more camaraderie with your male friends than you did with your female friends, and whenever you would go off to the local dive bar to hang with a nearly all-male crew and call him for a ride at three in the morning, he always trusted you. You hadn’t pushed one of his buttons this time—you’d practically shoved a fork into an electrical socket that was already primed for a surge.
“I don’t want to,” you said breathlessly. “I want you. I want you, only you.”
Axel wrapped his hand around your hair, pulling you off the table and pushing you onto your knees in front of him. “Oh yeah?” he gritted out. “Prove it.”
He didn’t have to say it twice. You quickly released the clasp of his belt and unzipped his jeans, shoving his boxers down over his hips. Axel slapped your cheek lightly, his grip on your hair keeping your head still and his cock just out of reach. You looked up at him, your lips parted and your face flushed pink.
“Tell me what you want, kitten,” Axel said. He looked less angry now, and a devious grin was growing on his lips.
“I want your cock in my mouth,” you insisted, tugging against his grip on your hair and trying to move your head closer. You wanted him to know that even though you teased him, he was the only man you wanted, the only one who could make you feel this desperate.
Axel chuckled. “You’re such a fucking slut,” he said, but he wrapped his hand around his shaft and eased his cock into your mouth. He held your head tightly by the hair, making it clear that he would be setting the pace, not you. You swirled your tongue around the tip of his cock and took him into your mouth, looking back up to make sure he saw how much you were enjoying yourself. You hummed around him, running your tongue along the underside of his shaft.
“Take it,” he grunted as he thrusted deeply, and you did. You relaxed your gag reflex, taking every inch and letting him fuck you just the way he liked. You reached around and grabbed his ass, pulling him in deeper with each thrust, as if to say harder. You almost couldn’t breathe, but it didn’t matter, because you knew you could tap out against his leg if it got too intense. He loved the little sounds you made as you tried not to gag, the feeling of your hands trailing over his hips and squeezing his balls. That pushed him to the edge, and soon he was groaning and finishing down your throat. You swallowed every drop and licked the tip of his cock clean like it was a lollipop, gazing at him in adoration.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Axel breathed, pushing your hair out of your face. You nuzzled your cheek into his hand.
“No,” you purred, savoring the taste of him on your lips. “Just me.”
@loomiz​ @scxrsgxrd​ @skrsgardspam​ @grandpa-sweaters​
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