#i miss reading the training camp arc
eunwoopeia · 1 year
kuroo is so embarrassingly in love with tsukki oh my god
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bonebabbles · 1 year
Jagged Peak sucks too
And I'll say it actually. Gray Wing's anger is completely fucking justified. This has nothing to do with Jagged Peak's disability, this is because he's completely irresponsible with the well being of children
This isn't the first time he lost track of the kittens when he was in charge of them, either. Last time this happened they had to mount a rescue mission.
We see Sparrow Fur get painted a lovely shade of red in her own blood because she ran off on her Father Quest, mauled by One Eye in her goal to reconnect to her mother's domestic abuser, while Gray Wing trusted his brother with ONE JOB to make sure they didn't do something ridiculous
Gray doesn't know that Sparrow looks like a Children's Hospital right now, but he does know she's missing. And he learns where she is from OWL EYES
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It gets worse. Gray Wing calls him over FURIOUS and Jagged Peak plays stupid
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Jagged Peak started to look uncomfortable :(((((((((( "im sowwy i thought it would be okey :( after all the wifebeater is HER FATHER, gray wing, guy who was mates with turtle tail and is the only paternal figure the kittens have ever known. i thought you wouldnt be a little bitch about it because she's big enough that a fox could eat her in two bites instead of one."
THESE KITTENS WERE BORN IN SUMMER. IT IS CURRENTLY AUTUMN. THEY ARE, AT MOST, 6 MONTHS OLD. That is assuming that they were born at the start of summer and this is the end of autumn.
Most likely scenario is that we are looking at 4-month-old kittens, and Jagged Peak said it was FINE for Sparrow Fur to run off on her own into the Oh So Dangerous Woods
How many stupid pills is a lethal dose?
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You do not, under ANY circumstances, "GOTTA ADMIT HE WAS RIGHT"
EVERY time I believe that this arc has scraped the BOTTOM of the barrel, I hear the sickening crackle of wood and peak over the rim to watch them scooping out splinters.
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"all three of them wanted to train with the man who got their mom killed, gray wing. so i let your 10 year old run off into the woods. 10 is old enough to make their own choices gray wing. come on man. c'maaaaan"
Then he starts gushing about how HE is going to be a dad, because that's just fucking GREAT, Jagged Peak. You've really proven how responsible you are and how much you can totally be trusted with children.
RE: This has NOTHING to do with Jagged Peak's disability. None of that is a factor into LETTING CHILDREN RUN OFF INTO THE WILDERNESS UNSUPERVISED
But then The News reaches the Moor cats. Sparrow Fur has been mauled and she is hanging on for dear life. What a turn of events!! No one could have seen this coming!!!!!! Gray Wing rips into Jagged Peak.
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All THREE of you suck. NONE of you are okay people. You are all BLIGHTS on my eyeballs and I wish all three of you fell into a meat grinder at the end of this series
Gray Wing downplaying Clear Sky's role in everyone's pain and torment. AGAIN
Clear Sky "ohhh I feel dreadful :(" good. die.
Jagged Peak: "im sorry b-b-b-b-b-BUT your daughter was INSISTENT, so, you have to forgive me for letting her run into the woods alone--"
Before you go ahead, go on back up. Read that again. Sparrow Fur was put in danger because of Jagged Peak's STUPID choice, and he can't even FULLY take responsibility for it. "I AM sorry, I should have checked with you................................ BUT."
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Always, ALWAYS in this series, a character who is angry is treated as JUST AS BAD as the person who hurt them and mustered up a shitty apology.
You expect me to take Gray Wing FINALLY expressing anger towards the shitty people in his life as a bad thing?? You think I'm supposed to see this as an expression of ableism???? TWICE now Jagged Peak has let children wander off, they have been KIDNAPPED in the past, and now Gray Wing is faced with losing ANOTHER family member. All because of Jagged Peak being an irresponsible manbaby who couldn't say no to an "insistent" child
His leg had NOTHING to do with this. Jagged Peak is the same reckless kid that charged out of the mountains and forced Gray Wing to follow him to prevent him from becoming eagle food, not thinking about anyone else besides himself, but this time he isn't a kid anymore. He's an expectant father.
Fuck, I'll bet you that it's why he let Sparrow Fur run off into the woods alone in the first place. "I did it and turned out fine!" When he's always had GRAY WING behind him to save his ass
Is this harsh? Yes.
Is it deserved? ALSO YES. Jagged Peak should take this shit to heart and THINK about what it means to be a parent before his children come into the world and have to deal with having HIM for a father
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I hate that the only time this arc ever lets Gray Wing fucking unload onto someone, it has to go and try to make it a big shameful thing that he's NOT being a total doormat. He's RIGHT.
Jagged Peak needs his wife to jump in and stand up for him because he can't face the fact that his stupid, careless decision put Sparrow Fur in danger and his brother, NOTORIOUSLY A PUSHOVER, is rightfully losing his shit with him
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Jagged Peak, I hope it felt just as good to smack your brother as it did to call Bumble a fat slob before you stood by and watched her get dragged back to her domestic abuser. The same one you let a kitten run to. I hope your paw falls off.
But before it does, I hope you learn to take responsibility for your actions. Loser ass.
And before someone tries to clown at me about "Oh but Gray Wing was legitimately ableist to Jagged Peak in the past so actually it's not okay that he's yelling at him even though he's totally right!" Do you mean the time he prevented him from running towards a forest fire, the same one that also permanently disabled and ends up killing Gray Wing himself via complications, that everyone could only barely escape from with a lot of jumping? Or do you mean when he told him to defend the camp instead of joining in on the First Battle Murder Party, when Clear Sky was indiscriminately slaughtering people?
Or do you mean when Clear Sky was insulting him in public by calling him useless and Gray Wing was out here trying to insist that he IS useful? Which is its OWN bucket of problematic worms, but no, NEVER in a way that was meant to insult Jagged Peak for his ability or lack thereof.
This is completely new. He has NEVER snapped at Jagged Peak like this.
In fact I even point out in the link above that Jagged Peak shouldn't have to "justify" his existence. His life has value (even though he treated Bumble like hers didn't). That doesn't mean he can't face criticism for what he just allowed to happen to Gray Wing's adopted child. That doesn't mean he'll make a good dad if he doesn't smarten up. That doesn't mean Gray Wing shouldn't be fucking pissed at him.
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Shove off, Holly. Shove off, get lost, play in traffic, suck an egg. You should take out your pain on the person who is responsible for sending a child to an unsafe camp with her mother's abuser where she got mauled, actually. That's completely fucking reasonable.
Disclaimer: This is not a Gray Wing defense post. All three brothers are terrible. Clear Sky remains the absolute worst. Jagged Peak is the "least" bad but he's still fucking awful.
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servingthecuntry · 9 months
Several things to say after the newest episode
WE'RE GETTING THE FATES Y'ALL(if u didn't see the episode trailer go back to the end credits and it'll be there)
Idk why they were moved to after the chimera fight but they're coming!!!!
Also I've been listening to the audiobook and decided to make a post of what we've been missing in the show
Some stuff makes sense like cutting out argus. Maybe it would've been too hard to animate all his eyes or his role wasn't big enough to fit in the time limit. But I've been craving for a missing poster with percy. At camp he's given a newspaper of his and his mums dissapearance with him as a person of interest because gabe calls him a troubled kid with a delinquent past. I get cutting out some stuff for gabe but it couldve been easy to see them walk past a newspaper of this on the train. Also there were missing posters percy would tear down when in the human world and I just want to see one person of interest or missing person poster.
Now SPOILER WARNING(books and show) but here are the other things I've noticed:
Grover got the flying shoes because percy isn't safe in the air due to zeus
The styx oath is super super serious
Annabeth has a crush on luke(maybe they want to retcon that idk)
I'd been wondering for ages why the kids don't have cells ITS BC MONSTERS CAN TRACE THEM
argus is the camp protector and was going to drive the kids to the coach and for some reason they cut it out so we don't get to see a dude covered in eyes
Percy and annabeth aren't supposed to get along because of their parents rivalry
Argus may ship percabeth
Percy has missing posters everywhere
Percy is a person of interest in his mothers suspicious dissapearance because of gabe
Grover eats tin cans and playing cards(he's also a vegetarian)
Percys mum married Gabe bc his smell hides percy from creatures/ monsters
Chiron has had a percy related prophecy that's only now starting to make sense
There were meant to be 3 furies on the bus(i can see why they cut this out)
Monsters come back to life and mrs dodds had come back
The camp was attacked by a hell hound out for percy who was fought off by annabeth with a sword and killed by chirons arrow (I get cutting out this scene but it would've looked SO COOL)
It could only be summoned by someone inside the camp and was from the field of torment so that's how they knew hades was the one who had stolen the lightning bolt and framed percy
A hawaian shirted tourist had taken a picture of percy with riptide
I'm guessing they rewrote the coach scene so they didn't lose all their snacks and money(rip grovers tin cans)
In the book if percy dies the quest is over and annabeth and grover have to go back to camp but I don't think that's an issue in the show(or maybe percy didn't know because annabeth didn't explain to him idk)
Annabeths never actually gone out into the real world since she was 7
We got to see annabeth unsure of herself because she's never gotten to properly fight a monster since she was 7 which is a shame to cut out of the show for her character arc. Tbh theyve cut out a lot of slower character arcs which is annoying but understandable with the length of each episode
Grover can play songs to help eg the find a path song but he hasn't got the hang of it yet
Hes basically a level 1 bard
Auntie M was able to use some kind of snake charmer ability
Grover was way more fighting active in the book because he found his uncles statue earlier than in the show
In the book they used a reflection of a spear instead of annabeths cap and annabeth was calculating how off the light would be because the spear was curved. Both show off annabeths intelligence but the cap is more unique and cooler on screen
When parts of a monster are cut off they don't disappear with the rest of it and become a "spoil of war" -basically a magically remaining trophy
Satyrs aren't meant to get migranes but percy and annabeth gave grover one at medusas
I'm guessing at least 50% of percys impertinence comes from being an only kid
This isn't a fact this is just something I started imagining after the 50th time someone said "Percy" with the same energy as a cat being annoyed at another housecat and giving a warning meow before attacking it
Grovers getting a searchers license to find Pan the Greek God
Grover doesn't know what happened to his dad who was also a seeker
The search for Pan gives satyrs hope after seeing what humans have done to the world
Grover tells percy annabeth forgave him for what happened at Grovers first assignment
The furies were holding back and could've been more aggressive than they were
Grover can use his emotional reading to see what percy hides about his feeling to his dad
The thing in Percys dreams tries using him to pull itself out not to drag him down
Grover can talk to all animals
Grover is a snorer
Percy tells annabeth about his dream at this point but I don't think he's told anyone about those dreams in the show
They've not said anything about the beads on their necklaces the campers get for surviving another year. Would've been an easy merch ad but maybe it wasn't important enough yet
Children of athena are made as thoughts of athena and given to people she feels close to or something
Annabeth was sent to her dad in a golden basket with the winds of zephyr
Even though she respects her mum she has equal level of daddy issues to percy
In chapter 12 percy acts like he doesn't care about his dad's approval but grover can read his emotions and knows percy sent medusas head so poseidon would be proud
But then he wonders in chapter 13 why annabeth acts like she doesn't care about her dad who seems worse than gabe when she still wears a ring from him which is such a teen thing for him to do honestly
Whenever a monster attacked annabeth the stepmum and dad blamed her for "threatening" their mortal/ normal kids
We get a hint of architecture nerd annabeth in the episode but she doesnt say she wants to build something for athena. I assume its implied but its not clarified how big her dreams are. She wants to build something that'll last 1000 years. I won't give any major spoilers but maybe we'll get it in a future scene and I'm hoping its in her siren scene
I think that while percy loves his mum and hates his dad Annabeth hates her mortal parents and Athena was her only hope of a loving mother even though in the show she says its a kind of transactional thing
Also side note I thought the chimera was the pink poodle before it left the bag and I love that they kinda sorta reference it when we see from the human passengers pov
In the books they're careful about mentioning gods around humans but percy just straight out calls the mother of monsters a monster in front of the passengers and officers. Didn't even lower his voice or anything
Hades has a helm that can make him become darkness and make you so scared you go insane
Do they ever get something equivalent to sending stones or detect thoughts like in DnD to deal with this? Obviously normal tech is out because monsters can track it but what about magical communication methods?(the iris video call system doesn't count that seems like a premium thing if it costs one gold drachma-also the book explains demigods only use gold drachmas even though in ancient greek it would've been silver- and they have 20 for the quest so they cant just use a drachma every time they want to send a magical text which; you can't do with the iris system. Also the iris system isn't any subtler than a zoom call so wouldn't be good for hiding stuff from hades)
Percy still hasn't gotten a chance to confuse annabeth with his blue snack foods(i assume grover already knows bc he'd have had blue sweets at yancy)
Zeus allowed the mother of monsters to attack Percy
The mother of monsters hates that ant eaters are named after the echidna
For some reason riptide didn't return to percy during the fight and its mentioned in the book. Maybe poseidon kept it so he could contact him?
Also a couple notes I've learned while listening to hesiod
The cyclopes helped zeus defeat kronos and bring the titans to their time out tartarus zone(not by crafting the lightning bolt in the original myths unless I'm misremembering I think they just helped in the fight like bringing your older brother to fight your bully)
The river styx is the only female river goddess and a favourite child
I hadn't taken any notes so lmk if u want me to add more hesiod fun facts and I'll relisten to theogony
I'm stopping notes here so I don't go past chapter 13: I plunged to my death
I'm thinking of writing my notes as I binge listen to the audiobook and editing them after watching the episode before posting on tumblr. Or I've already read until book 4 of the pjo series so I may decide to hold off on listening to the audiobook until each episode airs(I have vague memories of important or memorable stuff but its been a couple years since I last read the books). I'll see how long I can stop myself from listening to the audiobook. This isn't a perfect list so let me know if somethings wrong or if I missed something in tags or comments
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sillspore · 10 months
Rippling Pawsteps Outline (so far!)
i’ve been talking about my rewrite for a little bit now, and i think i’ll be calling it rippling pawsteps! or tagged ripples au for short. so far, i’ve covered the first two arcs vaguely. nothing much has been changed, mostly minor things and setups for arc 3. nothing is completely set in stone, so feel free to give me suggestions and requests anytime! i won’t be able to do all of them, but i love hearing what others think about my stuff and exchanging ideas :)
outlines below the cut! beware, it’s so long. oh and entirely raw. unedited. i wrote the outlines for the first arc as i read the books, and the outlines for the second as i watched moonkitti’s “i spoil” videos for them lmao
- Prologue is the same, sunningrocks battle (NOT the one Redtail dies in.), Spottedleaf delivers the “Fire alone can save our clan” prophecy
- Timeline is moved up a bit, Rusty is 5 months old, not 6 —same with Graypaw. When Rusty walks into the forest to hunt, he’s jumped by Sandpaw, who was followed by Whitestorm and Bluestar. Same conversation about joining the clan commences, but Bluestar comments that Rusty looks small and finds out he’s only 5 moons.
- The next day, Rusty is taken to camp, but by Whitestorm and Redtail. Redtail is still having empty nest syndrome after Sandpaw was apprenticed, so he’s super interested in Rusty. The same “test” getting to camp is done, but much less intense.
- They arrive at camp, same as canon. When Darkstripe and Longpaw threaten Rusty, however, Redtail threatens to body him because this is Redtail’s new baby, back off.
- Bluestar says shhh let them duke it out and rusty beats the shit out of longpaw and gets his collar ripped off
- Redtail takes the newly named Firekit to the nursery and introduces him to Graykit, who’s waiting for his mother Willowpelt to come back. Fire and Gray are instant bffs.
- For the next moon, until Fire and Gray are apprenticed, Fire learns his way around camp and clan life, and gets to bond a lot with Redtail. From what Redtail’s said, Fire will be apprenticed to him.
- Also during this time, Fire sees Longpaw’s warrior ceremony
- Firepaw is indeed apprenticed to Redtail, and they have fun for a single day before the sunningrocks battle where Redtail is killed. When Ravenpaw bursts into camp announcing Redtail’s death, Firepaw, Sandpaw, and Runningnose are wailing, and this is how the story introduces 1) the mystery and 2) clan culture’s death rituals and grieving process
- Lionheart is made deputy
- Bluestar takes over Firepaw’s apprenticeship, but Firepaw is held back because he just misses redtail :(
- Through this, Tigerclaw is very soothing to Firepaw and Sandpaw, trying to instill loyalty in them, so Firepaw has a relatively favorable opinion of Firepaw
- Firepaw and Goldenflower have a kind of nice aunty thing going on, she loves him, he loves her a lot too
- 2 moons into training, Firepaw is a natural hunter and while a bit slower at picking up fighting, doing very well regardless
- Frostfur and Lionheart have the babies: Brightkit, Thornkit, Cinderkit and Brackenkit
- Firepaw and Graypaw are hunting together at sunningrocks and Fire is angsty about it. Firepaw notes that it looks like there had been a rock slide, but Tigerclaw hadn’t mentioned that in the report
- Riverclan apprentices Silverpaw, Heavypaw and Shadepaw show up at sunningrocks, and get into a verbal spat with the boys
- Fire is aggressive, this clan killed Redtail. He screams for them to leave, or Tigerclaw will kill more than just their deputy. River kids are pissed, but one of em goes “huh???? Tigerclaw didn’t kill Oakheart. He died in the rockslide” Graypaw is like “what are you on??? Tigerclaw killed Oakheart in revenge after Oakheart killed redtail.” River kids are ???? no man oakheart never killed redtail. Redtail killed oakheart.
- Firepaw is upset, and tries to write it off, but the way the Riverclan ‘paws seemed really confused, not angry
- Next day, Firepaw finds Yellowfang and feeds her, Tigerclaw is furious with him because she has a bad rep, but Bluestar is pleased
- Yellowfang is a healet, and they are sacred: Firepaw did good in bringing her here and feeding her, but bad bc he also ate the rabbit
- Firepaw is grounded until the next gathering, taking care of Yellowfang, and learning Lore from her and forming the cute relationship we all know and love. Also Shadowclan things
- Gathering: Windclan is missing, Brokenstar yowls that Yellowfang is disgraced, and declares that they’re the ones who chased WindClan out of their territory,
- Firepaw notes how small the Shadowclan apprentices are, hmmm….. Here is where he learns about Littlepaw’s Law
- After the gathering, tigerclaw and gang + the queens are in an uproar over yellowfang, and darkstripe and longtail drag her out of her nest
- Bluestar admonishes them, saying Yellowfang is welcome in Thunderclan and she will not tolerate any harm against her. Darkstripe and tigerclaw look disgruntled, but longtail is SO shameful
- Bluestar announces her moonstone visit! Same group as canon, they travel but firepaw is soooo weirded out by tigerclaw like he’s being so weird
- During the sleepy time bluestar insists firepaw commune with StarClan too. He does, and redtail visits him, cue cute reunion, dream ends with redtail trying to tell firepaw what happened, “Tigerclaw…” bluestar then wakes the boy up
- Same visit, bluestar has the dream, loses a life to the rats. Firepaw notes that tigerclaw is oddly apathetic about bluestar losing a life right in front of him
- They race back to thunderclan, everyone be fighting fr
- Firepaw beats the shit out of a shadowclan she-cat, and witnesses blackfoot killing rosetail and trying to steal frostfur’s kits
- Yellowfang fucks blackfoot UP protecting the babies
- Yellowfang is made a full member of ThunderClan, and offers to help Spottedleaf with post-battle healing, hooray
- Lionheart was killed during battle, and bluestar makes Tigerclaw deputy. Ravenpaw is HORRIFIED, and Firepaw is uneasy due to his recent dream from redtail
- Ravenpaw finally tells firepaw the whole story, then they tell graypaw together
- Brindleface gives birth to ashkit and fernkit
- Bluestar tells firepaw she’s only got 2 more lives left, not 4
- Frostfur’s kits go missing :000
- Tigerclaw blames yellowfang cause she’d also missing, then the gang finds spottedleaf—firepaw is horrified, he wasn’t close to spottedleaf but they’d bonded over redtail after his death and he’s devastated that she’s dead now too
- The storm begins—Bluestar forbids a patrol to go out for the kits until the storm is over, tigerclaw pushes his “there’s a traitor in thunderclan” argument again, frostfur is increasingly paranoid and strikes ravenpaw when he comes too close to the nursery to check on brindleface’s kits
- Bluestar asks Firepaw to go find Yellowfang before Tigerclaw can, because she has a feeling he’d “put the clan’s wants above the code” = kill Yellowfang
- Firepaw goes to do just that, but sees the clan turning on Ravenpaw and decides to bring him to get him somewhere safe first. Graypaw sees and tags along with them
- They drop Ravenpaw off at the edge of WindClan territory to go live with Barley, and this takes like half a day before the boys are tracking Yellowfang
- They find her and it goes as in canon, she tells them Clawface took the kits and they tell her that he also killed Spottedleaf. They run into the ThunderClan patrol(which this time around includes Sandpaw and Dustpaw), Yellowfang gets the ShadowClan elders, they execute their plan.
- During the battle, Firepaw beats the shit out of Boulder and Clawface, Whitestorm stops him from killing Clawface but Firepaw still adds another deep scar to his face before sending Clawface running
- Firepaw helps Yellowfang with Brokenstar before he and the rogues leave, and they check on the kits. Cinderkit and Brackenkit are okay, but Thornkit and Brightkit have some nasty cuts
- They go back to camp, the kits are tended to by Yellowfang, Yellowfang is made ThunderClan’s official healer
- Bluestar names Firepaw, Graypaw, Sandpaw, and Dustpaw warriors, they are now Fireheart, Graystripe, Sandstorm, and Dustpelt.
- Fireheart and Graystripe declare Ravenpaw dead, found in ShadowClan, and Yellowfang obv knows they’re lying and is confused but doesn’t say anything cause she’s fucking based
- The book ends with Fireheart sitting vigil after unsuccessfully trying to tell Bluestar about Tigerclaw’s crimes, Tigerclaw glaring at him threateningly. He knows Fireheart knows.
- Book begins with the morning after the vigil, fireheart checks on the kits with Yellowfang. Thornkit and Brightkit will have their apprenticeships delayed while they heal, but Cinderkit and Brackenkit will be ready soon
- Fireheart doesn’t try to tell bluestar the truth yet, he doesn’t think he has the whole story bc he knew redtail so he knows redtail would never kill
- Gathering, nighpelt asks to keep the loaned riverclan territory, Crokkedstar calls him fucking crazy like what
- Bluestar reprimands Nightpelt, then says WindClan must be brought back, the other two fight back about it but in the end agree WindClan would be brought home
- Next day, Bluestar gives fireheart and graystripe the mission of finding the windy cats
- This goes exactly the same as in canon, including the gorge fight where whiteclaw dies rip to that bitch but i haven’t read leopardstar’s honor so i don’t even know his personality
- Fire and gray are given Cinder and Bracken as apprentices, and just like in canon Gray falls in the river and meets Silverstream
- Most of this book goes the same as canon, tbh. Tigerclaw is slightly less aggressive though bc it adds Layers
- Fireheart finds out about graystripe sneaking off to meet his riverclan babe and is HEARTBROKEN (this will be able to be read both romantic and platonic)
- Like fireheart is so upset and betrayed, he yells at graystripe for disloyalty
- Gray is a stubborn ass and yells back, continues to use his excuse of a cold to not do his mentor or warrior duties and instead lay about and meet with silverstream
- Fireheart takes over mentoring for both Cinderpaw and Brackenpaw, Runningwind helps sometimes and the two bond over Redtail a little
- Tigerclaw sets the thunderpath trap for Bluestar while she is recovering from greencough/losing a life, cinderpaw goes and falls into it instead while fireheart is getting catnip from twolegplace
- Fireheart is, once more, devastated. Graystripe arrives back in camp, fireheart glares at him, graystripe snarls and doesn;t talk to him
- Throughout the book i want tiny longfire interactions and firesand interactions, but firesand is sibling coded here due to fire’s relationship with redtail
- Next morning, graystripe has the same argument with fireheart as in canon, why didnt you tell me bluestar lost a life?! And fire’s like well you didnt want to speak with me…
- It goes similar to canon, but more aggressive on fireheart’s side—this man is petty and heartbroken and so, so sad. His pseudo grandmother mother mentor is so close to death and his little sister apprentice kid is on the verge of death and his best friend was too busy galivanting by the river with a pretty girl to care
- Fireheart blows up about how he wasn’t in camp when cinderpaw was in danger and if he had been he could’ve been fast enough to stop her from leaving, and about how graystripe has completely abandoned brackenpaw
- Graystripe calls him a disloyal untrusting jerk and this hurts fireheart soooo bad
- Graystripe is definitely in the wrong here but i want fireheart to have some spice too, he’s gotta have some sass to contend with longtail lfmao
- The argument was heard by the clan, most thunderclan cats are feeling weird about graystripe and how often he’s gone
- Sandstorm beckons fireheart to sit with her, dustpelt, and longtail, who are kind of a little friend group within the clan
- Dustpelt is still pretty aggressive with fireheart, but sandstorm is downright friendly after he saved her at the gorge and longtail is still sassy but not in the kitty racism way, so fireheart is surprised that he enjoys talking to longtail
- Soon after, fireheart goes to princess for more catnip and she hands over baby Cloudkit, woohoo
- Tigerclaw and darkstripe are PISSED, and most of the clan is relatively hostile about gaining a new member
- Graystripe sticks up for fireheart a little, but sandstorm sticks up for him too and that does it for bluestar
- Brindleface agrees to nurse him anf frostfur is super nice to fireheart, bluestar names cloudkit, bur refuses him a ceremony. Fireheart begins to feel a bit jaded, his best friend is betraying him, tigerclaw is a fucking kitty racist murderer, cinderpaw almost died, and bluestar is not mothering like mother used to. Mother is mothering like MY mother, which is never a good thing to be. Do better, bluestar.
- After this things continue pretty similarly to canon
- Brokenstar leads all warriors except fireheart out of camp and attacks, fireheart, sandstorm, and dustpelt defend that shit
- They are Praised
- Brokentail is blinded and now prisoner
- At the end, we have the shadowclan and riverclan vs windclan and thunderclan in the WindClan camp, fighting goes hard fr
- Leopardfur tries to literally kill fireheart, he asks tigerclaw to help, tigerclaw just stares at him blankly and watches. Fireheart manages to get away, attacking nightstar and going to help whitestorm, but he’s stopped by silverstream
- This battle goes a little different than in canon, bc fireheart actually hates her guts for taking graystripe away from him
- So when she comes to her senses and stops fighting him, he just hisses and swipes at her before she runs away. Tiny, but big effect on his and graystripe’s relationship. The boys are FIGHTING
- I want this to drive fireheart to seek out company in sand, dust, and long, so their bonds will be solid when graystripe comes to his senses and stops putting riverclan pussy over his home and family ?! long and dust are still iffy but sandstorm and fireheart become bros
- Opens with the next gathering, Fireheart and Graystripe are friends again but fireheart openly disapproves of graystripe’s choices, he insists this will end badly
- Gathering goes as normal, fireheart overhears elders talking about bluestar’s missing kits
- After the gathering, fireheart and graystripe go to see ravenpaw to ask for more information, when ravenpaw says oakheart died via convenient rocks fireheart is relieved and goes to tell bluestar
- On the way back, they hunt a lil and so tigerclaw doesn’t give them the punishment in canon, just yells at them and calls them names and stuff
- Brightpaw and thornpaw are finally made apprentices, their wounds have healed and they are strong, given to whitestorm and mousefur like in canon
- Ask silverstream about the rockslide, who gets mistyfoot who confirms the story
- Talks to graypool about the weird thing oakheart said, she tells gim mistyfoot and stonefur were thunderclan kits yadayadayada
- Fireheart goes to talk to Bluestar, tells her about the story, bluestar is completely unreceptive, snarls at him for accusing tigerclaw of such crimes but says she’ll let it slide because she knows he misses redtail and is just looking for answers. Fireheart finds this incredibly patronizing
- Fireheart and cinderpaw go looking for herbs, cloudpaw comes with and learns about deathberries
- All fireheart’s prophetic dreams are delivered by redtail and not spottedleaf
- Next morning graystripe is still knee deep in riverclan pussy so fireheart trains brackenpaw and saves cloudkit from that badger with sandstorm, tigerclaw punishes cloudkit for this. Fireheart is filled with rage.
- Fireheart sees tigerclaw sneakin to twolegplace????
- River floods, fireheart and graystripe report it to bluestar who is Oddly Worried
- Fireheart and graystripe go back out to patrol the river border and find two kits, save them, bring them back to riverclan. Every riverclan cat ever is super ungrateful about it, especially leopardfur, who is a bitch (i hate her. I hate her so mucg)
- Mistyfoot puts them in their place and thanks the boys, who promise to hunt for them
- I’m not doing the plot where they hunt from thunderclan territory tho
- Idk how yet but i’ll have them hunting outside of it and bringing that prey to riverclan
- Riverclan is grateful, but cloudkit followed them and tigerclaw used that to find out and bring them back to camp yelling traitor!!!! Traitor!! Bwuetsar he huwt my feewings by feeding stawving wiverclan cats :(
- Bluestar punishes them lightly for not telling her and sneaking around, but praises them for helping riverclan
- She sends then out to hunt and forbids them to eat until next sunrise, like apprentices, and longtail gloats a little calling fireheart firepaw and fireheart threatens to rip his other ear and longtsail shuts up bc he’s scared and also a little attracted, i think
- Before the next gathering, the stream thunderclan usually has to cross is too inflated due to the flood. Tigerclaw makes fireheart test a branch to get across, fireheart falls and almost drowns, longtail saves him though and genuinely seemed concerned for fireheart’s safety
- Fireheart locks eyes with murderclaw and knows he was trying to kill him yippee
- Cinderpaw becomes yellowfang’s official apprentice
- Gathering comes, bluestar takes most warriors and they get to the gathering by crossing through shadowclan territory, bc there is no other way
- At the gathering, nightstar reveals bluestar is sheltering brokentail, windclan and shadowclan are piiiiiissed and threaten to attack
- Shadowclan refuses to let thunderclan get home through their territory
- Riverclan lets them use theirs, fireheart notices how similar bluestar, mistyfoot, and stonefur look
- Fireheart is once again training graystripe’s apprentice when brackenpaw sees the windclan and shadowclan cats getting ready to attack them so they race to camp, commence the attack
- Brokentail lives, thunderclan wins the attack
- Brackenfur is made a warrior, thanks fireheart but not graystripe bc brackenfur hates him why would he not wtf
- Graystripe leaves and silverstream is given birth, cinderpaw helps and tigerclaw witnesses it and clearly hates children
- Silverstream dies. Rip
- Fireheart and cinderpaw take the kits back to camp, and goldenflower agrees to nurse them
- Bluestar talks to fireheart and she knew this would happen bc she too fell foe the charms of riverclan pussy, here goes her backstory bc fireheart figured her shit out
- Graystripe has buried silverstream and says where are the kits to bury and firehearts like wtf they're alive and graystripe goes :0
- Cloudpaw is firehearts new apprentice that’s crazy
- They visit princess, who tells them about strange cats in twolegplace
- Back in thunderclan, riverclan wants silverstreams babies
- Fuck you says fireheart
- Maybe not fuck you says bluestar
- Later, on a hunting mission sees tigerclaw meeting with cats from twolegplace, fireheart realizes they’re going to attack thunderclan and goes home to warm them
- Attack, wow
- Tigerclaw slips into bluestar’s den to kill her and reveals his evil plan but fireheart stops him, oh em gee
- Fight’s over, sandstorm and graystripe are holding tigerclaw down bc he has like fucking rabies idk that bitch is crazy
- Bluestar tells fireheart to reveal all he knows about tigerclaw to the clan
- Tigerclaw is exiled, asks each of his lackeys to go with him
- Ummmm. You left me out of this plot and i’m upset with you so no - darkstripe
- What the fuck. You tried to kill bluestar??? No???? - Longtail
- Bitch you killed my mentor??? What??? - dustpelt
- Rip tigerclaw he was funny (sike)
- Fireheart sees yellowfang kill brokentail
- Right before moonhigh, bluestar makes fireheart deputy
- Everyone is shocked but most of the clan has a good opinion of fireheart atm bc he saved bluestar
- Riverclan comes to take the kits, bluestar says fuck you but graystripe says no fuck me :( i will give riverclan my babiees
- Fireheart helps him take the babies to the border, graystripe reveals he’s going to riverclsan too, fireheart is sad
- Opens the same as canon, fireheart out hunting with cloudpaw — cloudpaw is being a little shit, disobeying and acting very egotistical. Cloudpaw calls fireheat a loser. Fireheart watches as cloudpaw storms off to go hunt and so he heads back to camp
- He assigns some patrols, fumbling a little, poor boy is struggling and not used to being in charge
- Whitestorm tells him ashkit and fernkit are ready to be apprenticed, so fireheart goes off to tell bluestar
- Like in canon, bluestar asks if he or graystripe can mentor them, even though fireheart already has cloudpaw and graystripe is gone. Bluestar is losing it, and doesn't trust anyone in clan
- Fireheart tries to work out who should be mentors for the kiddos, and choses dustpelt and sandstorm. Yes in canon yellowfang tells him it’s not a good idea to have two inexperienced warriors mentoring at the same time, but like bluestar did it in fire and ice with fireheart and graystripe so i disagree. Give sandstorm that apprentice
- Fireheart has the moment where bramblekit’s eyes scare the bejeezus out of him, goldenflower makes her slay threat to kill anyone who hurts her babies
- Apprentice ceremony, darkstripe is irritated about the lack of an apprentice
- Sandstorm is over the MOON
- Fireheart is irritated with Cloudpaw, Longtail sits next to him and they Converse, Longtail says not to worry, that some apprentices are just rebellious and need time
- Cloudpaw finally comes back that night, with one piece of prey. Fireheart is pissed and scolds him, forbidding him from eating from the prey pile and cloudpaw is outraged
- Bluestar decides to go to the Moonstone, takes only fireheart bc she only trusts him
- Mudclaw stops them on the way there, Fireheart says they’re breaking the warrior code by preventing Bluestar from communing with StarClan, Mudclaw doesn;t care
- Fireheart and Bluestar turn back, and soon the next gathering is held
- While they were gone, Cloudpaw was supposed to be training with Runningwind but he ran off on his own
- Fireheart tries to convince Bluestar to tell Tallstar of his warrior’s conduct, but she refuses
- Gathering, bluestar announces Brokentail is dead and Fireheart is the new deputy. She refuses to tell anyone what happened with Tigerclaw, Fireheart assumes it is because of shame
- Littlecloud and Whitethroat are found by the Owl Tree, begging for food and herbs. Like in canon, Bluestar is worryingly suspicious, and Yellowfang says they have an old ShadowClan disease that is known to wipe clans and they’re kicked out
- Sandstorm and Fireheart accompany them to the border, discovering the thunderpath tunnel
- Fireheart notices how fat Cloudpaw is getting lmao
- Joint apprentice training sesh with fireheart, cloudpaw, longtail, and swiftpaw. Fireheart notices how kind longtail is to swiftpaw….hmmm…….
- He sees Cloudpaw begging for kittypet food, he is HORRIFIED
- Fireheart sees this as an attack on him and how hard he’s worked for the clan to see him as loyal — he completely blows up on Cloudpaw, worse than in canon
- Cloudpaw is completely nonchalant, he thinks he should be able to do whatever he wants
- Fireheart tries to lecture him about the warrior code, to no avail
- Willowpelt gives birth to Sootkit, Rainkit, and Sorrelkit
- Drought, fireheart goes to get wet moss hoping to run into graystripe, instead he stumbles upon the sickly ShadowClan cats. He’s a lot nicer to Cinderpelt about this issue than in canon bc like damn there was no need
- Sandstorm and fireheart follow cloudpaw to Twolegplace like canon, seeing the twoleg take Cloudpaw away in the monster
- Fireheart says now he has no kin and his adoptive sister Sandstorm is super offended
- Ashpaw misses cloudpaw :(
- Redtail dream again
- Cinderpelt says his dreams are dumb stop focusing on the past and start focusing on the NOW, fireheart!!! Fireheart says huh??? Cinderpelt says oh my god you’re so stupid i don’t understand why longtail likes you so bad
- Fireheart is strangely flustered by this information
- Himbo energy
- Mousefur, runningwind, and thornpaw were attacked by rogues, including tigerclaw, tigerclaw nerfs runningwind
- Fireheart is So sad. Poor boy
- Like in canon, whitethroat dies via car while being chased by fireheart
- Tigerclaw and fireheart go at it, tigerclaw is insufferable like usual
- This makes bluestar Worse
- The whole saving cloudpaw happens exactly as canon, ravenpaw tells em he’s in a house near highstones and they yoink him home, on the way back fire sand and cloud beat the fuck outta those windclan guys
- Cloudpaw says he was stolen and everyone believes him
- Bluestar gets worse
- Everyone’s eepy until Redtail comes to Fireheart in his dreams again, and Fireheart smells smoke oh no smoke?!?!
- During this fireheart and longtail have a Moment
- SO tempted to make fireheart save yellowfang instead of bramblekit here bc god do i find that guy insufferable but firebaby would never
- Yellowfang death scene :( bluestar is losing it 🙁
- After going back to camp, bluestar hides away and fireheart is the defacto leader
- Gathering! Tigerclaw is now tigerstar and oh shit uh that’s bad uh oh
- Gathering, just as in canon, Fireheart freaking out over Tigerstar, Tallstar is uneasy
- Graystripe disobeys Leopardfur to give ThunderClan free fish slay
- Cinderpelt gets the “pack, pack, kill, kill” dream, Fireheart takes this much more serious than in canon
- Fireheart tries to get Bluestar to make Cloudpaw, Swiftpaw, Brightpaw, and Thornpaw warriors. She does not
- Brackenfur notices Snowkit is not like the other girls
- Med cat meeting Littlecloud is now becoming a doctor! Congrats, you gay little kitty you
- Graystripe tells how Tigerstar and Leopardfur are talking in secret
- Graypool missing, fireheart sees her reveal that oakheart has two thunderclan kits before he kills her rip that cool old lady
- Bramblekit catches a mouse :)
- Snowkit is Deaf, but with much less ableism than in the books??? Bluestar is a little ableist but it’s because she’s losing it. Speckletail is angry
- Thornpaw scent dogs wow
- Tell bluestar, she says that would never happen thats crazy talk why would dogs be in the woods lmaoooo
- Hawk attempts to drag snowkit off. Brackenfur says fuck you i adopted him already so snowkit does NOT die but he does get some gnarly scars
- Bluestar claims starclan must be taking revenge on the clan
- Cloudpaw doesnt believe in starclan cray
- Gathering we get strangely emotionally connected to Gorsepaw from WindClan. Nothing bad will happen to him i’m sure
- Leopardstar is a leader now, and sucks just as much.
- Bluestar accuses windclan of prey stealing, snarling occurs, yadayada
- Next day fireheart catches darkstripe taking tigerstar’s murder babies to meet him at the border. Wtf
- fireheart rallies the warriors to disobey bluestar and prevent the fight, he uses ravenpaw to arrange the fourtrees meeting, peace is secured but bluestar is pisseddddd
- Same losing it talk as in canon that shit went hard
- Fireheart and longtail anguish about bluestar losing it, longtail’s upset over swiftpaw’s lack of promotion, and fireheart confides in him about her mental decline
- Bluestar leads patrol sunningrocks leopardstar tries to take it cue fight
- Mistyfoot and stonefur try to kill Bluestar, but Fireheart goes wait no shes your mama!!!!!
- Graystripe is reabsorbed into ThunderClan
- After the battle, Bluestar makes only Cloudtail a warrior because he doesn’t believe in StarClan and she likes that about him
- Swiftpaw and brightpaw are enraged
- They go after the dogs as in canon, they go after the dogs — but in my rewrite they both survive fuck you!
- Bluestar gives them their warrior names on their deathbeds, Lostface and Dogscar. Fun, but nobody likes this.
- Bramblepaw apprenticed to fireheart and tawnypaw to brackenfur
- Fireheart tells the kids the truth about their dad, they’re heartbroken
- Next gathering tigerstar demands his babies, bluestar says maybe next month idk
- Longtail warns Fireheart that he’s found a trail of rabbits, fireheart’s like fuck
- From here it proceeds exactly as canon, with Brindleface’s death and the plan to kill the dogs. Bluestar dies, and tigerstar watches angrily
- Fireheart better get ready for his imminent promotion
- Oh look it’s his imminent promotion! Hello firestar! Mourning bluestar times and then highstones journey (lives from lionheart, redtail, spottedleaf, runningwind, bluestar, yellowfang, rosetail, brindleface, and either gorsepaw or silverstream)
- Prophecy
- Tigerstar meeting with scourge so cute
- Whitestorm, i promote thee to deputy
- Bramblepaw and firestar bond training
- Darkstripe fucking feeds sorrelkit deathberries what a bitch
- Get exiled loser
- Tawnypaw is sad
- Ceremonies! Thornclaw is a big boy now. Lostface and Dogscar are now Brightheart and Swiftscar :)
- bright/cloud/swift is very clearly A Thing
- Longtail and firestar are very obviously mates
- Gathering, tigerclan is a thing now. Thunder and wind are Offended, clouds on the damn moon prevent Firestar from sharing Tigerstar’s emo backstory with the clans
- Tigerstar is scary
- firestar , graystripe, and ravenpaw save featherpaw, mistyfoot and stormpaw from tigerclan. Rip stonefur
- Tawnypaw is gone?? Wtf tawnypaw >:(
- Tigerclan attacks windclan, tigerstar kills gorsepaw, thunderclan gets there too late
- Tigerstar asked tallstar and firestar to meet at fourtrees to talk about joining him. The boys are concerned
- Tawnypaw is with Tigerstar at fourtrees, bramblepaw is upset
- Tigerstar introduces bloodclan, who don’t listen to his orders
- Firestar tells everyone Tigerstar’s crimes, and scourge decides to instant k.o. Tigerclaw and fucks off before telling everyone he will come back to take the forest in three days
- Training montage. sandstorm trains the kits to kill
- Whitestorm kinda wants to leave instead of fighting
- Firestar gets riverclan and shadowclan to fight with him, minus darkstripe cause he’s a bitch
- Lionclan at war fr
- Darkstripe attemps to kill fireheart but graystripe kills him instead :0
- The apprentices maul bone in revenge for whitestorm’s death
- Firestar saved onewhisker from the scary baby but loses a life rip
- Scourge is like hehe i won but when he turns around ed sheeran gets up
- What??!!!!??!?
- I have god, says Firestar.
- Scourge dies
- Bloodclan leaves
- Mistyfoot deputy of riverclan <3
- Blackfoot is NOT leader of shadowclan, because he’s fucking evil???
- I say we promote Darkflower because she’s a slay and also unknown so easy to make antagonistic
- Leafpaw and Crowpaw pov
- Squirrel and bramble fight so much
- Bramble comes to leafpaw about a weird starclan dream he had…..
- Cut to crowpaw, having the same weird dream
- The journey cats meet, through crowpaw’s eyes. Scathing commentary on everyone srs
- Crowpaw hates everyone and wants to never be spoken to
- Crushes on feathertail so hard
- Brambleshade collects everyone to tell them they need to go on the journey
- Cinderpelts prophecy thing…..
- Leafpaw gives em herbs and squirrel and bramble take off
- Leafpaw has a crush on mothwing and it’s so obvious
- Purdy helps the travelling cats! Crowpaw opens up to feathertail
- rats . uh oh
- Squirrelpaw knows the herb to help bc leafpaw is a nerd and infodumps her all the time
- They meet badger!
- Leave the forest. The forest is dying. Uh oh.
- End with Leafpaw pov in ThunderClan, uh oh tractors
- At some point during this book snowpaw becomes a warrior. Snowsight??? His eyes would be his best sense idk
- Stormfur and feathertail pov
- Stormfur is upset that crowpaw likes feathertail, because he knows how badly half-clan relations usually end
- Purdy is helping, midnight fucks him up, group goes to the mountains
- Stormfur is attacked by a bird. Yikes.
- Everyones swept away by water aw man
- They are freezing to death, tribe helps them as long as they let them keep stormfur. Brambleshade and feathertail are upset about this
- Stormfur finding out about the cougar fr
- Brook! Brook and stormfur
- Brambleshade is edgy
- Tribe tells stormfur to kill their cougar and they’ll let his friends go
- The group is allowed to leave, without stormfur
- Come back to save stormfur when cougar is fucking around
- Brambleshade is apathetic about the tribe’s lives
- Tribe found their hideout. Starclan shames stormfur for not facing the mountain lion
- Squirrelpaw says deathberries?
- Cougar!!!! Sharptooth!!!!!
- Feathertail and sharptooth impaledcore
- Stormfur is heartbroken
- Decide to go home
- Epilogue, leafpaw pov again. Everyone is starving and dying and leafpaw gets trapped by twolegs with like sorreltail i think
- Tawnypelt and squirrelpaw pov
- Leafpaw in a cage fr
- Sasha!!!
- gathering/meeting, journey cats arguing ensues
- Leopardstar and darkstar are very against leaving, tallstar is contemplative, and firestar is anxious
- Squirrelpaw and sorreltail save leafpaw, graystripe gets yoinked
- Larchkit and hollykit die. So does Shrewpaw
- Leafpaw and cinderpelt go to riverclan bc mudfur is dying rip
- Windclan and tawnypelt ask thunderclan for help, they r dying
- Evacuating shadowclan
- All clans hang at sunningrocks
- Elders stay behind to die
- Sasha wants her kids. Announces they were fathered by tigerstar. This changes nothing
- So much walking
- Over the mountain!!!! Crazy
- Mudclaw sucks ass
- Apprentice dies. Rip
- Brackenfur smacks a hawk and saves a kit
- Leafpaw looks into tribe water thing meets their ancestors
- Crowpaw is now crowfeather.
- Stormfur stays with the tribe and his wife and his sister’s grave
- brambleshade and squirrelpaw are becoming friendly
- Lake!
- Crowfeather. Crowfeather and leafpaw pov
- Clans sit near horceplace, firestar tries to be a leader, mudclaw spits at him
- Squirrelpaw evolves into Squirrelflight
- Prophecy kitties walk around the lake. Plus mistyfoot
- Crowfeather notices leafpaw and mothwing hanging out
- Mistyfoot finds riverclan territory
- Kittypet attack
- Squirrelflight finds thunderclan camp
- Brambleshade and hawkfrost are friends now. Ew, says squirrelflight
- Squirrelflight is love bombed by ashfur
- Tallstar is dying. Tallstar does not want mudfur to lead windclan. He promotes onewhisker
- They announce this. Crowfeather is unhappy. Mudclaw is unhappy.
- Hawkfrost wants that islandQ!!!! Ugh!!!!!!
- Hawkfrost and brambleshade are besties
- Spiderpaw now spiderleg. Mousefur retires
- Mothwing is an atheist
- Spottedleaf tells leafpaw to go find the moonpool
- Sorreltail comes with her
- Leafpaw sips moon water
- Squirrel and bramble r fightingggg
- Crowfeather in the windclan civil war
- Leafpaw is leafpool
- Hawkfrost and mudclaw tag team attack windclan, thunderclan comes to help and mudclaw gets smited by god
- This lets everyone meet for gatherings at fourtrees
- Crowfeather is emo
- Squirrelflight pov, leafpool pov
- Squirrel is worried about brambleshade’s loyalties bc of hawkfrost, and hangs with ashfur and gang.
- Bramble is being weird
- Everyone attacks a badger
- Leafpool is in love with mothwing. Sorreltail is pregnant. Leafpool is pregnant.
- Squirrel and ashfur fight, ashfur is being fucking weird
- Thunderclan visit windclan, onestar hurts firestar’s feelings
- Feathertail tells leafpool she should totally run away with mothwing
- Birchkit apprenticed to ashfur. squirrelflight is grateful bc this makes him leave her alone a little
- Cinderpelt is mad at leafpool for sneaking off all the time (she’s visiting her wife, mothwing, who’s babies she starts having during their argument)
- Babies. The three are born. The clan is curious, and suspicious, but under the code leafpool doesn’t have to tell anyone where her kits came from
- Brambleshade and squirrelflight are still fighting
- Medicine cats have scary dreams
- Daisy brings her kits to thunderclan. Spiderleg is mad
- Leafpool goes to have mothwing with riverclan’s issues
- Cinderpelt tries to convince leafpool not to run off, but leafpool takes her kits and meets up with mothwing, about to run away
- Squirrelflight is looking for leafpool. Brambleshade and squirrelflight are tired of fighting
- Midnight tells leafpool to go back to the clans they r dying of badgers
- Sorreltail is giving birth, cinderpelt dies protecting them, leafpool gets back just in time to watch her die
- Midnight makes the badgers stop
- Stormfur and brook appear
- Brambleshade pov. Finally. leaf pov
- We immediately see he’s training in the dark forest with tigerstar, tawnypelt, and hawkfrost
- We also see that he wants to be deputy SO bad, and wonders why longtail couldn’t have just stepped down when he was blinded
- Stormfur and brook are visiting in thunderclan
- Sorreltail’s babies, yay
- Midnight implies stormfur is important
- Brambleshade tries to make up with squirrelflight, who is receptive
- Leafpool is incredibly busy, having babies and a full time job
- Foxtrap. yea
- Squirrel asks leaf if she can trust brambleshade, leafpool says yes
- Brambleshade has doubts during dark forest training
- Berrykit loses his tail to a fox trap
- Mothwing has an apprentice, willowpaw
- Tawnypelt tells brambleshade hawkfrost is evil
- Hawkfrost makes mothwing tell the clans about a sign
- Mothwing tells leafpool how hawkfrost faked the sign that made mothwing a healer
- Tawnypelt curses out tigerstar, says she only trained with him to become a better ShadowClan warrior
- Tigerstar rants about brambleshade becoming deputy then leader. This is something brambleshadw wants, but doesn’t want firestar, the guy who basically raised him, to die for
- Leafpool gets the sign about the brambles, tells squirrel it means he’s good and will protect the clan, but worries if he’ll strangle it instead
- Hawkfrost tells brambleshade to meet him by the lake at sunset
- Leafpool visits cinderpelt at the moonpool yay
- Hawkfrost punches brambleshade
- Hawkfrost is trying to kill firestar with a foxtrap
- Meanwhile, leafpool is helping sorreltail with her kits, ashfur bursts into camp and says firestar is dying
- Brambleshade proves himself by beating the shit out of hawkfrost
- Switch back to bramble pov
- Tigerstar urges brambleshade to kill firestar, brambleshade immeadiately says no and kills hawkfrost instead, saving firestar. Firestar says thanks son and brambleshade feels warm and fuzzy and decides he doesn’t need to be deputy to be happy
- He just needs his wife :)
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kramaku · 1 year
A little "my opinion on Izuocha" rent
It's originally, at its core, not a bad ship. Pretty cute, even.
So it's hard to explain why i dislike Izuocha as a bkdk skipper bc people automatically assume im just hating on a straight couple or that I'm misogynistic.
I literally hated katsuki and shipped izuocha the first 3 seasons. They were so cute. But I kept being disappointed. It's entirely one sided.
Horikoshi said on multiple occasions that he reads romance a lot. And he's very good at writing characters and psychology. He knows how to write romance. Yet here he is, writing a superhero comic but never gave us a scene where Izuku risks his life for her? Never protects her? Every single time there's a villain attack and Horikoshi has the perfect set up to write a very romantic scene, he immediately SEPARATES THEM. USJ attack? He was with Tsuyu and Mineta. At the training camp? He fought alone. And when he joins Ochaco's group? He leaves her 5 minutes later. Katsuki rescue mission? Could've have Ochaco coming too in order to prevent Izuku from doing something too risky (like Iida did) it would've been cute. But no she wasn't there either.
We got a lil romance moment between them at the provisional licence exam but IT WAS FREAKING TOGA THE DISAPPOINTMENT.
Besides, when Ochaco (so actually Toga...) fell down, he didn't have that "I want to protect the girl im in love with" moment, no he had a moment where he thought about his regrets and past mistakes that caused Kacchan and All Might prejudice.
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The whole chisaki arc? Oh. Surprise. It's also one sided. Ochaco only comes towards the end, terrified at Nighteye's vision of Izuku's death. Nothing from Izuku again. Season 5 Uraraka saves Izuku from blackwhip going out of control with Shinso. The war? Oh a war! What a good way to bring in scenes of them sacrificing for each other- well no they separate AGAIN at the very BEGINNING and it's Katsuki's redemption being upfront.
Then the vigilante arc... Izuku talked about wanting to protect the smiles of his family and classmates but never Ochaco in particular... it would've nice to have her on a panel alone at that moment but no...
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All those missed opportunities just gave me so much frustration and disappointment that I don't ship them anymore. I absolutely love Izuku with all my heart he's my favorite character but Ochaco deserves someone who looks at her the same way she looks at them. And it's not Izuku.
So sorry but I'm tired of the typical Shounen (male) main character totally ignoring the girl who's in love with him the entire series meanwhile she can't be more devoted to him but suddenly at the last chapter they're married. Like seriously ? Its just bad writing to me.
But a lot of people still believe it's a very good ship because there's "moments". Like when Izuku blushes around her... 90% of the time it's because she's in his personal space, very close and it's making him a lil embarrassed. Things like that.
There's their conversation after Ochaco's speech at UA where he thanks her. He compliments her hair style and other things out of nowhere it was I think the only time of the series my Izuocha heart felt a little satisfaction. It was adorable. But then they talked about wanting to save villains so it stopped there.
At the final war, last opportunity for Horikoshi to finally do something with that supposed to be canon ship, we get Katsuki thinking of his idol All Might, his dreams to be a hero and his childhood with Izuku as his dying thoughts, we get Izuku going feral seeing his corpse but for Ochaco we get... that
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On the 393th chapter, the last one that was released (small spoiler) we can see Ochaco thinking of Izuku. It's again one sided, Izuku isn't even looking at her
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but ive seen a lot of people saying this is Horikoshi "putting it all together and making the ship canon" and... I don't think so...? This is just yet another shot of Ochaco being in love, one amongst idk many others since the beginning of the manga it's not new at all..
Now give me a shot of Izuku thinking of OCHACO when he speaks about love. Then I'll start thinking it's maybe reciprocated. Now? Absolutely not.
I send absolutely no hate to Izuochas, if you ship them no problem but I just wanted by this post to explain why me and so many other people don't want them to end up together. It's not idk... Gay ship obsession or misogyny (even if Ochaco does receives a lot of undeserved hate for these reasons...). There's just nothing interesting to the ship to me.
It's one sided. It's... boring. Just boring.
Now I know bkdk won't be canon because well.. homophobia is a thing and it's a Shonen so I'm not dreaming much but I dont want Izuocha to end up together. Not with their current dynamic at least.
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quinnthebard · 10 months
wip wednesday but its thursday my dudes
thank you so much for the tag @allaganexarch! I tag in turn anyone else that happens to have anything they wish to share. I've lost track of who is and who isn't actively working on anything atm oops
Below the cut, have some nonsense from a future chapter of my BG3 fic. Astarion drank and Sarynna might be a little tipsy, just a bit, as a treat.
They sit side by side outside his tent after. It’d become a bit of a ritual of theirs. Sarynna must have realized quickly that he would refuse to ask to feed from her. As good as she tasted, it felt wrong and honestly he got what he needed most the first time. So instead, she would go to him and explicitly offer to which he’d gladly agree. It was an odd kindness he hadn’t expected from her but perhaps she liked him more than he thought—which was useful information to have. Regardless, she kept surprising him.
At first they’d have a quick whispered conversation but then she and him worked out a signal. She’d tap his elbow twice if she noticed it was time and he’d nod in affirmation that yes, he could use a boost, to which she’d nod back in consent. Then they’d meet that night in his tent and get it done. Afterwards, he would retrieve the hearty stew that Gale insisted will make her feel better near instantly—it never did but she always put on a show for the wizard. Eventually, Shadowheart would stop by to make sure all is well, giving Astarion a minorly scathing look while she worked.
And then, once Sarynna no longer was being fretted over, they drank.
Gods, he missed the sun. They’d hardly spent a half day in the Underdark and he lusted after the sunset views as everyone wound down from a long day. Here, the most light they get is from torches and fire and the odd glowing mushroom. He took a swig from his bottle, a vintage they found in the Selunite outpost immediately upon arrival. It’s sour but better than nothing if he had to choose.
Turning his attention to Sarynna, he watched as she also took a sip from her glass while her bowl of stew remained mostly untouched, its contents merely shifted around and picked at. She hummed under her breath as she watched their surroundings, a slight curve to her lips. Out of nowhere, she loosed a giggle then looked up at him with a mischievous glint in her azure eyes.
“I think Lae’zel is jealous.”
Astarion blinked at the observation. Bards are supposed to be good with people right? How did Sarynna read their githyanki friend so poorly. “I assure you, she is not jealous of you.” Lae’zel had made it very clear she did not want to be bitten early on in their travels much to his disappointment.
She took a swig from the bottle of wine. “Not me. Karlach.” A giggle slipped past her lips. “Shadowheart was thrilled when Karlach joined the group. I heard her mutter under her breath, ‘looks like she could pick me up and carry me to safety’. Lae’zel was scowling the rest of the day and making a show of her training each night since.”
“Oh?” Astarion rested his chin on the back of his hand, leaning closer. “Do tell me more.”
“They pretend to hate each other.” A pause. “I think they honestly did at first. But they had that huge argument and I yelled at them and then they had a spar? And since then I just assumed they came to an understanding but…”
“Don’t leave me hanging, darling.”
Sarynna’s eyes looked around camp, checking if anyone could hear her. Which of course they could, she was lightheaded from blood loss, had hardly touched her dinner but insisted on wine. She wasn’t exactly being discreet.
Finally, she curled a finger urging him closer to which he obliged. “I saw them stalk off to the abandoned building by camp after the celebration together.”
“Yes!" Another giggle that quickly evolved into an honest fit of laughter. “Honestly. Good for them.”
“You think?”
“I think finding happiness in our predicament is important. No matter how fleeting.” She yawned, stretching her arms in wide arcs and nearly hitting him in the face. “Besides, Lae’zel is a lot more relaxed now that she’s gotten a good fuck.”
He had to purse his lips to avoid laughing. “I think… you’re a bit drunk.”
“Nah, I had…” She squinted at the bottle. “Just a few sips.”
“And I had quite a few more sips from you. You need to eat.”
“Hmm.” Staring at her bowl forlornly, she picked up her fork. “I have a confession.”
“I bet.”
She frowned. “I’m sick of camp food.”
“What, used to better than what your dear wizard cooks up?”
“I miss mom’s food.” Then her eyes widened as she processed his words fully. “What do you mean my wizard?”
Gods, she’s dense, he scoffed. “Oh, tell me you’ve noticed the way he lusts after you.”
“We’re friends.”
“Sure you are.”
Sarynna grimaced, squinting up at him as she squirmed. Her knee brushed against his. “We are. It just sounds like you’re jealous.”
“I’m not jealous. It was just an observation, darling. Don’t flatter yourself.”
“So you wouldn’t mind if I just take this over to Gale’s tent and bother him instead?” The cheeky woman began to stand and instinctively he grabbed her wrist, yanking her back down beside him.
“Don’t you dare leave me. You make the camp bearable.”
He watched as her cheeks flushed red. Her skin was so warm against his, her bare arms flush against his after being pulled back to ground. The customary gap left between them had been fully closed by his childish actions—actions he did not find himself regretting.
Again, she picked up her fork and this time took a bite. She chewed while watching the fire and in turn he watched her, mesmerized by the way the flickering flames of the campfire made shadows dance across her cheekbones. Even watching her perform such mundane tasks was better than brooding over the past and what could have or should have been. He couldn't imagine a different version of events he'd prefer. Well, barring never having had to deal with Cazador at all. Avoiding that in its entirety would have been optimal but he never did have such luck.
Sarynna continued to eat in silence, her posture relaxing over time until she leaned against him ever so slightly. An odd development, Astarion mused. Sure, Sarynna may know him best so far of all his travelling companions but he got the impression that despite how close they were in comparison to his bond with the rest of the crew, they weren’t truly that close. But something had shifted, just enough that he found himself seeking out these odd moments, the brush of her skin against his. The quiet that usually came with solitude now shared.
A terrifying thought filled his mind: perhaps he wouldn’t mind them getting closer after all. His body certainly reacted to hers and if her elevated pulse was anything to go by, he did the same for her. Perhaps that’s all he needed to do, stay the course, continue to lure her in. Don’t focus on the fact that he might actually enjoy himself. He’d built himself a script to follow over the centuries, no need to stray from it. With that thought, he took the plunge.
“Well now, looks like my treat has their cheeks all flushed.” He smirked as her cheeks reddened further. “You know, you could always come to my bed tonight. Won’t you?”
“A little treat? Come on, Astarion, you can do better than that.” He twisted his lips, fighting a smirk.
“Oh, I certainly can and it’d be my pleasure. How about this one: All these accolades from the Tieflings are nothing compared to the sound of my name, cried from your lips.”
“Is that your best?”
“Hmm, let me give it another go. Every part of your perfect body whispers temptation—it’s as if the Gods made you just to ruin me.”
Sarynna snorted. “And these actually worked on Cazador’s targets?”
“Well they worked on you last time, didn’t they? How about if I said these little words… Everyone’s favorite…” He schooled his features and ignored the sudden chill that ran through his arms. “I love you.” Something unreadable flickered across her face before she laughed.
Having fun, are you?”
“I am. It’s hard not to with you. Now, as much as I relish standing around and saying all my favorite lines at you, I’d much rather we got to experience each others’ full portfolio of talents once again.”
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ryqoshay · 1 year
Putting on Hairs - Post Production: When Shio Met Lanz
Primary Pairing: Shioriko & Lanzhu Rating: G Words: ~1.3k AU: Angels, and mention of other monsters and supernatural beings Time Frame: Sometime before the main story
Author’s Note: This idea has been rattling around in my head for a while since I had a wonderful conversation with myonmukyuu about her ideas for a SetsuAyu AU story. (I had to come back to this comment and change it for fear that it may give the wrong impression about this chapter. Hopefully I’ll remember to explain in the notes of a later entry to the arc.)
Summary: A young Shioriko arrives at a Hunter training camp and encounters an interesting angel.
Fair Warning: This chapter may focus on the childhood friendship between Shioriko and Lanzhu, but PoH as a whole will eventually add Mia in for a R3birth OT3. Thus, if that’s not your thing, do feel free to skip this. Elsewise, enjoy.
“Nee-san, look, an angel.”
“Shioriko,” Kaoruko responded, “you know it’s impolite to point out the nature of others.”
Although the tone was teasing, Shioriko knew her big sister was actually scolding her.
“Impressive.” The woman the two were approaching turned. Though her eyes were as sharp as blades cut from sapphire, there was a warmth within them. “Pray tell, little one,” She knelt down to Shioriko’s level and offered a smile “how did you determine I was an angel?”
“Your aura matched a description I read in one of the tomes my parents gave me.” Shioriko explained.
“You detected my celestial aura, despite my abilities to suppress it.” The woman’s smile grew. “Very impressive indeed.”
“Shioriko is exceptionally talented.” Kaoruko boasted. “Even if she can be a little blunt sometimes.” She tousled her younger sister’s hair.
Shioriko furrowed her brow. While she couldn’t deny she enjoyed her sister’s affection, she wished Kaoruko would stick to head pats instead of messing up her hair.
“Shioriko…” The woman stood as she thought for a moment. “Ah, you two must be the Mifune sisters. Your family legacy as Hunters precedes you. Your parents chose well sending you here for training.”
That’s right, training. Shioriko and her sister had traveled to the mainland for training as Hunters, a profession many in their lineage had held. Hunters were a worldwide, though loose organization, hired by those in power, to protect their people from creatures hailing from myth and legend. And while Japan had become somewhat of a safe haven for monsters, cryptids and other supernatural beings over the last millennia or so, the shogunate still employed Hunters to deal with those they deemed as threats.
“By the way, I am…”
Shioriko missed the woman’s name as she suddenly became aware of a much stronger angelic presence, one that was certainly not being suppressed. She turned and…
“Nǐ hǎo!” a voice cried excitedly as its owner dropped from above into a tackling hug. “Huānyíng!”
Those were greetings in the local language, right? Shioriko thought to herself as she shifted her weight to avoid falling to the ground under the force of the glomp.
“Lanzhu.” The woman scolded, her tone lacking the teasing Shioriko was used to hearing from someone like her sister. “Do not scare or injure our new recruits.”
“Duìbùqǐ.” Lanzhu…? replied.
That was an apology. Shioriko was sure of it. Except the girl hugging her did not sound anywhere near apologetic.
“I’m sorry.” The woman said, her tone actually sounding apologetic. “It seems my daughter is excited to finally have someone her age in the camp for a change.”
Her age? Shioriko questioned silently. Angels could be children? Angels could have children? She didn’t remember that being mentioned in the tomes she had read. She thought angels manifested from celestial energy in Heaven in their adult form. It would seem she was wrong.
“You’re Shioriko, right?” The girl asked, switching to Japanese.
Shioriko craned her neck to finally see the girl attached to her. She was practically the spitting image of her mother, though much smaller; definitely a child. Same sharp, sapphire eyes, though they sparkled with more exuberant energy. Pink hair, though maybe a shade lighter. And wings. Brilliant white, feathery wings, leaving no doubt as to her heavenly origin.
Shioriko opened her mouth to confirm Lanzhu’s question but was cut off.
“Lanzhu will show you to your quarters!” The girl announced, releasing her embrace but grabbing Shioriko’s hand instead. “Just follow me!”
As if Shioriko had a choice in the matter of following. Lanzhu’s grip was strong as she pulled Shioriko up the main throughfare of the encampment.
“Don’t be too long.” The woman called from behind. “Today’s training will begin soon.”
“Wǒ zhīdào!” Lanzhu called back without looking, instead dodging around a few individuals on the path.
Shioriko did not understand that phrase and realized she needed up hasten her learning of the language. So far, Lanzhu and her mother seemed fluent in Japanese, but as a visitor, Shioriko knew it was prudent to learn the language of the land instead of relying on everyone else to know her own native one.
“And here we are!” Lanzhu suddenly stopped in front of a decent sized structure. “Lanzhu make sure that your quarters be next to ours so my new best friend Shioriko and I can hang out easier.”
Best friend? That was quick. Then again, Shioriko couldn’t say she was opposed to the idea. She didn’t know Lanzhu all that well yet, but she seemed nice enough, if more than a little bit willful and probably far too accustomed to getting her own way.
“Like it?” Lanzhu asked, but as before, she did not wait for a response before dragging Shioriko inside. “And when Lanzhu heard Shioriko like to read, she secured all the books she could!”
Lanzhu let go of Shikoriko’s hand so she could spread her arms wide to present no less than a dozen shelves, crammed rather haphazardly around the central room. Apparently, in order to fit them all in, one had to partially block the doorway to what was probably a bedroom. Two were set at an angle, with one partially behind the other, as together they were too long for that wall. Several more were leaned against each other instead of against the wall, awkwardly dividing off part of the room, though Shioriko saw potential for a reading nook there.
And the books. By the gods, her family didn’t have that many books back home, in a much bigger area than these quarters. Lanzhu had managed to overflow the available shelving space and stacked many tomes on top of them. And on the tables. And the chairs. And the floor. Shioriko couldn’t help wondering if there were more shelves and books in the other rooms, but she would have to check that later. She could also tell at a glance that nothing was sorted in any meaningful way, but that could be a project at which she could chip away over her time here.
“So, is this enough?” Lanzhu’s question brought Shioriko’s attention back to her.
“Enough for what?”
“For Lanzhu and Shioriko to be friends.” Lanzhu’s expression became somewhat anxious and concerned, an unexpected shift from her earlier confidence and cheerfulness.
Shioriko blinked, not entirely sure if she understood the question or its explanation. Did Lanzhu believe she needed to give grandiose gifts to others in order to earn their friendship? Shioriko was familiar with many gift giving customs, but in most involving individuals that were unfamiliar with one another, the gifts were usually trinkets or small favors. Certainly nothing like what Lanzhu was presenting. Also, since Shioriko was technically the guest or newcomer, should it not be her giving Lanzhu a gift?
“Lanzhu-san.” Shioriko decided to use her given name, as she realized she did not know her family name.
Shioriko nodded. “Lanzhu, thank you. This is all a wonderful, and unexpected gift.” She couldn’t help a small smile as Lanzhu’s expression started to turn hopeful. “But I believe it to be unnecessary. I am willing to be your friend anyway.”
Lanzhu surged forward into another tackling hug, forcing Shioriko to once again brace herself or risk being knocked down.
This may take a little getting used to, Shioriko thought to herself. She herself wasn’t the best at making friends either, having spent much of her time lately either training or reading. But there was something about Lanzhu, beyond just their closeness in age, that intrigued her and made her genuinely interested in friendship.
“Shioriko?” A voice called from the door. “Lan… oh wow…”
“Nee-san.” Shioriko greeted her sister as the older girl entered.
“Looks like someone is going to be having fun organizing books for the next few weeks.” Kaoruko smirked as she continued to look around.
“Anyway, I was sent to fetch you two for training.”
“Lanzhu will show you the way!” Lanzhu declared, once again pulling away from her hug and grabbing Shioriko’s hand.
Yes, this will definitely take some getting used to… Shioriko thought again as she found herself being pulled along by her new friend.
Author’s Note Continued: Yeesh... How the heck have I not posted anything since March 1st? I know work and life have been busy, but... And it’s not like I haven’t written anything, I obviously just haven’t finished or posted anything for a quarter of a year.
Well, hopefully, this will break the lull.
Currently, I have a three part arc in mind for this LanzShio background story. And I am intentionally leaving plenty of room to come back and add more stuff later if new ideas come to me.
And finally, I’m not 100% set on actual ages for either Fang or Lanz here. Maybe they really are just a year apart. Maybe Lanzhu only looks young, but as an immortal angel, is already centuries old. I’m leaning toward high single digits for human Fang, but again, Lanz is an angel, so I may come back later, or maybe clarify in the next entry, if I figure things out by then.
Edit: Almost forgot. Yes, I typed shogunate up there in the early paragraphs. As in the military power in Japan for something like 700 some odd years. Not fully set on the exact time period of this chapter, but mild spoilers, it will be revealed later in the arc that this is before the Sakoku period of isolation.
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marisramblings · 2 years
Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio is a Mess
(Did no one reread the script?)
The Good
The animation is lovely. Let’s get that out of the way. I love stop motion. Pinocchio’s design is fantastically creepy, he’s an annoying little shit, and I liked the death aspects. Positives are done.
The Bad
The plot of this movie is terrible. The story beats and characters aren’t fleshed out, the plot progression is clunky, and the music was unneeded. This movie is about 2 hours long, more than enough time to tell a wonderful story with characters that are good. I felt nothing during the finale because the relationships were not developed.
Let’s start at the beginning. We have a younger Geppetto and his first son, Carlo. The mom and wife? Dead. It’s a cute opening, skip some stuff, Carlo gets blown up and only Carlo, I think. Maximum sadness, etc.etc. Geppetto, understandably, becomes a drunk and is miserable for 5-10 years. A tree grew in the time between Carlo’s death and Pinocchio existing. No one in town seems to have consoled him in any way, but that’s not really a criticism of the movie. He goes all Victor Frankenstein and a creepy blue fairy thing brings our puppet to life. There’s also a talking cricket who I think is just there because the original had one. He’s not magic. There’s just a walking, talking cricket that reads, writes and plays violin. The monkey can also talk, through puppets, but mostly speaks in monkey gibberish. I’m more okay with that than the cricket; I can’t tell you why. It’s a “kids’ movie” but that is doing the work of gods.
The movie sets itself up to be a story of Geppetto working through his grief and accepting that Pinocchio is not Carlo. Pinocchio is learning how to be a real boy. We have one day of him going to school. He is then picked up by an evil carnie. We spend more time with that than developing the relationship between our protagonists. I’m not against this plot point, I just think it could’ve been shortened or been the main focus. I didn’t get a sense of time progressing with Pinocchio and Geppetto interacting in close proximity. Pinocchio dies, we get an interesting death sequence, and then runs away to join the circus because of a contract. I’m paraphrasing. Geppetto misses Pinocchio and I don’t know why. It’s been a week. Am I supposed to believe that this man cares about a living puppet this much so quickly? He travels Italy to find him. With how much history plays a role in the background, you’d think a talking puppet would be burned by the catholic town. Anyway, a whale eats him. The cricket is eaten as well, but I don’t care. He gives a few unearned speeches. He’s trying to live inside Pinocchio. That was a thing.
The movie still has an hour at this point. All of this could’ve been stretched out so we could truly experience this journey.
Anyway, Pinocchio makes fun of Mussolini and is killed. Then the secondary villain kidnaps him so he can fight in the war. We have a brief interlude where Pinocchio spends one day at a training camp and Candlewick, son of 2nd villain, has his character arc. Then the camp is bombed. Candlewick seems more concerned for the puppet he first attempted to incinerate than his dead dad and falls of the face of the earth. Evil carnie comes back, dies, Pinocchio and his new monkey pal get eaten by the whale. The time wasted on fridging Geppetto and Pinocchio’s foray into war would’ve been better spent developing their relationship. While I enjoy the historical perspective, shoehorning in a lesson on “facism is bad” was unneeded. You don’t have the time. The whale is there because of the original story. It could’ve have worked.
Anyway, they escape, Pinocchio dies blowing up Brendan Fraser, and sacrifices his immortality to save his dad. I don’t mind this, I just wish we had a little more focus on the afterlife aspect of the film. It’s really interesting. For some reason, Pinocchio dies despite having no lungs or a heart. Cricket gives an unearned speech to make the fairy bring him back. Seriously, what did Sebastian actually do? He spends most of the film with Geppetto. He taught Pinocchio two things??? At least they were self aware enough to mention it.
The Opinion
I like the movie, and I see it’s potential, but nothing was earned. If its time was better distributed, I think this movie would be a fantastic adaptation with a beautiful story. We spent time on a side character who was barely relevant and literally disappears with no resolution. Fascism also disappears. No one came for the talking puppet? Pinocchio fosters no relationships with the townspeople, he has no discernible arc because immortality wasn’t something he desperately wanted, so…
No one read this damn script. We are thrown lessons that aren’t learned by the characters, plots are dropped like stones and once again, what happened to Candlewick? Did he die? Why don’t we see him grieve over his father?
Score: 4/10 this might’ve worked as a limited series.
Post Script:
Fuck the cricket. What did he actually do? Why is he such a major part?
Don’t give me shit about Pinocchio trading his life to save Geppetto. He was alive and drowned. How does that work???
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cherry-valentine · 2 years
Fall 2022 Anime
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Boku no Hero Academia Season 6 is the first season I’ve come into having already read the manga. Halfway through last season, I started reading the manga and have now caught up, so this is my first time starting a season while knowing exactly what’s going to happen. A plot summary seems silly at this point, so I’ll skip right to the meat of this write-up. In my opinion, the War Arc covered in this season is where the story peaked. This is by far my favorite arc, but it also ushers in some of the worst writing decisions I’ve ever seen in a series this popular. Luckily those baffling choices come in late enough in this arc that they don’t ruin it (they just ruin the rest of the series lol). I’ve long had a love-hate relationship with this show, because I enjoy it and it does a lot of things well (and the things it does well, it does really REALLY well), but it also pisses me off in a lot of ways (the treatment of the lady characters overall is my biggest gripe, though I will admit that this improves the longer the series goes on). But this season? So far? It’s fantastic. The animation is great, as usual. The fights are exciting, the little snippets of comedy (this is an overall serious arc though) are on point. This is also the arc that best displays the dark side of hero society, the corruption, the forgotten victims, the people who have suffered in this sort of world, which is fascinating. Shigaraki in particular makes an excellent villain, and that’s all I’m going to say about him to avoid manga spoilers (I could, and maybe will, write an entire essay about his character and how it’s developed in the manga). Since this arc is so damn good, BNHA is at the top of my list this season. A first for this series!
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Blue Lock is a new sports anime, this one about soccer. Last season, while watching Ao Ashi (another soccer anime), I kept seeing Blue Lock mentioned in the comments as a “better soccer series”, and that it was getting an anime. Well here it is. While I do appreciate a good, straightforward sports anime like Ao Ashi, these days a sports anime has to stand out in some way to get me excited about it. Blue Lock stands out in two main ways: the high production values that give it outstanding visuals, and the absolutely bonkers premise (all the best high school strikers in Japan are gathered up, told to live 24/7 in a state of the art training camp, and are weeded out through grueling matches against each other and are encouraged to be traitorous assholes, all to arrive at one boy left to be the best striker in Japan). Right away, it separates itself from other sports anime with that setup. It effectively cuts out any and all drama that doesn’t involve the sport. These guys don’t go to school, so there are no scenes of them in class or interacting with characters not on their “team”. No scenes at home, involving family members. They don’t even have team managers or coaches. It really does boil the entire story down to these guys playing soccer. That’s a pretty bold move, but it pays off. And going back to those visuals, the animation quality is amazing. The character designs are vivid and interesting. The colors are just beautiful. The only complaint I have in this area is that the backgrounds are all pretty drab. This makes sense in context (as they’re living in a training facility), and actually might be a good thing, as it makes the colorful characters stand out even more. Speaking of which, all of them are fun, and the main character Isagi is easy to root for, even when his inner jerk is dragged out. All in all, Blue Lock is one of the better sports anime I’ve seen in a while.
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Yowamushi Pedal has a new season. Watching it made me realize how much I missed this batshit crazy show. It’s a sports anime about bicycle racing, and it ranks just under Prince of Tennis as being one of the most unrealistic sports anime I’ve seen. From the guy who has named his pecs Andy and Frank (and literally talks to them, and they literally warn him of dangers!) to the skinny little guy who can immediately expand his torso like a balloon (something about being able to expand his lungs but it looks hilarious), to the tendency several riders have to go into a frenzy and race at top speed with their tongues hanging out of their heads (yes, dangle your tongues out while bicycling very fast through the mountains! Totally not a terrible idea!). Then there are the moments when a rider from one of the teams has to drop out of the race after doing something cool, for the benefit of the team (basically sacrificing himself). These are treated with all the drama and severity of literal death scenes, and it’s one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. But above all of this, there’s the gloriously creepy villain Midousuji, who is hands-down the best villain in sports anime history. He’s gross and terrible and downright monstrous, but damn if he isn’t the most entertaining character in the show. The animation is fine, but the character designs are unique. This is a weird anime, but it’s never boring! Go into it expecting a wild, weird, fun time, and you won’t be disappointed.
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Spy x Family is on its second cour, and there’s not much more I can say about it than I did a couple of seasons back. Following a highly skilled spy as he puts together a fake family consisting of a telepathic child, a wife who is a secret assassin, and now a precognitive dog, the show is adorable and very funny. The animation is stellar, with extremely expressive faces, lovely backgrounds, and characters that never fail to stay on model. It’s a little more fast paced than the usual “soothing feel good” anime, but for me it still falls into that category. Though the stakes are occasionally high (with characters being in actual mortal danger), the overall soft tone of this series assures us that the threats will always be neutralized, so there’s little tension in that regard. The charm of the show lies in its super likable cast and wonderful visuals. High on my watch list.
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Raven of the Inner Palace is a unique series about a certain mysterious consort to the emperor in ancient China. Though she has the title of consort, she has little contact with the emperor and instead uses her magical powers to solve mysteries around the palace, talk to the dead, help spirits cross over, etc. Of course, when the emperor meets her, he decides to become her friend. The show is basically about their mystery-solving adventures with an ever expanding cast of support characters. It’s a relatively simple setup, but the ancient Chinese setting gives it a specific charm. The art is gorgeous, with breathtaking clothing designs and beautiful scenery. The music is also a high point, with excellent opening/ending themes and background songs. The Raven consort herself, called Shouxue, is an interesting character. She’s a bit of a tsundere, but in this case her standoffish attitude makes sense for the plot (she has a tragic backstory that necessitates being wary of others, especially the emperor). She softens as the series moves along, but she remains a powerful character. Her growing relationship with the emperor isn’t exactly original (of course they’re going to end up falling in love at some point - I can predict that without reading summaries of the light novels this is based on), but they have enough chemistry to make them fun to watch regardless. This is a slower-paced show than most of the other anime I’m watching this season, and it feels like a breath of fresh air.
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Mobile Suit Gundam The Witch From Mercury could be called “the show that pissed off a thousand fanboys”, with a lot of people calling it “woke Gundam”. Apparently, if you have a female protagonist in a Gundam tv series for the first time since the franchise began in the 70‘s, it’s automatically woke (never mind that Tomino has wanted to have a female protagonist since the 90‘s). Add to that the *possibility* of a lesbian couple (and to be honest I don’t think the series will have the guts to follow through with it) and the fact that female characters in general seem to have larger and more important roles in the story, and you have an army of angry manchildren on your hands. In all seriousness, the show does have a different vibe from most previous Gundam series (but not all). If I had to choose its closest relative, I’d say its Reconguista in G, with its school-setting and relaxed atmosphere for the first chunk of the series. Most hilarious to me are the people assuming this series won’t get “serious” and have actual mobile suit battles (as opposed to the mobile suit “duels” that take place at the school). I mean, are they just pretending the prologue episode and all the shadowy political machinations don’t exist? Regardless, the show is great so far and would be an excellent starting point for people who never really got into Gundam but are curious about it. The animation is gorgeous and the plot is (at least for now) easy to follow. The two female leads are likable and have great chemistry. And yeah, it’s basically “Utena with giant robots”. If you’ve watched Utena, you’ll be the embodiment of that Leonardo Dicaprio meme where he’s pointing at the screen while you watch the first couple of episodes. But hey, if a plot setup is good, why not use it again in a different setting? Hell, let’s have Utena in feudal Japan! Utena in the wild west! Utena in a zombie apocalypse! I’m here for it.
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To Your Eternity Season 2 opened on a surprisingly weak note for such an excellent series, but it’s already sorted itself out. The show follows an immortal entity called Fushi who can take the form of any living being it comes into contact with (after that being has died). Fushi most often uses (and generally prefers) the form of a young man, so I’ll be using he/him to refer to the entitiy. The series is, basically, about Fushi moving through the world and learning about life while also fighting creatures called the Nockers that keep attacking him for unknown reasons (most often harming the humans around him in frankly horrific ways). Each person that Fushi comes to know eventually becomes another form he can take (as he is immortal, of course he outlives everyone). The interesting thing is that he can use whatever skills that person (or creature) had, leading to at least one person spending years cultivating certain skills so that Fushi would have access to them after she dies. Unlike with season one, season two skips large chunks of time, several generations in a single episode at one point. At first, I was a little annoyed that we were not getting to spend much time with the characters (in one infuriating case, a major character from season one returns only to almost immediately die). Season one’s emotional beats were so powerful because it let us get to know and grow to love the human characters before they inevitably died. But! Thankfully, season two has now settled into a story arc and is letting us grow to love a new set of characters. And yes, they will eventually die, like always, but the point of the story isn’t “will these characters die or not?”, it’s “what effect will these characters ultimately have on Fushi?”. And figuring that out is what makes the series so endearing.
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Golden Kamuy has a new season (I think this is season four, but honestly it’s hard to keep up with all these shows after they get past season two). From the start of season one, this has been one of my favorite modern anime series. It has a strong plot, unique character designs, a compelling setting, and some of the most bizarre but charming humor I’ve come across. It’s refreshing in the way it never sexualizes its female characters, but instead chooses to objectify its large assortment of buff, handsome male characters with frequent nude scenes that seem to linger on their well-toned bodies. Despite this, the show is firmly seinen (aimed at an adult male audience). It’s actually been fun to watch the guys in the comments questioning their sexuality in real time. I don’t care what your sexuality is, you’re going to walk away from this show with at least a minor crush on Ogata or Sugimoto. Probably both. Fanservice aside, the show is just wild at times. It can get brutally gory, then it can be hilarious, then it can make you cry. It has a Gintama-like quality in that it does lots of different things very well. If you’re not watching this series, you’re missing out (something I think I’ve said about it before, but it bears repeating).
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Chainsaw Man is definitely this season’s most hyped show. I had avoided the manga because, just from looking at the covers and some other art, it looked like it was full of unnecessary fanservice and that the lady characters were highly sexualized. Before the anime started, I did a little googling to see what the general opinion was. From everything I read, most people (regardless of gender) had generally positive opinions on how the female characters were treated, so I decided to try the anime. The basic setup is that there are creatures called Devils that can embody certain things, like a Gun Devil or a Chainsaw Devil or a Bat Devil. A young man named Denji, who is probably one of the most “down on his luck” protagonists I’ve seen in a long time (he’s broke, orphaned, pratically homeless, practically starving, and has already sold one eye, one kidney, and one testicle just to survive) ends up combining with the only thing he really has in the world: his pet Devil dog. This gives him the power of the Chainsaw Devil, which he can transform into to fight other Devils. He’s quickly recruited by a group of government sanctioned Devil Hunters who are searching for the powerful, menacing Gun Devil. The setup sounds like typical shounen action fare, but the series goes a bit darker than I expected fairly early on, and maintains a unique atmosphere. Denji is fun to root for just because he came from such a humble place, but his lack of social skills makes him come across as a jerk at times. It’s understandable, given his background. Every shounen action series has its own “thirst trap” character that’s super popular with the ladies in the audience, and this one has Aki. The anime wisely spends the majority of its budget on subtle little movements he makes, like lighting a cigarette or taking a drink of coffee. I think there’s a whole animation team dedicated to the flow of his hair when he wears it down. As there should be. Overall, the series has a strange vibe to it but it’s highly entertaining.
Best of Season:
Best New Show: Blue Lock Best Opening Theme: Golden Kamuy Best Ending Theme: Spy x Family Best New Male Character: Isagi (Blue Lock) Best New Female Character: Shouxue (Raven of the Inner Palace)
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knaitfall · 2 years
bnha animation
I’ve said this before and people should be tired of me already, but in terms of animation, the first three seasons of BNHA were the best. What I really liked in the anime is that it can combine a beautiful atmosphere, the music and all, with the wonderful story and the exciting battles. I usually get bored of battles but in BNHA the battles were my favorite. The animation, the moves, were incredible and exciting, and I couldn’t get enough of them. 
In season 4 and 5, I think the animators paid more attention to the graphics ( making the coloring more fancy, adding more shades etc. ) and yes, it was beautiful but the battles scenes lacked. Don’t tell me the Bakugo vs Deku battles weren’t incredible, the Sports Festival Arc, the Camp Training Arc, the Exams Arc. They all were a blessing to the eye while in season 4 and 5 they lacked in quality, speed, imagination . . . The battles scenes were a little bleh to me.
And now, the sixth season, who’s a battle season mainly, I hoped they’d fix this. Yes, we see the nice fancy coloring is gone now, the quality has decreased a little and the battle scenes have improved a tiny bit but they still are bleh to me. I was hoping for more because BNHA had AMAZING battles. I’m not excited with where this season is going and I feel the atmosphere is lacking too. Reading the manga gave me more intense vibes and I usually prefer the anime for the sake of MUSIC and VOICE ACTING. Today’s episode for example had me crying when reading the manga while now, I wasn’t the same moved. I just . . . I miss the old seasons, that’s all. Now everything about the anime has gone a little down ( in my personal opinion of fucking course ).
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legallysoup · 8 days
painting is the bane of my existence help me. im also drip feeding these pictures from my river cruise lol
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an overview || september 9 to september 15 🧃obviously had art camp this week from monday to wednesday so i skipped three days of school lol 🧃it was really fun! the bugs were insane but i liked spending time outside in nature (take me back actually) 🧃took my chemistry topic test 🧃read through act one of macbeth 🧃didn't fail my french speaking test 🧃i continue working really slowly on my art assignment 🧃wrote a personality report in psychology 🧃ignoring my coding assignment :DD 🧃played my grand finals!! we ended full time at 2-2 and took them to overtime. they sadly won in golden goal but i think i left it all out there and i'm very proud of my team :') 🧃went to my wind up it was very funny ggs gang
tracking &. habits
key — ✦ complete || ✧ not done
training and games 🏑✧✦ bottle of water 🌧️ ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ exercise 🧦✦✦✦✦✦✧✦
hey gang!! next week is the last week of school for me (lets go actually i cant wait to. go outside). my season is over which means i don't really know what to do with my life. i mean it's less of a problem when i have assignments to worry about but itll hit me later lmfao. i still have a couple of hockey related activities this week like another wind up and a coaching thing, plus i'll be doing my pre season training arc (the gym, 1 on 1 coaching, social hockey, etc etc). today was really fun bc i just messed around with my team, im gonna miss them gang :(
wow that was a chonker. have a wonderful week <3
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ellis-in-name · 2 years
Chapter 7: The Confusion of Exhaustion
Read on AO3
Days slowly turned into weeks which soon became a month as I walked along aimlessly on overgrown path of the forest. I searched for Miss Valory, but when I thought about her, she soon faded from memory. I walked for days on end with little sleep, few thoughts of anything, and constantly found myself cornered by wild animals that were hunting for food. No matter how hard I tried to run the animals always caught up. No matter how hard I tried to stay peaceful, the voice woke up inside of my head and forced me to slaughter the enemy.
 Three months passed and I settled down to sleep for the first time in a couple days. I began to clean the wolf blood off my scythe as I sat next to a small fire. My eyes felt heavy, and every movement was made through sludge. Who was I at this point? How long had I been out here?
I looked up from my cleaning and noticed a faint light in the distance. Fire. Humans. Civilization. Grabbing my scythe, I began to walk towards the light. After a half hour of tripping and stumbling over roots and vines I finally made it to the source of the light. My muscles tensed as I looked at the massive opening into a cave that light poured out of. Specs of light dotted all over the ground and tents are set up similar to housing units. I could see large groups of people swinging wooden weapons around as if they were training for something despite the late hour. I looked once more at the entrance and noticed two people standing out front acting as guards.
Interesting, it seems that I stumbled upon a camp or village of some sort, I wonder if they are friendly. Well, I guess it isn’t important, they aren’t harming me and- My thoughts are cut short as a drop of water splattered onto my face. Never mind. Looks like I’ll ask about staying the night. Why stay out in the rain when clear shelter is available. I pulled the hood of my cloak over my head. The cloak had become a comfort to me, having the hood over my head made me feel safe and protected. I shouldered my scythe and walked out of the underbrush into the clearing that sat in front of the cave entrance. The guards both instantly saw me and leveled their spears at my chest.
“St-Stop right there, a-and st-state your business!” One of the guards stuttered out as he shook from fear. I continued to walk forward until I was at a respectable distance to talk at.
“I just want-” My words were cut short as a spear flew by my head and grazed my cheek. I felt blood begin to run down my face and heard the spear thud into a tree behind me.
“I- I told you t-to st-stay where you were!” The same guard said, although he no longer had a spear in his hands. Why is he so nervous?
“I just want-” Again, my words are cut short as a second spear whizzed by my face and cut the other cheek.
“Dr-drop the weapon! St-state your business!” The second guard stuttered.
With a deep breath, I dropped my scythe to the ground and watched as it sunk a foot into the dirt. I knew, from experience, that I could still grab it easily in emergency. Ambushes at night were all too common.
 The rain was now coming in heavy sheets. “As I was saying, all I want-” An arc of lightning struck where I was standing and I grimaced with pain as electricity flowed through my body, until it hit the Hellhound hide cloak which instantly dispelled the magic lightning. Apparently it only provided protection when magic hit the cloak, not entirely. Good to know.
By this point, I was getting irritated, tired of trying to speak and being attacked. “Can I speak now?” I asked through gritted teeth, but I am answered by the sight of a fireball careening through the rain at me. With little thought I covered myself with my cloak and the ball of fire exploded against the shadowy hide, leaving me unharmed but skidding across the ground under the force of the blast.
“Attack! We have an enemy!” Before I can even react ten guards holding swords had surrounded me and a multitude of different colored robes fill in the gaps.
“Why are you doing this?” I asked as I stood up. “You never let me answer why I was here.” More swords were leveled at my chest as I spoke. “We don’t have to do this; you could all just leave uninjured. Please just put down your weapons. I don’t want to fight you.” I cried desperately. I felt someone or something beginning to awaken in the back of my mind. None of the guards answered me, eyes wide with fear. Their actual answers to my questions came in the form of a volley of fireballs.
I felt my body move on its own and with a twirl of my cloak I blocked all of the flames and grabbed my scythe from the ground and threw it over my shoulder.
“Your choice.” I said quietly and swung my foot up into a charging guards face. I felt his nose shatter under the kick and his eyes widened with shock and pain as blood began to pour from his nose. I let my leg fall back to my side and felt a grin sprout across my face. “So nice of you to find prey for me Calian!” The voice in my head was awake. But it disappeared when I screamed inside my head. Go away! No! I won’t let you kill anyone!
Two more guards charge at me with their swords leveled at my chest. As soon as I regained control of my body I dodged around their swords and stepped behind them. I twitch the blade of my weapon and create a shallow cut in the back of their ankles. It wasn’t a severe injury; however, it did immobilize them.
“We really don’t have to do this; you can all leave unharmed. I just wanted shelter and food. Is that so wrong of me to want? It’s been weeks since I’ve seen another human, am I so unwelcome now? Have I become an animal?” I asked, my voice hollow and dull. I could feel myself falling into despair, confused by how these people were reacting. I swung my scythe around and cut another pair of ankles.
“Calian, You’re such a wimp! Kill them! If you won’t then I will!” Against my will I jumped high into the air and let go of my scythe. I landed behind one of the people in colored robes and brought my elbow down on the back of his head. I watched as his eyes faded to unconsciousness. “Have any of you ever been in the wilderness?” I asked as I slammed my elbow into another person's gut and brought my knee into his face. “It’s very dangerous out there, it changes you.” I cried out as I swirled my cloak and blocked another volley of fireballs. Now you’re all going to-”
My words are cut off as I wrenched control of my body again from the voice and jump away from a guard. “We don’t have to do this; this isn’t a fight for survival.” I yelled as I grabbed my scythe from behind me and slash a shallow cut across one man's chest. “Don’t you see! I don’t want to hurt you! Don’t make me kill you all! I have killed so many animals, don't make me add a human to my list!” I cried out as more people in robes ran up to the circle that has surrounded me.
“Careful! This one is dangerous!” one of the guards called out before my scythe slashed a shallow cut across his legs and forced him to fall to the ground.
“Don’t get me wrong though, it would be so much fun to try my blade against a human.” I said out loud as the voice took control once more. The rain pounded heavily on my shoulders as I watched guards shuddering in fear. The sky began to flash as lightning arced through the clouds and the rain began to fall harder and harder.
 I threw my cloak into the air as lightning struck multiple times above me. “Oh, look! You’re putting some effort in trying to kill me!” I said as I swung my scythe in a massive circle, creating shallow cuts along every ankle of the guards around me.
“I don’t want to hurt you! Don’t you understand that!” I screamed out as I took control again. How many of them are there? I ducked under a man flying through the air towards me and watched as he landed on the ground. I released my grip on my scythe and dashed towards a person in yellow. I swipe my foot under his feet, and I slammed my fist into his chest with a scream of rage. “Don’t make me kill you. Please stop this!” I screamed out, but then smiled. “or do you want to see me after I’ve snapped?” I asked with a giggle, “don’t worry, you would all be dead before you understood what happened!” I leapt backwards and slammed my fist into my wrist. “No! Stop it! Get out of my head!” I screamed as I curled up. With a sigh, I found myself back in control. But in control while in a vulnerable position.
I stood up and find myself in the middle of a circle of spears again. I grabbed one of the spears ends and snapping it off. “I have a better Idea than that!” The voice said as I suddenly slammed the end into the shoulder of a nearby guard and rolled in his direction as he screamed with pain. I watched as more guards screamed in pain as they impaled each other with their own spears trying to hit me. “See what I mean? That was such a better idea than whatever you had in mind,” the voice said. All around me were injured guards and what I assumed to be magic casters. The clearing was almost quiet outside of the groans of pain and the pouring rain. Then the clicking of shoes on stones entered into the soundscape. A man, roughly the same size as me, calmly walked out of the cave pulling on a set of leather gloves.
“You are going to stop fighting right now unless you want to die sir. My name is Michael, and I am in charge here, so please stop fighting before I kill you.” The man said as he unsheathed a sword from his hip. His eyes looks bloodshot and tired, but underneath it was controlled rage.
“Michael…” I muttered to myself,  “I know that name, yes, I met you on the train! Do you recognize me?” I cried out as my mind took control again and rushing forward, only to find a metal blade at my throat. I follow the blade up to the wielders face, and found a merciless expression written on Michael’s face.
“See Calian, he just wants you dead. But it’s ok. I am here, you won’t be alone with me here.” The voice said inside of my head as I stepped backward. “This is what people do to others, use them and toss them aside soon after. Just kill him. Extract your revenge against him!” Without thinking I grabbed ahold of my scythe and felt a bottomless rage filling me. “Thank you, Michael! It’s my turn now!” I screamed and charged at Michael as I lost control of my body. No, no, no, I don’t want this!
Michael stepped backward with mild shock as I ran towards him, surprised by the sudden change in demeaner, but then swung his broadsword towards me. I calmly step around the blade and parried the blow. His blade swung wide and gave me an opening to attack. I released my grip on the scythe and charge at Michael to punch him.
“What a fool, you let go of your own weapon, are you an-” Michael began to say before my fist slammed into his stomach. My hand crunched and lit up with pain as my fist hit a piece of metal armor; However, Michael is still left gasping for air. “I don’t need weapons, I am a weapon, I am a killer!” I screamed into his face. Before he could recover, I dropped to the ground and swung my leg above me straight into his chin. Using the momentum of my kick I rose to my feet and grabbed my scythe in one swift move and sliced the scythe into Michael's shoulder. I watched with glee as Michael screamed in pain, and I knelt next to him.
“I could kill you so easily right now, and the spineless wimp wouldn’t be able to do anything about it. But, I hear him crying desperately in the background. Be thankful I’m merciful. For now.” I said and control came back to my body. In a moment I nearly entirely collapsed to the ground as physical strain caught up to me. “Mr. Michael! I’m so sorry, I didn’t-” My words were cut short as a blast of cold air sent me flying backwards.
“Get away from him!” A familiar female voice screamed out. I slowly looked up to find Miss Valory breathing heavily, her arm held out toward me as a ball of ice formed in her hand. I stood up straighter and feel tears coming to my eyes. Exhaustion was catching up to me, months of aimless wandering had begun to build a cloud of confusion and misunderstanding.
“Why, why would you to hurt me Miss Valory, I never stopped looking for you, and here you are trying to hurt me. Why? Why do you wound me so deep?” I asked quietly and then watched as Miss Valory's arm dropped to her side, the ball of ice disappearing, as recognition spread across her face. My vision was getting fuzzy.
“Calian? Is that you? Where have you been? I woke up one morning and you were just gone...” She said as she trailed off. She then put on a determined face. “Medics! Treat to the wounded. Guards, stand down. This man is a friend; although,” She looked furious when she spoke next, “he has a lot to explain.”
People all around me dropped their spears without a second thought and the robed people walked away. People robed in green also began to rush around the area, kneeling by wounded people. I allowed myself to finally relax and collapsed to the muddy ground with a heavy squish of mud. I turned my gaze to the sky and felt to raindrops beat against my face.
“You’re a spineless wimp. Kill them! They abandoned you when you needed them most!” The voice in my head screamed, but I ignored himas I felt myself fall backwards into sleep. Exhaustion had finally taken over.
“Well Calian? Are you happy with yourself? You’ve grown up so much since I left. I’m almost proud of you.” I opened my eyes and saw a young woman who looked to be about my age, maybe a little younger, in a white dress with long, curly blond hair. Her eyes were bright and vibrant, blue as the sky, and a sense of bubbly joy seemed to fill the air around her. “Well Calian? What do you think? I’ve grown up too!” She said with a beaming smile.
“I’m sorry, but who are you?” I asked hesitantly and watched as the girl seemed to pout yet somehow kept her sense cheerful joy. It was a strange contradiction. She ran up and punched my in the shoulder lightly and laughed.
“Oh, come on Calian, it’s been a couple years, but I didn’t think you would forget! Come on, let's play tag! If you win, I’ll tell you my name.” Without another word the girl ran off into the tall grass that suddenly sprouted from the ground all around us. The scent of fresh corn and cow manure filled the air and washed over me like a wave. The cluck of chickens filled the air as I ran after the girl.
“What is with this girl? She must be crazy!” I thought to myself. I could see her dress just ahead off me; however, no matter how fast I ran she always seemed to stay ahead of me. After a few minutes I found myself gasping for air on the ground wondering how I ever caught the train three months before.
“Come on Calian, you can do better than that!” The girl said as she danced around me and frown when I didn’t get up off the ground. “Well, I guess that’s all we can do for now. You’re just being lazy again.” Before I could reply, the world faded to nothingness, and I was swept away from my dreams.
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strunmah-mah · 2 years
So now that I’ve finally seen The Batman I kinda want to brainstorm what a sequel might look like if it included a Robin and how that story might very depending on who that Robin is (because I don’t think the movies be beholden to going in the same order as the comics).
Duke Thomas - Duke comes to mind first because the immediate aftermath of the film (the entirety of Gotham is flooded because Riddler blew up the seawall) almost sounds like a variant of Zero Year (Riddler takes Gotham hostage by gaining control of the power grid, (pretty sure there’s flooding involved in there somewhere but I haven’t actually read it)). The plot of this one would be something along the lines of Bruce somehow getting custody of Duke while Batman helps him search for his missing parents. I can’t really think of a specific villain for this, but it could be a good way for Bruce to learn to be more than vengeance as he gets introduced to systemic issues in addition to Gotham’s corruption (ex: Duke getting razzed  by cops because of his race.)
Dick Grayson - Robert Pattinson has mentioned he would be interested covering The Court of Owls in a sequel. So the Grayson murders happen but instead of focusing on Dick wanting revenge against Tony Zucco (because we sorta already got that plot from Selina/Falcone) We focus instead on William Cobb attempting to abduct young Dick for the court and Bruce learning how deep Gotham’s Corruption is.
Stephanie Brown -  Would feature Arthur Brown as a Riddler follower who escaped at the end of the first film and decided to carry on Riddler’s legacy by becoming Cluemaster (no, I have no idea if these two actually even like each other in the comics) and Stephanie attempting to spoiler his clues.
Jason Todd - IDK, I’m having troubles coming up with something I like for Jason, which Is weird cause he’s my favorite. Maybe Riddler’s question of “Do you know what an orphan is?” bugs Bruce and he goes looking into Gotham orphanages and discovers the child soldier training camp that is Ma Gunn’s School for Wayward Boys?
Barbara Gordon - Not a Robin, but Jim Gordon is very clearly pro vigilante in this movie. So his daughter taking that as implicit permission to become Batgirl isn’t outlandish. Could be interesting to see the potential strain that puts on Jim’s relationship with Batman.
That’s all I got. There might be something you can do with Harper Cullen, but I don’t know enough about her to craft that story myself. I think Damian and Cassandra’s stories’ are both to reliant on people from outside Gotham to make work, and Battinson is on an arc for more internal Gotham stories. Tim I don’t think works without a sidekick preceding him. Carrie Kelly is about reigniting hope in a grizzled cynical Batman which Battinson isn’t at yet.
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Todoroki Family Values
Todoroki Family Values by If its canon it can still suck
“What, you think you and this shitty nerd can break into the private office of the number two hero without me?” Bakugou leant into Todoroki's personal space. “You think you're better than me Icy-Hot?”
Enji's been lying to his family for years but after an overheard private phonecall about a missing persons case, all those lies are gonna start unravelling.
Shota's normally given the cases no one wants to solve, as an underground hero he has a wider range of resources and they tend to come in handy when looking for runaway kids. It's nothing new. So why is a person declared missing but he's not allowed to talk to the family. Someone high up is keeping a grip on the strings around the case, so Shota has to find a loose one in the mass of tangles.
The number two hero isn't as infallible as people think and it's about time he lies in the bed he's made for himself.
Words: 10392, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: in order of appearence, Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Original Characters, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Todoroki Natsuo, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Toga Himiko, Okuta Kagerou | Giran, idk his full name its the information broker guy, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Kurogiri
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki & Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Fuyumi & Todoroki Natsuo & Todoroki Shouto, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Todoroki Natsuo, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: okay im trying to not go overboard on the tags so bear with me pls, this has nothing to do with the addams family, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, no spoilers but this fic will have the following, Todoroki Family Drama, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor's Bad Parenting, Retribution, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Parental Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, i havent decided the role the hpsc will play yet but theyre here too, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Everyone Is Gay, this puppy can fit so many headcanons, Kaminari Denki Angst, i havent written him in yet but hes there, Kaminari Denki Has ADHD, Hard of Hearing Bakugou Katsuki, Hard of Hearing Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, the fandom crossover is untagged because i want you to guess what it is, Todoroki Shouto Angst, Trans Bakugou Katsuki, Genderfluid Sero Hanta, trans original character, Quirkless People with Extra Toe Joints Wear Custom Sneakers | Red Shoe Theory, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku are Childhood Friends, and good ones too, i made up most of the lore for quirkless people, canon can exist but i make the rules here bucko and im switching up the order of the arcs, Post-Unforeseen Simulation Joint Arc, Post-Sports Festival Arc, Post-Hero Killer Stain Arc, remixed sports festival arc, everything else is the same up to that point, from this point out this is a lawless place, Identity Reveal, Secret Identities, well theyre not secret people are just unaware that some people are the same person, also, i have plans for midoriya hisashi's character, but they dont come in to play until the training camp arc, which will also be different than in canon, irish midoriya izuku, scottish bakugou katsuki, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Midoriya Izuku Swears, Kaminari Denki Swears, No beta we die like the manly men Kirishima wants us to be
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41157384
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likesrandomstuff · 3 years
Avalance Fic Recommendations Part 4
The final part of this series. Thanks to everyone who reblogged and liked, and a huge shout-out to @heywhereisperry who encouraged and motivated me into doing this.
As I said in Part 1, feel free to add any more stories you think should be recognised to any of these posts, and my ask box is open if you would like more detail on anything.
Part 1: Bite Sized
Part 2: Snacks
Part 3: Meals
Banquets (Over 75,000 words)
When you do not have anything you need to do in the next couple of days
You're My Miracle by bihexualmess
My tags: Ava is FBI, Sara is a Private Investigator, Rip brings Sara on for a case
This just got updated the other week and ruined multiple nights of sleep for me. At almost 350k words, still going, I don’t know how to explain without spoiling stuff that happens a long way in. There are so many layers to both Ava and Sara here, and the trauma, and the issues, and the fact they will not talk to each other about anything. I jumped on this a bit late, as the title and description didn’t grab me, but oh boy, I was missing out. I did get to read a heap of it in one go, but that doesn’t help the slow burn. I would start this even though it’s still a WIP, just because it will take you a while, to read, and also the storylines need time to settle in, because they are heavy, but just amazing. It is now the longest Avalance fic with the latest update.
this is the way that we love (like it's forever) by CoffeeAndArrows, moonlitprincess
My tags: College Avalance dated and broke up, five years later they meet again, Ava’s dating someone else
This fic had me crying in the lunchroom during my second week of work because I couldn’t not read during my lunch break, and it was hitting me so hard. That was after starting it at 10pm, reading to 2am, sleeping until 6am, reading until 11am a couple of days before. Warning for major character deaths; the funeral for one is alluded to in the description. If anyone says something bad about Jordan, I will not be happy; one of the best original characters I have ever read in a fic. Sara’s not in a great place initially, but she gets there. And there’s some cute flashbacks to college Legends too.
you make me smile (please stay for a while now) by CoffeeAndArrows, moonlitprincess
My tags: High School Rivals AU, Ava’s class president, Sara is the superstar soccer captain, they have more in common than they thought
I just looked at the word count for this, and it must be the first time I have, because wow! It is a journey! There’s a couple of prequel, sequel and interjection stories in this universe too. Ava has to deal with her family not being super supportive when she comes out. Sara has to deal with Laurel struggling and their mum having a clear favourite (Laurel). Most of the Legends have really great arcs in here as well. Ava’s family is great. I wanna hang out with her little sister. Don’t be like 2018 me who gives up after the first chapter because they are mad about what Laurel is going through. She’s fine, and there’s a heap of great Sara and Laurel moments. I recently re-read the last 10 chapters, and I still couldn’t stop myself from reading like it was the first time.
i am who you used to love (and you are just a memory) by justpalsbeingals
My tags: The Vow AU, but Ava makes some better choices early on, they’re married, Ava gets into an accident and loses all memory of Sara
I hate the movie this fic is based on. The movie’s fine, and it was a delight seeing Tatiana Maslany in it while I was watching Orphan Black, but basically it is my worst-case scenario, losing my memory. The fact that this fic kept me hooked despite that, is a testament to the quality. The fic itself says “light angst”, I say it’s much, much heavier than that, but that’s just me. Warning, there are some intense twists in here, and everyone is a bit OOC to me, memory loss being considered, which might not be your thing.
and i will stumble and fall (i'm still learning to love) by lucylikestowrite
My tags: SwanQueen kid fic AU, yes, I know go with me on this, Ava adopted Sara’s unexpected baby, said kid finds Sara years later
In general, as I’ve mentioned before, I don’t like kid fics. Fics with future children coming back to meet their parents, or the couple going into the future? Some of my favourites ever. This has no time travel, but I trust Lucy. This story is under 75k, but the sequel is almost as long, so combined they’re over. The sequel is a WIP. I didn’t watch Once Upon a Time, but it’s the plot of the start of that, except the gay actually happens. There are a lot of issues our girls have to work through here, but the kid is so cute.
and we could try by plinys
My tags: it’s a story mostly told on twitter through fake screen shots of social media, Sara drunk messages Ava, Ava doesn’t block her
I’m sure this format of storytelling is not for everyone, and that’s okay! I was so confused by it at first. I would recommend starting with the shorter one, I can be your hero (in Part 2), just to see if you like it, before jumping into this. I read this when the epilogue, the fic, was released, and I was up until 5am because I couldn’t stop. It became part of my personality. Story wise, Sara and Ava are on different coasts, but both know Nate, Ray and Nora. Ray and Nora get engaged, and Avalance have to deal with planning that wedding, and whatever is going on with them.
take my hands now by plinys
My tags: Another Social Media twitter AU, Sara is The Canary, Ava is trying to arrest vigilantes, Nate accidently gives Ava Sara’s number
Another brilliant twitter story. Some of our gang is trying to arrest the other half. Sara knows who Ava is, Ava doesn’t know that Sara is the person she’s chasing. Everyone has public twitter accounts. Sara actually gets [spoiler villain] to stop an attack by sending them money for a drink.
your eyes, they shine so bright by plinys
My tags: Social Media AU, everyone works for not Buzzfeed, a colab series is pitched, Sara and Ava’s teams have to work together
Ava makes factual videos, Sara does not, they are forced to work together. Nate is everyone’s boss technically, but they do what they want. Nate and Ava are non-biological siblings, and Satan Camp is a running gag. Oh, fake dating is in there too!
right to the top, don't hold back by SJAandDWfan
My tags: American Ninja Warrior AU, Sara’s a veteran and the Legends train together, Ava’s a rookie, rivals to training partners to friends to …
I re-read this every year when the new Australian season comes out. It’s so burned into my brain that when I was watching the speed climbing at the Olympics I genuinely thought “I wonder how Amaya would go in this?”. Amaya’s pre-Ninja experience is rock climbing in this fic. I learnt so much about Ninja Warrior and how the show (at least in this universe) works, and it’s fascinating. Would recommend watching some clips if you’re unfamiliar with the concept. The story goes pretty in detail about the courses. For recommendations, either Jessie Gaff, who was a S1 Supergirl stuntwoman, or Australia’s own Olivia Vivian, who is just stages better than our next female.
biding our time (until tomorrow) by TheTruthAboutLove
My tags: Period setting AU, Ava’s too noble for her own good, Oliver’s dad is the villain
This was a really cool experiment. Basically, told in lots of mini chapters like a soap opera. I do not know much about this period of American history, but it did not matter. A lot of different Arrow-verse peeps show up along the way. I’m sure I complained out loud “you’re allowed to want things Ava!” at some point. There’s an attempt for fake dating, and it’s not the homophobia but the second daughter problem that gets them.
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kiwikyuu · 4 years
━━━━━━━━ touch starved!tsukishima kei
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summary — tsukishima needs a hug but only from you
word count — 690
genre — headcanon ; fluff, wholesome so plz leave ur dirty thoughts at the door
warning(s) — i mention making out like once, cursing, not edited
a/n — i understand not everyone enjoys being touched in general (because i’m like that too about 60% of the time) but i felt like touch starved tsukishima would be interesting. i might follow up with other characters. who knows?
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everyone knows tsukishima is a fairly cold guy. he generally keeps to himself and is only now learning to work in a team
he doesn’t like it when people touch him suddenly. it’s something he’d rather ask for than just given but even then it's not easy
when the two of you started dating, it wasn’t that he was uncomfortable with anything because he trusts you but being in a relationship made things feel different
it took a full month before he could hold your hand uwu and when he did both of you went beet red cue: nishinoya, tanaka, and hinata screaming
anyways, generally in your relationship, you and tsukki are pretty conservative? on the pda and everything but sometimes tsukki just wants to make out and he doesn’t care if y'all are in public oops
but to get to the touch starved part of this headcanon!!!
tsukishima follows the team to tokyo for the week-long training camp with nekoma, fukorodani, shinzen, and ubugawa
you two are a bit sad that you won’t be able to see each other during the week, but it’s not unmanageable. plus, tsukki makes sure to message you every day even if it’s just a simple good morning/goodnight text
tsukishima really doesn’t realize how much of a huge part you play in keeping him sane (read: not touch starved) and while he’s away, he kinda has to hold himself together a bit more than usual
yamaguchi notices something off about him besides that whole tsukki finding passion in volleyball arc that takes place at the training camp and pokes lightly at the topic until he figures it out
yamaguchi: TSUKKI WHAT’S WRONG???
tsukishima: *scowls* stop calling me tsukki
you on the other hand are managing sort of okay because you just kinda have latched onto your friends who don’t find anything out of the ordinary with it
slowly tsukki is losing his shit tho. he’s usually reserved but somehow he’s gotten even more so because he is not going to hug any of his teammates
yamaguchi is still persistent as ever
yamaguchi: TSUKKI WHAT’S WRONG?????
tsukki: have mercy
on the bus ride back, tsukki’s already messaged you and even though it’s late you decide to sneak out go meet him
you’re waiting outside karasuno when the bus finally pulls up and tsukki’s ready to hop the fuck out!!!
he waits tho because he is not ready to look uncool in front of the team
yamaguchi: *finally kinda understands*
nishinoya: look, y/n’s here!
tanaka: *eyebrow wiggle*
daichi: *face palm*
asahi: i think it’s sweet
sugawara: who knew tsukishima over here had such a dedicated s/o
hinata: y/n! :D
kageyama: hinata boke shut up it’s night
everybody else: *abt to go ham on kageyama and hinata because really???? y'all fightin again?????? already??????????*
when everyone’s off the bus and have given their thanks to coach ukai and takeda sensei, tsukki turns to you with this strange look on his face that you’ve never seen before
“tsukki, what's—”
but before you can even finish your question, he’s already pulled you into a hug and wow it feels so nice
everyone watching them: um so who are you and what did you do with our tsukishima?
eventually though everyone departs leaving you and tsukki and yamaguchi who’s just happy tsukki isn’t like dying or smth
“i really missed this. missed you.”
you smile at his words and let him hold onto your for as long as he needs or until yamaguchi kinda snaps at tsukki lmao
tsukki holds your hand all the way to your house. his grip on you is tight like if he lets go you’ll disappear or something but you don’t mind because he really got all your uwu’s
when y'all are in front of your house, he latches onto you again and buries his head in the crook of your neck just revelling in the feeling of you again
“you okay there, kei?”
he nods, still in the same position. “just missed you.”
“okay, love.”
“can we stay like this for a bit?”
“for as long as you need.”
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